Q4 2010 Norfolknet Notes, Oct-Dec 2010This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
12/31 11:39am Can anyone make any recommendations for a dentist for dental implants? - PRB 12/31 11:38am My family and I, in partnership with Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Children's Hospital Boston are hosting aBlood & Bone Marrow Drive, in memory of my father Gray Mirliss on Jan. 8 th, 2011 at the King Philip Middle School, 18 King St., Norfolk, MA 02056 from 9:00am - 3:00pm. Please plan to join us for the 7th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood & Bone Marrow Drive In participation with Brigham, Women's Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Children's Hospital Boston
What better way to end the holiday season than by donating blood and SIGNING UP for the National Bone Marrow Registry! The goal is to collect 120 units of blood and with your help it will be reached!!
Participants have the chance to win some great Door Prizes.
Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011 Place: King Philip Middle School 18 King Street, Norfolk, MA Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
for appointments or information please email GM.Memorial.Drive@gmail.com
- GM
12/31 11:37am I have a new computer with Windows 7 home edition. I'm finding it very difficult to navigate through the new Libraries format for My Documents and My Pictures in the new Windows 7 operating system. I had a much easier time with Windows XP and just plain old My Documents to access all my files. Is anyone else having a difficult time with the Windows 7 operating system? Any suggestions would be helpful. - PD
12/31 11:36am Shop the Walpole Winter Farmers Market on Sunday, January 9th, from 10:00am - 2:00pm held at the VFW Post #5188 located at 33 Robbins Road in Walpole (next door to the Johnson Middle School). This indoor Market now runs once a month and the upcoming dates are: January 9th, February 13th, March 13th and April 17th. Support local farmers and food producers while shopping for some of the freshest food around! Shop for fresh vegetables, herbs, artisan baked goods, pastas, cheeses, grass fed beef, prepared foods, honey, cider and more. A variety of craft items from local artisans are also available for purchase.
Vendors include Big Sky Bakery, Lanni Orchards, Oakdale Farms, Lawton's Family Farm, Annie B's Farm, Jack's Dog Cookies, Darling Dollclothes, Scarves by Lillian, Scent-sations, Kaleidoscope Soap, and more!
Visit the Market website at www.walpolemafarmersmarket.com for further details.
- SM, Town of Walpole
12/31 11:35am BM, all oil companies offer 24/7 service. - PB
12/31 11:34am Does anyone have any details about the Boy Scout's Christmas Tree pick-up? - SB
12/31 11:33am BM: Of course they did, they always do, we woke up one Christmas morning to temps over 90 degrees, they were here in minutes. Why would anyone in this town have anyone but Cronin? - JW
12/31 11:29am I posted about a week ago, stating how I agreed with the sentiments of another writer suggesting that a warming shelter be provided for the men at the transfer station. I still support that position. Today I did my usual Wednesday run with a car full of holiday recycles from my home as well as that of a neighbor. In the process of unloading my bins, I was talking to another man and was distracted enough to bang my forehead on the corner edge of the hatchback of my car, popping a nice little hole in my forehead. (Not one of my brighter moves to be sure). Anyway, it didn't take long for the small injury to take on the appearance of a lobotomy as it appeared that there was quite a lot of blood gushing from the wound. My jacket, shirt, pants and hands had an abundant quantity. When the men at the transfer station saw me approachuing the "cardboards department" in my somewhat less that tip-top-looking condition, they were all over themselves offering to help out. "You sit down, we'll unload" (well, I was OK so I gratefully refused the offer), "do you need help", " are there any bandaids", " you just go home, we'll take care of the recycles"...ever, "try that New Skin stuff...it closes wounds quickly though it stings real bad"...(he was right on both accounts). I even got a laundry tip, which I followed with success when I got home.
Anyway, to restate my position posted here a week ago, these are great guys; hard working, dedicated...and...add to the list...CARING!!! I think it is a very small courtesy indeed to have a small, close to the recycle area, warm up station for these gentlemen. I know that next Wednesday when I go, I'll have a batch of brownies and some hot chocolate for these guys. It would be nice if they could enjoy both in a little warm spot with a chair or 2.
- AMG (with a small bump and a clean shirt and jacket )
12/31 11:29am This is just a reminder that I still have openings for new students to be tutored in Spanish, French, and English composition. I could meet with students at their homes or in the library. I have an MA in French from U Mass Amherst, and another in Spanish from Middlebury College. I taught high school for 34 years including 10 years of Spanish Language AP. My fees are reasonable. Telephone: 508 520 9838. - AB-G
12/31 11:28am There will be an exhibit of three artists' works beginning January 6 at our library. Jason Rafftery and Rick Tedaldi will show their photography and Bill Robinson his paintings. The exhibit will remain through February 4. - AB-G
12/31 10:56am The 7th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood & Bone Marrow Drive is just around the corner, Saturday, January 8th from 9:00am-3:00pm. With your effort, you will help to give the gift of life to so many. January has the lowest number of blood donors of any month throughout the year, resulting i= n an annual blood shortage; with your donation, the shortage will be lessened or even prevented. Refreshments will be provided throughout the day. Donors have the chance to win some great prizes, including a New Balance Gift Card and Boston Celtics Tickets. Walk-ins will be accommodated in an orderly fashion, but we recommend that you make an appointment if possible. It is only with your help that our goal can be reached! Be one of the 120 in setting a new one day donor record for Brigham and Women's Hospital, Children's Hospital, and Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
See you Jan. 8th,
- GM, and The Mirliss Family
12/31 10:53am Good morning - I have accepted a new job out of state and must find a new home for my 6 year old goldendoodle. He is a character - loves attention, loves to run and chase chipmunks and squirrels - he is a funny dog, has lived in a house with multiple cats, and is great with children. His only issue is that he can be aggressive toward other dogs I would love to find him a local home where he can get the attention he loves - if interested, please contact me through the webmaster. [Use box301@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks and Happy New Year to all - KJH
12/31 10:46am You are cordially invited to a New Year's luncheon sponsored by the Foxboro Christian Women's Club, which is affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries. Tuesday January 11, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive, at the Lafayette House Restaurant on Route 1 Foxboro, MA. Please make a reservation by calling Arline 508-883-8588. Pam Cahill from Chester NH will present ``How to Overcome Fear'' - How you can use a flashlight and a teddy bear to overcome the fears you face in life. Music will be provided by pop sensation Tracey Silva from Taunton. She is the 2004 Boston Pops' 4th of July vocal contest winner. There will be a napkin folding demonstration to help you create an elegant table. - DLJ
12/31 10:40am I have Hunter Douglas 2 inch wooden blinds in the off-white color in excellent condition. They were from our previous home and we brought them along but they don't work in our home. The sizes are variable and I am looking for a good home for them. If you think you could use them and maybe resize them to fit your home please let me know. There are 4 for windows (2 larger, 2 regular size) and then 2 for French doors. The width for the French door ones are 1 inch. Any ideas please let me know. - SBJ
12/31 10:38am History on the Hill Sponsored by the Norfolk Historical Commission, the December 29th program, ''The Impact of the RRs on Norfolk, 1850 - 2010'' has been postponed to: Wednesday, January 5, 2011, @ 7:00 PM in Room 214, Norfolk Town Hall. All Aboard! for a train ride through 150 years of Norfolk History. - BB, NHC
12/28 10:20am Cronin came to repair our cold furnace on Christmas Day. Thanks so much. - BM
12/28 10:19am Thank you to the town's snowplow and equipment operators. The streets were in great shape this morning, despite quite a storm. In particular, I would like to thank the gentleman driving the front end loader who was extra cautious near the end of my driveway while I was out with the snowblower. Great job! - CS
12/27 6:34pm Does anyone know if Vladi's Driving School has the Xmas vacation class going for driver's education and when does it begin? - DWL
12/27 6:28pm JM, Maybe our schools teach about other religions because these other religions are the minority in our mostly Christian town. - DB
12/27 6:27pm KS - financial advisor - Frank Rossi, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, 781-431-6727. He's from Medway. - ES
12/25 10:16pm JB - handyman - Brant Malmberg - 774-248-0645 - ES
12/25 10:15pm I want to thank the NorfolkNet community for helping to make 2010 my most successful year in business yet. And thanks to the webmaster for keeping this going. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, looking forward to working with you all in 2011! - Ed Szymanski, The PC Handyman
12/25 10:12pm www.projectsmile.org Great organization for stuffed animals. - FH
12/25 10:10pm I am looking for someone to remove old shower tile grout and replace with new grout. - DWL
12/25 10:05pm SCD: Try Christopher Limousine out of Walpole, they are great for short and or long trips. - KH
12/25 10:04pm JA: T Mobile. I really like service here in Norfolk. I have the Vibrant phone and my husband has a different model. We switched over from Verizon as we had no coverage in our house prior. We also use T mobile for our VOIP and have our cell's synched with a gigaset (allows our cells to ring on the home phone when we're within range of the home phone). PD: I contacted the company you mentioned for snow plowing and never got a reply. Do you have a phone number for them?
RA: Are you still looking for more driveways?
Thank you to those who have dropped off donations for the animals in the shelter. I was out for two days and came back to a lot of great food and toys for the dogs and cats that come in here. Even though these animals are in need of homes, they'll still be having fun during their stay here.
Happy Holidays to all.
- HC
Solstice Hawk Resting Upon Our Light Post
Photo: PRR12/25 9:59pm Happy 2011!! Here's wishing you, our Neighbors and Friends, a warm, healthy, and loving New Year. May we remember that there are those among us not as lucky as we are. And may we also remember that especially wonderful Golden Rule,
"Do unto others as we would have others do unto us."
Perhaps we can begin to learn even better how to live without prejudice, without unkind thoughts, with generosity and kindness for all. Perhaps differences in color, gender, political or sexual persuasion and yes, even age and religion may someday not be what keeps us apart, but in fact brings us together.
May we learn to live in peace and harmony, This is my wish for you and for me ... and for our beautiful World.
Happy 2011!
- PRR & EL
12/25 9:58pm JM - Open your mind and be a little tolerant. Both my kids have been through our schools and we have had a lot of Christmas, with band, choir concerts etc. Yes, in an attempt to balance everything, maybe Christmas gets less emphasis than our relative mix of local beliefs would anticipate. But I also think you are about to get your child home with you for a week and that week is three weeks after Hanukkah. Celebrate the birth of Our Lord and please display some tolerance. Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays to all. - DL
12/25 9:57pm JM: That sounds like discrimination, and as a Catholic, I'm deeply offended. It never ceases to amaze me what will happen at this time of year, whether the secular saboteurs are out in full force, or we have to make sure we cover all of our bases with Kwanzaa celebrations and such. Merry Christmas, JM, and may God Bless You.
- PA
12/25 9:56pm JA--I have T-Mobile and have no trouble with it. - JHR
12/25 9:55pm RC, go down to the transfer station in Feb. and spend a 8 hour day; you won't make it. - KC
12/25 9:54pm Any suggestions for a local financial advisor that can help me roll over a 401k? - KS
12/25 9:50pm Merry Christmas!
12/22 12:18pm I remember seeing some recommendations for an airport limo on here a few months ago. If you could repost I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks - SCD
12/22 12:17pm RC - Merry Christmas to you too! Karma, Baby AG - Well said
- CR
12/22 12:16pm There are 3 small shelters for the Transfer Station where workers can go during a lull in activity during extreme weather. First is the small shed at the entrance, next is the 3 walled shed near the Bulk Items bin, and then there is the shed over by the trash compactor. My son worked for the Highway Dept. for over 20 years and never complained about the cold at the Transfer Station, or when out in the sidewalk plow or plowing for hours and hours on end. - JW
12/22 12:15pm Can someone please educate me as to why our children (at HOD) are forced to "celebrate" a made-up, fictitious and largely ignored event (Kwanza) as well as spending many hours of projects on Hanukah (a religious holiday) yet it seems verboten to even go near any aspect of the true meaning of Christmas? It is December 22 and still no take home projects about Christmas - yet the 8 candles of the Menorah and Kinara keep showing up in the take home projects. Is it so wrong to teach our children about the birth of Christ? I, for one, am tired of the zombie-state of political correctness (read: skewed against Christianity)! - JM
12/22 12:14pm Has anyone had any experience with T-Mobile in Norfolk? Specifically any reception issues, dropped calls etc? - JA
12/22 11:53am AG - Next time you go to the transfer station take a look out for (2) large sheds and (1) large converted storage container. All used for shelter!! One shed is located at the entrance to the facility (has heat and a/c), one shed adjacent to the dumpster where bags are thrown (has portable heat, seat, window, door, and lastly the converted container is right next to the bulk dumpster where you pay for bulk items (office area for $$ transactions). All are used daily for shelter, office areas, seating, etc. - LS
12/22 12:25am A MON's Christmas Tale Last week while foraging for edible lichens I found a laptop computer, partly hidden in the brush along Miller St, with the words Samsung N130 on it, and it brought a tear to my eye. Did it belong to a young child maybe? Was that child now sad that his MP3's, text messages, emoticons, downloadable ring tones and videos of cats playing the piano and Twilight cast were lost? Perhaps forever? Was that child unable to communicate with his friends now? Could they even think about being with the "in" crowd now that their computer was gone? How could they possibly carry on without their digital signatures connecting with other human digital signatures? The thought of this computer belonging to a child, alone, in their room without it, well, it made me almost break down and cry. How would they be able to communicate in the future?
I did what every one of you would do with such a priceless treasure. I gave it to the Norfolk police, and I was assured, repeatedly, that it would be returned to its rightful owner, and I hope, in the spirit of Christmas, it gets back to that lonely, forgotten child.
It makes you want to hug your laptop a little longer and closer in these troubled times!
12/22 12:24am Hello, RC. I wish I could agree with your assessment of the lack of need for a shelter for the transfer station workers. However, I am a dedicated recycler and most weeks, I go on Wednesday and Saturday, as I sometimes help neighbors with their recycles too. This past week, with the wind and the bitter cold, the workers were out there, doing their job with dedication. I feel that a shelter would be a courtesy for these gentlemen on those terribly bitter cold days. Seeing how hard they work whenever I am there, I sincerely doubt that this small concession would be abused. My experiences with these men are only positive and I see them as productive and productively occupied virtually all the time I am there. True, construction workers have to endure similar conditions, but as a simple act of courtesy and appreciation for the work the workers do at the transfer station, I see no problem with having a place set aside for them to warm up and thus be even more productive.
But then, what do I know... I give the mailman brownies and bring hot chocolate to the construction workers in my new community. I guess I'm just a softy... or someone who cares about the comfort of the workers and like to show my appreciation for what they do.
- AG
12/22 12:23am Hello, JF and KL. I am a piano teacher, recently moved to Norfolk and my rates are considerably lower for lessons in my home. I am a certified Massachusetts teacher with a Masters in Elementary Education, Child Growth and Development and Bachelors degrees in Piano, Music Theory and Composition and Music Education. I have taught public school (Elementary-High School) for approximately 30 years, 6 of which were overseas at the K-6 level and 24 years at the High School level in nearby Franklin, MA. I have taught piano for approximately 24 years in my home prior to moving to Norfolk. I have acoustic and digital pianos in my studio, computer access, and CD recording/burning capability, a large lending library of piano music and I am fully insured. I maintain an open door policy and welcome parents to sit in on lessons. I also tutor most academic subjects from K-12 including begining to intermediate Spanish, in my home or at the public library. My schedule is very flexible. If I can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact me through my e-mail address: almgl1@verizon.net. I am located immediately off of Route 115 about 2 miles from the Millis line. Thanks so much.
12/22 11:58pm Happy Winter Solstice! This is the lowest the sun will move in the sky, days will start lengthening again.
12/20 4:56m JL, I am currently paying $30 for a half hour lesson. - KF
12/20 3:53pm What is the going rate for piano lessons in and around Norfolk? I am talking about a private 30 min lesson at the teacher's home. I need a point of reference. Thank you for the help! - JL
12/20 3:52pm I'm cleaning out my attic and have a lot of nice stuffed animals, Beanie Babies, etc. in very good condition. Does anyone know of a charity or similar needy group who would want them? I don't want to throw them away. - LS
12/20 3:48pm I'm not sure I get the idea of a "Shelter for the Transfer Station" idea. The Transfer employees are there to maintain the facility, not stand in a shelter. It is an "Outdoor Job" like builders, tree workers, excavators and the like. For example, I was driving to Vermont on 495 Thursday. At 4 in the morning I went under the Rt 290 bridge (Hudson). Those guys were just shutting down for the night turning off the flood lights. When I passed the site again at 3 in the afternoon coming home they were just getting ready to start up for another night.
If the Transfer guys have time to stand in a shelter or sit in a truck they can punch out go home because there must be nothing to do.
- RC
12/20 3:35pm JHR - I guess you have not been to the Transfer Station in a while. The workers do indeed have shelter. Look again. By the way, the workers at the Transfer Station are great, helpful, and super nice guys. - LS
12/18 10:16am History on the Hill - Sponsored by the Nortfolk Historical Commission , the series will present a program on December 29 , 2010 in Room 214 at the Norfolk Town Hall at 7:00 PM. The topic will be '' How the Railroad has Impacted Norfolk from 1850 to 2010. '' We'll cover the Norfolk County Railroad's expansion West ; the Medway Branch ; the proposed Wrentham Branch ; the Excursions to Highland Grove Park ; the Old Colony Railroad through Pondville ; the Great White Train ; the New York , New Haven and Hartford RR ; Con Rail ; and the current Mbta.
All Aboard ! Come along for a trip on the train as we trace the effects they have had on Norfolk from 1850 to 2010. Snow Date : January 5, 2011 , same time, same place.
