Q2 2008 Norfolknet Notes, Apr-Jun 2008

This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.

Previous Archive, 2008 Q1

  • 6/30 9:14pm   MH - Actually, one of the great things about this society is that when one feels wronged, there is a legal system in place to address and remedy those wrongs. Now, there was a fair amount of tongue in cheek in my original post, what with discrimination by color, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton being mentioned, but you seem to have grasped my point pretty well.
    I don't consider a potential lawsuit about this issue frivolous. It's not like I spilled coffee on myself and claimed to be unaware that coffee is served hot.
    When I moved to Norfolk, I was aware of the high taxes, lack of services that many other towns provide their taxpayers, decent schools, and the utter lack of sidewalks. I was concerned about the lack of sidewalks, but there was a school bus that picked up all children who wanted to ride that way, so my decision to buy a home where I did was influenced by that fact. Had I been informed that there was a fee for all kids to ride the bus, I still would've bought the house where I am now. Had I been told that if I moved to the end of the road, I wouldn't need to pay that fee, well, you can bet I would've moved to the end of the road!
    And again, I state that I will gladly (well, not gladly, but without too much grumbling) pay a fee to use the bus, providing that all parents whose children taking the bus have to pay this same fee. However, to penalize those of us who bought a home within this "magic circle" by changing the rules without any say in the matter, I feel is unfair.
    Now I suppose, to demonstrate the error of their ways and to address and remedy my wrongs, I could run over the Selectmen or School Committee members while they are walking along Rockwood Road on the way to work. However, that would be uncivilized, arguably immoral, completely messy, and I couldn't afford the surcharge. So yeah, while it wasn't my first thought (as you can tell from the above), a lawsuit does seem to be an option.
    Because it's my understanding that this fee, unlike the recent override, is not up for a vote, but will be installed by decree. Put it to a vote, and I will abide by the decision - whatever it is.
    Your comment about a rebate for the bus fee is specious. You are asking for a rebate for a fee you are admittedly not paying. Thus, there can be no discrimination (forgetting the precedence for that with the recent stimulus/tax rebate checks where people who didn't pay taxes got money back).
    Your argument about the real estate taxes is slightly more on the mark. However, when we moved into this town, indeed, into Massachusetts, we knew that the real estate taxes, among other things, supported the schools, and we all pay our $13.01 per $1,000 (in 2002, anyway). No one has suggested changing the tax rates so that you're paying real estate taxes, and, because I live a certain distance from the town hall, I will not.
    I hope, MH, that I've made my reasoning a bit more clear, and that I write, with respect, to explain my position. You are, of course, free to disagree. That's another great thing about our system! It is ever so much better than chalk lines on Rockwood Road.
    - BA

  • 6/30 9:13pm   For those of you who have recently visited my site www.truthaboutsped.org (in my response to KID), I appreciate that you have taken time out of your schedules to read it. I realize that it is somewhat lengthy. I hope to hear from some of you to the extent you have had similar experiences. Change is afoot. Depending on how events in my situation turn out over the next couple of weeks, I have been contemplating the posting of some disturbing information on that site that will make things like bus fees seem like kid's stuff (no pun intended).
    - RZ

  • 6/30 9:12pm   DL, I moved to town about when you did, however, I have only seen you speak recently at town meeting. When did you start to attend town meetings? I hope that you didn't accept mediocrity for the first few years and only attend to support your special interests. I have kids in both elementary schools, but find it embarrassing when the second a vote for the schools is over, there is a mass exodus. It makes our demographic look very selfish. We are all entitled to draw the line somewhere. Would you have voted for a 10 million dollar override and 25% pay increases for the teachers? The vote in my eyes was whether I supported a 9.3% pay increase for the teachers. I thought long and hard over it. But I also thought about my neighbors. Those without kids who bought their house at the peak and those whose kids are all grown up. I don't begrudge them for the choice they made. If the school committees for the 10 years prior to us moving in gave these kind of pay increases, we may not have been able to move here ourselves.
    - JB

  • 6/30 9:11pm   I'm having a problem with my in-ground well pump for my house. It trips the circuit breaker but only on days when the temp is over 85 degrees. When it's cool, no more problem. I've changed the circuit breaker, wall switch and pressure switch. Very strange. Can you recommend an expert on a tricky well problem? Thanks...
    - RP

  • 6/30 9:10pm   JH: Please get over your self. Your last posting only makes you seem more arrogant and self-absorbed than your previous messages. What happened to civility among neighbors? People can disagree on issues without being so blatantly disrespectful and pretentious. The tone of the discussions is once again deteriorating on NorfolkNet. Just my two cents...
    - CS

  • 6/30 6:10pm   JS - It is my, admittedly juvenile, way of beseeching people to use both logic and critical thinking in their arguments. I have no issues with those who may disagree with me or not share my ideals, but I've found that the logic often employed here does offend my delicate sensibilities. I would humbly request that the Wm. require anyone wishing to post demonstrate an understanding of constructing a logical argument, as well as understanding differences between fallacies of the following types: inductive argument, deductive fallacy, inductive fallacy, and factual error. Then it will be possible to have a conversation as an adult. Of course, I did have the benefit of having a library curriculum in elementary school.
    PS: I most certainly do not know everything - however my mother does.
    PPS: Bonus points for anyone who can identify which of the above fallacy types describes the following argument:
    Statement 1: Massachusetts sets standards for ambulance lighting
    Statement 2: Norfolk's ambulance exceeded state lighting standards
    Conclusion: Norfolk spent more than necessary on the ambulance
    - JH

  • 6/30 6:09pm   BA - those ideas are going to be the end of our society as we know it; I am completely disgusted. You could have easily chosen to live within the ``Magic Circle'' if you wanted, but for some reason (better house, better yard, less traffic, less noise, better location, etc) you chose not to. This two mile exemption is not indigenous to this area; we had it where I grew up in Texas. The only difference is that we did not have the option to pay for the bus, it simply did not come to my area because we were within 2 miles. There is your precedence. I can probably come up with many more examples, but I have better things to do with my time.
    Why does filing a law suit have to be the first thing that people think about when they do not agree with something? There are all kinds of inequalities in the world that people just need to learn to live with. I don't have kids in the schools, should the town have to give me the bus fee rebate because I don't use the service? If they don't, wouldn't that be discrimination against those of us that don't have kids? I think I should get a rebate on my property taxes too since I don't use the school system. I don't use the library as much as some others, perhaps I am due another rebate. There are many people in the town that do not have the same benefits that you have. Give me a break.
    Perhaps there is an answer for monetary assistance with the bus fee for those who are within two miles and simply can not afford to pay. A scholarship of sorts, based on need. Something tells me though that if you are looking to file a law suit, you probably would not qualify. I would give money to the town for the frivolous lawsuit fund and then boot those that file such suits right out of town. Wait, would that be discrimination?
    - MH

  • 6/30 4:18pm   DWL- Has the School Committee officially decided to impose a bus fee?
    - MJD

  • 6/30 4:17pm   Regarding the Busing Fee: I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, but it seems to me that this one is ripe for a lawsuit. I am interested if there is any precedent for a discrimination claim here.
    I live less than 2 miles from the schools, yet there are no sidewalks for the majority of the walk to the Freeman from where I live, and minimal to the H. Olive Day. Quite simply, it isn't safe for my children to walk to school (or anyone else's children who live in my neighborhood).
    Yet, as I understand it, because I live within the Magic Circle, I will have to pay the town to provide transportation, or provide it myself.
    Now, I have no problem paying the town or providing transportation myself providing I am NOT being discriminated against because of my domestic residency beliefs!
    And if we color that magic circle on a map to indicate who will pay versus who will not, I am now being discriminated against because of my color!
    Where's Al Sharpton? Where's Jesse Jackson? No justice, no peace!
    All kidding aside, as much as I hate to cost the town (or myself!) additional money on a "frivolous" lawsuit, I will do more than protest this fee, I will sue.
    - BA

  • 6/30 4:16pm   JH: I'm wondering why you talk down to people in your responses to things you don't agree with? It does not add to the conversation and it's kind of juvenile. You like to add little digs like the water supply and tin foil hats. It is possible to have a conversation as an adult. Maybe both parties can learn something they didn't know before. But (and here's my dig) it seems like you know everything already.
    - JS

  • 6/30 4:15pm   [Reconsidered - Wm.]

  • 6/30 4:14pm   I've said it before and I'll say it one more time, if there has to be a bus fee, why not charge everyone who has children in the school system that takes the bus a small fee, rather than make the few families who live under 2 miles to the school a substantial bus fee. That to me sounds more reasonable than the other way.
    - JW

  • 6/30 4:13pm   DWL -- should I have to subsidize your bus fee if I live within two miles and either walk with my child or drive them personally to school? I don't mean to sound crass, but in my opinion the bus fee should only apply to the people using the service. Millis' bus fee only applies to the kids that live within the 2 miles and chose to take the bus.
    - MH

  • 6/30 4:12pm   Today the Animal Control Department euthanized a raccoon for showing signs of rabies on Long meadow Road. Please take this time to make sure that all your pets are current on their rabies vaccinations, and that your animals are supervised when outdoors if they are not in a secure environment. If anyone has any questions please contact The Animal Control Department at 528-3232.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk ACO

  • 6/30 1:08pm   DWL - You are able to protest this new tax. If enough people protest they will be unable to establish a new bus tax. Do you think the children of Norfolk would suffer if we only had one principal and one assistant principal for the two elementary schools? How much would that save the taxpayers?
    - PR

  • 6/30 1:07pm   AL: We couldn't use CPA money to eliminate the forest-like weeds on the Stop & Shop property, and that property had nothing do to with my thoughts on the Grange, and the lack of activity so far, anyway.
    - PA

  • 6/30 1:06pm   KE - You could try XL Painting at 617-429-0318 (cell #) or their office # is 508-553-9022. Bill has been painting for many years.
    - LP

  • 6/30 11:52am   Unfortunately, those who live 2 miles or less from the schools will get charged a bus fee. This will be more expensive than the override. So because the override was voted down they will be assessing a bus fee to make up for the funds. Everyone who has children attending the schools should be assessed a bus fee as it should be spread equally among the families with children in the school. It makes no sense that the people who happen to live less than 2 miles from the school will have to pick up the cost for the override being voted down.
    - DWL

  • 6/30 11:51am   To KE - For exterior painting, try Houilhan's painting (Norfolk). He sands the house before painting regardless of whether or not there is peeling, for good adhesion. Very through, competitive pricing...
    - EF

  • 6/30 8:16am   Could anyone recommend a good exterior house painter? Most on the recommendations page seem to be for interior. Thanks for your help.
    - KE

  • 6/30 8:14am   "However if you anger them by disturbing their webs, the will find their way inside and nest in your hair while you sleep..." Well then, I guess I'm a heap 'o trouble... because I saw them there... and mowed the lawn anyway.
    - TRK

  • 6/30 8:12am   My name is Laurie Hayes and I am opening a home preschool here in Norfolk. The name of the program is My Little Preschool. We have renovated a portion of our house specifically for the preschool. It is fully licensed by the state, and will be opening this September 15th. I obtained my teaching certification at Wheelock College and have over 15 years of child care experience, including a recent preschool teaching job here in town. The program will follow a school year schedule and the hours of operation will be from Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm. Parents have the option of choosing the number of days per week they would like their child to attend. Lunch and snack will be included. If you would like more information, or would like to come to see it, please feel free to email me at emailforlaurie@aol.com. Thank you!
    - Laurie Hayes, My Little Preschool

  • 6/29 10:29pm   Wm, as you know, for some time I've also been watching that malignancy, caused by too much of our misdirected town government, grow and metastasize as it becomes more threatening. It shouldn't take the abilities of a strict pragmatic or the objectivity of a disciplined analyst to detect the growing stench of empty rhetoric, misapplied logic, and misused catch phrases that is insidiously wafting from the direction of the Norfolk Town Hall and permeating every corner of our town... "Yes, Virginia, there is something rotting in Denmark." While I'm not thoroughly convinced that a 5 person Board of Selectmen is any closer to correcting the misuse of their position than where we are now, in principle, I agree with the message posted today @ 5:59pm (see excerpt, below)
    "6/29 5:59pm Hi... Would you please post that letter from Alan Shaw... How disgusting; I have been saying for some time now that we need 5 Selectmen on the board -- the 3-some is too intimidating... It sure sounds like "If you don't agree with us, we don't want you". . . ."
    I've been aware of Allan Shaw's work for many years and have always appreciated his unpretentious manner, his sincerity, and his genuine concern for the well-being of our town. For some time there's been a growing trend freely practiced by our political hierarchy filling all appointed--and elected--positions with submissive conformists; as of today, Mr. Shaw is just the most recent casualty on the side of honesty and integrity. As much as many of us will miss Allan's truly conscientious, unselfish and honorable efforts to preserve and protect what little is left of our most precious resources, our natural environment, I fully appreciate and salute his decision to follow one of the most worthy teaching, "To thine own self, be true." Good luck, Allan; I hope that we'll still see you around town, now unshackled, working to put Norfolk back on track.
    I'm taking the liberty of attaching a photocopy of the text of Allan Shaw's referenced letter written to the Norfolk Board of Selectmen. Mr. Shaw is certainly not alone in his most astute observations of current town affairs.
    - MT

    [From the letter:
    It is quite clear to me that the Board has little interest in knowledge and experience as qualifications for the Commission. The Board is basing its decisions on appointment on political reasons and personal prejudices. Candidates will only be considered if they fit the political criteria that the Board members set. The Town loses the services of really good candidates because of that and is poorer for it. The Commission will be weaker and less effective as a result.

  • 6/29 9:20pm   Well, we were away for a few days and wow, lots to read on Norfolknet. You know, a lot of towns, both affluent and not, have voted down overrides this year. It is not surprising. The economy is bad and gas prices are high and people are afraid. I hope that in better times we can move forward with the new safety building. I do not think it helps much to degrade the fire department like some have done, forcing our kind Chief Bushnell to have to write in defense of fire fighters and paramedics. That was pretty awful to witness. Chief, I think we all are appreciative of what you do for the community.
    The next fight, of course, is schools and I am sure I wouldn't want to be one of the new school committee members - my hat is off to you. A lot of schools in many other towns are facing similar problems, most have had busing fees in place for a long time; we should be thrilled that we have not had them up until, it looks like, perhaps, now. It seems to me that our schools are doing ok, maybe not as well as we would like, but pretty good.
    All in all, Norfolk is not such a bad place to live. I think the people are nice here, the school system decent, good commuting with the train nearby, fair housing prices, a nice, pretty area. So many things can be improved upon, true; however, can't that be said of any town?
    I am dismayed by the amount of trash that I have seen along the roadways in town lately. I actually witnessed one car throw some trash out the window, but could not catch up with them as they were speeding as well as littering. Looked like kids, though. Remember way back, maybe in the 70's when they showed a commercial with people littering and a Native American Indian crying? I loved that commercial. That's how I felt the day I saw them throwing the trash, like crying. (Yes, I did stop and pick it up--it was a McDonald's bag)
    I am glad to see the street sweepers out, even in this economy; sand on the road is not safe for anyone, even pedestrians. Will you all just quit complaining about every little thing anyone does? It is really getting very petty. I mean you have a right to complain about how your tax dollars are being spent, but really, come on.
    So those are my random thoughts for now; I wish you all a safe and happy summer. Keep smiling, enjoy the sunshine and be happy! It is summer!
    - JN

  • 6/29 6:08pm   I'm not sure of any Grange face-lift, PA, but if there is any money left over, my vote is to send it down the road [to other properties around town]. They could probably get a decent weed whacker for $100 and get rid of all that "basil" that has gone to seed. [...]
    - AL

  • 6/29 6:07pm   KS - Those webs you see are called funnel webs, created by grass spiders. These webs are most evident on dewy mornings. These spiders are harmless and eat many other insects in your lawn. However if you anger them by disturbing their webs, the will find their way inside and nest in your hair while you sleep...
    - JH

  • 6/29 5:59pm   Hi... Would you please post that letter from Alan Shaw... How disgusting; I have been saying for some time now that we need 5 Selectmen on the board -- the 3-some is too intimidating... It sure sounds like "If you don't agree with us, we don't want you". It is no wonder to me why Jonathan Smith left.
    - [Name withheld - Wm.]

  • 6/29 1:16pm   Hi, Does anyone know what these spider-like webs are that covered my lawn this morning? They look like webs made of droplets of water. They were not there yesterday, and then literally overnight there were hundreds. I sprayed them down with a hose and dragged a shovel through the larger ones, but does anyone know what they are? Hopefully nothing that hatches... thanks for the help!
    - KS

  • 6/29 10:28am   Looking for suggestions on mailbox vandals--we had placed an outgoing letter in our mailbox on Friday evening (flag-up), and then found a nice present (dog poop) in our mailbox late Saturday night... of course there was no mail delivery into that box on Saturday! This is probably just a random thing, since we've only had the box smashed/knocked off 3 times in 10 years, but does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks,
    - EC

  • 6/29 10:27am   Congratulations to Todd Lindmark for being selected as Norfolk's Lion of the Year. As his neighbor, I can testify to the countless hours he devotes to the town from: the DARE run to selling Christmas trees to assisting in the Community Day festivities. Todd and the many other volunteers throughout our town make this a great community to live and raise children.
    - EHF

  • 6/28 10:07pm   LJK - The town's recreation winter girl's basketball is a wonderful program. Make sure you look into it for your daughter next fall.
    - DL

  • 6/28 10:06pm   To KID (re: posting of 6/27): I am happy to respond to your question about Pre-K although some may find my response problematic. First, the Teachers and Therapists, by and large, are great. However, I have had numerous issues and concerns with regard to how IEPs are administered and implemented. Please take a look at my web site www.truthaboutsped.org for some of my personal experiences and insights. Once you have taken a look, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss this matter in more detail.
    This web site has come under fire by some who have either misread it or decided to personalize it. It is not, nor has it ever been, a global condemnation of the NPS. It simply describes my direct experiences over the past several years in regard to special education services. Whatever one may feel about SPED services, it is my belief that no one should have to endure what my family has gone through.
    As some of you may remember, I have been pulling together a support group for parents of disabled and special needs children. If I can get some interest over the summer, I may try to set up a meeting. It is my hope that with the upcoming change in Upper Management, the climate may become better for those of us who have had difficulties with the administration (not service providers) of special education. Please contact me at info@truthaboutsped.org.
    - RZ

  • 6/28 10:05pm   ART: Maybe the person with the Chrysler had low blood sugar and didn't realize what they were doing. I had heard a rumor the commuter parking is now available at the Grange. (By the way, is our $300K gift to them ever going to produce a face-lift?)
    - PA

  • 6/28 10:01pm   Quoth JS: "Another person noted that the budget has increased more than 6% and that inflation is only a little over 3%. Does this tell you anything?"
    Yes, it clearly tells me that you don't understand the issues at hand... state aid cuts combined with certain expenses far outpacing overall inflation.
    Please, enough of [. . .]
    - JH

  • 6/28 9:42am   Wondering why the Moderator gets to park his [...] Chrysler sportscar all day in the restricted (2-hour) public parking area adjacent to the library. Is that part of his pension too?
    - ART

  • 6/28 9:41am   Looking for a college or high school student to cut my lawn. I live off King Street near the Junior High. I can supply the mower. Glass1971@aol.com
    - PRB

  • 6/28 9:40am   It is disappointing to read posts that myopically advocate the elimination of street sweeping because it is a waste of money. Norfolk residents take pride in the town, our need for safe roadways and the general appearance. Street sweeping after tough New England winters is a necessity, not a luxury that we should eliminate. The narrow, winding roads are dangerous enough without the debris left over from the litterbugs, plows and salt/sand trucks. Please continue to keep our roads clean. I am all for identifying opportunities to save money within our tight budget, but safety and cleanliness is not an area we should compromise on. Realistically, eliminating street sweeping is not going to save the town much anyway. Surely, there must be more sensible and reasonable opportunities to tighten our belts/town budget. These petty posts are borderline absurd these days.
    - CS

  • 6/28 9:33am   CJG and others, my posts are not to be negative about the fire department or the firemen. They do great work for all of us. They are heroes to all of us. I guess some of you have money trees growing outside. The world is unfortunately about money. Period. So in that case desicions have to be made. By your feelings sir, we should have a paramedic or a doctor living in everyone's house at all times. I completely understand that if it were my kid, my parent, or my friend that I would want it then. The reality of life however does not allow for an open wallet. Some things have to be brought down to a practical level. The taxpayers have spoken; some of you believe that people voted no because the economy is on hard times, some of you believe people voted no because they are tired of the fiscal irresponsibilty. I for one belive the latter. Spending needs to be controlled, every dollar matters. So I guess if they spend (hypotheticlly now) an extra $1,000 on strobe lights not really required, you're okay with that. Well, then in my opinion there is no talking that anyone can do to change your mind. You want the best of everything and don't care what it costs.
    However, you're using other people's money, who do care.
    Some on here proceed to demonize all those people that voted no by saying they don't care about our kids or our police or our firemen. Why is it that almost no one on here holds your elected officials responsible? Another person noted that the budget has increased more than 6% and that inflation is only a little over 3%. Does this tell you anything?
    I pointed out two areas in my post, and so far the only one that has stirred anybody is the fire department. All I'm saying is to think about it, do you as a town really need this? And you answered by voting no. Enough said.
    Yes, I am a former resident but for some reason I do still take pride in Norfolk. All of my friends and their families have for the most part moved out of town because of the cost or just to downsize. None of them care an ounce about what goes on there. They laugh at me because I have a Boomerang subscription. They haven't even driven through the town in 10 years, even though they spent 20 years living there and all their memories of their childhood are there.
    The vote is over and I felt I needed to say something for personal reasons. I won't bother any of you in the future. CJG, you have no idea who I am so to call me completely misinformed is okay by me. You can choose to hear me or not. I am aware of the situation both past and present and my information is not as misimformed as you may think.
    To all of you who are trying to change the spending habits, my hat is off to you. Don't let people make you feel bad for trying to fix this problem. You work hard for your money and gladly pay over what you owe and then you expect your leaders to do what's right with it. It's not about kids and firemen. If your money was used right in the first place, we wouldn't even be needing a forum like this.
    AD: One more thing, there are a lot of people, hard working, who have to work Christmas day, Thanksgiving day, nights away from their families and every weekend, making 10 bucks an hour or less, just trying to survive. A lot of people work 10-12 hour days, every day with no resting except for lunch and 15 minute breaks. Get back to reality, stop looking at life through your obviously small window. As one other on here said, not a bad job considering the pension. How many private companies even offer a pension any more? 401k and that's it for the most part. So you work 2 days (48 hours) a week, get to sleep, get paid a very good salary and get a pension. Now, don't take what I said the wrong way (I know someone will), I do believe firemen work very hard sometimes, but so do alot of others who don't get a 1/4 of what they do.
    - JS

  • 6/28 9:27am   PR - remember that most non-firefighters would run out of, and not into, burning buildings.
    I must have missed the item in the water report detailing the hallucinogen levels in our water supply, but there seem to be a lot of crazies coming out of the woodwork these days.
    For everyone now wrapped up on if $1.50 of your tax dollars were flushed away while a firefighter rested between calls, why don't we just end the socialism approach to public safety. Privatize the police and fire, and we can subscribe to tiered service offerings. Entry level pricing will send the police to your house only after a DD run, and the firemen will only try to save the primary subscriber and not any freeloading dependents.
    With this approach (it's called thinking outside of the box, JS), anyone who is unhappy with the rampant waste of the tax dollars can simply opt-out.
    - JH

  • 6/27 9:50pm   First I'd like to say to Chief Bushnell, thank you very much for your very well written response. I, in fact, have needed the Norfolk firefighters/EMT's at my house on 2 occasions and I have to say, those guys showed up within minutes of my call, they treated my elderly mother with the utmost respect and care, as well as everyone else in the house, and when I ran into one of the firefighters a couple of weeks later, he actually asked how my mother was doing.
    Now, I don't know about anyone else, but as far as I'm concerned these guys go above and beyond, every day they serve us, just by being willing to risk their lives to take care of a virtual stranger. We have a chief that has done everything in his power to see that we as a town have the best that's out there in training, equipment, and personnel. He has set a standard, that puts us as a town, in the best possible position that we can be in. We have a fire department that is well trained, and equipped to handle any emergency that we can present. These guys look out for each and every one of us every shift, of every day. Frankly, I don't really care how many "flashing lights" they have. When I called them, when I needed them, they came. Period. And they will still come, and do their best, even though they are in a substandard building, sleeping in trailers, and making the best of a bad environment, that is up to us as a town, to improve for them.
    JS: Take the chief up on his offer sometime. Take a tour of the station, have a conversation with him, and actually try and be informed, and try and have accurate information the next time you post, And as for you comment: ""if it saves one life" motto. For those of you who buy into this stuff I feel for you" I really and truly feel for you, how sad it must be, to go through life with such a low opinion for human life that you could possibly make a comment like this. I hope that one day, it is not you, or your child, or your husband/wife that is the "one life" Personally, the only thing that made me happy about your post was that you are a former resident.
    - CJG

  • 6/27 9:47pm   JC - Thanks for clarifying my thought on the use of street sweepers while school library and other town-wide services are being cut. And, to JR's point about riding bikes through accumulated sand on the side of the road - I agree it's a hazard, so are the pot holes and the many narrow, winding roads of our town. I do find it difficult to navigate on the days I ride my bike to work - 6 miles through Norfolk until I reach the smooth roads and sidewalk option in Wrentham.
    - JD

  • 6/27 9:38pm   As readers of this forum know, the Norfolk operating budget override election result, 1,030 to 582, was a resounding no with only 27% of registered voters participating. It is statistically impossible(*) that all or even the majority of the No voters are poor, infirm, on fixed incomes, or economically suffering by any reasonable measure. So a lot of the negative posts to this site come either from the unfortunate minority, or from people who have more than they admit, perhaps even to themselves.
    A fair number of the nay sayers share the view that neither we nor our children need "the best." A school without a library, without smoke detectors or sprinklers, class sizes of 25+, school bus fees -- apparently many believe that those conditions are acceptable, that it's fine to make do, that we'll all be ok. There is also the flip side: the public library is too big, the clock too fancy, the landscaping at Town Hall too fine. Give us the minimum, the bare, the ugly, even the unsafe. (And make Stop & Shop save us from the Moonscape with one of their concrete, big-box stores.)
    All of this is baffling. Why on earth do any of us want anything other than the very best for ourselves and our children? Why do we not do everything in our power to achieve the best? What do our children learn when we tell them to do their best at school while we vote for mediocrity? Do we think they don't notice? How can we not see that in a tough economic time an investment in our community is a prudent thing to do? (And how, pray tell, could the solution ever include Stop & Shop?)
    (*)In 2007, the median household income for Norfolk was $121,165, while statewide in 2005-2006 it was $56,592. Percentage of homes in Norfolk with 7 or more rooms is 69.6%, while the state average is 31.4%.
    The percentage of households in Norfolk that are families with children under the age of 18 is 50.5%, so clearly many of them did not vote, while many of those who did voted No.
    The source of the data for Norfolk median household income and house size averages in Norfolk and statewide is the Norfolk Affordable Housing Study Committee April 2007 Public Forum PowerPoint presentation (http://www.virtualnorfolk.org/public_documents/norfolkma_afford/PPPresns), reference copies available in the Town Clerk's office and in the Norfolk Public Library. The source of information about median household income in Massachusetts is the American Community Survey (ACS) and the U. S. Government CPS (Current Population Survey), as presented by the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center, Facts at a Glance, August 28, 2007).
    - SDB

  • 6/27 9:37pm   Chief Bushnell, I think most non-firefighters would consider a job requiring a two-day work week and naps in between assignments a very well compensated second job when you consider the pension.
    - PR

  • 6/27 9:36pm   JC--I think the street sweeping must be done once a year. I think we even have to rent it as we voted down the replacement a couple of years ago. If I recall the discussion at TM, we need to sweep due to drainage and water requirements.
    - BS

  • 6/27 9:35pm   EP: I had a good experience with Vladi's Driving School. I highly recommend it. The instructor prepared me well for the road test and I passed!
    - ASB

  • 6/27 12:04pm   Chief Bushnell, Very well written response. Norfolk is very fortunate to have you. I hope I never need the department's assistance but knowing how well trained and competent your staff is I know I would be getting the best care available. Thank you
    - JR

  • 6/27 12:03pm   Thanks Chief Bushnell for the posting, it proves just how responsive you and the Fire Department can be. My father was a firefighter in the Air Force when I was young, I understand how grueling the occupation can be. JS and I are roughly the same age -- I also was in 2nd grade in 1982-1983 school year. For perspective, my father had a massive heart attack when he was in his early-40's, I was 20 at the time. He went to a local doc-in-the-box with what he thought was bronchitis. When the doctor discovered he was having a heart attack while sitting on his exam table, my father thought he would drive himself to the hospital; makes sense right? Without the paramedics in the ambulance, his cardiologist says he probably would not have survived the trip. My family owes his life on several subsequent occasions to the EMTs that came to his rescue. He is 56 now and living on 40% heart capacity. Did I mention he is now an ultra-runner (50+ mile runs)? JS - the one life you found so unimportant could be your father's, your mother's, your spouse's or your child's.
    JS also made it sound as if saving a human life in a fire should be of equal importance to saving the structure. Come on now, really? Honestly, I hope I read and have interpreted the entire post incorrectly.
    - MH

  • 6/27 12:02pm   Re: 6/23 4:05pm Energy Audits thru NStar (ES). Thanks for the info about energy audits available on line thru NStar at [energyguide.com] Things to have at hand before starting the energy audit on-line: 1. Your NStar account number. 2. your electric, oil, or gas bills by month for the past year. The energy audit program compares your electric and heating bills to others with the same size of home, windows, insulation, etc. This may be omitted if you don't have the info handy.
    - RH

  • 6/27 12:01pm   BR -- About 4:30 AM our yard comes alive with all kinds of birds singing; some mornings it is almost deafening, I love it! This past weekend I was standing in our kitchen and out of the corner of my eye, I saw the oddest creature slinking across our driveway. Since I am a neighbor, I am pretty sure it is PRR's Fishercat. It looked like a big weasel that ran using only front or back legs at one time, like a see-saw. I did not realize these were daytime creatures! I now have another excuse not to go to the shed!
    - MH

  • 6/27 12:00pm   I am looking for a Lisa Hall, because a present in a small envelope intended for her was delivered to my house. It looks like it has been through a typhoon. Before I return it to the Post Office, I thought I would try and find her myself, but she doesn't appear to be listed in the telephone book. If anyone knows her whereabouts or contact info, could you contact me at workingparentsnorfolk@hotmail.com? Many thanks.
    - KID

  • 6/27 11:59am   Could anyone whose children have gone through the preschool program at HOD give me a review of what you thought of the program, particularly if your child had an IEP? If you are not comfortable posting on Norfolknet, you can email me at workingparentsnorfolk@hotmail.com. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    - KID

  • 6/27 11:58am   It's Friday morning and once again the street sweepers are out, inching their way through Norfolk, slowing rush hour to a crawl as they churn up sand and dirt onto what had been reasonably clean streets. Meanwhile cars idle behind them, burning gas, waiting for a chance to pass. If only we could see around the things to see what's coming in the other direction. For a town that's always in need of money for basic services, we find a lot of ways to waste it. Support the library; lose the street sweepers.
    - JC

  • 6/27 11:57am   Can't we sell the land the town of Norfolk bought in a "sweetheart deal" for the expansion of the public safety building back to the church? The $250,000 would come in handy this year.
    - PR

  • 6/27 11:54am   JS: your comments about firefighters turned my stomach. You ask what other job can someone sleep during their shift? A better question may be what other job has to work Christmas, Thankgiving, and every other holiday, and has to be away from their families nights? Or how about this for a question; who is going to race into your house when its burning to the ground to save your life? Quite frankly if I have an emergency I want my rescuers to be well rested, not sitting up all night mopping the fire house floors, shame on you. You say you don't even live in this town; well, why don't you find a web site in your own town?
    Chief - well spoken!
    - AD

  • 6/27 11:49am   Chief Bushnell, first let me start by apologizing to you because you took what I said personally about you and the department. My entire post was about both of the overrides; I did not intend to single just one out. I also feel that it is your job to try and get the latest and greatest that technology has to offer to help benefit your citizens. So my intent was not to single anyone out but to help taxpayers see all sides. In your response to me you put a very slight spin on some of your comments. Just like, in my opinion, the school did as well in their comments to the Boomerang about the uses of areas like the gym and walls in the quads. An example of your spin is the addition of words to your statements, such as "Yes, firefighters "sleep" in the trailer, but their sleep is constantly interrupted by listening to radio transmissions from area departments for possible mutual aid response." Your pointing out of them sleeping in a trailer and sleep being interrupted by the radio is an example of the spin. I don't mean this to be "attacking" in any way, I am mearly pointing it out.
    I understand that the shift set up is an industry standard. It doesn't mean that it's the right way or best way to do business. There have been many industry standards throughout all types of businesses that have changed over the years. They call it thinking outside the box. Just because that's the way it's always been done, doesn't mean it's the right way or the best way. I know that unions can be tough to change but it can be done. I realize that it's the union that pushes for the shift setup. I do belong to a union (not the firefighters) and although I'm a member, I don't agree with everyhting they do. As a matter of fact I can't stand them for the most part. They do some good but they also do some bad.
    About the "flashing lights" part, those standards are minimums are they not? If I recall, Norfolk had an ambulance (not currently in service anymore) that had to have a switch installed to shut off the rear strobes because it was blinding the paramedics that follwed the ambulance to the hospital.
    You go into some detail about your EMS and gave numbers, etc. I agree that paramedics can save lives before a person makes it to the hospital, no argument there. I don't have the numbers at my disposal like you do but I'd be intrested to see if what the numbers were when the Norwood hospital paramedics used to respond. I know this service is not offered now and Norfolk does need paramedics, but if the numbers between then and now are about the same than the delay in paramedic treatment is not a factor. Again, though, this is a desicion that taxpayers have to make; if it was them that needed the ambulance, are those numbers acceptable to them. I was an EMT and you listed some things like diabetic emergencies, trouble breathing and heart attack; without more information it's hard for me to say if ALS helped or not. There are many treatments for each illness depending on what kind of diabetic emergency, what is the reason for the difficulty breathing, etc.... However these are still very serious situations.
    About the insufficiant manning comment. You said that with your current manning that it is an acceptable risk. You did not say insufficiant manning. To me they are kind of one in the same. You have risk because of lack of manning. However, do we have to have any risk? If you had full-timers who lived closer or a larger call force, would the risk be eliminated? Would mutual aid be limited?
    Chief, I mean no disrespect to you or your department but as a taxpayer we have to look at all sides of things. If we just took everything a government official told us for fact than we would be in a lot trouble. It's our duty as taxpayers to question everything you and all other government officials want. Not everyone knows everything about all facets of our government, like the fire department. Most Norfolk citizens don't know anything about the fire department or police department. That's when people that do know stuff make comments on a website like this or during town meetings. Then when you come on here and respond, people get to see all sides. That's what America is all about. I think it's great that you came on here and posted. More officials should do it. Also my desicion to remain anonomys has nothing to do with me, it's to protect people I care about. I couldn't care less what people think of me.
    To JH, what in my first post sounded so far-fetched that you would ask me if I wear a tin foil hat? I'm just curious, I'm not looking to agrue.
    - JS

  • 6/27 11:48am   TRK - Although you and I voted differently on Tuesday at least we voted. Thank you for that and thank you for your point of view. My point about apathy was directed at the 70% of voters that did not show up.
    But yes, I think that we will slump towards mediocrity unless we take steps to keep up and then pay for them. We are being penny wise and pound foolish if we think that letting our town government shrink and our schools lose essential programs will not cost us in the end. And by not looking after our infrastructure, specifically the Public Safety Building, we are dooming ourselves to larger problems and larger costs in the future. The choice has been made, however, and we must move on. Just do not expect me to be happy about it.
    You should understand that I did not cast my favorable votes with joy. My family weathered a significant drop in income over the last year and I can absolutely guarantee that we are making due with a lot less the average Norfolk family. I also will be paying for the cuts to the school budget that were predicated by Tuesday's vote, either through reduced programs, a bus fee, or both. My family and I had figured out how to pay for the tax increase and now we will figure out how to cover a bus fee if it comes to that. Will you be paying too?
    TRK, you said that you believe that most of the no votes from Tuesday were cast with great "sadness". I disagree. I think that many were cast with people's knee-jerk, anti-tax muscle. And now we hear that next year's problems and next year's override will be much worse. Will the "No New Taxes" muscle twitch mean that we cut town government into the bone? It will take some real intestinal fortitude to get us out of this problem. Do you see any of that from our Town Fathers? I don't. But I can hope.
    Myopia is a disease. In this case, we should pray that it is curable.
    - DL

    [Update 11:56am: oops, found revised version - Wm.]

  • 6/26 9:03m   RP: Grackles--I call them the motorcycle gang--they come in a group and wipe out all food. Please, no comments from those who have motorcycles. Cow birds have a black body with a brown head but they lay their eggs in another bird's nest. They do not raise their own. Cat birds are gray and really do sound like a cat.
    We now have lost my beautiful hanging plant by our back door, as Carolina wrens now have 3 new babies in the plant. Last week I actually went to Birds Unlimited to purchase bags of live worms. They start singing early in the morning, but it is a great song and I actually have learned to answer them. I will need to make another worm trip soon as it takes a lot to feed the 3 babies. We have not seen them yet, only hear them.
    Hummingbirds are here, plus scarlet tangers. Please enjoy what nature we have here.
    - BR (BR #1)

  • 6/26 8:52m   I agree with AL "the one's that never took the time to vote are the one's who will compain." I wonder how many teachers and town employees took the time to come out and vote?
    - DH

  • 6/26 8:51m   Has anyone locked into an oil company for the upcoming year? The compnay we used last year is locking in at $4.85, is the a good price? Thoughts, comments?
    - MD

  • 6/26 8:50m   I am looking for a used refrigerator or freezer. Please contact me at Daszsports1@verizon.net if you have one to sell or give away. Tks,
    - MD

  • 6/26 8:45m   Can anyone recommend a septic service? - EC
    Parker Septic out of Wrentham. (508) 384-3293. Locally owned and operated, honest and reliable. Don't go with the behemoths that are buying up all the local guys, very shady.
    - KB

  • 6/26 8:44m   Norfolk Girls Softball has cancelled the Popsicle League for tonight due to weather.
    - LC

  • 6/26 8:43m   Podgurski Corp is a reliable septic company, (800) 286-0404.
    - MO

  • 6/26 8:32m   It is always good to get a different prospective regarding how we in public safety, particularily the fire department, are perceived by the community. While JS has raised a number of issues which obviously reflect poorly on the Fire Department and myself as the Fire Chief, I wished to author this response.
    Regarding the public safety building proposal, please know that the facts of the building's shortcomings were presented in a manner for the community to formulate their own opinion. The process emphatically yielded a result that the community could not afford to build a new facility, so we will continue to provide the highest level of service pending a more favorable economic climate.
    The Fire Department has been extremely fortunate to gain the trust of community, which translated into the acquisition of two new engines, ambulance and shift officer's vehicle (which doubles as a brush truck). When the newest of the engines was purchased, the Department only expended funds for essential equipment and returned over $15,000 to the Town. It might be worthwhile to note that the Department's apparatus is newer than that of the neighboring departments and that the number of "flashing" lights is actually governed by the standards of the National Fire Protection Association.
    Emergency medical service (EMS) is a system. The system starts in the community with people being familiar with CPR and the use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED) along with calling 911. Boston area television stations have recently been playing a public service announcement (PSA) concerning stroke symptoms. The PSA talks about early recognition, calling 911 and EMS treatment. This specific medical emergency benefits from immediate advanced life support (ALS).
    The Department maintains information relative to positive patient outcomes, or "lives saved." During the first 3 years Norfolk has benefited from ALS delivered by firefighter/paramedics, a total 226 patients had treatment resulting is such outcomes. Representing the most difficult medical emergency, cardiac arrest, the firefighter/paramedics revived 4 such patients. Furthermore in 2007, the first full year of ALS, 123 such outcomes were achieve and included 7 diabetic emergencies; 37 difficulty breathing/asthma; 67 heart attacks; and 4 overdoses as examples. Understanding this is a sample of the patients which without ALS would more than likely suffered unfortunate consequences.
    Police officers in Norfolk are first responders. First responders can provide oxygen (O2), use an AED, start CPR and stop bleeding. Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), who are firefighters (as are several Police Officers), can establish a basic airway and deliver O2 with a bag valve mask, which infuses O2 in a concentrated manner. Firefighter EMTs can determine baseline vital signs (blood pressure, pulse and O2 saturation), administer albuterol (if patient has a prescription), can assist giving nitro to heart patients and check blood sugar. Paramedics use the LIFEPAC HEART MONITOR to analyze cardiac rhythms, can intubate a patient who is not breathing, establish IV to deliver fluid and medications, can perform 59 pre-hospital treatments, can administer 30 pre-hospital medications thereby being a mobile emergency room EMS provider.
    Your firefighters and firefighter/paramedics work 24 hour shifts, which are industry standard and are part of the collective bargaining agreement signed by the Town's governing body. The 24 hour shift is beneficial to maintain crew integrity for emergency response, training and administrative services, such as inspections. Yes, firefighters "sleep" in the trailer, but their sleep is constantly interrupted by listening to radio transmissions from area departments for possible mutual aid response. From the employee's perspective, as "Norfolk is a very expensive town to live" it provides an opportunity to pursue other outside employment to live here. Whether our firefighters reside in Norfolk, a contiguous community, Connecticut or Rhode Island does not compromise the community's safety. Working within fiscal constraints, the Department stopped call-back of career and off-duty or call staff in January, 2007, with the following exceptions: fires, accidents with reported injury, response of the second ambulance, mutual aid calls and gas leaks. Since this became a function of our operations, 80% of the responses are handled by the shift. Prior to this policy, 50% of the calls resulted in some form of call-back.
    The on-duty shift responds to many type of calls for service, such as water conditions, smoke or carbon monoxide (CO) detectors operating without signs of smoke or symptoms of CO poisoning and accidents. They respond as part of a team, which best describes how police and fire work in Norfolk. If fire or EMS service is not required, the fire unit clears the scene.
    I don't recall talking about insufficient staffing, but I have spoken about the level of acceptable risk and a need to have the weekday shifts covered by a fourth firefighter/paramedic, but again, not insufficient. Our staffing reflects the ability of the Town to provide ALS (which requires 2 paramedics on every ALS call) and leaves 1 staff in the station to at least initiate subsequent response. I am available 24/7 and respond (unless out of town) to each and every recall of off duty career and call staff.
    America truly represents the best of the free world. People are free to speak their mind and state their position on virtually any topic and if they desire remain anonymous. As your Fire Chief anonymity is a privilege I don't have and don't desire.
    To JS, the station is open 24/7 and you are most welcome to stop by, visit and continue this discussion. I'll buy the coffee if you wish to take up the offer.
    - Coleman C. Bushnell, Fire Chief, Norfolk Fire Department

  • 6/26 8:29m   MJD, Yes, I heard also that the shortfall will be covered by busing fees. If that is the case, most of us would have benefited by the $124 a year. With the bus fee, if you average 2 children estimate at least $250 per child, everyone loses. Voting the override down was to make a point. In the end we will pay more.
    - DWL

  • 6/26 1:30pm   JS - I didn't realize that tinfoil hat making used to be part of our town's school curriculum.
    - JH

  • 6/26 1:28pm   To LJK - I have a backboard and mounting post but you will need to purchase a new net at any sporting goods store. $30.00 for everything.
    Let me know if you have interest. Ralphw2418@comcast.net
    - RW

  • 6/26 1:27pm   Thank you RH for the heads up (6/25; 5:24 p.m.) on the proposed bill (H.4858) to eliminate pricing on products. I did send an email to his office (Rep.RichardRoss@Hou.State.MA.US) asking him to vote it down and I also would like to encourage readers on this forum to do likewise. Whatever the claims of the industry folks behind it, it is clearly anti-consumer as well as sneaky.
    - TEM

  • 6/26 1:26pm   Can anyone recommend a septic service?
    - EC

  • 6/26 1:25pm   Has anyone used Vladis Driving School in Norfolk? If so I would appreciate hearing about your experience. Thank you,
    - EP

  • 6/26 1:23pm   I have just finished reading, for the first time, the Essays under the About Norfolk column on the left. If you have not done the same, please do. How interesting and well written they are. Some, perhaps all, have been there for quite a while, but all have something to say to us now in this time of energy concern. Perhaps by walking in town, observing what there is to see and thinking about our surroundings in this town, we will realize that conserving is not such a bad thing. It gives us opportunities to rest, reflect and really think about what we have and learn to do without. Just thoughts. Take time to read the essays and perhaps write one. Thanks.
    - JHR

    [The essays are a collection of posts that have appeared on the main page. It's been a while since I've updated that page - Wm.]

  • 6/26 1:22pm   Free - Connecticut shale wallstone with mica flecks. Some good sized pieces. Must be picked up. Contact Jack 508-528-0875.
    - JFO

  • 6/26 1:21pm   TRK- The $125.00 per year override was much less expensive than the $418.00 it will cost me to send my children to school on the bus next year if the SC institutes a bus fee. My next-door-neighbor lives exactly 2 miles away (I live 1.9 miles away) so she will not pay, but I will and so will the neighbor next to me. The bus will stop at the same corner, but unless I pony up the big bucks, the bus will be driving right by my little angels as they make their way to school without sidewalks or crossing guards.
    I agree with DL, the outcome of the vote was short-sighted and we will all pay, one way or another. I think Norfolk needs to get its priorities in order too but not on the backs of a few and not at the expense of our children's education. Frankly JS, I after reading your post, I suspect the system may be "broke" and perhaps we should consider other options for the future of our district.
    - MJD

  • 6/26 1:20pm   LAW - Ya, where are the mockingbirds? At my old home, we had one who nested in the same tree for years, and would entertain the entire neighborhood by perching atop a phone poll and singing to beat the band. It was like a free opera every summer evening, and made for great fun guessing the source of its mimicry. It could effortlessly and seamlessly swing from bluejays and cardinals, seagulls and hawks, to sparrows, crows and many others. I feel like appropriating one, but it wouldn't work.
    Mmm - catbirds. My first summer here, I kept hearing what seemed like a cat crying in the tree beside our house. I called to it and searched from below. It took me about two weeks to figure it out - I'd never heard a catbird before and they sure do sound exactly like a cat.
    JT - pretty cool photos - so cute! My neighbors had a robin nest on a ladder. Same thing - no ladder for a while.
    - SO

  • 6/26 1:19pm   Last day to register for the fall season of Norfolk Lions Soccer is a quickly approaching July 1st - visit the website at www.norfolklionssoccer.com
    - HK

  • 6/26 1:19pm   Norfolk Lions Soccer is once again conducting a very unique fundraiser by offering Cape Ann Whale Watch tickets at a greatly discounted price. Tickets, which normally sell for $42, will be sold for $25 and are good anytime during the 2008 season.
    Cape Ann Whale Watch, Rose's Wharf, Gloucester, has been voted "Best Bet for Whale Watching" by Boston Magazine's New England Travel Guide. With Cape Ann Whale Watch, sightings are guaranteed or you will receive a free return pass.
    For more information about Cape Ann Whale Watches, visit their website at www.SeeTheWhales.com
    To purchase tickets, send a self-addressed stamped envelope and check, payable to Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer, to Helen K., 27 Barnstable Rd, Norfolk, MA 02056.
    - HK

  • 6/26 1:18pm   TRK: I cannot speak for DL, but I took the "apathy and mediocrity" statement as disappointment in the 70% of voters that never bothered to show up at the polls, not the actual outcome of the vote. It is what it is, we will all move forward, but the complainers, many of whom never bother to vote, will never stop.
    - AL [not the AL of 9:07am]

  • 6/26 9:09am   Thanks, ML (and Wm), but we don't have anything to mount it on. No trees, and my husband would have a fit if we put it on the vinyl siding. I think we need the portable kind you weigh with water.
    - LJK

  • 6/26 9:08am   DL, Apathy and mediocrity? Sad that you would look upon the apparent opinion of the majority, trying to live within their means, especially during these trying times, as apathy and mediocrity. Sad that you apparently have sufficiently little enough respect for the residents of this town that you would accuse those who voted against the overrides as being apathetic and happily settling for mediocrity.
    Perhaps you're one of those for whom any override is a financial burden that can easily be handled. Great...! Good for you. I wish I were in that position. I'm not. Nor, apparently, are quite a few in this town.
    Your assumption that those who voted against the override are apathetic and happy with mediocrity is, quite frankly, an insult to all of those in the majority on the vote. Maybe you intended it to be such. You've succeeded... Congrats.
    I'd be willing to bet that almost every one of those votes against the overrides were cast with sadness that it couldn't be otherwise. But the times and the family budgets just didn't add up to handling the additional burden, no matter how well intended the purpose of the override requests. Many were probably cast not knowing whether the current employment picture would be as dimly rosy tomorrow as it is today... or worse. Many were probably cast knowing that the paycheck to paycheck budgeting can only last so long under current circumstances, and any additional financial burden was out of the question.
    Perhaps it's hard for you to believe that it's even possible that Norfolk residents might be in positions of having to watch their budgets more closely now than ever. Perhaps you figured that everyone would be ready and willing to shell out more money no matter what their current financial circumstances might be... (damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead...)
    I'm betting that most everyone is hoping, almost beyond hope, that better times will come, and we'll be able and willing to belly up to the bar and pay for all those things we wish we could have now. Aaahh... for the good times again. But that isn't now. Perhaps it will come again. But it isn't now.
    I'm also betting that come next town meeting you will see a lot of us there, ready to deal with those 'painful choices' we may yet again have to make. I'm also sure that if the current circumstances don't change a lot for the better between now and then, you're going to be disappointed once again.
    As for your intimation that leaving town is always an option..., why, yes, it is, and always will be.
    - TRK

  • 6/26 9:07am   DL: Well said!
    - AL

  • 6/26 8:16am   LAW: The Robin population is moving forward on Fredrickson Road. Here are some pictures from May into early June of the Robin family that made it's nest on the wreath by our front door. We had to stop using the front door for fear that mommy robin would "divebomb" us! Enjoy the pictures.
    - JT

  • 6/26 8:15am   Looking for a teen or older to help around the farm for a day picking up roofing shingles and nails. This is a pay project and not one associated with Animal Control. Please email norfolkk9@aol.com.
    Hoping to get this completed by the end of this weekend.
    - HNC

  • 6/26 8:13am   Random thoughts on the day after Norfolk's next step towards mediocrity. I had a number of errands today, so I spent some time driving the byways of Norfolk. We live in a lovely town. People take care of their properties, lawns are mowed, flower beds are well kept. People are clearly proud of their homes. But this pristine beauty is not all we have. I moved here ten years ago because of the train and I could afford it. Having arrived, I fell in love. I love my neighbors and neighborhood. My wife and I are invested in the town. My kids want to grow up here. Right now, we cannot leave.
    Still, I wonder what it would take for me to change my mind. Yesterday, my neighbors and I voted against our schools, our children, ourselves and our own security. We all voted against two overrides: one that would have barely protected essential services within the town and one that would have supported those individuals that are the one truly essential service of town government, the police and fire departments. Nice work, folks. I am not proud. Maybe there were problems with the way these issues were presented to us but guess what, we voted for the leaders we got and they did their best.
    I know that we are all feeling the pinch of the current economic climate. Our house values decline while prices for everything else soars. Salaries remain stagnant. So, what do we do? Are we supposed to choke off the reason we live here? Should we starve the town that we love and hope that it can recover when the economy bounces back? Some of us seem to think that the selectmen can boost the town's commercial tax base and cut our property taxes. Not a real option. The men in charge have shown that they cannot deliver. The annual flurry of action at town meeting leads to nothing because there is no real leadership. If any of their plans work, salvation is years away. Perhaps we need to pin our hopes on a state bailout, like one of our selectman seems to be basing his future on. Good luck there. State aid is stuck where it is, formulas are not changing. We owe it to ourselves to solve our own problems.
    To save essential services at the schools, I expect to be paying a bus fee in the fall. I will pay it with great unhappiness but with great pride. We will find the room within our household budget to pay this fee. I love my town. Norfolk deserves my support. Next year, I hope to see many more of my neighbors at town meeting, voting on painful choices that will cost us. Folks, democracy and progress are painful. I think that the alternatives, apathy and mediocrity, are far worse. Pay attention. But have fun.
    - DL

  • 6/26 8:05am   I am a former resident of Norfolk. I am a product of the Norfolk school system dating back to when Olive Day was my principal. I started in the 2nd grade (1982). My parents still live in Norfolk and work in Norfolk. I have read in the paper that it's aweful that the kids have to have an auditorium/gym/cafeteria. I have read that the kids get distracted in the qauds because there is no "wall" dividing the classrooms. I have read that there are no sprinklers or smoke detectors.
    Where to start... First of all, the school has 2 gyms. One in the Freeman and the cafenasium in the Centennial. It was okay for me to eat lunch in the same room that we played floor hockey but not for the kids now. What is wrong with the auditorium that the school already has? I watched many movies there, sang chorus there and had my 6th grade graduation there. I also had no "walls" to help keep me focused on my teacher in the Centennial school - does that mean I got less of an education because of it? They managed to get about 100 kids through the school year and on to the next grade just fine. What is the difference now? Lazier teachers? Don't be fooled we still had classroom sizes of 25-30 kids per class. As for the fire safety stuff, well, we didn't have it and our parents seemed okay with it then, but I can see the need for it now. However, that can be done for a fraction of the millions of dollars your going to spend to build a new school. To add to this, Norfolk school system is not experiencing any growth to justify a new school.
    I for one believe that the school system is trying to get a new school because they see it as a door slowly opening to create their own school system K-12 and get out of the KP system. You watch, if they get a new school (which we all know the study will come back to build new because that's what the political pressure will be for) they will start to make a real push to abandon the KP system. Then it will cost you even millions more to hire new teachers, admins, principals, nurses and who knows what else.
    I could also touch on the whole public safety building thing. They too are exaggerating things and play on the "if it saves one life" motto. For those of you who buy into this stuff I feel for you. It comes down to the fact that they are a small town that is jealous of the larger towns because they have newer trucks, bigger buildings and more lights on their ambulance. The stories I could tell. I know it sounds silly, I agree that it is not the motivation for them wanting these things, but believe me, it does play into the motivation. Just to start the thought process, in what job (other than government) do the employees get paid to sleep? In what job can you not only get paid for sleeping but work 3 days and get 4 days to work another job? My wife does Human Resources for a 24/7 manufacturing facility and they operate 2 shifts of 12 hours each. They also rotate the shifts so you are not always working nights or days. Why is it that the Fire Department can't operate the same way? What is the benefit of them sleeping while on duty? Why can't they be awake working on something? The Police don't get to sleep (well, not legally anyway). As for Bushnell saying that their staffing is insufficiant, it wouldn't be if he could recall his full-time guys, but some of them don't even live in MA so to get them to be recalled could take hours. But he needs more people...
    Maybe the current system is broke. I realize that Norfolk is a very expensive town to live in so making the fireman live in Norfolk on what Norfolk pays is not practical, but to have people who live out of state, c'mon. Then of course you have to question, does Norfolk need a full time department? If so do they need 3 or 4 guys on? It wasn't that long ago that they were just a call department. Then they went to one full time guy that responded with the fire chief's secretary who was also a firefighter/EMT and they both worked days.
    How many lives have been saved by changing to a 24/7 department? Again don't be fooled. Full time FF are really only there to perform a rescue. Meaning that if your house is on fire, the full time FF's respond quickly to assure everyone got out of the house safely and if not they will try and rescue you. Their purpose is not to respond quickly to save your house. That is the secondary objective. There was a time that the police use to respond first and then radio back to say if the fire department was even needed. They would go to a car accident first to see if anyone was injured and if they were then they would call the ambulance. Now it's an automatic response of ambulance and police if injuries are unknown. Is it worth it, I guess, if you're the injured it is, but a police officer is still a first responder. Not for me to decide for everyone, but I know how I feel about it if it's my tax dollars.
    To respond to another person about cost of all this and your tax dollars. The town charges your insurance company to try and recoupe its cost for the response. They take inventory of the ambulance after the call is complete and charge accordingly. So it's not all tax payer dollars. Again, not something that is really ever said.
    - JS

  • 6/26 12:21am   LJK - We have a backboard with an attached hoop with a net, it can be yours for $10. Please email us via the webmaster at [Use box128@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - ML

  • 6/26 12:20am   JR - yes, a nice looking camper at the begining of Holbrook (Cleveland St. end).
    RP - definitely grackles, forget the water pistol, get a bazooka!
    The catbirds are nesting and tend not to 'flock' ,at this time, anyway. They mew like a cat(thus the name) when danger nears their nest. I have a very busy pair in a holly tree.
    Another baffler - (blame global warming?) Why are the robins flocking at this time? They usually have paired off and raising at least two sets of youngsters, before they flock up for migration in August. Oh! and where are the mockingbirds? I haven't seen them for a couple of years.
    - LAW

  • 6/26 12:19am   Thanks folks. I know this was a tough one for many, but I do think it was the right thing. It's time for some prioritization and realignments of what we want to accomplish with the assets we have. Best regards and thanks again.
    - MJ

  • Special Election Results:
      Yes No
    Question 1: Public Safety Building 511 1099
    Question 2: Schools 582 1030

  • 6/25 5:37pm   RP - Grackles. They're in my yard right now anyway. First one shows up, then the numbers increase. They'll drain your feeders. Drain them! Squawky, pesky and persistent. It's the season. About two years ago the people at Wild Birds in Medway said the only solution was to switch over to safflower seeds - no exceptions. Grackles hate them. It's bad timing for that though, because baby blue jays, cardinals, finches, woodpeckers and grosbeaks, etc. prefer suet and sunflower seeds. If the dogs are in the yard, the grackles stay away, while the others still visit, oddly enough. I'm thinking about getting a water pistol and letting the grackles have it - like that'll work. I hear them right now. Seems strange for a bird-lover to discriminate, but I tell you they will descend in droves and wipe you out! [cornell.edu info]
    - SO

  • 6/25 5:36pm   We just acquired a Bushnell Telescope--found at the transfer station!! Inasmuch as we've found many treasures there, we assume we have one more. Is it possible a Norfolk Webber discarded it and can give me more information?? Thanks, in advance.
    - JHR

  • 6/25 5:34pm   My 10-year-old daughter surprised me at a friend's house by picking up a basketball and throwing some pretty credible shots. Must be gym class, because she didn't learn it at home! Does anyone have one of those portable basketball hoops that they would like to sell or get rid of? I'd like to foster her interest. Thanks!
    - LJK

  • 6/25 5:33pm   To RP: If the birds are a dull blackish gray with a dark black cap on their head, they are most likely a catbird.
    - KS

  • 6/25 5:29pm   RP - most likely the birds you are talking about are catbirds. They are dark gray/blackish and about the size of a robin. They nest in shrubby areas and their eggs are smaller and close in color to a robin's. They can be pretty noisy and may 'sing' for long stretches of time (they are like mockingbirds in this manner). My mother used to think their call sounded like "Mary", so your comment isn't so looney!
    - JM

  • 6/25 5:28pm   JC - Thank you for caring enough to do the research on the budget. From a corporate perspective on the insurance issue, health insurance costs, most notably from Blue Cross, typically rise between 10-20% each year. For my company's renewal in October of 2007, Blue Cross came back with a renewal rate for our then current plan of 26%!! Completely outrageous. Competitive bids from other carriers came in around the same values. We ended up having to switch to a plan that had slightly less coverage and more out of pocket costs for a mere 5.25% increase. As it's a private company, those options are available to change plan structure. The town might not have those options to change plan coverages as easily. The insurance companies generally don't haggle on price - they look at your census data, your location and provide a set of numbers that is consistent with others groups in the area. So, I guess they do have us in a full-nelson, unless you're willing to take less coverage for a slightly lower price. But the following year, they'll most likely come back with another large increase on the less desirable plan. People really need to take the time like you to understand what is making the budget go higher than expected and not just blame it on mis-managed funds. And now, based upon yesterday's vote, education and public safety will be short-changed .
    - JM

  • 6/25 5:27pm   JR - I was riding my bike this a.m. on Holbrook Street and noticed a tent trailer for sale - good luck!
    - KG

  • 6/25 5:25pm   Hello, If anyone is in need of a custom-designed card, poster, logo, banner, etc. for a business, club, or special occasion, please feel free to call Jason at 508-520-1572, or email jason@humancomm.com. I have three years of experience with Adobe Photoshop and will provide you with an excellent, unique design.
    - JR

  • 6/25 5:24pm   Mass. Residents Only - Help Save Grocery Item Pricing. We need your help to defeat an anti-consumer bill in Massachusetts (H.4858) that would allow all stores, including supermarkets, to stop putting prices on goods if they install self-service price check scanners in some store aisles. Fines for non-compliance have been lowered by 90% in some cases. See fact sheet [link] and the press release [pdf] issued Monday by consumer groups opposing the legislation. Please send a letter this week to our state representative, Richard Ross, asking him to oppose this industry-supported bill. See Rep. Ross's info webpage: [here]
    - RH

  • 6/25 5:23pm   RP, those might be catbirds. They will have a black scalp, if they are. Their feathers would be dark purplish.
    - BL

  • 6/25 5:22pm   No matter the merits of the case, I find it a little more than inappropriate, disingenuous, and self-serving for [the] Little Pine Realty Trust to be posting on this forum about his/her case against the town. The appropriate forum for that would be in court, a mass mailing to the citizens of the town at his/her own expense (which might gain more view and respect), or maybe on the street with a sandwich board proclaiming that 'the sky is falling'.
    - TRK

  • 6/25 5:21pm   Remember to take time to breathe and enjoy this summer season with good friends and loved ones!
    Summer Solstice Magic Full Moon & Jupiter on Cape Cod Bay Photo: Pamela Ruby Russell
    - PRR

  • 6/24 9:42pm   A question for the bird experts in the audience... I've noticed new birds in our yard which we've not seen before. The best way I can describe them is "black robins". They're the same size and shape as a robin except all black. They're ground feeders and are in and out of our shrubs making a kind of squeaking sound. This will sound a bit looney, but at times it sounds as if they're saying the name 'Karen' (I said it was looney...!!). We know they aren't crows because of their smaller size and non-shiny feathers. Any ideas?? Thanks...
    - RP

  • 6/24 9:40pm   Looking for a pre-owned tent trailer for sale. Send info. [Use box127@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - JR

  • 6/24 9:39pm   To the lovely person who was in front of me and paid for my coffee/muffin and 1 chocolate munchkin yesterday in the drive-thru at Dunkin Donuts... Thank You!! What a nice surprise that was when I got to the window and they told me the car in front of me had paid for us. It was a nice way to start my morning! And I loved that my kids were in the car with me so I could explain to them how generous people can be towards one another. I'll be sure to "pay it forward"... as a matter of fact I did pay for someone in the drive thru a couple of months ago too, and plan to again. Thanks again!
    - SM

  • 6/24 9:23pm   To paraphrase a gentleman speaking on behalf of the schools at town meeting, the schools require an additional 6% to 8% annual increase to maintain the level of service we have come to expect in Norfolk. A member of the advisory board responded that there isn't a private business around that he knows of that could stay in business under those requirements. After hearing what the gentleman from the schools had said I went back 7 years and looked at the annual town budgets. I was surprised with what I found. The following is based on a recommended fiscal 2009 budget of 28,671,416 compared to the 2002 budget of 19,950,525.
    nAlthough the total education budget has increased at an annual rate of 6.4%, Norfolk Elementary has increased at an annual rate of 3.07% (about the same as inflation over the same 7 years). King Philip has averaged 14.03% annual increase and Tri-County 20.25% annually. Other Departments are as follows:
    General Government 7.14% annually,
    Public Safety 6.49% annually,
    Public Works 0.88% annually (that's correct, less than 1%),
    Human Resources (1.42%) annually,
    Culture & Recreation 5.15% annually,
    Employee Benefits 19.02% annually,
    Building/Liability Insurance 25.71% annually.
    In summary, the total town budget has increased at an average annual rate of 6.24% vs. an approximately 3.3 % rate of inflation (If budget increases mirrored inflation our budget would be in the neighborhood of 25 million not 28.6 million). Projecting out seven years in the future at the current average rate our budget will be in the neigborhood of 43.8 million.
    I ask myself a few questions regarding the budget. What makes up the employee benefits line item? Health Insurance I assume but anything else? Has the number of town employees gone up in proportion to the costs in the past 7 years ($1,162,048 vs. $2,709128) ? Why have our insurance costs skyrocketed($125,000 vs. $350,000) in the past 7 years? Does Blue Cross Blue Shield and State Farm (or whoever the health and insurance providers are) have us in a full nelson that we need to reverse out of and get them in a headlock to rein in costs or are the increases legitimate and taxpayers just picking up more of the burden from employees? It appears Norfolk Elementary and other departments have done an ok job controlling costs. Costs to run other departments and to cover insurance providers have increased at a much faster clip than inflation and, I would guess, the growth rate of the town.
    Nobody wants to neither short change kids nor be left short change to provide for them. I say we spud down at the moonscape and drill for oil.
    One way or another we will figure it out.
    - JC

  • 6/24 9:09pm   BL - Good place for dogs to swim - Holt Pond at Noon Hill in Medfield. Take Fruit St., past Jane & Paul's (turns to Orchard St.) - go right on Causeway - right on Noonhill Rd. - parking lot on right - pond to right of parking lot. There's a little beach, sort of, and the water is clean. Good for throwing sticks. [thetrustees.org page]
    - SO

  • 6/24 9:03pm   I just wanted to thank Wm and/or whoever put the spreadsheet together for recommendations. I used Tom's Hardwood flooring for installation and they did a great job. I got the name from the list of recommendations - very helpful!
    - AML

    [The thanks is owed to PS, who compiled, cross-referenced and posted the list - Wm.]

  • 6/24 9:02pm   NS, I totally agree with you. Every time Spanish and Health is threatened I email the superintendent, principals and school committee regarding who decides Spanish and Health rather than the Music Program (both HOD and Freeman) and Music - not Band. The Freeman Band Program is sensational. Anyway, I get a pleasant response saying my email will be forwarded (to who I am never sure), but I have never gotten an answer.
    And to JGP, I do not believe any remarks to be classless. I did not even know the HOD Music teachers name until you mentioned it. I do not believe the remarks were directly toward the instructor, but in general to the school program. It is common knowledge to everyone but the decision makers that the music program has been a joke in this town for years, in the eyes of parents and children.
    - [Name withheld - Wm.]

  • 6/24 9:01pm   Thanks SM, DL and DH for the speedy reply re: busing. It was very helpful. I'm off to go light a candle and pray for peace on Norfolknet (just kidding...)
    - KID

  • 6/24 9:00pm   JD, The snide comment regarding street sweeping was uncalled for. With the price of gas as it is more people are riding their bikes. Have you ever ridden your bike in the sand?
    - JR

  • 6/24 8:56pm   I have said several times that the amount of tax payers money that is being spent by the town on lawsuits that have no merit are staggering. The board of selectmen need to address these issues without sticking their heads in the sand. I therefore want to make the taxpayers of this town aware of just how much of our money is being spent on litigation without the taxpayers knowledge for unecessary legal actions. It should also be noted that the town will be defending another lawsuit in Norfolk Superior Court on the issue of weather or not Toils End Rd is a public or private road on July 17th. For the record, the town has been accepting state funds for Toils End Rd as a public way and defending ongoing litigation brought against them for their stance that Toils End Rd is a private way. The court action is being brought forward by Little Pine Realty Trust. For the record, Little Pine Realty Trust has already won their appeal/court case against the ZBA in Norfolk Superior Court that the town has appealed. The town fathers are looking for subtantial overrides, they should be paying more attention at the legal fees being wasted for people and board members that are not doing their jobs that they appointed and caused these legal action...
    - JS, Little Pine Realty Trust

  • 6/24 10:51am   JHR - I'm having trouble following the logic in your post from 6/21. It seems to say...
    When you were younger, you received great benefit from the library program. You passed these benefits on to the next generation. Google was invented, therefore the library is no longer necessary.
    This seems pretty comparable to:
    Cavemen benefitted from fire, space heaters were invented. No more fire required. Or perhaps... People used to walk everywhere, now there are cars. No more shoes required.
    Home computers and the internet will not eliminate the need for, and value of, the library. They are simply tools, much like a card catalog. A library and library curriculum is not just a place to go check out a picture book. It is intended to serve as a place to learn how to answer questions, which will become a lifetime skill [...].
    I'm certainly not thrilled with the town's and school's planning and choices which have left us in this predicament - but such is life. As others have said, we can certainly vote no and send a clear message to the town that you're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Just realize that your and your neighbor's kids are the ones who end up taking penance for the town wisemen.
    Keeping school libraries will speak volumes for our community and the value we place on education - please support this vote today.
    - JH

  • 6/24 10:29am   DH; There are times when the children are using computer games to learn. For example: practicing multiplication facts and other math concepts, keyboarding, map skills etc. The schools have a program that supports the EveryDay Math curriculum that uses games to support the program even in the classroom. Perhaps younger students aren't aware that they are actually practicing skills while they play the games. There are many research projects and final projects that take place in the upper elementary grades which are crucial to the curriculum and help the students take their computer skills to new levels.
    I'm not trying to get you to change your mind on your vote, I just want you to be aware that what kids come home and tell you isn't always what it seems. The person who had the comment about the music teacher should take this information and think about it as well.
    - VT

  • 6/24 10:27am   Twas the Night before An Override Vote.. and a few thoughts come to mind.
    The school library program for sure is valuable to our children. And, if the parents of all the kids in the two elementary schools want to see it continue, where are the efforts and outpouring of support for this vote? I've received two emails that were forwarded to me in support of the override and that is the extent of support I've seen, with the exception of reading random posts here at Norfolknet. I don't have kids in the elementary schools to know if there was outreach thru fliers home, etc. I did see one letter to the editor in the Boomerang - but my fair guess is not everyone subscribes to that paid paper. I recall in years past yard signs, phone call chains, flyers, and more when folks where generally concerned as to what would happen if an override didn't pass.
    After driving behind a street cleaner today with the most important task of cleaning the small amount of sand from the pot-holes in our roads, I think of the $4+ / gallon going into the vehicle - I wonder what diesel goes for these days?
    Did I really read somewhere that the Public Library was going to have to cut back on their supplies this year of pens and paper clips - in this day of the electronic age? My apologies if I read that wrong somewhere along the line.
    Just a few thoughts before I head out to vote tomorrw morning - still undecided.
    - JD

  • 6/24 10:26am   Don't forget to vote today. I am voting a big Yes for Norfolk. This is not about sending a ``message'' to our town leaders; this is about the future of our town. Send a message to our town leaders by casting your ballot for a new leader, if you so choose, not by under-funding our schools and library (although I agree about the use of the library meeting room--not especially cost-effective).
    New York state has looked at what Massachusetts has done with Prop 2-1/2 and have declared it unqualified disaster. I would have to agree.
    - JN

  • 6/23 10:40pm   I wish that before you press the send key on your (or the ones at the library) computer that you take a second and think about what you are saying. What many people write on this site is inappropriate. Maybe the "games" are teaching a skill (did you ever vist the class?); is it the job of the school to teach sex education or the parents? If your child was being [picked on] by anyone, especially a teacher, I hope you spoke with that teach in private (unlike you did on this site). Lastly, maybe you will rely on the school to do your job as a parent but I certainly won't.
    - KL

  • 6/23 9:55pm   [Post with pre-election questions from an undecided voter pending confirmation - Wm.
    Update 6/24 10:27am: confirmed; see post of 6/24 10:27am - Wm.]

  • 6/23 9:52pm   BA, One year ago I switched to Comcast for internet, phone and cable. They showed up 3 hours late (after many calls to them) and proceeded to make our lives miserable for the next 6+ weeks. The phone number we were told we could keep was disconnected. They couldn't even figure out what the problem was. We eventually found out that Comcast had released our original phone number back to AT&T and couldn't retrieve it. The temporary number we were given was also disconnect and released for some odd reason. Comcast told us time and time again that they would solve the problems in one day, two day, today, tomorrow, etc. They even insisted at one point it was already fixed. I can't tell you how many hours on hold or how many calls I place there. I would guess it was nothing short of 20 calls and at least as many hours. Additionally, my calls to their support centers were regularly dropped by operators that didn't know how to fix our problem and didn't want to deal with finding out how to. In short, I'm not so certain that using Comcast over Verizon will result in quicker or better change of services.
    Good Luck!
    - DL

  • 6/23 9:51pm   KID, No, preschool students do not qualify for busing. Also, I believe they have an early start time and their release times do not coincide either.
    - DL

  • 6/23 9:50pm   JGP... I can't begin to imagine why you even consider living in Norfolk. [...] I'm appalled by your remarks.
    - JHR

  • 6/23 9:49pm   KID: The HOD preschoolers do not take the bus. The preschool classes all start at different times to stagger it so not everyone is arriving at once. Some of the classes even start at 8:30 before the rest of the school starts, to avoid traffic conjestion with the buses, etc. My son was in their program last year and my daughter will be attending this year.
    Also on the HOD Preschool the times... some classes are 8:30-11:00 Tuesday-Friday... some are 9:30-1:00 Monday-Thursday and some are 12:10-2:45, Mon, Tues, Thursday... each class time/days are very different.
    - SM

  • 6/23 9:48pm   KID, no, the preschool children are not bused to school; only if they are special needs.
    - DH

  • 6/23 9:47pm   To VT, I guess I can't be 100% wrong about what the children are learning in the computer labs. Read JGP's comments. [...] he/she quotes "when asked what he/she's children were doing the in the computer lab they said we play games." Still voting no on everything.
    - DH

  • 6/23 9:46pm   JGP - You have every right to question the override and cuts to the school system. However, I think your public comments about Mrs. Madden [the instructor] and how your children perceive her music program to be completely classless.
    - NS

  • 6/23 9:36pm   As a frequent volunteer at the Freeman library I can say first hand that our library cannot function without a librarian!
    Question: Why can't volunteers run the library? Answer: The following:
    * Loss of SAILS library network of books
    * Required library tasks:
    - book checkout and check in (SAILS is currently used to do this and will be unavailable)
    - handle overdue books, lost/damaged books
    - handle problems with student accounts, student privacy issues
    - handle technical problems with PCs and with library software
    - volunteer scheduling
    - plan for volunteers with sick children at home (often in winter)
    * Loss of teacher support for state curriculum frameworks
    - teachers unable to place holds on multiple copies of books so each student has a copy
    - must pick up and drop off any resources in a library after school or evenings
    * Lower student MCAS scores
    * Norfolk students not taught lifelong research skills, Wrentham and Plainville are
    The losses above are immeasurable, from experience I can also tell you about other losses:
    Seeing the face of a student who has just received a book that he/she has placed a hold on and saying "I can't wait to read this book!"

    Hearing a sixth grade class eagerly come into the library and ask the librarian to please continue reading the story (while taking "think notes, carrying on a discussion about the book, learning lifelong skills).

    Hearing that a child who is writing a book gets to meet an author and question him about his experiences.

    Also seeing the disappointment on the faces of the children when they realize they can no longer take out books because the library is closing for the summer.

    Fostering the love of reading and the impact that reading skills has not only on their academic abilities but on their lives are reasons why we need our elementary school libraries. Our children and teachers need to be able to take full advantage of the wealth of information that can be provided to them only by the librarian.
    - GF

  • 6/23 4:10pm   SM2: I hesitate to even respond, as this issue has been discussed at length on this board, but I am with you on the "out-of-town" church using our library. It's particularly galling that the library needs $24,000 of this override money, when they're allowing a church group to use our space free of charge. I think it's absurd. A church that meets 52 times per year in a facility should be paying something to use it. It's a total abuse of the Norfolk Taxpayer's money. That $24,000 might have gone along way toward keeping the Health or Spanish teacher in the schools. The Library Trustees should be ashamed of themselves for asking for any money from this override at the same time they are blatantly misusing community property.
    - TC

  • 6/23 4:07pm   I agree with SM2, why is a religious organization able to hold Mass every Sunday in the Library? Are they paying any fees for the use of the Library or in a sense are Norfolk citizens paying taxes for them to use the Library for free? Are there any other organizations using the Library on a regular basis that are not connected to Library activities?
    - WLS

  • 6/23 4:05pm   For anyone considering home improvements such as insulation, windows, A/C, heating, etc. , I highly recommend having an energy audit done through your electric company. There are often very good rebates available for this work. I have had 2 audits done on our home over the past 6 or 7 years and will have received well over 2000$ in rebates through the group that NStar contracts with to help homeowners improve efficiency. My A/C system is being replaced this week and the rebates were a driving force. There are some stipulations about contractors that can be used for HVAC, but the list is very extensive. That is actually how I found James Spearin out of Taunton, and there is no one else I would want working on my A/C system again. I had received a quote on attic insulation through the group that provides rebates, and it seemed quite reasonable. Everything we have done through the advice of this group has saved us money on all of our utility bills.
    - ES

  • 6/23 4:04pm  
    ``When someone is impatient and says, "I haven't got all day," I always wonder, How can that be? How can you not have all day?''

    ``Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things. ``

    ``Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?''

    ``I think people should be allowed to do anything they want. We haven't tried that for a while. Maybe this time it'll work.''


    - MON

  • 6/23 4:03pm   Thank You. I just wanted to recognize our good Police Chief, Officer Stone, who contributed 55 beautiful new bicycle helmets to our recent April Bike Drive. Because of many of you, the Drive was a tremendous success and we delivered 86 shiny bicycles to Cradles to Crayons - a worthy community service (for which I thanked you all in an earlier post last month.) These helmets were the remainders of those our Police Department had contributed to our Community Day event and they will be as much appreciated by the young recipients as they will influence them to ride safely. I will take advantage of this thank you note to add that one distribution partner to Cradles to Crayons who supports and oversees 35 under-privileged children in east Boston, actually cried when he saw the collection of bikes Norfolk delivered. I wanted you to hear how easily you've touched so many young hearts. Wait until they see the helmets too! Thank you Chief Stone and thank you again, Norfolk.
    - LB (LB2)

  • 6/23 4:02pm   Does anyone know if the preschool students at HOD get bussed to school? Many thanks in advance for your help.
    - KID

  • 6/23 4:01pm   Anyone know of a good upholstery cleaner? I am going to try to tackle the carpets by myself with a steamer, but don't think I'll do a good job on furniture. Thanks!!
    - RD

  • 6/23 3:59pm   Here are some questions that have been swimming in my head about the override.
    It sounds like they are not going to let go of any of the teachers except for the 2 that are retiring. They make it sound as if they will be letting other teachers go. They threaten larger class sizes. I don't believe this to be true. And say they did let go of teachers and had larger class sizes, there is no place to put more children in those classrooms. Those classrooms at the Freeman can't hold any more children because of their tiny size to begin with to do so would be totally unhealthy.
    And I have to ask why the computer lab classes don't incorporate actual typing skills into their lessons? When I ask my children what they did in computers they say they just play games. I don't think it is beneficial to the children to just play games instead of learning a skill.
    And why aren the town's people not given a choice of what they think should be eliminated. Why did they choose Health and Spanish? From what I can see HOD Music would be a good one to eliminated since my children tell me they watch baby videos in the class and get constantly harassed by [...]. This certainly was not a beneficial time for my children and would definitely prefer them to learn Spanish or learn to care for their bodies in Health. I know that Gloucester parents and students would think so too.
    - JGP

    [Update 6/24 8:24am: I've asked for more details about this; name removed for now - Wm.]

  • 6/23 3:58pm   "...- for an average of $126 next year per household."
    One should remember that this increase is not just for next year and next year alone... it would be forever. Operational overrides increase the tax burden forever, not just one year. So next year's override request would add to this, and the next year, and...
    $126.00 Seems like such an insignificant amount, right? Until one thinks about the 'annual' nature of the override request. Then that amount added to the next, and the next, result in a very big tax bill.
    The Town isn't the only entity struggling with cost containment. Probably the bulk of families in town are dealing with similar circumstances. The challenges extend beyond the public domain.
    At some point in time we really need to decide just how much we can afford, not just what we want. I grew up learning that if the money wasn't there, no matter how hard I worked or how much I wanted or needed something.., there were times when I was going to be disappointed, and had to make do with what I had or could afford.
    I'm certain that there are those in Norfolk who could bear the cost of this and almost any future override. Then there are those who can't, and any override will put them that much closer to being in some form of financial danger. And, there are those in the middle who just don't want to see more of what they work so hard for not ending up in their own hands.
    It's so easy to make one override seem small, but not so easy to do so when future years and requests are considered.
    My salary does not increase each year, but my costs do. I pay a healthy portion of my health insurance, more than public employees. My home isn't worth today what it was a year ago. I've lost ground. I bet most have.
    Keep that in mind when you vote.
    - TRK

  • 6/23 3:57pm  
    [Post about MCAS removed on request - Wm.]

  • 6/23 3:56pm   For $126 a year, give or take, how could anyone not vote yes?? What is all the fuss about for $2.42 a week. We should be happy it is not higher. I will vote yes.
    - DWL

  • 6/22 10:17pm   Maybe if the Public Library Trustees charged the private "out of town" church that uses our town building and related resources every Sunday a reasonable fee, it would have covered at least a significant portion of the budget shortfall thereby reducing the burden on taxpayers...? Of course, the use of the library for this purpose violates the library's own rules about use of the room, but that's another story.
    - SM (SM2)

  • 6/22 10:11pm   To RN - I also commuted to Cambridge from Norfolk for about 7 years. If you decide to take the commuter rail and if you are interesting in walking - get off at Back Bay, walk down Stuart street and cross over Arlington street over to the Boston Public Gardens. Stay on left side of the gardens, pass the swan boats, head to the corner of the park where Charles Street crosses over Beacon. Walk down Charles Street (some nice coffee shops along the way!) and over the Salt and Pepper bridge. Once over the bridge walk straight ahead, you'll see the Kendal Red Line T station a short distance ahead. It's a great walk and takes less time than continuing on the commuter rail to South Station and switching over to the Red line to Kendal.
    - KR

  • 6/22 9:20pm   For everyone concerned about the override vote, the money is not just slated for the schools (though the schools do take the bulk of it). By voting no, you'll be affecting other town departments as well - including diminishing the funding to keep level services at the Public Library. The Public Library may only need $24K as of now, but I bet the budget will be even more in the red if they have to provide the additional services that the school libraries were providing. There's also a DPW and grounds position that's involved. Use the link to see exactly what's covered in the Override number - for an average of $126 next year per household. [link to Excel spreadsheet]
    - JM

  • 6/22 9:17pm   MJ - You are absolutely correct, I apologize. I mixed up MW who proposed cutting the school library curriculum, with MJ who only proposed cutting the school library facility. Won't happen again...
    - JH

  • 6/22 8:57pm   Need a Babysitter? My name is Chelsey, I'm looking for a babysitting job any day except Monday and Wendsdays after 5. I've CITed for 3 years, and have had much experience with watching kids as young as 3, and I have taken a babysitting course. My email is [... Use box126@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks; I hope to hear from someone soon! :)
    - CJ

  • 6/22 8:56pm   I have free wood for anyone willing to come take it. One pile is oak that has been in the stand for a couple of years. The other pile is from a tree that was cut earlier this year and is in larger pieces. Call [...]
    - JB

    [Update 6/25 10:27am: The wood is no longer available. - JB]

  • 6/22 8:54pm   Want to give a shout out to how lovely Gump's Farm is looking. I stopped by today and was amazed by the wonderful remodeling job! The wide pine boards used throughout the building have such a refreshing smell that I truly enjoyed while lingering to look at all the great new home decor items. I also bought some great fresh vegetables! Everyone in town should make an effort to stop by this little treasure on Rockwood Rd at the corner of Boardman St.
    - KBC

  • 6/22 8:53pm   To PN - We just used Quality Insulation & Building Products, Inc., 2 Industrial Road, Milford, MA 01757; 508-966-3590.
    We were very happy with their work, very responsive to all of our questions... nice installers, you would be happy should you choose to hire them. Good Luck!!
    - LR

  • 6/22 2:43pm   All, The paper that MON posted (not sure it is a thesis) was interesting. The conclusions (overall and stats too) were that school library programs make a difference.
    For those not wanting (or those voting yes) to support the override that is your right as a voter. Before you circle no, do your homework and get all the facts, weigh them and then vote. Do not read this site as your only source of information. Many of the posters on the site are very smart and should help the town by running for office because they have their own agenda.
    I know how I am voting and just hope that other vote too.
    - KL

    [Update 8:56pm: word "your" was missing - KL]

  • 6/22 2:42pm   JN: I agree that Pesto Palace (corner of Boardman and Main) is looking anything but!! That isn't basil growing all over the place!
    - AL

  • 6/22 2:40pm   I would like to add my opinion to the chat regarding the need for the school libraries. I'm not sure all of you understand everything that a school library does. The students do go for a weekly visit where they do a variety of activities. Sometimes the librarian does an interactive read aloud which supports the reading program in the classroom. Other times she/he teaches research skills and the kids actually do the research that is later finished in report form in class or at home. The research is also continued in computer lab so the kids are learning how to research both books and web sites for meaningful information. Author studies take place and a wide variety of genre study. Librarians also guide the students to try new reading material and foster a love of reading and books. For some children it's the only time they have to check out books since they don't get to go to the public library or even to a book store to purchase their own books.
    No one has mentioned the service the librarians provide for teachers. They gather sets of books (many from different communities through SAILS) for teachers to use to support their teaching of a particular subject. Some teachers get sets of books so that each student will have his/her own to use during instruction time for reading lessons. Without these services your child's instruction will take on a very different direction. Teachers will not be able to have access to these services. I believe you have to have a person with certain library credentials to continue using the SAILS program. You will be losing more than just a story teller if the libraries are to close.
    DH, I have to comment on your comments on the computer lab. I agree that most children have access to computers at a very young age. However, they do not come to school with word processing skills. The variety of projects that the kids do in lab far exceed what they would be doing playing computer games at home. They create slide shows, projects (research and final products) for science and social studies and learn computer safety and word processing.
    That is just a few of the things they do during a school year. In this world of computers it would be a sin to rob them of that curriculum.
    - VT

  • 6/22 2:37pm   Norfolk Overrides: The 6/20 Gazette published an article w/ a section titled Norfolk Overrides at a Glance. Not sure how I'm voting yet - still trying to figure it all out; however, I found this very helpful. For instance with regards to the teacher cuts the article states for the General Override - At Norfolk Public Schools: $290 budget cut. "Elimination of the school library program and two classroom teaching positions (retirements will not be replaced), and administrative cuts." If I'm reading this correctly, this tells me that no additional teachers will be cut - they will not replace the 2 teachers that are retiring. Before I read this article I thought teachers were being cut due to the fact that pink slips were handed out and the kids did not find out who there teachers were on move up day. These facts help-good luck to all in the decision making!
    - KG

  • 6/22 2:36pm   Maytag Neptune High Efficiency electric Washer and Dryer for sale $475. 7 yrs old and in great condition. We're moving. Email me ASAP if you're interested: laura_bot@yahoo.com
    - LM

  • 6/22 2:34pm   MON - I really think that the Town Fathers need to take a hard look at what we have in the way of buildings - and think out of the box as to their uses. The cost to redo F-C will be phenomenal. The cost of a new Safety facility will be also.
    Yes, of course it will cost a bit to re-configure the existing buildings for different uses, but not nearly as much as the current plans.
    - LAW

  • 6/22 2:33pm   BA, thank for your input on FIOS or Comcast. I had Verizon scheduled for connection to my home on Friday from 8am to 12pm and they called at 8:45am Friday and said they wouldn't make it. So we aren't off to a good start as I had rescheduled my morning to be here for the installation. Now I must reschedule another morning for them to maybe show up I guess. I was drawn into Verizon with there recent door to door sales in our neighborhood. The sales people were so very nice and accommodating. Now as usual, after the point of sale the customer service is of no concern. I recently upgraded my cell phone with Verizon Wireless and had the same experience, but being the cell phone company with the best coverage I am forced to stay as a customer.
    - PD

  • 6/21 8:14pm   PD wrote: "Verizon FiOS or Comcast...?? I'm tring to decide which to get. I want who ever has better customer service. Anyone recommend which to choose?"
    We've had FIOS for about a month now, and as I make my living on-line, I wouldn't change to anything short of my own T-1 Line. That said, I also find the TV reception and picture better than Comcast (which FIOS replaced), and a better channel lineup for my own tastes. There are quirks, however. The response of the software in the set-top boxes is a bit slow, and the kids and their lack of patience sometimes complain about that. The pricing is competitive for the 2 year deal we signed, and that is a key difference. With Verizon, it is a contract. You can't cancel at anytime without forfeiting a fee.
    But I really don't care. Routinely uploading and downloading large databases and applications in minutes that used to take hours more than makes up for anything annoying I've experienced. The internet connectivity is simply amazing.
    A bit back, someone else had a bad installation experience. Ours was fantastic. Neat, fast, and very professional.
    Hope this helps.
    - BA

  • 6/21 8:12pm   Happy Summer Solstice! Yesterday was the longest day and shortest night of the year; the number of daylight hours in a day will be shrinking from now until the start of winter, when days will start to lengthen once again.
    - Wm.

