Q2 2011 Norfolknet Notes, Apr-Jun 2011This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
6/30 6:33pm Hello, I'm wondering what beaches folks from around here go to. The closer the better. Ideally good for the little ones. Thanks - DH
6/30 6:32pm Does anyone know of a place that would board my collie over the 4th of July weekend? I have not had any luck finding availability. Thank you. - JG
6/30 6:31pm We're doing a stall shower and want to use a solid material for the walls (like Swanstone, Mystera, or Corian). Anyone have experience with these products for a shower? Know anyone who can install these? - HRB 6/30 6:28pm Stony Brook Camera Club photography exhibition at Norfolk Town Library July 5-30! Artists' reception!! Wed. July 13th, 7-9:00 PM Meet the artists and enjoy their work. Refreshments will be provided. Prints are available for purchase. Address: Norfolk Town Library 139 Main Street, Norfolk, MA 02056. 508-528-3380. 19 award winning photographers from the Stony Brook Camera Club are exhibiting their work at the Norfolk Town Library throughout July. The local photographers, from Norfolk, Wrentham, Franklin, and surrounding towns, are: Tony Mistretta, Pamela Ruby Russell, Barbara Evans, Rebecca Skinner, Elaine Chisholm, Kirsten Torkelson, Dan Gyves, Dave Morin, Stephen J Tierney Jr, Richard Shirley, Joe Kennedy, Ann Bertulli, Jake Jacobson, Peyton A. Roberts, Ted Mertz, Diane and Bob Doyon, and Eva and Ken Coop.
Please note: The photography exhibit and gallery are open thru July during normal summer library hours which are given below. Admission is free!
Summer hours now in effect: Monday 2:00 - 7:30 Tuesday 10:30 - 7:30 Wednesday 10:30 - 7:30 Thursday 10:30 - 5:00 Friday 10:30 - 4:00 Saturday 10:00 - 2:00 Sunday Closed
Photo: "Fountain of Life" By: Pamela Ruby Russell All rights reserved 'cept with kind permission
6/30 6:27pm Friday, July 1st is the last day to register for the fall season on Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer!! Registration is on-line only - visit the website www.norfolklionssoccer.com to register. - HK
6/30 6:26pm MON: I agree with you on all points, except the last, "development is everything, and achievement is nothing". In real life, achievement is quite meaningful; particularly when it comes to employment. Employers really don't care too much about development, if you can deliver achievement. Food for thought. - CS
6/30 6:25pm MON, does this sound familiar? A quote from the archives... "And my further experience with the teachers in Norfolk is less than impressive--way, way less. Maybe this is because they are too busy teaching academic parlor tricks to get the students to pass the MCAS, so they can receive raises even in a bad economy while other unions hold off and regardless of their true teaching skill." - MON Sounds like you are saying now that the teachers could not have been wrong about the way they define academic excellence? Only when it's not your kid right MON? Parlor tricks indeed. It's all about child development? Really?
6/30 6:22pm Repair/ sell your old or broken electronics--We are a group of college engineers looking to put our electronic repair skills to work this summer. Repairs: We are looking for people who need repairs on things like LCD monitors, LCD Tv's, Broken Ipod's, Broken iPhones, broken laptops, hard drives, general computer problems, etc. We are available for the next 2 months and will perform repairs at extremely convenient prices.
We also are looking to buy old electronics such as old computers, old laptops, old ipods, old iphones, and anything listed above. Please contact us to discuss further!! Chances are we will be interested in whatever you are inquiring about! norfolkcomputers1@gmail.com Thanks!
- CC
6/30 6:19pm Rising college sophomore and KP graduate available for tutoring this summer. Can tutor any subject, elementary through high school, at competitive rates. Great with kids! Will help students review material from the previous year or prepare for the next school year. References available. Contact emallen@brandeis.edu - EA
6/30 6:16pm Looking for a mason to re-point my chimney and someone to re-tile my entry way. Send an email to glass1971@aol.com. Thanks in advance. - PRB
6/30 6:15pm MON: Surprise, surprise! An unnecessarily pointed and edgy response from MON. My comment is not about my child, his/her grades, or any such thing. Nor is it evidence that I am a lazy parent who wants my kids to be raised by the schools, and that I have no clue how to encourage their personal development or ensure they get a good education. It was an endorsement of an idea presented by someone else, rather thoughtfully, I might add, that these recognitions could be handled differently. Not every suggestion for improvement in our schools is someone asking you to open your wallet. I know you're smarter than that. Please stop responding with your condescending attitude that only you know how best to raise, educate, feed, and care for a child. Once again, you remind me why I rarely engage in conversations on NN. - TC
6/29 4:31pm Tomorrow, Thursday, June 30th, the Sharon Concert Band will open Norfolk Recreation's Summer Concert Series on Town Hill at 6:30 p.m. Come, bring family , friends, and chairs, and enjoy this pre-fourth of July concert of Patriotic and Popular music! For a full schedule of the towns where the Sharon Band and the Roy Scott Big Band will be playing this summer, please visit the website at sharonbands.org. Hope to see you on the hill! - CR
6/29 4:30pm We have used Frank's Appliance in Milford several times. We recommend them. - ML
6/29 4:29pm Hi, We need of help with our 15 x 15 foot deck. The top four railing boards need to be replaced. Could someone recommend a local handyman or construction company? - AV
6/29 4:28pm Local parent on YouTube revealing what your high school student can do despite budget cuts. [click for webpage] - PH, PreCollegePrep
6/29 4:27pm To LA - for appliances, we have used Sam's Appliances out of Norwood. Small mom and pop type store, but good prices and good service. We have used them on 3-4 occasions over the years and other people I know who have used them have been happy as well. - EF
6/29 4:26pm Last call for Red Sox tickets.. July 6 game versus Toronto. Coca Cola Pavilion seats. $90 each which includes $15 worth of concession items.Call Norfolk Recreation at 508-520-1315 or email us at recreation@virtualnorfolk.org to arrange pick-up time. Thank you! - Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk
6/29 4:25pm Hornets nest - wait until dusk, spray it with hornet spray with like a 20' spray range, it is easy to do, and doesn't take a lot to kill the nest. Do not point a flashlight at it while you do this, as they will come to the light as we found out years ago. - JW
6/29 4:04pm To TD - I just had my garage door fixed - the spring went plus I had other work done on another door. I called Walpole Door who was recommended to me and they were terrific. Very fast, knowledgable, and reasonably priced. I spoke to Jim... I think he and the other workers are Walpole firefighters. The number is 508-660-5080. - AP
6/29 4:03pm The Norfolk Summer Concert series starts this Thursday night, June 30, on Town Hill. Come enjoy the Sharon Concert Band; a full 50-piece wind symphony (all orchestral instruments except the strings) playing a wide range of Pops/Americana/Classical/Marches. Concerts start at 6:30pm and end at approximately 8pm. All concerts are free..bring a blanket or chair and relax and enjoy a beautiful summer evening in Norfolk! Check out the T-shirts for sale at the concert...Norfolk Recreation is 50 years old this year and we have commemorative t-shirts (adult sizes) for sale. T-shirts are $10 and all proceeds go toward the Summer Playground Program. - Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk
6/29 4:02pm TC and AMG - You are asking for too much from the schools, and as a taxpayer, I find it ludicrous that a public education and teaching time be taken away to give superfluous achievement awards. Motivation and positive reinforcement begins in the home, and if it's not there don't come to the taxpayer to find it, because there is no one answering these days. But I will offer an answer to your issues. Why don't you take your prize-neglected student out for a mini-celebration or just something special just to show that they are unique and that their studies do have meaning to those who love and protect them, regardless of what grades they get!
Parents spend way too much time focusing on student achievements instead of child development, and development is everything, and achievement is nothing.
6/29 4:01pm Shop the Farmers Market every Wednesday through October 26th, from 2:00 - 6:30pm, on the Town Common in Walpole Center. Visitors can expect to find farm fresh produce, cheeses, meats, fish, eggs, baked goods, pastas, honey, jams, herbs, gourmet fudge, Mediterranean foods, arts and crafts among many other items. The Town Common is located at the intersection of Main (Route 1A) and Front Streets. Just look for the gazebo and tents and you will find us! On-street parking may be found along Main Street, Common Street, Elm Street, West Street, Front Street and in nearby municipal parking lots. During the Market hours, parking is allowed on the other side of Front Street where Epiphany Parish is located. Visit the Market's website at www.walpolemafarmersmarket.com for additional details.
- SM, Town of Walpole
6/29 4:00pm RM: Sorry, bees and wasps are insects and are not covered as "animals". You'll need to contact and extermination company if you do not wish to remove it on your own. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
6/29 3:51pm Need help with your pets? Leashrly Life will come to your home and care for your beloved friend. We offer a number of affordable services from pet sitting to dog walking, group hiking excursions and one-to-one personalized obedience trainings. Experienced, loving care by professionals you can trust. References are available. Fully insured and bonded. All animals are welcomed! Call 781-241-2083, visit www.leashrlylife.com or email info@leashrlylife.com - AW, Leashrly Life
6/28 10:00am Frank's Appliances in Milford was very helpful and competitively priced when I was buying a gas stove, washer and dryer. I wanted to "buy American" and was able to do so there. - MJS
6/28 9:59am I am a local 20 yr old Norfolkonian looking to raise some extra money apart from my full-time job. Anyone in need of yard work; clean up or fence installation on Friday, Sat or Sundays, please send info to shawnroc@verizon.net. References can be provided. $15/hr. 3 hr minimum. - SR
6/28 9:55am AMG: You raise a very important point. I know of a student in an almost identical situation. Kudos to the kids who received much-deserved recognition this year. But the flaw in their system of recognition was glaringly obvious to many of those in attendance. The structure is a serious disincentive, and many very strong students are given no recognition for their efforts. It also seems short-sighted that all the other awards given apparently require the same academic achievement, which limits the pool or recipients to a select few. Again, the kids recognized were all worthy, no doubt. But the school could get more creative about award criteria to motivate more students, particularly as they head into middle school. - TC
6/28 9:31am I'm looking for a handyman to fix broken garage door spring. Any suggestions? Thank you. - TD
6/28 9:30am SH - The CPC and MHT are using cute marketing words to pull the wool over your eyes. Words like training, Fire Department, Public Safety. The issue of Gumps has nothing to do with the fire dept. I wish the NFD well. Yes, it's nice our guys get have to fun torching the joint, if not I'm sure someone would have just as much fun bulldozing the joint. The larger point and one that you just overlooked is why we just spent $$$ for this place and now it is being destroyed. - LS
6/28 9:29am CARPOOLING - My daughter is attending the Adventures in Veterinary Medicine at the Tufts campus in Grafton, MA. Does anyone else have a child attending this program the week of July 11-15? If so, I am interested in carpooling. If interested, please get back to me at klenkalex@comcast.net. Thanks! - kk
6/28 9:28am Thank you to Jim Lehan for providing clear, factual information about the Gump property and house. What a breath of fresh air! And thank you also to all of the volunteers in our community who give so generously of their time and talents to the betterment of our town. - SDB
6/28 9:27am TO: SD RE: driving schools - My son passed his test and received his license on Saturday. He attended A&E Driving school in Norwood. I highly recommend it. The price is better than most. I believe it was $595, which included classes, driving/observation hours and parent meeting. Ask for Deanne and let her know James K. of Norfolk sent you. Good luck! - CMK
6/28 9:24am Last days to register for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Fall 2011 - Registration deadline is JULY 1st - after July 1, players will be added to a Wait List and will only be placed onto a team, with a $50 Late Fee, should a space on a team be available Registration is on-line only.
All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons. NLYS is open to boys and girls age 3 (by September 1, 2011) thru grade 12. No tryouts and No cuts - everybody plays. And you do not have to live in Norfolk to join in on the fun!
This fall season we will be placing U9 (grade 2 & 3) players onto ALL Girl and ALL Boy teams.
Visit the website www.norfolklionssoccer.com to register. Questions, need more information? - Email norfolklionssoccer@verizon.net
- HK
6/28 9:22am Subject is Burning Houses? I remember the big uproar when the original gazebo was wanted by many Town residents... But who should get it? So the town, spending quite a bit of time and money, decided it would be saved. Remember our parade down Main St. on a flatbed?? The Gazebo is saved... where is that very Historic and Envied piece of Town Property?? I watched it slowly rot at the Town Barn. Funny how No one was able to keep it... fix it. We saved a vault (and I laugh when I say saved cause it was demolished then rebuilt... badly I'll add) but homes?? Burn them for practice. And sometimes like the Sweet Farm house... not very well. LOL - SW
6/28 9:21am I just discovered a huge hornets nest in a bush right next to my front sidewalk. Will Norfolk Animal Control deal with this? If not, does anyone have a recommendation on a pest control expert who can get rid of it? It's too deep into the bush for me to feel comfortable spraying it myself. Thanks for any advice.
- RM
6/28 9:20am SD, I recommend Franklin-Millis Driving School. They have an all-inclusive price of $650. I compared what all the area driving schools charge for everything -- classroom education, driving hours, and parent class -- and Franklin-Millis come out as the most reasonable in the area. What I also like about them is they actually teach during the classroom hours (instead of letting the kids play cards, goof off, and whatnot), so the students are actually prepared for the upcoming Registry tests! Also they have an online scheduler for the driving hours which is very easy to use. - DM
6/28 9:19am JO, thanks for the tip for Mark Sullivan. He poured my concrete patio and it came out great. If anyone else needs a concrete patio call All-Phase Concrete out of Foxboro. Mark Sullivan 508-212-3670. Mark was the 4th contractor I contacted and he responded promptly and did a nice job, the others never called back or showed up to do the estimate. Now has anyone had a good pavement contractor do there driveway recently?
- PD
6/25 10:53pm Yard sale: 58 Medway St - 9AM-Noon. New items added - electronics, computers, DIY items, household items, books and more. All good quality. Also office furniture for sale. Rain or Shine - in garage if raining. - RH
6/25 10:52pm Hi, I have a 16 year old son who is looking to take Drivers-Ed this summer. Was wondering if anyone had any positive or negative experiences to share about local driving schools? Thanks. - SD
6/25 10:51pm I am planning on buying a new gas range this summer. What appliance stores do you recommend, where have you had a good experience? Any suggestions for an installer? Thank you. - LA
6/25 10:53am We have a 3 bed 1 bath duplex for rent. EIK, dinning room, living room. Hardwood floors, full basement storage, W/D hookup. Large fenced in yard. Pets OK. 1400 per month. Utilities separate. Near center of town.
If interested please call Heather @ 617-640-8914 or email Featherberry@comcast.net
- HC
6/24 8:48pm There are a lot of yard sales this Saturday. Some didn't get on the page until this evening, so here's a summary: 1 Truro, 9-2, rain or shine
58 Medway, 9-noon, rain or shine
15 Spring, 9-1
45 Everett, 9-1
29 Stop River- Wm.
6/24 8:46pm Yard sale: Saturday 6/25 9 AM - 2 PM, 1 Truro Rd. Inventory of brand new games, magic set, etc. all in original, unopened packaging! Nintendo DS. Girl's Schwinn, 24 inch, ten speed bike in excellent condition. Young teen girl's clothing, high quality, like new. Lots of fun small toys for 25 cents each so bring the kids!! Rain or Shine. - KBC
6/24 8:41pm Hello, everyone. I am acquainted with a very capable student who just graduated and will progress to the Middle School next year. (No, she is not a relative and I do NOT have children in the school system!). We were talking about school as I am a retired school teacher and I asked about her report card for the end of the year. This young lady made the "A honor roll" (All A's for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms) and earned one B in term 1. I then asked if she received any "awards" for her outstanding school achievement during the past year. She replied in the negative.
Apparently, if I understand the information correctly, only 4 term, "A honor roll" students are recognized and as a result, it is mostly this small group of children that are eligable for some of the other awards given at the end of the year. I have to wonder if this isn't an unwise policy on the part of whoever it is that determines awards criteria. Where is the incentive for non-honor roll students to work harder to perhaps make the honor roll in subsequent terms? Why can't "most improved" students be recognized? What about students with perfect attendance? Isn't that a significant milestone? Other suggestions; most creative Science project in their grade, best Essay in their grade, recognition for community volunteerism, Music awards, Art awards, Sports awards and on and on. I realize that some people reading this will feel that the meaning of an award may be watered down with the granting of more certificates...or whatever...but the value to the students through increased motivation and self-esteem could well outweigh any unlikely loss of significance of the "A honor roll" award.
I believe that there are so many more areas for which children should be recognized. Not everyone can be a 4 term "A honor roll" student, but MANY children have gifts and talents that absolutely should be recognized. Perhaps for those students that may be struggling or just "average", seeing their friends and classmates receiving recognition for some special skill or talent might motivate THEM to try a little harder.
I can see no negative to recognizing a larger pool of students, and I feel that only positive benefits could potentially result. These ARE children. The school system should recognize those that have made some significant contribution to their own education.
Thanks for listening.
6/24 8:29pm MOVING SALE! Saturday, June 25th, 29 Stop River Road. Furniture, electronics, name brand toys, name brand clothing, housewares, books and movies, and much more! Proceeds to benefit the Bishop Feehan Volleyball tournament trip to South Carolina. Please stop by! - CM
6/24 8:26pm Re post of 6/23 12:15am: I forgot to also include that I am registered on myhometownlink.com which is a new website for parents to find help and teens to find jobs. I would recommend checking it out as well as my profile. - TB
6/24 8:25pm I am looking for a summer babysitter for my boy/girl twins age 12, Mon-Thurs. I need someone can keep the kids busy and is able to drive the kids about whether it is to the park, bowling, play dates, etc. Please email me at Powers94@comcast.net. - JGP
6/24 8:24pm Local parent on YouTube revealing what your high school student can do despite budget cuts. [click for webpage] - PH, PreCollegePrep
6/24 8:23pm YARD SALE - Saturday 25th June - 9AM-Noon. No Rain Date will be in Garage if wet. Lots of items including furniture, household items, computers, books and more. 58 Medway Street, Norfolk. No early birds. - RH
6/24 8:20pm Hi, I am a veteran nanny who is looking for a position for the 2011/2012 school year. I am also available for summer if needed. I have a 1 year old daughter that I would prefer to bring along. I was a nanny for many years and have most recently worked as an aide in a local elementary school. If you would like to talk more you may reach me through email: keelygriffin80@gmail.com I can provide excellent references upon request. I hope to hear from you! - KJG
6/24 8:15pm I would like to clarify some misinformation concerning Gumps and the Municipal Housing Trust (MHT). The Municipal Housing Trust was established several years ago with the mission of developing affordable housing in Norfolk. It's funding comes from 3 sources: CPC which has contributed on 2 occasions through a Town Meeting vote; payments from the sale of condos by the developer in the center of town which was a condition of the Zoning Board of Appeals when the original project was approved; the sale of homes or property secured by the MHT for the purposes of providing affordable housing. The Trust has secured 7 pieces of property over the last few years for this purpose. Five volunteers from our community serve on this board and have worked tirelessly on this mission. Affordable housing is not low-income housing. When the town purchased the "Gump" property by Town meeting vote, three lots where set aside for the purposes of building affordable homes. These homes must conform to the neighborhood. Additionally the MHT purchased the home located on the property for the same purpose. The Trust was aware of the condition of the home and the potential need to replace it. The cost to repair the home and bring it up to the current building code would be more expensive then to construct a new home. Additionally it is the goal of the MHT to ensure these homes are cost effective for the home owner and "reconditioning" is not as efficient as new construction. This home was used by our Fire Department for training utilizing theatrical smoke last Saturday, a process that had no impact on the property and is invaluable to the department. There is NO plan to "burn down "this home. The Trust is working in concert with the Planning Board at this time in negotiating with a developer that will result in these new homes (including the replacement of the existing home) being built at no cost to the Town or Trust. I cannot be more specific at this time as we are still negotiating but we are optimistic. Scott Dittrich is the Chairman of the MHT and he or I would be more than happy to answer any additional questions, please feel free to call.
As to the remaining property, this was purchased by CPC. A group of 10 volunteers will be working throughout the summer to consider the potential uses of this property. There are restrictions as to what may be considered and a water park; dirt bike track and skating rink are NOT on the list. This property was secured for the purposes of retaining open space, agricultural uses and passive recreation. Some thoughts that will be considered are relocating kid's place, community farming and walking trails. We will post the volunteers on the Town website and I am sure they would welcome your input. This committee will bring forward their recommendations in the fall to the CPC and the BOS.
Currently the Grange has requested from the BOS to utilize some of the property for the summer for the purposes of growing crops to be donated to the food bank. There have been a number of posts concerning this project and I hope a number of you will help out and participate in this worthy cause.
This community is very fortunate to have so many of its citizens volunteer so much of their time to make Norfolk such a great place to live. These people do their very best to do what they believe to be in the overall best interest of the Town. We will never have complete agreement by all parties on any issue but we can work together to share those differences in a positive and helpful manner. I and the other Selectmen would welcome the opportunity to visit neighborhoods to hear your thoughts and concerns. Please feel free to call or email us, coffee is all that is required.
- Jim Lehan, Board of Selectmen
6/23 12:15am Hi I am 17 and looking for a babysitting job for the summer. Please let me know if you're interested! - TB
6/23 12:12am Looking for a local painter who is reliable? We do good quality work at an affordable price. Both interior and exterior of houses and have numerous references if necessary. Contact John Cuozzo 508-641-0122 or Bobby Zahner 508-244-8101 and email at tritown.painting@gmail.com. - JC
6/22 8:19pm Great mason and tile person. We just had patio and walkway put in and they also did a new backsplash and shower surround. Great work and a pleasure to work with. Harold Darling 508-243-7549 - KR
6/22 8:17pm As a frequent user of Gerry Martel, I highly recommend him. He returns your phone calls in a timely basis, does excellent work (even fixing past electrician's mistakes) and his rates are very reasonable. For someone to hide behind anonymity and post a comment about an individual who has his own business and home in town is uncivil. - BMS
6/22 2:55pm Hi, was wondering if anyone had a recommendation for someone who might be able and interested in pouring new concrete front steps for us. We have contacted Tresca and they will bring by the yard of concrete that is needed, just need someone to demo out the old, build form and pour the new. Looking for reasonable yet reliable person. Thanks so much! - SST
6/22 2:54pm Re Gumps - "misinformation" or not the fact remains CPA funds (your money and mine as well as state money to supply matching funds ) were used to buy the 22 acres of land. As far as buying the house, unless the Norfolk Municipal Housing Trust is entirely privately funded, it too is your money and mine. - RJP
6/22 2:53pm Welcome to Norfolk Community Gardens. The town has approved this garden. The produce will go to our Food Pantry. Norfolk Grange #135 and Norfolk Pamona Grange along with the Federated Church are supports of the project. Gerry Walsh, from Walsh's Greenhouse was kind enough to rototill the 75' x 50' garden. If you go to Walsh's Greenhouse you can purchase a pack of vegetables and they will deliver it to the garden for us. Please call Tina A. for information on how you can join us in bringing good food to our food pantry! 508-369-6754. Bring garden gloves and lots of energy!
- TA
6/22 2:52pm Thanks for the clarification Cyndi. How does the MHT get its funding? The CPC did work hand in hand with the MHT to co-develop this space called Gumps. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks - LS
6/22 2:51pm This recent article in the Sun Chronicle got me thinking [Sun Chron article here]. With all the improvements along 115 with the widening and sidewalks and walls and such, the intersection with Marshall Street and 115 is worse than ever. The line of sight was improved slightly but with the "improved" travel lanes on 115 the speeds have increased, so the actual time to enter 115, taking either a left or right turn is less than before. It would seem that someone should have done a reality check for the new construction on 115. The new wall at the cemetery on Seekonk and Main is another poor intersection made worse. My basic old Honda sits low to the ground. From Seekonk Street the view to the left is obstructed by the stone cap on the wall. I have to creep up slowly so I can see on-coming traffic.
I read with a bit of amazement the discussion on Gump's farm. What would people think if they knew that a member of the Board of Selectmen was pushing for an ice skating rink on the property? As has been stated before, we can't even take care of the roads in Town properly - how can we justify an ice skating rink..and isn't there already an ice rink in Town.
- AB (one of many, I see)
6/22 2:50pm LS, We are extremely fortunate to have a well trained fire dept in all aspects of fire training. Having the firefighters train now places them in certain situations they otherwise would not be and with that training, may save a life or two. I know I would never hire an accountant that only filed a couple of tax returns a year :) - SH
6/22 2:49pm To PRB - For tiling, John Willette from North Attleboro does a great job. Very neat and thorough. He has been tiling (his only business) for more than 25 years. He can be reached at 508-353-3400. He has worked here on two occasions. Once to re-tile a floor and walls and the second time to re-tile a floor. We would hire him again in a heartbeat. - EF
6/22 2:48pm DMM--I disagree strongly with your recommendation of Gerry Martel for electrical work... - JHR
[How so? - Wm.]
6/21 4:52pm To clear up some misinformation on Gump's Farm property -- Community Preservation Act monies were not used to purchase the house at Gump's -- CPA funds were used to buy the 22 acres of land only at Gump's Farm, as voted by fall 2010 town meeting. The Norfolk Municipal Housing Trust purchased the house using its funds, and that board will decide how best to proceed in creating a deed-restricted affordable house. The Fire Department had a smoke training excercise according to a neighbor of the property.
Finally, the Norfolk Grange is currently planting a vegetable garden on the property -- produce will be donated to the Norfolk Food Pantry and other local food pantries. They are looking for donations of supplies and labor. The establishment of a community garden will be investigated as a possble future use of the property.
- Cyndi Andrade, Norfolk CPC
6/21 4:51pm Can anyone recommend a good tile person. Thanks, - PRB
6/21 4:50pm It was my understanding at town meeting that Gump's Farm house was being bought for affordable housing. I, too, do not understand why it is being proposed to burn it down. - KF
6/21 11:18am I am looking for a responsible and caring person to dog-sit my two Jack Russell Terriers for a week. Please call me at 508-446-7897 to talk about details. - RV
6/21 11:15am To BG & SB - Re cleaning lady - Have been using service for several years and recommend Maria highly. Her phone (with her permission] is 1-508-367-9538. - JO
6/21 11:14am I am curious who made the call on why the Gumps Farm home was a loss. I am pretty sure that the town paid the assessed value for the home and it represented an investment in the property. Did the CPC sign off on this? Who else decided that it was not worth it. Wait, wait let me guess.... - DL
6/21 11:13am DLJ - Thanks for the information! The Gumps Farm house was being lived in before the town bought it and now less than a year its uninhabitable? What about having the Fire Dept. use the place for sleeping instead of burning another place down? The Chief is always complaining about lack of space. We need to come up with ideas for the use of that house. If they are bored and need something to do, they should plant a garden instead of torching another place. I have lost count on how many houses get burned down in the name of training. I will be so happy when the Town votes at Election time to decrease the CPC tax. Funny stuff we have here... The town buys a private residence with a bunch of land that is zoned for business solely because a very elitist board ran out of ideas to spend our tax money. Less than a year later, after the place becomes an eyesore the Town decides to burn down the house in the name of training. What a waste. It's laughable.
- LS
6/21 11:12am Yard sale: Saturday 6/25 9 AM - 1 PM, 15 Spring St. Furniture, housewares, electronics, books, and so much more! See you there! - AB
6/21 11:11am Does anyone know of a good window cleaner they might recommend. Old house, too many windows, I am too old for the ladder ups and downs! - EM
6/21 10:25am This and That Sale June 25th from 9am-12pm, 6 Ferndale Ave, Norfolk. Preview the evening before from 5pm-7pm This is a Yard, Garage, Estate Sale at my home. A wide variety of items See you there!
- SB
6/21 10:24am Happy Summer Solstice! Three hours from now at 1:16pm the sun will reach the highest point in the noon sky, marking the end of spring and the start of summer. - Wm.
6/20 1:28pm Kids Yard Sale Saturday, June 25 9-2 (rain date Sunday, June 26) 1 Truro Road, Norfolk - ML
6/20 12:35am History on the Hill Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 7:00 PM On Town Hill in the Gazebo (weather permitting) or Room 214 in the Norfolk Town Hall. Come join us for the fifth program in this series on local history, sponsored by the Norfolk Historical Commission. The subject June 29th will be the Blakes of Stony Brook. We will trace 300 years of the History of Stony Brook, from the early saw mill and cotton mills on that site to the shoddy and woolen mills that operated there later. Today, we are all familar with the Audubon Sanctuary at the Bristol Blake Reservation that was established in the mid twentieth century. Learn the role that the Blake family played during this 300 year period. - BB
6/20 12:33am Saturday June 25th. Girl Scout Troop 74755 having a car wash at the Federated Church parking lot. Proceeds to benefit the rebuilding of Kids Place Playground on Boardman street. 9am-12pm. - JC
6/20 12:32am Every time I drive by Gumps old farm, I get depressed. It looks so vacant and overgrown. I am hoping that our town creates a community garden there. Here is a link to the community garden in Franklin. www.franklincommunitygardens.org. Not sure how to get this started in Norfolk, but it would certainly be a worthwhile project. And great for our community. - JN
6/20 12:31am To BG & SB try Reliable Cleaning Service at 508 883-2351. The owner is Phyllis and she resides in Bellingham. She is fully licensed, bonded and insured. Also if you have pets you don't have to worry about Phyllis letting them out or using cleaning agents that may be harmful. She is extremely respectful of your home and all who reside in it. - CF
6/20 12:30am From what I've heard during government meetings, the new Freeman Kennedy School will have gas instead of oil. The gas line currently stops on Seekonk Street. The gas line is being extended from Seekonk Street under the sidewalk area up Main Street, under the railroad track, along Rockwood Road (pipes being installed now), down the new access driveway beside the Grange, and to the school. Any resident or business along the route has the option to hook up to the gas. Gump's house - Also heard during government meetings, Gump's house could not be restored so it needs to be demolished. Saturday morning there is a Fire Department Training Session sign in front of it.
6/20 12:28am There are a lot of pitfalls re selling gold. Having been through this and gotten somewhat ripped off myself, I would advise the following: Go directly to a place where the gold is smelted - I think that's the term. There's more than one place in the Attleboros. Be sure you go over the pieces with them and confirm the mark regarding the karat content. They may later tell you they were marked wrong, anyway, in order to pay you less. Once it's smelted, it's gone, and you are not in the driver's seat (or the catbird seat, for that matter). Each person who touches your gold charges a fee, including the jeweler who takes it from you. For example, when I went to N. Attle. to have the smelting done, there was a fee just to put my stuff in to be melted. Then they take a percentage once it's done. Sometimes if it's not the minimum they want you to have, there's another fee or a higher percentage which comes out of your end. You will NOT get the troy ounce price for the weight that you have, be it 14 or 18 K. I would definitely ask around. There are websites of smelters where you can send your gold. One place I almost used took the gold and before smelting it, they sent me an invoice as to what they would pay. It was very low. Nowhere on their website was mentioned the minimum amount or the higher percentage fee. I had to threaten to report them to the Michigan Attorney General to get my gold back without paying their postage. I figure the place I used in N Attle. underpaid me by about $100. I had the last laugh because shortly afterward there was an explosion and I think they're out of business. Of course, some people would rather get less money and not have the hassle. Good luck, - AB-G
6/20 12:27am I've noticed many paint markings on Main street around the roundabout, leading down past Dunkin's, appearing over the last month. This week, stake-markers appeared, set back 8-10 feet into the front yards of all the houses along Main street (south side) from the roundabout to Seekonk street. Does anyone know what the project is? Will it involve widening Main street to those markers? Or did they just realize that we still had one relatively smooth stretch of road left in town, and figured they'd dig it up?Just the town getting rid of the overstocked orange paint they have...- SW
6/17 7:47pm I've noticed many paint markings on Main street around the roundabout, leading down past Dunkin's, appearing over the last month. This week, stake-markers appeared, set back 8-10 feet into the front yards of all the houses along Main street (south side) from the roundabout to Seekonk street. Does anyone know what the project is? Will it involve widening Main street to those markers? Or did they just realize that we still had one relatively smooth stretch of road left in town, and figured they'd dig it up? - JR
6/17 7:46pm Many of you have asked why we didn't re-schedule Community Day after the rain out. It is impossible to coordinate over 50 participating groups, 8 entertainment venues, food sales & rides. Many of these were contracted back in January, for example the "bouncy rides" and several performers. - Don Hanssen, Chairman, Norfolk Lions Community Day 2011
6/17 7:38pm We continue to have a chronic problem with mice nesting in the car engine. Would appreciate suggestions from those who have found a solution to this annoying and expensive problem. - JB
6/17 7:37pm Hi my name is Annmarie (age 17, incoming senior at King Philip High School and a Norfolk resident) and I'm looking for babysitting opportunities for the summer. I'm a certified babysitter and can provide my own transportation. You can reach me at annmariedirienzo@yahoo.com or at (508) 520-3001. Thank you. - AD
6/17 7:30pm Does anyone around town have a trailer I could borrow for about 3 hours tomorrow morning to move a 1976 MG Midget across town? It has to go from King St. to Mass Ave. My Jeep has no trouble moving it but I don't own a trailer big enough. It needs to be able to hold a car that's 12' long, 5' wide, weighs about 1700lbs and hook up to a 2" ball. My personal email is are1201@verizon.net or reach me at 508-397-2233. Thanks everyone. And make sure you tune in to NCTV. - AE, NCTV
6/17 7:25pm I'd be interested in any feedback given to BG on a reputable house cleaner as well. Thanks - SB
6/16 9:29pm We are looking for a reputable house cleaner. Anyone have someone that does a really great job, trustworthy and reasonable? All suggestions gratefully appreciated. - BG
6/16 9:27pm Hello, on 6/10 my message was posted, seeking a home to rent here in Norfolk. Within 2 hours of my post hitting this site, I had a call from a wonderful couple with a house to rent for me and my family. It is perfect, and they have been nothing but gracious. Thank you to each one of you who considered my post, and to the several who contacted me. I am thrilled to be able to stay in Norfolk, and with a home that will be perfect for us. Have a wonderful summer! Gratefully - JK
6/16 2:55pm JP, I would not recommend Joseph's Fine Jewelry in Franklin. We had a bad experience there. - LS
6/16 2:54pm Update on lost dog. Sam is back home after being found in Wrentham where he let himself in through someone's screen door. Thanks. - LS
6/16 2:53pm CT - I highly recommend Andy Courtade. Responds quickly to messages, can usually make an appointment within a day or two, is always on time, does a great job, and is very nice, neat and polite as well. He has done numerous jobs for us and we've been satisfied with all of them. He's at 508-816-2001 - JT
6/16 2:52pm Thank you to everyone who helped organize the Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer at the NE Revolution Night! A great time was had by all at this event... [youtube video] Be sure to "LIKE" us on Facebook [facebook page]
- HK
6/16 2:51pm CT: Try Gerry Martel, ADL Electrical Service at 508-528-1726. - DMM
6/16 2:50pm We are wondering if anyone has a large dog crate/ cage that they wouldn't mind parting with. We are thinking about adding a new four legged friend to our family. If you have one, please feel free to contact us via e-mail with a price and history. [Use box328@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks! - TM
6/16 1:14am LOST DOG: Our dog Sam got out and kept on going. He is a black lab/St. Bernard mix with a blue collar, not wearing his tags. Very friendly. Vicinity of Blueberry Lane. Please call 520-3270. - LS
[Update 6/16 2:54pm: Update on lost dog. Sam is back home after being found in Wrentham where he let himself in through someone's screen door. Thanks. - LS]
6/16 1:09am Summer voice lessons... Learn healthy singing techniques for the summer months. I offer private voice lessons from age 11 and up in my Norfolk studio. I am classically trained with a voice performance degree from Boston University's School of Music and have taught private voice for the past 13 years. 30, 45 or 60 minute lessons offered depending upon the singer's experience. Please e-mail Caitlin @ caitmckay@verizon.net for more details. - CG
6/16 1:09am U-pick strawberry season's in full swing at Jane and Paul's -- and they are delicious! - VR
6/16 1:08am We are looking for a reputable jeweler in the area that will buy back gold jewelry for a good price? Any recommendations would be welcome. - JP
6/16 1:07am SC, All Rite Driveway Sealant; 508 520 6550. Had mine done about a month ago - very good job and real competitive. - PRB
6/16 1:06am Any recommendations for an electrician? - CT
6/16 1:04am We are looking for someone who can scuba dive. We need a rope cut from an anchor that is at the bottom of Kingsbury Pond. The rope has floats attached so we can't just cut it from the buoy and let it drop to the bottom and the anchor is too heavy for anyone to pull up (many tried last summer). The pond is about 25 feet deep. We'll pay you for your time. Please contact me at rabascopeg@aol.com. Thank you! - PR
6/16 1:02am I am happy to announce our new Facebook fan page for the DARE to Dream Summer Program! Please come visit and "LIKE" our fan page. In doing so will receive any information or news that takes place throughout the year. Please visit us at [facebook page link] We are still accepting registration forms for grades 4, 5, and 7 that can be downloaded from our website. - SP, DARE 6/16 1:00am Wanted to send a virtual thank you to The Norfolk Lions Club as well as Norfolk's Brownie Troop 74763 for their donations to the animal shelter! The animals that come through here will definitely appreciate it. - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
[Update 6/24 10:53pm: fixed my typo in the image names so they load now - Wm.]
6/16 12:59am Hi my name is Mark Mcguckian. I am a carpenter who takes a lot of pride in my work. I range from siding, trim, window install, custom built-ins, bathrooms and kitchens. I live in the center of town and am trying to build some clients who will pass on my name. I don't charge a contractors price because I don't think it's fair on homeowners to pay so much. If you need any work done I would be happy to help you out. My office # is 508 440 5119 or you can email me on m_t_mcguckian@comcast.net. Thank you all and have a great day, - MM
6/16 12:58am Looking for 2-4 tickets for a Red Sox vs Royal game for either July 25,26,27,or 28th. I have co-workers from AZ in town that week and they would love to attend a Red Sox game. If you have any tickets available please contact me at Daszsports1@verizon.net - MD
6/16 12:57am JZ - try Reardon Insurance in Medway 508 533-7463 - ES
6/16 12:54am Was anyone awakened by the din of power eqyioment at 7:20 AM in the vicintiy of King Phillip Trail?. Unbeleivably inconsiderate, even though they were within their rights according to the ordinance. I wonder if the hour at which you can begin creating objectionable noise could be moved back to, say, 9 on Saturdays? - AB-G
6/15 12:04am Could anyone recommend a person who applies driveway sealant? - SC
6/14 11:57pm LS, For a specialty cake try The Dessert Works in Westwood; www.dessertworks.net Also, Whole Foods in Bellingham or Dedham have fantastic bakeries and they do special orders. Good luck!
- JC
6/14 11:56pm JHR, I recommend Patty Magraw-Breen. She lives in S. Walpole and works at Babels. Her email is: patamagra @ msn .com Tell her Jane P. sent you. - JP
6/14 11:55pm Anyone have a recommendation for an insurance agency that can help a really small non-profit with its liability insurance needs? Thanks. - JZ
6/14 11:54pm Hi WW and anyone else who may need pet sitting services this sumer... My name is Sarah and I have been petsitting in Norfolk for several years. I work for Carin who runs Critter Visits, a petsitting service that has been servicing Norfolk clients for probably the last decade; we certainly have happy customers in all areas of Norfolk who can provide references! Please feel free to call or email us for more info and to set up a complimentary, no obligation 'meet and greet'. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you! Sarah 774-571-8461 sarah@crittervisits.com, or Carin 508-922-6706 carin@crittervisits.com. - SD
6/14 11:52pm Hello - my son left his baseball glove at the Pond Street - tennis courts on Sunday at around 3pm... and he is very sad! If you found it please call me on 508-314-5219 - many thanks. - SJK
6/14 11:51pm LS: I have tried them all and I highly recommend Icing on the Cake in Newton. The best. 617.969.1830 - JN
6/14 11:50pm LS - I highly recommend Kara Kakes. She created a beautiful custom cake for our daughters 2nd birthday that far exceeded our expectations. karakakes.com - JT
6/14 11:49pm To NB: There is a new sandwich shop on Exchange Street in Millis called Isabella's, which, I believe, is what AB-G was talking about. The shop you mentioned is on 109 in Medfield, and although the name has changed, the last time I was there the menu was the same (or at least pretty close to the same). They also had shops in Dover and Franklin that are both under new names as well. - CEM
6/13 9:29pm For all of you looking for pest control like bees, carpenter ants, termites, mice and etc. call Don from ABC Pest Control. I've been using him for about 10 years and have given his name out to many people here in Norfolk. - SH
6/13 9:15pm Looking for a pet sitter - responsible person needed to care for 2 small dogs either on a live in or live out basis while family is on vacation. Fenced in yard close to the center of town. References required... thank you! Contact box327@norfolknet.com - WW 6/13 9:14pm This baby bunny is living in our back yard and isn't afraid of us. It is so sweet, it's eating grass etc so it must be weaned from mommy. - JW
6/13 9:02pm Cow Chip Bingo results! Yesterday we held our cow chip bingo even though the rain was not so pleasant. Daisy, once again, pulled through and made a winner happen! This year the winner is one of Foxboro's finest police officers! Thank you to everyone who helped make this fund raiser a success again! It will help the animals of Norfolk and Foxboro greatly! - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
6/13 9:00pm CW, Question - why is Community Day cancelled altogether and not held the following week? - DH
6/13 8:58pm For a ride to the airport - Try East Coast Limousine Inc www.eastcoastlimousineinc.com in Foxboro. Phone 1-888-799-2994 & 508-543-3773; email information@eastcoastlimousineinc.com. - DLJ
6/13 8:57pm Can anyone suggest a good bakery for purchasing a wedding shower cake? - LS
6/11 10:47am Due to the weather pattern that is due to hit here today at noon it has been decided to cancel community day. We want to thank all that were helping to participate with this event and look forward to a wonderful day in 2012. - CW, Norfolk Lions
6/11 10:45am I'd like to recommend Benoit Builders LLC for any home remodeling needed. They have a very extensive knowledge base in many areas. Www.benoitbuildersllc.com this is their website, one of their workers just re-did our patio and it came out amazing, and I look forward to having them do more work inside my house. Second, I believe Isabella's is still named Isabella's; I drove past it yesterday. And, as someone who has spent the last decade in restaurant work, I completely agree NB, went there when they first opened their Millis location and was impressed by everything!! Great sandwich, calzone, pastries, friendly service, great atmosphere. I give them a great review!
