Q4 2015 Norfolknet Notes, Oct-Dec 2015This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
12/20 1:59pm Boxed truffles make an excellent hostess gift or holiday gift for your favorite chocolate lover. Annie's truffles are handmade from scratch and come in an assortment of flavors. Annie's truffles are handmade from scratch and come in an assortment of flavors.
Boxes come assorted but feel free to specify if there is a particular flavor of which you would like more or less.
Boxes contain 15 truffles at 20.00/box. Orders of 5 boxes or more are discounted to 18.00/box. Please place your order by 5:00pm Tuesday, December 22nd for delivery or pickup on Wednesday, December 23rd. Always free delivery in Norfolk!
- AD, Annie's Just Desserts
12/20 1:58pm We hope that your New Year's Resolution is to learn something new because NCTV has a great list of free workshops in January! January 5 - Mac Attack (basics of the Apple operating system)
January 12 - Fundamentals of Video
January 19 - Basic Camera
January 26 - Basic Editing with iMovie
For descriptions, a full list through March, or to sign up for a workshop, visit www.NorfolkCable.com!
12/20 1:57pm Do anyone have suggestions for a reliable individual to repair a dell computer? Thank you. - MP
12/20 1:40pm Do you need the perfect last minute gift? Give the gift of education... learn more & shop now! www.facebook.com/commerce/products/767898316655630/ Happy Holidays from Lucky Ducky Daycare. www.luckyduckydaycare.com/so/fL6XmWdS#/main E-Mail:learn-with-us@luckyduckydaycare.com office phone:(508)528-2626
- YR, Lucky Ducky Daycare
12/20 1:39pm After the New Year, join NCTV for a fun-filled adventure at our Annual Holiday Party on January 7^th at 6pm in the studio. We want to say ``thank you'' to all of our volunteers and viewers for another great year! RSVP: tinyurl.com/NCTVHoliday2016
- KW, NCTV 12/20 1:30pm The NCL and Annie Dries of Annie's Just Desserts held a Gingerbread House Workshop for over 50 parents and children. The event took place on 12/12/15 at the Federated Church in Norfolk. Participants received a homemade gingerbread house baked by Annie's Just Desserts along with all the necessary decorating supplies including royal icing, colorful sprinkles, candies, gumdrops, peppermints and more. NCL volunteers that coordinated the event are Stephanie Richard, Melissa Dugas, and Tricia Frazier (in photograph with Annie Dries of Annie's Just Desserts). Attached are some photos of the family fun event.
1.) Photo of 4 women - L to R Stephanie Richard (NCL), Melissa Dugas (NCL), Annie Dries (Annie's Just Dessert's) Tricia Frazier (NCL) volunteered their time and talents to organize the 2015 Gingerbread House Workshop
2.) Photo of mom and daughter - L to R Amanda Newell and Sienna Newell (7) take time to build a gingerbread house together at the Gingerbread Workshop
3.) Photo of Mom, daughter, son and friende - L to R Lila Marino (5), Jenn Marino, Chase Troutman (6) and Cooper Marino (7) of Norfolk enjoy building Gingerbread Houses at the 2015 Gingerbread House Workshop
4.) Photo of a gingerbread house constructed at the Gingerbread House Workshop
- CT
12/20 1:27pm Dog registration now open for the 2016 calendar year. You may license your dog in person at the Town Clerk's Office during our regular business hours, through the mail, or online at: https://unipaygold.unibank.com/Default.aspx?customerid=899 (note: the bank charges additional fees for online registrations.) Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if using mail-in registration. Dog licensing is subject to proof of current rabies vaccination. The cost is $10.00 per dog if spayed or neutered, $15.00 per dog if not. Licensing fees are waived for residents age 70 yrs. and over; proof of current rabies is still required. Thank you,
- Carol Greene, Norfolk Town Clerk
12/20 1:25pm Wishing you health and happiness this Holiday Season! What better way to give during the season then by participating in the 12th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood Drive Please join us as we try to collect 200 units of blood. Enjoy a pancake breakfast and pizza at lunch
When: Saturday, January 9, 2016 From 8 AM to 3 PM
Where: King Philip Middle School 18 King Street Norfolk, MA 02056
The Blood Drive supports patients stricken with all types of cancer at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Children's Hospital Boston
Walk-ins will be accommodated on a 1st come 1st serve basis so we recommend that you make an appointment! Spots are filling up fast!
Schedule Appointment [link] Sponsor Code: MIRLISS [link] or email us at GM.Memorial.Drive@gmail.com to schedule an appointment
- GM
12/20 1:07pm Need interior painting done ? No job too small! My team and I (all from Norfolk) were in the top 5% in the country in productivity and customer satisfaction for College Painters last summer. I am college student who will soon be home until late January We are looking for local work doing interior painting over the school break. Call JM at 774-571-3826 for a quote. - JM
12/20 1:00pm Babysitter /Nanny Available for the Holiday Break - I am a responsible 19 year old college sophomore who is looking to babysit the week of December 28th. I enjoy spending time with children of all ages and have a lot of experience through babysitting, coaching basketball, tutoring and volunteering at youth lacrosse clinics. I have my own car and am more than willing to drive children to/from activities/sports if necessary. References are available upon request. Please feel free to contact me at: mckenna_mcmorrow@student.uml.edu or lisa1213@earthllink.net Thanks. - MM
12/20 12:59pm To K.M. I agree the January voting makes no sense. That's true what if there is a snowstorm and the wonderful workers that work the voting stations can't even get there. Then what? Why can't the town save some money and hold 2 elections on the same day in march. Makes sense to me. - DH
12/20 12:57pm I am posting in hopes of dispelling some of the misconceptions surrounding the timing of the Special Town Election for the funding of the Public Safety Project. The Town Clerk is responsible for running all elections, and in that position please let me share with you the timetable that Massachusetts General Law requires us to follow regarding Special Elections.
The Fall Town Meeting is traditionally held in November and was scheduled for November 17th. The meeting was moved back to December 1 due to a posting conflict with Veterans Day. Once the voters at Town Meeting approved the public safety project, the Selectmen and the Town Clerk must follow a specific process. The Town Clerk must receive written notice of the referendum from the Selectmen at least 35 days before the date of the election. (MGL C54 S42C) The Special Election is required to be held within 90 days after the close of Town Meeting (MGL C59 S21c.m). The selectmen met on December 8th and established the date of January 19th for the Special Election. The March 1st Primary date falls outside the 90 day window that is allowed by law.
While it would have been good on a cost saving basis to have run the two elections on the same day, some significant costs, such as creating the ballots and programming the machines, would be the same whether on primary day or a different day.
Some people have mentioned a concern over voter turnout. In looking back over more than a few of the past State and Federal Primary Elections, they are traditionally some of the smallest turnout elections that we hold.
I know many of you have voiced concerns about the weather, and living in New England the weather is unpredictable from December through March. The reality is, we could have a bad day in January or March, hopefully both days will be clear.
The Selectmen have informed my office that they will be holding an open meeting in the library on January 7th to discuss the financials of this project and I encourage all interested parties to attend. Additionally an informational package will be mailed to every household. I hope this helps to address some of your concerns, and please feel free to contact my office, or the Selectmen's Office, if you have an specific questions or concerns.
