Q4 2009 Norfolknet Notes, Oct-Dec 2009This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
12/31 12:50pm PRB: Victor Construction out of Millis does great work. Building new homes and additions at competitive prices, and the builder is a great guy. Call him at 508-376-1105.=20 - SS
12/30 2:47pm Hi, SF, I just saw your post re the supermarkets. In my experience over 14 years of living here, whoever has any jurisdiction will fight tooth and nail to keep businesses out of town. I am truly astonished that Walgreens came in here (and produced not exactly an eyesore but clearly dominates the center; so much for their obsession with the "charming, rural" quality of the center). They must have had a battery of lawyers and good for them! - AB-G
12/30 2:43pm PRB - Medfield Animal Shelter hosts a Spay / Neuter Clinic almost once a month. I think the cost is under $100 and I think you have the option of getting the kittens their first shots. I brought all (4) of my cats there when they were babies. Drop off in the morning and pick up in the evening. Call the shelter to get the details, 359-8989! - JM
12/29 9:47pm Can anyone refer me to a local chapter of PAC (Parent Advisory Committee) serving the KP school district? Thanks. - MJ
12/29 9:46pm Last week I posted that a local Vet wanted $500. to Neuter a Kitten and Spay another and found that Acorn in Franklin wanted $280. Well a neighbor told me to call Mansfield Animal Hospital. $180. Guess you have to shop around during these times. - PRB
12/29 9:34pm We are collecting "gently" used shoes, boots, sneakers, etc., in Norfolk to give to Soles4Souls, Inc. This charity distributes these shoes free of charge to people in need. Since 2005, Soles4Souls has given away over 5.5 million pairs of shoes in 125 countries, including the US. Collection boxes are at: Norfolk Town Library, Town Hall, Carols Place, Senior Center, St. Jude's Catholic Church, Emmanuel Baptist Church, H.Olive Day & Freeman/Centennial Schools, KP Middle & High Schools & Blessed Sacrament School, Walpole from Jan. 2 - 24, 2010. More info. about Soles4Souls visit their website at www.giveshoes.org. - DD
12/29 11:03am In response to CC with a Transfer Station question and KC with a DPW question, When I call our DPW at 508-528-4990 I receive helpful responses from their excellent office staff. There is also a direct phone number for the Transfer Station but that will probably only be answered when the station is open. The Transfer Station is usually open Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. A while ago when asked what the Transfer Station holiday hours would be I was told they would be closed on Christmas and New Year's Day. With that information I think they will only be open Wednesday and Saturday this week. Happy New Year!
12/28 8:32pm To AE (posted 12/24) who would like to rent a garage space for his MG: I have one available. Contact Lenore at 617-947-0954. - LW
12/28 8:30pm I have brand new and 1/4 used ink cartridges for an HP 7400 series printer. Santa brought me a new printer for Christmas, and I don't want to throw out the old cartridges. They are very expensive, however, they are yours for the taking. e-mail me at klenkalex@comcast.net - kk
12/28 8:28pm I am HRB's mom and appreciate all your help warning my daughter about People to People, however, I have an older child that has already ventured on a People to People trip and had the experience of her life. I do understand that with a large organization that mass mails invitations there is a negative connotation involved, but if you actually went to an orientation meeting and spoke to past ambassadors and organization members you would find a highly recommended, educational experience for your child. I did. The trip is pricey and the student ambassador is encouraged to fund raise a significant portion of the money to teach them both responsibility and the value of a dollar. My child has committed herself to this program and is initiating her fundraising efforts with a can drive. Thank you again for your concern and would appreciate your help by leaving your cans by your mailbox on Jan 3rd. If you email your address to p2pgirl13@yahoo.com we will pick them up and recycle them. - NB
12/28 8:25pm Please plan to join us for the 6th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood & Bone Marrow Drive in participation with Brigham and Women's Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. What better way to end the holiday season than by donating blood and signing up for the National Bone Marrow Registry! The goal is to collect 100 units of blood and with your help it will be reached!!
Participants have the chance to win some great door prizes.
Date: Saturday, January 9, 2010, Place: King Philip Middle School, 18 King Street, Norfolk, MA, Time: 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM
For appointments or information please email GM.Memorial.Drive@Gmail.com
- GM
12/28 2:01pm Sadly, Christmas is over and your beautiful tree may be starting to drop needles. Thinking of taking it down this week? Let the Boy Scouts dispose of your tree for you this Saturday, January 2nd. You just need to leave your tree curbside by 9AM. The fee is $10 for trees up to 10 feet, $15 for trees over 10 feet. The Scouts need you to sign up in advance so they have you on their list for pick-up.You can sign up at www.xmastree.troop80.net or call 508-291-2121. This fundraiser for Troop 80 will help defray the cost of a high adventure trip to New Mexico next summer and other troop activities. Thank you for your support! - KC
12/28 2:00pm Is the transfer station open on Friday 1/1? If not does anyone know if it will be open an alternative day this week to make up for the holiday? Happy New Year! Thanks, - CC
12/28 1:59pm Norfolk Histoical Commission presents the second part of the series: History on the Hill "Did George Washington Sleep in the Josiah Ware Tavern in 1776?" Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 7:00 PM in Room 214 , Norfolk Town Hall. Snow date: January 6, 2010.
Don't miss it -- See you there.
- BB
12/28 1:56pm HRB, Do some research before sending any money to People to People: [page link] - AL
12/28 1:55pm HRB, Please beware of people to people. It is one of the biggest scams out there. People have nominated their pet gerbil and then have received a letter inviting the gerbil to attend. Many people are not aware of the scam tactics of people to people. Google it and you will see for yourself. [page link] - DWL
12/27 3:42pm Happy Holidays everyone! I am have been given a chance to enjoy a trip to Europe via the People to People Student Ambassador program. To raise the necessary amount of money to make this journey, I am asking you to help me by participating in a can drive. Just email me you address and leave out all your returnable cans and bottles from parties, etc next to your mailbox on January 3, 2010 and I will pick them up. I thank you greatly for helping me with my once in a lifetime experience. Thank you and have a happy new year! My email is: p2pgirl13@yahoo.com
Information about the People to People Student Ambassador program is available at www.peopletopeople.com.
12/27 1:18pm Thanks to JR for recommending Matthew (508-330-3726) to install French doors. He got back to us promptly, worked with us to find doors that suited our purpose, and did a meticulous job installing them before the holidays. - VR.
12/27 1:17pm I need to get the stitching on a suitcase repaired and need recommendations on where to start. My guess is an upholstery repair shop, but I am not familiar with any in the area. Thanks for suggestions and happy holidays ! - AP
12/27 1:16pm Looking for a used GPS system, with charger. If someone got a new one for x-mas and is looking to get rid of their old one. I only need it for one week, and do not want to have to buy a new one. If so, please ask the webmaster to contact me. [Use box210@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - DH
12/27 1:15pm Attention all soccer players affiliated with Mass Youth Soccer: Skills Academy for players born in 1998 or 1999 - Last chance to register. This is fast-pasted training for the highly motivated player! Ten week session, directed by MYS Coaches, starts in January. Cost is $130/player - Register now at [page link] And don't forget, registration for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Spring 2010 is now taking place! Visit our website at www.norfolklionssoccer.com
- HK
12/25 9:21pm This morning our family woke up to no heat as our oil burner was on the blink. Cronin Oil was very quick to respond and had the problem fixed within an hour on Christmas morning. While some complain of higher oil prices, Cronin's service is second to none. Our family is thankful to have a quality company like Cronin Oil in town to serve the local community with professionalism and timeliness. Thank You Cronin Oil!! Merry Christmas to all!! - BC
12/25 9:20pm Merry Christmas! ![]()
12/24 7:01pm To PRB - please email info@pchman.com for a builder recommendation. - ES
12/24 7:00pm PRB, Restoration Development is a local company (its president lives in Norfolk) and I've seen the gorgeous work they do. Take a look at their website: www.restorationdevelopment.com - KID
12/24 6:59pm To (NT) Here are a few suggestions not answers to your questions because if I had the answers I would be teaching how to arrive at solutions not problems: How would you measure performance in the classroom? Children demonstrating progress would be a start, MCAS Scores what else., Percentage of Academic scholarships offered and percentage of kids that go on to 4 year schools would be a good indicator or progress...
How would you know if teachers are innovative in the classroom or if they challenge their students? The real question is why do children start out liking school?? Teachers need to make it fun. Use your imagination. I attended a school that teachers participated in intramural sports with children. This naturally increased the level of respect in the classroom.
So a teacher that has a student from a home that does not value education doesn't get a raise? Please.
I would like to know how many parents living in Norfolk don't value education. I am reminded by paying $12k in taxes every year to live in Norfolk.
Sorry about the document but if you graduated between 1940-1990 you would be 41-60 years of age right now and possibly still teaching!
I agree the profession needs to be valued and respected.
- DC
12/24 6:58pm PRB: Call Ron Miller at 508-561-2070. He has done work at our house and we were pleased with the work and workmanship (and of course pricing). - LP
12/24 6:57pm To PRB: I know of a guy that does additions, and does wonderful work. He just gave me an estimate for enclosing my screen in porch and he came in lower that others. If interested you can give your phone number to the webmaster and I will have the person phone you. - DH
12/24 10:19am Happy Holidays! If anyone needs a Christmas wreath, we will be giving out 10" and 12" wreaths tomorrow at Family Florist on Rt. 115 (508 528-2254) from 10 am to 4pm - while they last. The wreaths are free of charge and any bows or decorations are extra. Have a Happy Chrimble and a Merry Goo Year! (That's a cheeky Beatles holiday greeting...) - RB (RB4)
12/24 10:17am Looking to add a 15x20 addition to my home. Anyone recommend a local builder. Thanks in advance. - PRB
12/24 10:07am Would like to thank the Norfolk Board of Health and King Philip Middle School administration & nurses for taking the extra time out in hosting an H1N1 flu clinic last week. The Norfolk community is most appreciative of their efforts in making the vaccine available for students of all ages. - SL
12/24 10:06am Does anyone in town have a place I could store a small MG? My father has owned the car since 1978. Right before I was born. It has sat in a storage unit for the last several years undriven. It needs much work but I have worked out a plan to fix it. I unfortunately can no longer keep it where it is and have no place inside to keep it at my parents' house. If there is someone in town who has space in the back of a barn or an extra garage bay I could possibly rent for a couple of months until the weather is nice enough for me to fix it please let me know. If I can't find a place to keep it, more than likely I will have to scrap it. I have many fond memories working on it with my father as a child and drove it to my senior prom some years ago now. If anyone can point me in a direction I would appreciate it greatly. Happy Holidays. - AE
12/24 10:04am Absentee Ballots for the January 19th State Election are now available in the Town Clerk's office. How to Apply for an Absentee Ballot - You may vote by absentee ballot if you: - will be absent from your city or town on election day, and/or
- have a physical disability that prevents your voting at the polling place, and/or
- cannot vote at the polls due to religious beliefs.
There is an application form available at the Town Clerk's Office or you may download it from the Town Clerk's website. You may also make application by letter by including the following information in your request: name and address as registered, address where you wish the absentee ballot sent, in a primary, the party ballot you want, and, your signature.
Send all applications and letters to: Town Clerk, 1 Liberty Lane, Norfolk, MA 02056
Deadline for filing an application is 5:00pm on January 15, 2010. Please note this is a change from the normal timeframe due to the holiday on Monday, January 18, 2010.
- Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
12/24 10:03am Norfolk Baseball Spring 2010 Registration is Open!! With the holidays near, baseball is probably not at the top of your to-do list but Norfolk Baseball is pleased to open registration for the Spring 2010 season for T-Ball, Little League and Babe Ruth programs. Registration is open until January 17, 2010. As in previous years, online registration will be used exclusively. Please see the "Register Online" page at www.norfolkbaseball.com for more information.
Also, Norfolk Baseball recently revamped our whole web site. Though it's still in it's infancy and is a work in progress, please feel free to provide us feedback on the site, or anything else about Norfolk Baseball, by clicking on the "Feedback" button on our homepage.
- DL
12/22 8:33pm There use to be a person with a horse and sleigh who would give rides up at the Wrentham State School. Does anyone know who that was and how to contact them? - EM
12/22 8:32pm Anyone missing a black hen with green highlights? If so, I picked her up today and have her in safe keeping. Call the animal control officer at 508 440 2816. Who would have thought I'd ever post such a question :)
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
12/22 8:30pm Dog Licensing will begin on Monday, January 4, 2010. Fees are $15 per animal; a $5 discount will be applied if the animal has been spayed/neutered. You may license your dog(s) in person at the Office of the Town Clerk, or you may receive a license by mail. In either case, the following documentation is required:
Owner's name, address and phone numberNote: Your dog must be licensed by February 25, 2010. There is a $50.00 late fine (per animal) effective March 1, 2010 per Article XIII of the Town of Norfolk General Bylaws.
Description of the animal (breed, color, age)
Proof of current rabies vaccination with expiration date
Spaying/neutering (if applicable and not already on file)
Stamped, self-addressed envelope (mail-in license only)This licensing is conducted in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 137 of Chapter 140 of the General Laws.
- Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk
12/22 7:46pm To DD. There is another basketball sign up for first and second graders through Norfolk Recreation. It is on Monday nights, starting on January 4th. It is only $20 and should be a lot of fun. Hope to see you there! - KW
12/22 7:44pm Wednesday, December 30, 2009, is the last day to register to vote at the Special Town Meeting called for January 12, 2010 and/or the Special State Election to be held on January 19, 2010. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before January 19th may register by mail or in person at the Town Clerk's Office. Regular office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM. On Wednesday, December 30th, the office will be open from 9:00AM until 8:00PM pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 51. Mail in registration forms must be postmarked by December 30th or earlier in order to qualify. - Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
12/22 7:43pm Looking for a large Norfolk T shirt as a last minute holiday gift. Does anyone have them for sale? - BC
12/22 7:38pm Can anyone tell me what's up with FIOS in the Pondville section of town? They're telling me it's not available. - DE
12/22 7:37pm Happy belated Winter Solstice! Yesterday was the shortest day of the year. The solstice also marks the beginning of winter.
12/21 10:42pm The orange cat from Stacey Rd was found and is home safe. If you are missing a black and white tuxedo, neutered, male cat from the Berry Lane neighborhood please call me at 508 440 2816. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
12/21 10:41pm The Norfolk Fire Department is sponsoring a Blood Drive Thursday December 31 from 9 - 2 at the Norfolk Senior Center on Medway Branch. Call 1800-GIVE-LIFE, visit givelife.org, or just walk in. Each presenting donor receives a gift. - DLJ
12/21 10:40pm If you are still searching for the gift to give the person that has everything, Renovo Health and Wellness offers at-home massage therapy services for the man or woman who is always on the run with little time to spare for themselves. Our Massage Therapists will create the ambiance of a day spa in the comfort of your own home at a very reasonable price. We also offer "girls night out" events, bridal boutique services and entertainment and nanny services for children. The central theme of our is business is we are mobile. We go to you! Please check out our website, www.renovohealth.com for more information or email msharkey@renovohealth.com for a gift certificate request. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Renovo Health and Wellness! - MS
12/21 10:29pm Here is an interesting article. Too bad Norfolk has no such generous benefactors. [article] - MJD
12/21 10:20pm You are cordially invited to the Interfaith Foxboro Christian Women's Christmas luncheon. Tuesday January 12 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive, Lafayette House Route 1 Foxboro, MA Reservations by January 10 by calling Arline 508-883-8588. Pam Cobb from Medway will share helpful tips and suggestions to help you keep your New Year's resolution to eat healthier. Bonnie Rodrigues, a soprano from Bellingham, will warm your heart with her special musical selections. Karen Low, a Franklin writer, speaker and teacher will present ``Living Hope''.
Invite a friend - He or she will be glad you did!
12/21 10:19pm On 12/20 at 11:14pm, AL queried, "Was today great or what!?" It sure was, AL... the Pats won!! - RP
12/20 11:15pm Looking to find out if there's any open gym time in town or around town where I can play basketball with my kids age 3, 6, 9. They play on Sat at middle school, but want to play more. - DD
12/20 11:14pm Was today great or what!? - AL
12/20 11:00pm Norfolk Baseball is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Winter Training Clinics at Extra Innings in Wrentham. Incorporating feedback from prior year participants, this year several changes have been made to make them even better: * The cost of the clinics have been reduced to $65 this year.
* Each clinics will be run under supervision by an Extra Innings professional instructor.
* The schedule for the clinics has been modified to
+ allow players to attend the clinics before the spring season tryouts start + avoid players missing clinics on the President's Day weekend due to travel/vacation reasons * Reduced the clinic from 8 to 6 weeks to avoid conflicts with the spring pre-season practices
Clinics are provided for all players baseball ages 7 through 15 (must be age 7 through 15 on April 30, 2010). The schedule and times are listed on the attached registration form. As these clinics are hugely popular and fill up fast, please register by January 5th 2010 to guarantee a slot.
For more information, and to get the registration form, go to Norfolk Baseball's website at www.norfolkbaseball.com. Also, please stay tuned and check the website frequently as registration for the Spring 2010 season of T-Ball, Little League and Babe Ruth will open in the next few days.
- DL
12/20 2:08pm Good Morning, I just had a delightful experience and would like to pass on a recommendation for plowing: A very nice young man offered to clear my driveway while I was out shoveling. His name is Daniel Silva, of Franklin. He not only plowed but offered to hand shovel the rest which offer I declined since I must get some exercise. I had a few dollars that I did contribute - coffee money I said, but he declined it. However I insisted. I think you would like to have this person take care of your plowing so here is his number 508 802-3286.
- VS
12/20 1:30pm EF - Have you tried contacting Mr. LeClerc or the school board to ask them your questions? I would think you would get a better and more accurate response than you'll receive here. Just a thought. - SF (SF2)
12/20 1:26pm Searching for Part-Time Nanny: We are seeking an experienced, responsible, energetic and loving part-time nanny for our 3 month old daughter for approximately 20 hours/week (10am-3pm, 4 days/week, some flexibility on days/times) in our home in Norfolk to start late January. This is an ongoing, part-time position with the potential for additional hours occasionally. We would love to find someone who can commit to at least 1 year.
Nanny should have 5+ years experience caring for infants/toddlers with a strong understanding of early childhood development and ages/stages. Should be a non-smoker, CPR/First Aid certified, English speaker, with own transportation, and must be OK being around cats (we have two in our home).
Please email me at kfujawa@comcast.net with your resume/experience, three references (letters or names/contact info), and your hourly rate/range. Thank you!
- KF
12/20 1:25pm Hey everyone, My name is Jason Rafferty, I'm a college student home for Christmas break, trying to earn a bit of money to support myself while I'm back in good old Norfolk. Given that, I'd be glad to help you out with any of the following services:
Waiting assistance for house parties: I've got two years catering experience, and even have my old tuxedo vest & bow tie outfit. I can help you out serving food at house parties; drinks, h'orderves, entrees, table-setting, anything. You can add that extra level of elegance to your party by having an official tuxedo-clad house server! Think of the possibilities!
Computer assistance: I've got a pretty substantial knowledge of computer troubleshooting, so if you need your comp. cleaned up from unwanted programs, or you want to try and make it start up faster, I can help you out with that.
Babysitting: I've got over 5 years babysitting experience! Pref. kids 4 & older. I was the esteemed babysitter for our neighborhood for years! Your kids will love me, because I don't ignore them and do my homework - I actually interact with them, which, you'd be surprised, is rare in a babysitter nowadays.
Art lessons: Are you and your kid trying to become the next Picasso? Well I can help. I'm a potential Art major at college, and can give excellent tutoring based on the principles of continual practice and simply drawing the things you like. You can check out my art website at jason791.deviantart.com
Anyway, if you're interested in any of that (I hope you will be) then don't hesitate to give me a call at 508-446-3744. Or drop me an email! My email is jaraffer@unca.edu Thank you, and happy holidays!
- JR 12/19 12:26pm It seems that our cat, Jack, may have ventured out to do some Christmas shopping last night and has not returned. We are hoping he may simply have been stopped for a cat nap, but were hoping some of you may keep an eye out for him. He is an orange (no jokes about orange cats please) male cat about one year old. He was last seen in the Stacey Rd & Rockwood Rd area. - SF (lost track of which number I am)
[Update 12/21 10:42pm: the orange cat was found and is home safe - HC]
12/19 9:22am Moving to Norfolk is a big life change for some... many have been here for their entire lives and some have raised their families here... Tonight, was the Ladies of the River Cookie Swap and I just want to say, my family is really am fortunate to have such neighbors, and to be here. We are so blessed to have neighbors who watch, listen and care. Merry Christmas to the Ladies of the River and families and to all in Norfolk. Count your blessing this season. - JLH
12/19 9:21am Weather Alert! Heavy snow amounts coming to Norfolk on Sunday, based out of Norfolk for snow plowing services, call me 508-294-8630. - JH
12/19 9:18am To JG - try Phoenix right here in town for plumbing. You possibly need a cartridge in the leaky faucet (can be hard to do if the faucet is old) and perhaps need to clean the 'screen' inside the piece that screws onto the end of the faucet which could be restricting the flow. I got ambitious and replaced two faucets myself. Had to use a hack saw because the fittings were in such bad shape and a plumber had to replace a valve that was so stuck that it broke when the water was turned off. I now turn the valves every so often to make sure they keep from corroding in place. Of course there is likely a lot of crud built up inside the faucet, too. You should see what we pulled out of a water pipe - it was a big chunk of something. It was blocking the line so that our indirect water heater was not providing enough hot water for even one shower. And it is was less than 2 years old when that happened. - EF
12/19 9:16am JW I'm blushing. Thanks for the compliment. I was just putting together a pamphlet today of some of what the town does for animal control and it was really neat to go back through old pictures of Buddy, George, Milky Way, Popeye, Singe (who has a new name now) and so many others. I was contemplating even posting on NN today but now that I already am in response to JW:
We still have 5 really great cats in the shelter. Two (Merlin and Blackberry) that are so amazing that I'm almost tempted to adopt them myself. These two cat will just melt at your hearts if you take them into your lives. With them around you will never have another lonely day, and who can resist their unconditional love. They are phenomenal cats. They are now 9 months old, vaccinated, altered, micro chipped, de wormed, litter trained, and get along with other cats. Call me if anyone is interested in this brother and sister pair. The other three are still coming out of their shells. They were really hard to bring around at first, but now they are realizing how useful humans are to wait on their every whim. These three need to stay for a bit longer until they are emotionally confident enough to hit their new homes. These three are also vaccinated, micro chipped, altered and litter trained.
I received a phone call today asking me why I haven't posted a donations list on NN for some time. My answer was that it's such a tough time of year with holiday shopping and celebrations, money is tight and then add in the economy... Tough sell. For those who do wish to help with our current wish list we are in need of the following: Cat litter, cat toys, and wet cat food (not picky on brand). Those items may be dropped off in the animal control donation bin in the police department lobby anytime. For those who would like to donate but don't have time to shop you may make a tax deductible donation by making a check out to Town of Norfolk and in the memo area write Animal Gift Account and send to Animal Control, 117 Main Street, Norfolk, MA 02056. The animals appreciate it!
Happy and safe holidays to all,
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
12/19 9:15am RA I sure could use you! The only kid I have that will help me with the snow blower and shovel broke her toe today. I will call you in the morning. - DV
12/19 9:13am DLJ: Thanks for the post about the performance tonight! We saw that concert you are referring to, and we really enjoyed it. And I remember that post on Nnet and I had to shake my head. A performance in a church had religious overtones. Really!! Hope tonight's show is as good as the last. - AL
12/18 6:08pm Still waiting to find out the % of salary increase the Norfolk teachers have received in each of the past 3 years. They also have STEP increases I believe based on years of work. And are there COLA increases in addition to these increases? Also, what % of the medical insurance is paid for by our town for its teachers and its employees? Curious and have not received an answer... - EF
12/18 6:07pm If anyone needs someone to plow for the up coming storm. I plow in Norfolk. Call Rob 508-989-7913 - RA
12/18 6:06pm KN - Notary - there's a J.P. on Fruit St., just past Jane & Paul's on the left. DT - I'll drive you, if you can tolerate a hatch-back. Just tip me and pack accordingly. Wm. will provide a contact.
- SO
12/18 6:05pm Norfolk Boy Scout Christmas Tree Disposal Pickup - The Scouts will be at the transfer station tomorrow and at Dunkin Donuts on Sunday morning to sign residents up for the their annual Christmas Tree Disposal fundraiser. Scouts will come to your house on the Saturday morning you choose, either January 2 or January 9, to pick up and dispose of your Christmas tree for you. You just need to leave your tree curbside by 9AM on the day you select for pickup. The fee is $10 for trees up to 10 feet, $15 for bigger trees. The Scouts need you to sign up in advance so they have you on their list for pick-up. Please catch them this weekend if you are about town. You can also sign up at www.xmastree.troop80.net or call 508-291-2121. Thank you for supporting the Norfolk Boy Scouts! - KC
12/18 6:04pm It's not too late!! Do you have some old VHS tapes you'd like to have on DVD? You can still have them for Christmas if you act by Monday, 12/21/09. Call Paul at 508-662-5324 for details. Free pick and delivery if you live in Norfolk.
- PG
12/18 6:03pm DT - can a neighbor drop you off at the station? Or if the timing is not convenient, leave your car there (pay the fee!) and have friends pick it up later? We have a friend who works in Boston and we gave him a ride to the station, we went to the airport, he went to work, and then he took our car home that night. When we were coming home he called us to tell us what space the car was in, and then we picked him up later from the station after work. He was happy because it saved him $8! - LJK
12/18 6:02pm JG Heavy & Sons in Walpole are great. Fast service and reasonable pricing. - PRB
12/18 6:01pm GC: Hilary Cohen is one of the nicest people I have ever met and she found her calling when she became Norfolk's Animal Control Officer. Being the animal lover that I am, I know it takes hard work and lots of love for nature and all that is in it to be so dedicated to all God's creatures. We are fortunate she picked Norfolk to do what she was meant to do. Thank You Hilary. - JW
12/18 6:00pm JG. Call Dan Gomes at 508-404-8923. He is a Norfolk resident. - SC
12/18 5:59pm DT, it seems silly to hire a cab to go a mile or two; when do you need the ride? - DV
12/18 5:58pm To DT - when would you be leaving, and returning from Logan? If I'm going to be around I would love to help you out. You could give your phone number to the webmaster, and I will phone you. - DH
12/18 5:55pm This Saturday night the Norfolk recreation has a program called "Saturday Night Fun." It is a fun evening for kids in kindergarten through 4th grade. My daughter absolutely loves it! The fun lasts for three hours (from 5:00pm-8:00pm) and the kids are fed pizza for dinner and do various fun activities. Each "Saturday Night Fun" has a different theme. This Saturday's theme will be The Great Cookie Exchange. Here is the description from the Norfolk recreation web site. Registration can be done on line. "Come on over to measure, mix and bake! Each child will prepare and bake a medley of cookies. Share them with the family, or give as gifts! And of course, we'll have to taste some of them! This is the perfect solution for Moms and Dads to have a few hours to get some errands done or just some time alone! Have a peaceful dinner together, get some shopping done, or just relax while the kids have a great time with us for three full hours! All workshops include supper, drinks, and themed activities. It's a kids night out! A great opportunity to socialize and have fun!"
Check it out! [activityreg.com link]
12/18 5:53pm JG, I am a licensed plumber right here in Norfolk. You can reach me at 508-533-7401. - DT
12/18 5:52pm SF - Let's assume you're right about me not agreeing with the Selectmen. Is that so terrible? The reality is that we don't always see eye to eye, but I have been fortunate to work with past and present Selectmen that welcome input from me and my Department Heads. At the end of the discussion it's their job to make the decision and my job to help them reach their goals. Unfortunately you have concluded that I don't agree with the Selectmen on this topic based upon one quote. If you had heard me speak to this topic on one of many occasions in the past five years, you would know that the one quote you read doesn't fully capture my feelings on the topic.
I was never satisfied with the 50,000+ square foot store that Stop and Shop originally proposed because I was concerned that it would be out of scale for our town center. I was also really concerned that a store that big might be at risk of failure because we wouldn't be able to support a store that size, especially with so many other stores (including Stop and Shops) near by. So, in one sense, we are lucky that Stop and Shop has been slow (painfully slow) in their decision making, because we could have ended up with a big empty store.
I am much happier with the size store that Stop and Shop is talking about now, which is about 30,000 square feet. Hopefully we'll get really lucky and they'll decide to build it sometime soon.
I think if you asked the Selectmen - even the senior one - you'll find they agree with me on this one.
- Jack Hathaway, Town Administrator
12/18 5:51pm Celebrate a ``Celtic Christmas'' with the Sky Family Celtic Dance and Gospel Fiery Faith & Fiddles Friday, December 18 7:00 PM The Federated Church of Norfolk 1 Union Street A Christmas Show for the Whole Family. $15.00 for adults $10.00 for seniors and students, Tickets available at the door. Refreshments to follow the performance. Just FYI - There will some Christian songs within this show. I provide this warning since the last time we hosted this wonderful show someone posted on Norfolknet the show was great but it had a religious tone.
12/17 10:49pm I am looking for a reasonably priced reliable plumber. I have a leaky faucet and one that barely any water is coming out of. Thanks. - JG
12/17 10:48pm Wednesday, December 30, 2009, is the last day to register to vote at the Special State Election to be held on January 19, 2010. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before January 19th may register by mail or in person at the Town Clerk's Office. Regular office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM. On Wednesday, December 30th, the office will be open from 9:00AM until 8:00PM pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 51. Mail in registration forms must be postmarked by December 30th or earlier in order to qualify. - Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
12/17 10:47pm Thanks for everyone keeping an eye out for that duck! He's now back home - HC
12/17 10:46pm A very special thanks to Jack Hathaway and Butch Vito for seeing that my mailbox was repaired the following day of my request. I never expected such a quick turnaround! - MKS
12/17 10:42pm [We are] trying to find a way to get to the Norfolk train station (flying out from Logan) from our home on Medway street. Does anyone know if there are local cab services available? The results from my online search were not too reassuring (no one picking up my calls). Thanks, - DT
12/17 10:40pm JC. Thanks for the question. The one body in town responsible for both revenues and cost-savings is our Town Meeting, which is the legislative branch of town government, and thus ultimately controls the power of the purse. Because the Warrant for Town Meeting is set ahead of the meeting, it's very difficult to pop new ideas into the debate on the floor of the meeting.
My hope for the Bylaw Committee is to recruit volunteers who are interested in developing reform proposals for consideration by Town Meeting voters that either generate non-tax revenue or can reduce the costs of government, or both. Whatever the merits of a particular proposal, I think it's important for voters at Town Meeting to have choices. The best way to do that (other than by direct citizen petition, which I will also encourage this Spring) is by having the town's Bylaw Committee develop ideas for decision by voters. We have a great group of volunteers on the Committee already (and I was sorry to lose JN's talents!) so please let me know if you'd like to be considered for appointment by January 1 by sending an email to winslow@virtualnorfolk.org. Many thanks!
- Dan Winslow, Town Moderator
12/17 10:39pm Hope to rally support for our High School and Middle School to provide them with additional funds needed for 2010-2011. What looked like a reference to Norfolk K-6 schools (12/3/09 posting), is actually a reference to our high school and other Norfolk county high schools and the funding & performance based on 2004/2005 data! The referenced article was from Forbes, "Best And Worst School Districts For The Buck" by Christina Settimi, 07.05.07, which actually rated Norfolk county metropolitan area schools based on high school graduation rates, per pupil spending, SAT and ACT scores from 2004/05. [article] - SM
12/17 10:38pm We are having two kittens, one spayed the other neutered. Checking prices, a local vet wanted $500. Acorn in Franklin was $290. - PRB
12/17 10:33pm The Muscovi duck was finally caught in my yard this morning by its owners. It was caught with the help of a Swan Net, provided by Hilary Cohen to the owners. Hilary has gone out of her way to help with the duck capture, even though it is out of her jurisdiction, as it is considered wildlife. Just want to let everyone know how helpful she was and how she goes above and beyond her job. Not too many like her! - GC
12/17 10:32pm TS: We used Mr. Hoop 781.431.6170. He did a great job. - DC (another DC)
12/17 10:26pm JN - I too support the fire and police men. But the timing was bad for a new public safety building. Maybe if some thought was put into the amount of over rides presented there would have been a different out come. Asking the voters to pass three overrides was crazy. You seem to think money solves all problems. We do not need more taxes. If we can not afford some thing we will have to go without until we can afford the item. Believe me a high tax bill is just as bad as an old school to a home buyer.
- MG
12/17 10:21pm To KN - You can go to Bank of America if you are a client of theirs and they'll notarize anything you have for free. Not sure about other banks, but they may have the same arrangement. - SS
12/17 10:20pm KN, the Foxboro Federal on Main Street has a notary. - PRB
12/17 10:17pm KN: If you go to TDBank in Walpole there are several notaries that work there. Otherwise you can reach Dianne at 508-344-4892 and we can arrange to meet. - DMM
12/16 11:58pm DC - How would you measure performance in the classroom? What would you base this on - students' MCAS scores or something else? How would you know if teachers are innovative in the classroom or if they challenge their students? Are you working in a classroom? Being passionate about learning begins at home. So a teacher that has a student from a home that does not value education doesn't get a raise? Please. The document you included in your post is based on data from 1940-1990 and is quite unreliable. Teachers in public schools have to have a masters degree within 5 years of obtaining their license to begin with. They are evaluated yearly with formal observations by principals. The profession needs to be valued and respected. - NT
12/16 11:57pm To DM You misinterpreted my posting. I am not opposed to our selectmen and if I become disenchanted, I'll vote at the elections. I am unhappy about a town administrator that says the town is "lucky" not to have a supermarket. He isn't on the same page as our selectmen. What is it going to take a bring a supermarket to town center? - SF
12/16 11:56pm The TPA is hosting a Holiday Bake Sale at this Thursday's Chorus Concert (7:00 pm, Dec 17). Stop into the Freeman for a delicious treat, and forget the calories! It's the holidays! All proceeds support our schools. Thanks from the TPA! - AL
12/16 11:54pm JC: As an outgoing Bylaw Committee member (and Chair), I feel compelled to answer your question. The Bylaw Committee works on writing new or re-writing current general bylaws (there is a separate zoning bylaw committee). What the Moderator was referring to as far as revenue, would be bylaws, such as the fee bylaw we brought forth at TM, that seeks to generate revenue in the town. Non-tax revenue, I might add, that we desperately need. The Bylaw Committee is a wonderful way to get involved in the town. I highly recommend it. I have learned quite a bit.
I am stepping down merely because I have way too much on my plate, not because I did not enjoy the experience. I certainly did and I really liked working with all of the other committee members.
This town has quite a spirit. That was evident during this last town meeting and election. It is good to see people actively involved in the process. As you know, there is not one person or group that runs all of the town finances. The Selectmen do not have anything to do with the two school budgets, KP and Norfolk, and the Library Trustees run the library themselves. No one oversees them. If you have an issue with the schools, the school committee and the teacher's union really do the contract negotiations. The teachers are innocent bystanders, it would seem. And just like there are good MDs, and bad MDs and good nurses and bad nurses, there are also good and bad teachers. Not sure how you would judge merit in a classroom setting. Grades? Kid's happiness? Ability to pass standardized tests? If I did have one criteria, it would have to be hands down happy children. BTW, nurses and MDs are not paid based on "merit" either. Neither are college professors or astronauts. Merit pay is usually aligned with meeting corporate goals in corporate America. There are objective milestones (usually aligned with profit) that one can use to measure performance. There are just too many variables when it comes to applying that same logic when you are dealing with people.
As far as talk about the new school, I hope that we can maintain current service levels throughout the next year and beyond. It was recently reported KP needs an additional 500K to stay at current levels. No one seems to be talking about that, but it is concerning. We need our schools to be healthy on the inside as well. A new school is a luxury, a good learning environment should be a standard that we focus on maintaining even if it costs us additional taxes. A high tax rate and schools with lower standards will only erode our home values.
On another note, I am saddened for our police and firemen as they truly need to have a new space. It is just not right to have a beautiful, half empty Town Hall that houses a few town employees from 9-6, 4 days a week and have our firemen in a trailer out back when they work 24/7--365 days a year. It is just not right. I was very disappointed for them especially since they only needed 15 more votes. And 20 people left the public safety question blank. Something is just not right with that.
I hope everyone will continue to support our firemen and policemen (and women) as they continue to trudge forward protecting us and keeping us safe this holiday season.
- JN
12/16 11:53pm SK - no one knows what is going to be going in next to Walgreens - my guess is that they are just building the building and will lease it out later. - TH
12/16 11:52pm The Muscovy duck has been hanging out in my backyard (180 Seekonk St.) at my bird feeder, yesterday and today. The first time I spotted the duck was when it flew over my yard, now it flies in and hangs out at the bird feeder for the afternoon. - TRG 12/16 11:46pm I have two sets of bunk bed (does not include mattresses or bedding), that are looking for a new home, and quickly! The first is a honey oak twin bunk set. We are asking $150 for this set. The second is a natural birch and is a twin over a full (or can be used as two twins). We are asking $250 for this set. They are both very sturdy, and were very expensive pieces when we bought them. If interested, please call Karen at 508-314-8431. - KN
12/16 11:44pm Thanks SDB! While we're on the subject of caring, if you (like me) end up with a couple of extra holiday cards this holiday season, I have a suggestion. Please send holiday greetings to an injured soldier or airman at Walter Reed. My brilliant and handsome husband (hi honey!) sent me the address: A Recovering American Soldier/AirmanI do not have the same information for Bethesda (Navy and Marines), but if someone else does, please post!
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington,D.C. 20307-5001- KID
12/16 11:43pm TS - Call Bob here in town at 774-571-0980 to see if he can help with your basketball hoop set-up. He's done similar work for us, and he's very good about getting back to you - VR
12/16 11:41pm To CR, I had that same thought. But mine was just for the Police dept. They could save the older building at the Freeman complex. It is a sturdy old building. The money they use to demolish the building could be used to gut it and make it the Police station. Then the existing Public Safety building could be the fire dept building and possibly expand it a little, possibly putting on a second floor for the living quarters. But then I thought, that sounds to common sense for anyone to think of that. - PJT
12/16 11:40pm I am looking for someone to install an in-ground basketball system for me. It will be delivered sometime next week by Walpole Woodworkers. Any recommendation will be appreciated. Thanks, - TS
12/16 11:39pm Is anyone a notary public? Or do you know of one locally? My husband and I need several documents notarized. Thanks. - KN
12/16 10:15am Does anyone know of someone who is experienced putting together a treadmill? Thanks, - KEM
12/16 10:08am Property values will not increase because our kids are in a $30 million dollar school... Take a look at the top communities (schools) in Massachusetts and admire their MCAS scores and how they support their teachers, athletics and art programs. I would have voted to pay top teachers top dollar, what they deserve based on performance in the classroom. Teachers who are innovative and challenge kids will make children passionate about learning. My company posts performance metrics quarterly to prevent surprises when merit increases are determined... (Keeping Score). I think it's funny how we have teachers preparing our children for the work force but yet they are held to a different standard of performance than the rest of us. I'm surrounded by people with great credentials that get paid less than others purely because they under perform. In the public domain teachers are paid based only on their educational credentials and years of experience. That's like playing a sport and not keeping score?? Is this what we want... who are we kidding... kids always keep score. Teacher quality, as measured by college GPA, college selectivity, and SAT score, has declined over time [UCI.edu pdf]. Why do we all support this behavior.
I hope the commonwealth holds up to their end of the bargain supporting Norfolk residents with this project.
- DC
12/16 10:07am I'm responding to Town Moderator Dan Winslow's search for Bylaw Committee volunteers. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Bylaw Commitee, as I read it in terms of budget, determines only the revenue side. Who determines the expenditures (please answer)? I would hope one body, responsible for both revenues and expenditures, answers to the Town and decides prudently what we save and spend. If that's the case, I'm sure there is alot of interest.
- JC
12/16 10:06am JH, 781-444-9814, or hughesfoto@aol.com. E-mail is best. Send me you child's name and I will look into it. Also, there was contact info on the front and back of the photo pack you got.
- DV, Hughes Photography
12/16 10:05am Just a thought. Instead of tearing down the Centennial/Freeman school, has it been explored if it could be re-worked for the use of the fire/police department? It seems that there would be enough room on the site to handle it. - CR
12/16 10:04am Apparently the duck owner has been located. Hopefully she had luck getting her feathered friend this evening. - HC
12/15 8:32pm Need a nanny? I've been using Dana Hoy as a temporary part time nanny this month, until our au pair arrives in January. She is really fantastic - we'd be hiring her full time if we didn't decide on the au pair before I met her! She has many years of experience with multiples, and children of all ages. She's looking for either M-W-F or full time. She will also consider weekends/evenings. I highly recommend her!! If you want to talk to her, email her at sunflowerlover3@yahoo.com. - MW
12/15 8:30pm NCTV is pleased to announce that the Education channel from Wrentham - many of you know it as Comcast channel 12 - is now being broadcast on Verizon channel 40. I myself spent half of last week, along with the help of some great guys from Verizon and some awesome guys at Town Hall, up at the Town Hall installing some equipment and making connections. So those of you who may have felt shorted by switching to Verizon and losing the KP games and the KP school committee can now view them. It is a direct rebroadcast of the Comcast's signal to the Verizon equipment. If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me at the NCTV Studio, (508) 520-2780. - Andrew Eckard, NCTV Station Manager
12/15 8:29pm Muscovi Duck has been in my yard at 1 Creek Drive off and on for 3 days. The owners live on Stop River Rd. I don't know the address. Can someone on the street notify them? Thanks, I would hate to see anything happen to this pet. We are feeding him, but he needs to be in his own home. He is usually in the driveway or on my fence. He is not afraid of humans. We have called the Animal Control Officer who came by yesterday, but not today. Thanks, - GC
12/15 8:28pm Thank you so much TH, CS, and KID for your recent contributions to civility and caring on this website. Best wishes for peace and joy to DV and her girls. Happy Holidays to all! - sdb
12/15 8:27pm Can anyone tell me what is being built in Norfolk center? I know about the Walgreens, but what other stores and businesses are going in? - SK
12/15 8:20pm Hello - does anyone have the contact information for Hughes Photography or the town they are out of? We received our son's soccer pictures from the fall but not our daughter's. Thank you - JH
12/15 8:19pm Norfolk Moderator seeks Bylaw Committee volunteers - Committee has power to propose spending reforms and cost savings in town. NORFOLK - Norfolk Moderator Dan Winslow is seeking applicants for appointment to the town's Bylaw Committee, which has two current vacancies. "The Bylaw Committee is the committee in town that has the greatest potential to make a difference in town government," said Winslow, "by proposing reforms in how Norfolk raises and spends revenue." Winslow noted that he is looking for people with an interest and passion for bringing new ideas to Town Meeting for consideration by voters and making "town government work smarter as well as harder for the citizens of Norfolk." "Our town can be the state leader in municipal finance reforms and innovations," said Winslow, "and there's no time like the present to get started."
In addition to proposing reforms in town government, the Bylaw Committee reviews and makes recommendations at Town Meeting on all proposed changes to the town bylaws, which function as the local equivalent of state statutes passed by the Legislature. The Bylaw Committee also has the responsibility to review, edit and update the existing bylaws for the town. Winslow noted that the Committee is ideal for someone with a legal background, but a legal background is not required. In fact, the single greatest criterion for appointment to the Bylaw Committee is an interest in making Norfolk a great community in which to live and work.
Anyone interested in being appointed to the Bylaw Committee should email Dan Winslow at winslow@virtualnorfolk.org no later than January 1, 2010.
- Dan Winslow, Town Moderator
12/15 8:18pm When are we going to get that light pole on Union and North moved? This is to DPW. Thank you, - KC
12/15 8:17pm The next time that you are driving by the Federated Church take a look at the... ummmmm... (best not say the word) ...scene in the front. Especially at the camels!! They have the most wonderful smiles... really made me smile just to look at them. :) We even stopped the car to comment... - JHR
12/15 8:16pm SBJ: I don't know if this will reach you too late, but the King Philip Honor Society is collecting winter coats. From the December Principal's page "KP National Honor Society presents ... Coats for Kids sponsored by Anton's Cleaners. Please donate quality winter coats for kids, adults, and babies, too! The NHS will be collecting coats now through December 15th, 2009. The cleaning of the coats is donated by Anton's Cleaners, and then the coats will be distributed to those in need." - -CA
12/14 9:23pm History on the Hill - The Norfolk Historical Comission will present its second program in the current History on the Hill series on December 30, 2009. The topic : "Did George Washington Sleep Here in the Josiah Ware Tavern in 1776 ?" The program is scheduled in Room 214 in the Norfolk Town Hall at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 with a snow date the following Wednesday, January 6, 2010. We'll explore the story and examine the evidence and you can decide if Washington stopped in North Wrentham (now Norfolk) on his way to New York after the siege of Boston ended with the British evacuation from Boston on March 17, 1776. Came join us for another chapeter in local history.
- BB
12/14 9:21pm H1N1 Vaccination Clinic for Ages 4 years old through 8th Grade on 12/17/09 - This is a message from the Norfolk Board of Health regarding upcoming H1N1 vaccination clinics for Norfolk children. The Board of Health will be holding 2 vaccination clinics on Thursday, December 17, 2009. The first H1N1 clinic is for 7th and 8th graders and will be held from 8:30 - 10:30 am at the King Philip Middle School Library located at 18 King Street in Norfolk.
The second H1N1 clinic will also be held at the King Philip Middle School Library on Thursday, December 17th from 4 -7 pm for children 4 years old through 6th grade.
Pre-registration is not required, but please visit the Town of Norfolk's website at www.virtualnorfolk.org to download the appropriate consent form to fill out and bring with you to the clinic.
If you have any questions or if you are a nurse or medical personnel and would like to assist with vaccinating the children at either one of the clinics, please call the Board of Health office at 508-528-7747.
Thank you.
- BF, Norfolk Board of Health
12/14 9:20pm Could someone tell me the dollar amount that Norfolk pays for health insurance for town employees and teachers (both Norfolk & regional system) and what share of this (in terms of %) is paid by the employees? Also what has been the percentage of teacher raises in the each of the last 3 years? Just curious... - EF
12/14 9:19pm Just a quick note in support of DV. We received our soccer pictures this weekend and they came out great! They were well worth the wait and we really appreciate you pulling through on these. Happy Holidays. - CMLV 12/14 9:18pm Are you missing your Muscovy? He was seen today in the Creek Drive neighborhood and flew back behind towards the small pond behind Seekonk Street towards medfield line. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
12/14 9:14pm Norfolk Lions Club is in full swing with their annual Christmas Tree Sale!! This month long event is one of the Lions Club's most important fundraisers and a great opportunity for the Lions to connect with so many members of the community during the holiday period. We are currently offering all wreaths at a 50% discount. Please come on down to pick up your tree and help us support the local charities of Norfolk and the Norfolk Lions.
As has been its tradition in the past four years, the Norfolk Lions Christmas Tree Sale is located on the lot next to the Dunkin Donuts in downtown Norfolk.
"This year we will be collecting non-perishable food donations for the benefit of the Norfolk Food Pantry. Like many of us, the Food Pantry has been hit hard during these economic times and we would like to help out." Bill Hawkins further comments, "Your contributions to the Food Pantry would be appreciated and could not come at a better time of year."
The Norfolk Lions Club currently has 63 members and meets on the fourth Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm at The Horse and Carriage restaurant. For more information or to get involved with the Norfolk Lions Club, please contact Al Rao, Membership Chair at norfolklionsclub@yahoo.com or visit www.norfolklions.com .
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with nearly 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world. Check out www.lionsclubs.org.
- TL
12/14 9:11pm Thanks PHT for proclaiming me the voice of the public. Where was I 3 years ago? I have to confess that one slipped by me like it did others, just like the church painting did. Now does this mean I have to produce a warrant article to get the talking authority figurines with animatronic lips for the lobby? Let me know soon so I can get working on the item, as I am breaking up my furniture to get ready to burn it for the winter. Gotta save to pay those taxes!
12/14 9:10pm This Thursday, 12/17, stop in for a tasty treat at the TPA Holiday Bake Sale, before and after the Chorus Concert (7:oo pm) at the Freeman Centennial School. There will be delicious cookies to eat that night and other festive goodies to take home to enjoy for the holidays. All proceeds will benefit the schools. Happy Holidays from the TPA! - AL
12/14 9:08pm SF - Well said!! This town does needs new leadership and I for one would like to see our senior selectmen dismissed when their time comes up for re-election. Their devotion to the "elite" and "special interest groups" is amazingly profound to say the least. No matter what the "elite" and "liberals" say on this website, the evidence speaks loud and clear when it comes to over-spending in past years. It's time for our senior selectmen to get out of "OUR Wallets" and vote him out!!
- DM
12/14 9:07pm DO - In regards to college/financial forms, I can help. Call me 508-269-1778 - GW
12/14 8:45pm DV, we received our soccer photos on Saturday and they look great! Thank you for the wonderful work you always do. And Merry Christmas to you and the girls. - TH
12/14 8:44pm RE: post by SF on 12/13 12:25pm - I respectfully disagree with you. You may not like what our Town Administrator said, but our town does not "need better leadership" based on one comment that you disagree with. Try to keep things in perspective. By the way, I'm glad when there is disagreement among the citizens, and even among the leadership, of Norfolk; this leads to discussion, which usually leads to better decisions being made. - CMK
12/14 8:43pm Does anyone know where I can donate gently used kids shoes/sneakers? Also I have more winter coats than I need. I am aware of the donation bins at the transfer station but was wondering if there was one specifically for shoes/coats. I thought I had heard of them. Thanks, - SBJ
12/13 5:00pm DT: I am glad that we can cordially agree to disagree. Your concerns about a tax increase for the school, specifically the timing, are certainly valid. While we still disagree about the future availability of matching state funds for construction, that is fine with me and I respect your opinion. I also appreciate the tenor of your response, particularly during the holidays! I would also like to share my support for DV and Hughes Photography. It is easy to get caught up in the instantaneous gratification mode. I understand. In this case, the photos were late and that is unfortunate, but also understandable. What seems far more important here is to support a neighbor during a very difficult time. Best,
- CS
12/13 4:59pm Hi, can anyone recommend a place to get a cord of kiln dried firewood? thank you, - BD
12/13 12:28pm What comes to mind as I've read some recent posts is that A Christmas Carol ought to be required viewing or reading at this time of year. One particular quote that always sticks with me as Scrooge speaks to the ghost of Christmas Future is - "..and you've shown me only greed, and malice and apathy! Let me see some tenderness, some...depth of feeling." Merry Christmas and God Bless us everyone. - BMS
12/13 12:27pm Norfolk Girls Softball is pleased to announce that registration is now open for our Spring, 2010 season. Register by 12/20/09 for the early registration discount! Norfolk Girls Softball provides a recreation softball program for players Pre-K through 8th grade. Please visit our website at www.norfolkgirlssoftball.org for more information. New this year - we are expanding our programs to include players at the Pre-Kindergarten age!
For more information, e-mail norfolkgirlssoftball@gmail.com or call Lisa C. at 774.571.2167. Thank you,
- LC
12/13 12:26pm DM: In one of your many posts, you suggest that the Town of Norfolk has been put into "a mess" by the override votes. Quite the contrary is true. The State has cut municipal aid to the bone. Combined with skyrocketing health care costs for municipal employees, we have been compelled to make dramatic cuts in a spectrum of local services. By utilizing our own initiative and the democratic process, the Town's voters have taken the initiative and decided what they will and won't fund. Dollar for dollar, local property taxes provide more direct results than any other form of taxes. So, by controlling our own destiny we have voted our way out of a mess rather than into a mess, at least with respect to one specific project. Like most, I have a significant financial and personal investment in this town. I will never dismiss an opportunity to enhance that investment. And while I don't often side with the Selectmen, you are quite wrong about them - they have actually been quite fiscally conservative. For the last several years, they have favored a budget axe rather than operating overrides, often to the chagrin of many. - JT (JT6)
12/13 12:25pm I read the article in the Boston Globe on Sunday "Tiny Town Attracts A Lofty Status" and liked reading about Norfolk until I saw the ridiculous comment by our Town Administrator, "Some Residents do want progress, like a supermarket, Hathaway said, "But we've kind of avoided it by luck." I want a supermarket and I'm not alone. I also know that at least 2 of our 3 Selectmen have fought hard for a supermarket so it appears that our town administrator isn't on the same page with our elected officials. I believe our town needs better leadership. - SF
12/13 12:24pm CS, I don't disagree with building a new school. I just believe they picked the wrong time to do it. There are a lot of people struggling right now just to pay the essentials. I don't believe them when they tell us this was the only time we would be able to get the money from the state. They use these scare tactics all the time on these types of votes and it is starting to get tiresome that people keep believing them. I would have voted for a new school in a heartbeat if the economy was better. This was just not the right time. - DT
12/12 6:13pm: KID, I am sorry that I am not sure who you are, but thank you for the kind words. I was very upset last night when I read the posts, but after a good night's sleep, I realized that I am very proud of myself for how much I have gotten done in the last few months. Yes, the photos were very late and there may even be a few people who get the wrong photograph. If that happens, I will fix it. But the photos have all been mailed out and they are very cute! Even though it does not seem like it on this web site, everyone has been very kind and everyone will get the product they paid for. It has been a hard year and I am very proud of the fact that I and my girls are still standing. "But business is business" and think I have done a slow but good job. The Lions group is great, and I would hope that no one looks poorly at them for my mistakes. They do a lot for people in this town. I have been in business for 20 years and am very proud of all I have done. Yes, this year was tough; if poeple want to throw me under the bus for that... so be it.
- DV, Hughes Photography
12/12 6:12pm: Renee P. is collecting Toys For Tots this year. There is a drop off box at the Library, or at 10 Pheasant Hill Rd. You can also contact her for pick up at 508-553-9923. Thank you for remembering the children this year. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. - YP
12/12 3:13pm: Norfolk Boy Scout Christmas Tree Disposal Pickup - The boys in Troop 80 are once again conducting a fund raiser this holiday season to support their high adventure trips and other troop activities. Scouts will come to your house on the Saturday morning you choose, either January 2 or January 9, to pick up and dispose of your Christmas tree for you. You just need to leave your tree curbside by 9AM on the day you select for pickup. The fee is $10 for trees up to 10 feet, $15 for bigger trees. The Scouts need you to sign up in advance so they have you on their list for pick-up. For more information and to sign up, please go to www.xmastree.troop80.net or call 508-291-2121. - KC
12/12 3:09pm: [Update 3:13pm: brief replies to DM and MK removed on request - Wm.]
12/12 3:08pm: I am a plumber here in Norfolk. I have a 40 gal. propane water heater with some very small dents but otherwise brand new and never installed. I paid $450+, but will sell it for $375. Installation extra. You can reach me at 774-244-0291 if anyone is interested. - DT
12/12 3:07pm: MK: Nice job articulating the broader environment in which our selectman have been toiling. It's easy to rant and rave about individual decisions, and quite another to roll up one's sleeves and do the dirty work. I may not love everything we as a town decide to do, but I am sure thankful we have some dedicated people willing to do the legwork and make the tough decisions. Thanks! - TC
12/12 3:06pm: 2009 Tree-lighting photographer - does anyone have his contact info? I lost the card and I'd love the photo! Thanks! - JKS
12/12 3:05pm: Does anyone know of any local places collecting for Toys for Tots? Thanks - JAS
12/12 2:49pm: Dear MON, As usual your clear thinking and lack of understanding never ceases to amaze me. Let me be clear in what I am stating here. CPC funds are not spent by CPC members, they are only managed by them. It is not an open checkbook that is maintained for their own personal initiatives. You the public, MON, yes You voted to spend that money, CPC voted (in an open public invited forum) to bring it forward to You in a Town Meeting forum so that You and Your fellow voters could decided to vote for or against it. Where were You when it made its way on to the town meeting floor about 3 years ago? Respectfully submitted, - PHT
12/12 2:48pm: To The Community; On behalf of us who serve you from the Public Safety Building please accept our thanks for taking the time to vote. Over 3,000 residents cast ballots on the issues which speaks so well of Norfolk. I would like to acknowledge the work of the school's volunteers, ACT. Their organizational skills and implementation of sound plan certainly was a template for success. To the School Committee and all who worked so hard to achieve the goal of a new school, congratulations! I would be remiss if we didn't recognize several people from the community who worked closely for the Public Safety Building question; Janice Nelson, who volunteered her time to direct the station video along with Andrew Eckard from NCTV; Helen Cleary who has supported our efforts objectively and enthusiastically along with Beth Vallee, Cathy Elder and Nancy Connors, many thanks. My good friend and our Police Chief Chuck Stone and I will continue to work for a resolution for the Public Safety facility issue while providing the quality of service you the community has come to expect. Again thank you for participating and we wish everyone a safe and happy Holiday Season. - Cole Bushnell, Fire Chief
12/12 2:39pm: GL, It's just another way they fudge the numbers in their favor when they're about to dip into your wallet once again. If they had put the real numbers out there do you think they would of gotten the votes they needed? Remember the original price tag for the "Big Dig"? When Medway passed the override for the new high school, years ago, after it was finished they turned around and needed another override to staff it. Not to mention some shoddy work that had to be repaired and additional lockers that had to be added. The numbers they have given us for this school are not the final numbers. There will always be things that were overlooked, or just hidden from the average citizen, and cost overruns. Believe me I'm not a conspiracist, just a realist. Remember this is Massachusetts after all.
- DT
12/12 2:22pm: Interesting. I see it as the town voted for a new building only because someone else is picking up half the tab. The new building makes sense because we get to use someone else's hard-earned dollars to build with, dollars that were were not donated but taken from them, dollars that could have been used to build a better school for their own kids. So yes, I see a moral problem in spending $40 million when for half that we could have met our needs and had $20 million left over to make our lives better in other ways. Sometimes I despair of the lessons we're teaching our kids.
- AR
12/12 2:22pm: DT: I have thought about the implications of a tax hike for the new school quite a bit. My conclusion is that a new school makes sense both fiscally and morally. This override will certainly impact our family budget, but it will be worth it in the long run. I am tired of all of the rhetoric about the school building being irrelevant to the educational outcome. The town voted for a new building because it does matter. As a society, we have an obligation to educate future generations as effectively as we can. I have no doubt that an updated school will help accomplish this (technologically alone). I also have no doubt that my home is more likely to retain value as a result of this vote. It is a shame that this has become such a contentious and polarizing issue.
- CS
12/12 2:21pm: To DM: Maybe you are the special interest group that is trying to foist your opinions on the rest of us. The school passed because the majority of people in the town thought it was a good idea and felt that they could afford it. I am a little sick of people telling me that I should vote against proposals because it might drive out people who can't afford it. I cannot afford a house in Dover, so I don't live there. If there comes a time that I cannot afford my taxes in this town, I will vote against increasing them, but if the majority of people vote for them, then maybe I will need to think about if I can afford to stay in this town... no matter how long I have lived here. That is what democracy and capitalism is all about - the majority rules. If you are so upset about the selectmen, then run against them, but don't complain and then not do anything about it. Just my two cents. - ALL
12/12 2:20pm: MAK, I for one voted against this proposal. It's just not the right message to send to our irresponsible town government officials, to approve funding a stabilization account when the taxpayer approved an over-ride for road maintenance several years ago. Your passion though is well appreciated!! In reading your post election comments I believe it is time for our government to do the right thing and put the over-ride funds we the taxpayers approved several years ago, back into the DPW's budget to repair the and maintain our roads. As a suggestion instead of putting additional tax burden on the already over burdened taxpayer to fund a stabilization account why don't you solicit signatures from the hard working taxpayers in this town to bring to a vote at town meeting our desire to re-appropriate the over-ride funds back to the DPW for road maintenance? - DM
12/12 2:19pm: To the irritated soccer parents: as some of you have recognized in your posts, the photographer who took the photograph for soccer this year is going through hell after her husband's unexpected death and trying to run on her own the business she and her husband used to operate together, while she also finds herself a single parent. Especially considering the time of year, I am surprised that you cannot find it in your hearts to be more compassionate and instead feel the need to humiliate her on Norfolknet, when you know she reads it (one of you cited her last post). I'm sure she is doing her best. Anyone who has ever met her knows what a sweet person she is. Please just take a moment to consider what she is dealing with in comparison to the minor inconvenience to you that Junior's soccer photo has been delayed. - KID
12/12 2:18pm: DT: I most certainly did think of older people when I voted on Tuesday. My dad is 85, and has been on a fixed income for 20 years. When he was my age, he had 11 kids going through the local school system and it was not easy. We had a great K-8 experience, because those ahead of us had the foresight to vote in a new school, one that was updated and would last for future generations to come through. Now it's my turn to give back, and again, it's not easy. My kids will never be in this school, but I hope the kids that do prosper there will give back some day, too. - AL
12/12 2:16pm: MK - Just so you understand I understand the facts very clearly. Just take a look around the center of town and you will find many examples of over spending over the past decade or so. Our [selectmen don't] know the meaning "Save For A Rainy Day." As I stated in my previous posting our selectmen set the tone for town meeting and again our senior selectmen has never passed up an opportunity to spend money without any regard for the community as a hole. His values are with the elite and in most cases that spells special interest groups. We are in this mess because of past practices. Are you telling me that a town that is financially cash strapped should be spending money on a new public safety building, putting additional tax burden on families that just don't have anymore to give. Our town government can't even be trusted with road repair, money that we are being taxed for with an over-ride that was passed several years ago. What, do we need a "special account" for all basic town services to ensure our tax dollars are spent prudently.
