Q3 2012 Norfolknet Notes, Jul-Sep 2012

This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.

Previous Archive, 2012 Q2

  • 9/29 2:17pm   Sunday, come to Town Hill at 2 pm for a Dedication Ceremony, a visit inside the Tramp House and more. The Norfolk Historical Commission invites you to attend the Dedication Ceremony of the new panel which depicts the 200 year history of Town Hill and its surrounding area. Members of the Historic Commission will detail the revitalization of the Town Hill that took place at the end of the Twentieth Century and the many changes that occurred over the past 200 years. The Tramp House will be open after the program with additional displays and an opportunity to purchase Commission publications.
    - DLJ

  • 9/29 2:16pm   An option for local pizza is Everest Roast Beef and Pizza, 17 Pine Street, Norfolk, across from Fore Kicks. (508) 384-2922
    - DJ

  • 9/29 2:15pm   It is nice to see people who have used this woman for daycare stick up for her. Daycare is one of the hardest things a parent has to decide on. It is nice that these people feel safe with her. It is a shame she got shut down. Hopefully it will be worked out soon.
    - DV

  • 9/29 2:14pm   Thank you BP and PB for the Needham Oil/Air and Prevett recommedations. Does anyone know why the electricity was lost for a few hours this morning? Annoying.
    - DR

  • 9/29 2:12pm   BP & CS, Really, why on earth would you bash Nick's Pizza on the quality of service. It's a pizza place. Just relax, calm down and stop writing about the local pizza place. They have been here for 22 years, and they have always been friendly to me when I go in. Maybe it's you. They really do not have to take credit cards at all, and I recall a time when they did not. Guess what, they used to let me write a check. So if you did not like their attitude when serving you, then go somewhere else. Once I was short a dollar or so, and Nick told me to pay him next time. Yes that really sounds like bad customer service. P.S. you must be new in town! Remember, this is Norfolk, not Dover.
    - DWL

  • 9/29 2:09pm   Desk for Sale! $20 or B.O. Dimensions are 54 inches long, 22.5 inches wide and 28.5 inches high. Please contact me at sarahbmclean@msn.com if interested.
    - SB

  • 9/29 2:06pm   To MC - Brennan Tree and Landscape for tree work. Very good, professional, neat and reasonably priced. Have been using them at our home for over 15 years. 508-660-2600. Family owned and operated business. You will be pleased.
    - EF

  • 9/29 2:06pm   MC ~ We (myself and several neighbors) have used Dave from Old Time Tree Cutter, 508-384-5071. He is very reasonable, does a great job, and cleans up to the point that you can't believe he was even there. Enthusiastic recommendation!
    - RJC

  • 9/29 2:04pm   A Special Halloween Party and evening of mystery will begin at 5 p.m. sharp on Saturday, October 20th for those who are brave enough to endure the haunting of the Norfolk Senior Center. Guests will enter, if they dare, through a haunted house and if their stomachs allow, will be treated to a "witches stew" and "sandwitch." There will be a ghoulishly good dessert and beverages served by a cast of characters including the ghost of the notorious Lizzie Borden. The evening will continue with a reenactment of a mystery in which the guests will become the sleuths solving the murder.
    The murder mystery, "Poor Lizzie," is an original script based loosely, very loosely, on the story of Lizzie Borden. The show will be performed by an amateur group of local thespians-in-training. Please feel free to come in costume to this truly haunted happening! Seating is limited so get your tickets EARLY ($5.00 per person) by calling 508-528-3340. The Norfolk Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road.
    - TM, Norfolk Council on Aging

  • 9/29 2:03pm   To MC looking for tree removal services, we've used LC Tree Service out of Wrentham several times. Very professional, courteous and reasonable priced. Here is a link to some reviews on Yelp: [yelp page]
    - EC

  • 9/29 2:02pm   Hi, We used Rhodes Tree Service. They were reasonable priced and reliable. Rhodes Tree Service, 39 Ballou Street Cumberland, RI 02864, (401) 405-0717.
    - KW

  • 9/29 2:01pm   James Race 5K, register at coolrunning.com/major/12/james. Starts at Eaglebrook Saloon, 5K health walk 9:30 am, 5K Road Race 10:00 am, first 200 get t-shirt and gift bag. Breakfast included for all registered runners/walkers after race. Many great raffles, you can check it on the coolrunning web site.
    - SP

  • 9/29 2:00pm   MC, For tree work I used Out On a Limb from Wrentham. Very reasonable compared to the other quotes I got. Roy 508 400 9055.
    - PRB

  • 9/29 1:59pm   AB, The "religious intolerance" label you applied to MON is not correct, and should not be bandied about as you did. He was stating his opinion. Last time I checked, people are still dying for his right, and yours, to do so. The religious intolerance label would apply only if he acted on his beliefs, or lack thereof, to deny anyone else their right to their beliefs. On the contrary, he actually encouraged them to "stay out of trouble". Read Voltaire for details. Yours for freedom,
    - MJS

  • 9/29 1:56pm   The law is. she was licensed for 10 children ONLY! Home Day Care's do not have sprinkler systems. If there was a fire and children were injured who would you blame then??? There is reason why the state has a cap on the number of children allowed in a home. I thought it was about the children being safe and not the feelings of a provider. So don't be angry at the person who is trying to speak for the safety of all children. By the way, she was only licensed for one assistant!! If I'm the only person willing to speak out for the children, so be it. I will always try my best to put safety first!!
    - FGP

  • 9/29 1:49pm   I would like to say a few things surrounding the conversations going back and forth regarding the daycare goings-on over the past few days. First: I am a working mother of two; 1 at a daycare and 1 in grade school. Second: Any working parent knows that when you are preparing your child (and yourself) to go off to a daycare for the first time, it is a difficult. Where do I send them? Home daycare or center based facility? I have experienced both scenarios. I think that it is a shame what happened to the daycare being closed, and yes, what we hear is sometimes 'through the grapevine' and sometimes it's first hand. Sometimes, even, stories are heard both ways, which in fact, will reinforce or disparage what was initially heard. It's a shame not only for the operator & the reputation of the facility and owner, but more importantly for all the wonderful children (and their parents) that are now scrambling to find a facility to suit their needs. I think that FGP may be speaking with compassion and concern, not with purposeful destruction and disrespect. I know parents who had children at the facility that is now closed and frankly I didn't hear about this until 4 days after it happened. The whole thing is just unsettling in my opinion, like other 'scary' stories we hear, especially occurring in our quaint little town. (Like the cable news photographer for example, or the recent break-in's). I love my children. I love ALL children - because I am compassionate and I am a Mom. Give FGP a break, she probably is too. And if I may quote Meryl Streep as Miranda Priestly in "The Devil Wears Prada", 'That's all.'
    - AT

  • 9/29 1:48pm   Time for KP Football! Join the undefeated (3-0) KP Warriors at their home opener this Friday at 7pm as they take on Dartmouth. Go Green and Gold!
    - TMS

  • 9/29 1:47pm   Looking for recommendations for a place that repairs furniture... springs broken on the seat of an armchair. Not ready to replace chair but don't want to spend a lot of money either (Classic Furniture Restoration was expensive!). Thanks for any tips.
    - GA

  • 9/29 1:44pm   Ever watch the Seinfield episode with the "soup guy"'? If you looked at the guy or made a sound you hear "No Soup for you", I go to Norfolk Pizza often and I always say to them "no pizza for you" in my best angry Greek fake voice but they don't think it's funny. I always laugh out loud to myself. It is quite funny that all the workers are always crazy mad angry and yelling at each other in Greek. I still go there often and like the pizza, but order it well done... CS No Pizza for you!
    - LS

  • 9/29 1:43pm   Previosly I posted that Ring Plumbing from Norfolk came to my House and said that my Pipe was not leaking and didn't charge. Well to my surprise I received a bill for over $100. Bill read Service heat leak in Element Coupling. How do you service a heat leak that wasn't there? He was here less than five minutes. Beware.
    - PRB

  • 9/29 1:42pm   MG, Heard a few disturbing things about that day care you had and that the state shut you down.
    - EL

  • 9/29 1:40pm   CW: Yet another misinformed post regarding the daycare situation. This WAS the first offense, and your comments below are pure speculation. I am a parent of two kids who have gone to this daycare and my sentiments and experience matches SRA's below exactly. My children were both there as infants and were always happy, healthy and loved... well fed, never so much as a diaper rash, clothes changed if they were wet or messy, etc.
    The daycare was never visited by the state prior to this situation. It had been licensed for nice years in Norfolk without any complaints or issues - I personally think that speaks to the quality of care that the kids received. I can understand that we live in a small town and people talk, but it would be nice if the sniping could stop especially as it is mostly seeming to come from people who claim to be fellow childcare providers.
    - JP

  • 9/29 1:39pm   MC: I was very happy with Green Trees at (508) 384-2992. They are local, fairly priced, and knew their stuff.
    - CS

  • 9/29 1:35pm   BP - Millis House of Pizza is great - and they deliver to most of Norfolk. Great pizza!
    - BL

  • 9/29 1:34pm   So if this person was so wrong about why this daycare was shut down. Please, one of you defending her tell us why if was. simple as that.
    - DV

  • 9/26 6:29pm   Hi neighbors! I am in need of tree removal/pruning services. I'm hoping some of you may have a referral for me. If anyone has dealt with a company that was reasonably priced and did a good job, please let me know. Thanks!
    - MC

  • 9/26 6:28pm   I'm looking for two tix to the BC / Clemson game for this Sat. at 3:30. If anyone is selling, please contact me at bill21173@yahoo.com
    - BD

  • 9/26 6:23pm   King Philip / Oliver Ames Fall Classic Marching Band Show - KPHS Football Field. Saturday, October 6th 6pm. $8 adults, $5 seniors, students. [Word DOCX announcement]
    - SM, KPMA

  • 9/26 6:21pm   Previously to retiring I was a licensed accredited day care in Norfolk. All I can say about the child care closing is that the state didn't just stop by one day and close them. If it was closed and they were over their limit it was not the first offense.
    - CW

  • 9/26 6:18pm   Last Chance Sale for Haunted Train Ride tickets!
    The Norfolk Lions and Norfolk Community League announce the last Chance Ticket Sale for the 12th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Maze. There are approximately 300 tickets left to be sold. The sale will be Tuesday, October 2 at the Norfolk Library. The sale starts at 6pm. Tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Don't miss out!
    Tickets are $5 each and nonrefundable. The 12th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Maze takes place on Saturday, Oct. 13 from 5:00-8:30pm at the Holmes Fields in Norfolk. No tickets will be available at the event and you must present a ticket to enter the parking lot. Proceeds from the Haunted Train Ride will go to worthy Norfolk causes through distributions from Norfolk Lions and Norfolk Community League. For more information, please contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or Tracy H. at 508-541-2388.
    - LH, NCL

  • 9/26 6:17pm   BP: I have also noticed that most of the employees at our local Pizza shop have negative attitudes these days. They grumble every time we call or go there, as if they are doing us a big favor taking our order and money.
    Until Norfolk can get a decent competitor to sign a lease and stick around (and maybe even deliver the food), we will have to keep going to Norfolk Pizza. I may not like it, but it is reality. Now, I just make it a game and try to see if I can make them smile or not.
    - CS

  • 9/26 6:16pm   If people could fill out this quick survey to help a King Philip DECA project focusing on The Rome in Franklin it would be much appreciated. Thank you! [survey here, surveymonkey.com/s/FNTFNCL]
    - KM

  • 9/26 6:15pm   Hi. I am looking for toddler/preschool age outdoor toys - sandbox, water/sand table, playhouse, climbing structure, ride on toys, etc. If you have any that you're looking to pass on, please contact me at tonit58@ymail.com. Thank you.
    - TCT

  • 9/26 6:14pm   Well I see we can add another "stellar" personality attribute to MON.religious intolerance. A real clASS act.
    Still breathing -
    - AB

  • 9/26 6:12pm   I don't know if any of you commenting negatively on the daycare closing in town are actually parents who have used that home daycare. I am, so I will speak from the facts as I know them and from personal experience:
    * This daycare provider maintained a ratio of maximum one adult to five children. When my children were younger and needed constant supervision, I was aware that this ratio was maintained and it suited my childrens' needs and our needs as parents very well. When I came in for "surprise visits" or if I was early picking them up, I never found any of the children in unsafe situations nor did I ever find my children sitting in dirty diapers, etc.
    * The daycare was cited for being over limit because on the day of the inspection, older children got off the bus at her house and the parents who were supposed to pick these children up were a few minutes late. (This happens to all of us--traffic, late meetings, etc.) The team inspecting the daycare counted these school-aged children just getting off the bus as overages!
    * The woman who runs this daycare is a passionate, educated professional who has made it her life's work to care for children. She and her husband volunteer in town as coaches and group leaders.
    * Those of you spreading mis-information may not be aware that if things go badly, this individual could have a CORI violation on her permanent record. This means no more coaching, no volunteering in her kids' schools, no teaching at her church. That would be horrible for her family and would limit her employment possibilities. It would also be a loss to our community.
    We are all very busy, but a family's livelihood and repuation are at stake here. I implore you to write a letter of support if you've had a good coaching or daycare experience with this individual.
    Additionally, I realize that we all value and judge people and situations differently. What was a good experience for me may not suit your needs. That is okay. It is also okay not to like someone's personal style or the way they run things. Again--viva la difference. And of course we should all speak up if we witness unsafe situations for any children. But please don't resort to slander or misinformation. How would you feel if the situation was reversed?
    On that note: To FGP: I know for a fact that this daycare provider did not have 40 kids in her care! I no longer require child care for my children, but I would think twice about choosing a provider who--through misinformation or disregard--would post something like you did without verifying the facts. This is a small town, and "news" travels fast. How would you feel if someone was spreading incorrect information about your daycare?
    Thanks to all who read this all the way through!
    - SRA

  • 9/26 6:11pm   I am not a daycare provider. And I'm sorry that FGP is so angry.
    - JP

  • 9/26 6:08pm   Regarding previous post about Norfolk Pizza, the owners have always been polite and friendly to me. I have seen a sign that there is a minimum credit card purchase but frankly I have never tried to charge a $6.00 pizza. Don't give up on them, they do make a good pizza. Next time order a large so you have left-overs :-)
    - RW

  • 9/26 6:06pm   Hi William I have not posted on this site but would like to post about the following posting which includes lies. This is in reference to FGP posting about the home daycare in Norfolk.
    Being a business owner yourself, you should not post about other people's businesses when you do not know the facts. That is not the way to conduct a business in a small town. Spreading lies and feeding rumors is hurtful and against the law. You did not have a child who attended this daycare and therefore can not attest to the quality of care that was provided there, and also have no right making public accusations about another business in town without facts.
    My child attended this daycare [...] and I would continue to send my child there if I was allowed to. My child was loved and well taken care of no matter what rumors you may hear about her being over ratio. Whatever you have stated was heard through gossip, so you should really think twice before you post statements. No one has ever posted statements about your daycare, despite many rumors going around town about it. So please be respectful of others as you want to be treated yourself.
    - JT

  • 9/25 2:19am   17 year old experienced child care provider looking for work in the Norfolk area. I have spent the last 3 summers involved in various volunteer positions at the YMCA summer camps. I am also a religious education instructor at St. Jude's Church. I have lots of references and my own transportation nights and weekends. Please give me a call at 508-346-3046 and ask for Elyse.
    - PRB

  • 9/25 2:17am   Hi everybody. Over the past couple of years, so many times, I have seen people recommend The PC Handyman (Ed Szymanski). I always kept it in the back of my mind that if I needed help, I would try him. This weekend my computer locked up completely with a malware virus called revetron. I looked up the PC Handyman here on the net. I talked to him this morning at 9am. I brought the computer to work with me. He picked the box up at my work in Franklin, got rid of the virus, found and fixed several other problems, cleaned two years worth of dust out of the inside of the box, tuned up the pc, installed a free virus protection program so that I would not have to renew my old Norton one that had expired, and had it ready for me by dinner time. Ed was a super nice guy, my computer is now running faster than new, and for what he charged me for the job, it was probably not much more than break even than had I purchased the newest version of Norton. I told him I heard good things about here on Norfolknet. He did not ask me to write this, I wanted to. He did tell me that every time someone mentions him on here, he gets a few new customers. I wanted to help him out the way he helped me out. I also wanted to maybe help a few of my fellow Norfolkites, the way you all helped me by recommending Ed. If you have the need, I HIGHLY recommend him.
    - WH

  • 9/25 2:14am   Multi Family Yard Sale on Saturday 9/29 and Sunday 9/30 from 9:00 to 2:00 at 22 & 24 Holbrook Street.
    Household items, books, collectable's, tools, furniture, Christmas decorations,table saw etc.
    No early birds....
    - LG

  • 9/25 2:14am   FPG... I ran a daycare in town for years and I know the provider you are referring to. I find your slander on a public forum truly appalling. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You do not have the facts and you should be ashamed of yourself.
    - MG

  • 9/25 2:12am   We recently hired Barry Kassler of Wrentham (508-384-7733) to make cushions for two Morris chairs. He did an outstanding job, delivered earlier than estimated, and his price was more than fair. He is also a very nice man. Here is a photo of one of the chairs.
    Thank you,
    - SB

  • 9/25 2:10am   JLR - Of course the Bible doesn't support such a stance! But it was written by about 200+ different writers over the millennia and is also the biggest piece of fiction ever written, so how it can be ascertained to possess any inkling of reality is beyond me and most Bible scholars!
    But keep up the good work spreading such fictitious Dogma mixed with the phantasmagoric! It keeps you all busy and out of trouble until the "Big Check-Out"!
    Now, How's all the local lawsuits going? I always check up with my Homies like AB-G on NN and to keep up on my municipal law!
    - MON

    [MON, you're just causing trouble... - Wm.]

  • 9/25 2:07am   Norfolk Fire Department responding to requests from the community has partnered with The Federated Church of Norfolk to establish a "fire relief" fund for William St. Francis and Loretta Morse of 48 Mirror Lake Avenue, whose home was heavily damaged by fire on September 15th. The fire relief fund will be handled by Federated Church Pastor Scott Cousineau, who also serves as the Pastor for the Norfolk Police and Fire Departments. It is requested that any donations be in the form of check or cash, mailed to the attention of Pastor Cousineau, The Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street, P.O. Box 315, Norfolk, MA 02056. Please mark all donations 48 Mirror Lake Fire Relief Fund.
    Fire Chief Cole Bushnell noted that William St. Francis is a life long resident of Mirror Lake and formerly served as the Wiring Inspector for the Town of Wrentham.
    - CB, NFD

  • 9/25 2:04am   JP, what are the firsthand facts about the day care closing?? Fact not rumor. You were closed by EEC for over ratio by many children. Ready - wait for it - not by one, not by fifteen, but by many children. Perhaps if you knew your facts better you would not be in this situation. So maybe not 40 children, but pretty close!!! So you tell me, is that rumor or guilt bothering you.
    - FP

    [Who is JP and do they run a daycare? - Wm.]

