Q1 2009 Norfolknet Notes, Jan-Mar 2009This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
3/31 7:39pm I second AudioMax for car stereo needs, Mike is great! On another note, who is responsible for picking up trash left on our public roads? It disturbs me to see all the trash that is building up near the correctional facility, cemetary, and along Main Street. Is it always like this or has the town just not done their spring cleaning? Thoughts? By the way, I have picked up my share before.
- KJ
3/31 7:38pm JP, The Seasons condos near Attitash is a nice place. It's close to Storyland and Santa's Village. You might also want to check out the Jackson Falls and Diana's Bath for some free and fabulous trips. As for family friendly restaurants, North Conway is chock full of them. Have fun! - POH 3/31 7:37pm Older Lab, intact male, no identification or microchip, found at 2 am this morning on Seekonk St. If anyone is missing him please call animal control at 508 528 3232. - HC, Norfolk ACO
3/31 7:33pm Does anyone have any recommendations on roofers? We need to redo ours this spring and any feedback would be great. Thanks, - NJD
3/31 7:32pm Wm.... are you saying that the lights for the parking lot are already shining brightly?? Can that be possible? in Norfolk?? That would mean someone is thinking ahead...? - JHR
3/31 7:31pm Hello: I was wondering if anyone could recommend a math tutor for high school math, specifically for Algebra II, offered at KP. Thanks. - EM
3/31 3:27pm JP--You bring back great memories of when the kids were younger. We always stayed at the Fox Ridge Resort. It is extremely family oriented with loft rooms for the kids or smaller separate rooms if needed. They also have a nice breakfast as well as indoor and outdoor pools which is in a great setting during the summer. The one place I always enjoyed was the pizza parlor; nothing fancy just good pizza and you could take it back to the hotel as the rooms had tables and chairs. I think it was Tony Lenas. The other place we always enjoyed was going to Attitash. They have outdoor water slides and a large play pool as well as the infamous Alpine slide. Have fun!! - BS
3/31 2:38pm JD, LMM and GC: Many thanks for the Williamsburg info! - AL
3/31 2:35pm Hi Norfolk families! My name is Rachel and I'm currently a freshman at LSU. I will be home from school around May 10th, and my summer babysitting job doesn't start until late June when elementary schools are let out for the break. On that note, until then I will most definitely be available to babysit; days and nights! I have almost 9 years of experience, I love kids, and I have references if needed. Feel free to contact me through my e-mail address, racheladdison08@yahoo.com. Thanks so much, and Happy Spring! - RA
3/31 12:34pm My husband and I are thinking of taking our kids up to NH this summer for a visit to Santa's Village and Story Land. Does anyone have any information they can share about nice (read: clean but not overly expensive) places to stay and family friendly restaurants? Thanks - JP
3/31 12:32pm JAS, Article in the Sun Chronicle re Tom's Tavern closing: [article]. So sad. - JSH
3/31 12:27pm This subject no doubt has been discussed before... but I'm interested to know what the status is of all the street lights in and around the center of town. It seems about 10 PM that some shut off, but the town is still very bright after that. Do more lights get shut off at a later time? Is the town ever dark?? Maybe just a half a dozen lights or so?? I read that Plainville would be turning off many lights... could someone please enlighten (no pun intended) me on Norfolk? Thanks. - JHR
[Oh do intend it! Some puns were just meant to be intended. That one was brilliant :-) Actually, I'm curious about the lights too, as well as about the Walgreens parking lot lights. - Wm.]
3/31 12:26pm JAS, My wife and I were in there a week ago Sunday for dinner and the waiter told us it was their last night open. He didn't offer any more information, but I was surprised too. Whenever we have gone in, it seems to do a good business, plus the food and service was good. My guess is Patriot Place is stealing some of their business. It's hard to find good peel and eat shrimp for such a low price! - PMM
3/31 12:22pm Hello MP. I recommend AudioMax in Walpole for your car stereo. They are located at the intersection of Rt. 27 and 1A. The owner, Mike is a great guy - knowledgeable, friendly and honest. He helped me out when my children were younger and "fed" coins to the CD player! Good luck. - SM
3/31 12:21pm KM - I am glad you will be frequenting Gump's and Jane and Paul's, but I must give a shout out to Walshes Greenhouse right near the center of town. I have gotten my tomato plants there for years, they grow many different varieties (as well as other excellent veggies like eggplant, squashes, cukes and various herbs). They often sell out by Memorial Day - so buy a week or two earlier and keep close to the house or garage to harden (gets them used to the outside weather). Happy gardening - if you are like me, you will start with containers or a small plot in the yard and increase the size every year. It's addicting! - PB
3/31 12:20pm Just a reminder to those dads who are attending the Norfolk Girl Scout Father-Daughter Luau Dance this Saturday at the HOD, there will be a Best Dressed Dad contest. Dress your best, bring your cameras and get ready to hula and limbo! - JLH
3/31 12:13pm TR - Amen. Thank you for the history. It's important and I appreciate it. Wm - Amen to you too.
- SO
3/31 12:12pm If you are looking for summer camp alternatives you might check out the Westwood Summer Enrichment Program. It is a morning program that allows the student to take 3 different one hour classes. Classes include academic (Spanish, Math Games, etc.), movement (Yoga, Orienteering, Hip Hop, etc), & creative (many choices from cooking, sculpture to guitar & singing). It's reasonably priced & mainly staffed by teachers. There are some brochures at the library. - SC
3/31 12:10pm To AL: re Williamsburg - We visited Williamsburg 3 -1/2 years ago for a family trip. It was a great trip! We stayed right inside the Colonial Williamsburg park in one of the old, historic taverns. Comfortable rooms and very authentic. We attended a couple of the re-enactment night programs too. The entire family really enjoyed this trip (boys were 14 and 11). We skipped Busch Gardens, too much like any other theme park, but also visited Jamestown - just had their 400th anniversary - and Yorktown for a complete history lesson. Definitely recommend this trip and if you can get into one of the historic homes for lodging, even for one night, it's an added bonus. - JD
3/30 9:29pm AL - My family spent five days at Williamsburg a number of years ago. We stayed at the Woodlands hotel and purchased a Family Fun Williamsburg Bounce package. This gave us access to Busch Garden, Historic Williamsburg, Jamestown, the waterpark, etc. Since we could come and go as we pleased, we didn't feel the pressure of doing it all in one day. We could spend half days at the different areas and could then return another day. We had a pool at the hotel and its location gave us easy access to a number of activities that didn't require driving. We split our days. Historical in the morning (weather was cooler) then lunch and a swim at the hotel. Afternoon was for the parks and offsite exploration. Some nights we ate at Busch and continued to go on the rides. Some nights we came back to the hotel and went back to the historical area as it was cooler again and easier to enjoy. It was a great trip and I heartily recommend it. We also split up based on areas of interest. My husband and one daughter went to the trial re-enactment (she's now a poli-sci major) and the other daughter and I went to view some of the artisans at work (black smith, printer, etc) and she is now at art school. Something for everyone. Enjoy your trip. - LMM
3/30 9:28pm My name is Alison, and I am a current freshman at Holy Cross looking for a babysitting/nanny job for the summer (full or part time). I am reliable, energetic, and fun with kids. I have 6 years of experience with children of all ages. I am available beginning May 18. Please feel free to contact me at ajnade12@holycross.edu. - AN
3/30 9:27pm JT: I use Barrett's Landscaping - he is out of Medway. He is a one man show. Good Work, Fair Prices! His contact information is BJ Barrett @ 774-262-5676. We have used him for over 5 years for lawn mowing to landscaping! Good Luck! - KM
3/30 9:26pm Hi, KM - In regards to starting your garden this year, I hope you'll consider visiting us at Family Gardens Florist on Rt. 115. My mom has been selling plants since 1948. We're always happy to give advice to new gardeners! (But, block out some time, she loves to chat! LOL) You can learn a great many things from 'vintage' gardeners like her that you won't find on the 'net or in a book. There are a number of tomato, cucumber and herb plants that do excellent in pots on a deck. Many people buy them from us to take to a home that has very little yard space or to a person that cannot garden due to physical limitations. Patio gardens can be quite plentiful! Plus, the native critters have a harder time wiping out a crop if the plants are up on your back deck!
And while we are still closed to the public for now, I am optimistic that we will be selling those veggie plants at that traditional start to the planting season here in New England, Memorial Day Weekend!
- RB (RB4)
3/30 9:05pm Does anyone know where I can get my car stereo looked at? It's not powering on. We've checked the external fuse and it's not that. Any suggestions? Thanks! - MP
3/30 9:04pm AL: a must see is College of William and Mary, adjacent to Williamsburg. A public Ivy League college with many sites for the teens, books stores, shops and history too long to talk about!! Well worth the visit! - GC
3/30 9:03pm Does anyone know what happened to Tom's Tavern? The place is closed and there are auction signs all over it. It seemed like it always did a pretty good business so I am pretty surprised. Thanks. - JAS
3/30 9:01pm The BeSmart project at KP sounds like a great way to remind the students of the dangers of underaged drinking and driving. (Every third car in the parking lot will be covered with a sheet as a visual reminder of number of deaths due to drinking and driving). Good idea to do this right before the Jr. prom this Friday. I will drop off some twin sheets for this project. Keep up the good work. - PC
3/30 9:32am Wondering who might have some good tips on visiting Williamsburg, Va. Must sees, must do's (with teens) and a convenient spot to stay with a pool would be appreciated. We will have one history buff on board, as well as kids that will want to visit Busch Gardens. - AL
3/30 12:03pm Responsible 16.5 year old high school junior with babysitting experience looking for after school, evening and weekend babysitting / mother's helper jobs. I can provide my own transportation. Call Alex at (508) 520-8585 - AS
3/30 12:01pm Just wanted to send a shout out to all of the talented stars of The Music Man production! The kids were terrific! The smiles on their faces showed their joy while performing this classic musical. They did a great job acting, singing and dancing for 4 performances ending on Saturday. A huge thank you to director Mrs. Pizzi , all of her helpers as well as Ann Proto and Norfolk Recreation for bringing this tale to life. It was wonderful! Bravo! - TMS
3/29 11:46pm AL and CI, See I learned many things very quickly just by a quick post... thank you so much for your ideas. I had no idea about the asparagus - actually, this is all new to me! So, looks like I have some time before my planting should begin... I will visit Jane and Paul's and Gumps too.... Thank you... thank you!! - KM
3/29 11:45pm JT, my son is looking for work and maybe can help you. He's recently been laid off and a great landscaper. He did our yard! [Contact box180@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - PWK/dd>
3/29 11:44pm Dear MW, Maybe I can help with your interior designing. I'm at 508-528-0162 - PW
3/29 11:39pm Hi, my name is Joe and I'm a college student. I will be home for the summer beginning in early May. I'm looking for a job that requires physical labor. You can reach me at dirienzoj1@wit.edu or at 774-218-9381. Thank you. - JD
3/29 7:50pm TR. Please remind yourself and others, and please correct me if I'm wrong. The Grange doesn't pay (and never did) any taxes to the town. 'Nuff said - JPRW
[In cash, or in services rendered? - Wm.]
3/29 4:56pm When the Town Hall burned in 1922, the Grange allowed their building to be used by the town for town meetings, voting, school graduations, a library, St. Jude's masses (they did not have a church, then), dances were held as well as card parties, etc. You see, there was no other hall for these things. In the last few years, before it closed for the renovations which were required, it was used for Scout meetings (boys and girls), Legion meetings, Baptist church service, children's projects and other community services. People, also, enjoyed the pancake breakfasts and ask when they shall again be given. The Grange has played an important part in our community and is a very important historic building in our town. Not many of our historic homes or buildings are left. The Preservation Commission and the Historical Commission are striving to save our historic heritage as we have lost so much because of lack of concern for preservation. - TR
3/29 4:55pm Hello! I am a sophomore at King Philip High School and am looking for some babysitting jobs. I am available after school on weekdays, weekends, and all summer long. Feel free to email me with any questions nicky3213@aol.com. Thank you. - NA
3/29 4:54pm PW: It's highly unlikely that we'll ever see anything but a Stop and Shop there (and I doubt we'll ever see that). My own information from two very high level executives at S & S (now former executives) is that this was always set up as a defensive strategic play to prevent competition from setting in. Their own business is so saturated that building one would cannibalize their existing stores while allowing competition would erode market share and hurt those same stores. They're very good at coming up with new reasons every year for the delays. - PN
3/29 4:05pm KM - Over the years I have grown tomatoes, cucumbers, and green peppers in pots. The pots need to be fairly large, and you will need to keep them well-watered. I used tomato cages for both the tomatoes and the cucumbers; would likely work for green beans too. Asparagus is a perennial, so needs to be in the the ground a year before you can start harvesting. Beans can be planted early May - but the rest (except for asparagus) will need to wait till Memorial Day in case of frost (though with pots you could bring in if it is a frost warning). Try stopping by Gumps or Jane & Pauls farm - they sell seedlings and will have good advice! - CI
3/29 11:56am Wouldn't you all love to see a Trader Joe's in Norfolk instead of a Stop and Shop? Let's go for it by signing a letter to Joe's. - PW
3/29 11:40am KM - The nice weather has me thinking about a garden too. Unfortunatly you need to wait until mid to late May for most of these plants, though beans can start earlier. Tomatoes make great potted plants for your deck. In addition, certain bush beans would work in pots, though would be easier in the ground. Cucumbers and squash are both vines and would be hard to do in pots, and although I haven't done them, I think that asparagus is actually supposed to be planted in the fall or winter in order to sprout in the spring. I think that you could put together a nice little garden in a 10x10 or 12x12 space. Make sure that it gets plenty of sun, 6-8 hours a day. Plant some basil too. Goes great with the tomatoes and is pretty easy to grow. There are plenty of good online resources, just Google "vegetable gardening". Good luck and I will be over for dinner some time in August. - AL
3/28 10:20pm I apologize if this was already discussed, I haven't seen a posting. Can someone tell me what is going on in the center... where Stop and Shop was going to go? I see work being done on that site and I no longer see the signs that stop and shop is coming. Thanks in advance! - TM
[This question came up just recently and answer is still on the page; see 3/17 2:46pm and post of 3/17 6:17pm - Wm.]
3/28 10:14pm I am thinking of planting a mini garden with just a few veggies (cucumbers, asparagus, tomatoes, squash, green beans) was wondering how big of an area I would need? Is it something that could be done in pots on a deck? Any help would be greatly appreciated -- I am an inexperienced gardener lacking a green thumb :) - KM
3/28 10:10pm Dear Friend,On behalf of the students at King Philip Regional High School, I am asking for your support of our programs to prevent underage drinking. The BeSmart Norfolk Plainville Wrentham Wellness Coalition is a group of dedicated students, parents, and professionals who are concerned about the safety and well-being of the children and teens in our communities.
On Thursday, April 2, 2009, the day before Junior Prom, BeSmart Student Ambassadors will be draping every third car in the high school parking lot with a sheet. This compelling visual illustrates the number of people (1 in 3) who will be impacted by an impaired driver in their lifetime. The Student Ambassadors will challenge their classmates to turn these numbers around by making safe decisions, and making this the safest prom season to date.
In light of recent tragedies and increasing substance-related arrests of minors, we think you will agree that this is a very timely project. We need your support. In order for this to be effective, we need sheets to cover 60 vehicles. Won't you consider making a donation of a new or used flat twin or full sized sheet, or a monetary contribution to be used to purchase sheets? We will not be able to return sheets.
Please contact coalition member Karen N., at 508-314-8431 or erics-story@comcast.net with any questions about the Coalition, this project, or to make arrangements to drop off your donation.
Thank you for your consideration and support.
Sincerely yours,
Karen N.- KN
3/28 2:44pm BS: Thank you. Your explanation makes sense and is helpful in understanding the funding restrictions. - CS
3/28 2:40pm If you have a question about CPC funds and how they are allocated wouldn't it be wise to go to the source - CPC - instead of listening to folks like me and TR? That was supposed to be my point. The CPC minutes on virtualnorfolk.org are updated to date and pretty clear on what they are doing with the money - preservation (Grange), affordable housing (downpayment assistance) and recreation (looking to see if town landfill can be converted to passive recreation use) which I think are all "charters" of the CP Act to some degree. - SB
3/28 1:30pm CS--my understanding regarding the Grange is this. On your tax bill, you are assessed 3% per year to go towards community preservation (we get matching state money of some percentage). When these funds go into this "pot" they are limited in their usage. That is, the money is to be used for things like purchasing land for preservation purposes, historical buildings and I think some of the money can be used for affordable housing. The point is once the money goes into this pot, that money must be used for these very limited purposes. The money cannot be used for general purposes; that is for the things that both of us would love to see purchased--more teachers, police officers, etc. Now to the Grange. The Grange was appropriated that money and my limited understanding is that they have run into many road blocks since they are dealing with a building of historical nature. In otherwords, they keep running into laws and regulations that were not necessarily anticipated.
I think what SB was trying to tell you is you can contact a member on the CPC board (I think they are listed in one of the sidebar links) to discuss your concerns.
Hope this helps.
- BS
3/28 1:28pm LL - thank you for your post. However, I would hate for any of the wives of Norfolk to get blamed for my rantings. My husband is not a Norfolk police officer. My accolades to them was based on previous assistance that they have given us and the professionalism they gave. My post, albeit longwinded - came from an emotional week, serious lack of sleep, and some of the most callous and vile comments I have ever heard. I had overheard an ignorant comment made by a Norfolk resident, with her child in tow, and it was because of that child I didn't offer my insight directly to her - utilizing this forum instead. I have been surrounded by law enforcement for almost 40 years and you would think that I would get used to some of the comments, but you don't. This was my way of maybe giving some insight into the fact that so often people categorize law enforcement based on their job, not really seeing that they are people with families and lives. My rantings are over - I am going to take a nap & then go play outside on this beautiful day.
- LB
3/28 10:47am MW - I am an interior designer in Norfolk. Please visit my website (wernekendesign.com) for additional information about me and to see examples of my work. I'd be happy to help you as you described. Feel free to contact me any time! - NW 3/28 10:31am Good morning (and hallelujah that it is beautiful out!)--I'm giving away a Jennifer convertible sofa and oversize chair. They have some stains and cat scratch damage, but we have slipcovers for them for $10 each. I'm going to post on craigslist too, but my preference is that they go to a Norfolk family. If you want to see pictures, search under the Free category and look for a Norfolk listing. Happy Saturday everyone. - KID
3/28 10:30am SB: I am glad the advice was free, as it was absolutely worthless. My posting was not intended to start a "back and forth". The intent was merely to state my opinion about a project that seems to be off-track and to point out that redirecting the funds could create opportunities to save town jobs or services. I thought that this website was intended for that purpose. I am now confused about the source of the funds and the restrictions on use. TR indicated that the town had made an investment by allocating funds to the Grange. You seem to have a differing view. Perhaps someone with direct knowledge could clarify this. If so, I hope others do not react as harshly to an innocent question or clarification. It seems that this Grange discussion has hit a nerve with people, which I frankly do not understand. My question/ observation seems to be fair in this economic crisis, which has caused us all to evaluate any and all options to preserve essential services. To me, the Grange does not provide any essential services. Would it be nice to have a historic building restored, absolutely. It would also be nice to have teachers rehired and the police/fire station updated.
- CS
3/27 11:31pm AB - if you have two real friends you are a lucky person. It's the quality that counts, not the number. - RG
3/27 11:30pm LB - thank you for your post. I, and many, many who live in this town value greatly the work of our police and fire fighters. They do the work that most of us wouldn't or couldn't do. I was deeply saddened when I heard about the 4 slain officers in CA. My thoughts immediately went to their families and the tremendous loss that they are all experiencing. Your post reminds us all of what these men and women put on the line everyday for our safety and well being. I hope your husbands enjoys many, many peaceful years on the Norfolk police force. Please thank him for me. - LL
3/27 11:29pm CS and others - Here is some free advice: Instead of speculating and posting, it would probably be best to contact folks at Community Preservation Community (CPC). There should be member in your precinct you can contact with questions. The money does not "belong" to Norfolk unfortunately. If you/we have questions we should contact folks who might know instead of posting on message boards (unless of course you want to start back and forth for fun, a la MON, which is within your rights). Here is info from CPC Annual Report: "The CPA-funded Norfolk Grange historic restoration is underway after delays related to design details associated with the historic nature of the project. Estimated completion is fall 2009." - SB
3/27 7:51pm Does anyone have a recommendation for an interior designer? We moved to Norfolk recently, and I have a room that I'm struggling with. I'm looking for someone who is not tied to a particular retail store, but will come in for an hourly rate, and provide me with a list of the furniture, rugs, curtains, etc. for that room. A friend used a designer in Weymouth that did just this, but I'd like to find someone closer to home. Thanks! - MW
3/27 7:00pm ES, actually city life is pretty great and considerably "greener" than suburban life, in that I rarely used my car there but must do so constantly here. Having said that, I love Norfolk and I'm so happy I moved here. The only thing I don't like is in both the city and the country, you'll find a small percentage of natives who feel the need to be rude and condescending to those who have lived a few different places during the course of their lives. That attitude is what leads to posts like that of AB (see below). Fortunately, in Norfolk, those people are distinctly in minority and my family and I have (for the most part) felt very welcome here. - KID
3/27 6:41pm Can anyone provide a recommendation to get a cord of firewood delivered at a good price? - AW
3/27 6:40pm [Post about work on the grange removed on request - Wm.]
3/27 6:37pm If only 1% of the funds allocated to the Grange have been spent over the past three and a half years, it would seem that this project is being poorly managed at best. If legally possible, I would like to see an option put to the voters to redirect those funds back to essential services that benefit the entire town. In these tough times, that money would go a long way to keep our educational programs intact, keep our roads safe, and to ensure that our town infrastructure is maintained. It seems absurd to sacrifice even one teacher or town employee to renovate a building that is not used by the majority of the town. Private funding should be used for the Grange in my opinion. - CS
3/27 6:36pm TR - Thank you for the update on the grange. Your statement "Americans have an attitude that all things can proceed at this frantic pace. Not true!" I would not call 3 years frantic. "Americans" built warships by the dozen in less than 6 months and with the help of the Allies won WWII in less time. I would not blame Americans for the delay, I would blame the Grange, the town and I would blame major red tape. Your attitude that 3 years is normal is akin to the Miller street bridge taking 2 years to repair, 5+ years that the police/fire station continue to have a failed septic system, the Freeman school still has improper fire/smoke alarms. The delays by the lack of "decision making" is a symptom of what is wrong with America, not that the public thinks 3 years is a frantic pace. - LS
3/27 6:35pm Ahem, MON, letting a "monkey fly plane?". You know how I hate Borat. Let me share a lovely Norfolk driving story. One morning I was going about business when I entered the main round-about. As I entered legally, and at 10 miles per hour, a car cut quickly in front of me, driven by a man with a bluetooth attached to his head, who promptly stopped his vehicle, thereby blocking me, and proceeded to scream at me! Apparently he felt it was "his turn" to enter the rotary, and since I didn't "stop" to let him in, he obviously felt ever so slighted. So then his sense of entitlement took over and he felt it appropriate to scream at me while he was holding up all the other drivers. Talk about rude, obnoxious behavior.
So I would have to surmise then, that men driving with bluetooth gadgets are 90% more aggressive and nasty than all the women chatting on their iphones, sipping lattes combined.
Have a great day!
- JN
3/27 9:14am With thanks to B. B. of the NHC, I would ike to post this information on the Grange project. Many questions and criticisms have been posted recently regarding the Grange preservation and restoration project. Most have focused on the lack of visible evidence of work or progress being made. Less than 1 percent of the grant monies have been expended to date and the funds are retained by the town, earning interest in the account. What needs to be understood in the complexity of the project - which entails preservation, restoration and bringing up the structure to code to do this - requires hours of study, planning and approval before the project can physically move forward. Not only were there legal agreements to protect the town's investment, involving the Grange and the town of Norfolk, but also careful study and analysis of what needed to carefully, to preserve this historic building and bring it up to code. This led to long periods of delay while details were negotiated and worked out. Work must not only preserve and restore the building, but bring it into conformance with our building codes and the disability access law. All of this takes time, precious time, and in the age of fast food, drive through services, the speed of the internet, to provide instant information. Americans have an attitude that all things can proceed at this frantic pace. Not true! Thus the citizens of Norfolk who demand instant results, must have patience. The project is moving closer to the actual physical phase and all shall see the results in the coming months. The work itself will not proceed at lightening speed because all of the planning and details must be met.
Therefore, I think, in the end we will all be proud of what our committment for this endeavor will produce; a beautiful old historic building restored to its original grandeur which will be functional and in conformance with current standards.
- TR
[Update 6:50pm: added the omitted lead-in sentence - Wm.]
3/27 9:08am [Update 3/28 10:11am: Heart-felt post about the four killed police officers removed on request - Wm.]
3/27 9:05am To MDJ: Thank you dearie... and "whatever" was meant to mean... "what you said, I agree" I was so tired when I wrote it... Forgive me, please!! You are awesome!
3/27 9:04am KID, I assumed correctly, you are not from Norfolk originally. Otherwise you would be used to the many wild animals wondering around. Not everyone can be so lucky to have deer in their backyard. City life must stink sometimes. - ES
3/27 8:58am MON, Picture for you. - KB
3/27 8:54am MON - In Norfolk, 98% of drivers on cell phones are women. On Rt 128 during commuting hours, 97% of all males on the highway are on cell phones - with their Bluetooth earpieces basking them in a warm blue glow. Women of Norfolk - unite and upgrade - immediately. Don't settle for old technology!! And don't let MON tell you you're not worth it!
3/26 7:53pm ES, I actually posted about the coyote because (being a former city dweller) I thought it was really cool to see a coyote cross in front of my car in the way to work. I thought other people might think it was fun too, hence the "keep an eye out." Glad to "amuse" you though. Funny how that word shares so many letters with "assume." And you know what they say about that... - KID
3/26 7:47pm I wanted to chime in on Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab., they also have a location in Norfolk with a therapist who has 20+ years pediatric experience. I would recommend them, I have heard great things about all three locations. - KA
3/26 7:46pm Physical Therapy - Let me give a shout-out for Cathy O'Keefe at Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab (same group as the Adirondack Club center) at 227 Dedham St. (1A) across from the Horse & Carriage. She is outstanding. She treated my tendonitis with good results. I found her punctual, patient, knowledgeable and effective. She lives here in Norfolk, so she's a neighbor. - SO
3/26 7:45pm SO - 11% of men in cars driving are holding a cell phone. So women are approximately 3x more likely to carry on a phone conversation while driving. Evolutionary biologists attribute this to a feminine propensity to multitask and follow many objects at once, i.e. children. But to extrapolate to driving skills would be futile at this stage.
My experience is that women driving and talking on cell phones is like letting a "monkey fly plane", according to B. Sagdiyev, a prominent TV journalist and cultural historian.
3/26 3:55pm MON - What do your studies indicate regarding the percentage of time men drive while holding cell phones? - SO
3/26 3:49pm RP, Last summer we replaced our boiler and installed a storage tank, and George Cronin from here in town handled it all. He had the lowest quote, the install went smoothly, disposed of the old unit, and things have been great since. In fact, one of the other guys we had in from out of town for a quote recommended Cronin, as this guy knew he couldn't beat Cronin's price. Good luck, - KB
3/26 3:48pm Does anyone know of a local "ice cream truck" that does birthday parties/corporate events, etc? There used to be a ice cream truck that came around our neighborhood a few years ago, but I can't recall the name and haven't seen it the past couple of years. Thanks for any suggestions you might have or have seen? - SM
3/26 3:47pm To KG: Husband and myself took the trip to Baltimore last spring. Loved it!! Long bus ride, made 2 stops at fast food restaurants both ways. Seats are very small and space is tight. Other than that everything else was fine. The game was wonderful, great seats, most of the fans were from Boston. The food is great in the restaurants around the park. Our hotel was full so we went to a 3 star hotel loaded with luxuries. We had lots of shopping around the hotel. Went to the waterfront, the area was beautiful. I would definitely go again!! - GC
3/26 1:06pm To RP regarding furnace/oil burner replacement: We have been thrilled with MacFarlane Oil out of Westwood MA. A+ for service and quick response no matter when they are needed. Check out their website. Great service plan options too. - EF
3/26 1:05pm RP - Anthony Julian for boiler installation. He's in the process of putting one in for me now and replaced one for a neighbor down the road as well. He's a Norfolk resident 781-603-6169. By the way, depending on what you get installed and if you can get it done in time, NSTAR is offering $500 rebates on high efficiency boilers installed before March 31. [massave.com link] - DM
3/26 1:04pm RP - We just had our boiler/furnace replaced on Monday by CK Climate Control. I would definitely recommend them. By the way, we paid $4,300. - TLO
3/26 10:50am We need to get our oil burner/furnace replaced. We are looking for recommendations for someone to come in and do it. Any help or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks. - RP
3/26 12:05am Adding on to what JN and KID say about living in Norfolk: Erin, there are many many opportunities to meet people, through the schools, through the library, arts, churches, garden club, sports associations, charitable organizations, book groups, babysitting co-ops, and neighborhood events. I am a working parent as well, and I have found many interesting organizations, and wonderful people in this town. It's all in putting yourself out there, full schedule or not. Just about every organization looks for volunteers to help out with events. When faced with the possibility of moving a year or two ago, I was quite sad. It's a great place to have landed. Norfolk, who loves you baby?! Come and see for yourself! - AL
[Wow, Kojak? :-) - Wm.]
3/26 12:04am AL - My daughter required physical therapy after a fracture and PT and Sports Rehab was recommended by her physician. We couldn't get an appointment at the Adirondack Club office, so we went to their Norwood location instead. We were very pleased with her treatment. Her therapist was Jessica. Good luck! - KL
3/26 12:03am I'm a little amused to see a warning on the website about spotting coyotes. They have been here long before us. A regular occurrence in my yard, along with deer, wild turkeys, skunks, owls, hawks, groundhogs and fox. I miss the raccoons, haven't seen those in a while. Thanks for the warning though. - ES
3/26 12:02am Looking for several teenagers to do moderate to heavy yard work this spring and summer. Must have own transportation. Call Jack after 6pm. 508-528-0875 - JFO
3/25 5:52pm "Clothes for the Cause" - A group of moms is organizing a clothes swap to benefit the Avon 2 day walk in Boston for breast cancer. Please consider donating women's and children's clothes and accessories. This is a great way to get into the "spring cleaning mode". Donations are being accepted now through May 8th at the St. Mary's Rectory garage on Minot Street in Wrentham (please do not leave your donations near the regular collection boxes). The Clothes for the Cause sale will be on Saturday, May 9th at St. Mary's Church in Wrentham. - TH
3/25 5:51pm To Erin K who asked about living in Norfolk: It is a great place to live. I have made many friends in the 6 years I have lived here, and the people here are genuinely nice. There are many ways to meet other moms, either through groups like the Norfolk Community League, and of course schools and the TPA. Or just in the different neighborhoods. A new move is always tough, but I think you will be happy that you moved here. I am sure many others will agree with me.
- JN
3/25 4:44pm The T pass offered this morning has been sold. Many responded so it went to the first person to email me. Thank you Norfolknet! - KBC
3/25 4:43pm AL - Last year, I worked with Maria for Physical Therapy over at the Adirondack Club She was wonderful to work with. In fact, when I was finished I actually missed going to my appointments with her! I would highly recommend them. Good Luck with your son. - NS
3/25 2:12pm Hi: My son who is 11 fell and broke his collarbone and now needs physical therapy. Does anyone have any experience with Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab that is over by the Adirondack Club? Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! - AL
3/25 2:08pm Re Erin's question about Norfolk community culture. I can tell you I have no children, and I have found the town to be extremely unfriendly and I have lived here 15 years. Maybe [...] things will be better for you. Maybe children are the key, although where I lived before moving here (nearby) I knew practically everyone in town after 4 years. I made an effort to get connected when I first moved here, then finally gave up. I probably have 20 acquaintances and 2 friends. Best of luck! - AB
3/25 1:46pm Warning Norfolk Residents! There are strange things going on in our Town, and none of them have to do with intelligence. In the past week, while riding my bike to the MBTA station, as part of MON's Greening of America Lifestyle I've experienced: Stolen parts from my bicycle at the MBTA station, seen women throwing trash out of their car windows, was almost hit by a woman this morning after she ran a stop sign. [...] the police are now involved.
While I can't say who stole my bike parts, if you see a woman in a car, driving, approach with extreme caution! Especially if she is holding a cell phone, which my studies show is 27% of the time.
Be careful, lower functioning apes are deadly this time of year, as they leave their caves in search of spring roots and tubers. It seems they are still asleep.
3/25 1:45pm Just to let everyone know, a young, healthy-looking coyote crossed Fruit Street slight to the north of Jane and Paul's Farm this morning at about 7:30 a.m. S/he was headed west, so keep an eye out! - KID
3/25 1:44pm For MC - Marland Painting is excellent ...508-528-7681. - ER
3/25 9:28am I have a Zone 5 T Pass good for use on the train from Norfolk to Boston available for the month of April. The pass was purchased at the full price of $210 and I will sell it for the discounted price of $185. I no longer need the pass due to a sudden change in job location. If interested, please contact me at redbud3@verizon.net. - KBC
[Update 4:44pm: The T pass offered this morning has been sold. Many responded so it went to the first person to email me. Thank you Norfolknet! - KBC]
3/24 11:04pm K. Piela Photography will be on Cape Cod this summer for beach photos! Kristine Piela will be taking appointments from June 27th - July 12th in the Falmouth area. Please contact Kristine at krispiela@gmail.com for an appointment. - KP
3/24 10:55pm PA, I share your concern about the expenditure of the funds for the Grange, but I am not sure storming a Grange meeting will resolve the issue. I think the Historic Commission and the CPC have oversight of this grant. Shouldn't the granting authority be accountable or able to explain the status of the work? I'd love to hear from somebody that approved the grant. - AL
3/24 10:54pm JT: For your yard cleanup contact Alex at ajtcrank@aol.com. He has done my fall and spring yard cleanup in the past and does excellent work. - MP
3/24 10:53pm Please recommend a local company I should use to paint the outside of my house. Please respond to michaelc@coffmanrealty.com Thanks, - MC
3/24 10:34pm Has anyone sent their children to the Boston Sports Club summer camp in Franklin? I'm trying to find some alternatives to the Adirondack Club camp for my (almost) 8 year old daughter. Thanks. - AFD
3/24 11:35am Is anyone looking for a math tutor?? I am a Wellesley teacher on a leave of absence after the birth of my daughter. I have a master's degree in mathematics and 10 years teaching experience. I live on King Street and have experience with students of all ages. References available upon request. email andraj22@yahoo.com or call 508-440-5523. - AC
3/24 11:33am Starting this September, my husband and I are looking for someone to take care of our 6 year old in the mornings a few days a week. We need someone from 6:30am until the school bus comes at 8:30am. We are Norfolk residents & within a 5 minute walk of the bus stop. If you know of anyone who would be interested in this position, please contact me. [Use box179@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thank you. - SM
3/24 12:20am Considering taking in one of the Red Sox trips offered by the Rec. Dept. this Summer. If you have been on one of these tirps in the past and would like to share comments that would be great. Thank you! - KG
3/24 12:17am Norfolk is gearing up for our Annual Town Meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 12 and 13, starting at 7 p.m. at the King Philip Middle School on King Street. Town Meeting in Norfolk functions as the town's legislative branch of government and is open to all interested voters. In addition to the budget and other spending decisions, this year's Town Meeting in Norfolk will decide whether to impose civil fines on persons who smoke marijuana in public, consider proposed changes in Town Center zoning, weigh different ideas to generate non-tax revenue for town government, decide whether to reduce the Community Preservation assessment for purchase of open space, affordable housing and historic preservation, and debate whether certain political campaign signs can be posted earlier in the election season, among other issues. Town meeting preparations will kick off with an Organizational Meeting [pdf document] conducted by the Town Moderator pursuant to Norfolk's new Town Meeting Procedures bylaw. Any person or organization who plans to make a presentation to Town Meeting should attend the organizational meeting on Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 10 a.m. in the Norfolk Library Community Room or contact the Moderator by email at winslow@virtualnorfolk.org. Remember, it's YOUR town!
- Dan Winslow, Town Moderator
3/24 12:10am My name is Erin and I am college freshman. I will be home for the summer starting in mid May. For the past three summers I have worked as a nanny in Norfolk, Medfield and Wrentham. I am now looking for a summer position. Local references will be supplied at your request and I know you will be happy with my recommendations. Please contact me at: erindonovan5@gmail.com. - ED 3/24 12:08am Right here in Norfolk. Priceless. Period. - SO
3/24 12:02am CK, I think the truck in question and the brush pile was not a big enough deal to take a photo of and post here. My yard is always a mess, so is my house but I am happy and so are my kids. You can drive by any time. I live at [Norfolk] St. - there may be dogs barking, kid's stuff in the yard, sometimes the dogs get into the trash... my husband's truck is a piece of junk that I will not even let the kids ride in but it plows me and the neighbors out just fine. There is a house in town that I worry about. [...] Trash everywhere, a truck too, but if you stop at the stop sign and happen to look that way, you see that stuff is piled up inside too. Fire issue. That is the only problem I see in town. Who do you talk to? I do not know. [...]
- DV
[As Norfolknet discourages disclosing identities on the page, I've omitted some of the more identifiable parts of the description. - Wm.]
3/24 12:00am In response to the post by Erin K., I believe there is a very strong sense of community in Norfolk--the passionate arguments you see on Norfolknet.com on either side of any local issue speak to that. As for the working parent part, please check out www.saturdayclubplaygroups.com, a network of playgroups founded right here (by me!) for working parents of young children (0-6). We meet once a month at the library or the playground on Boardman Street. I've made great friends through the Norfolk/Franklin playgroup and received wonderful tips from the other parents to help me and my husband raise our two little cherubs (or terrors, depending on what day you catch them). I hope to see you at a Saturday Club playdate in the future. The next one is April 4 at 10:00 a.m. at Kids Place Playground (ever the optimist!) with a raindate of April 11, if you'd like to come by with your children and check us out.
3/23 11:59pm Happy to see that Magic Dave will be the entertainment for the Easter Bunny Breakfast! We just saw him at a birthday party. He's great! The kids loved him, and he had the adults laughing as well. - JP
3/23 11:58pm Just a reminder... Some parents may have received a survey from the Mass. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). It was from the Special Education Planning and Policy Development Office. I encourage anyone who received such a survey to complete and return it. In particular, for any of those encountering difficulties, note that nothing will change/improve if nobody provides feedback. To the extent that you feel that the survey questions do not provide a sufficient opportunity to express your views, I would encourage you to contact Marcia Mittnacht at the DESE. Her contact information is on the top of the cover page. - RZ
3/23 11:12pm HI! My name is Kristina and I am a freshman at UMass. I am looking for a f/t or p/t summer babysitting job. I have two little sisters and 8 years of fun, reliable babysitting experience. I have a car, a clean driving record and would be happy to drive children to activities/outings. I am available any time of day from May 20th to September 1st. Pay is negotiable and I can provide you with a long list of happy references:) If you are interested, I would love to set up an appointment to meet with you and your children, and can be reached by: email - kkane7671@yahoo.comphone - (508) 954-3260 - KK
3/23 2:52pm Can anyone recommend a good person for spring yard clean-ups? No fancy landscaper needs... just a good raking, pruning and tidying. Please advise... thanks! - JT
3/23 2:50pm The NCL Hoe Down rocked! It was an absolute blast. Thanks for a great party. - SO
3/23 2:49pm I have to say that Norfolk Community League had a fine event last Saturday at the Gala-Hoedown and I bet they raised some serious money for the town and its community! Oh, sure, I was almost ambushed at the pass by some local luminaries, but that long-talking NCL woman put an end to that scheme! Good thing, my posse' had a diabolical backup plan all ready to go! Better luck next time boys! And the auction items were unbeatable this year! I picked up the doll-house of my dreams although was I outbid for the Rotary naming! I stopped bidding after 200$, and it went for much, much more than that.
I did suggest to the winner he install an LED banner lite there, so he could broadcast political and social dogma from his laptop to round-about drivers.
Good going, gala organizers!!
3/23 2:48pm We received this question via email - We are currently living in a neighboring town and are thinking of moving to Norfolk. We are hoping to meet other young families who would be in our situation (not knowing anyone in town). Is it easy to get to know other people in town if you are a working parent? Do you think there is a strong sense of community?Erin K., EKPR
- Wm.
3/23 2:47pm Reminder: NCL Easter Bunny Breakfast April 4th. The Norfolk Community League's Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast will be held on Saturday, April 4, 2009, at the Freeman Centennial School MacBride Auditorium in Norfolk from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Award-winning magician David Hall will pull a rabbit out of his hat and wow kids and adults with his tricks. Please bring your camera to take a picture with the Easter Bunny. Also featuring coloring and crafts for the kids and refreshments for all. Please bring a donation to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry (non-perishables or toiletries such as cereals, pasta sauce, peanut butter, canned vegetables, toothpaste, soap, etc.). Limited tickets are available and tickets will not be sold at the door. Tickets are $7 per person for NCL members or $9 per person for non-members, children under 2 free. To sign up please visit www.norfolkcommunityleague.org or send a check payable to NCL to P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056, Attn: Easter Bunny Breakfast, and indicate number of children and adults attending. Deadline is Friday, March 27th. For more information please call Rachael Cochran at 508-737-4764. We look forward to seeing you there! - PMC
3/23 9:30am Re: vocal lessons - For LB: Hello! How old is your son and how long has he been pursuing singing? I'm a vocal coach as well as recording artist/songwriter/singer myself. I studied and was coached for years by Mark Baxter, vocal coach to Steven Tyler as well as a whole list of other "rock stars" in LA, Nashville and NYC. Mark has endorsed my work as a teacher. If you would like to speak with me, please send an email to our esteemed webmeister and he will give you my email address. Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you. - PRR
3/23 9:29am TR: Since that is our money you claim to be spending, we are entitled to a full accounting of what work has been done, and how much has been spent. Your stance of not wanting to get into details isn't reassuring. Where does the Grange currently meet, and when is the next meeting? - PA
3/22 10:43pm Could anyone suggest voice lessons for my son. He wants to be a rock star... I told him he could if, A.) he gets voice lessons and B.) goes to Harvard to become a doctor. So, if anyone really does have any suggestions for someone who gives voice lessons I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! - LB
3/22 10:42pm Hi Folks. Can anyone recommend a reputable cordwood supplier? My last guy is going out of the business. I need to lay in a couple of cords for next year, but have had some bad wood in the past. That is why I prefer to keep it personal at this point. So please respond if you can personally recommend someone, i.e., someone that you know or have direct experience with. Thanks a bunch. - MJ
3/22 5:42pm Anyone in Norfolknet land have a 2002 or later Camry with less than 70,000 miles ? I am looking for a safe reliable car for my son' first car. Please contact me through the webmaster. [Use box178@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - DJ
3/22 4:20pm TR, it would have been nice to see some of our money spent on the outside. The only people who benefit from your inside work is you members. Since the town as a whole has paid into the project, it would have been nice to clean up the outside and get a little curb appeal going as a payback to the whole town. My $0.02 - JPRW
3/22 4:19pm To all who planned and executed the hoedown, bravo. It was a blast. - JPRW
3/22 11:56am In answer to those inquiring about the Grange not doing anything with the $350,000 that was granted to them to refurbish the hall, I, being a Grange member, wish to state that we are working on the hall--on the inside. However, we have met a standstill involving the stage within the hall. It has taken 3 1/2 years with many obstacles to confront, which I shall not get into. It was our hope to have an open house in May to show completed progress, but now we can only hope that the town will reconsider some of their restrictions. - TR
3/22 11:54am Good article on the Community Preservation Act; I would suggest Norfolk do the same. [article] - LS
3/22 9:09am I am looking for a dance school for my 5 year old. I am hoping for a place that is low pressure, and not so focused on pageantry and fancy costumes. I seek a school that is more interested in teaching dance than holding recitals. Has anyone had any experience with a low key dance studio in the area? - MJD
3/22 9:08am Hello, I am a Norfolk resident and a sophomore at Ursuline Academy taking a course in World History. My current assignment is to interview a WWII veteran or someone who had been associated with the war effort. Anyone interested in being interviewed for this assignment I would appreciate it. You may contact me at robwm817@aol.com or Molly at 508-520-6542. Thanks for the help. - MM
3/22 7:01am I would like to thank everyone who took the time and participated at the Norfolk Energy Awareness Day Fair held at the Norfolk Public library last week. It was a huge success. Not only did everyone learn some great energy saving tips, but collectively households in Norfolk will save almost $12,000 dollars by replacing a traditional light bulb with an Energy Star light bulb. Again, thank you for helping make Norfolk and the world a little greener. - KO
3/21 8:58pm In regards to MMB, I am a tile mason of 24 years and can fix your problem; let me know if you still need help. Dave Sanborn 508-528-2879. - DS
3/21 3:53pm KM: For our kitchen and a bath, we used 3SM on 109 in Millis, and were very happy with their product and service, too. - MHC 3/21 8:08pm Happy spring, folks! Time for new beginnings! My jonquils and daffies, the snowdrops and hyacinths are all peeping up!! ...soon! the warmth will return! - PRR
3/21 8:07pm KM, I'm with DWL in recommending Michelle at Galaxy Granite on 1A - she is great. They worked well with our contractor and we enjoyed excellent service, an impressive inventory and professional installation. Good luck with your project. - CAM
3/20 ![]()
Happy Vernal Equinox! At 7:44am EDT the earth's axis was tangent to the cylinder of its orbit. This means days are again longer than nights, it's getting warmer, spring is here.