- MB
6/11 10:44am Can anyone suggest an airport limousine service? - MG
6/11 10:43am JHR - for interior painting call Brant Malmberg, Malmberg Services - 774-248-0645 - ES
6/11 10:42am Hello KB, you are looking for Frank Anello of Anello Masonry, Inc. Frank has been a mason for many, many years and is a resident of Norfolk. A real stand up, friendly guy. His phone number is: (508) 384-2583. Good luck with your project! - KF
6/11 10:38am JHR: Call Cathy Butera at 508-528-6595 for your interior painting needs. She is an excellent painter, super tidy and neat, fairly priced and you couldn't ask for a better person to be in your home. We have used her repeatedly and recommended her to people in Norfolk to rave reviews. You will not be disappointed. - MHC
6/10 7:04pm To AB-G: Isabella's was delicious and I loved their sandwiches and calzones. Unfortunately, it is no longer called Isabella's so I think it may have changes hands. Also, Isabella's had 2 other locations, that have also been renamed in the past year or so. - NB
6/10 7:03pm We had a great experience yesterday with Michael Metrick the owner of M&M Appliance Service and wanted to provide a quick reference. Our refrigerator stopped working and he was over the same day we left him a message to get us up and running. I recommend him to anyone who needs a professional, reliable, and reputable service technician. His business card says he does work on Central Vacuum, Air Conditioning and Major Appliances. We will definitely use him again. He's reachable at 508-384-7577 or 781-784-3759. - PS
6/10 7:02pm Holly is looking for occasional weeknight and weekend babysitting assignments. Holly just finished her freshman year at Dartmouth. She achieved honors and is a member of the women's varsity lacrosse team. She is a lifeguard during the day! She can be reached at [...]. - BF
[Update 6/13 8:59pm: Holly is all set, thanks! - BF]
6/10 7:01pm I am looking to have someone do some interior painting. Any recommendations?? Thanks. - JHR
6/10 6:59pm Yard sale - 45 Everett St. Saturday June 11, 2011 9AM - 1PM Electronics (some new still in original box), housewares, wall art, glassware, furniture. - RK
6/10 6:57pm A reminder to join us for Norfolk Community League's 15 th Annual Charity 5K Run/Walk Road Race on Saturday, June 11, 2011, at 9:00AM. The race will start and finish at the Holmes Field on Myrtle Street, Norfolk. Participants can pre-register at Active.com ([page link]). Medals will be awarded to the top male and female finisher in the following categories: overall race, Norfolk resident and 14 & under. Free water bottles to the first 50 registrants. Come out and run for a good cause - our community!
Proceeds from this event will benefit local organizations in order to enhance and improve the quality of life in Norfolk. NCL would also like to thank our co-sponsor, the Norfolk Lions Club.
6/10 6:56pm Hi! Any recommendations for a pest control company? One that handles ants, bees, mice, etc. Thanks! - SB
6/10 6:55pm The Federated Church is holding another Blessing of the Pets this Saturday, June 11, at 9:30 AM on the parsonage lawn. All pets are welcome as long as they are in carriers or on a leash. - DLJ
6/10 6:52pm The Bruins are hot... but don't forget those Sox! Norfolk Recreation has Red Sox tickets for sale for Norfolk residents. The game is Wednesday, July 6 at 7:10pm vs the Toronto Blue Jays. These are Coca-Cola Pavilion seats. Each ticket includes $15 toward concession in the ticket price of $92. Are you interested in a bus? We are collecting separate checks for a bus - the bus price is $12 each. If we get 25 folks interested, we will hire a bus. If not, bus checks will be returned. Interested in purchasing tickets? Email us at recreation@virtualnorfolk.org or call us at 508-520-1315. Any tickets remaining after July 18 will go to sale to general public. Thank you! - Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk
6/10 6:48pm Norfolk Recreation is looking forward to participating in Norfolk Community Day! We were told we are one of 52 booth participants this year...the most Community Day has ever had! Come have fun at Norfolk Rec's dunk tank... you never know who may get dunked! The dunk tank starts at 11:30am. Thinking of taking a dip? Bring clothes you are comfortable getting wet in don't forget to bring a towel! Thank you to the Lions for organizing and sponsoring this terrific day! See you there! - AP
6/10 6:47pm Hello - A girls silver ring was lost at the softball fields last week. It was handmade by my grandfather and has a large pink stone in the middle. If anyone finds it, please contact me through the webmaster. [Use box326@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks, - DCB
6/10 6:46pm I am Looking for wood chips. 3 or 4 yards. Just plain old pine wood chips. Anyone? Suggestions? - JO
6/10 6:44pm Seeking a 3-4 BR single family home in Norfolk or Wrentham to rent long term, 4-5 yrs. I would love to stay in this town. I would consider a 2 yr lease, but hoping to not move again for a bit. I am a single mother with 3 children, high school (KPHS) and college age. I am a working professional who is currently renting a beautiful 4 bedroom home here in Norfolk, but landlords are returning from Europe in early August and I need to move. I have been the tenant, property manager and landscaper (2 responsible sons!) for 2 years, and have cared for this home I am in as if it were my own. I have owned several large homes in the area in executive neighborhoods. I have good references, both professional as well as personal. I have good credit. I am prepared to provide 1st, last and security as needed. Please contact me @ jekinglbj@gmail.com or 508-397-2309 if you know of anything . I hope to hear soon. Very grateful for your consideration.
- JK
6/10 6:43pm I am trying to find contact information for a Norfolk mason named Frank Ianella. Does anyone know him? Can you recommend his work? - KB
6/10 6:41pm White Farm Stand is open for the season in Wrentham... at 458 South St. They are not open every day, and usually from mid-afternnoon through the evening. A lovely spot to get wonderful veggies, fruit, flowers, etc. - JHR
6/10 6:39pm Hi, I have a Haier 5000 BTU (qty 1) and a Haier 5200 (qty 1) and a Kenmore 12,000 BTU (qty 1) for sale. I am asking $30 each for the Haier's and $100 for the Kenmore. They are all about 4-5 years old and have always been stored in their original boxes. While they were still working and mostly cleaned when put away, they could probably use some more cleaning. Had them all in regular size windows. Let me know if you're interested. Send me an email at pontes_bob@emc.com and please put "air conditioners" in the subject line. - BP
[Update 6/13 9:03pm: the air conditioners have been sold. Thank you!! - CP]
6/10 6:36pm The Women's Golf Association of Massachusetts is holding a free Junior Clinic on July 6th at the MGA Links in Norton for boys and girls ages 5 to 18. Lunch will be served at 1pm and followed by the clinic and a chance to play 9 holes with a WGAM Board Member. This is a really fun way to introduce your children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends to the game we all love!
Click her for the July Junior Clinic [PDF document here]
For more information and to register: Please e-mail info@wgam.org
Cathleen Beach, Adminstrative Assistant, WGAM
6/9 1:20am Wanted to let you know that Feisty came home! After almost a week missing. Not sure where she was - but so glad to have her home. Will definitely be calling the vet to have her micro chipped. - CW
6/9 1:08am The Walpole Farmers Market opens its 2011 season on Wednesday, June 15 on the Town Common on Main Street (Route 1A) in Walpole Center. The Farmers Market will operate weekly on Wednesdays from 2:00 - 6:30pm, rain or shine, through October 26th. Visitors can expect to find farm fresh produce, cheeses, meats, fish, eggs, baked goods, fudge, Mediterranean foods, pastas, honey, jams, herbs, craft items and much more. Enjoy the opportunity to buy fresh produce and locally made foods and gifts directly from area farmers, food producers and crafters. Visit the Market's website at www.walpolemafarmersmarket.com. for additional details. - SM, Town of Walpole
6/9 1:06am Tomorrow and Friday I am volunteering in Southbridge to help the families affected by last week's tornado. If you would like to donate any of the items needed please email me: gift cards or cash, plastic bins, tarps - large ones (if possible, bigger than 20X20) - rope/bungy cords, batteries/flashlights, bandaids, antibacterial ointment, sunscreen, bug spray. Disposable: plates, forks/knives/spoons & cups (hot and cold), lawn, leaf bags and trash bags, baggies gallon and quart, sandwich sizes and plastic wrap and non perishable food. Please email me at boselliboys@comcast.net - DB
6/9 1:03am Need a sweet treat? Something cold to drink? Stop by the bake sale at Pond Street from 12-3 on Saturday June 11 and Sunday June 12. Girl Scout Troop 3616 will be holding a bake sale. We will also be collecting donations for a school system in Western Mass. the victims of the recent tornados. Their school was partially knocked down during the storm. Hope to see you at Pond Street - just look for the blue tent! - TMS 6/9 12:51am Don't Forget - Norfolk Community Day - this Saturday June 11 The Norfolk Lions in conjunction with a number of local organizations are in the final planning stages for the 19th annual Norfolk Community Day on June 11th at the Holmes Complex on 22 Myrtle Street in Norfolk. Community Day events officially kicks off at 11:30am, however the annual Norfolk Community League road race will take place at 9:00am.
Events at this year's Community Day include a children's art contest, golf ball drop 50/50 raffle and many new and old favorite amusements including the Circus Obstacle Course, Knights & Dragons Bounce and Slide, Soccer Shoot, The Joust, and the Bungee Bull Ride.
This year the black top entertainment will include a number of local groups who have participated for the last 19 years and some new venues which include:
King Philip Jazz Ensemble 11:30am-12:15pm
Kathy Ryan Dance Studio 12:15pm-1:00pm
Henry the Juggler 1:00pm-1:45pm
African Dance Troop "Mamadou" 1:45pm-2:15pm
Judged art contest entries available for pick-up 2:00pm-ongoing
Kids games (hula hoop, musical chairs & balloon toss) 2:15pm-2:45pm
Pie eating contest, golf ball drop & silent auction winners 2:45pm-3:15pm
KP Middle School Girls Band "Inspirations" 3:15pm-4:00pm
Foam Fun (play in foam sprayed by NFD) 3:30pm-4:00pm
DJ - Mike LaValley All Day
Children's amusements All Day
Fire engine, hay wagon and train rides All Day
Come join the food, games and fun that are all sponsored by various local groups. Many of our local organizations are selling goodies to raise funds and providing literature so we can all find out what's going on around town. It's a great day for everyone to get together and celebrate Norfolk.
The Norfolk Lions are pleased to acknowledge our gold and silver sponsors for this year's Community Day. Gold: Holmes Transportation, 1776 Financial Services, Foxboro Federal Savings Bank, Dunkin Donuts, Dedham Savings Bank; Silver: Roche Brothers, George T. Cronin & Sons, Norfolk Cultural Council, Dover Trucking, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Rodman Ford, Stop & Shop, Professional Developers, State Representative Dan Winslow, Snead Retirement Consulting, Environmental Partners Group, Ross Funeral Home, ECO Structures, Inc., Prudential Page Realty, Transit Seeding, Norfolk Community League, Steve McDonough, Carrison Design, Minuteman Press of Newton, and Mike LaValley.
The Lions are a non-profit organization known for working to end preventable blindness. Norfolk Lions participate in a vast variety of projects important to our community and proceeds of Community Day are donated back into local charities or to meet community needs. For up-to-date information check the Community Day website at www.norfolklionscommunityday.org. Or for information regarding Community Day, contact Don H. at don.hanssen@gmail.com or 508-520-0225.
L to R - Selectman Jim Lehan pushes Fire Chief Cole Bushnell's face into his pie during the pie eating contest at Norfolk Community Day 2010. Also pictured are Selectman Jim Tomaszewski, Animal Control Officer Hilary Cohen, and Town Administrator Jack Hathaway. Not pictured but also a contestant was Selectman Rob Garrity.
Norfolk Lion Bob Cooke drives the hay ride between the Holmes Complex and the parking area during Norfolk Community Day 2010.
Mamadou Diouck (center) and his performers play traditional Senegalese instruments, including a tama (talking drum) at Norfolk Community Day 2010.
- PS, Norfolk Lions
6/7 6:23pm CW, has your cat returned? I hope so. She looks like a Maine Coon. - AB-G
[Update 6/9 1:20am: Feisty came home - Wm.]
6/7 11:29am "Give A Hoot" is a fun and educational program focused on owls. Location: Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, 108 North Street, Norfolk, MA, Friday, June 17. 8:30pm. Family Movie: "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole" Please pre-register. Information below.
Saturday, June 18. 7:30pm Owl Prowl A brief slide show will introduce the owls found locally. After the introduction participants will take an owl prowl, a walk on the SanctuaryGrounds, to explore Stony Brook after dark in search of owls and other nocturnal creatures living in the area. Pre-registration required.
To pre-register, call or email Stony Brook: phone: 508-528-3140 email: stonybrook@massaudubon.org
This program is sponsored by Mass Audubon's Stony Brook and Norfolk Community League, with funding support from Local Cultural Councils.
6/7 11:28am Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's Fall Opening Day has been scheduled for Sunday, September 11 -- this is a free event for all NLYS players and their families! If you haven't done so already, register today for the fall season - visit our website www.norfolklionssoccer.com Registration is on-line only - deadline is July 1st! For more information or with questions call 508-520-0163 - HK
6/7 11:27am Need help with your pets? Leashrly Life will come to your home and care for your beloved friend. We offer a number of affordable services from pet sitting to dog walking, group hiking excursions and one-to-one personalized obedience trainings. Experienced, loving care by professionals you can trust. References are available. Fully insured and bonded. All animals are welcomed! Call 781-241-2083, visit www.leashrlylife.com or email info@leashrlylife.com
- AW, Leashrly Life
6/7 11:25am Update for: 6:5 10:22pm Lost dog in Norfolk airport area - Phoenix came home... His Mom reports that he turned up at the sliding doors this morning and barked to get his family to wake up and let him in. He had a big drink and is doing fine. Thanks to everyone who helped look for him. - SD
6/6 4:39pm Hello all. A turtle was run over trying to cross 115 to lays its eggs. I am guessing this is not the first. Please, please keep an eye out for turtles crossing 115 just south of 1A, where the barrels are on the north-bound side, just north of Fore Kicks. They are trying to lay their eggs. The Water Dept has told me they are going to rearrange the straw barriers so they can make it across and down to the wetland. When they don't make it they must turn around and try to go back, doubling their risk. Thanks. - AB-G
6/6 4:38pm PD - All phase concrete out of Foxboro. Mark Sullivan 508-212-3670. - JO
6/6 1:08pm Recession Men. Your Odd Jobs Journeymen. Indoor and outdoor odd jobs. Mulching - you get it, we'll spread it. Small to medium landscaping jobs. Weeding. Edging. Planting. Assembly. Moving help. Clean-up. Power washing - walkways, outdoor furniture, decks, pool patios. No job is too small, we'll do it all. Email: recessionmen@gmail.com - CP
6/6 1:06pm Hi, my name is Colleen MacDonald and I am looking for babysitting opportunities through the end of August. I am 20 years old, a graduate of Ursuline Academy and a rising junior at Notre Dame. I have 8+ years of babysitting experience and 4 years of experience as a camp counselor for kids of all ages. I have CPR, First Aid, and lifeguard certifications and can provide my own transportation. Please e-mail me at cmacd827@netscape.net with any questions. Thank you! - CM
6/6 1:05pm Hi, has anyone ever used BatGuys for mice removal? Also looking for other types of poison free removal of mice if anyone has ever used such a service and been happy/unhappy. - BP
6/6 1:01pm Can anybody recommend a contractor who does poured concrete patios? - PD
6/6 12:57pm Congratulations to all of the King Philip High School 2011 graduates!! - AE
6/5 10:25pm Please join us for Norfolk Community Leagues 15 th Annual Charity 5K Run/Walk Road Race on Saturday, June 11, 2011, at 9:00AM. The race will start and finish at the Holmes Field on Myrtle Street, Norfolk. Participants can pre-register at Active.com ( [signup page here] ). Medals will be awarded to the top male and female finisher inthe following categories: overall race, Norfolk resident and 14 & under. Free water bottles to the first 50 registrants! Proceeds from this event will benefit local organizations in order to enhance and improve the quality of life in Norfolk. NCL would also like to thank our co-sponsor, the Norfolk Lions Club.
- CM, NCL 6/5 10:22pm Lost dog in Norfolk airport area Sunday (6/05) 11:00 am. Sheltie, very light color. Calls to the name Phoenix. Skittsh. Please call Patty at 508-528-7660 or 774-210-0460. - JR
[Update 6/6 1:03pm: added photo - Wm.]
[Update 6/7 11:25am: Phoenix came home... His Mom reports that he turned up at the sliding doors this morning and barked to get his family to wake up and let him in. He had a big drink and is doing fine. Thanks to everyone who helped look for him. - SD]
6/5 4:05pm Good condition home office furniture for sale, for pictures and pricing please go to [PDF file, here] - if the pdf file is still there, it's still available - RH
6/5 10:57am Yard Sale - Today, Sunday, June 5, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, 5 Lark Road, Norfolk (Off River Road). Girls Gary Fisher bike, Calico Critters, vintage tools, PC games, toys, etc., small furnishings/home goods.
- JH
6/5 10:55am From the Complaint Department, Office of Unsolicited Opinions: I went to the new Isabella's in Millis because someone said the sandwiches were so great. Well, mine was acceptable ( although the eggplant was fried, a detail which was left out of the description), but the eclair I bought for my husband was extremely stale, to the point where even the cream filling had hardened. It was ridiculous. He threw half of it out, and he loves eclairs. So, if you do go there, pointedly ask them if the pastry is fresh and ask for details about the sandwiches. Also, the coffee was flavorless. - AB-G
6/5 10:54am Free stuff is left over from the 124 Main Street yard sale today. Some kid outdoor furniture, adult outdoor furniture, strollers, a child's desk and other free stuff is available right in the parking lot. Stop by now before it's taken away tomorrow-Sunday! - LL 6/5 10:52am There have been several discoveries in this area of photos and paper items from the town of Monson, one of the hardest hit towns in last week's tornados. The attached photo is of a brochure cover found today (Saturday) in a parking lot near the intersection of Routes 115 and 109 in Millis. It's amazing when you realize that these items were blown aloft Wednesday and traveled 45+ miles to land here. There may be thousands of other items in the area. That piece of 'trash' in your yard may be someone's keepsake. - RP
6/5 10:47am Dining With a Cause - The 99 Restaurant, 55 Boston Providence Hwy, Walpole MA is hosting the Wounded Warrior Project's fundraiser on Tuesday, June 7 5pm to 8:30pm. Join us for dinner, provide attached coupon to server, and the 99 will donate 15% of your table's tab to the Wounded Warrior Project (a 501(c)(3) organization). Thank you for supporting our servicemen and women! - KK
6/5 10:37am Time to register for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer FALL 2011 - Registration is ON-LINE only. All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons. NLYS is open to boys and girls age 3 (by September 1, 2011) thru grade 12. You do not have to live in Norfolk to join in on the fun!
This fall season we will be placing U9 (grade 2 & 3) players onto ALL Girl and ALL Boy teams.
Visit the website www.norfolklionssoccer.com to register.
Registration DEADLINE is JULY 1st - (after July 1, players will be added to a Wait List and will only be placed onto a team, with a $50 Late Fee, should a space on a team be available) - Avoid disappointment and Register Early!
Questions, need more information? - Email norfolklionssoccer@verizon.net
- HK
6/5 10:35am Hello - Good news! Roses have come down in price since the spike due to Easter & Mother's Day being back-to-back. We are able to resume our $9.99 a dozen rose special! Also, if you are planning a bridal or baby shower this summer, we can design inexpensive table centerpieces and corsages for the guests of honor! Or, for parties for recent graduates.
We will meet or beat any other florist or even *gasp* supermarket 'florist' pricing. Try us - you'll be glad you did :-)
Family Florist, 82 North St. 508 528-2254.
- Rachel Bremilst, Family Florist
6/3 1:22pm Relay For Life - Everyone Welcome! This Friday, June 10, the Relay For Life teams from four communities will gather at the Medway Middle School track (45 Holliston Street) at 6 p.m. for the ninth annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Millis/Medway/Medfield/Norfolk. The event ends on Saturday, June 11 at 8 a.m. All are welcome to stop by and support this event and see what the Relay For Life is all about. You are invited to listen to the inspirational singers and speakers and walk around the track area lined with Luminaria bags. Once you have attended a Relay event, you realize how the event can touch your life! The Survivor Lap and Reception is a special part of the Relay and this is when cancer survivors are celebrated. Everyone is welcome to cheer them on from the sidelines as they walk. There is also entertainment being provided by the DJ, food at the concession stand, Relay items at the Relay Store, and an opportunity to support teams that are fundraising at their campsites on ``Relay Main Street''. Please make sure you bring some cash or your checkbook. Enjoy the fun parts of the event and support the teams. A solemn and inspirational part of this event occurs at 9pm. This is the Luminaria Ceremony. The entire track is decorated with Luminaria bags and each bag has a name on it representing either a cancer survivor or someone who lost their battle to cancer. This ceremony includes music, a candle lighting ceremony and the Luminaria Scroll of names which honors all those who have been affected by cancer. The Relay For Life committee asks that the residents of Medfield, Norfolk, Millis and Medway join together for this event. You will be very glad you did. For more information, log onto www.relayforlife.org/3mnMA. Donations to support this year's event will be accepted through August. - DLJ
6/2 5:19pm To JH. Call Tony Caughlan for any plumbing work, just had that same job done at my house. His number is 617-799-1120. Great guy and great rates... - SN
6/2 5:18pm As regards the 2011 Quill, I've heard that there is an historical document, a personal letter, actually, from George Washington to his wife describing his stay in Norfolk. Apparently Washington reveals a wry humor previously unknown to Norfolk historians, so this document is of unprecedented importance. A prominenet Norfolk family is referenced. This I've got to see! - AB-G
6/2 5:17pm PR - I always thought that Aqua Barriers was commercial roofing only... - PD
6/2 5:15pm This morning there was a dog - I think it was an older beagle mix - loose on Union Street, near King Street. I pulled over to try to get him off the main road but couldn't get him to come to me. Eventually, he started to walk up King Street. The dog was really lucky he wasn't hit because the road was pretty busy. I couldn't get close enough but I could see he did have tags on him. Please keep your dogs safe at all times, coming from someone who lost a dog on that very street. It only takes one second to have a dog get hit. - BL
6/2 5:14pm To: JH. My boyfriend is a college student from Plainville. He has a lot of experience painting both the inside and outside of the house. He could definitely use some extra money, so if you are still looking for someone to paint, feel free to contact him at mark.blinten@gmail.com! - PW 6/2 5:12pm I am looking for a "Travelmate Car Seat Stroller". It is made by gogo Kidz and you attach the toddler car seat to it so it can be used as a stroller in the airport. Does anyone have one they want to sell? I will pay $35. Here is a picture from the web site. I don't need the car seat just the stroller part. You can email me at sbj83@msn.com. Thanks, - SJ
6/2 5:11pm I am happy to announce our new Facebook fan page for the DARE to Dream Summer Program! Please come visit and "LIKE" our fan page. In doing so will receive any information or news that takes place throughout the year. Please visit us at www.facebook.com/daretodreamsummer We are still accepting registration forms that can be downloaded from our website. - SP, DARE
6/2 5:10pm AB-G: SO doesn't post here often so they may not check back for a while. Horned owl babies are prone to hopping when they just start to get their flight wings ready. Many of them hop branch to branch where the nest is. Sometimes they take one too many hops and end up on the ground. They can't get back up into the tree and mom will not feed her on the ground like many bird species do if their young falls out of the nest. However, if the owl can be put back up on the branches of any tree within 100 feet of the nest the mom will come down and feed the young there. So between SO, and her friend, a makeshift nest was made from an old Stop and Shop basket and a wicker basket. It was then brought up the tree and nailed in and the owl placed in. I know she told me she saw that owl out hopping again but she hasn't seen him on the ground again so it may be he went higher up the tree. Horned owl babies do not survive in rehab from what I've heard and this method is the most successful in reuniting mom and baby.
This thing was even cuter up close and in person. Almost a cartoon quality to it.
- HC
6/2 5:09pm JO: It was near the Seekonk street, Boardman street intersection - HC
6/2 5:08pm MT Let me get this straight, the individual realized he had, according to you, get gas but because he had ice in his boat he needed to discard ice and other items onto the cemetery in the spirit of watering the grass. I know gas is expensive, but they will not sell you gas is you have ice in your boat? There were other things thrown because he said "I will pick them up". Was he going to pick up just ice? Why pick a cemetery to discard anything? This was not his best move, but if it is ok with you ... 'nuff said. All done on this. Have a good boating season. - RC
6/2 5:05pm 2 - Family Yard Sale- Saturday, June 4th 9am - 12pm @ 94 Myrtle Street: Baby gear - ie. strollers, changing table, crib bedding, high chair, baby /toddler clothing, baby swing, fetal doppler, snap-n-go, excersaucer, maternity clothes, misc; household items including A/C window units, drill press and screen door. - KM
6/2 5:04pm Happy Birthday, Norfolknet! It was 12 years ago today that Norfolknet first appeared on the web.
- Wm.
6/2 2:03am To RC - Regarding your post of 5-31-11, the individual was taking his boat to a gas station to fuel up. On the way, he realized he still had some ice (only) left in the cooler. He pulled over to the side of the road and through the ice onto the grass. There was no "refuse" discarded at any time. This is why the DPW only found ice... there never was anything but ice. The only thing the gentleman was guilty of was watering the grass. But good job looking out for high crime in the town... Some People, indeed. - MT
6/2 2:02am SO - That is unbelieveable!! If you don't mind me asking, what part of town do you live in? - JO
6/2 2:01am Multi-Family Yard Sale: June 4 & June 5. 9-1 at 4 Valentine Drive, Norfolk. Good stuff - Cheap. - JU
6/2 2:00am The Boston Festival of Bands will be held on Saturday, June 4th, from 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. at Faneuil Hall, Boston. Admission is free. The lineup is as follows: 11- The American Band, Providence, RI, 12:00- Casco Bay Concert Band, Portland, ME, 1:00- Metropolitan Wind Symphony, Boston, MA, 2:00 Windham Concert Band, Windham, MA, 3:00- Sharon Concert Band, Sharon, MA, 4:00- Concord Band, Concord, MA, and 5:00, Rhode Island Wind Ensemble, Providence, RI. Come listen to some great music in a wonderful setting! - CR
6/2 1:59am Who gives the best deals for Hemlock Mulch in the Norfolk area? I got a quote for $38.00 a yard from Sam White and Sons in Medfield, with a 10% discount coupon on their web site. - BEM
6/2 1:58am SO, my goodness, that little fellow or gal looks just like a plush toy staring into the camera. Did he take off on his own? - AB-G
6/2 1:57am Any camp recommendations for a 10-year old girl? We've been going to Adirondack and Boston Sports Club, but we need more variety. Thanks - AF
6/2 1:56am Has anyone used Aqua Barriers, Inc. for roofing work at their home? I found their name in a web search & I wanted honest feedback from a customer. Thanks! - PR
6/2 1:55am Come celebrate the release of the third annual edition of Norfolk's literary journal, The Norfolk Quill. A reception will be held on Thursday, June 9 from 7-9pm in the Community Room at the Norfolk Public Library. Come meet the authors, enjoy some refreshments, and get your first peek at the latest Quill. Copies of The Norfolk Quill will be available for purchase with all proceeds going to benefit the Norfolk Public Library.
The Norfolk Quill is supported in part by a grant from the Norfolk Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
- MB
6/2 1:35am Anyone know a good local plumber willing to do a small job. Have an outside spicket need replacing? - JH
6/2 1:32am Yard sale Saturday, June 4th 9:00 am- 2:00pm, Sunday, June 5th 9:00 am - 12:00 noon; 5 Lark Road, Norfolk (off River Road). Girls Gary Fisher bicycle, board games and toys, wood baby crib & changing table, home goods, books, cds, movies, pc games, other good stuff.
- JH
6/2 1:19am Here we go again: Ants in the house. I saw 2 which were huge, with bent antennae, whic I believe are carpenter ants. Has anyone had carpenter ants in the house, and whom have you used (who actually got rid of them)for treatment? Also, FYI, I continue to find nails on my property from the roofing job done by Cook's. I found another 7 on the upper deck and 4 more in the driveway after clearing the leaves, just today. My neighbor had no such problem with them 3 years ago. - AB-G 6/2 1:16am Our female cat Feisty has not been seen since Saturday. She is 2 years old, spayed, very fluffy and kind of chubby. We live on Rockwood Road - and she usually hangs around Hillcrest Village. - CW
[Update 6/9 1:20am: Feisty came home - Wm.]
5/31 8:53pm A baby Great Horned Owl landed on the deck last night and wouldn't budge - seemed stunned. We kept him safe overnight. Hilary (our intrepid ACO) came today and advised that the parents would come back to feed him if we created a makeshift nest and mounted it high in a shady tree. With the heroic help of another friend, our guest had a fresh start. - SO
5/31 8:51pm Anyone have any red bricks they are not using or are willing to part with? Thanks. gafur36@verizon.net - MG
5/31 8:50pm A special 'Thanks' to the town DPW Highway Department for taking quick action to repair an ever-widening pothole at a busy intersection. 'Old Man Winter' really beat us up this year, but it's nice to have a well-run Highway Department keeping our roads safe. - RP
5/31 8:46pm Just got a call from the New England Narcotic Enforcements Officers Association soliciting donations. I said I prefer to give to our DARE program. The gentleman on the phone said that 100% of the proceeds (this usually means after expenses) goes to the program after I asked him. He also said that he plays sports with our police officers on weekends and that he recently met them. Hmmmm... anyone have any info on this organization? They do have a website which says they started a fundraiser around 5/24/11. I still prefer to give to our local DARE program but wanted to know if this is legit. I always ask what percentage of the money goes to an organization and never donate without researching on org. first. The gentleman also indicated that it was illegal for our officers to solicit funds for their programs. I am pretty sure that is what he said... - EF
5/31 8:45pm Plain talk regarding driving while texting and talking on a phone: like drinking alcohol while driving, just because you can and don't get caught, doesn't mean you should. Re. our roads: People walk in the travel lanes because the Norfolk roads' crumbled edges will easily sprain an ankle. If you are driving 30 miles per hour - slower on curves - you can easily avoid a person on the road. No one wants to go that slow, but that's what it takes for all to be safe. What's it worth to you?
5/31 8:35pm Seven Impressions Art Show at the Norfolk Library. Seven local artists will be displaying their watercolors, acrylics, and photographs at the Norfolk Library from Saturday, June 4th , through June 25th. Angela Aguila Turner, Jean and Joe Burke, Barbara Evans, Lisa Bailey, Don Swavely, and Jake Jacobson display their talents in a show titled "Seven Impressions". Free.
Barbara Evans of Franklin presents impressionistic and nature photography using techniques that capture digital images in ways that resemble fine art media.Her images are processed with minimal digital manipulation and printed on specialty paper to enhance painting-like depth and tone.
Jean and Joe Burkehave enjoyed Norfolk living for over 25 years. Joe studied theatre there and worked professionally with theatrical photography, while Jean studied music and art, does professional musical presentations and is a contributor to Norfolk Quill. Jean is engaged in reflective expressionist and abstract painting, while Joe has been building his opus of pastels.
Award winning Franklin, artist Lisa Grunewald Bailey works and teaches in many drawing and painting mediums. Lisa has her own business, "Developing Artists", in Franklin, MA, to teach drawing and painting to children and adults.
Angela Aguila Turner is a local photographer and mixed media artist working from a studio at The Medway Mill. She attended Mass College of Art and has been a freelance photographer for the past twenty five years.
Don Swavelyis a photographer from Norton, MA. He has been taking photos for more than 40 years, but has only started showing his work over the last year. As a member of the Attleboro Arts Museum, one of his pieces was awarded the Best Abstract Prize in the 2010 Members' Show.
Award winning photographer Jake Jacobson has had a lifelong interest in photography which has blossomed since his retirement a few years ago. His subjects range from stunning landscapes to up-close encounters with flowers, birds and insects! Newly elected vice president of the Stony Brook Camera Club and a member of the Photographic Society of America, Jacobson exhibits throughout the area and continues to fine-tune his artistry through workshops and seminars with master photographers.
- JJ
5/31 8:33pm This goes under the heading of Some Folks: In front of the Pondville Cemetery was a truck with a large boat attached and the dude was in the boat throwing his refuse from the boat onto the newly manicured first level tier of the cemetery. When chided he said that he would clean it up, which he should have done from the boat to a garbage bag. Called the DPW, with his plate number, who has continually done a great job in keeping the Pondville Cemetery mowed etc. to see if they had a crew coming to the area if not maybe a cruiser. Returning later the only sign of dumping was ice melting at the spot. Some Folks. - RC
5/31 8:29pm 2 Summer Jam 2011 tickets for sale. June 4, 2011 - 6PM lawn seats $34.00. If interested please call 774-571-9228 tickets can be picked up in Norfolk. - SJ
5/31 12:44am Has anyone's child participated in the local Destination ImagiNation team? I am interested in hearing about your experience. If there is not an active team maybe the Freeman could start one. - KL
5/30 2:03pm I'd like to pass on a complaint about Verizon and their contractor WMCC, LLC. They recently came into our Norfolk neighborhood and dug up our front lawns to install fiber for Verizon. I have no problem with the install; it should have happened years ago. However, in their note to us about the work, Verizon said: "Our goal is to perform the work quickly and cause the least amount of disruption. Any damage that may occur to your personal property will be repaired." However, the contractor finished the installation work about 10 days ago and the front lawns on our street are still left with edges consisting of dirt and gravel, instead of the lawns that were in place before the work began. I called WMCC at the number provided during the middle of the work week and was told a supervisor would call me back. Two more work days passed and I got no response. In the meantime, I noticed one of my neighbors had already gone in and repaired the damage themselves, adding new top soil and re-seeding. I am doing the same today, since there is no indication that WMCC is going to fulfill their commitment and it gets really hard to grow grass in Norfolk once the rainy season ends. When Verizon announces that we can get FIOS in our neighborhood, I'm not going to be in a rush to give them my business, since they've executed this job so poorly.
- JR
5/30 2:02pm Driving home on Thursday, I saw a racoon out during the day. The racoon was seen on Barnstable Road just beyond Wellfleet. It is an unusual time for a racoon to be out. Please be careful. - ACC
5/30 2:01pm @ HJC from 5/23 post: 5/23 5:33pm I recently saw a framed print/painting done by a Norfolk artist. It was a painting of the Gazebo in town center with the Federated church in the Fall (beautiful foliage). Can anyone tell me who the artist is? - HJC I believe the artist you may be referring to is Vail Pagliarani. I bought a copy of that painting for my parents who were married in the Gazebo uptown. He is actually in Foxboro. I saw the print on display up at the library, I think it was in 2007.
- BM
5/30 1:58pm Hello JH, my name is Caitlin Stetter. I'm a college student looking to make some extra money this summer. Last summer, I painted the basement and main floor bathroom in my house. I am not a professional painter by any means, but I do a very good and thorough job. If you're still looking for someone, I could help out! - CS
5/30 1:57pm To KB: I just got 10 yards of wood chips delivered this past week, followed by 10 yards of mulch on Saturday from Dowling. What I've received is great quality and they were a pleasure to work with even phoned when the trucks were enroute. I was very happy with my experience but I did not order compost. They welcome customers to visit their location on Route 1A, just south of the Wrentham/Norfolk border and I'm sure Patrick (the individual who helped me) would be glad to show you what they have. Good luck. - BS
5/30 1:56pm To SF - It wasn't meant to be a lecture, just a suggestion. - CR
5/30 1:55pm Hello! My name is Caitlin Stetter and I am looking for a nanny/babysitter position. I am from Norfolk and I'm 20 years old, and I am a rising junior at Ithaca College. I have had plenty of experience with children of all ages. I can provide my own transportation and I have a clean driving record. I am funloving and responsible. I love doing arts and crafts, being outside and being active. I want to help your child/children have a fun summer! I can provide references if you would like. My email address is cstetter7@gmail.com and my phone number is 508-645-2232. I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you! :) - CS
5/30 1:54pm JN - Thank you for your message and for the reminder to all of those out there who are talking on the phone while driving. On Friday while leaving the HOD Field Day I watched a woman typing away on her iPhone as she was pulling out of the school parking lot. Kids in the car, kids all around - what was so important? Hands free or bluetooth are much safer options, but not as safe as turning off the phone and just enjoying the quiet - or if your kids are in the car - talking to them. - TH
5/30 1:53pm Hi, Looking for a college kid to do some manual labor this summer. Part time but everything from painting, to landscaping, to helping put up siding, etc. If you are interested, please drop me a line. Thanks email: cvantine@modl.com - CV
5/30 1:52pm KT - For supply and lay down of mulch, contact Grassroots Landscaping 528-4225 for a free estimate. - DLJ
5/30 1:51pm Babysitter available! Hi My name is Nicky and I just graduated from King Philip High School. I have been babysitting for many years and have a lot of experience watching children. I am available now until the end of August. If you are interested please email me at nicky3213@aol.com. - NA
5/30 1:50pm For mulch - Try Jane & Paul's Farm 508-528-0812. Regarding street conditions, fire hydrants, sidewalks and other town owned property, have you tried calling the hard working DPW people at 508-528-4990?
Screen fixing - Main Street Hardware and Norfolk County Glass, Route 1A, 209 Dedham Street 508-384-3344 www.norfolkcountyglass.com.
NCTV recorded the afternoon Advanced Band Concert. They can be reached at 508-520-2780 and NCTV@NorfolkCable.com
5/30 1:49pm Thank you JN for the reminder. Distracted driving has become the number one cause of accidents across the country, more so that even DUI. Couple that with speed and a general disregard for others and tragedies will be the end result. I read how PN was forced off the road at one of our wonderful "Roundabouts". These intersections were made to ease the flow of traffic, but impatience, distraction, and unwillingness to yield creates many near misses each day. Folks, we are a community, let's all pay attention to our road manners. - WA
5/30 1:48pm Duly noted JN, and right you are. What I find dangerous are those who walk down the middle of the road as if they were on a college walkway. They are usually women, don't ask me why. Additionally the roads are in such ridiculously poor condition that I find I am watching the road itself trying in vain to avoid blowing out a tire and therefore often drive @ about 15 mph. Again, was the embellishment of the walls at the cemetery private money? After creating a fairly elegant corner, it's been tarted up with those 3 flower pots. When are roads going to become even a third or fourth priority around here? I can just imagine the circuitous routes real estate agents must use to avoid a very bad first impression of the town.
- AB-G
5/30 1:47pm JH - for painting call Brant Malmberg, Malmberg Services - 774-248-0645. - ES
5/30 1:46pm KT - landscaper for mulching - Josh Tucker, Tucker Landscaping - 508 259-4546. He's reliable and reasonable. - ES
5/28 1:13am Hello Norfolk neighbors: Today was a beautiful day, so I took a lovely walk. Some of our roads do not have sidewalks, as you all know. But people and dogs and kids still walk, run and bike on them. I would encourage everyone to consider that when they are out and about on the roads here. People drive too fast. Way too fast. I know everyone is in a hurry to get to the next thing, but you will most likely only save a minute or two by speeding. On the other hand, if you hit someone, you may end their life or injure them in such a way that it will require them to have years of physical therapy, pain and perhaps disfigurement. They may not be able to function like they did before. Their lives will be irrevocably changed and so will yours. All this because you were in a hurry to get your kids to the soccer game or yourself to your next appointment or you allowed yourself to become distracted by talking on your cellphone. I am not pointing fingers. I am guilty as well. I need reminders too. Last year I had one; and I would like to share it with you. About this time last spring, I was referred (I am a hospice nurse) to the ICU of a Boston teaching hospital to see a patient who was going to be extubated (taken off of life support). They wanted him on hospice so that the family could have bereavement services and so that we could help them through the death, including the ICU staff who were distraught. This patient was only 14. He was walking home from school on a beautiful day like today, on a road with no sidewalks. Someone hit him. A woman. It was an accident, but she was speeding and distracted while on her Blackberry talking, not texting. She had 3 kids in her car. The boy that she hit was a neighbor. It was a tragedy. It changed everyone's lives. That one minute of speeding and distraction caused a lifetime of pain and suffering for two families and a whole community. And it could happen to any one of us. To our community. To our friends.
So please, slow down. Slow down and hang up. Really, it can wait. It can.
Let's all have a fun and safe summer. And let's keep our selves, our kids, our neighbors and our community safe from this kind of senseless tragedy.
- JN
5/28 1:12am Since Northland Farm is closed for a year while it relocates, can anyone recommend another place that sells (and delivers) high-quality compost? I've heard of another place in Wrentham who has just started a materials business called Dowling. They carry compost. Anyone heard of them? Ideally, I'd like it screened to 3/8". Also, does anyone know who did the walkway to Norfolk Town Hall so we'll be sure not to use them? The front walk is a mess.
- KB
5/28 1:11am Hello JH, Dave Mason from Norfolk is quite good, his number is listed on the site. Best regards, - NH
5/28 1:10am Hello, Does anyone know of any local painters or college kids looking to make some extra money. Need 3 rooms painted in my house. Thx, - JH
5/28 1:08am Cub Scout Recruiting: Norfolk Library, Tuesday June 7th from 6:00pmto 7:30pm Start your scouting adventure! Norfolk Packs 80 and Pack 125 would like to invite all Norfolk boys currently in Kindergarten through 4th grade to come by the Library, learn more, and join us! Cub Scouts is a year-round family-oriented program. We emphasize shared leadership, citizenship, character development, personal responsibility, fitness and most of all, fun!
A sampling of events include: winter overnight (indoor), pumpkin carving (displayed at the Haunted Train Ride), rocket launch, Pinewood Derby, Paw Sox overnight, late spring family camping, orienteering, game show night, parades, and much more!
Boys grow up fast... Encourage your son to join scouting - the time you invest right now makes a difference in the man he will be.
If you are unable to attend the event, please feel free to e-mail norfolkscouts@gmail.com
- BM, Pack 125
5/28 1:00am JW - Congrats on getting the hole on Main St repaired so quickly. Now if we could get the fire hydrant on 115 at Fleetwood Dr rapaired. It has been under an orange wrap since winter. - MW
5/28 12:59am Just want to thank Hilary Cohen, the team at Acorn Animal, my kind neighbor Red Foley and fantastic (local) carpenter Charlie Hewitt - who were all on hand and responded in a very few minutes yesterday when my big 90 lb puppy Bernese mountain dog was stuck (literally) on the fence of our dog pen, writhing and howling for help... It was a scary and awful scene but in the end, I could not feel more blessed to have such kind neighbors, a fabulous animal control officer and great nearby veterinary resource. Thank you for the calm, professional response - he needed it (and so did I!!) ...and the Big Boy is doing very well today at home (no more fence jumping - soon I need help finding the right invisible fence provider... anyone??) Big, furry thanks!! - LL
5/28 12:55am Hi, I'm wondering if any local landscapers or neighborhood entrepreneurs with lawnmowers are looking for some extra cash Friday AM. My yard is in desperate need of mowing, and my mower is still broken. Please email me at mbellwin@hotmail.com if interested. Thanks! - MB
5/28 12:51am We are selling 2 modern black leather chairs. Barely used. Purchased for $270 apiece from Ikea, selling for $150 apiece OBO. You can contact me thru Wm. [Use box325@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Photo and more details on craigslist posting: [Craigslist page] Thanks! - JT
5/28 12:50am Breakfast at the Norfolk Senior Center. On June 14th and every second Tuesday of the month (at 8:30 a.m.) join us for a hot breakfast of eggs, bacon, muffins, coffee roll, fruit, and coffee. The Friends of the Council on Aging subsidize this event so it's only a $1.00! Please call before Friday of the previous week to reserve your place. If you have yet to visit the Senior Center, this is a great opportunity to meet the staff, your fellow seniors, and familiarize yourself with Norfolk's beautiful Senior Center as there are many more activities, services, and resources available to you. To sign up for this event and/or receive a full schedule of all Senior Center activities, call (508) 528-4430 or visit the Council on Aging site [here]. The Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and its regular hours are Mon thru Fri, 9am-4pm.