If the town doesn't have the money than we should be cutting services until the economic recession is over and we have money to re-hire if need be.
I would suggest you stop drinking the Kool-aid our government officials are so good at serving up.
- DM
12/12 1:55pm: Stage your home when you put it on the market, it will help it sell! Call The Staging Company 508-740-0432. Check out our blog at thestagingcompany.tumblr.com - DM
12/12 1:54pm: I sincerely hope that at the 2010 Annual Town Meeting next spring we can vote again on the public safety building. I also hope that we can adopt an official coat of arms for the Town. I suggest sour grape clusters on a field of anger rampant. - HRB
12/12 1:53pm: Items available ie, garden tools, household stuff. Phone is 5085280162 - PW
12/12 9:35am: Stop by Santa's Cafe at the Library for hot chocolate and goodies! Jr. Friends craft workshop and bake sale this morning 10 - 2. - VR
12/12 9:32am: Hi, NorfolkNet people: I was told to "Stay off the Internet." But, here I am! America and Freedom is beautiful. We at Family Florist (Rt. 115 Norfolk) are having a fundraiser: This Saturday 12/12, all wreath sales will go to benefit the Purr-Fect Cat Shelter! C'mon down and help support homeless cats. Personally, I have been a volunteer since 1996 and we will donate any wreath sales to PCS. That includes ANY ribbon and decorations.
And, some unsolicited advice: cherish those you love. Time is fleeting and life is not a dress rehearsal.
Peace and love,
- RB (RB4)
12/10 6:07pm: To DM, For several days you have been ranting about our leaders' complete lack of fiscal responsibility, yet you support none of your accusations with facts!! Let's look at some facts. This town receives over $4 million in state aid, a substantial portion of our operating budget. The State has consistently been cutting this aid to all communities and last year gave Norfolk less than 4 years ago. New growth has dropped dramatically and local revenues, such as, building permit fees, excise taxes and interest income are down significantly. Despite this , fixed costs that are completely out of the control of our Selectmen have increased on average over 5% per year. The schools account for almost two thirds of the town's operating budget, fixed costs account for another 15%. So let's do the math. This leaves 20% of the entire operating budget for the Selectmen to "waste" as you say. So how have they done? In my view, exceptionally well. They have managed to run the police, fire, library, senior center, DPW, Town Hall and all other non-educational services on less and less revenue each year for the last 5 years without an operational override. They have reduced staff, consolidated departments and job functions, squeezed every penny they could to keep our community running. Yes, they have made some fundamental decisions. They are committed to retaining the ALS capability because it saves lives. Are you aware that we used to be served by ALS ambulances from the local hospitals, but those services were eliminated. The Selectmen are also committed to keeping our town safe and not reducing our police force staffing which is still at the same level it was in 1994. They are committed to keeping our public services available and not closing our library or senior center as other towns have done. They are committed to spending within OUR means despite reduced revenues as demonstrated by the lack of an operating override for the past 5 years. They have done all of this without dipping into our reserves.
S & P recently upgraded Norfolk's bond rating during a time when most communities were downgraded. And, in case you are not aware of what that means, it reflects the fact that Norfolk has done an exceptional job of managing its finances!!
It is clear that you don't let facts get in the way of your opinions. What I have presented are the facts. I believe we have been very fortunate to have the staff and leadership in this community to help us through these unprecedented times. Every community is struggling to stay afloat and hard decisions have to be made and in my view this leadership has stepped up to the plate. Every decision I have seen reflects what they believe to truly be in the best interest of Norfolk at large without regard to any special interest group as you claim. They have demonstrated for years that they value every service to every segment of our community, whether it be schools, library, senior center -- you pick it.
Finally, it is so easy to criticize with innuendoes and generalizations. Why not try considering the facts in you judgment rather than only your unsubstantiated opinion. Why don't you set up a time to talk to our town officials and ask your questions. I have not always agreed with them, but have found them very open to my concerns and they have replied with very reasoned responses. Why don't you try putting aside your nasty rhetoric and "listen" to the facts for a change.
I for one am grateful for their leadership. They endure comments like yours every day but still keep working to keep Norfolk the community we all enjoy and respect. Yes, we can disagree with any individual decision but to say that this town's leadership has been fiscally irresponsible reflects a complete lack of understanding of the facts. I wish to say Thank You to all our town leaders for a job well done!!
- MK
12/10 6:05pm: PA - I think the CPC spends its money wisely. Don't you like the 80K+ Disney-like replica of the schoolroom the CPC spent money on? I am hoping that the next CPC funds can be used buy animatronic life-size wax figures of the library leaders to be put in the lobby so they can tell us when the library is closed. They will be doing a lot of talking.
12/10 6:02pm: To KO: Ditto on Rocky's Auto Body! The best!! - JK
12/10 6:01pm: DM, I couldn't agree with you any more. I don't think anyone who voted for the school stopped to think for one second, about the older folks in town on a limited budget, or people who may be laid off from their jobs. I wonder how many voted in the last election to keep the income tax because they were afraid their property taxes would go up, and then turned around and voted for the school? And you're also right about the public safety building. This is the second time we've voted that down and they will keep bringing it back to vote until we get tired of going to the polls and it passes. We are still in Massachusetts after all. - DT
12/10 6:00pm: I just used Rocky's for auto body work and they were amazing. Don't look further. They are kind, efficient, helpful and local!! I couldn't have been happier with their service. They are on Rt 115 almost to Rt 1A. - JC
12/10 5:59pm: To KO, looking for an auto body shop: Rocky's Auto Body is locally owned and operated. The best!! - EC
12/10 5:58pm: For Auto Body Repair.... Balabanis Auto Repair, (508) 668-804, 1652 Main St, Walpole, MA 02081. I have a friend who is extremely fussy about his cars and will not go anywhere else. We've used them twice - once for a silver car and once for a dark gray metallic car - both relatively minor jobs, but I defy anyone to spot where the repair/painting was done. Also gave me a bottle of touch up paint to have around at no extra charge. - BV
12/10 5:57pm: [See revised post at 6:01pm - Wm.]
12/10 5:53pm: I just sent an email to Governor Patrick, requesting that the $9MM stimulus money that was earmarked for the Patriot Place footbridge be given to the town to pay for the public safety building, now that the footbridge project was canceled. Maybe if we get enough people to do the same, we can get some of our money back. Here's the link to contact the Governor. [contage page] - KB
12/10 5:52pm: CR - I would be glad to plow for you on a on call basis. Mark m.perry42@verizon.net Anyone else in town looking for plowing please drop me an e-mail. - MP
12/10 5:50pm: Clarification needed for misinformation by the folks who have presented this information to the taxpayers of Norfolk. I have seen this and have heard this said many times before. The average impact in the first year, if all three articles had passed, would have been between $654 and $805 on the tax bill for a $350,000 house in Norfolk. I would like to understand where this comes from, as the average home in Norfolk according to the web page is $461,200 not $350,000 . So this cost impact is not the average at all, it is higher by several hundred dollars per household.
Can someone please answer this as I may be incorrect, but would like to understand why the 350K amount was chosen. Thanks,Norfolk Settled: 1669 Incorportated: 1870 Size: 15 square miles Population: 9,396 Form of Government: Open town meeting Tax Rate: $12.78 per $1,000 Median Home Price: $461,200- GL
12/9 10:29pm: Rocky's for auto body. Hands down! - DN
12/9 10:20pm: Special Town Election Results:
Question #1 (School) Yes 1755 No 1328 ![]()
Question #2 (Public Safety) Yes 1524 No 1553 ![]()
Question #3 (Roads) Yes 1376 No 1700 ![]()
- BV
12/9 10:19pm: Does anyone know a place nearby for ESL courses (English as a Second Language)? - MW
12/9 10:18pm: Won't the roads need to be fixed now that there will be an influx of people paying more than market value for their homes, now that there will be a new school? - CR
12/9 10:17pm: KO, I have used Georges Auto Body in Needham, right next to Deaconess Glover. 178-444-2894. Ask for George or his son Danny - SV
12/9 10:16pm: SH - I totally agree with you. I also called the studio twice and left my name and number and no one has called me back. I noticed that my checks were cashed on September 20th - and we still don't have any pictures. At this point I would prefer a refund. I will not buy pictures next year if they use the same photographer. It would be nice to find out who can get in touch with the photographer. - AML
12/9 10:12pm: To our government officials: you are responsible for the out of control taxes that we pay in this town, you set the agenda and tone for town meeting, and it seems to me you have no problem raising our taxes anytime you feel the town should have wants and not needs. I have not once witnessed any of our current government officials reject an over-ride proposal, it seems to me you work very hard with the special interest groups to get your out of control spending habits through town meeting and then to vote. This town is full of elitists that have the attitude and unfortunately unlimited funds that are forcing people on tight budgets out of this town because of your undisciplined spending habits. You have demonstrated time and time again that you just don't give a dam about people who just can't afford any additional taxes, Your agenda is self-serving to a small group of special interest groups. The results of the election are disappointing for sure, all three proposals should have never came to vote given the economic conditions we are in and will be in for the next several years. The public safety building I'm sure will be brought to town meeting again this year because our elected officials and special interest groups don't give a dam. It would be shocking if the leader of our selectmen, the one who has been controlling the town's agenda and special interest groups for years would have the XXX to stand-up at town meeting and tell the assembly now is not the time, that we need to pay off some debt before we ask the hardworking taxpayer for more money. You can be sure that won't be the case!!
What will be part of the agenda I'm sure is the "not needed" public safety building and a request for a general over-ride because our elected leaders have over-spent over the years.
Our only hope is that people in Norfolk will get "sticker shock" over their tax bills starting in 2010 and will make changes when our selectmen and advisory board personal come-up for re-election.
Leadership changes are needed in Norfolk, we need more attendance at town meeting and stronger turn-out at election because our current government officials just doesn't get it.
- DM
12/9 10:11pm: We need more people like MT in this town. MT comes out and tells it like it is. Kudos to you MT!! - WC
12/9 10:06pm: [Update 12/13 4:58pm: post about soccer photos removed on request - Wm.]
12/9 10:05pm: Voting results are on the Town Clerks web page http://www.virtualnorfolk.or= g/public_documents/norfolkma_clerk/index - BR (#3)
12/9 10:04pm: Great, the school passed! I can't wait for my property value to sky-rocket! When is that going to happen again? Wait until Obama lets the Bush Tax Cut expire on January 1, 2011. Hey, it's only money right?
12/9 9:47pm: MT, regarding your last few posts; I could not agree with you more. You captured the essence of what I was thinking, but managed to articulate it more eloquently than I would have. It seems like not supporting these projects in their current form is akin to trying to convince Al Gore that the global warming discussion is still, in fact, very much open. - PMM
12/9 9:46pm: Congratulations to our school officials. They made a strong, detailed, factual case for a new school, and pressed that case rationally and fairly. This is a project that should have been done twenty years ago, but was de-railed by petty squabbling and short-sightedness. Congratulations to our public safety officials. They made an excellent case for a new public safety building, consistently took the high road, and lost by a gnat's eyelash. Let's bring this one back as soon as possible.
As usual, as these questions neared a ballot vote, the rants on Norfolknet became more bizarre. The idea that there is a dark conspiratorial group just waiting and plotting to grab our tax dollars is, as one Norfolknet poster put it, ``delusional.'' We have the closest thing possible to true citizen government here. And it works pretty well for all of us. No wonder those poor wretches in Iraq and Afghanistan are skeptical of democracy. Yesterday was a fine day for Norfolk.
12/9 9:45pm: MM, To find the election results go to www.virtualnorfolk.org, click on Town Clerk, scroll down and the results are there. - JC
[As pointed out via email, the page is here [Town Clerk Page]. Thanks, DR! - Wm.]
12/9 1:25pm: Does anyone have any suggestions for a body shop? - KO
12/9 1:20pm: In Norfolk, meanwhile, just under 57-percent of of voters approved a $37 million project to replace the 60-year-old Freeman-Centennial Elementary School, which serves third- through sixth-graders. A little more than $17 million will come from a reimbursement grant from the School Building Authority.A $10 million Norfolk public safety building, which was retooled and rethought - and the price reduced - after a similar effort last year, failed by just 29 votes, 1553-to-1524. Another measure which would have approved $200,000 for a stabilization account dedicated solely to road repair also crashed and burned in a major way, by a vote of 1,700 votes to 1,376 votes.
The average impact in the first year, if all three articles had passed, would have been between $654 and $805 on the tax bill for a $350,000 house in Norfolk.
Town Administrator Jack Hathaway had mixed feelings about the vote, happy for the school override's passage and disappointed that the public safety building, especially, didn't pass. The MSBA has made it plain that if voters didn't jump at the reimbursement offer for the new school they would move to the back of the list, he said. And people listened.
"People are concerned with the services we provide, but they really felt that the kids needed a new school,'' Hathaway said. And although public safety personnel are working in substandard conditions, and everyone relies on quick response times, the need just wasn't seen as being as critical, he said: "Hopefully we can regroup and try this again when the time is right.''
[article]- KR
12/9 1:19pm: We don't have totals on the three ballot questions yet? - KR
12/9 1:18pm: To all who voted in favor of a new school - Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa. - WC
12/9 1:15pm: MT - I think your posts speak for themselves, and I completely stand by my use of the word I chose. I am done being baited. Meanwhile, congratulations Norfolk on a vote well done yesterday, I only wish the Public Safety Building had passed as well.
- SF (SF2)
12/9 1:14pm: I need a snowplow operator that I can call on an as-needed basis, thanks. - CR
12/9 1:13pm: How do I find the Town override results ? - JC
12/9 1:12pm: Could someone please respond with the results of yesterday's vote? I know the school passed, but what about the other issues?? Thanks! - JC
12/9 1:11pm: In spite of not passing the override for the Road Maintenance Stabilization Fund, I was very impressed with the turnout of voters. I want to thank the 1300 plus voters who were concerned enough about our assets, the roads, that they saw this Fund as a means to get some road repair done and to insist that our town government maintain these funds for the sole purpose of maintaining the roads. I believe that those who voted against this override was because they either didn't agree with establishing the stabilization fund or that they didn't want to pay another tax that was done before in this decade. There have been many of you who want to repeal the $300,000 override and/or redirect the $300,000 to the roads. I think that is a marvelous idea and suggest you address that with town officials. We can't afford to do nothing as our infrastructure continues to erode. A special thanks to all who worked hard on attempting to make Norfolk roads better and kudos for a great job to the ACT NOW and school building project supporters and volunteers. - MAK
12/9 1:10pm: Any Election Results? - MM
[We called the police department last night, the first question passed, the second and third didn't. Don't have numerical breakdowns - Wm.]
12/9 1:07pm: In a response to a post by MT: Once again you ramble on without having any facts, although you act as though you know me and refer to me as "she" and a "lady", I sir, promise you that I am no lady. To the best of my knowledge I have been a male since birth, but I suppose such silly little things (facts) tend to get in the way of conspiracy theories. Keep up the good work! And, as I stated in my last post, I look forward to your campaign for selectman so you can put your money where your mouth is! - SD
12/9 12:58pm: I am so annoyed with the Lions Soccer Photographer for the Fall season! Pictures were taken back in September, and its now December 8th and I still don't have them. My suggestion next year don't order pictures if you want them before the holidays (when you see family, the reason I purchased the over priced photos) or they need to find a new photographer. Ridiculous... - SH
12/9 12:57pm: I voted yes on all three questions. MT is delusional! - MM
12/8 6:56pm: Please go to the polls today and vote! There are still almost 3.5 hours [now 1 hour - Wm.] to get there. Tell your neighbors and exercise your civic duty, the issues on the ballot will impact all townspeople whichever way the votes go. That said, I certainly hope that when you mark Yes or No on the issue of the school that you do so from an informed position. MT, the options for addressing the school have been fully studied, by the local school building task force, by the state, and by independent consultants, all part of an extremely rigorous and responsible process dictated by the state boards. All organizations concluded that the best and most cost effective path forward is to build a new school. Renovation of the current building is not cost effective due to the extensive repairs necessary and the expense to bring the building up to code. This is not the opinion of the Selectmen, the School Committee, or any individual, it has been studied and all involved parties agree, a new building is needed. The design of the school is based on current standards in school building design, and many of the design elements were copied from recent buildings that have been constructed in order to further reduce the costs-to classify it as overkill is unfair and misleading. Also your statement about a new school not likely to increase property values is in direct conflict with multiple studies that prove just the opposite. The last point of yours I'd like to address is that the School Committee let the building go so that it would look worse and help build support for a new building. To suggest that the volunteers that service this town would kick their integrity to the curb in order to pull one over on their neighbors and deliberately put the children and staff in the building at risk is insulting and couldn't be further from the truth
The bottom line is how this one vote will affect your taxes and the character of the town. As PEC points out your taxes will go up faster and higher with a No vote due to the financial burden imposed to live with what we have and continue to patch it - that is all on the town. It's up to you, the voter: in 10 years we will have higher taxes due to the school: will it be due to an investment in a new building that will service the town another 40 years beyond that, or will it be due to a shortsighted decision to continue to patch and repair a facility that is not meeting our needs and woefully out of date and still needs to be replaced? The answer should be simple - vote yes for the school.
- DM
12/8 6:41pm: DM, re your post of 12/7 @ 6:42pm. It's easy to see that you did your homework. Your ideas appear to be well thought out and clearly presented. For what it's worth, I think you did a great job. I thoroughly appreciate your logic. That being said, I'd like to frther discuss your thoughts on our present Public Safety Building and the one that's being proposed. I'm in full agreement with you about voting down a new Public Safety Building, but perhaps my reasoning may be different. My familiarity with the present Public Safety Building spans several decades. For years it has been our pride and joy and has served us well. Now, we see that the structure needs repairs that have obviously been neglected for years. I agree with you--and others--that the shortcomings in its general condition are being dramatically exaggerated for the sake of theatrics. There's an element in town who view Norfolk as some sort of a Peter Pan La-La Land refuge for spoiled little elitists who never grew up. They envision the appearance of our town as a series of Norman Rockwell paintings. The image of their make believe world makes it imperative that we have a completely new Public Safety Building to compliment their proposed Taj Mahal elementary school... otherwise their paintings won't match. So, here are the bare bones facts about our present Public Safety Building.
Over the years, the police and fire department have grown exponentially with the rest of the town. I can't argue the point of either department being over-staffed or not; I honestly don't know. My gut feeling is that there's probably not a lot of fat to be cut out of either department, though. Regardless, I think that they're doing a hell of a job and I'm proud of them. Because of the growth of both departments--not only in personnel, but in updates to modern equipment to more efficiently accomplish their mission--housing both departments in that one building has become a nuisance that impedes the firefighters and police in the performance of their duties, especially while on station. Even if reducing the number of personnel by 20% were possible the building would still be overcrowded. Because of its function and the type and size of their equipment, the fire department needs a lot more floor space. I've examined this question from the position of the most practical logistics and sincerely don't believe there's another solutuion.
I believe that the best and least expensive long term solution for solving the lack of space problem is to construct a new "house" strictly for the fire department. It can be highly functional and comfortable without ostentation. I believe that by adhering to a standard tried & true structural design along the concept of a Butler Building, it can be completely custom finished and well appointed for a small fraction of the current estimate of $10 Million (which, incidentally I believe was a low-ball figure given to make the combined package more palatable). Once the fire department moved out of the present PS Bldg, the police department would be able to spread out and take as much space as they needed.
I think I've expressed my opinion on the override for a special Highway Stabilization Fund sufficently. With the proper and respectful allocation of the tax dollars that we're presently paying, there should be ample money to maintain our roads without special funds. Just as we shouldn't blame the fire chief for the disrepair and congestion at the police and fire station, we shouldn't directly blame the DPW or their director for the lack of roadwork. Take that argument to the politicians who created all the substandard conditions among our three most essential services.
I'm going to close with this "educated guess". If either or both the new Public Safety Building and/or the new FC School receives voters' approval, I can practically assure you that in six months to a year, a well known town official--probably a member of the Advisory Board--is going to stand up at a town meeting and plead with the attendees. It'll go something like this: "Look folks, you know how hard it is for me to say this, but we've just spent forty million dollars on a new school and a Public Safety Building. That huge expenditure is going to be wasted--we're going to lose out, if we don't act fast. We're up against the ropes; we're in desperate need of a sewer treatment (package) facility. I know that a twelve million dollar override (or debt exclusion) is a lot to ask of you, but if we don't start the construction of that package plant soon, in just a couple of months we're going to have to close the school, before your kids begin getting sick. Please, don't lose out on this opportunity. For your children's sake you have to approve this town-owned sewage treatment plant, tonight"
Vote "NO" on all three override issues. Tell the movers & the shakers to step out of the shadows and come in to the real world with the rest of us. There's a mudslide on that thar slippery slope with quicksand down at the toe.
- MT
12/8 4:23pm: DJ is right! A NO vote on the school means our taxes go up to pay for repairs to a broken and obsolete building. A Yes vote means we pay essentially half the cost of something we desperately need anyway. Vote Yes! I know it will hurt, but it will hurt more, and get us less, if we vote no. - TC
12/8 4:21pm: It would be nice if I didn't have to be a professional code cracker to understand the 3 questions on the ballot today. To be honest, I have no idea what I voted for because the wording of all three issues was terrible. An idiot should be able to understand what he/she is voting for; please simplify the wording in the future! - CP
12/8 4:20pm: LS - Thank you for reminding of us how of our tax dollars are being handled by the CPC. The eternal renovation of the Grange seems to be a subject nobody wants to broach. The CPC is sitting on $3,721,497.51 according to the information. Too bad we can't put that towards the new Public Safety Building, or the F-C School (or at least open up a small Locke-Ober or Scampo annex in the school.) - PA
12/8 1:32pm: Free! A used wooden swing set complete with ladder-accessible play house, area for sand pit and a climbing wall. Must dis-assemble and haul away! Please call if you are interested in setting up a time to look at it! Call Liz's cell, (508) 333-6592. - LL
12/8 1:26pm: MAK: re your post of 12/7 6:36pm. Please keep in mind that the same man to whom you refer also said, of questionable political conduct that, "You can fool some of the people, all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time". In that respect, there are a lot of people trying very hard to fool us. We've been experiencing an incredible barrage of desperate hard-sell hype to convince the average citizen that it's imperative that we build a brand new school, a brand new Public Safety Building, and set aside a special "Al Gore type lockbox" for road maintenance because of past failure to appropriate money for road repair out of the regular budget. This is not the fault of the DPW; the way that the money is appropriated is the real problem. Maintenance in the school and the present Public Safety Building has been somewhat neglected, probably with the underlying notion that if the structures "looked" bad enough the voters could be more easily persuaded to build anew instead of taking a more practical and sounder approach. We're being fooled into unnecessarily voting in favor of all three overrides. I can't draw out every point because of the (reasonable) time and space restraints on this site. But let's take a quick look at why we must vote down the override questions. The first consideration that comes to mind is the cost to the average taxpaying citizen in Norfolk. Even if the tax increase goes as planned, it's still a whopping jump in addition to the exorbitant property taxes we're already paying. A number of residents have said that their property taxes are already becoming a strain on their financial security.
Next, at least as important, is the question of what, as a town, will be our actual benefits for this large expenditure. The answer, simply put, is that there will be very little benefit to the town, per se. Keep in mind that this is a public expenditure on public buildings with public funds. Even though some bureaucrats seem to think otherwise, our town affairs are not part of the private sector where investors voluntarily place a certain amount of funds with the anticipation of a large financial remuneration. Nor is the Town of Norfolk a private country club where members can have their every whim satisfied and their egos stroked to no end.
Contrary to the layers of hyperbole and so many misleading sales techniques, a new school building won't make the students any more intelligent; their learning skills won't improve; it won't make them become better people, or will their chances of success improve. These are decisive qualities that come from within the student through genetics, home environment, good consistent parenting, and genuinely concerned competent teachers, who can concentrate on being an effective teacher, without being burdened with the additional job of surrogate parenthood.
A new school is not likely to increase property values.
There seems to be undue emphasis from the proponents of a new school building, on a gymnasium that the Fleet Center would like to have, dining facilities that would be the envy of Locke-Obers or Luciano's... and the list of extravagance goes on and on. I asked some of the proponents why the overkill in so many areas--and especially at an elementary school. The answers varied but most seemed to be of an emotional nature instead of functional practicality. The most common veins of reasons evolved around, "Oh, it's going to look so nice", "It'll make the kids so happy", and "Everybody in town will be able to use it as a civic center". I take the later rationalization to really mean that it can be used as another recreation center and a clubhouse at taxpayers' expense.
I believe that with a more broadened and objective frame of reference, Freeman/Centennial can be renovated and if or when the time is right, provisions can be made for an F/C Annex keeping with the strict discipline of coordinating the form with the function without the frills that some privately funded enterprises might prefer.
- MT
12/8 1:22pm: KM - check the 12/3 9:30 post for the link to Norfolk being one of the best small towns article. - TO
12/8 1:20pm: Has anyone put any thought into a formal repeal of the CPA and stop the tax? The state is not matching funds at the full rate any longer, on the decline since 2007 and sharply for 2009. Ok, just was checking the CPC website. This year we will take in from Norfolk taxpayers $474,830.88. This could pay off some serious interest on a new school loan or police/fire building loan... Just thinking... Take a look at this link from the Norfolk CPC [pdf here]
- LS
12/8 1:19pm: MAK - Vote NO on the Roads. We already voted for this and we got got robbed, plain and simple. At this point I would rather drive down dirt roads then vote for this again. The official sounding "Road Maintenance Stabilization Fund" is a great marketing title but it is simply another tax for something we already pay for!!! Again, we already pay for. This marketing title will have most unsuspecting, uniformed voters thinking that this is the best way to get our roads repaired. The only way and best way to get our roads repaired is through the DPW. The DPW is funded every year through the budget and if the DPW can't solve it within their own constraints the I would suggest its time for new leadership or dirt roads.
- LS
12/8 1:14pm: Anyone know names of people for hire who deal with college/financial aid forms? - DO
12/8 1:08pm: On November 10th, I posted a few comments on Norfolknet, concerning my observations about the current deplorable socio-political climate, here in Norfolk. As is my practice, if I were not able to substantiate any of those remarks, I would not have made them. At this writing, my major prediction, in that post, has already come to fruition. Only the final vote at the polls this Tuesday, the 8th, will determine whether the town will be condemned to the status of "shovel-ready" and buried under any of the three unnecessary overrides. The average unassuming, undemanding taxpayer was delivered a foul blow at the Town Meeting on November 10th. The horde that descended on the meeting that night to carry the vote, did so presuming that they would realize personal gain. By the actions and strategy of many it was obvious they were fully aware that, like thieves in the night, they were picking the pockets of many of their neighbors just so their whims could be satisfied. That is one of the self-serving traits that meets the description of elitism. There were several responses to my post. The replies from SF(SF2), CS & SD, seem to indicate that they believe in the tactic that the best defense is a strong offense. Well, me thinks thou dost protest too much, ladies.
SD says that that my "self-righteous" and "rambling" words were hateful. It almost seems that I held a mirror up to SD (and others) and what she saw was revolting. Where was my hatefulness? Was it in my expressing the truth that there's a large segment of our population that resents being denied any indulgence that makes them feel better about themselves. You say that I'm being hateful because I say, "If you want your creature comforts, pay for them yourself; stop trying to make me (and my contemporaries) pay for your excesses". Then, doesn't that make you even more hateful when you badger us and demand that we pay for materials and services that are solely for your benefit - to make you feel better? You are right about one of the statements that you made, SD; in the true sense of the word, "the new school is a no-brainer."
CS, where did I use the word "conspiracy"; do you think that might have been a Freudian Slip, on your part? I suppose that you don't think the disingenuous promoting methods of the overrides before and at the Town Meeting met the criteria of being clandestine or contrived, do you. How about that trick, by the proponents of the override, of blocking further reconsideration of the school override vote by making a second motion immediately after the initial vote had passed--thereby preventing any further consideration. Then there was the flyer that circulated urging voters to come to the Town Meeting and "Come collect your $17.3 Million at the Town Meeting. . . ." The message said that all one had to do was to vote for the new school and the state would give the town $17 Million-there was no mention of taxpayer's huge cost for construction or the increased cost of continued maintenance.
CS, your mention of volunteerism is a wobbly crutch, at best. Mollie Pitcher, Florence Nightingale, Mother Theresa, Tenzin Gyatso, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Dayan, BenGurion, Boyington, Washington, and the Little Drummer Boy, were some of the volunteers who produced good results. Ilse Koch, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth, Vlad, Ivan Boesky, Bernie Madoff, John Hinkley, Sirhan Sirhan, Charlie Manson, and Adam Clayton Powell were volunteers, also. But that didn't work out very well, did it? The individuals in both groups thought that (in your words) "they were (and they were thought of as) "people who work on town projects with such names as volunteer, concerned citizen, or even public official". They all felt they were good people people providing something for their peers. Claiming that any volunteer is beyond question or actual reproach just because they volunteered is dangerously foolish. I emphatically suggest to you that there are a number of individuals presently serving in various public official capacities (elected or appointed) who perceive their main function as doing the bidding of the elitists and the movers & shakers, throughout our community. Their purpose has nothing at all to do with the genuine well-being of the town, per se. Your concept of the premise on which either project was "well thought out" might be a bit askew, and need some objective reexamination, as well.
SF(SF2), You, also throw the word "hateful" around inappropriately. My response to you is similar and therefore repetitive of my previous remarks to the others, with one exception--your use of the word "condescending". I don't know if you really understand what the word means; not even Emma and the Bear, my two faithful furry companions think I'm condescending. Nevertheless, I guess I'll have to accept your description of me. After all, your post strongly suggests that you're part of the group in town, that, when considering this override, seem unable (or perhaps unwilling) to connect all the dots in order to see the big picture and the pitfalls. If there is any condescending in play, it all autogenous. In your choice of not wanting to see the forest for the trees, you place yourself in the position of the condescendee, without any help at all from me..
- MT
12/8 1:07pm: Norfolk reminds me of the people with the really fancy looking houses on the outside with the inside half empty because of lack of funds to furnish them. Sure Norfolk has a fancy exterior with the nice streetlights and brick walkways - don't get me wrong, the center is looking very nice - but the reality is that it's all just for show with no money for even the most basic of services. What happened to saving money to pay for things you want? The way I look at it is if you can't afford it don't get it! Don't forget also that any money the state contributes isn't really free money it is funded by taxes as well. If the state, town and the country would live within their means the world would be a much better place for future generations. - CR
12/8 1:06pm: NCL charitable donation application deadline is 12/18. The Norfolk Community League (NCL) is currently accepting applications for its biannual disbursement of funds. The monies will be distributed in January, 2010. If you are an individual or an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit NCL's website at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org for an application. The deadline for applications is December 18, 2009, and a completed application must be received by this date in order to be considered. Send completed applications to: NCL, P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056. Last year, the NCL spring disbursement distributed over $16,000 back into the community. Please contact NCL President Kerry D. at 508-553-9080 or jkdevellis@comcast.net with any questions. - PMC, Norfolk Community League
12/8 1:05pm: Santa Breakfast tickets are still available! The Norfolk Community League will be holding a Pajama Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 12th from 9 am - 11am at the at the H. Olive Day School Cafeteria, 232 Main Street, Norfolk. Join Big Joe the Storyteller as he entertains children of all ages with stories and puppets. We will have coloring, crafts and a continental breakfast. Please bring your own camera for photos with Santa. Please bring a non-perishable food item to support the Norfolk Food Pantry. Tickets must be purchased in advance and are $7 for NCL members, $9 for non-members, children under age 2 admitted free. If you would like to attend, please visit www.norfolkcommunityleague.org to download the sign up sheet. tickets will not be available at the door so sign up soon! Questions? Please contact Rachael C. at 508-737-4764.
- PMC, Norfolk Community League
12/8 1:04pm: Before anyone gets a warm fuzzy feeling about Norfolk being one of the best towns in the US, Franklin also had that "honor" a few years back and look at Franklin, not so great! - CR
12/8 1:03pm: There seems to be a misunderstanding; a NO vote for the new school will still result in higher taxes. Voting NO will ensure that your taxes go up immediately. This school is a disaster, does not meet any standards set by the State Board of Education. The state has determined that it is not salvageable and has put Norfolk at the top of the list for state funding. A YES vote will increase your taxes beginning in the year 2014! and will give our kids the future that they deserve. Imagine future kids attending the new school with no exit obstructions in case of a fire. Remember, our kids spend at least 6 hours a day at school, this is their second home. Vote YES for the new school! - DJ
12/8 12:58pm: WC - Also keep in mind if you vote "No" your property values will go down - big time. Nobody will want to move to Norfolk after hearing that the townspeople don't support their schools. The economy will get better. Taxes will decrease over time. - NT
12/8 12:57pm: Per the New School debate. Can we all agree that at the very least the existing building is unsatisfactory in that it does not provide a safe and competent learning environment for the towns children and is not comparable to what similar towns provide. If we agree on this then the debate should really rest on the money/tax issue. Using an assessed value of $350K and 10 years; If we approve the New School, the additional annual cost to the tax payer is ~$374 If the vote results in repairing the existing building the additional annual cost cost to the tax payer is ~$376 to 406
Choose to repair rather than replace and you will put more of your tax money annually into an old infrastructure that has no long term value and little guarantees. The town will still need to replace the building and the chances we get close to 50% grant from the state is probably not a safe bet.
As we heard at the last town meeting the most effective method to lower the overall tax rate is to grow. This is done by increasing the residential and commercial tax base. Building a new elementary school adds value to the town. It will attract and retain young and growing families. These families spend money which attracts businesses. This is the growth that we need. Starve the infrastructure and the town will wilt.
12/8 12:55pm: Cheerleader Fundraiser: Local cheerleaders are looking to raise money for winter cheerleading by doing a Holiday Gift wrapping fundraiser. Each package will cost $3, flat fee. For more details please contact one of the team Moms at beaconia@hotmail.com. Thank you in advance for your support!! - SB
12/8 12:54pm: PJT - Why would Freeman become a charter school? Wouldn't that only create more problems? Then there would be no public school for everyone to attend and guess what? We'd have to be right where we are right now and decide whether to shell out for a new public school or not. I am not old enough to vote and so have not overly thought about which side I support and am a student at KP High. I went through Freeman and can say that the building's "oldness" has no effect on the core values of learning/teaching done at the school. In my opinion, the teachers there are all excellent. I was in all top-level classes at Freeman (and continue to be at KP) and can say that I most definitely wasn't bored at that school. Sixth grade was one of the most challenging years I have been through and since then it hasn't gotten any easier. When starting KP High, I had the opportunity to go to private schools but turned it down because I felt that KP was on par with them I wouldn't be getting anything extra out of going to another school - and paying for it. I haven't regretted my decision. - TH
12/7 6:44pm: Please keep in mind that when you go to vote tomorrow, if you vote "YES", your taxes will increase ...big time. Now is not the time. Many people are suffering in this economy. Give these issues a lot of thought. - WC
12/7 6:43pm: Does anyone have the link for the article on Norfolk being one of the best small towns in the US? Thanks, - KM
12/7 6:42pm: Reminder to get out and vote December 8th , Where H. Olive Day School. What's at stake: Increased property tax bills of up to $1,000.00 for the average household to our already out of control property taxes with little services for our tax dollars should the 3-proposed over-rides pass.
Over-ride questions on the ballot:
1) Over-ride proposal to Tear Down and replace the Freeman Centennial grade school;
Studies have proven that spending ridiculous amounts of money to build a new school doesn't translate to higher education. What matters is the quality of the teachers in the school system. If you look at other countries such as China and Japan who spend far less on education than the United States and their children's test scores are consistently higher than those of the United States, well doesn't that tell us something? Maybe parents should take more interest in their children's education and not rely on the school system to provide extra services to keep our children entertained. What matters are the fundamentals of a good education, reading writing and arithmetic, not surfing the internet and spending ridicules amounts of time in front of the TV playing video games. This proposal is a want not a need!!!
My wife and I toured this school recently and found that the school has not been maintained so the town can present a school that doesn't present well in the hopes of fooling the hard working tax payers into voting in favor of tearing down are replacing a school that with a little routine maintenance is a very serviceable school.
2) Over-ride proposal to Tear Down and replace the tax payers public safety building;
Less than 18-months ago this town voted NO, REJECTED by a two to one vote against this project yet here we are again being asked to fund this project that the tax payers voted overwhelmingly against. Our elected officials continue to jam this down our throats when we the tax payers sent a clear message against wasteful spending on projects such as this. Our town officials continue to act irresponsibly with our tax dollars why is it that they don't get the message?
The existing public safety building which my wife and I have toured is not a problem for a town that has approximately ten thousand residents. Many towns across the country with populations much greater than Norfolk have volunteer fire departments that provide quality professional fire protection and emergency services for their residences. But no, this town is hell bent on constructing a public safety building that is the Taj Mahal of public safety buildings, we don't need this, the existing building works just fine. Chief Bushnell has made statements on this website that the towns insurance rating will go down if we had a volunteer fire department this is just not the case.
The town can provide a high level of emergency services with a volunteer fire department and save the town much needed revenue. If Chief Bushnell feels he needs an extravagant public safety building than maybe he should consider employment in a town or larger city that can afford it. This proposal is a want not a need!!!
3) Over-ride proposal to fund the road stabilization account;
Isn't road repair a basic service our elected officials should be providing and funding the DPW to maintain our roads? Don't we pay excise taxes as well to fund road repair? Again this proposal is ridiculous!!! Let's take a closer look at why our roads are in the condition they are in. Our elected officials over the years have miss appropriated funds taken money out of the DPW budget leaving the DPW with little money to repair and maintain our roads.
The tax payers of this town passed an over-ride several years ago to maintain the roads, our elected officials have acted irresponsible with our money. We shouldn't need a special account to ensure our government officials appropriate the funds for the purpose they were intended for. Our town officials need to re-appropriate these funds for their intended use.
If we have budget short falls it's time to make additional cuts to bring our budget in line with tax revenues, let's keep in mind our town government taxes us annually at a rate of 2.5% of the approved annual budget. If I ran my household budget in the irresponsible way our government manages the town budget my house would have been in foreclosure years ago.
Vote No Norfolk, to this irresponsible spending spree our town is proposing in a time of GREAT Recession that is projected to last for the next several years!!! Many people are out of work, can't find work and can't afford any additional taxes. The state and country continues in a downward economic spiral and employers continue to lay-off works at an alarming rate. This trend is projected to continue for the next several years.
What are we in a race to have the highest tax rates in the state maybe the country, try selling your house if these proposals are passed.
- DM
12/7 6:41pm: PD - The Lions Club of Norfolk is selling Christmas trees right next to Dunkin Donuts. A portion of the proceeds goes to support charities in our town. I can't rationalize buying a tree anywhere else when I can buy one there and also help people in our community. Merry Christmas!
- LL
12/7 6:40pm: For Gail Bernardo concerning her post: 12/3 9:39am: Election Day instructions and tips from the Town Clerk: ... Due to the need for additional staff at this dual election, the Town Clerk's Office will be closed on Tuesday, December 8th. Can you please clarify what this means then for anyone dropping off Absentee Ballots on Tuesday? Should these still be brought to the Clerks' office, to the polling stations, etc? Thank you!
12/7 6:37pm: I have read all posts that support and do not support the new school project. I have come to this conclusion. You can built a state of the art school complex, but what matters is the education level. The way I see it, the only way that I can support the school project is the return of merit based teachers. In other words, remove the unions, I will support the project. Realizing that the measure will most likley pass and I will be paying much more in taxes. I am considering placing my children in private schools. The level of education between public and private schools are self evident. I like that fact that private school teachers feel more responsible for the students learning levels and held accountable and I like dress codes or uniforms. Which takes the "I am cooler that you" out of the equation. I have a freind who recently placed their child in private school and their child couldn't be happier, because the child was bored in his/her class. Now the child is happy and being challenged with real assignments and is not bored anymore.
I could also support that Freeman become a charter school, again eliminating the unions, but I know that will not happen.
So people of Norfolk, think about it. Does the building make the students better or is it the parents and teachers?
12/7 6:36pm: Over 100 years ago a brilliant statesman spoke, most can remember the words as if they were spoken yesterday..."That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 8th is your day to let your voice, via vote, count. Please vote. The future of this Town is in your hands, not the Selectmen. If you agree that the roads are mostly in poor condition, then vote Yes for funding the Road Maintenance Stabilization Fund. This is your opportunity to let the Selectmen know that the assets of the Roads are important to the community and that we want the designated funds to remain with the Road Maintenance Stabilization Fund. We heard at Town Meeting that we should expect an operating override next year due to the deficit in the budget. If the Road Program has not been funded in 2 years it is likely that again the Roads will be put aside. We need to speak up. We need to do the right thing for the future of the Roads, the Freeman-Centennial School and the Public Safety Building, now. - MAK
12/7 6:35pm: Just an observation folks... last year there was a vote to create a vehicle stabilization fund. The supporters of the over ride said if we did not vote yes for the vehicle fund we would not have money to purchase new town vehicles. We voted the over ride down but I see around town many new dump trucks and equipment. Looks like we were able to work out the vehicle problem without an over ride. I bet we could also fix the roads without an over ride. - MG
12/7 6:34pm: Assets: Every capital asset deteriorates over time. A certain amount of periodic maintenance is required to maintain that asset in acceptable condition. Without this maintenance, the asset will "Run To Ground" (turn to dust). The Pioneer Institute published a White Paper in 2007 about the effects of the lack of maintenance of the Longfellow Bridge in Boston/Cambridge. It can be found (here) [pdf link] I call your attention to Figure 10. It shows how an asset deteriorates over time and how it can be maintained in acceptable condition by the proper amount of periodic maintenance. I also call your attention to Figure 12, which shows the effect of the sub-optimum amount of maintenance. For every asset, there is a "magic" amount of money that should be spent annually to properly maintain that asset.
Cycles: Some cycles are hard to see due to their multi-year time frame. Our Town has been struggling with road maintenance. Years ago, enough roads had deteriorated to a condition that Town Meeting felt the need to pass an override to fund a Road Program. This funding was used for road maintenance for a number of years.
Then, when the roads were in a more acceptable condition and there were increasing budget pressures, the override money was diverted to "more pressing needs" and the Town's funding of the Road Program stopped. The road conditions continued to deteriorate, as they always will.
Now the roads are in worse condition and it is time to again spend money to maintain the roads. If we were able to take money from the Town's operating budget for the next few years to fund the Road Program, that may help for a while, but there will probably be "more pressing needs" and the funds would stop again.
Solution: State laws have changed since the Road Program override was passed. We now have new tools available to the Town. One of these tools is a Stabilization Fund that is funded by a Proposition 2-1/2 override. With this combination, any taxes collected and placed into the Stabilization Fund can only be used for the purpose stated for the Fund. We now have such a Fund for the roads. Town Meeting in June voted to create a Road Maintenance Stabilization Fund to be used only for road maintenance.
Voting YES on Question 3 will put $200,000 (plus the 2-1/2% increase) per year into the Road Maintenance Stabilization Fund and help smooth out the cyclic nature of road maintenance in Norfolk. This funding will be devoted solely to "maintenance, paving and striping of public ways" unless otherwise changed by a Town Meeting vote.
I am not asking that the roads be maintained in pristine condition, but just acceptable enough that they do not have tire-swallowing potholes and are safe to drive and walk upon.
Let's not allow our roads to suffer the same fate as the Longfellow Bridge. Please vote YES on Question 3 to maintain our roads.
12/7 6:27pm: Why wait? resold we wait and miss the only opportunity we get Massachusetts to foot more than half the bill. Should we wait until the school shuts down and we over crowd the classes at another facility? Wait until one of our kids get hurt, or gets sick as a result of the town's negligence? Wait until Norfolk turns into an underperforming town, and we can only attract people of the same caliber? Should we wait until we rank among the bottom feeders in the Mass Public Schools? Waiting is just a cop out. We've waited too long as it is. Like any music group, or professional sports team, like any small business or Large corporation, you have to invest in order to maintain. You have to invest wisely to position the team for it to excel.
- JB
12/7 6:26pm: When was the last time you said to yourself "boy I'm sure glad this house I bought is losing its value"? "Why would we want to be like Medfield and build a school so we can attract good contributing families to our community, and raise our property values"? I can't imagine that came from anyone's mouth lately. But that is exactly what you are saying with an NO vote. Property values of a town are directly related to the caliber of the school system. I would argue that schools attract future home buyers to a town more than any other town feature. Good, intelligent, employed, contributing, citizens, want to live and want their kids in a town that has a good A-rated school system. Additionally people without kids, want good families, with good kids living in their community. A troubled, deteriorating, community with high crime, and poor prospects for revenue generating businesses, is not the way to attract new home buyers and increase property values. Whether you have kids or not, or whether you are on a fixed income or not, a yes vote for the school is the logical choice. It gives you the highest chance for a positive return on an unavoidable $16,000,000 --> $19,000,000 investment. Help your Kids - Help your Community - Help your Property Values - Vote YES for the New School -
- JB
12/7 6:22pm: I'm looking to do something Christmas morning to help those less fortunate, whether older and shut in or delivering food or toys. Last year I helped out at Tom's Tavern, packaging up meals. They are closed and would love to donate some time to someone. Does any one know, or need help. My children are grown, so Christmas morning I would love to help out some where. I could also possibly be available Christmas eve after maybe 7:00. I get together with my family during the day, but could help out after if need be. Merry Christmas to all. - BD
12/7 6:21pm: It is very troubling to me that a town like Franklin has teachers who voted in pretty much a majority to freeze wages to save jobs, but Norfolk would not. I would like to see the raises our teachers get (anyone know the % number?) and how much the town pays toward health insurance for both teachers as well as town employees. Working in the private sector, I have been lucky to have 50 % of my health insurance paid for by my employer and have still had increases in deductibles and co-pays to help contain costs. Why can't our town reduce the amount they pay toward insurance? By continually raising their share, it seems like more families would take the town plan and therefore costs would rise even more because it is not just the employee getting coverage. If the fear is losing an employee, let them walk. In this economy, there will be someone to fill their position. And I have heard that salaries aren't that good? I work about a 60 hour week at least - this does not include travel time when flying/driving to see my customers. Town hall is open from 9-6 4 days a week. That is 36 hours a week from which lunch gets subtracted. Am I missing something here? Some of the employees at the company I work for work 4 10 hour days (7:30-5:30) and take a 20 minute lunch. Hmmm... Our tax bills are out of control and we are being pushed to the max. As a senior, I am struggling and can only imagine how people on fixed incomes are managing. Rather than raise our taxes yet AGAIN, let's see how much money we could save by reducing the town's share of insurance payments and making sure that reasonable raises are given to teachers. I think we have the right to know what these numbers are. - SF
12/7 6:20pm: Does anyone know of an organization that accepts gently used stuffed animals? I know, used is a no-no, but they are freshly laundered and it feels like a sin to throw them out. - AL
12/7 6:17pm: KW - I'm sorry, but I am shaking my head at your post. The land is being used for a safer playground for the children, for goodness sake. It's not as if it's being turned into a gas station. Personally, I think it's an excellent use of land that otherwise was not being used. Kudos to John Weddleton for taking the initiative to get this done! With regards to the vote on Tuesday... unfortunately, Norfolk is a town that is heavily dependent upon its citizens as a tax base. Until Norfolk has more commercial development (which many of you also seem to be adamantly opposed to), that's going to remain a fact. You just can't have it both ways.
Once again, criticizing the teaching staff in no way negates the condition the building is in. And until you have had experience with each and every teacher in the school, it is unfair and inappropriate to assume that every teacher there is lacking. In fact, the town owes big thanks to those teachers who have overcome the many obstacles they must deal with daily in order to help the students achieve the MCAS scores they have in the past. The open-classroom situation in the school is intolerable. As a teacher myself, I don't think I could ever teach effectively in that situation. (The school was built at a time when that notion was all the rage, but unfortunately it's just not the best environment for learning.) The school is in no way ADA compliant. The fire alarm situation is ridiculous. These are but a few issues facing the school at the moment.
I am so hoping that the majority of voters have listened to the arguments, done their research, talked to the parties involved, actually TOURED the existing building when given the chance, and will vote a resounding YES to the new school. The arguments against it just don't hold water, in my opinion. As a reminder, the tax increase generated by the proposition will not be an impact until the year 2014. In my infinite optimism, I have to believe the economy will have improved by then.
- SF (SF2)
12/7 6:16pm: Again, a little time for rational reflection: I don't get miffed if I am given an opportunity to vote. Classifying the large masses of interested parties (parents?) at Town Meeting as "special interest groups" is a mischaracterization of how Town Meeting works. Unless I am mistaken, Town Meeting resulted in the attendance of a significant number of impassioned residents (residents aren't special interest groups) who voted overwhelmingly to put the issues on the ballot. Let's say that 25% of town residents have a "special interest" and that they swamp town meeting such that another 10% are a distinct minority and can't defeat the issue. What, then, will happen at the ballot box: in a word, repudiation. Democracy works. But if the special interest is in the majority, it isn't a special interest, it's a majority interest. I guess we'll find out. Now let's turn to how budgeting works: it appears that if we vote for an override (as in past years) to keep the roads maintained, there is no legal requirement to keep funding road maintenance. Ergo, the selectmen can subsequently reduce the Public Works budget to meet other (school?) budgetary needs. The distinction has been made that the current vote for a stabilization fund means that they can't do that with these funds. But what if they reduce the budgeted amount for Public Works by the same amount? It shouldn't be a shell game, but it could become one. Can anyone provide better information?
I don't have any skin in the game, but I'm inclined to vote for the School proposal, simply because I've been backed into a corner. If we don't take what the state offers, we lose. But nagging issues include: a) underestimated costs, b) state match (when the money is in our bank account, I'll be happy). Who shoulders the risk? If it's the taxpayer, I will vote against it. Does anyone know if the cost proposal includes a contingency of 10% or so?
- RM
12/7 6:14pm: KW: Having reviewed the relevant documents, I agree with you that the Conservation Commission has taken a liberal view of the Kunde Trust (and related documents) in order to allow the construction of a new playground area for the HOD School. I disagree however that Mr. Weddleton's intentions should be impugned. His intentions in this matter are genuinely altruistic. It is difficult to argue against the need for enhanced recreational areas at the HOD School. I am not arguing that the ends justify the means but I don't think the issue should be personalized. - JT (JT(6))
12/7 6:13pm: JAB, As far as I remember the saga it went like this, correct me if I am wrong. I made the motion, it was seconded and went to vote with a resounding no. Town counsel had nothing to do with it. And I can handle anyone "telling it like it is", even you and your friends in the corner. I just do not hear it often enough.
12/6 12:50pm: We have a TV here that we're looking to part with. It's a 19" Magnavox Standard Definition TV with remote control. The video slot has a tendancy to chew videos, but the the display part works well; my son has been using it as a console for his XBox. Anyone interested? Call 508-553-9836 - SD
12/6 12:48pm: Hi--I have more moving boxes for any of you who didn't get them on the first round!! Please call or text Erin @508-328-6164 if you want to come and get them!! - EK
12/6 12:13pm: Christmas trees? We have got ours at Briggs Nursery in North Attleboro the last 4 years and couldn't have been happier. They are truly fresh cut trees; it seemed like where we used to go was a little cheaper but the needles started to fall off immediately after decorations were applied. Merry Christmas!! - NG
12/6 12:10pm: While I respect the fact that the economy is in bad shape and our taxes are already high, I am disappointed by how short-sighted some residents are about the new school. It is really simple to me. We need a new school and the state has made a one-time offer to pay for a significant portion of it. We should take the funds, build the school, and be pleased with the stability, or increase, of our home values. Also, as a parent, I feel that we have an obligation to provide the type of schools our children need to flourish. From what I know about Freeman, it is no longer able to ensure that. The decision seems obvious to me; am I missing something?
- CS
12/6 12:09pm: JN - Regarding your comment concerning the HOD, I recall at the recent town meeting that it was mentioned that once upon a time a combined K-6 facility was actually proposed at @12-13 million dollars, but it was voted down at least twice. The third time around the current K-2 facility that is HOD was proposed and passed at the ballot booth. Hindsight is 20/20 - it would have been wonderful to have realized a comprehensive elementary school with an adequate footprint for the facility, parking, and recreation. However, "it is what it is." On Tuesday, we have an opportunity to do it right concerning the woefully inadequate facility that is Freeman-Centennial. Like many posters, I am not happy about the additional tax that I'll be assessed, but I feel that it is time to "pay the piper" and address key infrastructure issues facing the town. I am willing to underwrite improvements in my community although I'm loathe to commit my hard earned cash to federal and state boondogles like building a pedestrian ramp over Route 1 to link Patriots Place/Gillette Stadium to its satellite parking lots so that drunken Pats fans and concert goers can avoid being road kill. I consider myself a fiscal conservative, but I see a compelling case for supporting the school and the public safety building projects in my own backyard.
- DA
12/6 12:08pm: JJ: a portion (something like 10%) of the Kunde Conservation Forest was razed to make way for a playground. From what little I know, it appears that the town is taking a liberal view of the Kunde Last Will and Testament to use the land for this purpose. The school wanted more parking, but the Will prevents that, so the School and Conservation Commission came up with the idea of moving the playground there. The Conservation Committee member, John Weddleton is hiring the contractors and managing the project, who is also the owner/builder of the million dollar homes "over the hill". The full Commission voted in favor of development.
One would think that the Conservation Commission would try to protect Conservation Land and not develop it! Going forward, I think a bigger concern is whether this sets a precedent for future development of the Kunde Conservation Forest and whether it detracts from the Commission's credibility in the eyes of future donors.
- KW
12/6 11:59am: Looking for tutor for High School Chemistry and Statistics for my daughter. Please email me at kljnjn@yahoo.com Thanks!! - TK
12/6 11:58am: MON, I wasn't laughing at you, it was the people around me. I did however think you looked awkward wagging your finger wanting to "punish" the property owner and "double" the cost. The people around me took the situation serious enough to come up with a possible solution. They thought the property owner had 2 lots on an existing street he could sell separate from the large parcel and use these proceeds to clean up (demolish) the buildings. The town lawyer explained why your motion was illegal, that motions must be within the scope of the article. Nice try, trying to twist my words, I guess you can't handle others "telling it like it is".
12/5 12:13pm: Can anyone recommend someone local that can repair a snow blower? I have a Ariens ST 824 - and the rip cord won't even pull... so I can't start it. It's too big for me to take anywhere, so I'd need someone that can pop by the house. You can post - or email me at martinmurk@hotmail.com. - MM
12/5 12:12pm: Hi, I'm currently a senior on the Girls' Varsity Basketball Team at King Philip. We are selling Ohama Steak gift cards as a fundraiser. For a $15 dollar contribution you get two $15 dollar gift cards to use. They can be redeemed at the store located in Mansfield or online. They make great holiday gifts and stocking stuffers! Please help support the KP Girls' Basketball Program! If interested please contact me at kpbballgal5@hotmail.com by December 13th. Thanks! - JC
12/5 12:57pm: SBV, if you haven't found someone yet to trim your trees I'd be happy to take a look at the job you want done. Bob - Homework Handyman, 774-571-0980 - BL
12/5 12:56pm: Build a new school now and increase our taxes to pay for it? There's absolutely no way we could wait for the economy to improve a little before talking about this? Are we modeling ourselves after the federal government now? Let's spend our way out of this mess! Because, "Together, we can". Unless there are real safety or health risks to the students and faculty, I vote we wait.
12/5 12:55pm: Prolatio Singers & Players will present a concert of sacred music at The Federated Church of Norfolk on December 16th at 7:30pm. The group is a Franklin/Norfolk-based community choral ensemble, with occasional instrumental participation, which performs several times a year in the southeastern Massachusetts area. The repertoire will include seasonal music of Tomas Luis de Victoria, Michael Praetorius, Hieronymus Praetorius, Sergei Rachmaninov, as well as plainchant and Medieval part music. For more information, please contact the Church office at 508-528-0262. All are welcome, please come and join us for this unique musical offering. For more information, please contact the Church office at 508-528-0262. All are welcome, please come and join us for this unique musical offering.
- KR
12/5 12:43pm: JN - When I read your posting and thoughts regarding the proposed new public safety building I'm left scratching my head. Maybe if this town managed our tax payers budget responsibly we would have money to do other things in this town without having to continually ask the tax payer for more and more money. Take a good look at the postings on this site the last couple of weeks and talk with folks around town outside of the special interest groups who control Town Meeting and you will find people are fed up with the way our government continues to spend money we don't have. We have 3 selectmen in this town - we may as well have one, because it seems to me the one who has been there the longest is the bully with the other two acting as his "yes" puppets. One example of this (there are many more) is I can tell you first hand when Mr. Garrity ran for office I personally had a 20 minute phone conversation with him one week prior to the election. My conversation was in regards to how this town continues to spend tax payers' money like the chosen one is spending at the federal level, and my concern that the town needed to pay off some of its debt and manage the tax payers' budget with a higher level of responsibility. Another point of conversation with Mr. Garrity was regarding over-rides and his position with respect to supporting over-rides. Mr. Garrity made it very clear to me that he didn't support over-rides and his position was that this town should manage the budget with the tax revenues we annually receive from the hardworking tax payers in this town. To date I haven't seen Mr. Garrity honor anything he stated in his conversation with me, what I have seen him demonstrate is his support for over-rides and basically continue down the same road this town has gone down for many years - spend, spend, spend, never putting any money away for economic hard times that we are in now and will be in for the foreseeable future. The mind set of our government officials and advisory board is let's put a spin on the need for more money and ask the hardworking tax payers to support the request to cover the budget short falls because of their inability to control spending. Well it's time for this madness to end the only thing the special interest groups, advisory board and selectmen will understand is reason and logic by voting "NO" on all over-ride proposals.
What is wrong with the special interest groups in this town who seem to control Town Meeting year after year after year. These proposals we will vote on December 8th are insane given the economic depression we are in, if we were in good times I wouldn't support any of these measures. I'll tell you what is wrong with them, can you spell "liberal hard to the left", how about "socialism". Two of the three over-ride proposals are wants not needs and the third one is ridiculous given we already voted in an over-ride for road repair several years ago.
- DM
12/5 12:42pm: Thanks for the positive feedback. I was pleasantly surprised, even by the critical feedback. As to funding the road stabilization fund, I agree with MG: we already passed a $300,000 override specifically for the roads. If I am not mistaken, they are still mistaking that money annually -- for purposes other than what were represented. We voted for it and they spend it elsewhere. If a private citizen were to try such shenanigans, it would land them in jail! I say spend the $300,000 we are already paying each year (given by Town Vote under what now appear to be false pretenses) for its intended purpose! For me, passing another $200,000 is throwing good money after bad. Yes, MG: lets repeal the $300,000!