  • 9/25 2:01am   JP - As a parent that has made several daycare switches over the years due to logistics, as well as the spouse of a teacher, I will say this: the care of one's child is of the utmost importance to the parents and should be for the day care provider as well. That said, references are the only way of finding out what kind of care a facility provides. This is true for good and bad references and both types are posted on NN every week for all types of businesses. I wouldn't discount the story from working parents that were just abruptly told that the daycare facility they count on for their children can no longer take them. I believe that licensed childcare providers, like teachers, are 51A Reporters and are required to bring to the State's attention any act of harm that a child is subjected too. This would include being subjected to an improperly staffed facility. As many irate parents have been scrambling lately to make other arrangements quickly, it wouldn't surprise me if other local providers have heard similar stories and possibly called in reports. I would never leave my child with any care provider that wasn't ready for a State inspection at ANY time and any professional would never make excuses.
    - KP

  • 9/25 1:59am   Has anybody been to Norfolk Pizza on Main Street lately and had the same experience I had last night? It used to be this friendly, family place. Maybe it was just an off night. I was greeted with "what do you want" when I walked in the door. I said that my wife ordered a small cheese pizza and I was there to pick it up. I was told $6.25, or something close to that, and I took out my credit card. I was told, "can't help you, $8.00 minimum".
    I replied "what, that is new", and was told back, "doesn't matter". I will not be visiting Norfolk Pizza anymore. There is always Big Y now and the new place near Fore Kicks. Just my thoughts.
    - BP

  • 9/25 1:51am   Toiletry Collection for Rosie's Place - A Women & Children's Shelter in Boston facebook.com/events/489539667732264 9 Briarwood Rd, Norfolk & 48 Rocky Ln, Medfield - bins outside garage.
    Rosie's Place, a women and children's shelter in Boston, is in need of unopened toiletries, full or "hotel" sized shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, lotion, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, for example. Collection Dates 9/24/12 through 10/08/12.
    Thank you
    - CMA

  • 9/25 1:45am   Hi DWL, My name is John Kerr. I am a local electrician, live in Norfolk and would be happy to look at your job. You may reach me at cell # 508-840-4414.
    - JK

  • 9/23 8:00pm   FGP: It is unfortunate that, as a daycare provider in our town, you have chosen to spread misinformation on this site. There were nowhere close to 40 children at the daycare you are referring to. It is obvious that you have no firsthand information so please refrain from spreading rumors. I'm sure you would not like rumors spread about your daycare.
    - JP

  • 9/23 7:52pm   To DWL on your basement issue, contact Water Stoppers in Walpole. 508-660-6603. Free estimates.
    - RW

  • 9/23 7:49pm   To DWL - for local electrician, try Robert Davis from Franklin. Have used him on multiple occassions. Neat, professional and reasonable priced. Came to us on referral and we have given his name out numerous times. Everyone seems to be pleased.
    - EF

  • 9/23 7:48pm   Hi, Looking for an electrician for small job. Thanks
    - DWL

  • 9/22 11:08pm   Are you a professing Christian who believes that repentance and faith in the person and work of Jesus is not the only way to salvation? If you are, you are not alone. A poll conducted in 2008 indicated that 52% of American Christians believe that religions other than Christianity can lead to eternal life. But does the Bible support such a stance? Join Tom Ryan and Pastor Mark Lukens as they bring scripture to bear on this important issue on the Christian TV show Resting In Grace vimeo.com/channels/rig
    The show airs on NCTV every Tuesday and Thursday night at 6:00PM on Verizon CH-41 and Comcast CH-8. The show is hosted by Norfolk resident Tom Ryan and features Pastor Mark Lukens, also a Norfolk resident and pastor of the Providence Baptist providencebaptistchurchma.org Church of Norfolk. You can also view this show and previous episodes online at vimeo.com/channels/rig. Enjoy.
    - JLR

  • 9/22 11:04pm   6th grade girl looking for cheer-teams / tumbling / stunting classes (not dance). Any suggestions for the Norfolk/Franklin/Walpole/Millis/Plainville/Medfield areas? Thank you.
    - JLH

  • 9/22 11:03pm   After Wednesday night's downpour, found water stains on the ceiling in an upstairs bedroom. Searched this web site for roofers and found multiple recommendations for M&M Roofing. Called Ruben (cell:774-688-9246, office 508-541-9246) on Thursday. He quickly found and fixed the leak on Friday.
    If you're looking for someone for roofing work I highly recommend you give him a call.
    - HD

  • 9/22 10:57pm   Hi, my name is Mark McGuckian. I'm a local carpenter who takes a lot of pride in my work. My jobs range from kitchens, window installs, interior/exterior trim work, built-ins, fireplaces, crown mouldings, etc. If you're looking for help with your projects at a reasonable price then I'm your man. You can contact me on 508 440 5119... references upon request.
    - MM

  • 9/22 10:56pm   Lunchtime Yoga, Mondays at noon, Norfolk Park & Rec. Moderate hatha yoga class welcomes you. Please inquire at Norfolk Rec.
    - AR

  • 9/22 9:36pm   If your son or daughter is taking flute lessons at school this fall, we have a good condition silver-plated Gemeinhardt SP 2 flute that is the most commonly used model for the band students. $175, includes hard carrying case. Call 520-0217 if interested.
    - LK

  • 9/22 9:35pm   Auditions for "Inspiration Performing Troupe" will be held Sunday September 23 at the Norfolk Public Library from 7:00 - 9:00 PM.
    Inspiration is a local performing troupe that travels around New England to different community events, nursing homes and shopping plazas. This year The 2013 season will be making a special performance at Disney World!
    For more information go to www.inspirationperformingtroupe.com
    - JG

  • 9/22 9:33pm   HUGE YARD SALE (Rain/shine) on SUNDAY (NOT Sat) from 9am - 1pm; 9 Spring Street (Main toward Walpole, Rt on Needham, 2nd Rt onto Spring.)
    Antiques! Royal Dalton, Waterford, Kitchen items including table and 4 c1960 Bentwood caned chairs, Winter Coats, nice children's books, Linens (dry cleaned), Framed artwork and photography, vintage shoes/purses/beaded tops, SIMPLY TOO MUCH TO LIST ... watch for another one sometime in Oct ... only about 1/2 done cleaning out!! You can email me with questions, but seriously NO EARLY BIRDS - thanks for understanding. Kenneally.erin@gmail.com
    - EK

  • 9/22 9:31pm   NCL is Now Accepting Disbursement Requests.
    The Norfolk Community League has opened its Fall 2012 Disbursement process. Applications for monetary assistance are currently being accepted. The community groups, clubs, services, schools and other organizations in the Town of Norfolk are encouraged to apply. Funds will reach awarded organizations in December 2012.
    To download the request form (MS Word) or to complete an online application: visit www.NorfolkCommunityLeague.org.
    The application deadline is October 15, 2012.
    The Norfolk Community League is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for Norfolk residents and strengthening community spirit by organizing social, family-based, fundraising, and charitable activities. Membership is a key component to making this happen. NCL Members enjoy access to groups and clubs as away to meet people in town and make new friends. Membership dues help us plan events that are fun for members and the community. They are also important for our fundraising efforts that raise money we distribute to organizations like Norfolk Public and King Philip Schools, and the Norfolk Fire Dept.
    To learn more about NCL or to become a member, go to www.NorfolkCommunityLeague.org

  • 9/22 9:30pm   Hi, Looking for a local reasonable electrician. Thanks,
    - DWL

  • 9/22 9:29pm   The MOMS Club of Franklin, in cooperation with the Franklin Public Library, invites the public to attend a preschool fair. This fair, which is free and open to the public, will be held at the Franklin Library on Thursday, October 25th from 5:30-8:00 p.m. Representatives from local preschools in Franklin, Bellingham, Medway, Millis, Norfolk and Wrentham will be on hand to answer any questions and provide information to parents seeking preschools for the 2013-2014 school year. Please join us in the Community Room of the Library at 118 Main Street in Franklin. For additional information about the fair contact Kelly B. (508)400-5246 or Krystal M.<--yers--> (508)868-8230.
    - KB

  • 9/22 9:26pm   New Family Child Care Program in Norfolk - Immediate openings for children 3 months to 5 years. Open 7:30am to 5:30pm, Monday - Friday.
    - Licensed by the Dept. of Early Education and Care, MA
    - Pediatric first aid/CPR certified
    - Smoke free home
    - Healthy meals and snacks provided
    - Safe, quiet family neighborhood
    - Loving, nurturing environment
    - Small group setting - only 4 to 5 children
    For more information or questions, I can be reached at norfolkchildcare@live.com
    - TCT

  • 9/22 9:18pm   Hi, I own a Home Day Care in Norfolk and I am disappointed by some of the providers in our town. Just recently a home day care was closed for business due to being over her ratio by 30 children and many other violations. Yes, she had over 40 children in her house at her home and she was only licensed for 10. [...] I've since gone on the EEC website and cross referenced the postings under child care on Norfolk net and noticed many providers are not licensed by the state. I feel the town sponsored site should require that all home day cares show proof of licensing before advertising on Norfolk Net.
    - FGP

    [Norfolknet is a personal site run by a resident, not part of town. Service provider references on the site are word-of-mouth anecdotes, not endorsements by the site. I know nothing about the licensing requirements for any of the trades that are mentioned - Wm.]

  • 9/22 9:16pm   Upcoming events at the Norfolk Senior Center:
    10/2 CLEVER CRAFTERS is a bright new activity at the Norfolk Senior Center that encourages a wide range of individual creativity that began with the Center's very own Monica Weiss, the group leader, and her sweatshirt embellishment projects. Participants who are planning or working on their own projects (a new sweatshirt project has already been planned with instructor Liz Davey), whether it's sewing, crocheting, knitting, or any related craft can join this versatile and resourceful group for inspiration, camaraderie, and conversation every Tuesday at 1 p. m. One of the projects-in-progress is Zentangle, a unique art method-overseen by Bev Ross-that enables people of all ages and talents to produce intricate designs. Clever Crafter weekly sessions are open to all, by the way, including non-seniors and those who may not be working on a specific project (yet), but are considering possibilities for a future one. Reservations are unnecessary. The Senior Center (508-528-4430) is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru Fri, 9am-4pm.
    10/17 MEDICARE SESSION. There will be a 1 p. m. presentation on Medicare by a SHINE counselor at the Norfolk Senior Center. This particular session is especially important as Medicare plans continue to change and the open enrollment period for switching plans is between October 15th and December 7th. So bring your questions for the SHINE specialist and come early for a light lunch (12-1 p.m.). Reservations are unnecessary unless you will be joining us for lunch (Call 508-528-4430). The Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru Fri, 9am-4pm.
    10/23 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS. Joseph Canavan from the Norfolk County Sheriff's Office will be at the Norfolk Senior Center to begin the new season of TRIAD. TRIAD is a three-way commitment between local firefighters and law enforcement, the Sheriff's Office, and the Norfolk Council on Aging to develop, expand, and implement effective crime prevention, safety, and education programs for seniors and to improve their quality of life.
    Mr. Canavan will be accompanied by a guest speaker from the American Red Cross for the 1 p. m. presentation and will cover three key steps seniors should take to be prepared for an emergency or a disaster. Appropriate planning and the use of an emergency kit will also be discussed. A lunch of pasta and salad will be served at 12:30 p. m.and will include a special drawing. Reservations are unnecessary unless you will be joining us for lunch (Call 508-528-4430). The Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru Fri, 9am-4pm.
    - TM, Norfolk Council on Aging

  • 9/22 9:04pm   Save the date! Join the King Philip Parents' Network for an entertaining night of non-stop laughs as professional comedian and hypnotist Jim Spinnato brings his presentation of comedy and hypnosis to the King Philip Middle School auditorium on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 beginning at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 and can be ordered through the KP Parents' Network website (www.kpparentnetwork.org) or purchased at the door the night of the show. Enjoy a fun night out with other adults--friends, neighbors, and spouses. Light refreshments will be available for purchase starting at 7:30 p.m.
    Since the mid 90's Jim has amazed audiences up and down the east coast performing for corporate clients, colleges, high schools and casinos. His exciting and high energy combination of music, audience participation, comedy and hypnosis is a fast-paced romp through the subconscious mind. This unforgettable show will have you on the edge of your seats and dancing in the aisles.all while in a "deep sleep." From his early days in the comedy club circuit to his present day schedule of corporate, casino and college gigs, Jim's performances have always been nothing short of incredible. "Sleeping" was never this funny! For more about Jim see www.jimspinnato.com.
    - GA

  • 9/22 1:30pm   Hi, Looking for a basement drying company (sump pump installation) that is honest and reputable. Thanks,
    - DWL

  • 9/22 1:29pm   DV, The Gotye certificates are $60 each. You (or others IF DV chooses not to purchase) can contact me at box397@norfolknet.com
    - KL

  • 9/22 1:28pm   Looking for a good local clock repair shop. Any recommendations?
    - TK

  • 9/22 1:22pm   The 34th Annual Stony Brook Fall Fair is today, September 22 until 4 pm. Join us for a fun-filled day for the whole family. Events include Games, Crafts, Pumpkin Painting, Eyes on Owls educational session, and over 40 crafters. The cost of admission is $4 per adult, $3 per child, with a maximum of $12 for a family. All money raised goes to supporting the Sanctuary and its educational programs.
    - DLJ

  • 9/22 1:21pm   Happy Fall Equinox! Fall began at 10:49am this morning local time. Or, for the glass-half-full of you, it's the start of spring south of the equator!
    - Wm.

  • 9/19 3:57am   Skeletons in your closet? We need them!
    The NCL will be holding a Halloween Costume Resale on October 3rd from 5:00 - 8:00 pm at the Freeman Kennedy School. Halloween Costumes will be priced at $10 or less! All proceeds will benefit the Norfolk Community. The NCL is looking for donations of your gently used child and adult costumes to ensure the success of this first time event. To make arrangements for donation dropOff, or for questions regarding the sale please email fundraisingncl@gmail.com. We hope this first time event ishauntingly successful!
    - JT, NCL

  • 9/19 3:53am   KL how much? I would be interested
    - DV

  • 9/19 3:52am   Multi family yard sale, rain or shine. Saturday, 9/22/2012 from 8:45 am to 2:30 pm 57 Rockwood Rd. Childrens toys, clothing, car seat and other items, pet products, books, new and used household items and collectibles including salt and pepper shakers, Artesania Rinconada figurines and Just the Right Shoe miniature shoes, briefcases, clothing and some 70's music in the form of vinyl albums (Beatles, Chicago, etc.), Halloween decorations and some antiques.
    - EF

  • 9/19 3:51am   Can any recommend someone who sells seasoned firewoods 14-16" who delivers in the Norfolk area.
    - EF

  • 9/19 3:50am   Is there a Welcome Wagon in Norfolk?
    - SC

  • 9/19 3:48am   The Garden Clubs of Norfolk & Millis present Meg Muckenhoupt to talk about Boston's Gardens & Green Spaces. This will be held at the Norfolk Public Library on October 10, 2012 at 7PM in the Community Room.
    Meg examines public spaces throughout Boston's historic and contemporary landscape. Why did Bostonians start creating parks and how has the philosophy behind public spaces shifted over the years? How do Boston's newest parks balance the challenges of contaminated sites, habitat preservation, botanical interest, and community needs?
    The public is invited; a non club member suggested donation is $5.00.
    - RT, Garden Club of Norfolk

  • 9/19 3:45am   Does anyone have Six Flags New England tickets from the Freeman School that your not going to use? I am planning a trip on Columbus Day weekend for my family. If so, please contact me bsweetman@comcast.net Thank You.
    - GS

  • 9/19 3:44am   Hi DR, try Prevett heating and cooling, they are the only Energy Star rated and approved contractors in the area, (there's only 6 approved contractors in this state.) They service bolth heating and cooling systems.
    - PB

  • 9/19 3:42am   Norfolk Lions Golf Tournament POSTPONED.
    Due to the forecast of heavy rain, the Norfolk Challenge Golf Tournament has been postpone until Wednesday, September 26. It will still be held at the top rated, beautiful Shining Rock Country Club in Northbridge, MA. Registration is 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Tee time is 12:30 PM and a Texas BBQ banquet will be held following play. In addition there are many raffle prizes including an autographed Gronkowski football, trips, gift certificates and other items. The fee of $125 per person includes 18 holes of scramble format golf, a golf cart and the banquet. Hole sponsorships of $100 each are also available. All proceeds from this event will be donated to Joslin Diabetes Research of Boston. For more information call Tom G. @ (508) 272-8604.
    - PS, Norfolk Lions

  • 9/19 3:41am   Don't forget Haunted Train Ride Ticket sales this week! There is a limited quantity and they will be sold on 9/18-9/20 in the lobby of the Norfolk Library from 3:00-7:00PM. Please see attached flyer for more information [Word DOCX here] on this "can't miss" event!
    - LH, NCL

  • 9/19 3:40am   I am looking to see if anyone has a Graco Ready2Grow LX Stand and Sit Double Stroller if anyone has one to sell? Thanks.
    - EL

  • 9/17 8:07pm   Hi DR, try Needham Oil and Air for your heating and AC needs. They do both services and I have been using them for about 10 years now with no issues and very prompt and courteous service.
    - BP

  • 9/17 8:05pm   "Your First 5K" an Adult Running Program offered through Norfolk Recreation begins Tuesday Sept. 18th!!
    If you've ever thought about becoming a runner or running again after taking years off here is your opportunity! This adult program in designated to get you off the couch or away from the desk and ready to run a 5K (3.1 miles). In this program, which is catered to beginners, you will progress from walker to runner. We will meet as a group once a week and you will be given specific instructions for running other days of the week on your own. Workouts will be followed with stretching and advice about running and nutrition.
    Cost: $75.00 (includes training log)
    DATES: 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, (no 10/9), 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27
    LOCATION: Pond Street Recreation Complex
    To register please visit www.virtualnorfolk.org/rec or call the recreation office at (508) 520-3945
    - NC, Norfolk Recreation

  • 9/17 7:59pm   CANON CAMERA FOR SALE! Canon EOS350D RebelXT - 6 years old - Lens 28-80 included. Would also consider selling Image Stabilizer 75-300 Zoom Lens. Contact me if interested! klenkalex@comcast.net
    - KK

    [Update 9/19 3:46am: fixed the email address - Wm.]

  • 9/17 7:54pm   Brushed Nickle Light fixtures, see attached pic. Just changed out light fixtures to match kitchen, all these in perfect condition, asking $75 for all. Call Sean @ 617-229-8163
    - SN

  • 9/16 10:16pm   House cleaning service available, one person cleaning. I have many local references; if needed please call 774 291 1887 or email edilaine_lopes@hotmail.com Thanks.
    - EL

  • 9/16 9:34pm   Tickets for Sale!!!!
    Gotye ("Somebody that I used to know") at the Bank of America Pavilion on Sept 22, 2012. I purchased two certificates that entitles you to the following (for each voucher):
    One ticket to Gotye at Bank of America Pavilion on September 22, 2012
    . Skip-the-line entry
    . Gotye poster
    . Seats located in section 5
    I am unable to attend the concert and will sell each voucher for $50 each (remember there are 2 vouchers). I do NOT know the seat location but it is in section 5.
    Contact box397@norfolknet.com.
    - KL

    [Update 9/19 3:54am: added email address - Wm.]

  • 9/16 9:29pm   Brushed nickel kitchen cabinet knobs - 32 brushed nickle knobs for sale, hardware included $30, perfect condition Call Sean @ 617-229-8163.
    - SN

  • 9/16 9:27pm   Free: wooden platform bed for full size futon or mattress. Rustic and homemade, very sturdy. Contact ian@proffers.net for more information.
    - IP

  • 9/16 9:26pm   FOUND: small green photo album with family pictures. Found it on the side of Medway Street near Truro. Pictures of kids, Christmas, dogs. Did someone steal your bag and toss it from their car? Misplaced, fell out of your backpack maybe? Please email ian@proffers.net to claim it.
    - IP

  • 9/16 9:25pm   My wife and I live on King Street and over the last 3-4 months have occasionally smelt sulfur or something like a rotten egg smell from our faucets. Has anyone else experienced this or a similar problem? Is it the towns water? I plan to contact the DPW.
    - ZM

  • 9/16 9:24pm   Lost Friday evening at Pond Street soccer field - dark blue Samsung Galaxy cell phone -- If found, please call 508-369-1948 - Reward if found!!
    - HK

  • 9/16 9:23pm   Xaverian parent: looking to make the mornings less hectic? I'm a current Xaverian senior who already commutes to school every day, and I would like to start a carpool. I have a fairly flexible fall schedule, so I may be able to drive home in the afternoons, too. Contact me at hathrugby@verizon.net if you are interested.
    - JH

  • 9/16 9:21pm   Welcome to Norfolk, Ivy Music Academy!! Best wishes for this exciting new endeavor in town.
    Can anyone recommend a reasonable and competent business that services (maintenance) heating systems? A/C systems... preferably a company that does both. Thanks!
    - DR

  • 9/16 9:19pm   Hi Wm - Thank you for posting the updated contact info for the gutter cleaning. This message is for JT and JD.
    To JT: I would be more than happy to take a look at your fence.
    To JD: I would be more than happy to take a look at your rotted wood. Probably the most reasonable rates you will find anywhere. Please contact Craig at cjsrobinson@verizon.net or 508-520-1459.
    Thank you Wm.
    - CR

  • 9/16 9:17pm   The Federated Church of Norfolk October Pancake Breakfast will be held at on Saturday, October 6 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. In addition to our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will cook omelets or fresh eggs to order. Fresh homemade biscuits, sausage gravy and hash brown potatoes will also be served. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5. Breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town Common. The breakfast is served in the church vestry, which is handicapped accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
    - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 9/16 9:16pm   Retired handyman available for small household jobs such as carpentry and yard work, reasonable rates. call Pete at 508-541-4591
    - SF

  • 9/13 11:18pm   Are your kids back to school and hectic schedules again in full swing? Feeling bad for your pets being left alone all day? Leashrly Life offers the perfect solution for you. We offer professional, reliable pet services. We can come to your home to walk, feed and play with your pet while you are away. Schedule 15-minute or 1/2 hour visits, or let us take your dog on an hour-long hike! We also offer 4-week, one-on-one obedience training AND "in-our-own-home" overnight care. And remember, the holidays will be here before you know it, so book early!
    For more information, please call 781-241-2083 or email lisa@leashrlylife.com
    - LK, Leashrly Life

  • 9/13 11:14pm   The Library is offering a news series of programs that take place in the mornings throughout the fall. You are invited to join Professor Gary Hylander on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 11:00 A.M. for his electric presentation entitled "Hail To The Chief" The Creation Of The American Presidency. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was in the words of Connecticut governor Samuel Huntington a "new event" in human history. In the midst of this "new event", nothing was newer than the creation of the office of the President and the Electoral College. Unanimously elected the nation's first president, Washington was well aware of his unique position: "I walk," he wrote, "on untrodden ground."
    The 2nd program in his series will take place on Wednesday, October 3, 2012 at 11:00 A.M. and is entitled Lincoln and The Election of 1860, followed by Four Hats in the Ring: the Election of 1912 on Oct. 30th and Bring Us Together, the Election of 1968 on Dec. 6th. These lectures are funded by the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library.
    - Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library

  • 9/13 11:14pm   Time to clean out your closets and help kids that are less fortunate! Norfolk Girl Scout Troop 3616 is holding a clothing drive to benefit Cradles to Crayons. Donations of new and gently used kid's clothing (sizes 0-20) and adult clothing (size S-XL) are welcome. Donations of brand new socks and underwear are also needed (- these items need to be in their original packaging). Collections bins are at Norfolk Library, King Philip Middle School, and Montrose School. The girls are volunteering at Cradles to Crayons next week and would love to show up with a couple of car loads of clothing! Please help us help others! For more information, please contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or Megan D. at 617-733-8083.
    - TS

  • 9/13 11:13pm   Are you looking for a Mother's Helper or Babysitter? Mature and responsible 6th grade girl, available weekday afternoons and weekends. Very competent with babies and toddlers. Affordable rates and references. Please contact Sarah via her Mom at: janlynnhealy24@verizon.net or cell phone 617-230-1477. Thank you
    - JLH

  • 9/13 11:10pm   The Cottontail 4-H club will once again have an exhibit at the Crackerbarrel Fair in Wrentham this coming Saturday and Sunday. Come meet our members and their animals. There will be our usual fish game, face painting, small inexpensive crafts, and some bake goods. This is our only fund raiser for the year so please come out and support your local 4-H club. Thank you. Leaders: Bob and Marilyn Bremilst
    - BB

