Q4 2007 Norfolknet Notes, Oct-Dec 2007This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
12/31 8:27pm SO -- Refer to 12/30 at 5:50. Wm. has added the source. That is where I read about it. Yikes!! - JHR
12/31 4:10pm JZ - there are early fireworks tonight in Boston (also some late ones); I think the first display is @ 8pm., after the parade. DCB - I think Tucker is at the top of the list for road repairs (not in winter, though!) If you go to the advertisers link from this site, I believe there are some pre-school ads, or pick up the Boomerang, for local daycares. From Tucker St., you'll be equi-distant from Shaws/Star in Franklin, Medway and Medfield, and Stop&Shop in Foxborough. Roches in Millis is nearer, but a tad more expensive. Welcome to our town.
Happy New Year, one and all!
12/31 4:09pm Wm. - Nice winter photo of the trees in snow. - SO
12/31 4:08pm JHR: I would check Amazon for used text books. There are other websites too, but I would start with Amazon. - MP
12/31 4:07pm JHR - What happened with someone falling through the ice with their dogs? Where was this and when? How did you find out? - SO
12/31 4:06pm LAW - Fantastic photos! How did you remember that I had mentioned those animals? Makes me smile every time. - SO
12/31 4:05pm JS - About 2 months ago, I've asked Cronin Oil Co. to give us an estimate of a new oil heat furnace. He came, took a look around and until this day, I've not heard from them. So much for trying to support your local business. - SF
[Update 1/2 12:30pm: corrected initials - Wm.]
12/31 2:23pm Regarding Norfolk Baseball, I have always wondered about the fees myself. If a team has 10 players, the total monies collected for a team would be $1,050, plus the sponsor fees which must be a few hundred dollars. It is my understanding that a non-for-profit must file a special tax return which must be made public. When I tried to Google the information, I got the website guidestar.org. Guidestar did not have any information for Norfolk Baseball Association. Maybe the treasurer of Norfolk Baseball (I am not sure who that is), can make the financial information available. This might answer some questions. I am sure insurance, equipment, umpires, field maintenance, etc. is expensive, but how much?? - [Name withheld - Wm.]
12/31 11:02am Received photos of the Holbrook St. topiary, see the post of 12/30 3:19pm. - Wm.
12/31 11:00am A quote from The Boston Globe on www.Boston.com this morning: The cost of building schools? ''I can think of no good reason why Massachusetts does not have standardized design plans for schools. Standard plans would take much the guesswork out of how much a school building would cost taxpayers.'' Does any NorfolkNet reader know if any other states or countries use standardized designs for schools and other municipal buildings, thereby saving design and engineering costs? The current practice of designing each building differently keeps the architects and engineers employed, but has led to problems with design flaws, particularly with roofs: leaks in roofs, freezing of leaks causing more damage, and roof load bearing capacity problems. We could save at least 5% to 10% if a standardized plan could be specified and used. Certainly in these days of computerized design, an architectural firm has past designs on disc or tape, and they extract pertinent design elements rather than re-design from scratch. I have used plans on CD, commercially available, of homes and garages. I see no reason why the Commonwealth could not accumulate approved designs which have been bought with public funds, and make those designs available to all of our municipalities which need new buildings. Even if modifications had to be made, the cost savings would be significant. Comments are invited, particularly from architects and engineers.
- RH
12/31 10:57am Can anyone explain why the cost to play little league is so high? Added to the $95 registration fee is an additional $10 fee for field maintenance - Doesn't the registration fee we pay already include an $8 "user fee" paid to the town of Norfolk Recreation Department for the maintenance of the fields? Where is all this money going? I believe sponsors are paying for the shirts and hats. - [Name withheld - Wm.]
12/30 5:51pm Does anyone have any idea where to purchase old text books, specifically middle school English grammar books. Age is not important. Some things don't change ... Thanks. - JHR
12/30 5:50pm I cannot in my wildest imagination conceive of falling through the ice. The very thought of it scares the bejeebies out of me and absolutely terrifies me. Praise God for having the quick responding emergency personnel to bring the Norfolk woman to shore as well as her doggie. I'm so sorry one pet was lost. A cell phone becomes more and more a necessity. - JHR
[Update 11:36pm: the story referred to is this [12/30 Sun Chron article] - Wm.]
12/30 5:49pm I live on Litchfield Ave (off Cresson/ on Populatic Pond) near Norfolk Airport; I'm looking for someone to shovel my steps. If you know a dependable teenager who would like to work 2-3 hours I'll pay them by the hour or by the job. I've broken my wrist and will need someone for the winter to take care of shoveling each storm. Thanks, 508-330-0285 - EF
12/30 3:26pm Does anyone know of any local towns that are having fireworks earlier in the evening on New Year's Eve for the kids (and adults) who can't stay awake until midnight? Thanks. - JZ
12/30 3:25pm DS - Norfolk is a lovely town. I love raising my family here and wouldn't live anywhere else. I wouldn't count on a Stop and Shop in Norfolk anytime soon. Roche Brothers in Millis is less than 10 minutes away. There is also Shaws in Franklin, located 10 min away and Stop and Shop in Foxboro, approximately 15 minutes away. Tucker Road is a beautiful country road and I don't believe there is "anything going on". Not sure about daycare. Enjoy the house hunting - its a great market for buyers! - DCB
12/30 3:23pm To TH: Try Shire Bookstore at 305 Union Street in Franklin (508-528-5665) or Village Books at 168 Main Street in Millis (508-533-9109). It's a start. If they are not interested they should be able to refer you to other sources or the appropriate membership/ trade organization. - TEM 12/30 3:19pm SO - Just been to get the paper, just as the sun was rising, via upper Holbrook. The menagerie was perfectly outlined with sunlight, this frosty morning. I hope that my pics come out well! I haven't clue how to post them, though. - LAW
[Update 12/31 10:48am: Received the photos - Wm.]
12/30 3:16pm TH: I would highly recommend Ken Gloss of the Brattle Book Shop. His bookstore is located on West Street in Boston. Mr. Gloss runs appraisal events free of charge or by appointment. The telephone number is 617-542-0210. On another note... Peace, health and prosperity to all in the New Year!
- CF
12/29 11:42pm PB, I also had to change my dentist due to a change in insurance carriers. I went to Alpha Dental and was very happy with them. It's a very friendly and modern atmosphere. Surprisingly they were cheaper than my long standing dentist, which was a treat. I highly recommend them. - VT
12/29 8:47pm Hi - I am thinking of moving to Norfolk, and have a few questions: 1. When is the new Stop and Shop going to be built?
2. Does anyone have any recommendations for day care centers in Norfolk or the area?
3. Is there something going on at Tucker Road? There are three houses listed for sale, including one we may look at.
If anyone has any information, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks,
- DS
12/29 8:07pm Hi, Can anyone recommend a trustworthy antique book seller/buyer in the area? I have some very old books that I would like to sell, but don't have any experience in that area. Thanks! - TH
12/29 8:06pm Cronin Oil, hands down. The very best available. - JW
12/29 2:01pm JS: Cronin Oil gets my vote as well - very responsive, well priced, and local. - JPB
12/29 12:19pm To the other motorcyclist, going the opposite way on Medway St. yesterday afternoon, I salute you! It's not often that I encounter someone else on a bike this time of year. - AR
12/29 12:01pm JS - definitely Cronin, good service 24/7. - LAW
12/28 11:48pm JS - I recommend Cronin Oil (croninoil.com). They are local and have always provided me with exceptional customer service. - EAG
12/28 11:47pm JS--Hands down, Cronin Oil gets my vote. They are a local family owned business, they come any time and their rates are competitive (not that a few cents makes a difference when you are supporting a local business who is so-o-o responsive). Also, just went thru the Meehan display in Millis. As ER posted, it ends tomorrow night and it truly is a spectacle. The kids love it.
Happy New Year!!
- BS
12/28 11:46pm We have always used Cronin's. They have different pricing models and are always competitive on oil prices. They are licensed plumbers as well and have discounted prices. We have used them many times and are quite happy with their service. They are located on Main Street in Norfolk. - SB
12/28 9:50pm Hello, I just moved into the area and I am looking for a good oil company. Can anyone recommend one? Thanks, - JS
12/28 7:13pm I know there are some are some teenagers who have said they have experience babysitting. If you are still interested please email me at sbj83@msn.com. Thank you - SJ
12/28 6:05pm Home Page Millis WonderlandHappy Holidays 2007!
Welcome To MillisWonderland.com!
Light Display Ending Saturday, Dec. 29
We officially open on November 30th for the Season! This year we need to give special thanks to our amazing, talented and extremely dedicated team: Jonathan, Wally, Mark, Jon, Joe and Steve. Of course we need to thank our sponsors: Imperial Chevrolet, Imperial Ford and Imperial Chrysler, Dodge & Jeep. Also a two very special thank yous going to both the crew guiding all of our guest through the night, as well as the Millis and Medway Police Departments for their help once again. Please enjoy the website and feel free to us an e-mail through our contact page. Also, if you come across anything that you feel should be added to the site, please contact the webmaster through our contact page.
Happy Holidays!
- The Meehans Please keep in mind that we, Unfortunately, can not accommodate buses.
The Meehan Family- ER
12/28 12:05pm JP, The place you're looking for is on Causeway Street in Millis. Causeway Street is accessible from Ridge Street on the Millis end, and Holliston Street on the Medway end. I've only been there once, year before last, but found the access from the Millis end to be quicker (less traffic)... but of course, that's all relative...
Can't say whether he's still got the gates open.
- TK
12/28 12:04pm The Saturday Club Playgroups for working parents are going online in 2008 (saturdayclubplaygroups.com). If you have a local business that provides business or services that would be useful to working parents, we'd like to list you on our Norfolk/Franklin page. Please email us at workingparentsnorfolk@hotmail.com. We are also going to have a page on making the choice between staying at home and going to work and we'd love to hear from parents who grappled with the issue about what swung their decision either way, because your perspective may help expecting parents make their choice. For you working parents out there, the next playdate is January. 5, most likely at the library absent a heat wave. See you there! - KID
12/28 11:56am Attention all former Norfolk Boy Scouts (and their parents!): Troop 80 is gathering information on the troop's history. If you have any pictures of troop activities, projects, or campouts please by the library on Saturday January 12th anytime from 1-4pm. Scouts will be on hand to do a brief interview (who is in the picture, when was it taken, etc.). All photos will be returned once they've been scanned! If you cannot make it on the 12th, photos can be left at the library circulation desk - please be sure to include your name and address so the photos may be returned! Thanks for your help with our project!
- DI and MT
12/28 11:54am JP--The Meehan Family house is on Causeway St in Millis. I cut the following off the Herald website: Getting there: Take Interstate 95 (Route 128) to exit 16B, merge onto High St.Street/Route 109 west (toward Westwood) and continue for 10 miles. Take a slight right on Union Street, which will merge into Ridge Street. Make a left on Causeway Street to No. 60.I believe they go until New Years. Enjoy.- BS
12/28 11:53am We were returning home on Christmas eve. As we rounded the corner of Grove and Union, we noticed that some wondrous person has shoveled out "Adam's corner." Thank you! - The Kennedys
12/27 3:28pm Can someone remind me on how to get to that house in Millis with all the Christmas decorations around their house? The one owned by the car dealer? Is it even still open?
- JP
12/27 3:27pm AL - If you bring your knives into Main St. Hardware here in town, they will take care of you. They have a gentleman who sharpens knives for them. You should get them back in a day or 2. Good luck and happy eating!! - TW
12/27 3:26pm To AL: Try Norfolk's own Main Street Hardware in the center of town. They have someone who sharpens axes, knives, etc. for a reasonable fee. - TEM
12/27 12:49pm I would like to thank PHM from the bottom of my heart. She responded to my plea for a Wii for a family for Christmas. I was able to surprise a very nice family and make a young boy very happy! My checks still hurt from smiling! I hope everyone has a great 2008. - DV
12/27 11:28am I am happy to announce that we are ringing in the new year with an enormous donation from Quincy Home Depot. After much knocking on doors and cold calling we have found a major chain to donate! This meeting with the Quincy manager was quite serendipitous. They are funding a very large renovation project here in the space that I have leant in the past for the town's animals. We are planning an extensive overhaul of the area to benefit the animals who are homeless and awaiting homes. I have been working with Dave Smith (local contractor and resident) to get this project developed and he is helping coordinate it's renovation. Much thanks to Dave. We will be putting this together as a community project (hopefully) within the next two months with the help of volunteers. My only snafu: The parts/supply list that Home Depot is donating is incredibly large. I am/was hoping to use my horse trailer to pick up this order but I'm not sure if I can get it up and out with all the ice. Is there anyone in Norfolk with a large box truck that would like to donate their time and truck and help with a pick up and delivery? We are planning for Monday the 31st pick up. If anyone can assist please contact me at Norfolkk9@aol.com
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
12/27 11:09am Any suggestions for a local place to get knives sharpened? I am still trying to cut my Christmas dinner... Seriously, do hardware stores offer that service? - AL
12/26 11:43pm Anyone out there interested in a boys' Burton Punch 133 snowboard and Burton bindings? Good for a boy up to 5ft/100lbs. Great condition... Santa brought new stuff. $150/bo e-mail: meg83062@comcast.net. - MG
12/26 11:40pm KR - You must have hot air meeting the cold underside of the sheathing causing condensation. Your attic does not seem to be insulated properly. It could not be an ice dam all the way up the roof. I will second RH and agree with RH to check and see if bathroom fan vents and kitchen stove exhaust vents are venting to the attic. I had ice dams last week and found my two upstairs bathroom fan vents were venting directly to the soffit area of my attic. The combination of the weather and the hot air from vents were causing a freeze/re-freeze situation. I simply took the hoses and put them in the middle of the attic but am going to properly exhaust in the spring. I also cleaned my gutters as this was the main problem. They had tons of leaves in them - LS
12/26 11:38pm Shopping at Roches a few days before Xmas I put my Disabled Placard on the car and parked. A Millis Police officer was checking placards and took mine because it had expired badly. (When I got home I checked and it had expired and at the expiration date automatic renewal was supposed to kick it. Didn't.) In any case after 4 hours I found help at the DMV in the form of a live person, at 617-351-9222, who works for Medical Affairs section of DMD and who will mail me an updated one Thursday.
Since there is a lot of abuse, I can see the police checking, so if you have any delinquent cards call the foregoing number.
Else be aware that checking is going on in cetain places. Boston, Roslindale, etc. for all reasons.
But at least the DMV responded. Thanks.
- JO
12/26 6:42pm Re: 12/26 3:43pm Dampness in attic: It sounds to me as though the attic needs ventilation, such as soffit vents, ridge vents, or gable vents, and you should check to see that there isn't any kitchen or bathroom vent exhausting into the attic. For a good article on moisture control, see URL: [fcs.uga.edu/pubs/current] and others under the subject of "attic dampness" on Google.
- RH
12/26 6:40pm Wednesday, January 16, 2008, is the last day to register to vote at the Presidential Primary Election to be held on February 5, 2008. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before February 5th may register by mail or at the Town Clerk's Office. Regular office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM to 6:00PM. Town Hall is closed on Friday. On Wednesday, January 16, 2008, the office will remain open until 8:00PM. Mail in registration forms must be postmarked by January 16th or earlier in order to qualify. The polls will be open on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. All precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of building), 232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
Absentee ballots for the February 5th Presidential Primary will be available for voters who are permanently disabled, hospitalized, or traveling. Absentee voting may be done either in person at the Town Clerk's Office or by mail. To receive a ballot by mail or for further information about absentee voting, contact the Town Clerk's Office at 508- 528-1400.
- Gail Bernardo, Acting Town Clerk
12/26 3:43pm Help! It doesn't appear that we have ice dams according to the postings here, but another issue that I noticed while in the attic during the height of the rain storm Sunday night - just about every single nail that pokes through the plywood was dripping with water! (I noticed this after one rain drop hit my head!) Most of the plywood all the way up and across the roof line was wet. We had drips of water on all our items up there. There was still snow covering the roof during the rain storm. Does this sound like it could be a result of an ice dam? I'm thinking ice dams are usually just around the gutter area, which was/is not our problem. Our house is only 7 years old and all summer we noticed roof nails around the yard, making me suspect something more serious going on... anyone recently had their roof re-shingled and can recommend someone, would be appreciated! - KR
12/26 3:25pm Due to insurance changes, we are forced to switch dentists with most local practices not in network. Has anyone used Alpha Dental in Franklin? Would appreciate positives or negatives. Thanks, - PB
12/26 3:24pm JT: I'm not sure why you're telling me to be careful, but I will be. I appreciate the clarification on MGL, Chapter 40, Section 7. I don't think that is the crux of the matter, though, I think it revolves around by-laws that predate the home-based business. - PA
12/26 2:20pm PA: Be careful about piling on in the most recent example of how ugly and wrong Norfolk affairs can get. In my review of the Boomerang and the Globe, it does not appear that the former chair of the ZBA is trying to excuse himself from compliance with local by-laws. While he certainly expresses disappointment with the admittedly vengeful attacks registered against him, he also contends that his use is allowed as a home business. I also note from the articles that the uses of his barn are pursuant to a building permit issued in the early 1980s. If this is so, then any attacks on this use would have, by law (Mass General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 7 - yeah, I know a little bit about zoning), had to be made within six years. Time will tell how this one goes and, given the 30 years of service that this gentleman has given the Town, he deserves a bit more respect while the facts are being sorted out. In this spirit, I'll refrain from commenting on the source of the complaints and, instead, simply remark that it's high time that this town exercise a bit more civility when conducting the business that affects us all.
- JT
12/26 1:02pm Anyone need or want a January 2008 Zone 5 T-Pass? I get one through my employer, but will not need my January pass. I'm willing to sell it to anyone who needs it for a discount off the regular price of $170. I'll have it available by this coming weekend. profjward@comcast.net - JW
12/26 1:01pm After looking over the Boomerang again, a couple of questions linger about Mr. Scott's plight with the Conservation Commission. If, as he was accused of doing, he actually raised his voice to a staff member a few years ago, why wasn't this addressed then? Also, I tried to find the minutes on-line from 2003 in which Mr. Scott, and his attorney, were alleged to have spoken to the Conservation Commission in a less than reverent tone, but the only minutes I could find range from January 2006 through February 2007. Mr. Scott and his associates have questioned the veracity of the Con Comm's minutes, and while I don't know what to believe there, I have noticed a trend lately where applicants are bringing in their own stenographers, which must be very costly.
One solution for all involved may be to start using digital audio recorders, along with voice transcription software. These little devices can store a year's worth of minutes; they can be downloaded into audio files, and can also convert recorded audio into text. These recorders eliminate the need to switch audio cassette tapes as well, allowing for a seamless recording. This would assuredly alleviate any concerns of inaccurate or incomplete minutes, and make it easier for the Con Comm to have seven years worth of minutes accessible on-line, much like the BOS currently offers.
- PA
12/25 11:08am Merry Christmas! ![]()
12/24 1:25pm The official Norfolk website now has a link to the Town Meeting survey, at the Moderator's link at virtualnorfolk.org, for suggestions to increasevoter participation at Town Meeting. Thanks to all norfolknet posters for their ideas to improve the survey; the official survey has incorporated your suggestions, including new comment sections, expanded question scope, and a limit of one response per respondent. If you've already taken the norfolknet version, please also respond to the official town survey. Responses will be compiled and published for Spring Town Meeting. Thanks! - DBW
12/24 1:24pm "Tis the day before ChristmasMerry Christmas to all!
Here's news for the Town
Highland Lake's level
Is 'way, 'way down.- WC
12/24 1:23pm Another weekend, more scintillating reading in The Boomerang and in Globe West of ``As the ZBA Official Turns.'' This week's episode takes a melodramatic twist when the subject of the recent violations feels that his adversaries want to see him as a ``burning ember in the streets'' or ``annihilated.'' (As a side note, the NFD prohibits open burning until 1/15/08.) What is of grave concern to me is that the violator is sanctimoniously breaking the very laws he is supposed to be enforcing.
Of this recent case, our Building Inspector stated, this is `black and white.' I don't recall such histrionics with Greg Kay about his plight when he was charged with zoning violations, and he had similar options... close down the shop or move his business out of Norfolk. He opted for the latter, and fortunately for Greg, the path out of town was a well worn one, so it was easy to follow.
- PA 12/24 10:24am This card is to the many viewers of Norfolknet who are (as the Carols acclaim) of good will; I wish you all the very best during this Holiday season of the celebration of happiness. May God, whoever or whatever we perceive that deity to be, give us strength and constantly guide us on the path of righteousness. - MT
12/24 10:21am To DH -- Another of your simple, excellent methods. My compliments on the ice dam remedy. How effective can you get!! I'll not be dam-ed [sic] - JO
12/22 8:07pm DH -- Now that is great information!! Thank you, and if you celebrate, Merry Christmas. - BS
12/22 5:28pm To those with ice dams. Prevention with proper insulation is the best, but once you have them you may need to deal with them. An old timer gave me a tip that has worked really well when in need of relieving water behind an ice dam (thus the reason why it is called a dam!). Buy or borrow a cheap pair of knee high nylons. Fill them with non-rock salt ice-melt and tie off the end. You will now have about a 3' long "ice-melt snake" as my kids call them. Take these snakes and flip it up over the edge of the roof line so that it lays perpendicular to the roof edge and a little bit of it can still be seen over the edge. In an hour to two, the "snake" will melt a cut in the ice dam and allow the lake behind it to drain over the end of the roof. It is very effective. I have a typical 2 story colonial and I can get them over the roof edge by reaching out of the second floor windows and swinging it up and over. - DH
12/22 4:02pm Happy Winter Solstice! Today at 1:08 am the northern hemisphere was tilted farthest away from the Sun, making for the shortest day and longest night of the year. Days are lengthening again from today until Summer Solstice in June.
- Wm.
12/22 2:39pm EP - I have the same problem. Ice dams have created a leak from gutters into soffit and then down the wall. I was out on a ladder and drilled 1 1/2" holes under the soffit so the water leaks out there. Don't know what else to do based on the amount of ice on the roofline. My next solution is to saw out that large section of gutter that is frozen solid, so when water does melt it just comes right off the roof?? Anyone have any ideas?? - LS
12/22 2:38pm PHM, I am waiting by the phone! Merry Christmas - DV
12/22 11:03am I need someone to remove an ice dam from the second story roof in Norfolk. Please call me at 508-553-9923. Thanks, - EP
12/22 11:02am Paul Robinson was the only one posted here to return my call and plow me out. Highly recommended. Two thumbs up. - PRB
12/22 11:01am DV, I will call in the morning, Merry Christmas I have what they are looking for. - PHM
12/21 7:04pm EAG - Mike Cousens - MAC Repair - 508-922-6200. (Behind the Millis PO; Acorn St.?) does small engine repairs. His rates are reasonable. He also does Auto/MC repairs. Paul Robinson did a super job of cleaning up the snow around my driveway, thanks for the recommendation. If anyone still needs plowing out his # is 508-326-0299.
12/21 7:03pm Congratulations to the very talented Freeman Centennial Chorus on their Winter Concert performance. Mrs. Levine included some very difficult pieces of music - the kids handled them with style and grace. The soloists were terrific, amazing and fabulous! Such stage presence in such young children! It was a lovely evening filled with wonderful seasonal songs! Well done one and all! Look for the performance on cable - a highlight of the talent in Norfolk! - TMS
12/21 7:01pm I know this is a long shot but what the heck... there is a family that helps families every year buy presents for their kids when they can't afford it. They are very kind people (no not me), they are looking for a Wii game system for their own child. I have looked high and low; these people are not poor and can pay for it but just can't find one. They have given so much to so many; I am trying to give back to them. If anyone has an extra to sell please call me, 508-528-7003. - DV 12/21 7:00pm I wanted to send a thank you to the Norfolknet readers who saw our wish list that was posted on norfolkanimalcontrol.net and donated. We have received two very generous supply donations towards the animals that are waiting to find new homes. Neither donor put a name on their donations so I cannot send a thank you note to them! I will post pictures of the cute beds and toys as soon as I get my web page issues worked out! I am also doing a fundraiser for the animal control gift account called "horse shoes for the holidays". We have taken shoes (that were worn and removed) from rescue horses here and decorated them. They make a great last minute gift. Some of them are light enough that you can easily make them into Christmas tree ornaments. Who couldn't use a little extra good luck! You can see them on our web page. If you are interested please send and email or give me a call and leave me a voicemail. There are limited supplies as of right now so grab them while you can. I am experiencing web page difficulties but you can see some of the shoes on the web site. I hope to have my web page issues resolved over the weekend and if anyone wishes to see a certain shoe where the picture won't load - again, please email me and I will send you the picture via email.
Happy Holidays,
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
[Update: the web page is now fully functioning. - HC]
[Update 12/22 5:27pm: Thanks for the cat beds and toys! The kitten's name is Oakley - HC]
12/21 11:12am Re: 12/20 11:51pm, snow-thrower repair: I've used Foxboro Lawn & Power, 360 Central St, Foxboro 508-543-8156. Pete will pick up and deliver. He will also sell parts for your machine if you would rather repair it yourself. - RH
12/21 11:10am Has anyone else been plagued with little hopping bugs outside of your house? For the past month, we've had hundreds of very small round bugs - no bigger than a pin head - that appear on above-freezing days and seem to favor light-colored surfaces, such as our yellow siding and the snow next to a stone wall. They hop when we get close to them and look a bit like juvenile spiders, but have shorter legs. Perhaps they're the insects that have been eating our mugo pine. - HPK
[Update: I think I figured out what our bugs are. They're springtails, which live in soil and eat mold and mildew. They're supposedly a sign of good soil. - HPK]
12/21 11:07am EAG, I used Mowers and More, they are mobile and very reasonable for tune-ups and repairs. 508 478 2004. - PRB
12/20 11:51pm To those who recommended George for snow plowing, thank you! I hope to never have to shovel my driveway again. And thanks to everyone else for providing recommendations as well. I appreciate the helpfulness of all who check, read and respond to requests for recommendations, opinions etc. One more question, where would someone take a snow blower (thrower?) to be repaired? The previous owners of our house were kind enough to leave theirs behind but we can't get it to work. Of course, we shouldn't need to have one any more, but it would be nice to have it in working order because it will help us decide what to do with it - give it away or throw it away.
12/20 11:11pm I would like to thank all of those who have supported me over the years with the issues of Denise's Dance Academy which was previously located in Norfolk. I have happily relocated to Franklin at 800 Chestnut Street (located inside of the Adirondack Club). This has been a very positive and rewarding move for my business and want to extend an open invitation to all to come by and visit and perhaps take a class. For more information you can visit my website at denisesdance.com. All My Best, - Denise Weaver, Denise's Dance Academy 508-528-6614
12/20 7:20pm Silpada Designs, Sterling Silver Jewelry - independent Silpada Designs representative. Place an order anytime! mysilpada.com/Sarah.Hanifan. Book a party, earn free jewelry! Home - 508-613-0982, cell - 781-588-3067. E-mail - Sarahjhanifan@aol.com. January Hostess Bonus - With any show (book or home) get an additional $100 in free jewelry. 10 orders or more totaling at least $500 in retail sales. Call or e-mail today to pick a date/time.
- SH
12/20 7:20pm Hi all Norfolk netters and your friends seeking driveway snowplowing. I am a Norfolk resident seeking to add customers to my Norfolk snowplowing route. I am prompt, professional, courteous, and reasonably priced. Please call Paul at 508-326-0299. Thank you. - PR
12/20 1:45pm Denise's dance studio... In this case, it wasn't the town! It was the neighbor who complained and pushed the issue that the traffic and parking from the business was creating a problem and affecting their quality of life. If you look to see how close the homes are, you can understand why. I believe that she was running a business out of her home that was zoned residential. How would you all feel if your next door neighbor had 20 to 30 cars at a time coming in and out every hour for dance class? Possible every half hour? I wouldn't be that happy. When opening a business, proper research should be done to make sure that you are operating legally. It wasn't as if this was an existing business that wanted to expand. It was a business that probably had no place to open its doors to begin with. Not that I have anything against Denise! She is a great lady! and I am a former dancer. I just wouldn't decide to build a dance studio in my yard without the proper permits, research etc. - MW
12/20 9:46am SD - try schoolmatters.com - it's done by Standard & Poor's. - KD
12/20 8:42am Does anyone know of a web site which highlights how the public high schools are ranked? It may be based on MCAS scores or SAT scores, but there must be some resource out there. Thank you! - SD
12/19 11:29pm Some mundane input re TVs - Be aware thar when you buy a stand for some of the TVs in WM that you should determine the weight of the TV. I got a 115 lb for a table that said don't use over 95 lbs. Also, plasma TV should be kept upright when transporting. Just some thoughts for the mill.
- JO
12/19 9:23pm Denise's Dance Studio, yup same old same old, Town said she wasn't zoned for business and shut her down. Last I heard she was operating out of the Adirondack Club in Franklin. - JW 12/19 7:37pm Happy Holidays from the Norfolk Notations! Pictured from left to right: Pamela Russell - piano, Stacia Jaronski - flute, Karla O'Byrne - violin, Diane Patenaude - harp, Geri Coleman - violin, and Cindy Rafferty - clarinet. We will be practicing over the winter and will make our debut in the spring. We currently have openings in our music ensemble for lower strings; viola, cello or bass. Contact us at: gericol@verizon.net or cindy@humancomm.com.
- GC
12/19 7:33pm At least we have moved onto arguing about something other than MON's belief that space aliens have landed and taken the form of our town selectmen, for the purpose of stealing our money to build a church to worship ET. For HDTV's, I was only using the Dell 2405 as an example of a < 40" 1080p LCD. If you look, you will find them. Sharp, Westinghouse, LG, and maybe even Samsung have them. I'm not talking about cost or features - just simply responding to the statement that 1080p's under 40" do not exist. I don't have a 1080p myself, so I'm not endorsing them.
Re: comment on big boxes -- this perhaps should have been clearer. Nothing is wrong with the Walmarts and BJs of the world - this scorn is saved for Best Buy in particular, and its in-bred ilk. These stores use deceptive practices to sucker uniformed consumers out of money. This is just one of dozens of examples: [HDMI cable scam]
- JH
12/19 7:32pm DC, I can help answer 1 of your questions. Please refer to the DPW page: " Winter Maintenance:
The Highway Division is responsible for ensuring safe vehicular and pedestrian access for the public and emergency services (police, fire, ambulance) during the winter season. Responsibilities include plowing streets, sidewalks, municipal, school and church parking areas. Sand, salt and calcium chloride are used as deicing agents at the locations."- CJG
12/19 7:30pm Toddler sledding - you could try these places, but I don't think they're popular, so they may not be packed down enough and would be tough to trudge out to: 1. Go north on Seekonk/South past the big-kid sledding hill and take the next left on Noon Hill Rd. Head down the hill, around the curve at the river, and just up on your left are some big boulders, blocking entrance to an open field. Park there if there's room. The field has a gentle slope.
2. Head down Norfolk Branch, past the transfer station, to the end. Park on the right, near the gate, if there's room. The landfill (assuming) on the right is a good hill. You can trudge up from there or head down the road on the other side of the gate (usually muddy) around to the back side of the hill.
- SO
12/19 3:30pm Thanks JW. Do you happen to know whatever happened to good old Denise's Dance Academy down on Main St. by Camger Paint? - PA
12/19 3:28pm Time to clean out your closets! The Norfolk Community League will begin continue to collect donations for its 2008 Nearly New Sale on Saturday, December 22nd from 9:00 am - 11:00 am (and every Saturday following from 9:00-11:00 until further notice) at the Highway Department at the end of Medway Branch Road, across from the Transfer Station. We will accept donations of gently used children's clothing, equipment, toys and maternity clothes - please no stuffed animals or books. Tax receipts will be available.
The Nearly New Sale will take place on Saturday, April 5, 2008 at the H. Olive Day School. If you have any questions, please contact Keri at 508.528.2558 / khsibley@gmail.com or Tori at 508.440.5199 / vhessler@yahoo.com
- TH
12/19 3:26pm JH, I tried to look up the Dell 2405/2407. The only thing that is coming up is a 24 inch LCD computer screen by that number. You could watch TV, but you would need to purchase a tuner and possibly speakers for it. The price tag was $1,999 for just the monitor. You now have me very curious about the TV... I have been looking and have not been able to find anything similar. I would like one that size for my bedroom wall. Where did you find this and how much was the pricetag? On the Sony website, there is no such option for an HDTV with 1080p under 40 inches and I have not seen any other brands with this option in the stores this holiday season. When I visited the Dell website, they directed me to Sharp, Sony, etc. It seemed as though they were selling other brands on their site... not Dell's. - MW
12/19 3:25pm A big thanks to Lindt Chocolate of Wrentham Outlets for providing the King Philip Middle School Chorus with truffles today as they weathered the cold while singing Christmas Carols to the holiday shoppers. - [Name withheld - Wm.]
12/19 11:34am JH, I don't believe that there is any misinformation being presented. BTW... what is the price tag on that 24 inch 1080p? They are not easy to find, nor ar they inexpensive. Just becuase you found one does not mean that they are readily available and being displayed everywhere. Believe me, I have looked at every major store out there for the past few months. Of course, you can find anything if you are willing to pay the price for it. I was speaking broadly. Just becuase I didnt go into intense detail, does not mean that I was misinforming anyone or that I don't know what I am talking about. Judging from the other BH's admitted lack of knowledge, I didn't think that he/she was looking for the absolute best. Not everyone needs such a set, nor can afford it. I just bought a 720p, 19 inch "no-name" brand for my son, who is extremely savvy. He is very happy with it (he is also extremely picky). He mainly uses it as a computer monitor and for gaming. He may only be 15, but he designed and maintains his own website, and is currently making good money by doing this. He knows several programming languages and has just been asked by his HS HTML teacher to assist her in the class since he had completed all his assignments for the year during the first two weeks of school, earning an "A" in the class for the year. So, please don't discount his advice becuase he is a teenager. What he has told me about his experience gaming on all of his friend's HDTV's has really helped me to narrow down my choices in my own search for a larger set for our family. I don't know about anyone else, but when I want to know how something works, I ask the people that are actually using it on a daily basis.
I know from my own experience from watching my grown kid's 50 inch HDTVs the difference in quality between my daughter's 1080 and my brother's 720 are not that noticable. I am an average viewer, not a video expert. I also found the exeprience of watching sports vs. a movie to be different. There are many different factors involved. I doubt that the average comsumer is going to go that in-depth with their search. You could spend under a $1,000 for a 42 inch, or you could spend upwards of 5,000 for the same size, depending on what you are looking to get out of it. Just becuase some folks went to Walmart or BJ's does not mean that they are not happy with their choice and that it is not adequate for them. I actually did most of my research on the site that you recommended (c|net). If you feel that you are more informed and think that the information given is incorrect, simply state your feelings or offer advice or suggestions... a snide remark is not necessary.
Here is some info from the site you mentioned....
"How much extra does a 1080p TV costIt also goes on to say that you will not really notice the difference unless you are buying the largest size set.Not surprisingly, you'll initially have to pay a premium to get the latest and greatest technology. If you take a look at the product lines of Sony, Samsung, and Mitsubishi, you can see that, on average, you can expect to pay about $1,000 extra for the bump in resolution. For instance, take the Samsung HL-R6167 (720p resolution) vs. the step-up HL-R6168 (1080p). At buy.com, the 6167 is currently going for $3,500 while the 6168 is $4,500. Eventually, of course, the gap will narrow, but it'll take a couple of more years for 1080p displays to become the standard.
Really, nothing at this point. Today's high-def broadcasts are done in either 1080i or 720p, and there's little or no chance they'll jump to 1080p any time soon because of bandwidth issues. "
If I found a good deal on a 1080p, I would get one. In fact, that is what we have been looking at. But there is nothing wrong with getting a 720 at this point in time. Even with their high price tages, TV's seem to still be considered a throwaway item. That is why I plan on getting the best deal I can... the technology is constantly improving. By the time this one breaks, I will be ready to upgrade anyway.
- MW
12/19 11:34am The thread on HDTV's is becoming painful for me to watch because I think there is some mis-information being disseminated. Btw, you can get a 24" LCD which supports 1080p - the Dell 2405/2407.
- JH
12/19 10:21am Norfolk Power Equipment moved because they were refused their request to enlarge their site. Not a Norfolk first. Our loss was Wrentham's gain. - JW
[Wow, that was a quick response! I just put up the question! - Wm.]
12/19 10:18am KID and DF: unfortunately, the Pond St. area was not plowed. I guess it make sense since otherwise it would not be usable this time of year. Any other toddler-friendly sledding area out there? - JT
12/19 10:17am I have two questions/complaints. First off, who in this town is responsible for clearing snow from the sidewalk? Is it the property owner or the town? None of the sidewalks in my neighborhood have been cleared, forcing everyone to walk in the road. A couple of people have been hit and killed by cars in other towns because the sidewalks were not cleared. Second, why don't we have Verizon FIOS TV available yet? Many other towns in this state already have it, why is Norfolk still dragging its feet?
- DC
12/19 10:16am JH... May I ask why you think that the discussion on HDTVs has become "painful"? - MW
12/19 10:14am Help!? Does anyone know of someone who will come and remove snow from our roof?? We have ice dams popping up all over!? Thanks. - DB
12/19 10:12am Does anyone know why Norfolk Power Equipment is not in Norfolk anymore? - PA
12/18 9:44pm Watching the discussion on HDTV's has now become painful. Here is a good source of information - [cNet reviews]
2 recommendations:
1) Don't buy anything from a Big Box retailer - read consumerist.com if you need any information as to why
2) Don't get taken on cables. A digital signal either gets there, or it doesn't - regardless of whether it's wrapped in gold. Buy cables from monoprice.com.- JH
12/18 7:20pm The other BH... smaller LCD's are only available in 720p. The larger, I believe upwards of 40inches are available in 1080p... My 16 year old video game addicted son says that 720p is just fine for most people, and that most programming is not available in 1080p right now. If you are planning on using Blue-Ray or are a serious gamer, then you would want the resolution. Response time is also a big factor. I believe that the LCD technology is surpassing the plasma... I wouldn't go with that. We too have been researching these lately. - MW
12/18 7:19pm To those looking for snow plow service: Scott Morrison, 781-389-2443 local guy with a route in Norfolk. Dependable service and reasonable rates! - GB
12/18 7:18pm KID, I used to bring my kids to the Pond Street field to go sledding. If you go behind the tennis courts the hill is pretty good. I'm not sure about the parking. I don't know if they plow the parking lot. - DF
12/18 2:37pm Thank you all those who responded to my purchase of a big TV. To LS: Does the resolution to these TV's go up to 720P and then jump up to the 1080P? Or is there a choice of resolution in between those two numbers? Thanks, - BH (the other BH)
12/18 1:59pm I saw the earlier recommendation for sledding in Medfield, but does anyone have a good spot for preschoolers (something too shallow for big kids perhaps)? When we drove by the Medfield hill, there were tons of older kids and I think it would be hard for them to avoid slamming into my little guy. Thanks in advance for any responses! - KID
12/18 1:58pm ML - Forgive me for being callous, as I do appreciate the roads being clear. But your choice of careers in life is your choice. There are plenty others who work nights, weekends, with the sick and dying, under difficult conditions and taking care of society as well with plenty of missed holidays and family moments. You want to see hard-working DPW workers, under drastic conditions, move to the snow belt of Pennsylvania or Minnesota. But I forget, this is Massachusetts - and when a government employee does his job or completes his assignment they need thanked. So thank you DPW - especially for the great work you did on Medway Branch road. It really looks nice. And I mean it, no sarcasm here.
But back to the taxpayer. I don't see an out-pouring of thanks here. The Senior Center even took down the "Thank You Norfolk Taxpayers" sign. The money to pay taxes has to come from somewhere - and nobody, even government employees, are entitled to it.
So if our Town can't thank the citizens of Norfolk - I can. Thank You Taxpayers of Norfolk!
12/18 12:06pm BH, I purchased a 50" Vizio from BJ's for about $1300 about six months ago and am very happy with it. On Black Friday I purchased a 47" Olivia 1080 resolution on sale that weekend for $999 to give as a Xmas Gift. They have an excellent selection there with extended warranties available. - PRB
12/18 12:06pm MON, tell me you aren't serious. You can't just let a simple thank you be said? Do you have to work on being this way or does it just come natural to you? Do you have any idea how difficult a job it is for the DPW guys to keep these roads clear and safe when big storms like this hit? I'm sure every one of those guys would've rather been nestled in their nice warm beds like the rest of us instead of being up all night in the rotten weather. My father (God rest his soul) was a DPW employee for many many years and I have seen what he (and every other DPW employee) has gone through every winter to keep our roads plowed, sanded and safe. These guys are out for days & nights straight with little to no sleep. They get called out at all hours of the night, pulled from their nice warm beds to sand too. They are not just out during snow storms, but whenever the roads are slippery. We have missed many holidays with my Dad because he was working on the roads. As a little girl there were a lot of Christmas mornings that I woke up and my father still wasn't home, still working on the roads. He missed many holiday dinners with us. Don't you think everyone of those guys would've rather been home with their families? They deserve every penny that they get and they work very hard for it.
Just because our taxes pay their salary doesn't mean we shouldn't thank or appreciate them for what they do. Do you have that same attitude when it comes to our police, fire, and EMTs?
Once again, thank you to all of you who make the roads safe. You are truly appreciated by my family at least. Happy holidays, hope you can all be home with you families this Christmas (and every other holiday this season).
- ML
12/18 10:09am EMS, EAG, & MWB -- Ditto on George. He's great and is always there in the middle of the storm and to clean up! - BS
12/18 12:46am We received an e-mail from a reader with some thoughts on the corroded water pipes. With permission, I'm posting a portion of the message: Question: Has the Town DPW/Water Division ever notified its customers about the corrosive condition of the water? I don't recall any notification. Have any of those hit with costs for a new water line to their home ever received compensation from the Water Division? If so, fine. If not, it is past time for those with attributable costs to contact an experienced attorney who is willing to represent them on a contingency basis, and begin the process of discovery: what did the town know about its corrosive water, and when did it know it? And what did the town do to see if its customers copper pipes had any effect from corrosion? If there are multiple customers with pipes that have been replaced, perhaps a class action would be appropriate. Customers with replaced service lines should collect all of their bills pertaining to that replacement. Be sure to keep copies.The previous discussion regarding this topic (corroded water pipes from the mains to the house leaking, requiring replacement) started on 10/13.Perhaps pipes within the houses of those with leaky service pipes should be sampled and subjected to a destructive physical analysis, to see how far the corrosion process has damaged the pipes. I'm sure that folks don't want a corroded pipe to spring a leak within their homes. The court will probably want to see a guarantee fund set up to address this problem, even in future years. If there is any evidence of secrecy on the part of the town, punitive damages may be requested and imposed on the town.
- Wm.
[Update 12/18 10:19am: that was poorly worded, sorry; the corroded pipes ran from the mains to the house, not the water mains themselves - Wm.]
12/18 12:13am EAG and MWB: If you are still looking for someone to plow your driveway you can our plow guy a try. His name is George and his number is 508-331-3409. We have used him for the past 10 years and he has never let us down. - EMS
12/17 10:50pm The Other BH - We bought a 32 inch Olevia LCD TV from BJ's this year. Consumer Reports rated it one of the best for its size and it's dramatically cheaper than the other brands. I want to say almost 60% the price. We love it, it has a great picture, and we might get another one soon since it was so affordable. - LJK
12/17 4:48pm AR - I woudn't open anything, unless you know the party sending it. My family, scattered across the globe, occasionally send me an e-Greeting from some site or another. I'm reluctant to open them, as it usually puts your e-mail address on all kinds of places you'd rather not hear from. - LAW
12/17 1:48pm Hey KP - Where's the Harold Campbell Park on North St.? Is it between the little rotary at Union St. and the intersection of Needham St., on the left? Did someone get out there on their snowmobile? Is the parking lot clear? - SO
12/17 1:29pm I would like to thank the two Good Samaritans from the DPW who helped me out of my driveway yesterday. When they saw me stuck, they stopped, shoveled, then pushed my car to the street! Thank you again! - CMA
12/17 11:08am Has anyone come across one of these e-mailed Christmas greetings in Excel format? Are they legit, or are they a scam? I just received two, from two different continents, and as I don't have Excel installed on my system, I wanted to know whether it's worth the effort to try and convert them into a format that I can view. Thanks, - AR
12/17 11:07am MW--Our internet service has been slow as well. We don't have their phone service. I thought things were just slow because of the amount of shopping everyone was doing. We too have not had issues for well over a year. Thought I'd pass this along so you could let the techs know. - BS
12/17 11:06am Does anyone else find it almost embarassing that the sidewalks in and around the center of town, including the sidewalks all around the library, had yet to be cleared as of Monday morning? I noticed commuters walking down the side of Main St. on the street, rather than the sidewalk, and also noticed that the entire sidewalk around the library had yet to be cleared. I understand that we got hit pretty hard with snow over the past couple of days and the town did a great job with the roads, but in a town where there are very few sidewalks to begin with, they should have been cleared over the course of Sunday. - TCC
12/17 10:29am SS, I don't know if this is related to your problem or not, but for the past week, I have been experiencing severe difficulties with my Comcast service. Our signal strength is very weak, we can barely get a phone signal. Our internet is fluctuating very dramatically from one minute to the next. It can be fine one second (and I mean second) and then it crawls along so slowly that I can hardly check my email during the day or even load the home page. This is the first time in over a year that we have had an issue. My husband is calling them today to send someone out. I know it is not a computer virus, since our phone and digital cable have also been effected. Anyone else having difficulty? - MW
12/17 10:27am Well, I never thought I'd see the day . . . This morning, as I was coming south into the roundabout by the clock, I got just a little past Liberty Lane when I was met HEAD ON by an SUV driving the wrong way! I gave an exasperated look to the driver, a mom with a teenager in the car (as was I), and she pointed with annoyance that she was trying to take a left onto Liberty Lane. Apparently, she was in a hurry and felt justified to go around the three or four cars ahead of her coming from Union Street so she wouldn't have to wait for them to clear the roundabout. Amazing. - JC
12/16 11:34pm To BL, I have a wooden swing set. Contact me at patsandy001@comcast.net to look at it and see if you want it. - PM
12/16 11:33pm Just a reminder that there are cats, dogs, and a horse that our Animal Control is caring for while they await homes, and that there is a wish list posted on the site of things that these animals need. Any items purchased can be dropped off at the police station. Also, if you donate things to food pantries, remember that food for pets is very much needed and appreciated; this need was discussed in the Gazette a few weeks back. Happy Holidays! - CR
12/16 8:43pm A wonderful act of kindness to me occurred today. After a terrible commute to Medway (nothing ploughed!), after plodding around collecting kukka samples, after getting my feet soaking wet from a raw wastewater pump gone wild, I was thankful that my shift was over. Arriving home wet, but in one piece, there was a white pick-up truck ploughing out my driveway spot. I thought it was a friend of my son, as I waited for them to clear the way. Not so, the driver spied my son shovelling out, as he drove by, pulled over and cleared a spot.
The name on the truck was Sullivan, and we believe he's in construction , from Walpole. I will try to track him down, for a personal "Thankyou". If anyone can give me further clues as to who this Good Samaritan may be, please post to this site.
12/16 8:42pm VoIP issues over Comcast Broadband - Are you having trouble with your VoIP over Comcast Broadband? I've been experiencing problems where I can hear the other party but they cannot hear me for 10-20 seconds at a time. If you've been experiencing similar problems or dropped calls over Comcast Broadband using a phone adapter (Comcast, Vonage, Packet8, etc.), please share the details, especially if you've managed to resolve them. (Please don't bother posting if you've never had a problem.)
Thanks much.
- SS
12/16 8:38pm I just read the article in The Boomerang about the Zoning Board Member being hit with a Zoning Board violation, and I must say: this is of grave concern. Should one not follow the very rules they enforce? Because Greg Kay of Shady Tree Landscaping had too many vehicles stored on his former site in Norfolk, he and his business were forced out of town. Now we hear of a Zoning Board official with more than one commercial vehicle stored on his residential property, and he laments about shutting down his business two weeks before Christmas. Following the rules would have prevented any of this. Mr. Kay didn't have to close his business down, he simply had to spend thousands of dollars, lose a couple of customers, and then pack up and leave Norfolk. - PA
12/16 12:48pm This article should be an answer to the smell and chlorine taste to Norfolk water supply, and the reason for broken pipes. [Google Scholar page / article] - MG
[Update 8:37pm: the relevant abstract:UV Treatment of a Groundwater Supply - From Piloting to Start-Up: Experience in the town of Norfolk, MA- MG]
Protasowicki, R.G.; Malley, J.P.,Jr.
Journal of New England Water Works Association. Vol. 117, no. 3, pp. 185-190. Sept. 2003Faced with an Administrative Consent Order, the Norfolk Water Department was required to optimize corrosion control at one of its wells. Aeration was selected as the optimal treatment process to lower the corrosivity of the water. However, because the water was to be aerated, regulations also required that the water be disinfected prior to distribution. In consideration of the consumer's general dislike of chlorine due to its potential tastes and odors, the Water Superintendent asked that Dufresne-Henry select an innovative technology for disinfection. Through a thorough investigation of available disinfection techniques, ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection was selected. This article presents experience gained in UV disinfection from piloting to start-up.
12/16 11:05am BH - I would go with a LCD TV from a fairly well known company, Sony or Samsung. For resolution I would stay with the cheaper 720P. They will try to up sell you to a higher 1080P resolution but its not needed. Comcast Cable, and even Verizon Fios do not broadcast anything in 1080P Resolution. If and when they do, it will be years down the road. The only way you can take advantage of a higher resolution 1080P TV is if you are going to be watching a DVD with a BlueRay DVD or HD DVD player. Similar to Beta and VHS tapes, there has not been a clear cut consumer grasp of which format will be the winer in the marketplace. Best Buy and BJ's have some good deals right now. Just my .02 cents. - LS
12/16 11:04am To PBD - We're on Lawrence St. off of Park St. We really need to line up a snow plow service, since unless you live within walking distance it's hard for anyone to get around in this stuff. On the chance you or anyone else reading this lives nearby, call (508) 528-8752 and leave a msg. I'm heading out to shovel! :) - EAG
12/16 9:17am Hello, Can anyone recommend a plow service for a residential driveway? Thanks, - MWB
12/16 9:15am We are thinking of buying a big screen TV. What is the difference between HD and plasma? Which is better? What are the best brands out there that are the best? Did some research but did not really understand the lingo, etc. I know there are many intelligent people out there, please help! Best wishes for a safe and warm holiday! Thanks! - BH (the other BH)
12/15 9:14pm TO EAG - what street do you live on? Two teenage boys may be available to shovel for you if you live close to us. Thanks, - PBD
12/15 9:13pm I know the main roads in Norfolk were plowed well and I know that with the amount of snow that fell in such a short period of time, the job of plowing all the streets in Norfolk was difficult. My street however, was not plowed well at all. The hill I live on was impassable and all my neighbors needed to park their cars/trucks at the bottom of the hill and trek up on foot. If there were an emergency, I doubt an emergency vehicle could have made it up the hill. I have a call into the DPW and am awaiting a call back. - DM
12/15 1:22pm To KH, who is looking for someone to repair a broken snowblower pull cord and add an electric starter: You can do the repair yourself and save money and time! This way you will beable to use it tomorrow. Unbolt the pull cord assembly and remove from engine. Take out old cord, remembering how it goes on, and insert new cord. You may be able to use the old cord if less than a foot was cut off. If not, you can purchase a new cord at hardware stores or power equipment dealers. I have doen this repair three or four times with lawnmowers and snowblowers. Just remember the direction that the old rope was wound. Good luck! - EC
12/15 12:59pm Hi! Does anybody have a snow-mobile? If they would run it around the trail at Harold Campbell Park on North Street, we could go walking even in this weather. (My boots are too short for this much snow.) Give me a call if you need help finding the trail! The phone number is 978-985-1797. Here's hoping, - KP
12/15 12:58pm Once again, our DPW did a fine job clearing our roads. I was in other towns yesterday, and their roads weren't nearly as clear as ours. - PA
12/15 10:36am For those planning on coming to the St. Jude Christmas Pageant at 10am tomorrow, Dec. 16, in the event of a snow cancellation, check WCVB/Channel 5, or call 508-528-1470 for information. - MG
12/14 11:19pm EAG -- Not sure if they would be interested, but two nice guys saw me shoveling yesterday when they were plowing our neighbor's yard and plowed me out for $30. The name was Mike Freiberger from Walpole (508-668-8106). We have a snowblower (that was conveniently in the shop) so won't use them regularly, but you might give them a call. Good luck. - KE
12/14 7:41pm Maybe a better post than my earlier one (on snow plowing companies) would be this: are there any teenagers who need extra money and want to shovel my driveway this winter? I'm not sure what the going rate is on this but considering how sore my back is I'm willing to hear all sorts of offers. - EAG
12/14 7:40pm MON, can't we just thank the DPW and leave it at that, or do you have to throw in your usual sarcastic MON-talk? We pay taxes so the roads can be plowed, the roads were plowed, thank you! I can assure you there are other towns (one where I spent the night on the floor of a hotel lobby, waiting for a room to open up) where people were stranded with no clearance on any road. Norfolk did a great job.
Hey, happy holidays!
- AL 12/14 3:17pm Isn't the snow wicked cool? - SO
12/14 3:15pm JT - a nearby sledding hill is at the State Hospital (across the street) in Medfield - go down 27 towards Sherborn and take the right just before the river. Also, about there, at the turn on the left is pretty good, too. - LAW
12/14 2:16pm ML - Don't forget to thank the Taxpayers of Norfolk, without their money, wouldn't be able to pay the fellows who plow our streets. So while the plows are resting waiting for snow, our fearless Taxpayers are braving the elements to pay the wages of our government employees! Good Job out there! - MON
12/14 2:15pm Wouldn't you like to find a great pet sitter or dog walker for now or over the holidays? My name is Will and I'm 15 years old and live in Norfolk. I'm good with animals and have had prior experience and references. Call my cell at 774-571-5780. - WR
12/14 2:14pm Can anyone recommend someone local to repair our snowblower? We bought it used over the summer and using it for the first time last night I literally broke the pull cord trying to get it restarted. I guess I don't know my own strength! I would also like to put an electric starter on it as well. Thanks - KH
12/14 2:13pm Sledding - There is an awesome sledding spot in Medfield. Go north on Seekonk and maybe 1/4 mi. over the border, on the left, there is a big field with a hill. It's very popular - you will see lots of cars parked at the side of the road. It's Medfield conservation land. It's great! - SO
12/14 10:49am We received an email that's perfect for the season -- What is the meaning of neighborly? Driving to work this morning and saw a car stuck in the snow on Myrtle Street and a young man trying to push the car out. I made a u-turn and went back to help. As soon as I pulled over and got out, a man in another truck pulled over as well (oddly enough he was wearing a Grumpy sweatshirt). Neither one of us knew each other, nor did we know the woman driving. We stopped, pushed her out, waved and went on our way. Next time you see someone that needs a hand, offer it. Don't be afraid of being two minutes late to work. Help out a neighbor. Help out a stranger. Give it a try and see how good it feels.Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays.
- Wm.
12/14 10:48am Just wanted to thank all the guys from the DPW for all their hard work making our roads safe. While we were all tucked snugly in our beds they were out cleaning up that mess. Kudos to their foreman Paul, job well done! Even better, my mailbox is still standing!! - ML
12/14 10:47am Clearly we are behind on getting our ducks in a row this winter. Does anyone have any snow plowing recommendations? I don't think we can physically handle shoveling our driveway ever again. :) - EAG
12/13 10:47pm Hello, Looking for a local sledding spot. Nothing too steep... Thanks! - JT
12/13 7:06pm I often find, in my autumnal years, that my second thoughts are better than my first thoughts. This has, sadly, been the case with my post of 12/12 concerning MON's analysis of our Norfolk Town Meeting. In that post I praised MON's audacity, sagacity, and perspicacity in advocating robust democratic reform including "launch(ing) counterattacks," "foster(ing) rebellion," and "(opposing) intimida(tion) by the opposing groups." My praise, alas, was premature. MON has offered a serious critique of Town Meeting without a single reference to the essential roles of Kazoos, off-color limericks, and Whoopee Cushions. These are devastating omissions. My apologies to all concerned. - -HRB
12/13 12:56pm TEM - I align myself with no one group, no special interests, other than my right to fight the tax hounds let loose by bad management, biased committee advice and maligned municipal actions. And I seek to derail ignorance, greed and avarice for the good of all the taxpayers. Read between the lines here. I will take my chances. Besides, I work in Boston, and haven't been run over by a car yet. It's the Norfolk special interests and text-messaging teenage drivers that scare me the most. Both are deadly in different ways.
12/13 10:32am Dangerous place to be, MON, I hope you'll soon realize before it's too late that the middle of the road is where one is most likely to get run over. - TEM
12/13 10:12am We were forwarded a notice from the Norfolk Public Schools' superintendent's office, announcing a short day today because of the storm: The Norfolk Public Schools will have an early dismissal at 12 noon today, Thursday, December 13th due to the pending snow storm. The Norfolk SACC after school program has also been cancelled.Kristen Porell
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Norfolk Public Schools
508-528-1225 x1910- Wm.
12/13 10:08am Come on TEM, that is an obvious "Right Side" type of comment. - SM
12/13 10:07am TEM - The middle, naturally. - MON
12/13 10:06am Christmas light displays: To those who had asked about seeing Christmas light displays... one stop does it all in Millis. One of the largest and best in the country as noted by many media sources. They were on the Today Show two years ago... for directions, milliswonderland.com. - PN
12/13 10:05am Just a guess - MON sits in the middle. - LAW
12/13 10:04am Regarding Town Meeting, some of us attempt to follow the discussions of town boards which are televised on NCTV, Channel 22, before the Advisory Board/ Committee Report is available to read. The Selectmen, for instance, go through the proposed articles with the Advisory Board/Committee members, discuss them, and assign article numbers, weeks before the report is approved and released, either electronically on the web (and Norfolknet) or in print, delivered to homes by mail. Suggestion: I would like to see the report available as a draft, on line on the Town website at: [town documents page] for instance, along with a draft index , prior to those meetings which serve to discuss and finalize the report for printing. In that way, those who wish to can follow along with discussions about the articles before the final report is issued for printing and for the web site. Yes, there may be changes, but reading the draft well in advance of final release may speed things up at the town meeting and will promote the notion of an open local government.