- BB
12/18 10:14am A special thank you to the Norfolk Lions who've been helping us to promote the annual Christmas tree pick-up fundraiser for the Boy Scouts of Norfolk Troop 80. Thanks to all Norfolk residents who've already scheduled a pick-up. If you would like the boy scouts to pick up your tree and have it recycled on Saturday, January 8, give us a call at (617) 407-4045 or e-mail us at xmastree@troop80.net by January 6. Be sure to give us your name, address and phone number. The cost for the service is $10 for trees under 10' and $15 for trees over 10', The senior rate is $5. Please send a check payable to Troop 80 Norfolk Boy Scouts, P.O. Box 152, Norfolk, MA 02056. Place your tree at the end of the driveway or where it can be seen from the road by 9 AM on January 8th. If you prefer, you can put payment in an envelope and attach it to your tree or door. All proceeds support Troop 80 boy scout activities. Please visit our website at www.xmastree.troop80.net. Thank you for your support! - AB
12/18 10:11am There will be a Children Holiday Craft Activity [today] December 18, 2010 at the Norfolk Public Library sponsored by the King Philip Leo Club. The event will be held from 11a.m. to 12p.m. The members of the King Philip Leo Club will be holding a craft event for kids between the ages of 3-8. The children will participate in a holiday craft and play some games. Parents can bring their kids by anytime within the hour. If there are any question please email hmwaldman@comcast.net. - HW
12/18 10:08am LD, What a great way to start 2011, with breakfast among friends at the Federated Church. We'll be there... - JHR
12/18 10:07am HRB... so--how can we Norfolkians do something about a shelter for the workers at the Transfer Station. It doesn't seem like such a large task... suggestions anyone? Do we need a "building committee?" :) - JHR
12/18 10:06am I have an 8 year old son that wants to learn how to play the guitar. Can anyone recommend someone local who gives lessons? Preferably will come to the students home. Thanks. - CB
12/18 10:03am Patriots Tickets vs. Green Bay 2 tickets for Sunday night's game available at face value Patriots sideline; 100s section. Call 857-891-1752 for info. - VM
12/16 7:48pm Snowplowing. I'm looking to pick up a few more driveways for this year. Also I can plow on a per storm basis, just big storms if you like. Call Rob 508-989-7913 - RA
12/16 7:25pm RP - You can subscribe to the online edition of the Boomerang; www.norfolkboomerang.com - JC
12/16 7:22pm Went to the Transfer Station today (Wednesday 12/15) at about 10:00. The wind chill was brutal. I had a huge old TV and a bunch of other stuff that required assistance. The crew was extremely helpful; full of good cheer and kind words. I'll remember this visit. You should, too. They really need some kind of shelter for days like this. - HRB
12/16 7:20pm Hi, My wife and I are Norfolk residents and recently downsized our living space. We have a full Eastern Butcher Block kitchen set. 4 chairs, (3'x5') table. Also, an Ethan Allen formal (Georgian Court) living room set for sale. Both in excellent condition, just don't have the space. Lastly, a corner hutch which can be used for dining ware or collectables. If you have questions or are interested in pictures, please email me at greenflag1@comcast.net. - DB
12/15 4:26pm Want to say to Jake Layman, junior at King Philip High, you are one awesome young guy. We are all very proud of your devotion to your school, team, and most importantly, to your family (they will always be there through thick and thin). Congratulations to you for your wonderful achievements too. The article in Boston Herald was something to make us all in the community so happy to have a rare young man like yourself with us, plus KP has lots to be proud of with you there as well. Keep up the fine work!! - CN
12/15 4:18pm Whatever happened to our town newspaper, the Boomerang? I haven't seen it anywhere. Does anyone have a subscription? Thanks... - RP
12/14 6:58pm Snow plowing - Just wanted to share, if you are in need of snow removal this season, call JPK Landscaping or email jpklandscaping@comcast.net. They came to my home, gave a great price, had some great suggestions about other issues at my home, I would highly recommend them! - PD
12/14 6:55pm The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Brunch on New Year's Day, January 1, 2011, 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon in the fellowship hall of the church. In addition to our famous homemade pancakes, and cinnamon rolls, enjoy a variety of breakfast meats, eggs or omelets to order, and baked goods... along with a few surprises. As always, it is an "all you can eat" meal. Bring your family and friends for a delicious start to the New Year. Adults - $7, Sr. Citizens - $5 and Children under 10 - free. The Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town Common. The church vestry is handicap accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262. - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk
12/14 1:08pm To AB-G and JC: Thank you AB-G for your condolences about our female cat Spree. My middle child brought her home in 1995 as a gift from a girlfriend. She had a litter of kittens the next year and I had to have the all black one we named LBK, Little Black Kitty. JC, thank you for the link to the Living with Coyotes. I guess our fence isn't one that will keep them out if they are determined to get in, but we do go out with them at night and make a lot of noise talking to them. Hopefully that will keep the coyotes at bay. - JW
12/13 9:19pm Anybody out there have a copy of Quickbooks Pro 2009 or 2010, no longer in use, that you want to sell? I'm using 2009 Basic, want to move up without buying 2011 Pro at full price. Please reply to info@pchman.com. - ES
12/13 9:18pm On Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24th, there will be three Christmas Eve Worship services at the Federated Church of Norfolk. At 5:30 PM there will be a Family Service, which will feature the story "The Shoemaker's Dream." At 8:00 PM will be a traditional Candlelight Service and at 11:00 PM there will be a Candlelight Communion Service with music by the Praise and Worship Choir. On Sunday, December 26th, the day after Christmas, families are invited to a casual service of stockings and carols at the regular Sunday worship time of 10:00 am.. - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk
12/13 9:16pm Please post: To: All Norfolk Residents From: Superintendent's Office Dr. Claire Jackson Subject: Norfolk Public Schools Budget Preview Highlights I am writing to you today to inform you of the current budget situation of the Norfolk Public Schools. In order to have a successful public school system, we need the involvement of all Norfolk Residents. This communication is intended to be the start of a new series of communications coming from the Superintendent's Office to keep all Norfolk Residents informed about School District news and budgets. We welcome your input and feedback in our efforts to improve communications between all parties. Following is a preview of the Elementary School Budget, its recent history and proposed direction:[C o n t i n u e d . . .]- SD
12/13 9:12pm For TM and other star gazers, look for the Geminid meteor shower Monday Dec. 13 into Tuesday. From what I read... You may start seeing some meteors Monday evening. Geminid meteors appear to radiate from the constellation Gemini, which rises around 7:20 p.m. and passes nearly overhead around 2:45 a.m. Meteors may appear in any part of the sky, but you may spot more if you look east-northeast, about halfway up from the horizon. They're expected to generate at least 50 meteors an hour. The peak doesn't occur until a few hours before sunrise Tuesday, A December 21 lunar eclipse is happening almost simultaneously with the December solstice. For our time zone Partial eclipse starts: Dec 21 1:33 a.m. Total eclipse starts: Dec 21 2:41 a.m. Total eclipse ends: Dec 21 3:53 a.m.Partial eclipse ends: Dec 21 5:01 a.m.
12/13 9:11pm The Norfolk Lions has had many successful years with the Christmas tree sales. While we have been able to use the current trailer on site for several years, it is time that we begin the process of looking for a newer one. If you or someone you know would like to donate or have a trailer available, please contact Todd L. at carpenoch@aol.com with the contact information. Thank you again for all of your support this year and in previous years to make this one of our flagship events. - TL, Norfolk Lions
12/13 8:58pm Donna Rigdon, right here in Norfolk, is a certified trainer and will come to your house. She is excellent! I have been training with Donna for 3 years now. She is good and affordable! You can reach her at rigdonmg@aol.com. - DG
12/12 8:51pm MB, My friend who also lives here in Norfolk makes beautiful custom jewelry as well as repairs jewelry of all kinds. Please contact the webmaster for my Email address if interested. [Use box300@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Because she works out of home, she is able to keep costs to a minimum. Thanks, - BF (BF2)
12/12 7:46pm MB - Sarapaan's website says they repair jewelry. They are a bead store in Franklin. www.maysjewelry.com - LJK
12/12 7:38pm AW--I highly recommend Robin Shean. I've only ever done her group class, but I can only imagine she's even more amazing one-on-one. Her classes are the only time I've ever found exercise fun. Here is her website: [page link] - KID 12/12 4:37pm 7th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Drive - Blood & Bone Marrow Drive Jan. 8th, 2011 at King Philip Middle School, 18 King St., Norfolk, MA 02056, 9:00am - 3:00pm. My family and I, in partnership with Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Children's Hospital Boston are hosting aBlood & Bone Marrow Drive, in memory of my father Gray Mirliss on Jan. 8 th, 2011 at the King Philip Middle School, 18 King St., Norfolk, MA 02056 from 9:00am - 3:00pm.
Please plan to join us for the 7th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood & Bone Marrow Drive, in participation with Brigham, Women's Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Children's Hospital Boston. What better way to end the holiday season than by donating blood and signing up for the National Bone Marrow Registry! The goal is to collect 120 units of blood and with your help it will be reached!! Participants have the chance to win some great door prizes.
Date: Saturday, January 8, 2011. Place: King Philip Middle School, 18 King Street, Norfolk, MA. Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
For appointments or information please email Email: GM.Memorial.Drive@Gmail.com
- GM
12/12 4:37pm JW, Here is the link to MassWildlife that talks about Coyotes. [Living With Coyotes page] The bottom line is if you are out at night with your dogs, Keep the flood lights on and have the dogs on a short leash. The coyotes will not come near you or the dogs. If the dogs are allowed to run into the shadows they could become dinner. Coyotes are afraid of people, keep your pets close and in sight.
- JC
12/12 4:35pm To AW - I know a personal trainer who will come to your house and put together a workout according to your needs. Her name is Sarah Heverly and can be reached at 508-208-2895. - CR
12/12 4:32pm JW: So your boy or girl is gone. I just thought of you this evening when the thermostat in the car said 18 degrees. Terrible to have this happen, and especially at Christmas. My condolences. - AB-G
12/12 3:40pm MB, try Cindy's in Foxboro. - KF
12/9 10:34pm Hello MJ, I am a recently retired high school teacher, and initially also balked at the music in the classrooms or the individual use of MP3's and the like. Like you, I thought either, or both, would be an added distraction. I found that just the opposite was the case. When students are allowed to listen to their music individually, it lessened inappropriate classroom behaviors (not usually a problem in my classes anyway), but incidents were lessened and attentiveness increased. When I put on music (usually soft classical in the background) for the whole class, after the initial "groans" about Beethoven... Chopin... Bach... the feeling changed in the class and many if not most of the students became even more attentive and productive. In fact, they came to look forward to the soft background music. For some reason, Beethoven and Gregorian Chant were favorites. Of course, music in either class or individual format was allowed in my classes only during independent work times or when active teaching/instruction was not taking place. The students quickly obeyed the guidelines for music in class almost without exception, and as a result, the class atmosphere was more relaxed... but learning WAS taking place. Used properly, music can be a definite asset to the classroom as long as the guidelines are made clear and the teacher manages it closely. Students who listen to their individual favorite type of music, as long as they are productive and meeting classroom work obligations, certainly are not disrupting the learning process for others. If they function well in class and are productive, I see no reason why music can't be enjoyed during quiet work sessions. Whether administration would support music in the classroom is anybody's guess, but it should at least be tried to see if other teachers have the same very beneficial results that I had. Of course, I am prejudiced as I am now a private piano teacher and tutor, but regardless, if I taught Math, or Chemistry or whatever... music is has a natural soothing effect and this was displayed innumerable times in my classes.
12/9 10:33pm Does anyone know of any local jewelers who will repair costume jewelry? Thanks, - MB
12/9 10:32pm [Herald article] Great story about a local kid. - JM
12/9 10:30pm Hi, Trying to think of an unusual and fun activity for your holiday party? How about hosting a Boxwood Tree Workshop? I will come to your home and teach a 1 & 1/2 hour class on designing and decorating a festive, fresh boxwood tree for your holiday table! I'll bring all the necessary materials. You supply the space. Contact me for price, availability and more information: 508 528-2254 Family Gardens Florist. PS - Join us on Facebook for advice, specials and smiles!
- RB (RB4), Family Gardens Florist
12/9 10:27pm Can anyone recommend a local personal trainer who will come to my home and help me reach my fitness goals? - AW
12/9 10:26pm The flock is heading south this weekend!!! We'd like to thank all of the generous and kind people of Norfolk who supported the KP Boys' Hockey "Flamingo Fundraiser". You helped us raise over $1500 to support the team. We hope everyone had a lot of fun seeing the flamingos all over town as well. We can no longer take any new requests for this season, but we'll be back next November! Come see a game at our new home rink - the Foxboro Sports Center. Go KP Hockey!! - SM
12/8 2:58pm The Homecoming: A Walton's Christmas presented this weekend at KP! King Philip High School Drama & GAPS proudly presents a holiday treat for the whole family. The Homecoming: A Walton's Christmas will be performed this Friday, December 10th and Saturday, December 11th at 7:00 P.M. each night. Tickets are $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for senior citizens and children under 12 and will be sold at the door for each performance.
The Homecoming is set in rural Western Virginia in 1933 when the ravages of the Great Depression were at their worst. The Walton family waits expectantly, but with increased concern, for the arrival of John Walton, overdue in a blizzard from his now distant job from which he can only return to his family once a week. The story of this special family Christmas is told by John-Boy Walton both as the adult author and narrator of the tale and as the eldest son during that important time period in his family's past. It is a heartwarming story guaranteed to remind theatre-goers of the challenges that we as a nation have faced, and triumphed over, in the past as well as the value and importance knowing what is truly important during the holiday season and, indeed, all the year.We dedicate this production in memory of the late actress Patricia Neal, who passed away this past August and who starred as Olivia Walton in the original made-for- TV film. Proceeds from this production will be donated to area food pantries to aid the less fortunate during the holiday season.
The Homecoming stars junior Michael Macomber as John-Boy Walton, junior Emily Sexton as Olivia Walton, special faculty guest stars: Mr. Rob Wargo as Sheriff Ep Bridges, Mr. John Gould in a performance of a lifetime, and a very special secret guest star as John Walton. Juniors Brittni Booth and Kasey Kirschner serve as the stage managers for this production. Lighting design is provided by junior Katie Bannon, and audio engineering is provided by junior Ryan Bakinowski. Scenic design and technical direction is provided by Ms. Missy Taddeo (Class of 2003).
For further information: Please contact the director, Mr. Joseph Ferreira, at ferreiraj@kingphilip.org or visit the Drama Web site at kingphilip.org/Faculty/Ferreiraj/Drama.
- PB
12/8 2:32pm MJS: Wow, no flood light then. We go out with them at night and keep up a steady stream of talk hoping that will deter coyotes and fisher cats. Sounds as if that might be an invitation to a meal also. Maybe we'll just put piddle pads out at night. I can't stand the thoughts of losing another pet. - JW
12/8 2:31pm MON: You've probably thought of this already, but if not, ask someone at Stony Brook. They're always helpful to us with animal, predator-type questions. - TC
12/7 11:42pm NCL charitable donation application deadline extended to Dec 17th - The Board Members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) has extended the application deadline for its biannual disbursement of funds to December 17th. This is a disbursement of monies raised through NCL activities. The disbursements will be granted January, 2011. Last year, the NCL disbursement distributed over $14,000 back into the Norfolk community. If you are an individual or a member of an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit NCL's website at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org for an application. Send completed applications to: NCL, P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056. There is also an online application available on our website. The applications must be received by Dec 17th to be considered.
For questions, please contact NCL President Kerry D. at 508-553-9080 or jkdevellis@comcast.net.
12/7 11:41pm Need in-home or overnight care for your pet? Looking for dog walking services? Leashrly Life offers personalized, reliable care for your pet. Individual and group walks are available. Offering residential neighborhood walks as well as guided off-leash runs to a park or designated hiking area with other dogs. Obedience training and puppy consultations also available. For more information, visit www.leashrlylife.com or call 781-241-2083. - AW, Leashrly Life
12/7 11:40pm MJ: If the students are in a study period, what's the big deal? They were virtually allowed anyways, as the teachers found no issue with them. If a teacher is not teaching, there really is no reason to not allow them. Music can even help some people work, as often kids listen to music while doing schoolwork. - TH
12/7 11:39pm Anybody have a sure-fire way to keep hawks from stealing my chickens? Two of my prized transgenic experimental chickens disappeared this week and it is costing me plenty. The experiment was almost a success, where I created a chicken clone whose skin pigments spelled the word "Tyson" across the breast meat skin. Now they are gone and all that is left are feathers and it's back to the drawing board. Sob! Tear! Somebody said I should make chicken jackets for them with spikes sticking out of the back, but that may be too extreme and may look silly, but I'll try anything at this point.
I am open to serious suggestions only.
12/7 11:38pm Looking for the popular game MindFlex for your child? I have two new ones, original packaging for $60! Sold out at target.com as of this morning! 508-553-9080. - KD
12/7 11:37pm To AF: You might want to try going to the site of the Chimney Institute of America. They are a non-profit group who certify chimney sweeps, provide referrals to local professionals, and offer lots of useful information about the care of your chimney. Go to: www.csia.org. - TEM
12/7 11:36pm Did anyone else see the meteor (or what I think was a meteor) this morning? I saw it during my morning run, around 6am and I was headings towards Union St from Town Hill. Pretty cool! - TM 12/7 11:34pm NLYS Apparel Sale & Used Cleat Collection - Saturday, December 11th, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Community Room at the Norfolk Public Library. Do you have cleats that your soccer players have outgrown? Lions Soccer will be collecting your "gently worn" soccer cleats for our spring's Cleat Exchange.
We will also have NLYS apparel, including player's Diadora soccer backpacks, adult fleece jackets, umbrellas, and chairs, available to purchase - Great holiday gifts for Lions Soccer players, coaches, and fans!!
And don't forget, registration for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Spring 2011 now being accepted - Registration is on-line only.
All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons. NLYS is open to boys and girls age 3 (by September 1, 2010) thru grade 12. You do not have to live in Norfolk to join in on the fun!
This Spring Season we will be placing U9 (grade 2 & 3) players onto all Girl and all Boy teams.
Visit the website www.norfolklionssoccer.com to register.
Registration deadline is March 1, 2011 - (after March 1st, players will be added to a Wait List and will only be placed onto a team, with a $50 Late Fee, should a space on a team become available) -
Avoid disappointment and Register Early!
Financial Assistance is available - for more information contact Craig K. at 508-520-0163.