- Carol Greene, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
12/20 12:50pm This is a great service for the elderly or loved ones that need to go to doctors appointments ,shopping, hairdresser etc. There are many means of transportation out there but this is much more than a ride I would accompany you to your appointments and stay with you,its called chauffeur & chaperone,for more info call Eleanor @ 781-760-3588 - ES 12/20 12:47pm May All of your holiday wishes come true! At this time, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible. It is in this spirit we say..."THANK YOU" Complete Builders, LLC: mailto:John@CbuildLLC.comJohn@CbuildLLC.com - RD, Complete Builders, LLC
12/20 12:45pm Coats 4 Kids Drive Underway The Norfolk Lions, the Norfolk Public Schools and the Town of Norfolk are pleased to announce that the Coats 4 Kids winter outerwear drive is in full swing. Please consider donating your gently used or unwanted coats, whether they are for infants, kids, men or women to this annual drive. Drop off locations are at the Lions Christmas Tree sales located next to Dunkin Donuts, the H. Olive Day School, the Freeman-Kennedy School and at the Town Clerks Office. All coats will be cleaned by Anton's Cleaners of Medfield. Donations for this important cause can be made until January 11, 2016. The Lions would like to send a special thanks to Dover Trucking for once again donating new totes for our collection stations. If you have any questions about the drive, please contact Lisa Roney at 508-520-6693. Happy Holidays!
- PS, Norfolk Lions
12/20 12:40pm Holiday Times are upon us.... A lot of us have elderly parents and loved ones that cannot drive, we now offer a new idea for them, its called "chauffeurs and chaperones". We will take them to dr's. appts., shopping even hair dresser and accompany them inside and stay with them from moment we pick them up in our licensed and insured livery cars to the moment they are brought back home safely. If interested in this service call Eleanor at Chris Livery Service, 781-760-3588 - ES 12/7 12:54am Items for sale: 1 Poulan Pro 16" chain saw with 3 extra chains. Runs but doesn't like to idle. $40.00 or BO. Also 3 sides to chain link dog pen ( 2-6x12, 1 6x8). $50.00 or BO. 413-695-3894. Ask for Dave
- DJ
12/7 12:51am I have a 58.5" x 28.5" plate glass mirror, originally used in a beauty salon. Looking to give it away. box529@norfolknet.com - RC
12/7 12:42am Wanted to give a review and shout out to those looking for a reliable dog walker/sitter/pet service and grooming. If your pets are like family, then you know it's hard to find that right person. Karma's Adventures is owned/operated by Jessica Terrio who is Norfolk resident. She's responsible, reliable and reasonable. I am SO happy to have her help out with my dogs!
Jessica's Info: Jesstbb1@gmail.com (508) 918-2690; Facebook page - www.facebook.com/Karmas-Adventures-Pet-Service-1586745004923674/?ref=br_rs>
- KT
12/7 12:41am SPECIAL VOTE TO APPROVE $12.2 MILLION DOLLAR PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: At last evening's town meeting a member of the board was quoted as saying 'unfortunately this vote would probably occur during a snowstorm'. One member of the audience raised a point - could this vote coincide with the election planned for March, in order to increase voter turnout (assuming the weather would be better in March, let's hope!). The response by the board member was that interest rates may be going up, and the loan would be more costly as a result. Questioned further, the board member could not produce evidence that interest rates would be going up, could not quantify the effect of any such increase, and said the board would "discuss" deferring until March. Apparently all discussions are already complete as the Town Moderator has indicated here that the vote will be no later than early February. Absent any info to the contrary, a January/February vote sounds to me like the board is hoping for a snowstorm and, in turn, lower voter turnout. I respect and appreciate the guidance of those we have entrusted to manage our town, as well as the hard work and dedication of our police and fire departments. Having said that, I hope we can appeal to those in charge to defer the vote until such a time as turnout will not be hampered by inclement weather. No matter your view on this issue, we as a community should want the highest voter turnout and broadest participation in our government as possible. - KH 12/7 12:38am Beautiful grandfather type clock with loads of storage. Made by Kincade, Ducks Unlimited collection. Both doors open to reveal storage. 62Hx21Wx14 1/2D Excellent condition. Original $1250.00 asking $400.00 or BO. Call or text 508-509-3288
- AD
12/7 12:37am I am seeking a driveway snow plower for the winter months. Unfotunately I had a great person who retired from the business. It is a straight path and usually done in one or two passes. Any leads or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you. 508-528-4745 - TM
12/7 12:35am Snuggle up on the couch and turn to NCTV's public channel (Comcast 8, Verizon 41) at 9pm December 20^th ~ 25^th for a variety of holiday movies. Additionally, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be chock-full of various holiday themed programs. - KW, NCTV
12/7 12:32am Un-Common's Fall Production of "Shrek The Musical" Opens December 4th Don't miss The Un-Common Theatre Company's Fall Production of "Shrek The Musical" being presented at the Orpheum Theatre, Foxboro on Friday, December 4th at 7:30pm, Saturday, December 5th at 3:00pm and 7:30pm and Sunday, December 6th at 2:00pm. Pre-Sale Tickets are $22 for Adults and $17 for Students, Seniors and all Balcony Tickets and may be purchased by calling (800) 838-3006 or on line at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2419976. Tickets purchased at the door are $25 for Adults and $20 for Students, Seniors and all Balcony Tickets. For Un-Common Members, groups of 10 or larger, or handicapped seating please email uncommontheatre@verizon.net. Join us as we bring kids ages 7 through 17 together on stage for a truly family-oriented theatrical experience for all ages. Shrek The Musical brings all the beloved characters you know from the film to life on stage, and proves there's more to the story than meets the ears.
"Once upon a time, there was a little ogre named Shrek (Ben Reingold, Sharon, MA)..." And thus begins the tale of an unlikely hero who finds himself on a life-changing journey alongside a wisecracking Donkey (Ashley Tsimtsos, Mansfield, MA) and a feisty princess Fiona (Cara DiPietro, Norfolk, MA) who resists her rescue. Throw in a short tempered bad guy (Matthew Corbett, Attleboro, MA), a cookie with an attitude (Brooke Leifer, Mansfield, MA), and over a dozen other fairy tale misfits, and you've got the kind of mess that calls for a real hero. Luckily, there's one on hand...and his name is Shrek.
- ND
12/7 12:31am For Sale: Set of weights (110 lbs.) with both straight and curved bars, and two dumbell bars. Comes with adjustable, multi-position bench for bench and overhead presses, arm curls, leg curls and leg extensions. Excellent condition.$90 or best offer. Please text Randy at 508-654-2194 or email randcorwin@yahoo.com - RC
12/7 12:29am Please support the King Philip Music Association! Fresh Christmas wreaths with red bow $14 each - pick up at my home in Norfolk. Please contact Maureen C. at mcappuccino@verizon.net if interested. Happy holidays! - MC
12/7 12:27am I am looking for a college student to babysit 2 boys (6 and 8 in our Norfolk home) 3 or 4 days a week for this upcoming summer. The person must have their own transportation in order to bring the boys to activities. We are a smoke-free home, but have 2 small dogs. References required. If you are interested, please email me at roycaroline11@gmail.com - CH 11/29 11:38pm For Sale: 48" lighted Christmas wreath. Paid $60, yours for $10. Please contact JK @ 617-513-8960 (cell/work/always). - JK
11/29 11:36pm Looking for affordable, handmade jewelry as a gift for family or friends this holiday season? Effervescent Hedgepig offers a variety of bracelets and earrings, all handmade here in Norfolk! Check out our Etsy shop at effervescenthedgepig.etsy.com - LR
11/29 11:33pm To ALL residents of Norfolk, We Need Your Help. Many of you may know of Kingsbury Pond over near the old Norfolk Airport. It used to be a 26 acre 'Great Pond' and is now shrinking to unthinkable levels due to a Franklin well only 3000 yards away. The disappearance of this amazing pond is 100% unacceptable, but the town and state seem to want no involvement in stopping the problem. Please sign our petition and share this story with your neighbors. We also started a Facebook page called, Save Kingsbury Pond, so that everyone can see pictures of the situation at hand. Whether you live near the pond or not, this is your town and we need your help. Let's prove to our elected officials that this is unacceptable and if they choose to continue to ignore the issue, they will not be reelected. Here's the link to help. Feel free to copy and paste this link and share with others. Thank you for your help.