Citizens should be aware of our Town Bylaws, available on line at: [bylaws page] or officially as available for purchase from the Town Clerk. (These bylaws should not be confused with the Zoning Bylaws, which are completely separate.)
The Town Bylaws describe how the town should operate, and how the Town Meeting should be held. Some anomalies may show up; for instance the Bylaws refer to the Advisory Committee, while that group has been commonly known as the Advisory Board for years. Other towns refer to their group as the "Finance Committee". Also be aware that if a town meeting passes an article that changes the bylaws, those changes will not appear on line or in print until the Massachusetts Attorney General's office approves them and sends a letter to the Town Clerk confirming their approval.
- BH
12/12 11:26pm "Furthermore, the audience is broken into groups based on self-interests, usually left-wingers (physically on the left side of the auditorium) and the right-wingers, usually opposed to the biased and spending practices of the left (on the right hand auditorium side)." Tell us, MON, where do you sit when you go to Town Meeting?
12/12 4:36pm As of mid-afternoon, 47 people had responded to the Town Meeting informal survey. Thanks for your comments and suggestions for improving Town Meeting as well as future versions of the survey. To view the results, please click on this link: [click for page] - DBW
[Also moved the survey to the Politics page, for easier reference - Wm.]
12/12 2:38pm Norfolknet is a slice of American small town life if there ever was one. But in the middle of Little League tryouts and how to gesture to your non-English-speaking cleaning lady, it is always good to have some deeply serious, seriously insightful analysis. I am, of course, referring to MON's portrayal of Town Meeting. In just 11 lines we have "launch counterattacks," "foster rebellion," "intimidated by the opposing groups," and the kicker, "They glare at you when you counter their special interests and look like they are going to let the air out of your car tires in the parking lot." This is truly real democracy in action! And Lord help those poor, wretched Iraqis. Whatever have we got them into? - HRB
12/12 2:34pm My daughter just bought her first house last month. She's broke. :) The electric stove is broken, but her brother is putting in propane in the spring so she can cook with gas. Her future mother-in-law has agreed to buy them a brand new stove. I want to explore finding a cheap, used electric stove for the next few months and then her new stove can be gas in the spring. Please reply to pulmoneria@hotmail.com. - KB
12/12 1:47pm Norfolk Little League is actively recruiting umpires for both the AAA and Major League levels. Applicants must be age 13 years or older. Umpires are paid a flat rate per game with equipment and uniforms provided by the league. Training sessions will be held during the months of January and February and are mandatory for both new and returning umpires. Interested applicants should send an email to gallen@arrayinc.com and include their name, age, email address, phone number and note any prior umpiring and baseball experience. Signup deadline is January 1, 2008. - DL, Norfolk Little League
12/12 1:45pm Again this year, Norfolk Little League will be running indoor baseball clinics for players ages 7 through 15 years old. The clinics will be held at the Extra Innings complex in Wrentham on Friday evenings for the older players and Saturday mornings for the younger players. The clinics will run for 8 weeks during February and March. The clinics are a lot of fun and are a great way to get into playing shape for the spring. The dates of the clinics are as follows: * Ages 7-12: Saturdays, Feb 9, 16, 23, Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Times for each age group are:
* Ages 13-15: Fridays, Feb 8, 15, 22, 29, Mar 7, 14, 21, 28* Ages 7-8: 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM The cost of the clinics is $75 per athlete. To register, download the form from the Norfolk Little League website (www.norfolkbaseball.com), fill it out, and send it to the address provided. Forms and payment are due on or before January 5, 2008. This is always a very popular program and space is limited. If you have any questions, email todd.chisolm@asmnet.com
* Ages 9-10: 8:45 AM - 10:15 AM
* Ages 11-12: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
* Ages 13-15: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM- DL, Norfolk Little League
12/12 1:43pm The town meeting is a bad forum to discuss the ramifications of the warrant items and to present opposing views. By the time Town Meeting occurs there is little time to launch counterattacks and gain grass-roots participation and foster rebellion. Furthermore, the audience is broken into groups based on self-interests, usually left-wingers (physically on the left side of the auditorium) and the right-wingers, usually opposed to the biased and spending practices of the left (on the right hand auditorium side). Unfortunately, there is also no real time to debate issues. Warrant items should be debated on a separate date - then voted on in town meeting to make it short and less sleep-inducing.
Then, of course, there are those that are intimidated by the opposing groups, or the special interest groups, and won't speak up. Lucky I do not have that problem. And let's have the debate without the presence of Town employees also, unless they live here. They glare at you when you counter their special interests and look like they are going to let the air out of your car tires in the parking lot.
12/12 12:11pm KE: Regarding house cleaners, I use someone who is looking to expand. We've used her on and off for years. I like her a lot, one of the reasons is because she used all natural products to clean! She used to live in Norfolk but now resides in Woonsocket, RI. She still has several clients in Norfolk. Her email address just changed, so if you are interested in more info have Wm. give you my e-mail address or forward messages to me - whatever is easiest. [Use box94@norfolknet.com - Wm.] In the meantime I'll try to get her updated info. Best, - SR (another SR - not the one who recently posted, so from now on I'll call myself SRA)
12/12 11:59am To SR: Your vigilance and cynicism is a good thing, but it didn't appear to me that the survey had ulterior motives. Seems like a legitimate attempt at improving the process and encouraging more participation. Isn't that a good thing, also? My only criticism was their lack of an "additional notes or suggestions" section at the survey's end that would allow participants to voice suggestions for improving the process that were not covered at all by the previous questions. Incidentally, one of the more important questions on that survey covered in what sequence items at Town Meeting will be covered. In my view, every effort should be made to prevent people from influencing or choosing when a particular issue will be brought before the town to discourage those who manipulate coverage of their special interests at a time (usually at or near the very end) when very few residents are awake or present.
12/12 11:58am SR--I have to say, I don't read anything into the survey except the gathering of information. Let's be fair here, Town Meeting has not changed here in Norfolk in many years. Mr. Winslow is trying to find out why people don't attend and how we can cut out the amount of time we spend on some of the more mundane issues. Whenever you have a change of people in positions, there will be change, and there is not doubt about it. People want to bring their own style to whatever it is they are working on. Change can be good. The fact that Mr. Winslow even asks our opinion is a good start. Many new leaders just bring it on; change, that is. Also, I did not notice any "hijacking of town process during town meeting". If anything, Mr. Winslow let a few discussions go on longer than Mr. Gross would have. Personally, I'm all for cutting back on the amount of time at Town Meeting and I really want to see more people attend. So, that's what I think. - BS
12/12 11:42am SR: I completely agree with you. I did attend 3 nights of the Fall Town Meeting, and call me something, maybe confused, but I did notice that the Moderator tried to cut off or rush two residents that asked legitimate and valid questions on the waste water treatment plant warrant article. I did not take their comments as negative or positive, but rather "did the Town consider any of this." From their credentials and the information they presented I would say that they knew what they were talking about. - WB
12/12 11:13am I've noticed, and am genuinely worried about, the politicalization of the town moderator's position. It seems that under the disguise of "getting things done" our new town moderator has started what could be referred to as a power grab. This seems to fly in the face of what the position is intended to do. I detect a slight, creeping hijacking of our town process during town meeting and it makes me uncomfortable. See Mr. Winslow's earlier post and "questionnaire" and let me know what you think. Is this real improvement to function or is it something else. Thanks. - SR
12/12 9:54am Kudos to our wonderful Animal Control Officer and the Police and Fire Departments, as well. We are so fortunate to have such a good group among us. - WC
12/12 9:53am If you need a wooden swing set taken away, I am looking for one for temporary use. I will dismantle and take away from your property. Thanks. - BL
12/12 9:51am Hi TC - We have a fireplace insert so the door maybe plays a role in why we don't smell anything? I know there is some dirt on a lot of the pieces - maybe that is what is burning and creating an unpleasant smell? I am thinking that I might try D&D Landscaping as someone else suggested - just for comparison. I am generally pleased with the service and the friendliness of The Firewood Shop - I'll let you know if D&D lives up to the recommendation. - LB
12/12 9:50am What a terrific story about a great job by our ACO, the NPD, and the NFD. It certainly sounds as though Lt. Findlen made the right decision by requesting a Company recall. We are truly lucky to have such wonderful, brave, handsome young men like Mike Findlen in this town protecting us. - PA
12/11 9:32pm Greetings. We [the Town of Norfolk] have organized a Study Group to look at other towns that have greater participation at Town Meeting than Norfolk to see if there are best practices that might make sense to adopt for our town. To help guide the Study Group, please take a moment to answer this short survey: Click Here to take survey Thanks!
[Update 12/26 1:06pm: this survey is over; a new survey incorporating feedback is on the Town Hall website - Wm.]
12/11 9:31pm I hope that all of Norfolk knows the value of a good animal control officer. You have one in Ms. Cohen and I hope that she is appreciated. Dedication is the key and you have one really dedicated ACO. Check out the animals for adoption and appreciate the care that she takes to make sure that each goes to the right sort of home. She is a jewel. - EIH
12/11 7:50pm Norfolk's Animal Control Officer, Police and Fire Departments - You rock! Great solution with the inflatable bags - who knew? That's one lucky horse. - SO
12/11 7:49pm If you are looking to help less fortunate families this season please consider calling the Santa Foundation, 1 Joy Street, Franklin MA @ 508-528-1767. The Santa Foundation has been facilitating helping families at this time of year for decades. They currently have 50 families without sponsors. To sponsor a family just place a call to the previous mentioned number and speak to Bob Sullivan. He will help match you with a family in need. If you are unable to be a sponsor, the Santa Foundation welcomes donations as well. Happy Holidays everyone. - PM
12/11 7:48pm LB: We bought a cord of wood from the Firewood Shop in Bellingham too, and are generally happy. We do notice a very strange smell emanating from the wood, though. Have you noticed any such thing? It's organic-smelling, but pungent. Just curious. - TC
12/11 4:21pm If you are looking for a great housekeeper call Maria Campo at 508-879-9302. She does a great job and is well known in Norfolk. Feel free to call me for a reference at 508-553-9923. - YP
12/11 4:15pm We were forwarded a press release issued by the Norfolk Fire Department: NORFOLK - December 10, 2007 - Receiving a 911 report of an injured horse at 27 Marshall Street, Norfolk's Animal Control Officer (ACO), Hilary Cohen, Police Officer George Bent and Detective Nate Fletcher responded to the residence of Eleanor Rose at 8pm. Arriving on location a 19 year old Mustang was found lying on its right side in a "cast position" as reported by ACO Cohen. The horse had slipped on ice and had become wedged between a wall and entrance to the barn. Fire Department on-shift, Group 2, Lieutenant/Paramedic Mike Findlen, Firefighter/Paramedic Richard Clancy and Firefighter Stephen Hamlin responded with Engine 1. Consulting with ACO Cohen, a decision was made to use a chain saw to remove sections of the barn wall in an effort to assist the horse right itself. While ACO provided emergency care to horse, which was believed to have been down for over an hour prior to being discovered, Fire and Police considered the next course of action, as the horse failed to respond.Lt. Findlen requested a Company recall, which brought Deputy Fire Chief Stephen Wood, Lt. David Holmes and Firefighter John Zajac with Squad 1 to the scene. Lighting was deployed for safety and speedi-dry applied to the ground to provide traction for responders and the horse. A decision was made to employ the Fire Department's rescue air bag system, which are inflatable bags designed for heavy lifting. An air bag was positioned at the horse's head, which ACO Cohen noted would be the best means to coax the horse upright. Fire and Police worked to position the bag and when inflating, the horse responded, but was still unable to right itself. A second air bag was positioned and while inflating the horse responded and with assistance righted. ACO Cohen examined the horse, named Shamray, who did not appear to be injured.
Fire and Police secured from Marshall Street at 9pm, with ACO Cohen remaining to continue monitoring Shamray. Fire Chief Cole Bushnell commented, "Watching the agencies on scene work together was a great example of Norfolk's community spirit."
- Wm.
12/11 4:12pm Can anyone recommended a local snow plowing service that still has openings for this winter? Better late than never, right?!?!!? - JL
12/11 1:44pm I've seen some questions about the Norfolk Little League signups etc. We're in the process of getting the web site (norfolkbaseball.com) setup to accept registrations and will have it on-line soon. I'll follow up later today or tomorrow with more information regarding signups, winter clinics, umpire positions etc. - DL
12/11 10:13am KE - Try Zelia's House Cleaning (508-473-8250). Leave a message and she will call you back. She is very nice, does an excellent job, is honest, responsible and legal. Her English is OK if you speak slowly - she's Brazilian - but my neighbor and I still throw in a little pantomime. If the Wm. wouldn't mind sending you my email address (thanks Wm.), I could give you our names so that Zelia will know the connection. [Use box93@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - SO 12/11 8:59am Just in case you missed it, it's icy out there... - Wm.
12/11 8:58am Could anyone provide information on the Norfolk t-ball? (i.e. signup dates - where when & how, ages...) Thanks - JL
12/10 5:49pm SL - Thank you for the referral. Steph Brooks sounds great. I will call her tonight. - KM
12/10 3:23pm KM, we used Steph Brooks 508-384-3233 to walk our dog for almost 2 years. She loves dogs and took great care of our yellow lab. She also made an extra effort after the dog had surgery; she put a bag and a sock over her cast every time she took her out... in the snow! I would highly recommend her! - SL
12/10 9:50am Fresh from their award winning performances at the 2007 Essentially Ellington Festival at the Jazz at the Lincoln Center in New York last spring, the King Philip Jazz Ensemble are opening their season with a special concert performance of Duke Ellington's "Nutcracker". In 1960, for the first time in his career, the legendary Duke Ellington and writing partner Bill Strayhorn devoted an entire album to another composer's work - a composer no less esteemed that Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky. Ellington and Strayhorn wrote the nine-movement suite as a pure jazz interpretation of the Tchaikovsky classic. The Suite has nine movements, based on many of the popular pieces from Tchaikovsky's score. Re-named with jazzy titles, they include "Toot Toot Tootie Toot" ("Dance of the Reed Pipes" in the original), "Sugar Rum Cherry" ("Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"), "Danse of the Floreadores" ("Waltz of the Flowers") and "Arabesque Cookie" ("Arabian Dance"). Ellington's resulting Nutcracker Suite translates the melodies and mood of that beloved classic into the jazz idiom. The result is a holiday treat as cool as it is festive
The concert will take place on Wednesday December 19th at 7pm in the newly renovated auditorium at King Philip High School, Wrentham. The performance will also include selections from The 2008 Essentially Ellington competition: The Mooche, Blue Ramble and Theme from the Asphalt Jungle.
Admission: Adult: $6, Student/Senior: $4
12/10 8:55am I am looking for a house cleaner for an initial cleaning now and starting bi-weekly in January. Any recommendations? We have family coming for the holidays with allergies and want to make sure that someone better than I has given our house a once-over. Also looking for a good carpet cleaner. Thanks for your recommendations. - KE
12/10 8:54am WAGW - Firewood: I used someone here in Norfolk and got a cord - large pieces of green wood (was suppose to be seasoned). I ended up going to D&D Landscaping in Bellingham (508.478.1225), good sizes for the fireplace, seasoned and debarked - $250 delivered. - PN
12/10 8:53am Can anyone recommend a dog walker? Thanks. - KM
12/10 8:52am We just received a cord from The Firewood Shop in Bellingham, they were 255.00 including the delivery to Norfolk. It is dried and burns great - good luck. - LB
12/9 9:03pm We are looking to have some firewood delivered. Does anyone have any local recommendations? Thanks! - WAGW
12/9 10:52am Please check the animal control page if you are looking for that perfect pet in your life. Just this past week we've had two wonderful cats (one adult and one kitten) surrendered and they needs new homes. We also picked up a tuxedo cat around the Seekonk/Boardman area on Friday. There is also a "wish list" page if anyone wishes to get any of the animals a gift over the holiday season! Sincerely, - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
12/8 10:19am While out running your errands today, don't forget to stop by the library between 10 and 2 for a visit to Santa's Workshop and Bake Sale. There's lots of homebaked goodies for your table or freezer, and the Jr. Friends will be at hand to help make your very own ornament or gift or decorate a gingerbread person! Items start at 50 cents, and proceeds benefit the Jr. Friends programs. - VR
12/8 10:18am SO - If you are still looking for a good appliance repair service I would highly recommend Burow Appliance Service - 508-528-8359. Bill Burow is the owner/repairman and in my opinion is a master at his craft. I have a fair amount of mechanical background and abilities and typically do most of my own repairs. I had the opportunity to observe Mr. Burrow perform a fairly major repair on my Maytag washer and I was most impressed by his work. I thought his rate was fairly reasonable given the cost of materials and special tools that I would have needed to purchase to do this repair myself. - PS
12/7 11:35pm Hi, I would like to know if anybody out there can recommend a good guy for cord wood who can also take a look at my stove and see if its fit for service. Thanks, - MJ
12/7 11:34pm AL--There is a boot that goes on the board which needs to be fitted and the board corresponds with height. I like these versions better than the slip-on boards which IMO just frustrate the kids and waste your $$. A good place to get a snow board is at Village Ski in Franklin. The guy who owns the place is awesome and can answer all your questions. We found renting from them for a year was a good way to go as our daughter could decide if she really liked the sport, etc. He has packages to choose from and I think reasonable prices for kids whether you rent or buy. Unfortunately you've missed the big sale they have in August. I thought Village Ski was a better option for us than a big box store. Good luck and happy shopping. - BS
12/7 7:36pm Time to clean out your closets! The Norfolk Community League will begin accepting donations for its 2008 Nearly New Sale on Saturday, December 15 from 9:00 am- 11:00 am (and every Saturday following from 9:00-11:00 until further notice) at the Highway Department at the end of Medway Branch Road, across from the Transfer Station. We will accept donations of gently used children's clothing, equipment, toys and maternity clothes - please no stuffed animals or books. Tax receipts will be available.
The Nearly New Sale will take place on Saturday, April 5, 2008 at the H. Olive Day School. If you have any questions, please contact Keri at 508.528.2558 / khsibley@gmail.com or Tori at 508.440.5199 / vhessler@yahoo.com
- KS
12/7 7:32pm LS - Are you saying that people who favor neighborly peace and quiet over time savings are poorly suited to suburban living? That is sad. Also, too many posts over the years have been of the "if you don't like it, move" variety. Perhaps you intended your comments in a more light-hearted way, but if not, it is difficult to think of a sentiment more destructive to community spirit. PA - If peace-shattering, noise-polluting, emissions-spouting destroyers of ordinary civility are okay as long as everyone uses them, we are on a slippery slope indeed. Oh my.
And no, we do not cut our grass with toenail scissors, or even with a manual push-mower. We use a gasoline-powered push-mower (but not early in the morning or during evening hours). We use power tools for home maintenance and improvement, and sometimes a hand-powered hammer, which creates a fair amount of noise. We occasionally vacuum the interiors of our cars. Once in a great while we turn on a chainsaw of moderate size. Does my less-than-perfect silence and environmental conduct disqualify me from (or make me a hypocrite for) despising leaf- and snow-blowers and writing happily about their temporary absence?
RW - Thanks for the suggestion about the Bose headphones. Clearly, I am having no success with the changing hearts and minds approach, so taking a third way is good advice. And fortunately, the Santa who loves me best is an avid reader of Norfolknet.
- SB
12/7 7:31pm Anyone have suggestions for buying a snowboard for a 9 year old boy? Do kids have to be "fitted"? I see them for $25 to $260. I know you get what you pay for, but what should I look for? - AL
12/7 11:07am On-line registration for NLYS spring season has begun - go to our website norfolklionssoccer.com Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer, is a recreational co-ed soccer program for children ages 3 to grade 12 high school. NLYS accepts players from all towns. Our program is designed to improves motor skills and encourage socialization for our youngest players. As children get older, we teach and reinforce the rules and skills of soccer. While emphasizing teamwork, we teach strategies to help each player develop at their own pace.
Early Registration Discount ends February 1, 2008 - (Not February 2nd or 3rd!)
Registration deadline is March 1, 2008 - Absolutely NO registrations will be accepted after the March 1 deadline (Names will be taken and placed on a waiting list and parents will be notified only if a spot becomes available due to a "drop-out") Avoid disappointment - Register today!
Copies of the Registration Form may also be downloaded and printed from the website or picked-up in the lobby of the Norfolk Public Library for mail-in registration
- HK
12/7 11:07am There is a 'Toys for Tots' drop box located just inside the entrance to the Prudential Real Estate office in the center of town. - KK
12/7 11:06am We received a brief follow-up on the power plant proposed for Walpole -- For more information about the 560 megawatt power plant proposed in Walpole, please check out empowerWalpole.org- Wm.
12/7 11:00am PA - Let me tell you. I like to think of myself as all enviro-friendly, so I got one of those push mower things (plus I'm real cheap and it was only $100 instead of $350 for a new power mower)... Man, do they stink. You've got to mow your lawn like once a week or all it will do is bend over the grass instead of cutting it. Plus it's really picky about which kind of lawn it likes - it reacts differently to the three different kinds of grass in my lawn. Fortunately it cuts crabgrass really, really well. So I get to save $$ on Scott's Turfcare...
12/7 10:57am Dear SB, Bose sells a wonderful set of noise canceling headphones. Perhaps you can ask Santa for a pair. - RW
12/6 11:24pm SB: I, too, use a snowblower and have a leaf-blower. Both of my neighbors do as well. I am curious... do you use an old-fashioned, manual push-mower when cutting your grass?! - PA
12/6 10:54pm JGP - Don't know which end of town you are on, but was just at Villari's Karate in Franklin and they have a sign up for Toys For Tots. They are on Chestnut Street right before Adirondack Club. [Villari's Franklin page] - CI
12/6 10:48pm SB - I adopted the loud snow blower and leaf blower to save myself a precious commodity. Time. I can leaf blow my yard free and clear off all leaves, acorns, twigs, branches in 1/20 of the time it takes me to rake them by hand. Snowblowing saves my back and allows me to get to work on time. If I had to shovel I would have to wake up at 4AM. No thanks. I do have a solution for you, move to Cambridge, The City of Cambridge is currently discussing banning outright all leaf blowers. [see writeup]. Cambridge is such a sad place. They would grandfather both Harvard and MIT. Go Figure. - LS
12/6 12:23pm Does anyone know of a local Toys For Tots drop-off location? Thanks. - JGP
12/6 11:47am Has anyone else noticed that the sudden cold and ice have brought with them a wonderful quietness? Yes indeed, all it took to silence the nearly ubiquitous, profoundly anti-neighborly leaf blowers in our town was a mere inch of snow that then froze. And thank goodness it wasn't more, because more snow brings those nearly ubiquitous, loud snow blowers.
Nearly everyone claims to adore the peace and quiet of our semi-rural town. So why have so many of us whole-heartedly adopted these peace-shattering, noise-polluting, emissions-spouting destroyers of ordinary civility?
- SB
12/6 8:43am The King Philip Drama Club and GAPS will proudly present their first production in the new high school auditorium this weekend. They will be performing A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, an adapted version of the classic by Charles Dickens, on this Friday and Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for senior citizens and children under twelve. Get into the holiday spirit by supporting KP Drama and GAPS in their inaugural production! Check out the drama website at: [kp page] - JC 12/6 8:42am Happy Chanukkah to all, as we begin the celebration of the Festival of Lights. May your dreidel always stop with the best side up. L'chaim, - MT
12/5 10:03am EKH, What a great idea for your business. Best of luck and you may be hearing from me. - JR
12/4 5:32pm Big Bird's Nest Nursery School in Millis has openings in our afternoon program for children ages 2.9 to 4. Our Preschool program meets on Monday and Tuesday from 12:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. Please call Stacey at 508-376-0134 for more information. - SG
12/4 11:44am NR -- I have to say we love our granite counters we put in 4 years ago. Since our installation was part of a full house renovation, the contractor had access to installers who did the installation including the pattern over one weekend. We were really lucky. I don't know about the environmental impact of quarrying the granite. I think you are going to have an impact no matter what stone you quarry. With laminates you have the chemical smell, etc from the process. There's been quite a bit of press on melamins, etc. Regarding the tiles, I think it all depends on what tile you choose as to what process it has been through. One comment I wanted to make re. the grout is that there are new grouts on the market. We used epoxy grout on all the new tiling we did. It is stain resistant and absorbs water less than regular grouts. I don't have to clean it and seal it every year. I love it. We used Only Flooring for our tiles. I'm sure you can query them regarding counter tiles too. I believe they now have a store in Framingham. Good luck in your selection process; it is time consuming.
- BS
12/4 11:42am NR, Check out a "green" countertop material made from recycled glass. It is as durable as Corian. It's called "ice stone". I don't know who carries it around here. But there is a woman in Concord, NH who has it in her store. It comes in a huge assortment of colors. Most have that speckled granite look. I have seen it in person, it is really beautiful. The company website is icestone.biz. The store in NH's website is yourhomeyourworld.com I met this vendor at the Manchester Going Green Expo last month. I plan on using this material in my bathroom here in Norfolk as well as the kitchen in my cabin. - MW
12/4 11:38am Re: solar power, 11/30 11:40am PB - It would be great to transfer some of the solar power technology and knowledge to set up solar panels on the Norfolk and KP schools, and Norfolk town buildings. Proposing solar panels on the roof of a new elementary school might gain acceptance for priority funding by the State. Let's support that idea, particularly where there is a local expert (Andy B.) involved in the Department of Correction 100 Kilowatt Solar system in Walpole. [See the Mass High Tech article mentioned in the post of 12/1 11:40am - Wm.] - RH
12/4 9:18am Whoever it was that was looking for someone to help them decorate that wasn't too much money, give me a call and I'd be happy to help. Also, if you're swamped and need help putting up your Christmas decorations (inside), I can do it for you or with you. Call Nancy if you're interested at 553-3921. - NM
12/4 9:06am I'm interested in peoples' experience with kitchen countertops. I've pretty much decided against materials such as Corian and Zodiaq. My concern about granite is that I don't want to contribute to more environmental degradation and I understand that quarrying does have a negative impact - how much, I don't know. Any thoughts? Any suggestions for places to purchase/install if I do decide on granite? What about granite slab vs granite tiles? A woman told me she put in ceramic tile almost 20 years ago and loves it. She said it's easy to clean and that 'stuff' does not get embedded in the grout. She puts a sealer on once a year and that's all the maintenance. I'm a little skeptical although I like the idea of tile. I'm also wondering if there's lead in the glaze and it could leach out?? Thanks,
- NR
12/4 8:57am I want to let the good people of Norfolk know that there is a new business in town! I'm a stay-at-home-mom who has found something to do! Please check out my website: stircrazymom.com Thanks!! - EKH
12/3 3:51pm Now that I'm coming down from my cookies and hot coco "high", I want to thank the Norfolk Lions, Norfolk Recreation and Norfolk DPW for the great Santa Parade! The KP Band was terrific playing holiday tunes, the second grade chorus from H. Olive Day school was wonderful and the marching Girl and Boy Scouts were adorable! It is a terrific town tradition that our family always looks forward to. It was a perfect way to kick off the holiday season and spread some good cheer! Enjoy the festivities and the lights on Town Hill! - TMS
12/3 3:47pm SO: For appliances I have used Essential Appliance, 781-937-9460. They were fast and everything they have fixed, including a very expensive drawer dishwasher, have worked great ever since. He was recommended to me by Jarvis Appliance in Wellesley. - JBN
12/3 11:43am Thank you to all who responded to my "puppy needs a home" post. The pup is now in a new home where he will enjoy the loving care of new owners and has a new sister/girlfirend to add to his happiness. - GB
12/3 11:42am Can anyone recommend a reliable appliance repair person to fix an off-balance clothes dryer? - SO
12/3 10:39am C'mon MH. Speeders and miscreants and scofflaws do not compare to web-based predators. You break the law on Norfolk soil, you pay the price. Fines, and hopefully, incarceration. Looking for perverts on the Web and trapping them is an expensive proposition. Just be ready when the detective has to stay overnight in Hawaii or Fiji to bring a perv to justice. It will cost taxpayers plenty. But I changed my mind on this - Go get Em' I say! We must have a really low crime rate if our detective is bored - kind of like the Maytag repairman. We should offer his services, for a fee, to other, more crime-ridden communities. Walpole, Brockton and Wellesley are right down the street. And they are crawling with deviants waiting for justice.
12/3 10:37am At 7 PM Saturday, December 15, the King Philip Music Department will present its popular annual Winter Pops Concert. The concert will feature the Chorus, the Concert Band, and the Symphony Band with traditional Holiday music, and sing-a-longs. The Marching Band will present a concert performance of "Paganini Variations", the award winning 2007 show. The concert will be held in the Field house of the newly renovated High School. It will have a traditional Pops theme, where the audience will be seated around tables. Light refreshments and beverages will be available. Doors open at 6 pm. Admission price: $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. There is a limited capacity and this concert is always a sell out. Come early to avoid disappointment!
12/3 8:57am MON -- Using your logic, the NPD should stop ticketing speeders because there is always going to be someone speeding. While they are at it, the NFD should stop putting out fires because there will always be another one somewhere. - MH
12/3 8:52am Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!! - AL
12/1 11:43am If you are looking to winterize your lawn, I have 2 large bags of Scotts SuperWinterizer. Never opened. Best Offer. 508-520-9903. - SJ
12/1 11:40am Speaking of electrical usage. This article on solar power from Mass High Tech [article here] has a local connection. I wonder if the Town has explored any of this. - PB
12/1 11:39am On 11/30 at 1:48pm, 'MW' wrote ".....it would have been nice to been notified in advance by the DPW or at least on the day that the town started treating." This would have been a perfect use for the new town-wide notification system which was recently put into service. Since the system is area-selective, home owners in the areas being treated could have received notice by telephone or email. The system is there and we're paying for it, so let's use it.
- RP
11/30 9:52pm Maybe now is the point when we finally reduce our electricity consumption. After all, the utilities wouldn't build power plants if they didn't think they could make a profit from them. - HPK
11/30 7:25pm BS & DV -- Thanks for your input. I'll try going through the routes you mentioned in order to resolve the issue. It's very encouraging to know that your experiences have been so positive! Personally, I was bullied at school as a child, and my school did absolutely nothing about it. I'm sure that my own experience makes me a touch hyper-sensitive to such issues. I'm certainly glad that the staff has been on their toes with your situations. Thanks! - JD
11/30 6:22pm What? I think you must be [... continued] - DV
11/30 5:14pm The more I hear and read about the Christian religion [... continued] - AL
11/17 4:49pm I also bought a stove from Commonwealth Fireplace, Norwood. No support, I tried for a month to have them order a 4 inch collar for the stove pipe and finally gave up. They like selling stoves but give no support. - JC
11/17 3:06pm The more I hear and read about the Muslim religion [... continued] - DF
11/30 3:33pm To DCB... Did you also notice that there was an envelope addressed to the delivery person inside the Gazette... so you could send a Holiday gift... - ER
11/30 1:48pm LS, POH. I agree with your statements regarding the power plant. I don't think that we should panic before all sides are heard. I have asthma, allergies and host of health issues that impair my autoimmune system. I say, let's check it out first. Nobody wants this in their backyard, yet we all want power! We have to get it from somewhere. There is a lot of technology out there that can limit the pollution. My mother used to work for a man that had a patent on non-polluting smoke stacks back in the early 1970's... The technology must be even more advanced now. The water situation is so frustrating... Like PRR mentioned, I too have a skin condition. My excema is cracking and bleeding, this includes my face and the corners of my eyelids. I am one giant open wound. I am a person that cannot swim in a chlorinated pool at all. I understand that they have to treat, but it would have been nice to been notified in advance by the DPW or at least on the day that the town started treating. I seriously would've limited my showers or have gone to my inlaws who have a well. It is ridiculous to think that I need to check the website daily before I bathe!
The water in our home will be tested tonight. I will post on the findings....
I just want to clarify that my frustrations lie not in the fact that our water is being treated. It's with the fluctuations from one end of the spectrum to the other. I mentioned a few months back that at some point our water was fluctuating from very acidic, to very basic. Now we are treating and who knows what the levels are? (well, I'll know tonight.) How difficult is it to keep thing running smoothly? We were/still are? paying (correct me if that has changed) a very expensive company to run our water system.
- MW
11/30 1:10pm JD, My kids have had two issues at the middle school, one last year and one this year. I am not one to sit back and let my child be hurt or bullied, and can often get very "involved." The school handled me and the situations very well. The guidance office should be your first call, they handle a lot and are very good at it. - DV
11/30 12:39pm Many studies have linked chlorinated drinking water to cancer and reproductive harms in humans. Scary. The EPA denies there is a ``conclusive'' causation linking chlorinated water and health effects. Strict conclusiveness is next to impossible to achieve. So what to do? Who to believe? We cannot have pathogens in our water, either. We not only get the chlorine into our body from drinking the water; we also get it from bathing, washing our clothes, cooking, washing our dishes, etc. So there seems to be no escape. What to do? I guess limit exposure by using filtered water; Brita filters take out 99% of chlorine (or so they claim), and limit bathing time. Beyond that, I don't think there is much we can do. The effects of this make for good reading on Norfolknet.com, but perhaps there are better ways to limit our risk of disease, death and dying; particularly not smoking, not eating junk, wearing a seat belt, driving only when in the car and going the speed limit, and washing our hands well. Have a good day! :-) - JBN
11/30 11:50am LS, I couldn't agree more. I work at a power plant in Rochester. Is there interest from Norfolknet to tour the waste-to-energy facility? I'd be happy to take some folks on a tour if you'd like to see exactly how the emissions are controlled and flue gases are cleaned. The fuel is different (trash versus gas or oil) but other than that they are very similar. - POH
11/30 11:49am Today I witnessed a holiday miracle. My Gazette, and all my neighbor's Gazettes actually landed in our driveways! - DCB
11/30 11:48am JD -- I cannot say enough good things about KPMS and Dr. Susan Gilson and her staff. My child had an issue twice last year in the locker room, and Mr. Mulhern was right on top of the situation. I had a return phone call to an email that I had sent within an hour. I do find emails to be the best way to lay out a situation and give a point of discussion. I also had a friend whose child had a situation which was taken care of immediately too. That situation was of a bullying nature and the bully was confronted and dealt with. I understand it was taken care of within days. Compared to where we came from, I find the atmosphere at KPMS to be a breath of fresh air.
I'm sorry you aren't experiencing the same thing. I hope things work themselves out and you come to a common ground.
- BS
11/30 10:11am I found this posting on the town website under Water division. [see the quote also in the post of 10:05am - Wm.] I then called and spoke with the lady answering the phone. She said the chlorination would be going on until they get a zero count of bacteria. She also said they are using the least amount of chlorine possible to do the job. I told her our bathrooms smell like a pool during showers and baths and that the water tastes terrible.
Guess we have to wait it out.
- LM
[Hmm... If the bacteria pose no harm, what's the urgency? (As evidenced by the heavy chlorination just one month ago.) Why not use smaller amounts of chlorine over a longer period? The water is pretty bad, and the quality of the drinking water was one of the town's treasures - Wm.]
11/30 10:09am The DPW web site has a notice that as of 11/27/07 the water system was being chlorinated due to the presence of Heterotrophic Plate Counts (HPC). Well, the question remains, what is "Heterotrophic Plate Counts?" Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) is a microbial method that uses colony formation on culture media to approximate the levels of heterotrophic flora. HPC does not, however, give an indication of the types of organisms present or their sources. It should also be noted that the results obtained using an HPC test are not an accurate assessment of total heterotrophic concentrations but, instead, are indications of culturable organisms present. For example, it has been shown that only approximately 1% of the total bacteria found using direct microscopy are enumerated using HPC procedures. Possible explanations for this difference include the presence of some bacteria in a viable but non-culturable state and the fact that HPC media do not provide the complex nutritional requirements necessary for the growth of all heterotrophs. In laymans terms there is some bacteria in the water system; it is not coliform. The chlorination of the system is a normal procedure to ensure the water remains safe to drink.
- AB
11/30 10:07am Thought this might be of interest to all - [Boston Globe: Life After Override Defeat in Norfolk] - MG
11/30 10:05am I guess someone decided that chlorinating the water did not warrant sending notice to the community. From [DPW page] Water System ChlorinationThe Department of Public Works is chlorinating the water system as a precaution due to elevated Heterotrophic Plate Counts (HPC) detected in recent samples.
There is no cause for concern. Heterotrophic bacteria are a commonly occuring bacteria which pose no risk to human health. These elevated levels could be caused by new water mains coming on line in the system. To date all coliform samples are negative.
Residents may experience a chlorine odor in the water until this process has been completed.
For more information, please contact the Norfolk DPW at 508-528-4990
- SF
11/30 10:03am And I thought that I was imagining it, but I too have noticed the chlorine smell from our faucets. My understanding is, that the Town only uses chlorine disinfection as a last resort. We'll have to call the DPW and find out what's up. Also, I think we should keep our heads up with the proposed power plant in Walpole.
11/30 10:02am Wm - I have recently seen signs in Walpole in opposition to a power plant. I would suspect that the cars driving to the new Patriots place mall each Sunday would spew more pollution than this type of power plant. If they are opposed to a power plant then that's one thing, but using the environment as a defense is not sound. Bottom line is, these plants run super clean and super efficient. The environmentalist in me supports this plant. If more like it were built, then we could shut down the 2 largest polluting power plants in Mass. These plants were designed to displace the old outdated plants. This is a more recent [Daily News Transcript] article. - LS
11/30 9:55am MW - Your husband (who runs a local water system) should pick up the phone and make a professional courtesy call, then you should inform Norfolknet.com about the results. Innuendo, speculation of what may be happening leads viewers of this page to perceive that Norfolk water dept. is a bunch of buffoons. Go to the Water Dept. website and it will tell you exactly what's going on. [DWP chloriation page] - LS
11/30 9:54am I was curious as to what all the Middle School parents out there think of the job performance of the "new" Principal, Dr. Susan Gilson. Personally, I've been less than impressed with her handling of disciplinary issues, but I'm curious as to what other parents in town think! - JD
11/30 9:53am How do we stop the building of this proposed power plant?? We moved to Norfolk to get away from the city's pollution problems! I used to get the worst bronchial infections from heavy auto emissions, etc., because we lived on a busy street. Oh no? How far along is this plan? Is there anything we can do? Thanks. Also, about the water... I too have noticed the difference. I get terrible eczema if there is too much chlorine or other additives. And I have been itching like crazy the past few days!! We have a filtration system on our drinking water only. Ohhhh... Do we really have to allow our bodies to be poisoned so... the water, the air... Grrrr!!
11/30 9:46am PA - I may have malodorous views, but at least they are not maligned. Problemed dope fiends driving and walking on our soil need to be rounded up, I agree. We have to keep our streets free of them so we can get to the liquor store safely. Let's let the detective hunt them down, just keep us informed of the ones in town. I don't want to talk about churches, parking lots, loopholes and Christ's summer birthday any more until after the holidays, it's bad Karma you know. Chloramines, made from mixing ammonia or nitrogen compounds with bleach, are carcinogenic and were used by the Germans in WWI as chemical warfare agents. Hopefully the water supply has a low nitrogen load, part of the amine molecule, of which there are thousands of different kinds, as Wm presents. Chlorination using bleach, as a 20-30% sodium hypochlorite, disinfects water and keeps it pathogen-free. The tradeoff is disease and pestilence, or residual chloramines from the reaction with amines in the water. How bad is it? Does it burn your eyes? If it is burning your skin perhaps our water supply is overloaded with hypochlorite.
Several years ago I asked the water department about the disinfectant stage here at Norfolk. Never received a reply. And that was way before I began posting on this blog.
And PA, the Church of MON accepts all, except those who take from MON's collection basket.
11/29 8:30pm JHR. We have not only noticed the taste, but also the smell. My skin is also dry. It is cracked and bleeding. My face is burned. I do have very sensitive skin and whenever my skin cracks, it is usually an early warning sign to me that there have been changes in the water. My husband runs local water system and says that they must be disinfecting and there must be a high residual. What the town needs to worry about is chloramines, which is [an alternate disinfecting agent, sometimes used instead of chlorine - Wm.]. The state has just started regulating this this year... There are health risks. Maybe MON can comment on the chemical properties and how this works. - MW
[The chemicals used to disinfect water create harmful byproducts (trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs)), some of which are classified as carcinogens. Chloramines, an alternate water system disinfectant (a combination of chlorine and ammonia), create an additional a byproduct, iodoacetic acid, which was recently found to be especially toxic. The full range of byproduct compounds created, their dosages and effect on humans is not well known, but carbon filtration is very effective at removing them from the water. References: Medical News Today, EWG - Wm.]
11/29 8:29pm I think I've come up with a way for the town to make money. Years ago, the town fathers felt it was neccesary to plow the church lots. Being an important part of everyday life in town, I'm sure the majority of the residents in this small town agreed with that decision. Times have changed. The three or four denominations in town probably don't represent all the people in town. The solution - have the town continue to plow the churches for a fee. This fee doesn't need to be the going rate that a private contractor would charge. The fee could be a lesser rate. The town helps an integral part of the community by performing this service at a reduced rate and the town also receives income. Sounds like a win-win to me. What do you think folks? - TB
11/29 8:26pm I noticed it smelled like bleach the other day... Shouldn't we get some sort of notice before they do these treatments. - ER
11/29 6:16pm We were forwarded a notice that's circulating in Walpole with a heads-up about a 300-600 megawatt power plant that has been proposed for the southern end of Route 1A, close to where the high-tension lines cross the gas mains. I found references to the topic on-line [article]; the letter is attached below. Yes, it has typos, and yes, those are not particulates, but this was the first I've heard of it. Hey Norfolk Friends,As you may or may not know, Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) is planning to build a power plant here in Walpole. It will sit just off 1A in the Industrial Park. The plant will burn both natural gas and diesel oil. This poses many concerns for Walpole, but one common concern that all surrounding towns share is the pollution of the air. The two 259 foot smoke stack will put forth particulate matter that includes carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitric oxide. This company operates a plant in western mass and the out put into the air is measured in tons. The particles released are particularly troublesome because they are so small (2.5 microns). These particles can penetrate into your lungs and cause a host of medical problems. Anyone with a pre-existing condition, such as asthma is especially vulnerable. The plant will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the particulate matter will fall in a 6 to 12 mile radius around the plant. Norfolk center is only 2.9 miles from the site as the crow flies. Many of you probably live closer to the plant than I do.
- Wm.
11/29 6:09pm Has anyone mentioned the new taste of the town water, or is it just me? It seems to have a very strong iodine or chlorine taste?? Perhpas it has been this way for a while, but we seem to have just noticed it. Does anyone know anything about it? Thanks... - JHR
11/29 3:14pm Come see Norfolk's own 6th graders Maddie Myers, Emily Garven, Sarah Gibson, Julie Lugten and 9th grader Jill Proto in South Pacific this weekend at the Orpheum Theatre in Foxboro. For tickets go to uncommontheatre.com. - JG
11/29 2:40pm Step Above Dancers Holiday Fundraiser Fair -
When: Sunday, December 2, 2007 1:00 pm till 5:00 pm;
Where: The Kathy Ryan Dance Studio 206 Main St., Norfolk;
What: It's a Holiday Fund Raiser FairHere is a sampling of items:
a. Silpada Jewelry
b. Famous Pocketbooks, wallets, etc.
c. Running Rabbit of Franklin
d. Avon Table
e. Scarves, Gloves
f. Bake Sale Table
g. Hourly Raffle
h. and much more!Santa's Elves will be on hand to baby-sit while you browse and shop!! Bring your Xmas list and do all your shopping, while helping the Competition Team raise money for their Competition Fees...
Ho Ho Ho Hope to see you all there!
- LR
11/29 2:39pm I am helping someone find a home for a puppy... adorable 4-month old Lhasa Apso. Very good disposition, playful, cuddly, a real people-dog. Needs someone at home more than current situation... ideal for retiree or small family with at-home parent. If interested please send email to me at: box91@norfolknet.com. - GB
[Update 12/3 11:43am: Thank you to all who responded to my "puppy needs a home" post. The pup is now in a new home - GB]
11/29 12:14pm SM - Thanks for your reply. I will pass the information on to my husband, the "tv remote control king"!! - TW
11/29 9:58am Reply to TW: One of the most respected companies in the area is Elite Media Solutions in Wellesley. The owner, Brian, lives here in Norfolk and happens to be a great guy as well. You can call the store at 781-237-2929. Good luck with your project. - SM
11/29 9:21am MON: Your views on policing are malodorous. I read in The Boomerang that an officer made an arrest for drug possession. In your world, that would be a 'drop in the bucket' and you may wonder if the 'town mandates that.' The way I look at it, the NPD is here to protect and serve, in whatever way possible. As far as 'twisting' things around with CD sites... tell us (or better yet, show us with your camera-phones) some of the 'plenty of town-owned sites' you referred to. I appreciate your advice on going to confession, but I don't think I committed any sins with my views on this site. Maybe I can start going to the church of MON, but only after the holidays!
- PA
11/29 12:09am The Church does not pay any taxes. Churches, schools, universities and other 501c3 tax exempt organizations do not pay towns, the state or the federal government any real estate (or most other) taxes at all. Sometimes there is a "payment in lieu of taxes", but the church or town would need to confirm whether or not this has occurred. I highly doubt it for a church. It is completely optional for the non-profit either way. When I was younger, my Eagle Scout project was to enlist help to paint the entire interior of my church. We accomplished this without spending any funds directly. I question why it cost Norfolk $30,000 to have a church painted. Was this job bid as per Massachusetts law? If so, what were the competitive bid responses? Just curious. - CS
11/28 4:57pm EC, thank you for your thoughts, it has been a long night. She is awake but that is all I really know. The town of Needham has been so hurt by suicide in the last few years, it is shocking! My heart bleeds for all of the families and friends of these kids. - DV
11/28 4:56pm DV, I'm am so sorry to hear about your friend Heather. I will keep her and her family in my prayers. - POH
11/28 4:55pm MW - I agree with your views re holiday displays - and I don't subscribe to any name-brand religion, it just shoudn't be done by the town. These displays can be put up at the churches/synagogues/mosques, whatever, at the facility's own expense, of course. I'll join the Scrooge patrol with you! - LAW
11/28 4:54pm I know that little league sign-ups start sometime in December. Can anyone tell me the age requirements for T-ball? I have looked on the website and cannot find anything about age requirements. Thanks, - AL
11/28 4:50pm PR. I was not baiting you... so I don't understand your comment about my "attempting" to turn this into a religious argument. I happen to agree with you. There was something mentioned in another earlier post about seperation of church and state. Because this property is in fact used for religious purposes, whether people like it or not... there will be discussion of religion.
I am sorry if I have offended anyone, but I really don't understand how "seperation of church and state" can be misinterpreted. It's really a very old and simple concept.
- MW
11/28 2:34pm MW - The violation of trust is even greater if the church doesn't pay any real estate tax at all and then asks for a taxpayer funded paint job. I am not biting on your attempt to turn this into religious argument. Religion has nothing to do with this. The town of Norfolk shouldn't pay for the maintenance of any privately owned building whether it's a pizza parlor or a church. - PR
11/28 1:28pm "...protection of personal or real property from injury, harm or destruction..." I guess you'd obviously be surprised to find that a paint job can be construed as such, not that everyone would agree, but it's a time honored method of protecting a structure from injury and harm from Mother Nature, just like you'd protect your house from her with new paint. Of course, you'd have to pay for it out of your own pocket, right? Still, it would be successfully argued that the paint job provided that protection if the structure in question was truly historic... by the book. "Aren't our bodies of water and wetlands protected?" One might think that, but surprisingly that's a very gray area of the law, and has yet to be tested to the point of litigation. Wonders never cease.
- TK
11/28 1:27pm Someone asked if the church payed property taxes to Norfolk. Does this mean that all tax paying property owners are entitled to have their driveways plowed? If so, I would like to be the first to sign up! My husband plows for another town. He has been instructed that under no circumstances is he to plow private property or he could face serious disciplinary action. I agree with MON re: Seperation of church and state. That also applies to any religious manger scenes that may be displayed by the town, such as the one that they have in Wrentham. As a "Catholic Jew", I feel that if the taxpayers are going to pay for religious scenes. Then each religion must be represented. I am not offended by Christian/Jewish/Hindu/ etc scenes at all. I just don't think that the government has any place paying for them. That is what our country was founded on. Religious freedom. So go ahead, bash me for being a Scrooge. But I celebrate them all! Happy "Hanna-Christma- Quanzikkah" !
- MW
11/28 12:23pm EBC- Perhaps the Norfolk Preservation Committee needs to reread the Massachusetts Community Preservation Act. Section 1. [reference] "Preservation", (means) protection of personal or real property from injury, harm or destruction, but not including maintenance.Municipal counsel informs me that violations of the act can have serious consequences, and I saw the same thing happen you did on vote night. Given these facts, I have a plan to combat this nonsense, after the holidays. Two can play at this game.- MON
11/28 12:22pm Does the church pay any property tax to the town of Norfolk? - PR
11/28 10:34am PA - taking out 5 perverts is fine work, but as long as deviant human sexuality exists, they will be replaced. A drop in the bucket, if you will. But the time the detective will need to sit during 5 trials is a disservice to the taxpayers of Norfolk. And then there is the issue of entrapment and having the cases thrown out due to aggressive defense attorneys and lenient judges. Perhaps I misread the statements, but my interpretation was that he did not have enough to do. If that is his job, to catch cyberperverts, I applaud him. I didn't know the NPD had that mandate from the town.
And, here we go again, twisting the story about why the town plows the church parking lot. A past selectman already wrote in that they have been doing that for years, with no mention of a CD [civil defense] ruse, and furthermore, there are plenty of town-owned spaces that are plowed and CD ready. If you are Catholic, you need to go to confession and should think deeply about what you just said.
My goal here is to get some political discussion on the table. And I see it's working.
11/28 10:33am I'm looking for help trying to find a "home theatre" installer. I recall a posting from a while back for someone who worked for a company in NH but lived in Norfolk, but I neglected to write down the contact information. Thanks for your help. - TW
11/28 9:49am As a former dental assistant with many years of experience, the only practice that I would feel comfortable reccomending is Dental Associates of Walpole. They are located in the Bristol Sq. Mall on Rte 1A. I am a person that knows what goes on behind the scene at a dental practice. I am also privy to "assistant talk" at other practices that the average person may not hear. Dr. Stephanie D'Aprile is first rate... as is Dr. Suzanne Coppola in pediatrics (if she is still there)... I will not bad mouth other practices in town. But I will say that the average person that goes in to have work done usually judges the dentist by their bedside manner - rather than their skill or expertise. Not always the right way to go about it. [...].
- MW
11/28 9:48am RE: Dentists. Thanks for the recommendations. I don't think Dr. Pasenkoff is on my PPO list :( Not sure about Dr. Collins. This is the main reason my family needs to switch dentists. - KY
11/28 8:57am MON, I entirely agree with you about using taxpayer's dollars to perform routine maintenance of the Federated Church. It was disturbing at town meeting to see many members of the church show up to vote the funding and then abruptly leave after the vote was taken. In doing some research, most communities are using the community preservation funds to purchase open space so that the town can better control its own growth. It is not being used to maintain buildings that are not owned by the town.
The guidelines for funding need to be clarified. It is pretty clear that special interest groups can swamp a town meeting and push through a vote like that of painting the church.
11/28 8:56am Regarding Highland Lake, while people debate whether the owner of the dam has the right to empty out the lake, they are overlooking the fact that the lake is habitat to birds, fish, turtles, otters, and many other creatures. Aren't our bodies of water and wetlands protected? In a post-Katrina world, isn't anyone concerned about the potential for damage having the control of a dam in the hands of a private citizen? Doesn't that represent a liability to the town?
11/28 8:22am RE: Changes on NCTV - Hey, heads up everyone... Has anyone observed the changes on NCTV? Well done graphics and interesting programming! Kudos to Brian the new manager!! Good work! Thank you! - PRR
11/28 8:21am I would highly recommend Dr. James Collins DMD at 206 Main Street. You get great dental care and a dry wit to go with it. He's terrific and his staff, especially Marjorie, is wonderfully helpful and make the dentist fun (if that is really possible.) - MJD
11/27 10:02pm MON: Your comments about the NPD seem to be missing the 'big picture' element. If you recall the article, it stated he uses 'downtime' at work. The story did mention he was bored one night, but he wasn't directly quoted as saying that. As a taxpayer, I'm thrilled that this young detective put some downtime to use and arrested five perverted pigs. He should be congratulated, not chastised. He's keeping the NPD ahead of the curve with his proactive approach. As far as local churches getting plowed... here we go again. Hopefully your cyber-sleuths will see an area designated as a civil defense site being cleared. You can also bet that same church also uses their own private contractor. If you can find a better civil defense site, take our your handy camera-phone and let us all see it.
- PA
11/27 9:48pm The NCL is holding it's Annual Santa Breakfast on Saturday December 8th,2007 from 9-11 am. It will take place at the H. Olive Day School Cafeteria. [See post of 11/25 11:20am]
11/27 9:37pm Regarding the church painting, I have to agree with MON. In my opinion, the historical status of the church should be irrelevant. It is an active facility that should pay for related maintenance expenses. It is a slippery slope if the town starts to "subsidize" the upkeep of privately held facilities. I do not mean any disrespect to the church or any other non-profit, but I firmly believe in the separation of church and state. In this case, consider the theory from a financial viewpoint. I would feel this way about a mosque or a synagogue as well. In the spirit of full disclosure, most of my family attends the church that received the assistance. - CS
11/27 9:36pm To KY: We also use Dr. Pasenkoff. Before we moved here, we used Waban Dental Group. They were ok, but Dr. Pasenkoff is much better. I highly recommend him. 508-528-5351. - JBN 11/27 9:36pm Can anyone help me understand my heating system and help me save money? I use oil heat and the hot water is heated through the furnace and stored in an electric hot water heater. The furnace has its own temperature controls and the hot water heater has its. I don't understand the relationship or how to manage it. I've included a diagram to illustrate the dilemma. Thanks. - SO
11/27 9:35pm My vote is for Dr. Pasenkoff, he's a wonderful dentist. - LAW
11/27 7:38pm To LAW: I grew up in Norfolk. I remember when Highland Lake had an overflow from the prison. There were all kinds of disgusting things floating in the lake, including pieces of bed sheets, condoms, etc. Not sure if it ever actually got cleaned up or just floated away. On a lighter note, I agree Dr. Pasenkoff in Norfolk center is absolutely excellent! My family just switched over from Smilage Dental in Franklin, they were a nightmare. Dr. Pasenkoff is gentle, his work is painless and he is wonderful with my children,as well as all of the people who work there.
- BH
11/27 6:41pm Update to dead deer under power lines - I don't know why, but I was curious to see if it was gone I guess, so I checked this afternoon. A man came by and asked if I knew who did it. He said he was a hunter and that it made him angry. "This is so irresponsible. This is what gives hunters a bad name." He explained that it had been done by someone who knew what they were doing, but that there was still much they could have taken. He pointed out that the antlers had not been cut, that it was a young buck and one antler had not grown. He came up with a few scenarios, as did you MW, but was still disturbed that someone would cut and dump right there. It was very interesting getting his perspective and a quick lesson on anatomy, hunting and ethics. And I met a new neighbor! The dogs and I wore our orange vests when we went to the state forest today, thanks to his advice. - SO
11/27 6:40pm To DV, I am so sorry for your loss and that of your friend. You, your friend, and Heather are most certainly in my prayers - EC
11/27 4:50pm MON, I have no bubble at all. In fact if you had asked me 2 hours ago, I would have said that the last two years have been the worst two years of my life. But I just got off the phone with a very good friend whose son died in a car accident this time last year, the pain was the worst he had ever known - until this morning, when he found his daughter hanging in her bedroom... she is in a coma; she will most likely not make it. So, there really is no bubble here to burst, but thanks for trying. Happy holidays. and if anyone here believes in prayer, please pray for a child named Heather. Thank you.
- DV
11/27 4:49pm Regarding Highland Lake - it should be noted that it's not technically a lake - it's the Stop River. It's also worth noting that two wastewater treatment plants discharge into it - Wrentham State School, and Norfolk Prison. These are State owned facilities, and the State doesn't believe in spending money to maintain them very well. What happens when they have overflows (it's happened in the past) and Highland Lake cleanup becomes Norfolk's problem? - LAW
11/27 4:38pm PS - I would recommend All Seasons Septic (Kevin Orlando), Parker Sanitation, or ST5 - all are fairly local and all are superb. A friend had a bad experience with Wind River Environmental, so you may want to enquire as to whether they've improved. - LAW
11/27 4:36pm SO, My family hunts, and I have to say that I am completly appalled to hear this! I cannot imagine killing an animal in vain. There are many folks that would take the deer home and use the meat. They also use venison to feed the hungry in homeless shelters. However, don't be too quick to anger over this. There are a few different scenerios that could have happened with that deer. It was most likely a road kill or taken down by a coyote... it could've been shot at, injured and just died later, where the hunter couldn't find it. Someone could've stumbled upon it much too late to be good eating and took the antlers. If it was near the side of the road, I bet it was involved in an accident. I realy don't know too many hunters that would've left thier deer behind. - MW
11/27 4:34pm To KY - I had also used Norfolk County Dental for several years and can agree with EC's assessment. That being said, a few years ago, I sought a change and started using the services of Dr. Pasenkoff whose office is also located in Norfolk Center. He offers all that Norfolk County Dental does with one major difference. He does not practice what I term "assembly line" dentistry, running from one room to the next. He gives his full attention to the patient he is working on 100% of the time you are there. At this point I would not even consider trying another practice. I feel very fortunate that I was able to find such a caring dentist.
- KK
11/27 2:42pm Regarding septic system service, I have used Wind River for years. wrenvironmental.com - BM
11/27 2:41pm DV - Just for you, I'll back off the church. But every time there is an override, taxes are raised, monies misspent, people are financially stressed. Maybe there is less food to eat, the house a little colder, gloves or shoes a little tattered. You think about that next time some religious organization finds a loophole to have maintenance done on their facility. While it is a beautiful church, and augments the center of Norfolk, the old school here should be aware that the new school is watching closely.
Just to let you know, and I hate to burst your Xmas bubble, Bible scholars believe Christ was born in the summer.
11/27 2:40pm Should the selectman's church get special treatment? If we are using taxpayer money to paint one church, shouldn't we pay to paint all the churches in town? - PR
11/27 1:36pm Re: many people in town who do not use your church are appalled I am not a member of this church, and I am most certainly not appalled. I believe the building itself is a beautiful part of Norfolk. Drive up Main at sunset; it is just beautiful. And a local church that accepts everyone is a true blessing for a small town.
