Our town of Norfolk, prior to its incorporation in 23 Feb 1870, was known as North Wrentham. Many Ponds were involved in the settling of these towns - in fact a section of Norfolk was known as the village of Pondville - in testimony to your relatives. One of the oldest settled spots in the area is on land from the original Dedham grant where an early colony was founded - Daniel Pond and his son Ephraim made their home on this land. Daniel and Oliver Pond are listed in Col. Miller's regiment at Fort William Henry on 9 Aug 1756 and were involved in an expedition to Lake George in 1757 and 1758. Continental Army Connections Daniel and Oliver Pond are listed in Col. Miller's regiment at Fort William Henry on 9 Aug 1756 and were involved in an expedition to Lake George in 1757 and 1758. Captain Oliver Pond was born 28 Jul 1737 the son of Ephraim and Michal Man Pond and grandson of Ephraim Pond, the first settler of Pondville and also the grandson of Samuel Mann, a famous religious figure hereabouts. He commanded soldiers who responded to the Lexington alarm in 1776. Pallu Pond son of Reuben and Margaret pond was born 26 May 1758 and served under Colonel Crafts in a regiment of Artillery. Religious Connections Rev. Enoch Pond, eldest son of Jacob was born at Pondville 27 Apr 1756 and graduated from Brown University in 1777. He became the first Congregationalist minister in 1777. In 1832 some inhabitants of the North part of Wrentham (today's Norfolk) agreed to break from the main church and form a separate religious group - The Cleveland Religious Society. Among the 54 signers of this charter were 6 Ponds - Pallu, Daniel G., Smith, David, Jacob and Samuel. Civil War Connections James Monroe Pond, born at North Wrentham (Norfolk) 27 May 1823, served three years as sergeant in the Dedham Company of the 18th Regiment and afterward was promoted to lieutenant. He died in Michigan. Re: Lewis Pond Wrentham vital records pre 1850 list two: Lewis Pond son of Malchiah and Ruth born 3 Jul 1771. Lewis Pond son of Lucas and Molly (or Mary) born 11 Mar 1822 Re: Francis (Frank?) Pond Wrentham vital records pre 1850 list two: Francis Lewis Pond son of Lewis and Mary E. born 4 Dec 1847 Francis Thurston Pond son of Samuel and Catherine born 06 Sep 1804