The E. coli incident
Extracted from the Norfolknet Notes.This page contains all the messages relating to the town water quality that appeared on the Norfolknet webpage in the Notes from the Webmaster section. They have been gathered here for convenience, but are also logged in the archives as usual.
8/11 4:23pm I'm reading comments about Cable 8 and I think our local station did as good a job as they possibly could have. I also think that Peter Chipman represented our town in a professional manner when dealing with the press. He had a tone of confidence in his voice as he explained what was going on. I think the town did a good job, but I also liked Bill Perron's idea of the reverse 911. HOW ABOUT ANOTHER OVER-RIDE? - BS
8/11 8:53am One of the town's selectmen has apparently been following the messages posted to Norfolknet, and has composed and posted a lengthy reply to the concerns expressed on the page. It's quite long and detailed, so we've put it on its own page here. Judging by the time it was sent, it must have been composed right after the board of health meeting made information available on Thursday night. Here are the opening words: Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 02:43:02 EDT
Subject: a note to the webmaster
Let me introduce myself before you read further. My name is Jack McFeeley. I am a member of the Norfolk Board of Selectmen and a constant reader of NofolkNet. I am very supportive of the efforts that Vijay and Andras have been achieving with this site. They have done a tremendous job of reaching out to everyone in Norfolk and I commend them for their tireless efforts.
I am posting this note to steer straight into the questions that have been posted and not to avoid them. I hope the readers appreciate my attempt to answer their concerns.
I have read with a lot of interest all of the recent postings to NorfolkNet. I am sincerely happy to see the number of people who are interested in our Town. In the best of times, in the worst of times. Too bad it's the latter right now. Needless to say, many of us have been very busy the last few days. So have many others at Town Hall, in particular the Water Department and the Board of Health. I have now had a chance to read all of the notes posted here on NorfolkNet and I am willing to put my head in the Lions mouth by trying to comment on some of these. However, as I do so there will inevitably be a few points that I will miss, so when I miss something please bring them to my attention and will rectify the oversight. I will not hide anything.
C o n t i n u e d . . .
Norfolk Water Department
Town Hall
Norfolk, Massachusetts 02056
(For Water Users)All consumers of the Norfolk Water Department are hereby advised that, due to E. Coli counts in water samples, all water used from the system for human and animal consumption, eg. brushing teeth, hand washing, washing of vegetables or food preparation, etc., should be boiled before use. The water should be brought to and kept at a vigorous boil for not less than ONE MINUTE.
Improvements in the rather flat taste of boiled water can be accomplished as follows:
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Drinking Water Program has been notified of the problem and has approved the procedures taken. This BOIL ORDER remains in effect until the water quality problem is corrected, and the Department of Environmental Protection terminates this ORDER in writing. When the BOIL ORDER is officially terminated you will be notified, but until that time water must be boiled as described above to protect your health.
- Store in refrigerator
- Pour back and forth from one clean container to another
- Add a pinch of salt per quart
If you have any questions on this information, please contact James Martin at (508) 528-1412.
Office (508) 528-1412 * P.O. Box 264, Norfolk, MA 02056