- MG
11/29 11:30pm Looking for a Brown English Lab, 85 lbs, answers to Jethro. Last seen on 115 and Marshal St. Please call 774-571-9283 Donna - DS
[Update: Thank you to Norfolk's finest my dog has been found. You guys are the best. - DS]11/29 11:26pm Our annual Gifts For Kids program has kicked-off. We have over 500 kids left to assign sponsors to. Gifts are for needy children served by social service agencies in the Norfolk, Bristol & Plymouth counties of MA. www.giftsforkidsinfo.com www.facebook.com/GiftsForKids - KK
11/29 11:25pm For sale: Fitline 200 Stairmaster. $100. 508-520-4567. Pretty good condition. - CB 11/29 11:22pm King Philip High School Winter Pops Concert Flyer 12/5/15 - MC
11/29 11:15pm Hello! The Norfolk Community League's annual Santa Breakfast will be held on Saturday, December 5th from 9:00 - 10:30 am at H. Olive Day School on Main Street in Norfolk. Children and parents are invited to ring in the season with a holiday sing-along followed by a visit from Santa himself! Continental breakfast treats for all ages will be served. Cost: Children ages 1-12 yrs: $10 each NCL members/$12 non-members Adults: $1 NCL members/ $3 non-members Children 12 months or younger: free
Tickets can be purchased on at www.memberplanet.com/events/norfolkcommunityleague/santabreakfast, or by visiting the Norfolk Community League website.
11/29 11:14pm The Jingle Bell 5K Run and Walk takes place on Saturday, December 5 at 11am, and starts and finishes at H. Olive Day School on Main Street. Proceeds benefit The Santa Foundation, non-profit organization that provides charitable assistance to local families in need during the holiday season and through out the year. First 100 people to register receive a holiday gift! Don't delay register today at: http://Jinglebellrun5k.racewire.com - AB, NCL
11/29 11:12pm Hi, I have what I consider a problem on my roof and need some help. Apparently the builder thought this "design feature" was a good idea, however, all it does is capture leaves and I'm pretty sure it's holding the water against the side walls and having it stuck in place much too long. I'm trying to find someone that may have a fix for this and is able to do the work. You can reach me at bp4402@hotmail.com and please put "roof problem" in the subject line. - BP
11/29 11:11pm Last Thursday night -- November 19th -- as I was driving home from Walpole a large black coyote crossed in front of my car. He came from the direction of the Police/Fire Station and was headed for Dunkin' Donuts ... checking out the trash? I believe this is the same animal I saw a couple of times last Winter loping along the road across from the prison. This time he seemed to be limping slightly. My friend Mrs. D. informs me that this is the ``Norfolk Coyote.'' I do feel for any wild animal who is old and injured. I think this is the same coyote who had been reported at least 3 or 4 years ago here at Hilllcrest Village. If so, he must be nearing the end of his coyote life. Possibly the winter will do him in.
Last Friday I had to brake for two good-sized does crossing from the wetland opposite the prison. Drive carefully!
- NM
11/29 11:09pm Join the Norfolk PTO for a Merry Market shopping night! Purchase for a Purpose and support the Norfolk Public Schools. We will have amazing vendors to shop from and tons of fabulous raffle items too. Bring the kids to watch a movie and have popcorn while you shop! December 1st 5 - 8pm at the Freeman Kennedy School Cafeteria. Help us spread the word! - RC 11/29 11:07pm Norfolk Lions Announce that Santa is Coming to Town on Sunday December 6 Santa Claus will roll into Norfolk on Sunday, December 6th and a host of groups will turn out to celebrate his arrival with a variety of activities.
Santa and his entourage will be ushered into town by the highly acclaimed King Philip High School Marching Band under the direction of Mr. Joshua Wolloff.
Prior to the parade, Santa stops in at Hillcrest Village to hand out cookies and treats and receive hugs and kisses from the residents. Shhhhh don't tell Mrs. Claus!
Santa's parade will begin at 3:30 p.m. at the Hillcrest Village on Rockwood Road. Santa's elves, Frosty the Snowman, the Grinch, Norfolk Police and Fire Departments, area Scouts, and others will join Santa along Route 115, through the center of town, turning right onto Liberty Lane and ending at the Norfolk library.
At 4:00 p.m. residents are invited to visit with Santa in the Meeting Room of the library and have their pictures taken. Santa's elves will be bustling around the room assisting all. This year, Santa is going digital and you can download your photos after the parade. Refreshments will be provided by the Norfolk Recreation Department.
Children are invited to bring their homemade ornaments to help the adults decorate the town Christmas tree, which will be lit for the first time to mark the beginning of the season.
The Santa Parade and festivities are sponsored by the Norfolk Lions Club and the Norfolk Recreation Department, with the cooperation of numerous town departments, including our Fire, Police and Highway Departments, the staff of the Norfolk Public Library, and Norfolk Recreation.
- PS, Norfolk Lions 11/29 11:05pm Norfolk Lions - Christmas Tree Sale Norfolk Lions Club is in full swing with their annual Christmas Tree Sale!! This month long event is one of the Lions Club's most important fundraisers and a great opportunity for the Lions to connect with so many members of the community during the holiday period. Sales begin the day after Thanksgiving, on November 27, and continue until all trees are gone. We hope to see you down at the lot early for best selection.
As has been its tradition in the past several years, the Norfolk Lions Christmas Tree Sale is located on the lot next to the Dunkin Donuts on Main Street in downtown Norfolk. We thank the owners of our local Dunkin Donuts for their continued support of the Norfolk Lions.
Selling hours are weekdays from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM and weekends from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. The Lions will be happy to trim the bottom of your tree, wrap it and secure it to your car, although pickup trucks are very much appreciated. We accept cash and checks to the Norfolk Lions Club; sorry no credit cards.
Did you know that it takes 10 to 12 years of growing time and professional care to bring a Christmas tree to harvest? Our trees come from northern Maine and they are fresh and beautiful! We have both Balsam and Frazier Fir trees, as well as wreaths. We also have tree bags and tree life preservative to promote needle retention and help keep your tree fresh.
All of the proceeds from the sales of the trees go right back into the local Norfolk community and to various Lions charities. "Monies that the Lions generate go to seed such research as blindness prevention, diabetes prevention and numerous other causes", says Dave Brady, this year's President and King Lion. "Norfolk Lions has donated over $250,000 in it's over 50 years of service to the community".
This year we will have a collection bin at the tree lot for Coats 4 Kids. We will be collecting coats for men, women and children to be given to families in need in our community. Any and all coats in good condition are needed and all will be dry-cleaned courtesy of Anton's Cleaners.
We will also be collecting non-perishable food donations for the benefit of the Norfolk Food Pantry. Like many of us, the food pantry has been hit hard during these economic times and we would like to help out. Bill Hawkins, co-chairman of the Christmas Tree Sale, further comments, "Your contributions to the Norfolk Food Pantry would be appreciated and could not come at a better time of year."
Again this year, the Boy Scouts of Norfolk will be offering a tree pick up service after the holidays. For $10, the Scouts will pick up a tree at any house in Norfolk and bring it to the transfer station for recycling. You can register for this service at the lot when you buy your tree.
The Norfolk Lions Club currently has 89 men and women members and is growing! We meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Novatos Bar and Grill at 218 Dedham St (Rt. 1A) in Norfolk, MA. For more information or to get involved with the Norfolk Lions Club, please visit www.NorfolkMALions.org, or send email to norfolk lionsmembership@gmail.com or talk to any Lions member you may know.
