June Vacation Week Program for Children
Seabreeze Safety Associates announce a local radKIDS June vacation week program for children ages 5 through 12. The program will run Tuesday through Friday, June 26 through 29, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. The cost of $95.00 per child includes tuition, a parent program manual and an activity book for each child. Space is limited and is filled on a first come first served basis.
A 501 c 3 non-profit education organization, radKIDS, Inc. is dedicated to providing proven and effective life saving skills for children by teaching them how to Resist Aggression Defensively (the rad in radKIDS). Since the organization's inception in 1998, radKIDS, Inc. has reached over 150,000 children and has documented many successes in the prevention of violence toward children. radKIDS, Inc. is credited with saving 38 children from actual abduction attempts.
The radKIDS Personal Empowerment Safety Education Program is a comprehensive safety education, violence prevention and self-esteem building program designed for children ages 4 thru 12. Children learn to recognize, avoid, resist, and if necessary escape violence, abduction and harm. Through radKIDS training they become empowered- learning to replace the fear, confusion, and panic of dangerous situations with confidence. Curriculum components include many aspects of personal safety including home safety, Internet safety, school safety including bullying prevention, out and about safety, sexual assault prevention, safety planning and realistic physical resistance options. The program is activity based, fast moving and fun!
For more information about the June vacation week program, to obtain a registration packet, or to learn how you can get involved with radKIDS, please contact Karen Nardone at 508-314-8431 or by email at karen@radkids.org.
Karen Nardone, M.Ed.
Staff Instructor
radKIDS, Inc. 508-314-8431 PO Box 263 karen@radkids.org West Harwich, MA 02671 www.radkids.org
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