  • 6/21 2:17pm   I will be voting with MJ on Tuesday. That is I will vote No, as will my husband. I was the recipient of library science many years ago as a Jr High Student, and those skills served me very, very well. I learned how to do research and learn to find what I needed as I progressed in school. As a teacher, I taught skills as needed to my students as they too had their library time each week. The times now are clearly different with computers, and my 1st grader grandchild was recently using the computer to complete a project for science, in Spanish, no less. This is totally amazing to me but it also indicates to me that children are learning in a different way with tools that we never even dreamed about 30 years ago. They need access to the library and of course supervision, but it seems that the library is used totally differently by students now. Vote no on June 24th.
    - JHR

  • 6/21 2:16pm   Looking to hire a company to come in and put more insulation into the house - any recommendations? Thank you in advance.
    - PN

  • 6/21 2:15pm   LAW - At first I dismissed your post as jest - but the more I think about it - I really like it!
    - MON

  • 6/21 2:14pm   Not really wanting to join the discussion, but being drawn to it like a bug to a zapper, I will add my two cents to the override question. After some thoughtful consideration, I will vote yes to the new public safety building. That particular building is a disgrace to our town, our firefighters and our police. It needs to be re-built. The time is now. I hope our town votes in favor of this new building.
    As for the operational override, well, I can certainly afford to vote yes. The small amount that it will add to our yearly budget is negligible. I am lucky in that regard. For many, it may very well be the tipping point in their budget. These are expensive times right now with the price of oil, gas and food. I do understand that. Do I think that Norfolk kids need a library at school? Yes. Do I think they (the SC and administration) may somehow find a way to fund it if the override fails? Perhaps. I do know that a school without a librarian seems somehow to be falling backwards. I would hate to see that happen. But many small schools do not have a library and the kids seem to be just fine. So that I question more and am not sure how I will vote.
    What I do know for sure is that we have a fairly depressing ``downtown'' with empty storefronts, the still-ugly-as-always-not-at-all-charming Moonscape, and a terrible looking empty building on the corner of Boardman and Main (I beseech the owners to at least trim the weeds). My friend stayed with me from Pennsylvania for a week and couldn't figure out if we were growing or dying as a town. Sometimes I wonder myself. I hope that it is the former, but am wondering more and more about the latter.
    - JN

  • 6/21 2:13pm   TO - an assistant principal, a support person, health and Spanish have all been cut. The override is to stop further cuts, such as the library program and additional teaching staff.
    Please help stop the bleeding - vote "yes" for Norfolk Schools!
    - KL

  • 6/20 7:47pm   Verizon FiOS or Comcast...?? I'm tring to decide which to get. I want who ever has better customer service. Anyone recommend which to choose?
    - PD

  • 6/20 7:43pm   JH: Considering I took the time to point out your error, I would have expected you to have at least verified it for yourself, but you seem more interested in making yourself right than in fact-checking. Despite your "proof", the truth is you are actually quoting somebody else. Your beef is not with me and I only hope you are as quick to acknowledge your error as you are to ascribe, judge and criticize.
    - MJ

  • 6/20 7:41pm   Here's an idea - Move the elementary grades to the very expensive, over the top, up to code Town Hall - next to the very expensive, wonderful library. Move the Fire and Police to the very expensive, up to code, with a gym, HOD. Move the big enough for Boston Town Hall to the F/C school.
    We'd only need one principal, no school library personel and save the taxpayers many $$$$'s.
    - LAW

  • 6/20 7:40pm   For those of you considering whether or not the override should pass, I want to give you the children's perspective. I have two children at HOD, 5 and 7 years old. Both have developed a love of books and reading. Their favorite special is library - the librarian has made wonderful suggestions to the children and guided them to think outside the box (my son who was only focused on dinosaur books for months was led to books on geology, reptiles, and even cooking). Both of my kids learned to read in kindergarten and, after listening to the children read at parent's days, I believe the majority of the kids learned to read as well. I believe the library curriculum was an integral part of their learning experience. When I told the children they might not have library next year, they were both sad and expressed how they would miss the librarian. Although my children also enjoy the public library, it is the interaction with the librarian that they look forward to at school.
    I know money is tight (I certainly feel it every time a pump my gas) but I believe all of the children in the community deserve a library program and, after the loss of Spanish and Health teachers, the school should not have to suffer any more cuts in staff. Please consider this override because all of the young children in Norfolk deserve a school library and a good education. It is money that I believe is well-spent.
    - MA

  • 6/20 7:39pm   Can someone explain why, when there is a budget deficit, the schools decide to cut teachers, library, music or art - so we vote for an override? When was the last time we heard of cuts that included secretaries, principals, field trips, another new math program or expensive toilet paper? I am exaggerating, but it seems that every time (on an annual basis) that there is a request for an override, it is always a pressure point. Just wondering, sorry - too far away to make the meeting, but still a tax payer.
    - TO

  • 6/20 7:38pm   Where can I find information of T-ball in the area?
    - AP

  • 6/20 1:16pm   Nice try AL... still voting no.
    - MG

  • 6/20 1:15pm   Yard Sale - 25 Evergreen Road - Saturday June 21st - 9-2 pm - kitchen set - desk - loveseat - patio chairs and umbrella - lawnmower - gas powered weed wackers - bikes and books
    - EH

  • 6/20 1:14pm   This issue of Libraries correlating with MCAS success is a manipulation of data and is insignificant. See the thesis from a Simmons College professor that the School system uses to justify its absurd notions. [link to pdf]
    The data on the MCAS score differences is negligible, a spread of between 9 and 15 points out of 700 possible. Meaning: A library only adds 1-2% difference, which is smaller than statistical error, which is 5% with human error.
    Their own study says "Our survey data suggest that children from a lower socioeconomic stratum who have a school library obtain a higher mean MCAS score than do similar children from schools that do not have such a program." We are not an inner city school district.
    Again, anyone can make up an argument using minimal data. And the school administrators are using scare tactics to get to you. They should all go to the library and look up the word "deception", then resign.
    - MON

  • 6/20 1:13pm   MJ statement 1: "Personally, I would have no problem with eliminating library from the curriculum"
    MJ statement 2: "You have paraphrased me incorrectly and have made sarcastic remarks based on your paraphrase. I did not say anything about eliminating the library"
    It is both very sad and disturbing that there are a vocal few (hopefully a minority) who do not seem to either understand or appreciate the differences between a library and a library curriculum, or a librarian and Google.
    Arguing against an override for financial reasons is fine. Justifying that argument by stating libraries (or Spanish, or Health, or small class sizes, or smoke detectors, etc) are obsolete and do not add any value to our children's education or our community as a whole is simply ignorant. Sorry if that offends, but there's no other way to say it.
    - JH

  • 6/20 10:05am   I'm also voting No on the override along with everyone else. When I was growing up we didn't have library in our curriculum, I therefore went to the public library. I worked in the Norfolk school system and always thought it was a waste of our taxpayers money. The children are being taken out of the class room just for someone to read them a story, and pick out a book or two. You can go to the public library and pick out a book or two and have your parents read to you at night.
    I'm also against the computer labs. Think about it - most pre-school children already know how to use a computer. Why waste more time out of the classroom to have someone stand there and watch you work on something they already know. In my opinion both are a waste of our money, and should be eliminated from the curriculum.
    - DH

  • 6/20 10:03am   Yard Sale! When: Sunday, June 22nd, 10am-3pm. Where: 62 King St, Norfolk. Why: to raise money for my PMC ride! I have lots of books, puzzles and games for the beach this summer as well as some furniture for back to school!
    - HB

  • 6/20 8:25am   TRK: Finally, some objective reality. Thank you! Sadly, I think the 500k feasibility study was approved at Town Meeting and is not part of the override. Perhaps when we award the contract, we can incorporate some of your excellent suggestions in the language. My gut said a 1/2 Million ``study'' is over the top and I'm glad to have your confirmation of this. School Building Committee, please take note of TRK's suggestions.
    - MJ

  • 6/20 8:13am   JH: You have paraphrased me incorrectly and have made sarcastic remarks based on your paraphrase. I did not say anything about eliminating the library. What I suggested was we consolidate them as an alternative to maintaining three separate libraries, mush as others have suggested. When I was in High School we only had the Public Library and I actually survived.
    - MJ

  • 6/20 8:12am   I need someone to remove shutters from my upstairs windows. There are 6 windows and it should only take 30-45 minutes. Please call 528-1385 if interested and we can discuss payment. Thanks.
    - EHF

  • 6/20 8:11am   Just to weigh in on the override issue: for the most part, most of us have had children who are going through or who went through the school system at one point in time or another. Or, perhaps you have small children who aren't in the system yet, but will be in the future. I currently have three children, one is at a private school and the other two are in the public system. Don't you realize folks that you are getting a bargain in the public school system, even with the override? Private schools start at 9K and only go up from there. So, even if I paid 10k or more in my taxes I am getting a good deal - as long as the school system is maintained. Perhaps your children went through the system a long time ago and you feel that you paid your dues. Well, I am sure that the cost you paid in taxes during those years didn't begin to add up to the amount that it cost to educate your children. Think of it like Social Security. The amount that retirees paid long ago is less than what they will draw out of the system over the long term. The same is true of the fire and police. What do you think it costs for the firemen to come out and put out a fire in your home? What is the savings to you? Maybe you will never have a fire, maybe you will never need the police to come and help you out - but maybe you will and when that happens you will be glad that we have the advanced life saving system, the up to date trucks and equipment, the training that our firemen and police need to keep current. Maybe you think that a library program is no longer necessary in the schools or even the town, but think of this: when you needed those services, they were there. When your children used the school system, they were there and your children got a benefit for using them. I think that it is sad that people are talking about doing away with services in our town. Please think about what the true cost of not having the override will be to you, to our town, and to your neighbors. Think of the benefits you have enjoyed in the past and what others paid for you to have a good education and good municipal services. Think about that, please, before you vote no on the override.
    - AL

  • 6/20 8:10am   Anyone notice the huge new building being built in Millis center ? This could be a comparative project to a new Safety Building. It has a lot of floor space and is being constructed on a small downtown lot. It varies in shape and will provide for different uses. Appears to be an attractive New England design. I'd guess the owners are not spending $400 per square foot.
    - DM

  • 6/20 8:09am   The town has the money to cut the greenery along the streets? I can understand the ends of streets where the view is restricted, but to cut along the whole street?? Looking at dead cuttings is not pleasant and no one is going to come back and pick up the dead branches.
    - BR (BR#1)

  • 6/20 8:08am   If you need someone to mow your lawn this summer or do landscaping work give Chris a call 508-541-1243. He is a strong, hardworking teenager going into his senior year at KP.
    - SM

  • 6/20 8:07am   APL- Critter Visits is wonderful, we love them. 508-922-6706 or crittervisits.com
    - JT

  • 6/20 8:06am   TRK- Its a shame that you were not at Town Meeting. Town Meeting explained in detail and the 500K is right on target. It includes much more than a "study", furthermore Norfolk voters will only be on the hook for less than 200K after all said and done. See you June 24th.
    - LS

  • 6/19 3:50pm   MJ - Based on your logic for eliminating the library curriculum, we can also eliminate math, as Excel will handle any future need.
    - JH

  • 6/19 3:49pm   Does anyone have a dog walker recommendation? We need a dog walker for this weekend. Thanks!
    - APL

  • 6/19 3:48pm   $500K to 'study' the issue.....?
    Look, I've been in the design & construction business for over 35 years, and I can tell you that that figure is ridiculous. A study? Costing a half a million bucks? That can be filed in the lunacy bin..!! It's great business for the architects who get the contract, but it's lunacy for us.
    Think about it... a study, which if like most studies, will result in an answer telling us that, yes, we need to renovate or build.
    And, on top of that, design of those facilities we will need along with the construction documents (plans and specifications) are not included in the initial $500K fee...!! That's extra...! Above and beyond the cost of the 'study'. And that could easily, very easily, double the costs just to get to the point of having a bid package to send to potential contractors.
    If that $500K fee included the study, all the design fees (architects, geotechs, and engineers), all the construction documents, subsequent construction observation costs during the construction phase of the projects, and certification costs at the end, etc..., then maybe that $500K would be appropriate.
    But for a study? No way. Unless all those costs are included... this guy and his wife are voting 'no'.
    - TRK

  • 6/19 3:47pm   All right, I am going to chime in and probably sound like a complete lunatic, but it wont be the first (or last) time. I will say up front that I do not have children in the school system, but I still pay the same taxes as everyone else, so I should have a say. I would not be happy with my children going to the public library during school hours. When our children are in the school library, they are monitored and any visitors/volunteers to the school are equally monitored (backgrounds checked, etc.). Can we say the same about the public library? The public library, is just that, public. Anyone can go in. There was a story recently about a boy being molested in the library (not in Norfolk) while his mother worked at a nearby computer. This is not the library's fault, nor their responsibility to provide such supervision, but I know how some parents are with supervision (or lack there of). Predators know where to find children.
    Library computers are also not required to have filters, children would have unfettered, unmonitored, access to the world wide web. Would you allow this at home? If your child is not accessing obscenities on the WWW, can you guarantee the person at the next computer is not? I say, thanks, but no thanks.
    - MH

  • 6/19 3:46pm   [Un-posted on request - Wm.]

  • 6/19 3:45pm   MJ: Your recent contributions here are right on the money. My sentiments exactly.
    - WC

  • 6/19 3:44pm   EMS - Yes, I do volunteer in the library, and have over the past 8 years volunteered at both schools (in the classroom, lunch/recess, library, sorting TPA orders, etc.)
    By the responses to my post - my thoughts did not come out as I hoped. So, let me try again: MW - I'm with you!
    - KG

  • 6/19 11:53am   MJ and others... From the presentations that I have seen and my limited knowledge of the state building codes from home projects, we can not simply renovate/expand either the Freeman or the current Public Safety buildings. The town and school official are not trying to pull one over us this time. Sure, it sounds simple enough to add sprinklers and smoke detectors to the school. However, I believe state building codes would require us to bring other aspects of the building up to code; ADA compliant, electrical system, removal of hazardous building materials. Quite frankly there comes a time when it makes more fiscal sense to raise the building and start from scratch. Also, I am not sure that you understand that the money being allocated to assess the school building project will be partially reimbursed by the state. Yes, this is still our money in a sense (state taxes), but if our town does not use it, another town will. The same goes for the money to build the school. It depends on the final school design and project costs, but we could be looking at 50% reimbursement from the state. The way I understood the town meeting presentations, the state has said they agree with us that something needs to done to the school. The $500k study will tell all of us what that something will be; renovate or rebuild. I think we will see that the state has become much more intelligent on how they manage capital projects. The Big Dig and Newton High have provided a very good opportunity to learn.
    One thing that does have me concerned is the limited amount of information available from the schools for review prior to the override vote. Last year the schools presented a very detailed budget and this year I have only found a high level summary. Also, I can find nothing about the override vote on the town website other than the following from the Town Clerk page.
    NOTE: Due to recent budget cuts which resulted in a reduction in staff hours this office can no longer provide Passport Services. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to resume this service in the future.

    Also note that this reduction in staff hours will hamper our efforts to keep this website updated. Please call the office for the most up-to-date information... 508-528-1400.

    NEXT ELECTION Special Override Election on June 24th

    - SF

  • 6/19 10:10am   The library... I think that the world is changing and our schools need to change with it. I frankly see the school library becoming obsolete. I was a kid that always had my nose buried in a book. I am a library lover! I spent countless hours in my public library. Even now, I read about 400 pages a night before bed. Do I use the library anymore? Hardly. I do everything online. The only time I use the library is to actually pick up the books and return the ones I ordered online.
    My son is going to be a junior in HS. He is an honor student enrolled in Honor level courses. He has not used the library once in his entire high school career. All his research is done online and the teachers expect his research papers to be passed in on a memory card or disk. Presentations are all done with Powerpoint.
    Personally, I would have no problem with eliminating library from the curriculum... Or anything for that matter because I would make the time to teach those skills to my children if I felt that they needed them. I can't believe that someone mentioned that parent's schedules were "busy" making it too hard to frequent the library. It's all about priorities. It seems to me that in this day and age all parents care about is how competitive their children are in sports. I know parents who have kept their sons back a year in school so that they will do better in sports (No, I'm not kidding you!) Maybe kids are over scheduled and need more down time? Maybe they need to cut back on the extracurricular activities to make time for their schoolwork? Everything seems to come before studies. This new generation of kids can't even entertain themselves in the car for a few minutes... they need videos to watch. I find it hard to believe that the automobile companies geared the video systems towards the kids. The kids aren't the ones buying the vehicles. It is really for the adults who don't want to have to entertain their children.
    Is this whole argument over schools and money about what our kids really need? Or is this about convenience for the parents? If we are really concerned as a town about our children's future, we will spend the time, effort and money on the necessities of the future, not the past. Children's learning styles are changing... look at percentage of ADD/ADHD and other special needs children who have I.E.P's. It's staggering. what worked 20 or 30 years ago is not working now.
    - MW

  • 6/19 10:08am   People of Norfolk: please vote No on Tuesday. Make them come up with a budget that does not rely on an annual bailout. Make them choose between all the proposed spending and fund only what we can afford. Make them make the hard choices we all have to make to manage our own finances. Make them realize that if we can't afford it, we can't afford it! It's the same lesson I teach my children: "We can do X or Y this year, but not both. Which do you really want?" Send them back to the drawing board to make a budget that is balanced without expecting us to pony up each year. Tell them to stop squandering our taxes on looking-good projects and on trying to solve all our problems at the same time. Teach them what we teach our own: make a choice and do that one thing this year, everything else will just have to wait until next year and then we'll see what we can do. Thanks, and see you on Tuesday.
    - MJ

  • 6/19 10:05am   JM: Yes, yes, and yes (and half-a-million dollars for a study is a shameful waste). I do agree that many towns are looking for overrides (which, in and of itself, justifies nothing). And in fact, many towns' people are rejecting them, as they are coming to terms with their own financial realities. The days of blank check town management are over. I don't get to buy what I can't afford and neither should the town. Sprinklers and smoke alarms do not necessitate razing a perfectly good building. Just put them in during summer renovations. As to police, fire and safety buildings, the same rule applies: make do instead of making over!
    - MJ

  • 6/18 11:03pm   MJ - Did you attend Town Meeting? From your post, it doesn't sound like you did or you'd have more facts. The School Building Committee was formed due to the imminent need for a new/renovated school, as determined by the MA School Building Authority. The study will provide the State with the information on which route to go. The State's program then will pay for at least half the cost of the study and any building project. Do you have kids in Freeman? Are you comfortable with the age of the school and the outright safety hazard it presents having no smoke detectors or sprinkler systems? In terms of the Police and Public Safety Building - they are one in the same. The Police and Fire Departments constitute the Public Safety Building. Their presentation during Town Meeting truly claified their need. In addition, the project has not been approved yet and must be approved by town vote to go ahead. For town finances, less state funding and higher overhead costs (benefits, utilities) are always going to create a deficit. You may not want to open your checkbook, but you should have all the facts before passing judgement. Norfolk isn't the only town around looking for an override - it seems to be widespread and I don't think every town can be accused of "fiscal irresponsibility" as you term the problem.
    - JM

  • 6/18 10:32pm   I am tired of making the library and the school the "fall guy". Norfolk has been irresponsible in spending too much for things it does not need (my opinion. Oversized Town Hall, oversized library, street lights, brick inlay rotaries and crosswalks, clock towers, line painting, etc.). Now we have approved half-a-million dollars to decide what to do about the Freeman Centennial School.
    In my world, when my house gets too small, I either make do or renovate. I don't need to spend very much or even think about it real hard. Then, if I have the money, I do the renovation. Simple, right? Why did we not earmark the half-million School Building Assessment Analysis (bla, bla, bla) Committee to meet the needs we have now instead of asking for an override? Blowing this kind of money to figure out what to do (without actually doing anything) is ludicrous!
    I have paid taxes and overrides for years for road improvements that never precipitate, while I watch "the Town" squander it (again, my opinion) on unneeded and ill-considered projects. Now we are funding a new Police Station and some kind of Public Safety Building too? Come on, Norfolk! Stop playing games; we can't afford it anymore!
    If the schools really need the money (and I'm not arguing whether they do or not), how do you (Norfolk) rationalize funding all these other projects over the years? How dare you tell us about having to lay off teachers when we have multiple assistant principals and various administrative assistants at each school? Where is the accountability? Where is the prudence and planning? Where is the management?
    Why not consolidate all the library resources into the new Library? Combine all the books from both schools and have class trips to the Library. Why do we need to (under) fund three separate libraries? This is the kind of step we need to take in light of a pressing recession and taxpayer stress. We need to open our eyes and realize the past is behind us and start planning responsibly for the future.
    I'm sorry, my checkbook will be closed this Tuesday and I hope the "Town" gets the message loud and clear: No More Overrides to justify fiscal irresponsibility. No more making the schools the fall-guy. Start using the money we already give you (and gave you in past overrides) where it is most needed and learn to make do. just like everybody else.
    - MJ

  • 6/18 10:31pm   I know this has been brought up in the past, but can anyone offer advice about local oil companies? I called today, and they wanted me to lock in at $5.00 a gallon. Has anyone locked in for a lower price recently? Any advise/direction is greatly appreciated!!
    - SD

  • 6/18 10:30pm   Found, child's ring at the playground on Boardman St. Call 508-528-1817.
    - RW

  • 6/18 10:25pm   LAW - do you honestly think that there's enough time in a school day to have the kids, during class time, walk up to the public library to use those resources? They'd as soon get there before they'd have to turn around and walk back. It'd be even more fun in the snow! And while the new public library is great, with the amount of other activities going on, it's not always easy for parents to get their kids up there on a regular basis. The libraries have always been an integral part of the education process - the kids learn how to do research, it fosters a love of reading, and provides for enhanced curriculum opportunities for the teachers. Several people on this board have suggested an all volunteer staff to run the school libraries. Are all those suggesting this already helping out? It seems that even the current partial volunteer program isn't working. Override or not, the kids are already losing some significant programs. I'd hate to see more removed.
    - JLM

  • 6/18 10:23pm   Register now for the MLS Soccer Camp! Any child (from any town) entering grade 1 thru grade 6 in the fall is eligible for the program. The player does not have to be a current member of SC Norfolk or Lions Club--so spread the word to family, friends and neighbors! Registration will be open until 6/21.
    [M o r e . . .]
    - CB

  • 6/18 2:13pm   Celebrate the 4th of July at Adams National Historical Park, 135 Adams Street, Quincy, MA! Re-enact the Passage of the Declaration of Independence at the Second Continental Congress. Assume the role of a delegate and participate in a debate led by John Adams discussing various issues leading up to the vote for Independence. This is a family friendly event and a great way to learn about why we celebrate the Fourth of July! Two programs will be conducted at the Adams National Historical Park, Carriage House, 12 noon and 3:00 p.m.
    The same evening at 7:00 p.m. a moving and powerful dramatization of the remarkable friendship between two presidents of the United States - with the forthright Mrs. Adams always playing a major role. In a fast-paced series of encounters, we see the turbulent relationship between Thomas Jefferson (Colonial Williamsburg interpreter Bill Barker) and John Adams (veteran actor Sam Goodyear) as their friendship ignites, flourishes, ruptures, and resolves itself. The perceptive Abigail Adams (Colonial Williamsburg interpreter Abigail Schumann) acts as a catalyst and motivator while steadfastly maintaining her own beliefs. The play spans 50 years of their friendship, beginning in the early days of the republic extending through two wars with England, and continuing through their vigorous retirement. They continually clashed over foreign entanglements, domestic politics, and the proper role of the federal government. This moving program will be performed on the Beale House lawn under a tent with the "Old House at Peace field" as the backdrop.
    Both programs are free!
    - CKL, Adams National Historical Park

  • 6/18 2:12pm   LAW: I'm with you on the library issue.
    - WC

  • 6/18 11:00am   Hmmm... well now, I'm guessing that anyone who wasn't born 'n raised here in Norfolk would therefore be considered a 'yupster' by implied definition... those others being defined as the 'old Yankees' who 'were here first', would be darned if they'll pay for any 'yupsters' ideas, and know far better than anyone else here in town what's what 'n what'll be done 'n not 'n stuff....
    I'm figurin' that there'll be only one way to settle this 'n put 'em in their place around these here parts. So I'm suggestin' that all us 'yupsters' (by implied definition bein' anyone who can't claim Norfolk as their birthplace, that definition bein' reserved for them folks who were born here 'n therefore can claim themselves to be 'ol Yankees)) gather up your arms 'n ammo, your pitchforks 'n whathaveyou that'll make for a good beatin' stick... 'n we meet them varmints on the field 'o battle tonight at 8 o'clock to decide us a winner and champion who takes all... anythin' after 8 o'clock gettin' close to my bedtime as, while I might now be considered a 'yupster' (as I weren't born here) I'm still old 'nuf to be Dad or Grandpah to many of 'em... 'n I promised the good wife that I'd not be out late. Let's give 'em a whoopin'.... So much fer them 'ol Yankees...
    Ya know, when the discussion degenerates into name calling and defining some as not having enough 'ol Yankee sense to help guide the town, then maybe the discussion should just end. Good 'ol Yankee and common sense is one thing... common courtesy is another. And sometimes the latter is in short supply 'round here...
    - TK

  • 6/18 10:57am   Summer tutoring available in your home or mine for grades 4 and 5. Current elementary teacher with M.A.T. in elementary education, B.A. in Psychology.
    Reasonable rates and flexible hours. Help your children maintain what they have learned during the past school year and get a start on the new year. I can cover all subject areas, and I specialize in math and essay writing.
    If interested, please contact me at jlf220@comcast.net
    - JF

  • 6/18 10:56am   Hey RN, Lived in Norfolk/Wrentham for years, worked in Cambridge for years. Bottom line - If your located more toward Kendall - I'd go with the Commuter/RedLind option. (Although all those years I never considered Back Bay walking to Hynes and a bus. If you are more toward Alewife I suggest driving to Rt 2 and in. - Have I got backroads for you!! Norfolk to Wellesley 30 minutes nice commute - Wellesley to Boston/Cambridge - well, depends on the day.
    Loved working in Cambridge. If you think you're crazy - let me welcome you to the club - I work in Burlington now!!!
    Good Luck!!
    - KDL

  • 6/18 8:35am   To RN re: Cambridge commute. The only alternative I can think of would be to drive to Braintree/Quincy and get the Red Line, which would let you ride directly to Kendall or Central Sq. I guess it's a tradeoff - this way, you'd be driving a significant distance (thus using gas), paying to park, plus paying for a monthly T pass. The drive to Braintree would probably be hairy many days. But driving to Newton to get to Riverside presents the same issues. Do you know how to get to Newton via backroads (109 to Hartford St in Medfield, to Dover Center, through to Newton Wellesley Hospital, etc.)? It's a nice ride, but that whole drive is at least 45 minutes in the morning (it's my backup route to work for when 128 is nasty). Driving to Braintree might take a few minutes less (depending on what's going on with 95, but there are many ways to bypass that), and you'd only be dealing with one train. I don't know what the Riverside parking situation is but I seem to recall that there is enough parking in Braintree, usually. Is there any way the 128 commuter rail station could help? Good luck!!
    At least you'll have plenty of lunch options in Cambridge. I highly recommend Emma's in Kendall. Amazing pizza. As a matter of fact, if you'd be willing to bring some back to Norfolk with you...
    - JP

  • 6/18 8:34am   Darn right LAW! It ain't about the minimal tax increase. Heck, we learned at Town Meeting that the Selectmen have plenty of money to pay for the library program but Mayor Lehan wants to save it for his pet capital projects. No, this is about "use versus them." We were here first and I'll be dammed if I'll spend a nickel on the education of the children of these "yupsters" with their highfalutin ideals. I want the best for my children, but not theirs.
    - ART

  • 6/18 8:33am   Thanks TRK. Good info to know. I'll be keeping my trusty, rusty Ford Ranger as well, so they'd still be seeing me down at Daley's for the maintenance on that.
    On another note, I just launched my first ever photography web site a short while ago, russellwaldronphotography.com. Some feedback on my efforts would be great, so anyone that is interested, by all means, check it out. Sites such as mine that are built using Apple's IWeb software work best with Safari, www.apple.com/safari/, Firefox, www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html. or IE 7.0. As I understand it, they don't play nicely with older versions of IE.
    - REW

  • 6/18 8:32am   RN - The easiest way really would be Franklin line to South Station, then Red Line, particularly if you have to be there at a certain time. If it's okay if you're 20, 30, 45 minutes late then the Green Line + Bus option might be palatable... Another option would be to drive to Quincy Adams and take the Red line directly from there. It's probably about an hour between Quincy and Kendall. Parking in Quincy is $5.
    Commuter Rail is truly the more civilized option -- most of the time you'll get a seat, you'll learn to sleep and exactly when you need to wake up, and you'll save on gas (and the mind-numbing frustration of the seeminlgy random traffic jams on 95 North two miles before the 128 ramps). Good luck!
    - RG

  • 6/18 8:31am   For those of you who were working during the Superintendent's "meet and greet," take note that the actual live public interviews will be occurring over the next couple of evenings at a "slightly later time." I would expect a very large turnout since no one was able to attend during the daytime "meets and greets."
    - RZ

  • 6/17 10:16pm   Hello everyone, I am new to town and wondering if anyone out there in Norfolkland can offer some commuter advice - come August I will be beginning a new job in Cambridge (between Central and Kendall). I know what you are thinking - yikes!
    Anyway, the obvious route would be the Franklin commuter line to South Station, then out on the Red Line across the river into Cambridge. This seems like a pain as I've done this before and it's not much fun.
    Another possibility would be to drive up to Newton and take Riverside in, get off at Hynes and take a 10min bus over the Harvard bridge into Cambridge??
    Is there another way perhaps? Does anyone have experience with the dreaded Cambridge commute? Thanks very much!
    - RN

  • 6/17 10:15pm   KG - Are you kidding?! Have you ever helped out in either of the libraries or coordinated the schedule of volunteers? My guess is no, but if you are interested in the coordinator job I can give you a few pointers -- the job is open for the taking as of Thursday. I finished with begging folks to come in and help out.
    - EMS

  • 6/17 10:08pm   LS - You have misunderstood the purpose of my question. I am actually in favor of the override for the schools and will vote accordingly. However, I think there's a very real possibility that the override will fail, so I was merely trying to offer an option to explore if that's what happens. I specifically acknowledged in my statement that volunteers couldn't replace trained librarians, so please don't put words in my mouth. I just thought there might be some kind of temporary solution that would still give kids some access to the library rather than shutting it down completely. I have worked in several settings that necessitated tough budget cuts in lean times. Creative, all-hands-on-deck approaches often helped cushioned the loss of programs or staff until the funds were available again to provide the appropriate level of service.
    - JT

  • 6/17 9:46pm   Does anyone know where some teens can take a photography class? Thanks,
    - DMM

  • 6/17 9:45pm   LAW, I think that is a great idea. With the kids walking to the library, they could call the walk the physical ed program and save there too!
    - DV

  • 6/17 8:58pm   Hi, I am a thirteen year old girl entering the eighth grade. I was wondering if anyone knows where I could get a job or volunteer besides the library. Thanks,
    - LMM

  • 6/17 8:56pm   KG - if the old Yankees who ran the town before the Yupsters moved in, they would have sensibly built the schools and the public library in the same complex, and saved zillions of bucks. Why, with a beautiful town library, do the schools need their own? Neither school is that far from the public library that the kids can't walk to it.
    - LAW

  • 6/17 8:51pm   Re: The library, bus fee, override debate - those prison mitigation funds are lookin' pretty good.
    - JT

  • 6/17 8:50pm   ER and JT - Based on your logic, we should save a bunch of money and have parents volunteer as classroom teachers; heck, let's get a parent to volunteer to be Police Chief and save even more. [...] I'd rather pay higher taxes for a trained librarian(s) but that's just me. See you June 24th
    - LS

  • 6/17 2:42pm   One other thing regarding the school libraries: $110k is applicable to the school libraries, the other money is for teachers.
    - BS

  • 6/17 1:06pm   My name is Shannon, I'm 20 years old and looking for a babysitting job Monday-Friday anytime. I have 2 years of summer camp experience as a general counselor and arts and crafts specialist with kids ages 4-16 years old. I also have babysitting experience with children younger than four. Certified in CPR w/ AED & First Aid. Flexible schedule, willing to do family vacations if needed, and I have my own transportation. Please contact me through email at sroche@spfldcol.edu or by cell phone 508-574-0413! Thanks!
    - SR

  • 6/17 1:04pm   First, of all, I love to read and so do my children. From my experience over the past 8 years, the classroom teachers at the HOD and FC have done an outstanding job incorporating a "love of reading" into their daily lesson plans.
    A couple of thoughts: The public library currently doesn't have the resources to fully replace the school library and many parents do not have the time to take their children to the library regularly. Did we not just spend $$ on a new public library and it does not have the resources to replace our school libraries? Can't we order books from numerous libraries through the Sails network online? How many children do a lot of their research online? Many parents currently volunteer their time to help out at the library including check outs/shelving/assisting children & teachers with resources. Couldn't we try to staff the school libraries w/ volunteers for a year see how it goes?
    - KG

  • 6/17 11:28am   SD - I saw your post on Norfolknet and am so glad! You sold me! We have 3 Tollers and need a place for them when we go to see my son at camp this summer! Will let you all know how it works out!
    - DN

  • 6/17 10:48am   Regarding the school library--school library services were already substantially cut a couple of years ago. There is only one librarian at each school and the library is staffed all day long by parents already. In fact, there are a couple of parents who have made the library their full time "job" and maintain the schedule of volunteers and organize the library so the librarian can teach. For those who have not gone through the school system yet, the librarian plays a significant role in teaching our children how to research as they are trained in library science. It is also even more critical that we maintain library services given the fact that the librarian has been cut at both the middle and high schools.
    - BS

  • 6/17 10:47am   Can someone with a little more knowledge than me explain why a library program costs $290,000? I simply don't have the background info. I know we have a few deserving salaries to cover, but what else? Thank you.
    - AL

  • 6/17 10:46am   DV, As a matter of fact, I can name you one town, that is right next to ours. Franklin. Franklins bus fees for school year 08/09 went to 320.00 per student, with a family cap of 975.00. There are many streets in Franklin, that do not have sidewalks, that are within 2 miles of the child's given school. Franklin is very fortunate to have more sidewalks than we do, but a lot of the side streets do not.
    - CJG

  • 6/17 10:45am   Fundraiser Night for MS 150, benefiting National Multiple Sclerosis Society Time: 5 - 8 P.M. Monday June 23, 2008 Location: Friendly's (Route 1 in Norwood)
    Come in to eat like you would any other night, but enjoy your food along with fun! Up to 20% of the night's sales will go to local team comprised of three teens (two from Norfolk) who will be riding 150 miles at the end of the month to raise funds for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
    Prizes for raffles include the following: gift certificates for Eagle Brook Saloon, spa treatments, rounds of golf at Fore Kicks, free pizza from Nick's, Webkins & Disney Princess gift baskets and more!
    Families with children encouraged to attend!
    - SH

  • 6/17 9:01am   ER - Excellent question, I was wondering the same thing. There's no doubt that volunteers wouldn't be able to offer the same level of service of the current librarians with specialized training, but surely some kind of coordinated effort could maintain a level of service that still benefits the kids.
    - JT

  • 6/17 7:59am   Not to open a can of worms again but... What is this town thinking? there is no way it is reasonable to charge bus fees in this town. I keep hearing that other towns do it so it is ok for us to do it. Could the people who are deciding this matter please show me a town that charges bus fees that has no sidewalks? It is a simple matter the kids can not walk to school. We love our country roads and our beautiful town but one price we have to pay is that we need to transport the kids via the bus. Walking is not an option. I will state for the record that I live outside the 2 mile zone so I would not have to pay anyway but I think it makes the town look silly to even be thinking about it.
    - DV

  • 6/17 7:58am   REW, If you go the hybrid route, you'll really need to forget about Daley's or anyone else but the dealer... that's part of the commitment in buying the technology and the warranties and guaranties. The dealer will tell you, it's not sometimes, it's all the time, every time. My own mechanics (for my 'other' vehicles) tell me that they won't touch hybrids just because of that.
    - TRK

  • 6/17 7:45am   Why can't the school library stay open and have the teachers do the library time with their class ...and have a group of volunteers assigned to different days and times (AM / PM) to help out
    - ER

  • 6/17 7:44am   WDIS AM 1170 30th Anniversary Open House and Field Day on June 21st 10-3 PM (Rain date: June 28)
    Free food, Tour the WDIS AM 1170 studio, Join the WDIS AM 1170 Listeners Club, Hear yourself on air, Learn how to use the radio control booth ...and more
    More information at wdisam.com.
    - SO, WDIS

  • 6/16 8:52pm   Thanks TEM, JPRW & TRK for your insight and info. I didn't know about Wellesley Toyota, but I will check them out for sure. Maintenance is an expensive proposition no matter what. Daley's Sunoco are the people of choice hands down, but sometimes, especially with hybrids, something pops up that needs the diagnostic abilities of a dealer's service department. If you're lucky, that isn't too often. Thanks again to everyone.
    - REW

  • 6/16 8:51pm   Please vote on Tuesday, June 24 in support of a $414,910 override to help save the school libraries. This will not pass unless we get all of the Norfolk school parents to the polls!!
    * $290,000 of the $414,910 override will go to Norfolk Public Schools to keep its Library Program.
    * On average, the full override will increase property tax bills by $125.00/year; $10/month.
    If the override fails, loss of the school libraries will substantially impact the quality of our schools:
    * Research has shown that MCAS scores are lower in schools without
    * Elementary school libraries are more than a place where children are read to. Among others, critical, life-long research skills are learned.
    * Teachers rely heavily on the school libraries for books and materials to support classroom projects and activities.
    * Parents may be obligated to obtain books for every research project, since students will be unable to access them through the school libraries.
    * The public library currently doesn't have the resources to fully replace the school library and many parents do not have the time to take their children to the library regularly.
    Vote yes on the override on Thursday, June 24. Polls are open at the HOD from 7 am to 8 pm. Every year matters in the education of our children!
    This override is supported by Stand for Children, a local group of parents from Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham, advocating for improved funding of public education. To learn more about Stand for Children, visit www.stand.org/ma/norfolk
    Thank You,
    - CPL

  • 6/16 8:50pm   Does anyone have any idea where a teen can take some sort of academic class over the summer, somewhere local? Any ideas would be great. Thanks,
    - DMM

  • 6/16 4:03pm   To REW: We also avoided the Boch Empire and used IRA Toyota in Milford for our last purchase. We were satisfied with the salesperson and service. An additional problem nowadays (with just about all of them, including IRA Toyota), however, is the price of maintaining and servicing the car after the purchase. In my experience, dealer maintenance has always been more expensive than a trusted neighborhood service station, but now dealer maintenance costs have become downright exorbitant and I wonder if it's largely because they have to cover the addition of all those unnecessary frills (huge and plush waiting areas, exercise equipment, gyms, cafes, computers, game rooms, elaborate sound systems, enormous plasma TV screens, etc.). It's just one more example of what has become standard business practice these days--exploit the consumer with sizzle rather than steak. Fair or competitive pricing for servicing and maintaining the car is far more important to me than any of the above gimmicks. If it's routine maintenance or a problem they can handle, I now use Daley's Sunoco right in the center of town, and all I need is a chair and something to read while I wait. And sometimes I don't even need that. I just walk over and relax in Norfolk's outstanding library.
    - TEM

  • 6/16 12:43pm   I picked up a Prius today from Wellesley Toyota! Hands down, it was the best car buying experience I have ever had!!
    - JPRW

  • 6/16 11:37am   Thanks JP. I do a ton of work on the South Shore so I was thinking about swinging by Weymouth Toyota to see what they had in stock. Everyone seems to have plenty on the lots although no one seems to be offering any "incentives" to get you in the door to buy one.
    - REW

  • 6/16 11:36am   KL & others - this isn't exactly a defense of the School Committee, but placing school-related meetings in the middle of the day is a system-wide problem that I'm hearing more and more about as the Saturday Club grows into different communities. While it I don't believe it is a deliberate effort to marginalize working parents, it certainly has that effect. Actually, I do not know how stay-at-home parents of school-age children with younger sibligns at home could attend these meetings either. Anyone who has tried to attend any kind of meeting with young children knows how fraught with peril that can be. In these tight budget times, not everyone can hire a babysitter at the snap of their fingers, so I hope such meetings will be scheduled with common sense in mind in the future.
    - KID

  • 6/16 11:35am   I live on Maple Street, and it seems that sometime last week I noticed that my Comcast channel 12 changed to Wrentham. Has anyone else had this happen?
    - EAS

  • 6/16 11:34am   REW, Perhaps there's a perception that because of the town it's in, Wellesley Toyota isn't an option. We've purchased our last two vehicles there (Highander first, just recently a Prius), and we've been very happy with them. Sales and service are both first class (at least that's our experience).
    It's our understanding that the waiting period to get a Prius is somewhere between 6-12 weeks because of the popularity. Good Luck
    - TRK

  • 6/16 11:31am   To the person who visited the Millis McDonald's yesterday (Saturday) at 1:32 pm, ordered 2 double cheeseburgers (plain) and a bottle of water, and then, as you were driving down Boardman Street, decided to throw your trash in my front yard... you should be ashamed of yourself. I certainly do NOT appreciate having to pick up after someone as completely thoughtless as you must be.
    And in case you are wondering, your receipt was right there with your trash. Next time find a trash can.
    - SEF

  • 6/16 11:31am   I don't know for sure, but I am assuming that the "meet & greets" for finalists in the Superintendent search are being held at the time they are to coincide with the candidates' tour of the schools. Perhaps the School Committee is being considerate of the candidates' schedules. The interviews are open to the public on the evenings of June 18 & 19. Surely everyone interested would be able to find one time that is convenient for them.
    - MHC

  • 6/15 2:07pm   Was there any consideration given to having these "meet and greets" at a slightly later time? It may come as a surprise but, some interested parents and others work. The times do not offer those individuals (and others) the ability to meet with anyone. Further, why schedule candidates at the same time at different locations. If one reads between the lines, the message to me is "public input not wanted".
    - KL

  • 6/15 2:06pm   For REW re: Toyota dealers. We were in the market for a Toyota last year and immediately scratched Boch off the list as well. There were way too aggressive, made multiple phone calls to the house, etc. I still can't get off their email list. Anyway, we ended up buying from Weymouth Toyota. A bit of a hike from Norfolk but they had the exact model in the exact color at the exact price that we wanted, in stock. We were pleasantly surprised that they were nice people, family owned, no sleazy at all. Ernie Boch gives me the willies. The people at Ira seemed a lot better too. Good luck getting the Prius, I hope you don't have to wait too long for one.
    - JP

  • 6/15 2:05pm   To the Norfolk School Committee: Did you ever consider that many parents who care about their kids and our schools actually work, making it difficult to attend meetings over 3 dates in various locations in the middle of the afternoon?
    - [Name withheld - Wm.]

  • 6/15 1:04pm   I heard something about a small child being injured at the fire station on June 7th. I haven't read it but heard about it; anyone know what happened?
    - JW

  • 6/15 12:59pm   Hi folks, I was wondering if anyone had any input/opinions/advice on area Toyota dealers. I am in the market for a new car and have decided to purchase a Toyota Prius for obvious reasons. My research to date has been focused on Boch (immediately scratched off the list), IRA of Milford (possibility), and Tarbox Toyota in RI (winner so far).
    Thanks for your time and information.
    - REW

  • 6/15 12:58pm   Follow-up post to the earlier Verizon post: thank you so much, BA, but I'm hoping it won't be necessary. I called Verizon 5 times on Friday and my stalking working. On Saturday, a very nice tech came out, looked horrified at what had been done and appears to have fixed everything free of charge. So the moral of the story appears to be to resign yourself to completely harassing Tech Support and you will ultimately get a response. I hope that helps the next frustrated FiOS customer.
    - KID

  • 6/15 12:55pm   The Norfolk School Committee announces the opportunity for the community to meet with the candidates for the open Superintendent of Schools position. Drop-in sessions to meet the five candidates will be held from 2:00 until 2:45 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as follows:
    June 16, 2:00 to 2:45 at the HOD Library with Don LeClerc
    June 17, 2:00 to 2:45 at the HOD Library with Anne Houle
    June 17, 2:00 to 2:45 at the F/C Library with Susan Cote
    June 18, 2:00 to 2:45 at the HOD Library with Delma Josephson
    June 18, 2:00 to 2:45 at the F/C Library with Candace McCann
    Candidate interviews will be held on June 18 and June 19 in the Town Hall Meeting Room 124 during the School Committee Meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m. on each evening. Members of the community are welcome to attendee. The interviews will also be filmed by NCTV.
    - MZ, School Committee Superintendent Search Committee

  • 6/15 12:44pm   ART - You could not be more wrong. Selectman Lehan's idea that board reappointments should be conducted out of site of the public eye is outrageous! The idea that the three selectmen should not openly review the qualifications of each candidate and then try to reach consensus on their selections in public flies in the face of what Public Service is all about. And by the way, [the] idea that even if you have served faithfully and well, let's just give you a quiet kick out the back door rather than discredit your "good efforts" is pretty shameful too. If a current member's efforts are good, then reappoint him or her.
    If there is a reason not to reappoint, discuss that in public too. I think most people would rather be stabbed in the chest than in the back.
    At least our other two selectmen seem to have a better sense of what it takes to run town government. Public process and active support of volunteers works a lot better than [private meetings and rumor campaigns]. Perhaps [it would be better if] Norfolk Cable TV pulled the plug on all the Selectmen's deliberations. That would certainly help streamline [the] decision making process. [...]
    - DL

  • 6/15 12:42pm   Yesterday the Animal Control Officer picked up a neutered male short haired tuxedo cat at the Pond Street recreation fields. If anyone is missing him please call the ACO at 528 3232. I'll have pictures up on our web site tomorrow of him.
    - HC, Norfolk ACO

    [Update 6/16 11:33am: added photo - Wm.]

  • 6/14 7:26pm   I read the Boomerang piece about the upcoming Conservation Commission appointments. I'm glad to see that Mayor Lehan is taking the "public" out of public service and intends to fix this year's selection process behind the scenes without the need for one of those pesky open meetings that the District Attorney gets needlessly hot and bothered about. We can't afford a repeat of last year where candidates for the position dared challenge his authority.
    - ART

  • 6/14 7:25pm   "Welcome to Camp Bow Wow. Where a dog can be a dog." There's an awesome new doggie daycare and overnight boarding facility just opened on Maple St in Bellingham (near Ma Glockner's and the Maplegate Country Club and where JJ Materials used to be). I've been working there since it opened last month. The dogs spend their days in large indoor/outdoor play yards, socializing with other dogs of similar size and temperament, and of course with their human camp counselors. And if your furry friend needs a nap, they can relax on a comfy cot in one of our private 4x8 cabins. Also, for your peace of mind, we have live webcams in the play yards, which you can view from any computer with online access... so you can "watch them play, while you're away".
    Come say hi and take a tour at our Grand Opening [link] on June 21st or call us at 508-966-4111. We look forward to welcoming you and your dog to Camp!
    For more info visit the Camp Bow Wow Bellingham website [link]
    - SD

  • 6/14 11:50am   I have a Maytag washing machine to give away to anyone who wants to come and pick it up. It works and is taking up too much room in my garage. I also have two old computer monitors. [Reply to box125@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - KS

    [Update 6/15 2:10pm: someone came and got the washing machine - KS]

  • 6/13 8:34pm   1 seat - single seat - for Rush at Great Woods_ / Tweeter Center / Comcast Center in Mansfield, MA on Sunday night June 15, 2008.
    Face value for just the single seat is $117, and I paid $140 when they were done with all the service fees and charges. You can have this seat for $110. I am also accepting offers that I will consider.
    2 Seats for Rush at Great Woods_ / Tweeter Center / Comcast Center in Mansfield, MA on Sunday night June 15, 2008.
    Face value for these 2 seats alone is $220 and I paid $273 with all the service fees and charges. You can have these for $190. I am also accepting offers that I will consider.
    These are e-tickets. I am the original purchaser. It is legit. No shipping charges for email - I can e-mail this ticket to you upon confirmed PayPal payment.
    Check out this site if you want to see an approximation of the view from these seats: [livenation.com page]
    - LM

    [Update 6/14 12:06pm: reply to laura_bot@yahoo.com - Wm.]

  • 6/13 8:32pm   In the Norfolk Teacher Parent Association Newsletter sent home this week, principal Lucia Godfrey has an article thanking the Unsung Heroes in the school system. I'd like to mention a group of Unsung Heroes not mentioned in the article: substitute teachers. It is a challenging job which is done by some wonderful people with little notice, not much pay (college education required), and no benefits. A few days of unpaid orientation is provided by the school system each year, but training is basically on the job. I think that the people who do this, and the substitute aide's job, for the Norfolk School System should be reconized in some way. It would be difficult for the system to run effectively without their help. I speak from experience, as I subbed for the school system for a year and a half. Thank you, Norfolk's Substitute Teachers and Aides!
    - CR

  • 6/13 8:31pm   JW, How scary! Anyway, I would like to remind everyone that there are actually three prisons there on that campus. I can assure you that none of the prisoners incarcerated for violent crimes in MCI Cedar Junction would be out doing landscaping work. From what I understand, Pondville is minimum security and Norfolk is medium. So, it is most likely that the prisoners in that work program were of minimal risk and most likely did not commit violent crimes. But yes, it would have been nice to notify the neighbors in close proximity to the prison. I feel for those that were worried and I know how that feels. My neighborhood has had a few recent scares and so much anxiety could have been prevented if there was some sort of communication between officials and the public. Every time my kids see unmarked cars blowing by our house, which has been every few months for the past few years (still don't know why), my kids come running home worried. So sorry that you had to experience that!
    - MW

  • 6/13 8:25pm   [see revised post of 8:34pm - Wm.]

  • 6/13 10:33am   Last day to register for the fall season of Norfolk Lions Soccer is July 1st! www.norfolklionssoccer.com
    - HK

  • 6/13 10:32am   Escaped prisoner: Many years ago, probably in 1969, I was alone in the house when the dog started barking. I looked out and saw a man walking in the yard. As I watched him, the doorbell rang; when I went to answer the front door, the door bell rang again - it was the back doorbell. My son was about 3 at the time. I didn't dare answer the door. With door bells ringing and dog going crazy I saw another man walking around outside. They must have seen me in the house as they said they were police. I opened the back door and was told a prisoner had escaped from Norfolk and they were looking for him. They were all dressed in regular clothes. When they checked out the grounds, I got my son ready to flee. I grabbed him and went to the car, turned the key and nothing happened. My imagination went a little haywire and hysteria followed. I finally got the courage to come back into the house and spent the day looking out windows. I relate this story and rate it a grade B movie scene.
    - JW

  • 6/13 10:31am   To KID Re: Verizon FiOS. I can't help you get customer service, but I had a terrific installer who took great care with my set up. If the webmaster could arrange an alias for you to contact me [Use box124@norfolknet.com - Wm.], I can provide you his name and cell number. Perhaps he could be of assistance.
    - BA

  • 6/13 10:30am   Something Special is having a sidewalk sale this Saturday and Sunday. 50% to 75% off all merchandise on the sidewalk. Check out the additional sales inside. Saturday hours 10 - 4pm Sunday 11 - 2pm. Thanks,
    - JA, Something Special

  • 6/13 10:29am   Well, the helicopters are back in full force this morning. I find it hard to believe that Nstar needed from 7 am yesterday to 8 pm last night to check the wires and then again this morning.
    Funny enough a couple of days ago I drove by the prison and saw one sole prisoner with a weed wacker out on the front lawn by himself walking aimlessly. I thought that was mighty brave of the prison system!!!
    Why wasn't a reverse 911 call made out to the town about this?!
    - JGP

  • 6/13 10:28am   JD, Thank you for the info on the bus fee questionnaire. I am furious at the thought of this and I will definitely be filling it out. I can not afford another fee on top of our already astronomical taxes. Which, by the way, we are assessed at way over what we could actually sell for. We live quite far from the elementary schools and there are no sidewalks for the children to walk on as an alternative for those who are not able to pay for their child to ride the bus. I cannot see how a town without sidewalks could even consider charging a fee to ride the bus. In the town where I grew up, all children walked unless you lived over 2 miles from the school. However, there were sidewalks everywhere making it safe to do so. I am all for dropping the buses completely and having the kids get exercise... But not if it means putting their lives at risk. As I may have mentioned before, my child has had more than one close call walking along King street to the middle school in the morning. We don't even have sidewalks in a school zone? I have voiced my concern for this time and time again. Written letters to the selectmen and even Scott Brown. No results. I have had neighbors laugh at me because they had tried for years since the middle school first opened to get sidewalks installed for those children that are labeled "walkers". For those of you that do not have children utilizing the school system... it is not fair to place the burden of the cost of public education on just those who use the system. I realize that taxes and expenses have gotten out of control for those on a fixed income, but I tell my children's grandparents the same thing. They complain about it now, but they had 5 children go through the Norfolk public school system and I am sure that there were people who helped contribute to the cost of their education without having children in the system back then. It's all part of living in a community.
    - MW

  • 6/12 10:42pm   We heard that although a prisoner did leave his landscaping job to visit with his wife, he was captured shortly afterward. The helicopters were from Nstar checking the high-tension lines, and not related to the search.
    - Wm.

  • 6/12 10:38pm   Regarding the escaped inmate... I think it would be nice to be informed of this. Couldn't the town send out a reverse 911 call? Someone could have been hurt or a home invaded. Please let us know when this happens so we can protect ourselves and our children.
    - LK

  • 6/12 10:37pm   Moving Help Wanted - Two strong young guys wanted - must be over 18 - to help me move a large piece of furniture in Norfolk this weekend. Saturday morning would work best. My guess is that it should take less than two hoursand I'll pay a minimum of $40 to each person, then $15 per hour if it goes longer than two. Call Eric at 508 740 6296 if you are interested.
    - ED

  • 6/12 10:36pm   Ok, so the emergency phone system is used to announce the new principal at the high school but not to announce that there is an escaped prisoner running around town?
    I would really like to know if they caught him; anyone know?
    - DV

  • 6/12 8:22pm   The Committee to Elect Tom Roache is offering a great local summer activity for young people looking to make a difference in their communities. Interested students and their parents are invited to attend meetings on June 20th and 21st, 12PM at the Medfield Public Library. Independent candidate for state rep. in the 9th Norfolk district Tom Roache will be on hand to discuss his campaign and the roles of volunteers for the summer. This is a rare opportunity for young people to influence a state representative campaign and gain experience in politics. To learn more visit JoinTom.net or email participate@jointom.net.
    - Tim Buckley, Asst. Campaign Manager, The Committee to Elect Thomas Roache

  • 6/12 5:56pm   JGP: The helicopters were on the lookout for an inmate who allegedly skipped out while doing work on the grounds of the prison. I was actually stopped on Seekonk St. this morning, fixing the lid on my coffee cup, when I was greeted by no less than three police cars. They explained they were looking for this inmate, who'd apparently gotten into a silver car, same as mine! Not sure how the drama ended...
    - TC

  • 6/12 4:09pm   STP -- I don't know anything about Fisher Price Power Wheels, but I read your post this morning and then at lunch saw a notice of a Power Wheel for $30 in the Anna's Attic portion of the Needham Hometown Weekly. Ad says that it is in excellent condition, but needs battery and charger. Also says that it is an elbow tractor (?). The phone number with the ad: 508-533-5956. Good Luck!
    - MH

  • 6/12 4:08pm   Re: 6/12 8:03am Is anyone looking to get rid of a Fisher Price Power Wheels? My daughter is dying for one but they are just too expensive. - STP
    See: [Craigslist page]: Craigslist Boston Baby and kids Search for "Fisher Price power Wheels" Chevorlet silverato maximum weight is 125 pounds. Good battery an charger. Can hold 2 people. $80.00 Brookline
    - RH

  • 6/12 4:06pm   EC, Regarding the stonework. I highly recommend Seth Bussaglia at SB Stoneworks. I recently used them to do both a walkway and stone patio on my home in Norfolk and they did high quality and competitively priced work. sbstonework.com
    Call and ask for Nanci @ 508.528.4378
    - DMG

  • 6/12 3:56pm   JD: I'm shocked that only 3 parents showed up, but can offer a few reasons: baseball, softball, Camp Bournedale meeting, TPA meeting, soccer, etc. Many of those events were school events scheduled for the same night. It's impossible to be in more than one place at the same time. Some consideration needs to be paid when planning these meetings.
    I was at one meeting watching people rush to go to another one. We need to be able to have enough time to go to an entire meeting to be able to get the complete message, not bits and pieces. I'm not sure of the answer to this problem, but with events that pertain to the school, I feel the school (School Committee included) has the ability to coordinate their schedule of meetings to allow all of those interested to attend the complete meeting and not to have to decide which meeting they go to - they are all important.
    - DS

  • 6/12 3:54pm   What is with all the helicopters this morning?
    - JGP

  • 6/12 3:53pm   Has anyone had any success getting customer service from Verizon FiOS? We're having all sorts of problems (installer punched a hole in our wall, appears to have knocked out phone service to our second floor, the phone line is crackling, the outside unit looks decidedly flawed, and my IT guy at work thinks my router may not be working properly), but after making call after call after call over the past 2 weeks as well as sending an email on their website, all I get is promises that someone will call me back... and no one ever does. I'm wondering if there is some trick to getting a response from them that I'm not aware of, unless the trick is just to switch service to another company, but that doesn't fix the damage to my house. Any info much appreciated.
    - KID

  • 6/12 3:52pm   MJD and EHC: as I understand it, bus fees could be anywhere from $210 to $600 per bus-riding child to retain some or all of the services that might be funded from an override that would cost approximately $120 per household (the override would also restore other town services). Many thanks to the School Committee for being open and honest about this issue. This is valuable information for all residents who might pay a visit to the voting booth on June 24th.
    - JT

  • 6/12 3:50pm   Does anyone know about the low flying helicopters flying around town?
    - AW

  • 6/12 8:03am   Is anyone looking to get rid of a Fisher Price Power Wheels? My daughter is dying for one but they are just too expensive.
    - STP

  • 6/12 8:02am   The dog from yesterday's post has been found.
    - HNC

  • 6/11 11:37pm   AP - Randy from Patriot Appliance is great! His # is (508) 528-3935.
    - TK

  • 6/11 11:44am   Can anyone recommend a good appliance repair person? Our dryer is not giving off heat...
    Regarding Eastern Petroleum - we use them and have for many years and have never had an issue and their price has always been the lowest I could find (when I checked around). I did switch to automatic delivery a couple of years ago. Based on the recent post, I am wondering if it is less money if I call them each time I want a delivery. Thanks,
    - AP

  • 6/11 11:42am   The Public Library is looking for artificial tropical trees for the summer reading theme of "Wild Reads @ Your Library" If you have a tree that you'd like to donate, we'll gladly take it off your hands---dust and all! :-) And by the way, registration for summer reading for children and teens is now in progress. You can sign-up on line and find all the information you need by going to the library website library.virtualnorfolk.org
    - Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library

  • 6/11 11:41am   Free - Upright piano (Cable) in good condition. Moving and can't take it along. Call (508) 409-1639 if interested. Need to pick up by 6/14.
    - DA

  • 6/11 10:24am   Older Shiba Inu has gone missing from the Tucker Rd area on around 6/10/08. If anyone finds him please contact the Animal Control Officer at 508 528 3232.
    - HNC

    [Update 6/12 8:02am: The dog has been found. - HNC]

  • 6/11 10:23am   Re: Eastern Petroleum... thanks KS. When I spoke to them yesterday, they did say that they offer automatic delivery. Are you saying that it's best not to go with automatic delivery?
    - JC

  • 6/11 8:25am   I don't typically post on this forum, but I am a concerned resident and a parent of two boys ages 6 and 3. Just a reminder that June 24th is the day to cast your vote... Please support the schools and keep this community as terrific as it is today. My son is celebrating his "memory ceremony" today and finishes his first year of school tomorrow. I have been so impressed with the level of commitment shown by his teachers, school staff and other parents that volunteer their time to enhance our children's experiences. I only hope my younger son gets the same experience when he enters HOD in 2009.
    - EHF

  • 6/10 10:19pm   JC - We have been using Eastern Petroleum for the past couple of years. They are efficient and always on time. They don't lock in rates though so you need to call them to get them to come to you once you are about 1/8 left so you get their lowest rate. We have been very happy with them. We started using them because they were a good bit lower than (although who knows now with these oil prices) what we were locked in at. Occasionally they were a little higher but by the end of the year, we still paid less with them than if we stuck with the other guy. I highly recommend them.
    - KS

  • 6/10 10:14pm   I am concerned that there were only three parents at the public hearing tonight. The topic was bus fees. It was an opportunity for the School Committee to hear your voice and you did not speak. What does that mean? There is a questionnaire you can fill out to share your thoughts on the matter and I think it can be dowloaded from the SC page.
    - MJD

  • 6/10 9:01pm   Highland Lake, beautiful and historical, purchased by the Town of Norfolk just a year ago, isn't doing so well these days. Since our last Town Meeting, the level of the lake has gone down drastically. The so-called shoreline is all mud and weeds, making it impossible to launch a canoe or a boat. Needless to say, the wildlife has been adversely affected. If I remember correctly, at Town Meeting last year, when the Town purchased the lake, our Town Counsel suggested that there were agencies that could intervene to help solve this problem. I would say--the time is now. Help save Highland Lake!!
    - WC

  • 6/10 9:00pm   Has anyone in town used Eastern Petroleum in Mansfield for heating oil deliveries and service? Their prices seem to be lower than other oil companies (see www.newenglandoil.com). They service Norfolk.
    - JC

  • 6/10 8:59pm   LAW - The gender-bending chemicals and male displays of femininity and situational apathy are not a joke. They are real and documented.
    - MON

  • 6/10 8:57pm   [Duplicate post removed on request - Wm.]

  • 6/10 10:17am   Big huge yard sale - This Saturday June 14th. 9am-3pm. Location 37 Park Street Norfolk. Lots of nice things, clean, and in good condition.
    Into Energy drinks? Ask for a free sample of this great new all natural product. No sugar, No caffeine, or go to my website www.2bfit.bhipglobal.com and get your free sample. See you Saturday, come early.
    - RM

    [Update 8:55pm: restored the subject line - Wm.]

  • 6/10 10:16am   I don't know how long it will continue, but it seems to be Turtle Season. They're everywhere, crossing roads, yards, driveways... bound for greener pastures to lay their eggs.
    We had three really big snappers crawl up our driveway this past Sunday. The same thing happened about this time last year.
    Hey... maybe we're on to something here?
    Snappers are not to be dealt lightly with, they can be rather dangerous, and though they might not be fleet of feet, they can stretch that neck out a long way and those jaws can clamp onto whatever is within reach and not let go. A mere finger would not survive intact well.
    Interesting to watch. Two of the three we found tried desperately to dig holes in our gravel driveway to lay their eggs. Eventually they gave up and moved on. They don't seem to like being watched. We sat and watched. They sat and watched us. We moved out of sight, they went back to work... and so on.
    Heaven knows how the cats figured out that they best stay away from these prehistoric looking creatures, but they did.
    I've seen a couple on the road that drivers didn't avoid. That's sad. I suppose there's lots out there, but still I hate to see any animals life end too soon because of our inability to avoid them.
    Anyway.., watch out for the turtles... they're everywhere.
    - TRK

  • 6/10 10:13am   Does anyone know if there has been anymore car breakins?
    - DV

  • 6/10 10:12am   Norfolk Baseball is looking for a couple high school kids or adults to help unload a small box truck of non-perishable food and toiletry items at the Norfolk Food Pantry at the Emmanuel Baptist Church on Rockwood Road on Wednesday, June 11th at 8:30 a.m. This task should take under one hour. If interested please contact me at pugslyfruci@aol.com. Thank you!
    - KF, Norfolk Baseball Association

  • 6/10 10:10am   To BR and TEM, Sorry for the late reply but I do work six out of seven days rotating between swing and mid shifts. So most of my spare time is dedicated to sleep and being called in to work on my off duty time. I don't mean to insult anyone from my post, however I still am going to stick with my original theory. I think today media plays a much more crucial part in people's everyday life then say fifty years ago for example. Newspapers, magazines, TV, internet, cell phones, text messaging are all examples of things that i feel play a major roll in the way news travels. Rather than taking days for news to travel, it takes a matter of hours to minutes for word to reach one end of the world to another. I have been to Pearl Harbor, and have seen the names and I have been to Arlington National Cemetery. I am familiar with the Sullivan Brothers on the Juneau which seemed more specifically portrayed in the movie "Saving Private Ryan" in regards to separation of family serving together. I happen to like history, so therefore it is interesting for me to learn about this kind of stuff. With that said, its my opinion that in regards to you asking your grandson about Pearl Harbor, it's not so much what's being taught but whether or not he paid attention. Everyone has things they like and dislike in school and things that captivate them obviously take precedence. My great hate in high school was English, I didn't like it, and frankly think I turned out OK considering the grades I got.
    I think there is a big difference from ignorance and stupidity.When someone finds there passion in life ultimately that's what drives them to greatness. History shows us that all the great minds were obsessed with what they did. Im sure most Einstein Probably did horrible in English,Edgar Allan Poe hated history, and Shakespeare hated math but that doesn't mean they were not good at what they loved doing or they were "blissfully ignorant".Todays world seems to have alot more identifiable problems ,fifty years ago they existed but ,they were not yet identified . I think today this "lazy ignorant " attitude you seem to see in young people is less of laziness and ignorance and more of keeping there sanity ,because i know if I personally looked at all the problems i see everyday, and thought about them as much as you think we all should i would probably have had a nervous breakdown by now .In Any even that's my opinion and i stick by it. All i can say is "agree to dis agree"
    - AV

  • 6/9 10:01pm   This is just my opinion, but cynicism and sarcasm never really got anybody anywhere. I'm just saying.
    - SEF

  • 6/9 10:00pm   DA - Capital idea! Actually we want to use the Moonscape to reenact the invasion of Northern England by Harald the III of Norway.
    Also, I know what you all are thinking. Yes! All of our Viking War armaments are made of child-safe materials.
    - MON

  • 6/9 8:24pm   Second-grade teacher available for summer tutoring in my home or yours. Accepting students entering grades K-3. 6 years of classroom teaching experience, as well 10 years of experience working in various tutoring programs. Available for math and reading support/enrichment. Please e-mail me for more information and references. [Use box123@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - RD

  • 6/9 8:23pm   Does anyone out there have a large dog crate we could use or buy? Our vet recommended this as a short-term solution to a behavior problem we are having with our dog. 508-397-3129 Thanks!
    - NT

  • 6/9 8:22pm   Looking for a high school or college student to cut our grass. We live near the Junior High on King Street. Contact via Glass1971@aol.com. Thanks,
    - PRB

  • 6/9 8:21pm   LS - Same question from this quarter - I'm terrified about home heating costs for next winter. What is the best approach, short of shrink-wrapping the house? BTU for BTU, oil is still the best way, as compared to gas and elecricity. Any brilliant ideas out there? Oh, we could get some of those Brazilian rubber trees for shrink-wrapping, as the regular stuff would be toxic.
    Joking aside, MON is right, there is way too many toxic materials floating around our environment.
    An idea for the trash tossed around our streets, if it's identifiable (eg DD, McD's) call the offending fast food facility and have them send one of their employees out to pick it up.
    - LAW

  • 6/9 8:20pm   MON - I'd love to join you in a rousing rendition of the Spam sketch from Monty Python. Also, do your reenactments involve waterborne adventure? (Wouldn't it be a hoot to land a Viking boat at Lake Pearl Park and charge the bathers, screaming "What's in your wallet?")
    - DA

  • 6/9 5:16pm   Has anyone been able to "lock-in" with an oil company in the recent past? If so who and what was the price. I'm sure Fridays spike has changed things but would like a place to start.
    - LS

  • 6/9 5:15pm   I am thinking about having some decorative stone work done at the entrance to my driveway. Does anyone have any recommendations?
    - EC

  • 6/9 5:14pm   I am looking for someone to cut back 8 or so shrubs in front of my house. I don't want to get into a contract, I just want a one-time deal. Can someone recommend anyone to come out and do this pretty quick job for a decent price?
    - MJD

  • 6/9 5:13pm   All of you- I've apologized enough already. Sentiments closed. It's the "Cutification" of everything that is wrong - but this could be due to hormones and endocrine disruptors in the environment-courtesy of our plastics industry. Everyone should take the time to learn about their environment and the consumables that get pushed on us like the animals we are. It's a conspiracy, you know. Chemicals that leach out of plastics, including toys, masculinize females and feminize males. Makes everyone gender confused and unable to overthrow the government. You want proof? Before plastics men where "macho" and wore black leather and shows like "Gunsmoke" were popular. Now men wear pink and watch designing shows like "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" and design motorcycle fenders while apathetic about the course of Our Great Nation.
    But this is America. If you want expose yourself to cancer-causing chemicals, that's your right in a democracy. Just remember that no chemical is safe, even table sugar, and the man-made carcinogens in children's toys is considerable, and they don't have to be from China.
    As far as my hobby, Viking Reenactments, we don't actually kill each other. Those are rubber spears, made from non-toxic gutta-percha from Brazilian rubber trees.
    - MON

  • 6/9 10:02am   Seabreeze Safety Associates announce a local radKIDS vacation week program for children ages 5 through 12. The program will run Monday through Thursday, June 30 through July 3, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. The cost of $95.00 per child includes tuition, a parent program manual and an activity book for each child. Space is limited and is filled on a first come first served basis.
    A 501 c 3 non-profit education organization, radKIDS, Inc. is dedicated to providing proven and effective life saving skills for children by teaching them how to Resist Aggression Defensively (the rad in radKIDS). Since the organization's inception in 1998, radKIDS, Inc. has reached over 200,000 children and has documented many successes in the prevention of violence toward children. radKIDS, Inc. is credited with saving 40 children from actual abduction attempts.
    The radKIDS Personal Empowerment Safety Education Program is a comprehensive safety education, violence prevention and self-esteem building program designed for children ages 4 thru 12. Children learn to recognize, avoid, resist, and if necessary escape violence, abduction and harm. Through radKIDS training they become empowered- learning to replace the fear, confusion, and panic of dangerous situations with confidence. Curriculum components include many aspects of personal safety including home safety, Internet safety, school safety including bullying prevention, out and about safety, sexual assault prevention, safety planning and realistic physical resistance options. The program is activity based, fast moving and fun!
    For more information about the vacation week program, to obtain a registration packet, or to learn how you can get involved with radKIDS, please contact Karen Nardone at 508-314-8431 or by email at karen@radkids.org.
    - KN

  • 6/8 10:21pm   To EAG - For central air work, try Jim Spearin HVAC from Taunton, MA. Very detailed, knowledgeable guy. And a contractor with integrity, too... e-mail: jamesspearin@verizon.net cell: 508-813-7541
    - EF

  • 6/8 9:36pm   Hi there. We are looking for child care help for our 3 children - 3 1/2 years, 2 years and 3 months old. We do have an au pair living with us who will be watching the children with you, most of the time. We are not 100% sure what our needs will be in terms of hours but we are guessing it could be 10-20 hours a week, depending on who we find and her/his availability. Hours could be on the weekends but will mostly be during the week. This could be a summer position or something longer time into the fall, etc...
    Qualifications include the ability to multi task and watch multiple children at once, lots of energy and warmth for the children, non smoker and ideally, cpr and first aid certification.
    Please let me know if you are interested and we can discuss further. Thanks! Contact info is whitneyweinberg@gmail.com
    - WW

  • 6/8 9:35pm   Annual Strawberry Festival - Please join us on Friday, June 20th at 7:00 PM for a very special night. We will be serving a wide variety of Strawberry Treats and showing a unique slide show of a recent trip to Africa including Tanzania and Serengeti.
    Tickets for Adults are $5.00 and children under 12 $3.00. Please contact the church office at 508-528-0262, or Roy K. at roykuphal@msn.com.
    All are welcome!
    - KR, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 6/8 9:33pm   Registration is underway for Vacation Bible School at the Federated Church of Norfolk!
    Children ages 4-12 are invited to attend the week of June 23rd-27th from 8:45 am <96> 12 noon. Please register early for the limited enrollment. There will be a $5.00 fee per child for participation this year! Children will swing into God's Word and discover Jesus' love as they explore the canopy and environment of The Rainforest Adventure. There will be crafts, games, music, science and more! Deadline for registrations is June 15th, but space is limited so please register early! Music CD's will be available the week before VBS!
    For further information or for a registration form, please contact the church office at 508-528-0262 or stop by Monday-Friday 8:30-1:30 now till June 6th, Monday-Thursday 8:30-1:30 starting June 9th.
    - KR, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 6/8 9:32pm   To EAG: We just had Peter Schoefield to our house tonight to fix our central air system. Apparently our house has a sense of humor too! We have used him in the past and have always been happy with him. He's young and knowledgeable in HVAC. His cell # is 774-219-5624. Give him a call and good luck!
    - LK

  • 6/8 8:21pm   Special thanks to all the Norfolk Baseball families and to the wonderful community of Norfolk for attending and supporting our Wooden Bat Weekend and Family Movie Night this past Friday and Saturday. Despite the excessive temperatures we had a great crowd. Everyone was so generous with their food donations to the Norfolk Food Pantry. We are pleased to say that a truck load of food and toiletry items will be delivered to our neighbors at the Pantry this week.
    - Karen Fruci, Norfolk Baseball Association

  • 6/8 8:20pm   Still trying to get through the bag of goodies from Community Day (thanks for the pen and bubbles, Norfolknet!) ...Kudos to Barbara Snead and Carol Greene for heading up the Lion's Norfolk Community Day! It was a wonderful day even though it was a little warm :) It was great to see old friends, meet some new ones, and visit all of the booths. The event is a true Norfolk treasure!
    Thanks also to the Holmes Family for their hospitality and generosity - they are wonderful to this town! Off to enjoy my scented bubbles, new birdhouse and bird feeder! Then I'll rest my jaw from the bubble gum blowing contest!
    - TMS

  • 6/8 8:19pm   MON, FYI, Vikings used those lances for killing and maiming other human beings. I myself couldn't take part in something like that but what an interesting hobby.
    - JW

  • 6/8 8:18pm   No, I didn't curtail anyone's freedom of speech, I said this site was for information, personal interest and fun. Information, as in for your information, this is what I think, this is what I read, heard, know... Personal interest, I have this hobby that I'd like to share, a funny thing happened on the way to this forum... Fun, we saw a strange looking alien, remember when, when the transfer station used to be a dump... You may not agree with what I collect and could have put it that way or said that you hoped to educate me to the fact that it could be dangerous to children but to ridicule me for something I collect wasn't called for.
    We all own very toxic machines or have toxic articles in our home. Hopefully we are all careful of what we allow kids to touch, smell, eat, drink.
    This whole dialog came about when someone gave me information that I shouldn't buy or use a used infant car carrier. They could have said, "You idiot, don't you know that..." Then another asked me to inform them of whata Re-Born Baby was and said "OMG, you must have a screw loose to want something like that. "
    So yes, we can all say what we want because of freedom of speech but we should courteously offer statements that do not put someone else down.
    - JW

  • 6/8 8:17pm   We have central AC in our second floor only and it has just died this weekend. (Our house has such a sense of humor. The heat died during the week we had single digit temps in the winter.) Does anyone have any recommendations for someone to either fix/replace what we have right now and/or to expand our system to the whole house? We have one recommendation but I'm always happy to hear other recommendations. Thanks!
    - EAG

  • 6/8 12:09pm   BH, I agree with you one hundred percent about the litter. But I can't help but think that this needs to be taken care of by the young adults themselves who are causing this problem. If we rely on the DPW to do this, people will have the attitude that they can throw anything they like on the street and someone will clean it up. Most of the litter that I see when walking along King St, even in my own neighborhood off of King St., is beer cans, liquor bottles, empty cardboard cases of beer, etc. Even condoms on more than one occasion have been thrown in front of my home for my children to find.
    I can't help but to question how these people were raised. It seems that people nowadays have absolutely no respects for others. When I was a child, I would not even walk across someone's front lawn that I didnt know. I have people throwing and breaking beer bottles in my driveway becuase they need to get rid of them before they get home to their parents. How would you like your little children to wake up to that sound at night? I have been very strict with my children regarding litter. There have been times (much to their embarrassment) when I have made a point to stop the car or to go back and make them pick up their mess and to throw it away. Sometimes it was hard to find a trash bin. Sometimes it made us late to their activities. But taking the time to search one out stressed my point of how important it was that they throw it away. Witnessing me making the effort has really made an impact on them. I think that the middle school and high school both need to make the effort to put kids out into the neighborhood for one day in order to pick up litter on the streets. This could be done as part of health class. Maybe having to pick up someone's disgusting lipstick stained coffee cup, beer can or even a condom will come to mind the next time that they have the impulse to throw their McDonald's bag out the car window. The schools have done a wonderful job teaching my son not to take drugs or to drink alcohol. Maybe we need to concentrate on this littering problem with our children too and to catch them early on. Of course... the burden of teaching this to our children should not have to be placed on our teachers... However, if parents aren't going to do their jobs what other solution is there?
    - MW

  • 6/8 12:06pm   Norfolk Lions Soccer is once again conducting a very unique fundraiser by offering Cape Ann Whale Watch tickets at a greatly discounted price. Tickets, which normally sell for $42, will be sold for $25 and are good anytime during the 2008 season.
    Whale Watch Tickets make great Fathers' Day gifts!
    Whale watching if a fun activity for the entire family. Whale sightings are guaranteed or you will receive a free return pass - a guarantee you'll only find with Cape Ann Whale Watch.
    Their vessel, the "Hurricane II" is the fastest boat north of Boston so you'll be spending less time traveling and more time watching nature's gently giants in their natural habitat. The "Hurricane II" has over 400 feet of rail viewing space and an extra large heated indoor cabin and offers a variety of food and beverages in their galley.
    Cape Ann Whale Watch, Rose's Wharf, Gloucester, has been voted "Best Bet for Whale Watching" by Boston Magazine's New England Travel Guide. For more information about Cape Ann Whale Watches, visit their website at SeeTheWhales.com
    To purchase tickets, send a self-addressed stamped envelope and check payable to Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer, to Helen K., 27 Barnstable Rd, Norfolk, MA 02056 (***Tickets are only $20 if you are a Norfolk Lions' Soccer coach - Just include a note with your name and team's color and division)
    These tickets sold out very quickly last year!
    - HK

  • 6/8 12:04pm   Calling all high school/college aged kids looking for some extra money this summer. I am looking for a babysitter one or two afternoons per week. I have 4 children, ages 4 1/2 and 2 1/2. Please email me if interested. ruthanndowling@comcast.net
    - RD

  • 6/8 12:03pm   Thank you to the Norfolk Lions, the Holmes family and all the other groups who made Norfolk Community Day possible. We've lived in Norfolk for 8 years but hadn't attended until now. Our 3 year old loved it (and so did we). It was nice to take a day aside from tax and school worries and "pain at the pump" and enjoy town life!
    - JT

  • 6/7 9:07pm   2 REM tickets for sale, this Friday night, June 13th at 6:30. Sec 4 Row Z, seats 39 + 40. Selling at face value of $143.00. Please contact me through the webmaster. [Use box121@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - DCB

  • 6/7 9:01pm   Hey MON, to each his own, no problems on this end - but just one question... What kind of shrubbery?
    See this link for classic movie quotes - The Knights who say Ni! and The Knights Who 'Til Recently Said Ni! [wikiquote.org page]
    - AB

  • 6/7 7:11pm   JW, In all fairness, I thought I'd let you criticize my favorite hobby - participating in Viking Reenactments. I am the one on the left. It keeps me extremely busy!
    - MON

  • 6/7 3:42pm   If anyone's looking for something to do this morning AND help a great cause, we're having a tag sale at 43 Park St from 9-1. All proceeds benefit the PMC and Dana Farber! Lots of great items, lemonade stand, and a moon walk for the kids!
    - HB

    [Sorry I didn't see this post earlier; I guess it's too late now. We just got back from Community Day where we had a table. - Wm.]

  • 6/7 3:41pm   Again, I am sorry JW, don't lose sleep over this. But this blog is for whatever the Wm deems acceptable and you are curtailing Freedom of Speech by your limitations. If you want a safe virtual environment where you can show your hobbies, I am sure it exists. And while I used the word ridiculous, the real descriptor was edited by Wm. A prime example of censorship.
    One thing that should enrage all red-blooded Americans is the censorship of Freedom of Speech and toxic toys.
    - MON

  • 6/7 7:17am   Come visit us at Community Day!
    CI, no Ginsu knives, but wait, that's not all! If you order now, you will also get a complimentary Norfolknet ball-point pen, completely free. Yes, free! It makes a handsome collector's item or a wonderful gag gift. So don't hesitate, call now! Operators are standing by.
    - Wm.

  • 6/6 9:02pm   Looking for someone to finish the job of painting the rails of our deck, which we started last summer. There may be some scraping but it will mostly be painting. Could be completed in a day or a day and a half. Would love to have it done whenever next week's expected heat wave ends. Anyone interested (or have a college kid home for the summer who would be) please email us at jpjh090603@yahoo.com. Thanks!
    - JP

  • 6/6 9:01pm   MON, this doll is going to be on display for my pleasure. A child won't play with it, I won't smoke it, drink it or do anything else with it that will harm anyone. You have way too much time on your hands to criticize others. This forum is here for information, human interest and fun. Might be a good idea to keep your negative comments to yourself.
    - JW

  • 6/6 9:00pm   And, JW, in retrospect I should not have criticized you so harshly. So enjoy your hobby!
    - MON

  • 6/6 8:59pm   Hmmmm... "6/6 6:12pm Extra, extra! Special offer! Anyone who visits the Norfolknet booth tomorrow at community day will get two - yes, TWO - posts for the price of one! So come on over, don't miss this great deal! - Wm." ... Any Ginsu knives?
    - CI

  • 6/6 6:12pm   Extra, extra! Special offer! Anyone who visits the Norfolknet booth tomorrow at community day will get two - yes, TWO - posts for the price of one! So come on over, don't miss this great deal!
    - Wm.

  • 6/6 6:11pm   Everything in the public domain is subject to criticism. Including me, which I accept freely. Your doll is made of vinyl chloride and phthalates-known endocrine disruptors. So you should keep it away from developing children.
    - MON

  • 6/6 5:48pm   KID: I'm sorry, I do not know, but my guess is that there would be some literature at the booth about the bone marrow match process.
    - AL

  • 6/6 5:47pm   We've been having dirty water on Boardman Street. First noticed it last evening and was still tinged this morning before I left for work.
    - DLV

  • 6/6 5:46pm   KID: The national marrow registry site had the following:
    I spent time living in Europe, and I'm excluded from giving blood. Am I eligible to join the Registry?
    YES! The rules for giving blood are different than the the rules for joining the Marrow Registry. But make sure you tell them at the time that you join.
    If anyone else has other questions about eligibility- please click the following link: [marrowdonation.org page]
    If you are at Community Day- please take a minute to get tested. Join the bone marrow donor Registry and give hope to over 6,000 patients who are waiting to find a match. You could be the one a patient needs.
    - PB

  • 6/6 5:45pm   MON... man, sometimes you just infuriate me... many could call some of your diatribes the most ridiculous things ever seen on Norfolknet... come out from under your little chemistry set and realize that others may have hobbies or passions that don't align with yours - but that doesn't give you the right to rip them or humiliate them in a public forum!
    - PB

  • 6/6 5:44pm   Well excuse me MON. I guess my hobby is the most ridiculous thing you have ever seen. I have taken care of children, my own and others, for more than 45 years, given them the best care anyone could give them. Have recently semi-retired and get pleasure from owning this doll. Please keep those kind of comments to yourself, no one on this site has the right to criticize anyone else for their special interests. My doll is not causing anyone in the world any heartache or trouble.
    - JW

  • 6/6 5:43pm   Another swan has arrived at Bush Pond. They were swimming together so I guess they will get along. The swan family is still by the Miller Street bridge and the heron is there early in the morning. Going to the transfer station on Wednesday Medway Branch was detoured because of the work being done on the street. Bales of hay are now on Park St. near Bush Pond as water pipes will be put in there and another street soon.
    - BR (BR#1)

  • 6/6 5:42pm   JHR, This is a doll for display, like many people collect porcelain dolls. It gave me a chance to capture my grandson as an infant forever.
    - JW

  • 6/6 5:41pm   LS - I am well aware of the construction that is going on. And as Wm pointed out it is on Medway Branch. It has been going on for over a week. Since this is the first time our water turned rusty I just thought I would see if anyone else had the same issue. I will be sure to just call the water department next time.
    - SL

  • 6/6 1:09pm   AL - Do you know if the same restrictions that the Red Cross uses on blood donation are applied to bone marrow drives? I'd love to donate, but I've been told by the Red Cross that I can't donate blood because I lived in Europe during a certain time period. It's so frustrating!
    - KID

  • 6/6 11:59am   There will be a Bone Marrow Drive held at tomorrow's Norfolk Community Day, Holmes Bus Field, 22 Myrtle Street, from 10:30-4. The family of a little boy, Giovanni, continues to run this drive every year in gratitude for the donor gift they received from a stranger, which saved Giovanni's life. The testing is free and it is a simple mouth swab. Every day someone is looking for a match to save a life; please take 5 minutes and stop by the booth if you can! (You must be between the ages of 18 and 55, and be in good health, to become a donor.) Thank you!!
    - AL

  • 6/6 11:58am   Update on my post of 6/2 at 5:49 p.m. Watch found! Thank you SM.
    - PC

  • 6/6 10:51am   Sorry JW - The "Reborn Baby" is the most ridiculous thing I have ever witnessed on Norfolknet. As penance you should donate an equal amount of money that it cost to purchase it to "Feed the Children"
    - MON

  • 6/6 10:34am   JW, Thanks for educating me on "Reborn Babies" but I'm still confused... is this a toy for a child, or an ornament. Thanks in advance.
    - JHR

  • 6/6 10:32am   SL - Since you live on Medway St. you must know that this week a contractor dug up the road and replaced waterlines for the last week. Since I do not live near Medway street or any other water project, No I do not have rust in my water.
    JW - After doing a google search on the subject, the reborn-baby concept has me weirded out. I chose the photo in my wallet option. - LS
    [Wasn't the water line work on Medway Branch not Medway? - Wm.]

  • 6/6 10:31am   SL: yes our water was purplish today as well, and we're in your neighborhood.
    - HC

  • 6/5 10:56pm   Has anyone had rust in their water today? We noticed a water dept truck outside of our house looking at a hydrant around 6:00pm and when we went to give our son a bath an hour later the tub was filled with dirty water. I haven't seen anything about hydrant flushing. We are on Medway Street...
    - SL

  • 6/5 5:04pm   Not at all JHR, this is what a reborn baby looks like. They are amazingly like a real baby. They weigh between 4-6 lbs. and can be custom made as this one is. It was made from a picture of my grandson.
    You can also go to Ebay and type in Reborn Baby and you will see them there.
    - JW

  • 6/5 5:03pm   Norfolk Baseball Wooden Bat Weekend and Movie Night: A reminder that this is a big weekend for Norfolk Baseball Little League. All AAA and Major League games played Friday and Saturday will be played "old school" using wooden bats. No aluminum or composite bats in sight! And then on Saturday night at 7:00 pm on the Major League field at the Freeman will be a magic/ventriloquist show followed by an outdoor presentation of the movie "The Sandlot". Admission to Saturday night's festivities will be the donation of a non-perishable food/toiletry article to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry. All ages, young and old, are invited to attend. Popcorn and other food and refreshments will be available all night long, so grab a blanket and come on on down. Please see the attached flyer for detailed information [click on the image - Wm.].
    - DL

    [Update 10:53pm: attached flyer - Wm.]