- PS, Norfolk Lions
11/29 11:04pm I'm looking for opinions on the teaching and academic quality of KP High. Our child is in her freshman year and we're generally disappointed with the lack of academic rigor and teacher engagement. Even with 3 honors courses there is very little homework and many of the teachers apparently let kids use their phones during class when they are out of things to teach. Some also revert to having kids watch YouTube rather than present material themselves. Their academic expectations and demands are pretty low. So if you or your kids go to or graduated from KP, what was your experience like? Yes, they have a great music program, but what about the rest: science, math, history and English? Any and all opinions are appreciated.
- IP
11/29 11:03pm NCTV will have the popcorn ready on December 22nd for a screening in our studio of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964) at 5:30pm and A Christmas Carol (1951) at 7pm. Free fun for the whole family! More info: www.norfolkcable.com
- KW, Norfolk Community Television 11/29 10:59pm My husband, Jake Wile, owns an automotive repair shop in Walpole. [...] - MW
11/29 10:59pm With winter and the holidays knocking at our frosted front doors, it's not too late to get your home ready to impress and keeping the chill outside where it belongs. If you have been thinking about any home improvements, from custom shelves, to insulating windows, to basement remodeling, please consider me, Mark McGuckian for the job. I bring with me a happy list of local customers. I can be reached at 617.429.1885.
And please remember to shop local on Small Business Saturday... Supporting your local businesses also supports your community!
- TM
11/29 10:58pm Fuel assistance is a federally funded program that assists income eligible households with the cost of home heating fuel. Eligible participants (whether a homeowner or renter and who pay their own heating bills), irrespective of age, can receive financial aid, advice, and assistance regardless of the heating system or type of heating fuel used. Call the Norfolk Senior Center at 508-528-4430 for further information or to make an appointment with the Senior Center's Outreach Worker, Maggie Gundersen. She will be glad to answer your questions regarding this special program (and assist with the application process) as well as the full network of community programs, agencies, and providers for a variety of issues faced by seniors.
Important note: Norfolk residents are encouraged to contact those friends, loved ones, relatives, or neighbors who are unaware of this program and can benefit from fuel assistance during the winter months.
The Norfolk Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Monday thru Friday from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. A full schedule of all Senior Center programs and activities can be obtained by calling 508-528-4430.
- TM, Norfolk Council on Aging
11/29 10:57pm Re: Dog issues - SS you should contact Norfolk ACO Hilary Cohen at 508 440-2816. Perhaps she can help in resolving some of the issues you are encountering. - CF
11/17 10:45pm I have a beautiful light fixture that needs a new home. It was quite expensive when I bought it 10 years ago. There are three issues with it: 1. it needs or will need a ballast that controls half of the lamps; 2. 1 of the 12 prongs does not always light up and 3. one of the globes broke and I do not know if a replacement is available. I have lots of lamp bulbs most of them are new and have not yet been used. I would be happy to discuss the light fixture, or feel free to come by and look at it. I am not selling it, just looking to give it away. Please contact me at box528@norfolknet.com
- SN 11/17 10:39pm Lost dog 11/15 - PG
11/15 12:06am Hello. I am helping my long time friend who lives here in Norfolk to [relocate after many years]. She has in her basement a white Magic Chef 18.5 cubic foot refrigerator/freezer in excellent working condition and appearance. It is currently full of food so she asks that you excuse the photos but it will be cleaned out for inspection by potential buyers. It is in her basement and can be brought out by the stairs or the bulkhead. Asking $145 OBO. [pic 2] [pic 3]
She also has a folding table in very good, solid and clean condition and is asking $25 OBO. The measurements are 24" x 48" with the flaps down 35 3/4" x 48" with the 2 flaps open. This is nice looking and would make a very economical dining room table or work table/desk. The surfaces are essentially undamaged and all in all, it is a nice looking piece. It is not solid wood, but has a nice walnut (?) appearance. This is also in the basement but is not heavy and should be easily removed via the bulkhead by 2 strong people. [pic 4]
- AG
11/15 12:00am Barbara Janet (Barnes) Krug left this world to be with her Lord and Savior on October 20th, 2015.Born February 23, 1951 in Brockton, Massachusetts to loving parents Janet and U.S. Coast Guard Captain Ashton Barnes,
Barb grew up in Norfolk and graduated King Philip Regional High School in 1969.
After high school she attended Mary Washington College in Virginia where she was President of the Honor Council. It was there that she met USMC Captain Larry Krug and they were married in May, 1973.
Barb will be remembered by all those she touched as a warm, generous, and witty soul who gave wholeheartedly to the family and friends she loved dearly. She gracefully wore many hats as wife, mom, grammie, sister, teacher, friend, volunteer, and colleague.
Barb was preceded in death by her parents, Janet and Ashton Barnes. She is survived by Larry, her husband of 42 years; son Adam, his wife Holly, and grandchildren Ashton, Tanner, and Hudson; son Matt, his wife Amanda, and grandchildren Walker, Anna, and Ethan; son Travis, his wife Annie, and grandchildren Finley, Graden, and Adelyn; and daughter Whitney, her husband Brian, and grandchildren Trevor, Vivienne, and Elliott. She is also survived by her sisters, Priscilla Johnsen and Karen Smith and their families.
Barbara Janet (Barnes) Krug
Sugar Land, TX
1951 - 2015
- SG for LK 11/15 11:54pm Photo: L to R Al Bozza , Don Hanssen, Haunted Train Ride co-chairs, Kim Shura and Lynne Covel , Bill Hawkins and Tara Spellman 15 th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Ghoul Bus a Spectacular Success! $7,300 in Proceeds Distributed to Worthy Norfolk Causes
The 15th Annual Haunted Train Ride was a huge success again this year! The event was co-sponsored by Norfolk Community League (NCL) and the Norfolk Lions. The event was held on Saturday, October 17th at the Holmes Fields. Over 1700 riders and guests rode the train through the haunted w oods and visited the brand-new Ghoul Bus ! The proceeds from this years event are going to worthy Norfolk causes through distributions from the NCL Charitable Trust and Norfolk Lions. Proceeds this year were $7,300.00. We also collected a truck full of donations for the Norfolk Food Pantry for those less fortunate.
The woods were haunted by local community groups including NCL, Norfolk Fire, Norfolk Lions Club, Robert Letalien, Dave Lutes, Joe Sebastiano, Johnny Griffin of One Cup Coffee, Karen Clement, and Mary Ellen DuBois and Norfolk Girl Scouts . The Ghoul Bus was decorated and haunted by Dave Brady of the Norfolk Lions and the King Philip High School Drama Club. Over 100 teen volunteers assisted this year and came from: King Philip (KP) High School, KP Middle School, KP Leos, KP Drama Club, Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School, Franklin High School, Mount Saint Charles Academy , Pope John Paul High School, Mar ian High School, Bishop Feehan H igh School, Eleanor N. Johnson Middle School, Walpole High School, Barnstable High School, Cape Cod Community College, Xaverian High School, Ursuline Academy, The Woodward School, Norfolk Boy Scouts Pack 80, Boston College High School, Catholic Memorial High School, and Blessed Sacrament School
The pumpkins in the patch were carved by Norfolk Girl Scouts and Norfolk Cub Scouts as well as community members. The new expanded Haunted Caf served up plenty of food, drinks and snacks.
The Haunted Train Ride and Ghoul Bus were planned by committee members Tom Grant, Don Hanssen, Bill Hawkins, Al Bozza , Ann Marie Smith , Dave Lutes, Joe Sebastiano, Dave Brady from the Lions, Lynne Covel , Kim Shura , Karen Courtney, Melissa Dugas , Larissa Hewitt, Jennifer Tharrett , Tracy Hilfrank and Tara Spellman from NCL.
