Q4 2014 Norfolknet Notes, Oct-Dec 2014This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
12/27 4:27pm TO: BHS looking for a builder to finish a basement: Please call knowles Construction Co., Inc. We are Norfolk company in business since 1986. great references. We build homes, remodel, decks, etc. Please give uis a call at 508.376.8602. See our web site: www.knowlesconstructioncoinc.com
- TK, Knowles Construction Co
12/27 4:25pm All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday January 3, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham, sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. FMI, please call the church office 508-528-0262 - DLJ
12/27 4:24pm VS: As with all matters related to building/demolition/ earth moving, the people to ask are on the Planning Board. If you go to the town website or call TH, you will be able to get in touch w. them. - AB-G
12/24 4:08pm I have to share this wonderful experience with you all. So for months I have been researching cars to purchase for my college student. Something not too expensive, handles well, has space and gets good mileage. So off I send my husband to look at a few cars I found for sale online. The call I received from him was "I love it!". My husband drives a BMW and is also owner of a Corvette and was very impressed with the handling of the Prius. Here is the best part. There is a little auto dealer right in Walpole who exclusively sells the Prius's. The gentleman who owns it is very knowledgeable on this automobile, no pressure sales, willing to help. If you have a need to buy a car that gets over 40 miles to the gallon, handles well I highly suggest calling or stopping buy A1 Auto Sales on 1A in Walpole. The owner is Dan, very nice young man.
- CW
12/24 4:07pm Free exercise equipment: older treadmill (still works!), trampoline, abs roller. Package deal, take all three or none. Call for info: 508-596-8806 - ET
12/24 4:06pm Has anyone reading this lost a key to a Honda that has a fitness club card attached? If so, please write to box509@norfolknet.com - DLJ
12/24 4:05pm Could someone please tell me who is doing blasting? Where is this taking place? I live on Main Street. - VS
12/24 4:03pm Julie Dempsey has been battling cancer for 4 years, Julie, husband Ryan and her sons live in Norfolk. Julie's 2 sons lost their dad, Duane Holmes on Father's Day, he coached Norfolk Little league last year. There is an online fundraiser called "Help Julie Beat Colo-Rectal Cancer" http://gfwd.at/11gVAd7. Every little bit helps, thank you, so much. If anyone has questions, my email is mla1360@msn.com - MC
12/24 4:02pm A reading of ``A Christmas Carol'', featuring many illustrations by SACC students (from HOD and Kennedy), will be aired on NCTV this Christmas season. We hope you'll enjoy it. - AB-G
12/24 4:01pm Our septic is a Bio metrics FAST wastewater system ...our contract with Wastewater treatment services went from $420 last year to $520 this year + $150 for some extra testing. Anybody has this kind of system and could tell me which contractor they use? I would like to stop using Wastewater Services. - FB
12/24 3:59pm Happy Holidays from Rocky's Auto Body! If you don't receive your card next week, stop by for one. Emma stars, as usual. - Marcia & Rocky, Rocky's Auto Body
12/24 3:58pm Looking for a contractor/builder to finish my basement We have an unfinished basement that we would like to turn into living space. Please pass along recommendations for builders that you have had a positive experience with.
Many thanks.
12/24 3:57pm Norfolk needs your help! The Norfolk Community Preservation Committee is conducting a survey of Norfolk residents as a key step toward updating the Town's Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP). Completing an OSRP that gains approval from the Massachusetts Division of Conservation Services (DCS) provides two primary benefits: (1) It provides a document to guide future Town decisions pertaining to open space and recreation, and
(2) It makes the Town eligible for grants that can be used to purchase open space and develop recreation facilities.
Public participation is a key component of preparing a plan so Town residents are urged to take a few minutes to provide an indication of the types of recreation activities and sports they or family members participate in, which facilities and open spaces they use and their thoughts about future efforts to meet open space and recreation needs in Norfolk. The last time Norfolk had a DCS-approved OSRP, the state provided funds that helped purchase the Lind Farm Conservation Land. The survey can be accessed through the Town web site, virtualnorfolk.org, or directly at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Norfolk-OSRP. If you prefer a to fill out a paper copy of the survey, you may obtain one Town Hall at the Offices of the Planning Board or Recreation Department and completed surveys can be returned to the Planning Board Office. Responses will be accepted until January 31, 2015.
12/24 3:55pm Regarding changing electric suppliers ~ you need to do your home work. In nearly all cases the first six months of your contract with your new energy supplier you will certainly see a savings but just to be clear you are only seeing the savings on the price per kiloWatt hour (kWh) and then after 6 months with the variable pricing structure will likely see an increase of 5% to 50% or maybe even more. The price of transition, transmission and delivery of that electricity is still made by NSTAR (at least for Norfolk) and that too is increasing ~ although not as much as the kWh charges. This morning I got a call from the previously pitched (12/15/14) green energy provider. This is call is a high pressure, fear laced sales pitch that your energy bills could be so costly this winter it was like I may not be able to pay my mortgage. After a polite, I'm happy with my current provider, I got a little bit of attitude and the beginning of ``you'll be sorry and here's why'' I just hung up the phone. Do your homework. And as the saying goes ~ if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. - AB 12/24 3:53pm A holiday coupon for Carols Place! Happy Holidays! - JK, Carol's Place
12/24 3:50pm My family and I, in partnership with Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Children's Hospital Boston are hosting a Blood Drive, in memory of my father Gray Mirliss on Jan. 10th, 2015 at the King Philip Middle School, 18 King St., Norfolk, MA 02056 from 8:00am ~ 3:00pm. Please plan to join us for the 11th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood Drive. In participation with Brigham, Women's Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Children's Hospital Boston
What better way to end the holiday season than by donating blood: Date: Saturday, January 10, 2015 Place: King Philip Middle School, 18 King Street, Norfolk, MA. Time: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Walk-ins will be accommodated on a 1st come 1st serve basis so we recommend that you make an appointment! Spots are filling up fast!
To make you appointment you can go to www.halfpints.childrenshospital.org Sponsor code MIRLISS
- GM
12/24 3:48pm The Norfolk Police Department is offering 2 sessions of Women's Self Defense both starting in January. One session is specifically designed for young women ages 16-22 and the other session is for all adult women. The R.A.D. Program outlines risk awareness, reduction, and avoidance, while building basic hands-on defense skills. The goal is to provide women with several options for self-defense so they can make an educated decision about resistance in case of attack.Contact Officer Michelle Palladini with any questions about the course: mpalladini@virtualnorfolk.org. Fee: $20 Advance registration through Norfolk Recreation is required. To register go to www.virtualnorfolk.org/rec, Click on Browse Program Descriptions/Register on-line, on the next page Click on Register for Activities, on the next page click on Programs and a drop down menu will appear. Scroll all the way down to 15 Winter Women's Self Defense Classes and choose your class. HIGH SCHOOL/COLLEGE SESSION: Ages 16-22 DATES: 1/2, 1/5, 1/7, 1/9 TIME: 3:30-5:30pm at KP Middle School Room 105/Auxiliary gym
ADULT (18+) SESSION: TUESDAYS: 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17 TIME: 6-9pm at HODay School Library
- AP, Norfolk Recreation
12/24 3:47pm Merry Christmas!
12/15 4:09pm Happy Holidays Norfolk! Are you sill looking for one more unique Christmas gift? Shop online now... Lucky Ducky Daycare sells GIFT CERTIFICATES that are available for next day delivery, or same day pick-up. www.luckyduckydaycare.com/#!gift-certificates/cc4u Feel free to call (508)528-2626 or email learn-with-us@luckyduckydaycare.com if you have any additional questions.
- YM, Lucky Ducky Daycare
12/15 4:08pm Come See Improv Soup This Friday!!! No matter what (if anything) you celebrate at this time of year, it is ALWAYS worth celebrating IMPROV SOUP.
Bring your friends and family to the show thisFriday December 19th at The Burrell School Auditorium, 16 Morse St, Foxboro, MA. Tickets are a bargain at $5 for students and seniors and $7 for adults, available at the door.
Join us for an evening of fabulous improvisational comedy and guaranteed entertainment for the whole family!
- ND, Un-Common Theatre Company
12/15 4:06pm Christmas is less than two weeks away. Have you finished your Christmas shopping? Copies of Norfolk Stories II are being sold in the Town Clerk's Office for $ 15 each. This oral history of Norfolk, published by the Norfolk Historical Commission, would make a great gift. Copies of the first Norfolk Stories I are also available for $ 15 a copy and if you buy both you will have 44 interviews with Norfolk residents that span the 20th Century. BB, Norfolk Historical Commission
12/15 4:05pm The Norfolk Board of Health, in conjunction with the Walpole Area Visiting Nurse Association, will be offering free flu shots for all Norfolk residents ages 4 years and older on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., at the Norfolk Town Hall, located at 1 Liberty Lane in meeting room 124. For more information, please call the Norfolk Board of Health at 508-528-7747.
- BF, Board of Health
12/15 4:03pm MEMORIAL BENCHES AVAILABLE FOR DEDICATION on Norfolks Town Hill Norfolk Recreation, with the support of the Board of Selectmen, is pleased to announce the opportunity to purchase and dedicate a memorial bench on Norfolks Town Hill. Dedications are limited to a person(s) with long-term ties to Norfolk either through residency or service. Benches are $1,375 each. Wording is limited to space available on bronze plaque. If interested, please contact the Norfolk Recreation Commission via Ann Proto at Norfolk Recreation (508)520-1315 or proto@virtualnorfolk.org. In the case of multiple interests or if any other resolution is necessary, the Norfolk Recreation Commission will have final approval. This project was initiated due to a request made by the Collins Family for their parents, Stan and Helen. Below is a picture of the Collins Family Memorial Bench now on Town Hill.
- AP, Town of Norfolk
[Photo attachment I'll add later - Wm.]
12/15 4:01pm Just wanted to say a special thanks to the Norfolk Police and EMTs, as well as all the good Samaritans who helped me when I fell at the train station on Tuesday morning. To the person who provided a blanket, you can claim it at the police station if you have not already. Happy holidays to all..... - LK
12/15 4:00pm College kids are home and available for dog sitting Dec 13-Jan 11. They have hosted 12-15 dogs over the last year for 2-12 days at a time. They get lots of loving! And good walks, too! Email alisonlutes@gmail.com to check arrangements. Happy Holidays! - AL
12/15 3:56pm In response to the following post; 12/9 1:03am I'm wondering if any folks have switched their electric supplier. I have heard from 2 different companies but am reluctant to switch until I have more information. Thank you, - MMS MMS, have you heard about Viridian Energy, if not contact me at gogreenwithtree@gmail.com or visit my web site at viridian.com/gogreenwithtree to get more information.
