Advertise on Norfolknet!
Norfolknet accepts premium paid advertisements and the occasional free ad. It helps us, it helps your neighbors, and it makes good business sense. Our readership is over 1500 a week; that's almost half the households in town! It's convenient, it's immediate, and it's dedicated to our community. We want to help you succeed. Join us on-line, and help us help you get the word out. Premium Display Ads
On-line display ads with your own logos, colors, fonts and images, reaching the majority of households in town. They are not time limited, and I'll include graphics or logos in the ads if possible. If you have an existing image you wish to use, it should limited to 360x360 pixels in size, including margins and border. Display ads cost $35 per month. At our discretion, we may also accept display ads from neighboring communities.
If you have questions or to submit a display ad, e-mail the text, images and graphics to Free Notice Board Ads
Norfolknet is happy to host small ads for occasional notices or announcements. These ads are placed on colored "post-it notes" on the Notice Board section of the page. The concept is modeled on the share-a-ride announcement boards found on college campuses. As has always been the case, this service is free for use by residents and local businesses. The notice board is primarily intended for occasional items, not as a long-term billboard or as free web space. In order to discourage running an ad forever (that is, always submitting another ad for essentially the same item/service as before), we impose a limit of two free ads for the same item/serverice per year.
If you have questions or to submit a free ad, e-mail the text
and maybe one photo to About Norfolknet Norfolknet is the community web site for the town of Norfolk. Part blog, part bulletin board, part on-line newletter, it's been voicing residents' opinions since 1999. Half the families read the page regularly, and many participate. Norfolknet is run on a volunteer basis by a couple who live in town. We are not affiliated with or supported by Town Hall; our time and the miscellaneous costs associated with running the site is not reimbursed. We're glad to do it because it's our way of helping our community and because we enjoy it. Thanks for your support!
(Created 2/14/2008; Revisions: 2/16 stats; 3/13/09 ad size, readership up,
3/25 one photo, 7/13/10 revised rates)
![]() your community, on-line |