- TM, Council on Aging
5/28 12:49am I haven't been able to keep up with the threads but noticed a bunch of postings re: rescues and contacts. Go to : www.crdtc.org/ne-rescu.html for a very comprehensive list of non specific breed rescues in new england as well as breed specific rescues. Hope this helps.
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
5/28 12:48am Does anyone know the Memorial Day ceremony schedule for Norfolk? Thanks in advance. - BHS
5/28 12:43am Norfolk Recreation proudly presents the 2011 Summer Concert Series! Town Hill ~ Thursdays at 6:30PM (unless noted). June 30 Sharon Concert Band - Patriotic Music!
July 7 Reminisants - Oldies Fun!
Monday, July 11 A Children's Concert: Toe Jam Puppet Band 6:30pm start. This concert only: rain location inside Library. Co-sponsored by Norfolk Recreation & Norfolk Public Library
July 14 Franklin School for the Performing Arts: Electric Youth!
July 21 Shawn Wood Jazz Trio - Jazz Music!
July 28 Four Guys in Tuxes - An All Request Band!
August 4 Garden Party- Rock Band!
August 11 The Legends - Irish Family Fun!
The Concert Series is funded by Norfolk Recreation & the Norfolk Cultural Council.
- Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk
5/28 12:41am Hello, I am looking to have a few rooms in my house painted, does anyone know of any college kid or anyone else looking to earn some extra money? 3 rooms to paint, all relatively small. - JH
5/28 12:40am SF - if you are looking for a golden retriever, try Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue in Sudbury (www.ygrr.org). They have been around for a long time and have dogs of all ages that have been well socialized and medically treated. - RM
5/28 12:36am Does anyone have a recommendation for someone to repair porch screens? - EC
5/28 12:35am Looking for a high school student to mow our lawn in Norfolk - would need to have his/her own tractor. Any recommendations welcomed! - EMC 5/28 12:26am To SF: My boss just have a litter of goldens. AKC Golden Retriever Puppies, Champion Bloodlines, CERF and OFA clearances, dam on premises; 4 males left. Will be ready to go to new homes after 6/15, 1st shots and NH health certificate provided. $1,000. Inquire at 603-893-9504. So cute. If you want pictures, feel free to email me at box324@norfolknet.com - CW
5/28 12:22am Did anyone happen to record the wonderful spring concert this evening of the FC Advanced Band? I had camera problems and was not able to record the entire performance. Unfortunately, I was unable to record my child's performance and would very much like to find someone who did so I could get a copy of it. If you might be able to help me, I would greately appreciate it if you could contact me through the webmaster or call me @617-834-0638. - JMM
5/28 12:20am Our backyard (about 110 feet x 50 feet) is nothing but dirt and rocks now due to excavation at the house. We want to put down mulch instead of grass. Can anyone recommend a good source that would actually lay down the mulch as well as supply it? Thanks. - KT
5/28 12:16am Regarding labs.... Labs by Pacheco in Raynham is where we got our beloved 3 year old yellow lab. We highly recomend them. Here is the website: www.labradorsbypacheco.com - BL
5/28 12:15am CR et al - Actually, we are looking into shelters and rescues also, no need for lectures. I simply wanted some specific information so we could explore our options. Thanks to those of you who supplied the info I requested. - SF
5/28 12:11am Harmony Center, a beautiful studio in Medfield where visitors enjoy workshops based on the belief that "Nature Nurtures, Education Empowers," is hosting Phyllis Light, a nationally respected herbalist, who will teach two classes in June: On Monday June 20th, from 7 to 9pm, Phyllis will teach the ``Herbal Medicine Chest.''
On Wednesday June 22nd, from 7 to 9pm, Phyllis will teach ``Herbs for Aches & Pains.''
Phyllis Light, RH grew up in a family that used herbs as their primary healing modality. She is a professional member of the American Herbalist Guild and brings over 25 years of clinical experience as an herbalist, holistic practitioner, and health educator.
Pre-registration for each of these classes is necessary. Each class costs $37, with an early bird discount. Please visit www.harmony-center.org/programs.shtml for more information on these programs and others, and to register online. Thanks!
- BT
5/28 12:10am Try Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue... I believe they are in Harvard, MA. A wonderful place. My sister has had 2 wonderful dogs from there! - GZ
5/25 3:48pm To CR: Take a look at adoptalab.org. We adopted a female yellow lab from them in August and she has become an important part of our family. Good luck! - KJ
5/25 3:47pm Did anyone happen to find a small burgundy Nikon Coolpix camera on Sunday or Monday around the Fleetwood Drive/Rte 115 area? I think I left it on my car bumper and drove away. (Dumb, I know...) Just wondering if it made it into anyone's hands. Please contact me through the webmaster. Thanks! [Use box323@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - CV
5/25 3:46pm BO - My son started karate at Personal Best in Foxboro when he was 5 and he loves it! They usually have promotions for a free session and uniform before you buy. Give them a call @ 508-543-1858. - CV
5/25 2:53pm To SF - Why not try a local animal shelter if you are looking for a dog? There are many very nice dogs looking for a forever home by no fault of their own. - CR
5/25 1:20pm I am so proud of the speed which the DPW got to work on the water main divot on Main St. TB, next time I'll call you guys first. LOL. - JW
5/25 1:18pm PN -- I did not witness your accident but am married to a man who bikes and I worry about his safety all the time on the road. It is such a delicate balance and while I have learned the "etiquette" on passing bikers safely and how much room to give them, I know many drivers have not. I am sorry for your accident and just wanted to wish you well. SF -- I would be happy to talk with you about some local breeders that I know are good, including the one we got our dog from. You can contact me through the webmaster. [Use box322@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
- KE
5/25 1:15pm To SF - you can try contacting breed specific rescues. They often have wonderful dogs that have been given up for a variety of reasons. Some may still be very young, and most, if not all of them, will already have been vet checked and spayed/neutered. You will also be rescuing a dog that has lost its home. The statistics regarding animals turned into shelters are mind-boggling. And too often, many dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals are euthanized just because they were unlucky enough to be brought to a shelter. With people losing their jobs and homes, shelters have been inundated. - EF
5/25 1:12pm PN: I am very sorry for your troubles. Odd that the police didn't take the name of the witness. Has your insurance company questioned them? Do you not have health insurance? - AB-G
5/25 1:11pm MO, in regards to windows give us a call. We are Norfolk residents; you can check out our web site www.treacybrothers.com. Simonton windows are the replacement window that we use www.simonton.com. We sell and install the windows ourselves. Thank you, - Pat Treacy, Treacy Brothers Construction
5/24 8:09pm The Prolatio Singers will be presenting a Concert of the music of Thomas Luis Victoria at the Federated Church of Norfolk, 7:30 pm. Free, welcome to all! Come join us for a celebration of Victoria's works, commemorating the 400th Anniversary of the composer's death. Many groups around the world will be celebrating the music of this gifted composer. - GZ
5/24 8:07pm The King Philip Music Program will be hosting their Spring Chamber Recitals on Wednesday, May 25th and Thursday, May 26th at 7pm in the High School auditorium. Admission is free. Students from the KP Concert and Symphony Bands will be doing individual and group performances on pieces they have been preparing over the year. Thank you. - SM, KPMA
5/24 8:06pm Norfolk - Plant Sale, Saturday, May 28, from 9-12, 5 White's Pond Dr. Homegrown perennials and natives for both sun & shade. Choose from meadow and woodland plants, ground covers, and hosta varieties. - SAH
5/24 8:02pm Interested in receiving an Avon catalog delivered to your door? The Phantom Avon Lady will deliver to you, no pitch, no pressure, just deliver and dash! Today's woman knows what she is looking for and her time is very valuable, and I completely respect that! If you are looking for a hands off Avon representative contact the Phantom Avon Lady today!! bo4avon@hotmail.com - BO
5/24 8:01pm Hello, am looking for karate teaching for my son for the summer. He has shown an interest in taking up karate and wanted to know if there were any recommendations for a good place for my six year old boy to start his training. Thank you, - BO
5/24 7:58pm On Sunday May 8th at approximately 10:30 am I was involved in a bicycle versus automobile incident in the rotary in the center of Norfolk. In an attempt to not get run over by the car I swerved to avoid contact and was forced into the median and crashed. I suffered a concussion and hip injury but opted not to go to the emergency room. There was a male witness who saw what happened but for some reason the police did not get his name or take his account of the incident and I unfortunately was not in the right frame of mind to make sure he corroborated what actually happened. Since there was no actual contact it is not considered an accident and it is now my word against the driver from Hingham. I am dealing with their insurance company as I have been unable to walk for two weeks and have had xrays and a MRI to determine what damage has been done to my hip not to mention my bicycle. If you happen to be or know the person who witnessed the accident I would appreciate talking to you. You can contact me through the webmaster. [You can use box321@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
Thank you.
- PN
5/24 7:57pm Refer to the link below for a wealth of information related to CPA funds, including case studies and financial tracking of CPA funds www.communitypreservation.org - EMH
5/24 7:53pm I'm a bit late this year getting things out for Cow Chip Bingo! Busy last few weeks around here. This year's cow chip bingo will be held at founder's day in Foxboro on June 11th. Tickets may be purchased through me beforehand and also at founder's day. Just send me an email and I'll make time to come visit you and get your plot set up. For those who do not know what cow chip bingo is: It's a "bingo" game involving a cow. Inside her pen are marked off squares. Each square is for sale for $10.00. If she poops on your square you will win 500.00. You do not need to be there to claim your prize. All proceeds from cow chip bingo go to the Animal Gift Accounts for both Norfolk and Foxboro. These animal accounts are in place to help us help animals above and beyond what our municipal budget allows, and also above what state law mandates. This year our gift account is being heavily impacted by a horse that was just brought in here for care. Please help us replenish the funds so that we may help other animals that come in here in the future. Contact me to set up your plot either via email at Norfolkk9@aol.com or call my office at 508 440 2816. Sincerely, - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
5/24 7:52pm Hello everyone, I am looking for recommendations for local breeders, golden retrievers and labs. Any help and description of your experiences would be great. Thanks so much. - SF
5/24 7:51pm June 4th neighborhood yard sale on Spring Street. June 4th from 8-1, lots of items from linens, clothes, kids toys, Little Tikes playhouse and a couple of Power Wheels vehicles. Something for everyone. - KC
5/24 7:49pm Enrollment for the King Philip Summer Musical Theatre Workshop has been extended to King Philip students in grades 7-10. The workshop will take place July 5 - 28th, Mondays - Thursdays from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Participants will explore theatre, singing and dance through games, exercises, individual/group coachings and full cast rehearsals. They will also have an opportunity to explore activities behind the scenes, including stage makeup, set design and construction and costume making. The workshop will conclude with a final musical theatre revue performance. Rehearsals will be held at the King Philip Middle School Auditorium. The cost is $200.00 and applications can be found at the King Philip Chorus Website: Parents/guardians must provide transportation to and from camp for your child, as well as a bag lunch. Carpools can be arranged. Please contact Katherine Parker with any questions or concerns: parkerk@kingphilip.org (508) 541-7324 ext. 480
5/24 7:48pm I am a 19 year old male looking to make a little money this summer babysitting school-aged children. I live in Norfolk, I have a car, and I'm studying English in college so I will make sure to help with any and all of that summer reading. I enjoy reading, writing, playing music, and the outdoors. Please feel free to email me with any questions or requests at shagerty.student@manhattan.edu. - SH 5/24 7:46pm Weather forecast for Norfolk Community Day 2011: It will be raining golf balls at mid-afternoon! How would you like a chance to win up to $1000 or $250 and support local charities at the same time? Buy one of the Norfolk Lion's charity golf balls for $10.00. This year up to 250 numbered golf balls will be sold and two prizes will be awarded.
At 2:30 on Norfolk Community Day, all numbered balls will be placed in a container and dropped 40 feet from the top of the Norfolk Fire Dept ladder truck. The balls will fall onto a 100 foot circle painted on the grass with a pin in the center. The ball closest to the pin wins $1000 and the second closest ball wins $250. The remaining $1250 will be donated to Norfolk charities to be named at a later date.
In the unlikely event of a tie, the winnings will be split. The Norfolk Police Dept will monitor judging. You do not have to be present to win.
With only 250 balls sold, your odds of winning are fantastic, so hurry and get yours. The Norfolk Lions will be selling golf balls at the Norfolk Recycling/Transfer Station on Saturday, May 28 & June 4 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and at the Pond Street Complex on Sunday, June 5 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. They will also be on sale at Community Day, if not already sold out.
You must be 18 or older to participate. Norfolk Lions and their families are eligible to enter.
Norfolk Community Day 2011 will take place on Saturday, June 11, 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Holmes family property, 22 Myrtle St., Norfolk.
- PS
5/23 5:42pm The DARE to Dream Summer Day Program has extended its deadline for registrations to Saturday May 28, 2011. Please visit our new website at www.daretodreamsummer.com for further information. Registration forms can be downloaded at the site. Don't miss out! Look forward to seeing you this summer!
Grade 4 entering grade 5 August 8-12 Grade 5 entering grade 6 August 15-19 Grade 6 entering grade 7 June 27-July 1 Grade 7 entering grade 8 July 11-5 (new day trip camp) Sincerely,
- SP, DARE to Dream Summer Day Program staff
5/23 5:36pm I wonder when the DPW will fix the deep hole in the road at the corner of Main and Boardman? I think it is a town water entry. It is sunk very low, cars and trucks hit it everyday and the noise is like bomb exploding and I have heard many a tire blow out. I suppose it will take an accident to get it repaired. - JW
5/23 5:35pm Looking for a nanny for 3 children (6, 5, and 3). Ideally looking for a permanent solution but will consider hiring a college kid to get us through the summer. We are looking for someone to start right after Memorial Day. Positive attitude and motivated individual a must. Lots of energy and needs to be comfortable in the water as we have a pool. If interested, please e-mail me at vandooley@msn.com. Thanks. - SCD
5/23 5:33pm I recently saw a framed print/painting done by a Norfolk artist. It was a painting of the Gazebo in town center with the Federated church in the Fall (beautiful foliage). Can anyone tell me who the artist is? - HJC
5/23 5:32pm The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake breakfast on June 4 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall of the church. In addition to our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will also cook omelets or fresh eggs to order. Fresh homemade biscuits and sausage gravy are also available. All you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5 and breakfast is free for children under age 10. We will not be serving breakfast in July and August. Look for a return of our monthly breakfast on Saturday, September 10. The Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town Common. The church vestry and restrooms are handicap accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262. - LD
5/21 12:27pm The Norfolk Historical Commission presents a special program at the Norfolk Senior Center on Saturday, May 21 from 1-4 p.m. Learn about Norfolk history from movies, displays and from members of the Commission. This is open to the public and refreshments will be served. The Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road. - DLJ
5/21 12:26pm Who is paying for the new landscaping at the cemetery, and will the DPW maintain it? I hope the arborvitae is a true miniature. If not they've seriously over-planted. Speaking of plants, if this makes it in tonight, there's a plant sale from 9-12 tomorrow, 5/21, at the Unitarian church in Medfield center. [Oops, only made it in Saturday - Wm.] It's almost across from Zebra's, if you know where that is. I think there's also one in town, but i don't know where. - AB-G
5/21 12:25pm To JN, excellent activities at the KP Middle School, track and ski club included. The ski club is so popular they have to turn kids away. There were 6 or 7 large busses of them the past 2 years and other activities include robotics, geography, math league, cross country, basketball, volleyball, announcements, yearbook, art, drama and I could go on. As with everything else about the KP system, it is first class and is the best. I have boys in both the middle and high school. - CH
5/21 12:24pm PRR We have used PCI to r/t to Logan many times, The latest price for 2 was $110 in March. 888 515 5512. On one occasion we shared a ride. Have not used them to TFGreen, - RC 5/21 12:21pm About 6 weeks ago I received a call from a concerned motorist in town regarding an injured mallard. She had been sitting by the side of the road not able to walk, fly or even hold her head without shaking. When I found her it appeared that she most likely had been hit by a car. I took her up to Tufts Wildlife Hospital in Grafton and dropped her off hoping that they would be able to either help her recover, or to at least end her suffering. I received a call yesterday that she was fully recovered and was ready to be picked up and re released. This is her today when I let her go again from where I found her. She flew right off like she knew where she was. Also, on an unrelated note: If anyone has any kiddy pools they'd like to recycle instead of throw out, I'd be happy to take them off your hands. I'm looking for the plastic type (not the blow up type) and holes or cracks in the bottom are a-ok. Or even those fisher price turtle sandbox type boxes would work too. Shoot me an email if you'd like to get rid of one and I'll gladly swing by and pick it up.
As always, thanks for your support!
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
5/21 12:20pm A ride to the airport - My friend Roy works for www.eastcoastlimousineinc.com in Foxboro. Phone 1-888-799-2994 & 508-543-3773; email information@eastcoastlimousineinc.com. They take Norfolk folks to Logan and Greene in RI all the time. One time he brought one couple from Mass. to Rhode Island. At the airport the couple realized one piece of luggage had been left at home. Roy drove back to the house and back to the airport in time for the flight to be met with all of the luggage. - DLJ
5/21 12:19pm Hi JN - KPMS does have a track team and the ski club is extremely well attended. This past winter, they had 8 coach buses of kids go to Wachusett. The kids have a blast. The other thing that was spectacular this year was the play--Annie. They get many kids involved whether it be to act, sing, dance, stage craft, lighting, etc. Dr. Gilson and Mrs. Oliviera do an excellent job of running the school. Dr. Gilson was just named Asst Superintendent/Principal and Mrs. Oliviera is now an Associate Principal. Dr. Gilson is going to work on streamlining the curriculum not only at KP but I believe, with the 3 feeder towns. For those of you who have been around awhile, this is real progress. - BMS
5/21 12:16pm MO - Feel free to contact me directly. I am a Norfolk resident and I am also a salesman for Pella windows. I will be more than happy to give you honest advice about not only my product but our competitors as well. Even if you don't want Pella I will still share my knowledge of the industry with you and I can also recommend several local contractors who will take good care of you. jobin@gopella.com or 617-645-1170. My card is also listed in the business card section of the website. - Joe Obin, Pella Windows
5/21 12:15pm Hi JN, Regarding Middle School activities... my youngest is currently a freshman but when he was in the school there were a good number of activities. Examples which come to mind are: various sports intramurals, cross country running, drama which puts on a play each year, Math League, Ski Club. At the orientation for sixth graders they had out a packet listing all of activities available, you could probably request one from the school. Our experiences with the Ski Club were great. Each year it sells out and I think they generally bring 5/6 bus loads of students to Wachusett on Wednesday evenings. If your child wants to participate in the Ski Club, tell them to be sure to return their permission slip early. Good luck,
- TW
5/21 12:13pm Re: CPC funds. Here is something I don't remember voting for relating to CPC funding... The law allows for funds to be used for the "acquisition, creation, preservation and support of community housing; and for the rehabilitation and restoration of... community housing that is acquired or created"When affordable housing activities warrant funds beyond the minimum 10 percent per annum, the CPA allows for spending, up to a possible 80 percent per annum total on housing, in addition to the five percent administrative funds which can be spent on a range of housing related activities.
Funds may also be used to provide subsidies directly to eligible households to lower the costs of obtaining affordable housing. Eligible activities in this category include the following:...
5/21 12:12pm The Norfolk Community League's Annual Nearly New sale will be held tomorrow, May 21st from 9am - 1pm at 33 Medway Branch Road inside the DPW building. The sale is rain or shine! We have amazing things including sporting equipment such as lacrosse gear, baseball gloves, hockey equipment, roller blades and more. We have baby gear including car seats, high chairs, baby swings, baby bedding, changing tables, etc. There are trucks, toys and games of all kinds including bikes and ride on toys. Come check out the sale and get some great deals!!! For more information please visit our website at www.norfolknearlynew.weebly.com
All money earned from this sale is directly disbursed back to the Norfolk Community.
- RC
5/21 12:09pm Stop by the Senior Center on Medway Branch on Saturday, May 21, 2011 from 1:00 - 4:00 PM. The members of the Norfolk Historical Commission are presenting a variety of displays and informative programs about Norfolk History. Highlights from the Chilson films of Norfolk, a review of the Horace Hamlin paintings of Historic Norfolk sites and a tour of the renovated Old Parsonage will be shown. NHC books and booklets will be available for purchase. Short talks will be given by members of the Commission on Fales Memorial Park, the soon to be released History of Pondville, and how to get on the National Register of Historic Places and the Creation and Significance of Historic Districts. Stop in and see the displays -- listen to the talks -- watch the videos.
- BB
5/21 12:08pm JN: We have had great experiences with track, which is all inclusive, no cuts. Cross country is fall, track is spring. The kids travel to other local towns (North Attelboro, Medfield, Easton) to compete. Ski runs 4 nights, bus leaves at 2:45 or so and returns by 9. There is also student council, yearbook, drama, math club, to name just a few. I bet you can find more info on the school site, or Susan Gilson, principal would be able to direct you to info. She is super responsive. - AL/dd>
5/19 10:02pm To PRR's question about car/limo service to Logan: I use Planettran (www.planettran.com). They are extremely reliable -- I have been using them for a couple of years as do many frequent travelers in my company. They have a very large fleet with excellent dispatching. Most of the cars are hybrids, always immaculate, and drivers very accomodating. Last time I checked, price was a bit higher than other car services -- but they do offer corporate rates if that is a possibility for you. Also, they will travel to/from TF Green Airport. - BJ
5/19 10:01pm Does anyone have any recommendations for a company that can handle a few minor boat repairs and an outboard motor tune-up? Thank you, - CS
5/19 10:00pm Stop by the Community Yard Sale at the St. Jude Church lot on Saturday (5/21) from 9-1. Browse over 15 tables of household and handcrafted items. See you there! - KD
5/19 9:59pm Great for students or playroom. $100.00 for all. Couch (needs slip cover), loveseat, chair and ottoman, and coffee table. Please contact Chris at (508) 498-9997 - KR
5/19 9:31pm We are looking into replacing the windows in our home and would like to receive recommendations for installers and manufacturer's window model to purchase. Any additional advise from your own experience you would like to share would be most welcomed. Thank you, - MO
5/19 9:14pm Hello, PRR. We are also looking for transport to Logan Airport round trip...in June for 4 people. If you search "transport from Norfolk Ma to Logan"... several companies come up that will give you quotes online, by phone or by e-mail.
So far, for an SUV , it is $180 round trip with Bostonlimoservice.com, if ordered online
Cabster.com is $198 if ordered online.
Smurfstrans.com, $85 one way plus gas, tolls
Bostononlinelimo.com $92 one way plus tolls, parking and waiting time
A Plus Coach (1-888-577-9438) looks like it has potential. $79 one way from Norfolk, not including tolls
None of the above include tips of course.
5/19 9:12pm Touche, CS! I loved your response. A good laugh on a dreary afternoon really cheered me up! - AB-G
5/19 9:09pm A question about KP Middle School: How are the activities? Do they have Track in Middle School? How well attended is the Ski Club? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks - JN
5/19 9:07pm Due to the inclement weather forecasted for this week, 2 of the 3 events of the Give a Hoot program have been reschedule. See below Location: Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, 108 North Street, Norfolk, MA
Friday, May 20th: Owls of the World. Early 4:30 - 5:30pm Late 6:45 - 8:00pm Description: Two presentations by the fabulous naturalists of Eyes on Owls who will present "Owls of the World" and live owls. This event will be held indoors. Please call or email Stony Brook to pre-register for this event 508-528-3140 or stonybrook@massaudubon.org
Friday, June 17th 8:30pm. Family Movie: "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole"
Saturday, June 18th 6:45- 8:00pm Owl Prowl Description: A brief slide show will introduce you to the owls found living locally. After our introduction we will then take an owl prowl (a walk on the Sanctuary Grounds) to explore Stony Brook after dark in search of owls and other nocturnal creatures living in the area.
- NH
5/19 9:06pm Can anyone tell me what the deal is with parking at the church? I see many commuters getting off the train and going to that lot. And I've noticed they've numbered the spaces. - SB
5/19 9:05pm This is the major problem with the CPC and their funds. Special interest groups with a selfish streak start scheming how to get their hands on the money to squander it on opinions, plastic playground equipment, and the train of $$$ consultants that will tell us how to spend it wisely. All issues that have nothing to do with community preservation. Then when it is needed to conserve open space for future generations you will hear "sorry, the CPC doesn't have enough money to buy "fill in the blank".
Spending money is not always money well-spent, and your scheming will be the fund's downfall.
We are watching.
5/19 9:02pm Don't be left out! The end of June will be here before you know it! We are still accepting registration forms for our upcoming DARE to Dream Summer Day Program. Please visit us on our new website at www.daretodreamsummer.com You will find a downloadable registration form at our site. Dates for the summer day programs are as follows:
We look forward to seeing you all this summer!
Grade six entering grade seven June 27 - July 1 (Monday thru Friday) Grade seven entering grade eight July 11-15 (Monday thru Friday) **NEW day trip camp** Grade four entering grade five August 8 - 12 (Monday thru Friday) Grade five entering grade six August 15 - 19 (Monday thru Friday) - SP, DARE to Dream Summer Day Program Staff
5/19 8:58pm Ladies and Gentlemen, Please mark your calendars for the upcoming listening event: Stories From the Norfolk Prison Debate Team. From the '30s to the '70s, one of the most formidable teams on the college debating circuit was made up of a group of inmates from the Norfolk Prison Colony. Norfolk was founded in 1927 as the nation's first "community prison" and in many ways resembled a university campus: men had their own rooms, windows without bars, a choice of vocations, college-level courses, and the time to pursue creative and intellectual endeavors. The debate club was one of the prison's most successful programs. Over forty years the Norfolk debaters amassed an outstanding record of victories over Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Oxford, West Point, and many other top college opponents. This oral history will represent the first in-depth account of the team's successes, motivations, and challenges, as told by former Norfolk debaters, college opponents, coaches, educators, and judges.
Join us at the public premiere of this oral history, featuring selections from interviews collected over the past year. The audio presentation will be followed by a community discussion. Coffee and cake will be served. Presented in partnership with the Norfolk Historical Commission.
Thursday, May 26, 2011, 7pm, Norfolk Town Library, Norfolk, MA.
This project is funded in part by a grant from Mass Humanities.
- BB
5/17 9:38pm To JW, who recently moved to Norfolk and is looking for ways to get to know people.check out the left sidebar of the Norfolknet home page. There is a link to local organizations where you can make friends and "do good". There are also various local municipal webpages which highlight openings for volunteers. I have lived in Norfolk for 25 years and raised my children here. It is a wonderful town to come home to and the people are very nice. Welcome to Norfolk! - EC
5/17 9:37pm Thank you for the information, Ms. Proto and RG. I sincerely appreciate it, and will support the amendment. BH: Asking an innocent, but important, question can result in an informed response that benefits the whole community (see posts). I'll add your response to my inquiry to the compost heap out back. What did they teach us in school - no such thing as a stupid question... unless there is intolerance in the classroom.
- CS
5/17 9:36pm The Norfolk School Committee is looking for volunteers to serve on the board of directors of the Norfolk Elementary Education Foundation. NEEF's mission is to enhance educational outcomes for Norfolk Students by developing supportive relationships between the community, private sector, and the Norfolk Public School System. (www.neefonline.org). This is a tremendous organization and can really accomplish great things for our town and our schools. If you are interested in joining the board and/or have questions about getting involved; please contact me at: sdooley@virtualnorfolk.org. We could really use the support of some motivated and energetic towns people to make NEEF even stronger. Thank you! - Shawn Dooley, Chair, Norfolk School Committee
5/17 9:35pm Regarding the use of CPA funds for playgrounds - I remember attending a meeting many years ago regarding the use of CPA funds to build the "Shade Structure" at the Pond street fields ($37,000). I attended the meeting specifically to question why "Preservation" funds were being used, and whether that was an "allowed" use of CPA funds. I was assured by the CPA chairman that this was an allowable use. I felt duped because this wasn't made clear when we voted for CPA many years ago. I, like many other taxpayers, thought that these funds were to be used only to preserve open space, and fund low income housing. Now I see (from below postings) that the $37,000 shade structure may not have been an "allowable" use of CPA funds. Is that correct?
I'm also wondering... How many "Low Income" housing units have resulted from use of CPA funds ?
Just curious.
5/17 9:34pm Any recommendations for car/limo service to and from Logan Airport? Hello! Please,if you have any information and can recommend round trip limo service to Logan Airport from Norfolk and back I would appreciate it. What was your experience with the company? Reliable, on time... safe and comfortable? Price?
Thank you.
5/17 9:27pm The King Philip High School and Middle School jazz students will be performing on Wednesday night, May 18 at 7pm in the King Philip High School auditorium. If you like jazz, you are sure to be in for a treat. Admission is free. The King Philip High School symphony and concert bands, chorus and jazz band will be performing Saturday night, May 21 at 7pm in the King Philip High School field house. This is the Spring Pops concert where the field house is transformed like Symphony Hall when the BSO performs their Pops Concert. Doors will open at 6pm and food will be available for purchase. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.
5/17 9:19pm Ann Proto--Thanks for your post. I not only support the CPA legislation but I also co-sponsored the proposal to move it forward in the House. It looks promising this year, so we'll keep pushing it. The new legislation would help create jobs for people in the construction trades who have been hard hit by the recession. - Dan Winslow, State Representative
5/17 9:18pm Need help with your pets? Leashrly Life will come to your home and care for your beloved friend. We offer a number of affordable services from pet sitting to dog walking, group hiking excursions and one-to-one personalized obedience trainings. Experienced, loving care by professionals you can trust. References are available. Fully insured and bonded. All animals are welcomed! Call 781-241-2083, visit www.leashrlylife.com or email info@leashrlylife.com
- AW, Leashrly Life 5/17 11:20am Here is a photo of my cat. [Missing; post of 5/15 11:48am - Wm.] - JR
5/17 10:48am To Mary Razka - Regarding volunteers for Meals on Wheels, have you contacted any agencies that provide Day Habilitation or employment programs for adults with intellectual disabilities? They are always looking for volunteer opportunities for the folks they support. Good luck - JR
5/17 10:47am If anyone in town has old appliances sitting in their basement, garage or yard that they have been meaning to get rid of I'd be happy to come and remove them for you. Call Dennis 774-244-0291. Thanks. - DT
5/17 10:03am Hi! My name is Tori D.. I am a responsible, fun loving, and babysitting certified 11 year old. I just recently took the 4-H babysitting course, and successfully completed it. Now, I am ready to put my skills as a babysitter or mothers' helper to work. I already have some experience helping my friend babysit a set of 2 year old twins and a 6 year old. I also babysit my 9 year old brother on occasion. I live in Norfolk, and am at the end of my 5th grade school year at Freeman Centennial. I know how to cook, like use the oven and stove so mealtimes won't be a problem!! I Don't have any allergies, so pets are good, too! I am very good with kids, and toddlers- I know how to change diapers! J I am available Mondays and Thursdays after school, and week-ends. If you are interested in meeting me and would like to observe how I interact with your family, I would be happy to arrange a time with you and there would be no obligation. You can reach me at ponylovertoridesmond@hotmail.com - TD
5/17 1:28am Re 5/15 7:09pm I know that I have asked this before, but why can't we use the available CPC funds to improve the playground off of Boardman Street? Are the CPC funds set-aside for land acquisition only, or are capital improvements allowed? Just a thought. - CS Possibilities:
1. You could look up the answer to your question which you asked before, and read it again;
2. You could look up the CPC on the Town of Norfolk Web Site and find information there which would help, such as the criteria in the statute summary (below) or a link to the statute itself. (MGL CH 44B ). There are also links to additional sources of information on the CPC web page.
3. The Community Preservation Act channels funding for: Acquisition and preservation of open space / Creation and support of affordable housing / Acquisition and preservation of historic buildings and landscapes.
- BH
5/16 6:16pm When the Massachusetts Community Preservation Act was first passed, Norfolk Recreation asked the CPC to consider rebuilding Kids Place and, although the project was supported by the Committee, it could not recommend funding it since the CPA has a provision stating that if the land is already owned by the town and is used for Recreation the CPA money can not be used. This stipulation has been a roadblock for some terrific projects in Norfolk and other towns as well. For precisely this reason, the Community Preservation Coalition has proposed an amendment clarifying the allowable uses for CPA funds so that communities can rehabilitate existing outdoor playgrounds and other recreational resources. Meanwhile, many of us think a new Kids' Place is important so Norfolk Recreation and the CPC continue to discuss options such as building a new Kids' Place at another location in case the legislation does not go through. Norfolk Recreation continues to raise funds for a new Kids Place. The thermometer was started along with the fundraising when the project was originally deemed ineligible for CPA funds. The thermometer shows that Kids Place is far from forgotten and many people are working hard to rebuild the very busy and very important place that is loved and used by many of Norfolk's young families. If the CPA change does pass, another eligible project would be bathrooms at Pond Street.
This bill is currently under consideration in the Senate.Please be in touch with Richard Ross and Dan Winslow and any other legislator you know to promote the fast passage of its amendment. There is a lot of detailed information on the website (www.communitypreservation.org)
Here is just one piece:
Clarify Allowable Uses to Promote Sustainable Communities
The (change in the) bill would clarify the allowable uses of CPA funds so that communities can rehabilitate existing outdoor parks and other recreational resources. Currently, rehabilitation projects are restricted to recreational resources that were acquired or created with CPA funds. This has been extremely limiting in many communities, including larger, urban communities with less open space to protect but many older parks in need of capital rehabilitation. This change would mirror a legislative amendment made in 2002 allowing CPA funds to be devoted to rehabilitation of historic assets not acquired under CPA.- Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk
5/16 6:12pm Fall Travel Soccer Registration for U14 Players - Registration for the Fall 2011 travel soccer season ends May 31. Register now! Registration is open to current 6th & 7th graders residing in Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham. The King Philip Soccer Association (KPSA) provides competitive travel soccer teams for 7th and 8th graders (U14) in the Fall and 7th through 12th graders (U14 - U18) in the Spring. Note for your calendar that the Placement Evaluations will take place on June 12 at the Rice Complex on Emerald Street in Wrentham. For more information and to register, please visit www.kpsoccer.org.
- JS
5/16 6:11pm JR, please let us know if Savannah comes back. It's heartbreaking to lose them. Sometime I think it's worse to not know what happens to them than to know they've gone to the "Heavyside Lair" if you know what I mean. I assume you've called Hilary. Best of luck! - AB-G
5/16 6:07pm Desperate Need for Volunteer Meals on Wheels Drivers in Norfolk especially on Mondays and Thursdays! HESSCO Elder Services is appealing to the Town of Norfolk for any volunteers interested in becoming drivers for our Meals on Wheels Program. This program, which delivers prepared meals to homebound elders, is in dire search of volunteers to contribute approximately one hour per week to elders who would have difficulties getting their own meals otherwise.
Drivers spend approximately one hour a week from 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon delivering meals. At the moment, volunteer drivers are especially needed on Mondays and Thursdays but with the upcoming summer months, volunteers will be needed Monday through Friday.
Please consider volunteering for this worthwhile cause. HESSCO's goal is to help keep our elders in their own home for as long as possible. Providing a meal each day is just one way to accomplish this goal.
If interested in helping, please call Marsha Whittaker at 781-784-4944 as soon as possible.
HESSCO Elder Services is dedicated to finding solutions to help those age sixty and older take full advantage of their later years. The agency's goal is to make it easier for older individuals and their families to access a comprehensive system of health and supportive services.
- Mary Raczka, HESSCO Elder Services
5/16 6:06pm CL - Call David Hancox at 508-726-8162. He's been in the business for over 30 years. Check out his portfolio at www.theveroncompany.com. He lives here in Norfolk and would be happy to talk to you about your project. - AF
5/16 6:04pm Good morning, NG. Thank you for letting me know about the "questionable" businessman of whom "Name Withheld" and I wrote. In this case, the post from Name Withheld was justified. I wish I had known about his reputation before I posted. Regarding the Police Blotter, can you tell me how you access it, please? I like to know what is going on in town but can't find the right site to search.
Many thanks.
5/16 6:03pm JW - The Pop Warner and Little League programs are always looking for volunteers. It's a great way to meet people in town and help out the kids. - JO
5/16 5:57pm Dodge Ball Tournament to Benefit American Cancer Society. "Just remember the five Ds of dodgeball: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!" Get a team of four together for an exciting afternoon of dodgeball! Registration fee $20. Double Elimination format with prizes for top teams, and most spirited team (team name, colors, cheers, etc).
Where: Pond Street Tennis Courts, Rt. 115, Norfolk / When: Sunday May 22 3pm until the winner is crowned! / Who: Teens - grades 7-12. Register via email or in person by 2:45pm on May 22nd.
Questions? See flyer for registration form and rules [Word DOC, here] or email relaydball@gmail.com. Water, snacks and baked goods will be sold at the tournament.
All proceeds will go to American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. Sponsored by the Norfolk Cul-de-Sacs and Norfolk Round-a-Bouts Relay for Life Teams. Most of all Have Fun!
Questions: Call Tara or Donny S. at 508-384-6354; Tracy or Kimberly H. at 508-541-2388.
If you can't make the tournament and want to make a donation to the Relay for Life, please use this link: [page link]
5/16 5:57pm CS: State law prohibits the use of CPA funds for the rehab or restoration of recreation land which was not purchased using CPA monies. So we can't fix Kid's Place where it is, but we could create a Kid's Place at Gumps (which we just bought using CPA money) and then in twenty years use CPA money to rehab the Kid's Place at Gumps. There is legislation pending which would allow communities to use their CPA funds to rehabilitate existing recreational facilities, which seems to make a whole lot more sense than forcing towns to buy new properties.
- RG
5/15 7:09pm I know that I have asked this before..but why can't we use the available CPC funds to improve the playground off of Boardman Street? Are the CPC funds set-aside for land acquisition only, or are capital improvements allowed? Just a thought.
- CS
5/15 6:59pm Hello, I just moved to Norfolk (I haven't even changed my address yet, in fact). I inherited my father's house, so I plan on staying for a long time. I don't know anyone in the area, and I'm looking to get involved in something and meet some locals. Any suggestions? Is there anything I should know about the town, the government, the schools, businesses, hangouts, people? Anything you can tell me will be great. Thanks, - JW
5/15 6:55pm Does anyone know a good landscape design group? Thanks! - CL
5/15 6:51pm SM(2): That's very interesting re Cook's. The insurance co reviewed his estimate (they had paid me for damage to the roof) and said it was reasonable. I went w. them because the neighbor's job looked good and another friend had used them. I thought my n. paid a lot, but their roof is larger, steeper and they have a garage and breezeway. I didn't have anything extra, like for the snow, etc., though, and they did have their soffits redone. I was unhappy about the nails, I'll tell you. - AB-G
5/15 6:49pm RG: Looking for someone to fix your lawnmower quick and reasonable. Give Mike a call at (508) 400-2836. I live in Norfolk and will pick up or you can drop off. - MV
5/15 6:40pm Hey AMG Re specific company etc - FYI that person was recently arrested in Norfolk and Medfield for multiple B@E's as seen in the Gazette police blotter. - NG
5/15 12:19pm Ref. Roofing: We used Brian Poirier last fall and they did a fine job. I got several quotes, including one from Cook's. The quote from Cook's was much higher than the others, same shingles, etc. In fact, it was almost twice as much. - SM (2)
5/15 12:17pm Re: KP septic - Kudos to Wrentham Selectman Bob Leclair, This is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard of. The current system has worked flawlessly for countless years, You had a couple NIMBY's complain about the lights and noise from the KPRHS and now smell from their sewer system?? Biggest piece of hogwash I've heard in awhile. This system could and should be kept up and running and if it "supposedly" is not being utilized enough, how about letting the adjacent homeowners hook up to this system for a fee of let's say 6K each with a yearly fee of say 600$. You could have a forced main that would service atleast that side of Lake Archer. I know for a fact that many of these residential systems have failed already and some even have tight tanks! If they ever have to upgrade most don't even have the required sg. ft. area for a normal title 5 system, the only real bothersome thing I see is that this would benefit the very folks that started this hogwash in the first place. I Think this should be looked at before more tax dollars are wasted.
- NG
5/15 12:15pm Hello, "Name Withheld". It is often useful to have feedback, positive or negative, about experiences with local businesses. In regard to your post, however, may I respectfully assume that you contacted the business in question and asked for a fair and satisfactory resolution before you posted your potentially damaging note? I can only hope that you did give the business the opportunity to "make things right" before impugning it's reputation publically.
I have not delt with this business but there is a natural tendancy in all of us to be quick to criticize and rare to praise in forums such as this. One dissatisfied customer can cause serious damage to what may well be a very reputable business, and I for one do not like to see this happen. No one, nor is any business, perfect, but given the opportunity, I have found that in most instances, a satisfactory resolution can be reached. Only if this does not happen, should a business be publically exposed, anonymously or otherwise.
Personally, I feel as if an anonymous approach to this concern is not really forthright. I do respect your right to do so, but I feel it is unfair as it offers no opportunity for a public response from the business. Every story has 2 sides. (Perhaps this concern could be taken under consideration by the much appreciated editors of this excellent resource, Norfolk Net.)
Just my 2 cents worth and for clarification, I am in no way related to the owners, employees or management of the company in question. Before I hire any contractor, I like to check to see if the business is listed with the Better Business Bureau or the local Chamber of Commerce. Very easy to do but even that is not a 100% guaranty that everything will go just right.
Thanks for your time.
5/15 12:13pm Hi, we're giving away a Rubbernaid shed, Measures 5 x 5.5 x about 6 feet. It does need some cleaning. We just don't need it anymore. It's still assembled right now, but does break down some for transport. The Wm can give you our email if your interested. [Use mailto:box320@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks for reading. - CP
[Update 6:31pm: oops, left out the email address. Four replies so far. - Wm.]