3/20 6:55pm LK--On behalf of Norfolk Together I am responding to your posting. As far as I know all checks have been posted. I have a couple of checks that came in in February that we have not yet deposited. Please contact me at bsnead@comcast.net and I can look into it. As a general rule, we acknowledge checks for $250 or more as required by law with a specific letter for tax purposes and send postcard acknowledgements for amounts of $100 to $249. As much as we would love to send acknowledgements to everyone, we feel that the postage is better spent on our mission. Thank you for following up; we are only listed in the Little Green Phone Book under clubs and organizations. - Barbara Snead, Treasurer, Norfolk Together, Inc.
3/20 1:53pm Could someone recommend an electrician to install a hot tub? Thanks. - JD
3/20 10:20am KM, Galaxy Granite on 1A in Walpole. See Michelle or Leticia. They have done a few kitchens for me and they are friendly, efficient and do a great job. You will not be disappointed. I have done granite as well as quartz stone. If you want to speak to me you can ask webmaster for my email address. - DWL
3/20 10:19am Does anyone know anything about the current status of the Norfolk Together charitable organization? We sent them a donation in December, but the check has not been cashed and we have not received the usual acknowledgement. I can't find any contact info other than the PO box to which the check was sent. Thanks, - LK
3/20 8:08am The Norfolk "Hoe Down Gone Wild" Gala is nearing! We have almost 300 confirmed guests for tomorrow night's event! If you have sent in your check, but did not yet receive a Gala Catalogue, please contact me at nelsonml@comcast.net. Thanks to all of the residents, merchants and community services departments that have helped me with the auction. We have some outstanding items this year. Our own Town Selectman, Jim Lehan, will be our auctioneer for the night, and we look forward to some fun. And hopefully, a lot of money will be raised for the town of Norfolk. If you would still like to attend, we could probably squeeze you in, so just let us know.
So, I wonder whose name will appear on the Roundabout for a Year? Could it be MON?
Stay tuned and thanks again for all of your wonderful support!
- JN, Auction Coordinator, NCL
3/19 10:17pm So if some of you are concerned about trashed yards, you should be interested [in this case]. It looks like a dump. There are an enourmous amount of assorted items, including a junked truck. I am concerned about the enviormental impact. Aesthetically it is a complete eyesore, but that is beside the point. When does one say that is enough, and who actually can do anything about it? I am all about being a good neighbor and kindness and freedoms, but really, this appears to me in some cases to be a real problem. Looking for any discussion on this. - CK
3/19 10:16pm We love Meeting House Preschool in Medway! At the time all the Norfolk preschools were only enrolling 3 year olds and my son was missing all the cut-offs by 3 weeks and there was not any of the 2.9 preschool enrollments in Norfolk. My dear friend from Millis raved about Meeting House. We live on the Walpole line of Norfolk and it only takes 15 minutes and is very well worth the trip! It is located on route 109 on the Millis/Medway line near Ocean State Job Lot. It is everything you want in a preschool and more. It is a split level home converted into a preschool. The children get to play in many rooms with many different themes and have way through the class the 2 classes switch from upstairs to downstairs and vice versa to have more rooms to explore. They also go outside to play as often as possible. We are now sending our daughter there in the fall even though she would be able to get into the Norfolk preschools we just love Meeting House school.
- JH
3/19 10:14pm AB - don't worry because there is that a warning sign on the way to "repair" the pot hole in front of your house: "Beware of Mega Crater Ahead - Proceed at your own risk". I thought they used bituminous concrete to repair roadways - boy technology is changing fast in the world of repairing roads by the simple use of utilizing warning signs. It makes perfect sense - if the driver reads and obeys the warning sign and stays out of the mega crater there is no need to fix it. What will they think of next!! - JL
3/19 10:13pm Don't miss out on the 1st Annual Norfolk Lions Golf Tournament at Hopkinton County Club. For more information please contact Lou at wkproducts@comcast.net Thanks. - LC
3/19 9:06pm Does anyone have a reference for installing Silestone or granite countertops? Thanks, - KM
3/19 2:11pm My three year old attends My Little Preschool (see post below) one day a week and absolutely loves it. Miss L. (who used to work at a local preschool) does a wonderful job engaging the children and provides a varied curriculum. - JSH
3/19 2:10pm Does anyone have a reference for a mason? My brick steps are in need of repair as this winter seems to have adversely affected them. Thanks in advance. - MMB 3/19 1:55pm The Norfolk Lions Club visited the Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary in Boston this week and enjoyed a fascinating tour of the facility's research labs. Members were updated on some of the latest techniques to cure eye disease including mapping of genetic profiles. Some members even volunteered their genomes (DNA) in a control group study to combat glaucoma. The Lions charter is to be 'knights of the blind', and touring facilities such as this re-enforces the membership's drive to combat eye disease and eradicate preventable blindness. Club president Al Rao commented that this tour proves that "we are truly on the frontline of helping the fight against eye disease". The Club presented a donation in the amount of $1,000 to representatives of the Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary during their visit. Norfolk Lions make this type of 'field trip' on an annual basis and have visited other facilities in Massachusetts, such as the Perkins School for the Blind and the Barton Center for Diabetes. If you are interested in learning more about the Lions Club, please visit the club website at www.norfolklions.com. - GB 3/19 9:17am 8:15 am this morning I was greeted by this outside of our riding arena. Appears to be healthy. Just a reminder that we do see wildlife during the daytime and that does not mean that they are rabid. The closer I approached, the more tentative this coyote became, and eventually ran off into the woods when felt threatened enough. - HNC
3/19 9:16am Has there been any recent discussions or updates on whether the town of Norfolk will have their own High School? - JH
3/18 11:35pm In response to the preschool query: Explorations Preschool announces enrollment for the school year 2009-2010 is now available for new families.Explorations offers exceptional programs for children ages 2.9-5, half days or extended days, and enrichment for Pre-K. All programs and materials are designed to respond to the Massachusetts Curriculum Guidelines and Standards for Preschool children. We offer flexible day schedules and a low student / teacher ratio. Our staff is highly qualified and motivated, and has created a bright, cheerful, and developmental environment. We are looking for parents committed to providing a quality educational experience for their child; assuring their growth socially, emotionally, and academically. Please contact Connie Jones (Norfolk resident) or Emily Woodman at 508-359-9842, or email conniesuejones@comcast.net.
- CJ, Explorations Preschool
3/18 11:34pm Any recommendations for someone to install a fence? Thanks. - PN
3/18 11:30pm Does anyone know when and where the Grange committee meets? Also, if the CPC is looking for money this year from us for another project, could we get the $335,000 (plus the interest that has accrued over the years) back from the Grange that was never used and put it towards a new project? - PA
3/18 1:18pm KE - Thank you for sharing your story. It is so nice to hear some positive comments regarding KPHS. I know several girls at KPHS who babysit in town for many families who absolutely love them! - KG
3/18 1:17pm KID - Check out Big Bird's Nest, conveniently located on Rte. 109 in Millis. The atmosphere at Big Bird's Nest is fun and engaging. The staff is very knowledgable and caring. All of whom, I believe, reside in and are raising families in Norfolk. - KG
3/18 1:16pm Does anyone know of a volleyball team, program, class, whatever, for a 10 year old girl? Norfolk Rec. offers something in the summer, but not in the spring. If anyone knows of something nearby, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks! - TC
3/17 Happy St. Patrick's Day!
3/17 11:29pm AB: Whatever you do, do not take a picture of the pothole and post it. You might embarrass the town! - SM
3/17 6:36pm Hey what's this "Demented weasels with keyboards" thing? How much is MON paying you? I'll give you my 2 cents too. Maybe we can have a contest - like best quote or better yet the "biggest pothole in Norfolk." I'm sure that the one in front of my house is unrivaled by anything else in Norfolk as 1/3 of the traffic barrel has swallowed up by the collapsing pavement. - AB 3/17 6:17pm TL: Walgreen's - JN
3/17 6:15pm Today while volunteering at the HOD library there were several members of the King Philip basketball team who were volunteering themselves in the classrooms at the HOD. I overheard them as I was shelving books talking about their experiences in the classrooms, what fun the kids were and truly seeming to enjoy themselves. While we seem to get bogged down in the shortcomings of our town so often, I thought I'd take a moment to point out that we are producing some excellent citizens who are not only doing good things but having fun while doing it. A small thing maybe, but it sure made me smile. I hope my son found a good role-model today in one of these high school boys. I know I'd be happy to have any of them work with him. Nice job! - KE
3/17 6:12pm Hi! This is in response to KID's post wondering about preschools in the area. My name is Laurie Hayes and I have a home preschool here in Norfolk called My Little Preschool. We have renovated part of our house for my preschool classroom. I live at the end of a dead end cul-de-sac and have a large yard for the children to run and play in. The ages of children that I enroll are 2.6 to 4 years old. Children do not need to be potty trained to attend. I have created a quality preschool curriculum that encourages learning through a child's natural curiosity, and through play. I am licensed by the state of Massachusetts and have years of childcare experience. I am open Tuesday through Friday from 9:00-1:00 and I provide nutritious snacks and lunches for the children. If you think you may be interested, have any questions, or would like to come see, please give me a call (508) 528-7373 or email me at emailforlaurie@aol.com. Thanks! - LH, My Little Preschool
3/17 5:09pm KID, The Big Bird's Nest in Millis is owned by a wonderful Norfolk family. Stacy, the owner one of the teachers, has 3 kids of her own and has been working in this field for years and years. It is a wonderful loving setting. Her card is here in the Business Cards section. - DV
3/17 4:02pm Hello: Can anyone recommend someone local and reputable to do power washing? Thank you. - JK
3/17 2:53pm I'm doing research on preschools in the area for my youngest child. My oldest was fortunate enough to get picked for the HOD program, but I can't count on that again. I am aware of the Norfolk Co-op and Norfolk Children's School, as well as Woodside Montessori. Does anyone have any other recommendations? I also have a playgroup member who is looking for a daycare with an integrated preschool program, so if you have any suggestions in that regard, feel free to share. Happy St. Patrick's Day and thank you for any suggestions!
3/17 2:47pm Happy St. Patrick's Day! And a big thank you to everyone who has bought their tickets for the Charity Hoedown Auction on Saturday night. We've had such a great response and it's really nice to see so many people willing to support our town. We've had a huge response for tickets, and several people are even attending from other towns. If you haven't bought your tickets, there's still a little time... contact Stacy at katiesmom@mindspring.com soon if you've been thinking about it! It's going to be a great party and all of the proceeds go directly back to Norfolk programs and organizations.
Thanks again, and yee-haw, y'all!
- SF, NCL Fundraising Co-Chair
3/17 2:46pm Does anybody know what they're building/developing in the center of town ("the future site of Stop & Shop") ? - TL
3/17 2:45pm To MON - Actually, the way that joke goes is: What's Irish and doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain? Patty O'Furniture. - PG
3/17 1:47pm The "offending" vehicle looks like a Scout to me - a real classic! - PW
3/17 11:44am We are not celebrating St. Patrick's day, today or ever, since I read the news about an Irish couple who kept their daughter chained outside all summer on the back porch. How despicable! Her name was Patty O'Furniture!
- MON 3/17 10:43am Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone, and Happy St. Patrick's Birthday to my Buffet Crampon clarinet, 23 today, and playing better than ever! When Irish Eyes Are Smiling... - CR
3/17 10:42am Maybe the Grange should rent out parking spots to commuters. That would bring in a little revenue. - SO
3/17 10:26am Thanks for your post LS - I drive by that eye sore, (I mean The Grange), pretty frequently and had no idea there was money given ($350K!!) to refurbish that building. I have often found myself thinking - it's a classic, old building, too bad no one is interested in preserving it. It's sad that money was allotted for this but has not been spent on the building. Who can tell us where the $350K has gone?? LS - thanks again for raising this issue. - LL
3/17 9:20am I agree PA, where has the money and the motivation to fix that building gone? How long have they been sitting on our $350,000 now? I am sure that could have been used by the CPA for other projects that have an actual return for the whole community. Who follows up? We deserve a report or a refund from the people at The Grange. - MJD
3/17 9:16am Hi there all.. I just wanted to write in and say that I am really glad that my husband and I moved to Norfolk... After reading the various postings re: comments about civility, being a good neighbor and keeping priorities straight... Bravo! In the grand scheme of things what someone has in their yard is so unimportant! Life is short... a little more friendliness would go a long way! And as we can all see, it does! Perhaps BF, if had you invited your neighbor for a pot luck dinner, a barbeque or something and got to know them a l ittle better, and asked them politely why the truck is in the yard in the first place, rather than having posted such a heartless "expose'" for all to see...
You know, you get a hell of a lot more with honey!! Peace, love and understanding... we could all use a more of that these days. Amen!
3/17 12:26am LS - Thanks for reminding us! I've driven by many times, and even noticed cars parked in the back, but obviously not one bit of work has been done. Commuters should revolt and start parking there! It is time someone from the Grange tells us where the money is, and what's been done with it. Unless Bernie Madoff invested it, something should be left. Here's a link to the Secretary of State's website. [pdf link] Their annual meeting was five months ago. Would the minutes shed some light on this?
- PA
3/16 10:45pm "We are the world. We are the people. We should keep our mouths shut tight and let it happen. There' a choice that we can make and that's to let things slide. Wouldn't it be bad if we made somebody sad." If BF lived next to someone that painted their house neon purple with pink polkadots or with a giant hammer and sickle (both perfectly legal as opposed to the junked car), we would maybe have a different position. Live and let live is a wonderful philosophy until you find someone who does not care about you. Patience is a virtue too, folks, and I think that BF has exercised incredible patience in this case. After many years and apparently several attempts to talk to his neighbor, he availed himself of a forum that Wm. has made available. I don't think that his neighbor cares what BF, or frankly any of us, think. I read his original post, nothing in there is libelous. He is describing the picture and asking for help. If you all want to help, knock on his neighbor's door and ask if you can help clean up the yard.
- DL
3/16 10:44pm I was driving by the Norfolk Grange today and was thinking to myself that the town could really use the $335K that we "gave" to the private entity called Norfolk Grange. It would be one thing if they actually had used the money as intended but after close inspection the building has not been touched at all. What can be done to get this money back? Even if we have not handed the money over, I'm sure it's been allocated on a balance sheet. Its been almost 3 years, let's get the money back. [page link] - LS
3/16 8:19pm Congratulations to the King Philip 8th Grade Metro A Boys Basketball team. History was made last night when the team beat Norwood in the final game of the playoffs at Mass Premiere. King Philip Basketball Association has been a member of the Metro League for eighteen years and this is the first KP boys team to win. Way to go boys!! - KF
3/16 8:18pm I'm new to town and I do spend a good deal of time trying to keep my house and yard looking nice. I do this mainly for myself and my wife. Frankly, it would be impossible for me to care any less if someone thought my yard was a mess. In fairness to the resident in question whose home was photographed and posted, I think it is only fair that the poster list his or her home address so we can all take a look and see if we approve as to the state of their property. And, trying to exonerate yourself from the responsibility of embarrassing this family by stating "I am not slamming the people, I am talking about a situation" is weak. Is this really the biggest concern you have right now? It actually looks like a 1970's model Ford Bronco. I think it adds something to the property. I think you might need a hug. - PMM
3/16 4:44pm BF - Let's look at the bright side. Your neighbor was at least nice enough to try to block your view of the truck with that nice pile of natural compost. After spring clean-up, you probably won't be able to see the truck at all. And I could be wrong, but it looks like an old Ford Bronco. Solid, American made vehicle. I bet it would start up right away, and have no trouble dragging all the brush out of there. Let's hope this happens soon so BF can move on to complaining about topics of more substance, like the birds singing too loudly, or the sun shining too brightly. - MTL
3/16 4:42pm It astounds me how many people have lost their ability to decipher what is common decency. People have this narcissistic entitlement thing going on which apparently forgoes any apparent thought for the other person's feelings. Did you ever have a grownup discussion about the issues before you posted a picture of their yard?? I am so sick of people's attitudes. It bewilders me, it really does. Yesterday, I called my neighbor with a huge favor - in a flash, she was there & situation resolved. Later on, as we were all trying to take down our Christmas stuff that has been frozen to the ground - what can we do to help. By afternoon we decided to invite them over for an impromptu cookout. On the way home from the grocery store, I saw another neighbor. I stopped to say hi, and she said - hey, I have a favor. Not a problem, why don't you stop by for a burger. Good food, great desserts (Thanks! They were all great :) and good friends. Throughout the winter, I don't think we could have made it to work half the time had it not been for other amazing neighbors. One would take a plow down at 5am so we could get out & the other would come down later on so we could get in - true heroes to us!! But then again isn't that what neighbors are supposed to be?
I can't fathom having a neighbor who would have the audacity to do something like what you did. It's awful. In the whole scheme of life - that is your priority? Saturday, we should have done 50 different things to clean up the yard, and as we got started, my son asked to go on a bike ride. It will still be there the next chance we get. Priorities. Real ones.
DV - I was thinking along the same lines as you this morning. I am sure their is some basis for a lawsuit in regards to the text associated with the picture. Not only is it libel, the neighbor could counter sue for emotional distress associated with the public forum. I know that the laws are changing rapidly given the ability for these cowardly posts under anonymity or guise. Usually we see these postings of true personal affronts in juvenile cases - small barbs are one thing - this is just wrong.
- LB
3/16 4:40pm KN, You make a valid point and I agree with you. I probably would not have posted anything in the first place if I hadn't had a number of face to face discussions about it with my neighbors over the last 3 years! Thanks for your comment; it truly was worded in the right way! - BF
3/16 2:09pm DL As a photographer, I know that you are right. Anyone can take a photo while standing on public property. (Unless it is through someone's window.) It is what you do with that photo that gets one in trouble. It is not the photo but the text attached with the photo that has lawsuit written all over it; slander involves verbal derogatory statements, while libel involves written ones. I would be interested to know if the poster BF ever spoke to their neighbor about this problem, If not she/he may get a change to talk in court.
- DV
3/16 2:08pm I'm looking for someone to repair some tiles on my gunite swimming pool. Does anyone have a recommendation? Thanks. - KS
3/16 2:07pm Can anyone reccomend a sleep-away camp for a 13 year old boy? There are so many out there, I thought I would start by looking into some that families in town have had good experiences with. - MB
3/16 2:06pm Hey BF, Go get em. You have every right to complain. Talk to the Building Inspector, he is the enforcer of those kinds of things. I have some neighborly issues that drive me crazy as well. This is a nice town and nobody wants unsightly trash, debris or vehicles spoiling our view. I strive to keep my front yard clear, orderly and maintained. I do not have trash blowing around everywhere. If I had a pool that I was not using I would drain it or train all of those mosquitos to go after all of my enemies! Ha ha! Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone! - PT
3/16 2:04pm The truck was not here when I bought my house, and neither were the neighbors. I have been here for 28 years. - BF
3/16 2:03pm It's not just the picture that was included that was offensive, but in a later post, the type of work this neighbor does and the location of the work were given. I have read the posting guidelines and understand the reason for using initials rather than names is to foster an open discussion not so people can hide behind them. The guidelines also say "we are reluctant to post rude, discourteous, off topic or offensive messages. We're proud of the web page, and wish to maintain a certain level of civility and substance." The point could have been made without the use of a picture and personal details. Simply bringing up the topic of if a bylaw existed would have served the same purpose. And if this household is violating a bylaw, then why not approach them privately or share your complaint with the police? I respect everyone's right to free speech but if my neighbor had a problem with me, I would hope to be approached in private instead of posted on Norfolknet. - KN
3/16 9:07am Do you pay or receive child support? If you do, or expect to in the near future, then you may want to join Attorneys Stephen McDonough and Laurie Martucci from the Norfolk law firm of Wagner McDonough LLP, for an informative seminar focusing on the recent sweeping changes to the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines. Registration requested but not required. Refreshments provided. Two sessions will be offered, Tuesday March 24 from 7pm - 9 pm; or Saturday, April 25, from 2pm - 4 pm. Both sessions will be held at the Norfolk Public Library located at 139 Main Street.
To register, please call Attorney Martucci at 508-528-4007 or email lrm@wagnermcdonough.com
- SM, Wagner McDonough LLP
[repeat of the 2/27 announcement - Wm.]
3/16 9:06am DH - We highly recommend Jeff Sherrick. We hired him late last fall to construct a new retaining wall, stairs and walkway for us. He was very helpful in discussing the options available to us (within our budget), kept the worksite clean each day, and the final product is outstanding. 380-5607 - JT
3/16 9:05am BF, was the truck there when you bought your house? - DV
3/16 2:30am It is interesting that people are offended by BF's picture of a sight that is plainly visible from a public way and that hundreds (if not thousands) of people see every day. It does not appear that BF invaded anyone's privacy to take this picture, so why the fuss? It does not seem as though the property owners with the inoperable car and brush pile would care at all about the post. If they cared, they probably would not have all that stuff in their front yard! People are seeing it anyway when they drive by. Lots and lots of people. This is a main street we are talking about, so how is posting a picture of something that is clearly visible to the public upsetting? In the meantime, BF and his/her neighbors have to look at this all the time and it certainly is not a good thing for property values, etc. The people not maintaining their property in a basic way are the ones that are not being neighborly in my opinion. They should remove the stuff or get a fence.
- SM
3/16 2:24am Re: 3/14 10:31am BF, I think there is an ordinance about junk cars in the yard. Any unregistered automobile must be in the back yard. Check with the selectmen on this. - KC All cities and towns and corporations have bylaws, which tell folks, for the greater good, what they can and cannot do. In Norfolk, those bylaws are at virtualnorfolk.org, listed in the header as Bylaws. Clicking on that link takes you to URL [town hall pdf]
Choose Town Bylaws; Zoning bylaws are for real property and building. Look at Norfolk Bylaws, Article X: Police Regulations. Section 22 of Article X reads as follows:
SECTION 22. Unregistered Cars and Trucks in Residential DistrictsRegarding Norfolknet, there is, on the home page, in the fifth group of links down on the left side of the page, a title: About This Site. One of the links is entitled Posting Guide. Everyone should read and follow that Guide, and thank the Webmaster for putting up with you.
No person shall have more than one unregistered car or truck ungaraged on his premises in a residential district at any time. In no event will an unregistered car or truck be stored in the front yard.
(6/23/65/Amended 6/24/66 & 6/27/78)(Enforcing agency: Norfolk Police Department)
- RH
3/15 11:52pm Re: 3/15 7:04pm We too are looking to get quotes from a couple of masons to repair our brick edged/concrete front stairs. A previous post found someone that appears to specialize in granite. We are looking to for someone to explain the choices we have and provide estimates for them. Any suggestions? - DH Please see the post of 2/28 9:39am. The salesmen at Swenson Granite can make suggestions as to granite surface finish (to avoid slippery conditions when wet or icy), can estimate their price for the many pieces of granite in their inventory, and can suggest an installer, who could estimate his price.
- BH
3/15 11:50pm I do not know what the issue is with posting a picture of someone's front yard. We could all go stand on [the curb] and take a picture if we want, because as someone pointed out, it's a free country. I drive by this junk heap every day and have no problem with adding my voice to BF's over this. The car has been there for years. If its a "beloved truck" then buy a tarp and cover it. It's not a heirloom, it's a junker. And the brush pile has been there for a couple of years, too. It's burn season; take care of it. - DL
3/15 11:45pm I am disgusted by BF's post!! I am at a loss for words at the disgrace, and shame I feel not for the owner of the property that is being attacked but for BF. I have no idea who the car belongs to or who BF is so I am offering an unbiased opinion. First, I beg the Wm. to take that photo down. It is a public flogging and unneighborly at it's worst. It does not go with your web site's objective: "It is not run for profit, we're not selling anything; we just hope you find the information useful." BF's publicly humiliating his/her neighbor is not useful to anyone!
And BF: What do you think "that someone from another town or state who is thinking of moving to our community might" think of Norfolk after reading your post and see you publicly humiliate your neighbor?? I don't think people will be flocking to be your neighbor - well manicured lawn or not. I am so glad you are so perfect and that you are "no slob"! You must be able to sleep well at night in your impeccable house on your beautifully manicured lot. Please, I only wish we could all be as perfect as BF! Frankly, I feel bad for your neighbors, and after reading your posts feel like putting an old car in my yard just to keep people like you at bay.
- NG
3/15 11:43pm Let me remind all of you people who are slamming back about my posting. All of you who are talking about freedom of choice - there is also a provision for freedom of speech. - BF
3/15 11:42pm Just wanted to send out a "brava" to the Norfolk Girl Scouts for another fantastic International Day! Where else can you travel to 30 countries in one afternoon! We sampled foreign cuisine, danced salsa, sang songs, watched the Parade of Nations with each troop wearing a creative costume and carrying their flags. Each booth was full of information on the country with interesting facts and games about foreign lands. It is a great "Norfolk Tradition" and really does a lot to teach the girls about the great big world we live in. Girls Scouts in Norfolk are thrilled to be involved in such a wonderful event. Norfolk should be proud of all of the volunteer leaders of the Norfolk Girl Scouts and all of the time and effort to make the entire scouting program such a success. Congrats! - TMS
3/15 11:41pm You can bet if one of my neighbors posted a photo of my yard and tried to embarrass me and my family... there would be a lot more [stuff] out there the next morning! Along with their every move on film. Am so glad my house is tucked back a bit. - DV
3/15 7:13pm Bravo, KN! Well said. We live in America with its freedom of choice. When people are not allowed to do as they wish on their own properties - barring any illegal activities - then there's a problem. What would be next, regulations on the colors that we can paint our homes?? (I've seen some pretty gross color painted houses in town... but, meh, I shrug my shoulders and think, 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.') And, 10 lashes with a wet noodle to you, Wm., for going ahead and posting that photo of the neighbor's yard in the first place. This site is growing pettier by the week...
- RB (RB#4)
3/15 7:04pm We too are looking to get quotes from a couple of masons to repair our brick edged/concrete front stairs. A previous post found someone that appears to specialize in granite. We are looking to for someone to explain the choices we have and provide estimates for them. Any suggestions? - DH
3/15 4:20pm Some robins are here year round, but the others (that head South) have arrived. The red wing blackbirds have returned early and we have had a mockingbird already. The goldfinches are starting to change color. I have put my nesting material out and it is being taken--so spring will be here soon. My husband added oranges to our outside feeders today. We feed year round and have 2 heated birdbaths. Warning to those on Park Street--Friday morning there were coyotes in where the cows used to be. Those with small animals beware. This includes Timberline Drive... I had been told 2 houses for Sweetland Farm but that must be for Main Street and the others for Canterberry...
The swans at Bush Pond have started to make their nest. We lost the male swan last year but she found another mate. Cygnets arrive around May 4-8.The nest this year will not be seen as clearly as before as they have moved farther back from Park Street.
- BR (BR#1)
3/15 1:40pm BF - Wow, really? Posting a picture of a neighbor's yard, without their permission, to show how they are bringing your neighborhood down? I read these discussions regularly and haven't posted yet, until now. Maybe if we started signing our posts with our full name, people would think twice about what they write. Then we could all take pictures of each other's houses, and kids, and cars to publicly humiliate each other. - KN
3/15 12:15pm This is the time of year when people in the community are mailed letters to participate in the People to People Ambassador Program. This is the biggest scam going. They write in the letter that your child was selected or nominated to participate in this program. The fact is anyone is able to participate in this program. Apparently, they do go on the trips as stated, but the cost is about 3 times the price that it would cost to take this trip by booking your own arrangements. Read the link and beware of this scam. I have known people who have had their son/daughter participate and have never had the heart to tell them that it is a scam. However, these days it is hard to believe people still fall for this as it is so easy to google anything. When I get the letters they go straight into the trash without being opened. Beware. [consumeraffairs.com link]
3/15 12:10pm BF and JT - get a life! Or go live in Disney's village where the birdsong is piped in, the plastic trees never lose their leaves and you certainly aren't allowed to hang your laundry outside. Oh! and it's in Florida where the sun mostly shines. I pass the house you criticize at least twice daily and think about the dead trees and brush that I need to clean up and the two junkers that are heading for the graveyard as soon as I can locate the titles and decide which charity to donate them too.
We've just come through a tough winter, the ground is still frozen and we've only had a couple of decent days to clean up the mess. PRR is right, check out Bambi.
3/15 12:08pm BF, I agree that the glass is half full! My situation has gone on for years with no change. Even you would be tired of it. I actually saw two robins about 2 weeks ago (none since). They will be here shortly. I can't help you with a recommendation on a good lawyer for wills, but Brio Landscaping is about the best around. Another suggestion would be to go into Norfolk Power and ask the owners for some quality recommendations. They know all of the landscapers in Eastern MA.
My reason for bring up the situation on the junk car is to create an awareness. You would be unhappy too if you had it in your neighborhood. I am not slamming the people, I am talking about a situation.
- BF
3/14 10:56pm Hi PRR: I just have to tell you that every time I read one of your posts, I hear the "Up With People" theme song in my head. Do you remember them, from the 60's, like 1968 perhaps? Up, Up with people! You meet wherever you go!Just thought I would share that with you. It is not a criticism at all; I just think that you care about people, and animals, too.
Up, Up with people, they're the best kind of folks we know.
If more people were for people
All people everywhere
There'd be a lot less people to worry about
And a lot more people who care.(Up With People, words and music by Paul and Ralph Colwell)
- JN
3/14 10:54pm PRR, How cruel is it when you have lived with it for well over three years! These people [...] own their own business in Wellesley. They are in the automotive business and are very capable of repairing this vehicle if they really want to. I have held off for over three years and am tired of it. Every summer their mosquito infested pool remains with its cover on it. Why don't you read Bambi and realize that I only want a nice environment for my family and my community! - BF
3/14 10:51pm I would just like to mention to the readers of this page that there are more than one persons posting on this site using the initials "BF" and I am one of them yet, not the one who so flagrantly posts others private property on this site as if their own. I do believe in "Live and Let Live" and if we must act upon another then perhaps it is best to remove the shield that hides our true identity.
Recently, I have posted on this site asking for some good constructive advice on a couple of subjects like lawn care and personal Last Will and Testaments only to find banter and bickering daily and very little constructive dialogue. Not one posting of advise to my simple questions.
Anyways, just wanted to clear my throat I guess and to express my dismay of the petty nature of a lot of the postings here at norfolknet.com
Hey... anybody seen their first Robin yet? :)
- BF (the cup is half full BF)
3/14 9:46pm JT, I don't care if I'm called a snob! I would rather be called that than a slob! This mess that I see everyday is intolerable. - BF
3/14 9:37pm Excuse me - BF and JT: "Someone" is doing it again... Throwing stones, criticising others, ... Last time I heard anything about liberty and the pursuit of happiness.... One's yard is one's yard, plain and simple.... this is America! Just take a deep breath and smile. Maybe someone hasn't been able to afford to fix a beloved truck? Naybe they just like having a funky red truck in their yard... Maybe "you" need to look at something else, like the beautiful trees and the gorgeous blue sky today... You are being very very hurtful and judgemental to bring this to a public forum like you have done... castigating another person for something you don't like... What are you doing that others may not appreciate? Well, you have offended my sensibiliy as a fellow neighbor and resident of our lovely town. I am very offended by your posting. It is cruel!
When I was a young girl my mother quoted the movie "Bambi" quite often. Specifically, she used to quote Thumper's mom when she said: "If you can't find something nice to say, don't say anything at all."
3/14 9:28pm One of our bathrooms is in need of major repair/remodel beyond my abilities. I'm looking for recommendations for a bathroom remodeler/contractor. Thanks! - EM
3/14 11:48am Hi everyone, Just wanted to know if anyone was interested or knows somebody looking for a men's mountain bike. I posted an ad in the notice board. I am selling the bike because father and son want to take fishing trips. Thanks, - BL
3/14 10:33am BF: I totally agree with you. I warn you, however, I've been called a snob for feeling like that. Junk cars and letting your yard be cluttered with junk are apparently part of the town's "rural charm"! - JT
3/14 10:31am BF, I think there is an ordinance about junk cars in the yard. Any unregistered automobile must be in the back yard. Check with the selectmen on this. - KC
3/13 10:54pm CS - I was told by the people that are clearing Mr. Sweet's land that they are builing a total of 8 houses on the cleared land. It looks like the forms are in place for a foundation on Canterbury, corner of Main St. It also appears they will be building 2, maybe 3 house along Main Street. The other houses will be on Canterbury. I just hope they put a sidewalk in to connect one end of Canterbury to the other. I am hoping the town is mandating this since they cannot afford to put sidewalks in. It would be great if the kids in these neighborhoods could safely walk to school. What a shame that the town allowed them to clear this land!! - LK 3/13 10:04pm There must be some kind of law against just junking your old vehicle in your yard for long periods of time. I am embarrassed by the fact that the people who have this in their yard truly have no respect for their neighbors or the unsightliness that it creates to our town. An abandoned junk vehicle, an old swimming pool cover, and now piles of branches. I have spoken several times about it. I am embarrassed by this. People think that we are living in a junky part of town when this is one of the first sights someone from another town or state thinking of moving to our community might see. Is it just me? I welcome others' opinions. - BF
3/13 9:20pm Can anyone confirm that all of the work on the old Sweat Farm land is really for only two new homes? It seems like significant amount of work for just two new houses. - CS
3/13 5:01pm I concur with MON (see 3/13 10:03pm) and believe such conversation is counterproductive and we all should "let this Woodstock thing slide." And I commend him for that suggestion. Additionally, I am willing to concede that perhaps I am guilty of coming on too strong in my post to PJT (see 3/10 2:05pm) which may have resulted in MON's subsequent harsh remarks, as well as a similarly harsh follow-up of my own. At the risk of belaboring the discussion, however, I would like to make one further point: The sweeping generalization that people who attended Woodstock and had related experiences in the 60s and 70s - some with illegal smiles on their faces - are, by and large, the same folks responsible for the economic collapse and woes of today, in my view, remains an enormous and outrageous stretch. There may be some exceptions, but the Madoffs of this world were never at Woodstock or related events, turning on or tuning out, attending light shows, or waiting in line for Jimi Hendrix or Janis Joplin tickets. Straight as proverbial arrows they were exactly where one would expect them to be, dreaming about future wealth and power while sitting in the ivory towers and halls of academia, or studying frantically, or chasing down professors, department heads and faculty advisors, ingesting nothing stronger than coffee or no-dose, while in the long process of obtaining advanced business or economics degrees.
A special note of thanks to PRR, MJD, and TC for your insight and sanity in regard to these issues. Peace and love to you. And, yes, to you, too, MON.
- TEM 3/13 10:03pm PRR, I get it. Country Joe McDonald wore white pants at Woodstock too! What a coincidence! I agree with you. Let's let this Woodstock thing slide. Besides, we have much to do to correct our problems, and quibbling like children is counterproductive and Anti-American, just be wary of anybody offering alternative lifestyles. This phenomenon of 60's hippies and love children and their mental functioning and economic collapse 40 years later needs to be studied seriously by sociologists and forensic business psychologists, to make sure this doesn't happen again. - MON
(Update 2:22pm: missed the image the first time - Wm.)
3/13 10:02pm On the critical issue of the white pants, I think that it is important to point out that PRR, despite her counter culture, anti-establishment views and rebellious nature, still met the first rule of fashion - White only between Memorial Day and Labor Day. - DL
3/12 8:23pm To the Webmaster: (Re: your question at the bottom of my post of 3/10; 3/11 update by Wm): No, these people in the Hoedown pictures are not coming to our event. Seems there has been some question about what a Hoedown event actually looks like. These pictures were taken by Bill Brett of the Boston Globe, from a fundraiser that had a hoedown theme similar to ours. I was using those pictures as a reference. That is all. I hope it inspires people to attend the event next Saturday, March 21st from 7-12.
After reading many of these posts, it seems that what Norfolk really needs is a drink. I know I do.
- JN
3/12 8:15pm Ahhh! Re: Woodstock, white pants, sex drugs and rock 'n roll!! First, I think we should all meet at the Eagle Brook or some other, perhaps more upscale Fern Bar, and duke it out... heeheheheh... over shots of tequila!! Now, MJD - I agree... whatever... thanks. And MON, I did not go to Woodstock with white trousers. I left Woodstock with white trousers. Got it??
Yes, we are all cabin-fever-ish perhaps... and I would say that the present economic situation has a large portion of the population, across the country, on edge. It galls me to have to give big banks and insurance companies, and anyone else who let the foxes run free in their respective hen houses, our tax monies. They ought to be going to jail, not getting free money... !! It seems pretty ****ed up to me, if you get my drift! I would much rather see my hard earned taxes going to providing better roads, education, medical system updates, cancer and Alzheimer research, money for the arts, etc., etc... so what are we supposed to do? Spend Spend Spend?
Anyway, I didn't mean to get testy - I just really hate reading/hearing folks putting other people down or being sarcastic. There is no need for that. We are facing a shared economic crisis, no matter how different our socio-economic positions, and using Woodstock as a metaphor, well that works in my books. I was there and I experienced, up close and personal, five hundred thousand people getting along, helping each other and sharing a common love, music! It was an amazing thing... and that memory gives me hope - there is good... there is compassion... and we can work together!
Four times in this life I have encountered other folks who were there at Woodstock, and it is always like meeting an old friend... a kind of common bond that stays with you, like meeting some wonderful person on a train while you travel through a far off exotic land. It is a shared experience that is unique and special... and it changes you forever. The trick is to remember... many have forgotten. Perhaps now, in the face of our economic crisis a few will be reminded... we are all in this together. I do have hope.
3/12 8:12pm JH - have you purchased "Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Book of Etiquette"? Oh! I expect that the library has it. - LAW
3/12 4:17pm To AR: Lighten up in your correction of others' grammar. These are web postings not dissertations. Besides, no one is not hyphenated as you have it. Looks like you're human after all... - JT
3/12 3:47pm JH - Have you ever purchased the Boomerang? - SO
3/12 2:30pm AL - AAA-KP CUP - a little early in the season, but it's safe to say go away on weekends.
23rd - Although our students need every day the can get in school
It will snow again. Someday.
Don't buy into the Sox-Jordan's furniture deal this year. Besides, their furniture is hawked by sell-out aged hippies selling formaldehyde-poisoned furniture. Again, hypocrisy.
I have spoken.
- MON (MONstradamus)
3/12 12:39pm Well said, MJD! MON, your arrogance is showing... again. Settle down. A little humility goes a long way, even for an infallible genius like yourself. PRR, I am sure you looked fabulous in your white pants. (And did your outfit really matter anyway? I thought everyone ended up naked at Woodstock!) And JH, you missed the point... again. You were rude to post your criticism of another's writing style/ability. Think what you will, but SL didn't ask for your critique or advice about life, and you were rude to offer it, particularly on this forum. For all your wisdom and sage advice, you seem to have forgotten one of the most basic life lessons: Manners Matter! Perhaps it's the cratering economy that has everyone a little testy and nasty. MJD is right; we're all in this together. A little neighborliness here in Norfolk, and on Norfolknet, might go along way to helping us all weather the storm. I know, very 60s peace and love of me, but there you have it. And I am too young to have been at Woodstock!
- TC
3/12 11:10am Very true - affect is not effect, god is not God, and commas are a precise tool, not pepper to be sprinkled in to taste. Accurate spelling is an important job skill; back in the day it could get one a good job in the typing pool. Today in the office it's email and IM and text messages, and none of that's any better than what's on the page here. If only the hiring managers with perfect spelling are likely to turn down her job application, then the odds are greatly in SL's favor.
Personally, I find the public level of mathematical competence in much poorer shape than the ability to communicate. No-one should be allowed to finish school without fluency at algebra.
- AR
3/12 11:08am Well, one never knows what one might learn on the Norfolk Web. Having graduated from college 50 years ago this year, I'm not the newest kid on the blog. But, this morning, while catching up on the goings on about town on the web, I found myself coming across Strunk and White many times. First, I thought someone spelled it wrong. Then, when no one corrected it, I went online and looked it up. It's really a book of which I'd never heard!! I have now ordered it from the library. I wonder why and how that was left out of my education?? But, the point is, now, due to the web here, I'm being educated. Additionally, I have recently decided that I'd not read any Thomas Hardy since grade 11, maybe, and have just finished The Return of the Native and am now plowing through Jude the Obscure. I only wish I had someone to discuss them with as I'm truly loving them and feel as though I'm educating myself once again. Just passing this on... as I await my Strunk and White from the library. Thanks to all for my Thursday morning edification.
3/12 11:04am MON: "... given my record of accurate prediction of events and observations - you all should listen to everything I have ever said and written." Thanks for starting my day off with a hearty laugh. When I am feeling down and out about our world, disillusioned with our leaders, worried for our kids, I take a deep breath, and go right to Norfolknet where I will surely find a lesson from the mighty prognosticator, some kind of moral takeaway that just makes it all so clear. I'm laughing so hard I just spilled my d*mn coffee...
Oh MONsiah, can you predict who might win the AAA KP Cup this year, because I want to make sure we are around that weekend if my son's team makes the final. Also, if you don't mind, any idea if school will go to the 23rd or 24th of June? Will we get more snow? Lastly, and I'm pushing it here, I know, as your days seem so busy with the practice of auguring, what's the deal with the Sox this year?
- AL
3/12 9:51am Wisdom requires knowing how little we know.
- Marvin Bell, poet.- MW
3/12 9:48am Clearly, I do owe SL an apology. I apologize that we provided you with a high school experience which included 4 daily study halls, and did not meet minimum accreditation standards for time-on-learning. It is not fair to expect adolescents to understand or appreciate the difference between affect and effect, for example, if we cannot provide the proper time and resources to focus on the "minutia". I am, but perhaps shouldn't be, surprised by the number of apologists here who deem such detail insignificant or irrelevant. Methinks there is a correlation between the numbers dismissing the importance of written communications and the resounding defeat of last year's TM proposal to maintain level education funding. I have nothing inherently against KPTV. It is certainly at least as valuable a learning experience as any other elective. Now SL, I provide this as constructive criticism, but feel free to take it any way you choose... In this harsh world, in any profession save the Peace Corps, you will be judged on your ability to clearly articulate and defend your positions, on a daily basis. Your ability to communicate and convince, will ultimately determine if you will land in the top 10% of your profession, the middling middle 80%, or god save you, the unwashed bottom 10%.
Think about your audience. In this case, you are writing to a professional educator - the principal, no less - not a posting a disemvoweled Facebook status update. Perhaps Ms. Proulx cares not for the meaning and structure of language, but are you willing to take that chance for something about which you feel so strongly? I throw resumes away every day for lesser offenses.
- JH
3/11 11:19pm My apologies for the topsy-turvy state of the page today. I didn't notice that I left a chunk of text Italicized, nor that the images I added were too large. Unrelated, I tried finding the Globe article about the Lincoln Hoedown, but the first Google result was... well, the Norfolknet main page that mentioned it. Not very useful, but very flattering :-)
- Wm.
3/11 11:06pm Reminder ~ Help make Norfolk and the world a little greener ~ Saturday - March 14, 2009 - Norfolk Energy Awareness Day Fair - at the Norfolk Town Library from 11:00 to 3:00. The purpose of the fair is to educate members of the Norfolk Community on a variety of ways that they can save both energy and money. Norfolk Troop 80 Boy Scouts will be on-hand to distribute energy saving educational brochures, reusable grocery bags and energy efficient light bulbs available at no charge for attendees to take home with them. - KO
3/11 11:05pm PR, why are you all over MW? she/he said her kid was not involved in drugs! I have not been on this board in months, everyone is very cranky and just plain mean. Get outside and get some fresh air people! - DV
3/11 11:02pm PRR - As they said in the 70's, "Don't let the turkeys get you down." Gen X-ers are no bargain. Coming of age in the late 70s and go go 80's with MTV, record divorce rates, AIDS, disposable income galore and lots of cocaine and prescription drugs to keep the party alive - they have nothing on Woodstock! Now they want their BMWs and their Manolo Blahniks but seem to stand for nothing but pure consumerism. They show their love for their kids by buying Wiis and American Girl dolls and measure their success by the square footage of their homes and the size of their plasma TVs. They were hoping to rake in the big bucks when their companies went public or they were in line for the next big bonus but now the bubble has burst and they are just like everyone else, trying to resist the urge to open that Fidelity statement. Personally, I am sick of all the finger-pointing and whining. We are all in the same boat and each of us played a part in it either by our action or our inaction. Don't worry, you'll hear more complaining, they'll blame your generation, their parents, the banks, the Congress... whomever they can. Most won't get involved, they don't want anyone to know where they stand politically or they are just plain lazy. Wake up folks, we are trashing our own legacy and living off the future of our children and grandchildren. Maybe we all need a little Woodstock in our lives to shake things up a bit. Peace PRR.
