Norfolknet Politics, Opinions, and Rants of a Relevant Nature as Deemed by the Webmaster
9/16 5:24pm BOSTON, MA - Following a path taken earlier this year by former US Senator Scott Brown, Middlesex County District Attorney Gerry Leone and others, State Representative Dan Winslow (R-Norfolk) today announced that he will step away from public life in Massachusetts at the end of the month to rejoin the private sector on a full time basis. Winslow submitted a letter of resignation from the 9^th Norfolk district seat to the House of Representatives Clerk. His resignation is effective September 29, 2013. Winslow has been named Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Rimini Street, Inc. (, the world's leading third-party provider of enterprise software support services that enables Oracle and SAP licensees to save 50 percent on annual support fees and redirect those savings to innovation. Inc. Magazine and other publications have described Rimini Street, Inc. as one of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States. The company, headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, has operations in San Francisco's East Bay, as well as offices in Europe, Latin America, Southern Asia and the Asia Pacific regions. As General Counsel, Winslow will serve with the company's senior management and oversee the global legal team. ``My excitement in joining Rimini Street is tempered by my sadness in leaving the House. I have been thankful for every minute of my service in the Legislature, for the honor of representing the people of the 9^th Norfolk towns, and for the opportunity to contribute to debate and solutions to improve our Commonwealth. I hope that my efforts have made a difference and that the ideas I have advanced can be considered in future sessions,'' said Winslow. ``I fully appreciate the sacrifice of public service, by our legislators and their families, and hope to remain engaged in civic life in the future.''
Winslow has been married for 25 years to fellow Amherst native Susan Barker Winslow. The couple has two college-aged children as well as a high school senior, and a yellow lab named Zoe.
- DW
8/14 4:39pm ALL - Exactly. I know it sounds unbelievable to think the leader of the free World would allow this to happen. A living breathing baby is what State Senator Obama voted to allow to be killed. He voted giving a second doctor permission to enter a hospital room and murder a breathing baby living outside the womb of their mother, who had survived an abortion. The more the low-information voter knows about Obama, the more they will wonder how they could have every voted for him. The smoke screen "war on women" is a bunch of malarkey. Look at the politician who have been the most outrageous offenders of women, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Elliot Spitzer, Tony Weiner and Bob Filner all card carrying members of the progressive movement. Wake up America. - PR
4/22 6:46pm Dan Winslow Receives Endorsement From The Boston Globe "He's both highly qualified and innovative, one of the best-rounded candidates to emerge in either party...Winslow is well-positioned to probe the weaknesses of the Democratic nominee, who will be a long-serving congressman whichever candidate prevails. All voters should appreciate having a real choice, and the GOP should be seeking a candidate who can win. Winslow is both."Endorsement, Well-Rounded Pro Winslow is GOP's Best Choice For Senate.The Boston Globe
April 22, 2013The Republican Party, in its struggle to be competitive in Massachusetts, has made two types of mistakes in picking candidates: the experienced party loyalist who is way too conservative for the general electorate; and the self-funding newcomer, hoping to take advantage of the party's lack of a solid bench to jump the line. The experienced loyalist usually goes down to a quick, principled defeat, with a videotape of a debate performance and about 40 percent of the vote to show for his or her troubles. The newcomer burns bright for a moment -- a fresh face, a creative approach -- but the first slip-up usually spells doom: When voters know little about a candidate, and there's no track record to speak of, it's easy to think the worst of him or her.
As it happens, Republican primary voters this year have Senate candidates who fit each of these profiles to a T. Former US Attorney Michael Sullivan has a long resume as state representative, the elected district attorney of Plymouth County, and even a stint as head of George W. Bush's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. At 58, he evokes the peace of mind of a man who long ago committed himself to certain ideological views and isn't inclined to rethink anything: Tough on crime, conservative on social issues, skeptical of government's ability to solve problems, steadfast against almost every Democratic spending initiative. It's a familiar litany, one that might put Sullivan on a path to victory in, say, North Dakota.