[Update 5/17 10:01am: we have found a home for our shed - CP]
5/15 12:08pm Can anyone recommend a local window-washing company they've used? ( Randy Corwin, who's been recommended on the page many times, doesn't do our type of windows with the inset mullions). Thanks, - VR
5/15 11:55am Anyone know a good lawnmower repairman in town who's reasonable and fast? Thanks. - RG 5/15 11:48am Looking for lost savannah cat, one year old neutered male, brown rabbit type fur with spots on belly and striping. This is a friendly indoor pet that wandered out with the dogs. Lost in area of King St., Ridge Road, Chickadee. Child's pet. Please contact 508-561-5601. Missing since May 4. - JR
[Update 5/17 10:51am: added photo]
5/15 11:06am There you have it. This is why I simply must have MON as my screenwriter! A tad inflamed, (Erithromycin might help), but well-written as ever. And at last - how did it elude me for so long? - we now know that MON is just a clever allusion to MAN: Man of the People, a Man for all Seasons and now Man in the Street. No need for the infra-red goggles this time. Well, he's got it 110% right and makes a thorough analysis. As I heard someone behind me say Tuesday night: "We beat back the Greens, just a handful of us". Perhaps our MON/MAN is a fan of the Simpsons, subconsciously referencing the "Equalia" episode in which Lisa's imaginary kingdom features unicorns and rainbows. To tell you the truth I was prouder than I have been in a while to live here, thanks to the committed souls who rose to the occasion and to the mics, and who were subsequently accused of being "narrow-minded". Wasn't there a post not too long ago about being demonized for your opinion?
Kudos to Mme Moderator for incredible patience the second night, and thanks to David for his relentless logic and thirst for precision. Last, but certainly not least, many thanks to Selectman Leclair for his post This issue re the septic sounds very, very bad, we do need an attorney, and no, LS, no one does want to take any responsibility in these situations because there are so many people to hide behind. Hopefully the leaders from all three towns will get this under control immediately. Call TH on this one.
- AB-G
5/15 11:04am Last weekend I ran a Breast Cancer Fundraiser at the Plainville Athletic League complex in Plainville. It was the 2nd annual "PAL goes PINK" weekend and all money raised was going towards the Avon 2 Day Walk for Breast Cancer which is taking place this weekend. I want to thank a very thoughtful group of young ladies from Norfolk, who play for the team "Norfolk Riptides" for their generous support. There were T-shirt sales and raffle items, however these girls collectively took up a cash donation and presented it to me. Thank you girls, that was so thoughtful. May everyone learn from the generosity of these young ladies. With sincere thanks, - MD
5/13 3:59pm FJC, in answer to your question (posted 5/11; 3:01pm) whether people were disappointed by the League of Women Voters running a TV ad criticizing Senator Brown's recent vote to block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating carbon pollution, let me say this: Quite the contrary, I and many others throughout the state were elated by it. And as pointed out by MJD on this forum (see 5/12;12:27am), the League wisely targeted both a Republican (Brown) and a Democrat (McCaskill) on this same issue. I do understand your surprise at this bold show of advocacy from a highly respected nonpartisan group such as the League of Women Voters. I was surprised, too. But I agree wholeheartedly with the organization and its Board's apparent decision that it's time to take off the white gloves. Hard times require hard decisions, especially when a variety of multi-billion dollar megamonopolies, extremist right-wing billionaires, and countless lobbyists continue their daily efforts to make it an unlevel playing field by filling the coffers of politicians and dumping tons of cash on disinformation campaigns and a variety of strategies to weaken the EPA and undermine the Clean Air Act.
To suggest that the advocacy of the LWV in defending the Clean Air Act and the EPA is something new and is "pure politics" is inaccurate. For over thirty years they have advocated for the Clean Air Act as well as exposing polluter proposals and attempts to weaken it. Being nonpartisan does not mean being noncommittal. And the fact of the matter is that the final line of the TV ad in question simply encourages the citizens of Massachusetts to question why Senator Brown is protecting the polluters rather than the rest of us (political realists would point to the hard cold cash he has received and continues to seek from a variety of big polluters and their front groups, including extremist David Koch, co-owner of Koch Industries, one of the ten most toxic polluters in the US). It is an incisive but fair question we all should be asking ourselves, especially in view of the fact that Brown himself in his criticism of the League and that ad tried to cloud the real issue at stake and made absolutely no attempt whatsoever to address it.
5/13 3:52pm I noticed in the Country Gazette that "Done Right Remodeling" has an ad in the service section. Please do yourself a favor and do a thorough background check before you ever consider doing work with Kurt M. who owns this company. - [Name withheld]
[Update 3:56pm: edited - Name withheld]
5/13 12:13am Girl Scout Troop 74762 is having a car wash Saturday 5/14 from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Federated Churh. The car wash is $4.00 and all proceeds will be donated to Heifer International project or a local animal shelter. Hope you can come. - JMM
5/13 12:12am PM - landscaper - Josh Tucker, Tucker Landscaping - 508 259-4546. He's reliable and reasonable. - ES
5/13 12:11am The new hours for the Norfolk's Town Clerk's Office have changed. The new hours are Monday 9 am till 8 pm. Tuesday - Thursday 9am - 6 pm. Additional hours available upon request. Thank you. - Shawn Dooley, Norfolk Town Clerk
5/13 12:10am Sorry to do this but we have to postpone our yard sale from this Saturday May 14, until next Saturday, May 21, rain date May 22. - JW
5/13 12:09am This is for RS post, 5/12 12:33am regarding a Roofer, try Brian Poirier, he did a very good job for us, brian.poirier@verizon.net - BEM
5/12 11:57pm Re Roofing: Cook's just did my roof. I thought it was very reasonably priced and everything seems OK. Just make sure you ask them to get all the nails up, and check your window screens for damage. They are repairing mine. AB-G Re LWV: They have always been clearly left-leaning. I'm delighted they were fair enough to criticize a fellow Dem., for once.
- AB-G
5/12 2:26pm There will be a large multi-family yard sale held at 33 Rockwood Road (across from the Grange Hall) this Saturday 5/14 starting at 9am. No early birds please. We have quilts, collectibles, dolls, a set of dishes and serving dishes, picture frames, candle holders, as well as tablecloths and many many other things too numerable to list. - JD
5/12 2:23pm NEWS FLASH! Highlights of Last Night's Town Meeting! From Roving Reporter, MON There were no highlights. There were moments when time stood still. Clocks melted Dali-style while debates over "cloud computing", the word "available" and the definition of water, took place. The smart brought their cellphones to watch the Celtics lose, rejoining the debate only after certain people stopped talking. A woman knitted, and I saw a guy with a shiny ice-pick, for an intra-orbital lobotomy, no doubt. Would have been much less painful than the meeting itself. But you have to be patient with Democracy. Me, I brought needle-nose pliers to remove a bothersome molar, and luckily I passed out from the pain. When I woke up they were IP'ing the ATV warrant item and the crowd of ATV riders were leaving, satisfied creeping Socialism and Communism lost this round. But there were several things the town people should have taken away from last night.
1. Don't mess with ATVer's, there are more than you think and they have rights too. And if their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is on the seat of a 650 KLM, you better get used to it, this is America, after all.
2. I will have to be more careful at the corner of Miller and Myrtle, especially when taking my family midnight raccoon hunting over by the Charles in my monster swamp buggy - it's a dangerous intersection!
3. Bring something to do at town meeting - Democracy can fold the time-space continuum and can cause nightmares, insomnia and unhealthy weight loss.
And PA, to answer your post,
4. Giving people access to large amounts of money reminds me of what my mother once told me - "It's like leaving your Glock loaded in a room full of chimpanzees - sooner or later it gets dangerous!"
This is your roving reporter, MON, and I am going to sleep now, for several days I hope....
5/12 2:22pm Norfolk - Plant Sale, Saturday, May 14, from 9-12, 5 White's Pond Dr. Homegrown perennials and natives for both sun & shade. Choose from meadow and woodland plants, ground covers, and many hosta varieties. - SAH
5/12 2:21pm Forgot to include that you dont have to be a member at Costcos to use the Pharmacy. - PRB
5/12 2:20pm Roofing: Robert Roofing and Gutters (857) 247-8709. He did my roof; great price and good job. - DWL
5/12 2:19pm PA - The Grange members have acquired their project permits and a new project leader. The previous project leader caused delays. The septic system work started this week. Members are also not thrilled with the lack of progress and currently expect the renovation project to be completed within this calendar year. Hand them over? The town holds CPC funds that are allocated to specific projects or purposes until work is done and a bill is submitted. If the project does not require the full amount granted, the extra returns to the CPC's control and if the project needs more funding, an additional Town Meeting vote is required.
5/12 12:33am Does anyone have a roofer that you would recommend and, to that end, are there any roofers you would not recommend? Thank you. - RS
5/12 12:32am Community Yard Sale will be held at St. Jude Church on Saturday, May 21st from 9 am to 1 pm in the parking area. Rain date is May 28. The Yard Sale is sponsored by the St. Jude Women's Group. Bring your own table, sell your items, keep your profits. To reserve a space please send a check for $15 to the St. Jude Women's Group, P.O. Box 305, Norfolk, MA 02056. Proceeds support the Women's Group activities and charities. For more information, please call Karen D. @ 508-520-4058 - KD 5/12 12:30am MON: Let's meet at the Norfolk Grange to discuss CPC funds and how they've been managed. Oh wait, I don't think we can get into the Grange... even though it was five years ago last night we voted to hand them over $335,000 to restore it to its former glory but not a [cursed] thing's been done. - PA
5/12 12:29am Don't know what happened on Route 115 but I was following a contractor's truck and really noxious fumes like gasoline/oil overtook me while I was driving. Contractor had FL license plates and may have been working in the road. He stopped at the light at horse and carriage to look at the back of his truck and then pulled over on route 1. It was very scary. I had a 3 month old in my car and had to open all the windows. - EF
5/12 12:27am To clarify, the LWV ads did not only target Brown but a Democrat as well. Here is a quote from the newspaper... In fact, Brown wasn't the only senator targeted for his vote on clean-air regulations. A separate but similar ad was released at the same time in Missouri, targeting Sen. Claire McCaskill, a Democrat, which the LWV says proves even more that this is not about attacking a specific political party.Read more: League of Women Voters' anti-Brown ad under scrutiny - Marblehead, MA - Marblehead Reporter [article link]``Senator McCaskill, a Democrat, and Senator Brown, a Republican, voted to block new clean air standards and put the public health at risk by undermining the Clean Air Act,'' said League of Women Voters President Elisabeth MacNamara. ``The ads we are sponsoring in Missouri and Massachusetts are designed to spark a discussion about votes that let polluters off the hook and put our children at risk.''
5/12 12:21am Thank you ACC for posting about the very expensive problem at KP High. In summary it seems that the new septic system that was installed in 2007 is being completely torn up so we can build another smaller one for a mere 500K which we all know will turn into 750K. Is it me? These things called computers that were invented were supposed to make mankind smarter but bottom line is they are the reason for the dumbing down of America. Did these Engineers use a calculator? Posting this part again. It seems all towns need to agree on one lawyer and start the lawsuit now. Do not delay. Does anyone take responsibility for anything any more? Since we will have to pay for something twice and most likely a third time when this new one is undersized in 5 years, someone should make a emergency article tonight and at least save some expense of calling a special Town meeting for this in a month. I really wish 500K was going into the school and not down the drain. What a waste. - LS
5/12 12:20am FYI, To all concerned officials and citizens of Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham,KP has just released a bid package to replace the existing Septic System with newly designed Title V system. School officials reported that about $300,000 had been allocated from E&D funds to pay for the replacement.
The reason for the failure of the existing system was explained in the attached letter from KP Business Administrator Paul Schaefer. A letter that I sent to KP's Dr. Zelinski is also attached.
At the last finance committee meeting when the budget was discussed with KP, I voiced the opinion that the new septic system project cost could be more than likely in the order of $500,000 to $600,000. Nobody said anything except Mr. Robert Bogardus who also questioned the cost and accountability for this failure.
As a taxpayer and a selectman, I am seriously concerned about the proposed project. I assume that I am not the only taxpayer shocked by what has happened. As part of the 56.5 million dollar 2007 new high school paid for by tax dollars and possibly with MSBA funding, the renovated septic system was designed and constructed by paid professionals and inspected/approved by local and/or state paid officials. Five years later it failed because the plant is designed for 27,000 gallons per day but receives only 2% of daily flow, depriving the proper biochemical growth and reaction necessary to achieve proper treatment. Is that a colossal goof or gross miscalculation? Taxpayers now know why it failed but have no clue as to who was responsible and accountable for the failure and the huge waste of tax dollars.
KP E&D funds may pay for the entire project; however, I believe such funds are also taxpayer dollars.
The high school's costly septic system is still technically a functional and viable system despite the particular failure. However, as reflected in the bid package, it is being scrapped and replaced with a totally new Title V system. Decommissioning and scrapping the existing renovated treatment plant is included as part of the new project. Why would anybody even consider dismantling such a costly asset?
It is time to put that project on hold and seriously explore all options to salvage rather than scrap and to minimize taxpayer losses. Many suggestions have been forthcoming but no decisive action has been taken. It is time for action rather than passive acceptance by the Wrentham, Norfolk and Plainville selectmen.
And, where are our paid engineering experts who should be protecting the taxpayer's investment?
Robert G. Leclair
Selectman, Town of WrenthamPublished [wrentham.patch.com link]
- LS
5/12 12:19am I'm looking for a few recommendations for a low cost, reliable lawn mowing / landscaping / mulching / cleanup, etc., individual or company. - PM
5/11 3:02pm Tonight (Wednesday, May 11th), the Town Meeting continues, beginning at 7:00 PM. Along with the disadvantages presented in Articles #13 & 14 please examine the rest of the Warrant carefully, and keeping in mind that the most eloquent arguements, given, seemingly with great justification, are nullified if the basic premise is flawed, then act accordingly. - BM
5/11 3:01pm Is anyone else disappointed by the League of Women Voters ad on TV? I do not speak to support or non-support for the article in question, rather to the fact that an organization I have long admired and respected for their neutrality is now taking a strong position regarding an individual's vote. Sad. It seems there are so many things that the LWV could take up, this one sounds like pure politics (against a senator who is up for reelection). An enormous amount of money was spent to fund this campaign, very sad. - FJC
5/11 3:00pm Had a Generic Prescription filled yesterday at Costco for 360 Pills $9.80 chedcked with Rite Aid 48.80 Walgreens $82.29 and CVS $107. - PRB
5/11 2:59pm For sale - Konica 7022 copy machine. In perfect working order. Best offer. Please call Lori at 508-528-3660. You must come and get it. - JL
5/11 2:58pm FYI, Dear Members of the King Philip Community:The King Philip Regional School Committee has sent the following letter to the Editor of The Sun Chronicle to address the concerns about the pending septic system at the High School.
"May 10, 2011
The Sun Chronicle
Letter to the Editor
Re: King Philip Waste Water Treatment ProjectThis letter addresses concerns the citizens of Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham may have about the pending septic system project at the King Philip Regional High School.
The waste water treatment plant at the high school was built in 1974. For the renovation that occurred during the last project completed in 2007, discussions took place between the designer/engineer of the project, the agent for the Wrentham Board of Health and a representative of MA DEP. It was determined that based upon the proposed high school population, an upgrade to the existing treatment plant was the proper solution. Code water usage flows were used in making the decisions to which all parties involved in the permitting process agreed. The MA DEP gave the final official approval of the waste water treatment plant prior to the September 2007 occupancy of the high school. Since that time, it has been found that the reality of the water "flow" that the renovation required, has not been met, and in fact, has been much lower. The system was designed per code and not per reality. This has resulted in odor problems since the "flow" is too low for the plant to operate efficiently.
Beginning in the fall of 2009, we have had discussions with the Wrentham Board of Selectmen and the Board of Health concerning this project. One of the discussions was specifically related to other uses for the treatment plant. At that time, the District proposed the possibility of transferring the treatment plant to town ownership because the district did not want to have the liability associated with running a treatment plan for the town. This idea was not met with any further discussion at that time.
Abutters to the high school presented complaints of the odor to the Wrentham Board of Heath. The Board of Heath contacted MA DEP. In response to the complaints, King Philip Regional High School is under an order from the MA DEP and Wrentham Board of Heath to fix the odor issue.
The proposal that we are considering to fix the odor problem involves a new Title V septic system and decommissioning of the existing system. Other proposals, costing less and did not include the demolition of the plant, were presented to the Wrentham Board of Health, but were rejected. The accepted proposal includes the demolition to the existing system, the removal and proper disposal of 27 concrete leaching structures, filling of aeration tanks, and the de-commissioning of the existing treatment plant. The estimated cost for this project is between $300,000 and $500,000.
The District is under time constraints to complete this project. The bidding process needs to continue to go forward so that the School Committee can establish a firm cost for the project. The School Committee has reserved the right to reject any and all bids for the project, if it is so inclined.
On May 17th, we will be meeting with the Wrentham Board of Selectmen. We have invited the Wrentham Board of Health, the Wrentham Planning Committee and MA DEP to attend this meeting.
Dr. Wendy Wagner Robeson
Chair, King Philip Regional School Committee"
5/11 2:53pm Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Town Of Norfolk, Here's the lowdown of last night's Spring Mental-Fest-otherwise known as Town Meeting, by your new man on the street and self-appointed town reporter, MON.
1. The town voted to put the reduction of CPC funds on the ballot - which is a sign from God because everybody that tried to keep you from voting for it wants to spend this cash friviously and drain the 3.15 M$ in the name of community preservation - fixing things the town should be paying for like ballparks and recreation areas, which has nothing in common with the word PRESERVATION.
But the supporters of "spenders of other peoples money" can't wait to find new ways to use up this remaining CPC money, which in this reporter's opinion should be used only to save open land for the creatures we share Norfolk with - not build golf ranges for middle-aged men or frisbee parks for dogs. But of course, nobody talked about the other animals or their natural trails and open-land preservation and the ecosystems here in Norfolk. It's time to abolish this and send the CPC off to a land were Unicorns and Rainbows meet, at least until they understand the concept of real community preservation.
2. The Energy Commitee had its wings clipped with a vote-down against the so-called Stretch code, which this reporter calls the "sketch code". Sure, many government employees that are town residents were in favor of it got up and said "how great it is", but methinks their bosses brainwash them into such a liberal state, after all, this is Massachusetts. But luckily for humanity, Mom, Apple Pie, and Democracy, many spoke up against the so-called "Green Movement" which is one step away from Big Brother kicking in your door at 4 am to lower your thermostat while looking for R35 energy stickers. It was obvious to this MON-on-the street such an absurd and biased and potentially corruptable building code would harm our community and the many variables frighten mere mortal men! Plus, the only "Green" that could come out of it was into the pockets of the people installing it or monitoring it. This reporter thinks Green is good when scientifically proven-which it isn't, in contrast to the wails of those who make a living being "Green". But here's an idea- Let the free market decide, not government employees! YOWZA!
So join us tonight, for the continuing saga of Spring Mental-Fest! aka Town Meeting!
There are a million hidden stories in a town like Norfolk, and I just shared several.
Stay tuned....
5/11 2:52pm Thank you to everyone who came to Town Meeting tonight in support of Article 10 - "Create a Ballot Question for the May 2012 town election to ask the Voters of Norfolk if they want to Roll Back the Community Preservation Tax from 3% to 1%". Despite efforts from the members of the Community Preservation Committee to keep this issue from a popular vote, Article 10 passed and next year, the people of Norfolk will be able to decide if they want to reduce their taxes, or not. Isn't Democracy wonderful! - AR
5/11 2:51pm Democracy prevails in at least one town in the Commonwealth! Huzzah!! - AB-G
5/11 2:45pm The Garden Club of Norfolk will hold its annual plant sale on the town hill adjacent to the Norfolk Public Library from 9AM-12PM on Saturday, May 21st. The garden club members are selecting various perennials and plants from their own gardens to be sold thus ensuring mature and established plants. Other garden related items will also be available for purchase. In addition, the garden club will also hold a bake sale and raffle to be held simultaneously with the plant sale. The baked goods will be made by garden club members. The raffle is a $50 gift certificate to Little Tree Nursery, Seekonk, MA. Tickets are $5.00 each. Chosen ticket winner need not be present to win.All funds raised by the garden club support club activities, a yearly scholarship, guest speakers, floral demonstrations, community projects like the flower gardens located at the police station, roundabouts, town hall, train station and the two elementary schools.For more information please contact Mary G., club president, at gould.mary@verizon.net - RT 5/11 2:40pm KS: I was waiting for Brightroom Photography pictures to post but I guess they will come along when they compile all the data on their sight. Tough Mudder put out the following post after the race ended: Tough Mudder Vermont, which took place this past weekend, May 7 & 8, was the largest athletic event in Vermont history. 14,000 participants took on 10 miles and over 25 obstacles, with 13,747 feet of elevation change and 7,000 feet of climbing. check out : [page link]Ok. So the amazing news is that we rocked this course. As some noticed tonight I was sporting my orange headband on tonight at town meeting. It truly was a test beyond all tests I have encountered in my life. Child birth was the EZ pass lane compared to this course. We had several of Norfolk's finest compete. One, who was signed up could not compete due to injury, and another gave a valiant effort but could not complete the course but hopes to do so the next time around in 2012. We battled fire, electric shock, hills, gravity, fatigue and hypothermia. One was shocked by the water temps and was assisted by a team mate, and several were cramping up in various spots on the course. We were all there for each other through this and I must say it was an amazing adventure into true grit. Norfolk Cable came along to document our run through this experience and from what I hear they will air it within a few weeks time. In the meantime if you want a recap of how it was check out: [page link]Sgt. David McConnell, Ptl. Thomas Degnim, and I finished this course on behalf of the Norfolk Police for The Wounded Warrior Project. Dee Dee Hunter, a former assistant in my department and now works for Armstrong Ambulance not only completed the course but finished an hour before the rest of us did.
When I have more pictures I will share them on NN as we really appreciate the support we received to run this charity event. For now this is what I have.
Back Row Geoff Marian, David McConnell(holding part of Diana's costume), Hilary Cohen (wonderwoman), Diana Chiffolo (learned to swim for this event) Front Row Toby Cavenaugh and Dee Dee Hunter (runaway bride)
Coming out of Boa Constrictor. The bottom of the tubes were underwater.
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
[Update 2:54pm: Here's a runner's point of view who had a helmet cam on [Youtube link] - HC]
5/11 2:39pm AB's question about the new sidewalks got me thinking. Is there a line item budget for the DPW? If you look on their portion of the town's website they have a "FY-08 Road Maintenance Summary" but nothing else. I would love to see where their funds are going and what the upcoming projects are. It seems like a waste of resources to start certain projects while the general state of our roads is lacking. Thanks, - FWH
5/10 8:20pm Has anyone in Norfolk switched from Comcast to Verizon FIOS ? Are you happy with the switch. We are thinking about getting the complete FIOS package, TV, internet and telephone, since the rates are much cheaper than Comcast.
Is the television quality better, is the internet faster?
- RG
5/10 8:19pm Norfolk Lions Annual Community Day coming up on 6/11, 11-3 pm. If you are interested in reserving a booth for this fun filled day please contact Cathy W. at cwesalo@comcast.net. - CW
5/10 8:17pm Tonight is Town Meeting Night. As usual, there are several Articles on the Warrant that should concern every citizen in the Town of Norfolk. Some are insideous or problematical, by nature, insomuch as that the supposed difficulty that they are trying to resolve will only be compounded abegan. at a later date. In some cases, as in the past, an Article may seem not to ask for much, but sometimes it's often the old "get your foot in the door" tactic, which leaves the unwary taxpayer exposed to making future financial commitments to complete what the initial Article began. You will have to study the Warrant very carefully to draw your own conclusions.
My underlying concern is that any Article calling for the appropriation of funds (for any reason) is going to be spending more of our tax dollars, one way or the other. At this point in time, our taxes and fees to the Town are rising at an exponential rate and we still do not know, for certain, what our tax rate will be for the next fiscal year. Do you think that if, as a town, we continue to spend money at the will and for the pleasure of others, the taxes and fees levied at us will go down?
If you read nothing else, two of the Articles that should get your attention are Article #13 and #14. #13, in part, calls for prohibiting the discharge of water onto any public way or other public property. If approved, homeowners who need to occasionally pump out their flooded, or about to flood, basements would no longer be allowed to do so. In Norfolk, we probably all know one friend or neighbor who has experienced the threat of seasonal flooding. Should they be forced, by law, to have theit homes flooded? Article #14 calls for disconuing the delivering of the Town Warrant to every household in town. Granted it is an economic move, but think about the number of residents who do not have the means, opportunity, or time to visit one of the places where the Warrant is being displayed. This is another step in weakening our democratic process (for all) by not attempting to adequately inform all concerned residents about the issues being prsented at Town Meeting. Do you think that is a good idea?
- BM
5/10 8:14pm Everyone, please attend T Meeting tonight to support our town AND our own best interests. - AB-G
5/10 8:13pm Just wondering how our Norfolk Police Tough Mudder team did this past weekend. Congratulations to any/all of you who finished I understand it was grueling! - KS
5/10 8:12pm Yard Sale Saturday May 21, 2011, 224 Main St. (corner of Main and Boardman St). 9:00 am til 3:00 pm. Rain date Sunday May 22, 9:00 am til 3:00 pm. Lots of boys infant and toddler clothes in near new condition. Hope to see you here. - JW
[Update 5/13 12:10am: postponed until next Saturday, May 21, rain date May 22 - JW]
5/10 8:11pm Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Norfolk Community League's Nearly New Sale. Your donations make this fundraiser possible and bolster NCL's commitment and support of the Norfolk community. We have some pretty great items to sell on May 21st! There is still time to donate and recycle your used baby gear, toys, children's furniture, and sports equipment. Please drop off your donations at the Norfolk DPW (33 Medway Branch) on: Wednesdays, 5/11, 5/18 9am - 12noon Saturday, 5/14 10am - 1pm For a list of what we accept, please go here: [page link]
The Nearly New Sale is scheduled for May 21st. 9am-1pm For complete details: norfolknearlynew.weebly.com.
5/9 10:20pm Seeking a daily ride from Norfolk to Watertown (near Waverley Square) for arrival between 8:00-9:00 am. Will pay for gas or some mutually agreeable amount. Call 508 740 6296 if interested. Thank you. - ECD 5/9 10:18pm 2nd Annual Norfolk Community Day Art Contest - Promoting Our Community through the Arts. For the 2nd year the Norfolk Lions are sponsoring an art contest open to all Norfolk residents in grades 1 through 6. Again the theme of this year's contest is a 'Scene around Norfolk'. All entries will be displayed at Community Day on June 11, 2011 at the Holmes Complex, 22 Myrtle St., Norfolk.
This contest is free to all participants, with one entry per person. All artwork must be drawn or painted on paper no larger than 11-inches by 17-inches, using pencils, pens, crayons, paint, markers and fabric. Each entry must include an entry form taped to the backside of the art. Entry forms have already been given to children in the Norfolk public schools. Additional entry forms can be downloaded from the Community Day web site. Go to www.norfolklionscommunityday.org and click on ART CONTEST.
Entries will be judged by a panel appointed by the Norfolk Lions in three age groups: grades 1 and 2, grades 3 and 4, and grades 5 and 6. Winners will be selected based on artistic creativity, neatness and originality. All entries will receive an award and winners in each age group will be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and honorable mention ribbons. But that's not all - the 1st place winners in each age group and one Grand Prize winner will also each receive gift certificates! And these winning entries will be displayed at the Norfolk Library, for all to see, for two weeks after Community Day.
The contest entry deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday, May 27. Entries can be submitted to your art teacher at the Freeman Centennial or HOD schools, or mailed or dropped off in person to:
Norfolk Lions, c/o Sally Grant, 40 Grove Street, Norfolk, MA 02056.
Photo: The 2010 Grand Prize winner was Paul Bremlist-Ellis, 3rd grade, for his entry titled "Family Garden Florist".
- PS
5/9 10:14pm Received: My wife and I have just started the Franklin Art Center. It is located in downtown Franklin at 5 Main St. We will be having the school's Grand Opening Saturday May 21st from 10 to 2 pm. This free event is for anyone to come in meet the teachers, ask questions about the classes, try a lesson, and learn about the art parties. The center will have morning, afternoon, evening and weekend classes for 4 year olds to adults in a wide variety of media. Our weekly sessions provide our 4-5 year olds with hands-on activities, stories, and unique lessons for artistic explorations. The curriculum for our classes are based on the Massachusetts Visual Arts Frameworks.Beginner and advanced private or group lessons for adults will focus on the individual needs of the student. Some of the topics we might cover are:
- drawings to investigate compositional possibilities.
- blocked-out charcoal/pencil/oil sketches to arrange tonal values.
- oil sketches to experiment with various color schemes and harmonies.
- preparing canvas and paint for the anticipated tasks.
- applying paint to canvas, either incorporating the results in direct painting.
You are also invited to our gallery featuring local artist Victor Pisini. Victor is a local icon in Franklin and paints in both oils and watercolor. The gallery will rotate work from local artists and feature them on the site and in our classes.
Please visit franklinartcenter.com for more information or call the center at 508.887.2797.
- Ian Kabat, Franklin Art Center
- Wm.
5/9 10:13pm Curb alert: Truro Road, yard sale leftovers FREE! - ML
[Update 5/15 12:12pm: all gone - ML]
5/9 10:12pm AC service company - can someone recommend a reliable, reasonable AC service company that services Lennox AC? Thanks, - TB
5/9 10:11pm AR, in full disclosure, Article 10 also lowers our state funding. - MA
5/9 10:10pm Girl Scout Troop 74762 is having a car wash Saturday 5/14 from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Federated Churh. The car wash is $4.00 and all proceeds will be donated to Heifer International project or a local animal shelter. Hope you can come. JMM - JMM
[Update 5/10 7:55pm: time is 10am to 2pm - JMM]
5/9 10:09pm Come one, come all to the Norfolk Cooperative Preschool's open house on Tuesday, May 10 from 9:00 - 11:00. The school provides a delightful, hands-on learning environment for kids from 2.9 to 5 years old. If you have a child that is approaching 2.9 and is ready to try preschool, give us a call! We can work with you! 508-528-3660. - JL
5/9 10:08pm To SG: Here's a quote from Ms. Bernardo in the November 10th, 2010 edition of The Sun Chronicle: "I believe the town clerk serves the people. You get to choose the person," Bernardo said. "I don't think you should give that up." You claim she was "kicked out" and "booted out." This was the very system she endorsed, why complain? The people chose the next town clerk, plain and simple.
- PA
5/9 10:07pm SG: The people have spoken. Mr. Dooley has won. Please do not tarnish his victory with unsubstantiated rumors or speculation. It may deter future people from running for office. Nobody that I know has said anything negative about the current Clerk. Our rights as voters are to elect officials who we feel best represent our desires. Perhaps Mr. Dooley simply was more reflective of the current needs of our residents? Just a thought. - CS
5/9 10:03pm To FH - Franklin Electrolysis is the best. - CW
5/8 1:47pm Does anyone have a suggestion for a good electrologist in the area. Thanks in advance. - FH
5/8 11:52am Even when you're being positive you get a salvo across the bow. Well, MB, it's true we are not all cut from the same fine cloth, nor do we all possess the same sized bankroll. Hmmm... I guess MG is onto something. It's just this darn, pesky little quirk in most people that they will only put up with so much for so long. - AB-G
5/8 11:51am Just a reminder to please attend Town Meeting on Tuesday evening at the Junior High School at 7 pm. There are many important articles on the Warrant, including Article 10 which could lower your property taxes. - AR
5/8 11:48am I guess all I can say is an old Talking Heads song about the Main Street fire drill... Burning Down the House. Many will understand what I mean... - SW
5/8 11:47am Anyone have some insight about the two beautiful sidewalks to nowhere that have been crafted at the intersection of Seekonk & Main Streets near the cemetery? The surface of Seekonk/Needham streets still looks like the surface of the moon, but someone's apparently got funds for pretty new 20-ft sidewalks! - AB
5/8 11:45am No, JH, but funny you should ask! I'm trying to produce a film noir right here in town. I'm hoping to use MON as my screenwriter. - AB-G
5/8 11:40am Ladies and gentlemen, please mark your calendars for the upcoming listening event: Stories From the Norfolk Prison Debate Team. From the '30s to the '70s, one of the most formidable teams on the college debating circuit was made up of a group of inmates from the Norfolk Prison Colony. Norfolk was founded in 1927 as the nation's first "community prison" and in many ways resembled a university campus: men had their own rooms, windows without bars, a choice of vocations, college-level courses, and the time to pursue creative and intellectual endeavors. The debate club was one of the prison's most successful programs. Over forty years the Norfolk debaters amassed an outstanding record of victories over Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Oxford, West Point, and many other top college opponents. This oral history will represent the first in-depth account of the team's successes, motivations, and challenges, as told by former Norfolk debaters, college opponents, coaches, educators, and judges.
Join us at the public premiere of this oral history, featuring selections from interviews collected over the past year. The audio presentation will be followed by a community discussion. Coffee and cake will be served. Presented in partnership with the Norfolk Historical Commission.
Thursday, May 26, 2011, 7pm, Norfolk Town Library, Norfolk, MA.
This project is funded in part by a grant from Mass Humanities.
- TH
5/8 11:37am AB-G, your taste in restaurants is questionable I've been to Charles River, its not worth the money you have to pay. MON - I'm pretty sure it was Dooley campaigners that took your sign since they have to be down 2 days after the election... stop being so paranoid.
- MB
5/8 11:36am Yikes! "Making Your own Face/Body Cream and Shampoo" - a great class offered at the Harmony Center at Harmony Farm in Medfied. This class - with all the hidden toxins in our personal care products - is one you don't want to miss! It ensures that what you put on your body (absorbed by your body which can impact your health) is safe and also good for you! It's easy, fun and will save you money! I have attended many lectures and workshops at this lovely, sacred space and highly recommend their programs. I cannot wait to attend this one. This class is offered Wednesday, May 11, from 10am to 12 noon. For more information or to register on line, please go to: [shampoo class page]. Any questions, just ask Lesley at www.Harmony-Center.org. - RB
5/8 11:28am Helena Rabasco was nominated for a MOTIF award for Best Female Lead in a Musical and she needs your vote! Helena is 17 years old, lives in Norfolk and attends King Philip Regional High School. If you've ever enjoyed watching Helena perform (Kim in "Miss Saigon" at The Stadium Theatre in Woonsocket, Tracy in "Hairspray" at The Orpheum Theater in Foxboro, Amneris in "Aida" at Triboro Youth Theater in North Attleboro, and Mayze in "Seusical" at KP Middle School) and would like to encourage her to continue, please use this link to give her your vote. You have to scroll down to the Community Theater section, then just look for her name under female lead in a musical. Here's the link for voting: [survey page link] Thanks so much! - PR
5/8 11:09am Calling all Teens in 7th - 12 grades! Dodgeball Tournament to benefit American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. The Norfolk Round-a-Bouts and Norfolk Cul-de-Sacs are proud to sponsor a Teenage Dodgeball Tournament on Sunday May 22nd at 3pm at Pond Street Tennis Courts. Teams of 4 will compete in a double elimination format. Registration fee is $20 per team, with all proceeds going to Relay for Life. Prizes for most creative team and top finishers. Come up with a great name, slogan and team colors and come to have fun! Water, snacks and baked goods will also be sold. See flyer for more information. [Word DOC, here] Send an email with questions or to reserve your spot to relaydball@gmail.com Thanks! - TMS, Norfolk Round-a-Bouts
5/8 11:05am I believe the Town Clerk's race was not about issues, it was about clashes in personalities. I am disgusted at the level to which this race sunk to. As a community, as neighbors, as friends, as fellow church members ... I am saddened that we find it OK to kick someone out of their job like this. Some of us may be a bit rough around the edges and not all are smooth talkers but that does not deserve being dumped on. I would like to think that I live in a community that embraces all. I would like to think that I live in a community that works together. We are not all perfect and we all make mistakes from time to time. I would hope that when any of us have differences we would try to work it out, not exploit it for someone else's gain. Gail has been a long term dedicated employee for the town of Norfolk. Town service is what she has been committed to thus becoming a certified municipal clerk and successfully achieving a Masters in Public Administration. How cold, how shallow, can we be, especially in this economy, to boot her out for no real wrong doing? I ask that we be more patient in the future when we have differences and work together. - SG
5/6 6:27pm Finally! A pleasant, newly-remodeled venue, the Charles Cafe, is on 109 just west of Medfield where you can get a good cup of coffee and something delicious to eat and there's a deck with a partial view of the river. For the moment they close at 3PM, but will soon serve until 9 once the adjoining bar is open. It's the best thing since the Millis Tea Bar closed. - AB-G
5/6 6:26pm LS: Perhaps tonight I am more easily amused (or bemused) than usual, but your post also gave me a good laugh, and so was not a waste of my time. I'll tell you this: There is an important message embedded in that post. Perhaps you read it too quickly. Or perhaps you just don't appreciate the value of a good trucking service. - AB-G
5/6 6:25pm MN: Very, very clever! I haven't laughed this hard for about 48 hours. - AB-G
5/6 6:17pm To TH--best time for grass planting is early fall. Unfortunately, when planting grass at this time, crabgrass and weeds can take over the lawn. Less water is also required in the fall because we don't have scorching heat. Best of luck. - EF
5/6 6:16pm KE: I highly recommend Home Repair Specialists for the job in your basement. They do a lot of work in the area, and I have found them to be very reasonable, and very competent. The owner, Chuck, can be reached at 508 359 2007. - CS
5/6 6:15pm AB-G - are you trying to dispose of a body? - JH
5/6 6:10pm Can't drop off or pick up your pet? You no longer need to hurry in the morning and rush home to pick up your trusted friend! As an alternative to doggie daycare, Leashrly Life will come to your home and care for your pet. We offer a number of affordable services from pet sitting to dog walking, group hiking excursions and one-to-one personalized trainings. Experienced, loving care by professionals you can trust. References are available. Fully insured and bonded. All animals are welcomed! Call 781-241-2083, visit www.leashrlylife.com or email info@leashrlylife.com
- AW
5/6 6:09pm Norfolk's H. Olive Day School 2nd grade chorus performed Thursday at the State House in Boston as guests of Senator Richard Ross and Representative Dan Winslow. - DW
5/5 8:11pm Looking for a landscaper to grade a section of our backyard, about 1800 square feet. We'll then need about 25 cubic square yards of loam/topsoil and grass planted. We thought we were on the books for a local landscaper but just found out tonight that he can't fit us in till June, which will be too late for planting grass. If available please contact me at vhessler@yahoo.com. Thank you! - TH
5/5 5:46pm Mark your calendars for May 21st for the 14th annual Spring Pops Concert presented by the King Philip Regional High School Music Department and the King Philip Music Association. This year's theme is "A Night at the Movies. The evening is modeled after the Boston Pops concerts at Symphony Hall. Patrons can order delicious light seasonal foods, such as: Strawberry Walnut Salad, Chicken and Orzo with Spring Vegetables, along with plenty of desserts, beverages and, of course, pop corn, while seated at tables in the High School Field House to be enjoyed while listening to music played and sung by the school's acclaimed musicians and chorus students. The Symphony Band will be playing an encore of their Boston Symphony Hall gold medal performance of Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. Tickets may be purchased at the door, which opens at 6pm for the 7pm show, and are $10 for adults and $5 for seniors and students. - SM, KPMA
[Update 8:12pm: Pops theme changed - SM]
5/5 5:45pm The King Philip Jazz Ensemble will be performing at the Hatch Shell at the Boston Esplanade on Sunday, May 15th. The Jazz Ensemble was selected to perform after they received a gold medal at the SE District Jazz Festival in March. This is a perfect opportunity to break out that blanket and picnic basket while enjoying a wonderful jazz filled afternoon. - SM
5/5 5:44pm Congratulations to the King Philip High School Symphony Band, the King Philip Middle School 7th and 8th grade bands and 7th and 8th grade Chorus, the Plainville Woods Elementary School Band and the Norfolk Freeman-Centennial Elementary School Band for earning gold medals during the recent MICCA Festival held earlier in April. The King Philip Concert Band and Chorus earned silver medals. The gold medalist bands and chorus were honored with a repeat of their performance at Boston Symphony Hall on April 23rd. Hundreds of bands from across the state were adjudicated in early April with hopes of achieving gold; yet only a select few earned the superior rating and were given the opportunity to perform in Boston. - SM
5/5 5:42pm RZ - Wonder of wonders! An apology to MON! You are forgiven, and as a tear of joy cascades down my face, just to show that I am softie sometimes I will send to you my extra Bishop's mitre, when you are up to speed, which we call a Pope's Tiara in my house. Your heart will gloat every day when you come home from work and the kids put it on you! But I wonder if the perps who made off with my Dooley sign wondered "does this homeowner have a home security CCTV or a MFH-DGS-I60 Digital Game Spy Camera aimed at his front yard"
Now the tears of joy are really flowing ...gotta go.
5/5 5:41pm RZ: Careful with the pontificating, you'll be treading on hallowed ground. - AB-G
5/5 5:40pm I believe it has already been mentioned, but there is a current issue with break-ins happening in the town. My house on Main street was broken into last week; thankfully nothing that I can tell was taken out. Supposedly the perps are taking copper from the houses, which can be quite destructive and costly. They are targeting For Sale sign houses. So please keep an extra eye on your neighbors houses during this time. Maybe we can help catch the persons responsible - JH
5/5 5:39pm We are in the process of cleaning out our unfinished basement and making it usable without fully finishing it at this time. We have had a little water twice during the heavy rains, so we are going to get a sump pump installed. We also would like to have someone clean up the walls/floors and paint them with Drylok paint. Any thoughts on who would take on such a job? A painter? A handyman? I do not want to go the route of a commercial basement place as I think they often do more than necessary. Thanks for your thoughts. - KE
5/5 5:38pm AB-G - I can't go into any detail but your post just wasted 10 seconds of my life. - LS
5/4 11:27pm I asked to volunteer at election polls as I am new to town, and short of yard sales and the half-open library, never meet anyone. I thought if I saw the faces associated with my road's houses I could get a start. I did not know there was a "pittance" and don't feel that low $ could sway my desire either way. I was rebuffed; I came at the lady many different ways, and even agreed to an unknown "all day and night" pledge. She then basically tossed my number over her shoulder and I haven't heard boo since. She added a snipe about trusting staff and I did see then that at 38 I didn't fit the mold, it's been a while since I have been on the out side but a year later I can confirm that I too am still a "nobody" in our grape vine. I did remember to vote though, ya know? - MN
5/4 11:27pm I can't go into any detail, but Allied Waste of Auburn (Hardscrabble Road (very appropriate)) is quite loyal to their customers and do everything to keep them. - AB-G
5/4 11:26pm Farm Street Auto, Millis. - CG
[Is that the one tucked away off 109 behind the bowling alley? Close to where Acorn and Farm meet? - Wm.]
