Regarding an important quote from our Vice President, I saw the interview on TV and was shocked by the man's arrogant disregard for the opinions and thoughts of the American people, some of whom voted for him. A search for the interview found the exchange below. Please, readers, keep the following quote in mind when reading the exchange, and whenever thinking about politics and politicians:
A quote from the first Baron Acton (1834-1902).
The historian and moralist, who was otherwise known simply as Lord Acton, expressed this opinion in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887:An example of that was seen in the news recently, when an ABC News reporter interviewed Vice President Cheney, who is said to be very arrogant for an elected representative of the people:"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." A portion of the transcript with the ABC News interview with Martha Radatz and Dick Cheney on Wednesday, March 19, 2008, on the 5th anniversary of the War in Iraq:RADDATZ: "Two-thirds of Americans say it was not worth fighting... "
THE VICE PRESIDENT: "They ought to go spend time, like you and I have, Martha. You know what's been happening in Iraq. You've been there as much as anybody. There has, in fact, been fundamental change and transformation, and improvement for the better. I think even you would admit that. "
RADDATZ: "Let me go back to the Americans. Two-thirds of Americans say it's not worth fighting, and they're looking at the value gain versus the cost in American lives, certainly, and Iraqi lives."
RADDATZ: "So -- you don't care what the American people think? "
THE VICE PRESIDENT: " No, I think you cannot be blown off course by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls.
Think about what would have happened if Abraham Lincoln had paid attention to polls, if they had had polls during the Civil War. He never would have succeeded if he hadn't had a clear objective, a vision for where he wanted to go, and he was willing to withstand the slings and arrows of the political wars in order to get there. And this President has been very courageous, very consistent, very determined to continue down the course we were on and to achieve our objective. And that's victory in Iraq, that's the establishment of a democracy where there's never been a democracy; it's the establishment of a regime that respects the rights and liberties of their people, as an ally for the United States in the war against terror, and as a positive force for change in the Middle East. That's a huge accomplishment."Cheney shrugged his shoulders and with a smirk on his face, said "so...?" when reminded that 2/3 of the American people don't agree with the war in Iraq.
I am sure many of those 2/3 have some (family) member or connection with someone in Iraq.
That's 3,992 American deaths to date, countless injured, countless deaths on both sides, families' lives changed for ever, all the death and destruction on both sides, all the sacrifice made...
..and the Vice President of the United States of America says, "So...? As in, "So what?"
Here is an individual who deferred going to military service at the height of the Viet Nam war five times.
Question: How do you convince military personnel that the enormous sacrifice they are making is marked by a lackadaisical observance by the Vice President of the USA?
Question: How does military personnel recruit more Americans to join the military when the VP says, "So...?" to Americans risking their lives and families making great sacrifices?
When you think about it, Cheney just opened up the door to his fate. How do you think people in America are going to respond should he ever suffer later in life, or his wife, or anyone he cares about?
I'll give a hint; it's a two-letter word - it starts with an "s" and ends with an "o".
All that blood money that was war-profited from no-bid contracts and oil, the options that he can exercise from Halliburton after he "retires" from office quietly, whatever stocks he may cash in, and it still can't prevent him from getting another heart attack, can't prevent disease, nor can it save his soul.
How can a person live with themselves??
How conservative talk show hosts and Republicans in general can hold a torch up for this dynamic duo of incompetence and evil is beyond the thinking and understanding of most people in America.
(From URL: [yahoo forums])- RH
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