- SB
12/15 3:55pm AB-G: Why do assert that "I doubt many teens read the NN (nor should they)"? It seems to me that many Norfolk teens follow NorfolkNet, to the benefit of all of us. These local teens offer to babysit, do yard work, and provide many other services. Sometimes it is for high school spending money, and other times it is for college. Either way, the teen and the ``employer'' both generally benefit. One of the other positive outcomes of Norfolk Net is the facilitation of these types of opportunities for community interaction. How better to get to know your neighbors then to do chores for them at a reasonable rate? I'd like to think our kids can handle the G/PG content hosted here. - CS
12/15 3:53pm Local Norfolk citizens and Tritown neighbors, the King Philip Music Association still has about 25 fresh Christmas wreaths for sale. Only $14.00 each with a red bow. Why buy at a commercial store when you can help out a worthy cause?? Please won't you support our local music students and staff who give back to our communities at various concerts on common, Frosty Parade, Pan Mass Challenge, etc... If you are interested you can contact me at mcappuccino@verizon.net 'Tis the season! - MC, KPMA
12/9 1:07am Norfolk Cooperative Preschool will be holding their annual Open House for new families on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 from 9:30-11am. Stop by and take a look at our school. Registration for new families will begin on Monday 12/15/14. A free gift will be given out to all who attend. - LH 12/9 1:05am Come Home for the Holidays and bring your family and friends to the next IMPROV SOUP SHOW Friday December 12th from 7.30 - 8.30pm Improv Soup, the Un-Common Theatre Co.'s improvisational comedy troupe, is made up of teenagers from all over Southeastern Massachusetts and is directed by Improv Soup Alumni Colleen Murphy (Brighton, MA)!! The Soupians perform a fun and interactive show for the whole family one Friday a month at 7:30 P.M. at the Burrell School Auditorium, 16 Morse St. in Foxboro, MA. Tickets to a night of fabulous improvisational comedy cost a mere five bucks for students and seniors and seven bucks for adults! The remaining dates for the 2014-15 Season of Shows are:
January 23rd, 2015
February 13th, 2015
March 13th, 2015
April 17th, 2015
May 15th, 2015
June 12th, 2015
Please direct any questions to Chris at (508)904-3939 or check out the website at www.improvsoup..org
- CL, The Un-Common Theatre Company
12/9 1:04am Hi JH if you still have fire wood can you email me at parrip@comcast.net - PMP
12/9 1:03am I'm wondering if any folks have switched their electric supplier. I have heard from 2 different companies but am reluctant to switch until I have more information. Thank you, - MMS
12/9 1:02am Boy Scout Troop 80 is organizing a Christmas tree pickup service for Norfolk residents. The deadline to register for the collection is Jan 6,; the pickup is slated for Sat. Jan. 10, Participants should leave their tree next to the street by 9 a.m. The fee is $10 for trees up to 10 feet tall and $15 for taller trees; seniors will be charged $5. Checks should be sent to Troop 80, Norfolk Boy Scouts, PO Box 757, Norfolk. To sign up for the collection, provide your name, address and phone number via e-mail at treestroop80@gmail.com or call 508-541-4119. - ES 12/9 1:00am Coats 4 Kids Drive Underway The Norfolk Lions, the Norfolk Public Schools and the Town of Norfolk are pleased to announce that the Coats 4 Kids winter outerwear drive is in full swing. Please consider donating your gently used or unwanted coats, whether they are for infants, kids, men or women to this annual drive. Drop off locations are at the Lions Christmas Tree sales located next to Dunkin Donuts, the H. Olive Day School, the Freeman-Kennedy School and at the Town Clerks Office. All coats will be cleaned by Anton's Cleaners. Donations for this important cause can be made until mid-January. The Lions would like to send a special thanks to Dover Trucking for once again donating new totes for our collection stations. If you have any questions about the drive, please contact Kate Morog at 508-541-8555. Happy Holidays!
- PS, Norfolk Lions
12/9 12:57am Math tutoring available for students up to pre-calc for 20$/hr. I am a King Philip Junior currently taking honors pre-calc. I love math and I can explain multiple different methods to every problem to ensure your child's success. Contact Zack G at zackinnator@Gmail.comt - ZG
12/9 12:57am Give the Gift of Music with Ivy Music Academy Gift Certificates! A music lesson gift certificate is the perfect idea for Christmas! We offer a wide variety of music lessons taught by our Ivy experienced Instructors and the gift certificate you purchase is redeemable for any of the lesson types we offer.Perhaps best of all, our unique music lesson gift certificates never expire, so recipients can use them whenever it's convenient for them.
To order a music lessons gift certificate give us a call at 781 647 5390 or e-mail us at ivymusicacademy@gmail.com
Our music lessons gift certificates can be printed or emailed depending on your preference.
- VS, Ivy Music Academy
12/9 12:55am It is time to mark your calendars!! We are very pleased to announce dates for the upcoming summer of 2015 for our summer day programs! Current grade 6 entering grade 7 June 29 - July 3**
Current grade 3 entering grade 4 July 20, 21 (two day program)
Current grade 7 entering grade 8 July 27 - July 31
Current grade 4 entering grade 5 August 3 - August 7
Current grade 5 entering grade 6 August 17 - 21
**Make up week for grade 6 entering grade 7 will be July 6-10 if school if snow days or cancellations push into our original week.
Please check out our website at www.daretodreamsummer.com and please "Like" us on Facebook. We look forward to seeing you back with us in 2015!
- SP, DARE to Dream Summer Day Program
12/9 12:49am Hello! My name is Samantha T. and I am a freshman at the King Philip High School. I am trying to earn a little extra cash and if anyone is interested in a baby sister I would love to help! I took the 4-h babysitting course in 6th grade so I am all certified! Contact me at box508@norfolknet.com
- ST
12/9 12:47am MISSING - yellow lab named Leo - he wandered off this morning (12/2) about 10 am from Barnstable Road. He is wearing a black and dark blue electric fence collar. He is very friendly. Please call 617 921-7302 or 508 528 4877 if you have seen him. Thank you - The Connelly Family - CC
12/9 12:46am Dog walkers needed! Do you love animals and enjoy the outdoors? Interested in spending time with pets and earn some extra money? Growing pet service business is looking for qualified dog walkers/pet sitters to add to our staff. Ideal candidate is reliable, responsible, trustworthy, punctual, conscientious and friendly. Having some prior experience with dogs (personal and/or professional) a plus. Individual must feel comfortable with all types of breeds and temperaments and must be willing to work in all types of weather. THIS IS NOT A TEMPORARY POSITION. We are looking for a long-term partner to support our clients.
-Must possess a valid Massachusetts drivers license, have a car and the ability to read maps
-has a computer and cell phone with texting capabilities
-is available weekdays during normal office hours; most walks are mid-day so MUST be available during those times. Weekend work may also be required.
-lives in the Norfolk, Franklin, Wrentham, Walpole, Foxboro, Medfield, Millis, Dedham, Westwood or Norwood area and is willing to travel to local surrounding communities
- having the ability to take pets into your own home for overnight care is a plus
Walkers will earn money for each pet visit, along with a gas allowance for travel. To apply for this position, please email us and include resume and cover letter briefly explaining why you would make a good candidate. Must possess ALL of the above requirements to be considered. Serious candidates only, please.
Contact information: 781-241-2083 or 617-304-4750
- CC
12/9 12:43am Many kudos and heartfelt thanks belong to the young person or persons who dropped a dime on the ( alleged) perpetrator of animal cruelty on Grove St. Obviously, in addition to being more than despicable this miscreant was a poor judge of character. It's a good thing a video was made, because we might never have known what was going on. What an embarrassment for the town had these teens not come forward to seek justice for that dog. I hope the defendants don't land in front of some silly judge who lets them off because they're "just juveniles". I hope they are punished to the full extent of the law. Fortunately the animal cruelty laws were stiffened after that poor dog, who had to be euthanized, was found in Quincy. Richard Ross was involved in that legislation. I doubt many teens read the NN ( nor should they) so if any of you happen to know the brave young defenders of that dog, please thank them for me. The town should honor them in some special way. - AB-G
12/9 12:42am It's that time of year again!! Dog tags in the town of Norfolk all expire December 31st so if you want to get ahead of the process, dog registration is beginning on December 15th. You can register by mail, in person, or on the Town Clerk's website. If you renew by mail, please include a self addressed, stamped, return envelope. Registration forms will also be included with your census for your convenience.
The cost is $10.00 per dog if they are spayed/neutered, $15.00 each if they are not. Please make checks payable to Town of Norfolk and send them to the Town Clerk's office - 1 Liberty Lane.
New this year - the town voted to accept a Mass General Law that waives the dog registration fee for our residents 70 years of age and over, so if you are in that age group, we are going to need proof of age at the time of registration.
- CG, Town Clerk
12/9 12:36am JH, how do we contact you about that 1/2 cord of wood? - TB (2)
[My error, I created an invisible email link. Here it is: Jbeckerhoffman@gmail.com - Wm.]
12/9 12:36am Hi LH, my name is Edilaine, I'm house cleaner and I've been cleaning for families in Norfolk for many years. If you still needing someone to clean your house I have some opening. I can give you many references if needed. Call or tax 774 291 1887. Thanks - EL
12/9 12:35am Hello, fellow Norfolkians. I was expecting a package last Friday and according to FedEx it was delivered to my front door (except it wasn't). The sender shipped with no-signature required. Anyway, it was a nice 35 day chiming wall clock valued at around $70. I don't suspect someone took it from my front porch because my Wife and I were home all day and the dog never barked. Anyway, I figure it was delivered to the wrong address. If you happen to know someone that received a nice clock that they didn't order (or pay for ;)), I would appreciate the courtesy of them contacting FedEx or me. I am sure it's a simple mistake. I know it's not as easy leaving out a wrongly delivered parcel from the USPS, but it would be much appreciated. We live on North Street. I did open a claim with FedEx, but who knows how that will turn out.
Thank you!
12/9 12:32am BR - What other kinds of animals will this farm across from Jane and Paul's have? Will they have pigs? How do we find out details about this new farm? - NT
11/30 5:44pm Hello, please feel free to share my contact info to the two people looking for firewood and cleaning services. Thank you. Christine, - CW
[Update 12/15 3:59pm: was asked to remove contact info - Wm.]
11/30 5:39pm Someone from NN who wanted a plant contacted me, and I said when it was ready I would email her. I've lost the email, somehow. Could she please get back in touch with me as I have the plant ready for her. - AB-G
11/30 5:38pm Christmas is coming in less than four weeks. Looking for something to give? The Norfolk Historical Commmission has published a new book, Norfolk Stories II and you can pick up copies in the Town Clerk's Office for $ 15.00 each. You'll get the story of what it was like to live in Norfolk in the last half of the Twentieth Century. This is a collection of interviews with twenty-five Norfolk residents who describe their experiences during that era. Read and enjoy this oral history captured in their own words. Pick up two copies, one for yourself and the second for a gift. - BB, Norfolk Historical Commission 11/30 5:36pm The holiday season is officially upon us! Make your entertaining easier with gorgeous cookie and dessert platters or cakes and simplify gift giving with beautiful assorted homemade boxed truffles that make the perfect hostess gift! Annie's Just Desserts is a Norfolk business. Deliveries are always free within Norfolk. All desserts are made fresh to order and are always made from scratch so they taste as good as they look. Contact me to place your order: www.anniesjustdesserts.com/contact-annie
- AD, Annie's Just Desserts
11/30 5:35pm Firewood for sale: Split and dry red oak, Half a cord, $100 delivered. Also bundles available for pickup Jbeckerhoffman@gmail.com - JH 11/30 5:34pm Norfolk Lions Announce that Santa is Coming to Town on Sunday December 7 Santa Claus will roll into Norfolk on Sunday, December 7th and a host of groups will turn out to celebrate his arrival with a variety of activities.
Santa and his entourage will be ushered into town by the highly acclaimed King Philip High School Marching Band under the direction of Mr. Joshua Wolloff. The band recently achieved status as the National Champions in the US National Bands Division 3 competition, so come on out to congratulate them on their achievements while getting in the holiday spirit!
Prior to the parade, Santa stops in at Hillcrest Village to hand out cookies and treats and receive hugs and kisses from the residents. Shhhhh don't tell Mrs. Claus!
Santa's parade will begin at 3:30 p.m. at the Hillcrest Village on Rockwood Road. Santa's elves, Frosty the Snowman, the Grinch, Norfolk Police and Fire Departments, area Scouts, and others will join Santa along Route 115, through the center of town, turning right onto Liberty Lane and ending at the Norfolk library.
At 4:00 p.m. residents are invited to visit with Santa in the Meeting Room of the library and have their pictures taken. Santa's elves will be bustling around the room assisting all. This year, Santa is going digital and you can download your photos after the parade. Refreshments will be provided by the Norfolk Recreation Department.
Children are invited to bring their homemade ornaments to help the adults decorate the town Christmas tree, which will be lit for the first time to mark the beginning of the season.
The Santa Parade and festivities are sponsored by the Norfolk Lions Club and the Norfolk Recreation Department, with the cooperation of numerous town departments, including our Fire, Police and Highway Departments, the staff of the Norfolk Public Library, and Norfolk Recreation.
- PS, Norfolk Lions
11/30 5:33pm For Tree Removal we use MJO Tree Service form Norfolk. Ask for Jonathon 508-397-7421 - WS
11/30 5:32pm JEC - That is a farm going in across from Jane & Paul's. They will have animals--goats etc. - BR
11/30 5:31pm Has anyone noticed a new noise in the town? Tonight a smaller plow was doing our road. It had a extremely loud beeper. This is the first year they have had them. He spent 20 minutes creating a lot of noise at 9pm. No one is around. No one is on the road. No one goes near a working plow in the middle of the night. There are broad band devices which use white noise instead and maintain a local warning field instead of waking everyone up in a 2 block radius. www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkFdFP5ffRo
Please send an email to dpw@virtualnorfolk.org and ask for white noise beepers to be installed.
