Norfolknet Politics, Opinions, and Rants of a Relevant Nature as Deemed by the Webmaster
5/3 6:20pm REPUBLICAN PROPOSED LOCAL AID AMENDMENT ADOPTED Municipalities to Potentially Receive Thousands in Reverted Funds BOSTON (May 2, 2011) -- State Representative Dan Winslow and his Republican colleagues in the House are pleased to announce the adoption of a Local Aid Amendment that, once implemented, stands to distribute up to $65 million in onetime funding to local cities and towns.
``This amendment is what we promised voters during the last election,'' said Winslow, ``we want to put more money in people's pockets and preserve our core local services.'' The House approved a state budget with no new taxes last week.
If approved, and reversions to the General Fund reach past levels, the towns of the 9th Norfolk House District, Medfield, Millis, Norfolk, Plainville, Walpole and Wrentham, stand to receive a combined amount of over $470,600.00.
The House Republicans offered the proposal during the House budget debate. Having passed on a unanimous voice vote, the amendment seeks to distribute unused funding from Fiscal Year 2011 back to local cities and towns. Using the Lottery formula, the Local Aid amendment will allow half of the Commonwealth's reversions, or $65 million, whichever is less, to be distributed to municipalities.
``I am pleased that the House has afforded local municipalities the opportunity to alleviate the financial burden of the past three fiscal years'', said House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones Jr. ``In a time where Local Aid has been consistently cut, I am glad that the members of the House were able to come to a consensus that puts the needs of municipalities first and foremost.''
Historically reversions to the General Fund have averaged approximately $150-$200 million per fiscal year. Having passed the House, the budget now stands before the Senate for consideration.
- DW
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