In fact, why do we have *any* overrides for the roads? Road maintenance, like school maintenance, is part of basic Town infrastructure and should be funded from regular revenues, i.e., taxes we *already* pay. If we weren't paying so much for bonds on previous construction projects already, we might be able to afford to pay for this maintenance. So we need another 20-year bond to rebuild the FCS?! Geeze.
- MJ
12/5 12:41pm: Was just wondering if the taxpayers are also aware that when the fire station / public safety building was designed, that the architect that planned it took into consideration that at some point it would need to be expanded and designed it in a way that second story could be but on it. - MP
12/5 12:40pm: Just a little thought about the new school. We had an override not too long ago to enlarge the middle school and the high school. Now, I can not speak for the high school, but at the middle school many of the new classrooms lay empty, while the classrooms that are used are overcrowded to the point that you can not walk to the desks without going sideways. So what we have is a nice new school and can not afford to put teachers in it. That addition was put on to reduce the size of the classes; now there is more overcrowding then there was before the addition. Tell me what assurances do we have that this will not happen at the elementary schools also. Seems to me no matter how nice the building is, it will not benefit anyone if we can not afford to put teachers in it. A school system is only as good as the teachers in it, not the building. - MP
12/5 12:32pm: Anyone have suggestions on where to get a great Christmas tree? - PD
12/5 12:30pm: TC, your post of 12/3 at 9:51a.m. is brilliant as well as inspired. You should run for the Board of Selectmen. I would also like to add something further to the many reasons for voting "yes" for a new school. While practicing real estate for a number of years, one of the constants common to a very wide, diversified, and large number of homebuyers who I represented was the same fundamental question being asked over and over again and that was "What is the condition of the schools and how do they compare with other towns?" In fact, this very same question was a close second in importance only to "How much are they asking?" A recently built school not only protects and spikes the market value of your property, it directly affects whether people even bother to look in your town in the first place. - TEM
12/5 12:23pm: AL, That is a great link. Thanks. It just makes you realize that we do have a lot of quality, private schools right here in Massachusetts. At least we have the option of private education if we so choose. - DWL
12/5 12:22pm: OK JAB I heard your laughing in the corner of "no". The motion was to assess higher cleanup costs for an abandoned factory in Norfolk that was proposed to be knocked down by our town - to stop kids from using it and to secure the lot. I made a motion to assess the increased costs because our town is not in the business of cleaning up after industrialists after they leave their sites and there were countless hours already spent by town employees assessing the situation. Unfortunately, it didn't pass and it told me plenty about the state of affairs in this town and the lack of community awareness for such problems. So is your and those you surround yourself with your form of democracy, laughing at serious issues and people at Town Meeting? Sounds juvenile to me and I hope your attitude changes in time for the next Town meeting. And please, laugh all you want because for every anti-MON post I get many emails thanking me for "telling it like it is".
Chide on JAB, this is America and your speech is just as important to you as mine is to me.
To JN, my wife always acts as official food taste tester in my house, as I can never be too careful, so don't worry! TC, you are next in line for rebuttal!
12/5 12:21pm: PD, Welcome to my world!! I live on Lake Street and the yipping/howling of coyotes is a frequent occurrence. Two weeks ago they were in my backyard at 2 in the morning having a chat. It drove my dogs crazy and we had to leash walk them to show them their turf was ok before they would settle back down. Nothing like a 2am stroll. We used to have a swing set in the yard and, for some reason, they used to run through the swings at night rattling the chains. The worst sound is when they actually catch something. The noise will make your skin crawl. I guess they read Norfolk is the #6 family-friendly city in the US and assumed that included 4-legged families too!! - TW
12/5 12:20pm: I have a question. What makes anyone think that this new school will be maintained any better than the old one? Maintenance issues are the number one reason that we now think that we need a new building. What happens in 10, 20, 30 years when the new school turns into a dump because the town doesn't have the money to maintain it? Build a new one? In that case, I think that the new school should be architecturally designed to be "disposable". Just throw it away when it starts to look shabby and put up a new one on the opposite side of the field every 25 years or so. I have to laugh at the people who have used the town of Dover as a model for us in the past. There have been many Norfolk posters who compliment Dover and ask, why can't we be more like them? Of course we can! Dover citizens are very conservative in their spending. This is a town that can afford a lot. Instead of spending extravagantly, Dover tends to spend their money on maintaining the buildings already in existence. Their buildings are much older than ours and they tend to do smaller, more conservative renovations on these buildings. Our library is much newer and more beautiful than Dover's. Yet they still earned a national award for excellence as being one of the top libraries in the country. This was due to their programming. Not the building. What good is a new building going to do us if we can't afford to staff the classrooms?
- MW
12/5 12:10pm: [Update 12/6 12:18pm: post about MON, bad manners, town tax rates and cost-effectiveness removed on request - Wm.]
12/5 12:07pm: Hi DM, thanks for your input regarding the public safety building and our fire department. First, you are completely correct in your assessment that Norfolk could function with an all volunteer fire department. The questions this raises are what level of service do you wish. Given a volunteer system for the delivery of emergency services, you become dependent on several key factors. First the availability of residents who are willing to perform fire and emergency medical service operations without compensation, on a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week basis. Having worked in a volunteer system, I do have experience and can relate that a large base of volunteers are needed. Next comes the issue of training. It suffices that, drawing from a children's book which was one of my favorites, you can take the butcher, bakery and candlestick maker and have a volunteer fire department. This book, please forgive me but I can't readily recall the title, was written in the early 1950's. Today's volunteer firefighters put in more that 100 hours of training to acquire basic firefighter certification alone, not taking into account skill retention training. Next the larger issue of availability needs to be addressed. Most volunteer firefighters are gainfully employed away from the community. Furthermore, few employers allow their employees to leave during their work hours to respond. Finally comes the level of service issue. Today Norfolk is protected by career firefighter/paramedics, who are supported by off-duty career staff and call firefighters. Better than 80% of the emergency calls are handled by the on-duty shifts without recalling staff with a response time of under four minutes. What is interesting is that response times for the off-duty career and call staff to reach 80% of Norfolk equal out to about 13 minutes (i.e. travel time to the station, donning turnout gear and responding with apparatus). Also I wanted to clarify the point you raised regarding insurance rates for communities which are protected by career or volunteer systems. The Insurance Services Organization (ISO), which sets the fire service rating for a community, counts firefighters on basis of their status, i.e. career or non-career (for discussion purposes 3 non-career firefighters equal 1 career staff when calculating emergency response). ISO sets the insurance rates on three criteria: fire apparatus, equipment carried and how often it is certified; municipal water supplied by fire hydrants and dispatch/communications. Presently Norfolk enjoys a class 4 rating (on a scale of 0 to 10, the lower the number the better the rating). Yes DM this rate is the result of having career staffing, but again with enough trained and most importantly available volunteers it is possible to attain this rating.
You also related that the proposed building is quite extravagant. This point is clearly in the eye of the beholder. All we can do is state what we view are the present facilities short comings. I sincerely appreciate that you and your wife took the time to view the building and I respect your opinion. In past postings I have reiterated that the most important thing residents can do next Tuesday is to vote.
Closing I would be remiss if I didn't leave this point for consideration. Firefighter/paramedics save lives, in fact nearly 500 people have had favorable outcomes upon reaching the medical facility after having had in-the-field medical treatment since we started the ALS effort in 2005. Please remember that EMTs can provide oxygen, administer only your heart and breathing medications, auto inject epi for allergic reactions and do CPR with an automatic external defibrillator (AED). The paramedic can administer 59 in-the-field pre-emergency room medical procedures, analyze and react to heart rhythms, establish an airway by intubation and provide a wide range of medications to counter act virtually any medical condition.
Choices are what makes our democracy special. You have the ability at anytime be part of a termination process for the the present department's operations. How you wish to respond is truly your right.
- Coleman C. Bushnell, Fire Chief, Norfolk Fire Department
12/5 12:06pm: TC... You need to lay off the Kool Aid! Stop trying to use the previous administration line as an excuse to justify your liberal spending agenda. - MG
12/5 12:05pm: Free! A used wooden swing set complete with ladder-accessible play house, area for sand pit and a climbing wall. Must dis-assemble and haul away! Please call if you are interested in setting up a time to look at it! Call Liz's cell, (508) 333-6592. - LL
12/5 12:04pm: Higher taxes right now will throw more people in Norfolk over the financial cliff's edge. At some point, property values are lowered by tax rates higher than similar communities', which will reduce the town's income anyway. What we need is a big-picture analysis, devoid of political agenda, that tells us the long- and short-term consequences of our proposed spending. We could also use an independent analysis of where to cut budgets to reduce the tax burden to a manageable level. Of course, analyses cost money too. I just hate to see more people lose their homes to tax increases. - MJS
12/5 12:01pm: When does it stop, as it seems that every year we are put to the task of considering yet another override question and this year there are multiple. Do most other towns operate this way? What is next as we are in a trend that it is safe to assume that next year or the year after, we will be faced with yet another override challenge.
It makes sense to try and work with what you have and to try and to preserve what is already in place, for example, the following outdated Norfolk structures were left in place and enhanced in size to better accommodate the needs of the occupants: Daly Sunoco, the library, the plaza with Norfolk Pizza, Foxboro Federal, the building on the corner of Main and Boardman, our present Public Safety building.
Why did these property owners decide to leave in place the existing structures and add on to them...? They understood the immediate cost saving benefit of working with what they already have.
JN, I understand first hand the importance of life saving EMT's as having been on the receiving end of such less than a year ago by one of our neighboring Towns. I just struggle with the idea of tearing down the present Public Safety building and starting from scratch in building a new one. Would this new, proposed building make use of some of the existing, valuable building materials such as the large overhead doors for example? Those alone cost thousands of dollars.
- BF
12/5 12:00pm: [Post revised, see 12/5 12:22pm - Wm.]
12/3 9:51am: MJ: Following your lead. If I have a ten-year-old car in need of maintenance, I ask a few mechanics exactly what must be done. If they tell me that it will cost me $850 to keep it going for a short, yet undetermined time, and a new car will cost me $1000, I am going with the new one. I'm out at least $850 anyway. The added money gives me something much better, and completely necessary. If someone says on top of that, they are going to use tax dollars that I already contributed to to give me a car worth $2000, I am ready to sign. Granted, if my old car was still working and reliable, I'd prefer not to shell out any money, particularly in this economy. The timing isn't great, but it is what it is. As I began reading your post, I was noting your sound reasoning. You lost me, however, with your "chosen one" remark. It indicated to me that you might be having a knee-jerk reaction to what you fear is creeping socialism, increased taxes, and a loss of control. The "chosen one" did not run up the deficit. He did not sell our economy to China. He did not start two wars with inadequate planning, no exit strategy, and no way to fund them without increasing the deficit. He did not let corporate interests and runaway deregulation rob you and me of hard-earned retirement accounts in the name of free markets. Nor did he preside over the worst decline in our economy since the Great Depression. He inherited those problems and is trying to solve them without causing further damage. Life is unfair, politics more so, and now he does "own" these problems and will be the object of contempt. But, he didn't make the mess, he's coming to clean it up. More to the point, the "chosen one" is not forcing you to replace the Freeman Centennial School. We are making this decision as a close-knit community with shared concerns for the well-being of our kids and the pursuit of the best bang for our tax dollars. This is our decision alone.
You and I will pay no matter what. Don't be penny-wise and pound foolish. Get the new car!
NS: Your response to MON's post was spot on. I applaud you. Manners matter.
- TC
12/3 9:50am: Electronic Recycling and Appliance Day Will be held on Sat. December 5, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sponsored by our Confirmation Class. All computer parts, DVD players, stereos, miscellaneous electronics, monitors, computers - $5 each; Televisions, washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, microwaves, lawn mowers and snow blowers (gas removed), exercise equipment - $10 each. Large wood console TV - $20. Car/truck batteries and cell phones are free to recycle. Bring items to the church parking lot and look for the large trailer truck. Questions - email j.wood36@yahoo.com - TL
12/3 9:48am: Folks this was taken from today's Metro West Daily News regarding the Framingham prisons.I hope the town of Norfolk does not let the State increase the size of the prison. They will not even pay $75,000 for all the town services they receive. Give me a break. FRAMINGHAM - The town will not receive payments from the state for the presence of the tax-exempt MCI-Framingham prison this year because of the state budget crisis.In fiscal 2009, the state paid the town $75,437 for hosting Department of Correction facilities. The previous year, the payment topped $79,000.
- JC
12/3 9:47am: Hello everyone! I wanted to make you aware of the movement to bring the World Cup back to the US in 2018 or 2022. You can sign the petition at gousabid.com/. If you have a love for soccer and would like to have an opportunity to see some of the world's greatest players demonstrate their skills (possibly at Foxboro!), please sign the petition. Thank you! - KID
12/3 9:46am: MJ - You are absolutely a breath of fresh air! I can not figure out what people are thinking regarding this new school plan. I reiterate your thoughts on the utter wasteful spending done within the town hall and library. What a joke! Oh, and we can not forget the lovely street lights within the center and all the beautiful stone work...oh and the rotaries with all the brick work. Now that is money well spent. Maybe a sidewalk here and there on a main road might be a more thoughtful way to spend our money...especially considering they want our children to walk to school now or pay a bus fee. Thank you for finally putting a logical spin on things. I do hope people really think about it. On another note, I am not some citizen with no kids in the school system and therefore do not want to pay for it. I have children in the HOD and Freeman. I just can not possibly afford to pay any more taxes for anything. I am going broke like everyone else. - MG
12/3 9:45am: You shouldn't take MON so serious. A few years ago he came up with a motion at town meeting. Not only did no one agree with him, but where I was sitting they were laughing at him. - JAB
12/3 9:43am: MON: Better stop eating salads. [article] - JN
12/3 9:42am: Ever since I have been involved in supporting the new Public Safety building, I have received some interesting questions and comments, not only regarding the building itself, but on the need for an ALS response team here in town. After talking with these individuals, it has become clear to me that they really, though no fault of their own, understand what ALS (Advanced Life Support) is and why it is so important. First of all, an ambulance ride is not merely a transport. It is a mini ER that has the capacity to stabilize a victim on site. That means you get to live. Or your child gets to live. And live more productively with less recovery time. All because treatment was started immediately. In the medical field, we have a saying, "Time means tissue" Meaning the sooner you get treatment, the more tissue or muscle survives. (i.e. you get to live and have a better prognosis)
Let me share with you some of the medical issues addressed on-site by our paramedics: they can assess cardiac victims, start an IV, intubate, run an EKG, start IV drugs such as Lidocaine, Amiodarone, Lasix and more. They can assess syncope, poisoning, overdose, upper airway obstruction, diabetic emergencies, CHF (now with CPAP capabilities--life saving !), pain, nausea, heart attack, stroke, angina to name a few. They assess trauma emergencies; abdominal trauma, burns, head trauma, inhalation injuries, fractures, crush injuries, multi-system trauma, traumatic amputation, spinal cord injuries among others. They are trained and can assess on-site pediatric emergencies: newborn resuscitation, anaphylaxis, pediatric bradydysrhythmias, bronchospasm, neurological issues, seizures, SVT, trauma, upper airway obstruction (choking), nausea, vomiting to name a few. They understand how to triage multiple trauma. They understand when to call air ambulance support. There are so many protocols and procedures they must know and be recertfied in yearly. I know all of this not only because I asked about it, but also because as a former ER/Trauma nurse, I saw what they did in the field and how many lives it saved. They are to be commended for being able to do what they do when it needs to be done. It is not easy to go into a patient's home or a crash scene after a call for help. You never know what you will find there and you need to be ready to treat it all.
So, why do we need to have them here? Why can't we just use Norwood or Walpole for that and just have BLS here? That is a question posed to me by a few folks. Well, the simple answer is time. I want that care at my door in 2 minutes, not 25. I will be dead or seriously ill by that time. I pay taxes in this town and that is money well spent that brings me the most satisfaction; knowing that I can have expert help in minutes when I or a family member or a friend needs it. It is priceless and we must never lose site of that to save a few dollars.
Our firemen and police really do work hard for the town. The more I learn about what they do, the more in awe I am.
- JN
12/3 9:41am: MJ: Well said. Now is not the time for excessive spending. I agree with your logic 100%. Many homeowners in this town will suffer with a tax increase. I personally think we can wait a while on this one. MJ... Good Job!! - WC
12/3 9:40am: MJ: You left a key piece out of your car story, the stimulus program (cash for clunkers) that you could have applied, one time only, to the purchase of your new car. I suspect that would have made the decision to upgrade vehicles even easier for you. Following your analogy, the school has a one-time stimulus option from the state that will reduce the expense to Norfolk taxpayers considerably. Like cash for clunkers, the state has made a one time offer, take it now or leave it, potentially for good. In my opinion, we would be fools to sacrifice approved state funds for a new school, so we can alternatively spend a small fortune rehabilitating a building nobody is content with. Yes, the economy is in terrible shape and we are all feeling it, but this is an opportunity we should not pass up when the long term implications are properly considered.
- CS
12/3 9:39am: Election Day instructions and tips from the Town Clerk: Next Tuesday is a dual election here in Norfolk; there is a Special State Primary Election and also a Special Town Election. This means that, when you come to the polling place, you will be asked to check-in twice. You may choose to vote in either one or both elections. (tip: the polling place is quietest between 11:00am and 3:00pm so that is a great time to come and vote!).
For the Primary Election: You must be registered in a party (democratic, republican, or libertarian), or registered as 'unenrolled' (previously called 'independent'), to vote in a primary. If you are registered in one of the 3 parties, you must vote that party ballot in the primary. If you are registered as 'unenrolled', you will choose one of the 3 ballots to vote. (tip: you no longer need to change back to 'unenrolled' in this situation)
For the Special Town Election: Everyone receives the same ballot for this election, which contains 3 separate ballot questions. Question #1 relates to the new school, Question #2 relates to the new Public Safety Building, and Question #3 relates to the road stabilization fund. Simply fill in the oval next to the 'Yes' or the 'No' on the questions you wish to vote on. You may leave a question blank if you so choose.
You must also check out for each of the two elections (or for whichever one you are voting in). If you are voting in both elections, please make sure to place the ballots into the voting machine separately. Placing the two ballots into the machine together will jam the machine!
Due to the need for additional staff at this dual election, the Town Clerk's Office will be closed on Tuesday, December 8th. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in making this a successful voting experience for all!
See you Tuesday!
- Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
12/3 9:37am: A few school proposal questions? I understand we will lose state funding if the school proposal is not passed via town vote. Is there a time frame that construction must start and/or finish in order to get this funding? Is the vote only for the existing blueprint? The reason I ask is that I believe some would be in favor of the initiative if a better school blueprint was put forth. - RK
12/3 9:34am: Reminder to get out and vote December 8th , Where H. Olive Day School. What's at stake:
Increased property tax bills of up to $1,000.00 for the average household to our already out of control property taxes with little services for our tax dollars should the 3-proposed over-rides pass.
Over-ride questions on the ballot:
1) Over-ride proposal to Tear Down and replace the Freeman Centennial grade school;
Studies have proven that spending ridiculous amounts of money to build a new school doesn't translate to higher education. What matters is the quality of the teachers in the school system. If you look at other countries such as China and Japan who spend far less on education than the United States and their children's test scores are consistently higher than those of the United States, well doesn't that tell us something? Maybe parents should take more interest in their children's education and not rely on the school system to provide extra services to keep our children entertained. What matters are the fundamentals of a good education, reading writing and arithmetic, not surfing the internet and spending ridicules amounts of time in front of the TV playing video games. This proposal is a want not a need!!!
My wife and I toured this school recently and found that the school has not been maintained so the town can present a school that doesn't present well in the hopes of fooling the hard working tax payers into voting in favor of tearing down are replacing a school that with a little routine maintenance is a very serviceable school.
2) Over-ride proposal to Tear Down and replace the tax payers public safety building;
Less than 18-months ago this town voted no, rejected by a two to one vote against this project yet here we are again being asked to fund this project that the tax payers voted overwhelmingly against. Our elected officials continue to jam this down our throats when we the tax payers sent a clear message against wasteful spending on projects such as this. Our town officials continue to act irresponsibly with our tax dollars why is it that they don't get the message?
The existing public safety building which my wife and I have toured is not a problem for a town that has approximately ten thousand residents. Many towns across the country with populations much greater than Norfolk have volunteer fire departments that provide quality professional fire protection and emergency services for their residences. But no, this town is hell bent on constructing a public safety building that is the Taj Mahal of public safety buildings, we don't need this, the existing building works just fine. Chief Bushnell has made statements on this website that the towns insurance rating will go down if we had a volunteer fire department this is just not the case.
The town can provide a high level of emergency services with a volunteer fire department and save the town much needed revenue. If Chief Bushnell feels he needs an extravagant public safety building than maybe he should consider employment in a town or larger city that can afford it. This proposal is a want not a need!!!
3) Over-ride proposal to fund the road stabilization account;
Isn't road repair a basic service our elected officials should be providing and funding the DPW to maintain our roads? Don't we pay excise taxes as well to fund road repair? Again this proposal is ridiculous!!! Let's take a closer look at why our roads are in the condition they are in. Our elected officials over the years have miss appropriated funds taken money out of the DPW budget leaving the DPW with little money to repair and maintain our roads.
The taxpayers of this town passed an over-ride several years ago to maintain the roads, our elected officials have acted irresponsible with our money. We shouldn't need a special account to ensure our government officials appropriate the funds for the purpose they were intended for. Our town officials need to re-appropriate these funds for their intended use.
If we have budget short falls it's time to make additional cuts to bring our budget in line with tax revenues, let's keep in mind our town government taxes us annually at a rate of 2.5% of the approved annual budget. If I ran my household budget in the irresponsible way our government manages the town budget my house would have been in foreclosure years ago.
Vote No Norfolk, to this irresponsible spending spree our town is proposing in a time of Great Recession that is projected to last for the next several years!!! Many people are out of work, can't find work and can't afford any additional taxes. The state and country continues in a downward economic spiral and employers continue to lay-off works at an alarming rate. This trend is projected to continue for the next several years.
What are we in a race to have the highest tax rates in the state maybe the country, try selling your house if these proposals are passed.
- DM
12/3 9:33am: Well said MJ, vote no to any tear it down and replace it mentality!! - DM
12/3 9:30am: Since we moved to Norfolk in 1995, I noticed that nearly every Boston Globe article that mentioned Norfolk (with the exception of sports) was negative. Well, here's one I hope they print! Yeah Norfolk! And the article was mentioned in South Bend, Indiana.... not Massachusetts! [article link] - TO
12/3 9:27am: My biggest fear is that everyone with a "Fix It, Don't Nix It" sign will also be voting against the overrides necessary to fund the $16 million of Freeman renovations. Then what will we be left with? All of these arguments seemingly overlook the fact that we are looking at $19 million vs. $16 million - not spending $19 million vs. zero.
Factor in spending the $16 over 10 years as opposed to $19 over 20, and I'm flabbergasted that more folks calling into question the dire state of the world economy don't recognize the more excessive and expensive option.
- JH
12/3 9:26am: MON: There is always private schooling, if you are that unhappy. I've been kind enough to include a link to help you in your choice. Have at it! [page link] I would like to thank Norfolk teachers that read this site. We've had a very good run!
- AL
12/3 9:25am: For JJ - The land by the H. O. Day School is being cleared to expand the school's play area. Details can be found in last week's Norfolk Boomerang. - DLJ
12/2 2:17pm: Looking for party help for a party in December. Duties include cleaning up, helping tend to bar, washing glasses, passing food, etc. Open to one or two people. Salary negotiable. Please contact whitneyweinberg@gmail.com if interested. Thank you. - WW
12/2 2:16pm: Did anyone hear the coyotes howling last night? It was somewhere between 10:00 and 11:00 and from my front steps they were actually almost loud. From the direction the sound was coming from it sounds like they were on Lake Street. I'm starting to get used to knowing that they are around and being cautious about my medium size dog, etc... but hearing that last night really gave me chills... it sounded like something from a horror movie. - PD
12/2 2:14pm: Anyone know the name of someone for hire who is good with financial/college forms. No one seems to know any names. Thanks - NO
12/2 2:13pm: The Norfolk Lions Christmas Tree Sale will be conducting a Nintendo Wii giveaway. Simply come down to the lot, purchase a tree and enter your contact information on the sign-up sheet and you will be automatically entered. We will notify the lucky winner on or about December 21, 2009 to allow for pickup of the Nintendo Wii system. Please tell all of your friends and neighbors to help us spread the word, and we hope to see you down at the tree lot. - TL, Norfolk Lions
12/2 2:12pm: Does any one have more info/details on the recycling for electronics and appliances going on at St. Jude's this coming Saturday 12/5? Thanks! - RB
12/2 2:07pm: Here's how I think about the new school. Once I bought a new car. It was a small little boxy thing, but it was all I could afford at the time. Over the years, I got tired of it and stopped taking care of it. I didn't change the oil and eventually, the engine seized and I had to buy a new car. It was stupid, passive-aggressive behavior, but I got want I wanted, a new car and a big fat new car payment. Sound familiar? Now I have a 9 year old car with over 100k miles on in. It's all paid for and I take care of it. It's not shiny and it's not a big SUV, but it gets me there and that's what I need. One can't help but notice all the recent red-white-and-blue pro-school signs going up everywhere claiming "Now is the time". Very patriotic, all apple pie and baseball - as if to say voting 'No' were somehow unpatriotic or not being a stand for the children.
But in case you missed it, here's a newsflash: the entire world in embroiled in the absolutely worst economic storm in history. I haven't had a raise in two years but I'm actually glad about that because I've missed the last three rounds of layoffs and still have a job! Everybody is battening down the hatches and stashing cash in the mattress (or should be). Gold is at an all-time high because the dollar is so weak. New taxes and tax increases are springing up every other day and if they pass the new health care "reform", we can add another couple of trillion dollars to our national debt. California is bankrupt and Massachusetts is cutting deeply into bone across the boards. All the while, "Chosen One" continues his spending spree like its Monopoly money, robbing our children before they're even born! And China is laughing all the way to the bank!
Yet in the midst of all this, our own Advisory Board is recommending the most expensive and expansive series of overrides in the history of Norfolk! They claim that labor costs for a new school are down and we should take advantage of this golden opportunity to build a new school, now! But they completely ignore the fact that the very same reduced labor costs apply equally to renovating as well as razing.
I am very leery of arguments that are so clearly biased as to imply that labor costs only apply to one proposal and not the other, or that don't enumerate the costs of repairs and refurbishments that have not been made for two years or what those costs would be annually to preserve what we already have. Why are we not maintaining the school, anyway? Do we expect it to maintain itself or are we "not changing the oil"? And what does not maintaining the school for two years say about the likelihood of a new school being maintained adequately? Its like a spoiled child wanting a new bicycle when his old one sits there with a flat tire.
As others have said here, Norfolk has a bad history of overspending and overbuilding. Every project (schools, Town Hall, Library, downtown, moonscape, streetlights) have gone over budget in time, money and scope. The New Town Hall is needlessly wasteful of valuable floor space (open atrium and balcony overlooking nothing), resulting in a larger footprint and increased heating and air conditioning coats that we will all pay for forever. The new Library has numerous unused rooms, and half the stacks stand empty even today. This is the same Cadillac Escalade SUV mentality that is driving the new school proposal and it's time to stop excessive spending.
I am not comforted by the AB's assurance that the "current economic crisis will not last indefinitely", as if saying so somehow justifies our own little spending spree. Where does that leave us if the crisis actually gets worse? Nor do I trust the State to honor *any* commitments it is making for new construction subsidies; it's never a lock until its cash-in-hand. Look what the State *just* did with the prison mitigation funds: gone with a single stroke of the pen! So don't count on subsidies; if we get 'em fine, but don't cook the books with promises.
I will vote 'No' on the new school proposal until they come back with something more reasonable, prudent and appropriate. I'm looking for a proposal that takes into account the dire economic climate and tempers out-of-control ambitions. This is absolutely not the time for excessive spending on solutions to problems we can solve by more conservative measures. Take care of the car we have and make it last. Change the oil, fix the engine and throw a new set of tires on it. Now is not the time for another big fat new car payment.
So my red-white-and-blue patriotic sign says: "Fix it, don't Nix it. Stop excessive spending, now!"
- MJ
12/2 2:06pm: Peter Pan at the Orpheum Theatre, Wednesday, December 2, 2009 - There are seats available to the public for the Peter Pan school shows tomorrow (Wednesday, 12/2). Please feel free to pass the information along to friends and family. Tickets are $10 and available at the door for the 9:00 am or 12:00 noon shows. If you have friends or family with preschoolers or anyone else who is available during the day, let them know of this great offer!
12/2 2:05pm: I have received numerous phone calls over the last couple of weeks from a Florida 800 number. We are on a no-call list, but the recording stated that they were going to offer us a lower rate on our credit card, so after hanging up several times, I finally listened to hopefully notify them to stop calling our number. The automated call transferred me to a live representative who started by asking if I had paid my card regularly and on time and when the card expired. Then they asked for the 800 number on the back of the card, which immediately concerned me because if my credit card company was calling me, they should know their own phone number, right? She finally asked for the card number and I told her I wasn't comfortable giving that out to her since she called me and her reply was "Fine get stuck with your higher rate!" and she hung up. When I tried to call the number back, I got a fast busy signal. Thought I would share this story as a reminder that you should never give out your personal information to anyone. This particular number was annoying as they called several times a day over the course of several weeks. Now I will go report them!
- TO
12/2 2:04pm: MON: Are you the same guy/gal who just last Spring ranted and raved, with your typical [...] flights of fancy, about how inadequate the Freeman school was in terms of public safety? - AL
12/2 2:03pm: The King Philip Middle School PTSO is sponsoring another Pizzeria Uno Doughraiser/Fundraiser on Friday, December 4th at Uno Chicago Grill, South Street, Wrentham Village Outlets. All day long a portion of your sales check (dine in, take out, or gift certificate) will go directly to the King Philip Middle School. You will need to present a KPMS/UNO ticket when paying. Tickets are available on the KP Middle School website ( [kpnorth page] ) or at the Norfolk, Plainville, and Wrentham public libraries. All funds raised go toward much needed gym equipment, technology updates, and future enrichment activities. - GA
12/2 2:01pm: MON - I am absolutely speechless after your last post. You've made it clear who you are in past posts, and therefore also pretty clear which teachers you are referring to when you state that Norfolk has "less than impressive teachers - way way less". Not only do I completely disagree with you - in my opinion, [that was in poor taste]. - NS
12/2 2:00pm: MON: I sense a contradiction in your last post. In one paragraph you demand proof that a new building will equate to increased test scores, implying that is the true measure of a quality school or educational experience. In your second graph you deride the teachers and accuse them of teaching parlor tricks to increase test scores, implying that does not make a quality teacher or educational experience. Are the test scores important or not? I agree that it is primarily the teachers, not the building, that make for a great education. That said, Freeman Centennial needs to be rebuilt. Mr. Lyons has been nothing less than amazing is maintaining that building as well as he has. Thanks to him, we've gotten as much use out of it as we have. I'd rather not pay for a new school either, but it needs to be done. Maligning the current teachers seems petty and to cloud the issue unnecessarily. - TC
12/2 1:59pm: I agree with BF. Our roads do need work, and I think a great use of money would be to put sidewalks on mains streets, in particular Union Street. - YP
12/2 1:58pm: Complaining about the teaching staff at Freeman does not negate the condition the building is in. I am sure there are many great teachers at the school, and I am also sure there are some who probably don't need to be there anymore. As a teacher myself, I have worked with other teachers on both ends of the spectrum. And until you've had experience with more than one, I think it's narrow-minded to assume that every teacher there is lacking. And once again, if you have a problem with the MCAS and the fact that yes, students are expected to pass it, talk to your senators. The teachers at the school have nothing to do with the curriculum handed to them. They are expected to do their jobs. And in response to Mr. Lyon's post, I do believe the building has been maintained as well as can be given the conditions the maintenance crew had to work with, and from what I gather from his post, he is saying that the condition of the building is not due to poor maintenance. The condition is due to age and lack of long-term vision when it came to constructing it in the first place.
People, please read the information posted on the NCL website, attend the tour tonight at the school, attend the Q & A at the Senior Center on December 3rd at 1:30. Please get all of the correct information before you believe most of what has been posted on this site. The facts are there, make your decision based on them.
- SF (SF2)
12/2 1:57pm: Re: MON's post: And my further experience with the teachers in Norfolk is less than impressive--way, way less... Tell us MON - how many children do you have in the Norfolk public school system?? - PB
12/1 4:48pm: Be sure and check out the newly redesigned website for NCL, www.norfolkcommunityleague.org. On it, you will find links to registration forms for the Jingle Bell Run and the Santa Breakfast on December 12th, in addition to links to fact sheets regarding the very important upcoming election on December 8th. Check out the calendar page for information on upcoming NCL and town events. And if you're not a member, click on the Membership form link on the last page and send it in! - SF (SF2)
12/1 4:47pm: Looking for someone who is handy with a chainsaw. Need some smaller trees and limbs cut that can be reached by a ladder. - SBV
12/1 4:46pm: Renee Paul of the 4H Norfolk Cottontail Club is collecting toys this year for the Toys for Tots program. Any donations are greatly appreciated. She can pick up or they can be dropped off at 10 Pheasant Hill Rd. Thank You for thinking of the children and helping them to have a Merry Christmas. Email yvonnepaul@comcast.net or tel# 508-553-9923. - YP
12/1 4:45pm: Thanks for all the info and responses about donating the books. I will get them to the library as soon as I can! Happy Holidaze everybody!! - BP
12/1 4:43pm: Mr. Lyons - It's a shame that so much misinformation has been leveled at the condition of the Freeman School. But it's people you work with that threw you under the bus trying to convince us that Freeman is one step away from ghetto-Hell conditions. And I am still waiting for NT to show me the goods - a real definitive study that shows that being in a new building will raise test scores. My experience shows that it doesn't matter where you go to school - it matters who your teachers are. And my further experience with the teachers in Norfolk is less than impressive--way, way less. Maybe this is because they are too busy teaching academic parlor tricks to get the students to pass the MCAS, so they can receive raises even in a bad economy while other unions hold off and regardless of their true teaching skill.
If we build a new school I say we fill it with new teachers.
12/1 4:42pm: In response to JN and AB, Thank you for your thoughtful remarks as they are all so necessary in assessing the complete picture of these important proposals. It was perhaps careless of me to pull two examples out of the air such as MIT and Harvard and this morning was thinking about just that.
I fully agree that we must meet the needs of our children as well as our Public Safety personal and that funding for these needs may likely be found only by tax overrides.
There are so many local examples though of how old buildings are brought back to life for continued use. These buildings have in place valuable resources such as bricks and mortar, timber and concrete. To demolish such resources and start once again from scratch does not make sense, at least in many cases.
In Medway for example a beautiful old mill on the Charles River was converted to modern housing and up the street, another old building on Village St was also converted.
In Millis, my old school, the Memorial School was converted into Town offices and they are all quite nice.
There are examples of this method of building all over the place and I suspect that those that do plan that way are aware of the immediate cost savings of not having to dispose of the old structures. One might argue that these buildings are historical and that is why they were saved but they were still made good use of.
I have to mention another trend that seems to be about and that is the idea of the more you spend, the more you save. What ever happened to that old trusty way of saving in that the less you spend the more you save?
I am in favor of providing our schools with the modifications that they need even if that includes the expansion of such and, the same for our Public Safety building.
My vote cannot be in favor for all three of the override proposals but we do certainly need our roads fixed up and our Public Safety needs, they rank right up there for me.
Can the existing structures with their valuable building materials that are already in place be utilized for the enhancement and expansion for these buildings?
Please know that I have read the reports of the soundness of the buildings in question but am also aware that there are certain techniques that may be implemented to enhance their structural worthiness.
- BF (BF 2)
12/1 11:44am: Norfolk Lions - Christmas tree sale: Norfolk Lions Club is in full swing with their annual Christmas Tree Sale!! This month long event is one of the Lions Club's most important fundraisers and a great opportunity for the Lions to connect with so many members of the community during the holiday period. And this Saturday from 4 to 6 pm WROR Christmas Crew will be down at the lot and we hope you can join us for some fun and prizes. All of the proceeds from the sales of the trees go right back into the local Norfolk community and to various Lions charities.
As has been its tradition in the past four years, the Norfolk Lions Christmas Tree Sale is located on the lot next to the Dunkin Donuts in downtown Norfolk.
"Monies that the Lions generate go to seed such research as blindness prevention, diabetes prevention and numerous other causes" says Frank Zolli this years President and King Lion. "Norfolk Lions has donated over $250 Thousand Dollars in it's over 50 years of service to the community".
"This year we will be collecting non-perishable food donations for the benefit of the Norfolk Food Pantry. Like many of us, the Food Pantry has been hit hard during these economic times and we would like to help out." Bill Hawkins further comments, "Your contributions to the Food Pantry would be appreciated and could not come at a better time of year."
The Norfolk Lions Club currently has 63 members and meets on the fourth Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm at The Horse and Carriage restaurant. For more information or to get involved with the Norfolk Lions Club, please contact Al Rao, Membership Chair at norfolklionsclub@yahoo.com or visit www.norfolklions.com
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with nearly 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world. Check out www.lionsclubs.org
- TL, Norfolk Lions
12/1 11:43am: BP - The Friends of the Library would love to have your books! Just drop them off in the Library lobby (label the box or bag "Friends Book Sale", please) or at the Friend's collection site at the Transfer Station. - HRB
12/1 11:42am: A meat shoot is a raffle type game where the winner gets a cut of meat or poultry. It's kind of like a bingo game but played with cards. - HC
12/1 11:40am: To BP - there is a small shed located at the Norfolk Transfer Station for book donations right between the Goodwill boxes and the KPMA Redeemable Bottle Donation Shed. It is accessible to ALL Norfolk residents regardless of whether you have a Transfer Station sticker or not. - ES
12/1 11:39am: Good morning! For the past nearly sixteen years, it has been my responsibility within the school district to recommend and implement routine and emergency maintenance procedures and capital projects at our town's two elementary school buildings. Our record in respect to the above has been thoroughly examined (read scrutinized) by the Massachusetts School Building Authority. The district is proud of the fact that, in calculating the reimbursement rate for the proposed replacement of the Freeman Centennial School, the Authority chose to award us one Incentive Point in the category of ``Best Practices for Routine and Capital Maintenance''. Each Point is equal to 1% of the project cost, and in this case amounts to some $325,000 that the state will be providing due solely to our past maintenance practices.
We feel that this independent reaffirmation of the effectiveness of our maintenance and capital program is at odds with suggestions that the Freeman Centennial has not been properly maintained in recent years.
- Toby Lyons, Supervisor of Buildings, Norfolk Public Schools
12/1 11:36am: King Philip High School students and parents: Free college seminars (2) next week at the Fiske Library in Wrentham: Tuesday Dec 8 at 7:30 pm and Thursday, Dec 10, at 7 pm. Topic: The Easier Ways To Pay xFor College. With author and speaker, Paul Hemphill. Make reservation now @ 508-520-6642 - PH, Pre College Prep
12/1 11:34am: The library continuously collects books for the Spring Friends of the Library book sale. Call the library at 528-3380 or ask at the front desk where to leave the books. Another option is a Gotbooks bin at the Norfolk Recycling Center when they are open. - DLJ
12/1 11:33am: BF: In regards to your point "To further my point, wouldn't it be odd to see MIT or Harvard University tear down their older buildings to make room for grand new facilities?" Actually, MIT already did and started things... 12 years ago. I worked on over 10 acres worth of "tear downs" for new classrooms, research labs, housing, retail and parking. Here is a link [MIT page] nthat highlights the currently building construction at MIT. If you could have seen some of the building conditions a decade ago where "cutting edge research" was being conducted, you would have chuckled when the biggest worry was "if we do this will we trip a cicuit breaker?" Related to your comment "Moreover, what about this improved need and awareness to lessen our own carbon footprints and the need for greener living?" The questioning of including a renewable energy system for a new building is very short-sighted - that is if the only basis of the question is related to cost. There is the simple justification that there is an operating cost savings. The Town needs to reduce our operting costs, right? And from my direct experience, this is the only part of a new building that has an ROI (return on investment). Personally, I see a renewable energy system as a new revenue stream for the Town through the sale of power generation in the Forward Capacity Market and the sale of "Green Credits." We all need new revenue in Town don't we?
- AB
12/1 11:31am: BP - Yes, the library will gladly accept your used book donations. Just bring them by during regular library hours. - RG
12/1 11:30am: Hello everyone, I am a Boston Globe reporter following up on a national designation last week naming Norfolk as one of the seven best family-friendly communities in the country. It follows a similar designation in 2007 by Forbes magazine. So, is it true? Agree? Disagree? Why? I'd love some comments for my story. Please email mmbolton1@verizon.net with thoughts as soon as possible, if you are willing to go on the record. Many thanks in advance,
- Michele Bolton
12/1 11:29am: There are two places to donate books to the town library: a bin at the transfer station or at the library itself. If you bring the books to the circulation desk, someone will direct you where to place them. They also have the tax donation receipts available. The books are either placed into circulation in the library or are sold by the Friends of the Library at their annual sale. - AC
12/1 11:28am: "I had made the point a couple of weeks ago that other towns seem to make do with what they have, such as Millis. To further my point, wouldn't it be odd to see MIT or Harvard University tear down their older buildings to make room for grand new facilities? I suspect that they have reached the consensus that it surely is not the building that causes greatness but the great minds that reside within its walls. " BF2 I would like to respond to this post, at least in regards to the Public Safety building. I have been in many of the buildings at Harvard and some at MIT. Most are grand halls with historical value that have had millions invested over the years to keep them so grand.
A friend of mine runs Memorial Hall/Sanders Theater at Harvard. I was recently there. They just invested a fortune to turn the basement area into a lounge for the students. You should see the grand hall the freshmen eat in. It is all simply amazing! They have invested far more in the maintenance of that one building over the years than we are spending on the school, the public safety building and the roads combined. So, can we please stop talking apples and oranges. In no way can you compare the Public Safety building to an important historical structure. You just can't. If you want to talk about construction, then you should get over to the building and have a tour and see for yourself.
On another point, just today they are reporting about a horrible tragedy in Washington state where 4 police offers were ambushed and killed at a coffee shop by a lone gunman. If you think our police are safer working in the Public Safety building than in Dunkin Donuts, you are wrong. The glass protecting the dispatcher from the public is not bullet proof. The front is just flimsy drywall that would allow a bullet to penetrate. Our policemen, firemen and women are just as vulnerable at work as they are out on patrol. That is a sobering fact.
We do have great minds inside of those walls. And folks with big hearts who will run into a burning building to save you. They have made due with inadequate work space for several decades now. It is time we gave them the proper space to do their jobs. Remember, their jobs are all about us. Keeping us safe, helping us when we are sick, attending to our property. It is not like we are building them a Taj Mahal. Just simple, adequate work space. This is not a historic building that needs protection. This is an emergency response center that needs to grow to meet the demands of an ever growing community
- JN
12/1 11:27am: A large area of what I thought was conservation land has been cleared behind the Olive Day School. Can anyone tell me what is going on there? Thanks. - JJ
12/1 11:25am: Just a reminder to everyone that the video about the Public Safety building is still being shown each day on Channel 8 at 10am and Wednesday and Thursday nights at 8pm. Great family viewing. I have heard some grumbling that the video was not very "professional". My response to that is, first, thanks for watching it! The second response is that it was not meant to be professional. With a zero budget, an amateur director, a community TV station camera crew of one and the impromptu ad lib from the kind police, dispatch and firemen, we are probably not up for an Emmy. But we did not expect to be. This is a video to not only show you what it like to work a day in that building, but for you to meet some of the men that help make Norfolk a safe place to live. They are all very nice to have gone on tape without any script and just speak plainly about what they do. I thought they did an outstanding job. I urge you to watch the video or attend the Q and A session that is being held at the Senior Center this Thursday, December 3rd at 1:30pm, to answer any lingering questions you may have. Chief Bushnell will be there, as well as Jack Hathaway and I believe, Don LeClerc. You get a chance to ask any questions that you may have about all of the ballot questions and receive a direct answer. You do not need to be a senior to attend and children are welcome.
This is a very important decision for us as individuals and as a town. Everyone has put great effort into getting as much information as they can to everyone. I do not believe that there are any shenanigans going on. I think that what you see is what you get. No ponzi schemes, no back door deals. Just two tired buildings that need replaced and some roads that need attention. We just have to decide if we want to spend the money to support that. This is our town and we get to decide. We can invest in our town as we see fit. We are so lucky to live in a such a democracy.
If you are interested in showing your support for the Public Safety building by placing a yard sign on your property, I will gladly drop one off to you. You can reach me at nelsonml@comcast.net
Thanks and don't forget to vote on the 8th.
- JN
11/30 4:48pm: I have 20 or so books that I would like to donate. Does the library accept donations, couldn't find anything on the website. If they don't, anyone know where I can drop them off. There are some travel and tour books, some fiction and some non-fiction. Thanks - BP
11/30 4:47pm: CI - Sorry I didn't get back sooner. I meant the Medfield Shaws, but I have to eat crow. I was just there the day after Thanksgiving and the seafood counter smelled and looked fresh. JP - Thanks for the "Turkey Trot" update. Can anyone tell me what a "Turkey Shoot" is? The Amvets in Medway had a sign advertising one.
- SO
11/30 4:46pm: EC - I'm wondering how you deduced the prices for the elementary school are inflated? I personally think it's irrational, to use your words, to give up $17.3M and put this burden on future generations. Remember, we won't see the affects of this spending until 2013 or 2014. If you wait a year to see how the economy is faring you will have given up the $17.3M and the cost of construction will have increased. In addition, you will have doled out the money that will be needed to "patch" things for a year or two. The end result would more than double your taxes from the current proposal.
I too do not have children in the elementary schools and strongly support this initiative. This has been a well thought out review. The people who have worked so tirelessly on this project are to be commended. I urge you to read the documents that are available for your perusal.
11/30 4:44pm: It's cyber-Monday and you can help the Norfolk Public Library! The Library has partnered with two retailers to help raise some much needed, non-tax based revenue. Read on to see how you can help... Do you shop on Amazon? If so, please go the Library homepage and click on the Amazon Icon. By shopping on Amazon through the Norfolk Public Library link, the Library will receive 4% back on qualified purchases. It won't cost you anything extra. If you're an Amazon shopper, please remember to shop through the library link. library.virtualnorfolk.org
Here's another way raise money for the library. If you shop at Shaw's, all you have to do is register your Shaw's card and indicate that you want your earnings to go to the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library. They'll mail us a check each quarter for 1% of qualified purchases made on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - we hope that's when you like to shop! Don't delay - register your card today! Go to [page link] and click on "shoppers: login or register with your Shaw's card". The library is registered under Friends of the Norfolk Public Library and our rewards id # is 49001020032. This is so much easier than saving and counting receipts!
Happy shopping!
- Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
11/30 4:43pm: Regarding: 11/30 9:58am: To Helen C: Thank you for a very well-thought out and articulate posting. I completely agree with you. I have been stymied by why this year, in the worst of times economically, there is such desire to plunge the town in an unprecedented amount of debt. It seems an irrational response to the current conditions. Can't some of these mammoth expenditures wait a year to see if the general economy is going to improve? I also agree that the price tag is very inflated. - EC EC, All of the information I have heard states that the grant from the state will not be there in a year. The budgeted money for the grant will be allocated to another city/town. "Waiting" appears to be the worst option.
11/30 4:41pm: I'm looking for an old Sony Handycam 8mm (model number CCD-F401) to have, buy, or borrow. I need it to transfer my 8mm tapes to DVD and have to play them back through the camera in order to do so. I opened the camera bag after 9 years, turned on the camera, and it's giving me a "contact your Sony representative" message. - KB
[Update 12/2 2:15pm: I got one! - KB]
11/30 4:40pm: I'm glad to see that everyone is concerned about a new elementary school and fire/police station causing tax increases. I seem to remember one of our selectmen, during his campaign run, promising to investigate Stop & Shop and their stall tactics; even going so far as to say he'd travel to a similar Town in Ct and inquire as to how they dealt with the same situation. We currently have a new pharmacy under construction, with no apparent opening date, a spec building with no tenant and an empty lot on which no store will ever be built unless we push the issue. These 3 items would be a nice start to creating new tax revenue that might, in the end, help offset some of what so many are claiming is necessity. Could someone from the Town government please let us know why these issues seem to have been put on the back burner. On many occasions readers here have asked for dates and info regarding the 'moonscape' area and have not been given a response from anyone. There seem to be far too many irons in the fire and no plan deal with them as the list continues to grow. - KP
11/30 4:34pm: I have to go along with Helen C on this one even though there was a very good point made to me one day that we should build better schools, not better prisons - but, does the building provide better education? Moreover, what about this improved need and awareness to lessen our own carbon footprints and the need for greener living? Sure, the argument is that a new high efficiency building loaded with all the latest bells and whistles is the answer to that or, is it. We are also in a new trend of the "tear down" mentality. It is all around us, nice homes being torn down to the ground to make way for a much grander structure and in most cases, those structures are quite oversized. All the while, those precious building materials that comprised the original structure are being tossed away in various, challenging ways.
I am part of the construction field and believe me, I understand the need for construction as it is what drives a huge part of this country's economy; however, to argue that now is the time for such grand projects and base one of the arguments on the low cost of labor and materials, well that to me is part of what is wrong with this country.
Speaking first hand and due to this economy, I have been forced to cut my labor rates to the level that was set three years ago just to stay busy and yet, everything still cost me more. It is exploitation at its greatest when contractors who are fully insured and hire only legal labor are forced out of business because we cannot compete with those firms who provide cheap labor to handle their construction needs. The result all to often is that the finished product is far less than good quality. So many have had this experience now after hiring such labor for our own needs.
I had made the point a couple of weeks ago that other towns seem to make do with what they have, such as Millis. To further my point, wouldn't it be odd to see MIT or Harvard University tear down their older buildings to make room for grand new facilities? I suspect that they have reached the consensus that it surely is not the building that causes greatness but the great minds that reside within its walls. I would further assume that those same great minds have implemented their gifts of creativity to solve the current needs of efficiency for those buildings and the enhancement of the curriculum by providing the educators with the modern tools that they need, this without causing a landfill challenge.
Can we work with what we have for both the School and the Public Safety Building?
I hope we find once more, that vision.
- BF (BF 2)
11/30 4:33pm: Sometimes I dream with such clarity I wake up screaming, like I did the other day. In my slumber giant dinosaurs terrorized all the little tree-shrews living in my mental forest, making them give up most of their grain in return for allowing the tree-shrew colony and the offspring to flourish. One day, prosimian-lemurs moved into the forest and confronted the dinosaurs, as they had acquired higher intelligence, and began keeping back their grain - and we all know the rest - the dinosaurs vanished as the proto-monkeys eventually stood up for themselves. In the end nobody really missed the dinosaurs, did they?
By the way, if you can read this thank a pro-simian!
11/30 4:32pm: PD - Jim Schmidt, Poli Mortgage Group for your refinancing needs. He's helped us out a couple of times. He's local, very personable and professional, and always seems to find the best rates! You can reach him at jims@polimorgage.com or 781-801-1436. - SS
11/30 4:31pm: Dear Friends, We know that every single vote will count on Tuesday, December 8th. It's important to note that even if you are not available to vote in person on Election Day, you can still cast an absentee ballot in the primary election. You can vote by absentee ballot in two ways:
1. In Person. Go to your Town/City Hall during business hours, fill out an application there and vote before you leave. If students are home for the holiday, they can vote today. You may want to contact your town hall to check the hours they are open (508 528 1400).
2. By Mail. To vote absentee by mail, download an absentee ballot application now [link] Complete and mail in the application, and a ballot will then be mailed to you to be completed and returned.
- JG
11/30 10:04am: For sale. 1 year old 6 piece Ludwig drum set. used only a few times. I paid $550 would like to sell it for $325. Email to joana3213@aol.com - JA 11/30 10:02am: Norfolk Lions and Norfolk Community League (NCL) recently distributed over $5,500 to Norfolk Together. The proceeds were from the 8th Annual Haunted Train Ride held in October at the Holmes Fields in Norfolk. Norfolk Together President Betty Lehan explained that Norfolk Together was formed to provide support to Norfolk families who have fallen on bad times and have little or no other recourse. Contributions are limited to amounts of $500.00 and might be used for back taxes, mortgage payments, utility bills, medical bills or others that are viewed as crucial. The contributions are held in strict confidence, with only those needing to know the recipients identities having that information. While the number of requests remains relatively consistent, Betty believes the current economy can only increase the needs in the town. Proceeds from the Annual Haunted Train Ride have benefited many Norfolk causes over the past eight years, including: Stony Brook, Norfolk Grange, Norfolk Walkways, Santa Foundation, Norfolk DARE, Norfolk Library, Kid's Place Playground, Norfolk Recreation's Summer Concert Series and Norfolk Food Pantry. In addition, a food drive is held at the event to stock the Norfolk Food Pantry. The Holmes family generously donates the use the trains and their property for this event.
The Haunted Train Ride is a collaborative effort between the Norfolk Lions and NCL. While the event takes place one night in October, the planning for it is year round. Without the hard work of the planning committee this event would not happen. The planning committee is David Turi, Dave Lutes, Tom Grant, Don Hanssen, Joe Sebastiano, Frank Zolli from Norfolk Lions, Tracy Hilfrank, Tara Spellman, Lisa Noke and Kerry DeVellis from NCL. For more information on the Norfolk Lions, contact Frank Zolli or norfolklionsclub@yahoo.com. Information on NCL can be found on their website www.norfolkcommunityleague.org or by contacting President Kerry DeVellis.
In this photo L-R: Tara Spellman, Norfolk Lions' President Frank Zolli, Lisa Noke, Tracy Hilfrank, David Turi, Norfolk Together President Betty Lehan, Norfolk Community League President Kerry DeVellis.
11/30 10:01am: My name is Paul Robinson and I provide snow plowing services in Norfolk. I am available to service additional customers this winter and can be reached at 508-326-0299 or 508-376-4440. Thank you. - PR
11/30 10:00am: Just a reminder that on Monday 11/30 at 7 pm there is a talk at the Foxboro Public Safety building being held to discuss coyote issues. There will be a presentation from Mass Wildlife and a question and answer session as well. If you would like to go but have not told ACO Thibideau please email her at foxcroft160@verizon.net or give her a call @ 508 384 2523. - HC
11/30 9:59am: Does anyone know when the Walgreens will be opening? And any word if any businesses will be going into the new building next door to it? - JH
11/30 9:58am: To Helen C: Thank you for a very well-thought out and articulate posting. I completely agree with you. I have been stymied by why this year, in the worst of times economically, there is such desire to plunge the town in an unprecedented amount of debt. It seems an irrational response to the current conditions. Can't some of these mammoth expenditures wait a year to see if the general economy is going to improve?
I also agree that the price tag is very inflated.
- EC
11/30 9:56am: Helen C & CE - A few counterpoints for consideration: First, there is no tinfoil hat conspiracy between new building proponents and the architecture firm hired under the feasibility study. Flansburgh Architects is a professional firm, hired by the Town of Norfolk, as approved at the 2008 spring TM. They are not working for any specific special interest group. Their assessment of $16 million for repairs and renovations is as authoritative as it will get. The Mass School Building Committe reviewed and agreed with Flansburgh's assessments - you can read the details here: [pdf link]
There are reasons and justifications behind the $16 million. repair/renovate estimate - by law, when certain major renovations are undertaken, items not compliant under building codes also need to be addressed. Essentially, by simply adding a new roof, we're also signing up for ADA compliance, meeting current fire codes, etc. Additionally, staggering projects over several years (to either spread cost, as you state, or as necessary to accommodate concurrent use of the building) only serves to raise total project cost. The resulting assessment, when compared to the cost/value of new construction, is why there is unanimous support for new construction across the Selectman, Town Administrator, Advisory Board, Fire Chief, Mass School Building Authority, to name a few.
While I'm not sure I am making the leap between your point on haircuts and not rebuilding Freeman, it's worth noting that construction costs and materials have significantly declined in the past year - resulting in a buyer's market for construction projects. Google "U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics negative construction cost trends" and you'll see for yourself. Here's but one example: [link]
I will be voting in favor of the new school construction as I believe it is simply the smartest financial decision when presented with the details, but I provide reference for others to independently assess. Really, read the first link to the MSBA document. It is short, to the point, and clearly articulates why renovation is not a viable or recommended option. Of course, if you dismiss the credibility of the MSBA, or believe they are simply in the pocket of the Norfolk construction lobby, as you have for the architecture firm, then we will not have much common ground for discussion.
PS: Hair salon growth is currently at an all-time historical low, indicating haircut prices at best are remaining stable, and more often declining, as salon operators are facing increasing pressure from DIY'ers. There is a recent article on this in the WSJ. If you have citations or references to support any of your economic opinions, I would be happy to read them.
- JH
11/30 9:50am: No one wants higher taxes . . . . everyone wants to make an informed decision based on fact. Please, please, please take a moment to read this. After speaking with many people in town regarding the New School Project, there is strong support for the new school but there are still many skeptics and there is a lot of misinformation out there.
Most individuals who did not initially support the new building found out that they did not have the right set of facts. When they received the correct facts they were alarmed that they did not truly understand the tremendous need or the true cost.
Facts: * Taxpayers pay either way we vote - but here is the difference:
* Vote YES = building a New School that will last for 50 years. That means we will need our taxes to cover $19.1 million over 21 years for our share of the expense - Remember, the state pays the other $17.3 million (it's a grant, not a loan)
* Vote NO = renovating the existing school. That means we will need our taxes to cover $16 million over 10 years - Remember, this is just to keep the building up but it will still have significant educational, health and classroom/technology inadequacies. The state pays nothing. When the 'Band-Aid' falls off, the Norfolk taxpayer will foot the entire bill to build a new school 10+ years from now in addition to the 16 million spent on repairs.
* If you do the math . . . using state money is the common sense solution.
* Norfolk was granted $17.3 million dollars by the state because out of all the applicants, Norfolk had one of the worst elementary school facilities in the state!! (non compliant in class size, air quality, heating, building codes, fire, technology . . . the list goes on). We do not want a new school because we are fiscally irresponsible or frivolous with taxpayer money; the school has outlived its usefulness and effectiveness as an academic facility; it is also not a safe or healthy environment.
* The state also concluded that "renovating will not take care of the problems" with the current school. Renovating is merely an expensive band-aid. It will have to be rebuilt sooner rather than later even with 16 million dollars in renovation and repairs (think heating system/roof/electrical upgrades, etc.). This figure has been confirmed to be a true estimate of what Norfolk will have to pay on its own if we don't build new! (if you've ever been in a state building, the 'acceptable' standard is pretty low. Now you can see how bad our building really is if they are saying, you need a new building and we will help pay for it!)
* Please recall that many voters who did not receive direct benefit to their children voted yes for the HOD, the KPMS and the KPHS because it was the right thing to do for our town and its children. Many of us benefited from their selflessness, their efforts in getting to the polls and their willingness to see forward and understand the need. It's our turn.
My children won't benefit directly from a new Freeman so this is not a self-serving request. I support this project because it is needed and it benefits our entire community from home values, to health and education of current and future generations, to community accessibility. If we do not do it now, we will be paying through the nose for expensive renovations just to "patch it up" and ultimately have to replace it anyway with Norfolk incurring all of the cost (which will be much greater 10+ years from now!!)
We need at least 2500 yes votes to make this happen. (approximately 1700 of 6263 voters in town ever even go to the polls (you may not have known that who votes in town and who does not is public record) - If you haven't voted before - now is the time - your yes vote and your spouse's yes vote is needed and it truly counts - we have the power to make this happen!!J)
o Please make it a point to be at the polls on Dec. 8th. (H. Olive Day rear of building - Open 7 am - 8 pm)
o Please know that it is a need, not merely a want.
o Please know it is an excellent business decision and an investment that will serve our town for 50+ years.
o Please take advantage of this one-time opportunity for your kids or your grandkids.
o Please think ahead like those who voted before us even if it doesn't affect your children directly.