  • 6/5 5:01pm   JW... Would I be showing my age by asking what a "Reborn Baby" is??
    - JHR

  • 6/5 4:59pm   Re: Diamond Street looks like someone's private garbage disposal! Diamond St. Garbage Dump
    - PRR

  • 6/5 4:57pm   A children's yardsale for charity will be held at 166 North Street, Norfolk on Fri June 6th, Sat June 7th 9AM-4PM. Toys and books for all ages, baby and toddler equipment, sports gear, clothing, children's furniture.
    - LA

  • 6/5 4:55pm   The board members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) met this week for its biannual disbursements of funds. A total of $14,620 was distributed back into the community. The organizations that will benefit are: The Council on Aging who will begin planning an outdoor recreation facility. The H. Olive Day school will use funds to support the Open Circle Parenting Programs, and The Fun With Friends Club along with new art smocks for the Kindergarten classrooms. The Norfolk Fire Dept will acquire new state of the art Patient Care Report Technology. Financial Assistance for membership to the Hockomock YMCA summer program will allow children in need to go to summer camp. The newly formed King Philip Swim Team will be able to start their program, GO TEAM!! King Philip is also getting funds to help with their amazing after Graduation Party. The Norfolk Recreation Dept will use funds to purchase a large portion of the materials needed to run the Free Summer Playground. NCL will continue to sponsor the Science Museum Pass through the library. Last year Norfolk residents saved over $4000 by borrowing this pass!! Financial assistance will be given to families wanting to attend the Norfolk Children's School but are in need of help.
    The Norfolk Community League is a non-profit organization that believes in the commitment to the community. The board will be meeting again in late Fall to distribute additional funds. If you are an individual or an organization that feels they could benefit from NCL's assistance you can find an application at their website norfolkcommunityleague.org.
    - JC, NCL

  • 6/5 4:54pm   JS -- For those of us not in the know about this litigation, can you please clarify why your company and several other private citizens serving on town boards are being sued and what is the context of the notice to appear?
    In my personal opinion, I have no problem with the town paying for attorney fees for lawsuits being brought against private citizens serving in a public capacity if they were doing what what in the best interest of the town they serve. It would be even better if the lawsuit were to be thrown out for any reason, the plaintiff be made to re-pay all fees paid by the defendants. This idea could help alleviate frivolous lawsuits (not that I am considering this frivolous, as I mentioned above, I don't know much about this one).
    - MH

  • 6/5 10:34am   To BH Re rug cleaning: If you have a power washer, you can do it yourself and get a professional looking job. A fairly nice power washer is about $80. I bought one to clean our screen porch and now I clean the walkway, stairs, patio - you name it, you can wash it.
    - JW

  • 6/5 10:33am   JT: Thank you for your concern about the car seat, I am going to put a "Reborn Baby" in it for display. It is a very real looking baby doll.
    - JW

  • 6/5 10:32am   About trash littering our streets. We are all responsible not to litter; however, shouldn't the DPW once in a while clean some of the streets such as King St. which is often littered (and probably has a lot to do with housing the middle school), Union, Diamond and a few others? Sometimes when I drive down that stretch on Union Street it is nothing but litter. Take care of our earth... and town.
    - BH

  • 6/5 10:31am   Another Norfolkian looking for moving boxes -- not that I haven't loved the town, just couldn't shovel any more snow (smile). If you have boxes, I'lltake them off your hands. Email purrlene@hotmail.com. Thanks!
    - HPK

  • 6/5 10:29am   Father & son looking for abandoned kayak, canoe or jon boat or one in need of repair so we can have a fun filled summer of fishing. If anyone has one please e-mail me at Mascar69@aol.com. Thanks
    - BL

  • 6/5 12:17am   Coreection: RE: Garbage littered upon streets of Norfolk - ooops... today I sent in an email re: Marshall Street being someone's private garbage disposal... I meant Diamond Street. Duh!! I was up late working on a project and sleep deprivation had set in...
    Yes, Diamond Street looks like someone's private garbage disposal, way too often... so how about it, put your garbage in your own garbage can... Thank you.
    - PR

  • 6/5 12:03am   Again more money being spent by the town to defend on going litigation...
    - JS, Pine Creek Development Corp

  • 6/4 11:59pm   We're looking for a contractor or engineer who would be willing to come in an evaluate whether or not a wall that we want to remove is load-bearing. We would obviously pay for the consultation but could more than likely handle the wall removal ourselves. If anyone would be interested in helping us, or if you can recommend someone, please email me at jpjh090603@yahoo.com. Thanks!
    - JP

  • 6/4 11:58pm   Ask and ye shall receive. Thank you K for the infant car seat carrier, just what we needed.
    - JW

  • 6/4 11:57pm   PR. It's not just Marshall St. My son was standing in a pile of empty Mc Donald's wrappings this morning at our bus stop off of King st. It was pretty gross. We are also having a problem with drink containers and liquor cans / bottles being thrown on the side of the road as people are leaving or entering our subdivision. I can't believe that fellow "Norfolkians" would do this to our town.
    - MW

  • 6/4 11:55pm   Question: We have a one-sided Berber area rug, 9' by 12', without fringes. I am looking for a rug cleaning business that I could deliver the rug to, for cleaning at their facility, and I could pick it up again after they have cleaned it. A few years ago I rolled up the rug and delivered it to J. Brian Day, in Plainville. Their charge was about $55 to clean the rug, and it took about a week. I picked it up and replaced it on the floor.
    Now I would like to get it cleaned again. The price quoted has risen to about $199. We don't want a new rug, we just want the rug cleaned, at a reasonable price. Another rug cleaner wanted $152 for the same job, if I rolled up the rug and delivered it to them, and picked it up.
    Has anyone in Norfolk found a reasonably-priced rug cleaning firm anywhere around here? My frugal last resort will be to clean the rug with a Rug Doctor machine, on the back deck, rinse it with a hose, and dry it with a couple of fans. That is apparently about how J. Brian Day cleaned the rug, except it was on the floor of their huge garage in Plainville.
    - BH

  • 6/4 11:54pm   To the person looking for the used car seat: I have read that a car seat is an item that you don't want to buy used. It could have been in an accident that compromised the integrity of the seat. And also it could have been recalled for some reason. That is why most retail baby consignment shops do not have them... for safety reasons. You should be able to get a new one very reasonably priced at WalMart, Target, BabiesRUs or even BJ's.
    - JT

  • 6/4 3:24pm   Hi, Just a reminder about the exciting meeting at the Norfolk Library this evening at 7:30 pm!
    Do you want more retail services in town? Are you interested in helping us improve our commercial tax base? Come and learn about the new 25,000 sq ft commercial building being constructed on Rte 115 on the Millis line. Storefront and 2nd floor office space is available, as well as a separate 150 seat restaurant. Now is the time to get some great new stores and services in town. Thanks,
    - ER

  • 6/4 11:06am   Wm - Happy anniversary, congratulations!
    Statewide there doesn't appear to be a tremendous appetite for townspeople to vote to raise their own taxes this year and Beverly, MA proved it yesterday by voting to close a school. I was wondering if we could possibly sell the land we purchased (overpaid $250,000) back to the church as it doesn't appear the public safety building will be approved? I would think the church would be willing to buy the land back as we did pay them an additional $35,000 to paint their building.
    - PR

  • 6/4 11:05am   Oh, I have been meaning to ask about this... Marshall Street seems to have become someone's private garbage disposal. If McDonald's is your cup of tea, at least keep your nasty habits to yourself and don't litter our streets!! Thank you.
    P.S.: To the offender[s] in question, I mean really, would you do that to your own street? Maybe you would... Hmmmm... sad!
    - PR

  • 6/4 11:04am   4 students needed to help little children with a sponge painting and crafts at my booth at Norfolk Community Day. Saturday, June 7th at Holmes Field, Myrtle Street, Norfolk. Two students per shift: Morning 9:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. and Afternoon 12:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.
    Please contact me: Mrs. Susana B.; Tel: 508.507.3424 Email: susanacbrown@gmail.com
    - SB

  • 6/3 10:36pm   Stand for Children invites the public to its meeting an Wed night at the Norfolk Public Library to discuss the possibility of supporting an override to increase funding for the Norfolk public schools. The schools have already endured funding cuts, including the loss of an Assistant Principal and the Spanish and health programs. Without passage of an override, the schools may lose their libraries also.
    Sharon Lavallee, head of the Freeman Centennial School library, will make a presentation at the meeting to explain the benefits of having a scool library. A link to her presentation can be found at [PDF document here]
    Stand for Children welcomes all participants to this discussion that will be held in the lounge of the library. Please take the time to get involved.
    - CPL

  • 6/3 10:35pm   I would love to purchase 4 Red Sox tickets for my husband's birthday. I realize it is shot in the dark, but if anyone has any available tickets, it would be great if you would give me a call. August 3 would be perfect, but any game is great. I can be reached at 508-930-1856. Thank you!
    - AP

  • 6/3 10:34pm   Anyone have a used infant carrier car seat you're looking to unload? Base not needed. Call me at 508-662-0333.
    - JW

  • 6/3 10:33pm   Could somebody please fix the webcam? It seems to pointing inside a window.
    - BP

  • 6/3 10:31pm   MH, if you live on the Medfield side of town, my girls will be happy to do it.
    - DV

  • 6/3 10:29pm   Would you make one extra click to help refurbish Kids Place?! We need your help to rebuild Kids' Place and simply making one click will do it- use www.goodshop.com and www.goodsearch.com and Kids' Place will automatically reap rewards... at no extra cost to you! More than 700 name-brand stores are now participating in GoodShop.com and will donate to up to 30% of each purchase to Norfolk Recreation/Kids Place Project when you make purchases through this website. The next time you buy a new pair of shoes, book, computer, birthday present, flowers, plane ticket or just about anything else, go to GoodShop.com and then click over to your favorite store.
    Be sure to name Norfolk Recreation as your charity and Kids Place will be rewarded. It's that easy! Just one extra click can make a difference. Please plan to shop for us. Click here to get started: Goodshop.com. Thank you for your support!
    Norfolk Recreation // 508-520-1315 // recreation@virtualnorfolk.org
    - CO

  • 6/3 10:28pm   RA: I'd also be interested in chatting about the piano - if it is still available.
    - TMS

  • 6/3 10:26pm   The Norfolk Round-A-Bouts, a Relay for Life team, will be selling luminaria bags and other goodies at Norfolk Community Day on June 7th at Holmes Field. Please stop by our booth!
    A donation of $5 per Luminaria bag entitles the donor to write a encouraging message to someone fighting cancer, inscribe a memory of someone who has lost their fight, or a salute to a survivor of cancer. The luminaria bags are lit during an emotional ceremony at 9pm during the Relay for Life of Medfield on June 13th - 14th at Wheelock Elementary School in Medfield. They stay lit all night long to encourage the walkers. In addition, the inscriptions on the bags will be projected onto a screen throughout the night.
    The Norfolk Round-A-Bouts are a group of Norfolk friends who have all been touched by cancer. We walk for a cure. Relay for Life of Medfield is an event put on by the American Cancer Society. During the 18 hour event, at least one team member is walking on the track at all times. There are special ceremonies to honor survivors, care givers and remember those who have lost their battle with cancer. Monies raised during this event go to research, outreach and support of those affected by cancer.
    For more information on Relay for Life of Medfield, contact Bonnie T. at btragakis@msn.com or see their website at [link] If you would like to make a donation to the Norfolk Round-A-Bouts team, please contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or Tracy H. at 508-541-2388 or stop by and see us at Community Day.
    - TMS

  • 6/3 9:41pm   Wm... Thank you! We are so lucky here in Norfolk to have such a patient, responsible and dedicated webmeister to keep us all connected! You were one of the first people to welcome us to this town and for that we will always be grateful!! www.norfolknet.com is awesome!!
    Oh, Wm, please get this URL onto the Norfolknet site. We had two old neighbors/friends of ours at our home for dinner last month and they both agreed with the premise of this current article from the NY Times! One friend is a neurosurgeon, the other an oncologist... Please read this article: Experts Revive Debate Over Cellphones and Cancer I think it is time that folks start taking this seriously. Thanks,
    - PRR

  • 6/3 9:40pm   MH - I can help you re: feeding your cats. I do dog walking "part-time" and cat feeding on an as-needed basis. I have references. Please email me at janhealy@comcast.net
    - JH

  • 6/3 9:39pm   For wildlife issues, call Barry Mandell at 508-596-1957. His company is Animal Control of Norfolk County.
    - EMG

  • 6/3 9:38pm   MH- In regards to your cats, Catherine Flynn and her husband Ken of Animal Works is right in Norfolk and they do pet sitting - (508) 528-1351. They walk our dog and love animals and are very trustworthy.
    - BL

  • 6/3 8:15am   Congrats and thanks Wm
    - DV

  • 6/3 8:14am   LL, glad you decided on Norfolk, it is a nice town, and there are a lot of deals right now; I hope you got one
    - DV

  • 6/2 11:28pm   My husband and I are looking for a reliable person to feed our two cats this weekend. If there is anyone in Norfolknet land that can help out and has a couple of references, it would be greatly appreciated. Does anyone know if Leasherly Life does cats? Thanks!
    - MH

  • 6/2 9:34pm   Congratuations to the Main Street Hardware Dodgers, the 2008 KP Cup Champions. Thanks for a wonderful weekend of baseball.
    - KF

  • 6/2 9:33pm   Did I miss an announcement ? No selectmen meetings on the meeting calendar for June, July, and August.
    - BDN

  • 6/2 8:41pm   To add to the weekend fun, don't forget Norfolk Community Day on Saturday, June 7 at the Holmes Bus Complex at 22 Myrtle Street sponsored by the Norfolk Lions. The fun begins with the Norfolk Community League's roadrace which kicks off at 9am. Official Community Day festivities begin at 10:30am.
    Entertainment this year on the black top and around the property include--
    DJ-Mike LaValley All Day
    Moonwalk, slides, obstacle courses 10:30am-4:00pm
    Kathy Ryan Dance Studio 10:40am-11:10am
    Denise's Dance Academy 11:15am-11:45am
    Pony Rides(sponsored by NCL) and
    Rainforest Reptile Shows
    King Philip Jazz Ensemble 12:00pm-1:00pm
    Henry the Juggler 1:15pm-2:00pm
    Games and Dancing 2:00pm-3:00pm
    Foam Fun (play in foam sprayed by NFD) 3:00pm
    8 Misbehavin' (local adult band) 3:00pm-4:00pm
    Cappucio Family miniature horses All day
    Come join the food, games and fun all sponsored by various local organizations. Many of our local organizations are running booths, selling goodies and playing games to raise funds and provide literature about themselves. It's a great day for everyone to get together and celebrate. See you all there.
    - Barbara Snead, Norfolk Lions, Community Day Committee

  • 6/2 8:24pm   BP: We've been happy with the service provided by Bicycles Plus, 391 E. Central St, Rte. 140, Franklin, (508)-520-1212. We've used them for basic tuneups and tire changes on our moutain bikes. They're pretty quick, also. Happy biking, and if you discover a good trail, please share it here on Norfolknet!
    - CR

  • 6/2 5:53pm   Norfolk Baseball Wooden Bat Weekend and Movie Night. This weekend June 6 and 7, the AAA and Major Leagues of the Norfolk Baseball Association bring back the old days with wooden bats being used in all baseball games. Come on down to the AAA field on Pond St. and the Major's field at the Freeman Centennial School to hear the old fashioned "crack of the bat". Games will be played Friday night at 5:30 p.m. and all day long on Saturday.
    Saturday night at 7:00 p.m. the fun continues at the Major's field with activities to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry. Local magician/ventriloquist Steve Zany will entertain with a magic and ventriloquist show. The magic show will be followed at dusk with an outdoor presentation of the movie "The Sandlot". All ages, young and old, are invited to attend. Admission to the field for the magic show and movie is the donation of a non-perishable food item such as canned goods, boxed cereal, peanut butter, jam/jellies, coffee, tea etc., or toiletry article such as shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, bar soap, toothbrushes etc. All donations will benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry. Popcorn and other food and refreshments will be available all night long, so grab a blanket and come on on down.
    - DL

  • 6/2 5:49pm   Lost Watch: My son lost his watch at the KP Cup baseball games in Wrentham yesterday, possibly in the open field just below the upper baseball field. It is a Timex Ironman digital watch with a black rubber band. If anyone found it please call us at 508-520-9078 or turn it into the Norfolk Baseball lost & found at the majors concession stand at Freeman. Thanks.
    - PC

    [Update 6/6 11:58am: Watch found! Thank you SM. - PC]

  • 6/2 1:53pm   Grr-rrrr rant RE: Property taxes "RE: 6/1 11:08pm ...By the way, my property is not the value it once was 3 years ago, so much lower now. So come around my house and change the value and adjust my taxes to a lower rate. - RS"
    Right on!!... I think the town must adjust all our taxes... if the "trickle down" theory of Pres. Reagan still holds we have more than trickled down and away our home values... and perhaps all governmental as well as public facilities need to suffer as much as home owners, no, all taxpayers, will be suffering in the next few years, considering the loss of home values, increases in food costs, gas, medical care, education, police and ambulance funding, infrastructure maintenance of roads, highways and bridges, oh and lest we forget, the fire department, all if it, etc., etc.!!!!!
    Perhaps if there where less tax money all around, like less property taxes paid, then the government would have to really sit up and take note. And we must vote accordingly!! I am not an anarchist, but jeez... what will it take to change things for the better at this point? I mean, there's a different city in China for every kind of item to manufactured... from toasters, butter dishes, nuts and bolts and bras...
    I am talking goods from all over the world!! I was in Mexico and do you know that even the nice little embroidered souvenirs that used to be made by the indigenous folks from the Yucatan are now made in China?? A few years prior, I was in Italy, when I still could afford to travel. In a city called Como, where for many hundreds of years the main trade good was silk, there's no Italian silk... it is all from China! What do we come up with now, besides corn and falsehoods? I hate to sound cynical, but I have had it!!
    So, as far as property taxes, yes, I am going to apply for an abatement... our house is not worth what it was when we bought it three years ago... so, time to be fairly taxed, on fair market value! When's the last time you got a raise at work? How come the gas company executives get to give themselves raises...? It is all so out of whack. Sometime, somewhere the buck has to stabilize... well, as for me... the buck stops here! What about you?
    - PRR

  • 6/2 1:52pm   Wm - as a newcomer to Norfolk, I just wanted to say thanks for creating this webpage. We are moving to your lovely town in a few weeks. Having a website like this has been tremendously helpful and fun in terms of getting to know the town (and her lovely people) a little bit better. I know that running this website must be time consuming so I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your efforts. It's a great webpage - Happy Birthday!!
    - LL

  • 6/2 1:51pm   RA- We are interested in your piano however can't seem to reach you at the number provided. If no one else has taken you up on your offer, please either re-post your phone # or you can get my email from the webmaster. Thank you!
    - AL

  • 6/2 1:50pm   The Fifth Annual Norfolk KIDS PMC bike ride is this Sunday, June 8. Join us for exercise, ice cream, and fun, all for a great cause! All money raised will be donated to the Jimmy Fund, the fundraising arm of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Please pre-register your child by this Wednesday, June 4, for the guarantee of a tee-shirt. We cannot guarantee we will have t-shirts for same-day registrants. For more details and to register, visit kids.pmc.org/Norfolk. Join us for a fun kick off to summer!
    - AL

  • 6/2 1:49pm   Can anyone recommend a local company for a septic inspection? Thanks -
    - JP

  • 6/2 1:48pm   I'm looking for a good, reliable, local bike shop to tune up and repair my mountain bike. Has anyone had any good experiences? Thanks for your time.
    - BP

  • 6/2 1:47pm   I was wondering if anyone had any referrals for wildlife removal. I believe we have a bird in our chimmeny. We have heard it flutter a number of times during the day. I am not sure if it comes in and out to build its nest or is stuck in there. Thanks.
    - KR

  • 6/2 12:01am   Happy Birthday, Norfolknet! It was nine years ago today, on June 2 1999, that Norfolknet went live on the world wide web. We've come a long way since then! If you're curious, that early version of the page looked like like this [here].
    - Wm.

  • 6/1 11:08pm   Hi Art, [. . .] You have left many door knob signs on my door and then a final warning in the mail because you want to get in my home for a look-see of my interior as to find a way to raise my taxes. By the way, my property is not the value it once was 3 years ago, so much lower now. So come around my house and change the value and adjust my taxes to a lower rate.
    - RS

  • 6/1 11:07pm   Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer will once again be offering Cape Ann Whale Watch tickets at a very discounted price again this year. Last year's fundraiser was a huge success and tickets sold out very quickly!
    Cape Ann Whale Watch has been voted "Best Bet for Whale Watching" by Boston Magazine's Travel Guide. Board the spacious and comfortable Hurricane II, the largest, fastest whale watch boat north of Boston, for a 3 to 4 hour trip where whale sightings are guaranteed!
    For information on how to get your tickets, visit Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer website at www.norfolklionssoccer.com
    - HK

  • 6/1 11:06pm   The early registration discount for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer has been extended to June 13 - If you have not already done so, now is the time to register for fall soccer.
    Absolutely no registrations will be accepted after the July 1st deadline!
    Registration forms may be printed from the website - www.norfolklionssoccer.com
    - HK

  • 6/1 1:43pm   We are moving and have an upright piano that we would like to give away. All you need to do is come and pick it up by June 13. The brand is Cable. It has a few chipped keys, but is in good playable condition.
    Please call if interested. (508) 520-1639.
    - RA

  • 6/1 1:41pm   I discovered a whole batch of snapping turtle (I think) eggs in my mulch pile. If anyone is interested in trying to incubate these eggs, or wants to bury them elsewhere, please ask the webmaster how to contact me. [Use box120@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - PL

  • 6/1 1:40pm   We have a sleeper sofa and loveseat we would love to give away. Call today 508-528-1385. They are a great neutral color and are perfect for a basement. You will need to move them out of our furnished basement through a bulkhead.
    - EHF

  • 5/31 4:18pm   Not surprisingly, Highland Lake is being emptied out. This is the worst it has ever been. It sure seems line payback for the town not purchasing the dam. A lot of damage has been done. The number of aquatic birds nesting has diminished. There is mud that prevents people from accessing the lake for boating and canoeing. The town purchased the lake. At this rate, it will be a complete waste of money.
    - EC

  • 5/31 4:17pm   If anyone has a feral cat that they would like to get spayed and vaccinated please contact my office at 508 528 3232. There will be a feral spay day on June 11th in Medfield at the shelter. This STOP clinic is for ferals only this time around. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

    [Update 6/1 9:33am: I forgot; the feral cat spay day is free for ferals - HC]

  • 5/31 4:16pm   NSS - I highly recommend Jim's Crystal Cleaning out of Walpole. We chose to use them last summer after doing some shopping around. Price was great, phone call was returned promptly, estimate was done within a few days, and the guys who did the work were knowledgable and worked quickly. 508-668-9565
    - JT

  • 5/31 4:15pm   From URL: [town hall DPW page]
    Medway Branch Road, Park Street, Bush Pond Road and Maple Street

    The locations have been noted in the order in which the work will occur. Construction includes the installation of new water mains, hydrants, valves and services on sections of the above referenced streets. We anticipate the entire project to take up to four months to complete.

    The contractor hired to complete the work is Tornare Construction Corporation and will be working during the hours of 7:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. A project engineer, from Environmental Partners Group will be on site for the duration of the project.

    Tornare Construction is scheduled to begin work on Medway Branch Road - Tuesday, May 27, 2008. The construction will not impact the operations of the Recycling/Transfer Station.

    If you have any questions about the project or concerns about the process, please do not hesitate to contact the Department of Public Works at 508-528-4990.

    We thank you for your cooperation during this process and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will do our best to minimize the inconvenience to our residents.

    - RH

  • 5/30 10:10pm   Looking for recommendations for powerwashing. Thanks!
    - NSS

  • 5/30 10:09pm   The town is extending water service to the portion of Medway Branch that was lacking town water. It wasn't done earlier because the betterment had to be approved at our most recent town meeting. I think folks would be better served to address their questions to the source, in this case, the DPW, or perhaps the town administrator instead of posing questions on Norfolknet. The same holds true of questions for our selectman, school committee, etc. If answers are not forth coming from the appropriate party then by all means "call them out" on the web...
    - SB

  • 5/30 8:19pm   Wm, I did wonder the same thing about the Medway Branch--why was it being dug up again?? Is anyone able to think ahead? One nice thing for this town--I saw a doe with her fawn this morning by the Miller Sreet bridge haiving a drink of water. It made my day!!
    - BR (BR#1)

  • 5/30 2:46pm   Re: 5/30 10:34am - Didn't MON indicate that no information enters or leaves the Black Hole otherwise known as the Norfolk DPW?
    Way back when Artie Woodworth and his band of "highway men" took care of the roads and hydrants in town, he used to send a letter around to all departments saying that the following streets would be paved (or patched, etc.,) on the following schedule, and he would list the schedule for the whole summer season. He would ask if anyone has any reason why a street should not be paved according to that schedule, and he would coordinate as necessary and issue a revised schedule if required.
    Of course, that was the old days, when money went further, and when people actually talked to one another, and when a "highwayman" would go to the btuminous concrete plant to verify that enough asphalt was added to the mix to make it strong enough for the town's roads, rather than "asphalt starved" as we have seen recently on some state jobs.
    - BH

  • 5/30 2:08pm   Academic summer tutoring available in my home in Norfolk. Certified elementary teacher in regular and special education grades K-6; masters in literacy and curriculum, lengthy experience with MCAS math, 15+ years teaching experience. Presently teaching in different school system. Limited space left; references available upon request.
    Please contact Betsy at bdambro@comcast.net.
    - BD

  • 5/30 10:34am   Received this question --
    Speaking of road work... I would be interested in knowing why the work on Medway Branch proceeded the way it did.

    I don't understand why they would finish the road and lay the pavement... then cut up the road to install the drains... then cut up the road again to lay the pipe.

    I understand there are issues with the dirt settling which could make the pavement uneven if it is laid before the settling is complete. Do they intend to now let the road settle again and then re-pave the entire section again?

    It just seems like they should have laid all of the drains and pipe first and leave the road dirt until it had settled and them pave it only once.

    - Wm.

  • 5/30 10:32am   The Committee to Elect Tom Roache has internship opportunities for high school and college students available this summer. Interested students and their parents are invited to attend meetings on June 4th and 11th at 7PM at the Medfield Public Library. We are also holding meetings at the Norfolk Public Library on June 7th and 14th at 3PM. Independent Candidate for state rep. in the 9th Norfolk district Tom Roache will be on hand to discuss the campaign. This is a rare opportunity for young people to influence a candidacy for state representative. To learn more visit www.JoinTom.net or email participate@jointom.net.
    - Tim Buckley, Asst. Campaign Manager, The Committee to Elect Thomas Roache

    [Tom Roache is running for State Representative of the 9th Norfolk District. The district includes the southern half of Medfield, all of Norfork, Wrentham, Plainville, and a corner of Millis and Walpole. - TB]

  • 5/30 9:46am   KL, The paving on Seekonk is probably being paid for by the gas company who contracted the pipeline installation back in the fall. That would be private funding, not your tax dollars.
    - TRK

  • 5/30 9:07am   CPL, Cuts are coming to HOD whether or not the override is passed. It is much worse if it is not passed.
    I noticed paving on a section of Seekonk Street. Where did the funds for fixing the road come from?
    - KL

  • 5/30 9:03am   I just wanted to give a recommendation. Today I was up at the Village Groomer on Route 1, Walpole, and I stopped into their sister business that recently opened called "Dog Daze Day Camp" right next door. I asked the owners if I could "tour" their day care facility. Most people would say please make an appointment or come back later or decline for insurance reasons. Instead I was guided throughout the place without any notice.
    Clean is an understatement, and all the dogs in day care (I believe there were twelve in the one pack I visited) were great. They paired them well together and everyone was having a great time. I asked the owner if she had any literature as I was really happy with what I saw and would comment on such and she has supplied me with quite a quite a few coupons towards discounts at the day care. If anyone has been contemplating doggie day care for their pet I can get a coupon to you and you can try them out. You can visit their website at _ dogdazecamp.com. Not only is it indoor outdoor play, nap time, and training (for pets and people!). It seems to be reasonably priced for doggie day care. I also asked about their vaccination histories and they are very on top of the vaccination histories and require kennel cough 2 x a year to protect all the other dogs in the program. So if anyone is interested, please email [...; use box119@norfolknet.com - Wm.] and I will set aside the coupons for you at the police station for pick up.
    - HC

  • 5/29 9:46pm   Parents and supporters of the local public schools are invited to the monthly chapter meeting of Stand for Children on Wednesday, June 4, at 7:30PM at the Norfolk Public Library Lounge.
    Stand for Children includes active members in over 80 communities in Massachusetts. It draws on the grassroots power of its participants - parents, teachers, and other interested citizens - to protect children whose future in school is often subject to financial and political battles for limited resources among federal, state and local authorities.
    The chapter, which advocates for the King Philip, Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham schools, is seeking additional support for the Norfolk Team. A discussion of whether or not Stand will participate in advocating for the Norfolk Public School override will be held at the June meeting. If an override does not pass, the elementary schools are facing cuts, including the loss of the libraries.
    The chapter's King Philip Team worked successfully with leaders in Norfolk and Plainville to restore five teacher positions that were planned for elimination.
    For more information, visit stand.org/ma or contact cplavin@comcast.net
    - CPL

  • 5/29 9:39pm   EC: We used Reliable Fence Co.--they were great, not too expensive and our fence has held up well (5 years so far). When I researched fences, I actually went up to fences that looked good--most have a sign on them in the corner with their name. I also made note of the bad fences--they were the ones I never bothered to get a quote from. Now that our fence needs painted (again), I would go with the vinyl fence!
    - JN

  • 5/29 6:38pm   Thanks to all for suggestions on fence options.
    - EC

  • 5/29 10:05am   ART, What is your personal issue with our newest selectman? Cut to the chase and just tell us what he "did" to you instead of constantly attacking the man before he has even completed one month on the board.
    - PFD

  • 5/29 10:04am   ART: You certainly seem to know what is going on. Perhaps you could run for selectman (if you haven't already.) I feel JS raises some cogent points that are far from frivolous and wholly with merit. Which boards are running up costs due to litigation? As far as our newest selectman, in my opinion he was the lone beacon of integrity while he dutifully served on the ZBA. Your reference to our newest planning board member garnering 42% of the votes omits one key fact: he did that without spending a dime, or any time, campaigning (and still pulled more votes than the runner up in the selectmen's race.)
    - PA

  • 5/29 8:55am   We used Norfolk Fence to fence off part of our back yard for the dogs, we got a black vinyl chain link that is very hard to see going by and we were extremely happy with the work they did.
    - JW

  • 5/29 8:54am   We're packing our home into a POD and could use some old moving blankets/quilts to protect the furniture. If you have any you'd like to give away or sell please contact me at Laura_bot@yahoo.com ASAP. Thanks!
    - LM

  • 5/29 8:52am   Kittens have arrived :) I'm currently bottle feeding these little kittens since mom is not around. If they are healthy at 8 weeks then they will go up for adoption! Anyone interested in adopting please give me a call at work 508 528 3232. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 5/29 8:49am   You're on the mark again JS. The members of our land use boards would do well to emulate the examples of our newest selectman who displayed exemplary methods when he served on the Zoning Board. Particularly, he set a fine example when, faced with a litigious developer proposing a variance on an environmentally sensitive property, he assumed the fetal position and nodded his (bobble) head in approval. Also, based on the Boomerang article you have posted it appears that the only acceptable form of litigation is the type promoted by our newest Planning Board member who, I take it, seeks to confine his energies to vendettas against other local officials. With genius like that, it's no wonder that he commanded 42% of the vote running against, well, nobody.
    - ART

  • 5/28 10:11pm   To EC: We used Norfolk Fence/Legge and Sons to do our pool fence last year. They were pleasant to deal with and much more reasonably priced than Colonial Fence.
    - JT

  • 5/28 10:10pm   Yes - call Tom, from Norfolk, on his cell 508-922-2885, regarding great and reasonable priced fencing.
    - PR

  • 5/28 6:16pm   Can anyone recommend a fence company?
    - EC

  • 5/28 6:13pm   Job Posting: Assistant Town Clerk
    Full Time (40 hours) until June28, 2008
    Part Time (20-25 hours) beginning June 30, 2008
    Applications are now being accepted for the position of Assistant Town Clerk, Town Clerk's Office. Position performs responsible administrative duties assisting the Elected Town Clerk in the daily operation of the office. Responsibilities include supervising and overseeing the work of department clerical staff; maintenance and administration of the municipality's records including confidential files; taking and transcribing minutes for all town meetings; coordinating all Town, State and Federal election proceedings, responding to inquiries, requests and complaints from internal and external sources; processing bills for payment; processing department payroll; monitoring budget expenditures for all department budgets; and performing a variety of administrative functions.
    Requirements: A candidate for this position should have an Associate's Degree in Business Administration, and five (5) to seven (7) years of responsible administrative experience, five (5) of which are in a municipality; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
    Wage Rate: Starting rate is 22.80/hour, with benefits
    Send resume and cover letter:
    Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk
    1 Liberty Lane
    Norfolk, Ma. 02056
    Equal Opportunity Employer M/F
    - GB, Town of Norfolk

  • 5/28 4:03pm   JM - Re: Norfolk Grand Rental - Auction scheduled for June 11, 2008. See [pesco auction]
    - BR (BR#3)

  • 5/28 4:02pm   PRR - regarding your replacement windows. We did a bunch of research on this 2 yrs ago - looked at Andersen Renewal, Harvey and Pella. Went with Pella - wood inside, composite material outside. About the same price as Andersen but much more attractive in our opinion. Happy to talk more if you'd like.
    - JL

  • 5/28 2:30pm   Does anyone know why Norfolk Grand Rental went out of business? I just tried to phone them for some party tent supplies and got a recording that they were closed for business permanently. I just used them in early April for a different event. Is someone else taking over the business with a new name?
    - JM

  • 5/28 11:06am   CC has been found! And is back home
    - HN

  • 5/28 9:40am   To PRR: we did a lot of shopping around about 2 years ago for replacement windows. We went with Bob Arthur (RF Arthur Home Improvement in Franklin - 508-528-4424) and were very satisfied with the quality of the work, as well as his price. He installed Harvey replacement windows, which are very nice looking and easy to clean. He also installed a sky light while he was replacing our roof. We would use him again without question.
    - AFD

  • 5/28 9:39am   JC, About 12 years ago I had three cracks in my foundation walls. When it rained water would pour in one of the cracks very badly. Crack X injected the epoxy resin once and I have not had a problem since. Many companies are doing it now. I always see a truck in Franklin (I assume he lives there) right before you get to Star Market, I assume this person owns a company. It is a bit costly but very worth it. Good luck; it worked for me.
    - DWL

  • 5/27 8:44pm   Join us on June 8th at 4:00 PM for the Fifth Annual PMC Kids Norfolk Ride. Kids from ages 2 to 14 will be riding their bikes to raise funds for cancer research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The PMC Kids Norfolk Ride has raised over $20,000 for the Jimmy Fund, the fundraising arm of Dana-Farber. With two different routes for younger and older riders and a big party afterwards, the event will be a chance to get some exercise, have some fun and raise money for an important cause. And make sure you pick up raffle tickets to support the event. There are over $1000 in prizes to give away. For more information and to register for the event, please visit [kids.pmc.org event 171]
    - DL and AL

  • 5/27 8:43pm   SL, I buy my sand box sand at Home Depot. 40 lb bags for about $3. Call ahead and ask if an employee can lift them into your car. 4 to 6 bags should get you started.
    - DM

  • 5/27 10:38pm   A question to our Board of Selectmen. How much of the taxpayers' money is being spent to defend our town boards (yearly, for litigation) especially when we are cutting back on teachers, police/fire equipment to protect our citizens, and what if anything is the Board of Selectman doing to make sure that their future appointments do not have their own personal agenda first before the public good moving forward. We must remember [other board members were] appointed by the Board of Selectmen. [...]
    - JS

  • 5/27 8:07pm   I have a big crack my foundation that needs repair. In winter lots of water leaks in. Has anyone had success stopping leaks by having epoxy injected into the crack? Is it a good long-term fix? Is there a repair company you'd recommend? Thanks.
    - JC

  • 5/27 8:05pm   Babysitters looking for summer jobs, experienced and reliable. We are students at KP High. Please call Ali (508)498-8394 or Hanna (508)498-8394.
    - KR

  • 5/27 7:23pm   To PRR - Regarding replacement window and any issues with windows... we just used Peter Bowker, he works with his son. They are very courteous and will not overcharge for the job. We were completely satisfied. Mr. Bowker also does work on restoring old homes if anyone is interested. I am including his e-mail address, please tell him you were referred by a recent satisfied Norfolk client! peterbowker@comcast.net Good luck with your project,
    - LR

  • 5/27 6:56pm   Hi BL, Me and my pup go to the Wrentham boat landing on Lake Pearl on hot summer nights - yes sticker required; you can get them at the Wrentham Town Hall. It is worth the cost, so many dog owners go there to socialize their dogs, truly a nice place. Many times when it is so hot, I jump in with my pup.
    - RS

  • 5/27 5:54pm   LAW - Personally, I look at Memorial Day as a day to celebrate the freedoms we have because of the brave men and women who serve in the armed forces. I think of these men and women and their families, and I thank them for everything they do.
    My grandfather was a Navy SeaBee in WWII, my dad was in the Air Force in the Korean War, and I have several family members in the Marine Corps and other branches of the service. Some are serving in the Middle East right now.
    In my opinion, it's a day to spend with those you love and do what you want because we have the freedom to do just that. It's a day of remembrance and celebration, so no, I don't get ``PO'd'' when I hear someone say ``Happy Memorial Day''. I smile and think of my grandfather. If he were alive today, you can bet I would have spent the day with him.
    - SF

  • 5/27 5:37pm   Replacing and installing new windows? Any suggestions and reviews? Warnings? If you please, we have to replace some windows, a bay window and install a new skylight and window in our upstairs "attic" bedroom in the near future. There are so many different brands and companies that install them now. We had Anderson Replacement out to our house and they were outrageously priced!! Much more than others. I have been resisting getting new windows since I don't like the way Low E glass changes the color of sunlight... but now it is required. Personally I think solar technology should be subsidized so we could all afford it!! That would really make sense, instead of subsidizing the oil industry! But hey... we are where we are...
    So, anyway, can anyone recommend windows with wooden trim inside that last, look great and are reasonably priced, also where they might be purchased and who would be an honest and reliable installer?
    Thank you,
    - PRR

  • 5/27 5:24pm   CC has been missing from her Rockwood Residence since 5/23. If anyone has seen her please contact her owner at ronda@rondasnyder.com or by calling Animal Control directly at 528 3232. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

    [Update 5/28 11:06am: CC has been found! And is back home - HN]

  • 5/27 10:42am   Free to anyone who wants a Craftsman Automatic V-twin lawn tractor for parts - the engine seized. We had a new drive belt and battery placed on it and it still wouldn't turn over (those were subsequently removed). May be good for parts if anyone is interested. Please contact me through the web-master. [Use box118@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks.
    - JN

    [Update 5:30pm: The lawn mower is already gone!! Thanks. - JN]

  • 5/27 10:41am   Author & speaker Paul Lloyd Hemphill will give presentation on college admission and financial aid strategies this Wednesday evening at 7 pm at the Norfolk Library.
    - Paul Lloyd Hemphill, precollegeprep.com // 508-520-6642

  • 5/27 9:25am   On Saturday evening, June 7th Norfolk Baseball is sponsoring a Family Movie Night to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry. The event begins at 7:00 pm. The evening will begin with magician/ventriloquist Steve Zany and continues on with the feature movie, Sandlot, being shown on the big screen under the stars at the Major League Field located at the Freeman- Centennial School.
    Admission is a donation of a non-perishable food item. This is a community event, all are invited. Food will be available. Bring your blanket and join us for a night of fun. For further information, please visit our website at www.norfolkbaseball.com
    - KF, Norfolk Baseball Association

  • 5/27 9:24am   Now that the warmer weather is here, does anyone have any suggestions on a good place to bring our dog to swim?
    - BL

  • 5/27 9:23am   Went to the Cape this weekend and the owner of the Three Seasons Motel in Dennis Port said he is usually filled on Memorial Day and he had 25 empty rooms.
    We have gone there for several years now and it is the first time it has been that empty. On the bright side, traffic was minimal.
    - JW

  • 5/27 9:22am   SL, you can pick up a yard of sand yourself from several places locally for between $17 to $20 a yard if you have access to a pickup truck. One such place is Lorusso's on West St. in Walpole. Metcalf Materials in Franklin has it too, but we had them deliver it, which drives the price up. The total for us was $104.60 for 2 yards. Make sure you ask for "mason" sand, it's very nice.
    - LJK

  • 5/27 9:21am   To BS re: "house calls" for tractors. Try Riverside Repair Co. 508-821-0123. We were pleased with their service and the mower runs beautifully now.
    - TC

  • 5/26 2:59pm   Does anyone know of a place that will deliver sandbox sand? Thanks,
    - SL

  • 5/26 2:58pm   Does anyone else out there in Norfolkland get very PO'd when Radioheads and others say "Happy Memorial Day"?
    There is nothing happy about millions of lives lost due to conflicts between nations. Think about the meaning of the day, and thank past and present servicemen and women for the sacrifices they make so that we remain safe and secure.
    - LAW

  • 5/26 1:24pm   BS, I used Mower & More out of Milford. He does housecalls and is reasonable vs. having it picked up and delivered. 508 478 2004.
    - PB

  • 5/25 10:56am   AV, Well said, but 50 years ago we did know what was going on, and I believe we cared more about the world then. I asked our grandson who goes to K.P. High about Pearl Harbor, and his response was about the movie Pearl Harbor. So what is being taught in our schools??
    I have been to the Arizona, which yes is still leaking oil. There were divers there getting ready to go under water--when I inquired what they were doing I was told that the Veterans who were there have wished that when they die that their ashes are to be placed with the dead who are still down there. That is what these men were doing. To see the names listed on the Memorial for the Arizona (Navy) is a rude awakening as so many were brothers or fathers and sons. That is no longer allowed--relatives are not on the same ship anymore. There was a movie long ago called "The Sullivan Brothers" 5 brothers died fighting in WW2.
    Yes, this seems to be just a holiday for a cookout. How sad. Good for you. I wish I knew who were as I would personally congratulate you on your impute
    - BR (BR#1)

  • 5/24 5:02pm   Does anyone know of someone or company that makes "house calls" to repair or tune up tractor mowers? Seems to me I've heard or read of this type of service. Thanks,
    - BS

  • 5/24 9:25am   To AV: People even 50 years ago had no idea what was going on across the country, let alone across the world.
    The thoughtful comments from someone so young is very impressive indeed. It is not my intention to split hairs, but you might want to reconsider the accuracy of the above quote. I think I understand what you were trying to say, but I really don't believe the percentage of Americans 50 years ago were any more or less informed than the general population today. In fact, some may believe people were more informed back then (statistics showing an alarming drop in present day folks who read, for example). Perhaps I'm a bit too cynical, but it seems to me one aspect of human nature will always remain the same: No matter what technological, social, or cultural changes that occur, similar numbers of people will insist on being informed and similar numbers of people will coast through life in varying degrees of blissful ignorance, whether it's 1958 or 2008.
    That being said, I do believe such well written posts from a 22-year-old clearly indicate there is hope after all.
    - TEM

  • 5/24 9:25am   Memorial Day is approaching, what does this mean to you? Many people I believe have forgotten the meaning of this "holiday". It seems many believe that it's a time off from work, where you are suppose to cook out, get drunk and spend time with your family. I wouldn't venture to say that this is wrong, but I truly wonder if people even remember what it's all about. This day was designed solely to remember fallen soldiers from past and present wars. This is a time specially designated to remember those who have perished defending the very freedoms that so many take for liberty every day. Granted Memorial Day is to remember the dead, but I believe we should also think about the living. The very individuals who are anywhere other than home defending your freedoms.
    As I scanned the "Veterans page" this town has set up I noticed that it neglected to mention anyone who is serving in the military who has been deployed to anywhere else other than Iraq or Afghanistan. I believe that there is a major problem with that. This is in fact a Global War on Terror, not just a war in Iraq or Afghanistan. Whos to say the sand on a soldier's boots means any less coming from Kawait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia or anywhere else. Or for instance if you decided to join the Navy, you get no recognition whatsoever if you never set foot on land? This makes no sense to me. These individuals are just as much in harm's way and just as much a targets as if they were in Iraq. On September eleventh, the hijackers were not from Iraq or Afghanistan, but Saudi Arabia, UAE, Lebanon, Egypt and others. Terrorist activities are not limited to just Iraq or Afghanistan, they are everywhere, and although that doesn't give everyone a "warm fuzzy feeling" it's the truth. So on this memorial day as you crack open your beer, light up your grill, or do whatever you normally do, think about and pray for all of those living and dead who made it possible for you to feel safe. Those who keep the enemy at bay and out of your back yards. A simple thank you to a soldier can go a long way.
    - AV

  • 5/24 9:20am   Before OPEC it was Standard Oil, and Carnegie Steel. Fuel inflation has been around since we had the need for it. Need anyone forget, gasoline was a byproduct of making kerosene. I'm sure a hundred years ago people were complaining of the price of kerosene and whale blubber to light their homes. Point of the matter is, inflation has been around for a long time and as long as the cost of living continues to rise, I don't see the price of anything going down. Whether it is water, milk or gasoline. The average income of this town I venture to say is not all that insignificant. I see many high end vehicles driving around, not the least bit practical. Whether it's a Dodge Viper, Lexus, BMW, Humm V, or suburban. Not that driving any of the above are a bad thing, but the proof is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Telling someone to stop driving or saying that we need to "boycott" buying fuel is like taking away one of the few freedoms we as Citizens Of The United States have left. The freedom to go where we choose, the freedom to leave when we want to leave. Not every country has those freedoms. Many people in third world counrties barely ever venture beyond a 10 mile radius of their homes their entire lives. I would suggest traveling to a country that isn't in Europe or equivalent and take a good look at how others live. I have spent time in such places and know that what we as Americans take for granted every day, our liberties: people in other countries don't have that luxury. We can practice religion freely, believe what we want, say what we want because of our Constitution. That's why everyone comes to America and why we are classified as the "cultural melting pot".
    I am only 22 but I have seen and done enough to know what most people my age choose to ignore. There has always been some conflict going on that we are ignorant of. Since man first had a disagreement with their fellow man people have fought, killed, or hurt one another. The only reason why it seems "so bad " now is the fact that media only reports "bad news" because it's what sells. You see global problems every day, but look at the context in which you see them. People even 50 years ago had no idea what was going on across the country, let alone across the world. Media has broadened our vision and we are now a global community. We as Americans can no longer be isolationists and we need to look towards the future and realize that whats happening in The Middle East, Africa, or South East Asia is just as much our problem as what's happening three doors down or in our town. The only difference is that one example we can see and one we can't. I don't agree with ignoring our unemployment rate, or domestic problems but I also know enough to say that were not the only ones with problems.
    - AV

  • 5/23 8:51pm   JAB, sorry for the late response. I think we are actually kindred spirits that agree that the streamlined permitting bylaw may be an exercise in futility. However, I am unconcerned that the Town is exhausting our limited resources on this ruse. It is more important to me that the Selectmen are putting their own brand of trickle-down economics to the test. This time tested theory was on display again on the 3rd night of town meeting as the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen led the charge in defeating the silly effort to create a unit of affordable housing on Leland Street (our newest Selectman resigned from the Affordable Housing Committee long ago and hasn't looked back since; and our third Selectman, well, the wind was blowing a different way that night). It isn't important that the proposal wouldn't have cost a nickel and would have provided an affordable home to a cash strapped local family. What is important that these people pull themselves up by their bootstraps. When we are done spending millions of dollars to take the Stop & Shop parcel and succeed in building something new and fantastic (like a Shaws supermarket?) the person who would have had that house could get a job there, save their money and buy a house without our charity. In 2037.
    - ART

  • 5/23 8:19pm   PA - I agree with your post. At least Rob Garrity is taking the time to meet with any and all citizens rather than limiting his interaction to those whose importance warrants a cup of coffee at Bourque's. As for his trip to Connecticut, these state visits take time. Like Eisenhower to Korea, I am sure Mr. Garrity will keep his promise, make his visit and return with something of value. Hopefully it's a new economic development strategy because we need one.
    - DL

  • 5/23 6:53pm   I just had a great experience that epitomizes the neighborliness of Norfolk. I'd stopped by Gump's this afternoon to get 2 tomato plants. They did not have the type I wanted in single containers, just 6-packs of them. As I was explaining that I only had room for 2-3 tomato plants in my perennial garden, another customer came over and said he only needed 3 from the pack he was buying, offered me his extra 3 tomato plants, and wouldn't let me pay anything for them! The owner went and got us a nice pot to transport them in, and I went home with a warm feeling in my heart!
    BTW, the 'new' Gumps is very nicely done - with an interesting assortment of garden decor inside the building. I was told the llamas like being closer to the action, and hopefully the bullfrog returns to the expanded pond :-)
    Thank you, kind stranger!
    - CI

  • 5/23 4:37pm   AB: We should commend Mr. Garrity for being accessible and willing to do this. No matter what hours he set aside, someone would have complained. He did post his e-mail address, so you could have asked him this directly rather than use a public forum to do so.
    - PA

  • 5/23 4:36pm   Aw, go on, MON. Don't waste the time or effort gathering moldy bread and waiting for your cultures to grow. That's tasteless; the cultures, that is. You'd be depriving our feathered friends of a snack high in carbohydrates, anyway. Why don't you just do what my grandma used to do? It was a sure cure for all kinds of ailments: melt a batch of lard, heavy proportioned with a copious amount of sodium hydroxide.
    Once the compound has cooled and thickened into a cake, or a soapy paste, have your Aunt Mary scrub her feet with it, several times. Within 24 hours, my grandma would guarantee that Aunt Mary's abscesses, right along with her bunions, would be totally gone. An added bonus of grandma's cure-all soap is that Auntie would never again be bother with overgrown toenails; in fact she would never have to bother bending over to trim those pesky toenails, at all... Grandma's concoction was so impressive that we put several verses to music, so we could praise it. We still sing about it in the hills, when I'm back home.
    Have a great weekend,
    - MT :=)

  • 5/23 3:52pm   While I do wish to acknowledge Mr. Garrity's efforts for holding meetings to talk and chat about things, I must comment that less than 15 hours notice, and at 10 am (when most people are at work), and before a holiday weekend has compelled me to post. As one might expect I did not go since I had to work this morning, but if I could attend I had only one question. My question, with some historical background, is - during Candidate's Night Mr. Garrity committed to going to Connecticut and go to "that town" and see what they did to deal with Stop and Shop. My question is, have you gone and if not when are you going?
    - AB

  • 5/23 3:04pm   SR, actually , I actually understood your math perfectly well. I would kill to get 25 mpg; what SUV do you drive that gets that? I would like to get one! 15 bucks is 15 bucks. Sure it is not that much more than last year... but it's a lot more than a few years ago. We are being desensitized because gas had risen so much last year. The principle for me is still the same - higher everything... still no wage increase. I must agree with RM. He/She said it wonderfully. I have been posting on this board with similar sentiments recently. Thank you RM!
    - MW

  • 5/23 12:26pm   To BR #1: I remember very clearly going to the cemetery every month to ``garden'' as my mother and grandmother called it. We all lived in the same town then and it was like an event. We packed gardening tools and a watering can, plus a couple of hats and the usual geraniums. My mother made sure that we understood that we needed to be respectful of al the graves and we understood about death and how that was something that happened to everyone eventually. It made me appreciate life, although at the time, I hated going.
    Nowadays, I don't go to the cemetery much, as I live 600 miles away. This weekend, I know that the priest will be at the cemetery blessing the graves and I feel bad about not taking care of my parent's gravesite. When I do go home, in the summer, I try to take my daughter there so that she learns the same lessons about respect. I am sure that not too many people take their kids anymore. Most parents try to shield their kids from death. I am sure that many find it too depressing.
    As for the ongoing new debate regarding $52.00, that is just a sad fact. The haves and the have-nots will always be at war. I think, though, it all boils down to choices that we make and what we want vs. the amount of money someone has. It is sad that we have to be pitted against one another all the time. Seems like everyone is always looking for a fight.
    I think I will go to the cemetery and water some flowers. Seems much more peaceful there.
    - JN

  • 5/23 12:25pm   TRK and MW - please read my post again, you wouldn't do well in this years MCAS. My suggestion is that the same trip(s) from last year is up $1.10 per gallon resulting in only a $52.80 increase from this year to last for a 700 mile trip in a gas guzzling SUV. The overall cost of the trip at $4.00 per gallon is as you put it.
    The added cost to the Cape and back is $15.00 more than it was last year with the gas guzzler (I don't drive a Prius). A 1500 mile trip to Folorida in a car that gets 25 miles per gallon will only cost you $66.00 more than it did last year. Emphasis on last year.
    The second point (well missed) is that yes, prices are going up - but it's the attached hysteria that makes it far worse - and your rush to read into my post what you want to proves the point.
    And here's my third point and prediction - Oil is the largest traded commodity in the world. What goes up, POP! must come down. As soon as the speculators and hedge funds have had their run, they'll be a time when the return trip from Truro to the Canadian border will actually cost less than the trip down.
    - SR

  • 5/23 11:59am   All these hard luck stories are getting depressing. In the meantime we all have to be industrious and strong, for the future of our Great Nation. Does anyone have any moldy bread they don't need? I am using it to make penicillin to treat my Aunt Mary's abcessed bunions.
    - MON

  • 5/23 11:57am   SR - I only just read your most recent posts and it is a prefect example of the lack of understanding of the hardships that many people in town and across this state and country are facing. I am sure it strikes many as a showing a total lack of reality of the economic shape this country is in for many people.
    You flippantly say, Am I really going to stay home and not the make a trip to Uncle Phil's Cape home for the holiday with the Family to save $52.80?
    For families that are already stretched to the limit and are already making sacrifices, $52.80 could be a few days worth of food or paying that months phone bill or the gas they need to go from their first to second job for the week. For a younger couple like we are who only recent were able to purchase a home and are just starting a family, we do not have all of these "gains" to give back nor will we be "off to the Caribbean" anytime soon. And no, we did not gamble on an adjustable mortgage nor did we buy a house that was too expensive for our income, but we are still finding it harder and harder to make ends meet and for you to dismiss our concerns is bordering on offensive.
    It is hard out there for many people, food prices, gas prices, healthcare, daycare. Waiting to see how much the taxes are going to go up this year... Your post proves once again that some people have no clue what is actually going on in the world outside their McMansions and perfectly sculptured lawns. Your post is no different than the talking heads you see on TV or the "Wall Street" guys you hear talking about how wonderful the world is while they make money hand over fist speculating on the price of oil and causing it to rise to levels that will in time cripple this economy.
    I don't log on to this site much anymore and I hope I am not reading your post out of context, but if not, try to look beyond the SUV in the drive way to your fellow Americans that just barely making it and have very legit concerns.
    - RM

  • 5/23 11:55am   SR, I think you articulated something that led me to realize that I too often am quick to jump to conclusions, those conclusions being mostly negative. I remember the "Energy Crisis" in the 70's and as I recall, the issue wasn't so much the price of gas as it was the availability of gas. I remember being in a long line of cars waiting to buy 5 gallons of gas that had to last through the week. Guess what? We made it through!
    It's difficult these days to keep a positive attitude about life in general when all we ever hear through the media is negative, negative, negative. We're in a rut. We will get out of it. But along the way, shouldn't we acknowledge some of the mistakes we've made and apply some of the lessons learned? Dependence on oil, gigantic SUVs, wasting natural resources and the like are all mistakes. Lead by example. Conserve. Find alternatives. Be smart. Be positive.
    - TK

  • 5/23 11:53am   SR -- I am with you! We could save the $52 by not going out to eat for dinner this weekend. That is probably an average tab for my husband and me. As I look out my window at work, the parking lot is still full of cars from New Hampshire and Rhode Island (I work in Needham). I would say about one third of them are SUVs. People are going to go about their lives as they must. Have fun on the Cape!
    - MH

  • 5/23 11:49am   SR... A little math correction, if I may... if I've read your post correctly...
    700 miles at 15 mpg is going to cost you, at the current price of $4.00 or so per gallon... about $186 and change. That's not really all that bad I suppose, could be worse... And as there would seem to be little in the way of mass transit from northern NH to Truro, certainly no direct connections, that money is probably well spent, especially if it's only once a year.
    Heck, for the opportunity to visit yet again with Uncle Whatshisname and Aunt... what was it, Gladys...? I'd do it twice a year. The Cape is that nice. Windswept and mostly treebarren Truro is lovely this time of year.
    There's a caveat that might be mentioned here such that your trip planning goes not awry. Given the seeming light speed at which prices at the pump skyrocket with little or no apparent reason, you might calculate the cost of the trip down using current rates, but double the cost of the trip back as there's no telling where the price at the pump might be when you hit the road for that long trip back to the Canadian border.
    You still got snow up there...?
    - TRK

  • 5/23 11:44am   SR, Yes, we have canceled our plans to see family on the Canadian border this year. We were also planning to drive to Florida... also canceled. $15 to go to the Cape and back? What do you drive, a Prius? We have a camp in NH; it takes us 2 hours to get there. It costs us $100 round trip in our SUV (which we need for our 6 kids). Hysteria? No... it's common sense. We have planned to take longer vacations up there, rather than to go every weekend and drop $100 in fuel costs each week. My gas bill per month have doubled. Our income has not. I guess it depends on how much you make per year.
    I just wanted to add that it is not the price of gas alone, but the rise of heating oil, food etc. My grocery bills have risen, utilites, etc. It all adds up. It's hard to find the money out of the budget when there is nothing left in the budget to borrow from.
    - MW

  • 5/23 11:43am   RE: "Would anyone really not plan to travel, let's say from Norfolk to the Cape to save $15.00 and miss a fine weekend and a family getaway?"
    As your digression of chronic flatulence suggests, some of us will use any excuse to miss a family getaway! ; )
    Sorry, with the tenor of postings as of late, someone had to lighten the mood....
    - BA

  • 5/23 9:55am   BR#1 - I'm not sure if I qualify for the "new" generation as 40 is looming on my horizon, but most people my age who have lost someone put flowers on graves on special occasions, such as birthdays or the anniversary of the person's death. Unfortunately, that tradition is complicated if you live far away the grave, which is often the case in my generation (my grandparents, for example, are buried over 1,500 miles away). Instead, I know in my circle of friends, that people have hosted mini-memorial get-togethers, donated money to their loved one's favorite charity, or participated in a fundraiser for medical research if they were killed by a particular disease. You're right that the tradition of laying flowers on graves may be on the wane, but I don't want you to think the lack of flowers indicate a lack of caring for the older generation, because I don't think that is the case. It's just that the reality of living so far from your loved ones' graves make you do things differently. Thank you for caring for the flowers that are at the cemeteries, it was very thoughtful of you. I'm sure the families that put them there appreciate it.
    - KID

  • 5/23 8:59am   Today's Boston Globe headline: "Gas Costs Cloud Holiday Weekend"
    Please, fine readers of this web page, put me out of my misery and set me straight. Is it me or has something somewhat hysterical crept into the psychology of this very normal and cyclical economic "downturn" we're in?
    Here's my case.
    Let's say that I am a family of 6. My wife and I, our three kids and our dog skipper have been invited every year for the past 10 years to my dear uncle Phil's home in Truro for a family beginning on the summer barbecue. He opens his house to us and allows us free range for the weekend. We always have a wonderful time with the exception of having to put up with Aunt Glady's chronic flatulence, but I digress...
    I neglected to mention that we live way upstate in New Hampshire on the Canadian border approx. 300 miles from Truro. We also have the misfortune of owning a huge gas guzzling SUV which only get 15 miles gallon on the highway. This means that we'll burn an entire tank of gas going each way to the Cape and then home. Last year the price of a gallon of gas, was $1.10 lower than it is now. The gas tank on my gas guzzling SUV holds 24 gallons. Therefore, I expect to spend a grand total of $52.80 more for the for entire 700 mile trip.
    Am I really going to stay home and not the make a trip to Uncle Phil's Cape home for the holiday with the Family to save $52.80? Certainly I can find a way to save $52.80 from somewhere else in my budget.
    Would anyone really not plan to travel, let's say from Norfolk to the Cape to save $15.00 and miss a fine weekend and a family getaway?
    I can surely understand starting a thought process that makes me realize that I should start bundling trips to shop, carpool to work, take the train occasionally to work, etc, to economize, and I'm not downplaying the impact of high gas prices - but to this extent? Is anyone really at a point where holiday travel plans are being cancelled, or is it really just media hype?
    Please fine readers, help me....
    - SR

  • 5/23 8:28am   JN, when I was in elementary school we had to practice going into the corridors and curl up against the wall in case we had an air raid attack. I had one brother in WWII and another in the Korean War. Our son was in the Persian Gulf War. I try very hard to enjoy what is here in Norfolk. Nature, beauty. I have had to get out of my car the last few days and clap my hands to get the ducks off the road on Miller Street. I took pictures this morning of the goose family by the Miller Street bridge with their little ones. Mr. Swan is gone from Bush Pond but there is a pair of swans near the miller street bridge. This is Memorial Day weekend and we did the cemeteries today. How many people do flowers on graves now??? When my husband & I are gone, probably no one will put flowers on any of the family graves. The new generation does not seem to follow that tradition. We watered so many dried-out flower pots in the 2 cemeteries we went to today. I do realize it seems a waste of money to put flowers out as they will die if not watered, but my husband & I still feel this is a "must thing".
    - BR (BR#1)

  • 5/22 6:58pm   Folks who have concerns, questions, or just want to chat are welcome to come to my "office hours" at the library tomorrow at 10am. I'll be holding "office hours" in one of the study rooms in the back and would be happy to talk about anything on your minds. I'll try to hold at least one of these sessions a month, of course I'm always available via email (garrity@virtualnorfolk.org). I hope to hear what's on your mind!
    - Rob Garrity, Norfolk Selectman

  • 5/22 5:28pm   The Friends of the Library Annual Book and Bake Sale was held on April 25th and 26th this year, and by any measure it was a huge success. The final totals are yet to be calculated, but after all of the expense receipts are in, it looks like we will have earned nearly $17,000. This is by far the largest and most successful sale we've ever held, and it took lots of people to make it happen.
    [ . . .   Continued]

    The crowds gathering for the Friday Night Friends-Only Preview
    The book and bake sale requires over 120 volunteers, and each year we call to ask for your assistance. We never have trouble filling the shifts. Year to year we see familiar faces, but this year we had a record number of new participants. Another group of dedicated volunteers are the over 70 people who baked delicacies for the most successful bake sale we've ever had. Not only did you come through with delicious baked goods, but the creative presentation of the offerings was inspiring. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    [ . . .   Continued]
    And finally the biggest thanks of all goes to the community of Norfolk. You came out and bought books and baked goods from the Friends, popcorn from the Junior Friends, and hot dogs from the Lions. You generally made this not only a fantastic fund raiser, but also a great community event. People met old friends they hadn't seen in years at the sale and many stayed for coffee or lunch to catch up on news of each others lives. Residents of all ages participate in this annual event because the love of reading and the love of a bargain resonates with all of us.
    We had over 30,000 books organized and ready All of the money we raise at the Annual Book and Bake Sale helps to pay for projects and events at the library. Many items we supply to the library just can't be squeezed out of an incredibly tight town budget. All of the library's patrons benefit from your generosity. This very special recycling process works, as evidenced by the success of the sale of many thousands of books, all donated by citizens of Norfolk and then purchased by many other citizens.
    Thank you to everyone who participated either by working, or by baking, or by shopping. And to those of you who did all three, and many did, a special thank you for helping to make this the biggest and best Book and Bake Sale ever.
    - Mary Jo Gothorpe, Book and Bake Sale Committee

  • 5/22 5:00pm   I was reading all these posts today feeling somewhat stressed and sad about what is happening in the world, and, it seems, right here in our own sleepy town. Later, I was reminiscing with a friend about the world when I was growing up at about my daughter's age, now 9. The world seemed so simple then and today's so complex; however, when I really thought about it, it was stressful and crazy back then as well. We had the start of the Vietnam War in 1969; prior to that we had a president assassinated, his brother assassinated, the civil rights movement and MLK being assassinated in 1968. We had the Kent State shootings in 1970, the oil embargo in 1973 with huge gas lines! I was so young then but remember my parents feeling that the world was out of control.
    Now as an adult, I feel somewhat the same as they did, but my 9 y.o. daughter is still outside swinging on a swing, playing with friends and hoping we go out for ice cream. She is also dreaming about summer and cannot wait for school to end, just like I did way back then. So to her, things are fine and utterly normal. We all get so carried away by what the media tells us to be afraid of. What really matter are still the simple things in life, and we should all just take a deep breath, hug the ones we love, and, for goodness' sake, go out for some ice cream! BTW, the new Raiders of The Lost Ark movie is now out and I am hoping to go and forget all about the worries of the world, if for only 2 hours. With popcorn and a humongous soda as well.
    ``Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid''
    Peace, all.
    - JN

  • 5/22 2:40pm   To LS - Yikes! You've gone over to the dark side! Come on back - it's not that bad. Put down the paper for the moment, turn off the radio and go watch a little league game at Freeman-Centennial. Remember what this world is really about. No, you are very wrong, we don't live for OPEC.
    - SR

  • 5/22 2:14pm   SR - I'm all for being positive and the glass being half full, but your statement has me baffled - "living in this world does not revolve around the costs associated with doing so". I guess this is true if you like being homeless. Point being is, at this point in time OPEC is who we answer to. Period. The world truly does revolve around the costs associated with it.
    - LS

  • 5/22 2:10pm  
    John H Masterson passed away last night May 21 at the Jordan Hospital in Plymouth Ma. after a long illness with Alzheimers. He was a long time resident of Norfolk Ma and the husband to the late Esther J Masterson (Sullivan). He was living in Carver Ma at the time of his death. He leaves behind is second wife Etta, his son Chris and Cheryl from Norfolk, son John and Sue from Rochester Ma, son Paul and Loraine from Bourne Ma, his daughter Maureen and Peter Lamb from Norfolk, 12 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.
    - ML

  • 5/22 1:53pm   EF, My apologies if I offended you. However, you must realize that it is very stressful to have your children come running home to you in tears at dinner time and to be worried about the unknown. Just trying to find the facts so that I can explain to my own young children and so that maybe others can get a handle on what to tell their children.
    The kids were very upset last night and we did not get much sleep in this house. Maybe the police could have issued a statement sooner to the neighbors so that our anxieties were spared? We have had our share of scares in this neighborhood. We are constantly dealing with emergency vehicles and unmarked cars here. This is not the first experience that we have had with something like this. The last time, we were told to evacuate our house while they surrounded the neighborhood with a tactical team and rifles. How do you think my kids feel when they answer the door to an officer in full gear and a rifle?
    My kids are starting to be afraid in their own neighborhood. I was careful not to mention names.The news reports are public information. I was only answering a question posted by another resident. I will not try to be helpful again.
    - MW

  • 5/22 1:52pm   SR - just wanted to say that I completely agree with your post. Let the gloom and doom end (at least for a few days!). Yes, we're in a recession. But that doesn't mean that soup kitchens will soon be sprouting up in downtown Norfolk. We have all weathered through tough economic times in the past and will do so in the future I'm sure. As you wrote, "economies run in cycles". Thanks for reminding us that the world isn't coming to an end. Sometimes its sound like that when one is reading a few of the posts on here.
    - LL

  • 5/22 1:50pm   Re To MW - Please let the police do their job and do not jump to conclusions regarding what has happened, and please let the family have privacy during this difficult time. - EF
    Wow, I didn't think MW wrote anything that gave the impression that she was remotely involved in or would ever hinder the police investigation or invade the families privacy. She was merely updating people on what she read/heard on WBZ. Info that is public and that we can all access. I don't see how that is invading the families' privacy. If she had written lengthy speculations than I would agree - but she didn't.
    - LL

  • 5/22 12:26pm   To MW - Please let the police do their job and do not jump to conclusions regarding what has happened, and please let the family have privacy during this difficult time.
    - EF

  • 5/22 12:18pm   My apologies for quoting a teenager! It was not a teen that was involved in the incident on Stony Rd! Thank goodness that boy is safe. My apologies. They just released the names. The details are on WBZ. I feel very sorry for that family... prayers.
    - MW

  • 5/22 12:04pm   Re Stony Road incident: [Sun Chron article]
    - DM

  • 5/22 12:02pm   The incident yesterday happend on Stony Rd... I am a neighbor. Emergency vehicles started arriving in the afternoon after the HS and Middle school got out. My teenage son got an IM from another neighbor that [...; incorrect rumor; see post of 12:18pm] I don't know how accurate that is... But there were police vehicles there until late at night. Very sad, if this is true. [...] Last night Fox 25 reported this at 2am... I did not happen to hear names mentioned.
    - MW

    [Update 1:56pm: incorrect rumor elided - Wm.]

  • 5/22 12:01pm   I also wanted to explain where my last post was coming from a little more. I can't recall the specifics,but I remember reading on this site that someone thought a few hundred dollar increase in taxes was really not that much. That may be true to those paying ten grand a year in taxes.
    But to me, it's a lot. I also wanted to point out that a few people have commented on their respect for the town of Dover. Dover could probably afford to build new ever time it needed more space. However, they have historically renovated older buildings and made use of them until it was impossible to get anything else out of them. They really squeeze the life out of them. Building new is only a very last resort. They really have not gotten into the trap of "spending money to save money"as justification to go overboard on building. If we want to emulate them. Let's start with that. Their library is not nearly as nice or fancy as our new library is. In fact, its very small and very old. But... it was recently given an award for being one of the ten best libraries in the country! This is due to the quality of programs available, not the age or the spaciousness of the building. Believe me. Their library has major issues. Ours is so much nicer, but the residents are willing to deal with that in order to save money. They realize what truly makes a great library - it's the staff, books and services available...
    I think that the same holds true for the schools. We need to be focusing on keeping our teachers and funding educational programs before we can even think about building new. My oldest child utilizes another school district, and his history class is in a trailer addition for heaven's sake. Boy has he learned alot this year! Priorities.
    - MW

  • 5/22 11:12am   MH, I attended Newton North HS. I moved here from Newton. Yes, I understand. Of course there is always more involved than just the teachers. I was trying to keep it short and sweet. NNHS was built in the 1970's. I recall taking a tour of the building when I was in elementary school. When I attended, the school was divided into "houses"... each having their own principal, office, locker area and commons room. The tech/voc school was located on the bottom level. 1984-6 one whole house was closed down due to lack of students.
    Anyhow, I was stunned to hear a while ago that Newton was thinking of building a new North HS. The building really isn't that old. Why does everyone think that older buildings are disposable? What kind of renovations could it possibly need? I find it hard to believe that they cannot find the space to add onto.
    My question is, are we going to follow suit and build a new HS every 30 years just becuase we are tired of the architecture? How fancy does a school have to be? We have public building in this state that are hundreds of years old. What about preserving what we already have?
    I am also having trouble with the "spend money to save money in the long run" theory. If we don't have the money... we shouldn't spend it. My parents lived through the depression and that was how I was raised. So many people are getting into trouble with credit card debt these days. I believe that theory in part contributes to it. We are a generation of people who live beyond our means.
    - MW

  • 5/22 11:11am   I am looking for a reliable mechanic; any suggestions?
    - MD

  • 5/22 11:00am   "Seems like times are tough everywhere... I just read that Newton voted down a 12 million dollar override. This will eliminate 80 teachers! Their avereage tax bill would have gone up by roughly 400 dollars."
    That probably should be kept in the context of the incredibly insane amount they spent on that new high school of theirs... a monument to some architect's ego, for sure.
    - TRK

  • 5/22 10:53am   From URL [thebostonchannel.com page]
    BOSTON -- Norfolk police standing guard outside a Stony Road home overnight.

    The District Attorney's office confirmed that two bodies were found there.

    They were taken to the medical examiner's office.

    Police have not released any identities, or details on what happened.

    - BH

  • 5/22 10:38am   MW -- That failed override has more to it than what is on the surface. You have to remember that Newton is in the process of building the most expensive school in the state of Massachusetts at an estimated $200 Million dollars. According to Wikipedia, the 9th-12th grade school has total enrollment of approximately 2,200 students. This translates to more than $90,000 per student. If they are willing to lay off 80 teachers and still spend that kind of money on a school building, it shows that their priorities are out of order. I would not have voted for that override either.
    - MH

  • 5/22 10:03am   I just read the same thing. I am sure we will hear more today.
    - DV

  • 5/22 10:02am   Sorry folks, the additional two Biblical plagues mentioned in my previous post are 1) The inability of overpaid point guards to hit a three point shot and 2) Manny Ramirez not be able to hit the ball out of the infield during this homestand.
    - SR

  • 5/22 8:56am   Did I read the Boston Channel correctly that there were two bodies found in a house in Norfolk?? Does anyone know anything about this?
    - SD

  • 5/22 8:55am   Can everyone just stop for a moment with the "oh my gosh, we're all going to die... we're in a recession... times are tough... run to the basement! Defend yourselves!" kind of thinking?
    What is it about business recessions that makes everyone think that the 12 plagues of the Bible have been visited upon us? Yes, everyone in the world has been hit in the wallet with rising food and energy prices. This excludes exactly nobody. But, last time I checked, living in this world does not revolve around the costs associated with doing so. There are far more significant challenges. Just because we have less spendable income at the moment should not mean that we have less satisfaction with the nature of our lives.
    Stop reading the newspapers for confirmation that the world is coming to an end. Stop complaining and get on with it - living that is. And, when good times return I expect this posting board to be full of "I'm off to the Caribbean !" and comments like "My 401K is up 20% this year!".
    Few people in this town or any other have given back all the "gains" - capital or otherwise that they've received in the past 10 years. Even if I've given back 10% of my home appreciation in the past 18 months - I'm still up a huge percentage from when I bought homes in Norfolk from 1994. I apologize to any of you who purchased their first home in 2005.
    Economies run in cycles, two steps forward - one step back. Yes, many of our expectations have been curbed for the moment - but everyone needs to just get on with it.
    - SR

  • 5/22 7:29am   Seems like times are tough everywhere... I just read that Newton voted down a 12 million dollar override. This will eliminate 80 teachers! Their avereage tax bill would have gone up by roughly 400 dollars.
    - MW

  • 5/21 8:02pm   RP, re the 2.99 deal - please think about it for a minute.
    The limit is 12,000 miles per year. Assume 25 MPG and you're talking about 480 gallons, so figure max of 960 per year. So that's maybe 5 grand over the three years. And as rebates go they pay it out over three years.
    Oh and that only covers 87 octane gas.
    They only pay the difference above $2.99 a gallon, so I highly doubt it'll ever get to be $5k/vehicle, as you'd have to get 12 MPG or gas would have to go to $5 a gallon. Even at $5 a gallon average over the next 3 yrs, a 20 MPG car would only cost Chrysler $3600. Cash back rebates and other random incentives aren't much different, especially considering that this one takes 3 years to realize.
    - SB

  • 5/21 6:48pm   Since everyone is on the topic of Southwood, I'll share this site for fun that someone sent me... people have claimed that Southwood Hospital is haunted... check out the site [link here]
    - SM

  • 5/21 6:02pm   ART, If as you suggest the clean-up for the Southwood Hospital far exceeds the fair market value (which in itself makes no sense because fair market value is what someone is willing and able to spend), then next-day board approval won't matter, because no one will buy it. Your complaints together make no sense; you really need to stick to one complaint at a time. If no one is going to buy the land, why does any change in permitting approval matter?
    - JAB

  • 5/21 6:01pm   NS: I will second what SF said about the Y in Franklin-great pool, clean facility, and very attentive staff. My kids love going!
    - AL

  • 5/21 3:43pm   NS - My daughter and I frequent the Y in Franklin almost daily. They provide great programs for children of all ages. The pool is great and the outdoor pool (new last summer) is really nice, too. The staff are friendly and they do a great job addressing any issues that come up. They are updating the gym and they are getting new treadmills today or tomorrow, I believe, and they just replaced all of the elliptical machines a few months ago. There is always something interesting going on. We love it!
    - SF

  • 5/21 3:42pm   On 5/21 at 9:47am, MW queried... "I would love to trade in my SUV, but with six kids between my husband and me, what would we do?"
    The answer is simple - substitute the word "Mini-van" for "SUV". You'll get much more room and a more fuel efficient engine. In fact, if you consider a Chrysler product, they'll buy your gas for $2.99 a gallon for the first 12,000 miles each year for the next 3 years!! Details here... letsrefuelamerica.com
    - RP

  • 5/21 2:00pm   ART: At times your musings seem full of covetousness, and other times full of innuendo. You seem to think you know exactly what our new selectman will do in the future. How? Why not give him a chance to prove himself?
    - PA

  • 5/21 12:55pm   Oh, come now DL, you needn't worry. Soon, our newest Selectman will stop parroting the positions of others, don the "velvet glove" that has been fitted for him and solve all our problems. I trust he will start by filling the land use boards with developers, who truly know what's best for this town.
    - ART

  • 5/21 12:52pm   Thanks to all the voters who turned out for Town Meeting this year! Attendance was almost tripled for the first night compared to last year. More people attended the second night, after the budget was complete, than had attended the first night last year. One important correction in the history trivia quiz: George Cronin (Sr.) also served as Moderator of Norfolk--extra credit to all those who caught the error. See you in October for the Autumn Town Meeting.
    - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator

  • 5/21 12:51pm   Can anyone tell me what article we got up to at Town Meeting last night? Are we done, or is it continued this evening as well?
    - JT

  • 5/21 12:50pm   FG and JS - Why don't you start your own Men's Softball League. There is a softball field at the Freeman Centennial School that is available and it has lights so that you can play evening games!
    - HK

  • 5/21 12:49pm   Just when you think our little town government is ready to tackle the challenges ahead, we spin off yet another committee!! New flow chart please, MON!!
    - AL

  • 5/21 12:48pm   Can anyone give me any positive or negative feedback on their experiences with the Franklin Y? Pool, exercise equipment, etc. Thanks!
    - NS

  • 5/21 12:47pm   Those concerned about the prices of oil vs. gas - I also find them to be the same. Actually I think gas is a bit more. Consider the mini split heat/air conditioning ductless system. There are different companies, i.e., LG, Mitsubishi who make them. They are available up to 24,000 btu's, are efficient, mount on the wall and heat or air condition your house instantly. They are also availble in dual, and tri zones.
    - DWL

  • 5/21 12:46pm   To LS: There's a government agency (Energy Information Administration) at www.eia.doe.gov that provides detailed information when comparing heating systems and fuels. A quick look seems to indicate that the prices are so close that switching from oil to gas is probably not worth it , but there may be additional long-term factors that may play a role in coming to a decision.
    And to JN, I second EC's recommendation. Rocky's Autobody is a local treasure. Great service and great people.
    - TEM

  • 5/21 12:45pm   A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to ``The United States of America'', for an amount of ``up to and including my life''. That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it. Thank you
    - KC

  • 5/21 10:07am   FG - You have it right! Even better, let's drink then whine/complain about our government. Did you know that the Revolution started in taverns here in Massachusetts? People drank fermented beverages because the water was contaminated - the highest per capita ever recorded. Over 200 gallons of beer per person per year! Here's something else you didn't know. Paul Revere was drunk the night he rode home on his horse through Medford - screaming and bellowing in a drunken rant "The British are Coming! The British are Coming" . He really didn't know it, but it just so happens, that night they did invade. The rest is history. Believe it or not!
    You don't find a team that accepts you, FG, drop me a line - I'll turn my yard into a softball field. You bring the beer.
    - MON

  • 5/21 9:49am   LS: I agree about the oil. We are already worried about filling our tanks next winter. We estimate it will probably cost about a thousand dollars a fill if this keeps up. There seems as if there is no end in sight. No wonder everyone is moving down south.
    - BH

  • 5/21 9:48am   Reflections on the third night of Town Meeting.
    So we voted to created an Economic Development Corporation, the sole purpose of which is to give us the ability to take, by eminent domain, the Stop and Shop land because it is "blighted". Putting on our rose colored glasses, we will then "flip" this property to a new owner that will build a magnificent anchor store for Town Center. Except I don't think Stop and Shop is just going to let us waltz in and take their land without a fight, foreshadowing millions of dollars in costs and years of court battles.
    Meanwhile, last week, we voted to provide the owners of the Southwood property, which is truly blighted, with an expedited permitting process because, you know, all that site really needs to get developed is permits within 180 days. Yeah right, if you believe that, then I have a bridge off of Boardman Street to sell you.
    Looking at these things in isolation provides us only with the comfort of blaming someone or something else for our problems. What we really need is for the Selectmen to take a leadership role and develop a true town-wide economic development strategy.
    - DL

  • 5/21 9:47am   LS, I feel your pain. However, we used to have gas heat in another home and the bills were pretty comparable to oil. Not much hope there. What about alternatives to save money elsewhere in the home, such as solar electric? The electric companies have buy-back programs. I would love to trade in my SUV, but with six kids between my husband and me, what would we do? strap one to the roof? And the trade in value of a brand new SUV is downright depressing. We could buy a lot of gas with the money that we would lose on the trade. I too, am looking for alternatives. Any advice is appreciated!
    - MW

  • 5/20 11:59pm   Just a rant about the price of oil... With oil futures nearing $140 a barrel as of Wednesday am, my last oil tank fillup at $4.16/gal with a bill of over $700 I'm a bit concerned about the cost to heat my house next winter. I wonder how many people on Norfolknet.com use Bay State Gas? I'm going to call in the am and find out where their lines run. Anyone want to offer me some positive hope? I don't see an end to this and now know where any money I had will be going... I volunteer to let any oil company drill in my yard.
    - LS

  • 5/20 10:07pm   My husband plays in a men's league in Wrentham. I believe his league is for 30 years of age and over, but they might also have a league for men in their 20's which I believe you once said you were. I'm not sure who you could contact though... sorry.
    - SM

  • 5/20 8:40pm   Myself, several of my friends, and this guy JS are still looking for a men's softball league to join. Unfortunately, most of the people on this blog are to preoccupied ranting about teacher pay, budget overrides and other town related nonsense to [care]. Listen, I just want to get drunk and play some softball this summer. I'm pretty sure I can field a team if anyone knows of a league.
    FYI: If you've got nothing better to do this summer than sit around whining about town government, than you might wanna look into getting drunk and playing some softball too.
    - FG

  • 5/20 4:36pm   To JN, looking for an auto body repair shop: Rocky's Auto Body on Rt. 115 by Rt.1A is the place to go. Marcia and Rocky are honest, hard-working and efficient. With 3 teenage drivers, boy do I know that!! Their number is 508-384-7883, and I think they are open M-Th.
    - EC

  • 5/20 4:08pm   Without a doubt, call my husband Matt Cullen with Edward Jones Investments at 508-359-4114. His office is located in downtown Medfield, and we are Norfolk residents. Edward Jones is highly ranked within the financial industry. Matt truly cares about his clients and their financial position.
    - DC

  • 5/20 4:06pm   Not too long ago, someone was looking for an auto body repair shop nearby--I cannot find the response, but oops! need one as well. Would the poster who knows please re-post? Thanks.
    I am also looking for a wall-paper hanger, any suggestions?
    - JN

  • 5/20 2:36pm   Just a reminder that the third night of Town Meeting starts tonight at the KP Middle School at 7:30 p.m. If we get to it tonight, one of the proposals under consideration will be bylaw proposals to make Town Meeting happen at a quicker pace and with greater transparency of process. Millis recently concluded a 55 Article warrant, including two override questions, in a single night. Hope you can join us!
    - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator

  • 5/20 2:35pm   PR, I think you're wrong, but that's just my opinion. You think it would be easy to regionalize, just us and Wrentham, but you missed the sticking point that already exists between the towns in a regional issue... KP schools. There is already diverging opinion on how much to raise taxes, if at all, to support a regionalized effort, and I don't think public safety would be any different. The towns may frequently be at odds about how to fund this or that part of the system and at what level. And if one town is providing support and the other is not, what have we gained?
    You're analogy of companies merging all the time has little to do with regionalizing efforts between towns... apples and oranges.
    And I never commented on the professionalism of the public safety personnel, so don't go putting words in my mouth. What I was referring to was the citizenry. That's predominantly where the issues would rise. The professionals do their jobs just fine.
    And finally, as fine as technology is, the growing dependence on it for life-safety issues has many times been proven to have bugs. I'm not sold on the notion that the immediacy that exists now would be the same.
    - TRK

  • 5/20 2:34pm   King Philip Music Association will hold a general meeting for the annual election of board members on Tuesday May 27th 7:30pm at King Philip High School Media Center, Wrentham.
    Be in the know about the 2008-2009 Music Program. Meet the officers of the KPMA and learn about future plans. If you have a student at KP Middle School, get involved with the KPMA, so that you can promote your child's music education!
    - MW, KPMA

  • 5/20 2:33pm   Am I wrong in thinking the town officials may have put the cart before the horse in paying $250,000 for a little more than an acre of land for the new public safety building which hasn't even been approved by our fine townspeople? Was the seller of the land the same church that recently received $35,000 of taxpayer money for a paint job? I wonder how many of our influential town officials attend that same church?
    - PR

  • 5/20 2:32pm   RC - From the sounds of your message, the Friends of the Council on Aging won't be at Town Meeting tonight. Say it ain't so. As a hardcore third night attendee, I will need the fuel and caffeine that the Friends provide! I was looking forward to more oatmeal molasses cookies. What can I do? But seriously - thanks for your service to us and hope to see you soon.
    - AL

  • 5/20 2:30pm   To all: Oooooops... my mistake. "Replay" section of the website is for season ticket holders only to place their seats up for sale. You must be a registered season ticket holder to login. The seats are then put into the "ticket pool". I'm sorry for the misinformation. But, you can still get tickets by going directly through redsox.com/tickets or by calling the box office 1-877-REDSOX9 (you may get a busy signal, but keeping trying). Try those avenues first, before a ticket broker (recently the Red Sox signed a contract with Ace Tickets to broker some portion of tickets). Once again sorry!
    - CF

  • 5/19 11:58pm   re: 5/19 11:22pm You can buy tickets at this official site, and even print them at home: [mlb.com/ticketing]
    - RH

  • 5/19 11:22pm   CF: Thanks for the Red Sox tickets tip... although I can't find the "replay" area on their website. Any more suggestions on where it might be on their site? Thanks!!
    - SM

  • 5/19 11:20pm   EC--Your points about the issues with the rising cost of salaries and benefits in the school system as compared to the private sector is well stated. Thanks for getting to the core issue in one paragraph. You stated what's been on my mind ever since I read about the new teacher's contract in the Boomerang a few weeks ago. Good point , too, about the superintendent setup in Dover-Sherborne.
    - CR

  • 5/19 11:18pm   To CF, who suggested I might purchase Red Sox tickets through the resale option for season ticket holders in the "replay" section on RedSox.com... could you be more specific? I can't find the link on their website. Thanks in advance.
    - EC

  • 5/19 11:17pm   Thanks to all the TM attendees who partook of our home baked goods, drinks and delicious coffee. Special thanks to those who baked, Dunkin Donuts who donated the coffee, and Mary Ann, cafeteria manager, and her staff who ga ve us a great assist. We will see you at the Fall TM.
    - RC, Friends of The Norfolk Council On Aging

  • 5/19 6:00pm   Big Bird's Nest Nursery School is happy to announce a new program option for the 2008/2009 school year! Is your child... Ready for kindergarten but misses the cutoff? Enrolled in a 1/2 day kindergarten program but needs more structured time? Age 4 1/2 or 5 and will benefit from a small group environment?
    If so then you may be interested in our Pre K Plus Program. Meeting on Monday,Wednesday and Friday from 11:30 to 2:30 September thru May.
    Limited Spaces Are Available - For more information or to obtain an application please call Stacey Giancioppo Owner/Director or Tracy Hilfrank at 508-520-1151.
    - SG, Big Bird's Nest Nursery School

  • 5/19 5:35pm   TRK - It shouldn't be that difficult, two towns, us and Wrentham. The easy way out is to raise taxes ever year. If the public safety administration is worried about pride then we should get a new administration in there. Companies merge every day and the people who work in the private sector decide whether they want to continue working after the merger or they simply find a new job. I believe you are underestimating the professionalism of our public safety personnel; I don't believe they would be concerned with the pettiness of town pride. Finally, given today's technology, the re-routing of calls will not be an issue or cause a delay in any service provided to our residents.
    - PR

  • 5/19 5:34pm   EC: Try the "replay" section on RedSox.com. This is a resale option for season ticket holders who can not use various tickets. The public is able to purchase the tickets and the season ticket holder's account is credited. You can find some nice seats there at face value. Good luck and Go Sox!
    - CF

  • 5/19 5:33pm   SO - I wholeheartedly recommend Norfolk resident Barry Zimmerman of The Bulfinch Group as a financial advisor. You can reach him at barryzimmerman@bulfinchgroup.com.
    - DBW

  • 5/19 5:32pm   I stand corrected re: Southwood Hospital. My apologies. I am relieved to learn that the vote was merely to streamline permitting.
    - TC

  • 5/19 2:30pm   Can anyone recommend a good financial advisor who specializes in the overlapping nuances of mortgages, realty, assets and divorce (not necessarily in that order)? Finances are the major concern. Any help is greatly appreciated.
    - SO

  • 5/19 2:29pm   I resonate with PR's sentiments. I had a little shock when I went to pick up my car after repair at the dealer. The cashier said,"Oh, you live in Norfolk. I used to live there, but I couldn't afford the taxes and had to sell my house and move." The repair supervisor chimed in saying, "It's a nice town, but it isn't that nice. It's too expensive."
    We need to get the spending in line. For example, in Dover-Sherborn, the school superintendent serves the regional middle and high schools as well as the elementary schools in both towns. That's one high level position that could be eliminated, putting the money in the classroom, and maybe eliminating an override.
    At town meeting I was surprised to see how the benefits cost in our schools has risen in double digits since last year. Private sector salary and benefits have not risen. In most private sector companies, salary increases are not given out every year, and when they are, the increases are generally around 2%. When health care costs go up, the employee has to pay it. The net effect is that the private sector is getting a salary cut every year.
    Our municipal and school employees compensation needs to become more consistent with the private sector. How can we pay more for our own health care, insurance co-pays, and cost of living, while supporting higher benefits packages and salaries for our town employees?
    - EC

  • 5/19 1:38pm   Regionalizing Public Safety Departments is not a new idea, it's been around for a while. And while it may work reasonably well here and there, I believe one of the base concerns about regionalizing public safety is the same that haunts regionalized public schools, and that has to do with funding.
    Witness the current concerns about the KP school system with 2 out of the 3 towns involved apparently deciding against increased funding. One town increasing its funding towards a common concern will not keep the boat afloat. (This does not represent my opinion on that situation, only the reality.) Town A says yes to increases in taxes to support public safety, and yet Towns B and C (and maybe others) say no. Leaving us exactly where?
    Were we to regionalize public safety, we would need an entirely new structure to oversee the system, negotiate the requests for funding and compensation, and then to present the needs to all the towns involved. In the end, how much money would be saved and at what cost?
    All of this, of course, goes beyond the most basic of concerns, the pride in self-sufficiency, having and maintaining one's own department, own trucks, own uniforms, etc. That might be a tougher nut to crack than the others.
    And beyond that is the ever-present question regarding level of service... if my emergency call has to go to another town first and then get routed back to my own town or wherever the closest fire brigade or police squad is, how much time will have gone by and will my emergency be attended to in the same timely fashion it would be now?
    As for simple repairs to a structure never intended to house that which it presently does, the money spent to build a new home for public safety would ultimately be money well spent. Simple repairs would be money thrown away as short term fixes.
    Lots to think about.
    - TRK

  • 5/19 11:37am   The only way to end the perpetual override scenario we are currently facing is to have our leaders make some tough decisions. The lifetime pension and healthcare payments of our public employees is killing our future. We have to reduce public employees to an absolute minimum, while the contracts of all public employees are renegotiated, to the advantage of Norfolk. We must stop making promises we cannot keep. I don't know of anyone in the private sector who isn't paying at least 50% of their own healthcare while they work, never mind picking up their healthcare after they retire. Some ideas:
    --Regionalize our public safety services. Combine Norfolk and Wrentham savings $100,000's yearly on administration alone.
    --Save over $15M over the next 20 years by spending a $200,000 to fix our existing building and use as a satellite public safety building.
    --Contract some teaching positions. Physical education and music to start begin with.
    --Combined clerical positions at town hall to allow half day split positions between departments.
    Will a new public safety building make Norfolk more or less attractive to outsiders? More likely less-higher taxes for the next 20 years will make Norfolk less attractive for business and future residents. How can our children afford to live here?
    Let's work together to provide a better future for our children.
    - PR

  • 5/19 11:33am   KPHS - Had a mock accident sponsored by SADD @ 12:30 on Friday.
    - PR

  • 5/19 11:32am   [Post about overrides removed on request; see revised version of 11:37am - Wm.]