The Norfolk Lions Club currently has 87 men and women members and is growing! We meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM at the Novatos Restaurant on Rt. 1A in Norfolk, MA. For more information or to get involved with the Norfolk Lions Club, please contact Lisa Roney , Membership Chairman at norfolklionsclub@yahoo.com or any other Lions member you may know. Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with nearly 1.35 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in 206 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world. Check out www.lionsclubs.org. The Norfolk Community League is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for Norfolk residents and strengthening community spirit by organizing social, family-based, fundraising, and charitable activities. Membership is a key component to making this happen. NCL Members enjoy access to groups and clubs as a way to meet people in town and make new friends. Membership dues help us plan events that are fun for members and the community. Information on the Norfolk Community League can be found at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org
11/15 11:49pm - RC
11/15 11:45pm Hi, I have a 3 year old used sandbox from Walpole Woodworkers. It is not perfect, it is used. It is free if you want to pick it up, it is currently assembled, but it is empty. I think it's about 5' by 5'. Thanks for reading and if you are interested, you can email me at bp4402@hotmail.com and please put sandbox in the subject line.
- BP 11/15 11:40pm Young Performers Variety Show Tickets on Sale Now Tickets for the Norfolk Lions 3rd annual Young Performers Variety Show are now on sale. This show will be held on Sunday, November 22 at 6:00 PM at the First Universalist Society Meetinghouse, 262 Chestnut Street in Franklin. We have a great line up of young performers, ages 8 to 18, who are eager to show you their special talents.
All proceeds from this event will be used to benefit Norfolk Lions charities.
Tickets are $8 for children and seniors (65 and over), and $15 for adults. You can get your tickets at:
Main Street Hardware, 156 Main Street, Norfolk: Mon-Sat 8:00 to 5:00, Sun 9:00 to 1:00
1776 Financial Services, 443 East Central Street, Franklin: Mon-Fri 8:00 to 4:30
Visit www.youngperformersvarietyshow.com to order tickets and pick them up at the will-call table prior to the show.
Tickets will also be on sale at the door on the day of the show. Checks should be made payable to Norfolk Lions Club.
We hope that you will join in the fun and support local young talent!
- PS, Norfolk Lions
11/15 11:36pm Lucky Ducky Daycare offers, After School Child Care for grades K-5 (3:15 - 5:30 p.m.) We are here for you! Do you need one day or the entire week? Maybe you have more than one child, and you need two very different schedules... that's ok with us.
Lucky Ducky Daycare will try to accommodate your schedule. It isn't easy trying to juggle dance classes, gymnastics, karate and soccer practice- Visit our website maybe we can help. www.luckyduckydaycare.com
Amenities & Activities include:
- Located at a school bus stop
- Arts & Crafts
- Time to complete homework
- Touch screen computers
- Homework Stations
- Playground-time
- Dinner @ 4 p.m.* Daily rate per child $15.75
* Weekly fee per child $78.75
Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/LuckyDuckyDaycareNorfolkMa
- YR, Lucky Ducky Daycare
11/15 11:34pm Snow Plowing in Norfolk - Looking for someone to plow your driveway this winter. Call Nick at (508) 254-6710. - JV
11/15 11:29pm Norfolk is a great walk able town with several beautiful neighborhoods. Unfortunately, pets are allowed to run loose that makes peaceful walking difficult. Please understand that there is a segment of the population that do not like dogs, are sometimes intimidated by them and are allergic to pet hair etc. Not everyone appreciates being licked or hassled by dogs during walks. Sometimes on certain roads, walking is impossible since the dogs almost guard the street and bark ferociously at anyone who walks on the sidewalk. We have seen many cases where the pets cross their owner's lawn and chase walkers. With a young kid, this situation many times deters us from walking especially in the Canterberry/Surrey/Sweetland Farms neighborhood. We are also recently finding several large dogs that roam freely on our property and we are not confident of letting our young kid play outside. (Not to mention that we have found dog poop a couple of times on our lawn).
This post is a reminder to dog owners and lovers to please be present near your pet when not on a leash even though the pet is on your property.
- SS 11/15 11:23pm The Norfolk Community League sponsored a Halloween Candy Give Back on Monday, November 2, at the Freeman-Kennedy School in Norfolk. Candy donations were received, along with letters and artwork from children in the Norfolk Schools. The donations were given to an organization called ``Operation American Soldier''. This organization puts together and sends care packages to soldiers who are serving our country overseas, as well as to some local veterans. Norfolk 6th grade Girl Scout Troop 74746 and a member of Brownie Troop 66193 donated their time and energy to collect, sort and box the candy. About 100 boxes were collected and donated. In photo 1 L to R: Liz F., Katie D., Molly P., Caroline K., Brooke M., Sydney O., Camryn O.
In photo 2 L to R: Liz F., Caroline K., Camryn O., Sydney O., Katie D.
In photo 3 L to Rto right: Caroline K., Sydney O.
11/15 11:19pm For Sale: Norfolk Tee Shirts ~ Only $8.00 while supplies last! Show your Norfolk Spirit! Sizes include: Youth L and XL; Adult S, M, L & XL. Limited quantities available in certain sizes. Makes a great gift for kids, college students and adults! Proceeds to benefit the Inspiration Performing Troupe. To order, or for questions, email sfice87@comcast.net. - SF
11/15 11:16pm Hey everyone! I am a hairstylist located right in Millis at Studio 109. I am offering 20% off for all new clients for any service(s) you have done. I am very passionate about what I do, and I will make sure to transform your hair into exactly what you've always wanted. Check out my latest work here: www.pinterest.com/taylorraeblake/cosmetology-portfolio
If you are interested, please call 5083765566 and make an appointment with me (Taylor).
Studio 109, 969 Main St., Millis MA 02054
- TB
11/15 11:11pm Boy Scout Troop 80 is organizing a Christmas tree pickup service for Norfolk residents. The deadline to register for the collection is Jan 5; the pickup is slated for Sat. Jan. 9, Participants should leave their tree next to the street by 9 a.m. The fee is $10 for trees up to 10 feet tall and $15 for taller trees; seniors will be charged $5. Checks should be sent to Troop 80, Norfolk Boy Scouts, PO Box 523, Norfolk. To sign up for the collection, provide your name, address and phone number via e-mail at treestroop80@gmail.com - ES
11/15 11:09pm We recently had our kitchen remodeled by John Desmond at Complete Builders. The kitchen turned out fantastic, better than we could have ever imagined. John was easy to work with and produced quality work with attention to detail. I would highly recommend Complete Builders, the process is easy and well worth it! CBuildLLC.com - SR 10/29 8:30am Fall is leaving soon and The Iceman Cometh: Well-"seasoned" and faithfully maintained Snapper 22 inch 5 HP snowblower for sale. A reliable machine that will keep your driveway clear this winter. Asking $150. Call me at 528-6217. - DA
10/29 8:28am Does anyone know the where abouts of Charlene who used to work for Remsen/Bradbury Insurance in the Norfolk office. She always was a great help with insurance questions. I'm now having unbelievable problems with Encompass Insurance and would like to give my business to Charlene at her new company. Call Bob at 774-571-0980 - BL 10/29 8:27am - AR
10/29 8:26am Any recommendations for windows? Not sure whether we just need replacements or something more. Thanks! - JD 10/29 8:24am To all Norfolk residents and businesses: The new edition of the NORFOLK LITTLE GREEN PHONE BOOK is currently being updated.
To have your business included in the yellow pages section of the Norfolk Book in print and on-line you can call 508-429-5588 or go to our website: www.littlegreenphonebook.com. The DEADLINE IS SOON. If you have an addition, correction or want your cell phone listed in the new Norfolk Little Green Phone Book, e-mail the information to: russo@northeasternpub.com or Call 508-429-5588
The Norfolk Little Green Phone Book will be mailed free of charge to every home and business at the beginning of the new year. The Norfolk directory is over 150 pages and filled with town information, library hours, transfer station hours, places of worship, a school directory, a listing of town officials, clubs & organizations, local mall listings and phone listings by street.