No matter what religion you are, chances are a very important holiday is about to happen for you, so I ask in this holiday spirit: can we wait until after the holidays to bash the church? People are going to be very defensive this time of year and it will just really intrude on a special time. Please let this end now. Again, I would like to point out that this is not my church, I do not know anyone at this church, and I have never stepped inside this church.
- DV
11/27 1:22pm To KY, regarding Norfolk County Dental... our family of five has gone to this practice for dental and orthodontic care for over 15 years. They are very professional, caring, and courteous, from the dentists to the hygenists to the office staff. You should give them a try. - EC
11/27 12:10pm "With all the precipitation we have had, the level of Highland Lake is down!! Why?" WC, It's my understanding that flashboards are used at the dam to raise or lower the water level, and that the dam itself is located on private property - all of which means that the owner of the property, and therefore the dam, has control of the water level in the lake. This is not unusual, but is unnerving. There are documented instances of private dam ownership in Massachusetts leading to what some call 'being held hostage' to the whims of the owner. In one instance, the owner of the dam supposedly told residents around the lake that unless they paid a fee to him to help defray the costs of maintaining the dam, he'd let all the water out. The jury is still out on whether this could have happened, or whether the sate might have stepped in to stop it. Personally, I don't think the state would have had the right or wherewithal to step in, but I'm no legal-beagle. The point is that private ownership of a dam has its ups and its downs. The right person would hold dear the need to respect and work with the lake residents. Of course, the residents would need to reciprocate. The wrong person... well, that just becomes a messy issue.
Ultimately, public ownership, meaning the 'town', would be in the best interest of the lake residents. Of course, this would bring forth those voters not having lake frontage, and not having access to the lake, saying... 'not with my tax dollars'. But with the town now having purchased, or about to purchase, the remaining land with lake frontage, that point would be incorrect, as public access would be afforded to all. (The question would be... where, and when?) Purchase price becomes the issue, not so much the liability. And I'm not sure that the dam hasn't ever been made available to the town for purchase... I may be wrong on that. Tax dollars may, indeed, become necessary to fund that purchase, unless money from the Community Preservation Fund could be used for such a purchase. In the long run, the costs of maintenance, inspection, and operation would have to be borne by the town. But how much those are? Who can tell?
Recently, a lake not too far from here, bordered by the towns of Hopkinton, Upton, and Milford faced the same dilemma. [Continued ...]
"Regarding the $35,000 in funds to paint the church, the church is a historic structure and those monies came from a grant from the Conservation Commission."
CR, I think you might mean the Community Preservation Fund, not the ConComm, that extra 3% we pay above and beyond property taxes and is (supposedly) matched by the state...? Norfolk has a fairly healthy chunk of change in their account, and has recently tapped it for the purchase of the land noted in the discussion above.
- TK
11/27 12:08pm Hello. Our family is looking for a new dentist. Can anyone give some recommendations for Norfolk County Dental Associates on Main Street? Thanks, - KY
11/27 10:58am Hi, Can anyone recommend a local company for pumping out a septic system? I didn't see anything in the excel file for this type of service. Thanks, - PS
[In addition to the Excel file, we've been gathering recommendations onto the Recommendations page [here], which does list quite a few septic service providers. Currently, most of the references made in 2007 are up there. - Wm.]
11/27 10:57am CR and Preservation Committee members, To further substantiate that your efforts are misappropriated, take a field trip to the corner of Miller and Myrtle streets. The old farmhouse on the corner is a prime example of restoration where the funds would be well spent and an appropriate use of taxpayer money. A beautiful old farmhouse, probably a lot older than your beloved church, sits neglected and needs restoration funds desperately. Yet you use limited funds to paint your church? I suppose when your furnace needs replaced you'll apply for more money. Something is not right here.
11/27 10:55am On Sunday afternoon, my friend and I found the remains of a large deer at the base of where their trail meets the power line trail, just in from Seekonk Street. The antlers had been removed and the the hide and head had been cut from the skeletal remains, which were sawed apart and piled separately. It looked like a recent kill or dump, not yet been found by scavengers. People ride horses and walk their dogs on those trails. I've seen bird watchers, boys on dirt- bikes, and children collecting leaves. Pulling a dog off the carcass or running into scavengers could be risky. Why would someone hunt under the power lines, or dump the remains there? If it was a dump, why wouldn't the hunter choose a more remote location?
I'm curious to know, from a hunter's perspective, why the whole animal is not used? Years ago, my father was a butcher in Needham and hunters regularly brought in deer for him to process. Nearly everything was used. He said the hide was sent for tanning, the head usually mounted, the meat frozen and the bones cut down for stew or dog treats. What informs a hunter's decision on how much to take and disposal of remains?
- SO
11/27 9:28am Post this under the "hard to believe" category. Are you ready? With all the precipitation we have had, the level of Highland Lake is down!! Why? - WC
11/27 9:27am CR, Answer this. Why is it your congregation could not afford to paint your building with your own money? I read the preservation laws in this state, and I think you all took advantage of them, and the taxpaying public. Maintenance of a building is not restoration. The sale of the land to the town is not the issue. The influence of the church members with the Planning, Con Com board, and Selectmen no doubt helped you get the casual maintenance you needed. Peeling paint is not restoration or preservation and many people in town who do not use your church are appalled that you and your members could get away with this. Isn't one of the Selectmen a member of your congregation? - MON
11/27 8:45am PL, I heard shotguns and I believe 22's going off this morning. They park by the Miller Street Bridge. I believe it is federal land by the Charles River, but they do go into the airport area. The school buses go right by the area onto River Road. - BR
11/27 8:43am Re: 11/25 8:21pm Hi there - hoping to get some insight as to where we can drive to see some great Christmas lights. I remember as a kid certain streets would deck the halls with some serious lights. - LB See URLs: lasalette-shrine.org and [lasalette-shrine.org/Christmas.html]. This site refers to the National Shrine Of Our Lady of La Salette - 947 Park Street- Attleboro MA 02703. They have 10 acres of Christmas lights. Refer to their website for directions and hours (5 to 9 PM, 11/22/07 thru 1/1/08). They also have a cafeteria and a Christmas Trolley.
- RH
11/27 8:42am Re: 11/25 11:01pm I am looking for a sewing teacher in or around Norfolk. Call and ask the Franklin Mill Store, 305 Union Street, Franklin, MA. 508-528-3301. They also sell and repair sewing machines, as well as having classes. - RH
11/27 8:41am It is disturbing to me that MON is taking a shot at the Federated Church for selling a portion of its land to the town. Without the sale of the land, the town would face much greater expense with having to relocate at least a portion of the public safety building to some other location in town. If you think it was easy to have to decide to sell over 25 percent of the church's land, give up the tree barrier that now exists between the fire/police station, etc. - it wasn't. Regarding the $35,000 in funds to paint the church, the church is a historic structure and those monies came from a grant from the [CPA? - see below]. One has nothing to do with the other. The church has been there for two hundred years. It is my church, and I don't like to see it attacked on this website.
- CR
[Update 12:13pm: grant likely from the Community Preservation Fund, not the Conservation Commission as in the original - Wm.]
11/26 10:18pm Please remember that deer hunting season started October 15th (it was bowhunting until Nov. 24). Although you may be tempted to risk your life by walking/jogging in the pitch black, don't go out in the dark unless you have bright colors on. Drivers and hunters in their vehicles sometimes can't see you. And please walk into oncoming traffic - not with it. The shooting usually starts by 6:15 a.m. (or half hour before sunrise) and brings a smile to my face. I see beautiful deer all the time and I hope they survive overpopulation and at times harsh weather, and don't get hit by cars. I inquired years ago about allowing hunting on Sundays, with no results. I guess because so many people are out walking and jogging in the woods at 5:30 a.m. on 20 - 30 degree Sunday mornings between November and December, they couldn't see my side. Remind your children not to play near or in the woods, you have a much higher likelihood of getting Lyme disease from deer ticks than you do of getting shot by a hunter.
- DM
11/26 9:08pm To PRR - Your seemingly benign woodland photo has spurred horrible flashbacks that I thought I had conquered long ago - I remember Bambi's mom not making it (damn you Walt Disney!) ...and that traumatizing Russian roulette scene in "The Deer Hunter." The horror... the horror! (apologies to Joseph Conrad by way of Brando's Col. Kurtz in "Apocalypse Now.") Now, Pat Benatar's song "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" keeps playing in my head... I've got to call the PETA hotline for some solace (surely they'll take my call now that the Thanksgiving Day assault on turkeys is over). - DA
11/26 9:06pm To JP about the Norfolk Christmas Parade - The parade is fun for all ages, but best for the kids, with Santa himself, fire trucks, a marching band, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts marching along throwing candy to all who come uptown to Norfolk center to watch it pass. Then over to the library to see Santa and tell him what they want for Christmas with a Polaroid picture to take home. The crowd is large, but it all goes by smoothly and you're home for dinner before dark. Do not miss the fun. - PD
11/26 9:04pm Does anyone else find it odd that the "Re-Engineering Committee" has an email that is not a "virtualnorfolk.org" email address? This raises all kinds of issues related of public access to public correspondence to an official Town Board. - AB
11/26 7:53pm Does anyone know of any local craft/holiday fairs? Any empty table still available? - SH
11/26 7:18pm
Kill her?? Oh no, Kill This Beautiful Creature? What if she has children, like you...!!
11/26 6:32pm MT - Rule number one in affecting change - don't even worry about what people think of you. To me your comments are refreshing and are exactly what is needed in this PC-crazed society. Everyone is afraid to speak out about things that either directly or indirectly guide their lives, and to those people, you get what you deserve. Then there are those lemmings who follow the pack because they can't think for themselves, they lack the foresight, intuition, and knowledge base. So to break the cycle of pabulum I've noticed on this blog as of late, let me get things started. 1. NoGo is dead. We, the taxpayers need another organization that is effective to keep the sacred cows of government from abusing our taxes.
2. Chief Stone ought to keep his detectives busy or fire them. Searching the web for child predators is the job of the Federal government, not Norfolk police. If you had read the article in the Globe several weeks back, you'll read that he (the detective) used his spare time to catch perverts online because he was "bored". If he is bored he is not needed and we do not need to pay his salary. Better yet, fire him and replace him with an on-the-beat patrol cop.
3. The Federated church sold Norfolk a parcel of land for 200K. I hope they took the 35K off it cost us to paint their church. If they didn't, there should be an independent audit of the church and its members and their link to Town Government.
4. What happens to heavy duty use equipment that Norfolk sells once it's de-commissioned? Is it sold open to the public or sold out the back door?
5. If anyone sees a Town employee working on a private property, including plowing snow in church parking lots, take a picture with your cell phone and put it on this webpage. This is how your tax dollars are being spent for the last 25 years. It would help build a legal case against separation of church and state, according to counsel.
There is much more to be discussed than what I presented here. While this blog is good for discussing the day-to-day existence of our Town, it is also an instrument of change.
11/26 6:23pm Billiard table... I have a Connelly and love it. I paid about 3 grand for it, a little over ten years ago. It is a nice piece of furniture in our home that has passed the test of time and three young boys! - MW
11/26 6:22pm BR - this morning was the start of shotgun season season in MA. I have not been hunting in several years, but I don't recall there being a shotgun season in Norfolk County. The dense population in this small state is the reason there is no rifle season, other than primitive arms. You are correct - do not go out in the dark to walk or jog unless wearing bright clothes... otherwise you stand a good chance of being hit by a car.
- PL
11/26 6:09pm I wanted to thank everyone who gave their advice regarding where to go for ear piercing. I ended up taking my daughter to Piercing Pagoda in Walpole on Sunday and it went very well. Mary there (a walking advertisement for her business!) was patient with my daughter and explained what was going to happen so she wasn't so nervous. She also placed the hole very well, something I was concerned about. I liked that it wasn't as busy at the Walpole Mall as other places might have been. SB, they had the balls on the backings on my daughter's studs, too. I never would have thought to ask. Thank you, everyone! - LJK
11/26 12:18pm The Norfolk Re-Engineering Committee has met twice and is off to a strong start with the adoption of this mission: "to research and evaluate opportunities to increase efficiencies, explore non-tax revenue opportunities and enhance service delivery to the residents of the town of Norfolk." "The Re-Engineering Committee provides to Norfolk residents an opportunity for an independent team to take a fresh look at town resources, processes, and expenses. Our open-minded group will research ideas from other residents, town employees, and officials. The goal is to identify 'Best Practices' and high-impact prospects to share resources and control costs," said Ari Alpert, who serves as Committee Chair. "There are almost always new and better ways to provide services. Like other residents of Norfolk, we want to ensure we're getting the optimum services and resources for our tax dollars."
The Re-Engineering Committee is a recommendation committee with non-binding authority but operates as any other committee. The Re-Engineering Committee will actively seek input from any and all sources in the development of its recommendations. To that end, the Committee encourages Norfolk residents to share any innovative and viable approaches to current or foreseeable situations the town will face. As such, one of the Re-Engineering Committee's first actions was to create an email address, norfolkrc@comcast.net, so that residents may contribute their ideas.
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
11/26 12:15pm Can someone give me some detail on the Santa parade? What's actually in the parade, where does a crowd of people usually stand to see it, etc. Is the pictures with Santa part really crowded, or manageable? What happens on Town Hill? Sorry if this sounds like a really anal line of questioning - just trying to figure out whether my small nieces and nephews would enjoy it. Thanks!! - JP
11/26 12:14pm I am responding to the customer who was searching for an interior decorator. Refined Designs is an interior decorating resource owned and operated by Marjorie Weber and Maureen Lamb. Our website is: refineddesignsbymm.com if you is interested in viewing our work and would like to utilize our e-mail. You also can contact us via phone at 774-266-4635 (for Margie Weber). Thank you for reviewing and we appreciate your referral and feedback. Sincerely, - Marjorie Weber, Refined Designs
11/26 11:33am POH: I'm no expert on such matters, but Brunswick Billiards, Inc. is a manufacturer of pool tables going back over a hundred years or more. I don't think it would be inaccurate to call them the "Cadillac" of billiards. Of course, it depends on the level of play you are shooting for. If it's just a table for the kids to play on for a few years, a less expensive table would probably be far more appropriate, as the classic Brunswick models are not only beautifully constructed regulation tables they are stunning pieces of furniture. And they're not cheap. I always wanted one for Christmas, but Santa never came through. - TEM
11/26 11:13am Re: 11/25 8:05pm POH Pool Tables. Check the info at epinions.com. - RH
11/26 11:08am KB, there is a wonderful store called "Sew Easy" in Needham. She teaches young girls to sew, and they have a blast. If that is too far, call the owner, maybe she can recommend a place closer. Good luck. - DV
11/26 11:07am To POH, Looking for a pool table... I went through this same exercise about six months ago. I spent a fair amount of time researching on the web and looking at a few billiard stores. For my situation, which the table would be in my basement and I did not want to spend a lot of money, I decided to buy a used table. I started looking for a nine foot table and found that I could spend about $3,500 - $3,800 for a new one which was more of an introductory type model. In my research I found out that the Brunswick Gold Crown is considered the best table by the pros for several reasons. I looked at a new one and appreciated what the pros were saying. Of course the new Gold Crown is about $8,500. I went on eBay for a used one in our area and got it, along with delivery and installation, for $2,000. There are very few eight foot Gold Crowns around. Go to the Brunswick store in Natick and you will see a new nine foot. My advice is look for used on eBay. I remember seeing some good deals on eight foot tables when I was looking. There were several in our area less than three years old. Go to some web sites and spend the time to research the basics of tables in terms of how they are manufactured and the materials that are used. It's a big investment and chances are you will only do it once so take your time and do it right. Best of luck!
- EC
11/26 11:05am Just a reminder, Santa's Parade will begin at 3:30pm at the Hillcrest Village on Rockwood Road on Sunday, December 2nd. [See the post of 11/15 1:00pm - Wm.]
11/26 11:03am LB - not too far afield - Village Street, Medway, (beyond Farm St, on the right) is a display worth checking out - not lights so much, but quite a display. The homeowner goes all out for all occasions and holidays. Millis - Causeway St. is always a wonderful drive through. Years ago, the housing project near the DoverSherborn High School, Deerfield Estates, was always a great drive through for opulent displays - I'm not sure if it still is.
11/25 11:01pm I am looking for a sewing teacher in or around Norfolk. My 9 year old daughter wants a sewing machine for Xmas and I think it would be in her best interest to get her some lessons as well :) Thanks! - KB
11/25 8:21pm Hi there - hoping to get some insight as to where we can drive to see some great Christmas lights. I remember as a kid certain streets would deck the halls with some serious lights. Does that happen anywhere around here? I would even go to surrounding towns if need be, for my son of course ;). We are planning to go to the one in Millis this year, which I hear is incredible. Any suggestions that would keep me in my car would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! - LB
11/25 8:20pm Please remember that deer hunting season starts tomorrow morning (Monday). Don't go out in the dark to walk or jog unless you have bright colors on. The shooting usually starts by 5:30am and I cringe. I saw 2 beautiful deer today by Myrtle Street and I hope they survive. I inquired years ago about a hunting ban with no results. Maybe now with so many added people something can be done. Remind your children not to play near the woods. - BR
11/25 8:10pm Watch for deer, I almost hit one Friday night on Main Street down by Myrtle. There seem to be so many this year. - MJD
11/25 8:08pm SF, My car would fall apart if I went more than 20 MPH on Boardman; it has gotten so bad I do not even use the road anymore. I come into Freeman School by going down Cleveland to 115 to the end of Boardman. It is a shame that they do not fix it. But maybe your post is a good example why; if people are speeding now... I can't imagine if they fixed it. - DV
11/25 8:05pm Can anyone recommend a pool table brand? I want to get an 8' pool table, but I have no idea which brands may be better than others. Also, if anyone has any advice on where to buy one? I won't start looking until after Dec 25th (to get some additional discounts I hope). - POH
11/25 8:01pm This is a blanket message to any of members of the Norfolknet community who may have read the [...] postings of HRB, on 11/14 @ 5:07pm and on 11/17 @ 2:42pm. It seems that they were written in lieu of her presenting an intellectual argument so as to advance any of her ideas. [...] Nevertheless, I would like to take this opportunity to point out that almost every time that any concerned individual expresses thoughts, about this town, that don't conform with the current, often blindly, perceived political direction of the Town Hall et al., there are detractors who maliciously attack that "messenger". No matter how factual; no matter how constructive; and no matter how crucial to the continued functionality of the Town of Norfolk, as a small efficient New England town, the messenger is addressed with palsied denigration. The messenger is merely pointing out the outstanding flaws, errors and infractions that are presently being practiced or supported, in the operation of our town government. [...]
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
[...] If you can intelligently disagree with any of my contentions and are capable of wholesome debate, bring your arguments into this forum. If you're sincere and have the stomach for it, let's look at your concepts in the light of day, to see how valid they really are. Even though I may only be in a position to check in at Norfolknet, once or twice every week, or so, I'll be waiting for you.
- MT
11/25 4:47pm I would just like to take a moment and remind everyone that the speed limit on Boardman Street between Seekonk and Rockwood is 20 miles per hour. Please slow down. There are children living in houses along the street and those of us who have to cross the street to get the mail often feel as though we are taking our lives into our hands to do so.
Please... slow down!
While I'm at it, let me add that driving with your brights on at night when there is any traffic in front of you or coming towards you is not only unsafe, it's just plain rude.
There's my rant for the day. Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!
- SF
11/25 12:50pm Can anyone recommend a good home decorator in the area that is not too expensive? Thank you. - DD
11/25 11:24am Are there any young boys out there interesting in raking leaves? Please contact 508-528-3349. - TG 11/25 11:20am NCL's Annual Santa Breakfast Sat. Dec. 8th from 9-11 am. H. Olive Day School Cafeteria. Join Santa and Mr. Dave for a continental breakfast and musical entertainment. Bring your camera to take a picture with Santa. $5.00 per person for NCL members $7.00 for non-members. Children under 2 years old are free. Forms available at: norfolkcommunityleague.org. Tickets are limited and will not be available at the door. Please bring a donation to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry. For more information contact Janet M., 508-553-9805.
- JC, Norfolk Community League
11/25 11:19am Does anyone have a recommendation for someone local to do a fall yard cleanup? - KS
11/25 11:18am Kudos to all the fabulous people who participated in the Race for the Cure in Boston! The Norfolk Cancer Kickers are still going strong and raising funds to battle breast cancer! I really missed not being with you this year and I apologize for being so late in my congrats! I just received my Boomerang with your photo! (It must have been on the slow boat!) Happy belated Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays as we will be thinking of you all and missing our home town! Love from Luxembourg! - The 4 TO's
11/25 11:17am The Board Members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) are currently accepting applications for its biannual disbursement of funds. The monies will be distributed in January 2008. If you are an individual or an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit NCL's website at norfolkcommunityleague.org for an application. The deadline for applications is Dec. 31, 2007 and a completed application must be received by this date in order to be considered.
Send requests to: NCL, P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, Ma, 02056.
Last year NCL distributed over $20,000 back into the community. Please contact NCL President, Joan P. @ 508-541-9291 with any questions.
- JC, Norfolk Community League
11/25 11:10am Wow MG, you've apparently thrown the town into silence for 2 days. - CJG
11/22 10:52am Thought this might be of interest to all. [11/22 Sun Chronicle article] - MG
[From the article:Developer Paul Borelli plans 16 two-bedroom units to add to an existing 44 units he built in recent years on the hill between the upper MBTA parking lot and town hall.]Borelli has gone before the zoning board of appeals for the additional housing, which falls under the state 40b affordable housing law as the other project did. That means one-fourth of the units again have to be considered affordable.
The owners of the Buckley Mann property have had dilapidated and unsafe old factory buildings torn down by a contractor.
11/22 10:50am We had a hard time getting a Nintendo Wii game system in Massachusetts for the kids, and had a relative look in N.C.. As luck would have it, two were purchased the same day in two states. If anyone is looking for one for an Xmas gift please let us know; we now have 2. [You can use box88@norfolknet.com - Wm.] We will be selling one at Walmart cost with receipt plus the twenty dollars it cost us to have it shipped it to Massachusetts. - GE
[Update 11/25 8:19pm: The Wii has found a new family here in town. - GE]
11/22 10:49am Happy Thanksgiving! ![]()
- Wm.
11/21 6:19pm MH, I have about 20 regular-sized ones left in my yard; the other 80 have "melted." You are weclome to them free, but they are medium size. - DV 11/21 5:42pm Just a note to extend my best wishes to everyone on this Thanksgiving Day as we take the opportunity to give thanks for the abundance with which we've been blessed. Let's also make room in our prayers for those staunch defenders of our great land of plenty, The United States of America, most especially those personnel presently in peril... God bless America. With my best regards,
- MT
11/21 1:16pm In my Thanksgiving moment of Martha Stewart inspiration, I am seeking small pumpkins. I realize that I should have bought them weeks ago, but did not. Does anyone have an idea where I can pick up about 8-10 of them? I went to Jane and Paul's over the weekend, but they were out (though they have quite a few of the sugar pumpkins). They need to be the small ones that I would love to carve out and use as votive candle holders. Thanks! - MH
11/20 9:53pm In these days of ultra-PC, how it is that the cleaning product Spic and Span has not come under fire? - PA
[Maybe because that clearly can't be a dirty word? :-) - Wm.]
11/20 8:43pm With the snow falling today its time to start thinking about snowplowing. I plow 25 driveways in Norfolk and am looking to pick up 5 more. The average driveway is about $35. If anyone is interested call Rob Abramson @ 508-989-7913. Thanks, - RA
11/20 7:28pm South Pacific, 11/30 and 12/1 at the Orpheum - The cast of 31 talented local youth are directed by Kristan Burke Sturtevant (East Bridgewater, Ma) with Musical Direction by Paula Bishop (Foxboro, Ma) and Choreography by Amanda DeAngelis (Mansfield, Ma). "South Pacific" ranks among the most celebrated of Rodgers and Hammerstein's acclaimed musical masterpieces. Adapted from two short stories by James Michener, the original production of "South Pacific" featured Mary Martin and Ezio Pinza and was only the second musical to win the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. [C o n t i n u e d . . .]
- JG
11/20 5:55pm PC - I hope not, I bought what appeared to be the last one the other day, thinking they would just be re-stocked! Maybe I can find some vintage ones on Ebay? - RJG
11/20 5:02pm Well done to whoever compiled the list of recommendations! Thank you!! - KF
11/20 12:05pm We received an unexpected early St. Nicholas Day(*) present -- a reader plowed through all the archived posts, and compiled a list of all the recommendations that have appeared on Norfolknet. This must have taken many hours of time -- I can't begin to thank them enough for their effort. The results are nicely tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet [here]. I will also link the list from the left margin.
(*) St. Nicholas Day, Dec. 6, is celebrated as a gift- or candy-giving occasion in Eastern Europe. Children shine their shoes and place them by the side of the bed, and while they sleep, Santa Claus (St. Nicholaus) comes by and fills them with presents or goodies to eat. In our family it was only edibles, but other kids got presents, too.(Interestingly, at Christmas it was not Santa Claus, but the angels who came by. On Christmas Eve the kids were sent out of the room, and while they eagerly waited in the kitchen, the angels came, decorated the tree, place presents on the white sheet underneath, and rang the small bell on the tree when finished to signal that they were on their way and that the children could enter.)
- Wm.
11/20 11:47am To PRB: I would use Stephen McDonough from Wagner McDonough. They are located right here in Norfolk. Main St. their # is 508-528-4007. Attorney McDonough is a great guy. He makes you feel really comfortable in discussing your estate. I also had him revise my will and my trust. It's nice when you can trust someone with such private matters. Wagner McDonough is a wonderful addition to our town. - MP
11/19 10:59pm I saw my first snowflake of the season today! I cannot wait for the snow to come so that I can go skiing. Of course it warmed up just after I saw the snow flake. But it was enough to lift my spirits...! - POH
11/19 10:58pm More cannon fodder for political correctness gone wild. In Phoenix the police put out an APB on a criminal describing the outcast from the gene pool as a hispanic male. A radio station complained that the police were profiling by stating that he was described as a hispanic male. It would be interesting to find out exactly how one should describe a hispanic male and be politically correct. So Norfolkians, come up with some new descriptions.
BTW, Merry Christmas and HO, HO, HO!
- RW
11/19 10:57pm MW, LR - Yes, there are plans for development on the hangar area of the airport, though given how slow the housing market is right now, the demolition work they are doing may more of a general clean up operation; we may not see houses here for a while yet. Just by way of clarification, what we call 'Norfolk Airport' is actually two separate properties: the field and the hanger area. The hangar area, in conjunction with some of the wooded area on the other side of the 'airport road', is owned by a developer and there is an approved comprehensive (40B) permit which provides for the construction of 28 single family homes on this site. As with the Town Center Condos, 25% of the units will be sold as affordable. The affordable units will be distributed evenly throughout the development and will be indistinguishable from the market rate units. On the other hand, the field space is a 168 acre lot, owned by a farmer, and consisting of the 100 acre field (currently hayfield, mostly flood plain and includes the runway) and 68 acres of woodland and wetland between the field and the Mill River. There are NO existing plans for development of the 168 acre lot.
11/19 10:56pm I'm looking for someone who can sew throw (accent) pillows and re-cover pillows as well. I have the material... I just need someone to sew them for me. Does anyone know of someone who can do it for a reasonable price? Thanks! - RB
11/19 6:41pm [Update 11/20 3:09pm: Due to unforseen circumstances, the NCP Holiday Shopping Night has been changed to a private event - Wm.]
11/19 5:50pm RJG - I think those Funny Bones have a shelf life of 30 years, so I believe they were excess stock bought at the closing of Fred Keeney's pharmacy. Good to see your sticking to the breakfast of champions. - PC
11/19 4:28pm Norfolk Airport..I had been told that several years ago, a 40B project was slated for the airport. Not sure if it ever went through, or what happend with it. - MW
11/19 4:27pm AL - funnybones are alive and well and can be found at the Foodmart downtown. I should know, I had three for breakfast! - RJG
11/19 3:39pm Does anyone have a recommendation for a general practitioner/physician in the area? We are new to town and haven't found anyone just yet. We already have a pediatrician. Thanks. - AL
11/19 3:36pm PC: Since we've gone a few days on Norfolknet without a good argument, I have to stir it up a bit. I completely disagree with you on the Yodels--very dry! I'm with Funny Bones, all the way. Bring back Funny Bones. Ho-Ho's?? Ho hum... - AL
11/19 3:16pm Re: Ho - Hos Now, what's next is Hostess going to get sued for putting out a good snack, although, I always found them to be inferior product to Yodels. - PC
11/19 3:14pm The ban on Santa saying Ho! Ho! Ho! is true but it's Australia banning it, not the PC American for once. It's the stupidest thing I've heard in awhile. Story: [news.yahoo article] - LLB
11/19 1:39pm Does anyone know why they are tearing down the old garage at the Norfolk Airport?? Just curious... I hope they do not plan on developing that land. - LR
11/19 1:13pm Thanks DV - I'll keep them in mind for the future, but someone who knows me and recognized my initials called me with a recommendation and I've taken him up on that. Thanks, anyway. - KID
11/19 1:03pm To PRB, I have used Russell, McTernan and Frucci many times for estate planning, wills and trusts. I have also used them for special needs trusts. I have referred many friends and relatives to them and all have been satisfied. I highly recommend them. They are located in Norwood across from Caritas hospital. Good luck. - JR
11/19 11:59am JD - how silly this is all becoming - you forgot the Fenway Fans who can no longer sing along to "Sweet Caroline" (hum, hum, hum - doesn't rhyme) - LAW
11/19 11:58am KID, my girls are around this weekend. We are on Day St. - DV 11/19 11:51am The Norfolk Community League (NCL) and the Norfolk Lions Club presented the proceeds from the 2007 Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Hay Ride to two deserving organizations last week. The distribution was as follows: $2,063 to the Norfolk Food Pantry and $2,063 to Norfolk Girl's Softball for upgrade of Norfolk Softball fields. The 6th Annual Haunted Train Ride was held on October 13th at the Holmes Fields. A sold-out crowd of over 1,200 came to be thrilled and scared by the scenes created by numerous Norfolk groups. Needless to say, the entire evening could not take place without the generosity of Dick Holmes and the entire Holmes family. By allowing the Norfolk Lions and NCL to transform their property for the delight of the children of Norfolk and the benefit of the community, they have helped to create a wonderful fall tradition. Their generosity goes beyond the use of their property as they assist the effort by moving props, driving the trains and helping to set up and take down the scenes. They do this quietly and with a smile on their faces. The Train Ride could not exist without them.
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
11/19 10:35am Can anyone recommend a pet-sitter for cats over the Thanksgiving holiday in the northern part of town (we're up by Medfield and Millis)? Our normally reliable sitter has seemingly vanished. Thanks for your help! - KID
11/19 10:34am LJK: Both of my daughters had their ears pierced at the Piercing Pagoda in the Walpole Mall. They were patient with the girls, who were a little nervous, and also with the perfectionist mom who wanted them parallel to the ground and centered. - DMM
11/19 10:33am EF: I have used Roche Brothers in the past for catering and they've been great. I'm not sure if they do full-service catering with serving people, etc., but if you just wanted a place to order appetizers, etc like you mention, they're a great option. They drop off and set up and are very professional and accomodating. I think you can meet with them in person at the store, or just order online (which is what I've done). - JP
11/19 10:32am DV - If there really is a ban on "Ho-ho-ho," I'm sure Sharpton and Jackson are behind this. - PA
11/19 10:29am Oh my. What is this country coming to? Santa can no longer laugh (ho, ho, ho!) What about the Jolly Green Giant? What about sailors? Should they say "land, ha!" instead of "land, ho!"? How about foxhunters? "Tally-ha"? Is it no longer PC to express boredom as "ho-hum"? And what about that gardening tool? And the "backhoe". Should we rename those? Good Lord! You know, it's my belief that very few people actually get offended by most of the words and phrases that we tip-toe around. I think it's that people are made to believe that they're supposed to be offended!!
- JD
11/18 9:21pm LJK, I had my daughter's ears pierced at Libby Lu's in the Natick Mall. I checked the different stores to see which earrings I liked the best. Libby Lu's has studs with balls on the backings that completely cover the posts... they are very comfortable to wear. I had them pierce both ears at once and they did a great job. I must tell you, I discussed with them that I wanted to make sure that the earrings were put in straight (parallel to the ground) and that the holes were placed "perfectly." Needless to say, they had to draw the dots on twice before I was satisfied. I brought a friend with me as another set of eyes and all went well. The people who worked there were very patient with my "moment of perfectionism"... they recognize how important it is. Also, I bought the titanium studs... my daughter's skin is very sensitive and they worked out great. After 2 months, I went back and bought her the gold studs so she could have an alternative. She turned out to be allergic to the gold, but I would recommend sticking with studs for a while because the posts are the right size and they stay in place. Good luck! - SB
11/18 7:42pm Can anyone recommend a caterer for a holiday party? We would also appreciate get recommendations for places to order food (appetizers, desserts, etc.) from. Thank you. - EF
11/18 7:41pm DV: the reason was that "ho ho ho" was feared to be offensive to women. For real. At first I thought it was an Onion article, but nope - it was on regular CNN. I didn't read the whole thing because it seemed like it would have been a complete waste of time. - JP
11/18 6:24pm Regarding the Grange - I believe this is funded under the 'Historic Preservation' clause of the CPA - so the ruling would not be relevant. - CI
[See also the footnote to my original question of 2:55pm - Wm.]
11/18 6:20pm LJK - Both of daughters had their ears pierced at Claire's in the Natick Mall with no problems at all. Good Luck! - NS
11/18 6:19pm DWL, Huh, I didn't know that the doctor's offices did ear piercings. I'll call my daughter's on Mon. About Claire's, I had heard from someone else that it wasn't the best experience, but not an awful one, thank goodness. I was also wondering about Piercing Pagoda in Walpole or Emerald Square. Anyone go there? - LJK
11/18 6:18pm Ok, so I need some help here... there was a news clip the other day about someone trying to ban Santa from saying ho-ho-ho. I missed the reason why... did anyone hear this and does anyone know the reason? It is like the Cookie Monster... he is now the Veggie Monster - give me a break. People are really losing it.
- DV
11/18 2:55pm We received an e-mail pointing out that according to a recent court ruling, spending CPA (Community Preservation Act) funds on painting the Grange may be illegal. Does anyone know more about this? From the Globe article about the ruling:
Associate Justice Bruce R. Henry ruled that the money could not be used to make improvements [...]"While using CPA funds for the rehabilitation or restoration of recreational land is permitted under the CPA, it is permitted only for those recreational lands which were originally acquired or created with CPA funds," Henry wrote.
[9/28/07 Globe article]- Wm.
[Update 6:23pm: a reply we received quoted from the CPA guidance documents:The Community Preservation Act provides new funding sources which can be used to address three core community concerns:Update 6:26pm: a separate email also points out the same, that historic structures are specifically addressed. In summary,
a. Acquisition and preservation of open space
b. Creation and support of affordable housing
c. Acquisition and preservation of historic buildings and landscapes[A]s I read the law, what you say about land is true. The Grange, classified as an historic structure, falls under a different heading.- Wm.]
11/18 2:48pm Hi! My friend lives in Millis and is looking for a sitter for her 4 year old daughter. Mondays from 8:30 - 11:30 am. More hours are possible. Please email her directly at kararyan@msn.com. Thanks! - SB
11/17 11:11pm JHR: Thanks for letting me know about the book! I've put it on hold, and look forward to reading it. - VR
11/17 11:10pm Wanted to thank whoever left the portable pinball machine at the transfer station today - my son and his friends are having a blast with it! - CI
11/17 9:53pm For the person at the library who asked about Last of the Donkey Pilgrims by Kevin O'Hara, it is wonderful. I read it with a road map of Ireland in hand and thoroughly enjoyed every single word and hated to see it end. Having spent a week in that country it brought it back to me and much, much more. In addition, I was so enthralled with it that I emailed the author who is living in the Berkshires, and was amazed to receive a very thoughtful and grateful response. It sure made my day. He will be speaking in Brookline in mid March with a Gaelic singer. I will be sure to be there. - JHR
11/17 8:42pm The Board Members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) are currently accepting applications for its biannual disbursement of funds. The monies will be distributed in January 2008. If you are an individual or an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit NCL's website at norfolkcommunityleague.org for an application. The deadline for applications is Dec. 31, 2007 and a completed application must be received by this date in order to be considered. Send requests to: NCL, P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, Ma, 02056. Last year NCL distributed over $20,000 back into the community. Please contact NCL President, Joan P. @ 508-541-9291 with any questions.
- JC
11/17 8:40pm NCL's Annual Santa Breakfast Sat. Dec. 8th from 9-11 am. H. Olive Day School Cafeteria. Join Santa and Mr. Dave for a continental breakfast and musical entertainment. Bring your camera to take a picture with Santa. $5.00 per person for NCL members, $7.00 for non-members. Children under 2 years old are free. Forms available at: norfolkcommunityleague.org. Tickets are limited and will not be available at the door. Please bring a donation to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry. For more information contact Janet M., 508-553-9805.
- JC
11/17 8:11pm LJK, Stay away from Claires. The holes they did were uneven. Actually I found out later that my Dr.'s office did it and she had to have another hole made. Check with your Dr. - DWL
11/17 6:33pm Can anyone recommend a local business that installs remote car starters? Thx! - NS
11/17 4:01pm We are allowing my daughter to get her ears pierced for her birthday. Can anyone recommend a good place to go? Or have any bad experiences? Thanks! - LJK
11/17 3:06pm LS - So big deal [continued ...] - DWL
11/17 3:05pm Can anyone recommend an Estate Planning Attorney. Thanks Glass1971@aol.com - PRB
11/17 3:03pm JC - You're right, but [continued ...] - LS
11/17 2:42pm After reading MT's post of 11/16, I've returned to my original hunch of 11/14. This is a spoof. Whoever out there has created the character of "MT," congratulations! You have raised the difficult elements of pseudo self-parody, insufferable pomposity, and deadpan comedy to an art form. I can't compete with such talent-or debate a ghost. I give up. - HRB
11/17 9:56am LS: Do they really? [continued ...] - JC
11/17 8:41am DV - The plain fact is that [continued ...] - LS
11/17 8:40am RE: PT and the wood stove - please check out hearth.com and their fourm for everything (and then some) you wanted to know about wood stoves. It's a great site. I was lucky enough to get a free insert from a kind member of Norfolknet last year and I love it. Good luck, but know wood is a bit more work (and cheaper) than oil.
- SB
11/16 8:15pm HRB, about your post of 11/14 @ 5:07 PM: I suppose there are some who will give you credit for trying to say something, but, as has been the case with so many others on Norfoknet who share your apparent views, your arguments have been too far off point to make much sense at all. What you lack in substance, to support whatever your argument is supposed to be, you seem to be trying to bolster, with your caustic emotional assault toward me. In your post, apparently for good measure, you've attempted to further augment the nastiness of your message by deliberately interpolating your own derogatory or exaggerated terms into the statements that I've made. For example, you get carried away with your interpretation of the word "Avarice", by using the most extreme definition you could create. I'm very comfortable with my English language and do take care to neither misuse, nor mince my words.
[ C o n t i n u e d . . .]- MT
11/16 8:05pm DM: Pro reasons: [continued...] - DV
11/16 7:21pm BS - I have to echo everything that SD said about Dr. Damiano. I think you will be happy there. She's quite easy to talk with. - EMG
11/16 4:22pm DM, Gay marriage is legal in this state. Therefore [continued...] - DWL
[I've moving this aspect of the topic onto the political page. - Wm.]
11/16 4:21pm BS - I have used Medfield Eye and she is great! She has been there for approx 2-3 years as she took it over from Dr. Galucia. She is young and very personable. The staff is very nice and she has a great selection of eye wear. I think you will be very pleased.Good luck! - SD
11/16 1:50pm EMG--Thanks--believe me, the reading glass thing is definitely something that has become a major issue recently. Would you say Dr. Damiano has a good patient rapport? I'm assuming since you've been with her for a while, she does. I just want to check. I'm really not happy with my current doctor for just that reason, and I feel like she's always mad. I was switched to her when my other doc retired and I believe 3 years is a good effort on my part. Thanks again, - BS
11/16 12:58pm Recommendation for BS for an eye doctor - I have been using Medfield Eye Associates on Rte. 27 in Medfield since 1981. Dr. Damiano is awesome. She recently took the time to "tweak" my prescription and I have been able to abandon reading glasses. I had become quite dependent on them. You can reach them at 1-508-359-4164. Good Luck. - EMG
11/16 12:57pm JO: Chadeau was found over on Tucker Road wandering through a resident's yard. The property owner, with their quick thinking, crated her and called the police and we reunited Chadeau with her owners immediately after. Sincerely, - Hilary Cohen< Norfolk Animal Control
11/16 11:58am Does anyone have a recommendation for a local optometrist? I am looking for a good doctor not associated with a chain who also has opticians on staff with a good selection of eye glasses. Any suggestions? Thanks. - BS
11/16 11:05am ML - In reference to SG's referral of her cousin is a daycare provider in Franklin, let me second her recommendation. Kelly watched our kids in our home for 20 months, and has recently opened her own daycare in Franklin. Our 2 1/2 year old is there 5 days a week. The new space is beautiful and the kids absolutely adore her. We have 4 kids and have doing the "daycare thing" for 16 years, and Kelly has been by far the best baby sitter we have had. She certainly has openings right now and she is a quick 8 minute drive from our house (near the airport in Norfolk). Call her directly at 774-277-2460. - BC
11/16 10:59am A recent issue of the Smithsonian cited data that showed the bird population is down considerably again and one has to be aware that something has happened. I am experiencing (again) no shows for days despite a sign that states "Birds Welcome." I also have metal models that don't seem to arouse an inclination to join beaks at the feeders. I do have turkeys pass through every couple days, however. - JO
11/16 10:58am Glad the beatiful Keeshond has been found. The owner came to my driveway when he was lost and showed me the a like dog in his car. Beautiful animal with silver streaks. May I ask where it was found. Looked for several hours around the neighbood. Perhaps someone shelther/fed the lost soul. - JO
11/16 10:56am Long Live Norfolk Pizza! I'm sorry, I really did not mean to "slam" the establishment, especially a local favorite. I am glad we have Norfolk Pizza, a convenient, quality, place to buy some food. It has been there a long time. I really should not pick on anyone, what was I thinking ?
Is it possible to entertain a discussion about common, everyday topics that many may feel are taboo? If I say something tastes bad, is that in bad taste?
Why say anything at all? Because I had an opinion. I wanted to see if anyone shared that opinion. How about openly gay grade school teachers? Pro or con, anyone?
- DM
11/15 7:36pm Wood stoves... PRR is right, Tulikivi Masonry fireplaces are wonderful! You burn a couple of armfuls of wood for two hours and it heats for up to 24! We are planning to heat our whole NH home with one of these. We met Marty Pearson a few weeks ago and will use him when we are ready to install. Be warned... they are very pricy, but well worth it. - MW
11/15 7:12pm An update to the post of 10/19 11:27am: Hello from Georgia! A lot of you already know this b/c it was on the news yesterday and in the Boston Globe but I've nominated my husband, Chris Piela, for a contest in People Magazine. BOSTON (CBS) A member of Red Sox Nation has been named the "Sexiest Fan Alive" by People Magazine. Chris Piela, originally of Norfolk, Mass., beat out 2,000 other baseball fans to take the title, and win a spot in the magazine's annual "Sexiest Man Alive" issue.Piela, 40 and a father of three, was nominated by his wife. An insurance executive who now lives in Georgia, Piela was described by his wife as "amazingly good-looking, extremely fit, a wonderful husband and even more importantly, the best father."
[WCBS TV article]- VR
11/15 6:46pm ML, I have a cousin who is a licensed childcare provider in Franklin with a beautiful, newly renovated space. I believe that she still has some openings. Her name is Kelly and her phone number is 774 277-2460. - SG
11/15 5:54pm PRR: Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. Where was the third one taken? - CR [Sorry, I omitted the titles; hang on a moment... - Wm.]
11/15 5:53pm PRR: Nice photos - perfect depiction of this time of year. Very nice. Hilary: Any word on the Keeshond? What part of Boardman - the Main St, or Seekonk side?
- SO
[The Keeshond has been found, see the 2:31pm update to Hilary's post - Wm.]
11/15 3:05pm Norfolk Community League and Norfolk Lions would like to thank the community for their overwhelming support of the 6th Annual Haunted Train and Hay Ride held on Saturday, October 13th at Holmes Field. After selling out the event during an advance sale of tickets, the lines were more manageable and shorter! Over 1200 riders came for the thrills and chills of the Haunted Train and Hay Ride. The proceeds from this year's Haunted Train and Hay Ride will go to the Norfolk Food Pantry and upgrade of the Norfolk Softball field. First and foremost, we thank the entire Holmes Family. Without their generous donation of the trains this event would never take place. We thank them for the assistance in the set-up and cleanup of the event and for the intrusion for the entire weekend.
A community event such as this does not happen without the help of many groups.
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]- TMS
11/15 3:03pm Many thanks to parents, students, and staff members who donated to the Food Drive this week, held by the Norfolk Teachers Association, Norfolk Together, and the Norfolk TPA. Thousands of items were donated and delivered to the Norfolk Food Pantry this afternoon. A special thanks to all the volunteers who came out in the rain to help collect, sort, and deliver the donations to the Pantry. Also, thanks to all who donated to the "Trick or Treat for UNICEF" drive this past Halloween. These are just more wonderful examples of our town coming together as a community, transcending age, gender, and "social status", and working toward a common goal. Happy Holidays, everyone. - KEM, Norfolk TPA Community Service Coordinator
11/15 3:01pm I plow in town and I am looking to add a few new customers. 541-8652. - CG
11/15 2:33pm I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for childcare providers in the Norfolk/Franklin area with availability for a 14 month old? - ML
Sunset at Audubon![]()
Norfolk's Charles River![]()
Norfolk Centre Sunset11/15 1:58pm Here's some Late Autumn Photos... From PRR - PRR
[Update 6:00pm: added the titles under the photos - Wm.]
11/15 1:32pm Are there any snowplow drivers who check this website and are looking to take on new customers for this winter? - EB
11/15 1:31pm Oh... re: question regarding recommending wood stoves: Not Vermont Casting! They used to be great! But they were bought out and only the name survives. The actual product is not as well made, and is, from what I have learned, a lesser product. We know, we bought one. Good luck. There is a mason in Plainville who sells amazing stoves. His name is Marty Pearson and the stoves are from Finland... you need very little wood and they burn hot for hours, great product. He installs them. Sorry we didn't get one from him when we met him two years ago. He is fantastic... and the stoves are beautiful as well as efficient and safe! We are kicking ourselves actually. We went with an inferior product... Lesson learned! - PRR
11/15 1:30pm Re: wood stoves - make sure you get one that is big enough, but not too big for your space. We were sold one that is way too small for the area we needed to heat and subsequently we had a very bad chimney fire. We had the thing cranked all the time and accumulated too much creosote, instead of burning slow steady fires. I was always waking up at night worried because the fire was too hot! Or that is was smoldering by the middle of the night. Scary stuff! - PRR
11/15 1:29pm In search of a great chimney sweep!! ASAP!! Please! Any recommendations for tried and true chimney sweeps? We had a bad chimney fire last spring, so we need a really thorough and honest one... thanks, - PRR
11/15 1:28pm I know the school year is well underway but I have 3 books that a college student might find useful. 1. Garrison Noreen Brewer, Managerial Accounting, copyright 2006.
2. Colander Macroeconomics, Sixth Edition.
3. Anderson's Business Law and The Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, copyright 2005.
All are in excellent condition. I can be reached at 508-528-3724.
- JW
11/15 1:06pm Norfolk Public Library is collecting empty copy paper boxes with lids - We use copy paper boxes with lids to pack books for the book sale, but we don't use that much copy paper - so if you have empty copy paper boxes, we'd sure appreciate them. Just drop them off during library hours. Thanks! - Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
11/15 1:05pm Can anyone recommend an estate planning attorney. Thanks, - PRB
11/15 1:04pm Please look out for Chadeau. He is a 13 yr old Keeshond that was spooked when his owner's smoke alarm went off in their house two nights ago. He has not been seen since. He is lost from the Boardman St. area and the owner states that he is friendly. If anyone has any sightings of him please call the Animal Control Officer at the police station. Sincerely, - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control - (508) 528 3232
[Update 2:31pm: Chadeau has been found and reunited with their owners - HC]
11/15 1:03pm The Adam Kennedy memorial is beautiful. I think the landscaping and fence look lovely, too. Thanks to Adam and his family for serving our country. I noticed on Sunday, however, that some Century 21 agent was rude, tacky, inconsiderate, enough to put an open house sign right in front of the memorial! He/she should have been considerate enough to put it on the other corner. I would think that if one is listing a house in the area they should be aware of such an important event. Just my thoughts...
- JT 11/15 1:00pm Santa Claus will roll into Norfolk on Sunday December 2nd and a host of groups will turn out to celebrate his arrival with a variety of activities. Santa's parade will begin at 3:30pm at the Hillcrest Village on Rockwood Road. Santa's elves, Frosty the Snowman and members of the King Philip Regional High School Band, the Norfolk Police, area Cub and Girl Scouts and fire trucks will lead the procession along Route 115, through the center of town, turning right onto Liberty Lane and ending at the Town Library.
At 4:00pm., residents are invited to have their pictures taken with Santa in the Meeting Room of the Norfolk Library.
Also at 4:00pm., children are invited to bring their homemade ornaments to help the adults decorate the Christmas tree. The Town Hill celebration and tree lighting ceremony will include caroling by the H. Olive Day Chorus and refreshments.
This annual community event is sponsored by the Norfolk Lions Club and Norfolk Recreation Department, with the cooperation of the King Philip Regional High School Band, Norfolk Scouts and the Norfolk Fire, Police and Highway Departments.
11/14 11:22pm HPK thanks for clearing that up. I thought for sure it was the fire dept. - DV
11/14 5:09pm FYI: A video of Adam Kennedy's memorial service from 11/11/07 will be airing on NCTV Channel 8 this coming Friday at 9 p.m., Saturday at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 5 and 9 p.m. - BWA, E.D. NCTV
11/14 5:08pm I definitely would obtain the necessary fire and building permits. In the event of a malfunction, the first thing they will want to see is if the installation was done properly and did someone come out to inspect it. - LB
11/14 5:07pm My first thought, on reading MT's post of 11/12, was that our Webmaster had reneged on his long-standing prohibition of sham posts. Since my second thought is usually better than my first, I then realized that this post is for real! Frankly, I'm just shocked. Here, I've been in Town for over 21 years and missed what MT describes as: "the avarice, self-indulgence, gross ostentation, and the various forms of cronyism and nepotism that are practiced as a manner of routine politics in this town." Who knew? Well, perhaps I've seen a smidgen of "gross ostentation" now and again, but wrote it off to human nature. We clearly need to get a grip on this slough of corruption that has us in its vile grip. I suggest that we begin with a war on "avarice." Yes avarice: "insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth." For example, was this the reason that the School Committee sought to get a stipend for its members? Looks like the old slippery slope to me. Keep up the good work, MT. Your town and country expect no less than your full attention, and your "keen pragmatical business sense, honed at the corporate leadership level" will be vital in this struggle. And here I thought that "The Dark Tide" referred to the Great Boston Molasses Flood." Live and learn. - HRB
11/14 4:10pm Anyone out there interested in playing field hockey on a women's club team on Wednesday mornings 9:30-11am at Forekicks? Cost is $9/session, no ref, but a great workout and a lot of fun. Level of play ranges from beginner to advanced. Age ranges from 22-45. If interested just show up on Wednesday mornings and see Pat at the front desk. - KAM
11/14 1:46pm Looking for full-time/part-time home health lady to take care of someone in Norfolk. Some of those who called earlier please call again if you are still available. 508-898-6572. - AS
11/14 1:45pm To install a woodstove, you need to get a permit from the Building Department (it is on the Town Hall website as a PDF file). I believe there is a follow-up inspection from the Building Department. - HPK
11/14 11:43am DV, we had a woodstove in a previous home and I don't recall every having to worry about a fire permit or the Fire Department in conjunction with it. We just had it cleaned once a season, like you'd do with a regular fireplace. - JP
11/14 10:48am Don't you need a fire permit for a wood stove? Then a fire inspection. I would think with these rules the company would have to be very responsible for getting it right. - DV
11/14 10:46am JP and POH, We purchased a wood fire insert last year with Commonwealth Fire and had a great experience. We must have gone in there at least 10 times going over each of the types of units, as we had no clue what we wanted at the time. Each time they were fantastic. I learned more about heating our home than I ever cared about knowing. There was never any pressure, and when we did decide, they reviewed some comparable but cheaper models. The installation was great and the crew fantastic. Now we are planning on getting a pellet stove and wouldn't think of going anywhere else. Understandably, it is now their busiest season, so we may wait it out this winter and focus it to this spring as I think right now everywhere the prices have sky rocketed due to the current price of fuel. Just a little FYI to anyone who has a pellet stove, I happened to speak to someone who said that Walmart had priced their pellets 30 cents cheaper than Lowe's. That doesn't necessarily compensate for the act that the price has almost doubled since last year - but it may help. Good luck, - LB
11/14 10:41am BH, re your post, today @ 9:29PM. Good for you!! Stick to your guns, and don't let them "put a foot on your neck"! You're right with the stand that you've taken. It's bad enough that we have [...] their Storm Troopers demanding the absolutely ridiculous from the property that the Stop & Shop owns on Main Street, but now here come the [...] the self anointed Trash Bin Police. Mrs. Kravitz would be so proud. Ever wonder why, with such a civic minded attitude, she didn't volunteer to start an humanitarian service and put that bin away for them, whilst checking on the occupants' welfare... now to think about it, she might have even been able to save someone from slipping away in a coma. Hang in there, BH, I think I hear "incoming". - MT
11/13 9:29pm To TL: How could my life be wild and exciting? I have lived in Norfolk for 56 years... - BH
11/13 8:52pm Our experience with Commonwealth Fireplace is ongoing. I'm still waiting for them to make some final adjustments to our unit. We bought a propane fireplace insert from them in September. The installation was scheduled quickly, and the crew was polite and speedy. The insert didn't quite fit snugly against the brickwork so the installer suggested a trim piece. So far, it's all good. The problem came when the crew returned to install the trim piece; they tightened something up to the point that I can't close the front of the insert (where the controls are hidden). The right side of the trim isn't fastened at all so it curls out a bit and the burner doesn't light on the right side for 20 minutes. When my husband called to get them to come back to fix their mistakes he was told it would take a few weeks before they could fit it in the schedule. We spent an awful lot of money on a unit that can't close and doesn't light efficiently. It's not like it was a horrifying experience that will be the basis for a new Stephen King novel. But it's enough that when we discussed adding another propane fireplace to our living room we swore we wouldn't go back to Commonwealth Fireplace. If you choose to use them, don't let them leave until you are completely satisfied with the installation. Open all of the doors repeatedly and check to make sure they clean up after themselves.
Let me know how you make out. If you use them, I'd love to know if my experience was just a fluke.
11/13 6:56pm To MH and SM: Thanks for the black and white cat sightings. We are happy to share that our cat came back home late Sunday night. I appreciate your help. - MG
11/13 6:55pm The Great Molasses Flood is also the origin of the ironical saying "as slow as molasses up hill in January." 10 mph, I believe. - SC
11/13 6:54pm Can anyone recommend a good local snowplow driver? I am looking for someone who is reliable for snow plowing services for my house. Thanks! - EB
11/13 6:53pm To BH regarding my post on 11/6 about the BFI trash barrel on King St: I take great exception with your post. Maybe you live a much more crazy and exciting life than I do, but that is neither here nor there. The fact is that I have a lot of pride in how my neighborhood and my town look. And because of that, I care that people leave trash barrels on the side of street. Maybe you don't care what your neighborhood looks like, but I do. - TL
11/13 6:51pm MG's cat has been found and is safe and sound. The other cat on King Street had a tuxedo cat and that one has been found as well. - HC
11/13 12:53pm PT, Try En-R-Gy, Inc. at 1470 Washington Street in Holliston. We've purchased from them and they made the installation. No complaints, good service. And, they had a very extensive selection of both cast iron and steel wood stoves. - TK
11/13 11:42am POH, could you elaborate on your experience with Commonwealth Fireplace? We were 99.9% planning to purchase a propane unit from them but would love to hear your experience so we'll know what to expect ahead of time. - JP
11/13 11:13am Norfolk Public Library Presents "Dark Tide - The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919" - Tonight. Author Steven Puleo will recount the sticky tale of the collapse of a molasses tank that sent a tidal wave of 2.3 million gallons of the thick liquid through Boston's North End and killed 21 people. His book has been described as "the definitive account of America's most fascinating & surreal disaster" and has been a Boston-area bestseller.
Puleo has a master's degree in history and has contributed feature stories and book reviews to American History magazine. Formerly an award-winning newspaper reporter, Puleo works as a communications consultant in addition to his writing. In addition to Dark Tide, he is the author of several books including The Boston Italians: A Story of Pride, Perseverance and Paesani & Due to Enemy Action: The True World War II Story of the USS Eagle 56.
The Norfolk Public Library will present this program tonight at 7:00 pm. It is offered free of charge and registration is not required. Copies of Dark Tide will be available for purchase and signing.
Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
11/13 11:12am To MG: I'm not sure if you have found your cat yet but there has been a black & white cat wondering through the airport fields. - SM
11/13 11:10am PT, we just bought a fireplace insert for our house from Commonwealth Fireplace in Norwood. I'd avoid them at this point. My husband has been very unhappy with their level of customer service. It may be different for wood stoves (versus the propane unit we bought), but I wouldn't chance it. - POH
11/13 11:09am LS - thanks for your response. I realize that there isn't an underground gas line running down my street - (even though I'm within yards of the Algonquin mainline) . It would have to be LPG (I think). Which companies do that in our area? - LAW
11/12 8:52pm LAW - My mother converted from oil to gas about 6 years ago. The gas company took care of everything. ie. bringing line into house from street, taking out oil burner and installing a gas burner in the same boiler. I don't know the cost but I do remember that she paid for it over time on her gas bill. Up until the last 2 years, using gas to heat ones house was always higher than using oil. - LS 11/12 8:39pm PT & BS: This is in response to your posts on 10/24 @ 3:55pm and 4:15pm. Regrettably, a full schedule has prevented me from addressing the issues that you seem to have with me, even though I know that I must. When I submitted my post of 10/23, it was with full expectation of receiving [...] derogatory and shallow remarks, which were totally lacking of common sense - not necessarily from you, specifically, but from someone [.] I'm fully aware that Norfolk, as well as elsewhere, is overrun with people who share the mindset that you've displayed. My message of 10/23 was, as are all my posts of that nature, very accurate observations of conditions here in town, sans the candy coating; they're meant to be constructive and to stimulate some deeper, objective, and foresighted thinking among [those] who still have that capability. Aided with my observations of fact, coupled with a keen pragmatical business sense, honed at the corporate leadership level, I feel duty-bound to be very critical of the avarice, self-indulgence, gross ostentation, and the various forms of cronyism and nepotism that are practiced as a manner of routine politics in this town. However, as usual, when people [...] can't intelligently respond to the message, they resort to attacking the messenger by, incoherently, calling him names. Responses like that are an unmistakable indication that the respondent has no substantive argument and is acting on primordial emotion - sheer sputtering and knee-jerk reflex at best - without the slightest bit of sound reasoning. Who mentioned "spewing"? Now, to begin with a direct rebuttal to your [...] remarks, I'm attaching a copy of my electronic xmittal of 10/23 to Norfolknet which you challenged; note that the time stamp clearly indicates that my post was sent about 1 1/2 -hours before Town Meeting. (Only my name has been covered, per Wm policy).
I'm always leery of people whose instincts immediately make them think of anger and violence as being an integral part of any discussion. I'm very much more concerned when, for no reason, they bring the subject of using firearms into the process. In my opinion, that's a clear sign of youthful immaturity or perhaps mental instability, signaling my utmost caution in how I'm approach them, only if I have to. My comportment ordinarily doesn't allow for a venting or a display of certain emotions, but if it did, I'd find that part of your post very frightening. Rather than address you personally any further, I'll take up your touching lamentation about "people who volunteer and serve on committees and dedicate their precious free time to the town" as one of the topics that I post on Norfolknet at a later date. I hope that you get well, soon, PT.
- MT
11/12 5:32pm Re: photo shop in Millis Plaza near Louie's Pizza - The Village Photo located there closed several months ago (they were my favorite up to that point). There is another branch in the plaza by Stop & Shop in Franklin on Rt. 140. - DL
11/12 5:31pm Has anyone converted from oil to gas? What's involved? About how much $ ? Currently, I have oil heat and our hot water is oil heated. Not that many years ago, if my total for heat and hot water was more than $700 for the year, it was a bad year! Boy, have things changed. Gas is more environmentally friendly, too. Any advice? Thanks, - LAW
11/12 4:48pm Re: Pizza. Norfolk Pizza produces a product. Consumers assess that product and determine future purchases. Sharing opinions of their assessments seems to be the purview of this site. To detractors of the "pizza critic", please outline how locality should forgive or enhance the quality of an establishment's product. - SO
11/12 2:58pm LB: You were digging deep there, unless because you live on River Road you remembered my post. I don't know what I saw, but it was big, and the bird bible seemed to eliminate the usual suspects. It's hard to "snap to" and record as much detail as possible, but after speaking to someone at Stony Brook and my vet, an eagle could not be ruled out. Very exciting! Please carry your camera! What is your sighting story? - SO
11/12 2:37pm SF, we had to do the same thing. Bill Vincent from Walpole removed our concrete-based brick stairs and landing. He was pleasant to deal with and reasonably priced. His telephone number is 508-668-5514. - JS
11/12 1:19pm We're doing some renovations that require us to remove the front stairs which appear to be solid concrete. Anyone up for unleashing their frustrations or know of a company that would be up for the challenge? By the way, the electric demolition hammer barely nicked the corners, so chances are you would need a real jack hammer... - SF
11/12 1:18pm To KAM and all parents of Little Leaguers: Norfolk Baseball signups for the spring season will open up on the website (norfolkbaseball.com) on or around December 1. All signups will be online this year. Thanks, - DL
11/12 1:17pm PT: I purchased my wood stove from Franklin Fire Place in Franklin; they are a full service operation. I purchased my stove about 10 years ago; it is an insert that goes into my existing fireplace. The brand I purchased is a "Quadra Fire"; it is equipped with a blower and a glass door on the front. - DLM
11/12 1:16pm I have to weigh in on Norfolk Pizza too. It's Greek pizza which is made differently than Italian. Depending on our mood, we go for one or the other, and as far as Greek pizza is concerned, it's one of the best. Also, I have to say, the owners are always very generous in supporting the town with free pizzas, etc. - BS
11/12 10:48am We are interested in purchasing a wood stove for our home. Any recommendations or advice regarding where to purchase and/or who may install these would be greatly appreciated. We would certainly consider a used one in good condition as well. - PT
Fall 2007, Nov 12 am11/12 10:45am Wm, I always love your top of page photos but, this one is sad. Fall is almost gone! - DV
[Not if you were to check out my yard! Half the leaves are still on the oaks, and the maples, which would normally be bare by now, are still quite leafy! - Wm.]
11/12 10:43am Re 11/10 10:55am Our black and white cat got out yesterday and we can't locate him. His name is Fenway, his front paws are declawed and he is always an indoor cat. - MG Not sure if it is the same cat since you did not give location, but there was a black and white cat standing in the middle of route 115 (Rockwood Road) this morning at 4:00 AM that I noticed on the way into the airport. It was smaller in size and mostly black with a large white "bib". It had a collar on, but ran into the woods as we passed. This was before the new development Village at Rivers Edge and just after the house with the blue tarp roof if you are heading toward Millis. Hope you find your kitty!
- MH
11/12 10:40am I agree with DL also. Norfolk Pizza is one of the few businesses that have made it in Norfolk so a lot more folks must like their food rather than dislike it. Personally I am in the majority. In addition to what I consider a good pizza, their sub ingredients always seem to be fresh and the place is clean. Try ordering a calzone next time. - RW 11/11 9:25pm Thought Norfolk might want to see the new memorial to Adam Kennedy. It was a wonderful ceremony and a terrific tribute to a brave young man and his family. Thank you, Kennedy family, for sharing him with us. God bless America and Adam Kennedy. - TMS
11/11 9:24pm MT: Thank you for the veterans' tribute. God bless all our veterans, and all the men and women serving our country at the present time. - WC
11/11 3:20pm The Town of Norfolk, and its residents, should be applauded for the wonderful dedication given today in memory of Sgt. Adam Kennedy, who gave his life for us. His parents, David Kennedy and Nancy Smyth, should be recognized as well for bringing up such a fine young man, a man who will now be memorialized forever on the very street he grew up on. - PA
11/11 12:21pm Hello to: SO, the person who was on River Road on 8/8 who posted at 7:04. The bird you saw was what appeared to be an eagle; however, I'm unsure if it was. I live on River Road and live on the river so we see many types of birds here. We have never seen the eagle. I don't know if it was one but if I see it again I'll be sure to take pictures of it and send them to the site. I'm glad someone else has also seen it! - LB
11/11 12:11pm I am looking to have our windows professionally washed on our home. Does anyone have anyone whom they have used and were happy with? - KAM
11/11 12:10pm I was wondering if anyone has any information for spring boys baseball sign ups. I have seen notices already for girls softball, but was hoping someone could give me information on deadlines for the spring. My son is 6. Any help would be appreciated. - KAM
11/11 12:03pm NS - I think the photo place in Millis is gone, but I've used Village Photo in Franklin (in the Marshalls/Stop and Shop) plaza in the past and been very happy with them. - VR 11/11 11:54am Today, Veterans Day, is set aside as a special time to express our gratitude, as a nation, to all of our veterans, for their time in service, their dedication, and their sacrifice, in the faithful and relentless protection of our country, the United States of America. Although there are many people who may contribute to keeping the fiber of Our Country strong, intact, and moving in a positive direction, without the efforts of the American veteran in constant defense of concepts like Life; Liberty; Justice for All; Pursuit of Happiness; and Unalienable Rights, they would be just meaningless words and there could never be a United States of America. In the following tribute the word "Veteran" should be taken in context, to include all the members of our armed forces, who are presently on active duty, because they, too, are veterans still on active duty.
REMEMBER, IT'S THE VETERANI believe that the original tribute was written, perhaps 50 or 60 years, ago by a Marine sergeant fighting in the South Pacific during WW II. The Marine later became a Catholic priest---last name possibly O'Brien.§ It's the veteran, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of RELIGION.
§ It's the veteran, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the PRESS.
§ It's the veteran, not the school committee, the teachers, the Teachers Union, the TPA, nor the Superintendent of Schools who guarantees the privilege of a free public education.
§ It's the veteran, not the poet, who has given us freedom of SPEECH.
§ It's the veteran, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a FAIR TRIAL.
§ It's the veteran, not the police, who has given us the right to be SECURE IN OUR PERSONS.
§ It's the veteran, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to DEMONSTRATE.
§ It's the veteran, not the politician, who DEFENDS OUR NATION against enemies foreign and domestic.
§ It's the veteran, willing to risk his life to protect our freedoms and whose coffin was, or will, be draped, by the Flag of the United States of America, who gives the protester the right to burn that flag.
- MT
[Update 12:01pm: revised attribution - MT]
11/11 11:50am The votes are in, at least in this household: Louie's Pizzeria (in Millis) defeats Leo's Pizzeria (in Walpole) in a unanimous landslide. Louie's crust rules. - TEM
11/11 11:48am Re 11/10 10:33pm I am looking to get reprints of a photo to use for our family Christmas card. I was told to go to a photo shop in Millis for reprints, however I can't seem to find it. Has anyone used a photoshop in Millis? NS: Hi - The photo shop in Millis is next door to Louie's Pizzeria in the Roche Brothers Plaza. Alternatively, I am a photographer who lives in Norfolk and would be happy to help you out. I would scan, retouch and provide you with multiple copies of the photo in a number of different sizes on a CD/DVD. I also create some unique holiday cards if you are interested... otherwise, the photos could be used at any store or online shop. My prices are lower than photo stores and you get the added benefit of photo retouching and multiple sizing. If interested, please contact me at andy@JingotheCat.com or call me at 781-696-9174. Thanks!
- Andy Grachuk, Photographer
11/11 11:47am Thank you to everyone who responded to my question about the fish market. I can always rely on my neighbors!! I have found doctors, workmen, recipes, etc on this web site. We are so lucky! Thanks, again! - SD
11/11 11:46am I agree with DL - there wasn't any need to slam Norfolk Town Pizza. They make an awesome chef's salad, or turkey salad. I love their pizzas, but usually, to appease my MD, I request "light on the cheese". Casabella, near Lord's in Medfield, is one of my son's favorites - they even have a whole wheat crust, if you want. Thanks to all of our servicemen and women; with us, or not, you'll be in our thoughts and prayers this Veteran's Day, as always.
11/10 10:35pm Yes, DH. Ocean Fresh was forced to close because of problems with creditors and the business ultimately defaulted on a $9 million loan. But "Fresh Catch" just opened it's latest store in the same location in North Attleboro. - JC
11/10 10:33pm I am looking to get reprints of a photo to use for our family Christmas card. I was told to go to a photo shop in Millis for reprints, however I can't seem to find it. Has anyone used a photoshop in Millis? - NS
11/10 10:31pm DM, I usually make my own pizza, since I'm pretty particular, but if I do opt to pick one up, the Eaglebrook has very good pizza, and they're right in town. - CJG
11/10 10:29pm As our fledgling nation was gearing up to fight for its independence, the leaders of the revolution foresaw a need for a separate specialized branch of military service to function in conjunction with the Army and the Navy. To fill that need, on November 10, 1775, the Continental Congress authorized the formation of two battalions of marines, naming them the Continental Marines. This new military service, originally formed as soldiers trained to fight at sea (marines), quickly began to prove itself in battle. Recognizing this, our top military leadership soon began to employ its unique expertise in other critical situations. As our nation grew to become the United States of America, the Continental Marines became the United States Marine Corps. Today, the responsibilities of the Marine Corps have evolved considerably, since our early colonial days, but although on a much larger scale, it still remains a highly specialized elite fighting force manned by strongly motivated Marines who carry their indefatigable esprit de corps with them at all times wherever they go.
The Corps is steeped in a 232 year old tradition that demands much in the way of determination and loyalty from its members and will accept nothing less. Credos like "Honor, Courage, and Commitment" are not empty frivolous words to a Marine; they exemplify what a Marine deeply believes, lives by and, if necessary, will die for. All Marines knowingly, willingly and without equivocation accept the oath they swear, in earning the title of "United States Marine". Most dedicate themselves to that responsibility, not just during their time on active duty, but carry it in their minds and hearts, for the rest of their lives--hence the truism "Once a Marine, Always a Marine."
Today is the 232nd anniversary of the founding of the United States Marine Corps. This evening, some of us will gather formally and begin the rounds of "charging the cannon" with the first salute being the toast, "Gentlemen, I give you the President of The United States of America". At other less formal gatherings, traditional salutes like "Here's to you and to our Corps" will be offered up among cheers of approval. But, equally symbolic and of the utmost importance will be the tribute (either audibly or in silence) that will be paid to our comrades-in-arms who made the supreme sacrifice. Even though they are not physically seated beside us, their presence will be felt, inside each one of us, with our deepest respect and admiration.
Happy Birthday, Marines, everywhere. God bless America and God bless our Corps.
Semper Fi,
- MT
11/10 10:28pm DM, Was that really necessary? Slamming a small Norfolk business. Why did you have to say anything at all. Well, I do go to Norfolk Town Pizza now and then. Great greek salads. Pizza is fine but I always say 3/4 cooked crust and they make it just as ordered. DM, find something better to do then post negatives about the so few businesses that we have in town. If you do not like their pizza, then do not order pizza from them. - DWL
11/10 1:03pm DH: I think Ocean Fresh has unfortunately closed their business. - CR
11/10 11:48am SD - Ocean Fresh in Attleboro on Rt. 1 has great fish, and a large selection. I have used them many times and have never been disappointed. - DH
11/10 11:47am To SD: You might want to try "Fresh Catch" on Chauncy Street in Mansfield. Go to [freshcatchinc.com page] Over the years I found both "Fresh Catch" and "Ocean Seafood" in North Attleboro superior to the fish store in Medfield both in variety and price. Apparently, "Ocean Seafood" has gone out of business, a real shame in that I found it to be the best all around fish store in this area. Whole Foods Supermarket in Bellingham has an excellent seafood department, but like virtually everything else in their stores the prices are through the roof. I'm still seeking the perfect fish store, in addition to a good New York style neighborhood deli. Any further recommendations out there would be most welcome. - TEM
11/10 10:55am Our black and white cat got out yesterday and we can't locate him. His name is Fenway, his front paws are declawed and he is always an indoor cat. - MG
[Update 11/13 6:51pm: cat has been found and is safe and sound - HC]
11/10 10:53am DV - Thank you! I will call them today! - SD
11/10 10:51am Hello JO. As you do, I also remember singing, or reciting, along with several other apropos pieces, portions of "The Vacant Chair" during commemorative exercises, especially around Memorial Day and Armistice Day. It was a time honored tradition for us, from the time we entered elementary school (mine was the W.T. Glines School on Jacques Street), until we graduated from Somerville High twelve years later. It was heartfelt and had deep significance to us, even as kids. Our nearly 2 mile daily trek from home, near the Ten Hills area of Mystic Ave, to the high school on the corner of Highland Ave and School St gave us a little extra time to practice the lines we were assigned for our individual school recitations. However, something to which I'm sure you can attest, is that many of us came to more greatly appreciate the full impact of a song like "The Vacant Chair" just a few years later, as we returned home and attended proper services, in various parts of Our Country, to honor some our own Fallen Brothers. These were always solemn occasions with much inward reflection, and often not without tears. In my opinion, the "The Vacant Chair" is one of the best memorial tributes ever written because of it is pure simplicity and, yet, its message is so all-encompassing and sacred.
I think it's a remarkable and, probably, a refreshing part of the human condition that sometimes even when we're in the greatest danger or hurting the most, we can often see a sliver of irony or humor in the moment. On a few occasions, when I expressed that opinion while visiting friends "down south", one or another of my "Sons of Dixie" buddies would needle me by reminding me that, "Youdamnyankees stole that song from us, and y'all should never be allowed to use it for anything". My standing offer, for years has been that I'll return their precious song to them and promise never use it again; the only stipulation is that, in order to properly return it, I'll have to sing it to them. The mock uproar, the arm waving and the vehement refusal to hear me sing (again) offers assurance that "The Vacant Chair" still belongs to us as much as it does to southern neighbors. Of course, as part of the deal, I also had to sign a pact that I would never attempt to sing any song--ever again--in a gathering of the Charleston Elks.
By the way, JO, I have "The Vacant Chair" on file, by Douglas Jimerson and by a South Carolina band. If you'd like to hear them, contact me through the Wm. I'm sure that he'll realize that it's OK to give you my Email address, so that I can send them (MP3) to you.
Best Regards,
- MT
11/9 4:42pm Of course pizza is flat and greasy! What other kind is there? Who would want unmelted or non-fat cheese?! - AR
11/9 4:40pm JMT, I traveled back and forth to CT each week for a year. I never got stopped for speeding, but will admit I have a heavy foot. I stay in the left lane go with the flow of traffic in that lane, and just because some idiot behind me is riding my tail that isn't reason enough for me to move over and get myself stuck in traffic. By the way, my radar detector just gave up so now I have to rely more on luck. - JW
11/9 3:14pm SD, The seafood place in Medfield is great. I think it is called Medfield Seafood, but it is on the main road before the police station. Wish I could give you the #. Their prices are fair and fish is great. - DV
11/9 2:25pm One word regarding pizza: Leo's. Walpole, 1A, and I believe they deliver to Norfolk now? - JP
11/9 2:24pm I don't know, those RI drivers seem to be speedy little devils. There is a section of road marked 45 MPH, and I've never seen ayone in the left lane do less than 60. - AR
11/9 1:47pm JW, it is folks like you that drive me nuts. You camp in the left lane and do not even do the speed limit. I thought it was something they taught the drivers in Rhode Island in driver's education. Get out of the way and let us speed demons go by. - JMT
11/9 12:50pm You don't have to travel to Millis or Franklin for a good pizza. Try the Horse & Carriage or Eaglebrook. Much shorter ride and you're supporting a local business. You can get them to go or eat them there. - RJP
11/9 12:49pm Want a Big Screen TV? It's yours for free! 50 inch Mitsubishi rear projection. Needs an internal bulb. Call 508-520-1978. - JS
11/9 12:43pm Hi everyone - Does anyone know of any good fish markets locally? We are trying to put together our Christmas menu and don't know where to get fresh fish locally. Thank you! - SD
11/9 12:40pm As you know the Town is dedicating a memorial to Adam Kennedy, who gave his life for our country while serving in Iraq. I would like to pass to all a classic piece of poetry and music that has been around since 1861 and is one of the most poignant pieces that I have ever encountered. [lyrics here]
I remember that is was played at Memorial Day occasions when I was attending Somerville High prior to WW2.
What do you think??
- JO, Veterans Grave Officer, Norfolk [From the page:- Wm.]The Vacant Chair
We shall meet but we shall miss him.
There will be one vacant chair.
We shall linger to caress him,
While we breathe our ev'ning prayer.
When a year ago we gathered,
Joy was in his mild blue eye.
But a golden cord is severed.
And our hopes in ruin lie.
11/9 12:29pm There will be a public flu clinic, open to all, on November 13th from 9:30-11am at St. Jude's Church. The clinic is for anyone 18 or older and the cost per vaccine is $23. The clinic is being conducted by New England Nurses, Inc., a home health services company out of Canton. There will also be a limited number of pneumonia vaccines available for $45. Anyone aged 65+ who has Medicare B should bring their card with them as they may be able to have the cost of the shot billed to Medicare. If you have any questions please call New England Nurses, Inc. at 781-821-8500. - AL
11/9 12:28am Does anyone share my opinion: Pizza at Norfolk Town Pizza is really flat ang greasy? I ate there 20 years ago and swore I would never go back. I went back and yuck! Please can we get some good pizza in Norfolk, so we don't have to waste gas traveling to Millis or Franklin. - DM
11/8 7:45pm Lauren B. of River Road, I tried to send you an e-mail and it bounced. Please let me know how to contact you - thanks, - Wm.
11/8 7:23pm If anyone out there is looking for a place to get really beautiful flowers for an unbelievable price. Robin's Floral on Rt. 1A right past the Eagle Brook on the same side is the place to go. Every time I go there to get flowers for my wife, Robin does an unbelievable job and my wife is very pleased. - SH
11/8 7:21pm Any recommendations on places to get a cord of seasoned wood? - PN
11/8 4:23pm MM - Great time to volunteer, especially given oil prices, etc. There is a food drive sponsored by Norfolk Together, the TPA and the Norfolk Teacher's Association. Children are bringing in food which will be collected from each of the classrooms on November 15. The TPA will be picking up the food and bringing it over to the food pantry. The food pantry is located in the small bldg behind the Emmanuel Baptist Church. You can always contact the office at the church and they have a key to let you in if you have donations. The pantry is run on Saturday mornings from 10 to 12. Another opportunity is to adopt a family thru the Santa Foundation. Bob Sullivan, a very generous man and his wife Elaine from Franklin have been anonymously helping folks at Christmas (see the following link) [here].
Norfolk Together and the Fire Department started working with Bob a few years ago. Also St. Jude's, the schools and several other town organizations work with Bob too. Bob and his wife contact families who find themselves a little short at Christmas to get their wish list. Bob has a cavalry of "sponsors" who adopt a family. Some folks also choose to get a neighborhood organized to buy for a family. Many of the organizations adopt several families and purchase gifts.
One of the groups in town also puts together Thanksgiving baskets. Unfortunately, I'm having a brain freeze at the moment and can't remember which group.
I have to tell you, as a family we love buying for a family. The kids save all year for this particular project and like to purchase the items for other kids.
Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure the recipients of your thoughtfulness and caring will be truly appreciative. Happy Fall!!
PS--By the way, Norfolk Together is a local non-profit organization, which grants limited financial aid to Norfolk residents in need. We are a group of volunteers and are funded by private donations. So, don't forget to participate in our raffle which was mailed at the end of October (the drawing is the day before Thanksgiving). Also, if you want to make a donation in lieu of a Christmas gift for someone, you can count on your money being used wisely.
- BS
11/8 3:07pm Does anyone know about community activities going on in town for Thansgiving (food baskets, pantry, etc.)? We'd like to help out by volunteering but don't know who to contact. Thanks, - MM
11/8 11:45am Need a ride to doctor appointments in Boston. Services will needed tomorrow, Monday, Wednesday & Friday of next week from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM. We will pay for the services and a lady would be preferred. Please call 508-898-6572. - AS
11/8 11:43am As you make your weekend plans, consider coming to the Adam Kennedy dedication on Sunday, November 11th at 1pm. There will be buses shuttling from the library parking lot starting at 12:45 since the parking at the memorial (Union and Grove Streets) is nonexistent. Let's show our support for the Kennedys' and their son's sacrifice for our freedom on this Veteran's Day. - TMS
11/8 9:25am JT, coming home on 95 N, if you are coming up past Thurbers Ave. I found that getting into and staying in the left lane at the 2 mile mark to Thurbers Ave. is the best and fastest way. Don't move out of the left lane no matter what. I usually stay in the left lane til I hit Ma. WCTK has great RI traffic reports morning and night also. In the morning, you can get onto 495 in Wrentham near the Wrenthan Mall. - JW
11/8 9:18am Wrentham Center Parking Lot - Saturday November 24th 2007 - the King Philip Music Association will be holding their annual wreath sale. 14 inch double-sided evergreen wreaths from Canada at only $13 including a bow. Proceeds to benefit the King Philip Regional music program. - MW, KPMA
11/7 11:31pm In response to JT about the commute to and from Providence - I have commuted in the morning many times to my company location there and the commute from Norfolk to Providence is much quicker than from Norfolk to West Roxbury (35 or so minutes at 7 a.m. vs. 50 minutes at 7 a.m.). That's getting on 495 at King Street to 95 to exit 21 in RI. Not so sure about the afternoon commute. - LC
11/7 4:52pm MD, They are working on putting a Dunkin's in the development next to Provos. - PRB
11/7 4:51pm MW--try Googling "reverse phone lookup" and use one of the sites to lookup the name associated with the number. I kept getting a hangup from WB & A; upon looking them up, I found out they are a market research company. Chances are your calls are also from a research or political organization too. - BS
11/7 4:05pm EB - I know it may be a hike, but Daniel Sterling Martial Arts in Plainville does a phenomenal job with my son. He loves going and the owner and instructor Daniel won the Final Fu last year (a reality show with some of the best martial artists in the United States). The kids loved seeing him on TV and then enjoyed the final night where it was announced that he won. The other staff are fantastic as well and have awards and titles and such. If it is too far, just keep in mind when you are looking a couple of things. Kenpo is more forms ad techniques - tae kwon do caters more to the acrobatic elements (which is what Daniel teaches) and ju jitsu is more grappling and floor techniques. (There are many more types, just not so prevalent around here.) When we started looking we decided to focus more on what would carry out in other sports as he grew and what would hold his attention, so we chose Tae Kwon Do. We tend to look at martial arts as somewhat parallel to school, like school he is not allowed to quit. The benefits to him staying in martial arts until he's in high school far exceed the drawbacks to him not wanting to go. (He hasn't faced that yet - but he's been in for two years). It may sound a little goofy - but if you look to the benefits of discipline, self control, confidence and health - it makes for, in my mind, a great decision to keep him in it for the long haul. Good Luck,
- LB
11/7 4:04pm I had heard that a Dunkin Donuts was going to be put in at the corner of Sharon Ave and Rte 1A and I was wondering if anyone had any knowledge of this happening. - MD
11/7 4:03pm Did you see the Norfolk Girls Softball signs? Registration is now open for several programs! We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the following programs: Fall Pitching Clinics (grades 3-8) - start Tuesday, November 13And, most importantly...
Winter Pitching Clinics - start the week of January 22, 2008
Winter Skills Clinics (grades 1-6) - start January 26, 2008
Winter Catching Clinic (grades 3-8) - start February 2, 2008Our Spring registration is now Open. Early registrants (those who register by November 15, 2007) will receive a discount on Spring registration. Registration will stay open until January 25, 2008, but you must register by November 15 to receive the discount.
All regisrations must be completed on-line - go to NorfolkGirlsSoftball.org for more details and to register.
If you have any questions about Norfolk Girls Softball programs or registration, please contact Lisa C. at lcollentro@comcast.net or 508.520.7819.
- PB
11/7 4:02pm I keep getting a phone number on my caller ID that is from area code 354... I cannot seem to locate this area code. Does anyone know where it might be coming from? I don't want to call the number in case it is international. A message is never left on my machine. It's getting annoying. Any ideas? - MW
11/7 4:01pm We have been very happy with Villari's Karate school in Franklin. The instructors are skilled and great with kids and teens - making the classes fun as well as instructive. I have a one-month free trial coupon if you'd like it. - CI
11/7 4:00pm EB - I highly recommend Kensho-Ryu Kenpo Karate in Bellingham, kenshoryu.info. If interested contact Craig Duquette at the # listed on the website. They give you 1 month trial membership for free and they are great with the kids. - MD
11/7 2:36pm VR: A notice about a coat drive recently came home with the kids in backpack mail. I do not recall the dates, but I'll bet a phone call to either HOD or Freeman would provide the answer. Great idea to help out the less fortunate! - TMS
11/7 2:35pm As of November 5th the Preservation Restriction for the Grange is officially signed and recorded at the Registry of Deeds in Dedham. This document and other legalities were the reason work didn't start. The work time-table hasn't been put together yet but we have moved to a new page as of yesterday. Thanks to the Grange members, the town fathers, The Community Preservation Committee, the Mass. Historical Commission and the Norfolk Historical Commission, the building will be preserved and will look as it does now, forever. - BP
11/7 12:02pm I am looking to sign my son up for karate. Does anyone have any recommendations? How about the new spot in the center of town or Valaris in Franklin? - EB
11/7 10:15pm With the holidays quickly approaching, now would be a great time to have a family portrait created; they make a perfect gift for the Holiday Season! I am a photographer located in Norfolk who will travel to your home or other nearby location to create memorable and affordable portraits. The images can also be made into holiday cards, calendars, and other unique gift items. Note: a portion of all proceeds from portraits taken during November and December will be donated to a local charity. To schedule a portrait session, please contact Andy at 781-696-9174 or by email at andy@JingotheCat.com. Also, please visit my online gallery and portfolio at JingotheCat.com. I'm happy to supply references from many local customers upon request. Thank you!
- Andy Grachuk, Photographer
11/7 10:14pm TD - I don't know if he does gutters, but Mark Wenzel in Millis did a good job on yard clearing for me. (508) 376-2815 - KDR
11/7 10:13pm To TL: With all that is going on in the world today, how could a BFI trash bin on the side of the road possibly annoy you?? Your life must be very boring. Why don't you go ahead and report the people to the town, it might give you some excitement!! - BH
11/6 7:57pm HPK... Thank you! I will try the store in Natick ! - MW
11/6 7:04pm Does anyone commute to Providence? I'm considering career opportunities there and am interested in what the morning and evening drives are like. Thanks. - JT
11/6 7:03pm TD, we have American Gutters do ours each year, reasonable and they do a good job. - JW
11/6 4:25pm Congratulations to the two Norfolk Police officers who were promoted at last night's Fall Town Meeting (11/7/07). See the video here: nctvnorfolk.org - BWA, NCTV
11/6 2:43pm MW, I have a torso measurement of 14.5" and have had good luck with Deuter backpacks, which have very adjustable suspensions (the SL series also has narrow-set shoulder straps). I bought mine at the Natick Outdoor Store, a nice family-owned place behind the Natick MBTA station. There is a great discussion of kids' packs [here]. I'm impressed with your 10 year old! - HPK, 18/48 but taking a break for the winter
11/6 12:25pm Attention Hikers! Can anyone recommend a brand or style of backpack suitable for a ten year old? I am having trouble finding one that is "serious" enough for him, but small enough for his body type. The LL Bean children's packs are only suitable for a few hours of hiking. He tackles the 4,000 footers with us. I am thinking that he is now capable of carying more of his gear so that mom doesn't have to be the pack mule! - MW
11/6 11:24am Can anyone recommend someone to clean out gutters and also someone to recommend for yard clean up. Thanks - TD
11/6 10:27am Veterans Day Breakfast. Sunday, November 11th at 10:00 a.m. at the Norfolk Senior Center. All active duty /veteran servicemen and women along with their families are invited to join their comrades for our annual salute to our service people past anr present. A full breakfast will be served, provided by the Friends of the Norfolk Council on Aging and chefs from the NCOA. Please call the Center at 508 528 4430 by Thursday the 8th to let us know you are attending so that enough food can be ordered. - RC
11/6 9:50am Stop and Shop.... maybe we need to get the media involved get some people picketing at the sign saying S&S doesn't care. A media nightmare for S&S might work! - JMD
11/6 9:49am Is anybody else bothered by the BFI trash barrel that's left on King St? I'm not sure of the exact #, but it's near the middle school. Considering that it's on wheels, I can't think of a good reason to never bring it off the street. I don't know the homeowners so I'm not sure if I should leave a note in their mailbox or complain to the town. - TL
11/5 11:48pm I am beginning to wonder if Stop & Shop might be planning to build a distribution center for their Peapod Shopping Service. - ER
11/5 11:47pm We are having a yard sale this Saturday November 10th from 9am-12pm, 12 Main Street, Norfolk. Tons and Tons of Baby & Toddler stuff!! Maternity Clothes - L & XL. Will be going through attic this week too to add to it. Old ski stuff, holiday decor items, etc. - JH
11/5 11:46pm Does anyone know of an upcoming coat drive in the area? Thanks, - VR
11/5 7:25pm TO: Flute students who are ready to take the next step with a student flute. I am selling my open hole Emerson, model EFD flute. It has a solid silver head joint, and silver/nickel bottom. It has a very comfortable lip plate, offset G key, low b foot, and beautiful full sound both up and down... very easy low range and it plays a comfortable high E natural. All keys have good "pop"... none sound sticky or feel tacky.
I bought it barely used in July of 2002. It is in beautiful condition as I have taken really good care of it. No dings or nicks. It has a hard case with a vinyl outside case. This model sold new for about $950, I bought it in 2002 for $650 and I had re-padded. I am asking $450 for this lovely instrument.
This flute is a very special instrument and I would love to see go to a student who will really appreciate it. I have put the corks in the open holes for the student who is just going over to learning to use an open hole flute. Corks are can be easily popped back out. Please contact: Roxanne V. at 508-298-9489 and leave me a message or email me at roxannev313@gmail.com. I will get back to you :-)
- RV
11/5 7:24pm ML: Please contact me at cindy@humancomm.com re: clarinet lessons. MT: interesting name your clarinet has, I'll have to think about naming mine something other than their model #'s! - CR
11/5 7:22pm PA's post brings up the issue-that-will-not-go-away: Stop & Shop. I was struck by the similarity (apart from the ampersands) between the "Call & Wait" case, that is now heading to litigation, and the Stop & Shop mess. In the Call & Wait case you have a small, local, irresponsible firm that has tied up the Town government for years. As hearing after hearing dragged on, the Selectmen professed to want to avoid court proceedings. Well, that's working out just fine. In the Stop & Shop case you have a huge firm, the largest food retailer in New England, owned by the Dutch firm, Ahold, a mega-corporation, that is large, irresponsible and that has tied up the Town government for years. Perhaps there's a message here. Perhaps playing kissy-face with malefactors like these doesn't work.
Isn't it time to put some public pressure on S&S? At some level they value their public image. I'd use the "David and Goliath" motif: little Norfolk being screwed by giant company. The purpose is not to drive them away, but to position the Town to make the best deal it can with the land they hold.
So I challenge Norfolk Netters to an S & S slogan contest. Let's come up with a tag line that will drive Stop & Shop crazy. "Stop & Stop"? "Stop & Squat"? "Stop & Landbank"? S & S has a corporate tag line: "All the ingredients." I'll bet you folks can have a field day with that one. As the weather cools off, let's turn up the heat for our Town center.
11/5 4:13pm JH, do you have any relatives in Walpole? They take all numbers of recyclables. My mother gets sent home with a bag of plastics when she comes to visit. I hate to throw them out. - LJK
11/5 3:38pm Hi everyone, I'm helping my parents set up a better trash/recycling system at their house in Norfolk and I've gone to the transfer station for my sticker and I'm ready to drop off, but I'm realizing now that the list of plastic recyclable goods they accept does not include any plastics that are numbered higher than 2. Is this true? Can I only recycle # 1 and 2 plastics at the transfer station? If so, then what does everyone else do with those higher numbered plastics?? Thanks for any info. - JH
11/5 3:37pm Re: computer viruses - I have had good luck with "Norton Internet Security" by Symantec. It has not let a virus get into my PC, and it has the ability to clean out any viruses that do get in. The latest edition, Norton Internet Security 2008, is on sale this week at Best Buy for $39.99; see page 26 of the Best Buy flier that came with the Sunday Globe of 10/28/2007. The regular price is listed as $69.99, so the sale price represents a $30. savings.
Make sure that you keep the program updated as suggested by Norton/Symantec. Be sure that you follow the directions and do a virus check on your hard drive and any backup devices that you have as soon as you load the program on your computer.
I use Comcast cable with the "MSN Premium" e-mail /Explorer/Messenger programs and have had no problems so far.
- RH
11/5 3:36pm NCTV is diligently working on improving every aspect of audio for Spring's town meeting. Parabolic microphones do provide excellent sound quality and are great for sporting events but, unfortunately, they are not suitable for a town meeting venue. These types of microphones are shaped like an ancient Greek arena (parabola) and can pick up everything from the smallest whisper to the loudest grunt- all at the same time at the same level. Individual microphones are the best option to control confusion on who is speaking and to control volume.
Even though it is difficult for TV viewers to hear some people speaking, I like the idea of the "speak from your seat if you prefer" idea. Next time we will either have a runner with a boom pole hover a microphone over the individual so all can hear or simply point a "shotgun" type microphone in their direction to pick up the audio.
11/5 3:09pm Thank you to all the Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer coaches and players for another great soccer season! [Fall 2007 movie]
- HK
11/5 3:02pm The mother of the owner of the Horse and Carriage passed away. The restaurant will reopen tomorrow, Nov 6. - GS
11/5 3:01pm To ES: The Horse & Carriage's owner's, Kevin O'Boy's, mother passed away. - ER
11/5 1:02pm Kia ora, LAW: About your post at about 8:55, this AM. Crimminey, the clarinet, in its rightful place, is probably the epitome of sweet sounds, to be sure. But you're not forgetting the pleasant comforting sounds of reassurance from well-played pipes or from the didgeridoo, are you?
Hei konâ,
- MT
[Update 1:32pm: oops, missed the salutation the first time around - Wm.]
11/5 11:06am CR - Do you give clarinet lessons? Would love to hear back from you! Thanks, - ML
11/5 10:43am Anyone out there have a child with a green LLBean lunchbox who attends the Freeman Centennial? My son lost his and though there is a dark green one in "lost and found," it is not ours. Any chance they got switched? His has his name on it under the handle, but since it is dark green it is a little hard to read it. Let me know via the Wm. and we can get it staightened out. [Contact JEC at box87@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks!! - JEC
11/5 10:21am The next (and probably final) session of this year's Fall Town Meeting will be Monday, November 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the H. Olive Day Elementary School Auditorium. There will be lots of zoning articles and all voters are welcome to participate in the town's legislative assembly. I've suggested that NCTV procure a parabolic microphone to improve sound quality when residents speak from their seats rather than use the microphonesin front of the room. While the sound quality has suffered for TV viewers, the "speak from your seat if you prefer" approach has greatly increased the number of new speakers at Town Meeting. It also saves time when speakers don't need to troop down and back to the microphones at the front of the room. Besides, the best sound quality is inside the auditorium, so c'mon to Town Meeting and you'll hear fine.
Thanks to all who have attended!
11/5 9:30am I just drove past Horse and Carriage Restaurant, and there are black drapes over all the signs. Does anyone know what happened? - ES
11/5 8:56am SOS - Are you still looking for a brand new electric can opener? I can help you out. Send your e-mail address, and I will contact you. - DH
11/5 8:55am CR - I love the clarinet and always have regretted that I have never learned to play it; it has to be the sweetest instrument ever created. I could listen to Pete Fountain all day and night. The only antique instrument I have is my old tenor recorder - wood - beat up - but I still play it when no-one else is around to hear! P.S.: to the good folks of Norfolk - Town Meeting continues tonight - say "No!!" to everything!
11/5 8:46am JHR, everyone is always mad at me... maybe I should start posting again. - DV
11/4 10:06pm What?? No email? Isn't anyone mad at anyone this week?? - JHR
11/4 10:05pm Since the posts have been down, let me ask: What do all of you who collect in town like to collect? I'm a player, and collector, of clarinets. Does anyone else in town share an interest in collecting any musical instruments, vintage, or otherwise? What else are people interested in collecting? It has occurred to me that maybe there aren't as many collectors as there once were due to the internet, sports, etc. - CR
11/4 6:30pm Can any tell me which will happen first: A Stop & Shop coming to town, or the renovations on the Norfolk Grange? I've seen more evidence of the former than the latter, and it's been almost eighteen months since the Grange won the vote at Town Meeting, getting the CPC grant. - PA
11/4 6:18pm I never thought I'd live to see the day when the Webmaster (post--11/3 9:11 p.m.) is begging folks to write in. What's up? Anyhow, to help fill the gap, here are a few posts that did not appear on NorfolkNet. * We're looking for a brand of a good electric can opener. Ours just pooped out after 14 years and we're darn near starving. Appreciate responses quick.- SOS
* Hi there! We're home-schooling 2 of our 3 kids and sending one to public school as a control group. My question. If the school committee once again brings up the busing fee, should I support or oppose it?- DYI
* Does anyone out there know of a really good divorce lawyer? Just asking.- PDQ
* Re: our Town motto - "Norfolk, Gateway to the Wrentham Outlet Mall." Does this go back to the nineteenth century?- QED
* Our Rottweilers just tore the FedEx guy limb from limb. Does anyone know the best way to get blood stains off our new poured concrete driveway?- ARF - HRB
[Did now :-) - Wm.]
11/4 10:45am Norfolk Public Library Presents "Great Boston Fires of the 17th, 18th & 19th Centuries" Historian David Kruh takes a look at the devastating fires and their impact on Boston, including the truly Great Fire of 1872, the Cocoanut Grove tragedy of 1942 which killed 492, and the Hotel Vendome fire of 1972 which resulted in the deaths of eight fire fighters. Kruh's narrated slide presentation is filled with images from these events and he explores how these fires happened; what was learned from these events; and what has been done to try and prevent similar catastrophes.
An expert on all things Boston, Kruh is a frequent speaker at libraries, historical societies, and civic groups. He is the author of several books including "Scollay Square", "Building Route 128", & "Presidential Landmarks of New England".
The Library will present this program on Monday, November 5th at 7:00 PM. It is offered free of charge and registration is not required.
- Robin Glasser, Library Director
11/3 10:53pm Hello Wm. I will be your test e-mailer. I do have a concern though... I am watching Town Meeting right now (I know, it's Saturday night at 10:30 which makes me completely pathetic.) However, I usually attend but had a conflict for the second night this fall and wanted to know what happened. I wish people would be asked to walk down to the microphone. I know it's a pain but if you watch it on Norfolk cable, you can't hear the question/discussion from residents and the Moderator has not gotten in the habit of repeating an unamplified question or comment. It makes it tough to follow from home. - MJD
11/3 10:52pm Hi... I hope you didn't get a virus and the email is blocked. - ER
11/3 9:11pm Is no-one writing? We received only two posts yesterday and none today. The mailbox is empty; even the amount of junk mail that is arriving is markedly down. Is this localized to Norfolknet, or are people experiencing problems sending e-mail? - Wm.
11/2 11:32pm Following the recommendations of DWL, TEM and HF, I had Parker Sanitation from Wrentham here to service my septic system today. I've used 'that other big service' for the past 5 years, but will be using Parker from now on. He's a one man-one truck operation, but he's prompt, courteous, gave good advice without trying to sell me anything and you'd never know he was here. Thanks for the recommendation, neighbors. - RP
11/2 6:27pm I have two small children who are the ages of 2 1/2 and 4. I am looking for a reliable teenager who is looking for some extra cash and available on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights from 5-8 p.m. I am looking for the person to start as early as next week if possible. If interested, please call Megan at 508-528-4075.
- MB
11/1 7:46pm Don't miss our annual Christmas Craft Fair! Saturday, November 10th From 9:30 to 2:00, St.Jude's Church, 86 Main Street. Lot of local crafters, vendors, Hot Dog Heaven, Baked Goods, and Santa will be there for pictures. - JD
11/1 5:32pm JP - try the Epilepsy Foundation as well as the AmVets... I have donated to both groups in the past. - MW
11/1 5:30pm JP: I have a few suggestions regarding the items that you would like to get rid of. The Freecycle network is a good way to get items to people who would really like to have a particular item. There is a local group in Plainville, and also in Walpole. There is also Craigslist for the general Boston area. There is a column at the end of Norfolknet where you could list the items. Several area churches will be having fairs in the next few weeks, and some of these include "Grandma's Attics" and Yard Sales. There is a list of these at the Federated Church in the back entrance way, the website is attleborocouncilofchurhes.org. Any of these alternatives would be better than adding still useable items to a landfill. Good luck! - CR
11/1 4:35pm Hi - I'd like to post a note to all parents. My mail box on Day St. was destroyed by the teenage kids (I believe) yesterday out Halloween trick-or-treating. Not sure why kids would do such a thing; however, I place blame on the parents for what their kids have done. I wish I had caught them in act, and could bring them to their parents for appropriate action. I am very angry and disappointed with our neighbors here in Norfolk. - [Name withheld - Wm.]
11/1 4:03pm I'm getting ready to move house and have some items that I'd like to get rid of. Mainly the sort of thing you'd find at a yard sale but I don't have the time, or enough items, to do a sale. I called Big Brother Big Sister, but their next collection in the area is after we move out. Does anyone have a suggestion for where I can donate them, or is anyone having a sale for a good cause and would be willing to take everything? Thanks, - JP
11/1 3:21pm I noticed that one of the Vikings teams made it to the Superbowl. Congratulations! Does anyone know some of the names of the boys from Norfolk on the team? I am curious if I know any of them. - JG
[Update 11:45pm: The following comment, part of en e-mail to Norfolknet, raises an important point to keep in mind whenever posting in any chat forum, not just here: ``My son is on the team and I am not comfortable with his name being posted on the net, since he is just a child. JG could come to Franklin HS at 9am on Sunday to cheer the team on.'' - Wm.]
11/1 3:20pm If you are looking to have a few laughs and good time then swing by the King Philip Boosters Dogdeball Tournament. The tournament is being held at the high school on this Saturday. There are over 44 teams signed up already to participate. There are three divisions, Elementary, Middle School, and High School/Adult. Elementary tournament is from 2:00-4:00, Middle from 4:30-6:30, High School/Adult from 7:00 -9:30. There will be trophies for winners, refreshments, raffles and t-shirts for sale. Stop by and have some fun while cheering on some friends. - TC
11/1 3:19pm LS - It's a way to save ourselves from eating all the candy the kids brought home last night ... see the top calendar listing for details. - VR
11/1 2:46pm VR - What is the Halloween Candy give back?? - LS
11/1 11:55am Craft Fair - Start your holiday shopping - The Norfolk Aggie Parent Network will be holding its annual Craft Fair on Saturday, November 17th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Norfolk County Agricultural High School, 400 Main Street (Route 1A) in Walpole. Parking and admission are free. Over 50 vendors will be participating in this indoor event. Limited space still available for crafters - contact Linda S. at 508-278-7143 for more information.
- HK
11/1 11:00am If you have ever thought of becoming a beekeeper, now is your chance. Register for the 2008 Bee School, hosted by the Norfolk County Beekeepers Association. You will the learn the insides and outs of beekeeping from a panel of instructors with years of experi- ence. This is a fascinating endeavor. Not only will your hives yield honey for you, but you will contributing to the production of agriculture in your area. [See the Press Release for details]
- TK
11/1 10:16am Good observation by MT re Old Town Hall. Good job at the town meeting by him. - JO
11/1 10:08am Reminder: The NCL Halloween Candy Give Back will be held today, Thursday, November 1 2007, from 4:00-5:30 pm at the Freeman Centennial School lobby. - VR 10/31 9:56pm Happy Halloween! Piggie Girl and Biker Dude are back from a night on the town, laden with loot. Carrying a bag with goodies. Small bag. Ok, carrying a satchel with some stuff in the bottom, OK? And Biker Girl kept calling Biker Dude "Biker Boy" all evening which detracted from the effect of bandana and weathered leather jacket. Sigh... little pigs can be so difficult. - AR
10/31 4:12pm MW, Yes pencils, rings etc. are great. I gave those out one year. I would say that it is the best alternative to candy. Maybe we are too late this year but there is always next year. With the toys etc. you do not have to worry about any allergies. Well, I guess it is not too late to run to the dollar store in Millis! - DL
10/31 3:44pm DL... Good thought. As a diabetic, I can tell you that Halloween is not fun at all. But actually all-natural peanut butter is one of the few things that I can eat. Sugar free candy is still high in carbs and makes my blood sugar skyrocket... I am also a dental assistant who has seen so many children have to be admitted to the OR to have all of their primary teeth taken out. I will be giving out light sticks at the door... there are many cheap candy alternatives, such as plastic rings, funny teeth, etc. All can be bought at the dollar store. Maybe we could get a campaign together in the future to get people to commit to giving out non food related goodies instead? Most kids give their candy away at the giveback anyway. - MW
10/31 3:43pm JHR - I highly recommend "A Cover Up" for your slipcovers. I was amazed at the high quality work and the speed with which the job was done. Dave can get you a discount on fabrics, and the cost of his work is extremely reasonable. I don't have the number, but there's always an ad in the Country Gazette classifieds section. - JT
10/31 2:52pm To the boy who dropped off a pig for my collection at the library: thank you very much! - LR
10/31 2:51pm Happy Halloween; Just to anyone out there who may be giving out candy tonight. As a parent of a peanut allergic child, if you can find time to put out a peanut-free bowl of candy - i.e., swedish fish, red licorice, starburst, etc. - the allergic child will be thrilled. You could also ask if anyone in the crowd is peanut allergic. Halloween is great fun for the allergic child until they get home and have to throw most of their candy out. Just a thought. I do not know about other food allergies, but if anyone has a suggestion for what kind candy that can be put out for any other allergies that would be great as well. - DL
[Update 3:32pm: corrected initials - Wm.]
10/31 2:49pm To JHR: You might try the Franklin Mill Store (305 Union Street in Franklin). They should be able to refer you. Their number is 508-528-3301. - TEM
10/31 12:15pm Does anyone know who makes slipcovers? I have a good quality love seat that needs a new look. I know it is costly but am curious nonetheless. Thanks in advance. - JHR
10/31 12:07pm Wanted: The following used household items for volunteer activities with teenagers: Stand mixer (or heavy duty hand mixer)Please contact jentech00@yahoo.com with a description and asking price.
Fondue pot and forks
Chocolate Fondue Tower
Ice cream maker (power or crank)
Air pop popcorn maker
Portable sewing machine
Candy thermometer
Candle making supplies (leftovers)
Art supplies (paper, pencils, charcoals, pastels (no paints))
Chess game with timer- JS
10/31 11:18am Does anyone have a DVD copy of 2005 Freeman-Centennial graduation? Mine unfortunately cannot be found and NCTV has already "cleared" their tapes. I would really like to put a copy in my daughter's scrapbook. If anyone has one that I could copy... I would be grateful. I can be contacted at planner42@yahoo.com. Thank, - NB
10/31 10:38am Comcast just told me that they just updated their website. Anyone with a Linksys router is not going to be able to access the page and that we need to access Linksys for a firmware upgrade. 1-800-326-7114 (linksys) The Tech told me that the Troy Ball virus is not responsible for this and that it is two seperate issues... I did notice from poking around that you can go to the preferences section in your Comcast mail and uncheck the "signature" box... this will get rid of the Troy Ball in the text, but not the virus.
- MW
10/31 10:37am Troy Ball virus - I have all the latest and greatest antivirus software, it did not pick it up. I got two suspicious emails yesterday AM... that is when I started having issues. I did not download any attachments, merely opened the email from an address known very well to me. The two emails were from two different people that I knew. The first one was an email that brought me to a wedding picture site... I had no idea why my friend was sending me pics of a wedding where I didn't know the bride or groom... and the other was from my son's hockey team. The subject heading read "nothing"; there was no text message in the email.
I have asked my contacts to verify their Identity by typing a codeword into the subject line. This might be a good way to verify a "friend's" identity.
Don't worry Wm... I am on a different computer! Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this? My antivirus is not picking it up.
- MW
10/31 10:36am Hi everyone - does anyone know why the police were searching around the Lawrence Street area this morning around 6:30?? They had spotlights looking into the woods. - SD
10/31 10:35am MJD - Yes, it was the Troy Ball virus. All I had to do was go to "Preferences", hit on "Signatures", click the button for "none" and save. Since I've done that, no problems. I would imagine that many of us who email others in town will be hit with the Troy Ball virus, since it taps into our email address books. Again, I'd advise you to check through your security system (we have McAfee), just to make sure there aren't any other viruses brewing in your computer. Good luck. - KEM
10/31 10:34am Re: the Troy Ball virus... I must have it because every time I open a new email on Comcast mail, the name Troy Ball appears in the text... I am running a scan but it is not picking it up - what to do? I am using another email account and cannot access my mail! - MW
10/30 10:49pm KEM - What did Comcast tell you to do? I am having a really tough time here. Was yours the Troy Ball virus? Please share, I received this virus three times on Monday. The guy I talked to at Comcast told me to have my PC professionally cleaned. Thanks. - MJD
10/30 8:36pm My Comcast homepage had been frozen for almost a week, and yesterday a virus hit my email system. I contacted Comcast and they confirmed that a virus had in fact infiltrated address books, and they provided me with instructions on how to remedy the problem. I'd also suggest that it's a good habit to run your security system every once in a while to make sure there aren't bugs in your system that you haven't seen manifest yet. - KEM
10/30 7:57pm KD you are absolutely right, there is no need to defend yourself, and you are right, I do not know you or what you were feeling when you posted. Once again I will state that we all read things differently. I "defended" your first post, and your second seemed angry to me. Oh well, so be it. It really should not upset your day. Have a great day. - DV
10/30 7:54pm Anyone having trouble accessing the comcast home page? I am not having trouble with any other site. I cannot seem to access the homepage today to get my email etc... Any ideas? - MW
10/30 7:53pm JT: Ditto on your post of 10/27 @ 12:32 AM. Here's an additional note, in case further clarification is needed: The lot next to the old town hall, on the east side (98 Main Street), also belongs to the Town; there used to be a house there. I don't have that specific planimetric here at my office but I think that the property consisted of almost 4 acres. Some of it, toward the rear, is wet, including a couple of streams, which I never examined to determine if they were the result of outbreaks or just surface drainage that could be diverted. Nevertheless, in combining the two lots (if it hasn't been done already) I think that a double duplex or two town houses (4 units) built as affordable housing structures would fit rather nicely. I don't think that the Town will have a problem in acting as the general contractor and sub-contracting the actual construction to one of the very capable builders in the area. In view of the present glut in housing, I'd suggest striking while the iron is hot; I wouldn't be suprised by how attractive some of the competitive bids might be. Since things are slow, maybe our Town Administration could convince one of the developers, who the Town already recognizes as "a good cooperative friends and partners of the town" to erect those Affordable Housing units for us, at cost.
- MT
10/30 7:52pm Ladybugs! My house has become infested with hundreds of ladybugs daily over the past 2 weeks. I vacuum over 400 a day when I get home at night. Last year I had a couple of dozen per day, but this year it's ridiculous. I had an exterminator come over and spray the window sills, doors, etc... but they are still coming in by the truckload. My baby's room is the worst since it's on the sunny side of the house. Anyone have experience getting rid of them and keeping them out? - DMG
10/30 12:37pm DV Anger????? Way off base! And no I do not feel I should defend myself. You do not know me nor how I was feeling when I wrote in. - KD
10/30 12:17pm LJK - There was what appeared to be a rather serious car accident across from the paint factory yesterday morning around 9:30. Emergency crews were just arriving and we had to turn around in the dirt lot by the pond. I saw one car with some bad damage. I could not tell if any other cars were involved or if anyone was injured - I hope not. I also noticed a telephone pole leaning at a rather precarious angle so maybe they are repairing that. - JZ
10/30 11:10am To HD, What street do you live on? Maybe you can post your neighborhood and a photo too. When I know someone near us lost a pet I always look under the porch, etc. Good Luck!
- EF
[Update 12:20pm: fixed subject in second sentence - Wm.]
10/30 11:09am HRB: You are truly talented. I must admit your take-off on "As Time Goes By" is a masterpiece. - WC
10/30 12:42am Anybody know why Main St is closed at Hanover? Our school bus driver said something about an accident. - LJK
10/29 6:15pm HRB: You really make my day! Bravo! - JN 10/29 5:45pm Sorry to hear--though perhaps it was inevitable--that MON has written JPB a "Dear John" letter. Reminds me of an earlier time. Casablanca, 1942 to be exact. Here we are at John's Cafe Americain. MON walks in. "Of all the towns in all the world, you had to walk into mine." Not a good beginning. MON leaves and John sits down beside the piano player. "Play it, Sam," he intones. Sam plays and sings: You must remember this
A diss is just a diss, a slight is just a slight.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.
And when two NOGO's do
Our taxes to eschew
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by.(tempo change, please)
Norfolk and overrides
Never out of date.
Hearts full of passion
Jealousy and hate.
Town Meeting comes
And that's a fateful date
That no one can deny.(main tempo)
It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die.
The world will always love low taxes
As time goes by.- HRB
10/29 1:09pm Norfolk Children's School Open House on Friday, November 9, 2007, 4:00PM-6:00PM. 23 Union Street, Norfolk, MA 02056. 508-528-1970
Email: norfolkchildrensschool@verizon.net
Web Page: norfolkchildrensschool.comEnrolling children from age 2.9 years to 6 years old.
- RC, Norfolk Children's School
10/29 11:29am Way to go Red Sox! We love a champion! Thanks for all the thrills! Looking forward to the hometown celebration! Love, Proud Red Sox Fans
10/29 10:59am Dear John, Sob! I am afraid that you, NoGo, and me, have to part our relationship, I just can't take the facts any more! - Our relationship wasn't meant to happen. But it did. At first I liked you, NoGo, what you represented, and how it could keep our tax burden low, but now our future is uncertain. Remember those long walks on the beach, when you looked into my eyes and said "No more Overrides"? How could I have known that it didn't mean "Debt Exclusion" also!
You cheated on me and now I have to break this off, to protect myself and my children and our property tax burden.
I hope you and your new partners are satisfied and your bed is now made. But just because you call yourself "committee member" doesn't exclude taxpayers from expressing their true unbridled feelings, or are you working just for the committee members and not the taxpayers?
I am so confused.
10/29 10:49am Re: Flu shots and pneumonia shots - See URL: findaflushot.com There are no restrictions because there is plenty of vaccine this year.
Sample locations:
* Maxim immunizes children 9 years of age and older, except in VA where it is 18 years of age and older
* Medicare Part B accepted with no co-pay if Medicare is the primary insurance
* Maxim will not give second doses of pneumonia vaccine except for those persons over the age of 65 who received the pneumonia shot prior to 65 and it has been 5 years or more since their last pneumonia shot
[Continued ...]