We could lose $17.3 million dollars because of one missed vote!! Don't let it be yours. Let's not make Norfolk the laughing stock of the state for giving up the gift of $17.3 million for the benefit of our own town. We are so lucky to have been granted this gift!! It's about time the state helps Norfolk. Why would we ever say no now??
Please vote yes for a new school. Respectfully,
- SS
11/30 9:49am: I found Helen C.'s letter (posted by CE) to be further evidence of how ill-informed some folks seem to be regarding the correlation between the quality of a town's education and the value of property. It is easy to say, no, don't change anything, they (the school, fire station) worked for us. It is also shortsighted. Please don't assume that the letter posted by CE was factual when considering your vote. Frankly, it seemed like another attempt to impede progress in a town that needs it. - CS
11/30 9:48am: I want to refinance my home. If anyone has done this recently could you please recommend a good mortgage company? - PD
11/28 11:57am: Just returned from purchasing several beautiful wreaths at Village Green Nurseries on Rt 1A in Norfolk. I was astounded by the quality. I usually go to Stonegate Gardens in Lincoln or Winston Gardens in Chestnut Hill, but guess what? Village Green has the exact same wreaths and greens. Same high quality, much better pricing. So, shop local! He can also get boxwood wreaths with really last so much longer than any others I have used. Happy Holidays :-)
- JN
11/28 11:56am: Our daughter is interested in taking piano lessons and we're hoping someone could recommend a piano teacher. - PN
11/28 11:48am: On Dec. 8, we will vote to increase our taxes, or not to do so, in order to construct a new school and a public safety building as well as to develop a road stabilization fund.According to the proponents for a new school, the current structure is so unsafe and so detrimental to learning that a parent should think seriously before allowing a child to walk in the building. Applying the logic of proponents would lead one to wonder how it is possible for people to work in the State House or study at local colleges, many of which are 50-350 years old. It is possible, because these buildings have been updated and renovated as needed through the years. The 39 year-old Centennial and the 60 year-old Freeman School can be renovated and updated as well. We can put on a new roof, build sound proof walls and rewire the building, add solar panels and "solar" windows, etc. These needs can be prioritized and dealt with over time, resulting in much less of an impact on the tax rate.
The current price for renovation, $16.6 million, was calculated by a firm working for the proponents of a new building. Therefore, it is suspect. We need an estimate from a truly independent source. When the discussion of a new versus a renovated building came up about 4-5 years ago, the cost for renovation was placed under $10 million. Let us remember that we are not talking about a K-6 school. We are dealing with 4 grades at a proposed total cost of $9.2 million per grade!
One cannot deal with the cost of anything in a vacuum. One must also consider unanticipated construction costs as well as increased costs to run and staff the new facility. The impact of the new school on our tax rate, as identified by the Town Administrator's figures published in the 11/20 Boomerang, peaks at $124.88 per $100,000 in assessed value, but that is only part of the story. Based on the Town's experience with construction of municipal buildings, prudent planning would add 10% to the estimated cost to cover any number of glitches that can, and usually do, occur during construction. The Town must also plan to pay for the solar panels and offices which will not be matched by the State. While proponents have suggested they will seek a grant, we cannot presume one will be received.
Finally, we must look at the impact on the Town's future operating costs, including teacher salaries. The Chairman of the Board of Selectmen indicated at Town Meeting that an operating override will be most likely required to cover existing Town services for the next fiscal year. Since 70% of the Town's operating budget goes to education, this means that the chances are very good that the Town will not have enough money to retain the current teaching staff and class size unless we approve a further addition to our tax rate. Moreover, the Chairman's figures do not include any increase in fixed costs which may result from operating a new, larger school with substantially greater investment in technology. In the end, the cost to taxpayers will be arguably well in excess of estimates provided to date unless we are prepared to put bricks and mortar ahead of teachers and class size.
The assertion that the new school building will favorably impact home values is questionable on several fronts. First, while good schools are associated with strong home prices, the usual measure is MCAS scores. These, as we all know, are most profoundly influenced by the quality of the teaching staff and class size, not the physical plant. There are plenty of communities with new schools and lousy MCAS scores across our state to prove it.
Secondly, home values are unlikely to increase in any case. Many economists have predicted that the market for single family homes is and will be decreasing due both to the aging of the American population and to the likely impact on our tax structure of the nation's burgeoning debt. The housing market is already looking at the expiration of first time home buyer credits. In addition, efforts to address the nation's debt burden can reasonably be expected to impact home mortgage deductions as well as overall tax rates. The American consumer will simply have less money to spend on housing, a situation which will not favor a return to rising home values.
Importantly, the cost to taxpayers will further be exacerbated by the weakening of the American dollar, which anyone who has purchased groceries or had a hair cut recently will appreciate. Just about everything you buy has gone up by 1/4 to 1/3 from a year or two ago because of the impact of a weak dollar on the cost of foreign oil or other imported goods or manufacturing inputs. Given the state of the U.S deficit, this situation can be expected to continue.
Finally, the argument that the buildings hinder leaning does not warrant tearing them down. Every educational study of student learning shows that the critical variable is teaching. Excessive noise is distracting and should be corrected - build sound-proof walls. Energy efficiency is of concern, as it should be. Solar panels and windows and added insulation can, and have been added to many old buildings. The good teacher will appreciate these and a few other essential improvements. These costs can be incurred and spread over several years with lesser impact on our tax rate and possible implications on our budget for teacher salaries and class size.
I am acutely aware that passion will outweigh reason any time, but I would ask that we consider the above FACTS before we vote.
Helen C.- CE
11/27 11:43am: I'm looking for a part time nanny for my twin infants. If the match is good, full time opportunity starting end of January. Must have strong experience with infants with excellent references. I'm also interested in finding a responsible teenager or young adult for occasional babysitting (and/or help while we're home). Again, need to have experience babysitting infants, with excellent references. Please contact me at niementowski@hotmail.com if interested. - MN
11/26 8:45am: Happy Thanksgiving!
11/26 8:40am: Last summer, I got the name of a Norfolk tile guy off of the Norfolknet. The tile man's name is Bobby Gifun and his phone number is 508-528-8104. This week, we had a tiled backsplash installed by him at our home in Pin Oaks. I would like to thank the person who shared his name. Bob did a tremendous job! He was neat, showed up when he said he would,charged a very reasonable fee, and most importantly did a very professional job. If you need tile work and want to see the work he did in my home feel free to email me through this forum. Happy Thanksgiving! [Use box227@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - KAF
11/26 8:38am: Hi, all - Happy Thanksgiving! If you need a table arrangement on the way to Grandma's tomorrow, we at Family Florist on Rt. 115 (before Stony Brook) will be open 9 to 12. C'mon by! Dear TH, Thank you for your very kind words about Dad. He was, as former Chief Morrill of Wrentham once told me, 'an icon of Norfolk.' I do my utmost to take care of Mom and maintain a hopeful and peaceful outlook on life...
Also - I believe that the property by the round-a-bout where vehicles have been for sale is owned by the Norfolk Community Credit Union. I have seen for sale flyers in the Credit Union for the very same truck and car. Maybe they have been repossessed by the bank? Maybe they are owned by employees? Whatever it is, who cares. It's their property to do with as they wish. Live and let live.
- RB (RB4)
11/25 7:09pm: For JL - Battery disposal - You can check with the Norfolk Transfer Station at 508-528-7545 or [DPW page link] For PR regarding propane gas - I have had great service from Energy USA Propane - A North American Propane Company. Contact info is 1-800-822-1300 www.energyusapropane.com. Their closest plant location is in Medway. Although I have not spoken to him directly, you can contact Steven Dawyskiba, Sr. Account Rep 1-800-822-1300 x 8073 sdawyskiba@energyusapropane.com
For JP - The Lions Club, Recreation Department, and other town groups' Santa Parade is on Sunday December 6 starting at 3:30 p.m. at Hillcrest Village.
11/25 7:08pm: CI, the Shaws in Franklin. Went to Roche Bros. in Millis today and was surprised how well they had things organized. Plenty of help--no waiting in line--everything looked so clean. Looks like I've changed stores. Thanks to those who suggested Roche Bros. - BR (BR#1)
11/25 7:07pm: PD - you need to take a drive over to Medfield. They have two fabulous bakeries. The first is in the Shaw's shopping plaza on route 109. It's Blue Moon Bagel Cafe. Fresh bread, muffins, cookies, cakes. Their food is delicious!! The second is a place called Honey's in Medfield Center on North Street. They make the best scones that I have ever tasted. Enjoy!! - LL
11/25 7:03pm: A video has been produced and is now showing on NCTV channel 8 at 10 am each morning, and Wednesday and Thursday nights at 8:00pm. You can also link onto the NCTV schedule link here on NN under "About Norfolk" and go to the NCTV site and click directly to the video. There is a link on the main page that says Norfolk Public Safety Video. This is a fascinating video that shows a day in the life of our policemen and firefighters. It gives a real insider tour of what actually happens after you place a 911 call. I think you will find it informative and it also allows a peek into the building and the working conditions there. (disclosure, I helped with the video). Kudos to Andrew at NCTV for filming, editing and producing this wonderful video, and kudos to all of the staff that helped by bravely being on camera. I hope you will all watch it, your kids will really like it as well, it shows a simulated arrest (see if you can identify the suspect). The Public Safety building has already been moving forward with about 500K already spent on the project. Next step is to vote yes so that ground can be broken and we can have a fully functional emergency response center. Faster response time saves lives. Our police officers and firemen deserve a proper place to work 24/7, 365 days a year and we deserve the best response time possible.
- JN
11/25 7:01pm: On Thursday, December 3rd at 1:30 p.m., at the Senior Center, the Norfolk Council on Aging will be hosting a discussion on the proposed Freeman-Centennial School and Public Safety Building construction projects. Fire Chief Coleman Bushnell, School Superintendent Don LeClerc and Town Administrator Jack Hathaway will be present to discuss the projects and answer questions. All are welcome to attend what promises to be an interesting and informative discussion on these two proposed projects, which will be the subject of a town-wide vote on December 8th. - Jay Talerman, Chairman, Norfolk Council on Aging
11/25 7:00pm: DWL- Big deal?? It's private property and as long as they follow the town's bylaws then what is the harm? I wish whoever is trying to sell their car good luck. - LS
11/25 12:50am: Does anyone know how to properly get rid of a computer battery and some D batteries? - JL
11/25 12:49am: Which Shaws has the smelly/bad seafood - Franklin or Medfield? I usually like the Medfield store. - CI
11/25 12:48am: Norfolk's ACT NOW (Advocacy and Communication Toward Norfolk's Opportunity Window) will offer its final tour of the Freeman-Centennial School at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 1st. The tour will provide residents with an opportunity to hear about and view the building concerns that lead to the proposal of the new school building project. The tour will begin at the school's main entrance Door 10. - LM
11/25 12:47am: Replying to SO's post at 11/24 12:31pm - SO - A Turkey Trot is usually a 5k road race/fun run in the morning before Thanksgiving. A fun way to pre-burn some calories off before all of the Thanksgiving eating!! Thanks! - JP
11/25 12:46am: Hi BF 2 - Please know you would never be slammed by the Fire or Police Departments for asking any questions. We have had the pleasure of meeting with folks who truly don't subscribe to our belief that the existing Public Safety Building has problems. We can only provide the facts, that the building originally was built on the premise of an all volunteer fire department, one police officer on a shift and dispatch operations in a private home. That year was 1966. Today the facility is home to 12 career firefighter/paramedics who provide advanced life support (ALS) and fire/rescue service supported by 6 call staff: 17 sworn police offices and 2 civilian administrative staff; along with the E911 Communications Center. We could lament about the problems associated with the technology issues within the E911 Center, security issues when detained persons are brought into be processed, or lack of garage space for apparatus. I would rather like to personally invite you to the station anytime to view first hand what we have been talking about. Speak to the dispatchers, police officers or firefighters on-duty. You may leave impressed we have made valid points or dissatisfied by our representation. Either way it would only cost your time, and by the way I always buy the coffee and. Regardless, I hope you will vote on December 8th, because voting either for or against all the projects is the most important thing anyone could do. On behalf of us at the Public Safety Complex, Happy Thanksgiving to all who peruse Norfolknet.
- Coleman C. Bushnell, Fire Chief, Norfolk Fire Department
11/25 12:45am: Frmingham has one on Thursday. Benefits battered women's shelters. Memorial Building, takes off at 8:30. - RD
11/25 12:44am: A Turkey Trot is slightly faster than a Turkey Walk! ...ha ha, could not help myself. - PT
11/25 12:43am: Free working Pro-Form 520X treadmill... just needs some dusted cleaned off of it and its yours! Please contact me at Daszsports1@verizon.net if you are interested. Thanks, - MD
11/24 12:31pm: BR#1 - Shaw's seafood counter doesn't pass the "sniff test" - you can smell it from the produce section! If a fish counter smells fishy instead of fresh, clean and mildly of the sea, go somewhere else. I agree with BMS - try Roche Brothers. JP - What's a Turkey Trot?
- SO
11/24 12:30pm: We've used the Nelsons (they're on Myrtle Street) for years. Great local family business. 508-528-4225. - HRB
11/24 12:23pm: BF (2): I somewhat agree with your logic; however, the public safety building here wasn't built to accommodate a fully active fire and police department. And the structure is simply not that sound. It is not like some of the larger buildings in Millis. As for the library, well, I liked it when it was smaller. Perhaps a renovation may have been fine, but that is water under the bridge now. Plus, it was somewhat of a historic building. I like the library, but wish that it had a better operating budget so that I could access it on Sunday. The Freeman was not built to last. It just wasn't. Not sure what they were thinking with that quad classroom set up. I think the Freeman is a pit. Not sure how you could possibly renovate the school without exposing the kids there to all sorts of safety issues, like asbestos exposure.
Norfolk is not a town on a main road that has a lot of historic and grand homes and buildings. Most of the buildings here that were built years ago seem to have been built to accommodate a small, rural population. 40 years ago perhaps no one predicted that Norfolk would become the thriving bedroom community that is the current reality.
- JN
11/24 12:22pm: Thought Norfolknet readers would be interested in this link that a good friend sent to me. Who knew? As we enter Thanksgiving week, I am reminded of the many times I said "where is Norfolk!??!" when a friend here in town called to say "hey, check out the town we live in!" as we searched for a place to settle in the burbs. Coming from Brighton, where you can walk anywhere, I thought "are you crazy? never!" but here we are, and I am thankful!! Bill, you were right, it's a great town to raise a family; we've been quite happy with the schools, love the farms, library, open space, and it's a been a nice investment. Let's hope it remains that way (here's my chance to say "Get to the Polls on Dec. 8"). Happy Thanksgiving Norfolk! [on-line article] - AL
11/24 12:21pm: Hi Norfolk families! My name is Rachel and I've posted on here many times before, but thought I'd post again anyways. I'm currently in my sophomore year at Louisiana State, but will be transferring home next semester. I'm looking for either on-going or random babysitting jobs beginning in December once I get home! I have many years of experience and I love kids. Also, I have my own transportation as well as references upon request! The best way to reach me is through e-mail. My address is rachelalsu@yahoo.com . I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks and have a Happy Thanksgiving! - RA
11/24 12:20pm: NCL Santa Breakfast December 12th - The Norfolk Community League will be holding a Pajama Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 12th from 9 am - 11am at the at the H. Olive Day School Cafeteria, 232 Main Street, Norfolk. Join Big Joe the Storyteller as he entertains children of all ages with stories and puppets. We will have coloring, crafts and a continental breakfast. Please bring your own camera for photos with Santa. Please bring a non-perishable food item to support the Norfolk Food Pantry. Tickets must be purchased in advance and are $7 for NCL members, $9 for non-members, children under age 2 admitted free. If you would like to attend, please visit www.norfolkcommunityleague.org to download the sign up sheet. No tickets will be sold after Wednesday, December 9th and tickets will not be available at the door so sign up soon! Questions? Please contact Rachael C. at 508-737-4764.
11/24 12:19pm: Has anyone noticed the rotary in Norfolk has become a place to sell used cars. First a pick up truck and now a car! - DWL
11/23 5:08pm: Can anyone recommend a local snow plow operator who is looking to pick up more customers? - CS
11/23 5:07pm: In the 57 years of existence of King Philip Regional High School, the football program has never been in the position they are in now. They could win the Hockomock League Championship by beating Franklin High School this Thanksgiving Day!! Game time is 10 AM at Franklin High School and need the support to cheer on the KP Warriors. GO KP !! - TH
11/23 5:06pm: RC - Good point on the footbridge connecting Bob Kraft's playground with his future office park. I also read how the Spirit of Boston received $123,000 for an alarm and surveillance system. For the $9,000,000 that it will cost to build a footbridge, we could have had most of our Public Safety Building completed. These Democratic doofuses on Beacon Hill and in DC just don't get it. - PA
11/23 5:05pm: Hi - I was wondering if anyone knows of a Turkey Trot in Norfolk or a neighboring town? Thanks, - JP
11/23 5:04pm: MAK, I could not have said it any better! You pounded home the fact that the voters of Norfolk were tricked by the last road repair over ride. Call it what you want, but the last override was meant for roads not the general fund. When the first override for the roads is repealed, I will gladly support a Road Stabilization Fund. If we support and pass the proposed override for the roads we are sending a message to town government leaders that it is ok to lie and trick us. By the way, I do support the debt exclusion overrides for the school and public safety building. - MG
11/23 5:01pm: BR#1 - have you tried Roche Bros in Millis? I find their produce, meats, seafood, bakery and prepared foods to be excellent and they are not as far as Whole Foods or the Big Y. Nothing worse than spoiled seafood... Happy Thanksgiving. - BMS
11/23 8:56am: RC-No, but I did get a political advertising call from "Tele Town Hall" if that is what you are referring to.. - LK
11/23 8:54am: Has anyone noticed a change in the quality of food at Shaw's lately?? I had to return some fresh shrimp from the seafood deli as even the cats would not eat it. I got my money back but that's not the point. I have been to Whole Foods and I know the prices are higher but the quality seems better. Big Y--?? I would rather drive further if the quality is always good. - BR (BR#1)
11/23 8:51am: The Gazzette yesterday editorialized against spending $9m on Kraft's Karryover bridge on Rte 1 from one of his enterprises to another. The Gov says it will result in jobs as the money is coming from the "stimulus money"... I suppose giving Kraft the money creates more jobs than repairing our deteriorating bridges and roads which Channel 5 says are the worst and unsavest in New England if not the nation. Now who do you think will support the Gov in the upcoming election? Norfolk now faces the loss of the mitigation money from the prisons while we still pay for the stimulus money for Robert. (I know the money comes from different kittys) Shouldn't our Governor have more consideration for the finances and safety of the lowly taxpayer? Perhaps we should ask him to adjust his thinking. - RC
11/23 8:50am: Dear RB, Your dad, Robert Bremilst Sr. will always be remembered as a giving and caring man. Take care of your family like he took care of you. Remember, love never passes. - TH
11/23 8:49am: Just curious about something... As I drove through Millis this past week, I noticed that the town has managed to operate fine, as it appears, out of their old library and public safety buildings and, the schools seem the same as well... I grew up in Millis and moved to Norfolk many years ago, in the early 80's in fact and, I love this town. I do get stuck however on the apparent needs to rid the town of the old and replace it with the new, all the time. I am in favor of providing the best education possible for our children, caring for our seniors, providing the right needs for our police and fire departments and so on. I just do not understand why one town makes do and others are quick to toss and go.
It would be nice if I were not slammed by raising these points but was to hear back some kind remarks that may cause further insight and a healthy exchange of ideas. Good Day,
- BF (BF 2)
11/21 6:56pm: AB-G, not sure what you mean by minions but check out Ms. McCaughy's showstopping performance on the Daily Show - [link]. [c o n t i n u e d . . .] - JT (JT-6)
11/21 6:55pm: A Reminder! Tonight: Medfield, MA The Zullo Gallery Center For The Arts 15th Annual Juried 2009 Exhibition - Artists' Reception: Sat. Nov. 21st (tonight!! (Don't miss this great opportunity to see good art made in Norfolk!) 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Refreshments will be served.
Norfolk's own Pamela Ruby Russell, a dedicated photographer and award winning songwriter, has had a photograph of hers entitled, "Friends by the River" selected by jury to be exhibited in the Zullo Gallery's 2009 Juried Exhibition this season. Pamela Ruby Russell's stunning photographic work is featured in the recently released, "The Norfolk Quill: A Literary Journal" which was edited by Margo Ball.
If you unable to attend this evening's festivities and gathering, don't miss this wonderful fine art exhibition at the Zullo Gallery Center For The Arts sometime this holiday season .
The entire exhibition will be up until January, 2010.
Zullo Gallery, 456A Main St., Medfield, MA 02052. Phone: 508-359-3711 art@zullogallery.org, www.zullogallery.org
Zullo Gallery is conveniently located in the center of Medfield right off of Main St. (Route 109). We are located right next to the Library and there is plenty of parking located behind the Gallery.
- PR
11/21 6:49pm: AB-G, I have no interest in getting bogged down in a back-and-forth debate over healthcare with you. My previous post to SB really had only one objective and that was to discourage relying on a single source when it comes to such a vitally important issue. [c o n t i n u e d . . .] - TEM
11/21 6:48pm Check out Scott Brown's new Fans page on Facebook. Where can I get a Scott Brown for U.S. Senate sign? Go, Scott! - CR
11/20 4:38pm I agree with JR. Blue Moon has great bread, especially the seeded loaf, it is amazing. Whole Foods and Panera both have great bread too! - MJD
11/20 4:35pm Beautiful, old, Ivers and Pond (Boston) upright piano for sale. Great soundboard and beautiful wood. $300. Call 508-528-9529. - JC
11/20 4:20pm: Gee, TEM, I wonder why none of Our Leader's minions have challenged Betsey McCaughy to a public debate with specific section and chapter references. [c o n t i n u e d . . .] - AB-G
11/20 4:18pm Hello there and Happy Thanksgiving Holiday next week to you and yours! Okay, here goes: Questions re: converting from Electric Range and Oven (stove) to Propane. Any thoughts and Recommendations? We have an old electric stove that we are replacing very soon, hopefully with a propane fired range and oven. Has any one already gone through this procedure and do you have any recommendations? My questions:
1. Cost of using propane vs. electric energy to run oven and stove? Also, cost of installation of tank(s) and lines?
2. Buying or renting your own tanks? (I heard it is better to buy your own tank(s) due to having more flexibiility as to who you buy propane from and costs.)?
3. What company do you recommend to purchase the tank(s) from, install tank(s) and run necessary gas line(s)?
4. Who do you recommend purchasing propane tanks from? Reliability and fair cost of propane?
5. All in all, besides the joy of cooking with gas, is it a good idea to do this here in Norfolk. Is it difficult to get propane delivered in a timely fashion here?
6. Is using propane dangerous at all...? I know the tanks are kept outside. Does it matter where on your yard they are kept?? I have never used it.
Thank you for your time. Sincerely,
- PR
11/20 4:11pm To MG: This is the first Stabilization Fund for roads. What you were referring to is the override for the Road Program in 2001. When that override was passed, the language did not include "operating" and the funds were designated for roads for only one year. The following year(s) the Selectmen could redirect those funds if they felt there was a need elsewhere. The override amount was used for roads for a few years. But with increasing budget pressures, the Selectmen redirected the funds and the citizens of our Town were not dominant enough to prevent that from happening. There was no Stabilization Fund at that time. Recently Massachusetts law allowed for towns to create Stabilization Funds and fund them with an operating override. With that combination, the taxes collected go into the Stabilization Fund and can only be used, subject to approval at Town Meeting each year, for the purposes specified for the Stabilization Fund.
Monies funded to the Road Maintenance Stabilization Fund of $200,000 per year will be used solely for roads - it's the law. Only Town Meeting can change that.
With the funding of this Stabilization Fund, your tax dollars will be used exactly for what they were intended.
Thank you for caring about our roads.
11/20 4:10pm Still looking for some young man to do a fall cleanup on my yard. Contact Glass1971@aol.com Thanks. - PRB
11/20 4:09pm In time for the holidays, the Norfolk Historical Commission has the Stanley Chilson films of old Norfolk, that were presented on NCTV and narrated by Thelma Ravinski, for sale on 5 DVD's at $30.00 per set. To order call 508-528-3967. - TR
11/20 4:08pm Chief Bushnell's response to the poster who wanted a second story on the existing police/fire station is on the mark. This all goes back to 1983 when the Town authorized enlarging both the library (it was then in the present schoolhouse) and the police/fire station. The deal was that both projects had to be done for $900,000. In the words of an architect who was involved, ``There began a race to the bottom.'' To shoehorn both projects into an already inadequate budget, things kept being downsized, eliminated and reduced in quality. The result was that both projects were inadequate from the day they opened. In the ensuing 25 years there are still too many of our fellow citizens who don't realize that cheap is expensive. - HRB
11/20 4:07pm I can highly recommend Spike Yonker for the water line replacement. Extremely neat. Barely new he'd been here! - MR
11/20 4:06pm RW, the soccer photos will be mailed in the next couple of weeks to each home. I am very sorry for the delay. This is the first year I have done it myself without my husband and am running behind. The photos are very cute and will be done soon. Again sorry for the delay, it has been a steep learning curve. - Diane Valente, Hughes Photography
11/20 4:05pm For PD: The Blue Moon Bagel Cafe in Medfield has fabulous bread. bluemoonbagel.com - JR
11/20 12:30am Where do you get good bread around here? Are there any real bakeries nearby? - PD
11/20 12:27am Yard Sale - Saturday, November 21st, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, 1 Cresson Avenue (corner of Cresson Ave. & Priscilla Ave.) Lots of furniture: 2 dressers, 2 desks, kitchen table, baby crib. Snow blower; a variety of other items including lots of DVD's and stereo equipment. Bring a truck! - BC
11/20 12:26am In response to BW's request: 11/18 11:06pm Could anyone recommend an auto body repair shop in Norfolk? Rocky's Auto Body is locally owned and operated, very efficient and customer service focused. We have used Marcia and Rocky over the past 6 years for multiple auto body repairs. They are the best! They are open Mon-Thurs and are located on Rt. 115 just north of Rt. 1A. (508) 384-7883. - EC
11/20 12:14am To SB: You are quite correct in encouraging an open mind regarding Health Care, but let us hope Betsy McCaughey--who has been called a career "serial health care misinformer" as well as a number of other things over the years--is not the only person you are reading [c o n t i n u e d . . .] - TEM
11/20 12:13am To BW - for auto body repair shop in Norfolk: Rocky's. Top notch work - do a great job on matching even those very tough to match paint colors. Over the years they have done body work on five of our family's cars and the work has always been good. There is also minimal work you have to do since they handle much of the communication with appraisers and insurance companies. - EF
11/20 12:12am To BD for excavating for service line - Frank Ciavatonne 508-668-5200. Will treat your property as if it were his own. - EF
11/20 12:10am Annual Holly Fair at the Federated Church of Norfolk this Saturday November 21 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Enjoy Artistic Wood Crafts, Children's Shopping, Santa's visit from 10:00 to 11:00, Church Mice Crafter's, Handmade Candy, Baked Goods, Attic Treasures, and share Luncheon at 11:30 AM. For more information call 508-528-0262 or visit www.fcon.org - DLJ
11/20 12:08am Thanks for the comment ES. The question of adding a second floor to the existing station goes back to the 1980's addition. While plans did exist for such construction, changes in the Building Code, regarding seismic bracing, prohibit this possibility. Also when the building was originally constructed, the foundation structure was determined not to meet present load bearing requirements again of the Building Code. I would refer further questions to Bob Bullock, our Building Commissioner who is an ex-officio member of the Public Safety Building Committee. I was sorry to learn that your information was gleaned from someone familiar with this project. I can only attest to the facts, and can again reiterate that adding a second floor is not possible. ES, I would like to extend an invitation to you to stop by virtually anytime as I avail myself 24/7 to answer questions. Remember the coffee is always on me!! - Coleman C. Bushnell, Fire Chief, Norfolk Fire Department
11/20 12:03am No way will I support another road stabilization fund! We were fooled once already, shame on us if we are fooled again. Start using the override money from the last road stabilization override and the problem will be solved. I just hope there are more than 111 voters in town who feel the same way. - MG
11/19 11:30pm We just took ownership of an upright piano that is in need of a little TLC. Does anyone have a recommendation for a piano tuner that can do some minor repairs? Many thanks. - BHS
11/19 8:58pm Small article about last weeks lockdown at Priscilla Ave. in today's Sun Chronicle on page B6. - BR (BR#1)
11/19 8:57pm A complaint has come to my office that there are a number of dog owners that are allowing their dog to defecate upon the FC school fields and they are not cleaning it up. Not only is it unsanitary for the children who play on those fields, it's just plain irresponsible dog ownership to not pick up after your pet. If anyone knows anyone who is doing this, and wish to report them, please contact my office. There is a pooper scooper by law. If people don't clean up after their pets then I may need to explore a bylaw to prohibit all dogs from school properties. - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control, 508 440 2816
11/19 8:56pm To BW: You can't go wrong with Rocky's Autobody on Rt. 115 (79 Pond Street/ 508-384-7883). They are a local treasure. - TEM
11/19 8:55pm BD, we used Miles to replace our water line. They did a great job and at a reasonable price. Their success in preserving your landscaping will depend on where they have to dig holes to pull a new line. In some cases, they are finding that the water line was not properly installed and will have to dig a continuous trench. Hopefully your line was installed correctly, ours was not.=20 - DC
11/19 8:21am DPS - "Enemy Country" for the football game starting at 10am. - BMS
11/19 8:14am For information on the Senate Health legislation that Sen. Harry Reid announced on Wednesday, Nov 18,2009, see URL [loc.gov page] [C o n t i n u e d . . .] - RH
11/19 8:13am KB: Call Brody SG Landscaping. He did my fall clean-up today and did a great job. His number is (508) 533-4486. Good luck. - KJ
11/18 11:12pm JL - Thanks for the link. I wonder how many of these will actually go through though. Solar panels and the light sensors are huge! - TH
11/18 11:11pm The King Philip Middle School PTSO is sponsoring a Pizzeria Uno Doughraiser/Fundraiser on Tuesday, November 24th at Uno Chicago Grill, South Street, Wrentham Village Outlets. All day long a portion of your sales check (dine in, take out, or gift certificate) will go directly to the King Philip Middle School. You will need to present a KPMS/UNO ticket when paying. Tickets are available on the KP Middle School website ( [kingphilip.org/kpnorth] ) or at the following locations in town: Norfolk Public Library, Something Special, Daley Service Station, Carol's Place/Dry Cleaners, Linda's Variety, and KMK Cleaners. Take a day off from cooking next week, pick up a ticket, and support King Philip Middle School! - GA
11/18 11:10pm Does anyone know when the Santa parade is scheduled for? - JP
11/18 11:09pm Any recommendations for a high school or college student for fall cleanout of my leaves? If so contact Glass1971@aol.com. Thanks, - PRB
11/18 11:08pm I would like to hire someone to help me with the fall clean-up. Any referrals? - KB
11/18 11:07pm In reference to the Public Safety Building, has there been any investigation into adding a second level to the current structure? I've heard from a member of the committee that was responsible for the current building that the design was done with the anticipation of growth and the structure could support a second floor. It would appear that would be completed with a lower cost than building a new structure. - ES
11/18 11:06pm Could anyone recommend an auto body repair shop in Norfolk? - BW
11/18 11:04pm Kevin Roche, owner of Norfolk Auto at 38 Main street, Norfolk, will be participating in the three day Breast Cancer walk in San Diago, CA the weekend of November 20-22nd. Norfolk Auto is selling raffle tickets in support of the Susan G. Komen Cancer foundation. The prize is: two (2) Tickets to the New England Patriots vs. Jacksonville Jaguar game, December 27th, 2009, Section 105, row 33. Only 300 tickets will be sold. Please call Kevin (508-528-0296) or come down up to Sunday, November 15th to purchase tickets. Tickets are $10.00/each and all proceeds go directly to the Susan G. Komen Cancer foundation. Thank you for your support. - CMW
11/18 11:03pm NCL accepting charitable donation applications - The Norfolk Community League (NCL) is currently accepting applications for its biannual disbursement of funds. The monies will be distributed in January, 2010. If you are an individual or an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit NCL's website at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org for an application. The deadline for applications is December 18, 2009, and a completed application must be received by this date in order to be considered. Send completed applications to: NCL, P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056. Last year, the NCL spring disbursement distributed over $16,000 back into the community. Please contact NCL President Kerry D. at 508-553-9080 or jkdevellis@comcast.net with any questions. - PMC
11/18 10:47pm Does anyone have a recommendation for an excavator that they hired to replace their water line to their house? Most concerned with quality of work and preserving landscaping... thank you - BD
11/18 10:46pm Thanks SF: I have tried Wilton's in the past and you are right. I ordered from Fondarific today. We'll see how it turns out! - HC
11/18 10:45pm For EG in regards to piano tuning and repair... A friend of mine does just that and would appreciate the opportunity in speaking with you to discuss your needs. If you like, drop me a note at populatic@earthlink.net and I will provide to you her contact information. - BF (BF 2)
11/18 8:12pm Re Health Care - Since this is a national topic I can understand why Norfolk.Net does not contain a lot of dialogue on the bill making its way through Congress. And maybe we are all just tired of hearing about it. Although I am trying to keep an open mind, I am very concerned about the final outcome and what it means for all of us, so I continue to call and write my representatives about my concerns. [C o n t i n u e d . . .] - SB
11/18 4:09pm Hi DLG, The automated v-mail was in regards to a local threat - RC
11/18 4:08pm ES: Is the KP vs. Franklin Thanksgiving showdown a home game or do we have to travel into "enemy country"? - DPS
11/18 4:07pm Congrats to the Norfolk Medfield Millis Vikings for a great season! The B Squad (8-2) made it to the Championship SuperBowl last weekend. Despite a good fight, the Franklin Chargers won the game 26-8. In action on Sunday, the A squad trounced King Philip Chiefs to become the Hockomock Tournament Champions. The C squad was also triumphant with a 30-6 win over the Brockton Junior Boxers to become the Hockomock Tournament Champions. Thanks to all the players, cheerleaders, coaches, coordinators and parents for a wonderful and exciting football season! It will be strange not to spend our "free time" at the field! Go Vikings! - TMS
11/18 4:04pm Snow blower for sale! I have a snow blower that I no longer need ... only a few years old and runs fine, except the pull-chord came off last year ... an easy fix but since I don't need it anymore I'm selling as is! $200. Erin @508-328-6164 or erinkenneally62@gmail.com. - EK
11/18 4:02pm Regarding Lawn Signs in Support of the New School - I apologize, but all of our signs have been allocated. There was a huge demand for them, which is so great! Thank you everyone for all of your support! We wish we had many more signs for everyone that would like one; however, ACT NOW is operating on a very small budget (mostly from its member's pockets) and we could only order a limited number of signs. Some supporters have decided to make their own signs, which we fully support. My kids are making a sign for our front door. We'll take the support however we can get it. If anyone would like to learn more about the New School Project, volunteer or make a donation, please visit our website at [actnow page]. You can contact any one of the ACT NOW Committee Members and we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.
- JR
11/18 9:44pm The Norfolk Republican Town Committee will be meeting this coming Monday, November 23 2009, at 7:30 p.m. at the Norfolk Public Library. All are welcome to attend. Please bring along friends and family. For more information you can contact Gregory M. at gmirliss@gmail.com. Thank you. - GM
11/18 9:40pm To PR: There are many green features in the proposed new Freeman Centennial school. The ACT NOW website gives a nice summary of the elements. Check it out, there is a lot of good information on the site about all facets of the school! Thanks for inquiring. [actnow page] - JL
11/18 9:37pm If anyone is interested in information about the (RMSF) Road Maintenance Stabilization Funding ballot question, please forward your questions through the webmaster to me. Thanks to the 111 Norfolk residents who voted in favor of funding the RMSF. I hope that each of you can help get the word out that this is a sure way for your tax dollars to be spent the way you want. I do understand what a huge sacrifice this is, but if we don't do this now we may be watching our roads further erode with increased monies needed to rebuild them. If anyone wishes to help us now and on election day please contact me at box194@norfolk.net
11/18 9:34pm The Norfolk Democratic Town Committee will have a representative from the Martha Coakley campaign at their next meeting on Thursday,nn November 19, 2009 at the Norfolk Community Town Library room (139 Main Street) at 7:00 PM. Lawn signs will be available for Coakley and Capuano at the meeting. - Jim Giebfried, Chair, Norfolk Democratic Town Committee
11/18 9:33pm I'm writing to remind you that tomorrow, Wednesday, November 18th [link] at 8:00 p.m. is the voter registration deadline to be eligible to vote on December 8th. A recent poll [link] demonstrated that just 7% of likely Democratic voters knew the December 8th election date. We know that every single vote is important and that every vote will count. (Please visit the Town Hall Clerks's office for registering, as well as information about absentee voting, access, and voting rights.) - JG
11/16 9:41pm For GG - Sorry for the late response: Norfolk has a Memorial Day parade at 8 a.m. that starts at the center and goes to the Main Street cemetery and back. We used to have a Veteran's Day parade but in more recent years there as only been a town wide gathering at either a school or the Norfolk Senior Center. - DLJ
11/16 9:40pm For RC - The last automated voice message I received from the Town of Norfolk was regarding an H1N1 flu clinic. - DLJ
11/16 9:39pm Leashrly Life has immediate openings for dog walking clients. We offer personalized, in-home visits and neighborhood walks for your pet at reasonable rates. Leashrly Life also provides one-to-one obedience training services. Teach your dog to respond appropriately to a number of commands, ``come'' when called, and understand what is expected of him/her as a member of your family. Four week training program *rates have now been reduced *through the end of November.
For more information visit www.leashrlylife.com or call 781-241-2083.
- AW, Leashrly Life
11/16 9:38pm Went to Jordans Furniture in Avon yesterday to see the Enchanted Village. It is completely restored to its original luster. Very well worth the trip. - PRB
11/16 9:37pm DA I was surprised that not 1 local paper had any report on the "lock down " last week on Priscilla Ave. People received phone calls to stay in their houses. The street was blocked off. I believe the" lock down" was from 3-7 pm on Veterans Day. I did hear that there was a man inside with a gun but that is all anybody seems to know. It is a good thing there was no school that day as the school bus stops there and 3pm would be about the time it would be there. - BR (BR#1)
11/16 9:36pm HC - Try fondarific.com for fondant. Much better flavor than Wilton's, I would not recommend theirs. - SF
11/16 9:31pm Norfolk Lions Club is in full swing with their annual Christmas Tree Sale!! This month long event is one of the Lions Club's most important fundraisers and a great opportunity for the Lions to connect with so many members of the community during the holiday period. Sales will begin on November 27, 2009, and we hope to see you down at the lot early for best selection. All of the proceeds from the sales of the trees go right back into the local Norfolk community and to various Lions charities.
[C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
- TL
11/16 9:30pm Another exciting win for the KP Warriors football team Friday night defeating Foxboro 10 - 7. This sets up the Thanksgiving day game against Franklin as a winner take all with the winner taking the Hockomock League title and going on to the state tournament. The game will start at 10 AM and promises to be a great event. Come out and support our Warriors. Go KP! - ES
11/16 8:14am In memory of my Dad, Robert L. Bremilst Sr. 10 year anniversary: 11/16/1999 He was the greatest Daddy a girl could ever ask for. When I wanted to wait overnight for tickets to a concert (1990- this was pre-Internet, of course) he spent the night in the family station wagon to watch over me. At my wedding, Dad walked me down the aisle even though he had 2 bad knees and had just that morning broken a toe! I wish was here to know my son.
He had a heart of gold, the gift of gab and the soul of an angel. Dad was well known in Norfolk - he was a life long resident. Many can still see him sitting in his 'office' under the florist shop's awning. If anyone needed help; he was there. I miss him so much every day. I don't want him to be forgotten.
This coffee and donut is for you, Daddy.
- RB (RB4)
11/16 8:13am To JHR regarding getting a lawn sign to support the school - contact Julie at jredlitz@yahoo.com - we'd love your support! - JR
11/16 8:12am Does anyone know a good source for a few lbs of pre-mixed fondant? Or even pre-rolled? - HC
11/15 6:34pm 4 tickets (2 separate pairs, Sec. 321 & 322) available for tomorrow (Monday) Bruins vs Islanders at TD Bank Garden, both pair 2nd row balcony - great seats. $120 for the set of 4 - below face value. I'm in Norfolk, can meet locally. Call 508-654-4472. - MF
11/15 6:33pm VR: Dave Nichols can install French doors. He has done a lot of quality work in my home and is fair priced. His work is exceptional, and his lines are clean. He actually installed a set of French doors in my dining room about a year ago... among other quality jobs including a complete bathroom remodel... good luck! 508-733-4526 - KM
11/15 6:31pm Regarding a referral for someone to install French doors. I have a great contractor who does jobs big and small. He is always very fair with pricing and extremely reliable. I have known him for years. He is currently installing exterior storm doors for us. His name is Matthew and his contact number is 508-330-3726. - JR
11/15 6:29pm To VR asking about French door installation. Try Robert Gomes @ 508-942-8024. There is no one else we will let work on our home. Great guy, fantastic work (real perfectionist) and also is reliable and shows up when he is supposed or calls ahead to let you know he is delayed or cannot get there--unlike other contractors we have used recently who no show and never call--multiple times. Cannot begin to tell you how frustrating that unreliability can be, especially if you miss work to let someone in and they no show--all day without a call. It is a matter of consideration for other people's time. So caveat emptor! Bob came to us on referral and we are so thankful he did. Even the subs he has working for him are top notch. Permits are pulled when needed which should not be viewed so much as added revenue for the town as much as protection for the homeowner in so many ways. - SF
11/15 6:28pm LB - I am going to offer a more educated and decidedly less sarcastic comment as to why a tank might have been driven through town - is it possible that it was part of a SWAT response to a seious incident (man holed up in house with gun) on Priscilla Avenue earlier this week? I saw a TV report on this (on FOX-25?) - there was quite a show of force in the brief clip they aired. It's quite possible that some sort of tactical assault vehicle was called in by the authorities. Apparently, all was resolved peacefully.
- DA
11/14 12:01pm Where can a Senior obtain a sign for voting for the new school? I am an educator and always try to vote "yes" for education. - JHR
11/14 12:00pm I was wondering if anyone has bought a car from Norfolk Auto on Rt115. Were you happy with the purchase? I need to get an inexpensive (insert cheap) car but don't want one that is going to fall apart 2 weeks after purchase. His cars appear to be in good condition and his prices are good. Thanks, - MW
11/14 11:59am Does anyone have 14 (or as many as possible) large mason jars that they would be willing to donate to a Norfolk Girl Scouts troop for an apple canning project? If yes, please contact me at 1999Norfolk@gmail.com. Thank you. - PFD
11/14 11:58am AL, regarding go-karting, F1 Boston in Braintree has an ongoing go-kart race series for youth age 7-17. You have to enroll the child in a safety training program to attain a license first, and then they can race. This is much fun for the kids and would make a great Christmas gift. See their web site for more info. - PD
11/14 11:37am VR: don't ask me to install them. We did it ourselves a few years back and we are still living with the disaster. Those buggers are almost impossible to put in so make sure you get someone that really knows what they are doing. - JW
11/14 11:27am The Tregoe Education Forum is a non-profit group that provides materials and a website to help teachers to teach, and students to learn, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making skills. I received the following invitation to a free Webinar on Tuesday, 17-Nov-2009 evening at 6:00 PM about the
website and the SCAN process. The webinar requires pre-registration, as described below. I was told that I could share the invitation as widely as I thought might be useful. The invitation is addressed to teachers and school administrators, but don't be put off by that. Anyone who is interested can participate. [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
- DR
11/13 9:59pm Did anyone receive an automated voice message from the Town of Norfolk [Wednesday]? - RC
11/13 9:55pm If anyone needs boxes please feel free to come and get as many or as few as you want! We've just moved within town and I have a garage full of moving boxes. I hate to just throw them out when they are barely used. Please call me 508-328-6164 if you are interested... they are Free!! - EK
11/13 9:52pm 2 things: School building plans... are they "green?" and an interesting article: What can be done in a town if the intention is there and even free money is not wasted! $20,000 Million did all this!! [Globe article] So, I don't know what we have spent money-wise on our Town Hall, new Library, etc. But when I read this article... I had to post it to Norfolknet.
The other point I want to make - I don't know how energy efficient and environmentally friendly our Town Hall, the Public Library, etc.., and the plans for the new school are or will be. Does anyone know? What about the other two buildings now gracing our Moonscape?
Why do we not hear talk of "going green" along with the plans for building a new school? Maybe I missed something, if so, pardon me. If so, somebody please inform me.
If we are going to have to vote on paying higher taxes for anything that has to do with any building projects in Norfolk I will have to know that everything that can be done to build green is being done! It is 2009 and there is NO excuse for not doing anything and everything possible as well as is available, to build green. No excuses allowed!
- PR
11/13 9:50pm JW - I am going to take a stab at why the tank might have been going through the town. I can only venture to guess that after fulfilling the quota for tickets (because that's why police give tickets, it's not because people are breaking the law or endangering others...) and with their donut breaks over, the Chief looked around and said - "Guys you've had a rough day, so why don't you go play - put on those cute camo's and have fun." (sorry...) In fact I am sure he pointed out that the neighboring towns must be bored at work - so why don't you call them to play as well. I am sure he also told them that they could play with the pretty lights and play the siren too. That has got to be the reason. It couldn't be a call, let alone a dangerous call that would require a tank or neighboring towns. So, I am sure it was just an opportunity for them to go play. - LB [a different LB from the other post below - Wm.]
11/13 9:49pm Anyone have any idea when we can expect soccer photos from the season that ended last week? Thanks - RW
11/13 9:48pm Does anyone have any experience in buying a go-kart for a 10 year old boy? New, used, rebuilt. We are not interested in anything fancy. - AL
11/13 9:33pm Grove Street Yard Sale moved to Sunday due to weather! Please stop by 61 Grove Street between 11AM - 1PM on Sunday. Tons for sale - furniture, baby items, clothing, dishes, pottery, etc., etc. - AL
11/13 9:32pm Looking for a recommendation for someone who could reliably install French interior doors. Thanks - VR
11/13 8:03pm Does anyone use Metro PCS for cell phone service? I am interested in hearing about their coverage in the area. - PD
11/13 8:01pm Attention families with young children: Free - Creative Playthings Swing Set located in Norfolk - 2 swings and slide with covered platform - about 10 years old - in good condition. Come pick it up! cmkearins@verizon.net - CK
[Update 11/18 4:05pm: family is picking the swingset up later this week! - CK]
11/13 7:59pm 8th annual Jingle Bell Run to take place Saturday, December 12th. The Norfolk Community League's 8th Annual Jingle Bell Run will take place on Saturday, December 12, 2009. The 5K run/walk starts at 11:00 a.m. Race day registration and number pickup starts at 9:30 a.m. at the H. Olive Day School, 232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA. Proceeds will benefit the Santa Foundation, a non-profit organization helping local families during the holiday season. Runners are encouraged to dress in warm holiday attire. Awards will be given for 1st place male and female overall, winner of each age group and most festive holiday attire. Fees are $20 if you pre-register by December 5th, and $25 day of race. Free gloves to the first 50 registered runners! Please visit www.norfolkcommunityleague.org to download a registration form and mail it with a check payable to NCL to NCL Jingle Bell Run, c/o Melissa M., 54 Lake Street, Norfolk, MA 02056. For more information, contact Kym P. at 508-528-6542 or kellyandkym@comcast.net. - PMC
11/13 7:58pm Thank You Norfolk ResidentsAs a member of the Public Safety Building Committee I would like to thank you for your support at Tuesday's Town Meeting. Certainly your questions posed prior to the meeting, testimonials given during the meeting, and comments made in the hallway outside the auditorium form the basis for our desire to bring a new Public Safety Building to fruition. The spirit of the night truly demonstrated why Norfolk is Norfolk, a community wishing to do what is best for all segments of the Town. Your enthusiasm will hopefully buoy our efforts to demonstrate not only the need for the building, but also emphatically represent the consciousness of the Committee to reasonably bring this proposal to you the voters.
We are acutely aware of the challenges we face as the ballot approaches. The present economy impacts us all. It is our responsibility to provide you factual information concerning a conservative design stressing cost maintained at an absolute minimum. During the coming days we hope to make a convincing statement to you the voters. To better accomplish this, please know you can stop at the Public Safety Building 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The firefighters, paramedics, police officers and dispatchers can all answer questions; show you around or at least provide a snapshot into what we do on a daily basis protecting you from this facility.
We hope you will support us. If you believe you are unable to support the project, at least give us an opportunity to hear your comments, because that is important to us; for this is the only way we can be successful.
Again thank you all and again please ask questions, call the station today 528-3207 or email me at bushnell@virtualnorfolk.org.
A community which maintains a dialogue is a good place to live.
Coleman Bushnell, Fire Chief, Public Safety Building Committee Member
11/13 7:27pm MJ - as Bill Clinton often said, "I feel your pain." The proposed new school and public safety building are costly enterprises in tough economic times. However, I would characterize them as wise investments for our community. Older buildings aren't necessarily well-constructed and renovation doesn't always make sense. For example, the current Freeman-Centennial contains abestos and its floor plan/traffic plan is like a rabbit warren. Incidently, what you see on Boardman Street is the result of several additions over the years, including the insane open classroom pods. It reminds me of the Winchester mansion in California with its labyrinthine layout. The structure simply is not conducive to learning, and any retrofitting (fire alarms/suppression, elevators, new boilers, etc.) is tantamount to throwing your money to the wind. We should take advantage of the Commonwealth's largesse (and a favorable financing climate) and proceed with a new school that meets the needs of education in the 21st century. Its green features will also yield savings on energy costs. The current fire/police station on Main Street is likewise outdated. The building committee has offered a sensible plan to house our public safety personnel and equipment. It comes nowhere near the palazzo of glass and cement that is the Franklin police station or the cavernous confines of the central fire station in the same town. It is a utilitarian design that addresses a chronic space issue and a deteriorating physical plant.
Finally, the so-called "behemoth" buildings you mention (the town hall and the library) are well utilized spaces with atrractive design features that serve to enhance the character of our community - and your property value.
- DA
11/13 7:26pm Our Norfolk Public Safety building and emergency operations center has been an embarrassment to this town for a very long time. I am so happy that the voters in Norfolk who attended town meeting have allowed this to go on the ballot in December. It has been a long time coming. I'm ashamed that those who put their lives on the line for me on a daily basis have had to work in such run-down, overcrowded and unsafe conditions for so long. As a health care professional, I see the public safety building as much more than just a building. It is really the heart and soul of the community, housing folks who are ready at any given moment, 24/7, to rush to your home to save you, a loved one, a neighbor, even your pet. They protect us from harm and make this town a very safe place to be. The response time here is outstanding. The professionalism is obvious. They need your support at the ballot on December 8th. - JN
11/13 7:25pm Job opportunities: There are a couple of positions available at an independent school in RI that may interest one or two of you. They are non-teaching related. The school is an easy reverse-commute adjacent the Brown University campus. [Moses Brown page] - LB
11/13 6:41pm To RC and MJ, Both of you need a better focus on reality and common sense. You may not want to pay for a new school and new public safety building but our community needs both of these infrastructure improvements. Economics 101 says a portion of our tax dollars are targeted for investment in our community. Both of these projects will greatly improve our infrastructure. Your comments are short sighted at best. - BRC
11/12 2:32pm Absentee ballots for the December 8th elections are now available in the Town Clerk's office. How to Apply for an Absentee Ballot: You may vote by absentee ballot if you: will be absent from your city or town on election day, and/or have a physical disability that prevents your voting at the polling place, and/or cannot vote at the polls due to religious beliefs. There is an application form available at the Town Clerk's Office or you may download it from the Town Clerk's website. You may also make application by letter by including the following information in your request: name and address as registered, address where you wish the absentee ballot sent, in a primary, the party ballot you want, and your signature.
Send all applications and letters to: Town Clerk, 1 Liberty Lane, Norfolk, MA 02056. Deadline for Absentee Voting is 12:00 Noon on December 7, 2009.
- Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
11/12 2:26pm I am a senior citizen - there, I've said it. Where have the years gone. My thoughts are not on new schools, bus fees etc. But, a few other things around town are bothering me. Has anyone else noticed that the grounds are not kept by out newly named DPW? The town is apparently outsourcing the work to independent companies. I saw numerous small (cheaper) crews mowing this past summer. Ok, now they are cheaper but you may ask as I have why aren't the men hired by the town doing the work. I may be wrong but I don't think so, they have been "let go" by the DPW. I have heard through my grapevine that by next couple of years there will be a skeleton crew on the DPW, men that have worked for the town for 20 or more years called in at all hours of the day and night and don't forget holidays, broken their backs for us, plowed til they couldn't see straight, unplugged overflow drains, cut trees down blocking the roads, maintained our cemetery and town building so beautifully, let go. Everyone agrees that some of our roads are in deplorable condition; I agree, so I ask this question. Why in the world is there a tank, yes a tank with those metal tracks going up and down our streets escorted by many police cars with sirens blaring? I have seen this tank twice since this summer, coming up Boardman St. going down toward the center, and yesterday afternoon going up Main St. toward Franklin. Those metal tracks cannot be good for the roadways. I wonder why, if it was necessary to transport this tank, the town didn't put it on a flatbed truck with tires, would have caused a lot less wear and tear on the roads and the town wouldn't have had to have 6 cruisers following it. I was going to ask the Wm. to have me be a "name withheld" but darn it.
- JW
11/12 2:23pm The Weather link in the left margin seems to have been broken by wunderground.com; I hope this is temporary, because I like that simpler layout (read: weather and nothing but weather). - Wm.
11/12 2:21pm To RC - Thank you for that voice of reason. People, please go back and read what RC said (11/10/09). Fire alarms can be added and so can pipes; even an elevator. They built things a lot better years ago and that is a blessing in disguise. They say its only a difference of a few million to rebuild or renovate. Since when did millions become disposable assets? Green is nice, especially when its green in the taxpayer's pocket! Fix what we have and make due, like those of us who are already living paycheck-to-paycheck. As to the roads, a special fund is just silly. We already pay exorbitant taxes to maintain our Town and asking for special road funding through overrides will only result in an automatic defunding of regular revenues for the roads. Wake up people! They let the roads fail (like the school) because they think it will force our hand to pass overrides. We gave them a $300,000 override only a few years back to fix the roads and they didn't fix the roads. Insanity is defined as repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Vote "NO-NO-NO" and make them go back to the drawing boards and offer us less ambitious and more prudent choices that are realistic and don't spend where we don't need. Like RC said (and like I tell my children), we need to distinguish between needs and wants. I don't think we can afford the enormous behemoths like the Town Hall and the Library anymore. They never made sense in the first place.
- MJ
11/12 2:20pm Congratulations to the KP Boys Soccer team with a great win last night over OA. Friday night the Warriors football team battles Foxboro at 7 pm in Foxboro. Both teams have 1 in league loss. This promises to be one of the best played games this year. Come out and cheer on the Warriors. GO KP! - ES
11/12 2:19pm To the person looking for someone with a bucket truck to do tree pruning and you care about the shape and condition that the trees will be left in, try Brennan Tree and Landscape out of Walpole - try 508-660-2600. Can't find his card at the moment, but this is the number I have in my phone directory. Tom and his sons have been pruning the trees in my yard for about 7 or 8 years now and just last week pruned and shaped my little leaf linden and London plane tree (trees are probably between 18 and 25 feet tall - maybe taller) in my front yard as well as a flowering crab. He prunes my ornamentals as well (weeping kousa dogwood, snow fountain cherry, etc) - things I do not trust myself to do and potentially hurt. There is no one else I trust to do the job properly. He was here last week (3 men) for about 5 hours, brought a chipper and raked the yard in the area he worked (which was about 2/3 of the front yard) so that there was not one twig or piece of debris left behind. - EF
11/12 2:18pm Hi HB: We (moms of cookie dough sale-boys) just found out that we will be receiving the cookie dough tomorrow. Once received, the boys will be responsible for delivering the cookies, so you should see them any day now! Also - speaking of KP boys varsity soccer, they won tonight at Oliver Ames and will be moving onto the semi finals!! (Woot Woot!) They play Saturday at Taunton HS against Catholic Memorial! Never disappointing- these games have been really exciting and what a great way to spend a Saturday! Bring the kids! Come support the HS soccer team! The crowds continue to grow! I think there were more KP fans in Easton tonight than Easton fans!
- TO
11/12 2:17pm Does anyone have a recommendation for someone who tunes pianos and can take care of minor repairs? Thanks! - EG
11/11 5:01pm Returning Veterans: free vacation for family and you. 4 bedroom 2 bath remote lake front house in the deep woods of northern Maine. Proof of service required. Reply Papagallagher@verizon.net. - GG
11/11 5:00pm Is the town having a parade on 11-11 in honor of the vets? - GG
11/11 4:36pm Yard sale, Saturday November 14th 10 AM - 1PM. 61 Grove Street in Norfolk. We are moving and cleaning out tons of items - furniture (couches, Pottery Barn rocker & ottoman, etc.), lamps, rugs, bike trailer, toys, baby swings, children's clothing, dishes, wine glasses, pottery, wrought iron patio set, etc. Many items already posted on Craigslist so willing to sell in advance. For details on those items, you may email grovestyardsale@yahoo.com. No early birds day of sale please! - AL
[Update 11/13 9:33pm: moved to Sunday due to weather - AL]
11/11 4:35pm I ordered cookie dough from the KP Soccer Team on October 3rd and have not yet received my order. Does anyone know when it is supposed to be delivered? Thanks! - HB
11/11 4:34pm To CPL: For a karate recommendation I highly recommend America's Best Defense in North Attleboro. I know it's a bit of a drive but the education the kids get is invaluable. I am a member as well as my son. We are both in an MMA program there and it's amazing on so many fronts. Watching my son's confidence grow with all that he's learning is really great. They do regular karate classes and they do clinics outside of class relative to bullying, stranger danger, fun kids days and camps. They do have an introductory program but at this point I'm not sure what the price is. It's a great way to get in and see if your child enjoys it there without the long term commitment. The adult programs there focus on many different forms such as Muay Thai, Haganah, and Krav Maga. Self defense is a substantial part of the curriculum. On the 19th of this month there is a free women's self defense seminar at 8 pm. If anyone would like to go, but don't want to go alone, just send me an email (Norfolkk9@aol.com) and I'll make sure I'm there for that class. To learn more about ABD you can visit their web site at www.abdma.com.