- HK
12/7 11:33pm Join Santa and Big Ryan's Tall Tales to celebrate at Norfolk Community League's Children's Holiday Party, Saturday, December 11, 2010 9:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m, H. Olive Day School Cafeteria. Buy tickets at the door. Admission price per child: $10 NCL members, $12 non NCL members. Adults & Children under 1 are free. Big Ryan will delight and amaze children of all ages with stories and puppets. Please bring your camera for a photo with Santa. There will also be holiday crafts & coloring, face painting, and a continental breakfast. Everyone is welcome to wear their pajamas for a fun filled relaxing morning!
Please bring a donation to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry (donations needed include cereals, pasta sauce, peanut butter, canned vegetables, toothpaste, soap, etc)
For more information please contact: Ali Allen or Allie Cloutier at nclfamilyactivities@gmail.com
12/7 11:32pm JW, I read that coyotes attacked and killed a small dog on a leash held by its human, because they learned that "food" would be available when the outside light came on. I would research other ways to discourage wildlife from entering your yard. - MJS
12/7 12:53am The Norfolk Cultural Council has arranged a photography exhibit featuring artists from the Rhode Island School of Design, running now through New Year's at the Norfolk Public Library. - AB-G
12/7 12:49am I am sorry to hear about the Swensons, however the people responsible at the Norfolk Housing did the right thing by not allowing them to move in. They have a responsibly to all of the other residents who are for the most part responsible and respectful of other residents. There have in the past been those who never washed or cleaned their apartments. I know this because I had friend who lived there and the individual below him constantly had a foul smell from his apartment. No matter how much people complained nothing changed. Once someone has moved in it's almost impossible to get them out. The housing authority made the correct decision to not allow individuals admittance [with] bad history. - BL
12/7 12:48am I have a chain saw and a protable sharpener. I needed to replace the sharpening stones and tried the two big box stores. They both had 3 count packs for $4 - $5 a pack, but not the type I needed. Google told me Norfolk Power Equipment was a Stihl dealer so I tried them. They had just what I needed so I asked for two packages. I was told that would be $32.00 plus tax. I questioned the amount and was told it was correct.I decided to keep looking. I found another Stihl dealer and they have just what I need. The price about $5 a package or $10 for the two packs. I've heard the same type of thing from several other individuals when they went to Norfolk Power. Maybe they don't want to be bothered by the small homeowner. - BL
12/7 12:47am Fellow KPHS parents, Just wondering about the use of MP3 players (iPod, etc.) at KP High. Apparently, they allow students to listen to music (or who knows what?) on their players during study periods and even during class time (provided the teacher allows it and it is an independent work time). Were you aware of this policy? Maybe I'm just being old-fashioned, but it seems like the wrong place to be adding distractions (especially in this world of ever-decreasing attention spans). But I don't want to embarrass my kid by saying no if all the other kids are doing it. I would prefer it if the school did not allow this, but maybe there are good reasons in support of it. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks, - MJ
12/7 12:45am JL... I think that is called friends, relatives and/ parents... :) Good luck!! - JHR
12/7 12:44am Hi, Looking for someone to either fix or replace a number of our bedroom and bathroom doors. Any recommendations would be great. Thanks, - PS
12/7 12:43am Can anyone recommend a local chimney sweep. We need cleaning and inspection. Thank you! - AF
12/7 12:39am Thanks to everyone for references on people to take care of my dogs. I really appreciate it. - EC
12/7 12:37am To the man driving the black Lexus down Seekonk towards Medfield this morning (Sunday): You and your friend in the silver Lexus going the other way had the street blocked due to your conversation. I simply flashed my lights, we had somewhere to be. I did not need nor did I deserve your crude, tasteless finger gesture. Maybe you should have followed your friend in the silver Lexus, as they turned into St. Jude's parking lot, you might have learned something. Hope you had a nice rest of the day, and from now on please keep your offensive gestures to yourself. I had two small children in the car and am just thankful neither of them saw it. - SF
12/7 12:36am My deepest sympathy to the Swenson family for their recent losses. - EF
12/7 12:35am It's obvious why they used the school email lists: much of this stuff is attractive to those with kids, yet all of us, many of whom have no interest in most of these things, will pay higher taxes for them. Please refute if this is not so. We should leave the woodlands as is. The survey should be sent to homes. - AB-G
12/7 12:34am 3 bedroom cape for rent in Norfolk. $1500.00 plus utilities. Must have good credit. No pets. reply to: ralph@ralphwhitere.com - RW
12/7 12:33am My next door neighbor called the other night to warn us to keep our dogs in because she saw a fisher cat in her yard heading over to ours. We have 3 small dogs and a doggie door to the fenced-in back yard. We put the solid door in at dusk to prevent them from going out after dark. We are thinking of putting a flood light out in the back - does anyone know if that will deter the coyotes and fisher cats from climbing the fence and getting our pets if we let them out after dark? - JW
12/7 12:32am JPWR: "That is what is called stacking the deck". Who do you think would be most in favor of developing an area like that? People who have kids in school, that's who. Government should not be involved in business decisions. The pool was shot down at Pond Street. We already have tennis courts at Pond Street as well as at KP. A skating rink on the Millis Town line, which couldn't be closer to this site. We don't need high maintenance items like water parks or golf anything.
The CPC has 3 million of our tax dollars and can't seem to find anything to do with it. That's where their interest lies. The last thing this Town needs it to be saddled up with a maintainable area.
We voted this tax in, we should vote it out. Apparently there some who still haven't noticed the state of our State or the state of our Country.
- JC
12/7 12:31am Garage space wanted: does anyone out there have any space in their garage where we can store a car this winter? We are looking to put a 4 door sedan away from about mid-December until Mid-March. Please contact us as morogfam@comcast.net to discuss availability and rental fee. Happy Holidays, everyone! - KEM
12/7 12:30am It's time to ask Town Meeting to change the CPC percentage of our taxes to 0%. When times get better we can always reconsider. Besides maybe by that time all that property tax relief Deval promised us will final materialize. - PC
12/4 11:08am Why is the CPC allowed to use the school email list? Can any department or any "cause" have use of the list? Something just doesn't seem right... that they pick and choose who has access. I gave my email address to them for school info, not town info. Next they will be selling the list to raise money. - JPRW
12/4 11:04am Does anyone know of parents-in-a-pinch type service, that could do a random pick up or drop off of a child that needs to get to soccer, or picked up at the school, etc? A pay by the ride kind of service? I prefer college age or older, someone that might be flexible (scheduled a day or two before we need them) and looking for some extra cash here and there. - AL
12/4 10:58am Thank you for your acknowledgment of two fine souls, The Swensons! Maybe it will help to open a discussion, and more importantly some minds and eyes, to the treatment and worse mistreatment of the elderly. These two were working full time to pay their bills, right up until at least five short years ago. They did not deserve to be treated lesser than even the animals are treated in town, but they are safe now. - CN
12/4 10:50am EC - Leasherly Life is very good about helping with dogs. She has a card in the business card section. - SC
12/4 10:49am EC, We use Chris Schneider, At Home Pet Sitting. We highly recommend her. 508-376-5487. - ML
12/4 10:39am EC - Re: someone reliable to let my dogs out. Please give us a call. We have dogs throughout Norfolk that we take care of on a regular basis and would be happy to check in on your pups for you. Local references always available :) Call Sarah 774-571-8461 or email me at sarah@crittervisits.com.
- SD
12/4 10:29am To EC: Call Critter Visits for your pet needs at 508 922-6706. They are wonderful, reliable and treat your pets like they are their own. Good luck! - KJ
12/4 10:28am EC I know of a young woman who could help you out. She is great with dogs of all types and lives nearby. Email me and I will hook you up so you can talk to her. [Use box299@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - LA
12/4 10:27am Looking for some spectacular and festive bows for your wreaths this holiday season? Tired of those flattened-out bows found in retail stores? Family Gardens Florist on Rt. 115 will custom make your bows using your ribbon, for a small fee. Or, purchase ribbon from us from our extensive and unusual ribbon inventory and have your bows made for free! 508 528-2254 - RB, Family Gardens Florist
12/3 11:29pm BC: Try Advanced Pest Solutions: 781-718-3115 - Facebook: [facebook page]. Owner is a personal friend, and very professional/reliable. - BF
12/3 11:15pm I second the recommendation for Craig Robinson for cleaning gutters. He did a good job for us last week at a reasonable price. - WEW
12/3 11:14pm Beverly Swenson passed away on Sunday the 28th. Her husband Evaid died two days later. They were the couple whose house was condemned on Pricilla Ave. Remember?? They wanted to move into Hillcrest Village but they were not allowed. They were life long residents of Norfolk. And they were truly nice people. May they rest in peace in God's house. I hope that this opens a discussion on our treatment of the elderly. - PL
12/3 11:13pm An email from the Norfolk Public Schools showed up on behalf of the Norfolk Community Preservation Committee (CPC) asking us to fill out a survey. I would assume the CPC wants all residents to view the survey? Here it is: [survey page] - LS
12/3 11:12pm PA - Your question is a good one and it fits in well with the holiday season. You need 7-12 amps at 1,800 volts for at least 17 seconds for adequate current exposure. Let's hope the engineers did their jobs tcorrectly to afford high enough amperage. But this being the State they probably overlooked this fact. - MON
12/3 11:11pm NLYS Apparel Sale & Used Cleat Collection - Saturday, December 11th, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Community Room at the Norfolk Public Library Do you have cleats that your soccer players have outgrown? We will be collecting your "gently worn" soccer cleats for our spring's Cleat Exchange.
We will also have NLYS apparel, including player's Diadora soccer backpacks, adult fleece jackets, umbrellas, and chairs, available to purchase - Great holiday gifts for Lions Soccer players, coaches, and fans!!
- CK
12/3 2:23pm I am looking for a reliable person to let my dogs out once a day while I am at work. Can anyone recommend someone? - EC
12/3 2:18pm We have a very sad and heartbreaking situation that occurred recently. My Aunt Beverlyann Swenson died Sunday morning, November 28th, at Caritas in Norwood. Then my Uncle Evald (Nat) Swenson died suddenly, Wednesday, December 1st, shortly after arriving at the same hospital. They were extremely wonderful people and married 48 years, raised two fine boys, and welcomed a beautiful granddaughter into the family tree years ago. I have fond memories of them, and they certainly had their share of health issues and other unfortunate circumstances, through which they remained steadfastly devoted to each other, and to their children, and little granddaughter. The funeral arrangements are posted in local paper. But I know Norfolk is a town that news spreads quicker than lightning strikes, and this sad situation is on the lips of many townsfolk. Please know that when they were unfairly put in a very negative spotlight, and left to fend for themselves, their story will be remembered by our family and myself as a very noble one. I feel compelled to say there was a whole lot more to them than that horrible stuff. Too much for me to write here, but Thank You to all who did care and appreciated their goodness, ones we know, and those of you who we may not know. We are grateful, and may all be at Peace now, and carry on with the legacy they learned from our grandparents and lived by. To Nat and Bev's children, (my cousins) and Jeff's little girl Carleigh Elizabeth, I pray for you to get through the funeral, and the difficult days ahead. But you know your family is here and will alway's continue on with love and support for you all. As this is our family way and once again we thank all in Norfolk who showed and continue to show support for the Swenson's.
- CN (and family)
12/3 2:15pm Please note that the Winter Concert venue has been changed to the KP High School Auditorium in Wrentham. Thank you. - SM, KPMA
12/3 2:05pm The Norfolk Community Preservation Committee needs your input!! The CPC's task is to assess and bring forward to Town Meeting for a vote those projects that fall within Community Preservation Act mandated priorities: open space and recreation, affordable housing, and historic preservation, and that will have long-term benefits for the Town of Norfolk. At the May 2009 Town Meeting, voters approved a CPC article to fund a recreational feasibility study and conceptual drawings for the land at the old town dump and adjacent town-owned woodlands. The consulting firm of Beals & Thomas has drawn up conceptual plans for the property. In addition to the established trail system (which might also be used for biking), the CPC is considering uses such as playgrounds, picnic area, ice skating area, Frisbee golf, a spray (water) park, community garden, dog park, astronomy pad, and education areas pertaining to the transfer station. Our goal: to narrow these ideas down to those which make sense for Norfolk residents and the Town - while being cognizant of cost and maintenance concerns. Here's where we need your input! Please take a short survey at: [survey page] You will see a locua map of the property. Then, you'll be asked what is of most interest to you - and there's room for your comments. Whatever plan we settle on, it's important to remember that Norfolk residents will have the final say - yes or no - on what is done, because any expenditure from the Community Preservation Fund to develop any activities on this property must be approved by town meeting vote.
This survey will be active until January 15. You may also access the survey via a link on the CPC's page on the town website, www.virtualnorfolk.org.
12/2 11:05pm A couple recommendations for folks: BC - try Precision Wildlife exterminators. They are very professional, knowledgeable and thorough.
SN - try American Gutters. They cleaned our gutters last weekend.
Good luck!
12/2 11:04pm JHR (and others), One Cup Norfolk is located on 1A - in the little bank of buildings just past Horse & Carriage heading towards Wrentham. The owners are super friendly, helpful and funny. It's great to be able to try the different flavors without having to buy an entire box. Plus the boxes they sell are sold at a good price.
Definitely a well needed place - in my humble opinion.
- LP
12/2 11:03pm KP Middle School Winter Concert - The King Philip Middle School will hold their annual Winter Concert featuring the 7th grade and 8th grade bands plus chorus. The concert will be held on Wednesday, December 15th at 7pm in the King Philip High School auditorium in Wrentham. Admission is free. - SM, KPMA
[Update 12/3 2:15pm: Please note that the venue has been changed to the KP High School Auditorium in Wrentham. - SM]
12/2 11:00pm We just had Craig Robinson come out to do our gutters, and would highly recommend him. You can reach him at craiglowellrobinson@yahoo.com or at 508-507-0923 - VR
12/2 10:55pm To celebrate the days of Advent and preparation for Christmas, the Federated Church of Norfolk is planning a number of special events. You are invited to the Federated Church of Norfolk on Saturday, December 11th at 2:00 pm for a showing of The Polar Express. The cost is $10.00 per family, for bottomless snacks (hot cocoa, lemonade, popcorn, and cookies.) There will also be a visit from a very special guest. This is a family movie so bring the whole family and come have a great time with your kids!!
Join us on Sunday, December 12th, at 5:30 pm for supper followed by a Christmas Concert and carol sing-a-long. The Cathedral Bells, Sanctuary Choir, and Praise and Worship Choir are joining together for an evening of music and fellowship. We will serve soup and ask that you bring a plate of sandwiches and cookies to share.
On Wednesday, December 15th at 7:00 pm The Prolatio Singers & Players will present a Festive Concert At the Federated Church of Norfolk, One Union Street Norfolk, MA 02056. The concert will feature music of composers from England, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Holland. The Prolatio singers and Players are led by Dennis E. Ferguson, Conductor
- LD, Federated Church of Norfolk
12/2 10:54pm Several people have called to library to ask what the last day might be for mailing their letters to Santa at the library. The last day is December 16 before 5:00. - JE 12/2 10:52pm The Christian Education Board of the Federated Church of Norfolk is pleased to announce that Jason Apicella has joined the church staff as Youth Minister and Director of Christian Education. Jason has a Masters of Divinity degree from Wake Forest University, and is currently enrolled in the Masters of Sacred Theology program at Boston University. He brings much Christian Education experience from prior employment and internships in churches and Christian camping programs in Connecticut and North Carolina. Jason will coordinate the church's Sunday School program. The Sunday School classes include Pre-school thru Grade 8 and follow the Cornerstone Curriculum that is based on the Multiple Intelligence Theory of Learning. The classes meet weekly at 10:00 AM during the regular worship services from September through June.
He will also lead both the Junior and Senior Youth Groups of the church and serve as a resource person for monthly meetings of the early elementary school (grades k-4) fun and fellowship group. The Senior Youth Group (grades 7-12) meets on the first and third Sundays of the month and the Junior Youth Group (grades 5-6) meets the second and forth Sundays. On months with five Sundays, both groups will meet together for Super Youth Group on that fifth Sunday. All groups meet at 11:30 AM on Sunday morning following worship. The Youth Fellowship is open to all youth regardless of church membership or affiliation.
The Federated Church of Norfolk is a family centered church and looks forward to seeing its youth programs grow spiritually, educationally and physically. For more information on the Sunday School and youth groups, you may contact Jason at the church: 508-528-0262, Jason@fcon.org.
- LD, Federated Church of Norfolk
12/2 10:50pm SN For gutter cleaning - Call Steve Collari at 774-573-0701. I called him yesterday, he came out today, and he charged me a more than reasonable price. Nice guy. - JMB
12/2 10:49pm "One Cup" is on 1A in next to In The Loop, a bit past Horse & Carriage. - NB
12/2 10:48pm Anyone interested on a great deal on a Band Hero Bundle for PS3? Apparently I ordered the wrong thing (meant to order for Wii) but got it at a fantastic price, so rather than send it back I thought I'd try to pass on the deal to someone in town. The price online now is $139, though I am not sure what it is locally. I got it for $60 and will sell it for the same. It includes the game and all of the instruments. A great present. Any interest? Please contact me through the webmaster. [Use box298@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - KE
12/2 10:40pm The Prolatio Singers and Players will present a Festive Concert featuring Music of composers from England, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Russia and Holland at the Federated Church of Norfolk on Wed. December 15 at 7:00 p,m. - GZ
12/2 10:39pm Re: 12/1 5:37pm I am looking for a recommendation for someone to clean my house gutters. Can anyone help? - SN Rand Corwin, 18 Longmeadow Road, (508) 520-1258 just did our gutters and did a good job at a reasonable price.
- BH
12/2 10:38pm Does anyone know if the solar panels at the prison will be strong enough to power an electric chair? - PA
12/2 10:33pm There was a talk titled "Building OneVille: Understanding and Improving a Communication Ecosystem in Education" at Harvard on 30-Nov-2010. People interested in the Norfolk and King Philip school systems might be interesting in seeing the video of the talk and thinking about whether it has any relevance here. An abstract, the speaker's bio, video you can watch on the web, and links for downloading audio and video of the presentation (in various formats) are all available at [harvard.edu paget]
There is a description of the OneVille Project at oneville.org.