- RH
10/29 10:26am LJK, We are missing a male tuxedo cat. He is also very friendly and just loves attention. [Contact HD at box86@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks, - HD
10/28 10:18pm LB, I look forward to it! - DV
10/28 9:57pm KD, What? I posted a response to MW's post stating what I thought you meant, and from your response to his/her post, I read your post right. I think a lot of the anger here on this board is from quick responses. A simple post read by me, the way you meant it to be read, can also be read differently by someone else. You could have simply answered MW the way I did and clarified that you were not looking for customers but playtime for your kids. I do not know MW but the posts by him/her are always kind and thoughtful. You lost me with the anger... how is he/she trying to hurt you and who is using you name and number? - DV
10/28 9:56pm MW, Thank you for taking the time to simply explain. It's nice to see someone make the time and I am so sorry someone did that to you. - KD
10/28 9:16pm KD. I'm sorry if I misunderstood your post. I was not accusing you of anything, just trying to help you. I don't really see why you feel the need to defend yourself to me or the board... Sometimes the written word just needs clarification. I did re-read your post; you mentioned "childcare," not just playdates. The way that it was worded was vague in my opinion. I thought that you were advertising that you would watch someone's child in your home for a cheaper rate than the licensed providers. I personally have no problem with that. Daycare can be very expensive and unaffordable for some, myself included. As I stated, many years ago a neighbor turned me in (not in Norfolk) for watching my friend's children for a fee. She was a lic. daycare provider and was upset that I was taking a potential customer away from her. It happens all the time. I was just looking out for you.
- MW
10/28 8:39pm If anyone has lost a male tuxedo cat, I have a friend on Miller St. who has found one. He's very, very friendly, and hungry! - LJK
10/28 7:58pm Just a little FYI without getting into some huge discussion... Those of us on North St. are gearing up for Halloween, and as I indicated earlier, more creatures will be coming out to play over the next few days. Just to give a little heads up - have a safe and happy Halloween : ) - LB
10/28 7:57pm MW, it sounds to me like KD is looking for play time for her kids, not a money making venture, and is willing to be the host of the playdate vs. paying high daycare costs for few hours of socialization time. - DV
10/28 7:56pm MW, Thank you for your advice. But I do not run a daycare. I was just seeing what the interest was. If someone is using my name and number for vindictive reasons they are hurting the Webmaster and all of the readers who send in posts. I do have my own children home and you do not need to be licensed to have people over for playdates and not charge. I have been reading these posts for the last year and the turn it has taken where we all have to defend ourselves has gotten unenjoyable for me. I love what the Wm was trying to do and has done successfully - but case in point, look what I was asking (and taken to heart by you to me) but wow sad that someone would really use a simple post to hurt someone else.
- KD
10/28 4:29pm KD, be very careful where you advertise. You must be licensed in Massachusetts to provide daycare in your home to any children that aren't "family" regardless of the amount of hours. I used to be a PT daycare provider many years ago and I was forced to become licensed even though I was only watching a neighbor's child a few hours a week. There are vindictive people out there that will turn you in for no reason other than... they can. Its a ridiculous policy... especially if you are only watching friend's children. But the licensed daycare providers don't take kindly to the part-time under-the-table types of people who are taking their business away. Just use caution. You may want to advertise that you would come to their home with your children... and then the situation could subtly change down the road... - MW
10/28 1:43pm Garden Club of Norfolk - Get Ready for the Holidays - Wednesday, November 14, 7:00 PM - Norfolk Public Library Meeting Room - Yvette Viard, Designer will demonstrate how to create unique holiday arrangements. Guest Fee $5.00 - - 2007 Holiday Raffles to be drawn at this meeting - 1st Lavish Holiday Wreath; 2nd Mantle or Centerpiece Arrangement; 3rd Gingerbread Table Arrangement. Tickets are available from members of the Garden Club and also available at Carol's Place and Something Special. (All prizes to be delivered the first week in December.)
- SB
[Update 10/30 12:36am: tickets are available at Carol's Place and Something Special (and not Linda's) - SB]
10/28 1:19pm "Much whispering and sucking-in-of-breath in the courtroom"? Isn't a "sucking-in-of-breath" called a gasp? And usually a gasp precedes a whisper. Nonetheless that post makes the Norfolknet TOP 10 (said in a radio announcer's-like-voice that is a bad imitation of Casey Kasem)! - AB
10/28 1:18pm Need someone to come and replace windows, build a deck, book case, replace any woodwork, tile or bathrooms - call TD. Several references in Norfolk. Thank you all for referring me to others. 508-517-4708 - TD
10/28 1:17pm Does anyone know of someone looking for childcare or playdates a few mornings aweek on a regular basis? Often it is hard to find someone for 10-15 hours as then the charge higher rates. I have 2 other kids and they would love some company. Safe, caring home. Childproof and great yard. Call or refer to K; 508-794-1031. - KD
10/28 1:16pm Just an observation about the possible fisher cat sighting - could the stealthy creature skulking about in the shadows have been the elusive Norfolk NOGO, whose last sighting was on May 1, 2007 (according to the website dedicated to this cantankerous creature's preservation). Perhaps our animal control officer could set a trap to capture it, but let the citizenry be forewarned - the beast was frothing at the mouth over the current Town Meeting and may very well be rabid. - DA
10/27 9:14pm Perry Mason, attorney extraordinare, for the defense: Judge: Mr. Mason, call your next witness.
Perry Mason: Your Honor, I call MON. (much whispering and sucking-in-of-breath in the courtroom)
Judge: MON, please take the stand and be sworn.
Clerk: MON, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
MON: (long pause) I do
Perry Mason: Your Honor, I move that you declare MON a hostile witness.
Judge: Is there any other kind?
Perry Mason: Are you now, or have you ever been a member or adherent of "NOGO"
MON: Well, yes, kind of.
Perry Mason: I see. Well, if you were a NOGO member did you NOT attend meetings, though you were often encouraged to?
MON: I couldn't stand to go to the meetings, they were boring beyond belief-my migraine.
Perry Mason: Isn't it a fact that you did not contribute to the creation and purchase of inserts for the Norfolk Boomerang that NOGO sent out prior to the override vote?
MON: Inserting a boomerang is something I have never considered doing.
Perry Mason: And did you not contribute to the purchase of the town meeting signs that NOGO purchased and placed?
MON: I don't recall.
Perry Mason: And, of course, you did not help post those signs around town.
MON: My sciatica.
Perry Mason: You did not stand at the polls with NOGO.
MON: Rain. Sciatica.
Perry Mason: And you did not assist with the coordination, production or any other part of the NOGO television appearance prior to the override vote?
MON: I didn't realize that TV production capability was a criterion for joining NOGO.
Perry Mason: And is it true-and think very carefully of your answer here-that you did not participate in the drafting, coordination, or signing of the NOGO Charter (That's why you do not know what it states).
Judge: Counsel is editorializing.
Perry Mason: I withdraw the question, Your Honor.
Perry Mason: MON, isn't it true that you told me that you had certain political ambitions in town?
MON: I don't know what you're referring to.
Perry Mason: Did you not apply for a seat on a certain committee in town? Were interviewed for that seat on the same night that I was interviewed for it? Were not selected for a seat on that committee?
MON: You are must be more specific-what "certain seat"? Is any seat ever "certain"?
Perry Mason: In your 10/23 12:54pm post did you call for NOGO to come back? In your 10/26 12:17pm post you call for NOGO to disband? AND In your 10/24 12:35pm post you state that the NOGO site is devoid of any information?
MON: I plead guilty, what of it?
Perry Mason: And now, MON, the key question--You do appear to have a solid grasp of high school chemistry, do you not?
MON: Yes, I do. (Consternation in the courtroom, Judge recesses the proceedings)
Fisher cat, photo by HNC10/27 4:48pm SS... I believe that fisher cats look more like a mink or a weasel (long slinky bodies they move like a ferrett) and I don't think any of them around here would be as large as a fox... But you never know. - MW
10/27 4:47pm I just wanted to say thank you to the Recreation Department for hosting a great Halloween Party. They were very hospitable and my daughters had a wonderful time! - DCB
10/27 12:40am To MON - Very well put! - DG
10/27 12:39am MON: I'll respond out of fairness since your posts are becoming more personal in nature. It is said that facts are a true defense against defamation of character. So I would caution you to stick to facts, as I shall do. If you are the MON I believe you to be, and you once stated to me that you are.
You were an email member of NOGO who had a lot to say; but here are some facts related to your participation, and recent postings:
1) Did not attend meetings, though you were often encouraged to.
2) Did not contribute to the creation and purchase of inserts for the Norfolk Boomerang that NOGO sent out prior to the override vote.
3) Did not contribute to the purchase of the town meeting signs that NOGO purchased and placed.
4) Did not help post those signs around town.
5) Did not stand at the polls with NOGO.
6) Did not assist with the coordination, production or any other part of the NOGO television appearance prior to the override vote.
7) Did not participate in the drafting, coordination or signing of the NOGO Charter (That's why you do not know what it states).
8. Did tell me that you had certain political ambitions in town.
9. Did apply for a seat on a certain committee in town.
10. Were interviewed for that seat on the same night that I was interviewed for it.
11. Were not selected for a seat on that committee.
12. In your 10/23 12:54pm post you call for NOGO to come back.
13. In your 10/26 12:17pm post you call for NOGO to disband.
14. In your 10/24 12:35pm post you state that the NOGO site is devoid of any information. (Not true; and if you read it you would see what NOGO is about at the top of the page)
15. As on today NOGO has received one email of interest regarding the current town warrant.
16. You do appear to have a solid grasp of high school chemistry (Your 10/22 1:58pm post)
I have included the NOGO link in support of my facts. Feel free to view it. I would agree that it is devoid of some information, such as your name or initials. Please let me know if you require additional references in support of the facts that I have submitted. In closing, I would suggest that you might graduate from simply complaining on Norfolknet and contribute something to our community.
That said, many folks supported NOGO but not in the ways indicated above. This post does not diminish in any way their efforts. Each did what they could at the time to support the effort. They and many others were heard and made a significant difference. That's how our democracy works!
10/27 12:38am To MON - After doing a bit of Google searching, I discovered a firm that specializes in Public Safety buildings; they seem to have vast experience in Massachusetts. Click on the below link to see their past and current projects (with pictures and construction pricing). The 1.5 million study is really starting to make me wonder whom Norfolk will be hiring. For example, they list the Town of Franklin Fire Sub Station off of King Street and they list the total constructions costs at 1.5 million!! I'm not sure of the date on that building, memory recalls its no older than 5-6 years. Take a look - [carelgroup.com] - LS
10/27 12:37am There was an animal in my yard when I pulled in last night. It ran away quickly, but I got a good enough look and have no idea what it was. It was the size of a medium sized dog with a big bushy tail, and it was fast! Too big for a fox. Too bushy to be a coyote. Someone at work suggested a fisher cat. I looked them up on-line and it was definitely similar to what I saw. Has anyone else seen these in the area? Apparently they can be dangerous and attack small animals. - SS
10/27 12:36am MON - Regarding Article 10, other posters have brought up that 1.5 Million for "Architectural and Engineering design" seems on the very high side. Franklin has just built a new Massive Fire Station at a total cost of 9.3million. What will be done with the old one? We also have Article 15 to sell the old Town Hall building / land while Article 9 asks us to buy more land.
Different subject now, whats the likelihood of ever recouping costs from Article 14? We should incorporate Article 14 into Article 16 and vote to use CPA funds to "Preserve the Community" and raze those buildings. We will never be repaid from the owners in Article 14 so lets use money we already have.
- LS [The cost is not in razing the buildings, it's in the environmental cleanup of the dangerous chemicals that may have leaked from the processing vats through cracks in the concrete to beneath the slab foundation.That's potentially many millions of dollars' worth of liability to take on. There was a detailed environmental review done when the town was considering building a golf course on the property, and other information was brought up at the town meeting with the environmental remediation company who did a partial cleanup of the site.
This is a much bigger issue than just removing some falling-down buildings. Asking the owners to pay is no good if they can simply declare insolvency and walk away and abandon it. I'd like to see money up front, or, better yet, not touch it with a ten foot pole. This is a private problem best solved by private money, not by the taxpayer - Wm.
Update 10/27 4:46pm: Since my footnote last night, I've received an e-mail with additional caveats about getting involved with a hazardous waste property. Under Massachusetts law, if someone disturbs/churns up toxic sediment, they can be held liable for the cleanup if they've made conditions worse. Also, if the town were to place a lien on the property, the town would be seen to have an interest in the property and that would make the town a "responsible party." Not good options; better not go there. - Wm.]
10/27 12:35am A follow-up to the Viagra/hearing loss post from BH - in the interest of public health remember that unbridled aural sex leads to hearing aids. (Gee, and I thought I only needed ear protection when using a leaf blower in the yard!) - DA
10/27 12:32am Speaking of Town Meeting... While a decision to purchase a piece of land with no set purpose at a price that exceeds fair market value is, at best, debatable, there should be no debate about next week's consideration of the Selectmen's curious proposal to sell the Old Town Hall Property. That is, I'd recommend that everyone show up and vote "NO!" The reasons for voting "no" are two-fold. First, land is always in short supply, especially for growing towns with strained services. Once you sell it, you can't get it back. In this case, the land not only could be put to use by the town, it is close to Town Center where municipal services are (and should be) concentrated.
Second, if the Selectmen's stated goal is create a few units of affordable housing on the site (although such purpose is not stated in the article), then the best chance of creating affordable units is by keeping the land and coordinating the development "in-house." The reason for this is that, with the low (i.e. zero) basis in the property, the Town is uniquely situated to be able to build the housing and recoup its money. A private developer (such as the ambitious speculator who bought the adjacent parcel!) however, would have to carry the significant land costs and build in a profit, thereby disabling it from creating much, if any, affordable housing.
- JT
10/27 12:32am I don't think MON and I were at the same meeting earlier this week. The Chiefs (assuming MON meant Bushnell and Stone) have asked to have their requested Article and request for taxpayers money to be indefinitely postponed. I am not one to rubber stamp something just because the Police or Fire are involved, but I think you have to be fair! There is not going to be a new police/fire station for about 5 years. Chief Bushnell spoke very eloquently asking this to be postponed because he knew basically that the FC needed to be updated and he did not want the taxpayers swallowing two big nuts at one time. Give these guys a break MON. Did anyone else attend the same meeting I did or am I missing something really important here? - MH
10/26 12:17pm JC - How about NoGo admitting to conformity then disbanding? I don't buy your argument at all. I heard the Selectmen state several times (NCTV) that once the members were on board not to get into trouble with the state ethics boards. Do I hear wings being clipped here? Besides, the leader was bombastic at best - assuming that just because he started some loose organization, that he was solely responsible for defeating the last override. The taxpayers are much smarter than this and voted on reality, not only because NoGo emerged from the primordial tax-soup. Article 10 and the advisory board recommendation are a veiled attempt at forcing the taxpayers to assume debt that is not needed at this time. How dare they ask for such money while the real estate market and the state finances and economy are so soft and troubled? The chiefs should be more patient or prove that services are authentically compromised before even attempting to ask the taxpayer for more money to house their departments.
10/26 12:16pm MW, No offense taken. I tend to agree with you regarding both the statistics and the dog biting issue in general. I just wanted to provide some additional feedback. - DMG
10/26 10:55am AL, I am having a great day, thank you. The Sox won again, I haven't been hit up for more taxes (yet) by the Town, and my dogs have never bitten anyone, other than tax collectors, and that was only because they can sense greed and insensitivity. Although you all should tighten your belts, the new public building, land and the cost of designing it should cost about 20 million, probably more once the overcharges and contactor waste kicks in. Then the School Board will ask for an eventual override, then there is money needed to give away to those who can not afford to live here so they can, all the while the real estate market tanks and NoGo members and founders have been turned into brain-dead zombies moaning "More Taxes". I'd say it's a good day. Once the new taxes kick in I'd be happy to share my meager food supplies with anyone who really needs it, if I can pry it away from my dogs.
10/26 10:47am Where's Cruella da Ville (of Disney's "101 Dalmatians" fame) when you need her?! She might be a more effective deterrent to dangerous dogs with reckless owners than any enhanced bylaws governing dogs gone bad. She could patrol Norfolk streets in her roadster with "Who Let The Dogs Out?" blasting from her stereo. That might scare owners into actually keeping dogs confined to their yards rather than allowing them to wander the neighborhood freely, defecating on neighbors' lawns, tearing into garbage awaiting curbside pick-up, harassing (and potentially attacking) walkers, joggers, deliveryman, contractors, and kids walking home from the bus stop. The point behind my sarcasm is how about the onus being on the dog owner to follow the rules and pay stiffer penalties than are already on the books? In my opinion, the situation faced by our animal control officer should have never gotten to point it did.
Perhaps as MW has said in previous posts, there should be some sort of compulsory owner training for dogs known to have potentially nasty dispositions. This would be a prerequisite for obtaining a dog license in the town of Norfolk. Educating kids on how to deal with an aggressive dog/dog attack is probably a prudent idea; however, educating owners and slamming those who are irresponsible is where I feel the emphasis should be. It kind of reminds me of the extra precautions we as parents and a community have had to take to protect our kids from sexual predators. (I'd rather see those "animals" restrained behind a fence/in a "pen" as well.)
- DA
10/26 10:25am Re: No-Go members being "muzzled" on town boards -- maybe the No-Go members, once faced with hard facts on how town finances are generated and spent, realized that their earlier perceptions of mismanagement were incorrect. - JC
10/26 9:59am Whoa MON! Are you having another bad day? P.S.... I think you mean sycophant.
- AL
10/26 9:58am Does anyone know a good local adult education class for website design? - KID
10/26 9:56am Re the dog issue - all dogs, including 'toys', are genetically derived from wolves. They all still have wolf genes, and potentially do what wolves do. - LAW
10/26 9:52am FDA warns Viagra tied to hearing loss. See URL [article]. What did you say?
- BH
10/26 9:49am To MON, Don't you get it, all the big No-Go members in the past have been appointed to other commities and they [...] do not want to promote other No-Go signs around town. In my guess the town officials gave them a spot in our little town politics just to [muzzle them], and in my guess they are very happy, being on some board in town. So small of them for seeking a spot that means nothing to us taxpayers; all they wanted was to be part of politics and that's all. Such clowns - what happened to grass roots? Such a joke for the No-Go. [...] - RS
10/26 9:48am PT and BS, What totalitarian country did you both grow up in? North Korea? Myanmar? Read the Constitution once in a while. This is America and you don't have to be in office to criticize it. MT has every right to say what's on their mind without sycophants chiming in and alluding to mental instability, a tactic that only the desperate and narrow-minded use. - MON
[Update 10:39: spelling - Wm.]
10/25 8:38pm DMG, Please don't take the tone of this response the wrong way! I just wanted to answer with my thoughts. I am not trying to be nasty at all and I hope that you won't take it that way... My first thought is, no matter what side you are on, we could each find a website with statistics backing up our individual positions. We could argue about this until kingdom come. When I posted on the Canadian dog bite stats, it was less about actual stats, and more about pointing out that there are "friendly" type dogs that bite and that educating our youngsters and dog owners are key! As always, I listen to the opposition and give a fair chance for anyone to sway my opinion. I read the entire article that you posted. A got a couple of impressions. [Continued ...]
- MW
10/25 8:34pm It would appear that my less than laudatory comments about the Obama rally on Boston Common have some grounding - see Joan Vennochi's editorial "Hoping for Change" in today's Globe. [Continued ...] - DA
10/25 11:56am Are you ready for some football? The NMM Vikings Pop Warner organization has 2 teams that qualified for the SuperBowl Tournament. Both the D1 and D2 squads (9, 10 and 11 year olds) are sitting in 1st place with unbeaten records of 8-0. Both squads received a bye in the first round and will be playing their next games on the weekend. Come and cheer them on!! Check out the Vikings website for the latest details at nmmvikings.org. Go red, black and white!! - TMS
10/25 11:54am Town of Norfolk Annual Flu Clinic The Norfolk Board of Health and Council on Aging, in conjunction with the Walpole Area Visiting Nurse Association, is sponsoring its annual Flu Clinic for Norfolk residents on Wednesday, November 14, 2007, from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., at the Senior Center, located at 28 Medway Branch Road.
The flu vaccine will be available for adults at highest risk of complications from the flu only. High-risk categories include:
1. all adults age 65 and olderProof of high-risk status will be required. Being high risk does not mean that you are at increased risk of exposure to the flu. High risk means that you are at higher risk to have serious complications from the flu.2. adults under 65 included only if they:
3. have a chronic cardiac (heart) or pulmonary (lung) disease, including asthma4. required regular medical follow-up or hospitalization in the past year because of chronic metabolic disease (such as diabetes), kidney dysfunction or blood disorders
5. immune system problems, such as HIV or other immunosuppression caused by disease, medication, radiation or chemotherapy
6. women who will be in their second or third trimester of pregnancy, but only with a letter from their obstetrician requesting the flu vaccine
You must call the Council on Aging office at 508-528-4430 to schedule an appointment for the flu clinic due to the limited amount of vaccine that we are receiving.
- Betsy Fijol, Administrative Assistant, Norfolk Board of Health
10/25 11:03am We received a letter from a nearby non-profit announcing their programs and services. I've included it below. Hello,A couple of years ago I nearly died from allergic exposures. My children and I have suffered greatly due to environmental illnesses and chemical overload! We have been through some very traumatic experience, and I am happy to say that thanks to some wonderful people (doctors, authors, friends, and family) we are doing well! I have always been concerned about the environment and wellness. I was a teacher for 8+ years and am the mother of two. I was and will always be an advocate for my girls. Then it hit me. I needed to construct a program that could benefit children, adults, parents, and community members.
We recently organized a non profit entitled GREENSCHOOLS to share such learnings with the school environment. Things are taking off! Our mission is to create HEALTHIER/GREENER LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS through education and awareness. We train everyone involved in the school community. We offer fun, educational fund raisers that teach kids about recycling and the environment. One of our favorite items is a mug made from CORN plastic. It is very cool! We do not want unhealthy food and products being sold by our children. Cookie dough, lollipops, and toxic scented candles have no place being sold in our schools! We offer a variety of programs, trainings, and scholarships.
For more information please contact Robin Organ @ robin.organ@comcast.net
I have attached our brochure. [120K PDF, here]
I hope we can help you in your school community!
Sincerely, Robin Organ - President/Founder of GREENSCHOOLS
- Wm.
10/25 11:02am DB and JW - Yes, the continuation of the Town Meeting was rescheduled to Tuesday October 30th, due to the World Series. It stopped after Article 11. - JT
10/25 11:01am I believe TM will pick up again on Tuesday, 10/30 and I think they were on article 13. - BS
10/25 10:32am The Town Meeting was probably postponed because of the Red Sox playing the first game of the World Series. Go Sox. - JW
10/25 10:08am Waiting for Stop and Shop to do anything of substance on the Moonscape reminds me of Linus waiting up all night for the arrival of the Great Pumpkin or Beckett's existential play "Waiting for Godot," where the title character never shows up. At least the Selectmen recently ripped the lawyer representing the project for his client's feet dragging (see Oct. 19th edition of The Boomerang). We have patiently awaited the transformation of this parcel - I guess we can hang in there a little while longer...
- DA
10/25 10:06am Found some dog biting statistics that were interesting The Clifton study of attacks from 1982 through 2006 found that pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes were responsible for 65% of the canine homicides that occurred during a period of 24 years in the USA. (Clifton, Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to November 13, 2006; click here to read it.)
[dogbitelaw.com]- DMG
10/25 10:05am Just another recommendation on a previous recommendation. Parker Sanitary, Wrentham is great. They just pumped my septic. He was a nice friendly gentlemen and it is a family business. - DWL
10/25 10:04am PFD... Norfolk Community Television will take your VHS tape and transfer it over to DVD for $15.00. We could also do 8 mm film transfers and DVD to DVD if needed. We're right in Freeman Centennial school. 508-520-2780, nctvnorfolk.org. - BWA
10/25 10:03am Oops my mistake MT. Didn't know time stamps were under the control of the Wm. Maybe you were at town meeting. I stand corrected. - BS
10/25 10:02am Does anyone know of a person or organization that accepts old bicycles needing refurbishment for further donation or resale? Thanks. - ME
10/25 10:01am Does anyone know why the town meeting for tonight was postponed and when it has been re-scheduled?? Also, any idea of what article they are up to? - DB
10/24 7:48pm Does anyone know the name of the photographer doing the NCL family day? - DV
10/24 5:11pm MW - There was not intended to be any ``bite'' in my posting, as I said just mild curiosity. The only aggressive dogs I have encountered in my lifetime were a Cocker Spaniel (I was young and she was trying to eat -- not a great combination) and a nasty little thing that looked like a pug with longer hair that bit my hand while I was petting her. I thought there was pretty robust conversation and interaction at the Town Meeting last night. In my opinion, both sides seemed to be fairly represented and nobody got everything they were asking. I do think there is more (meaning concessions) to the buying of the Federated Church property then the Selectmen were alluding to. What I have a hard time with is the idea that if a committee spends a lot of time and energy on something, it should automatically be passed. I know these committees are made up of volunteers that work hard, and it is appreciated, but time and energy spent do not automatically equate to the right thing for the town. See y'all next Tuesday when they resume the meeting!
- MH 10/24 4:15pm PT - quite agree with you. But didn't you notice what time MT was spewing? Yes, during town meeting. So much for being involved. Talk is cheap and easy. - BS
[MT's post arrived in my mailbox at 6:08pm, before town meeting started. The time it was posted was, as always, entirely under my control - Wm.]
10/24 4:14pm To PFD, looking for someone to transfer a vhs to a DVD... a few years ago we used CVS to do this for our old baby videos. It was cheap, well done, and quick. Just ask at the closest CVS. - EC 10/24 3:55pm Hey MT, That's a pretty good dribble you are spewing there. [...] I sure hope that our Town Officials have not issued you any sort of gun permit. It sounds like you are reciting a chapter right out of a survival manual.
I mean let's hear what you really think about all that's being done by the people who volunteer and serve on committees and dedicate their precious free time to the town.
I am just glad that there is Police Protection at the Town Meeting. Otherwise it sounds like it could get quite wild.
- PT
10/24 3:46pm TCC and MH, of course the popularity of breeds could play a part in the statistics. I do not have the actual breakdown. I hope that you do not think that I am trying to manipulate the facts in my favor! I just wanted to make it known that all kinds of dogs bite... even the small, cute ones! Years ago, thanks to celebrity dogs like Rin Tin Tin, shepherds were one of the most popular dogs in the US. Irresponsible breeders who saw dollar signs ruined the breed. Just like the Labs, goldens and Cocker Spaniels of today. It has taken many years, but responsible, reputable breeders are importing shepherds from the unruined East German and Czech lines and trying to bring back the breed standard in the US. You have to look hard for these dogs. You will not find a reliable shepherd at the animal shelter. You may get lucky and get a great dog... but it cannot be guaranteed. That is why I promote consumer education... - MW
10/24 12:35pm JPB, So NoGo exists, but what does it stand for? In the past it was to fight the tax increases; now who knows what it stands for? Enlighten us, the taxpayers. For you and another of your members to sit on an advisory committee and then recommend a debt exclusion (read short term tax) signals a shift in past stated philosophy. It shows that the herd instinct or "groupthink" is operative here and that no real and substantial changes are on the horizon. What is NoGo about, your current platform, now that you have conformed? Your website is devoid of any information. - MON
10/24 12:34pm MW - Out of curiosity, could the number of Lab and golden retriever bites be very closely associated with the popularity of these breeds? For example: In a population of 50 dogs, if one Lab, one golden retriever and one Rottweiller all bite someone, it is equitable. However, if there are 20 Labs, 20 Goldens, One Rottweiller and a mix of the other 9 dogs, it looks completely different. I grew up in a house that always had a Lab (occasionally multi-generational) and never had an incident, even with very young children. I am not looking to be argumentative, honestly, just curious of the data used in the analysis. I agree with and actually appreciate your posts of late! - MH
10/24 12:32pm MW - Not sure if you are privvy to this information or not, but could the number of dog bites be related to the population numbers of those types of breeds? More specifically due to the fact that those breeds are considered to be breeds that are "good with children" by many people. In other words, it could be possible that Goldens, Cockers and Rotties may be more prevalent in homes with children? The links that you provided don't seem to be working properly (it could be me though!) [My fault!! Fixed now - Wm.]
10/24 12:31pm Many thanks to HF for recommending Parker's Sanitary Pumping in Wrentham (508-384-3293) for pumping the septic system. Nice guy, prompt service, and great advice. - TEM
10/24 12:30pm Fall Cleanout Yard Sales - Sat 10/27 and Sun 10/28 9am-1pm, 21 Naugatuck Ave and 8 Cowesit Ave off of Fruit St. Tons of high quality boys and girls clothing (Gap, Aeropostle, Old Navy), toys, games and sports equipment, boys bike, boys bedroom set with trundle bed, gas powered 2 person go-kart, household items, tools, furniture, antiques and craft items. Something for everyone, priced to sell! - PB
10/24 9:54pm I am looking for someone (local preferred) that could take a VHS tape and copy/burn it to a DVD. Any suggestions out there? Thanks. Go Sox!! - PFD
10/24 9:52pm I want to clarify my post from yesterday afternoon regarding the Norfolk elementary school administrative restructuring. When I wrote the changes had an overall negative impact on the FY08 budget, I feel I need to explain that's a good thing. When looking at budgets the usual practice is to boil any change down to the percent increase the change will make. The salary changes for these four positions compared to the impact to the FY08 budgeted amounts was negative meaning the change actually takes less money out of the operating budget for the schools related to this item. Hope this clarifies a somewhat complex issue. Regards, - Dean Manning, Norfolk School Committee member
10/24 9:49pm I have recently posted about a dog safety program in the Canadian schools. These are two wonderful and informative websites that describe this... Did you all know that in Canada, the Cocker Spaniel is tied with the Rottweiller for dog bites to children?? The golden retriever is ranked #3!! I am curious if anyone would be interested in seeing a program like this in the Norfolk Schools. I would happily look into this program and bring my German shepherd dog around to educate children after she becomes certified as a therapy dog... [catandjack.com], [doglegislationcanada.org]
- MW
10/23 11:58pm NOGO still exists as an organization. If you are interested in joining us please go to the NOGO website and drop us a line. NOGO has a charter that delineates certain procedures and guidelines for core members and meetings.
Again, if anyone wishes to discuss what they can contribute to the town through NOGO (not money) please go to the website and communicate with us. Click on the Comments/Suggestions link in the right panel of the site.
- John P. Bermingham, Founder, NOGO 10/23 7:59pm DA: Your post of 10/21 @ 5:51 PM, while only scratching the surface, is right on target. There does seem to be another unwholesome element surfacing, at least here in Massachusetts--including Norfolk--who, while identifying themselves as Republicans (aka conservatives), have allowed themselves to become thoroughly immersed in the Socialistic hogwash of the neo-liberal Democratic Party. Disgracefully, along with their Democrat counterparts, they also subscribe to concepts like "Cradle to Grave" government interference; Entitlements (the more, the better); Inequities like taking much more from the town treasury, in goods and services, than they'll ever put in; and a plethora of Tax and Spend practices. It's ironic that they're among the group complaining that their taxes are too high, when they're the very people who have created runaway spending and taxes, by consuming such a disproportionate amount of the tax revenue, in the first place. I know where the liberal Democrats are on the nights we have Town Meetings. They're where they're supposed to be; they're sitting in their seats at the King Philip auditorium along with the usual collection of assorted town officials and town employees, whose primarily function is to be expected to act as shills and carry the vote in favor of the Articles place there by a town leadership. This is the same leadership that claims to be proactive and to be acting in the best interests of Town. Conversely, this is also the same leadership that readily admits that they're carrying out the (usually lacking in foresight and otherwise flawed) wishes of the people, "because that's what the people want"; I suspect the "people" to whom they refer, as having their attention, are the self-serving elitist faction, who seem to presently control the Town Hall.
I've made myself clear on this subject in the past and will do so, again, right now. For a number of years, I've been expressing my disappointment about the lack of proper leadership and the many poorly conceived and ill-advised actions chosen by so many of our town officials. While I believe that it's true that they've often been misdirected in their duties because of their primarily allegiance to a select segment of our population, whom they perceive to be "The Town", I don't fault them anywhere near as much as I do the members of this community who say nothing, do nothing, question nothing, and allow this dubious type of government to continue. It must be noted that this group of conservative respectable citizens who boast of being the "concerned silent majority" are the ones most to blame for allowing this government to go unchecked and thus deserve the government they get!
Where on earth are the "checks and balances," the true conservative Republicans and the common-sense bipartisan pragmatic voices of reason, who have always been the true protectors of our land? They certainly can't be having their voices heard throughout the Norfolk Town Hall or by attending many of the town meetings, otherwise ridiculous motions, made by ill-advised shortsighted antagonists, would have never passed. Here's just four recent examples: Our being forced to give $20,000 free down payment assistance to people earning between $45,000 - $65,000/year so that it will be easier for them to buy a home, in Norfolk (By the way, there's about $100,000 just waiting for those "poor folks" to collect right now). Voting favorably for the Town to take a specific piece of property from its rightful owners, knowing that the act would be premature, with no clear reason for making it necessary to do so. Favorably voting to spend $80,000 - 100,000 to transform a mud hole (the Town Pond) into a recreation center for activities like swimming, fishing, and picnics. If this pipe dream ever comes to fruition, the maintenance cost for property tax payers could soar to over $100,000 per year. Perhaps the piece de resistance was the favorable voting to give a local business significant tax relief, as an incentive (or gift) for them to expand their present location, on their present site, rather than vacate their building and move out of town. It's often been said that "Politics makes strange bedfellows"; if that's true, in my opinion, there are probably quite a few rumpled bed sheets around town as evidence of sweetheart deals like this.
As expected, the Warrant for the upcoming Town Meeting contains several "punji traps"; will the unsuspecting, or uncaring, public throw themselves into them?
- MT
10/23 7:56pm Yesterday morning the Animal Control Officer euthanized a raccoon that had a proximal exposure with two domestic animals on Everett Street between 115 and Valentine Drive. Due to the raccoon showing signs of neurological impairment as well as the possibility of exposure, it was sent in for rabies testing. The rabies department has confirmed that this animal was indeed positive for the disease. If anyone has had any contact with this animal it is imperative that you contact the animal control department (508) 528 3232 or the board of health (508) 528 7747. Please take this time to check your pet's rabies vaccination to ensure that it is up to date.
- HC, Norfolk Animal Control
10/23 7:55pm MW - could the smell possibly be coming from the ice-cube trays? Mine emit a strange smell after a while; I run them through the dishwasher. I don't know if the plastic breaks down after a certain age, or if the water causes the odor. It's not hydrogen sulfide, but very unpleasant, whatever it is. - LAW
10/23 4:10pm MJD, Dr. Augusta-Scott is acting as the business manager in addition to her other duties, although her salary would be competitive without this duty. We do have a part time business consultant to help with the finances and accounting. Toss Hasset is a wonderful asset to the schools and this model is more cost effective than hiring a qualified person full time. The raises for four positions were in one case to bring it in line with the equivalent position in town hall, and the business office was restructured, affecting the other three. The Human Resources Director and Assistants to the Business Manager were on the clerk salary schedule. Dr. Augusta-Scott has developed her people, given them more responsibilities, and readjusted their duties so they are engaged in higher value-add work over the past few years. As a result, their salaries needed adjusting and the School Committee voted to make these changes on June 27th. The individuals all were moved to the appropriate pay grade for their duties but their steps (how high up the salary schedule they were) were cut in half in order to control costs.
What needs to be highlighted is that these changes were made and had an overall negative impact to the FY08 school budget. A portion of some of the salaries are now paid out of the SACC budget since those indivuduals also do the finances and Human Resources for SACC. This restructuring also eliminated an assistant director position of SACC from the payroll.
Dr. Augusta-Scott should be congratulated for developing her people, advancing their careers (one of the primary duties of any good manager), and doing so in a manner that actually saves money. As a citizen of Norfolk, I can only hope other department heads are as successful with any restructuring they tackle and in managing their people in such a responsible manner.
- Dean Manning, Norfolk School Committee member (presenting my own opinions which may not represent those of the entire Norfolk School Committee).
10/23 4:09pm DA - LOL! I suppose you're right if you look at the Betta fish centerpiece that way. Maybe they should've just put a knife set (also taboo as a wedding gift) in the middle of the table? I think the fish looked nicer... LOL! - MW
10/23 4:08pm DA - Perhaps it is not karma as much as it is foreshadowing. (Meant as a joke, I do not know the couple and I am very happily married!) - MH
10/23 2:57pm A "koi" response to the aquatic nuptial gift for guests - Are you sure that the Betta fish were meant as center pieces, or as sushi at the wedding? While they are beautiful fish, isn't there some bad karma about starting off one's married life giving away fish that when paired will tear each other apart in a fight to the death (hence their more familiar name of Siamese Fighting Fish)? - DA
10/23 2:55pm It's my understanding that the override ("debt exclusion") is for "architectural and engineering design fees" for a new police/fire station that will "probably be in excess of $1.5 million"... (artice 10 of town meeting warrant.) I have heard that actual construction costs will be tens of millions!! What are they planning on building? The Taj Mahal garage? $1.5 million for design and engineering? That's insane! Someone please explain to me why on earth it should cost that much to design and build what is probably, essentially a garage!!
- JD
10/23 1:52pm Does anyone know of a good company that does cement driveways? - PMP
10/23 1:51pm To all regarding the working/stay-at-home mom discussion - Being a father, I may not be privileged to weigh in here but I found this quote regarding the issue and thought it was appropriate: "While we would never let our children be categorized or labeled we have done the very same thing to ourselves. We have divided ourselves into two camps. While we would rather not admit it, each has its best to give. Each loves its children. Each of us has our gifts and can offer unique things to our children. How nice it would be to support each other in our choices and help each other and our children to make their lives loving and complete. It's no less than what we ask our children to do every day. We ask them to have tolerance and compassion. Maybe some day we can grow to accept our differences and our strengths and weaknesses and work together so that all our children can flourish. "Personally, I think all of you moms must be special or you truly would not have been so passionate about your position.- DMG
10/23 1:42pm It's even more insidious than I first thought! Two NOGO members brainwashed! Who will save us now? - MON
10/23 1:40pm DA - "yes, MW, shepherds are used as guide dogs, but weren't they also used to terrorize prisoners in Iraq?" Well, your statement seems to confirm my belief that if shepherds are used as both guide dogs and terrorizors... then, it is really not the breed but how they were trained. I think that if we as a society try to ban every breed of dog that has bitten, then all dogs would be banned in the US. Becuase, for every breed... there is a bite! I recently read an article from Great Britain where they also have breed bans. The dog warden told a gruesome tale of an attack on a child by a Collie dog. He called it the worst mauling he had ever seen. He also stated that breed bans were useless; obviously Collies weren't on the dangerous list.
I think we would all be better served to ban together for the common good instead of spending our time arguing over this... We need to make all dog owners accountable for their pets. Including the owner of the Dalmatian that has scarred my son's face. It was not his first offense, instead of an insurance settlement, he should've faced negligence charges. I honestly think that all dog trainers, handlers and breeders need strict licensing policies. As well as owners!
In Ontario, Canada, they have an educational program in the public schools. The Canadian government claims that by just a few hours of training our children, dog bites could be prevented and reduced by 80%!! Would anyone like to see a program like this in the Norfolk Public Schools? All it takes is some volunteers and some time. Come meet my puppy... she will smother your face with kisses.
- MW
10/23 1:39pm That's a shame to hear a committee 'disappear' like that. It will be interesting to see these two new advisory members supporting overrides. I thought we had some allies on our side. If the town continues to ask for overrides every year, even though it may only add another $200- $300 a year, think about ten years from now. Real Estate tax bills for the 'average' house will be close to $10,000. The town spending is really getting out of control. - AL
10/23 12:57pm AL - NOGO has gone to the dark side... the two most vocal members now sit on the Advisory Board and to date they have not demonstrated the fiscal responsibility they espoused when they were not on this Board. - WB
10/23 12:54pm Ever since the "founder" of No-Go joined a town committee you never hear from them again. This makes me (and others) believe that the founder has experienced the "Stockholm Syndrome", where people who are kidnapped empathize with their captors and start identifying with them, even to the point of carrying out their evil mission. It happened to Patty Hearst, who was kidnapped by the SLA [Symbionese Liberation Army - Wm.] in the 70's and now it has happened to the founder of No-Go! The founder must have been brainwashed by the Selectmen to obey their every command, and now there is the possibility of higher taxes on the horizon. Will No-Go rise again? I can't even find their website, meaning the Selectmen have won and seek to control our thought patterns now. Perhaps the founder needs to be rescued and then de-programmed, although it might be too late. We are in for a tough winter, so start saving returnable bottles. Come Back, Little No-Go!
10/23 12:07pm MA - I agree, where is NOGO? They have not updated their website. We need the support! - AL
10/23 12:05pm In the most recent edition of the Boomerang, there is a harrowing blow by blow account of the dog attack on Hilary Cohen, the town's animal control officer. The dogs in question are a 50 female Rottweiller/shepherd/Lab mix and a 90 pound male Rottweiler/Lab mix. In a retort to a previous post of mine, MW noted that labs have increasingly earned a reputation for agressiveness. It would appear to be validated in this case; furthermore, my earlier comment about Rottweillers and shepherds being vicious seems to be borne out here as well (yes, MW, shepherds are used as guide dogs, but weren't they also used to terrorize prisoners in Iraq?) If two trained adults (Hilary and the police officer who came to her assistance) had their hands filled with these Cujo-esque creatures, what would a child have done? Again, shouldn't the town consider a ban on notorious breeds or at the very least require, as MW had noted, evidence of proper training on behalf of owners before the issuance of a dog license? No one - adult or child - need experience such an ordeal.
A final anecdote - My daughter and I encountered a pit bull in Plainville a few months ago. We gave it a wide berth as we passed by. Restraining it with a spiked choke collar, the owner cheerfully assured us that the dog didn't bite. I thought to myself "it hasn't bitten anyone - yet."
- DA
10/23 12:04pm LAW... My water is truly puzzling. My husband manages a water system, he says he also smells what I do; sometimes he smells it more than I do. It will vary from smelling like "mud"... to smelling "bleachy". I did check all the drains to make sure that the smell was not coming up from below or from any bacteria growing in the drain. I only get the sulfur smell with ice cubes, not in a regular glass of water. We changed our filter, etc. I just can't figure it out. Our pH has been fine as of late. Maybe my house is haunted? LOL! - MW
10/23 10:26am The Friends of The Norfolk Council On Aging are bringing homemade sweetness to the Town Meeting tonight. Coffee, water, soda (tonic to the older NE's), homemade cookies and the Queen of the Banana breads special variety of breads will be available. All calories have been removed by secret formula. Thanks for your support. - RC
10/23 10:25am LAW - Article in Sun Chronicle regarding the state health plan [article] - BR
10/23 10:19am Whatever became of NO-GO? - MA
10/23 10:17am MW - if you go to our Municipal Home Page, under the DPW section - it will lead you to a town well-water section. It tells us how our water is treated. Evidently, chlorine is only used as a last resort. They use UV disinfection. KOH is used to condition our water. MON is The Man to listen to as to the reaction, if any. I'm in the Wastewater field, and am very familiar with The Smell. I've never noticed H2S smell from our taps. - LAW
10/22 11:04pm I am a little puzzled and I might have misunderstood but... when the Dr. Augusta-Scott's contract was negotiated we were told her salary was reasonable because she was doing the job of Super without a Business Manager - so really we were getting a bargain. Now all of her staff are getting large raises because they are doing work that would have been done by the Business Manager. Did I understand that correctly? That was what I thought I read in the Boomerang this past edition. - MJD
10/22 6:53pm A different AL weighing in here... I don't pretend to have any of the answers to this town's budget woes. Am I frustrated about the likelihood of another override? Absolutely! Will we be able to live here until we retire? Doubtful. But it's not like the town has been living high on the hog and it's time to batten down the hatches. We did lay off 19 aides from the schools in the spring, we have stalled town projects, we have not brought the police and fire staff up to meet the growing population. I can't answer to other discretionary spending. As for healthcare, employees in my company have been asked to pay more for healthcare, but we are still lucky to only pay 20%. Town employees presently pay more than double that, 42%! I agree with LAW, the town is becoming too expensive for average Joe's and average AL's and I don't know what to do about it. Time for everyone to head out to town meetings (tomorrow and Wednesday when they discuss policy, spring when they discuss budget) and find out more about what we're in for. Does anyone know if babysitting is offered at the KPMS tomorrow? - AL
10/22 6:52pm Thank you MON for the info on the water... we also have town water. It's really puzzling. But I like your "super taster" idea... maybe I should be drinking and critiquing wine? (I know nothing about it.) But it sounds good! Can you make any money at that? Seriously though, my children are very, very picky eaters... we must have some strong taste buds and great noses! - MW
10/22 4:52pm Yes, at first it seemed pretty weird that there were fishbowls as centerpieces. But it was rather novel and a great conversation piece to break the ice. They did not raffle off the fish like they usually do with a contest to see who got the centerpieces. The person who got the fish was the one that showed the most interest in it. It is actually a very large sized vase as big as a fishbowl with rocks and a peace lily in the top. Now that I am used to the idea... I think it is nice thought that every time I look at this fish I will think of that event... luckily, it wasn't a puppy! - MW
10/22 4:51pm AL... I completely understand how you feel. Believe me, I don't want another override. But I think that we need to realize that the town employees are actual people with families. Maybe people making those top salaries can contribute more to their health plans, but the average Joe can't. How would you feel if every year you were asked to take a cut in pay? Becuase that is essentially what we would be doing by taking away money designated for these families' healthcare. Most municipality workers take these lower paying town jobs becuase the benefit package is attractive, not the salary. - MW
10/22 4:50pm AL and all - shouldn't the town be looking into joining the State's health insurance plan? I don't know the details of what's involved, but I understand that it's way less expensive (more members), and has similar coverage. It also seems to me that the schools are top-heavy with administration. Get rid of some of them to save money. My old high school had a headmaster, and he had one secretary - for 400 +/- students. Norfolk is getting too expensive for us average Joes.
10/22 3:10pm How about the Town talking about another override? Is this going to happen every year in town? I think the town should look at other resources, such as layoffs, cutting back expenses, not raising the contribution to the health plan, before running for an override. We don't even know what the schools are looking for, and they may want another override - enough is enough; can we go 5 years without an override? I have a friend who works for a town nearby, not only did no-one receive a pay raise last year, they also cut every department's expenses by 5%. Also, the healthcare and co-payments increased. It's time to tighten budgets!
- AL
10/22 3:08pm I think we are getting bogged down in the back and forth and are truly missing the most important questions here - I mean who in their right mind would incorporate live animals into the centerpieces at a wedding reception and expect their guests to take them home. At least I hope they were not bred for that purpose and were "orphaned" fish. I think someone should alert PETA. : ) - KH
10/22 1:58pm MW - if you have well water, perhaps the carbon dioxide from the acidic carbonated beverage is forcing out hydrogen sulfide from the ice - the smell of rotten eggs - which could be present in your well water. You can detect sulfur at extremely low concentrations - which is a survival mechanism mammals have to avoid toxins and decayed and infectious materials. The carbon dioxide volatilizes the hydrogen sulfide, pushing it out of the glass. We have town water, which is as good as it gets, and have never noticed this. For an experiment-buy a bag of ice and see if this happens. If it does, perhaps you and your friends are "supertasters", able to perceive chemicals and odors that most can not. If it doesn't, you need to get your water checked for high levels of hydrogen sulfide. There are no sulfur containing compounds in soda, as far as I know. Need to know more? look at [water-research.net page]
- MON aka "Mr. Wizard" among other things
10/22 1:55pm DWL - You are correct in saying I am not a registered Democrat. However, neither am I a registered Republican. Rather I am an unenrolled/Independent voter with conservative leanings, especially in the area of fiscal management. I stand by the content and tone of my post. I don't feel that Obama's campaign offers any substance or experience; [continued on Politics] - DA
10/22 1:53pm MW, I'm sorry anyone has ever made you feel bad for being an SAHM - it is the hardest and most worthwhile job there is. Quite frankly, I think I'm outwitted by my 3 year old more often than anyone I deal with in my professional life (a sad commentary, for sure). I know I once accidentally made an SAHM feel terrible when I told her I thought being an SAHM was "amazing" and I meant it in the "wonderful" sense, but I could tell that she took it to mean "bizarre." I tried to babble my way out of the awkward moment, but I don't think she believed me. Anyway, why don't all the parents, WOH, WAH, SAH, whatever... stop criticizing (and in turn being defensive) and just try to help each other.
KM, based on your post, I think you may have missed the point of all the posts by the working parents. It came across a bit smug and almost as if you had enjoyed offending people - you didn't really mean it that way did you? Nonetheless, I love baking cookies and I'm always interested in a new recipe - I would appreciate it if you posted it.
10/22 11:28am About KM's post - I am surprised by the uproar it caused. I figured it was just bait, and got on with the business of living a life with choices. To probably misquote Martin Luther King, Jr., "Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, I am free at last!" Well, to be accurate, "more" free at last. - SO
10/22 11:27am A serious question for MON - Would you kow why, when people come to our home and drink diet soda... That when the soda hits the ice in the glass we smell a sulfur smell? What kind of chemical reaction is this?? It's embarrassing when we have company. (We have diabetics in our family who drink "the cancer drink".) Am I potentially killing the company? - MW
10/22 11:26am MON - Are all food and beverage cans lined with plastic these days - everything from canned pumpkin to beer? - SO
10/22 9:57am Thank you all for the great advice on the Betta Fish! - MW
10/22 9:56am MW, thanks for the heads up about the "Going Green" expo coming to Boston in Feb. I will absolutely be there! If you are changing your home thermostat from an older model to a programmable type (to save energy and money), please remember to bring the old thermostat to the BOH or the Transfer Station in a sealable plastic bag so that it doesn't go in the trash. Older thermostats often contain an ampule of mercury and cannot be thrown in the trash.
Other common household items that may contain mercury are thermometers, compact fluorescent lamps (CFL's), irons with tilt switches, barometers, and those cute little sneakers that light up when a child walks in them. If it's powered by a button cell battery, it has to go in the Universal Waste shed at the Transfer Station, not in the trash.
If you should happen to break a fluorescent lamp, just sweep up the bits with a broom and put them in a sealable plastic bag. Never vacuum!
10/21 8:16pm DA, Could I possibly intrepret from your post that you are not a Democrat. You come across very harsh. - DWL
10/21 8:15pm DA: I'm with you. Well said! - WC
10/21 5:58pm MW - Don't worry! A Betta fish is one of the easiest pets to take care of! We had one for a long time. They are air breathers so you don't have to have a bubbler going. We left the bowl at room temp and it was fine, although I've read that they would rather it be warmer. Ours was in a nice vase that we got at Paul's Flowers and we got a plant there to put in it. The leaves stuck out into the air and the roots were in the water. "The Fish" loved to wedge himself into the roots and be lazy all day. They aren't very energetic. We gave it 3 of those pellets a day. We were bad about changing the water and only did it about once a month. Just pour some new water into a container for a day to get it to be room temp and to dechlorinate it. (Or you can buy something to do this at the fish store.) Then pour out most of the water in the bowl. We poured The Fish into a Tupperware container with some of the old water so we could totally rinse the bowl out and also the rocks. Then we poured the new water in, and after dumping out most of the Tupperware water, in went The Fish again in his clean home. If you need a snail to keep the algae down, we have a bumper crop and you are welcome to one. Ned's Fish Factory is a great resource if you have questions too. Good luck! - LJK
10/21 5:52pm MW: Bettas are very easy to care for. Easiest way to change the water is to buy an inexpensive turkey baster to remove all but 2 inches of the water, then slowly add room temperature bottled water (the jugs you buy at grocery store). The advantages of this method is not having to remove the fish, plus the baster will get the 'gook' at the bottom of the bowl. Also - be careful not to overfeed - feed a few pellets a day, only what can be consumed in 2-3 minutes; uneaten food will cloud the water. Good luck with your new pet! - CI
10/21 5:51pm KM - How about some purple Kool-Aid with those cookies?! Speaking of which, the rally for Obama might be serving up the same tonic. The Together We Can Team of Deval and Obama should be scary to all as we approach Halloween. Gov. Patrick just approved a measure raising the salary of top government employees including himself as part of a 280 million dollars spending bill. (see AP story carried in Saturday's Herald, coupled with story on the deficit facing Massachusetts). Of course, he said that he would follow the recommendations of an advisory panel (composed of his own appointees) before automatically taking the pay hike (does this strike anyone as funny - especially coming from a man of means? Didn't Mitt Romney refuse to take his salary when in office?) Obama and Deval are fresh faces, but they very well might espouse some of the same tired tax and spend proclivities of their liberal predecessors.
I encourage everyone to put on your rally cap for the Red Sox tonight, but attending a rally on the Common for the new "Together We Can" team might not produce the same euphoria that could be experienced on Yawkey Way tonight. Instead, it might be a recipe for political suicide that would make Jim Jones proud.
- DA
10/21 5:46pm MW: Re: Betta fish. Use bottled spring water. The chlorine in tap water or certain `purified' bottled water will kill the fish. Feed Betta food daily, just a small amount. Do not keep in a tiny little jar; use a regular sized goldfish bowl. My daughter had hers alive for 4 year this way. I am sure there are others with additional advice. This is just our take. No offense, but seems like and odd centerpiece for a wedding. Good luck - JN
10/21 5:45pm MW, They are very easy to take care of. You can put some of the old water in a cup while you clean the bowl, but I am not sure on water temps. Any pet store that sells them (most do) will have a card on how to care for them. Good luck. Hope you don't have to flush him too soon. - DV
10/21 5:44pm The Betta Fish, or Siamese Fighting Fish, is an air breather. It doesn't need an aerator as he gets his air from the surface of the water. It is a tropical fish so it does need a little warmth. They can stay in a small space and like to have a hiding place. They build air bubble nests and that is fun to see. Changing the water can be done easily enough. Take some of its water from whatever you have it in and put it in another container; catch him in a small net and change water in his container. Try to make the new water equal to the temp of his old water and make sure to use spring water or water that has been treated to take out fluoride, etc. Gently pour him back into the fresh water.
Feed sparingly as that will keep the water cleaner longer; a couple of flakes or a pellet a day is fine. Two times a day is OK also. You can take a mirror and place it on the side of his container and watch him flare his "mane." (I can't remember the real name.) They can be kept with other fish except another Betta. The problem with that is, other fish love to nip their beautiful fins. Don't worry about him too much as they are relatively easy to care for. Enjoy the new member of your family.
- JW
10/21 5:43pm MW - We have had our Betta fish "Coral" for well over a year and I think they must be pretty hard to kill. We change the water about every 2 weeks, scooping it up with a small cup while we rinse out the fish bowl. We just rinse out the bowl several times with warm water and wipe the inside of it clean with a paper towel as it gets a little grungy. We bought a special fish food at "Petsmart" and feed it about 3 pellets each night. The directions on the container say to feed it more, but the woman at Petsmart disagreed so we went along with her recommendation. They also supposedly call for some solution to add to the water but we haven't used it in almost a year and Coral is doing just fine :0) Good luck! I don't know if you have children, but I think this fish makes the perfect first pet!
- NS
10/21 1:42pm I recieved a Betta fish last night as the centerpiece at a wedding reception. Can anyone tell me how to take care if it? I have looked on the web and gotten some info, but need more. I really don't want to hurt this poor creature. How do I change the water? What can a put it in while I do this?? It did come with food, so at least I have that, but the directions were vague. Help! - MW
10/21 1:41pm If everyone will please read back to the original KM post... You will see that KM was not blaming the cause of ADD/ADHD on working parents. KM was only commending me on my "personal" choice to sacrifice my career in order to stay home and keep my child off of medication for ADHD. Yes, KM did bring up additional comments/arguments re: SAHMs vs Working Moms - some of with which I agree, some not, but I do understand the general feeling of the post. I did not read anywhere that he/she blamed the actual cause of ADD/ADHD on working parents. I think what he/she was trying to say is that there are many parents out there, working or not, who medicate their children as a first resort, not a last resort as it should be. No one is saying that every single working parent is neglectful. Keeping my child off of medication is a huge undertaking and takes lots and lots of time. I honestly didn't have that time when I was working. I left the house at 7am and did not get home until 7pm... My kids went to bed at 8pm; that left me with one precious hour to spend with them... it just didn't work for my kids. Many animal shelters and rescue programs will tell you that one hour a day is not even adequate or fair for a dog... I thought that my kids deserved better than that. At one point, I thought about medication. I am glad that I didn't becuase there are now lawsuits out agains that particular one that was recommended... But the MD told me at the time that it was "perfectly safe."
Someone commented on how offended they were and how would KM feel if someone said the same thing about him/her regarding their decision re: staying home with their kids. Well, Let me tell you...I have had negative and hurtful comments made to me by more than one person. As a SAHM I am often labeled or stereotyped as unintelligent, lazy, unmotivated, unliberated and just plain useless. That's not hurtful? I am tired of being defined by "what I do", how much money I make, or how big my house is.
- MW
10/21 11:20am KM - If you look back on the posts, it appears to have been you who started throwing around the blame to working mothers for children who have ADD. I wonder if one of the working moms made such a negative, ridiculous statement casting blame on mothers who choose to be home, you would have felt as hurt as I think some of the readers on the board did. Personally, I do not need the sugar in your cookie recipe to make me "happier" because I am already very happy with my life - my children, my decision to go back to my career as a working mom, and my family-life. I think it's very obvious that the decision to be a working mom or an at-home mom has no bearing at all on children with ADD, and I can't imagine how hurtful that comment may have been to parents whose children have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. In fact, I was in the company of several women last night who read your posts, and one in particular said, "I guess I'm doing a lousy job as a SAHM, because my son has ADHD". In my 15 years of teaching, I have come across incredibly dedicated, wonderful mothers who work outside the home, as well as those who choose to stay home.
Unfortunately, as I'm sure you would agree, we all have also come across parents who are "not the best of parents" (in our own opinions) and it has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not they work outside the home. Yes, you are a stranger on this board, and you are entitled to your opinion, but perhaps you should try to be more respectful to your friends in town, as I imagine you have several who are working moms. That's my final post - Off to bake cookies!
- NS
10/21 11:19am I think we forget that women with children have been working for years in this country and in other countries they do so as well. Remember your history lessons of the late 1800s and the war years; they worked and it seems to me the children survived. In fact, the children worked too. The 1950s was when we had the advent of the June Cleavers. We all make our own decisions and that is what is so great about this country--we can! Whether a mother works or not is truly an individual and family decision. For any one of us to say what is right or wrong regarding this decision is intolerant and judgemental.
There are many factors that influence the behavior of our children including chemicals in our food, water, air, etc. I would put my money on these environmental factors most influencing the chemical changes in our children and put our energy in fighting these real bugeymen and not the parents.