  • 5/19 11:30am   The King Philip Music Department presents two Chamber Recitals, Thursday May 22nd 7pm, and Thursday May 29th 7pm in the auditorium of the King Philip Regional High School, Wrentham. The recitals will feature a variety of performances by high school students, from soloists to quintets. The public is invited; admission is free.
    - MW, KPMA

  • 5/19 11:27am   Both TC and ART are incorrect with any fears that by accepting Chapter 43D of MGL the town is obligating itself to clean up or pay for cleanup of the Southwood Campus. Chapter 43D only impacts the local permitting process for a developer who would be willing to develop the site and suffer the costs of the cleanup, which would most likely be an impressive dollar amount, not to mention the state and federal permitting processes for cleanup of contaminated sites. LS would be correct in that the permitting process would be streamlined. Still, depending on the extent of the contamination, the local permitting process would be the least of a developers worries. As to not caring if it was a nuclear waste dump, perhaps everyone should be concerned about the property as we don't seem to know a lot about the contamination up there. It may be relatively insignificant, and yet, it may harbor the potential for a larger impact upon the local and extended area. Does the potential for groundwater contamination exist? Is the problem surficial only? Or is the contamination limited to within the existing structures. Accepting Chapter 43D won't make it go away, but will streamline the local permitting process.
    As to the Stop & Shop land issue, it would be my opinion that the use of eminent domain will be costly to the town, perhaps very costly. If S&S owns the land, they have deeper pockets than the town with which to fight any attempt to use eminent domain. If they only hold the lease, it might be a different story. There is absolutely no guarantee that eminent domain will work for the town here.
    - TRK

  • 5/19 11:26am   Just thought I'd mention how wonderful Gump's is looking this spring. The new store is huge with lots of room for all of the fresh produce that is soon to come. I was also surprised that the store is so large since you can't really see this from the street. Of course, my girls loved the new bridge that goes over the newly extended pond and let's not forget, seeing the lamas are always a highlight too. I was told they still have some finish landscaping planned for around the pond and they will also be finishing off some more in the store too. I'm glad they are open for the season; another true sign that summer is coming!
    - DL

  • 5/19 11:25am   It's hard to even approach the subject of "stable to table in 7 days victims" with grownups - never mind the little ones.
    Hilary... I was talking about stories about animals in general and caring for them, not stable to table; that sounds like a story I would have trouble with.
    - DV

  • 5/19 11:24am   A friend of mine runs a homecare agency and I am trying to help him find nurses as they are expanding into this area and they are desperate for nurses - RN's or LPN's. They are a nationally recongnized homecare agency with great benefits, great pay and are seeking nurses for this area and within a 20 mile radius. Most of their client base is people who have just had some surgery. If anyone is interested or knows of anyone looking for a great company with flexiblity, please send me your interest [Use box117@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - KM

  • 5/18 9:01pm   To all you resourceful Norfolknetters, how does one go about getting Red Sox tickets? My daughter would like to take her visiting college boyfriend to his first Red Sox game sometime in July, and we don't have season tickets. What is the best way to get decent tix at a price that won't break her (read "our") bank account?
    Many thanks,
    - EC

  • 5/18 8:56pm   Hi... I am looking for part time child care for my twin 4 month old sons in my Norfolk home for 3 weeks in July and possibly the first week of August. Responsibilities would include caring for the boys - feeding and changing them and playing with them as well as light housework such as bottle cleaning, laundry, emptying the dishwasher, etc. Hours will be 9 - 2 each day. I would like a college student or adult with childcare experience. Experience with twins is not required but preferred. Please contact me at rachaelc13@yahoo.com if you or someone you know is interested. Thank you.
    - RC

  • 5/18 8:55pm   TC - I assume you were not at Town Meeting. You are misinformed. The town will not spend a dime to clean up the Southwood site. It's private property. What we voted on will decrease red tape for a potential developer. Period. Let's hope this article will attract a developer with deep pockets. "Apparently it's a toxic wasteland" - I could care less if it was a nuclear waste site, this act will only help the effort of any potential cleanup and development. Until someone buys it, it will remain as is. ART - What would you have done?
    - LS

  • 5/18 3:44pm   ART raises an excellent point about the potential cost of trying to reclaim the Stop & Shop land. This has been raised before, but appears to be slipping under the radar, eclipsed no doubt by people's desire to exact revenge on S&S for holding the town's development hostage. Watch what you wish for; Norfolk could spend millions (read: more taxes) to reclaim the land so another business can come in, which studies have shown would have little to no impact on the tax burden of property owners.
    S/he also raises a good point about Southwood. Apparently it's a toxic wasteland, and the town should NOT be saddled with the cost of that cleanup. I am under the impression the Boardman/Main Street property required a clean up of toxins and that the owner of that parcel spent a considerable sum to do it. Assuming s/he will get a return on that investment, that makes sense. For taxpayers to clean up a site for business development makes no sense to me at all. Hopefully, the Selectmen will proceed carefully and get some sound legal advice before they proceed. The last thing Norfolk needs during these difficult financial times is to re-direct scarce resources to bailing out corporate misdeeds while we're cutting Spanish and Health for our elementary school kids. (Why that would make us just like the federal government!)
    - TC

  • 5/18 3:42pm   JN: The peacock is resting comfy at the Millis shelter as I am away much this weekend.
    DV: Not a bad idea but I don't normally do that with 9 yr olds. It's hard to even approach the subject of "stable to table in 7 days victims" with grownups - never mind the little ones. 9 yr olds are like sponges and they want to know absolutely everything. Older kids (mid teens) usually understand it more and can cope when they do learn the truths about the equine slaughter market. And as far as introducing kids to shelter animals, I just can't do that as I'm not sure if what comes in is not sick, temperamental, etc. The liability is just too great. We are currently also going through construction for our shelter room and things are absolutely crazy around here. It's a neat idea though.
    If anyone wants to see some photos from today's SMART (state of Massachusetts Animal Response Team) training please go to the front page of norfolkanimalcontrol.net and scroll down. The third Smilebox on there is the disaster drill from today (when it loads I suggest viewing it with the full screen mode).
    The pit/beagle cross from last sunday has finally been reunited with their owners.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 5/18 3:40pm   Need a Mother's Morning Out? Do you have a little one that misses the preschool cut off? Could your child benefit from a chance to play with peers or manage separation anxiety? Would you be interested in a drop off playgroup to get some errands or housework done alone??
    This is a great jump start to preschool for your child 18 months or older. Children enjoy storytime, sing a long, arts and crafts, snack time and lots of time for free play.
    I am fully licensed by the state, certified in CPR and First Aid and I've been in business since my eldest (now turning six) was only 18 months old. I'm a mom to two active young boys of my own. My home is located in a quiet neighborhood in Franklin, and is only 10 years old.
    I'd love to set up time to meet with you to discuss your needs. Rates and references available upon request.
    You can reach me at 508-346-3214 or at basilefamily@comcast.net
    - JB

  • 5/17 4:19pm   Something Special just got a new shipment of Webkinz. We are now open on Sundays 11-4pm.
    - JA

  • 5/17 2:26pm   It has been a fine Town Meeting so far. It was a sound economic decision to cut back on paying inspectors/agents, particularly when we would have paid them for essentially doing no work. I also think the blighted property on Boardman/Main has already been beautified by non-public funds, and that very property may bring in some sorely needed commercial tax revenue.
    - PA

  • 5/17 9:10am   Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer is now accepting mail-in registration for the fall season. Print the form here - or for more information, visit the website at norfolklionssoccer.com.
    - HK

  • 5/17 9:09am   SM--there was a simulation of a disaster situation. I don't know the details, just that it was a simulation.
    - BS

  • 5/17 9:08am   Yes, thank you Mr. Moderator for running a fine Town meeting so far. In particular, I am still basking in the glow of the fantastic new fangled by-law to develop the polluted Southwood Hospital site. It is of no consequence that the cost of clean-up, even after grants, far surpasses the fair market value of the site. It is also not important that we don't have adequate staff to manage the new by-law (even less so now that the budgets have been slashed for the professionals on both the Conservation Commission and Board of Health). Even with those minor hurdles, this by-law is exactly the type of lipstick we need to put on this pig.
    And I'm looking forward to providing a resounding "aye" vote to the formation of the Economic Development Corporation so that we can enact a constitutional taking of Stop & Shop's property. I am unconcerned that the taking will increase my taxes by another $2000.00. I am also unconcerned that we will have to pay Town Counsel several hundred thousand dollars to litigate this matter for the next ten years. The Selectmen work hard and they deserve an outlet for their angst on this issue. And while we're at, let's pay some more taxes and take the blighted parcels at the junction of Boardman and Main Streets.
    Progress is afoot - jump on board!"
    - ART

  • 5/17 9:07am   SM - it was just brought to my attention that the Norfolk and Plainville police, fire and rescue also took part in the mock accident. Thanks to all who participated.
    - LMM

  • 5/17 9:05am   SM. The SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), in cooperation with the Wrentham Police and Fire, along with a grant, staged a mock drunk driving accident for the senior class yesterday. As we move closer to prom, graduation and a number of celebrations, this very realistic visual will hopefully deter students from making bad decisions. We are fortunate that we were able to coordinate this training exercise with the seniors' final days at school. Let's hope that they have learned one more lesson (lifelong perhaps?) before they graduate. By the way, Franklin also held one yesterday as well.
    - LMM

  • 5/17 9:04am   SM - It was a SADD demonstration/presentation. The Sun Chronicle had a write-up about it: [5/17 Sun Chron article]
    - GA

  • 5/17 8:54am   All the activity at the KP High School today was a mock accident sponsored by SADD for the Senior Class. They do this every year before graduation and prom.
    - BK

  • 5/17 8:53am   There was a mock car crash at the HS today - to show kids what it is like if you drink and drive. SADD put together a drunk driving mock car crash with actual students acting out the drivers, they had med flight come in etc. My daughter who was part of said it was really cool.
    - DN

  • 5/17 8:52am   For SM Our kids mentioned that at the high school today a "mock" car accident was staged to bring awareness to the serious dangers of drinking and driving. Hopefully, what you saw was not a real accident.
    - ARD

  • 5/17 8:51am   Very curious as to the status of the peacock! Please update us when you can, Hilary.
    - JN

  • 5/16 8:08pm   Hello MM.I had my son's 9th birthday recently at Carabiners' in New Bedford, which is an indoor climbing facility. I discovered the place when a local Girl Scout troop went there for an overnight night out of fun. The place has a separate area for parties. Go to carabiners.com for info. The kids had a blast.
    - PD

  • 5/16 8:07pm   Looking for responsible local kid to cut lawn. I have a lawn tractor, just need someone for about an hour each week. 781.812.8873
    - PN

  • 5/16 8:05pm   Does anyone know what happened at the high school today? I drove by at 12:00 and there were lots police/fire/ambulances there. I just drove by right now at 1:15 and a helicopter was leaving and one of the entrances to the school was blocked off. There were a bunch of kids outside as well that I could see. I don't mean to alarm any other parents of HS students, I'm just wondering if anyone has heard anything yet. Thanks
    - SM

  • 5/16 8:04pm   The third night of Town Meeting will be on Tuesday, May 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the KP Middle School. The first article under consideration is whether to buy the Cranberry Heights property for open space preservation using Community Preservation Fund monies. Another upcoming decision involves Article 47, the procedures to speed up Town Meeting and make the process more user friendly. (linked here: [Town Hall Word doc]) We're about 40% of the way through the agenda with key decisions yet to be made. Please join us!
    - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator

  • 5/16 8:03pm   BP -- For great local produce, my family frequents Jane and Paul's in town and Tangerini's Farm in Millis. In fact, to the other person requesting ideas for a 9-yr old birthday, I had my daughter's birthday at Tangerini's and it was a fun time with hay ride, art or craft and a hay maze (thought the younger ones were nervous of how dark and small the pathways were) -- but 9 yr old would love it. Nice weather is of course an important factor.
    - LL

  • 5/16 8:02pm   MM - I say let kids be kids, give toys. Others can give to pets! We rented out a sound studio in Franklin and had a party, mades CD's, blew out candles, etc. soundstudiorecordings.com
    - LS

  • 5/16 8:01pm   Does anyone know of someone who does rototilling? Please advise. Thanks!
    - JT

  • 5/16 8:00pm   Can anyone recommend a good, reasonable lawn service? We are looking to change. Thanks and have a great day!
    - SF

  • 5/16 8:14am   MM Why not have them all buy a pet product, like a bag of food, blanket, treats or chew toy instead of a gift for your child and see if you can take them to Hilary's farm and donate them. Maybe she would tell them about the animals and their stories, maybe there is a place to then have a picnic, either on or off the farm. It would be a fun day for all. Of course Hilary might flip out when she sees this post but I think it is a good idea! Good luck
    - DV

  • 5/16 8:13am   BP, Gumps as well as Jane and Paul's are the only places we go. Both are family owned by wonderful people.
    - DV

  • 5/16 12:10am   Hi MH - I do indeed put the choices of the schools into perspective. I, too, grew up in a much larger school system. There were 1500 students in my older brother's senior class. The year I graduated was the first year a second high school had been built, and there were 700 students in my senior class. When I taught elementary school we had about 600 students in the school and a vice principal that was only half-time between our school and another. I was also served extremely well in my education. But things are different in education now. You can thank the No Child Left Behind Act for a lot of it.
    I think your idea of consolidating management in the schools is very sound. I believe others have suggested it and I agreed then, also. My comments about the choices made by the schools were directed at Mr. Advani's statements which came after the presentation by the school board. I think you might have taken them out of context. I completely agree that each school does not need their own assistant principal, at the very least.
    I do not believe I was ``judging'' people who do not have children in the Norfolk public schools. I said that there were people sitting around me that were making comments about what the schools did and did not need, when it looked as though they would probably not have children in the schools at all. I do not exclude anyone, but I do take exception to people that simply say ``it's not needed'' without thinking through the ramifications. It just seemed to me, and this is my opinion, that there were people there who do not understand what it takes to keep a school system up to par these days.
    As far as your comment about people being nasty on the board and making comments at the town meeting, well, I think that it is simply human nature to speak more freely when you think you are anonymous. I was guilty last night too of making whispered comments... and I apologize if anyone wasn't able to hear because of them.
    - SF

  • 5/15 10:15pm   A male peacock has been picked up on the Millis/Norfolk line. If anyone is missing him please contact animal control.
    - Hilary Cohen ~ Norfolk Animal Control // 528-3232

  • 5/15 7:44pm   We are looking for ideas for our daughter's 9th birthday party. We are tired of the same old same old and there don't seem to be a lot of local options. Any thoughts out there are greatly appreciated.
    - MM

  • 5/15 4:20pm   Related to taxes, here are some real numbers:
    Houses in Norfolk: (based on 2007 tax rate):
    Assessed value             297,800      taxes   3805
    Assessed value:            350,200      taxes   4527
    Assessed value:            435,000      taxes   5290
    Assessed value:            540,700      taxes   6570
    Assessed value             687,700      taxes   8556
    Assessed value             838,400      taxes  10,190
    Assessed value            1,072,900    taxes  12, 875
    I think the disproportionate tax debate really needs to end. The higher assessed homes pay a lot of taxes. That is not going to change. I think this whole debate is really pointless. If anything, it is becoming a divisive issue; the last thing we need now. Our taxes go up every year at a certain percentage across the board. If they go up more, it is because we passed an override. To say that this is mostly a middle class town and that they somehow bear the tax burden in town is misleading. Those who purchased in this town 30 years ago have seen a significant rise in taxes, that is true; however, that is because the value of their home has also increased. You can't have one without the other. So it seems you all made a wise investment here. Congratulations.
    Apparently, homes that had an overpriced, bloated assessment may in fact be re-assessed lower because of current market conditions, and lower assessed homes that had a fair assessment may stay the same. I believe that is what Mr. Lehan meant. (Point of clarification--Mr. Lehan did not use the words overpriced and bloated, I did). I don't remember thinking that he was saying anything other than that. I cannot imagine that they will lower significantly. I have seen houses for sale unable to have an asking price far above the assessed value, that is or sure. However, I have also not witnessed any assessments plummeting.
    This does not appear to be a middle class town any longer. Although certainly not as affluent as other towns, it is heading somewhat in that direction. The average home price is in the 500K range now. Once, a long time ago, I would agree that this was a middle class town. The demographics, however, have appeared to change and are continuing to change.
    Instead of telling all of us who have recently moved here in the past 5 years and made a significant investment in our homes and in this town to leave, how about instead embracing the fact that change is inevitable and welcoming us.
    - JN

    [Update 5:31pm: Uh-Oh--I made a big boo-boo saying that some homes are priced fairly and others not. Please forgive those words. I am sure that all homes are priced as fairly as possible. My sincere apologies. - JN]

  • 5/15 4:14pm   Dear Mr. Town Administrator,
    I am not out to understand the Town finances any more and apologize for my past comments. I came to realize that the people who run the town are doing the best they can in dire economic times, and wish you success in the future. We really support the Town, and we supported the successes witnessed last night. Getting a new public building for the Chiefs is important on many levels, for life, safety and the security of our Town. We also think that you are the hardest working Town Administrator we have ever encountered-your family must make sacrifices for the long hours you put in.
    You and the Selectmen and the Boards and all the Town employees deserve much credit and we support the efforts of all that make the Town a decent place to live. Please share this with the Selectmen, as I have probably rattled them and others on occasion.
    Furthermore, the thought of criminals and miscreants being able to break into the antiquated Police station just sickens my stomach!
    - MON

  • 5/15 12:18pm   KF - Please give Tommy James of All Occasion Magic a call (508-384-2625 or 401-949-1405). He recently moved to Norfolk and does shows all over New England. He currently is performing strolling entertainment at Casey O'Connor Restaurant on Main St. in Mansfield on Wednesday evenings through the month of May. His website is: alloccasionmagic.com Tks,
    - MD

  • 5/15 11:46am   TA - for percentage increases on property taxes, what you stated may be true but is missing some context.
    Everyone's property tax will increase at the same percentage. In hard dollars, a $900k assessed house will pay more than a $400k assessed house. In terms of percentage increase, a $900k assessed house in FY07 and FY08 will pay the same percentage increase as a $400k assessed house in FY07 and FY08.
    The situation the Selectman was referring to was a case where, because of market conditions, a $900k valued house in FY07 is now valued at $800k, in comparison to a $400k valued house in FY07 is now (still) valued at $400k. In this case, the (now) $800k house will pay more in hard dollars, but overall a lesser percentage increase than the $400k house.
    Although this may be true from a market value perspective, it is all contingent on the assessed rates. It will be very interesting to see if the Town Assessor downwardly assesses houses, in line with market values. If this happens, the tax rate needs to increase to keep revenues at an even level - before any Prop 2.5 or overrides are even factored in.
    You can spin this different ways, but it is misleading to simply say that overrides/taxes are disproportionally distributed on lower valued properties.
    - JH

  • 5/15 11:30am   Does anyone have knowledge of a local person/handyman/young adult that can do some labor digging a small trench?
    - RM

  • 5/15 11:25am   Here is a link with some history and information about prop 2 1/2 and tax overrides by Barbara Anderson [5/5/08 Globe article]
    - MG

    [From the article:
    A quick retrospective for those who werent Massachusetts taxpayers before the Great Tax Revolt in 1980:

    There was no control on property taxes, so they ranged from highest to third highest in the world, year to year. The local public employee unions, other spending interests, and people who could easily afford higher taxes packed town meetings or intimidated city councils.

    Incredibly, the educational establishment had a thing called "school committee fiscal autonomy." This meant that the school committee had to be given whatever budget it demanded, unless the town went to court, where it usually lost. When taxpayers complained at a school committee meeting, they were ignored.

    So they rebelled by passing Proposition 2 , which limited property taxes AND repealed "school committee fiscal autonomy."


  • 5/15 11:25am   I have 2 tickets for the Red Sox/Baltimore Orioles game on Friday May 30, 2008 in Maryland. The tickets are lower box seats on 3rd base side. The tickets were purchased on Ticketmaster and cost $55 each plus a $5.50 service charge for a total of $121. If interested please call me at 781-910-1193.
    - PN

  • 5/15 11:24am   Our organization is looking for a magician to entertain families for a short period of time before an upcoming community event. Any names would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
    - KF

  • 5/15 12:21am   "If people feel very strongly about giving the schools more money, they always have the option of giving to the Norfolk Educational Enrichment Fund. I believe 100% goes to the Norfolk Public school". Really, that is not going to help keep the library program or the Spanish program. It's not going to keep the teachers or the class sizes at an appropriate level. At the most, it will fund some supplies or enrichment programs. If you think about it, 44% of the citizens in this town have no say over the quality of their education in this town. If we don't fund the schools, it is that 44% who will suffer. We have an obligation to help all the children in this town attain the best possible education that they can. Please think about that when you are saying, "no more taxes."
    - ALL

  • 5/15 12:16am   Excellent point, MG: "Typical doom and gloom... let's just keep giving positive reinforcement to poor money management."
    This is my second town meeting and I too would like to give Mr. Winslow credit for a very well-orchestrated town meeting.
    I must say I was completely dismayed to hear how King Philip would be forced to essentially close down if we don't pay more... The term "doom and gloom" hits the nail on the head.
    Why is it that not one in either the school district or our local government ever speaks of cost savings measures, and expense reductions, much like a private equity companies. "Be good or be gone." is the motto in my company and unfortunately many are gone... why is it always we need more $$$ or the children will be forced into two study halls in the cafe and gym and they won't graduate... I'm sorry but I am not willing to give my money away either...
    - SB

  • 5/15 12:14am   SF -- Your post reads contradictory, in my opinion. There are choices in the schools, you just have to put it into perspective. It does not have to be a choice between laying off teachers and closing the library. Why can't it be a choice between laying off teachers, closing the library or consolidating the management structure of our elementary school system? I was raised in a much larger school system (my graduating class was approximately 1,500 students) and our school had one principal and three vice (or sub school) principals. This was an 11th and 12th grade Senior High School with more than 3,000 total students. I was well served by my education and even had some classmates that made it into Ivy League schools. Why do our elementary schools each need their own Principal and Vice Principal? These are the choices that I think the schools could choose to make.
    Please don't be so quick to judge those with no children in the school system. I was reading through Banker and Tradesman today and found some very interesting numbers in regards to Norfolk Median Single Family Home Prices. I will agree that there are more middle class homes in Norfolk, but with the 2008 Median price over $500,000 and properties in River's Edge selling for around that figure, people with no children in the school system could become big players in our Town government. Remember, they are paying the same taxes (if not more depending our the assessed value of your house) and not getting the same use of the system as you are. If we are wise, we would chose to not exclude this portion of our population.
    Last night's meeting proved to me that people can be just as nasty with their comments in person as they can be on this board. I try to go into the Town Meeting with an open mind and be willing to listen to the arguments of the opposing side, whether I personally agree with them or not. I had snide comments behind me too -- that, to me, is the shameful part of the meeting. If you are not going to stand up and speak publicly, perhaps comments should be kept to oneself so the rest of us can hear what is going on.
    - MH

  • 5/15 12:08am   Hi, I was wondering if anybody knew of a good local farm stand for fresh produce? Thank you,
    - BP

  • 5/15 12:07am   SF - Mr. Lehan did not say that the tax on a $400k home would be more than the tax on $900K on home. He said the percent of property tax increase on a $400K home would be more than the percent of property tax increase on a $900k home. Sadly, this is true.
    - TA

  • 5/14 5:00pm   SF - Any household with children in the Norfolk or KP schools that pays less than $10k in taxes costs the town money since those taxes don't even cover the educational costs; do the math for multiple children. If the town is able to reduce new housing builds by buying land that would cater to new families, then that is a way of reducing the service demands. This is why age restricted developments are appealing to towns. So spending money to buy land could be a wise financial move. I am not so convinced that commercial development is going to help. Has it helped Wrentham? Has it helped Natick? Read the news, Franklin just gave notice to 47 teachers. Every town is having the same discussions.
    If we could grow money, I would say flood the schools; everyone would. But reality says that we need to be realistic. What happens to the people in town who cannot afford the rising taxes? Well, they should leave, right? Who do you think is going to buy their house? Most likely it will be a young family with children - and the problem compounds. I would also like to have better roads like everyone else, but if the $300k was to be factored into the contingent budget that could have tipped people to vote against the override completely and then where would the school be? The advisory board and selectmen, in my view, have crafted a budget that should be palatable to most (not all) people.
    If people feel very strongly about giving the schools more money, they always have the option of giving to the Norfolk Educational Enrichment Fund. I believe 100% goes to the Norfolk Public school. Which raises the question, are teachers able to submit for out of pocket expenses and be reimbursed from this fund?
    Finally, Dr. Lehan did not say that "taxes on a $400K house would be more than taxes on a $900K house". Rather I believe he was trying to convey a point that the lower value homes have not lost as much value as the higher value homes. A $400k home may drop to $360k valuation, yielding a mild reduction in tax revenue, but a $1.2M home could drop to $900k, yielding a substantial drop in tax revenue. So in the end, the lower valued home pays more taxes than the previous year while the higher valued home could pay less.
    - SF (SF2)

  • 5/14 4:58pm   WG ... I can't locate the article but recently the Boston Globe regional section printed some information about the rising median incomes in towns in our area. Norfolk showed the highest increase over the last several years to over $110,000 annually, second only to Medfield in the area. I think this is one of the challenges. Because it's such a great town and has attracted many people with young families, the town is changing. It is not, as you suggest, "a small middle class town with some higher end houses being built; the majority of the people are just average middle class". I think it is now properly characterized as an affluent town. The other striking statistic that was cited by one of the Selectmen last night was that 44% of the residents of Norfolk are under the age of 16. This creates pressures on the town budgets and services.
    I've stated this in previous posts, but if the town fails to support its schools at the preferred level of the residents (who are parents), then you will see those with the means begin to flee to private schools. This will diminsh support (time and money) for the schools over the medium and longer term. From my own personal perspective, I am deeply troubled at the direction of the KP Schools after seemingly making such significant progress. Accreditation aside... do you really want your children attending up to 8-10 study halls a week, many of which will be in auditoriums or cafeterias?? Further, I feel particularly helpless on this point given the divergent views/priorities of the other two towns. Shame on me for not appreciating better the dynamics involved in a regional school system.
    - LD

  • 5/14 3:12pm   I do not consider an investment in the schools and this town's future as ``giving my money away''. What was said at the town meeting last night is true... it is shameful that we cannot work out a budget that supports our schools. That being said, I have to question the salaries of the school superintendent, the principals and the assistant principals. They all seem rather high, in my opinion.
    I would like to address some things Mr. Advani said, things that have been irritating me most of the day. He said ``live and work within your means''. First of all, Mr. Advani, don't pretend to know how my family lives. You also said that the schools could ``choose'' to use the money however they saw fit, and that all of the cuts being made were based on their choices. Now really, if the choice is between cutting 2 or more math teachers or cutting the library program, which would you choose? It's a no-win situation.
    With larger class sizes and fewer teachers, there are children who will fall through the cracks, no matter how good the teacher is. Do any of you really understand the ramifications of this in regards to the No Child Left Behind Act? If our schools become Title 1 (which means they have been targeted for improvement by the NCLBA), our home values will drop. It's a given.
    I was extremely dismayed at hearing some of the comments of the people sitting around me at the meeting last night. People who, by the looks of them (and I mean no offense) have no children in the Norfolk schools. I actually heard someone say, with regards to the library program, that the ``kids can do without it''. Someone (and it might have been the same person) said that there was nothing wrong with 26-28 students in a classroom. Really? I wonder if that person has ever taught in a classroom. Probably not.
    Mr. Hathaway made the comment that Norfolk is just going to be a ``residential'' town. If it weren't so difficult for businesses to build here, that might change. When we had our basement renovated we were told by our builders that Norfolk is one of the hardest towns they've ever had to work with. And we have heard that from others since then. There are actually articles on the agenda tonight that ask permission to buy parcels of land simply so they cannot be developed. Seriously? What would the good of that be? More development means more tax dollars for the town. I don't advocate selling all of the Pond Street Conservation land or anything like that. But spending money in this regard seems silly and honestly, selfish.
    And with regards to Mr. Lehan's comments regarding a possible tax increase... how on earth do you figure that taxes on a $400K house would be more than taxes on a $900K house? My math degree can't quite figure that one out.
    I am very interested to see what happens tonight. This town needs the override.
    - SF

  • 5/14 2:42pm   On Friday 5/9 my daughter lost a purple motorola cell phone either at KP Middle school or on the school bus. If found please drop off at KP Middle School lost & found, and contact Carol @ 508-384-8504. No questions will be asked.
    - CD

  • 5/14 2:41pm   AP, Please consider donating your beer bottles to the King Philip Music Association which collects and redeems bottles as a fundraiser. Just last weekend, parent and student volunteers were driving through neighborhoods in the three towns collecting bottles and cans. Sorry you were missed! From their website:
    "KPMA collects returnable Cans and Bottles as a year round fundraiser. Cans and Bottles can be dropped off at anytime throughout the year.

    The Can and Bottle Drop Off site is located in the garage behind the high school. Look for the sign above the garage bay nearest to the football field. Drop your cans and bottles through the opening in the garage door.

    We do not receive any money for water bottles, wine bottles, iced tea bottles, or for any non-redeemable containers, so please put these in your community recycling bins."

    - CA

  • 5/14 2:36pm   Congrats to Dan Winslow for orchestrating not only a well-attended Town Meeting, but an informative meeting that was very easy to follow. I'd also like to commend Mr. Advani for his stance on how much our health inspector makes. If inspections are down because of the lack of building, it makes sense that he'll get paid less, because he'll be working less.
    - PA

  • 5/14 2:23pm   JN, you stated that Sudbury and Sherborn are good school systems. I checked the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary schools web site and got the following information that compares our schools to those two towns.
    Teachers average salaries 06-07
    Norfolk - $60,182
    Sherborn - $64,396
    Sudbury - $55,835

    Amount spent on each pupil
    Norfolk - $11,423
    Sherborn - $12,250
    Sudbury - $10,399

    MCAS scores grade 3
    Norfolk - Math 91.2 ELA 92.6
    Sherborn - Math 92.4 ELA 92.4
    Sudbury - Math 90.1 ELA 93.6

    Tax rates 2007
    Norfolk - $12.15
    Sherborn - $14.89
    Sudbury - $13.12

    Based on this information Norfolk is currently a good school system. Our tax rate is also already very close. I did not check to see what the average household income was, but I bet the other two towns are higher than the average family income of Norfolk residents. If you want to be like Dover, Sherborn and Sudbury you should move to those towns. Norfolk is a small middle class town with some higher end houses being built; the majority of the people are just average middle class.
    So if we do not get the tax override, the schools will fall apart. I do not think so! Let's cut in other departments in the town and fund the schools. Lets be smart when we negotiate contracts and hire administrators. No closed door meeting and back room deals.
    We do not need any more new taxes!!
    - MG

  • 5/14 2:20pm   I never knew how many people wanted to rid themselves of stuffed animals... Thank you to all those who responded. With the amount I think I'm getting, my cruiser will be full to the roof on my drive down for the drill.
    - HC

  • 5/14 2:18pm   Getting involved, being creative... I would love to volunteer at the school or in the library. However, I have no child care for my 4 year old. I am wondering if others are in the same position? I don't know the legalities of this.. But if there is a retired preschool teacher out there that would be willing to donate a couple of hours a week to hold a free enrichment program in, say, the library meeting room, I bet that we could dig up some moms that would gladly enroll their child with the stipulation that they use the hours to volunteer at the library or at one of the public schools. I know that I would. I would also be willing to lead a small group somewhere so that others may volunteer. (As long as I didn't need to hold expensive certifications). I have loads of experience with children and children with special needs. I operated a home daycare many years ago. Is there any interest in something like this? I would be happy to look into it.
    - MW

  • 5/14 2:17pm   JN, It is not the $200 or $300 dollars, it is the $6000-$70000-$8000 per year tax bills that will scare people away. My wife and I, like many others, work hard for our money. I am not going to just keep giving it away.
    - MG

  • 5/14 2:16pm   We have a number of empty beer bottles that we have collected over the past season... I would love to have someone take them off our hands. [Use box116@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - AP

  • 5/14 1:59pm   Now the schools are losing accreditation if we do not pass an override?? Typical doom and gloom... let's just keep giving positive reinforcement to poor money management.
    - MG

  • 5/14 1:58pm   Some people do look for lower taxes when purchasing a home. There were several towns in contention with decent school systems when I was looking a few years back. We picked this one. It had the lower taxes. I have also lived in another town that was threatened with losing their accreditation... it never happened. There's a way around everything. Sometimes the easiest way out is the most expensive one. The question for us as a town is... do we just want to write out a check for everything and be done with it? or are we willing to roll up our sleeves and dig in?
    - MW

  • 5/14 1:49pm   Many thanks to the many residents and their kids who attended the first night of Town Meeting. The free spaghetti supper was well attended and the music provided by the KP Jazz Combo No. 1 was downright groovy. (I turned 50 today, so that entitles me to use "groovy" in a sentence). I plan to do it again next year if I have the honor of serving as Town Moderator. The next session of Town Meeting, May 14 at 7:30 p.m., will feature a free raffle for any voter who attends with a Red Sox tickets giveaway in the middle of the meeting. We got through the budget (base plus more contingent on an override) but many key articles remain for decision. Hope you can join us!
    - Dan Winslow, Moderator

  • 5/13 8:23pm   Does anyone have any stuffed animals they wish to part with? I'm helping coordinate a "natural disaster" situation this weekend through SMART (State of Massachusetts Animal Response Team). We are doing a full scale drill at camp Edwards on the cape. We will be training ACO's, shelter worker, specialty teams, and vets statewide on how to handle a large scale evacuation situation. So if anyone has any animals (stuffed) that would otherwise be thrown out - please email me!
    - HC, Norfolk Animal Control NorfolkK9@aol.com

  • 5/13 7:35pm   JH, It won't take 15 years.
    - BR (BR#1)

  • 5/13 7:34pm   JH - Did you home school?
    - PR

  • 5/13 7:33pm   MG - Failing schools without accreditation also means no one will buy here... you really need to think twice about supporting our schools, our kids deserve a decent education, that's why we moved here!!t
    - LR

  • 5/13 7:32pm   MG: I could not disagree with you more. Look no further than towns that have really high tax rates, much higher than ours. Look at Sudbury or Sherborn for example; they have a very high tax rate. They also have good schools. People still want to buy there. Now look at us. Do you really think that $200 or $300 more than we are paying now on our tax bill is going to scare anyone away? Our housing is much better priced than those towns. What will scare them away is a town that does not invest in their schools. And that is the truth.
    - JN

  • 5/13 7:31pm   When we decided to move here 2 years ago, the mitigating factor was the schools, not the taxes. I really believe that is true of many young families who are looking at Norfolk as a possible place to raise their children and those who are already here.
    If the quality of the schools decline, and especially if KPHS loses its accreditation, our home values will decrease. Personally, that is not something I would like to see happen.
    - SF

  • 5/13 4:43am   JN... high taxes also means that your home is going to much less attractive to the educated home buyer.
    - MG

  • 5/13 1:53am   SF - can't confirm or deny anything except 1-2% cost of living increases plus steps equals 6-10% raises. Whether they get steps every year? Who knows? This is starting to wear even the most strident of Warriors and Blatherscythes out. Then you hear about the 25% increases the school admin employees get. So in short? Nothing is certain. My stance, you ask? Pay the taxes. Go against the grain. Everyone else can be tightwads in the surrounding towns, but we should be different. But start asking questions, questions and more questions so that the Town power structure knows every line in your face, and wakes up screaming in the middle of the night because of it.
    Plainville and Wrentham will drag us down though - so I say we boot their kids out of KP middle school and take it over, filling it with only the Norfolk children from High School. It's in our town. Surround it with barbed-wire and gates. Then we move the Town center to Rt115 and 1A - leaving the present town center to regenerate back into a forest - driving land prices down and Stop and Shop mad.
    Good one JH! Looks like the future is now! Ever read a teenager's text message? Watch the movie Idiocracy by Mike Judge.
    The future is here.
    - MON

  • 5/13 1:02am   There still appear to be some unanswered questions regarding the teacher's pay increases. Has anyone seen the new contract on-line anywhere? It would have been nice to get the facts? MON, can you help here with your SC contacts? I think most understand that educating our children is a high priority. But with any goal, you do need to be reasonable and disciplined. With that in mind, I am having a hard time deciding on voting for this override or potential one next year for the new school. Many will not be able to vote for both, and if the new school is not built, do we not lose the monies allocated to the SBA proposal and state contributions? It would be nice to know what the five year plan is and what potential overrides are included.
    - SF

  • 5/13 1:01am   SB: I respect your opinion very much. I, too, received a proper education back in the day. But, like I always say to myself, wake up and smell the new millennium. It is a much different world today than it was in the 60's and 70's when I was educated. We didn't have computers or foreign languages in kindergarten. We had milk and naps and had to learn to tie our shoes. Plus, back then, we did not have the special needs program. That did not come into play until 1975, I think. So that, plus newer technology and the simple cost of living increases and rising healthcare premiums for employees have added enormous amounts to education costs that do not go directly to students. Parents are paying more out of pocket expenses than ever before.
    You have to remember that we are all cutting back on things; that we all have high heating bills, pay a lot for gas and milk. But this is our town and I think that if it is prudent to spend money on something that will enhance our town, we should do it. The demographics of this town have changed a lot in just the last 10 years. Homes are being built for well over a million dollars. People pay high property taxes and expect something for their hard-earned dollars. I am not suggesting that those of lesser means ought to move out or suck it up; on the contrary, they have their vote as well. We all have our vote, and that is my point. If the majority vote down a tax increase, then the majority wins. That is the beauty of democracy and that is why we love the USA.
    Do I think our kids will ``dumb down'' if the override fails? No, not really. But the truth is we spent a lot and continue to spend a lot of the money we make on our home. If we do not keep the schools competitive with other towns, people won't want to move here and our property values will decrease. That is just the plain, simple truth. I don't want to see my tax bill go up any more that you do. But I also do not want to see my home equity decrease by a much more substantial number. And if the override passes, you can believe that I will be paying attention to how that money is being utilized in our town. I will be voting yes.
    - JN

  • 5/13 10:22am   Does anyone know why there was so much backed up traffic this morning on Cleveland St, before Seekonk around 8:15? I'm hoping it was just something mundane like a moving truck blocking the road.
    - JP

  • 5/13 10:21am   I was watching this awesome Keanu Reeves movie where he was able to communicate with Sandra Bullock across the space time continuum through his magic mailbox. I tried the same thing with my son, and to my amazement, it worked! Here's the letter he sent me from 15 years the future:
    dEer daad -

    I is so happy on my gratuation from keeng phillup. yu told me I could not done it bekause they're was no librery in skool when I done growd up, butt I showed yu. all the studee hallz really helpd too. my one komplaint is I dont speek spanich good and is hard now bekause spanich is the offishal languge. i cant wate to start mye job at the stop and shopt - it should open in next 3 yeers.

    love yoor sun

    - JH

  • 5/12 11:55pm   The updated Town Meeting Voter Handbook [here] will be distributed to all voters at Town Meeting. It is a simple "how to" guide for participating in debate, making amendments, cutting off debate and voting. If you've never attended Town Meeting and would like a sneak peek at the Handbook to get up to speed, a copy is linked here for your reading pleasure.
    See you at Town Meeting!
    - Dan Winslow, Moderator

  • 5/12 11:54pm   Dear Selectmen - On the eve of our Town meeting I have one question to ask - How much did we receive in prison mitigation funds as of May 5th and why wouldn't you use that to decrease the override? This is taxpayer money, not yours to move around as you see fit. We expected you to be up front about this year's override, and neglecting to tell us about 200K is an abuse of your fiscal responsibility. We would prefer 514K override vs. 714K, or do you work for someone else other than the taxpayer?
    - MON

  • 5/12 10:38pm   MW - I am truly sorry if I have misinterpreted your posts. It's often hard to read emotion on a discussion forum. And just so you know, when I was teaching I did thank the janitor, the lunch ladies, and the office staff every day. Please don't pretend to know what I have or have not done.
    And I believe I also said that if someone wasn't happy in their situation, they needed to do something to change it. That is true of all professions.
    I, too, often wished money would go for classroom supplies, but I also realized that it was something that came from the school and the school board, not the parents. Although I did ask parents of the children in my class that if they were contemplating buying a gift for me, to make it a gift card to the local teacher's supply store. It always worked out well for everyone, and I didn't end up with 15 coffee cups. : )
    Again, I do apologize, as I did get heated and a little incensed at some of the comments posted. With all of that said, I do wish you the best.
    - SF

  • 5/12 9:34pm   On Monday evening, May 12th, my cell phone was lost at the Freeman Centennial major league baseball field. It's a a silver Samsung flip phone. If found, I'd politely ask it to be returned to the Lost & Found at that concession stand, and I'll pick it up there.
    - MC

  • 5/12 9:26pm   PA, if by "fairness" you mean that the sheriff is [... election page!]
    - ART

  • 5/12 9:25pm   Can anyone tell me when the last day of school is for the Freeman? I look online and they only have a tentative last day as the 19th. I am trying to schedule a trip.
    - MW

  • 5/12 9:22pm   JN, I see your points, however, every tax increase has always been tied to the "school system". When will the schools be good enough? I used the schools in Norfolk many moons ago, and they were not new. However, I received a proper education.
    I too have seen the police and fire department as well. There have been no reports of any facility issues that are preventing the fine men and women who serve this town from supplying the residents of Norfolk with the urgent care these folks respond to. If the Police Chief came out and said the public is at risk, then, and only then, will I support an increase.
    Lastly, just because you see long lines at D&D really has no relevance to the issues in our town, as there is no way to quantify the assumption that this location only serves Norolk residents, and without looking at their books, we don't know whether their business (much like many other companies) is also down from previous years.
    You won't see me at D&D in the morning, however, you will see me voting against any additional tax increases tomorrow night during town meeting.
    - SB

  • 5/12 6:07pm   PMP - town meeting is being held at King Philip Middle School, 18 King Street, which is off of Union Street. There is a sign on Union directing you to KPMS. The meeting starts at 7:30 with dinner at 6:00. Hope to see you there.
    - BS

  • 5/12 6:08pm   PA - Now I understand. So that's why [... election page!]
    - DL

  • 5/12 6:06pm   Does anyone know what location the town meeting will be held? What is the address of the location.
    - pmp

  • 5/12 6:05pm   Well, SB, you wouldn't think that after seeing the long line at Dunkin Donuts every single morning. But I am not trying to make light of a serious issue. I know that times are tough for many people. Every town has problems. This all I read about in the Boston Globe everyday. But it seems to me that either we pay now, or we end up paying later and sometimes more. I am taking a stand for our schools and public safety.
    Do we really need a larger facility--yes, I believe we do after touring the one we currently have. Will that help improve public safety? Not the building itself, but what goes on inside, yes. I think that we have to invest in and support the FD and PD. I think it behooves us to have the best that we can have--nothing is more important than highly experienced staff with fast response time. Nothing. I have my most valuable assets in this town--my child, my husband and my home, and I will push hard to make sure that those assets are protected. Sorry.
    Please, everyone who has young children, go to Town Meeting and support our town. You need to have your voice and vote counted. Find the time.
    - JN

  • 5/12 6:01pm   SF, This is the last attempt I will make to try to explain myself. In one of my past posts I stated that since learning that it was not taxpayer money, I have no problem with the $78. I was relating a sentiment of my niece who happens to also be a teacher in another school district, and you are all going crazy on me... insinuating that I am anti-teacher... I was only using the $78 as an example because people seemed to be so fixated on it. Actually, I am not having as hard a time as people think that I am. But I do know some folks in town who are in rough financial shape. You just must not be reading my posts in their entirety. I am trying to send a message about concern for others... and you are all stuck on teachers. Yes, I agree; I thank my kid's teachers all the time verbally and in emails. I am not ungrateful. But someone posted here that they were a teacher and that we should thank all teachers with flower bouquets and gift cards?
    Yes, people choose to be janitors - some because they want to... or maybe not because they want to; maybe it is their only best option because they were not as fortunate as some in regards to higher education. So, have you thanked your local janitor lately? The one that lurks in the background at school waiting for your child to make a mess? The one that cleans the bathrooms and cleans up after your kids when they get sick? I bet you haven't.
    I am just trying to prove a point. You say that people choose their jobs... Well, f that is true, it is also true of the teachers. If you are going to be fair, the next time that a teacher complains about their low pay raises, you need to tell them what you just told me: "you chose that job... deal with it." This whole argument came about because someone commented on the teachers' event held after voting. I made one comment and I am now the subject of a huge backlashing.
    All I stated was that my niece the teacher wished for more money towards her classroom supplies, rather than to be treated to a yearly pancake breakfast, and I have been raked over the coals for repeating her statement. [...] I have posted over and over on this board that I am an advocate of education... I don' really know what else to say.
    - MW

  • 5/12 4:02pm   Thank you Ms Glasser, I was wondering where they went. I have boxes and boxes, but I didn't want to risk having them just be thrown away. I want them to go to good homes. I will definitely donate them to the next sale!
    - MW

  • 5/12 3:44pm   Please attend the town meeting! Parents of young children, parents of school-age children, anyone interested in making a difference. It takes all of us to make a change!
    My husband and I are still kind of new to town (been here almost 2 years), but reading the town warrant makes us all the more determined to get to the meeting and have our voices heard.
    - SF

  • 5/12 2:24pm   JN: Well said! It's so easy to complain about how things are handled in this town, even easier to assume others will attend meetings and ask the hard question or two. For one or two nights a year, I would think more than 100 people can make their way off the couch and down the street to put their two cents in at a Town Meeting. Do I hear 125? 200? Call me crazy, do I hear the 600 parents who have kids in the school system? There may not be chianti to go along with your spaghetti, but there will be camaraderie!
    - AL

  • 5/12 2:22pm   TP - re 5/12 12:20pm Does anyone have a recommendation for an honest and reputable house cleaner. The first one which comes to mind is [... election page! :-)]
    - PC

  • 5/12 2:20pm   JN, I have already given up the "lattes" to cover the increases in home heating fuel. I've also given up a few nights on the town in order to pay for the increased cost of groceries and fuel for my car.
    Furthermore, you do not explain how our "public safety" would benefit from a $15,000,000.00 building.
    Most folks are cutting back in order to at least maintain - and you are asking people to give up "lattes" to justify a tax increase. Sorry, but if you are like most, the lattes were cut a long time ago... the last thing people need right now is a tax increase.
    - SB

  • 5/12 2:19pm   To all those responsible for the maintenance and update of Town Hill, it has never looked better! I enjoy it every time I go by. Thanks for your hard work.
    - KS

  • 5/12 2:18pm   DL: Thanks for clarifying things. (For some reason I thought your use of "lazy, underemployed health agent" was written in a deleterious tone, but now I know it wasn't.) We both concur on one thing... we do need members of town boards and commissions to fairly and impartially implement the laws they are responsible for overseeing. We saw recently what happens when people in power flout those very laws, and we don't need that repeated.
    - PA

  • 5/12 12:34pm   This female American Staffordshire mix or bull mix was picked up yesterday 5/11. She is very sweet. She is not microchipped, nor carrying any ID. She did have on both a choke and a pinch collar. If anyone knows who owns her please contact Animal Control at 508 528 3232. Also check our website for more pictures of her and some new horse shoes that are up on the fundraising page. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen ~ Norfolk Animal Control

  • 5/12 12:31pm   MW: Regarding the leftovers from the library books sale, the books go to a variety of places. They are never thrown away. At the end of the book sale, librarians from the MA Dept. of Corrections are invited to take anything they want, as are area libraries that have upcoming book sales. Many of the books are re-packed and come back to the Norfolk Library for the on-going book sale that the Friends maintain throughout the year.
    Historically leftovers have been placed in a container for the organization ``Hands Across the Waters'' who distributes English language books in Africa. Also, for years a volunteer from Millis has collected children's books to send to schools in Appalachia, paying for the postage out of pocket - no small undertaking! The Friends make a valiant effort to distribute the leftover to as many places as possible. The remaining books are sold to ``Got Books'' and the Friends receive the proceeds. I hope this alleviates your fears that any books, save those loaded with mold, mildew, torn, crumbling, or falling apart , are put into the trash stream.
    Donating your books to the Friends of the Library instead of directly to the library is a distinction without a difference. The books are collected and sorted here at the library. As soon as they are sorted, the librarians select many books - hundreds each year, actually - for inclusion into the library collection. We replace our old worn copies with fresh copies, especially popular titles or past bestsellers that have seen a lot of wear and tear. Or if our copy has gone missing or is long overdue, we are able to get a replacement at no cost!! The children's librarian finds terrific new titles and also multiple copies of popular children's books that we add to the juvenile collection. We also collect multiple copies of high school summer reading titles that are in high demand. Additionally, we appreciate all the DVDs and books on CD that are donated. We always look to see if the library owns the title first. If not, then we add them to the collection before they are placed on the Friends sale.
    I hope you agree with me that the Friends & the Library maximize the donations that are so generously given to the library. Just this morning, I selected about a dozen children's DVDs for inclusion into our collection. We don't own a single title that was donated and they'll be cataloged and ready to be borrowed within a week!
    Preparing for the book sale is a time consuming, labor-intensive, year-round effort on the part of the Friends. Book donations are continuously accepted, either at the library (preferred) or at the Transfer Station in the Friends shed. They are then sorted, categorized, boxed, labeled and hauled to the Friends trailer until the big book sale. This is undertaken by a small, but mighty, great group of dedicated volunteers. The Friends would love to have some new members join the group and help with their activities. Come to a meeting on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Library.
    To the Friends, Boy Scouts, Lions, and all the wonderful volunteers who made the book sale such a success -- ``Thank you''!!
    - Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library

  • 5/12 12:23pm   Oh for goodness' sake. First of all, everyone has the choice to do whatever they want. This is a free country. If you don't like the profession you are in, whether it's teaching, being a janitor, or the CEO of a bank, then do something to change it. Those who complain about their situations without doing anything productive to change them are just complaining.
    MW - From the tone of your posts it sounds like you are truly having a rough time right now, and I am sorry about that. But there are people who choose to be janitors, who choose to be sewer cleaners, etc. That is their choice. And again, if we didn't have people that choose to do that, where would we be?
    You keep saying that the $78 dollars could have been better spent, and you ask about how it enhances the quality of education. Would you honestly stay in a job where no one ever told you thank you and never showed any appreciation for the work you did? Someone said that the $78 was paid by the parents. These parents gave that money because they chose to. No one asked for money to be sent in, no one made it an obligation. It was a nice thing to do. This money did not come from the school. My child does not attend elementary school yet, but if someone had asked me, I would have gladly contributed to the Appreciation Breakfast. They will be my child's teachers soon.
    I will be extremely sad and hugely disappointed when we no longer take the time to thank our teachers, our secretaries, our doctors, our firemen, our policemen, or anyone else because someone thought that it just wasn't necessary or that it was just a ``Hallmark'' holiday. Everyone likes to be appreciated. I, for one, will be the first in line to bring some homemade pastries, a store bought platter of goodies, a bouquet of flowers, or any other gift of my choosing to my child's teacher or the school whenever the opportunity presents itself. Thank goodness these people decided to become teachers. They deserve our thanks every day.
    And by the way, a thank you in no way has to be of any monetary value. Simply telling a teacher ``thank you for all you do'' is more often the best gift a teacher can receive.
    - SF

  • 5/12 12:22pm   CS, thank you for elaborating... It does make a difference.
    - MW

  • 5/12 12:21pm   PA, my comments were not directed at the staff of either the Board of Health or the Planning Board, who I believe are dedicated employees just trying to do a good job. My comment was directed at your use of the phrase "new sheriff in town" to describe the new member of the Planning Board. I guess you believe that by becoming one of 5 members of this Board he will be taking charge and shaking things up. Maybe there is an opportunity to look at new ways to do things at the Planning Board, but I don't think that this guy is the man for the job. The last time I checked, he ran unopposed for the seat and received fewer votes than the incumbent, who ran for the other open seat. Perhaps most tellingly, more people left the circle next to his name blank than bothered to vote for him. So if Sheriff Blanks is riding in to town thinking that he has a mandate for change, he may want to think again. I would hope that, like other members of town boards and commissions, he would focus on the reason that he is there, to fairly and impartially implement the laws he is responsible for overseeing.
    - DL

  • 5/12 12:20pm   Does anyone have a recommendation for an honest and reputable house cleaner.
    - TP

  • 5/12 12:19pm   MW asks again "What has an appreciation breakfast got to do with the quality of education?"
    Everything. It brings together parents who have an interest in the schools and teachers. It fosters interaction between parents and teachers. It is a token of support to teachers for their efforts. It builds community. All of which will directly contribute towards the overall school experience for our children. Otherwise, we might as well send them to elementary correspondence school.
    - JH

  • 5/12 12:18pm   JN - The "few million for a public safety building" is actually $15,575,000... the initial cost of the big dig was just a few billion ($2.6B) and we're at over $14,000,000,000 [$14B] and counting.
    - PR

  • 5/12 11:02am   Just a quick reminder that Town Meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, May 13, at the KP Middle School. Please join us for a free Spaghetti Supper starting at 6 p.m. (kids welcome) at the KP Middle School cafeteria. The SAAC babysitting service will conclude at 9 p.m. both evenings (it's a school night) but I'll try to move to the budget discussion on May 13 as quickly as possible. I hope to see you there!
    - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator

  • 5/12 10:58am   Speaking of education, I was wondering what happens to the books that nobody wants from the book sales? I heard that they are put in a dumpster. My parents taught me that it was practically sinful to throw out a book. Isn't there some use for these? Are they re donated to shelters,nursing homes or to schools? Could we give our educator's first pick of these after the sale is over ? At one time I had some books in excellent condition that I wanted to donate to the library. I was told that I could donate them to the book sale but not directly to the library; I was curious as to why that was? Does anyone know?
    PS... the paperback swap shelf in the library is a great idea, but it is limited to romance. Is there another location available in town where it could be expanded to be a free book swap? This would be especially nice if it included children's books. Is there an organization out there that donate books to needy children?
    - MW

  • 5/12 10:55am  
    Override -- $700,000K
    New school feasibility study -- $500,000K
    New Public Safety building -- a few million
    Increase in tax bill -- approx $300.00/year
    Lattes for a year -- $1200.00
    Great schools and superb public safety? Priceless.
    Give up the lattes and fund our town!! Come to town meeting and make your voice be heard!!
    Supper tomorrow--Tuesday--Starts at 6:00 pm--Meeting starts at 7:30. Wednesday starts at 7:30 pm.
    Be there or be square! It's Your Town. Let your voice and your vote help lead this community. Do not let others do it for you!
    - JN

  • 5/12 10:54am   DN, You have a NSDTR? I've been looking into that breed, thinking that maybe I'd like to add a third dog to the mix. Did get yours through a breeder? Locally?
    - TRK

  • 5/12 10:53am   MW: I am not directing my statements about "finding a new job" towards you or anyone in particular. My point is that if someone is that unhappy with their current employment situation, it makes sense to seek a better opportunity. To me, that logic holds true for all professions, including teachers. Working at a job that makes someone miserable or causes them to feel undervalued can take a toll on a person both physically and mentally. I was trying to point out that a healthy alternative to complaining is to take action and seek to find a better employer. This is true for people with or without degrees, earning a wide range of salaries and working in any profession. It is not an elitist statement.
    To answer your question, if a teacher in Norfolk is unhappy working here, then yes he or she should go out and seek a job in another school system. A very dissatisfied teacher is most likely not going to be at their best in the classroom, so a new setting would probably be the best for all involved. Your initial posting did not sound like your husband was "grateful" to have his job. In fact it came across as quite the opposite, which is why I simply suggested perhaps it is time to move on. Even though the economy is not doing well right now, unemployment is still extremely low and there are jobs out there. Just my two cents.
    - CS

  • 5/12 10:52am   CS. Negative posts? ...Please practice what you preach in the future. Your post to me was not positive. Sorry if I am not a teacher.
    - MW

  • 5/12 10:47am   SF, I guess it is pointless to try and explain how I feel. People are just not getting it. I find it somewhat ironic that I hear so many teachers saying that they chose to enter teaching despite the low pay. It seems that, as a group, you are the first to complain about the low pay and the low pay raises and to remind us of the many hours spent after school grading papers. This is not just an argument about Danish and coffee... this goes deeper than that. I think that people have gotten so caught up in the Danish event... that they are failing to see what my original statement was. BTW, it still hasn't been answered. What has an appreciation breakfast got to do with the quality of education?. My original post was in response to another... now it seems that everyone has forgotten the original post that I was referring to and has focused on me. I was just trying to shed some light on a possible motive for a comment that someone else had made. I have definitely learned not to stick up for anyone on this board and to keep to myself.
    To me, this argument is about appreciating what you already have, and being sensitive to the fact that there are people who live in this town who think that 78 dollars is a lot of money right now, it's about a week's worth of groceries for my family of 5. Honestly, it's really not about the $78 or where it came from. It's about putting your "wants" aside and appreciating what you have. It's about learning to live in a different world than the one we have been living in for the past 15 years or so. Tough times may be coming. We need to learn how to separate our "wants" from "needs". Next time you vote for something... ask yourself, Can I still live without that?
    No, teaching is not a "cushy" job... but it's a lot better than cleaning toilets. Next time you complain about your low pay raise, ask yourself what it would feel like to be the janitor or the lunch lady. Where do think the money comes from to give you that raise? It has to come from somewhere else in the budget. Maybe as a result of the school district paying your raise, they got a pay cut. Or in the case of my family they have had to pay more towards their health insurance to give you that extra perk that you want. All I ask is that people be more sensitive.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - MW

  • 5/11 11:59pm   AV - Bravo!! Very well said.
    MW - While I am disheartened to hear that you are having a hard time right now, I do not think that anyone has said that teachers feel that they are in a ``bad'' profession. I chose to be a teacher because it was what I wanted, not because of the money. Before I was married, I worked a second job in retail to supplement my income because I couldn't afford to live on my teacher's salary alone. Many nights I was up until early morning grading papers or getting ready for the next class day. Yes, that was the profession I chose. But if everyone who wanted to be a teacher didn't because of the low pay that comes with the profession, where would we be then?
    My argument is that there are way too many people who think teaching is a ``cush'' job, with ``all the time off'' they have and short days. As AV pointed out, the good teachers are the ones who stay at work hours past ``official'' quitting time, who use their own money to supplement their classrooms (because whatever you get from the schools is never enough, I promise you), and who spend many, many hours trying to devise lesson plans that will engage, encourage, and educate your children. Yes, there are ``worksheet teachers''... those that assign packet after packet of worksheets and loads of bookwork so that their jobs are a little easier. I believe those teachers are few and far between.
    Our teachers deserve our appreciation. Whether it's a simple ``thank you'' as you drop your kids off or pick them up, or a bouquet of flowers you've picked from your own garden, or a gift card to their favorite store... it's deserved. It's not about the price, I assure you. And if the TPA chooses to put out a ``spread'' to show appreciation, then kudos to them. Teacher Appreciation Week happens once a year. Hallmark has nothing to do with it.
    And to whoever used the term ``little brats'', you should be ashamed. Besides, I expect the parents to teach their children manners.
    JN - Thank you. Happy Mother's Day to you too.
    - SF

  • 5/11 10:11pm   DL: I never called our health inspector 'lazy' or 'underemployed.' Anyone who consistently shows up hours late to inspections is at least making an effort to get there, so that's not laziness. As far as underemployed, he's been employed by many other towns in this immediate area, so there's been no lack of employment.
    - PA

  • 5/11 10:09pm  
    "Becoming a mother makes you the mother of all children. From now on each wounded, abandoned, frightened child is yours. You live in the suffering mothers of every race and creed and weep with them. You long to comfort all who are desolate." -- Charlotte Gray
    Happy Mother's Day!! Moms rock!
    - JN

  • 5/11 8:34pm   CS. My husband and I are very grateful for his job... warts and all. His job is a blessing at this time. Not everyone has a college education, makes six figures, or can pick and choose their job on a whim. The point that I was trying to make (however badly I conveyed it) was that there are others out there that could benefit by looking at what they have as a blessing, and that maybe being a teacher, when compared to other professions, is really not as bad as it could be. Believe me, in the great scheme of things... It could be a lot worse than not getting the raise that you desire. If I had directed a statement such as yours "If you are so dissatisfied with you and your husbands current employers, why not do what millions of Americans do... find a new job" towards the teachers of Norfolk, I would have been instantly slammed on this board. If you are making that statement to me, is that how you feel about the Norfolk teachers? Should they just go out and get a new job if they are not happy here? Just for the record, I do appreciate teachers and I do hold education to be the most important aspect of my children's lives. I am just not in a position to give out gifts right now. It deeply saddens me that so many people in this town have a "Let them eat cake" attitude when it comes to other's misfortunes or hard times. That does not make me a cheapskate or mean that I am against education. It just means that I am a sensitive person who is trying to look at the decisions that I make and how it will effect the lowest man on the totem pole in this town.
    - MW

  • 5/11 8:31pm   We live down by Mirror Lake and on of out dogs Mia is missing [now found!] - she is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriver please find an attached photo - please call us if you see her or finder our numbers are 508-384-8699 - 774-253-1996 or 508-699-4900
    - DN

    [Update 10:09pm: Mia has been found!!! - DN]

  • 5/11 8:29pm   The Southeastern Massassusetts Community Concert Band is now rehearsing music for the summer concerts. The band welcomes all players who can play at the high school level and up. Returning college students and high school students are welcome. In particular, trumpet and percussion players are needed. The band rehearses every Monday night at The Community Church in Medway. For more information, visit: smccb.com, or call (508)-520-1572.
    - CR

  • 5/11 3:34pm   DP - good questions. You have to go to Town Meeting in order to vote and just check in at the front door like you were going to vote (they have a list of all registered voters and they check you off). In the mail, you have received a list of the Warrant Articles; that is the list of things we need to vote on. We go through each Warrant Article and discuss it. Some articles require more discussion than others. Once discussion is over, the town moderator calls for a vote. I have to say, I feel really strongly about attending Town Meeting. Yes, some of the discussion can be tedious (like going through each budget number), but I feel like I'm connected to my town and have a say in some of the decisions. Hope to see you there.
    - BS

  • 5/11 2:11pm   Two interesting tidbits which suggest that former candidate and superdelegate John Edwards (D-NC) is endorsing Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee for President:
    [Continued ...]
    - AR

  • 5/11 2:03pm   In my honest opinion, I have lived here in Norfolk for my entire life. I joined the military two years ago and have already deployed to the Middle East. It makes me sick to see people fighting online about "Teachers Appreciation Day" - are you serious? Teachers spend more money on their classes every year than you do on their "appreciation". You people have the gall to say that "it could have been spent somewhere else"? Well, I know quite a few teachers that don't just go to work and come home everyday. Unlike others, they go to work, deal with other people's kids, not to mention the growing number of chlidren with learning disablilities. I know many of them get off at 1530 and still stay two to three hours later. They go out and buy party supplies so your kids can have fun at school; they go out and buy things for their classroom, things that aren't necessary for your kids to learn, but things that make learning more captivating and enjoyable. Any play that has ever been put on has a lot of time has been funded by teachers, from props and costumes to materials, to make your children's lives a little bit more enjoyable. I know many of their Christmas lists entail things for school while many of yours entail personal posessions. Seventy-eight dollars is the least that this town can spend to show the teachers of this community that their efforts do not go unnoticed.
    - AV

  • 5/11 12:51pm   Hi all, Does anyone have an old (but working!) TV that they are not using. One with audio and video inputs, not just the cable input. My son is looking for one to connect to an Xbox 360 for game playing. Thx. 508-553-9836.
    - SD

  • 5/11 12:24pm   Can someone tell us how you vote at the Town Meeting? Do you have to attend? register? If you have to attend, is voting at certain time during the 2 nights? Thanks,
    - DP

  • 5/11 12:23pm   FG if you find out about a local softball league please post the info. I am also interested in playing in a league or just pick up games. Thanks,
    - JS

  • 5/11 12:21pm   My push mower is on the brink after spending $80 for a fall tuneup. Given I am not happy about spending the money to have it tuned up then see it croak on me, can anyone recommend a local lawn mower dealer that does repairs and/or sales? Thanks
    - BC

  • 5/11 12:20pm   MW - I totally agree with your points about anonymity/manners. I was thinking the same thing last night. Would anyone (including myself) voice their ``true'' feelings if we were all sitting around a table and had to put human faces to names? Is there way to truly get the tone you want conveyed in writing? A lot of food for thought. I do get very defensive when teachers and schools are talked about in relation to money because most people just don't have their facts straight (I have to pay my way every year to our school's holiday party, or there wouldn't be one)... please don't take that as a dig... just information. The grass is always greener, yada, yada. In the end, I think you and I are actually on the same page about supporting education, so I agree that I need to let this one go.
    Happy Municipal Employees Week! Dunkin Donuts is giving out free iced tea/coffee on either Wednesday or Thursday (I forget which) so everyone have a freebie on Dunkin's to celebrate everyone who doesn't get enough appreciation for what they do! (Not being sarcastic - truly appreciative).
    - RD

  • 5/11 12:19pm   MW: If you are so dissatisfied with you and your husbands current employers, why not do what millions of Americans do... find a new job.
    - CS

  • 5/10 10:05pm   LAW: Oh goody! My husband is a municipal employee! What are they going to be serving at Tiffany's? What time should he be there? And most importantly, can he bring a guest or do I have to pay my own way? I am hoping that they are serving eggs Benedict and mimosas!
    - MW

  • 5/10 10:03pm   Anonymous Norfolk Teacher: I am glad that you enjoyed your event. I know that you say you aren't complaining... But it must be nice to get some sort of pay raise.
    There will be no pay raises in this household this year. Only tax increases, gas increases, food increases, etc. My husband works for a municipality... We also have had to pay a much higher rate for our health insurance. We don't get any form of dental, not even the kind that you pay yourself. But the teachers in his municipality negotiated a much better deal. Also, he must pay for his own holiday parties... How would you feel if your boss told you that you are expected to attend a Christmas party, but that you must pay your own meals. It usually comes out to be just under a hundred dollars for the two of us. He has actually been working every weekend without pay for the past month. It has been very hard on my kids.
    So, I am sorry if It seems that I am not sympathetic right now. I know another teacher in another school system that is much less fortunate that you are... She would much rather receive help financially so that it could benefit her students than have a pancake breakfast that they give the teachers in her school. Everyone has different priorities. I am grateful for my "mother's day gift" that my son made me in school... However, I do not expect my child's teacher to do pay for this and would not be disappointed if I only got a hug from him instead. My original post was in response to another's... and it has evolved into something other than what it was intended. Just because I posted sentiments that another teacher related to me... Does not mean that I am against teachers.
    I still don't understand what a comment made reagarding cutting out a teacher's party has to do with cutting the quality of our children's education. Danish does not equal education. That was what my original comment was geared towards.
    - MW

  • 5/10 9:55pm   ART posted, "Plenty to talk about, starting with the override. On this one, I'm torn. If you feel, as I do, that Selectmen Garrity's and Advani's plan to deprive our children of the trappings of a first rate education will teach the little brats some manners, then vote this override down."
    ART, you should really think before you write. How do you propose the "little brats" will learn any manners by inadequately funding their education? Actually, the opposite is probably the more likely outcome if we continue to deplete resources from the school system. Also, who are you to refer to the children of Norfolk as "little brats" anyway? Your ignorance is offensive to parents in town who are trying to raise the next generation. Your tone comes across as that of a bitter old man. Lastly, are you really sure that Selectmen Garrity and Advani "planned to deprive our children of the trappings of a first rate education"? I cannot imagine that this is their intent and is bold of you to speak on their behalf. It would be nice if more positive comments recognizing our dedicated teachers were posted here. The teachers are educating our children and are not getting rich doing so (contrary to what a few people obsess about). I hope most people in town are not as myopic as the few who constantly post here who clearly view "the glass as half broken".
    - CS

  • 5/10 7:54pm   MW: I am one of those staff members that appreciated the Teacher Appreciation Breakfast. We all look forward to it each year as it is a relaxing event where both schools get to gather together for some camaradery and share a few laughs. It isn't often in our school year that we have such an opportunity. I have never even thought about having the money for my classroom instead.
    Just as an interesting fact, my upcoming pay raise won't even touch the amount of money I put into my classroom each year. Four percent? Not me; try closer to 1.5% You won't find me complaining, however, since I do this on my own accord. Mother's Day gifts for students to give to Mom? Out of pocket $50!
    - [Name withheld - Wm.]

  • 5/10 7:52pm   MW -- just a reminder: It's Municipal, State & Government Employee Appreciation Week, next week. Pssst. We want breakfast at Tiffany's.
    - LAW

  • 5/10 7:50pm   RD, I guess that we are both suffering from being misunderstood. Maybe I need to take a breather from the board, as I often do when I find myself becoming too defensive. It's so easy to fall into a pattern of reading things in a sarcastic tone, given the nature of the board. As much as I like reading and posting here, the fact that one can remain somewhat nameless does seem to bring out the worst in human beings.
    I was having a conversation with one of the school principals and she made a very good point. She mentioned to me that what people (pertaining to children) see on TV, video games and in the media, have become increasingly violent... and what people consider in good fun or "for a laugh" has gotten increasingly "mean" over the years.
    I had never really thought about it in depth before, but it has been on my mind lately. I think that as humans, we need to check ourselves periodically and make sure that we have not gotten carried away. It is easy to let our morals (for lack of a better word) gradually slide and for us to become more callous to other's feelings. Things that we say and view now have change so dramatically in just 20 years or so. I can't help but wonder how far what we consider "normal " has changed. Look at America's funniest videos... We are usually laughing at people getting hurt. Sometimes I see that show and think, what am I doing even watching this? Sometimes I find myself posting here when things get negative and wonder... what am I doing this for? So, I also apologize if i took your post the wrong way...
    - MW

  • 5/10 7:49pm   PA- I wonder if the "new sheriff" you talk about took a look at that lazy, underemployed health agent while he served on the BOH. With the sherriff hopping on his pony and riding across the hall, the planning staff should have nothing to worry about.
    - DL

  • 5/10 1:38pm   MW - I'm not sure you took my comment the right way. My point was that money is not the answer to everything. In truth, that breakfast probably did only cost about $78, so each teacher would get $2 in supplies for his/her classroom? And even more special than the few things the parents purchase for teachers are the handmade gifts from kids.
    I too am tired of the mean comments on this board... I didn't think my comment was mean, but illustrated my point. I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way.
    - RD

  • 5/10 1:05pm   Re Maybe you would appreciate some cash from your son instead of a mother's day card? I have 22 handmade cards/notes/pictures sitting on my kitchen table that I pored over last night with a smile on my face. Hallmark didn't get the best of this group...
    RD, you took my comment the wrong way... Would'nt you rather have the money that was spent on food put towards supplies for your room? My niece is a teacher and she complained about this recently. So, there are teachers out there who would rather have well-doers really do something to make a difference.
    There was no need to make a mean comment or bring my children into this discussion. All you needed to say was that it was paid for by the TPA. I would not expect taxpayers to give my child money to buy me a mother's day card. If it's privately funded, no problem... that's all you had to say. Just because I cannot afford to support my kid's teachers financially at this time does not mean that I do not appreciate them or that I am a problem parent. I have many educators in my family.
    - MW

  • 5/10 12:27pm   AC - there are formal performance reviews of teachers done on a regular basis, thankfully, not done by the HR person (why would that even make sense?) Where does this idea come from that teachers are untouchable, allowed to do whatever they want, and make oodles of money with indefinite job security. It just doesn't work that way, so people need to stop making assumptions. I will welcome anyone into my classroom for a day if you really want to know. Oh wait, I already extended that offer a few months ago and even the loudest opponents of teachers/schools/unions didn't bite. Offer stands...
    - RD

  • 5/10 12:24pm   ER - Just to ease your mind, I am sure the ``spread'' was paid for by the TPA (the parents who have children in the school who care about teachers, overrides for schools, etc.), not by the taxpayers.
    MW - As a teacher, I do appreciate the thoughtfulness and time parents took to show how much they appreciated me this week. I won't even go into all the ridiculous things we deal with throughout the rest of the year... Let's just say that the parents who take the time to show they appreciate me are not the ones I have the most difficulty with throughout the year and vice versa.... Maybe you would appreciate some cash from your son instead of a mother's day card? I have 22 handmade cards/notes/pictures sitting on my kitchen table that I pored over last night with a smile on my face. Hallmark didn't get the best of this group...
    MON - While I usually disagree with your tone, the organization chart was hilarious. Can you create one for state and federal government as well?
    CR - the superintendent's information is quite clear: with no override they will lose many positions/programs, even with an override they will still be losing several positions/programs. It makes perfect sense to me that they have already made an attempt to ``cut the fat'' so that when they ask the taxpayers for an override, they can demonstrate that they have already cut and made sacrifices for next year. Look at her info again.
    Could someone (MON, CR) please tell me where you keep getting the info about teachers' raises for next year? I've heard 7 % from MON, 4% from CR. As far as I can tell, I can't find the teachers' salary schedule posted on any town website, so I'm curious about how you did your math. I wonder if the numbers are being interpreted properly... either way, if it isn't a contract year, you won't be able to negotiate teachers's salaries for the upcoming year... oh here goes MON again about unions... And, ask any teachers in Norfolk about how much they pay towards their healthcare and compare that against any surrounding town... they're already paying more than any other teachers in neighboring towns.
    Before I get attacked by everyone for living some luxurious lifestyle and how I must have deep pockets to afford an override, I do think there are places where the town can cut back and I think people on this board have asked good questions (why is there an HR person and an employee rep for the town?) You just have to be careful about asking questions in a negative way. You may find that there are answers to your questions if you can find the right people to answer them. But don't assume that individual people who hold these positions are responsible for your taxes increasing and remember that there are individuals behind these titles who are also struggling to put gas in their cars... watch the unemployment rate in Norfolk go up, and you can bet those former town employees won't have the money to spend in town businesses, etc.
    - RD

  • 5/10 11:08am   ER: The activities of Staff Appreciation Week were financed by the parents of the schools. Don't worry, it didn't come out of your pocket. Some of us appreciate what the teachers and staff do at the schools.
    - ALL

  • 5/10 11:06am   SF, I too am an advocate of education... However, I don't see what Danish and coffee has to do with the quality of our child's education. I bet that the teachers would rather have the cash than the donuts... Furthermore, every year there is one more "holiday" made up by the greeting card companies and the retailers that we are expected to celebrate. They are starting to mean nothing to me... Are we going to have a town employee appreciation week? What about librarian's day... police/firefighter's day... where does it end? And wow! teachers get a whole week as opposed to a day? I love my son's teacher... but I don't feel the need to feed her danish or lunch or whatever we did... and as a taxpayer , I wasn't even aware of!
    - MW

  • 5/10 11:04am   The King Philip Music Department will present its popular annual Spring Pops Concert, on Saturday May 17th at 7pm, in the Field House at King Philip High School, Wrentham. The concert will feature the Chorus, the Concert Band, the Symphony Band, Jazz Ensemble I and II.
    Music by the combined bands will include a tribute to Leonard Bernstein, Selections from the Broadway Musical, "Miss Saigon" and John Williams March from the movie 1941.
    The jazz ensembles will play great standards of Ellington, Buddy Rich, Charles Mingus, as well as Tower o Power.
    The chorus will also perform some pop tunes including "Fly Me to the Moon."
    The event will have a traditional Pops theme, where the audience will be seated around tables. Light refreshments (sandwich fare) and beverages will be available. There will be a limited number of tables available, so plan to arrive early to reserve your table. Doors open at 6 pm
    Admission price: $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.
    - MW, King Philip Music Association

  • 5/10 11:03am   CR: I applaud you for singling out the schools for seeking a budget increase that is in line with all other departments. It is simply irrelevant that the cost of education is rising faster than revenues - the dang teachers think they're so smart, they should sharpen their pencils or conjure up one of their wicked spells to come up with the extra dough. And pay no heed to anyone who may ask you for proof that the schools are not living within their means. It's probably just some selfish parents that want their kids to get a good education. And, if you're like me, ignore the fact that good schools increase our home values and attract vital businesses. I'm gonna die in my house and I don't get out very much anyway.
    - ART

  • 5/9 11:35pm   ER - Please tell me you're kidding. It was teacher appreciation week, for goodness' sake. And I guarantee you the teachers needed to be shown whatever appreciation they got.
    I am amazed at those of you who look to the schools first to cut the budget. These are our children, our future. Get some priorities.
    - SF

  • 5/9 10:49pm   ER - I'm sure the entire $78 bucks for pastry and Danish really broke the bank. We need to lay off 10 more teachers now because of the breakfast spread. You're kidding right?
    - LS

  • 5/9 8:10pm   To the parents of students in the HOD and Freeman schools: please take a close look at the message sent to us by the outgoing superintendent regarding the "what ifs" if the potential override passes or fails. There are some redundancies in the message about what would be lost if the schools aren't funded at the requested 7.22 increase level. The elimination of one assistant principal, the health, and the Spanish programs are listed under both possible outcomes, with additional cuts at the 7.22% level vs. if the override passes and the schools receive "only" a 5% increase.
    How the school system could, in all good conscience, be asking for a 7.22 % increase in these economic times, is beyond me. It is time to reevaluate, and rethink, increases for teachers, etc. in the area of 4%, and the amount of health care costs that the town is paying. The taxpayers simply can't afford this type of increase year after year, when those employed in the public sector are being asked to go without, or with minimal, increases, and to pay more towards the rising expenses of healthcare. We need a reality check, folks!
    - CR

  • 5/9 8:02pm   About the school budget ...
    Why wasn't the Teachers Appreciation Breakfast put on hold? It looked like quite the spread in the other half of the gym Tuesday night (after voting), set up for Wednesday morning for teachers from both schools... cut... cut... chop... chop.
    - ER

  • 5/9 8:00pm   OK, now that the voters of Norfolk have spoken (well, 12.6% of them anyway), let's move on to Town Meeting.
    Plenty to talk about, starting with the override. On this one, I'm torn. If you feel, as I do, that Selectmen Garrity's and Advani's plan to deprive our children of the trappings of a first rate education will teach the little brats some manners, then vote this override down. On the other hand, it's tough to argue with Selectman Lehan's Eritrean School of Economics logic that Norfolk voters need to maximize the amount of the override in order to appreciate its benefits. On this score, I can't quibble with the restoration of $300,000 for the beleaguered road program. I don't think it matters that our illustrious DPW can't complete even $50K worth of work in any goven calendar year, I have a fond appreciation for their boundless ability to spend money with total and complete impunity.
    - ART

  • 5/9 7:01pm   Perhaps for future review: Here is the website of a firm that has designed about 38 public buildings in Massachusetts. I have no idea how their buildings have performed, and important items not shown on the website are: the year when the design contract was let, and the year the buildings were completed and turned over to the various towns. Dollars from 1990, for instance, were worth more than 2008 dollars, plus the cost of materials has risen significantly.
    Their claim: The Carell Group offers a full range of architectural, planning, and interior design services. These include feasibility studies, conceptual and tactical design, development of construction documents, and the guidance of the work through construction administration. In all phases, strict attention is paid to scheduling and budgeting requirements. See URL: [carellgroup.com page]
    - BH

  • 5/9 6:59pm   Re: If a regional school system is adequate for our children's education, shouldn't a regional police and fire department be sufficient for our safety?
    That is joke, right? We are so lucky to have a professional team of paramedics and firefighters in our town. Minutes mean saved lives. I am not quite sure you can put a price tag on that.
    And for all of you who have never been a healthcare provider, I can tell you that being a paramedic or an EMT is such a horrible job, you just can't even imagine. I think being a nurse is so much easier. I don't know how they do it. They are so good at stabilizing patients in unreal situations. It is hard to describe. So I will let one of them do it. Here is a blog from a paramedic regarding just one accident scene. It is long, but compelling reading. This is just one call--imagine call after call like this. Imagine this is your child; would you want a lesser service so that you can save a few dollars on your tax bill??
    [blog page]
    - JN

  • 5/9 6:58pm   Why do the schools have a human resource person? There are no performance reviews. The benefits are the same as the town, health care, etc. The town is not hiring any teachers... the exact opposite. Why cannot all human resource questions and issues be handled by the town?
    - AC

  • 5/9 6:57pm   The Fleetwood Drive Multi-Family Yard Sale will go on rain or shine tomorrow. I'm set up in the garage (#11), so come on by, 8 to 12, lots of great stuff!
    - CR

  • 5/9 6:56pm   MG, It is not that our children will be dummies and idiots but they will suffer. Number of students per class will go up and we may lose some teachers. Children will be rushed through learning as a result of the teachers having so many students. So MG, of course, they will not be dummies and idiots, but it will have an effect on them. How could it not?
    - DWL

  • 5/9 6:53pm   MG - I'm not worried about my children becoming dummies overnight. I am worried about them growing up and not either having benefited from, or understand the value of, a good education. I'm also worried about them being average.
    I'd prefer to enable them to be in a position when they're my age to share this perspective and (again having benefited from a superior education) be in a position to do what is necessary to support it.
    blah blah blah
    - JH

  • 5/9 6:51pm   BH: You articulated what I was thinking, that the "org chart" was a work in progress. Maybe a watermark that says "DRAFT" should be included. I too noted the missing links between the functions and departments and made the correlation to the appointed/elected boards not being included - but I had to stop short of that theory, because with that thinking the Board of Selectmen should also be left off the org chart, since they are elected as well and that would have thrown the celestial order as MON dutifully documented in his org chart into utter chaos.
    MON: OK, OK, I admit it, up until this point I misunderstood you. Your org chart has got to rank up there with the top 5 posts of all time on Norfolknet. I understand you man *sniff*... Ever since I looked at that org chart I have been chuckling to myself. I don't know if it was intentional but I thoroughly enjoyed the understated reference to a pre-Copernican way of thinking - touche!
    - AB

  • 5/9 6:50pm   AML - You raise some good points. As far as the Planning Board staff, a new sheriff rode into town last night on that board, so I'm sure he'll examine every aspect of the situation. With building and house sales slow, that means septic inspections must be infrequent. I would wonder if our health inspector is feeling the pain, or if he is still getting paid the same each year, regardless of the amount of inspections he's performing?
    - PA

  • 5/9 6:49pm   MG - totally agree, if the town keeps asking for these overrides - what are they doing with the money? My concern is with the economy, how many of us are facing some really tough times, with the price of gas and groceries. It's very difficult to support an override when we (1) don't have a plan in place to properly allocate money so future overrides are not neccessary and (2) the cost of living is only going up and up. The Town needs to look all resources and evaluate what is neccessary and where cuts could be made in these tough economic times.
    - AML

  • 5/9 6:28pm   AML: The town only requests overrides for the schools because they are the one thing that shakes up the apathy in town and gets some of the residents to pay attention. Even if the override passes this year, the Norfolk Public Schools will still lose some programs since they have received an average annual increase of 1.64% over the last three years. Call our Town Administrator or one of the members of the Board of Selectmen and ask for the level of increase in other town department budgets over the last three years and maybe they will be able to explain the gross discrepancy. Oh wait a minute - they probably don't like the fact that the elementary schools are excelling - their comfort zone is mediocrity.
    - MHC

  • 5/9 1:03pm   In no way shape or form should an operating budget override be supported!! An override for operating costs means to me the money in the budget has not been managed properly. I am in support of debt exclusions to build a new school or a police/fire station; a debt exclusion will go away after the project is paid for. An override for this year's operating budget will stay forever, allowing that money to be spent any place the town leaders want in future years. It is not a one time tax increase, it is there forever. We had an override about six or seven years ago for road maintenance, where is that money ? I will tell you, it goes into the general fund and is used elsewhere instead of to repair the roads. That is why the roads are so bad in town.
    Now that I have put my 2 cents worth in, others will say that if we do not pass an override for the schools our children will become dummies and idiots overnight. We will have bad test scores blah blah blah.
    - MG

  • 5/9 1:03pm   PR says "If a regional school system is adequate for our children's education..."
    You must have moved to Norfolk from [very far away], where "adequate" means something different than it does in English.
    - JH

  • 5/9 11:43am   MON - Pretty close. $15M for a new Police and Fire Station? Whatever happened to a regional police and fire department? Initial savings $15,575,000 (including the feasibility study) to the town of Norfolk. Wrentham just built a centrally located (to us) public safety building; looks like it has enough room for our police cars and fire trucks...
    If a regional school system is adequate for our children's education, shouldn't a regional police and fire department be sufficient for our safety?
    - PR

  • 5/9 10:59am   Anyone know of a local adult softball league? My friends and I are looking to start a team or possibly join an existing one. Prefer a men's league but coed is okay too. We are all in our mid-20's. Please help!! The season starts soon!!
    - FG

  • 5/9 10:58am   MON, Re: your post of 5/9 12:42 am - you're starting to grow on me. I took extreme pleasure in the way in which you get the point across.
    - JG

  • 5/9 10:57am   Thank you all who explained the override. Why does Norfolk only do overrides for the schools? You would think that they could look at other staff, such as Town Hall (2 people in Planning office with little building going on), or DPW. It seems they only hit the schools but don't want to look at what is right in front of them. Maybe by no raises or reduces staff could loer the override amount.
    - AML

  • 5/9 10:56am   SO - I believe it's a Smart Car - I think the owners are on [Norfolk local street, pretty house].
    - LAW

  • 5/9 10:55am   MON's chart is much more 'understandable'. Now I get it!
    - LAW

  • 5/9 12:53am   Hello, Can anyone recommend a facility near Norfolk that is set up for Alzheimer patients/residents that are on public funding/medicare/medicaide, etc...? We are trying to find a place for someone that will treat them with respect and compassion. Thank you.
    - PRR

  • 5/9 12:48am   Re: 5/8 3:40pm AB OK, I see that we have an official organization chart for the Town that can be found here. [town hall link].
    It appears that this Org Chart is a work in progress and is not done yet. It covers only those people and functions which report to the Board of Selectmen. Four sheets print out when you click on the "2009 Organizational Chart". Finance should reference Chart C, and DPW, Chart B. Positions or Boards such as the Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, School Committee, and Town Moderator, etc., are independent elected positions and do not report to the Board of Selectmen and are not controlled or overtly influenced by them, and do not appear on this org chart, though for some reason a list of people who work for the Town Clerk, and on Elections, Voter Reg, Advisory Board, Recreation, Board of Health and Planning Board does appear although those people work for the independent Boards and functions.
    Regarding your question: What is the point of printing under the Board of Selectmen "UNPAID?" Maybe that was a Freudian slip, or maybe the Selectmen will return their modest stipends to the Town as evidence of their frugality and dedication. Pass it on.
    - BH

  • 5/9 12:46am   This is a response to JH's post on 5/5 wondering about home daycare or "practicing preschools" in town.
    JH, I am currently teaching preschool and I am in the process of opening my own home preschool (opening in September) for children 2.6-4 years of age. My program will run Monday thru Friday 9:00am-1:00pm with snack and lunch included. Parents will have the option to choose the number of days, and which days, they would like their child to attend. The schedule could be 2, 3, 4, or 5 days per week. I have completely renovated a portion of my house for the program and I am currently going through the licensing process. I am very excited to get it up and running! If you have any questions or want more information, please email me at emailforlaurie@aol.com
    - LH

  • 5/9 12:42am   AB - You need to look at my Flow Chart of Norfolk Town Government. Normal flow charts just don't cut it here. I had to pattern it on the structure of our solar system and the Universe. First off - the selectmen are the center of the town solar system - surrounded by planetary Boards, some close - some far, far off and of unknown composition. There are boards yet to be named and discovered. Also, these central Selectmen spin constantly in circles. The CPC is pulled by the gravitational pull of money, while the advisory board gravitates towards disgruntled taxpayers and SO satellites - significant others.
    In another galaxy is the Town Adminstrator who is connected by cosmic forces called Unions - which create the Fire and Police solar monetary flare-ups we commonly see. Somewhere in another galaxy, far, far, far away, is a Finance Director - but that isn't known for sure because we have never seen him.
    The most intriquing part of the Norfolk Universe is the DPW Black-Hole - from which light and information never escapes. It is virtually unknown also and we are told we will never know. Oh, and the Arrows from the Town Adminstrator galaxies to the Selectmen only occur in certain directions - depending on which time of the year. Most of the year the Administrator feeds the Selectmen information - especially one of them that shines way too bright for the system... while the Selectmen only interact the Administrator in a cosmic way right around Tax-Time - which is now.
    So that's the Town Flow Chart as far as I see it. Please see the attached image. I hope this helps.
    - MON

  • 5/9 12:41am   DV, In my school system we subscribe to a service called ConnectEd (which is what I think KP uses). I don't know if it's a once a year fee, or fee per use, but we only use it for snow days/emergencies. It has its pros and cons... It's meant to relay messages to school staff and parents, not the general public (trust me, you don't want to get a phone call every time there's a snow day if it doesn't apply to you).
    - RD

  • 5/9 12:40am   Election Day - Did anyone else see the extremely tiny, vintage, baby blue car (convertible) tooling around "downtown" around 4 pm? A man was driving with a woman passenger. What the heck was that and where can I get one?
    BB - I haven't read up further - I'm catching up - do you still have the yarn and is it wool?
    - SO

  • 5/8 3:40pm   OK, I see that we have an official organization chart for the Town that can be found here. [town hall link]
    Questions - Where are the following boards/departments? Where do they fit in the hierarchy? (Maybe this is a subtle hint on how the budget woes are going to be fixed.)
    Town Clerk
    Rec Department
    Board of Health
    Planning Board
    Conservation Commission
    Zoning Board
    Personnel Board
    Council on Aging
    Town Moderator
    Advisory Board
    What is the point of printing under the Board of Selectmen "UNPAID?"
    Spelling corrections are required. Contracter is not correctly spelled - it's "Contractor."
    - AB

  • 5/8 3:38pm   None of the override money goes to KP, right? Could someone please give more details about the meeting last night? What options do we have?
    - JN

  • 5/8 2:15pm   DWL--override is for Norfolk Pub Schools and to put $$ in the road budget.
    - BS

  • 5/8 2:04pm   AML, Just wanted to know, is this override for Norfolk or the Regional System? Thanks.
    - DWL

  • 5/8 12:25pm   AML - Override amount is 714,000. It could have been lower, but 2 out of 3 selectmen insisted on higher numbers. That works out to be approximately 250$ per household.
    - MON

  • 5/8 11:06am   As far as a recount of the election results, if we go forth with that, [continued...]
    - PA

  • 5/8 11:05am   Folks, skip the workout, catch another game, TiVo American Idol, do whatever you need to do to get yourself to Town Meeting next Tues and Weds, May 13-14. Our town leaders will be discussing the 2008-2009 school budgets, and we need to make sure our schools are funded! A very sobering meeting last night at the high school spelled out the impact of current KP budget negotiations: class sizes up, availability of courses down, state requirements of time on learning not met, and a possible loss of accreditation. This spells disaster for our kids, as well as property values. A small, dedicated group has spent many, many hours in meetings with state reps, standing up for good schools on our behalf and asking them to join them. I, for one, thank them!! Now it's time to give them our support and get to Town Meeting. And if you have friends in Wrentham and Plainville, encourage them to go to their upcoming town meetings as well... Solving our budget crunch is not easy. Getting to Town Meeting is! Babysitting and free spaghetti dinner (first night) are offered. Thank you!
    - AL

  • 5/8 11:04am   Also highly recommend Pisani's in Franklin Center - the gentleman that owns it is super nice and can fix anything. Has done wonders with my husband's dress shoes - good luck!
    - KG

  • 5/8 11:03am   Multi-Family Yard Sale: Saturday, May 10th, 8:00 to 12:00, Fleetwood Drive, Norfolk. Toys: legos, barbie bus, little tykes, action figures, kids books. Teen girls: designer clothing, sizes 0-4. Household, jewelry, vintage clarinets and flute. Beginner piano books, two 24" boys bikes, lefty kids golf clubs. Rain or shine. Don't miss this one!
    - CR

  • 5/8 11:02am   Can anyone tell me how much the override is for? I am searching everywhere for an amount but just cannot seem to find one. Has it been estimated what the average cost to each household is?
    - AML

  • 5/7 11:03pm   JN - I have used Pisini's in Franklin (across from Acapulco's). The man who owns the store is great and he has done wonders with some of my husband's shoes. He also sells Stride Rite shoes, which is a plus for my kid!
    - SF

  • 5/7 11:02pm   BWA, NCTV And where do you think Verizon gets the money from? Us!
    - JN

  • 5/7 11:01pm   To Hilary Cohen/ACO - It is so hard to find any gifts that are made in America these days, so what a nice idea! You could have a year-round horseshoe fundraiser. I love what you wrote on the page on your site about the luck of the horseshoe. I am sure there are superstitious people out there that would enjoy donating to the cause and possibly helping their luck along a bit :-) I am looking forward to the next horseshoe I get. I will pick up the story from you then.
    - EF

  • 5/7 11:00pm   Thanks RC and BWA - Seeing how 70% of our taxes go to the schools, and the logic that a taxpayer most likely has Comcast cable - or now Verizon - if he/she wants to view television inside a house, they pay taxes on. Therefore, the homeowner-subscriber-taxpayer would like to see the meetings where 70% of their money goes at times when the homeowner-subscriber-taxpayer is most likely to be home. Which is logically and statistically after 5 pm.
    I want to be positive as well. But telling me that a majority of the viewers, which are homeowner-subscribers-taxpayers, are home between 11 am and 2 pm to watch where 70% of our taxes go is highly illogical.
    Now if there is a political reason why you don't show the school committee meetings at night to the taxpayer - such as your studio is in the school and information does not want to be widely shared - I would understand your logic.
    So I am going to ask again. Please show all School Board Committee meetings during prime time or at night for the majority and during working hours for the minority.
    - MON

  • 5/7 3:50pm   Thank you both EF and DV. EF, I forgot to enclose Jimmy's story, he too was in An Apple A Day. I'll give it to you with your next shoe. We will be doing some new shoes soon, featuring a few off of our rescue Belgian "Chimay", among other local horses that were rescues and their owners have donated their shoes. Chimay's shoes, no joke, are the size of appetizer plates! I wasn't planning on pushing the shoes at this time of year but I'm always glad to raise money for the animals that come through our door. So if anyone see a shoe that they like, and if I've already "sold" it, I can make more. I will have to update the page again as some of those shoes on there are already hanging in people's houses. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen ~ Norfolk Animal Control

  • 5/7 1:58pm   Can anyone suggest a local shoe repair?
    Eagle Shoe Repair is in Norwood. They are located on Day Street which intersects the main street in the center of town. They can repair pretty much anything. 781-762-0238 is their number. Good Luck!
    - LBK

  • 5/7 1:56pm   Rocky's is the best, Marcia and Rocky will give you and your car TLC.
    MON et al: please tell what you want to see and when you would like to see it to NCTV and on the Net, so a fit into scheduling may be arranged. Perhaps other than Town Boards and Committees could also be programmed - like your NTA meetings. NCTV is always looking for informational programs, volunteers and feedback. Let us be positive.
    - RC

  • 5/7 1:55pm   JH, although my children don't go there, I just became aware of a part-time opening in a very well-regarded in home daycare. You can email me at workingparentsnorfolk@hotmail.com
    - KID

  • 5/7 1:54pm   MON, just to clarify on a common misconception - tax dollars do not fund NCTV.
    Your tax dollars go towards, snow plowing, road maintenance, water, sewer, etc., not public access tv channels owned by Comcast.
    NCTV is a private, 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation who receives funding directly from Comcast (and now Verizon).
    - BWA, NCTV

  • 5/7 1:03pm   Can anyone suggest a local shoe repair?
    - JN

  • 5/7 12:46pm   Re: Can anyone suggest a local body shop? I think we have a couple in town but fortunately, up 'til now, I'm clueless on this subject.
    I have had fantastic experiences (yes, plural, unfortunately) with Rocky's Autobody. The work is exceptional!
    - BA

  • 5/7 12:10pm   JH: My kids go to a local home day care and have for several years now-we are very happy with her! If you would like her contact info., feel free to email me privately (have Wm. give you my email address - I hope that's OK, Wm!!)
    If I don't hear from you, good luck in your search!
    - SRA

  • 5/7 11:58am   Can anyone suggest a local body shop? I think we have a couple in town but fortunately, up 'til now, I'm clueless on this subject. I had the great pleasure of having my 3 month old car hit in Roche Bros parking lot. Of course there was no note. And now I know why. When you admit fault, there goes your surcharge for several years. If you pretend nothing happens, the person who gets hit, pays the deductible but can still have a fixed car without the surcharge being affected.
    MON--you are so right. Apathy. You can say one thing about Norfolknet, the posters and readers are not disengaged and care.
    - BS

  • 5/7 11:56am   EF -- I too bought a couple of the horseshoes from Hilary; one for my house and one was sent to my 10 year old niece in Texas. They are beautiful and make great gifts! My niece was thrilled when she got it and my sister told me that she has read and re-read the Apple a Day story that came along with them. If anyone else gets a chance to check them out and help out a worthy cause, I would highly recommend it!
    DV -- I agree completely about overuse. When was the last time anyone paid attention to a car alarm going off in a parking lot? Also, not everyone received the principal's message. Apparently you have to have a child in the school system to get the reverse calls, as I did not get one. Was the message important and should it have gone to taxpayers that support the school rather than just taxpayers that use (and support, don't read into this, you guys know what I mean!) the school?
    - MH

  • 5/7 10:27am   I just picked up a decorated horseshoe from Hilary Cohen, our Norfolk ACO. What a great idea and a nice thing to receive for a 35$ donation to the gift fund to help the animals that make their way into Hilary's care. This was a winter fundraiser and somehow I missed a post about this late last year and just happened upon this while checking out some of the adoptable animals on the animal control site. Regardless, just wanted to make a post about this. Here is the link that should take you to the decorated horseshoes: norfolkanimalcontrol.net Click on "horseshoes for the holidays."
    - EF

  • 5/7 10:15am   JG - I plan on it. The station plays all shows automatically - without human intervention. All it takes for the station to play the important meetings is to want to. We want to see relevant board meetings including the school committee meetings during times when the taxpayer can view it. If this does not happen there are steps that can be taken.
    Also, congratulations goes out to Rob Garrity for winning the Selectman's seat, winning by microns against the formidable Jay Talerman. Rob won by less than 5% of the vote, which is smaller than typical human error, which is 5 to 6%, indicating to me, at least, that voter mood expects change. Given the closeness of this race, perhaps the ballots should be hand-counted to make sure there were no computing errors. In the meantime, and once it's official, we will all be watching closely to see what transpires between the triumvirate. When I mean we, I mean the 25% of the registered voters that turned out; the other 75% are lost in a sea of apathy.
    - MON

  • 5/7 10:12am   We were relayed an announcement about a meeting this evening about the KP middle/high school budgets --
    Message sent - 5/3/2008
    Current Budget Status Meeting

    Middle School/High School Budget Information Meeting

    Wednesday May 7, 7:00 PM High School Library

    The school committee will hold a public forum on the middle school and high school budget.