- DR
12/2 10:32pm The MOMS Club of Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham will host its next monthly social, Friday, December 10th, 9:30 am, at Mass Premier Courts, 97 Green Street (RT 106) in Foxboro. We are pleased to have Brooke Bloom, M.D., of Little Hands Can Talk joining us. She will provide some information on the benefits of signing with your young children and lead us in a fun interactive session to see how it works. All current members and mothers who might be interested in joining the MOMS Club are welcome. RSVP to npwmoms@gmail.com. - JT 12/2 10:27pm There will be a fundraiser for King Philip High School's Peer Leadership club this weekend (12/3-12/5) at Five Below located in Mansfield Crossing. Just pick up a flyer at the Norfolk Library or the Norfolk town hall, shop at Five Below, turn in the flyer when you make your purchase, and 10% of the profit goes to King Philip Peer Leadership! Peer Leadership provides mentoring and tutoring services to elementary and middle school students in the tri-town. Please help us continue our work in the community. Thanks! - AR
12/2 10:17pm The solar project at Bay State Correctional is one of five large PV [photovoltaic? - Wm.] projects being undertaken by the prison system. This array has a capacity of 80 kiloWatts. This particular array is the first of its kind in the Northeast as the panels will track the sun and ultimately generate about 25% more power compared to a fixed array. The technology is proven as the designer has already installed identical hardware in other parts of the country that has similar weather conditions as New england. The installation of the PV array is part of the continuing energy reduction program that the DOC has been aggressively working on for the past 10 years with a goal of being self-sustainable. This project is creating jobs and providing new revenue for the Town through local permit process . - AB
12/2 10:16pm BC: Try Keady Pest Control in Norwood. www.keadypestcontrol.com - HC
12/2 10:15pm To BC, looking for an exterminator: We used Be-Gone Pest Management with great success last summer for an ant problem. Very prompt, efficient, courteous and reasonably priced. Be-Gone Pest Management
PO Box 594, Franklin, MA 02038
Franklin Area: (508) 520-2033
E-Mail: contact@begonepest.com- EC
12/1 5:47pm NB: Solar panels. An article on the Mass Gov web site says they are being installed at Bay State Correction Facility and the Norfolk Prison. The article is on the Administration and Finance section. - SM
12/1 5:39pm Norfolk Cooperative Preschool Open House & Registration on Friday, December 10th from 9:30-11am. Come in to take a look at our programs. We have lots of new options for September 2011. Call for more information 508-528-3660. - LH, Norfolk Cooperative Preschool
12/1 5:39pm Where is One Cup at a Time located?? - JHR
12/1 5:37pm I am looking for a recommendation for someone to clean my house gutters. Can anyone help? - SN
12/1 5:35pm NC - are you talking about the bars set up in front of the Bay State Correctional facility on Clark Street (Pondville is down a long driveway off of 1A and is not really visible to anyone not specifically going there)? Anyway, the structures in the "front yard" of the Bay State facility are supports for a solar array the Department of Correction is putting up.
Funny side note - if you look at the DOC website for directions to Bay State it includes this line "Continue on Winter Street for approximately 1/2 of a mile. Bay State Correctional Center is the *first prison on the left*." Just strikes me as funny that you have to specify it's the *first* prison, as we've got a bunch in Norfolk.
- RG
12/1 5:34pm I was driving my daughter to school this morning and noticed the flock made their way to Seekonk Street... made me smile! Kudos to the KP Boy's Hockey Team and their Pink "Flocking" Flamingo Fundraiser!
- KG
12/1 5:33pm NB: I believe the 'metal bars' are a solar panel array being installed. - CF
12/1 12:48am I hope we continue to support Wallgreens, it's nice to have a pharmacy back in our town. They also have a weekly and monthly savings booklet. Merry Christmas everyone. - JC
12/1 12:47am Can anyone provide a recommendation for an exterminator? I might have live and dead nice in our finished basement that is giving off a terrible odor. - BC
12/1 12:46am Does anyone know what the metal "bars" are set up in the field in front of the Pondville early realease facility? - NB
12/1 12:45am AB-G: I am sure that she would be back by now, unless someone has taken her in. We live in the vicinity of Main and Boardman St. She hadn't been trying to get out at night for quite some time but the other night she sprinted out and no amount of calling her could get her to come in. Spree has been miserable since late summer when her 14 yr. old daughter went missing. I am almost sure coyotes got LBK, Libik or Little Black Kitty. Maybe Spree heard something and went to see what it was. The shame of it is, at 15, she had never been sick a day in her life. Thank you for caring. - JW
11/30 12:08am The King Philip High School Boys Basketball Program is developing their annual "Sports Program" that features their players and coaches and is handed out free at all home games. If you are interested in placing an ad to support the program please send an email to Muddogenterprises@comcast.net. Full page ads are available for $150, 1/2 page is $75, 1/4 page is $50, Business Card ads are $35 and player messages are $25. Thank you for considering this opportunity to support the high school basketball program. - TC
11/29 11:59pm Norfolk Girls Softball has opened registration for its Spring, 2011 recreation season. Registration is open from now through January 19, 2011. Early registration discount is available through December 10, 2010. For more information, please visit our website at norfolkgirlssoftball.org, e-mail us at norfolkgirlssoftball@gmail.com, or contact Lisa C. at 508.520.7819. - LC, Norfolk Girls Softball
11/29 11:55pm You are cordially invited to a ``Mary'' Christmas luncheon sponsored by the Foxboro Christian Women's Club, which is affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries. Tuesday December 7, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive, at the Lafayette House Restaurant Route 1 Foxboro, MA. Please make a reservation by calling Arline 508-883-8588. Sherrie Martinelli from Sudbury will present a special ``Mary's Heart'' mini-drama and will speak about Being a Christmas Light - You Make a Difference. Mary Wallon from Bedford will get us in the Christmas spirit with her special music. - DLJ
11/29 11:54pm Norfolk Community League's Children's Holiday Party on Saturday, December 11, 2010 9:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m H. Olive Day School Cafeteria. Join Santa and Big Ryan's Tall Tales to celebrate the holiday season. Big Ryan will delight and amaze children of all ages with stories and puppets. There will also be holiday crafts & coloring, face painting, and a continental breakfast. Please bring your camera for a photo with Santa. Everyone is welcome to wear their pajamas for a fun filled relaxing morning!
Please bring a donation to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry (donations needed include cereals, pasta sauce, peanut butter, canned vegetables, toothpaste, soap, etc).
Admission price per child: $10 NCL members, $12 non NCL members, aAdults & Children under 1 are free Please send RSVP and check to: Wednesday, December 8th Check payable to: NCL P.O. Box 450 Attn: Santa Breakfast Norfolk, MA 02056
For more information please contact: Ali Allen or Allie Cloutier at nclfamilyactivities@gmail.com
11/29 11:51pm Jingle Bell Run -- 5k run/walk. Date: Saturday, December 11, 2010 @ 11:00 AM at H. Olive Day School, Main Street. Registration/Fees: Pre-registration before 12-5 $20.00 and $25.00 from 12-6 to 12-11 and Kids 14 and Under $10.00. Race Day Registration will begin at 9:30A. All of the race proceeds will go to the Santa Foundation. For more information on the Santa Foundation please go to www.thesantafoundation.org For more information and a registration form: [NCL pdf link] or email kellyandkym@comcast.net
11/29 11:45pm Response to 11/27 10:17am Can anyone recommend a place to have our kitchen knives sharpened? - MW Yes, Big Y in Walpole will sharpen them free of charge
- PS 11/29 3:13pm The members of Norfolk Girl Scout Troop 3616 recently completed three service projects. The first was a fundraiser entitled " UNICEF for Haiti" that raised funds to purchase clean water kits from UNICEF. When the earthquake hit Haiti last winter, the girls brainstormed ways to make a difference. They made hair accessories to sell at International Day and held a bake sale at the ball fields to raise the amount necessary to purchase a clean water kit that will provide clean water for 10 or more families. The second service project was to make fleece blankets for Cradles to Crayons (www.c2c.org) to benefit children and families less fortunate. They made and donated 6 fleece blankets. The last service project was to collect items for a Marine stationed in Afghanistan. They collected food items, basic clothes, books and puzzles for the soldiers. The Marine's grandmother is Georgia Jones of Norfolk. Mrs. Jones was able to visit the girls during their last meeting and help them pack up the 6 boxes of goods for the soldiers. The members of Troop 3616 are: Hannah Bruno, Lauren Chandler, Caitlin Donahue, Taylor Manning, Katie McMahon, Kayleigh McNamara, Corinne Palumbo, Maggie Pickard, Meg Piller, Eliza Sheehan, Eleanor Spellman and Caroline Wilkins. Their leaders are Janet Chandler, Megan Donahue and Tara Spellman. Photos: UNICEF for Haiti - From left: Kayleigh McNamara, Lauren Chandler, Hannah Bruno, Katie McMahon, Eleanor Spellman, Maya Moreschi, Meg Piller, Eliza Sheehan and Taylor Manning.
Making Fleece Blankets for Cradles to Crayons - From left: Caroline Wilkins, Eleanor Spellman, Meg Piller, Eliza Sheehan, Katie McMahon, Maya Moreschi, Caitlin Donahue, Hannah Bruno, Taylor Manning, Kayleigh McNamara, Lauren Chandler
Collection for Marines in Afghanistan - Front: Katie McMahon, Taylor Manning, Hannah Bruno, Maggie Pickard, Eleanor Spellman, Lauren Chandler. Back: Corinne Palumbo, Caroline Wilkins, Eliza Sheehan, Georgia Jones, Kayleigh McNamara, Meg Piller, Caitlin Donahue
- TMS, Norfolk Girl Scout Troop 3616
11/29 3:11pm MW: You can get your knives sharpened at the Big Y for free. - SC
11/29 3:06pm I hope One Cup at a Time does a wonderful business, and I know I will be buying the product for gifts, that is until I get my own Keurig coffee maker - then I will add myself to the list! Makes the most wonderful coffee. Look forward to this store, as I am a coffee lover and it makes me happy. Best wishes to One Cup at a Time!! - CN
11/29 3:05pm Oh, JW, I am so sorry! In all this cold, and 15... Tell us which neighborhood of Norfolk to look. - AB-G
11/29 3:04pm MW, they Sharpen knives for free at the Big Y. - PRB
11/29 3:03pm AB-G The "solar shingles" are about 1 inch thick and are not really meant to be integrated into an existing asphalt/fiberglass shingle roof. Most applications for the solar shingles are meant to blend in with concrete, slate, wood shingle roofs, etc. The required space under the solar shingle is at least 1/2 inch. Older solar technology existed where the panel was the same thickness as a typical architectural shingle but I don't have first hand experience with them. Better options are creating a "building integrated" panels system where the large panels are the weather resistant part of the roof. As for walking on cold shingles they get brittle in the winter time and and during the summer time they get mushy... preventing damage to the shingles needs to be planned for. - AB 11/27 5:42pm Lost cat, last night she got out just as I was closing up for the night. She is a 15 year old black and white short hair domestic cat. - JW
11/27 10:18am I read AB's post with interest. I was wondering if AB or anyone else knew about the risk of roof shingles cracking when applied in the winter, due to inevitably being walked on as the job is done. Thanks, - AB-G
11/27 10:17am Can anyone recommend a place to have our kitchen knives sharpened? - MW
11/27 10:10am The annual Christmas tree collection fundraiser to benefit the Boy Scouts of Norfolk Troop 80 is now underway for Norfolk residents. Pick-up date is Saturday, January 8, 2011. To schedule a pickup, call (617) 407-4045 or e-mail us at xmastree@troop80.net by January 6 with your name, address and phone number. Cost is $10 for trees under 10', $15 for trees over 10', senior rate is $5. Send a check payable to Troop 80 Norfolk Boy Scouts, P.O. Box 152, Norfolk, MA 02056. Place your tree at the end of the driveway or where it can be seen from the road by 9 AM on January 8th and the Boy Scouts will pick it up and have it recycled. If you forget to mail a check, you can put payment in an envelope and attach it to your tree or door. All proceeds support the activities of the Scouts of Norfolk Troop 80. Please visit our website at www.xmastree.troop80.net. Thank you for your support! - AB
11/25 7:17pm Creative strategies, concepts and solutions for design, urban and creative economy opportunities worldwide... scottburnham.com - SD
11/25 7:16pm To update on the golden: as suspected, the injury to the dog was not a new injury and the dog has lived most of its life this way. The dog owner was found shortly after and he is back home now. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
11/25 7:13pm Happy Thanksgiving! ![]()
11/24 3:22pm Can anyone recommend a window washer? I have very old windows (pully weights). - KK
11/24 3:21pm Norfolk Lions Club is in full swing with their annual Christmas Tree Sale!! This month long event is one of the Lions Club's most important fundraisers and a great opportunity for the Lions to connect with so many members of the community during the holiday period. Sales will begin on November 26, 2010, and we hope to see you down at the lot early for best selection. All of the proceeds from the sales of the trees go right back into the local Norfolk community and to various Lions charities.
As has been its tradition in the past five years, the Norfolk Lions Christmas Tree Sale is located on the lot next to the Dunkin Donuts in downtown Norfolk. We thank the owners of our local Dunkin Donuts for their continued support of the Norfolk Lions.
Did you know that it takes 10 to 12 years of growing time and professional care to bring a Christmas tree to harvest?
"Monies that the Lions generate go to seed such research as blindness prevention, diabetes prevention and numerous other causes" says Todd Lindmark this years President and King Lion. "Norfolk Lions has donated over $250 Thousand Dollars in its over 50 years of service to the community".
"This year we will be collecting non-perishable food donations for the benefit of the Norfolk Food Pantry. Like many of us, the Food Pantry has been hit hard during these economic times and we would like to help out." Bill Hawkins further comments, "Your contributions to the Food Pantry would be appreciated and could not come at a better time of year."
The Norfolk Lions Club currently has 72 members and meets on the fourth Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm at Primavera Restaurant in Millis, MA. Lions clubs are a group of men and women who identify needs within the community and work together to fulfill those needs. For more information or to get involved with the Norfolk Lions Club, please contact Craig Koch, Membership Chair at norfolklionsclub@yahoo.com or visit www.norfolklions.com.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with nearly 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world. Check out www.lionsclubs.org.
- TL, Norfolk Lions
11/24 3:20pm Around noon today, a golden retriever with an injured right front paw was roaming on Barnstable Road. The dog's tags were missing. Animal control has your wonderful pet. The dog was very friendly and great with the kids when they got off the bus. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. - ACC
11/24 3:16pm Mark your calendars for December 4th for the 15th annual Winter Pops Concert presented by the King Philip Regional High School Music Department and the King Philip Music Association. This year's theme is "Winter Holiday in the Italian Alps" and is guaranteed to put everyone in the spirit of the season. The evening is modeled after the Boston Pops concerts at Symphony Hall. Patrons can order delicious Italian-style food and beverages while seated at tables in the High School Field House to be enjoyed while listening to music played and sung by the school's acclaimed musicians and chorus students. The 2010 Marching Band will present their final standstill performance of their exciting show "Wuthering the Storm" for which they won top honors at MICCA and the USSBA Northeast Championship in Bridgeport, CT. Tickets may be purchased at the door, which opens at 6pm for the 7pm show, and are $10 for adults and $5 for seniors and students. - SM, KPMA
11/24 3:00pm To SCS--for electrical work, try Robert Davis from Davis Electric 541-6182. Does very good work, very professional, neat and reasonable. I know other people on the list have used him and have been pleased too. - EF
11/24 2:56pm Something Special will be open Wednesday 10:30 to 4:30. We have fresh flower arrangements and many more great hostess gifts! - JA, Something Special 11/24 2:55pm I wanted to put a special posting about the Lawn King Landscaping Corp. I recently had Andy put in a patio and stairs at my house. My wife and I can't stop looking at and enjoying the patio. We had a large project that most landscapers were hesitant to take on the job. We were referred to Andy by one of the large landscape product distributers.
My friends and family have all been over to enjoy the patio, it is so beautiful. His work is picture perfect and we keep finding reasons to have people over to enjoy it. I have seen work that friends have had done by other landscapers and I almost feel guilty having them over to see my patio. It is truly beautiful. The pattern is so intricate and colorful.
He and his crew are really great artists. They are reasonable, professional, and extremely skilled. I recommend them to anyone that has a similar project. It is nice to have someone local with such great talent. Word of mouth is the best way for my family to show our appreciation.
Contact Info: Lawn King Corp., Andy Fuller, (508) 954-6658 www.thelawnking.net
Thanks, Very satisfied customer - Norfolk
- WS
11/23 6:47pm SCS - electrician - Max Dowd (508)397-4600 - ES
11/23 6:46pm SCS; I am Gerry Martel, my business is ADL Eklectrical Service here in Norfolk. I have done several of these jobs. You can contact me @ 508-528-1726 in the office, please leave me a message and I will return your call. Thanks, - GM
11/23 6:44pm LA: I would discourage the use of a "solar shingle" due to cost of each individual shingle and the vast number of "shingles" to produce any meaningful power production. A pretty standard shingle is made by Sharp and it produces 62 Watts. A shingle covers about 5 square feet. A typical system of 5000 Watt system would require 80 of these panels at a cost of over $37,000 for the just the panels alone. I would go with a metal roof with a standing metal seam, and then use a conventional racking system with a framed solar panel. An entire 5,000 Watt system can be purchased for about $22,000.00. The roof will last 50 years and there are no holes in the roof. One other thing to consider is the 80 shingle panels has 160 connections compared to 24 - every connection is a potential failure point. With the shingles the connections are usually not easily accessed so if you have a problem it can be costly looking for it. - AB
11/22 4:30pm New Landscaper/Snow Plower - Scott Gardner of "The Best Gardner Lawn Care Inc." tel.# 508-857-7604. We hired Scott to do our gutters/ bought wood from him/ had our leaves taken care of and we were very happy. You will be too. Very reasonable and reliable. - YP
11/22 4:29pm SCD: Here is the problem... people realize that they can't compete intellectually with MON, so why bother posting? Nobody wants to take him on... unless he ties half of his brains behind his back, then it might be fair. When all of us Norfolkians sit down to turkey on Thursday, let's be thankful for having MON as one of our own.
