Free Videos Help Parents Cut College Costs by $42,000

In A New Series Delivered By Email Over Seven Weeks

For parents who are worried about paying higher college costs in a weak economy, a college consultant and author from Norfolk, Massachusetts has produced a series of new videos to show parents how to pay for college without taking out a single loan.

"These 2-minute videos," says consultant Paul Hemphill, "provide strategies to pay for college in ways that are not found in the public discourse." Hemphill noted that these videos do not contain the information you find on a typical internet site, but a gut-level response to his own resentment to the college financial aid process. He calls himself the "video college dad," a self-appointed one-man truth squad to the rescue.

"Colleges are a business," says Hemphill, "and their three objectives are to make money, make money, and make money. I paid over one hundred thousand dollars for my first-born's education, and knowing what I know now, I could have paid well less than half of that amount."

A New Jersey college professor, with a daughter who is a senior in high school, recently sent Hemphill an email commenting on his videos: "We are always quoting you around here - especially your comment about how college admissions officers see (students as) a constant stream of packages in plain brown wrappers. We love your advice to put a 'big red bow' on the package to stand out. My daughter liked it too - the first 50 times I said it to her."

The first 3 videos of the seven-part series illustrate how parents can cut $42,000 in college costs by doing exactly what Hemphill suggests. "I show parents how to give the colleges as little of their money as possible."

"One of the seven videos," says Hemphill, "gets more comments from students because it takes a humorous approach to the 'seven deadly topics' to stay away from in writing the college admission essay. So, I'm happy that both parents and students are getting a lot out of them."

Parents with college-bound students can subscribe to the free seven-part series by going to

Paul Hemphill is the owner of PreCollegePrep of Norfolk, MA, a private college admissions and financial aid advisory service for the past 8 years.


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