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* Just out of grad school we drove cross-country to a new job on the west coast. We crossed through the Utah, southern Nevada, and California deserts on the hottest day of the year - 112 degrees - in a small light blue Dodge Colt with no air conditioning. We kept the windows rolled up, because it was hotter with them down! The only other time that comes even close was last summer here in Norfolk :-)
* Dubai, United Arab Emirates - 108 degrees (42 C)
We recently received a letter that referred to daily temperatures in the 45-47 C range, ie. 113-117 Farenheit. Of course, the ``official'' temperatures quoted by the media are below 40 C, because outdoor manual labor is barred by law when temperatures exceed the 40 mark, and there sure is a lot of construction going on in Dubai.
* Some comments for your web page: The hottest place this year was
Two weeks of blazing heat with no clouds/rain in sight.
The place looked parched like Calif and it was very dusty. The trees were
turning color, but mostly brown from the drought. It was much too hot to
walk around town or do any hiking. We spent a day in Salard, but there were
no berries or mushrooms :(. the kids had fun assembling and disassembling
dams in the creek which also offered a chance to cool off.
Boil order: required every day in Vásárhely.
We drank mostly bottled water and were able to stay pretty healthy.
[ The the above was submitted by the webmaster's sister who took her family to visit ``the old country'' this summer - Ed. ]