  • 9/13 11:04pm   Norfolk Community League's Fall Hayride this Saturday!
    Kick off the fall early with family fun at the farm! Wards Berry Farm, 614S outh Main St., Sharon on Saturday, September 15, 2012 at 10AM.
    Please join us for a scenic hayride, pumpkin picking and meeting and feeding some barnyard friends. The picnic area will also be available, whether you choose to pack a snack/lunch or try the market's delicious offerings. Cost forthe event is $9.00 per child, which includes hayride and a pumpkin to bringhome. Adults and children 1 year and younger are free. Be sure to bring your camera to capture those festive photos! Please arrive 15 minutes early so thatthe hayride can begin promptly at 10AM.
    Tickets can be purchased via Paypal orby check. Please make your check payable to "NCL Family Hayride" andbring to event.
    For more information please contactValerie C. (vcleverdon@gmail.com) or Amanda N. (emod7@aol.com).
    - JT, NCL

  • 9/13 11:02pm   In the Notice Section of this website, someone posted a Legend Trailer for sale. Could you share its model or style and the contact information? Thanks.
    - DLJ

  • 9/13 10:58pm   The Norfolk Library has need of 2x4s to help us make our dvd shelves neater. The lengths will be cut to 35", but we will be happy to take donations of any length. If you can help us out, you can let anyone at the circulation desk know or you can contact me at aczarnowski@virtualnorfolk.org. Thank you!
    - AC, Norfolk Public Library

  • 9/13 10:32pm   TD We have used Rob Abramson from Norfolk on several occasions and were more than satisfied. 508 989 7913 Cell.
    - PRB

  • 9/13 9:52pm   On Saturday, September 8th, Norfolk resident Sarojit Malik attended Herb Chambers' ``Cars & Coffee'' at BMW of Sudbury, an early morning meet up of classic, vintage and specialty cars from all over New England. Car enthusiasts are invited to gather at the dealership, and showcase their pride and joys while admiring the prized hardware of other automotive fanatics. Chambers has always looked to gather people who are passionate about cars in one location, grab a cup of coffee and exchange stories of what makes their unique car so special to them.
    Pictured in the photo is Sarojit Malik, with his 1951 Bentley Mark VI.
    - AW, Herb Chambers

  • 9/13 9:49pm   NCL Fall Hayride - Kick off the fall early with family fun at the farm! Wards Berry Farm, 614South Main St., Sharon on Saturday, September 15, 2012 at 10AM. www.wardsberryfarm.com
    Please join us for a scenic hayride, pumpkin picking and meeting and feeding some barnyard friends. The picnic area will also be available, whether you choose to pack a snack/lunch or try the market's delicious offerings. Cost forthe event is $9.00 per child, which includes hayride and a pumpkin to bring home. Adults and children 1 year and younger are free. Be sure to bring your camera to capture those festive photos! Please arrive 15 minutes early so that the hayride can begin promptly at 10AM.
    Tickets can be purchased via Paypal or by check. Please make your check payable to "NCL Family Hayride" andbring with you on the day of the event.
    I's not too late to join us! For more information please contact Valerie C. vcleverdon@gmail.com or Amanda N. emod7@aol.com withany questions or to RSVP.
    - JT, NCL

  • 9/11 11:45pm   Looking for someone to paint the fence around our patio. Any referrals for a painter or handyman are appreciated.
    - JT

  • 9/11 11:44pm   Recently removed wall to wall and noticed at a joint in the baseboard was green. Thought it was leaking and called three plumbers. First quote $1100, 2nd $300, third from Ring Plumbing in Norfolk told me the green was from the Flux not being cleaned off and it not leaking. Charge $0.00.
    - PRB

  • 9/11 11:43pm   I have rotted wood on my house and screen porch that I would like to replace. Any recommendations on a local carpenter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
    - TD

  • 9/11 11:42pm   Coming soon!! Located conveniently on 175 Main Str. (right across from the post office) Ivy Music Academy will offer private lessons in piano, violin, viola, cello, voice, electric and classic guitar and drums. The most affordable prices in the area, highly recommended, qualified and experienced teachers. Please contact us ativymusicacademy@gmail.com. Best Wishes!
    "I have had three children tutored by Todor Stoinov for the past seven years. Two of my children - a boy and a girl - are thirteen year olds; the other, a boy, is seventeen years old. Todor gives them piano lessons every Sunday evening. They love it ! He makes the lessons enjoyable while insuring that they progress at a good pace. The seasonal recitals that the kids participate in with Todor's other students are among the the high points for my family every year. I admire, trust, and like Todor Stoinov immensely and am happy to talk with anyone who would like to know more about my experience with him."

    Randall K., Harvard Law School

    - Todor Stoinov, Director, Ivy Music Academy

  • 9/11 11:40pm   Hi AV, I can recommend Dave's Pump Company if you are looking for a well guy.. I've used him a number of times and he's excellent. He's reachable at (508) 883-7959. Thanks
    - PS

  • 9/11 11:39pm   Retired handyman available for small household jobs such as carpentry and yard work, reasonable rates. call Pete at 508-541-4591
    - SF

  • 9/11 11:37pm   Zentangle is calming and relaxing, portable and affordable, and fun! It is a method of drawing beautiful, intricate designs using repeating patterns so simple that anyone can learn, even those who initially say "I could never do that!" If you can hold a pen, you can Zentangle! I am a certified Zentangle Teacher offering classes this month at Franklin Art Center. For those new to Zentangle we have two Beginners Workshop classes. If you already practice Zentangle you may wish to join our Tangle Time group to develop and extend your Zentangle skills. Classes can also be arranged for private groups and individuals. For dates and times and more info please contact Sarah at 774-571-8461, SarahD.Zenventure@gmail.com or visit my blog at zenventure.blogspot.com.
    - SD

  • 9/11 11:35pm   Walgreens and (New) Trader Joe's give Norfolk residents and prospective home buyers more food choices!
    Thrilled to go to Patriots Place and get "pretzel thins" and house brand guacamole at Trader Joes. Limes were only 0.29ยข And when at Walgreen's almonds are usually $2 instead of $5: I like that. And the friendly staff. Its the little things... very happy.
    - MN

  • 9/11 11:34pm   Re: 9/9 12:49pm Would anyone have recommendations for a well guy?
    Suggestion: Ask the well guy that worked on your well two years ago and see if you can get a low price from him before starting the job. Your well may have a defective bronze screen at the bottom of a "foot valve" assembly. The purpose of the screen is to keep out loose sand from the water. If the screen fails, due to wear and tear on the bronze, sand will collect on filters upstream. We had a new foot valve assembly screwed into the deep-well jet of our well; I forget the price, but the old screen had lasted about 20 years. Preventive Maintenance: I would expect the screen to be replaced if it has been in place for 5 or 10 years. It is necessary to pull up the plastic piping connecting the jet and foot valve and surface pump, or the pump assembly and foot valve for a submersible pump, to change the screen. In my opinion, your well guy should have changed the screen when he worked on the well two years ago, and because of this omission, he should cut the price for working on the well now. Other factors that might affect the life of a bronze screen are: acidic water, which may be found in water tests by labs such as Analytical Balance Corporation, Middleboro, MA, and inadequate electrical grounds, which may affect the electrolysis rate, and which can be corrected by an electrician.
    - BH

  • 9/11 11:25pm   Looking for any lax or hockey helmets you may want to donate to my daughter's broom ball team at UVM. For safety reasons each player must wear a caged helmet, but a bunch of girls playing for fun do not have helmets just laying around. You can email me at nancyabowers@aol.com if you have one you want to get rid of. Thanks.
    - NB

  • 9/11 11:24pm   Looking for either a rat cage or a fish tank fit for a rat to live in? Anyone have one laying around they don't need? My daughter would be tickled pink! Please let us know at laura@beattyhome.com. Thanks!
    - LLB

  • 9/11 11:23pm   Any thoughts about moving this site to a blog format, so that we can follow conversations and replies easier? It is especially difficult when someone asks for recommendations or services, and you need to scour the page for responses. I think a post and reply system would work much better and Wm could still moderate and approve all comments and posts.
    - JM

  • 9/11 11:22pm   To AV: We have used Dave's Pump Company a number of times over the years to service our well. He's always come through. Located fairly close by in Wrentham, his number is 508-883-7959.
    - TEM

  • 9/11 11:21pm   Okay, Powers That Be of Norfolk, what was the reasoning behind the reverse 911 call Saturday morning to talk about overflow parking for the ribbon cutting? Completely un-necessary. My wife works most nights till about 1-2am and the call was not appreciated at all. I'm sure we were paying much needed overtime to some police folks and didn't need the phone call. Let's save reverse 911 for it's intended use, important storm updates, school closures, ect.
    - BP

  • 9/11 11:20pm   AV, I highly recommend Cool Water Pump out of Wrentham. Bob Jones has been in the business a long time and we have never had any issues with him. He's come out in emergency situations, even on a holiday once. I have no problem recommending him and his business.
    - BP

  • 9/11 11:14pm   Crafters - Come celebrate the 34th annual Fall and Craft Fair at the Stony Brook Nature Center on Saturday, September 22nd or the rain date Sunday, September 23rd. Please contact StonyBrook@MassAudubon.org or call 508-528-3140 for a Craft Fair Reservation form.
    - DLJ

  • 9/11 11:13pm   The Norfolk Historical Commission invites you to attend the Dedication Ceremony for the new fiberglass panel which depicts the 200 year history of Town Hill and its surrounding area. Utilizing a map, old photos and narrative the panel traces the many changes that have taken place over time.
    The Ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, September 30 , 2012 at 2:00 PM on Town Hill. Members of the Historic Commission will detail the revitalization of the Town Hill that took place at the end of the Twentieth Century and the many changes that occurred over the past 200 years.
    The Tramp House will be open after the program with additional displays and an opportunty to purchase Commission publications.
    - BB, Norfolk Historical Commission

  • 9/11 11:12pm   Can anyone recommend a paving company who would be interested in a small driveway repair job?
    - KS

  • 9/11 11:11pm   AV: Give Crystal Pump Company a call. Right here in Norfolk at (508) 528-8959.
    - JV

  • 9/9 12:50pm   Norfolk Recreation's on-line registration is open!
    Click on this link to find programs and register. www.virtualnorfolk.org/rec
    Sign up early; some classes fill up quickly others won't run without an allotted number of participants.
    - Nanci Cahalane

  • 9/9 12:49pm   Would anyone hav e recommendations for a well guy? Our main concern is the filter fills up with sediment too quickly. We filter chaged the filter two weeks ago and it's black again. Two years ago the well pump was replaced and a new filter system was installed as well. Thank-you for your help!
    - AV

  • 9/9 12:48pm   Anyone looking to get rid of a college size dorm refrigerator? I currently looking to replace one, they don't seem to last too long. Please let me know at mcappuccino@verizon.net
    - MRC

  • 9/9 12:47pm   YARD SALE September 15, 2012, 8:30 am-2:00 pm, 101 Grove Street, Norfolk. NO EARLY BIRDS PLEASE... Tons of children toys, books, puzzles, movies, video games, etc... Some furniture... Everything MUST go, all reasonable offers considered.
    - KB

  • 9/9 12:36pm   King Philip Marching Band Preview Show - KPHS Football Field. Sunday, Sept 23rd 6pm. Admission is free.
    King Philip High School Marching Band to Hold Annual Preview Show
    The Pride and the Passion of King Philip is back at work and ready to give a preview of its 2012 Marching Band show, entitled, Through the Looking Glass, featuring the music of Prokofiev. The band recently returned from their one week band camp in Naples, Maine, where they were hard at work on the music and drill for their annual competitive show. The season will kick off on Sunday, September 23 at 6pm at the King Philip High School football field with the annual Preview Show. This is the communitys first opportunity to take a look at the new show. A concession featuring free hot dogs, chili and popcorn will be available. Admission is free.
    - SM, KPMA

  • 9/9 12:26pm   Regarding the TK Pet Supply store on Main St: About a month ago I stopped in to buy dog food but the shelves were practically empty, and I found out the owner was liquidating and closing the store. One thing led to another and I bought him out to rescue the store. I like that he carried only the top, highest quality dog and cat food brands, and intend to take that further and carry more organic food, more USA made products and avoid anything made in China. We will now be open on Mondays too, and expand the hours to better serve the community's needs. Please stop by and check it out, we have free dog food samples and would love to meet you.
    Thanks to TK for the recommendation, we hope everyone values our small contribution to the town's business community and will try to make everyone feel welcome..
    Pet Supply
    (Formerly TK Pet Supply)
    * New Ownership *

    New Hours:
    Monday 8am - 6pm
    Tuesday - Thursday 9am - 7pm
    Friday - Saturday 9am - 6pm

    * Organic Treats *
    * Top Quality Dog and Cat food *

    Stop by for free samples.
    158 Main St. Norfolk, MA
    508-541-PETS (7387)
    We are located right at the train station.

    [Healthy Pet Supply flyer, Word doc]

    - Tony Biscaia, Healthy Pet Supply

  • 9/9 12:21pm   Bring the kids to the Family Fun Fair in Millis on Saturday September 15th from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm at the Church of Christ Congregational, 142 Exchange St. MIllis. Fun for for all ages. Jumpy House, Pony Rides, Games and Crafts and Huge Yard Sale. Bring the family!
    - MS

  • 9/6 9:55pm   To PRB--try Gray's Hardwood floors. They have done both a lot of work for us with finishing/refinishing and some installation work. They have dustless equipment and it works incredibly well. So many people told me I would have fine dust everywhere even with dustless--I did not. I was so pleasantly surprised. People I have referred to them have liked their work as well. Here is the number 508-612-4513.
    - EF

  • 9/6 9:53pm   Soooooooo many questions - I can answer so many. My number or email: 508 520 7870 or brucejohnstonrealestate.com. I do actually know a real lot of people and businesses and would be glad to help anyone with their questions!
    - BEJ

  • 9/6 9:50pm   St. Jude Church CCD registration this weekend: Friday 9/7 10 - 11:30 a.m., Sunday 9/9 - 10 - 11:30 a.m., Monday 9/10 7 - 8 p.m.
    - SC, St. Jude's Parish

  • 9/6 9:48pm   To MC - Try J.B. Green Landscaping here in Norfolk. Good service and fair price. 508-989-5099
    - RW

  • 9/5 5:30pm   For daycare, KIK Home Daycare. Cristina Russo, a licensed childcare provider runs her own in-home daycare from her house in a quiet neighborhood in Franklin close to the Norfolk line. She is a caring mom who is CPR, first-aid certified and EEC licensed for infants and toddlers. You may contact Cristina at KIKhomedaycare@gmail.com or call 508 479-8894. Hope this helps.
    - SR

  • 9/5 5:29pm   Skeletons in your closet? We need them! The NCL will be holding a Halloween Costume Resale on October 3rd from 5:00 - 8:00 pm at the Freeman Kennedy School. Halloween Costumes will be priced at $10 or less! All proceeds will benefit the Norfolk Community. The NCL is looking for donations of your gently used child and adult costumes to ensure the success of this first time event. Drop boxes will be located at the H Olive Day School and the Freemen Kennedy school from September 10th through September 28th. To make other arrangements for donation drop off or for questions regarding the sale please email fundraisingncl@gmail.com. We hope this first time event is hauntingly successful.
    - JT and LH, NCL

  • 9/5 5:27pm   I would appreciate any recommendations regarding hiring someone to seed patches on my front lawn without harmful chemicals. Thank you.
    - MC

  • 9/5 5:22pm   Our family has lost our cat and we'd like to hear from anyone who may have seen him. "Eddie" is a seven year old, long haired cat; very friendly. We let him out on Sunday 9/2/12 at 1PM and haven't seen him since. We live on Pheasant Hill Road so he is very likely in that area since he generally doesn't wander too far from our home. If you have seen him or have any information, please contact Patrick at 857 366-1259 or pavery7@verizon.net. Thank you!
    - PA

  • 9/5 5:21pm   So, it looks like a Norfolk morning, this Saturday the 8th. Starting at 8 AM, breakfast at the Federated Church and at 10 Open House at the new school!! Guess I know where I'll be!! Sounds terrific!
    - JHR

  • 9/5 5:20pm   @ DC - FYI, there are options that can be cheaper/more effcient. For example, the Town of Medway offers curbside pickup for the entire town, this includes regular trash as well as recycling (co-mingled & paper alternate weeks). In addition, if you call the DPW the Friday before the following Tuesday you can put out "bulk" items such as sofas, mattresss, dryers & washers, TV's, tires (w/o the rim), and many other items one would normally have to pay to have removed. You get billed twice a year for the service and have to purhase yellow Medway bags to put regular trash in, the town provides a large recycling bin. In addition, if you miss the trash day, there is also a transfer station you can bring everything to (or if you create more trash later in the week that you do not want around). This has proven to be an excellent program in Medway as recycling increased dramatically at the onset of the program. While the bag thing is somewhat annoying as it is additional money you have to pay aside from your two bills for the service, it really is a great deal because you can dispose of many things that would normally cost a sufficient amount of money to dispose of.
    - MB

  • 9/5 5:19pm   Does anyone know the whereabouts of Dalton Tree Co.? I have tried several times to contact them and no return calls. They were really first rate when I had them take down a number of trees and quite reasonable.
    - KB

  • 9/3 10:40pm   Norfolk Cultural Council Seeks Funding Proposals. Proposals for community arts, humanities, and science projects due October 15, 2012.
    The Norfolk Cultural Council has set an October 15, 2012 postmark deadline for organizations, schools and individuals to apply for Local Cultural Council grants that support cultural activities in the community. According to Council spokesperson Deanna Grimm, these state grants can support a variety of artistic projects and activities in Norfolk including exhibits, festivals, short-term artists-in residences or performances in schools, workshops and lectures. The Norfolk Cultural Council will also entertain funding proposals from schools and youth groups through the PASS Program, which provides subsidies for Norfolk school age children to attend cultural field trips.
    The Norfolk Cultural Council is part of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving all 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth. The LCC Program is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community-based projects in the arts, sciences and humanities every year. The state legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency, which then allocates funds to each community. This year, the Norfolk Cultural Council distributed over $3,870.00 in grants. Some of the 2012 grants supported by the council included: Norfolk Public Library (Dream Big with Magic, Imagine That Celebrating Reading), Norfolk Recreation Department Summer Series Concerts, Stony Brook Wildlife Spring Open House, The Un-Common Theatre- (Pride & Prejudice, Young Performers Disney Aladdin Jr.), Shane Wood - Jazz Trio at the Norfolk Library, Norfolk Quill Margo Ball, literary workshops. For specific guidelines and complete information on the Norfolk Cultural Council (NCC), contact NCC at email address ncc@virtualnorfolk.org. Application forms and more information about the Local Cultural Council Program are available online at www.mass-culture.org/lcc_public.asp.
    - RT, NCC

  • 9/3 10:38pm   Please celebrate the dedication of the Freeman-Kennedy School, 70 Boardman Street Norfolk, Massachusetts 02056.
    Dedication will take place at the school at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, September 8, 2012. Tours through the school will be conducted before and after the official dedication.
    Thank you all for your support !
    - LS, Sgt Adam Kennedy Fund

  • 9/3 10:36pm   Our kids have outgrown the need for carpools and such, so we are selling our 2006 Chrysler Town & Country minivan. It's a great family car, Touring trim line with stow 'n' go seating, 68K miles, excellent condition with all maintenance records available. $9995; call 520-0217 for more details if you are interested.
    - LK

  • 9/3 1:55pm   To PM: We have been going to an in-home daycare in town for the past 7 years. I have 3 kids now 4, 6 and 8. The oldest started there when she was about 1, right after we moved to town. The other 2 have been going since they were infants. It is a great environment for the kids. We have had nothing but great experiences there. I love that there are kids of all ages so they have all learned to play with girls and boys that are both older and younger. She provides healthy food for everyone throughout the day and takes great care of the kids. She has 2 assistants that are fantastic as well! She is on Barnstable Road, phone number is 508-528-4374. I hope this helps!!
    - AL

  • 9/2 4:21pm   Any recommendations for sanding and refinishing floors?
    - PRB

  • 9/2 4:20pm   Free TV cabinet with 2 glass doors. Light colored wood. Free. Please contact webmaster for email address. [You can use box394@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - DWL

  • 9/2 4:19pm   JT you summed it up perfectly. Spending millions of dollars on a bridge will not blossom the downtown area into a thriving metropolis. Rte 1A has more traffic than downtown Norfolk and development there in the past 20 years has been minimal at best.
    Let's face it, we are a small town off the beaten path. Building a bridge to a parking lot will not make much of a difference and our town will never be a shopping destination. Additionally there are budgetary issues year after year. Why would we be willing to assume an additional 2 million dollars of debt if we can not cover the bills we have? This project gets a thumbs down!
    - RW

  • 9/2 4:18pm   I have no affiliation with this store but highly recommend the pet supply store at 158 Main Street to anyone who buys all-natural dog or cat food. They are open Tuesday through Saturday with very good prices on foods such as Wellness, Instinct, etc. and natural treats. So convenient not to have to drive to Bellingham, Medway, etc. for food now!
    - KT

  • 9/2 4:16pm   Happy Labor Day, Norfolk! God bless America, our town, and everything that we hold dear... Cindy and Suzy.
    - CR