- BB
11/30 5:29pm I live in Norfolk; I have dry split red oak fire wood for sale. 1/2 cord 115$. Free delivery. Email me with questions or requests, jbeckerhoffman@gmail.com - JH
11/30 5:25pm You: have very dusty, loud, lonely drumset. It used to wail!, but is now hogging up a nice corner and you've been drying shirts on it. It's worth a mint but really you want it played by some zealous young-blood and will take the equivalent of pizza and a case of beer for it. Me: I have earplugs, a prayer that my guy will convert to harmonica, keyboard, humming, or upright bass. I also come with budding young percussionist who came into this world tapping his feet, so I have made room in basement for "Neil Pert jr." Please contact through this website if you are ready to have my cherub crushin' your hi hats, snares, cowbell and bass. When you meet him you'll likely throw in concert signed Alex Van Halen sticks and we will thank you profusely. [You can use box506@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
- MN
11/30 5:24pm Looking for someone to lay tile in a foyer. Any recommendations Thanks. - JF
11/30 5:22pm All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday December 6, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham, sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. FMI, please call the church office 508-528-0262 - DLJ
11/30 5:21pm - EM, I can recommend Chiropractor Dr. Dennis Coakley of Medway. He also is a Licensed Acupuncturist 508-533-6794 coakleychiropractic.com - PAR, For limb trimming, tree removal and snow plowing, check with Norfolk?s Green Trees Arborcare 508-384-2992 greentreesarborcareinc.com
- JO, How could someone get in touch with you if they have a high chair available? Also, there is a Norfolk Children's Items Yard Sale Facebook group.
- DLJ 11/23 8:05pm For sale: Baldwin Acrosonic model 2096 upright piano with matching bench. One owner. Mint condition. Fine furniture details. Beautiful cherry finish. Impeccable tone and responsive touch. Baldwin Acrosonic is America's number one selling piano and is consistently recommended by piano teachers to their students. $2500. Call 508-384-8179 leave message.
- DC
11/23 7:29pm Hello, Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced house cleaner? Thanks! - LH
11/23 7:28pm Tree removal service (insured arborists only!) recommendations please - We would like to take down as well as limb some trees in our back yard, but want to have the hard wood cut up in lengths for future use as firewood. The trees would have to be climbed. So we need an insured AND reasonably priced AND knowledgable arborist. Any recommendations please?
Need name(s) ASAP! Thank you.
11/23 7:23pm Two male guinea pigs with cage are looking for a forever home. We are fostering two 1 year old guinea pigs for a friend and are looking for a forever home for these sweet boys, Smudge and Caramel. We are asking a small rehoming fee of $50 as we do not want them to become snake food, and are looking for a good home where they will get lots of love. Guinea pigs require a decent amount of space to run, and so we are including their cage setup. The setup will include the cage, the pan, water bottle, hay rack, and hidey houses. The cage, as is, will require a minimum of 28"x 56" of floor or table space, but if needed, the cage can be reduced to 28" x 42". To see what kind of cage they have you can google guinepigcages.com. By the way, if you have never had a guinea pig, guineapigcages.com is an excellent resource to learn about proper guinea pig care. Please contact me with inquiries at lynn.levinson@gmail.com - LL
11/23 7:19pm I began voice lessons a few months ago with Elyssa at Ivy Music Academy. I had taken lessons from another voice instructor here in Massachusetts, as well as from a prominent voice instructor in Newport Beach, California, who trained many of the celebrity singers. In spite of all of my previous lessons, I felt that I never was able to excel with my voice. I have always loved singing but always struggled with my singing voice. I found Elyssa to be the most enthusiastic instructor I have ever worked with. She is very talented, attentive to detail and loves her job, which I believe is so important. Additionally, she's just a wonderful person!
I also have to say that everyone else at the academy is terrific. It's a very warm, welcoming and friendly place to study.
I look forward to my lessons so much, that, rather than going only once a week, like I started, I now go 3 times a week at my request. I just love Elyssa and Ivy Music Academy.''
- DD
11/23 7:17pm Any recommendations for firewood in Norfolk? - NH
11/23 7:16pm Looking for someone to clean my gutters for not too much money. Anyone know of a reliable company or person? - RS
11/23 7:15pm Avaiable 8 foot by 40 foot storage container for rent with electricity and one parking space for $250 per month. Email box505@norfolknet.com - SB
11/23 7:14pm Norfolk Cooperative Preschool will be holding their annual "Open House" for new families on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 from 9:30-11am. Come on in and see what NCP is all about. There will be a free gift for all children attending. www.norfolkcoop.org - CP
11/23 7:13pm If you are looking for a fun activity with your little one please join us on Monday Mornings at the Norfolk Cooperative Preschool for a free playgroup. The Playgroup is held in the Pre-school playroom from 9:15-10am for ages 12 mos - 2.5yrs. Space is limited to 10 children so please sign-up on the schools website at www.norfolkcoop.org - CP
11/23 7:12pm I am reaching out to the community, in search of used highchairs in good condition. I am a teacher in the KP district. Grandchildren are coming for the holidays so I need them soon. I would consider purchasing them for a reasonable fee. Thanks!!
- JO
11/23 7:11pm EM - please go to Dr. Kevin Cooper at LifeForce Health Center on Route 1. He has a string of initials after his name (which is good for the credential factor but also for integrated therapies). Years ago, I was referred to him by an orthopedic surgeon (which tells you a lot about his effectiveness) and he literally changed my life. You will very happy you found him. - CA
11/23 7:10pm I, too, am wondering what is going in across from Jane and Paul's farm. Doesn't anyone know the answer... for sure? (Not just speculations). - JEC
11/23 7:09pm Robert Roofing and Gutters in Norfolk cleans gutters. Call Rob at 857-247-8709. - KS
11/23 7:06pm Hi, my name is Jennifer and I am a 9th grader at KP High School and I'm looking for babysitting opportunities. I am very good with children and will give 100% of my attention to your kids. I am trustworthy, reliable, loyal, and responsible. I can do simple housework when children are asleep. I am available Tuesdays 3:00 - 8:00 PM, and Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. I am also available on short notice. I can be reached at (781) 690-1816.
- JP
11/23 7:04pm Hello, I have a set or Remo Rototoms in really mint condition. It comes with the stand and the three rototoms, they sound great! I would like to get $150 for them. I also have more drum stuff that I am willing to sell. You can contact me at 401-580-3545 or email me at 1sharktooth@comcast.net Thanks, - DA
11/23 7:01pm Where's the best place in the area for firewood? - NH
11/23 6:59pm The Un-Common Theatre Company's Young Performers Production is excited to offer auditions for students in grades 1 through 6 for Disney's Alice in Wonderland, JR. on Sunday, December 14, 2014, from 10 am to 1:30 pm. Directed by Mount Saint Charles High School Senior Sean Leehan, Choreographed by Franklin High School Junior Kalen Hughes and Music Directed by Professional Vocal Instructor Linda Barbieri, this show will feature a cast of 1st through 6th graders and will be performed at the Qualters Middle School in Mansfield, MA, March 13-15, 2015. Lewis Carroll's famous inquisitive heroine comes to life in Disney's Alice in Wonderland JR., a delightful adaptation of the classic Disney film. Join Alice as she chases the White Rabbit, races the Dodo Bird, gets tied up with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, raps with a bubble-blowing Caterpillar, and beats the Queen of Hearts at her own game! The story is narrated by not one, but three Cheshire Cats! You'll also meet dozens of other wonderfully wacky characters including rock lobsters, talking fish, royal cardsmen, unbirthday partiers, as well as a group of mean-girl flowers.
Disney's Alice in Wonderland JR. is a fast-paced stage adaptation of the timeless film, featuring such classic Disney songs as "I'm Late," "The Un- birthday Song" and "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah." The whole family will enjoy travelling down the rabbit hole and joining Alice in her madcap adventures in Wonderland!
Auditions will be held at the Orpheum Theatre in Foxboro, MA for students in grades 1 through 6 on Sunday, December 14th, from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Callbacks will be held from 3 to 5 pm. To make an appointment, email uncommontheatre@verizon.net. Please provide your name, grade, age, e-mail address and telephone number. A representative from The Un-Common Theatre Company will contact you with an appointment time and more information.
For those who are new to the audition process or would like to improve their auditioning skills, Un-Common is also offering an Introduction to Auditioning Workshop on Thursday, December 4th from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at the Orpheum Theatre in Foxboro, MA. The workshop will be presented by Michael Hammond, Director and Choreographer of Un-Common's Fall Production of Seussical, and Linda Barbieri, Music Director of the upcoming Disney's Alice in Wonderland, JR., with Alice in Wonderland's Director Sean Leehan and Choreographer Kalen Hughes presenting an overview of the upcoming Young Performers Production. A breakout session for parents will also be offered to introduce and review the process of the production from auditions to opening night. The workshop fee is $25 per child which includes the parent session. Email uncommontheatre@verizon.net to reserve your space.
For more information about audition requirements and the Introduction to Auditioning Workshop, please visit www.uncommontheatre.org.
- ND, Uncommon Theatre Company
11/23 6:56pm Shop Small Business Saturday on November 29, 2014. Lucky Ducky Daycare sells Gift Certificates in the following amounts: $100.00-$500.00! We accept most major credit cards. Receive a FREE Tote bag with your purchase and (save 20% off the face value)"ONE DAY ONLY". Lucky Ducky Daycare is also hosting "Parents Night Out" on Saturday 11/29 from 3-8 p.m. Additional R.S.V.P information and tickets are available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lucky-ducky-daycare-parents-night-out-for-ages-4-11-years-old-tickets-14233547925 learn-with-us@luckyduckydaycare.com/(508)528-2626 /Pre-School, and School Age Childcare (for Grades K-5) www.luckyduckydaycare.com
- YM, Lucky Ducky Daycare
11/23 6:56pm 11/16 10:13pm Could somebody please share a reference for an exterior siding professional to replace the siding and three windows for one side of our home. Hoping for somebody local, trustworthy and reasonably priced. Thank you. - DMD BH House Frames LLC of Franklin MA is a great contact to repair siding and window replacement. I have worked with Brian Robsham for over a decade on many residential and commercial projects; professional, trustworthy and reasonable. 508-560-2753
- RD, Complete Builders, LLC
11/23 6:54pm Immediate opening for infant/toddler in Norfolk family child care. Personalized care in a warm and secure environment where your child can learn and grow. Open Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 5:30 pm. Licensed by the Dept of Early Education and Care, MA.
Small group setting, smoke free home, meals and snacks provided. Located in a quiet family neighborhood. References available.
I can be reached at norfolkchildcare@live.com or 508-520-3694.
- TCT 11/23 6:50pm With school and football season approaching, J. Hockman Inc. will support the local community by donating $5 for every septic pump completed in the towns of Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham. Proceeds will assist with King Philip's fund raising efforts for a new artificial athletic field. Call 508.384.1400 to schedule a pump today!"
- KG, J. Hockman Inc.
11/16 10:29pm I am looking for italian classes for my 7 and 9 year old if anyone can recommend somewhere local. Thanks! - SG 11/16 10:28pm Norfolk Lions Club is in full swing with their annual Christmas Tree Sale!! This month long event is one of the Lions Club's most important fundraisers and a great opportunity for the Lions to connect with so many members of the community during the holiday period. Sales begin the day after Thanksgiving, on November 28, and continue until all trees are gone. We hope to see you down at the lot early for best selection. As has been its tradition in the past six years, the Norfolk Lions Christmas Tree Sale is located on the lot next to the Dunkin Donuts on Main Street in downtown Norfolk. We thank the owners of our local Dunkin Donuts for their continued support of the Norfolk Lions.
Selling hours are weekdays from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM and weekends from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. The Lions will be happy to trim the bottom of your tree, wrap it and secure it to your car, although pickup trucks are very much appreciated. We accept cash and checks to the Norfolk Lions Club; sorry no credit cards.
Did you know that it takes 10 to 12 years of growing time and professional care to bring a Christmas tree to harvest? Our trees come from northern Maine and they are fresh and beautiful! We have both Balsam and Frazier Fir trees, as well as wreaths. We also have tree bags and tree life preservative to promote needle retention and help keep your tree fresh.