- BS
10/21 11:18am DA - Bravo. I totally agree. My husband was offended that I didn't touch on the fact that fathers play a huge role in raising children, and for that I am sorry. And KM - I wasn't defending my choice any more than you feel the need to constantly defend yours. I was merely stating my opion. I don't expect you to "back down on your stance" any more than you can expect me to be swayed to jump ship to yours. Your children are still young, they are not teenagers or young adults. Small children, small problems. I just hope you are able to be a bit more flexible as your life changes, not just about who chooses to work or not. How do you feel about Stay-at-home Dads? - TO
10/21 11:17am JHR, The info on the going green expo is on the "heart of NH" website, [here] I just heard that Boston is having our own in February. I will try to find the info on that one. The vendors might be more relevant to our area.
- MW
10/21 11:16am KM, Do you realize that your comments are a slap in the face to all working moms? I find it offensive that you feel that your way is the only way. With today's high college tuitions and everyday cost of life, many mothers don't have the so-called luxury that you have. They do the best they can and I'm pretty sure this doesn't mean that their children will need to be medicated. My wife is an amazing "working mother" and my children are lucky to have her. The fact that you insult her and every other working mother on this board is disturbing. As far as I'm concerned, you can keep your recipe and your comments off of this board. BTW, aren't all mothers, working or stay at home, supposed to be on the same team? - EB
10/20 9:52pm It is quite humorous to sit back and watch everyone "defend" themselves and the choices they made for themselves. While some of you may think my children are young, they are not. I have 4 of them ranging in ages from 12 to 6. I was simply stating my opinion on a few topics; it seems a lot of you on this site seem outraged regarding some comments on my views on today's society and the "working mom vs. the stay at home mom." The reality is that I am not going to back down on my stance. If you think your are doing all the right things for your children, then why defend it to me... I am just a stranger on this site, stating my opinions. You all don't need to defend your choices to me, it is quite strange that you do. And by all means if anyone would like my cookie recipe... I can post it on this site. It might be nice for some of you to try... a little sugar for you all might make you all a little happier.
- KM
10/20 9:34pm KM: The "nonsense" I was referring to is debating the "working" mom vs. the "stay at home" mom (as an aside, I think both terms are inappropriate, certainly I do not believe a stay at home mom stays home all the time or does not "work"). I would not attack a woman who chose to stay home and I would not attack a woman who chose to work. Times are different; work schedules have become more flexible and family-friendly. Many working moms can meet their children after school, provide dinner, discuss their childrens days, work on the homework, and spend 3-4 full days with the children. I think mothers (and fathers) do not need to attack others who make different choices. In my post, I was just trying to shed light on the fact that many families with two wage-earners can still be "good" and loving families. (KM, thanks for the offer but I am confident in my own family lifestyle.) - MA
10/20 9:31pm KM - I have sat idly by as you have blamed all of the problems of todays youth on the fact that their mothers work. Guess what, it's not that simple. I know plenty of mothers who work full time and I admire them. Their children are smart, make good decisions, actively participate in making this a better world and are pleasant and sweet young adults. These women have worked since their children were young and they have raised them well. Raising babies into responsible young adults is a challenge. Whether you have a job in the process is not the deciding factor. I have also witnessed stay-at-home mothers ignore their children on the playground, leave their young children home alone while they run out for errands and other unbelievable acts that you might consider child abuse. Learning parenting skills is not something that just stay-at-home mothers can absorb and apply. You may think it is the best thing for your children and you are fortunate enough to be able to afford it so good for you. You might be surprised to know that I have been both. I had to go back to work after the birth of my first child, but was able to stay home after the birth of my second... 14 years ago. I am still a stay-at-home mom with a 16.5 and 14 year old. But the thing I feel most strongly about is that it was a choice. I know that if I had been working, that my children might graduate from college without any debt or maybe they would have experienced endless summers at their own cottage on the Cape.
I have given my children all the experiences, and most of all, love, that I can give them. I am proud of what, and who, they are today. I know that my friends who work full time can proudly say the same thing about their children. I believe, from your comments, that you have young children. I just hope that you aren't so "closed-minded" about other choices, opportunities and lifestyles you might see and experience in your life. Life is too short and can be taken away in a heartbeat. Believe me, I know that from experience too. A little compassion, understanding, and compromise goes a long way.
- TO
10/20 9:21pm Join Barack -
What: A Rally in Boston with Barack Obama and Governor Deval Patrick
When: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 -- Gates Open at 5:30PM
Where: Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common, Corner of Tremont St. and Boylston St
How: The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required, but an RSVP is strongly encouraged. For security reasons, do not bring bags. No signs or banners allowed. Please RSVP using link below to receive your rapid-entry pass. [barackobama.com page]Come and join us. Help us make it one of the best rallies for Sen. Obama.
- TS
10/20 9:20pm KM - I was wondering if you would be willing to share your recipe for those cookies you are serving your children after school. As a working mother and elementary school teacher, I have had several children with ADD and ADHD in my class over the years. I am concerned that many of their moms who are at home full-time are not using this recipe of yours. - NS
10/20 9:19pm KM: I find your posts about the working mother very offensive. While I had the luxury of being able to stay home for the first year of my daughter's life, I had to go back to work this fall and send her to daycare. While I agree with you that staying at home is much harder then going to work, that is not always an option for families. My husband and I by no means lead a life of luxury but we need both of our salaries to make ends meet. I am lucky enough to be able to be home by 3:45 each day to spend time with my daughter, but I know plenty of people who aren't and their children are happy and well adjusted. And as far as ADD/ADHD - I am a special educator who sees this first hand every day in children. There are many factors that cause ADD/ADHD and I have never heard of being the product of working parents as one of them! Some children do indeed need medication to succeed in school and at home-for many parents medication is the last resort! I wonder if you realize how many people you are offending with your posts...
- MO
10/20 9:17pm KM, call me a feminist minded father - how about a new generation of men who step it up in the kid care arena? Your insistence on women being the almost exclusive guardians of nurture is maddening. I am tempted to rent "The Stepford Wives" for you. Young girls need to look at career paths that will be economically viable so that they need not be the one that is forced to pursue "the mommy track" because their husband makes more money. Also, I want to insulate them from dependency on a guy who might divorce them or who will predecease them, leaving a huge financial shortfall. I want my daughters to have the opportunity for a full life experience, including motherhood. If they choose to be a stay at home mom, then fine. However, the point is that it is their choice, and they have job skills that they can fall back on. Again, how about dads trying to make some accomodations in their professional lives too? I chose teaching over my original career in the insurance industry because to a large degree I am master of my workload, and after we had kids it accomodated our kids' schedules. My wife pursued a career in IT, and to a large degree she has had a great work/life balance. She isn't some uber woman who has felt the need to have it all - a high profile job with the conmensurate long hours and the perfect June Cleaver family. - DA
10/20 12:56pm Woodpeckers peck to attract a mate and it often develops into a bad habit. Try to do something to discourage them. Hang up something in the area that blows around and catches the sunlight and also makes some noise. Try metal windchimes, mylar baloons or just string up some of those disposable aluminum pie plates you can buy at the market. If all else fails, you may need to tack up some thick clear plastic over the area (usually they like the corner boards). They won't be able to grab onto the siding with the plastic there and that will discourage them.
- RG
10/20 11:01am "Free" Yard sale, today October 20th. Some furniture, toys, decorations, sewing supplies, aquariums, Wilton cake decorating supplies, kids clothing, old golf clubs, hose reel, a nearly brand new bathtub sliding door and more... Everything is free for the taking. 7 Eric Road, Norfolk.
- KS
10/20 10:58am Some time ago, perhaps a year ago, there was much discussion of woodpeckers/bluejays pecking on homes. There were many suggested remedies... ?? Is this the time of year? Perhaps our webmaster recalls when that discussion was and I can go back to it... Thanks. Are there any new remedies or suggestions? Grrrrr!!
[Good memory! The discussion last year around Nov 27 [here] had lots of talk about woodpeckers and how to keep them away - Wm.]
10/20 10:02am MW... Can you tell me more about the Going Green Expo or where to get more info. I'm interested in it. Thanks. - JHR
10/20 9:49am KM, I'm with you and I do think the tide is turning away from the lifestyle that you've described. I have definitely noticed more of my friends and contemporaries trying to make an effort to have a less stressed and rushed home life - by arranging a flexible schedule at work, dropping to 4 days with a paycut, etc. My husband and I are lucky enough to be able to do those things so we both have one day at home during the week. The problem that I see, however, is that sometimes these options are only available to those who have relatively higher-paying professional jobs in the first place. My brother-in-law the heavy-equipment mechanic would never be able to walk into his boss's office and ask for flextime the way my husband did. We do also have plenty of friends and relatives who have kids in daycare 5 days a week from 7am - 6pm and do the kind of "management" of them that you describe. There are so many forces at influece that it's hard to parse out what some parents are doing on purpose and what they must to do make ends meet - even if they live in a 1,000 sf ranch house, drive older cars and never take vacations.
It's really unfortunate that a true luxury these days is being able to be home meet your kids when they come off the schoobus.
- JP
10/20 8:58am The reason for the backhoe in the center of town was to dig for the sewage treatment plan for the condos on the hill. No such luck that we could be getting something good there any time soon - DN
10/20 8:52am MA: This is not 1957, if it was, I would be a woman with zero rights, I would be submissive to my husband, and my only role would be to take care of the children and do as my husband says for fear of not having any cabability to do things on my own. While he was doing exactly what he wanted to do. This is 2007 where men are actively involved with the children, where woman can have jobs and careers equal to those of men, and where women have choices to enter the workforce with confidence or stay at home. Women have choices. This is not a discussion about 1957 and going back to that day. My point is to make people think about what effects our society is having on children who have two working parents. Where children, who may be feeling ill are forced to go to school instead of being at home for an extra day until they are feeling 100%, where infants are in daycare centers being given bottles by strangers, and when they cry for their mother/father, they instead are comforted by a stranger, where children after school then go to extended day centers, and are picked up at 6pm only to be rushed through the dinner hour, the homework hour, the shower hour and hurried to bed. And God forbid if a conflict comes up... we all know what happens when Jonny is sick... or Mary is not doing well in school... then what? And for most, the day care expenses are at least a 1/4 of the salary... The stress that goes on to make sure that mommy/daddy can make it to work the next day....finding coverage, ect.
I beleive there needs to be a "next generation" of women, where going to work is not so "cool" anymore, and staying at home is looked upon as a positive thing for our children... Where women know that they have the choice to have a career and fulfill their own personal goals, but they also know that they made a choice to have a child and someone needs to be there to teach that child... Where women can agree we are equal to men... so what the heck are we women still fighting so hard to race through the day and race our children through it too...
I am sorry, but there is nothing better than having your children come home from school and having cookies and milk waiting for them (go ahead and laugh), a loving welcome from mommy or daddy to talk about their bad day, or any problems they had at school and to prepare a meal and sit down with the entire family during dinner and not be rushed into the next routine and then get ready for bed, shower and talk about what will be exciting for the next day. Perhaps you think you're doing the right thing, and maybe it seems to be working as you said, your children are "well adjusted" to your routine... but where does the breaking the glass ceiling become just an excuse for not being at home. Being at home is more difficult, I can assure you of that. Try it, MA... you just might like it!
P.S.... MA, this is not "nonsense" as you put it, this is about your children!
- KM
10/20 8:51am Yard Sale Today
Route 115 -- 94 Rockwood Road
Loads of books
Motorized Ride on Toys
Jumbo Size Step 2 Play Kitchen - Never Used!!!- JP
10/20 8:50am MH - Several years ago, I used to call the Gazette weekly because we were not receiving delivery. I finally figured out what was happening. The delivery vehicle would drive up the street. Someone would throw the newspaper out of the right side of the car. Then they would drive down the street and someone else would throw another paper out the left side of the car... You got it. My neighbors would get two Gazettes every week and our side of the street got none. I valued my low blood pressure over the free newspaper after about 6 weeks and gave up. Good luck! I had their number on speed dial and got nowhere. - TO
10/19 11:04pm For JT re cope & miter - There is a school of thought that postulates removing the molding in a given area, for example, and replacing it with new finished molding of better design, color etc. It avoids refinishing - sanding, cutting etc. Length stays the same as do the cuts. Better still, you only have to fasten it in etc. - JO
10/19 10:57pm Two Cameras - No waiting. Thanks to those responsible for adding a second web cam. Now, we have a panoramic view when (or if) any activity begins on the S&S property. The 2-day flurry of digging which occurred earlier this week has stopped and the backhoe is gone, so there's not much to look at now. But, as Manny Ramirez said, there's always next year. - RP
10/19 9:57pm Wow! This all reminds me of the "whispering game" that we played in primary school! What is whispered at the beginning of the chain is a far cry from what the final sentence is. I don't think anyone said that behavioral problems in kids was the fault of working moms. All moms are working moms.
10/19 9:33pm MON, can't make it this weekend or next weekend; I have a few ozone depleting, greenhouse gas emitting activities and plan long durational exposure to one of the leading killers across the globe - dihydrogen oxide (like that chemistry thing huh?) I will be thinking of the delicious meal that I'll be missing while driving my hybrid. I've packed my sunscreen. I'll admit that I'm a non-synthetic kind of person but I have a few recycled soda bottle fleece pull-overs. I wear mostly cotton and could be prone to rapid or spontaneous combustion if exposed to strong oxidizers. Since I'm not medicated, MRSA is possible, except that in my line of business I get exposed to a lot of things and then get checked to make sure I haven't brought anything home. In the spirit of full disclosure the last cool thing I was exposed to was Legionella. I can bring evidence of a clean bill of health to speed the welcoming process. The oatmeal will be fine, as it will help with my high cholesterol that is clearly from hereditary sources. No need for the filtered air, I've already got the gill transplant. Ya know, I read somewhere that drinking distilled water for extended periods of time will kill you due to the development of mineral deficiencies and an acid state. The last detail - ranch or bar-b-que flavored soy chips.
- WB
10/19 9:27pm Is it 2007 or 1957? While I really do not have the time for this nonsense, I believe the "working woman/mother" needs a voice. I do not understand why some believe that a woman who is working cannot be a loving and committed mother. To suggest that ADD or ADHD has something to do with working mothers is irresponsible and unwarranted. There are many reasons for these disorders, some biological and some environmental. I have two healthy, well-adjusted children who (dare I say it!!) went to daycare and, at times, an after-school program. The teachers at school tell me how much they love my children - they're sweet, respectful, smart and eager learners. I also know other working women (and men) who are wonderful parents to their children. My husband and I serve as role-models for our children. We demonstrate the importance of working hard and serving our communities in our respective fields. I am glad that my daughter knows that a woman can be successful at home and in a career. And, I respect those women who choose to "stay at home" because that is an important and difficult career choice too. A "good mother or father" to me is one who spends time with their children wisely and with quality. Stop blaming the "working mother" for society's ills and accept that a "good parent" does not fit into one stereotypical mold!!
- MA
10/19 8:12pm For those of you attending town meeting, NCTV has produced a preview show: Norfolk Town Meeting Preview 2007. It is being broadcast on Channel 8.
Saturday at 9 p.m.
Sunday at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Monday at 9 p.m.
Tuesday at 7 p.m.Enjoy
- BWA, E. D., Norfolk Community Television
10/19 7:46pm WB - Actually there are even worse scenarios then reading my posts, such as being invited to my house for dinner, where we strip you of all of your plastic items, especially credit cards, wash you down with disinfectant to ward off MRSA, then share our family's common and most favorite meal: blanched oatmeal and triple-distilled water. All with the shades drawn to ward off melanoma. You have to bring your own filtered air - times are tough.
10/19 7:10pm On 10/18 at 11:57am, RJG screamed, "Stop pestering me with your [darn] paper, Gazette publishers!" If a publisher wants to give me their paper for free with free delivery, too, I'll gladly accept it. In fact, I look forward each Friday for my copy of the Gazette. The first section I turn to is the "Real Estate Transfers". It's a good barometer of what houses are selling for in Norfolk and the surrounding area. I'm amazed at how many 1- and 2-million dollar homes are sold each week. The Police Blotter will tell you what your neighbors are up to (they name names). And it's good to support the local businesses which advertise. (JR, if you don't want the coupon on page 24, I can use it... thanks). Plus, they've paid me 100 dollars for each picture of mine which they've printed. All in all, I'd say that little paper is worth every penny...!! (PS... Before you ask, I'm retired and don't work for the paper nor anyone else!)
- RP
10/19 6:52pm BH: Don't you get it, parents medicate so they don't have to deal with the issues, because parents who are working a zillion hours and dropping kids off at daycare and extended day care don't have the time to deal with why their child who is acting out... just bring em' to the doctor and have the doctor write a script to calm down their child. Funny, I didn't see Mr. Rogers passing around any meds... did you? MW: what a wonderful post re: Stay at home moms vs. working moms... your insights are terrific as well as your examples because what you said is the reality! How could we ever get tired of seeing your initials... :-)
DA: I agree with equality of women in the workplace and all that women have fought to have in their careers... but I do believe that society has gotten out of control with trying to satisfy "one's" own personal growth at the expense of our children.
We really need to stop kidding ourselves... people can say all they want about how great these day care centers/extended care centers are, and I am quite certain they are, but they are not a replacement for a mommy or a daddy... I don't get how a mother can leave her infant all day long with a stranger? I just can't grasp the concept, unless my family was so poor that it was my only option or if I was a single parent or I had some other extenuating circumstances. People keep trying to get bigger and better... keep up with the Jones's as they say... that is who we are as a society. And the only way to get that is by busting our butts working round the clock at the office - so the paychecks get larger, and our time with our family gets smaller... Who suffers? Not the parent... that is for sure. I know for a fact that going to work is easier than staying at home. I have a group of friends who all used to work, but now have families and made the choice to stay at home. It is wayyyy harder. Going to work is a breeze compared to taking care of children. And these are all people who had high profile jobs...
- KM
10/19 6:38pm Does anyone know of a course out there that teaches how to cope and miter wood trim? We are interested in installing crown molding throughout the house and figured we could save some money doing it ourselves- if we only had a teacher! Thanks. - JT
10/19 5:56pm I don't send this as a defense for our current President, I don't agree with much he does, but more for the idea of focusing less on the negative and more on the positive as a good fundamental principle on which to work. [ C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
10/19 5:18pm The Norfolk Democratic Town Committee will hold a MeetUp! at The Eaglebrook on Thursday, October 25. Please join us for a drink and some good conversation about the future of our Democratic Town Committee. We will gather in the function room upstairs at 8 p.m. Contact me through the webmaster if you have questions about the event. [Use box85@norfolknet.com - Wm.] We hope to see you at the Eaglebrook. - MJD
10/19 3:52pm I am sure everyone is tired of seeing my initials on the board today... but in light of our chemical discussion, I thought I would post the following info. There will be a "Going Green Expo" at the Manchester NH Radisson Hotel (which is supposedly a "green" hotel) on October 27th and 28th. It should be interesting. Manchester is not a bad drive and would make a nice day trip. Check it out! - MW
10/19 3:00pm JBN... I was one of those pregnant folks involved in the Crescent Ridge Dairy Vitamin D scare 15 years ago - it was 1991 to be exact. I was angry and discontinued my service. I have just recently started using them again, and have been very happy with their products. Hopefully, they have straightened everything out... There is also a company out of Attleborough that I see driving around... they have trucks painted like cows. I can't for the life of me remember the exact name... it could be "Munroe?" SR, no apology needed, I am just trying to understand better. It's so hard to decipher tone and mood on this type of forum. Actually, it's downright maddening at times...
- MW
10/19 2:30pm MW: I'm sorry if I seemed like I was on the attack. Yes - it was the "true ADD" comment that got me. The older I get, the more I realize how inadequate language is. I had people here jumping down my virtual throat a month ago for my choice of a word or two also. So, I should have known better than to do the same to you!
Yes, it does appear that we agree on the major points! And again, I'm sorry that I didn't look past the "true ADD" comment.
- SR
10/19 2:29pm You know, all of this is really depressing - what you eat will make you sick, or what you do to not make you sick will make you sicker. Part of me thinks that this is the new evolution, and those species which develop resistance on their own only make the species stronger generations to come. Although this would not necessarily be the worst thing though; the worst thing that I could think of was outliving nearly everyone else and being stuck reading post after post after post on Norfolknet from JBN and MON. Sorry I could not resist! - WB
10/19 2:27pm JBN - Crescent Ridge in Sharon had an issue with elevated levels of vitamin D in the early 90's. See [link] or Google them. Wish Brett's was still a real dairy farm. They used glass bottles in the 50's and 60's. - BR
10/19 1:21pm KID, they can only make you feel crappy if you let them. That is something that I have learned over the years. I was once a working parent too. I formed a support group in my old neighborhood in Norfolk when I was working, in desperation to find someone to socialize with. It's very hard to meet neighbors when you work all day. Wish I had known about the Saturday Group!! I was often alone with my kids on the weekends. I would've loved to join! Believe it or not... I have been made to feel just as crappy about myself for becoming a SAHM... Just do your own thing and be proud! - MW
10/19 1:16pm SR... could you please restate your post to me in a different way? I do not understand what I have written that you disagree with. I don't know if it is just me, or what. But others have also stated that they disagree with me and then go on to explain themselves... I find myself in agreement! I cannot figure out what I have said that is different than what you believe. I used the word "true" ADHD for lack of a better phrase. Maybe that is the problem? I find the smallest of my statements being picked apart. I feel like I can no longer post without having to go into minutiae... My posts are usually quite lengthy becuase of this. I am trying to condense my thoughts. Maybe I am not doing a good job of making myself understood? I believe that ADD/ADHD, etc. etc. etc... comes in a whole "spectrum" of symptoms and severities. After ruling out all other possible causes, such as food sensitivities etc., most of my family (my father is the oldest of 12; I am the oldest of 6) has been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD depending on the person's symptoms. I agree with you that just being hyper or not being able to concentrate at school does not mean that someone has ADD/ADHD. That was the whole basis of my original post. And unless I am misunderstanding you, It sounds to me very similar to what you are saying to me.
In a nustshell, I believe that people are too quick to judge and label. I believe that kids are being uneccessarily medicated. I believe that diagnosis is more complicated than simply filling out a questionnaire and prescribing meds. (It takes years and being tested by psychologists and neurologists to rule out other things.) I believe that there are certainly food/chemical/enviromental factors involved in ADHD/ADD-like symptoms, but that does not mean that kids have ADHD. I also believe that some kids are naturally distractable and that maybe teachers and parents shouldn't expect all kids to be at the same maturity level at the same age... I don't know how this could be misconstrued? Help me understand!
- MW
10/19 1:16pm To Wm: Yes, liners leak chemicals into paper milk containers. I am switching to good old glass containers from the local (Sharon) Crescent Ridge dairy after all of this talk. Their milk is delivered to your home and is hormone and antibiotic free. Anyone know of any problems using them? Maybe Bisphenol A is a problem, maybe not. I know the jury is still out and there is some debate, but I tend to believe the independent scientists that say it is a problem. They are usually right.
For a really good website that explains a lot about chemicals in our environment and some of the arguments back and forth, go to thegreenguide.com. It has information about Bisphenol A and other relevant topics.
As for MRSA, that is such old news. VRE is another, even scarier problem. Don't even ask MON why we have antibiotic resistance that is getting worse by the day. He may well scare you! Word to the wise: DO NOT use antibacterial soaps or anything that contains triclosan. Since MON is an expert in this area, ask him why if you are interested. And go wash your hands, with plain liquid, not bar, soap!
10/19 12:41pm Just sent via District Announcements & HOD Update: October 19, 2007Take care, everyone, and wash those hands!Dear Families and Staff,
As many of you may have heard in the news there has been a student in Wrentham diagnosed with a staph infection. Norfolk Public Schools has been working with local officials, Chief Bushnell, the Mass Department of Public Health in order to determine the precautionary steps we need to take at this time.
The steps are very simple:
1. People need to wash their hands frequently with soap and water.
2. Keep all cuts covered.Thank you for your attention to this public health concern.
Chris Augusta-Scott
Superintendent- SR
10/19 12:14pm Thank you for all the book suggestions folks! They are very much appreciated. - KID
10/19 12:12pm MON & others... kudos for knowing about and sharing your knowledge of chemicals in our food/environment. MW: I'm not sure I agree with you about "true" ADD/ADHD. These are descriptors for patterns of processing and behavior that have been medicalized so that pharmaceutical and other treatments could be mainstreamed and covered by insurance.
Having said that, yes there is a biological basis in some people to be hyperactive, to be inattentive, etc.
Yes in some individuals, their genetic makeup in conjunction with their environment makes them sensitive to certain foods and certain chemicals--resulting in behavior that is characterized as being "ADD-like."
Yes in some cases, medication helps individuals who present with the "symptoms" of AD(H)D--whatever the causes may be. And yes, the right medications do legitimately help people with a whole variety of mental and physical issues. So I am not demonizing pharmaceutical medications en masse.
In most cases, parents are trying to do what they are told is in the best interests of their children. We live in a chemically-saturated world, so why shouldn't parents believe that medication is part of a solution?
What I find most disturbing about these issue are:
* The "need" to medicalize/marginalize aspects of behavior and processing that clearly fall within the normal range of human functioning.
* The fact that our society is now owned and operated by corporate interests, and that drug companies--as part of these corporate interests--have been allowed to brainwash most of us into believing there is a "pill" for any "problem."
'Cuz sometimes, a twitching leg is just a twitching leg and not "restless leg syndrome."
And sometimes, the need to pee frequently is just the result of normal aging and/or having borne several children.
And sometimes, ED is just that you're in your 50's and you had a few beers with dinner.
And sometimes, some kids are more distractible than others because that is simply the way they process their environment--and it is largely genetic. My son is distractible. So is my husband. So am I...
Err... What was I saying?
- SR
10/19 12:10pm The great thing about our country is that everyone has the right to express their opinion, but sometimes those opinions are hard to hear. KM's point of view is not an uncommon one and it is one of the many things that makes being a working parent so very difficult. While I respect and revere stay-at-home parents for having managed to work things out so that they can afford to stay home, not everyone has been able to do that. Regardless of a working parent's circumstances, however, we often get comments to the effect that we are selfishly pursuing a lifestyle rather than staying home with our children. I wish some of the commentators could see the effect their comments have on working parents who are struggling to make ends meet, even on two incomes, due to educational debt, high housing costs, costs of caring for an elderly parent, etc. It's hard to hear that people think less of you as a parent just because you work, but I've learned from experience that I can't change their minds. I can, however, provide working parents a place to get together, talk and laugh while they enjoy playing with their children, so for those working parents feeling like dung right now, come check out the Saturday Club - we meet the first Saturday of every month at Kid's Place Playground or the library depending on weather. See the Organizations page for more info. We can chat about what to do with those darn plasma TVs on our yachts docked at our vacation homes (just kidding!).
10/19 12:09pm BH, Plastics leach into water whether it is hot or cold, although hotter plastics leach faster. The problem is that even foods pick up the chemicals in bottles and plastic-lined cans. Example: Bisphenol A goes into drinking water but will leach into a foodstuff like a macaroni-based (Spaghettios) product to even a higher extent. There is a movement across the country to stop drinking water from plastic bottles and use tap water. It saves money, lowers pollution and stops exposure to chemicals from plastics. I can tell you from experience that bottled water is not as pure as you would think. So save your money and drink tap water, don't microwave with plastics and buy goods sold in glass, if that is possible in this plastic society.
And support State Senator Karen Spilka's (Framingham) bill to ban leaching plastic chemicals from childrens' toys and foodstuff packaging (see [page] ).
It's a first step in fighting the toxic Goliaths of the plastic industry.
[Are milk and juice cartons lined with plastic? - Wm.]
10/19 12:08pm MON, you hit pretty low when people question your assumptions! I've been called a lot of things in my lifetime, but a "lobbyist for the food industry." I can't think of anything more cruel or devastating; that is, with the exception of calling me a Republican. - TEM
10/19 11:29am Attention crafters: A limited number of spaces still available for the St. Jude Women's Group Craft Fair. These are on a first come, first served basis. To be held on Saturday, November 10th, from 9:30 to 2:00 Spaces are $30.00 for and 8 x 10 space with one table and chairs. This benefits local charities in town. Contact Julie at box84@norfolknet.com with any questions. - JD
[Update 2:28pm: added contact info - Wm.]
10/19 11:27am Hello from Georgia! A lot of you already know this b/c it was on the news yesterday and in the Boston Globe but I've nominated my husband, Chris Piela, for a contest in People Magazine. If he wins, he'll get two tix to the World Series! We recently moved from Norfolk to Georgia but he is representing the Red Sox in this contest. There are 9 contestants and he is currently leading w/the most votes. If you haven't already, please support a former Norfolk resident by voting 5 times each visit for the next 8 days! go to sexyfan.people.com (guys, don't get lured in by Candie... she is evil. No really, she's an Astros fan... keep your blinders on and vote for the Sox!) Thanks everyone!
- KP
10/19 10:28am If anyone would like more info on the MRSA staph situation... they can read about it at the following link: [Mayo clinic page] - MW
[From the cited page:Decades ago, a strain of staph emerged in hospitals that was resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it. Dubbed methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), it was one of the first germs to outwit all but the most powerful drugs.- Wm.]
10/19 10:25am To MON: Is it ok to consume bottled water if it is kept in the fridge? I was told not to let it get warm because the plastic would leach the chemical into the water; true? On the other subject being batted around the net, I work at a pharmacy and cannot believe the way America medicates their children. Meds for ADD, ADHD, anti-depressives for children as young as four years old. It is sad.
(The other)
- BH
10/19 10:18am KM - I agree with you in spirit. Yes, there are folks who work for the extras goodies in life to the detriment of their kids. They want the monster plasma TV (we'll be buying a converter when high definition signals are the rule so that we can continue pulling our signal out of the air for free - I see cable/satelite as superfluous), the vacation home, the luxury vehicle (we have a basic minivan - one of our neighbors has the tricked out version with power this and that, DVD, Navigation System etc. When I was carpooling, the neighbor's girl was shocked that she actually had to open and close her door manually!), and a house that would make Martha Stewart proud. However, your monolithic insistence (at least as intimated in your original post) that women should be the primary caregiver is where I take issue. As the father of two daughters, I don't want to see them pigeon holed in one role. The workplace can be an arena of personal fulfillment and growth. There needs to be a balance - that's why I brought up the father's involvement. The job (and it is a job) of raising the kids shouldn't be solely on the shoulders of women. Times certainly have changed, and the work/life balance is a tricky compromise. What works for your family may not be the model for all; conversely, I recognize that my family's circumstances (my flexible schedule as a teacher) may not be a realistic career choice for some. I am just pointing out the onus need not always be on the women. Also, daycare need not be demonized as a dumping ground for children. There are some wonderful programs that provide an enriching experience for kids that can match what one parent at home can provide for a child.
In closing, I think we both agree that the kids should be the priority, and accordingly sacrifices should be made. How and where one makes those sacrifices is a joint decision made by a husband and wife given their unique set of economic circumstances.
- DA
10/19 10:17am Having worked in a hospital OR, I can tell you that Staph infections can live for days on inanimate surfaces... It is very important that we teach our children to wash their hands and desks, educate teachers and staff, and most importantly for parents to check their children and keep them home if there is any question. Not just for a staph infection, but for any illness in general. I realize that it is hard to take time off of work for a sick child, but it must be done to keep everyone well. - MW
10/19 9:32am Does anyone have more information about the staph infection in Wrentham? This worries me more than chicken pox. [wbz segment] - DM
10/19 9:31am Yard Sale - Rte. 115 - 94 Rockwood Road, Saturday 9-1. Many large toys: motorized yard jeep, Step 2 Jumbo Kitchen (that was never used), Beanie Babies 2 for $1.00, Scholastic Books with CD, Disney Video Collection, Dressy Girls Coats.
- JP
10/19 9:10am JBN, I never stated that anyone on this particular board suggested that ADHD/ADD was not a legitimate condition. However, I have heard endless comments over the years by others to this effect. I was speaking generally. I am sure that other parents of ADHD children have heard the same. It's very frustrating to have un-knowledgeable people making judgements regarding the child rearing of a person that they don't even know. I also agree that medication should be a last resort. So I am puzzled by your response to me. I thought that I was agreeing with everything that MON and yourself had posted. I was merely commenting that it was nice to get some support from this forum. Someone has opened the SAHM (stay at home mom) vs. working mom can of worms... so to set the record straight...
[ C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
- MW
10/19 9:06am I too have tried numerous times to have delivery of the Country Gazette stopped, no luck. The publisher should be cited for littering. - JR
10/19 9:05am Scary stuff: Delaney Elementary School in Wrentham was on the news this morning. A girl has been diagnosed with the MRSA strain of the staph infection. Here is the story: [article] - LLB
10/18 11:29pm For Twinkie Bread Pudding: [link] - RH
10/18 10:40pm Re: Chicken pox concerned parent: A letter came home from the KP Middle School today saying they had a few students with confirmed chicken pox at their school. They referred you to your MD if any questions and also provided a link to the state fact sheet ( [mass.gov pdf] ) The Middle School students didn't attend Bournedale. You need direct exposure from a person who is carrier (confined in room for >1hr), and they are contagious for 2-3 days before rash presents until all lesions are crusted. If exposed there is a 14 day incubation period until you may develop the rash. The good news is that most all kids are vaccinated and also receive a booster before entering Jr High. If they were to get it (vaccine is 70-90 % effective) it usually means a milder case. The letter did ask parents to review their child's immunization history to ensure that they are appropriately protected.
- PB
10/18 9:23pm DA: Kudos to you for being able to juggle it all as a father, that is so wonderful. You're lucky to have a flexible career and it is wonderful I am sure for your children. I am not sure why you felt the need to bring that up; however, thank you for stating what I already know, which is that most men nowadays are active participants in their kids' lives. I was not talking about men. I just merely stated my opinion on some topics related to ADD/ADHD and working parents. I think that if more parents had the "time" like MW does, more children could be drug free. For all I know, MW is a male? I worked in the business field for 10 years, so I definately can say that I didn't live in Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, as you put it, but actually in the "Corporate Neighborhood" (thanks for the false assumptions) until we had our children... and we needed to make "smart" choices for the kids. A reduction in our Net Worth became an Asset for my children... isn't that what is important after all?
DA, come on, let's face the reality of where this society has gone... Both parents working, all children in daycare/afterschool care, and for what? I completely understand if financially it is absolutely necessary, but in the big picture, how much money is ever enough? Luxuries are wonderful, and important, but having a mom or a dad at home in the afternoon to get the children off the school bus is a pretty big luxury as well.
- KM
10/18 9:19pm Received this in an e-mail from a concerned Norfolk parent: [The Wrentham kids] they were at Bournedale two weeks ago, our kids are there now, and the middle school sent home a notice about students that are coming down with chicken pox.Anyone have more info?It is worth someone looking into; we are worried.
- Wm.
[Update 10/19 9:08am: clarification about the "they" who were at Bournedale - Wm.]
10/18 8:11pm MW: You are right, there are legitimate brain disorders and mental illnesses. There are also diseases such as hypertension that are caused by real, underlying medical issues. But the idea is to try to decrease the symptoms of HPT by exercise, diet and de-stressing. That doesn't mean it is not real and you may indeed have to resort to medications. It is all about balance. The same is true with ADD, ADHD, and hyperactivity (yes, they are different, but show many of the same symptoms). They should be attempted to be helped by means other than strong medications. Perhaps the symptoms will resolve, perhaps medications will be necessary. But the truth to be told is that many children and adults are given meds first, without trying diet, exercise and behavior modification. That is the point. No one is saying that this is, and I quote, `` a fake affliction or a behavior problem that is caused by permissive parents'' that you stated in your post. No one is even remotely suggesting that. - JBN
10/18 7:21pm Just say no to Dr. Moreau (apologies to H.G. Wells!) - let's not experiment with our kids' health and uprearing. Dump the junk food, limit access to TV and internet, and encourage outdoor activity - in short, take a trip with the kids to Jane and Paul's Farm, check out some books at our lovely library, and go for a walk at Stony Brook. - DA
10/18 7:19pm KM - Can you say misogyny? - I knew you could. 2007 isn't Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. Women have a right to be in the workplace if they choose to be. The last time I checked, the ideal situation is to have 2 involved parents - you seem to have forgotten fathers in the equation. My wife has worked throughout our marriage, and she still finds time to be a very attentive mom. I was the one who took a leave of absence for a year to be with my youngest daughter when she was an infant. I am a teacher, so I can be with the kids at a reasonable hour in the afternoons and I am around for school vacations; however, by necessity we have relied on daycare and before/afterschool care. Both of my daughters are well adjusted socially (plenty of built-in playmates and opportunities to play) and academically. Let's stay away from unfair gender stereotyping when addressing childrearing. Fathers need to be involved as well - it seems that many of them may be hiding away at the office or on the golf course over the weekend instead being involved with their kids. - DA
10/18 7:18pm MON - I have to admit I have not given all these issues a lot of thought in the past. I am now becoming very concerned. With the pH balance out of whack and it a danger to drink out of water bottles, may I ask for suggestions? I find it also very frustrating that trying to feed a family a lot of fresh fruits and veggies and limiting the sugary snacks cost at least twice as much as buying chips and soda. I have a type 1 diabetic in the house and have been doing the crystal light and always looking for the low carb items which now I worry might be doing harm in other ways. What is a mom to do? Yikes, there is always so much to worry about!! - KA
10/18 4:52pm ST - Blue Orchid (Chinese) in Walpole delivers to Norfolk (blueorchidrestaurant.com). I've read on this website that Leo's Pizza, also in Walpole (508-660-0141), delivers here. Blue Orchid's menu is typical and they're very nice. Leo's pizza is, in my opinion, the best around here. They also offer the other usual pizza/sub shop fare, but their pizza is very, very good - not spongy, caky, or greasy. It's hand-tossed, thin-crust style which must be homemade (I think most places purchase it from suppliers). I'm very curious to hear about other suggestions. - SO
10/18 4:45pm SO: Ask for your cheese to be wrapped in butcher paper or parchment paper. You can even bring in your own. - JBN
10/18 4:44pm TEM, Thank you for your post! I am going to read that article. It's nice to know that their are some people out there that understand that ADHD is not a fake affliction or a behavior problem that is caused by permissive parents. I do still agree with MON that there are way too many kids with ADHD like symptoms that are being misdiagnosed and put on meds unecessarily. - MW
10/18 4:43pm Just as a reminder: ADD, ADHD, and hyperactivity are all different. Hyperactivity is one component of ADHD, but is also a symptom of other disorders. ADD is related to ADHD, without the physical hyperactivity component; these are both neurological disorders. In contrast, 'being hyperactive' is a symptom. For example an adult friend who had always been extremely high energy and 'hyper' all his life later found out he had an overactive thyroid, probably since childhood.
Having hyperactive behavior as the result of a large influx of sugar (or, perhaps, a substance sensitivity/allergy) does not mean a diagnosis of ADHD.
- CI
10/18 3:58pm MON - I've always suspected as much. Sometimes I can actually taste plastic residue on food, particularly cling-wrapped cheeses. How does one buy specialty cheeses without the stuff? Even Whole Foods uses it. The last time I picked up soup at my favorite Vietnamese restaurant, the scalding broth came in a heat-warped plastic container. It's near impossible to find condiments that are not in plastic. I liked mayonnaise in big glass jars. How do acids like vinegar or citrus juices react with plastic? What about those silicon bake mats called Silpat? Any word on them? How about styrofoam cups of hot coffee? Let me just plug poor neglected cast iron here for a moment. Back in my early post-student days, I had one pot - a scraped, dinged, non- stick fry pan in which I cooked everything from oatmeal to pasta and boiled water for tea. Then I inherited my old Irish Aunti's cast iron pans. No pot-scrubbing? Coolness! Since then, I've expanded my collection, mostly via yard sales. With a little re-seasoning you're back in business. I recently bagged a few over near City Mills. They're heavy, but heck, you're getting iron and exercise. What's not to love?
- SO
10/18 3:45pm TEM: Did it ever occur to you that NIMH is in favor of medicating children for ADD, etc.? They would never suggest a link between diet and behavior. Their motto is ``live better chemically.'' I wouldn't trust anything they say. How can people believe that eating certain foods can cause heart disease, MS, stroke, cancer, etc., but not believe it effects the brain? Common sense would tell you otherwise. I will tell you another thing that helps ADD: more sleep, less stress and more exercise, which most children are sorely lacking. Kids are being misdiagnosed and over-medicated. Only true ADD should be treated with medication. - JBN
[Absolutely; more sleep! Also, less sugar in the diet. It's really surprising how big a difference these simple things can make. - Wm.]
10/18 3:43pm MON/MW: I too am amazed by how many children are on meds for ADHD/ADD. Your insight re. foods and sugars etc. are very interesting and appreciated. I do beleive that some children do not really have these conditions... and that it is an "easy out" for some parents. MW, it is wonderful that you chose to take care of your own child's problem in a parental way, instead of a drug way... there need to be more parents like you out there... It is amazing how many kids are raised by daycare centers and after-school centers, and I feel bad for teachers who are stuck with these problems. We as parents have a job to care for our children, not dump them into a daycare centers and hide ourselves at work. Sometimes two incomes are needed, but most of the time sacrifices can be made to do the job that women were supposed to do: raise our children. (I am sure I will get a lot of heat for that comment) however, I firmly beleive that our society has gotten way out of control and that more women need to start paying attention to our children, and less time at the office.
- KM
10/18 3:42pm Does anyone know of a local business that delivers moderately priced firewood? - ST
10/18 3:40pm Thanks for the sympathy RJG - Perhaps they got our addresses mixed up, I spend a lot of time delivering the mail to neighbors on different street that have our same house number. I used to enjoy the Country Gazette; it let me know some of the events that are going on around Norfolk, though not necessarily in Norfolk. I am not a subscriber to the Boomerang, and do not plan to subscribe in the future. I miss my Gazette and I miss my grocery fliers that used to come in the mail. With the grey cloud hanging over Norfolknet the last couple of days (now they just took away my Splenda!), I need the recipe for Twinkie Bread pudding again. Someone posted is a while ago; time for an archive search unless someone else can sympathize with me. - MH
10/18 3:27pm TEM, You are right. ADHD is caused by many different factors. But scientific research on dyes and children's behavior in this country lags behind the Europeans', and, again, you are deluded if you think lobbyists and politicians do not affect what the FDA does. This link points out a study done in Australia where it was clearly evident - Yellow #5 clearly caused hyperactivity in children [NIH link] But why would the Europeans ban the dye and it is in just about every processed food your child consumes here in the US? You can feed your kids junk if you want to, and you'll just have to deal with the ADHD. Or you can monitor your kid's diet and stop them from eating such toxins - the choice is yours. As I said before - Survival of the Fittest.
You sound like a lobbyist for Food Industry or someone who makes a living selling processed or junk food. I know, I have taken them on before.
[The cited study found that 3/4 of hyperactive children's behavior improved on a synthetic-coloring free diet:From approximately 800 children referred to the Royal Children's Hospital (Melbourne) for assessment of suspected hyperactivity, 200 were included in a 6-week open trial of a diet free of synthetic food coloring. The parents of 150 children reported behavioral improvement with the diet, and deterioration on the introduction of foods noted to contain synthetic coloring.- Wm.]
10/18 3:26pm Does anyone have any recommendations for restaurants that deliver to Norfolk ? I can't drive right now and would like to order dinner in tonight. - HJC
10/18 1:57pm Full disclosure would be nice, JBN. - JPRW
10/18 1:54pm Most people would not question that we should have serious concerns about toxins, no matter where they pop up; it's equally important, however, that we don't jump to conclusions regarding the causes of diseases solely because of something we saw on the Internet or on this forum. The fact of the matter is that the cause or causes of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) remain unknown. In fact, in a detailed report put out by the National Institute of Mental Health (for those who still believe they have not been corrupted by General Foods) [NIH link] the affliction was first recognized and identified in 1845, which, of course, occurred long before anyone ever even dreamed about a Rice Crispy Treat. The same report also states that "most substantiated causes appear to fall in the realm of neurobiology and genetics... (Scientists) are finding more and more evidence that ADHD does not stem from the home environment, but from biological causes. Knowing this can remove a huge burden of guilt from parents who might blame themselves for their child's behavior." - TEM
10/18 1:01pm Looking for a trustworthy and experienced dog walker to take our new pup out 1-2 days per week. Please email jlow@calclosets.com if you are interested. A list of references would also be great. - JL
10/18 12:10pm Go Red Sox!! We believe!! - TMS
10/18 12:02pm MON, I agree with your statement re: hyperactivity and chemicals. What I was trying to convey in my post, maybe not that well, was that "true" ADHD is inherited, not caused by food or chemical sources that are ingested. As I eat very healthy, there is no reason to blame my condition on yellow dye.... I do think that kids are being misdiagnosed with ADHD and ADD in the classroom. Take a look at how many children are diagnosed. The numbers are staggering. We have a nation of kids on drugs for this condition! When my son was in Kindergarten in another town, I noticed that more than half the kids in his class were being tested for the possibility of ADHD. I think this makes people think that ADHD is no big deal, or an excuse used by parents and teachers to put their hyper children on meds. People need to take a look at what they are putting in their kid's bodies, as well as modify lifestyle.
Times are different now. It's a faster paced world and we are raising faster paced kids. Whatever happened to family dinners? They are non-existent due to sports practices and activities scheduled at dinner time. I have three kids going in three different directions. We can't all sit down to dinner together anymore and I miss that. I didn't deal with this as a child, there were no games scheduled on early Sunday mornings... that was church time or family time. Driving around to activities is not what I consider quality family time.
My son has true ADHD and we chose not to medicate him. Boy am I glad I didn't, becuase the pill that my MD told us was "safe" ten years ago is now considered dangerous and there are lawsuits against it... We use behavior modification on my son. Is it less convenient that popping him a pill? Yes, much! sometimes it's exhausting! But I believe that in the long run he will be healthier and happier. He still gets good grades, in fact he is a high honor student, in honors classes. It takes a lot of hard work... but it can be done without drugs.
Take a look at that wonderful drug Thalidimide that MON mentioned. I know a woman who will never have children becuase she was born without a uterus or overies. Some weren't so lucky and were born without limbs... I just don't trust the goverment any longer to decide what is best for us. It's all based on money and politics... Look at the tobacco industry, I still see teens smoking, nothing has changed.
- MW
10/18 12:01pm MON - touche'! I'm with you on the plastics issue. You forget to mention that the chemicals leach out even more when heated so heating food in plastic containers is not a good thing either. Also, let's not forget all those plastic items, including plastic bags, end up in landfills. And, plastic is produced using oil a rather pricey commodity these days. - BS
10/18 12:00pm I have approximately 50 bales of nice 2nd cut hay for sale. $4.50/bale, or $200 for all! 508-553-0673 or 617-633-7470. - JD
10/18 11:59am Per MON's info: I am a nurse and work in the ``world of cancer''. Plastics do leach dangerous chemicals as per his post, especially when they are heated in the microwave. This is not an urban legend, although some would have you believe it. BY the way, I know MON; he has a PhD in chemistry and is actually a nice guy (although he sometimes thinks he is the Stephen Colbert of NorfolkNet and gets under people's skin!). I would take what he says seriously (he lectures all over the world) and forget about what they say at Urban Legends.com or snopes. They are only citing scientific information that may be leaking from the scientists who work in the plastics industry (they are very powerful). Don't forget, our best interests are not what the government is about; the government is all about money and power. If you do not believe that, you are only fooling yourself. Consumers need to protect themselves. Look at how many decades we have been consuming trans-fats before there was any action taken. Wait until the full effect of nutra-sweet is out there, and Splenda. You will be amazed at how dangerous those chemicals are! Buyer beware! - JBN
10/18 11:58am MON is absolutely right - just check out the ingredients in a bottle of shampoo,or your favorite hand lotion.Or look closely at the ingredients of your favorite packaged food. Small wonder biologists are finding deformed aquatic life.Whatever we put into and onto ourselves ends up in the ground or in our waterways. Oh,by the way, the pH of my tap water yesterday was 7.5 (7.47 precisely) I'm on the north end of town.
10/18 11:57am MH - Congratulations on somehow finding a way to stop those people from sending you the Country Gazette. How did you do it? I've called them at least three times and asked them to stop throwing their paper on my lawn and yet every Friday there it is, usually sucking up water and bugs or something like that and making a mess as I go to throw it away. I don't care about Medfield, Franklin, Bellingham, etc etc etc. Stop pestering me with your [darn] paper, Gazette publishers! Long live the Boomerang!
10/17 11:35pm JT and TC To make it simple. Plastics, including those holding water, leach the chemical Bisphenol A into the water. Actually it happens in food as well. Bisphenol A is a compound that acts like estrogen, a female hormone. Once in your body it strikes estrogen receptors stimulating growth of cells that should be ``asleep''. Once stimulated some of these cells can grow uncontrollably into cancer. So don't believe everything on the internet, JT. As far as hyperactivity and children, MW, the European Union banned Yellow #5 years ago because it was proven to cause hyperactivity in children. In the US it is found in children's foods where it is still Ok by our lax standards, even in Spongebob Rice Crispy Treats, for example. Most children's food contain it, to make it visually appealing. So changing diet will reduce the incidence of hyperactivity, unless you inherited hyperactivity, which happens.
Could this be why so many children in our schools are diagnosed with ADD? I would bet on this if it weren't so sad and avoidable. If I had a child in Norfolk schools I would inquire about the foods served and insist that all foods that have been found to induce hyperactivity (yellow #5, high-fructose corn syrup, excesses of cheese) be banned. They were in the school my child attends until I informed them, so don't be surprised if they are in yours.
If you think our government is really watching out for your safety, and doesn't cave in to big money you are dead wrong. Want to know more? Google ``Bisphenol A'', ``nonylphenol'' or ``dibutylphhalate'' ``Scotchguard'' ``DDT'' ``Diethylstilbesterol''. How about Celebrex? Thalidomide? Phen-Fen? The list goes on and on.
Besides being a Muckraker on Norfolknet I study the chemical world, and I am alarmed at how uninformed our society is about chemicals, especially ones we use everyday. I know more than I sometimes care to, and I am not afraid to voice my opinion.
Knowing about Toxins in the Food Supply is a Form of Survival of the Fittest
10/17 11:33pm Thought this might be of interest to all who take the train. [MBTA info] - MG
10/17 11:28pm Given the warm weather's return, Ellen DeGeneres' meltdown over a dog adoption gone wrong (that this was treated as a newsworthy item is pathetic), and the last gasp of the Sox (where are those "dirt dogs" when you need them? Oh yeah, Trot plays for Cleveland now!), and dog attacks (How about Stephen King's Cujo as a good book to sink your teeth into!), I motion that we officially call this season the Dog Daze of October. The only thing missing is a full moon to howl at... - DA
10/17 6:33pm There is an interesting article [here] about Essex, Mass in this Sunday's Globe. Essex is a town similiar to Norfolk in that there is very little commercial development, and the town has to rely on property taxes for its revenue. The article reads: "A resolutely rural place of just 3,300 or so people, Essex cannot turn to commercial development to ease residential taxes. So, it depends on its skilled town officials to aggressively search for - and win - federal and state grants to keep expenses down and services up, said Mark Lynch, chairman of the Board of Selectmen and a 12-year resident."The article also goes on to say "... the high-performing regional school system ... a key attraction for families with children - or without. Effective schools keep property values up"Does anyone have any information about what federal and state grants Norfolk has successfully secured?
- KL
10/17 6:31pm Hi All - How long has it been since you've had a girls night? Do you need to purchase a gift for someone or even for yourself, maybe start the holiday shopping? Well look no further - I'm your gal. My names Sarah and I am the local Silpada Rep who lives in Norfolk. If you're interested in hosting a party or learning more about Silpada please contact me at Silpadasarah@aol.com Hope to hear from you soon. - SH
10/17 6:30pm TC - Drinking bottled water will not give you cancer. This is an urban legend. Check out [snopes.com] for an explanation and relevant links. - JT
10/17 6:29pm Hi Norfolk families! I know that the gala is on Saturday - I had something planned that night but I just found out that I will be available. If anyone still needs a sitter feel free to contact me! I'm seventeen and a senior at KP with transportation and plenty of babysitting experience! E-mail me at box74@norfolknet.com! Thanks -- - RA
10/17 6:28pm TC: Check out this link regarding the safety of water bottles and reusing them. [pasticmythbuster.org] This is another internet based urban myth that began via e-mail. - CRS
10/17 4:52pm MON: So what is the story with plastic water bottles? I have heard that water from plastic bottles can cause breast cancer, reproductive problems, and a host of other ills. Is it the bottle itself, or the water inside? Some chemical reaction from the combination? Are the water bottles our kids are asked to bring to school every day dangerous as well? Sounds like you know a lot about this stuff. Any suggested alternatives to balance the benefits of drinking water and the dangers of what container one drinks from? - TC
10/17 1:22pm Is there a Norfolk basketball league for a 5 year old? Is it too late to sign up for this winter? Thanks! - KB
10/17 1:00pm KID: Re: your wanting a good book. "Eat, Pray, Love" was on Oprah's book list. More of a chick book, but excellent. - KM
[Update 11:30pm: corrected title - Wm.]
10/17 11:47am Hey - We crossed the half million mark on the ticker at the top! WTG Wm! - MH
[Thank you! Thank you all, couldn't have done it without you :-) The hit counter has been on the page since 9/15/2006, a little over a year - Wm.]
10/17 11:34am Received this e-mail from a Franklin resident about a found cat: Sometime over the summer, a woman from a Norfolk business was making a delivery in my neighborhood in Franklin. While getting out the car, her cat jumped into the woods and she was going door to door leaving her business card in case the cat was found. I threw away the card just the other day (Murphy's Law) and then later saw a posting on the Town of Franklin bulletin board about a tabby cat found in the woods about .75 miles from here. I've attached the posting on www.franklin.ma.us. I cannot remember the name of the business but wanted to post this here in case the woman happens to be reading and has not yet found her cat. It's a long shot but you never know. Thank you. BC
WANTED: Found Gray Cat 's Home
Categories: Pets & Supplies Notice Number: 3929 Date Posted: 10/12/2007 Contact: Linda Noel
Franklin, MA 02038Telephone: E-Mail: Reply to Notice Web Site: Description
Gray Striped Cat. Male - Nuetered? Yellow/green eyes. White Chin. Very emaciated. Found in woods near Sullivan/Keller School. Very affectionate. Missing his people.- Wm.
10/17 11:21am We have not been receiving our grocery store flyers that used to come in the mail on Thursdays, and we have not been getting our Country Gazette. Anyone have any insight they can share? - MH
10/17 10:55am If anyone is interested in becoming CPR certified, the Board of Health has space available for 4 participants in tonight's CPR class, Wed, Oct 17th, @ 6:30 pm being held in the Town Hall Multi-Purpose Room (next to the Recreation Dept). The cost of the class is only $5. Please contact Betsy Fijol @ fijol@virtualnorfolk.org - Betsy Fijol, Administrative Assistant, Norfolk Board of Health
10/17 10:18am In regards to the post about "notorious" breeds of dogs... This quote was taken off of the Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue web page. I also just read an article about a neighborhood that is being terrorized by a resident's pack of Labrador retrievers... There have been pet deaths as well as aggressiveness towards children and the elderly in that area. I would be happy to post the whole article if anyone would like to read it... YGRR Policy on Aggressive Goldens
Aggression in Goldens is a problem that must be acknowledged. As rescue workers, perhaps we see a greater number of aggressive Goldens because the population of dogs we work with is skewed -- made up of Goldens-in-need. Nonetheless, aggression in our breed generally is definitely on the rise.- MW
10/17 10:15am Did you hear the one about a guy standing on the sidewalk with a dog at his side. Another man walks up to him and says, "Does your dog bite?" The first man says, "No, my dog doesn't bite." The other guy reaches down to pat the dog and it bites his hand; he says, "I thought you said your dog doesn't bite." The first guy says, "My dog doesn't bite, that's not my dog." - JW
10/16 7:55pm For SD, re. the Guinea Pig - you may consider getting in touch with 4H; there is a local Chapter that deals with small animals (rabbits etc.) I'm not sure that they are in Norfolk, but one of the neighboring towns. Norfolk Aggie in Walpole could probably advise you, too. - LAW
10/16 7:38pm KID - Depending on your tolerance for the far end of spicy and colorful language, I would like to recommend one of my favorite books, "Kitchen Confidential" by Anthony Bourdain. It's a hilarious, irreverent look into the world of chefs and professional kitchens. He's an excellent writer and story-teller. If you have an iPod, it's available as a download, which is even better because he reads it himself. If you have the Travel Channel, you may have seen his show, "No Reservations", which is nowhere near as funny. Also try "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson. It's about his misguided adventures on the Appalachian Trail with a fast-food fanatic side-kick. Anything by him is good, but particularly "Notes from a Small Island" about his former life in England.
Another one from an island - Ireland - "Last of the Donkey Pilgrims" by Kevin O'Hara about his journey back to the old sod and his one-man, one-donkey travels amongst his people. He wouldn't even have to be a good writer - just quoting the locals is enough to make you fall off the sofa or out of bed.
- SO
10/16 7:23pm DA... Some of the worst attacks on children have been by Labs. You can research this. My son was attacked by a Dalmatian... small terriers of all kinds are notorious for biting and not good with children. Most police and military dogs need to be good with the public and have a reliable temperament. Law enforcement proffessionals choose these animals for that aspect of their personality... not their aggressiveness. A vicious dog is useless to an officer. Breed bans are useless. Instead, there should be a requirement that all dogs be given the proper training to make them a "good citizen" before they are issued a dog license... I have had many dogs over the years from Labs to Dobermans to shepherds and the only problem that I have ever had was with my Chocolate Lab. He was a true psycho... we found out later that his sire may have had issues. He attacked our neighbor's German shepherd. A Lab attacking a shepherd?? I did not trust him and we made arrangements to have him live somewhere else.
I truly believe that the fault lies with irresponsible "backyard" breeders who do not know what they are doing. For example - if you have a dog that is shy or nervous or a fear biter, you do not want to breed that dog. Some breeders only care about the price tag that they can get or the number of pupies that they can produce... not the temperment. This happens with all breeds. Not just the notorious ones. Cocker spaniels are another dog that breeders have ruined.
Just an FYI... the Fidelco Co. out of CT breeds and trains guide dogs...they are exclusively using German Shepherds. I have one of their puppies. I don't think that they would want to deal with lawsuits... obviously they feel that the "notorious" breed of Shepherd is reliable enough for them to place with families of all kinds.