    Learn about the impact of current budget negotiations on the programs, staffing, and class sizes at both schools.

    Based on current information:

    12 to 13 current faculty positions will be eliminated

    10 new positions to meet class size needs are eliminated

    Class sizes at both schools will increase

    Middle school and high school study halls will increase

    Availability of high school science courses will be reduced

    Middle school writing and instrumental music classes will be cut

    State requirements for time on learning requirements may not be met at both schools

    We look forward to discussing the budget with you!


    Clare Sullivan, Chair

    - Wm.

  • 5/7 9:53am   MON, RG, Might I suggest either one or both of you volunteer your time to NCTV. I'm quite sure they can use the help, and by doing so you could ensure the programs run when its convenient for you. Best wishes,
    - JG

  • 5/7 9:29am   MW, my fear is that if it is overused, people will stop paying attention to it. Spraying is a good reason to use it because we need to take protective measures. But I guess there is the answer, what I think is important may not matter to someone else, which makes the guidelines unclear.
    - DV

  • 5/7 9:28am   Excellent dog walker available to walk and feed your dog. References available. Please contact Mary at marymjef@aol.com
    - EF

  • 5/7 8:57am   DV, My son goes to school in another district... They get a "reverse 911" call every time report cards go home or if there is some other important announcement. I am not sure if they use the actual reverse 911, or if they have some sort of other service that just the school uses...
    I guess the question to ask is, Is there a fee per use? or one fee per year? If there is no per use fee, I would think that we should make the most of the fact that our town does pay for this service and we should use it more often... such as mosquito spraying, water flushing, no school notifications etc.
    - MW

  • 5/7 8:33am   I was very bothered by King Philip's choice to use the phone service to let us all know the new Principal's message. It is my understanding that this service is for emergencies only. When I got home my kids were all anxious, saying that they had missed a call from the school and to please check the answering machine to see if there was an emergency. Is this for general announcements or emergencies?
    - DV

  • 5/6 9:36pm   A very heartfelt thanks to our beloved webmaster for all his talents, time, and effort these past several weeks. Thanks to Norfolknet, life in Little Ole Norfolk is a lot more interesting than it used to be, and I can't help but believe that it has made many of us better, or at least better informed, citizens.
    - KEM

  • 5/6 9:21pm   Results from the police department: Selectman's race: Garrity 754, Talerman 724. Recreation Commission: Fruci 946, Terpstra 760, Lawrence 510.
    - Wm.

    Update 5/8 11:13am: The question, "Should the Town Clerk's position be elected, as it is now, or changed to be appointed?" was decided to keep it elected; Elected: 617 (No, do not appoint) Appointed: 512 (Yes, change to appoint). I almost missed this question, it was tucked in at the very bottom in a different format than the rest of the page. - Wm.

  • 5/6 9:20pm   NCTV Government Channel 22 has the results of last night's poll. Results are scrolling through the bulletin board if anyone is interested in watching. Thanks to new technology, we were able to text message the data from a cell phone to the studio from H. Olive Day for on the spot results as they happened. Thanks to Gail Bernardo for taking the time to slow down for my typing.
    - BWA, NCTV

  • 5/6 7:53pm   I agree with MON that all programming on NCTV should run both during the day and evenings. For the managers and/or board members to think the majority of Norfolk residents prefer one over the other is absurd. Why then run any programming after 5 PM. Their argument defies any sense of rational thinking.
    - RG

  • 5/6 7:51pm   Re: unsafe mosquito spraying and safer alternatives!! And, for my Norfolk, MA neighbors, how to exclude your property from local spraying.
    Please note: if you choose to use the BTI method, it must be done immediately in order to catch the mosquito larvae on the surface of the water before they mature!! Like now!!
    Okay, I have been very busy today. I hope you take this seriously. It is serious!
    After reading about the various chemicals used in different areas of the country to deal with the mosquito problems and West Nile and EEE disease and the contra-indications of spraying chemicals into the air, as far as asthma issues with children and elders, endangering the birds and bees, pets, livestock and wild life, water supplies, etc... and of course us... here's some info!
    (For my fellow Norfolk, MA neighbors, regarding local spray exclusions, I called up the number that I suggested that all of you call (781)762-3681. The deal is this, you must a write a letter stating that you do not want your property sprayed for mosquitos. You must also list the names of your neighbors, ie., abutters for they will not get sprayed as well if you apply for an exclusion. Then you must deliver the letter to the Norfolk Town Clerk's office ASAP!!! And, there is an alternative product called BTI or Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria. It is time sensitive and must be used now! So, get on it if that is your choice!)
    For everyone, here are 2 sites that provide excellent information about BTI and other safe alternatives to mosquito population control:
    From: [flower-gardening-made-easy.com page]
    "Bt stands for Bacillus thuringiensis a naturally occurring bacterium. The "i" stands for israelensis, the specific form that kills mosquito larvae before they emerge from the water as biting adults. Bti is available to gardeners in the US as granules, floating mosquito dunks or briquettes. The product is organic and safe for birds and fish, which can still eat the mosquito larvae without danger. You can use Bti in garden ponds, water features or anywhere you have standing water on your property. Be sure to read and follow the instructions on the package as to how much to use and how long the product is effective..."
    From: (This is great!) [birdsnways.com page]
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - PRR

  • 5/6 11:23am   Does anyone have any moving boxes they want to get rid of? Please call me at 553-3921 if you do.
    - NM

  • 5/6 10:37am   Norfolk Community League 12th Annual 5K Run/Walk, Saturday, June 7th, Race Starts at 9:00 a.m. (registration 8:00-9:00 a.m.), Holmes Field, Myrtle Street, Norfolk.
    Come kick off Norfolk Community Day by participating in the NCL Annual 5k Charity Run/Walk. This years proceeds will benefit Norfolk Together, a non-profit organization that provides immediate financial assistance to families in need. Free T-Shirts to the first 75 runners registered, post race food and kids races. Registration is $15.00; Kids Races $5.00 and Parking fee of $5.00 goes to the Norfolk Lions and gets you admission to Norfolk Community Day! Registration form can be found on norfolkcommunityleague.org or register on race day.
    - JC

  • 5/6 10:20am   I called the water department and they told me that the purpley, rusty water is from fire training exercises last night. They told me that I have to run my tap for 15 minutes to clear the pipes. I asked them who would pay for that water and they said it was the homeowner's responsibility. After the giant water bill many of us received recently, I find that to be rather annoying.
    - MJD

  • 5/6 10:17am   One other issue: The folks at NCTV say that a majority of the viewers want to see relevant town meetings during the day - i.e., majority of viewers would like to see it during the day at the time slots scheduled. Unfortunately, we can't please everyone all of the time with the schedule. - Brian
    My question to the NCTV crew is - How do you know unless you have polled the Town? I find this to be "fishy" in the least.
    How many Norfolk people would like to see tax-relevant town meetings at prime-time? Many of us work for a living and can not view relevant meetings.
    For NCTV to say such a blanket statement shows a lack of respect for the wishes of the people who pay for it.
    What say you, Norfolk?
    - MON

  • 5/6 10:13am   PRR: Here are two links from NY that talk about Anvil (the spray that they will be using for mosquito control). [Rense.com page], [NY info page]
    Here are other warnings posted in other states:
    To reduce exposure, residents of targeted neighborhoods may wish to stay indoors and close their windows while spraying is underway. To further reduce exposure, remain indoors or avoid the area for 30 minutes after spraying has ceased.

    * It is safe to run your air conditioner; however if you wish to reduce possible exposure to Anvil®, set the air conditioner vent to the closed position, or chose the recirculate function.

    * Some people with chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma may be more sensitive to Anvil® and should take steps to minimize their exposure.

    * Pregnant women should take care to avoid exposure when practical, as with any pesticide.

    * Children should take care to avoid exposure when practical. Extra precautions can be taken with infants and small children by placing the child on a blanket instead of the grass if spraying has occurred. To further minimize exposure, children's toys, outdoor equipment, and clothing should be taken inside during spraying. If outdoor equipment is exposed to pesticides, it may be washed with soap and water to reduce possible exposure.

    * Pets can remain outside during spraying. There is minimal risk (define minimal!!!) however, pet owners wishing to reduce their pets' exposure can keep them indoors during spraying.

    * The ingredients of Anvil® are not corrosive and will not damage car paint finish or house paint.

    * Anvil® breaks down in sunlight or water and does not have a residual effect, making it ineffective as an agricultural pesticide. Vegetable gardeners wishing to reduce possible exposure after spraying should wash vegetables with water before consuming them.

    This is a known carcinogen. The government is over-reacting to West-Nile virus. Most cases are never diagnosed and people get better quickly. Every bad case of WNV gets covered on the news and hysteria results. If they covered all the cases of cancer diagnosed everyday, they would be covering that 24/7.
    - JN

  • 5/6 10:12am   PRR - The use of this particular larvicide is disturbing. The individual components are estrogen-mimetics- meaning, they activate estrogen receptors in the body. When this happens breast cancer can occur and feminization of males and testicular cancer can arise, among the other unhealthy things that are known. If the Town is spraying it should be stopped immediately. If the State is doing it we should protest.
    Anvil is a serious and toxic substance, and even if they selectively sprayed it would still diffuse into your environment no matter how it was applied. And there is nothing you can do about it. Molecules do not know boundaries.
    - MON

  • 5/6 10:11am   It seems that, in my absence, the ban about discussing sensitive town issues has been lifted. So, even though the hour is late, I'd like to express my observations on the political race for the seat on the Board of Selectmen.
    I've met with the two candidates and have considerable knowledge of their respective track records; they're both amiable individuals and my esteem of them is essentially the same as I hold for most of our present town officials--At a personal level, I think of them as potential or existing friends.
    However, when it comes to the strongest and most positive leadership in keeping our town on an even keel, more than one's warm regards or friendship is needed to choose the best person for the job. The position of Selectman has become a very complex position. It requires someone with foresight who is truly proactive, and possesses the ability to do a comprehensive analysis on each issue as it occurs, and then think it all the way through to the end, while relentlessly looking for the unforeseeable, as well as foreseeable consequences. Only then, can that leader act responsibly in the overall best long range interests of our town, not just for the benefit of a handful of self-serving special interest groups.
    On one hand, we're asked to consider Rob Garrity for the job. Rob seems bright; he's likeable, and, clearly, we can see that he's a real go-getter. Those qualities may be seen as being adequate for lesser posts, but is it good enough for the job of Selectman? Does Rob have the capacity to make us any better off than we are, now, or will he simply blend in with the status quo and give us more of the same instability as we have now? My feeling is that he will quickly fall into step with the present power structure and will be unable to effectively deliver anything new and constructive to or from the Selectmen's office.
    Now on the other hand, we have Jay Talerman, who I have observed handling town affairs. Time after time, knowing that he was right and following the law, he stuck to his guns. In reality, I don't know Mr. Talerman any better than I know Mr. Garrity, but as I've studied many individuals, including Jay and Rob, as they've conducted their town business, I've come to recognize and respect Jay Talerman as one of the best of the brightest, capable of creative thought, and an outstanding citizen. He's a rare breed--the now legendary rugged individual and straight talker; no one owns Jay and there are no greedy developers or other opportunistic businessmen on Jay's bandwagon. I firmly believe that we can count on him to do what's right... and to do the best job to protect the town and all of us resident taxpayers.
    One last point: Our entire concept of self government is predicated on a solid system of checks and balances, in order for it to work properly. We've been missing the necessary "checks" part of that equation, for a long time... I believe that Jay Talerman is the best man to bring the fairness and sensibility of good sound government back to us again. Vote for Jay Talerman... there's no substitute for quality.
    - MT

  • 5/5 11:41pm   Is anyone else's water purple? I thought it was rust and maybe it is but there is a very purple cast to it. It is very heavy too. DId they open hydrants or flush lines? Nice to know beofer you ruin a load of wash!
    - MJD

  • 5/5 11:32pm   Hello!? So what happened to enough notice so we can apply for exclusions from spraying??
    We were just today notified about the mosquito control spraying plans at the end of May. But we were not notified back in Jan. or Feb. that we had to apply for an Exclusion of Spraying before March 1st. Yes? No? Be advised, besides applying for an exclusion back in Jan. or Feb., you also have to very carefully mark your land with helium balloons in case of application by aerial spraying and with orange surveyor's tape or another Dept. approved marking device which clearly defines the area of exclusion... etc... etc.. read on... [Mass.gov pesticide application regs]
    This is from the announcement on the Norfolknet.com site dated May 2nd. 2008:
    "Process to Exclude Property From Public Area Wide Pesticide Applications State Regulation 333 CMR:13:04 provides a method for homeowners to exclude their property from public area-wide pesticide applications. For more information, please click on the following links: ... (and) To have a property excluded from spraying, please contact Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project at (781) 762-3681."

    13.03 EXCLUSIONS FROM PESTICIDE APPLICATION: "Designation for exclusion may be made prior to March 1st of each year and shall be effective from April 1st of that year through March 31st of the following year."

    Now, I would like to know, since we were just notified re: dates of spraying, how in the blazes we are supposed to turn back the clock to March 1st in order to properly exclude our swimming pool, homes, yards, pets and children - and organic gardens, for those that are trying to grow them - from getting poisoned?
    So for those that are interested, please call (781) 762-3681. Maybe if enough of us request an exclusion, there might actually be a chance for alternatives in mosquito control in our town.
    "State Regulation 333 CMR:13:04 provides a method for homeowners to exclude their property from public area-wide pesticide applications. To have a property excluded from spraying, please contact Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project at (781) 762-3681."
    These sprays will hurt your kids. That is a fact. Do you want them a "little hurt" or "a lot hurt" ? A little poisoned" or what? My father was in the business. I know. Grr-rrrr!
    - PRR

  • 5/5 11:30pm   NC and PA: Jay Talerman also has lengthy "in-town experience" having served on numerous boards, but he adds another critical ingredient - plenty of "out-of-town experience", where he has gathered fresh and innovative ideas on how to settle the issues/problems a town may face. We don't need more of the same - we need someone who can help us creatively solve the issues we are facing in these difficult fiscal times and Jay has the intelligence and experience to do this. In my book, that makes Jay the better candidate.
    - CPL

  • 5/5 11:17pm   Why other cities have chosen not to spray: This is a lot to sort through, but it is worth it. Please take the time to read the info I have gathered. There is much research out there and much of it points to the dangers of spraying poisons into our environment. There are alternatives. And consider this: "This poison kills beneficial insects like: bees, butterflies, firefies, moths, etc. It contributes to creating "super mosquitoes" that develop a resistance to the pesticide so, in the long run, it will make mosquito problems worse."
    Please read the enclosed information before you allow your yard and our precious open spaces here in Norfolk to be sprayed. Thank you very much.

    Please read this and then become part of the national movement against spraying. We owe it to ourselves and to our children to be informed! This is for real and very serious!

    Local Massachusetts resources are listed at the end of this email!

    Please... read this before you permit your yard to be sprayed. [info on Anvil2 PDF]

    Please read this: [NPAC Boston resources]

    Please read this: [NPAC Boston campaign]

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that no pesticide can be considered 100% safe. Manufacturers and distributors of pesticides are not allowed by Federal Law to say that any pesticide is safe. Health Department officials should consider this when they make their erroneous claims that the pesticide is harmless.

    [C o n t i n u e d . . . ]

    - PRR

  • 5/5 5:41pm   I've read quite a lot of posts lately, but clearly NC had the most cogent point, and that is Mr. Garrity's lengthy in-town experience. His 14+ years of service to us are unrivaled in this contest. The experience, knowledge and expertise he has picked up along the way will only be beneficial as we move forward. While there's nothing wrong with making strides in Sunderland, or upholding Upton's bylaws, or protecting Provincetown, I'll go with the time-tested veteran of Town Hall tomorrow, and that's Rob Garrity.
    - PA

  • 5/5 5:36pm   From the NCMCP:

    Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project

    To: Boards of Health
    From: John J. Smith, Director
    Date: May 2, 2008

    Re: Notification of Early Morning Aerosol (ULV) Applications

    Please be advised that the Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project will begin the 2008 early morning ULV aerosol applications on or about May 27, 2008, weather permitting. This program will be a continuation of the procedure, which has been used in past years:

    May 27, 2008 through September 30, 2008 - Adulticide aerosol (ULV) applications.

    (2:00 AM to 6:00 AM (sunrise), Monday through Friday)

    If any resident wishes to know when the spray program may be conducted in their area, they should go to the Projects website at [Mass NRC NCMCP page], or contact their local Board of Health. If an individual would like to see a map and/or street listing of the areas to be treated they should click on the following link, and then click on their town.

    Current early morning aerosol application schedule and maps
    [Mass NRC: spray schedule]

    Please note that the ULV map and/or street listings will be posted on or about 3:30 p.m. the day before the scheduled application day. Residents may also contact the Projects main telephone line (781)762-3681 after 3:30 P.M. the day before the scheduled treatment to hear a recorded message detailing the streets/areas to be treated in the town.

    The purpose of the adulticide application is to control nuisance and/or virus carrying adult mosquitoes. The control product being used is Anvil (EPA Reg.# 1021-1688-8329) applied in ultra low volume (ULV) sprayers at a rate of approximately one half ounce per acre of finished spray.

    Process to Exclude Property From Public Area Wide Pesticide Applications State Regulation 333 CMR:13:04 provides a method for homeowners to exclude their property from public area-wide pesticide applications. For more information, please click on the following links:

    [Mass.gov PDF]


    [Mass NRC page]

    - BF, Town of Norfolk

  • 5/5 5:06pm   I don't think there's anyone in Norfolk except a certain few who believe someone as knowledgeable as Mr. Talermen and the reason he was not reappointed back to the Conservation Board was anything other then pay-back; it was blatant and we allowed it. I feel if the current board were to stay intact with their agenda, that the current rural feeling of this town will in fact be jeopardized and the Norfolk that most of us moved here for will be gone forever.
    - DA

    [The question of motive was also discussed in the previously cited 6/28/07 Globe article. - Wm.]

  • 5/5 5:04pm   NC: An "iron fist?"... "velvet glove?" What [...] is this - "the beatings will continue until morale improves?" So are you saying that we should support a wolf in sheep clothing?
    - AB

  • 5/5 4:52pm   My post, again, is to try and make everybody look at all of the issues in the selectman's race. - Mr. Jack Scott
    First of all, I applaud anyone's intention of bringing factual information forward that can help voters to make an important, informed decision for our town. I, myself, have brought forward information that I felt needed to be heard by the voters. That is what makes this country great--that we all have the freedom to speak and be heard.
    That being said, Mr. Scott's declaration that he is attempting ``to try and make everybody look at all of the issues in the selectman's race'' bothered me. First of all, you cannot ``make'' anyone do anything. Secondly, what are ``all'' of the issues you speak of? From what I can see, you speak of only one issue: your on-going issue with the town regarding your development. I did do what you said, in fairness to you--I looked at all sides. I pulled up minutes from meetings that you have had with the BOS and the ConComm and I read through all of them. I also read your attachments. I am not sure what you are attempting to do, other than to have people think that Jay Talerman, somehow, is the architect of some vast conspiracy to foil your plans. Therefore, he is a villain and you are a victim? I did not see that in anything that I read. I also noted that there were several people on many boards that had questions regarding your development. I have attempted to look at things clearly and without any prejudice. My heart really lies in trying to make the best decision. I have nothing else to gain from any comment or endorsement. And I have no sour grapes toward anyone is who trying to help by volunteering countless hours to town committees. I may be opposed to certain ideas that they hold, but not the people themselves.
    I think we are not spending enough time really focusing on the very important issues facing this town. This election is starting to remind me of 7th grade. We need to move past personal vendettas and get to the heart of the matter: our town of Norfolk. We have some serious issues facing our town. We need strong leadership and we need it now. Jay Talerman is not the dangerous person that you are attempting to portray him as. I think it is much more dangerous for our town that we listen to rumor and innuendo and continue business as usual.
    Personal choice is a wonderful thing. Making decisions based on loyalty to friends or for favors is not in the best interest of this town. We need change and we need it this year. Norfolk is on the precipice and it is up to the citizens of this town to become informed by our own interpretation of events, not other's interpretations. Therefore, I will continue to support Jay Talerman for Selectman.
    - Janice Nelson

  • 5/5 4:50pm   Developers, No! Talerman, Yes!
    And to whom it may concern: email Barney Frank and plead with him to switch his superdelegate loyalties from Hillary to Barack before any further damage is done.
    - TEM

  • 5/5 4:49pm   Details regarding childcare services at Town Meeting:

    Norfolk School Committee Announces:

    Child Care will be available
    on Tuesday, May 13th & Wednesday, May 14th 7:15 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
    at the KP Middle School for all Community Members with children in grades K-6 attending the:

    Town Meetings
    Tuesday, May 13th & Wednesday, May 14th, 7:30 p.m.
    KP Middle School Auditorium

    Child Care Drop Off: 7:15 p.m.
    Child Care Pick Up: 9:00 p.m.
    Cost: $2.00 (cash or checks accepted)
    Location: KP Middle School Media Center

    To ensure quality programming and proper security all child care providers will be employees of the Norfolk Public School's SACC program. SACC staff members will be offering crafts, games, and activities.

    If you are interested in taking advantage of this service, please contact:

    Toni Marie Davis, SACC Director
    508-528-2545 davis@norfolk.k12.ma.us

    - DW, Town of Norfolk

  • 5/5 4:26pm   Having read the published new paper articles and after listening to the both selectmen candidates at candidates night they both portray a willingness to give their personal time to represent the Town of Norfolk as our selectmen. They both appear enthusiastic about the position and state that they will do a good job, bring new and different ideas to the selectmen's position and they both have volunteered on various boards in town. After all of the fluff is put aside I see two differentiators between the selectmen candidates - one a practical issue and another a major issue.
    While Mr. Garrity has experience working in state government and dealing with various state agencies - Mr. Talerman has experience as a municipal attorney working with numerous town's within the State of Massachusetts and the various town boards. Working at a the state level is important but it is more of the bigger and broader level for financial, policy, . budgeting and other issues. While working at the town level there is much more personal involvement and decision making with the various Boards of Selectmen, town Administrators, permitting boards and department of public works. Working at the state level if fiscal mistakes are made the consequences or accountability is not as severe as it would be at the town level of government. If fiscal mistakes are made at the town level the consequences are felt by the residents with the potential of services being cut or diminished. Almost anyone with simple business skills can run a town or corporation when money is rolling in the door, but with the tough fiscal times that are upon us now and as with any town or corporation you want someone that does not waffle and has a thick skin to make the hard decision with the long term vision of the town's future in sight. While both candidates bringing various levels of experience the selectmen candidate that has more experience with seeing things done right and/or wrong at the town level is clearly Mr. Talerman.
    The major issue that keeps on coming back to me is that in reality this election, in the big picture of life, is irrelevant - after the votes are cast and win, lose or draw for either candidate means we all go about our lives doing whatever it is we choose to do. To me what is most important in the short time we have on this earth is family, friendships, loyalty and integrity. That is why I am personally still dumfounded why Mr. Garrity, as a close personal friend of Jay Talerman's and one that not only whole heartedly supported Jay in last year's selectmen's race but was also a close and trusted advisor in Jay's campaign, would choose to run against him. Don't get me wrong, Mr. Garrity or anyone else has the right, freedom and choice to run against anyone of their choosing at any time they choose. But, there are certain intangibles that each of us as individuals have [...] Godspeed to him. I will vote for Jay Talerman this Tuesday for this reason alone!
    - JL

  • 5/5 4:09pm   WC, If you've seen the news on Channel 5 this past week, you might have seen an investigative story about the 'state' of dams in Massachusetts and how 27 or so are on a list of dams to be concerned about. As I indicated earlier, the Highland Lake Dam isn't one of them. The common problem with most of the dams is the private ownership. There is a state agency that is charged with overseeing dams in the state and ensuring that they are safe. Dam owners whose structures are considered unsafe are supposedly fined up to $500 per day until the dam is brought into compliance with current codes. The fact that the story raised was that this agency has not been able to enforce the safety laws or even collect the fines for years... yes, that's years. One fellow supposedly has accumulated total fines of some $142,000 and he's still not done anything to correct the problem. As many of the people involved said... you can't get blood from a stone, and there's no money to be gotten.
    The point here is that, yes, there is a state agency. But it appear to be understaffed(?), underfunded(?), incapable of performing the tasks it's charged with, so there's no reason to think that they'll do anything about the Highland Lake Dam.
    As for the town... well, the dam is on private property. There's been no damage reported to date. There's been no indication of hazard to life or safety to downstream residents (upstream don't count as much I'm guessing), so the town isn't likely to step into that without due cause. And I'm also guessing that the town would need some kind of court order to go on private property. And once on said private property, does the town employ 'dam' specialists to survey the conditions and recommend repairs or work to be done to raise or lower the level of the lake, or insure the safety of the dam? My guess is no... so there may be authority to enforce remedies that come from people who aren't 'specialists'.
    It's quite a complicated thing, I think. And that's unfortunate. It's almost like admitting that until the dam breaks and downstream property and residents are put at risk or worse, there's nothing that anyone can or will do. It's all about taking on the liability that rests with the dam owner at the moment, and no one will want to tread there unless they're given some sort of release of liability themselves. Upstream lake levels, unless they 'flood' a residential area, likely won't be considered a hazard; only if the lake level becomes a hazard at the dam will the situation become one that demands attention. We usually call those things 'emergencies'.
    - TRK

  • 5/5 2:14pm   Wetlands are the most important habitat for living, wild flora and fauna. If a developer does not comply to statutes of a town or state then they should, by law, not be allowed to develop their project. That should be satisfactory to all, except for the developers. This Town should applaud Mr. Talerman and the others on the commissions for enforcing the laws of the Commonwealth, preserving wetlands at all costs.
    Furthermore, we need real leadership in this Town and we need it now. The current Selectmen, have had their turn(s) and have failed miserably. This manage-by-crisis and the constant re-defining of our problems has to end. For once I would like to hear them give an answer instead of descriptions. Just ask the advisory board about the current Town leadership or anyone breathing about Stop and Shop. Let's replace them one-by-one with people who at the very least understand the laws and mechanics of Town government.
    Vote for Jay Talerman - We've had enough with politics as usual.
    - MON

  • 5/5 2:06pm   When our kids lose their library program this fall, and the town loses other services and employees, we can all thank some of these developers, in part, for their "love" of Norfolk. These lawsuits are a shameful waste of money, not to mention energy for all volunteer committees involved who have limited time to move through meeting agendas.
    But let's get to the future of this town. My vote is for Jay Talerman, who clearly has demonstrated he can weed through complex legal issues, budgets, and by-laws, will not fold when it comes to supporting our schools, and will strike the right balance for future town development.
    At Candidate's night, I was impressed he came prepared with examples; he did not speak in cliches and headlines. He has been out on the campaign trail talking to hundreds and hundreds of concerned citizens and he knows that most of us want to retain Norfolk's rural character, but also want tax relief. It's not getting any easier in the years to come. I am hopeful, though, because tomorrow we have a chance to elect someone who has a depth of municipal experience, and has already shown years of energy and commitment to the town of Norfolk. Whether he is coaching out on the softball field, or drafting a by-law to force Stop and Shop to landscape the moonscape, Jay has always given back. The many people who have served alongside him on town boards, and who now support him wholeheartedly in his campaign, tells me exactly what I need to know about his character and integrity.
    - AL

  • 5/5 12:47pm   MJD: A few of our neighbors have tried to talk to the dam owner, without success. Yes, I do post this problem often in hopes that somebody out there would educate me as to whether there are government or state departments that can address this problem. Thank you for your interest.
    - WC

  • 5/5 12:46pm   I have been actively involved in our town and its elections for 46 years, and have learned, I believe, a great deal about the type of candidate we need. I would like to think that perhaps I may have some tested experience in our decision making, therefore I am supporting Rob Garrity as the Selectman we need in office at this time. His lengthy in-town experience on several boards and committees, as well as working with the youth of the town, has given him broad insight to bring to the decision making table. He has the ability to listen before deciding, to repair rather than tear, to encourage cooperation without intimidation. We need a leader with a velvet glove over an iron fist, who can contribute to maintaining all that we expect and love in this Town. My vote is for Rob Garrity.
    - NC

  • 5/5 11:30am   WC - I wasn't saying that you should, but I would think if the gentleman is your neighbor, that would be a good place to begin since you post about the issue often and it seems to really concern you. It was just a suggestion.
    - MJD

  • 5/5 11:28am   We are looking for recommendations for any home day care or practicing preschool that is a drop-off in the town of Norfolk. I thought there were a couple of these in town but don't have any of the names/contact info. Thank you
    - JH

  • 5/5 11:25am   Jazz Night at King Philip High School - Wednesday May 14th 7pm at King Philip High School Auditorium, Wrentham.
    This annual Jazz Night is a culmination of a year's worth of work, featuring the jazz band of the middle school and the two high school jazz bands.
    The King Philip music program is honored to have guest artist, Greg Abate join and play with Jazz I. Greg Abate is a jazz saxophonist, flutist, composer and an International Jazz/Recording Artist.
    In the mid 70's after finishing a four year program at Berklee College of Music, Greg played lead alto for the Ray Charles Orchestra for 2 years. In 1978 Greg formed his group Channel One and from there had the opportunity to play with the Artie Shaw Orchestra. Following this experience Greg ventured out as a soloist, playing Jazz Festivals, Jazz Societies and Jazz Clubs around the world. To this date Greg has recorded over 13 CD's and was nominated for a Grammy. Greg is an adjunct professor of Jazz Studies at Rhode Island College and is also a very active jazz clinician conducting workshops and master classes through the U.S and abroad.
    The bands will be performing music of Ellington, Buddy Rich, Charles Mingus, Bob Mintzer as well as others.
    Admission: Adults: $8 Students and Seniors:$5 A reception will follow.
    - MW, KPMA

  • 5/5 11:22am   This is in response to several posts that have been made over the course of the last week. My issue here is that people are not sticking to the facts, but instead creating impressions to suit their own political or personal agendas.
    To begin with, the minute anyone sues the Town of Norfolk, it starts to cost us all money. I have a high enough opinion of the members of the various boards in this town to assume that they issue decisions based on concrete legal standards, rather than for their own personal gain or glory. As it applies to the ConComm, it is apparent that Mr. Talerman refused to bow to strong-arm tactics. Indeed, these tactics should be denounced, rather than coddled. On this score, Mr. Talerman gets high grades.
    Secondly, as far as Mr. Talerman's credentials as an experienced advocate for this town (and others), his record speaks volumes. Mr. Garrity's experience in a variety of administrative positions in State government is laudable, but, in my opinion, no substitute for the day to day direct municipal experience that Jay can bring to this town.
    More than anything, I believe that the good folks of Norfolk are smart enough to sift through the innuendo, focus on the facts, and vote for Jay Talerman tomorrow. He is just the sort of shot in the arm that we need now.
    - KEM

  • 5/5 11:21am   DWL -- I called my mom and she assured me that I am not ugly. Mothers don't lie about those kind of things, do they?
    As for being an American, you better believe I am! I can, in fact, trace both sides of my family to coming over in the early 1600's (oops, does that mean I am not American?) I am sorry if you think that makes me prejudiced against other countries and their citizens; I personally never put the two together. Isn't it ironic that people worry about being offended, yet are so openly willing to offend others? In my life I will get offended by others, just as I will surely offend. Learning to deal with that is what makes a strong individual.
    I can assure you that I would not be so caught up in my child being influenced by other children; it should be the parent's responsibility to teach your child to influence others. Perhaps if your child's opinion was as strong as yours, the offending child would have gone home to their parents and taught them a lesson rather than vice versa.
    - MH

  • 5/5 11:20am   A little good news... the Highland Lake Dam is not on the state's list of unsafe dams. I suppose that's good news...
    - TK

  • 5/5 11:19am   MJD: Is it up to me to call the person who is supposedly draining Highland Lake? The Lake is owned by the Town of Norfolk. I would think the burden is on the Town.
    - WC

  • 5/5 11:17am   John Lawrence/all - I appreciate your response to my post. For the record, my post was put up only to make the taxpayers/voters of this town aware of just how much money is being spent on unnecessary legal fees by some of the town boards and individual members that sit on these boards. I am not only speaking about my court action, I am speaking about past lawsuits as well. My position is that if there is so much of the taxpayers' money being spent on litigation, the town boards are not doing their jobs.
    That being said, I have no problem with neighbors, board members objecting to my subdivision while I take it thru the approval process, but I do have an issue with individuals Jay Talerman/L. H. that speak at town meeting to rezone my property and to take my property by eminent domain then get appointed to the boards that I am seeking approvals from. I do have a problem with the Conservation Commission spending taxpayers' money and trying to convince the C.P.C. to contribute their funds to buy my property after I have been involved in the approval process for two years and was never interested in selling it - as I indicated several times in public.
    My actions in the court were only brought on because I was unable to get a fair shot in front of the Conservation Commission. Again, it was not only I who thought I was not being treated fairly, it was also the Board of Selectmen, that appointed Jay Talerman and L. H. and then dismissed them for their actions (see attached news article.) The interesting issue that stands out in my head is that Jay Talerman was not reappointed to the Conservation Commission by the Board of Selectmen, but the first thing that the Conservation Commission did was reappoint Jay Talerman as an associate member because of his relationship with chairman Jeff Kane. The sad facts are that the only Conservation Commission hearing that Jay Talerman attends as an associate member is my hearing regarding my order of conditions that he wrote (and I appealed to the superior court as I am unable to comply with). Town counsel has been trying to work out a satisfactory order of conditions on my subdivision to stop another unnecessary court action for the last 6 months, which has been and waste of time and money on everyone's behalf.
    My post, again, is to try and make everybody look at all of the issues in the selectman's race. I have attached documentation from other people other than myself for everyone's review. You do what you want with it, but you should at least look at both candidates' record and intentions before you vote. Again, that why my vote is for Rob Garrity
    - Jack Scott

    [Attached to the post were:
    [6/28/2007 Globe article],
    [April(?) 2007 Boomerang articles]
    [9/12/2007 Norfolk Con Comm minutes, pg. 1]
    [3/22/2005 Dover Planning Board Minutes] ]

  • 5/4 4:47pm   The Southeastern Community Concert Band is currently beginning rehersals for its summer concerts. The band reherses every Monday night in Medway. As a true community band, all players, ages 15 and up, who can play music at the high school level are welcome. The band has a particular need for trumpet and percussion players at this time. Returning college students and high school students from all of the surrounding towns are welcome. Please call (508)-520-1572 for more information, or message cindy@humancomm.com.
    - CR

  • 5/4 3:18pm   I attended Candidate's Night last week and was very impressed by Jay Talerman. As a municipal attorney, Jay said he has worked with nearly half of the cities and towns across our Commonwealth. His in-depth experience and intelligence would prove invaluable to our town and would serve him well on our Board of Selectmen. He also presented some new ideas on how we can address old problems and seemed to have a good handle on how to deal with the development of our town, including the moonscape and Rt 1A. As we are facing difficult financial times (everyone says it is only going to get worse), I would feel more confident having someone in charge who has the experience needed to make tough decision in tough times. I'm going to vote for Jay on May 6 and hope the rest of you will join me. It would be a shame to turn our backs on his talent.
    - CPL

  • 5/4 10:41am   Jack Scott - you are spot on in your post. We shouldn't have a town selectman who can interpret, understand and apply the laws, regulations and bylaws promulgated by the Town and State. We should have a Town Selectman who is in the side sleeve of existing elected officials and developers.
    That way we can approve development throughout the entire town - like the boy-scout land where you sued the town for development in excess of what the Con Comm approved, or Lind Farm where I did my morning run this a.m., or the excess land off Beaver Brook drive near your house (there's a horse farm that could be developed into 2 or 3 houses). If we could have plowed in 13 new homes in the boy-scout land that would have been great. Perhaps if each house had an average of 2.2 kids, that's an additional 28.6 kids in our school system in addition to all of the town services that are required. We could have then further pressured our Town budget, asked our senior citizens in Town for more of an override and of course taken away from some of the beauty in town.
    I'm sure you know that more residential housing is not the answer to our budgetary issues as the services (and cost thereof) that are required to service those homes and its inhabitants exceed the property tax revenue generated. If you're looking for someone who understand the revenue, cost, and development side of a town as it intertwines with the landscape and beauty of a town, join me and vote for Jay Talerman this Tuesday May 6.
    - John Lawrence

  • 5/4 10:38am   This stray cat has been hanging around an Evergreen resident's home on a daily basis. Do you know who owns him/her? If you do, or know who does, please contact our department before 5/6/08 or we will pick this cat up. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen ~ Norfolk Animal Control

  • 5/4 10:35am   I take serious exception to Mrs. Nelson's portrayal of me as unsupportive of Advanced Life Support and the fire department. It is simply not true that I would support cutting ALS.
    While I have had reservations about the dramatic increase in the cost of the fire department (up 97% since 2002, where schools are up 36%, police 22% and the general budget 37%) in the past, after meeting with Chief Bushnell and talking about the way the fire department is structured and the excellent service they provide, I understand very well how important ALS is and how the changing emergency services landscape really requires ALS in our town department. I recall my conversation with Mrs. Nelson quite clearly and I believe my largest objection was to the idea that we could cut back police to provide more ALS staffing.
    I can't remember how long ago it was, probably eight or nine years ago, when we started moving from a call fire department to a full time department. I believe the first budget that greatly expanded the department was funded partially through "free cash", a non-recurring revenue source. I got up at town meeting and argued against that. I didn't think it was right to create an expense in one budget year that wasn't properly funded and would impact the following budget years. It was really a question of process and not over the issue of the fire department.
    To say that I am opposed to ALS now, or somehow unsupportive of the fire department now, is simply not accurate.
    - Rob Garrity, Candidate for Selectman

  • 5/3 9:25pm   WC - BTW, I saw the Selectmen's meeting about the Highland Lake dam. Interesting. Why don't you approach the current owner and ask him to stop draining the lake, if it is he who is doing it; he seemed like a nice enough guy.
    - MJD

  • 5/3 4:18pm   Regarding this post: Rob makes decisions based on fact, while working within the parameters of our town bylaws, and he exhibits fairness in his dealings with people. He is open-minded and looks at issues as if there were no names or faces attached to them. ... He has the wonderful ability to work cooperatively with all people. [5/3 2:24pm]
    While I have wanted to remain rather neutral regarding the race between Rob Garrity and Jay Talerman, I feel as though I must make a comment regarding one of my meetings with Mr. Garrity. He seems like a nice man, indeed; however, he did not deal with me in the loving way everyone is portraying him. As part of the Bylaw Committee in this town, his reaction to a proposed bylaw change regarding TM was far from open-minded. As a matter of fact, I was rather put off by the way he spoke to me at that particular meeting. At the time, I was a very new (and a bit naive) to the committee and did not even know who he was. Subsequently, I have met him on other occasions, and while he has always been very polite and cordial to me, that meeting has stuck in my mind.
    I have also had the opportunity to speak to him one-on-one and I disagree with his ideas regarding the current ALS (Advanced Life Support) service that we currently have in town. He seemed not as concerned about the fact that we have quick response time to an emergency with ALS service So, there are always two sides to every story. I do not wish to be controversial, but wanted to share another point of view. Just for the record, I am an RN who understands the importance and difference between basic life support (BLS) and advanced life support (ALS) and we need to keep ALS in place in our town at all costs. That is one of the many reasons I am voting for Jay Talerman, as he is very supportive of keeping this service in our town. After speaking with Rob Garrity, I was left with the impression that this may not be something that he supports wholeheartedly.
    - Janice Nelson, Bylaw Committee Member

  • 5/3 4:13pm   Mr. Scott, if I'm following your logic correctly, you care about the town of Norfolk so much that you filed four lawsuits against it. And, now you are critical of the town because it has chosen to defend itself.
    Additionally, it seems to me that you think Jay Talerman would be a bad choice for Selectman because he stands up for what is right and for what he believes in. You have now given me yet another reason to vote for Jay. Until your post, I had been very pleased to date with the civil tone of this election. I don't think that a newspaper and a community website are appropriate forums to disparage someone's character and name.
    - Maryellen Horgan-Currier

  • 5/3 4:12pm   JS - Ron Miller is a contractor from Wrentham who recently removed a load bearing wall in our house. He did a great job and we are very happy with the work. His number is 508-561-2070.
    - LP

  • 5/3 4:11pm   I don't often head out Main St. to Franklin,since the Shaw's there is currently discombobulated, but I did this morning. First, I've been meaning to thank our DPW for the super job they did around Mill Pond. It's lovely!
    Second, I was horrified to see a swath of trees cut to the pond. What is going on there? Who gave them permission to rearrange the landscape? Given that the ConCom makes [developers] replace every native weed, how could they have allowed this rape of the land? Just curious
    - LAW

  • 5/3 2:43pm   Hi, I'm looking for someone to install a wood stove for us. Any suggestions?
    - JL

  • 5/3 2:24pm   Rob Garrity's past experience dealing with budgetary issues throughout the state, his keen ability to negotiate between various branches of state government and his understanding of how budgets work make him the more appealing candidate for me. Rob has a strong understanding of fiscal matters, especially here in Norfolk, and can best help manage our town. Rob has lived in town for 13+ years, and he is not a newcomer to NORFOLK town government--far from it! He has been involved with a number of town Boards since 1995 and has been what some people would refer to as a fixture at town meeting, actively participating in many discussions on town meeting floor for most of the 13+ years he has lived here. The reasons are obvious--his passion for Norfolk, his desire to better understand Norfolk's town government and the town's evolving needs, and his desire to take an active role in town and bring fresh, new ideas to the table. Rob makes decisions based on fact, while working within the parameters of our town bylaws, and he exhibits fairness in his dealings with people. He is open-minded and looks at issues as if there were no names or faces attached to them. He has the wonderful ability to work cooperatively with all people. With Rob, you get honesty, integrity, fairness, and a deep passion for Norfolk with no hidden agenda or attitude that things need to be done his way. A well- functioning town government requires a healthy give and take of information and a cooperative spirit between people and between Boards. I will be voting for Rob Garrity at the polls on May 6th, and I sincerely hope that when you cast your ballot that you feel the same and give Rob your vote as well.
    P.S.: Rob has made his cell number and home number available to anyone who has wanted to talk with him to discuss their concerns and to find out how he feels about issues facing our town.
    - EF

  • 5/3 2:08pm   We were forwarded a statement to appear in the upcoming 5/9 Boomerang about Jack Scott's support for Rob Garrity in the selectman's race.
    A Word About Jack Scott. Last week the Boomerang printed an endorsement of me by Jack Scott. I was quite surprised given that Jack is currently suing me and the rest of the Zoning Board relative to the denial of a permit for a home he wanted to build.

    While I don't agree with Mr. Scott on many issues, I am pleased that while we have disagreed he recognizes that I've always been fair in my dealings with him and other applicants before the boards on which I have served. It is the same sense of fairness which I would bring to the Board if you give me the honor of being elected Selectman on May 6th.

    [Rob Garrity, quote from the 4/19 Boomerang]

    - Wm.
    [Update 8:57pm: quoted in the 4/19 Boomerang - Wm.]

  • 5/3 2:05pm   JS, Give Dave Smith a call. He owns David Smith Jr. Construction right here in Norfolk. He's always done a great job (whether big or small) for our property. His work is good and his prices were really decent. (508) 250 3678
    - HC

  • 5/3 1:30pm   Hello, I am looking for a contactor to remove a load bearing wall that is between my kitchen and dining room. Can anyone recommend a good/fair contractor for this type of job?
    - JS [a different JS. - Wm.]

  • 5/3 1:08pm   We were forwarded a statement clipped from the April 12 Boomerang about Jack Scott's support for Rob Garrity in the selectman's race. Some of it is relevant to the recent posts as well --
    Mr. Scott's comments are disappointing to me. Except for the personal satisfaction that comes from volunteering my time to the Town, I have nothing to gain by running for Selectman. It is my hope that my experience working with cities and towns will be a benefit to Norfolk as we work through the many challenges that await us in the coming years. It is disheartening that some in town feel the need to make personal attacks, but this is not the time or the place for character assassination.

    I am also puzzled by the allegations that Mr. Scott raises. He applied to the Conservation Commission for approval of a subdivision on the former Boy Scout property, which has both historical and environmental significance for the town. As a member of the Conservation Commission, I stated clearly that my preference was to preserve the parcel for use by Norfolk citizens. When it appeared that this avenue was blocked, the Commission worked with Mr. Scott on an approval for a 14 lot subdivision. Perhaps Mr. Scott is upset because I didn't immediately approve of his project but my duty as a local official is to work, within the law, for the common good of all people in Norfolk. If carrying out that duty means that I have lost the support of Mr. Scott, I am prepared to live with the consequences.

    In the final analysis, I have too much respect for the voters of Norfolk to believe that they can be swayed by negativity and innuendo. I prefer to focus my campaign on what we can accomplish together as a community.

    [Jay Talerman, quoted in the 4/12 Norfolk Boomerang]

    - Wm.

  • 5/3 1:07pm   For those who are pondering the Warrant Article relating to recording of public meetings, the following was in Today's Globe (5/3/08). It may be of interest to those of you on the fence. [Globe 5/3/08, "Open the Doors to Public Meetings?"]
    - RZ

  • 5/3 10:18am   Maybe we should be focusing more on what is happening at KP. I am really concerned about the reluctance of Wrentham and Plainville to increase the budget. I am interested to know more about the impact this will have on the students there. I have reviewed the information posted on the KP web-site, but I am also interested to learn more from parents of KP students.
    Also, in response to [an earlier] post, I am assuming that there will still be 3 Selectmen, so I cannot see how one Selectman can appoint someone to a board without agreement from at least one other. Am I missing something here? [...] Thanks,
    - JN

  • 5/3 9:50am   "She was not educated here. She did not start teaching administration in the United States until 2001." Not negative? If you want to focus on her time periods positions, do so - leave the rest out.
    - DWL

    [To be fair to MH, the way I too read the post (5/2 5:52pm), MH made two points: lookuped up the answer to an earlier question about where Dr. Scott received her degree, and added a dig about her job history. I didn't notice a slight, overt or implied, about her country of origin - Wm.]

  • 5/3 9:33am   DWL - I think you are projecting that onto MH. I did not read the post that way. Someone asked, MON I believe, if we can hire a Super form another country and I pointed out that we already had, in Dr. Augusta-Scott. My thought on this topic is that the Canadian educational system and our own are different but I am sure that Dr. Scott has a Mass. Certification so it matters not from whence she comes originally. MH was referring, I think, to the number of jobs she has held in her relatively short career.
    - MJD

  • 5/3 9:20am   MH, Seriously you sound like an "Ugly American." So many people work in countries other than their own. Why is there a problem with this? People leave the U.S. to work in other countries and many companies hire ex-pats to work in our country. It seems like many people focus on her being a Canadian citizen and I just cannot figure out why. This attitude is then passed on to the children as they hear their parents speak. My children have come home and told me the same thing about her not being a citizen, as they heard it from friends at school (they would have never heard such a thing from me). Guess what, these children know because their parents have told them. Shame on anyone who is focusing on where she was born and actually telling their children this. She is here legally and that should be it. Someone working here from another country is not a bad thing, we should be thrilled. It is a big world out there.
    - DWL

  • 5/2 8:12pm   I think with the upcoming election for selectman the taxpayers of this town should research some facts before they decide on a candidate for selectman. We talk about the overrides of this town; as tax payers you should find out just how much money is being wasted because of ongoing lawsuits that have been filed against the Norfolk Conservation Commission and the Z.B.A. boards. These board members are appointed by the board of selectmen and not by popular vote.
    My vote is for Rob Garrity as I truly believe he has the town's best interest at heart. Jay Talerman continues to talk about how he is an attorney that works well with developers and his practice is about knowing the law and how to work out fair agreements. Residents of Norfolk take a look at the order of conditions that Jay Talerman wrote for the Boy Scout property (Pine Creek Dev. Corp.); the document has language in it that the developer can not comply with based on the decisions of the other town boards. Jay Talerman knew exactly what he was doing as a practicing attorney when he wrote the document. The language that was written by Jay to date has cost the town thousands of dollars in court costs. The order of conditions has been appealed to the Superior Court and is now pending a trial. Town counsel has been working with the commission the last six months to change the language as it is bordering on illegal. The interesting facts are that Jay Talerman is concerned about his order of conditions being overturned before the election, as it hurts his position and election statement that he works well with developers. All put Jay Talerman in office and with his power to appoint Conservation/Z.B.A. board members he will then have control over two boards that will continue to slow down the approval process (our beautiful center of town). All, do not take my word but ask the Town Administrator for a copy of the order of conditions Jay wrote and then you decide whether or not it was written fairly.
    PA, for the record, Mr. Scott has 4 separate litigations pending against the town to date. Jay said he was a lot of talk. Well, if 4 pending cases is a lot of talk, so be it, but the talk has cost the town considerable taxpayer money to date.
    - Jack Scott

    [Mr. Scott graciously consented to signing his statement; I would appreciate it if follow-ups, if any, were likewise signed. Thank you, - Wm.]
    [Update 5/3 2:36pm: Please include a note to me that you're signing your full name and you intend it to show up as such on the page! It didn't occur to me, but many people routinely sign their posts with their full name, knowing that only their initials will appear. Thanks! - Wm.]
    [We were provided with a set of scans of the order of conditions; I've put them on-line as Preface, pg 1, pg 2, pg 3, pg 4, pg 6, pg 7, pg 8, pg 9. Page 5 was not included in the set. - Wm.]

  • 5/2 5:52pm   She was not educated here -- her resume is located at: [copy on Lowell Sun] She did not start teaching administration in the United States until 2001. If we must find another Superintendent, I certainly hope we can find one with a more stable job history.
    - MH

  • 5/2 6:40pm   EF makes a good point and I didn't mean to mislead anyone with my previous post. Here is a good link for anyone interested [mass.gov page]
    - JN

  • 5/2 6:39pm   I just picked up nearly a full garbage bag of trash on my street. I was disgusted while I was picking up the trash, but I know the next time I walk to the bus stop I will feel a whole lot better.
    - KL

  • 5/2 5:56pm   KEM: Jay Talerman will also be at a neighborhood greet and meet at my home on Sunday from 4-6. Please stop by and meet him. Email me for directions. [Use box115@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - JN

  • 5/2 5:54pm   I am not certain that everyone understands how an operating override works so this is how I understand the situation. Please correct me if I am wrong. I believe the road money was an operating override (as are the school overrides). When we have a 300K$ override in year 1, that increases the tax base by that amount. In year 2, we again incur the 300K$ in our tax base plus 2.5%. In year 3, it is now $307, 500 plus 2.5%. In year 4, it is $315,187.50 plus 2.5% and so on. Basically, what I am saying is this is not a one time increase in taxes that goes away after the year it occurred. This stays with us from year to year, and the dollar amount increases from year to year.
    - EF

  • 5/2 5:50pm   MON: Who in the school department is receiving the 6-10% annual raises that you refer to? Does Norfolk really give annual raises to any employees of the Town in the 6-10% range? Is so, it does sound very high, which is why I tend to doubt these statistics are accurate.
    - CS

  • 5/2 5:49pm   On Saturday, May 17th, from 9-2, The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a gigantic yard sale/flea market, as well as as a silent auction. Coffee, muffins, and lunch will be available.
    [... Details on the Notice Board, 5/2]
    - KR

  • 5/2 5:38pm   BA at NCTV - How about televising the important meetings during prime time? Examples - School Board meetings and the like, where our tax dollars are at stake. Besides, at 11:30 am and 2 pm I have to watch my two favorite shows - "Chimpanzee Dance Party" and "Loving Things with Yellow Ribbons." Both great shows, but town meetings sometimes surpass them in entertainment and information value.
    - MON

  • 5/2 5:18pm   In reference to a previous post, there was no malfunction to NCTV's videotape of Candidate's Night. Our station manager, Brian Alves, arrived at the site sixty minutes prior to the start of the event. He had planned on a two-camera shoot fed into our Sony Anycast system, and was prepared to take the in-house audio feed into that unit, which would have resulted in a great remote production. When he learned that the candidates were not going to use the in-house mic and sound system, he had to modify the plans and go with a one-camera shoot with audio coming in off of the built-in mic on the camera. Not ideal, but better than no tape at all. I screened the tape afterwards, and you can hear the speakers while at the podium, but the other audio is not great. NCTV did the best they could under the circumstances, and yesterday it started airing twice a day on channel 22. As far as the reference to last year, that was an operator error with the camera, not the result of any subterfuge.
    Lastly, as I've been saying for my ten years with NCTV, public access means just that....the public has access to our studio and equipment. We serve anyone who wants to be involved. Also, we could use volunteers to operate cameras during Town Meeting. Call our station manager anytime at 508-520-2780 or send him an e-mail (brian@nctvnorfolk.org) if you want to be involved with NCTV.
    - Paul C. Altmeyer/NCTV

  • 5/2 5:14pm   CG - It's hard to comprehend how attending a Candidate's Night could give anyone a reliable gauge on a person's integrity and honesty. Those qualities, I think, can only be assessed after extensive interactions with that person. Based on my experiences with Jay Talerman, I find him to be a man of integrity, honesty, and grit. This is further attested to by the people who have endorsed him (go to www.jaytalerman.com for testimonials), people who themselves have worked with both candidates on various boards and events in town. I for one do not want more of the same, ineffective, unconstructive government to continue in this town. I want residential development slowed down so that our resources are preserved, I want our schools to continue to achieve and make progressive strides, I want to see our commercial tax base optimized to its full potential. What I don't want is a Selectman who will decide how to spend my money for me. I want a Selectman who will trim the fat off our budget but give me the choice to vote for the services that I value most. Before you make your final decision, please check out Jay's web site, watch the Candidate's Corner interviews, and, if you can read lips, check out Candidate's Night again on TV. I'm sure you'll also have no trouble finding Jay at the roundabout this weekend. Talk to him - I think you'll be glad you did.
    - KEM

  • 5/2 2:54pm   For anyone interested in what the recent Candidates have to say about local issues be sure to watch Channel 22 as NCTV presents a recording of Candidates Night from April 30, 2008. It will air daily at 11:48 a.m. and 2 p.m.
    BA, NCTV

  • 5/2 2:42pm   SDB: I retrieved the information on the web doing a search for something else. I did not think to share it before, but now that we are talking about overrides, it seemed like a good time to look at some real information and not just speculation. If you want more information, I am not sure who is the appropriate department to contact in Town Hall; perhaps the Town Clerk's office? She is always a wealth of knowledge and probably can lead you in the right direction. I am not sure who put this report together.
    This information is important because if you look at the override for roads, for example, you will see they received that money in 2001. That was 7 years ago. A lot happens to our roads in 7 years, plus we have more traffic and much larger vehicles. This winter was also very bad. Arming ourselves with accurate information helps us to make better decisions about this upcoming override question.
    P.S.: if you print the report, all three pages print, including the debt exclusion.
    - JN

  • 5/2 2:41pm   Acceptance of New Roadways - if the town can not afford to maintain existing roads and infrastructure, why do they keep asking at town meeting to accept new ones. Until the town can show it can maintain its existing infrastructure, no more streets should be accepted. The streets we have now are embarrassing.
    - DA

  • 5/2 2:40pm   Aj33** at live.net -- if you're reading this, I can't get in touch, and I need to find out how you're connected to town before I post your comments. Thanks!
    - Wm.

  • 5/2 2:39pm   I am very disappointed with the audio on the taping of Candidate's Night this past Wednesday hosted by NCL... I sat down at 11:50 today, tuned in and could not hear a word of what the candidates were saying, even after turning up the volume. It was very scratchy and difficult to hear... I've also noticed this problem when trying to watch the Selectmen's meetings. Is there anything NCTV can do to resolve this dreaded problem?? A concerned voter and strong supporter of Jay Talerman!
    - LR

  • 5/2 2:36pm   Seems to me that everyone is confused here, which is why I went straight to the SC and asked them, instead of wild speculation: Q: Are we required by law to have a Superintendent? A: (From Ms. Williams)
    MGL does require School Districts despite their size and in our case PreK-6 to employ a certified Superintendent of Schools. The Chapter of MGL which addresses this requirement is below. There may be additional chapters as well and they can be found on-line.

    Superintendency Unions refer to arrangements where 2 or more districts share a Superintendent of Schools but maintain their local School Committees and are not Regionalized districts. Norfolk Public Schools is a district not a union. When Plainville supt's position became available a couple of years ago, I approached the Plainville School Cte. with the suggestion of piloting a Supt's Union between our districts. They declined our offer.

    Additionally, our School Cte. approached KP S/C, Wrentham and Plainville 2 years ago to suggest that we study options for sharing resources and personel. There was overwhelming resistance from the other school committees to this idea.
    Chapter 71: Section 59. Superintendent of schools; appointment; compensation; powers and duties

    Section 59. The school committee of a town not in a superintendency union or district shall employ a superintendent of schools and fix his compensation. A superintendent employed under this section or section sixty or sixty-three shall manage the system in a fashion consistent with state law and the policy determinations of that school committee. Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, the school committee may also establish and appoint positions of assistant or associate superintendents, who shall report to the superintendent, and the school committee shall fix the compensation paid to such assistant or associate superintendents. The school committee shall approve or disapprove the hiring of said positions. Such approval by the school committee of the recommendation shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that upon the request of the superintendent the school committee shall provide an explanation of disapproval.

    So stop focusing on the Superintendent and think about the root issue here - the unions and 6-10% raises. Thank you school committee! They always answer my questions, of which I have a lot lately, quickly and promptly.
    Anyone for Crow? [...]
    - MON

  • 5/2 2:32pm   Where can I get recycling bins for newspaper, glass, etc?
    - AP

  • 5/2 2:27pm   We received an email with details on the broadcast times of Candidates Night; it is airing daily on NCTV (Comcast ch. 22) at 11:48 a.m. and 2 p.m.
    - Wm.

  • 5/2 2:26pm   MON - Chris Augusta-Scott is a Canadian and I believe was educated there.
    - MJD

  • 5/2 2:25pm   RW: I was originally told by Verizon FIOS that it was not available on my street and there were only a limited number of contracts (unless someone changed their plan to another provider, I was out of luck). However, one week later, I received a flyer from FIOS stating it was available. I called the number on the flyer and they are hooking it up in a couple of weeks. It is approximately $70/ month less than my Comcast plan. The number was 1-877-245-4796. Some of my neighbors had the same problem but, once it was hooked up, they were happy about it. Good luck!
    - MA

  • 5/2 9:36am   Time to forget the tax, school, override, issues which cover this board. Its now time for a shameless plug (if Wm so allows):
    The Joe Gately Band will be performing this Saturday from 4:30-6:00 pm at the North Attleboro Elks Lodge. Come see the new and improved Joe Gately Band. For those of you who have heard us in the past we are even better featuring a new bassist and a guest drummer and as always Frank and Robin McDonald lead the group with North's own Tony Calcia on vocals. This is a major fundraiser for the North Attleboro YMCA. There is an article in the Sun Chronicle but I'm not skilled enough to link it here. [4/30 Sun Chron, "Wing and a Prayer" - Wm.] Here's the details. If You Go ...
    WHAT: Hockomock YMCA's second annual Wing-Off.

    WHEN: Saturday, 3 to 9 p.m. Actual competition 3 to 5 p.m.

    WHERE: North Attleboro Elks Club, Bulfinch Road.

    ENTERTAINMENT: Silk Road performs from 3 to 4:30; the Joe Gately Band from 4:30 to 6; Tulsa Queen from 6 to 7:30; and Itchy Fish from 7:30 to 9.

    TICKETS: $25 advance; $30 at the door. Can be purchased at the North Attleboro branch of the YMCA, 300 Elmwood St.

    - JG

  • 5/2 9:23am   Thank you to JN for retrieving the data on Norfolk's support for overrides. Which office of the Town provided this information? I am asking because we would all benefit from knowing as well the record of voter support for debt exclusions. For example, it took at least three elections for funding of the H. Olive Day School to pass.
    - SDB

  • 5/2 9:20am   RE: Trashing Our Town: Garbage Tossing for Sport and Pleasure [?]. I am so glad that folks are discussing the amount, the outrageous amount of trash and garbage that is "appearing" on our roads. I enjoy my morning walks wth my dogs on Diamond Street, between Union and North Streets... this morning I was shocked. It literally looked like someone had just emptied a garbage bag along the road as they were driving.
    How can anyone be so disgusting and disrespectful as to throw trash out of their car windows? I think we should have a major town clean up day... and a heavy littering fine ($100.00) put into effect! If you see someone throwing trash or bottles out their car, make a note of their license... call up Town Hall and report them... If folks have to be disgusting slobs and ruin the pristine and tranquil quality of our town then let them pay the consequences! I am truly angry!
    [Sheesh]... there is more trash on some of our streets than I ever saw on Centre Street in Jamaica Plain when I lived there. And broken bottles on the sides of the roadways... I mean, people walk on those streets, with pets, with children. If the most exciting thing "you" can think of to do is tossing bottles, then "you" need some serious therapy. Come on, whoever the jerks are that are littering our streets - get a life, and stop trashing our [your?] town!
    - PRR

  • 5/2 9:19am   MJD - I understand your point now, after I reversed your sentence- ``we must have a qualified and certified Super'' is different than ``the super must be qualified'' But we digress. But given the recent [...] history of our current school committee nothing is absurd [...]. Does the Massachusetts Dept. of Education even accept degrees from other countries? Inquiring minds want to know.
    - MON

  • 5/2 9:16am   FIOS availability - I contacted Verizon and was told service was not available to homes with underground utilities and no plans are in place to correct this. I would be interested to find out how the contract reads. Will Verizon need to be forced to correct this? Offering to select homes in town to save money means a lot of homeowners will be cheated out of new technology.
    - RW

  • 5/2 9:15am   The strangest things happen around election time here in Norfolk! I was really hoping to catch a bit of Candidates' Night on Norflk TV, but, for the second year in a row, it appears the videotape malfunctioned? What? I mean, I watch Tiger Tales, produced by 9-12 yr olds, get on the air regularly no problem! Can the Norfolk Cable team let us know if this important event will be available for viewing between now and election day? Thank you!
    - AL

  • 5/2 9:14am   I thought my post was clear. I'll try again. PJT's ideas won't work. It is State Law, I was told, that we must have a Super who has earned the State Certification and moving a Principal won't work unless they have that certification already. I doubt either do. MON - I was not defending or anything.
    - MJD

  • 5/2 9:13am   CG - I can't understand how you learned all that just from last night's three minute speech. You must be very intuitive.
    - MJD

  • 5/2 9:12am   [Received revised version, see 9:19am - Wm.]

  • 5/1 6:33pm   CG makes a valid point about overrides. Here is a link to information on Norfolk overrides since, I think, 1987. [Google copy, text here] or [original at town hall, PDF here] .
    I thought it was interesting, but I am not attempting to make a statement about overrides in general. This is simply information. Sometimes town growth requires more money. Unfortunately, this is a very difficult year for many people financially. If you read the document, however, many of these overrides were voted down, even in years when the economy was doing very well.
    - JN

  • 5/1 5:10pm   I attended last night's candidate's discussion because I did not know either candidate for selectman. How many people in Norfolk know that 18 out of 20 overrides have passed since the late 1990's? How many people here in Norfolk know that the town is asking for money on the upcoming override for roads that we have previously paid for in an override? What has been done with that money.
    My vote is going to go to Rob Garrity. His honesty and integrity that he showed last night is something that we need in Norfolk. The last thing we need is another voice that skirts around the issues and thinks that all of our pockets have silver linings. Rob will be fair, honest and open about all activities. Rob will do what is right for the people in the town of Norfolk with no hidden agenda.
    - CG

  • 5/1 4:59pm   LO, Call Dover Trucking, they are Norfolk residents and are very competitive.
    - PRB

  • 5/1 4:41pm   Wm. You are right again! MON - in your haste [...] you read my post the wrong way. I was in fact referring to the certification.
    - MJD

    [Now I'm completely confused. I initially read the original post as saying that having a superintendent was mandated by law. When reading MON's post I realized that maybe it was only the certification, not the superintendent, that was mandated. If that is so, then MON's question of whether a a superintendent is required hasn't been touched upon after all. My apologies for trying to interpret; apparently I'm not tracking all that well today. - Wm.]

  • 5/1 4:38pm   Soooo... if the State is cutting back on the prison mitigation allotment for Norfolk, we should comandeer the inmates to clean up our streets. I saw them once, under guard, cleaning up 115, but I assume that is because it's a state road.
    I think that, since we've had to pay for our trash disposal, our roads and streets have become trashier. And I see this all over the state.
    - LAW

  • 5/1 3:34pm   I don't know Jack Scott from Jack Sprat, but [...] let the rest of us move on with what this town is facing, because it isn't pretty. Jay Talerman gets my vote. His ability to listen to people, to stand up for what is right, to dig for solutions, and to put words into action is what this town desperately needs.
    LO: Welcome to town!
    - AL

  • 5/1 3:16pm   MJD - In your haste to defend the current governing regime in the schools, you missed the point. Of course superintendents, etc., need specific qualifications. The question was whether Norfolk is mandated by law to have a superintendent. These questions and more will soon be answered.
    But I can tell you all this - at last night's candidate's meeting they all did a superb job. The candidates for school committee were applauded enthusiastically when they questioned the wisdom of running out to replace the current superintendent. In a matter of days there will be new members, even though "the sky is falling".
    We have all had enough of maligned information about the schools and look forward to fresh exchanges. It would serve us all - especially the children of Norfolk.
    - MON

    [I thought MJD spoke on this... oh, wait, I see -- I read it one way, but it can be parsed differently, too: ``it is the law that we must have a qualified and certified Super.'' (4/30 4:24pm). Read one way the "must" refers to the certification; read another it refers to having a superintendent. - Wm.]

  • 5/1 3:06pm   To BB: I'm with you - but better yet, why is it even necessary for one to pick up someone else's trash? I am dumbfounded by the amount & kinds of litter. Fast food trash, beer cans, liquor nip bottles, cigarette packs, scratch tickets -- who are the inconsiderate [maroons] throwing stuff out the car window? Everyone knows it's wrong -- no one can claim ignorance. It's disgusting and disrespectful. Never mind the tax dollars spent when Highway Department crews are sent out to pick up roadside trash. Good Lord, give me a break -- the little things in life are where personal responsibility begins. I can't imagine what the rest of their lives are like. And that's my yearly rant on litter and road trash.
    - CR

  • 5/1 3:05pm   Wm: For those of us living overseas, thanks for the Labor Day wishes. Today is our "Labor Day" and we are enjoying our day off!
    To BB: Thanks for your post about the girl scouts cleaning up. I used to take my two children out on Earth Day and pick up trash in that neighborhood, before there was a Christina estates. It was a nice memory for us. And a great thing for the Girl Scouts to do. Your good deeds just might last a lifetime!
    To LO: Welcome to Norfolk. It is a great town with lots of great people (who we miss a lot!)
    - TO

  • 5/1 2:45pm   Last night's candidate night was great. I enjoyed hearing from each of the people who were running. I was very impressed with Jay Talerman and I will be voting for him. His ideas are timely and I think he offers the new energy, associations, and experience we desperately need in these tough times to come. I really appreciate the willingness of those people running unopposed to show up and allow us to get to know them. I wish we could have heard from some of the others as well. Thanks to NCL for all the work it takes to pull off such a nice event.
    - MJD

  • 5/1 2:42pm   DL, I did not vote for Jay Talerman in the last election; what a mistake that was after watching the selectmen meeting for Mr. Talerman's re-appointment to the Conservation Committee. This had nothing in my opinion to do with Mr. Scott. [...]--> If Norfolk TV ever replays the conservation meetings [...] I believe people would think twice. I also believe he can stand up to those in town that want to impose their own views on us as some of those have done through [pressure]. He has my vote.
    - DA

  • 5/1 2:32pm   PJT - There is a state certification for Super and a state certification for Principal, both must be earned. I suspect a doctorate is required for a Super's cert. I have no idea whether or not our current Principals are qualified to apply for the job of Super. I suggest you refer to the DOE website to answer your questions about qualifies a person in MA to lead a school district.
    Your solutions are not of the real world and do not take into consideration the mandates on us as a town to maintain our accreditation. I suspect there are some real ways to trim our admin costs but I don't agree with you on yours.
    - MJD

  • 5/1 12:05am   Hi, I am a new resident in town, and absolutely love it here so far! My husband and I are kind of stumped re: how trash works in this town. I know about the transfer station, but how does private pickup work, and which one is more cost-efficient in your eyes? Thanks so much,
    - LO

  • 5/1 11:35am   To MJD: I asked the same question but with a different set of questions attached and I was told by a member of the KP School Committee that it is the law that we must have a qualified and certified Super. I took her word as it surely does sound as though it would be the case. I did look to see if every other K-6 District int he Commonwealth has one and in fact, they do.
    Ok, that being said - promote the most senior principal as the super. Do not replace her postion as a princial. I believe that the school dept could shuffle some administrators around without hiring any new people and realize the same great results with our schools. Common sense ...right?
    Also, is it a state law or a town law that we need to have a super. If any one in the school dept is reading, please respond. I am also perplexed why college educated teachers need a union to represent them. Are they not smart enough to talk their own game with salary? Are they afraid of performance reviews? Why should the not-so-good teacher get the same raise as the very good teacher. Unions had a place in our workforce, and in some cases, still do. But I believe they are destroying our school systems. Some of the best teachers are at private schools, because the princal or headmaster actually has the power to dismiss a teacher who is not teaching and reward a teacher that prepares and has concern for his/her students. And welcomes a performace review. Again... common sense. But goverment, state, local and federal seems to lacking more and more each year.
    God help us.
    - PJT

  • 5/1 11:34am   BB: Nice idea. Reminded me to thank Girl Scout Troop 3609 for getting out last Saturday morning and cleaning up trash that had accumulated in Christina Estates. There were many things going on in town that morning (library sale and softball parade, for two!) and you girls were nice to give your time to making Norfolk a cleaner place!
    - AL

  • 5/1 11:32am   DL: If by stating in March that I was glad to hear Mr. Scott was throwing his hat into the ring and running, and you consider that an 'endorsement,' that's your interpretation. If you've been following the race, Mr. Scott withdrew his candidacy. I feel it's ironic that Mr. Scott entered the race at all, because he would have been running against a man who was quoted in The Boston Globe on July 26, 2007 as saying "He's threatened this kind of litigation before, and hasn't gone through with it. Jack's a lot of talk," when referring to whether or not Mr. Scott would file suit against the town because he felt officials had conspired to keep him from developing his property . Well, you need a scorecard to keep track of his legal moves now[.] [Globe article]
    - PA

  • 5/1 9:48am   Two things, totally unrelated... First, I have a rather large amount of yarn that I will never use and if anyone or any group needs or wants it, it is yours for the taking. Please contact me at 508/528-9725.
    Secondly, I don't read or participate in the Norfolknet discussion very often, but when I do, I am amazed at the wide range of concerns from politics to education to ecology, etc., but it is hardly ever mentioned that the streets and roads of Norfolk are accumulating trash and junk at an alarming rate. It would take so little time and effort for everyone to just clean up their property lines and what a difference that would make! I'm sure that when I'm going around my block with my big garbage bag and my rubber gloves, I'm looked upon by people driving by as some sort of bag lady, but when I get home with my big bag full of trash and throw it in the garbage can, I feel really good about what I've done, though I know that I'll have to do it again next week. So many people in town are concerned with recycling... let's recycle the road trash and make our town's roads something to be proud of, instead of using them as dumping grounds for anything and everything.
    Okay, that's my yearly rant on litter and road trash and I'll talk to you again next year. In the meantime...if you need yarn...
    - BB

  • 5/1 9:40am   PA - In a previous post (3/4 - 2:00pm), didn't you endorse another potential candidate for selectman? Given that endorsement and that candidate, I can't trust your judgement in this case. I am voting for Jay Talerman because I believe he can stand up to those in town that want to impose their own views on us through strong arm tactics and intimidation.
    - DL

  • 5/1 9:38am   KB, Kudos to you for one very good suggestion for school administration here in Norfolk. That's one of the best suggestions made yet. Perhaps the Norfolk School Committee is reading this?? They should be. Two elementary schools do not seem to constitute a system in need of a superintendents position, regardless of the economic times.
    Very good suggestion. Refreshing, indeed.
    - TRK

  • 5/1 9:37am   Well [Rob] Garrity has my vote now. He shows concern for the tax payers of Norfolk. While many towns are laying off employees, Norfolk keeps going for overrides, instead of limiting staff and raises.
    On another note, I must commend the Moderator, what a great job he has done to get people to town meeting. I think he is doing an excellent job in moving forward with some good changes to attract the tax payers to town meeting.
    - AML

  • 5/1 9:36am   KB - My point exactly. My kids were in Pine Hill, then DS Junior High and High schools. Get rid of the overpaid top levels and keep the teachers. Perhaps Norfolk should think about hiring contract teachers, and eliminate the union ones, since it's the union that makes obnoxious demands.
    As an aside, Dover Police are still in the basement of the Dover town hall, and the Sherborn Police are still in the old Sawin Academy building, where they've both been for years and years.
    - LAW

  • 5/1 9:35am   Happy International Labor Day!