All of the proceeds from the sales of the trees go right back into the local Norfolk community and to various Lions charities. "Monies that the Lions generate go to seed such research as blindness prevention, diabetes prevention and numerous other causes", says Ed Melanson, this year's President and King Lion. "Norfolk Lions has donated over $250,000 in it's over 50 years of service to the community".
This year we will have a collection bin at the tree lot for Coats 4 Kids. We will be collecting coats for men, women and children to be given to families in need in our community. Any and all coats in good condition are needed and all will be dry-cleaned courtesy of Anton's Cleaners.
We will also be collecting non-perishable food donations for the benefit of the Norfolk Food Pantry. Like many of us, the food pantry has been hit hard during these economic times and we would like to help out. Bill Hawkins, co-chairman of the Christmas Tree Sale, further comments, "Your contributions to the Norfolk Food Pantry would be appreciated and could not come at a better time of year."
Again this year, the Boy Scouts of Norfolk will be offering a tree pick up service after the holidays. For $10, the Scouts will pick up a tree at any house in Norfolk and bring it to the transfer station for recycling. You can register for this service at the lot when you buy your tree.
The Norfolk Lions Club currently has 82 men and women members and is growing! We meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Novatos Bar and Grill at 218 Dedham St (Rt. 1A) in Norfolk, MA. For more information or to get involved with the Norfolk Lions Club, please visit www.NorfolkMALions.org, or send email to norfolk lionsmembership@gmail.com or talk to any Lions member you may know.
- PS, Norfolk Lions
11/16 10:27pm Hopefully you have all read your town meeting warrant, up and down, back and forth. Our apologies for the printing challenges that many of you are experiencing. Our printer will have more warrants delivered to town hall on Monday, with pages in the correct order. Copies are available today at the Library and Senior Center and on the web at www.virtualnorfolk.org.
Sorry for the inconvenience. We hope to see you at Town Meeting on Tuesday at 7 pm at the King Philip Middle School.
- JH, Town of Norfolk
11/16 10:26pm Hi - does anyone have any recommendations for a local person/company that cleans gutters? Thanks, - JS
11/16 10:25pm FB: for gutter cleaning, call Craig Robinson here in town. You can reach him at 508-530-2453 or 508-520-1459. - VR
11/16 10:24pm Looking for a finish carpenter to do some work on my kitchen cabinets. Anyone have any recommendations? - JFO (3)
11/16 10:23pm We are considering switching cell phone service carriers from Sprint to T Mobile. T Mobile does publish signal coverage maps, but I was wondering what the real-life experience of other T Mobile customers has been with signal strength in and around Norfolk. Thank you. - KC
11/16 10:20pm I go to Absolute Health on South St in Wrentham. Dr. Chris it terrific. Phone 508-384 0944 - JR
11/16 10:14pm Hello TG. Many thanks to your reply about my whole house humidifier inquiry. I have never heard that before about these units, so I will proceed with caution before making a recommendation to my neighbor. THANK YOU for replying and for your help. - AMG
11/16 10:13pm Could somebody please share a reference for an exterior siding professional to replace the siding and three windows for one side of our home. Hoping for somebody local, trustworthy and reasonably priced. Thank you. - DMD
11/16 10:11pm KP - ask DESE, MCAS is only mandatory to graduate not to take every year. And just like the SATs there is no studying for it just practice and if the teachers have done a decent job at teaching reading, writing, math and science then any student should be able to walk in and take the test and pass. It is not authentic and again, just like the SATs, (which is why many of the top colleges don't put much credit to them) any student who can sit for three hours straight with a decent enough education should be able to pass without 7 years of taking it! And students can take it several times in high school as needed. I've also been told even students on IEPs rarely fail after the second or third try. It's not authentic, it's not cumulative and the stress and anxiety of these poor kids is palpable in the schools during MCAS time. Btw, I don't work in Norfolk and telling the teachers and the Superintendent about your dismay is preaching to the choir. It starts at the top. - JW
11/16 10:10pm Need someone to clean our gutters of pine needles and leaves. Any recommendations? - FB
11/11 12:23pm Hello: I am looking for a chiropractor in the area. I am interested in one that could possibly help with chronic headache. Any recommendations? Thank you in advance. - EM
11/11 12:22pm Un-Common Theatre Company's Improv Soup Show Friday, November 14th Improv Soup continues its 17th season with their monthly show on Friday November 14th at 7:30 pm at the Burrell School Auditorium in Foxboro, MA. This unique teenage improvisational comedy troupe is made up of 14 teenagers from all over Southeastern Massachusetts. The Soupians perform long and short form Improv based on audience suggestions, developing team building skills and learning to work as a unit and supporting each other during the process.
This year's cast of truly hilarious teens is guaranteed to provide an enjoyable evening of fun for all ages. Created in 1998 by Christa Crewdson (Arlington, MA), Improv Soup is currently produced by ChrisLowey (Foxboro, MA) and directed by Improv Soup Alumni, Colleen Murphy (Brighton, MA) who continues to develop Superior Soupians. This talented group is one of the few teen Improv Troupes in Massachusetts.
Tickets are a bargain at $5 for students and seniors and $7 for adults, available at the door.
Please join us for an evening of fabulous improvisational comedy and guaranteed entertainment!
The current troupe consists of: From Foxboro, MA: James Donoghue & Sophie Philibert; From Mansfield, MA: Shannon Carney, Patrick Driscoll & Derek Lynch; From North Attleboro, MA: Val Stevens; From Norwood, MA: LauraAilinger; From Sharon, MA: Georgia Rose Fraser, Sam Fromkin, Ethan Gekow, Julia Getz & Noah Habbe; From Sherborn, MA: Franci DuMar; From Wrentham, MA: Dan Regnier
The 2014/15 schedule is as follows:
All shows are held at 7:30 P.M. in the Burrell School Auditorium, 16 Morse St,Foxboro, MA. We hope to see you there!
November14, 2014 December 19, 2014 January 23, 2015 February 13, 2015 March 13, 2015 April 17, 2015 May 14, 2015 June 12, 2015 - CL, Uncommon Theatre Company 11/11 12:21pm - JT
11/11 12:20pm Hello, I have been the small engine repair business for a long time (1982), looking to service any and all outdoor power equipment (snow blowers, lawn mower, gas & diesel tractors). I will pick up and return it to you locally (Norfolk) for *free* and beat the local repair shops labor rate by far, so if interested email me [...]. Or call me @ [...]. I can save you money, with just the pick-up & delivery alone - some of the local companies charge up to $70.00 for Norfolk residents, I'm offering a quick turn around if possible (unless major parts need to be ordered). please remember to provide your contact info and best number and time to call you back.
we also do residential Snow Plowing (filling up quickly)
- JV
[Update 11/16 10:21pm: removed contact info, JV is flooded with work at the moment - Wm.]
11/11 12:19pm Reminder: The Norfolk Public Library is now open on Sundays, Noon - 4pm. If you have a hard time getting to the library during the week, take advantage of the Sunday hours! - RG, Norfolk Public Library
11/11 12:18pm If you, or someone you know, is still looking for a spot for a 1st or 2nd grade boy for indoor session 1 at Fore Kicks, Rosie Hamilton is looking to form one more team for the "Macro League". Please contact Rosie at rosaliehamilton@forekicks.com if you are interested, or if you have any questions. Session # 1 Begins: 11/7/14 Ends: 1/16/15
Please note first week games for this league will start on Nov 7, 2014.
NO PLAYER MEMBERSHIP FEES or additional referee fees. SPECIAL: Teams playing in session 1 save $50 off session 2 league fee MORE GAMES: Our leagues include 8 league games.
Our 5v5 Macro league is designed for 1st and 2nd grade boys and girls (6-8 year olds) to serve as a step towards the 6v6 format and to develop the abilities of our younger soccer players. A goalie position is introduced but still limits the number of field players to four to maximize each player's touches on the ball. Play will be on our special taraflex surfaced courts with a special ball designed for this format. Teams only may register and must have a responsible adult (over 21) accompanying them each week.
Teams may roster up to 12 players. Games will consist of two 25 minute halves with referees. No standings or scores will be kept or emphasized. Each player will receive our popular Fore Kicks T-shirt participation award.
Games will be played Fridays, with kick-off between 4pm-7pm for 8 games over 9 playing weeks; starting Nov. 7, 14, 21, Dec. 5, 12, 19, Jan 2, 9 and 16 (no games on Nov. 28, or Dec 26). Please click on the detailed info and registration button below for more information and sign-up information.
All teams are responsible for providing a valid contact email address when registering as this will be the primary method of communication with all teams prior to and during the season.
- CM
11/11 12:17pm Looking to get my hardwood floors sanded and refinished. Any suggestions? Thanks - LS
11/11 12:16pm AMG; I had two different companies tell me not to install a humidifier system because it would rot my duct work. I should have listened to them!! Had to replace the duct. I have since bought stand alone humidifiers; they come in different sizes. Good luck!
- TG
11/11 12:15pm http://www.virtualnorfolk.org/public_documents/norfolkma_atm/index I found town meeting warrant has finally been posted.
- MN
11/11 12:12pm Re: Walgreens post of position available. I will help spread the word, only if you mount a cork board in your vestibule so we can share other community events and offers there. I asked once ~two years ago and got the ole "company policy says no". So are you the friendly "corner store" as your current campaign sugggests? - MN
11/11 12:11pm NCTV is getting ready to put together the workshop list for January - June 2015 so our question for you is: What do you want to learn?! We have some new teachers who are excited to get going and we want to tailor our workshop list to your interests. Any and all suggestions are welcome! Please take our quick 6 question survey: www.surveymonkey.com/s/7LP7MFM Thanks!
11/11 12:08pm We are looking to re-home our two beautiful Goldendoodles. These two dogs are litter-mates, (brother and sister) and were born in August, 2013. They are lively, loving, and full of energy. We are asking that these siblings be taken AS A PAIR. We are not willing to separate them, as they are very bonded to each other. They have been raised in a family with 2 young children (4 and 6), as well as guinea pigs. These two dogs require attention, love, and exercise. A fully fenced (conventional or electric) is highly recommended, as they love to explore. Both dogs have been fully vetted, and are spayed, neutered, and microchipped. Please contact me with inquiries at lynn.levinson@gmail.com - LL
[Update 11/22 7:23pm: We found a home, thanks so much! - LL]
11/11 12:06pm I want to thank all the first-time Republicans for making a valiant effort in the ``Bluest of Blue States'' to put it kindly. I especially want to recognize Norfolk's Patricia Saint Aubin who worked incredibly hard and was elegant and gracious during her concession speech. Hopefully these brave souls will not give up on politics. - AB-G
11/11 12:04pm 11/02 7:20pm Hello. I sure would appreciate the thoughts of you construction experts out there. I want to install 2 new storm doors on a modular home I own in Barrington, New Hampshire. The house is in excellent condition as are the door frames. I have been researching Home Depot and Lowe's products, went out to view them, but when I read about them online, I can't get a good sense of which to buy. There are a lot of negative posts out there regarding Anderson storm doors (even the 400 series that I am considering) and the "Tradewinds" name by Larson. I am trying to find 1 full view and 1 highview with built in screen and I don't want to have to replace them in 2 or 3 years. My budget is mid $200's per door plus installation. Can you experts share your opinions, please? Your thoughts would be very much appreciated. Any licensed and insured Norfolk contractor reading this who does pick ups and installations in Southern NH area?? almgl1@verizon.net
Thanks so much. - AMG Hello AMG,
You requested feedback from construction experts so I thought I would reply to your post regarding storm doors (Complete Builders, LLC of Norfolk: Your Professional MA Residential Builders & Design Specialists www.CBuildllc.com
I am not familiar with the Tradewinds/Larson brand you mentioned so I will direct the info to the Anderson/EMCO series that HD offers.
Probably the number one feature to look for as you are making choices/comparisons is whether or not the storm door has a wood core. This is common in the EMCO series found at Home Depot (which is actually an Anderson brand). The downside to the wood core is that if moisture penetrates that wood core it will affect the lifespan of the door (thus counterproductive to your comment that you want it to last longer than a few years).