  • 9/2 4:14pm   You're welcome CS. Just to clarify regarding the fire department. Back in 2005 or so we decided to move to a full-time, Advanced Life Support, fire department. Prior to that we had a part time, call department, which had mostly EMTs. As the area hospitals stopped doing ambulance services towns have had to step in and pick up the slack. We decided to go with the highest level of service possible, with two paramedics on each transport, and one EMT. Medics are allowed to do certain procedures and provide medicine on route that EMTs cannot. The positive outcomes I cited are cases where getting a good outcome was helped by having a medic on board to carry out procedures or administer medications. Without these medics the patients would have been worse off and might even have died. Having this kind of coverage does cost more than a bare-bones department, but it saves lives
    If you have other questions I know Chief Bushnell is always happy to talk about the department and what they do. You can find his email address on the fire department page of www.virtualnorfolk.org
    - Rob Garrity, Board of Selectmen

  • 9/2 4:09pm   Soccer season is right around the corner... still need cleats?? I have a two pairs of used (1 season each) soccer cleats... One pair is size 5 (black), and the other pair is size 7.5 (yellow)... $10 per pair, or $15 for both... The 7.5 pair also comes with a set of indoor soccer shoes as well. They have been used, so they are a bit dirty, but have plenty of life left. Call or text at 774-284-2474. Thanks,
    - KB

  • 8/31 12:45pm   Join us for Easy-Does-It Strength Training at the Norfolk Senior Center from 10 9-10 a.m. A casual but effective series of sit-down exercises clearly demonstrated and easy to follow whether you are a senior, are post-illness, post-surgery, or just interested in an active and healthy start of your day. Sessions meet every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at 9 a.m. The Senior Center also has Yoga classes ($2.00 per class) presented by Jennifer LaFond, a certified Hatha Yoga instructor as well as Tai-Chi sessions ($2.00 per class) conducted by Paula Sullivan, a certified Tai-Chi instructor and Reiki Practitioner. Yoga classes are Mondays at 10 a.m.; Tai-Chi, Tuesdays at 1 p.m. The Center also has state-of-the-art Cybex Exercise Cycles available just about anytime (after a brief training session).
    These are just a few examples of the many resources available at Norfolk's beautiful Senior Center. There are many more activities and services for Norfolk residents. For more information on the above or to receive a full schedule of all Senior Center activities, call (508) 528-4430 or visit the Council on Aging site (www.virtualnorfolk.org/public_documents/norfolkma_coa) The Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru Fri, 9am-4pm.
    - TM, Norfolk Council on Aging

  • 8/31 12:43pm   We are selling a beautiful solid oak china cabinet, adjustable glass shelves, 3 setting built in lights. 2 drawers (24 inches) and 2 under doors. Total cabinet is 60 inches wide by 78 inches tall. Base is 32 inches high, and upper is 46 inches. MINT CONDITION!! We bought it, loaded our china, and rarely used it.
    Matching Server is 32 inches wide by 32 inches tall. 1 drawer at 27 inches and 2 doors below. Two fold out tops give you a little more serving room. $500 for both, buy must pick up. These are two excellent pieces...we are remodeling our kitchen/dining room, and these don't fit the new decor, or else we would be keeping.
    For additional pictures, please contact webmaster for our email. Thanks
    - KB

  • 8/31 12:42pm   Just had a wonder experience with Colantuno & Sons Plumbing. Keep them in mind, you never know when you need a plumber. 617 272 5631
    - CW

  • 8/31 12:32pm   Good morning, Wm. - I have cleaned gutters in town for the past several years, yours as well. I have a different phone number now and was hoping you could post the new number to Norfolk net so people who call yearly will get the proper number. I do pressure washing and small repairs as well. The new number is 508-520-1459. For gutter cleaning the price is $75 for a 2 story house and $50 for 1 story ranch type house.
    Thank you for your time,
    - CR

    [Hi CR, I remember you coming by! Tall ladder, gloves, trash bag, and left the yard spotless - Wm.]

  • 8/31 12:23pm   Time to clean out your closets and help kids that are less fortunate! Norfolk Girl Scout Troop 3616 is holding a clothing drive to benefit Cradles to Crayons. Donations of new and gently used kid's clothing (sizes 0-20) and adult clothing (size S-XL) are welcome. Donations of brand new socks and underwear are also needed (- these items need to be in their original packaging). Collections bins are at Norfolk Library, King Philip Middle School, and Montrose School. The drive will be during September 2012. Please help us help others! For more information, please contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or Megan D. at 617-733-8083.
    - TS

  • 8/31 12:21pm   Dear dear LD, You pay to ride the T every day and so does each and every tax payer in town. The GATRA bus that drops off people from other towns? We pay for those people too. The town pays a fee to the MBTA for the privilege of having a stop here. The fee is calculated by the number or riders and assumed riders. Some years back I had to do a study on the T tax rats for another town and I was told the following.
    The amount the T bills the town is based on ridership and perceived ridership. Twice a year counters literally count the number of people the board the train. This is done for all stops at the station every day for a week. No one is asked if they live in the town, they are just countered. The second calculation is based on the census. If you work you are considered a commuter and have the T available to use. It does not matter if you walk next door to work and do not leave the town, it does not matter if you car pool with 10 people in a van. If you are employed you are counted. The town I did this report for had multiple stops in their town and was paying more money then anyone in town knew. It would be nice to find out from out town leaders how much we pay as a town for the privilege of having this stop tie up out lives each and every day.
    And in addition to that question, the follow up is when is the T going to move the stop down as they promised to do when the roundabouts were put in? The Daley's had to change out the configuration of their pumps and the T was going to move their stop. Well done Daley's; shame on the T.
    - MW

  • 8/31 12:20pm   Big Bird's Nest in Millis currently has two openings in our Pre-K program. This program serves children ages 4/5. We have Part Time and Extended Day options available. For more information please call 508 376-0134. Thanks!
    - SG, Big Bird's Nest

  • 8/31 12:19pm   LS, your comments about the transfer station fiasco are spot on. I don't see how anyone who would go to the trouble to purchase the annual decal could claim they did not know you also need a sticker for each bag. If you thought you were getting a years worth of trash service for 60 bucks, then why would you also pay separately for curbside pickup. Not paying attention I guess. Kudos to the town employees who keep people from freeloading.
    LD, the Town's trash collection system was set up to give residents a choice. The transfer station is a cheaper alternative to curbside pickup for those who don't mind hauling their trash up there each week. Since not everyone uses it, it is separate from the tax base. The more you throw out, the more you pay. Ask a curbside service how much they would charge to dispose of a mattress or couch, I bet its more than the town charges.
    - DC

  • 8/31 12:18pm   Looking for daycare starting 1/1/2013. She will be 3 months old. Any suggestions? Thanks!
    - PM

  • 8/31 12:17pm   LD: You are "preaching to the choir" here. In my mind though, the transfer station is nothing when compared with all of the fees, fundraisers, trip expenses, bus expenses, book solicitations, photo bills, and TPA requests I am forced to pay. Multiple children, and this adds up to well over a thousand a year, in addition to the taxes we already pay.
    I know I sound like an old curmudgeon, but back when I was growing up - there was none of this money-grabbing by the towns. Bus rides, sports, plays, most field trips, etc. were all a part of the package.
    - CS

  • 8/31 12:16pm   RG: Thank you for the information. Sorry for the confusion, I did not mean the whole town budget, just the transfer station's portion. Anyway, the information you provided is good to know.
    Regarding the services that have potentially saved lives or improved outcomes, I still have a hard time following the logic. It seems as if you are implying that if the town stayed with a different service provider, lives and outcomes could have been at stake. Is that what you mean? I am not familiar with the changes. Thank you again, sincerely.
    - CS

  • 8/29 4:21pm   Coming soon!! Located conveniently on 175 Main Str. (right across from the post office) IVY MUSIC ACADEMY will offer private lessons in piano, violin, viola, cello, voice, electric and classic guitar and drums. The most affordable prices in the area, high recommended, qualified and experienced teachers. Please contact us at ivymusicacademy@gmail.com. Best Wishes!
    - Todor Stoinov, Director, Ivy Music Academy

  • 8/29 4:12pm   We have a pair of ladies prescription glasses that were left here at the library, and remain unclaimed. If you cannot find your glasses, and were here recently, please stop by and see if they are yours!!
    - CI, Norfolk Public Library

  • 8/29 4:11pm   To all Norfolk residents and businesses:
    The new edition ofthe Norfolk Little Green Phone Book is currently being updated.
    To have your business included in the yellow pages sectionof the Norfolk Book in print and on-line you can call 508-429-5588 or go to ourwebsite: www.littlegreenphonebook.com. The DEADLINE IS SOON. If you have an addition, correction or want your cell phonelisted in the new Norfolk Little GreenPhone Book, e-mail the information to: russo@northeasternpub.com
    The Norfolk Little Green Phone Book will be mailed free ofcharge to every home and business at the beginning of the new year. TheNorfolk directory is over 150 pages and filled with town information, libraryhours, transfer station hours, places of worship, a school directory, a listingof town officials, clubs & organizations, local mall listings and phonelistings by street.
    We are excited to be celebrating our 30th yearpublishing the NORFOLK LITTLE GREEN PHONE BOOK.
    You can go on our online directory to find local businessand services www.littlegreenphonebook.com
    - SR, Little Green Book

  • 8/29 4:10pm   Do you have old furniture cluttering up your basement or attic? I am the proverbial starving college student, looking for some budget minded furnishings!
    Hoping to locate a futon sofa, kitchen table, chairs, mirror, bookshelves, lamps, etc... Will come and pick up - free is best :)
    Thanks for checking! jiacoviello@umassd.edu
    - JI

  • 8/29 4:09pm   AL: I can highly recommend Alan Glasser to teach piano to your two children. He is absolutely wonderful with my two daughters! He uses flash cards, finger exercises, and "sight reading" to help students learn to read music. The kids get their own books along with sheet music that Alan loans to them from his extensive collection. The pieces they play are varied so they don't get bored. My girls were both playing phenomenally well after just a short time with him. There have been times that I've heard a song being played and I'd swear it was Alan himself playing. I'd peek into the room and it's my own child playing! Alan is so encouraging--using stickers and stars to reward them on a job well done. And his sense of humor is so wonderful! Alan has been coming to our house for a year and a half now, and my girls are still loving the piano. I've recommended him to friends and they are just as thrilled as I am. Give him a call at (508) 528-1976. You won't regret it!
    - KYW

  • 8/29 4:08pm   All of these posts about the transfer station started over the fact that a Transfer Station worker was doing a great job making sure someone did not throw bags in the bin with out stickers. It amazes me how this fact gets turned into a zillion boring posts about about nothing. Kudos to the transfer station crew for doing a great job as well. The person who posted here looking for sympathy needs thicker skin and to the others looking for town trash pick up, move to Franklin or call Dover Trucking like I do. They do a great job for a fair price and guess what, you dont need stickers! Happy Labor Day
    - LS

  • 8/29 4:07pm   Hello all, please join the members of your fire department for the Norfolk Fire Department annual open house. Join us for food, fun and live demonstrations. Date is Saturday, October 13th from 11am-2pm at fire headquarters, 117 Main Street.
    Thank you,
    - Lt. Mike Findlen, Norfolk Fire Department

  • 8/29 4:06pm   I have (5) ground passes to the first round of the Deutsche Bank Pro Golf Tournament this Friday in Norton. Due to a business conflict, my family and I can't go, but thought another family and/or some friends might like them. I've gone many times in prior years and it's a great time for kids and adults. Tickets at the course are $55 each. I'd like to sell them all to one buyer and am asking $100 for the five. If interested, please email me at kelleytmmm@yahoo.com or call Tom at 508-528-2064 or 617-510-0512.
    - TK

  • 8/29 4:02pm   I am pleased to see our local leaders trying to spur local commercial development. Their effort shot not be faulted. However, they are misplacing reliance on the notion that a new bridge and roadway to our fledgling town center will bear fruit. The bridge is the latest shiny object that has caught the eye of our local leaders. It follows several rounds of zoning bylaws, a slew of special permits, an economic development corporation and even a much ballyhooed but never quite realized restaurant on the very corner that would lead to the bridge. None of these measures have produced the development that they were designed to create.
    The problem, after all, isn't the lack of ideas but, rather, the lack of a market. Norfolk's best feature is its worst feature in this regard. That is, sleepy Norfolk center just doesn't generate enough traffic to generate anything more than a mild uptick in commercial activity. There are several lots that front on either Rockwood or Main Street that cannot attract tenants, so to think that a multi-million dollar bridge to another side street will generate new business is misguided, at best.
    Nor is the fact that a low interest loan may be available a reason to actually borrow the money. I am not against paying increased taxes if there is some degree of predictability that the investment will pay off or enrich our community. This proposal offers no such promise and all evidence points the contrary. I would more eagerly seek to invest in such items as our high school which, year after year, cuts classes and programs. Compared to such a vital needs, the proposed bridge is pure whimsy.
    - JT

  • 8/29 4:01pm   RG: I appreciate your clarifying the funding process of the transfer station, but that further solidifies my point that I'm not getting a lot of value for my property tax dollars. The fact is that I'm paying roughly 2% of the value of my home to the Town of Norfolk, but I can't get access to the transfer station unless I cough up another $60, and I can't unload my household refuse unless I buy a sticker for each bag. Worse yet, if I have a large item to dispose of, such as an old mattress or TV, I have to pay yet another fee. I can't help but feel like I'm being nickel and dimed to death.
    Btw, I commute into Boston everyday via commuter rail. I park my car at the old church parking lot, available to ToN residents. I pay a fee for this.
    - LD

  • 8/29 3:41pm   NCL Fall Hayride! Kick off the fall early with family fun at the farm! Wards Berry Farm, 614 South Main St., Sharon on Saturday, September 15, 2012 at 10AM.
    Please join us for a scenic hayride, pumpkin picking and meeting and feeding some barnyard friends. The picnic area will also be available, whether you choose to pack a snack/lunch or try the market's delicious offerings. Cost for the event is $9.00 per child, which includes hayride and a pumpkin to bring home. Adults and children 1 year and younger are free. Be sure to bring your camera to capture those festive photos! Please arrive 15 minutes early so that the hayride can begin promptly at 10AM.
    Tickets can be purchased via Paypalor by check. Please make your check payable to "NCL Family Hayride" and mail to: Norfolk Community League, P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056.
    Please RSVP by Monday, September 10th. For more information please contact Valerie C. (vcleverdon@gmail.com) or Amanda N. (emod7@aol.com) with any questions.
    - JT and LH, NCL

  • 8/29 3:39pm   Looking for young Republicans who would like to get involved in a ground level local campaign. We will be working on a variety of projects through the presidential election. This is an exciting election season to experience democracy at it's best! Please contact me to get involved. 781-492-1728
    - MKS

  • 8/29 3:38pm   Anyone know any updates on the Freeman school? There is still part of the old building up and no new parking lot. School starts a week from today?
    - JCH

  • 8/27 6:47pm   Hello CS, thanks for the questions. I'm sorry if I was unclear. I was a bit lazy in my calculations, so here's what I meant.
    The 56% and 12% figures were as a total of general fund expenditures. So if the town spends about $32 million a year, about 56% of that's for education, and 12% for public safety. It was a bit lazy of me to say that's 56 or 12% of your tax dollars, because we actually get local aid from the state - but after all, that's tax money too. (There's no such thing as government money, it's all the people's money, right?) So it's about 56% and 12% of the town's spending go to the two categories I was highlighting.
    With respect to the note about "severely distressed" patients - those are patients who needed urgent care provided by our paramedics - chest pain, heart attacks, diabetes complications, accidents, etc etc. What I meant about worse outcomes was that the patients had better outcomes (they lived) than they would have had we not made the switch to ALS. I was just trying to make the point that our tax dollars go to very important things that provide very important benefits.
    - RG, Town of Norfolk

  • 8/27 6:44pm   The King Philip Parents' Network is pleased to announce the purchase and installation of picnic tables for the KP school community. With the help of parent volunteers, the picnic tables were recently installed outside the doors of the high school cafeteria. Earmarked for use by the senior class during lunch, they will also be available for the rest of the student body, faculty, and community to enjoy.
    - GA

  • 8/27 6:43pm   Hi! I am going to be a senior at King Philip this year and am looking for babysitting jobs. I am available right after school until whenever on Mondays and Fridays, and right after school until 5 o'clock on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, but have limited availability on weekends. I am a licensed driver. erinbrady414@hotmail.com
    - EB

  • 8/27 6:40pm   Norfolk Resident looking for some handyman work. I do yard work, painting, miscellaneous home projects. If a job needs to be completed off your to do list please call George at 239-464-5863 or e-mail me at hpls39@yahoo.com.
    - GL

  • 8/25 7:25pm   RG: With all due respect, I have a few questions about your statements in the last paragraph of your recent post (see here):
    "As for the observation that you don't seem to get anything for your tax dollars, I would point to two outstanding examples of your tax dollars at work. Something like 56% of that money goes to the Norfolk, King Philip, and Tri-County school systems. Even if you don't have a kid in the schools you are benefiting from the excellent educations our students can earn at our local schools. Another 11 to 12% of your tax dollars go to public safety. Since just 2005 our move to advanced life support has seen our little fire department save 994 "severely distressed" patients, about 142 a year, who were transported to local hospitals and got favorable outcomes. These are lives that would have had much worse outcomes (in most cases death) without the excellent services our men and women provide."
    My questions for you:
    - 56% of "what money" goes to schools? Is this a reference to the profit from the transfer station operations? How is this transferred and documented? Where can this be found in the Financials?
    - 11-12% of WHICH tax dollars go to support Public Safety? Is this in addition to our current taxes? What formula are you using?
    - What are you implying by referencing the undocumented statistics you cite, specifically regarding the services provided to "severely distressed" patients? I do not follow your thoughts regarding "worse outcomes", are you implying that there is a problem?
    - CS

    [I think that's 56% and 12% of overall town revenues; the transfer station funds are ``not segregated, but annually revenues and expenses match up.'' My takeaway was that the transfer station doesn't cost taxpayers anything beyond the $60 and the stickers, it's paying its own way - Wm.]

  • 8/25 6:11pm   I know a lot of info in this area, such as the questions of water, town departments, repair people, etc, etc. People can call me at my office number. I will respond to them and help. I know LGas people etc etc who can fix the person's problem and more. I am here in Norfolk to help. 508-520-7870.
    - BJ

  • 8/25 5:53pm   FOUND KITTY: An affectionate, young black cat found us on Noon Hill Avenue. If you recognize this cat please contact Andrea and 508-520-8316
    - AL

  • 8/25 5:45pm   12th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Maze, Cosponsored by Norfolk Community League and Norfolk Lions, Saturday, October 13th from 5 until 8:30pm at Holmes Fields on Myrtle Street in Norfolk. Rain Date is Saturday October 27th. [See flyer [Word DOCX here]]
    Come join us a for a Haunted Train ride through the woods and a trip through the Maze. Costumes are encouraged as well as a canned good for donation to the Norfolk Food Pantry. The Haunted Train ride is geared to kids from Kindergarten through Middle School. As the evening gets darker, the ride gets scarier! There will also be food, music and fun to keep you entertained in line!
    This popular event requires a ticket. $5 per ticket with the proceeds going to worthy Norfolk causes through distributions from NCL and Norfolk Lions. To promote this fun family event, ticket prices have been held steady since 2005.
    Tickets Sale will be Tuesday, September 18- Thursday, September 20th from 3-7 at the Norfolk Public Library. There are a limited number of tickets available and they will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. No tickets will be sold at the event. You must have a ticket to enter the parking lot.
    Community groups interested in participating in the Haunted Train ride can contact the Committee. Any teens needing community service hours can also be utilized. Please send an email to hauntedtrainride@gmail.com or contact Tara Spellman at 508-384-6354, Tracy Hilfrank at 508-541-2388 or Tom Grant at 508-541-4108.
    - LH and JT, NCL

  • 8/25 5:37pm   Hello, everyone.
    In defense of the gentlemen at the transfer station, I have nothing but praise for them. I find them polite and helpful. A while back when I accidently clunked my head on my open hatchback door, I cut my forehead and it was like they couldn't do enough for me. One man got wet paper towels to stop the blood flow, another man emptied my recycles and made sure I was well enough to drive home. Recently I had some cans of paint, button batteries, florescent lights and the like and the man who helped me get these things in the appropriate place was beyond friendly. Now when I can, I bring bottles of cold water and home made cookies or brownies for them. They are always appreciative. Even during the string of very hot days, the men were on task, sorting, separating and ON THE JOB! Good guys, in my opinion.
    Oh, they also told me how to dispose of Latex paint, which is not accepted in the Transfer Station. Home Depot sells a product (about $2.98 per package I believe) that thickens the paint and it solidifies quickly and can be thrown away with regular garbage. However, one of the men told me to throw about a cup or so of cat litter in each can, mix it in, leave the lid off and it will harden for safe disposal as garbage in a few days or less. Saved me about $20.
    Everyone has a bad day now and then, and I have no idea what may have occurred that particular day referred to in a prior post, but I think we have a great crew at the Transfer Station and I have been treated courteously 100% of the time.
    - AMG

  • 8/25 5:36pm   Looking for guitar instruction for child. Norfolk or foxboro. Thanks,
    - MN

  • 8/25 5:35pm   Hello AL. I am a piano instructor in Norfolk and have 8 Norfolk students currently. If I can be of help, please call me at 508-528-1976 and we can discuss specifics and if all is agreeable, a meeting with the children, parents and myself. Thanks,
    - AG (1)

  • 8/25 5:34pm   Hello, everyone.
    Can someone please recommend a company to enlarge a stone patio. I have the name of the current ``stone'' pattern which is available at Dowling Corporation just over the Wrentham line from Norfolk. I am looking to increase the size of the patio by about 80 square feet. It's somewhat frustrating to have people come out, give and estimate... and never call back. Oh well.
    I do have to ask that because of our condo requirements, the person or company has to be insured and also have Workman's Comp. insurance certificates. The ground is free of trees or obstructions and needs only the ``sand'' and binder... whatever that is. This would be a great after hours job or a ``between jobs'' job. Lunch, cookies/brownies and drinks provided. I can be reached at 508-528-1976.
    - AG (1)

