Norfolk Community League Purchases Heart Defibrillator for Norfolk Police Department

On Saturday, May 31, 2003, the Norfolk Community League held their 7th Annual Charity Run/Walk. The money that was raised through this popular annual event was used to purchase a heart defibrillator for the Norfolk Police Department. NCL would like to thank the race day co-organizers Carmen Branson and Kris Porell, all the committee members and helpers, the many runners and walkers, and our many generous sponsors who are as follows: Jofran, Inc, Caritas Norwood Hospital, Dalzell Volvo, Fore Kicks, Frank Gross, Esq., Postal Center USA, W.T. Holmes Transportation, Dr. Mitchell Pasenkoff, Funway Café, TriValley Sports, KMK Cleaners, Panera Bread, Franklin, Rosewood, Medway, Shaws, Wrentham Recreation, Ground Round., Tessa's Restaurant, Sudbury, Nail-It, Franklin, John's Barber Shop, Franklin, Gump's Farm, Tedeschi, Whispering Pines, Eaglebrook, Norfolk County Dental, Elite Food Company, Dunkin Donuts, Norfolk Supply Company, Jackson Therapeutic, Norway Farms, Lucianos at Lake Pearl, Garelick Farms, Linda's Variety, Roche Brothers, Stop and Shop, New England Runner Magazine, Bicycles Plus, Franklin, Basil, Medfield, World Gym, Dedham and Walpole, Tyler's Restaurant, Norfolk.

Information about NCL can be obtained from our website at