- PA
11/22 4:28pm Any recommendations for someone to deliver firewood? I would like well seasoned, no pine, all hardwood. Thanks. - NC
11/22 4:27pm I have a copper weathervane in need of some repair. Does anyone know someone who could do some soldering? - LM
11/22 4:26pm We are thinking of putting solar shingles on our new barn and would love any leads or information. We want to use the shingles not panels. Thanks! - LA
11/22 4:16pm Interested in early Indian inhabitants of the area. Has anyone found artefacts (e. g.- Arrowheads -etc) over the past few years? Some people had a few and allowed me to borrow for school-children to see, but there seems to be a scarcity of discovery in the last few years. About 10 years ago a neighbor had one that he found in a turtle shell, but that I understand is a rarity. Thanks,
- JO (99)
11/22 4:15pm SCD - It's time we set aside our differences and paint the world as we know it using butterfly and rainbow colors, because our perceptions and reality are what we create ourselves. We should all strive to be just like Thumper and live in a perfect world where fantasia and Disney come alive daily. Unfortunately, there are few jobs in Celebration, Florida, that don't involve wearing a large fiberglass cartoon-head, and I get claustrophobic.
KO - Been too busy to answer, and now that the shrill mental-jousting has subsided for the time being, here's your answer. If you can turn on a computer you can find the answer you seek.
11/22 4:14pm Hello, Can someone recommend an electrician who has installed an electrical outlet within a fireplace chimney? We are considering installing a stove insert in our fireplace and it requires electrical power for the blower. Any help you can provide is much appreciated. Thanks! - SCS
11/22 4:13pm Does anyone know of a local metal welder / fabricator who could work on a small utility trailer? The neck on my trailer bent and needs a little TLC. - BHS
11/22 4:12pm The King Philip Music Association (KPMA) will be holding their annual wreath sale on Saturday, November 27th from 9-11 am in the Center School Parking Lot (intersection of Rte 1A and Rte 140). The wreaths are $13 and can be purchased with or without a bow. This holiday favorite is in short supply this year, so come early to make sure you don't miss out. All proceeds go to benefit the music programs at the King Philip Middle and High Schools. - SM, KPMA
11/19 6:12pm Our dog Mia was found, and is doing very well. We're glad to have her home. Thank you everybody, special thanks to Hilary, our concerned friends and neighbors, and the people who took care of her last night. - AW
11/19 6:09pm What has happened to our NorfolkNet?? The best we can get for a complaint is a tailor using the wrong color thread and the most pointed snipe is calling out out beloved webmaster for a day of the month typo? Come on Norfolk, we can do better. Kinder gentler maybe, but at what cost? Boring, pedestrian chatter about day to day life. I get enough of that in the real world; I come on here to see the real bare knuckled fighting. (And to those special few who don't "get it," I'm being sarcastic). - SCD
11/19 5:53pm I am trying to fill the wishes of a five year old girl whos name I have through the Santa Foundation. She has asked for a Christmas tree. I am trying to get the other items on her list (things like a winter jacket and boots) but she has also asked for a Christmas tree. Does anyone have a 4 - 5 foot, pre-lit tree that is not being used? I have checked craigslist, but there is nothing for less than $50. Does anyone have one in their basement they are not using and would be willing to part with to fill the wishes of a 5 year old girl? It breaks my heart that this is so important to her. If you can help, please let me know. Thanks. [Contact through box291@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - AL
[Update 11/24 2:57pm: I have had several responses and I think I am all set now. It worked out great! Thanks, - AL]
11/18 7:34pm Missing dog: Mia, Black lab/shepherd mix. She is about 12-13 years old, grey beard. She has a large red pimple/bubble on her nose. Moves slowly. Last seen this morning on Barnstable Road. If found, please contact the Animal Control Officer or contact me through the webmaster. - AW
[Update 11/19 6:12pm: Our dog Mia was found, and is doing very well. - AW]
11/18 7:33pm Hello, all! In case you weren't aware - Family Gardens Florist on Rt. 115 in Norfolk will deliver your floral order locally, out-of-town, out-of-state and even out of the country! No need to dial an impersonal 1-800 company. Looking to send a table centerpiece to mom or grandma for Thanksgiving? Let us help you. We will also have grab-and-go bouquets and arrangements on Thanksgiving Day itself. We have been open on Thanksgiving every year since 1948- so, come on down! 508 528-2254. And, after Thanksgiving, try us for Christmas wreaths, greens and custom-made bows with your ribbon or ours. - RB (RB4)
11/18 7:20pm Re: Turkeys. Last Friday we saw four or five strolling down Dover Road in Millis. Big ones, too. - DL
11/18 7:19pm Is it the 76th day of November already? Time sure flies! - SW
[I dated the four posts yesterday 11/76. I meant 11/17 of course. - Wm.]
11/18 7:18pm Norfolk Santa Parade Sunday, Dec 5th. Santa Claus will roll into Norfolk on Sunday December 5th and a host of groups will turn out to celebrate his arrival with a variety of activities. Santa's parade will begin at 3:30pm. at the Hillcrest Village on Rockwood Road. Santa's elves, Frosty the Snowman and members of the King Philip Regional High School Band, the Norfolk Police, area Cub and Girl Scouts and fire trucks will lead the procession along Route 115, through the center of town, turning right onto Liberty Lane and ending at the Town Library.
At 4:00pm., residents are invited to have their pictures taken with Santa in the Meeting Room of the Norfolk Library.
Also at 4:00pm., children are invited to bring their homemade ornaments to help the adults decorate the Christmas tree. The Town Hill celebration and tree lighting ceremony will include caroling by the H. Olive Day Chorus and refreshments.
This annual community event is sponsored by the Norfolk Lions Club and Norfolk Recreation Department, with the cooperation of the King Philip Regional High School Band, Norfolk Scouts and the Norfolk Fire, Police and Highway Departments.
- JS
11/17 5:39pm After being unhappy with several dry cleaners' "tailors" and looking for a decade, I finally found a real tailor---someone who can take a garment apart and put it back together! Medway Tailoring is right across Rt. 109 from Ocean State Job Lot's parking lot. The man is awesome. And if you have to "remind" someone to match thread, that's not a tailor. Regarding septic pumping, I would be there, looking over their shoulder, when they work on your septic. They pay to discard what they pump by volume, and I've heard stories about some of the them only pumping half of it if you're not home. They should be able to show you the bottom.
Here is a Mass. site with tons of info, including a listing of certified Title 5 examiners. Most of t hose examiners can also pump. [mass.gov link]
- KB
11/17 5:38pm BD, I have used Angel Food Catering on numerous occasions. The food, service, selection and prices have always been great. 857 373-9156. Good luck! - JR
11/17 5:27pm I have been using the Norfolk KMK Cleaners for a few years and always was happy with the services and prices. I recently heard about their new location in Plainville and wanted to see it. It is located on Rt. 152 near Lowes, in a small shopping plaza. It is beautifully designed and decorated, and easy parking right up front. As always, the prices are always good and they have tailoring in Millis. Also, just heard about their home delivery service how nice would that be in the winter! Try all their locations, I am sure you will not be disappointed. - KT
11/17 5:24pm I thought folks might like to know that a new store is opening next to In the Loop on 1A N. He's going to sell individual cups for Keurig coffee makers, and he says he will have 150 flavors. I think it's called One Cup at a Time. Good to see retail expanding in town. Pizza and Chinese restaurants are going in across from Fore Kicks. Maybe the town will even let them deliver... - AB-G
11/17 5:23pm BD, For your party you should contact Simply Serving, www.simplyserving.com. I have used them on 2 occasions and found them to be extremely professional. They are located in Norwood. You can actually be a guest at your own party and not worry about a thing. They were pretty reasonably price too. I highly recommend them. Have a great party! - JC
11/16 7:05pm Good to know re Donna's in Franklin. A word of caution about the lady in town who does alterations: Be sure to tell her you want matching thread! She narrowed some sleeves on a cardigan sweater and put navy thread on light blue. Re the turkeys, I live near Boardman, and I haven't seen them yet this year at all. There used to be adults and a slew of babies or adolescents. - AB-G
11/16 7:01pm RM: I did promptly communicate my concerns about raffling off public areas to the BOS and the Town Administrator. I am not sure why you assumed that was not not the case? I received thoughtful replies form both. I mean no disrespect to the family whatsoever and I don't think anything in my post is "mean" just because your opinion may be different. It is the concept of raffling off such an area that I am against for a number of reasons. To infer otherwise is something of your own creation, not mine. So just to be really clear, it is the practice I have issues with and absolutely nothing else. I guess if you involve public land then one might need to be prepared for some public discourse. Also, I'm confused about "the current atmosphere of outrage" that you mention. I guess since people have different opinions, then you assume they must be outraged? I thought it was OK for people to have different opinions. Also not sure why you would want to see many more people "memorialized" given the fact that being memorialized usually involves related unfortunate circumstances.
Public places such as the roundabout or a field or a street corner or the naming of a school should not be used for fundraising purposes. Look around in your travels beyond the center of town. Public spots like that are traditionally reserved for veterans or police/firefighters that made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our country (so we can have different opinions) or while protecting others. To do otherwise is disrespectful to veterans and those that exhibited traits such as duty, honor, bravery, and personal sacrifice for others. The naming of a public space/memorial is not something you should buy at a dinner/fundraiser in my opinion. That is the only issue here as far as I am concerned.
- SM (2)
11/16 6:52pm The Choirs of St. Jude's Norfolk, Norfolk Federated, St. Mary's Wrentham, Original Congregational Wrentham and Trinity Episcopal Wrentham will join voices at the Annual Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service held this year at the Norfolk Federated Church at 7:30 on November 23. Please come to join us all in thanks and song. - JHR
11/16 6:51pm Hi, We will be hosting an office party soon and I am looking for a recommendation of a catering company that also serves or the name of servers someone has used in the past. Thank you - BD
11/16 6:50pm Turkeys: Yes, many in the Pondville area. - DH 11/16 6:32pm The Un-Common Theatre Company and The Orpheum at Foxboro are pleased to present ``Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat ", a fun and lively adaptation of the Broadway classic. This international audience hit plays weekends at the Orpheum Theatre, Foxboro, December 3rd - 12th. This is the third collaboration for the Orpheum and Un-Common. [ . . .]
With music by Andrew Lloyd Weber and lyrics by Tim Rice, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is a worldwide phenomenon that got its start as a 15-minute production in March 1968. Since then, Joseph's family-friendly storylines, universal themes, and catchy music have been performed across the globe, by both professional and student theatres.
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat will be directed and choreographed by Michael Hammond, and music will be directed by Esther Zabinski. The production will run on the weekends of December 3rd and December 12th.
[ . . . ]
Tickets are on sale now through Brown Paper Tickets at [page link] or by calling (800) 838-3006. Advanced tickets range between $16 - $22. Tickets purchased the week of a performance range between $20 - $26. Handicapped seating is available.
Tickets for the main show dates of December 3rd - 12th are also on sale now. Visit www.orpheum.org for show dates and more information.
[C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
Photo credits: Nancy DiPietro.
- BB, Red Plate Marketing for the Orpheum Theatre
11/15 6:54pm PH, Highly recommend Quality Dry Cleaners, 969 Main Street, in Millis. Good work, quick turnaround, and reasonable prices. Try them for dry cleaning as well as any type of alteration. A great family to do business with. - KK
11/15 6:50pm PH - Try Dona's Tailoring on Cottage Street in Franklin. Very good, very reasonable, and very nice. - GA
11/15 6:49pm PH: Best place to get pants hemmed is Dona's Tailoring in Franklin at 19 Dean Ave. You can bring them to her already marked for hemming or bring them in and try them on and she will mark them for you. Not sure on cuff prices but basic hemming is $8 each, she matches the stitch and color. Great job, never a complaint. They aren't open on Sunday or Monday and it usually takes 1 week to get them done. Well worth it! - JV 11/14 9:19pm King Philip Boys' Hockey is beginning a "Flocking" Fundraiser for the next 30 days to help defray ice costs for the team. Flocks of pink flamingos can mysteriously land on a local front yard (Norfolk, Wrentham, Plainville) for a donation of $20 (then they will be removed the next day). Join in the fun and help support the boys! For infomation, contact Susan at jsmurf2@verizon.net or Mandy at 508-384-2560. Thanks! - SM
11/14 9:17pm Seeking recommendations on where to get some pants hemmed, both mens and ladies pants. With and without cuffs. - PH
11/14 9:16pm My sister is getting married and I am planning her bridal shower. I am looking for locations between Newton and Framingham. Any suggestions? - KO
11/14 9:15pm Any one seen turkeys lately? Haven't seen the quantities compared to last year heading toward the Mann Brook lateral on Boardman St. - JO (JO99)
11/14 9:13pm Meredith, I agree with you, My mother always said "If you have nothing nice to say then you have nothing to say" plain and simple. I think that's what a lot of these readers need to live by. - GZ
11/13 1:39pm I understand that the town bought the Gump Farm land. Can someone please fill me in on the details as I missed the paper that day. Thanks. - JHR
11/13 1:38pm Found: a pair of women's gloves near the train station. ID them and they're yours'. Get my info through Wm. - JHR
11/13 1:28pm Hello, NB and LA. I put an offer to tutor Spanish in the Net some weeks ago; you may have missed it. If you'd like to speak with me as well, please call 508 520 9838. I have an MA in Spanish from Middlebury College, taught Spanish in the Boston Public Schools for 34 years, during 10 of which I taught Spanish Language Advanced Placement. Virtually all of my students got 4 or 5. My fees are very reasonable, compared with my peers. - AB-G
11/13 1:27pm Local college student available for raking lawns of any size. Please call me at 508-528-0105. - BS
11/13 1:25pm WE: Would you be willing to share that septic tip with your fellow residents? Pretty please. - KJ
11/12 1:13pm TO and JO in regards to septic companies, we have had Wind River for many years now and have nothing but success with them. They are polite, efficient and have never tried to sell me anything. The town of Norfolk does not allow septic companies to sell chemicals that can help keep your system working better. I recommend them highly. - JW
11/12 1:12pm TO. I just had my septic pumped by Parker's Sanitary Pumping from Wrentham, 508-384-3293. They we professional, prompt, reasonably price and gave me a great tip to help prolong the life of my tank. I would highly recommend them. - WE
11/12 1:11pm I am looking to buy a used TV - around 19" or so. Please e-mail me at dpmorin64@gmail.com if you have one you'd like to sell. - DM
[Update 11/19 6:10pm: We found a TV - thank you. - DM]
11/12 1:10pm I got a call about the Pop Warner Football the other day, I said no. Won't give unless I see what I'm giving to. - JW
11/12 1:08pm Latest Vikings News: 1) The Vikings are using a fundraising company to request donations from residents of Norfolk, Medfield and Millis. Please support this organization and Pop Warner. The Vikings have 7 teams of football players and cheerleaders and are comprised of 2nd graders through 8th graders from the three towns.
2) Vikings A Squad (8th graders) is playing its final game in the Hockomock League Championship game on Sunday in Wareham against Sandwich. They beat a tough Mansfield team last week to earn the berth in the Championship game. Come cheer them on Sunday at 1pm in Wareham or as the bus leaves Freeman-Centennial at 10:30 on Sunday morning. Go Vikings!
11/12 1:06pm I just read an interesting article of a new 150,000-sq-ft school being built in Irving Texas for grades K-12 at a cost of $29 million that will be the largest net-zero school in the USA. Net-zero type schools produce as much energy as they consume for those not familiar. The Lady Bird Johnson Middle School will have solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal wells. The school will also incorporate daylight harvesting, occupancy sensors, lighting dimmers and a state-of-the-art integrated energy management system. Here is a link to the project scheduled to be completed July 2011. [page link] Is there any renewable energy systems being incorporated into our 30-plus-million dollar elementary school for grades 3-6 being built here in Norfolk? If not we should, the savings from this type of technology should not be overlooked.
- PD
11/12 12:58pm Thank you Mr. Dooley! Thank you for your time and your efforts, and for your very well put response. Thank you also to everyone who has worked tirelessly to make the new school a reality. - SF (SF2)
11/12 12:56pm To the people who responded to Pop Warner inquiry, thank you very much. I appreciate your interest. - WC
11/11 4:19pm The Federated Church of Norfolk, St. Jude's Roman Catholic Church of Norfolk, the Original Congregational Church, St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, and Trinity Episcopal Church of Wrentham will present an Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday, November 23rd at 7:30 PM in the sanctuary of the Federated Church of Norfolk. The service will be led by Rev. Scott Cousineau from the Federated Church and the clergy from all of the participating congregations. The service will be highlighted by scripture readings and music performed by an Ecumenical Choir, as well as the Praise & Worship Group and Cathedral Bell Choir of the Federated Church. Light refreshments will follow the service downstairs in the vestry of the church. All area residents are cordially invited to attend. A free will offering will be taken and shared between the Norfolk and Wrentham Food Pantries. All area residents are invited to share in this special service of Thanksgiving regardless of church affiliation. The Federated Church is located at the corner of Route 115 and Main Street in the center of Norfolk, across from the Common. The main parking lot is located at the Main Street entrance behind the church. Handicap access to the sanctuary is available from the handicap spaces in front of the church. Handicap access to the vestry is available from the handicap spaces in back of the church. For further information, please contact the church office 508-528-0262, mail@fcon.org
- LD, Federated Church of Norfolk
11/11 4:18pm Looking for a high school or college student to help out with a garage clean out this Saturday. Some heavy lifting and cleaning. If interested, please email vandooley@msn.com; thanks. - SCD
11/11 4:17pm RW: The items that were "added back into" the new Freeman School have always been a part of the design and were set up as alternates as a safe guard in case the bids came in too high. The Norfolk School Building Committee has been working very hard for many months to protect the town from cost overruns and to make sure we get the very best school that we can while maximizing the money given to us by the Commonwealth. Unfortunately it isn't as simple as the State writing us a check for $15,000,000 and we spend as we see fit. There are many more hoops to jump through and the committee has worked very hard to get our town a great school at a fair price. That being said, there were numerous other items that were taken out of the project in order to save money.