You can go on our online directory to find local business and services www.littlegreenphonebook.com
- SR and CR
10/29 8:23am Halloween Candy Give Back Have too many treats from Halloween? Bring your left over leftover candy to the Norfolk Community League's Halloween Candy Give Back on Monday, November 2, from 2:45 to 6pm, at the Freeman-Kennedy School Drop Off Loop. DRIVE THRU CANDY DROP OFF. Please use the Rockwood Road entrance, NOT Boardman Street.
Candy donations received, along with letters and artwork from children in the Norfolk Schools, will go to an organization, "Operation American Soldier", that puts together and sends care packages to soldiers who are serving our country overseas. For more information, contact Colleen O'Shea or at coshea13@comcast.net.
10/29 8:22am All welcome to Saint Jude Church electronic recycle day and bike collection on Saturday November 7th from 9am to 2 pm at the parking lot of the church Accepting any item with a plug and more, TVs, monitors, computers, laptops, printers, fax and copy machines, ac units, microwaves, dehumidifiers, vacuums, stereo equip, vcrs, washers, dryers, stoves, frig, exercise equipment, lawn mowers, snow blowers, grills
Low costs small electroncs $5 each, Any appliance or monitor $10, TVs $10 to $30
Please bring any unwanted or under used bike of any kind or condition to the parking lot to be reused again.
- JW
10/29 8:18am Norfolk's 2nd Annual Duck Derby a Success! On Saturday, September 26th, Mass Audubon's Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary and The Norfolk Community League held the Second Annual Wood Duck Derby. The race was held as part of the 37th Annual Stony Brook Fall Fair. Over 1400 people attended the fair making it a wonderful community gathering. This year, 1,016 ducks made the plunge into the slow moving Stony Brook river. A huge crowd of children and adults gathered to cheer on the ducks as they made their way to the finish line. The event could not have been a success without the support of generous community partners which included: Driven Landscape, Adirondack Club, Willow Spa, Jump Trax, Norfolk Ice Arena, Buddy's Doggie Daycare, Forekicks,Franklin School for the Performing Arts, The Norfolk Lions Club/NCL, 3 Restaurant, Eaglebrook Saloon, Novatos Bar and Grill, Bourque's Restaurant, Joe's American Bar & Grille, American Skin Care, Tangerini's Farm, Organic Angel.
Thanks to the generosity of community members the 2nd Annual Duck Derby raised over $3,200 for both the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary and the Norfolk Community League. This will go to support programming and events for the community. The Norfolk Community League is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for Norfolk residents and strengthening community spirit by organizing social, family-based, fundraising, and charitable activities. For more information, please visit www.norfolkcommunityleague.org. Mass Audubon's Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving as a leader and a catalyst for conservation, by acting directly to protect the nature of Massachusetts and by stimulating individual and institutional action through conservation, education, and advocacy. For more information, please visit www.massaudubon.org.
For photos of the event, check out the NCL Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.475806039267718.1073741830.467886973392958&type=1&l=ca979681e3
10/29 8:17am Hello. If anyone is looking for a very strong king sized metal bed frame (in 4 sections) and slats, all in excellent condition, please call me at 508-528-1976. Frame is easily assembled and disassembled Best offer. Thanks. - AMG
10/29 8:16am Decided to remodel your kitchen? Use these 3 milestones to plan your project from start to finish within 10-12 weeks:
1. Weeks 1-3: * Hire * Design * Order cabinets, choose counters & tile (most cabinet orders take 6-8 weeks to arrive!) * Choose finishes such as flooring, fixtures, & paint
2. Weeks 4-8 * Order New Appliances & Fixtures * Demo * Electrical & Lighting Changes * Plumbing Changes
3. Weeks 9-10-11-12: * Install Flooring * New cabinets * Plumbing & Electrical Finishes * Counters ~ Paint
If you have decided to remodel your kitchen, Complete Builders will collaborate with you to design your kitchen and manage your project from start to finish. See what your Norfolk neighbors had to say about CBuildLLC.com when they hired John Desmond to design, build and transform their home with kitchen remodeling and more.
John@CBuildLLC.com 774-696-6541
- RD
10/29 8:13am King Philip Music Association Wreath Sale 2015 ~ Wreaths are fresh, quality, 12" double sided evergreen (outside spread 24") Cost: $14.00 each ~ includes a six loop red velvet bow.
You can purchase through any KP Music Student. Cash or checks payable to KPMA , sale ends 11/13. Wreaths will be delivered to KPHS on Saturday, 11/28.
Please won't you support a program that gives so much back to our communities. Thank you!
- MC 10/22 10:02pm How about a free trip to just about anywhere you can imagine? Church of the Advent is raffling off chances to win 100,000 American Airlines AAnytime award miles - a $2,000 value good for flights, hotel, and car rental!
Tickets are $30 each, or $50 for two. The winning ticket will be drawn Sunday November 1, and you need not be present to win. 100% of the proceeds will support Church of the Advent and its many community ministries.
Don't miss out on a chance to win this fantastic prize!
Tickets may be purchased through PayPal (www.paypal.com), using AdventMedfield@verizon.net as the payee address. Please indicate your name, contact information, and how many raffle tickets you are purchasing.
If you prefer, you may send a check payable to Church of the Advent, along with your request for tickets to: Church of the Advent, 28 Pleasant Street, Medfield, MA 02052
For more information, go to www.adventmedfield.org
- KM
10/22 9:59pm Purchased a $15.00 Google play card as a gift in error. Don't have anyone that will use it. I'll take whatever you'll offer. You can reach me at Dianne50th@me.com - DM 10/22 9:58pm KP Band Night! - KN
10/22 9:57pm Sears Moped. In good condition. needs tune up. $200. Call Jack 508-528-0875 - JO 10/22 9:55pm - MN
10/22 9:40pm To JT on Holbrook who is having audio dropout issues on Verizon FIOS TV. I am now in touch with a group at Verizon that is further investigating the audio dropout issue. We were watching a show on our DVR the other night and it had many dropouts. We are also getting them this evening. It certainly is an annoying problem and should be addressed. Can you email me at ellens126@verizon.net with your address and I will pass it on to them? Thanks. Hopefully they can resolve the issue. - EF
10/22 9:36pm Re: Trash Pickup Services I suggest you check out Dover Trucking. They are a Norfolk based family owned business and have been loyal sponsors of the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library so I encourage you to give them a try! - BV
10/22 9:35pm Re: request for transportation for disabled person ~ a DIAL-A-RIDE service (through GATRA) is available to anyone who is disabled or elderly for personal transportation needs. www.gatra.org/index.php/special-services/dial-a-ride/ What is Dial-A-Ride?Call GATRA or the senior center for information on getting registered for this service. It is a service that has to be arranged via reservation 24-48 hrs in advance. They will do personal trips as well as medical trips.a. Dial-A-Ride is curb to curb transportation for passengers who meet ADA requirements and/or are age 60 and above.
Who is Eligible?
a. A person with a disability that limits one major life function who cannot, because of a disability, use public transportation.
b. A person with a disability who, because of certain conditions, is not able to use public fixed-route transportation.
c. A person 60 years of age or older.
- BV
10/22 9:32pm Looking to possibly take guitar lessons, but still not ready to commit? Steve Marchena of Ivy Music Academy has volunteered to offer FREE 30-minute trial lessons between 2 and 5 PM on Tuesday, November 10th and from 1 to 6 on Wednesday, November 11th to the Norfolk Community.
Please visit our website www.ivymusicacademy.com where you can find more information about Steve under Faculty.
