
Please allow me this opportunity to inform you that NO-GO does not share or encourage many of the statements that are being posted on Norfolknet today. We consider some to be disrespectful, unproductive and reckless. As an organization we respect and admire you and your efforts to make Norfolk a better place to live.

We feel that our goals of increasing voter registration, participation and turnout; along with significant fiscal control will ultimately help you and your successors improve our community as we move forward through these difficult times. As with any change there will be growing pains for all involved, to include NO-GO. However, we feel that the robust debate, new ideas and energy to be gained will act as a multiplier to community success at the end of the day.

I urge you to embrace what could be, and truly think outside the box. Norfolk need not be like any other town in the commonwealth. Let's endeavor to find solutions within ourselves. Let's encourage residents to participate and bring forth their ideas; just maybe one of them has that one great idea that no other has thought of.


[J. P. B.]
Founder, NO-GO
