4/24/2012 6:33pm Kids Toys and Strollers for Sale! Gently used children's items for sale. Email lerick968@gmail.com - Little Tikes cozy coupe: stored inside/ mint condition! $25
- Little Tikes adjustable basketball hoop & ball: mint condition/never used outside! $20
- Little Tikes picnic table: excellent condition/used mostly inside $20
- Fisher Price rock, roll & ride trike: $15
- In Step single jog stroller: $20
- In Step double jog stroller: $30
S o l d
Baby & Children's Items for Sale!
- Melissa & Doug rocking horse (squeeze ear for sounds!) Hardly used and = in excellent condition: $30
- Little Tikes 2-sided paint/chalkboard easel: $15
- Peg Perego highchair (folds, reclines & adjustable height): $25
- Train set/activity table w/side storage bins: $25
- Fisher Price Baby swing: $15
Email lerick968@gmail.com if interested!
- LG
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