- HC
11/11 4:33pm I could not make Town Meeting last night. What happened? - ACC
11/11 4:31pm Yard Sale - Saturday, November 21st, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, 1 Cresson Avenue (corner of Cresson Ave. & Priscilla Ave.) Lots of furniture - 2 dressers, 2 desks, kitchen table, baby crib. Snow blower; a variety of other items. Bring a truck! - BC
[Update 11/12 2:30pm Due to the rainy forecast for Saturday, this yard sale is postponed until next Saturday, 11/21 - BC]
11/11 1:17pm The KP Boys Varisty Soccer Team have a huge game tonight at 5:00 in Easton at Oliver Ames High School. Come support the team! - TO
11/11 1:16pm To EN: Try Tim Flynn @ Medway Clock Repair and Restoration, 508-533-5330. He repaired my Howard Miller grandfather clock, was very professional and did great work. - JK
11/11 1:14pm Hello Norfolk, I wanted to post some services that I currently perform in the Norfolk area. House cleaning, house sitting, pet sitting, caring for the elderly at their home (light meal prep, laundry, grocery shopping, etc.) I can even just pop by if a loved one is out of town and you would like reliable care for someone. I have a child with disabilities so I know the importance of care. If you would like more information and or if you have a job I have not listed feel free to ask me. I can provide references upon request. I currently work in the healthcare field as an Office Manager for 7 yrs plus. I can help with small offices files, data entry, phones at night or some weekends, etc. Please feel free to contact me at heathmcc5@aol.com
- HM
11/11 1:13pm MT: Wow, that is a lot of bitterness and resentment in two paragraphs. I am not a member of any "class" here in Norfolk, nor do I think that there is a conspiracy to rule the world of Norfolk by an "elite" few residents. Some towns even go so far as to call people who work on town projects such names as volunteer, or concerned citizen, or even a public official. I say that, because I am glad that people pushed the FC school initiative forward and successfully obtained state funds. I am not as supportive of the other projects, but they too seem at least to be well thought out. Nothing like a good old conspiracy theory to keep it interesting though... - CS
11/11 1:12pm Looking for a recommendation for tree pruning of several tall trees - bucket truck essential. - JR 11/11 12:58pm It was the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, in 1918, when the armistice was signed, bringing an end World War I. The guns had finally fallen silent on the Western Front; at last the war was over; Europe and the rest of the world were at peace. The First World War saw the advent of many new weapons and techniques that would improve the ability of the armies, of both sides, to maim and slaughter one another. Warfare--men killing men (often just boys against boys, really)--had reached an all time high on the proficiency scale to cripple and kill. So widespread and so gruesome was the carnage that in horror and with firm resolve, the war was referred to as The War to End All Wars. Nations on both sides of the ocean were solemnly reminded of Otto Von Bismarck's famous quotation, "Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on a battlefield will think hard before starting a war". (A truth realized by any warrior who has ever set foot on the field of battle, throughout the ages) Back here, in the United States of America, November 11th was set aside as Armistice Day, a day to commemorate the signing of the ending of hostilities and a somber day of reflection to honor the (dead) veterans of that cataclysm. The impact of World War I was so appalling and seemed so final that our armed forces were virtually disbanded, because of the general consensus of the people and government officials that there could never, ever be another war. Just twenty-three years later, Isoroku Yamamoto, an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy, proved them all very wrong at a tiny speck on the map in the South Pacific called Pearl Harbor. At about the same time, an innocuous little politically minded paper-hanger/painter, generally recognized as a "pretty nice guy", was promising great beneficial political change to his disgruntled countrymen. His name was Adolf Hitler; his rise to power, in Nazi Germany was accompanied by warfare and debauchery previously unknown, in modern times.
After the Second World War, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day, a day to pay tribute to all veterans---living or dead---who had honorably served in the military service of The United States of America. Expressions like, "All gave some; some gave all" have often appropriately been used to mark the occasion. On Veterans Day, we're also reminded that it's not your school teachers, lawyers, college professors, politicians, captains of industry, and it's certainly not the rapidly growing segment of our wimpy, whiny self-indulgent citizenry and the elitists that have become increasingly dependant on sucking so freely on the plump bared breast of our nation, who are keeping armed hostile forces off our shores; it's the ordinary grunt, the guy from next door--privates to ranking field commanders--who willingly put themselves in harm's way so that others may sleep securely in the comfort of their own beds at night without fear. Our military personnel unobtrusively stand guard, while their fellow Americans are free to conduct their day-to-day affairs.
Without the firm resolve of the men and women serving in our Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard, there could not be a United States of America. This is why Veterans Day is set aside as a day of remembrance for all Americans to pay tribute and to reflect on the fact that their freedom is not free; it never was and it never will be. The servicemen and women of our military forces are constantly paying the price for those freedoms-the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness---every hour, of every day, of every year that the people of United States of America remain free.
God Bless America and God Bless Our Veterans!
- MT
11/11 12:51pm At the 10-Nov-2009 Special Town Meeting, Town Moderator Dan Winslow announced that he was forming an ad hoc Town Meeting Technology Committee which he asked me to chair. The general intention is that the committee will explore available or developing technology to increase voter education and participation in the Town Meeting process. So far, Dan and I are the only committee members and we don't yet have a charter or mission statement. In informal discussions prior to the creation of the committee, we spoke about the possibility of looking into a (probably web-based) system for allowing Norfolk residents to read, make comments on, and ask and answer questions about, Town Meeting warrant articles and Recommendations on those warrant articles, prior to the Town Meeting. However, that is subject to change when the committee has members appointed and it defines its charter.
We are looking for two types of members. One type of member would represent the potential users of the system - these people will work on defining what would make a system useful enough so that people would actually use it, what it should do, what features it should have, and how it should function (from the users' perspective). The other type of member would be more technical software people who would explore what it is feasible to do, design the system, and (if feasible) implement it.
If you are interested in working on this committee, please contact me at David-Rosenberg@earthlink.net, providing your name, phone number, E-Mail address, and how you think you could contribute to the work of the committee.
Thank you.
- David Rosenberg, Chair of the ad hoc Town Meeting Technology Committee
11/10 9:56pm To EN - Is this the post you were thinking of? Medway Clock Repair is excellent. Tim Flynn is the owner. He recently repaired my grandfather clock with meticulous care. Good luck. 508-533-5330. - VR
11/10 9:50pm For DM with the glass in the loam. I had this happen to me many years ago and it became such a hazard that the new lawn had to be ripped out and started over. I had buckets full of glass that I pulled out after each rain. Sounds like the contractor pulled from an old "bottle dump." I view that as a safety issue and would have the contractor start again. I hope no one gets hurt on your lawn. - EF
11/10 9:47pm To: MT and WC: I look forward to you both running for selectman next election so you can unseat the "self appointed ruling class, who hold us in such contempt". I can only hope that your self-righteous and rambling response was meant as sarcasm - as I can not believe that anyone would truly mean those hateful words.
Whether you agree or disagree with items being proposed in the town meeting is your right. But to suggest that the people who volunteer their time and efforts to make Norfolk a better place are doing it for anything less than noble purposes is absurd.
I personally feel that the school is a no brainer - the current school is nowhere near to being up to code, is not ADA compliant and has a failed septic system. Couple that with an opportunity to have the Commonwealth foot a good portion of the bill; makes an inevitable necessity that much easier to swallow.
- SD
11/10 9:46pm I wish everyone had a copy of "Schools That Work." NT - Why don't you furnish this instead of quoting hearsay? I would like to see real literature references, not from a school union or district, that show that a building and structure correlate with higher acheivement. Please, we all await. Last time it was librarians and MCAS scores which turned out to be some internet publication that wasn't even peer-reviewed and accepted by marginal scholars of science. Naughty! Naughty!
Some of us can handle real facts and some of us of do not know the difference and shouldn't "stretcheth thy truth" - a quote from Jonathan Swift before he said "I'm hungry-what's for dinner?"
11/10 9:41pm MT - I find your post to be extremely condescending if not hateful to those of us who support the new school. What people need to realize is that we are choosing between spending the money on a new school or spending almost the same amount of money renovatiing the old one. The money is going to be spent, regardless. Come to town meeting and get informed. And be sure to take those who stand up at every single town meeting and complain about the spending of any monies whatsoever to improve or sustain this town with a grain of salt.
- SF (SF2)
11/10 9:40pm Quite a while ago, I saw a posting for a local clock repair man. I looked and could not find it. I think he was located in Medway or Mills. If anyone knows of this or any other local clock repair service please let me know. Thank you, - EN
11/10 9:39pm NT: I am not disagreeing that the Freeman should be re-built. I am just mentioning that we cannot just look at building a new school without realizing that we also have to pay heed to the operational budget. A school environment does indeed matter for learning; no argument therre. But so do smaller class sizes, exceptional teachers, etc... We need to keep that in perspective. So much emphasis is being placed on just the building. We need to step back and look at the whole picture and the budget we have for operations as well. - JN
11/10 4:26pm Norfolk Lions Christmas Tree Sale: Norfolk Lions Club is in full swing with their annual Christmas Tree Sale!! This month long event is one of the Lions Club's most important fundraisers and a great opportunity for the Lions to connect with so many members of the community during the holiday period. Sales will begin on November 27, 2009, and we hope to see you down at the lot early for best selection. All of the proceeds from the sales of the trees go right back into the local Norfolk community and to various Lions charities.
As has been its tradition in the past four years, the Norfolk Lions Christmas Tree Sale is located on the lot next to the Dunkin Donuts in downtown Norfolk. We thank the owners of our local Dunkin Donuts for their continued support of the Norfolk Lions.
Did you know that it takes 10 to 12 years of growing time and professional care to bring a Christmas tree to harvest?
"Monies that the Lions generate go to seed such research as blindness prevention, diabetes prevention and numerous other causes" says Frank Zolli this years President and King Lion. "Norfolk Lions has donated over $250 Thousand Dollars in its over 50 years of service to the community".
"This year we will be collecting non-perishable food donations for the benefit of the Norfolk Food Pantry. Like many of us, the Food Pantry has been hit hard during these economic times and we would like to help out." Bill Hawkins further comments, "Your contributions to the Food Pantry would be appreciated and could not come at a better time of year."
The Norfolk Lions Club currently has 61 members and meets on the fourth Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm at The Horse and Carriage restaurant. Lions clubs are a group of men and women who identify needs within the community and work together to fulfill those needs. For more information or to get involved with the Norfolk Lions Club, please contact Al Rao, Membership Chair at norfolklionsclub@yahoo.com or visit www.norfolklions.com .
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with nearly 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world. Check out www.lionsclubs.org.
- TL
11/10 4:25pm For PRB: The Gazette is phasing out home delivery, and instead leaving the papers in central locations. The Norfolk Public Library has them in the outer lobby. I have also seen them at CVS & Shaws in Franklin, and Roche Brothers in Millis. They seem to arrive Fridays after 1pm. - CI
11/10 4:22pm KB in the past I parked at in the lot and experienced he same issue you list. There were days when running late I would not put my money in the slot, so I paid the amount plus the fee when I returned home. It is aggravating to return home and find an envelope on your windshield when you are sure the money was paid. Once or twice I realized I placed the money in the wrong number, so I listed the slot I put the money in on the envelope and placed that in the payment slot. It is frustrating when no other cars around me have envelopes so I'm sure the person taking the money simply pockets the second payment in the slot, places an envelope on my windshield and leaves with, as far as I was concerned, stolen money. On those days I would write a note on the envelope and place that in the payment slot. I always wondered how many times a day, week, moth this happens and what becomes of the "unpaid" money. - ES
11/10 4:20pm JN - I can tell you from experience (I am a teacher in another district) that the building has a whole lot to do with "what's going on inside." If you do not have the proper facilities (space, proper lighting, supplies, ect) kids cannot learn. There is a direct correlation between a student's environment and his or her learning and any teacher will tell you so. I wish everyone had a copy of "Schools That Work" so people could read why this is so important. There are so many factors that play a role in teaching and learning and many of them have to do with the school environment which this text refers to. I understand your issue with programs, and I agree that is a problem in itself. But let's take advantage of the opportunity we have now and solve one big problem. With hundreds of schools applying, why do you think Norfolk got near the top of the list? The SBA prioritized based on need. They found inadequate space, faulty infrastructure, and lack of safety (no fire alarms?!!) among other things. Maybe with the money we end up saving with an efficient building can be put aside to bring back some of those programs that were lost due to budget cuts. Just an idea. Do residents realize what will happen in one of these important infrastructure system breaks and we have to replace it? The town will have no choice and the money will have to come from somewhere - whether borrowed or found in some other budgetary account. The costs will be huge and people will be upset about that. What I think is happening is that people are being reactive rather than proactive. I will not have a student in the newly built school, but I will want to keep my property values up. I couldn't agree more that the timing is the pitts. But most folks are on a budget, yet many of us are looking at this as a way to invest so we may later reap the benefits. - NT
11/10 4:18pm For JL regarding plans for the new Public Safety Building, here is an e-mailed response from Chief Bushnell: Since we have been finalizing the floor design and elevations, the plans have not been posted, but will be as soon as this is done. Tonight's presentation at town meeting will focus upon the last draft plans prior to be being prepared as a bid document, which represents the scope of work previously approved at town meeting.The push to address the public safety building started long to my arrival in Norfolk. The present facility is unsafe in terms of operations, and given building codes, can not be renovated. Space for basic service does not exist (just look at the apparatus bays) and the 911 cent is a disaster waiting to happen. From the police side, the facility does not offer any level of officer safety or security.
I can speak for my time here and each in this building is adventure.
11/10 4:17pm Bravo MT. Your recent posting regarding Town Meeting tonight is right on the nose. I am with you all the way. We need more people like you who really spell it out. Great work! - WC
11/10 4:09pm My family is looking for a home in Norfolk. We would like a Colonial in a quiet, family neighborhood. 2K - 3K sq ft with a two car attached garage. If you're interested in selling your house, please e-mail us at norfolkbound@hotmail.com - DF
11/10 4:03pm The rhetoric regarding the major building projects at town meeting tonight is getting more heated and adversarial. Seems to me that everything is working the way it's supposed to:
Town Meeting will allow attendees to ask questions and be informed. If they disagree with the answers, they may express a differing opinion After that, the proposals will come to a vote, and if the vote is positive, the projects will be put on a ballot All registered voters in the town, whether they attended Town Meeting or not, will get to vote yea or nay on the projects
I think this is the way democracy is supposed to work. Why is all of the invective and acrimony necessary? I realize that some people cannot afford the tax increases, and if they vote against the proposals, no one should be surprised or angry. If a majority are in that category, the projects will fail, and there should be no wringing of hands by those advocating the projects: we cannot spend money our citizens do not have. A business that invests for the long term without securing funding or assessing cash flow will go bankrupt in the short term; similarly, a business that fails to invest for the long term when it has the available funds to do so will spend more money on short term problems and be ill-prepared to succeed over time. We should spend our time this evening determining if the projects are wise investments and then assessing our personal ability/desire to pay for them.
- RM
11/10 4:02pm Another great win for KP Warriors football beating Stoughton 35 - 0. This week will be a tough game against Foxboro, Friday night at 7pm in Foxboro. Please join us as we wear your green and gold and support the team. It would be great to have a strong 12th player cheering on the boys. - ES
11/10 3:57pm For those who do not subscribe to the Boomerang this is the portion of Helen Cleary's letter to the editor being discussed in the Norfolk Net in regard to the school: The warrant for tht Tuesday November 10 Town Meeting includes two Articles dealing with new buildings: A school and a Police and Fire Station. The purpose of this letter is to identify some issues which need to be considered prior to the vote.1. The school.
Estimated cost $ 37 million of which we pay $19.7 million and the state the balance.
a. This cost does not include solar panels - an essential for a green building. The school building planning committee hopes to get a grant for the panels. If they are unsuccessful the tax payers will pay for them.
b. Norfolk has not built one municipal structure in the past 20 years which has come in on budget and/or on time. So add several hundred thousand to the estimated cost.
c. We began to hear about a new or renovated school several years ago. In a recent issue of the Boomerang, it was reported that the School Committee in office in 2000 (not the curent committee) decided not to maintain the Freeman-Centennial School thereby forcing the town to build a new building. This decision was made without any consideration for other current or future capital needs of the town. It was not only a very irresponsible decision, it was arrogant, to the extreme.
d. A new building is being promoted because the Freemam-Centennial is old and needs a lot of repairs and additional resources. The repairs can be made. As to age - the Centennial School opened in 1970. It is 39 years old... Since when is 39 years old?? The Freeman School was built in 1949 , so it is 60 years old. That, too, for a well built structure is not old. These buildings can be renovated, green features and other essentials can be added. We need a current estimate for the renovation from an independent source.
d. A final issue which must be considered is the state of the country's economy. Regardless of the political persuasion of the economists who discuss the country's finances, they all come out at the same place "The economy of this country is walking a tightrope". We all hope and pray it will go up. If it does it is riding on the back of debt, a debt which you and I will have to pay. The assumption that money will be available again got our wants is riding on shaky ground.The proposed new school is based on a want not a need. The schools need good teachers. If you decide to put your money into bricks and mortar you may not have enough for essentials, such as good teachers. Then you are in real trouble.
Finally, I believe until our economy gets on steady feet, the wants are off the table, the needs are met as best we can.
- RC
11/10 3:56pm KB: Hank Phillippi Ryan of Channel 7 recently did an article on what you are experiencing. The article is at: [article link] - HC
11/10 8:46am On the photographer recommendations, I have used www.nicolelewisphotography.com (Medfield) and received rave reviews for the photos Nicole has taken. I have also heard very good things about www.hughesphotography.com. Congratulations re: the 50th wedding anniversary--we just celebrated the same milestone for my parents! I guess 1959 was a good year for happy couples!
11/10 8:45am Last Chance!! Order your Norfolk Girls Softball jackets by November 15th. See www.norfolkgirlssoftball.com for details. - JB 11/10 8:43am At the Town Meeting tonight, the average trusting unsuspecting taxpayer in the Town of Norfolk is being set up to be beaten against the rocks, dumped into the thresher, caught in the wood chipper, pushed through a meat grinder, or any other unpleasant analogy, with a not very good ending that pops into your mind. As usual, the clandestine movers and the shakers in our town have skillfully moved the pieces about the chessboard, in anticipation of a quick checkmate--off the chess board, this maneuver is the equivalent to leading a herd of sheep to slaughter. It's my feeling that the intentions of the new school, the new Public Safety Building, and the Road Maintenance Stabilization Fund are ill conceived, if not actually contrived. Let's remind the people who are dreaming up these knee jerk remedies who apparently can't adhere to the practicalities of public vs. private enterprise that the town doesn't belong only to them. Now, if they can't stand the heat, tell them to get out of our kitchen! Let's tell that self appointed ruling class, who hold us in such contempt, to go back to the board room and think these questions through again, so as to find more practicable answers to the problems that they have caused. Watch your backside, because this Town Meeting is going to be heavily populated with the self-indulgent supporters who have arrived just to take the pleasure of gleefully chewing it off. For further reference, see the attachment.
- MT
11/10 8:40am Questions about article 4: I'd like an explanation of the second half of article 4 - the part starting from "The MSBA's grant program is a non-entitlement" through the end. [C o n t i n u e d . . .] - DR
11/10 8:35am Question to those who park at the MBTA lot in town. Has anyone lately received a ticket for "Parking without Paying Required Parking Fee" when in fact they did pay the fee?? I just received my second violation in 5 weeks, and both times I did pay. I paid the first violation to get it behind me, but I am going to contest this one. If others have experienced this, I'd appreciate some feedback, maybe we have an over-zealous "meter-reader" covering our lot. You can reach me at ugp2002@aol.com, and if anything comes of this conspiracy theory, I'll update on Norfolknet. Thanks, - KB
11/9 10:32pm I read with much interest many of the editorials in the Boomerang this week regarding the new school. I was very interested to read Helen Cleary's no-nonsense piece. She has raised some interesting points and it is a departure from the usual "Freeman is a dump, let's re-build it" rhetoric that we have all been hearing and reading for sometime. While I do agree that the Freeman is a dump, I agree with Helen that we have to be sure that if we make a committement to pay for a new school then we make a committment to the educational excellence that goes on inside. That is my only fear. This school will add about $800-1000 to my tax bill. Okay, that is fine. I am happy to do my part to ensure that our town continues to grow and prosper. But for that investment, what is my true return if class sizes increase, more special classes (such as Spanish--which is curently not offered) are cut, etc. It will not matter how pretty or green the building is. Unfortunatley, MCAS scores, and high ones at that, are really driving the desirablity in towns in Massachusetts and maintaing property values. To be quite frank, the building itself has little to do with it. It is what is happening inside that really matters.
That is not to say that kids should be in a school that is a complete and utter dump. I agree that we need a new school. I just want some type of committement on both ends. That if everyone agrees to pay for the new school, everyone agrees to pay more to keep the programs strong. And that may be another override in our future.
- JN
11/9 10:29pm The Garden Club of Norfolk Inc is holding their Annual Fall Fund Raiser " Holiday Magic and Christmas Traditions" on Wednesday November 11th at 7pm at the Norfolk Public Library. The speaker will be the renowned and entertaining, Betty Call, who will make several floral arrangements and talk about the origins of the many ways we decorate for the holidays. The event is open to the public and there is a suggested $10 donation. This includes a ticket for door prize raffle of one of Betty's floral arrangements. There will also be a raffle of the rest of her creations and also several themed gift baskets made by GC members open to all. Space is limited. Please contact Joanne W. at 508 528 8526 for further details.
- BZ, Garden Club of Norfolk
11/9 10:29pm I am looking for a recommendation for a photographer who can take a 50th wedding anniv. photo of our family of 13. Since one of the family is in college, it needs to be the day after Thanksgiving or the following day, Saturday. And what if it rains? Do they have an indoor space? Scrambling here! Thanks for your help, - LJK
11/9 10:28pm PBR - The Gazette is stopping its home delivery, so when a route driver quits our delivery also stops - one route at a time... - CJS
11/9 10:19pm FS. Did you find someone to help you yet? I am building a website but I am no expert. I posted my URL on here a while back www.new-england-ski-mountain-resorts.com requesting photos but only got help from one person. Thank you LK. Anyway, those who clicked on the site back then check it out now. It has come a long way in less than 2 months. Depending on how complicated your needs are I may be able to help. I have a bunch of web building software and templates. Either click on my Url and contact me through the site or you can email me at kevcinma@comcast.net.
- SC
11/9 10:19pm Wm - My personal feeling is that your short argument against fiber fails on a couple of levels. First, Gigabit Ethernet does not a refer to physical cable type, but rather a data transmission standard. I'm assuming you are referring to GigE over UTP (e.g. Cat 5, 5e, 6), as Gigabit Ethernet can flow over UTP (IEEE 803.ab) as well as over fiber optic (IEEE 802.3ah). Secondly, there are some very real considerations for fiber over UTP, especially in large facilities. The supported distance of GigE over UTP is limited to 100m, whereas fiber can support distances of several kilometers.
Finally, it is not a proper assumption that any data cabling will be ripped out and replaced. So long as the wire's bandwidth scales to meet evolving demands, fiber optic (or UTP for that matter) will be as relevant in 50 years as it is today. Network interfaces to the cabling may change to accommodate newer technologies, but it does not necessitate replacement. By example, much of Cambridge's copper telephone wiring still in use today was installed in the 1920s, but you can still use a fax machine over those lines.
Having said all that, let's not confuse the issue. The Freeman design does not include frivolous costs, and the plans and designs are available for all to review this point.
- JH
[I understand what you're saying and where you're coming from; all I said was that's not where I would lay my bet. By the time you'd need all that bandwidth it will either have migrated consumer-grade and become much cheaper, or something else will have replaced it altogether. It's never made economic sense to "future-proof" computer gear -- it's cheaper to buy one today and a new one tomorrow than to buy one today that will still be relevant tomorrow. - Wm.]
11/9 3:36pm Does anyone know if there is any public/online information available for the proposed Public Safety Building which is to be voted on tomorrow night (i.e. - drawings, details, square foot, remodel vs. new , etc.)? So far I have only found a web site for the proposed Freeman School Building which gives information on the building. - JL
11/9 3:34pm Clarification: School aged child care will be available during Town Meeting on Tuesday (and Thursday if we need a second night) from 6:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. AT THE KP MIDDLE SCHOOL LIBRARY across the hall from the auditorium where TM occurs. The cost is $5/child for school aged kids. I had inadvertently stated that child care would be at the Town Library during the NCTV show, which was certainly not in the script. I regret any confusion. Please spread the word. See you at Town Meeting. - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator
11/9 3:33pm Interesting article in the Boston Globe Sunday. [Globe article] - JN
11/9 3:20pm I need a one car garage storage space to rent in Norfolk. Anyone know where there is one available? - ER
11/9 3:19pm Does anyone happen to know if there is a standard concerning what materials are allowed in loam when it is billed as "1/2 inch screened" loam? A local distributor delivered 40 yards of "1/2 inch screened" loam with 100's of pieces of glass and other assorted goodies like string, foil and tile. Not many of the pieces are larger than a 1/2 inch, especially not the small tempered glass pieces slowly rising up to the surface of my lawn. On a positive note, when the sun hits my lawn just right it looks like there are 100's of rhinestones scattered about. Of course nobody can walk on the lawn barefoot but I try to take the good with the bad... - DM
11/9 3:18pm 11/13, 11/14 KPHS Girls "Ice Hockey" Fundraiser Ski & Snowboard Sale -- Better than the internet! New & Used Equipment. When: Fri. Nov. 13th 6pm - 9Pm & Sat. Nov. 14th 9am - 2pm Where: King Philip High School - Cafeteria, 201 Franklin Street, Wrentham. Alpine Skis & Boots- entry level to expert, Snowboards & Boots, Telemark Ski, Cross Country Equipment, Twin Tips, Snowshoes, Jacket & Pants, Goggles & Gloves, Helmets, Cargo & Ski Bags. Be Early! - Many One of a Kinds - Limited Quantities. 20% of all proceeds go directly to our self-funded team. - JS
11/9 3:04pm In talking to many people regarding the proposed Freeman-Centennial project, I've been hearing similarly-themed objections from those in opposition to the project. Here I offer counter points to these objections, in the hopes that the project's benefits are weighed carefully in advance of tomorrow's Town Meeting. Your open consideration of this critical initiative would be greatly appreciated by all. 1. Bad Economic Times ($19 Million Dollars vs. $0). A common argument against moving forward with the Freeman project is that the economic times simply does not justify the expense. However, we are not debating about spending $19 million vs. nothing. We are debating spending $19 million for new construction vs. in excess of $16 million for repair (as independently estimated by Flansburgh Architects, documented in the Boomerang, Nov 6). This estimate only includes known issues requiring repair, and does not account for unforeseen issues which will inevitably arise (e.g. the drywell failure from summer 2009). The difference in per household cost between these approaches is minimal, and ultimately, what of value will Norfolk be left with after incurring a $16 million dollar maintenance bill? Arguably little, in comparison to new construction. Moreover, the tax impact for new construction is deferred three years, leaving time for some level of economic recovery. Emergency repairs can make no such deferment guarantee. The economic downturn can also be used to our significant advantage, as construction bids are significantly lower than 1-2 years ago. Building today may save as much as 15-20% on construction costs for the same building in 2-3 years' time.
2. Belief that State Matching Funds are not Guaranteed. The MBSA is funding the state's portion of the proposed project with cash-on-hand (funded from previous years' sales tax revenues). These funds are not subject to future reductions in local aid. These funds are guaranteed, should Norfolk elect to move forward with the project. Else, they will be provided to the next town with an approved project on MSBA's list. Additionally, the MSBA will provide funds to Norfolk as expenses are incurred, eliminating Norfolk's needs to take a bond and incur interest against the state's portion of the project. There is no guarantee that MSBA funds will be available to Norfolk in the future - project deferment is simply not an option if we are to take advantage of state matching funds.
3. Gold-Plated Fixtures. Some believe that the proposed school will have gold-plated fixtures and Italian marble floors. This is the farthest thing from the truth. The proposed design is utilitarian, and meets the MSBA's funding requirements. There has been plenty of opportunity to review the building design and plans, meet with the architect and project manager - but few in town have taken advantage of these opportunities and as a result have been mis-informed on these specifics. One tangible example is the perceived frivolity of wiring the school with fiber optics. It is arguable that outfitting the building with high bandwidth wiring is less expensive to install and maintain than separate, lower bandwidth wiring for phone, video, and data. Even if not from an installation perspective, if we are to invest in a facility with a 50+ year lifespan, incremental investment in scalable infrastructure will minimize technology upgrade costs in the future. The "frills" included in the plan (where MSBA is not providing matching funds), is to provide space suitable for community events and programs (adequate gym facilities, SAC, Norfolk Cable, etc). We will be investing much-needed community space into the facility from which all can benefit.
4. Property Values. There are many variations on this belief: new school construction only serves a Special Interest in town, I don't have school-aged children, school projects and funding have no impact on my property's value, etc. While we could discuss at length the altruistic benefit of education funding for your neighbors' children, let's address this more simply. Study after study after study has shown a correlation between school funding, school performance, and property values. It is a fact that homes in districts with higher performing schools and better facilities command a premium on the market. Do not be fooled that a facility has no bearing on the overall performance, and opportunities provided by, the school. You will not be wrong if you look at this proposal as an investment in your home, rather than an investment in a facility.
There are endless studies supporting this data available onlinefor your review, but a recent study [pdf link] summarizes nicely:
"Every current homeowner (or the executor of her estate) is a future seller, and every housing unit gets sold and resold over time. Whether a property currently houses school-age children or not is irrelevant to its market value. Local property values reflect the aggregate demand of buyers, including buyers with children needing schooling and buyers who intend to have children. So an implicit demand for schools is reflected in the market value of every residential property."I encourage you to review this issue carefully, and weigh the unanimous support of our Selectman, School Committee, Advisory Committee, Building Committee, and the Massachusetts School Building Authority.- JH
[Having seen technology change over the past two decades, I would hesitate to put money on a 50-year bet that optical fiber LANs will dominate over, say, wireless. Even if they will, they will almost certainly not be plug-in compatible with technology available now. Since it will be ripped out and replaced anyway, might as well buy what's mainstream (read: cheap) today - gigabit ethernet. Whoever was advising optical fibers, it's of dubious value - Wm.]
11/9 3:03pm Re: Does anyone have a recommendation for a cleaning service for area rugs? DS - Repele from Wrentham. The owner is Terry O'Brien. I had the same situation only w/ a cat who had litter box issues... He will pick up your rug and bring it back like new!! - JLH 11/9 2:55pm By the year 1775 our fledgling nation, which we now proudly know as The United States of America, was preparing, in earnest, to fight for its independence. The leaders of that revolt, which was also known as the War for Independence or Revolutionary War, foresaw an urgent need for a separate specialized branch of military service to augment the Army and the Navy. On November 10, 1775, in order to fill that need, the Continental Congress authorized the formation of two battalions of marines, naming them the Continental Marines. This new military service, originally formed as an organization of elite soldiers trained to fight at sea (marines), quickly began to prove itself in battle. Recognizing this, Congress and our top military leadership soon began to employ the Continental Marines' growing unique expertise in other critical situations. As our nation grew to become the United States of America, the Continental Marines became the United States Marine Corps. Today, the responsibilities of the Marine Corps have evolved considerably, since those early colonial days. Although on a much larger scale, "The Corps" still remains a highly specialized elite fighting force manned by strongly motivated Marines who carry their indefatigable esprit de corps with them, at all times, wherever they go.
The United States Marine Corps is steeped in a 234 year old tradition that demands much in the way of determination and loyalty from its members and will accept nothing less. Credos like "Honor, Courage, and Commitment" are not empty frivolous words to a Marine; they exemplify what a Marine deeply believes, lives by and, if necessary, will die for. All Marines knowingly, willingly and voluntarily without equivocation, or reservation, accept the oath they swear, while earning the title of "United States Marine". Most dedicate themselves to that responsibility, not just during their time on active duty, but sincerely carry that commitment in their minds and hearts, for the rest of their lives-hence the truism "Once a Marine, Always a Marine."
Today is the 234th anniversary of the founding of the United States Marine Corps. This evening, Marines, around the world will gather to celebrate the birth of Our Corps and to commemorate its rich history and heritage. A battery of toasts, which traditionally begins by toasting the President of The United States of America, will eventually work its way to our saluting all the Marines who came before us; all our comrades with whom we served; and all the Marines still standing on the walls, serving and protecting our country, around the world, today.
Of immeasurable importance is the tribute that we pay to our comrades-in-arms who made the supreme sacrifice, in the service of our country. Even though they may not be physically with us, their presence will be felt, in the hearts and minds of each one of us, as we honor them with our deepest respect and admiration.
Happy Birthday, Marines, everywhere! God bless you, God bless our United States of America, and God bless our Corps.
Semper Fi,
- MT
11/8 4:36pm A big congratulations to the KP Boys Varsity soccer team who beat Braintree after two 10 minute sudden death overtimes and 5 Penalty kicks Saturday afternoon! Kudos to Matt Heagney for getting the final PK and to Tyler Marra for some unbelievable saves in a stellar goalie performance!! Great game guys! On to Nauset HS in North Eastham Monday at 6:00 pm! Come support your team!! - TO
11/8 4:35pm BD: For a roofer we would highly recommend Fred Wright Roofing & Gutters of Walpole, 508-668-0986. We had our roof and gutters done in August. He and his crew did an excellent job, completed in two days, immaculate cleanup -- and very competitive pricing. - DDM
11/8 4:34pm The Pride and the Passion have captured the 2009 USSBA Division IV National title. The band received a score of 97.45. They will be arriving back at the High School with a police escort at approximately 10pm tonight. Please come out and show your support for this amazing group of kids as they return home. Thanks for your continued support of the KP Music Program! - SB
11/7 9:57pm I find the levity of responses concerning alcohol use on Halloween to be a tad troubling, especially a year after a tragic teen drinking episode in our own town. (I'd like to especially thank MON for the sage and salient points on subliminal advertising - your satirical wit eclipses Jonathan Swift's. Thanks for illuminating us dullards - I didn't know that Pavlov's original dogs were the 101 Dalmatians). I am not proposing a temperance revival in town - only an awareness of how adult choices influence kids' behavior. Yes, corporate America's ad campaigns play an adverse role in our kids' lives, but parents can help to counter their influence. - DA
11/7 9:56pm I've been a fan of Helen Cleary for many years. She has been outspoken, sensible, and effective. In the early 1990s she chaired the Town's Charter Commission and, without going through the cumbersome state-mandated charter process, got reforms of Town government that we all benefit from today. But in the Boomerang of November 6, Helen makes a statement that is simply wrong. She says that ``Norfolk has not built one municipal structure in the past twenty years which has come in on budget and/or on time.'' Not so. The $5.5 million public library expansion was actually completed under budget and only a bit off schedule (by 3 months because of bad weather). The new library opened 4 years ago and has had no significant physical plant problems.
There was a reason for this. One of the reforms of the Romney administration was a requirement that municipal projects with an estimated cost of $1 million of more must have professional project management. The Norfolk Library was our first building project under these new rules. I watched week after week and month after month while the project managers that we hired for the library project addressed numerous and complex issues in real time, and crafted solutions that kept the project on budget and moving forward. In this new construction environment we can have confidence that the new school, and the public safety building are do-able within their budgets.
Helen's zeal to oppose the new school project has led her to ignore a real success in our community that we can (no pun) build upon.
- Harvey Boulay, Library Trustee
11/7 9:54pm Congratulations to the King Philip marching band. They were just crowned national champions in division 4 with a score of 97.43 at the US Navel Academy in Annapolis,MD. They also won best color guard, best percussion and best music. Go KP. - BS
11/7 9:53pm Hi, I am looking for a couple of recommendations: 1) a place to get kiln dried firewood delivered
2) a roofer
Thank you!
- BD
11/7 9:51pm I think there are landscaping services who will come by to vacuum up piles of leaves that you get to the perimeter of your property. Does anyone know the name and number of one that provides that service in Norfolk? Thanks in advance. - MHC
11/7 9:50pm For DS - For a carpet cleaner try Spotsmith Carpet & Rug Cleaners of Plainville, (508) 643-4012. - DLJ
11/7 9:49pm Have they stopped delivering the Country Gazzette in Norfok? - PRB
11/7 12:29am Just want to wish the B Squad of the NMM Vikings Pop Warner Team the best of luck as they compete in the Superbowl on Sunday November 8. B Squad is boys in 6-8 grades from Norfolk, Medfield and Millis. They will go head to head with Franklin. Both teams have the same record - 8-1. Vikings only loss this season was to Franklin. Come out and wear your red, black and white to cheer on the Vikings to victory! Game is at 3pm at Plymouth North High School. Other Viking action this weekend: C Squad at Franklin HS at noon on Sunday; A squad at Franklin HS on Sunday.
Go Vikings!
11/7 12:20am To JP - Have been trying unsuccessfully to locate you through your e-mail address. I'm interested in the calculators you have. Could you please let the postmaster know of a different way to locate you. - DH
11/7 12:11am Does anyone have a recommendation for a cleaning service for area rugs? I have a nice area rug that the dogs have peed on several times. I'm looking for a service that I can take the rug to for a proper cleaning. Please let me know. Thank you, - DS
11/7 12:10am DA - Good of you to share your comments as a SADD facilitator, as teenagers need all the help they can get in this day and age when it comes to avoiding bad choices. We all know alcohol is Satan's molecule and an industrial solvent, and should only be handled by experienced professionals, but your comments about "subtle signals" needs further explored. It is pretty much accepted in advertising and children's media and psychology that kids at an early age are programmed to societal cues on substance abuse beyond their parents control and which drugs are OK to use and abuse and which ones are not. Many scenes in the classic cartoons such as the old 101 Dalmatians and Beauty and the Beast portray smoking and alcohol in a positive light, so you and the members of SADD should target these "gateway cartoons" as well. Then there are the 10,000 alcohol commercials during prime time TV every day, coupled with Viagra commercials with men and women sitting around in separate bathtubs thinking promiscuous thoughts. But you probably know about these as well and have active departments at SADD fighting such mass consumer manipulation.
But on a local level keep up the good work pointing out the trick-or-treating alcohol-swilling Dads and Moms while the corporate gestalt programs our children beyond repair. And yes, even some Moms had alcohol, hidden in their travel mugs! The Horror!
P.S.: Your head would explode in New Orleans. People walk and drink there daily, legally where even the Calvinists are intoxicated.
- MON 11/7 12:05am Registration for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's Spring 2010 season is now open! Registration will be on-line only - www.norfolklionssoccer.com No registrations will be accepted after the March 1, 2010 deadline!! Financial Assistance is available - contact NLYS President, Craig K. at 508-369-1948 or norfolklionssoccer@verizon.net to make arrangements.
- HK
11/7 12:04am I agree wholeheartedly with DC - Guinness rules! As for the intersection of North and Union - I don't see anything offensive at all! Are you talking about Al's Welding Shop? That's a historic Norfolk site that should be preserved! - PW
11/5 9:42pm My only take is that no one should drink Budweiser... Let alone 40 ounces of it. Go Guinness! - DC
11/5 9:38pm PA - a 40oz beer vs a 12oz beer isn't exactly apples to apples, is it? And apparently you decided to ignore my allusion towards moderation. But if want you to go to your child's game sipping on a 40 and when you are finished you are sober enough to not endanger your life or the lives of those around you, then who am I to judge? DA - thanks for the clarification. I agree with you to an extent. I think as long as folks are not getting intoxicated beyond clear speech, they should feel free to enjoy an adult beverage, no matter the time or date. Sometimes I miss the days that my husband and I would go out for Sunday brunch and get a bloody Mary, as a hair of the dog ;)
- TM
11/5 9:37pm FS - Contact me about the logo. The webmaster will provide a contact. [Use box226@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - SO
11/5 9:30pm Voter registration deadline for Special Senate Primary and Special Town Election - Wednesday, November 18, 2009, is the last day to register to vote at the Special State Primary and/or the Special Town Election, both to be held on December 8, 2009. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before November 18th may register by mail or in person at the Town Clerk's Office. Regular office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM to 6:00PM. On Wednesday, November 18th, the office will be open from 9:00AM until 8:00PM pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 51. Mail in registration forms must be postmarked by November 18th or earlier in order to qualify. - Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
[Update 11/7 12:18am: corrected - GB]
11/5 9:29pm We have a brown plaid couch, approximately 74 in. long, 36" deep, 25" to top of couch arm, 40" to top of couch. Super comfy, just needs a good scrub. If you can pick it up, it's yours! Jen 508-520-1340. - JL
11/5 9:26pm H1N1 Vaccination Clinic for Prioritized Groups - The Norfolk Board of Health has received a small amount of H1N1 vaccine, and anticipates receiving additional doses very soon. The quantity of vaccine is insufficient to support large scale clinics, but will allow for the vaccination of members of priority groups who may have thus far been unable to be vaccinated for H1N1. A small portion of the H1N1 vaccine recently received is now being administered to first responders, the balance being used to support a vaccination clinic for Norfolk residents of a prioritized group. For purposes of this clinic, the prioritized groups are as follows:
This H1N1 vaccination clinic is scheduled for Thursday, November 12th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Norfolk Senior Center, located at 28 Medway Branch Road. Participants must pre-register by e-mailing h1n1clinic@virtualnorfolk.org. Please indicate in the e-mail what priority group the clinic participant belongs to. A confirmatory email will be sent if you are eligible to receive the vaccine at this time.
- pregnant women;
- health care personnel with direct patient care;
- children 6 months to 18 years who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications;
- people who live with or care for infants younger than 6 months of age (e.g., parents, siblings, and daycare providers.
Participants are encouraged to bring their medical insurance cards to the clinic.
Given the recent adjustments made by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to the amount of H1N1 vaccine expected to be available, in-school vaccination clinics at KPMS & KPHS, and Saturday clinics for children attending K-6th grade continue to be delayed pending additional information concerning vaccine production and availability.
The Centers for Disease Control and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health will continue to issue updates and recommendations regarding the H1N1 influenza and vaccine production. We will respond to these updates accordingly.
- BF, Norfolk Board of Health
11/5 9:25pm Hi, looking for a recommendation for a local company/person to install kitchen countertops.. Thanks, - PS
11/5 9:18pm As mentioned several times, the intersection of North and Union is not looking good. Any thoughts? It really is the entrance to town from the Wrentham area. - JHR
11/5 9:16pm For parents of high-schoolers taking Calculus or other advanced math: I recently found two graphing calculators in storage (TI-82 and TI-85). Not sure if these are still being used, as I used them 15 years ago - but if they are, I would hate to throw them away. I don't have instruction manuals or anything like that, but if anyone is interested you are welcome to them. Email me at jpjh090603@yahoo.com - JP
11/5 9:15pm This Friday, the King Philip Marching Band is heading off to perform in the United States Scholastic Band Associations national competition at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. Wish these kids luck in their bid for top placement, competing against bands from up and down the east coast. Whether the band places first or last, these kids are amazing for the effort they have put into this season. Ninety-seven, eighth through twelfth grade students, have been working relentlessly since summer on a very complicated drill not to mention music by Igor Stravinsky. Their show is entitled the Rite of Poe; Stravinsky and Edgar Allan Poe put together to create an unbelievable show. Two weekends ago they won a gold medal at MICCA and this past weekend they received a score of 96.8. It should be a great weekend. Go KP! - BMS
11/5 9:14pm CPL: Try Villari's Martial Arts in Wrentham. They have a teen class that covers a wide range of levels. On Rt 140 near the Franklin line. 508-520-0409; www.villarionline.com - CI
11/5 9:12pm I know a great carpenter, handyman who does all kind of home projects, built-ins, excellent tile work, window installations. He also does kitchens and bathrooms. I have used him to do a built in bookcase around my fireplace as well as tile work in my kitchen and bathroom. Everyone always comments on how great it is when they come over. His Name is Kevin 617-471-9022 and he runs Houde Remodeling. He is fully insured and liscensed. Good Luck. - CL
11/5 9:11pm I just want to say thank you to Andrew Eckard and the other folks who work and volunteer to bring us NCTV. I am so happy to see NCTV is coming to the internet, because, as a DirectTV customer, I don't usually get to watch it. I hope NCTV's internet presence will continue to grow. - KID
11/5 9:10pm Images to Imagination November 1-28, Norfolk Library Community Room - The Norfolk Cultural Council will sponsor an art exhibit by Rosette Becker, international artist. Watercolor, oil and acrylic paintings will portray the artist's life from young adulthood to the present day. Ms. Becker's palette knife and brush techniques create explosions of color. Included are early portraits of family members who played an important role in her development as an artist. A reception will be held in the Norfolk Community Room Saturday, November 7th from 3 PM to 5 PM.
Library Hours: Monday, 2 to8 PM; Tuesday-Thursday, 10 AM to 8 PM; Friday to Saturday, 10 AM to 4 PM.
Please attend!
- AB-G
11/4 6:27pm Norfolk Community TV is airing two programs of interest to Town Meeting voters: "Town Meeting 101" (~20 minutes) is an introduction to Town Meeting procedures for new voters and new participants in the town meeting process, as well as a refresher for voters who have attended in the past. "Town Meeting Preview" (~50 minutes) is a detailed overview and discussion of the pending proposals, arguments for and against, and the Advisory Committee recommendations. Tune in to Comcast Channel 22 and Verizon Channel 42 to watch. The schedule for each show is linked here: [norfolkcable.com page] See you at Town Meeting next Tuesday, November 10, at 7 p.m. at the KP Middle School Auditorium.
- Dan Winslow, Town Moderator
11/4 6:26pm ML - I have some moving boxes that you can have. What is the best way to contact you? Also, you may want to check craigslist - for free moving boxes. Cheers. - BHS
11/4 6:25pm Looking for a painter or a recommendation of a painter that would paint interior trim for a reasonable price. I have already painted the walls and ceiling, but don't have the time to do the trim and numerous 12 over 12 windows! Email is: kasansossio@yahoo.com - KAS
11/4 6:20pm Just a quick note to say that NCTV has a new website, www.NorfolkCable.com. The site has been completely redone. It includes schedules for both channels, information on training opportunities, short featured videos, and a brand new feature we are trying out. We have started putting the most current Selectmen's meeting on our webstie. It does take a few minutes for the video to buffer as it is a large video file. However, viewers now have the ability to watch the meeting whenever they like. It does take a day or so after the meeting to get the file on the website but if this is a feature that people find helpful then NCTV will continue to do this. Please don't hesitate to call or e-mail the station with any questions. We can be reached at (508) 520-2780 or at NCTV@NorfolkCable.com Thank you for watching, - Andrew Eckard, Station Manager
11/4 6:19pm Hey TM - If I were to show up at a Little League game, or a Pop Warner game while enjoying 40 oz. bottle of Bud, I can claim I'm trying to stay active in my child's life, right? What's the difference? - PA
11/4 6:18pm Can anyone recommend a karate program for a 12 year old beginner? She tried a program a few years back, but they placed her with younger kids so she decided not to continue. I'd love to find a good program where she can interact with peers her age. Thanks very much! - CPL
11/4 6:17pm Hello, Looking for a handyman to caulk the tiles in our bathroom. Any recommendations would be great. Thanks again, - PS
11/4 6:16pm I live on Mirror Lake/West Cedar Street area and my cat has been missing since Sunday evening. He is a long haired black cat. If anyone in that area has seen him please contact me through the webmaster. [Use box225@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thank you. - KB
11/4 5:59pm Any out of work web/logo designers looking to make a few bucks? I liked the pricing I saw on godaddy.com but feel I need some more personal attention and quite honestly I have no idea what I am doing. - FS
11/4 5:58pm I guess I generated a spirited discussion concerning drinking habits, and that's a good thing. I agree with the posters who speak to teaching kids responsible drinking habits. I enjoyed a glass of wine at home with my dinner on Sunday evening, but I didn't feel the need to have a beer earlier in the day when I took my teen daughter and a friend to the Revolution game at Gillette. Given the ubiquitousness of alcohol consumption by adults, can't we back off once in a while, especially on a holiday where the only buzz need be from the candy? Can't the adults have fun without the need to tote a beer on Halloween? I'm the faculty moderator of my high school's SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) chapter - kids pick up on subtle societal signals. I'm not calling for prohibition - just a wee bit of consideration concerning our own habits and their influence on the rising generation. - DA
11/4 5:57pm I would very much like to recommend the gentleman that has done loads of work in my home. He is a perfectionist. You can contact me by email, cgranvscot@aol.com, and I am so sold by his work that I am willing to show you what he has done for me. He is very reasonable and very very reliable. He only does jobs that are thru other customers. So give me a shout if you want to see his work. I would be very happy to show you. - CG
[Update 11/7 9:57pm: He has gotten several jobs thru this and can't take anymore on right now. Thanks - CG]
11/4 5:53pm Please consider reviewing the Norfolk Advisory Board recommendations submitted by Arlie Sterling [PDF here]. The board should be commended for putting together such a well reasoned, helpful summary of the issues to be decided at the upcoming town meeting. The information provides a great deal of clarity, no matter which way you plan to vote. - CS
11/3 5:31pm Where do I find the Norfolk Cable TV schedule? The link to the left doesn't work. Thanks. - SO
11/3 5:30pm DWL - the initial premise re drinking on Halloween was "men" walking around with beers. I don't think it is much different than have a BBQ at your neighbors' and having a drink, but fair enough as I understand there are open container laws. You then turned it into some puritantical speech regarding drinking in general. When my kids come of age if they want to have a drink then they can if they want to as allowed by law. That does not make me a bad parent or them bad people once they are legal. If you don't want to drink that is your business, but prohibition went out a long time ago. I would suggest you not worry about someone who wants to enjoy a glass of wine on occasion.
The Jewish culture incorporates wine a great deal in ceremony, yet as an ethnic group there is a very low rate of aloholism among Jewish people. The difference is that there is an educational process associated with alcohol instead of making it the forbidden fruit.
- TD
11/3 5:28pm While I might question whether it's really appropriate to go trick or treating with a beer in one hand, I don't think that parents should never drink alcohol in front of their kids. It's important for my kids to see my husband and me use alcohol responsibly, rather than just banning it from our family altogether. How else are the kids going to learn moderation? Instead of saying, "We don't drink, so therefore you won't drink" it should be, "We drink appropriate amounts and in the appropriate situations, so you need to also." We've always let our kids have wine at dinner when served. And now, with two all grown and one almost there, we haven't had any regrets about our policy. - JC
11/3 5:17pm When I first moved here more than five years ago, I loved Norfolknet. It was a great place to come and get recommendations from neighbors and see what was happening in town. I felt a sense of community on this small website, with people posting information to be helpful. Now, each time I view the page, it is filled with bickering, self-righteousness and belittling comments. What happened to being civil and nice? Who are we to say what one person should or shouldn't do? People who volunteer their time are maligned and criticized by those unwilling to do the same. I am sorry that you don't like the goals of the Economic Development Committee - what are your suggestions for improvements? Kids didn't thank you for the candy -- are you sure that your own children said thank you each time? Now, no one should drink because it encourages drinking in children -- should we not do anything children shouldn't do so they know right from wrong?
Each of us is doing our best to raise our children, be good neighbors and enjoy this wonderful town. Not one of us is perfect, but we sure seem to act as though we are. Perhaps Norfolknet can return to its roots with civil debates, constructive feedback and suggestions and a chance to make our town a better place.
- KE
11/3 5:16pm DWL & DA - it is against the law for people under the age of 21 to drink. It is not against the law for responsible adults to have a drink after work, on Christmas, or even on Halloween. Yes, open container (including carrying the open beer around while walking around the neighborhood) is illegal. But I do not think sipping a glass of wine with dinner is telling my daughter it is okay for her to have someone buy her a bottle of vodka so she gets so drunk she throws up. Nor do I think the father bringing his children trick-or-treating while enjoying a beer is that bad of an influence. As a matter of fact, I give him props for being an active part in his child's life. I thought Prohibition ended in the 1930's? - TM
11/3 5:15pm Reminder: Norfolk Girls Softball has softball jackets available. Please visit www.norfolkgirlssoftball.com for more details. Orders processed by November 15th will be delivered before the holidays - order yours today! - JB
11/3 5:14pm We are looking for someone to build some custom built-in bookcases for our home office. Reasonably priced, good workmanship and reliable are a must! We would appreciate any recommendations! Thanks! - RB
11/3 5:13pm JD : I can highly recommend Leasherly Life right here in Norfolk. Angela came to train my" strong willed" Cairn Terrier mix. We got her from a Rescue League and she had been abused .Angela was great,very patient and caring. The training definitely worked for us both. I needed some training too ! If I had any questions Angela was always available by Email or a phone call away. Give Angela a call @ 781-241-2083 - SD
11/3 5:12pm DWL - Let's take the morality issue of drinking out of the discussion by using another example with many corrollaries. Children shouldn't drive. First and foremost, it is illegal. In addition, children do not have the mental capacity to make sound judgement regarding the risk and impact of deciding to drive underage. There is a significant health risk and danger, to both the individual and other community members, if my 4 year old gets behind the wheel.
How would you propose that, as a parent, I send the message that it is not acceptable behavior for my children to drive, while I'm hypocritically getting in my car every day? I don't think that riding my bike everywhere is a reasonable answer to this quandry.
Perhaps it's not too late to get a prohibition article on the warrant which will help us solve the dilemma (at least in this one particular case) of juggling the fact that not all adult appropriate activities are equally appropriate for children.
- JH
11/3 5:10pm Interesting posts today. I wish I could be reading about Marriage Seminars instead of Free Divorce Seminars, but unfortunately I'm not. As far as people walking around on Halloween night imbibing, isn't that against the law? (Open container violation, if I'm not mistaken.) Personally, I'd rather have someone walking around sipping on a Budweiser than toking on a joint, (which now ranks up there with jaywalking and public drinking.) Wait until moms and dads are out on future Halloweens with a big ol' Bob Marley joint fired up. They'll soon be raiding their kids bags for pretzels, chips, any type of munchies. - PA
11/3 5:08pm DA, DW... As the mother of a victim of a teenage drunk driver, you're speaking my language. I'd like to take it one step further by saying that it turns out there are many, many parents here in the KP school district and surrounding town that not only allow their children to drink, but party with their kids and other people's children. There are many more who party in front of their kids, which I think is just as bad. Children learn by example. - MW
11/3 5:06pm To "A mom's love," the parent who posted [*] on her child's marijuana addiction, ...and anyone else with a teen or preteen. I want to thank you for "putting yourself out on a limb". It is very easy to try and sweep this type of thing under the rug. You have a lot of courage. I posted last year regarding my son's near death experience of getting into a car with another teen who had been drinking. It was a bad choice and it happens to even the nicest and smartest of kids. It happens to honor students and kids who are involved in sports, arts, music. These are not "bad kids," these are kids who have just made bad choices. Many times, just one bad choice that has a devastating effect on their lives. I want you to know that you have my wholehearted support and I wish your family only the best.
When I posted a year ago, my goal was to warn parents that this behavior was going on and very widespread. After my son's accident we had a heart to heart and he told me that it is the norm to drink at parties. He said "You would'nt believe the kids who are doing this, kids you would never expect." Many parents would rather have their child "drink at home than somewhere else". I'm sorry, I don't agree with that, and I certainly don't agree with a parent making a judgment call like that and supplying my child with alcohol. So a lesson to you parents out there.. know your neighbor before allowing your child to stay at their home.
The typical response I got was that my son deserved his experience because he "picked the wrong friends" or that I failed as a parent for not teaching him better. Just for the record, I don't drink. I have never drank. Well, turns out that some of the folks who said this to me were the parents of kids my son identified as users of drugs and alcohol. There is a large group of parents in this town with the "Not my kid" mentality. Parents, do yourself a favor and stop being in denial. These kids do not fit the usual stereotype. As my teenager says, "practically everyone is doing it." I hacked my teen's myspace page while he was in a coma and you wouldn't believe the pictures I saw. Kids with booze and drug paraphernalia etc. displaying it proudly in their profile pic. Page after page, child after child, the same thing. Funny how everyone seems to think that their child is in the minority. Teens are very good at telling their parents what they want to hear. Don't kid yourselves. It may save your child's life.
- MW
11/3 11:38am The Advisory Board has mailed its recommendations on the eleven articles that will be voted on at the upcoming town meeting to each voter in Norfolk. Please find a pdf version of those recommendations attached. [PDF here] We look forward to seeing you at town meeting! - Arlie Sterling, Chairman, Norfolk Advisory Committee
11/3 11:32am Could someone please recommend 1) someone to repair my garage door and 2) a referral for refinishing my hardwood floors. Thank you! - SS
11/3 11:30am JR: The Mane Place in Uxbridge is an english/western tack shop. They have cowboy boots for men there. www.themaneplace.com. If you are not on a deadline and don't mind them being shipped, you'll find good deals at then I would check out www.horseloverz.com or www.horse.com or www.tack-wholesale.com. If you do shop at horse.com remember to add in the code NorfolkAC on check out and they will donate 10% towards the needs of the animals that come into our shelter. - HC
11/3 11:27am To JR - www.sierratradingpost.com - DN
11/3 11:25am DA, I too saw the same sort of men walking with beer cans. These are the same people who probably educate their children how drinking is not a good thing. How do parents expect their children not to drink when they themselves have alcohol after work, on Halloween, Christmas. Parents should be setting an example by sending the message we do not drink, therefore, you should not drink. It is plain and simple but some parents still do not get it. - DWL
11/3 11:24am To: RK, In "Wrentham, A History, 1673 - 1973" (Fiore, Jordan; Thomas Todd Company, Boston, 1973) it relates that on April 21, 1955, the name "King Philip" was selected from a list of names suggested by students from all three towns in the district. That is all I have been able to find in 20 minutes of research. I will spend a bit more time and see if I can find anything else. - DF
11/3 11:23am Does anyone know a good dog trainer located in Norfolk? - JD
11/3 11:20am Tonight [Monday] at about 6:30p.m., I saw a woman and a Beagle-ish dog walking on Medway Street. I passed them and immediately saw a coyote. The coyote was yards from the woman and dog and when my headlights hit the coyote, he turned and ran. He crossed the street and ran into the access road to the HOD. Not sure if he was stalking the woman and dog but it was a little creepy. It just made me think about the other posts I have read about coyotes stalking humans and domestic pets. - MJD
11/2 11:21pm Looking for a place to buy western (cowboy) boots for men. Any recommendations would be appreciated. - JR
11/2 11:20pm For DWL looking for a PC technician - contact the PC Handyman in Franklin. Ed is knowledgeable, reasonably priced and makes house calls! Here's the link: pchman.com - JR
11/2 11:18pm Free Divorce Seminar on December 9, 2009: Attorney and Mediator Steve McDonough of The Divorce Collaborative LLC in Medway announces a monthly seminar series focusing on alternatives to traditional divorce litigation including mediation and the collaborative law process. Some sessions will include guest speakers such as financial and mental health experts or other attorneys. Seminars will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at The Law and Financial Center, 77 Main Street in Medway. For more information and to register please visit: www.divorcecollaborative.com; or email julie@divorcecollaborative.com - SM, The Divorce Collaborative LLC
11/2 11:08pm In response to FH: IRISH we had our own supermarket here! - SM (2)
11/2 11:07pm A few musings from Halloween - the night was quite atmospheric with the wind-whipped clouds enshrouding the moon, and the balmy temperatures made the scary stroll quite pleasant. However, some observations on behavior - the boys running roughshod through people's plantings and not offerring a simple "thank you" at the door were duly noted by my daughter. I know sugar ingestion added to hyperactivity, but how about some decorum from the little devils? Some of the older boys didn't even bother with a costume. Isn't that a prerequisite for receiving candy? On the other end of the spectrum, I noted that some of the big boys (adult males) felt the need to travel with, let's say, a bit of witches' brew in hand. Isn't trick or treating about the kids having fun? What message are we sending the kids when the adults imbibe on the rounds?
Finally, on the North Street decoration destruction - I am sorry that someone had to ruin such a spirited display. Perhaps there is a circle in Hell (Dante's Inferno style) for such miscreants.
- DA
11/2 10:58pm The Town Clerk will be implementing measures to strengthen the security of voter privilege at Town Meeting next week. As a result of discussions at the recently held Town Meeting Organizational Meeting, a new element will be added to the check-in process that will affect voting rights. Upon verification of your name being on the Voting List, you will be handed a colored index card (card color will be different for each night of Town Meeting). This card will identify you as a registered voter in town, and you will need to display the card whenever a 'standing' count or actual hand count is necessary. A box for card collection will be available on the way out each night. There will also be tighter control on 'visitors' (both out-of-town and non-registered residents) at the meeting. These individuals have always been asked to sign in, wear a visitor's badge, and sit in the visitor's section; this procedure will be strictly enforced. The only exceptions to the seating arrangement will be for members of the Press, who will now be asked to sit in a separate 'Press Section'.
The intent of these new policies is to improve the 'town meeting experience' for all. If you have any questions or need clarification please call the Office of the Town Clerk at 508-528-1400.
- Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
[Update 11/3 11:28: slight modification to yesterday's press release - GB]
11/2 10:57pm My favorite pedestrian in the road story actually occurred a year or so back in Medfield. Due to a horrendous snowstorm, Medfield high school had just dismissed its students as I was crawling back to Norfolk from my place of employment. Enter teen girl wearing i-POD and walking in the street with cars starting to stack up behind her. She can't see them with her back to traffic, and she is blissfully ignorant to their presence because she can only hear the pablum playing in her ears. (I'm sure it wasn't Bing Cosby's "White Christmas") The cars can't pass her because of traffic coming in the other direction. Talk about frozen frustration! - DA
11/2 10:56pm An adorable toddler came trick-or-treating as a fat orange fleece pumpkin, complete with a bright green stem on top of the hat. I found the hat by the side of Pondview Road this morning, and would like very much to reunite it with the rest of the costume. Please contact me at box224@norfolknet.com. - SB
11/2 10:55pm Looking to see if anyone has boxes left over from a recent move that they want to get rid of. - ML
11/2 10:54pm DWL - Try don and Jeremy at Onsite computers. They are excellent! 508-278-4433 - NT
11/2 10:53pm Library offers Introduction to eBay tomorrow night. The Norfolk Public Library will host an introduction on how to buy and sell on eBay. It will take place Nov. 3rd at 7:00 p.m. In this 2 hour introductory class Lynn Daignault will review everything from registering for eBay, registering for Paypal, explaining Paypal's role in eBaying, how to navigate the website, how to search for an item to make purchases and determining how to price items. Attendees will also observe the process of photographing an item, and listing it as well as what to do after the sale. If you have ever thought you'd like to buy or sell something on eBay but are unsure on how to proceed, this is class will help you get started. Participants will be given detailed, step-by-step handouts and by the end of the evening, you'll be ready to try it out on your own. This workshop is sponsored by the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library and is offered free of charge. Registration is not required. - Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
11/2 10:52pm To MW and LS: Well said! This is a real pet peeve of mine. I am a runner, dog walker and cyclist. I, too, have experienced these people who do not seem to know the basic rules of the road. The question that comes to my mind when reading your posts is why were these people walking with their backs to the traffic? As a child, I was taught a very simple rule. Ride with traffic (on your bicycle) and walk against traffic (facing the cars coming toward you). It seems to me there are a lot of people out there who do not know this rule. I see it all the time. And what about the "common sense rule" of wearing light colored clothing, something reflective, or carrying a flashlight when walking after dark. Perhaps we need a refresher?? And while we're at it, let's teach our children the correct rules of the road so we can all share it safely. - SM
11/2 10:51pm Friday night was a tough loss for the Warriors with a 20 - 7 final score against Mansfield. This week we are home against Stoughton, time to gather in the tribe, collect our spirits and get back to the win column. Home game begins at 7pm. Come out for a great night of family fun. Go KP! - ES 11/2 10:50pm Just curious: I know who King Philip (Metacomet) is but I am unsure why the area chose to name the school district after him. I also wonder who else was considered. Does anyone know the back story? - RK
11/2 10:48pm I buy my Irish sausages from Roche Bros. in Millis. They are in the frozen food section. They don't always have them so when I see them I buy 2 or 3 pkgs. They don't seem to have Irish bacon but I would ask them. - MG
11/2 10:46pm DWL, go to Joe's Computer Repair in Plainville. Very reasonable. - PRB
11/2 10:45pm Is there anything to vote on for this Tuesday in Norfolk? Thanks, - DP
11/1 9:34pm Hi, Looking for a PC technician who can retrieve data off of a damaged hard drive. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. - DWL
11/1 9:24pm Thanks AL! I'm chilled out now! All the chemicals from the Halloween chocolate are are striking the dopamine reward center receptors in my brainstem and I feel pretty good now. Although while in neural-chocolate bliss I broke an energy miser light bulb and now fear I might have mercury poisoning. Let's stop all this arguing and focus on the future. But I have to tell everyone that if someone tries to sell you real estate with Unicorns on it, don't buy it! It's a scam!
11/1 9:23pm In response to RW's question: The funds were raised in August of 2004 by the Massachusetts School Building Authority. The debt service is covered by a dedicated percentage of the state's sales tax. It is not affected by cuts in local aid. - DJ
10/31 10:57pm TM: Riding through Norwood on Rte 1A last week, I noticed an Irish Supermarket. It's on the right hand side heading north and is a relatively small store, but might have what you're looking for. - FH
10/31 10:55pm Cub Scout Parents: I have the following items to give away, prefer a Norfolk scout family : two blue shirts, one youth 10-12, one smaller,one webelos hat and scarf, and the following scout books: wolf and webelos. Please call 528-1572 in the next two days, thanks. - CR
10/31 ![]()
Happy Halloween!
10/31 4:47pm Sometime early this morning Halloween decorations were destroyed and taken from my neighbor's house on North Street. Ghosts & beings were taken, gravestones and various other decorations were also stolen. Other things were destroyed, but the things stolen were cut in a manner that they would be reusable. We can only assume that these items were taken by some stupid youth. Given the fact that it was so late, I am baffled at how parents would allow their kids to be out. I ask that if anyone knows anything to return the stuff back to North Street. Planning for these decorations begin in August, and a lot of hard work is put into it. I am disgusted at the audacity of the people who did this. The hard work, the money and the enjoyment have been taken away by this incident.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
- LB
10/31 4:39pm I received the following message from The Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad Company (MBCR). (You can subscribe to their "RailMail" mailing list at [mbcr.net subscriptions page] NEW Passenger Train Information System (PTIS)The MBTA is pleased to announce that testing is in the final stages for the new PTIS (Passenger Train Information System). This upgrade will enable us to provide our passengers with real-time information generated directly from the train. Passengers will soon see train arrival information on electronic station signs (``Next train arriving in 10 minutes''). The system will also offer automated ``next station stop'' announcements on board the trains.
Some of you may have experienced the new system during this testing phase and we ask for your patience while this necessary part of the process takes place. During this time there may be occasions when the electronic station signs could appear to be out of service. You might also experience testing of the on board announcement system, which could be misleading (naming stations that are not on that route). Please ask your conductor if an announcement is confusing.
The PTIS technology will be introduced in phases beginning with the Greenbush and Old Colony lines. We anticipate that the system will be implemented on these lines by year's end with a system wide rollout to follow.
We thank you in advance for your patience while we make these enhancements.
Thank you for riding the commuter rail.
- DR
10/31 4:38pm LB: I believe that meeting was posted for November 30th, not October 30th. - KK
10/31 4:37pm LB: the meeting for the coyote talk is one month away. Mark your calendar! - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
10/31 4:36pm MW: I would also extend your cautionary message to include pet owners who have their dogs walk in the street while they (the owner) are on the edge of the road. Twice in the past month I have seen folks walking on the side of Seekonk and Fruit Streets (both narrow, busy, and curvy) and their dogs are a few feet away in the street. In both cases these were small dogs, and it worried me that a driver might see the person on the edge of the road but not realize a dog was in the street. - CI
10/31 4:35pm Freeman school funding: Does Governor Deval Patrick's decision to reduce help for local school building projects affect Norfolk? It is important that we have facts before town meeting. - RW
10/31 4:30pm OK, I'm really going out on a limb here. This is for parents of teenage children. Do you suspect your son/daughter may have a problem with drugs or alchohol? This is a problem no parent ever wants to have to deal with. People don't talk about this. There are information nights at the local schools, parents like Kathy Meyer who lost her beautiful daughter who speaks to teens about the dangers and consequences of drug and alcohol use. But what if your child has a serious problem? Where do you turn? That happened to our 17 year old son. We had to make some really hard decisions to get him help. It has been a long road and we are not there yet, but are in a much better place. People think "Oh, it's just marijuana" ... you can't get addicted. I believe differently after I saw what it did to our son. You cannot look the other way and hope it goes away. It won't go away, it will only get worse. I am not a professional with a degree in this area. However, in the past two years I have come in contact with some wonderful, caring professionals who help kids like this. I am a parent who has been down a road no parent wants to travel and has decided to pay it forward. I know we are not the only family in Norfolk faced with this problem. I do know how alone you feel because "how could this happen in our family"? I am a parent who has a lot of knowledge and information to share with other parents in need. You can e-mail me at amomsluv@yahoo.com Your son/daughter is so worth it... there is help out there!
- [Name withheld]
10/31 4:25pm MW - I too see the same thing more often than not. Do what I do... I drive up slowly behind them and then when I'm about to go around them (drive on wrong side of road, as they have taken the full lane), I scare the living heck out of them by laying into the horn. I follow it up with a verbal but very polite reminder to get out of the middle of the road. This works for bikers, the kids, the dog walkers and the packs of lady walkers. TGIF - LS
10/31 3:27pm Wow, MON, you sure can dish out the criticism, when it comes to something you deem "insignificant poot," but reverse the tables, and you just can't take it, can you? Come on MON, chill a little. I highly recommend a Reese's or Babe Ruth this weekend. Lollypops for the Grinch work well, too. - AL
10/30 1:30pm Hilary - Thank you for posting the informational meeting that is happening tonight that may help allay my serious concerns for the coyote problem we're experiencing. I live along the edges of a large wooded area and I've seen and heard the dogs regularly, including day time "stalking" of my family members while doing yard/field work... and the amount of coyote poop along the trails is a constant reminder that they've "moved in." If I can not attend the talk this evening in Foxboro, which is looking very unlikely, will you post or forward information along to us as it pertains to safeguards for trail-walkers and their domestic dogs, and comment please on the risk factor for horses left out in a paddock at night. Thank you. - LB
10/30 1:27pm To the lovely pedestrian ladies whom my son and I followed halfway down King Street at about 11am this morning... I am so glad that you are enjoying your leisurely exercise. However, you were walking two abreast in the middle of the street, enjoying your conversation so much that you failed to realize we had been following you for a while. We were unable to pass you, as the street is narrow and winding. I was not willing to face a head on collision, so I had my teenage son give a polite tap on the horn to let you know that we were behind you. I do not enjoy being yelled at or curse out for trying to save your life... Please pay attention when you are walking in the middle of the street! This is just another situation that completely baffles me, along with bicyclists and joggers who run in groups "abreast" instead of in a single file line. What is wrong with you people? I would love to talk to fellow drivers on the road but somehow I think that I would be arrested for making my own double lane down the middle of King Street in order to hold a conversation with another driver.
Also, what's up with wearing all black to go out jogging before the sun is up in the morning? I guess I'm the crazy one?
- MW
10/30 1:23pm CS - You and me have been going back and forth for years; now you can target me as an official, so take your best shots. No matter what I write you will respond negatively. So lighten with the Unicorn issue, and accept some humor into your life. Just because I am a town representative doesn't mean I had a lobotomy, and since this is a public forum I will state what I want to. Your criticisms over-extend, but don't feel scrutinized. That's why officials do not like to post here - they get in battles with the blogging public over insignificant poot.
10/30 10:45am Does anyone know what time the costume parade at HOD is today? - SR
10/30 10:44am To LM - A nice neighborhood to trick or treat in is from River Rd down to Priscilla Ave. There are friendly people, the neighbors put out great decorations and interact with the kids. There are always large groups of kids from ages 6-15 trick or treating with adults. There is low car traffic and high adult volumes walking around with children. We enjoy it. Any other questions you can email me at heathmcc5@aol.com - HM
10/30 10:42am TA Does it matter who is funding the new wall at Walgeens? It looks beautiful. Wish they would build walls at the corner of 115 and Boardman St. and the corner of Union and North Street. They are real eyesores. - PRB
10/30 10:40am Sue Thibideau, the Foxboro Animal Control Officer, in response to all the heightened coyote calls both of our town's have been receiving has scheduled a talk for the public! What a great idea she has come up with. Here's more information
Coyote Talk[Foxboro reporter article] is the article in the paperDate: 11/30/09
Time: 7 pm
Place: Foxboro Public Safety Building, McGinty room, 8 Chestnut Street, Foxboro.A Biologist from the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game will give a talk on coyote biology, behavior and avoiding conflict. There will be time after the presentation for questions. RVSP is not necessary but would be helpful to ensure there are enough print outs so call Foxboro Animal Control at 508-384-2523 or send an email to foxcroft160@verizon.net to let us know you're coming.
There is also an article published in the Foxboro Reporter as well. I will make a point to be there as well and this is open to any local area residents irregardless of the town you reside in.
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
10/30 10:39am The Federated Church of Norfolk will be holding its Annual Flea Market on Saturday, October 31 st from 9:00 AM ~ 2:00 PM, rain or shine. FCON is located on Route 115, in the center of Norfolk. Please join us and check out our Bountiful Baskets, a huge assortment of baked goods as well as homemade candy, Antiques and a lot more. For more information you can contact Sue in the church office at 508-528-0262. - DLJ
10/30 10:38am While the World Series may signal the end of the 2009 baseball season, at Norfolk Baseball we're already gearing up for 2010. The success of Norfolk Baseball is due to the children that play in our leagues and the strong support of our volunteers. We're always looking for more folks to get involved in Norfolk Baseball. You'll enjoy the experience as much as your children enjoy playing. The November general meeting is scheduled for this Sunday (11/1) at 7:00 pm in the Norfolk Public Library. All are welcome to attend. In the next few weeks, we'll be announcing our very popular winter training clinics and will be opening registration for the 2010 spring season. Stay tuned here or at www.norfolkbaseball.com
- DL
10/30 10:37am HRB: There are several PV companies that can give you an analysis- none are really local though. Alteris - (fomerly two companies Solar Work and Solar Wrights) They installed the PV at Stony Brook and one other residential home here in Norfolk. www.alterisinc.comThey all have on-line info requests.GroSolar in Raynham. www.grosolar.com
Solar Flair www.solarflair.com
Hope this helps,
- AB
10/30 10:36am I have an Amana upright freezer that is 65" tall, 24" deep ans 30" wide. It has 2 doors and shelves within the freezer. This is the same unit that I announced several weeks ago but was "holding" for someone....no more holding and first caller gets this unit. Call 508 528 6189 and ask for Tom. - TH
10/30 10:35am We don't have sidewalks, but we have a wonderful bunch of houses! Mirror Lake Ave. and Forest Grove Ave. Very very kid friendly. - DN
10/30 10:34am You think the goats may have just gotten away? I know now if they were my goats I would be afraid to come get them. - MP
10/30 10:33am LM: The Cape Cod Estates area (near the dump, I'm sorry, I mean the Transfer Station--Barnstable Road area) is a great place to trick or treat. Everyone seems to participate and there are sidewalks and not really much traffic, other than someone perhaps arriving home late. Tons of kids and many fun decorated houses. - JN
10/30 10:32am My husband is looking for a primary physician more local than the one he has now at Dedham Medical (Norwood). Does anyone have a recommendation for one in the Franklin/Millis/Medway area? He works in Milford so that might be an option, and maybe even Bellingham would be OK. He would like the office to offer urgent care at night and weekends. Thanks! - LJK
10/30 10:31am I wanted to see if anyone knew why there was a group of people filming along route 115 near the Wrentham border and on 140. They were set up one camera on each side of the road, about 50 yards apart, pointing towards each other. It seems like they were there for a while, several of them were sitting in chairs just watching. The cameras were all the same type and looked to be pretty high-end. Any info would be appreciated to satisfy my curiosity. - JP
10/30 10:30am A quick reminder that the Monster Dash 5K is this Saturday, 10:00 at the Freeman-Centennial School, registrations starts at 8:30. The weather looks great, come burn some calories so you don't feel so guilty about the Halloween candy! - LC
10/30 10:29am The Norfolk Animal Control Officer had an outpouring of both interested parties who wished to adopt the goats as well as many who called in known goat owners who may no longer have their goats. We did in fact find the people responsible for the goats! The first part of our investigation led us to the local feed and farm stores in the area where we looked on their sales board to see who may be selling or giving away their goats. I also talked with the manager at one grain store, Gilmores in Walpole, and told him what we had picked up and ordered goat grain from him. The following day a party from Wrentham came in to inform him that he had just purchased two goats (On Sunday) and they had run off and didn't know who to contact. Gilmore's put both pieces together and told the new goat owner that they were in our care. So after three days "on the lamb" the goats are now back with their new owner. This department did conduct an investigation into the housing situation for the goats and the owner was very cooperative in making his hobby farm more "goat proof" so that they will not be out again. The new owner was informed on goat care as well and how to slowly add more weight onto these two girls. Their names are Lilly and April, a mother and daughter pair. We also extended to the owner that if they find that their goats are habitual escape artists and they wish to re-home their animals we have a long line of interested parties thanks to the media outreach .
One of the others that contacted my department to tell me who the goat's belonged to was the person in upton who had sold the goats to the Wrentham resident. That was due to the media attention as well.
Thank you all for your exposure in this situation. Warmest wishes,
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
10/30 10:28am Just a reminder - Friday October 30, is Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's "Dough Raiser" event at UNO Chicago Grill at the Wrentham Outlets -- Dine-In or Takeout - UNOs will donate up to 20% of your check to NLYS! Just present the coupon when paying... coupons are available at the Norfolk Public Library or can be printed from our website www.norfolklionssoccer.com - HK
10/30 10:27am Does anyone know if grocery stores in our area that sell Irish sausages & bacon? The Big Y used to, but no longer does... Thanks! - TM
10/30 10:26am Mark Nelson: It would seem that perhaps you should take more care when constructing your posts, particularly as a town representative. As MON, I am used to the way you attempt to convey your thoughts. I expect more in your official capacity. I never would have insinuated that the EDC would provide false information if you had not so clearly stated you supported the unicorn foolishness as a means to attract a buyer. Your words sir, not mine. - CS
10/30 10:14am LM - You might want to try Cape Cod Estates which is located next to the transfer station. There are sidewalks throughout the subdivision. I hope they have a great time! I sent an email to one of my child's KPMS teachers yesterday regarding an iPass grade question. I heard back from him very promptly. So, it must be only some teachers who are ignoring parent's requests.
- TW
10/30 10:12am Thank you DL for the revised date on beating North, still 8 years is a long run on the wrong side. Friday night is a big game for our Warriors. They are playing the Mansfield Hornets away at 7pm. It would be great to see the stands filled with green and gold. The KP Pop Warner (Wrentham and Plainville) program is also doing well. Let's hope the growth and interest continue. Go KP!
- ES
10/29 1:40pm Does anyone have any suggestions for neighborhoods or streets in Norfolk to take my kids, ages 8 and 11, and their friends, trick-or-treating on Saturday? I am basically looking for a neighborhood that is relatively free of cars or has sidewalks and that has a fair number of houses that participate in the festivities. Thanks. - LM
10/29 1:39pm We're exploring photovoltaic electricity generation and are looking for someone who can do an analysis of our home to see if this is feasible. We'd prefer someone local and we are not looking for any freebies. - HRB
10/29 1:38pm To ES, Last time KP beat North was at home in the season of 2000. It was Lofa Tatupu's senior year. KP football is really on the rebound from the High School all the way down to Mitey Mites in Pop Warner. The numbers of players are way up.High School has 70 players, Freshman has about 40, KP Pop Warner has 1 -A team, 1-B team, 1-C team, 2-D teams and 3 Mitey Might teams. Same holds true for Norfolk Pop Warner although the Norfolk association has players from Medfield and Millis on it as well. Future looks very good. - DL
10/29 1:34pm Multi-Family Halloween Yard Sale: Saturday, Oct. 31, 9-2. 11 & 12 Fleetwood Drive: Playstation 2, Guitar Hero 2, X Box games, game boy advanced. Many unusual vintage items, including: camping gear ,table wear, a lobster trap, and a Bundy clarinet. Jewelry galore, boy's 20" and girls 22" bikes, 36 cup coffee maker. Located directly off of Route 115, one mile past town center, hope to see you there! - CR
10/29 1:33pm Does anyone know who is funding the rock wall built downtwon in the new Walgreens area? Thanks, - TA
10/29 1:31pm LMM - When I stated that the Administration was sticking up for the Teachers it was because when I asked about your Union contracts being the reason Teachers were not responding to e-mails. They would neither confirm or deny that was the reason. - MP
10/29 1:29pm I have two loge tickets for the Monday, November 9 Hannah Montana concert at the Garden in Boston at 7 p.m. Will trade them for two new/nearly new Kindles or reimbursement for the actual value paid. If interested, please contact me at dw_norfolk@hotmail.com - DW
10/29 1:28pm H1N1 (flu type A) tests positive through the rapid flu test less than 50% of the time, so the test can't be relied upon. Seasonal flu has not begun yet, so if there's presence of flu this early in the season, it probably is swine. Keep in mind though that H1N1 is a nasty virus, hits suddenly -- not gradually as with a cold virus -- with high fever, severe sore throat, body aches, extreme tiredness, even mental confusion, developing cough two or three days later, and lasts five to seven days before fever breaks. - DM
10/29 1:23pm LMM On 10/20 you posted this "10/20 12:44pm CS - KPTA has advised us to use email as we normally would. Some who have been using the blog and complaining may be upset because they've been told by administration that teachers do not have to use email. - LMM" In the second sentence you are stating that it is the administration that is saying teachers are not using e-mail because of union issues. To me that sounds like a rumor, saying the administration is just saying this and its not true. When in fact it is the professional teachers that have said some teachers are not responding to e-mails because of Union issues.
In your last blog you said I was using this blog for personal issues. I am using this blog because I believe that every taxpayer and parent deserves to know that the teachers (that our tax dollars pay) are putting Union issues before their students and the taxpayer. I believe everyone has the right to know how some "professional" teachers are punishing their students (letters of recommendation) and parents by not responding to e-mail questions about a student. I am positive I am not the only person that is being punished by this tactic. My e-mail may imply that all of the teachers are this way but when 8 e-mails are sent to 8 teachers and only 2 are responded to then it is pretty clear that most of the teachers are behaving this way. Given the fact that others have writen in about letters of recomendation and teachers refusing to help with the letters it is also safe to say that issues are not just with me. Your quote "perhaps the issue is with you?"
My only issue is that I has a parent would like to know how my child is doing in school and what work is missing. I do not feel this is unreasonable nor am I able to make phone calls during the day. I have actually been told by some professional teachers that they wished more parents would pay attention to how their kids were doing in school. And again I ask you if you were in a store and you asked a clerk a question and he ignored you would you say he was doing his job?
- MP
10/29 1:22pm Does anyone have a copy of the Town meeting Agenda for November 10, 2009. The link in an earlier posting is not working. Thanks - TA
[The text copy of the Warrant was broken for a day or two, but it's fixed and should be there -- [warrant link] - Wm.]
10/29 1:19pm I'd like to forward my thoughts on the upcoming decision we need to make regarding our Freeman Centennial school's dilapidated infrastructure and the ways and means of its resurrection. I start with the premise that we all agree that we can't afford for the school to be condemned or for it not to exist. Either scenario would radically hurt our reputation and obviously the value of our town and real estate. I'm not sure if my particular thoughts will echo those of anyone else's but I respectfully welcome a dialog or comments that might support or 'enlighten' my idea. According to the numbers we've seen, the way to resurrect the school is the easy part. It would be wrong and maybe even fiscally irresponsible to turn away the funding assistance. I believe the debate therefore is in the means or in how we afford the gift.
Of course we all acknowledge that local economic development is one means - in the long term. Its almost becoming cliche to say, but maybe it needs to be said again - and here: "Now is the time for creative solutions." The school as a service and amenity of our town is in crisis and any solution is going to cost the residents money. At the same time, a significant portion of our residents are suffering from a negatively spiraling economy and/or a fixed income; they are in crisis too. In the vein of a creative resolution, I would propose that we see a unanimous vote to take advantage of the state funding (with the excellent question of it being 'guaranteed' being answered) but we also need to construct a measure that will allow certain qualifying homes, a tax deferment of the proposition's tax expense.
Some of you more qualified experts can refine this idea, but I believe its worth a try to confront the Article's objection with a creative solution that helps everyone. What if income parameters were established for qualification and those deferring the specific increase would receive instead a "lien" on their estate? (The value of their estate by the way, would be preserved at least by a new school being built.) Collection of the lien from the town would take place as either one's income eventually allowed or as the estate became available by sale or death. I could be wrong, but I think such liens would still be a useful asset value to the town, would they not? Is this a feasible idea and a realistic solution? Thanks
- LB
10/29 1:17pm The Norfolk Animal Control Department is now offering a reward for the goats that were abandoned on Shire Dr on the 26th. Please see our webpage for more information www.norfolkanimalcontrol.net A monetary reward is being offered by the Norfolk Animal Control department for information leading to the arrest(s) and conviction(s) of any person(s) involved with abandoning two goats on 10/26/09 on Shire Drive in Norfolk, MA.]Please call the Norfolk Animal Control officer at the police station at (508) 440 2816 OR (508) 528 3232
- HC, Norfolk Animal Control
10/29 1:16pm Hi, looking for a recommendation for a local dentist. Thanks, - BF (BF2)
10/29 1:15pm AWB and CS - You both actually think the EDC or any other town agency would put in "false" information? Get a grip both of you. Sure, AWB, you came and gave us a document that details all of the green issues but it is not needed at this juncture, which is why we never reconnected. And I am sorry if you feel dismissed, but you were asked to join the EDC and you declined. If you want to discuss your feelings openly and in public Dr. Phil-style, I am all ears. Southwood has many, many issues and the alternative energy scenarios aren't even on the table. So these tangential issues relating to the green revolution foisted upon the un-enlightened public and town issues are getting old. You want more?
In the meantime, we will keep the Unicorns a secret.
- Mark L. Nelson, EDC
10/28 3:48pm I think many people are assuming their children have the "H1N1" because of "flu like symptoms" and worrying everyone when it could just be a nasty virus... which obviously is going around. My son showed flu like symptoms as well and was tested for the flu and it was negative. I think the media - and even doctors - are making everyone assume that their children have the actual flu when in many cases it is not. Most doctors are not testing kids as the flu cannot be treated anyways. Let's keep sanitizing! - SM
10/28 3:46pm After reviewing the post by DM on 10/21/09 I questioned my recycling and waste hauling if they offered sifted recycling. Their response was that to the best of their knowledge only Waste Management and Casella Waste offer a one-stream recycling system that is sorted by machine at their respected facilities. They also said that at this time no one separates recyclables from household waste at any disposal facility in Massachusetts. Furthermore there are very few household waste land filled in our state, most waste is sent to a waste to energy plant where it is burnt. - SM
10/28 11:14am Residents are always requesting recommendations for different services within the town and, although I don't believe that anyone has requested one regarding kitchen updates at this time, I'm giving one anyway. I just had new countertops, a new sink and faucet installed through Hamlin Cabinets here in Norfolk and I have never had an easier, more professional business transaction with anyone. I always thought that they only did high end (expensive) kitchens, but when I got my estimate from them, they were over a $1000.00 below the first estimate. They, especially Brian the owner, was always on time and the two men who did the actual installation could not have been more professional and painstaking in the installation. They were meticulous in their clean up and thanked me for choosing Hamlin! When was the last time someone thanked you for hiring them? We are always very quick to discuss bad transactions (at least I am), but this was one of my best experiences ever with a tradesman. Anyone thinking about any kitchen updates or overhauls should absolutely check them out. - BB
10/28 11:12am Re: Teacher/Parent communication issues. I remember receiving a letter home from the KP school district this fall stating that the administration would like parents to report any instances in which a teacher denied regular services to students. I believe that this included writing college recommendations. I have a child with a learning disability. This is the first year without an IEP. Of course I was concerned, but I have found that things are going quite well. The teachers all have after school office hours for extra help and the IParent/IPass system has been a godsend. Each teacher at the KPMS open house made sure to tell us that the best way to reach them is by telephone/voice mail. Some of the teachers did give us email addresses. I have honestly not tried to email yet. I grew up in Newton and went through my HS years in the midst of a "work to rule" teachers strike. This meant no college recommendations, correcting tests and papers after 3pm or staying to help students after class. I do not recall any of my classmates not getting into the college of their choice due to a lack of a recommendation. We had tons and tons of kids going on to Ivy league schools. I still got into my first choice. I am neither defending the teachers or administration.nor am I slamming them. I'm just relating my own experience. - MW
10/28 11:11am Anybody interested in buying a Yamaha YSL-354 student trombone? Not many miles (notes?) on it. Includes a nice case. New, this model goes for about $800. I'll sell it for $100, firm. Call any evening - 508-528-1091 - LM
10/28 11:09am Just wanted to provide some great feedback to Be-Gone Pest Control. We had a bee issue in the walls of our house last week. I placed a call at 8:00 AM. I was called back by 9:00 AM. They were at my house at 4:00 PM to resolve the issue. They were very responsive to the issue and my concerns. I would highly recommend them if you have a bee/pest issue, 508-520-2033. - PFD
10/28 11:08am My 8th grader has been home since Monday with headache, fever, sore throat, phlem, stuffed nose, sore neck, nausea... not been officially diagnosed with flu but doctor (over the phone) thinks it could be. Another girl on her cheer squad was officially diagnosed with H1N1 last week so who knows.... - LLB
10/28 11:06am Dr. Nelson - I see that the EDC web site has been changed. Thanks!! Now if I can figure out the reference to the "new Middle School" we'll be making progress. Based on the off-line conversations we had well before my post of the the other day, the information I provided you was factual and correct. You had real examples to support a sales pitch. You noted in your post the EDC considered it but if I recall the brief passing in Town Hall, you said it was dismissed. Why? As I said before it was not in 100% blind support of the concept. Like I said, let's make up stuff- but like you said - we'll sell it with unicorns.
As you noted "why don't you do something positive and get involved?" Uhh, lemme see, I did, and was never consulted further. I offered to meet and talk about things at least twice at the Town Hall in the presence of 3 members of the EDC. I would have been more than happy to review anything you were going to post on the EDC web page.
Yes, I am the one and the same excited about the 80 kiloWatt (oh and it is not "kwH" - huge difference) for the new school. As I wrote to you off-line last night - this is a new revenue opportunity for the Town. I am excited because I know the potential and benefit to the Town.
Also sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not an engineer.
P.S.: Sometimes I too wonder about my dog, I am extremely concerned that when she reads over my shoulder, she moves her lips.
10/28 11:04am Mark Nelson wrote, "The EDC would have written there were Unicorns on the property running wild if we thought it would attract a buyer and future tax-payer." I sincerely hope (and suspect) that this view is not held by the other EDC members, nor our other elected officials. While it would be advantageous to the town to attract a buyer, falsifying any facts about the property to attract a potential buyer could only result in expensive litigation. That is not economic development. - CS
10/27 10:42pm AWB - Last time I heard someone listened to their dog it was Son of Sam, and we know how that turned out. Instead of commenting, why don't you do something positive and get involved. [Why don't you join the EDC?] I created that web site with my EDC colleagues, foibles and all, and if you have a problem about the information at the site it can be changed. In the meantime, if you knew the hassles and the time spent trying to get things done you might [be more understanding]. But I hope you don't because even people that hear voices from animals deserve to be heard; and for the record, the EDC read your report and considered it thoroughly.
Unfortunately, when trying to get interest in Southwood from anybody for development the one blurb you focused on, wind energy, nobody really cares about; and just because it's Green doesn't mean it's legitimate or contains factual information. [...] That's the problem I have with all the civil engineers in this town, you all over-intellectualize everything, obstruct real progress and are blind to the big picture.
And aren't you the same guy excited by 80kwH system for the new school? You confuse us who study these problems, but your dog understands you totally?
Reality check back at you!
PS: AWB and the other "gotchas" in town - The EDC would have written there were Unicorns on the property running wild if we thought it would attract a buyer and future tax-payer.
- Mark L. Nelson, EDC
10/27 10:35pm To JPP: My son never had any trouble with his stomach, no throwing up or out the other end. As of today he is fever free for two days but coughing so I kept him home. I know that some of the kids at Bournedale had vomiting, but that can also be part of the flu. Hopefully he goes back to school soon! - ALL
10/27 10:34pm Norfolk Girls Softball is offering softball jackets available for sale. Please visit www.norfolkgirlssoftball.com for more details. Orders processed by November 15th will be available for the holidays! Support Norfolk Girls Softball and order yours today! - JB
10/27 10:33pm We are putting together the next edition of the Norfolk Little Green Phone Book. This 6" x 9", 230 page directory serves as a printed reference for Norfolk's residential and business addresses and telephone numbers. To have your business included in the yellow pages section call us today at 508 429-5588 or contact us on our website www.littlegreenphonebook.com. The deadline is soon. - SAR, Northeastern Publishing
10/27 10:24pm MP - At no point did I accuse administration of spreading rumors. I have a great working relationship with my administrators and do not appreciate you accusing me of not being supportive of them. Your email implies that you have brought your concern to administration and you have an issue that is unique to you and your personal demands that have nothing to do with a contract issue. If the administration is "sticking up for the teachers," perhaps the issue is with you? I don't know you or your children, but to use the forum to unilaterally blast all teachers in the KP system because of a situation unique to you is inappropriate. I encourage all people that have an interest in the KP system to attend school committee meetings and get involved in the system. Community members have ways of being part of the solution as there are a number of committees that are comprised of school administration, teachers, school committee members, students and community members that are always in need of volunteer members. I truly believe that the way to improve the KP system is to work together towards that goal. I am not advocating for any particular stance. I am advocating for active involvement of all concerned parties. - LMM
10/27 2:28pm I know a lot of Norfolknet posters are missing their marbles, and now we have people that are missing their goats? I love this town!! I hope the goats find their owners, though. JP: I'm not going to ask about that building at Boardman and Main either... that's the butt of too many jokes.
Great Energy meeting at the library a few weeks ago. Check it out on Norfolk cable, as many good cost-saving tips were shared.
- AL
10/27 2:27pm 4th grader, 102 temp, (one throw up), slight headache. On the mend after two days, after seeing doctor he said it didn't look like H1N1, but no official swab test done to confirm. - KR
10/27 2:26pm Yard Sale in Norfolk this weekend! Saturday 10/31 and Sunday 11/1 - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. 12 Fleetwood Drive. Hope to see you there! - AW
10/27 2:25pm I found a debit card from Rockland Trust at the Norfolk Train Station today. If anybody lost it, please contact me at 508-541-6360 - SD
10/27 2:24pm I remember reading that there was a group of citizens who have all dealt with replacing their water service lines. I have a friend who is going through this now and is looking for some support. Can anyone steer me in the right direction? I remember reading that someone was taking names and info for a database. Thanks! - MW
10/27 2:23pm If not H1N1, perhaps last weeks students that attended Camp Bournedale also had tainted beef. "More than 20 schoolchildren and adults from Rhode Island became ill after visiting Camp Bournedale the week of Oct. 13." [article]- SF
10/27 2:21pm If you haven't seen the Freeman Centennial and have concerns/questions about voting YES for the new construction, please come and take a tour of the Freeman Centennial on Tuesday, October 27 at 7:00 p.m. The tour will provide you with an opportunity to hear about and view the building concerns that have lead to the proposal of the new school building project. Both the project manager and architect will be available to explain the project and answer questions. The tour will begin at the main entrance of the school, Door 10. - JL
10/27 2:20pm Pioneer Garage Door in Walpole is excellent . They just fixed our door. - DM
10/27 2:15pm For those of you that have asked what the Tax impact for a new school would be the Norfolk Boomerang Is reporting on average of a small additional $500.00 a year. Also don't forget that there is alway the well we need a additional 10 or 15 million after the fact overrides that always come about. (the KP addition, the Town Hall to name a few) - MP
[Didn't the article also say that's the additional property tax on a house valued at $350-odd thousand? From what I understand, that's what house prices start at in town. Look at $500 as the "definitely not less than" amount - Wm.]
10/27 2:14pm CI - My student does have a 504 plan and I do get weekly progress reports. They say things like "missing homework" "three assignments missing." When I send e-mails asking what are missing I get no response or a computer generated "call me at" response. If I was able to call during the day I would; the teachers all know that I can not. LMM - the administration (for some strange reason) is actually sticking up for the teachers. It is some certain professional teachers that have informed me that the reason the rest of the teachers are ignoring e-mail is because of uniont contracts. So do not say that the School Administration is spreading rumors.
- MP
10/27 2:13pm ALL: Could this apply to your son and his symptoms after having been at Bournedale? "South Shore Meat Company in Brockton has initiated a voluntary recall on certain ground beef and other beef products based on confirmed laboratory evidence of the presence of E. coli in leftover ground beef samples obtained from a nature camp in Plymouth. Suspect ground beef patties were collected and tested by the Department of Public Health (DPH) after more than 20 school children and adults from Rhode Island, who had visited Camp Bournedale in Plymouth the week of October 13th became ill with gastrointestinal symptoms." [article]- JP
10/27 12:44pm MG - Your symptoms may indicate that you have a bad "pressure switch". This is an electronic switch that monitors water pressure in your system and tells your pump when to turn on/off. A switch can fail from mechanical issues, age or sediment clogging the switch. This is a cheap part (<$10) and should require no more than an hour of labor if you hire someone to do it. A plumber or well company tech can quickly diagnose your problem. - DH
10/27 12:43pm Are you missing your goats? If so please contact the ACO with your name, number, their descriptions and proof of ownership. They were picked up Monday evening. Sincerely, - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
[Update 10:49pm: Reward posted in goat dumping - see www.norfolkanimalcontrol.net - HC]
10/27 12:42pm Re: several posts about kids who developed the "flu" at Camp Bournedale. It might be food poisoning. See the wire service report below and consult with an attorney if your child experienced extreme symptoms or lasting injury: BROCKTON MEAT PLANT ISSUES RECALL, DPH CITES E. COLI AT PLYMOUTH CAMP State officials are investigating an E. coli outbreak after 20 school children and adults from Rhode Island became ill with gastrointestinal symptoms after visiting a camp in Plymouth in mid-October. The Department of Public Health on Monday also announced South Shore Meat Company in Brockton had initiated a voluntary recall on ground beef based on samples obtained at Camp Bournedale that showed evidence of the presence of E. coli in leftover beef. The Department of Public Health said laboratory evidence showed the beef collected at the camp is the same strain of E. coli confirmed in two of the children. E. coli is a bacteria that can cause bloody diarrhea, dehydration and in the most severe cases, kidney failure. The very young, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems are the most susceptible to foodborne illnesses- DW
10/27 12:40pm Well now I've seen it all. In case you haven't been to the Town's website lately, there is a link on the top of the Town web page about Economic Development. The link of interest is here - [EDC goals link] Within the random and fleeting thoughts there is this statement on the Southwood Property that had me rolling on the floor and my dog thought I was having a stroke.
"Alternative Energy Potential: The site also has wind resources for a renewable energy program as a commercial supplement or utility resource. The Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust has indicated that Southwood has sustainable wind resources that would support commercial supplement energy at 70kwh annually."So I turned to my dog and says, "Oh man, Yeller, that is a lot of power." For the layman, "70 kwh" is 70 kiloWatt hours and I use that much during a day with my television off... I know, I know, I should put it on a power strip. So let me do the math, we here in Norfolk pay about 18 cents per kiloWatt hour from NSTAR (that includes the per kiloWatt charge and distribution, generation and related fees) so at 18 cents per kiloWatt hour times 70 kWh totals a whopping $12.60. So if one of them big ole windmills cost at least $500.00 it would take you 39.6 years to break even (not including maintenance). Well let's go to Starbucks and get 4 and one half cups of coffee!!!Who proofs what is on the website? More importantly, who comes up with these ideas, and who allows them to run with this nonsense and doesn't reality check them? I did hear a rumor that someone in Town actually wrote up some realistic and ground truthed information on this very topic and since it was not very supportive of the concept and required a lot more effort than was expected - it was dismissed. Oh, I get it. Put something out there, no one is going to understand it, actually, no one is even going to look at it and then behind closed doors everyone is patting themselves on the back for a job done. (notice I didn't say "job, well done").
This is better than making stuff up. Oh wait, my dog is telling me to check the EDC meeting minutes from August. The answer is right there.
10/26 5:22pm H1N1 Vaccination Update - The Norfolk Board of Health is continuing its efforts to coordinate the town's response to the H1N1 flu. Due to the risk H1N1 poses to our youth, planning is underway to offer vaccination to children attending K-12th grade. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has indicated that adjustments are being made to the amount of H1N1 vaccine that is expected to be available during October and November. Given this recent notice from the CDC, in-school vaccination clinics at KPMS & KPHS, and Saturday clinics for children attending K-6th grade have been temporarily delayed pending additional information concerning vaccine production and availability.
Residents and employees of the Town of Norfolk who are included in a priority group and seek vaccination are encouraged to consult their medical provider, as pediatricians, family practitioners, obstetricians, and other high priority sites are beginning to receive the first shipments of H1N1 vaccine.
In recent weeks, the CDC has determined that a single dose of H1N1 vaccine is effective for persons 10 and older, but children under 10 must receive two doses separated by 3-4 weeks. Given that they will require two doses, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health has asked medical providers to expand the prioritized groups for H1N1 vaccination to include children 6 months to 9 years of age.
Other groups which have been previously identified for prioritized vaccination include: pregnant women; people who live with or care for infants younger than 6 months of age (e.g., parents, siblings, and daycare providers); healthcare and emergency medical services personnel with direct patient contact; and children 6 months to 18 years who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications.
The Centers for Disease Control and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health will continue to issue updates and recommendations regarding the H1N1 influenza and vaccine production. We will respond to these updates accordingly.
- BF, Norfolk Board of Health
10/26 5:20pm ES - Actually KP beat North in '87 or '88 (maybe a little after that - memories dim...) - I remember the noise players whooping it up on the bus going through Plainville back to the High School. It was doubly cool because my Mom was a North grad and always used to rub it in when they would clobber KP... - RG
10/26 5:19pm Does anyone know what the OTHER (non-Walgreens) new building on the moonscape is going to be? I have personally not heard the Wegman's rumor but my impression is that they're nice and sell a lot of prepared foods and some stores have cafes inside. That would be interesting.
I won't even ask about the building at the corner of Boardman and Main. It now has greenery, so perhaps that's a good start?
- JP
10/26 5:18pm JH, I went onto the Wegman's webpage about their future locations. It lists "Northborough" and "Westwood" only in Massachusetts. The website lists not only the town, but the county for each future location, so next to "Westwood" it says "Norfolk," as in Norfolk County. - KID
10/26 12:25pm Looking for a garage door repair service to replace broken spring and cable on garage door that has snapped into two pieces. House is located in Norfolk near the middle school. If you know of any reliable repair experts, please advise and I will contact them directly. Thank you, - MXM
10/26 12:24pm Flu tally - 4th grader, flu like symptoms last week (not confirmed H1N1). Lasted 3 days. - DM
10/26 12:23pm re: 10/26 8:45am We have a well, and intermittently the water flow stops. We too have a well, have experienced your problem, and your well's symptoms might be from a "waterlogged water tank". The symptoms are further described at URL [Popular Mechanics article] and include the water pump cycling on and off rapidly, due to a lack of an adequate air cushion in the water storage tank in order to maintain water pressure in the system. This air cushion can be restored by adding air to the pressure tank with a bicycle tire pump, a simple and quick job.
If a well company says that you need a new pump, I suggest that you get a second opinion, as water pumps are expensive and typically are not the cause of your intermittent water flow. As a matter of fact, if you suggest to the company on the phone that your water tank appears waterlogged, they might get out of the mindset that this could be an occasion for a high priced job.
- RH
10/26 12:22pm Anyone shopping around for lock-in rates for Oil Delivery??? We just got a good quote from James Devaney Fuel Co. Contact John Holmes at 617-293-5871 for more information. Keep warm! - LR
10/26 12:21pm Hello - Has anyone heard of any plans for the grocery store Wegman's to go in the center of town (they are a big competitor of Roche Bros and had plans to move into the Westwood landing project and that fell thru). I heard there is one opening in Northborough but also heard someone mention Norfolk, unless they were confused with the two towns. Thank you - JH
10/26 12:20pm MG: I'm no expert, but it sounds like your pump may be going. Years ago we had to replace the pump and the difficulties started out similar to what you have described. Try Dave's Pump Company (508-883-7959). He's a pro, is local (Wrentham), and has been servicing private wells for many, many years. He will also check the pressure and correct it if too low or he will replace the tank if that is what's needed. - TEM
10/26 9:22am I could not find the tally on the web. My son who was at Bournedale came down with what seems to be H1N1 on Friday night. As of today, Monday, he does not have a fever (so far). It was not pleasant, but at least it seemed to move along quickly. - ALL
[Sorry, there was a typo in the address, I noticed it just before I saw your email. Should work now, but the page was just set up and it's empty - Wm.]
10/26 9:13am Hello Wm, As you may know, there has been an increase in the number of students at all schools, (HOD, F/C, KPMS and KPHS) that are sick with the flu. Some cases of H1N1 have been confirmed. The 6th graders came back from a week at Camp Bournedale on Friday 10/23, and also have been experiencing high fevers and flu symptoms, with more confirmed H1N1 cases over the weekend. Can you possibly set up a page for parents to input the grade of their child that has the flu (weather confirmed H1N1 or not)? It would be good to know how many cases we are dealing with each week. Thanks. - SM
[Sure; I created a page for the tally, it's [here]. Just email the information to Norfolknet as usual. Thanks! - Wm.]
10/26 8:57am I once saw a cabin for rent in Pine Creek, PA area. It was either on Norfolknet or in the Boomerang. - JC
[The one mentioned on Norfolknet was in posts about a lawsuit against the Con Comm; try scanning back in the archives for Pine Creek - Wm.]
10/26 8:46am Friday night was a great win for the Warriors football team as they defeated North Attleboro 28 - 20. I've been told this is the first win over North in 30 years. This was a great game with plenty of action and ups and downs. Friday the Warriors travel to Mansfield High to face the Hornets with a 7PM start. This is another tough Hock team and they will prove to be a challenge. It was great to see so many alumni attending the game last Friday, many of them wearing the varsity jackets from years ago. Go KP - ES
10/26 8:45am We have a well, and intermittently the water flow stops. The first time this happened I was in the shower, and I panicked wondering how I was going to rinse the shampoo out of my hair. The delay lasts about 20 seconds, but then resumes - at least until now it has! This has been happening occasionally, but recently it has increased frequency to at least once per day. Has anyone with a well ever experienced this problem? I assume that it's the pump for the well, but of course I really don't know. If it is, does it require a well company to fix or can a plumber replace the pump? And if it isn't the pump, does anyone have any other suggestions to what might be causing the water stoppage?
- MG
10/26 8:42am MP: If the teachers are not responding to your requests then try going through the special ed department. Don't know if your child is on a 504/IEP plan, but if they are then you can add a "weekly progress" report to it, and the teachers must then provide a weekly summary of grades and work done/not done. If your child is not on one of these, look into getting a 504 plsn in place and having this be part of it; many kids with ADD issues have them. Hopefully this enables you to bypass what seems to be a defacto contract negotiation tactic.
- CI
10/26 8:41am I would recommend either/both of these books to readers concerned about public education in our district: 1) The War Against Hope: How Teachers' Unions Hurt Children, Hinder Teachers, and Endanger Public Education -- by Rod Paige
2) The Teachers' Unions: How the NEA and AFT Sabotage Reform and Hold Students, Parents, Teachers and Taxpayers Hostage -- by Myron Lieberman
10/26 8:36am 11th Annual Halloween Candy Give-Back - The Norfolk Community League will be holding their 11th annual Halloween Candy Giveback Event on Monday, November 2, 2009, from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. in the lobby of the Freeman Centennial School (70 Boardman Street, Norfolk, MA). NCL will be donating the collected candy to an organization that sends holiday care packages to the troops in Iraq. Join us and bring half of your candy to give back to the troops! All children who bring in their candy will be entered into a raffle for great prizes! Please contact Rachael C. at rachaelc13@yahoo.com or 508-737-4764 with any questions. - PMC
10/25 11:41am You are cordially invited to the Interfaith Foxboro Christian Women's "Antique Lovers" luncheon. Tuesday November 10 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive, Lafayette House Route 1 Foxboro, MA. Reservations by November 8 by calling Arline 508-883-8588. Please come and meet Janice Axberg of Norfolk and a devoted antique lover. She will present "Antiques - Show and Tell" giving information about old books and tips on cleaning antiques. You are welcome to bring one small item for Janice to look at.
Isabel Burch from Bellingham will share her music on the keyboard.
Anne Sauerbrey from E. Greenwich, RI will share "You can't do it. It's already done." Come find out what's already done! Invite a friend - He or she will be glad you did!
10/25 11:40am For free to good home: iMac G3, running OS X. Works fine, good 1st kids computer. Email jhurwitz99@gmail.com Thx - JH
[Update 10/27 2:12pm: iMac is gone, thanks - JH]
10/25 11:37am Just wanted to post a big thank you to Hilary Cohen for all of the fine work she does on behalf of animals who need a voice like hers. - JN
10/25 11:14am LMM - on 10/20 you posted something stating that the "KPTA has advised us to use email as we normally would" why is it that when I send a teacher at the middle school an E-Mail asking how my son is doing in a class they do not have the professional courtesy to respond? This by the way if from more then one teacher and it happens on a weekly basis. And again I have been told by more then one teacher that this is because of union contract issues. So does that statement mean that you are not to respond to e-mail from parents that are trying to keep up to date with how their children are doing with school? my child has ADD ADHD and I am unable contact teachers during the day. But I need to know what work is and isn't getting done to make sure it does get done in. So I would say to you that the teachers of the KPTA are not professional and they are not doing their job. It is a shame that teachers will not help their students all over a contract. What do you teachers feel you deserve in this time when unemployment is near 10% and people all over the country are losing their jobs and their homes? And you don't get what you want so you punish your students and their parents (the people that pay your salary with their hard earned tax dollars)
- MP
10/25 10:38am RL: It is appalling that your family was denied college recommendations due to union conflicts. These three teachers should be publicly identified so that this issue can be dealt with. We deserve a direct explanation from the teachers who refuse to help our kids. Public identification of teachers who will not provide basic services may also pressure other teachers into rethinking their blind loyalty to the union. I really hope that other people are upset about the ongoing union posturing too. When do we as parents and taxpayers stand up to the union and demand the services we are paying for? I for one say now is the time and town meeting is a good place to start; in addition to letters to the school boards, union representatives, administrators, etc. If preparing our children for college is not in the contract, then what is? I would be embarrassed to be a part of such a misguided collective bargaining effort.
- CS
10/23 9:52pm I am looking to purchase a used exercise bike, recumbant or otherwise. If you are ready to part with one, please contact me through Wm. Thanks. [Use box222@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - JHR
10/23 9:45pm Regarding trash pick up- Dover Trucking is reasonable and is owned by a Norfolk resident. Not only do they do curbside pick up but can accommodate if you need something more, including pick up of large items and their disposal at competitive rates. Their billing is easy to understand, and they return calls promptly. And yes, I have a sticker for each of our cars to the transfer station as well. Might seem a bit redundant, but I find that I have use for both services. - EF
10/23 9:44pm I have a sectional sofa (love seat, curved corner piece and 2nd love seat that is a full sized sleep sofa free to anyone who would like it. Several of the cushions are worn on one side (a couple of bunny bites :-) but they can be flipped over. Might be good for kids in a basement setting. [Use box221@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - EF
10/23 9:43pm Ditto regarding the recommendation for Robert Davis as an electrician. He has worked here on about 4 occasions and is terrific and I have not referred him to anyone who doesn't feel the same. Will be having him here again soon. 508-541-6182 -- the number here has the last two numbers reversed from the last post with a recommendation for Rob. This is the correct number :-) :-) I think when I posted once before I have the numbers inverted as well. - EF 10/23 9:33pm Since October is Animal Safety and Protection month: I'm sure so many of you have heard through the papers of the house fire in Norfolk this past Monday. We are so fortunate to have such talented fire fighters that much of the house was saved from burning up. With that being said, I responded to the call as well because the reporter said there was a dog inside the house. Luckily the dog made it out and went to the vets for a check. One thing that I was not aware of until we were at the vet running the records on this dog was that he was not the only animal inside this house. There was a cat still unaccounted for. Luckily this cat survived as well. I know it would be easier on a first responder in an emergency to know what they are looking for on their initial run through. For those who would like window decals for their homes I will leave 75 of them in the police station lobby. They are the static cling vinyl type and can be re adjusted to any window or sliding glass door. They are free of charge but I ask that you only take one packet (2 decals) per household. If you need more than one packet please email me. This is what they look like in their package. ![]()
Also I am leaving some free tags in the lobby as well. These tags are sponsored by Frontline and Merial and is part of a free web based "find my pet" program. Like any tag you place it on the pet's collar after you fill in a free registration on line. If someone finds your pet they can put the tag specific number in on the web site and the pet owner's information is provided. You can also submit a picture of your pet online. This is a great "extra" way to identify your pets beyond a town license and/or a microchip. The web page program is www.getmehome.com . The get me home tags look like this.
For those who are interested in donations towards the animals in need: We are still in need of Purina Kitten chow and wet canned cat food (please no Friskies Special Diet as you cannot feed that to kittens). We also need new toys such as play mice, balls, rollie toys, and non clumping litter.
Last month was a great adoption month and half of our homeless cats found wonderful loving homes. We currently have two young cats (Merlin and Blackberry) who are still looking for their purrfect family and three others that are still working through the socialization program. Merlin and Blackberry get along in just about any environment. They have been combo tested, vaccinated, de wormed, micro chipped, and spay/neutered. These cats are wonderful in temperament and love attention. They are available for 125.00 each or 200 for the pair (they are brother and sister). These pictures are from when they were roughly 3 months old. They are currently 6 months.
And of course we are always looking for tax deductible financial donations to help us to cover the costs associated with animals that are not covered under MA Gen laws, shelter supplies, special care needs, etc. For more information on donations please visit www.norfolkanimalcontrol.net or contact the animal control officer directly at 508 440 2816.
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
10/23 9:32pm My son approached 3 teachers at KP today and was flat out told that no letters of referral for his college applications could be completed due to the union negotiation issue. Its a real shame that the teachers are being forced to use the kids' futures in this union negotiation... I hope that the kids who get screwed over by the lack of a teacher referral remember the "union way" when they become old enough to vote and are the taxpayers in this schoold district or any other district faced with similar issues. - RL
10/23 1:34pm Do you like Haunted Houses? Norwood Recreation runs an awesome Haunted House at the Norwood Civic Center on Nahatan Street in Norwood. It is very scary and not for those faint of heart. It starts tonight, Oct. 23 through Sunday, Oct. 25 and then it runs Wednesday, Oct. 28 - Friday, Oct. 30th. The hours are 6-9 pm. For those that like scary stuff, it's great. You will definitely be kept on your toes! It's perfect for older elementary school kids, middle school and up! It is not recommended for young children! The cost is $10 per person - have fun! They have a website too - Norwoodhauntedhouse.blogspot.com. - Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk
10/23 12:37pm Please be sure to check out the Country Life section of your Gazette this week for some great photos from the wildly successful Haunted Train Ride last Saturday, which was co-sponsored by the Norfolk Lions and the Norfolk Community League. Please note however that perhaps due to limited space or simple oversight, the printed coverage neglected to mention the Norfolk Lions as co-sponsor of this great event. If it was not for the Lions' hard work all year this event would never have taken place! Kudos to the Lions and to all the volunteers who made this the best one yet! - PMC, NCL
10/23 12:26pm Saturday 10/25 10-1 October Farms will be holding an Open House/Fundraiser to support the October Farm Interscholastic Equestrian Team - rain or shine! There will be pony rides, face painting, sack races, pumpkin painting, ice cream, nail painting and lots and lots of great raffles! Some of the gifts we will be raffling off are: gift certificate to In Contra, movie tickets, American Girl, Webkins, manicure gift certificate, Cherry Tree Tack Shop gift basket, and much, much more! And of course, free cider and donuts! If it rains on Saturday, all events will take place inside the barn (including the pony rides!)! Hope to see you all there! - CK
10/22 9:14pm I have been using Dover Trucking for the last 6 months and I have to say they are wonderful. - DV
10/22 3:45pm If anyone has any extra booster seats they would like to donate, please contact me at dena_bourque@hotmail.com. I need 3 total. Thanks - DCB
10/22 3:40pm LS - if I am around this Saturday I'd like to run in Adam's race. Can I register Friday evening at the library, too (or is that only for pre-registered runners)? Thanks and God bless Adam! - SCS
10/22 3:38pm I just wanted to say that I used a norfolknet recommendation for electrician Robert Davis (541.6128) and I could not be any happier. He was professional and competitively priced. I highly recommend him! - BD
10/22 3:37pm Days and nights are beginning to get colder! So if you need help exercising your pet, Leashrly Life would be happy to help. We offer pet sitting, dog walking and obedience training services. Ask about our special Fall rate for our 4-week training program. For more information visit www.leashrlylife.comor call 781-241-2083. - AW, Leashrly Life
10/22 3:36pm DDM - The state/MSBA guarantees matching funds against sales tax revenues. Moreover, funds are reimbursed as they are incurred, avoiding the need for Norfolk to issue debt and pay interest on the state's portion of the project. [pdf here]
- JH
10/22 3:35pm I can't open the Warrant (agenda) for the Autumn Town Meeting (attached) [Text here]. (The error says that the file does not beging with %PDF_) - JH
[As someone else also points out, this is a Word doc, not a PDF. I've converted it to text and changed the links. Sorry about that - Wm.
Update 11:31pm: forgot to make the file remotely accessible, sorry - Wm.]
10/22 8:59am DM, for trash pickup how could you not pick Dover Trucking? They are owned by a Norfolk family and competitively priced. - PRB
10/22 8:58am History On the Hill: First program in 2009-2010 Series: October 28, 2009, 7:00 PM, Room 214 - Town Hall. Come meet the Robichauds, Acadians who came to North Wrentham in 1759, victims of North America's first Ethnic Cleansing. Sponsored by the Norfolk Historical Commission.
- BB
10/22 8:47am Letting folks know that tomorrow, Friday October 23rd 5-8pm at the Norfolk Town Library is registration and bib # pickups for pre-registered runners. Thank you for the support, now let's hope for no rain! - LS, Adam's Army Run
10/22 8:43am It is clear to me after reading the numerous comments on the teachers in the area and how, when and how quickly they respond to parents emails and calls, that schools and the education their child receives is very, very important. I taught in town years ago and parents demand and deserve, and rightfully so, much from their child's school and teachers. In light of this, it is very important that schools be pleasant and inspiring, and a place where kids are not just happy, but happily learning. A new school is not just a nice thing to have but a necessity. Though I am a senior, and live on a fixed income, I will always vote for education. I owe it to the generation of my grandchildren. Thinking of the extra $40-50.oo per quarter it might cost you in taxes, is being selfish. - JHR
10/22 8:41am BHS (and all) - The decision to pursue a new school facility was based on a feasibility study conducted in 2002, which is available for review on the School Building Task Force web site: [here] This document goes into explicit detail of facility assessments, town growth projections, renovate vs. rebuild, etc (note that costs are shown in 2002 dollars). The study outlines that the projected cost to completely renovate Freeman _exceeds_ the cost of new construction, by over $1 million dollars. Furthermore, the state ultimately concluded that operating expenses for a renovated school would exceed those for new construction.
It's also worth noting that since the assessment was completed, the building infrastructure has aged another 7 years. The failed dry well from this past summer (as documented in last week's Boomerang, so you don't have to take my word for it), is a good example of unexpected and unplanned costs further compounding renovation and ongoing maintenance costs.
It is my opinion that the costs of servicing the existing facility are seriously misunderstood by those opposed to the new school construction. A no vote on Freeman will end up costing our community more money for less value.
Let it be stated for the record, perhaps for the first time in the history of Norfolknet, some documented facts are presented in support of the opinion.
- JH
10/22 8:40am Sure, I would love a new elementary school and would be inclined to support it. I just have two questions that I hope someone can answer: 1) Is the Commonwealth going to guarantee the reimbursement? I'm only thinking of the State's fiscal woes and their past history of trying to back out of and/or owing prison mitigation funding to Norfolk, just as an example.
