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of the Library
Web Resources
and Information
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Got some news to share with your neighbors? Does your local organization
have a fundraiser, meeting, or registration event coming up in the next
four weeks? Let us know at happenings@norfolknet.com
What a beautiful weekend! Yesterday we went to
community day, today on a shopping run, but then got to laze about the house.
We just received our notice, the summer water ban
is again in effect. Odd-even watering only, no watering during daytime,
weekends or holidays.
Lee got her first tooth! (...only 55 more to go?
I guess some are more exciting than others! :-)
My Mom tells me summer has arrived in California, in
spite of the freak snowstorm their mountains got last week.
There is a News and Information page under Web Resources;
it contains a reasonable collection of links to get you started browsing.
First pass of the town
business listings is done. By no means complete, but a reasonable
first stab. Please, everyone else -- let
us know about you!
Friends of the Library meeting
on Mon June 7, 7pm in the library meeting room.
Summer concert: King
Philip High Concert Band, Tue June 8 6:30pm.
Next Thursday book group meets
6/10 to discuss Montana 1948 by Larry Watson.
First day of summer adult pick-up
soccer, Wed Jun 16, 6:30pm at Freeman-Centennial.
Summer concert: "The
Reminisants", Thu June 17 6:30pm.
Messages wanted! Post your ads for services, for sale signs, garage
sale notices, classifieds, help wanted notes! To add your message
to the bulletin board, e-mail it to bboard@norfolknet.com.
Posts should be short, clean, and to the point.
Wanted: information about local clubs and organizations! Drop
us a line with the information you'd like like listed in the clubs
pages. |
Help Wanted: Assistant Director, part-time 18hrs/wk,
for the town Rec Department. Details on the bulletin board in the
library. |