Although these doors are within the price range you mentioned it is best to find out if the 400 series that you are considering has that wood core; you may be spending it all again within a few short years. The Anderson 2000 series and 2500 series offer full view and also a foldaway screen option for about $250. Home Depot charges $127 for install. This includes the $30 to come out and measure and see if your door opening needs any other work done to accommodate the storm door; such as a repairs to existing door jam or a "build out". Those types of things would add cost to the install but are evaluated and priced out beforehand. If you should decide after the measuring that it just doesn't work for you, my understanding is that HD will only charge the $30 for the time their installer spent coming out to measure and evaluate. Not sure if you are an avid DIY'er but storm doors tend to be a very challenging install; "some assembly required" is an understatement and the $127 install fee is worth every penny. I hope you find this info helpful in making your storm door selection for your NH home.
- RD, Complete Builders, LLC
11/11 12:03pm AMG... Both Andersen and Larson are good choices. When a vendor sells lots and lots of storm doors, they will generate some negative press as there will always be those who can never be happy. Try to look at the positive press too. Choices are somewhat limited and I have installed a lot of both doors over the years. Andersen will immediately back up their door if there is a problem plus they have a great installation guidance phone line as well. Hope this helps. - BF (2)
11/11 12:02pm Hi - Looking for recommendations for companies that build retaining walls. I think it's too big of a job for a mason. Thanks,
- JW 11/11 12:00pm Don't miss out on the Norfolk Community League's Comedy Night on November 15th at the Italian American Club in Walpole. Doors open at 7pm. Tickets are $30 per person and includes appetizers and snacks (cash bar). We'll be having three great comedians including Ira Proctor as our headliner! Tickets are limited so get yours today at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org/events. The event is open to everyone so please invite your friends! - JT
11/10 11:59pm The Norfolk Community League is excited to host a Comedy Night on November 15, 2014 at the Italian American Club, 109 Stone Street in Walpole. Doors will open at 7pm and the show starts at 8pm sharp. Tickets are $30 per person and includes appetizers and snacks (cash bar). There will be three great comedians - Gary Petersen, Mike Whitman, and Ira Proctor as our headliner! Check him out at www.iraproctor.com and www.capecodcomedy.com! Don't wait, purchase your tickets today - tinyurl.com/nclcomedynight! This is a great chance to meet up with some friends and have a ton of laughs! - AB, NCL
11/10 11:58pm Looking for a personal driver for local trips. Must be available on short notice. Please call Barbara, 508-932-5754. - BP
11/10 11:57pm Does anyone know of someone who is affordable and can do a Fall clean up (raking/leaf blowing only)? No need for mowing or pruning... Thanks! - AW
11/10 11:56pm Hi, if anyone is looking for house cleaner. I have been cleaning for families in Norfolk for 5 years and I have some opening. please call 774 2911887. thanks - EL
11/10 11:55pm Growing pet care company looking for Administrative Assistance. Great opportunity for someone looking for Mother's hours and to grow with an expanding business. Appropriate candidate: Is extremely detail-oriented and organized; Can work well independently in a fast-paced environment; Has excellent communications skills (both written and verbal); Is looking for a long-term position in pet care.
Responsibilities include:
- Implement and manage recruitment efforts for the business
- Must be versed in using on and offline recruitment sources
- Interview, check references, and hire for all open positions
- Promote business online through directories and other low-cost sources
- Develop, manage and expand monthly business e-newsletter
- Experience with MailChimp and top social media sites
- Support team in the management of all the day-to-day activities of the business such as client communications and timely responses to requests, generating invoices, making deposits, setting up and managing schedules, and more.
- Marketing support and follow up
Requirements: Approximately 40 hours a month. Remote, work-from-home position (approx 10 hours a week where some weeks will be more and other weeks will require less time). Individual must have their own computer and access to mobile phone (with a data plan), experience texting, emailing and the ability to manage and navigate web-based software.
Training is detailed so only looking for someone interested in a long-term, permanent position.
Please respond via email with salary requirement, a resume and letter of inquiry of why this would be an ideal position for you. Email: junebug1306@yahoo.com
- AW
11/10 11:32pm JW - I would be careful with your words. MCAS is a mandatory exam for all students. PARCC is not, yet. I surely hope that your child's Principal, and probably my child's too, didn't tell you that you can opt out of MCAS too. That said, you are 100% right that they teach to the exam. It is totally wrong that the standard daily learning activities are altered for this prior to the exam period. I bet the Principal didn't admit to that though. All it does is get the kids worked up about a test that they should be able to pass regardless. Parent/teacher conferences are this week in Norfolk. Every parent should tell their child's teacher that they oppose the 'cram session' before the upcoming exams. If enough parents voice a concern it might make the Superintendent realize that something is wrong; or at least make her comment on it.
- KP
11/02 7:20pm Hello. I sure would appreciate the thoughts of you construction experts out there. I want to install 2 new storm doors on a modular home I own in Barrington, New Hampshire. The house is in excellent condition as are the door frames. I have been researching Home Depot and Lowe's products, went out to view them, but when I read about them online, I can't get a good sense of which to buy. There are a lot of negative posts out there regarding Anderson storm doors (even the 400 series that I am considering) and the "Tradewinds" name by Larson. I am trying to find 1 full view and 1 highview with built in screen and I don't want to have to replace them in 2 or 3 years. My budget is mid $200's per door plus installation. Can you experts share your opinions, please? Your thoughts would be very much appreciated. Any licensed and insured Norfolk contractor reading this who does pick ups and installations in Southern NH area?? almgl1@verizon.net
Thanks so much.
11/02 7:19pm Ocean State Job Lot is offering a 25% Discount to Active Military and Veterans on November 6-12. ID required. - PRB
11/02 7:18pm EM: A1 Paving did my driveway about five years ago and I have been very pleased. 508-384-7314. - JK
11/02 7:17pm JG: MF Landscape in Walpole is super! I have been through many, many plow people due to my difficult driveway. He is meticulous and the best. Call Mike: 508-404-4819. - JK
11/02 7:16pm Whole house humidifier installer wanted. Could someone please recommend a reputable and reasonable company or individual who can supply and install a whole house humidifier for my neighbor's forced air furnace? Home is approximately 4 years old, located in Norfolk and the air ducts are easily accessed adjacent to the furnace in the basement with electricity easily accessed. Most of us have Skuttle systems installed by the developer but she did not elect to do so at construction. Square footage is approximately 1800. The installer must be licensed and insured and able to produce documents to that effect as required by our condo association.
Many thanks.
11/02 7:15pm Job Posting! Walgreen's, located in the Norfolk Center is looking to hire a new Pharmacy Technician! It/s a part-time position (approximately 20 hours/week). Looking for Tuesday - Thursday - Friday day! Friendly atmosphere & store discount! Apply at the store or at Walgreens.com. Thanks! - HE, Walgreens
11/02 7:14pm Ivy Music Academy has the pleasure to announce that our great guitar teacher and player Steve Marchena will perform at the Arts Instructors Concert at Bentley University on Wednesday, November 5th (6:30 doors). - VS, Ivy Music Academy
11/02 7:13pm KP Parent Network 2015 All Night Party Kick-off The King Philip Parent Network will hold a kick-off planning event for the 2015 All Night Party on Thursday, November 20th during Parent Teacher Conferences at the high school. From 5:30-8 p.m., parents are invited to stop by the KPPN table in the main lobby for party information and refreshments. In addition, a sneak preview of the party will be available in the auditorium. Raffle tickets will be sold for prizes such as front row seats and premiere parking at graduation. In addition, to celebrate this year's silver anniversary of the party, there will be a silver ball drop raffle with cash and non-cash prizes. The All Night Party is a 25-year-old tradition that keeps graduates safe on the night of graduation. Over 100 parent volunteers are needed to help decorate, set-up and chaperone the party. For more information about the party and the KP Parent Network, visit the KPPN website at kpparentnetwork.org
- GA
11/02 7:12pm Growing business in need of support. If you are looking for flexible, work-from-home part-time work, we have a number of openings on our team. In addition to hiring for dog walking and pet sitting help, we also have an administrative support role opening, an outreach assistant and recruitment position to fill. A combination of roles may also be worked out for the right candidate. Please email us at general0308@outlook.com with interest letter and resume. Please note which position is of interest. - AW
11/02 7:09pm Overwhelmed with the process of organizing your home improvement project? [frequently asked questions] Relax: We'll get you here. Design, Permits, Budgets, Financing, Time Management - it can all be overwhelming. Complete Builders will manage the entire process so that it does not become your full time job.
Learn More [link here]
Complete Builders, LLC; 774-696-6542
- RD 11/02 5:13pm Don't delay, register for the KPMA's Musical Miles Roadrace to be held on Sunday, 11/23, 10 am, at the Cracker Barrell Fairgrounds in Wrentham. Live music to be played at every mile! All proceeds will benefit the King Philip Music Asssociation, supporting musical programming at King Philip and the KP Turf Field Project. Register before 11/7 to be guaranteed a t-shirt and a raffle ticket. Register at www.kpma.racewire.com OR for mail in, there are registration forms at Norfolk Recreation Dept, NCTV station and Norfolk Public Library. Being the week of Thanksgiving, we will also be collecting canned goods/non-perishable food items for the local food pantries. For every 3 items donated, you will receive 1 free raffle ticket! - MC
11/02 5:12pm Does anyone know a good, reasonably priced daycare in the area? We are currently at bright horizons and looking to cut back costs. Thanks! - CM
11/02 5:11pm PJT: I am a special educator in a local district and agree with you about PARCC/MCAS, etc. When my children get older, I will be pulling them from school during those hours of test days and taking them to a museum or some other educational activity. I did not realize parents had a CHOICE to opt their kids out until I asked my principal (which he said do not tell people, lol). I do not directly teach students regarding these tests so I have no "dog in the race." However, I see the teachers take two months before the test and just drill the students on reading MCAS style passages that have nothing to do with the curriculum and writing boring open responses; and special education students placed in extra special classes to continue practicing the same drills and just making those kids "love" reading, math and writing even more. Teachers are told over and over again "differentiate", "have the kids move - don't let them sit for more than 20 minutes", and "do group work and multi-modality assignments to engage all different learners". Then the state says ok, sit the kids down ALL DAY - if needed, do not practice active engagement, do not talk, sit, read, write and that is how we will assess if you learn. This is not authentic. It is a test of endurance/attention. I feel the worst for the students in special education who get ALL their worked modified during the school year, scaffolded, chunked, etc. and then BAM- here now take a test at your grade level and we will see how you do and then their parents are worried when their child does not receive a Proficient score!?! They are being assessed at a reading level sometimes 2 or 3 grade levels above them! Yes, we should assess, but the designs of these tests are laughable to say they truly measure an indiv. child's growth. And any administrator who says "We do not teach to the test" - well I say ask your kids what they do in school starting in January. - JW
11/02 5:10pm Plan Ahead! Are you looking for a reliable snow plow this winter? I am a local plower with experience. If you have any interest please email be at kgbrady524@gmail.com for a free quote. - KB
11/02 5:09pm Giving away a pair of Parakeet birds with cage. Please call me at 508.498.2082 if you are interested. - TS
11/02 5:08pm Hello! The jade plants and others I have for you are free! These are cuttings I take for the health of the big plants. Jades especially need to be pruned. - AB-G
11/02 5:07pm Thanks RJRC! - AB-G
11/02 5:05pm As obtuse as I often am: am I simply missing the town meeting (nov 18th) warrant articles online at town clerks dept link? or are they not available here, with under 30 days notice until meeting! I am feeling like we need it printed again (like a lil news paper) so that the agenda dont keep changing and being silent until the 11th hour. Can Jay Talerman add light to this?? STOP LITTER: Vote YES ON 2 in November.
- MN
10/27 7:21pm NCTV's Halloween Special is on the air, featuring illustrations from participants in the SACC program at the Kennedy School. Katy Woodhams and I produced this over time and we hope everyone enjoys watching it as much as we did making it. Here are the links for the schedule to watch both on TV and on YouTube: www.norfolkcable.com/schedule/ youtu.be/6b0f5TRbQ3c - AB-G
10/27 7:20pm YARD SALE! Something for everyone, tools, furniture and much much more!! 9-2 on Saturday November 1, 2014 @ 46 Needham Street, Norfolk, MA. No early birds please... - SJ 10/27 7:19pm Band Night - JN
10/27 7:14pm Young Performers Variety Show Tickets on Sale Now Tickets for the Norfolk Lions' 2nd annual Young Performers Variety Show are now on sale. This show will be held on Sunday, November 9th at 6:00 PM at the King Philip Middle School, 18 King Street, Norfolk. We have a great line up of young performers, ages 8 to 18, who are eager to show you their special talents.
