10/23 11:39pm Status Update 2 on Norfolk's Town Meeting Warrant Discussion Forum Norfolk's Fall Town Meeting starts on Tuesday, 9-Nov-2010.
The Norfolk ad hoc Town Meeting Technology Committee (TMTC) is pleased to inform you that the Norfolk Warrant Discussion Forum is up and running at onlinetownhalls.com/map/492. All the warrant articles are available and can be commented on. As of Friday, 22-Oct-2010, the Advisory Committee's recommendations aren't available yet. (We understand that they are being written and will be available soon.) The recommendations will be added as soon as we receive them.
Norfolk's Town Meeting Warrant Discussion Forum is a web-based, structured, discussion forum (similar to a bulletin board system, but more highly structured) for discussing the Warrant articles and their Recommendations prior to the Town Meeting. Since this discussion forum is intended to help voters prepare for the Town Meeting, we envision it being in operation through the end of the Town Meeting. The interactive discussion forum is a place where Norfolk residents can comment on Warrant articles or Recommendations, ask and answer questions about them, provide background material, or advocate in support of, or in opposition to, various articles.
Everything in the forum (comments, questions, answers, and advocacy) is intended to be visible (read only) to anyone with internet access and a web browser, even if they have no connection with Norfolk. Interactive participation (i.e. posting messages) in the discussion forum will require a "login account". Login accounts are available only to Norfolk residents. (There will be a small number of Town employees, state officials, or other experts who are given login accounts even though they are not Norfolk residents.) Note: There is a mechanism for registering for and creating a new account on the forum web site. An account created in that way won't allow you to post to the Norfolk Warrant Discussion Forum. Only accounts created by the Town's own account request procedure will give you access to post in our forum.
When you go to onlinetownhalls.com/map/492, you will start on an Overview page which provides a general introduction. It also has a link to a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. If you go to the Basic View (by clicking on a button labeled "Basic View", near the upper left hand corner of the window), you can read all the articles. If you go to the Map View (by clicking on a button labeled "Map View", near the upper left hand corner of the window), you see two panes. The left pane is a map of the discussion - with each article or comment on an article or comment on a comment on an article, etc. represented by a colored circle. The right pane shows the text of whatever is currently selected from the map in the left pane.
We want to encourage commenters to keep their posts courteous and relevant to the article under which they are posted. One way of encouraging this is that all participants' comments will be identified with the commenter's real name. (We will also have a way of removing inappropriate comments and of disabling specific login accounts.)
We are concerned that accounts should only be created by Norfolk residents, and only using the person's real name. In order to do this, we have obtained an extract from Voter Registration Information System and assigned an eight-character code (which we are calling a TMTC-ID Code) to each registered voter. On Primary Election Day (14-Sep-2010), we had a table at the polling place. People could show us a photo-ID (to confirm their identity and residency) and we gave them a sheet of paper with their eight-character TMTC-ID Code.
After obtaining their eight-character TMTC-ID Code, people are instructed to go to virtualnorfolk.org/warrant and fill in the web form there to request a login account for the Warrant Discussion Forum. Some of the required information is your TMTC-ID Code, your legal first and last names, a password that you choose, and your preferred E Mail address and phone number. Other information is required if it applies to you (for example, your middle initial(s) if you have one or more middle names). Other information is entirely optional. One example of the optional information is a name that you commonly use instead of your legal first name -- such as "Skip" instead of Otto, "Billy" instead of William, "Peg" instead of Margaret, etc. The other optional information is alternative E Mail addresses and phone numbers (if you'd like to give us a way of contacting you if we can't reach you through your preferred E-Mail address and phone number).
After filling in the web form with the TMTC-ID Code and the other required information, we will verify that the supplied TMTC-ID Code is associated with the supplied name. After that is verified, your login account will be created and we will send E-Mail to the preferred E-Mail address you supplied, giving you your login name and details for accessing the discussion forum.
If you didn't pick up your TMTC-ID Code on primary election day, you other opportunities are:
1) If you can get to the Town Hall during its normal business hours, show your photo-ID to someone in the Town Administrator's office and they will give you your TMTC-ID Code, or
2) If you want to wait on until General Election Day (2-Nov-2010 - only one week before the Town Meeting), you can show your photo-ID to the volunteer at the TMTC table at the polling place and they will give your your TMTC-ID Code, or
3) Send an E-Mail to TMAccount@VirtualNorfolk.org to make arrangements to show your photo-ID and get your TMTC-ID Code.
The website is intended as an experiment to see whether voters want an additional opportunity to have a web-based, structured discussion about Warrant articles before the start of the Town Meeting. We'd be grateful to hear any feedback you have about any part of the process - registration, the operation of the Warrant Discussion Forum, the user interface, or any other part of the process on which you'd like to comment. There are three ways you can get your feedback to us. One is through the Warrant Discussion Forum itself.
1. Below the warrant articles there are four extra nodes. The last node is for asking for help. Another node is for reporting any software errors that you might encounter. And another node is for making suggestions for improvements.
2. A second way to give feedback is by joining a Facebook group named "Norfolk Town Meeting", which was created as a channel through which Norfolk residents can provide feedback to the Town Meeting Technology Committee.
3. The third way of giving feedback is sending us your comments in E-Mail to "TMAccount@VirtualNorfolk.org".
We'd prefer that you use one of the first two methods for any comments that you are willing to make publicly.
We encourage your participation and hope that you find it worthwhile. We would especially appreciate your sharing your ideas about how to make the forum more convenient and more useful.=
- DR
your community, on-line