3/11 10:58pm The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will be held on Saturday, April 4, 2009 from 8:00 - 10:00 A.M. at the Norfolk DPW Garage--33 Medway Branch Road. The cost is $10.00 per animal and will be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler, D.V.M. Previous rabies certificates must be presented in order to qualify for a three-year vaccination. All dogs must be leashed and cats must be confined to a carrier or pillowcase. For more information, please contact the Norfolk Board of Health office at 508- 528-7747. - Betsy Fijol, Town of Norfolk
3/11 10:54pm PR, I don't blame anyone for my kid's problems. I don't think that is what I said in my post at all. My "kid" happens to be an honor student and Varsity athlete. He is doing very well thank you. School choice is a personal thing. There are many people in this town who opt to send their children to private schools or charter schools. So you are saying that anyone who doesn't care for KP HS or thinks that it's not a good choice for their child is blaming it all on other kids?? Of course there are good and bad in any school. I am merely stating that KP has a bad reputation and for good reason. You can keep fooling yourself that everything is just dandy with the HS age kids these days... Or you may get a wake up call when you get a phone call from an area hospital informing you that your child is in a coma on life support... because he/she happened to get into a car with the wrong person. When I dropped my son off at the home where he was. I made sure that there was a responsible adult there. Little did I know that there are parents who allow drinking and drugs to go on in their home. We had curfews in place and have never had any prior issues with our child. I have a very close relationship with my child and I resent you telling me that I have not raised him properly. I hope this never happens to you and that you never have to experience the horrors that I did, almost losing a child (who is still having medical issues)... or ultimately what (others) did - the loss of a child.
It is people like you who have kept me from frequenting this website or posting my thoughts on a regular basis. I just popped in to offer some advice from real experiences that I have had and I get a nasty answer from you. Disgusting. If you had posted this story, I would have asked you how your child was doing and if there was anything that I could do to help you...
- MW
3/11 10:48pm PRR, you get 2 strikes against you. Going to Woodstock and wearing white pants to an outdoor rock concert - a fashion faux paux if I've ever seen one. How long did they stay white? Also, I am not ready yet to flummox you with my non-hippie accomplishments, which include teaching and saving peoples lives with inventions that came from my cranium, but perhaps someday you will read about it, or perhaps you have at (article). So yes, I am entitled as a free-thinking upright-walking ape to critique the drug addled ex-hippie generation now in charge of our corporate and political infrastructure that has caused social and economic collapse. This is America and get used to criticism - it's been absent up until our recent meltdown, and given my record of accurate prediction of events and observations - you all should listen to everything I have ever said and written. So go drink some Ylang-Ylang tea, chant, and calm down and if you ever get a bacterial infection doctors can't cure, which kills over 50K people a year, come see me, I'll give you a drug I made to cure it.
But the drug only affects bacteria and you can't smoke it.
(Fashion advice and drug dealing, in the same post! Where else but on Norfolknet. :-) - Wm.)
3/11 10:19pm WB: I am in total agreement with you. I was shocked and sickened last night when I rode by. The town should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this type of clear cutting. Having lived in this community over 20 years, I have watched the land being raped with the approval of our town officials. Case in point, the town center - not one tree was left on the hill. It is so sad. - SM (SM#3) (A few years ago I counted over a dozen people with initials SM who've posted... #3 is a a relative measure - Wm.)
3/11 2:29pm It seems to me to be an odd time for the selectmen to be asking for an increase in taxes from the taxpayers. Shouldn't the town do like the townspeople and cut their budget? Shouldn't everyone have to share in the economic crisis? The tough cuts in reducing current and future public worker pensions have to be included in the budget cuts. - PR
3/11 2:28pm MON--Pretty good post. MW--Don't blame everyone else for your kids' problems. He obviously wasn't told at home not to hang out with the very small percentage of KP students who use or abuse alcohol and drugs.
- PR
3/11 2:25pm BR: I wrote a note about the "raping" the Sweat Farm but somehow it got lost in the mail. When I mentioned the land in last weeks note, I said I understood that the land was probably very profitable to the buyer, but at the time of writing that, there were still a few trees standing. The next time I drove by, it had been totally wiped out of all living things. I don't understand how this can happen in this day and age with all the talk of what is happening to the earth by deforestation etc. Well, this was a deforestation, maybe just a tiny blip in the scheme of things, but the same. - JW
3/11 2:23pm SL - Don't apologize to these misanthropes for your grammar! This site is like a den of weasels ready to pounce on the most insignificant minutia, so you have to be strong to battle them. It's the one thing about youth and their respect for older adults, especially because they are perceived as "wiser". We are not, we are just older with Strunk and White fixations, and we are much, much weaker-mentally and physically. So you should question our judgment all the time And we are proud of your accomplishments SL! So keep up the good work and keep us posted on your efforts!
Perhaps Wm should add a disclaimer to this website.
WARNING: demented weasels with keyboards area
Enter at your own risk!- MON
(But people already know that... and wouldn't want to scare away the tourists. - Wm.)
3/11 2:17pm Grrr-rrrrr...! This is flippin' missionary work!! Now, ahhh!! I must respond to JP and MON's charming comments! I take serious exception at the Woodstock remarks! You are just being plain rude and dead wrong. Your comments such as: "And TEM, I don't expect anyone who quotes domestic terrorists to understand anything I say. Besides, your swiss-cheese neural matter from the 60's can't handle it." or: "You were a bunch of phonies then as you are now, except now your generation is weak, enfeebled and now crying because your retirement money is disappearing..." or: "...You all are always so proud you went to Woodstock. It's the only thing you ever did, and totally self-serving and self-indulgent at that...."
It just so happens I was at Woodstock and have the photo to prove it... right in the centerfold of Rollingstone Magazine's Special Edition of Woodstock!
Yes, that is me, in the white pants... sitting on the bridge along the Groovy Way. And my life has never been about being drug addled, enfeebled, crying about disappeared money or being self-serving and self-indulgent! I have spent most of my life striving to better the lives of those around me in any way that I can while working hard to create right livelihood for myself and others. Volunteering to aide groups, sitting on community councils, taking part in community and political forums, teaching children... everything I can do I do. I create art that expresses truths and honesty to the best of my ability and conscience... and most of my friends and associates do the same. We are of that generation and very proud of it!!!
So, tell me, what have you done today to improve life here on Planet Earth, for you or for anyone else besides write mean things in a nice neighborhood blog? Real constructive and kind! Not!!
The ones who popped the bubble this time were the same kinds of people that have been running the show since before WW2, even earlier. Rot begets rot! Read your history books before saying anything more! Read about the Captains of Industry and who they destroyed and betrayed along their infamous ways to wealth. Read about George Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush and his cronies. This is real deal stuff... no mud slinging here... just facts. If you want to talk turkey... fine. But get your facts straight... a bunch of flower carrying, pot smoking kids dressed in bedspreads did not do this: (article 1) (article 2) or (article 3) or ...those fine upstanding American business men, the bankers who helped finance the train system that took "workers" to Auschwitz.... and now they have figured out how to get our hard earned tax money, wow, they really have taken it to an even more outrageous place... if that were even possible. Yes, they got my money too. I am not crying about it... I am working to make sure it never happens again! Don't blame this on Woodstock! We learn from our parents - if you have children... what are you teaching them?
Yup, some of my generation gave up, sold out and went for the gold ring... but not all of us did!! And not all of those who went into business became unethical, greedy monsters. So, as I wrote to someone else a couple of weeks ago on Norfolknet... Don't throw stones! You generalize... you don't speak truth.
Thank you.
3/10 11:35pm I apologize to all whom I have offended by my post. CR - I didn't mean to offend all students at KP, was just stating that many high school students lose sight of the importance of education.
As far as my writing skills, I apologize, seeing as it seems to have deeply upset you. I could go on to tell you how I was in AP English and how I passed the AP exam, but I am sure you will just find something else to criticize me for.
I appreciate all of the supporters but my main goal was to express my concerns in the time cuts for KPTV. I was asking for support, because if the support is from people of the community, the school will see the impacts of their decision to do so. Had I known it would have turned into a grammar battle, I would have never posted it. I had assumed that readers would have the ability to see my main initiative.
And, well JH, you know know what they say about assuming things. Have a wonderful evening!
- SL
3/10 9:23pm JH: To continue the angry comments toward you, I think that KPTV has been very helpful through the years. I too am a graduate from the King Philip Academy and a fellow "Norfolkian" that was involved in Wake Up Warriors. I think SL's attempt to gather a community to support a cause is the only thing we could hope for in today's society. To repeat what SL number two said, it's better to have someone who is not afraid to act than someone who does not act at all. Being involved in the Wake Up Warriors program has given me many opportunities here at The University of Massachusetts Amherst. I am currently involved with the television station here along with two other graduates from The Academy. So while my fellow Academy graduates and I continue our success I hope you can look back at your comment and see the wrongs you have made. Unless you really and truly feel as though the King Philip Academy needs a new direction - in which case I am sure the current Principal and Superintendent are looking for good competition for their positions next year. Now regarding the actual situation at hand. From the Wake Up Warriors program many students have received one or more National Student Emmy Awards; myself being one of them. This is not a simple accomplishment. It requires many hours of writing, planning, filming, and editing. Wake Up Warriors has accumulated many of these awards over the years it has been active. Even if a student does not wish to pursue a career in television, media, or communications the Wake Up Warriors program is a successful way to portray events that have happened and will happen in the school or community. With this current handicap placed on the KPTV crew it can be hard to produce anything in the amount of time given. If anyone is interested in SL's cause of trying to return the program to its original length and day they should make it known to the school.
- AW
3/10 9:06pm Thanks to everyone who came to the library today and purchased raffle tickets, gala tickets or simply browsed at our first ever Auction Preview. It was a huge success. We appreciate your support. And special thanks to the police department for letting us "borrow" the cruiser and to the fire department for the use of the fireman's hat, boots and jacket. I would also like to note a special thanks to Joan Abramson, Proprietor of Something Special here in Norfolk, for making a very special floral arrangement for display today. It was lovely. If that was a sample, the two you are making for the Gala Raffle are going to be fantastic!! If you did not get a chance to make it to the Preview today, but wanted to participate in the raffle, please feel free to contact me at nelsonml@comcast.net. I will find a way to get you your tickets--one for $5.00. or 5 for $20.00. You can also still purchase tickets to the Gala "Gone Wild" Hoedown on March 21st from 7-midnight. Simply go to the NCL website and print a copy (Click here for the invitation!) or email me a note and we will send you one via regular mail delivery.
Again, here are the raffle items available to everyone:
Santa Parade Ladder Truck Ride for your children and an adult: value priceless
Santa Parade Police Car Ride for 3-4 kids : value priceless
$100 Gift Certificates for Norfolk Recreation (2 available)
Chance for a Complete House Cleaning! : value $100 (5 available) from K.D. Cleaning Co.
Fresh Flower Arrangement , value $50.00 each (2 available) from Something Special
Win $100 Gift Certificate from Handy Man Carpentry (6 available)
A Scrapbook Lover's Dream! : value $500.00
Eurosled Snow Baby Snow Glider :value $185.00 from 3Play, Inc.
$500 Discount on Basic Estate Planning Package:value $500.00 from Wagner McDonough LLP
2 Tickets to Red Sox vs. Orioles on 9/8 : value $104.00Remember, we have over 100 Silent and Live auction items in addition to these raffle items. All will be on display and described in our Auction catalogue.Thanks to all who donated and see you on March 21st!
By the way, here are some pictures that appeared in the Boston Globe last September from a Hoedown Gala that the Lovelane Farm in Lincoln did as a fundraiser. And yes, the last picture is Ming Tsai from Blue Ginger. This was a fun and classy event, just like ours will be. Maybe you can get inspired from these pics. I hear it was a huge success and a whole lot of fun!
- JN, NCL Auction Coordinator
(Update 3/11 10:14pm Sorry for the huge images, I posted them sight unseen. Do we know those people? Are they coming to the NCL gala? - Wm.)
3/10 9:04pm JH - Do you read the Boomerang? May I urge you to share your copies of Strunk & White's The Elements of Style and The Chicago Manual of Style with its editors. If you have ever spent a penny on that publication, I consider you a hypocrite. I quote you: "At what point in people's lives can we hold them accountable for coherent communication? High school, college, in the workplace?" - SO
3/10 9:01pm Thanks JP. And TEM, I don't expect anyone who quotes domestic terrorists to understand anything I say. Besides, your swiss-cheese neural matter from the 60's can't handle it. - MON
3/10 9:00pm BR: I am quite sure that the distain for the developer's dislike for trees has expressed to Town officials. This "slash and burn" mentality is unequivocally supported by certain Town Officials and Town Boards because it brings in new revenue. Simple as that. Since people are still buying this developer's homes he has the financial ability to build more and will continue his anti-vegetation campaign. There are a few options: make sure that those in office up for re-election are voted out and make the surviving officials accountable for their decisions. - WB
3/10 8:59pm CR, Unfortunately your child is one of a few who do not engage in self-destructive behaviors such as drinking and drugs. I have a 17 yr old who chose not to attend KP for this very reason. He was tired of being the minority and was unhappy with the KP atmosphere, where it is most definitely "cool" to be a drinker or a drug user. I would think that if you have been keeping tabs on the Taylor Meyer incident that you would be aware that even after the death of this beautiful young girl... many of her peers still continued their habits and did not take her death seriously. I have spoken to my own son, we are pretty close. We talk openly about these things, after a near death experience where he was the victim of a drunk driver. He informs me that the problem is much worse at KP than parents care to believe. I am very happy to hear that your child is not one of the majority. (And I am not being sarcastic.)
I do feel from talking to young people regarding this subject that KP is one of the problem schools in this area... Foxboro HS is another one. I do not blame the schools in any way. I blame parents for turning a blind eye to this problem and in some cases even supplying the alcohol for their teens and their teen's friends.
- MW
3/10 8:58pm JH: One of the things I learned way back in the good ole' days of yore is that it is rude to criticize someone publicly. If you haven't anything nice to say... remember?? I am appalled by your public posting. It was mean-spirited and frankly ignorant. I applaud SL's commitment to her alma mater and willingness to speak up about it. What a disservice you do to young people, and to our school district. I hope you put your money where your mouth is and support keeping all public schools strong - but something tells me that may not be a safe assumption. You owe SL an apology. - TC
3/10 5:33pm MON, as usual your logic and thought patterns are bizarre, wacky, and make absolutely no sense whatsoever. - TEM
3/10 5:31pm MON, your posts usually drive me nuts but that Woodstock comment was pretty good. - JP
3/10 5:30pm JH, Break out your'e Stunk & Wagnalls for dis one. I congradulate SL for riting, and clairly understood the content of her massage. I hope your rude reply does not diskorage her from voiceing her opinion on dis or any other forum, again. I join with MHC and LAW in asserting that you must be a (...) crabapple. - KK
3/10 4:32pm Hey guys! I've never done this before but wanted to let anyone know who may have had or will have fridge issues, that there is a local company in Wrentham called Patriot Appliance and Randy was awesome! My circuit board went and I had a tidal wave of water come out of my freezer from the ice cubes and everything was defrosted. I called another company in Medfield first who told me they couldn't help until Saturday, emergency or not, and today was Tuesday. I called Patriot, which I found in the white pages and Randy called back within 20 mins. and was out to my house within an hour. He was able to get the parts needed and all was fixed within hours. He was really nice and so understanding. So if anyone needs hnis info its Patriot Appliance Service, 508 384 2911. Hope this helps someone else because it sure helped us!!
- JD
3/10 4:11pm I'm amazed that no one has commented on the "clear cut" done to Sweatland Farm. How sad--all this for only 2 houses?? - BR (BR#1)
3/10 4:10pm Sheesh JH, what a crabapple you are! SL, pay no attention to JH, I hope that you continue to go after whatever cause that you think is worth its while. JH, de-construct this, if you wish!
3/10 4:07pm JH: Since SL signed her name to her post, I think you were pretty unkind in addressing her writing skills right here in the open. If you are comfortable with the Strunk & White book, then you are aware that most people's writing skills, regardless of their education or age, are fair at best. There are enough examples of that right here on Norfolk Net. SL seems like a bright, hard-working young woman to me and her efforts to extend herself for something she believes in should be applauded. I am curious why you haven't assumed the grammar police role with the numerous posts here that are very poorly written. Hopefully it isn't because SL identified herself as a recent high school graduate. If that is the case, then you would be called a bully.
3/10 4:06pm SL: I support your initiative, but have an issue with the comment about drugs and drinking, which implies that the majority of King Philip students are involved in these activities, especially in light of what's happened this year. My son is a member of the class of 2009, and I know several of his friends and other students from this class. These kids are involved in activities like last night's 2009 Senior Recital #1, and Friday night's upcoming Art and Music Night, which my son is coordinating. Whatever the creative venue that high school students become involved in that benefits the community is good, and I'm glad that it made a lasting impression with you in the case of the KPTV program. Good luck in your studies, and keep voicing your ideas and opinions.
- CR
3/10 4:05pm You know TEM, it's the 60's generation that sold out and ruined our present day economy. So we can see what all those psychedelic drugs and dope smoking did to your brains albeit 40 years later. You were a bunch of phonies then as you are now, except now your generation is weak, enfeebled and now crying because your retirement money is disappearing because of all the "Free Love" from your peers - the bankers, mortgage giants and politicians. You all are always so proud you went to Woodstock. It's the only thing you ever did, and totally self-serving and self-indulgent at that.
Those last 8 words sum up the state of our economy.
3/10 2:07pm JH - Do you know anything about the KPTV program? I assure you that I learned more about real life situations in that class than any other class I took at King Philip. I was an honor student, Leo Club Publicist, Student Council Publicist, a peer mediator, and a producer for Wake up Warriors. I am one of the few students at King Philip who did not commit my time to drinking and drugs; and instead, heavily involved myself to improve the community. I would like to note that two other members of KPTV are currently attending Franklin Pierce University as well. Other '08 graduates who participated in KPTV went on to Emerson, Suffolk, Hofstra, and many more. I would love to look at the statistics because I would almost guarantee that the students who participate in KPTV have a higher rate of continuing with higher education. I am not trying to offend anyone, I had a wonderful conversation with Mrs. Proulx about this situation and I was merely looking for some community support because I feel strongly that the television program is one of the last opportunities that King Philip has left for its students. If you disagree with me, that is absolutely fine. I don't think personal insults are necessary; but hey, that's your prerogative. SB thank you for your support.
- SL
3/10 2:06pm JH - I think your comment is despicable. Shouldn't we be encouraging young people to stand up for what they believe in? Hopefully the next time an opportunity arises for SL to do a good thing she won't look back on your comment and wonder why she should bother. - SL (a different SL - Wm.)
3/10 2:05pm Hey, PJT, what happened to you back in the 60s and 70s? I guess we can assume you didn't join all those damned hippies, long-haired pinkos, socialists, and perverts that went to Woodstock, as well as missing out on all those liberating demonstrations, marches, concerts, and celebrations, but instead stayed home and longed for the return of all those good old fashioned bigotries and oppression of the 1950s? You might want to consider the wisdom of the below quote leftover from those hazy 1970s, that partially blissful era for many, but apparently a problematic and threatening period for you that continues to this day: "Nostalgia is nothing more than an extended, unrecognized, and subtle form of depression." Abbie Hoffman- TEM
3/10 2:03pm No SB, I am not kidding. We should hold our schools and students to higher standards, instead of sweeping the output under the rug, as you suggest. While you may disagree with challenging an undergrad, do you truly believe that post was anything close to well-constructed? At what point in people's lives can we hold them accountable for coherent communication? High school, college, in the workplace? Only as they write a will on their deathbed?
Perhaps PJT is correct by presuming everyone gets a trophy for simply showing up.
- JH
3/10 2:02pm Spring Clean Ups! Local teen looking for weekend/after school spring clean ups... mulching, raking, edging, weeding, etc. Call Kyle at (774) 722-5010 or email at springcleanups1@yahoo.com. - KS
(Update 3/11 10:29pm: just created an email address for it - KS)
3/10 1:58pm To CS: First, I don't need you to correct my grammar. No, I didn't walk up hills in cold weather carrying 30 pounds of books in the snow. That was my parent's generation. I went to a school system were a liberal judge from Wellesley mandated that busing should happen. Instead of equalizing the resources in the school system, they send kids 10-15 miles away from home and took the parents out of the picture. That ruined the Boston Public school system. I took my life in my hands every time I got off the bus at Boston Technical High school, where the doors were locked with chains from inside to keep the thugs and drug dealers out. I got jumped a few times and witness some unreal things. But I got by and didn't complain much. And made the most of it.
Yes the media has been around for a long time, but it was never in your face as it is now. Think of it, pc's and the net have only been around in mass since the mid 90's
The only link I had to the media was the Herald, Globe and the local newscast, which I watched and read since I was a teen. And the current infatuation with all things hollyweird and the music industry has distorted some kids and grown-ups view of the world. The one thing that I find it a lot of kids today, they lack common sense and simple manners.
I constantly see kids not using it; for that matter grown-ups too! When I go to the local stores where teenagers are working, they can't figure out the simplest tasks. They can't make change without the help of the cash register. They won't look you in the eye. The answer their cell phones while they are serving you.
I think etiquette and public speaking should be a required class in all schools.
While you might be more tolerant of the lax populace of today, I am getting pretty sick of it. And I don't care if you get over it or not.
3/10 1:57pm JH - What bothered you about the letter from Ms. Lewis - the phrase "Norfolkians"? Given your post I would have written "Hey! Much, much older and more narrow-minded technologically compromised Norfolkians." The Strunk and White tipped me off on your relative age, so old-school and next to sundials and abacuses in the halls of higher learning. LOL! LMAO!
3/10 10:35am Just to clarify for those of you still concerned about the theme of the upcoming auction (which was in no way meant to be offensive at all).... From Wikipedia: A Hoedown is a type of American folk dance or square dance in duple meter, and also the musical form associated with it.Being from Texas, I guess I assumed everyone knew what that meant! Hope everyone has a great day!- SF, NCL Fundraising Co-Chair
3/10 10:28am JH - Are you kidding me?? It is obvious that SL is a young college woman with a passion for learning. She went through KP and had a great experience! We need to hear more about such experiences. In addition, she is willing to put her full name on Norfolknet and stand for a cause she believes in. Let's commend her for that and leave her alone. Feel free to take out a red pen and your Strunk & White book and correct my submission as you see fit. I just may be missing a comma in my post :>) - SB
3/10 10:24am It's Today, It's Today... Be sure to stop by the Library today to check out the Gala Auction Preview and Raffle ticket sale. I will be there from 2-6 p.m., so hope to see you! The citizens, merchants, teachers and public service departments of Norfolk really helped me so much. I am ever so grateful and it makes me realize what a great town I live in. Plus, I am having a lot of fun with all of the people I work with on the Gala committee and all the people not on the committee that have helped me so much. Thank you.
P.S.: Be sure to bring your kids to the library... there may be a chance to get up close and personal with a police cruiser... they can see what they will ride in if you win the raffle prize of a police ride for 3 or 4 at the Santa parade!! Or, if you are attending the Gala, there are several chances to win a ride in a police cruiser or fire truck on the silent auction table. One is a Pizza Party at the Fire Hall; another is a ride to school in a police cruiser!! Come and see the list of all of our items at the Preview!
Did I mention today, March 10th at the Norfolk Public Library from 2-6.
- JN, Auction Coordinator, NCL
3/9 11:37pm SL - Your passion regarding Wake Up Warriors is commendable. However, if your email is indicative of KP graduates' communication styles, I'd recommend we cut KPTV entirely and redirect funding into a writing program. Is Strunk & White not required reading in the KP curriculum?
- JH
3/9 11:34pm Did anyone else receive a phone call from a gentleman identifying himself as Ken Parker from Ever Bright Chimney Service for a half-priced chimney sweep? He claims to have worked in the area, however I can't find any information on him or his company. I am just trying to verify the legitimacy of this company. - APL
3/9 8:43pm PJT: Let me guess, back in your day... you walked to school five miles, uphill both ways, in constant bad weather, all-the-while carrying thirty pounds of books and dodging buses in Boston. If only today's kids could understand how rough you had it. You wrote that "nowadays even real smart kids do incredibly stupid things". First, it is really smart kids. I assume they are real kids. Next, do you actually think really smart kids did not do stupid things when you were growing up? Lastly, you mention the "advent of the media" as part of the problem. The advent of the media happened decades before today's kids were even born. There are more sources for information today, but the media has been around for generations now. I have nothing to "get over" and agree that you have a right to your opinion (although it is a very shallow view of the world, full of gross generalizations). My hope is that our kids don't interact with people who share your views nearly as often as those who will encourage them to be the best person possible. Optimism is a much better approach than pessimism when trying to inspire the leaders of tomorrow.
- CS
3/9 8:41pm Norfolk Town Clerk's Office to participate in 'Passport Day in the USA'. On June 1, 2009, the U.S. government will implement the full requirements of the land and sea phase of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. The proposed rules require most U.S. citizens entering the United States at sea or land ports of entry to have a passport. This is already a requirement for air travel. There are some exceptions and you can get more information at www.travel.state.gov The Department of State highly recommends that individuals apply now to avoid the long delays that we experienced when the air travel portion went into effect in 2007. In an effort to assist local residents, the Norfolk Town Clerk will be open on Saturday, March 28, 2009 from 10:00am - 3:00pm to accept passport applications. If you have any questions regarding the required documentation that will be required, please call the office at 508- 528-1400.
- Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk
3/9 8:39pm Re: If you are offended by my view of the youth of today, get over it. I have a right to my view - So... does a right to a view translate into a right to tell others how to react to that view? Wouldn't reacting to a view be a right of the listener?
- AR
3/9 8:37pm Bus 10 minor accident, everybody is O.K. My daughter takes bus 10, it was in a minor accident coming home from school Monday March 9th. My daughter said a woman bumped into the back of the bus. The police took her away. They towed the car, and the Animal control came to take custody of the dogs in the car. - JAB
3/9 8:10pm Hey Norfolkians! Not sure if you heard but Mrs. Proulx has cut KPTV's Wake Up Warriors show to five minutes every three days. Which will be a huge challenge for the student. It will require them to limit their segments and they will not have time to go in depth to topics. Below is the email I sent to her and I just want the town of Norfolk to know how much this affects the students. Would greatly appreciate it if we got some town support on this. Hello to all,My name is Stephanie Lewis, class of 2008. Dr. Robbat I wrote you a letter in the beginning of my semester here at Franklin Pierce University. Since my sophomore year at King Philip, I have been involved in Wake Up Warrior. I was an active member of KPTV and used clips from the show to apply for a scholarship here at FPU. I received the Marlin Fitzwater Scholarship from Communications. Once receiving that scholarship, not only did I get a tuition deduction I got many opportunities to follow it. I was able to attend the Democratic National Convention, where I reported live from the floor (mind you, this being days before my Freshmen Orientation). Also, I was the associate producer for the election day coverage which was aired on Dan Rathers Reports HDNET. I am the associate producer for my school's weekly news cast and will be the executive producer my sophomore here. Something almost unheard of here at this school. I wouldn't be where I am today if it where not for King Philip's Wake Up Warriors.
By cutting the length of Wake Up Warriors, you are not just cutting the show time, you are cutting the MANY opportunities that students get from the show. This is not just about having a show on Fridays, this show provides students with real life experience, and I assure you that I am not the only one who feels the same.
Take this email at face value, I just wanted to express my concern and devastation in the decision you are making by shortening the show. As a graduate, you can see how my concerns are or the students seeing as I won't even be effected by the cut. King Philip's Motto is Opportunities for Excellence, and cutting the length of the show is cutting the opportunities for your students to excel.
With sincere concern, Stephanie L.(...)
- SL
3/9 4:46pm PN: Email Alex at ajtcrank@aol.com for your tree needs. He has removed some trees for me in the past. He's a nice guy and does good work. - MP
3/9 4:45pm Hi CA, I can't get past your spam-blocker, even with the override. The Wm. can give you my phone number. (Thanks Wm.) - SO
3/9 4:44pm For PN - Tree Tech out of Foxboro (www.treetechinc.net) did a great job on our huge tree and they were very reasonable. They will also grind stumps for an additional cost if you need that too. We are looking for someone to power-wash and then re-seal our wood deck this spring at a reasonable price. Any recommendations? Thanks!
- RB
3/9 4:42pm Hello Norfolk: Just another update from the Gala Auction Preview, tomorrow at the Norfolk Public Library, from 2-6 p.m. We have added new and exciting items to the raffle, open to the Norfolk Community: Santa Parade Ladder Truck Ride 2 kids and 1 adult can hop aboard Norfolk's own ladder truck for a ride in the Santa parade! Value: Priceless Donated by: Norfolk Fire Department
Santa Parade Police Car Ride 3-4 kids will cruise in the NPD cruiser for the Santa Parade! Value: Priceless Donated by: Norfolk Police Dept. Your kids will be the envy of their friends, believe me!
We have also added one more item: Eurosled Snow Baby Snow Glider The envy of every snow going family with little ones in tow...except you will be gliding them along out front. This Eurosled snow stroller might as well be a magic carpet for your little tike. Glides smoothly along the snow, recommended for ages 2 and up. Value: $185.00 Donated by: Marc Hauser, 3Play, Inc and Norfolk resident Jut in time for the next stow storm--oh, I guess that would be today!
So, hope to see you tomorrow, 2-6 p.m. at the Library Community Room. Come and support Norfolk! All money raised goes back to town programs and services in Norfolk. Thanks,
- JN, Auction Coordinator, NCL
3/9 4:40pm To TC: I have been in a car accident, and I found the use of the health care system that I pay for via my employer quite responsive. Someone in my family has had cancer and again, the health care system I pay for via my employer was quite responsive. Let's use a car as an analogy, shall we. When buy a car and take care of it, such as: Put good gas in it, change its oil on a regular basis, replace parts as needed, and when you hear a funny noise you take care of it before it come to a loader noise and even a non-working car. The same can be said for our own bodies. If you don't know how to listen for the signs of illness or feel certain abnormalities, your body will breakdown and you will start to suffer. But if you take care of your body and listen to your Dr. you should have decent health throughout your life. I know sickness can happen unexpectedly to healthiest of people. As they say poop happens. That's the gamble of life. Now I take a pro-active view of my health care system. Before I might get sick, I ask questions of my doctor. Like what can I do to prevent certain ailments and he lets me know what the best way to obtain that is. That's just my way of respecting my own body. It my younger days, I was not so pro-active, my mistake. I took for granted that I would be healthy forever. My apologies if I offended you, and some things that have been said on this forum and in life have offended me too!! But I get over it and move on.
If you think health care toady is broken and expensive, wait until its free.
To CS: I should have been clear to exempt Norfolk kids from that generalization. I grew up in the city of Boston, went to school there (during busing) and lived there for a while when I was older. Also I have lived in other towns before I found the lovely village of Norfolk.
I have seen great respectful kids and I have seen kids who think the world owes them everything. Unfortunately the latter seems to be growing in this country.
The advent of the media and entertainment have skewed some kids and made them less shameful then when I was growing up. Nowadays even some real smart kids do incredibly stupid things, such as: sending naked pictures on text phones, posting life embarrassing things on YouTube or any other social web sites. Drinking to excess and getting sick and even sometimes death. I'm not saying those things didn't happen when I was young, they did. But my parents generation didn't understand why, we should. And we should be trying to curb it. Instead, we see some parents having parties with alcohol. Other parents securing drugs for their kids or visa-versa.
The 60's and 70's left a profound influence on this country that will never go away. And I think that's a shame.
If you are offended by my view of the youth of today, get over it. I have a right to my view and you have a right to yours.
3/9 11:12am I have several trees that have fallen during the winter and need to have them removed. Any recommendations for a local company that would take them away. Thanks. - PN
3/9 11:11am Reminder: The deadline for applications for the Norfolk Community League's spring disbursements is March 14, 2009. If you are an individual or an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit NCL's website at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org and click on Fundraising for an application. Send completed applications to: NCL, P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056. Last year, NCL distributed over $24,000.00 back into the community. Please contact NCL President Joan P. at 508-541-9191 with any questions. - PMC, Norfolk Community League
3/8 11:22pm Encourage your child to read by visiting the Scholastic book fair this week (March 9th-13th) at H. Olive Day and Freeman Centennial Schools. The book fair hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9AM-3PM. Tuesday and Thursday hours are 9AM-12PM and then during afternoon conferences. A special feature at Freeman is a collection of titles recommended by the teaching and library staff for specific grade levels so parents will have an easier time picking out books at appropriate reading levels for their children. We hope you can stop in and support Norfolk Schools. - JS, Norfolk TPA
3/8 9:37pm Elementary Tutoring available - Are you thinking about tutoring for your child this summer? Are you looking to reinforce newly learned skills or to get a jump start on next year? I have 15 years experience teaching grade three for the Medfield Public School system and I am available throughout the spring/summer. If you are interested in learning more about my tutoring services and to discuss your child's needs, please contact me, Nicole, at thesheehans@verizon.net. - NS
3/8 9:36pm Do-It-Yourself Wills in Massachusetts. Are they accepted in this state, and, if so, any recommendations and advice on creating one for myself? - BF
3/8 8:30pm Have you sent in your RSVP for the Gala Gone Wild Hoe Down yet? Tickets are selling fast and it's going to be a great party! Now It's come to my attention that some people are choosing not to attend the auction fundraiser on March 21st simply because of the theme. I'd like to defend the theme and the reason we chose it. We wanted to do something different, something a bit more fun, something that hadn't been done before. We wanted to make it more casual, making it a fun evening for everyone. The theme was chosen with that in mind. We have worked very hard to make sure there is something for everyone, and there will be lots of things going on, all for a great cause.
If you're worried about what to wear, simply put on some nice jeans, a nice shirt and shoes. There's no need to worry about looking "western", just dress up your favorite jeans and come on and join the party. I'm from Texas, for goodness sake, and I am wearing black jeans, a black and white shirt, and black dress boots. It's not something to fret over! If you are looking for some western duds, try www.silvercloudstore.com. They are in Wilmington, MA and they are going out of business so they have some great deals. You could also try www.sheplers.com, a friend of mine got some gorgeous boots from them! Really though... just come and have some fun. The evening is meant to be fun, not stressful!
If you've chosen not to attend because you're worried about what to wear or you don't like the theme, please reconsider. This auction is geared toward supporting the worthy organizations and programs here in Norfolk and I think it's important that we all support that. If you have any questions about the gala or you'd like more information, please feel free to email me at katiesmom@mindspring.com. All of the people working on the event, including me, are really trying very hard to make it an enjoyable evening, and regardless of the theme, the money we raise from the auction goes right back to our community.
We really have some amazing items up for auction and the community has really come through in helping us get these items. We have a baseball bat signed by David Ortiz, a stay at Aruba, naming the town rotary, parking spaces for the train at the Federated Church, Red Sox tickets, Patriot tickets, a fishing trip, jewelry, spa packages, gifts for kids and even stuff for guys. I have barely skimmed the list!
So again, if you've been thinking about attending and haven't sent in your RSVP, please do so today. If you've decided not to attend because you simply don't like the theme, please reconsider. If you've been worried about what to wear, stop worrying. Just plan to come and have a great time with friends and the community.
Thank you!
- Stacy Forte, NCL Fundraising Co-Chair
3/8 12:56pm Where's a good place in town to get men's pants hemmed? - GC
3/8 10:24am I am looking to outsource my lawn care this season and am in need of recommendations. Perhaps even a local teen to manage my landscape needs. I live in the Populatic Pond area and would appreciate any references. Thanks, - BF
3/7 6:10pm PJT: Apparently you've been fortunate enough to never have been in a car accident, or diagnosed with cancer or some other health problem, and found yourself at the mercy of a badly broken health care system. You're smug attitude about exercise and eating right is frankly foolish and childish. People get sick, often through no fault of their own. Wouldn't life be grand if it were as simple as you seem to think it is. Your comment is deeply offensive to anyone who has had to navigate our health care system to get the proper care they need. - TC
3/7 10:31am There are seven girls from Norfolk (HOD & F/C) who will be performing with the UnCommon Theatre for the following performance: The UnCommon Theatre Company proudly presentsRobin Hood, the musical
Direction by Chris Campbell-Orrock, Music Direction by Paula Bishop, Choreography by Meghan Sawicki
When: Friday, March 20th, 7:30 pm, Saturday, March 21st, 2:00 pm, Sunday, March 22nd, 2:00 pm,
Where: Qualters Middle School, 240 East Street, Mansfield, MA
Tickets: $10 Adults / $8 Students // $12 Adults / $10 Students at the doorFor Tickets Call 24/7 (800) 838-3006 Or order thru the web at brownpapertickets.com
For Un-Common Member or Handicapped tickets or questions call (508) 698-3098
3/6 6:56pm PJT: I must disagree with your sweeping generalizations about what you perceive as massive societal failures. You make it sound as if the vast majority of parents are raising their children poorly, which in turn has produced an entire generation of dysfunctional children. I have the pleasure of working with young people on a daily basis and my observations are quite different. The kids and young adults that I interact with are intelligent, polite, thoughtful people. Your use of the term "we" implies that parents all over Norfolk and beyond are doing a horrible job. I strongly disagree and do not consider local families to be an exception to the bleak norm that you portray. It is somewhat offensive that you imply that past generations were "superior". They were just raised a little differently. - CS
3/6 6:55pm That NCL sounds like a lot o' fun folks, JN. How can a guy ridin the range all day like me join the NCL? Is it the Norfolk Cowboy League? Is that what NCL stands for? Just guessin... - MON
3/6 3:26pm Would anyone have a used filing cabinet they might be saving for a yard sale? I could take it off your hands now. Contact me through the Wm. Thanks. (Use box177@norfolknet.com - Wm.) - SO
3/6 3:25pm Hey, MON, watch what you say about the Bylaw Committee. It is true that we have a Bylaw that states you cannot ride a mechanical bull in Norfolk! It was there wayyyyy before I became chair. But, we are not breaking any laws; we are having the Gala and the mechanical bull at the Four Points Sheraton in Norwood. So, MON, I personally cannot wait to see you ride the bull! Now, we should have sold tickets for that!
- Janice Nelson, Chair, Bylaw Review Committee and Auction Coordinator, NCL (and busy person)
3/6 1:42pm A good ol' Hoe Down in Norfolk sponsored by the NCL! YEE-Ha pardner! Now yur talking! It'll remind me of home. Although me and my kin almost didn't move to Norfolk - u see - they won't let you ride mechanical bulls anywar in these parts, so I am glad they paid someone off to git one in town. Gospel truth! You would be breakin the law if you rode one in Norfolk! But you can ride a real one anywhere you like! Yuk Yuk
x) Just like you dawg owners out there that don't git em registered soon. Its those uppity Bylaw people and all ther ruls. Let's string em' up and give them a Wyoming sleigh ride!
I'll even bathe the night before, even tho its not Saturday night. Dang, I might even brush my teeth and bid on the Rotary in the town square.
MON's Rotary - sounds better than a warm bed and 3 squares in the hoosegow, don't it?
3/6 1:41pm The Norfolk Baseball Association is honored to sponsor the third annual Joseph M. DiRienzo Jr. Memorial Scholarship. This $1000.00 scholarship will be awarded at Norfolk Baseball's Opening Day festivities on April 25th. For requirements and an application please visit your high school's guidance department or our website at www.norfolkbaseball.com - KF, Norfolk Baseball Association
3/6 12:25pm Hi everyone: Okay, enough talk about the depressing economy, Michael Moore and Rush Limbaugh! Gee. Let's talk about a party instead. So much more fun. And if there is anything this town needs right now, it is some fun. ![]()
So, I will talk, once again, about the upcoming Gala. We have a new addition to the raffle--a Mercedes Benz SL! But before you start thinking about how great you will look in it, I must be honest and tell you that it is a replica SL, kid's size. But won't your kids be the envy of the neighborhood riding in such a fine car! And you get a chance to win this car, valued at $500.00, for just a $5.00. A real bargain! An amazing car you can see in upscale places like Neiman Marcus or Saks Fifth Avenue. The car will be able to be seen at the Auction Preview and Raffle Ticket sale on March 10th from 2-6 at the Norfolk Public Library.
Tickets for the Gala are still available. We have extended the deadline until March 13th. If you need another invite, you check out the NCL web-site, www.norfolkcommunityleague.org and print an invite. We would love for you to be at this Norfolk Community party! Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about the event nelsonml@comcast.net.
Also, wanted to take a moment and talk about the western theme. A few people have emailed me to ask about western wear. Hey, we are New Englanders. What do we know about western wear? My simple answer, is wear anything you want! I am wearing a dress with a western scarf. Some are going all out in western style and others are simply wearing jeans and a shirt. So, the only rule is that there is no rule, we just want you to come and have fun.
- JN, NCL Auction Coordinator
3/6 12:23pm Just a reminder for those who are interested: Global Warming Cafe, sponsored by Franklin area Climate Team, hosted by Stony Brook, will be this Sunday, March 8, 1:30-4:00pm at Stony Brook Nature Sanctuary, North St. - SD
3/6 12:22pm We are looking for a responsible teenager or college-aged student to sit for our 2 children (aged 6 and 9). We could ensure at least 3 weekend nights a month and maybe weekday depending on schedules. You must have your own transportation. During summer vacation we invite our sitter to come with us when go away (either the Cape or MV). Please contact us and be prepared to provide recent references. (Use box176@norfolknet.com - Wm.)
- KL
3/6 12:20pm To all, maybe if people would use personal responsibility in their own health care, the health care system wouldn't be in such disarray. Maybe eating right, getting exercise. Maybe if more people would make sure their kids learn to respect others, we wouldn't have so much violent crime. Remember, guns don't kill people, people kill people. Maybe if we taught our kids how to win, instead of just show up and you'll get a trophy, they would be more respectful. I was taught, nobody gives you anything you don't earn. We have become a mampy-pampy society. We want the government to do everything for us. What ever happened to hard work, loyalty, and respect? It is not the norm, but exception nowadays. The American Dream is fast becoming what the country can do for you. It depresses me. To DWL, I have seen Moore's propaganda movies, and that just what they are... propaganda. When I see solid proof that we are causing the climate to change, I will believe it. Until then, they are just scaring people and wasting our taxpayer money on something that we can not control. (article)
3/6 12:19pm For HC - The current Massachusetts rebate program for photovoltaic installations will cover about 40% of the equipment. A typical payback of 8 to 12 years can be expected for a small system (between 3 and 5 kilowatts) after the available rebates and tax credits. Over the past few years, the cost of installation was going through the roof, this was due to demand, but with the faltering economy the cost to install is coming down coupled with an expected drop in prices of equipment of about 4% by the end of the year. Payback will vary based on current and future electricity rates. An aggressive approach to energy conservation (turning off lights, changing light bulbs, upgrading appliances, etc) and changing habits will get you a quicker savings of at least 20%. - AB
3/6 12:17pm Free wood: Newly cut oak sections for next season's firewood. If you can haul it, you can have it! Wood is in 12" - 16" sections in our yard. Please email ... (free wood has been taken) - JT
(Update 3/10 4:31: free wood has been taken - JT)
3/5 9:29pm MD - Check out Diva on a Dime in Millis. It's a high end consignment store. My daughter got an awesome tea length dress that everyone was raving about before Christmas. It was only $10 and she will wear it several more times. At the time we saw several prom type dresses which in retrospect we should have snapped up. Good luck and have fun. - BS
3/5 9:19pm For HC re solar panels: I have a friend who had them installed, and he said he will probably not recoup the cost over his lifetime. He just did it because he had the means and felt that "someone should do it." From everything I have read, they are not cost effective at this point. Here is an article: (article link). - JP
3/5 9:18pm HC. Here is a link to the Massachusetts Solar Rebate Program. (page link) Here you find a lot of information about solar photovoltaic panels which produce electricity from the sun. - PD
3/5 6:17pm PJT: I hear you! I find it ironic that the big, fat, oxycontin-stealing and addicted Rush Limbaugh claims he is the standard-bearer for rational thought, virtue, decency, and good Christian values. Michael Moore's movies are definitely slanted, but some of the facts revealed in them are just what they are, facts. You may not agree with what impact they have on the world, but that doesn't make them fiction. Perspective? Perhaps. Fiction? No. The alarming stats about murder rates and gun ownership in the U.S. v. Canada revealed in Bowling for Columbine, regardless of your position on the right to bear arms, should give any rational person pause. One has to be a narrow-minded ideologue to reject information out of hand. Perhaps keeping an open mind, or at least respecting your fellow citizens who may think differently than you, is something you could consider rather than stooping to childish name-calling.