And as an aside, I am a member of this committee, but I would like to point out that there are many others who have done the lion's share of the heavy lifting (literally 100's of hours of meetings) on a volunteer basis to make this project a reality. Please feel free to stop by any one of our meetings - they are always open to the public and usually run until 10 at night so I hope you can find the time.
Thank you,
- Shawn Dooley, Chairman, Norfolk Public Schools
11/11 2:51pm I am passing this message on relating to the 7th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood and Bone Marrow Drive. Mr. Mirliss is a local citizen and Eagle Scout who has run this blood drive since it began in 2005. Please mark your calendars! "The drive is taking place January 8th, at the King Philip Middle School, 18 King St. Norfolk, MA from 9:30am to 2:00pm. We have set a goal of collecting 120 units; this year! We need the support of you, your family, friends, and neighbors!Mark your calendar! Tell your family, friends, neighbors! Spread the word! Join us January 8th and help us reach 120 units! If you plan to donate blood on January 8th, you can not donate blood after November 13th.
All participants' names will be placed in a raffle for the chance to win door prizes!"
- TH
11/11 2:48pm Hello, NB and LA, and thank you so much for responding to my recent post offering tutoring, including Spanish. If you would like to reply to my e-mail address, I can be reached at almgl1@verizon.net. I am a Norfolk resident. Thanks so much.
- AG
11/11 2:47pm Re: I was just wondering if any of you had received telephone solicitation from Norfolk Pop Warner Football? I hadn't heard about any fund raising and was just checking it out. Thank You. - WC WC, I received a telephone solicitation regarding Pop Warner Football fundraising last week. Not sure if it was legitimate or not. For what it's worth, I looked up the telephone number. The guy was calling from a phone number located in Norwood.
- JH
11/11 2:46pm Re: Pop Warner Football. I got a call as well. Do not know if legitimate or not since I did not know the person calling and my family has no ties to Pop Warner. - NB
11/11 2:19pm To EC The PC Handyman: Thanks for your response. I will be printing out that manual..... A friend has come forth to give me some help. I appreciate your help. - JHR
11/11 1:21pm A reply to From: Anonymous / Subject: This site has turned bad - While I understand your concerns, it is your choice and your choice alone to either continue to use this website as a worthwhile resource, or not. I don't like trash on the sides of our roads either, or the construction disturbances and delays on Rt 115, but I still enjoy the good scenery and I'm glad we live in a great little town and have this site where we can publicly discuss shared concerns and yes, gripes. Please read what is valuable and meaningful to you, and just ignore the rest. Have a great day,
- TB (TB2)
11/11 1:20pm I was just wondering if any of you had received telephone solicitation from Norfolk Pop Warner Football? I hadn't heard about any fund raising and was just checking it out. Thank You. - WC
11/11 1:19pm The Town Clerk's Office will have limited hours for the week of November 15 - 19, 2010 while the Clerk and Assistant Clerk attend the the New England Town Clerk Association's Annual Conference. Office hours for the week are: Monday, 9am - 5pm, Tuesday - Thursday, 10am - 3pm (limited services will be available), Friday - closed.
I apologize for this inconvenience, but the training received at these conferences is vital to the efficient operation of the Clerk's Office.
- Gail E. Bernardo, CMC, Norfolk Town Clerk
11/11 1:18pm TO - In regards to septic service. I have used all seasons septic out of Walpole (I believe). Do not call Wind River Environmental. They will attempt to sell you services through scare tactics. I was told that my tank was in need of major repairs in excess of $1000. I had 2 more companies come out for second opinions, and neither saw any issues with the tank. Looked online and saw I was not the only one being swindled. - JO
11/11 1:17pm DO - I can help you with your laptop, I offer reasonable prices and quick turnaround. I have received many testimonials here on NorfolkNet, you search back and find them. - ES, The PC Handyman, 508 346 3502
11/11 1:07pm How many of you have seen the movie *Bambi*? [show of hands] In one scene Bambi's friend Thumper, a pink-nosed bunny rabbit, was making fun of Bambi. Bambi stumbles while learning to walk. Thumper says to Bambi's mother, "He doesn't walk very good, does he?" Then Thumper's mother calls him out, "Thumper!" "Yes mother," Thumper replies shyly, after realizing he is in trouble. His mother continues sternly, "What did your father tell you this morning?" Thumper comes to attention and struggles to recall, then recites slowly, "If you don't have something nice to say, (pauses) don't say nothing at all."Please be nice. LIfe is difficult enough without neighbors being cruel, unkind and rude to one another.... And you get so much more with honey.... and do you really want to write terrible things online where they will remain forever... and... we are all in this together... and... life is short. And... someone said once, "those who live in glass houses, should really not throw stones." Besides, stones hurt.- PRR
11/11 1:06pm I was at Town Meeting last night, and I have no problem with the CPC moving ahead to purchase the Gump's Farm property. My concern is this, though: exactly four and a half years ago today, at the Town Meeting on May 10, 2006, the CPC was able to get the Norfolk Grange a $335,000 Community Preservation Grant. What has been done in the ensuing 54 months to restore the Grange to its former glory? What has become of the $335,000? It appears that all we've gotten is some parking for certain people, container storage, and little else. - PA
11/11 1:04pm I also have a high school daughter that needs some tutoring in Spanish and would like the contact info for the tutor mentioned in another posting. Or if anyone else tutors high school Spanish... Thanks, - NB
11/11 1:02pm To KO: RE; Post on salt trucks out the other wee morning hours- The salt / plow trucks are sent out on the request of the police as they drive aoriund and see the road conditions. And incase you were not out early it was very slippery in areas. - TL
11/11 1:01pm I just read the Boomerang and was happy to see that the school bids came in lower than expected... then read the next paragraph "meaning the town can include all of the items local officials deemed desirable but not essential." Why do town officials have to spend every nickel they find? If these items are not essential why expend the cash?
- RW
11/11 12:45pm Hello! Looking for a grandmother type, nurturing sitter, to spend time with my nearly 2 year old three days a week, MWF for 3 to 4 hours. Would prefer Saturday nights as well!. Looking for compassionate, kind, good natured, and happy person! Flexible with days of week. Only in home care needed. Please respond via email. [Use box288@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thank you, - DAS
11/9 8:08pm To PRR - Excellent sunset pix! John Donne aso authored "No man is an island -- the bell tolls for thee."
- JO
11/9 8:07pm No need to call for a reference for Paul Robinson for snow removal. We have one of the worst driveways in Norfolk and Paul is able to plow our driveway effectively, efficiently and reasonably! I recommend him wholeheartedly! - NJD
11/9 8:06pm The Women's Fellowship of the Federated Church of Norfolk will hold their annual Holly Fair on Saturday, November 20 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the fellowship hall of the church. Coffee and Muffins will be available at 9:00 AM until the luncheon is served from 11:30 AM-2:00 PM. Santa will be stopping by from 10:00-11:00 AM, so bring the children and your camera. The church elves have been busy crafting a number of handmade items. There will also be a silent auction, attic treasures, decorations, and a selection of delicious homemade baked goods. Once again we will feature the delightful holiday woodcrafts of Philip and Brenda Lukens. Unique to the Holly Fair is a "Children Only" shopping area. Children will be able to purchase Christmas gifts for their friends and family at very nominal prices. Members of the youth group will be available to help the children with their gift choices and gift-wrapping. The Federated Church of Norfolk is located at the corner of Route 115 and Main Street in the center of Norfolk, across from the Town Common. Adequate parking is located at the back of the church and the fellowship hall and restrooms are handicap accessible. - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk
11/9 8:01pm Received an anonymous email with feedback. I normally discard comments sent anonymously, but perhaps this one is making a point worth taking to heart -- From: Anonymous
Subject: This site has turned badI am writing because I have reached the point of disgust over the Norfolk Net Site. All it has become is a site for personal attacks - one more vicious than another. It is one thing to have a healthy debate on issues, and for people in the town to agree to disagree, but this site has turned very ugly and this will be my last time logging in. Typically I will check the site a few times a week to gain insight on what services people are offering or looking for, as well, to keep abreast of what is going on in the town. But, I no longer find this site useful for this purpose. I actually find many of the posts on the site bordering on cyber bullying.
It would be of great service if the person in charge of this site could contact the repeat offenders personally and remind them the purpose of this site AND that it is community site; behavior like they display just destroys the sites integrity and deters others from visiting. Another option is to post a strong reminder on the site... and/or if those that are repeat offenders continue to offend, they should no longer be allowed to use the site.
Just my 2 cents. Thanks for listening. Good Luck!
- Wm.
11/9 8:00pm I am hoping to find the name of the person who posted they were a Spanish tutor a while back. You did not leave contact info. I am also a tutor (Elementary)in town and have a client who is looking for someone for her high school age daughter. And would be happy to pass on your info. Thanks! - LA
11/9 7:59pm Looking for party helpers/staff for a holiday party in December. Must have experience with prepping food, serving, cleaning up, etc. Also looking for a bartender or two. Please email me at whitneyweinberg@gmail.com for more information. Thank you. - WW
11/9 7:58pm Does anyone have a septic pumping service company they would like to refer? Is there any reason why I don't just shop based on price? - TO
11/9 7:56pm That volcanic ash disrupting Obama's travel plans: Bush's fault. The only Norfolkian smart enough to find a way to stop the flow of that volcanic ash: MON. - PA
11/9 7:54pm PB: I finally did get to watch the KP School Committee meeting. I believe your anger is misdirected. Anyone that pays taxes in this community is entitled to have a say regarding what we pay for. Public meetings are not private parties and you should be promoting more community involvement, not less. And as far as any untoward behavior, I believe what the KP teachers and union are displaying is much worse behavior than any displayed at the meeting. We deserve some answers; and not just the parents who have kids at KP today, but especially for the parents who intend to have kids there in the future, ours, perhaps being one of them. And we have a right to be there. Sorry, but anyone does. So I would harness your anger and direct it where it can do the most good. I cannot believe that such vitriol is written about MON who only wanted to help. I understand you may not like his style. I, myself, have been to many, many meetings and have been on town government committees where I have sat and endured many different styles, some quite forceful and arrogant. Almost embarrassingly so, as MON has been accused of. But I have never publicly harassed them for it. And I could point to many, many women who have pointed fingers at MON and say the same about their spouses, especially when they line up repeatedly at Town Meeting and go on and on and on.
That is my say. Say what you want about MON or myself, but we have volunteered many hours and still do for this town and will continue to do so because we like living here. We like our friends and neighbors and we will continue to stand up for their rights as well as ours. We must continue to push hard against what KP is doing. High Schools have a real effect on towns and kids are the victims. It is simply the truth. So we all should be getting involved. And I think that that was MON's message. Not that he is better, not that he is smarter. You may not like his style, but it really was not meant as an offense toward you. I am not sure where all of your hate comes from.
I am not standing up for MON. He makes his bed, he lies in it. But I am really saddened that the message is being lost. And I hope that by being so upset at MON for showing up at a meeting (that I encouraged him to go to... he was not going to attend) doesn't discourage others who do not have kids there from attending future meetings.
We should be acting as a concerned group together, not tearing one another down while Rome burns. That is how we build a better community.
I for, one need to stop reading NN because it has become too upsetting for me. I can see writing differing opinions about things, but these personal attacks go way over the top.
- JN
11/9 7:48pm Free entree for Military on November 11 at UNO Chicago Grill Wrentham. UNO supports the men and women who serve our country. This Thursday Veteran's Day, 11/11, all active military members and veterans are invited to enjoy a free entree or individual pizza with an entree or pizza purchase of equal or greater value. Just show a military or veteran's ID, no coupon necessary! - DLJ
11/9 7:47pm I guess it's not unusual that in the current atmosphere of outrage someone thinks that having a roundabout memorialize a fine citizen of the town for a finite period of time is a disgrace. Personally, I don't know the person memorialized, but I congratulate his family and hope that there are many more fine individuals memorialized annually. Let us congratulate those who contribute to the fine town of Norfolk, and let anyone who finds it disgraceful communicate it directly to the Selectmen for their future consideration without causing anguish to the families of the deceased. - RM
11/9 7:43pm Congratulations to the KP marching band! Nice showing at Nationals in Annapolis; your incredible dedication and hard work has paid off again! - AL
11/9 7:42pm NCL accepting charitable donation applications - The Board Members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) is currently accepting applications for its biannual disbursement of funds. This is a disbursement of monies raised through NCL activities. The disbursements will be granted January, 2011. If you are an individual or a member of an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit NCL's website at for an application. The application deadline is December 3, 2010. A completed application must be received by this date in order to be considered. Send completed applications to: NCL, P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056.
Last year, the NCL disbursement distributed over $14,000 back into the Norfolk community. Please contact NCL President Kerry D. at 508-553-9080 or jkdevellis@comcast.net with any questions.
11/9 7:41pm Can anyone recommend someone local to repair my computer? I've repeatedly used CTS in Bellingham and although they are good, they are also very expensive and can take quite a while. (I hate to be without my laptop for too long.) Thanks for your suggestions. - DO
11/8 7:43pm Is that snow I see? Yes, it's that time of year again, time to prepare yourselves for the inevitable onslaught of snow storms we'll be receiving all too soon! I'm prepared to help you out with your snow plowing needs. I'm Paul Robinson and I provide reasonable, professional snow plowing in Norfolk. I can be contacted by email at probo6186@yahoo.com or by cellphone at 508-376-4440. Referrals will be provided upon request. Thanks - PR
11/8 7:42pm MON, please tell us what you have accomplished in life, other than sitting 24/7 at your computer reading and criticing Norfolk people. - KO
11/8 7:41pm Taxpayers' money - hardly ever do I write on this site. Put please someone tell me why the Salt and Sand trucks are out tonight? Save it for when we will need it. Please - KO
11/8 7:34pm Registration for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Spring 2011 now being accepted - registration is on-line only. All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons. NLYS is open to boys and girls age 3 (by September 1, 2010) thru grade 12. You do not have to live in Norfolk to join in on the fun!
This Spring Season we will be placing U9 (grade 2 & 3) players onto All Girl and All Boy teams.
Visit the website www.norfolklionssoccer.com to register.
Registration deadline is March 1, 2011 - (after March 1st, players will be added to a wait list and will only be placed onto a team, with a $50 late fee, should a space on a team be available) - Avoid disappointment and register early!
Financial assistance is available - for more information contact Craig K. at 508-520-0163.
- HK
11/8 7:33pm RC: Well said. The fact that the Selectmen allow a parcel of public land to be raffled off is a disgrace. Such a designation is not appropriate, unless for a veteran or public safety personnel killed in the line of duty. That the town seal is on the sign is even more outrageous. Maybe we need a by-law to prohibit this practice in the future. - SM (SM2)
11/8 7:27pm We are looking for the following help around our house: 1. A reliable teenager (or older) to watch our 10 year old and 8 year old children. They are easy to have fun with and are used to sitters. We can guarantee at least 4-5 evenings monthly.
2. A high school student who could help with "tutoring" a 10 year 5th grader two days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday). If you are more interested in why the word "tutor" is in quotations please contact us for a description of what we are searching for.
We can be reached at box287@norfolknet.com. Thanks,
- KL
11/8 7:26pm Re MON: But an amazing thing happened once I began my questions to the Board, the audience began to open up and to ask questions, so that even the quiet got into the act, comparing the teachers to bullies, and others gave comments and questions, and for over 45 minutes the Board members had a serious conversation for once with the audience. Not to pat myself on the back, but you all were ready to roll over and go home. It's all on tape. Again, MON, as stated by other observers - you are very late to this discussion. For months now, there have been many SC meetings where people voiced their opinions and brought up the same crucial issues you did last Monday night. Most spoke eloquently and passionately about how these issues were affecting their children and our community. They asked critical questions - but did so in a relatively respectful manner even when things got heated. No one was ready to roll over and go home. Most were hoping that the tentative agreement would move forward despite your divisive interrogations from the back of the room!
As far as me speaking up, indeed I did! Perhaps you were too busy patting yourself on the back to bother listening!
Sometimes its not just what is said, but how it is said.
- PB
11/7 7:40pm PC, MJD and certain others: It is so clear that you're all jealous of MON. Be happy with who you are. - PA
11/7 7:35pm JHR - The Epson CX3810 does include a scanner, so if the printer is functioning, and you have all of the software installed, it should scan a photo for you to use on Facebook. Some printers will not function if the ink is empty. The manual can be found here: [epson.com link]
- ES, The PC Handyman
11/7 7:33pm KK: Too bad you cannot realize an intentional mis-step in a sentence where I talk about the fact that I commonly make grammatical errors. I didn't realize that I would have had to spell it out that the error was an attempt at levity. Uuuggghh, frustrating when my rapier wit goes unrecognized... (KK - that was an attempt at sarcasm, I don't really think my wit is of rapier caliber.) - SCD 11/7 7:27pm A gift... enjoy! No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace As I have seen in one autumnal face.Audubon Sanctuary: 8PM
~ John Donne
© 2010 prrussell All rights reserved 'cept with kind permission- PRR
11/7 11:58am If we look at who and what we voted for we can surely infer that the majority of us are not represented by our congressional delegates. We do not agree with their agenda. They do not represent what we would like our government to be/do. I would suggest that we must not retreat from this conflict. I have coined a new disease, ``chussettes.'' I am not sure whether it is viral or cerebral but it is only found here in this state. The CDC may consider a quarantine because we have mass chussettes here in this state. - AM
11/7 11:47am Someone saw this post on the Boston Globe page , and thought to share -- yes, it was funny, thank you! :-) ![]()
I posted this note in the comments section yesterday after it seemed that people were not being respectful in the comments section:Hi all,Please be respectful. Please do not alienate other users. Use common sense. Those who go out of their way to make users uncomfortable will be contacted, etc.I'd ask that people refrain from attacking one another it's just not the point of things here. I want Love Letters to be fun, helpful -- and banter is certainly a part of that, but heckling, bullying, revealing people's personal identities, and over-the-top mean-spirited comments are not.