Proceeds from this show will benefit local Norfolk charities.
Tickets are $8 for children and seniors, and $15 for adults. You can get your tickets at:
- Main Street Hardware, 156 Main Street, Norfolk: Mon-Sat 8:00 to 5:00, Sun 9:00 to 1:00
- Cataldo's Paint & Hardware, 84 South Street, Wrentham: Mon-Fri 7:00 to 5:30, Sat 8:00 to 5:00
- 1776 Financial Services, 443 East Central Street, Franklin: Mon-Fri 8:00 to 4:30
Visit www.youngperformersvarietyshow.com to order tickets and pick them up at the will-call table prior to the show.
Tickets will also be on sale at the door on the day of the show. Checks should be made payable to Norfolk Lions Club.
We hope that you will join in the fun and support local young talent!
- PS, Norfolk Lions
10/27 7:13pm Hi, Our former snowplow provider is retiring, so we're looking for a local landscaper who does snow plowing in the winter. Anyone have recommendations? Thanks! - JG
10/27 7:12pm The Cilla's Coffeehouse video segment is in the first 8 minutes of the Selectmen's 10/07/14 meeting that can be reviewed at NCTV's youtu.be/_tGq1kpjWXg There is a "Cilla's Coffeehouse Opening Soon" sign on the 5 Liberty Lane building, underground construction is in process, and the business has a Facebook page. Maybe we can plan on saying hello to the owner Mary Ellen Blue by the end of the year. - DLJ
10/27 7:08pm KP Middle schools parents. KP middle school decided to use the PARCC assessment test. Which was developed by a private testing consortium. Do not let your kids be guinea pigs for a private company. OPT Out/ Refuse the PARCC test.
Read about the issues: wrentham.wickedlocal.com/article/20141023/NEWS/141028909
PARCC is collapsing country wide: [Politico] [Washington Post]
Go to Common Core Forum to read up on the PARCC and Common Core and get a form to OPT OUT of The test. www.commoncoreforum.org
10/27 7:07pm We are looking to have our driveway re-paved. We have gotten a few estimates, but they are pretty similar. Any recommendations? Thank you in advance. - EM
10/27 7:04pm All towns welcome to Saint Jude Church electronic recycle day Sat November 8, from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m at 86 Main Street, Norfolk Accepting all electronics to include monitors, computers, computer games, stereo equipment, copy and fax machines, printers, TV's, any item that as a plug. We are also accepting any appliances, such as washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators as well as lawn mowers, snow blowers with the gas removed, exercise equipment and grills. The recycle event will have low fees of $5 each r computer, $10 any monitor or small TV less than 19", $15 each TV between 19" and 26" and $20 each TV over 26" wide and wood console TV's, projection TV's $25 each TV 32" and over $30. . Any appliance are $10 each. Any cell phones, bikes car, truck batteries are free.as well as any scrap metal We have no shipments oversSees or in landfills. Any questions please contact J.wood36@yahoo.com
Bicycle Recycle Day at same parking lot. Please bring any unwanted bicycles to be reused again. No cost to drop off. Bikes are fixed and reused again. Your old bike will be someones new bike. Please bring any kind of bike any condition.
- JW 10/27 7:02pm Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Spring 2015 Registration now open! Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer (NLYS) invites players age 3 (as of September 1, 2014) through high school to register for their Spring 2015 season today. You do not have to live in Norfolk to join in the fun!
To register, please visit the newly designed website at: www.norfolklionssoccer.com
If you have any questions, please contact the registrar, Reynolds L., at lionssoccer.norfolk@gmail.com or 508-528-8015.
10/27 7:00pm It have more little jade plants to give away. I have also rooted a plant with large, glossy leaves shaped like the cross-section of a pear. It grows tall with a woody stem, suitable for a pot in a corner, as it gets taller. It doesn't need a lot of sun, probably just a lot of indirect light. Contact [the Webmaster] for my email. [Use box503@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - AB-G
10/27 6:59pm Looking for a Mother's Helper / Babysitter ? Responsible 14 year old girl seeking after school work (occasional weekends). Experience with babies & toddlers & elementary school children. -Has local references. Can start immediately and has transportation to your home. Please contact: janlynnhealy24@verizon.net or cell 617-230-1477. Thank you - JLH
10/27 6:58pm New Norfolk Stories II now available Our Norfolk Stories II Recollections of Norfolk, the second volume of Norfolk Oral History, is now for sale at the Norfolk Town Clerk's Office. It is a wonderful collection of 25 interviews with Norfolk's oldest residents. The book contains photos, art and poetry that show how Norfolk and daily life have changed and developed over the decades.
In Norfolk Stories II you'll hear many personal stories from growing up on a family farm in Norfolk during the Depression, to teaching in the Norfolk Center School in the 40s, to landing on the Normandy Beaches on D-Day, in 1945.
Norfolk Stories I, Recollections of our Centry, published in 1995, is also for sale at the Town Clerk's Office. Each book is $15. Contact Thelma R. 508-528-3967 with questions. These books make great gifts!
- BP, Norfolk Historical Commission
10/27 6:50pm Interested in the coalition of St. Judes of Norfolk and St. Edwards of Medfield? The Pastor of both churches, Fr. John Culloty, discusses the coalition on Norfolk Community TV's Roundabout Town show. Go to Norfolk Community TV, press watch, then videos, and play the video with the picture of Fr Cullitoy. Very informative. - RC
10/27 6:49pm The Norfolk Lions Club is sponsoring its annual Youth Speech Contest. The contest is open to any high school student grade 9-12 residing in Norfolk. This years theme is "Respect: Where Has it Gone?"
Deadline to sign up is November 17. Speeches will be presented on December 4. First place winner receives $100.
Winner will move up to the next level and compete in January against students from other towns in MA.
To register go to www.lionsspeech.webs.com
- JG, Norfolk Lions Club
10/27 6:48pm AB-G We have had our trees/bushes trimmed several times by Dave ~ Old Time Treecutter ~ 508-384-5071. He does a fantastic job, cleans up the work area, always comes when he says he will, and is VERY reasonable! Give him a try, I know you won't be disappointed! - RJRC
10/20 12:14am To all Norfolk residents and businesses: The new edition of the NORFOLK LITTLE GREEN PHONE BOOK is currently being updated. To have your business included in the yellow pages section of the Norfolk Book in print and on-line you can call 508-429-5588 or go to our website: www.littlegreenphonebook.com. The DEADLINE IS SOON. If you have an addition, correction or want your cell phone listed in the new Norfolk Little Green Phone Book, e-mail the information to: russo@northeasternpub.com or Call 508-429-5588
The Norfolk Little Green Phone Book will be mailed free of charge to every home and business at the beginning of the new year. The Norfolk directory is over 150 pages and filled with town information, library hours, transfer station hours, places of worship, a school directory, a listing of town officials, clubs & organizations, local mall listings and phone listings by street.
You can go on our online directory to find local business and services www.littlegreenphonebook.com
- SR and CR
10/20 12:12am Hi - can anybody recommend a good learn to skate program in the area? My son took it at the Franklin Rink last year through FMC sports, and I wasn't impressed. Too much standing around on the ice without instruction for a 4-5yr old. - TL
10/20 12:09am Hey Norfolk and other local peeps: great recommendation for septic pumping Parker Sanitary - located in Wrentham - easy to get an appointment - very friendly - great price - on time - neat/clean
508-384-3293 Ask for Jackie or his daughter
p.s. I have no connection to them, other than very happy with their service and want to pass the word on to help a local small business.
10/20 12:08am Some of you may know that I occasionally read to children on Norfolk Cable. I have a guest host reading two classics from American literature this Halloween, ``The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'' and ``The Raven'', with illustrations from the originals as well as very recent original art from the SACC program. I hope you'll keep an eye out for it.
- AB-G
10/20 12:07am Before school Childcare is available for grades K-5... Join the big kids, at Lucky Ducky Daycare! Monday-Friday (7:00 A.M.-8:30 A.M.) Your child's tuition includes a delicious hot & cold breakfast buffet that is served daily, and we are conveniently located at a school bus stop. Additional information about our School Age Program is available on our website: www.luckyduckydaycare.com or e mail: learn-with-us@luckyduckydaycare.com
Enroll Today!
- YR, Lucky Ducky Daycare
10/20 12:03am All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday November 1, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham, sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. FMI, please call the church office 508-528-0262. - DLJ 10/20 12:04am KP Band Night - JN
10/20 12:02am Re: 9/14 9:27pm I'm looking to have an addition put on to my house next spring. Can anybody recommend a local contractor they've used for an addition? Would love to use a local company if possible. Thanks - TL Hello TL, I recently came across your post from last month regarding recommendations for contractors for an addition to your home.
I am not sure if you have secured a local contractor yet for your addition but we would love the opportunity to introduce ourselves and find out what your plans are. Complete Builders, LLC is a Norfolk based company that has completed numerousresidential projects throughout the area; visit us at www.CBuildLLC.com to learn more, and contact John@CBuildLLC.com at 774-696-6541. We look forward to hearing from you!
- RD, Complete Builders
10/20 12:01am Complete Builders, LLC of Norfolk: Your Professional MA Residential Builders and Design Specialists Planning, designing, and hiring the right home improvement and building specialist is more important than ever before. A well planned, well designed, and well executed project will provide both emotional and financial investment for the life of your home.
See more at: www.cbuildllc.com
- RD, Complete Builders
10/20 12:00am Has anyone had bushes trimmed? I have 2 huge Japanese junipers that need to taken down by about half. I don't want to commit to a half-day of work for close to $1k. Also two little jades left. Actually, I create these baby plants periodically, so ask when you want one. - AB-G
10/19 11:59pm *The Bridgewater Triangle* Screening at Norfolk Public Library Aaron Cadieux and Manny Famolare, co-directors of *The Bridgewater Triangle*, will screen their film at the Norfolk Public Library on Wednesday, Oct. 22 nd at 7:00 p.m. The 90-minute documentary will be followed by a question-and-answer session with the co-directors, and is free and open to the public.
The Bridgewater Triangle documentary was a movie decades in the making. Each of the film's co-directors grew up near one of the triangle's most infamous locations. As a resident of East Bridgewater, Famolare had heard bizarre stories of cryptic animal sightings in the nearby Hockomock Swamp. Meanwhile, as a resident of North Dartmouth, Cadieux was well aware of the neighboring Freetown-Fall River State Forest's sinister reputation. Famolare and Cadieux each came to know the concept of the Bridgewater Triangle through reading publications from leading researchers.
The Bridgewater Triangle sits within the Southeastern portion of Massachusetts, and includes a number of locations known for unexplained occurrences, the most prominent of which include the legendary Hockomock Swamp and the infamous Freetown/Fall River State Forest. The Triangle's traditional borders are revealed by connecting the dots between the town of Abington to the north, the town of Freetown to the southeast, and the town of Rehoboth to the southwest. The region hosts an unusually high volume of reports involving strange occurrences, unexplained mysteries and sinister activities. From ghostly hauntings and cryptic animal sightings, to UFO encounters and evidence of satanic ritual sacrifice, the Bridgewater Triangle serves as one of the world's most diverse hotspots for paranormal activity.
In 2010, after years of researching many odd occurrences in the Bridgewater Triangle, Famolare, a passionate photographer and videographer, decided to begin the process of making his own documentary on the subject. Through the internet, Famolare and Cadieux stumbled across each other's plans, and eventually agreed to join forces and produce a single comprehensive piece. By 2011, production on *The Bridgewater Triangle *was well underway. After almost three years of filming, scriptwriting and researching, the documentary debuted on October 20, 2013 to a sell-out crowd of more than 750 people at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. It presents the reports of strange occurrences and unexplained mysteries from the region in a way which allows viewers to make their own determinations regarding the legitimacy of the Bridgewater Triangle's existence.