- TC
3/5 6:15pm MD, regarding the reasonably priced prom gown - a few years ago my daughter and I shopped for a very plain gown at David's Bridal on the clearance rack. She then took it to a seamstress who modified it to a one of a kind gown for my daughter. I think the whole thing cost me $100. The important part was talking to the seamstress before the purchase so we knew what sort of things to avoid (that would run up the cost of modifying it). It was fun for my daughter and she still brags that she "designed" her gown. Does she have older cousins with prom or bridesmaid gowns that she could borrow?
3/5 6:14pm PR: we just had Ultimate Chimney Sweep out today for our pellet stove chimney. Price was as quoted on the phone, gave us some tips on maintenance, friendly, clean and efficient. When I called to make an appointment they actually were at my house less than two hours later. On another note. Does anyone have experience with solar energy? With the NStar bills being so high, great clear access to the sun from the roof line, I'm starting to look into alternative energy sources. Anyone have any knowledge of solar systems?
- HC
3/5 6:13pm To Wm: (You make it sound like you're a personal friend of the man, but name-calling is still neither thesis nor rebuttal.) How did I make sound like I was a personal friend of Moore's? That's my opinion of the overweight moron.
(By not only being quite familiar with his personal attributes, but also having an opinion so close to your heart about it. Just my impression. - Wm.)
3/5 6:12pm PR - regarding chimney sweet - Foxboro Chimney Sweep is the best. - DC
3/5 6:11pm Wm and others in behavioral denial--we are responsible for allowing the politicians to look the other way when dealing with the large financial firms and in their quest to create BOGUS financial products. And they all did it. Then the politicians took money from all the biggest snakes, AIG, Moody's, mortgage companies, all the biggest losers. So yes, we caused it by not paying attention to what our politicians were doing and allowing their inept behavior. I predict mass pandemonium and protests when we hit rock-bottom, which we haven't achieved yet although that would be a good sign Americans still have a pulse.
Except for those in denial - which is an extensive list.
3/5 6:10pm PJT You might want to give Fahrenheit 9/11 a chance, also by Michael Moore, as it is very informative. - DWL
3/5 6:09pm MON, I think we should be blaming our previous president for the situation that we are in now, not ourselves. How much have we spent on this war so far? He got us into this situation then quietly left. - DWL
3/5 1:20pm Norfolk Cooperative Preschool and Norfolk Children's School, in collaboration with Self Help Inc Community Parterships for Children, are sponsoring a workshop for the community. The workshop is on Sibling Rivalry - Tricks and Tools on how to call a truce. Do you have children who fight? Ever wonder how to have peace in your home? You don't need to be a UN Peacekeeper to develop the tools you need to have a calm and cooperative home. This free workshop will discuss ways to help your children learn to get along. Registration is required. The workshop will be held at the Norfolk Public Library on March 12 from 6:30 - 8:00pm. Please contact Lori Higgins, Director of Norfolk Cooperative Preschool at 508-528-3660 to register. - DC, Norfolk Cooperative Preschool
3/5 1:15pm I find it funny that a big overweight moron such as Moore would do a fictional piece on healthcare. I think everyone else thought the same thing. That's why it bombed at the box office. He should to a film on how to lose all that fat around his belly. Instead of sucking up all the resources that healthcare offers, he should eat a salad every now and again. Its amazing how these liberals like to preach, but don't practice.
Good day for now comrades. Save your cash.
- PJT (You make it sound like you're a personal friend of the man, but name-calling is still neither thesis nor rebuttal. - Wm.)
3/5 1:12pm RP - Its hard to read your stance but I agree with you about the bleak future, luckily we live in what's geographically/sociologically/economically known as a "talent cluster" - so the raging poverty and waves of unemployed workers will occur out past Worcester or perhaps as close as Plainville. Norfolk is on the border. But what is your position on giving gifts to children who attend children's parties to give a gift to a child? Good Idea or Bad? Or are you one of the maternal forces that drives conscientious consumption?
Since I posted Rule #10 people have been yelling "Thanks MON - You are Right!" out of their car windows as they drive by when I see them on the street.
But RP, we have only ourselves to blame for the bad economy and our children's bleak futures, most of us have been asleep with our DVDs and baby-back ribs and American Idol passes to stardom, and are too sedated to get up and protest.
But as the late-great Dr. Hunter S. Thompson used to say "You buy the ticket-you take the ride".
(... ourselves to blame for collateralized debt obgligations unbacked by sound mortgages? Or for not insisting that banks be re-regulated? - Wm.)
3/5 1:11pm I am looking for a Graco Safeseat infant carseat Base only, preferably in silver. If someone has one to sell, for less than the current retail of $50, please let me know! Email me at kasansossio@yahoo.com. Thanks, - KAS
3/5 1:10pm Any ideas on where to shop for a reasonable priced prom gown? - MD
3/5 1:09pm Re Chimny sweeps: Could someone please recommend a reliable, reasonably priced and good chimney sweep(s) in the area? Thank you. - PR
3/5 1:11am By now, you all know that the Norfolk Community League is sponsoring the ``Gala Gone Wild'' Hoe Down scheduled for March 21st at the Sheraton in Norwood. What you haven't heard is that we have opened the raffle to the entire town of Norfolk! You do not need to attend the Gala to purchase raffle tickets for our fabulous raffle items. Tickets will be on sale, with a preview of all the raffle items, on Tuesday, March 10th from 2-6 pm at the Norfolk Library in the community room. You will also get the chance to see some of our amazing silent and live auction items that will be available at the Gala. And you can purchase Gala tickets if you decide that you would like to attend. So please come by and take a look.
Raffle tickets are $5.00 for one or 5 tickets for $20.00. Look what $5.00 may win:
You may purchase raffle tickets for only the items you wish to bid on. Each item will have it's own box for the raffle tickets, so if you want to win one particular prize item, you can stuff the box!
- One of two $100 Norfolk Recreation certificates for any program.
- 5 chances to win complete housecleaning by K.D Cleaning Company, a $100 value each.
- One of two reserve, all day parking spaces at New Town Hall for a year! If you are a commuter, go to Boston every day, and park at the MBTA parking lot, this is a savings of almost $1000.00!!
- Two Boston Red Sox Tickets for a Baltimore Oriole game September 8th
- A chance to win one of 6- $100.00 Handyman Carpentry gift certificates
- A chance to win one of two floral arrangements by Something Special - yes, they now have flowers, and they are beautiful -- a $50.00 value each. I will deliver these to your home the Sunday morning after the gala if you win and are not attending.
- A scrapbook lover's dream -- a large scrapbooking case filled with supplies from Creative Memories -- a $500. 00 value
- Two beautiful jewelry pieces from Dinner Wear Jewelry and a certificate for more jewelry from Silpada, all total a $150.00 value
- A $500.00 discount off the fee of a Basic Estate Planning Package from Wagner McDonough LLP. Since the customary fee is generally $1000.00, this is a savings of 50%!
- 4 front row seats at a Paw Sox game with free parking. A $150.00 value.
Plus, we will have a few of the auction items from the live and silent auctions, such as a signed David Ortiz bat and a signed Brad Park hockey stick and puck. You can win the chance to have your name on the main town rotary for a year. (The Nelson Rotary sounds nice.) We have a trip to Aruba, a New Hampshire getaway, a chance to hang with the scorekeeper at a High School hockey game, Pizza with the Fireman, a ride to school in a Police cruiser, and so much more. There will also be a sampling of many of the packages offered by the teachers at HOD and FC, so bring your kids by to look at what they can do with their teachers.
There are so many things to look at, so many wonderful things donated by our town residents, town officials and merchants, that you must come on by and see because words cannot describe them all. The list is long and the thanks are many. So please come by the Library on Tuesday from 2-6. And thank you for your support.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: Janice N., NCL Auction Coordinator, nelsonml@comcast.net
- JN, Norfolk Community League
3/5 1:10am The Norfolk Community League's Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast will be held on Saturday, April 4, 2009, at the Freeman Centennial School MacBride Auditorium in Norfolk from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Award-winning magician David Hall will pull a rabbit out of his hat and wow kids and adults with his tricks. Please bring your camera to take a picture with the Easter Bunny. Also featuring coloring and crafts for the kids and refreshments for all. Please bring a donation to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry (non-perishables or toiletries such as cereals, pasta sauce, peanut butter, canned vegetables, toothpaste, soap, etc.). Limited tickets are available and tickets will not be sold at the door. Tickets are $7 per person for NCL members or $9 per person for non-members, children under 2 free. To sign up please visit norfolkcommunityleague.org or send a check payable to NCL to P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056, Attn: Easter Bunny Breakfast, and indicate number of children and adults attending. Deadline is Friday, March 27th. For more information please call Rachael C. at 508-737-4764. We look forward to seeing you there! - PMC, Norfolk Community League
3/5 1:09am MON... I'm a grandparent, and under better economic times, I'd agree with you. But as far back as I can remember, every generation has been better off then the previous one. I'm afraid that won't be true for the kids who are going to have to endure what lies ahead. So, my advice is to make sure the kids have the happiest childhood they can today, because what lies ahead for them may not be pleasant. - RP
3/5 1:08am To DEV: I suspect that the reason more people aren't "up in arms" about the school library, etc., is that they know that there is no easy fix. I submit that there are people who are upset that their roads have potholes, too. I have a recommendation: when anyone posts a concern that requires more town funds be spent, please identify from whence the funds should come. We can rail against the Commonwealth, but we keep voting the same people into office. We can rail against the town (or, in the case of KP, towns), but the funding problems aren't going to disappear magically. Actually, my sympathies lie with the administrators who are powerless to change so many things and instead have to make these choices instead. If we were all insulated from the economy, perhaps we could pass an override, but I don't think that's going to happen either. Getting angry won't help unless the angry person has a solution to which a majority agree. - RM
3/5 1:06am Lions Chili Fest a huge success! The Norfolk & Franklin Lions Clubs held the 2nd annual Chili Fest on Saturday, February 28th, and it was so well attended that the club will have to request a greater supply of chili from the competitors next year! The event drew a larger crowd this year, and the club members are already discussing some changes/additions for next year. The evening is a wonderful time for residents to relax with neighbors and friends and enjoy the tasty fare of several local restaurants. The modest ticket price included a taste of the chili from 6 different restaurants plus corn bread, beverages (including Margaritas), and dessert. Before the event ends, everyone gets the opportunity to vote for their favorite chili! This year the Horse and Carriage Restaurant in Norfolk was the winner, edging out the Eagle Brook Saloon (last year's winner). The Lions Club extends their heartfelt thanks to all six competitors: Horse and Carriage Restaurant, Eagle Brook Saloon, Tom's Tavern, 3 Restaurant, Longhorn Steakhouse, and Best Deli. Proceeds from the event, which looks to be well over $1,000 this year, will go to benefit local food banks in Norfolk and Franklin. Thanks to everyone for your participation and hope to see you there again next year!
- GB, Norfolk Lions
3/4 2:18pm Nails by Kelli - contact Kelli Klenk; she lives right here in town, does a great job and the "girls" love her! - KG
3/4 2:17pm LLB and birthday party givers - Don't forget Rule #10 of MON's Path to Self-Actualization in your quest to provide happy memories to your child. Rule #10 Stop handing out take-home gifts for attendees of children's birthday parties -a sure sign of neurotic behavior perpetuated by maternal forces.Save the money on the useless plastic chotchkes and donate it to charity.- MON
3/4 8:37am Local Cable Access Channel 8 (Comcast) or Channel 41 ( Verizon ) is currently airing a program on Walter Prescott. It was presented by Pail LaCroix of the Millis Historical Society. Walter Prescott lived on Dean St in Norfolk and was a talented amateur photographer and shot hundreds of glass negatives whi ch have been printed showing the area of Myrtle St north of Medway, Dean St, Rockville and Baltimore St. This is a good look at the history of th is area in the first decades of the 20th Century. Showtime is 9:30 AM daily. - BB
3/4 8:31am LLB, Give Zinc Spa (384-0500) in Wrentham center a call. I had a party for my daughter and her friends. I brought food etc. They even came in on off hours so that we had the place to ourselves. Enjoy! - PD
3/4 8:30am Anyone have an old cassette tape deck they want to get rid of? I went to use mine the other day and it's dead!! (Not really a surprise it is 25+ years old ...) If you have one sitting around and want to get rid of it for a nominal fee please let me know, thx. Erin H. 541-6986 - EH
3/4 8:29am LLB - I think a special party for your 13 year old sounds very nice. I haven't been there, but have heard good things about Zinc Spa and Nail Bar in Wrentham. I believe they have multiple pedicure stations, a light menu, and advertise that they can host birthday parties. zincspa.com - JT
3/3 8:00pm LLB, why not have a party at home? It could be a lot of fun. And not a lot of money. Or give the money to a need family - KC KC, Well, because we always have parties for her at home and since it's her 13th birthday, we were thinking of making it extra special. We don't have much money at all but thought it would be a special treat for her. I give plenty of money to my church for needy families.
3/3 2:21pm PC: Your views are so opposite your initials! As far as Michael Moore, he could best serve his country if he would allow himself to be dropped out of a C-130 high over the mountains of Afghanistan. Certainly that type of impact would do some serious damage to Bin Laden's caves. - PA
3/3 2:20pm Lately I have heard the same concern from many parents: how can I help my student achieve his/her full potential in school. Particularly with the recent issuance of report cards and/or progress reports, the upcoming 2009 MCAS tests and students preparing to take the SAT in the coming months, many parents struggle to seek ways to enable their student to improve grades and acquire keen test taking skills. I have been an educator most of my life, having taught a variety of grades and subjects. I am now a private tutor and thought it may be helpful to address this issue by describing my services. I currently work with students from 3rd thru 10th grade. I help students with a variety of tasks. I offer reading help using the Wilson Reading Program. I work with students to learn how to become effective writers from basic sentence structure to the basic five paragraph essay and research papers. I also work with students to prepare them for the SAT. In math, I am qualified to teach math skills from 1st grade thru 10th grade.
Tutoring is a great way for your child to receive the one on one instruction they need to succeed in this fast paced, competitive educational climate. In the summer I conduct courses centered around the required summer reading assignments as well as math and writing courses. Please call me for further information on how I may help you give your child the opportunity to develop into or to remain great learners!
- Susan Martucci, 508-528-2399
3/3 2:19pm To BF regarding Dominion Electric offer: From what info I gathered in the past, you will likely be hit with charges from NSTAR to make the switch unless you make it at the start of a new rate going into effect - I was told it is something about them pre-buying and knowing how many people are in the customer base. Therefore, I would check with NStar before making a switch. The rates are due to go up in July, but that first year could well be a wash if you incur charges that you will have no control over. Please let me know if you learn something different. Dominion will tell you to call NStar if you ask them. If you wait until the new increase, you will likely not get in on the Dominion offer.
NStar's e-mails on the subject were vague to me, but I know other people who were hit with some hefty charges that wiped out savings they should have seen.
- EF
3/3 1:59pm LM, DEV and all concerned about KP Schools. Please let your selectman know that KP is once again a top priority and become involved in the budgeting process with your time and ideas. For information on accreditation, here is a link to the CPSS (Commission on Public Secondary Schools) and their teaching and learning standards. Document Link: [neasc standards pdf] and their website: [nesac accrediation page]
- SM
3/3 1:58pm PRR, MHC - If you read my post closely you will notice that I did nothing to defend the current health care system in US. I am critical of Michael Moore's methods and I am critical of his movie as the vehicle to solve the nation's healthcare insurance issues. If being critical means that I am accused of throwing stones at the biggest bombthrower in Hollywood, then so be it. I think he can handle it. I am anything but a right-wing nut job. Does that mean that I have to buy into everything this left wing propagandist puts out? I don't think so. Let me know when Mike offers anything more than his simple-minded three sentence solution to health care [linked here].
- DL
3/3 1:57pm Registration for Vikings Pop Warner football and cheerleading will be held Saturday, March 7 from 9-11 AM at the H. Olive Day School. Kids between the ages of 7-15 (as of August 1) are eligible to play, with weight guidelines for football. For more information go to the Vikings website, nmmvikings.org - LC
3/3 1:56pm LLB, why not have a party at home? It could be a lot of fun. And not a lot of money. Or give the money to a need family - KC
3/2 8:59pm LM, when I went to the state website to get the contact info this is what I found: Welcome to the website of the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (EQA).The way this state is being run, I would try to reach for goals set by an independent association...Important Notice
The Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (EQA) has temporarily ceased all operations. Legislation to establish a successor agency is expected to be enacted and implemented later this year. In the meantime, please direct any inquiries concerning EQA to Jeff Wulfson at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (781) 338-6500
3/2 8:58pm Looking for a recommendation on someone to do wallpapering. Thank you. - JD
3/2 8:56pm LLB, My daughter had a spa birthday party last year. Kelli Klenk is a traveling manicurist. She is a good friend of mine and does an excellent job. The rest of the spa was a water slide. Not so easily done in March. Good Luck. You can reach Kelli at klenkalex@comcast.net - MH
3/2 7:09pm DEV - I find it rather curious that the State standards do not mesh with NEASC's standards. In economically challenging times, which standard does one go by? If NEASC is separate from the State requirements, what value does it really have? Or, what value does the State standard have since it is not tied to accreditation? Since NEASC is for New England, does it mesh with some other national standard or is that another benchmark. Why don't these organizations talk to each other? I do believe that the answer you received has generated more questions and inadequate answers. Looking forward to other musings on this topic. - LM
3/2 5:33pm LM, I spoke with the state board of education today. I was surprised to learn that the state does not have any requirements regarding libraries in public schools. I then asked, isn't a library a requirement for accreditation? He informed me that accreditation is not done through the state, but comes from the New England Association of Schools & Colleges, Inc. (NEASC). I call them and left a message regarding the library at KP high. I will let you know when I hear from them. LM, thank you for your interest in this topic. It is very disappointing that not many others have chimed in with their point of view. We all have a vested interest in this topic.
3/2 4:00pm Starting to plan my daughter's 13th birthday. I was thinking of doing some sort of manicure or spa party. Anyone have any suggestions on a location/salon that might do this or of a manicurist who might consider coming to a party to do it there? It would only be maybe 4 or 5 girls max. I'm open to any other ideas or suggestions for a fun, girly party. I was also thinking of booking a hotel for the night either in Franklin or Boston for the ultimate sleepover. Any suggestions welcome! Thanks!
3/2 3:59pm DEV - I will be interested to hear what you learn when you call the state. As with all of the schools facing budget cuts, I am reminded of the boy with his fingers in the holes of the leaky damn trying to hold it together. So, if the state says "you must have a librarian and keep the library open," what hole gets unplugged to plug that one? Do you lose a teacher and put 35 kids in a classroom, sitting on radiators and window sills and trying to negotiate getting around too many desks to get out during a fire drill? Do you eliminate an AP course with only 15 kids enrolled? Do you take away an elective like art, music, marine biology, technical drawing? And then, where do you put the students? In study hall? As I watch budget negotiations in the surrounding towns, I am struck by how we chip away at things with each person trying to save their personal favorite line item. Are we removing the small toe to save the whole organism? Or, are we systematically dismantling a treasure until we strike a nerve that gets an override? If we have only so much money and we lack the control to budget it as the users see fit (mandates again), how do we make the system whole? I am befuddled. I look forward to hearing some input into where we go from here. - LM
3/2 3:58pm Re: 3/2 2:03pm Where can I look to find the latest information about the construction in our town center? - KT Try these Town webpages, and ask the assistants listed on these pages: (Building Dept.) and (Planning Board)
- BH
3/2 2:04pm There is still room in the 1-2-3 Magic Workshop sponsored by the Early Childhood Resource Center at the Norfolk Public Library and funded by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care: March 8, 15, & 22 . 2-4 PM 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12: A Workshop for Parents Based on the book written by Dr. Thomas Phelan. This 6-hour workshop will show how to control obnoxious behavior, give tactics for encouraging good behavior as well as what to do about bedtime, chores, whining, and lying. Presented in three sessions by Arleen Sharp, Certified Parent Educator.
Registration is required. $30 materials fee per couplepayable at the first workshop. Contact the library at 508-528-3380 or cjones@virtualnorfolk.org
- CJ, Early Childhood Coordinator
3/2 2:03pm Where can I look to find the latest information about the construction in our town center? - KT
3/2 1:55pm Happy snow day! : ) - SF
3/2 1:50pm LM, More great info, thanks. My goal is to wake people up to this situation. Unfortunately I think it will take KP high losing accreditation for people to take action. Once they see their property values plummet and that their children are not able to get into a decent college, then maybe they will start taking it seriously. I will be talking with the state today to make them aware of KP's situation and to find out steps need to be taken with regards to the library to keep us in compliance. - DEV
3/2 1:45pm Dominion Retail electric power... Once more a marketing campaign for discounted electricity is underway and the lure is a possible savings of 10% on a portion of our bills each month from NStar. So, this has passed through before and I am wondering if anyone who has switched over has any input on this subject.
To often, there is more than meets the eye and I suspect this may be one of those cases. Perhaps a "to good to be true" type of offer?
I also get the feeling that this discounted power may be created by a less than environmentally friendly source.
- BF
3/2 9:43am DEV - I am trying to understand what you hope to accomplish by calling the State. In other words, what is your end goal? Many of the surrounding towns are also facing loss of accreditation due to budget cuts that have been taken over the past few years and will probably need to be taken in the year to come. Only so much money has been appropriated for KP. The "No Child Left Behind Act" includes a number of unfunded mandates. These are not negotiable line items in the budget. For example, what are the financial costs associated with the MCAS tests, the additional support needed for students that fail, the costs of retesting and the cost of portfolio assessments for those that continue to not be able to pass. This is only one example of an unfunded mandate. The state cancelled the History MCAS this year as they can't afford to assess the results. There are fixed costs, insurance, fuel, electricity, etc. This is also a difficult part of the budget to adjust. Staffing. If you cut teaching staff, you increase the number of students per class. This reduces the amount of individual time that each student receives. However, another governing factor in this is that the classrooms were built to the State standard to accommodate 24 students per classroom. The number of students per class has a cap based on the fire code and room capacity. This has been exceeded in some instances out of necessity. Cutting electives results in study halls and the reduced time on learning that you mentioned. Some economic benefits to regionalizing the entire system would be the reduction of central administration costs. One superintendent vs four. Maybe one assistant superintendent would be needed as well. This could double as the curriculum director. School supplies (paper, glue, etc.) could be purchased in larger quantities and a better price could be negotiated. One business manager, not four. One director of special education, not four. One human resources person, not four. One central office, not four. One central office support staff, not four. Now, there are associated costs with regionalizing such as buying out contracts for those that would be let go. Also, there will be some finessing of teacher, maintenance and secretarial contracts as the four school systems are not on the same page in terms of compensation and benefits. Nor are they on the same negotiation schedule.
So, if your goal is to increase the pressure that is already being felt to keep the school accredited, you may be successful. However, you won't get additional money, resources or solutions put on the table. It is time for the communities to get creative with solving the problem with what is available. That begins with an understanding of all the budget areas that have lost local control and are controlled at the state and federal level. If you would like to make calls and write letters, may I suggest that you also include your state and federal senators and representatives and urge them to put the control of the schools back at the local level where it belongs.
I don't pretend to have the answers. In truth, I don't think that there is any one answer. However, communities need to come together to work on solving the problem rather than waiting to see what the administration and school committees have come up with. What mechanisms exist for community involvement before the done deal stage? Is there opportunity for open brainstorming sessions? Anyway, just a few thoughts.
- LM
3/2 9:42am Do you need your driveway or walkway shoveled? I am a college student looking to earn some extra cash. I can drive to your house anytime today and you can name the price. My phone number is 1-508-345-0667. - JN
3/2 9:39am SH, The price went "way up" ? It didn't raise at all from last year, even though the field user fees from the town, went from 8.00 per player, to 20.00 per player! There was not a discount for early registration, but that wouldn't have affected you anyhow. Just a little sports group fee info for a comparison.
Pop Warner Football 185.00, Pop Warner Cheerleading 185.00, Norfolk Girls Softball 150.00, Norfolk Baseball" T-ball 87.00, A-Majors 117.00, Babe Ruth 167.00, Norfolk Travel Soccer Indoor 150.00, Outdoor 100.00. All of these fees, are directly off their websites, check it out for yourself.
Norfolk Lions Soccer 80.00 Hmmm... still the least expensive in town from the way I see it, plus they have a policy that no child will be turned away because of ability to pay! And every single child that registers, gets to play. If 400 kids register 400 kids play soccer. Is that the same with every other sports group in town? My child has been playing Lions Soccer for 9 years, spring and fall, and absolutely loves it. The service that this organization does for our kids is commendable. Thank you to all involved with NLYS, for your time, and your gift of yourselves.
3/2 9:26am To DL: First, thank you MHC! There was no "testiness" in my posting. And quoting a great teacher was just my way of laying it out there... there is an awful lot of ignorance, prejudice and mean spirit going around these days... Instead of knocking Obama's efforts, Michael Moore's films or anything else, get off your [duffs] and help! Be positive... be a force for good! I am so tired of listening to complaints. Anyone who has anything bad to say... tell me, what are YOU, all of you who b*tch and moan, doing to improve the mess that the greed of the past 8 years has gotten us into? Making mean spirited comments about someone who is just trying to make difference in his own way is just that. Mean spirited. Do you go out and, with all your heart and soul, try to make sure that children and elders and people with endangered jobs, etc., are being fairly represented and will have medical care that they can afford?
Moore's methods may seem heavy handed and clumsy to you, biased politically, whatever... call it what you will, but the man is doing something! His website brings to the forefront things that too often our media outlets do not cover. So, like Jesus said, don't throw stones! I am not even a practicing Christian... I don't believe in organized religion... it breeds contempt of those that believe otherwise. Though raised Christian, I believe in the goodness that resides within... and the hope that each individual has the courage and will to live life in a right minded fashion. The old Golden Rule, dahlins... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
3/1 10:57pm In preparation for the snow tomorrow - can anyone recommend a low-key sledding hill here in Norfolk. I've got a 4 year-old and will have an infant in tow and do not want to have to climb steep hills. Thanks, - LCL
3/1 10:56pm For DL: Yikes! I fear you may have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed! While it is fairly clear where PRR's political loyalties lie, I can't in any way see where her post could be construed as testy. When I read it, I thought it reflected a true generosity of spirit and thought we could all take a page from it. Apparently, especially you. - MHC
3/1 10:55pm LM, Thanks for the info. This is the first step down the slippery slope to non-accreditation. Time on learning will be the next. If we don't fix this school, we will all pay with our home values and our children's futures. Why aren't more people up in arms over this issue. - DEV
3/1 10:54pm I'm not sure about the ability to staff the library with volunteers. Things are very different in the wake of post-Columbine safety plans and insurance liability issues. Lots of restrictions. The principal would need to be asked that question specifically. She would know. KP employees must have student supervision as a provision of their contract in order to supervise the library or any other similar supervisory duty (covering for an absent teacher for example). To use a non-supervisory staff member (secretary, maintenance personnel, etc) in a supervisory capacity would generate a grievance. I do not know if this has occurred. Grievances do not become public information unless they are bumped up to the school committee when they can't be rectified between the two parties. - LM
3/1 6:27pm SH - Before you went posting on this site did you bother to contact the President of the league to see if you could still register?? The on-line registration is down, however the printable form is still on the website - you could have printed it off, filled it out, and driven it to his house. Registration has been going on for over a month. (Most all other sports registrations are already closed.) Why don't you call the President at 508-520-0163 - he is quite nice and very accomodating. As far as the price, Norfolk Lions Soccer prices have not risen at all!! I beleive they are the only sports group in town that has not raised their prices! The only difference this season is the early registration "discount" has been eliminated - this was done to ensure the Field User Fee, which the Norfolk Recreation Committee raised this from $8 to $20 per player/season, would be covered.
- CK
3/1 6:26pm Why doesn't the KP school inform the town of potential volunteer opportunities? There are a number of people in town and surrounding areas that may be retired or have time on their hands or just basically want to help out. Does someone have to be a librarian to have the library open for the students to study? - MAK
3/1 6:25pm TC - I agree that the sharing of information is vital in a democracy. We need to entertain others' views, and certainly healthcare impacts all of us. Just don't back the euphemistic initiative known as the Fairness Doctrine and stifle alternative views to the "Yes We Can" mantra. On the issue of tarring and feathering - I agree that there has been plenty of "fowl" behavior on the left and the right side of the aisle. Perhaps we should save our tar for the potholes that plague Norfolk's roads, and we could "feather our nests" with the stimulus money surely coming our way.
- DA
3/1 6:24pm Is the library handcuffed by requiring a union member to be the supervisor or person on duty? Why couldn't a volunteer be present? Were there any recent grievances regarding same? Dig a little deeper and maybe you'll uncover some more information! - PC
3/1 6:23pm TC - Catch up. Phil Graham hasn't been a Republican senator or Democratic bogeyman for 6 years. It would be like me blaming my problems on Tom Daschle. Oh that's right he was going to solve Health Care. I wonder if he saw "Sicko". Then I probably could have blamed something on him. Hey isn't a he a Limosine Liberal? - DL
3/1 6:20pm PRR - Ohhhh! Testy! A little sensitive about the propaganda that Mr. Moore sells at documentary film making, aren't we. Most rational and impartial (film or political) critics have always acknowledged his ability to build an entire 2 hour movie around a flimsy argument and make it seem like 60 Minutes or the the nightly news. He is a fine film maker. But he is a left wing apologist of the first order. I have seen all of his films and am always disappointed by the lengths he goes to make his point. While I do not believe that the US has the best health care system in the world, or even in North America, I am also sure that Cuba's system is not the solution. And please don't throw quotes from the Bible at us as a way of seizing the higher ground. I have read much of the Bible throughtout my life. I do not recall seeing anything about socialized medicine. Caring for our neighbor, yes. We do need to look at assistance for our unisured and underinsured neighbors. But Michael Moore will not contribute anything to the solution. And "Yes We Can" is not a political philosophy or a comprehensive health care policy. Believe it or not, Massachusetts may be leading the way, because of the leadership of a Republican Governor and a disgraced Democatic ex-Speaker of the House. By the bye, the original NNet post about "Sicko" got me thinking. What is Mike Moore going to do for the next 4 to 8 years. As a "documentary" filmmaker, I would hope that he turns turns his attention to the potential foibles of the Obama adminstration, even maybe helping to track the expenditure offunds from the "Stimulus" bill that just passed. But that won't happen will it? Have you read any of his writings. Have you seen the man's website? Please don't believe that what this man presents is news and that his viewpoint is impartial. Fair and Balanced he is not. Ranting and Raving he is. I just hope that he can find more windmills to tilt at without George Bush as President. I can't erase form my mind the image of a fat and bloated Michael Moore sitting in a dark room somewhere, crying and and praying for the election of a Republican president in four years.
- DL
3/1 2:55pm The Norfolk Historical Commission and the Community Preservation Commission are sponsoring a joint meeting with representatives from the Mass Historical Commission about the National Register of Historic Places at the Library meeting room on Tuesday March 3rd at 7:00. There are 10 areas in town that are eligible to be listed on the National Register as small districts. All residents are welcome to come to the meeting to learn about the National Register of Historic Places. There will be a slide show, refreshments and discussion about this important historic designation. Many thanks to Matt McDonald and the Norfolk Boomerang for their excellent article in the most recent edition of the Norfolk Boomerang about the National Register. Please come and join the discussion! - BP
3/1 2:54pm There is a library at KP. There is no librarian. Therefore, the library is open only when a teaching staff member can be scheduled into the library to supervise it. However, when the supervising teacher is needed to cover a class due to a teacher's absence and limited substitute teachers, the library is closed to students. The library is also closed before and after school due to lack of supervision. When the library is needed for MCAS and AP testing, it is also closed to students. This was one of the difficult choices as a result of last year's budget cuts. - LM
3/1 2:53pm I am not talking about cutting staff. As it stands now, there is no librarian on staff. Kids do not have access to the library resources. This is a violation of state law, which I will be bringing up with the state board of education on Monday. I am sure the library is very nice to look at through the window!! - DEV
3/1 2:52pm JM - The bridge on Pleasant St, at the end of Turner, Millis. I travel that way too. It's a wild ride on my motor scooter! It's a shame, really, as that section is soooo pretty, I'll hate to see a new bridge there, but I also see the need for a major repair. I think Millis will repair Turner at that point.
3/1 10:46am DEV, What are you talking about KP has no library? They have a gorgeous library. Are you talking about cutting library staff. That is different than having no library?? - DWL
3/1 10:42am What happened the LIONS YOUTH SOCCER REGISTARTION... First the price goes way up, and then they shut down the site before the end of the day... Shame on me for waiting to register on the last day, but deadlines are deadlines... (It's only 9:45 a.m. now). Usually when you get a deadline, it's stays good until the end of that day... Or so that's what I've always thought. Oh well, looks like we will have to pick another sport.
- SH
3/1 10:40am KP high has no library. I will be contacting the state education board Monday morning. Chances are KP high will no longer be an accredited high school!! Not to mention the "time on learning" will fall below the state minimum next year! - DEV
2/28 11:30pm HC: Thank you for the info on the ducks. Maybe I'll see them again soon. - JW
2/28 8:05pm LAW - which one is the "Rockwood Bridge"? Is is the one right on Rt. 115 by the river or on the other side, at the end of Turner St. in Millis? I travel that way multiple times a day! - JM
2/28 8:02pm For PC RE: PC's comments on the Film Sicko - From someone who feels "Yes We Can" is a pretty good mantra for life!! Just a thought... Have you even seen the film Sicko yet, or any other of Mr. Moore's work? Perhaps, if you haven't, you might reserve judgement. At some point you will need elder care... you or a loved one will need prescription drugs... and... you have no idea if or when the wolf at all our doors, rich or poor, might in this present economy or at some "distant" point in time, blow your own house down. So, I suspect it is best to be informed. Don't castigate someone elses's life work, in this instance Michael Moore's, without understanding it and... most importantly, knowing and acknowledging it! You do a dis-service to him, but even more so, to yourself and those whom you love.
If you don't like the words, "yes we can"... how about these?
1. "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones" or maye this works for you better,
2. "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" or even this,
3. "The people of this generation revere the dead prophets while rejecting the living ones. It has been so in every generation. The children of those who persecute you will build monuments to your memory."
And of course, last by by no means least,
4. "As the light disperses darkness, so does Love swallow up hatred, and it is no more."
A very wise man is attributed to saying those words. You wouldn't argue with him, would you?
So in my humble opinion... it is best to be informed! You might be surprised at what you see in that film or any of his films for that matter! I was.
2/28 8:01pm PC and DA: Why such hostility to a film many have found fascinating and informative? Does the sharing of information threaten you, or your ideology, somehow? Relax. If you're not interested, stay home. There are other points of view in town than yours. No need to be snide. And be sure to stock up on lots of tar and feathers. You'll need to go way beyond Barney Frank to punish those responsible for the economic mess we're in. Might save a special bucket for Senator Phil Graham. - TC
2/28 8:00pm Howdy y'all! Have you reserved your table for the Gala Gone Wild Hoe Down charity auction? Send in your ticket request soon! If by chance you did not receive an invitation... please go to www.norfolkcommunityleague.org and you can print it from there. Town of Norfolk, 2009 Gala Gone Wild Hoe Down Charity Auction, Four Points Sheraton, Norwood, 7 pm - Midnight.
This is going to be a great party and a great chance for you to help support the wonderful programs and organizations we have in our town. All proceeds go directly back to worthy programs in Norfolk! See you on March 21st!
- SF
2/28 3:46pm JW: The white ducks live on the farm next to the hay field. I've seen them on walks with the property owners before and sometimes they go out to the hayfield to play in the water puddles out there. I'm sure they are waddling around somewhere on the farm. - HC
2/28 12:34pm PC - I will put this as simply as I can... it takes one to know one. - MJD
2/28 12:33pm AL and OP: Is there any evidence that DARE is effective? I would suggest that in these tight bugdet times that DARE is an easy cut. It is easy to say, "We have to do _something_!" especially in light of the recent deaths at teen drinking parties, but perhaps DARE is actually making things worse. - AL
2/28 12:32pm I was hoping for the Norfolk Democratic Committee to host a film more in the vein of "Mr. Burris Goes to Washington" (apologies to Jimmy Stewart and stalwart solons everywhere). Now that truly fits the Friday the 13th fare - corruption and cronyism in the Capitol. On another note, perhaps they could invite Barney Frank back for a forum on the financial ciris - I'll be happy to bring the tar and feathers. - DA
2/28 12:30pm CW and JGP - the nasty end of Holbrook, is actually Turner St., Millis. The town line is where the road surface changes. By the way, Millis is going to have the Rockwood Bridge out (probably for years) soon. I think the work will start in the Spring. - LAW
2/28 9:39am Re: 2/26 6:34pm Could someone please recommend a mason (other than those on the recommended list) to replace our concrete front steps and walkway? This will require significant jackhammer work. We plan to replace the concrete steps with granite and add several granite steps to the walkway. We went to Swenson Granite Works, in Medway, ( [website] ) to see about getting granite steps to replace old brick steps. They recommended Tom Kraus in Foxboro to do the job, phone 508-543-4041. Tom put down plastic panels so that his Bobcat loader would not damage the lawn, then broke up the old steps and took them away. He put in some stone dust as an additional foundation for the granite, then ordered the proper size granite blocks,with the proper surface finish on them, and placed the granite blocks exactly where they needed to go, on the old cement slab for the old brick steps. Tom specializes in Granite installation and landscape work, rather than masonry per se, We recommend him for similar jobs.
Our walkway was bituminous concrete installed by Bevilacqua some years ago, and it did not need replacing. Although Swenson has a truck with a remote-controlled crane, and a very proficient crane operator, they could not have placed the granite blocks where they needed to go, because the steps were too far away from the driveway, and the truck tires would have damaged the lawn.
- BH
2/28 9:38am HM - Thanks for the advance posting of the fictional horror movie, Michaeal Moore, what an artist, a true legend in his own mind... and surprisingly slung by its sponsor the "Yes We Can" Committee. - PC
2/27 9:50pm OP: DARE is awesome and the kids talk about it for a long time! The program is important, the kids have fun, and it's a nice way for the kids to see the their gang during summer. Thanks for all you do! - AL
2/27 6:44pm The Norfolk Democratic Town Committee is sponsoring the showing of Michael Moore's award winning movie "Sicko" which compares the quality of health care in the United States to many countries around the world. You will laugh, you will cry, but above all you will be shocked and inspired to engage in discussions about the huge and historic changes coming to the health care system in America. This is no ordinary documentary! Friday night, March 13th at 7:30. Community Room, Norfolk Public Library. All are welcome, it's free, frightening, and fitting for Friday the 13th! - HM
2/27 6:44pm Do you pay or receive child support? If you do, or expect to in the near future, then you may want to join Attorneys Stephen McDonough and Laurie Martucci from the Norfolk law firm of Wagner McDonough LLP, for an informative seminar focusing on the recent sweeping changes to the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines. Registration requested but NOT required. Refreshments provided. Two sessions will be offered, Tuesday March 24 from 7pm - 9 pm; or Saturday, April 25, from 2pm - 4 pm. Both sessions will be held at the Norfolk Public Library located at 139 Main Street.
To register, please call Attorney Martucci at 508-528-4007 or email lrm@wagnermcdonough.com
- SM, Wagner McDonough LLP
2/27 6:44pm It is once again my pleasure to announce our tentative dates for the upcoming 2009 DARE Summer Day Program. In the summer of 2008 we were very fortunate to run our first annual three day (mini camp) program with grade four entering five. With the success of last year's program we have decided to continue the mini camp for the summer of 2009. As of right now we have set three tentative dates on the week that school finishes up. At the current time with snow days school will finish up on Monday June 22. Our plan for grade four (entering grade five) is for Wednesday June 24, Thursday June 25, and Friday June 26. The program will include the towns of Wrentham, Plainville and Norfolk. More details (times, locations and program activities etc.) to come. In mid to late April I will be visiting fourth grade classrooms to fill students in on what to expect. You should expect registration forms to go home with your child soon there after my visit.
We have set tentative dates for our sixth grade (entering grade seven) program for the following week: June 29 - July 3 which is a Monday thru Friday.
Finally our fifth grade (entering grade six) program will once again take place in August. We have selected the dates of August 17-21 (Monday thru Friday) to wrap up our summer programs.
Registrations for all three programs will be sent out mid to late April. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at (508) 541-3330.
- Officer Steve Plympton, DARE Summer Day Program Coordinator Norfolk Police Department
2/27 6:42pm Hi, Does anyone know what is going on with the old Sweet Farm on Main Sreet? Looks as if all the trees are being cut down. Aee there plans for building houses? - JK
2/27 6:41pm OK, who took the white ducks? I've been watching them for days and the day after I mention them on the Norfolknet, they are gone. Isn't today just wonderful? Actually reached 59 here. Ahhhh, spring, I can smell it in the air. - JW
2/27 11:35am There is still time to register for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer! Go to www.norfolklionssoccer.com to register today! For those mailing in their registration forms, please note that all envelopes must be postmarked no later then Saturday February 28 . No registrations will be accepted after the March 1 deadline! (Financial assistance is available - call Craig K. at 508-520-0163) Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer is open to boys and girls age 3 years old (by September 1, 2008) to 12th grade. All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons. This spring season Norfolk Lions Soccer will be celebrating their 30th Anniversary with lots of fun and surprises planned!
- HK
2/27 11:34am Can anyone recommend a company that cleans rugs/upholstery? I would prefer someone who uses non-toxic chemicals. Thanks - SL
2/27 11:32am For those who have expressed displeasure with the audio portion of some of the municpal meetings that NCTV records and broadcasts, we apologize if at times there is a problem with what you hear (or cannot hear). It is not an equipment or expertise problem. We have spent a great deal of money in the past few years installing robotics cameras in room 124 (and the production quality in that room is very good). We have recently purchased new audio equipment for those meeting rooms other than room 124. All of the equipment works just fine. The problem occurs when folks forget to use a mic (ie. Butch Vito) or when for some other reason a wireless mic is not turned on. All in all, we record and broadcast 8 different boards, and sometimes problems such as dead batteries, people forgetting to speak ino the mic or mics simply not being on happen. We at NCTV work very hard to bring to our viewers the best product possible. Some people may not want to accept any explanation other than the one they want to hear, but the suggestion that NCTV is not doing a good job is not acceptable to us. We take everyone's concerns seriously and will continue to strive to provide the best product we can.
- Paul Guertin Interim NCTV Station Manager
2/26 7:15pm Don't miss out on the Norfolk / Franklin Lions Chili Festival this Saturday 6 pm at St Judes Church. Longhorn, 3, The Best Deli, Toms Tavern, Eaglebrook, and Horse and Carriage will be competing for first place. Come join the fun with friends and help to vote for your favorite restaurant. - CW
2/26 7:14pm SB Yes, I, too, get frustrated when I try to watch a board meeting on cable, and I cannot hear what they are saying. It seems like a waste of time and energy. However, I have never taken the time to contact the ones responsible to let them know or to hear an explanation. That would seem a reasonable path to take. - KF
2/26 6:41pm Does anyone else get frustrated by the poor audio on the televised board meetings? I think I know the answer, but is there any more to this than just poor equipment? I started to watch a meeting that included Butch Vito on Wednesday night. I could hear the gentlemen at the table, but Butch talked for 10 minutes I could hardly understand a word. And there was a mike in front of him and he was two feet from the other mikes. What good is a televised meeting if most of the dialogue is unintelligible. - SB
2/26 6:40pm To MAK - yes I would like to discuss the roads situation. If you are going to get people together, perhaps at the large library room, let us know. - SB
2/26 6:38pm LS, The positive side of the terrible roads is that people will drive within the posted speed limits or they will risk damaging their cars. Maybe it is a good thing. - DWL
2/26 6:36pm I see a pair of white ducks have decided to nest or at least rest in the field on the corner of Main and Myrtle. I wonder if anyone is missing their pet ducks. I also saw what has happened to the Sweat property. I felt a bit sad to see it all bare but I know that land was probably worth a bundle and will be used again. I was around to see all that land as farm land and loved getting my produce from their stand after they sold the land across the street. Just another passage in Norfolk.