  • 8/25 5:33pm   Hello, everyone.
    Here's a strange question but I'm sure someone out there will have an answer.
    Our cat loves crabgrass. She won't touch the pet store cat grass that we grow for her in the winter so I thought I would gather crabgrass seed and save it to plant in pots during the fall/winter. Does anyone know how to gather and store the seeds and will it grow in a sunny window?
    - AG (1)

  • 8/25 5:32pm   Regarding the transfer station (dump) in all the 30 years I have lived here I have never met anyone working there to be anything but helpful. Actually the "old dump" was more fun.
    - BR (#1)

  • 8/25 5:26pm   LD - Actually, you're not paying $60, plus some percentage of your home's value for the transfer station. The transfer station is supported through the sale of car decals and bag stickers. From time to time there may be a slight shortfall, or extra expenses that the go above the revenues collected from the sale of stickers and decals (like a larger capital expense such as a new compactor), or we may collect more in fees than the station needed to run that year, but for the most part the transfer station is revenue supported.
    (The transfer station is not a true "enterprise fund" like the water department. We do have it in the normal budget and the funds are not segregated, but annually revenues and expenses match up so it's not like there's a double-whammy of having to buy stickers and decals and pay taxes for it.)
    The transfer station costs us $334,000 in FY 12 and we collected about $350,000 in revenue. In FY 13 the station will cost about $390,000, and we're anticipating revenue sufficient to cover that expense. The growth in revenue is attributable to some new opportunities to sell certain materials -- while offering additional benefits to sticker holders; such as loam, compost, and wood chips. The jump in expenses includes higher fuel costs as well as the purchase of some new equipment which will help the station run more efficiently.
    Wrentham's curbside pickup costs the town something like $450,000 per year, and that doesn't include the ancillary things I mentioned. I would also argue that single stream isn't superior to source separation, which is what we do in Norfolk. Single stream is far superior to no recycling at all, but we've been recycling (and at a fairly high level) for years in Norfolk.
    I just think there's something quintessentially New England about doing the work one's self, and going to the transfer station each weekend and seeing your friends and neighbors there. It's one of those things you do in a town. Sitting in your house and letting somebody pick up your trash and then sort through all your recyclables (even in single stream somebody's got to do the sorting) just doesn't seem very Yankee to me...
    As for the observation that you don't seem to get anything for your tax dollars, I would point to two outstanding examples of your tax dollars at work. Something like 56% of that money goes to the Norfolk, King Philip, and Tri-County school systems. Even if you don't have a kid in the schools you are benefiting from the excellent educations our students can earn at our local schools. Another 11 to 12% of your tax dollars go to public safety. Since just 2005 our move to advanced life support has seen our little fire department save 994 "severely distressed" patients, about 142 a year, who were transported to local hospitals and got favorable outcomes. These are lives that would have had much worse outcomes (in most cases death) without the excellent services our men and women provide.
    Not a bad value for your tax dollar.
    - RG, Town of Norfolk

  • 8/25 5:25pm   Coming soon!! Located conveniently on 175 Main Str. (right across from the post office) Ivy Music Academy will offer private lessons in piano, violin, viola, cello, voice, electric and classic guitar and drums. The most affordable prices in the area, high recommended, qualified and experienced teachers. Please contact us at ivymusicacademy@gmail.com. Best Wishes!
    - Todor Stoinov, Director

  • 8/25 5:23pm   Looking for something to do with the kids during the last week of summer vacation? The Norfolk Public Library offers passes to many Boston and area museums. Reserve a pass now http://www.eventkeeper.com/code/events.cfm?curOrg=NORFOLK&curApp=passes and enjoy! The library also sells discounted tickets to the Southwick Zoo in Mendon. The tickets are not dated and are good any time the zoo is open.
    - Robin Glasser, Library Director

  • 8/25 5:22pm   LD: Very well said! I especially liked what you said about people essentially letting power go to their head.
    - AB-G

  • 8/25 5:17pm   NCTV is preparing a video for the opening of the Freeman-Kennedy School on September 8th. We are looking for photos/videos of the school buildings (Central/Freeman/Centennial) but mostly the Centennial at this point (especially its construction). If anyone has photos and/or video they would like to share, we could be very grateful! Please e-mail Katy@norfolkcable.com with questions or to make arrangements. Thanks!
    - Katy Woodhams, NCTV Editor

  • 8/25 5:15pm   To FB, I was just posing my exercise classes and saw you are looking for chimney work. My husband has been in business for over 30 years doing general masonry (chimney/fireplace etc.) He can be reached at (508) 520-3301or cahalaneconstruction@gmail.com I will be happy to give local references.
    - NC

  • 8/25 5:07pm   Norfolk Recreation is offering Fall Adult Exercise programs Residents and Non-residents welcome.
    Instructor: Nanci Cahalane, certified personal trainer/fitness counselor.
    To register please go to www.virtualnorfolk.org/rec or call (508)520-1315 for more info.
    On-line Program Registration will start on Wednesday, September 5 at 10am.
    Strength Training 9:00AM
    Pilates based exercises 9:45AM
    Mondays: Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, *, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5, 19, * 26, Dec 3, 10, 17
    Fridays: Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16, *, 30, Dec. 7, 14
    (* no classes on Monday Oct. 8th and Nov. 12th or Friday Nov. 23rd)
    Combo Class (1/2 hour of strength training, 1/2 hour of Pilates based exercises) Time: 6:30-7:30pm
    Mondays: Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 1, *, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5, 19, 26, Dec 3, 10, 17
    Wednesday Dates: Sept. 12, 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, * Nov. 7, 14, *, 28, Dec. 5, 12 (* no classes on Monday Oct. 8th and Nov. 12th or Wednesday Oct 31st and Nov. 21st)
    Ladies Light Hiking Time: 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM
    Session 1: Thursdays: Sept. 13, 20, 27, Oct. 4, 11, 18 or Saturdays: Sept. 15, 22, 29, Oct. * 13, 20, 27.
    Session 2: Thursdays: Nov 1, 8, 15, * 29, Dec 6, 13 * (note: No hike on Nov 22nd - Thanksgiving Day) or Saturdays: Nov 3, * 17, * Dec 1, 8, 15, 22
    * (note: No hike on Nov 10th - Veteran's Day weekend or Nov 24th - Thanksgiving Weekend)
    - NC

  • 8/25 5:06pm   Host Families are still being sought for international students wanting to study in the US this school year. Due do the numbers still waiting, the Dept of State has extended the placement deadline until Sept. 14. Also, Welcome Families are now being allowed. A Welcome Family is a temporary (4-6 weeks) until a permanent host family is found. It places the kids before the deadline and it's a great way to explore hosting without the full-year commitment. Please contact rossgilleland@yahoo.com for more information. www.cci-exchange.com
    - RG

  • 8/25 5:05pm   Hi All - Just moved to town and looking for a used lawnmower and / or snowblower for sale. Any leads?
    - AT

  • 8/25 5:04pm   I have found the current transfer station employees all to be quite friendly and helpful. There is also a large sign next to the dumpster stating the sticker policy, in fairness to them. On the other hand, I would not condone a tirade either, so I understand your frustration.
    My reason for posting is really to share a now funny story involving a transfer station employee, who has not worked there in quite a few years, and who shall remain nameless. I pulled up to the gates five minutes before closing on a drizzly afternoon with three heavy bags of trash. He had just locked the gate for the day.
    I pointed to my watch and asked him if I could drop off the bags, with appropriate tags of course. He replied by saying, "I am not opening this gate, but if you want to carry them from here to there, go ahead.".
    He stood and watched me from the hut while I hauled three separate, heavy bags from the gate to the dumpster; with his arms crossed and a grin on his face the entire time. Just to make a point, I lugged all three bags over and very politely thanked him for his time.
    - CS

  • 8/25 5:02pm   I have to weigh in on some of the transfer station conversation. As far as the question of using our tax dollars to get curbside service, we absolutely could. But then don't be surprised when your taxes go up. When we moved to Norfolk we had no interest in driving our trash to the transfer station. But after I showed my husband that we could save 75% by going to the station, we dropped the curbside collection. To be fair, it is just my husband and I in the home so our trash generation is pretty low. And I am the one that makes the effort most of the time, so for him it was an easy decision... If you would like to have curbside collection, I strongly encourage you to get it from some of the reputable companies in our area. Lets just not force the whole town to have to adopt that program.
    As to the question of when can we start collected our recyclables as a single stream system, I respectfully suggest that we won't get the bang for our buck on that. Normally, offering single stream recycling to towns that don't have a great recycling rate will increase the amount of recycling. But Norfolk has a pretty good rate (I believe its around the 50% level as of 2008 figures). Also, when we collect the glass, paper, cardboard, etc in separate containers we can market if for better money. Cardboard was going for $200/ton not too long ago. But if you combine it in one container you can't sell the stuff, you have to pay to have it taken away. So your revenue just became an expense.
    On a personal note, the folks at the transfer station have been top notch to deal with. When I forgot to get a new sticker, they were extremely nice about my oversight.
    - POH

  • 8/25 5:00pm   I want to share a positive experience that I had at a Barber Shop that recently opened. I thought I'd let all men, moms and dads of boys know that Wrentham Barber Shop just opened two weeks ago (right next to Dunkin Donuts) in Wrentham Center. David and Mike (formerly of John's Barber Shop) are excellent with kids of all ages, give great haircuts and offer wonderful, personable service. I will definitely bring my boys back. I am wishing them much success in their new business!
    - DMS

  • 8/22 2:02pm   Swingset with 2 swings, slide and buoy ball. In good condition. Free to anyone who would like to come take it away! Call ... or email sharonmidura@hotmail.com
    - SM

    [Update 8/25 4:08pm: swingset has been taken - SM]

  • 8/22 1:57pm   I'm looking for a piano instructor in town for two young children. If anyone has any recommendations, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks,
    - AL

  • 8/22 1:56pm   Sitter wanted: Looking for someone to pick up daughter from 6th grade 4-5 days per week. Hours are generally 3:00 p.m. until 6:30 daily with some days longer as needed (and communicated in advance). Help with homework, prepare dinner most nights, light cleaning, drive to activities in surrounding towns. Clean driving record. Non-smoker. Comfortable with pets. Contact me through Wm. [Use box393@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - AF

  • 8/22 1:54pm   MW: The reason you've not encountered what JW did is because you've been using the facility for 20 years, and are apparently familiar with the rules. For those of us not as familiar as thou, I think it a reasonable assumption that one could use the transfer station to drop off household refuse for a mere annual fee of $60 plus 2% of your home's value.
    One's reaction to the town employee's bellicose, however, is moot. Town employees work for us, and if any of my employees acted similarly to me, or my clients, they'd be standing in line at the unemployment office. A simple communication to the offending party that all household refuse bags require a sticker (and perhaps some assistance loading the bags back into the offending party's vehicle) would've been sufficient. Personally, my experience with these guys has been pleasant for the most part, except for one incident involving my dropping off a load of packing paper the day after Christmas when they were expecting tremendous volume of wrapping paper. I'm still not sure why it was I that had to wait until the following week to drop off my recyclables, but whatever.
    I don't mean to pick on the transfer station guys, as I've had enough experience with other town employees to know that most are capable of unloading on any one of us. This is typical of what happens when we allow our government to assume too much responsibility. Many simply cannot handle the power that comes with the authority which prevents us citizens from doing what seems completely appropriate and just. The irony is that we're forced to pay for the abuse.
    I really like JLH's suggestion that the town use our tax dollars to pick up our trash. I don't see a lot of other services for the amount of money I'm paying.
    - LD

  • 8/22 1:53pm   While we are on the topic of the Transfer Station, does anyone know if there are any plans within the near future to upgrade to single-stream recycling containers? I have read that once people no longer have to sort their recyclables on their own, that recylcing increases and less waste ends up in the landfills and polluting the environment. After witnessing some of the chaos and traffic at the Transfer Station on multiple Saturday mornings, it would seem that this would be an excellent solution to the traffic jams, and almost eliminate the need to have town employees pick out and sift through materials that have been sorted incorrectly. Never mind the amount of time this would save the townspeople. I know most of the neighboring towns either have single stream recycling pickup, or offer it at the town transfeer station.
    - TC

  • 8/22 1:52pm   Looking to have our chimney inspected, cleant and a cap installed. Any good name out there. thanks.
    - FB

  • 8/22 1:50pm   Still looking for or thinking about preschool for your little one? My Little Preschool has two spaces available due to a late cancellation. My Little Preschool is a home preschool classroom in Norfolk for children ages 2.6 to 4 years of age. The hours are from 9:00-1:00 with snack and lunch included. We enjoy many different activities from art, to cooking, stories, songs, outdoor play, sensory play, and the list goes on! Please call or email for more information or to arrange a visit. Contact information: Laurie Hayes, (508)528-7373 or emailforlaurie@aol.com. Thank you so much and I look forward to talking to you!
    - Laurie Hayes, My Little Preschool

  • 8/22 1:49pm   JQB - If the leaks are at all the connections then I would check to see if there is a rubber washer in the female end of the connection. These tend to dry out over time, or may have fallen out in the store where you bought them.
    - AB

  • 8/22 1:48pm   To fill your water bottles, try the Clicquot Club Company shed on Route 109 in Millis. It is across the street from Roche Bros. groceries and beside the Ann & Hope Curtain & Bath Outlet.
    - DLJ

  • 8/22 1:47pm   Bill has over 6 cord of aged firewood. It is from our property - oak, white ash and maple. He will deliver. Cord or truckload (4/10th of a cord). $220 cord, $100 truck load. Call Bill at 508-528-6688
    - SC

  • 8/22 1:46pm   MS - I believe there is a spring water fill station of sorts next door to the Ann & Hope on Rte 109 in Millis.
    - JLH

  • 8/22 1:45pm   To MW: About your LG washing machine- I would give Randy at Patriot Appliance Service a call at 508-384-2911. He will call you right back and you can ask him if he services LG machines. I have had him fix both a washer and a dryer and have referred him to friends as well. We have all been very pleased with his service. Good luck.
    - EM

  • 8/22 1:44pm   Re the LG washer , I recommend Lakeview Appliance Repair @ 508 883 8013. Bruce is very nice, reasonably priced and if he can't fix an LG, I bet he knows who can. He has been here many times, even once on a Sunday.
    - AB-G

  • 8/22 1:43pm   Re the leaks: I doubt that the leaks are from water pressure. If the pressure is high, it would just flow faster and harder from the other end, I think. I am not sure whether water presssure is controlled at the house or at the source. Check with the water dept on that. There are gaskets - little rubber circles - that can be snugged into the recesses of the female end of the connection to stop leaks... Some of these hoses and sprinklers they make now, although costly, have poorly designed manufactured connections where the threads are not sharply formed enough to really grab. I'd get in touch with the manufacturer of the hose to see if they have any advice. There are supplementary connectors that bridge the connection between the hose and the faucet. They are easily found and pretty cheap. Give them a call at the hardware store in town, too. Those leaking hoses are a real pain and waste a lot of water.
    - AB-G

  • 8/22 1:30pm  
    To: JW
    From: DPW

    Please accept our sincere apologies for the negative experience you and your wife encountered at our Norfolk Transfer Station last Saturday (8-18-12)

    I would like you, your wife and all of our Customers to know that the experience you described is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

    However, I need to hear from the Employee. In that effort we have schedule a meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) to discuss the incident and decide on a corrective action.

    Anyway, sounds like you won't be stopping by the Transfer Station anytime soon. Please "Don't let that be the case"!

    I think most People will tell you that going to the Transfer Station is a good experience. Our Workers are on a first name basis with so many Customers, I couldn't be prouder.

    We hope you and all our Sticker Holders will give us as many chances we need to get it right. I think we're getting there

    Good luck with the new Baby!!

    - Bob McGhee, Director of Public Works - Norfolk

  • 8/22 1:29pm   JQB - check your washers. They may be old or may not have been installed. Replace them with rubber washers not the plastic ones that come with hoses and sprinklers these days. The device attached to the spigot is not a pressure reducer. It is most likely a back flow preventer which is code in Norfolk. Good luck!!
    - RJP

  • 8/20 3:42pm   The Women's Fellowship of the Federated Church of Norfolk is currently seeking craft vendors/business vendors for the Holly fair that will be held on November 17, 2012. If you are interested in renting a table, please contact Lorna Carter at lmcarter2001@yahoo.com. The cost of the table is $75.00 with a discount for Federated Church of Norfolk members. Space is limited; please be sure to reserve your table by October 31. First come first serve.
    - LD

  • 8/20 3:41pm   JW - Read of your experience at the transfer station and am shocked. My family has been using this for 20 years and have never encountered anything like that. The guys that work there have always been helpful and pleasant. I know I would want want to stand there in all kinds of weather to make sure the bags had stickers on them. When they bring it to your attention they are only doing their job. How was your attitude back to this guy?
    - MW

  • 8/20 3:40pm   I need someone who can repair LG clothes washers. I called LG, and they gave me one person that serviced this area. Called that person, and he said that he will not travel to Norfolk. Help!
    - MW

  • 8/20 3:39pm   JW: Too bad you didn't get his name. I would've assumed the same thing you did. Try going to Town Hall at 5:50 after work to get information from, say, the Assessor's Office. They are supposed to be working until 6 PM (they have Fridays off). I had a simple question and as soon as I approached, this lady just about had a fit because it was 5:50. If these town workers worked in the real world and tried this with customers, they'd be gone. Do they even realize we are their "customers?"
    - KB

  • 8/20 3:38pm   I noticed that I am having leaks when I use my outside water faucets. The hoses are new and don't leak but leaks do occur on the hoses at the connections to sprinklers, hose nozzles, etc.
    Do we have excessive water pressure here in town? If so, do we have pressure reducers installed? I have some type of device screwed onto the threads on each outside faucet that I have to screw the hose connection into. Is that a reducer?
    Has any one else had this problem? Any suggestions as to how to fix?
    - JQB

  • 8/20 3:37pm   JW - Sorry to hear about your negative experience at the "dump". Maybe since the attendants as so vigiliant they should have a booth to sell "trash bag stickers" right there. Just a postive idea for a solution. Or even, how about our tax dollars working for us and we get town trash pick up at every residence? Now that is a novel idea !
    - JLH

  • 8/20 3:36pm   Hello, We recently moved into town and are looking for a local place to refill our 5 Gallon water cooler jugs. There was a coin operated spring water station in our old town and we can't seem to find one here. Does anyone know if such a thing exists in the MetroWest area? We're trying to stay away from a delivery service.
    - MS

  • 8/20 3:34pm   Norfolk's only office left - 30 years - same location! - We are Norfolk.
    Bruce E Johnston Real Estate - Boutique Real Estate office, offering, for the first time in 12 years, a full real estate apprenticeship. If accepted, you will be trained and coached by the best in the business, represtenting 30 years in the brokerage and building industry. Successful applicant must have a MA Real Estate License and a desire to be the best in the industry. Accepting applications from Beginners and Experienced Agents who want to start over again doing it the "Right" way this time. Contact Bruce: 508-520-7870
    - BJ, Bruce E Johnston Real Estate

  • 8/20 3:33pm   JW: I read your post with interest, though not surprise. I've lived here for almost 17 years and have always thought that many who work for the town have contempt for us taxpayers, though, to be fair, things are somewhat better now. Within 3 months of living here, I caught the head of one of the departments told a great big lie to my face. I went to the town administrator who seemed shocked. (I suspect he was shocked that someone had bothered to actually complain.) The building inspector, whom I bet some of you reading this will remember, was an incredible [hard-liner]: He wouldn't give me a photocopy of the inspections that had been done on my house! He told me I could sit down and copy them. I spoke to the State about that. JW, while I know it is sort of satisfying to blow off steam on the Net, I suggest you tell your story about the aggressive behavior at the Transfer Sta. to Jack Hathaway at the Town Hall. Unfortunately the vast majority of us can't do a thing about this outlandish incident.
    - AB-G

  • 8/20 3:32pm   MON: For your own sake, stop reading this! At least stop posting. I thought everything out there was so wonderful and N was just the God-forsaken, last exit off the bridge to nowhere. Thanks for the memories, but live your life and don't look back. Best,
    - AB-G

  • 8/18 12:36pm   Just had a very unpleasant experience at the transfer station. I have regular garbage pick-up but forgot to put out my garbage this week. I have a current transfer sticker and thought I could throw my garbage out at my town dump since I paid about $60.00 for the sticker. Went to go unload the garbage and this older man came literally screaming at me and in my face asking where my tags were. After telling him twice that I did not know what he was talking about, he yelled that every bag needs a tag and told me the price.
    I could not believe that he was so rude and in my opinion excessively angry about this (am I the ONLY person in Norfolk who has ever made this grave mistake?!), I decided to leave with my garbage and wait for my reg. pick-up, so I started walking back to my car with my three bags. He began screaming at me "Hold up, hold up, Where are you going?" I told him that I was all set (could he not see that I was walking AWAY from the dumpster?) and to stop following me and yelling in my face.
    I cannot believe, that as a town, we have employees that act this way! Really, what kind of department employs people that cannot rationally and calmly explain rules? It's scary to think of town employees with impulse control issues working with the general public. There was absolutely no reason to explode like that with someone who is clearly (by proof of transfer sticker) a resident. My pregnant wife was in the car and was scared at the overt display of anger. Very disappointing.
    - JW