The fresh face belongs to Gabriel Gomez, a former Navy SEAL and private-equity millionaire who touts his business background to fix government -- even though such experience usually translates better to the governorship than the Senate. Nonetheless, Gomez has thrown some interesting wrinkles into the GOP race, campaigning before inner-city voters who don't usually vote Republican, making a point of speaking Spanish before mixed audiences, taking time off to run the Boston Marathon. Yet when some of his supporters learned that he had once written to Governor Patrick to seek appointment to the Senate seat, promising to uphold certain aspects of President Obama's agenda, they dropped him like a hot potato. That's neither fair nor wise, but it underscores how little people know about Gomez. A longer campaign, in which he could crisscross the state to cultivate grassroots support and develop a deeper understanding of the issues, might have served him better. He could be an intriguing candidate in future elections.
Luckily for the GOP, however, there is a third candidate in the race -- and he's both highly qualified and innovative, one of the best-rounded candidates to emerge in either party. State Representative Dan Winslow, a former district court judge and legal counsel to Governor Mitt Romney, has fought to build the Massachusetts Republican Party for three decades, excepting his eight years on the bench. At the State House, he's offered detailed plans to cut spending, earning praise from Patrick's staff; but he's also been an aggressive critic of the governor, understanding that for the Republican Party to be a credible opposition, it must be both substantive and forceful. In the Senate campaign, he's broken with much of the national GOP on gun control and environmental protection, though on neither issue does he go as far as most elected Democrats: He wants to claim the center ground, and declares that the Massachusetts Senate race will be the first step in remaking the national Republican Party.
If that sounds familiar, it is: Winslow's politics bear some resemblance to those of Scott Brown, whom Winslow advised. Brown's willingness to seek bipartisan solutions was widely admired -- even though he ultimately lost by 8 points to a Democrat who promised to be a stronger advocate.
But that's where the resemblance ends. Brown cast himself as an everyman, a Mr. Smith who went to Washington to try to talk sense into the blowhards on both sides. Winslow is more of a political pro. He vows to use his unusual stature as a Republican unbound to the GOP leadership to start pulling together a centrist coalition on day one. ``You'll always know where I stand, even when I'm wrong,'' is a constant refrain.
That's an implicit criticism of Brown's hand-wringing style, but it also reveals something of Winslow's personality: He's colorful, energetic, and intelligent, but those qualities sometimes pull against each other. (Voters don't necessarily want a senator who gleefully pursues quixotic proposals.) Winslow's challenge, should he become the nominee, is to prove that his qualities can cohere: That he can be an effective leader, more than an entertaining gadfly.
Republican voters should give him the chance. Winslow is well-positioned to probe the weaknesses of the Democratic nominee, who will be a long-serving congressman whichever candidate prevails. All voters should appreciate having a real choice, and the GOP should be seeking a candidate who can win. Winslow is both.
- CP
4/21 11:22am Dan Winslow Announces First Quarter Fundraising Totals "Thank you to all the donors from across Massachusetts who have supported my ideas based candidacy. Due to your efforts I'm the only GOP candidate to have made a significant financial investment over the last two months in a strong field organization and a "Get Out the Vote" effort. That effort will lead us to victory on Election Day." - Dan WinslowNorfolk MA: Today US Senate Candidate Dan Winslow is announcing his fundraising totals for the first fundraising quarter. With these donations the Winslow campaign is financing the only significant GOTV effort in the GOP primary. To date our organization has systematically knocked on 8,453 doors and made live calls to 91,296 likely voters in the April 30th (x-apple-data-detectors://0) Republican primary. We have also made significant investments in micro-targeted online ads and will be sending out three statewide mailers. This investment will pay huge dividends in a special election race with turnout expected to be in the range of 150,000 persons, all of whom will have been personally contacted by our campaign before Election Day.This is bad news for Michael Sullivan whose ideology represents the far right views of the tiny minority in our Party. His tiny fundraising take from that minority is telling. He's unelectable in June, not just from an ideological perspective but from a fundraising perspective. He hasn't built nor can he afford a legitimate campaign apparatus that can defeat the likely Democrat opponent, Ed Markey. Michael Sullivan is no longer a viable candidate in the general election.