  • 4/30 9:56pm   How about that - a Free Community Spaghetti Supper & babysitting Service for Children for only $2.00.
    Norfolk Town Moderator, Dan Winslow, has done everything possible to make it easy for us to attend. Please come out at least for the 1st night and experience the pride and excitement felt by participating in this uniquely American event that literally gives you the power to determine your own destiny.
    Dan has swung open the doors and symbolically said; let no citizen be denied - all are welcome! [town meeting agenda]
    - JPB

  • 4/30 9:54pm   I used to teach in Dover, at the elementary level, when there were two elementary schools similarly structured to our schools here in Norfolk (K-2 and another school for 3-5... then at the middle school level Dover/Sherborn combined). As for administration - there was an Assistant Principal at each elementary school and one Principal overseeing both schools. Their numbers were slightly lower than Norfolk's... but they had three administrative positions for the five that we currently have... and their schools seemed to do just fine! In fact, my last year of teaching there they had an "interim" principal (while they were searching for a full time replacement for a long time principal who had retired) and this was a critical year for them - it was the year before they built a brand new elementary school!
    It seems to me that all five administrators have done a wonderful job and have made the Norfolk elementary schools what they are today... but, in light of the financial situation the town is in right now and the proposed cuts that have been put forward... replacing the current Superintendent seems ridiculous! Instead of cutting one assistant principals position (as in the proposed cuts), eliminate the Superintendents position and get back at least three teachers! Too many people doing the same job... and one that should be able to be done just as effectively by fewer.
    - KB

  • 4/30 9:53pm   PA: You certainly are a well informed voter, but you are still welcome. Jay Talerman and Rob Garrity are both very much part of the community and both serve on several committees in town. So even if you choose to vote for someone other than Jay Talerman, it never a waste of time to meet those actively involved in town government. We are all in this together and I am particularly pleased that this year the election process is very civil. I personally, having met both candidates and talking with them, will be voting for Jay Talerman. I find him to be very well informed and a very strong candidate to help lead this town.
    - JN

  • 4/30 5:13pm   For those who have concerns about the level of Highland Lake, you do realize that the town has done nothing about Kingsbury Pond in 20 years. Kingsbury water level has been low since Franklin started [pumping] the water. Kingsbury Pond is a registered "great pond" in Massachusetts, which means there are certain rules that you have to obey, and one of those rules is not tampering with water level. Sooo... don't expect the town to do anything about Highland Lake, cause they won't.
    - PB

  • 4/30 5:12pm   MJD, Isn't it true and certainly a possibility that our superintendent could also be the principal of the Freeman school? That would free up much needed money in these times where essential things like the librarians are being cut from the budget. Lots of administrators have dual certifications and could do both jobs easily. We certainly do not need 4 administrators (five counting a superintendent) for one elementary school that happens to have two buildings. Any thoughts??
    Another possibility is to regionalize the superintendent job with Plainville and Wrentham. The school committee chair keeps saying they asked years ago and got no results, but why not try again?? Maybe the much needed new bodies on the school committee will help. Let's hope so. [...]
    - JEC

  • 4/30 5:11pm   Thanks to everyone for the information about where I might find sneakers for my son. Off I go to Sports Authority and Kohl's tomorrow. Also, I wasn't aware that there is a New Balance Outlet store in Brighton, so this is good information, thanks!
    - CR

  • 4/30 4:24pm   PJT - I asked the same question but with a different set of questions attached and I was told by a member of the KP School Committee that it is the law that we must have a qualified and certified Super. I took her word as it surely does sound as though it would be the case. I did look to see if every other K-6 District int he Commonwealth has one and in fact, they do.
    - MJD

  • 4/30 4:07pm   After watching, and reading about, the candidates for Selectmen, I do consider myself a well-informed voter, and that's why Rob Garrity gets my vote next week. It's not so much his nearly 14 years of service on six different boards here in Norfolk, or his rare ability to disagree but still be respectful about it, but knowing he'll explore every possible avenue before having to spend taxpayers money that appeals to me. We have two worthy candidates, but I think we're better served as a town having Mr. Garrity behind the big table in Room 124.
    - PA

  • 4/30 2:44pm   In responce to: RV: The Norfolk School Committee invites any Norfolk resident interested in helping to choose a new Superintendent of Norfolk Public Schools, to apply for an appointment onto the newly formed Superintendent Search Committee
    Why is the town looking to replace the Superintedent. I realize that she made some great efforts improving our 2 schools. Why can't one of the 2 principals we have, or both, assume these responsibilities and continue with what she taught the school dept. The last thing we need is for someone new to come in and change everything to the way they like it. I am perplexed why we need a Superintedent for two, I repeat, two, schools. Do we need another high profile salary.
    Please explain this to me in great detail.
    - PJT

  • 4/30 12:36pm   You are all welcome to a neighborhood Open House to meet Jay Talerman and ask questions about our town up close and personal this Sunday, May 4th from 4-6pm. Please email me and I will give you directions if you are interested in attending. Become a well-informed voter!! Election day is May 6th!! [Use box115@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - JN

  • 4/30 12:35pm   Help! I am looking for someone to cut my lawn before the weekend. The landscaper we had used last year has not returned my calls. Any recommendations for someone who would be interested in a lawn job?
    - JB

  • 4/30 12:34pm   Congratulations to all who contributed to the town meeting agenda. It's very impressive, I look forward to attending.
    - PR

  • 4/30 10:15am   The Town Meeting Warrant is posted on the Moderator's webpage at virtualnorfolk.org/moderator. Just a reminder that Town Meeting will be held on May 13 and 14 at the KP Middle School, starting each night at 7:30 p.m. This year, we will have a free Spaghetti Community Supper (kids are welcome) at 6 p.m. on May 13 before the meeting, at the KP Middle School cafeteria, as well as babysitting service from the SAAC program for school-aged kids on both nights. Hope to see you all there! [here's the agenda of events for the meeting - Wm.]
    - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator

  • 4/30 10:14am   CR The New Balance factory store is located in Brighton between Market and Life Streets. The actual address is 40 Life St.
    - FH

  • 4/30 10:13am   CR - Have you tried Kohl's? I find them there quite often and when they have them, they have all sizes. I also suggest calling the NB Outlet in Allston/Brighton. They probably have what you are looking for. Check on the web for a phone #.
    Here is the NB info from the web:
    New Balance Factory Store
    40 Life St (between Life St & Market St)
    Brighton, MA 02135
    (877) 623-7867
    - MJD

  • 4/30 10:10am   WC - Thanks for the update on what you have done about the Highland Lake situation. Perhaps there is someone on this board with knowledge about such things who could suggest a next step. One thought, have you had conversation with the person who is controlling the dam? Do you know what motivates him/her to continue to lower the water level?
    - MJD

  • 4/30 10:09am   Has anyone else who may have signed up for swimming lessons through the Norfolk Parks and Recreation web site for the Franklin YMCA get a call in the last few days from Norfolk saying they can not put you in the slot you signed up for and paid. Disheartening for the kid. If we knew this we would have went directly to the Y.
    - DA

  • 4/29 11:37pm   LB - I will drop it off this Saturday. I don't know where you need to transport the bikes but I can offer myself along with my SUV and utility trailer to bring them where they need to go. I will give you a buzz.
    - LS

  • 4/29 11:36pm   To WG regarding replacement of a water service line. Frank Ciavattone in Walpole, MA is excellent. He is reasonable and very neat and will leave your property in decent shape when he is done. His number is 508-668-5200. Good luck.
    - EF

  • 4/29 11:31pm   CR - Try DB Sports in Plainville (Kelley Blvd., Rte. 152). Check out their website, dbsportsrun.com. Family run business, very knowledgeable staff - good luck!
    - KG

  • 4/29 11:29pm   To the person looking for New Balance sneakers--you could check out the Sports Authority. There's one in Milford, Mansfield and Framingham to name a few. I just Googled "New Balance" and confirmed they still carry them. Good Luck. Nothing like looking for shoes for the bigger kids...
    - BS

  • 4/29 11:28pm   Wednesday April 30 is the last day of open registration for Norfolk travel soccer club's Fall 2008 season. Registration is open for all Norfolk children currently in first through fifth grade. Players of all ability are welcome and any player registered during the open registration period will be placed on a team.
    - All games are played on Saturdays
    - Two practices per week
    - Optional tournament participation
    - Separate boy and girl teams
    - BAYS member (Boston Area Youth Soccer league)
    - In most cases, away game travel is to towns in our area
    Any player interested in playing the fall 2008, winter 2008/2009 and/or spring 2009 seasons must attend the annual player evaluations for proper team placement. The evaluations are scheduled for Sunday May 18th (late in the day).
    Please don't hesitate to contact any board member if you have any questions. Please see www.norfolksoccer.com for details.
    Stop by and enjoy a game! See [link] for team schedules. All home games are at Freeman/Centennial.
    Thank You,
    - DH

  • 4/29 11:26pm   Just to let everyone know. The animal control web page is back up and running. Those who want to send in pictures of their lost pets may do so now and I will add them to the lost and found section. I have learned the hard way about backing up your data! Those who want to see more pictures of Rosie, they are on there. There are also a few slide shows that I have added on the front page.
    Also, a reminder that it's the beginning of "turtles vs. cars" season. I've seen 4 already crossing the road and one that needed help since she was so large she could have wrecked an undercarriage. So please be careful out there!
    - HC, Norfolk ACO

  • 4/29 8:57pm   Camping; I would recommend the "Jigger Johnson" campground in NH on the Kancamagus. It's on a very clean river, tubing, nature trails, not a far ride from North Conway. It's well spread out... very woodsy and the big plus is that they have flushable toilets! I don't recall showers, but you can read about it online on the NH state forest campgrounds site. Campton campground is also listed there... also a nice spot, quiet, near Waterville valley. It's a lot more low key than the Tamworth area in summer and has great hiking trails, more than you could ever do in a week or weekend. I believe that you can now make reservations at both those sites. If you need showers to be comfortable, there's a place called Whit's end campground on the Tamworth/Ossipee line on the Bearcamp river, but it gets very crowded on the weekends. There are several private campgrounds in the Tamworth area that I would stay away from. Whit's end is your safest bet. Another great spot is the state campground at Franconia Notch... I think it is called [Lafayette campground]. Fabulous hiking... the flume is right there. Its at the base of Cannon Mountain. Stunning scenery. hiking right from the park.
    - MW

    [Update 4/30 10:12am: Whoops! The campground in Franconia is not echo lake... That one is in Conway and I've never tried it... I will try to find out the name of the nice one in Franconia.
    Update 4/30 12:31pm: Wm, Seems that I am not going crazy... there are two echo lakes in NH. But the tenting campground at Franconia Notch state park is called the Lafayette campground... very nice. Coin op showers. Amazing scenery in that area, tons to do at Cannon, Loon and Waterville Valley all within a very short distance. Check out www.nhstateparks.org. You can see pictures and maps of the campgrounds. - MW]

  • 4/29 8:56pm   MJD: Regarding Highland Lake: Not only have I sent "level" memos on the Net, we have called Selectman Advani, the DPW, Conservation Commission, and openly discussed this situation at Town Meeting. Because the Lake was privately owned at the time, no action was taken. Highland Lake is not only historical, but is home to many waterfowl as well as wildlife. I am sure that in time, they will all be affected by the changes in the water levels. It would appear that Highland Lake is being held for ransom.
    - WC

  • 4/29 8:55pm   I'm having difficulty finding a new pair of sneakers for my son. He's a size 5. This is the upper end of the kid's range. I prefer New Balance sneakers, but will look at others. Marshall's in Franklin has a newly renovated shoe department, but nothing in this category. It looks like Bob's has discontinued New Blance in this size range. Target in Plainville was wiped out of selection last week. Can anyone tell me a good place to look? I don't like going to a lot of different stores in a mall. Nothing with bight colors or high tops, just a good pair of tie sneakers.
    - CR

    [Update 11:33pm: oops, I inadvertenly left off the initials. Sorry! - Wm.]

  • 4/29 8:54pm   LS - I still have to coordinate some way to transport all the bikes, so you absolutely still have time to bring a bike over! We will be washing them all this Saturday in the field and making sure all are in good working condition before we haul them all to Cradles to Crayons. If anyone finds they have a bike they would like to offer to Cradles to Crayons after this Saturday, please call me (508-541-8657) or collect other items you have to offer and plan a trip with your entire family to the Giving Factory! Your personal visit will inspire your kids when they see where their donations go and how valuable they can be to others. Thank you.
    - LB (LB2)

  • 4/29 8:53pm   Hi everyone - I'm catching up here, so bear with my references to older posts.
    AR - I like what you said about the land purchase possibility. Does anyone know what percentage of units are sold at either the town center condo development or the River's Edge development? Why would builders consider new developments during the housing slump?
    SH - I had a very nice cake from the Blue Moon Bagel Cafe next to the Shaw's in Medfield. I was surprised - I thought they were a bread and sandwich place. And they do bake a mean bread!
    DV - Re: your neighbor poll. Yes, I can. Kids, dogs, and waves work wonders. Being out and about raking or shoveling or trick-or-treating doesn't hurt either.
    Re: Highland Lake - Does anyone know whether the dam owner has been approached regarding a cooperative arrangement for dam management? He/ she might be receptive. Would the town or the DEP handle that?
    BR#1 - Google "Wishkas Temptations" and see if you can find it cheaper online, including shipping! I kid thee not. Then you don't have to drive all over kingdom come at $4/gal.
    MG - Re: Dog Fight. I heard about that from another dog owner. Trust me, it concerns us too. I heard one dog was off-leash and the other was leashed. First, even on my own lawn, unless I grab up some grass, I can't scoop every last bit and kids don't need that on a sports field. Secondly, some people are afraid of dogs. What ever happened to common sense? For crying out loud, keep the dog on a leash at public events unless it's a dog festival. Even then, another dog owner will let you have it if you don't have absolute control over your animal. You might think you have the most lovable dog in the world and be convinced everyone should be besotted with him/her. Get a grip! ... Oh - I just read further and Hilary said it more nicely.
    - SO

  • 4/29 8:51pm   JT - www.crowleycookies.com Our very own local baker and artist! Enjoy!
    - ML

  • 4/29 2:48pm   To LL: One of the problems with power lines and the purchase of a home, and an important factor to keep in mind (no matter whether your research or testing indicates negligible danger or no danger at all depending on distance), is the perception or fear potential buyers continue to harbor. Even if you go ahead and buy and spend many enjoyable, healthy years in that home, odds are you will be confronted with the issue all over again when you decide to sell. I wish you the best; it's not an easy call, especially if it's a house that's right for you in many other ways.
    - TEM

  • 4/29 2:46pm   I have 2 tickets for tonight's Red Sox game vs. the Toronto Blue Jays. I cannot attend the game this evening. They are covered seats, section 12, Row 7 (first base side). Enter in through GATE D on Yawkey Way.
    I live in Norfolk, and can deliver the tickets to you. Please contact 508-641-6483 if interested.
    - SC

  • 4/29 2:44pm   LB - I have a small kids' bike, is it too late to drop off? If not, where do I? Thanks,
    - LS

  • 4/29 2:42pm   JT, Having worked at the Library Book Sale on Saturday, I know that those wonderful cookies were made by Crowley Cookies right here in Norfolk. Bobbi Crowley creates custom-made cookies for any occasion, and having received them myself several times, I can tell you they are delicious as well. You can reach her at 508-520-1571, or you can contact her through her website (and see other cookie examples), crowleycookies.com.
    - CA

  • 4/29 2:41pm   We were forwarded a link to a discussion on electro-magnetic fields (EMF), [here]
    - Wm.

  • 4/29 11:12am   LL, there's been many studies on ELF (Electric Low frequencies) and the potential of cancer living next to high tensions wires to date there has been no findings yet to prove this. However the study continues. There was a case a few years ago in Connecticut where 2 children got Leukemia and they thought it could have been caused by High tension wires they lived next to but to date this has not been proven. A lot of people live next to power lines you would think we would hear more about cancer cases if this was the case. I know the house you are looking at. Nice house and Good luck.
    - DA

  • 4/29 11:04am   With all the talk about schools and budgets some may find this article interesting. Of course I'm sure others will dismiss it outright as rubbish. Either way I found it to be an interesting read. [WP essay]
    - DM

  • 4/29 11:02am   I wish to convey a heart felt Thank You to all who generously donated their children's gently used bicycles for the April Bike and Trike Drive that I sponsored. Over 80 (Wow!) fabulous bikes cover the entire floor space of my barn, and they are just waiting to be polished and (hopefully) adorned with new helmets so they can be delivered to the "Giving Factory" of Cradles to Crayons. Looking at each of those bikes conjures a rewarding image in my mind of a child beaming with joy, who never dreamed they ever have a bike to ride! Sincerely,
    - LB (LB2) [not same as below]

  • 4/29 10:57am   Of course not everyone who votes for an override is spoiled or self-indulgent, just as not everyone who votes against is a dumb local yokel that doesn't know what's good for him. When I vote, I take into consideration not just how it will affect my pocketbook, but how it will affect my friends and neighbors. I can't vote for something in good conscience that will financially devestate one of my friends or family members. I try to weigh the importance of the issue for all... not just whether or not I personally can afford it. I think that tough times are coming and we need to think of our whole community. I would feel horrible if I voted for a town pool or a recreation center (just an example) becuase I could afford to spend a little extra, knowing that one of my neighbors were struggling to make ends meet and pay their basic bills. Call me odd, but I wouldn't be able to enjoy the facility knowing that my desires had caused someone else to lose their home.
    We have such wonderful people here in town, but sometimes I get the impression from reading and posting on this board that it is every man for himself. All I hear lately is that people want to increase their property values. What ever happened to establishing roots in a community and making their home a long-term investment? Maybe it's time to look towards ourselves and ask what we can do to help, what a necessity really is and how much we can sacrifice for others? It might feel suprisingly good!
    P.S.: Thank you Ms. Cohen for your posting on dogs and sports! I have become increasingly frustrated with the number of dogs and the condition of the fields. It's pretty bad when the after school sports teachers had to cordon off a section of the field last year due to an excessive amount of feces.
    - MW

  • 4/29 10:56am   LL. We have dealt with this before and I have refrained from buying a property here in town that was under high tension wires. I would suggest that you have someone come in to measure the field that is coming off of the wires. I don't know who you would call for that, but I know that there are companies out there that provide the service. Or, you might even go to an electrical supply store and buy something called an EMF meter and measure it yourself and then do some research. As far as I know, there is currently no proof that living near hi-lines causes health risks, but many have horror stories. You need to decide how comfortable you feel after being given a reading in and outside of the home. I have a property in NH that has some low level power lines running through it. We decided to go ahead with that purchase as the lines are located far enough away from where the house will sit and they will never be upgraded to hi-tension. But if we didn't have the acreage, we wouldn't have dared buy the property. To me, it's just not worth it to find out after the fact that they are dangerous to my children's health. Good luck!
    - MW

  • 4/28 11:59pm   Loved the book/bake sale! What a wonderful community event! Wondering if anyone can give me the name of the person/company that made the beautiful and delicious frosted sugar cookies? I saw some baseball and butterfly. Thanks!
    - JT

  • 4/28 11:58pm   In response to my question about how water leaks are detected if they don't flow through the meter, I received this interesting e-mail:
    The new water meters cannot find a leak before it goes thru the house into the water meters. Leaks outside are not charged onto the water bills, only what comes into the house thru the meter. The town has a leak detection guy come thru the town yearly to find leaks to help protect the system and control "lost water" to keep costs down for the water treatments and make sure there is enough water supply and demand for the town. Water Leaks on residential services can vary from losing 3 - 4 gallons a minute to as much as tens of thousands of gallons a day
    - Wm.

  • 4/28 11:57pm   Hi, I am wondering about the power lines that run through Norfolk. In doing some basic research I know that there are different types of power lines. Any idea if these are high tension wires? We are looking at a house that is near the power lines and I am wondering if there are any health issues that could be a concern if we were to buy it.
    - LL

  • 4/28 11:56pm   Re: 4/28 4:20pm It seems to me that the problem of leaky service pipes (copper tubing) was referred to as acidic water in a consent order from the State relative to the steps the town took to reduce the water acidity, which acidity caused the leaks by reacting with the copper. I understand that repair procedures include using plastic service lines, plus electrically grounding the house wiring and piping, placing 10 foot long ground rods deep in the soil near the house foundation. Items that require grounding include the neutral line from N-Star Electric, plus the ground line from Comcast and/or Verizon. Presumably, whether or not there will be any liability on the part of the water supplier is yet to be determined.
    - [Name withheld]

  • 4/28 11:55pm   Author and college specialist will speak at the Norfolk Library this Wednesday eve at 7 pm on how to get into the right-fit college and be able to afford it. Seminar is for both parents and high school juniors and sophomores. One of the last seminars for juniors since they apply to college in only 5 months.
    - Paul Lloyd Hemphill, precollegeprep.com

  • 4/28 11:46pm   MJ... Thank you, thank you. Are you by any chance running for any committee in this town? :)
    - JHR

  • 4/28 11:43pm   The Norfolk School Committee invites any Norfolk resident interested in helping to choose a new Superintendent of Norfolk Public Schools, to apply for an appointment onto the newly formed Superintendent Search Committee. Responsibilities will include screening resumes, participating in interviews of the candidates and compiling a list of finalists for the position for the School Committee. The process will take place between May 12 & May 22. All interested applicants should be available on at least 4 evenings during this time period. The Search committee will be composed as follows: 2 community members, 2 senior citizens, 2 teachers, 2 school administrators, 2 town employees, and one school support staff member . Interested residents can contact Roxanne Verdeaux, H. R. Director at 508.528.1225 with any questions and send a letter of interest to Mrs. Verdeaux at 70 Boardman Street Norfolk, MA 02056. Please consider giving your time and energy to this important decision. Thank you for your consideration.
    - RV, Norfolk Public Schools

  • 4/28 11:41pm   WG - double check to see up to what point that the Water Dept. is responsible for the leak. I could be wrong, but my understanding is that the WD is responsible up to, and including the water meter.
    - LAW

  • 4/28 4:20pm   WG - Actually it is a tool that they drive around with and can "hear" with headphones the sound of rushing water - I have to say the man who was representing this company (as it is a private contractor) felt bad and came back to isolate where the leak was coming from. (Apparently there is a charge for this service.) We shopped around for estimates, knowing where the leak was made it easier, and of course the water dept. did give us a listing of recommended providers (we used Miles Excavating), which definitely moved the process a lot faster obtaining permits.
    From what others have posted on this site these water leaks are becoming pretty prevalent and my understanding is that they could have been avoided. Maybe someone else can offer insight into the problems that they are having. I know that I paid approximately $1600 and the leak was approximately 30 feet from the road... Good luck rectifying your problem.
    - LB

  • 4/28 4:19pm   AB: Could not agree more! Town Meeting is two weeks from tomorrow. Why is this information not available? The Selectmen's Website says the "FY08 budget process is well underway," but we've moved on to FY09. Any info appreciated.
    - AL

  • 4/28 4:07m   RL & MJD: I am with you. I am capable of deciding for myself what priorities I wish to fund with extra tax dollars, and whether or not I can afford them at any given time. As a growing town, Norfolk is particularly hard hit by the current economic strains. Maintaining the status quo because of short money is not as attractive an option here as it might be in other towns, as we're still ramping up to meet the needs and desires of a growing population. That doesn't mean writing a blank check for frivilous spending, but a blanket "no override under any circumstances" is not in the best interests of our town.
    - TC

  • 4/28 4:05m   Reminder: Parent Support Group to Hold First Meeting on April 28, tonight.
    A support group for parents of children with disabilities is currently being formed. The group, tentatively named Parents Helping Parents, will hold its first meeting at the Norfolk Public Library (Community Room) on Monday, April 28, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
    [see post of 4/24 10:43am]
    - RZ

  • 4/28 3:55pm   What a wonderful weekend to live in a small town! The library sale was terrific - so many books to choose from and wonderful baked goods! I'm sure the proceeds will be used to support many of the outstanding programs at the Library.
    The annual Baseball / Softball Parade was great! I love to see all the kids marching so proudly down Boardman Street and onto the field. It is a wonderful moment to watch them all remove their caps for the National Anthem and sing along before the first pitch. Softball had a great opening ceremony (complete with cake!!) for their newly refurbished field.
    And finally on Sunday, it was Lions Soccer's turn to shine. Love to hear all of the kids having a wonderful time running and playing games. Very well organized and lots of fun!
    I'm sure I've left something out, but Norfolk had lots of reasons to be proud this weekend!
    - TMS

  • 4/28 2:14pm   RL - I think you make an excellent point! Some overrides are not for me but I consider myself openminded enough to review the facts and make a decision based on each individual situation. This blanket "no overrides" attitude will destroy what we have built, a decent school system and strong programs that enhance life in Norfolk, and that would be a waste!
    - MJD

  • 4/28 2:12pm   Has anyone had the water department tell them their service line coming to the house has a leak? Apparently, the new water meters are so sensitive that the water department was able to detect that we have a leak in the copper pipes that we are responsible for. Anyone have experience in having their service line fixed? If so, who did you use and would you recommend them? I'd appreciate any prompt reply as we have to take care of this ASAP (or end up paying a higher water bill!) Thanks so much!
    - WG

    [That's a good trick! How can a water meter detect how much water is not reaching it but is not being used by the neighbors, either? - Wm.]

  • 4/28 11:31am   Hi, My name is Beverly and I was in charge of calling on behalf of the Friends of the Library, for volunteers and bakers. I want to thank every single person who made something for the bake sale and made it the most profitable one ever. I am always in awe at how everyone who is asked just bakes up a storm and packages everything so nicely. I'm also in awe of the people who make tons of things for us and then still come to the sale to buy books and then buy some of their own baked goods back! I'm sure Mary Jo, president of the Friends, will be saying a big thank you to all of the volunteers when she gets back from a business trip, but I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the bakers, personally. You'll probably be hearing from me again next year, but for right now I want you to know that you are appreciated and I thank you all very, very much.
    - BB

  • 4/28 11:28am   Just to update on Rosie: Rosie is ready to meet her new family. Rosie's ten day hold expired last week and I wanted to bring her home to see how she does in a home environment. Rosie is housebroken and does really well in a house. She has not chewed any furniture or carpets; she has shown she is ok with older children as well. So any interested parties are urged to contact me and fill out an adoption application. I have been stopped by a few motorists while walking her and also a few walkers who expressed an interest. Hopefully we can find her a good home. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control, 508-528-3232

  • 4/28 11:26am   TM, AL beat me to it, but congratulations, and if you ultimately decide to return to work after having your baby, you are welcome to join us at the Saturday Club (saturdayclubplaygroups.com). There are no membership fees or minimum attendance required. You can even attend before you have the baby - you wouldn't be the first (that honor goes to JP - hi JP! I know you still check out Norfolknet, even though you moved).
    Speaking of the Saturday Club, for you working parents of young children out there, the next playdate is this Saturday, May 3, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at the Kid's Place Playground off Boardman Street. To say 'thank you' to the library for its gracious hospitality, I will be bringing a box to accept book donations for the library. If you have any books that you would like to donate, feel free to drop them off on Saturday at the playground. AL & other Saturday Club members, see you at the playground!
    - KID

  • 4/28 11:25am   JH - We hydroseeded our pathetic lawn last summer and the results were amazing. I can't imagine it would be worth it to do ourselves - once you rent the equipment, truck it home, etc., there's not much savings. We hired Simply Safer of Medfield; they use a lot of organic based stuff which made us feel better about putting it on our lawn. Service was great, the guys are always friendly and knowledgeable. Their website is saferlawns.com
    - JT

  • 4/28 11:24am   In regards to the warrant article - I have a few comments. Why are there no recommendations from the Advisory Board? Why is the warrant not available for viewing on-line? Why is there no information on the Town website for the FY09 budgets?
    - AB

  • 4/28 11:23am   King Philip music students will present Percussion Night at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 7th in the Field House of King Philip Regional High School, Wrentham. The public is invited, free of charge.
    The evening will feature high school students, including ensemble and solo players in classical, jazz and original works.
    For the first time, The King Philip World Percussion will present performing techniques and styles from around the World, including congas, salsa, samba, African drumming and Afro-Cuban styles using, timbales, bongos and claves.
    Recently returning from the world championships the nationally acclaimed Indoor Percussion Ensemble will present their show "A Spark of Imagination".
    - MW, KPMA

  • 4/28 11:22am   The only quarry work done at Highland Lake was done when the railroad came through in 1850. The railroad cut the stone to build the Arch Bridge and reinforce the dam to protect the rairoad bed . The stone blocks for this work were cut on site from the ledge. Correction: The ice compay was Granite City not Quincy City.
    - BB

  • 4/28 11:20am   To MJ: I resent that just because I support the improvements that have been done to our town I am being called "self-indulgent" and "spoiled". When the improvements were proposed my family supported them and knew that we could absorb the tax increase that came with them. We happen to believe that our home values increase with improvements to our town's infrastructure and will continue to support overrides when we believe they are necessary. At least as far as the expensive library goes, please remember that much of that was paid for by the state, and if we had not voted to improve the library at that time, we would most like have had to pay more for it at some later date. But, perhaps you don't feel that a library is important to a town and its citizens? If you don't feel you can afford the improvements that are proposed, by all means vote against them. As for my family, we will examine the current items up for consideration and make our decision based on a variety of factors whether or not to support them. But don't label those of us who have made the decision in the past to part with our income to benefit the greater good of this town and its citizens as "spoiled" or "self-indulgent". I would argue that the opposite is true.
    - RL

  • 4/28 11:18am   Treats for all this past Saturday, in the form of John LeCarre, P.D. James, Elizabeth Berg, Virginia Wolf, P.J. O'Rourke and and many kids' summer reading books! Great library sale! Thanks to the library staff for all the hard work!
    - AL

  • 4/28 11:13am   Dogs and sporting events so not mix. As I was sitting with one of the dog owners last night (Sunday evening), I was explaining this exact same situation. Dogs get hyped up, amplified at sporting events. I get a few reports each year where dog bites/scratches/attacks are happening at sporting events. They see children running up and down a field chasing a ball in some situations; this is exactly what the dog wants to do as well. In some instances this energy is redirected elsewhere and in a negative manner. Dogs will also feel insecure when off their own turf, so adding in a small child who goes running by with a bag of chips can rattle even a well-trained dog. On the flip side, speaking on the dog owner side: I know what rattles my dog, and in some cases I don't until I approach the situation and see it. I would not want an anyone to possibly become hurt because of this. I also do not want random children approaching any dog I'm walking or standing around with. Some dogs are set off just by a particular color of shirt or the shape of an object. I'm not keen on dogs at sporting events with children because there are a lot of risks involved. Not only that, there are plenty of people who do not pick up after their pet and we all end up stepping in it - this happened to me two weeks ago at lacrosse practice. I deal with a lot of dirty stuff in my job, but stepping in feces is just plain gross.
    Dogs off leash on town grounds will be subject to fines under our town by law Art XII Sec 3B4. Some dogs on a leash could be subject to this as well because you have to exhibit care and control of your animal, and I have seen plenty of dog owners have difficulty accomplishing this with their dog on a leash. I am not faulting people for working with their dogs at leash training, but a children's sporting event is not the time or the place. We should be all there cheering our children on, not worrying whether Fido is going to snip at a child walking by with balloons.
    Now, as I work from 8-4 Mon-Fri., here's what I suggest to those who have a problem with a dog on the weekends, weeknights, or after hours. If you want to make a report of a situation, the best course of action is to call down to the police department; not show up at my personal residence. If someone has been injured I will respond after hours. If a loose dog is caught or confined to an area, I will respond. If someone sees a dog owner allowing their dog to make a mess and they don't clean it up, usually just asking them to pick up their mess is enough for them to do so and it will also remind them next time to bring a bag if they didn't bring one, or forego the whole bringing the dog out in public. If there is a frequent violator then let me know who it is and I will work with them.
    I know people don't think of the "what ifs" when they pack their dog up to go watch a baseball or a soccer game. Usually it's the aftermath that has them realizing that it was a bad idea. I am one of the biggest advocates of having your dogs be an active part of the family. But keep it to that family situation, and not include the general public. Many people also don't like dogs or fear dogs. There is no need for them to feel uneasy while watching their children play a game.
    Another side of this story: if your dog is involved in an altercation, do not assume that I know who you are, or your dog. Please report it to me even if you worry about the repercussions. In this situation yesterday I was able to find who the dog owner was and verify rabies vaccination after doing a search. If I cannot find the dog involved, and a similar situation occurs, some physicians would insist on post exposure rabies vaccinations. So not only does the victim go through the trauma of being attacked but then they have to be reminded of this every time they have to go back to their doctor for their series of injections over the course of weeks.
    So a management of risks in this topic. If you don't know what your dog may or may not do at a game or a practice, it's best to keep him home. And on the flip side; please remind your children not to go up to animals that they are not familiar with - domestic or wild.
    If anyone has further questions on situations such as this feel free to email me or give me a call at 528 3232. Sincerely,
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 4/27 10:33pm   TO MJ: Amen!!
    - SD

  • 4/27 10:31pm   MG, I was there today also. The dog fight was with one woman who had her dog leashed and a loose dog with no owner. I must say it was a bit scary even for me as an adult, the kids must have been very scared. The coach for one of the lions teams came running over and really got in the dogs face and scared him off into the woods, he did a great job and should be applauded. Shortly after that the couple with the off-leash brown dog showed up; I could not believe they were letting him run around with so much energy around so many kids. I am so very sorry the little boy got hurt and I was very angry. I was also there with one of my two dogs, she however is nine weeks old and being held most of the time. She will not be coming again. I feel bad for all involved today, even the owner of the dog who hurt the child; they must feel awful. Even the best behaved dogs are dogs, and need to be handled with care.
    - DV

  • 4/27 9:18pm   Thank you for the campground recommendations! MW - We like quiet campgrounds, prefer tents although not opposed to RVs being nearby... We're actually not big on all the amenities. We have done most of our family camping at the Wellfleet Audubon which we love. It is very private, quiet, organized walks etc. Other than a hot shower, we'd prefer not to have the movies, pool tables etc. It would be nice to have places nearby to visit with the kids for the day, but when we return to our site I want to feel like we are actually camping :0)
    - NS

  • 4/27 8:55pm   MJ - Well said. I'll be amongst those with thumbs down to all spending.
    - LAW

  • 4/27 8:54pm   NS - a big hit for basic camping, for my family, is in Jamaica VT. It's run by the Army Corps of Engineers, at the Ball Mountain Dam. It's quite near Bromley, where they have the Alpine Slides in the Summer. The grounds are immaculate. There is a separate area for motor campers.
    - LAW

  • 4/27 8:53pm   TK - We used Radon Systems Corporation out of Whitinsville, after much research on our part. Installation took less than a day, and surprisingly was not at all invasive.
    - GA

  • 4/27 8:51pm   TM, Congratulations to you and your husband. I can tell you that my best friends in town stem from the playgroup that my neighbor and I started almost 7 years ago. We met when we were both out walking our little ones! I applaud your early efforts to make a community for yourself and your family. Our playgroup has gotten me through many long cold winter days sledding, hot summer days at the beach and beautiful spring days in the driveway. (Actually, there are just too many wonderful memories to name.) My one suggestion is to keep your playgroup local, if possible. These friends will then support your child as he or she makes their way through the school system too! They are your backup when you can't get to the school on time and your emergency pickup number if someone gets sick. As suggested earlier, meeting people at the library or Kid's Place at Boardman is a great way to meet your neighbors. Good luck and may you meet many wonderful new friends!
    - DL

  • 4/27 8:14pm   We just had a very enjoyable afternoon up at the Freeman school watching all the kids play soccer. Thank you to all the men and women who give their time coaching, preparing the fields, refereeing etc. You do a fine job!
    One thing I would like to bring up is the people who bring their dogs to the fields. I really feel that someone needs to speak up and put a stop to dogs accompanying their owners to the field. I saw a dog fight take place today. Later in the afternoon I heard about a dog that wasn't on its leash hurting a toddler who required going to the hospital. This is not the dog's fault. What are the owners thinking? I have seen dogs eliminate on the fields where our kids play and spectators sit. People don't keep their dogs on leashes and let them run. Come on people. You may love your dog but not everyone else does. Don't get me wrong, I own a dog and he has a very special place in our family. However, his place is not at the field during practices and games. Someone is going to get hurt up there by a dog with an irresponsible owner.
    I wonder what Hilary would think if she spent a day up at the fields. I think she would be writing up a few violations. Bottom line, leave your dog a home. The field is no place for him.
    - MG

  • 4/27 8:07pm   NS - Our family loves White Lake State Park in Tamworth, NH. The lake is beautiful with a wonderful hiking trail that circles it. It's not a private campground so there aren't any special amenities, but I just love the lake and location. Also, it's a short ride to many attractions such as the Kangamangus Highway that runs along the Pemigewasset River. Of course you are only about 40 minutes from Storyland too. Keep in mind that the reservations are not required, but this campground sells out quick. It's a long ride to chance getting a site without a reservation.
    - DL

  • 4/27 8:06pm   Has anyone ever hydroseeded their own lawn? Does anywhere rent the equipment? Any recommendations for overseeding: hyrdro vs. slice/slit seeding? Experiences...? Or is this better left to the pros? Thanks,
    - JH

  • 4/27 8:03pm   Just a note to all... I have 5 live in cats--not my wish, but all the owners are in nursing homes, and we have their cats. Last week I shopped for their favorite treat, Whiskers Temptations. Trust me, cats know color. Red Temptations are their favorite. I could not find red Temptations at Walmart or Market Basket. This is a sample of cost at stores: Market Basket $1.39, Walmart $1.79, Stop & Shop $2.00 - I have checked Shaws, and their price is $1.99. Why would we want a Stop & Shop in Norfolk? I was at the Stop & Shop in Foxboro only because I had to go to the skating rink there and I knew I needed "Red Tempations" P.S.: very few people in the Stop & Shop store.
    - BR (BR#1)

  • 4/27 7:46pm   NS, I have loads of recommendations... Are you looking for a state or private campground? Do you like commercial places with tons of amenities for the kids? Or do you like low key, off the beaten path places? We are avid campers and have seen and done it all. Just let me know your preferences.
    - MW

  • 4/27 7:45pm   MJ, I just wanted to offer my support of your post. I feel the same way that you do and have had many of the same conversations with my children. It's all about priorities and I feel that right now the town has none. I too feel that many of the complaints I hear about this town are frivolous ones. There are people out there who are living pretty comfortable lives here in town. But that could all change. In fact it will change. It will just take them longer to realize how bad things really are. Unfortunately, I think it will be too late at that point... The money will be gone. Our schools will be in deep trouble, we will all be eating rations. At least we will have beautiful bricks and streetlights in the town center to look at while we all starve and freeze to death in the winter.
    - MW

  • 4/27 7:43pm   MJ, thank you for your thoughtful letter. It's helpful to know that there are a very few others in this town that feel the way that you do. I must say that I feel exactly the same way, and it's astounding to me, but I fear that your statement "lavish and self-indulgent (read "spoiled") mentality that pervades the community" is absolutely dead on the mark. I'm not sure where people work, but I want a job there, if their pay increases at the rate that everything else is going up! But that's ok, pretty soon all the reasonable people will be driven out of town, and all that will be left will be the people who seem to have no problem raising and raising taxes and spending money at a rate that is impossible for most people to keep up with, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel - when they are the only ones left, and have taxes that rival the national debt, they're the ones that are going to have to foot it!
    - CG

  • 4/27 5:57pm   Open Letter to Norfolk Residents:
    I have to say I was disgusted as I read the Warrant for Town Meeting the other day. It seems like most of the items are about spending for this and spending for that, spend spend, spend... It is a weekly struggle for me to make ends meet; I live from paycheck to paycheck and that is just the way it is. We all are living in a failing economy where mortgage rates are going up while house values are declining, gasoline is going up, heating oil is going up, food is going up, college is going up. everything is going up faster than my paycheck. Across America, everybody is hunkering down for what may be a really nasty ride and making do with what they have. There IS no more "discretionary" income for most of us (as if there ever was.).
    It seems like the entire 1st half of this year's Warrant (that's where I started flipping pages in disgust) is comprised of item after item to form and finance new committees to figure out new and exciting ways to spend yet more money. STOP IT! How about we just save our money for a change (or pay off our loans early, or even fund our schools)? Reading the Warrant is like watching a bunch of kids scrambling for candy. Who's in charge here? (answer: YOU are).
    Please remember that as our house values decline, so too will the revenue from our property taxes as increasing abatement requests from over-appraised homeowners flood the town hall. We will not be able to continue to fund and maintain these existing and proposed projects. However, you can bet your sweet bippy we'll be facing more appeals to fund overrides when the well starts to go dry.
    I am embarrassed to be living in a town where they just don't seem to get it. But this is where I live and I will speak my mind. Stop spending money and start learning to make do. Tighten your belt buckle and eliminate all spending that is not absolutely essential, just like our parents had to. Just repair the school without spending tons of money on committees, architects, reviews and lawyers. Don't raze it, repair it! Get by with the firehouse, ambulances, cruisers, plows, etc., as-is! Make do with what we have; just like I do.
    The way this Town has lavished itself with fancy new this and that is criminal. I have said it before and I'll say it again, we don't need fancy brick inlay, cut granite curbs, fancy street lights that blind you, ridiculous and expensive clock towers, cavernous Town Halls, labyrinthic libraries, etc. I am sick and tired of seeing my hard-earned and exorbitant tax dollars squandered on such frivolous and unnecessary niceties. Unfortunately, I see no shift in sight. I feel these expenditures stem from a lavish and self-indulgent (read "spoiled") mentality that pervades the community. It sets a bad example for our children; to be so wasteful, irresponsible and decadent - especially in a time of such difficult economic stress and uncertainty - that we can spend the way we have been and still have the gall to consider letting teachers go. it's downright shameful. Even my 13-year-old son comments on the street lights, he asks: "Why did they put up twice as many as they needed in the first place? That probably could have paid for an extra teacher or two, right Dad?" "Right, son! That, and then some", I tell him. And it's the truth.
    How refreshing it would be to see a warrant that simply said: "No New Spending". Norfolk needs to show more fiscal responsibility and live by the same standards as its citizens. We are in a recession and we don't know how much worse it's going to get. but rest assured, it IS going to get worse. Gas WILL hit $4-5/gal this year and heating oil WILL hit $5-6/gallon come fall, and neither will ever come down again. Rice is ALREADY being rationed and those abatement filings WILL be coming in.
    It is past time to shift our Town's priorities towards the kind of conservatism that most of us have already instituted at home. Please stop spending simply because it seems that at this particular point in time you think we have the funds - they are depreciating faster than even Norfolk can spend them. Please go to Town Meeting on May 13th and stop the spending. Tell them now is not the time and they will just have to make do, like the rest of us. Tell them what we tell our own children. we just can't afford that right now.
    Thanks for listening.
    - MJ

  • 4/27 5:56pm   Does anyone have any recommendations for tent camping campgrounds in NH, Maine or Vermont? Our family usually camps each summer at the Wellfleet Bay Audubon, and would like to try someplace different this summer.
    - NS

  • 4/27 5:54pm   Highland Lake has been the site of many different endeavors -- sawmill, grist mill, foundry, blast furnace and paper mill, but never a slate quarry. The lake itself is what is termed a "kettle pond," formed when Stop River was dammed to provide water power and the natural depression filled with water creating the lake behind the dam. The area around the lake in the late 1800's was the site of the Highland Lake Grove Park which was operated by the railroad into the early 20th Century. The Granite City Ice Company hartvested ice from the lake in the early part of the 20th Century.
    - BB

    [Update 4/28 11:22am: Correction: The ice compay was Granite City not Quincy City. - BB]

  • 4/27 5:53pm   We have recently determined a need for radon mitigation in our home. Can anyone recommend a radon mitigation contractor that they have had a firsthand positive experience with?
    - TK

  • 4/27 5:51pm   TM - Congratulations! I met some local moms through Norfolknet last year after my son was born. Our babies are now 10-14 months old. We don't do any formal get-togethers, but if you would like to join us for coffee or on the playground, you can contact me through the Wm. [Use box114@norfolknet.com - Wm.] There are some great classes at the Library that you can take with the baby. I would also highly recommend Isis Maternity in Needham for a wide selection of mom/baby groups.
    - SL

  • 4/27 5:50pm   Hello, Can anyone recommend an electrician for some small jobs around our home? Thanks,
    - DS

  • 4/27 12:44pm   DN - Whew...no one can ever say you're not a patriot!
    - MJD

  • 4/27 12:43pm   Everyone is not entitled to this rebate from the government.
    - DL

  • 4/27 11:50am   TM - Congrats to you and your husband! There is also a club for working parents who meet on Saturdays and you are more than welcome to come check out one of the playgroups before your baby arrives. Here is the website: www.saturdayclubplaygroups.com.
    - AL

  • 4/27 10:58am   I have not received my check from the government - but I hope that it comes before August. I plan on spending all of my government money in Canada while on our yearly vacation!
    - DN

  • 4/27 10:57am   TM - Go to npwmoms.org which is the local MOMS Club website. You can get information there. Also, you can contact the club through the website. It is a great group of women, I speak from current experience!
    - RD

  • 4/26 9:20pm   TM - I'm way beyond Mom's Groups, but our engineer is expecting her 1st baby in July, also. Currently, she's having fun with mom-to-be yoga sessions. I will ask her if she'd get in touch with you, and arrange it through our Wm, if you'd like.
    - LAW

  • 4/26 9:16pm   I received my stimulus check today from the Federal Government; wow, 1200.00 in my hands right now. I am thinking what to do with this cash windfall.
    At first I thought of going out to dinner to celebrate, fill up my oil tank for the next upcoming heating season and fill up both cars as to help the oil companies. I thought again what a waste of this money, it was sent to me to help the economy; and, still thinking of the taxes I paid to the IRS and Mass for 2007, so I think the best thing I can do with this windfall of cash is to deposit all in my checking account and - hopefully my checks have not cleared yet - send it back to where it came from, that's all; help all in government so they can enjoy their pay raises this year.
    So little left over after my calculations for this windfall of money, I am going down to the local packy to buy a six pack and celebrate.
    - RS

  • 4/26 9:13pm   The Garden Club of Norfolk will be holding its Perennial Plant Sale at Town Hill on Saturday, May 31, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
    - SB, Garden Club of Norfolk

  • 4/26 9:08pm   Lost! Canon Digital Elph camera at the Baseball Opening Day festivities by the picture area around 2:30 PM. Silver camera in black case. Lots of kids pictures on it!! If found, please contact me through the Webmaster!
    - JM

    [Update 10:12pm: Camera has been found! - JM]

  • 4/26 5:54pm   There's something called the Mom' club - here is the link [plainville.com sub-page]
    - DN

  • 4/26 5:34pm   Hello, Could anyone tell me whether there are any mom's groups here in town? My husband and I are expecting our first baby in July and wanted to meet some other parents in town...or in any of the surrounding towns. We don't know many people in the area with babies or small children. Thanks!!
    - TM

  • 4/26 5:33pm   I have two tickets to the Boston Pops for Wednesday, May 14th at 8pm that I will be unable to use. The performance is with Garrison Keillor and the tickets are $53.00 each. Please contact me at ralight@verizon.net if you are interested in purchasing them.
    - RL

  • 4/26 5:31pm   I have retirement funds invested in a 401(k) plan managed by Fidelity and most of my holdings in the plan are in Fidelity's mutual funds. I was shocked to learn that Fidelity doesn't have any policy against investing in companies that enable or support rape, torture, murder, or genocide. (In fact, until recently Fidelity was the largest U.S. shareholder of a company named "Petrochina" which was providing money to Sudan which Sudan used to pay for the ongoing genocide against Darfur.)
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - DR

  • 4/25 7:33pm   TRK, thank you for taking the time to explain the Highland Lake situation. I do not live near the lake, so I'll just sit back and read the "rest of the story" as it develops (or not)....
    - CS

  • 4/25 3:01pm   WC - The level of Highland Lake is obviously a huge concern for you. I am sure there are others who are concerned too. Why don't you outline for us what exactly you have done (besides post here) to solve this problem. Who have you called? What kind of research have you done? You just keep posting and don't say what active steps you have taken to change the situation or what new info you have uncovered. Just posting here is obviously not working for you.
    - MJD

  • 4/25 3:00pm   I recently ordered some plants from White Flower Farms and, according to UPS, their tracking records show a delivery to my address on Thursday. It notes that they were dropped off at the garage. I never received my plants so I was wondering if anyone mistakenly received the package. UPS is trying to locate it (but I think by the time they find it the plants will be dead) I live on King Street. My number is 508-528-0524.
    - MA

  • 4/25 2:59pm   SB: Pat Maloney, who lives in Medfield, works as an elder advocate. She is very familiar with the agencies and procedures necessary to provide long-term placement for the elderly. In addition, she is very kind and has a great sense of humor. Her number is 508-341-8684.
    - MP

  • 4/25 2:35pm   Highland Lake use to be an old slate quarry.
    - PMP

  • 4/25 12:46pm   RH, If this is a new wall and not the continuation or renovation of an old wall, you'd probably be better off using treated timbers (6"x6" or larger) normally available at lumberyards or the big box vendors like HD & Lowes.
    RR ties do last a long time, but so does the creosote with which they're treated, and it can get all over everything and anything that comes in touch with it for quite a while. And if there's children in the family, that kind of stuff in the yard might not be the best thing.
    - TRK

  • 4/25 11:06am   I am curious about Highland Lake. Can anyone tell me the origins of it? Is it man made? What was the situation before a dam was constructed? Who owns it now?
    - MW

  • 4/25 10:18am   We are looking for some railroad ties for a wall in our yard. Does anyone know where we could get some (30-40)? We see a lot at Norfolk station... would those be for sale? Who would we contact?
    - RH

  • 4/25 10:16am   CS, The Town of Norfolk recently purchased most of the undeveloped land abutting the lake. The remainder of the land abutting the lake is either railroad land or in the hands of homeowners who have waterfront property. So far, so good...
    The problem that people keep referring to has to do with the ownership of the dam that holds back the water. The dam is also privately owned, and not owned by the town or other public agency. This isn't uncommon, but nor is it common. The situation does exist elsewhere. The concern is that there is no public oversight of the level of the lake, how and when the water is raised or lowered, condition of the dam, and, as the present owner would be liable for damage caused by a rupture of 'his' dam, what would happen if he suddenly decided to reduce his liability exposure by lowering the level of the lake to the extent that property values on the lake might plummet. Add to that concerns about the creatures that live in and use the lake, and you have all the ingredients of a larger problem waiting to happen.
    While there might be some legal powers that the town or the state might exercise with regard to the situation, most if not all of those powers would likely have be enforced in an 'after-the-fact' action... like after the dam owner lowers the water considerably and to the detriment of the local environment and abutters complain. Damage is done... and the legal actions would take time to pursue, and who enforces what actions and oversees the state of the lake meanwhile...?
    The best course of events is for a public entity to take control (ownership) of the dam. The big 'but' here is that along with ownership goes the liability. Few towns or agencies want that in their portfolio. But it can and has been done, even recently. There's a lake not too far from Norfolk that is abutted by Hopkinton, Milford, and Upton. Most (99%) of the water is in Hopkinton (along with their town beach). The dam and a little bit of the lake lie in Milford. Upton holds up the western shore... jump in the water and you're in Hopkinton. Within the last few years, when the owner of the dam made it know that it would sell the dam, concern was raised about the possibility (and likelyhood) that a resident would buy the dam to protect the lake. That possibility brought home to the other residents and townsfolk the fear that this resident might also be able to wield the sword of liability in an attempt to force waterfront owners to pay into his pocket for insurance as he saw fit... or he'd lower the lake. (Note... this has happened in Massachusetts before.) The situation brought all the abutters together in an effort to find a better buyer, which eventually turned out to be the town of Hopkinton. Highland Lake and its dam now sit in that same precarious position, although to date it hasn't been a huge issue.
    What folks seem to raise as an issue here is that the lake level fluctuates often, without prior notice, and with no apparent reason. That points back to ownership of the dam. And if it isn't the owner of the dam physically modifying the mechanism in the dam for raising or lowering, it might be pointing to some unseen issue with the structure of the dam. And that would be dire, indeed.
    - TRK

  • 4/25 10:12am   This is "Rosie". This great girl was picked up 10 days ago and no one has called for her. She is an English mastiff just under two years old. She has been in the kennel for the last ten days except for training time, and she is now ready for a new home. She needs a home that does not have small children. Being a puppy she wants to play where lots of activity is, and with her size I fear that she will just knock little ones down like bowling pins. Rosie likes going for walks on the leash and is really intelligent about cues. Rosie has been vaccinated and she appears to have a spay scar. She is not a jumper either. She needs a gentle yet confident owner who can finish off her training. From what I've seen she is cat friendly, and had no other issues with other dogs at the kennel. If anyone is interested in her please contact animal control at (508) 528 3232.
    - HC, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 4/25 10:10am   My name is Stephanie Lewis. I am currently a senior at King Philip Regional High School and a Norfolk resident. I have been filming all of the town meetings. For the past five years, I have been participating in the Walk for Hunger, having raised a total of$2,500. The Walk for Hunger is a twenty mile walk that begins in The BostonCommons and goes through the Brookline and Newton area to end backat the Commons. This year I have decided to form my own team with a goal of$15,000. We are very large team, consisting of over 80 people and are extremely dedicated to raise such an ambitious goal. To raise this much money is going to take a lot of work and we are hoping that you can help us reach it by sponsoring our team. It is great to receive support from our community when it is needed. We are over $9,000 dollars behind our goal with less than 2 weeks.
    Donations can be made in the form of cash or checks addressed to ``Project Bread.'' You can also go right online and donate: [projectbread.org team 21510] (Click on Stephanie Lewis, my name is the first on the list because I am the team leader!)
    Your donations will be greatly appreciated and with a goal as high as $15,000, no donation is too small. If you can not make a donation, it is understandable and I thank you for your time! Thanks again,
    - Stephanie Lewis

  • 4/24 11:02pm   There are many posts on this site regarding the water levels at Highland Lake. As a relative newcomer, I am sincerely curious about what the problem is. Can someone please explain the situation that seems to be so important? Thank you in advance,
    - CS

  • 4/24 8:14pm   PRB--there is a food pantry in a small bldg to the left of the Baptist church on Rockwood Rd. The pantry is open from 10 until noon on Saturdays but someone in the office in the bldg at the front (looks like a house) can help you if you are making donations. I believe they are open from 9 until 4 each day.
    - BS

  • 4/24 8:13pm   SB - my dad is 81 and has dementia as well. He lives in Mansfield at Willow Crossing. It is an assisted living situation which also has an Alzheimers/dementia unit. We moved him to WC about 4 years ago specifically because we knew that eventually we would need to transition him from his own apartment there to the Alzheimers unit. They have been great with him. They do daily activities to help them retain whatever memory/mental acuity that they still have. I researched a lot of places before we moved him there and it was one of the best. New Pond Village in Norwood and Brighton Gardens in Dedham also have Alzheimers/dementia units as well. Good luck - it's a tough road to go down.
    - LL

  • 4/24 6:57pm   RD We have used Heavy Plumbing in Walpole for the last 30 or so years and have had good luck dependable on time and fair pricing.
    Is there a food bank in Norfolk where we can donate?
    - PRB

  • 4/24 6:56pm   Does anyone recommend a carpenter/contractor who can do structural repairs to the exterior walls of my home?
    - BM

  • 4/24 6:22pm   MON: How many people attended the meeting last week?
    - JPB

  • 4/24 6:14pm   MW, thank you for catching me up.
    - BP

  • 4/24 3:34pm   AL, if you are talking baseball, it is this Saturday. Information is now available on the web site. [NorfolkBaseball.com]
    - PFD

  • 4/24 3:01pm   Where can I find information on Opening Day in Norfolk? I've heard about this in passing, but haven't been able to find a schedule of events, etc. Thank you.
    - AL

  • 4/24 1:14pm   Just a reminder: DARE Summer Day Program applications will be sent home with students for grades four, five and six after this upcoming week after vacation. Please pay close attention to the due date on the application. Also, please note the location of where application is being sent. Thank you.
    Summer day program dates:
    Grade 6 entering grade 7 June 23rd - June 27 (Monday thru Friday)
    Grade 4 entering grade 5 June 30th- July 2 (Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday)
    Grade 5 entering grade 6 August 11th -15th (Monday thru Friday)
    I will be speaking to grade four students this upcoming week on summer day program expectations.
    - Officer Steve Plympton, Summer Day Program Coordinator, Norfolk Police Department (508) 541-3330

  • 4/24 1:12pm   For RD, I would highly recommend Joseph Kosh Plumbing in Millis. You can reach them at 508-376-8256. I have been using them for over 25 years. Very reasonably priced and professional.
    And for your mosquito spray, please consider my company APC Pest & Termite Control, Inc. in Medfield. We charge $250 for a yard that is less than 2 acres and we have many satisfied customers. We have a growing list of homeowners who have had it done in past years and are anxious to have us back again this Spring. You can reach us at 508-359-7563.
    - EMG

  • 4/24 12:36pm   The level of Highland Lake is very low--again. It's about time something is done about this situation.
    - WC

  • 4/24 12:35pm   RD, I just remodeled both of my bathrooms with Mike Carresi of Visions Design Center in Dedham. They were great. They have a full staff of plumbers, carpenters, designers, etc. right on board. They work with each other so the timing of each is right on target and one task is not holding up another.
    Mike's number is (508) 560-5600. Tell them Jane sent you.
    - JGP

  • 4/24 10:45am   Hi everyone, I am looking for recommendations for a plumber to fix some minor leaks and give us estimates on a bathroom addition/remodel.
    Also, has anyone ever had a company come out and spray their yard for mosquitos? If so, did it work? How much did it cost/who did the work? Thanks!
    - RD

  • 4/24 10:43am   Reminder: Parent Support Group to Hold First Meeting on April 28, 2008.
    A support group for parents of children with disabilities is currently being formed. The group, tentatively named Parents Helping Parents, will hold its first meeting at the Norfolk Public Library (Community Room) on Monday, April 28, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. The general purpose of Parents Helping Parents is to provide an opportunity for parents of disabled children to network regarding educational and developmental concerns in an informal atmosphere.

    All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to ensure that adequate seating will be available. If you need more information or would like to RSVP, please contact Ron via email at rcz1106@aol.com or by telephone at (781) 223-7746.
    - RZ, Parents Helping Parents

  • 4/24 10:41am   SB, Go to massalfa.org which should help you identify potential assisted living facilities in the area specifically those that specialize in dementia. Benchmark Assisted Living purchased a number of facilities last year that were specifically developed to deal with dementia. I believe the closest facility is in Quincy. In addition, if you call Mass ALFA they should be able to direct you to an advocacy group that may be able to assist you. Unfortunately, assisted living is typically a private pay situation but if your mother qualifies for the Adult Foster Care Program some of the cost may be reimbursed.
    - PAN

  • 4/23 10:52pm   For those of you following the Norfolk School Building Task Force's push to renovate / rebuild Freeman-Centennial school, largely based upon the major fire safety hazard it presents for the children who attend, I just saw an ad for a special "Help Me Hank" report tomorrow, Thursday, on Channel 7 (NBC) as part of the 11 o'clock news. It's entitled "Cause for Alarm" and is supposed to investigate schools who have non-functional, outdated or missing fire safety alarms and controls. Wonder if F-C is part of the story, but obviously we're not alone in having a below standard facility. I'm hoping it can provide some insight as to how a public building, a school nonetheless, can continue to operate without up to code and timely life safety equipment. The thought of what could happen sends a chill down my spine.
    - JM

  • 4/23 10:51pm   Hi! I am searching for an assisted living facility for my mother. She has dementia so will need one with a memory care unit. She has additional physical illnesses that may require her to move to a nursing home at some point in the (near) future, so I need to investigate these as well. I am learning that this is a very costly and challenging process. Does anyone know of any advocacy group out there that can help me navigate through the maze of insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. questions? Thanks!
    - SB

  • 4/23 6:08pm   DV, I live in an older subdivision. Not only can I name each neighbor on my entire street, I can name almost every neighbor in our whole development! There have to be at least 40 homes. We have annual summer BBQ's as well as holiday parties such as Halloween or Christmas where we all chip in and get together. Sometimes with kids, sometimes without. When someone has a new baby we take turns making meals for them, we have a playgroup and different events for the kids... That's what kind of place Norfolk really is. I wouldn't trade it. A home just sold here and I am sure that they will be welcomed with cookies etc.
    - MW

  • 4/23 1:54pm   To WS: I believe you are referring to channel 12, which is a channel shared between Wrentham and Norfolk, and on which programming originates out of Wrentham's studio. They have had some technical issues recently they are working through. In Norfolk, Channels 8 and 22 have been running without any problems. As always, the studio, and our equipment, are available for the public to produce content for NCTV. To learn more, call our station manager, Brian Alves, at 508-520-2780.
    - Paul C. Altmeyer/NCTV

  • 4/23 1:18pm   LLB - we love Hinckley Swim Pond in Medfield, but it is definitely for smaller children. I think anyone over 8 would get antsy there. I'll be interested to hear recommendations for older children.
    - KID

  • 4/23 10:53am   DV: Positively! We live in a tight-knit neighborhood, college kids to toddlers, retirees to young families. We eat from each other's gardens, we borrow from each other's sheds, and everybody knows your name!
    - AL

  • 4/23 10:52am   Does anyone know of any local pools, ponds, or lakes that my kids can swim in this summer? My older daughter's been hounding me with all this great weather on where she can swim. We do not belong to any of the local clubs (BSC, Adirondack, or YMCA). Thanks!
    - LLB

  • 4/23 10:48am   SH: I second the recommendation for Dessert Works in Norwood. I have ordered several cakes from them and have never been disappointed. They are beautiful to look at and delicious too!
    - MP

  • 4/23 12:08pm   DV--the answer is yes. I live in a very active neighborhood.
    - BS

  • 4/23 12:07pm   DV--in the most recent budget report from Dr. Robbat at KP, you can find the number of HS and MS students, 1252 and 838 respectively. Here is the link to the district website with lots of information [KP budget page]. I've seen the town breakdowns but I didn't see them in these presentations. You could contact Paul Schaeffer the business manager for the district. He works with Dr. Robbat. This grass roots support is great!! We are going to need it in order to get organized for the coming year.
    - BS

  • 4/22 9:55pm   SH: Guarino's Pastry Shop, 865 Washington St, Norwood, (781)-769-4198, www.guarinopastryshop.com: Cakes for all occasions, and just about any type of Italian and American pastry that you can imagine.
    - CR

  • 4/22 9:54pm   I would like very much to know the numbers at KP Middle and High... how many kids are there from each town, what are the breakdowns? Where can I get this info?
    - DV

  • 4/22 9:53pm   One more poll... Who knows their neighbors? Can you name everyone in the family, of each house, for all five houses down to the left? Yes or no?
    - DV

  • 4/22 9:15pm   DV - The best thing you can do for KP right now is to call our three selectmen in Norfolk and tell them what you think. The three selectmen are listed on the Norfolk Municipal website [virtualnorfolk.org]. Or you can call them at town hall or even at home. I sent them all personal letters at their homes and have spoken to them in person. However, if more people do not contact them, they will assume that people are okay with the planned cuts to KP.
    The other major hurdle for KP this year is Wrentham. The Wrentham Selectmen have stated that they will not fund KP above a very low pecentage. This is well below a level services budget for KP. If you know anyone in Wrentham, please tell them of the looming cuts and ask them to contact their selectmen immediately and tell them to allocate more of their budget to KP. I have been told that Wrentham is in the best shape fiscally this year but are not giving any priority to funding KP. (Plainville is going with the lowest number for KP because they are in the worst financial shape.) It is grim and will likely get grimmer if the selectmen and residents of all three towns do not see the value of adequately funding our middle and high schools.
    - MD

  • 4/22 9:13pm   SR - A Norfolk Progressive Taxpayers Assoc. with the mission you described sounds very worthwhile. Anybody who is interested should email to box111@norfolknet.com. Maybe we can get a meeting together for all those interested in the next few weeks or so. As I said, a few of us have been working very hard to understand the KP issues but were blindsided by the lack of support for KP from Plainville and Wrentham and the fiscal problems of all three towns. All the data indicate that KP is already operating with the lowest per pupil budget (by far) than every other regional secondary school in Massachusetts. It is absurd if anyone thinks that KP can be a good (or even adequate) school system on even less money. There are many factors and complexities at play here. There are other essential town services that are at risk too that people may wish to discuss. Thanks to all who want to work together to maintain a good community.
    - MD

  • 4/22 8:17pm   SH - I went to a bridal shower last weekend and the cake was from "Rise Bakery" in Ashland -- It was incredible and almost too pretty to eat! I doubt very much that it is "reasonably priced", but if you feel like a splurge...
    - NS

  • 4/22 8:15pm   This has nothing to do with the state of our schools... Does anyone know any Norfolk families that home school their children? I have some questions and would like to get in touch with anyone who does this. If there is anyone out there maybe they can contact me through the Wm?
    - MW

    ["... Nothing to do with the state of our schools" - you would have us believe it's just a crazy coincidence? :-) - Wm.]

  • 4/22 8:14pm   SH: Dessert Works on Rt. 1 in Norwood really does a very nice cake. I have used them for many special occasions. My favorite though, by far, is Icing on the Cake in Newton. But you said local, so I am sure you don't want to drive there!! (Although I highly recommend it!!). Also, the cakes at Whole Food are pretty good as well.
    - JBN

  • 4/22 7:04pm   Does anyone know of a good local bakery? I need to order a birthday cake and don't want to get it from a local grocery store.
    Thanks in advance,
    - SH

  • 4/22 7:03pm   WEW - in order to reduce the amount of money spent on educating students with specific needs out of district, the plan is to bring them back into the district and educate them here. This means that teachers and aides for them need to be hired in accordance with the guidelines set up by the state for their individual needs. In addition, space that was once allocated for general classroom use needs to be re-assigned to the special programs coming in.
    - LMM

  • 4/22 7:00pm   WEW--Good question. The rationale for bringing more special ed teachers in is so that we pay less for special ed. We spend to save. For instance, if there is a child who can't currently be serviced by the school system due to special needs, they are sent out of district. The district then has to pay not only the tuition for that child to be placed in another district but also for transportation, which has turned out to be an outrageous expense. Last year, the special ed director brought many students back into the district and saved $1.5M. These students are being taught by special ed teachers at the HS or MS. Out of district costs can be hefty and way more than the per pupil expenditure of $8700 for regular education. Transportation can be $30 K per child, however, costs have been coming down as districts have been creating van pools, but it's still not cheap. Hope this answers your question.
    DV--Please contact the box number the Wm set up to see how you can help. [box111@norfolknet.com]
    - BS

  • 4/22 6:59pm   I am looking to see if anyone knows someone who could move an 8' x 10' shed from one end of the property to the other.
    - TA

  • 4/22 6:58pm   Southern Rail, a bluegrass group that has been performing bluegrass and gospel music for nearly 30 years will be featured this Sunday @ 10:00 at the Federated Church. This high energy, exuberant group of four musicians will be performing 12 songs, which will be woven into the church service. Southern Rail has produced 8 successful recordings and has toured coast to coast. Their CD "Glory Train" was nominated for Best Gospel Recording of the Year by the International Bluegrass Music Association. Please join us, All are Welcome !
    - KR, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 4/22 6:57pm   TG - Our Animal Control Officer has traps, but I think that moving wildlife is prohibited. ACO Hilary Cohen will be able to advise you.
    - LAW

  • 4/22 6:56pm   To: TG about your Woodchuck problem. Try this link for a PAC agent: [NE Mass PAC agents]
    These agents may harass, take, and destroy, or may release or liberate on site as stipulated in 321 CMR 2.14 (23) non-domesticated reptiles, birds, and mammals the actions of which have or are endangering the life and health of humans or domestic animals; damaging the property of a person, obstructing the reasonable and comfortable use of property by the owner or tenant thereof or otherwise producing such material annoyance, inconvenience, and discomfort that can reasonably be presumed to result in damage or hurt to persons or their property. The mere presence of wildlife does not constitute damage or injury.
    PAC agents are authorized only in the handling of skunk, muskrat, raccoon, weasel, red fox, gray fox, porcupine, Norway rat, mice, voles, red, gray and flying squirrel, opossum, chipmunk, rabbit, woodchuck, snapping turtle, moles, pigeon, house sparrow, starling and certain species of bats.
    [mass.gov PAC agents]
    - PMP

  • 4/22 6:55pm   To MD. Might I suggest - a Norfolk Progressive Taxpayers Association? The mission of the NPTA would be to preserve essential town services, promote primary and secondary education and protect a way of life here in Norfolk that I fear will disappear under the fear of "affordability." Norfolk needs an enlightened, positively engaged approach to budgeting issues and taxation.
    Can we all write to box111@norfolknet.com ?
    - SR

  • 4/22 4:18pm   Since posters on this site are doing a solid job of answering questions regarding KP's budget woes, I was hoping people could provide another answer for me. Am I under the correct impression that despite the prospect of losing many teachers to the point of lowering credit requirements, there is a plan to add several (the number seven sticks in my head) special education teachers? If this is so, what is the justification? Any information would be appreciated.
    - WEW

  • 4/22 4:17pm   I learned something new about the town center this weekend - from a personal campaign stop by from Mr Garrity. He was canvasing the neighborhood.
    The property we (I) would like to see as town common is not the Stop and Shop land, but a owned by a different group. I am going to call the number for Atlantic Realty and see what that parcel is going for. Who knows - among other signs around town - you may all start seeing a thermometer for "Create the Common." I will keep you posted. I figure if they can raise 1 million for artificial turf at the high school, we can do something for a common. Raising money this way allows those that want to spend money on a common to be able to and others won't feel the pressure of higher taxes; those who want open space can feel good about it, and still others can choose to donate to school programs - there is just so many items this subject addresses! ;-)
    By the way - I am not being insensitive to those wanting to discuss the state of spending more on education. I have plenty of opinions on that. I am just looking to keep variety on the blog. (I will post my school budget opinions in a different email.)
    Anyone with suggestions or more info for me - let me know.
    - KDL

  • 4/22 4:16pm   We would like to have a garden this year but we have a woodchuck or woodchucks. Does anybody have a have-a-heart trap, that we could borrow?
    - TG

  • 4/22 4:15pm   BP, welcome to Norfolk! As you have probably been reading, this is a very sore subject in town. We all thought that S&S was "coming soon." It seems that the company has been stalling us and last I heard, their spokesperson let the town know that there were no plans to build int the immediate future... or at least "in the next five years." Seems that they are land banking, much the same as they did in Wellesley (the old Grossman's property)... Of course, in any town there will be those "for" and those "against". I think right now it's anyone's guess what will happen to that property. We have much more here than a less-than-lively town center... I hope that you will enjoy living here.
    P.S.: thank you for asking nicely.
    - MW

  • 4/22 4:14pm   MD, what can I do to help? Just give me a task and I will do it. I am outraged. I will have 4 kids going there but not if things work out they way they are going. I never saw the old building but what good are beautiful buildings if there is no teaching going on. I am afraid the same thing will happen to Freeman if we build a new school.
    - DV

  • 4/22 4:11pm   PHT, re those 31 acres of hillside not being worth $1 million - are you including the value of the dirt itself? A sizable hill like that may yield a half million just in sand, gravel, topsoil and clean fill that can be hauled away and sold. All that's needed is a mining permit like for town center (or for the senior center), and you're golden! (Whatever happened to the proposed article that would have required all soil removed in the course of construction to remain on the lot, or at least in town?)
    That's on top of each of what, 20 house lots? 25? being worth over $50,000 in profit apiece, just for the land - there's another million. And then there's the profit on the buildings themselves (I don't have current figures, but the last time I looked into building costs, a semi-custom house could be ordered for $135,000 and sold for $200,000 - a profit of 1/3 the selling price. On 20 $600,000 houses, that's 1/3 of 12 million.)
    Sure, a developer might like to haggle, but there's plenty of money in 30 buildable acres with a large hill on them.
    Land is cheap in this town, but it won't be so in twenty years. It only makes sense for taxpayers to buy it while it's affordable. The woods and open space -- they don't make those any more. Once they're gone, there's no way we'll get enough money together to replace them.
    Or if you're thinking is that we as taxpayers don't need the open space, suggest that the town auction off the Pond St rec fields to a builder - we could make a quick million right there to help out town finances!
    - AR

  • 4/22 2:25pm   I'm new to Norfolk, 1 week, and I was wondering if somebody could tell me the story of S&S (in a nice way). I've been seeing the "Coming Soon" sign for about a year now. I haven't been able to research anything on it.
    - BP

  • 4/22 12:55pm   If anyone is doing any spring cleaning and getting rid of tennis rackets, I'd be interested in buying them. Would like to see if my kids pick up any interest by volleying around down at Pond Street. I don't see them developing into Andre Agassi any time soon, so I can't justify spending the money on new rackets.
    - AL

  • 4/22 12:42pm   Has anyone noticed that the local cable channel never comes in unless there is a town meeting? When you go to the channel, it flickers between whatever is supposed to be showing and a wrestling match. Maybe someone could correct this ...
    - WS

  • 4/22 12:18pm   We received an e-mail from someone who just did a spring cleaning of the girls' closets. If anyone is in need of girls' clothing ranging from age 10-14, like new, some with tags still on, e-mail me at box112@norfolknet.com and I'll put you in touch.
    - Wm.

  • 4/22 12:16pm   SR - What posts are you reading? The majority of the posts I've read think the teachers unions are pushing our town into the red every year and that they need reining in. And then you have superintendents and their staff enjoying raises that are not appropriate for the times.
    You may be surprised to know that I would embrace an override for the schools - if something tangible and progressive were to be done with the funds, because I also believe in a strong education system - we just need to get one. Instead we have the current administration [...] who cries the "sky is falling" while she packs her bags, while union stewards suggest raising money from bussing students.
    As far as I can see the only thing damaging our children's education is the submissive attitude some of us take when questioning our leaders. You can stick your head in the sand while Chicken Little cries - me, I'll point out the facts.
    The current administration and board bends to the teachers union, and the Town can not afford this anymore.
    - MON

  • 4/22 11:58am   DV - Unfortunately the KP Schools are on the verge of being decimated. Many teachers will be cut as well as double studies at the middle school, fewer electives at the high schools and much larger classes at the high school. What many people do not understand is that KP is a separate regional school system for Norfolk, Wrentham and Plainville with its own school committee members and Superintendent (Dr. Robbat). This is a completely separate system from the Norfolk elementary schools. It is funded completely separately from the elementary schools. But hardly anyone seems to care that KP will be less than level funded for next year - definitely! It will not benefit from any override in Norfolk because Wrentham and Plainville selectmen refuse to give KP any money this year. Parents should be outraged!!
    But instead, KP is suffering from parental and Selectmen indifference. (Norfolk Selectmen do want to fund KP at a slightly higher percentage than Wrentham and Plainville, but the lower number will prevail if two out of three towns agree to a lower number. But no matter, it will be much less than KP needs.) If you think this coming year's budget is bad, wait until the following year when KP will have no extra money to use out of its emergency fund. People should be calling everyone they know in Norfolk, Wrentham and Plainville and telling them to wake up and smell the coffee. Call their Selectmen and complain about it. We have some concerned parents who are trying to work on this issue together. If anyone wants to help KP with us, please email [Use box111@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - MD

  • 4/22 11:56am   LS, before making such comments, walk the property; it's not just a cliff. The cliff is actually a small part of it. Like I said, go to the end of Eagle Drive or the end of Cranberry Meadow Rd. and walk the property, it's very walk-able and beautiful. Most people moved to Norfolk for a reason and voted for the CPA funds for this type of purpose. The CPA fee, or tax we will call it, is a great concept if it is used the way it is supposed to. The town will collect this for years to come. I agree with affordable housing and development it's my business however it seems to me that town officials are so fixated on affordable housing they are losing sight on why most of them moved here. Eagle Brook is a wildlife corridor with endangered species It runs from Lake Pearl to Bush Pond/ Mill River to the Charles river. It should be protected.
    PHT, what better use of CPA funds do you suggest?
    - DA

  • 4/21 10:10pm   I do not pretend to know a lot about all of this, but I did watch the cable show on the budget for the school, and if I am not wrong they said with the current plan the kids would not be getting the Massachusetts required learning time at the high school next year, and they are lowering the credit requirements because of lack of classes. If this is true... Norfolk has no high school! period, and the town will be paying for my kids' out-of-town high school which can meet their needs, guaranteed. I will be calling our lawyer in the morning!
    Override or not this is [bollocks!] Please, someone tell me I misunderstood!!
    - DV

  • 4/21 10:08pm   PHT, why so negative? The view and the wildlife is great. If you don't know how to get there go to the end of Eagle Drive or the dead end off Cranberry Meadow Rd., these are two right-of-ways that end at the property, and take a stroll. Then you might want to pay half.
    - DA

  • 4/21 10:05pm   Hi EC, I agree with you, if another over ride passes that will hurt me so much, self employed at this time, and with oil, heating fuel and gas prices going so high are hurting this economy so much and very little work out there for me. I am trying to sell my house to get out of the wasteful spending in this town, but to no avail; no buyers interested at all so far. I am praying to get an offer and move on. So far within the past year the town has gone up on this house a whopping 1475.00; now I Pay 5,300.00 per year for a little contemporary cape house, and yet the town wants more from us as always, going back to the well; soon our bond rating will be in jeopardy.
    - RS

  • 4/21 10:03pm   Just wondering if Norfolk DPW is going to perform any street sweeping this spring. Seems like all other towns are currently doing their streets.
    - PMP

    [I have already seen the street sweeper about town - Wm.]

  • 4/21 10:02pm   DA - No matter how you slice it is still a waste of money. Why do we want this land that has basically a cliff and would need some serious money to make that part even walkable. The article mentioned recreation fields; they are dreaming. I would venture to guess that the owner would be lucky to sell the land and if so at a fraction of the 1.1 million he told the town he wants. I take that back, he would not be able to sell it. Has any developer even approached the owner... Oh, let's get the town to buy it. The CPA Fund in these trying times ought to be put on hold. I vote to put my CPA tax to the schools for the next 5 years and put the CPA on hold or rescind the whole thing. There you go, I just avoided an override for the next 5 years.
    PHT - What programs would the other half be used for? The CPA has done exactly what with our funds? I recall painting a private church and giving 300K large to a private property owner (which still has not used the money 3 years out). What else?
    - LS

  • 4/21 7:28pm   I would agree with some of the other posts that we need to take a hard look at the administrative structure of our elementary school system. If we eliminated the superintendent's position alone, it would contribute to bridge the alleged funding gap. The benefits package that our town employees get is significantly better than current norms in the private sector. Salaries in the private sector have largely gone down and insurance costs and co-pays are being passed on to employees. It's a fact of life in this global economy. We can't take pay and benefits cuts and tax increases at the same time. The proposed budget for Norfolk already had increases built in. Do we really need a tax override this year? Times are tough, and refusing to acknowledge the economic conditions in this country is akin to "lettin' 'em eat cake".
    - EC

  • 4/21 6:43pm   Reponse to KS: I would suggest Handyman Carpentry of Norfolk. Scott and his crew do great work, are from Norfolk, and nice people as well. He is fully licensed and insured.
    Good luck with your project.
    - SM (SM(2))

  • 4/21 5:43pm   Wm, Thanks for your clarification. I know exactly what DA was referring to and why it was presented in that manner. The fact is that if the town passes on this property, that other half, as it is being billed, can be used for other programs that make more sense and of course only cost the town half... :-)
    - PHT

  • 4/21 4:19pm   TM: I recommend Walpole Pediatrics. My children are now 16 and 10 and beyond having many emergency visits, but I do remember the frequent trips for ear infections, etc. when they were younger. Also, they have enough doctors to make sure someone is always available if your primary doctor is away. Our doctor is Peter Cohn. Another reassuring thing is that he told me he'll keep my oldest as a patient while he's still in college, if he wants to stay. I like having that option. They are located at: 1350 Main Street, Walpole, Ma. (508)-668-2200. Good luck!
    - CR

  • 4/21 4:14pm   DA, Unfortunately, you are only half right! The cost of the property would be 1.1 million dollars, not half of that. Yes the state has contributed 100% of our monies in the years past so this is a good thing, but that does not equate to cutting the cost of the property by half. Let's see what the appraisal comes in at. I don't believe that the CPA can move forward with the purchase price if the appraisal comes in at a lower cost and then of course it would be a moot issue.
    - PHT

    [I believe DA meant that the cost to the town of Norfolk would be half of the 1.1 million, since the state is providing matching funds. - Wm.]

  • 4/21 3:30pm   Response to TM: Regarding your inquiry on pediatricians and day care centers, I would recommend Mansfield/Westwood Associates (in particular we love Dr. Hyde out of the Mansfield office) and Bright Start Child Care on South Street in Foxboro. My two children (ages 2 and 6 months) are in very caring hands in both places. Please contact the webmaster for my direct contact information if you have any further questions.
    - JP

  • 4/21 1:40pm   We have some light exterior carpentry work - replacing some rotted boards and trim - that needs to be done. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks,
    - KS

  • 4/21 1:38pm   After running several mid-size corporations in my executive career, I can tell you factually that employees that "forgo" raises in "bad" years carry a very strong expectation that they will be amply rewarded in the coming "good years".
    I'm sure that all of you out there that concur with the webmaster's proposals will agree. You expect that a lack of a pay raise one year will be made up in another. You are not really "forgoing," you are "postponing". What will your attitude be when the expected payraise does not occur next year or the year after? The answer is rapidly dropping productivity, clock watching, zero morale and general disgruntlement.
    Our town's issue and your employers issue is simply this - skyrocketing healthcare costs. Not "skyrocketing" 2% raises on $40,000 a year teacher salaries ($800). In 1994, a Blue Cross/Blue Shield family Plan cost us as a company $456.00 per year. The same plan today with significantly less coverage and dramatically increased co-payments costs: $1,465.00.
    This and the legacy costs of healthcare are what is undermining the children in the community. So everyone needs to stop picking pepper out of the salt.
    Just take a look at the line item for these expenses and direct your angst, anger, motivation to change to this one line item and go to work on that.
    Not the person who is going to teach/instruct/inspire my children 6.5 hours a day.
    - SR

  • 4/21 1:36pm   LAW: I'm with you all the way.
    - WC

  • 4/21 1:34pm   The 1.1 million comes from CPA money which the town taxpayers contribute to open space/affordable housing/historic. It's matched by the state, so the property is only half of that [cost]. This fund is set up so pieces of land can be purchased for the purpose of the above and it should be purchased. Town doesn't have much land and this is a good piece to purchase.
    - DA

  • 4/21 1:34pm   Re: Many of the costs are related to health care costs and overall benefits. Are you suggesting that teachers pick up this increase themselves effectively cutting their compensation?
    Umm, as a private sector employee, I know that I recently had to pick up a larger percentage of my benefit costs. I also know that I have no guarantee of a raise, or a job for that matter. Fortunately, raises in my company are merit-based. But if I let my own budget get out of whack, I can't go to my employer and demand more money. Well, ok, maybe I can demand it, but as far as them granting it? Yeah, that would work...
    Seems to me there would be a good chunk of money in the budget if we eliminate that Superintendent's position and supporting staff positions entirely. No one yet has made a convincing argument as to why they exist at all.
    For full disclosure, I do have children in the elementary school system here in Norfolk, so I am clearly vested in ensuring the best education possible for my kids. However, eliminate the waste and get the budget in order before you put your hand in my wallet again.
    - BA

  • 4/21 1:33pm   To NS (4/19) regarding carpet binding: I used Countryside Floors (formerly in Wrenthm, now in Bellingham) several years ago and they did a nice job o f binding an area rug that I had purchased elsewhere. Good luck!
    - JK

  • 4/21 1:31pm   My husband and I are having a baby in August and we are looking for some recommendations for local pediatricians and local day cares. Are there pediatricians in the Norfolk [area]? If anyone knows of any, could you give me their names & contact info? Thanks!
    - TM

  • 4/21 1:07am   Did anyone else happen to notice in the Boomerang that to the immediate left of the article detailing the projected $854,000 override proposal is an article about the town spending $1.1 million on a parcel of land? Does anyone else see a problem here?
    - SF

  • 4/21 1:04am   MW; CR - I, too, work for another municipality, and no union to go to bat for us. We won't even be getting a cost of living raise this year. Yet, I'm thankful that I have a job.
    I stated ages ago that there is too much fat in our school system, and that elementary grades don't need all those upper level management positions. Teaching doesn't have to be compromised.
    - LAW

  • 4/20 6:39pm   Wm: What a very good suggestion, but it makes so much sense it probably won't even be considered. Anyone who has worked in the private sector has probably had to forgo raises for at least a year, and increases are not "guaranteed." Plus, more is expected for many employees than ever, with no additional compensation. Things are pretty tight right now for many, but it's better to have a job than not.
    I encourage everyone to take a look at page 3 of this week's Boomerang where it details some elements of the teacher's contract, and talks about that proposed new three-year contract. How are we going to afford a 9.6 percent increase, or $754,000 more, for the teachers for just the next school year? Step, lane-change, and cost-of-living increases, and longevity bonuses - how can we afford all of it?
    - CR

  • 4/20 2:08pm   A reminder, if you joined the Friends of the Norfolk Library during our recent membership drive, remember to fill out the Reading Raffle Coupons that you received in your membership packet, and deposit them in the box in the library near the Friends tote bag filled with the Reading Raffle prizes.
    The winner will be drawn at the Friday Night Friends-Only Preview and Book Sale next Friday, April 25th. You need not be present to win, but you do need to deposit your coupons in the box at the library to be eligible.
    Prizes in the tote bag include a Friends of the Library full-color afghan, an assortment of teas and coffees accompanied by a mug, biscotti, and tea cookies, a bookmark, a reading light, and most importantly a gift certificate for $125.00 worth of books. The gift certificate is actually worth even more, because you may order the books you'd like, in any genre, through the library. This will allow you to benefit from the library discount on book purchases, and so the gift certificate is really worth about $175.00. All this in addition to the Friends of the Library tote bag to carry it all in.
    The box will be at the library until it closes at 4 pm on this Friday, April 25th.
    Also be sure to come to shop at our Annual Book and Bake Sale on Saturday, April 26 from 9-4, or at the Friday Night Friends-Only Preview and Book Sale from 6-9 on April 25. A 2008 Friends membership is required for admission on Friday night; if you haven't already joined, memberships will be available at the door beginning at 5:00 pm.
    - MG, Friends of the Norfolk Library

  • 4/20 9:59am   LD, Yes, I guess I am suggesting that teachers pick up the cost of health care etc themselves. My husband is a municipal employee in another neighboring town. When the police force negotiated a raise and higher health care percentage for themselves, the regular town employees had to pick up the slack and not only had a freeze in raises, but also had to pay a greater percentage of health care benefits. And we don't even have dental insurance at all. This was several years ago; his town is now trying to decrease even more benefits. This was equivalent to a pay cut for our family... But a pay cut is better than a job loss. BTW, my husband is a hard working Joe, not a highly paid official. The town he works for has plenty of money. Much more so than Norfolk. It happens to be a town that many on this board aspire to be like, as it has been mentioned many times in this forum as a role model for us.
    - MW

  • 4/20 9:57am   I am providing a live feed of norfolk county police and fire on teamspeak. It is free to download teamspeak there are also other feeds from Massachusetts that you can listen too. This is a live feed so you never know what you will hear. The link to set this up is radartony.com. If you ever see an accident or a fire you will probably hear it. Have fun monitoring!! Any questions E-Mail me at ScanNorfolk@gmail.com
    - JE

  • 4/19 11:29pm   To those asking why teachers would not accept a freeze. A couple of points:
    1. Many of the costs are related to health care costs and overall benefits. Are you suggesting that teachers pick up this increase themselves effectively cutting their compensation?
    2. Teachers Union. Unions traditionally will force a layoff rather than accept a cut or freeze. The reason for this is that it will prove that the employer (in this case the municpality) needs to make the move since it hurts them as well. Otherwise, you have to trust the employer that the pay cut is necessary since it results in a pure benefit to the employer at the expense of the employee. This is a base tenet of union organizing. I'm not making a judgement about it but a union will never accept cuts unless there is absolutely clear evidence that it's necessary.
    I do have one question for some folks on here. For purposes of the question, assuming that an override will result in cuts of services (art, Spanish, and in many towns sports at the high school level), do you prefer that the taxes stay constant and accept these losses in the name of "belt tightening"? Again, beyond the questioning of who spends the money, etc., I just want to understand the priorities of others. As I've mentioned before, be careful what you wish for, given the relative affluence of our town, if school quality diminishes many will flee to private schools and when things get "better" that support is already lost.
    - LD

  • 4/19 7:45pm   Wm, my sentiments exactly on your comment regarding teachers' raises. My husband works for a neighboring town and there are freezes on employee pay raises everywhere. Why can't the same be said for the teachers? Are they not town employees? You would think that fewer teachers in the system would create a bigger workload for them and possibly make their job harder and themselves less effective as educators.
    - MW

  • 4/19 7:43pm   Free household items: high chair, baby backpack, lamps, mirrors, fax machine, stuffed animals, frames, pictures of all sorts, mixing bowls. The faster you can pick them up the better! Contact me @ jenlafond@hotmail.com
    - JL

  • 4/19 3:42pm   To KRL re: Ants, ants, ants!! I have been using Mikes Downes (aka Downes Pest Solutions/formerly Regional Pest Control) for the past few years. He and his staff are very profesional and thorough. downespest.com
    - JR

  • 4/19 3:41pm   Local Support Group Forming for Parents of Children with Disabilities: A support group for parents of children with disabilities is currently being formed. The group, tentatively named Parents Helping Parents, will hold its first meeting at the Norfolk Public Library (Community Room) on Monday, April 28, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. The general purpose of Parents Helping Parents is to provide an opportunity for parents of developmentally-challenged children to network regarding educational and developmental concerns in an informal atmosphere.
    All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to ensure that adequate seating will be available. You may RSVP via email to rcz1106@aol.com or by telephone to (781) 223-7746.
    - RZ, Parents Helping Parents

  • 4/19 3:34pm   I posted about a month ago and I'm still searching for a rug binding/cutting service in the area... I have a wool rug that I love, but is too large for our room, so we would like to have it cut down and bound. I did contact some carpet distributors in the area, but they would only provide this service if we had purchased the rug from them. Any ideas?
    - NS

  • 4/19 3:30pm   Once again, MON [has] climbed onto their soapbox to tear away at the Norfolk School system and damage our children's educations by misrepresenting facts and characterizing dedicated town employees of being under the mysterious control of the dark side - the always dreaded "teachers union" (cue the Darth Vader music).
    In fact MON, it's quite a simple thing to afford a child's education.
    I, along with the majority of Norfolk citizens, will quite easily accept the responsibility of paying higher taxes in exchange for not being the first generation of Americans that left their children with less opportunity than the one that came before it.
    Those that support MON's positions [...] support a retrograde view of our community.
    I along with the most of you on this web page support strong schools, active, responsible town government and the opportunity for all Norfolk to be proud of our most singular achievement - the children we raise here and the lives they lead in the future beyond our little village.
    - SR

    [I'm curious why the schools can't forego raises in a tight year instead of laying off teachers -- why not ask the staff to skip one round of raises to keep their co-workers on board? - Wm.]