5/4 11:25pm Multi family yard sale [this coming Saturday] 5/7 8am-3pm. 3 and 5 Pocumtuck Avenue, rain or shine. Some furniture, outdoor toys, a little of everything including homemade jewelry. All priced to sell. - CG
5/4 11:24pm To NJD-- for deck replacement, try Robert Gomes. Wonderful contractor who does things right. He will be doing ours hopefully within the next 6 months. He has done numerous other things for us and we think the world of him. Knowledgeable, thorough, neat, honest and reasonable. 508-942-8024. - EF
5/4 11:23pm FOUND: One Cheshire cat. Very well groomed, very well heeled. Gets along with all, young and old alike. Also appears to have had all necessary shots. Doesn't play much, likes to stay busy. This is one cool cat, although he seems modest enough that he doesn't look like he just swallowed the canary. You can see him in person in the new and improved Town Clerk's office, for this Cheshire's sitting in the cat-bird seat now. - PA
5/4 11:22pm To RC, looking for help with landscaper for patio - I have been working with Brett Boudreau from Boudreau Lanscaping on a similar project to what you described. So far, I've found Brett very responsive and easy to work with, and prices are very competitive. You'll probably be done with your project before we start ours, so I can't comment on his quality of work. I'm sure you can get good references from him. Web site is www.boudreaulandscaping.com. Good luck! - KB
5/4 11:21pm Regarding the KidsPlace yard sale. I would like to make some donations of items to sell, I can drop them off. Who can I contact? Or you can contact me at sbj83@msn.com Thanks, - SJ
5/4 11:19pm Percussion Night next Wednesday, May 11 at King Philip High School in the wooden gym at 7:00pm. Come see the percussionists from the middle and high schools perform their own pieces as well as the KP Indoor Percussion world finalists perform their show. You will be amazed at the talent. Admission is free. Also, hold the date for Jazz Night on Wednesday, May 18 and Spring Pops on Saturday, May 21. Hope to see you all there. - BMS
5/4 11:18pm Hilary, thank you for clarifying your husband's position, I think to some it needed clarification. I'm sure the animals of Norfolk appreciate all your kind help!! All animals need love too! - MB
5/4 11:15pm To MON (any anyone else who was put off by my observations): My deepest apologies for the whining. In the future, I will try to pontificate more and whine less. Thank you for your patience as I come up to speed. - RZ
5/4 9:35am Kids Place Yard Sale this Saturday, May 7th from 9am-noon. Stop by Kids Place this Saturday morning to help GS Troop 74755 earn their Bronze Award. All funds raised will help rebuild the playground. Child care while you browse. Hope to see you there! - BC
5/4 9:24am Thanks to all who recommend us. CH just booked an appointment for repairs. We strive to be worthy of your praise! It's our only form of advertising, besides the children's sport and music book ads. Please let us know if there's ever a reason not to refer people to us. Yours truly, - Marcia Silvestri, Rocky's Auto Body
5/4 9:23am BS: For clarification, I did not nor would I ever use any school resource for any other purpose than official school business and I greatly resent the implication. FYI: I don't even own a copy of the Friend's Directory as my children don't even start attending HOD until next year. As a point of reference: I was the Campaign Manger for both Dan Winslow and Richard Ross and have compiled quite an extensive database of both emails and phone numbers (over 2500) over the years. And on another unrelated note: Thank you Hilary for all you do for the people and animals of Norfolk. And an extra special thank you to your husband, Dr. Don for volunteering countless hours for this (apparently) thankless task! I for one wish to thank both of you for all of your hard work and dedication.
- Shawn Dooley, Town Clerk Elect
5/4 9:22am RE: "When I took this position in 1997 I was handed a rabies pole, a basket muzzle and a rusty raccoon trap. Since there was no shelter..." Hilary, I think I speak for many when I say you are one of Norfolk's biggest and best assets. Since you took over you have developed the Animal Control position in our town with professionalism, competence and campassion. As you know many of us go out of our way to support your efforts, and while I admire your ethics it's somewhat surprising that you would need to publicly justify using any assets available to you including family and friends. Please keep up the great work and remember we really appreciate what you do!
- TB
5/4 9:21am Thank you to the Citizens of Norfolk for electing me your Town Clerk. I promise I will work hard and do everything in my power to earn the trust you bestowed upon me. I would also like to congratulate Ms. Bernardo on a well run and spirited campaign. I look forward to working with her over the next week as we make this transition. Sincerely, - Shawn Dooley, Town Clerk - Elect
5/4 9:20am To Hilary Cohen, Thank you to you and your husband for all you do for Norfolk. We are very lucky to have you both! - JR
5/4 9:19am JT and RZ - The only in-crowd is the American Taxpayer, and this is America, so whine all you want, and take NC with you. - MON
5/4 9:18am As the results are in, I'd like to thank Gail Bernardo for her service. I confess that I did not vote in this election because I could not sort out all the facts from all the opinions. I believe that Ms. Bernardo has served this town very well in any case, and I applaud her service. - RM
5/3 9:21pm CH - Rocky's Auto Body, 79 Pond Street, Norfolk is the only place to go! Family-owned, top-notch, been in business for years - you will be pleased. Ask for Marcia. (508) 384-7883. - JK
5/3 9:18pm Back in late April a new customer to Dover Trucking Inc, commended us on our new customer special offer. We run this special offer now and again to help keep true to our slogan "the most dependable service at the most affordable price." The support of new customers allow us to hold our current price of $33.50 per month for weekly pick up of their recyclables and household waste for the past 5 years for all our customers. Due to continued interest we will be extending the deadline date to May 15, 2011 on the special. Current customers can save money also by either prepaying for 12 months and getting the thirteenth month free or going to our website and filling out our referral form with neighbors and friends that live in the towns of Dover, Medfield, Millis, Norfolk and Medway. We will do the rest and once their referral signs up and completes three months of service both the customer and referred will receive one month of free service. We thank all our present customers for their continued support and look forward to servicing new customers. If you have things you want recycled or disposed of please remember one call does it all. (508) 541-8565 or check out our website www.dovertrucking.com
Stephen E. Bassett, President, Dover Trucking, Inc.
5/3 9:17pm To JT: I've resisted every temptation to post but you drew me in. My sense (from a long history of your prior posts) is that you and I are probably polar opposites in our politics. But, I could not agree with you more. If I may say it differently, it's about being part of the "in crowd," which you may remember from your high school days. For many, it would seem that all of the "clique-iness" of High School still resides within long after the diploma has been conferred, the tassel of the mortarboard shifted, and the prom pictures have faded. - RZ
5/3 9:16pm CH - Try Suffolk Auto out of Walpole for auto repair, the co-owner is Andy Abate. They used to be out of Norwood and just moved to Walpole a few months ago but do great work. Good luck- - KH
5/3 9:15pm To Hilary Cohen: Thank you for your selfless service to our town and the animals who are so fortunate to have your care, affection, and sacrifice. You are indeed a very special person and Norfolk is most blessed to have you as our animal control officer. Anyone who takes exception to your husband's assistance is obviously uninformed about the reality of your job and the position you hold. Hopefully your explanation will allay any concerns about nepotism or misappropriation of town moneys and the like. Thank you for taking the time to write, and may God continue to bless you for all you do. - MMB
5/3 9:03pm NJD - for your deck, call call Paul Zonghi, Summit Home Builders and Remodeling, (508)380-0605. - ES
5/3 9:01pm To CH: Hands down - Rocky's on Rt 115 for autobody - DN
5/3 8:58pm I stayed after the polls closed to hear the election results, and the Town Clerk race was won by Shawn Dooley, 656 to 571 votes. - Wm.
5/3 6:45pm Attention RedSox fans... We're unable to use our 4 tickets to tomorrow night's Sox game vs. the Angels. Would you like to go? I'm asking for face value: $52/pair... Seats are Section 36, Row 2 & Row 3. (Straight away center field). Please email nanlilahill@gmail.com if you're interested. Note: I will also sell them in pairs. - NH
5/3 6:44pm Hello, wondering if anyone can suggest a place where they had body work done to their car, including painting? Have never had to deal with this so would appreciate any recommendations. Thank you - CH
5/3 6:33pm Interested in receiving a Mark catalog, the trendy makeup and accessories catalog from Avon? Mark's products have been featured in Allure, Comso and Redbook to name a few. Request a catalog and see what the buzz is about! Contact me at bo4avon@hotmail.com - BO
5/3 6:27pm As a long time resident of Norfolk I am beside myself with all the distasteful things being said about Gail Bernardo. I believe she does her job well and deserves to be reelected. We need someone in the office with experience and Gail has it. I have lived in town my whole life and I am shocked by the number of people who have such rude things to say about her. Any time I've ever had to go to the office I've been greeted in a respectful manner. I knew from the start who I was voting for, which was Gail, but I was curious to hear from the other side as well. I was not allowed to see his group because of the people I have on my Facebook. In my eyes that's not fair, but I guess that's how it goes. - MB
5/3 6:25pm Found a cat about a week ago near norfolk prison. If you think he/she is yours e-mail me. I've been keeping her safe, feeding her, hoping to find her owner. When you e-mail me please describe him/her in great deal including sex, color, size, and any characteristics. helpfindthiscat@gmail.com - MJ
5/3 6:24pm On such an important day in history I wanted to re share the following: It was wonderful to begin with a few years ago when it aired on TV, and now more so. [video link] - HC
5/3 6:23pm I would like to share my thoughts on the race for Town Clerk. I've only rarely had dealings with the Town Clerk's office. I've never run into any serious problems when I have.
But when l really examined the two choices, one candidate stood out. I believe that Shawn Dooley will provide a more proactive, welcoming environment. I believe he is more forward-thinking and innovative. He exudes an aura of excitement around what he can do in this position if elected. He has already come up with some new ideas (eg., dog licensing) that better reflect the wants and needs of Norfolk.
Although I have nothing negative to say about Gail Bernardo as a person or based on any experience I've had in the Clerk's office, I do think it is troubling that she has given the appearance of "backpedaling" with regard to the Town Clerk office hours. The hours posted on the web site have changed recently, and I can only assume it is in response to the many criticisms received about the office not being available. If you go to the web site "way back machine" (web.archive.org) and input the URL for the Town Clerk web site, you will see how the posted hours have changed. The conversations surrounding Ms. Bernardo's hiring of family members also concerns me. I realize there is a "he said/she said" aspect to this and I do not claim to know The Truth.
This is a very brief synopsis of how I have assessed this race, but it represents why I believe Mr. Dooley is the right choice for this position. I hope you agree, and that you will join me in voting for Shawn Dooley tomorrow.
- SR
5/3 6:22pm We need to replace our deck. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! - NJD
5/3 6:19pm As I sit and contemplate the rhetoric, dialog, discussion and comments regarding our local election for Town Clerk, it is no wonder that I have come to a conclusion. During candidates night last week, there was a request, a common desire among those on stage. "Please join us, get involved, help fill positions in our town, volunteer and run for an election. These are all worthy desires, all the people that do volunteer must care for the Town and it's future, Why else, I ask myself, would they give up free time, personal time in a world where there is too little of that in our lives? Why don't we have more individuals come forward?
However, I have to also ask myself at what cost? It seems lately that character and personality are easy targets for anyone aspiring to enter into a local election. This could be the very reason why we don't see more well-meaning residents coming forward. The misinformation, the manufactured truth, the countless rehashing of data and firm facts is an exhaustive use of energy, when the two candidates should be focusing on the aspects of the job, position and duties of this particular office, and should be utilizing their candidacy to move that forward to the Towns' residents.
Believe me, I don't live in a world with rose colored glasses, but I do believe, that in our small town, if demeaning rhetoric is ratcheted down, we'd see more individual involvement from our community's residents.
As to the position of Town Clerk, due to its importance and because I want to make the best decision at the polls on Tuesday, I made a phone call. I researched with the MA Town Clerks Association, to find out just what the position of Town Clerk entails and what impact a Town Clerk has on the community, it's residents and the Town.
Based on those facts and that information, from those I consider to be the experts, I'll be placing my vote with Ms. Gail Bernardo, an experienced individual who for all intents and purposes has handled that office and position to the betterment of this Town and community.
However, since I am just someone else posting on this site, don't take my word for it. It's a 7 minute phone call to discern what the outcome should be for this very important position in our Town. I trust that those wishing to make a truthfully informed decision will do likewise.
- JT
5/3 6:13pm Bear with me as this post is long but needed addressing: I feel the need to speak up regarding nepotism and what I imagine is aimed at my department. I did not hire my husband as the assistant animal control officer. He was appointed by the board of selectmen for specific reasons. My husband did not ask to be the assistant animal control officer but was willing to be due to the circumstances relative to how the whole department is run. My husband, Don, does not draw a salary or any sort of compensation for the appointment he's accepted. He does not receive benefits from his appointment nor does he even receive a W2 from the town. He jokes often, usually while he's doing some horrible chore like restraining a fractious cat while I'm trying to de worm it, vaccinate it or clip its nails that he wants a 300% increase in his salary this year and he expects it to be 300 zeros. My husband has a full time chiropractic practice in two towns, and teaches, coaches and plays volleyball at a national level. No job was eliminated or removed by appointing my husband as my assistant. I do not have the funding to have an assistant! I would love to be able to take nights and weekends off but in reality the animal kingdom does not plan to only have emergencies between 8-4 Monday through Friday.
With that said, Don is an avid animal lover and also happens to live on the property that houses the animals of Norfolk. If he's helping me care for them, from scooping poop, walking dogs, and restraining fractious animals, he should be protected under the governing body of Norfolk if he were to get hurt. In my job I have been hospitalized twice due to zoonotic diseases from the animals I have come in contact with. He has stepped in to carry on shelter operations when I am not able to. Don does not act as the animal control officer by answering calls on his own or enforcing laws, however, he is afforded to drive that lovely high mileage cruiser our department has to pick up supplies, take animals to the vet, etc. He does come with me on calls when I need some muscle, such as lifting large animals or removing deer from the roads after being hit by car. When I am not available I have a mutual aid officer (CACO - certified animal control officers) from Millis, Medway or Foxboro step in to help with situations on a case by case basis. Animal Control Officers out in the field are to be trained to very specific protocols. Millis, Medway and Foxboro are all at that level. The residents are more likely to have interaction with a mutual aid officer on a call than my husband.
The origination of having my husband appointed was because I had a large conflict. I was scheduled to go on a vacation and I also had a "chain of custody" situation. I had a dog in my care here who was evidence of a cruelty to animals trial. She had lived in my custody during the case to avoid having her crumble emotionally in a shelter/boarding situation. Also at the farm were several cats waiting their time to find new homes. Being able to legally have chain of custody transfer from myself to my husband without effecting the welfare of the animals involved was paramount towards the humane treatment of the animals during my absence.
As many know I have tried for several years for the town to build a shelter for the animals in a town owned building, on town owned property. This would be the best possible situation for the animals and my department. In my 15 years of service to Norfolk this has not happened, nor do I anticipate that Norfolk's residents would likely fund a project like this in this economic climate. When I took this position in 1997 I was handed a rabies pole, a basket muzzle and a rusty raccoon trap. Since there was no shelter, I was bringing home animals (more common in this field than many realize) to care for them until I could find them a home. The big question involved was where do I put them? After many failed attempts at rallying for a formal shelter I secured donations from Tresca, Home Depot and David Smith of Bay State Renovations to make a room here to house them safely and comfortably. Some supplies, like the epoxy floor and caging systems was funded through donations from residents. However a solution was found and animals now had safe haven. Are there still problems in this plan? Yes. I still pay the electric, heat, trash and water personally, but we're making strides to make things better for all involved. But since my husband has legal residency where the animals are held, he should be afforded protection if he so shall need to handle them.
Another bonus for the town is if I get a call that a domestic animal has been hit by a car at 3 am we can both respond to provide immediate aid. This can be beneficial if the animal that's injured needs CPR or controlled pressure bandages on the way to Tufts. One can drive while the other can work on the animal.
We all know my annual budget is roughly 4000 a year for all care of animals, vehicle maintenance, and equipment and supplies. Yes, you read that right, $4000. If I had to board animals during my time away I would dissolve my budget within one week. Because of the budget that is why you do see us heavily fundraising for the animals.
There is a potential for him to gain one thing from his appointment. I'm trying to get him set up for a series of 5 pre exposure rabies vaccinations as I believe he's at an increased risk helping me with animal control. Not only do we sometimes have to handle wildlife that need rescue, but we do handle rabid animals, and also handle the rabies preparations (read decapitation) process before we transport the specimens to the state rabies lab However, I don't believe the vaccines are something that he would consider a "benefit" as many people get sick from the initial series.
Comparing the two departments are like comparing apples to oranges. I would suggest though that if people wish to try to deflect by trying to throw animal control under the bus then perhaps they should talk with the appointing authorities instead. I'm sure if there was some conflict or legal issue it would have been brought up way before what appears to be a hotly contested town clerk's election. Since I know that many don't have the time to go ask the questions , I decided to post the answers freely here. I'm not sure why anyone would use a nepotism (or is it nepotistic?) comparison in reference to my department when nepotism (or is it nepotinistic?) situations apply to when the job holder receives compensation for their duties. The town clerk's office has known about my husband's appointment (because we have to go swear in each year) but no one has ever raised an issue until this past week. Anyone can inquire if my husband were to draw compensation or not to see if the nepotism law was even applicable.
Remember, no job was deleted, nor any salaries created or collected by appointing my husband to help out. If anything, we're more effective working together at getting the animals the care they need and in many cases, avoiding them from having to be euthanised. Don is wonderful at turning around many of the semi feral kittens and some of the misunderstood dogs that have come in here. He's handled animals as small as baby birds, helped with a crocodile, rabid animals, to 1400 lb horses who don't want to be handled and he does a darned good job at it. As far as I'm concerned, I'm the luckier for it. And when I benefit from the help, so do the animals and people of the town.
Stay tuned. In May I'm doing a presentation for the KPMS students for career day. This will include the history of animal control and what we do and how we do it. NCTV is also hoping to film this and put together a show so the town can see exactly just what we do and the training we go through to effectively do our job.
Also the Tough Mudder competition is this weekend. Thank you for so many who have donated to the Wounded Warrior Project on behalf of our team. We have 6 from Norfolk (including a former ACO assistant who is now working at Armstong Ambulance as an EMT) on a team of 21 people! I will pass along photos of our big day when I return back next week. If you still want to donate to the group you can find our page at www.nuttymudders.com. Or if you just want to learn about the Tough Mudder visit www.toughmudder.com. A very worthy ironman meets burningman and they raise funds for such a worthy cause.
If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me at the office at 508 440 2816
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
5/3 6:07pm I know many people don't like letting facts get in theway of their politics but a few facts that might be worth knowing: Fact #1: MassachusettsEthics Advisory 86-02: Nepotism, clearly states that you can NOT hire familymembers. There is NO grandfather clause in this rule and there is No grandfathering provision in Norfolk'sTown policy. In addition, this rule went into in effect long before Ms.Bernardo was ever in the Town Clerk's Office. Since the Clerk is the ethics officer for the town, one would think with all of her ``experience'' shewould have known this law.
Fact #2: The Town Clerk cannot have her Assistant (a directly reporting employee) hire her (Ms. Bernardo's) children in an attempt to subvertthis rule. The ruling covers this in great detail and even states that she can NOT be even ``one link in a bureaucratic chain of approvals.'' Eventhe most unethical of hacks on Beacon Hill wouldn't try to push this one. Of course, they would just have one of their buddies in a completely different office hire their kids and by pure coincidence they would then hire their friend's children. But one would hope Norfolk has higher ethical standards than Beacon Hill.
Fact #3: To attempt to besmirch our Animal ControlOfficer for hiring her husband is reprehensible. Yes, he is her assistant but it is solely in a volunteer capacity. He does not collect a salary or benefits and saves the town a lot of money by being a good husband and helping out his wife. I don't think anyone would have a problem if Ms. Bernardo's kids were atthe polls volunteering and helping out their mom. The fact that they weregiven jobs over Norfolk taxpayers is what makes it unethical.
I think that integrity is far more important thanexperience in a position that requires unquestionable public trust. Please vote for Shawn Dooley on Tuesday.
- SV
5/3 6:04pm Kudos to Mr. Dooley. He has done a tremendous job on the Norfolk School Committee. I personally appreciate his spirit of volunteerism and willingness to give so much of his time to the community. However, I am voting for Gail Bernardo for Town Clerk. If I were a hiring manager, Mr. Dooley's resume wouldn't even get past the search engines. I for one am not willing to pay for someone to learn the job and be trained when we already have a qualified candidate. I also don't want a novice running my elections--does anyone remember "chads"? This is a highly detailed administrative position for which Mr. Dooley does not seem to have the skill set or training.
Ms. Bernardo has the experience and certifications to be town clerk. Yes, she can be prickly at times but she does her job and she does it well. The job is not all about being smiles. The job requires fairness and impartiality and sometimes dealing with cranky, demanding customers. Ms. Bernardo does that job by putting in 50 hours a week, not the 28 that has been purported in emails.
By the way, I do not recall giving my email out for political solicitation by the Dooley campaign. I would hate to think the elementary school Friends Directory was used for this purpose.
- BS
5/3 6:02pm That there is only one other person under 50 working the polls besides the daughters is just not true, as I recollect from my last visit there. Not everyone works all the time at every election. I strongly doubt there is "scrambling" to find poll workers. Most of the people who work the all-day shift do so by choice, they tell me. I also believe that the issue of the daughters at the polls was raised many times. Why no one pushed the issue sooner, I don't know. I think it may have taken the Town Counsel to take a stand recently. Yes, the game-playing does have to stop. - AB-G
5/3 6:01pm Is there a gun club/firing range behind the dump? There appeared to be target practice going on a few hundred yards behind the dump. Just curious. - GDL
5/3 5:59pm Gale Bernardo apologizes for being "snippy"?? Another first since the campaign started. Ms Bernardo is Queen of Snippy, and that's an extreme understatement. Someone mentioned her "style". Why shouldn't style count? You can't do your job and be friendly and polite? Why should you feel in any way rebuffed when dealing with the town clerk? Once I waited for election results long after the polls had closed (for a candidate), I was absolutely exhausted, and when I saw Ms. Bernardo and St. Aubin chatting in a relaxed manner, I merely asked if there were any results I could have at that point. She fixed me with a stare and said "You'll get the results when we're done!" Just like that. She might as well have added: "You nobody!"
And what about all the Dooley signs being stolen? I haven't heard about hers being stolen. In an election for Town Clerk, her supporters are stealing signs? She couldn't have put a stop to that when it started? It wasn't even acknowledged nor were apologies made.
Vote Dooley.
- AB-G
5/3 5:58pm SG: Yes, Ms. Bernardo may have taken a pay cut when she became town clerk but the credit should go to our Town Administrator Jack Hathaway, the Advisory Committee and the people of Norfolk at Town Meeting. Didn't Ms. Bernardo submit a budget that gave her a raise over the former town clerk's? Her budget was amended by vote and her salary reduced at Town Meeting as I recall, and I actually felt she deserved it the time, as money wasn't as tight as it is now and I believe in financial rewards when possible to our town employees. But then the economy went sour and now we need to find new avenues and opportunities for our government to be self-sustaining, where every office at Town Hall is staffed by people with fresh and business-minded ideas, and the Town Clerk's office is no exception. Certainly Ms. Bernardo has fulfilled her duties, but how have they grown over the years? How has the Department evolved? Is the department self-sustaining? How about new programs to generate town revenue? How many new ones have popped up in her tenure of 10 years?
These are the questions the Taxpayer needs to ask in the voting booth as government faces financial crises, and demands that new ideas and efforts be focused and efficient.
So Vote Shawn Dooley and let's get down to Work!
5/3 5:57pm Hurrah for SG's posting on Mrs. Bernardo's candidacy for the office of Town Clerk. I was not "Fun" one as Mr. Dooley has implied. It takes at least three year to learn the job and if he should win the election, pray we don't go into receivership to the State. This is a serious situation whether anyone cares to really think about it. - TR
5/3 5:56pm Summer Baseball registration for both our junior and senior leagues is open and we will only be accepting on-line registrations www.norfolkbaseball.com. The Norfolk Baseball Association Summer League has been designed to allow our Junior Level Players ages 7-12 and our Senior Level Players ages 13-18 to continue playing Baseball from late June through the end of July. The following Summer Baseball Leagues are offered by Norfolk: Hockomock League, Diamond Hopkinton Sizzler Tournament, The Friendship League, The Norfolk/Sharon Barnstormer League and the In-town Farm League. Please visit the following site for more detail ([page link]).
You can find out more information regarding summer registration and contact information at Norfolk Baseball's website www.norfolkbaseball.com
- Ken Ralff, Norfolk Little League
5/3 5:55pm Election Day is [today] - please make the time to vote and please vote for Shawn Dooley for Town Clerk. - LP
5/3 5:54pm KS: The Holiday Inn in Mansfield (3 stars, located at the end of Cabot Office Park) is nice and has an indoor pool that is salt water. Prices aren't bad (although you could book through Hotwire.com for a better rate). The restaurants/room service are well priced too. The hotel also allows for local delivery such as pizza, Chinese, etc. Hope this helps. - LP
5/3 5:53pm KS - Try the Marriot Renaissance at Patriot Place. Ask for Meg. - KP
5/3 5:52pm Voting Day car side child watch - The Norfolk Community League is sponsoring car side babysitting for any Norfolk voters heading to the polls with young kids this Tuesday. Volunteers will be available from 8:30 - 3:30 to babysit car side while you run in to vote. Just pull into a designated spot and check in with the NCL volunteer. Volunteers will stand next to your car and watch your children while you are voting. NCL is committed to Moms helping Moms (and Dads!). Please VOTE! - NC, NCL
5/3 5:51pm WB (re your post timestamped 4/28 1:20am): I am sorry that you are having difficulty with the Norfolk Warrant Discussion Forum at norfolk.onlinetownhalls.com. I haven't seen the symptom you describe ("the page has expired"), but I'd be happy to work with you to try to resolve it. I think that if all you want to do is to read the warrant, then the paper booklet will be fine for you. The primary advantages of the web-based forum are that in addition to reading the warrant and the Advisory Committee's recommendations, you can also read what other townspeople are saying about particular articles, follow hyperlinks to related material, and if you get a free login account, you can post questions and participate in a discussion about the pros and cons of particular proposals.
You correctly point out that if you can't login to post to the forum, then you can't use the forum to post a message reporting that you can't login. The answers to the Frequently Asked Questions (at [page link]) suggest two other methods for handling this situation. One is to send an E-Mail message to TMAccount@VirtualNorfolk.Org and the other is to report your problem using the "Leave a Reply" commenting facility at the bottom of the FAQ page. (The "Leave a Reply" facility requires you to supply an E-Mail address, but it doesn't require that you have an account or login.)
Another possibility is asking a question or reporting a problem in the "Norfolk Town Meeting" Facebook group at [page link]. (You have to join the Facebook group in order to be able to post to it.)
- DR
5/3 5:50pm I think most can read through all the negativity written about Shawn Dooley. Let's keep Shawn's message positive! Shawn has our Vote! Not only will he be a breath of fresh air, but a welcoming face that is needed in our Town Hall. Taxpayers and those seeking information about Norfolk want to be greeted by someone who is thoughtful and has the best interest of our town at heart. You have 100% of our support! Vote Dooley on May 3rd!! Thank you!
- LR
5/3 5:47pm I'm voting for integrity on Tuesday, and Gail Bernardo gets my vote. Gail is not in anyone's back pocket, and has consistently delivered great service, as her staff has been cut and her pay lowered. When I need an answer, Gail has it. It may not always be the answer I want to hear, but it's right and meets Massachusetts state law. When I have had a question about a bill, a concern about a late passport, or do not understand the language of a license, the last thing I am thinking is "Will I get service with a smile?" Rather, I am hoping I am dealing with someone who is competent and knows how to get the job done. Thank you for your service of 20 years Gail. You could not have picked a better slogan: Vote for Experience! - AL
5/3 5:46pm The Dooley Campaign has now lost over 30 signs. To whoever is taking them, you should be ashamed of yourself. Your actions are wrong on so many levels. First of all, it's illegal to steal. Second, Shawn Dooley paid for those signs, which cost a lot of money and that money is now lost (stolen actually). You are impacting his ability to run a campaign (which is likely your motivation). But the most significant wrongdoing is that you are taking each individual homeowner's right to support the candidate they choose. Whether you like a candidate or not, each candidate should be able to run their campaign and every resident should be able to support their candidate.
Whoever you are - I feel bad for you - you must not lead a very happy life if this is what you have to do to get your kicks. I believe your tactics are going to backfire on you. Shawn Dooley for Town Clerk!
5/3 5:44pm DH - just to correct some information you posted, Gail has yet to ever "let an assistant go". One assistant moved to Florida, another chose to run for the Clerk's position in the town she was from, and then she hired Carol because she was the only applicant with any experience in the type of office. Also once again, Gail has yet to violate any ethics laws, or Mass General Laws, as the hiring/firing of her children was not a violation as it was the Warden of Elections who hired/fired her children, not Gail. - MB
5/1 9:06pm I am writing to encourage you to get out and vote for Gail Bernardo on Tuesday. I find it amazing that this race has received all the attention it has. Gail is a dedicated competent employee. Whether you like her style or not, she had performed her job exceptionally well and I believe she presents a fair and responsible face to the town of Norfolk. The continued misinformation that keeps being put out there about Ms. Bernardo is disrespectful and irresponsible. Many of these issues were addressed at Candidate's night (ie: that she does not work her full hours or does not currently employ seniors) but then continued to be misrepresented falsely, as in email blasts. Also, what about using personal emails for solicitation purposes? All of this is not a very responsible way to run a campaign and does not reflect well on the candidate. (link to NCTV's taping of Candidate's night: NCTV Video on Demand)
I am having a hard time feeling like a responsible 'boss' using good business practices by firing someone who has been a solid, dedicated, and committed employee. Ms. Bernardo is flexible, seeks new ideas, and will always be open to input from others. She is experienced in the job, is a Certified Municipal Clerk, and has a Masters Degree in Public Administration. This is what she wants to do and she does it well. Please go to her web site ( www.reelectgailbernardo.com ) to find out about what she has brought to this position including: an increase in voter registration, continued flexibility in office hours to meet the ever changing needs of our community, the beginning of a re-precincting campaign which will save the town 10% - 15% in the election budget, and she took a line item pay-cut when she became Town Clerk.
Please go out and vote this Tuesday for Gail Bernardo.
- SG
5/1 9:05pm All. If you have enjoyed the beautiful flowering trees in the Town Center this week, please keep Ken Tripp in your thoughts. Ken was our town's Tree Warden for years and recommended these flowering shade trees when we revised our town laws 20 years ago. Sadly, Ken passed away this year. But his love of Norfolk, and trees, lives on from his good work for the town. - Dan Winslow, State Representative
5/1 9:03pm JAR: Please know that if Mr Dooley should be elected he will have to remove himself from his duties as Town Clerk for every town election that his wife is a candidate. So there is an effect, JAR. MB has answered the question regarding Gail's family, I have only seen them lugging ballot boxes and such. Where were these folks when poll workers were needed in the past? If that is the main reason the supporters of Shawn are using against Gail then it is testimony to the success of Gail as Town Clerk. CS: If Gail supporters have come across as defensive as you claimed it is due to all the misinformation that was published and needed correction. Though I must add there has been no misinformation presented about her performance as Town Clerk. She has fulfilled all state mandates required by that office. We need to continue this professionalism. That is why we should re-elect Gail Bernado...
Be aware of the Cheshire Cat.
- NC
5/1 9:02pm What is the difference if Shaw Dooley is Town Clerk and his wife is Moderator? If Ms.Bernardo can hire her children to work the polls and, let her former assistant go in order to hire her "personal" friend to become her assistant? We should suffer another 3 years because her assistant is not still familiar with everything when people with experience could have become the Town Clerk's Assistant. Sorry Shawn Dooley gets my vote. Don't worry I'm sure she will be very pleasant to every one on Tuesday hoping for your vote. If lucky enough to get re-elected I'm sure Ms. Bernardo will go back to her old self again for another 3 years. - DH
5/1 9:00pm To CH: My apologies if my post sounded on the 'snippy' side, it was not intentional. It has been difficult to quietly watch while others portray my workweek so incorrectly. The 9-5pm hours were for a designated time period last year at the conclusion of all of the special elections. We were not closed, we just allowed some quiet working time at the end of the day to get caught up again. The 5pm State filing deadline is always in place as it is established by the Secretary of the Commonwealth's Office, but since it seemed to be causing confusion I decided to remove that stipulation and deal with those filings on a case-by-case basis. There has been someone in this office from 9am - 6pm since the hours were established that way by the change to the 4-day work week several years ago. Again, my apologies if I sounded 'snippy'... your are correct in saying that this job requires patience and I believe I do have it 99% of the time. Please forgive my occasional slip :-) - Gail E. Bernardo, CMC
5/1 8:55pm Gail E. Bernardo, CMC, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk - I'm in full agreement with you on your post 'hopefully for the last time' having to state your office hours. - BHS
5/1 8:54pm Re - nepotism, hours, etc. Ms. Bernardo was unaware that her children were not grandfathered in as many employees of the town who were there before 2009 were. It interests me that it is only Gail who is being "slapped with the book" when there is a wife and husband pair in Norfolk where the wife is the direct superior over the husband, whereas in Gail's case, Carol was the Supervisor of her children. Also, again, just to re-iterate the point, this was not brought up at any time before there was someone running against Gail, as you've all stated we are in 2011 now, if so many people thought it was unfair in any way, why was it not brought up in 2009, or 2010? Also another point, it is in fact the Selectmen who are supposed to appoint poll workers, not the Town Clerk. Also, over 95% of the poll workers are Seniors, Gail's daughter and one other young women are the only two who are under the age of 50 that work the elections. In response to the hours, the wording changed slightly on her website, but her hours have been the same (with the exception of Friday's) since she took office as Assistant Clerk. She tried to re-word the explanation of the postings to clarify for people when Mr. Dooley released literature saying she only worked 32hrs a week (however now there is something going around that says 28, not sure where the now 22 missing hours went). When people kept saying she only worked 32 hours a week, she then decided to just have it say 9-6 instead 9-5 for state filings, 9-6 for all other residents. I'm sure many can understand how it feels to try and get the correct information out, and constantly have the wrong information coming back, it can get a little frustrating.
Many residents would be interested to visit Gail's site, which has been up for some time now, www.reelectgailbernardo.com or watch the video from Candidates' night. If it doesn't make you see that Gail has dedicated 20years of her life to the Town of Norfolk, with an excellent reputation for getting the job done in the most efficient way possible, then maybe you should try to contact Gail herself.
Vote Bernardo May 3rd, vote for knowledge, experience, customer service, efficiency, reliable information, dedication, and accountability.
- MB
5/1 2:04pm RB, Are you serious! Dooley's comment about not giving legal advice was so "tongue in cheek" even a 5 year old could have read into it. And his clarification was not a back pedal. He had to come out and explain his "tongue in cheek" comment because some people just don't do their homework and realize he's not even an lawyer. - DT
5/1 1:57pm I noticed at Candidate's Night that Ms. Bernardo stated that she had her Assistant fire her children as soon as she found out about the Norfolk rule against hiring family in 2009 (although it had been a State law for a long time; and since the Clerk is in charge of enforcing ethics laws for Norfolk, one would assume she would have already known that). According to the Norfolk's Treasurer's office, Ms. Bernardo's children were just terminated within the past month and have been working at the polls the past few years. Really there have been a lot of changes in the past month that happen to coincide with her run for re-election. Personally, I'm voting for Shawn Dooley for Town Clerk because I don't want to go back to the status quo as soon as the election is over.
- DC
5/1 1:53pm To RC - We recently hired Distinctive Landscaping (Jason is owner) - 508-695-8579. We had gotten his name through another company that said they could not be very competitive for routine lawn maintenance because they are not in Norfolk enough. What I really liked about Jason is that an appointment was set up for a specific date and time and he was here on time. He knows turf management and appears to have been educated in that field. He is not just another grass cutter. We talked about thatching and the type of equipment he uses (i.e. sometimes a thatcher with blades is best for a lawn vs. tines and he has both types of equipment and would assess the lawn further into the season). Another contractor told us that he needed to thatch this spring with tines, and we had just put down Scott's Turf Builder with Halts carb grass preventer. He said as long as it was watered in the lawn could be raked. I had always heard that the Halts product forms a barrier on the soil surface that cannot be disturbed during the crabgrass growing season or your defeat the purpose of having put the stuff down. An e-mail to Scott's confirmed that the soil cannot be disturbed for 4 months. Back to Jason - he e-mailed us a quote the next day as he said he would for services with everything broken down by each part of the job. He did a minor clean up for us yesterday and did a very nice job and hopefully he will do as good a job with our routine maintenance. He will be doing some edging and spreading of bark mulch in the next couple of weeks. I wished I did not have to hire anyone but an injury forces me to take it easy this summer :-(
We have not had good luck with "landscapers" in the past. They have managed to somehow do more harm than good (lopping off flowering plants with weed whackers, causing ruts in the yard with inappropriate turning of the mowers on rain soaked turf, causing rocks to break free from walls by using huge, heavy mowers right next to the walls that are not cemented together. I feel really confident about Distinctive Landscaping. You might want to give them a call and see if you get good vibes like we did. Not sure about whether or they do walkways, but if not, the company we got his name from does landscape design and walkways. Jason would be very honest with you and what he can and cannot do. That is one of the other things we liked about him.
- EF
5/1 1:52pm Having some family in from out of town for First Communion - can anyone recommend a local hotel maybe with a pool? Thanks - KS
5/1 1:48pm Well, spring has sprung and I thought I'd share a few things from the eyes of your animal control officer as to what I'm seeing out and about. I know the recreation director and many others have voiced their problems with dogs doodling on the fields at the Freeman Centennial School, and today there was no exception to that. It is not acceptable to bring your dogs to the schools for any reason if you are not willing to pick up your dog's doodles. It's not just plain gross and rude, there are health ramifications regarding people walking through doodles and getting it on their clothes, skin, etc. There are several zoonotic (diseases that may be transmitted from one species to another) diseases that can really harm people. I wasn't even at the school for a dog problem but I was alarmed that a dog owner not only wasn't prepared to pick up her dog's feces after it landed, but she yelled at her dog for doodling in the first place. I don't know if it was my nearby presence that intimidated this dog handler but it was upsetting to watch a dog not understanding why they were being scolded for something they have been taught to do (go to the bathroom outside). I was preoccupied with another situation in the parking lot, but when I turned back around to ask her if she needed a bag, she was gone.
That "other" situation in the parking lot was baby red squirrels. I'm seeing a high volume of squirrels this year nesting in people's engine compartment of their car. I'm not sure why the rate is up this year but I've received just under dozen calls of it. A woman went to watch a sporting event at FC School and while she was parked the baby squirrels fell out of the engine block to the pavement (most likely due to the heat of the engine). Thankfully this woman noticed them before moving her car. We were able to scoop them all up and take them to a squirrel rehabber since they no longer have their mother or home. When we looked under the hood, there was in fact a very well built and insulated squirrel nest. Fully furnished with pine needles, dried grass and dead leaves. I've heard of people's vehicles catching on fire from this (and also by them chewing through electrical wires) so I felt it warranted passing along. If you find evidence of a nest in your car you should take it to your mechanic, or someone mechanically inclined to be able to dispose of the nest. If there's babies you can call me.
One very important thing is to not park your vehicle where you normally park it for a long time. Park somewhere else on your property so that mom squirrel doesn't come back and rebuild the nest. It's also a good idea to put moth balls under your vehicle where you park it to deter them. If you're not sure if you may have squirrels (or something else - we once had a call for a person who had a raccoon that lived in his engine compartment and dashboard of his van and he was unaware until he actually saw it through the vents staring back at him) look around the base of your vehicle. If you see seeds, grass, leaves that normally wouldn't be there then take a peek under the hood.
Also watch out for turtles! Very shortly we will be inundated with turtles on the roads. These are usually the females crossing the streets, lawns, fields, etc to go to their egg laying spot. If you see a turtle crossing the road please do no try to put them back from where they came from. They will only turn back around and go across the road again. They have a built in GPS and will do what ever it takes to get to where ever they are going. I also do not recommend people try to pick up the turtles and putting them on the other side of the road. Not only can you loose your fingers (even small snappers can take your digits) but you're in more danger being out in the middle of the road. There's plenty of distracted drivers out there and being a good Samaritan may get you hurt. If you see a turtle who needs help just call the police department and if I'm available I will come and assist her across the road.
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
5/1 1:47pm Gail Bernado, Town Clerk: Be nice, as that posting you made was a bit snippy! That postition you hold requires patience when dealing with these wonderful townspeople of Norfolk! - CH
5/1 1:45pm Yard Sale Saturday, May 7, 9-2, please no early birds. 1 Truro Road, Norfolk (Main to Medway to Truro). Housewares: lamps, rugs, table linens, glassware, KitchenAid Coffee Maker-like new! Pottery Barn (w/shams) & Pier One King size quilts. Computer Hutch, dark brown. New Hinterberg Standing Quilt Frame. Serger & Sewing/Craft supplies. Radio Flyer Wagon: great condition! Kids Craft supplies. Books: Tween, Teen, Craft, Novels, Reference
- ML
5/1 1:28pm KP Drama and GAPS invites you to enjoy an evening of murder and mayhem as they present the classic Agatha Christie mystery, And Then There Were None, on Friday, May 6th, and Saturday, May 7th, in the KPRHS Theatre. The show begins at 7:00 P.M. each night, and tickets will be sold at the door for $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 12 and senior citizens.
And Then There Were None was reputedly Agatha Christie's favorite mystery novel that she herself re-wrote into a play during the dark days of World War II. The story revolves around the Victorian-era children's poem, Ten Little Indians (re-written as Ten Little Soldiers by Christie's heirs so as to avoid cultural insensitivity), in which ten people each meet their end in a surprising variety of ways. A mysterious new owner of Soldier Island has invited ten guests, each of whom is a stranger to the others, to his island where they learn very quickly they have been summoned not for relaxation but for revenge and absolute justice. During the course of the weekend, the dwindling number of guests engage in a battle of wits to determine who the murderer is and how best to stop him/her before the poem reaches its denouement.
Proceeds from this production will be used to fund the KP Master Thespian Scholarship, a scholarship established to help students from our drama and technical theatre programs pursue studies in the dramatic arts in college. We hope you will join us to support the students and to immerse yourself in this most classic of all "whodunits". For further information, please contact Mr. Ferreira, drama director, at ferreiraj@kingphilip.org.
- PB
[Funny about the "Ten Little Soldiers" name change, because "Ten Little Indians" was itself the second title, the first having been changed to avoid cultural insensitivity [ref] - Wm.]