  • 8/18 12:38pm   Growing pet service business is looking for a part-time/assistant dog walker and pet sitter to join our team. Ideal candidate is reliable, responsible, trustworthy, punctual, conscientious and friendly. Having some prior experience with dogs (personal and/or professional) a plus. Individual must feel comfortable walking several dogs at a time, is capable of handling all types of breeds and temperaments and must be willing to work in all types of weather. Position also includes some marketing responsibilities and will provide a number of opportunities to learn proper dog obedience training for the right candidate.
    - must possess a valid Massachusetts drivers license, have a car and the ability to read maps
    - has a cell phone with texting capabilities
    - is available weekdays during normal office hours/weekend work may also be required
    - lives in the Norfolk, Franklin, Walpole, Medfield, Millis area and is willing to travel to local surrounding communities
    Pay rate varies between $7.50 per walking client (less than 1/2 hour) to $15 per walking client (up to 1 hour). Gas allowance is an additional bonus based on number of visits completed per month. There are also additional opportunities to make money boarding dogs in your home and/or doing extra evening/weekend walks if interested.
    To apply for this position, please email kelleyslanding@gmail.com. Include resume and cover letter briefly explaining why you would make a good candidate.
    - LK

  • 8/18 12:37pm   Hi everyone, Anyone recommend where to buy seasoned firewood? Thanks,
    - JMD

  • 8/18 12:34pm   MR: I just had my bathroom floor and shower retiled by O'Leary Tile and Marble (Jay). He did a great job - tiling and demo; if you like, contact me at j8675309d@aol.com for a picture. His prices were reasonable and finished the job in one week (including Saturdays). I supplied the tile. Good luck !
    - JW

  • 8/17 1:27am   JA - my neighbor has a gold Honda for sale on River Road (not sure of the house # but, drive on over and you will find it) It is right in her driveway with a For Sale Sign.
    - JLH

  • 8/17 1:26am   Hello! Can anyone recommend a good tile contractor? We need to re-tile our bathroom floor and are looking for someone local, reliable and neat. Thanks.
    - MR

  • 8/17 1:25am   Hello Norfolk, Car Show this Saturday in Wrentham:
    I just want to let you know about Autofest 2012 at the Crackerbarrel Fairgrounds in Wrentham this Saturday August 18th at 2:00pm till 8:00pm. 2 bands, DJ Bruce Palmer, Texas BBQ of Northborough, Flea market and classic cars. We will kids activates such as Valve cover racing. Plenty of free parking. Go to Masscruisers.com for more details.
    Hope to see you all there!
    - Patrick Touhey, Mass Cruisers Auto Club

  • 8/17 1:24am   Voice lessons!! Music By Musial is currently accepting new voice students for the 2012-2013 school year. Students must be at least 11 years old, and are preferred to be in at least the 7th grade. Adults are also welcome. I have an extensive background in vocal training and have over 22 years of experience. I studied voice in both college and graduate school, and hold a Masters of Music degree from the New England Conservatory of Music. Please contact me at musicbymusial@gmail.com or visit betterfly.com/christinemusial for more information.
    - CM

  • 8/17 1:23am   Stony Brook Summer Star Search Friday August 24, 8 pm - 10 pm. Join the Cloudy Nights Astronomy Group for an evening of star gazing. Use telescopes and binoculars to search out and view the planets, stars, and galaxies of the summer sky. Learn techniques for navigating from point to point in the night sky. Do you know the summer constellations? This is your opportunity to get a guided tour. Registration is required. For ages 7 and up. $8 members & $10 non-members. Register online at www.massaudubon.org or call 508-528-3140 to register by phone.
    - DLJ

  • 8/17 1:22am   Another great experience with Flooring America in Franklin. I think Joan is great to work with and the installer (hardwood floor) did a fantastic job. I recommend them without reservation!
    - MJD

  • 8/16 5:16pm   Just a reminder that we have a make-up concert this afternoon from 6:00 to 7:30 on Town Hill. The name of the performer is "The Black and White Band". The Black and White Band will play Swing/Rhythm and Blues and any requests that you may have. Bring you blanket, lawn chairs and supper and enjoy some great entertainment!
    - KO, Norfolk Recreation

  • 8/15 3:57pm   Anyone selling a car please let us know! Our daughter will be commuting to college in the Fall. Thank you!
    - JA

  • 8/15 3:56pm   Medivac helicopter landed in St. Jude parking lot. Accident at Seekonk and Fruit Streets. (From Sue, Secretary at St. Jude)
    - SC

  • 8/15 3:55pm   Hi! My name is Rachel Addison and I'm looking for an all day (9ish-5ish) Tuesday/Thursday nanny job from September through May. I'm a 22 year old long time Norfolk resident and have my own transportation. Also, I have plenty of references upon request. If interested, please contact me through my e-mail, rachelalsu@yahoo.com.Thanks!
    - RA

  • 8/15 3:53pm   Has anyone else in town picked up nails in their tires. I have had three in three tires in the last two weeks. One in a brand new tire. I've been cutting through Grove to White Pond, Castle to Meeting House Rd. to Walgreens. Thought it may be where the nails are with all the building going on. Just curious and trying to give others a heads up.
    - MEC

  • 8/14 8:32pm   Anyone have any idea what the story is behind what looked like a police helicopter flying near the St. Judes/Alice Ave./Main St. intersection, really, really low?? Thanks
    - DS

  • 8/14 8:21pm   Hi! We are moving and I have some things we would like to sell. We have a Constructive Playthings swing set, it has 4 swing hooks (right now there is a big kid's swing, a trapeze, a baby swing and a two seated see saw, and I have an extra swing), a climbing ramp with rope, a slide, and a platform underneath. It has a green canopy. $200 and it's yours, you just have to come get it.
    We also have a set of patio furniture, including a couch, love seat, chair, end table, a table lamp and a floor lamp. I have slipcovers over the furniture as the fabric on the cushions is worn, they just need recovering. $75 for all of it, just come get it.
    We have a metal and glass flat screen TV stand, it held our 60 inch flat screen so it's a fairly large piece. $50.
    We have a toy climber with slide that was used inside in our playroom. It's cute and has some learning activities on the platform. $50.
    We also have an upright freezer, and it's $50.
    If you're interested in any of these please let me know... katiesmom@mindspring.com Thanks!
    - SF

  • 8/14 8:19pm   With the fall season, monthly Pancake Breakfasts will return to the Federated Church of Norfolk. Due to the Labor Day Holiday, our first breakfast of the season will be Saturday, September 8, from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. In the following months we will be serving breakfast the first Saturday of every month through June. In addition to our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will also cook omelets or fresh eggs to order. Fresh homemade biscuits and sausage gravy will also be served. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5. Breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town Common. The breakfast is served in the church vestry, which is handicapped accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
    - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 8/14 8:18pm   It the pleasure of the Federated Church of Norfolk to announce that the position of Director of Children's Music Ministry has been filled. Bonnie O'Connell has agreed to join the Staff of the Federated Church in this position and will begin her work with the children in September. Bonnie has been teaching music and technology in the Norfolk School System for the last thirty-five years. Bonnie grew up in the church, and is looking forward to this new chapter in her life.
    Our hope is that we will soon be including our children's choir in the Sunday morning worship schedule. The days and times of rehearsals are yet to be determined, however choir rehearsals are likely to be on Sunday mornings either immediately before or after worship.
    - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 8/14 8:17pm   The Sunday worship at the Federated Church of Norfolk will return to 10:00 AM starting on Sunday, September 2. The church is located at the corner of Rt. 115 and Main Street in the center of Norfolk. Handicap access is available and worship is also simulcast to the church parlor, where several self-lift chairs are located. The Federated Church is affiliated with the American Baptist Church and the United Church of Christ. The very popular Sunday School program for children will start on September 16 during worship. For further information visit fcon.org or contact the church office at 508-528-0262.
    - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 8/14 7:31pm   For sale: Garrett Ace 250 Metal Detector, used twice. Find coins, jewelry, relics, gold & silver, etc. first time out on the beach, backyard, etc. Paid over $270 and will sell at $245.; Price includes not only the metal detector but the Metal Detector Headphones, treasure finds bag, composite trowel, deluxe tool pouch. 508-384-3966.
    - MG

  • 8/14 7:28pm   Can someone help? I have two college students coming for a visit next week and, would love to be able to travel by train into Boston. One of the students has never even been on a train before. They also are trying to get Red Sox tickets to take in a game, Would anyone be going on vacation next week that has a monthly train pass that at least one of the students can use for the day. I will personally make sure you get the pass back that same day. We didn't realize how costly it would be for them to purchase round trip tickets just to get into Boston. If anyone in Norfolk can help these students out please send your phone number through the webmaster and I will phone you.
    - DH

  • 8/14 7:21pm   Asking $2,750 for a 2002 Rockwood Freedom Model 1940 LTD Pop-up Tent Trailer Very Good Condition; Sleeps 6 (two standard double beds, one queen bed) Furnace (10,000-12,000 BTU); 3-way Refrigerator; Stabilizer Jacks (Crank Down) Awning (Self Storing); Manual Roof Lift System; Indoor/Outdoor gas stove Spare Tire and Carrier; Tires - good condition; Battery replaced - May 2011 Non-smoker and no pets. Recently serviced - cables greased, wheel bearings checked OK, Refrigerator and Furnace checked OK, Lights checked OK, Tires checked OK complete set of user manuals; will consider best offer
    Description: http://images.craigslist.org/5L95Z25J83Ma3J33o1c88d1caa91163a91bb3.jpg
    - EN

    [Update 8/15 3:54pm: It was sold tonight. Thank you! - EN]

  • 8/14 7:20pm   To LB who is looking for a math tutor for her 5th grade son, call Hilda Douglas (508-528-9762). She tutored my 3 children over a seven year period. She has been very helpful to us, and is an excellent resource. My second child was never a "math" person, yet she found success due Hilda's help. She specializes in junior high math according to the NorfolkNet business listings, but I recommend her to you as a resource, regardless.
    16 Brookside Lane, Norfolk // 508-528-9762 hilda.douglas@comcast.net
    Concentration: Jr. high math through Pre-cal, including SAT math prep.
    - EC

  • 8/14 7:15pm   FREE Weider 8630. Weider 8630 Home Gym going free, excellent condition just need the room Will need to pick up. Norfolk area. Sean. (617) 229 8163
    - SN

    [Update 9/2 4:12pm: Home gym is gone - SN]

  • 8/14 7:10pm   LB - My wife is a teacher in Walpole and would be more than happy to tutor your son. Wm can give you my contact info if you're interested.
    - KP

  • 8/14 7:09pm   I am looking for a painter for my kitchen cabinets and would like to get the word out for recommendations. Thanks,
    - GZ

  • 8/14 7:05pm   Free to a Good Home - framed pictures of Mao Tse Tung (Tongue) and Ho Chi Min, ready to hang! I can't stand to look at them anymore and it clashes with my ducks and moose decor!
    What's up with all the mold, huh? Any PowerWashers out there?
    - MON

  • 8/14 7:00pm   I currently have several items for sale following a move.
    King split box spring/foundation: Stearns and Foster, excellent condition, approximately five years old, would also work as two twin box springs, $50 each or $90 for the set.
    Set of two living room lamps: originally from Jordan's, good condition, dark wood and chrome, $45 each or $80 for the set.
    Chandelier: brass finish, two tiers of lighting, excellent condition, $150.
    Pictures of the items are available upon request, contact medora.champagne@gmail.com.
    - MC

  • 8/12 10:42pm   Saw a pair of officers this evening (Liberty Ln) observe a lady about 65?-ish poorly attempt to walk one foot in front of the other. She walked right into her trunk. After knowing a few more officers have been struck lately, I just want to thank our police for still being brave enough to get right out in the street and enforce. I felt a little more secure on the way home. A minute later my neighbor, from Medway St, tailgated me with highbeams but only until they turned home. Drive safe folks, slow & steady wins the race.
    - MN

    [What's up with the high beams lately? It seems the last few years it's gotten worse than ever - are people more selfish, or just that oblivious? I ride a motorcycle even in winter, and when I'm blinded I can't rely on the vehicle staying upright over road hazards that I can no longer see. - Wm.]

  • 8/12 10:41pm   LS. Thank you for the Autosound suggestion. I really want to have this done so they may be getting a customer any day! Thanks again.
    - AMG (1)

  • 8/12 10:40pm   Hi BPS, I used a local man, Dan from Custom Carpentry, on our deck; great job, cleaned up everything each day and very punctual, friendly and good prices and lives in Nofolk. His number is 781-915-4438. Thanks
    - ES

  • 8/12 10:36pm   We have 8 bags of Mag ice pellets that we can't use - we are moving. Willing to sell for $5.oo a bag; get it before you can't. Call Ken @ 781-254-5795
    - KB

    [Update 8/22 1:42pm: the ice pellets are sold - KB]

  • 8/12 10:35pm   Hi - I am looking for a math tutor for my son who is going into 5th grade. Any suggestions?
    - LB

  • 8/12 10:28pm   We have a black chatty cat, just beautiful with green eyes. The cat was found near Medway and Main. Please let me know if you've lost your kitty and we'll bring her back. jenlafond@hotmail.com or 520-1340.
    - JL

  • 8/12 10:22pm   My neighbor told us he saw a large coyote coming from our woods about 7:30 Tues. evening, along our chain link fence, down our second driveway and he chased it across the street. First thank you for your action. We have a fence around our back yard for the safety of our 3 small dogs. We have a doggie door that we usually put the door in around dusk. Now we are closing it around 6 PM. Taking the dogs out later, before bed, not just standing on the porch. I hope this keeps our dogs safe. How adept are coyotes at jumping fences?
    - JW

  • 8/12 10:20pm   BPS: We just had some rotten floor boards replaced on our porch and we've had other small handman fixes taken care of meticulously by Eric Geiger, right here in town!
    - AL

  • 8/12 10:18pm   Regarding the post about oil burners, if you're looking to save money this winter on heating cost, the best way is to switch from oil to gas or propane - it's the only way to get the combustion efficiency up to 96%. If you don't want to switch or can't, the best way to save is by using a duel fuel system. That is using a carrier high efficiency greenspeed heatpump to heat your house until the outside temp reaches 25 or 30 then your oil or gas boiler will kick on to heat the rest. The heat pump runs on DC voltage with makes it extremely effective in reducing electric bills.
    Any questions about duel fuel systems and high efficiency gas or propane boilers call Prevett Heating and Cooling at 508 543 1198. Or visit prevettheating.com You can also YouTube carrier greenspeed, they have a great video explaining the greenspeed technology.
    - PB

  • 8/8 11:47pm   Free cat to good home!! Social, friendly indoor male cat, 2 1/2 yrs old- great with kids!! Spayed and vaccinated, declawed. ``Alfonzo'' needs to find a new home due to allergies. Please contact Julie at juliegomes@verizon.net if interested.
    - JG

    [Update 8/12 10:33pm: Alfonzo has found a new home. Thank you!! - JG]

  • 8/8 11:46pm   Free to a good home... I have about a yard of sandbox/construction grade sand and several (not whole, but good sized) pieces of vinyl lattice to anyone who wants them. If you want the sand, please bring your own containers. Contact me at beverlybab@comast.net
    - BB

  • 8/8 11:45pm   Nothings New antiques and uniques will be having a no-tax weekend, plus 15% sale on Saturday and Sunday, 8/11th and 8/12th. We have lots of unique items - get there early to check out all of the new "booty". We are located at 224 Dedham Street, Route 1A, Norfolk, MA. Our hours are from 10-5. Any questions, please call us at 508-384-7666. Thanks,
    - LK, Nothing's New

  • 8/8 11:44pm   I am interested in finding out about girls (age 10) youth volleyball programs in the area. Thanks.
    - FC

  • 8/8 11:43pm   Any recommendations for someone to repair some wood around the house and to clean up a deck? Thanks,
    - BPS

  • 8/8 11:41pm   Congratulations to the Little Green Book for 30 years of being a handy reference! [Metro West Daily article]
    - Wm.

  • 8/8 11:40pm   Starting the process of researching new burners before the winter. Does anyone have any experience with the Energy Kinetics 2000? Any suggestions for another quality system? Thank you!
    - SD

  • 8/8 11:32pm   Thinking of boarding our border collie at Northeast Kennels on Winter Street in Walpole. Usually go to Red Dog in Mansfield but its quite a drive. Any comments? Thanks,
    - JP

  • 8/8 11:31pm   To JH: Try Jackson Massage Therapy right here in Norfolk on Main Street. Karla is amazing!
    - JP

  • 8/8 11:30pm   AMG - Go to AutoSound on Route 1 in Plainville. They install these all the time and do work for many Toyota dealers. Surprised your 2011 Camry doesn't have one, most of the option packages came with a back up cam included. If you bring it to a Toyota dealer, they will sub it out to shops like above.
    - LS

  • 8/8 11:27pm   Kyle detailed our sad-looking Hyundai Sonata and turned it into a shining showpiece. He did a great job! His rates are more than reasonable. Here is his contact information once again: (1774) 722- 5010 or E-mail at ksexton1@ksc.mailcruiser.com
    - SB

  • 8/8 11:26pm   Looking for a "moms" helper to help take care of our 3.5 year old daughter. Very flexible on timing/schedule/pay. Just looking for someone who can give us a few hours a week. Email me for more info! [Use box392@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks!
    - JM

  • 8/6 5:55pm   Hi, I found an under the seat, Serfas, black and red bicycle pouch on Seekonk St. Monday, Aug.6,2012 right beside the railroad tracks. The contents are: all the needs to repair a flat tire, and a copy of a car key. You can pick it up at the office of Dr. JoAnne Many, DMD, 124 Boardman, Norfolk, MA 02056. (508)520-9225; office@housefullofsmiles.com
    - MB

  • 8/6 5:54pm   Hi, We are looking for a responsible person to come to our home to help get our children ready for school in the morning and on the bus four or five days a week. The kids are entering eighth, sixth and fourth grade. The hours are 7 -8:30am. The Middle school student gets on the bus at 7:15 and the elementary students get on the bus around 8:20. The schedule would follow the school calendar. If interested, please email Betsy at bdambro@verizon.net. Thank you.
    - BD

  • 8/6 5:15pm   I am going to be a high school senior this year and I am looking for babysitting jobs in and around Norfolk. I have been babysitting for five years and have babysat for many families. I have plenty of references and have babysat children from 3 months to 13 years old. I do have my own transportation and have many available after-school and weekend hours. I love animals so pets are no problem!
    - KM

  • 8/6 5:14pm   Last call for car detailing! Great prices, Quality work. Wash, Wax, Vacuum, Interior/ Exterior, Tires/Rims. College student from Norfolk with 4 years detailing experience. Flexible with times and schedules. If interested please call Kyle at (1774) 722- 5010 or E-mail at ksexton1@ksc.mailcruiser.com
    - KS

  • 8/6 5:13pm   Hello. Can anyone recommend a wireless rearview camera for cars? Backing up is not my forte, and to be able to see what (or who) I am about to mangle with my car would be very helpful... 2011 Camry. Or conversely... I recently had 2 close calls with people in Market Basket backing out after I started backing out of my parking place (Can anyone explain why ANYONE would back out while using a cell phone???)
    Is a 3.5'' screen adequate and is the reception on these wireless units any good?
    Many thanks.
    - AMG (1)

  • 8/6 5:12pm   RD Call Bill Trainor from Wrentham for guitar lessons. Cell # 508-989-4781.
    - BR (BR#4)

  • 8/6 5:11pm   Any suggestions for a dance studio (Lyric, jazz, tap. etc.) for beginner adults?
    - LS

  • 8/6 5:10pm   JK - for stamped concrete work call Mark Sullivan from All Phase 508-212-3670. He recently did a beautiful front walk for us. His work was meticulous and he went above and beyond what we ever expected. You are welcome to come see his work for yourself; you can contact me through the webmaster.
    - JA

  • 8/6 5:05pm   Cell phone lost at Pond St. fields on Thursday. Phone has a broken screen & is out of battery. If found, please call 508 528-2097.
    - SC

  • 8/6 4:50pm   Some of the soccer referee items have been taken, but I still have 2 shirts (black, yellow, size = adult medium) and a couple of small equipment items to pass down (free!). Contact me via box386@norfolknet.com if you are interested.
    - LK

  • 8/6 4:49pm   JK - We used Percy Concrete out of Wrentham 508-384-2955, they used different colors and were great, we would definitely use them again. You can also check out the work of Sullivan Concrete in Walpole on the town common, 508-668-2405.
    - KH

  • 8/3 5:51pm   JW: Crown Jewelers on Route 1 pays cash for gold and is very reputable to deal with. Good luck.
    - JK

  • 8/3 5:50pm   Hello: Can someone provide a recommendation for a good concrete company? I need some stamped concrete work done. Thanks.
    - JK

  • 8/2 11:24pm   Does anyone know how far the gas is going on Main Street?
    - PD

  • 8/2 11:22pm   Does anyone know of good places for guitar lessons? Thanks,
    - RD

  • 8/2 11:21pm   To AL--Just read your post asking about someone to do work on a front stoop. Lester Darling replaced our bricks with granite (our choice) and made an awful looking concrete stoop look beautiful by doing the same. The concrete was in good shape, so we opted to cover it with stone on the risers (front of steps) and sides and cover the stoop with granite. Our walkway is in terrible shape and one day we hope to have Lester come back to replace it.
    - EF

  • 8/2 11:18pm   Lost Cat - Light Gray tiger, long and skinny. Noon Hill Area. Junie B has been missing for about 2 weeks and we miss her dearly. If you've seen her or any cat that you don't know, please call and let us know. 508 528-0449 Thanks!
    - LW

  • 8/2 11:17pm   KM - for your backsplash call Franklin Tile/Carpet One - Anthony Avedisian 508 528 2713. Please tell him The PC Handyman sent you.
    - ES