The film features a number of local residents providing first-hand, eyewitness accounts of unexplained occurrences in the region. In addition, paranormal researchers, folklorists and authors provide expert analysis regarding the many mysteries of the Triangle. Loren Coleman, the author and world-renowned cryptozoologist dubbed the 200-square-mile region in southeastern Massachusetts, "The Bridgewater Triangle" in his 1983 work, Mysterious America.
Since its debut a year ago, *The Bridgewater Triangle* has been screened at Bridgewater State University as well as several area libraries, and has an upcoming screening at Cinema Salem. Famolare and Cadieux have been interviewed on WCVB's Chronicle as well as WJAR in Providence. *The Bridgewater Triangle* will air on the cable channel, Destination America in November.
- RG, Norfolk Public Library
10/19 11:58pm The last day to register to vote in the November 4th election is Wednesday October 15th. The Town Clerks Office will be open that day until 8PM - CG, Town of Norfolk
10/19 11:57pm The Norfolk Community League is excited to host a Comedy Night on November 15, 2014 at the Italian American Club, 109 Stone Street in Walpole. Doors will open at 7pm and the show starts at 8pm sharp. Tickets are $30 per person and includes appetizers and snacks (cash bar). There will be three great comedians - Gary Petersen, Mike Whitman, and Ira Proctor as our headliner! Check him out at www.iraproctor.com and www.capecodcomedy.com! Don't wait, purchase your tickets today- http://tinyurl.com/nclcomedynight! This is a great chance to meet up with some friends and have a ton of laughs! - AB, NCL
10/19 11:56pm To DLJ: what was the result of the coffee house discussion at town hall? - JK 10/19 11:48pm Un-Common Theatre Company Announces New Improv Soup Season of Shows Improv Soup is an improvisational comedy troupe made up of teenagers from all over southeastern Massachusetts. It was started circa 1998 by Christa Crewdson (Watertown, MA), and is currently produced by Chris Lowey (Foxboro, MA) and directed by Improv Soup Alumni, Colleen Murphy (Brighton, MA) who continues to develop Superior Soupians. They are one of the few teen Improv Troupes in Massachusetts.
The current troupe consists of: From Foxboro, MA: James Donoghue & Sophie Philibert; From Mansfield, MA: Shannon Carney, Patrick Driscoll & Derek Lynch; From North Attleboro, MA: Val Stevens; From Norwood, MA: Laura Ailinger; From Sharon, MA: Georgia Rose Fraser, Sam Fromkin, Ethan Gekow, Julia Getz & Noah Habbe; From Sherborn, MA: Franci DuMar; From Wrentham, MA: Dan Regnier
The Soupians perform long and short form Improv based on audience suggestions, rehearse weekly on Sunday evenings and perform one Friday a month in Foxboro, MA during the school year. The 2014/15 schedule is as follows:
October 24, 2014; November 14, 2014; December 19, 2014; January 23, 2015; February 13, 2015; March 13, 2015; April 17, 2015; May 14, 2015; June 12, 2015
All shows will be held at 7:30 P.M. in the Burrell School Auditorium, 16 Morse St, Foxboro, MA.
Tickets to a night of fabulous improvisational comedy cost a mere five bucks for students and seniors and seven bucks for adults! What a deal!!!!
- CL, Uncommon Theatre Company
10/19 11:46pm Tickets Now On Sale for Un-Common's Fall Production of "Seussical" Tickets are now available for The Un-Common Theatre Company's Fall Production of "Seussical" being presented at the Orpheum Theatre, Foxboro on November 21-23, 2014! Tickets may be purchased by calling (800) 838-3006 or online at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/878351. Join us as we bring together kids ages 7 through 17 together on stage for a truly family-oriented theatrical experience for all ages. "Seussical" brings to life many of your favorite Dr. Seuss characters.
Narrated by the Cat in the Hat (Izzy Johnson, Canton, MA), the story tells the tale of Horton (Joe Spirito, North Smithfield, RI), an elephant who discovers a speck of dust containing Whos, including Jojo (Jackson Flaherty, Mansfield, MA), a Who child sent off to military school for thinking too many "thinks." Horton faces a double challenge - not only must he protect the Whos from a world of naysayers and dangers, but he must guard an abandoned egg, left to his care by the irresponsible Mayzie La Bird (Olivia Fonseca, Taunton, MA). Although Horton faces ridicule, danger, kidnapping, and a trial, the intrepid Gertrude McFuzz (Camryn MacIver, North Attleboro, MA) never loses faith in him. Ultimately, the powers of friendship,loyalty, family, and community are challenged and emerge triumphant.
The talented cast of 45 is guided by Director and Choreographer Michael Hammond (Holbrook, MA), Music Director Paula Bishop (Foxboro, MA) and Assistant Choreographer Cailin Dyke (Mansfield, MA).
- ND, Uncommon Theatre Company
10/19 11:39pm Federated Church Holly Fair The Women's Fellowship of the Federated Church of Norfolk will hold their annual Holly Fair on Saturday, November 15th from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the fellowship hall of the church.. Bring your children visit with Santa from 10:00 AM-12:00 Noon. The church's own Heavenly Chefs will be serving lunch from 11:30 AM- 2:00 PM. There are many opportunities for Holiday Shopping. This year's Holly Fair will include even more crafters and vendors than ever, as well as the handmade items of our church crafters. A tradition you are sure to enjoy is the church's annual cookie walk where you can select from dozens of different plain and fancy cookies to enjoy now or freeze for later use. You will also find a wide selection of other delicious homemade baked goods for sale. Unique to the Holly Fair is the popular "Children Only" shopping area. Children will be able to purchase Christmas gifts for their friends and family at very nominal prices. Members of the youth group will be available to help the children with their gift choices and gift- wrapping and also help them make some Christmas crafts while you do you shopping. The Federated Church of Norfolk is located at the corner of Route 115 and Main Street in the center of Norfolk, across from the Town Common. Adequate parking is located at the back of the church and the fellowship hall and restrooms are handicap accessible.
- LD
10/19 11:38pm Hi, does anyone have an update on Cilla's Coffee House coming to Norfolk center? I am personally very excited for this type of place to join our downtown. - KB
10/19 11:37pm Hi, I have only recently moved to town and am looking for referrals for infant childcare in the Norfolk (or surrounding) area. - KB
10/19 11:36pm Immediate opening for infant/toddler/preschooler in Norfolk family child care. Personalized care in a warm and secure environment where your child can learn and grow. Open Monday - Thursday, 7:30 am - 5:30 pm. Licensed by the Dept of Early Education and Care, MA.
Small group setting, smoke free home, meals and snacks provided. Located in a quiet family neighborhood. References available.
I can be reached at norfolkchildcare@live.com or 508-520-3694.
10/19 11:35pm Powertools For Sale - if interested email jbabb@umich.edu or call 508.244 2897. Prices negotiable. See Notice Board, 10/10
- Delta 6" bench grinder with flexible lamp and stand $ 100 - 3 " grinder Chicago electric $ 50 - 10" compound miter saw $ 100 - Delta 8" drill press $ 100 - DELTA shopmaster midi lathe with stand $ 200
- FB
10/10 6:07pm Good day! I am A friendly, licensed Electrician for over 11 years. Mac Electric is your residential Electrical Specialist. We are an electrical contracting company providing homeowners the best electric repair service in the South Shore area. We service South Shore, North Shore, Metro West, and everywhere in between with fast same day service. If you are looking for an electrician for your project, remember: big or small, Mac Electric does it all. Call Michael MacDougall 508-718-9266. Thank you!! Havea great day!!! - MM
10/10 4:05pm Hi everyone. I work for the town of Norfolk and I am looking for places in town to hunt deer, ducks, and geese. I know we have a big deer problem in town. If anyone would like to give me permission feel free to email me. I apoligize if anyone shows offense to this. GEisele0606@gmail.com - GE 10/10 4:02pm Woodside Monterri Academy Fall Fair and Chili Cook-Off! 350 Village St, Millis, Saturday Oct 11, 10am - 1pm.
- KF
[It's right up Himelfarb from the skating rink - Wm.]
10/10 3:59pm My son left a dark green bag at Pond St. Sunday night, field 1. The bag contained red sneakers and his Cub Scout uniform. Please email me through the webmaster if found. [Use box502@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thank you! - SG
10/10 3:58pm I called TH [Town Hall] and the building dept is gradually taking down those depressing lost dog signs whenever they come across them. They are all over Wrentham and Franklin as well. How selfish of those people not to have come back to clean up the mess. Maybe the dog ran off on purpose. I hope he's with a good family now. - AB-G 10/10 3:55pm The KP Parents' Network is pleased to announce a donation towards the King Philip Warrior Turf Field Project. The group has committed to a fence sign, one of several sponsorship opportunities available. For more information about the KP Parents' Network, see www.kpparentnetwork.org. To learn more about the Warrior Turf Field Project or to donate, see www.kpturf.com. Photo left to right: Eileen Green, KPPN Treasurer, presenting check to Dr. Lisa Oliveira, KPHS Principal.
- GA
10/10 3:54pm Looking to possibly take piano lessons, but still not ready to commit? Baris Perker of Ivy Music Academy has volunteered to offer FREE 30-minute trial lessons after 6PM on Thursday, October 23rd to the Norfolk Community. Email us at ivymusicacademy@gmail.com to reserve a time!
- VS, Ivy Music Academy
10/10 3:50pm Town of Norfolk Annual Seasonal Flu Clinic The Norfolk Board of Health and Council on Aging, in conjunction with the Walpole Area Visiting Nurse Association, is sponsoring its annual seasonal Flu Clinic for all Norfolk residents ages 4 years and older on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., at the Senior Center, located at 28 Medway Branch Road.
For more information, please call the Norfolk Board of Health at 508-528- 7747.
- BF, Board of Health
10/10 3:39pm S.C. Norfolk Indoor Soccer Session 1 - Registration Now Open The registration period for the 2014/2015 Indoor Soccer Session 1 is now open and runs through Tuesday, October 14. We are looking to field Boys and Girls teams from U9 through U14 ages (grade 2 & up) and a grade 2 girls 5v5 team. Please note: unlike last year, that we are now offering U13/U14 Boys and Girls programs. Register for the session here: http://scnorfolk.com/content/online-registration
Do not register through the Fore Kicks web site.
U9 through U14 6v6 Boarded and Non-boarded
SC Norfolk 2014/2015 Indoor Soccer Session 1 (Fore Kicks Session 12) starts 11/3/2014 through 11/9/2014 and ends on 1/25/2015. The cost per player for the 6v6 programs is $150.00 for the session. Each session will include a minimum of 9 scheduled games plus playoffs for the top 4 teams, or top 50% of teams in bracket. An SC Norfolk uniform from the Fall 2012 program, or later, is required. Uniforms can be purchased through the registration page at the same time you register for the program.
Game times are dependent on age/gender and level of play (team placement):
Grade 2 Girls 5v5 "Macro Soccer"
Gender Age Levels of Play Days of Week Boys U9 Premier ,A ,B Mon (4pm-8pm KO) & ltd Sundays Boys U10 Premier ,A ,B Mon (4pm-8pm KO) & ltd Sundays Boys U11 Premier ,A ,B Tues & Wed (4pm-8pm KO) Boys U12 Premier ,A ,B Tues & Wed (4pm-8pm KO) Boys U13 Premier ,A ,B Wednesday (4pm-9pm KO) Boys U14 Premier ,A ,B Wednesday (4pm-9pm KO) Girls U9 Premier ,A ,B Saturday (8am-8pm KO) Girls U10 Premier ,A ,B Saturday (8am-8pm KO) Girls U11 Premier ,A ,B Thurs & Fri (4pm-8pm KO) Girls U12 Premier ,A ,B Thurs & Fri (4pm-8pm KO) Girls U13 Premier ,A ,B Tuesday (4pm-9pm KO) Girls U14 Premier ,A ,B Tuesday (4pm-9pm KO) For the grade 2 girls 5v5 "Macro Soccer" program, the cost per player is $90.00 for the session. The session will run for eight weeks, starting on November 7, 2014 and end on January 16, 2015. Games are played on Fridays, with kick-offs from 4-7 PM. SC Norfolk's Macro league teams are for 2nd grade girls to serve as a step towards the 6v6 format and to develop the abilities of our younger soccer players. A goalie position is introduced but still limits the number of field players to four to maximize each player's touches on the ball. Play will be on a special taraflex surfaced court with a special ball designed for this format.