This is also bad news for Gabriel Gomez. The bulk of his fundraising haul came before donors were aware that he had written a letter to Deval Patrick begging for the interim US Senate appointment in exchange for supporting President Obama on gun control and illegal immigration policies. The damage that has been done to his candidacy and his fundraising ability is not recoverable. No amount of self-funding will be able to undue the harm done to his credibility with that letter.
Fundraising Totals
Dan Winslow: Total Collected: $394,548.85 Cash on Hand: $142,243.45 -80 Percent of Donations were under 200 dollars. -95 percent of money raised is primary dollars.
Michael Sullivan: Total Collected: $174,498 Cash on Hand: $96,369
Gabriel Gomez Fundraising Totals through early April: Total Collected: $350,000 Cash on Hand: ?
- CP
4/10 9:28pm Boston Herald Endorses Dan Winslow for US Senate.
Winslow for GOP
by: Boston Herald StaffThe national Republican Party has been engaging in months of soul-searching about its future.
Former presidential candidate Jon Huntsman offered up a good piece of advice in a speech at the Reagan Library recently: ``When a party stops solving problems, the American people move away from it. We need to get back to problem-solving.''
Massachusetts voters have a chance in the special Senate primary election to put a problem-solver on the ballot under the GOP banner.Dan Winslow has been bringing a host of bright ideas to Beacon Hill since his 2010 election to the Massachusetts House. He has won bipartisan respect and scored several successes -- especially in his efforts to cut ``fluff'' from the state budget. His delivery of jars of marshmallow fluff to the governor's office (one for every budget line item he would cut) got him both attention and action.
Winslow's Senate campaign has similarly focused on good ideas with across-the-aisle appeal: A national lottery to finance $20 billion more in merit-based scholarships; attaching some ``strings'' to federal aid to higher education to reward colleges that keep costs down; and a plan to reform Obamacare that he calls ``excel and exempt'' that would allow states like Massachusetts to opt out of the federal system.
He would lower the corporate income tax as part of his plan to grow jobs and the economy and make up the lost revenue by ending some of those corporate welfare ``carve-outs'' won by powerful lobbying groups.
``Ideas are the means by which you change government,'' Winslow said during a Herald interview.
A former district court judge, former chief legal counsel to Gov. Mitt Romney with years of private sector law practice, Winslow would be a breath of fresh air in stale old Washington.
Republicans and unenrolled voters who choose a Republican ballot on April 30 can keep Dan Winslow and those new ideas in the fight. The Herald is pleased to endorse his candidacy.
- DW
4/9 9:45pm Winslow Asks FEC For Contribution Law Clarification From Politico: (q "A Republican Massachusetts Senate candidate is taking the fight for gay marriage to a new frontier ~ the Federal Election Commission.Dan Winslow, a state representative casting himself as the moderate choice in the April 30 GOP primary for John Kerry's Senate seat, on Friday filed a request with the regulatory agency asking it to treat married gay couples' contributions the same way it treats those from married straight couples." From the Los Angeles Times: (,0,501430.story) "The matter underscores the far-reaching and unexpected implications of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, known as DOMA, which denies federal benefits to gay couples legally married in their states. "I believe that equality is the founding value of the party of Lincoln, the Republican Party," Winslow said in a statement. "Consistent with my belief in marriage equality, I believe these donations should be accepted."
From Time: ( "The request for an advisory opinion asks whether the FEC will treat these couples as married under state law or as unmarried through the Defense of Marriage Act..... At issue is whether the funds would count against one spouse's contribution limit or be split between the two. Former FEC Chairman Trevor Potter told TIME the issue has never been settled by the FEC....Winslow is seeking to carve out space for himself as a moderate Republican in Democratic Massachusetts"
From Wall Street Journal Article: ( "Mr. Winslow is considered the most socially progressive of the Republicans in the running against the eventual Democratic contender, who polls say is likely to be longtime Rep. Ed Markey, a popular liberal. The leading GOP competitor, according to recent poll, actively opposes gay marriage and is backed by a well-funded conservative advocacy group. Mr. Winslow has been campaigning on ``electability'' in the Democratic-leaning state."
