ARTICLE SUBMITTED BY THE BYLAW COMMITTEE To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town of Norfolk Bylaws, Article II Financial Affairs, by adding a new SECTION 7, as follows; or take any other action relative thereto. ARTICLE II FINANCIAL AFFAIRS SECTION 7. Use of Municipal Buildings in the Town of Norfolk 1.1 Section 1: Purpose The purpose of this bylaw is to provide uniform and fair fees and regulations for the use of Municipal Buildings by non-municipal organizations or other entities. 1.2 Section 2: Definitions "Municipal Buildings" are defined as available facilities that include all buildings owned and operated by the Town of Norfolk including, but not limited to, the Public Library, Town Hall, the Senior Center and Old Town Hall. School buildings are expressly excluded from the "Municipal Buildings" as defined herein. "In-town" entities include all entities that have a principal place of business with a physical address in the Town of Norfolk; neither private residences nor P.O. Box addresses; or are organizations that are comprised of at least 95% of Norfolk Residents. "User" includes any person, group, organization, or other entity using a municipal building facility or space within such a facility for their own purpose, such as conducting a meeting, seminar, conference, or any other use outside of the normal daily operations of such facility, excluding municipal boards or committees conducting town business. For example, a resident going to the library for a library program would not pay any fees under this by-law; whereas an organization wishing to use or reserve a meeting room would fall under this section. 1.3 Section 3: Fee Schedule Municipal Building Room Fees during scheduled open hours: 1. Non-profit in-town group or organization: $10.00 for first 2 hours of use or any portion thereof; $ 5.00/hr after 2 hours or any portion thereof. 2. For-profit in-town group or organization $40.00 for first 2 hours of use or any portion thereof; $20.00/hr. after 2 hours or any portion thereof. 3. Out-of-town group or organization $50.00 for first 2 hours of use or any portion thereof; $25.00/hr after 2 hours or any portion thereof. Municipal Building Fees during closed hours: 1. Non-profit in-town groups or organizations $15.00/hr or any portion thereof . 2. For-profit in-town group or organization $40.00/hr. or any portion thereof. 3. Out-of -town group or organization $55.00/hr or any portion thereof. Section 4: Fee Collection, Limitations A. Fees for use as indicated above must be paid to the Town Treasurer Collector prior to use and shall be deposited in the General Fund. The fees herein do not include any additional expenses that may become the responsibility of the user due to damage to any municipal facility or property, additional cleaning fees if required, police details, custodial services, etc.