  • 4/19 3:28pm   To KRL - We went through a couple of exterminators and it seemed to provide limited help. A friend of ours kept recommending this stuff called "Home Defense" (available at Home Depot) which I figured would be a waste of time. But as far as last year, problem solved. I am hopeful that we will be as lucky this year. It's about $12 - $15 and may be worth a try. Good luck.
    - RZ

  • 4/19 3:27pm   To WG: I am a CPA (and Norfolk resident) and would be happy to talk with you about your tax and business needs. Please contact me at zullocpa@aol.com. You may also want to check out my web site at zullocpa.com.
    - RZ

  • 4/19 3:23pm   Re: ants, ants, ants... Keady Pest Control out of Norwood is wonderful. It is a family run business with friendly help and they get the job done! Good luck,
    - bd

  • 4/19 10:24am   WG - we own our own business and use Anthony Martone in Walpole (West St) Most everyone we know with samll businesses uses him for taxes.
    - AD

  • 4/19 9:58am   Ants, ants, ants!! Can anyone recommend a reasonable exterminator? Thanks,
    - KRL

  • 4/19 9:57am   MON: Serious question, serious reply requested. You have made it clear as to what you think is a major (or maybe the only) contibutor of the financial problems in Town; so how would you correct it? We cannot turn back time, what is done is done. I'm interested in your thoughts going forward. Please no union bashing or this weird stuff about clowns.
    - AB

  • 4/19 9:56am   Reminder: The Friends of the Norfolk Library Book & Bake Sale is one week from today, 4/26, at the DPW Garage, 33 Medway Branch, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Friends ONLY Sale Friday, 4/25, 6-9 p.m.). Check out our web site for all the details: norfolkbooksale.com
    - JR, Friends of the Norfolk Library

  • 4/18 11:14pm   AC - Run through the TV audio menus once again. You want the audio input setting set to Digital, which will take the input over HDMI. If it's set to Analog, it may only take the audio signal over the red/white RCA cables.
    To the best of my knowledge, Comcast HD boxes only have DVI out, which as mentioned does not carry audio. I'm not familiar with any Comcast box with HDMI out, but I may be wrong.
    However, the Comcast boxes typically do support Optical/TOSLINK out. You can always try an optical cable if your TV has an optical input. (your TV audio menu may need to be set to Opt, if that's an option).
    Second the recommendation for monoprice.com
    - JH

  • 4/18 6:25pm   We were forwarded this email that was sent out by the school committee about the 2008 budget:
    April 17, 2008

    Dear Staff and Families,

    At a meeting of the Advisory Board on April 16, 2008, the School Committee was advised by the Board of Selectmen that they would fund Norfolk Public Schools at a mere 2.1% increase to our budget for FY 09. As discussed at our Budget Public Hearing on April 1, 2008, the following programs and teaching positions would be cut from our budget with only a 3% increase because we need 7.85% to maintain services. At 2.1%, the current School Committee sees the following cuts as necessary. However, the final decision will be made by the incoming School Committee following the election on May 6, 2008:

    Health Teacher
    2 Spanish Teachers
    4 Classroom Teachers
    2 Librarians
    1 Assistant Principal
    $20K District Offices
    $20K HOD Principal Offices
    $20K FC Principal Offices
    $28K Instructional Materials
    At the conclusion of the April 16th meeting there seemed to be some consensus among the Board of Selectmen to request an override to Proposition 2 1/2 from voters this May. The Board of Selectmen has not determined the amount of the override, and Norfolk Public Schools' allocation of the override remains unclear. The School Committee would settle for a 5% budget increase which would be dependent on a successful override. We look forward to being advised by the Board of Selectmen of their recommendation to the Town Meeting for funding Norfolk Public Schools.

    If an override is unsuccessful, the 2.1% increase would bring the average annual increase that Norfolk Public Schools will have received over the past three years to 1.64%, as the School Department Budget increased by 2.7% in FY 07, and 1.01% in FY 08. Key members of the Advisory Board supported the School Committee and expressed their deep concerns to the Board of Selectmen regarding the recent trend in the declining funding for your children's elementary school education.

    This average increase of only 1.64% is substantially lower than the average annual increase for elementary school districts in the state and significantly different from the levels at which other town departments have been funded in recent years. The chart below highlights the average annual percent change in various town budgets since FY 03, and this year's proposed funding levels does not change this bleak picture:

    Furthermore, due to the dire financial situation of the town, there will not be any capital expenditures this year with one exception. Unfortunately this means that the third year of our computer replacement plan will not be realized. In other words, we will not be receiving the 56 replacement computers that we require for our students.

    To have a vote on how your child's education is funded your attendance at Town Meeting is critical on May 13, 2008, at 7 pm at the King Philip Middle School. Let your voice be heard.

    School Building Project Feasibility Study
    The School Committee has submitted an article for the Spring Town Meeting on May 13, 2008, which asks for funds to begin the Feasibility Study for the school building project. The Massachusetts School Building Authority has recommended that we request $500K of which they will reimburse us at least $250K. In addition, the School Building Task Force is aggressively seeking grant funding and has recently submitted a grant request for $50K to the Mass Technology Collaborative. The Advisory Board has recommended that the funds be appropriated for this feasibility study through borrowing instead of a permanent override. The interest on this loan would not impact the FY 09 Budget. Numerous articles have been written by the School Building Task Force on the need for a new educational facility on the Freeman-Centennial site. Please check our website under School Building Project to access any of these articles you have missed.

    Superintendent Search
    The School Committee continues to search for a new Superintendent to continue to provide the important leadership and vision that our students and staff need to maintain our high level of achievement in the top 15% of students in the Commonwealth. Two focus groups have convened for the community to give input into this process. If you have missed these two opportunities but wish to have input into this process, please feel free to contact Roxanne Verdeaux at 508-528-1225 x1913. As well, there will be a community survey sent home and available on the web-site the first week of May, in an attempt to obtain feedback from the community-at-large on the qualities and characteristics they would like the next Superintendent to possess. The School Committee will also be forming, in the near future, a Screening Committee that will consist of community members, teachers, administrators and School Committee members. Further details on this opportunity will be forthcoming.

    School Committee Vacancy
    There is a vacancy on the School Committee for a one-year term. If you would like to apply please contact Marian Harrington at 508-528-1408. The deadline for applications is May 9th. Following this date, there will be a meeting scheduled with the School Committee and the Board of Selectman to interview and choose a candidate. We will inform you of the time and date of this meeting as soon as it is scheduled.

    The next School Committee Public Meeting will be held on April 29th at 7:00 pm in the McBride Auditorium at the Freeman-Centennial School. The School Committee will be discussing the FY 09 Budget; please attend this important meeting for further details. Babysitting services will be provided at his meeting and at the important Town Meeting on May 13th by our School Aged Child Care Staff at a fee of $3 per child.

    We thank you for your continued support of Norfolk Public Schools and hope you enjoy the upcoming vacation week.

    Regards to you,

    Kim Williams
    Chair Norfolk School Committee

    Chris Augusta Scott

    To see how this compares against the overall 2008 town budget, the numbers were posted on 30/20 11:41am, and I tabulated the amounts sorted by cost on [this page.] What's the difference between the "Education Total" vs. "Education Operating" lines? The two are slightly different in amounts (14.9 vs. 15.6 million), and quite different in % change (2x).
    - Wm.

  • 4/18 6:15pm   My son lost a blue LL Bean fleece jacket at the Freeman School on Tuesday, April 15th. He is in the fifth grade. We have checked the Lost & Found and can't find it anywhere. If anybody has found it or accidentally brought it home, please contact me. 508-541-6360 Thank you.
    - SD

  • 4/18 6:04pm   Do people actually realize that if we do not pass an override then our schools will suffer? In the end, our property values will suffer. Many people say that they will not vote for an override. These people are the same ones who complain that classes, teachers etc. are being cut. If they do not have the money then programs will be cut. If this town does not care enough about the education then the school systems will suffer and we can only blame ourselves.
    - DWL

  • 4/18 5:58pm   To CS, JH, RH and DL, thanks so much for your suggestions re: my Samsung/Comcast issue. I do want to make clear that at no time did Comcast tell me that I had to buy cables from them. I know we have all had issues with Comcast, but I don't want to paint them black unfairly.
    Re: the settings and possibly doing something to them without realizing it - that's what I was accusing my husband of doing! But since we went through all the menus on both the cable box and the TV with no success (both with phone support and in-home techs) I don't think that's it. I guess that I am most flummoxed by the fact that it was working OK for 10 days before the sound cut out. And if DVI is for video only, why does the fact that it it plugged into the audio input on the back of TV seem to make the diff. between sound and no sound? To say that I am confused is putting it mildly. It is working right now as hooked up, so I am inclined to just leave it.
    My concern was that the way it was hooked up led to a "less than HD" picture that I am paying extra for every month. In any case, short of having a tech wizard out to the house to see what he can do (anyone know one!) I guess I am stuck, tho I may try some of the cable suggestions made by RH and DL. Thanks again.
    - AC

  • 4/18 5:57pm   Does anyone with a small business recommend a local tax accountant familiar with MA tax laws for small businesses? Thanks!
    - WG

  • 4/18 5:55pm   MON: How did you know Boston cream was my favorite?
    The arrival of a good clown exercises a more beneficial influence upon the health of a town than the arrival of twenty asses laden with drugs.
    - Thomas Sydenham

    ``The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.''
    - William Shakespeare

    "Every human being is a clown but only few have the courage to show it."
    - Charlie Rivel

    - JBN

  • 4/18 5:54pm   JM, Here's a major force of reality - Teachers getting 6-10% pay raises each year will bankrupt the town, as it has this tax increase season.
    - MON

  • 4/18 1:42pm   Hi AC: RH is correct, HDMI cables can carry both audio and video though DVI only carries video. There are various revisions of HDMI, from 1.0 to the currently supported 1.3. Anyone claiming compliance with HDMI must be certified by the HDMI organization (see www.hdmi.org). This certification helps to insure (though it's not foolproof) that one HDMI component works with another HDMI component. Cables are also certified, so don't buy into anything from Comcast stating that you need their special cables. You don't. Any HDMI certified cable will work. (There are transmission loss and signal reflection issues with HDMI cables greater than about 50 feet, but unless you are running cables greater than 50 feet, you don't have to worry.) Also, don't get sucked into super high-end, pricey snake oil cables, they won't make any difference. HDMI signals are digital not analog, so the signal either gets there or it doesn't. Assuming we're not talking really long runs of cable, say greater than 25 feet or longer runs that require repeaters or amplifiers, there is no difference in a digital "1" or "0" that was delivered by an expensive HDMI certified cable versus a digital "1" or "0" that was delivered by an inexpensive HDMI certified cable. With an expensive cable, you will not see or hear any difference, however you will help Noel Lee's (the head of Monster Cable) bank account.
    Most likely, the issue your seeing with no audio present when you're running an HDMI cable is that either the TV or the cable box is not configured properly to transmit or receive audio. Check the menu settings of the Comcast box to insure that audio is being sent out via HDMI. There may be a setting on your TV to select where to receive audio. If there is a setting for this, be sure and select HDMI. Note that at one point Comcast was only offering HDMI on their HD recorder boxes, not their standard HD boxes. Only DVI was available on those non-recorder boxes. What Comcast will typically do if you have a DVI cable box and a TV with HDMI is they will give you a cable with a DVI connector on one end and an HDMI connector on the other. As DVI doesn't support audio, your TV won't receive any audio via that cable and in addition to that hybrid DVI/HDMI cable, you'll need to run the standard analog RCA cables from the cable box to the TV to carry the audio signal. You may want to take a look at the cable between your cable box and TV and be sure it has HDMI connectors on each end.
    For extraordinary good deals on cables, check out monoprice.com I've used them for years for great quality cables/connectors etc. at substantially discounted prices.
    - DL

  • 4/18 1:39pm   MON - With multiple kids going through the school system, I am very much involved and have my 'emotions' at bay. I assume since you're so concerned about the teachers, that you too have kids in Norfolk schools. What do you believe to be the "forces of reality" you mention?
    I agree that many of the newer teachers are great, but so are most of the older ones. A teacher's ability isn't an age issue and we shouldn't be looking to remove older, qualified teachers because they cost more. Even those newer teachers will want to be paid more each year - who doesn't? And aren't the new teachers part of the Union too?
    But Seniority has it's place in every work environment and newer employees are generally the first ones to be let go. Your issue should not be age of the teacher but performance and qualifications. If the Teacher's Union is protecting individuals who are providing a sub-standard quality of education, then I too would have an issue. But I doubt this is the case. I'm mostly concerned at what the Board of Selectmen is suggesting as an increase to the school budget - 2.1% for FY09 - that's absurd for a growing community. Read through the School Budget Information posting (can be found on the school website) that was e-blasted out today. It's not just teacher resources that are affected, but a majority of services as well. Can anyone out there tell me what's covered under the "General Gov't" section of that posting and why they've gotten an average of 9% increases over the past 5 years?
    - JM

    [What are the trends in the student counts? A couple of years ago they were trending down; are the numbers back up? - Wm.
    5:53pm: In response to my question, I was emailed some numbers:
    Grade 3 around 130
    Grade 2 148
    Grade 1 147
    Kindergarten 162
    Incoming K around 140-150 (not sure)
    - Wm.]

  • 4/18 1:38pm   LL - Local geopolitics is a tough business, so toughen up if you want to survive! But don't let some of the posters deter you. The fact that they responded means you have pushed their buttons. My advice to anyone intimidated by posters or nasty rebuttals is to picture them dressed up as clowns and getting hit in the face with a Boston cream pie. It was the same technique Bill Clinton used when dogged by the Monica Lewinsky scandal. It works for me everytime!
    There are a lot of clowns out there!
    - MON

  • 4/18 1:37pm   MON: Even Mitt Romney couldn't fight the Teacher's Union. You are wasting your time even thinking about it. Sorry. [3/29/2006 Boston Globe Op-Ed]
    Kids and safety should be our first concerns as taxpayers. It is up to us as a community to decide how much we choose to invest in our town via taxes. That is the best we can do. Either we pay now, or we pay later. Pay now as in an override and an investment in our schools and maintenance of our ALS (advanced life support, paramedics), or pay later if schools decline and we lose property values (or our lives without ALS). It is really up to us. There is no white knight in shining armor rushing to our aid. We are our own saviors. Pointing fingers and making a divisive community will not solve any problems.
    - JBN

  • 4/18 12:26pm   JM, I agree that children are our future - and that's why we need to think clearly about education and its costs. Reality can be impeded by emotion, and parents everywhere need to understand the forces of reality and the emotions tied to the schools, and keep them separate.
    Of course newer teachers are more energetic and vibrant, eager to make impressions on students and motivate and inspire them. Unfortunately, the teacher's union in Massachusetts acts oppositely, and lays the groundwork for taxpayer suspicion.
    When a union representative acts to perpetuate their survival and growth at the expense of the children and the taxpayer it is time to reassess their actual value in education. It is not in the interest of true education to succumb to such nonsense.
    Unfortunately, the members of the current school committee, with notable exceptions, have put their trust in the teachers union, not the teachers.
    - MON

  • 4/18 11:07am   From the mouth of a ten year old... My son is also one of those children that had a "New" teacher this year. I have never been so impressed by a teacher's enthusiasm, work ethic, energy and just plain caring. My son struggles in the classroom due to a specific disability and he has absolutely blossomed this year under her guidance. I would hate to lose her. She is young and fresh and although she is a new teacher, her educational background and expertise speaks for itself through my child. I can't say enough about Mrs. Tierney. My son has heard the neighborhood grumblings regarding pink slips (he didn't know what that was) and school budgets and he asked me why the school could afford to buy new computers all the time... when there was not enough money to keep the teachers and supply the rooms with school supplies and paper products such as tissues and soap? He said. "Mom, we wouldn't go out and buy a 50 inch LVD flat screen TV if we couldn't afford to feed ourselves and buy toilet paper, would we?" He told me that he would be willing to give up the "extras" in order to keep the teachers. I am not saying that the school should not have computers specifically. So please do not pick this post apart. That was just the example that he chose to use. He is only ten years old. But just thought that I'd share.
    - MW

  • 4/18 10:43am   Schools, gravel pits, and now this!
    BUSINESS / WORLD BUSINESS | April 16, 2008
    Canada Likely to Label Plastic Ingredient 'Toxic'
    [NY Times]

    The Canadian government is said to be ready to declare as toxic the compound bisphenol-a, a chemical widely used in plastics for baby bottles, beverage and food containers.

    - JBN

    [See also the discussion on this back around 10/16-10/17 2007; archived in the [2007 Q4 archives] - Wm.]

  • 4/18 12:14am   DA - Supposedly there were some older kids (teenagers) harassing some of the younger kids out at the playground during SACC. My child mentioned some drug lingo that took place (though I don't think he knew what it really meant). I think that one of the kids was arrested or at least taken down to the police station. I thought there would be some type of e-blast coming from the Superintendent's office, but nothing yet.
    MON - Yes, it's true that no one should be considered "indispensable" in their jobs (are you in yours?), but I don't think you can blame the plight of the school cutbacks specifically on the Teacher's Union (and no, I'm not a teacher). Some of those teachers are taxpayers as well. It was disheartening to look at the town budget average increases over the past five years and see that the elementary schools were given one of the lowest budget increases to work with. We're supposed to be a growing town - more families mean more kids. But we keep cutting back on the services. Sure we can tighten our belts, but how far and to what extent are we willing to sacrifice the education of our kids? I too hope the incoming committee members are better, but at managing the budget and not just the union. It's not a Christmas carol, but I'll add "I believe the Children are our Future, Teach them well and let them lead the way".
    - JM

    [Update 4/18 10:42am: fixed typo: "no one should" be considered indispensable - Wm.]

  • 4/17 11:10pm   Re: 4/17 7:48pm (AC) I'm hoping someone can help me with a problem I am having. On Monday, 10 days after buying a Samsumg HDTV and installing it with a comcast HD cable box ...
    Hi AC: Typically recent TV sets have a Menu setting that allows you to turn off the speakers and use earphones, through a minijack, or use another sound system, via some RCA jacks. I've accidentally used the Menu on our set's remote to do things that I really didn't want the set to do, such as Freeze, and I didn't realize that I had done it until the results (a still picture, and the word FREEZE) appeared on screen. Take a look through the set's instruction book and read about the Menu settings, and see if your Menu inadvertently has the sound going to the RCA connectors that could feed another sound system, or to the earphone jack, for instance. Perhaps that could explain the problem after 10 days of normal operation. It is easy to make an error when using remotes that have about 30 buttons, plus on-screen menus.
    According to our Sony instruction book, while HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) provides an uncompressed, all-digital audio/visual interface between the TV and any HDMI -equipped audio/visual equipment, such as a set-top box, DVD player, and A/V receiver, HDMI supports enhanced, or high-definition video, plus digital video. DVI (Digital Visual Interface) is for video signals only. If the external equipment has a DVI jack and not an HDMI jack, connect the DVI jack to the HDMI input, using a HDMI-to-DVI cable or adapter, and connect the audio jack to the Audio In (L/R) jack of HDMI IN.
    By the way, Tiger Electronics sells a set of 6 "Cables to go" cables for digital TV sets and a HDMI-DVI adapter for only $17.99 at URL: [tigerdirect.com page]. I believe that other suppliers get higher prices because they can, not necessarily because theirs are of a higher quality. I've used other cables from "Cables to go" and they are well made and work fine.
    - RH

  • 4/17 9:47pm   AC - The people at Comcast telling you that only their brand of HDMI cables will work are very very bad people. Or at least very stupid. Or quite possibly both.
    If you've already swapped HDMI cables and have the same problem, you can test out it's not a problem on the TV end by hooking up another HDMI source like a DVD player to see if you can get audio. It's possible something on the TV end failed. Check both the cable box and TV setup menus for audio output to make sure HDMI audio out/in is enabled.
    There is no issue with Samsung, HDMI, and Comcast cable - other than having to deal with the Comcast crooks.
    - JH

  • 4/17 9:45pm   AC: I have Comcast HD and a Samsung plasma connected with Monster Cables. I have had no problems at all.
    - CS

  • 4/17 9:44pm   CTO: I know of an excellent DJ who lives in Wrentham. He has done local High Schools, Weddings, Conferences, etc. I have hired him many times for events that I manage for professional organizations and we have always been happy. Please feel free to contact me through Wm. [You can use box110@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - CS

  • 4/17 7:48pm   I'm hoping someone can help me with a problem I am having. On Monday, 10 days after buying a Samsumg HDTV and installing it with a comcast HD cable box - during which time it worked perfectly - suddenly I had no audio. It was not a TV problem, as it worked fine with the dvd player. I spent 45 minutes on the phone with a tech that day and, since he had no success, he scheduled a home appointment for Wednesday evening. Well, yesterday I had not one but two very nice young men here who swapped out boxes & HDMI cables, and did everything else they could think of - also with no success, until they switched the audio HDMI setting to DVI and used the red and white plugs to connect the cable box to the TV. So my picture is still going thru the HDMI cable and the audio thru the red/white cables. They then spoke with someone at Comcast they referred to as "the guru", who told them that this is a problem with Samsumg TVs. That only their own brand (very expensive) HDMI cables work. Which doesn't explain to me why it worked fine for 10 days. They said that I could either leave it as is, or go back to the big box store where I bought the TV and get the recommended (by Comcast!) HDMI cable. I feel like Comcast (at least the voices and actual people that I have had contact with) has been responsive. But I feel like Circuit City should have known that this was an issue with their Samsung HDTV - and Samsung defnitely should know this is an issue, if indeed it is. Has anyone else had this kind of issue, either with Comcast or Samsung? Any suggestions as to how to handle? Thanks.
    - AC

  • 4/17 5:37pm   Does anyone know why the police were at the high school today?
    - DA

  • 4/17 5:11pm   I need someone to explain to me why as a town we don't have any rights to keep S&S out. They have had enough time to rectify the problem, build or sell. I don't know anyone who would shop at S&S now even if (ha) they did build. Have we as a town explained that to the suits at S&S. We don't want them here! I think everyone would agree a Trader Joe's, or something on that line would be wonderful. I just don't understand how they have the "law" on their side; can't we, as a town do something, to stop this craziness?
    - JD

  • 4/17 5:05pm   We are starting to sound like the bitter, small-town folk that Barack Obama has been talking about lately.
    As for Stop and Shop cleaning up the area they own, MW, read our town bylaws. There is one that covers that area. I believe one of our candidates for Selectmen wrote it (Jay Talerman). Call him or go to his web-site and ask him about it. I am sure he will be happy to explain it.
    Stop picking on poor LL. She wants to come to our town and we are treating her terribly. LL, there are many people that are very kind. My suggestion? Stay off of this blog and come to a town event to get a real flavor of things here.
    Last night there was a budget meeting. If you have an opinion about things, you should really call one of the selectmen and tell them directly. They are most accommodating. They want to hear from town members. Don't let just a few vocal people in town be your voice. As long as you blame someone it makes the problem not yours, but theirs, and allows you to keep it without taking responsibility for anything but pointing the finger. Which means you give them responsibility for your life and paralyze yourself forever in a place you dont want to be. And there you sitwaiting for justice, waiting for someone to save you, waiting for your mother to kiss it and make it all better, waiting for Godot. And you continue to feel powerless, and helpless, and frightened and angry, and things remain just as they were. (M. Shain)
    - JBN

  • 4/17 4:55pm   TRK - thank you for your post. I appreciate what you wrote. I never meant to offend anyone by suggesting that the town center could benefit from removing the moonspace. It was purely a suggestion. And, my original post was in response to someone else's post about the town center. I thought I went to great lengths to emphasize how much I really like Norfolk and its New England charm. I guess no matter I what I wrote, some people on this board wish to turn me into some awful, bulldoze loving Developer. I am so far from that its laughable. What bothers me most is how nasty people turned the minute you make a suggestion about their town. I would understand if my comments were mean spirited - but they weren't. I really dislike the mentality that anyone who questions the status quo is told to just like it or lump - i.e, "find yourself another town". So much for any discussion or discourse. I guess some people frown on that type of thing. Its much easier to just sling insults than defend why the moonspace is a good thing.
    - LL

    [I haven't noticed any nastiness yet; mild disagreement and frustration, yes. To see nastiness, look up the last election in the archives - Wm.]

  • 4/17 4:54pm   Hey, the Community Preservation Committee has money. Since one of their stated goals is to "preserve open space," what if lobbied them to buy the land from Stop and Shop solely to be set aside for a town common? The CPC has money, Stop & Shop wouldn't have to worry about competition, and Norfolk could practice it's own brand of "land banking" and get a beautiful town common in the process. The CPC might even be able to recoup some money by selling off a portion of the perimeter for modest-sized (non-threatening to Stop & Shop) retailers.
    If we could get professional help coming up with an intelligent landscape design, I would sure volunteer my labor to dig, plant, haul rocks, whatever!
    Just a thought.
    - JMF

  • 4/17 4:53pm   I wanted to know if anyone knew of someone local who might DJ on the side. I am looking for some one to DJ for the annual Great Strides Walk to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. This year's walk will be on May 18th at the Southwick's Zoo in Mendon, MA. It would be wonderful if someone could donate their time, but we are willing to pay. It would be a great opportunity to network and perhaps get some future business for this person. Thank you
    - CTO

  • 4/17 4:51pm   TRK, give me a break! Again, I was not quoting. What you perceive and what I perceive are clearly two different things. Obviously, I am not the only one who took the post the way I did . There was at least one other poster, if not more, who commented back with an opposing view to LL. I'm sorry, I don't have the time to scroll back and read through all the posts [...] to nitpick, analyze and quote each comment. Who does that? I'm sorry if you feel that I read into the posts too much. I don't think so at all. Again, my opinion. I am going by the initial feeling that I get when I read the posts, as well as the tone. You are also being unrealistic if you think that I should quote, cross reference, cite and label my posts. This is a discussion forum, not a research site. I'm sure that once again you will find something to quote me on. Continue if you must. It is turning into an amusing afternoon.
    - MW

  • 4/17 4:49pm   It's too bad about the younger teachers being laid off. You can thank the Teachers Union for this. They are self-serving, keeping the most senior teachers while newer teachers are the first to be let go, instead of merit-based changes. If you want to see the union in action, watch the last school committee meeting on NCTV and witness the Union representative speaking out to charge fees to the bussed students - anything to keep teachers employed and their union dues! Also, besides teachers getting a 2-3% cost of living increasing every year they get "steps" - which can add up to 6-10%! How many of you out in Norfolk get 6-10% raises every year? This is a recipe for town bankruptcy and is not sustainable.
    Then there is the outgoing school committee personnel that defend the teachers and their fear that "we do not want to lose them" if they don't get their way in the form of raises. No teacher is indispensable, and if the teachers leave because lack of 6-10% raises we should let them. They can be replaced with teachers that are just as capable and up to the modern techniques of grade school education, and at a lower pay scale.
    Our town can not afford the current culture of the Teachers Union and their disregard for the taxpayer. The superintendent and 25% pay raises to her administration will hopefully be a thing of the past once she leaves and/if is replaced. We hope the incoming committee members have a sharper attitude, better communication skills and are better at negotiating with the unions because in the long run-the education of the children depends on it.
    This round of layoffs is a wake-up call for all of you who think unions are acting in your best interest.
    - MON

  • 4/17 4:43pm   LL, actually, you have no idea what you are [passing judgement on]. My husband and I bought the dumpiest bank owned property in my neighborhood and completely turned it around with our own two hands. I get people stopping by constantly complimenting us on our work and thanking us because we are the first home in our development that people see when they drive in.
    For the gazillionth time... If you would take the time to actually read what I have written you will see that I never stated that I wanted the moonscape left alone. And I am the one who suggested that someone open up a store that sells " a little bit of everything" in one of the vacant retail spaces. I am merely of the mindset that there are more important fish to fry right now in town and that worrying about a pile of rocks is ridiculous when we are laying off teachers.
    Didn't you say that you had an infant? Where would you like your child to go to school? Maybe a little foresight is needed on your part? We have plans for a new school building that will need to be paid for. New Public Safety building... We are probably still paying off the library, middle school and high school. Do yourself a favor and do some more research before you move here. Sounds to me like the folks that you are calling "Debbie Downers" are really the folks that have lived here more than a few years and have been attending the town meetings, paying their tax and water bills and generally experiencing life here in town. Maybe you should take some advice and wisdom from us instead of poking fun and criticising. I hope that you do move to Norfolk and you get to see first hand what its like to live and pay here. Can't wait until you get your first tax bill or water bill. Then we will see whose attitude changes.
    - MW

    [Update 5:03pm: Just a reminder. The town does not own the moonscape. You can make all the plans you like, the town still does not own it. To those who feel betrayed by the town re: the lack of progress with the Stop and Shop property, blame Stop and Shop, not the town or the residents. We were all led astray. It does not make us all people who don't understand the benefits of a nice town green. It just makes us cautious people who do not want to be burned again and again. We need to stop complaining about it, stop looking behind us and change gears. Think outside the box and come up with some concrete, realistic plans. This voter does not feel comfortable voting on a pipe dream. Am I a dreamer? Yes, a big one. Do I want to risk making a hasty decision that could effect my almost empty pocketbook without some forethought? No. Just becuase I worry about my finances, it does not make me a backward thinker or a Debbie Downer. I have been accused of reading into posts and putting words into other's mouths, but yet others do the same to me while preaching the opposite. If anyone has an issue with me, they can actually read the posts and see that I have already moved on and offered thoughts on at least a temporary solution to moonscape. Anyone else? - MW]

  • 4/17 1:18pm   MW & JR: Did you see this article in regards to Stop & Shop Foxboro that was posted a while back? This was all I needed to stop shopping there! [1/15/08 Sun Chronicle: ``FOXBORO - The board of health Monday fined Stop & Shop $500 for selling outdated meats and fish in the local supermarket's third set of "critical" food code violations in less than a year.'']
    - TCC

  • 4/17 1:17pm   Here's a question to all you legal/political folk. If the town maintains the Stop and Shop property for a certain amount of years, can the town claim squatter's rights? So, can we force Stop and Shop to landscape, with the threat of a takeover? Or, can we vote on and pass some type of ordinance that requires businesses in a certain radius of the "town green" to have to maintain their property by seeding/landscaping or else they are charged a hefty fee for the town to do it? I was just thinking that maybe we have to find some creative way to get Stop and Shop to do something. I think at this point there needs to be some alternative thinking.
    Also, I was wondering what was going on behind Daley's? They seem to be doing some improvements and I was just curious.
    - MW

  • 4/17 1:14pm   "...they commented along the lines of... the residents of Norfolk don't know what is best for them... or something to that effect. I find it insulting that someone who hasn't even made the plunge to live here is belittling our existing residents."
    Gee, ya know, I've searched the forum and I just can't find that post that 'belittled' (your word) the town. Everything I found was suggestion, and suggestion only. And good suggestions at that from someone who seems to have to sense of what the downtown center might be with a little planning and effort... a far nicer, quaint, and charming downtown area. And I couldn't, for the life of me, find that insult, either. All of what I found seemed to have the same tone and intent... suggestions..., food for thought..., about how the downtown area could be so much more than it is now. And I'm betting that the merchants downtown would welcome a quainter and more charming environment. Heck, the town has spent quite a bit of money to construct what appears to be a nice looking library and town hall... all overlooking a gravel pit. Why stop there? That gravel pit, which for some reason some here seem to want to hold on to, could be more retail, more parkland, more taxes for the town, why not look into developing it with some input from the town and not just one great big box which would look oh so much like all the other big boxes around?
    "It came across as highly condescending. I am usually a very welcoming person. You can ask any of my neighbors how friendly and sincere I am. I just don't think that the way into people's hearts here is to come in criticizing them."
    Wow, those are harsh words for someone none of us know, but whose words seem to me to be nothing more than that 'food for thought' thing I mentioned. I can't find the 'criticism' you seem to read into posts from others, especially those wicked folks from outside our borders who might actually want to move and live here with us. And I guess that re-reading the posts shows me that any negativism that might have been expressed in the posts by our newcomer was simply in response to the negativism dished out by those residents of Norfolk who responded. We reap what we sow, and if we greet someone who might move here with disdain, we might expect a response in kind, and should not at all be surprised or taken aback, as some here seemed to be. That's what surprised me.
    "I only became annoyed when the conversation continued in an increasingly negative direction... Led by someone that doesn't even live here."
    See above....
    Now, maybe everyone should take deep breath...
    - TRK

    [MW may have been responding to the following comments addressed directly to them by LL (post of 4/16 6:05pm):
    ``MW - you are deluding yourself if you think it's normal for a center of town to largerly consist of a gravel pit. ... I would argue that the people who are in favor of improving the center are forward thinkers. We see a huge potential in making the center of town more beautiful and useful ... while others would rather see it languish and remain a pile of rocks. Wouldn't you like to see a nice town green ...? Oh, no, that's right, we'd all be much better off driving for these things.''
    Strawman argument aside (MW advocated priorities, not doing nothing), I too could see hints of talking down to an un-informed, deluded, backward-thinking un-enlightened yokel. - Wm.]

  • 4/17 1:12pm   BH: I am incredibly discouraged and disappointed as well about the school budget, which appears to have been cut even further. One minute (when they are facing concerned school parents) the selectmen appear to support an override. The next minute they are changing their minds. Why are these three making the decision on such a big part of our town's budget? Shouldn't we put it to vote and let the townspeople decide? I see zero leadership here.
    KDL: Now speaking of Christmas carols... "Do you Hear what I Hear?" A school system flushing all it has gained over the years right down the ol' toilette. Guess the KP kids will have plenty of time to "Deck the Study Halls." I can see it now, When a Child is Born here in Norfolk, you better be looking Over the River and Through the Woods for a private school if we're just going to chop, chop, chop away at our schools. God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen... Let There be Peace on Earth!
    - AL

  • 4/17 12:44am   TC, You may be right about the soil. But, there's always a solution. We seem to have plenty of horse manure here in town, I bet a stable or two would donate their manure. A few years back when I had a horse, people would come and fill up their trucks. (You wouldn't believe what used to grow in the pile... I had a mountain of corn stalks at one point.) I have a neighbor that gets their manure hauled away. Bet they would donate. Also, what about getting the garden club to offer some suggestions?
    - MW

  • 4/17 12:21am   You go JBN - it's nice to hear some of the positives the town offers!
    - KG

  • 4/17 12:06am   The Soccer Club of Norfolk is now accepting registration forms for its Fall 2008 travel soccer season. Register online by going to the Club's web site at norfolksoccer.com. Eligibility is open to all town children in grades two though six. Children living in other towns are also eligible if one parent currently resides in Norfolk. The cost is $88.00. Uniforms are also required at a cost of $60.00 if the player does not currently own a Soccer Club jersey. The registration deadline is Wednesday, April 30, 2008. Registrations received after that date may subject the registrant to being placed on a waiting list, with no guarantee of placement on a team. Also, registrations will only be accepted provided all outstanding fees to the Club have been paid. For more information, please contact Kendra S. at 508-528-5278.
    - CB

  • 4/17 12:00am   MW: I love your idea of planting wildflowers on the moonscape. Unfortunately, I doubt they would grow, as the soil is rocky and not exactly fertile. But, you're on to something. Some grand showing of Norfolk residents would accomplish two things: a) it would improve the look of the site, and b) with the proper press coverage, it would embarrass the heck out of Stop & Shop, and raise awareness about their nasty land-banking practice and the toll it's taking on our downtown. I will volunteer to do the media relations!
    JR: I boycott S&S too, purely on principle.
    - TC

    [Given time, those rocks would grow flowers again. Before the new library was built, I was watching the lot on Main St. over the years first get yarrow and other hardy weeds, followed by St. Johns' wort and grasses, then small saplings. If left alone, over the course of a decade nature can cover up the scar and start healing. Of course, notice the time frames involved in the making and unmaking. - Wm.]

  • 4/17 11:45am   KDL - Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Man, some of the people on here really need to lighten up! I think what I am hearing from all of the "Debbie Downer" who post, is that they are afraid of change. It's too bad. Didn't any of you people live someplace before moving to Norfolk? Did that town have a downtown area? Was it more attractive than the moonspace? Why is creating an attractive area with the pile of rocks so scary for some of you? As MDL aptly stated, "not all development is bad". It can enhance the community. Developing the moonspace into greenspace with shops could tremendously enhance the town. Not all development has to be ugly. Especially if done right. I would love to see all these negative people when/if the moonspace is actually developed and turns out to be beautiful. They will have to eat crow. Few will be saying then how they wished we had "just left the moonspace alone". It reminds me of friends of ours who bought an old house in CT. It was badly in need of repair. They have since painted and landscaped their home (along with fixing the inside) and it looks beautiful. They receive constant comments from their neighbors on how great it looks. If it were up to MW and some of the other posters on this board, they would have opposed the house painting and renovation. Better to leave it as it is, even if its falling down and badly in need of fixing.
    - LL

  • 4/17 11:44am   JR, I too have stopped frequenting Stop and Shop. Not for the principle, but because I have been very disappointed with their deli meat. Not the quality; it was Boar's head. But the freshness. I have had to return meat that I had purchased there after getting it home. It was clearly spoiled. This has actually happened several times.
    I think that whoever suggested approaching the owners of the Norfolk Food Mart and Linda's has a good suggestion. When I first moved to town, I did purchase meat from their back counter in a pinch. It was quite good. Not sure if it's the same now... but I think that if they had an expanded fresh meat counter and a small selection of baked goods they would do a booming business. Since there are two convenience stores in town, maybe one could focus on the true convenience products, and one could focus on market products. Maybe the two owners should meet and discuss this. Could be great business for both of them.
    - MW

  • 4/17 11:04am   We received the following from someone eager to participate, but wishing to remain incognito. Under the circumstances, we decided to oblige
    We wish you a pretty moonscape
    We wish you a pretty moonscape
    We wish you a pretty moonscape
    And wildflowers too!

    Sad tidings we bring
    Recession is near
    No hope of a retail store soon
    Nor a drugstore we fear

    - [Anonymous Norfolknet caroler]

  • 4/17 11:03am   JBN - Are you a realtor, your post is so Norfolk-perky you'd think you were trying to sell something. - MJD
    Dear MJD: No, not a realtor. Wow, perky! I haven't been called that in years. Thanks.
    - JBN

  • 4/17 11:02am   TRK, must you take everything so literally? I don't know why you feel the need to be a nitpicker and single out my bumbling hillbilly comment. I did not put that phrase in quotations, as I wasn't quoting anyone. The original poster was speaking to us as a town when they commented along the lines of... the residents of Norfolk don't know what is best for them... or something to that effect. I find it insulting that someone who hasn't even made the plunge to live here is belittling our existing residents. It came across as highly condescending. I am usually a very welcoming person. You can ask any of my neighbors how friendly and sincere I am. I just don't think that the way into people's hearts here is to come in criticizing them. If you recall, I am also the one who originally welcomed the newcomers, made suggestions of local groups to join and suggested that there should be a newcomer's club or some sort of organization that could point newcomers in the right direction as far as joining the community. I only became annoyed when the conversation continued in an increasingly negative direction... Led by someone that doesn't even live here.
    - MW

  • 4/17 11:00am   I was so disappointed after attending the town assembly meeting last night! The approved school budget was just so low! Does everyone know that most of the teachers that were hired last year were "pink slipped" yesterday?? These are well educated, young teachers who work at "base" salary and we can't keep them! My child had one of these teachers this year. This teacher made learning fun, challenging and interesting and I honestly believe that my child learned more this year than ever before. I am sure these young, enthusiastic teachers are already seeking jobs elsewhere. How sad... I could tell my child's teacher put so much thought into each and every lesson, preparing and challenging her students! And what does she get for all of that, a pink slip?? These teachers are being laid off because of poor budget management. What are our priorities?? Planting flowers in the town center or seeing that our children are well educated? I am sad to these them go.
    And to LL, if you want a big town center, maybe you should stay where you are... Dedham, was it?
    - BH (the other)

  • 4/17 10:25am   I have not grocery shopped at a Stop and Shop for over two years. I tell anyone who will listen to do the same. It may very well amount to nothing with Stop and Shop but I feel I am doing something.
    - JR

  • 4/17 9:51am   Whew!! Some people on this thread need a Christmas carol, or something to cheer them up. I really started this thread to get some variety from the tax and school discussion.
    One common theme in all of these threads has been choice. We have a choice to live with the Moonscape - or not. We have a choice to raise taxes to support teachers - or not. Etc.... The point is everyone needs to make a choice. Many want to put a damper on anything having to do with the moonscape, because nothing has happened in years; I suppose that is a choice to do nothing - that's ok - I am not that kind of person, thus the reason for my post. I will add that the school discussion is nothing new either. Facts are Facts in good times you get lots of stuff. In bad times you need to tighten your belts. Neither of these discussions need to be about money - at least at this point.
    Regarding schools, it is about money management. The easy choice is to reduce staff, that is the way business runs - unfortunately. What about seniors that don't have kids in schools - should they pay more to keep an extra art class or a specialized music program? I am all for variety of curriculum, I have two kids and a third going into the Norfolk system. Fact is the Norfolk schools are pretty good. Look it up. schooldigger.com is one of the sites you can compare. Our elementary system ranks very well in regard to $$ per pupil, computers per classroom and teacher salary - Sorry I will do my homework on KP - I don't have kids that old yet. However both of my nephews went to KP, got a great education and got in to some very good schools. How good does it have to be and what can be done without more money? I believe 50% of the responsibility of a child's education is with the parent. It is funny that when I go to teacher conferences I tell teachers that I will support them in regard to making sure my child does what is required, is respectfull ect.... Every year I get the same response - "WOW I wish more parents felt that way." Not that I am better than anyone, my reason for using that example is that I think it is a sad response to get, and parents need to take more responsibility for their kids - these are the things that make for better schools.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    Phew!! Gotta to go, I need to go sing a Chrismas carol.
    - KDL

  • 4/17 9:49am   Has anyone thought of talking to the owners of the two convenience stores that are already in town about carrying fresh bread, vegetables, organic goods? Maybe they could look at what so many of you want and change the way they do their buying and satisfy the "needs" of the this community. Get together and draw up a plan and present it to them. If you can convince them that they will be busier than they are now, I can't see why they wouldn't make the necessary changes.
    I don't plant a garden so when I want fresh veggies, I go to either Gumps or Jane and Paul's. If I want fresh bread, I'll bake it - ah no I won't, I don't eat enough bread at home to go to all the trouble.
    As for the Moonscape, get a bag of flower seeds and spread them and see what pops up. Of course, don't get caught doing it or you'll likely get arrested for trespassing on private property. (That's a joke guys)
    - JW

  • 4/17 9:48am   LL - I agree you can have all of the opinions you want, this is America, however, you are supposed to be a resident to post to this site it says so, right in the introductory line.
    JBN - Are you a realtor, your post is so Norfolk-perky you'd think you were trying to sell something.
    - MJD

    [ Usually as a courtesy I extend posting privileges to people moving to Norfolk, this lets them ask a few questions and get oriented while planning the move and lining up utilities. - Wm. ]

  • 4/17 9:47am   Here's a thought. Why don't we each purchase one bag of wildflower seeds and have a seed spreading party on the moonscape? Obviously we need to take matters into our own hands. I doubt that Stop and Shop would have a problem with it. And it wouldn't have to be mowed or taken care of.
    - MW

  • 4/17 9:43am   Regarding Walgreens, I think you'd find that they're a 'tag-along' for any Stop & Shop development in Norfolk. They wouldn't build a stand-alone unless it had good proximity to a larger retail development (i.e. Walgreens on Rt. 109 in Medway). That raises another point... like all the Stop & Shop that exists 'all around us but not here', the same is coming true for Walgreens, and even CVS. I don't think any of them will be coming here, they've got the area covered and they know we (Norfolk residents) will drive to their stores outside the town if we want to patronize them. They're not too worried about that.
    As for S&S and their supposed commitment to 'landscape' their portion of the 'moonscape', the season is upon us for that kind of work. If it's not done by the end of September, I'm betting that it's simply not coming. And they (S&S) aren't really too worried about little old Norfolk getting angry with them. Remember, when it comes to forcing the issue with them, they have very deep pockets, which we don't. That would also be true for any effort to 'take' the land from them. It ain't gonna happen because Norfolk can't afford to spend that kind of cash on attorneys to fight the fight. And S&S knows this.
    [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
    - TRK

  • 4/17 12:08am   On 4/16 at 6:14pm, 'LAW' inquired... "Soooo, what's the status of the Walgreen's that is supposed to be built on the rock pile?" The status is that the Walgreen's building is near completion and the store should be open for business very soon. Unfortunately, it's being built next door in Foxboro on Route 140 near the Stop & Shop. Can you say the word 'irony'... ??
    - RP

  • 4/16 10:56pm   PRR and LL - I have an idea. Pool your free cash and buy back the land at a very inflated price. Its the only way your vision will happen. That's a fact. Clarify what you mean by giving Stop and Shop their walking papers. These papers do not exist. I would suggest taking by eminent domain but the legal fight would drag on and on and cost us (the taxpayers) some serious cash.
    RD - Sadly it is hard to convince S&S to plant grass and trees, as this very subject was discussed between the BOS and S&S and it still has not happened yet. S&S has owned the land going on 8 years (per BOS meeting minutes in Oct. 07.) Before S&S, a private developer from Medfield owned it (he developed the upper portion for over 55 housing) (also Canterbury Estates), and I assume he realized it would be a pipe dream to both develop and make money. So he sold it to S&S, they took 8 years to realize what he did. This is all about making large amounts of money. They can not. I suspect they will take a loss on the land and sell to another group, we will wish and dream for what we hope they will build. Like or leave it, that is reality.
    - LS

  • 4/16 10:55pm   I don't have a problem meeting people, as a matter of fact, I have made quite a few friends and have settled in very nicely. I have gotten used to the trek out of town for groceries and I hardly notice the so-called "moonscape". I love the library and my children are doing well in their new schools. I really have no hard core complaints. I love my new town!
    The only point I was trying to make is that it's nice to be able to exchange greetings when out and about. I probably won't see my seventy year old neighbor at a local soccer game, but it's more than likely we'd bump into each other while picking up groceries. In my old town, my neighbor and I would laugh because we'd bump into each other more at the store than in our abutting yards. Having a hometown grocery store would enable that, but if it's not meant to be, I'm still staying... and I knew that moving in!
    - AME

  • 4/16 10:53pm   I'd like to respond to the family who is trying to decide if Norfolk is the town they want to move to, but also to those who already live here and feel it's hard to connect.
    Here's a thought. The Friends of the Norfolk Library's Annual Book and Bake sale is coming up in two weeks. It's a perfect opportunity to meet neighbors and potentially new friends.
    Go to norfolkbooksale.com to check out the pictures from last year's sale. As you can imagine, it's a huge undertaking preparing to sell in excess of 30,000 books, and it requires lots of volunteer help to set up for the sale. Over the years many good friendships have been forged during this process.
    We're especially in need of help moving the books from the storage trailer across the driveway into the DPW garage on Wednesday evening April 23rd at 6:00 pm. This is the one part of the event where there is some heavy lifting so if you're still wearing that cast from your recent skiing accident you might want to pass on this part of the set-up. It usually takes us about two hours to get all of the boxes moved.
    We also need about 6 more volunteers on Thursday on the 3 - 6 shift. At that time, we've begun to empty the boxes of books and to arrange them on tables for display. No real heavy lifting is required for this part of the project. Just a basic familiarity with the alphabet and an interest in helping out our library.
    And our last need is during the actual sale itself on Saturday, April 26th. We need three more cashiers on the 9 - 12 shift and four more on the 3 - 5 shift. Given that the prices are pretty much multiples of $1.00, the math and change making skills aren't too taxing.
    This is a wonderful opportunity to really help out one of our town's most active groups, the Friends of the Norfolk Library. The Friends raise about $15,000 during this sale, and all of that money goes to programs, projects, and items that the library needs.
    That you might make a new friend, and we hope that you do, would be a huge bonus, but you are sure to feel that you've become a part of your town. And after seeing how enthusiastic and hard working the Friends group is you may even decide to become an active member. At the very least, you will have become a real participant in a major small town tradition.
    Norfolk is the small town with the very big book sale. Check out the web site, and then call Beverly B. at 508-528-9725 to volunteer.
    - Mary Jo Gothorpe, President, Friends of the Norfolk Library

  • 4/16 9:34pm   I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder... When we moved to Norfolk a year ago, all I saw were the recently updated town buildings, the effort to keep other buildings in check with a certain ``historical'' look, and the fact there is access to Boston via train and a good school system (I honestly didn't notice the moonscape... and we looked at a ton of houses in many towns!). I teased my husband relentlessly about how he grew up in a similar town in CT with no stoplights and had to go to the next town for groceries. I accepted these ``setbacks'' as a compromise knowing that I could get anything I needed on Rte. 1 10 minutes away. Now that we live here, I couldn't ask for anything different. My husband has pointed out how traffic would increase with a major grocery store in the town center. Living on Main Street (with no sidewalks to walk to town), I would feel better with less retail discussion and more greenery discussion... though I know that buying a house near the center means dealing with possible development over time. How hard would it be to even convince S&S that we would landscape that area until they make a decision about what to do? Grass and a few trees near the perimeter would probably be less costly than constructing buildings hoping ``they will come'' when we already have a few vacant buildings... While I do enjoy the scenery of the Medfields and Wellesleys, I like coming home to the laid-back town we chose to live in...
    - RD

  • 4/16 9:32pm   PRR - Henry David Thoreau said "the trick is not to forget ones dreams, but to build foundations under them"
    - LAW

  • 4/16 9:31pm   Ok PRR - I am adding you to my hero list as well. Loved your post! Every new idea started somewhere - probably as someone's dream. If you can't imagine it, you can't achieve it; if you can't dream it, you can't become it.
    MJD- I refuse to believe that I have to be a resident before I can express my opinion on the town center. For my family to plunk down a sizeable amount of money, it's important for us to know what the future is (or could be) of the town center. We are only being smart consumers to ask these questions. I would think you would welcome more residents that are interested and invested in making their community better.
    - LL

  • 4/16 8:02pm   LL, Do you even live here yet? If not... why do you care how we live? Why do you have such a strong opinion? Maybe I am mistaken, I thought that you were the one who was looking to buy in Norfolk. I never said that I wanted a gravel pit in the center. I only stated that it is plainly visible to people who are looking to buy in this town. People who purchase homes here go into it fully aware of the situation. Or at least they should do their research first before buying. They should not move here and then say they feel "betrayed" because Stop and Shop decided to put out a sign. You want to be welcomed into our community and you go on to [complain] about the negatives of the town and how we are just bumbling hillbillies who don't know enough to plan a nice town center? I would love to walk to town... but I can't. There are no sidewalks leading there. In fact, there are no sidewalks in the school zone on King street where my children are forced to walk to school every day as the parents from the surrounding communities speed by in order to get their children to school on time. But, there are sidewalks on the street that leads from the transfer station to the local park! Whoo-hoo! This has been going on since the 1970's when the school was built. I am saying that there are other priorities that should take precedence over the opening of some shops or a town green.
    Again, where is all this money going to come from to purchase the property? It seems that every time I turn around there is yet another request to purchase land, paint the church, fix the grange... blah blah blah. Meanwhile, my son's classes at school are being cut. No more full year of Spanish, art, health, or gym. Pretty soon he will be asked to bring his own toilet paper to school! Everyone is so eager to spend taxpayer money. Hey, you want change. Stop [talking] about it and go for it. Just don't expect me to hand over my hard earned money so easily. And before anyone can tell me that I should pursue the sidewalks... I have tried and I have been laughed at. I have given up. The only people that care whether a child gets hurt or not is the parents of those children. People seem to only care about what they visibly have to deal with on a daily basis, the ridiculous moonscape.
    If I sound angry, you're right, I am. This is all foolishness. People mention these wonderful towns such as Medfield. I remember when Medfield was a cow town. I remember when property was dirt cheap there. What gave that town a boost was the school system. Not their DeAngelo's and Papa Gino's. Personally, I think it makes their town look dumpy. It is so aggravating to me that there are people in this town who are struggling and you are talking to them about a town green. I am not "deluding" myself about anything. Maybe you are the one that is living in a fantasy world about the economy and where it is headed?
    - MW

  • 4/16 6:57pm   Town center discussion group! Yeah!! We are having a real discussion about our vision as a residents in one of the luckiest towns in the area!! I agree, re: supporting what we already have here as far as businesses... I have my hair cut at Sundance. When I do get clothes altered, I go to Carol's. And I have checked out various other shops and stores here in town. I don't eat donuts... I want fresh bread in town... and... it is possible!
    That said... we have land, we have options, we are intelligent and we have a great opportunity to create an innovative, beautiful and environmentally conscious town center. Let's stay focused and not get negative...
    Stop and Shop has to pony up and disentangle themselves from our town. They are a huge corporation... and they have us hog tied! As long as they hold on to the moonscape land, we are stuck... unable to do anything, as I understand it - is that true?
    So, give them their walking papers. Did they buy the land? What happened to the money? Let's figure this out once and for all!
    What is needed? Priorities?
    What is the wish list? Come on... dream... it is okay!!! All great endeavors have begun with hopes and dreams!
    How can things be funded? Okay, let's consider this... out "there" is some person who has always wanted to open a: a, b, c, etc... store, shop, whatever...
    All they need to know is that what they dream of and want to open is needed in such and such town.
    Let's talk! And if I read one more post that says I am having a pipe dream, I will have to ask that person... what does the rest of your life look like if you can't have a dream and a goal? What is worth living for then...?
    - PRR

  • 4/16 6:55pm   LL - I have lived in this town for 10 years and in that time this issue has been discussed in this forum more times than I can count. In that time the town has also accomplished several capital projects in the downtown area. These projects include the round-abouts, town hill and the beautiful library. Not to be unkind, but I guess I wish you'd move in and pay at least a quarter of taxes before you express your disappointment in Norfolk and the progress that has been made here. Believe it or not, progress is hard won and many people have worked very hard to accomplish what displeases you. I understand that we have issues to address here, and if the town is not to your standards, you should investigate the other communities that I suggested.
    - MJD

  • 4/16 6:14pm   Soooo, what's the status of the Walgreen's that is supposed to be built on the rock pile? Perhaps they are having second thoughts, too. Whatever is eventually built there is probably going to cost the town more in services than can be generated by taxes.
    - LAW

  • 4/16 6:11pm   I just wanted to add that I am neither for, or against, developing the town center. I would like to see a happy, low cost to the taxpayer alternative. I have an honest question. I am not trying to be a wiseguy and this is not intended to be sarcastic or nasty... but, who are "most of the people in this town?" I would love to see these people. Where are they at election time? It's been almost 20 years (so I'm told) that the moonscape has existed. So don't you think that if the majority wanted something done, something would have been done long ago? Hey... I think we have made good strides. I remember what the center looked like pre-roundabout and sans fancy bricks, lights and plantings. I frequented the old library with my children. I think we have had some decent upgrades in the past couple of years... All good things take time. As someone said, let's get the projects completed that were already started. The town really needs a direction. Maybe the taxpayers would be less afraid of change if there was a logical plan in place and we could stop getting ideas and requests for more money constantly bombarded at us with no end in sight. I still do feel that the schools need to be a priority over the center... but that's just my own opinion. Education is important to me.
    - MW

  • 4/16 6:07pm   Good post KDL; it is frustrating to me that everyone likes to whine, but nobody is prepared to step up to the plate. I also get frustrated that everyone wants, wants, wants without looking at a larger picture. In other words, be careful what you wish for. It may not turn out to be as fabulous as once thought and then it is too late !
    As far as the Stop and Shop property goes... Maybe the first step we should take is investigating whether or not that statement from the Shop and Shop spokesperson is true... did the Shop and Stop spokesperson promise to have the land landscaped, or at least seeded? If so, we should pursue that and at least we could enjoy some greenery in the center while the town in looking into the matter.
    - MW

  • 4/16 6:05pm   KDL- you are my hero! I love that you are willing to drive this even further. That's what this project needs, people who are ready to get involved. It is a project that is worth fighting for. If we move to Norfolk, I will be involved in this - guaranteed.
    JBN - thanks for your comments. I have an 8 month old baby. If we move to Norfolk I hope to become involved with his preschool, elementary school and lots of other groups that the town sponsors. I lived in Brookline for 5 years (about 10 years ago). I loved it! Maybe that's why I am hoping for more of a downtown environment in Norfolk. It was so nice to walk and do your shopping there. There is a great sense of pride and community in Brookline.
    MJD - No one is advocating for "a poorly planned development" - least of all me. I don't get why sentiments that the downtown needs to be improved (for lack of a better word) are somehow "anti-Norfolk. Can't I love the town and want to see the town Center upgraded to a more attractive and functioning one? The two are not mutually exclusive. I would love to see a plan that offers a town green and shops that are tasteful and in keeping with Norfolk's New England charm. None of us want to see a big grocery store or tacky chains in the center of town. I think that's been well established.
    MW - you are deluding yourself if you think it's normal for a center of town to largerly consist of a gravel pit. I don't understand how anyone that wants to beautify the downtown is viewed as seeing "the glass as half empty" - huh?? I would argue that the people who are in favor of improving the center are forward thinkers. We see a huge potential in making the center of town more beautiful and useful (i.e, green space and shops) while others would rather see it languish and remain a pile of rocks. Wouldn't you like to see a nice town green where kids can run around, moms and dads can push their strollers while they head to a local cafe or to a pharmacy? Oh, no, that's right, we'd all be much better off driving for these things. Driving is so much healthier for us and the planet.
    Ok, again, no matter how you feel about changing the downtown, I am glad to see the subject generating so much discussion. If anyone is on the town committee and can update us about the Stop & Shop land or what (if any) the plans are to make the downtown more appealing, it would be great to here from you.
    - LL

  • 4/16 1:53pm   LL - Sorry you were disappointed by the look of our town center. You might consider Foxboro in you housing search, it has the charm you seek and a nice little downtown. Medfield is pricier but if that kind of busy roadway is attractive perhaps it's a fit. I like the fact that we can get through town quickly and without a great hassle. I don't mind going to Franklin or Millis to shop, it's a quick easy ride. I surely don't want a large supermarket and tacky chain stores with glowing signs. The retailers that seem to be interested in Norfolk so far do not impress me, and the idea that Trader Joe's would expand here is a nice one but not very realistic. I don't know what the solution is to the problem but I do know that adding a poorly planned development is worse than no development at all.
    - MJD

  • 4/16 1:48pm   I wish more people in this town realized what a benefit an attractive downtown would have on the community. It's too bad. - LL
    LL: Most people in town feel exactly the same way you do. I do not find the center charming, nor a good use of land. There are many people in town working on making the center better. Stop and Shop and their subsidiary do in fact own the land. Trust me when I say that our Selectmen are working on a solution. They are all very dedicated to the town and live here as well. So they know the value.
    You will not feel isolated here at all. There are plenty of meeting places; most specifically the library and the playground on Boardman Street (if you have small children). The Norfolk Community League (NCL) does in fact act like a newcomer's club and I have met several wonderful people through that organization (they have book groups and cooking groups, etc...). They have a website that you can check out [norfolkcommunityleague.org - Wm.]. Many people have friends through the schools and various activities. People are pretty friendly here and not a lot of people post on this site, so don't be swayed by a few opinions. (A lot of people read here, but do not post. I should make that clear.) Wellesley had a big, charming downtown, but most of the friends I had there when we lived there I met through various organizations as well. I can honestly say that in the 7 years I lived there, I never ran into anyone at a store! The library, yes. Sometimes I would run into them in Brookline! I would not judge this town by the postings on this blog.
    - JBN

  • 4/16 1:46pm   I suppose that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There seem to be a lot of people in this town who only see their glass as half empty. There is so much more in life to worry about that whether or not the town center looks like a gravel pit. I don't really think it's a problem of citizens not "realizing" anything. It's all about priorities.
    - MW

  • 4/16 1:44pm   So to keep this discussion moving forward. What will it take? A petition for eminent domain? Another meeting with Stop & Shop to see if they will turn over the land if we agree not to build a supermarket for 99 years?
    I am still sticking by the most feasible first approach to solving a problem - and a discussion point on this website - that has been around for years. Get agreement that we want a common in place of a Stop and Shop, then move by town meeting to make it happen.
    I agree that a large supermarket may have been convienient, good for taxes, but that train left the Norfolk station years ago (pun intended) - for all practical reasons it just isn't going to happen. I personally think it wasn't the best idea and would have caused a lot more headaches.
    Get the common completed, then we can move on the next issue of what goes in where - and how it is built. Infrustructure is key to development. I think if we can get a common built, the incentive is there for many things to happen.
    I think a couple of good points are raised here. Does Stop&Shop own or lease the land. If they own it maybe they will "donate it." I believe an outcome of the last meeting was that they might be willing to plan grass - should we pursue that discussion?
    Next steps people!? Ideas??
    I am willing to drive this forward if there is traction - otherwise I am prepared to eat my pizza on one of the rocks while my kids collect stones. ;-) I will love Norfolk either way.
    - KDL

  • 4/16 12:50pm   I'm a little puzzled. Do people really base decision as huge as buying a home on whether or not there is a Stop and Shop in the town center? If the center is so "depressing" why would one make the investment and purchase a home here? When purchasing a home, wouldn't it be smart to do a little research first and talk to the locals? This is not a new situation, this has been going on for years and years. It never ceases to amaze me, when people knowingly move to a town and then begin to complain about all the negatives. There are people who have lived here for many years and they are happy with the town. I think it's somewhat arrogant to expect a whole town to change overnight to accommodate newcomers. Frankly, "Moonscape" doesn't bother me. I have seen much worse in other towns, such as vacant mills and factories looming overhead.
    - MW

  • 4/16 12:48pm   "Look at Wrentham. Have the outlets really made that much difference in that town?"
    Comparing the pros and cons of the Wrentham Outlet Mall to those of having increased retail in Norfolk Center is really comparing apples and oranges. They're light years apart. Claiming that more retail venues in the center of town would require the town to provide more services is also questionable. What services? What services that don't already exist? Traffic may increase, but much of that would be locals buying locally rather than travelling farther distance. And given the amount of traffic served up by the existence of the train station and the changes made to the flow of traffic in recent years, any increase would probably be small or hardly noticeable.
    Reasoning that further development downtown by way of additional more retail would hurt the existing retail establishments there doesn't really hold all that much water, either, although there might be some wetness. Yes, there might be competition for some vendors, but there would also be more opportunity for existing businesses as there would be an increase in consumer traffic in the area. It might even be good for business.
    And, I'm afraid that using words like 'charming' or 'quaint' to describe the present condition of the downtown area is really a stretch, too. The only real difference between the moonscape in the downtown area and a working gravel pit is the size of the vehicles travelling around in it.
    Retail development in the downtown area is a no brainer. The trick is in working to direct the kind of retail development that might move in. Frankly, having a Stop & Shop downtown isn't what I'd find appealing. Never mind that the demographics probably wouldn't make sense for a large scale vendor to build there (if they did, Stop & Shop would be there by now...) the land area required for that single user would leave little for others. Having an larger retail center in the downtown area, with a wider variety of establishments (food, restaurants, clothing, pharmacy, etc.) would be a very nice upgrade for the residents of the town.
    - TRK

  • 4/16 12:46pm   Oh... and here's another question... Does Stop & Shop actually 'own' the land? Or do they only hold the lease to the land (a lease has an end - ownership does not) ??
    - TRK

  • 4/16 12:45pm   Does anyone have a refrigerator they are looking to sell?? If so please email me at deluca67@yahoo.com.
    - JD

  • 4/16 11:42am   JG, We bought a wooden swing set at Chase lumber on Rte 1 S. We have had it for many years now without any rot or problems.
    - JGP

  • 4/16 11:39am   AME - you hit the nail right on the head! With no real functioning downtown, we are all missing out on a sense of community. Running into people at the bank, grocery store, pharmacy etc., are normal routines in most towns. That is what has me concerned about moving to Norfolk. I think it would be easy to feel isolated here. And, an attractive downtown gives you a sense of pride in your town. It's hard to feel that way when the downtown is so depressing. I think that psychologically, a town Center really helps to create a sense of community. Driving to Medfield, Millis etc doesn't do that.
    I also agree that the "Coming Soon - Stop & Shop" sign needs to come down. It's a big fraud and unfair to families who are considering moving to Norfolk. I wish more people in this town realized what a benefit an attractive downtown would have on the community. It's too bad.
    - LL

  • 4/16 11:33am   AME, Welcome to Norfolk. We actually have a great sense of community here. You just have to know where to find it. If I would suggest joining the Norfolk Community League. They have groups galore for whatever interests you. There's also a Lion's Club in town. We may not have a market, but we see each other at the numerous activities that our kids are involved in. Boy and Girls Scouts are great way to meet people and there are many groups such as the Friends of the Library or the Garden Club that could also be a way to meet others. There are endless possibilities to becoming involved. My only regret is that we don't have a newcomer's club... It's not fair to expect people who move here to do all the work in becoming a part of the community!
    Having said all that, I must agree with your post. It was very hard for me to meet people when I first moved here because I didn't know were to look. Also, I moved from the Millis/Medfield side of town to the Wrentham side of town and I don't think that I've run into anyone from my old neighborhood once since I've moved in 5 years! Sometimes it does get lonely and I feel like I am living in town by myself. Although we have those great organizations that I spoke of. It does take more of an effort to be social in this town than others I have lived in.
    - MW

  • 4/16 11:26am   LL, I understand what you are saying. In theory it sounds great. But more businesses require that the town provide more services. So it could end up being a wash. Look at Wrentham. Have the outlets really made that much difference in that town? I'll tell you that the traffic that it generates there is more than just a pain in the neck. As far as the charm of Norfolk center, I happen to think it's very charming, moonscape and all. That is why we chose to live here as opposed to a town like Franklin. I also have friends from upper crusty towns such as Weston, Wellesley, Newton, Needham, Dover and Wayland that come to visit and are charmed by the existing town center.
    My husband grew up in this town and his family has seen it grow from a little over 50 kids in the elementary school to what it is today. He was the first class to use the Centennial addition. This is just a guess on my part, but the town has changed dramatically in the last ten years or so with a building boom, and maybe that is why we are struggling with our budget now... the schools overtaxed by the amount of new students etc? Other towns in the area with more charming town centers have maybe had the opportunity to grow at a slower pace. I really don't think that you can compare Norfolk with the surrounding towns. I don't think that they are remotely similar... we are unique. This has been a very talked-about topic on the board. Almost to the point where it has been beaten to death. There have been building vacancies in town for what seems like years; it seems to me that if local business owners thought that they could make a living here, they would. I also don't understand how just a few more stores are going to dramatically change our property values for the better. I have no plans on moving my children again any time soon... so I am not too worried about raising values to pay yet more taxes. If I do have to pay higher taxes, I think it would be more practical to put the money into the school system and raise the property values that way. How can we as a town spend money on beautifying the town center when we have a school system that has to resort to cutting programs such as foreign language, art, music and sports?
    - MW

  • 4/15 11:45pm   I cannot believe it! This is going to sound redundant, but my husband had the same experience recently with that gas station! The same language (metal on metal) was used, and the remarks about how dangerous it would be to drive the truck. Unfortunately, it cost us dearly to get an inspection sticker. My husband said he did see the brakes and they were worn; however, something doesn't sound right here. Too many of these posts. We won't be going back.
    - SM

  • 4/15 9:21pm   MW - you raise some good points, but I would ask you, how are other towns (where there is a lower median income) able to afford and maintain vibrant downtowns? Also, a more attractive, usable downtown appreciates the value of your home. It would be money that would ultimately return to you when/if you ever sold your home. I would also bet that if you looked at the budget for the town and where your tax dollars are being allocated, there might be items on there that are less necessary and less beneficial than improvements to the town center. I don't think anyone is advocating changing the town center so much that the tax rate becomes a burden to middle and lower income people. And, you would want to maintain the charm and intergrity that Norfolk offers when designing anything. But, in terms of cost to folks on the lower end of the economic spectrum, businesses generate income for the town, which ultimately will help ease everyone's taxes.
    MW - you must admit, the town center lacks any of the real charm that Norfolk offers. I must honestly say that when we first drove through the downtown, it was a major disappointment. Most towns in this area have some type of commerce/vibrancy that attracts people to their downtown. If Norfolk designed a town center in keeping with its country setting and abundance of grass and trees, it would compliment the town. I really think it would have a very positive impact on real estate values as well.
    JBN - thanks for your list of additional shopping areas. I am familiar with many that you listed. But, ideally, the goal would be not to have to drive out of Norfolk for everything that you need. A few of these shops could and should be available within Norfolk.
    - LL

  • 4/15 9:18pm   To JGP looking for someone who can paint 2 small bathrooms, and PC looking to have a new deck built... John Reinhardt of Reinhardt Home Improvement is the best. He is very experienced, reasonable and particular about his work. He can be reached at 508-528-4679.
    - EC

  • 4/15 9:15pm   I moved here 7 months ago from a quaint Cape town. I loved Norfolk due to its small town charm and beauty. One of the drawbacks when deciding to move to Norfolk was that there was no supermarket or pharmacy. I, however, banked my decision on the Stop and Shop sign proudly announcing "coming soon". It's still there and still fooling others. They really should remove it. The one thing that really saddens me and has me missing my old town is the fact that I don't meet and greet with my "townsfolk" at the local market. We're all off in other towns going unrecognized. It's so hard to meet people when you don't see them regularly. There is no community feel here in this beautiful town, nobody's around!
    - AME

  • 4/15 9:14pm   While we are on the subject of water bills, I would like to ask everyone a question. Do you know that Norfolk has the highest water rates in this area and possibly the highest rates in the state?
    I'm new to town and got quite a shock when I received my first water bill. I did a bit of research and through a few calculations I discovered we are paying 23%+ more than neighboring towns at a usage rate of 25,000 gallons, and 33%+ more at a usage rate of 55,000 gallons. In addition Norfolk charges the highest administration fee of $50!. The majority of surrounding towns do not charge a fee at all. I can't understand why our rates would be higher than other towns. Does anyone know why our water rates are so high? I'm thinking of contacting the water department for answers.
    - EE

  • 4/15 7:54pm   PC - For your landscaping/patio work I would recommend TJ Brown at Bass Enterprises, (508) 380-5058.
    - SL

  • 4/15 7:40pm   It's easy to place the blame for the lack of development in the town on the residents that oppose higher taxes. I would love to see a beautiful town center. It's not that I don't want it. It's that I honestly can't afford it right now. It is a struggle to come up with the already high taxes that I pay on my very small ranch home. It's easy to say," If you can't afford it ...move." Well, that is what I have done. I went from Newton to Walpole to Norfolk. Shall I start looking for homes in Bellingham or Blackstone next? My poor kids deserve to stay in one school system. And even if I put my home on the market right now I couldn't sell it for what I have into it. In this economy, there are many folks in town who are watching their expenses and it's just not practical for us to spend money on beautification projects. I am skeptical that a few small stores are really going to change our tax bills that much for the better... Please be kind and remember that there are people less fortunate who cannot afford million dollar homes. It's not just about whether or not we are stingy with our tax dollars, it's about not actually having the money to pay on frivolities. Maybe if and when the economy turns around people on the edge will be in a better position to do the extras. But for right now, I would be wonderful if people could sit tight, be patient (after all, we have been waiting 17 plus years already) and appreciate the many positives that we do have in Norfolk.
    - MW

  • 4/15 7:15pm   Someone called my attention to a notice on the Town Hall Notices page that aerial mosquito control spraying begins on the 14th; that would explain the helicopters. (They don't spray chemicals; the description I read a few years ago said they drop coarsely ground corn impregnated with bacteria that kill mosquito larvae.) [Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project page] [Norfolk applications map, PDF here]
    - Wm.

  • 4/15 7:11pm   JP: Also to add to your list: Roche Bros on 109 in Millis, Whole Foods in Bellingham, Zebra's Restaurant in Medfield and some new stores close by at Patriot's Place (also referred to as ``the Men's Mall'') We also have a Target not too far away down off Rt 1. Providence Place is easy to get to, as well as the Natick Collection. The commuter rail goes right into South Station and there is plenty of parking, so you don't have to worry. We will also be getting a Walgreen's next to Town Hall. I also like the newer restaurants in Franklin and Sky on Rt 1 in Norwood (I think). All easy travel from here. I agree that a Trader Joe's would be a great fit and a destination store for all surrounding towns; however, the Stop and Shop debacle must be cleared up before anything happens on that land. And the Adirondack club is so close and nice, not to mention a close animal hospital (Acorn). I am sure that I have missed some things that others can add. All in all, it is a nice place to live.
    LL: It is great to attend town meeting, but committees really are the best way to get involved and share your ideas. Or attending meetings that are posted, such as Selectmen's meetings and Advisory board meetings.
    I thought I was moving to the middle of nowhere when we moved here from Wellesley; but in Wellesley I could never park and it was always a hassle even though things were nearby. And the traffic was terrible.
    AR: Would love to see those pictures of the Norfolk moonscape that you spoke of. Could you post them on the web-site?
    - JBN

    [There is another vet close by (in town, actually); Whispering Pines is on Sharon Ave just off Rte 1A. - Wm.]

  • 4/15 4:23pm   LL: I would urge you not to cross Norfolk off your short list for not having a grocery store, pharmacy, etc. in town. You may not realize how many of those things there are nearby. There's a Shaws and a Stop & Shop in Franklin, 5 and 10 minutes away. There's a CVS and a Rite Aid near the Shaw's, and everything else you could possibly need near the Stop & Shop. There's really a ton of amenities around us, even if they're not technically in Norfolk.
    - JP

  • 4/15 4:22pm   JCP or anyone in need of a painter. I highly recommend Cathy Tingley. She has about 10 years interior painting/wallpaper experience and also went to design school so she can assist you with color choice if need be. She is very fast, reasonably priced, reliable, and most importantly meticulous. Her phone number is 508 699-9148.
    - DCB

  • 4/15 3:28pm   To PRR et al., Funny to see my original post get soooo many responses - and of course many that complain or lament about what hasn't happened. I am not a newcomer to Norfolk. I lived here, moved out of state, and then moved back because of the town Norfolk is. I don't give up and never have. In fact, if I didn't put it in my last message, I would happy to volunteer to be on a committee or study group - frankly point me in the right direction. My bad for not really knowing where to start.
    The gist of my message is that we need to proactively do something to get the process started. The town common as I suggest is a start. I realize however this is an investment the town we have to make. I am not sure how willing people would be to support it given the tax discussions. I would be willing to chair a fund raising effort to "scape the moonscape" if we owned it.
    Let's face it, once we make it more presentable, someone may decided to build on the far side next to town hall. If more building comes in, competition drives rents down. Businesses invest. With the condos on the hill the radius of population just rose in the center of town. I would put my money on a breakfast place that is open on Sundays. Bourques is great - I eat there often, but like breakfast on Sundays too. There are many shops - if done right that would have a chance here. Make it a destination and people will come to the quaint town of Norfolk for a strole. It's not a pipe dream.
    Putting shops at the old asbestos ridden Mental hospital in Foxboro was a pipe dream - ooops maybe not.
    - KDL

  • 4/15 3:25pm   Funny reading about Norfolk being such a charming town, so peaceful, so green, next to the question, why don't they develop the town faster?
    The two are not un-related. I remember back when the "moonscape" was just a small empty lot with a large, thickly wooded hill behind it where I photographed ladyslippers on the cliffs overhanging the old library, and where the most delicious forest blueberries grew on the slope above the MBTA parking lot. Back in those days you couldn't see the water tower from the road, the woods were so thick. (In fact, for years I never relized it was there!)
    That was before "development" befell the area. First the woods were cut (I recall roads and lot-size clearings bulldozed into the forest around the water tower, all tree roots and slash and churned up dirt, days before the board hearing about the permits), then the land was sold again, the hill with the blueberries was hauled away to Millis to be turned into concrete (the gravel itself may have recouped the developer's investment; that was quite the quarrying operation for a while), and now it's become a "forever construction zone."
    Meanwhile we're expecting a solution from... more development. Seems to me development had no small part in getting us to where we are now.
    Beware what you wish for; you might get it.
    - AR

  • 4/15 3:18pm   JBN - I would love to get involved in the town meetings, accept that I don't live in Norfolk. We currently live in Dedham. Our house just went on the market and we are seriously considering moving to Norfolk. One of the things that would really "seal the deal" on whether we move to Norfolk is having a downtown that provides some basic necessities like a grocery store, pharmacy etc. I understand your question about whether Norfolk could sustain everything that PRR listed in his post. It might not, and I think PRR was giving us more of a wish list and not expecting that everything on his list would actually set up shop here. I think a store like Trader Joe's would really work. And it would draw shoppers from many of the surrounding towns. I think the goal should be 3-4 stores that might pull folks into Norfolk. If the right stores went in there, I really believe they could be successful. It just needs a lot of thought and market research. Ok, again, it is so nice to even see this discussion up on the website. If we end up moving to Norfolk, I plan to definitely get involved in town meetings.
    - LL

  • 4/15 3:17pm   Hi Norfolk residents, we are currently seniors at the new King Philip High School. The class of 2008 has been through construction since the three towns came together in seventh grade. Finally, for our senior year, the school is finally done. However, some senior privileges have been lost along the way. We're writing this to see if anyone would be willing to help us get one back! A few years ago, seniors were able to eat outside during the last few weeks of their high school career when the weather was nice. We are still able to do that now, however there is nothing to sit on besides prickly grass! So, we were wondering if anyone has any old picnic tables that they would like to donate to the school, please do! Please contact us at racheladdison08@yahoo.com if anyone has a picnic table lying around! Thank you!
    - RA, ED & PR

  • 4/15 3:15pm   I am looking for someone that can paint 2 small bathrooms by May 10th. One bathroom is freshly plastered and the other has wallpaper that has been removed but there is still glue on the walls. Please contact the Wm for my information. [Use box109@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - JGP

  • 4/15 3:14pm   Hello, Norfolknetters. We are looking to have a new deck (and possibly a screened-in porch) built to replace an existing deck and also some basic landscaping/rehab work in our back yard, including installation of a small patio. We would appreciate your recommendations for either or both jobs. Thanks in advance.
    - PC

  • 4/15 3:12pm   JL - Try Acorn Music School 508-520-4170 in Franklin. She is a wonderful teacher.
    - KO

  • 4/15 11:42am   LL: Remember that Stop and Shop owns the land. You may have missed the Selectmen's meeting with S&S; appears they (S&S) are land banking. I think everyone wants something to happen at the moonscape, it is just a difficult task. I would love to see all the things PRR talked about happen. I would love a Trader Joe's and a small store like the Sherborn Out. I wonder is our town could sustain those types of stores? I am not sure that we have the demographics that those types of stores are seeking. That is the reality of business. That is why I encourage everyone to use what we currently have. Even the florist left and went to Walpole. It takes a village to create a village. We have an economic development committee in town and the Selectmen would love an opportunity to sit down and talk about ideas. I suggest you contact them directly and talk to them about the vision they have. You may be surprised to find out that some plans are already in place. They are very accommodating. I might also suggest speaking to the two candidates for Selectman as they too will be the ones to help shape our future. They are also very easy to contact. I am sure they would love to hear your input and enthusiasm. The town needs people to get involved. PRR, you would be great to have on a town committee. You have awesome ideas. Get involved.
    - JBN

  • 4/15 10:45am   TO: PRR and KDL: This is great! Finally, a discussion about creating a town center that is visually appealing and that is useful. PRR - your suggestions on shops are excellent. I personally would welcome a bakery/coffee shop. I think they're nice to have and can serve as a gathering place for the community. Many towns have shops that offer live music one or two nights a week. I am on this board once or twice a week (again, I am the person researching Norfolk since it is high on our list of towns that we are considering moving to). We really like what we see in Norfolk in terms of homes, but it is baffling why such a nice town would put no interest or energy into developing some type of usable downtown? Why make your residents travel outside of town for the most basic nessessities? Wouldn't an attractive downtown make everyone's experience in Norfolk more enjoyable and financially beneficial (home values, tax base etc)? I wonder what goes on at town meetings? Why has the moonspace been allowed to just languish there for so long? I hear that "talk of a grocery store" has been going on for years? I agree with PRR - you don't need a big supermarket, (although I wouldn't mind a Trader Joe's!) just some attractive shops would add so much to the feel of a downtown and promote a sense of community. Imagine getting out of your car and actually walking in a downtown area instead of quickly averting your eyes from the moonspace eyesore and driving away? This does make me wonder what goes on at town meetings? Is there any plan in place to develop the land since it looks like the grocery store is not going to happen? No Stop & Shop might be a blessing in disguise and an opprotunity to create a lovely downtown area.
    - LL

  • 4/15 10:40am   Could all the helicopter talk be mosquito spraying? It is usually early am or late evening - thought I read something about spraying beginning soon?? A few years ago it was eerily like an episode of "24" with this sleek black helicopter flying so low over our ajacent wetlands that I thought for sure it would clip the trees and crash in the yard.
    - PB

  • 4/15 9:31am   JM, As I sent my last post I was experiencing the same helicopter activity that you did. Only it was over King/Union st at 9:15 this morning. It was the same activity that I experienced a few weeks ago. I don't think it is anything to worry over. Besides, If it was... the town would've surely used that nice reverse 911 system that we have!
    - MW

  • 4/15 9:29am   JM, I just witnessed some very low flying, fast moving helicopter in the Park St/Main St area... it looked like it would nearly hit my chimney. Actually looked very much like it was trying to locate a person. Anyone know who or why?
    - LL

  • 4/15 9:28am   JM. I've experienced similar helicopter activity a few weeks ago on a weekend morning. It was somewhat annoying since it was the one morning that I can actually sleep past 6AM. I asked a relative who works at Cedar Junction if there was an issue. There was nothing going on. There is a training oval behind the prison and helicopters have been known to land there. I took my kids to an employee's event and the state police landed there. Who knows... but I do know that their tactical team does practice drills and such on the property and in the surrounding neighborhoods. I really wouldn't worry about escaping prisoners. The other thing it could be is a survey company. When I lived in Walpole, we had an episode of helicopters flying so low over our yard that we actually lost tree limbs on our property and I had china that broke. We complained and were told that they U.S. dept of something or other was making maps of the wetlands that ran through our property.
    - MW

  • 4/15 9:25am   Regarding PRR's vision and DL pithy response: Yes, we would all like to see a prettier town center and a small grocery store would be terrific, too. But we should really be focusing on what we currently have so we don't lose that. We should be supporting local businesses and our local farms. I know, I hear it all the time that their prices are higher. So what! They cannot afford to be as cheap as Wal-Mart or Home Depot. But we are paying for the convenience. If you want certain items at stores, I am sure that they will be happy to listen to your input. Why go to Lord's in Medfield for things? Ask the gals at Something Special to stock those items!! If we support what we currently have, it will make it more appealing to newer businesses. We are not a high traffic area. Those stores depend on local folks. And where, pray tell, would new businesses go anyway? We already have two convenience stores, a dry cleaner, a cute gift store, a pizza shop and a hardware store. Other good space is used by a plumber, an accountant, etc... I am not sure where we could even fit another store without new retail space being built. Such is the conundrum. We have to start embracing what Norfolk is now rather than wish for something better all the time.
    - JBN

  • 4/15 9:24am   A special quote for DL:
    "There couldn't be a society of people who didn't dream. They'd be dead in two weeks."

    William Burroughs (1974)

    - TEM

  • 4/15 9:21am   The helicopter was part of Norfolk County Mosquito Control's program. They were working on the wetlands by the state school and the Linde Conservation property yesterday late afternoon.
    - HC

  • 4/15 9:20am   JM - Mosquito control = helicopters over wetlands.
    - LAW

  • 4/15 9:18am   To DL: re: pipe dreams for town center - DL, if you think my ideas were too "Cloud Nine-y" for you, take a look around at other towns... people had dreams, and they followed through... at least a start would make a difference. Thought is action; and if folks allowed themselves to think about what they would really like to see in their town... they, meaning all of us, might actually begin to create a vibrant town center here in Norfolk!
    But with the attitude that sustainable businesses that serve a community is a pipedream - well, to me that sounds totally self-defeating if one's goal is to have a great town center. And I never used the term "evil landlords"... I said "fair rents!" There is a big difference there! And I am not talking about the average business person; the average business person does not create an inspired and beautiful shop that invites people in to spend their hard earned money, they build average stores... we don't need "average stores" at this time... we need great shops! An exceptional and entrepreneurial business person does take chances and has vision... that is exactly what our town center needs!
    We have an amazing opportunity, one that almost no one has in New England, to create our dream town center... so let's get to it! What do we want!!
    - PRR

  • 4/15 12:05pm   Re: 4/14 12:48pm Question two. Does the town do any type of soil analysis, or where may I go locally to have a test done? - FC
    Soil Testing - There is a Soil Testing Brochure on-line at URL: [U Mass soiltest brochure]. There is a price list and order form on the back of the brochure, plus a Soil Sampling Procedure.
    The samples are mailed to UMass in Amherst; see the brochure. You can receive results by e-mail; see: [U Mass soiltest emailinfo]. If you wish e-mail, you must be willing to obtain the appropriate fact sheets that explain your results from the website. Include your e-mail address, etc. Include a check made payable to University of Massachusetts.
    - RH

  • 4/14 11:59pm   PPR - And then we can all head down to town hall and hand in our passports and ask if we can get the new ones to Cloud Nine. Because I think that is where you want to live. While everything that you talk about would be wonderful, I am not sure it happens in the real world where people (yes even evil landlords) need to make a living. If any of the ideas that you threw out were sustainable (and in this case I mean from a business perspective) then it might come true. But your average business person is not in the habit of throwing away money. I will drive to Bellingham for Whole Foods, I even go to the occasional art gallery, but I can also understand when Stop and Shop does not want to hand their land over to us. Unless you are intending to invest your pension into your vision, it will continue to be your pipe dream.
    - DL

  • 4/14 11:58pm   Thank you AR and TMS.
    - FC

  • 4/14 11:51pm   Hi PA, Not misleading you from in last post, so sorry; no filters here at my house and very low sodium count right now. Yes, high minerals here and that is fine for me and my family, due to no health problems here so far, and we have the best water from underground springs. It did cost me so much in the past and now my ROI for this is starting to pay me back, big time. No more water bills from the town, and very happy I made the investment long time ago.
    - RS

  • 4/14 11:50pm   Does anyone know why there was a helicopter flying around the Main St / Spring St area tonight around 6:30? It was flying pretty low and did quite a few circles. Seemed like they were looking for something / someone.
    - JM

  • 4/14 11:48pm   Wm, other than the person who voted 33 times, is the 144 for neither all from different people or did someone do that again?
    - DV

    [The tally is really simple-minded, all it does is registers votes, but does not try to prevent voter fraud. Take the results with a grain of salt: all the search engines also traverse all links on the page, so even their indexing of content throws off the total. - Wm.
    Update 12:12am: That having been said, there is clearly some amount of "excess voting" going on. The unique tallies (lots of hand-waving here about what "unique" means) are currently at 34 pets shop, 43 consignment store, 56 neither. - Wm.]

  • 4/14 11:44pm   PRR, #9 is what I just opened in Dover, come visit the shop and see if you think it would do well here. I am open 1-4 everyday but Monday. 14 Dedham St. Dover in the Springdale Crossing building.
    - DV

    [Update 4/15 9:23am: that's #9, not #0 - Wm.]