5/1 1:27pm Missing Cat: Last seen on 4/27 on King Street, Norfolk. Family pet, 1 year old, long tail, brown, spotted body, Reward. shellrobin@gmail.com - RR
5/1 1:25pm I am writing in response to Gail Bernardo's post today which "clarifies" the hours of the Town Clerk's Office. It's funny, I have checked the Clerk's website multiple times over the course of the Campaign because of all the discussion around the hours the Clerk keeps. Before the election, and for as long as I can remember, the website has said the hours are from 9 to 5 Monday through Thursday. On April 12th, I know for a fact that I checked the website and it said the hours were Monday through Thursday, 9 to 5 for state filing requirements and something about often being there later until 6pm. (note that the later hours are not official.) Today I checked the site after reading the new posting and the site says Monday - Thursday 9-6, often later! (and the bit about being open one saturday a month now) It's understandable that there is some confusion about the Clerk's Hours since they have changed at least twice since the start of the campaign. It is really quite transparent as to what is going on here. If Gail is re-elected, what will the hours change to next? Maybe 10 to 4 since she won't have to run for re-election again for 3 years.
Please let's avoid the games and Vote for Shawn Dooley on Tuesday!
5/1 1:24pm I have a Wurlitzer organ in excellent condition to give away. It is located in Wrentham and you would need to pick it up. Call Sue at 508 528-6688 if you are interested. - SC
5/1 1:23pm Good morning everyone. My wife and I are planning some travel in late summer to Europe and thought that perhaps my idea below would be useful for our trip as well as anyone holding extra currency from Europe that is left over from your trips. We are going to need some British Pounds, Russian Roubles, Denmark (Danish) Kroner, Swedish Kroner and Euros. Currently Circulating Currency and larger denomination coins are needed for our very budget conscious trip.
If anyone has any of these coins or notes sitting in a desk drawer or closet somewhere, I would pay 75% of face value in U.S. Dollars cash.
As of today, the exchange rates are as follows; rounded UP to the nearest dollar:
100 Euros =$148.14 U.S.. I would offer $112.I am not a dealer nor have I ever done this before. I am just planning a trip and hopefully this proposal would be mutually beneficial. I don't need small value coins, but would appreciate currency and coins of higher denominations. I hope you can help me out and I can help declutter your drawer.
1000 Russian Roubles = $36.50 U.S.. I would pay $28
100 Dainish (Denmark) Kroner = $19.87 U.S.. I would pay $15.
100 Swedish Kroner =$16.57 U.S. I would pay $13.Suggestions welcome if I have gone amiss somewhere with this idea. This will probably be our last trip overseas. almgl1@verizon.net
Many thanks.
5/1 1:22pm The Norfolk Community League sponsored Candidates' Night is now available online at [page link] and is running several times per day on the NCTV Government channel. - Donna Jones, NCTV Program Coordinator
5/1 1:21pm In regards to the town clerk campaign, I was a supporter of Dooley. I wanted to clarify Mr. Dooleys backround but feel he was inaccurate with his responses regarding his "law" backround. He clearly stated in prior responses that he would not practice law or give free legal advice to family and friends and later back pedaled on the subject. I just threw away my Dooley signs and will be replacing them this afternoon with Gail signs.
- RB
5/1 1:20pm There were very few people at the recent Candidates Night. I would encourage everyone to watch this program on Cable before voting on Tuesday. I have nothing against Mr. Dooley, but why would we want to take someone out of a job who has worked very hard to become state certified and get a Masters Degree, knows what she is doing and has done her job very efficiently? My vote will be for Gail Bernardo. - KF
5/1 1:19pm "Hopefully for the last time," please, how rude. That shows how service with a smile will be a happy site!! Vote Dooley! - JPRW
5/1 1:16pm CS - The opinions of residents about Mr. Dooley's involvement with the school committee should not reflect anything upon Ms. Bernardo, as she has never spoken about this. As for the talk about the tone of the campaigns, Gail's may seem to be on the defensive side, but only because she is the one at risk here. Mr. Dooley has nothing to loose by running, he does not need the job. His campaign has done their fair share of distasteful campaigning. As for the wild accusations of nepotism, if you read the town by-laws, and watch candidates night on NCTV, you will get the truth about the laws. Also, the issue of her children, who had worked the polls for years, was never raised until this campaign began. If voters were so concerned, or anyone else in town, why is it just being raised now? The general law says that her children cannot be in the direct chain of command, which as Gail explained at candidates night, they never were; both her children worked for the Warden of Elections, which is Assistant Town Clerk Carol Greene. Also they had never worked an election where it would have been conflicting for them to be there. However perception is everything, and so Gail removed them both from the payroll to combat that perception. If you anyone had wanted to work the polls I'm sure Gail would have let them, as often it is a scramble to find people to do it.
- MB
5/1 1:15pm Happy International Labor Day!
4/30 12:51am This afternoon, 4/29. at 4PM there was a large, healthy-looking, collarless German shepard in the back yard at 59 Seekonk St. - AB-G
4/30 12:50am May I have recommendation from anyone for the services of a landscape contractor. We would like to have a small patio installed and some yard work done. I thought Jeff Sherrick was the guy but he hasn't returned 4 calls over the past 3 weeks. - RC
4/30 12:49am Just to clarify, hopefully for the last time, the hours of the Town Clerk's Office... please check out our webpage at [town clerk page] - Gail E. Bernardo, CMC, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
4/30 12:46am Tangerini Farm CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). I have a whole Main Season Share that I'm looking to split. The share begins the week of June 13 and ends October 27, 2011. Your cost is $325. The Main Season Share is a 20-week share. Each week during the season, members can count on an interesting selection of familiar and unusual vegetables, fruits and herbs.
Tomatoes, Grape Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Heirloom Tomatoes ,Green Beans, Waxed Beans, Italian Beans, Summer Squash, Basil, Cantaloupe, Corn, Broccoli, Herbs, Eggplant, Asian Eggplant, Heirloom Eggplant, Lettuce, Sweet Peppers, Hot Peppers, Mixed Greens, Cucumbers, Pickling Cucumbers, Lemon Cucumbers, Onions, Cabbage, Beans, Watermelon, Zucchini, Carrots, Beet, Cousa Squash.
A CSA is about more than just fresh, local produce at a reasonable price.
If interested, contact me at msbrown200@gmail.com
- It supports the local farm economy, connecting shareholders directly with their food and the people who produce it.
- Supports local, environmentally sustainable food production.
- It connects people to agricultural cycles. Encouraging people to eat what is in season. In the just two generations we have moved from a rural to an urban nation and, in the process, do not understand the ramifications of purchasing our food from half-way around the world.
- The CSA makes it convenient for people with busy lives to develop food ways that make for healthier and happier more connected families.
- Reduces the overall use of fossil fuels in packaging and transportation. The average food item at the grocery store travels further that most people go on their family vacation.
- It's about U-pick opportunities, Tomato Slicing, Pesto Making, Tomato Picking, Sauce Making, Fall Garlic Planting and Volunteer Days!
- SB
4/30 12:44am A while back there was some discussion about single stream recycling. This link [mass.gov page] from the Department of Environmental Protection announces several grants - up to $100,000 to support single stream recycling. Our neighbors in Franklin received over $85,000.
It is worth noting that Framingham saved over $62,000 in avoided disposal costs... while much larger than Norfolk, what would a $20,000 annual savings do for Norfolk?
- AB
4/30 12:43am Why would anyone question Mr. Dooley when the current Clerk, Ms. Bernardo, with all her experience, has been hiring her kids for jobs you are I could of had a shot at. This violates the state rules for nepotism, although she had 6 years to stop this. I am voting Dooley.
4/30 12:41am I am extremely dismayed to read so much false information posted about a candidate seeking election. Mr. Dooley has put himself out there and his website, www.votedooley.com gives some valuable information and an insight into his character. I don't know that I have seen anything similar for his opponent. Ms. Bernardo is the one to worry about here. She violated a state ethics law many times by hiring her own children. Those jobs could have gone to seniors and retirees or people who could have used the work.
Personally, I am voting for honesty, and that means voting for Shawn Dooley.
- SF
4/30 12:40am ER - Could you or someone else please define "the Wrentham side of town" or perhaps name the street where the incident took place? Norfolk and Wrentham share a common border from the Park Street area all the way down to Everett Street. Thanks. - DE
4/30 12:39am I suspect both candidates are more than capable of performing the job of Town Clerk, so I won't comment on that aspect of the dialogue. What strikes me is the difference in tone that comes across from each campaign (directly, or indirectly through supporters). Mr. Dooley's campaign generally has a very positive tone, while Ms. Bernardo's supporters come across as defensive of the status quo. It is also disappointing (but not surprising) that there are so many "red herring" inquiries being made of Mr. Dooley, in an obvious effort to bolster Ms. Bernardo. In particular, it is grossly unfair to state that Mr. Dooley is the cause of the "decline of the Norfolk schools". Ms. Bernardo's supporters have officially convinced this voter to cast my ballot for Mr. Dooley. - CS
4/30 12:38am MJD: Don't be concerned, for we the people elect our Town Moderator and Town Clerk. Let's say, hypothetically, that a Town Clerk was hiring their children to work at the elections (despite Town and State regulations prohibiting it.) That didn't make you uneasy about one family carrying too much responsibility in an election? MB: Gail's job is a job we pay for. Isn't it grand We get to select who we pay for?
- PA
4/30 12:30am The KP Cheerleaders are having a Car Wash Fundraiser for their trip to Nationals. Please come out to support them this Saturday, April 30th from 9-2pm at KP High! Thank you! - LR
4/28 5:03pm At about 3 pm today [Thursday], thieves were discovered attempting to steal copper heating pipes from a vacant home on the Wrentham side of town. They are two Caucasian males approximate age of late teens, early twenties. They drove away in a black, late model ('80s, '90's) car with a license plate possibly ending in EX6. If you have any information, please call Det. Hines at the Norfolk Police Station at 508-528-3206. Thanks. - ER
4/28 5:02pm BL: Refer to Ryan Chipman's post from March 20 for an acoustic guitar teacher. We've been very happy with his teaching. He's terrific! - SM
4/28 5:01pm Just want to say that Shawn Dooley is a man of good intention. I suggest that a vote for him for Town Clerk would be a start toward improving communications in the town system of governing. In my 30 years in town everything seems to be the good old boy or girl network. Shawn represents new energy. That is what we need around here. - BF
4/28 5:00pm TK As a member of the Norfolk School Committee I feel obliged to respond to your comments regarding the performance of the committee. For disclosure purposes, I have been friends with Shawn for a number of years now and also worked with him along with the other committee members for the last year. I look forward to continuing both of those roles. We as a committee have had to deal with the challenging task of maintaining the schools with one million dollars less in funding. That is no small feat. We have been forced to make decisions that we may not wholly support personally, but were necessary in order to maintain the quality of the schools on the whole. Please note that Shawn is but one vote of five and has no more say in the final outcome of a vote then any other member. The funding crisis has affected our schools in terms of staffing, materials, technology etc. Despite all that, the students, teachers, staff and parents have done a fantastic job of continuing to make the educational experience a rewarding one. To put the effects of the funding crisis at the feet of one person and to suggest a decline in the quality of the schools with no supportining documenation simply to support another candidate for a position is distasteful in my opinion. We always have a public comment portion of our meetings. I look forward to hearing from you with your concerns and suggestions going forward. I would also invite you and all the public to attend our monthly meetings. Lastly, the current superintendent was hired before Shawn or myself were elected to the school committee. - Thomas Doyle, Norfolk School Committee
4/28 4:57pm I'm not sure what Unions have to do with Ms. Bernardo, as she is not a part of the union, nor an interest group, nor the school committee or any of the issues they posses. However, just to raise a point, have any of the people who claim to have issues with the office hours ever tried to contact Gail and ask her to stay late for her, as she has done this many times for residents? Another point, as a normal person, I'm sure things come up and she has to leave her office, just like anyone else would do at theyir own job. If Mr. Dooley had ideas about how to improve the office, why wouldn't he just speak with Gail or her assistant about implementing these programs (most of which he has suggested already in use, but thats beside the point) rather then trying to steal the job of a woman who has yet to not accomplish the daunting tasks that the office holds. I guess the bottom line is going back to that old saying, if it is not broken, do not fix it, and don't fix it with a lower quality part. I'm sure Mr. Dooley would do his best to learn the role, however Gail has spent 10 years learning it, and the state has paid for some of that education. Why put someone into a job with no experience, when someone already holds the job that would require no training. It is true that sometimes someone is put into the job without any training, however this is usually only the case when there is no one else to step up to the plate. Norfolk isn't in that situation. The Town Clerks office is headed toward a busy year, with the annual town meet right after the election, and then the office will go right into preparing for a presidential primary, taking place in March, that isn't even a year to train someone, and a presidential is a much larger process then other elections.
- MB
4/28 4:56pm MJD, In response to your concern about Shawn holding the Town Clerk position while his wife Caroline is our Town Moderator, there is really nothing to be concerned about if you look into their responsibilities and the laws, though it is certainly a very good question. The Town Moderator "moderates" the town meeting; they do not make the decisions at town meeting. They are a very impartial body - that is the definition of the role. The great thing about Town Meeting is that WE the citizens of Norfolk get to make the decisions. If you have been to Town Meeting, it is a very interesting process and you can see how decisions are made through the back and forth comments from all citizens who attend, followed by a vote. Everyone has equal right to speak. The Moderator does not get to voice his/her opinion AT ALL. The Town Clerk is present at the Town Meeting and their job is to "record" the meeting. They also do not get to sway the meeting more than a regular citizen. I do remember Gail speaking in favor of keeping the Clerk position elected at the last meeting (it has always been elected - you are correct), but she was speaking as a resident, who happened to be the Clerk.
As far as elections go, there are very specific laws about how an election is run. The Clerk needs to remove themselves from processes such as validating nomination papers for themself or their opponent. In the current election, we have the case where the Town Clerk position is contested and the Town Clerk runs the election. Shawn stated last night at the Candidates Night that in any contested election that he was in or that his wife was in, he would completely remove himself from the polls on election day. Gail has similarly stated that she will only be getting the polls set up in the morning and then the assistant Town Clerk will run the election with some help from the Wrentham and Plainville Town Clerks. Obviously, the Clerk's presence at the polls during a contested election for the Clerk position would be seen as unfair and both parties recognize this.
These exact questions were discussed last night at Candidates night. If you are interested in hearing the candidates responses, the evening was recorded and the broadcast will be airing on Norfolk Cable within the next days. I hope that helps alleviate some of your concerns.
4/28 4:55pm SD, thank you for your help. While hopefully my home delivery starts again, I can go and pick one up at one of the many locations where the Gazette is available. - BP
4/28 4:54pm RB: First of all: My original response to the outlandish accusation that I was an attorney was meant to be tongue in cheek. Numerous others had already responded stating that I was not an attorney. My website www.votedooley.com never states I am an attorney. All the literature I have handed out while going door to door campaigning for the Office of Town Clerk doesn't say I am an attorney. I decided to respond to a baseless accusation that was done with an obvious political agenda with the truth... I will not ever practice law, (because I am not an attorney) and with humor. Sorry if my response was not clear enough for some which is why I reposted with a clarification. Second: Town Clerk does set the hours of the clerk's office so wherever you are getting your information that they can't, you are wrong. And I am proposing that the hours be extended to match the current hours of ALL of the rest of town hall departments who close at 6. In addition, if elected I will be having extended hours one night per week until 8. This will not cost any more money because town hall is already open to serve boards and committees nightly until 10 pm.
TK: On your first misstatement: I checked with the Town Hall and they checked records back to 1928 and the position of Town Clerk has always been elected.
On your second, mean spirited and deliberate set of falsehoods I will not respond except to say that the School Committee (all volunteers), the parents (all volunteers), administration, and teachers have all been working very diligently to provide our children with a superior education in spite of these very difficult economic times. And for the record, The Norfolk Public Schools are excellent and if you are willing to personally kick in the $1,000,000 shortfall we are working with, we can make them even better.
- Shawn Dooley, Chair, Norfolk School Committee, Candidate for Town Clerk
4/28 1:47am Re 4/23 9:43pm I would like to take this opportunity to dispel some of the rumors that are flying around about me.Mr.Dooley, if you're not a lawyer and in no way practice law, then why did you say that you would not practice law?? There is no confusion about this. You gave the reader the impression that you have some form of law backround. Read your own response.1. If elected I will be a full time Town Clerk. As a matter of fact, I will be expanding the hours every night until 6 pm and one additional night staying open until 8. These hours will be manned by me personally so there will be no additional cost to the taxpayers.
2. I am not, nor have I ever been an attorney. My wife is an attorney which might be the source of the confusion.
4/21 3:05am Re: 4/14 12:02am JT: If I am fortunate enough to be elected Norfolk's next Town Clerk, I promise I will not practice law. I feel so strongly about dedicating all of my energies to the position of Clerk that I vow not even to give free legal advice to my family and friends. As far as school committee is concerned, I feel it is important for public officials to give back to the community by volunteering to serve on a town board or committee. Many who volunteer their time for the town have a full time day job as well. Thanks, - Shawn C. Dooley, Candidate for Town ClerkSecond, it is not up to you to determine the hours of operation for the Town Hall. You can not say that you will change the times when in fact you don't have the authority to.- RB
4/28 1:45am "Slow Road Kill of Norfok" Time To Slow DOWN!" Okay folks, I've been quiet for a long time... Couldn't ignore this one. Spring is here and all kinds of God's critters are making babies... Let's slow down look out for them. It could be yours! ...you never know.
4/28 1:44am Can anyone recommend a good acoustic guitar teacher? - BL
4/28 1:43am TK, In response to your post of 4/26, I must point out your facts are wrong and your tone could certainly be improved. If you are a Gail supporter that is great, you are more then welcome to support her. I would suggest a post that had some substance as to why she deserves re-election. ![]()
The current school superintendent was hired prior to Shawn's election to the school committee so he had absolutely nothing to do with that decision. It is frustrating to see the misinformation that is being put out there. First, "how is Shawn going to have time to be clerk when he is a full time attorney". Answer: quite easily since he is not an attorney. In fact he is looking to expand the hours and take a pay cut. That is something I would like to see from government employee.
Next was your blaming of Shawn for hiring a person he did not hire and then vague references to the schools declining in quality. Do you have any data to back up this assertion? At this point, I presume I can cue the crickets because you do not. Shawn is but one vote on the school committe, Chairman or not so there is only so much he can do. The committee has been forced to make decisions due to economic condidtions, but that is true of every government agency from local government and through the state government, see state aid, see prison mitigation funds.
Again, if you support Gail I have no issue with that, but your support for a candidate should not come from launching meritless broadsides against her opponent.
- TD
4/28 1:42am Join us at the Norfolk Senior Center for our first cook-out of the season. Mark your calendar for hamburgers, hot dogs, and all the fixings starting at 12 Noon. Not only that, it will be Grand Opening Day for our spanking new Bocce Court and at 1 p.m. Naturalist John Root will present "Songbirds of the Northeast," a power point presentation and special program supported in part by a grant from the Norfolk Cultural Council that features the sounds and songs of our native birds. This is an example of just one event taking place at Norfolk's beautiful Senior Center. There are many more activities, services, and resources available not only for our seniors, but for all Norfolk residents. To sign up for this event and/or receive a full schedule of all Senior Center activities, call (508) 528-4430 or visit the Council on Aging site (www.virtualnorfolk.org/public_documents/norfolkma_coa/) The Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru Fri, 9am-4pm. - TM
4/28 1:32am To DP and BP: I mentioned your problems to the editor of the Country Gazette and she asked me to pass this along to the readers of NorfolkNet. Thanks for the heads up about the delivery. I'll ask our circulation department what's up with that. In the meantime, if you're amendable, perhaps you can post this link letting people know where to get their hands on a Gazette is their delivery is missed: [page link]
Hope that helps.
- SD
4/28 1:31am KK, Give Dover Trucking Inc. a call (508)541-8565 for info on disposal of Frig and A/C. - Stephen Baseett Dover trucking Inc.
4/28 1:30am The Norfolk Community League is sponsoring a Candidate's Night on Wednesday, April 27th from 7:00PM - 9:00PM at the King Philip Regional Junior High School Auditorium. This is an opportunity for Norfolk residents to become acquainted with those on our ballet and hear their viewpoints regarding relevant Norfolk issues. The following candidates will be in attendance and available to answer your questions: Moderator - Carolyn Van Tine (incumbent)
Town Clerk - Gail E. Bernardo (incumbent) or Shawn Dooley
Board of Selectmen - Robert Garrity (incumbent)
King Philip School Committee - Wendy Robeson (incumbent)
King Philip School Committee unexpired term - Michael Gee
Constable - Paul Terrio (incumbent)
Refreshments will be served. Please contact Nicole C. at 781-688-2705 with any questions.
King Philip Junior High School is located at 18 King Street, Norfolk. For directions please go to www.kingphilip.org/kpnorth.
- CM
4/28 1:26am Please help a local Life Scout complete his Eagle Project. He is installing shelving units at the Chartley Methodist Church in Norton and needs the following supplies: 24 ea 8� 2x2�s, 24 ea 7� 2x2�s, 6 ea 4�x8�x 3/4 plywood, 35ea Plastic Totes, 1 box 5� screws, 3 boxes 2 �� screws, 3 boxes 1 �� screws, 2 cans of paint, 2 rolls masking tape, 7 painting tarps, 2 rolls of trash bags and 7 paint brushes. If you can supply and of these items or if you wishing to make monetary donation please contact Thomas Flett at 508-223-3961 or email EFlett1161@aol.com. Thank you - MD
4/28 1:25am TK- I think you are mistaken about the Town Clerk postion. I do not believe that it was ever an appointed position but there was a move to make it an appointed position a year or so ago, which I actually supported. If I remember correctly, the current Town Clerk did not support this change and the move to change the position was voted down at town meeting. I have to admit that I am a little concerned about all of our electoral processes being controlled by one family. Although I am not a conspiracy theorist, I feel like those responsibilities should be spread around a bit. I am not even exactly sure why it makes me so uneasy. Perhaps someone could tell me why it makes sense for husand and wife to carry the responsibilities for all of our town meeting and electoral functions. Instinct tells me it might be unwise.
4/28 1:24am The Norfolk Community League is sponsoring a Candidate's Night on Wednesday, April 27th from 7:00PM - 9:00PM at the King Philip Regional Junior High School Auditorium. This is an opportunity for Norfolk residents to become acquainted with those on our ballet and hear their viewpoints regarding relevant Norfolk issues. Bring your questions for the candidates. Refreshments will be served. Please contact Nicole Cleasby at 781-688-2705 with any questions. King Philip Junior High School is located at 18 King Street, Norfolk. For directions please go to www.kingphilip.org/kpnorth.
- CM
4/28 1:21am The CPC bought Gumps Farm and will be looking for approx. $31K at Town meeting. $15K to study the land?? and $16K to put some very expensive hunks of granite at the boundries. I also found out that The Warelands at 103 Boardman Street, which is Norfolk's most historic home, has been for sale for a very long time. One would think this type of purchase would be more in line with the Mission statement of the CPC. Last but not least, Vote YES on Article 10 at Town Meeting, a YES vote will reduce your property taxes by 2%. Vote Yes to decrease the CPC tax from 3% to 1%. - LS
4/28 1:20am I got my warrant today in the mail. This on-line forum thing through the Norfolk Online Town Halls is way too cumbersome and more than 50% of the time I have tried it, I get "the page has expired." I know that there is a section on the online forum to report errors but if you can't get to it how can you report an error? Interestingly, there are a few warrant articles that really caught my eye. Article 6 the Advisory Board recommendation states "the operating budget of $1.56 for the Water Division represents an 8% increase over the prior year." No wonder we have so many problems with the water system - that is less than half a cent a day. On a serious note - who proofreads this stuff? I do hope it is not someone seeking a 1.5% step increase (Article 4). What is even worse is the Fiscal 2012 Budget Development doesn't even have a line item for the Water Department... yet there is a line item for the Permanent Building Committee which hasn't existing for two years.
- WB
4/28 1:19am TK - If you think the School Board has caused a decline you must have been asleep for the past 9 years. Don't you remember "The sky is falling" superintendent and the past milque-toast boards who bought into their hysteria? How about all the biased propaganda the unions use to bolster their standing while declining in teaching ability? Mr. Dooley and present board are dealing with many issues fairly and with diligence, confronting the past decline caused by those who wish to manipulate the public school system for their own good, and your comments are the basis for such manipulation. You, the unions and other interest groups are the problem in today's industrialized public education, and the sooner you are gone or put into your rightful place the better for all the community and especially the children of Norfolk.
So vote for Dooley and let progress continue. More top-level positions in this town should be elected positions. It will keep them on their toes.
4/28 1:18am Kid's Place Yard Sale on Saturday, May 7th, 9am till noon (no early birds, please!) Rain date Sunday, May 8th. Childcare while you browse. Sponsored by Girl Scout Troop 74755. Funds raised will help rebuild Boardman Street's Kid's Place Playground
- GB
4/28 1:17am JH For Sealcoating call AllRite Sesalcoating. Local company Norfolk 508 520 6550. - PRB
4/26 1:13pm DP, you're lucky. I haven't received the Gazette for 5 weeks straight now. - BP
4/26 1:08pm Summer Baseball registration for both our junior and senior leagues is open and we will only be accepting on-line registrations (www.norfolkbaseball.com). The Norfolk Baseball Association Summer League has been designed to allow our Junior Level Players ages 7-12 and our Senior Level Players ages 13-18 to continue playing Baseball from late June through the end of July. The following Summer Baseball Leagues are offered by Norfolk: Hockomock League, Diamond Hopkinton Sizzler Tournament, The Friendship League, The Norfolk/Sharon Barnstormer League and the In-town Farm League. Please visit the following site for more detail ([page link]).
You can find out more information regarding summer registration and contact information at Norfolk Baseball's website www.norfolkbaseball.com.
- Ken Ralff, Norfolk Little League
4/26 1:05pm Looking for teenagers (15+) to do yard work on weekends. Must be reliable and familiar with mowing, raking, digging, etc. Call 508-528-0875 after 6:30PM. - JFO
4/26 1:04pm To GH--that became clear to me as well. For our second sticker, we were charged a $2.50 processing fee on a $5. transaction. Should have used the check routing number or just mailed in the application. No one seems to be making things easy on people these days. Tough to get to the transfer station on a Wednesday--we had heard no stickers were being sold on Saturdays--not sure if that is true. - EF
4/26 1:03pm Does anyone know how to get rid of an old refrigerator and air conditioner? Does the transfer station accept these items? Any information would be appreciated. - KK
4/26 1:02pm Hi all - Update: We found our missing cat! He was in a nearby neighbor's garage! Whew! We are so delighted that he's home safe and sound :-) - RB
4/26 1:01pm Norfolk Recreation is very pleased to sponsor a new program: Your first 5K! It's Never too Late to Get in Shape. If you've ever thought about becoming a runner or running again after taking years off here is your opportunity! This adult program is designed to get you off the couch or away from the desk and ready to run a 5K (3.1 miles). In this program, which is catered to beginners, you will progress from a walker to a runner. Learn stretching techniques and tips about running and nutrition.
We will meet as a group one time per week and you will be given specific instructions for running other days of the week on your own. Training logs are included as part of the course fee of $75. The class starts this Thursday (6:30pm) and runs through June 30. We meet at the Pond Street Recreation Complex. Registration is required. Whether you are registered or not, feel free to join us this Thursday at 7pm (at Pond St. Pavilion) to hear a very inspirational guest speaker! You will meet Kim who has transformed her body with a dramatic weight loss and gone from a non-runner to having completed numerous road races including marathons!
Dates: Thursdays April 28th - June 30th Time: 6:30 - 7:30 PM Fee: $75.00 Location: Pond Street Recreational Complex, Rte, 115, Norfolk
Thank you.
- Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk
4/26 1:00pm Norfolk Girls softball is looking for a working tractor to use for our daily field dragging/preparations ASAP! If anyone has a used tractor that is still in good working condition (does not need a working mower deck) and would like to donate, or are looking to sell for a small fee, please contact Pam B. at pamandy@comcast.net - PB
4/26 12:59pm Nearly New Sale Donation Drop-offs Start This Week - Recycle your unwanted baby gear, toys, children's furniture and sporting equipment to NCL's Nearly New Sale. No clothing, please. Donation Drop-off Information:
Location - DPW, 33 Medway Branch Road, Norfolk
Wednesdays - 4/27, 5/4 and 5/11 9am - 12noon
Saturdays - 4/30, 5/7 and 5/14 10am - 1pmYour donations are what make the Nearly New Sale possible. All moneys raised will be disbursed back into our community.
For complete information about NCL's sale go here: www.norfolknearlynew.weebly.com
4/26 12:58pm I recently acquired some baseball gloves that belonged to my father. Unfortunately they were stored in a cellar which suffered a flood. I am looking for a craftsman who specializes in restoring leather. Any recommendations would be most helpful. These items have special sentimental value. - JR
4/26 12:57pm I am supporting Sean Dooley because yes it would be nice to be treated politely by the Town Clerk for a change but it also would be nice to have the office opened when it's supposed to be. I had to go three times to finally get something I needed. The first two times the office was closed in the middle of the day when it should have been opened. No note saying when someone would return and no explanation why it was closed. Maybe once but twice, not acceptable. - MS
4/26 12:56pm To MS and all interested in Red Sox tickets: Norfolk Recreation has about 30+ tickets available for July 6 game versus Toronto. It's a 7:10pm start time. Tickets are in the Coca-Cola Pavilion. Each ticket includes $15 worth of concessions. Tickets are $92 each and are limited to Norfolk residents. We are also collecting checks at $12 per person (separate check). If we get enough people interested in a bus we will hire one. Otherwise, checks are returned. If you are interested, call us at 508-520-1315 for details or email us at recreation@virtualnorfolk.org. Thank you! - Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk
4/26 12:51pm For DMG (2) and other voters: Except in rare cases, local voting is on the first Tuesday in May and Town Meeting starts one week later on the second Tuesday. From the Town's web page for the Town Clerk [Town Clerk page] UPCOMING EVENTS!!
ELECTIONS! Annual Town Election of Officers May 3, 2011 - 7:00am - 8:00pm H O Day School 232 Main St. See Ballot Information Below
TOWN MEETINGS Annual Town Meeting May 10, 2011 - 7:00pm King Philip Middle School- DLJ
4/26 12:51pm RB: I did get your call the other day regarding your cat. I have sent your picture over to Millis/Medway/Franklin animal controls as well since you live near those lines as well. - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
4/26 12:50pm PA: Try Robert Kierce roofing out of Foxboro. He just did work at my house and did a great job. Good luck. - KJ
4/26 11:20am Re town clerk election - Please recall that a few years ago this was an appointed position. We, as a town, voted to change it to an elected position. Who was a strong advocate for this change? Gail Bernardo. It would have been in her self interest to keep town clerk as an appointed position, but she obviously felt strongly about the need to make this an elected position, accountable to the people of Norfolk. Doesn't that tell you a lot about her? Don't we need more people like Gail in government positions? The only thing I can judge Shawn Dooley on is his time on the school committee. Does anyone think that our schools are better off? Does anyone see a positive trend? I certainly can't blame Shawn or the school committee exclusively for the downward trend of our schools, but I can fault them for some poor decisions and a seemingly concerted effort to tear apart what it has taken so many years to build. Specifically, along with the superintendant that they appointed, they appear to have decided that our schools are too good and we should be more average. I think this is a shame, and as committee chair, I have to hold Shawn directly responsible.
- TK
4/23 10:16pm Yard Sale at 9 Village Green on Saturday the 30th from 9 am until 12:00. Items for sale: Furntiture, 2 dirtbikes/dirtbike clothing boots & helmets excellent condition, Clothing, Baby Items, Household items and much more. - SJ
4/23 10:14pm To EF - $63.00 was the total shown on the bank website that processes town payments. - GH
4/23 10:13pm The latest version of the warrant for the 2011 Annual Town Meeting, including the Advisory Committee's recommendations, is now available in the Norfolk Warrant Discussion Forum at norfolk.onlinetownhalls.com/ As before, anyone with a web browser can read the discussion forum, but only people with a (free) Norfolk login account can post comments, ask questions, answer other people's questions, or advocate in support of or in opposition to articles. Directions for requesting a free login account are in the list of Frequently Asked Questions at [page link]
If you need help, you can contact any of the members of the Town Meeting Technology Committee or send E-Mail to TMAccount@VirtualNorfolk.org
- DR
4/23 10:12pm Can anyone make a recommendation for someone local to do sealcoating? - JH
4/23 10:06pm Norfolk's Annual Plant Sale, May 21, Town Hill. The Garden Club of Norfolk will hold its annual plant sale on the town hill adjacent to the Norfolk Public Library from 9AM-12PM on May 21st 2011. The garden club members are selecting various perennials and plants from their own gardens to be sold thus insuring mature and established plants. Other garden related items will also be available for purchase. In addition, the garden club will also hold a bake sale to be held simultaneously with the plant sale. The baked goods will be made by garden club members.
All funds raised by the garden club support club activities, a yearly scholarship, guest speakers, floral demonstrations, community projects like the gardens located at the police station, roundabouts, town hall, train station and the two elementary schools.
For more information please contact Mary G., club president, at gould.mary@verizon.net
- RT
4/23 9:59pm Does anyone know why we have not received The Gazette for 2 Fridays now? - DP
4/23 9:58pm AC: In regards to your problem w/ Comcast, I too have been having a problem, but different from yours, as follows: Imagine you're trying to communicate an event with everyone, direct them to the non-profit website included in your email where the information is, and your email service won't let you! Worst of all, your correspondence appears in the "sent" box, so you think everything is fine, but it doesn't get delivered to anyone! After a few weeks of calling, speaking to 5 customer service "executives," each time waiting 72 hours for a tech person not to get back to me and finally, as of the 6th call, things appeared to be fixed, only to revert back to the old problem within a week or less. I have no problem sending the website reference on my work email service (gov't) and fellow non-profit members could send on their service (not Comcast). But interestingly, one of the members could not sent out on their Gmail, but could on Earthlink. Several knowledgeable PC folks have told me that it is probably linked to some kind of Spam blocking program protocol of the providers (Spam filters are off BTW on my settings). Regarding your problem, I think if someone opens their (your) email on a different computer, e.g., accessing home email from work -- you won't see it on your home PC; It will be stored on the PC on which it was opened.
If this is not the problem, the only thing I can suggest to you is when you call someone, ask if they have access to a technical person onsite -- that 6th call of mine was the only one that was somewhat helpful as the service rep was the "go between" with the technical person she had on her end. The others I spoke to didn't seem to have that.
Good luck!
- RB
4/23 9:54pm Sat., April 30!! Norfolk Grange is sponsoring Norfolk's Clean & Green Campaign! Celebrate Earth Day -- grab friends, family, and neighbors and sign up -- pick a spot and clean up Norfolk's neighborhoods, public places, playgrounds, and roadsides. Great opportunity for students needing service hours. Bags of litter and recycling can be dropped off at the Old Town Hall from 12-4 pm. Refreshments and cute green giveaways will be available. Registration deadline extended: Thurs., April 28. Print registration forms at www.NorfolkMAGrange.org and bring to Norfolk Library Circulation Desk -- or get forms there (located in the foyer). Thanks! - Robin Lind Biscaia, Norfolk Grange #135
4/23 9:50pm LS: And what does a $150,000 pump station connect to? I'll answer that... In the case of Norfolk, piping that doesn't exist. The cost to install a sewer force main from Norfolk to Wrentham would be in the millions. Construction estimating software I have put the construction cost per linear foot of a force main from $85 per foot up to $383 per foot. (This is the design, materials, installation and related engineering). Google puts King Philip 3.5 miles from the Norfolk Town Hall. That's about 18,500 feet - on the low end that's a little over $1.5 million conservatively. My numbers are correct and yes it is in the millions and it would be even more if that included site restoration, easements and a lift station (or maybe two) ... but it doesn't. Just so things are 100% clear, I don't think that a sewage treatment plant is a bad idea. I do think that selling the project with the singular goal of increasing the business base is myopic. With the expected plant cost, also in the multi-millions, any pipe that passes any potential customer should exploited. Where things have gone horribly wrong is the emphasis on development, when it should have been concentrating on maximizing and capturing revenues.
- AB
4/23 9:49pm When is the day to vote for the town clerk position? Thanks. - DMG (2)
4/23 9:48pm Hi Everyone! I just wanted to let you know that Stony Brook will be celebrating Earth Day tomorrow (Saturday, April 23rd) from 10 - 2. We will have crafts, live animals, free tree seedlings and much, much more to share. Drop by for your tree seedling and take home some knowledge about clean, sustainable living in our community. The Earth Day Celebration is free. We have moved it into the Nature Center so never mind the weather! Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at Stony Brook, your nature sanctuary!
- Doug Williams, Sanctuary Director
4/23 9:45pm Which doesn 't belong and why? a) Alan Dershowitz b) F. Lee Bailey c) Shawn Dooley d) Denny Crane
While all four are extremely gifted and cerebral men with ties to Massachusetts, clearly the answer is Shawn Dooley, for while he may not be a lawyer (or even play one on TV) he'll give us service with a smile when he's our full-time Town Clerk.
- PA
4/23 9:44pm To clarify some misunderstandings, Mr. Dooley cannot "practice" law, he is not a lawyer. His wife, the Town Moderator is a lawyer, and maybe that is where the confusion comes from. Who would not be agreeable to taking a 5% pay cut to walk into a job with no experience and potentially regain the 5% in a year. You get what you pay for and in these times the citizens of Norfolk cannot afford costly learning mistakes to take a chance that could result in more than the value of a 5% cut. While I commend Mr. Dooley for his time and efforts on the School Committee, it is not the same as meeting all the duties and legal requirements of Town Clerk. The current Town Clerk has, to my knowledge, met all the voluminous town, state and federal requirements avoiding any litigation or penalties, having served under prior Town Clerks earning her stripes. I certainly support the use of seniors in all Town offices under the Tax Relieve Program, however, in the case of the Town clerk's office where seniors are employed, they are not allowed to handle confidential materials, for obvious reasons. Mr Dooley's "Service with a smile" slogan may be alright if that was all there was to being Town Clerk, but the task is taken far more seriously than a smile by our current clerk, Gail Bernardo. After discussions with both candidates, I am certain that Norfolk will be best served by voting Gail Bernado and continuing her excellent service to our Community. - NC
4/23 9:43pm I would like to take this opportunity to dispel some of the rumors that are flying around about me. 1. If elected I will be a full time Town Clerk. As a matter of fact, I will be expanding the hours every night until 6 pm and one additional night staying open until 8. These hours will be manned by me personally so there will be no additional cost to the taxpayers.
2. I am not, nor have I ever been an attorney. My wife is an attorney which might be the source of the confusion.
3. I have my CFP and ChFC financial designations and Massachusetts CSL license. I have retired from finance and do residential remodeling and "flip" houses. I have been in the process of winding this business down in the hopes of getting elected Town Clerk so I would be able to dedicate all of my time and energy to that job.
4. I am not building the new school. First and foremost it is against State Ethics Laws to hire myself or any family member for anything that is publicly funded. Second, I do residential remodels, not new commercial construction. Third, the hiring process is overseen by the project manager, the architect, and the Massachusetts School Building Authority so even if a volunteer on the committee wanted to hire someone, they wouldn't be able to.
Thank you for your time and I hope that clarifies some of the misinformation that is out there.
- Shawn Dooley, Candidate for Town Clerk
4/23 9:40pm Please help us create an agenda for the Cable TV show explaining Article 10 on the Town Meeting Agenda. This article asks the town meeting members to approve a ballot question for the next town election in May of 2012. This ballot question would allow the people of Norfolk to vote on Rolling Back the Community Preservation Tax from 3% to 1%. The Community Preservation Act was voted in by the people of Norfolk ten years ago. What questions would you like to have answered by representatives on both side of this issue during the 30 minute Cable TV show? Thanks for your thoughts and participation. - AR
4/23 9:39pm The 23rd annual Pops Concert for the Sharon Band and the Roy Scott Big Band, "The Good 'Ol Days" will be held at Concannon's Function Room, 60 Lenox Street, Norwood, on Saturday, May. 7th. Trivia Games start at 7:00 p.m, and feature several prizes, including an ipod Shuffle. The evening will feature upbeat performances by both bands of nostalgic songs from the last century, including "Bright Lights on Broadway," "The Genius of Ray Charles," "Sing Sang Sung," and Stealy Dan's "Peg." Steve Bell is the music and artistic director for both bands. Reservations will be held for tables of eight, and refreshments are included in the ticket price of $15.00. There will be a cash bar. Tickets can be purchases through the band's website: Sharonbands.org. Please join us for an upbeat, fun filled evening of music!
- CR
4/23 9:37pm A Perennial Plant Sale will be held on the grounds of the Federated Church of Norfolk on May 7 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon. A variety of perennial plants will be available. These are divisions or cuttings of plants that have grown successfully for gardeners in our hardiness zone and they will be labeled as to their requirements for sun or shade. The church is at 1 Union Street on the corner of Main Street and 115 and has ample parking. The Plant sale follows the monthly Pancake Breakfast at the church so come early for breakfast and then select your plants. - LD
4/23 9:36pm The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake breakfast on May 7 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall of the church. In addition to our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will also cook omelets or fresh eggs to order. Fresh Homemade biscuits and sausage gravy are also available. All you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5 and breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town Common. The church vestry and restrooms are handicap accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262. - LD 4/23 9:35pm Hi - I had an indoor cat go missing Wed. night April 20th. Neutered male, long-haired, has a kink in the tip of his tail. He is very friendly but, he doesn't live too high up on 'Brain Mountain.' He snuck out the door when our cat sitter paid a visit. The Old Populatic St. area. See photo. Reward for his return. Thank you!! Please call my cell phone if you have or see him: 508 533-4420. - RB [Update 4/26 1:02pm: We found our missing cat! He was in a nearby neighbor's garage! Whew! We are so delighted that he's home safe and sound :-) - RB]
4/23 9:34pm Is there anyone out there interested in coming to my house for junk removal? I have lots of debris (wood, metal) as well as a sofa and fridge. The junk removal companies I looked into are too expensive for my taste. If you have a truck I would be willing to help you load it. If interested, please e-mail me at klenkalex@comcast.net. Thank you! - KK
4/23 9:33pm Ladies, are you pressed for time but want to put your best face forward? The Phantom Avon Lady will deliver top rated products to your door, no pitch no pressure. She will just drop off and dash! For a current catalog contact The Phantom Avon Lady @ bo4avon@hotmail.com or call 520-1556. - BO
4/23 9:32pm My husband and I celebrate our first date every year. We went to a Red Sox game and have gone every year since. We are looking for tickets for May 19th. If anyone has a pair they are interested in selling, it would be much appreciated. I can be reached at 508-801-1815. Thanks, - NB
4/23 9:31pm Anyone know of a good place for a child's 5th birthday party? We were hoping for Pump It Up but they are booked a month out! Something similar to Pump it Up would be appreciated. Thanks! - AT
4/23 9:30pm PA: I hate to be a buzzkill here or come between you and the latest object of your political affection but you have the wrong JT. Still, I am sure that the next time Mr. Dooley and I break bread, we will raise a toast to your passionate concerns for our collective welfare! - JT
4/23 9:29pm RB - Great point(s). To raise a further point, Gail mentions in her campaign handout that she has a degree in studies relevant to her position and will be completing a master's degree this summer. If the town financed these degrees through tuition reimbursement, it would be a shame to waste the funds and effort unless someone has proof of some fiscal irresponsibility or something. - KP
4/23 9:28pm TO - Amsterdam is a great place for our Department of Energy to hold meetings! What with the red-light district and the botanical-coffee shops they might even come up with a policy that is rational for once. I always thought Norfolk should try to be like Amsterdam. We have plenty of swampy land and only lack a red-light district, as far as I know, and legalized hallucinogens, but that can change. We already tax vices in this town, alcohol and food, and we all know the damage they both cause, cirrhosis and childhood obesity, so why not two more? Think of the tax revenue!
