10/19 9:10am JBN, I never stated that anyone on this particular board suggested that ADHD/ADD was not a legitimate condition. However, I have heard endless comments over the years by others to this effect. I was speaking generally. I am sure that other parents of ADHD children have heard the same. It's very frustrating to have un-knowledgeable people making judgements regarding the child rearing of a person that they don't even know. I also agree that medication should be a last resort. So I am puzzled by your response to me. I thought that I was agreeing with everything that MON and yourself had posted. I was merely commenting that it was nice to get some support from this forum. Someone has opened the SAHM (stay at home mom) vs. working mom can of worms... so to set the record straight...
I happen to be a woman that has been at times, both a SAHM and a single working mom. I do have to say that when I had to go back to work, my childrens' grades dropped from straight A's to D's. When my circumstances changed and I remarried, my new husband and I made a conscious decision to downsize our home and live a more frugal lifestyle so that I could stay home with my/our children. That was our personal choice and it is working well for us. I went from a 3,000 plus sq ft home to a 1600 sq ft home. Have we made sacrifices? YES huge ones! But we feel that is was well worth it! My kids are now doing very well in school again. To me, their physical and emotional well being is just more important than a fancy house and car. I do not define myself by the material things that I have. To me, success isn't measured by that. But again... everyone has their own priorities. I am just relating what has worked for our family.
It's not so easy to be a SAHM. Where I used to live, I was the only mom at the park. I sat on the bench and watched my child with the nannies and babysitters of the neighborhood. When I ran into another mom (on her day off) The first question she asked me was "what do you do?" I told her a was a SAHM and she replied with... "Is that all?... What a waste... Don't you get bored?" She knew from the conversation that I had attended a prestigious University in Boston and had decided to abandon my intended career to raise my children. It really hurts me to think that other women think of me as a useless and unfulfilled individual simply becuase I chose family over career. Yes, there are days when I get bored. Why do you think that I frequent this board so much? The mind needs some sort of stimulation. But I am here if and when my children need me. When my kids are all older there will be more time for "me." Right now I am fulfilling the commitment I made to my children when I chose to have them.
Before the working moms get all in a huff... I am the product of a hard working mom... I did go to daycare at times, but my mom always made sure that there was plenty of family time too.She was the best mom around! There has to be a healthy balance and she provided that for me. I personally have a few friends who do not have that balance. One woman I know actually has her child sleep over at the daycare woman's home twice a week becuase she gets home after the child's bed time and wants the early mornings to herself "to do errands". Trust me... I have known this person since infancy. She doesn't have to work. I asked her why she bothered. She stated two reasons. The first was that her husband refused to give her money for her weekly manicures, pedicures and her shopping habit... the second was that she couldn't stand the thought of being home all day with her kids. [ . . . ] It's parents like this who give 2 income families a bad name. It's very unfortunate.
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