From the Washington Times: ( "Even with the Supreme Court set to rule on the Defense of Marriage Act in the near future, conflict between federal and state definitions of marriage is causing problems in relation to other laws, most recently in the campaign finance arena....The FEC must resolve the issue now because the Massachusetts special election will be held April 30."
- DW
3/30 12:27am A congressional campaign can be quite busy... this is Dan Winslow's Saturday schedule: Saturday, March 30:
8am: Dan Winslow will be having breakfast and meeting with voters at the Owl Diner in Lowell.
9am: Dan Winslow will be meeting with voters at Old Town Hall in Andover.
10am: Dan Winslow will be greeting voters outside the Market Basket in Haverhill.
12pm: Dan Winslow will be having lunch and meeting with voters at New Brothers Deli in Danvers.
2pm: Dan Winslow will be holding an office opening for his Boston headquarters.- AR
3/26 12:33am Norfolk, MA: Today the Winslow for Senate campaign is announcing a radio ad buy on conservative radio stations across Massachusetts. The title is "Dan's Policy Prescription: Corporate Tax Reform." It will run on Michael Graham's program, The Natural Truth, on Monday from 12-3pm on WCRN (Worcester), WBNW(Concord), WPLM (Plymouth), WESO (Southbridge). For the rest of the week the ad will also be played on the conservative radio programs of Jordan Levy, Phil Paleologos, Howie Carr, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh on stations such as WBSM(New Bedford/Fall River) and WTAG (Worcester). A Western Massachusetts ad stressing Dan's roots in the region will run on WHYN (Springfield). Transcript of Dan's Policy Prescription: Corporate Tax Reform
I'm Dan Winslow, Republican running for the U.S. Senate As someone who has served as a judge, Chief Legal Counsel to the Governor, and now as a legislator, I've learned that we have to be bold and innovative to end economic stagnation, cut the 14 percent real unemployment rate, and get America working again.I've got a plan to create jobs. My plan is to cut the 35 percent corporate tax rate, one of the highest in the world, to 26 percent, making American businesses much more competitive so that they can grow and create new jobs. Especially small businesses, which are the real engines of job growth in our economy.
We'll make the tax flatter and fairer for both large and small businesses. We'll repeal billions of dollars of corporate welfare and special interest loopholes that the fat cat lobbyists have been sliding through for years. The special interest groups will hate it, but my plan is just the kind of medicine our economy needs to get healthy again.
I'm Dan Winslow, running for the U.S. Senate and I approve this message because if we want a new, bold, innovative direction for our country we just can't send the same old politicians back to Washington.
- CP,
3/21 9:45pm WINSLOW POLICY PROPOSAL: COMPREHENSIVE BUSINESS TAX CODE REFORM Eliminate Corporate Welfare, Reduce the Marginal Tax Rate on All Businesses, Create a Simpler and Fairer Tax System, Create More Jobs.
From Dan:
"My campaign is about freedom and opportunity. My plan to end corporate welfare, reform the tax code to make it simpler and fairer, and to decrease marginal tax rates on small businesses will create opportunity and jobs. Corporate loopholes won by million dollar fat cat lobbyists do not represent sound fiscal policy. Special interests get government subsidized tax earmarks while everyday small businesses, who can't afford millions in lobbying fees, are stuck footing the bill. If elected to the United States Senate I will close the loopholes, simplify the tax code, and reduce the marginal tax rate on all businesses. We need to cut the pork out of the federal tax code. With a simpler and fairer tax system, small businesses, who create most of the jobs in this country, will once again be able to harness their entrepreneurial spirit, hire more people, and restore the backbone of our economic future."The PlanSenate Select Committee for Tax Reform:
I will propose a Senate Select Committee for Tax Reform to review the entire United States tax code with a focus on finding and eliminating corporate welfare tax subsidies that do not benefit all Americans. We will be tasked with assembling a comprehensive tax reform package that eliminates special deductions generated through lobbying as well as getting rid of antiquated tax loopholes that are currently being misapplied for purposes that differ from what was originally intended.