  • 4/14 11:38pm   It is really refreshing when newcomers arrive here and give ideas on what to do with the moonscape. We moved here 17+ years ago and we will never forget the broker saying "and stores will be going in here." We were quite excited. Trust me, after a while you really do not even see the moonscape anymore as other things become a priorty, schools etc. We have been driving to Franklin/Millis for so many years to grocery shop that we are so used to it and it is just not important anymore to have a grocery store in town. Norfolk will continue to attract many people whether the moonscape is completed or not. We could have left a long time ago, but Norfolk is such a great town it would be quite difficult to leave. There is much more to Norfolk than the moonscape.
    - DWL

  • 4/14 6:09pm   My congrats also to KPTV for getting the Critic's Choice Award for their creative and entertaining entry on Fox 25 High School Newscast Contest!! I don't know any of these students, but they did a great job! I agree, LMM: there were website access issues. On the last day of voting, KP was ahead 44% (8831 votes) to 33% (6661 votes) at roughly 9:15AM. By 9:25 the other school had 6750 and KP had 8835 votes (approx). In order to get the 2085+ votes by noon to win - do the math... the other school supporters flooded the website at a rate 14+ votes/minute for the next 2.5 hours straight. Glad to see Fox News publicly recognized KP for their quality production!
    - SM

  • 4/14 5:28pm   To KDL: Stores For Norfolk: I agree 100%. Let's cut the BS and cut loose Stop and Shop. We don't need a mega store that will go out of business and move and leave us with a big environmentally gross warehouse space type building in the middle of our town eventually because Norfolk could not/would not give it sufficient business...
    We do need a beautiful town center with a shop(s) that provide easy access to items that folks need day to day...
    1. high quality dairy goods/cheeses/organic items
    2. good bread and real pastries
    3. copy and print shop (not everyone uses their computer to print cards, large documents, photos, etc.)
    4. fresh fish... etc.
    Some more ideas...
    5. Maybe a small grocer with organic/fresh grown when possbile, produce and fruit... it is possible. Not everyone goes to Jane and Paul's and Gumps all the time... they probably would will in the summer months of course but our wonderful local farms could also supply a small store in the center of town... the more the individual farms sell, the better...
    6. In the winter, we could use a small fruit/veggie supplier here in town. Whole Foods doesn't have to be the only show in... Bellingham?? Organic would be awesome... Think about it!
    7. Here's something interesting, what about a business that dealt in "green" supplies for the home... including solar systems, things builders need...
    8. How about a work-out place... with a sauna, a whirl pool... wouldn't that be nice, when you get off the train... you could stop at the health spa for an hour... your wives and husbands would be so much happier if you came home with a smile instead of that tired, lack lustered, burn-out glare from crowded trains and over work!
    9. An art gallery!!! A gallery that could also second in the evenings as a venue for acoustic musicians, poetry readings, small gatherings. The shop owner could be selling the items in the gallery and showing photo and painting exhibits, fine hand made jewelry, etc., while serving small pastries and beverages supplied by the new bakery and grocer in town.
    If well designed, environmentally conscious, innovative, charming/welcoming as well as useful shops (ie: not selling shoddy, poorly made items and prepared goods) but fairly priced and high quality shops and businesses were invited to open here in Norfolk, we would want to support them by giving them our business... and we would subsequently have a community that supports business and has a more equal tax base. It is a no brainer... win win.
    Please note: That also means whoever is collecting rent has to be fair and not be "allowed" to gouge shopowners with high rents that will put them out of business while they are starting up and trying to stay afloat and ahead of the recession we are all now facing!! It is not fair at all to ask investors/shop owners to take chances and spend their precious time, money and energy putting new shops in our "town center" if we aren't willing to give them our patronage and fair rents.
    And most importantly: If the businesses we encouraged to take a chance here were successful, we would have a thriving business center that brought the values of our homes up as well as the quality of our lives for us and for our descendants. Maybe we would all walk more and be a heck of a lot healthier if we had a town center that provided for more of our needs... a destination ... instead of going to the large box stores that are selling us goods from China and other countries that use slave labor, prisoners, children and elders to make the very same things we used to buy at stores like our neighborhood Woolworth's...
    Let us welcome creative and innovative businesses. Anything is possible once we put our minds to it!
    Let's take back America right here in Norfolk!!
    - PRR

  • 4/14 5:27pm   For the person who voted 33 times for neither, what would you like to see for a retail store here?
    - DV

  • 4/14 5:09pm   RS - Analytical Balance Corporation is very good, trust me, I was forced into using them. When I moved here ten years ago, our estimable health agent, Mr. Domey, found what Analytical Balance Corp. called 'traceable amounts' of sodium and manganese in my water. Even though another nearby home had small amounts of sodium, they were able to sign a waiver acknowledging that fact and get an occupancy permit... I was not because Mr. Domey felt my case was a 'concern.' After spending thousands of dollars on a water filtration system, I was finally able to move into my house. You tend to remember when you get [special attention], even if it's a long time ago.
    - PA

  • 4/14 5:06pm   Would anyone out there happen to have some extra plastic page protectors that they don't need any more? They are needed for a very large project. I need them to hold paper (not for pictures). Looking for approximately 300 but, will take whatever anyone has. [Use box75@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks,
    - DH

  • 4/14 3:13pm   FC: Contact the local Mass. Extension for information on soil analysis. Possibly Norfolk Aggie on Rt. 1A in Walpole may do it as well. Welcome to Norfolk!
    - TMS

  • 4/14 3:12pm   Hi, Has anyone recently bought a wooden swingset who can recommend a place to buy one? Thank you
    - JG

  • 4/14 3:11pm   I think KDL is on to something. My husband and I have been looking at real estate in Norfolk for the past 6-8 months. We love the houses and the value we get for our money. We also love that there is plenty of green space and trees in Norfolk. We've heard that the schools (especially elementary) are also great. There is a lot to like about Norfolk. The only real negative is the town Center - there isn't one. At least one that gets used much. If we move to Norfolk, I imagine that we will be driving to Medfield and Millis for everything we need. Wouldn't everyone benefit (in terms of property value) if Norfolk had a nicer town Center? There is so much potential here (the moonscape for one) it's a shame that the downtown isn't a more inviting place.
    - LL

  • 4/14 3:00pm   KDL, I agree there are no shops here. Someone mentioned the two vacant spots in the center, but he wants much too much rent and I am told that the roof leaks. The beautiful building by Gumps is only zoned for office space so that's out. It is a no-win for residents of this town.
    - DV

  • 4/14 2:55pm   I, too, was startled to see a markedly higher water bill this time around. I was all set to call the town (actually, calls should go to the Water Department) about what I thought was an overcharge, but first dug through my old billing records to figure out what happened.
    Turns out the bill is correct, if a bit confusing. Two things conspired to make the bill higher than at other times: the 10/5/2007 usage estimate was low (by 11,000 gallons), and the period included is long, by two months. For our household usage, about 66,000 gallons a year, those two months--a sixth of a year--is another 11,000 gallons. So instead of a bill for 33,000 gallons (half a year usage), we were presented for a bill for 33,000 gallons (half a year) + 11,000 (under-estimated from last year) + 11,000 (two extra months in this bill) = 55,000 gallons. That's 66% higher than expected for a half a year, but correct.
    Mind you, those who have been bumped up by this billing lump into the next higher water-rate tier are not going to like the price jump. Luckily, with our family's usage and the current pricing structure, the extra water costs us the same even had it been split evenly between the two invoices.
    The new meter has a flip-up lid; I checked the current water use, and that too seems correct. I happened to write down the inside meter reading when they installed the new water meter, and the "gallons on old meter" count was correct, same as I had (I had to subtract the "gallons on old meter" from my reading, then subtract the number of gallons paid for last October, but that came to the reading printed on the 2/8/2007 bill). Our old outside meter was just for remote readout; it was driven via a wire by the inside meter (so informed me the guy who swapped the meters.)
    - AR

  • 4/14 12:49pm   DV and MW, I like this conversation because every time someone starts talking about the town center it turns into nothing but complaints. How about some pro-active conversation that we might be able to turn into some action with the selectmen or some other committee chartered to bring in business to the town.
    This is what I would like to see:
    The town takes over the Stop and Shop area for a Town Common. That leaves the far area (if I understand what goes where - correct me if I am wrong) by the town hall for a small market, a pharmacy and one or two miscellaneous stores. A casual restaurant would go nice there as well as an expanded "hardware store" like a Lords. Now before I get into trouble, I love out hardware store - maybe with the right buildings in place we can get them to expand.
    I am a firm believer of "build it and they will come." I know people reading this will jump on me for "giving up" the S&S space, but picture a green with shops all around it. Few towns have the luxury to do this - we do!! Also for the tax generating conscious (me included), I feel that we are more likely to get something there if the site is presentable rather than the moonscape as it is. If we build it business will follow. Question is, who do we approach with a master plan to execute from?
    - KDL

  • 4/14 12:48pm   Hi Folks, I have two questions. My wife and I are relatively new to Norfolk, transplants from the greater Boston area, and I might add I love living in Norfolk - until my water bill comes in. We crunched the numbers and it appears that we were billed for having used 85,000 gallons of water last year. In doing the math this is 1500 gallons per week for two people who are gone most of the day. I don't wash my cars at home. I rarely water my lawn. Has anyone had experience with water bills sounding out of wack? Please respond.
    Question two. Does the town do any type of soil analysis, or where may I go locally to have a test done?
    - FC

  • 4/14 10:58am   To AC: There's a manufacturer of treadmills relatively nearby (ecybex.com). They are located in Medway (10 Trotter Drive) and it may be worth your while to check them out. I believe they were formerly known as Trotters, now they go by the name Cybex International. I cannot recommend their products as I know next to nothing about treadmills except when I visit the cardiologist and he forces me jump on one. I use a rowing machine, although lately there seems to be considerable dust collecting on the seat.
    By the way, I would appreciate information from any Norfolk resident who has waged a war against poor FM reception and won. Primarily interested in an indoor antenna that actually works (although an outdoor antenna might be an option, if nothing else works). The indoor one I purchased from Radio Shack was a waste of money as there was little or no improvement over the wire that came with the receiver. An email inquiry to Comcast whether or not an additional cable attachment to the FM receiver would help reception resulted in no reply at all. Has anyone tried that or any other options?
    - TEM

  • 4/14 10:55am   Attention Norfolk Taxpayers: Norfolk Taxpayers Association meeting tonight at the Library 7:30 pm.
    Agenda: Town Budget Finances, Overrides and Debt Exclusions, Impact of Employment Contracts on Town Finances, Candidates for the Upcoming Election, Getting Out the Votes for the spring Town Meeting.
    The financial future of out Town is at stake, as a significant personnel change occurs within the grade school system (3 board members and the superintendent) and King Philip contemplates layoffs - has the Town done enough? What are the steps we can take to halt tax burdens?
    Join us tonight!
    - MN, Norfolk Taxpayers Association

  • 4/14 10:54am   Does anyone know a contractor who does exterior stucco work other than New England Brickmaster?
    - DMG

  • 4/14 10:53am   We used to have a well and the water was fantastic. Well, the water that we could get was fantastic. If you wanted to take a bath, you could start the water running, go shopping, have dinner and still have to wait for the tub to fill. I spent many a day down cellar priming the pump 'cause it ran dry. It was a deep Artesian well, many years old.
    When we decided to get town water it was with mixed feelings. I have to admit, tho', we love having town water; yes, the bills are a pain in the wallet but we never run out and we find the quality very good. We are still water misers using only what is necessary. You have to weigh the pros and cons, both well and town water have their own.
    - JW

  • 4/14 10:52am   The Fox contest ended last Thursday. KP was well ahead prior to midnight but by morning, another school had won. To KPTV news' credit, however, the newscasters at Fox unanimously voted their broadcast as the best. The students put out a quality program every week and deserved this recognition. However, much like American Idol, it comes down to the voting public. There were many problems with Fox's link and website that prevented a number of votes from all towns from being submitted. Anyway, great job KPTV.
    - LMM

  • 4/14 10:51am   Violin lessons - someone had posted a while back for a teacher for my daughter. Could you please repost? Thank you.
    - JL

  • 4/14 10:48am   Re: 4/12 3:09pm RS - We have well water only and where we use to have it tested has moved. Where do you have your well water tested? Is it nearby? - BR (BR#1)
    One certified lab is: Analytical Balance Corporation, 42 W Grove St, Middleboro, MA 02346. (800) 313-2225 [www.H2Otest.net]
    Call for price and directions for takng samples, or see: [H2Otest contact page]
    - RH

  • 4/13 11:44pm   AC, I just got an almost mint condition, gym quality stationary bike off of Craig's List for $50. I checked these out and the newer models go for a couple thousand dollars. My husband's grown daughter just got a similar treadmill very inexpensivley... might be worth a try? Sometimes people sell them hardly used.
    - MW

  • 4/13 10:38pm   I recently received this and I figured I would share it with all of you...
    Hello Friends and KPTV supporters - we need your help! We recently won a spot in the Fox News High School Newscast contest top ten, and we need your votes! You can vote as many times as you'd like - and every one counts. Since we are up against some much bigger schools - we really need you now! And, may I say - if you watch our broadcast, and pick on a few others for comparison... well, quite frankly - we really deserve this. (no bias here of course!)

    Here is where you can vote: [deleted page?? - Wm.]

    Vote and help support King Philip!

    - WZ

    [Is the poll still open? I don't see any links that still work - Wm.]

  • 4/13 10:32pm   RS - How long ago did you have your well drilled? That seems very cheap; I have heard figures ranging in the 10K for that type of well.
    - LS

  • 4/13 5:47pm   Hi there. I am in the market for a new treadmill and wanted to get some opinions from those who have bought one recently. Where did you buy and were you happy with the service? Any pros and cons re: features? I can't afford to spend thousands. My old treadmill died recently and I am assuming that it makes more sense to buy a new one than to try to get a 15 year old one repaired. Does anyone have any experiences to share re: repairs? Any advice and recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
    - AC

  • 4/13 3:09pm   RS - We have well water only and where we use to have it tested has moved. Where do you have your well water tested? Is it nearby?
    - BR (BR#1)

  • 4/13 1:58pm   Hi all with water bill problems, so sorry in tough times to pay so much for water.
    I have a well, 650 ft deep and set a 450 ft, and have plenty of water, around 12 gallons per minute at 60 psi. Have plenty of water, including washing our cars and watering the lawn, and all is free except the electrical bill for running the pump. Maybe around 10.00 per month or maybe a little more, not sure. But sure of this, no water bills from the town.
    You might want to think of drilling a well at this point and get out of the town's water system and save a lot of money. My well drilling was 3800.00, not including the pump; it was another 1000.00, and the holding tank was another 1200.00 with all electrical, plumbing work and hook-up. Now I am free of water bills from the town and my ROI ended last year. Am very happy to save from here on in, plus nice and clean water from underground springs. Every year I have my water tested for quality and the lab tells me all is good, better than water you buy at the store.
    Just passing this on to all.
    - RS

  • 4/13 1:52pm   For all of us folks who wish we were on spring break...
    Yes, we are in "spring" now.... But, today I was going through some of my old photos to put together a show, and I came across this one... simple and to the point... Ahhhhhh!!
    Somewhere in this world... it looks like this!! Enjoy.
    - PRR

  • 4/12 7:27pm   MW--You are onto something with your suggestion to DV. Something like Lords in Medfield where they even have a lunch counter (could be an ice cream counter). I'm running there all the time for "stuff."
    - BS

  • 4/12 5:44pm   We got our water bill the other day and we were thrilled with it. It was the lowest ever. LOL.
    - JW

  • 4/12 5:43pm   FM, Years ago the prisoners would be out cleaning up the sides of the roads--they also use to shovel out the hydrants in the winter. Wonder why it was stopped? I do agree we all need to pitch in and clean up.
    - BR#1

  • 4/12 5:42pm   A huge gigantic thank you to Brownie Troop and all their volunteers who ran the Brownie Sleep Over last night at the KP Middle School. Me and my girls had a terrific time.
    In my big rush to get four girls home this morning, I believe I may have left behind a sleeping bag. It is a lightweight orange/gray/greenish adult sleeping bag, stuffed into a black draw string bag (I think it has a Eastern Mountain Sports logo on it...). If anyone found it, please email me and I will come and pick it up from you. I so appreciate it. We will need it for more "sleepovers" and camp outs this summer !! Thanks so much. janhealy@comcast.net
    - JH

  • 4/12 5:40pm   DV, I wouldn't mind a shop that sold a variety of things - not a convenience store with food and drinks, but one that sold last minute items such as school supplies, pet items or last minute gifts for a child's birthday etc... High end dog food is a big one - I am always running out of it and have to drive to Franklin to get it. With gas prices the way they are, it would be great to be able to take a quick jaunt to the town center to pick up these things. It never fails that my kids need something for a school project at the last minute and I find myself driving all over the place looking for it. Craft supplies would be great!
    - MW

  • 4/12 11:52am   Now that the snow is gone and the underbrush has not grown in, we have a great opportunity to clean up the sides of our town's roads. Those of you who are offended by the sight of the litter that lands on the sides of our roads should take action. For instance, in the last 3 years, I've taken an extra bag with me on my way to the town transfer station and I've filled them with as much as I can beginning with the frontage on my property to the next intersection. I then dispose of it when I get to the dump. So, whether you clean up just the area in front of your property or clean up more, you're going to make a big difference. You never know, you may inspire your neighbors to help as well. Let's keep Norfolk looking beautiful!
    - FM

  • 4/12 11:48am   I am interested in taking art lessons. Other than college art classes, many years ago, I am a novice. I'm primarily interested in watercolors and need to learn to draw. Does anyone teach art or know someone who does. Please ask Wm. for my email address. [Or use box108@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks!
    - JHR

  • 4/12 11:47am   JT, only pet supplies and pet portraits, no pets. There are full shelters for them already. What type of retail store would people want here? No food!
    - DV

  • 4/11 10:52pm   Water bills - AL & EF are correct. The water bills are very confusing, but I think they are correct (at least mine is). You need to look at current bill (4/10/08) and previous bill (10/5/07) and focus on gallons.
    From the current bill, subtract present reading from previous reading (for me 25,770 - 0 = 25,770). Then add in any usage from old meter, located on current bill, just below the water rate table (for me 33,250 + 25,770 = 59,020). That's a years worth of usage. Then subtract the estimated usage (USAGE - gallons box) from the 10/5/07 bill (for me 59,020 - 27,750 = 31,270). That amount should be in the USAGE - gallons box for your current bill, and that is the gallon amount your current bill is based on (and you can do the math from the Water Rate Table to make sure).
    Hope this helps.
    - KB

  • 4/11 7:46pm   LK... We just got our water bill today and my husband nearly had a heart attack! We paid an estimated bill for the old meter usage at about 25,000 gallons. Our bill now states that we used an additional 58,000 gallons on the old meter. So, it seems that we were not credited for paying our 25,000 gal bill... and not only are we being charged again for the amount, but we are now being penalized and charge the higher rate for using a total of over 50,000 gallons. So we have been overcharged by 25,000 gallons plus the higher rate on the total on 68,000 gallons.
    I suggest that everyone check their bills and check what rate they are being charged. Just an FYI... inside meters and outside meters don't always correspond. If you are new to Norfolk and the water dept hasn't come in and read your inside meter, which they wouldn't, when they change the meter over, they use the actual reading on the inside meter (the water that has passed through the meter, not the outside reading). So in a nutshell, you could be paying for the years of water that the prior owners of your home used if their bills were based on the outside readings.
    - MW

  • 4/11 7:45pm   MJD: Huge is 97,150 gallons in cited usage on this bill for a family of four. Per statement, we have used 25-50,000 in each part-year cycle over the past 2 years (some bills were for 5 months and others for 7). Given that, it would seem that this is a bill for a full year. No pool, no sprinkler system; though 2 teenagers, and did water veggie garden and patch where reseeded over a sinkhole this summer. If this is a bill for just the fall/winter then I think something is wrong with the meter.
    - CI

  • 4/11 6:03pm   DV - It depends what you mean by pet shop. A store that sells animals? No, because that often supports inhumane and unregulated puppy mills. But a store that sells pet supplies, treats, toys, etc... then yes!
    - JT

  • 4/11 6:01pm   DV: I have two answers to your inquiry about a pet store or consignment store. At this point in time, I would take either. Norfolk center has plenty of vacancies (next to the gas station for example) that frankly detract from the town center's appearance. The moonscape is bad enough, but that coupled with empty store fronts makes Norfolk look like a dying community. That is a shame. If Norfolk was not in such desperate need of any retail stores downtown, I would prefer the pet store. Used clothes and household goods are not really appealing to me, but there is a huge market for such items out there.
    Is the lack of local retail due to zoning and other town of Norfolk self-imposed restrictions, or are the economics of doing business in Norfolk simply prohibitive? I may be oversimplifying the situation, but Norfolk's demographic would seem attractive to certain retailers. Is Norfolk more difficult for a start-up or retail chain to work with when considering locating here? If so, why?
    - CS

  • 4/11 5:32pm   DV, Neither.
    - DWL

  • 4/11 5:31pm   I don't know about all of you, but I checked my records and we paid our water bill last October, and all of that usage is now included again on our current bill. Not only that, but as you get the higher usage numbers, the rates are higher on a per gallon basis, so you are overcharged even more. I would recommend that everyone check their bill and their payment records closely. It says on the bill that you must contact them within 10 days if there is an error. Since town hall is not open today, I expect they are going to have the phone ringing off the hook on Monday! It would have been helpful if someone had checked the bills before sending them all out, especially after implementing the new meters, to make sure that charges were in line with what would be expected....
    - LK

  • 4/11 5:30pm   Actually, the water bills only look like they are for one full year, but they are really only for the balance of the water used during that time period, minus what was already billed & paid for in the fall. In other words, the "Includes usage on old meter" amount + the usage on the current meter does = usage for one full year. But, then you'll notice that you are only being billed for that amount minus the amount you were billed for last fall.
    - AL

  • 4/11 5:29pm   JP - I'm the person who is selling the carseats. Did you also email me as well as posting about this on Norfolknet? I can't find an email from anyone on this subject in my inbox in the past week. Anyway, the seats were manufactured in 2004, so anyone buying them now for an infant to born in the near future would still fall under the time period you describe (another person who emailed me actually said 6 years - could you tell me where this info is coming from so I can verify what you said?).
    As for the fading, it wasn't from sunlight (the seats have been sitting in my basement since September, 2005). They smelled musty from the basement so I gave them a hot wash, but I didn't think and used a detergeant that had bleach in it, so the next thing you know - faded fabric. The plastic parts look like the just rolled off the assembly line - it's a bit chilling on an environmental level, but hopefully it can be recycled in 2009 or 2010 when its useful life ends. I'd appreciate it if you could respond with a link for the information on the lifecycle of carseats, so I can double-check that they are still good. Thanks very much.
    - KID

  • 4/11 5:25pm   Just wondering if anyone knows of someone who refinishes furniture besides Classic Furniture in Franklin. We have a large piece that needs some work. Thanks,
    - NO

  • 4/11 5:23pm   If you are wondering about Lions Soccer, please don't hesitate to contact me, Jennifer L[.], with any questions. My phone number is 520-1340. I sent out an informational email but received a lot of bouncebacks. The spring season starts on Sunday, April 27th and runs until June 22nd. You should also have received a call from the coach this week. The games are all being played at Freeman Centennial. You can also check the website at norfolklionssoccer.com
    - JL, Lions Soccer

  • 4/11 5:22pm   CI - What is huge? I guess my question has to be, what is reasonable? We used 59,000 gallons in a year according to the bill. In my house there are two adults and two kids under 10. We have a front loading washer and don't water our lawn. We also do not have a pool.
    - MJD

  • 4/11 5:21pm   Regarding the water bills--- Usage was estimated on the October 2007 bill, but the last actual reading (at least in my case) was in 2/07. If you pull your last bill that had an actual read (2/07), add the reading on your new meter to it and then subtract out the estimated gals. Used from your (estimated) bill in 10/07, you should have the correct dollar amount owed. I pulled out my last 2 bills and meter readings to understand this bill, and the math made sense with the three bills in hand (but not without them). I believe that the plan is to eventually have quarterly readings which would be better for budgeting purposes.
    - EF

  • 4/11 5:20pm   My water bill is 3/07 - 3/08 and is 467.00. I think that's a pretty good deal for usage for 1 year.
    - DWL

  • 4/11 5:19pm   Question for everyone - would you rather see a pet shop in Norfolk or a consignment shop with nice gently used things, or neither?
    - DV

    [Ok, let me see... how about this way (click on the word to register your vote):
    (Petshop) / (Consignment) / (Neither) / (just look at the results so far)

    - Wm.
    Update 4/12 2:08pm: I see someone cast 33 votes for Neither; I guess they must really really not care for either option... - Wm.
    Update 4/14 11:48pm: The tally is really simple-minded, all it does is registers votes, but does not try to prevent voter fraud. Take the results with a grain of salt: all the search engines also traverse all links on the page, so even their indexing of content throws off the total. - Wm.
    Update 4/14 12:12am: That having been said, there is clearly some amount of "excess voting" going on. As of 4/14, the unique tallies (lots of hand-waving here about what "unique" means) are currently at 34 pets shop, 43 consignment store, 56 neither (not 45/56/143 or whatever). - Wm.]

  • 4/11 2:04pm   My water bill is huge too, but when I looked at the dates it is covering nearly 14 months of use (2/9/07 - 3/25/08).
    If they are switching to an annual bill it would be nice if it wasn't due so close to a quarterly tax payment (taxes due May 1, water bill due May 12).
    - CI

  • 4/11 2:03pm   PHT - hmmmm - A gentleman makes a valid point on the pay of our superintendent and you come back with a condescending response. Quite obviously there were some serious errors made in the last negotiation. I hope we all pay closer attention to the upcoming process and make sure the taxpayers receive a fair value for their hard-earned tax dollars. I am not sure belittling people with an opposing view is the best way to deal with the issue?
    - PR

  • 4/11 12:59pm   Was anyone else surprised by ther water bill they received today? Ours doubled. Is it the new meter?
    - MJD

  • 4/11 12:58pm   PHT - Dare I say you oversimplify? I and others do not think we are paying the Super too much, just that perhaps there are some ways we could reorg the admin costs and save some money. I will look for you at the focus groups sessions (did I see you at the three meetings last week?) and listen for your great creative ideas to get us through this difficult financial time. You can also join some of us on Tuesday to lobby legislators at the State House. We need some creative ideas, not the same old, same old, so show up, speak up and share your solutions.
    - MJD

  • 4/11 11:48am   HRB, You are absolutely correct and dead center on the head of the problem. Now using your assessment by comparison, I agree that we should pay our next superintendent on the number of students that are in the system. If you take Lowell's numbers for compensation and multiply them by the $10.88 per student times the number of students in our system... hhmmmm, let me see, $10.88 times 1100 = $11,968.00 annual compensation. Of course I think it is only fair as you pointed out that that we give the new candidate a monthly stipend for gas allowance as well, for let's say equal to what the former Superintendant received. The savings would be amazing don't you think! I will state right now that I will volunteer along with HRB to begin the interviewing process for the new superintendent immediately!
    Well, thank goodness that's one little crisis out of the way for the day. I just don't understand why those guys in Town Office think more like HRB and myself!
    - PHT

  • 4/11 11:38am   It is my pleasure to announce an additional three days (mini camp) of our DARE Summer Day Program for students exiting fourth grade entering grade five. This program will take place on Monday June 30th, Tuesday July 1, and Wednesday July 2. The program will include the towns of Wrentham, Plainville and Norfolk. More details (times, locations and program activities, etc.) to come. The week following April vacation I will be visiting fourth grade classrooms to fill students in on what to expect. Welcome aboard grade four!
    We have also set our dates for our grade six entering grade seven summer day program. Our dates for this program are scheduled for June 23-27th (Monday thru Friday). As of this time the Freeman-Centennial School is scheduled for last day of classes on Thursday June 19th. The program will take place the week following.
    Grade five entering grade six dates have been set for August 11-15 (Monday thru Friday). I will be visiting classrooms the week after April vacation to inform students about the DARE camp experience.
    You should expect all applications to go home with your child through school the week of April 26, 2008. If you have have any questions please feel free to call me at (508) 541-3330.
    - Officer Steve Plympton, DARE Summer Day Program Coordinator, Norfolk Police Department

  • 4/11 10:38am   I also missed receiving any info on Lion's soccer (if it was sent out), thank you for posting it! I am more than a little bummed that the program is moving to the Freeman fields... looks like I will have to do a dog poop inspection of my child before he leaves there. The local pet owners just can't seem to grasp the fact that the fields are for children to play sports on and not their own private doggy potty . Nothing changes. Every time I drop my child off for band in the AM I see the same dog owners using the fields. I also notice that they are almost always off leash even when there are school children being dropped off on the school grounds. Shameless!
    - MW

  • 4/10 11:31pm   Looking for a tutor for your child? I am a Norfolk resident teaching second grade in Medfield and tutor grades 1-6 in all subject areas. Email me, Jen, at josborn366@gmail.com to discuss how I can help your child stay challenged or catch up over the summer.
    - JO

  • 4/10 4:23pm   I, too, am shocked by HRB's post! I knew it was a "sweet deal" to have a K-6 district with comparable pay to those working in a larger, K-12 district, and that if we want someone highly qualified, we have to compete with larger towns with bigger budgets. But, given our current circumstances, all the more reason to think out of the box right now. I think MJD's suggestion of attending the focus groups and making our feelings known is the best option we have. I will clear my calendar and get to that meeting!
    - TC

  • 4/10 3:38pm   One last question. Was everyone sent information on soccer? Did it not reach me? Thanks again.
    - DWL

  • 4/10 3:14pm   In response to DWL: The first game of the Norfolk Lions Soccer season will be Sunday, April 27th. All games will be held at the Freeman-Centennial fields this season. The spring schedule is as follows: 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15 and 6/22.
    - JD, Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer

  • 4/10 3:13pm   DWL -- I got an email from the registrar that games begin on Sunday, April 27. They will be played at Freeman and you should be hearing from your coach soon. I think you can go to the Lions Soccer web site to get the registrar's email; I didn't check. See you on the 27th.
    - BS

  • 4/10 3:11pm   I am looking for a roofer for a small job to be done asap. Please call 508-528-1034. Thank you.
    - JL

  • 4/10 2:11pm   Does anyone know when Norfolk Lions Soccer begins. I have not received anything in the mail. Thanks.
    - DWL

  • 4/10 1:45pm   Does anyone know if they are working on getting the virtualnorfolk.org site up and going again? I get error messages that it has lost contact with its server.
    - JGP

    [Which page in particular? I just tried, and the home page loaded for me - Wm.]
    [Update 3:06pm: Wm, The Norfolk Rec -> On Line Registration -> Programs - JGP
    Oh, I see - that page (activityreg.com) is separate from town hall; their server must have hiccuped. It was down at 2:30pm, but I just tried again (3:10pm) and it seems back up again. - Wm.]

  • 4/10 1:44pm   So what do we do? Do we show up on the 16th at the "focus groups" and insist that the School Committee stop with this search and figure out how to look at an overall rehab of the admin? I thought HRB's post was shocking and should be a motivator for looking at how better to run our schools. I would be very interested in how other K-6 towns run. I know that there are those in our community who would be happy to make short work of the research. I, for one, would help. We need to think critically here, we are in trouble and every penny counts. If we can reduce our admin costs, the money goes back to programs and our kids.
    - MJD

  • 4/10 12:03pm   MJD is right on the money. Why is the School Committee pursuing this right now? Who will the search consultant even report to during the process? They should at least wait until the May 6th election. Seems like a rush to maintain the status quo in terms of administrative structure, which in these times is short-sighted and not at all creative. Having the Super leave right now is the perfect opportunity to evaluate other options, and give last year's reorg another year or two to show its impact.
    - TC

  • 4/10 11:54am   [With all the comments on the school board search for a new superintendent, I'm now posting a comment I deferred back on 3/28 12:45pm. Note that the article referred to is now two weeks old - Wm.]

    I read in yesterday's Lowell Sun the following:

    "As superintendent in Norfolk, overseeing about 1,100 students in two schools, Scott earned $128,750 annually. She also collected a 6 percent, or $7,725, annual annuity plus a $200 monthly mileage reimbursement.

    "Overseeing about 14,000 students in 22 (Lowell) schools, Baehr is currently making $148,765 annually. Baehr also receives $300 a month for mileage."

    So Scott's predecessor in Lowell gets a total of $152, 365 for a 14,000 student system; Scott now gets a total of $138,875 for a 1,300 student (closer to actual number) system. That's $10.88 per student for superintendent services in Lowell and $106.83 per student in Norfolk. We sure know how to drive a hard bargain.
    So why is the Norfolk School Committee, including [three who are not running for reelection], pressing to hire another superintendent as quickly as possible? Shouldn't we step back and take a fresh look at our system of school administration?
    - HRB

  • 4/10 11:54am   My question is, why is the current school committee even undertaking this task? They are mostly on the way out so why should they be allowed to complete this? [...] I say stop them from proceeding and allow the new school committee to do this as they will be working with the new super, if we even need one.
    - JT

  • 4/10 11:49am   JH - while I agree it's not the best financial advice, it was simply an option for folks to consider. My offer would still cost them significantly less than what credit card companies charge for "cash advances."
    - SB

    [It's been a while since I read the fine print of my credit card agreement, but don't credit cards treat "cash-equivalent" purchases as cash advances? So wouldn't buying a gift card on credit be the same as taking out a cash advance? - Wm.]

  • 4/10 11:09am   SB - There's nothing wrong with offering to buy unused/unwanted gift cards at a discount. However, the fact that you would suggest to someone who is cash-strapped to go out and purchase a gift card on their credit card, to then turn around and sell it to you at a discount, is not only horrific financial advice, but quite a bit un-neighborly.
    Welcome back to town.
    - JH

  • 4/10 11:03am   Attention taxpayers of Norfolk: The Norfolk Taxpayers Association invites you and your neighbors to a meeting on Monday April 14th at 7:30 pm at the Library meeting room.
    Topics to be discussed:
    Teacher salaries, pay raises within the school administration and future tax burdens - how can Norfolk survive?
    Upcoming town budget - override or debt exclusion? Is there a difference? How it will impact you.
    The candidates and our town's future - get out the vote!
    And many More!
    For more information contact Mark N., Norfolk Taxpayers Association at 508-541-6305.
    - MN, Norfolk Taxpayers Association

  • 4/10 10:04am   To MJD: No, you are absolutely not alone in your thinking. This topic has been raised in this and other forums, but, like everything else, we all forgot about it and got on to something more pressing... as if the town's school department is not among the most pressing of issues. I agree with you completely. Thanks for reminding us (well, not me, I have already said plenty). Sometimes it's hard to give up control.
    - RZ

  • 4/10 9:48am   Woo-Hoo! More plastics we can recycle at the Transfer Station. I think that's awesome.
    - SO

  • 4/9 10:48pm   On 4/8 at 8:58am, BP asked, "...I am coming from a town where we can recycle all plastics, 1-7. Does this happen at the TS, or just the 1 and 2's that are mentioned on the website?..."
    Starting this year, the Norfolk Transfer Station accepts all numbered types of plastics except styrofoam. You should be receiving the latest flyer in the mail. Also, the website has been updated.
    - RP

  • 4/9 10:47pm   To: KC re: Guitar Teacher : from post on 4/9 9:10pm - In regards to your question about a guitar teacher - Get your child a really good teacher... and he will want to practice and will be inspired to stick with it.
    I have posted my guitarist's name on Norfolknet before. I rehearse and perform with him. He is also a guitar teacher and is absolutely wonderful with kids! His name is Masashi Nakamura. His telephone number is: 617-787-1344. Masashi (that is: MA - SA - SHE), has students all over Boston, Newton and the metro west area. He teaches at his students' homes.
    Masashi is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music and was nominated as the best guitarist in Hagi City, Japan where he is from. He plays classical, acoustic and electric guitars and is one of the most patient people I know. He looks like a rock & roller, so the kids love him, but he is all about being supportive and kind while encouraging his students to grow and learn. Just tell him Pamela gave you his name.
    - PRR

  • 4/9 9:15pm   Thank you for your advice - I have been a life long resident of Norfolk (4th generation here; born, raised, schooled and came back purchased a home in this town) and there is nothing fishy about my offer - if you take a moment to look at e-bay you'll notice these cards are sold all the time. Furthermore, I would be willing to give a bank check from Wrentham Co-op bank if need be. Yes I am trying to save a bit of money on my next project - who knows, maybe someone was given a gift and would prefer cash for another purchase, maybe someone's home is bring foreclosed on and rather than have a gift card, they could use the cash. I would be willing to meet people at my home if need be. Also the Home Depot in Norwood is a bit closer than the two you mentioned.
    My offer still stands.
    - SB

  • 4/9 9:14pm   I was just perusing Craigslist and saw an ad for an infant carseat in Norfolk, stating "the bases are in great condition, but the carseat looks used (faded) ... if you aren't fussy about looks and want a great, functional car seat--it is yours! p.s. if you are the working parent of an infant, toddler or preschooler looking for a playgroup, check out www.saturdayclubplaygroups.com."
    If by chance the author of this post is reading this, please check this carseat for safety. Carseat plastic can degrade in the heat of cars, and if the seat looks faded I would be worried that it's not safe. Also, seats "expire" after 5 years and should not be used after that window. They all have the date they were made stamped on the bottom. They expire to make sure that the majority of seats being used have the most current safety technology. It's likely that the person selling this knows all of this, but I wanted to point it out in case a potential purchaser was not aware. Used carseats can also dangerous because their history can't be verified (was it in an accident, etc) unless you're getting one from someone you know and trust. You can get a brand new seat for as low as $40 at Costco or Babies R Us. Thanks!!
    - JP

  • 4/9 9:13pm   MJD, You are not alone in your feelings. I don't know why the present committee won't take into account the public's suggestions. Hopefully the incoming committee will be better.
    - JEC

  • 4/9 9:12pm   Thanks to all that replied to my search for someone to help with my PC! Now I've got three to choose from.
    - NM

  • 4/9 9:11pm   SB sounds like he is up to something with this credit card scheme. Aside from this transaction being of questionable [...] status, why would anyone even take the offer seriously?
    - CS

  • 4/9 9:10pm   My kids keep asking me for guitar lessons. Does anyone know of a high school student or someone who is willing to come to our home and give private lessons?
    - KC
  • 4/9 5:35pm  

  • 4/9 5:38pm   I just received an e-mail from the School Committee about the search for a new superintendent. It sounds as though the search has begun and a consultant has been hired. What happened to the cries for an administrative audit? Why does the SC refuse to consider the possibility that we might need something different than what we had? Perhaps we could shuffle some responsibilites and do things better and with more efficiency? Am I alone is thinking this is at least worth considering?
    - MJD

  • 4/9 5:35pm   We were forwarded a press release -- the School Committee is looking for community input into the selection of a new superintendent.
    Norfolk School Committee Superintendent Search Process Underway - Parents and Community Invited to Participate
    The Norfolk School Committee invites parents and community members to participate in the selection of a new Superintendent of Schools.

    An integral part of the process involves parent and community participation in Public Focus Groups. The Focus Groups are designed to obtain participant input about the attributes, experience and knowledge that a new Superintendent of Schools should possess. The Focus Groups also provide an opportunity for participants to identify immediate tasks, which the new superintendent should address. Dr. James F. Walsh, Executive Search Consultant with New England School Development Council (NESDEC) will be assisting the Norfolk School Committee throughout the process and will conduct the Focus Groups.

    The Focus Groups will be held on April 16th at 7:00 p.m. and April 17th at 9:30 a.m. at the H. Olive Day School Library. The sessions will be approximately one hour to one and one half hours in length. No previous sign-up is required.

    Additionally, if you are unable to attend one these sessions, the Norfolk School District would be pleased to receive your comments in writing. Comment forms will be available at the district's central office at the Freeman-Centennial School.

    - Wm.

  • 4/9 4:22pm   Hi SB, I actually have a $1000 gift card for the Home Depot, which I'll sell you for your offered price of $820. However, I would request we perform the transaction at the US Bureau of Engraving & Printing, so I can verify that your cash is legit.
    - JH

  • 4/9 4:16pm   Re: Home Depot cards - Does SB also run a high-fee check cashing business as well? Let's see - I'm a little short of cash and have a gift card. I'll drive 18 miles round trip to HD in Bellingham or Mansfield - that's $3.25 for gas - to meet a stranger and give up 18% of the value of the card. SB may be trying to save some money for his project, but it all seems very fishy to me. If he wants the project to cost less wait for a sale and open up his own HD charge account. They'll knock 10% of for the new account and honor the sale price.
    - RJP

  • 4/9 4:15pm   JG - I just helped my brother build one. He was building a round brick patio area and he bought one of the outdoor fireplaces that you see for sale everywhere, we placed it in the middle of the round patio and dug deep enough so that the fireplace is in the ground and flush with the top of the bricks. We did pack under it with stone dust only because we had a bunch left over. End result is it looks 100% custom and is flush with the ground and surrounded by bricks.
    - LS

  • 4/9 2:55pm   JG: This may not be very helpful, but my husband is currently obsessed with building an outdoor firepit and has found several plans and guides just by searching online. He has also taken out some brickwork books from the library and several of them have featured firepits and may answer your questions. Good luck!
    - JP

  • 4/9 2:22pm   NM - a few weeks ago, I posted looking for some help with my laptop too. I found the email address (archived) for the young man who was listed last summer. I emailed him and he responded immediately that he was now a college freshman and not home but in school until the summer. A friend then recommended the PC Medic. Come to find out, my hard drive was gone with lots of important information that I had never backed up. He retrieved it and installed a new hard drive. Very knowledgeable, professional, efficient, honest and fairly-priced. I do freelance work from home and I would definitely use him again. His email is medic@pctoolsmith.com
    - MHC

  • 4/9 2:19pm   The Norfolk Public Library needs your help! We have a variety of volunteer opportunities -- both inside and outside the library. Continue reading to see if any of these "job descriptions" appeal to you!
    Book Sale Set Up: April 24 - 25 : Morning, afternoon and evening shifts available to help set up the book sale at the DPW garage. Duties include unpacking & sorting books and arranging on tables.
    Book & Bake Sale Assistants: April 26 - Help with the book sale, morning & afternoon shifts available
    Bakers Wanted! Do you enjoy baking? Then consider making a sweet treat for the Friends Book & Bake Sale.
    Please contact Beverly Baldoni at 508-528-9725 or at beverlybab@comcast.net to sign up to help with the book sale or baking.
    Weekly Library Volunteers Needed: Volunteers are needed to shelve books and pick items off the shelves for the daily "holds list". Since this requires training, we are looking for detail oriented volunteers who are able to commit 2 or 3 hours per week on a regular basis. Openings are available on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday morning, as well as Tuesday or Thursday, afternoon or evening.
    Seasonal Volunteers Needed: If shelving books doesn't appeal to you, perhaps you'd like to weed our garden? The weeds grow faster than we can keep up with them and we need all the help we can get! This task can be done at your convenience, as little or as often as you'd like. If you can volunteer on a weekly basis, you can become a "weekly weeder"!!
    If you're interested in volunteering at the library or in the garden, please call Robin Glasser at 508-528-3380 x. 3 or email rglasser@sailsinc.org
    - RG

  • 4/9 2:17pm   Lobsters are $6.99/lb at Market Basket in Bellingham if anyone needs a fix...
    - MP

  • 4/9 2:12pm   [Update 2:18pm: Sox tickets have been sold - MA]

  • 4/9 2:09pm   Looking to purchase any Home Depot cards - willing to offer 82% of the value of the card. I would ask that the transaction take place at Home Depot so the cards value can be verified. I am looking for around $1,200.00 in total to do some work on my home, but please let me know what you have (Stevebass4@gmail.com). This is great if you're cash strapped - just use your CC/HD card and buy a gift card and covert it to cash. Thanks,
    - SB

  • 4/9 2:08pm   About a year or so ago I came across an article in a magazine pertaining to an outdoor fire pit/cooking area. I dont remember the specific magazine or where I saw it. Anyone know of something like this? I'm looking to build one, and all I remember is the setup for the base had you putting in stonedust mix and then firebrick as the base. Thanx in advance
    - JG

  • 4/9 8:50am   NM Just had my computer cleaned out after a horrible virus, had my friend Chris restore it and network it with a wireless setup to another computer. Makes housecalls, fast service, very knowledgeable and reasonably priced. Can fix any problem, sometimes he can do it online. Christopher Creech, chris@fixedbygeeks.com. Toll free 877-784-2555.
    - GC

  • 4/8 7:12pm   NM, have used the PC Handyman many times; he is local, good prices, knows what he is doing, highly recommend him. You can email him @ info@pchman.com.
    - AD

  • 4/8 6:52pm   Heads up - someone dropped a leather leash on the runway at the Norfolk Airport. I left it there, thinking you'd return.
    - SO

  • 4/8 6:51pm   Hi. Does anyone have a recommendation for someone reliable and knowledgeable who can come into your home and fix a PC for a pretty good price? My problems are probably not earth-shattering to someone who knows what they're doing, but for us they're frustrating. Thanks for any suggestions.
    - NM

  • 4/8 1:25pm   BP: I give my empty large and small oatmeal containers (think Little Drummer Boy at Christmas) to a local nursery school or childcare center. I'm sure they'd love your butter containers for paint, etc.
    All: I have 6+ years of People, Places & Plants magazine that I am going to recycle, starting with 2001. If there are any gardeners or Garden Clubs or libraries that would like them before I do so, let me know at pulmoneria@hotmail.com. Here is the magazine: ppplants.com. It's published 6 times a year.
    - KB

  • 4/8 1:05pm   I noticed some members seeking a reliable landscaper. We have used BJ Barret at Barrett Landscaping for a few years and are very happy. His prices are reasonable and he is dependable. He has done everything in our yard from putting in a new lawn, plantings, cleanups, mulching, mowing and upkeep, as well as putting in a walkway. His phone number is 774-262-5676.
    - KM

  • 4/8 12:05pm   Found a website, www.opthome.com, which compares different town information (income, crime rate, schooling). Interesting reading.
    - DMM

  • 4/8 10:42am   PFD: Norfolk Recreation has a number of options for birthday parties. Check out the latest brochure or online. The Party Pack (parachute, cones, etc.) can be a lot of fun if you are creative enough to set up some obstacle courses or relay races - great for releasing some 5 year old energy. Good luck!
    - TMS

  • 4/8 10:07am   PFD - You can find a listing for pony parties at [critterplaces.com directory]. I'm not familiar with any of these, so I can't make a recommendation. However, if you're interested in going to a local farm for a pony party, Saddle Rowe in Medway offers them: [Saddle Rowe ponyparty]. They are very professional and safe and the facilities and ponies are very nice.
    - ST

  • 4/8 10:06am   BP - I also recently moved from a town that recycled plastics 1-7. The town as well as the private pickup that I use only recycle plastics 1&2. I have done an internet search for places to recycle plastics 3-7, to no avail. You don't realize how many plastic containers we use that are 5&6 until you are throwing them away. Does anyone have a use for butter tubs or take away containers (which are 5&6)? I always have plenty!
    - KS

  • 4/8 9:32am   AP - For a birthday party idea - we did Rainforest Reptiles for a combined birthday party for a 5 and 6 year old. The kids and their friends talked about it for years. One suggestion - have it outdoors - I was not comfortable having all the snakes and other creatures in the house!
    - KH

  • 4/8 9:30am   It could be that BP is referring to some of the higher number plastics. The transfer station takes 1 and 2, but not the others.
    JMF - I learned bird tips from BR (#1) as well.
    - SO

  • 4/8 8:58am   Hi, thanks for the input about the transfer station and the recycling. I am coming from a town where we can recycle all plastics, 1-7. Does this happen at the TS, or just the 1 and 2's that are mentioned on the website. I was also curious if private pickup would recycle 1-7.
    - BP

  • 4/8 12:27am   Multi-family Tag Sale April 19th at 53 Grove Street; starts at 9:00. No earlybirds please!
    - JL

  • 4/7 11:31pm   To Wm. I am having trouble voting for KP. The link that was listed to vote for KPTV High School Newscast Contest seems to have expired. I found another link. [Fox25 vote for High School Newscast, new page] Please verify before posting. It takes a while for the voting page to load after you click on the icon in the "As Seen on TV" box. Looks like we need as many votes as possible! Thanks.
    - SM

    [Thanks, SM; the link you sent had a click-through on it to the poll; I linked the poll itself above. - Wm.]

  • 4/7 11:29pm   SM - I am very happy with FiOS so far. The HD TV is great, a more varied selection than Comcast. Plus the rest of the channel selections are truly awesome. Although my computer is a little older, I do think that the online performance is faster. Installation is a bit more involved than for straight cable, but I would say worth it. And by combining Verizon and Comcast I am saving about $50 a month.
    - DL

  • 4/7 11:27pm   Amen for JG - I caught myself a couple of weeks ago getting fired up and sending too many posts. I probably needed to step back a bit. Although some of the wild ones are fun and funny, many (including mine, no doubt) sound pretty strident. Folks, we are all neighbors and, I hope, future friends. Let's remember that. I do think that Norfolknet is a great forum for a healthy exchange of ideas and information. Let's see it that way and not as an opportunity to pigpile on an issue, a business, or a person.
    - DL

  • 4/7 11:26pm   SM - We switched over to Verizon Fios last month and couldn't be happier. The installation was relatively painless, although they do need up to 6-8 hours to do everything. The day of our installation the technician arrived at about 9:00 on a Saturday (right on time) and was extremely professional and friendly. He took the time to explain everything he was doing and why he was doing it. He was thorough in the explanation of our internet service and helped get our accounts signed up. On the tv side, he ran new cables to wire a basement playroom that didn't have tv previously and cleaned everything up when he was done. As for the service, our phones didn't change, but the internet is much faster and more reliable than it was with Comcast and the tv picture is dramatically better, especially on the "non-HD" channels. All that for $60 a month less than we were spending with Comcast. Enjoy Fios. You will be happy you switched.
    - BC

  • 4/7 11:25pm   JG is right about some people needing to relax a bit. Lately, the tenor of too many discussions has devolved into unnecessarily heated barbs being tossed about relative minutia. When appropriate, I am all for a spirited debate. Does the vehicle inspection practice of a local gas station rise to that level? I don't think so, but I that is my humble opinion. I appreciate hearing about the experiences of others with local merchants. It is actually a community service as long as the information is accurate and presented fairly. Why attack folks for sharing their experiences?
    I really cannot stand to read [...] on and on about how our public officials are taking advantage of "us" (the taxpayers of Norfolk). We live in a small town with a small budget. It does not seem realistic to think that our local officials could be needlessly pouring our taxes down the municipal drain without the citizenry catching on. People are aware of the local budgets and they seem reasonable relative to similar communities. Why do we tolerate the incessant negative comments about our town employees and elected officials? Free speech is a right in the USA, but so are contrarian opinions. Let's not let the glass half empty (or broken) members of our community define us all through this public forum.
    - CS

  • 4/7 11:24pm   BP, welcome to Norfolk! I'm not sure which limitations you are referring to regarding recycling on the town website. We find the recycling at the transfer station to be pretty extensive, and although I don't know the current status, Norfolk used to have one of the highest recycling rates in the state. I found the following list on the website (in addition to all this, I know there is a place to donate returnable cans and bottles, a place to give or take full or partial cans of paint, and an annual Christmas tree recycling):
    Items Accepted for Recycling and Disposal:
    Appliances (freezers, washers, refrigerators, dehumidifiers, etc.)
    Batteries (household) - Automotive
    Brush and yard waste
    Cardboard (brown corrugated, cereal boxes, egg cartons, paper board
    Fluorescent light bulbs
    Glass (clear, brown, green)
    Light iron (bikes, water heaters, etc.)
    Metal (brass, copper)
    Paper (office paper, junk mail, newspaper, magazines, catalogs)
    Plastics (#1 & #2 clear, #2 colored & white)
    Propane tanks
    Televisions and computer monitors
    Waste oil
    What else were you looking to recycle? We have never used a private service, but I am not aware of any that recycle more than this.
    - LK

  • 4/7 11:23pm   AP - I just did a Stuffing Station party (stuffed animals) with Amanda Torrey (she does a lot of Norfolk Rec programs) and the kids had a great time. Her number is 401-766-5313 or stuffingstation@live.com.
    - LP

  • 4/7 11:21pm   BP - Welcome to Norfolk!! I'm trying to think of what material you want to recycle that the dump - pardon me, transfer station - does not accept. Short of medical and plutonium waste I can dispose of everything. Are you referring to the fact that some items have a fee attached? Being a frugal person I do the math every year on using our transfer station vs. private pickup and always go with the TS. Plus, you meet nice people and can buy Girl Scout Cookies, Cub Scout Popcorn. The only real negative, other than your time to gather everything up, is during election season all the candidates are looking for your vote - even the ones you'd rather not talk to!!
    - RJP

  • 4/7 6:45pm   BR, SO - Wow! I'm so not worthy. Really do appreciate all the practical and creative suggestions to help expand my rudimentary knowledge about wild bird care. I read recently that as many as 50 million birds are killed every year in US cell-tower collisions [CSM article], and just wanted to give back somehow. You're right about it being addictive (already a goner) so those discount prices for bird feed at Ocean State Job Lot should help ease the pain. Thanks again for taking the time to share the benefit of your experience.
    - JMF

  • 4/7 6:23pm   Hi - someone on Norfolknet posted a request for a good plumber - we have used Jason Greene and found him to be very reasonable and honest. His website is mintplumber.com and his phone # is 508-429-3242. Hope this helps!
    - JC

  • 4/7 6:14pm   Regarding a plumber: We used Jason Green of J. Green Plumbing in Holliston, 508-429-3242 - he gave us great ideas, was super nice and came when it fit our schedule. The work he did was top notch, too!
    - AL

  • 4/7 6:13pm   I'm going to be moving to Norfolk next week. I'm a little disappointed by the recycling limitations listed on the website. Are these current? I'm also looking into private trash pickup. Is anybody using a private service that also recycles more than what is listed on the town site?
    - BP

  • 4/7 6:11pm   For AP: RE: Entertainment for your 5 year old's birthday party. Stephen Baird might be perfect for your event. He is wonderful. You may have seen him performing at the Stoney Brook Festival a couple of years ago... I think he always is there. His email is: stephenbaird@surfglobal.net There's info about him at this site: Stephen Baird, Children Performer, Children Music, Kids Entertainer, Puppet, Library Performer
    If he can't help you, if he is booked or something, he will recommend someone who will be perfect! Good luck!
    - PRR

  • 4/7 6:09pm   Wow, some of you people need [to chill]. I read these posts every day, and don't often respond, but come on folks, you're living on the edge here. Relax and think about what you write before it goes public (the Wm taught me that lesson a year ago and saved me some embarassment). It seems lately no one, and I mean absolutely no one, can make even the simplest comment, positive or negative, without someone else getting all hot under the collar. Relax and take a breath before you post, this forum should be about a constructive exchange of resources and comments. My 2 cents.
    - JG

  • 4/7 4:48pm   I am looking for entertainment/entertainer ideas for an at home birthday party for a five year old. Help!
    - AP

  • 4/7 4:47pm   RH - our wonderful snow-plow dude--Paul Robinson, 508-326-0299--does surveying, too. He's a local (Norfolk) resident, also.
    - LAW

  • 4/7 2:51pm   SDB, "some of us are so suspicious of our local mechanics that we attempt to ruin them with anonymous but public accusations of malice and greed. As if none of us has ever made a mistake at work."
    Give me a break! This is the most ridiculous statement that I have ever heard in my life! Nobody is trying to "ruin" anyone. This started with one person relating their negative experience to try to help some of us out. [Some] of us have also had negative experiences at the same service station, and the realization that others had similar experiences promted feedback. Reputation is everything in business. If the owners are concerned about it, they will simply try harder to please their customers. I think that from the number of disgruntled customers that have posted in this site alone, there is definitely enough evidence that one should be careful and aware when dealing with any service station. Just as consumers should be aware of potential appliance repair scams, etc. Don't turn the posts into something that they are not. As for making a mistake at work?? Well, remember that when your doctor misdiagnoses you or the nurse gives you a [harmful] dose of medication. What about the dentist that extracts the wrong tooth or the surgeon that amputates the wrong limb? [...] If it happend to you... would you still say "I understand, Dr., it was just a mistake"?
    People die in cars every day. Some of us feel the need to trust our mechanic. After all, we are essentially putting our lives and our passenger's lives in their hands when we choose them to work on our vehicles.
    - MW

  • 4/7 2:50pm   SDB: I am the original poster who, factually and without emotion, told of my experience at the Millis station to save someone else money. I saw and heard the manager say, with my own ears, "rear brakes" to the kid inspecting my car before he began the inspection. That was a "mistake" at work? I saw the perfectly good brake pads with my own eyes after being told I was on "metal to metal." That's a "mistake" at work?
    My husband has seen and heard, while pumping gas, the owner trolling around and telling people they needed tires or that their inspection sticker was due to expire--unsolicited. I have never been "suspicious" of mechanics until now, because this has never happened to me before.
    So perhaps next time I and others won't try to save others from a problem if this is the aggravation we get. In this era of social media and blogs, businesses had better wise up and realize the power of one unhappy customer.
    - KB

  • 4/7 2:41pm   Has anyone switched over to Fios yet with Verizon? I'm looking for any opinions on the service they received on installation and how the quality is now. We are scheduled to switch over at the end of the month and I'm wondering if we are making the right move! Thanks for any insight!
    - SM

  • 4/7 2:35pm   Surveyors - Can anyone recommend a registered land surveyor, or a surveying company? We have a stamped plot plan for our lot, but we would like to accurately locate the corners of the lot, and perhaps have a couple of cement bounds put in. I presume it is OK to get several bids to get that sort of thing done.
    - RH

  • 4/7 2:32pm   Soil testing - There is a Soil Testing Brochure on-line at [U Mass page]. There is a price list and order form on the back of the brochure, plus a Soil Sampling Procedure. The samples are mailed to UMass in Amherst; see the brochure. You can receive results by e-mail; see: [U Mass page] You must be willing to obtain the appropriate fact sheets that explain your results from their website. Include your e-mail address, etc. Include a check made payable to University of Massachusetts.
    - RH

  • 4/7 2:31pm   SO, Job Lot also has weekly coupons. They go from Thursday-Thursday. Go to joblot.com to print out coupons.
    - BR (BR#1)

  • 4/7 2:29pm   You're right PB, the whole MICCA weekend went so smoothly, and it was nice to show off our gorgeous highschool to surrounding communities. Congratulations to all the kids that worked so hard and the parents that stepped up to help out!
    - AL

  • 4/7 12:18pm   AP - We've used AT&T Callvantage for around 4 years now and have never had any major trouble. We had an issue with excess noise on the line quite some time ago but their customer service was expeditious in correcting the problem.
    - DM

  • 4/7 12:17pm   I agree, BS - what a fabulous weekend showcase for the KP music program. I think Norfolk's own Liz Bugbee deserves a "shout out" for her incredible job organizing the entire MICCA Festival event at KPHS. For the first time hosting an event of this magnitude, it went incredibly smoothly-thanks to Liz's superb organizational skills. Liz not only organized hundreds of volunteers, both adults and students, but she managed to get all of the kids to where they needed to be on time... no small feat when dealing with school bands from across the state for a 3 day festival.
    If you are a KPMA parent, student (thanks to all the parents and students who were able to volunteer!) or supporter, the next time you see Liz, make sure you thank her for all the energy and hard work she put in to making this event so successful!
    - PB

  • 4/7 10:22am   Many of us are more than a little goofy about cars. We drive gas guzzling SUVs around willy nilly while complaining about high taxes. We trade war stories about car dealers, boasting about the "deal" we got, the sales folk bested (as if). And, as several recent posts attest, some of us are so suspicious of our local mechanics that we attempt to ruin them with anonymous but public accusations of malice and greed. As if none of us has ever made a mistake at work. Thank you to DS and TK and MJD for sharing their good experiences with Daley's and the Elias family, revealing them to be friendly, decent folks.
    - SDB

  • 4/7 10:21am   Has anyone had experience with VoIP phone plans? We are looking to an alternative to Verizon.
    - AP

  • 4/7 9:57am   JMF - Wild Birds Unlimited in Medway (www.wbu.com) is hands-down the best bird place you will ever find. It's a little more expensive but they do have sales and offer a customer discount program. While you're there, you should also check out Ocean State Job Lots, which is further down in the same plaza. Often they have huge bags of oiled sunflower seeds at a great price. There also used to be a little home- spun birding shop on the corner of Main St. and Pleasant St. in Millis, across Pleasant from Subway. It was called Backyard Birders. It was run by a couple who were closing to retire, but I thought I noticed just recently that they are still open. I think you can also order seed through the Audubon at Stony Brook.
    Concerning squirrels - the staff at Wild Birds told me they are capable of jumping 4 feet up and 4 feet out, which is helpful to know when setting your feeder. I suspend my feeders from tree branches by heavy coated wire that the squirrels can't climb. I also use baffles and follow the 4 feet rule. Good luck - it's an addictive hobby!
    - SO

  • 4/7 9:41am   I agree with TK about Daley's, they are a great resource here in town. I have gone in there with all manner of car troubles and they have always helped me in a timely fashion for a fair price. They are also friendly and pleasant to deal with they are also flexible and accommodating and I recommend them without reservation.
    - MJD

  • 4/7 9:25am   [Comment relating Monster.com article to the selectmen's race along with Wm.'s thoughts removed pending confirmation - Wm.]

  • 4/6 11:57pm   RC - I am compelled to write to defend Daley's. I have always selected and kept mechanics that I trust and like. I could not give higher marks for Daley's. I have been going to them for about 10 years and they always provide excellent service with a smile. I have a Saab, which sometimes requires a trip to the Saab dealer for special tools. Several times Daley's has diagnosed issues with my car and given me advice free of charge, even though they had to send me to the Saab dealer. Whenever I have needed work done, they give me options and try to save me money. They treat me as a valued customer and a friend.
    To me, Daley's embodies what makes Norfolk a special place to live - a hometown feel with real service.
    - TK

  • 4/6 10:45pm   Congrats to all the KP bands and the Percussion Ensemble, but let's not forget the Winter Color Guard. They placed First in Open Competition at the EMass Finals in Salem MA on Saturday, then recieved a gold medal at the NESBA Finals again in Salem MA on Sunday, and are leaving at 5am on Wednesday for a trip to the WGI World Championships in Dayton Ohio.
    One and all are invided to the High School on Tuesday evening at 7pm to see both the Color Guard and the Percussion Ensemble perform their award winning shows in a combined send-off rally. The Percussion Ensemble is going to Dayton Ohio the following week for thier WGI World Championship quest.
    - DE

  • 4/6 10:43pm   Unfortunately, after being ahead most of the weekend, it seems KP has fallen into second place. We still have time and need the support of the three towns to continue on! You can vote more than once by clicking home and returning to the link [myfoxboston page], and every vote counts. The percent goes up and down vote-by-vote. Here's the link again, and thank you for your continued support of KP and all of its fine activities and athletics.
    - JB

    [Update 4/7 11:34pm: The link that was listed to vote for KPTV High School Newscast Contest seems to have expired. I found another link. [Fox25 vote for High School Newscast, new page] - SM]

  • 4/6 8:12pm   To RO who posted 4/4 regarding limo service: I read recommendation from Norfolk Net; I used magiccarpetlimo.com to Logan at Christmas time. They were: on time (in a blizzard), competitive, professional, and e-mailed confirmation.
    - SV

  • 4/6 8:11pm   Does anyone know of a place that brings a pony to your house for a birthday party? Thanks.
    - PFD

  • 4/6 8:06pm   I would like to make a comment in reference to the gas Station in Millis. I have been going there since 2001 when I moved to Norfolk. The first time I went in, there was a grinding noise coming from my brakes. Clause Elias, one of the owners, put my car on the rack and rotated the tire so that he could hear the noise. He proceeded to take off my tire and called me into the bay to see what the problem was. The metal clip that holds the pads in place had popped off and was scraping. He put it back in place, put the tire back on and there was no more noise. The funny thing is, I asked him what the charge was for his time, he said don't worry about it. Several months after that, I needed tires for my truck. I had been shopping around and had several prices from other tire dealers, I stopped at Millis's Station to get gas and Claude came out and asked how things were going. I mentioned that I needed new tires, he asked if he could give me an estimate. Without him seeing the others, he sold me a set of higher quality tires for less than the lowest estimate that I already had. The Elias family has been in the Service/Fuel business for decades and was previously Exxon. They separated from Exxon because they could not get a break on gas prices, that is why they are independent now. It sure shows at the pump. Drive around, look at prices and you will see, they do have one of the lowest prices around.
    The family has long owned what was Fenway Exxon, Wellesley Exxon, Millis Exxon and Medfield Sunoco. All places are currently in full operation. I have no doubt that every place of business, no matter what type, may have a questionable issue that may arise. Question it and if you are not happy with the answer we are certainly able to have other opinions and let others do the work. The next time you happen to go by any of the aforementioned stations, just look at how many customers are continually lined up.
    - DS

  • 4/6 8:05pm   SV--thanks for the link. The KP newscast was fun and really well done!!
    As SV says, vote for KP!! Another piece of news to make KP proud--the KP Middle School bands each won gold for their MICCA performances this weekend, Freeman Centennial 5th and 6th grade band won a silver, the KPHS Symphony Band won a gold and the KPHS Concert Band won a silver. Last but not least, the Winter Percussion ensemble won first place in their division of the New England finals last night. Congratulations students!! They work very hard.
    Don't forget to come out to the Pep Rally on Tuesday night(4/8) at 7:00 pm at KPHS to send off the guard and percussionists to the world competition. They will be performing.
    - BS

  • 4/6 8:04pm   SV, nice work!! The "Band Guy" is pretty funny. The only difficult thing was actually going to anything from "Fox Network." Can anyone recommend a good and cheap plumber for a simple job?
    - KRL

  • 4/6 11:37am   JMF - Wild Birds Unlimited in Medway on Rt 109; near Job Lot. They have a good selection. Agway in Franklin carries bird feeders & seed. I also order from Duncraft--call 1-800-593-5656 for a catalog. I make my own suet for the birds which even the bluebirds like. I took pictures of the bluebirds during the winter feeding on the suet. I also put out the hair from our dog & cats for nesting material. I put the hair into a suet feeder--I also buy yarn and cut into pieces for the nests. We have 2 heated bird baths for winter. Just remember birds like clean water. I bought a toilet bowl brush just to clean the bird baths--it works great. Squirrels are very smart and usually find a way to get seed from the feeders. Let me know how you make out.
    - BR (BR#1)

  • 4/6 11:36am   Congratulations to the Freeman-Centennial Advanced Band for earning a Silver medal at this weekend's MICCA festival held at King Phillip High School. Their performance was outstanding. How fortunate Norfolk is to have such a talented group of musicans among us. Thanks go out to Mr. Fouracre who has worked so hard to help them achieve this honor.
    - DF

  • 4/6 12:26am   Good news for the KP community!! How to vote, and not increase taxes. The students at the high school need our help.
    We made the "top ten" newscasts in Massachusetts, and now we need your vote to win!
    Please vote for Wake up Warriors by KP! Go to myfoxboston.com look for the Seen on TV section over on the right side of the home page, and click on the high school contest link, and simply vote for KP!
    Wish us luck, and thank you for your time! We really appreciate it!! And spread the word to anyone you think might be willing to do this for us. The voting ends on Thursday, and you can see which school is in the lead. Thanks again..
    - SV

  • 4/6 12:18am   I have to agree with RC. I also got a rejection sticker from Daley's a few years ago; I took my car to another repair shop and they stated "Daley's should never had put a rejection sticker on my car." There was absolutely nothing wrong with it. I know of a few other people that the same thing happend to. Since then I have never returned to them for any business. I also agree their gas prices are way to high. Why should we support our local gas station when [they don't do right by us].
    - DH

  • 4/6 12:16am   Hi everyone! I am pleased to announce that King Philip High has been selected as one of the top ten finalists in the Fox25 "Best High School Newscast" contest! Please show your support by voting for KP at [foxboston page] Thanks! Your support is crucial to our success!
    - JB
    [Update 4/7 11:34pm: The link that was listed to vote for KPTV High School Newscast Contest seems to have expired. I found another link. [Fox25 vote for High School Newscast, new page] - SM]

  • 4/5 9:03pm   I wonder how the Baptist Church would appreciate someone calling on them and reaching out letting them know about atheism.
    - DWL

  • 4/5 1:15pm   AR -- Interesting, but I had the opposite feeling regarding the call from Heritage Baptist Church. Though I am not looking for a spiritual home at this time, there could just possibly be someone that will be moved by a call like that and, in fact, make a visit or a call. You just never know. I think Heritage Baptist is on to something. It can't hurt and just might be the right call at the right time for someone who would welcome it. I hope so.
    - JHR

  • 4/5 12:47pm   We've recently been bitten by the birdwatching bug and were wondering who the best suppliers of bird paraphernalia are in and around Norfolk. I've got a couple tube feeders but am looking to add some other types, as well as some anti-squirrel devices (not that I mind feeding them but they sure can damage a feeder in nothing flat!). Finally we'd like to round out the experience with a couple bird baths. Any stores around here that stand out among the rest? Thanks for your suggestions,
    - JMF

  • 4/5 12:38pm   I too frequent the sevice station in Millis quite often. Their prices are the best around, but, have never gone there for a sticker. I used to frequent the Sunoco in the center of town for years but after receiving a rejection sticker from them and paying higher gas prices I've gone elsewhere.
    A few years ago I had front end work and new tires put on my car (by a well known tire company). A few weeks later I went to Daley's for a sticker and they reject my car for bad ball joints. So, I brought my car to a family member who is a mechanic and he put it on his lift and checked it out 100% and told me that there was nothing wrong. He then took it to a front end garage that gives stickers and it passed with flying colors. Makes you wonder who's honest nowadays!! BTW, I will not even purchase gas for my lawnmower at Daley's!
    - RC

  • 4/5 11:45am   I was just treated to the most obnoxious telemarketing experience in some time. (And yes, we're on the "do not call" list, so possibly an illegal sales pitch as well.) I got a call from a robo-dialer that played a male voice inviting me -- get this: not to buy insurance or order phone service or visit a resort on the Cape, no -- to join the Heritage Baptist Church of Walpole St, telephone number 781-551-*.
    No human touch here, folks. This church operates by tape-delay and remote control. I'm sure if my credit rating is good I can opt for the correspondence course Sunday services, or if I'm in a hurry, the drive-up teller will accept my debit card for a quick word praising the generosity of the Lord.
    Whatever I have time for, naturally. In this technologically advanced and busy world people can't talk to their neighbors in person, but see fit to pitch the most intimate of things, faith, through telemarketing. I guess they advertise because that is what they have to sell: fellowship that money can buy.
    - AR

  • 4/5 10:27am   GE - The Medfield Animal Shelter takes in rabbits all the time and finds them new homes. You can find their contact info at medfieldshelter.com.
    - JM

  • 4/5 9:17am   GE: Animal Rescue League of Boston (the Dedham branch) will take in pet rabbits if you can't find a home. I don't know anything about the following organization but it was an interesting read and had some good ideas on finding ways to get the "right" adopters. [MA House Rabbit .org]
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 4/5 9:16am   Do not miss this year's Nearly New Sale. There is an unbelieveable amount of items for sale. Tons of toys, strollers, clothing, ride-on toys, exercausers and many, many other great items.
    The 2008 NCL Nearly New Sale - Today - H. Olive Day School - 9:00 am until 12:00 noon.
    - KS

  • 4/4 11:08pm   We have an inside pet rabbit that is looking for a good home. She is very friendly and is a great pet. Our two dogs never got used to having a rabbit in the house and we are looking to place her in a good home. There is no cost and we have many extras as well.
    - GE

  • 4/4 10:29pm   On Tuesday I went to the gas station in Millis for my vehicle inspection; all went fine for my vehicle, and received my sticker. The person doing the inspection also did a brake inspection with a flashlight, and told me that the rear pads will need attention within 5,000 miles or so. Since I drive around 20,000 miles per year, I was so happy to hear this; so nice of them to alert me to future problems with my braking system. I did not ask for price for repair at that time knowing I have plenty time to address the rear pads in the future. So nice of the inspector to point this future problem out to me.
    I have done so much business with this family-owned gas station and have never been cheated by them at all; their gas prices are so fair during gas spikes lately, a place to fill up and save money - to me a very nice family to do business with.
    Just my feelings and experience.
    - RS

  • 4/4 7:41pm   RO - there have been recommendations for limos in the past; you can find them at: [Recommendations page]. Do a Ctrl-F search for airport on the page
    - VR

  • 4/4 3:56pm   Can anyone explain to me why white foam gathers at the base of pine trees when it rains?
    - SO

  • 4/4 2:15pm   Can anyone recommend a good Limo Service to TF Green? Thanks.
    - RO

  • 4/4 1:52pm   I attended the Town Meeting 101 talk held by Moderator Dan Winslow ("coffee with the Moderator" this morning at the library). I thought it offered interesting insights into small-town government (one of the last remaining instances of true participatory democracy), and a better understanding of some of the areas that could use refinement. Keep an eye out for when the talk will be held again (should be announced here), it's a good way to learn about the process and how to participate more effectively.
    - Wm.

    [Update 2:32pm: the talk was also on NCTV channel 22 last evening and will be re-broadcast. Check the NCTV site for the times and dates. - Wm.]

  • 4/4 1:18pm   I have a TurboTax Deluxe TY2007 federal and State for Windows and Macs--never used. If anyone is interested in purchasing it, I will sell it for $20.00 (paid $40). If you are a senior citizen (over 65) --no charge. You can reach me through the Wm. Thanks.
    [Use box106@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - JBN

  • 4/4 1:17pm   This public release from the schools was forwarded to us:
    The Norfolk School Building Task Force will be conducting tours of the Freeman Centennial School for members of the community to get a firsthand understanding of the issues and concerns with the facility and the need for replacing the building.
    TOUR #1: Wednesday, April 9 - 11:00am
    TOUR #2: Saturday, April 12 - 1:30pm
    TOUR #3: Monday, May 5 - 7:00pm
    To reserve a spot on a tour, please email the School Building Task Force at nsbtf@comcast.net with your name, number of attendees and the tour you would like to attend.

    To view our calendar of meetings/events for April and May, please visit our website at www.norfolk.k12.ma.us and click on the School Building Project link.

    - Wm.

  • 4/4 1:16pm   Is it a prudent time to be thinking of building a new school, especially when the state treasurer makes a bold statement imploring cities and towns to hold on to free cash this year as the projected revenues for next year are grim at very best? Read: Next year the state will be giving less to cities and towns. One one hand we are looking at massive layoffs at KP and severe budget issues in the Norfolk system, but the other hand we want to build a new school. I doubt anyone would argue about the need for replacing the building, but timing is everything.
    - LS

  • 4/4 1:15pm   JT, I consulted a friend of mine who adopted internationally and she said that there is a doctor at Children's Hospital in Boston who specializes in health issues for adopted children from Russia and China, but she couldn't recall his name. Perhaps if you give the Hospital a call, they will be able to identify him for you.
    - KID

  • 4/4 11:58am   Federated Church women to hold spring tea & fashion show! Women in the area are invited celebrate spring at the Spring Tea & Fashion Show at the Federated Church of Norfolk on Saturday, May 3, 2008 at 2:00 PM. This event is a fun way to catch up with friends and/or relatives you may not have seen for a while, enjoy some refreshments, and see the latest spring fashions in time to make out your Mother's Day wish list. Coldwater Creek of Mansfield will be providing the fashions and women from the church will serve as models. The great cooks of the Federated Church will be whipping up an assortment of delectable treats for your enjoyment. Tickets at $10.00 per person are available at the church office, Monday - Friday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, 508-528-0262. The Federated Church of Norfolk is located at the corner of Route 115 and Main Street in Norfolk center across from the common.
    - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 4/3 10:04pm   Give Jim @ WeatherpROOF a call @ 508-553-0943 or my cell @ 508-294-4052. We have done many roofs in town and have just completed one @ 56 Cleveland St and one @ 49 Pine St. I could take a look at it tomorrow! Email is jimjflan@aol.com
    - JF

  • 4/3 9:31pm   Good luck to King Philip's Juniors (Class of 2009) on their prom, to be held tomorrow night at Christina's in Foxboro. Have fun and stay safe!
    - CR

  • 4/3 9:30pm   JT - I am also going through the adoption process right now. I plan to use a doctor in Providence who specializes in children from Russia and common medical conditions they may have. Not sure if he goes beyond that, but I can find out. Am also interested in talking about the whole process with you in general. I've been looking for local support groups, but haven't had much luck yet. You can contact me through the webmaster.
    - SS

  • 4/3 9:29pm   To add to the numerous bad experiences at that service station in Millis... they tried to set me up before even needing an inspection. I was filling my tank when the attendant pointed out that my sticker was due to expire at the end of the month and that my tires were bald. Luckily for me, I [...] made sure to go to Daleys for my sticker. After I passed inspection, I asked him about the tires and he said they were ok. Aren't there regulations that they should be following to be registered as an inspection station?
    - SL

  • 4/3 8:07pm   Homeless and Hungry for 24 hours!! On April 12th and 13th the youth from the Federated Church of Norfolk are participating in a Poverty Awareness Weekend to experience life on the streets without food or a home for a full twenty-four hours. Please stop by the church on Saturday after our starting time of 11:30 and feel free to give a donation or just to cheer us on!!
    We will be living in the parking lot of The Federated Church of Norfolk for 24 hours without food and with makeshift shelter. This is a great opportunity for the youth of our community to better appreciate the realities of the homeless and hungry in our world.
    This has turned into an annual event led by the Sr. and Jr. PYF, the church's youth groups with members from grades five through twelve. The youth will be donating a portion of the funds raised to Heifer Project International as well as a local charity of their choice.
    - KR, Federated Church of Norfolk

  • 4/3 6:23pm   Just found a great consignment store! Girlfriend's Boutique and Consignment Shop in Medfield Country Plaza (next to Papa Gino's), 14 North Meadows Road, Medfield; 508-359-2555 / p.b.mcgrath@hotmail.com
    She's open Tues through Sat. 11-6 PM, Fri til 8 PM You can buy or consign new or gently used clothing and accessories, including casual and formal wear, handmade jewelry, home decor, collectibles and small furniture.
    - GC

  • 4/3 6:18pm   Now that I'm reading accounts of the Millis gas station, I realize that the same exact thing happened to me, only I fell for it.
    - SO

  • 4/3 6:07pm   Has anybody used the Learning Breakthrough Program or know of somebody who has?
    - KH

  • 4/3 6:04pm   JGP, I have two weeks of timeshare that I am willing to sell. Contact me @ Glass1971@aol.com.
    - PRB

  • 4/3 1:48pm   We had our roof done a couple of years ago using Essary & Company out of Medway. They were very good. (508) 533-5040.
    - JGP

  • 4/3 1:09pm   KA give Scott Heine a call, he owns Handyman Carpentry. His number is 508-272-1050. He has a crew that does roofing.
    - MH

    [Update 3:24pm: he has a crew that does roofing - MH]

  • 4/3 11:37am   I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for roofers. We need someone who can also replace some trim pieces.
    - KA

  • 4/3 11:22am   ML: I work in Waltham three days a week, and would be interested in carpooling once in a while. You can contact me through the Wm if you wish. Great idea!
    [Use box105@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
    - TC

  • 4/3 11:08am   Are there any Norfolk residents working in Waltham (Prospect Hill area) interested in a car pool a few days per week?
    - ML

    Free food! Free raffle! $2 babysitting!
    Great company!

  • 4/3 11:01am   Greetings NorfolkNet. I have posted a calendar of Town Meeting events [here] for this year's meeting. We still need help in two respects: (1) volunteers to staff the free Community Spaghetti Supper on May 13; and (2) additional gift certificates from area businesses for the free raffle on May 14. We cannot accept any gift certificates from businesses with matters pending at Town Meeting and public officials are not eligible to participate. We're trying to encourage broader participation in our direct democracy and to make it more of a community event. Please email me at winslow@virtualnorfolk.org if you'd like to help. Most importantly, please join us for Norfolk Town Meeting. It's your town! (Just think of it as a blog where you can express your ideas in person....)
    - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator

    [Do click through to the calendar; this is not your ordinary town meeting! - Wm.]

  • 4/3 11:00am   Reaching out to all the helpful Norfolknet-ers about our pending adoption. We need to find a pediatrician with whom we can consult about potential adoption matches (different scenarios may be presented about birthmother's medical history, and we need to be fully informed about potential impacts to the baby before making a decision) - does anyone know of a pediatrician in the area with this kind of expertise? Also, are there any local groups for families with adopted children? It would be great to talk to others who are going through or have gone through the same process. Thank you for your help.
    - JT

  • 4/2 7:47pm   Want to go to the meeting with Senator Brown, but also that night is Dan Winslow's seminar about Town meeting. Both are equally important!
    From Dan Winslow's message:
    The first seminar (Town Meeting 101) will be held at the Norfolk Community TV studio at the Freeman-Centennial School on Thursday, April 3, live at 7 p.m. with viewer call-in questions starting at 7:30 p.m. (Dial 508-520-2780) or you can join us in the studio in person. The show will be rebroadcast on Norfolk Cable until Town Meeting begins. The second seminar will be coffee with the Moderator at the Norfolk Library Lounge, Friday, April 4 at 10 a.m. No charge for these sessions. Any voter can participate and every voter should participate. If you'd like to arrange for additional seminars for your community group or neighborhood, please contact me at winslow@virtualnorfolk.org. Town Meeting this year is May 13 & 14 starting at 7:30 p.m. at the KP Middle School. It's your town!
    - JBN

  • 4/2 6:45pm   Has anyone ever purchased or rented a timeshare off of redweek.com? I was wondering if they were a legit place and how the process all worked.
    - JGP

  • 4/2 6:44pm   The nice man at Munroe told me that there is a phone number at the bottom of my "Vehicle Inspection Report" printout and that I could call that number to [file a report]. Here it is: 877-387-8234. [The station name, address, station number and inspector number] were on the top of the report.
    - KB

  • 4/2 6:32pm   Concerned with public school funding? Stand for Children will be hosting a conversation with state Senator Scott Brown this Thursday, April 3, 7:30 PM in the Norfolk Public Library Lounge. The conversation will focus on the State's role in funding public education in Massachusetts and the burdens placed on the local property tax. All are invited.
    - Ross Gilleland, Stand for Children

  • 4/2 3:05pm   The Norfolk Community League's 2008 Nearly New Sale is finally here!! This Saturday, April 5, from 9:00 am until noon come to the H. Olive Day School to find some amazing bargains on tons of gently used baby and kids' clothing, gear and toys. From 11:30 until Noon anything still remaining will be slashed to half price.
    You won't believe the selection! Come early for the best buys! And remember, all proceeds from the sale will go towards NCL's semi-annual disbursements which benefit the community.
    - KS

  • 4/2 3:03pm   KB, I had a similar inspection debacle at that same Gas Station... last year they claimed my tires were bare and they would not pass inspection - in fact they advised me to not leave the property because they were "so bad." I guess I'm very naive as I took their advice, now I feel hoodwinked!! Thanks for sharing your experience with the community so that no one else gets duped by them. I'll never go back there for gas or anything for that matter!
    - LR

  • 4/2 3:02pm   With at about six regulars here giving evidence of abuse by a service station in the state mandated inspection program, it would seem prudent for one or two, or maybe all of the victims to make a report of their experiences to the Registry of Motor Vehicles. Citing your experiences here might save 2 or 3 more folks the bad experience, but think of how many locals might be saved that experience if the Registry stepped in and revoked the stations privilege to perform inspections.
    Or, is everyone else who ventures into that place either happy with the service, or happy with being suckered?
    - TRK

  • 4/2 1:24pm   Interesting about that gas station. Just for a balanced perspective, last year we brought both our cars there for inspection with no problem. We also brought my husband's car there when he got a flat on 109. Their price was better than from the dealership, and the service was great. I'll be interested to see what happens when I bring my car this month for inspection and will report back!
    - JT (JT2)

  • 4/2 1:23pm   Happy Spring! Just wanted to share that I purchased some beautiful pansies at Jane and Paul's farm today. They may be a little pricier than some places, but the quality is outstanding. Plus, I love to support local farmers! We are so lucky to have two farms in our town.
    Also, I was told I needed new tires at the same gas station you mentioned in other posts. They mentioned it to me as I was getting gas over a year ago, and I thought that strange. When I checked with my normal car service department, they said the tires were fine. I have never returned to purchase gas there since. I much prefer utilizing our own gas station here in Norfolk, as I think we should support local businesses as much as we can.
    - JBN

  • 4/2 12:43pm   That's crazy regarding the gas station in Millis. My husband was there in February... they told him he needed four new tires but *wink wink* they would pass him anyway (assuming he'd come back for the tires).
    - JP

  • 4/2 12:30pm   KB, Thank you for the warning! My Husband refuses to buy gas at that station - prices are cheaper... but so is the quality of their gas. We have had bad experiences there.
    - MW

  • 4/2 12:29pm   To KB: Good for you, your instincts were on the money, and you did the right thing! I had a similar experience with the very same gas station. They drummed up six or seven problems and I told them I would be taking the rejection slip instead. I then went to Daley's Sunoco right in Norfolk and they confirmed my suspicions, as the car passed without any problem whatsoever. I'm not certain if it's still the same owners when they tried to stick it to me (five or six years ago), but I won't even buy gas there, no matter the price. I'll walk first.
    - TEM

  • 4/2 12:28pm   KB, You're not alone, and it's not because you're a woman. The same station told my husband he needed tires and me that I needed windshield wipers!
    - NJD

  • 4/2 12:27pm   KB - I also experienced something similar at that very inspection station. My issue was with my front brakes. I was not told the car would be failed but I was told that it would be extremely dangerous to drive my car with the brakes in their current condition which was, "metal on metal." I was quoted a price of $385 for the front brakes only. I was also pretty suspicious of the situation and said I'd take my chances. All my auto work is done by a friend and when I brought my car in to have the brakes inspected he told me that the pads were about half way gone and still had many miles on them. I don't believe the station's tactics are gender specific.
    - DM

  • 4/2 10:55am   Last Saturday, I went into the gas station on the corner of Routes 115 and 109 for my inspection sticker. (It's the one that's always crowded due to decent gas prices.) As soon as they pulled it into the bay, I heard the owner say, ``rear brakes'' to the young kid who was inspecting the car. They then shined a flashlight into the hubcaps. The kid came out to tell me that I needed rear brakes (pads and rotors) for $350 or that he would have to put a rejection sticker on my car. I thought it was strange so I called his bluff and told him to go ahead and put the rejection sticker on and that I'd take care of it within the week. The kid talked to the owner and then came back to me with, ``We're going to pass you, since we don't want you to get stopped by the cops, but we want you to be aware of the safety hazard. You are down to metal to metal.''
    Last night, I went to Monroe Brakes/Muffler at BJ's in Franklin, where I get my oil changed regularly. After telling them my story, they took off all of my wheels (to rotate). They then brought me into the bays and actually showed me my perfectly good pads (they were exactly the same width as those on the front brakes, which were almost new). They were incensed because they said this type of things gives all of them a bad name. I have never had this happen to me before. I don't know if it's because I'm a woman or what, but I wanted to warn people in the area.
    - KB

  • 4/2 10:27am  
    Laurence "Larry" Harrington, age 51, passed away suddenly on March 30. Beloved husband of Amy Joy (Litcher) Harrington. Father of Liz and Emily Harrington. Brother of John of Madison, WI, Kevin and Stephen of Arlington, James and Mary Negrotti of Natick and Joseph of Franklin. Memorial Services in the First Universalist Society Church, Chestnut St., Franklin Thursday at 1:00. Relatives & friends invited. Calling hours Wednesday 4-8 in the Ginley Funeral Home, 131 Main St., Franklin. In lieu of flowers, expressions of sympathy may be made in his memory to B.C. High School, 150 Morrissey Blvd. Boston MA 02125.

  • 4/2 9:59am   Thank you to whomever recommended Parker Sanitation from Wrentham for septic pumping. He was neat and very thorough - different than what we have experienced in the past.
    - EF

  • 4/2 9:58am   Would the town really approve NorfolkSingles, or anyone for that matter, to post random advertisements all over town? I'm seriously curious. I see these all over...DedhamSingles, WestwoodSingles, etc., and always thought they were either a scam, or something someone put out in the middle of the night when they couldn't get caught. Similar to the random signs you see on the side of the road advertising mattresses and hottubs for sale. If NorfolkSingles wants to advertise, why don't they pay for it like a legitimate business would.
    - JP

  • 4/2 9:26am   Hello! We are looking to get some landscaping done. Would include raising flower beds, edging, removing some really ugly bushes put in by previous home owner, and replacing with low-maintenance perennials and native flowers/plants. I would love recommendations from happy customers who have had similar work done! Thanks,
    - SRA

  • 4/1 10:44pm   Hi JT1, All I can say is my opinion about the Norfolksingles posters around the town. You can call the town and complain about them and have them removed as you see fit, and it is your right to complain about them if they are out line with town rules about posting signs in town; I am sure they got a permit for doing so. I do not have a clue who to call, but maybe the building inspector. Thanks for your post to me; all the best.
    - RS

  • 4/1 6:04pm   TRK Great info on dams. Thank you for your contribution.
    - WC

  • 4/1 4:16pm   NCL's Annual Candidate's night is on Wednesday April 30th @ 7pm in the King Philip Middle School auditorium. The Candidates who are running for the open town positions will be there in an open forum. You will hear what each one has to say on all the important issues and the opportunity to have your questions answered. There will be coffee and refreshments to follow where you can meet and speak to the candidates. This event is sponsored by the NCL for the entire town to participate in.
    We hope to see you there!!
    - JC

  • 4/1 4:07pm   Another fisher cat sighting, this one mid-afternoon! On North Street between Diamond and Marshall Streets. I thought they were nocturnal? Anyway, be aware if you have small pets and little ones out in the yard.
    - TC

  • 4/1 4:06pm   Laws and regulations pertaining to dams and dam safety in Massachusetts can be found at: [mass.gov page]
    - TRK

  • 4/1 4:02pm   Re: We need all of the windows replaced in our house along with some other minor exterior carpentry work. - KS
    We've used Bob Arthur out of Franklin in the past and have always been very satisfied with his work.
    - BA

  • 4/1 1:09pm   This morning a black and white, short haired, roughly 2 yr old, non neutered male cat was hit by a car on Boardman Street. We are trying to find the owners of this cat as this cat is a surgery candidate. If you own this cat please contact the Norfolk Animal Control Officer at 508 528 3232.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 4/1 12:38pm   KS - Rob Abrahmson of Norfolk is great at the work you need. His cell phone is 508-989-7913.
    - PR

  • 4/1 11:32am   We need all of the windows replaced in our house along with some other minor exterior carpentry work. Does anyone have a recommendation? Thanks,
    - KS

  • 4/1 8:56am   Donations may be dropped off at the Norfolk Police Department at any time. Our web page with more information (it has still not been updated at this time) is norfolkanimalcontrol.net and there is a section there regarding donations. If someone wishes to donate a large item I can pick it up after hours with my truck. For those who wish to mail in a donation the address would be:
    Norfolk Animal Control, c/o Norfolk Police Department, 117 Main Street Norfolk, MA 02056.
    - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control

  • 4/1 8:55am   DL: In your post of 3/31 at 11:44pm, you said, "... the state has a number of laws governing the operation and maintenance of dams and that random and unscheduled drawdowns of the water behind the impoundment is probably illegal. ... Perhaps the best way for the town to protect its investment is to enforce the laws as they are written. ... I think that you should contact the Conservation Commission".
    That's an interesting assertion you've made. If you can cite the specific laws to which you've alluded that apply in this particular matter, it would be most informative to a number of concerned citizens. It would also help us if you could provide some solid facts on the extent of the Conservation Commission's actual jurisdiction over that situation. Which branch of our justice system is empowered to uphold the governing state laws that you've mentioned--and by what means?
    - MT

  • 4/1 8:54am   Recently had work done by Ralph of Wrentham Tiles. He's a perfectionist, and he's excellent, clean, reasonable and courteous. His number is 508-384-2319.
    - MS

  • 4/1 12:20am   Today, the first of April, was enacted National ________________ Party Day in Congress. In a landmark example of bipartisan collaboration, both ends of the political spectrum set aside their differences and signed legislation nominating one day of the year on which to honor the accomplishments of the political parties. In an effort to be inclusive, it was agreed that the party name itself be left blank -- both to be politically sensitive to those belonging to more obscure parties, and to demonstrate flexibility and forward thinking on the part of lawmakers, allowing any party name to be filled in the blank space.
    [But wait, there's more!...]
    - AR (a different one)

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