  • 8/2 11:16pm   Have a wedding or special event coming up? Certified makeup artists, Beth and Joanne, provide you with a unique team experience to help make you look and feel your most beautiful. We can service wedding parties in half the time of single artists, but at the same pricing. Want to get your friends together for a makeover night? We can do that too! Give Beauty Cuties a call @ 508-864-3618 or 617-640-8733.
    - BO

  • 8/2 11:15pm   It's not too late to sign up to see the StarLab Traveling Planetarium exhibit at Norfolk Public Library. On Saturday, August 11, astronomer Jeff Lane will take you on a tour of the night sky projected on the inside of a giant inflatable dome. It's thrilling for children, teens, and adults! Registration is required to attend this event. Space is still available in the 12:30, and 1:00 time slots. Each showing lasts approximately 25 minutes. All children age 4-7 must be accompanied by an adult. Children under 4 not permitted.
    - AR, Youth Services Librarian, Norfolk Public Library

    [Update 8/6 5:16pm: the show is actually at 1:00pm, and the 11:30am show is full - AR]

  • 8/2 11:14pm   I am looking for an experienced and fun person to spend time with my 9 year old between camp break and when school starts. It would be weekdays from the 15th to the 31st, or whatever days you could manage. Transportation is important, as excursions are a big plus. Please contact me if you are interested. Thanks! box391@norfolknet.com
    - AP

  • 8/2 11:09pm   LV,.. or he or she may simply like your food better than that which is offered at the cat's home! We've had cats adopt our family for months at a time, only to disappear, leaving not so much as a goodbye note, then reappear at random intervals, to use us some more. I guess we were supposed to feel honored to have been chosen to serve. We did! Good luck.
    - MJS

  • 8/2 10:53pm   Looking for full & part time stylist with clientele, preferably call 774-991-4154. or e-mail AtteridgeL@yahoo.com. Medway area.
    - GLZ

  • 7/31 5:38pm   Last Wednesday on July 25th this beautiful, well groomed, very friendly cat showed up on my front porch. I think it is a boy but I could very well be wrong. We do not believe this cat is a stray cat, it is our belief that this cat is someone's pet and has gotten lost. We also think that this cat lives close by to us and is just scared to adventure through the woods to their home. We are located on Seekonk street near Boardman. If this is your missing cat please contact me and we will happily get him home safely.
    - LV

  • 7/31 5:37pm   To JH - Darrah at Holistic Wellness Center in Medfield is a fantastic massage therapist. She is one of the owners and is very upfront about her experience in different specialties. I happen to see her for a chronic condition, but she talked with me extensively before I booked my appt. You can give her a call at 508-359-7400 or www.holisticwellnesscenter.net
    - RN

  • 7/31 5:34pm   REMINDER - Deadline to change political party or register to vote for 9/6 primary is 8/17/2012 at 8PM. Absentee Ballots are now available at Town Hall. The election will take place at the new Freeman Kennedy School. Thanks,
    - Shawn C. Dooley, Town Clerk

  • 7/31 5:33pm   Cub/Boy Scouts: I have a Boy Scouts of America Tan Youth Large short sleeved shirt in good condition that I'd like to pass along to a scouting family in town, please call (508)-520-1572.
    - CR

  • 7/31 5:32pm   Jaquie Rolke at Gateway Muscular Therapy is excellent. She uses different techniques depending on your issue, she continues to take classes and attend workshops and is very knowledgeable about anatomy and how it's affected by different injuries and conditions. Her business is at Gold's Gym in Millis. She has a website. She kept me going for a long time until I was ready to have my knee replaced.
    - AB-G

  • 7/31 5:31pm   17 year old experienced child care provider looking for work in the Norfolk area. I have spent the last 3 summers involved in various volunteer positions at the YMCA summer camps. I am also a religious education instructor at St. Jude's Church. I have lots of references and my own transportation nights and weekends. Please give me a call at 508-346-3046 and ask for Elyse.
    - PRB

  • 7/31 5:30pm   Hi, Can anyone recommend someone to install a kitchen back splash? Thanks,
    - KM

  • 7/31 5:29pm   Can anyone recommend a reputable place that pays cash for gold jewelry? Thanks!
    - JW

  • 7/31 5:28pm   I've noticed the Norfolk Police driving around the Cresson Ave area. Have there been any house break-ins in that area? Thanks - just a cautious resident.
    - EF

  • 7/31 5:27pm   To JH: Norfolk resident Katie Adams is superb. You can find out more here: http://www.360nmt.com/old/team.html. Good luck.
    - CF

  • 7/31 5:25pm   For Sale: RC6000 Raincatcher Rain Barrel. Used only a couple of seasons -- Dark Green color to blend in with the environment. Collect rain water during the storms to use in your gardens during the dry spells. Paid $150, asking $40. box390@norfolknet.com
    - DC

    [Update 8/25 5:13pm: The rain barrel that was for sale has been sold. Thanks! - DC]

  • 7/31 5:24pm   Referral - gutter cleaning?
    - JG

  • 7/28 1:33pm   Can anyone recommend a local sports massage therapist, and/or a massage therapist that specializes in runners? Thanks!
    - JH

  • 7/28 1:32pm   The Sharon Concert Band will be playing in Wrentham on Sunday, July 29th, at 6:30 p.m, at the Town Common. We'll have a lively mix of Patriotic and popular music, and marches, for your listening pleasure. Bring a blanket, chairs, and a picnic, and join us as we continue Wrentham's summer concert series!
    - CR

  • 7/26 5:35pm   [Old Town Hall parking permits notice, .PDF]
    - BF, Town of Norfolk

  • 7/26 5:31pm   Tonights Summer Concert with the Black and White Band is being CANCELLED! Even though the skies don't look threatening now, the forecast for this evening calls for severe thunderstorms in our area during the concert times. So for the safety of the band and our spectators, Norfolk Recreation has decided to cancel tonight. We are happy to inform you that the Black and White Band is available to reschedule this concert for Thursday, August 16th from 6:00 - 7:30 (please note the concert starts 30 minutes earlier). So save the date on your calendar!
    Mark your calendars and join us for the next and last 3 Thursday Concerts on Town Hill!
    Whiskey Tone Blues Rockabilly: August 2, 6:30-8pm
    The Locals Irish Family Fun: August 9, 6:30-8pm
    Black and White Band Swing/Rhythm and Blues: Aug.16, 6-7:30pm
    Thank you,
    - KO, Norfolk Recreation

  • 7/26 5:30pm   Hi, We have a perfect condition 3 piece entertainment unit and separate DVD cabinet for sale. Looking for $550 for all or $500 and $50 individually. Or make an offer! Solid wood. Have pictures if you would like to see. sst369@yahoo.com
    - ST

  • 7/26 5:29pm   CR. Thank you for your post. I believe the Honda key you found is mine. I have a Honda, my spare key was in a magnetic container and I live on Rte 115. My e-mail is rglincoln1@comcast.net and my cell is 774-571-0980
    - BL

  • 7/25 4:20pm   To LA: I have used Flooring America twice and found them to be both reasonable and professional. I found Franklin Floor and Tile to be incredibly overpriced!
    - JW

  • 7/25 4:18pm   I am looking for a local teenager (Norfolk/KP) who is responsible and likes dogs to pet sit this coming weekend for large dog and small cat; Fri afternoon 7/27 thru Sun eve 7/29. Please send email to StirCrazyMomErin@gmail.com if you or someone you know is interested! Thank you!!
    - EK

  • 7/25 4:17pm   Just had a deck built and was very happy with the carpenter, he was found on Angie's list and I found out he is a local from Norfolk. Company is Custom Carpentry, 781-915-4438; ask for Dan. Did a great job cleaned up after each day and was very couteous and fairly priced!
    - ES

  • 7/25 4:15pm   Lost Sat night behind our house on Stanhope Dr in Norfolk. 2 1/2 year old cat, grey w/ white chin and belly. Her name is Teddy. Sad children looking for her. Any info call 440-5527
    - MC

  • 7/25 4:14pm   MH: What a good thing you've done. I'm sure it cost a ton of money. I will call you.
    - AB-G

  • 7/25 4:13pm   Children age 2-6 are invited to the Norfolk Public Library on Tuesday, July 31 at 10:30 for Start "U" Reading with Dora the Explorer. This program helps children build early literacy skills through storytelling, dramatic play, and imagination. We will be joined by a special guest, Dora the Explorer! Children will have the opportunity to meet Dora and take pictures after the event. Sponsored by the UFund College Savings Plan. Visit [NPL youth services page] to learn more about our summer activities for kids and teens.
    - AR, Youth Services Librarian, Norfolk Public Library

  • 7/25 4:07pm   Dining room table and chairs for sale! $300.00 or BO This set is more than 40 years old. Comes with 2 leaves and protective table covers. Table has 4 legs that have been removed for storage. There are 6 chairs, 2 that are arm chairs. There is a mark on the top of the table. The cushions need cleaning or new upholstery fabric. Good sturdy set with many years of use left in it. Some chairs need the webbing on the back repaired. Call 508-345-3046 or email trish6487@msn.com
    - PB

  • 7/25 4:06pm   Hi, I have two extra tickets for the Red Sox 8-1-2012 7:10 P.M., Boston vs. Detroit Right field box seats Sec 92 Row NN. I paid $60.00 ea. $120.00 for the pair 508-294-3974-cell #
    - PT

  • 7/23 6:41pm   Lopes Construction Inc, masonry and landscaping. Very good references from Norfolk. 774-291-1888
    - LD

  • 7/23 6:40pm   DM being a parent of four KP kids and a photographer yes it drives me nuts! you do need to use the school photographer for the yearbook but many people come to me for prints to buy. check out www.hughesphotography.com I am in Needham and Wrentham.
    - DV

  • 7/23 6:39pm   We are looking for a high school or college student who has some experience with cartoon drawing and/or web design. If you are looking to build your portfolio, we have an opportunity building our blog and brand. Please contact us at 2moms@imperfectmommy.com Please only reply if you have serious interest. Thanks!
    - MZ

  • 7/23 6:38pm   Materials from a chain link fence that is no longer needed available. There are 3 sections - 15', 16' and 60'. Norfolk Fence company original installers; still in great shape. all posts, hardware and 2 gats available. Concrete is still on the posts. You will need to pick up and haul away. Please make an offer. Pictures available upon request.
    please email box389@norfolknet.com or call 781.589.2067.
    - BL

  • 7/23 6:37pm   Found at intersection of Rt. 115 and Everett St.: NISSAN Keyless Entry fob with hidden key.
    - CR

  • 7/23 6:36pm   Found injured young cat. Sunday we found a kitten with a serious and painful injury in our yard. Tufts operated on it last night and had to amputate a portion of its tail. We are trying to find its owner as the vet has indicated it is not a ferrel cat. "Orange Kitty" is approximately 7 months old With beautiful tiger markings. Unfortunately we cannot keep him. If you are missing "Orange Kitty" or can provide a foster until the owner can be located, please call Tim 508-844-7979 or Mary 508-901-1776 Sent from my iPad
    - MH

  • 7/23 6:35pm   Hi everyone. Red Sox for sale!!
    I have two Sox tickets for the game versus the Minnesota Twins on Saturday Aug 4 at 7:10pm for sale. Right field Grandstand, Sec 3 Row 11 Seat 21 and 20. I purchased these through the Recreation Department so you will likely see some friends at the game. $25 or best offer as of Thursday the 26th at 5 pm. Thanks!! box388@norfolknet.com
    - KL

    [Update 7/26 5:28pm: Red Sox Tickets are SOLD! - KL]

  • 7/23 6:34pm   AL-for your stoop, I would highly recommend Lester Darling 508-740=9424. He re-did our old front steps and not only did he do a fabulous job, I felt his price was fair compared to other quotes I received.
    - JA

  • 7/23 6:33pm   MB - looking for a plumber - Jack Giancola 774 277 7222. Tell him The PC Handyman referred you.
    - ES

  • 7/23 6:32pm   To DM - When my child was having graduation pictures taken for the yearbook we were not happy with any of the proofs. After two sittings and still not happy I was told we had to have them taken through the school photographer or the picture could not be in the year book. We ended up only purchasing the picture for the year book, went to Walmart in Attleboro and for around $10.00 got over 100 pictures which we were so pleased with we even bought an additional package.
    - DH

  • 7/23 6:31pm   Regarding a recommendation for a plumber. I recently had Scott Andrews replace two toilets in my home and I can recommend him highly. Professional, neat, great job & a reasonable price. You can reach him at 508-494-7305.
    - EMG

  • 7/23 6:30pm   Has anyone had any experience with Legal Zoom or another one of that type of sites? Also, any recommendations for one of those big cleaning companies? Thanks a lot,
    - AB-G

  • 7/23 6:29pm   EF: You could have called the police if you had your cell. That would have put a stop to their ramble. It's not going to take them away from an emergency. I often see people walking or teaching kids to ride bikes practically in the middle of the road, as if there are no cars in this town, or it's the late 19th century.
    - AB-G

  • 7/22 10:07am   To MM: Re: dishwasher repairman - I would highly recommend Randy at Patriot Appliance Service. He calls you back immediately, does a great job and I think his prices are reasonable and fair. I have had him repair my washer and dryer, and have referred him to friends. We have all been very pleased with his service. His number is 508-384-2911.
    - EM

  • 7/22 10:04am   I was walking at the Norfolk airport the other night and a woman was letting a 12-13 year old girl drive a golf cart around the old runway. Then they drove on River Rd. I've even seen this golf cart driving on Myrtle Street, and tonight they drove up Cresson with no lights.
    What are they thinking. Keep off roads please.
    - EF

  • 7/22 10:01am   Hi all - I want to give a shout-out to Ed, The PC Handyman. I called him this morning as I needed to have some things done to one of our computers. Not only did he get to our house in record time, but he took care of everything I needed to have done, tested everything and explained how to do something on our Mac computer as well. Ed is very personable, has an interesting background and proved to be extremely competent computer repairman. It was the best call I made today!!
    - LP

  • 7/22 10:00am   Does anyone know if you can use your own photographer for a KP High School senior's yearbook photo? If so, who locally would you recommend using? Has anyone figured out how to get around spending hundreds of dollars for that yearbook photo and a few reprints? I'm sure this is a pet-peeve for many out there who have gone through this with their graduates. Thanks in advance for any recommendations/advice.
    - DM

  • 7/22 9:59am   Looking for suggestions for a mason. We have brick stoop, in bad shape, would like to replace brick and add bluestone or limestone top. Nothing fancy.
    - AL

  • 7/22 9:56am   For sale - brown leather recliner - gently used. Extremely comfortable. Moving and can't take with me. Asking $40. Must pick up. Contact me at klenkalex@comcast.net
    - KK

  • 7/22 9:55am   I wanted to give a shout out to the best house painter I have ever worked with, Mr. Dan O'Connell of Norfolk and you can look him up. He just finished my house this week and his job was professional, quick and thorough. I cannot recommend him highly enough. This is the second time I have used him and both jobs were outstanding.
    - BEM

  • 7/22 9:02am   Restaurant recommendation: Coriander in Sharon center has a great buffet for lunch @ $9. They even include chai in the price. This is an Indian resturant.
    Recommendation: The old Tootsies in the center of Wrentham has been turned into a cafe with three levels of terraces. Right now they only have sandwiches and salads for now. They are open from 7 AM to 12 midnight, unless the owner has come to her senses by now. The tables indoor have tablecloths, they serve beer and wine (which is very well priced per glass).
    - AB-G

  • 7/22 9:01am   LA - carpeting - Franklin Tile/Carpet One - Anthony Avedisian 508 528 2713. Please tell him The PC Handyman sent you.
    - ES

  • 7/22 9:00am   MM - handyman - Fran Dupre - 508 450 7363. Please tell him The PC Handyman sent you.
    - ES

  • 7/22 8:59am   Children age 3-12 can visit the Norfolk Public Library on Tuesday, July 24 at 1:00 for Imagine That! Celebrating Reading in Story and Song. Join storyteller Davis Bates and musician Roger Tincknell for stories and songs about night-time, dreams, and dreamers from a variety of different cultures and traditions. This program is supported in part by a grant from the Norfolk Cultural Council a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. Visit [youth library page here] to learn about our other summer activities for kids and teens.
    - AR, Youth Services Librarian, Norfolk Public Library

  • 7/22 8:58am   Hello, Can someone recommend a local, reliable plumber? Thanks,
    - MB

  • 7/22 8:57am   We received a friend-of-a-friend note asking about childcare, is anyone available?
    We are seeking a loving, responsible, and experienced adult (over 18 years old) to watch our son after school 3 days per week, starting with the new school year. He is seven years old, smart, active, and well behaved. We would like a babysitter/nanny to meet him at the bus stop around 3:30 pm, and watch him in our Franklin home until 5-5:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We seek someone with experience with young school aged children who will interact with him and help start his Second Grade homework, without watching TV for the afternoon. Must be a non-smoker, reliable and have own transportation. Love of outer space, soccer, and matchbox cars a plus! If interested, please call 508-641-7664 or email box387@norfolknet.com
    - Wm.

  • 7/18 10:53pm   Is your child just starting out as a referee for youth soccer this fall? I have shirts in 4 different colors, sideline flags, and a few other equipment items to pass down. Contact me through the webmaster. [Use box386@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - LK

  • 7/18 10:52pm   Who do you recommend for buying and installing carpeting? Any and all suggestions are welcome! Thanks.
    - LA

  • 7/18 10:48pm   Hi, I am looking for a repair man for a dishwasher but would also like to find an all around handyman. Thank You.
    - MM

  • 7/18 10:45pm   I am attaching some stage photos that I took at last night's rehearsal at the theatre. As you can see it's going to be a great show :-) Thank you all for your support of Youth Community Theatre
    Listening To You I Hear The Music: Back Row: Katie Armstrong (Ensemble) - Mansfield, MA, Nicole Cayer, (Sally Simpson, Ensemble) - North Providence, RI, Sarah Gibson (Ensemble) & Libby Pickard (Ensemble) - Norfolk, MA Middle Row: Heidi Gleichauf (Ensemble) - Franklin, MA, Corey Cadigan (Ensemble) - West Bridgewater, MA, Adam Kantor (Ensemble) - Sharon, MA, Sarra Forti, (Ensemble) - Middleboro, MA, Lexie Lieberthal (The Gypsy, Ensemble) - Wrentham, MA, Alex Fullerton (Cousin Kevin) - Mansfield, MA & Chris Woycik (Ensemble) - Wrentham, MA Front Row: Jerald Kaplan (Uncle Ernie) - Johnston, RI, Maggie Dowd (Ensemble) - Sharon, MA, Ryan Goodwin (Tommy) - Mansfield, MA, Noah Bridgestock (Captain Walker) - Pawtucket, RI & Amanda Urquhart (Mrs. Walker) - South Easton, MA
    Tommy Can You hear Me? From left to Right: Corey Cadigan (Ensemble) - West Bridgewater, MA, Adam Kantor (Ensemble) - Sharon, MA, Ryan Goodwin (Tommy) - Mansfield, MA, Sarah Gibson (Ensemble) - Norfolk, MA, Nicole Cayer, (Sally Simpson, Ensemble) - North Providence, RI, Lexie Lieberthal (The Gypsy, Ensemble) - Wrentham, MA, Libby Pickard (Ensemble) - Norfolk, MA & Alex Fullerton (Cousin Kevin) - Mansfield, MA
    - CL, The Un-Common Theatre Co

  • 7/18 10:08pm   Happy with the $16-$17 dollar tax rate... maybe this could be a reason [PDF court document]
    - PC

    [Update 7/22 9:04am: The above is a copy of the court decision dismissing a number of the charges and refusing to dismiss others in the Pine Creek Development vs. Norfolk et al lawsuit. The way I read it is that the charges against the town and con comm were dismissed, but some of the charges against individuals remain.
    The document is very legible, it explains the burden of proof required for each of the charges, discusses some of the background and details where the plaintiffs have not met their requirements and/or where additional details brought out during a trial would affect the outcome. A good read! - Wm.]

  • 7/18 10:06pm   ATTENTION ALL NORFOLK SENIORS: The doors of Norfolk's Senior Center are open to all Norfolk seniors who are seeking a pleasant relief from the summer heat, particularly on those days when the heat and humidity reach dangerous levels. The regular Senior Center hours are from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., Monday through Friday. In the event of dangerous heat conditions placing some of our seniors at risk, the hours of the Center may be extended. Transportation can also be provided. All Norfolk citizens are encouraged to contact any seniors who are in need of relief or can benefit from a day's escape at the Center. The Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road. To receive a full schedule of all Senior Center activities, call (508) 528-4430 or visit the Council on Aging site at: www.virtualnorfolk.org/public_documents/norfolkma_coa/
    - TM, Norfolk Council on Aging

  • 7/18 10:05pm   Freeman School family: Is there anyone that will not be using their Six Flags coupons that were gifted to the school? We have some exchange students coming and would love to take them to a lively amusement park. Please let us know through the webmaster. Thank you!
    - AL

  • 7/18 9:56pm   Wishing the very best to all you Un-Common Theatre players starring in Tommy this weekend! An awesome story with some great music!!
    - CN

  • 7/18 9:48pm  
    And The Star-Spangled Banner,
    Oh Long May It Wave
    O'er The Land Of The Free
    And The Home Of The Brave.
    To the people of Wrentham who stood their ground, God Bless You and God Bless America.
    - WC

  • 7/18 10:25am   Haven't had a chance to catch up on my email and update the page, maybe tonight.
    - Wm.