2) Does the cost of the new school include everything? If you recall, when the HO Day School and new KP High were built, there was no money to finish furnishing the schools with technology and furniture, an additional cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
10/22 8:39am The 4H Norfolk Cottontail Club is sponsoring our annual food drive for the hungry. Items can be placed in containers located at the Norfolk Credit Union and the Norfolk Library. All food will be donated to local food pantries and food banks. During these tough times a small donation goes a long way for a hungry family. Please help us to help others. All donations are greatly appreciated. Thank You, - YP
10/22 8:38am If we vote for the school and the state reneges on providung their stated share is the vote still valid and we pay it all? Are we guarantedd the state funding? - RC
10/22 8:35am The Selectmen have issued the following Warrant (agenda) for the Autumn Town Meeting (attached) [Text here]. There are a total of 11 Articles (issues to be decided), including decisions whether to build a new elementary school (Article 4), public safety building (Article 5), to fund a Road Stabilization Fund (Article 6), and tax deferrals for seniors (Article 9). I expect the Town Meeting will begin and end in a single night, starting Tuesday, November 10 at 7 p.m. at the KP Middle School on King Street, but we have reserved a second night on Thursday, November 12 just in case. While the timing of debate is up to the voters at Town Meeting, I anticipate that the debate on the school will begin no later than 7:30 p.m. with a vote likely by 8:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., followed by debate and votes that same evening on the public safety building, roads and tax deferral proposals. The COA will be selling baked goods and (lots of) coffee and SACC will provide school-aged child care services from 6:45 p.m. to 9:30 pm for $5/child in the KP Middle School Library. The Scouts will perform a flag ceremony and lead the Pledge to start the meeting. Watch Norfolk Community TV during the week before the meeting for "how to" tips to participate in Town Meeting and let your voice be heard. Town Meeting is direct democracy and a great chance to shape important decisions without committing more than one or two nights of your time. Hope to see you there!
- Dan Winslow, Town Moderator
10/22 8:27am Does anyone know what the cost per thousand increase will be if the override to build a new school and the override for the Public safety is passed?
10/21 6:40pm Hi, I just thought I'd let people know that this Saturday night, October 24th, from 5:00-8:00pm the Norfolk recreation department has a fun activity for kids pre-k to grade 4. It is a "Saturday Night Fun" class and it's called "Creepy, Crawly, Halloween Party." The kids do all sorts of fun activities and crafts and they are given pizza for dinner. It only costs $27.00. My daughter absolutely loves going to this fun evening, and my husband and I love it too because it gives us a few hours to go to dinner or just relax. The number of kids enrolled for this Saturdays class is very low. Only two kids are registered. If more kids aren't signed up soon, I'm sure they will cancel the class. It has happened before and my daughter was so disappointed. Go on to Norfolk Recreation and check it out! - LSH
10/21 6:39pm The Vikings Pop Warner program is sponsoring the Monster Dash 5K Run/Walk on Saturday October 31. This is a fun run for the whole family, with costumes optional and kids races after the 5K. It will start at 10:00 AM at the Freeman Centennial School. There will be age group prizes, a best costume award, and post-race food. Go to www.nmmvikings.org for more information and a race application. - LK
10/21 6:38pm Help support Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer by visiting Uno Chicago Grill at the Wrentham Village Premium Outlet Mall on Friday, October 30, 2009. Dine-in or takeout, Uno will donate up to 20% of your check to Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer. Pick up your "Dough Raiser" coupons at the soccer field or at the Norfolk Public Library. Visit the Uno Chicago Grill website at www.unos.com - HK, Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer
10/21 6:37pm Trash pick-up - C&C Waste Management, 508-794-1008, is expanding their business route to Norfolk for $7.50 per week, curbside or designated area pick-up. They are a green company with employs the newest recycling called "sifted "recycling", which means everything goes in one trash can, no recycling bins to deal with. The trash is transported to a Westboro recycling center. They are cheaper than Callahan waste management and when you factor in your time and the over-all cost of Norfolk's transfer station, well, it works for me. - DM
10/21 6:36pm Hi, Just got a recorded call that they will be paving Union Street tomorrow morning and Medway St tomorrow afternoon starting at 7:00 in the morning. For those of you who drive to the Junior High or High School, you may want to seek alternate routes. - TO
10/21 6:35pm Hi Norfolk! Just a reminder to get your decorated pumpkins to the library by Friday for our annual pumpkin decorating contest! Read all about it here: [page link] and have a chance to win some great prizes! - Andrea, Youth Librarian, Norfolk Public Libraryg
10/21 6:34pm Days and nights are beginning to get colder! So if you need help exercising your pet, Leashrly Life would be happy to help. We offer pet sitting, dog walking and obedience training services. Ask about our special Fall rate for our 4-week training program. For more information visit www.leashrlylife.com or call 781-241-2083. - AW, Leashrly Life
10/21 6:33pm Great article in today's Times about what is at stake in our public education system. I have no illusions of changing DM's mind about the impact of bricks and mortar on the educational experience, but it makes a compelling case for enhancing education to benefit the overall economy in the broader sense. [NYT article]. - TC
10/21 6:32pm TO ER, Yes, a new school will encourage more families to move to Norfolk, but I think that is a good thing. I feel a greater demand for Norfolk homes will increase their value and help our overall tax burden. On the flipside, if you do not build a new school, families will leave, (especially those that can afford communities that understand the importance of education, ie more expensive homes therefore paying higher taxes) thereby decreasing our homes values and increasing those remaining's tax liability. It is a slippery slope, but there are plenty of examples of towns in the Commonwealth going down both paths with predictable results. All that being said, if we do this now, the State will pay for nearly 60% of it. If we don't, when we eventually get around to doing it because the school falls apart (almost there), we could very easily be on the hook for 100% of it. Seems pennywise and pound foolish to me.
- SD
10/21 6:29pm If we vote not to build a new school, does anyone know what the needed repairs/upgrades would cost the taxpayers? Are the repairs/upgrades covered with regular property tax -or- would we also need overrides in the coming years? I think we need to be educated on both what it would cost the taxpayer to repair/upgrade verse build new. Having a full financial disclosure on both keeping the existing building and building new would help me decide which way to vote. Any factual information out there? Web site? - BHS
10/21 6:26pm I know a great carpenter, handyman who does all kind of home projects. One of his specialties is window installations. He also does kitchens and bathrooms. I have used him to do window installations as well as other home improvement jobs. He did a way superior job in installing the windows (they are draft free) compared with the windows we had installed (which were more expensive windows) from Sears. I am sure he probably could fit you in if you call him soon. His Name is Kevin, 617-471-9022, and he runs Houde Remodeling. He is fully insured and liscensed. Good Luck. - CL
10/21 6:25pm I have a brand new Curious George children's costume available. The size is medium and am looking to get $25. Here is a link to show what the costume looks like: [page link] Contact me at carpenoch@aol.com if interested. Thanks. - TL
10/21 6:11pm Early bib pick up for Adam's Army Run is Friday October 23, 2009 5-8pm, Norfolk Public Library - NAS & JDK, Adam's Army Run
10/21 6:10pm DM: You are doing our children a great disservice by stating that there is not a direct correlation between home values and the performance of local schools. If you do some research, you will quickly find that you are incorrect. It was also not easy to obtain potential state funding for a new school. The time to act is now. We cannot assume that the funds will be available again. Most likely, they will not. There is a difference between an investment and an expense. A new school is an investment, on many levels, and should be viewed as such.
- CS
10/21 6:09pm The Garden Club of Norfolk Inc is holding their Annual Fall Fund Raiser "Holiday Magic and Christmas Traditions" on Wednesday November 11th at 7pm at the Norfolk Public Library. The speaker will be the renowned and entertaining, Betty Call, who will make several floral arrangements and talk about the origins of the many ways we decorate for the holidays. The event is open to the public and there is a suggested $10 donation. This includes a ticket for door prize raffle of one of Betty's floral arrangements. There will also be a raffle of the rest of her creations and also several themed gift baskets made by GC members open to all. Space is limited. Please contact Joanne W. at 508 528 8526 for further details.
- BZ, Garden Club of Norfolk
10/21 6:08pm Does Norfolk have an overnight parking ban? - DH
10/21 6:07pm DM - That you can take my very short post in response to your statements and assume that I have no idea how people are struggling is absolutely laughable. You certainly are high upon that horse of yours. - SF (SF2)
10/21 6:06pm JM, we have used Paul J. Brennan for electrical work. [...] His card is posted on the Norfolknet business card list. The only thing he does it on the weekends as he works full time. His cell #is 508 617 3475. - PRB
10/21 6:05pm TC: I could not agree with you more. For DM to suggest that school and housing prices do not reflect one another is a joke. The reality is that even if we vote no for the new school, we will still have to pay for repairs. And that is very costly and may not be something that we can afford with the 2 1/2% we usually pay. So, we may be looking at an override at some point in time for that expense. And that to me, that is simply a waste of money. At some point, a property becomes a tear-down. This property is not a historical property to preserve. It is a functional building that has outlived its usefulness.
We are getting money back from the state to help with the school. We lose that if we do not accept. It is not like we get put back at the front of the line in the queue and say that we will take it at a later date. We will most likely forfeit that money for good. Then we will be faced with building a new school without any state aid later. That seems senseless to me. And a real waste of money.
Everyone is worried about the economy. And I think they should be. They should worry about their largest asset, their home. Most have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested them. Desirable communities have schools that people want. Desirable communities maintain or grow house values. That is a real fact that will never go away. So you may say, well, I don't want my tax burden to increase by $40 per month. Well, fine. But is it okay for your long term investment to lose thousands instead? Think about that. And if you want to argue that the building itself doesn't matter, than you are just fooling yourself. It does. Especially when it comes to schools.
Our town is doing okay. It still has potential to grow and prosper. Many towns have reached their peak and are now starting to wane. We are in a fortunate position. We really are.
- JN
10/20 2:30pm Regarding Freeman, DM, personal financial situations cannot be debated, but it is disingenuous to state that the quality of public schools (including facilities) does not have a significant impact on your home's overall market value. I'd invite you to talk to a realtor, or review this article from last month's BusinessWeek discussing this very topic: [article]. This provides an argument for continued educational funding, well beyond facility improvements. Additionally, it is simply conjecture, and not fact, that state funding will be available in the future. It is encouraging to see the preponderance of messages in support for the new Freeman facility. However, this support means nothing without attending TM to voice this support when it counts. Stakeholders should plan for necessary childcare arrangements now, to ensure availability to attend.
There is a Freeman tour scheduled for 7pm October 27th, starting at Door 10. This will provide everyone the opportunity to view the current state of the facility first hand, and discuss specifics with the proposed building project manager and architect.
- JH
10/20 2:27pm Michael Tougias to present slides/lecture on the Coast Guard's most daring rescue, at the Norfolk Public Library. Author Michael Tougias will appear at the Library on Oct. 21st at 7:00 p.m. to give a slide presentation on his new book The Finest Hours: The True Story of the U.S. Coast Guard's Most Daring Sea Rescue. The program is sponsored by the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library, is free and open to the public.
On February 18th, 1952 an astonishing maritime event began when a ferocious nor'easter split in half a 500-foot long oil tanker, the Pendleton, approximately one mile off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Incredibly, just twenty miles away, a second oil tanker, the Fort Mercer, also split in half. On both fractured tankers men were trapped on the severed bows and sterns, and all four sections were sinking in 60-foot seas. Thus began a life and death drama of survival, heroism, and a series of tragic mistakes. Of the 84 seamen aboard the tankers, 70 would be rescued and 14 would lose their lives.
Michael Tougias, co-author of The Finest Hours, will use slides of the storm, the sinking tankers, the rescues, the victims, the survivors and the heroes to tell the story of this historic event. Tougias will describe the harrowing attempts to rescue the seamen, especially focusing on four young Coast Guardsmen who must overcome insurmountable odds to save the lives of 32 crewmen stranded aboard the stern of the Pendleton.
- Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
10/20 2:25pm DM: I find it puzzling that you say no new taxes for a school based on the fact that these are hard times, yet you rather glibly suggest those who want more than an "acceptable" education for their children pursue private school. Have you checked the tuition at a private school lately? It's upwards of $25k annually. Your point strikes me as extremely classist and not at all in the spirit of every citizen has a right to an education. Of course, that ignores the larger, and more philosphical argument about the value of public education to us as a society, and the risks of not investing in it, as this country has done for decades now. You reap what you sow, and now is the time to sow the seeds of success in our children: mine, yours, and everyone's, not just those who can afford a private education. Are you really prepared to see American students fall farther behind than they already have and be okay with that? I sense you're angry about other things here in Norfolk, and you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. - TC
10/20 2:24pm A new school is going to encourage more new families and children to fill the new classrooms... So more roads, fire equipment, DPW equipment will follow and soon all buildings will be splitting their seams again. - ER
10/20 2:19pm Wm, I received this email today from the Public Schools. Don't know if it would be appropriate to post on the site. Seems to me that people might be interested in it. Also, anyone who is having a knee- jerk reaction to the spending of money for the new school should check out this website: [ACT NOW page] press-coverage Our children are our most important resource in this country. They are our best hope to pull out of any recession and they are worth sacrificing for.
From: "NORFOLK PUBLIC SCHOOLS"Date: October 20, 2009 12:07:52 PM EDT Subject: Freeman-Centennial Public Tour NORFOLK PUBLIC SCHOOLS Message sent - 10/20/2009 Freeman-Centennial Tour Public Tour of Freeman Centennial Building Tuesday, October 27 7:00 p.m. [... see below post ] - LJK
10/20 2:18pm LMM: Thank you for clarifying the e-mail question. I appreciate your reply and can see where the misunderstanding may be coming from a little better now. - CS
10/20 2:15pm Just received notice of a public tour of the Freeman-Centennial School to help the town become better educated about the existing school property and what upgrades are required. If you are planning to vote in the town meeting on November 10th, this is a great opportunity to become better educated on the subject of a new school verse upgrade existing school. Your vote counts. Notice: Public Tour of Freeman Centennial Building- BHS
Tuesday, October 27 7:00 p.m.A tour of the Freeman-Centennial School will be offered at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27. The tour will provide residents an opportunity to hear about and view the building concerns that have lead to the proposal of the new school building project. Both the project manager and architect will be available to explain the project and answer questions. The tour will begin at the main entrance of the school, Door 10.
The tour has been arranged by Norfolk's ACT NOW (Advocacy and Communication Toward Norfolk's Opportunity Window).
For more information about the proposed school building project or ACT NOW, log on to ACT NOW's website [ACT NOW page link] or contact Linda M. at 508-541-1460.
10/20 2:10pm I have a few comments about the proposed override for a new school. I have heard that the debt for town hall is ending soon, is that correct? If town hall will be paid for soon there is no reason why we can not pass a debt exclusion for the new school. Our tax burden should not change if one project is being paid off and another is being built. I will not support a permanent override to build a school or any other major project. The other thing to keep in mind is that we need a new public safety building. I feel the two most important services we have in town are the schools and public safety; we need to address those two issues but not over burden the tax payers. Good schools and public safety are good for property values, but high property taxes are very bad for property values. Hope we can figure this out. - MG
10/20 2:08pm I am looking for a handyman/carpenter to install a few replacement windows in my home as soon as possible. Does anyone know of a reputable contractor who looking for work? Ultimately, I am trying to have this work done before 10/25. - ML
10/20 2:06pm If anyone has a pop-up canopy that we can borrow on Saturday 10/24, for Adam's Army Run, we truly appreciate it. Just call us 508-528-7553. Thanks, - Nancy & Dave K., Adam's Army Run
10/20 2:04pm Junior Girl Scout Troop #73619 would like to thank the NCL and Norfolk Lions for giving them the opportunity to share in the FUN at the Haunted Train Ride. It was a great experience setting up pumpkins and working the "mini-train" for the toddlers. Thanks to Tim Holmes for letting our co-leader, Dennis Healy, be the conductor on the mini-train. The weather was beautiful and we had a blast and hope we can share the fun again next year ! - JLH, DH & TC, Junior Girl Scout Troop #73619 Norfolk
10/20 2:03pm Can anyone recommend an electrician to put in recess lighting in our kitchen? I see a few recommendations on the website, but they are from 2007. - JM
10/20 2:01pm LMM - I consider ignoring e-mails from parents asking a teacher a direct question about how their child is doing or what work they are missing not doing their job. What would you call it? I have also been told by more then 1 teacher the reason that some teachers are not responding is because of Union contracts. As far as my job goes if I did not put the effort into responding to customers in a manner of their choosing I would lose a customer and quite possibly my job. If you as my customer asked me a question via e-mail or what ever was convenient for you and I chose to ignore you would you say I was doing my job? - MP
10/20 2:00pm Mr. Talerman, I thank you for the volunteering suggestion. Unfortunately, that isn't something in which my mother could participate. She's dealing with many health issues. As for the 'condition' of the Freeman/Centennial school, I was there recently and had a good opportunity to see it from one end to the other. Really, except for it not being as pretty or aesthetically pleasing as the newer H. Olive Day, I think it's fine. Kids don't care where they are going to school. It has everything a school needs for the children to learn. It's a school. My son is 8 years old and in 3rd grade. He tells me he loves it there.
Not to sound like a dullard but, I've never really understood the fairly recent trend of tearing buildings down to the ground. Why do homes, schools, college buildings or houses of worship from the 1600's, 1700's, 1800's get spared? Will Norfolk's St. Jude's be torn down after it celebrates its 60th anniversary for a newer, better one? How about the Grange Hall? The Federated Church? The oldest part of the Library (red part)? I often think that we won't have any examples of 1900's buildings to mark as historic or significant.
Just sayin'.
PS: NorfolkNet posters, please be kind when you post your comments about my own comments. Thanks!
- RB (RB4)
10/20 1:27pm How about the Wm doing a quick poll of whose in favor of
New school | Public Safety Building | Both | Neither- PC
[I made the links active; results below and up-to-date results hererequire_once 'tally.php'; $what = 'buy_new_school:blue:New school,buy_public_safety_building:yellow:Public Safety Building,buy_both:green:Both,buy_neither:red:Neither'; echo report_counts('', $what) ?> - Wm.
Update 10/21 6:20pm: Notice: duplicate votes are not weeded out, so the results reflect not only the public sentiment but also people's willingness to lean on the scale. Norfolk's very own Karzai-o-meter, as it were. - Wm. ]
10/20 1:25pm Will the town issue municipal bonds to fund a portion of the proposed new school? If so, that would be a great vehicle for those concerned about a tax increase to earn some extra yield and offset the cost of marginally higher property taxes. AL, your comments were spot on. We can't afford to pass up this great opportunity to enrich our local community. So many homebuyers look at school infrastructure when selecting a future residence. Studies show that new schools actually increase home values and communities that pass over this "one in a generation" opportunity suffer in the long run. Vote Yes!!
- BC
10/20 1:24pm DM: No one wants to pay more taxes, but few want to have to pay for private school either. The Freeman Centennial School building is not "serviceable," it is deplorable. It is a testament to the teachers and administrators that they work around the limitations of the physical plant as well as they do. The kids deserve better. We, too, will be through with FC by the time a new school is built. But we owe it to all those who had the foresight to build the new junior high and high school for the kids coming along behind their own to do the same. FC was built in 1949! It's time to build a new one and if we squander this opportunity, we will have only ourselves to blame. Up-to-date educational facilities improve education in every way possible. We need to do this for the kids, our property values, and the good of our community. These young students will be paying our social security; let's give them every chance we can to get a good start in life. - TC
10/20 1:16pm Voter Registration deadline for Special Town Meeting - Saturday, October 31, 2009, is the last day to register to vote at the Special Town Meeting to be held on November 10, 2009. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before November 10th may register by mail or in person at the Town Clerk's Office. Regular office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM to 6:00PM. On Saturday, October 31st, the office will be open from 9:00AM until 8:00PM pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 51. Mail in registration forms must be postmarked by October 31st or earlier in order to qualify. - Gail Bernardo, Norfolk Town Clerk
10/20 1:14pm A few years ago on my daughter's first day of third grade at the Freeman Centennial I asked her if she had made it to her classroom easily. She replied "yeah, I went through McBride down to the old gym and when it started to smell funny I made a right." And she was right! The old section of Freeman is falling apart and it houses most of the third and fourth grade classrooms. I encourage anyone doubting the need for a new school to take a tour of the FC, the whole school, the classrooms, bathrooms, stairwells all of it. See how convoluted it is to get from one place to the next. Walk, see and smell the environment our children spend a large part of 4 years in. A new school would benefit our children and the town as a whole. - NJD
10/20 1:09pm Last Friday the KP Warriors suffered their first defeat this season with a 20 - 14 loss to Fairhaven. This Friday the Warriors face one of their toughest in league game against North Attleboro. The game is away at 7pm and we can use all the green and gold we can muster. It should be a great game. Go KP! - ES
10/20 12:58pm CK and BM - Here to report that we are woefully average. Over six months we averaged 99 gallons per person in a six person house with teenagers that thankfully shower often enough. I think larger families skew the average upwards because of the physical limits of washers and dishwashers. For that reason I would think the smaller the household, the better they would do against the average. DM and JH - I think the reimbursement by the state for a portion of the school building is a hard thing to discard. Each family will make their decision based on their own circumstances. I just wish we'd been able to build one campus to house our K-6 population. It just doesn't make any sense to me that with a population this size we have two different campuses and all the redundant costs.
- MM
10/20 12:48pm SF, that is not just the way it works; take off your rose colored glasses. Do you have any idea how many people are struggling during this economic crisis, people who just can't afford any additional tax burden to our out of control tax bills? Sounds like you have no idea. Will the school provide an acceptable public education in its current state? Sure will. Should we make improvements when the town and economy is in better financial shape - yes; now is not that time. The state will provide money at another time. We will have to wait for that time because our elected officials have guided us into this mess over the years. If folks in this town feel the school system won't provide a quality education than there are options called private schooling. By the way, the argument of our house values dropping if we don't do this is ridiculous, our home values will maintain market value unless we choose to stop maintaining them or the market continues to drop do to economic conditions.
Hopefully people will remember the financial condition the town is in when elections come, it's time for change Norfolk the good old boys club needs to retire. We can't continue with business as usual.
- DM
10/20 12:46pm Fight the temptation to bring in teacher contract issues with the proposed new elementary school. Likewise, keep the middle school and the high school separate - they are regional entities. Instead, focus on the current Freeman Centennial school - a building with an inefficent and outdated physical plant. The state has earmarked funds for us to build a new energy efficient (meaning future cost savings on heating and lighting) facility that will address the educational needs of Norfolk children in the 21st century. Using one poster's analogy to a vehicle - there's only so much maintenance you can perform on your car before you start throwing good money after bad and doing without safety innovations like ABS. Precisely because times are lean is the reason to pursue a new school - we are at the top of the state's list for monies, there's a competitive bidding climate for construction projects, and we can take advantage of any government sponsored grants that promote green buildings. - DA
10/20 12:45pm DM: Just for the record, I hate kool-aid. You seem Hell-bent on attacking people who spend hours volunteering - for no pay I maight add - to help run this town. I guess that is your right, but your long ramblings about misappropriation of monies and grandiose spending is an old argument that seems to come up right before every town meeting. It is old and tired and I do not see any legitimate facts here, just opinions.
Does our town need a new school? Well, I have spent some time in Freeman and I can say that I am not crazy about the school building. The teachers inside and the educational part are great. But the school itself needs to be replaced. Let's not be penny wise and pound foolish to think that we can simply patch it up. We still will need to spend our tax dollars to do that and I do not think it is a wise investment over time. But we all get a vote, including you, and the majority rules. So hopefully people will come to Town Meeting and vote.
I have not lived in a town yet where there is not a need to spend money to maintain or improve its infrastructure. I have not seen money spent in this town that does not make it a more enjoyable town to raise kids and live. I happen to think we are lucky to have the leadership we do. It may not be perfect, nothing is, but I have seen improvements over the 7 years I have lived here and I do not see a lot of wasteful spending. And that is a fact.
- JN
10/20 12:44pm CS - KPTA has advised us to use email as we normally would. Some who have been using the blog and complaining may be upset because they've been told by administration that teachers do not have to use email. - LMM
10/18 7:47pm DM - Just curious, do you have children that attend or will attend Freeman Centennial? No one wants to pay more taxes. But this school is something our children desperately need. And with the financial support given to us by the state, now is the time to do it. If we want to keep our house values up, we have to invest in this town. That's just the way it works.
Vote yes to the new school.
- SF (SF2)
10/18 7:46pm I feel that I must join the discussion over building a new school, even though my children will be out of the Norfolk system by the time it is built. The current FC school is run down and we are in need of a new school. For those of you who do not feel the need for a new school, I invite you to spend 6 hours, just as our students do every day, in that school. The space as it is configured does not work at all, and if you were asked to work every day in a place like it, you would soon be looking for a new position. Our students cannot do that, and nor do we want our teachers and administrators doing that. The quad configuration which may have been the latest thing when it was built only serves to have noisy classrooms where students cannot learn. My son tells me that he won't use the bathroom during the day because most of the stalls do not have doors. Do the restrooms at your place of business have doors? I am sure that they do. Have a little bit of empathy for our students, both current and future, and vote for a new school. Perhaps it won't directly benefit you (as it will not benefit my own family) but it will benefit our town, our state, and ultimately our country. Maybe that it is a big impact from a tiny school, but I do feel that we need to educate our students to the best of our ability for the future of our nation. Best of our ability sometimes means spending the money for a new school. - AL
10/18 7:45pm LMM: You seem passionate about this topic. Are you willing to answer the question I have had pending for a while now? What specific communication between the KPTA and the member teachers addresses teaching to the contract? Is/was there a specific request to limit e-mail responses to parent inquiries, due to the contract? Is the public entitled to view any type of document defining union compliance (if it exists)? Honestly, I was disappointed that when pay and time off was mentioned, there was an immediate reply from KPTA members. When "teach to the contract" is mentioned, silence. All we ask is for clarity, please.
- CS
10/18 7:05pm Please, consider passing the proposal to build a new school with state funds. As a parent and a taxpayer, I feel that this singular vote is critical for our town. I have many issues with the overall KP system, but it would be insane to let this opportunity pass Norfolk by. - CS
10/18 7:04pm DMM - RE: 10/18 5:19pm Anyone know why so many teacher from King Philip High were absent on Friday? Both of my children had three teacher out and one of their friends had 5 teachers absent. Thanks. - DMM It is our professional obligation to remain current and up to date in our disciplines. Personally, I was at a two day AP Biology Training session put on by the College Board. These trainings are very useful in learning lab and teaching techniques from the standpoint of the College Board and are directly related to the exam. The sessions are taught by AP instructors and readers with years of experience. Both the superintendent, principal and teachers see the value of being able to explore the content in this forum. I will be returning Monday with three new labs to implement in the AP course and two new labs to add to the honors biology course. I also have two labs that can be adapted to the college prep level as well. Hands on activities strengthen our students' ability to reason and solve problems, a common goal to all disciplines. Unfortunately, College Board, NABT, and NSTA all put their trainings on weekdays. I only attend the local College Board workshop and the MABT conference which is held on a Saturday. National workshops and workshops that extend beyond two days are impractical due to the time taken out of the classroom. All of my students were left with materials for independent learning directly related to tomorrow's exam and the unit that will begin immediately following. AP was left with an activity that surveys the Kingdoms. None of my students were provided a study hall or unsupervised activities.
10/18 7:01pm As I read the posts regarding the upcoming override proposals and the need for fiscal prudence I'm trying to understand the thought process behind [the] in favor of. This is an easy decision this town should absolutely vote no for any increases now an in the foreseeable future. We need to pay down debt before we ask the tax payers for additional burden to our already out of control tax bills with little services to show for. Fiscal prudence is not running up our tax bills just because our elected officials and some special interest groups feel the need to replace a school that is serviceable. Maybe we would be in better fiscal position had we not wasted away so much money in past years on grandiose capital investment projects and agreeing to union contracts the town couldn't afford, projects that were not necessary in providing basic services to the town. Now we don't have enough money for that; an example is the condition of the roads. Our elected officials are not disciplined enough put monies away for this basic service without asking for an over-ride and a special account to ensure the monies are used for that purpose.
Oh by the way, the town approved an over-ride several years ago just for the roads, however, our elected officials felt the need to misapropriate those funds and allocate them to pay for other shortfalls in the budget. Just because the state is providing funds to build another school doesn't mean we the town are in good fiscal position to take on that debt. Let's see, I want to buy a new truck even though my budget can't afford to do so - oh what the heck lets buy it anyway, I'll just go to my boss and ask for a raise. Yea right...
- DM
10/18 6:56pm MP - "Meanwhile the teachers are not doing their jobs because of union contract issues between the Town and them." I truly take offense to this statement. Please, what part of my job am I not doing? Blanket statements like this only serve to fuel rumors. If you have evidence of a specific teacher or teachers not doing their jobs, then bring that up with administration. Failure to fulfill the duties of the contract is something that the administration should be made aware of and they should address it with the individual teacher(s) However, if you are referring to teachers limiting or omitting volunteer work, please tell me what the penalties at your company are should you wish to not volunteer your time beyond the work day?
10/18 5:23pm RB4, as JN said, attending Town Meeting is key to having your voice heard. As to your mom, please know that the Council on Aging is working closely with the Board of Selectmen to strengthen programs that are designed to give seniors relief from taxes. For example, any senior can enroll in a program that allows them to exchange volunteer hours for a decrease in their taxes. At Town Meeting, the Council on Aging will also be promoting a strengthened version of a tax deferral program for fixed income seniors. - Jay Talerman - Chair, Council on Aging
10/18 5:21pm JN, respectfully I disagree with you on your points. I understand how town government works. My point is our elected officials should be communicating fiscal restraint during the worst economic crisis since the great depression. Our elected officials and their appointees should be recommending to the town's people the need for fiscal restraint at this time. Over the past several years I haven't heard this communicated to the town's people during town meeting. What I have heard and witnessed them communicate at town meeting is the need to spend, spend and spend more and more of our tax dollars, to the point that there isn't enough money to maintain the roads and basic services without asking for what appears to be a request for an operating over-ride along with over-rides for capital investment (hint New Public Safety Building). I don't agree with the case our selectmen are making for a new school - when our houses are in need of upgrading do we demolish them and start over? Not usually; we repair and upgrade them. Our home values will not decline in Norfolk because we don't build a new school or public safety building, they will continue to maintain market value regardless. Don't drink the Kool-Aid our selectmen continue to pour down our throats. Our town officials have made bad decisions over the years such as agreeing to these ridicules union contracts for teaches and town workers. Did our teaches agree to rework their contacts last spring and try and save jobs? I think not. When I see behavior like this I don't have any sympathy for the loss of jobs, they made the decision not to re-negotiate and try to help the town get through rough times. Oh by the way was created by our elected officials in the first place. Maybe we should let them walk for a while the next time their contract comes up for re-negotiation, it won't take long for them to come to their senses and agree to a fair contract the town can afford. If the teaches don't like it they have choices like we do working in the private sector.
- DM
10/18 5:20pm Just posting to say thank you to all those involved in putting together theHaunted Train Ride and Maze. My kids had an absolutely wonderful time and my two year old will not stop jumping up and down and yelling "I love the train!" You all put on a wonderful show and we greatly appreciate it! - KID
10/18 5:19pm Anyone know why so many teacher from King Philip High were absent on Friday? Both of my children had three teacher out and one of their friends had 5 teachers absent. Thanks. - DMM
10/18 5:18pm Another tax override - how many have we had in the last 10 years? The Town wants more money to build another school. We just added on to the Middle school and High school; now there isn't enough money to pay the teachers. The classrooms are overcrowded (wasn't the idea of the additions to reduce the size of the classes?) So now what we have a bigger school we can not afford to put teachers in the classrooms? Let's do that with the elementary school also. Meanwhile the teachers are not doing their jobs because of union contract issues between the Town and them. They feel with unemployment at almost 10% that they deserve a pay increase. The Town seems to feel that it needs yet another increase. I wish I could go to my boss and say I need a pay increase every time I feel I deserve something new. Taxes have gone up and up and the Town wants more and more and the tax payer gets less and less in services.
- MP
10/18 5:17pm Generally I vote against most over ride requests. However I believe turning down state money to replace the Freeman will cost us more money when the decision to override in a better economy is successful. Between lost state sponsorship and inflation, Norfolk would be shooting themselves in the foot on future expense. - RW
10/18 5:16pm Something Special is now open on Sundays 11 to 4 p.m. - Joan Abramson, Something Special
10/18 5:15pm BHS - I had to smile while reading your post. Our water usage was 55,000 gal. for 4 people; one of them a teen that now insists on showering twice a day... enjoy the low usage while you can! We also transplanted a small tree this summer, but I don't think it, or the vegie garden, used nearly as much water as the teenager! - CI
10/18 5:14pm Fiscal prudence is a trait I admire. In the case of the Freeman-Centennial School, it is fiscally prudent to bring a new facility on board. The current facility is woefully suited for its educational mission, and its failing infrastruture represents a money pit. We should accept the state monies available for the project without delay. While the economic climate certainly presents hardship for all, it also presents an opportunity to take advantage of the Commonwealth's largesse and a construction bidding atmosphere that can only play in the town's favor. In addition, if energy efficiency incentives, like the $1500 energy tax credit for homeowners, are available for green construction of public buildings, why shouldn't Norfolk take advantage? It seems to be a wise investment in the town's future. - DA
10/17 12:07pm Have upright two compartment freezer in good working condition. Call Tom @ 508 528 6189 - TH
10/17 11:53am No new taxes Norfolk, wake-up go to town meeting tell our irresponsible officials no to this madness!! - DM To DM: A few years back, without any knowledge about how this town is run, I might have bought into your logic. However, after volunteering on a couple of town committees and understanding more, I could not disagree with you more.
This town is run by us, the residents of Norfolk. We vote on all budgets at town meeting. There is not a lot that can go on in this town that we are not privy to. (Except perhaps KPHS, which seems to be run by the School Committee and the Teacher's Union. But let's not go there.)
After the money from taxes is divided out, most going to the schools, there is not a whole lot left. If we want our town to stay great and continue to improve, than we have to invest in it. We invest by paying taxes. It seems logical to me that the nicer my town is, the more valuable my prime investment is. That would be my home. I also want to have an opportunity to send my child to well run schools. I realize that this takes money and I know that people do not like to see their taxes rise. I know I don't. But you cannot squeeze blood from a turnip, so we all have to pitch in.
Blaming the Selectmen and their appointees is not helpful at all. People need to start showing up at Town Meeting. Last time I went, I think there were 300 people. 300 hundred making decisions for 10,000+.
That to me shows irresponsibility. We have all been irresponsible. We have no one to blame but ourselves. I think apathy is running this town. And that is the problem.
- JN
10/17 11:46am DM, Well put! I am with you. I see my mom struggle to pay her real estate taxes as it is. I'm not as longtime a resident as she but, I too feel the pinch. Norfolk needs to slow down on the grandiose planning until the economy 'recovers' for us all. Whenever that is... - RB (RB4)
10/17 11:42am Looking for inputs on wood flooring contractors for a kitchen install. Currently talking with New England Floors (Millis and Milford) and Payless in Walpole. It would be helpful If you can share any recent experiences with either, or recommend a contractor that you used. Thanks. - SB
10/17 11:39am Responsible, 37-yr-old woman with family in Norfolk is looking for pet-friendly (2 cats), 1-bedroom apartment to rent starting in Dec. Length of stay could be 6-9 months, or longer depending on college acceptances. Excellent references. Contact box219@norfolknet.com. Thanks! - RW
10/17 11:38am The Energy Seminar at the library last night was great. The presenter was an excellent speaker. If it's broadcast on Norfolk cable, make a point not to miss it. - SO
10/17 10:10am Norfolk Public Library offers workshop especially for mothers of teens - Motherhood as a Transformative Journey The Teen Years: A Growth Opportunity. "Motherhood is not only about mothering the child, it is also about the mother herself. There are many phases during a mother's journey where it is difficult if not impossible for a mother to take care of her own psychological well-being. Teenage children place special demands upon mothering, and challenge assumptions about love and caring. At such times mood swings, anxiety, depression, guilt and anger are normal and completely natural emotions".Dr. Kumkum Malik will offer a three part series of conversations around how mothers can view the teenage years as a growth opportunity for themselves. These conversations will focus on the mother's journey, and the road forward. This workshop will not be addressing how to parent teens.When: Sundays, 2.30-4.30, on October 25th, November 1, November 8 Where: Library Meeting Room Cost: Free of charge What to bring: Pen & paper Registration: Please call the library at 508-528-3380 x.2 to register
Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
10/17 10:07am My wife and I are planning on natural childbirth for our second child to be born in December. I was wondering if anybody had any decent, informative books that maybe we could borrow? We are on a waiting list for "Husband Coached Childbirth". We are looking into that book and any other that may prove useful. We had enrolled in a class and weren't happy with the results. Maybe the Wm can give you my email if anybody has any books they would like to share. Thank you for your time. [You can reach BP through box218@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - BP
10/17 10:00am DM - It can be argued that one of the most fiscally conservative and responsible actions we can take, is to accept a $17 million dollar lottery ticket from the state, massively decreasing the cost of an educational facility. A facility, which in the estimation of the state, even if extensively renovated, would be fiscally inefficient to operate. I invite all to compare the costs of inaction - measured at $16 million++ over 10 years to incrementally renovate and maintain school building components. After which we'd be faced with the full burden of replacement costs, with little to no future opportunity for matching funds from the state.
The reality we must face is that the Freeman school building and systems has reached the end of its lifespan, by any reasonable assessment of the situation. I, for one, would prefer to receive community value for our tax dollars, rather than to see continued waste. I think you would ultimately agree.
- JH
10/17 9:59am In reply to BM's posting, we used 30,000 gallons of water - same as you - 2 adults, 2 kids, no pool, car washing or lawn watering. I attribute our water usuage to showers and laundry - I don't think this amount is out of the ordinary, but I'm interested to hear what others have used. - CK
10/17 9:57am BM - Great question and thought process. I was thinking the same thing as I read my water bill last night. We are a family of 5 and consumed 40,000 gallons of water during the last period. This calculates out to be roughly 44 gallons per day per person. At first I thought that was a high number. I googled the subject and learned the US averages 100 gallons per person per day. (Some studies suggest 150 gallons, and some suggest 80 gallons per day). When I read the national average, I was feeling pretty 'green' being way under national average. My wife attributes our low water use to the fact that our kids shower entirely too infrequently (yet to hit teenage years). Your number (31,000/180 days / 4 people) comes out even better 34.4 gallons per day per person - way to go! How did other folks do? - BHS
10/17 9:43am DM - Interesting points made about increase in taxes. Do you know when the increase in taxes would take effect? I've heard some say the increase in taxes would not begin until 2012 when the economy would be in better shape and hopefully unemployment lower than current levels. I'd like to see some financial information (facts rather than rumors) as to the cost of the new overrides, when the increase of taxes would begin, how much of an increase and more importantly, what would be the cost to the taxpayer if the proposals did not go through. A full and complete financial picture, from all angles, based on facts, would help the voters make an educated decision based on their own situations. - BHS
10/17 9:42am Dan Winslow - Many thanks for the posting about the town meeting and for providing child care - very much appreciated. Do you know when the agenda will be published? I'm hopeful that the vote for the new elementary school will be in the first half of the meeting. I'm looking forward to seeing you there and casting my votes. - BHS
10/17 9:41am [Update 10:05, 11:58: question about KPTA removed on request; info will first be sought elsewhere - Wm.]
10/17 8:37am JU: Great post about stop signs on Everett!! Now let's take them down!! - TPC
10/17 8:36am HRB - I agree with everything you said in your last post. It seems to me that many of the comments on this web-blog get pretty crazy at times, to say the least. We ought to have strict censorship of all words written everywhere, and if that doesn't work, we hire Gerry Spence or Perry Mason to go after the scurrilous and free-thinking citizens, and drain their pockets so they can't even afford to eat and rue the day they speak out against the government. What do you think? Although I think that #2 point you had might be an urban legend. But we should check that out as well.
10/16 5:12pm There will be a Norfolk Republican Town Meeting on October 19th at 7:30 in the library. All are welcome! - AB-G
10/15 9:01pm Norfolk's Special Autumn Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 10, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the KP Middle School on King Street. If needed, the second night will be conducted on Thursday, November 12. All registered voters are welcome to attend and decide important issues including whether to build a new elementary school and other issues affecting quality of life and fiscal considerations in our community. As before, there will be school age child care available in the Middle School from 6:45 p.m. to about 9 p.m. during Town Meeting. COA hosts a bake sale and coffee and I believe will be doing so again for this Meeting. The TM Warrant (agenda of issues to be decided) will be posted as soon as I receive it from the Selectmen. Please plan to attend and make your voice and vote count. - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator
10/15 9:00pm Can some one give an idea of typical water usage in town? I am new to townand used 31,000 gallons between 4/1 and 10/1. Seems like a lot but I'd like to do a little benchmarking before getting too concerned. 2 adults, 2 kids, no pool, no lawn watering, no car washing, etc. Thanks - BM 10/15 8:54pm Thank you all for your support and efforts in making this 1st Annual road race possible. Please spread the word! Runners and walkers welcome. [Oct 24, 11am at the Freeman-Centennial School] The Committee will be flyering the town in the next week or so and with your help as well we can get the word out there as much as possible. The first scholarship will be given in Sgt. Adam P. Kennedy's honor after the race as well. Visit www.sgtadamkennedy.com for more information.
- LS
10/15 8:49pm Hello, I want to thank all of you that wrote and told me about the town of Norfolk (which we plan on moving to). You have given me so many wonderful ideas. Your letters to my e mail (arubaen@aol.com) have been much appreciated. However, someone evidently forgot where my e-mail came from (when I wrote to thank her) and she was upset... I am so sorry. Perhaps after seeing this, you will recall the letter. - SK
10/15 8:48pm Town Meeting is scheduled for Nov 10 th & 12 th ... Here we go again, our elected town officials acting as irresponsible as ever in making their case to raise taxes with up to three over-ride proposals on the table that could raise the average tax bill between $600 to $900 dollars per year. I don't know what newspapers they read or financial reports they look at, (maybe they don't follow the news and market trends at all, they continue to look through their rose colored glasses). Hum, let's take a look. The economy continues to lose jobs at an alarming rate and many economist are projecting a double dip recession that could take us through 2011. We are in this financial situation because our elected officials acted irresponsibly in the past and show no signs of changing their ways anytime soon. The folks in this town need to stop our elected officials from this madness. We need to vote NO on any proposals that will raise our taxes above the 2.5% they get annually!! Here's an idea let's live within our means now that's a novel idea!! New data released by the Mass Labor Department shows that unemployment in the state of Mass is at its highest level (9.3%) since 1976 and is expected to grow. Mass employers cut 9000 jobs in September and work remains scarce.
The jobless rate rose to 9.3 percent in September from 9.1 percent in August, exceeding the percent peak rate of 9.1 percent reached during the deep New England recession of the early 1990s, this information coming from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development.
No new taxes Norfolk, wake-up go to town meeting tell our irresponsible officials no to this madness!!
- DM
10/15 8:46pm Haunted Train Ride - volunteers needed. Almost as much fun as riding the train is setting up all of the cool stuff for this event! We need anyone able to help for any length of time between 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 17th at the Holmes Fields on Myrtle Street in Norfolk. Just show up and we'll put you to work! Please contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or Tracy H. at 508-541-2388 with any questions. - PMC
10/15 8:45pm Haunted Train Ride sold out! Thanks to everyone who purchased tickets to the 8th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Maze co-sponsored by the Norfolk Community League and Norfolk Lions Club and taking place this Saturday, October 17th, from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Holmes Fields on Myrtle Street in Norfolk. Once again, this popular event is sold out! Just a reminder that tickets are not available at the gate and you must have a ticket to enter the parking lot. For those lucky enough to have tickets, please remember to come in a costume and bring a non-perishable donation for the Norfolk Food Pantry. Note that this year only snack foods will be available in the food tent. As it gets darker, the ride gets scarier! Bring the little ones on the early side!
In the event of rain, a notice will be posted on www.norfolkcommunityleague.org at 11:00 a.m. if postponement to rain date of October 24th is necessary.
Please contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or Tracy H. at 508-541-2388 with any questions.
10/15 8:44pm Small business or home office swamped with administrative tasks? I do administrative work on a contract basis and can help with all kinds of things... word processing, spreadsheets, power point, filing, proofing, even errands. Email me about your project or ongoing need at pam@hwcurtis.com. - PC
10/15 8:42pm Regarding the stop signs on Everett St, the following information is from the Mass Executive Office of Transportation webpage. "Many traffic safety problems are complex and cannot be resolved by installing pollutants per a STOP sign. For example, STOP signs should not be used to reduce speed or cutthrough traffic. In fact, the improper use of STOP signs in these instances may have unintended and adverse impacts which may be opposite of the original intent. In addition, another consideration may be costs. Although the physical installation of a STOP sign is relatively inexpensive, other costs that need to be considered relate to its maintenance, and to extra fuel consumption, increased air and noise pollution and lost driver time. If a STOP sign is not necessary, other countermeasures may be considered. For example, trees and bushes can be trimmed or parking restrictions can be installed to increase visibility at the intersection. YIELD or warning signs, police enforcement, or traffic calming measures may also be effective strategies for consideration."As a local resident, I concur!- JU
10/15 8:40pm NCL shopping night at Primavera, November 12th - The Norfolk Community League cordially invites you to a "Shopping Night" on Thursday, November 12th at 7:00 p.m. at Primavera Restaurant, 20 Pleasant Street, Millis. Come join your friends and neighbors for a fun-filled night of shopping and socializing. Many high quality vendors of fashion clothing, jewelry, handbags, accessories, house wares and much, much more will be on hand. While shopping, enjoy hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar, and enter to win fabulous raffle items. Bring your checkbook, cash and credit cards to get a head start on your holiday shopping! Entrance fee is $20 and should be reserved in advance by going to www.norfolkcommunityleague.org to download the reservation form. A limited number of tickets will available at the door. All of the proceeds from ticket sales and vendor fees will go directly back to the community. For more information, please call Sarah L. at 508-528-4220 or email selogie@gmail.com. - PMC
10/14 4:01pm I'm looking for 2 or 3 tickets to the Haunted Train Ride on Saturday. Please email me bsweetman@comcast.net - GS
10/14 3:57pm Leland Rd and Priscilla Ave has needed a two-way stop for a long time, and the request was turned down (because it had to be approved by the state ). It has gotten so bad now (with Franklin traffic plowing through) that the drivers are tooting horns in anger. - ER
10/14 3:56pm Hello, The 6th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood and Bone Marrow Drive, in partnership with Brigham and Women's Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, will be held on Saturday, January 9, 2010. This annual drive is held in memory of Gary Mirliss, who passed away in 2001 after a long battle with Pre-Leukemia, as a way to give back to the community. While Gary was treated for Pre-Leukemia at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, he received countless transfusions of blood along with a stem cell transplant. The goal of the annual blood drive is to remember the life of Gary Mirliss while helping replenish the blood supplies at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
Gary was a man who lived life to the fullest; always wanting to help his fellow man. By hosting this annual event, we hope to continue Gary's compassionate spirit and help countless numbers of people.
Since the inception of the Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood and Bone Marrow Drive, over 200 units of blood have been collected and over 60 people have signed up for the National Bone Marrow Registry. This year, our goal is to collect 100 units of blood.
We ask that you mark your calendar, tell your friends, and spread the word! We look forward to seeing you January 9th.
Additional information will be sent out closer to the date of the drive.
Thank you,
- Gregory L. Mirliss
10/14 3:54pm Reminder: Town of Norfolk Energy Committee's free home energy seminar -- this Thurday Oct 15th Hope you can join us...
Introduction to Home Energy Saving Seminar Coming to Norfolk, Massachusetts.Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:00 p.m. Norfolk Public Library, Community Room 139 Main Street Norfolk, MA 02056 Come attend this free seminar: Introduction to Home Energy Savings to learn hands-on ways you can reduce home energy use and expenses. Refreshments provided. It is hosted by the Town of Norfolk Energy Committee with presentations by the Massachusetts Municipal Association.
Cost: FREE- RG
10/14 3:53pm Hello - I have 2 tickets for the Haunted Train Ride that I can't use. Sadly. If you missed a chance for tickets, I would sell them for their face value (no scalping!!) of $10. Please contact me at: PMNOFOAT@aol.com - RB (RB4) [Update 10/15 9:02pm: Haunted Train Ride tickets are gone. - RB]
10/14 3:52pm To Rob Garrity: Thanks for the comprehensive explanation regarding Everett St. The town's actions make sense given the information provided. It's good to know that our town leaders read this blog. Do what you make energy conservation a priority. - SF
10/14 3:51pm LB: Thanks for the reminder. Doug has always taken great care of us! Farmer's Almanac for the winter ahead calls for a crazy one, with the first storm in November. Oh, did I mention 3 in January and 3 in February? - AL
10/14 3:48pm Hi DXJ, The policy at the High School for progress reports can be found on page 16 of the Student Handbook. The book is available online, and you may find it be going to this link [pdf here] and scrolling to page-16. The iPass system has been very problematic. It is very inefficient, the documentation is poor, the response time is off the charts, and I could go on. I passed out progress reports to all of the students in my homeroom last week. I believe it was Thursday. I did notice that some of the kids had no marks next to some subjects. This could be because those teachers are choosing to do them manually. For example... if I am giving a big test on a Friday, but the progress reports are going out on Thursday, I may choose to wait and do my own manually since the test could have a major impact on their grade.
However, there is also the possibility that iPass is not being setup correctly. There is a box in an arcane location that teachers have to check for parents to be able to see the grades. If you forget to check that box, or can't find it... grades are not available to the parents.
Also, if there was no hardcopy at all, it could simply be that your child's homeroom teacher was out the day they were supposed to be handed out. I hope this is helpful.
- DF
10/14 3:46pm SF: I'm in agreement with you. Take the stop signs down. In my view the selectmen got worn out by a couple of Norfolk Everett Street residents. These residents need to find something more productive to do other than sitting in their windows and counting cars. If the speed and velocity of cars is so high, then why have I never seen an accident on Everett? I'm sure there have been some but I have lived in that neighborhood for almost 10 years and never seen one. Can anyone answer how that street's accident history compares to other streets in town? I'm for taking the signs down or converting them to "Wild Turkeys Crossing" signs. - TPC
10/14 3:45pm Dear NS, Thank you so much for your kind words. It is difficult to read some of these remarks. But, we do it to try to set the record straight. Also, sometimes I see an opportunity to provide some helpful information which I enjoy doing. By the way, the $91,000.00 line item is just one of many "questionable" spending items. Anyway, thank you again for your kindness. I think I can speak for LMM when I say that we appreciate your support!! - DF
10/13 6:08pm LS - I would like to know where your knowledge of the Texas curriculum comes from... have you taught there? Because I can tell you, the curriculum is not created around the TAKS tests (MCAS). In my classroom (now granted, I taught elementary school), I gave my students the skills they needed to pass the tests, but that was through hands on activities, outdoor activities, interactive lessons, and so on. My teammates and I spent hours planning lessons to keep the kids engaged and encouraged. And in the end, I had a 100% passing rate on the reading TAKS with 90% of my students earning the commended rating. I spent hours on the phone the other night talking to my sister about the debate going on here, and she is a third grade teacher in Texas. She was telling me about some of the tools provided by the district that they are using this year to help with reading comprehension and with math skills, and she said the students are more engaged and excited than she can remember, and this is her 15th year. Please don't presume that every teacher in Texas, or anywhere else for that matter, teaches to the test. There are several of us that are true teachers... people who are there for their students and mean to make learning fun. And if you have a problem with the curriculum or the MCAS, talk to your senator. Teachers did not create the tests.
I also have to laugh at the post about teacher's "vacation" days... that's called summer vacation, and teachers do not get paid for that time.
- SF (not the SF who posts about Everett St)
10/13 6:06pm As the cold weather approaches and the thoughts of snow grows near... We ask that you plan ahead and beat the rush. We are now taken appointments for snow tires installations. At the same time get your battery load tested and be ready for the inevitable weather. Thanks and be safe! Medfield Tire and Battery at 15 Park St. in Medfield, 508-359-6093; ask for Laurie or Doug. - LB, Medifield Tire and Battery
10/13 5:58pm AG has made some pretty serious charges about the King Philip system. She claims they are based on ``research'' yet offers no documentation about them. They are: 1. ``KPTA filed a grievance (no dates supplied) about a teacher not getting their (sic) contracted 20 vacation days pay when they (sic) left the post mid-year. This was thrown out immediately (as KPTA knew it would be) as past policy has always been to pay vacation based on the percent completion of the school year - Cost to KP School District roughly (sic) $11,000.''
2. ``Eight to ten years ago an older teacher that (sic) was no longer capable of teaching was given an empty room to sit in for at least one year so that they (sic) could qualify for their pension. This person could not even oversee a study hall - Cost to KP School District roughly (sic) $50,000.''
3. ``Also, the KPTA demands (where? when?) that they be able to accrue unused vacation (and with 20 days per 180 day work year, they probably don't need that many), and the teachers often accumulate 6-12 months of vacation when they retire. That vacation is paid at the much higher rate of pay from their last year of work. Now not only do I think this is a bad practice (allowing accrual), but to pay at a higher rate is wrong. Even if they do accumulate, it should be paid at the salary rate at which it was earned. This has cost the School District many hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more (sic).''
LMM and DF offer information to rebut these charges, but seem to fall at least a bit short of the mark. It should be possible to document each of these specifically. Was a grievance filed (or not) in #1? Was the story of the teacher - 8-10 years ago - sitting alone in a classroom for a year in #2 true or not? Is the case about ``unused vacation time'' in #3 accurate or not?
Some or all of these charges could be: 1. Substantially true; 2. True in part; 3. Substantially untrue. Can we please concentrate on finding evidence for or against these accusations? If the result is that that they are substantially untrue, then AG has been spreading malicious gossip and this is a serious matter, both for AG and for NorfolkNet. It would seem that there are the resources out there to deal with these accusations. Anyone willing to try? But I'm asking for facts, dates, filings, rulings, not hearsay or more gossip.
I've argued with our webmaster for years that too much content on NorfolkNet is given over to unverified (sometimes unverifiable) comment, rumor, and accusation. Here's an opportunity to pin down some facts. Let's try.
10/13 5:55pm To SF: Couldn't agree with you more! To: DXJ: Maybe your kid only brought home the progress reports he/she wanted you to see. Where I taught there was no telling what got home and what didn't. And guess who got blamed? On the other hand, even if you ask the teacher, who knows who's telling the truth? Have the reports mailed to you.
- AB-G
10/13 5:49pm "You're not comprehending the waste created by the stop signs" - SF, you should have your driver's license revoked with such a ridiculous statement, I insist. You do not deserve to drive a car if it is an inconvenience to obey Stop signs. [. . .] There are plenty of Death Corners in this town, and plenty of places where stop signs should exist, but don't, especially at 3-way stops.
MON's Corners of Death - beware!
1. Myrtle St and Miller - A big evergreen blocks the view for turning from Miller on Myrtle. I wonder if the owners of this fine overgrown specie can be held liable in an accident or death?
2. Tucker and Medway Branch - Nobody stops here.
3. Fruit and Cleveland - bad approach to Cleveland = accident waiting to happen
4. A. Barnstable and Sagamore then B. Barnstable and Wellfleet. Who stops when there are no signs at these 3-ways? People have escaped with their lives at both.
The Town has been alerted to the 3-ways and their lack of signage. How many more near misses until something is done or someone is hurt or worse?
Slow down you drivers, what is wrong with you? In a hurry to take your 3 - year old to hockey boot camp?
10/13 5:48pm Check out the Battery Backup/Surge Protector for sale in the Notice Board section. The price has been reduced to $25. - SO
10/13 3:35pm SF - It is clear that you have only the interests of of several at heart here, as I notice that you don't dispute any of my comments. Do a bit of research on hybrid cars too. Most aren't using much, if any, fuel at that speed anyway. If you want to speak about "Green", please direct your comments towards items that don't effect public safety. How about the million ridiculous street lights in the center of Town. What about the irrigation system for the grass at the Town Hall (2 Green no-nos). How about all the construction sites all over Town with little or no proper water runoff management. I'm reading right from the Green Building Design manual. Traffic control, as it relates to the safety of neighborhood residents, should come far before the worry of a few extra gallons of gas being burned. Did you know that it takes more energy to stop and re-start your car while you run into Dunkin Donuts that it does to leave it running in the drive through line? The drive through line runs into the street at 9:50 on Sunday mornings. Now that's a hazzard. Do we make DD re-do the drive through lane so it accomodates more cars too? Again, public safety comes first. - KP
10/13 3:32pm Yard Sale Saturday, October 17, 2009, 9:00-12:00, 17 Evergreen Road , Norfolk. Sports equipment galore: ice Hockey (skaters' and goalie equipment and skates), lax, baseball. Size of equipment fits teens-men. Other items include: furniture, glassware, framed pictures. Hand knit sweaters.
- NW
10/13 3:28pm Homecoming week ended on Friday night with our Warriors taking on the Canton Bulldogs. The team rose to the challenge of Canton and produced another solid win beating Canton 31 to 0. There was great play on both sides of the ball and what better way to cap off home coming week. This week the team travels to Fairhaven where they face an out of league team. 5 and 0, we're on a roll. Go KP
- ES
10/13 3:24pm SF - I applaud your consideration of energy efficiency. The increased use of roundabouts is one way roadway desginers have been taking gasoline usage into account. Also important considerations for road designers are safety and utility, though, and this is where the justification for the Everett street stop signs comes into from. KP, thank you for your cogent response regarding the stop signs on Everett street. Here's what's going on on Everett: You've got a road that has changed from being a local "nieghborhood" type road to carrying significant amounts of volume in the last thirty years. The problem has gotten much worse over the last five years due to the creation of Patriot Place and the installation of signalization on Route 1. Everett Street has become a popular cut through, particularly on stadium event days, but we've noticed an uptick even on normal days.
There are two problems here; first, because Everett didn't have any stop signs, it was much more "convienent" to use than 1A or Route 1, and also because there were no stops on Everett, folks tend to proceed at a brisk pace. The stop signs are attempts to solve both problems. But first a little bit of background.
Everett Street is one of the earlier streets in town and is laid out in typical early-street fashion. It's got variations in grade, it's got some interesting turns and relatively poor visibility around those turns because of trees in the shoulder area. In other words, it's a nice, country road we'd all love to live on. It's rather narrow - as low as 17-18 feet of pavement in parts - and doesn't have sidewalks. Now contrast this to the roads we build now (for instance, the roads of the subdivision right off of Everett) - they are 22+ feet wide, with 4-6 foot wide soulder areas which include sidewalks. Everett is a narrow, somewhat winding, and up and down street. These are not characterisics of a street desinged for a lot of traffic.
If you look at the Massachusets Project Development and Design Guide recommend lane width is based upon the type of road. Collector roads serve through traffic, local roads are used to provide direct access to properties. Collector roads, even in rural zones, are expected to have 10-12 feet wide travel lanes. Clearly Everett Street is not adequate to serve as a Collector road. Local roads are expected to have travel lanes of 9 to 12 feet. Everett street is adequate for local use, but really not much more.
So you have two choices, either upgrade Everett to make it adequate and safe for the through commuters, or for the people who live on it. Making Everett a collector road would cost an enormous amount of money and would seriously degrade the quality of life for those who live on Everett Street (many would lose large chunks of their front yards). There are plenty of perfectly capable ways for folks to get to points north - Route 1a for instance - which are designed to move traffic, not a road clearly underdesigned to be a "convienence" for those just traveling through. These stops signs will do a couple of things; it will slow down traffic, and, hopefully, it will discourage commuters and non-local traffic from using Everett and return them to roads designed for through travel.
SF, as to your question about wasted fuel, from my short research on the matter, I've seen estimates that a stop sign increases fuel usage by 2 ounces. So if you travel Everett twice a day every day those three stops signs add 12 ounces a day, which over two work weeks (10 days) would be one gallon. Now, I don't know what kind of car you drive (if you're thinking about the fuel wasted by a stop sign it's probably a Prius..), but for the person getting 22 mpg right now, switching to a 32 mpg car would save about 3 gallons a week, and a 42 mpg car would save about 5 gallons a week. So the .5 gallon a week isn't exactly insigfnificant, but I would weigh that against the attempt to make a road more safe by reducing usage.