99.9 percent of you know what crosses the line. Those who don't will be blocked. And please, try to ignore those who do cross the line. Not worth the energy.
Now go back to being fabulous, please.
-- Meredith
I'm cute when I'm mean, right?
- Wm.
11/7 11:44am Would someone be able to recommend a thorough and honest house cleaner? - KEM
11/7 11:43am Can anyone recommend a good stock broker in the area ? - BR (BR#1)
11/7 11:38am Re: The Bixby sign To: RC and DMM and whomever else may be interested. Last fall - that's 2009 - the Norfolk Community League held their annual auction. Among the items being auctioned was the privilege of naming the center roundabout for one year. Mr. John Weddleton won the bid and requested the roundabout - which is considered the center of the business district of Norfolk - be named in memory of Chris W. Bixby who was a local businesman, resident and strong supporter of the community. It is beyond me why the Board of Selectmen hasn't provided an explanation to the residents regarding this. The Bixby family was notified shortly after the auction and told notification would be made when the sign would be installed. Yes, the sign went up just before Memorial Day without any notification to the family and came down a few days later with still no explanation given. The family tried to find out what was going on but efforts were fruitless. Eventually, word was that the sign interfered with the sprinkler system. Finally, through the intercession of Senator Richard Ross, the sign has finally been reinstalled. The family was notified three days prior to the installation. There was no press or local cable present during the ten minute dedication ceremony which was held Saturday, October 30, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. All Selectmen and the Town Administrator were present. Selectmen Robert Garrity did the unveiling of the sign. Mr. Weddleton spoke ever so kindly about the integrity and honorable work ethic of Chris stating that the naming of the roundabout would continue to be a way to honor local businesspersons in the future. Again, this has been installed in memory of Chris W. Bixby for one year only. When asked if the sign would be in place for one year from October 30, 2010. a family member was told by Selectman Lehan that "technically it should be but you know how these things go." ??
It was difficult after Chris' children had seen the sign and then to have it gone to try to make some sense of it all when we had no answers to give them. Living in this town, passing through the center daily, made it even more difficult. As Chris' mother, I want to say that the family is extremely grateful to the generosity of Mr. Weddleton. His heart is in the right place having been a strong supporter of this community in many areas as well. Also, the family is grateful that the roller coaster of the sign being installed, removed, then there was a trial installation and removal, with no notification or explanation to any of us is over. We do hope that the sign will remain in place for the one year as intended. Hopefully, future honorees and or families will be treated in a kinder manner and that it will be a smoother experience for them.
I had been warned by many not to read the Norfolk Net because of the unkind remarks that were being written regarding the sign and Chris. The only reason I'm writing today is to let everyone who reads this site know what the sign is about and what the family has been through regarding this. An explanation should have been given by the Selectmen or the Norfolk Community League and it should have been given a long time ago.
- PB
11/7 11:38am Hi - Looking for some green plants for your home? Family Gardens Florist is having a 2 for 1 sale! Green plants bring oxygen into your home, and add a calming touch to the decor. We have ferns, snake plants, draecenas and more. Get 2 for the price of 1! While they last. 82 North St. (Rte. 115), 508 528-2254. Also - don't forget us for Thanksgiving holiday arrangements - we will deliver locally and can send orders worldwide with Floral Source International. And, we have been open till noon on every Thanksgiving Day since 1948!! Pick up flowers for your host's or your own table!
- RB (RB4)
11/7 11:37am Now for something completely different... Come over on Sunday at noon and cheer on the NMM Vikings A squad as they continue their quest for the Hockomock League Championship. They will be playing Mansfield. The game is at the Vikings home field at Freeman Centennial. This team has worked hard all year and amassed a 6-2 record. In other Viking postseason action, the Vikings D2 squad will be playing in Stoughton against Stoughton at 10:30am. See the Vikings website at www.nmmvikings.org for more information. Go Vikings! - TMS
11/7 11:36am SCD... What is a "an grammatical" expert ? What was that about one being too lazy to proofread their own critique? I am sure SO will take your lesson to heart. - KK
11/7 11:35am TC - We have been going at each other for years along with TEM and others, and you must be my most formidable opponents here on NN looking to take me on. TC - you were the only one to respond to my "soup" question, remember? So take your best shots and some day I might take your comments into consideration, but don't count on it. For every one of you posting the last couple of days I have been stopped on the street numerous times by people who are supportive of my comments. The elderly, soccer-Moms, taxpayers and especially people less prone to be outspoken are represented here across all age brackets, those who are fed-up with politics as usual. The KP School Board is another matter. They are elected officials and it is not a private party just for parents, as what happens there affects its students and the taxpayers and society alike, those with kids in the school and those without. And if you can't hack the public asking questions, you shouldn't apply. Many parents I speak to are extremely concerned about this school and whether their kids should even go there, and not just the wealthy, and it makes me wonder why it is in such chaos. It is a beautiful facility but there is much pathos within its walls that no one is addressing, and the recent events are symptomatic. After watching the events unfold last Monday, it made me realize that you all have the best intentions for finding out the facts, but then balk when it comes to asking the tough questions once face to face. Some of you have called them "thugs" and other deriding and condescending terms even here on NN then clam up in public. Me, I don't have that problem.
I got the answers I wanted as a taxpayer, and they are now for all to see and I was not there to represent anybody but myself. And PB, if you were who I think you are, you were silent. I hope your kids don't see that.
But an amazing thing happened once I began my questions to the Board, the audience began to open up and to ask questions, so that even the quiet ones got into the act, where they compared the teachers to bullies, and others gave comments and questions, and for over 45 minutes the Board members had a serious conversation for once with the audience. Not to pat myself on the back, but you all were ready to roll over and go home. It's all on tape.
But why am I giving explanations? Because there is still much more work to do in the next 5 to 7 years and if my words can enliven and encourage the less outspoken, so be it.
And I don't answer to many, especially initials on NN.
SO - How did I do with my run-on sentences? Send me that book, I will burn it this winter to stay warm.
[Update 11/8 8:36pm: reivised with minor corrections - Wm.]
11/7 11:34am Help!! I was given an Epsom Stylus CX3810 Printer. I've been told that it is a scanner as well. What I want to do is scan a picture onto my computer to use on Facebook. Does anyone know if this printer will do that?? No directions came with it. Thanks. Does anyone have directions for it? Also, I know that I'm out of ink cartridges. Could that be the reason that I can't scan?? Thanks again. - JHR
11/7 11:33am This Just In. One Republican ship (The USS Massachusetts) took massive casualties whilst her fleet decimated that of the Democrats. - JPB
11/7 11:32am PA - Your posts inflames to the vituperative comments made by MON. Paraphrasing the words of that "whip smart" cuddly Congressman of ours - Is there no limit to your bias and vitriol you're unleashing? - PC
11/4 2:45pm Notice about the Walpole Winter Market -- On Sunday, November 7th, from 10:00am - 2:00pm, visit the Walpole Winter Market located at the VFW Hall, 33 Robbins Road in Walpole.Shop the farmers market and craft fair for locally grown and locally made products. Offerings on hand at the Market include a wide variety of fresh produce, artisan baked goods, pastas, cheeses, prepared foods, honey, arts and crafts, and much more. See some of your favorite vendors from the outdoor Farmers Market as well as meet some soon-to-be new ones!
Enjoy the opportunity to buy local directly for area farmers, food producers and crafters. Visit the Farmers Market website, www.walpolemafarmersmarket.com for further information.
- Wm.
11/4 2:44pm PA - As my grandmother used to say, "Do you have a mouse in your pocket?" I do not know who the "we" is to whom you referred in your post about MON's post but please do not include me in your "we." Thanks. - MJD
11/4 2:43pm TEM & ALL: So you are subscribing to the age old philosophy of two wrongs do make a right in your defending the attacks on MON? Damn, my mother must have gotten it all wrong. - SCD
11/4 1:42pm Let's be real, folks. MON has the guts to say and write what we all think. - PA
11/4 1:41pm Very well said, SCD. It's easy to sit behind your computer screen and complain or attack, the hard part is standing up and making your voice heard or volunteering your time to make this town a better place. Some of you need to think about that.
- SF (2)
11/4 1:40pm SO: Please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style for the proper use of commas at the end of a quotation. A comma always goes inside of a quotation and "the only exception is when that last little item enclosed in quotation marks is just a letter or a number, in which case the period or comma will go outside the closing quotation marks." Just my pet peeve, if someone has the audacity to pick apart someone else's grammar on this little blog; please do not have grammatical errors in your post. It really destroys whatever snide point you were attempting to make. And to those out there who are want to point out that I often make mistakes in my own grammar - I freely admit that fact. That being said, I am not claiming to be an grammatical expert and only call to task those who profess a superior knowledge while being too lazy to proof read their own critique.
11/4 1:39pm JPB - I thought we were talking about taxes. I will assume that for your advanced degrees you did verify references for outdated information and checked on the accuracy of the data. - AB
11/4 1:30pm A message from "Lawrence Lessig, Fix Congress First" : Subject: Has the tyranny ended?[C o n t i n u e d . . .]Just about 10 months ago, I published an essay in The Nation. The original title of that piece was "The Tyranny of Tiny Minds." (Some thought the title, however valid, was too inflammatory. The actual title as published is "How to get our Democracy Back": [article here])
My argument, Twitter length, was that Obama had betrayed a fundamental promise of his administration: That he would, in his words (from the campaign) "take up the fight" to "fundamentally change the way Washington works."
As Obama had explained to us,
"unless we're willing to challenge the broken system in Washington, and stop letting lobbyists use their clout to get their way, nothing else is going to change."[...]It seemed to me obvious in February, 2010, that Obama hadn't "take[n] up that fight." It seemed obvious as well that the consequence of his betrayal would be the trouncing that he and his party received yesterday. It makes me enormously sad to see this trouncing, because I, like many, believe in the changes that "keep getting blocked by the defenders of the status quo" - Obama, it seemed, included.
But "hope" may well have returned. As I was climbing on a plane this afternoon, I listened to the President's press conference. One line caught my attention. In answering a skeptical reporter's question, Obama said:
"We were in such a hurry to get things done, we didn't change how things get done."Finally. Recognition. If you read this with bits of his interview on The Daily Show, there is reason to hope that "Obama the Reformer" is finally back ( [dailyshow link] ).[...]
- DR
11/4 1:26pm It appears Norfolk once again went Republican. On that note let's keep the MA results in perspective. It's been a very blue state for many decades. The opposition, hopeful as it may be, could not reasonably expect to win big its first time out. The good news is that an opposition now exists! Other than the Communist Party of China, the Taliban, and few others; I imagine this is generally viewed as positive change.
Charlie Baker lost to Deval Patrick by a mere 7% (Tim Cahill had 8%).
Sean Bielat lost to Barney Frank (who has been in Washington for 30 years) by the unimaginably small margin of 11%.
This, after the very-well organized MA-Democrat machine spent millions, brought Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, and other big-hitters to the bluest state to stump for them.
While not thrilled with the results, the "New Opposition" should be very proud of their performance. Keep the faith, be strong, observe, learn, and adapt.
Good Show!
11/4 1:25pm Ahhh... I love the Massachusetts, home of choice, freedom, equality and fair voting practices!! - PRR
11/4 1:24pm ALL: I agree, it is ironic that posters are attacking AL. Is it just that NN readers have come to expect to be belittled and insulted by MON and we're meant to sit quietly or applaud his occasional clever turn of phrase? It has been years now that MON has made a sport of offending the people of Norfolk, ranting about the town, its leaders, services, volunteers, schools, you name it. None of us are as smart, as educated, as wealthy, as insightful, or even awake! Passion and commitment are laudable traits, but they are always eclipsed by rudeness and arrogance. Too bad MON can't resist the ego-gratification of belittling his neighbors and residents; Perhaps his superior intelligence could actually be put to good use to help solve what are real problems resulting from primarily honest and good people trying to do the right thing. (I refer here to the SC, not the teachers refusing recommendations.) Speak softly and carry a big stick, anyone? - TC
11/4 1:23pm SCD & JN: When AL or anyone else chooses to aim darts in the direction of MON it's because our very own MON has fully earned such treatment. No matter how honorable his intentions or how dedicated he is to the town, his style on this site (except when he's failing miserably at being funny) is consistently arrogant, insulting, and nasty and he has been called out on it countless times by other posters. Frankly, after reading many of his posts I have, at times, wondered if the guy has been raised by wolves or, worse, New Yorkers. - TEM
11/4 1:22pm Please join us for the first St. Jude Youth Group Night for grades six - eight on Friday, November 5 from 7-9pm. We will kick off with make your own sundaes and brainstorm ideas for upcoming events. You can RSVP through the St. Jude email at stjudeteenccd@gmail.com. Thank you. - BD
11/4 1:20pm Glad to see at least the majority of people in Norfolk voted NO to more taxes and bigger government. I just can not believe Barney got in for another term. I understand people like to vote for someone they think is a "good guy" or has their "heart in the right place" rather than actually paying attention to the candidate's policies and track-record (sounds familiar - Mr. Barack Obama). So, although I completely can not understand it, people must actually "like" Barney Frank more the Sean Bielat, because they can't possibly be voting for him based on his performance or the agendas that he has been peddling. He is the personification of condescension and views most of us as the "unwashed". Like Obama, he actually appears to have disdain for this great nation. Further, he has never taken any responsibility or ownership for what has happened to the housing market which clearly he has had much influence. I literally can not find any redeeming qualities with this man and yet he is voted back into office during one of the lowest times in the history of the Democratic Party. I get the feeling this guy could drop babies from the roof of the Capitol and people would still vote for him. Wake up Massachusetts; the Democrats of today have almost nothing in common with those from years past. Other than that, I have no strong things to say on that subject! - PMM
11/3 5:19pm I find it ironic that you are all attacking AL for the post when MON often attacks other posters. Can we all treat each other nicely, please? - ALL
11/3 5:18pm MON - Does your keyboard include a run-on sentence detector?. While a breathalyzer may prove effective, I recommend the "Chicago Manual of Style", the must-have grammar reference. You said you put your "money where your efforts are". Do your children attend the public schools? If not, please clarify your position.
- SO
11/3 5:17pm Some of you angry folks need to have a cream soda and relax. There's too much vituperation here. I learned that word from Barney Frank. (By the way, I thought for sure that Barney was going to go down last night...) - PA
11/3 5:05pm Oh JN - you can't be serious?? Wait until you see MON's display of browbeating, badgering and downright rude arrogance when local cable replays the School Committee meeting. Boy he sure likes to get camera and microphone time!! As a parent of 2 children in the district (when he sends his to private school) who has been dealing with this issue for something more than seeing my property values decrease, I was embarassed by his tone and treatment of both the SC members and Interim Principal Flahive.
He may get away with that condescending attitude on NorfolkNet - but to stand up and represent the people of Norfolk that way... not many people at the meeting were jumping on his bandwagon.
Sorry MON - you are too late to the table, and your schtick is not what we need when both sides are so close to an agreement!
- PB
11/3 5:03pm MA tax situation has certainly improved over the years with the passage of prop 2 1/2. Credit must also be placed for some of the conservative Democrat house leaders since such time. That has been the major reason that the total tax burden in MA has moved from one of the worst, to the middle of the pack. In 1980 MA was #2 (prop 2 1/2 passed, effective 1982), in 2008 our state was #23. (MA best was #27 in 2000). Unfortunately (for this discussion), those leaders are no longer fiscally conservative, and various tax increases are coming. "States with higher sales taxes than Massachusetts"Do you really want to compare tax rates/burdens (2008) with states such as New York (#2), Rhode Island (#10), New Jersey (#1), California (#6) and Minnesota (#12)? As a general rule, the states that have the highest tax burdens, also continue to have the greatest deficits/liabilities. This is the model you would follow?Tennessee (No Personal Income Tax)
Washington State (No Personal Income Tax)
Nevada (No Personal or Corporate Income Tax)
Texas (No Income Tax)Arizona (41st in total tax burden, 2008)
Indiana (28th in total tax burden, 2008)
Mississippi (36th in total tax burden, 2008)Blaming the "Romney Administration" for anything other than executive management is strange. I seem to remember veto proof majorities in the State House and Senate...
11/3 1:46pm AL: Do you really think that personal attacks on one of our citizens (who happens to be extremely active in town government, volunteers his time, and does more than 90% of town residents to help make Norfolk better)? If you don't agree with someone, please make your points with facts, not nasty little personal barbs. I don't believe that helps anyone or anything. - SCD
11/3 1:45pm Wow AL, such vitriol from you. You and your nasty posts are the reason that no one wants to try to help with matters of the town. They get blasted if they try, they get blasted if they do nothing. I was shocked to read your post. It was mean spirited. - JN
11/3 1:44pm Thank goodness... Voters had the sense to keep the State in good hands in most if not all the races. Hopefully this will end all that negative rhetoric that keeps finding my home, or at least for the time being. - BF (2)
11/3 1:30pm AL - Was that you in the audience last night? What did you say? It was inaudible and you suffered through your inquisition. I put my money where my efforts are. Do you? I had a fine time discussing your issues with the Board and the Union guy and finding out the facts, of which there were few, and getting those few facts on the carpet. And I look forward to it again! Catch all the replays on Wrentham cable access at November 1st School Board meeting. But AL, I believe it is Bristol Palin, not Crystal. Further evidence that somebody should invent a keyboard with a breathalyzer built in - fast!
11/3 1:26pm TC - Thanks for your reply but after tonight's election results I hope I don't wake up. We just gave Deval more power to raise our taxes so he can spend more. I think his wife needs another state aide to help her in her private job; we also need another multi-million dollar horse bridge over Rt. 24. We re-elected a liar and an unethical US Congressman. I was hoping Question 4 was binding so I could go to my doctor and get a prescription for some really good smoke. We will all need it. Very surprised you like to give vast amounts of money you earn away to people that spend it for no other reason than they know you and others will give them more when they need it. - LS
11/3 1:25pm AB: The discussion is about Deval Patrick. Please take facts up with boston.com: [Globe article] With two MS degrees, I'm quite aware NY is not part of NE, as I'm sure is the case with the reporter who posted the article.