Examples of corporate welfare:
-$7 billion a year in tax subsidies to oil and gas companies (1)
-$300 million a year in corporate jet tax write offs (2)
-Billions each year in tax subsidies for what started as farming tax breaks but is now being cross applied to art collectors, rental truck fleets, and thoroughbred racehorses (3)
-$12.2 billion in wind-farm tax credits (4)
-$430 million dollar tax break for Hollywood films made within the US (5)
-$331 million in railroad tax credits (5)
-$120 million dollar tax credit to Whirlpool to produce energy efficient appliances (after $1.2 million was spent on lobbying in 2011/2012) (5)
-$80 million in subsidies to the owners of NASCAR racetracks (9)
-$50 million for golf course owners (14)Estimated budget savings by the elimination of corporate welfare: ~$1 Trillion over 10 years. (16)
Marginal Business Tax Rate Reduction
The United States has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. That high tax rate is hurting our economic competitiveness. It is stalling job creation in the private sector and we need to reduce the rate to spur growth.
-Reduce the marginal tax rate on all businesses from 35% to 26% to start, which is recommended by the Simpson Bowles Commission (15)
-Simplify the tax code so that small businesses can save money on the process of filing.
-Mandate that all future tax subsidies added to the code be treated like spending earmarks and would require a member to sponsor them and attach their name to the proposed tax code changes.
-Immediate deposit by the IRS of tax payments from individuals and business.
From Dan:
"Republicans need to reintroduce ourselves as the Party of Lincoln. Ending corporate welfare and the reduction of the marginal tax rate for all businesses advances the cause of freedom and opportunity. The last time we had comprehensive tax code reform was under Ronald Reagan in 1986. The time for another round of tax reform is long overdue. This advances our party's principle of fiscal prudence. It will help create jobs and reduce the deficit. We must stand up to the lobbyists and special interests and create a simpler and fairer tax code for businesses."From the Republican National Committee's "Growth Opportunity Report" released on Monday:"We have to blow the whistle at corporate malfeasance and attack corporate welfare. We should speak out when a company liquidates itself and its executives receive bonuses but rank-and-file workers are left unemployed. We should speak out when CEOs receive tens of millions of dollars in retirement packages but middle-class workers have not had a meaningful raise in years.''(8)From the Heritage Foundation:``Corporate Welfare and Corporate Dependence: Reactions from supporters of the tax credit extensions in the fiscal cliff deal demonstrate why these economically unjustified provisions should not be handed out in the first place. A CEO of one wind farm developer, who is hoping to build three new wind farms, said, ``Obviously, the extension makes it all finance-able. It will get us through another year.'' The quote speaks to the level of dependence on the subsidy that some in the industry have reached. Rather than create a market in which the producer must innovate and lower costs to be competitive with other generating sources, companies spend more resources lobbying to receive these extensions. If a technology is profitable, however, the investments will occur with or without the subsidy. In that case, the subsidy offsets private-sector investments that would have been made anyway, and the taxpayer dollars are simply a generous handout to the company.'' (7)From the Boston Globe:``By investing just $1.8 million over two years in payments for Washington lobbyists, Whirlpool secured the renewal of lucrative energy tax credits for making high-efficiency appliances that it estimates will be worth a combined $120 million for 2012 and 2013. Such breaks have helped the company keep its total tax expenses below zero in recent years. The return on that lobbying investment: about 6,700 percent.'' (5)From the New York Times:``The Federal Government now allows more than $1.1 trillion a year in this and other tax expenditures. Each of those incentives ~ which include hundreds of exemptions, exclusions, deferrals and preferential rates ~ either adds to the budget deficit or shifts the cost of government to other taxpayers.'' (3)From Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK)``Tax expenditures are not tax cuts. Tax expenditures are socialism and corporate welfare. Tax expenditures are increases on anyone who does not receive the benefit or can't hire a manipulate the code to their favor.'' (6)Citations :(1)