- JW
2/26 6:35pm I second Holbrook Street but I think some of that is Millis. - JGP
2/26 6:34pm Could someone please recommend a mason (other than those on the recommended list) to replace our concrete front steps and walkway? This will require significant jackhammer work. We plan to replace the concrete steps with granite and add several granite steps to the walkway. - GWC
2/26 10:15am MAK - The majority have succumbed and no longer wish to fight the road battle any longer. The roads issue comes up every year at this time. We voted (few, 5? years back) to spend $300K per year on roads, (for 10 years??), this was the will of the people. It lasted x number of years before more pressing issues and the Town Boards/Committees changed that. At this point, I'm in favor of returning all roads back to dirt, use permanent orange cones for the large holes and save what little money they waste (can't be more than $20 bucks) trying to use cold asphalt thrown from a shovel into large holes. It's a waste of labor and frankly the only thing it accomplishes is getting my fancy dancy car dirty with bits of new black asphalt. The no-brainer solution should be to take $300K from the water dept. revenues (they should have it and then some) and use it to fully pave the roads where new water mains were installed. The jokers that patched these should be held accountable. In fact, go to the archives and see my post of 8/5/08. This time hire a real road crew. Drive up Park Street and brace yourself, half of my fillings have fallen out of my mouth, my car vibrated apart, not to mention that my kids think Park street at 40MPH is better than any Disney ride. Seriously though, in this time of major budget issues, the roads will be on the back burner and avoiding the loss of people will be on the front. - LS
2/25 9:11pm Thank you for all your input and info re: the roads. I have two petitions to be submitted to Town Hall tomorrow for May 12th town meeting. Thanks to all who have signed the petitions. In a few weeks, would anyone like to meet to discuss the best way to address our community on the critical need for road repairs to be done sooner not later? It's all in how it is presented... - MAK
2/25 9:10pm To Gail Bernardo: So happy to hear this news. Thank you for your wonderful service to the town! - JN
2/25 9:09pm To Gail Bernardo, Town clerk: You need to update the info on your website regarding dog licenses [licensing pdf] It still says "Your dog must be licensed by April 30th of each year. Effective May 1st of each year, there is a $25.00 late fee for each unregistered dog"
- TB
2/25 2:05pm The Town Clerk is pleased to announce that the office will resume Passport Processing Services effective March 2, 2009. The service will only be available by appointment, as it was in the past, but we should be able to accommodate most requests within a reasonable time frame. Please call the office at 508-528-1400 to review the requirements and set up an appointment. - Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk
2/25 2:00pm PC - Thanks for the info on the Nearly New Sale sponsored by the Norfolk Community League! Looking forward to it's return in '10! - JL
2/25 1:58pm This can be an extremely fun night out with friends - The Norfolk Aggie Parents Network will be hosting their 4th Annual Comedy Night on Saturday, March 7, 2009 with Dave Russo, Bobby Niles and headliner Mark Riley at the Norwood Elks, Norwood MA. Door open at 7:00 pm for this adult only comedy night. Hot hors d'oeuvres and desserts will be served and jazz music will be provided by BopKick. Great raffle prizes and a silent auction. Tickets are $20 per person, $200 for a table of ten. Space is limited and going fast! Contact Sheila C. at shecof@comcast.net or 508-643-0203 to reserve your space today. All proceeds from this event benefit the students of the Norfolk County Agricultural High School.
- HK
2/25 1:57pm If anyone questions the condition of the roads in Norfolk they should take a slow ride down Holbrook Street. - CW
2/25 1:56pm PPR, The Norfolk Lions Chili Festival is this weekend 2/28 6 pm at St Judes. You can reach me via email at cwesalo@comcast.net. I look forward to hearing from you. Longhorn Steakhouse, 3, The Best Deli, Toms Tavern, Eagle Brook, and Horse & Carriage will all be competing. - CW, Norfolk Lions
2/25 1:55pm PRR, Help is on the way. Chili Festival is this coming Saturday in the Basement of St. Jude's Church. Starting Time is 6:00; tickets are available at the door. - PHT
2/24 10:24pm Update about the need for road repair. I hope to submit a petition to the BOS by Thursday (last date to submit for the Annual Town Meeting in May). If it is not in, then we may need to wait until fall meeting which means that even if appropriations are approved, work wouldn't be done for a year from now. I doubt some of these roads will last that long. All those who feel the roads are a critical issue should make every attempt to be at town meeting (May 12th) and make your voice count. - MAK
2/24 8:03pm How soon they forget. In 2001 we did approve an override of $300K per year for road repair. It was a forever override which meant it would be increased by 2 1/2 % each year. It was sold / pitched as a road improvement override but it only lasted one year with the $300K being shifted away to the general budget as things got tight - remember the hit we took after 9/11? Right then and there I realized nothing is forever and not to listen to any request for money dedicated to a specific line item other than a building. Yes, there were more pressing issues that needed the $300K but when something is presented as "A" and it turns into "B" it is upsetting. - RJP
2/24 8:01pm Help, when is the Norfolk Lions' Chili Dinner... and where? Did we miss it? - PRR
2/24 7:58pm For PC: Re: 2/22 6:29pm Guitar teacher who comes to your home. I have a perfect teacher for your child... he is a wonderful teacher. HIs name is Masashi Nakamura. From Japan, Mr. Nakamura was honored in his city for his guitar performance! I have been working with him for several years. He, Masashi, is never late, is reasonably priced, cosidering he will teach in your home and is totally reliable and excellent with younger students as well as adults! Masashi plays in the well known New England contemporary world music group, "Wildest Dreams" and records with various songwriters. He is an artist, classically trained and incredibly patient! You must give him no less than 24 hours notice if you are going to cancel a lesson, but that is the standard practice, otherwise you own the time. He is responsible. I have been very pleased with his teaching methods and his ethics as an instructor, accompaniest and individual. The kids love him! You can contact him at: Masashi Nakamura, tel: 617-787-1344 email: roocat@hotmail.com
Hope this helps you!
2/24 7:31pm I certainly enjoy reading the postings on Norfolknet. I only wish SO and BJA would purchase phones and continue their conversations off the site. I am surprised the webmaster allows the boring banter. - KK
[The webmaster likes all kinds of banter, he figures there may be a few out there who are not climate science wonks - Wm.]
2/24 7:29pm To MAK - thank you for the info - KC
2/24 7:28pm MAK--Just a quick note, all petitions are due with the BOS by 4:00pm on 2/26. - BS
2/24 7:24pm Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer presently has open board positions - U7 Division (1st grade) Manager, Registrar, Uniform/Trophy Manager, and Media Coordinator. This is a great opportunity to become more involved with your child's soccer experience. For information, email norfolklionssoccer@verizon.net or call 508-520-0163
- HK
2/24 12:37pm BJA - Good one - must have been before my morning coffee. I loved "Rocky & Bullwinkle". One time my two crazy brothers entered the "Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic" on a no-gears, kick-break, rickety tandem bicycle. One of them wore flying goggles and the other wore moose antlers. They dubbed their bike the "Flying Squirrel". Needless to say, as underdogs they attracted a crowd following. When they approached tight city corners, they'd shout "make way" and the spectators would scramble as my brothers swung out to accommodate the turns. The hills were their undoing, but they managed to finish last. As I recall, they did not repeat the performance.
- SO
2/24 12:36pm To KC note of 2/21 about the money for last year's road fund - there was no money designated. At last year's town meeting the BOS and Advisory Board recommended $1 - it was discussed and $300,000 was requested as part of an override. The override was not accepted by the town. The same will probably be true for this upcoming budget... unless we request to include the road program as the BOS and AB plan the budget. We need to attend meetings and/or file a petition. Anyone interested? - MAK 2/24 9:19am Everyone is cordially invited to the 2009 Town of Norfolk "Gala Gone Wild" Hoedown & Charity Auction sponsored by the Norfolk Community League on Saturday, March, 21st, 7 p.m. - 12 midnight at the Four Points Sheraton in Norwood. Appetizers & open bar until 8 p.m. - Dinner - Dancing - Live Music & DJ - Line Dancing Lessons - Bull Riding - Silent & Live Auction! Please click here [pdf link] for your invitation and RSVP by March 5th. Contact Beth at 508-541-5752 with questions. Hope to see you there! - PC, Norfolk Community League
2/23 11:34am SO - never in public! I was asking because there was this shortish Russian sounding guy with a tall, thin Russian sounding woman knocking on doors looking saying "Bring me moose and squirrel...." - BJA
2/23 11:33am Franklin, MA (2/23/09) - Byrne Financial Freedom, LLC has moved. Joseph Byrne, President and Owner of Byrne Financial Freedom, LLC has purchased a building on 11 East Street in Franklin, MA. This new office space will allow for the future growth of Byrne Financial Freedom, LLC. Byrne Financial Freedom, LLC is a Wealth Management firm that offers securities through LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC. Their goal is to provide clients with personalized and professional financial guidance as well as insurance services.
- CD, Byrne Financial Freedom
2/22 8:59pm BJA - Why, is your moose loose? - SO
2/22 6:33pm JHR - We have been to both Antigua and Turks and Caicos (TCI) and both were great for snorkeling. TCI - specifically the island of Provo - has a lot of shallow areas which are easy to snorkel and some are right off the shore of Grace Bay. The water is so clear you can see right through it. We would highly recommend both Antigua and TCI but TCI is my favorite! - DP
2/22 6:32pm I meant to say Tortola and Virgin Gorda in the BVI Thanks, - JN
2/22 6:29pm Can anyone recommend someone for kids' guitar lessons? Preferably someone who will come to the house. Thanks. - PC
2/22 6:28pm JL- If you are thinking of the Nearly New Sale sponsored by the Norfolk Community League which has typically taken place in April, no sale is occurring this year but look for it to return in spring of '10. However, stay tuned for news about the NCL used sports equipment sale coming this fall for a great opportunity to clean out your closets & garages and get deals on the next size up of cleats/ice skates/baseball & softball gloves, etc. - PC
2/22 11:21am JHR: Check out Tortola and in the BVI. Spectacular for snorkeling. - JN
2/21 9:32pm My husband and I are interested in snorkeling... have done some in Bermuda at Tobacco Bay, but would like to go somewhere different. But... we like to go from shore where it is shallow, and not off someone's boat. Any thoughts of other islands where we could do this? Thanks. - JHR
2/21 9:31pm The deadline to register for Lions Youth Soccer is March 1st. Visit the website at www.norfolklionssoccer.com to register or for more information. - HK
2/21 7:41am What did the B.O.S. do with the money last year for the roads? - KC
2/20 9:41pm Pothole ahert: Mohegan St, off Mass Ave./Stillwell/Chicatabut. What a jolt to the shocks! - AL
2/20 9:36pm To SO regarding flying squirrels--yes, we do have them around here. I found out that they are the only true nocturnal animals. They have black rings around their eyes and are about the size of chipmunks. They do not have wings, but rather, flaps that are exposed when they move their arms out to the sides. We also have red squirrels around here, but unless they are babies, they are larger than chipmunks and seem a little smaller than grays to me. When removing a hazardous tree from my yard about 5 or 6 years ago, the tree cutter sawed through a nest which was one of the most awful things I have seen. Mom was frantic as her babies fell to the ground, with 2 surviving and one killed instantly. (I will never again do any tree work if there is a possibility of nesting animals in tree openings!). Anyhow, I spent the day settling the babes into a plastic tote with some moss and leaves, hoping mom could somehow get them to fly but she could not, so I called around and found a wildlife rehabilitator in Carver willing to take them until they were ready to fly on their own. When they were, we went back to Carver and brought them back in a bluebird box with a screen over the opening. I sent my husband up on a large extension ladder where we affixed the box to another tree (failing tree that was eventually to come down as well), and removed the screen. I built a feeding platform and hung it about 6.5 feet below the bluebird box, and at night I would put out seeds, nuts and Cheerios and call to them. Their little heads would peak out and they would come down for food. In several days I moved the food to a bird feeding platform so they would go further for their food. Within about a week and a half they had flown off, and my hope was that they met up with their original colony and mom. I still have pics. of them. Very cute! I am sure that anyone who is not an animal lover who has had them in their attic might not feel that way :-)
- EF
2/20 9:35pm SO -- We do have flying squirrels in Norfolk. What you describe is a flying squirrel. I have had a resident family of them for many years who are nocturnal vistors to my bird feeders - BB
2/20 9:34pm SO: I have friends over on Bridie Lane who had a flying squirrel in their home about a year ago. They ended up calling in an experienced exterminating crew to take it out. I think the exterminators had such a problem trying to pin it down they ended up killing it in the process. Your description of it fits the one my friends told me. - PA
2/20 9:32pm SO, sorry, have to ask - any chance there was a moose around, too? - BJA
2/20 9:26pm Yes, there are definitely flying squirrels in these parts. They got into our attic a couple of years ago... noisy little buggers! Apparently, they are nocturnal! - BD
2/20 9:24pm To PJT, who said "I am not defending the oil companies, just stating economics." Defend this: no matter what the change in price of oil in the last decade, Exxon and the other oil companies keep on setting records for profits. Not that I would defend any US Corporation, in any industry, since their interests are strictly to make as much money as possible for their wealthy shareholders and CEO's regardless of what it costs society at large. Oil companies obviously have invested well over the years, not necessarily in exploration, efficiency or environmental ways - but they certainly have more polititians in their pocket than any other. At some point, the need to save the world as we know it may be more important than just getting richer, one would hope. - TB (TB 2)
2/20 9:22pm Flying squirrels definitely exist around here. Unlike the ones you saw, we actually saw them in our house. I, too, thought it was a chipmunk until it flew off my dining room chair with a wingspan of about a foot. They are cute as a button, but can wreak havoc on your house. After catching a couple humanely, there was still noise in the attic so we had a professional come take care of it by setting multiple traps and squirrel-proofing the house. Have not had a problem since. Bottom line, don't let them get into your house. My wildlife guy was great and give a three year warranty against any pests the size of a flying squirrel or bigger. If you need a reference let me know. - KJ
2/20 9:20pm I've heard Norfolk has a wonderful bi-annual sale of children's items. Can anyone give me a little more info? Thanks - JL
2/20 8:38pm [There are posts from yesterday and several today that have arrived, but I won't be able to update the page until later this afternoon. My apologies. - Wm.]
2/19 5:04pm Has anyone ever seen a flying squirrel in these parts? I came home just past midnight the other night and something small was rummaging around under one of the bird feeders. Another something small was shoveling seed from a feeder. The one on the ground spotted me and leapt, almost magically, to the side of a tree. It didn't have wings and didn't even hunker down in preparation for the jump. It clung to the bark and we looked at one another. It was about the size of a chipmunk, but I didn't see a tail. Once it decided I was safe, it sprung down to the seed again. The only thing that comes to mind is a flying squirrel, but it was dark. - SO
2/19 5:03pm MAK- please add the upper end (near Medfield) of Seekonk Street. It is a mess and seriously needs to be repaved. Filling the potholes hasn't worked. There are more now than ever. It gets heavy traffic in the morning and is minefield to navigate. - LL
2/19 5:01pm To MAK: "Is anyone keeping a list of roads in Norfolk which are in dire need of repair?" It would be easier to keep a list of which roads do not need repair. To AB: "I really don't think that GE is funding "false information" about anything, but the company philosophy of marketing in one niche yet ignores its responsibility for sound manufacturing practices is a bit ironic." Ironic?? Try hypocritical. Remember they own NBC (National Barack Channel), MSNBC (MSDNC) and the CNBC . They have green studio days, remember when they turn they lights off during a broadcast of their morning shows. They pollute just as much as any other industry, but they are trying to reap the benefits of this global warming thing. By selling those crappy energy savings light bulbs that you can't dispose of with out dumping mercury into land fills and getting in to the wind industry. Which of course, nobody wants it in their back yard...
Ted Kennedy. They stand to make millions if the Obama administration dumps or should I say wastes billions on carbon tax credit crap. On the other hand, if oil companies were allowed to explore off the coasts and in Alaska for fossil fuel, they would be laying a big bucks to set up such operations and then the government would what their share. With the drop in oil per barrel right now and the voluntary cut in oil consumption by the people, they are not making as much money as they were just last year. I am not defending the oil companies, just stating economics. But if we would be allowed to utilize our own resources responsibly we could cut our use of foreign oil and perhaps have enough to sell to other countries and pay down this outrageous debt. If we keep spending all this money to fight something that we have no control over we will cease to exist as a functioning nation.
GE and NBC are a disgrace. I will never buy another GE product and I do not subscribe to anything on the NBC brand.
MON, I eagerly anticipate Part Deux.
2/19 5:00pm LJK: I had the same problem with a toilet replacement. What I did was take a piece of wood, it was 2/3" x 18" x 10", and cut a hole in it for the flange. After installing to toilet, I painted it and repaint it as needed. I know this is a Mickey Mouse repair, but at least I didn't have to call in a plumber and it has been fine for years. Of course my house is totally Mickey'd. - JW
2/19 4:59pm LJK give Parrino & Sons Plumbing a call 1-508-528-3516. - PP
2/19 4:58pm Anyone interested in Bruins alumni hockey game and awareness event at Iorio Arena on Saturday February 28, 2009 at 12:30 can go to Carol's Place on Main Street for a special deal on tickets (3 for $10). Otherwise, it's $5 for a ticket in advance (email Kimberly Gleason at kgleason@afsp.org). At the door, it's $5 for children and $10 for adults. Thanks to Carol's Place for supporting this AFSP fundraiser! - CM
2/18 9:48pm To MAK: you can add Park St. near the bogs, and Grove St. / Park St. end. I had to replace all 4 of my coil springs within 2 weeks of each other, 1 even punctured a hole in my tire and had to replace that too, at the tune of $800 plus. guess what I didn't pay this month?? - GLZ
2/18 9:40pm The Norfolk Community League (NCL) is currently accepting applications for its biannual disbursement of funds. The monies will be distributed in April 2009. If you are an individual or an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit NCL's website at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org and click on Fundraising for an application. The deadline for applications is March 14, 2009, and a completed application must be received by this date in order to be considered. Send completed applications to: NCL, P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056. Last year, NCL distributed over $24,000.00 back into the community. Please contact NCL President Joan P. at 508-541-9191 with any questions. - PC
2/18 9:36pm We are putting in a new vinyl floor and toilet in the basement. Trouble is, when we took off the old toilet, we realized that the cast iron flange is too high for the new floor. Has anyone tried to lower one by themselves? A look on Google says it's possible, but then it needs to be "re-leaded." That seems a little out of our league! Any other options? I read something about a PVC flange, but I'm not sure it's as durable. If we hire a plumber, how big a job is it for them, $-wise? Thanks for any input. - LJK
2/18 9:30pm The new 2009 Norfolk Little Green Phone Book was recently published. The directory is a valuable reference for Norfolk residents and businesses. If you need an additional copy for the car or second phone, you may pick-up an extra copy at the Norfolk Town Clerk's office or Prudential Prime Properties in Norfolk Center. If you want your business or residence listing added, changed or deleted, you may go on the web-site www.littlegreenphonebook.com, call 508-429-5588 or e-mail russo@northeasternpub.com. Any additional comments or suggestions would also be taken into consideration. - SAR
2/18 9:29pm Are you looking for reliable after school childcare or summer care for your children? I am an experienced childcare provider/preschool teacher available to care for children in my home from 1:00-5:30 M-F. I am CPR and first aid certified and can provide excellent references. I am also available fulltime during the summer months. Please respond via the webmaster for my contact info. [Use box173@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks, - SG
2/18 9:27pm Is anyone keeping a list of roads in Norfolk which are in dire need of repair? - MAK
2/18 8:58pm Wm - If Mann had been around 1000 years ago he would have found the earth's temperature about 1 degree higher and for 200 years! Quite a lot hotter than now that's for sure. The earth undergoes cycles of heating and cooling and the people who study this are not alarmed by fluctuations or impressed by studies studying the study. Stay tuned for Part II-Global warming! What you should really worry about!... Remember, visit this site's sponsors often while you are burning fossil fuels to read this!
[Of course, but the people who study this also try to correlate the cycles with hypothetical causes. They don't get alarmed, they just make observations - that warming over the last 30 years is poorly correlated to known natural causes. Then they do what people who study this do, they write papers about it. A number of these papers conclude that current conditions are the warmest in 1400 years, some say in over 10,0000. - Wm.]
2/18 8:56pm PJT: I'm a bit curious about this GE thing you seem to be dwelling on. It is interesting to note that GE is the second largest worldwide manufacturer of wind turbines. It is has world wide recognition in the green products and green energy market, But the company as a whole has dragged its feet for taking responsibility for cleaning up sites it polluted. I really don't think that GE is funding "false information" about anything, but the company philosophy of marketing in one niche yet ignores its responsibility for sound manufacturing practices is a bit ironic. Also, as an FYI, I heard on National Public Radio the other day that employment in the wind market in the US surpassed 85,000, in contrast, the coal industry in now just over 81,000. - AB
2/17 9:19pm DB - We had our cabinets refaced a few years ago by "Kitchen King" out of North Attleboro. The owner's name is Rick and his son who works with him is also Rick. His son actually did most of the work. They also put in a new countertop which was included in the price... and we paid extra to have a tile backsplash put up. They did a great job and I would highly recommend them. I'm really happy with our cabinets. I'd be happy to have you take a look at them if you'd like. You can contact me through the webmaster. - SM
2/17 9:18pm If you get your drinking water from the Norfolk Water Dept and your water supply line, that runs from the street into your house, has had to be replaced since July 1, 2007, you may be eligible to be reimbursed for the water permit and inspections fees that you paid at that time. These fees totaled $150. The reimbursement of $150 should appear in the form of a credit on your 2009 spring water bill that is scheduled to be mailed out this April. If this credit doesn't appear on your bill and you feel you are entitled to it, you should contact the Dept. of Public Works at 508-528-4990.
For anyone who has had to have their water supply line replaced in the past few months, these fees should have been waived. You should check your bill and make sure that is the case.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, you should contact the Norfolk Dept. of Public Works.
- GC 2/17 8:34pm Neutered yellow lab picked up today. [Found] - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
[Update 2/18 9:38pm: Yellow lab owner found - HC]
2/17 8:32pm Has anyone had their kitchen cabinets re-faced?? If so, who did them and how did they turn out?? Thanks. - DB
2/17 8:23pm MON's View on Global Warming - Part I The Controversy ![]()
This whole global warming controversy gained the attention of the masses when this "hockey-stick" graph was published--which shows the spike of temperature occurring in the last century.
This graph was Al Gore's dream and ticket to stardom in An Inconvenient Truth.
Unfortunately, these findings have serious method and mathematical bias and have been refuted by numerous groups that do nothing but study graphs like these for a living. Furthermore, the guy who wrote the paper and drew the graph did so to get his doctorate, so you can't blame him for trying to prove something. It only proved he should have never been awarded a Ph.D. degree. His data and methods were flawed, and are way beyond the scope of this blog and your attention span. One thing is for certain, many people think this manipulation of science and statistics means something about global warming. Serious scientists do not, and refute this graph and its authors, as do numerous committees and global experts. Those who have studied such mental phenomenon use the words "GroupThink" and "Herd Mentality" when describing those who cave in to peer-pressure in order to avoid anxiety. That's not to say warming isn't occurring, science just has not measured it yet.
TEM - take note here, because all of the groups you mention have never published a word on this phenomenon. As a matter of fact, I am surprised how few people have gotten money to study this problem let alone put their findings in peer-reviewed journals! Shame!
But talk is cheap and armchair scientists even cheaper. Unfortunately, the best report to date on this was the Wegman Report, [pdf here], a Republican effort which obviously raised eyebrows of the liberal democratic elite.
Although conclusive that the study was flawed, it would have been better if written by Satanists
[I linked the hockey-stick graph to the Wikipedia article on the topic; it's interesting reading. The Hockey Stick graph was peer reviewed and included in the 2001 IPCC report on climate change, and in 2006 both the National Research Council and the National Academy of Sciences weighed in on the issue, the latter observing:The basic conclusion of Mann et al. (1998, 1999) was that the late 20th century warmth in the Northern Hemisphere was unprecedented during at least the last 1,000 years. This conclusion has subsequently been supported by an array of evidence- Wm.]
2/17 8:15pm Until Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), it was universally believed that the "universe" was geocentric; purporting anything contrary was considered heresy in the 16th century. Now we accept the fact that our galaxy is indeed heliocentric. Until Albert Einstein, it was held that Newtonian (Classical) Mechanics could describe the evolution of any mechanical system in a completely deterministic fashion. The layperson now accepts that Relativity trumps Newton's ideas in the large scale, and Quantum Mechanics shows that nature is thus far not completely deterministic on the small scale. People used to believe the Earth was flat. My point being; why is it so inconceivable for people to believe the "jury may still be out" on the global warming theory? And for every source you list, there is an equally well qualified one who says something different.
And to your point about the disinformation campaign, I think the same could be said for those on the other side of the argument. I don't want us to hurt the planet, and ourselves in the process any more than you, but to quote an unknown author, "The popularity or unpopularity of something does not make it either true of false".
[There's a theory that our galaxy, one among billions of others, is not heliocentric, but that our sun is toward the outer end of one of the galaxy's spiral arms. - Wm.]
2/17 8:13pm Hi, I just want to thank everyone that stopped by Valentine's Day at the florist. Your kind words of encouragement was just what the doctor ordered. It wasn't about selling flowers that day. It was about reconnecting with our awesome customers! I set up a small stand (probably much like what my parents did in their early days back in 1948 or so!) and it was awesome doing what I love again. Thank you to those who stopped in- you really made my day. We will keep trying to resolve things and hope to see you all soon! Stay tuned... - RB (RB4)
2/17 8:12pm To TEM, It is not ludicrous to me that politics is driving this debate, and the debate is still open. I believe that you are foolish to think just because Exxon is involved with the campaign to keep the debate open. The scientists who disagree with the Climate Change camp have had their careers ruined, receive death threats, and lose their federal grants. Just because they believe that the so-called "Green" companies are providing false information to the masses to drive hysteria. GE has financed many scientists to keep their business going. No different than Exxon. I could provide many links to sites that provide information that the Global Warming theory has very political and monetary roots. Just like you
In thirty years when really nothing has changed, you and the other AGW puppets can say: oops maybe we were not correct. But the economy will be in the tank we will be walking because I'm sure that PETA won't want us to use horses for transportation and the AGW puppets will convince everyone the horse farts are bad too.
I can't wait till it warms up a little.
2/17 8:11pm Benefit Bruins alumni hockey game and awareness event: Boston Bruins Alumni vs. AFSP All Stars, Saturday February 28, 2009. Doors open at 12:30. Join the Greater Boston Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention for a game featuring the Boston Bruins Alumni at Iorio Arena in Walpole MA!
The highlight of the event is a fast paced, two period game, and you'll have the chance to meet some of the legendary Boston Bruins players, take pictures with them and get autographs, too. There will also be a 50/50 raffle and some unique raffle prizes - including Bruins memorabilia! This will be AFSP's third game against the Bruins Alumni and you'll see some familiar faces on both AFSP's amateur All Stars & the Bruins Alumni team, along with some new ones.
According to event organizer, AFSP team captain and chapter Board member, Rob Desmond, "this AFSP event is being held again to help erase the stigma surrounding suicide by promoting education and prevention in our area. 100% of the proceeds of the game, and every AFSP event, go directly toward suicide prevention and suicide prevention programs. The AFSP is a national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide. By supporting our Bruins Alumni Hockey benefit you will raise money to fund vital programs preventing suicide, saving lives, increasing awareness about depression and suicide, and helping to reach out to our local students and community members of all ages providing education and support as needed."
For more information and to make a donation, please visit: [page link]
If you can't join us, but would like to sponsor tickets for someone, please let us know. Email Kimberly Gleason at kgleason@afsp.org with "tickets" in the subject line. We'd be happy to provide tickets on your behalf to someone who otherwise wouldn't be able to attend. Tickets now available: Adults: $5 in advance ($10 at the door). Children: $5
- CM
2/16 8:43pm AL - When I am not thinking about social pandemonium and economic collapse we like to eat at East Ocean City on the corner of Beach St and Harrison Ave. I know all the places in CTown and kids love the place because of the food, the aquariums with live fish and lobsters and the authentic food! Truly the best in Chinatown. - MON
2/16 7:38pm TEM, I have a headache now. Even though I agree, concisely please... - CS
2/16 6:13pm Anyone have suggestions for a good Chinese restaurant in Chinatown? Bringing two kids; we'll be taking the train in, so no need to think about a place with parking. - AL
2/16 3:40pm To continue clinging on to the notion that global warming is not a threat and human activities are not contributing to it is not only difficult to justify, it becomes downright ludicrous--especially in view of the meticulous research and resulting position statements coming from numerous groups, all universally respected worldwide. For example, a growing spate of reports and studies from preeminent scientific organizations such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Academy of Science, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Meteorology Society (to name just a few) have, in recent years, all come to similar conclusions that human activities are the primary source of heat-trapping emissions responsible for global warming. In addition, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an international blue-ribbon group established by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations, released a report in 2007 which concluded that the planet is unequivocally warming, and it is due primarily to the coal, oil, and natural gas we burn to power our homes, businesses, and transportation. And this followed the urgent joint statement made in 2005 by the Academies of Science of ten different countries--the United States, Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, Japan, Russia, India, China, and Brazil--that significant global warming is occurring and can be attributed to human activities and that all nations should take prompt action to reduce net global greenhouse gas emissions. These studies have been carried out by the world's most distinguished scientific organizations and these independent groups do not represent or work for an oil company, a coal company, a natural gas company, or a political party, nor do they engage in "elitism" or the practice of hysteria; on the contrary, they abide by the rules of the most rigid and disciplined guidelines known to man. It is called modern day scientific research. Space and time limitations prevent me from citing the many additional incontrovertible revelations that support crucial environmental changes that need to be made worldwide, and I haven't even touched on the existence of an ExxonMobil $16 million-dollar disinformation campaign that has been going on since 1998, designed to mislead the media, influence legislators, and manipulate the public, and whose sole purpose is manufacturing uncertainty regarding the consensus of the scientific community when it comes to this topic. Sadly, they have been somewhat successful, as evidenced by some of the recent posts appearing on this very forum.
Below are just a few references (including a detailed statement made before Congress by the President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science) that not only describe the shameless, high-powered tactics of ExxonMobil, but also serve to document the previous statements made in this post. They are:
(1) Statement of Dr. James McCarthy, Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight House Science Committee on March 28, 2007. Go to: [house.gov pdf]
(2) ExxonMobil's Tobacco-like Disinformation Campaign on Global Warming Science. Go to: [ucsusa.org page]
(3) Climate Change 2007: An Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Go to: [ipcc pdf]
2/16 1:15pm YP - Medway House is a shelter for families that are temporarily in need of assistance and is located nearby in Medway (only about 4 miles from the Norfolk Arena). I am a teacher in Medway, and know that this transitional time is very difficult, especially for the children who reside there. The shelter welcomes volunteers of all ages and the volunteer coordinator can be reached at 508-533-1487. You must be proud of your daughter to want to reach out to help others in this way. It is a very eye-opening and valuable experience. Good luck to her! PROGRAM DESCRIPTION/SERVICES
Medway Family Shelter is a twelve family congregate shelter for homeless families. It is staffed 24 hours a day. Parents and children of each family share one private bedroom. They share the rest of the common spaces such as the kitchen, dining room, living room, and bathrooms with the rest of the families. Staff assists families in acquiring permanent, affordable housing, as well as medical, education, vocational, and social services and referrals.ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS
Homeless Families must contact their local Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) office to be determined Emergency Assistance Eligible (EA Eligible). The DTA reviews a family's reason for becoming homeless, income, asset, and citizenship. Please refer to the below link to DTA for more information regarding eligibility. Once eligible the local DTA office will refer the family to the SMOC Intake Coordinator whom then interviews and places the family in the next available appropriate shelter opening. Department of Transitional Assistance Website LinkCONTACT INFORMATION
The office phone is (508) 533-1487PROGRAM LOCATION
Please call the shelter directly for address and directionsVOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
Medway Family Shelter welcomes volunteers of all ages. There is a variety of opportunities for individuals and groups, including tutoring, children's activities and crafts, assisting with housing applications, holiday events, yard beautification, etc. Please contact Medway House volunteer coordinator at 508-533-1487.People can inquiry about a volunteer opportunity at SMOC by calling the Director of Community Resources at the Framingham Resource Center. The number is (508) 620-2418. Once an opportunity is identify within SMOC, an interview is set up by the component director who will request necessary human resources' processes such as, a CORI check, and employment authorization check.
Medway Family Shelter accepts donations depending on their storage space availability. All donations such as clothing and furniture must be clean and in good condition. Please call before dropping off any donation to make sure they are accepting that item at that time. Items that are always appreciated include diapers, personal hygiene products, gift certificates to grocery stores, department stores and gas stations.ANNUAL STATISTICS
During the past year, Medway Family Shelter housed a total of 49 families.
2/16 10:57am PRR - Yes, it does. I just returned from Grand Cayman yesterday... it was beautiful, sunny, and SO warm! : ) - SF
2/16 10:56am Socialism is coming, and Global Warming chant is leading they way: Please read [Herald article] - PJT
2/16 10:55am To all those who think that big oil is financing the So-called Global warming skeptic debate. Who do you think is financing and benefiting from all the global warming efforts they say that needs to be done? Take a good look at GE. They same arguments they you people make about Exxon and the like, I can make about GE and the like.
I care about the planet as well as this country and the economy. I think if we continue on this road to alarmism and the road to socialism that we have entered, we as the country that we knew and that our parents and their parents built will cease to exist.
MON, see you in the mountains.
- PJT 2/16 8:47am Ahhhhh.... somewhere in the world it looks like this. - PRR
2/16 8:46am Just wanted to send along a Buddy update. He's ready for adoption! I know some don't get the time to see the media due to their busy schedules, so I have put links to his most recent stories on Buddy's page on my web site. If you go to www.norfolkanimalcontrol.net and click on buddy's page, at the bottom the links should take you to his Sun Chronicle story and video and also a channel 7 video story that was furnished to them from the Sun. This week I will be working hard to find the best fit home for Buddy so if you are interested in him please contact me at 508 528 3232. I want to say again, thank you so much to everyone who has said a kind word for the animals, donated, volunteered, etc. Without people like those found in Norfolk, on Norfolknet, and other spots, so many animals wouldn't have been able to be helped. It's wonderful to have been able to work with the animals that have come through and eventually found their forever homes. Being able to be proactive through fundraising, outreach efforts with groups and organizations such as Girl Scouts and other groups, and donations from the public has had a great impact on so many animals this past year.
PS: The dog from Friday night's post found her owner on Saturday :)
Thank You
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
2/16 8:45am Great place to rent on the Cape this summer! [info link] - JPRW
2/15 1:13pm I redid two of my bathrooms last year with Visions Design Center in Dedham. Loved them. Call Mike Carresi at 508-560-5600. - JGP
2/15 1:12pm YP - If your daughter is looking to work at an animal shelter, Medfield Animal Shelter is wonderful. Kim is the director. - SD
2/14 9:09pm LAW, I am here, always watching. I haven't been myself lately, with Kendra quitting the The Girls Next Door and my day job infiltrating secret societies that if you knew how they really worked your head would explode. Both are part of a national problem of epic proportions signalling further economic and moral/social collapse. In response I have been building a bunker in the White Mountains and stocking it with biscuits and bullets. I am almost done and I didn't need a building permit. This global warming issue needs discussed seriously on this forum, which will be presented in my 3 part series - MONs View of Global Warming: Caused by Giant Gas-Bags? or Highway to Hell?
Until then, remember to visit this site often and its sponsors. Special thanks goes to PJT, AB and JP for bringing serious issues to the table, hard as it may be for some to deal with or comprehend.
2/14 7:44pm I'd like to weigh on on the satellite vs cable question: I think it depends on a number of things: I was a very happy DirecTV user until I bought HD, which was better served at the time by Comcast; as DirecTV caught up, I went back. Weather interruptions happen maybe for a few minutes 3 days a year, so that has never been an issue. Now we have DirecTV to 3 TV's and (cheap) Basic Cable to another. I'd say choose according to what you want to see.
- Access to the satellite w/o interference from trees, etc.
- What you want to watch (NFL Sunday Ticket is exclusive on DirecTV; Local Cable is available only on Comcast)
- On Demand for DirecTV requires internet access
- RM
2/14 5:02pm My daughter is looking for a shelter near by to work at. She is 14 years old almost 15. Any suggestions! - YP
2/14 4:41pm PD, Your son must have the same math teacher as our grandson. Hilda Douglas is great--lives in Norfolk. The cost is $60 an hour. - BR (BR#1)
2/14 11:00am TO CS: Great idea... - BH
2/14 10:59am VT - Thanks for the laugh. - LMM
2/14 10:58am CS - No way take the Climate Change discussion off! Not until MON weighs in! MON, where are you?! - LAW
2/14 10:56am Hi everyone, I'm a Junior at KP High and I'm looking for local babysitting jobs. I have a lot of experience and I love kids, I have a very flexible schedule and I am available after school hours, on weekdays and most weekends, also I would be interested in a regular summer babysitting job if anyone is looking for that. You can contact me if you are interested at (508) 954 0580. Thank you! - KS
2/14 10:55am Happy Valentine's Day! ![]()
2/13 11:27pm After reading some of the chats I just had to send this today: ``Hundreds Attend Global Warming Protest.'' - VT
2/13 11:23pm Any way to take the "Global Warming Debate" off-line? - CS
2/13 11:22pm Norfolk County Glass has just opened at the corner of 1a and 115. I can highly recommend NCG, as I have done business with Wayne Spencer, the owner, for many years both at our home and real estate property. Ranging from a glass top for a table, fireplace glass, a shower enclosure and a complete entry way. His work was always excellent as was his advice and reasonable pricing. I welcome him to Norfolk. - NC
2/13 11:21pm PJT, if you are going to continue baiting people as well as trying to irritate those of us who have legitimate concerns about the planet, in order to be taken seriously you're going to have to come up with some impartial or unbiased sources. In addition to what JP wisely pointed out about Lindzen, once again your most recent post (2/12; 8:03pm) and its accompanying reference leaves a lot to be desired. This time the link you provided turns out to be a blog by a retired engineer named Warren Meyer who worked for Exxon for many years. Not only that, if one attempts to trudge through his monotonous rants it quickly becomes obvious that the guy is yet another irrelevant and self-absorbed libertarian who, at one point, admits he has the attention span of "an 8-year-old boy mainlining Hershey Bars." Where do you find these people? At a Sarah Palin Prayer Meeting? - TEM 2/13 5:50pm Dog found in Norfolk airport area. Please call [Animal Control at 508-528-3232] if you own her or know who does. Thx. - SD
Update 11:24pm: Doggie is now under the care of Norfolk animal Control. - SD
2/13 3:56pm PJT, In response to your request to review Dr. Lindzen' s work, please note that: "Dr. Lindzen is a member of the Advisory Council of the Annapolis Center for Science Based Public Policy, which has received large amounts of funding from ExxonMobil and smaller amounts from Daimler Chrysler, according to a review (of) Exxon's own financial documents and 990s from Daimler Chrysler's Foundation. Lindzen has also been a contributor to the Cato Institute, which has taken $90,000 from Exxon since 1998, according to... a review Exxon financial documents. He is also a contributor for the George C. Marshall Institute"Oriana Zill de Granados. "The Doubters of Global Warming". PBS Frontline
- JP
2/13 3:55pm Hi JAD, Take a look at www.handymancarpentry.com. There are pictures of recent jobs, testimonials, and other info on Scott's site. You can also reach Scott at 508-272-1050. He lives here in town. - MH
2/13 1:24pm JP, I would love to split the CSA. I have wanted to do this for years and this would be the perfect opportunity to try it. You can contact me at knrh1@aol.com - NB
2/13 11:14am The post below about the Wrentham co-op reminded of a question I have been wanting to ask. Last spring I looked into buying a CSA share from Tangerini's in Millis. CSA stands for "community supported agriculture," and shareholders pay for the right to come to the farm once a week (for 20 weeks from June - Oct) to take their share of the week's harvest of in-season fruits and veggies. A share costs about $600 ($30 per week) and is designed to feed a family of 4. We are only 2 with a small child, so I'm looking for another couple or family who would be interested in splitting a share. That would be $300, or about $15 per week which is an awesome deal, in addition to being an incentive to get out and visit the farm so often. We could alternate picking up the share each week and then divvy it up however we chose. If anyone out there is interested, post here and we'll get in touch. Thanks! You can get more info here: [Tangerini's CSA page] - JP
Soul of a Rose: For you....2/13 9:49am Happy Valentine's Day From,
Pamela Ruby Russell, Phantaies & Earthings Photography, Norfolk, MA.- PRR
2/13 9:48am To JH, not sure what spirit fingers are, but I like Vienna fingers, you know those little cookies. TO PC, how appropriate.
If I could I would go to the cattle ranches and feed the cows beans just to help it along. Remember the scene from Blazing Saddles when they are eating beans around the campfire. Just imagine all those cows and pigs producing all that methane. Ahhhhh the world is great.
Happy V-day to all you lovebirds out there. Don't forget to buy those hothouse flowers. Unless that contributes to Global Warming too!!
2/13 9:47am To PD, looking for a geometry tutor in Norfolk, please try Hilda Douglas (508-528-9762). She is fantastic with teenagers. - EC
2/12 11:49pm I belong to food co-op named the Wrentham Food Co-op. People make selections from a catalog and send their orders to a collator who then submits the combined order and we get a delivery every four weeks. At the time of the delivery we all meet for a "break-down" meeting where we divide the food into the individual members' orders. The catalog tends toward organic and natural products but has other products also. The Co-op has a few openings available. Currently we have members from Foxboro, Norfolk and Wrentham but people from other nearby towns are welcome. For more information, please see the web site [mysite.verizon.net/WrenthamFoodcoop] - NR
2/12 8:06pm Hi from RB at Family Florist! Although we are not open to business in our florist shop building itself, we hope to be selling roses and carnations on Valentine's Day outside Saturday. Please stop and see us! We have missed seeing our customers' smiling faces and having chit-chats... We hope to be back in business soon. But, in the meantime, stop by or call! 508 528-2254. We can still deliver flowers to your sweetie for the holiday! Hope Cupid is good to ya'll!
- RB
2/12 8:05pm PJT - Please be sure to show your spirit fingers when you bring it on. - JH
2/12 8:04pm PJT - Thank you for eating the beef; cows, and their methane, do more damage than any human. But, it's just not as fun being at or blaming cows. - PC
2/12 8:03pm Here is some more information for all you alarmists and fear mongers. Having fun yet? [link] HeHeHe
2/12 12:54pm Here is a quote from Dr. Lindzen And a published piece from Feb 2008. [link] 12 April, 2006Meanwhile, I will be firing up my charcoal barbeque and cooking beef. Then I am going to drive my huge SUV around in circles in Norfolk. I am going to replace all energy saving light bulbs in my house for the regular old light bulbs and leave them on all day and night. Then I'm going to use hair spray in the back yard. I don't even smoke, but might start just to warm up the planet a little. Then I'll sit around in my energy eating massage recliner and think of other ways to bring it on.
"Alarm rather than genuine scientific curiosity, it appears, is essential to maintaining funding. And only the most senior scientists today can stand up against this alarmist gale, and defy the iron triangle of climate scientists, advocates and policymakers." Source: Wall Street Journal Lindzen op-ed 2/12/06 [ref]- PJT
2/12 12:51pm Most people control the sun on a daily basis. Not enough solar radiation? Wrap in better insulation, to make the most of what does reach. Too much solar radiation? Interpose an opaque screen to avoid absorbing more than can readily be dissipated. Clearly no-one can control how much energy is radiated by the sun. But how much of that energy is retained by us and our environment, that is something we can and do affect.
- AR
2/12 12:50pm PA - Thanks for the laugh! - CI
2/12 12:49pm Due to the substance and tenor of two or more very recent posts to the NorfolkNet, it occurred to me that there is an organization (based in Canada, I believe) that may be of considerable interest to these contributors. Known as the Flat Earth Society, I do believe these folks would welcome your participation and membership. Go to [www.theflatearthsociety.org] - TEM
2/12 9:44am To PRR - This was black particulate matter spewing out from a factory chimney!! What factory is this and where is it? What does the factory produce? I work for the EPA and all factories now since the 80's have to abide by the environmental laws. Each factory or business that emits exhaust is required to have scrubbers and periodic testing is done monthly. I don't think we need to worry about our country. I think we should be worrying about China and India where there are no regulations at all. Now that's something to be mad about. By the way if you have the name of that factory in the picture and think they are in violation please, feel free to call us at the EPA. We'll be happy to check into it. - PMP
2/12 9:43am PRR - I think you are wrong. That smoke appears to be coming from one of Michael Phelps' parties. - PA
2/12 8:48am Need a last minute Valentine's Gift? Forgot your sweetie? Have no fear - Girl Scout Cookies are here! As the 4th graders of Troop 3616 say "Cookies = Love"! We will be selling Girl Scout cookies at the transfer station on Valentine's Day, Saturday, February 14 from 9 until noon. Boxes are $4 each and come in eight varieties - Thin Mints, Carmel Delights, Peanut Butter Patties, Thanks-a-Lots, Shortbread, Lemonades, Peanut Butter Sandwiches and Daisy Go Rounds. Remember to stock up and fill the freezer! Skip the chocolates this year and give cookies!! For more information, contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or Cathie M. at 508-541-3544.
- TS
2/12 8:47am PJT: As I said everyone is entitled to their opinion, credentials really mean nothing to me, except when someone tries to flaunt their superior "intellect" to say I know better than you. As far as Al Gore, not impressed. The guy is a hypocrite, his monthly electric bill rivals a small city or maybe LS : ). Regarding Cape Wind, former Governor Romney and Ted both opposed Cape Wind but fully supported the construction of another wind farm off shore from the Fair Haven, Fall River, New Bedford area. None of them have any credibility in my book.