Uniform purchase not required, as we will use numbered pinnies, so only a tee shirt is required.
For more detailed information about the programs, please refer to the ForeKicks web site, but DO NOT register for the program through the Fore Kicks web site : http://www.forekicks.com/norfolk/shared/content/index.cfm?fuseaction=leagues
Do not wait to register. Avoid the late registration penalty and register today! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
- MB, SC Norfolk
10/10 3:38pm The Norfolk Community League is sponsoring a Halloween CandyGive Back on Monday, November 3, from 2:45-6 PM at the Freeman-Kennedy School Drop Off Loop. DRIVE THRU CANDYDROP OFF Candy donations received, along with letters and artworkfrom children in the Norfolk Schools, will go to an organization, ``OperationAmerican Soldier'', that puts together and sends care packages to soldiers whoare serving our country overseas.
For more information, contact Colleen O. or Tricia F. at familybased@norfolkcommunityleague.org
10/10 3:37pm YARD SALE: Sunday, October 12th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at 19 Robin Road. Girl's/Junior's Clothing (Northface, Abercrombie, PINK, Hollister, Juicy Couture, Under Armour and more), American Girl Doll/Bitty Baby furniture and outfits, household items, Children???s Books, Winnie-the-Pooh comforter and lamps, KP Sports gear, and more! - - LM
[Update 3:52pm: Sunday, because of the weather - LM]
10/10 3:34pm Snow Blower Service and Repair $139.95 - Small engine mechanic with 30 yrs. experience available for all your Snow Blower equipment needs. Snow Blower Service includes engine tune-up, spark plug, oil change, flush fuel system, install new gas with stabilizer, adjust carburetor, Service and grease transmission, check and adjust transmission and auger belts. Service and grease auger, check shear pins, impeller, gear box lubricant, auger skids and cutting edge. Plus the whole machine gets degreased and power washed. Pick-up and Delivery for Norfolk residents is $80.00. Call Stu at 508-851-0723. Shop is located at 61 Endicott St. unit#6B Norwood, Ma. For customers who want to drop off their Snow Blowers. - AC
10/5 2:13pm Beyond the Cornucopia, presented by Maureen Christmas, Joint meeting of the Garden Club of Norfolk and Millis Garden Club Date: Wednesday, November 12 th 2014 Time: 7:00pm Place: Norfolk Public Library,Community Room, 139 Main Street, Norfolk MA. Thinking of ways to get ready for the holidays, then please come join us for what promises to be an informative meeting with Maureen Christmas. She will demonstrate arrangements to welcome the fall and winter holiday season including design tips and some history about the origins of some common customs. Maureen is a member of the Acton Garden Club and is an award-winning designer and a flower show life judge for the National Garden Clubs, Inc.
- MN
10/5 2:12pm BB - I hear you on the lost dog posters. I think they are a blight on the landscape. Some are stapled to privately owned trees. Since the posters are laminated, I fear they will be around for a long time. - GH
10/5 2:08pm Norfolk Public Library Hosts Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest Bring your decorated pumpkin to the Norfolk Public Library October 16-21 and have a chance to win great prizes! Pumpkins will be on display in the library through the end of the month, and the public will vote on the winning pumpkins. Winners will be announced on October 29.
Contest Rules
- Pumpkins can be entered in one of four categories: Individual Preschool, Individual Grade K-2, Individual Grade 3-6, Individual Grade 7-12, and Group/Family
- Pumpkins may *NOT* be carved or hollowed out.
- Objects, paper, and materials of any kind may be pinned or glued to pumpkins. Participants may also draw or paint on their entries.
- Each entry *must* have a title.
- Each entry *must* be submitted with an entry form (available at the library).
- The library reserves the right to dispose of any pumpkin that deteriorates before the end of the contest.Prizes
- Individual Preschool (starting at age 3): $10.00 gift card to Toys R Us
- Individual Grade K-2: $10.00 gift card to Toys R Us
- Individual Grade 3-6: $15.00 gift card to Barnes and Noble
- Individual Grade 7-12: $20.00 gift card to Barnes and Noble
- Group/Family: $25.00 gift card to AmazonThis event is sponsored by the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library.
- MA, Norfolk Public Library
10/5 2:07pm We'll said BB. Was that dog ever found? - JO
10/5 2:04pm A woman from a neighboring town is trying to open a new coffee house in Norfolk. More details are at www.indiegogo.com/projects/cilla-s-coffeehouse--3 There is a public hearing regarding her application for an alcoholic beverage restaurant license on October 7, at 7:00 p.m. at the Selectmen's meeting in Town Hall. - DLJ
10/5 2:03pm Trying to find the owner of a Pathophysiology book and notebook that was left at the library. Looks like an expensive book. Call the library if it is yours. - JS, Norfolk Public Library 10/5 1:45pm Nothing's New Antiques & Uniques is having our annual Fall Show and Sale. We're moving to Sunday due to the rain! Please join us for fun and shopping with: Local Live Blue Grass Music, Spinning Wheel Demo, Outdoor Tent Sale, 20% off Indoor Sale, Free Hot Mulled Cider and much more!
Date/Time: Sunday Oct. 5th 9am-5pm. Location: Nothing's New Antiques & Uniques, 224 Dedham Street, Norfolk, MA - (Rt 1A just past the Horse N' Carriage restaurant).
- NL, Nothing's New Antiques & Uniques
10/5 1:43pm YARD SALE: Sunday, October 5th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at 19 Robin Road. Girl's/Junior's Clothing (Northface, Abercrombie, PINK, Hollister, Juicy Couture and more), American Girl Doll/Bitty Baby furniture and outfits, household items, KP Sports gear, and more! - LM 10/5 1:41pm Register Now for Young Performer's Variety Show Auditions Do you have the music within you? Do you have movement? Want to let your comedic side out? Maybe you and a few friends get together on the weekends in your garage and have a jam session or maybe you put on a play in your living room? If so, you need to bring your talent to the stage!
The Norfolk Lions are pleased to announce that the 2nd annual Young Performers Variety Show will be held on Sunday, November 9 at 6:00 PM at the King Philip Middle School in Norfolk. This show is open to performers ages 8 to 18, from Norfolk and surrounding towns. First, second and third prizes of $200, $100 and $50 will be awarded at the end of the show.
Auditions will be held on Sunday October 19 & 26 at 4:00 PM, and Thursday October 23 at 6:00 PM at the Norfolk Public Library. Acts can be no longer than 5 minutes and no accompaniment will be provided, so auditioners must bring their own music (iPod, CD, etc.). To schedule an audition, please register at www.youngperformersvarietyshow.com or call Jonathan at 508-308-7974.
Tickets to the show are $8 for children and seniors, and $15 for adults. To order tickets please visit http://www.youngperformersvarietyshow.com. All proceeds from the show will benefit local Norfolk charities.
So if you are a singer, dancer, actor, instrumentalist, comedian, magician, gymnast, juggler or have any other hidden talent - start preparing your act now. We are looking forward to seeing you perform!
- PS, Norfolk Lions
10/5 1:39pm To the women walking by my house at 5:00 AM. I am asleep at 5:00 AM, when you're awake and walking by my house, you wake me up; your talking and laughing wakes me up. Not once, not twice but many times in the past few weeks, months. Please be courteous or walk past your own house and wake up your family. - JW
10/5 1:37pm Looking for a tutor to come tutor my 7th Grader at home 3 times a week. Please e-mail me at tauntondental@ gmail.com. - BR 10/5 1:24pm Looking for someone to replace/repair 2 windows. Please call Michelle @ 508-280-0312. - MD
10/5 1:22pm Hello NorfolkNet! As a new resident to this lovely town, I would like to take a moment of your time and introduce myself and my business. My name is Stephanie, and I am the owner of Off the Wall Creative Design. I specialize in large scale paintings, custom murals and faux finshes for your home or office. I transform ordinary spaces into something totally unique. Maybe the basement calls for that ``man-cave'' you've always wanted. Or maybe your son or daughter would feel more at home in a room specially designed for them, their favorite sport team or princess on the wall. Perhaps you are expecting, or recent parents, who could use a cute theme in the nursery... all of these things we can help you achieve!
If you are interested in discussing a potential project, or would like to talk more about what it is that I do, I would be happy to meet with you. Also, you can visit my website (listed below) to see my portfolio, and get a better idea of the breadth of work I am capable of doing.
Thanks again!
Off the Wall Creative Design / www.offthewallcreativedesign.com / offthewallcreativedesign@gmail.com
- SM, Off The Wall Creative Design
10/5 1:21pm Dear Friends, Ivy Music Academy is now offering clarinet and flute lessons every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon with Terry Grissino. Terry holds a Bachelor Degree in Clarinet Performance from the New England Conservatory of Music. She has performed in Jordan Hall and Symphony Hall in Boston, Carnegie Hall in New York City, and served as Concertmaster for tours of the Soviet Union and Greece.
Please contact us at 781-647-5390 or via email at ivymusicacademy@gmail.com for more information about the available time slots.
- VS, Ivy Music Academy
10/5 1:00pm Hatha Yoga for the Soul will be offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 7-8:15pm for $15 at The Organic Angel located at 114 C Pond St. in Norfolk. Beginning on October 7th, this class will be a slow flow to become comfortable and connected to the asanas (poses). The long term goal is to achieve greater strength and flexibility for the body, focus for the mind, and freedom for the spirit. Reiki is optional during the final pose - Savasana. This class is ideal for beginners or any one who enjoys a gentle, concentrated pace. Space is limited so please reserve your mat a head of time by contacting Angela at 781-738-1577. All props are provided. Bring your own water is recommended. - AC, The Organic Angel 10/3 2:42pm KP Marching Band Fall Classic Show this Saturday, 10/4 - MC
10/3 2:41pm Hi, Now that we have had the blanket "Lost dog" campaign with almost every pole in 3 towns covered in these posters, could we start taking them down? Many are enclosed in plastic which will not rot and will end up in the snow mess and environment. The original poster lives in NH and doesn't care. Thanks. - BB
10/3 2:40pm Well, the day has finally come when health issues have forced me to put down the show shovel and find someone to plow me out this Winter. Do you have someone reliable whom you've used..? I'm looking for someone who lives here in Norfolk and can do local folks first. Names and phone numbers, please. Thanks...!! - RP
10/3 2:39pm Looking for an on-going pet sitter or dog walker to help local pet sitting business with abundance of pets during busy times. Must live in one of the following areas: Norfolk, Franklin, Wrentham, Walpole, Medfield, Millis. Or, Dedham, Westwood, Norwood, Hyde Park, or Needham and must be willing to travel to local surrounding communities. Ability to take dogs/pets into their own homes for short stays and. having a fenced-in yard a plus. Great opportunity to make extra cash and enjoy the company of some wonderful pets at your own convenience. For details contact us today at general0308@outlook.com. - AW
10/3 2:38pm Can anyone recommend someone to build an outdoor hockey rink in a residential back yard? I don't need anything fancy like ice freezing equipment, just a simple installation of boards and liner. - SLN
10/3 2:37pm DP - I was wondering the same thing. I heard them in the middle of the night and was surprised at the frequency; I swear there was one going by every 5 minutes, and I live very close the street. In terms of speeding, I am not surprised at all. Along the same subject, a week ago Sunday I took my two daughters to the new playground and during the trip I had three separate vehicles blow by me while in the cross-walk with a double stroller! One was a kid in a jeep (at the playground heading in to town), the second was at the same location and was an elderly woman. She didn't even see me which is scary. At least the kid in the Jeep made eye-contact. The last was in front of the gas station; I was literally half-way across when an older guy and his wife went flying out of the rotary Down Main Street on a Harley. Frankly I am perplexed that the police aren't permanently situated somewhere near the new playground. I am afraid it is only a matter of time before something happens. I think the town should have put a blinking yellow light at that intersection when they built the playground.
10/3 2:30pm Major Yard Sale! When: Sat., Oct. 4th / Where: 3 Blueberry Lane, Norfolk, MA / Time: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Baby items, kids toys, furniture, antiques, glass, dishes, household items, golf balls and clubs
- TC
10/3 2:29pm Yard Sale Oct 4 from 9 am to 1 pm. 172 Union Street. Sporting equipment, compound bow, skates, dishware, bike rack, furniture and more. - LW