So, in closing... I think it is not the breed but a combo of bad breeders and uneducated owners. I cannot speak for Ms. Cohen... but I am willing to bet that she has come across many problem dogs that are not on the dangerous breed list. I would rather face a brave and reliable GSD, Rottweiller or Dobie than a scared Lab, poodle or mutt any day of the week.
- MW
10/16 4:08pm MON, I agree with you... Actually, I don't allow my kids to consume Nutrasweet (my kids call it the cancer drink); I opt for real sugar in moderation. (And I am a pediatric dental assistant who worked in the O.R. and saw countless numbers of children have all their teeth removed due to nursing bottle syndrome.) As a diabetic, I feed my children a whole foods/natural diet becuase I know that they have inherited the diabetes gene and I want to start them eating right. I have hopes that with the proper diet and excercise, that they will never have to worry about a major lifestyle change later in life. We don't consume caffeine either. I don't really believe that ADD or ADHD is caused by diet. I was raised by a stepmother who once lived on a commune and is now the owner of a health food store in the mountains of WA state. We never had candy, sweetened cereal or even watched TV. She is a vegetarian... but the meat I ate was all natural - my dad hunted it, no preservatives. I still have ADHD. I think that most cases of food related ADHD symptoms are not true ADHD... but occur as a food sensitivity that can makes kids very hyperactive... But yes. You are right. I agree with most of your post. People for the most part are clueless about what they are putting into their bodies. As for Norfolk's water, I do believe that the pH levels have been fine since the issue was addressed. I think that people are upset over the damage caused in the past and their concerns and fears deserve to be addressed, even though I don't know what could be done. We all pay for it one way or the other, don't we - either in our taxes or out of our pockets directly. I really don't know if slamming the town with this would help the matter any. If the town pays for all of us to get new systems... don't we end up paying for it in our taxes anyway?
- MW
10/16 4:06pm Reminder! Norfolk Library presents "Fatal Forecast: an Incredible True Tale of Disaster & Survival at Sea," tonight at 7:00 PM. Join author Mike Tougias for a narrated slide presentation, based on his latest book of the same title. He will tell the harrowing story of the 1980 storm off the coast of Cape Cod. Mike is a frequent speaker at the Norfolk Public Library and his programs are always popular. His book will be available for purchase and signing. Registration is not required & the program is offered free of charge.
- Robin Glasser, Library Director
10/16 4:04pm I was very dismayed to hear about our Animal Control Officer's injuries incurred via a vicious dog attack. While not knowing the particular circumstances, it still seems to be an issue of people not policing their animals (aka exhibiting a measure of personal responsiblity versus a sense of innate right to be irresponsible - the public be damned attitude). Only in this case, the fallout is more serious and egregious than not picking up your dog's mess. I am especially concerned with folks who feel the need to own breeds noted for their viciousness. Please spare me the pablum about "it's the owner not the breed" that determines the behavior of certain types of dogs. For example, German shepherds have a long history of police and military training - it would appear that the shepherd part is a docile misnomer. My sister was attacked by a shepherd as a child, and while she suffered no significant physical damage, it did leave her traumatized. Likewise, pitbulls, rottweilers, and their ilk have notorious reputations. Perhaps in the wake of this incident, the town needs to adopt more stringent by-laws in this area? I hope that Hilary is on the mend. We will miss her dedication and professionalism while she recovers. - DA
10/16 4:02pm KID, if you want to fall asleep laughing, read Janet Evanovich's books. She has a series starting with "One For The Money." The series goes to 13. I have read them all and laugh so hard, I cry. Anything by Nicholas Sparks is a wonderful read as is anything written by Anita Shreve. Jeffery Deaver is a good author also. Sleeping my be difficult after reading Dean Koontz, especially "Intensity." Happy reading. - JW 10/16 2:54pm KID - How about "Don't Drink the Water"? [review] Sorry, couldn't resist! :-)
- VR
10/16 2:53pm I've been reading all the water concerns, and think perhaps the reported problems have been addressed. We recently set up a tropical aquarium, with lots of great advice from Uncle Ned's fish store in Millis. When I asked if it would be best to get bottled water for our initial set-up, they asked what town I was in - and said the Norfolk water was very good and we should definately use the tap water as bottled water would offer no advantage (did need to get drops to neutralize chlorine though). I regularly test the water, and my tank's PH is usually 7.0. Out of curiosity, I just tested the water straight from the tap and it was 6.5
While we are not fish, I'd think that if a local fish store recommends Norfolk water for aquatic pets, then it is likely of good quality for humans as well.
Just a thought!
- CI
10/16 2:20pm KID, I have enjoyed all the mysteries written by Cara Black and Colin Cotterill. Black's mysteries feature a private detective in Paris, Aimee Leduc, whose talents include disguises and computer security. Cotterill's protagonist is the official coroner of Laos, an elderly man with supernatural powers and a jaded view of the Communist government, which help him see beyond the surface of the crimes he encounters. Their books are available at the Norfolk library. - HPK
10/16 1:22pm MW, You have more to fear from plastic water bottles, bisphenol A in plastics from foods, Yellow #5 in your childrens' foods (causes hyperactivity) and Nutrasweet than anything found in Norfolk's water. Some of you parents need chastising for letting your kids drink Nutrasweet. I see it all the time. Every molecule of Nutrasweet releases a molecule of formaldehyde right into your children's bodies with the potential of causing leukemia and a smorgasbord of cancers. It isn't much better for adults. People sucking down Nutrasweet have a higher incidence of brain tumors, multiple sclerosis like symptoms and myalgias galore. Your best bet is to throw out the Poland Springs bottled water and save the money drinking Norfolk's. American consumers are like lemmings and experimental rodents all rolled into one.
So stop worrying about the Norfolk water and pay attention to the labels on your consumables. Its too late for us adults, but if children's diets were more natural maybe their wouldn't be so many afflicted by ADD and other maladies contrived by the pharmaceutical industry.
You are what you eat.
10/16 12:59pm KID, Anything by Dean Koontz... especially Odd Thomas, followed by Forever Odd, and finally Brother Odd. - TK
10/16 12:58pm KID - I haven't read this book yet because it was just released this week. It is supposed to be excellent. Not really a "who done it?" as much as a "why done it? as I understand it. I heard the author (also the author of the best selling The Lovely Bones) on NPR on Monday, it really sounds like a fascinating novel. Let us know if you read it. [NZ Herald article] Good luck! - MJD
10/16 12:55pm MON is correct; basic water is worse for the body than acidic. When my husband brought home his digital tester, our pH was testing in the 8's... My skin was being burned. This was several years ago. KOH is nasty stuff and people can be burned very easily if too much is put in. - MW
10/16 12:26pm I am burned out from work and thoroughly frightened by the water posts, so I am in need of a good book in which I can escape at bedtime. Could anyone recommend something for me? I love a good mystery. - KID
10/16 12:18pm MG, I too have also heard of cancer concerns. I will tell you - if we ever have to replace our pipes, I will never feel comfortable drinking our water again. As someone who watched both my parents die from this horrible disease at a young age, I am petrified for anyone that is put at risk by this new "code". I dont think that homeowners should be forced to install something that may cause them harm. Also, it was my understanding that homes are typically grounded right to the copper piping/service line... I would like to know more about this. Maybe this also needs to be addressed with NSTAR.
Has there been a group of homeowners formed that have gone through this whole service line replacement ordeal? Or even a group of concerned citizens? You know what they say about strength in numbers. Who decided on this code change and how do we get it corrected?
- MW
10/16 12:05pm If you drink acidic water (below pH 7) it encounters the acid in your stomach, which is pH 1 and corrosive. Fortunately you have a mucous lining in your stomach that stops your stomach from digesting itself, unless you have ulcers. If the water becomes basic (above pH 7) the water can do much more damage, especially in the higher ranges of pH 9 and above. Usually you will suffer burns in your mucous membranes (mouth) and esophagus, and in extreme cases, such as drinking Drano, which is lye (sodium hydroxide), you could die from internal bleeding.
I doubt the pH got below 3-4 in Norfolk. If you are concerned go to Home Depot and pick up some pH paper and report back.
As Porky Pig would Say "THTHTHThat's All Forks!
10/16 10:58am I picked up a yellow, London Fog jacket (size L) at the soccer fields last night. It was left by the baseball fields. - SB
10/16 10:57am I was wondering what effect incorrect pH has on the human body if it pits and ruins copper piping? Does anyone know? We drink filtered tap water. The filter takes out impurities but it does not correct the PH. Any thoughts? I found this link about PH levels - [watersystemscouncil pdf]
10/16 9:59am FH - The new water meters are not causing any harm to the water pipes as it relates to leaking, corrosion or pitting. The two issues are not related. It is very safe to get the new water meter installed. - LS
10/16 9:58am JC - the Red Dog Inn, in Mansfield is fantastic. I use them, my mother in law uses them, and quite a few friends, also use them. After visiting several other kennels locally, inquiring about their standard practices, talking to the workers, and viewing the kennels, it was an easy decision for me to choose Red Dog, and we've been very pleased ever since. - CJG
10/15 11:30pm TM... You don't want to know what it would cost to replumb your entire home! Ripping walls out, etc. I can't even imagine! In my case, I would rather just move. I would never get that money back if I had to sell my home in the near future. But, would the homeowner be liable to tell the buyer of this pre-existing condition? What if I sold my home and a year down the road the plumbing failed? Am I responsible? The good news is that the copper pipe used inside the home is of a higher grade/quality than that of the main service line. So I believe it would take longer to corrode... hopefully, the water pH was corrected before it was too late for the plumbing! - MW
10/15 11:28pm The Norfolk Community League presents: The 9th Annual Halloween Candy Giveback! Thursday November 1st. Freeman Centennial School Lobby 4pm-5:30pm
Children are welcomed to bring half of their Halloween candy for donation to benefit Birthday Wishes. Birthday Wishes is a charity that provides Birthday Parties for over 450 children in homeless shelters and transitional housing.
Come see Officer Steve Plympton, who will be present to greet the children and discuss the D.A.R.E. Program.
There will be drawings for toy store gift cards and other prizes.
Contact: Janet M. 508-553-9805.
- JC
10/15 11:26pm In answer to the use of PVC pipe, there were many class action suits all over the country because of cancer, especially liver cancer, caused from using this pipe. I don't believe my government saying it is safe only because the big unions, especially the Plumbers Union, want to use this pipe because it is easier to work with but mostly it is cheaper than copper, it is glued together of which the glue is also toxic and the plumbers make more money for their fee is the same weather they use plastic or copper. It was always only allowed for drainage pipes not drinking water. Florida had big class action suites because it was used in trailor homes. Check out this site. [BeSafeNet.com page] Also have NSTAR check out your area to make sure they have a ground for their transformers for if they don't electricity, especially during storms, bounces off your copper pipes and pits the pipes which eventually leak. I know because I had to replace all my pipes and Boston Edison admitted to my insurance company that they damaged my pipes due to not having a ground across the street. - MG
10/15 11:25pm I am having the new water meter installed this Friday, the 19th. I put off making the appointment because of all the controversy I have been reading concerning the copper pipes leaking. My house only has copper pipes. Last week I received a postcard from the water department stating that it was my last chance to make my appointment to install the new meter and if I didn't, they would shut off my water. I now feel that I am being strong armed into this installation. Obviously, I am hoping I won't hear any odd ticking noises or have leaks at the service line or worse - inside my house. If I do, I would be more than interested in joining any class action that may take place. Wish me luck. - FH
10/15 11:19pm DV: First of all, in response to your post of 10/11 @ 4:54pm, let me say that I'm sorry if you feel I've pricked your thin skin. My question to you was plain, simple, and sincere; I asked you to clarify the definition of the "very Jewish town" to which you referred. In your reply, you immediately "corrected yourself" (your earlier remark) by stating that you and/or your kids had (somehow) determined that you had counted more Jewish kids than Catholic in your particular neighborhood. Perhaps that can explain why your children's best friends are Jewish, only. Your rephrasing your statement could have resolved the question and ended our conversation, but then you added, "If you want to make my post into something it was not, go right ahead". That remark redirected my attention and stirred my curiosity, as I wondered, "What thoughts are lurking in the back of her mind that make her believe that someone could think that her post had a hidden agenda? .. My conclusion: Only you have the true answer to that question, DV.
While the following is not intended to apply to you personally, you've now prompted me to generally ponder why any person bothers to identify themselves as being Catholic while pointing out that her kids' best friends are all Jewish.
[ C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
- MT
10/15 7:08pm Reminder: The Norfolk Notations, a small Adult Norfolk based music group to meet Wednesday, Oct 17th and biweekly. We still have a few openings for anyone with 1-2 years experience in music, past or present. So go find those dusty old instruments in the cellar or attic and come try us out! We are currently playing from classical to popular to holiday music. Contact gericol@verizon.net or Cindy@humancomm.com for further info. - GC
10/15 5:43pm There seems to be some confusion. The Town Hall has no irrigation system. Town Hill has a well which was installed when Town Hill was rebuilt. Town Hill, the library, and the two roundabouts are irrigated by the well on Town Hill. - TB
10/15 4:08pm Does anyone know of a good cement drive-way repair person? Thanks, - PMP
10/15 4:06pm With regard to the watering of the town hall lawn, I support Tom's efforts to make the town hall look good. This is not a dig at him personally. After all he (or we) would certainly being hearing about it if the front lawn was a dust bowl given the way people are so vocal about the moonscape. He and his crew do a great job of maintaining the landscapes in town, including cleaning up the mess each weekend at the rec fields. But this relates to other recent discussions which boil down to legislating every action and ignoring common sense. Tom used common sense in applying water to protect the lawn and test a repair. However, the town has created bylaws that it expects the citizens to obey, and hence why shouldn't they. Don't get me wrong, given what we spent on the rec fields and the town hall, we should have a beautiful landscape. The problem is that the town does not permit automatic sprinklers even when connected to a well. And if the town hall lawn is watered with a well, did we really need to spend the money to dig a well just for the lawn. They must have town water being supplied to the building as that is another required bylaw that states all new development must connect. Under the Town Bylaws
SECTION 3. Water Use Restriction BylawUnder the Town Zoning Bylaws
e) Automatic Sprinkler Use: The use of automatic sprinkler systems is not allowed at any time when the watering system is connected to the Town of Norfolk system or water supply.D.4.c.19. Water Supply: A groundwater aquifer and surface water recharge to a groundwater aquifer, which is a present or potential future drinking water supply source for the Town of Norfolk.From the Water Department webpageThe Norfolk Board of Public Works encourages voluntary water conservation for outside use. The Water Conservation Program will work on an odd/even system. Garden & lawn watering and car washing will be allowed between the hours of 6-8 A.M. and 6-8 P.M. according to the following schedule:
Odd - Even Outside Watering Schedule:
Odd Numbered Houses on odd calendar days
Even Numbered Houses on even calendar days- [Name withheld - Wm.]
10/15 1:15pm To JC: We have 4 dogs and use either The Red Dog Inn in Mansfield or Acorn Animal Hospital in Franklin for boarding. Both are very good. - JBN
10/15 12:30pm Re: 10/13 10:14pm So is the town authorizing me to water my lawn when it's raining, so long as I just fertilized? - JH Actually, there have been small signs posted from time to time on Town Hill and at the Pond Street Recreation fields reading "Well Water", as opposed to "Town Water" or even "Sick Water" (sorry). Because the water is not from the Town distribution system, it probably doesn't have the restrictions on it that Town Water has.
- BH
10/15 12:29pm CS, MW - I'm more worried about the copper pipes inside the house than the service line. At least the service line is before the meter so we aren't charged for the water. What happens when the pipes inside start leaking? They will be more than $8k to find and replace... - BR
10/15 12:27pm We too had an awful experience with Kozy Kennels in Mansfield. The owners and workers were both rude and nasty after nearly killing our cat. She was not provided with the amount of exercise they said they would give her (we were told there were more dogs being boarded than expected so they felt it wouldn't be safe for the cat to be let out) and even worse they never dispensed the medication she needed for a hyper thyroid condition. We brought home a sick cat, which lost 25% of her body weight and required a week at Acorn Animal Hospital. We had a very positive experience with the Pet Smart Hotel in Framingham. We boarded our dog there for a week over the summer. They have a rather large menu of add-on services to customize your pet's visit. The kennel and play area were both very clean and the workers seemed to really love the animals that were staying there. My experience with Kozy Kennels was about 3 years ago. If they are under new management or something has truly changed than I don't want to be unfair to a business owner that may have turned the place around.
- DM
10/15 11:01am To CS: That is an unbelievable story about your water pipes. It is just unfair the responsibility is put on the homeowner because the water department does not know how to maintain a proper pH level in our water. Between replacing septic systems and now water pipes we are all going to go broke. - BH
10/15 9:32am JC... I have used Northeast Kennels in Walpole for all three of my dogs. They are excellent! I highly reccomend them - and I am pretty picky. - MW
10/15 9:31am My daughter has a guinea pig she would like to show. Does anyone know of any small animal shows that are held locally? Thanks - SD
10/15 9:30am JC: Used Northeast Kennels years ago. No complaints. Often see the animals being boarded there walked in the neighborhood. My son used Kozy Kennels in Mansfield, again two or three years ago. The dog scaled the kennel fence and escaped the first day there. The owner of the kennel was lax in contacting us regarding the situation and then offered little or no help in finding the dog. They actually blamed him for not informing them of the dog's ability to jump. The Mansfield police did cooperate with us, and luckily we found the dog the next day not far from the kennel. We found the owner (not the staff) of Kozy Kennels to be both unresponsive and rude. - KK
10/15 9:29am JC, I have been doing a bit of dog sitting this past year and would be happy to talk to you about overnight sitting. You can call me at 508-528-3724 or E-Mail me at ZQQKeypurr@aol.com. - JW
10/15 9:28am CS, I wish that I had the name of the lawyer for you. Maybe my neighbor will see this and post it? I will try and find out. 9 years old?? Wow! What about getting a group together to pursue this? I wonder what the effects of the water have been on our bodies? Maybe I don't even want to know! - MW
10/14 11:53pm Like DH, we too have experienced first hand the leaking water service/ copper pipe issue. Happened to us several weeks ago in September. Our water service was bubbling up in our front yard and flooding onto the street. The town (water dept.) came on site and insisted not only that we get a contractor on site immediately but that we replace the entire copper pipe (house is 9 years old) with the new town mandated code of PVC pipe. They also said we would have to have the house re-grounded and that it was all our responsibility financially. The town claims it is electrolysis in the soil causing the copper pipe to deteriorate prematurely from the outside in. Other knowledgeable people who were on site insist the pipe is deteriorating from the inside out which would point to pH or aggressive/acidic water. We kept pieces of the damaged pipe and it seems to validate the latter rather than the former. There were four separate pin holes (leaks) found along the length of the pipe.
Bottom line is my entire front lawn had to be dug up, which destroyed my irrigation system and landscaping, the entire length of pipe had to be replaced, an electrician had to reground the house, there were permit fees, new loam and seed/landscaping, new irrigation.
Total cost to me $8000. Word is that this has happened over 20 times in Norfolk this year.
Also, did anyone happen to notice the flyer the water dept included with the last round of water bills? It more or less puts everyone on notice that PVC pipe is now town code and that homeowners are responsible for the water line from the street to the house. Take a good look at it. Ironic that this appeared now? Looks like they are expecting these issues to continue and are trying to get ahead of it and/or CYA? Also, homeowners insurance will not cover this either.
MW, you mentioned that you know someone who won a lawsuit against the town of Norfolk due to the young age of their house vs. the condition of their service line. Would you happen to know the name of the lawyer they retained?
- CS
10/14 11:46pm I know that the Verizon TV Fios subject was very close to being a done deal about 60 days ago and haven't heard another word about it... can anyone add any information? Thank You, - KB
10/14 11:45pm Hi. Can anyone recommend a good overnight dog boarding facility in the area? Has anyone used Northeast Kennels in Walpole? I'm looking for feedback on any kennels in the area, good or bad. Thanks. - JC
10/14 11:44pm Spoke with Hilary this afternoon, and yes, she was involved in an incident a few days ago, yes, she was injured, but she wanted all to know that she hopes to be chasing down varmints in the future, and that she appreciates everyone's concern. - KM
10/14 11:43pm Yes, our Animal Control Officer did get attacked, although I don't know to what extent. I do know it is bad enough that she needs physical therapy. I agree, we need to know where these nasty dogs are. A registry is a good idea. I wonder about the mental condition of the owners of these attack dogs, no matter what the breed. The last I knew, the town was using KOH (potassium hydroxide) to condition the water.I don't know if they still do, but we should know, and it should be part of the the report that they send.
Lastly, why are we wasting money on fertilizer for Town Hill? Isn't a clover lawn just as green? I don't know where Bush Pond is, but it's overgrowth of weeds wouldn't have anything to do with nitrogen and phosphorus run-off, would it?
Wishing Hilary Cohen a speedy recovery,
10/14 11:42pm Thank you to all for a very successful Haunted Train Ride last night! Our 10 year old and his Dad really enjoyed themselves and appreciated the ease that the new pre-sale of tickets afforded for getting in and around. Sorry I was sick and couldn't join them - looking forward to next year. - TN
10/14 11:41pm King Philip Music Association General Meeting on Wednesday October 17th 7:30pm at King Philip High Media Center, Wrentham. Hear up to the minute information about the 2007-2008 Music Program. Meet the officers of the KPMA and learn about future plans. If you have a student at KP Middle School, now is the time to get involved with the KPMA, so that you can promote your child's music education! - MW, KPMA
10/14 11:04am TM... If your home sits on very sandy soil and you have excellent drainage, you could never realize that the service line is failing, other than water pressure problems that could also be caused by something else. I am not sure of the exact time frame, but my husband was testing our water about 2 years ago and the pH was fluctuating from extremely acidic to extremely basic. Not sure how long this had been going on, but there was definitely an issue as recently as approx. 2 years ago. As I stated in a past post, I have very sensitive skin and the water was burning me. I also get the same type of burns from certain soaps that are too basic, such as Ivory. When I stopped using soap altogether and still had issues my husband decided it was time to test the water. I had expressed my concern to a neighbor, who told me about their main service line problem. This validated my concerns. I used to have beautiful hair until I moved to Norfolk. Now is is dry and brittle. Family and friends noticed the change in me immediately. This has actually something that has effected my daily life. When the water pH is off, my face and body can look like a burn victim. I haven't noticed anything for awhile... except for when I am assuming they disenfected. We could smell the bleach for a while. It was like taking a bath in a chlorine pool! - MW
10/14 11:03am Hadn't heard about the incedent re: the animal control officer. I know that she posts on this site.. Just wanted to express my concern and good wishes to her if this story is true ! Hopefully, she is doing well! I wonder if there is some legal way to have a registry of potentially dangerous dogs in the town? I know that I would like to know where they reside so that I can train my kids in how to stay away form such homes and how to protect themselves if an attack should happen... My oldest child was attacked by a vicious Dalmatian (not blaming the breed!! I have a German shepherd!) many years ago that wandered onto our property. He still bears the scars on his face. It will effect him forever. What makes me angry is that my son was not the first victim! Is it possible to create a registry of dogs that have had a certain number of complaints about them or that have gotten to the point where they are involved in a hearing?
- MW
10/14 10:59am DL, I had not heard that, it is a shame and I hope she was not hurt badly; she is a very nice lady. - DV
10/13 10:14pm So is the town authorizing me to water my lawn when it's raining, so long as I just fertilized? - JH
10/13 9:54pm Had my van detailed today by someone named Peter that posted here a couple of weeks ago. He did an excellent job. Highly recommend him; Peter 508 528 3427. - PRB
10/13 9:53pm DH... I just saw your post... That is very disturbing. Did you find out about this when they came in to change the water meter? I can't understand how the town will not take any ownership for this when they were responsible for the pH being wrong for several years. I am also curious how you found out about the water pH issue... It sounds like the town is being up-front that they had the wrong PH, but are just not taking any responsibility for the financial impact to homeowners. What is the average cost to change out all the copper piping in a house? Shouldn't the town bear some of the financial responsibility for this problem?
I for one am deeply concerned about this now. I did go downstairs and listened to the main water pipe in my house and didn't hear any noise... but maybe it is just a matter of time.
Do you know when the PH issue was happening, during what time frame?
- TM
10/13 9:50pm RE: new water meter - Seems I'm not the only one with the "ticking" or noisy water meter...can someone from the town or water dept. respond to this? Maybe we need to look into this situation a bit more before we continue installing the new meters throughout the town... is there anyone out there with a new meter that is not experiencing the ticking/noise? thanks! - CK
10/13 9:49pm DH, you are 100% correct. I know someone who won a lawsuit against the town of Norfolk due to the young age of their house vs. the condition of their service line. I may have mentioned before that my husband runs a water system in a neighboring town, and he had to laugh when he heard that Norfolk wanted to study the possibility of installing a mini wastewater treatment plant for the town center. The town can't even find certified water operators to run the town water system correctly. How on earth are they going to find state certified wastewater treatment folks to run this new treatment plant? Last he heard we were using Whitewater to maintain our water system? Tres expensive! P.S.: - Don't you think that the town should at least waive the $200 permit fee?? Considering it is the town's fault that the pipes are corroding... I lived in a one hundred plus year old home growing up that my family had been the original owners of, and we never had to replace the main service line that was installed in the 1920's...
- MW
10/13 9:48pm Is anyone able to donate a used, standing mixer for baking activities? It must be able to mix a double batch of cookies. I'm a volunteer for a boy's residential program. Please contact jentech00@yahoo.com. Thank you. - JS
10/13 9:47pm I heard that the Animal Control Officer was attacked a few days ago by two dogs that were recently at a town hearing for being vicious. Does anyone know if she's okay? Thank you. - DL 10/13 10:54am Many of you are in for the shock of your lives regarding water issues. The pH in the water system was not correct for several years. As a result of this, the copper pipes coming into the homes in Norfolk are becoming pitted and leaking water. The cost of replacing your pipe from the gatebox into the home is thousands of dollars and the water department puts it all on the homeowner. In addition, the permit fee is around 200 bucks. Also, for those of you lucky to experience this, the water department mandates that you replace the copper pipes with plastic. In addition to this you also have to hire an electrican to ground the house and someone to fix all the items that had to be dug up. In addition to that, if you live on a busy street do not foget the police detail. So go down to the water department and they will give you a list of contractors that you can contact to do the work. The company that did mine had 20 something to do. When you get a chance go down into your basement, with all water related items off, and put your ear up to the water pipe - and if you hear water running in the pipe, good luck. - DH
10/13 10:52am KK, There are two reasons the sprinklers were on at Town Hill. The first is the Grounds crew fertilized the hill and I felt it necessary to water it in even though it had rained. Each zone was on for 4 minuntes each. The normal operating time for each zone is 20 min. The irrigation sytems in town have rain stats on them so they stay off when it rains. The only way they can operate in the rain is if you operate the sytem manually as I did. The second reason is that I had just repaired two major leaks and wanted the system to run through a sequence. It's kind of like killing two birds with one stone. I guess you could say I was trying not to be wasteful! - Tom Benedetti, Foreman, Grounds Maintenance Division
10/13 10:51am I saw the sprinklers on too and called the Highway Dept. According to = the head groundskeeper for the Town, the sprinklers were turned on = intentionally for quick 4 minute cycles per zone because they put down a = high nitrogen fertilizer this morning and wanted to ensure that the = fertilizer did not burn the turf. Also they had reset some of the = sprinklers and wanted to check their operation. - BV
10/12 10:33pm We received an e-mail asking whether anyone has any tickets to the Haunted Train Ride. I am looking for 4 tickets to the Haunted Train Ride. We missed the advance ticket sale and we have 2 kids who will be so upset if they miss this. Please help. Contact Mary at 508-553-2948. Thanks!In response to my standard who-are-you letter, they explained:M. V.
A woman at the Norfolk Library suggested that I post this message. I take my children to the Haunted Train Ride every year. I knew about the advanced ticket sales but I had no idea they would not be selling anymore tickets.- Wm.
10/12 9:12pm We were disappointed to find the haunted train ride is sold out. How would I go about getting tickets for next year? Were the tickes by person or per car/family? Thanks, - RK
10/12 9:09pm Anyone else notice that every year, Bush Pond is getting more and more overtaken by some kind of aquatic plant? The swans have had to move the nest, and I'm sure that all of those "weeds" are drinking up lots of water making the pond even lower than it would be. Shouldn't we be "weeding out" a portion of those plants? - JD
10/12 9:08pm Go Red Sox! - CJ
10/12 9:07pm Since my water meter was replaced it is very loud as well, whenever we run the water for any reason, plus my water pressure is very poor. My water bill was over $500 dollars, guess that is better than the $600 one I got last time. I have always thought there was something with my old meter; let's see what happens with the new one. Hi mom! - BH
10/12 5:26pm Is there any explanation for the sprinklers on town hill being turned on during a rainy day? It is one thing when the town does not comply with it's own posted water conservation policy, but quite another when water is being willfully wasted. - KK
10/12 5:25pm AL, you're already packed!! We haven' t even gone shopping. - DV
10/12 3:27pm Thank you Norfolknet! We are happy to report the red sweatshirt left at Pond St. soccer fields was found by one of your readers, and now packed for the 6th grade trip to Bournedale next week. Thanks again. - AL
10/12 2:07pm Hello Wm: Is there any particular reason that you removed my words, "Interesting article in USA Today Online this morning," from my post of 7:33 AM this morning? What can possible be wrong with leaving my words on the main page with a link to the Politics page? In this case you even removed my words from the Politics Page.
PS: Please have the editorial integrity to post my grievance above to the main page of Norfolknet.
[There is a particular reason, but not a good one, I have to admit: I missed them. I've restored the lead-in sentence to your post. As to why it wasn't linked from the main page, because it didn't belong there; not unless perhaps the airlines are, say, owned by a Norfolk resident. Wasn't made clear by the article. - Wm.PS: how can I miss attachments and parts of messages? I read the e-mails in raw text format; this is what I see:
To: <webpage@norfolknet.com> Subject: post: for the web Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 07:32:43 -0400 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01C80CA2.14D6DD00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Interesting article in USA Today Online this morning: MEXICALI, Mexico - New Mexican discount airlines are using rock-bottom fares to cater to legal and illegal migrants heading for the USA. The airlines - known among fliers as Aeromigrante, or "Migrant Air" - take passengers from central or southern Mexico to cities along the northern border such as Tijuana and Mexicali. From there, customers make their way across the U.S. border. The flights are part of a booming services industry for the estimated 13 million Mexican and Central American migrants who reside in the USA. Passengers who used to make bus trips of several days can arrive at the border well-rested for the often dangerous crossing.http://www.usatoday.com/ JPB ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01C80CA2.14D6DD00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html xmlns:o=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" = xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" = xmlns:st1=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" = xmlns=3D"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"> <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; = charset=3Dus-ascii"> <meta name=3DGenerator content=3D"Microsoft Word 11 (filtered medium)"> <o:SmartTagType = namespaceuri=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" name=3D"country-region"/> <o:SmartTagType = namespaceuri=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" name=3D"City"/> [... etc]I have to visually skip parts of the message to find the relevant text, and occasionally I must be grouping the first line or remark with the header just above it. I often miss attachments for the same reason if I don't think to look for them, because they show up much farther down, past the long HTML coded form of the message.]
10/12 1:58pm Norfolk Library presents "Fatal Forecast: an Incredible True Tale of Disaster & Survival at Sea" on Tuesday, Oct. 16th at 7:00 PM. A narrated slide presentation by author Mike Tougias, based on his latest book of the same title. He will tell the harrowing story of the 1980 storm off the coast of Cape Cod. Mike is a frequent speaker at the Norfolk Public Library and his programs are always popular. His book will be available for purchase and signing. Registration is not required & the program is offered free of charge. Sunday Hours: Effective this Sunday, Oct. 14th through the end of April, the library will be open 1:00 - 5:00 PM.
Art Display by Norfolk photographer Kevin Monaghan. This stunning black and white exhibit depicts many area scenes, including Jane & Paul's Farm.
- Robin Glasser, Library Director
10/12 11:44am Did anyone find out why the bulldozers are in the town center? Is it Walgreens or Stop and Shop?? - MA
10/12 11:43am The Webkinz Reindeer are in at Something Special. Start your Christmas shopping early and get them while they last. All Webkinz (except the Reindeer) are still half off. New "Entering Norfolk" t-shirts and sweatshirts are also finally in at Something Special. See you soon,
- Joan and Nancy, Something Special
10/12 11:42am Hi there, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a local chimney sweep. I know it must be their busy season right now, but I was hoping someone could come out tomorrow. Thanks for any help! - TM
10/12 11:41am LB, Thanks for the warning - it is helpful. I feel bad that you took part of your display down though, because I was sincere about just driving a different way so you wouldn't have to do it. My husband loves that stuff and I don't want to deprive him or you and your kids of the opportunity to enjoy it - I'd just like to avoid freaking the kids out until they are old enough to get a thrill out of being freaked out. I also don't want you to worry that you were the sole cause of any "scaries" trauma - my son has been talking about monsters and scaries for over a month now and I think he only saw your display on Monday. I hope you and your kids have a blast on Halloween and I look forward to your Christmas display (since I already got Christmas catalogs in the mail, I'll probably be in the mood for an elf torture rack by the time you get that set up - just kidding!) - KID
10/12 11:40am PA: ...Hillary in '08? Not nearly as scary as "President Thompson." *shudders* - SR
10/12 11:32am Yes! We had our water meter replaced 3 or so weeks ago. We immediately heard the ticking sound when multiple water related items were being used at the same time. Our meter is on the outside wall of our family room, and our couch happens to be right next to it! Our friend was about to have hers changed over so I mentioned the ticking sound to her. She asked the installer about the noise when he was at her house. He said it was probably was because our pipes were too small and/or we were using too much water at once. This makes me wonder what the right size pipes are for this meter if ours could be too small and someone else's could be too big. He also said that even if I had a second new meter installed it would probably tick too. Who knows! - LM
10/12 11:28am Today is the last day to get your Autumn Charity Auction tickets. There are many fabulous items to bid on - buy your ticket and support your town! Tickets are available to print off at norfolkcommunityleague.org - BD
10/11 8:56pm MW, thank you for the response. All of us are more than one thing, that is what makes this country so great... participate in all of the booths. - DV
10/11 7:52pm DV... This may sound contradictory to my past posts, but I do agree with you about children learning other religions. It would be nice to see a unit or an elective course at the 5th /6th grade level in comparative religions and cultures. I think that there is a difference in educating and exposing to a religion vs. forcing someone to participate in it. My oldest did touch on this in the middle school, but it was geared more towards history than culture... It would be fun to have a cultural fair in town where different ethnic groups could showcase their food, costume and culture... The only problem is, that I am so many things that I wouldn't know which booth to participate in! - MW
10/11 7:50pm I would like to thank Thelma Ravinsky from the Norfolk Historical Commision for taking time out of her day today to speak to my cub scout den. Ms. Ravinsky was extremely knowledgable about the history of Norfolk and made it very exciting for the Cub Scouts. We loved being inside the Tramp House which helped to bring some of Norfolk's history to life. Thanks again for meeting with us. We really appreciate it! - LK, Cub Scouts Pack 80 Den 4
10/11 7:49pm I recently had my water meter replaced and have found the new meter to be very noisy when water runs, especially when a toilet is flushed or the washing machine is running. When I contacted the water dept. they sent someone out and explained that my water pipes are larger than the normal (1 inch vs 3/4 inch) and that was the cause of the noise (almost a ticking sound - the pipe actually vibrates as the water is running through it) - I find this to be unacceptable - the meter is located in my basement directly below my family room so the noise is quite noticeable - anyone else having this problem? - CK
[So that's what's making the ticking noise! Yes, we've noticed it too. - Wm.]
10/11 7:26pm MT, "By being so "PC" we are robbing children from learning about others. This is a huge mistake!" is this the sentence that offened you? Because I have read that post over and over again to see why you would be so rude in response to it. Let me clarify, we were not being "PC" by not complaining about each others displays. The point, which maybe I did not make clear, was that by not celebrating, and sharing what we each believe would be robbing the children. - DV
10/11 5:46pm DV, I think that you misunderstood the nature of my post. You are certainly free to do whatever you like on your property. I would never complain! I personally, am someone who loves to learn about other cultures... Always have been! MW maybe I did misunderstand because I always agree with your posts. I think our children are losing the ability to learn about other cultures because religion is so much a part of culture and it is so forbidden to talk about. My point being that our kids should learn about all the people they can, and like it or not, religion is part of that learning. I feel by not learning about all religions in school we are leaving out a huge part of history. But I am getting off of this subject because some folks just like to stir up trouble and that is the last thing I need.
- DV
10/11 4:54pm MT with tissue in hand for your tears, let me correct myself. We lived in a neighborhood with far more Jewish kids than Catholic. The point of my post clearly being, none of us were offended by the others religion or their display of it. If you want to make my post into something it was not, go right ahead. - DV
10/11 4:53pm The accident on Main St. this morning was a bad one. When I went out and saw the SUV, I thought the worst, but fortunately no serious injuries. The young woman in the SUV was shaken up and had to be pulled from the vehicle but I asked her if she were OK, she said she was. The other car was heavily damaged also and the man operating it was standing there with no apparent injuries. I bet both were wearing their seat belts. Norfolk's finest were there right away and it was cleaned up in very good time. - JW
10/11 4:52pm A quick update - the "torture" guy has been laid to rest... until Halloween... Just to give some insight into our crazy mind - I was starting to draw out our dancing happy elves for Christmas today...
- LB
10/11 4:51pm LB: Nice post. I have to say, the minute we are done with dinner tonight we're outta here to check out Campbell St. and North St. My kids are always up for a little scare and ghoulish fun. But they were toddlers once, and they still talk about a house near Campbell, years ago, that you could walk through, chain saws revving, blood flying. I am laughing my head off just thinking about it (twisted?). In any case, we thank you for your effort and happy haunting! - AL
10/11 3:45pm KID - I am sorry that your kids got the "scaries" - I truly am. It is not our intention to scare little ones - really. We do it because our kid and those around us truly enjoy the holidays and decorating for it. Given that we have so many little ones (2 and up) around here that don't mind the displays - it really never came up that when you drive by, other little ones could be afraid. I am not saying that we are taking down our display - but I want you to understand that obviously the initial thought process wasn't intended to scare little ones. We just maybe figured that most kids are as twisted as ours :) Kidding... I do have to ask - which display is the most cause for concern - if it is our "torture" guy - (really it wasn't meant to be a torture rack - we just ran out of wood) - we may take him down for a little while. The other things in there really aren't gruesome - it's a cemetery with a grave digger... and anything else you pretty much have to get out to see. One thing I have to say - if you ever want to get out of the car and show your kids - feel free - just so they identify they are not real... Everything is put together by us - so really if you go up to any of them and look - you will see the chicken wire and such. The "crypt" has thus far become a clubhouse for webkins... real scary... We have been doing this now for 4 years and this is the first time anyone has ever said anything negative.
I do have a suggestion - on Halloween night, some of the displays on North St. do a lot of things - it is even more graphic and much louder (scary music - screams) lots more monsters... The kids around here look forward to it (and a lot of the adults.) Just in case, you really might want to consider driving a different way. I am not trying to be smart or a jerk - I truly feel bad about causing any child distress -and again if I can do anything to have your child see that they are all fake - I have no problem doing so. Take Care,
- LB
10/11 12:57pm As a Catholic Jew - if there can even be one of those?! - to me, Santa Claus means St. Nick... Jews do not believe in saints, so celebrating a saint would be against the religion. Jews do not believe in idol worship... A jewish person would never pray to a statue of a saint... ever... So, technically, Santa Claus statues are a big "no no" (that goes back to Egyptian times before Jesus was even born). Jews do not celebrate Easter... or the Easter bunny. And having studied theology extensively in both cultures, it can be argued that the Christmas tree is not actually a Christian symbol... but a pagan one. The history of the Christmas tree is one that I find fascinating! The Menorah is to commemorate the miracle of light. A candle is lit for each day of light that the oil burned in the temple... I would say that, technically, Christians could probably celebrate Chanukkah too, since Jesus was born a Jew... Jewish religion is based on the Old Testament; Christianity has added on the New Testament... Of course it goes much deeper than that, and is much more complicated than that... but that's my summary in a nutshell.
- MW
10/11 11:31am If a true Christmas were being celebrated in schools, I would be more concerned by other religious holidays being celebrated. In my lifetime (I am 33 years old), I have never seen the baby Jesus in a school, just Santa Claus along with a gift exchange. This hardly constitutes the meaning of Christmas; it is as secular as the Easter Bunny. Please forgive my ignorance of Jewish tradition, I was not raised anywhere near a ``Jewish town'' and did not know anyone that was Jewish until I moved here six years ago. My current understanding is that the Menorah is not secular, but is of true religious significance; can someone smarter than me please clarify?
- MH
10/11 11:07am With regard to my "First Responder" post of 10/10, I did not expect, nor did I intend it to be primarily a discussion of religious practices and/or beliefs. However, it was fun to read the follow-ups. I can't wait for Thanksgiving!! Don't forget, Turkeys have feelings too. - MT
10/11 11:05am I think DV has hit on a good idea. How about we create a map for Halloween displays that are not G-rated? That way those who like the macabre can have fun creating their displays, those who enjoy viewing them can take a spooky driving tour of Norfolk, and those of us with preschoolers can just drive around them, so we don't have to spend hours at bedtime comforting away the "scaries" as my three year old calls them. I stumbled across one of the North Street displays the other day, and while I admired the effort that went into it, I wish I had driven another way with the kids in the car, as it was a little too much for them. Anyone who can help by identifying the general area (you don't have to shout out anyone's street address) of a super-scary display, please do so. - KID
10/11 11:04am Apparently there was a big accident today on Main St. at the corner of Boar= dman. My husband called from work to say there was a SUV flipped over in th= e woods and a heavily damaged car. - JP
10/11 11:03am I was able to purchase the tickets I needed thanks to this board. - CB
10/11 10:46am JD. Thank you for clarifying! I never knew that! Maybe that is why it never made sense to me? I am not a Communist! In fact, my relatives escaped communism... I do think that "under God" is outdated, but I don't really care if it goes or stays. I would find it hard to believe that a public school would punish a child for leaving it out of the pledge. - MW
10/11 10:45am HRB. Thank you for your explaination of the town meeting process. I do not think that the meetings are a bother. Just an expense. I was looking for justification of the money spent. Again, I work for a municipality of similar size and there is only one town meeting per year. I was just wondering if there was a way to be more efficient. It seems like an awful lot of business for such a small town. Wouldn't it make sense to schedule town meetings so that they are held after the state budget? I don't really know, and I'm not trying to criticize... just looking for answers/solutions. It got my goat when we received the fall town meeting warrant and I read that they were already looking for more funds a couple of months into the fiscal year. - KW
10/11 10:44am DV, I think that you misunderstood the nature of my post. You are certainly free to do whatever you like on your property. I would never complain! I personally, am someone who loves to learn about other cultures... Always have been! No one is complaining about neighbor's Christmas lights on their own property. I was talking specifically about holiday parties in the public schools and the seperation of church and state. I do not feel that religion should be a part of the public schools. This is why some people choose to homeschool or send their children to private schools that focus on religious education. You cannot force someone to be religious or to conform to one religion. It just goes against everything that this country stands for. We have soldiers fighting and dying everyday for this cause!
If you are going to accomodate one religion in the schools... then you need to accomodate the religion of each child in the school system. It is their right. I agree that it may be annoying. That's just the way it is. There is simply not enough time in the school year for this. I think that a "holiday" party is a very easy solution for this and that people are making much more of it than is necessary. It is not a personal attack on Christian holidays. As someone who was both Bat Mitzvahed and attended Catholic HS, I am not offended that my Christian children do not celebrate Christmas in school.
I think that the Halloween scenerios were criticized due to to their graphic nature, not their religious context. So it is really two different issues that have gotten mixed up into one.
- MW
10/11 10:42am Oy vey, DV! About your post of 10/10 @ 11:58PM: Speaking of PC. Well listen, some of my best friends happen to be Catholics... and guess what? Some of them are even non-Caucasian Catholics, so I guess that doubly allows me to pass muster within the ranks of the local liberal gentry and their PC police, with full colors. So, with tears (of laughter) in my eyes, I pray, tell me, please, just what the heck (I edited "heck" before Wm did) do you consider a "very Jewish town"?! - MT
10/10 11:58pm KW - We have 2 Town Meetings per year because just was impossible to make do with 1. The 1989 Annual Town Meeting, for example, had 102 articles and, as I recall, ran for 5 nights over two weeks, often past 11 p.m. And, in many years we also had to have a Special Town Meeting as well when issues arose that couldn't be put off. So in the early 1990s, it was decided to schedule 2 Town Meetings per year. The Annual in the Spring, deals primarily with the budget, and the Fall focuses on zoning, planning, by-law changes, etc. It's worked pretty well. We need to consider adding to departmental budgets for a number of reasons including: the state budget isn't ready by the time we meet in May, so we have funds that need to be allocated and only a Town Meeting can do this. We also need to make transfers, but only after revenue has been collected that can be transferred.
Our Open Town Meeting form of government is the most direct form of democracy that exists in our country. Why some people consider this a bother never ceases to amaze and depress me.
10/10 11:53pm "I think it's less about being non-offensive, and more about being welcoming and supportive to all." - MW I really disagree, I find that the more "non offensive" we are the less children learn about each other. If I am Catholic and put up something offensive to my Jewish neighbors children, isn't it them being non welcoming? We moved here last year from a very Jewish town, we happen to be Catholic, my children's best friends are Jewish. They would no more complain about our Christmas lights than we would about their menorah. By being so "PC" we are robbing children from learning about others. This is a huge mistake!
- DV
10/10 11:51pm As we get closer to the NCL Autumn Charity Auction, we are in desperate need of someone who knows how to network our 4 laptops for check-out. It would entail that someone in coming to Lucianos on October 20 some time after 9 am to get us up and running for the Big Event. If you or anyone you know could help us with this, we would sincerely appreciate it. The volunteer does not have to be an NCL member or even attending the Auction (although we would love it if they were coming.) Please think about this and let me know if you have someone in mind. NCL is a nonprofit charitable organization - all money raised at the auction will go directly back to the town of Norfolk. My email is bdambro@comcast.net Thank you, - BD
10/10 11:50pm TM - I am a finish carpenter! Which means I can do all your work for you and do great detail. I will match or beat and price you have and have local references. Give me a call, TD 508-517-4708. Look forward to hearing from you. - TD
10/10 6:52pm Re "I can't imagine thumbing my nose at my neighbors and fellow community members in the name of individual rights." What? I live in this country because of individual rights - DV
10/10 6:50pm CR, You're right about Walgreens not having the sale item that were advertised in the flyer. I'm in Norwood every Sunday, and usually shop at the Walgreen's there. Almost always they don't have the sale item in the store on the first day of the sale. After many complaints to management and also the Corporate office I've noticed a big difference in having the sale items available, in the Norwood store anyway. I have more rainchecks from Walgreens I could wallpaper a room with, but I'll shop Walgreen's any day over CVS. Their prices are higher, and the sales are not as good. - DH
10/10 6:48pm SB - my water bill too was obnoxiously high. The bills are based on some past usage and an adjustment for the actual amount used will be made next year. With the new meters and supposedly modern technology, you'd think the Department could give us the correct bill now. Does anyone else hate it that the water and RE tax is due at the same time? Cheers - LAW
10/10 5:57pm LS thank you for the recommendation... Is he a carpenter that also does large scale carpentry type work or is he more of a handyman? I am giving him a call... - TM
10/10 5:56pm Re "is not right to take the choice out of a person's hands. When gruesome scenes are displayed at the side of a public road" I believe that the display is on private property and if you take Diamond to Union the choice is back in your hands.
- DV
10/10 5:55pm SB - about the water bills, there was a notice from the water dept. in the bills. The estimate is an average of the usage in your last four bills. I checked my estimated usage, and it came out correct. It's funny, in my case the last two bills were each for less than 5 months' usage, which brought us into a lower rate category for those bills than if they had billed us for a 6 month period. Oops, I hope they don't catch that one! Your next April bill should even things out. - EC
[Will they just bill for the lower usage next term, or will they compute the correct amount of money owed based on actual usage? I've been wondering this. - Wm.]
10/10 5:54pm EC and TC... I was actually going to post again regarding the Halloween scenes around town. My previous post was more geared towards holiday parties etc. I agree with you both that it should be a parent's choice whether or not to have their child view a gruesome scene. I think that sometimes as people's children grow olde, it is easy to forget what it was like to have a younger child. I don't think that anyone has a problem with a Halloween display, as long as it's not too violent for a 2 or 3 year old to view without becoming disturbed. All I think the original poster was asking was that homeowners be sensitive to the fact that there are impressionable children out there that might become disturbed by too much red stuff in the front yard. - MW
10/10 5:51pm TC - We used New View, Inc. to put in a stone patio, walkway and steps just this past May (www.newviewstone.com). We used them because they were slightly less expensive than Dover Stone, Inc. here in Norfolk. In terms of the outcome of the final product, I have no complaints so I recommend them for that reason only. However, due to a couple of miscommunication problems, that I hope were unique to our situation, I kinda wish we used Dover Stone. (508) 520-1020. Dover Stone is run by a very nice couple but our budget was tight so we felt we had to go with the less expensive option rather than which business we preferred to support. Good luck with your project! - EAG
10/10 5:50pm Can anyone tell me why Norfolk has to have two town meetings each fiscal year? It costs us every time we have a meeting. Many other towns have one, unless it is a special town meeting. I work for another local municipality and I deal with budgets. Regarding Article 1 on the fall meeting - Why does the town need to raise or appropriate available sources of funds to add to the department budgets for a fiscal year that we are presently in? Why do they need to add to the dept. budgets? Is this due to a lack of planning/forecasting the needs of the depts? Unforseen expenditures? - KW
10/10 5:49pm What I have found offensive on Halloween's past is the beer bottle toting adults escorting their kids door to door in my neighborhood. What kind of message is that? While Halloween has blossomed into a huge holiday for adults as well, may I suggest that the "witches' brew" not accompany the wee ones on their rounds. (I suspect that Halloween falling on a weekend in the past, coupled with warmer than normal temperatures, aided in this indulgence. Hopefully a midweek march on a cold, crisp evening will dissuade this behavior). A final thought regarding construction on the moonscape - trick or treat? :)
- DA
10/10 5:48pm To TM, looking for a carpenter - John Reinhardt (508-528-4679) can do it. He does top notch work, and he has some openings in the upcoming week. Lots of great local references, too. - EC
10/10 5:47pm MW - Just F.Y.I., the words "under God" were not in the original pledge. The phrase was inserted in 1954, under Eisenhower, and during the McCarthy era. It was motivated by a desire to differentiate between atheist Communism, and nominally Christian Western democracies. - JD
10/10 4:15pm A last thought about the Halloween talk... sorry if I sounded like a grouch, but I do not mean to be a kill-joy, or a whiner, and I am definitely not p-c. I actually have gotten a real kick out of the werewolf bike rider display on Rt. 140 in Wrentham (he's almost hidden in the woods, at the edge of someone's front yard). I only got peeved when I noticed that this Halloween all of sudden there was a big increase in the town's Spooky World type scenes, and I wondered if their creators realized the impact they might have on the young and unsuspecting folks. I think of myself as a libertarian on many issues. I think that, in general, most people know right from wrong and can behave accordingly, without being told by someone else. I even think that, for example, the movie ratings system is good, because it allows a parent the option to take his four-year-old to see an R-rated movie. That's okay, because the parent and child are the only persons impacted by such a decision, right or wrong. I am fine with that. I still think, though, that it is not right to take the choice out of a person's hands. When gruesome scenes are displayed at the side of a public road, the public loses its choice to view them or not. And we have also lost the choice to let our young children be affected by them, or not. Anyway, I hope it was reasonable to offer my opinion, and meant no insult to anyone. Cheers.
- EC
10/10 4:14pm TM - Call Daniel Gordon out of Franklin. 508-423-1607. We have used him for many things, crown moldings, three season porch, deadbolts on doors, custom bookshelves, install skylights, install sliders; he works in the Medfield, Franklin, Norfolk area most often. - LS
10/10 4:12pm MW: Nice post. I appreciate the sensitivity and inclusiveness you convey in your observations about religious holidays in public schools. Our family is similarly "mixed" and, while we are not shouting from the rooftops about religious celebrations (we celebrate them ourselves), there is no denying those who do not can feel marginalized in some way. If there is a way to celebrate while being as inclusive as possible, why not err on the side of inclusion? I do find it puzzling, however, that Halloween displays that frighten children are being defended on the grounds that political correctness has gotten out of hand. Isn't it just common courtesy to care if we inadvertently frighten someone else's child? I can't imagine thumbing my nose at my neighbors and fellow community members in the name of individual rights.
Even more puzzling were the references to Hillary and Mitt, apparently as symbols of the opposing views on this topic. Not sure what was meant by those. Are we to understand it-takes-a-village Hillary would frown on frightening children while traditional-family-values Mitt would say, "It's private property, scare them all you want!" Seems more like needless - and false - political stereotyping. Too bad.
- TC
10/10 3:45pm Can anyone provide a few recommendations for carpenters in the area? We have a damaged door with wood rotted around it and found a carpenter ant problem. The ant problem is being taken care of, but we need help replacing the wood around the door. I am looking to find a carpenter that could come in and replace the frame that needs to be replaced, but we need someone relatively soon.
Thank you...
- TM
10/10 3:42pm Maybe Dan O'Keefe was on to something. - AB
[I needed help tracing this; see Festivus in wikipedia.org - Wm.]
10/10 3:00pm Good afternoon all. Did any of you notice that your "estimated" water bill seems excessively high this time around... I live alone in a small home and the town thinks I used 3600 more gallons this year from last year... and of course the extra water puts me in a higher rate. - SB
10/10 2:14pm AL - I was at the Pond St playground last night and saw a red sweatshirt on the picnic table - it might still be there (but probably is very wet). - AL
10/10 2:13pm Ooooh... MT! How bold! How daring! Taking chances, aren't we? Thou shouldst now prepare... (oh, sorry, that did sound a little religious, didn't it) ...prepare for the printed tongue lashing of thy life... (er... sorry. Those biblical type words just slip out.) Many shall they be who come to storm the gates of words thou hast thrown up... (gee... again... I just don't know where that comes from). Preparest thyself for... oops... the rage of the multitude at thy... er... thine... eek.. attitude.
Darest not tempting fate here, MT. Long and loud shall be the wrath of thine... oh, gee, sorry... opponents.
Oh my God... er... I mean Gawd... the boisterous multitude approacheth... eek... I'm outta here....
(Of course, I couldn't agree with you more...
) - TK
10/10 2:11pm MT... I completely agree with you. Things have gotten so out of control in regards to the whole "politically correct" thing. It's annoying already. However, growing up with one Catholic parent and one Jewish parent, I feel that I have had the unique experience of seeing the whole holiday party situation from both sides. Here's my take. I really feel that the new school rules regarding "holiday parties" are really not to banish Christmas, but to simply include more individuals in the festivities. It would be impossible to accomodate every religion with its own school party, So they've all been lumped together. I think it's less about being non-offensive, and more about being welcoming and supportive to all.
When I was growing up, we always had the Christian holidays off in public school and not the Jewish ones. We always celebrated the Christian holidays with a party, even though our school was a melting pot of ethnicities and religions. I remember having to struggle to make up any work missed becuase I was absent on the Jewish holidays. It really wasn't fair that I should have had to do that, especially when I was from a very Jewish city. I remember thinking as a kid about "seperation of church and state". Isn't that one of the principals that our country was founded on? It just seemed illogical to me that we would celebrate religious holidays in a public school.
I also do not understand how the early American's could fight for religious freedom and then ask people to "pledge allegience... under God" It just didn't make sense to me as a school child learning about the founding of our country... It still doesn't. Am I vocal about it? No... No one forces me to say "God" when I pledge allegience... I don't see why people cant just omit it themselves.
- MW
10/10 9:39am First Time Responder... I can not believe the complaints regarding Halloween displays. I have grown sooooo tired of living life being overly concerned about possibly offending someone or somebody: we have the elimination of "In God We Trust"; we can no longer celebrate religious holidays in schools or town-owned property; we wish to change the pledge of allegiance to remove "one nation under God..."; we no longer want to keep score of little league games because our kids can no longer handle a win or a loss; and now we are offended about Halloween displays. We are becoming a nation of appeasers, for God's sake. Oooops, did I say the G-word? Mitt in '08 - MT
10/10 12:26am TC... Gorman Landscaping... 508-384-3814 - ER
10/9 10:31pm On 10/9 at 12:41pm, KH asked, "How about re-positioning the Web Cam so we can all share in the excitement." Great idea!! This would definitely be "Must See TV"... Thanks!
- RP
10/9 10:30pm Can anyone recommend a good landscape contractor who could install a stone patio and stone wall in our back yard here in Norfolk? We know what we want, we just need someone to actually do it. I recall seeing recommendations here a while back, but can't remember the specific names. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks in advance! - TC
10/9 10:29pm We're just now realizing we left a red hooded South Beach sweatshirt at the Pond St. soccer fields on Sunday, Sept. 30. (U-12 field). If anyone picked it up, we'd be so thankful to hear from you! (Wm. can put you in touch with us) [Sure, use box83@norfolknet.com - Wm.]. Thank you! - AL
10/9 10:28pm Well, I have the day off tomorrow and I will go to town hall as the Norfloknet rep and find out what is going on with the "moonscape." I will report back... just kidding, Wm, no need to panic! LOLOLOL - DV
10/9 8:33pm Walgreen's must be trying to penetrate this geographic area, because there is currently one being built in Foxboro next to S&S at the old State Hospital property. I drive by it every day on the way to work. Maybe they have a contract to use the same crew to build one right after the other. Just a thought. - TPC
10/9 8:32pm I only have experience with the Walgreen's in Needham. If a Walgreen's does come to Norfolk, I hope that: 1. They will have the advertised coupon items available to sell. Sometimes I've gone on a Monday, and they don't have the items from the Sunday flyer. 2. They will do a good job of keeping the walkways in front of the store clear of ice and slush in the winter and early spring; they haven't in Needham. This is particularly important for their disabled and senior customers who may be in wheelchairs or walkers. 3. They will consider offering a senior discount. I personally feel that their advertising methods are tacky, and hope they don't choose Norfolk for a location.