  • 7/13 4:57pm   The Un-Common Theatre Young Adult Company's presentation of THE WHO'S TOMMY opens Thursday, July 19 through Sunday, July, 22 at the Orpheum Theatre, Foxboro.
    THE WHO'S TOMMY tells the story of a boy, who after a traumatic family tragedy, suffers a mental breakdown and removes himself from reality. As an adolescent, he develops an uncanny talent for playing pinball and, when his mother finally reconnects with her teenage son, Tommy becomes an international pinball superstar. The exhilarating score is timeless in its youthful appeal including such classics as Pinball Wizard; Tommy, Can You Hear Me?; and See Me, Feel Me.
    Directed by Christa Crewdson (Cambridge, MA), with Music Direction by Esther Zabinski (Uxbridge, MA), Choreography by Julia Snider (Boston, MA) and Assistant Direction by Mathew Timmons (Canton, MA) this production reinvents the classic show in a modern setting with commentary on our growing celebrity-obsessed culture. The use of state of the art video and computer technology and creative lighting and video effects, throughout the show make this production a must-see theatre event. These special features are thanks to the technical talents of Saulius Sleazes, Lighting and Projection Designer (Boston, MA) and Michael J. Teixeira, Set Designer, (Attleboro, MA) with innovative costuming by Nancy McCarthy (Arlington, MA).
    The cast of eighteen includes: From Franklin, MA: Heidi Gleichauf (Ensemble) From Johnston, RI: Jerald Kaplan (Uncle Ernie) From Mansfield, MA: Katie Armstrong (Ensemble), Ryan Goodwin (Tommy), Alex Fullerton (Cousin Kevin), Dan Fullerton (Tommy, Age 10), Mary Fullerton (Tommy, Age 4), From Middleboro, MA: Sarra Forti, (Ensemble) From Norfolk, MA: Sarah Gibson (Ensemble), Libby Pickard (Ensemble) From North Providence, RI: Nicole Cayer, (Sally Simpson, Ensemble) From Pawtucket, RI: Noah Bridgestock (Captain Walker) From Sharon, MA: Maggie Dowd (Ensemble), Adam Kantor (Ensemble) From South Easton, MA: Amanda Urquhart (Mrs. Walker) From West Bridgewater, MA: Corey Cadigan (Ensemble) From Wrentham, MA: Lexie Lieberthal (The Gypsy, Ensemble), Chris Woycik (Ensemble)
    Performances are Thursday, July 19th, Friday, July 20th and Saturday, July 21st at 7:30 pm and Sunday, July 22 at 2:00 pm at the Orpheum Theatre Foxboro, 1 School Street, Foxboro, MA. Pre-Sale Tickets are $17 for Adults and $12 for Seniors and Students and may be purchased by calling (800) 838-3006 or on line at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/252319. Tickets purchased at the door are $20 for Adults and $15 for Seniors and Students. For Un-Common Members, group sales or handicapped seating please call (508) 698-3098.
    The Un-Common Theatre Co. is currently in its 32nd season of providing a creative place for children and adolescents to develop life skills through exposure to the professional theatrical experience. For more information on the Un-Common Theatre Co. and "The Who's Tommy" please visit our website at www.uncommontheatre.org.This program is supported in part by grants from the Easton, Franklin, Mansfield, and Sharon Cultural Councils, local agencies which are supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency
    In the photo [click for a larger view]: The Lads and Lasses (L - R: Adam Kantor - Sharon, MA, Katie Armstrong - Mansfield, MA, Alex Fullerton, Mansfield, MA, Sarah Gibson - Norfolk, MA, Chris Woycik - Wrentham, MA, Nicole Cayer - North Providence, RI, Sarra Forti - Middleboro, MA, Libby Pickard - Norfolk, MA, Corey Cadigan - West Bridgewater, MA, Maggie Dowd - Sharon, MA, Lexie Lieberthal - Wrentham, MA and Heidi Gleichauf - Franklin, MA) look on in amazement as Tommy, age 10 (Dan Fullerton - Mansfield, MA) effortlessly plays Pinball for the first time.
    - CL

  • 7/13 4:49pm   We are looking for someone to provide childcare after (and possibly before) school in our home next year Tuesday - Friday. If you are interested in learning more, please call Bridget 508-520-9934 or email birish@cotting.org. Thanks!
    - BI

  • 7/13 4:31pm   In honour of our 1 year anniversary, TK Pet Supply is having a sale of 15 percent off all food, toys, and supplies. The sale begins Tuesday 7/17 and ends Saturday 7/21. Come join us! Thanks to everyone who has supported us!!
    TK Pet Supply, 158 Main Street, Norfolk, 508-541-7387.
    - KS

  • 7/13 4:20pm   Need a full time/daytime babysitter for the first two weeks of August. Must have good driving record, be a strong swimmer, and very responsible. High energy that enjoys playing with children a must. Please write webmaster with your contact information if interested. Thank you.
    - CV

  • 7/12 5:54pm   To AT: We have a 6-8 person tent that is in excellent condition if interested please forward your phone number to the web master and I would be happy to phone you with more details.
    - DH

  • 7/12 5:53pm   The DARE to Dream Summer Day Program is in the process of wrapping up our second week of the summer with our eighth graders to be. Our exiting grade six students kicked off our program with a solid week from June 25 - 29. It certainly has been a memorable two weeks reuniting our staff, (teachers, high school peer counselors and officers) from our local communities with our students past and present. Lots of great fun, educational activities and personal safety presentations throughout our programs!
    Our grade four entering grade five program will take place from August 6-10. Our final program of the summer takes place for our grade five students entering grade six August 13-17. If your summer plans have changed It is NOT too late to sign your son daughter up for the program at this point. If you do plan on signing your son/daughter up for our program please contact us at daretodreamsummer@gmail.com or at (508) 384-5395. Please visit our website at www.daretodreamsummer.com If you are on Facebook we would please ask you to join our Facebook fan page (DARE to Dream) which can be found on our website. I hope that your summer is going well and we look forward to seeing you in the near future!
    - Officer Steve Plympton, DARE to Dream Summer Day Program

  • 7/11 5:42pm   Hello! We are looking for a gently used tent for a family of four. Preferably a 6-8 person tent or larger. Please email me with details. Thanks! Aterio@msn.com
    - AT

    [Update 7/13 4:51pm: added email address - AT]

  • 7/11 5:41pm   Soil Testing thanks! Hello to everyone who replied to my quest for soil testing. Thanks very much. I will make some calls tomorrow.
    - AG

  • 7/11 5:40pm   Looking to buy 2 lawn tickets to this Saturday's Jason Aldean/Luke Bryant concert at Comcast. Please call 508-498-7289. Thanks!
    - JL

  • 7/11 5:38pm   The Reminisants bring Town Hill to life this Thursday evening as part of the 2012 Summer Concert Series. Norfolk Recreation is thrilled to host this wonderful band. Join us at 6:30pm! If you are not familiar with the Reminisants, they have been entertaining Boston audiences for year and have performed with many of the legends of Rock N' Roll such as The Beach Boys, Felix Cavaliere with his Rascals, The Crystals, The Chiffons, The Flamingo's Danny & the Juniors, BJ Thomas, Johnny Rivers, Paul Revere & the Raiders, Bill Haley's Comets, Shirley Reeves Original Singer of the Shirelles, and so many more.
    - Ann Proto, Recreation Director

  • 7/11 5:37pm   We have bunnies that will be available for adoption after July 26. They are adorable and very friendly. My children handle them daily so they will be used to human contact. You can reach us at 508-346-3046. Best to come by and see them.
    - PRB

  • 7/11 5:36pm   Looking for a good used dorm size refrigerator. Contact Paula at 774-571-3324.
    - PN

  • 7/11 5:35pm   Small local marketing business looking for an individual to help out with administrative tasks a few hours a week. If interested, drop me a note at info@amw-marketing.com
    - AW

  • 7/11 5:34pm   I highly recommend the coyote lecture arranged by Hilary Cohen, our ACO. She posted a youtube link (6/30). It is excellent. No old wives' tales - just solid, less frightening, facts.
    - SO

  • 7/11 5:33pm   This was a delayed post from 3 weeks ago --
    JW: That price you were quoted is very high. In that past year, we have had 2 bathrooms renovated by Mark Sweeney. He is a GC and we highly recommend him. 774-291-9528.

    - EAW

    - Wm.

  • 7/11 5:30pm   Hello Norfolk vacationers.I just spent a great week at Point Sebago Resort in Casco Maine. It is a great place with many family activities for all ages with many nightly shows for adults. They did the rock opera "Tommy" by the Who live with great talent and I give it 2 thumbs up. They also had a comedy night, Dice and Ice night, lobster bake, prime rib dinner, and closed out the week with their Staff Show which was awesome. They run the same routine each week throughout the summer. With an 18 Hole golf course and Lake Sebago to play in, I highly recommend this place to everyone.
    Can anyone recommend a similar vacation destination on Moosehead Lake in Maine?
    - PD

  • 7/11 5:28pm   The award for most ironic junkmail has got to go the one with "Subject: STOP CONTACTING,THOSE PEOPLE ARE FAKE!!!". Got a chuckle out of that.
    - Wm.

  • 7/9 11:32pm   Looking to have about 50-60 feet of chain link fence taken down and disposed of, especially the posts. Any takers or can anyone recommend someone who might do this kind of task? Call me at 508 641 1916 if interested. Thanks in advance.
    - KJ

  • 7/9 11:30pm   Does anyone know a reliable company that does linoleum stripping and re-polishing?
    - KO

  • 7/9 11:29pm   Selling 2 pairs of tickets to the Bruce Springsteen concert at Gillette Stadium on Saturday, August 18. First Pair are Section 137, Row 27 Seats 5 and 6. ($229 for the pair). Second pair are Club seats Section CL33, Row 20, Seats 5 and 6. ($281 for the pair). Pricing is what I paid. If anyone is interested in either or both sets please email me at maurafb2002@yahoo.com. Thank you!
    - MB

  • 7/9 11:26pm   Car Detailing! Great prices, Quality work. Wash, Wax, Vacuum, Interior/ Exterior, Tires/Rims. College student from Norfolk with 4 years detailing experience. Flexible with times and schedules. If interested please call Kyle at (1774) 722- 5010 or E-mail at ksexton1@ksc.mailcruiser.com
    - KS

  • 7/9 11:20pm   Growing pet care company looking for Administrative Assistance. Appropriate candidate will be extremely detail-oriented, can work independently, has excellent customer service and is looking for a long-term position in pet care. This position can evolve into more of a managerial position for the right candidate. Ideal opening for someone looking to learn how to operate and manage a small pet care business with the potential for growth.
    Responsibilities include managing all the day-to-day activities of the business which involve administrative duties as well as implementing systems for easier workflow. This would include generating invoices, tracking payments, paying bills, doing payroll, making deposits, setting up and managing schedules, coordinating walker/client communications, scheduling and attending meetings, improving systems, responding to inquiries (either by phone or email) and handling other basic/general office responsibilities.
    Additional responsibilities include putting together estimates, setting up meetings, managing schedules each week, marketing support, and follow up. Looking for someone several hours a week (with the requirement of coming into the office once or twice a month depending on volume, etc.) for approximately 40 hours a month (approx 10 hours a week where some weeks will be more and other weeks will require less time). Some local travel required. Must be willing to work odd hours and respond to inquiries on a timely basis. Therefore, weekend and holiday work time may be required. Presently, this is a remote position where you will work from your own home office. Flexibility is a bonus. Individual must have their own access to mobile phone (with a data plan), experience texting, emailing and the ability to manage and navigate web based software called PPS (Power Pet Sitter). Experience with this software is a plus.
    Please respond via email with a resume and letter of inquiry of why this would be an ideal position for you. Email: junebug1306@yahoo.com
    - AW, Leashrly Life

  • 7/9 11:19pm   If anyone is looking to get power washing done and have a ladder to use on the house give me a call! 508-507-0548. My friend and I are looking to power wash for a side job next summer and want to get some more experience with some different style houses
    - CW

  • 7/7 3:32pm   Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham Moms Club announces its Summer Open House Thursday July 12, 4:15-6:15pm at Plainville Park. Karen Kmetz Hair Design will be there styling the kids hair and Imagine That Face Painting will be there decorating faces. Please join us for some fun and learn about our club!
    - HE

  • 7/7 2:31pm   Does anyone have a 3 or 4-drawer dresser or bureau they want to get rid of? Willing to refinish or paint if necessary. Please email box383@norfolknet.com
    - NT

  • 7/7 2:30pm   Looking for a student home for the summer to help me with yard work (Grove st, Norfolk). Call Bob at 508.451.5817.
    - BS

  • 7/4 11:34am   Happy Fourth of July! Last call to share our great country with an exchange student this summer. I have two great 16 year old boys from France who were just added and wanting to come to the Boston area. One is 3 weeks mid August, and the other is during the last 2 weeks of August. Please email me at rossgilleland@yahoo.com for more info and details about these boys. www.cci-exchange.com.
    - RG

  • 7/4 11:33am   To CN - Glad you enjoyed it. Hope many others got a chance to see it. For those who missed it, NCTV taped a short farewell to the Freeman/Centennial School a few weeks before it was to be torn down complete with music and some commentary. It can be viewed by going to norfolkcable.com and clicking on the video tab and clicking on Youtube.
    - Paul Guertin, Interim Station Manager, NCTV

  • 7/4 11:32am   Happy Independence Day!

  • 7/3 6:46pm   The 2012 Free Summer Concerts on Town Hill start this week! Thursday, July 5 at 6:30pm. Southeast Mass Community Band. Big Band, Big fun! We hope to see you there!
    - Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk

  • 7/3 6:44pm   AG - I had my soil tested by UMass Amherst. Took about a month in the early spring, but their website indicates a 7-10 day turnaround now. Here's the link: www.umass.edu/soiltest
    - CA

  • 7/3 6:22pm  
    Hello Soccer Families and Friends,

    If you are receiving this email, you are getting this reminder to register for NLYS Fall 2012 Soccer because your children played last fall. Since we have not heard from you, we thought you might like to know that it's not too late to register! We have extended the registration deadline until July 15th, due to the July 4th holiday week!

    Happy Fourth of July!

    Don't miss out on the fun... Please register your children for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer today! You have until July 15th to register without financial penalty. Go to www.norfolklionssoccer.com to register.

    Special note to all current players in the U-17 division - all current players should reach out to friends to sign up for U-17, as we had a number of graduating seniors who will not be back in the fall. Please contact Bill Hawkins with any U-17 questions. And don't wait to sign up - do it now before you go on vacation! Registration for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer FALL 2012 is now being accepted - Registration is ONLINE only.

    All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons. NLYS is open to boys and girls age 3 (by September 1, 2012) thru grade 12. You do not have to live in Norfolk to join in on the fun! Visit our website www.norfolklionssoccer.com to register. Financial Assistance is available. For registration questions, email lionssoccer.norfolk@gmail.com or call Reynolds Lee, Registrar, at 508-528-8015.
    NLYS is actively seeking referees for the fall season. Referees need to be 12 years old or older and have completed at least the Grade 9 certification course. For more information, please go to the Referee Page on our website.

    Like Us at Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer on Facebook

    - CD

  • 7/3 6:20pm   For DH. Go to the American Heart Association website and put in your zip code and you can find the CPR course you would like to take (and where) from a drop down menu.
    - JD

  • 7/3 6:19pm   AG - I have used UMASS for soil samples - takes approx 10-14 days to get your results back. Here is the link: www.umass.edu/soiltest. UMASS gave great information and provide a two year plan to restore my lawn - dramatic improvements seen immediately - all for about $14.
    - BHS

  • 7/3 6:18pm   AG. You can have the soil tested at the Soil and Plant Tissue Testing Lab located at UMass Amherst. Just click on the following link. www.umass.edu/soiltest. It's about a 7-10 day turnaround.
    - DR

  • 7/3 6:17pm   AG - Have you tried the UMass Extension Service? They do testing, but not sure about how quick it would be.
    DH - Contact the local Red Cross office about CPR classes. Also, a lot of hospitals offer them regularly.
    - JZ

  • 7/3 6:16pm   AG - UMass test soil - 7-10 days - www.umass.edu/soiltest
    - EMH

  • 7/3 6:15pm   The Norfolk Public Library has two exciting events coming up for children. First, join us for the Dream Big Magic Show on Tuesday, July 10 at 3:00. Magician Steve Rudolph uses comedy, puppets, and a few surprises in this hilarious, interactive show. Then visit the library on Saturday, July 14 from 11:00-12:00 for Chalk the Walk! We'll be decorating the walkways outside the library with sidewalk chalk. Neither event requires registration--just drop in!
    Learn more about these and other programs at http://library.virtualnorfolk.org/public_documents/NPL_Childrens/youth
    - Amy Reimann, Youth Services Librarian, Norfolk Public Library

  • 7/3 6:14pm   To AG, for soil testing go to John Deere Landscapes in Walpole. I don't know how quick you need it, but it is at least a couple of weeks.
    - AF

  • 7/3 6:13pm   Thankyou to NCTV for putting up the video of the tour of Freeman-Centennialon on Youtube . It certainly was so great to see the halls and classrooms of the place many of us spent many days of learning. I will watch it again and send it to others who were unable to make it to that last view of our beloved school
    - CN

  • 7/2 4:29pm   Does anyone know where I can sign up for a C.P.R. course?
    - DH

  • 7/2 4:28pm   AG Quick? That's a tall order, I'm afraid. I would go on mass.gov and enter "soil testing" or just go to the yellow pages or online.
    - AB-G

  • 7/2 4:26pm   Twenty-seven members of the Stony Brook Camera Club are exhibiting eighty-six photographs at the Norfolk Library throughout the month of July. An artist's reception will be held at the library on Wednesday, July 11, from 7-9PM. Light refreshments will be served.
    This is a truly regional exhibit featuring works by artists Pamela Ruby Russell, Tom Currier, and Jake Jacobson of Norfolk, Victoria Schepps and Janet Casey of Medfield, Dan Gyves of Mansfield, Rob DeRobertis, Rebecca Skinner, and Bob Yankee of Franklin, Eva and Ken Coop of Walpole, Melba Armour of Mendon, Adam Ellis of Medway, Robert Lahanka and Dave Morin of Milford, Andy McKim and David Marshak of Wrentham, Billi Manning of Hopedale, Ann Bertulli of Northbridge, Ted Mertz of Foxboro, Elaine Wood-Chisolm and Cynde Cusak of Millis, Diane and Bob Doyon of Blackstone, Deb Boucher of Woonsocket, and Tony Mistretta of Holliston.
    The Stony Brook Camera Club, in our 42nd year, promotes enjoyment and proficiency in all aspects of photography. The club meets weekly from September to June at the Wrentham Senior Center. There are currently 165 members representing every regional town. For more information on the club please visit the website stonybrookcc.com
    Photos, left to right: PR Russell, California Dreaming; Tony Mistretta, Follow The Sun; Deb Boucher, Rain Drops on Gerbera Daisy.
    - JJ

  • 7/2 4:25pm   Please join the Southeastern Massachusetts Community Concert Band this Thursday, July 5th, as we open Norfolk Recreation's Summer Concert Series. The band will be playing in the gazebo from 6:30 until 8:00 p.m., patriotic and popular tunes, and marches. Five Norfolk residents play in the band. Please come, bring your family and friends, and enjoy the show!
    - CR

  • 7/2 4:24pm   MS: Maryann at the Medway Dog Wash is the best. My dog needs grooming every 6 weeks and Maryann always does a great job. Best of all, my dog loves her and doesn't mind going for her "bubbles."
    - LM

  • 7/1 11:43pm   Hello, everyone. Would anyone know if there is a local and quick service for sending (or bringing) soil samples to for gardening purposes?
    - AG

  • 7/1 11:36pm   MS: Someone on our beloved (sometimes) Net recommended Jean Taylor at the Bellingham Petsmart. She's not a kid and has had her own salon. She immaculately shaves (where needed), manicures and cleans the ears of our Bichon. I would advise going during the week as we took her on a Sat last time and I felt the haircut wasn't quite as good as the first time. Nevertheless, the stuff involving blade and grinders is always done perfectly and that's how they can get hurt. The package deal is reasonable. Another tip: they say it's going to take longer than it does, so call after about an hour to check, so your dog doesn't need to hang around. They make appointments, Tell her Layla of Norfolk's mom sent you.
    - AB-G

  • 7/1 11:35pm   Question: I have some stainless steel jewelry which has tarnished. It's not high-end and was made in China (where else?), but was marked and sold as stainless. I also have a watch made by a very reputable company although it is their lower price-point line with the same situation. I know there are different grades of stainless and, I imagine, different finishing treatments. Anyone know anything? Thanks
    - AB-G

  • 7/1 11:27pm   Natuzzi leather sofa and recliner for sale. Navy blue leather, very good condition. Looking for $700 for both. Will negotiate if you pick them up from my Norfolk home.
    Contact photopam7@gmail.com
    - PA

  • 7/1 11:21pm   To M.S. Jeannie at PetSmart in Bellingham is very good with small dogs. I have been taking my Lhasa to her for years.
    - JD

  • 7/1 11:20pm   Thanks for your thoughtful words Chris from Christopher Limousines. One bad apple does not sway me a bit in considering your services. I've added your contact info to my address book and will be calling the next time I need a lift to Logan or back. Best wishes to you and your company.
    - BF (2)

  • 7/1 11:18pm   Hi all, We had a great response to my post here on NorfolkNet about Zentangle classes at Franklin Art Center and were very excited to have a full class of participants at yesterday's beginners workshop! Here is a photo of students first experiments with this unique art method that enables people of all ages and abilities to produce beautiful, intricate designs, while engaging in a process that is by its nature calming and relaxing. If you are curious and would like to see Zentangle in action I will be doing demonstrations and info at our stand at the farmers market at Wholefoods Market in Bellingham this Monday from 4-7pm. Info on classes can also be found online at FranklinArtCenter.com or by going straight to my blog page at zenventure.blogspot.com. Thanks!
    - SD

  • 7/1 11:17pm   Any recommendations for a good power wash company in the area?
    - FH

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