I'm sorry about the length of this post, but the issues here are a bit deeper than a one-paragraph response would satisfy. In reference to your original post and observation that *"The postings about the stop signs on Everett St don't go far enough to try to get the attention of the selectmen or our DPW to remove them" *you're exactly correct: the best way to get the attention of the Selectmen and/or DPW is to drop them a note or come to a meeting. If we don't hear from you, you can't get our attention. I can't speak for the other two selectmen, but I must confess I do miss Norfolknet from time to time, so this isn't the most reliable way to get the Selectman's (or at least my) attention. Our email address are all on Virtualnorfolk.org, feel free to use them!
Thanks for your thoughts,
- Rob Garrity, Selectman
10/13 3:22pm The Norfolk Republican Town Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, October 19, 2009, at 7:30 p.m. at the Norfolk Public Library. All are welcome to attend. Please bring along friends and family. For more information you can contact Gregory M. at gmirliss@gmail.com. Thank you. - Sandy DiBacco, Secretary, Norfolk Republican Town Committee
10/12 10:45pm Wanted -- we are in desperate need of a 2nd refrigerator for our basement if anyone has one available. Please email if you have one available -- cullendiane@verizon.net - DC
[Update 10/17 11:45am: We found a fridge - DC]
10/12 10:42pm I am looking for feedback from other KP High parents on their receipt of progress reports this week. I received the below email from the high school reminding us that progress reports were being sent home this week. The email arrived at 2:21pm Friday afternoon. I have been anticipating progress reports for both my children (1 junior high, 1 high school), since many of the teachers do not use the iPass system throughout the term, this would be the first indication of how my students are progressing. Let me clarify my experience with the use of the iPass system. At the junior high level 5 out of 7 of my student's teachers do utilize the system. At the high school, 3 out of 7 participate at some level. Not sure why this is or if there is a different policy at the junior vs senior school. As my students arrived home on Friday, I reviewed their progress reports and here is what I found. My junior high student had no progress reports at all, although a check of the iPass system shows a progress report is complete for all teachers. My high school student had hard copy progress reports from just 3 of his 7 teachers. The same 3 teachers who utilize the iPass system have completed progress reports as well.
What is the administration policy on this? Are progress reports not required of ALL teachers. I will follow-up with the administration on Wednesday when the school reopens for the extra long weekend.
Message sent - 10/9/2009
progress reports were distributed in homeroom this week for all students. Should you have questions or concerns, please contact the teacher(s) directly.- DXJ
10/12 10:40pm To KP You're not comprehending the waste created by the stop signs. A car's engine is relatively efficient when it is in motion and the fuel expended to regain the momentum after a stop is significant. The signs are wasteful and their installation seems to be some kind of knee-jerk reaction. We need to do more to reduce energy consumption and removing these signs would be a good start. Everett Street was an excellent way to cross through Norfolk to get to points north. - SF
10/12 10:39pm LMM and DF - As a educator myself, I feel it's so sad that teachers have to read half of the posts on this site lately. LMM, my first thought when I read AG's post was "Ahhhh, here we go, research... I wonder if all the proper research was done?" and then I read your post about the $91,000 line item in the budget. Last year my school system "put their feelers out" through a survey to determine what percentage of our teachers would be willing to take a pay freeze or cut, in order to reduce laying off classroom teachers and reduce class size. Do I want my friends to lose their jobs, and have my class size increase? Absolutely not. I realize how difficult the economy is - in the public and private sector. However, there isn't a chance I would vote to do either, considering waste I see throughout the system. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for the two of you to read this site regularly. I have a friend at KP who simply will not read it because it is so insulting at times. Just know that as a Norfolk resident, AG's views are not shared my all in town. I know hard you work and all that you give of yourself that goes above and beyond any contract.
- NS
10/12 10:38pm DF or LMM: As members of the KPTA, perhaps you will answer my lingering question. Were teachers asked by the union to only "teach to the contract", including ceasing e-mail communications with parents? If so, how was the request made and can the voters see this document? If not, why are so many people under the impression that this is a district stance that most teachers are adopting? Thank you, - CS
10/12 10:37pm I am sure people have asked in the past, but can someone recommend a good local painter to paint the exterior of my house? Thank you, - PMM
10/12 2:06pm Response to AG - I'd love to know what system those teachers you spoke to are working for. It's certainly not KP. I teach in the King Philip district and there is no such thing as vacation days. We get paid for working 182 days. We get no paid vacations and we do not get paid for the summer. Therefore, there was never a grievance to collect contracted vacation pay as there is no such thing. An older teacher sitting in an empty room to collect a pension never happened. King Philip administration assigns teaching duties by Aug. 1 every year.
As for collecting accrued vacation pay at a higher rate of pay -- again there is no such thing. What kind of research was done by AG? Maybe you should research how the KP School Committee is spending your money. For instance, did you know they have a line item in their budget for $91,000 to replace just three-year-old computers at the high school?
10/12 1:48pm Hi AG!! I am a teacher. I am a member of the KPTA. I am not writing to defend the KPTA or myself, and I am not writing on behalf of the KPTA. I am writing for the sole purpose of correcting some of your "research" for the record. 1.) Teachers get no vacation pay, so at the very least your terminology is incorrect. We get paid to work 182 days each school year. (I could be off by a day or two. Our students are in school for 180 days and I believe we work two more days than that). We don't get paid for the time we have off. It is simply a fact. If I miss a day of school that is not an allowable sick day or personal day, I get docked 1/182 of my annual salary. This actually occurred to me when I took a day off to attend my graduation from grad school. My graduation was some distance away and it was on the Friday before February vacation. This is not allowed. To attend my graduation, I had to forfeit 1/182 of my annual salary. We are not paid for holidays, breaks, etc.
2.) Teachers are allowed, by contract, 15 sick days per year. I believe this is what you must be referring to when you use the word "vacation". The number is 15 and not 20, so your research has turned up some more incorrect data. Any sick days we take are subtracted from this number. Some of us never miss a day. I would guess, and I stress guess, that most teachers miss between 0 and 4 days per year due to sickness, hospital procedures etc.. What we don't use does accumulate. However, in order to be paid for that accumulation, you must work for the district for 20 years. It is not paid on a sliding scale. Your get 100% of your earned time for 20 or more years. Work 19 years and you get paid for none of it. Personally, I will never see a dime of it unless I work into my 70's. Though I do love my job, if I live to be 70 I hope to be fishing every day and not teaching. Most of the teachers who work here and are career changers, and there are quite a few, will never work here long enough to get a penny from that time. Teachers who leave, such as the four or five who left this year without having twenty years, never see a dime. Teachers who left for 10 - 15 years to have and raise a family and have returned will never see the 20 years service and so will not get a dime.
There is another category of "time off" which is called "personal days". We get three per year. These do not accumulate.
3.) Your research reveals that teachers "often accumulate 6 - 12 months" of these days. This is completely false. There is a dollar limit to how much can be accumulated. Since I will never see it, I have not looked into the matter, but I am fairly certain that the cap is $10,000.00 Although this is a very helpful check to have as you head off into the sunset, it is a far cry from the 6 - 12 months pay that your research revealed. It is more like 6 - 8 weeks. It is nice if you can get it, but as I said before, many do not.
4.) I have no knowledge of the grievance you mention in your opening sentence so I can not comment on that.
5.) Your data about the teacher who 8 - 10 years ago was no longer capable of teaching and so was given an empty room to sit in, just doesn't ring true to me. First, 8 - 10 years ago we had no study halls. That is a fact. Anyway, I know I would be pretty bored sitting in an empty room for a year. Also, if anything like this did happen I can tell you that if the other teachers knew about it, there would be an uproar. Just like with any other job anywhere else, if people care about their job and work hard every day to do a good job, and someone else is sitting around doing nothing and getting paid for it, people tend to get upset. Most importantly, if this scenario actually happened, it would have been a district administration decision and not a KPTA decision. The union does not make decisions like that. They do not run the school. The district administration runs the school. That is a fact.
6.) The KPTA doesn't demand anything. Every three years they negotiate a contract with a committee from the School Committee. Both parties agree to the contract. I think it is safe to surmise that both sides keep an eye on each other to make certain that the agreement is adhered to by both sides. No one demands anything other than that each side honor the contract.
7.) Finally, it is disappointing to hear anyone make such an outrageous slander as you have made at the end of your comments. Do you actually believe that the union is about extortion? That is a very serious charge. Do you really believe that the union is not about fair working conditions?
It is fine to debate. Debate is healthy. It is fine to disagree, as long as the debate remains civil. It is also each participants responsibility to be as certain as one can be, that the information he/she is presenting as fact, is indeed fact. I have tried to do that, and have done so to the best of my ability.
- DF
10/12 1:30pm To SF and all others complaining about the Everett St stop signs - slow down. Obey the posted speed limit. If you are driving the correct speed and using the proper caution on the hilly and winding road, you should have no problem stopping. And those who are complaining obviously use the road frequently and should know where the signs are by now. For those who have stated that the signs are just stuck out there haphazardly, try looking to your left and right while you're stopped and counting to three. An actual 4-way stop has been created at these locations. There are actually neighborhoods in them thar hills. There are kids and animals playing. Suppose a small child or a dog chases a loose ball into the road. I'd rather be a few minutes late than kill someone. For those who seem to think Everett St is a shortcut, I challenge them the time their next outing, using the speed limit. Use 115 to Rt 1 for your return trip. These roads are designed to get you from point A to point B faster. I am a Norfolk resident, taxpayer, parent, live in a small neighborhood with a similar problem and fully support the efforts of the DPW and NPD. - KP
10/11 7:39pm Hoping to move to Norfolk in the coming year. I will be living in an active adult community. I will be looking for activities in the area such as ceramics, bowling almost anything. You can e mail me at arubaen@aol.com if you like because I don't always remember to check this site. Thank you so much. - SK
10/11 7:36pm RK - We have an DB8 mast-mounted antenna from AntennaDirect with a pre-amplifier from ChannelMaster to boost the gain that is either the CM-7778 or 7777, can't remember which. I split the signal between 2 TV's and it works great. Once in a while during electrical storms or high wind, it will lose a little signal, but not enough to really bother us. It gets channels 2.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 7.2, 10.1, 10.2, 12.1, 24.1, 25.1, 27.1, 27.2, 28.1, 38.1, [44.1, 44.2, 44.3, 44.4 PBS stations], 48.1, 56.1, 62.1, 62.2, 66.1, 68.1, 68.2, 68.3, 68.4. Check out Antennaweb.org to see what stations are out there and how far away they are. That website also helped us orient the antenna for best results. Good luck! - LJK
10/11 7:28pm I feel I must add in to the discussion on the KPTA topic. I started in favor of providing teachers with some sort of increase, but after talking with very close friends who are teachers, it's clear the KPTA leadership is completely out of touch with not only their demands, but the amazing benefits they already get. As I have learned in doing research, there are many situations that bother me greatly. Let me give specifics. 1. KPTA filed a grievance about a teacher not getting their contracted 20 vacation days pay when they left the post mid-year. This was thrown out immediately (as KPTA knew it would be) as past policy has always been to pay vacation based on the percent completion of the school year - Cost to KP School District roughly $11,000. 2. Eight to ten years ago an older teacher that was no longer capable of teaching was given an empty room to sit in for at least one year so that they could qualify for their pension. This person could not even oversee a study hall - Cost to KP School District roughly $50,000. These are two I have specific knowledge of. Also, the KPTA demands that they be able to accrue unused vacation (and with 20 days per 180 day work year, they probably don't need that many), and the teachers often accumulate 6-12 months of vacation when they retire. That vacation is paid at the much higher rate of pay from their last year of work. Now not only do I think this is a bad practice (allowing accrual), but to pay at a higher rate is wrong. Even if they do accumulate, it should be paid at the salary rate at which it was earned. This has cost the School District many hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more. This union is more about extorting money for their most senior members, not about fair work rules. The research I've done has completely turned me off to any of their arguments. I have more specifics, but this is getting too long
- AG
10/10 10:14am Boy Scout Pack 125 will be selling popcorn from Trails End Saturday 10/10 at the transfer station from 8 am - 4 pm. Popcorn choices include: caramel corn, microwave light and butter and tins of chocolate popcorn and cheese popcorn. Prices range from $10 - $35. Please stop by and support your local scouts! - EMS
10/10 10:13am TEM - I see those statistics, but you have to remember how large a state Texas is, that each city/town/county has its own school district with different structures, and that the school districts are very diversified both economically and ethnically as you travel across the state. I lived and worked in a more affluent area of North Texas, but there are districts in other parts of the state that really help bring those numbers down. If I could compare the district I worked for to Massachusetts, it would win hands down. Not trying to start a state to state educational war here, just trying to put the data into perspective.
- SF
10/10 10:12am The postings about the stop signs on Everett St don't go far enough to try to get the attention of the selectmen or our DPW to remove them. In my opinion they don't make the road safer and, if you're unfamiliar with the road, you come up on the signs unexpectedly. My guess is that one day we'll have a serious accident because someone was stopped and got rear-ended. Another point is the waste in fuel consumption these stops cause. If someone had the inclination, I would really like to see a projection of how much extra fuel will be expended in a year by the vehicles traveling this road. Maybe it would show our myopic road czars that Norfolk could do its part to be "green" for all users of this road rather than surrender to a handle of locals that would prefer that others don't use "their road". - SF
10/10 10:07am TEM - I will also add that Texas went to standardized testing a long time ago, similar to the MCAS in Massachusetts. Currently the curriculum in Texas is solely to pass these tests. Teachers are more or less Exam Proctors. Why go to 4 years of college and an additional 2 years Masters program to be told "read this book and teach these questions". This is what is s l o w l y happening to Massachusetts. Right now, you're hard pressed to get a teaching job without a masters. The independent mind will surely be lost as teachers become nothing but test giving bots. - LS
10/10 10:05am I was thinking of adding an indoor/outdoor Over The Air antenna to my HD setup. Does anyone else have an antenna setup for HD reception in Norfolk - which channels are you picking up? Thanks, - RK
10/9 1:45pm PJT, before you buy those cowboy boots and head for the Lone Star state, you might want to check these statistics published by the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education comparing Texas and Massachusetts and the performance of their respective public school systems. Go to [highereducation.org page link] - TEM
10/9 1:42pm Huge yard sale: Saturday Oct.10, 9:30-1:30. 3 Fox Hill Lane, rain or shine. Something for everyone from children to grandma and grandpa. Furniture, housewares, medical supplies i.e. walkers, bed pads, depends etc., color t.v., v.c.r., books, roller blades, girls 10-speed bike. Girls' hair accessories, shampoos, jewerly. Teen clothing (Hollister, etc.), some adult clothing, and much more. Most items will be held in the garage or house. Cash only please! - DH
10/9 1:41pm I am still hoping that LM or LS (or any member of the KPTA) will provide us with a full explanation of what the union stance on "unassigned responsibilities" is. Has the union officially asked members to only teach to the contract or not? Has the union asked teachers not to reply to e-mails or not? What other tactics has the union asked KPTA teachers to adopt to further negotiations? As a taxpayer, I feel that I have a right to know this information, but so far nobody has been forthcoming. I do know for sure what the proposed "raises" are, and they are absurd in this economy. If the union is satisfied with their tactics and proposals, then their offer should not be ambiguous (e-mail responses, etc.). I sincerely hope that a member of KPTA will clarify. Taxpayers and parents deserve a full explanation of what is going on.
- CS
10/9 1:40pm Please be sure to check out the Larry Finer interview on our local NCTV. The times are 7:30am, 3pm, and 6:37pm. Thanks NCTV for doing such a great job!! -Friends and family of Larry - DCB
10/9 1:38pm DWL - I though my last line stated what your paragraph did. Believe me, I am not opposed to private schooling, each child has different needs and not every school offers the opportunity to meet all of the needs. - ES
10/9 1:37pm Re: Driveway seal coating - Any referrals for me? - KB
10/8 3:18pm Support your hometown team and your hometown kids! The Freeman-Centennial 6th graders will be selling raffle tickets in front of Dunkin' Donuts this Saturday from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m.. Prizes include an autographed baseball from Hall of Famer Jim Rice, and MLB authenticated, autographed, framed photos of Jason Varitek, Manny Dlecarmen, and Rocco Baldelli. This will be the last and only chance to purchase chances; the drawing will be held next Wednesday, Oct. 14th. All proceeds from these sales will go towards the 6th grade graduation festivities later this school year. Tickets are $1 each, 6 for $5, or 12 for $10. Hope to see you at DD's this Saturday! Thanks from the 6th graders at F-C! - KEM
10/8 3:17pm To SF: thank you for proving my point. If this state keeps going the way it is going, I'm off to Texas. I have often heard the quality of teachers and schools in Texas are really good. To ES: I agree, KP is a great public school and they have some wonderful educators. But the unions have put the squeeze on school districts throughout the state. As a product of Boston Public schools from the 70's and early 80's, I can attest to what a union teacher does or does not do. We also had busing to deal with as well, which made getting to school a challenge in itself. I often wish I had gone to CM with some of my friends. But money was tight back then.
10/8 3:16pm Looking for something to do this weekend that is fun and fall-like? It's not too late to sign up for a Guided Kayak Tour of the Scenic Norton Reservoir on Saturday, October 10 from 9-12pm (heavy rain date is 10/17). This is a 3-hour guided tour including all equipment. The Norton reservoir is 530 acres and is serene viewing for fishermen, birdwatchers, nature lovers and water sport enthusiasts (age requirement is 13yrs.+) . The Lennon family (the guides) have over 20 years experience of kayaking and are passionate about this reservoir- Sign up on line with Norfolk Recreation - the fee is $59 inclusive. Our website is www.virtualnorfolk.org/rec. The launch location is 237 Mansfield Ave. Norton (1/16 mile past Comcast Center on left). If the weather is questionable Saturday morning, call Dave at Norton Kayak 508-740-7728. If you can't make it this weekend and would like to go on 10/17, let us know and we will make arrangements for you. - Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk
10/8 3:15pm BF2: For your fall cleanup needs contact Alex at ajtcrank@aol.com. He has done ours in the past and does a great job. - MP
10/8 3:14pm I am selling four tickets to Sunday's Red Sox game. This is Game 3 of the AL Division Series. The seats are located in the RF Box 88 which is located to the immediate left of the visitors bullpen. I am selling them at face value which is $100 per ticket. If interested you can contact me at andrades@sprynet.com - MA
[Update 10/9 1:39pm: The Red Sox tickets for Sunday have been sold. Thank you. - MA]
10/8 3:12pm Ok, I think it is time for the "Stop Sign" experiment on Everett St. to end. What a waste of time and energy!! The results posted in the Boomerang from the Police Department show that nothing has changed other then the people that use Everett St. are just getting aggravated. None of the results posted show any changes. Let's take them down and find a better use for them. I'm not really even sure what they are there for. Let's make cars stop in the middle of the road for no particular reason!! I'm not even sure if you got a ticket for going through them it would hold up in court. I can picture the judge saying "So please explain why you drove through the stop sign that was in the middle of the street and had no particular use". Maybe a better sign would be "Wild Turkey's Crossing". Let's paint them over and get some good use!!
10/8 3:11pm ES - I was told by two teachers at the KP middle school that teachers were refusing to respond to e-mail because of Union contracts. As far as percentages go, 2 out 8 teachers that I have sent e-mails to on a weekly basis have responded to any e-mails at all. I also feel some teachers do a hard job and deserve more pay (the ones that take time to respond to parents questions); however, when unemployment rate are near 10 % and budgets are being cut everywhere, you can not get blood from a rock. And punishing parents and students is not the answer. I would say to the teachers do what I have done in the past work harder if you still don't get a pay increase find a job that offers better salary and benefits elsewhere. When I worked at a job that wouldn't pay more I found a better job. Noone is making you stay any where if you think the grass is greener elsewhere move on.
DV, I am not bitching, my child has fallen through the cracks since he was in 1st grade - I am looking out for the best interest of my kid and making sure that he does what he needs to due at school. The only way that I can do this is to have contact with his teachers and to know what is and isn't being done by him. I do not have the luxury of calling them during the day. Because I too am overworked and underpaid, but I am glad to have any kind of job right now.
- MP
10/8 3:10pm WC: I agree. I love Gump's farm and Jane and Paul's farm. They are great. We are so lucky to have them in our town. We should all support them as much as possible. As for the discussion about the school situation and communication, I have to say that we are new to FC and I find communication from the teacher's and admin staff to be timely, helpful and friendly. I receive email answers within hours of my inquiry. Perhaps it is different in the HS, but I have to give kudos to Freeman, they have made our transition there so easy.
As for unions, I could understand the need for them for coal miners and others that were so taken advantage of. But now, I am not sure I like them so much. As a nurse, I do not know many nurses that support a union. And most nurses that work in a union environment are not thrilled.
Just my two cents.
- JN
10/8 3:07pm ES, What is your point? Three kids transferred from the private back to the public. That does not mean that public is better than private or vice versa. You really do not need to compare private school to public school, as they are quite different. If you would meet with the parents of children from Xaverian or CM they would tell you the pros to private schooling. Likewise, if you would meet with KP parents they would tell you the pros of public school. To say that KP is more challenging than Xaverian or CM or vice versa is not really indicative of where you get the better education. A child gets the best education where there is a good fit. People should not have to justify their choice on education for their child. It is just that "a choice," similar to choices on what town you live in, where you shop, etc. You really do not need to compare grades, AP courses and languages taught to evaluate a good vs. a bad education. Some choose to attend KP and some do not, and that is just another choice, for whatever reasons. - DWL
10/8 3:06pm I agree with others' comments that teachers' unions have just about outlived their usefulness. Like many unions that started to ensure fair wages and improve working conditions, they once filled an important need. But any union that discourages teachers from communicating with students' parents via email is completely out of touch and simply ridiculous. For the record, I have had countless email exchanges with teachers in the k-6 district, and they clearly find it the most efficient and effective way to communicate. I have never felt they were unavailable or unresponsive. As the former Texas teacher points out, teachers unwilling to communicate with parents would not be doing their jobs and should be let go. That's completely absurd. I am all for protecting the rights of working people against exploitation of any kind. But to ask us taxpayers to send our kids to schools and expect absolutely no customer service is exploitative of parents, and a huge disservice to our students. I hope these claims are greatly exaggerated, and if not, that they are addressed quickly by the union representatives. - TC
10/8 3:05pm We, as a town, have an incredible opportunity to build a new school where 53% of the bill will be funded by the state. There are many major issues that need to be addressed within the school and fixing them each individually is not a financially prudent decision. I know there are many people still on the fence about going forward with this building, but there really is no time like the present. If you are not sure where you stand, come to the informational meeting on October 14th at the Town Hall at 7pm. You can ask the architect and the project manager any questions you may have. Make an informed decision!
If you support the school, it is imperative that you come to town meeting in November. Without your support, the school project will not make it to the ballot.
- JL
10/7 2:30pm We are so fortunate to have such great farms in our neighborhood. We visited Gump's Farm this weekend, as we do most weekends, and the corn is still the best there. They also sell all other vegetables, and they are always fresh and well-presented. The two beautiful llamas are always there to greet you. It's worth a visit. - WC
10/7 2:25pm From The Boston Channel - BOSTON -- Residents living near a high school in Wrentham say a smell coming from the school is making them sick.The smell that is coming from the King Philip Regional High School's wastewater treatment plant was the topic of discussion at a school board meeting Monday night, according to the Sun Chronicle.
Neighbors said kids who are waiting for their school buses in the area feel sick, and a group of teens attending a party in the neighborhood were overcome by noxious fumes, the newspaper reported.
The school board approved a study of the plant to address the odors. The plant operators are looking at solutions to fix the problem.
- CS
10/7 2:24pm I don't know the whole story behind the teachers unions and the email debate, but I had to add my opinion. I was a teacher in Texas before we moved here. The unions are one of the reasons why I have chosen not to teach in Massachusetts. We do not have teachers unions in Texas, and yet we had everything we needed: support from administration, highly competitive salaries, and great insurance. All of this without a union. Yes, there were frustrations, but you'll have those in any workplace. In addition, I worked in one of the three top districts in the state.
I've been reading the debate here about the email responses. Honestly, I never had a problem answering any emails from parents, and I would never presume to ignore a request from a parent for information about their child. I actually preferred email, because I could get through more information and answer more parents in a much shorter time than I would during phone calls. However, I communicated with the parents of my students in any way possible, whether it was by phone, email, notes home, etc.
To think that any union is encouraging teachers not to respond to parents is ludicrous to me. I would probably be fired, fined, whatever it is they do, because I would absolutely refuse to follow such an inane rule. You would always get an answer when you asked me about your child.
Just my two cents.
- SF
10/7 2:22pm You are invited to attend an informational session on Wednesday, October 14th at 7pm at the Town Hall Room 124 to learn about the proposed new school building to be built on the Freeman-Centennial school grounds. Both the project manager and architect will be available to explain the project and answer questions. At its September 30th board meeting, the Massachusetts School Building Authority unanimously approved the Norfolk school building project's scope and budget. The total project is estimated to cost $37.5 M with a 53.16% reimbursement from the Commonwealth. Norfolk voters will decide at a special town meeting scheduled for November 10, 2009 whether funding for the project will move to a ballot vote, which will take place this winter.
- LM
10/7 2:21pm Brownie Troop 4576, is having a garage sale this Saturday, October 10th from 9:00 to 1:00, 37 Park Street. Rain or shine, so please come out and support us. All proceeds will benefit Officer Plympton's D.A.R.E. Program. Lots of gently used and brand new items!! - LM
10/7 2:17pm Fall cleanups - I am looking for recommendations to hire out my fall cleanup needs. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. - BF (BF 2)
10/7 2:16pm I saw a post a while ago asking about the status of Walgreen's in the town center. I'm asking again only because of the following 2 reasons, 1) the new Walgreen's in Bellingham, which started being built after the one in Norfolk, is now open, and 2) it looks like the new one in Franklin will probably be open as well before our new Walgreen's. Anyone know what's going on? - BP
10/7 2:15pm I have a 27 inch TV that is only a few years old that I am looking for sell for $100.00 or b/o. I am only looking to get rid of this TV as it is way to big for my child's room and we are replacing it with a smaller TV. If you are interested please email heathmcc5@aol.com - HM
10/7 2:13pm PJT - I agree 100%, parents must be involved in their child's education, private or public. I find it a very far strech to state union rules are governing how our teachers are working with the kids. I believe 90% of the staff in the KP system have high integrity and a commitment to helping our children achieve success. I use 90% as I would state this number in any job, so l would not state 100% As far as which schools teach to a higher standard, I know of three current examples of students transferring from CM, Xaverian and BC High back to KP. In their former school they were maintaining low A grades in all subjects, once transferred to KP in the level one class they are struggling to maintain B's. Curriculum, teachers, students... too many variables to compare apples to apples. It's too bad Franklin didn't (I'm guessing) have AP classes, perhaps then your nice would have been more challenged.
Our son took the AP Economics class his senior year (in addition to three years of Latin). Half way through his freshman year in college he sent a thank you note to his AP Economic teacher, thanking her for the work she had done to prepare him for his college work.
Believe me, I am not opposed to private schooling, each child has different needs and not every school offers the opportunity to meet all of the needs.
- ES
10/7 2:12pm DV: Your assumptions about me are wrong. I too have kids in school and actually do know what I am talking about, particularly when it comes to the teachers' union. I am not "bitching", and I am certainly not implying that the majority of teachers are not individually committed to doing a great job. The time I have spent at the school has resulted in mostly positive experiences. I hope you are having a better day. - CS
10/6 10:26pm Oh CS just look at the voting records.. they know they have no support. And one more thing... any time I have needed anything from a teacher here - I have kids in grade 6, 8, 10 & 11, three of the 4 schools - they have been there to help. I do not spend any time at the schools, I wish I could, but I would love everyone here who has complained about the schools to post if they spend time there and even really know what happens there! I am so sick of people who bitch and have no clue other than what they have read.
Sorry, cranky tonight!
- DV
10/6 10:25pm Welcome JS: We use and would recommend Medway Oil for coal. You can pick it up or they can deliver. Price depends on whether it's bulk or bagged, also the size of the nugget. Their coal burns completely and doesn't give off any offensive smell. - DM
10/6 10:24pm With all due respect, the 2009-2010 KP Handbook states, "Faculty/staff can be contacted through email by going to the King Philip web page at www.kingphilip.org, selecting high school, selecting staff list, then choosing the name of the staff member." As a parent, if I choose to initiate teacher contact by email and am ignored, of course I am offended. I don't see how this nonaction benefits anyone. When our teachers refuse to embrace and make use of the latest and most convenient technology and means of communication, this sets a very bad example for our students. - DM
10/6 5:18pm Wm: With all due respect, many unions have become counterproductive to the point where they drive costs up so high that their companies can no longer compete effectively (General Motors for example). It is hard to believe that Samuel Gompers envisioned this as an outcome when he began the union movement in 1881. Many, many laws protecting workers have also been passed since then to accomplish what the unions set out to do initially. I realize that the teachers union is not representing corporate employees, but I think the concept still applies. In this case, rather than putting the company out of business, the union is protecting poor teachers, discouraging talented, energetic teachers and negatively impacting the education of our children. It is almost impossible to fire a teacher unless they commit a crime. This is not right. If they cannot perform the job, they should move on and make way for someone who can.
I sincerely hope that members of the KPTA are getting the message that they have little support unless and until they approach the negotiations more realistically. It is really sad that the people that end up suffering as a result are the children we send to school each day. In my opinion, this "teach to the contract" is a very short sighted approach that will most likely backfire.
- CS
10/6 4:54pm 10/25 October Farm in Wrentham is planning to hold an Open House / Fundraiser to benefit the October Farm IEA (Interscholastic Equestrian Association) Team. There will be pony rides, cider and donuts, pumpkin painting, sack races and lots of fun raffles! Bring the kids and have some fun with us from 10-1 at October Farm on Warren Dr. in Wrentham (off of Park St. on the Norfolk/Wrentham line). - KC
10/6 4:52pm To ES, I agree KP produces some very smart and intelligent individuals. And they should be proud. Also I am sure that some very diligent parents had something to do with that result. But if all teachers were to be held to high standards via individual responsibility, we wouldn't need MCAS. My brother's kids from Franklin went to Catholic schools. They excelled. Both are Bates graduates. But the younger of the two went to Franklin high after 8 years of parochial schooling. She breezed right through and she said it was boring. My brother attributes their dedicated learning skills not only to his wife and himself, but to the dedicated teachers that were not under union rule.
10/6 4:51pm To Wm, "Are you saying that if someone's trained for and loves their job that should disqualify them from negotiating as high a benefits package as they possibly can?" I have no problem negotiating for a benefits package, as an individual, not as a group. It should be based on experience and performance, not tenure.
I believe school systems would set a range of salaries based on that system. Wouldn't that would be fair?
That's funny, that's how most professions are set up.
10/6 3:16pm JP, I offer plowing services and can hook you up with firewood. Contact me at marksautomotive1@verizon.net Thank you, - MP
10/6 3:09pm JP - I got a cord of wood from D&D Mulch out od Wrentham, it was betweek $250. and $300. I use JPK Landscaping for plowing. You can reach them via email at jpklandscaping@comcast.net Good Luck and welcome to town! - PD
10/6 3:07pm Town of Norfolk Annual Seasonal Flu Clinic - The Norfolk Board of Health and Council on Aging, in conjunction with the Walpole Area Visiting Nurse Association, is sponsoring its annual seasonal Flu Clinic for Norfolk residents on Thursday, October 29, 2009, from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., at the Senior Center, located at 28 Medway Branch Road. The seasonal flu vaccine will be available for adults at highest risk of complications from the flu only. High-risk categories include:
1. all adults age 65 and older
2. adults under 65 included only if they:
3. have a chronic cardiac (heart) or pulmonary (lung) disease, including asthma
4. required regular medical follow-up or hospitalization in the past year because of chronic metabolic disease (such as diabetes), kidney dysfunction or blood disorders
5. immune system problems, such as HIV or other immunosuppression caused by disease, medication, radiation or chemotherapy
6. women who will be in their second or third trimester of pregnancy, but only with a letter from their obstetrician requesting the flu vaccine
Proof of high-risk status will be required. Being high risk does not mean that you are at increased risk of exposure to the flu. High risk means that you are at higher risk to have serious complications from the flu.
You must call the Council on Aging office at 508-528-4430 to schedule an appointment for the flu clinic due to the limited amount of vaccine that we are receiving.
- Betsy Fijol, Norfolk Board of Health
10/6 12:25pm To DN - Try McFarlane Oil out of Dedham for both service and oil. The two should always be considered together. A low oil price does not always mean good service. macfarlaneoil.com Great service, and I know I recently saw a coupon for 2 years service free for new customers in one of those coupon packs that comes through the mail. They also have a "No Surprises Plan" that really sets them apart from competitors. They are very responsive and also have the Tankguard Program for under 45$ a year which you might be eligible for depending on the current condition of your oil tank. I needed a new tank and all of the costs were covered under this program.
- EF
10/6 12:22pm There have been a number of great replies to the issue around the KP school system and the " job action " being taken by the teacher's union. Adding my two cents on a few items.... LM - great point on the three school systems feeding into a fourth and the impact this has. I have stated in prior postings, and still stand by this, there should be one KP Regional school system which would begin at the elementary level and finish at the high school. The cost of having four superintendents each responsible for two schools is mind boggling.
PJT - your statement on private schools outperforming public schools may have some credibility, and I stress some, but when looking at where the kids attending private high schools in this area go to college vs those from KP, I must say KP dollar for dollar wins hands down. Last year's valedictorian went on to Harvard (I believe on a scholarship); this is the second KP student in the last seven years to do so. Additional schools being attended by KP graduates include Bates, Georgetown, Brown, BC, BU, Rutgers, West Point (two from the class of 2006), St. Anselm's (known by the Xaverian students as " Xaverian North"), Assumption, Purdue, and the list goes on.
Additionally, I would like to see the private schools put their money where their mouth is and have their students take the MCAS test. That being stated, I am completely against the MCAS test as I feel the teachers are forced to teach to a test rather than to what the students need to go beyond high school, but why not make it mandatory for all students in the state?
CS - yes, you are correct. In today's economic times, we who have jobs appreciate them, and would do anything asked of us. Unfortunately, the teachers have been doing that for years. Their profession has become one that many people wanted to go into to one that is not always held in the highest esteem. My sister teaches seventh grade kids with minor learning disabilities, in another state; last year she was spit on, kicked, and head butted, all with no recourse to the student or their family because he has "special needs."
After attending the high school open house, I am confident the teachers are doing their job, and those who have the love of teaching in their heart will respond to e-mails, or any other form of communication. If you can take the time to type an e-mail, I'm sure you can take the time to dial ten digits and leave a voice mail message. The plus of the phone call is when the call is returned the communication is one on one, personal and the issue is clear vs an e-mail which can be read with the feeling of the person reading it rather than from the point and feeling of the person typing it.
To the teachers, do you deserve an increase in pay? without a doubt. Unfortunately, with the economic times, they must be delayed. Those who take the time to answer e-mails, thank you.
- ES
10/6 12:20pm There's nothing wrong with capitalism; my point was that collective bargaining is an effective business practice that is rewarded in a market economy. Everyone who works for a salary and a boss is a laborer. "Professional" is a pay classification meaning flat wage instead of payment for work performed.
Are you saying that if someone's trained for and loves their job that should disqualify them from negotiating as high a benefits package as they possibly can?
- Wm.
10/6 12:09pm Has anyone order coal for this winter? Which company did you use and how much was a ton delivered? Thanks. - JS
10/6 12:08pm We've been in Norfolk for the last few years, but need to find a house to rent. Three bedrooms would be best. If anyone knows of anything, please contact me at box217@norfolknet.com. We love Norfolk and we're very active in the community. Thank you! - AB
10/6 11:28am To Wm: "College educated laborers need unions because of an old-fashioned capitalist reason -- collaborative bargaining delivers." It just rewards the bad teachers. And the dedicated teachers get screwed. And what's wrong with capitalism and why do you call them laborers? They are professionals. They trained to do these jobs. This is something that, I hope, they love to do. Collaborative bargaining delivers nothing but corruption and the just show up mentality.
And I'm sick of it. I want responsibility.
10/6 11:27am My husband and I just moved to Norfolk and in gearing up for the winter I am shopping around for suggestions on were to get the following locally: 1. A cord of wood 2. Plowing services Any help is appreciated! Thanks,
- JP
10/6 8:32am LM: Thank you for the clarification. I still wonder why a phone call is the "best" way to communicate with teachers. What makes a phone call "better" than an e-mail or a personal meeting? To me, e-mail and phone calls both take the same amount of time and accomplish the same thing. I wish a member of the KPTA would clarify the e-mail question. Specifically, did the union ask teachers to stop replying to e-mail messages or not (the teach to the contract issue). We agree on at least one thing, teachers in general are underpaid. Unfortunately, this is not the economic climate to rectify wage disparities. - CS
10/6 8:20am Are there any stamp collectors or appraisers out there? Thanks, - DLJ
10/6 8:18am If you are still in search of someone to repair your two lamps I would be happy to look at them and give an idea of what would be involved to repair them - Bob, Homework Handyman 774-571-0980 - BL
10/6 8:13am If you are looking for the world's best nanny, with experience and energy and love for your kids - I have already found her! She has exceeded our expectations and our lives are so much easier with her in the picture. But we only need her part time, and the other family she has been working for is experiencing some money troubles and can't provide regular hours right now. She would like a commitment to fill the other hours of her week. If you are interested, please contact me and I'll put you in touch with her. [Use box216@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - JT
10/6 8:08am Some still has yet to explain why college educated teachers need a union. Unions were started to protect uneducated migrant workers from abuse and health related issues that can come from working in dangerous environments such as textile factories, coal mines and the like. It blows my mind that teachers go to college and do all that work to enter into a wonderful career and then they get the same raise as a teacher who barely got through college and just shows up every day. If I did all that work and really loved teaching, I would be mad as hell that the unions have made the profession all about the unions. Real educators and I mean people who love to teach and see the seeds that they place in these young minds blossom into great productive citizens, should stand up to the unions and demand for performance reviews based on further education and results. Teachers, remember one thing. Unions are all about the unions and nothing else. That's why private schools out perform public schools. Because the parents and the management demand results from their teachers. Every time we give into a union demand, our kids suffer. - PJT
[College educated laborers need unions because of an old-fashioned capitalist reason -- collaborative bargaining delivers. - Wm.]
10/6 12:10am The Federated Church of Norfolk will be holding its Annual Flea Market on Saturday, October 31 st from 9:00 AM ~ 2:00 PM, rain or shine. FCON is located on Route 115, in the center of Norfolk. Please join us and check out our Bountiful Baskets, a huge assortment of baked goods as well as homemade candy, Antiques and a lot more. For more information you can contact Sue in the church office at 508-528-0262. - KR
10/6 12:09am DN, we have been using Needham Oil and Air for 18 months now and are quite satisfied with the oil and the service. We are also having them replace our existing boiler and burner with a new system as well as adding an indirect water heater. Their estimates were right in the middle. We received 4 different quotes and choose Needham Oil and Air. You can reach them at 781-444-3600. - BP
10/6 12:07am Last Friday night's game between the King Philip Warriors and the Oliver Ames Tigers ended with the Warriors defeating the Tigers, 35 to 7. The team played well and the rain held off. This Friday is the homecoming game where KP will face Canton. Game time is 7pm, come out and cheer on the Warriors.
- ES
10/6 12:06am DN, I highly recommend the OILMAN in Foxboro. Great prices and service. - PRB
10/6 12:04am We have a large freezer no longer in use. It can be picked up here in Norfolk. Please call 508 528 6189. - TH
10/5 11:59pm If the parents prefer email, then why can't the teachers take the time during their free periods to email parents back rather than calling by phone? What's the difference? - MF
10/5 11:58pm LS: No, I am not able to meet with teachers or speak with them on the phone on any given day. My wife and I both work and cannot drive to the school for routine meetings during school hours, nor can we plan our day around a teacher's free period. Re-read my posting, please. I was pretty clear that e-mail is a more practical way to communicate for many working families who need to check in regularly. Yes, I am familiar with the contractual issues, which is why I have no respect for the negotiating tactics that the union has employed to date. DXJ has also made some excellent points about this issue. In this economy, most of us are thankful to have jobs and would not think of telling our employers that we will not do anything above our contractual commitment.
- CS
10/5 11:57pm DXJ - Please do not misquote me. I did not say that I prefer phone calls. I stated that phone calls were the best way to reach your student's teacher. I do not use iPass and it is not because of any job action perceived on your part. It is a cumbersome, slow program that is fraught with inaccuracies. The GPAs of every member of the class of 2009 had to be manually calculated because of calculating errors and intrinsic limitations with this program. The previous program could have provided a parent interface with an upgrade. This would have also been far less costly. The former system is the most used system in the United States and we had been using it for approximately four years with minimal problems. Instead, thousands of dollars were spent on a new system that was not tested or reviewed by a single administrator, guidance counselor, teacher, administrative assistance or other users. The number of errors and the limitations of this system has crippled the district. This issue was part of the no confidence vote. Other districts in Massachusetts that elected to use iPass are in the process of reviewing other programs for replacement. The district is currently looking at potentially replacing iPass with another system. As of now, users have not been asked to submit a needs analysis for use in selecting a replacement program.
The system is not being ignored, it does not work. Using iPass as my electronic grade book added at least one hour of additional keyboard time to maintain it over the old system. In addition, the time it takes to manually correct errors that the system makes was overwhelming. I purchased my own electronic grade book which I maintain on a personal laptop. I then enter the single column for each class into iPass that is required for mass printing of report cards. I respond to all parent and student requests with a detailed report or categorybreak down in a reasonable amount of time.
On another note, have you considered that one of the issues that holds back the discussion on the inclusion of the three town elementary schools into the regional program has been the issue of the inequities in the teaching contract pay scales? High school teachers with less than seven years experience are currently the lowest paid teachers in any of the town's elementary schools. Perhaps looking at the inequities in the contract should be a goal of all four school committees.
Regardless of your position on the current contract negotiations, I encourage you to attend the school committee meetings and be an active participant in resolving the issues. The next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow [Monday] evening. The agenda should be posted on the district web site. Everyone benefits from the active participation of all members of the community. I hope that you will consider attending.
- LM
10/4 6:22pm LMM and the KPTA (union) - Please don't cloud the issue by saying you prefer phone calls. Let's be honest and state that facts, the teachers union is in an ill advised job action and you have been advised by your union to only "teach to the contract". One of the job actions is to not answer emails, "as answering emails" is not specifically required in your contract. Being able to keep up with your children's progress in a public school is your right as a parent and taxpayer. The second posting relates that this should not be an issue as you can check on your child's progress through the iPass system. Again let's have some facts. Since the inception of the iPass system several years ago, the use of the system has been voluntary by staff. The system is not used by "most" teachers except just before progress reports, as it is "required" at that point. I have seen several neighboring school systems use of this technology, and it is quite impressive and informative. I am not sure how much we spent for this system, but for the staff to just ignore its use is deplorable. These work actions, along with others advised by the teachers union (not signing letters of recommendations for seniors) are not effective and have turned the public from supporting you. To continue to insist on a wage increase and continue these tactics is not productive. When your friends and neighbors are losing their jobs at an unprecedented rate, (just released unemployment rate of 9.8%) and the state gearing up for further aid reductions and layoffs, it is ludicrous for you to insist you deserve a raise. Lots of folks deserve raises and to not be terminated in this terrible economic climate, but that is not reality.
It would be in everyone's best interest to stop these juvenile union tactics, agree to a one year wage freeze and agree to take up negotiations in a year and hopefully the economy will have rebounded, where a raise is possible.
10/4 6:21pm CS - Answer this please, are the teachers available to you everyday in person and everyday to you via a phone call? Second, Do you have any knowledge at all as to the current contractual issues between the school committee and the KP staff? - LS
10/4 6:20pm Any recommendations on oil companies? We need to replace our furnace and maybe our oil company too. - DN 10/3 8:45pm Cat missing - Date Missed: Thursday, October 1st in afternoon. Sex: Female, spayed Age: About 10 years old Name: Molly Temperament: Molly is shy outdoors. She may demand to be let in to a house. Lafayette Lane neighborhood. Near: Foxboro/Wrentham/Walpole. ACO's notified: Yes Please call animal control if you see this cat @ our new direct line at 508-440-2816.
Please note that you may still call the regular line of 528 3232 for animal control. The town has switched over to a new phone server and for those who do not wish to go through the dispatch center they may call my phone line directly by dialing the 440 number. For those with animal emergency needs you will still be prompted to speak with the police dispatcher instead of leaving a message.
- HC, Norfolk Animal Control
10/3 8:44pm Hi. I am looking for someone who can fix two table lamps that I don't want to throw away or replace. In both there is a socket that doesn't work. Does anyone know someone who fixes small appliances? Thank you for your help. - HQ
10/3 6:20pm Introduction to Home Energy Saving Seminar Coming to Norfolk, Massachusetts - Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:00 p.m. Norfolk Public Library, Community Room 139 Main Street Norfolk, MA 02056 Come attend this free seminar: Introduction to Home Energy Savings to learn hands-on ways you can reduce home energy use and expenses. Refreshments provided. It is hosted by the Town of Norfolk Energy Committee with presentations by the Massachusetts Municipal Association. Cost: Free
Contact: Lynn G., 508-541-8428, ross.lynn@gilleland.com
- RG
10/3 6:17pm LS: There are many teachers in my family and I have nothing but respect for the profession and the people who have chosen it. The teacher's union is another matter. The decision not to use e-mail seems to be driven by the union, and not individual, talented teachers. Those good teachers who violate union edicts run the risk of being alienated. Great system. Phone calls work for some families, but the timing is simply not practical for many of us who are working. You seem to have missed the point though. In what other profession could the employees simply decide that they are not going to respond to legitimate, important e-mail inquiries from customers? Even at private schools and colleges, this would not be tolerated and the employees would be forced to choose to do their jobs or to find a new one. This would not be an issue if the union did not seemingly adopt this draconian measure as leverage during negotiations. The reason I posted at all is because I feel that our kids deserve the best education we can afford.
- CS
10/3 1:30pm I agree with CS. I have seen the KP system go steadily downbill the last few years due to the union protecting poor teachers and laying off the newer, more competent, and much more enthusiastic ones, all while blaming the $ situation. I received bad advice from the jr. high and it affects my child now as a freshman. I have emails to back up the sequence of events, and the high school told me that they can't be responsible for advice given at the jr. high level. I think as taxpayers and parents it's reasonable to expect a seamless transition within our KP system for Grades 7 - 12. I personally think teachers are avoiding email now so there's no evidence trail for parents to fall back on. - DM
10/3 1:21pm We have a Vic Firth Snare Drum for sale for a student in the music program at the Freeman Centennial school. We did rent to own and paid 500.00 and will sell it for $275.00. It is in great shape and comes with a case, stand, and practice pad. Our daughter has moved on to the middle school. If you are interested my email is gary_eblan@hotmail.com - GE
10/3 1:14pm The King Philip Fall Band Classic will go on this evening. If the forecast holds and there is heavy rain this evening the Marching Band show slated for the football field will be moved into the gym at King Philip High School. The event will feature nine bands from across Massachusetts including KP High's award winning band. The show begins at 6:00pm. KP is scheduled to perform at 8:00pm. Tickets are available at the gate and are $8 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. - LB
10/3 1:05pm My 5 1/2 year old is interested in taking guitar lessons. Can anyone recommend a guitar instructor for children? Thank you, - RS
10/3 1:04pm CS - The teachers are available by phone. What's the problem? Your post insinuates that the teachers put up a brick wall and are hiding behind it. Not the case at all. In fact, I was on the phone with my son's teacher today. The teachers are available via good old-fashioned person to person contact. One would assume you have an ongoing hatred of teachers based on your post linking lack of email to poorly performing teachers? - LS
10/3 1:02pm LMM, I am not afforded the luxury of always being able to call 6 teachers every week to check up on my child with ADD/ADHD during working hours. However, in the past years I have sent one e-mail to all of the teachers and received e-mails back from all. This year it is 2 out of six, even when direct questions are asked of a specific teacher. This year teachers are refusing to respond because of petty politics where the teachers are putting themselves ahead of their professional obligations to their students. At open house last week when I was in the classrooms every teacher that has not responded to e-mails were the same teachers that complained about classroom size and how hard things were this year, whereas the teachers that have responded told parents what they were doing to help our kids.
- MP
10/3 1:01pm LMM: I appreciate the clarification about how teachers "prefer" to be contacted. Unfortunately, some of us are also busy at work and cannot wait for a teachers free period to allow for a return call. E-mail is a great tool because it allows for dialogue, even if both people are not available at the same time. Is it true that KP teachers are not responding to e-mail as part of the negotiating posture? Is this why you mentioned the "ease" of a phone call? Nothing personal, just seeking clarity. Thank you,
- CS
10/2 9:28pm We received another response from an architect who had the original post forwarded to him -- CL,I am a designer, contractor, carpenter. I've been designing and building homes and additions for more than 20 years. I would be glad to talk to you about your project.
- Wm.
10/2 9:26pm It must be nice to be able to choose not to respond to your customers e-mail inquiries (KP teachers). Most of us don't have that luxury at work. I suspect this to be a deplorable negotiating tactic by the outdated teachers union. Parents concerned about how their children are doing should be able to check-in with their teachers using e-mail, phone, or a personal conference. Isn't this why our taxes support the schools after all? The more difficult the teachers make it to communicate directly with them, the less parents can ensure a quality education. So much for ongoing dialogue for the benefit of the student. Frankly, I find the whole union stance disgusting and wish that teachers could be paid for performance. Educators who inspire our children to learn should be compensated properly. Conversely, teachers who perform poorly should be forced to find a new vocation, rather than hiding behind the union/contract.
- CS
10/2 9:25pm MP - I am a member of the KPTA and teachers are always available to speak to parents. That is our professional and contractual obligation. As was mentioned in another post, the phone is the best way to reach your student's teachers. You will be prompted to leave a message as the phones do not ring in our classrooms to minimize disruption to the classroom environment. I personally respond to phone calls during my plan period which occurs once a day on a rotating schedule. - LMM 10/2 4:48pm Thank you all for your guidance, help, and support again. The committee could not have accomplished what we have thus far without many of you. I have attached the essay for the scholarship application please share accordingly. Look forward to meeting many of you. - LS
10/2 4:35pm Got a note from an architect in Medfield -- A friend of mine living in Norfolk sent me the link to your community notes and noted the request for architectural services from 'CL'. I am an architect living in Medfield that would be happy to discuss the project with you. Please contact me at this email address if I can be of any help.- Wm.
10/2 4:26pm History on the Hill - The Norfolk Historical Commission is pleased to announce that the History on he Hill programs will resume in October. The talks will be scheduled in Room 214 in Town Hall in October, December and February. In the Spring they will move back to the Gazebo on Town Hill in April, June and August. ALL the prorams will be scheduled for Wednesday night at 7:00 PM. The first program in this series of History on the Hill is October 28 , 2009 at 7:00 Pm in Room 214 in the Town Hall. The topic will be: ``Come Meet the Robichauds, the Acadians who came to North Wrentham in 1759''. Learn the story behind Henry Wadsworh Longfellow's poem -- Evangeline' Find out about the 1st Ethnic Cleansing in the New World -- The Expulsion of the Acadians from Nova Scotia. Come join us and discover the History of Norfolk. If you enjoyed our programs in June in the Gazebo when we talked about the Fales Family in North Wrentham come and learn more. If you missed the June programs, don't miss the new series of History on the Hill.
- BB
10/2 4:25pm Books on local history are now available for purchase from the Norfolk Historical Commission. Order slips are located on the counter opposite the Town Clerk's Office in the Norfolk Town Hall. Fill out your order and deposit it in the NHC Mailbox in the Mail Room which is located on the left, inside the entry door from the Parking Lot at the Town Hall. A member of the NHC will contact you to arrange delivery.
Books Available:
'' Norfolk Stories '' -- a delightful collection of interviws with Norfolk residents who lived in Norfolk in the 20th Century.
'' Life and Times of Bertha Fales '' a biogaphical study of the author of the first History of Norfolk and the origins and establishment of the Fales Memorial Park Preserve.
'' Settlement of Stop River Falls '' -- the history of the Campbell Street area at Stop River Falls from 1690 - 1940. Tells the tale of the Grist Mill; the Saw Mill; the Walpole Foundry and Blast Furnace; and the Paper Mills that once flourished there and the people who made it all happen.
''Industrialists of Walpole '' -- a history of the industries that once flourished along the Neponset River in Walpole - Bird & Son; Hollingsworth and Vose; Kendall Mills/ Curity and many more.
''The Story of Powderhouse Hill '' -- a 1700 foot high hill once stood between Spring Sreet and West Street in Walpole and was reduced over time to a depression that now sites the Swan Pond Condos. The beautiful mansion of Squire Miller Fales once sat atop this hill in 1868 and later a hospital, a reform school and a stone and gravel company would call it home.
Order your copies, now.
- BB
10/2 3:33pm MP - Yes, this has been going on since spring. The best way to contact your child's teacher is by phone. It's the same at the high school and it was pretty clear at open house that phones were the way to go. Progress reports will be out next week and another good way to get your child's grades are through IPass. You need to sign up for IPass if you have not already done so. - BMS
10/2 3:32pm Would someone recommend a place to for lake or pond fishing this time of the year. I don't have a boat so I need to be on shore. - SF
10/2 3:31pm My son-in-law is an architect and works for a small firm in Hudson, but he has done the occasional job on his own. I know, personally, 2 families that he did work for and they were very pleased. If you would like his name and phone number please contact me at beverlybab@comcast.net. - BB
10/2 3:29pm JP - I think it depends on the 3 year old. My son was 3 last year and loved it. The earlier in the day you go, the tamer it is. And there were plenty of younger kids there. On the other hand, I didn't let my daughters go until they were much older. I could never even get them to watch any of the Disney movies for the scary parts. If you do go, it's important to remember not to keep saying "It's not scary." It will only reinforce the need to be scared. Say instead "Wow, that was funny!" or "Did you like that guy's costume?" or "They must have had fun decorating that one!" It also might help to go along with a child who's already done it another year. Any if you decide to wait, that's ok, too. - LJK
10/2 3:28pm Yard Sale - 1 Sparrow Rd Norfolk, 10/11 and 10/12, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM - JH
10/1 10:39pm JP: Our three year old daughter was pretty scared during the ride, even during the sunlight hours. The ride itself is great, but may be too much for a little one. - CS
10/1 10:38pm Just wondering if the parents of the students at the King Philip Middle school are aware that the teachers are refusing to respond to e-mails asking how their kids are doing in school because of a union contract that they are trying to negotiate. - MP
10/1 10:27pm To DR, Mr. Steward is an admitted fake journalist as well as a political satirist. Go to 5:38 mark of this video. [Continued ...] - PJT
10/1 2:25pm Is the Haunted Hayride super scary? Would a nearly-three year old totally freak out? - JP
10/1 2:24pm I'm sad to learn that the Freeman will not have a chorus this year. The teacher decided not continue the program which has been funded by the TPA. Many students are going to dissappointed. I'm not sure this public knowledge yet. Maybe another teacher or parent in town will step up? - AC
10/1 2:22pm Understanding the forecast for this weekend, the Norfolk Fire Department is still planning on having the annual open house this Saturday the 3rd from 11am -2pm. Come on down for free pizza and popcorn and demonstrations. - Mike Findlen, Lieutenant / Paramedic, Norfolk Fire Department
10/1 2:21pm I have a 27 inch TV that is only a few years old that I am looking for sell for $100.00 or b/o. I am only looking to get rid of this TV as it is way to big for my child's room and we are replacing it with a smaller TV. If you are interested please email heathmcc5@aol.com - HM
10/1 2:17pm The King Philip High School Marching Band has kicked of its competitive season and is off to a great start receiving the highest score of the evening last Saturday in Blackstone. Come and see them perform their 2009 show, "The Rite of Spring" at the annual KP Classic on Saturday October 3rd at the High School. The show will be held on the football field, weather permitting or in the gym if it is pouring. Eight other bands from across the state will be also be performing. The event begins at 5:55pm with the KP Marching Band closing the show at about 8:00pm. Tickets are available at the gate and are $8 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. This years show is unique, don't miss your opportunity to see it. - LB
10/1 2:12pm We've been to Bellino's Restaurant in Franklin many times - the food is excellent, as well as the prices. Great Italian food. And the owner is great too. I have no connection to this restaurant or the owner - I just like the place. Check it out! - CK
10/1 2:11pm Does anyone know a good architect for a home additon? We are thinking about putting on a home addition and would love to find a good architect. Does anyone know what the going price is for an architect to draw up plans for an addition? I know a retired architect advertised his services last year, I don't know if he is still around. Thanks for any information. - CL
10/1 2:10pm Hi PJT: As you know, "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" is a comedy show. Jon Stewart isn't a "fake journalist"; he is a political satirist. Jon seems to be more honest, objective, rational, and civil than the "real commentators" on Fox News. Jon's job is to be funny. I'm not sure what the job of the Fox commentators is - but they seem to be rewarded for generating controversy over non-issues while ignoring real issues which, if they were discussed calmly and rationally, would contribute to a national dialog. As Thomas Friedman wrote in Wednesday's New York Times [article link] "The right impeached Bill Clinton and hounded him from Day 1 with the bogus Whitewater 'scandal.' George W. Bush was elected under a cloud because of the Florida voting mess, and his critics on the left never let him forget it. And Mr. Obama is now having his legitimacy attacked by a concerted campaign from the right fringe. They are using everything from smears that he is a closet 'socialist' to calling him a 'liar' in the middle of a joint session of Congress to fabricating doubts about his birth in America and whether he is even a citizen. And these attacks are not just coming from the fringe. Now they come from Lou Dobbs on CNN and from members of the House of Representatives."
I wish that I could point to some news outlet that is totally without bias - unfortunately, I can't. I fear that both the tone and unfounded allegations aired on Fox are contributing to an attitude which is destroying America.
- DR
[It's been called to my attention that this is all non-town-related, and I had to agree. Followups will go on the Politics page - Wm.]
10/1 2:05pm PJT - That was fun! - MJD
10/1 1:45pm [NorfolkPSB Recommendation Project Memo Final.pdf - PC
[From the document:Recommendation:- Wm.]That the Executive Director is authorized to enter into a Project Scope and Budget Agreement and a Project Funding Agreement with the Town of Norfolk to build a new Freeman-Centennial Elementary School.
10/1 1:44pm Fox News is so one sided it is pathetic. - DWL
10/1 1:43pm In honor of his 28th birthday, the first annual Adam's Army Run is scheduled for October 24, 2009. Hope you 're able to join the race or help at water stations. For details, www.sgtadamkennedy.com. - NAS & JDK
10/1 1:42pm LAST CHANCE Ticket Sales Announced for 8th Annual Haunted Train Ride - The remaining 150 tickets to the 8th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Maze will be for sale in the Norfolk Library Community Room on Thursday, October 8th, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (or until sold out). First come, first served, no tickets can be held or reserved. Tickets are $5 each, non-refundable and entitle the bearer to one train ride and one trip through the maze. The Train Ride and Maze is geared towards children ages 5 and up. As it gets darker, the ride gets scarier! The proceeds from this year's Train Ride will go to Norfolk Together to assist Norfolk residents struggling with food and heating bills and mortgage payments.
The 8th Annual Haunted Train Ride, co-sponsored by the Norfolk Community League and Norfolk Lions Club will take place on Saturday, October 17th with a rain date of Saturday, October 24th. Through the generosity of the Holmes Family, it will be held at the Holmes Fields on Myrtle Street. Gates will be open from 4 pm until 8 pm. In order to enter the parking lot, you must have a ticket. No tickets will be available at the gate.
Since its inception, the Haunted Train Ride has become a fall tradition in Norfolk. In the past, the proceeds have benefited Stony Brook, The Grange, Norfolk Recreation's Summer Concert Series, Norfolk Walkways, Santa Foundation, Norfolk Public Library's Books on CD Collection, Norfolk D.A.R.E. program, Norfolk Food Pantry, upgrading of Norfolk Athletic Fields, Norfolk Together and the Kids' Place Playground.
For more information, please contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or Tracy H. at 508-541-2388.
- CC
[Update 10/11 7:34pm: the Haunted Train Ride is SOLD OUT. No more tickets are available. - TS]