- CR
10/9 7:21pm NB, I was speaking to someone last year from Walgreen's corporate office, and he stated "Norfolk was going to get a Walgreen's at the corner of 1A & 115." Nothing was said about the store going into the center of town. I would love to see a Walgreen's in Norfolk, it sure beats CVS anyday. - DH
10/9 4:36pm Does anyone actually know what the are doing in the center of town? A fence went up, but is it Walgreens? Someone in this town must know for sure when a site is being cleared what is actually being built? - NB
10/9 2:55pm I am looking for at least 3 tickets and possibly 5, to the Haunted Halloween Train Ride for this weekend. If you have some for sale or know of anyone who might, please call Chuck at 617-572-4006. You will make some little boys very happy. - CB
10/9 2:54pm Actual site clearing going on in the center of town!! Maybe we should petition the town fathers for a new town holiday! Moonscape Day? Earth Mover Day? Finally Day? - TMS
10/9 12:43pm RP - You bet! I'll hustle my little self, camera in tow, right down there today! Maybe Wm. will post the photo if I'm able to get one. ![]()
JC - About two years go, I awoke to a perfect snowy day and booked it over to Holbrook, camera in tow. The owner caught me red-handed, but was amused by the attention, so he wished me well. I should have sent him a card.
- SO
10/9 12:41pm How about re-positioning the Web Cam so we can all share in the excitement. - KH
10/9 11:58am News flash! There is actual digging occurring on the vacant lot next to the library. No corporate logos have been spotted... yet. When you drive by to check it out, be sure to stop in the library to see our Adopt-a-Shelter-Pet display, featuring adorable adoptable animals from Norfolk's Animal Control Department and the Purr-fect Cat Shelter. Also, pick up an entry form for the Pumpkin Decorating Contest, and a schedule of events for our "Historic Disasters in Massachusetts" series.
- Heather Pisani-Kristl, Associate Library Director
10/9 9:07am ".....there is a bulldozer sitting on the future Stop and Shop site...." Wow!! That's big news...!! Hey, SO, grab a picture of that with your camera before they change their mind and take it away!
- RP
10/8 9:50pm As far as these Halloween displays, all I've seen are a lot displays in which there was obviously a lot of hard work and effort put into them. I have yet to see anything tasteless, but I'll keep looking. What petrifies me is what may be coming to the lawns of Norfolk within a year... Hillary In '08. - PA
10/8 9:48pm Given there is a bulldozer sitting on the future Stop and Shop site and the article on page 2 of the Boomerrang dated October 5th titled "Consultant says "Supermarket, Pharmacy May Be Able to Proceed" does anyone have any additional news that supports breaking ground any time soon? - BC
10/8 9:47pm Hey DV - we are one of the displays on North St. Although I have to admit it wasn't our intention to have a torture rack... we simply ran out of wood - but hey :) If you like it you'll have to come back for Halloween Night! Have a great night :) - LB
10/8 7:36pm LB - I'm glad to hear that your children are compassionate. They probably feel uncomfortable knowing that some people might be disturbed by the images you have set up, even if you have every right to do so. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Many years ago I was in charge of setting up a community sing-along and, as I loved the songs of Steven Foster, I included several of them in my selection. I sure felt awful when I found that one participant who was African American was quite uncomfortable singing them because they represented the "Old South." The next year I made sure those songs were gone from the list. Could I have kept them in? Sure, but knowing that they made some people uncomfortable was enough for me to take them off, even though singing "Dixie" was a "stress reliever" for me. As a member of that community, I didn't want to cause anyone stress during what was supposed to be a light-hearted event, even at the cost of not doing something I happened to find pleasurable.
So, LB, I ask that you think of how your Halloween decorations might affect others in the community rather than only whether they provided you with a "stress reliever." Would you feel differently if one of your children was particularly sensitive to seeing such sights, and you had to deal with nightmares throughout the Halloween season? If you feel so strongly about your right to have your decorations up, go right ahead and put them on your front lawn, but then don't be so surprised that people complain about them.
- JC
10/8 7:35pm SO - you say that you carry your camera everywhere - You gotta catch the Holbrook animals some frosty morning, just as the sun rises behind them, perfectly haloed. Aren't they the best? - LAW
10/8 7:34pm LB, Not everyone reads Norfolknet (sorry Wm). Even people who read and post here may only have a written description of your display. A drive-by is worth a thousand words. I know that when I see something for myself, I am more influenced by the live scene than by the commentary. That's as it should be. Come, look, decide, laugh. Don't sweat it. Sometimes kids write bad papers, sometimes teachers don't appreciate good papers. Part of growing up. - SO
10/8 7:33pm I am a carpenter and I do decks, bathrooms, additions, anything with wood at all - doors, windows, bookcases. I just had a job postponed and have some openings in the next few weeks. I have done serveral jobs in Norfolk as I am a hard working detailed person. I am a family man who enjoys working hard for my kids' future. 508-517-4708 - TD
10/8 7:32pm DV - you are by far absolutely right... I should know better, and I did get over it about 3 minutes after I sent the email - my bad. So excuse me to all who had to read my whining. Usually we have a rule in our house - no whining about something you choose not to fix. So here I am - apologizing for my rant. - LB
10/8 7:31pm LB, Which display is yours? I am sure my kids would love to come see it. - DV
10/8 6:34pm "Thanks for ruining something that has been a true stress reliever for me." I have learned that the only person who can ruin something for me is ...me. If the kids found out, it is through you. Calm down, everyone is on your side. He/she has the right to not like what you do, but it is your right and job to stand up for it if it is something you love and your family enjoys. But do not let the comments of others make you so upset. We are all so uptight... I am so happy for your children that you take the time to decorate. Please have fun and ignore the stupid comments
- DV
10/8 6:11pm I think the Halloween display on Campbell is outstanding - one of the best I've ever seen! It's not only imaginative, but humorous, and I've photographed it a few times now. I'm guessing that a group of clever teens were involved. To me, it's joined the pantheon of holiday extravaganzas- take the Millis "Christmas Colossus", for example, but on a much smaller scale. EC, I do know what you're saying about the little ones though. The first time I saw "Spike Man" on Main St., I was troubled. It's not playful or cheeky - no pumpkins or spider webs, no fake tombstones, nothing to provide context - as in it's Halloween, we're all enjoying a little scary fun here. There it is - a raw depiction of extreme violence. Murder even.
You know, my grandfather used to say, "We all go a little crazy, just not the same way." Some folks have blue twinkle lights at Christmas, others red, others multi, and some white. Some folks have plug-in menorahs, others light-up life-size camels. There's a house near here with 20 plastic lawn flamingoes, a house on Holbrook with extraordinary topiary animals, a lavender house on Boardman with a marvelous electric light-up Christmas chicken. My unassuming neighbor tools around in a fantastic, vintage, fully-restored shiny red pick- up. I met someone with miniature donkeys not long ago. And who doesn't know someone who loves lawn ornaments? I carry my camera everywhere. You never know what folks will do next. I guess "Spike Man", as repugnant as he may seem...
- SO
10/8 6:07pm You know what - the sad part is the kids found out that someone doesn't like our display and that is upsetting to them. What upsets me is the fact that you felt compelled to write and see what you could drum up. What did you expect to happen? Did you think you could start a coup and force us to take it down, did you hope to make us look bad - I am sure you managed in some people's eyes to do that. You see many people would drive by and shake their head, maybe figure to take a different way home, but nope - you had to see what you could accomplish by "feeling the pulse." Thanks for ruining something that has been a true stress reliever for me. - LB
10/8 3:04pm "Impaled bodies on spears stuck into the ground" - I gotta say, I'm not a big fan of that one on Main St. I think it is a bit much to try to explain to my 4 year old every time we drive by it. - NH
10/8 1:36pm For the record, once again, I love holiday displays of all kinds, and in no way am I trying to be politically correct. I know how much fun it is to be "scared-to-death". The issue is context, folks. There is an entirely appropriate place for this stuff, and, in my opinion, it is not fair to subject the unsuspecting public to scenes that are better relegated to the haunted house/Spooky World arena. The world can be very violent, in real life, and I am so thankful to live in a safe place. Sorry to have offended anyone, but examples of what go me going on this are: Graphic depictions of mannequins in gruesome positions, life-size fake corpses hanging from torture racks, impaled bodies on spears stuck into the ground. - EC
10/8 1:35pm "Mannequin and woman-equin getting on, on a spike: obscene." - I missed that display - DV
10/8 1:34pm EC: Can you explain the things that you find "offensive, in-your-face, and un-avoidable?" I'm picturing some witches stuck on trees, cobwebs in bushes, fake "RIP" gravestones, a skeleton, etc... Are these the things you're referring to, or is it something more? I live on Main Street so I'll have to take a ride around later today. - JP
10/8 1:14pm I drove by the Campbell Rd one to see it - I have not seen the others - I saw no problem with it. - DV
10/8 1:12pm EC: I commend the people who try to make Halloween more fun for local kids by decorating and playing spooky music, etc. We have small children and they have not even noticed many of the displays already up. I am quite sure that they are not being emotionally scarred by them as they don't even understand the context or meaning. I take my older daughter trick or treating and always have. She enjoys houses that really put on a show the most. She knows it is for fun and that I am right there with her. One of my recent favorites had dry ice creating fog, spider webs, music, headstones, the whole works. That is holiday spirit and the kids love it. Please don't let Halloween fall victim to the politically correct. I long for the days when we could call a late December party a Christmas party (not a Holiday party) without feeling bad. I don't mean to discriminate against those who do not celebrate Christmas, but the PC police have already had an impact on those who do celebrate December 25th. When will it end? In my opinion, the over-examination of what used to be American culture, and the resulting limitations, name changes etc. are harming kids far more than well intentioned decorations.
10/8 1:09pm Being an owner of a Halloween display in which my family and I (and neighbors) take pride in. I find offense in your compelling need to "feel the pulse of the town" to see what can be done. I apologize if you find anything offensive as we do not put anything up that is determined to be offensive according to our religion. We also have small children - ones that assist us in creating and putting together the displays. I can safely say that no one has had a nightmare about a monster given the fact they see the design and creation start to finish. If you don't like our display, and I know this may anger some, keep your eyes straight ahead and pay attention to the road ahead of you. Sorry, but I enjoy the display that we have and I know there are many others who do too. Thanks - LB
10/8 12:14pm To JP and RJG, here we go... I quoted the town signage by-law, really only as an aside. I'm not trying to legislate this. As I stated in my post, I am not against Halloween displays. I am talking about the offensive, in-your-face, un-avoidable displays. I wonder if I am the only person bothered by this. - EC
10/8 11:36am EC: my interpretation of the bylaw you posted is that the entire thing is about sexual material. The sentence "or is patently offensive because it affronts contemporary community standards relating to the description or representation of sexual matters" clearly links "obscene" to "sexual matters." So, I don't think you can use one this to back up your disapproval of Halloween displays. - JP
10/8 11:35am EC, You've got to read all the way to end of that sentence. "patently offensive because it affronts contemporary community standards relating to the description or representation of sexual matters"So, mannequin on spike, not obscene. Mannequin and woman-equin getting on, on a spike: obscene.Tasteless and obscene are two different things. Tasteless is hard to regulate, legally.
10/8 10:43am I need to check the pulse of the community on the issue of residential holiday displays. I am concerned that people who would otherwise not wish to be exposed to extremely scary Halloween displays are forced to endure such exposure, because of their placement on public thoroughfares. I am mainly thinking of young children, but I also believe some of us adults think that these displays are best relegated to the haunted house/Spooky World venues. Let me be clear. I truly appreciate that the the folks who create these displays have invested a lot of talent, time, money and energy into their projects. I just don't think it is right that small children are accosted with these age-inappropriate visuals, and that goes for anyone else that doesn't like it "in their face". Is this just one more example of tactics intended to desensitize us to stuff that is supposed to shock us? There is a place for this scary stuff, and I am not sure it is Main Street, Needham Street, or Campbell Street. Am I alone in this opinion? By the way, in the town by-laws (Article IX, Section 6), there is a regulation prohibiting obscene signage, which may also prohibit obscene displays, obscene in this case meaning patently offensive:
C. Obscene Signs: No sign or other advertising structure shall display any matter in which the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to a prurient interest in sex, or is patently offensive because it affronts contemporary community standards relating to the description or representation of sexual matters, and is utterly without redeeming social values.- EC
10/8 9:05am To who ever posted this "... that is misbehaving may in fact be the product of caring, compassionate, responsible, well mannered "trees." They just bore fruit different from the rest." I am sorry it took me so long to respond to this post but I wanted to let you know that there is support out here. I work with children every day who sound just like your child, and they are some of the best people I have ever met. I got an e-mail from a mom the other day of a child I photographed, and to sum it up she was saying she was sorry because she heard from the teachers that the child was out of control and she was telling me that she had never been able to get a photo of him. Well let me tell you... the photos are great! We quickly figured out that this child has "issues" (I am not sure the mother even really knows yet) I wrote back telling her how he made us smile and that in fact he was not out of control he was just being himself and we enjoyed him very much. If I could show you the photos you would think this little boy just sat down and smiled.
My point is that there are a lot of us out here that work with kids and understand the kids who do not "look" different. Do not be afraid of bringing your "apple" out in public! Good luck and God bless. The only people who will look at him/her funny are people who have no understanding of hard times. Put your arms around that little person and thank God he/she is in your life. If you ever need an ear or a shoulder please contact me; Wm. knows how to reach me.
- DV
10/8 9:03am DV: We all understand and respect that trees are "important"... I do not think that is a true statement and maybe that is the problem. I was a bit uptight about the jokes, but the person who originally posted about the trees was very concerned, and the response surprised me very much. That's all. I think people are being more and more disrespectful of everything lately.
I think if you look back at (as silly as it is) the dog poop issue, the coach issue and the tree issue they all scream of the same complaint, pure rudeness. And let me be clear, it is not the children.
- DV
10/7 5:36pm DF, the Town would probably have to pay a 3 or 4% surcharge to the credit card bank. - PRB
10/7 10:29am I wish the town of Norfolk would allow the residents to pay their taxes using a credit card and not charge a fee. Many cards today offer reward points and with the rate of property taxes even 1% of reward would at least give you a nice dinner out at the end of the year. - DF
10/6 11:05pm LAW, Huey is available. He was neutered and tested and vaccinated on Friday. Elle is available as well. She is tentatively scheduled for a spay, testing and vaccinations next Friday. Roger is not a kitten but he too is available. He is neutered but will need his vaccinations if we can find him a home. The small black kittens were being held here for the town of Wrentham for a few weeks in September. They have been adopted out last I had heard. If you are interested in Elle please email me privately and we can discuss further, or give me a call at 508 528 3232. Sincerely, - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control, norfolkk9@aol.com
10/6 11:04pm DV: We all understand and respect that trees are "important"... and we all should be respectful of nature. However, that being said, some of the posts relative to this issue are hilarious... I mean I understand the need for the by-laws, etc., it keeps those out to be "tree destroyers" at bay; however, a child climbing a tree and accidentally breaking a limb is a completely different story than a person savagely ravaging the landscape... Perhaps a sign reading "Do Not Climb" would be helpful. Simple solutionf don't you think. - KM
10/6 7:51pm Hilary Cohen - the kittens that were posted late in September - are they still up for adoption? We are particularly interested in Elle. Who do we contact? Thanks - sorry about the mis-address of Tufts; yes it is on South St, Walpole. - LAW
10/6 3:41pm We were forwarded a copy of the final Town Warrant with recommendations; [here]. - Wm.
10/6 12:37pm DV - I agree that parents should not let their kids play on the saplings at Pond Street. I don't let my kids climb them and I hate having to explain to them why they can't climb the trees while all the other children are in and on them. My comments about climbing trees and tree damage started after the by-law post concerning tree damage and the Tree Warden. While I understand the need for the by-laws and love that Norfolk even has them, I still find them funny. - DM
10/6 11:13am I second that about Countryside Vet. We have been using Countryside for 8 years. We breed Nova Scotia Duck Tolling retrievers and they have been wonderful through 3 pregnancies and many little puppies! PS. Have had all my dogs - even the puppies go out to their new owners with microchips in them. And not only is it a great way for the wayward dog to make it home to its owner, but the microchip company is really on top of things - case in point, they called Countryside stating that one of our puppy owners had not registered their microchip number and the vet office called here and informed me. My first reaction was "Who forgot to do this very import thing!" And when I went back to look at my log of numbers of micropchips - I realized that it was my puppy that I forgot to send in the paper work for!
- DN
10/6 11:12am Correction. Tufts is 525 South Street in Walpole. They used to be in downtown Walpole but moved within the last year. - HC 10/5 11:23pm Tonight a resident from Myrtle Street called in that they found an injured cat. This house seems to attract stray black cats! In any event, I have gone through my first immediate list of missing cats that are black/tux from this area. If you are missing a cat by this description please call 508 528 3232. Once the cat settles down a bit I will see if it's a boy or a girl, and will post a picture. Sincerely, - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
[Update 11:28pm: update: cat was microchipped. So finding the owner was very easy. Cat is going home in the morning! - HC]
10/5 11:22pm PB - I highly recommend Countryside Vet in Wrentham, 384-8700. Our dog has had surgery on 2 of her legs and they took excellent care of her. She doesn't like other dogs, so any vet visit is stressful (maybe more for me than her!), but the entire staff handles her with great care. They also have a kennel service there, and the few times I've needed to use it, I've found it to be very clean and the staff very attentive to the dogs. - JT
10/5 11:20pm For PB requesting vet for their dog - Tufts has a wonderfull facility on Oak St, Walpole (Off Rte 1A). The staff were wonderful - compassionate and helpful when we recently had to make a sad decision for our 26+ year old cat. It's a fairly new facility, with all mod. cons. I highly recommend them. - LAW
10/5 11:19pm Please let kids know that the trees are young and should not be climbed nor should their branches be twisted and broken. This was part of the original post on the tree issue, and I have to say I do not disagree. We live in a town with many older trees that can and should be climbed by children. This person was on commenting on the abuse of some young trees on public land that we are trying to mature in a healthy way. It is not like they are they only trees in town. I think the jokes show great disrespect. Maybe I will put some of my dog's poop at the base of them, maybe that will solve the problem.
Correction: Maybe I should leave the 13 dog poops (not my dogs) I found today in front of my house at the base of the trees.
- DV
10/5 11:17pm Attention Boston College fans... This may be a long shot, but we'll give it a try... I have 4 tickets to sell to the Boston College - Notre Dame football game next Saturday, October 13th. The game is in South Bend, IN. (About a 2 hour drive from Chicago) Selling at face value for all 4 tickets, $280 total. These tickets are usually hard to come by, so if you are a BC fan or know someone looking for tickets, please call 508-208-9313 or e-mail at collentro@msn.com - BC (actual initials - no pun intended)
10/5 4:35pm KM - Oh it has to be MasterCard! Root damage $50Kids having fun, priceless.
Limb scarring, also $50
Replacement of tree, $300
- DM
10/5 3:41pm PB: Medfield Veterinary Clinic is superb! They provide expertise served with compassion. You will be pleased with the entire staff, from the front desk, to nursing personnel to each one of the four veterinarians. We have two canines and five felines and frequent the veterinary clinic more then most. The professional fees are comparable to the surrounding practices. They also make every effort to make your dog comfortable while being examined/treated. So I guess I highly recommend Medfield Veterinary Clinic (508 359-1920).
- CF
10/5 3:15pm Looking for a fun family activity to do this long weekend? Why not carve a pumpkin for the 6th Annual Haunted Train and Hay Ride? NCL and the Norfolk Lions are looking for as many pumpkins as possible to "fright up the night". If interested, drop off your carved pumpkin at Holmes Fields on Friday, October 12 from 4 until 7pm or on Saturday, October 13th until noon. The candles will be supplied, you come up with the scary face! If you want your pumpkin back, remember to write your name on it and come back on Sunday morning to retrieve it. Thanks for all of the support and we look forward to a spooky time next week. For more information, contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354. - TS, Norfolk Community League
10/5 3:14pm For the family that attended a Pop Warner football and heard screaming, remember that the coaches have to have the attention of up to 30 active boys wearing helmets and padding inside the helmet. The loud voices are also part of training, so that in a game situation the players only focus on the coach's voice. My son has played for a few years and we have only heard words of encouragement, not insults. As for swearing, it is not allowed on the practice field or game field, either by coaches or fans. Parents sign a code of conduct at the start of the season and suffer the consequence of being banned from the field if they are in violation of the code. I can tell you that our parents cheer for every kid on the team in a positive manner. I also have to say that the coaches are great at getting the kids to address some of their own issues. If an issue comes up amongst the players, they hold a team meeting to work it out. Players on our team are truly a "team", they cheer each other on and work together towards their best play. Win or lose a football game, the boys have learned some great life lessons.
Consider another try for football - you can watch the games on Channel 8 or attend the games at Freeman / Centennial.
10/5 2:35pm The Village Groomer on Route 1 in Walpole has the plastic "no poop" signs very similar to what was pictured on this website. - HC
10/5 2:34pm DM: Do you think the tree warden takes American Express or Visa? - KM
10/5 12:15pm For JN: Amen! - MHC
10/5 11:54am After I posted my thoughts about dogs, it occurred to me that if all I have to worry about - living here - is dog poop on a sidewalk or a field, or kids climbing on trees, then I must really be lucky. At least my child can safely walk the streets without being shot to death after basketball practice (see the Boston Globe). Seems we should be counting our blessings instead of looking for petty nonsense to rant about. - JN
10/5 11:53am I don't recall nearly this much sympathy or support when a horse pooped on my driveway apron. A single horse poop is equivalent to 50 dog poops. - JH
10/5 10:54am We have 4 dogs and have been using Acorn Animal Hospital in Franklin for all of their needs. They have provided wonderful care and have boarding and grooming as well. BTW, we always clean up after our dogs have toileted. But I have seen the results of many who do not (most recently on my daughter's shoe!). All you dog owners, please remember to carry a plastic bag or two. You are giving the rest of us a bad name.
- JN
10/5 10:53am GE... I love it! Funny, I was discussing the possibility of signage with my neighbors recently. I am eager to post, but didn't want them to think I had lost my mind. After seeing the pictures of the flagged poops, I am going to go for it! Since the homeowner technically owns or maintains the sidewalk and grass strip in front of their house... I am going to officially declare my property a Poop Free Zone! It is so bad in my neighborhood that I cannot even let my kids walk on the sidewalk. People let their dogs go smack dab in the middle of the pavement and just keep walking. I think that our dog officer cannot possibly be responsible for all of Norfolk's poop... We need to police our own neighborhoods by creating a "neighborhood poop watch" patrol. LOL! - MW
10/5 10:35am Dr. Crowell and his staff at Medfield Vet is great. Our nine year old lab developed cancer this summer and he was wonderful throughout the process, especially when we had to decide to let him go. (Jake wasn't all that great at the vet, either, but they always made it work.) I would highly recommend them. - KE
10/5 10:33am To MW (re 10/4/6:21): I think it would be safe to say that since time immemorial there have always been two fundamental coaching styles, no matter the sport and no matter the level (from the scruffiest sandlot to the most elaborate professional arena). There are the "screamers," proud of their rock-hard, discipline-driven styles largely dependent on fear, and then there are the "teachers," equally proud of their laid-back, instructional approaches more dependent on dispensing wisdom. Although I don't pretend to be an expert on such matters the above is an observation I discovered not only when I participated in sports as a kid, I also continued to see it in the styles of professional coaches in public arenas for many years (for every Bobby Knight, there's a John Thompson; for every Billy Martin there's a Terry Francona, etc., etc. The list is endless). What makes this an intriguing and curious phenomenon is that both styles can be (and are) equally successful. Not only that, I do believe that the athletes themselves are split right down the middle regarding this. Some seek out the former, others insist on the latter.
I agree with your son, though. Who needs the screamers? I'm certain there are lots of folks who disagree, but no matter how competitive it may get I still believe the primary goal of any sport (at non-professional levels) is satisfaction and fun. It shouldn't be turned into a chronic afternoon punishment or a boot camp in disguise.
10/5 10:24am Just a few (light hearted) comments regarding the continuing dog poop saga: Maybe we should invest in a few good signs to convey to our canine friends the undesirability of leaving their excrement behind:
Of course there will be always those dogs who can't or just won't read. Those cases warrant immediate action by the owner who would be able to receive a free disposable bag for poop collection and deposition into the receiving station. ![]()
Commensurate with the affluence of Norfolk, German Stainless Steel Doggy Toilettes [dogstation.de] would be most appropriate, but budget-wise we may just have to settle for the British polyester version [sacomat.co.uk] ![]()
If neither of these methods are successful, the Animal Control Officer or perhaps a volunteer uniformed "Poop Warden" could enforce the law with significant fines. All fines would go toward additional signage and doggy toilettes.
Seriously, when traveling to Europe, Doggy toilettes are a very common sight. Maybe, the time has come for them in Norfolk? The sight of these stations with a stern reminder of possible fines may embarrass enough negligent owners to clean up.
- GE
10/5 9:30am KM - Thank you for helping me make an informed decision. My kids can now climb trees and have fun! I'll just make sure they have: a) goggles - those paint balls can be dangerous
b) gloves - for climbing those sappy pine trees
c) helmet - for the occasional acorn bump on the head
d) no climbing spikes - to prevent "root or limb damage or scarring."
e) $50 in their pockets in case d) doesn't work out
- DM
10/5 9:29am Re: Water meters, we had ours installed a week or so ago and since then, the kitchen faucet continues to run after the water is shut off. They said to run all faucets in house and flush all toilets. Did that and still it runs. Dog Vets: Medfield Vets has my vote 100%. Couldn't ask for better care for your beloved pets.
- JW
10/5 9:26am Gee, Wm, we sang that song a lot in elementary school, but they never taught us that stanza! - HPK
[That's funny, this is how I heard it in high school. Someone arranged for Arlo to come and sing for the English class - Wm.]
10/5 9:07am I thought I noticed a slight drop, but by the next day the pressure seemed back. I was puzzled as well - Wm.
10/5 9:05am Has anyone else had their water pressure change in their home after having the new water meter installed?? We cannot turn on the upstairs water and the downstairs at the same time as the downstairs has absolutely no water pressure at all anymore under those conditions. I don't undertand why a new water meter should do this, one doesn't seemed to be associated with the other. Any plumbers out there that could maybe explain why? Thanks. - BH
10/5 9:04am Can anyone reccommend a good vet for dogs? Thanks - PB
10/4 10:31pm NH: Hopefully you got that maggot's license-plate number when you called the police. A soccer ball today, a car tomorrow... then who knows? - PA
10/4 10:29pm FYI: The Treasurer/Collector's office has mailed fall water bills. The bills are dated 10/5/07 and are due by 11/5/07.Also, please note that Second Quarter FY08 Real Estate & Personal Property bills are due by 11/1/07.
To make these payments to the Town of Norfolk the options are:
- use return envelopes enclosed with bills
- mail checks to Town Hall, One Liberty Lane, Norfolk, MA 02056, Attention: Treasurer/Collector
- use online bill pay at virtualnorfolk.org
- personally deliver to the Treasurer/Collector's counter during business hours. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9a-6p, CLOSED on Fridays
- for after hour payments please use DropBox located at the rear door of Town Hall- RH
10/4 10:25pm LB... Don't be mad at poor hubby! Our stockade fence is what I like to call "natural." I thought that was the way yours was supposed to be! I didn't think anything of it. (I think it's safe to say that it's a sore spot with you but that nobody else notices.) I was only describing it that way becuase I couldn't for the life of me remember where I saw the bike. All I could remember is a main road, a gray fence and a darkish bike propped up. It just seemed out of place and all alone... so give your husband a break when he comes back from his trip! Personally, I think painted fences are way too much work. - MW
10/4 8:41pm Hi MW - you have no idea how much trouble you just got my husband into - and I mean 10 minutes of very serious nagging on my end. We live in that house that should have the white picket fence... however it is unpainted and has been for 4 years - hence the 10 minute rage I felt compelled to relay to my husband after I read your post. But, I digress, we did have a bike propped up against our fence - and no we didn't move it. In fact we gave it a couple of days because we have many kids in our neighborhood of all ages that have no idea that we do not live in the 1950's so they don't think of leaving lots of stuff everywhere in our neighborhood - not that I care, they are all fantastic kids - even, gasp, our teenage neighbors! We did give a heads up to the police and they too were aware of it. The next day the bike was gone - but it was there for a few days any ways. My husband just called, they extended his business trip another week - can you imagine?? Or do you think it had to do with the fact that I told him he better have the fence painted by Monday? LOL
- LB
10/4 6:21pm The TC vs. TK scenario - Funny thing is, excluding the word punishment, I read the same feelings from both. Team sports were good and that the coach taking charge and teaching them life lessons were very valuable. If you look at Webster: "discipline" is very much needed in coaching; it is part of sports. Not screaming and yelling, that is wrong; and positive role modeling is very important. But what about a kid who kicks another or swears or hits too hard? Then it is up to the coach to stop the behavior. The way I would do it is to ask the child to stop and then when the parent gets there explain what happened, and insist that parent stays for the next practice. Because while it is our job as coaches that the kids learn and have fun it is also our job to make sure they are not hurt by a child who can't control themselves. (I am not talking about special needs kids, most of the parents of kids with special needs stay; I am talking about the everyday kid with no discipline.)
- DV
10/4 5:22pm To all on the subject of climbing trees. First of all, the Shade tree Law was written to perserve shade and trees and for other reasons such as scenic roads which would protect the widening of country roads that are voted to be kept scenic. Also to protect trees that are on town property in front of homes as the home owners in the past would cut down a tree he didn't want in front of his property. That is where the fine comes in. As for the tree warden carrying a gun, lol - Butch Vito, the DPW Superintendent, is also the tree warden and I can assure you he doesn't carry a gun. So if the children want to climb trees so be it as it is part of the children's history and it would be up to the school department or private home owner to tell them not to climb a certain tree or all trees. There are also sue-crazy people so be careful where your child climbs, for if he or she gets hurt on anyone's property, the property owner is responsible even if no permission was given. And remember a sign that says No Trespassing only means police take notice, which means the police can question a stranger on the property to be sure they are not trespassing.
Hope this puts climbing trees to rest. Have fun kids and enjoy your childhood as kids have done in the past.
- MG
[I always thought No Trespassing was an instruction from the property owner. This is certainly a more permissive interpretation, to say the least... how did the old Woodie Guthrie song go?... the internet is a wonderful thing. Stanza 5 of "This land is your land, this land is my land:"
As I was walkin'- Wm.]
I saw a sign there
And that sign said no trespassin'
But on the other side
It didn't say nothin!
Now that side was made for you and me!
10/4 5:18pm Re: 10/3 3:33pm Can someone recommend a good, dependable plumber in the Norfolk area? - CS I've had very good service from Kermit B. Schulz and Sons, Inc.
39 Norfolk Road
Millis, MA 02054
(508) 376-5545- BH
10/4 5:14pm Re: 10/1 8:54pm I own two dogs.. The following is a portion of the bylaw with the exception left out; it lacks a comma or semicolon after the word "area" but it is clear that a dog shall be deemed a public nuisance if it is found in a schoolyard, a public or private recreation area, a store, or a shopping area. The exception (in italics here) says except that a "seeing eye" dog (or other certified assistance dog) under the care and control of its owner shall be deemed to be exempt from this provision.
B. Public NuisanceThe exception (in italics here) says ``except that a "seeing eye" dog (or other certified assistance dog) under the care and control of its owner shall be deemed to be exempt from this provision.'' Clearly that indicates that a dog owner who needs a "seeing eye" dog or other certified assistance dog can take that dog, under that owner's care and control, into a schoolyard or a public or private recreation area or a store or a shopping area and the dog shall not be deemed a public nuisance. The exception does not mean all dogs under the care and control of their owners are allowed in public recreation areas, only "seeing eye" or certified assistance dogs.C. A dog shall be deemed a public nuisance for any of the following reasons (but not limited to):
1) If such a dog is found to be at large;
2) If such dog shall persistently and prolongedly bark or howl;
3) If found without wearing a license and a vaccine tag as required by Section B of this bylaw;
4) If found in a schoolyard, public or private recreation area, store, or shopping area except that a "seeing eye" dog (or other certified assistance dog) under the care and control of its owner shall be deemed to be exempt from this provision;
Here is a link ([US DOJ page]) to a Department of Justice document "Commonly Asked Questions About Service Animals in Places of Business", dated July 1996. The document may help folks understand the purpose of service animals, which is to help disabled people become more able. It contains a key sentence: "The ADA defines a service animal as any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. If they meet this definition, animals are considered service animals under the ADA regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government." I will submit this (delete "certified assistance" substitute "service animal") to the Bylaw Study Committee for a proposed minor change to Norfolk's Bylaws, item X111.3.B.4).
- RH
10/4 5:07pm I am not here to take sides in the TC vs. TK scenerio. But I did want to relay a story that has to do with this very thing. My son absolutely loves the sport of football. He thinks it is just the best fun around. However, he does not play PopWarner football. After experiencing begginer hockey when he was 5 (his older brother is now in HS hockey) he told me that he wanted to play a sport where the coaches don't "scream and yell at you". When he wanted to play football... we took him to a local practice. Just one time of listening to what went on changed his mind. I don't want to offend any football people out there. Just putting it out there... This was my son's first impression of the sport of both Hockey and Football... he plays Lions soccer and loves it. For football, he is enjoying the tag football program through the school. But what a shame that his potential football talents are being unused. He just can't stand the screaming and the put downs. I tend to think that more kids would benefit from the sports programs if they werent so "intense". Kudos to the Lions! - MW
10/4 5:05pm Correction... I meant to recommend the book "No Such Thing as a Bad Kid" By Charles Appelstein... whoops! But still a good read for any parent! - MW
10/4 5:04pm MW - I'm curious to know if your husband considers the Pur faucet- attachable filtration units useful. They probably have no effect on pH, or do they? JW - Speaking of dogs, if you own one and have a fence or tie-out, the dog will keep the squirrels at bay, and the chickadees and others will still visit your feeders.
Keyboards - Does anyone have a suggestion on how to clean a keyboard? It's a Mac, but perhaps they're all the same. We're talking dog fur, cat fur, spaghetti, soup, crackers, crumbs, corn chips, coffee, potato chips and parmesan... let me stop. Soon we'll have an implosion if nothing's done. I know, I know - don't eat at the computer. Too late. The thing has been turned upside down and Q- tipped. Is using a vacuum OK, or will it create static even when unplugged?
P.S. Tums anyone?
- SO
10/4 1:58pm TK... are you serious? Relax, whether it is instilling values or a punishment, the point was there is a consequence to leaving your trash on the ground. In this case, the coach's "consequence" I think is perfect ...even if it is a punishment! - BD
10/4 1:36pm "Perhaps the word "punishment" that I chose is not the correct word..."Perhaps? How about... absolutely!!"...but in reading your post, it sounds as though you feel that coaches should not act as role models for these kids, nor should they use "corrective actions" to hold them responsible for their behavior."Well, re-reading my post, I see none of those suggestions. Perhaps you should read the post without preconceived ideas about what the words say. None of what you claim is represented in my post, only in your own words, which, as I said before, is very telling. The overall tone of your response to my post suggests, at least to me, that you believe 'punishment' to be the way to 'set the example' for kids. Punishment, used as a disciplinary measure, has its place in a child's life, even an adults life, but it has no place in youth team sports as a means of instilling good values. If what you got out of team sports was that they were not played for fun, and punishment was an appropriate teaching tool, then I think you missed the point altogether.- TK
10/4 1:34pm Can anyone recommend a good plaster person. I have some minor wall plastering work to be done and looking for someone reasonable and reliable that will do a quality job. - RM
10/4 1:33pm I think what TK was trying to say was that when dealing with kids... positive reinforcement works best. Especially in a group situation. As a coach, one should act as a positive role model. When you start adding punishments into the mix... it is negative and will turn some kids off and shut them down. That is the parent's job... LOL! Seriously though... A local expert, and cousin of mine has written a book on dealing with challenging children. It's called "No Such Thing as a Bad Kid" by Charles Appelstein. I ordinarily would not plug anything like this on Norfolknet, but I feel very confident that people will get a lot out of this book, even if your child is a good kid. The writer has a great sense of humor and it is an easy read. Charlie is hired by many school systems to come in and give seminars to parents and educators. I have attended his lectures at the Walpole public schools. His website is charliea.com. Enjoy!
- MW
[Update 5:05pm: Correction... I meant to recommend the book "No Such Thing as a Bad Kid" By Charles Appelstein... whoops! But still a good read for any parent! - MW
I screwed up the weblink... it should read www.charliea.com - MW]
10/4 1:32pm Watch the Red Sox crush the Yankees from the first base line of our home field! Come to the Autumn Charity Auction for your chance to win 2 tickets to a Friday night game in next year's season and be the envy of all your friends. Or bring your family of 4 for a memorable night in the Fenway Park Grandstands for a game in June, July or August, 2008! The fabulous activities and getaways available at the Auction are priceless, so buy your tickets now for this fun evening! Saturday October 20th @ Lake Pearl Lucianos. You do not need to be an NCL member to enjoy this great Community get together!! You can't bid on it if you don't come to the Auction, so buy your ticket now and enjoy a night out with your friends and neighbors while you support the town. For tickets and more information, go to norfolkcommunityleague.org
10/4 11:27am TK - I couldn't disagree with your posting any more. Perhaps the word "punishment" that I chose is not the correct word, but in reading your post, it sounds as though you feel that coaches should not act as role models for these kids, nor should they use "corrective actions" to hold them responsible for their behavior. Growing up I played team sports and believe me if we had to skate, or run sprints due to one or more person's behavior, then that behavior was certainly not tolerated after the "punishment" was doled out by the coach. This had nothing to do with us playing the sports for "fun" - this was to teach us a lesson. I agree that this coach or any other coach would hope that by having the team run that the overall lesson was "teamwork" and "group effort", however, have you ever been made to run sprints?? P.S. if Mom and Dad taught all these lessons at home, wouldn't the children (and parents!) be picking up their own trash, picking up after their dogs, and refrain from climbing up the limbs of the saplings?
These youth coaches should be looked at as role models, especially as we see the professional coaches and athletes are ending up in more and more trouble with the law. Mom and Dad can't teach every life lesson.
- TC
10/4 11:11am CS and NH, last week sometime I remember seeing a bike that looked like a Haro style (but not sure of the color... I want to say either brown, green or dark blue) resting against a fence on a very busy street. I remember taking note becuase it was such a main road and the bike was just propped there unattended. It was leaning against the outside of an unpainted stockade fence in the middle of nowhere... there was no house entrance... nothing. I remember thinking "this kid's bike is going to get stolen..." but maybe someone rode off on it and ditched it there. I can't remember the location, but it could've been Rte 27 in Medfield or Rte 115 in Norfolk... It's driving me crazy trying to remember. If it was Medfield that I saw it in, it would've been on Thursday afternoon the 27th... If it was in Norfolk, it could've been anytime over the weekend. I will try to look for the location when I am driving around and post it. I will remember the fence when I see it. You may be able to speak with some of the folks that live around that spot, the homeowner may have taken it in... As for the soccer ball?? I am amazed and speechless!
- MW
10/4 10:58am CRS, after reading both your post and the post from MW, I completely agree with you both. - DV
10/4 9:54am CS - Have you found your 5th grader's bike? We are in the Pheasant Hill area. A dark-hair teenager drove by our house, stopped his older blue Jeep Cherokee, took my son's soccer ball right out of our driveway and drove off. He brazenly did it in front me and the kids. It is just a soccer ball, but we called the police anyways. I wonder if the incidents are related. - NH
10/4 9:39am I have recently moved to Norfolk and have a three month old son. I was wondering if anyone knew of any Mum and baby groups that meet so that I can start to?get to know a few? people. My email address is andreadebarr@aol.com. Would be great to hear of some groups. Thank you. - AP
10/4 9:18am DH... I have a skin condition that is aggravated by either too acidic or basic water. My husband runs a water system in a neighboring town. He has brought home his equipment and tested the water in our home (this was several years ago). Up until recently (maybe a year or so) the water here was extremely acidic. This will eat away at the pipes. Then it went in the other direction of being too basic. This was actually "burning " my skin when I showered and we could actually smell the "bleach" that they use to disinfect. I will tell you that I had beautiful hair until we moved to Norfolk. It is now as dry as hay and lifeless. He is finding it hard to understand why it has been so difficult for Norfolk to get the pH under control. It seems to fluctuate from one extreme to the other. It shouldn't be that hard with proper monitoring. I believe that one of my neighbors has also had pipe issues, and has been very vocal and working hard to improve the water system in town... We haven't tested in a while; maybe I will have him start doing it again. - MW
10/4 9:17am CS, Heavey Plumbing in Walpole is great. - PRB
10/4 9:16am CRS... I am a dog lover and owner. Not only am I not irritated by your views, I am in total agreement. I also respect you for voicing your opinion even though it might cause a stir. My husband and I were just talking about this last night. There are just some places that we don't bring our dog. Not becuase she is not well behaved. But becuase not everyone loves animals and we respect that some may be fearful or annoyed by even the most well trained dog. I think that schoolyards and certain town events are best left dog free. Many children are fearful of dogs and I don't think that they should experience anxiety becuase I simply felt like bringing my dog with me to a soccer game... We have a child in our neighborhood that is afraid of dogs. When she is in my home I keep my dog in my bedroom so that she is not worried. So, maybe I need to rethink my position on the dog park issue in town. Maybe we should have a park just for dogs, so that folks will be less apt to use the kid's play areas for their excercise and elimination. - MW
10/4 9:13am "...but also that he punishes the group as a whole if they do not." Personal opinion here... I think it's sad, and telling to some degree, when folks read such actions of a coach (or any adult leader working with kids) as 'punishment'. I think that shows a lack of understanding of the motives of the adult leader.
When dealing with children, of any age, if law enforcement is not involved, then 'punishment' is the realm of Mom & Dad, and no other. I'm sure the coach mentioned in the posts below would take issue with the notion that what he's doing is 'punishment'. And he'd be right. I believe he'd rather have his actions seen as reinforcing the ideals of 'team', 'working together', and 'group effort' to maintain some standards and expectations of behavior and participation within the group, such that all feel proud about the efforts of the group, or team, both on the field and off.
Kids don't 'have to' play football, or soccer, or whatever sport is available, They do so because it's fun. The surest way for a coach to destroy the desire and expectation of fun within a group of kids is instill in them the fear of 'punishment'. Rather, he/she is best served when he/she can instill in the kids the knowledge that the group performs best and achieves their goals in the greatest fashion when they're all working together, in their efforts on the field, and in their behavior as a group off the field. When practiced with that understanding, those old fashioned values stay with a child almost forever.
And I'm positive that the coach(s) would rather have their efforts seen thus.
- TK
10/4 9:11am Maybe it is the chippie making the noise. Sounds a lot like the chirp I hear. If they don't hibernate, I guess we'll hear it all winter also. I have found myself yelling "Shut Up" into the air. They don't listen and I must sound a bit crazed to anyone walking by. It's a bit like water torture - drip drip drip, it becomes the focal point of my stay outside. - JW
10/4 9:09am we have had wonderful luck and the guarantee is fantastic for the dog watch dog fence system. no need to worry about batteries. - CW
10/3 10:40pm This may irritate some... but I do not think that dogs should be allowed on any fields that Norfolk uses for sports. There are plenty of other places to walk dogs that will not impact our young athletes. I realize that many responsible dog owners quickly clean up after Fido, but it is still disgusting to think about sliding into any "remnants" left behind. When I played high school and college sports, Canadian Geese were our biggest enemy. They could destroy a field in a few hours. Is it too much to ask that dog owners use wooded or other designated areas to walk their canines? I don't think so. - CRS
10/3 10:39pm How many residents in town have had problems with their copper water pipes since the town has begun installing the new water meters? Copper water pipes have been failing in town over the last several years. These pipes should have a life span of over 40 year plus many are failing at 15 years or less. - DH
10/3 3:33pm Can someone recommend a good, dependable plumber in the Norfolk area? - CS
10/3 1:31pm TMS - I think it is great that the kids' football coach not only encourages them to keep their fields clean, but also that he punishes the group as a whole if they do not. Hopefully the children take this as a life lesson to help preserve our environment. I get the feeling that it is not just the kids that are creating the mess at Pond St., as over the past few weeks (specifically on Monday mornings) I have found everything from coolers to fold up chairs to pairs of cleats sitting on the fields!
Let us all be reminded to take out what we take in to the public areas! And as for the dog walkers who aren't picking up their dogs' waste, start your wind sprints!
- TC
10/3 12:28pm DM: I think the "tree warden" carries a paint ball gun so he can make for certain he hits the kids with his paint and demands the parents be responsible for these horrible acts of climbing... - KM
10/3 12:25pm JW - My money's on red squirrels. I hadn't thought of it until I read AFD's comment. I work at home and sometimes it sounds like I'm surrounded by an army of them. "Chip, chip chip", and then the screeching over turf, intruders, acorns, fallen bird seed - you name it. Often I can't tell what the problem is. They just sit and squawk at the air. And yes, this year they've been at their noisiest. Next time you hear the sound, peek out the window and I bet you'll see a red squirrel. I checked them out on Encarta and listen to this: "The average life span of the red squirrel is from 6 to 10 years...Both male and female North American red squirrels have dens in the ground under the roots of trees. They do not hibernate in winter, and they come out of the underground nest on warm days. They are one of the noisiest animals in the forest, and they direct their harsh, scolding chatter at any stranger that invades their home territory. The marten, a carnivorous mammal, is the squirrel's major enemy, and this squirrel is also the prey of hawks and owls.
The North American red squirrel feeds mainly on seeds, nuts, and berries. It also consumes various kinds of mushrooms, which it sun dries before eating or storing for winter. It may also eat insects and occasionally feeds on bird eggs and even young birds."
[ref]- SO
10/3 11:26am JW, I'm also wondering if you are hearing chipmunks. Our yard is overrun with them this year. Yesterday I was sitting outside watching two of them scamper back and forth near me. One started chirping over and over, and I realized that the sound I'd always associated with a noisy bird was coming from this little guy. I'm not a birder but it certainly sounded like a bird sound. - GA
10/3 11:25am TC: We, too, see many water bottles and trash left behind at the athletic fields around town. While we stress to our children to pick up after themselves at home and on the fields, many other children and adults don't bother to clean up. While the main responsibility of teaching kids to pick up is on the parents, my son's football coach has a sure-fire way to keep their area clean. If he finds any trash left behind after a practice, the entire squad has to do extra sprints at the next practice. There have been no complaints from the parents and their area is spotless. I've also seen the kids pick up other squads' trash on their way off the fields. Sometimes a little thing is all it takes to instill some action in the kids. - TMS
10/3 10:15am JW - I heard the same thing over the summer and it was driving me crazy too! I love birds and have feeders in my yard so we can watch them. Our beautiful annoyances are/were very large blue jays. They are loud, constant and usually rise early in the morning. They seem to squawk even more when they eat all of the food from the feeders and I am not quick enough with refilling. It is entertaining to watch two of them try to hang from the dangling suet feeder as it sways back and forth. Now that I think about it, I have not heard them in about a week - we have the smaller birds back right now. - MH
10/3 10:14am As a responsible dog walker (read: one who picks up after their dog) who walks their dog religiously at the Pond St. Complex I wanted to raise a few points. I couldn't agree more with the previous posters who said that the responsibility and blame lies on the specific dog owners who are not responsible for their pets, as many dog owners do pick up after their dogs. I also wanted to raise the concern about the human poop (empty plastic bottles, clothing, food wrappers, etc.) that is being left on the town fields and common areas. I think everyone should also need to be more responsible in picking up their manmade waste including things that are not biodegradable and keep these fields clean and respectable. If anyone has not seen this amount of waste (which I see as far more damaging than dog poop), take a walk around the Pond St. Complex after a weekend of soccer games and you will be amazed at the amount of rubbish that is not making it into the number of waste barrels around!
- TC
10/3 9:50am JW - could it be that you are hearing chipmunks and not birds? [Encarta article] (The ones in my yard chirp all day and are higher pitched than this particular sound clip). - AFD
10/3 8:45am Come join the Norfolk Fire Department for thier annual open house this Saturday the 6th from 1-4. There will be fun, food and demonstrations. - MF
10/3 8:44am Regarding the bylaw cited by RH. I found myself picturing a scene out of a Monty Python movie about "shrubbery." In all seriousness though, is the Town itself above its own bylaw? In my neighborhood, a few months back there was some roadwork and some new catch basins were installed. I noticed that one day a large oak tree (to be read as good firewood) being cut down. This tree was at least 10 feet from the edge of the road, and was over 50 feet from where a catch basin was put in. The tree was not overhanging the road, interfering with the power lines (they were on the other side) and the roadway was straight so there was no "line-of-sight" issue. Maybe the trees need protection from more than kids! - WB
10/2 9:39pm Before I make my final decision on whether or not to allow my kids to climb in, on or around trees in Norfolk, I need to know, does the Tree Warden carry a gun? - DM
10/2 8:26pm A question for all the bird lovers out there. I love the little critters but there is one darn bird that makes a single syllable note over and over and over again. I spend a lot of time outdoors and can't remember hearing this as much as I have this summer. I am ready to seek it out and, well, move it to someplace else. Can someone tell me what kind of bird it is? Chirp chirp chirp chirp. Aarg, it is driving me crazy but that is a short trip for me anyway. - JW
[European city sparrow? I haven't seen them around Norfolk so far, but they chirp like that. - Wm.]
10/2 8:25pm RH: I am cracking up... My kids are old and grown and way beyond climbing trees (I love the assumptions being made on this site)... but surely will pass this info along to people who do need to know the consequences of "climbing trees"... - KM
10/2 6:53pm The next get-together of the Norfolk Notations will be tomorrow, from 7 to 9:00 p.m. We are a Norfolk based, for fun music group for adults who have 1 to 2 years of experience of playing music. We also offer the opportunity to try instruments if you think you might be interested in learning one, such as the clarinet, flute, recorder, and keyboard. We meet every other week, and members agree on the type of music we'll play together. If you previously played an instrument and haven't played in years, this is your chance to play again. Contact gericol@verizon.net or cindy@humancomm.com for more information. - CR
10/2 3:04pm 9/30 1:02pm MJD: Kids have been climbing trees forever... thank goodness there are plenty of branches on those trees, just in case one or two branches out of allll the branches gets bent from a child having fun... - KM KM: Please control your kids. There is a law which is meant to protect trees and specifies a fine for damage, as follows:
Chapter 87: Section 12. Injury to shrubs, trees or fixtures
Section 12. Whoever wantonly injures, defaces or destroys a shrub, plant or tree, or fixture of ornament or utility, in a public way or place or in any public enclosure, or negligently or wilfully suffers an animal driven by or for him or belonging to him to injure, deface or destroy such shrub, plant, tree or fixture, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, and shall in addition thereto be liable to the town or any person for all damages to its or his interest in said shrub, plant, tree or fixture caused by such act. Whoever by any other means negligently or wilfully injures, defaces or destroys such a shrub, plant, tree or fixture shall likewise be liable to the town or any person for all damages to its or his interest in said shrub, plant, tree or fixture caused by such act.
SHADE TREE DAMAGE -- M.G.L., C 87, Sec. 5.6Fine Allowed: $50 each offense for root or limb damage or scarring, $300 for replacement of the tree
Enforcement Agent: Tree Warden
- RH
10/2 3:03pm 1/2 off all in-stock Webkinz at Something Special. We need to make room for all the new Webkinz and Webkinz accessories coming soon. Happy shopping, - Nancy & Joan, Something Special
10/2 3:02pm Does anyone have any Moving Boxes. I can recyle them to ship items to the Servicemen. Glass1971@aol.com. Thanks - PRB
10/2 10:04am Dog poop happens, it's up to the owner to clean it up properly... just like in life there are those that do and those that don't. I have 2 dogs and one child I teach my 3 year old that we pick up after ourselves and our animals. Drive by people's houses in Norfolk and you'll you see toys bikes etc. on lawns for weeks even years sitting in the snow. I'll bet these people don't clean up after their dogs! People shouldn't be turned off of dogs because of some lazy owner. Take matters into your own hands confront that person call the police or call me I'll hide in your bushes with a garden hose and spray the owner when it happens. ; ) The picture below with all the flags is appalling; you tell me this person doesn't walk by every day... get 3 neighbors to confront this person I'll bet they'll find a new route. Don't hate dogs, put the blame where it lies!
- JD
10/2 9:54am MW, I know what you mean, but I've adopted a policy of saying something if other children's activity negatively affects my child, such as when they are hitting my child, or roughhousing too close, etc. (My kids are very little, so big kids roughhousing could really hurt them.) I was in a local kids' haircut place and two 5-6 yr old boys who were obviously brothers, maybe even twins, were positively mauling each other - hitting, screaming, etc. The receptionist looked over, obviously concerned but hesitant to interfere. I couldn't figure out who their mother was, because there was no one obvious nearby. Finally, when they almost fell on my son during one scuffle, I told them to "cut it out and play quietly" in a firm voice. They immediately stopped and looked totally confused, then obeyed my instructions. A few minutes later, a woman strolled over from clear across the room, where she had been reading a magazine, asked the boys if they were okay (to which they nodded) and then strolled back! The receptionist and I just gaped at each other in shock. Not that I'm a perfect parent (far from it, I'm sure), but there seem to be some parents who really need some help in knowing when something is inappropriate... - KID
10/2 9:51am Hello. This is in reference to the article in the recent Norfolk Boomerang re: a musical ensemble... I am interested in singing and maybe playing keyboard. Please email me at Rubytunes@aol.com. Thanks. - PRR
10/1 8:54pm I own two dogs and very rarely play frisbee with them on the fields at the Freeman Centennial. I always carry a bag and even snatch up grass to make sure I am thorough in my clean-up. You know, even responsible dog owners cringe at the behavior of irresponsible dog owners. It impacts us as well, especially when their dogs visit our lawns and driveways. I have a question about the Norfolk Bylaws as posted today:
Section 3.b.4. A dog shall be deemed a public nuisance for any of the following reasons:Because there are no commas, does the statement mean that no dogs other than those controlled by assistance dog owners are allowed in public recreation areas, or does it mean that assistance dogs and all dogs under the care and control of their owners are allowed in public recreation areas?... 4. If found in a schoolyard, public or private recreation area, store, or shopping area except that a "seeing eye" dog (or other certified assistance dog) under the care and control of its owner shall be deemed to be exempt from this provision; ...
- SO 10/1 7:41pm Regarding dog piles: unfortunately, things don't change. From my April 5, 2006 collection/posting [see original photo - Wm.]. - RG
10/1 7:33pm I hope that people did not think that in my first post I was referring to the behavior of disabled children in public. I myself have two children with ADHD and I know how challenging it can be to deal with a child that is impulsive and sometimes inappropriate. Having said that... I do work very hard at teaching my kids appropriate behavior, regardless of their disablity. When we are in public I keep a very close eye on them, and as a result I am usually successful and have never had a problem. I think that there is a big difference in people's minds over a parent who is struggling, but at least trying to guide their children, and the parent that just doesn't care and is using the town's public spaces as a babysitter so that they can chat with friends.
I know this sounds harsh. But I have witnessed this on several occaisons. One time an older child was hurting my younger child and the parent was standing right there oblivious. I felt that it was not my job to tell the child to stop... and God help me if I did. People become very offended if you correct a child that is not yours. They say "it takes a village". But when it really comes down to it. People can't accept it when it is their child under the microscope.
- MW
10/1 2:58pm TK - I have seen people's words misconstrued on this site, so I'd like declare that I in no way mean my words to be belligerent or venomous. Additionally, if your post was specific to the tree thread currently running, nice pun. In your post you qualified the quote used with "in many cases." I would, however, like to stress vehemently that in some cases, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree", but the "apple" does have a behavioral issue or developmental disorder that can not be seen. Sometimes the "trees" can't even drum up the courage to go out in public with their "apple" because of the stares and eye rolling performed by and, even more painful, the comments spewed by others. Sometimes the "trees" are so hurt, unnerved and embarrassed by the their "apple's" behavior they wonder if it would be less exhausting to have an "apple" with some more outwardly noticeable condition. Please be mindful that the normal looking "apple" that is misbehaving may in fact be the product of caring, compassionate, responsible, well mannered "trees." They just bore fruit different from the rest.
- [Name withheld - Wm.]
10/1 10:55am MW, Regarding your concerns about the behavior of children in public, it seems an unfortunate truism in many case that... 'The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.' "(Name withheld)", For an answer to your question about dog doo doo... see the town bylaws on the town website... specifically Article XIII, Section 3, Dog Regulations.
- TK
10/1 9:14am
[I botched this one; see post of 10:55am instead - Wm.]
10/1 8:58am Re: 9/30 9:51pm Since we are on the topic of dog doo doo. Does anyone know Norfolk's rules and regulations on dog waste and, removal and disposal? See Town of Norfolk Bylaws, Article 13, Section 3: Dog Regulations [here] Be sure to read all of these regulations, because your dog may not be able to.
Section 3.B.4 A dog shall be deemed a public nuisance for any of the following reasons:1. If such a dog is found to be at large;
2. If such dog shall persistently and prolongedly bark or howl;
3. If found without wearing a license and a vaccine tag as required by Section B of this bylaw;
4. If found in a schoolyard, public or private recreation area, store, or shopping area except that a "seeing eye" dog (or other certified assistance dog) under the care and control of its owner shall be deemed to be exempt from this provision;
Section 3.D. Dog excretions on either public or private property must be removed and disposed of immediately by the owner(s) or keeper(s) of the dog or the person(s) under whose care and control the owners have placed the dog. In any event, if this section is violated, the dog shall be deemed to be a public nuisance and such violation shall be considered a violation by the owner(s) or keeper(s) of the dog subject to a non-criminal fine listed in Section 3H. (10/22/02)
- RH
10/1 8:55am Re: 9/29 12:44pm Can anyone recommend someone that cleans windows? Thanks - PRB Try: Housework Haters Cleaning Service, Norfolk // 520-1258 Randy Corwin
He does gutters, too!- RH
10/1 8:51am Yesterday afternoon, my 5th grader's bike was lost in the Pheasant Hill area of town. The bike is a dark copper, HARO, freestyle bike with Pegs. If anyone thinks they may have seen his bike, or knows of its location, I would appreciate the information. Contact Carol @ 508-520-0531 with any information. Thanks. - CS