Email us at ivymusicacademy@gmail.com to reserve a time!
- VS, Ivy Music Academy
10/22 9:28pm NCTV's FREE November and December Workshops When: Tuesday nights from 6:30pm ~ 8pm / Where: NCTV Studio, 158 Main Street, Norfolk MA 02056 /
November 3 & 10: Studio Production Instructor: NCTV Staff Level: All
Take the lead with the brand new NewTek Tricaster 460 and switch like a pro in our state of the art studio. Add titles, credits, b-roll, and music on the fly for a fun and exciting life-to-tape experience. All levels are encouraged to attend although we will start from the very beginning.
November 17: NO WORKSHOP (Town Meeting)
November 24: Production Planning and Storyboarding Instructor: NCTV Staff Level: All
We'll help you uncover exactly where to start when planning a new show! With a solid foundation, you can do anything!
December 1: Basic Titling in Photoshop Instructor: NCTV Staff Level: Beginner
Learn how to leverage Photoshop to create beautiful and unique titles for your video projects.
December 8 & 15: Stop Motion Animation Instructor: NCTV Staff Level: All
Video is just a series of photos and in the stop motion animation workshop, we'll take a look at how it's done and actually create our own! You can work with Legos, paper, drawings, or whatever else fits your fancy! We will be using the software iStopMotion and our DSLR camera. Don't be fooled by the Legos, the workshop is open to all ages!
December 22 & 29: NO WORKSHOPS
Norfolk Community Television is a non-profit community TV station located in the heart of Norfolk, MA. We offer education and access to media equipment in order to empower our community to have their voices heard. Videos created with our equipment can be seen on our channels and online and may not advertise or solicit for any for-profit endeavor. Access to our equipment, workshops, and resources is free of charge. We preference access to Norfolk residents but our doors are open to all.
Contact: Katy Woodhams, Norfolk Community Television, 158 Main Street, Suite 5, Norfolk, MA 02056, www.NorfolkCable.com katy@norfolkcable.com (508) 520-2780
10/22 9:12pm Hello SC Norfolk Families, The registration period for the 2015/2016 Indoor Soccer Session 1 is now open and runs through Saturday, October 24. We are looking to field Boys and Girls teams from U9 through U12 ages and a grade 2 girls 5v5 team. Register for the session here: http://scnorfolk.com/content/online-registration
Do not register through the Fore Kicks web site.
U9 through U12 6v6 Boarded and Non-boarded
SC Norfolk 2015/2016 Indoor Soccer Session 1 (Fore Kicks Session 12) starts on 11/2/2015 and ends on 1/24/2016. The cost per player for the 6v6 programs is $150.00 for the session. Each session will include a minimum of 9 scheduled games plus playoffs for the top 4 teams, or top 50% of teams in bracket. An SC Norfolk uniform from the Fall 2012 program, or later, is required. Uniforms can be purchased by following the link on the registration page (https://scnorfolk.itemorder.com/sale?read_message=true). As turnaround time for uniform purchases is two weeks, please register early, so you receive the uniform before the start of the session.
Game times are dependent on age/gender and level of play (team placement):
"KO" means "Kick-Off"
Gender Age Levels of Play Days of Week Boys U8 Premier, A, B Mon (4pm-8pm KO) & ltd Sundays Boys U9 Premier, A, B Mon (4pm-8pm KO) & ltd Sundays Boys U10 Premier, A, B Mon (4pm-8pm KO) & ltd Sundays Boys U11 Premier, A, B Tues & Wed (4pm-8pm KO) Boys U12 Premier, A, B Tues & Wed (4pm-8pm KO) Girls U8 Premier, A, B Saturday (8am-8pm KO) Girls U9 Premier, A, B Saturday (8am-8pm KO) Girls U10 Premier, A, B Saturday (8am-8pm KO) Girls U11 Premier, A, B Thurs & Fri (4pm-8pm KO) Girls U12 Premier, A, B Thurs & Fri (4pm-8pm KO) Grade 2 Girls 5v5 "Macro Soccer"
For the grade 2 girls 5v5 "Macro Soccer" program, the cost per player is $90.00 for the session. The session will run for eight weeks, starting on November 6, 2015 and end on January 15, 2016. Games are played on Fridays, with kick-offs from 4-7 PM. SC Norfolk's Macro league teams are for 2nd grade girls to serve as a step towards the 6v6 format and to develop the abilities of our younger soccer players. A goalie position is introduced but still limits the number of field players to four to maximize each player's touches on the ball. Play will be on a special taraflex surfaced court with a special ball designed for this format.
Uniform purchase not required, as we will use numbered pinnies, so only a tee shirt is required.
For more detailed information about the programs, please refer to the ForeKicks web site, but DO NOT register for the program through the Fore Kicks web site : http://www.forekicks.com/norfolk/shared/content/index.cfm?fuseaction=leagues
Do not wait to register. Avoid the late registration penalty and register today!
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
- CM 10/22 9:15pm Norfolk Girl Scout Troop 85105 will be running the Children's Sale at the Federated Church's Holly Fair as part of their Bronze Award Project. Please see the attached flyer for details. We thank you in advance for your help!
- JT
10/22 9:14pm JH... I have used Jane's Frames in Franklin for two custom frames and was very pleased with the entire process. I also found the prices very reasonable plus, I felt good knowing I gave my business to a local, non chain business. - BF (2)
10/22 9:11pm I would like to reccommend Claudia's Cleaning servive online. The ladies are honest, reliable and hardworking. They do a thorough job each time. I have used 2 other services which were not nearly as good and was robbed.
I'll stick with Claudia!!
- RG
10/11 4:39pm I have a 10 ride Zone 5 train ticket for sale. Our plans changed and we have a brand new with receipt ten ride train ticket from Norfolk to Boston available. Expires December 10, 2015. Bought for $90 will sell gregg_linde@hotmail.com - GL
10/11 4:38pm Haunted Train Ride 2015 - Community Pumpkin Carvers Calling all community pumpkin carvers! We invite you to put your creativity to good use and help create the glowing pumpkin patch at the 15th annual Haunted Train Ride co-sponsored by the Norfolk Community League and Norfolk Lions. You supply the creativity and we'll supply the candles! This is a great fall activity for all ages! Haunted Train Ride 2015 will be held on Saturday, October 17.
Please bring your carved (or decorated / painted) pumpkin to Holmes Field (22 Myrtle Street, Norfolk) on Friday Oct 16 from 3-7pm or on Sat Oct 17 before 11 am.
Write your name on the bottom of the pumpkin if you want to retrieve it on Sun Oct 18 after 8am.
For planning purposes please do sign-up for your donation at www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0d45adaf23a4f58-haunted2/31244493
10/11 4:36pm Moving out and have a large amount of built up home and garden tools and equipment. Items include the following: -Electrical Equipment: wiring (various types and lots of it, some full spools, 3 phase and single phase cables, irrigation cable etc...) switch and outlet boxes both plastic and metal, receptacles (120VAC, 240VAC, etc...) , wire staples, light fixtures many brand new in box, carbon monoxide detector, relays blocks, electrical panels, wall mountable heater, industrial shipboard lamp, RF coaxial splitters, wall socket timer, recessed bathroom fan, 3" recessed light assembly (fixture and bulb), 2 fluorescent 26W flood lights, heat detector, wire caps, and more
-Garden and Irrigation: PVC piping (some full rolls, some used rolls), various valves and fittings, garden tools, sprays, metal garden spikes, electric hedge trimmers, upright trellis holders, and more.
-Power Tools: A Stihl mini boss chain saw with lots of oil and lubricating fluid (last time I used it it worked right away, haven't used it in a few years now), A table saw in decent condition, electric hedge trimmers.
-Carpentry: Some old closet doors and some various old lumber, nails, screws, sand paper, bolts & assorted hardware, and more.