After all, it's for the children!
4/23 9:04pm I need to have my roof replaced and am looking for references/recommendations. I am relatively new to the area, so any suggestions are appreciated, thanks! - PA
4/23 9:04pm Just to clear up some untrue information posted, Gail [Bernardo] is a licensed real estate agent, however she is, and has for quite some time, only on a referral basis. Her only job is that of Town Clerk. Also, the senior tax relief program is, and has for quite some time, already in use in the Town Clerk's office. - MB
4/23 9:01pm I am a local 20yr old Norfolkonian looking to raise some extra money apart from my full-time job. Anyone in need of yard work, clean up or fence installation on Friday, Sat or Sundays, please send info to shawnroc@verizon.net. References can be provided. $15/hr. 3 hr minimum. - SR
4/21 3:07am I read a couple of days ago that someone on the site was trying to sell some Red Sox tickets they didn't need, but it was too late to respond as the games had already happened! If anyone else on here ever has tickets that they wont be able to use to either Celtics or Red Sox games please contact me! Ive been dying to go, thanks! marishea@live.com Thank you!! - MS
4/21 3:05am Re: 4/14 12:02am JT: If I am fortunate enough to be elected Norfolk's next Town Clerk, I promise I will not practice law. I feel so strongly about dedicating all of my energies to the position of Clerk that I vow not even to give free legal advice to my family and friends. As far as school committee is concerned, I feel it is important for public officials to give back to the community by volunteering to serve on a town board or committee. Many who volunteer their time for the town have a full time day job as well. Thanks, - Shawn C. Dooley, Candidate for Town Clerk Shawn - I don't understand why someone like yourself that practices law and is somewhat succesful, would want to hold a town position and choose not to practice law at all?
DH states in their post that you will take a pay cut. Why would that be a hot topic for the race? Gail Bernardo has done a fantastic job as town clerk and has a great personality for the job. I think anyone of that caliber deserves a pay raise. I'm sure there are other voters that would agree with me that when it comes to service, you never go with the lowest bidder just for the purpose of cutting costs.
- RB
4/21 3:02am Submissions Wanted for The Norfolk Quill Literary Journal - Norfolk's first literary journal is seeking submissions of fiction, poetry, and memoir for its third annual edition. Please send your submission (limit of 3000 words) to: ReadMyLit@gmail.com. Submissions must be received by May 15, 2011. The Norfolk Quill is supported in part by a grant from the Norfolk Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
- MB, The Norfolk Quill
4/21 3:01am Does anybody know if the "clean fill" area next to the transfer station is available for picking through for homeowner use? I saw a lot of stuff that could be used that appears as if it's only being used for fill. - BP
4/21 3:00am I am looking for someone to mow my lawn once every other week. I do not have a lawn mower, so you must bring your own. Anyone out there interested? If so, please contact me at klenkalex@comcast.net. Thanks! - KK
4/21 2:54am I ordered take-out from the New Golden Ginger Chinese Restaurant on Route 115 (across from Forekicks) last night. In a word, the food was fantastic! So great finally to have this choice of good restaurants in town. - DBW 4/21 2:53am Hi! Wanted to share this photo. I was on a birthday trip with some friends and on Thursday and Friday we were in Amsterdam. (This was the day they were going to shut down the government because they ran out of money.) I checked into the hotel and looked up and saw this flat screen announcing all the activities going on that day at the Marriott. Imagine my surprise when I saw that the US Dept of Energy was having a seminar at the Amsterdam Marriott! We can't find enough money to run the country, yet we're sending a bunch of people to meet for a seminar in Amsterdam??? What, was the New York Marriott or Boston Marriott not good enough? We had to send a whole bunch of people to Amsterdam??? We were paying for our vacation... and theirs too apparently! - TO
4/21 2:52am Whoever is stealing the Dooley for Clerk signs around town: could you please drop them off at the Police Station. No questions asked. These signs are expensive and no matter what side of this election you are on, please honor the homeowner's right to support their candidate. Thanks! - Shawn Dooley, Candidate for Town Clerk
4/21 2:50am Happy Feet for Parkinson's Disease - Gather your girlfriends and join us for a Ladies Night Out/Fundraiser on Friday May 6th 7:00-11:00p.m. at the Italian American Club in Walpole. Music provided by DJ Jeff Hall. There will be a cash bar, door prizes, raffle prizes and food. Spend an evening with friends, dancing, laughing and doing something good for someone else. Tickets are $30.00 and can be obtained by contacting Eileen S. (508) 553-9798 or Sue L. (508) 440-5733 Tickets are limited so don't delay. Proceeds will be sent to the Michael J Fox foundation for Parkinson's Disease. - EMM
4/21 2:47am Prolatio Singers, Dennis E. Ferguson Conductor Present a Spring Concert: Music of Tòmas Luis de Victoria, 1548-1611. Federated Church of Norfolk, One Union Street, Norfolk, MA, Wednesday, 25th of May, 7:30 p.m. This program is supported in part by a grant from the Franklin Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. - SP
4/21 2:46am The King Philip Parent Teacher Student Organization will be having their annual Roche Bros. Fundraiser on Friday, April 22! As in previous years, Roche Bros. will donate 5% of all receipts gathered by our volunteers that night - and 100% of their donation will benefit KP seniors' All Night Party - a wonderful long held tradition that lets our graduating seniors have a night of celebration and fun in a safe and chaperoned environment. We hope that you'll support this great fundraiser; it's extremely easy, and you have two ways to do it -
1. Shop for your usual groceries at the Roche Bros. Store at Routes 109 & 115 in Millis, between the hours of 4pm and 7pm on Friday, April 22nd. On your way out the door, hand your receipt to a waiting KP parent, and we'll do the rest. Since this will be the Friday before Easter, and the start of Passover, we know you'll need a few things for the dinner table!
2. Buy gift certificates in advance. Roche Bros. also donates 5% of each gift certificate purchased, and we will buy the gift certificates for you! These gift certificates can be used throughout the year at any of the 15 Roche Bros. grocery stores, 3 Sudbury Farms locations, or their home delivery grocery store, www.RocheBros.com, which delivers to Norfolk and Wrentham. Also, they're fully transferable - buy extras as gifts for older family members! To take advantage of the gift certificate program please contact pmgovoni@comcast.net by April 15. All gift cards will be hand delivered. The KPHS PTSO thanks you for your support.
4/21 2:45am I was simply asking a question about Mr. Dooley. I'm sorry to hear his supporters attack me. And, to PA - I didn't post any misinformation. I asked a question on a public forum. Let's try to be civil here, people. - JT
4/21 2:44am To GH--Did I miss something regarding the transfer station decal cost when ordering on line? According to the website, for online ordering, the sticker is $60 with a $.50 processing fee which is likely the cost to mail the decal to you. You can also do a mail in form and get a sticker for $60 if you supply a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Why do you think it is $63.? - EF
4/21 2:43am Seeking summer sitter?... I am a local female college student seeking employment for the summer. I am responsible and reliable. I have a valid drivers license and vehicle. I can provide references. I am presently available for weekends with fulltime summer availability starting 6/26/2011. Please contact me via email jeanfcurtin@yahoo.com - JC
4/21 2:42am GZ - for gutter cleaning call handyman/painter Brant Malmberg, Malmberg Services - 774-248-0645 - ES
4/21 2:40am Well, we have just blown our 5th tire on Rte 115 in 2 years. I am extremely tired of having my family and others put at risk due to the lack of preventive maintenance on our roadways and wonder if others might feel the same. Don't want to hear any excuses in support of why the state of this road is as poor as it is. There are no excuses and someone will eventually be seriously or fatally hurt. Want accountability and a corrective action plan. Anyone else feel the same? If so I would love to hear from you please. - WD
4/21 2:35am Hello, everyone. Does anyone know how to access The Norfolk Police activity records online, if available? Curious about an incident I witnessed recently. Also, is the Boomerang still functioning or has it folded?
Many thanks.
4/21 2:34am CH - Regarding the closure of the Transfer Station on Friday. The decision was made in a Board of Selectmen meeting in February. The topic was not identified on the agenda so no one would know when they were going to bring it up... so they did not get any input from the citizens. If you went to the transfer station in early March of this year a handout was being distributed by station personnel that informed the public of the decision. The flyer in itself was a bit misleading in that it claimed the transfer station was open on Friday for two years... it was less than 365 consecutive days. The flyer went on to say that the there wasn't much traffic on Friday and the efforts spent on Friday would be better spent doing other things that the Highway Department was getting behind on. In any business - slow periods justify a reduction in staff. I find it hard to believe that the entire operation could not be covered by one staff member - unless there is a safety issue that requires more than one staff. - AB
4/21 2:32am Looking for a quiet, pleasant rental home or apartment in Norfolk area for the summer (June 1 - August 31). We're a couple, a financial professional and a graduate writing student relocating from New York City. One grew up in Norfolk! Respectful, reliable and tidy. Upfront payment possible. Also possible interest in extending to a long term lease after the summer if that's agreeable to the owner. Call Brandon if interested: (860) 573-7088 - BK
4/21 2:31am All the posts about the Transfer Station made me decide to share my story. I am a "young" elderly person and it was becoming a real hassle for me to get everything ready to go to the transfer station; I used to recycle but found I was doing so less and less. We talked about using a trash service, then we got a postcard from Dover Trucking Co. They are having a new customer discount and it was to good to pass up. Now I am back to recycling and it's so much easier for me to get the rubbish, plastic, glass, cans, paper and cardboard ready to put out every week for a price that astounded me. Fast, friendly service at a price that can't be beat. I never thought I could be in love with trash pick up but lo and behold I am. - [Name withheld]
4/21 2:30am The Norfolk Community League's Nearly New Sale is about a month away (Sat. May 21st). Your donations of baby gear, toys, children's furniture and sporting equipment are what make the Nearly New Sale possible. If you have these unwanted items, please recycle and donate them to NCL's Nearly New Sale. All moneys raised will be disbursed back into our community. Recycle for a good cause. Donation Drop-off Information:
Location - DPW, 33 MEDWAY BRANCH ROAD, Norfolk
Wednesdays - 4/27, 5/4 and 5/11 9am - 12noon
Saturdays - 4/30, 5/7 and 5/14 10am - 1pm
For complete information about NCL's sale go here: www.norfolknearlynew.weebly.com
4/21 2:29am AB - Not true, the cost to pump would not be anywhere near that figure. A pump station designed for just this service (but pumping 16 mile away) can be bought for less than $150K and the Town of Franklin has them everywhere. Franklin does not have their own plant, they pump out of town. But this is all moot, so how bout those Red Sox. - LS
4/17 10:40pm Pet Sitting Service Hello! My name is Cat N. I am now offering pet sitting and pet service in your neighborhood! I would be glad to watch your pets while you are on vacation or even if you spend a long day at the beach! Services Below:
* Walking Dog/Dogs
* Feeding and Changing Water
* Brushing/Grooming
* Small Critter Care
I love to take care of animals and be around them! I'll give your pets that extra loving while your gone!
I take would be glad take care of cats, dogs, mice, fish, rabbits, lizards, chickens, ducks/geese, hamster/gerbil, guinea pigs, parrots/parakeets/small birds and hedgehogs or horses.
$5.00 per visit or walk.
Contact me at (508) 541-6305 or nelsonml@comcast.net
- CN 4/17 10:39pm Missing 1 yr old Chihuahua: named Skippy. Lovable, frinedly, multi-colored, short hair. He had a white collar on when he went missing Friday, April 15th in Park Street/Timberline/Eric Road area. Please if you have seen him or know of his whereabouts, call 508-520-0822. The kids are very distraught and want Skippy to come home! - LL
4/17 10:37pm History on the Hill ''The Wares of Wareland'' Wednesday, April 27 , 2011 Room 214 -- Norfolk Town Hall 7: 00 PM Sponsored by the Norfolk Historical Commission. Robert Ware claimed the site at 103 Boardman Street in 1661. His grandson, Ebenezer Ware built the Elisha Ware House there in 1733, 278 years ago. Generations of Wares have lived in this historic house which is listed on the National Register. It was the site of the first school in North Wrentham in 1717 and the only house on what is Boardman Street today until 1865. Charlotte Barrell Ware operated one of Massachusetts' finest dairies at the Warelands in the early years of the twentieth century. Be sure and join us on the 27th for another chapter of local history.
- BB
4/17 10:36pm An adult male German shepherd was found on Brewster Road on Saturday, April 16 around 12:30 pm. The dog is very friendly, but had no collar on so we called the animal control officer (Foxboro's officer was covering Norfolk on Saturday). The animal control officer from Foxboro picked up the dog (after scanning him for a microchip and not finding one). Please contact the animal control officer if this is your dog. Thanks. - KB
4/17 10:35pm A quick note to thank everyone who baked for today's Friends of the Norfolk Public Library Book and Bake Sale. There was a wonderful selection of baked goods - everything sold. Your contributions in support of the Friends and the library were greatly appreciated. - MFZ
4/17 10:34pm I need someone to clean out my gutters...any names of reliable help would be appreciated! Thanks. - GZ
4/17 10:30pm Hi, we have some free baby items looking for a good home. A Graco DuoGlide double stroller, few years old . A couple of baby tub items, (plastic bath seat and a fabric bath seat). And a scrap book for a baby boy that holds 4x6 photos. Thanks. You can contact me through the Wm. [Use box319@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - CP
4/17 10:29pm The King Philip Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) is sponsoring a "dough raiser" at Wrentham's Uno Chicago Grill on April 20th and 21st. Dine in or take out and Uno will donate up to 20% of your check to the KP Class of 2011 Senior All Night Party. You must present a dough raiser ticket to the cashier in order for KP to receive the donation. Tickets are available by contacting Cathy at clpepper4@verizon.net, or at the Norfolk, Wrentham, and Plainville libraries. We need your help to fund this special night for our graduating seniors. - GA
4/17 10:28pm JT, Why should Shaw Dooley only be able to hold one job if he gets the town clerk's position? The current town clerk has two jobs; the other is selling real estate. I also understand he is taking a cut in pay in order to save the town some money, and offering seniors to work in the clerk's office to help with their taxes. I would love to know some of the other wonderful things he plans on doing for the town of Norfolk. - DH
4/17 10:27pm Our house was broken into two days ago. We called in his license plate and, thanks to the Norfolk Police and Medfield police, he was caught and our silver was recovered. As it turns out, he was a contractor we had hired about 7 years ago from a neighboring town to renovate our bathroom. Please do your homework on contractors before you let them into your homes. I would have never suspected this person! - [Name Withheld]
4/17 10:26pm I just received the annual Transfer Station bulletin, and while glad to see the town is accepting online methods to order and pay for a sticker, and while also glad to see a $5.00 discount is offered for using online ordering, the discount it not what it appears to be. By the time one is finished, ordering one sticker actually costs $63.00 once fees are added in. This is in contrast to the $5 discount printed on the bulletin. The bottom line is a $2 discount instead of $5. My opinion is the DPW should be more transparent and publish the fees that will be applied to these transaction. The same should go for all electronic transactions. - GH
4/17 10:25pm Anyone out there know why the town would deny Walgreens request to get a Redbox (movie rental)? I asked them if they would get one and they told me they applied for one but the town denied them. It would be so convienient to have one here in town so we don't have drive to Frankllin/Millis/Foxboro to get one? Maybe it would be more tax income for the town? Not sure how it works. - AF
4/17 10:24pm Unless I (and a few others) are crazy, the Norfolk Transfer Station posted signs saying that they would be open on Fridays now, now that spring is here, as they have done in years past. Well, today there was a line at the Transfer Station waiting to get in but they were closed - not open on Fridays any more!! We are all wondering why they wouldn't post signs saying just that: they they changed their mind about their Friday hours, since the last thing they posted was saying it is now open on Fridays?? And how ironic that the Transfer Station mailer came in the mail today and states they are "maintaining a cooperative relationship with our community." Personally, we don't see this as being cooperative as they pulled the rug out from under their customers. Another town where we have a home has a transfer station open every day of the week except Christmas - - -WOW, not here I guess! - CH
4/17 10:23pm Does anyone know the reason 2 men with notepads were going door-to-door around the Noon Hill area after dark last night [Thursday night]? - TBH
4/17 10:21pm JT: I am not sure where you got your information but Shawn Dooley is not a full-time, nor anytime, lawyer. - LP
4/17 2:43pm Thank you Shawn and others... that's great to hear! Good luck. - JT
4/17 2:42pm I am looking to purchase a used baby monitor. Please e-mail me at dpmorin64@gmail.com if you have one you'd like to sell. - DM
4/17 2:31pm JT: You should have done your homework on Mr. Dooley prior to posting misinformation, or asked him directly, as someone else suggested. Also, it's a shame someone's playing games with his signs. I'm sure you'd agree, it hits close to home, doesn't it? - PA
4/17 2:21pm Has anyone else been having trouble with Comcast email? I just had about 8 messages disappear between sessions. They are nowhere - not in trash, saved, etc. And I know I didn't dream seeing them! Not the first time this has happened. Blamed my husband the first time! Am seriously thinking of switching to gmail. Anyone have thoughts on that? Re: Comcast, I tried an "online chat" with the help desk a few weeks ago. No help at all. Will try direct person contact next. Just wondering if it's just us.
- AC
4/17 2:18pm Kudos to another MICCA winner - the H. Olive Day "Singers of the Day" chorus! These 2nd graders, under the direction of Mrs. Madden, won a Bronze Award while being judged on high school standards. Their poise on stage, harmony and talent prompted the judges to award the medal, even though they were only participating in the festival for the experience. The "Song of Peace" was a memorable experience, moving many in the audience to tears. Congrats to these fine singers! Look for them to perform at the State House in May. Congrats to Mrs. Madden for starting them on their musical journey! - TMS
4/17 2:10pm LS: Are you really surprised by anything? The cost to pump sewage from the center of Norfolk to Wrentham would be in the millions. So that is not really a cost effective solution. The same problems that the KP system has of low flow is one of many questions I've asked of the EDC about the intermittent flow for their scheme in Norfolk. The bigger problem with Norfolk is not necessarily low flows but if the businesses only operate 12 to 18 hours a day, managing the biological processes during periods of no flow will create a operational nightmare. The simple solution is to store sewage in tanks and slowly feed the stored waste into the process over a 24 hour period. Unfortunately, this adds a million or so to the design and construction costs. - AB
4/17 2:05pm The Michael Pepin Bone Marrow and Blood Drive:Michael Pepin, is a 38 year old resident of Franklin, who has been diagnosed with a rare type of Lymphoma. He is currently enduring a very aggressive chemotherapy treatment and will need a bone marrow transplant within the next few months. Michael grew up in Wrentham, MA and attended King Philip High School, class of 1991. He lives in town with his wife, Amy (Carroll), and their three young children, Matthew, Andrew, and Ashley.
The Drive, in conjunction with Brigham and Women's Hospital/Dana Farber Cancer Institute, will be May 14th, 2011 at the Wrentham Elementary School Delaney Cafeteria, 120 Taunton Street, Wrentham, MA from 9am to 2pm.
Please mark your calendar for this great event and make your next blood donation for this cause.
Marrow donors must be between 18 and 60 years of age.
For more information, please email michaelpepindrive@verizon.net.
If you have any questions or need any more information for the bulletin/website, please feel free to email or call me (617-504-3078).
- C. H.
- Wm.
4/14 12:37am To CM--for a great painter call Houlihan's Painting in Norfolk (Liam Houlihan). His prep work is phenomenal. Really does things right and does not just cover problems with the paint. Phone number is 508-934-9103. - EF
4/14 12:27am The Norfolk Warrant Discussion Forum for the 2011 Annual Town Meeting is in operation at norfolk.onlinetownhalls.com. As of this writing, the text is not quite final. There may be some changes based on suggestions from Town Counsel. We don't have any recommendations from the Advisory Committee yet. Their recommendations will be added when we receive them. Anyone, whether or not they have any connection with Norfolk, can read the warrant articles and the comments, questions, answers, and advocacy about them. Only people with login accounts can post comments, questions, answers, or opinions. For information about obtaining a login account so that you can post to the Discussion Forum, please see the Frequently Asked Questions linked to as the fourth reference near the top of the Overview page.
- DR
4/14 12:22am CN - In response to your inquiry, Don's Painting is one to check out. We have had them to our home on more than one occasion to do mostly interior work and have been pleased with their prompt response, prices and work. Neighbors around town have also used them for exterior painting work as well and have been pleased. Free estimates/insured. They are a trustworthy team of two, along with other contractors when needed for a bigger job. They can be reached at (508) 966-1509. - DD
4/14 12:21am Does anyone know more about the recent outbreak in robberies in town? Has anyone been caught? - WW
4/14 12:20am All candidates received instructions regarding the filing of campaign finance reports when they received their nomination papers. This is a reminder regarding two important aspects of the Campaign Finance Law: 1) Campaign finance reports are required from all candidates. The first report is due by the 8th day preceding the election, which is April 25, 2011. If you have not raised funds and do not have any expenses, you may sign the blanket form available at the office.
2) Candidate Committees must file form CPF M101: Statement of Organization with the Town Clerk's Office prior to fundraising or the expenditure of funds on behalf of a candidate per MGL Chap 55, section 5.
- Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk
4/14 12:19am I just read that the less than 5 year old $56.5 million dollar KP High School needs a new septic system because the one that was installed in 2007 failed. I love spending twice for the same thing, it's swell. The current system is too large?? and therefore not working. Ironic that Norfolk Selectmen want a waste treatment plant for the center of Norfolk to attract business. What about pumping the waste from the new Freeman and the center of town to this very very large system. I guess too much common sense in that thought. All three towns need to come together and sue the living excrement (forgive the pun) out of the engineers, builders, architects, planners, and everyone else (including the Town Engineers that we sub out for this purpose). Read this. [article] - LS
4/14 12:09am The post of 4/12 3:05pm gave an incorrect address for dropping off items for NCL's Nearly New Sale. The correct location is at the DPW at 33 Medway Branch. Very sorry for the mixup. - Wm.
4/14 12:09am Yard sale - 5 Fleetwood drive Saturday am 9-2pm. Please stop by - toys excellent condition, some never opened - 1 dollar, 5 dollar tables. Flat screen dell monitor 19 inch 5 dollar, keyboard wireless mouse all must go. Books, Dedham Pottery, outdoor furniture, video games for PS3. - CS
4/14 12:08am Stars at Symphony Hall is April 23rd. Admission is free to Symphony Hall. The gold medal winners from the MICCA Festival will be performing all day long. These winners include the KPMS 7th and 8th grade Chorus at 8:20, KPHS Symphony Band at 10:20, Freeman/Cent. Band at 11:20, KPMS 7th grade band at 11:40, and KPMS 8th grade band at 12:20. - ACC
4/14 12:07am CM - for housepainting call Brant Malmberg, Malmberg Services - 774-248-0645 - ES
4/14 12:04am Just a reminder to invite Norfolk residents who are interested in discussing the future regarding the state prisons to join me for a "Town Hall Forum" on Wednesday, April 13 at 7 p.m. Please note that we have moved the location of the meeting from the Library's School House Room to (aptly enough) Town Hall Room 124 (the BOS meeting room) to assure seating for all interested in joining the conversation. - Dan Winslow, State Representative
[These two posts arrived yesterday evening one right after the other, about an hour apart - Wm.]
4/14 12:03am Reminder of the 3/31 4:20pm posting on this site and an update - State Representative Dan Winslow invites residents to attend a community meeting on Wednesday, April 13 at 7 p.m. to discuss the status of current and future prisons in Norfolk. He wants to hear from as many residents as possible to help represent your interests in the Statehouse. The update is -
The meeting will be in Town Hall room 124.
4/14 12:02am JT: If I am fortunate enough to be elected Norfolk's next Town Clerk, I promise I will not practice law. I feel so strongly about dedicating all of my energies to the position of Clerk that I vow not even to give free legal advice to my family and friends. As far as school committee is concerned, I feel it is important for public officials to give back to the community by volunteering to serve on a town board or committee. Many who volunteer their time for the town have a full time day job as well. Thanks, - Shawn C. Dooley, Candidate for Town Clerk
4/13 11:59pm JT - Just a thought, have you tried asking him? - SF
4/13 11:58pm JT - Are you sure he is an attorney? He was past Chairman of the School Committee and he is currently still on the School committee, I also know he is President of his own construction /restoration company but did not know he was also an attorney. - LS
4/13 11:57pm We are looking for a responsible and hardworking teenager (or 2) to do some light lawn work for us this spring. Mainly raking, mulching and edging. If interested, please e-mail us at rmbobroff@yahoo.com Thanks! - RB
4/13 11:55pm Shawn Dooley will make an excellent Town Clerk. He is a tireless worker, and has been extremely conscientious with our/taxpayers money as a member of the School Committee. His life partner is actually the attorney. - PC
4/12 3:05pm The weather is getting warmer and it's time to spring clean for a good cause! Our community! Recycle and donate your Baby Gear, Toys, Children's Furniture & Sporting Equipment to NCL's Nearly New Sale. Drop off items at the DPW, 33 Medway Branch, Norfolk
Wednesdays: 4/27, 5/4 and 5/11 9am - 11am
Saturdays: 4/30, 5/7 and 5/14 10am - 1pm
Complete information about our sale can be found at www.norfolknearlynew.weebly.com
[Update 4/13 11:56pm: it's 33 Meday Branch (not Street) - NH]
4/12 3:04pm Congratulations to King Philip Middle School 7th and 8th grade bands for receiving gold medals at the MICCA Festival this past weekend. Congratulations to KPHS Symphony Band for their gold medal. Congratulations to the Concert Band for their silver medal. - ACC
4/12 3:03pm The Freeman-Centennial Band received a gold medal during the MICCA festival this past weekend. Congradulations to these hard working students. It is quite an honor to receive this award. The Freeman-Centennial is forming a band parent support group. The first meeting is Monday, May 2nd at 6:15 in Band room at Freeman. All interested should attend. This program needs a parent support group to ensure its continued success. I can be contacted at heskisheski@comcast.net if further information is required.
4/12 3:01pm Help! I'm asking for help regarding telephones. Presently we have Verizon service and that affords us the ability to have a computer and TV, (no cable). We pay in the area of $85.00 a month. We do have a cell phone that is not Verizon so that is a separate bill. Does anyone know of a less expensive way to go? I would expect that there are other options... we don't care a lot about cable... actually can't afford it. Thanks. - JHR
4/12 3:00pm Can anyone recommend a reliable house painter? - CM
4/12 2:59pm I am looking for insight on how Shawn Dooley is going to balance the roles of Town Clerk, School Board member and a full-time job as an attorney? Ideas? - JT
4/12 2:58pm The Norfolk Public Library has three great programs to keep kids busy during April Vacation Week! * Wacky Science Magic Show, Tuesday, April 19 3:00 - 4:00 Ages 5 and up No need to register - just drop in! Come see magician Mike Bent in his award-winning show that uses everyday objects to make science fun and exciting. The Wacky Science Show is full of surprises and it's absolutely hilarious! This program is supported in part by a grant from the Norfolk Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
* Spring Craft Day, Thursday, April 21 2:00 - 3:00 Ages 4-7 A Norfolk Girl Scout is leading a spring-themed craft day for kids as part of her Silver Award. We will read stories, decorate plant pots, plant seeds, and make construction paper flowers! Registration required.
* Build-a-Bug Workshop, Friday, April 22 2:00 - 4:00 Grades 2-6 The Children's Technology Workshop will help you become a mechanical engineer for a day! We will use Lego components to build and test a robotic inchworm that really crawls! Registration required.
To register, please contact Amy Lang, Youth Services Librarian, at (508) 528-3380 x5 or alang@virtualnorfolk.org.
- AL, Norfolk Public Library
4/12 2:57pm Finally bought that kayak I always wanted. Now, I just need some suggestions about where I can use it close to home. Thanks, - AF
4/12 2:56pm DL - You do realize that your scare about DHMO is a hoax don't you? Dihydrogen (H2) monoxide (O), put those together you get H20, otherwise known as water. I hope my Town drinking water has some of that in it. - SM
4/12 2:54pm Bunny owner has been found. - HC
4/12 2:53pm Norfolk Community League invites you to Candidate's Night. Wednesday, April 27 * 7:00pm - 9:00pm, King Philip Regional Junior High School Auditorium. This event is your opportunity to become acquainted with those on our ballot and hear their viewpoints regarding relevant Norfolk issues. For questions, please contact: n_cleasby@yahoo.com - NH 4/12 2:51pm Wedding Apparel Fashion Show Spanning the Past Century - Save the date! What a year to have a Bridal Fashion Show--the year of Britain's Royal Wedding!! A Wedding Apparel Fashion Show Spanning the Past Century will be held at the Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street, Norfolk (Rte. 115, Norfolk Center), on Sunday, May 15, 2011, at 3 p.m. Gowns from different eras will be modeled by church members and friends. In addition, enjoy refreshments, music, and wedding cake while viewing a photo gallery display of brides and their wedding parties.
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased by calling the church office at 508- 528-0262. Space is limited and tickets sell quickly!
For more information, call Sally Eykel at 508-528-4589 or email Sally at fcity47@yahoo.com
(photo of Christine Ditmore wearing her mother's 1990 wedding gown, and Cheryl Ditmore wearing her grandmother's 1960 wedding gown)
- LD 4/11 4:05pm I really got "Ticked Off", the other day. My exuberance about the return of more pleasant weather was cut short by a rather unpleasant occurrence. With the advent of spring, the crocus and tulips are popping up through the groundcover, our remaining song birds are singing sweetly and our flora and fauna is once again emerging all around us. Nevertheless, the warming of our weather brings with it a major annoyance; the heavy tick population, which is so abundantly bothersome throughout the Norfolk community (many transmitting bacterial infections), has resumed its attack on humans and our pets alike. I first took note of the emergence of the various species of ticks, when a couple of weeks ago, with snow still on the ground, they began appearing on my dogs - and a few days later I found the first one crawling on my leg. Typically, many ticks overwinter under the insulating layer of leaves, other lush groundcover, and beneath tree bark. They're ready to gorge themselves on their first meal (our and our pets' blood) as soon as the ground begins to thaw. Topical chemical treatments applied to our pets' fur may help some, but obviously they aren't the whole answer-I still find ticks embedded on my dogs that have to be promptly and safely removed. I recently picked up a virtually foolproof tick removal tool called "Ticked Off" which quickly and easily removes ticks, while keeping their bodies intact, so no embedded infectious mouthparts are broken off to remain under the skin. No human contact with the tick is necessary.unless of course it's embedded on you. It's simply the best device I ever used, for an otherwise difficult task.
The "Ticked Off" tool is American made right here in the USA and is available from GMD, a Norfolk based distributor. They can be contacted at GMD-JasonSales@comcast.net or phone number 508-520-6535. Another attractive part of this deal is that GMD sells the "Ticked Off" tool for only $3.00 each or 3 for $8.00, instead of the regular price of about $5.95, or more, each.
- BM
4/11 4:04pm Due to personal and business commitments I have tickets for Wednesday (Tampa Bay) and next Sunday's (Blue Jays) Red Sox games that I will not be able to use. Have faith, the season is early. There are four tickets available for both games. The ticket are $50 each, they are located in section 2 box 88. If interested please call 508-528-3804. - MA
4/11 4:03pm LS - I completely agree with your philosophy. I think the Wisconsin approach is a good one. Shrinking revenue should mean shrinking government. On a similar note, (and to put the recent frenetic spending activity in Washington in perspective), if I spend $1,600 in credit card debt this year, I will pay $40 back. Oh, and by the way, because of my past spending my total credit card bill is $14,000. But don't worry, be happy. It has to stop somewhere.
4/10 11:25am Thank you to all of the residents who participated in Saturday's 'Passport Day in the USA'! A record number of passports were processed and the day provided hands-on training for Library Director Robin Glasser who will begin accepting passport appointments later this month. The Town Clerk and Library Director will be working together to provide a smooth transition for this important, revenue-producing service. The final day for appointments at the Clerk's Office will be Thursday, April 14th. Appointments will be available at the Library as of April 19th, following the holiday weekend. If you have any questions about this transition please contact Town Clerk Gail Bernardo at 508-528-1400. - Gail E. Bernardo, Town of Norfolk
4/10 11:24am To EMH - I checked on-line and oil prices are as low as $3.50. We had a contract for years and we finally went to buying oil when we needed. Not only did we actually save a ton of money but we got our oil at the cheapest prices - we use Oilman in Foxboro when we need oil. Its COD and it's wonderful! - DN
4/10 11:23am Great news about Dallas being found. So happy for him and his family. - JW
4/10 11:22am EMH, Norfolk does have a natural gas line. It runs by the Medfield line and over to Walpole. - SB
4/9 9:41pm Why doesn't Norfolk have a natural gas line? Heating oil is now is over $4 a gallon. - EMH 4/9 9:41pm This bunny was found by some residents today in Cape Cod Estates. If you know who owns it please contact Norfolk Animal Control at 508 440 2816. - HC
[Update 4/12 2:54pm: Bunny owner has been found. - HC]
4/9 9:40pm I am not sure where the anti speeding ticket idea comes from. I saw someone pulled over on Myrtle St a few weeks ago. There was a speed trap on Medway St yesterday. - ML
4/9 9:39pm MG, I read your post and then had to go back to reread mine because I couldn't understand what you are talking about. Nowhere in my post did I even intimate that buying Gumps was going to save the town money. Now, I do believe that the land can be reused without costing us any more, but it will take some creativity. If you think, however, that it was a prime candidate to be purchased and reused for commercial purposes then I really am confused. You may have noticed that both our downtown and the mixed use development on 115, the Village at River's Edge, are having difficulties attracting commercial development. Gump's would have been a prime candidate for a new housing development, which will only add to the burden on our schools and public safety departments. Buying Gump's may not actually save us money, but it certainly won't cost as much a bunch of new houses. Gumps was purchased using money from the Community Preservation Act fund. The CPA that Norfolk voters adopted was designed to give the community a chance to protect important historic and open space assets and add to our mix of affordable housing. While the tax levy that funds it are controversial in some quarters, I don't think that anyone believes that we should not spend the money because they don't like where it came from. I know that there has been some consideration of affordable housing units on part of the Gumps property. I am concerned that there are some in town that think providing more affordable housing options is not be the right thing to do but I hope that we can all be involved in a reasonable discussion of the appropriate reuse of the Gumps property.
- DL
4/9 9:38pm I do not share JL's passionate argument regarding speeding. I'm speaking as a driver for 49 years with 1 speeding ticket 24 years ago and max safe driver credits. Occasionally I see someone who is driving a little fast, but I've been here since 1989, and I have not seen the same evidence. Let's not wish ourselves a police force with a ticket quota. What do the statistics say about traffic safety in Norfolk over the past 10 years? Other than that, we're looking at perceptions, not data. - RM
4/9 9:37pm Re: 4/7 10:47pm A commercial license plate was found on the corner of Longmeadow and Ridgefield Rds. The license plate # is N52 332. Anyone want to claim it? - ML Please take the plate to the Norfolk Police Station. 117 Main Street; they will ID the owner via the Registry and return the plate promptly.
- BH
4/9 9:36pm Dallas was found!! Thanks Wm. - MS
4/9 9:35pm Good morning, LS and ABG. LS, would I prevent dirt bikes and allow for dog walkers under the power lines? Well, personally, I think you have a great idea there... as long as they bring little baggies of course... but... it isn't my decision. What is posted for one is posted for all. I have yet to see a sign saying "No Tresspassing except for dog walkers with little scoops and baggies" but again, if it was up to me, I would welcome the swap! However... that doesn't address the liability issue. Great idea though!! :>) ABG, I missed it in the shuffle, but thank you for the suggestion to call my own insurance company regarding liability for a dirt bike accident on private property. It will be done on Monday.
Have a great weekend, everyone.
4/9 9:34pm I don't know how much propety the Gump farm has, is there enough for a golf driving range? That would be the perfect fit to bring revenue to the town and create some summer jobs for kids. Maybe even a clubhouse/function hall for year-round use. - DT
4/9 9:28pm AB-G, which of your insightful points are you referring to? - CS
4/9 9:24pm Norfolk's Clean and Green Campaign -- The Norfolk Grange is celebrating Earth Day this year (which is always April 22) by inviting all citizens, businesses, community organizations, municipalities, and especially youth organizations to participate in its 2nd Annual Norfolk's Clean & Green Campaign on Saturday, April 30. The focus of this year's project is to once again "clean" the unsightly rubbish and litter along roadways and public places in our community. Individuals or groups are requested to target an area for cleanup on Saturday, April 30 (e.g., neighborhood or public place). Participants will bring their bags containing litter and recyclable plastic bottles and aluminum cans collected during that morning or early afternoon to the Old Town Hall on Main Street for drop off between 12:00 and 4:00 p.m. There, the Grange will hold a celebration of the collection efforts for all who participate in this event which will include community photos, light refreshments, cute "green" giveaways and lots of green information. Participants will receive a large re-usable grocery bag and an Earth Day theme wrist band. The Norfolk Grange will also provide Volunteer Recognition Certificates to participants documenting their community service involvement. All redeemable recyclables will be donated to benefit the King Philip High School. If you would like to participate in this event, registration is required. Forms are available in the foyer of the Norfolk Public Library as well as on the Norfolk Grange website. Please register by Weds., April 27. If you would like more information about this event or the Norfolk Grange, please visit the website at: www.norfolkmagrange.org.
- Robin Lind Biscaia, Lecturer, Norfolk Grange
4/9 9:22pm I saw this post earlier - "...Dogs will have to be put on a run or walked on a leash, etc. This is obvious and a hassle, but necessary if you have no other recourse for the moment..." I am pretty sure there is a leash law in town.
In the same post, teaching kids to stay out of the street and keeping cats indoors was also mentioned. Parents often have a very false sense of security when they live in a quiet neighborhood or on a cul-de-sac. I have seen kids quickly coming down driveways into the streets in quiet neighborhoods, both on foot and on trikes/bikes, etc. A car going even less than 15 mph could easily kill a child that shoots out into the road.
Going over the speed limit for the area is wrong and the issue needs to be addressed effectively.
Kids should learn road safety very early on. It is frightening to think of kids on busy roads. I once nearly stepped out into traffic while chatting with the people we were with and had to be pulled back onto the sidewalk before I got hit by a car. I could have lost my life that night and I was in my late forties--kid's brains are not fully developed until high school years and beyond so I cannot imagine that they would be totally focused on road safety when with friends.
As for cats and other small animals, I have often felt that the risk of death by wildlife is far more prevalent these days than them getting hit by a car and therefore I would keep them indoors.
Just my two cents worth.
- EF
4/9 9:21pm Wednesday, April 13, 2011, is the last day to register to vote at the Annual Town Election (May 3, 2011) and the Annual Town Meeting (May 10, 2011). Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before May 3rd may register by mail or in the office of the Town Clerk. The office is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM to 6:00PM. Mail in registration forms must be postmarked by April 13th or earlier in order to qualify. Special late night session: On Wednesday, April 13th, the Clerk's office will be open from 9:00AM until 8:00PM for voter registration or other business related to the Clerk's office.
Election Day: The polls will be open on Tuesday, May 3rd from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. All precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of building), 232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
Absentee ballots for the May 3rd Annual Town election are available for voters who are unable to come to the polls on that day. Absentee voting may be done either in person at the Town Clerk's Office, or by mail. To receive a ballot by mail or for further information about absentee voting, contact the Town Clerk's Office at 508-528-1400.
- Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk
4/9 9:19pm Dallas was found [Friday] around 2:30 by his owners all the way up in Walpole by Walmart. I have to commend his family for all the efforts they took to find him. Really is great to hear they are all reunited. - HC
4/9 9:18pm AB-G - Sadly, your response cemented your point. I hope that you are enjoying retirement. - MJD 4/9 9:15pm This year our Junior Girl Scout Troop 74741 of Norfolk will earn our Bronze Award for helping animals. The Bronze Award is the highest award you can earn as a Junior Girl Scout. In order to earn this award we worked over the past two years with the 4-H, The Norfolk Animal Control Officer, Four Paws Animal Shelter, and The Norfolk Food Pantry to try to help pets in our community. Through this work we have learned that in these tough economic times local animal shelters are filling up with pets that families can no longer afford to feed. In an attempt to help those in need take care of their pets we have set up a shelf at the Norfolk Food Pantry that is being used exclusively for Pet Food! This is the first time this has been done at the Norfolk Food Pantry and it is a lot of work keeping the shelves filled. This is not an easy task and we need help from the community. Please consider making a donation of cat or dog food to help our cause. Donation boxes are located at the Norfolk Public Library, the schools, businesses and churches throughout Norfolk. Donations can also be dropped off at the Emmanuel Baptist Church office. Thank you for your support! - NG, Junior Girl Scout Troop 74741 4/8 12:38pm Dallas, the German shepherd, is still missing. - Wm.
[Update 4/9 9:19pm: Dallas was found by his owners Friday up by the Walmart in Walpole - HC]
4/8 12:36pm MJD: Thanks so much for proving my point. - AB-G
4/8 12:35pm LS - Where can I get a cheap dirt bike, say a 175cc? I want to ride the trails at dawn, screaming along the power lines, catching the morning bugs in my teeth, like I did as a child in the hills of West Virginia. Why are you bothering to argue with these posters? Dirt bikers are supposed to be rebels, outlaws and answer to no one but the road, the gravel and the smell of gasoline. Just save some money to pay the fines if they catch you.