(7) (
(9) (
(10) (
(16) ( DW
3/17 12:03am BOSTON, MA - Republican US Senate candidate Dan Winslow today proposed to boost the state's innovation economy by creating an Innovation Session in the federal courts in Massachusetts to focus judicial expertise on patents, trademarks, copyrights, and brand protection law. Winslow, who now serves as the Ranking House Republican on the Legislature's Joint Committee on the Judiciary, is a former District Court judge in Massachusetts. If elected to the US Senate, Winslow plans to file legislation to create a special Innovation Session in the Massachusetts federal court. The Innovation Session would be staffed by a judge and a magistrate judge who have expertise in intellectual property law, as well as by clerical staff who have backgrounds as technical specialists. Once operational, the Innovation Session would assure that all disputes regarding patents, trademarks, copyrights, and diversity cases involving trade secrets and licensing are promptly addressed and reached for trial within one year from their filing date in court, unless the plaintiff requests additional time or the defendant requests additional time for good cause.
According to Phil Swain, an an expert in intellectual property law at the Boston law firm of Foley Hoag, "This reform would encourage innovative businesses and entrepreneurs to bring intellectual property enforcement cases to Massachusetts and get them resolved faster, fairly and cost-effectively."
Statement from Dan Winslow on the Creation of an Innovation Session:
"Massachusetts' federal courts consistently rank in the top 12 among federal courts for the quality, pace and volume of intellectual property cases handled by the court. But we need to take simple steps to ensure that the federal courts in Massachusetts consistently rank in the top 1, 2 or 3 for innovation law among federal courts nationwide.
"The Massachusetts innovation economy would benefit by having this key resource closer to home and more readily available without requiring our innovators, engineers and entrepreneurs to travel to farflung areas of the country to have their day in court. Instead of traveling to Texas or Baltimore, the top two destinations for innovation law, Massachusetts companies and entrepreneurs would be able to travel minutes to Boston and know their innovations would be protected by a judicial system that is accessible and expert. We need to keep our innovators in the lab and inventing rather than traveling to far off courtrooms to litigate the protection of their ideas."
- CP,
3/12 9:44pm Winslow for Senate Campaign Launches New Web Video - Fiscal Conservative "If I go down to Washington I'm going to bring my message of fiscal conservatism, and I'm proud of it, fiscal common sense, and I'm proud of it. And a new breed of a person in Washington that is a proven problem solver, That's what we do." - Dan WinslowToday the Winslow campaign launched a new web video entitled "Fiscal Conservative."To learn more about Dan's policies please visit to our issues page at
- DW
3/8/2013 10:04pm NORFOLK, MA - Dan Winslow is glad to accept the invitation from Stonehill College to host the first Republican debate of the Senate special election primary. Last week Dan issued a nine debate challenge, one in each congressional district, and looks forward to the opportunity to engage his opponents in the democratic process across the Commonwealth. ``I want to give each and every voter in Massachusetts - from the medical manufacturing employee living in Great Barrington to the fisherman living in New Bedford ??? a chance to engage the candidates on the issues that affect their region most. ALL voters deserve the chance to be fully informed on how their prospective candidates will represent them in the United States Senate. I???m excited to present my ideas to voters from the 4th Congressional District on how to fix America and break the gridlock. I hope my opponents will join me in continuing to debate across the Commonwealth.''
Since issuing the nine debate challenge, the Winslow campaign has been flooded with requests submitted by voters and organizations from every corner of Massachusetts. Requests are still being taken through our website which will be open until March, 15th 2013. In the coming days Dan will be accepting invitations from the other eight Congressional Districts and encourages his opponents in the Republican primary to do the same.
- DW
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