-Plumbing: Copper piping, meters, pressure gauges, ball valves, there is an assembly that I built but never used for a 5 zone home heating system (see photos from the link below), and more.
-Automotive: Lots of old '88 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo parts and some old '89 VW parts including oil filters, lamps, fuses oil pressure gauge, wiring harnesses, car seat cover, massaging car seat cover, heated blanket for 9V car socket, an old '95 Lexus ES300 in the driveway with some good parts left in it more.
-Miscellaneous: 5' propane hose/regulator assembly, some aluminum insulation (around 1/4 roll), tool box with assorted tools (assorted screw drivers, allen wrenches, etc...), hyrdaulic manual wood splitter (10 tons of pressure I believe), very large aluminum extension latter (not sure exact length, see pictures below), tons of random hardware, and more.
There is a lot more stuff, please call/email me and we can setup a time if you'd like to come check it out and talk pricing, I can also give you prices over the phone if you see something specifically in the pictures. I did not have the time to take pictures of everything but above is a good sample of what I have. Craigslist will only allow 24 photos, if you'd like to see more check out this google drive folder: drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9SWw6vtzf_OcGxqRzVDV2FrT3M&usp=sharing
Andrew - 5084068332 andrewveatman@gmail.com
- AE
10/11 4:35pm Hi, We are new to Norfolk and looking to possibly have trash service. I found a few companies but was wondering who other residents are using and their feedback. So far I have emailed: Dooley's , LPC , Barry's
Have I missed some trash service providers? Please email me at ktrav430@gmail.com
- KT
10/11 4:34pm Free to good home! Huskvarna snowblower. Runs but needs work. - LS
[Update 10/22 9:38pm: someone kindly took it away - LS]
10/11 4:33pm Disabled Norfolk Resident is Looking for a reliable person such as a retiree or college student to provide transportation once or twice a week for local errands. I.e. Shaw's Plaza Franklin, downtown Norfolk, P.O. and occasionally if available to do so, medical appointments at Patriot Place or MGH Boston.
If you are interested, please call M.C., at 617-725-0632 m-f , or cell 781-635-7176 to discuss details of compensation etc.
- MC
10/11 4:32pm Hello all! I was wondering if anyone is selling tickets to the Haunted Train Ride?? I missed the opportunity to purchase tickets and would love to buy 4 off anyone who is selling. Thank you in advance!! Please email me at kgbrady524@gmail.com. - KB
10/11 4:29pm received an email with a bearing on April 15 filing -- As many of you know, Norfolk Together has once again sent out town wide solicitations for cash donations. Please be advised that their IRS 501(c)3 Tax-Exempt Status was revoked on May 15, 2013 and as of today has not been reinstated. I am not in any way advising that the work this group does is not worthy of your support, that this organization is not worthy of your donations, or that any funds controlled by the group are not well-managed ~ I am only advising that any donations to this group have not been tax-deductible for several years.Until this fall, they had never registered as a charity in Massachusetts with the Attorney General's office (Division of Charities) and were many years behind in filing any required annual filings of financial info with the state offices that regular charities (Secretary of State - Corporations Division and the Attorney General) and the IRS. They filed many years of back returns with the state last month and their status with the state now appears to be current. They may well be in the process of getting their 501(c)3 status reinstated by the IRS. The person I spoke to with the IRS (today) would not tell me any more than that they are still currently in revoked status. My [note] is intended only as an FYI regarding the tax-deductible status of any contributions made to them. I invite someone from Norfolk Together to post current information on any efforts to become reinstated as a 501(c)3 by the IRS.
- Wm.
10/11 4:28pm [Re 9/30 4:41pm Verizon Fios audio dropouts] We are having the same issue with our Verizon Fios, we live on Holbrook St. Is there someone we can report it to directly? - JT
10/11 4:26pm KL - AC Moore does custom framing. There is a coupon for 60% off in the current flyer. I've also driven by a Janes Frames in Franklin Center. Hope this helps! - LR
10/11 4:23pm Re: Looking to have a picture framed. Any recommendations for local framers? - KL The Preservation Framer, 16 N. Washington St, North Attleboro. Ask for Kate or Rob. They do beautiful work.
- JH
10/11 4:20pm Norfolk Lions Sponsor 3rd Annual Youth Variety Show Do you have the music within you? Do you have movement? Want to let your comedic side out? Maybe you and a few friends get together on the weekends in your garage and have a jam session or maybe you put on a play in your living room? If so, you need to bring your talent to the stage!
The Norfolk Lions are pleased to announce that the 3rd annual Young Performers Variety Show will be held on Sunday, November 22 at 6:00 PM. This year we are very excited that the show will take place at a new venue, the First Universalist Society Meetinghouse, 262 Chestnut Street in Franklin. This location offers an intimate coffeehouse atmosphere along with an exceptional sound and lighting system.
The variety show is open to performers ages 8 to 18, from Norfolk and surrounding towns. First, second and third prizes of $250, $150 and $75 will be awarded at the end of the show.
Auditions will be held on Sunday November 1 & 8 at 4:00 PM, and Thursday November 5 at 6:00 PM at the Norfolk Public Library. Acts can be no longer than 5 minutes and no accompaniment will be provided, so auditioners must bring their own music (iPod, CD, etc.). To schedule an audition, please register at www.youngperformersvarietyshow.com or call Jonathan at 508-308-7974.
Tickets to the show are $8 for children and seniors (65 and over), and $15 for adults. To order tickets please visit www.youngperformersvarietyshow.com All proceeds from this event will be used to benefit Norfolk Lions charities.
So if you are a singer, dancer, actor, instrumentalist, comedian, magician, gymnast, juggler or have any other hidden talent - start preparing your act now. We are looking forward to seeing you perform!
- PS, Norfolk Lions 10/11 4:17pm For Sale: Norfolk Tee Shirts ~ Only $8.00 while supplies last! Show your Norfolk Spirit! Sizes include: Youth L and XL; Adult S, M, L & XL. Limited quantities available in certain sizes. Makes a great gift for kids, college students and adults! Proceeds to benefit the Inspiration Performing Troupe. To order, or for questions, email sfice87@comcast.net.
- SF
10/11 4:15pm Federated Church Holly Fair The Women's Fellowship of the Federated Church of Norfolk will hold their annual Holly Fair on Saturday, November 14th from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. It will include many opportunities for holiday shopping. This year's Holly Fair will include an even greater number and variety of crafters and venders, as well as handmade items of our church crafters. A tradition you are sure to enjoy is the church's annual cookie walk where you can select from dozens of different plain and fancy homemade cookies--to enjoy now or freeze for later use during the holidays. You will also find a wide selection of other delicious homemade baked goods for sale.
Unique to the Holly Fair is the popular "Children Only" shopping area. Children will be able to purchase Christmas gifts for their friends and family at very nominal prices. Members of the Girl Scouts and the church's youth group will be available to help the children with their gift choices and gift-wrapping and also help them make some Christmas crafts while you do your shopping. Children may visit with Santa from 10:00 AM- 12:00 Noon. What a great photo opportunity!
Bring your appetite as well as your shopping list; the church kitchen will be busy with coffee and muffins until 11:30 AM and lunch items will be available from 11:30 AM- 2:00 PM.
The Federated Church of Norfolk is located at the corner of Route 115 and Main Street in the center of Norfolk, across from the Town Common. Adequate parking is located at the back of the church. The church vestry is handicapped accessible.
- LD
10/11 4:12pm A few years back someone had mentioned a local company that would do a complete tune up of a snow blower for $135 including transportation. Anyone remember the name and contact info? or other recommendations? I have 2 snow blowers in need of minor repairs and tune ups. Thanks! cmkearins@verizon.net - CM