4/8 12:34pm Regarding "And what is the rationale for not giving speeding tickets???" I have read quotes from the Norfolk Police Dept that the rationale is that by issuing speeding tickets will only insight drivers to speed even more. Frankly, this does not make sense and is obviously not working. The police chief needs to face the fact that speeding, not only on Medway St but throughout the town is a major issue that must be dealt with quickly. When I asked about the issue last year I received comments like ..."well college kids are back for the summer and they do most of the speeding." Well, how about take some action and doing something to deter them? What is going to happen if the town ever develops the old dump site into a park? People will need to take their lives and the lives of their children in their hand just to get there. I don't see why an issue like this should have a direct effect on how we live our lives and the things we enjoy doing in our free time, like going for a walk down the street! MHC is right that if this is allowed to continue someone is going to get killed. But you know what, someone already was a couple of years ago and the police continue to ignore the issue.
- JL
4/8 11:51am This is a reminder that the Norfolk Town Clerk's Office will be open this Saturday, April 9, 2011, from 10:00am - 3:00pm for any business related to the Clerk's office, including walk-in service for the processing of new (or child renewal) passports in conjunction with the State's Passport Day in the USA. - Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk
4/7 10:47pm A commercial license plate was found on the corner of Longmeadow and Ridgefield Rds. The license plate # is N52 332. Anyone want to claim it? - ML
4/7 10:45pm Shop the Farmers Market on Sunday, April 17th, from 10:00am - 2:00pm, at the VFW Hall, 108 Robbins Road in Walpole (off of Rt. 27 North; next door to the Johnson Middle School). Food just tastes better when it's local; so come support local farmers and food producers while shopping for some of the freshest food around! There are plenty of fresh vegetables, herbs, artisan baked goods, pastas, cheeses, beef, veal, fish, live lobster, prepared foods, honey, cider and more to choose from. A variety of arts and crafts is also available for purchase from area crafters. More information may be found at www.walpolemafarmersmarket.com
- SM, Town of Walpole
4/7 10:42pm Mark your calendar! The Norfolk Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday, April 16 at 10am. Rain or shine! This free event is for all Norfolk children up to age 11. The Hunt will be held at the Freeman Centennial School near the playground on the surrounding fields. The hunt starts promptly at 10am. "Hunt" locations will be designated by age. Don't forget your baskets and cameras! Please park in front of the school. Sponsored by Norfolk Recreation. No registration necessary. Any questions, please call 508-520-1315 or email recreation@virtualnoroflk.org. Thank you, - Ann Proto, Recreation Director
4/7 10:41pm JFO - I oppose creating an internet sales tax. It's true that local retailers are hobbled by competing with tax-free online sales, just as our border communities are hobbled by competing with tax-free New Hampshire. That's why I have filed a proposal to create a state income tax credit against the sales tax paid for the first $4,800 of retail purchases in Massachsetts. See www.livefreeandbuy.org for more information. If approved, it would have the same revenue impact as a rollback of the sales tax to 5%, but would allow our retailers to compete on a zero tax basis for a signifcant volume of business. We tax our citizens more than enough and new taxes are not the answer for job creation in a recession. - Dan Winslow, State Representative
4/7 10:33pm Have to give Two Thumbs up to the new Chinese Takeout on Rte. 115. Golden Ginger 774 847 9082. They Deliver. - PRB
4/7 10:32pm AB-G - based on your most recent post, the fact that you claim to be a well-educated professional educator makes me queasy. You are right, most people don't say things like that because your comments were classist, racist, xenophobic, and simply unkind. I hope that you respresent a set of opinions that is quickly fading in Norfolk. - MJD
4/7 10:31pm Sony 31 inch tube TV, very nice picture needs a new home. Please let us know if you would like it for free! You can email sbj83@msn.com. Thanks, - CJ
4/7 10:30pm KB: I recently went through this search. MASSCOR has the best deals around. It's one of the products that the prisoners produce. If you go down Indurstries Way (across from the old Southwood Hospital) to the end and park in the left hand parking lot at Pondville Correction. There is a showroom to the left when you go through the front doors of the building closest to where you parked. - HC
4/7 10:29pm Well, the fact that animals are getting killed on Medway street is disgusting, but what is really disturbing is the attitude on the part of the police which you describe. I find it odd they won't even park over there for an hour to see for themselves what's going on. I would ask Dan Winslow (who is very accessible) for his advice re the dismissive attitude on the part of the police. He's a very savvy guy and seems to really want to help his constituents with whatever their issues may be. Talk to Jack Hathaway. He should know what's going on. However, when the government will not help you, you have to help yourself. I know it is not easy to keep cats indoors if they're used to going out, but that is what evidently has to be done to protect them. Children must be trained to stay out of the street. Dogs will have to be put on a run or walked on a leash, etc. This is obvious and a hassle, but necessary if you have no other recourse for the moment...
I can't imagine that a speed detection device - the one with the cable that runs the width of the street - could be that expensive. People will tell you anything if they don't want to be bothered taking action. If you have it in you, call the Department of Transportation - I believe there is a traffic division - and tell them your story. If they say they don't have an answer or seem to be evasive, ask to whom you need to speak, or for the name of their supervisor of their office. It is exhausting to deal with some of these people in state government, if you can even get them on the phone in the first place, but it can be done, Keep a record of whom you speak to, their phone numbers and the date. You can at least find out just how expensive the speed monitors are.
And what is the rationale for not giving speeding tickets???
I'm really sorry you have to go through this.
- AB-G
4/7 10:28pm DL, no offense to you but you have some pretty strange logic. Putting additional liabilities on the town balance sheet, ie more land the town is responsible for, to care for, to manage, creates costs to the town. And then the town not allowing that parcel of land to be sold on the open market or developed where previously a commercial enterprise once was in fact shrinks our already small commercial tax revenues. So now more costs will be shared amongst fewer people paying into the system. The argument you make that the town will somehow have less costs is at best misguided. The town instead should sell the land for profit and replace the departed commercial location with another commercial enterprise of some sort as there is no shortage of developers or investors who would love the opportunity to utilize that space.
Further, to this nonsense about dirt bikes, how many people actually ride dirt bikes in Norfolk? Use of public funds to cater to dangerous hobby that is environmentally destructive and loud for a small percentage of the population would be highly unpopular to the majority of people like me who are fed up with high taxes, especially for pork barrel spending.
The additional arguments that others have made in the town that these funds are separate from our overall budget and do not have any consequence on our current fiscal problem fail to see that when we own things such as parks and green spaces they have to be cared for and that costs the town real dollars which there are no funds for. Large portions of our school system is facing termination this year, in addition police have been cut several times over the past five years, our jail might be closing, is this really a time for the town to be discouraging responsible replacement of existing commercial tax revenues that could help ease the burden on struggling families?
- MG
4/7 10:27pm AB-G, I respect your right to voice your opinion regarding the statement "Look, if you so highly prize diversity of any kind, there are plenty of other towns to choose". It is your right to express yourself. It is my right to reply by saying how utterly disgusted I am by your comments. I am saddened that you are so willing to express such offensive rhetoric, as it may be interpreted as a common opinion among those living in Norfolk. Those of us living in this century can appreciate that people of all races, ages, incomes, religions, etc. have something to contribute to a community. Sweeping generalizations about people who fall into any of these demographics are both inaccurate and disrespectful. - CS
4/7 10:26pm Are you a small business owner who would like to learn more about how FaceBook, Twitter and other social media sites can help you? Large companies spend lots of money on this, but for small businesses it can be hard to get the same information at an affordable price. Norfolk Recreation is offering a class especially for you. Join us for Social Media for Small Business on Thursday, May 5 from 7-9 pm at the Town Hall. The instructor, Jodi Grundig, is a Social Media Specialist. The fee is $25 and pre-registration is necessary. Register at www.virtualnorfolk.org/rec. Here is the blurb:
Today, more than ever, it's essential that any small business understand how to integrate social media tools like FaceBook, Four Square, Twitter, and blogs into their marketing plan. If you aren't sure where to start, or have social media accounts that aren't currently being optimized, this class is for you! In the two hours, we'll talk through why having a social media presence is important, and how you can use these tools to grow your business. Bring a laptop if available.We are also offering Social Media for Individuals on May 19! Any questions, please email us at recreation@virtualnorfolk.org or call us at 508-520-1315. Thank you,- Ann Proto, Recreation Director
4/7 10:25pm JFO - The majority are doing more and more tax free online purchasing. The state has a decreasing amount of revenue and this is one of the reasons (just one...) Either the State needs to reduce the number of employees (I'm all in favor) or we decide to keep them and pay for them somehow. We can't have it both ways!! My way would be to do what Wisconsin is doing... The State is in the process of closing one of the two prisons in Norfolk yet not lay anyone off!! All of the employees will still have jobs at other prisons. We are lacking real leadership at the state just like at the Fed. JFO - How would you propose the State make up for lost sales tax revenue if we still need that revenue to pay for the new class of Wealthy (and that class consists of every State, every local, and every Federal Government employee.).
- LS
4/7 10:24pm BB - If Pond street fields can accommodate dog crap everywhere then do you think people would mind if I ride my environmentally friendly 4 stoke very silent dirt bike instead? New Rule: NO DOGS but DIRTBIKES are Welcome as they don't leave behind "health hazards" or "calling cards" " AMG- Would you swap dog walkers for dirt bikes under the high tension wires? - LS
4/7 10:23pm KE - How do you get a pit bull under full voice control?? That's funny and almost as funny as saying I have my 2 year old under full voice control. I think we should do what Worcester just did. [cbs article] - LS
4/7 10:22pm For the longest time I have only seen one swan in the water next to Park St. Any idea if one of the pair has met its demise? I would hate to see that happen. - GZ
4/7 10:21pm EM, I want to recommend the Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab, Inc. at 227 Dedham St., Norfolk. Tel. no. 508-384-7020. This is my 3rd time getting therapy from them. I have had excellent results from each course. With their technique and laser equipment, which is very up to date, I have left every time with excellent results. This time my treatments, after my 2nd visit, is beginning to alleviate my pain and leg weakness from a trappped nerve in my spine.. I feel very confident that within time, I will leave feeling much better if not back to my old self. I especially like the individual care you get from one therapist, as with other places, you get different therapist every time you go. Having one therapist, they are better able to follow your progress and change and manage your care as needed.
I have seen all the therapists here working with all age groups from children to seniors and they have no difficulty with any age group. Your child should have no problem. They are so kind and easy to get along with. I have worked in the medical profession for over 41 years and I know a good place when I see one. I tried 2 other places in the area and was very disappointed.
4/6 4:04pm Oh, come on! JHR just had the nerve and the honesty to express a concern that many people have in Norfolk and in other towns where they have gone to considerable sacrifice to buy a house where they can feel safe and live among a certain cohort of people with whom they feel comfortable. That is (still, thank goodness) their right. Most people don't say that because they are afraid of being accused of any number of bad attitudes from someone holier-than-[they] on a high horse. Look, if you so highly prize diversity of any kind, there are plenty of other towns to choose, one just a fairly short distance down 109 and a couple others just over the line in RI. - AB-G
4/6 4:03pm Red Sox Tickets - Sox vs Rays, April 13 7:10 PM. 4 Tickets Section 2 Box 88 $50 each. Call 508-528-3804. - MA
4/6 4:02pm Call your State Rep and State Senator (Dan Winslow 617-722-2060 and Richard Ross -617-722-1555) to oppose the online Internet sales tax that the State is thinking of jamming down our throats again. - JFO
4/6 4:00pm Hello, JFO. Thank you very much for sending in the Masachusetts laws regarding dirt bikes. I think this will be very helpful. - AMG
4/6 3:45pm The King Philip Parent Teacher Student Organization will be having their annual Roche Bros. Fundraiser on Friday, April 22! As in previous years, Roche Bros. will donate 5% of all receipts gathered by our volunteers that night - and 100% of their donation will benefit KP seniors' All Night Party - a wonderful long held tradition that lets our graduating seniors have a night of celebration and fun in a safe and chaperoned environment. We hope that you'll support this great fundraiser; it's extremely easy, and you have two ways to do it -
1. Shop for your usual groceries at the Roche Bros. Store at Routes 109 & 115 in Millis, between the hours of 4pm and 7pm on Friday, April 22nd. On your way out the door, hand your receipt to a waiting KP parent, and we'll do the rest. Since this will be the Friday before Easter, and the start of Passover, we know you'll need a few things for the dinner table!
2. Buy gift certificates in advance. Roche Bros. also donates 5% of each gift certificate purchased, and we will buy the gift certificates for you! These gift certificates can be used throughout the year at any of the 15 Roche Bros. grocery stores, 3 Sudbury Farms locations, or their home delivery grocery store, www.RocheBros.com, which delivers to Norfolk and Wrentham. Also, they're fully transferable - buy extras as gifts for older family members! To take advantage of the gift certificate program please contact pmgovoni@comcast.net by April 15. All gift cards will be hand delivered. The KPHS PTSO thanks you for your support.
4/6 3:44pm I just called To Dye For on Rt. 1A in Norfolk and they've moved to Florida! Does anyone know of another place that will transfer something I design (and bring on a flash drive) onto a T-shirt? - KB
4/6 3:43pm NCL would like to emphasize that we will not accept clothing for the Nearly New Sale this year. We are looking for your Sports Gear/Equipment, Baby Gear, Toys and Children's Furniture. Please recycle these items by donating them to NCL. For questions about NCL's Nearly New Sale, email norfolknearlynew@gmail.com (the incorrect email was posted earlier) or join our group on facebook: [facebook page]
- NH
4/6 3:42pm Reminder: The Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast is this Saturday, April 9th. 9am - 11am at St. Jude's Church in Norfolk. Please note this year's location: St. Jude's Church. (Not Freeman Centennial). Tickets are still available and can be purchased via paypal at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org. They will also be sold at the door. ($10 for members, $12 non-members, Adults and Children 0-12 months are free).
We hope you join us for some Spring Fun Featuring the Magician John Henry & The Easter Bunny.
- NH
4/6 3:41pm I am looking for a recommendation for a local physical therapist, specifically someone who you may have used for your child or teen. Thanks. - EM
4/6 3:40pm To BB: Thank you for voicing your concern regarding the lack of care some dog owners take at the park facilities facilities. Norfolk Recreation is very concerned about this lack of care at both the Pond Street Complex and at the Freeman Centennial fields. Along with Principal Altham Hickey and Animal Control Officer Cohen, we are in agreement that we need to send the message to dog owners that they need to clean up after their pets! We will be posting signs clearly citing the law and these signs will serve as a "warning" to dog owners to clean up after their pets and to keep them leashed. If these laws are not adhered to, we will consider banning dogs from the playing fields altogether. It is unfortunate that this measure even needs to be considered, but then again, it is really unfortunate that some dog owners are so oblivious to the "health hazard" they are leaving behind. - Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk
4/6 3:39pm ES - Nice pickup on the date of the DHMO problem. Di = 2 Hydrogen, Mon = 1 Oxide or Oxygen. DHMO = H20. April Fool's ... a little late. MON, have you checked the freezers at the Freeman? Get it now before it's gone.
- DL
4/6 3:38pm BB - I am a parent of kids who play at the field as well as a dog owner (some say dog lover), and I agree with you 100%. People who refuse to carry a plastic bag and pick up after their dogs are the reason we dog owners are constantly being banned from walking our dogs in public places and enjoying a chance for them to run and play. Responsible dog owners also leash their dogs when people are present if they are not under full voice control. I want the chance to continue taking my dog to Pond Street to walk, so I implore other dog owners to just carry a bag and take out the waste, please. - KE
4/6 3:37pm To the pickup truck driver with license plate "cat cop" leaving the KPHS last night. Thanks for the courtesy exiting the parking lot. I prefer to teach my soon to be driver appropriate ways to handle intersections. - GC 4/6 1:27pm To add to BF's post here is a picture of Dallas. Hopefully everyone can keep an eye out for him so he may end up safely back at home. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
[Update 4/9 9:19pm: Dallas was found by his owners Friday up by the Walmart in Walpole - HC]
4/5 6:03pm There is still time left to get your tickets for what some say is "the social event of the year." The Second Annual Cocktails For a Cure: Maddie's Mission of Hope fundraiser is this Saturday, April 9th, at the Mansfield Holiday Inn from 6pm until midnight. Chef Marty from Norfolk is surely going to put out another scrumptious feast, and there will be general merriment, along with live and silent auctions, raffles, dancing, and much more. Among the items you could win are an autographed Celtics basketball, Red Sox tickets, a vacation stay at a luxurious getaway in Maine, a stick autographed by the Bruins, a signed copy of Senator Scott Brown's book, classes and training sessions at the St. Cyr Sports Performance Academy, and even a Kathryn Tappen bobble-head doll! Funds raised are in memory of Maddie Savoie from Norfolk, who passed away at the age of ten in October of 2008, after bravely fighting Ewing's Sarcoma for more than two years. These funds go directly towards helping families of children stricken with cancer.
For more information on what promises to be another stellar evening of fun, contact k.savoie@verizon.net
- PA 4/5 6:02pm Black and tan German shepherd lost today on Churchill Rd. Name is Dallas; has a green tattoo on left ear. If seen please call 508-272-8622. - BF
[Update 4/9 9:19pm: Dallas was found by his owners Friday up by the Walmart in Walpole - HC]
4/5 6:00pm I have 3 tickets to the Revolution game this Saturday night against Real Salt Lake. We have season to tickets but we can't go. Section 132, Row 10, seats 19-21. Right on the 45 yard line, great seats on the aisle. Face value is $47 each, we'll take best offer. Please let me know by Thursday if you're interested, we are going out of town Thursday evening. Email is katiesmom@mindspring.com. Thanks! - SF
4/5 5:59pm Norfolk Community Federal Credit Union is pleased to announce that in conjunction with MassSave we are offering 0% loans to assist homeowners with the installation of qualified energy efficient home improvements. See www.norfolkcommunityfcu.org or www.masssave.com for more information. - SK, NCFCU
4/5 5:58pm JS: I would be happy to teach your daughter to sew. I made lots of my clothes since I was a teen until the sizes in the stores became more, shall we say, inclusive. Please ask Andreas to give you my personal email and phone. - AB-G
4/5 4:52pm Hi - I delivered a plant yesterday (4/4) to the Golden Ginger - the new Chinese restaurant on Pine St/Rt 115. It was their Grand Opening. While I was there, of course I had to get something for supper... I was their very first customer! Woo-hoo! The food was delicious. They serve several vegetarian options - such as vegetable dumplings - that many Chinese restaurants do not. So, as a veggie, I am psyched! Be sure to patronize them - Nancy and Charlene are so nice. It's great to have them in our town. - RB (RB4)
4/5 4:51pm This is so incredible, watching eagles with their newly hatched babies. Ustream Live Decorah Eagle Cam Misses 1st Egg... | Gather - JW
4/5 4:50pm The Norfolk Community League is pleased to announce it will be hosting the Nearly New Sale on May 21, 2011. We are reaching out to the community for donations that make this Nearly New Sale possible. All money earned during the sale will be disbursed back to the community through NCL. As you're spring cleaning and finding good items you no longer use, please recycle them by donating them to NCL. This year our focus is on collecting and reselling baby equipment, children's toys and furniture, as well as, sporting equipment of all kinds. No clothes will be accepted for this year's sale.
Drop off your donation at the DPW on:
Wednesdays 4/27, 5/4 and 5/11 from 9 - 12
Saturdays 4/30, 5/7 and 5/14 from 10 - 1
Questions? Contact us at norffolknearlynew@gmail.com
- NH
4/5 4:49pm Just a reminder! The Freeman - Kennedy School will be having its Groundbreaking Ceremony this Saturday at 1 pm in front of the Freeman- Centennial School. All are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Refreshments (provided by the Kennedy Family) will be served afterwards in the cafeteria. We hope the whole town can make it and help celebrate this wonderful occasion! Thank you. - Shawn Dooley, Chairman, Norfolk School Committee
4/5 4:48pm AMG - here is the law I mentioned about dirt bikes and recreational vehicles: 323 CMR 3.00: THE USE OF RECREATION VEHICLES AND SNOW VEHICLESIt can be found here along with a lot more detail: [mass.gov pdf](3) Distance from Residences. No person shall operate a snow vehicle or recreational vehicle within 150 feet of an occupied residence without the permission of the owner of such residence, his agent or lessee, except in cases of emergency, when directly departing or returning to such residence or when operating on the property of another for which permission has been granted. Permission may be given to an individual, club, association or other organization
4/5 4:13pm CC: You are absolutely. It was rude and elitist, and I didn't intend for that. Mea culpa... WH: Thanks for the explanation. Whatever was the reason, it is too bad Kirk and Holly left town. They will be missed, but at least we still have Jane and Paul.
4/5 4:12pm To AB-G - I do go to the PetSmart in Bellingham. It is a little farther. I try to combine with other errands... like grocery shopping at Market Basket where I practically save the amount I pay for grooming! - RP
4/5 4:11pm I recently took my dog to the Pond St. Recreation Park for a run and I absolutely couldn't believe how many other dogs had been there and left their "calling cards" all over the fields. This is not the dog's fault, but careless and selfish owners of dogs who don't care enough about any one else to bring poop bags and to dispose of the calling cards. This complex is for everyone and is not to be used as a big public toilet. I don't have children who use the fields for sports, but if I did I would want to know who left the stuff on the field for my kid to walk in. Come on people. The trash all over Norfolk is bad enough and proof that we can't pick up after ourselves, but now we're not even going to pick up after our dogs? - BB
4/5 4:08pm As far as sewing lessons - my daughter took sewing lessons for years with Sharon Levya. She is wonderful! I think they start at 9 years old www.sharonsewing.com - DN
4/5 4:07pm DL - Why don't you march down there and demand they remove it from the water. Many of us are too busy dealing with the social and economic meltdown as of late, and its Darwinian survival time. You are on your own. In the meantime, I am looking to buy expired cases of canned meat, pre-1986. Don't bother me unless you have cases for trade or barter. - MON
4/5 4:06pm MG, There would be no facility needed, probably just a portable handi-house. Cut a few trees and put some markers up to identify the paths and voila, it's done! All users would have to register with the NDRA to use the trails. One of the reasons I live in Norfolk is because it is family friendly too. I'm a tax payer and I co-exist with familyies that use the schools, ball fields and all the other recreation that Norfolk offers. I'm just suggesting that we use a little 5 acre space of the Gump property that my taxes helped to purchase for recreation that dirtbikers enjoy.
It is a good thing that Norfolk bought Gumps property, which will prevent another large house development. For each new family that pops up in family friendly Norfolk, it stresses our school system and all our town services. The cost of providing all these services is one reason that our taxes are so high. We are spending millions for a new school now. For this and other reasons it is very fiscally responsible that the Norfolk is buying these parcels of land which prevents development.
I think that we could build the new police station we need at the front of the Gump property and located near the new NDRA dirtbike riding area it will deter irresponsible use of the area.
- PD
4/5 4:02pm DL, I just typed DHMO into Google and instantly got a slew of hoax listings, including a fascinating Wikipedia entry. What say you? - MJS
4/5 4:01pm You may say I'm all wet, but I hear that the DHMO problem is at its worst around April 1... so things will probably stabilize soon. - ES
4/5 4:00pm MG - No offence to you and certainly no offence to our host, but if you only get your news from NorfolkNet you are going to miss a few things. At the fall town meeting, voters authorized the town to buy Gump's Farm using funds that were already set aside for such purposes. Though the town has purchased the land, as of yet there has been no determination as to what the future uses might be but I do not think that dirt bikes are on the agenda. You picked up on the tail end of a conversation about where dirt bikes might be able to go in Norfolk. Given your comments, however, I don't think you really want to discuss this issue. Am I right? - DL
4/3 11:04pm There is a massage therapist who does deep tissue massage at Allied Chiropractic and Whole Health Center in Franklin. They have a special going on right now where a full hour massage is $40.00. (508) 455 4600. Ask for Stephanie. - HC
4/3 11:02pm I am looking for someone to teach my 8 year old daughter sewing. She has been making her own doll clothes by cutting and pinning together material from her own clothes. Can anyone help? Thank you, - JS
4/3 11:01pm For JC's 3/31 4:03pm posting "Does anyone know who is coordinating the Norfolk Lions Club community day this June?", look at the 3/20 7:17pm posting that starts with "Save the date! June may seem like ..." - DLJ
4/3 11:00pm Yard sale: Saturday, April 9th: 8am - 12pm. Multi-Family Yard Sale. 15 Stilwell Avenue - off Fruit Street; Sports Equipment, Household Items; furniture; some antiques; clothing. - DK
4/3 10:59pm I was hoping someone could recommend a roof clearing service. I have a whole bunch of pine needles on a steeply sloped roof that needs to be removed. - PCS
4/3 10:58pm AMG: Call you8r own insurance co and they'll tell you what would happen on your property if there were an accident. I'm glad yopu're so tenacious about this. DP: At the Gold's Gym in Millis there is Gateway Muscular Therapy. See Jackie. I go once a week for my arthritic knees and she works on all the peripheral damage to the muscles and tendons. She is reasonably price, and takes her work very seriously, constantly takes classes, etc. If you say deep, it'll be deep. Just call Gold's to get her phone.
- AB-G
4/3 10:57pm RP! Thanks for the tip! Tell me which Pet Smart that was, please. It's a bit far to drive her to Bellingham, which is where I assume you went. I had gone to Acorn a while back not long after they opened and the young woman at the front desk was so ill-informed and indifferent, I never set foot in there again. My girl has a physical on Tuesday and I'm going to ask the vet to at least get the mats off her chest. I don't know how I let it get so bad. They are about to hire a groomer at Millis Animal Hospital, where I see Dr. Hieler. That a good feature, being able to watch. I often wonder how much restrait they have to use. The last time she went to Village, the trim looked like the work of a novice.
- AB-G
4/3 10:55pm In response to what I am reading about potentially Gumps Farm being turned into a dirt bike trail. Are you kidding me? Do we really want more dirt bikes coming here to ride in the center of our town? People live in Norfolk because it is family friendly, clean, has good schools and is not overly commercialized. Putting in a facility to encourage more dirt bikes would be a mistake. As it is these riders destroy green spaces on private property and rationalize their illegal and rude behavior by stating the rules somehow do not apply to them. Much like graffiti sprayers they somehow think they have a right to destroy property they do not own. At a time when we are laying off teachers, police and public employees why is the town purchasing land anyway and for this use? It is time we get our fiscal house in order. - MG
4/3 10:54pm DP - for a good massage, call Janice DeVirgilio, she's in Medway. (508)533-7550. - PC
4/3 10:52pm Energetic, outgoing and reliable college graduate looking for a local babysitting/nannying job for the summer months. I am available Monday through Friday and weekends for occassional date nights at the end of June to the end of August/beginning of September. I have experience working with children at an after school program and I am also CPR certified. Can also provide my own reliable transportation. I look forward to hearing from you! Contact me at amyl0610@yahoo.com - AP
4/3 10:42pm LS - If you read the reports that the town files with the State Department of Environmental Protection, it is clear that DHMO is present in the water supply. I have been able to confirm that the concentration has been as high as 106 parts per million, although it is not always that high. MON - While I understand that there are literally hundreds of threats to public health that face us every day, don't you think that the BOH would confront an issue as ubiquitous as DHMO?
- DL
4/2 7:57pm I added a Search button to the page, it searches the archived Norfolknet pages that are known to Google (the same as adding "site:norfolknet.com" to the Google search terms). Hope this is useful. - Wm.
4/2 7:15pm The play Annie Jr. is being performed by the KP Middle School Drama Club Saturday night at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Middle School auditorium. Friday evening's performance was for a full house. This is an excellent production and coordinated effort involving over 50 people consisting of middle school students, mentoring high school students, teachers and supporting parents. Job well done!! - DLJ
4/2 6:57pm Hello, PD and JR. When I posted recently mentioning the liklihood of liability for injuries suffered by dirt bike riders on privately owned land, I was in process of researching the frequency of acidents involving dirt bikes and similar recreational vehicles. I'm not finished, but so far, this type of accident is not a rarity, with a good number being fatal. I do believe Norfolk had a fatal dirtbike accident in 1986 (approximately) where Fore Kicks is now located. I would be very interested to know who was liable for that tragic accident. Interestingly, when researching the subject, easily half of the "sites" were ads for liability lawyers who specialized in just this type of incident. So, I figured there would be no harm in writing a couple of the lawyers in their "send us an e-mail" ads. I explained that I was wanting to learn just what type of incident would make a land owner (or town if the accident is on town owned property) liable, even if the land was posted. Needless to say, I received 0 responses. I know attorneys are a busy group, but I was hoping they would be willing to share their insights. Guess not.
Even without the legal replies, what I did learn is that, based on the number of attorneys that specialize in this type of case, there must be a pretty steady supply of "clients". I personally would much prefer not to have the opportunity to be on the receiving end of a liability claim on my property or our town's property.
With budgets the way they are nearly everywhere, I hardly think that the town of Norfolk is in a financial position to create a sanctined dirt bike trail, let alone pay for its maintainance and what is probably essential, liability insurance. We have a bit of a problem. I am not opposed to dirt bike riders enjoying their sport, if in compliance with all town and state ordinances/laws, but who will enforce these ordinances (such as the state requirement that an 18 year old be present for young riders at all times within earshot of the biker. Please scroll back a week or so for a post where I posted listings of the state laws for recreational vehicle use.) Would someone have to be hired by the town to make sure all safety regulations and ordinances are being obeyed? If there isn't an 18 year old supervisor, and there is a serious accident, who is liable THEN? I expect it would be the land owner. Do you think an attorney is going to take on a case against a 18 year old? Just a reminder, the power lines ARE on privately owned land. I have copies of N-Star's tax bills for the property. The land opposite the 55 and older residential community is TOWN OWNED land and in part, protected wetlands I believe.
I don't see a solution here other than having the riders go to sanctioned locations where they can safely enjoy riding, and in full compliance with the laws of town and state. In the meantime, let's hope there is NEVER an accident, for the good of the riders AND the community.
I wonder what is involved to put this issue to bed, once and for all.
4/2 6:57pm Does anyone out there have information regarding when this summer's DARE camps will be held? - NS
4/2 6:56pm To ALL - Hamlin cabinets custom made 2 bathroom vanities for me on two separate occasions and I would hire them back again. Brian Hamlin worked with me to design my vanities and did a very nice job. The installers were excellent. Hamlin Cabinets and its employees take great price in their work and it shows. And if you are doing countertops - try New View Granite in Franklin, right off of Beaver Street on Master Drive. They are wonderful!
- EF
4/2 6:55pm Wanted... Swing set for 2 Norfolk kids ages 3 & 6. Our old one from previous owners has rotted and we have to tear it down. We would love to find something wooden... ladders, slide, swings, fort, etc. We are willing to pay but they are a small fortune brand new. If you have one you are willing to sell, please contact me at 508-528-1518. Thank you! - CG
4/2 6:53pm Hi, To the person who is looking for a good kitchen company try Kitchen Sales in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. They have a beautiful showroom and the very reasonable. I have used Kristine Price who is very knowledgeable and has worked with the company for over 7 years. The phone number is 508-588-1234 x 220 I am sure you will not be disappointed. - KT
4/2 6:52pm WH, From where did you get your amount that you stated Kirk got from the town? Check last week's Gazette for the real estate transactions. - KF
4/2 6:16pm JR - Liability not needed just like it's not needed to ride dirt bikes in Wrentham State forest. I ride there often. - LS
4/2 6:15pm ALL - re: Hamlin Cabinets - We moved into a house that was built in the mid 80's and still have original Hamlin cabinets - over 25 years old! The cabinets remain in great shape, even though they were heavily used by the prior owner and pounded on daily by a family of five for the last three years. I give Hamlin two thumbs up for their construction and durability. - BHS
4/2 6:13pm To AB-G - a comment on cat and dog grooming: I took my dog, albeit a few years ago, to Acorn. They insisted on keeping him all day. I have a small, well-behaved dog; to bathe and groom him shouldn't take more than 2 hours. I was uncomfortable knowing my dog was crated for 5-6 hours. I stopped taking him for this reason and because, the last cut he received there was the worst I had ever seen. His floppy ears were cut so differently, he looked malformed. I even had an (almost) stranger comment on how bad the cut was! I also tried the Village Groomer who was OK and one other place in Franklin. The best place I found is Pet Smart. I was nervous to take my animals to a chain store so as a precaution, I did call the Board of Health to make sure there were no complaints; there weren't. My dog is in and out in 3 hours. I ask for Jen, who is great. We have had other groomers too and the results have been fine. I have also taken my cat... not nearly as often. I adopted an abandoned cat and she can be pretty quick to react if she doesn't like something. I did ask for a groomer who worked with a lot of cats. I stayed to watch through the window (I love this option) just in case she was too much to handle. Imagine my surprise when my 14 lb. cat laid down on her back and let them blow dry her long hair. It looked like she was at a spa! - RP
4/2 6:12pm As a resident of Norfolk who lives along the power lines, I would like to state that dirt bike trails anywhere near residential areas should not be allowed. What many people do not realize is that all of that land is not public owned. We the taxpayers that live along that land own some of it also. We can not build on it due to the gas line that runs under it, but we still pay taxes on it. As it is now, dirt bikes run behind my house and at time can be annoying. We also have hunters that walk the power lines and have come closer than my comfort level is happy with. As for turning Gumps into a dirt path I say no. The people that live next to the property should get to keep their peace and quiet and it would be unsafe for the riders because they would have to cross 115. There must be some place off 1A and 115 that is undeveloped and out of the way. Wrentham has their state park. - MW
4/2 6:11pm Can anyone recommend where to get a good deep tissue back massage at a reasonable cost in our area? - DP
4/2 6:10pm DL - I spoke with someone I think was in the BOH and they told me not to worry about DHMO and that Hydric Acid was the one to get serious with. He told me it was corrosive, can kill young children and adults and even conducts electricity. Then he started screaming about high-fructose corn syrup and how it contains mercury and that that could alter the development of kid's brains while making them fat. Then something about food dyes and hyperactivity but the message was staccato. I tried to calm him down then he went tangential - telling me how pesticides, weed killers and plastics can alter neurons and nervous systems, and that such compounds damage frogs and children alike! I had to hang up on him to get him to stop, but he keeps calling and calling! I never knew there were so many poisons around us and I am leaving my phone unplugged from now on.
4/2 6:09pm To JR: I would suppose the liability insurance could come from the same place as it does for any other town owned recreation area, or a release of liability form could be required therefore taking care of the whole issue. There was a motocross track in Uxbridge which charged each rider $25/day x 75-100 riders = new revenue stream for the town? - CR
4/2 6:08pm I am in support of the changes at the transfer station. I view these changes as cost and efficiency improvements to the existing successful transfer station. Switching from stickers to bags.
A Pay As You Throw system is designed to assign a unit price per each bag of trash. Trash bag standards allow all individuals to pay the same per unit cost for approximately the same volume of trash. In switching from a sticker to bag program, the following goals should be achieved. 1) Each bag of trash will be a uniform unit and everyone will all be paying the same amount of money per each trash bag resulting in the town having a uniform revenue stream to cover the disposal costs of each ton of trash. 2) Using a designated colored bag will allow the TS staff to monitor the bags going in the trash while performing other duties, eliminating the need for a staff person to be constantly monitoring the deposit of each bag to ensure that a sticker is attached or that bags are of a conforming size/weight.
RJP, I applaud your early involvement with the town committee to establish the Pay as You throw program, 20 years ago. That was visionary work, which has become more commonplace across the Commonwealth, with more municipalities converting to PAYT as a way to increase recycling, manage costs, and level the playing field where individuals are held accountable for the volume of trash that they generate. There are currently 132 communities in Massachusetts with a PAYT program, with 3 more expected to start programs July 1.
Those individuals who have been bringing their trash to the transfer station in non-conforming bags (larger, overweight), have been denying the Town of necessary revenue to run the transfer station. There is a cost associated with the disposal volume of the materials; they have been disposing of their trash at a discounted price, while others have been paying their fair share.
Single stream.
Yes, single stream programs have resulted in improved recycling rates in many programs. The majority of those successes have been recorded in programs with curbside collection. This is due to a number factors that remove some of the barriers to recycling - residents are typically provided with a larger container to hold more materials, have less requirements for preparation of materials (all can go in same bin), resulting in greater capture of materials. However the majority of the successes have been in programs with curbside collection, and not drop-off programs.
In a drop-off community where residents only separate into two streams - paper and comingled containers, a single stream program might make more economic sense since the materials can be combined and compacted, which would result in a decrease in hauling costs.
However in a drop-off community such as Norfolk, that source separates its recyclable materials into individual commodities, hauls and markets its recyclable materials switching to a single stream system, the value of the commodities for the recyclable materials will be lost or minimized. Single stream recycling from drop-offs typically do not receive any revenue for their materials.
I am not aware of any published studies that have indicated that drop-off single stream programs have resulted in an increase in capture of recyclable materials.
Added value of town transfer station.
In addition to collection of trash and recyclables, the transfer station offers additional value added services all under the lump annual fee. These are services not provided by local hauling companies servicing households at the curb.
Opportunity to safely dispose of paint during summer months and oil, batteries, fluorescent bulbs and other mercury-bearing products year round.
Opportunity to take free paint. A lot of the paint dropped off is still in good condition. If you ever need stain for a project, lots of relatively full cans of Minwax are dropped off. At the end of last year I was able to take home several cans of white paint, which I intend to blend and painted the interior of my garage.
Opportunity to bring yard waste for disposal - Residents who don't manage grass clippings and branches on their own property would otherwise be paying a landscaper to take these materials away.
Opportunity for free mulch and compost - Saved costs of purchasing multiple bags or having bulk deliveries of these materials.
The town of Norfolk has chosen to be in the solid waste business. They don't have to do this. We can all privately subscribe to individual hauling companies, or we as a whole town could go out to bid for curbside collection. As residents we have a choice, in many communities that does not exist. Upon moving to Norfolk, I did the analysis of the costs for utilizing the town transfer station vs private hauling and based upon the large volume of recycling vs trash that I generate, the added value of services provided, the fact that I don't have to cut up my cardboard and the flexibility in going to the transfer station on my own schedule, I choose to utilize the transfer station. And finally there is the simple fact that I like to go to the transfer station, find the staff incredibly pleasant and very accommodating. If you get there before 10AM there isn't as much traffic or waiting in line.
Of note, I have a deep respect for the private hauling companies, who operate in our town. I believe they offer our residents the flexibility of choice and added value in convenience of service at the curb. As others on this board have testified in the past, they offer great service and have many satisfied customers.
- PH
4/2 6:07pm ALL - We used Hamlin Cabinets for our kitchen about 8 years ago. They were fabulous. The estimate and timetable that we agreed upon were met - there were no surprises. They offered solutions when needed. I'm sure that our kitchen was a smaller job for Hamlin but you'd never know it. We were treated with respect by every member of their team. And the product is beautiful. I sincerely recommend them. - MN
4/2 6:06pm Hello - I am still putting pots, flats and trays out each day for folks to reuse. Take a drive by and take whatever you can use :-) Family Gardens Florist, 82 North St. - Rachel Bremilst, Family Gardens Florist
4/2 6:05pm Calling all Skin So Soft fans! The latest Avon catalog has some great savings on their bath oil as well as bug spray. Stock up for the spring & summer. Interested in a current calatog, contact the Phantom Avon Lady @ bo4avon@hotmail.com.. - BO
4/2 6:04pm JR , that is a good question about insurance. I would think the same insurance that is in effect for town owned properties where we have baseball fields, soccer fields, walking and biking trails, and a skate board park all at the Pond Street complex. Someone could be hurt at these activities also. As for the sound, there are already electric dirtbikes on the market and more to come in the future. I think we could also add to the Gumps Farm complex a BMX bike area, and a larger skate board park, both very popular with kids and young adults. I'm trying to think of something we could add for the female population, any suggestions? - PD
4/2 6:03pm Well folks, it happened again. On this bleak snowy night as we welcome April, a neighboring family is sad and their child is crying because their family pet was hit and killed on Medway Street. I know accidents happen; but surely the speed and manner in which our fellow towns people drive on Medway Street is part of the blame. We have gone to the police about the problem, but they insist there isn't one. We have gone to DPW about the speed zoning, but they pass it off to the state and insist the costs incurred to study the problem are prohibitive. We have spoken with drivers while we are outside with our children playing or waiting for the bus, and we are ignored or given an obscene gesture. I have said since I have lived on this street that I pray a child isn't injured or killed before the paid employees of this town who can fix this problem do something. For the amount of taxes we pay with next to little service, I think we should be safe on our own street. For those reading this who are guilty of speeding in residential areas of Norfolk and other towns: it really isn't all about you. People live and children play on the roads on which you drive. Look up, pay attention and slow down. - MHC
4/2 5:59pm Community VOICES announces "Take Five to Tell Five" campaign. March 31, 2011, Norfolk, MA - April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and non-profit Community VOICES, is taking five, and asking you to do the same. VOICES is dedicated to raising awareness of sexual abuse and preventing future crimes through advocacy and education, but we can't do it without you. As part of Child Abuse Awareness Month, we hope you'll join us. It'll only take five minutes of your time. Here are some suggestions for what you can do to make a difference:
1. Take five minutes to educate yourself about the way predators gain your child's trust.
2. Take five minutes to educate yourself about the way predators gain your child's trust on the internet.
3. Take five minutes to educate your children.
4. Take five minutes and find out who the sex offenders are in your community by visiting your local police department, mass.gov/sorb or www.nsopw.gov.
5. Encourage five of your neighbors to do the same.
6. Take five minutes to help a missing child find their way home: www.missingkids.com
7. Take five minutes to contact five legislators about supporting bill H3229, which if passed, would make level 2 sex offender information available on the internet.
8. Take five minutes to show support to a survivor of sexual abuse and let them know that you are there for them.
9. Take five minutes and contact Community VOICES about scheduling a Child Safety/Internet Safety Event in your community info@communityvoices.net.
10. Encourage five of your friends to do the same.
Keeping children safe starts at home. Knowledge is power, use it!
To find resources visit: www.communityvoices.net or on Facebook [page link]
VOICES of Involved Citizens Encouraging Safety Inc. is a 501 (c) non-profit organization that offers advocacy, resources and educational information to community groups, individuals and community leaders, with the goal of raising awareness regarding sexual assault, child sexual assault, internet predators and missing and endangered children.
For more information about how you can help, please contact Sandy D. 508-498-6011 or sdibacco@communityvoices.net
- SD
4/2 5:10pm I am looking for a tutor for a 10 years old 4th grader in math. Please contact susanne394@aol.com if you know of anyone that can help him. - SG
4/2 5:08pm ALL - Regarding kitchens, you may think it's crazy and cheap but do yourself a favor and drive over to IKEA for a kitchen consult. You will be pleasantly surprised at the quality and the value. Ikea kitchens are not just for apartments and city folk and if you are getting granite you pay Ikea prices but they use local installers, one being Galaxy Granite. - LS
4/2 5:07pm DL - Please tell us, How do you know that DHMO is in the Town Water Supply? What concentration? - LS