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King Philip Soccer Association Scholarship Criteria There are 3 scholarships discussed on this page: 1. The KPSA Scholarship, which is open to any student who played for a minimum of four seasons with KPSA. 2. The Stephen A. Kokolski Scholarship, which is open to any student who is a USSF-registered referee. 3. The Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association Scholarship, which is open to any student who has been associated with Massachusetts Youth Soccer for at least the past two (2) years.. KPSA Scholarship The specific criteria are as follows: 1. Applicant must have played a minimum of four seasons with King Philip Soccer Association (KPSA). KPSA encompasses 7th and 8th grade fall and spring soccer as well as High School spring soccer. Applicant should be able to name their coach for each of the seasons played on their application. Applicants that played more than four seasons is given greater consideration in this regard. 2. Applicant must have been active in community service or an organizational activity. No specific criterion is established but greater consideration is given for greater depth of involvement. Highest consideration is given for someone who acted in a leadership capacity or led the initiation of a significant new activity. Applicants will need to specify this on their application. 3. In the absence of community service, an applicant can receive equal consideration if one of the following applies: 3a. The applicant had a minimum of community service because they were highly active in a school activity other than sports such as DECA, Student Council, Arts, etc. In such an instance the applicant should state how they contributed to the betterment of that activity. 3b. The applicant had a minimum of community service because it was necessary for them to maintain after school employment. In such an instance the applicant should state how this employment contributes to their preparation for college either from a financial standpoint or a maturity standpoint. 4. The strongest applicants will have met more than the minimum playing time while having the strongest record of community service. (However, more community service is more important than more seasons.) Applicants should complete the attached application and submit it to the King Philip High School Guidance Office or if not from KPHS send to PO Box 149 Norfolk, MA 02056 by April 1st. [application form here] The Stephen A. Kokolski Scholarship This scholarship is intended to aid soccer referees who plan to pursue an engineering degree. Applications for the $500 Stephen A. Kokolski Scholarship can be requested from: Stephen A. Kokolski Scholarship Committee 70 Oak Point Wrentham, MA 02093-1050 Questions on the application include: 1. College attending? 2. What draws you to engineering? 3. Are you a USSF registered referee? 4. How many soccer games have you refereed in your career? 5. What draws you to refereeing? MYSA Scholarship The specific criteria are as follows: 1. Each candidate must complete and submit the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Application for Scholarship and supporting documentation. 2. Each candidate must write and submit an essay of more than 500 words on how the game of soccer has positively influenced their lives. 3. Each Candidate must have been a player registered with Massachusetts Youth Soccer for at least the past 2 years. 4. Each Candidate must be a High School senior who will be attending a post-secondary school. To apply, visit www.mayouthsoccer.org |