Having a science background, there is something going on and it doesn't look good and I'll leave it at that.
- AB
2/12 1:07am BR - Food may be dropped off at the Norfolk Food Pantry anytime that the church office is open, usually weekdays from 9-4. Call 508-528-5862 if you want to make sure someone is there. - KF 2/12 1:06am Grr-rrrrr!! To the person who doubts the reality of Global Warming and our part in it as human consumers!! Eeeek... That was not nice clean steam in this photo. This was black particulate matter spewing out from a factory chimney!! And what do you think that affects...? Maybe you should go up to the northern seas and check out the polar bears for yourself. And about dowsing... I have seen it work!! Check your sources... And take politically connected organizations out of the discussion! Please. Thank you.
2/12 1:05am Something Special now has flowers for Valentine's Day. We have tulips, roses and daffodils. We will be open Thursday 10-5, Friday 9-7, & Saturday 9-6. Come in this week and get your Valentine some flowers or maybe a little something for their sweet tooth. - JA, Something Special
2/12 1:04am Looking to help out a family in Norfolk for Thanksgiving. Any suggestions? - PD
2/12 1:03am We are new to Norfolk. My son is a sophmore at the high school and is in need of a tutor for geometry. Can someone recommend one? Thank you. - PD
2/12 12:50am To All, Surely, AB and JP, the credentials of many of the members of institute may mean something to you then. How about the work of Lindzer, at MIT, an accepted authority on the subject with over 200 publications on the matter? Serious scientists laugh at you mini Chicken Littles - "The sky is Warming! The sky is warming!" Forget about who sponsors who here, why should we listen to non-experts such as Gore who want nothing better than to frighten everyone then be an energy hypocrite. Read the science - not the media headlines sponsored by the liberal elite. But you are fooled again and again. Al Bore stands to make billion in so-called green technology. He is a hypocrite.
To AR, As to global warming, why does it have to be man-made to act on it? Isn't that sort of like only putting out man-made house fires, but letting accidental fires burn the building down? Or are you saying global warming itself has not been shown to exist? If Global Warming is not man-made, then it is a natural occurrence and there is nothing man can do to stop it.
I call it the 4 seasons. The sun pretty much controls all weather. The minute you and the alarmists figure out how to control the sun, let me know.
Until, stop wasting taxpayer money on unproven theory. Use Gores and all the Hollywood elites who prescribe to this non-science.
Are you listening Gov Patrick, Pres Obama, Speaker Pelosi (Nutjob), Harry Reid, Barney Frank, John Kerry, Ted (There's Global Warming, but don't put that wind farm in my back yard) Kennedy.
Thank you all for nothing.
I have bought all those little spiral fluorescent light bulbs; my electric went down about a dollar and 3/4 of them have already burnt out.
Thanks GE. Or should I say NBC (National Barak Channel) who by the way was selling products to Iran. Whose stock is in the crapper since Imelt took over from Jack Welsh.
2/12 12:47am To PJT - Holy Mackerel! Short of that, I submit these words for your consideration: "You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand"Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
To AR, AB and JP - Rock on!
- SO
2/12 12:35am The Norfolk Town Clerk reminds all dog owners that the deadline for renewing your dog's license this year is February 26, 2009. As per the new bylaw regulation, dog owners will be fined a late fee of $50 per dog effective March 2, 2009. This office does not wish to fine dog owners, so please stop by the office, or mail in the appropriate fee and documentation, prior to the deadline so that your dog will be properly licensed. Thank you!
- Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk
2/11 11:57am This is where our bailout money is going? What is wrong with this picture? [article] - WC
2/11 11:56am PJT, You failed to include the following caveats regarding your two articles on global warming: The Heartland Institute has taken in over $791,500 from ExxonMobil as well as nearly three million dollars from other conservative think-tanks and foundations dedicated to promoting the interest of "Big Business".
The George Marshall Institute co-sponsored the Petition Project that you reference. The Marshall Institute is a conservative think-tank whose CEO William O'Keefe, formerly an executive at the American Petroleum Institute and chairman of the Global Climate Coalition, is a registered lobbyist for ExxonMobil.
So it appears that both organizations may have a vested interest in creating a false public perception of scientific uncertainty over global warming.
- JP
2/11 8:38am PJT: While everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion, I find it hard to cite the Heartland Institute as the single credible source for rejecting global warming when their "Director of Science", Jay Lehr, PhD, is, and these are my words, "a bit touched." He has a history of long running personal crusades against anything he doesn't understand and holds a philosophy, "If I can't do it, you can't do it." One of his more comical crusades is against dowsing and the art of water witching. I'll let you Google that one. But the bigger question is why on earth would anyone spend the amount of time and effort he has wasted simply trying to discredit someone or something he refuses to try to understand.
I've heard Dr. Lehr speak many, many times since 1980, and while he is certainly entertaining his topics lack substance and lack anything new that challenges the mind. And to back that up, this is from his bio on the Heartland Website "He invariably receives the highest scores for entertaining and energizing even the largest audiences."
Personally I'm surprised that James Inhofe isn't on the Heartland BOD either. [ref]
- AB
2/11 8:37am I don't understant the premise of the article -- we replaced many of our lightbulbs with compact fluorescents last year, it cost us 33 cents per lightbulb and our monthly electric bill is noticeably down. By conserving we achieved a modest reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, but not only are we not paying $3,372 a year, it's costing us less. As to global warming, why does it have to be man-made to act on it? Isn't that sort of like only putting out man-made house fires, but letting accidental fires burn the building down? Or are you saying global warming itself has not been shown to exist?
- AR
2/10 4:43pm I've dropped food off at the pantry during the week. If you call, you might be able to arrange for a different day other than Saturday. - KT
2/10 4:12pm Does anyone know if there is another day besides Sat. to drop food off at the food pantry ? I can't always get there on Sat. and after seeing how many people were waiting for food I feel I need to help even more. - BR (BR#1)
2/10 2:43pm To SD, Sounds like a waste of time. When someone provides some proof that man-made global warming exists, I'll listen. The debate is still open. Putting an End to Global Warming AlarmismGlobal warming is the most important environmental issue of our time. If those who are sounding the alarm about a possible climate catastrophe are right, then governments must raise energy costs directly, with taxes, or indirectly, with mandates and subsidies, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hundreds of billions of dollars a year in wealth or economic activity will be sucked up and redistributed by governments.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions even modestly is estimated to cost the average household in the U.S. approximately $3,372 per year and would destroy 2.4 million jobs. Electricity prices would double, and manufacturers would move their factories to places such as China and India that have cheaper energy and fewer environmental regulations.
[Update 3:47pm: A few more facts about so called man-made global warming. [link] - PJT]
2/10 2:40pm Acorn Animal Hospital is great - a little pricey but staff are always polite and helpful - I bring one of my dogs to Acorn and I couldn't say enough great things about them. My opinion about Banfield - the option plans are very reasonably priced (especially when you have a puppy); however they only have one vet on duty - which isn't ideal at all. Recently, we got a new puppy, who we signed up for Banfield (not my choice by the way, I like Acorn) and after scheduling a sick appointment, the vet was unable to see our dog and told us they would follow up with us over the phone on Monday - we needed to call them Tuesday night for follow up as they never called us back... I was outraged, but after learning they only have one vet on duty - I guess you pay for what you get...
I've also heard that Whispering Pines (I think that's the name) in Norfolk is very good... They are also in Norfolk, so you're supporting a local business which is always great.
I hope this info is helpful when you make your choice. Good Luck!!
- SH
2/10 11:05am On March 14, 2009 as part of my Boy Scout-Eagle Scout Leadership project, I will be hosting a Norfolk Energy Awareness Day Fair at the Norfolk Town Library from 11:00 to 3:00. The purpose of the fair is to educate individuals on a variety of ways that they can save both energy and money. I will have energy saving brochures, reusable grocery bags and energy efficient light bulbs available for attendees to take home with them. Interested, but cannot attend the energy Awareness Day Fair, you can still participate by: (1) pledging to change at least one of your old incandescent light bulbs with an Energy Star compact fluorescent bulb at home, school or work, and/or (2) posting or sending me your favorite energy saving tip that you would like to share with others.
- KO
2/10 10:58am We received this letter that I thought might be of interest -- This is to the owner of the dog who I found wandering on 115 near the train tracks today. Your ignorance could not go unnoticed. My 5 yr old son and I stopped to make sure that your dog was not killed on such a busy road. For you to pull over as I was waiting for the dog officer to come and rescue her and not even a simple "Thank you" or a wave, but to drive off after your son calls your dog into the car!! Not to mention, your dog is not licensed (after calling Town Hall with the license # that was on her purple collar - this license # belongs to another dog). You really should: a) license the dog, and/or b) at least have the decency to put a name & phone # to be contacted should this happen again. Have some common courtesy the next time someone does something like save your dog's life!- B.
- Wm.
2/10 10:51am JAD - Give Tom Antonellis a call (508 358-5484 business cell) for an estimate and some ideas. He lives in town and has over 30 years of experience. He has a small business [...] - LA
2/9 8:36pm For everyone who is concerned about our energy bills and our planet... Concerned about skyrocketing energy bills? Worried about the effects of climate change on our planet? You can take action and it's easier when we do it together. Sunday March 8, from 1:30-4:00pm, Massachusetts Audubon Society, in conjunction with the Franklin Area Climate Team and Massachusetts Climate Action Network, will be hosting a Global Warming Cafe at Stony Brook Nature Sanctuary in Norfolk. You can learn how to save money and protect the planet by making smarter choices about your energy use and reducing your carbon footprint. The Global Warming Cafe is an opportunity for participants to exchange views, feelings and ideas so that we can begin personal and collective action to stop global warming.
The afternoon will start with a tour of Stony Brook's solar array with Sanctuary Director Doug Williams, and a chance to discuss solar installation with Alteris, Inc. Stony Brook's solar array was installed in December 2006, and generates a cost savings of between $30-160 per month, depending on the season.
Stony Brook is a wheelchair accessible site, and is located at 108 North Street, Norfolk. Refreshments and light snacks will be available. For more information contact FranklinAreaClimateTeam@yahoogroups.com
- SD
2/9 8:35pm MM - we live in Norfolk but we went to the Walpole police department. They have an officer there who is certified to install and /or check on car seats. I called the Norfolk police dept. and they directed me there. Call Walpole and schedule an appt. with this officer. They didn't mind at all that we weren't from Walpole. Good luck. - LL
2/9 5:47pm I have used both Dr Crowell and Acorn Staff doctors rest assured you will be happy with either. I also have to say for routine work Banefield in Petsmart is very good. - DJ
2/9 5:44pm To residents of Cape Cod Estates (if you do not live there do not read this!) Mother's helpers job wanted! Age 11.5, just starting out. Willing to take care of any age group. Email gidget629@gmail.com. Thank you! - EEL
2/9 5:43pm To SS: We have been to many practices in the area for the past twenty-five years. The absolute finest practice is Medfield Veterinary Clinic, 508 359-1920. Whether you book an appointment with Dr. Dick Crowell (owner) or one his associates (Dr. Young, Dr. Kirk & Dr. Shields) you will be pleased with the expertise, professionalism and must importantly the compassion they show for their patients. The support staff, from veterinary technicians to receptionists are "top notch." Not only is the clinic a superb practice, but they are also very involved in the community, from "Relay for Life" to supporting sport teams these, folks are giving back in many ways.
- CF
2/9 5:40pm Hi, I live in a 70's Raised Ranch and am going to do over my original bathroom. Any recommendations on contractors, etc. would be appreciated. Thank you, - JAD
2/9 5:36pm Registration for Spring Children's Programs at the Norfolk Public Library is here! Our next session will run from March 9 to April 17. Registration is going on now at the library until February 21st. All the details can be found at the Children's Department page [here] of the library's website. Any questions, please feel free to e-mail aingala@virtualnorfolk.org or call at 508-528-3380. - AI, Youth Librarian, Norfolk Public Library
2/9 2:03pm Regarding Vets... Dr. Crowell and the entire staff at Medfield Vet. They are fantastic. - BL
2/9 1:31pm To SS, I highly recommend Dr. Richard Crowell and his team at Medfield Veterinary Clinic. Located on Rte. 27 at the corner of West Mill Street right in front of the American Legion. 1-508-359-1920. - EMG
2/9 1:30pm For a good vet, Dr. Evans at: Acorn Animal Hospital, 20 Earls Way Franklin, MA 02038-1268, (508) 528-1135. - PRR
2/9 1:29pm The best vet anywhere is Medfield Animal Hospital. Dr. Richard Crowell and his assoc. are in my book unbeatable. The most caring and attentive vets I have ever encountered. I have and have had many pets over the years and have been going to him since about 1995. - JW
2/9 1:28pm Honestly, is there anything Lt. Findlen can't do? I bet he could enter the Indy 500 in a school bus and still win. - PA
2/9 1:27pm SS: Yes, Acorn Animal Hospital, right down the street in Franklin. Andy Weitzman is awesome, so is Martha Bugbee. We have taken our 4 dogs there for over about 6 years. We have always been pleased. - JN
2/9 1:26pm SS - Dr. Evans at Acorn Animal Hospital has been wonderful with our pets. Our dog has cancer, and she's taken great care of him -- even calling me on one of her days off to see how he was doing one time. He was only expected to last until last Feb, and here we are a year later (knock on wood)! Very caring and thorough. - LJK
2/8 4:34pm Does anyone know of any good vets around here? - SS
2/7 1:50pm MM - Yes, Lt. Mike Findlen at the fire department does do carseat installations. He is very accomodating and just requires that you call ahead to make sure he is not out on a call. - SL
2/7 1:36pm Lions Youth Soccer now accepting registration for Spring 2009 - Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer is open to boys and girls age 3 years old (by September 1, 2008) to 12th grade. All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons but you do not have to live in Norfolk to join in the fun. Visit the website at www.norfolklionssoccer.com for more information and to register. Financial assistance is available - contact Craig K. at 508-520-0163. No registrations will be accepted after the March 1, 2009 deadline. - HK
2/7 1:35pm I was wondering if anybody has used Jim Padula from Padula Construction on any projects around their home? I am looking to hopefully get feedback on quality of work, degree of cleanliness during and at the end of the job, and value for the price. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, - BP
2/7 1:32pm The Norfolk Aggie Parents Network will be hosting their 4th Annual Comedy Night on Saturday, March 7, 2009 with Dave Russo, Graig Murphy, and headliner Mark Riley at the Norwood Elks, Norwood MA. Doors open at 7:00 pm for this adult only comedy night. Hot hors d'oeuvres and desserts will be served and jazz music will be provided by BopKick. Tickets are $20 per person, $200 for a table of ten. Contact Sheila C. at shecof@comcast.net or 508-643-0203 to reserve your space today. All proceeds from this event benefit the students of the Norfolk County Agricultural High School.
- HK
2/7 1:30pm To AB and others. We have a 2650 sf house and I work from home. Luckily, we get a lot of sun so that during the day, few if any of the lights are used. I do a lot of baking and my stove and gas dryer are electric. We also use a treadmill and lighting in the basement for about an hour each morning. There are 3 of us here. My kW usage this past 34 day cycle was 881 (25.91/day) vs. last month's usage of 747 (24.9/day) November's usage was 687. Last January was 801 KW. I was using some power tools with big draws for a couple of the day last month and I did change a couple of CFL's back to incandescent bulbs because of location and them not functioning well where they were (e.g. cold garage and in a location where they are quickly turned on and off thus shortening their life expectancy). My bill said right on the top that it "...reflects 2009 rate increases in... distribution-increased to 0.04545. Transition decreased to 0.01159... Transmission increased to 0.01202" I did not check bills to see if they balance out each other or not. Nothing is going down these days. So for someone to tell you there was no increase is not right.
- EF
2/7 1:20pm Hi, Does anyone know whether the police and/or fire departments in town install car seats? I read that some towns do this as a service. Thanks, - MM
2/7 1:18pm TEM. Not sure of best way to prevent ice dams in older homes other than raking and/or heat coils. What I've done on two instances in past ten years when we've had them is hot water. It's relatively quick and worked both times with no damage. Hook up the required length of garden hose to the hot water feed for the washing machine and run the hose out through the cellar (a window would make for a shorter run but freeze out the house, or worse, interior pipes). Not wanting to get up on a ladder, which would turn to ice once spraying started, I connected to ten foot lengths of 1-1/4"electric metallic tubing (EMT from Home Depot) and snaked the garden hose through the tubing and attach a garden hose spray nozzle to the garden hose. Tie the spray nozzle handle in the fully open position and sit the nozzle base in the tubing. Go back to the washing machine and open the hot water valve. Keep water flowing the whole time until you're done (don't want the garden hose to freeze up).
The tubing allows you to stay back from the roof line and remain dry vs using a ladder which poses safety issues in terms of potential falls along with frostbite from getting soaked. Best to where ski pants or rain slickers along with standard winter gear.
When done shut off the hot water valve back at the washing machine and disconnect the garden hose. Reconnect the hot water to the washing machine. Roll up the garden hose right away so it doesn't freeze.
I happened to have the EMT. Threaded iron pipe the same size as the garden hose (if available) would probablly work as well and be lighter.
Arizona sounds nice.
- JC
2/7 1:17pm Many thanks, MW, for sharing your experiences with the problem. Your input and advice, in addition to the thoughtful posts from LJK and LS, are greatly appreciated. - TEM
2/6 10:40am My mail carrier dropped a Norfolk Dog License tag in my mailbox this week. It had fallen out of the envelope of whoever had purchased the tag. I don't have a 2009 dog list handy but if you know that you are missing tag #0311, please leave me a voicemail and I'll drop the tag by. Otherwise I will track down who it belongs to on Monday morning. - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control, (508) 528 3232
2/6 10:39am TEM, We have been struggling with ice dams over our big bay window for 8 years. We have tried everything. I might add that my husband is no stranger to this, as he deals with building maintenance on public buildings. Each year we think that we have the problem solved and each year I have water pouring in through the roof above the window... Again - for 8 years! This year we finally bit the bullet and installed heat tape. Voila! No water! I have never been happier! Sure, we may get a couple years less life on the shingles that they come into contact with (a couple of rows... a small replacement job) but to me this is worth not having to deal with buckets lining my window ledge all winter for the rest of our lives in this home. I think that the people who have issues with the heat tape are those who leave it plugged in all winter whether they need it or not. We are very careful and only use it after shoveling the edge of the roof... once the area is melted, we turn it off. Very simple. The amount of electricity used on this little cord does not seem to be much and it is certainly cheaper than replacing our living room ceiling, wallpaper and carpeting each spring... Not to mention the mold that grows as a result of the wet sheet rock. I would say try everything else... and when all else fails, there is heat tape. - MW
2/6 10:38am I called NSTAR and they told me that it was a cold winter and that is why my bill was so high! I told her I live in a 1300 sq. house and I don't have electric heat, but they said that it is a cold winter blah blah blah. I am going to try to talk to someone about starting our own electric company. I am paying more for my electricity then I do for my car payment! Argh - DN
2/6 10:37am Looking to buy a graphing calculator asap in good condition: (508)-520-1572. - CR
2/5 5:00pm Hello everyone, I'd to invite you to Cupid's Cool Craft Convention! It's this coming Saturday (2/7) from 10a-2p and Wednesday (2/11) from 4p-6p at the Norfolk Public Library. You are welcome to make and take Valentine's Day greetings, crafts, treats and more starting at 25 cents each! There will also be a bake sale on Saturday. The Jr. Friends supply the materials & the know-how. Drop in for some quick Valentine's Day fun! All proceeds benefit the Jr. Friends of the Library. - AI, Youth Librarian, Norfolk Public Library
2/5 2:14pm To follow up on my previous post concerning ice dams, further research seems to be affirming what my suspicions were regarding their effectiveness. Below is a quote from builder/consultant Paul Fisette of the Building and Wood Materials Resource Center at the University of Massachusetts at Amhearst: "And what about those heat tapes? In my entire life, I have never seen a zig-zag arrangement of electrically-heated cable work to fix an ice dam problem. The cable is heated by electric power, so you throw good energy after bad energy (keep in mind that ice dams are a heat-loss problem!). Over time heat tape embrittles shingles, creates a fire risk, are expensive to install and use, and leak water through loose fasteners. In fact take a good look at roofs that are equipped with heat tape. The electric cable creates an ice dam just above it. My advice is don't waste your time or money here."By the way, the entire article is one of the best I've found on the problem of ice dams. Go to: [umass page]- TEM
2/5 2:12pm Make a difference! Join the American Cancer Societys Relay For Life of Medfield/Norfolk! Are you interested in learning more about Relay For Life? Participate in this community fight against cancer and help make a difference! Simply click on the link below to see a short video on You Tube! [youtube page]
For more information on how to get involved, please call 508-897-4390 or sarah.hanifan@cancer.org I hope to hear from you soon!
- SH, American Cancer Society
2/5 10:45am All are welcome! Please join us at The Federated Church of Norfolk for an interactive workshop on how faith impacts the workplace. Contact Kevin @ Kevin_Riley43@comcast.net or call 508-272-6818. Thursday February 12th: 6:30 to 7:30 Working with Faith - Faith at Work! Thursday February 19th: 6:30 to 7:30 Working with Faith - Faith-Filled Decisions! Thursday February 26th: 6:30 to 7:30 Working with Faith - Faith in this economy?
- KR, Federated Church
2/4 2:04pm Norfolk/Franklin Lions Chili Fest!! Competition is warming up along with lots of chili! Tickets are on sale now for the 2nd Annual Chili Fest. Stop by the Norfolk Public Library this Saturday, 10:00am until 1:00pm, and get tickets for the whole family... Adults/teens - $12, child under 12 - $4. A small price to pay for so much... great chili, great fun, & a great cause to support. Proceeds will benefit the local Food Pantry. It's going to be a great evening, we have the following competitors lined up: the Longhorn Steakhouse, 3, The Best Deli, Toms Tavern, Eagle Brook, and the Horse & Carriage Restaurant. Will the Eagle Brook reign again?, or will they be out done by the competition this year?? Come be a part of the voting fun on February 28, 2009, 6:00pm, St. Judes Church, Norfolk, MA. - GB, Norfolk Lions
2/4 2:03pm To Norfolk highway Dept., a big thank you - KC
2/4 2:02pm LS, I don't think what they told you about the boilers cycling on and off is completely true. We heat our home by wood stove and use the boiler as back up... This past cold snap we have not been burning exessive amounts of wood and have been walking around in our shorts inside our home. The temp has been reading 76 degrees... So I know that the boiler has not been needed hardly at all. The only reason it usually turns on is when we are using hot water. We have burned less than 80 gallons of fuel and our NSTAR bill was very high. I will have my husband call NSTAR and see what they say. I will laugh if they give us the same reason. - MW
2/4 2:01pm TEM - re: ice dams, we used to have them also, but we got an insulating cover thing from Home Depot a few years ago (about $80!!, I nearly fell over) that looks like a pink styrofoam bathtub. We put it in the attic like a hat over the hole where our attic stairs are and you wouldn't believe how well it works to keep the warm air from going up there. No ice dams since, knock on wood. I've also tried the ice melter in the nylon stockings route, if you are desperate. You want to fill one up and throw it on the edge of the roof so that it is perpendicular to the gutter. Makes a channel for the water to escape. What a hassle, huh?
2/4 1:58pm LS - I called NSTAR and was told the exact same thing. 34 days and very low temperatures. I asked if they had an increase in their rates and she said no. It will be interesting to see next month's bill. - SD
2/4 1:56pm TEM - If you're still getting water and you cleared the snow 2' from the front edge of the entire roof, then you have a roof leak, not an ice dam. Yes, the electrical wires do indeed work. People in NH and ME have been using them for years. Ice dams are everywhere this year. Clean gutters going into winter is the first step in preventing ice dams. Check your upstairs bathroom fan vents. Do they vent into the attic? if so where? into the soffit of the attic? This is what I found to be the culprit of my ice dam last year. The warm air would melt the ice during the day and it would freeze at night and build up, up and up. Good Luck!! - LS
2/4 1:55pm LS: On the left side of the first page of your bill there is a table called Electric Bill Comparison. It will tell you what your daily use in kilowatt hours for the past month, last month and last year. I used less power on a daily basis than last month that was 9 degrees warmer (on average) and less than last year that was 6 degrees warmer. I personally wouldn't buy the reason that the heat was on a lot more. We did scale back the outdoor lights this year, and stopped turning them on just after the holidays. My bill went up $20.00 from last month due to the longer billing period and up $28.00 from last year which I can directly attribute to the NSTAR increases. I must comment that nearly 1,600 kiloWatts hours is a lot for any house. I would schedule and get an energy audit from Mass Save 800-632-8300. It is free. - AB
2/3 7:10pm We're looking for someone to replace our existing kitchen tile floor, ~300 sq ft. Would appreciate any recommendations. Thanks. - JT
2/3 7:09pm Notice from the Library: Due to the inclement weather, tonight's program The German Occupation of Northwest Italy & the Italian Resistance with Gary Hylander has been postponed to Thursday, Feb 12th at 7:00 PM. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you can attend next week! - Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
2/3 7:08pm Anyone have any luck with NSTAR? I was told that the billing cycle last month was longer by 4 days and they've taken thousands of calls from people with very high bills. They said is was due to the below avg. temperatures causing our boilers to cycle on/off and the electricity associated with that?? Don't know if I buy it but have no other explanation, my bill was $313.70 for 1596 kWh. It seems everyone I speak to in Norfolk had crazy high bills. My in laws/siblings/friends from other towns saw slightly higher bills but with an increase of around $20-$30 bucks. Look forward to hearing from others that have contacted NSTAR. - LS
2/3 7:05pm Is there a support group for Norfolk residents suffering from the frustrating effects of periodic damage from ice dams? They don't occur every year, but when they do they really make a mess of things (stained ceilings, falling plaster on the porch, etc.). And we have tried just about everything, including extra insulation in the attic, increased roof ventilation, additional soffit vents, roof-raking, cutting back trees, limbs, and branches to increase sunlight, etc. Nothing seems to work. Outside of moving to Arizona is there anything that is effective? We have not tried electrical heating wires, but so few people use them I've assumed they don't work very well either. For those who currently use people to rake and clear off their roofs, I would appreciate your recommendations. Do you sign a contract before the start of the winter? Do these folks clear the entire roof or just two-foot areas around the perimeter? If it's the latter, I don't see the point as I am able to do that with a roof rake on my own, but I am still getting water damage. - TEM
2/3 11:40am Sign up now for a morning out with the kids at Ficco's Bowladrome sponsored by the Norfolk Community League. Looking for an activity to fill that last February Vacation day? Look no further! The Norfolk Community League will be hosting a Bowling Morning Out at Ficco's Bowladrome in Franklin on Friday, February 20th from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Cost is $8 per person, shoe rental included. No tickets will be sold at the event - please sign up by Friday, February 6th by visiting NCL's website at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org for the sign up form. For more information, contact Rachael C. at 508-737-4764. We hope you will join us! - PC
2/3 11:34am All black cat picked up in the Lawerence/Eagle neighborhood. This cat is incredibly sweet. No markings other than an old injury to the right hind leg (inside). This cat is not micro chipped but is definitely someone's house cat. If anyone is missing this cat please call Animal Control at (508) 528 3232.
- HN, Norfolk ACO
2/3 11:31am Regarding NSTAR bills, mine was also up in terms of $$ and kW usage, but it was a 34 day billing cycle as opposed to the usual 30, and I believe a rate increase kicked in. I had switched over to mainly CFL's for lighting and I have seen a pretty good reduction in kw usage until this past month--not sure what is going on. I don't think the extra 4 days should have yielded as high a kW usage as it did. - EF
2/2 5:11pm VT - I agree, I don't get it. I called John twice and left two numbers (my home and work) and never got a call back. I was very disappointed. We were ready to work with him based on your recommendation and the person that originally posted about him. I have one company coming out on Wednesday, but I was hoping for a second so I could at least compare prices. - LL
2/2 5:10pm AL, Jeff Pello--He will come out for any size job. I was very happy with him. Reasonable price. 978-580-7633. - DWL
2/2 5:09pm A few years ago in June 2005, we used BK Hardwood Floors (Barbara and John) 401-762-0356 to refinish a sizeable portion of our first floor - kitchen, dining room, living room, hallway. We were exceptionally pleased with them then, and now, a few years later, I can say that we are still exceptionally pleased we used them as the finish has held up really well and the floors still look great. - BV
2/2 2:03pm I had DirectTV for 5 years and finally switched to Comcast. The first 4 years the service was good. The past year has been a nightmare. More often than not I had no service or garbled service. Their customer support is poor at best. I am now a satisfied Comcast customer. - PRB
2/2 2:02pm Hi STL. We have Comcast at our home in Norfolk and Dish Network at our second home in Western MA (only because there is no cable available in that location). I cannot tell you how many problems we've had with Dish Network and would not recommend the switch. We lose the signal almost every time there is a thunderstorm - or even a heavy rain or snow for that matter. It's very frustrating. Last year we lost our signal for no apparent reason and when the technician came out he told us it was probably due to the growth of a tree! It grew just high enough to block the signal. So he had to get up on our roof and raise the dish! Not sure how many more times he can do that without having to put a flashing red light on top of it. We've also had to replace the box at least twice because power outages "fried" the box (and we even use a surge protector plug). My opinion is that there is no comparison and that cable is a better choice. Good luck with your research and with whatever you decide! Hope this was helpful. - SM
2/2 2:01pm Looks like we need some blown in insulation in our attic. I guess that is better than having "bats in your belfrey" Any experience with a company that does the blown in insulation? Thanks - RC
2/2 1:56pm We used to have Comcast and were happy with it except for the price. To save money, we switched to DirecTV last March. We kept losing the signal every time it rained or was windy or when it snowed. We had them out to the house 3 times to try and fix it. The first time, they told us to take down some trees. We did. Didn't help at all. We switched to Verizon FIOS in December and are now in a battle with DirecTV because they are charging us a $300 early termination fee. We're taking them to small claims court. - LLB
2/2 1:55pm My electric bill was $290!! I have never had an electric bill that high. It usually runs about $189. - DWL
2/2 1:54pm LL, Gee I'm surprised. My husband called John on Wed. and he was here on Thursday! We couldn't be happier. Sorry to hear you got no response. - VT
2/2 1:53pm STL - I wouldn't recommend Direct TV. We were drawn in by their pricing and lots of channels, but found a couple disadvantages. One, during heavy rain (or even snow), we would lose the picture. Even if just for a minute or two, it still seems ridiculous in this day and age. Two, there's no On Demand, so you have to watch their rental movies at the time they start, not when you want. Not very convenient. And finally, you can't get your local cable access show, and I do enjoy watching the BOS meetings from time to time. - JT
2/2 1:52pm Can anyone recommend a local place that can refinish a hardwoor floor? Small job, probably a 12x18 room. Thankyou, and Happy Superbowl Sunday! - AL
2/1 10:30am We have Direct TV and I am very happy with it. As far as my NSTAR bill, I am not so happy with it. That is why I want our own electric company. - DN
2/1 10:29am Hi everyone, I am posting to let you know that Girls on Ice is accepting applications for their next program (end of July-early August). I am good friends with the leader and wanted to help her get the word out. Girls on Ice is a unique, free, wilderness science education program for high school girls. Each year a team of 9 teenage girls and 3 instructors spend 8 days exploring and learning about mountain glaciers and the alpine landscape through scientific field studies with professional glaciologists, mountaineers and, most recently, artists. Founder and glaciologist Dr. Erin Pettit describes the philosophy as:
"the girls on the team learn not only about alpine geology, glaciology, and mountaineering, but they also challenge themselves and gain self-confidence in their physical, intellectual, and social abilities. Girls on Ice is the science version of a ``language immersion'' experience - where (they) connect science with all aspects of daily life with the goal of creating lifelong advocates for Earth science, specifically, and the scientific process as a whole, regardless of whether or not they decide to specialize in science in college."The program is run in partnership with the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. I hope you and your daughters will give Girls on Ice a look (www.girlsonice.org).- KD
2/1 10:28am My electric bill was doubled as well for both months. I will be calling N'Star on Monday! - SD
2/1 10:27am LL: Call Elite Media Solutions in Wellesley. They are the top TV/Home Theater company in the area and the owner, Brian, lives here in Norfolk. As an added bonus, Brian is an absolutely great guy and his staff is very experienced and professional. Tell him Spike sent you. www.elitemediasolutions.com. - SM (2)
2/1 10:19am STL - We had Dish TV and were not too happy with it, their prices kept going up as the service went down(hill). During summer thunder storms, we would lose the signal (usually during a Sox game, or a good movie). It was very annoying. Also, you won't be able to get local access. They won't provide it. I switched back to Comcast - the only time we lose it is when there is a power outage. Perhaps others have had a good experience.
1/31 8:09pm I am considering replacing Comcast Cable with Direct TV or Dish Network. Does anyone have good or bad experiences with satellite TV worth sharing? Thanks! - STL
1/31 8:08pm I agree with the need for our own electric co. It will save $$, possibly earn revenue for the town, and create jobs. Seems like a no-brainer. How about the contaminated Southwood Property as a location? - JU
1/31 8:07pm Need your driveway sanded? Call Jeff Sherrick. I did and he really helped me out. He lives right here in town and was very friendly and responsive. I didn't need plowing services because I have a snow blower, but our driveway was a skating rink!! He was quite reasonable and happy to help out even thought he didn't plow our driveway. jsherricklandscaping.com - JPRW
1/31 8:05pm There was a post a little while back (still on the page) looking for live-in farm help. I just noticed the email address was broken; I've fixed it and reproduce the post below: Looking for live-in (preferred) farm help while away in April. Must be confident and possess horse knowledge. Roughly 3 hours of work a day performing farm chores for 4 horses such as stall cleaning, watering, feeding, turnout/turnin, picking feet, and feeding farm cats. Non smoker a must, over 21, and their own transportation. $400 for the week. Contact Hilary at Norfolkk9@aol.com.
1/31 8:04pm Has anyone else had trouble getting their notices posted in the Boomerang? I'm a member of an area concert band, and have sent repeated notices, every week, for a request for the paper to please print it. The band has members from several towns, including Norfolk. We are in a recruitment mode and need to get word out. I'm seeing notices for Franklin, such as "Franklin Adult Education and Community Learning," and "The Purr-fect Cat Shelter Fur Bowl 2009 Fundraiser," but can't get the Boomerang to publish a short few sentences. Area Arts, such as a Concert Band, should have notices posted, just like an organization like the Purr-fect Cat Shelter, whom I support. Thanks to both Norfolknet and the Gazette, who did publish the notice this week. - CR
1/31 7:50pm Hi, Can anyone recommend a person/company that hangs flat screen TV's on your wall? I called the person (John) that was recommended on here but never got a call back. I've called him twice in the past week and a half so time to move on and find someone new. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! - LL
1/31 7:45pm Volunteer positions are now available for those who wish to help out with the animals in our care. The help needed varies day to day from cleaning the cat cages, to steaming the walls or sweeping the floor, restocking the food/laundering the bedding, to walking dogs, and of course the best: playing with the animals. You must be over 18 to apply. If you are interested in helping out please send me an email with your snail mail address [US Postal address] and I'll mail out the volunteer application. Sincerely, - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control Norfolkk9@aol.com.
1/31 7:44pm TG - Mine did too! It was $313.00 and is typically 140.00; something is very wrong. NSTAR is closed today so I can't speak to anyone. - LS
1/31 11:28am Save the date: Girl Scout Troop 3602 is hosting a Book Swap for kids about ages 2-12 at the Norfolk Public Library! March 7, 2009 12-5 pm. Drop off any books your kids don't need anymore on the dates below, and swap them on March 7th for other books. Also, story readings will be done every half hour for the different age groups throughout Saturday.
Drop off dates:
Saturday, February 28 - 10-12
Monday, March 2 - 5-7
Tues, March 3 - 4:30-6:30
Wednesday, March 4 - 5-7Book Swap on March 7th 12-5 pm
Story times:
- Toddlers: 12:30
- Preschool and Kindergarten: 1:30
- 1st and 2nd: 1:30
- 3rd and 4th: 2:00
- 5th and 6th Book Discussion: 2:30- KB, CG, EL, ECG, Troop 3602
1/31 11:17am We have received December and January electric bill both doubled. What is going on? - TG
1/29 7:23pm On 1/29 at 12:11am, DN asked... "How can we get Norfolk to have their own electric company?" You could start by asking the local towns of Norwood, North Attleboro and Mansfield how they did theirs. I'm sure they'd be glad to share with you what's involved in running an in-house system. After that, you'd form a committee of interested parties, prepare a presentation and bring it before the Town for consideration. - RP
1/29 3:33pm DN--Sounds great. The first thing you might want to do is talk to the town administrator, Jack Hathaway, at town hall and should be able to give you guidance. He's very helpful and I'm sure he'd be interested in your information. With regards to BoA, I got a call the other day asking me if I'd answer a survey about our local branches. No go; I didn't even wait for the questions and to top it off the caller ID was not a BoA identifier. I will absolutely not talk to anyone or take emails from anyone who says they are from my bank, etc. Most banks and credit card companies do not work this way. The only exception is when they call to alert me about potential credit card fraud, eg checking to make sure I made a purchase at a specific place. And they never ask me for acct info or PIN.
- BS
1/29 3:32pm MW, make sure you get your home or cell phone number registered at the school for the automated calls. I got the call at 5:45 yesterday morning. - CJG
1/29 12:14am We also received the school closing email late, 6:45 PM from both the Freeman and the middle school. However I did receive the automated voice mail message in the morning. - KB
1/29 12:11am I don't know how much other people's electric bills are, but mine are high. I work in N. Attleboro and my electric bill is $30 per month! The reason for this is that it is a customer owned utility. How can we get Norfolk to have their own electric company? - DN
1/29 12:10am MW - I always get my e-mails from the High School the next day. I don't know what the problem is, but the e-mails are always at least 24 hours old. - SD
1/29 11:56am I just received an email from (looked like Bank of America). The email asks for all your banking details. The site looks just like the Bank of America site as whoever send it cuts and pastes from the B of A site. Basically it asks for your banking card number, password, id information and many other details. On the bottom had FDIC insured etc. It tells you that you are locked out of your home banking and if you want to get back into it you must fill out all the information. I started to fill it out, then stopped. Then I tried to log onto my home banking, which I was able to. So I then called Bank of America and was informed that it was fraudulent email and asked me to send it to them--so I did. Just some information to pass on. - DWL
[I received part two of the same hoax -- I just got an email pretending to be from the Federal Reserve alerting me to a large-scale "phishing attack" that's still on-going, and advising me that Federal Wire Transfers will be restriced for the next week. I dind't click through the link that was at the bottom. - Wm.]
1/28 8:25pm I received an outreach message via email tonight at approximately 6:45pm stating that the Norfolk public schools will be closed today. Is it just me? Or did others get this message too late? I had no trouble getting any other email today. - MW
1/28 5:50pm Hello everyone, just a reminder that this weekend the Norfolk Recreation Department and the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library present T-Bone, ``America's Pied Piper'' in a ``Mid-Winter Luau!'' on Saturday, January 31st at 2:00 in the Community Room of the library. Take a break from the winter weather and enjoy an afternoon of songs, fun and entertainment. Bring the little ones down for some lively music and be prepared to sing along. Registration is not required. - AI, Youth Librarian
1/28 5:43pm We received the following FYI: [cs10208doc]The above document was circulated by DOR with the following text: p> The FY2010 local aid estimates based on the Governor's budget proposal have been posted to the Division of Local Services' web site at the link below: [mass.gov link]
Please be advised that these estimates are based on the appropriation levels appearing in the Governor's FY2010 budget proposal (House 1) and may change as the legislative process unfolds and proposed appropriation levels change.
The Governor's FY2010 budget proposal makes substantial changes to some of the major local aid accounts appearing in section 3 of the budget. For more information on these changes please see: [mass.gov page]
Charter School assessments and reimbursements reflect a change in methodology where facilities payments and first year reimbursements of new charter school costs will be paid directly to the charter schools and not reflected in assessments and reimbursements. For more information, please see: [mass.gov page]
Please note that Charter School and School Choice assessments may change significantly when updated to reflect spring enrollment data and final tuition rates.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) has published the Chapter 70 aid calculations, minimum contributions and net school spending requirements on Office of School Finance website at: [doe.mass.deu page]
To review additional information about how the estimates were determined and what may cause them to change in the future, click on the link at the bottom for and index of the FY2010 programs and links to individual explanations.
- Wm.
1/27 10:58pm JM - I would recommend Gerry Martel for electrical work. ADL Electrical Service 508-528-1726. On a separate note, I found a 2009 pocket agenda in a designer cover, in excellent condition, while taking my walk. I'd like to return it to it's owner, but it didn't contain any identifying information. I can be reached at [Use box172@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
- MM
1/27 10:57pm JC, Thanks for the referral of John Lomasney. He came today and installed our wall TV and set up another one. He did a great job and was very reasonably priced! My husband and I will highly recommend him to anyone in the future. - VT
1/27 7:50pm Norfolk Girls Softball is proud to offer Winter Clinics for girls that are currently in Grades 1 - 6. Clinics include General Skills, Catching and Pitching. All sessions take place on Saturday mornings in March and will be held at the KP Middle School gym. Please visit www.norfolkgirlssoftball.com for more details and registration information. Spring is just around the corner, sign up today! - JB
1/27 7:49pm RE: S&S Gas Station... Thanks to everyone for the clarification. The S&S stations I've seen in the area are near a store. If this is a 'standalone' station, it will be the first that I know of. If it's the start of a trend for S&S, perhaps Daley's may soon have some competition. - RP
1/27 7:48pm JM - For electrical work around the house we've had great luck with Robert Davis. Rob can be reached at 508-541-6182. We just had recessed lighting installed throughout our house. Rob was reasonable on price, clean and did the job on-time. A+ service. - BHS
1/27 1:30pm Can anyone recommend a good and reasonable electrician to install some recess lighting in our home? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you, - JM
1/27 1:29pm JH & RP, They are not builiding a Stop & Shop across from the Big Y in Walpole. They are building a S&S Gas Station. There are a few of these around and if you shop at their store you can build points to get discounts off of gas there. - JAS
1/27 1:28pm The Southeastern Massachusetts Community Concert Band is currently rehearsing for the spring concert season. The band meets every Monday night from 7:30 until 9:30 at the Community Church, Main Street, Medway. Membership is open to anyone that plays a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument. At this time, there is a need for additional trumpet, clarinet, and percussion players. There are no auditions, and musicians of all ages, from 14 and up, are invited to attend. If you would like more information about the band, please visit the band's website: www.smccb.com, or call (508)-520-1572.
- CR
1/27 1:26pm Concerning the S&S in Walpole, I might have read the sign wrong, but isn't it just the S&S gas station that's coming? I didn't see anything about the actual store. - BP
1/27 1:25pm The sign in front of the old gas station on Route 1 near the Big Y says "Stop and Shop Gas Station" coming soon. I think it will be a welcome addition for those of us who shop regularly at S&S since the only gas station I know of is in Mansfield. - JP
1/27 1:22pm It will be interesting to see the school budget proposal. NCTV may want to clarify their statement: "This show will feature School Superintendent Donny LeClerc and will deal with the upcoming school budget and how it will be affected by the greatly reduced state aid promised by the governor." While it's true that general aid cuts will happen, Governor Patrick does not appear to be cutting education aid to towns [article]. Hopefully, Norfolk's town government is keeping the state's education aid in the school budgets and not using it to fund other services. - DL
1/27 1:21pm PC: We also go to Dr. Goldaber at Newton-Wellesley Dermatology Associates, 65 Walnut Street, Suite 520, Wellesley. It's a bit of a hike, but he's worth it. He's busy, but efficient. The Dr. walks around with a walkie-talkie, and can keep 10 people busy at once. He also has a certain way with words that is very entertaining. Good luck. - CR
1/26 10:13pm BR: You're right on. We all need to chip in. Too often, Lt. Findlen spends one of his days off going around town digging them out on his own time. RB: After the incident in the Hudson, maybe having an airstrip lit up at night isn't that bad an idea.
- PA
1/26 9:03pm More snow expected--please shovel out the fire hydrants. Some only the tops are visable others are already covered. We are seniors but the one near us my husband keeps cleared. If you have a fire, do you want the firemen taking time to shovel out the hydrant--if they can find it?? This is a safety issue. - BR (#1)
1/26 9:02pm How much money do you think the Town of Norfolk might save if half or more of those lamppost-style streetlights were turned off each night? It's so bright, it looks like an airstrip runway down Main Street! My mom says we're still paying for the original costs of burying all the electric wires a few years back on our NStar bills... Wouldn't surprise me at all. - RB
1/26 8:50pm On 1/25 at 11:45pm, JH inquired, "Has anyone seen the sign at the old gas station on Route 1 across from Big Y? It says Stop and Shop coming soon!". I first noticed it about a month ago. But, as we know all too well, the word 'soon' is a relative term to S&S. Does anyone want to bet which store gets built first... Walpole? Norfolk? None of the above? - RP
1/26 8:28pm Dear MJD, JW, ER, et. al : I'm disappointed that you see the library mailing as a waste of money. The Guide to Services contains a comprehensive outline of library services that are available to all Norfolk residents. The booklet was totally underwritten by the two businesses that are listed on the back cover: Dedham Savings Bank and Prudential Page Realty. No tax dollars were used in the mailing. We used Prison Industries to print the booklet (at less than half the cost of the going rate) and we used the Friends of the Library bulk mailing permit to do a low-cost mailing to all households in town. Since not all residents have Internet access, from time-to-time it is necessary to do an actual mailing in order to reach all segments of the population.
The library staff and trustees met several objectives in producing this mailing: 1) To reach out to non-library users and increase their awareness of library services and programs. It stands to reason, if you're not a library user you wouldn't necessarily go to the library website to seek information. 2) To reach out to folks who under-utilize the library. Many people come to the library to use only a single service. For instance, young parents might only use the children's room, some folks may only use the Internet, others may only borrow bestsellers. This booklet was designed to outline all library services to increase awareness of the services that are available to everyone.
As the economy spirals down, library service becomes even more important to many people. You can save all sorts of money by borrowing books instead of buying them or borrowing magazines instead of subscribing to them. The library is the only venue in town that offers free high speed Internet access as well as wireless Internet access. As people, out of necessity, have to give up their Internet connection, the library is the place to go and we want to make sure as many residents as possible are aware of all services that are available. FYI, the library's budget is 1.65% of the town's total expenditures and the per capita cost of providing library services is about the cost of 2 hardcover books! It's a real bargain and I hope more people avail themselves of these services.
I'm glad so many of you NorfolkNetters are computer savvy and know to go to the library webpage find out what the library offers and to access the on-line resources. But please keep in mind that not all people are connected to the Internet and need other forms of communication! We aim to serve everyone and need to get the word out where ever, how ever and when ever we can.
- Robin Glasser, Library Director
1/26 8:15pm It is not news to anyone that times are tough and that drastic cutbacks in town services seem almost certain. On Monday, February 2nd at 7pm on Comcast channel 22 and Verizon Channel 42, NCTV will air the second of a series of live call-in shows will heads of town departments. This show will feature School Superintendent Donny LeClerc and will deal with the upcoming school budget and how it will be affected by the greatly reduced state aid promised by the governor. NCTV encourages everyone to tune in and or call-in [508-520-2780] with your questions for Mr. LeClerc. Thanks, - Paul Guertin, Interim NCTV Station Manager
[Update 1/27 1:27pm: The studio number to call is 508-520-2780 - PG]
1/26 8:15pm PC. We go to Dr. Michael Goldaber at Newton Wellesley Dermatology. Great with all ages, but particularly with kids. 781-237-3500. We've sent friends to him, and they're all happy. Good luck! - TC
1/26 8:14pm TB2 - If you follow MON's 10 Basic Rules you can weather any storm and enter enlightenment - which I loosely translated according to Maslow's hierarchy of basic human needs in A Theory of Human Motivation.
- Embrace reality and facts rather than denying truth.
- Be spontaneous.
- Be interested in solving problems.
- Accept yourself and others and lack prejudice.
- Stop buying on impulse and be aware of conscientious consumption of useless goods and services.
- Stay away from naysayers and negative people.
- Accept help and know when to ask for it.
- Do not be ashamed of your comments, proposals, looks or situation - as we are all Dumb Animals that need Training.
- Learn to be courteous and thoughtful in public - no cell phone yakking, drive texting or blocking entrances, exits and escalators.
- Stop handing out take-home gifts for attendees of children's birthday parties -a sure sign of neurotic behavior perpetuated by maternal forces.
1/26 12:01pm Interested in a little exercise? I have a group of guys (age 30-45) that play pick-up basketball Wednesday nights at the King Philip Middle school in Norfolk. Nothing too serious, just a fun run with friendly guys that are looking for a little exercise. We have a wide mix of talent. Please contact me if your interested, or have any questions - martinmurk@hotmail.com - MM
1/26 12:00pm Dermatologist needed: Can anyone recommend a local dermatologist who is good with kids? Thanks. - PC
1/25 11:46pm MJD... you took the words right out of my mouth - ER
1/25 11:45pm Has anyone seen the sign at the old gas station on Route 1 across from Big Y? It says Stop and Shop coming soon! Be interesting to see what comes of that and how quickly they would move on that compared to our years of delays. - JH
1/25 11:44pm I love the library but I too thought it a huge waste of money to send out that pamphlet, I glanced at it and tossed it. - JW
1/25 6:33pm Has anyone inquired about the Singles signs erected on almost every pole? If the town gave the ok, which I doubt, they have not done us a favor. - RC
1/25 6:22pm Since we are all trying to cut costs, I am sure that various town departments are taking into consideration printing and mailing costs before sending documents that have been mailed to citizens in the past. I was troubled that the library spent, what must have been, thousands of dollars, to send that services brochure to every postal patron in town. I am sure there is a possibility that the money spent was raised by the "Friends" but in this economy, money is money. Wasn't the library complaining last FY that they had no office supplies. Several thousand dollars could have bought a lot of pencils and paperclips. I think that brochure and the postage was a waste of resources. That kind of info should be available on the website. I am sure that most families pitched that booklet a day or two after it arrived. I wonder how many of those booklets are in the paper bin at the transfer station? Maybe the library administration can make a print copy available to local realtors for new families or even a brochure that points to an on-line version. Did anyone else find this extravagant or am I just pinching too many pennies? I wonder if someone from the Library Trustees could address this expenditure here on Norfolknet? - MJD
1/25 11:31am Congratulations to the King Philip Boys Basketball team! Great win last night. - JH
1/25 11:30am Stony Brook's Preschool Outreach Coordinator will be available in Stony Brook's program room today for informal, hands on activities and discussion on "where the animals go in winter". Please stop by the nature center any time this afternoon from 1pm to 4pm, before or after your walk, to learn more about how our resident animals survive the cold. We look forward to seeing you! - TH, Stony Brook Nature Center
1/25 12:44am [Post offering art tutoring moved to Bulletin Board - Wm.]
1/25 12:35am VT - For installation of your wall-mounted TV, I would highly recommend John Lomasney from Plainville. His company is Custom Home Solutions. He did a fantastic job of installing our wall-mounted TV and surround sound system. His web site is www.mycustomhomesolution.com. All of his contact info is on the site and it has photos showing examples of his work. Good luck! - JC
1/24 1:48am MON, you are - as they say in the UK - brilliant! And most, if not all of us, greatly enjoy your contributions no matter if we agree with you or not. You said "watching, always watching, as the seeds of discontent grow" which made me wonder, can you suggest ways of positive growth, to help us be more content in these difficult times? Entertainment is great but education is so much more essential. I should read more Gandhi and make soup more often.
- TB (TB 2)
1/24 1:47am Carol's Autobody on the Walpole/Norwood line...excellent! - MW
1/24 1:46am SK - re: auto body shop, try Spencer Collision on Rt 1 in Norwood. It's run by a former Norfolk family - great people. They are honest and will give you a fair price and great work. - LJK
1/24 1:45am Does anyone out there know of someone who can install a wall mounted TV? Any recommendations and comments would be appreciated. - VT
1/24 1:44am SK: Call Rocky's Auto Body at 508-384-7883. Rocky does excellent body work and his wife Marcia takes care of the insurance details. They're great people. - MP
1/24 1:43am To SK: Rocky's Auto Body, 79 Pond St. (Rte. 115 nr. 1A), Norfolk // (508) 384-7883 These folks are a local treasure. No need to travel to any other town or shop. - TEM
1/23 6:32pm I had a question whether anybody has recommendations for a reliable auto body shop for fixing a fender-bender around Norolk/Walpole/Norwood/Franklin area? Thanks a lot. - SK
1/23 6:24pm A True Story I received a call the other night, around midnight. Normally I don't answer the phone that late - always bad news - but this time I picked it up, it was a fellow Norfolkian, somebody I hold in high regard as others do here in town. "MON - I just can't sleep - You haven't posted in a while, and frankly, I am worried about the fate of our Great Nation and our future and taxes, Where have you been? We miss you, MON - even my grandmother read your posts - It was the only time she laughed"
After I calmed him down I explained to him that we, the Taxpayer, have won the battle, at least for now - as the economy spirals downward because of greed, negligence and personal patronage. But it is bittersweet - everybody is in peril these days, and the rich and powerful now look weak, trite and childish. I also told him it was a matter of days before we parade them around in cages and are allowed to poke them with sharpened sticks in parades typical during the Dark Ages. But I digress.
I also told him new waves of rabble-rousers and digital muck-rakers are emerging from their deep sleep, fueled by the recession and the thought of soup kitchens going up all over, and its just a matter of time before the masses storm the lair and do away with the perps. But that wasn't good enough for my late-night-caller, he was worried I had lost my edge "Who's going to point out the obvious? Who is going to point things out and make us think for ourselves?" He screamed.
"You are, my friend" I told him. "Whether its local, state or national government or commerce, you have clearly had enough to the point of no return, and your manic behavior is not quite ready for a real revolution-but I sense it coming. But just to push you over the edge, my late nite friend, Ghandhi once said:
"Commerce without morals and ethics is a form of aggression - and a lot people are walking around with black eyes".So if you don't see me post for awhile, me and my caller friend are watching, always watching, as the seeds of discontent grow.I just stopped answering the phone after midnight.
1/23 6:20pm To CK, Thank you for the referral. I appreciate it. - Scott, Handyman Carpentry
1/23 1:18pm Has anyone seen the "King Philip Warriors suck" group on Facebook?? This is a group invented by Franklin HS students. I think it's rather unsportsmanlike behavior. I would hope that KP doesn't have a similar site. I would be very embarrassed. - MW
1/23 10:43am We need advice and/or suggestions for childcare in the early hours of the day. It would be from 4:am to 8:am and would involve getting a child ready for school and a drop-off. Any suggestions on how to go about this are very appreciated. Thanks. - AP
1/23 10:41am Are you looking for a unique Valentine's Day or birthday gift? Do you maintain a blog or have a collection of digital photographs that exist only on your computer? I would love to help you create a keepsake that will be treasured by family and friends - a custom designed hardcover coffee table book! I am a Master Bookmaker with over 15 years of experience and a founding member of BlurbNation - a group of designers who help clients create bookstore quality books. I specialize in online blog conversions and helped over 60 clients last year turn their online journals into hardcover books. I have created heirloom books to document events like: family vacations, weddings, engagement proposals, corporate events, honeymoons, genealogy and family lineage, poetry, cookbooks and much more! If you would like to discuss your project ideas, please feel free to contact me anytime at Andy@JingotheCat.com (or at 781-696-9174) and please visit my online book gallery (with book previews) at www.JingotheCat.com - AG, Jingo The Cat
1/23 10:29am On Tom Petze, he is a great soccer coach (for Norfolk Lions) as well. - DWL
1/22 5:07pm I strongly recommend Tom (Rick) Petze on the recommendation page of the site. I have tried 3 different electricians in Norfolk and he is the very very best from both a quality, price, and cleanliness. Someone who you can trust when your not at home either. - DMG
1/22 8:04am Looking for a part time babysitter? I am 18 years old and currently attend MassBay Community College in Wellesley 3 days a week, Tues&Thurs 9:30-2:50 and Wednesday nights 6-9:35. I work at the GAP at the outlets but can easily adjust my schedule. Available M-F as well as weekends when needed. Plenty of experience. Own, reliable transportation. You may contact me by email - ebseb08@yahoo.com or call 774-571-7493 and ask for Erin. Thanks, - ES
1/22 7:59am Re: /21 5:32pm Can anyone recommend a good electrician? - AT I recommend ADL Electrical Service, Gerard J. Martel, Master Electrician, Norfolk, Ma, 02056 Phone 508-528-1726 Cell: 508-344-4896
Gerry recently recently installed a 200 amp service to replace our old 100 amp service. It was a good job. He also installed a surge surpressor at the main box to protect our TVs and computer by removing electrical voltage spikes which could otherwise ride in on the power lines.
- RH
1/22 7:51am In answer to AT's request for [an] electrician, Peter Diamond, 508-641-2760. [...] - HM
1/22 7:50am AT - regarding a good electrician: Rob Davis from Franklin - professional, neat and reasonable. I would not use anyone else. He has installed new bathroom ventilation fan and timer, full electrical service (and the inspection after the job was done went very well and I was told the job was very nicely done), new smoke detectors to replace the very old ones (even hard-wired kind should be replaced every 10 years and they know have combo smoke/CO detectors), etc. He has probably worked here over the years at least 5 times and everyone to whom I have referred him has given him a bug thumbs up and has passed on his name. His number is 508-541-6182. Barbara answers the phone, but if you get the machine, leave a message. - EF
1/22 7:49am AT--Gerry Martel. He's in town, fair prices and honest. I highly recommend him. He's under ADL Electrical--508-528-1726. You won't be disappointed. - BS
1/21 5:36pm NCL to sponsor family bowling event - Looking for something fun to do with your children during February Vacation? Look no further! The Norfolk Community League will be hosting a Bowling Morning Out at Ficco's Bowladrome in Franklin on Friday, February 20th from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Cost is $8 per person, shoe rental included. No tickets will be sold at the event - please sign up by Friday, February 6th by visiting NCL's website at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org for the sign up form. For more information, contact Rachael Cochran at 508-737-4764. We hope you will join us! - PC, NCL
1/21 5:35pm Save the date! February 28, 2009 will be the second annual 'Chili Fest'. This year we are proud to have the Franklin Lions Club join us as co-sponsors. The event will be held at St. Judes Church on Main St. in Norfolk and will begin at 6:00pm. Tickets will be $12.00 for adults/teens, $4.00 for children under 12. Advance ticket sales will begin soon, so watch for more details. For now... mark your calendar: 2/28/09, 6:00pm. Chili with the Lions... Looking foward to seeing you there!! - GB, Norfolk Lions
1/21 5:33pm DP: That gas station on Wampum Corner used to be owned by a very nice family from Walpole. They sold the station a few years back. Too bad the new owners can't live up to the fine reputation the other station had. I think your story just goes along with the attitude of most people these days. Believe me, I know, I work with the public. Everyone is so impatient and feel that they are so entitled. Stop and smell the roses and be thankful for what you have. - BH
1/21 5:32pm Can anyone recommend a good electrician? - AT
1/21 8:40am Just wanted to let folks know of the terrible customer service we received at the Shell Station at Wampum Corner (Rt 1A in Wrentham) this past Saturday. We stopped for air as my front tires were quite low with the cold weather and not only do they charge you $.50, then the machine doesn't work. My husband inquired at the snack shack that the air pump is connected to about the air and was told it wasn't their problem so he proceeded to go inside the garage to inquire. The guys were very rude to him when he asked if there was anything they could do to help fill the tires as they had an air hose in their bays. Each of the guys had a different excuse for my husband (it is in use, we don't have one, etc) and never even offered to refund his money. That will be the last time we go to this service station... or should I say lack of service station! - DP
1/21 8:35am Baby sitter available!! I'm a Junior at King Philip High school, I used to live in Norfolk but just moved to Wrentham within the last few years. I'm looking to care for all age, I love children and I'm available Mon-Fri after school until whenever and on the weekends if needed. Please let all your friends know and whoever needs a babysitter that I'm available as soon as possible. Thank you everyone! If you're intrested please contact me at Kelsx0o31@hotmail.com - KK 1/20 9:15pm KF: Here's another that I took right when he spotted one of the farm cats. He's very interested in what the cats are up to. Here's also a picture of how the horses enjoy the snow as well. It was fun for the animals this last storm. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
1/20 6:17pm Town Moderator seeks emails of interest from residents for two important town board vacancies: Advisory Board, which oversees the town budget process for Town Meeting, and Personnel Board, which oversees all non-union employees. Service on either of these boards is a great way to make a difference in our town. Please send emails of interest, qualifications and a statement of what you hope to accomplish if appointed to winslow@virtualnorfolk.org. (See attached PDF for more information [PDF here].) Many thanks. - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator 1/20 6:08pm This dog has been lost near the Franklin/Norfolk line for 5 days now. If you spot her please call. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
1/20 6:07pm Reminder: Anyone interested in making a proposal or learning how to translate ideas into action at Town Meeting is welcome to attend a free citizens seminar this Saturday, January 24, at 10 a.m. at the Library Lounge Conference Room. The Selectmen have announced a deadline in late February for any proposals to be considered at Town Meeting. Norfolk's Town Meeting is the town's legislative branch of government and open to all registered voters. - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator
1/20 6:05pm Would anyone living in the MCI Norfolk/Symphony Estates area be interested in carpooling with one other person to the Norfolk commuter rail two days a week? We're a one-car family and my husband and I have a scheduling conflict on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings. He can conform his schedule to most 9 to 5ers, would be glad to split the parking on those two days and also chip in for whatever gas seems appropriate. If anyone's interested, please contact us through the Wm. [Use box171@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
1/20 6:03pm NLYS accepts boys and girls between the age of 3 years old (by September 1, 2008) to 12th grade. You do not have to live in Norfolk to join in the fun! Register now at www.norfolklionssoccer.com. Contact Registrar Jennifer L. at 508-520-1340 with registration questions or for more info. Registration ends March 1, 2009. There will be absolutely no exceptions to this rule.
Financial Assistance is available - for more information contact Craig K. at 508-520-0163.
- HK
1/20 6:01pm I am considering Roger Potter for some tile work based on a posting I saw here. To keep in the anonymous spirit of Norfolknet, would anybody be willing to send a couple of pictures of his work to me via email? The Wm has my email address. [use box169@norfolknet.com - Wm.] If anybody wanted to send a reference as well, you can email me too. Thank you. - BP
1/20 6:00pm 8Misbehavin' is great! Saw them on Town Hill last summer! Hope you get back on the schedule for this summer! - AL
1/20 5:59pm Looking for live-in (preferred) farm help while away in April. Must be confident and possess horse knowledge. Roughly 3 hours of work a day performing farm chores for 4 horses such as stall cleaning, watering, feeding, turnout/turnin, picking feet, and feeding farm cats. Non smoker a must, over 21, and their own transportation. $400 for the week. Contact Hilary at Norfolkk9@aol.com. - HC
1/20 5:58pm Norfolk Public Library to Screen "Santa Claus in Baghdad" Norfolk Public Library will show the movie "Santa Claus in Baghdad" tomorrow night, Jan. 21st at 7:00 pm. You are invited to join Holliston film maker Raouf Zakai for a screening and discussion of his latest film. This is a stirring short film about finding humanity in the darkest of times. In this timeless story about giving - an Iraqi girl who has nothing, gives everything and gets everlasting hope We meet 16-year-old Amal, an Iraqi schoolgirl whose family has lost almost everything. Filled with ardor for the knowledge her departing literature teacher has given her, Amal makes a generous sacrifice to acquire a parting gift for him. Meanwhile, her little brother Bilal becomes convinced that an uncle visiting from America is really Santa Claus. It turns out his wish for a toy is heard by someone quite different. This film is the winner of the Kids First International Film Festival, a selection of the Rhode Island International Film Festival and a selection of the San Diego International Film Festival. The film has wide audience appeal for teens and adults. Here is the link to a Globe article about the film and filmmaker. [article]
This program is offered free of charge and registration is not required.
- Robin Glasser, Norfolk Public Library
1/20 5:57pm It was heartwarming to see the photos of Buddy looking so healthy and happy. Thanks Hilary for updating all of us with such great news! I for one, certainly appreciate the care, dedication, protection and "voice" you provide to the needy creatures in Norfolk. - KF
1/20 5:51pm The Southeastern Massachusetts Community Concert Band will resume rehearsals for the spring on Monday, January 26th, at 7:30 p.m, at the Community Church, Main Street, Medway. Membership is open to anyone who plays a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument. At this time, there is a need for additional trumpet, clarinet, and percussion players. There are no auditions, and musicians of all ages, from 14 and up, are invited to attend. If you would like more information about the band, please visit the band's website: www.smccb.com, or call (508)-520-1572.
- CR
1/20 8:05am Free Jazz Concert Featuring 8Misbehavin' - a local swing and jazz band on Thursday, January 22, 2009 @ 7 pm , MIlford Public Library. Join us for a free concert by local jazz ensemble 8 Misbehavin' in memory of Leo Curran, former road manager for the Stan Kenton Orchestra, and co-founder of the Milford Youth Orchestra and the New England Jazz Alliance. This event, sponsored by the Friends of the Milford Town Library, is free and open to the public. For more information, please call the library's Information Desk at 508-473-2145, ext 219.
- SM (2)
1/19 11:13pm Are you currently looking for a preschool program for your young child? Big Bird's Nest Nursery School in Millis has limited openings for the coming school year in our 2 day and three day programs. We are a developmentally appropriate program with a nurturing staff of early childhood educators. Our program serves not only the community of Millis but also children from Norfolk, Franklin, Medfield and Medway. Please call 508 376-0134 for more information or to set up a visit. Thanks, - SG, Big Bird's Nest Nursery School
1/19 11:12pm Hey all, any train commuters who buy 12-ride passes? I have 6 tickets that I received from the online service guarantee that I can't use because I have a monthly pass. I also can't cash them in. I would like to sell them all for $30. Since the 12 ride passes break down to $6.25 a ride, this is a savings! If you are interested, please e-mailed me m_t_mcguckian@comcast.net. Thanks & happy commuting. - TM
1/19 11:10pm To KO: One of my son's favorite birthdays was the Snow Football Game! Today he turns 15, but we had it when he and his friends were 8. I got permission from the Rec Department to use a field at the Freeman. We had about 8 inches of snow on the ground. I went to Job Lot and bought 8 navy and 8 white sweatshirts and a bunch of felt and fabric glue. I cut the last names out of the felt and glued it on the back of the sweatshirt with the numbers my son chose for each friend. We told them all to dress warm and be prepared to play outside and just put their "gameshirts" on over their winter coats! My husband "reffed" the game and not one Dad did the drop-off! The all stayed to help and watch. It was so fun! The boys loved playing football and it was fun to watch them tackle each other in the snow! I picked up pizzas downtown and brought coke and ice cream cake and candles which we ate in the parking lot. Great outdoor winter party, the kids still talk about it, the sweatshirts were their "goody bags" and it was relatively inexpensive! - TO
1/18 10:48pm Hello there, Just a reminder! If you want to join us, your fellow Norfolkians, on this coming Tuesday evening to celebrate the historic inauguration of President Barack Obama, please sign up at this link. We look forward to seeing/meeting you!! Thanks. MoveOn.org Political Action [moveon.org event 88414]
Heads up - Time to celebrate!! Tuesday Jan. 20th, 7:00 PM, Norfolk Democratic Town Committee Inaugural Celebration. "The Norfolk Democratic Town Committee is organizing a celebration for the end of an era (whew) and the beginning of a new one! We will be ordering pizza (cost to be shared by the attendees) and there will be a cash bar. Bring some friends or come to make new friends and possibly meet old ones!We will have access to a large screen TV so we can watch the festivities as they happen or replay the actual ceremony. We will also have a special giveaway so don't miss the fun!" Please note: You have to sign up to attend and join us at a local fun place with good food and even greater brew, please go to the above website and put your John Hancock down.
Yeah! Hope to "meet-up" with you there! Thank you.
- PRR 1/18 10:44pm Buddy the dog is doing fabulously now that he's had his second operation. He is now bouncing around in the snow and using his leg much more than he has in a very long time. Here's some pictures from today's snowy day - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
1/18 5:07pm Ok, so here are some thanks-yous to businesses that helped me this week. First of course Daley's; after that, I know they have gotten bad press here, but the Millis Exxon - no one had the part that I needed and it was a crazy price when we could find it, my husband found one in Randolph and the Millis Exxon agreed to put it in for us at a very fair price. They ended up losing money because it was a much harder than they thought, but they stuck to their quoted price. Then when our oil tank froze, Friday, and we had no heat for the coldest night of the year, Oilman was here and again they charged us a very reasonable rate for a Saturday emergency call. Oh, and of course I can't forget my sister who picked up my daughter earlier Friday from school (because I still had no car) and dropped us back off at the cold house that I had no time to worry about before my husband came home early from work and brought us to Newton Wellesley orthopedics (they are great) where an X-ray showed she had in fact broken her wrist falling on the ice! What a week! I can't wait for spring. The good news is, the house is now warm, the car is running and the kid is in a cast and out of pain.
- DV
1/18 5:04pm KO: If you are up for a drive, we celebrated my son's 7th at Ben and Jerry's in Natick (right by Natick Collection, Container Store). Kids make their own ice cream, make a tye-dye shirt, and get to go in a huge freezer, which for some reason thrilled them. - AL
1/18 5:03pm KO: The Adirondack Club does swimming parties--they have a party room for cake and such. My daughter has had a birthday party there and the kids loved swimming in March. I do not think you need to be a member to do this. And it wasn't any more money than any other party places. - JN
1/17 11:56pm KO - If the Archery range over the Shire book store is still open, they used to have parties that were neat & the kids got to do something different! - SC
1/17 10:15pm KO: Here are some ideas... Fore Kicks, Mass Premier Courts, Easton Children's Museum, Dedham Community Theater, Monster Mini Golf, or the ever popular Chuck E. Cheeses. Hope that helps. - NH
1/17 10:14pm KO, Needham Bowlaway does a cute disco bowling party and the owners are very nice. - DV
1/17 10:13pm Hi - Last year I had my son's 7th b-day party at It's 2 Dye 4 in Stoughton. The kids got to make an actual tie-dye tee shirt (with staff supervision.) OK, I made a shirt, too. After that, there was another area for doing crafts then on to the party room. They allowed me to decorate ahead of party start time. The space was really great. Plus, all the kids got a groovy memento from the party! I still see them being worn all these months later! Yay! Check them out at www.its2dye4.com. It isn't that far from Norfolk, really. Worth the trip for a cool party experience. - RB
1/17 7:26pm I am looking for ideas for places to go to celebrate a 7 year old birthday. We have been to Ryans Family Amusements and are not interested in Pump it Up. I had heard that Tootsie's in Wrentham does birthdays but when I called them, they were closed for the season and we are trying to plan a March birthday. Any ideas are greatly welcomed. Thanks! - KO
1/17 3:58pm RE: Conservation Land. See [ConComm land rules] "Prohibited Activities and Uses 1. No motorized vehicles, including but not limited to cars, trucks, motorbikes, or other powered vehicles or tools, except for municipal vehicles, are permitted outside of specified parking areas."I would recommend the fields off Shears St. in Wrentham, across from Tom's Tavern for snowmobiling, not sure if it's legal though.- TB (2)
1/17 10:01am Super Subs for Super Sunday - Despite the fact that our favorite team is not playing in the Superbowl, You may still need to feed the hungry masses that will be coming to your house. Or maybe you just want something for yourself for the Big Game. Let King Philip Pride Softball help. As part of our fundraising efforts, the King Philip Pride 14U Softball teams will be offering 29" subs for only $15 - Choose from Ham and Cheese, Turkey or Italian and we offer everything down to the pickles!
All subs will be made fresh that day with pick up Sunday Feb 1st at the Norfolk Library parking lot between 12-1pm. To order, please email box[***]@norfolknet.com Include name, phone #, email, quantity and type.
Thanks for your support and Go Patriots,
- PB
[The fundraiser had been cancelled - PB]
1/17 9:56am To JP: I see your points, but I would assume (and hope) that something did catch the eye of the officer to cause him or her to run the plate of the car. You are right that we do not know this piece of info, and the that occupants may not have been told either since once the stop was initiated it appears the focus was the potential unlicensed operation of the car. Obviously, police cannot run every plate that they see, nor would any experienced officer try. I think the addition of lap-tops in most cruisers does make it easier for officers to check plates, as they do not have to tie up the dispatcher any more with these initial requests over the radio. Thus, one could argue that it is easier for law enforcement to cast a wider net, so to speak. As far as your 1st Amendment concerns, I think perhaps you meant to reference the 4th Amendment...? Courts have held that we have a lower expectation of privacy when operating our cars on a public way, and the level of intrusion should be considered as well.
On a larger scale from local traffic stops, times have changed; and so must government's response, although it must be a measured and reasonable. Sometime ago, I remember reading that there was not a single successful case filed alleging abuses under the Patriot Act by a US citizen (although my memory is a tad fuzzy now on the article). Personally, I cannot think of any of my rights and liberties that have been eroded, and I hope our new administration continues to do what is necessary to keep us safe. Plus, maybe the driver of the car looked like Bin Laden?!
- SM (2)
1/17 1:06am We received a letter asking about the possibility of snowmobiling on the Lind Farm Conservation Land, or perhaps somewhere else nearby. Anyone have any info? Thanks - Wm.
1/16 7:53pm SM (2): First thing, I admit I made an assumption about being able to see the driver of the vehicle which may have been in error. Secondly, my comments weren't aimed at bashing the Foxboro PD, just a comment on this particular situation. What I question though, is why were the plates run at all? What caused the officer to single out that car? Or is it standard operating procedure to run as many plates as possible? I am well aware that routine traffic stops are a valuable means of catching criminals but where do we draw the line? We've seen our rights and liberties steadily eroded by the government (not just the Federal one either) all in the name of catching terrorists or drug pushers or saving the children. For two hundred years it was the citizens' job to oversee and question the function of government and while so many have been willing to give that up, I have not. Could be this particular case was completely ordinary and proper, I have no idea because I wasn't there, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss it, the first amendment is still (partially) intact. ;)
- JP
1/16 1:39pm Hi there - just to weigh in on the traffic stop... [nhtsa.dot.gov link] The FactsTraffic stops regularly result in criminal arrests, drug interdiction, and criminal investigations. Some traffic stops are world renowned. For example, the Oklahoma City bombing suspect, Timothy McVeigh, was apprehended by an Oklahoma State Trooper while making a "routine" traffic stop. Serial murderer Ted Bundy, who killed over 22 women, and the Atlanta child killer, Wayne Williams, who killed 28, were also apprehended because of traffic stops. "Son of Sam," David Berkowitz, who killed 6 and wounded 7, was captured because of a parking ticket.
While not necessarily making national news, police officers and sheriff's deputies make hundreds of traffic stops every day that result in criminal apprehensions, directly affecting the security and safety of communities across the country. There are many examples of the agencies and officers who make this a regular part of their job. The following illustrate some examples.
[ . . . - continued]
- LB
1/16 11:54am Katie L ... have a good weekend. - DV
1/16 11:52am JP: You seem a little anxious to bash the Foxboro PD and you make some incorrect assumptions in your post. MD states that it was at night, thus it would likely be difficult for the police officer to ascertain if the operator of the vehicle was male or female. Try that experiment on your own when a car approaches you from the front or at different angles and you will find that at night it is difficult if not impossible to tell much at all about the operator. The police can run a plate of a car. They do not need a reason to do so. The registered owner is suspended, so utilizing the standard of reasonable suspicion, the car is pulled over. This is a legitimate car stop and the officer was doing what he or she should do. Also, the officer could know other facts that we don't know just from this post. Of course, many people are always anxious to bash the police and feel they are experts on police procedure and/or search and seizure law.
- SM (2)
1/15 9:35pm Norfolk & Franklin Lions Club 2nd Annual Chili Fest, Proceeds to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry Date: February 28, 2009 Time: 6:00pm Location: St. Jude's Church, Main St. Adults: $12:00 Child (12 & under) $4:00 For more information contact: Cathy W. at cwesalo@comcast.net or call: 508 520 0079 - CW
1/15 9:30pm JGP, I use Sharon Taxi all the time to go to Logan. They are reliable no matter what the time. The price was around $85 each way with tip but that may have increased. 781-784-9195. - JM
1/15 9:28pm To the person looking for the bathroom remodel, [call] Jason Green, Master Plumber, at J. Green Plumbing and Heating. His ad is here on the business card page. - KB 1/15 9:17pm The animal control officer has teamed up with Hughes Photography and the Village Groomer to offer a fun mid-winter fundraiser for the animals currently being held and looking for homes. On Feb 7th there will be a Furtography Event. It will be held at the Village Groomers Dog Daze Day Care in Walpole and photos will be taken by Hughes Photography. For your $50 donation you will get a photo shoot for your pet. Either pose with your friend, or dress your pet up. The two best pictures of the day will win a gift certicate. You will be able to pick out your favorite picture and receive it in a 5 by 7 inch size (and have the option to order more through Hughes Photography's website). Bring costumes and props and a fun attitude. Please call the animal control officer to book your time slot at 508 528 3232. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
1/15 9:07pm MD, Sounds like the Foxboro police are, at best, stretching their authority and at worst tampering with your 4th amendment rights. According to the RMV there is no requirement of a valid license to register a car; and since your husband was driving there was no reasonable exscuse for the officer to pull you over, unless he has difficulty distinguishing males from females. Just another fishing expedition. This link has the requirements for registering a car. [mass.gov RMV page]
- JP
1/15 9:06pm Reminder that this Saturday, January 17th, is the registration deadline for the spring season of Norfolk Baseball. Players wishing to play in the Major and AAA Leagues absolutely must be registered by Saturday the 17th. To register, go the the Norfolk Baseball website www.norfolkbaseball.com. All first time Major League players and all AAA players must try out for these leagues. Tryouts for Majors and AAA will be held at Extra Innings in Wrentham on Saturday January 24th and Saturday January 31st. Please check the website www.norfolkbaseball.com next week for the exact day and time for each player.
Please direct any questions to asstcommissioner@norfolkbaseball.com
- DL, Norfolk Baseball
1/15 10:02am More information on missing man: [Milford Daily News article] - SO
1/15 10:01am We were forwarded this link to the Sun Chron story - [article] - Wm.
1/15 9:23am Parents and other supporters of public education, you are invited to Stand for Children's 5th annual statewide education summit. This year's theme is Keeping Our Commitment to Kids in a Tough Economy. Saturday, January 24th, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Reading Memorial High School More info and sign up at: stand.org/ma
This is an excellent opportunity to learn how to support public education and provide our children with the education they need, deserve, and are calling out for (see GCE's post on 1/11 2:14). Every year matters in education.
The local chapter of Stand for Children was instrumental in saving five King Philip teaching positions that had been slated to be cut this past September.
If you can't attend the summit, please join Stand and contribute your financial and value's support towards our efforts to protect public education. stand.org/joinus
- RG
1/15 9:22am He was found dead last evening around 6pm. Front page of today's Sun Chronicle. - BR (BR#1)
1/15 9:20am Sadly, WCVB and WBZ online say that a body has been found. Nothing was on the 11oclock news about it though. [wbz article] [bostonchannel article]. I hope they got it wrong because when I got a call it was, "Missing Person Search called off, subject has been found" - LS
1/15 12:16am I would like to congratulate the Daley family on their new service station. The Daley's add to the fabric of what makes Norfolk a great community. - BP
1/15 12:15am I just got an automated call from the police that the person has been found. - SC
1/15 12:14am I just got an automated call that they found the missing man. No word on his condition though. - KAP
1/15 12:13am Just received a call [around 8pm - Wm.] from the Norfolk Police that he has been found = 7:50pm. Did not say alive or dead. - BR (#1)
1/14 6:49pm Missing Norfolk man, just received an automated phone call from the town. Here is a link to WBZ story: [article] - EC
1/14 3:40pm DV, I couldn't agree more! I was worried that the new shiny station might mean a change from the old ways, but last night the nice guys who work there ran right out in the freezing cold to fill up my tank, smile, and provide the usual great service. Plus, the new configuration was very easy to pull into-so nice to see a local business get even better! - KID
1/14 3:39pm Can someone recommend airport shuttle/limo from Norfolk and back again but at 1:00 am on different day? - JGP
1/14 3:38pm Nomination papers will be available starting Monday, January 26, 2009, for the following offices for the May 5, 2009 Annual Town Election. Nomination papers must be picked up by the candidate in person or by a representative for the candidate who must have a notarized statement from the candidate which authorizes that person to pick up nomination papers on the candidate's behalf. Candidates must obtain the signatures of 41 registered voters. The last day to take out papers is Thursday, March 12th by 5:00PM. Nomination papers must be returned to the Town Clerk no later than 5:00PM on Tuesday, March 17th.
Moderator (1) one-year term Board of Selectmen (1) three-year term Board of Assessors (1) three-year term Board of Assessors (1) one-year unexpired term Board of Health (1) three-year term Housing Authority (1) one-year unexpired term Library Trustee (1) three-year term Planning Board (1) three-year term Recreation Commission (1) three-year term Norfolk School Committee (2) three-year terms Norfolk School Committee (1) One-year unexpired term King Philip Regional School Committee (1) three-year term For more information call the Town Clerk at 508-528-1400.
- GB, Town of Norfolk
1/14 3:35pm DV: Nice story (except for the repair expense, and breaking down on such a cold day). Thank you for sharing. Always happy to support our local businesses. - AL
1/14 10:00am I will never buy a drop of gas from anywhere but Daley's again! My car broke down this morning while driving my daughter to school, I hurried her out of the car and just made it to Daley's where it died completely. They are only open for gas and had no tools but told me what was wrong and offered to charge the battery so I could drive it home; I lost the alternator. My husband who is out of town called on my cell and said to please not drive it home in case it died somewhere else along the way. So Darren, one of the owners, just drove me home - all the guys who work there pushed my car off to the side and my husband is going to come home and they are going to let him fix it right in there parking lot as I can't really afford a tow to a different garage or the repair bill. It is really nice to have people like that to count on!! I would ask everyone in town to use them. I know it is where I will buy gas from now on. - DV
1/14 1:40am To: DMG - Give Treacy Brothers Const. Co., Inc a., call we; are located in Norfolk. We carry Workers Comp., Liability Ins., references, licensed contractors. - PT, Treacy Brothers Construction Co
1/14 1:36am Curves for Women in Medfield invites the ladies of Norfolk to come check us out! No matter your age, shape or experience level, Curves is the perfect place for you to work out and feel great about yourself. We are currently running a Membership Special: $0 enrollment fee (a $50 value) and only $39 a month! Curves of Medfield truly has an inviting atmosphere. After your workout (which is a mere 30 minutes to exercise every major muscle group), enjoy a cup of complimentary tea or coffee. Take some time to peruse our 'Curvaceous Boutique'- Curves work out clothes and gear, unique jewelry and handbags. Another great benefit to being a Curves member? You can take advantage of a Travel Pass. With that, you can visit any one of the 10,000 Curves locations worldwide! Not to mention being part of a friendly and welcoming 'family' of the Curves Staff and Members. Call for more information: 508 359-7777. Or, stop by for a visit and a free week's membership: 67 West St. Right off Rt. 27! Curves of Medfield is independently owned by new owner Judith Needell. - RB, Curves for Women
1/14 1:30am I am a local carpenter living in Norfolk. I do small jobs as well as remodeling and additions. I have many good references from people in town. My company is Abramson Carpentry and I can be reach at 508-989-7913. Ask for Rob - RA
1/14 1:29am I have a nice vertical 4 drawer metal file cabinet to give away. Please call to 508 528 6189 here in Norfolk. - TH
1/13 3:16pm TO DMG - HandyMan Carpentry is great. Scott is a very nice and helpful man. Give him a call at 508-272-1050. He's local and his business is right here out of Norfolk. I've also heard he knows people who do carpeting, flooring, and electrical for very good money. - CK
[Update 1/14 1:26am: corrected signature - Wm.]
1/13 3:13pm LR: Re: copying VHS to DVD. The main questions are: are the VHS tapes your recorded video or purchased (copyrighted) video and what is the number of tapes needed to be converted? All places should not copy any copyrighted tape. It is better and probably less expensive to repurchase that old movie on DVD. If the cost of copying your recorded tapes exceeds $100 it would be wise to get a DVR recorder ($100-$200) and do your own copying. If you do buy one make sure it has a digital TV tuner in it, like your old VCR. Some DVR recorders are now sold w/o a turner so it difficult to record TV shows off the air or from cable. The quality is better than VHS tape. A direct copy to DVD w/o editing is very easy to do, press record on the DVD recorder and then press play on the VCR (after proper hook-up and input selection). If copying short home videos to DVD, each tape can be made a separate title on the DVD, thus making playback selection easier. I have converted many Hi8 tapes to DVD this way and plan to do many more from my collection. A DVD recorder allows you to make your own DVDs from tape on your schedule and replaces the old VCR for time shifting TV viewing. Check out Walmart.
1/13 1:41pm M.D. There was a notice in the papers and also on the local T.V. stations that the registry will no longer send out notices for license renewals. It is up to you to remember to renew your license from now on without them sending you any notice. - DH
1/13 10:28am To DMG, Give Scott a call at 508-272-1050. You can check out his web-site at Handymancarpentry.com He is local and lives here in Norfolk. He also has a list of references you can check out. Thanks - MP
1/13 10:27am Thank you AL, I'll give them a try... I appreciate your recommendation! - LR
1/13 10:26am Someone posted about looking for a good contractor. We used Sunriver Builders in MIddleboro, MA. They added a 20 x 20 addition to our home, full bath and a sunroom, put on new siding and new roof. Daryl Schumway is the owner and was onsite the entire time. Always on time, professional and did great work. Very trustworthy. If you call him tell him Jonathan Garven recommended him. Sunriver Builders, 202 Marion Rd Middleboro, MA 02346; 508-946-9697.
- JG
1/13 10:22am I'm looking for a handyman to fix a door that has been broken (it doesn't shut tight anymore - part of the wood frame is splintered off) and to fix a part of our kitchen ceiling where the shower above had leaked through (the leak is fixed). It's one of those old fashioned popcorn ceilings and the popcorn part has chipped away in that area. These are probably projects that a reasonably handy person could do on his/her own but I am not remotely close to being reasonably handy. If anyone has any recommendations for area handymen who are willing to do these sorts of projects, please post their information or e-mail me at ebunten@yahoo.com. Thanks! - EAG
1/13 10:21am Chiropractor Recommendation for APL - Modern Family Chiropractic in Foxboro; Dr. Dan Bentz - 508-543-1866; Cocasset Street right off Foxboro Circle; www.modernfamilychiropractic.com; Awesome holistic chiropractor, close by, and runs appointments on time... Highly recommended. - KM
1/13 10:16am I have a 4 ft wide by 41 or 42 inch mirror, free to whomever wants to pick it up. I also have a 4 blade, 1 light ceiling fan, free as well. The fan still works and I will be taking it down this week. Again, free to whomever wants to pick it up. Please contact the Wm for my email address if interested. Thank you. - BP
1/13 10:15am The Franklin Area Climate Team will be hosting a showing of "Kilowatt Ours" an inspirational and enlivening film that demonstrates how easy it is to conserve energy that is produced from traditional sources as well as the many ways the average consumer can easily become part of the renewable energy revolution, on Wednesday at 7pm at the Franklin Public library.. This inspiring movie about saving energy and the planet is hosted by the Friends of the Franklin Library and the Franklin Area Climate Team (FACT). Ted McIntyre, Ph.D., Board Member of the Massachusetts Climate Action Network will lead a discussion period after the movie, so you can voice your own comments and ideas.
When: Wednesday, January 14, 7:00 pm Where: Franklin Public Library, 118 Main Street, Franklin.
- RG
1/13 1:27am APL: Try Dr. Dickinson in Franklin. 508-528-2277. The guy's great. TO: Right on with your thoughts. Better late than never for Jim Ed.
- PA
1/13 1:26am LR, I used Play It Again Video in Needham, and I was quite pleased with the results. - AL
1/13 1:25am To DMG, I have 20 plus years experience in home remodeling. I am licensed and insured. I have many great references in the Medfield, Dover, Needham area. I live here in Norfolk and would be glad to look at your projects. Call David 508 400 1677 - DM
1/12 8:42pm Just wanted to send BIG kudos to Jim Rice! Well deserved! - TO
1/12 8:41pm I am looking to have various handyman/construction projects done at home in Norfolk. Specifically but not necessarily all, a closed in room built off the kitchen, 2-3 sets of sliders put in the great room overlooking the deck, and a couple of bathroom remodels. Does anyone have recommendations? - DMG
1/12 8:40pm PRR - I'll take the snow! Bingo - How do I get tickets to Bingo at the Freeman?
- SO
1/12 8:36pm My Little Preschool has openings available for the remainder of 2008/2009 school year, and is now accepting registration for September 2009/2010 school year. My Little Preschool is a home based preschool classroom in Norfolk for children 2 1/2 to 4 years of age. One of the benefits to a home preschool is that there are fewer children in the group, so each child can receive more individualized attention. The classroom is brand new. We have renovated our house specifically for it. My house is located at the end of a dead end cul-de-sac in a quiet neighborhood, and I have a very large back yard for the children to run and play in. The classroom is bright and cheerful. Many of the toys and supplies are brand new. The hours are Tuesday through Friday from 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m., based on a school year schedule. Parents can choose the number and which days a week they would like their child to attend, providing there be an opening on the days they are looking for. The daily curriculum includes art, outdoor gross motor play, circle time with songs, stories and games, dramatic play, and sensory play to name a few. Nutritious snacks and lunch are included. I have extensive preschool and childcare experience, I am enthusiastic, and fully licensed. To see pictures click on this link: _Click here: [My Little Preschool ad]. If you would like more information or to set up an appointment to come take a look, call me at (508) 528-7373 or email emailforlaurie@aol.com. It is not necessasary for children to be potty trained. Thanks! - Laurie Hayes, My Little Preschool
1/12 8:35pm Thank you so much for the recommendation of Randy from Patriot Appliance in Wrentham. He showed up within an hour and fixed our fridge for a lot less then we thought we were going to have to spend. I highly recommend him for appliance repair! - TH
1/12 8:34pm To KT, Re: KP AP Classes - My son took many of the AP classes at KP High. The work seemed to be a bit faster paced than the Honors classes. Students need to be self-directed and motivated, and there is considerable reading. They spent a fair amount of time prepping for the AP exams. Happily he scored a 4 out of 5 on all but the English AP exam. His score netted him college credits that were recognized by his college, allowing him to double major and begin taking electives as a freshman. Hope this helps! - KNL
1/12 8:33pm Does anyone have a recommendation for where I can take our old VHS tapes to get them transferred to DVD's? Thanks in advance! - LR
1/12 8:32pm Does anyone have a recommendation for a chiropractor in the area? In particular, I am looking for a chiropractor who specializes in deep tissue work. Thank you. - APL
1/12 8:32am TH: Patriot Appliance in Wrentham was wonderful. Randy fixed our refrigerator, but he also does other appliances. 508-384-2911. Good Luck! - SD 1/12 8:30am Choices: Here's another tropical dreamscape for you... as I sit here looking out the frosted window at our woods. I love the view... but I still dream of turquoise waters and warm white sands... I can't help myself.... I took this photo a few years ago, in the French Antilles... Ah-hhhh! Enjoy! - PRR
[Update 1/13 10:13am: the link to the photo was broken, my fault - Wm.]
1/11 11:59pm RW, I am a happy dish owner, but my dish is DirecTV. There are many good reasons to stay with Comcast (they keep upgrading their service) and a few good reasons to leave (they keep upgrading what they charge). I think it depends on what you want to watch and what you want to pay. A dish works 99% of the time. Weather is rarely an issue. - RM
1/11 11:58pm I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to share their experiences with the honors classes in the KP middle and high school? Just curious to hear parents' perspectives on how challenging the courses are and if there are enrichment opportunities in both the KP middle and high school. Thanks! - KT
1/11 6:39pm Kingsbury Club Medfield, 2 Ice House Road is holding a Health & Fitness Open House, Saturday, January 24th from 9:00 a.m..- 4:00 p.m. Please join us for a day of fun in our state-of-the-art fitness department. Sample our services including Group Exercise Classes, Personal Training, Pilates, Yoga, Boxing, Boot Camp, Spinning & Kid's Programs. Come see and use the most up-to-date strength training equipment and the latest in interactive cardio equipment. Music, Food, Raffles & More. Members & Non-Members Welcome. Come take advantage of our special 1 day only sign up bonus. Call (508) 359-7800 for more information or visit our website: www.kingsburyclubmedfield.com. - JD, Kingsbury Club
1/11 6:36pm RB4 I am so sorry to hear about what happened to you and your family. I would have to say you are the nicest people I have meet in Norfolk. Your mother is so sweet alway making fun of the taxes she has to add to my order. Hope everything works out for you. - TM
1/11 6:34pm MD: The answer is no; it has been this way for about 2 months: [mass.gov page]/a> and here too: [RMV page] - AB 1/11 6:33pm TH: I have received good service from D&S Appliance in Franklin. - MP
1/11 3:08pm Hello - I'm a B[***]. My mom owns the Florist on Rt. 115. Started it with Dad in 1948. We had had an incident in December where our oil company's delivery man overflowed the oiltank. It mixed with the ground water that periodically comes into our basement (it was after that major rainstorm we'd had December 11-12th.) That big ugly tank/tower is from a sump pump set up to continue to pump out ground water. It's a precaution because of the heating oil that spilled. I, 'RB', am that daughter that has worked with Mom on a daily basis. My 2 brothers also have the initials RB. My sister's initials are RP. To the best of my knowledge, I am the only 'RB' to have recently posted comments here on NorfolkNet. This site is for anonymous posts, yes? Well, maybe not... My oldest brother has told me that 'people' have called him on his home phone to discuss these posts. I find this odd... If anyone is curious or would like to talk, feel free to call us on the business line. Mom would love to hear from fellow Norfolkites! (Or, Norfolkians?) It's the same number for over 60 years: 508 528-2254. Thank you for all your good wishes and encouragement!
I guess I'll now sign my initials as RB4 (as in child #4 out of 4...)
- RB (RB4)
[Norfolknet prefers to not disclose identities, the poster's own or that of others. Admittedly in this case there is very little room for ambiguity, but I still ***-ed the surname above - Wm.]1/11 2:35pm Be aware! There are very real virus emails going around re: Obama's inauguration. I checked the veracity of this on www.snopes.com!! (Not including the one I just sent out re: our NDTC celebration!! :-) ) Not to be a downer, but this is important or your computer's happiness and wellbeing. There are many virus ridden emails going around with the subject lines such as: "Obama Acceptance Speech" and also "Amazing Speech By Obama" Please go to this site before opening questionable emails: www.snopes.com or use this direct link url: [snopes page] This site is great to use whenever checking the validity of similar warnings, or urban legends, etc.. You will see that this is a very real warning. There is an entire list of subject lines for virus carrying "malware" emails re: the Inauguration and President Elect Barack Obama. Be informed!
And on a happier note, hope to see you on the Tuesday, Jan. 20th at our Norfolk Democratic Town Committee celebration!! Hope you sign up and come!!
1/11 2:30pm Heads up - Time to celebrate!! Tuesday Jan. 20th, 7:00 PM, Norfolk Democratic Town Committee Inaugural Celebration. "The Norfolk Democratic Town Committee is organizing a celebration for the end of an era (whew) and the beginning of a new one! We will be ordering pizza (cost to be shared by the attendees) and there will be a cash bar. Bring some friends or come to make new friends and possibly meet old ones! Message from host: We will have access to a big TV so we can watch the festivities as they happen or replay the actual ceremony. We will also have a special giveaway so don't miss the fun!"
Please note: You have to sign up to attend... so please, if you are interested in watching the inauguaral events with like minded happy folks... at a fun place with good food and even greater brew, please go to the website below and put your John Hancock down. [moveon.org event 88414]
Yeah! Hope to "meet-up" with you there!
1/11 2:23pm Our refrigerator has stopped working. It's running, but not cooling. I'd love any suggestions for an honest and reliable repair person that anyone has had experience with. Thanks! - TH
1/11 2:21pm We are thinking of dumping Comcast for Dish Network. Wondering about good experiences or bad experiences with a dish. - RW
1/11 2:20pm Re: Driver's lic renewal notifications... Do we really need to spend taxpayer money to remind us when our own birthdays are? Now that we are informed (there were articles about this published in most newspapers), I think that people will be more conscientious about keeping track of their status. - MW
1/11 2:14pm Hi. I'm a student and King Philip High School, and I have an issue that I am asking any parents of KP high school students to listen to and possibly help out on. Due to budget cuts, the library is not open nearly as much during school and not at all after school. In my opinion, the library should be a place where all students can go to do book research, web reasearch, and other academic computer use. In the handbook, it says the library should be open until 3 pm after school every day, and this is not the case. So, there are many ways that I am asking for your help. First, a call to the administration would be greatly appreciated. There are a few students trying to help this issue, but parental influence would be greatly needed and appreciated. Also, you could suggest parental, teacher, or even student volunteers to come in after school to run the library. Thank you for all of your help.
1/11 2:11pm MD - You got pulled over for a "random plate check"?? Things are getting bad if that's the case. Moscow maybe, but Foxboro?? Plus you can register a car without a license, so the excuse he gave you is bunk; the officer pulling you over was merely fishing for something else. I would complain to the Foxboro Chief. - LS
1/10 9:08pm MD: RMV can no longer afford the postage. See [RMV page] - AL
1/10 9:07pm Snow Removal. Your driveway: small = $20, medium 40-80 ft = $35, large = negotiable. I have a big snowblower and need work. Norfolk and Medfield only. Email David: Futuredave@yahoo.com - DM
1/10 9:06pm Re: Does the RMV still send out license renewal notices? - Nope. My birthday was last week, and when I needed to rent a car, they told me my license had expired. Evidently, the RMV discontinued sending out the reminders as a cost savings measure. Probably more of a revenue raising measure, as the increases in the amount of fines for driving with an expired license is sure to be welcome to the state. - BJA
1/10 9:05pm MD: Yes the registry no longer sends out notices to renew your license. This is apparently due to budget cuts from what I have heard from my insurance agent. - HNC
1/10 6:23pm Hi I was looking for the original message from the Family Florist but can't find it. What happened there and what is in that tower. Thanks - TM
1/10 6:20pm Does the RMV still send out license renewal notices? We got pulled over last night in Foxboro during a random plate check and the officer informed me that registered owner of the car's (which was me) license has been suspended. My birthday was 9 days ago and I didn't even think about when my license was expiring, and did not get any notice from the registery. Thank goodness my husband was driving or I was total it was an arrestable offense. My teenagers would have loved to have to come bail me out of jail... - MD
1/10 12:18pm The Norfolk Public Library hosts The Coastal Mountain Railroad show today from 10:00 - 4:00. This is an awesome display of model trains that kids (and adults) of all ages will enjoy! Drop in and take a look at this terrific show. The event is scheduled to continue tomorrow from 1:00 - 5:00, snow storm not withstanding. - Robin Glasser, Norfolk Public Library
1/10 12:17pm Girl Scout cookies will be for sale for $4 a box at the entrance/exit of the transfer station today starting at 9:30. Please bring your appetite and wallet to support the girls of troop 73600. Thanks! - JM
1/10 12:04pm TS, Did you recover the files? - DV
1/10 12:03pm Can anyone recommend somewhere for my daughter to take Drawing Lessons?... she has just recently expressed interest. I am curious to see if anyone knows of a place close by or a good instructor? Thanks! - LR
1/9 1:40pm Robert Gifun: Union tile setter for 20+ years. Has worked locally doing residential floors, backsplashes, baths, foyers, kitchens etc. [...] (508)528-8104 - JG
1/9 1:32pm CHOICES: Okay... Now that it is January and we are looking at some mighty cold weather coming up, I wanted to give us all something to reflect on. Choices... :-) Stay warm! - PRR
1/9 12:13am I would like to acknowledge the overwhelming generosity of our community. At a time when our economy seems so bleak I have experienced the blessing of living in a community where generosity and caring about each other has taught myself and my children lifelong lessons. This holiday season has shown my family the spirit of Christmas is alive and living in Norfolk, MA. Our wonderful schools (both local and regional), our places of worship (regardless of religious preference), my friends and neighbors, and most importantly "another mother" have been an inspiration in my life. At a time when I may have asked "Why?" I have been inspired to say "Thank you for the opportunity to appreciate all that I have in my life". What a great community we live in. - [Name withheld - Wm.]
1/9 12:12am Just an update for all those Buddy the Dog fans out there: Buddy had a second surgery today at Acorn Animal Hospital to remove most of the pins in his leg. His leg had healed from the actual break, but the pins were effecting his motion and comfort so it was decided the best course of action was to go back in and remove them. I received a call that he sailed through the surgery just fine. He'll be in the hospital overnight and I'll have an update for everyone when I learn more. Sincerely,
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk ACO
1/9 12:11am KID - At Big Y, you get coins at check out when you play their rewards game and if you purchase certain items you get bonus coins. They are Silver, Red, and Blue and each month or so they print out the various items you can get a discount on if you turn in one of your coins. JGP - I just used a few coins for the movie ticket deal. You can purchase Pats Place adult (reg $10.50) movie tickets for $7.97 - saving about $2.50. No a lot - but at least I got rid of some of those silver coins!
- PB
1/9 12:10am They are coins that you get when you spend money at their stores. You can turn them in when you buy groceries and the are good for discounts off of certain things that you purchase. Since there are only two of us, I don't spend huge money to get the coins that are actually worth something useful; until now. The link for information on the passes is: t[page link] You can get a $10.50 movie ticket for $7.98 with a silver coin. I love it!
- MH
1/9 12:09am Norfolk Girl Scout Cookie Sale at Bass Pro Shops at Patriot Place in Foxborough, MA this Saturday 9-1:30. Please come down to Bass Pro Shops this Saturday, January 10, 2009 from 9-1:30 and help support our 3rd Grade Norfolk Girl Scout Brownie Troop 4741 at Bass Pro Shops at Patriot Place in Foxborough, MA (We will be outside by the exit. Rain or shine!) Thank you!! - NG, Troop 4741 Leader
1/9 12:08am Go to Big Y's web page and it tells you how to use them. www.bigy.com/coins - PJT
1/9 12:07am Please help support our local girls Norfolk Brownie troop 74734. They will be selling those addicting Girl Scout Cookies this Sunday 1/11/09 from 11am to 3:00pm at Roche Bros in Millis. Please stop and pick up a box or 2. Thank you - PJT
1/8 1:48pm Can someone explain what the Big Y silver coins are? Are they dollar coins? Just curious. - KID
1/8 11:42am There will be an Open House at Woodside Montessori Academy in Millis this Sunday, January 11, from 1:30 - 3:30 pm. Prospective families are invited to visit the primary (ages 3-6) through middle school (grades 7 and 8) classrooms, view materials, and talk with teachers and parents. Families who would like to observe grades 1 through 8 in session may also visit the Elementary classes at Exchange Street and the Middle School class at Village Street on Monday morning, January 12th from 9:00-11:00 am. For details, please contact the school at 508-376-5320 or visit their website at www.woodsideacademy.com - VR
1/8 11:41am A heartfelt thank you to Mr. Chris (Kringle?) of our town's local business, Acquabarriers. He not only did our neighborhood the tremendous favor of playing the role of Santa without any compensation, but he was a fantastic natural Santa at that! It is important that our town recognize the generosity and kindness of others right here in Norfolk - and Chris, you are one kind and generous person. I wish you all the best and am happy to refer anyone who needs help to Chris and his business. Thank you!! - LL
1/8 11:40am TS - I just got an e-mail article that explains exactly how to do that. I will print a copy of the article for you and you can pick it up at the library. - John Spinney, Norfolk Public Library
1/8 11:39am I think you can buy the movie passes right at the customer service desk at the Big Y with the coins. I haven't done it yet but I was cursing the silver coins to the cashier the other day and this is what they recommended you do with them. Got to try it myself. - JGP
1/8 11:38am To DWL : Try Parrino & Sons Plmb. They are [...] located in Walpole. 1-508-668-2936. 1/4 11:57am Help. My toilet is broken and I need to replace it right away. Any reasonable plumber recommendations. Thanks - DWL - PP
1/7 11:27pm RB - Something you might want to consider is to call Rep. Ross and see if he has a recommendation for legal representation for your particular situation. He may also have suggestions on procedure or assistance you and/or your mother may be eligible for. Sen. Brown should be able to help too. If not, then perhaps Sen. Kennedy's office. It's clear to me that the oil company is liable for cleanup, loss of income while your shop is closed, loss of inventory (such as frozen plants and flowers if you heated the greenhouses), plus the emotional hardships. Hang in there. I know you must be just plain worn out but there are people here who care and hope to see you back in business very soon. - NR
1/7 11:26pm JPG -- Please enlighten me. I have a purse full of those dreaded coins that I can never seem to use at Big Y, but would love to use at Patriot Place for the movies. What do I need to do and how does it work? - MH
1/7 11:25pm AK: A few of us in the neighborhood have used Roger Potter for floors/backsplashes, etc. He is retired, just trying to keep busy and we were very happy with his work. I don't have his number, but he has a small 1-inch ad in the Gazzette classifieds, and it says "we'll install your tile no matter where you bought it" or something along those lines. Comes out to give you a free estimate and gave us some good advice too about size of tiles, maintenance etc. - AL
1/7 11:24pm To AK - I would highly recommend Johnny Willette, he just did our entry way, bathroom and backsplash... he does a great job: cell #508-353-3400... good luck! - LR
1/7 11:46am I have learned that you can use all those silver coins from the Big Y to purchase Pats Place movie tickets at their customer service window. FYI - JGP
1/7 11:45am Can someone recommend a tiler? Small job, 1/2 bath redo. - AK
1/7 11:43am TS I think we have the software, what kind of camera is it? 528-7003 - DV
1/6 9:37pm Hoping someone can help me out of a tough spot. One of my kids accidently deleted my memory card with all of the Christmas photos on it (YIKES!!). It is a 2gig card, and I haven't taken any photos since the incident. I spoke to The Camera Company in Norwood. They have a program to try and recover the photos, but the cost was high (about $70). I could buy the software (again too high at about $500). Before I make the kids recreate the early morning scenes at the stockings and in front of the tree in their finest, I'm throwing this out to the knowledgeable Norfolknet-ians for assistance. PS: Please do not lecture me about letting children near the digital camera - it has been permanently placed out of their reach! - TS
1/6 8:30pm The Boy Scouts will be out again this Saturday morning picking up and disposing of Christmas trees. The boys were out for 3 hours last Saturday morning and are planning on the same for this Saturday, Jan. 10th. Remember, you just need to leave your tree curbside but we do need your address so we don't miss your tree. Please sign up at www.xmastree.troop80.net or by calling 520-9209. The sign-up will continue through Friday, January 9. Thank you to all who have already participated!! - KC
1/6 8:29pm I'm looking for local Pampered Chef consultant or if anyone will soon be hosting a house show? I'm interested in ordering a dish and can help add to your party points! I accidentally broke our all time favorite baking dish and chicken will not taste the same until I replace it! Please contact me through the webmaster! [Use box168@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks! - KR
1/6 8:28pm RB... I'm so sorry to hear of all your struggles and concerns. Perhaps there are some folk here in town who would have the expertise and wherewithal to help you with some of the practical and legal issues you may be dealing with. You seem to really be in "over your head". Good luck. - JHR
1/6 8:26pm Speaking of grandparents, DV's post, I just had the nicest chat with an older woman at the post office. She was getting out before the ice hits tomorrow, and was taking it very very slow due a badly bruised hip from a fall. Please, if you can, take the extra time to help our senior friends that are unsteady on the ice and snow get to their car or inside the house, or shop, or library. They are so thankful and they have some great stories to share, too. My mom broke her hip, knee and other smaller bones many times in icy conditions. I know the fear she had when October rolled around, with 5-6 winter months ahead of her, and I know she was all too willing to accept a helping hand when offered. Thank you! - AL 1/6 4:07pm I have heard it said that there is nothing like a grandchild. I feel the same about a loving grandparent. We will be having specials every month this year, to celebrate our twentieth year in business. January's special will be grandparent and grandchild. This promotion is $49.00 per grandparent. It is an opportunity for each child to get their own individual portrait with their grandparent. Prints will be sold as a buy one get one free so each the grandparent and the child can have their own. It is a great way to make your child and parent feel very special. Please call the studio for more details. 781-444-9814 - DV, Hughes Foto
1/6 2:54pm Hello all, just a reminder to everyone: This weekend at the Norfolk Public Library, Members of the Coastal Mountain Railroad are going set up a truly extraordinary display of an HO scale model railroad--complete with sound. Saturday & Sunday, January 10 & 11, during regular library hours--Saturday 10:00-4:00 & Sunday 1:00-5:00. - AI, Norfolk Public Library
1/6 2:53pm The cat that JP had on here is now at our place and out of the cold. She is a super friendly, petite dilute calico roughly 1-2 yrs old, a tad thin. She has been to the vet and is combo negative and been flea treated. If her owner does not come forward she will be available for adoption on 1/12/09 after being vaccinated and spayed. I believe she would do well with cats and children, and most likely dogs as well. If anyone is interested in her please give a call to 528 3232. I will have some pictures of her to put up soon. Coady, the cat listed prior in one of my notes, has now found a great home!
- HC, Norfolk ACO
1/6 2:52pm The Southeastern Massachusetts Community Concert Band will begin rehearsals for its spring season on Monday, January 26th, at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Church, Main Street, Medway. Anyone who plays a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument and would be interested in attending a rehearsal is welcome. For contact information, call (508)-533-6665, or visit our website at: www.smccb.com. The band is now booking dates for the spring and summer. If you are planning a special event or celebration and are considering live music, please call (508)-520-1572 for more information. - CR
1/6 2:51pm Think you have a great idea to improve our Town? Do you want to make sure that money is spent or saved wisely? Ever wonder what you can do to solve local problems? Then come to a free citizens seminar, "Make Law, Not Warrants" at the Town Library Lounge Conference Room on Saturday, January 24 at 10 a.m. to learn how to translate your idea into action at the Spring Town Meeting in May. The Selectmen have announced a deadline in late February for any proposals to be considered at Town Meeting. Norfolk's Town Meeting is the town's legislative branch of government and open to all registered voters. See details regarding the seminar attached. [PDF attachment here] Hope to see you there! - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator
1/6 12:25am To BP - yes, they do accept sheet rock and shower stalls as construction debris at the transfer station. Shower doors framed with metal go in the metal recycling area usually, so that is free. - EF
1/6 12:24am To LB - I use McFarlane Oil. I have a service contract (by choice - would never be without one) but no contract for buying oil and they have been good with their pricing. I believe for new customers they may be offering a free one or maybe two year service contract. I opted for a 2 year and went with their "no surprises plan" which cost about 70$ more a year but includes more than any contract I have seen from other companies - some water system parts and exposed pipes. To me, the service is the most important aspect of the heating system. - EF
1/6 12:23am BP. The tree is an indoor model but unlit could go outdors for a while. - RC
1/5 3:25pm I have been checking all the paperwork I can find, does anybody know if the transfer station accepts sheetrock and shower stalls as building debris? Had some water damage... - BP
1/5 3:24pm RC, is the tree rated as an outdoor tree or indoor only? Thanks. - BP
1/5 3:23pm LB - I use the following website to check for the lowest oil prices around: newenglandoil.com/mass.htm I have used Oilman out of Foxboro for my last 2 deliveries and they were very pleasant and delivered the day I called. You can pay them by credit card or cash. - MD
1/5 3:22pm Norfolk Cooperative Preschool will be holding their annual Open House for the 2009-2010 school year on Thursday, January 8th from 12pm to 1pm. NCP accepts children 2.9 to 5 years of age. Now is the time to register your child for preschool!! Come on in for a look at our wonderful school! NCP has been serving the children of Norfolk and the surrounding communities for over 35 years. If you are unable to make the Open House and would like more information please call 508-528-3660. Thanks and have a wonderful New Year!! - LH
1/5 3:21pm PD, the Oval is only used for Corrections training exercises now. Most of the homes are in disrepair and are definitely vacant. I went to an employee family day celebration there one year and watched them "storm" the building in full gear. They landed a helicopter in the oval. It is amazing for me to think that those homes were once thriving residences for the prison; they are in very poor condition. - MW
1/5 3:20pm LB: If you are 'buy-as-you-go' type, then look at newenglandoil.com for the most competitive pricing for that day. Most of the companies will deliver same day or the next day. Best, - BHS
1/5 3:19pm I know this is a long shot but, did anyone find an iPod Touch? My daughter lost her brand new Christmas gift sometime this weekend. It could have dropped out of the car at the skating rink or somewhere up town. Thanks - DV
1/5 10:03am LB: Oil Company, one word, Cronin. - JW
1/5 10:02am RC--If you don't get rid of the tree via Norfolknet, try Freecycle. You can sign up for the Franklin and Plainville sites. I got rid of my tree via that method last year as well as many other items we no longer wanted. Good luck. - BS
1/5 10:01am To DWL: R. J. Heavey Co. on Route 1A in Walpole is also very good. Trustworthy and long-time family run business. Request Jeff. - TEM
1/5 8:44am Free Tree. Before I discard my 7.6 foot pre lit Christmas tree and to pacify my wife I am offerring it to whomever could use it. I have the storage box as well. May or may not require one string of lights. Comes in three sections. - RC
1/5 8:42am Hi - I was wondering if anyone could recommend an oil company for delivery. I am now without a contract with my oil company due to their deceptive practices - and now I am scurrying to find oil delivery without a contract. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. - LB
1/5 8:41am I have a wooden corner desk for anyone who could use it. It has a pull out keyboard tray and is in good shape. You must have have your own way of getting it home. Email me. [Use box167@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - LA
1/4 9:46pm Plumbing suggestion: I would definitely suggest Byrne Plumbing and Heating. Joe is a very nice guy and does excellent work. Very neat and reasonable rates. His number is in the directory on Norfolk Net. - SM (2) 1/4 8:17pm JP: call me Monday and I'll come by and grab her and get her into the vets for a check up and then into the shelter. And for those who are interested in adopting a cat, we still have plenty that are looking for homes. From Coady who was left behind when her owners sold the house, to Thing one and Thing two (shown in picture) who are still looking for their perfect home. Please visit our website at www.norfolkanimalcontrol.net or through petfinder.org.
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk ACO
1/4 12:18pm Is anyone missing this cat or know where it lives? It has been hanging around my house for a few days now and has persistently tried to get inside. It is wearing a flea collar, which had become loose and was looped around it's leg, so I assume it belongs to someone. I called Hillary Cohen about it on Friday and may need to have her pick it up if it continues to stay under my porch driving my dog crazy. Thanks. - JP [Update 8:20pm: I failed to mention that the cat is in the Village Green / Cleveland St area. - JP]
1/4 12:08pm Huge thanks to the generous friends who donated so immensely this weekend towards the animals! I walked in this morning to just check voice mails, and make sure there was nothing outstanding that had to be attended to. When I walked in the lobby it was stuffed full of micro fiber throws, paper towels, cat toys, dog toys (see picture) food, all kinds of stuff! Thank you who ever you are! On another note, thanks to all that helped with Milky Way the Thoroughbred who was here looking for his new home. He was delivered yesterday to his new family and here's a picture of the Milk and one of his new owners.
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk ACO
1/4 12:07pm SS, The AAA in Franklin were willing to offer the movie packages / savings to members or non-members of King Philip high school students to support the Five Nights program. Hats off to them for supporting this program. True, it is not much of a savings for under 12 years old, but I don't think we have anyone that age at the high school. The savings are for non-matinee prices, and for the most part a high school student would be attending a movie after 12 pm at a higher admission price. The Five Night program in January at Patriot Place is on a Friday night. We hope that our students of King Philip will enjoy this night at the Hall or a movie. A great way to have fun with friends. - CW
1/4 11:57am Help. My toilet is broken and I need to replace it right away. Any reasonable plumber recommendations. Thanks - DWL
1/4 11:56am Baby sitter available!! I'm a Junior at King Philip High school, I used to live in Norfolk but just moved to Wrentham within the last few years. I'm looking to care for all age, I love children and I'm available Mon-Fri after school until whenever and on the weekends if needed. Please let all your friends know and whoever needs a babysitter that I'm available as soon as possible. Thank you everyone! If you're intrested please contact me at Kelsx0o31@hotmail.com - KK
1/3 7:03pm RB: I have been reading about the history of your family business and had a couple of thoughts. It is great that you and your mother are trying to sustain an established town business with a local client base. Local businesses should always be supported when possible. Based on the very short description here, it seems like selling the business/land might be a good option to consider sometime relatively soon. As we all know, the economy and the value of real estate are both in bad shape. If your business and land have value, and you can wait a couple of years for more favorable conditions, that might be the time to "cash out". I mean this with total respect. Businesses have life cycles too. There is no shame in reaping the financial rewards of decades of work, while creating a new opportunity. - CS
1/3 3:20pm RB, I went to your family's flower shop last year to purchase flowers for my garden. I had the pleasure of meeting your mother. She was gracious enough to offer me tips on their care and we had a nice conversation. You don't see that at the big box stores. Another thing, it's a treat to talk to an elder. They have aquired much wisdom and always have one or two great stories to tell. Also, when I had a young family member pass away suddenly, a friend of mine from another state called the florist personally and said that he wanted to send something to cheer me up. I received the most beautiful arrangement of bright yellow flowers and the gentleman that delivered them was most kind. I hope this business opens soon and stays around for a long time. - KN
1/3 12:57pm As far as the AAA discount on movie tickets, just beware, for children under 12 it's not a discount (same price) and for a matinee you're only saving 25 cents per adult. That's for Patriots Place. If you're going to North Attleboro, you'll spend more with AAA on children, and more for adult matinee, but it does save $2 per adult evening. So just be cautious how and when you use them. - SS
1/3 12:56pm To PRR and EL - Well said! What wonderful words to start 2009. I think that many forget how to be good friends and good neighbors. All it takes is some common courtesy and respect. Let's get back to the basics and return to valuing what matters most in our lives - health, family, friendship, helping those in need. All the "stuff" in our lives will not be able to help us in rough times, but the relationships we have built will be there for us. They are invaluable, treat them as such. Wishing everyone a health and happy 2009! - MB
1/3 12:55pm I see the information on the dog license, but don't the forms usually come in the mail? Are they doing it differently this year? - SD
1/3 12:54pm Hi RB, Perhaps the Boy Scouts might have someone willing to lend a hand. - DJ
1/3 9:21am RB. Try to stick it out there. Talk to your Mom and don't give in to big business. I remember as a young boy in the 70's, I would stop there every day at the end of my paper route to get a 25 cent Fanta grape soda from the machine by the front door. It was the best. My route took me down Main Street from the pharmacy after I picked up my papers from Mr. Kenny's, down Alice Ave., up Spring Street, down Needham, through the woods and around the Oval and then back up Needham. Then I would pedal my Schwinn bike with dual baskets in the rear back up town by your place and stop every day to get my grape Fanta soda. Does anyone remember the Oval? I don't think anyone resides there any more. RB, this town needs your business to survive; you're part of its character. - PD
1/3 9:20am Hi RB, so sorry to hear about your family business, and I know what it's like when the family falls apart after a death, I'm living it myself. I do send prayers and good wishes to you and your mom for the new year, my family always was and still is (being meand a townie for 47 years) are very pleased with your lovely work. I truly hope everything works out for you, keep the faith, tomorrow is another day and only He knows what's in store. Best of luck, my thoughts are with you. - GLZ
1/2 7:16pm Hi, BH - Thanks for your good wishes and suggestions. You make all valid points. Things I have wanted to do myself. And you also make a great point about the box stores. I always try Norfolk Hardware for my hardware needs first. Also, we like Guido's Restaurant (formerly Tyler's) food, to name a couple locals. I try to avoid WalMart and the like whenever possible. It's rough, though. Their prices make it worth the trip for so many things... And, I hate to air some laundry here but, I will tell you that my brother and nephew are not willing to help Mom and me in any meaningful capacity. It sucks but it seems that there's a lot of crap between all of us. I don't even know why anymore. I have struggled my whole life in wanting us to all just get along. As the youngest, alas, I do not know how to make it better. I have so many pleasant childhood memories of all of us (Mom, Dad, 2 brothers and 1 sister and all their families) being friendly. I miss those days. The 1970s and 1980s... In 2007, my brother and I had a large blowout and a member of our NPD tried to intervene with no results. Family politics...
Plus, I love my Mom dearly but, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. She is so mired in missing my father that she is just frozen. I wish she didn't own the business and all that surrounding property. It's caused so much strife since Dad died. Inheritance is not a right but a privelege, shall we say...
Again, thanks for your input and good wishes. I have tried to be honest and as mom says, 'tell it like it is.'
- RB
1/2 7:15pm King Philip Five Nights - January 24, 2009 Patriots' Place "The Hall and Showcase Cinemas" KP students can go to "The HALL" and the Patriots Museum, for the discounted price of $7.00 beginning at 6:00 P.M., and they can go to the Showcase Cinemas at a substantial discount if they purchase their tickets in advance from the Triple A in Franklin on Route 140, near the Stop 'n Shop (Triple A membership is not required for this event just KP ID or clothing).
Triple A is offering the options below for the showcase tickets to the students from January 19 to January 24. KP students may purchase:
1. Four tickets for $31.00 - a savings of $2.75 per ticket, or
2. A package of 2 tickets, 2 large drinks, and 1 large popcorn for $27.50 - a savings of over $15.00
- CW 1/2 2:38pm Happy New Year! My resolution this year is to be a better friend and neighbor. May we remember to keep our minds and hearts open and available to the very magical mystery of spiritual consciousness and awareness as we move forward into the future.
May our dreams come true. May we have the humility, resolve, dedication, as well as the committment to gratefully accept our many gifts when they appear.
"Not everything that counts, can be counted. Not everything that can be counted, counts." -- Albert Einstein
"Think positive thoughts. The rest will take care of itself." Wishes of peace and good health to you and yours,
- PRR and EL
1/2 11:03am Registration for Norfolk Baseball's spring 2009 Little League and Babe Ruth League is now open. Information and the link to the online registration process can be found on the Norfolk Baseball web site ( www.norfolkbaseball.com ). Norfolk Baseball is requesting that all registrations be entered by Saturday January 10th. This is especially important for players registering for the AAA and Major Leagues as tryouts for these leagues will be held on Saturday January 17th and Saturday January 24th. All AAA players and all first-year Major League players are required to participate in one of these tryout sessions. Details and specific times for these tryout sessions will be posted on the Norfolk Baseball website in early January. This year there are some changes to the league eligibility rules. Please read the notice on the Norfolk Baseball website carefully before registering your player(s).
Also, mark your calendars for the very popular winter clinics. These clinics will start on Friday February 6th for players age 13 and up and on Saturday February 7th for players 12 and under. The clinics will run for 8 weeks and be held at Extra Innings in Wrentham. Registration information and times for each age group will be posted on the Norfolk Baseball website in early January. These clinics fill up fast so be sure to check the website for registration information.
- DL, Norfolk Baseball
1/2 11:02am For a plasterer try Mike Oulton at 508-226-7952. He is prompt, does a great job and cleans up afterward. - DMM
1/2 11:01am CP ... For a plasterer, try Jay Webb - 508-207-5491 - JMB
1/2 10:53am Regarding the Family Florist. I was sorry to hear what happened with the oil spill. I saw the tank out front and noticed that you have been closed. I remember your dad. He was a very nice man. It is hard to believe that almost 10 years have passed since he died. I can still see him standing in front of the store. I truly hope that the cleanup is completed soon and your doors are open again soon. I respectfully disagree with you that the Home Depots and Walmarts are the sole reason for the loss of business over the years, thou I know they do hurt small businesses. To the contrary, I find these stores to be inconvenient to shop in and as far as quality of floral products, these stores have very poor quality. I would much rather pay a slightly higher price and shop locally. I would like to offer you a little constructive critisism and maybe a couple of cheap and easy solutions that can help.
Number one is the appearance of the property. I am sure privacy is a concern for your mom's and your brother's house out back, but the place is due for a major landscaping renovation. How about trimming some of the decades old bushes on either side of the shop that have grown taller than some of the surrounding trees. You have a beautiful pond view behind the shop. I am sure your brother and nephew could contribute a few hours with their chainsaws to trim up the underbrush. Maybe you could also add a couple of flower beds along the road so that people can see the quality of the flowers and arrangements. I hate to say this because I know that you have had problems with theft in the past, but the chain link fence out front with the home made signs all over it is just plain ugly and uninviting. Good night vision cameras can be purchased nowadays that would catch a thief in the act. Let them steal and let the police take care of them for you once they are caught in the act on tape. Also, don't openly make complaints about Walmart, thefts, etc. in the store to your customers. Don't separate the people of Norfolk as old townies and newcomers. Everyone is a resident. I understand your family has been here for a few generations, but people who moved in in the 60's,70's, 80's, etc, really are not newcomers. Highlight the things that you and your mom offer that these places do not like your homemade centerpieces and arrangements. People recognize quality and appreciate when something is handmade. Lastly, I saw one other posting that said they thought you were not open enough. This is true. Driving by, not many people probably realize this is an active business. I understand that you are mostly there by yourself nowadays, but I think a lot of people don't even know that you are still open for business.
All that being said, I really do believe that you still have a business that can thrive in Norfolk. I would still shop at your store the same way I still go to the Norfolk hardware store. There is still something to be said for small, more personalized businesses and I believe you should capitalize on that. When I was a kid in the 70's, I used to walk to the store to buy my mom a mother's day flower. I still like the convenience of a store just up the road. I do wish you and your mom the very best and a happy new year. I hope to see your doors open again soon with the tank gone and everything back to normal. See you around the town. Best wishes.
- BH
1/2 10:52am Plastering? Steve Rollins out of North Attleboro; you won't find a better job. Clean neat and reliable, 508-958-5659. Tell him Big J recomended him. - NG
1/2 10:51am Dogs can indeed eat raw bones of many kinds. I fed my last dog a "raw diet" and he ate a lot of raw chicken wings and chicken/turkey neck bones. Raw bones are flexible and (for a dog's teeth), chewable. Cooked bones, as the earlier poster said, splinter since they become brittle. If you're interested, google "BARF diet" for dogs (Bones And Raw Food) - it's interesting, but certainly not for everyone, and a bit controversial. Big, heavy stew bones that you can buy at the grocery store, with a bit of meat still attached, are a great chew treat - just make sure they're really big (like the length of a forearm) so they don't become a choking hazard. - JP
1/2 10:50am Hi, DV - Thank you for your kind note. It's been rough for us, that's for sure. I have had to go to work at 2 other part time jobs in order to earn not only more money but insurance benefits, etc. Often, my mom isn't open because I am not there to assist. That's probably why you have found the shop closed on occasion... She is of clear mind but not of able body any longer... You see, you don't use it, you lose it! As for our Exxon Valdez oil spill, I am waiting on reports from the haz-mat team people, etc. Sigh I don't relish the idea of having to go to court but, I believe it will come down to that. Negligence and all that... At this point, I ask for everyone's best wishes and prayers that we will be back in business sooner rather than later. We are still available by phone after Jan. 2nd to deliver orders: 508 528-2254. Do stay tuned :) - RB
1/2 10:36am My husband heard from one of the Daleys that it will be a full serve station. Happy New Year! - VT
1/2 10:35am Re: Christmas trees - for years, we have bought ours at Gumps right here in Norfolk. They may be a bit more expensive than Ann & Hope, Tropical Tree, etc, but for us, it's worth it. The trees (Fraser firs and balsams) are always fresh and are tagged with the day they were cut down (always in late November). They're beautifully shaped. We have never been disappointed... and the owners are great. - JC
1/1 6:09pm If you are looking for snowblower repairs, I use B&G in Walpole center. A couple of older guys own and run this business. They are fairly quick and very reliable. - BH
1/1 6:07pm There is still time to schedule your Christmas tree disposal by the Norfolk Boy Scouts. The pickup trucks are ready to roll at 9AM on Saturday morning! Orders for pickup this week will be accepted through Friday, January 2nd. If you are one of the lucky ones whose needles are not dropping yet and you would like to hold on to your tree for another week, please schedule your pickup for January 10. To schedule, please go to www.xmastree.troop80.net or call 520-9209. - KC
1/1 6:06pm Hi, I'm going to be needing a plasterer, can anyone recommend a couple? - CP
1/1 6:03pm KJ: We are very pleased with the tax services of David Fazio in West Bridgewater. Visit his web site at westbridge-accounting.com, - JCB
1/1 6:01pm RB, I am sorry to hear that. I have tried to buy flowers from your shop as you seem to have great prices, but do not seem to be open much. I have stopped several times in the spring and summer to find you closed. What can we do as a community to help? - DV
1/1 6:00pm DN I did read the any bone should not be cooked, but a chicken bone raw would still make me nervous. - DV
1/1 2:24pm BC: For snowblower repair: Norfolk Power on Route 1A in Wrentham: (508)-384-0011, right over the Norfolk line, or Donovan Power in Millis: (508)-376-1071. - CR
1/1 2:11pm CR & GA: Thanks for the vacuum cleaner repair suggestions. I called Interstate Vacuum this morning, figuring I'd hear back tommorrow or Saturday. Tom called back within an hour and will be picking up the vacuum tommorrow morning. Hope it gats repaired just as speedily! Will keep you posted. Happy New Year to all!
- CI
1/1 2:10pm Christmas Trees - we bought our christmas tree from the Lions Club that was set up next to Dunkin Donuts. We moved to Norfolk about 6 months ago. The tree was beautiful. We will be buying our tree from them from now on. The money raised goes to charity. I can't rationalize buying a tree from Lowe's, Home Depot or Boston Tropic when you can buy a tree in town that supports people in this community. For us its a no brainer - buy the tree and give a little back to Norfolk. - DL
1/1 2:06pm The power of microchips in your pets. For Pumpkin the Himalayan cat, his chip brought him home. I'm not sure how long Pumpkin was living on his own but it was obviously quite a while. I received a call yesterday from a resident who said she saw a cat balled up by a tree at the Linde Conservation land off the hiking trail. I went over during the snow storm and after a bit of poking around in the woods I found what appeared to be a breathing snow ball. All huddled up, in a ball, and partially frozen to the log it was trying to hide under, was this cat. His eyes were full of discharge, skin full of mats, and a general foul smell all about him. I got him unstuck from the log, wrapped him up in two blankets and off to the vets we went. Pumpkin was one of the lucky ones as he did have a microchip embedded in his skin. While the vets were attending to him, I was on the phone with his owner learning that he indeed had been missing and that they lived all the way over in Medfield. Pumpkin the cat is now back with their owner and recovering from his ordeal. Next time you bring your pets in for their annual exam, it's worth discussing a chip implant with your vet. It's a very quick and inexpensive way to protect your pet from being lost and/or stolen. We have started microchip implants on each and every cat and dog that is adopted through here as well to ensure they are protected in the future. I can tell you that in the rescue/shelter world most (if not all) ACO's have at least one scanner for their shelter and do scan the strays when they come in. If anyone would like more information on chips or where you can get them done feel free to send me an email.
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk ACO
1/1 2:05pm Dogs can eat any kind of bone, even ham bones, if they are raw. Bones should usually be frozen first - I do our girls fresh chicken bones, but again they are raw - DN
1/1 10:33am Happy New Year to all! 2008's last weather performance served as a wake-up call to me. Our house has a driveway that would make an in-his-prime Sir Edmund Hillary tackle Everest before trying to ascend it when it snows. When I am home, I am fanatical with shovel, snow blower and ice melt, often out multiple times during a storm. But I travel for work, and it looks like I will be traveling a good bit this winter. In the past, we have had a local contractor plow the driveway. Without naming names, I do not want this individual on my property again. During the Christmas Eve storm, due to his rushing and and not finishing the job, there was a layer of ice over the entire thing! Plus, he tore up the mulch beds, lawns, mailboxes, and probably Sir Edmund Hillary, were he in the way! We've asked for sand, but this step seems to go by the wayside. This has been a trend with this person. But in his defense, part of it could just be the nature of my driveway.
So I am looking for someone willing to clear my driveway of snow, using my snow blower, gas, and shovel, then spread ice melt over the driveway. It usually takes me about an hour to do the entire thing. We can talk price/rate if you are interested.
Otherwise, if someone out there offers plowing and he/she can do a better job, please let me know! I would be happy to talk to you.
Webmaster, would you be so kind as to set up a forward to my email? Thanks! [Use box166@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
1/1 12:05am Happy New Year!
1/1 12:02am Hi- I just had to write about Christmas trees... When my family's business (Family Gardens Florist on Rt. 115) was the place to shop in the whole area for all Christmas decorations, my parents sold fresh trees cut off of our own property in Maine by the trailer truck load. Our trees were cut a couple days before Thanksgiving and driven down to Norfolk Thanksgiving night by my dad's good friend. Those trees never dropped needles nor did the wreaths. Dad spent many nights sitting up watching over the trees because thieves had often broken into the yard and stole our trees. Mom made 90% of the wreaths we sold from scratch - to size and order! Now? Wreaths are made in Canada starting in October. Then, places like Tropical Tree, Lowe's, WalMart and Home Depot moved into the area. And grocery stores jumped into it and put in florist 'shops' into their stores. Took all our business. It wasn't the quality of the products but the price and convenience that sent our customers to them. Hey, if you can get your food, meds, liquor, cards and Christmas tree, Poinsettia and wreath in one place?? I get it. But, if our tree or wreath didn't hold its needles for 5 or 6 weeks, we'd hear about it. How many people will complain to Tropical? Probably not too many because you get what you pay for... And if you do complain? Good luck.
My dear Dad died in 1999 and my mom's shop is not well known by anyone but the original townies that have lived in Norfolk since the 60s or 70s... And, in case anyone was curious - our business has been closed since Dec. 15th because our oil delivery man overfilled our tank into our basement which then mixed with the sump pump pumping out ground water from the rains thus creating a hazardous waste situation. What little niche of business we had went pppffffft! Very sad. My mom - who has run the business since 1948 - is heartsick and depressed. It's awful. What a sh*tty end to an already crappy year. I just had to vent and remember the good old days... I'm gonna go ring in 2009 and have a good old cry with Mom... Happy New Year... May things become Fine in 09?
- RB
1/1 12:01am Can anyone recommend someone to repair a snowblower? My angular belt appears to be broken. Thanks! - BC