Possibility exists that more states may have raised their tax rates since the article was written, particularly as it was after the Democrat wave in 2008.
11/3 1:24pm Norfolk's election results:
STATE GENERAL ELECTION FINAL COUNT Governor & Leutenant Blank 16 PATRICK and MURRAY 1392 BAKER and TISEI 2761 CAHILL and LOSCOCCO 290 STEIN and PURCELL 39 Write-In 3 Attorney General Blank 66 MARTHA COAKLEY 2119 JAMES P. MCKENNA 2314 Write-In 2 Secretary of State Blank 165 WILLIAM FRANCIS GALVIN 2200 WILLIAM C. CAMPBELL 2023 JAMES D. HENDERSON + 110 Write-In 3 Treasurer Blank 164 STEVEN GROSSMAN 1633 KARYN E. POLITO 2698 Write-In 6 Auditor Blank 303 SUZANNE M. BUMP 1208 MARY Z. CONNAUGHTON 2820 NATHANAEL ALEXANDER FORTUNE 165 Write-In 5 Representative in Congress Blank 59 BARNEY FRANK 1446 SEAN DM BIELAT 2899 SUSAN F. ALLEN 52 DONALD M. JORDAN 44 Write-In 1 Councillor Blank 423 KELLY A. TIMILTY 1632 STEVEN M. GLOVSKY 2240 RICHARD MITCHELL 202 Write-In 4 Senator in General Court Blank 901 RICHARD J. ROSS 3553 Write-In 47 Representative In General Court Blank 189 STANLEY J. NACEWICZ 1025 DANIEL B. WINSLOW 3283 Write-In 4 District Attorney Blank 536 MICHAEL W. MORRISSEY 1618 JOHN F. COFFEY 2337 Write-In 10 Sheriff Blank 380 MICHAEL G. BELLOTTI 1850 WILLIAM J. FARRETTA 2268 Write-In 3 County Commissioner Blank 1940 PETER H. COLLINS 2481 Write-In 80 BALLOT QUESTIONS QUESTION 1 (tax on alcohol) Blank 279 YES 2585 NO 1637 QUESTION 2 (repeal 40B) Blank 345 YES 2004 NO 2152 QUESTION 3 (State tax repeal) Blank 158 YES 2281 NO 2062 QUESTION 4 (Medical Marijuana) Blank 397 YES 2516 NO 1588 - Gail Bernardo, Norfolk Town Clerk
11/2 9:08pm Oh Thank God, it's MON to the rescue, riding in too late to do anything but throw bombs, just what we need. Haven't you been complainin' about Norfolk for oh, 5-7 yrs now? I know, you have all the answers, but no one listens, is that right? Geez, what are these people thinkin'? I'll tell you what people are thinking. Not everyone is asleep at the wheel, not everyone is a Johnny Come Lately when the going gets tough. Believe it or not, there are people that are awake (and they aren't even rude or condescending, can you imagine?). These are smart people that are investing their own time for, hopefully, the betterment of the town. Go down in that pretty little basement of yours and fix yourself a stiff one to take the edge off! Sadly, though, tomorrow will likely be another fun day of discontentment for you buddy, here in Norfolk! Oh, and by the way, what's the over under on Crystal Palin going home tonight on DWTS? You don't seem the type to watch the election returns.
- AL
11/2 9:07pm If anyone is looking for a roofer, I just used a fantastic roofing company - Robert Roofing & Gutters. I am an extremely fussy consumer and I was impressed with them from start to finish. They had the best price around, they were extremely neat and they got the job done quickly and efficiently. It was a pleasure doing business with them. I would strongly recommend Robert Roofing & Gutters. (857) 247-8709. - KK
11/2 9:02pm Wow, I finally agree with MON! MON, run for the school committee next time. Seriously. - JN
11/2 6:40pm LS: When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee? All these tax cuts/reductions you are advocating are simply coming back to you in the form of increased property taxes, lesser local services, crumbling schools, lesser education, and increased fees, (bus, band, sports, registry, etc.). And, to be clear, it's not merely "semantics" when someone is spreading lies. - TC
11/2 6:39pm To the other RC. Yes, I have been in touch with the Selectmen. They think it's a good idea and are honoring the prior agreement. - RC
11/2 6:38pm Helicopters. Mosquito spraying but I would doubt this time of year. That helicopter flies a back and forth pattern, shifting to one side each pass. It also has 2 small tanks and pods hanging underneath its belly. Helicopters over the power lines are possibly for inspection of the lines and insulators etc. There is a show on Discovery or Science channel where they document how this is done. The inspector climbs out of the chopper onto the live wires and becomes part of the circuit. After his job is done the chopper flies back in and picks him off the wires. Here's a short clip from the Documentary. [youtube link] - JC
11/2 6:09pm For Mr. B. Facts seem to get in the way, but there are 10 states with higher sales taxes than Massachusetts. - Tennessee, Rhode Island, Washington State, New Jersey, Nevada, Arizona, California, Indiana, Minnesota, Mississippi. Texas and Illinois have sales taxes equal to Massachusetts at 6.25 %. Also, last time I checked New York is not one of the six New England States and while New York state has a 4% sales tax, the associated city, county and/or borough taxes make the lowest sales tax in New York State 7% and averages more like 7.5%. So make that 11 states with a sales tax higher than Massachusetts. It seems that when it comes to taxes, selective memory as it applies to the Romney adminstration of tax cuts was pushed down onto cities and towns and increased all of our property taxes. Romney also made "fees" the new "taxes." My professional fees that have to pay so that I can be gainfully employeed and be a contributing citizen more than tripled. Romney nickeled and dimed Massachusetts families and individuals with over a hundred fee increases, on everything from getting married (he upped the price for a marriage license), to buying a new home (he increased charges for Registry of Deeds paperwork). - AB
11/2 6:08pm All you sign-conspiracy people are caught up in minutia, meanwhile fiddling while Rome burns. The schools, especially KP High, are in chaos, with nobody in charge, and the teachers doing as they please as sanctimonious labor attorneys tell them what the minimum effort they should exert is. The administrators don't stay long, with 20 "leaders" revolving through in the past 10 years, while the teachers call the shots with no rules or accountability while expecting automatic raises using a scale of steps and lanes that was concocted by greedy madmen (and women) with crayons, a Ouija board, and union cards. But you get what you deserve Norfolk, and you are paying for it now as the students panic over the loss of their recommendations, the I-pass parents get stiffed by teachers that were paid to learn the system, and the Union guy sits behind the librarian desk during School Board meetings, surfing the internet, on the taxpayer's dime no less, proclaiming the union has no influence over the teachers.
Wake up Norfolk, you have much to lose, and you don't even know it.
11/2 12:21pm RC, in regard to the Bixby sign, have you called the Selectmen's office to get the story? I would like to know the answer. Thanks. - RC (The other RC.)
11/2 10:47am Hear, hear, SCD. Yes, facts are stubborn things, but unfortunately they seem to hold little weight with many true "believers". I, too, thought Shecky was the name of a Black comedian, so thanks for setting that straight. The Dear Leader is immature and unbelievably narcissistic, which accounts for his failure to be always presidential. - AB-G
11/2 10:46am After deep thought, I realize that comparing President Obama to Shecky Greene was wrong, and perhaps offensive. I apologize to Shecky if I offended him with that comparison. - PA
11/2 10:45am LB - I think the helicopter and the man with the wires extending are trying to save chipmunks. In reality, they are inspecting the high voltage lines. Watch this [youtube link]
- LS
11/2 10:44am To MJD and others - Mr. Berminghams lasted 20 mintues longer than myself. Semantics. Point is this, and it's pretty simple, is that higher taxes (both sales and income) and continued spending will continute to turn this state into a welfare state. Period. DLJ - Vote YES on all 4 questions.
- LS
11/2 10:43am SM - Franklin Tile/Carpet One, Chris Tramontozzi, 508 528-2713 - ES
11/2 10:42am To SCD, I notice you skipped right over my comment about DMG2 calling Gov. Patrick "boy". The term "boy", when applied to a black man, is racist, and I stand by my previous posting. Babbling aside, the fact stands. - MJS
11/2 12:33am There are 3 statewide questions on the November 2 ballot. We have a fourth question that is not binding. Shall the state representative from this district be instructed to vote in favor of legislation that would allow patients, with their doctor's written recommendation, to possess, grow, and purchase marijuana for medical use?- DLJ
11/2 12:32am Can anyone recommend somone to repair a lump in my wall to wall carpeting? It was installed by an individual years ago and he no longer serves the area. Thanks! - SM
11/2 12:31am You know what Freud said: If it's not one thing, it's your mother. - JPB
11/2 12:28am Ladies dresser for sale in the Notice Board below. You know you want it... - PFD
11/2 12:27am If I recall correctly, Mr. Bermingham sat at the Patrick meeting for about 20 minutes before he got up and left the event. I recall because I was sitting near him. The meeting was much longer than 20 minutes and Mr. Bermingham missed quite a bit of information. - MJD
11/2 12:23am Does anyone know why that helicopter keeps flying over the high tension wires in Norfolk. I live on the charles river and I want to say for the last 2 weeks we have seen it. It goes as far as to Populatic Lake and then turns back around. The helicopter flies very low and sometimes has people extend out of it on wires or so it seems. I live on the river and we can sit on our porch and watch them fly back and forth - does anyone know what they are doing? And why has the high tension wires become such a popular spot? I've lived here my whole life and have never ever seen this. Thanks - LB
11/2 12:21am Reference my 10/31 Post: NCTV has the video of Deval Patrick's speech at the Norfolk Public Library for those who choose to view it. His intent was clear - if not clear enough, please note the 6.25 % Massachusetts sales tax we all now pay at the cash register. Legislation signed by Patrick this year (increasing the tax from 5%). Massachusetts now has the second highest sales tax rate of the six New England states plus New York. Only eight states nationwide have a higher rate. Call five friends and let's vote tomorrow.
- John P. Bermingham, Chairman, NOGO
11/2 12:19am To John Birmingham: It's already been pointed out that you mis-quoted Gov. Patrick with the "Get over it," comment. (Wildly, I might add.) This is exactly the kind of "reporting" and spreading of mis-information that has people convinced Barak Obama has raised taxes. It's not true. Something like a staggering 64% of Tea Party members think Obama has raised taxes, when in fact 98% of American received a small tax decrease. We're in this desert of real information in part because people are recklessly repeating blatently false and baseless comments, as you have just done. Stop [it]! Check your facts (they have a funny way of getting in the way). You're entitled to your opinion, but please, be honest. - TC
11/2 12:08am MJS: I don't believe referring to someone as "Shecky" really constitutes racism and was obviously not the intent of the author. I believe it is a reference to famous comedian Shecky Greene (who is Jewish - so really not sure how that can be construed as a pejorative for someone of African-American decent). There is even a magazine about comedians entitled Shecky. So, not to put too fine a point on it, someone who calls our President "Shecky" - after his recent stints on comedic television and his "scoop the poop" comments - I believe is just pointing out the fact that he is not being terribly presidential. Calling this person out as a racist is a bit hostile and seems to instigate and diminish your possibly valid points to babbling. Try facts instead: they work wonders, and change minds. - SCD
11/2 12:05am The Garden Club of Norfolk, MA will present a holiday decorating class featuring the talents of garden club members. The class will be held at the Norfolk Public Library on November 10th at 7PM. The completed arrangements as well as other seasonal items will be raffled off at the end of the evening. Raffle tickets will be sold at the door as well as during the evening. Refreshments will be available for all visitors. A suggested non member donation of $5.00 to help support club activities is appreciated. For additional information please call Mary G., our garden club president. Mary can be reached by email at gould.mary@verizon.net or phone at 508-384-3966. - RT
11/1 3:15pm Town of Norfolk Annual Seasonal Flu Clinic: The Norfolk Board of Health and Council on Aging, in conjunction with the Walpole Area Visiting Nurse Association, is sponsoring its annual seasonal Flu Clinic for Norfolk residents on Thursday, November 4, 2010 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., at the Senior Center, located at 28 Medway Branch Road. The seasonal flu vaccine will be available for all Norfolk residents and Town Employees, ages 18 and over. This year's vaccine contains protection against both the pandemic H1N1influenza and two other kinds of seasonal influenza.
You must call the Council on Aging office at 508-528-4430 to schedule an appointment for the flu clinic due to the limited amount of vaccine that we have received.
- Betsy Fijol, Board of Health
11/1 3:12pm Woodside Montessori Academy will be holding an open house at their two locations in Millis on Sunday, November 7, 2010 between 1:30 and 3:30 pm. You're invited to visit either the Primary (PreK and K) & Middle School Campus at 350 Village Street and/or the Elementary (Grades 1-6) Campus at 64 Exchange Street in Millis. For details or directions, call 508.376.5320 or visit www.woodsideacademy.com - VR
11/1 3:11pm Can someone recommend a good, reasonably priced firewood supplier that delivers? Thanks in advance. - KJ
11/1 3:08pm We received a request for a recommendation, perhaps someone knows someone -- I'm looking for a tree pruning company recommendation. We have (2) 12ft hemlock hedges that we would like to be pruned down to 9ft. You can send me an email at shawdoe@verizon.net Thanks.- Wm.
11/1 3:07pm My goodness! The labeling, name-calling, racism, and just plain rudeness of this election has reached previously unscaled heights! Can we all just calm down and vote our own private consciences? None of our problems will be solved, and no one convinced to vote differently when our black governor is called, "boy" and our president, "Shecky". When I read things like that, I think, "What are they so afraid of that they must resort to racism?" It degrades your possibly valid points to babbling. Try facts instead: they work wonders, and change minds. - MJS
11/1 3:06pm To John Bermingham, You may have attended the Patrick meeting (although I don't remember seeing you there) but you either weren't listening or you've chosen purposely to distort the quote you cite. Governor Patrick shared the Obama "get over it" remark in explaining the discomfort he feels about the personal promotion and bragging that our political process requires. The comment and the story had absolutely nothing to do with taxes. However, I can't help but be amused by the Freudian slip in your second paragraph. By all means, let's recognize that a single-minded focus on cutting taxes is the best way to achieve your goal of "reducing spending and job creation". I'm sure our un- and underemployed brethren appreciate your honest assessment of the trade-offs being proposed by the Republican candidates. - CE
11/1 3:02pm King Philip High School Boys Hockey gold fundraiser at Something Special Thursday November 4th 12-8 pm and Saturday, November 6th 10 -4 pm. Bring any and all of your unwanted gold/sterling silver jewelry and receive immediate payment. 15% of the purchases go directly to King Philip High School Hockey. Something Special will also be donating 15% of all sales to Warrior Hockey during the two day event. - JA
11/1 3:02pm RC - Man, what is your malfunction? You should have re-read the newspaper article before you started typing. Not only does it not say that the sign will not go back up, the selectmen also stated that they approved the idea it would go back up. Now, if they failed to approve the size and look of the sign, as they also stated in the article that they would, that's another thing. I'm also not sure where you come from, but you can't just use a Town Seal without permission from someone. You can't even use a Town's name in a business name without proper approval. Calm down. - KP
11/1 3:01pm NC and registered voters: Unless I'm reading the State's description of the Ballot Questions incorrectly, a yes vote on Question 2 will give back the power to the town to better control what developers do with our treasured space. Currently Chapter 40B allows developers to sidestep zoning laws regarding the size and scope of their building projects if they insert affordable housing into their plan. The condos above the Town Hall are a prime example of this. I'm not really sure how $350000+ for a condo is 'affordable', but that's what we get when we don't understand the rules. Developers are in it for one thing, $$, and it needs to be controled. - KP
11/1 3:00pm To John P. Bermingham (re your 10/31 10:03pm post): I also attended Deval Patrick's visit to Norfolk earlier this year. I think you may have misunderstood or be misremembering the Governor's comment. The incident that you are quoting wasn't about taxes. It was about having to ask for campaign contributions. The Governor said that he told the President that he didn't like having to solicit campaign contributions. Because of the way political campaigns are financed, the President told the Governor to "get over it" - in order to run a political campaign in this country today, it is necessary to ask supporters to contribute to your campaign. I personally, think that is unfortunate. But all politicians in all parties have to solicit campaign donations. Unfortunately, it is now legal for groups to use unlimited amounts of money from anonymous donors and "buy" elections by filling the airwaves with (usually negative) issue ads which, even if they aren't coordinated with candidate's campaign, very clearly support one candidate and oppose another. - DR
11/1 2:59pm To AB-G (re your 10/31 9:59pm post): I've seen and heard a lot liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, yelling at each other trying to make "points". I haven't seen much constructive deliberation - working together to understand the other side's concerns and solve problems. I appreciate your sincere compliment to PRR for her "civil, dignified and respectful plea". I think that some of us would very much like to have a forum where we can try to understand each other's views - not to persuade the other person to our way of thinking - but to better understand where "the other side" is coming from and how we can work together. Perhaps the Democratic and Republican Town Committees would be willing to jointly sponsor such a collaborative working session. - DR
11/1 2:58pm For KP School Committee meeting dates, locations, agendas, and their Public Participation Policy, check www.kingphilip.org/committee.html. For any Norfolk Government meeting details, check virtualnorfolk.org and select Meeting Calendar on the left. - DLJ
11/1 2:51pm From now through November 19, the MOMS Club of Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham will be collecting new, warm, unused PJ's and bedtime books (ages infant through five years). Donations may be placed in the collection box at the Norfolk Public Library. These donations will be given to the Pajama Program, a national, non-profit charity organization serving children in need throughout the United States and the world, many of whom are waiting and hoping to be adopted. Further information can be found at: www.pajamaprogram.org/purpose.html. November is the beginning of what Pajama Program calls the "danger season" (when temperatures drop at night) and any/all donations are greatly appreciated. - JT
10/31 10:18pm PRB, CS - Forget the S C Comm meeting, the problem is the KPTA, the "what's in it for me" group. The local group of extortionists (aka teachers union) meet on Monday that's the meeting all the happy KP parents should be attending. - PC
10/31 10:17pm The KP School Committee meeting is at 7pm Monday, in the KP High School Library. Parents, this is important so come out, hear both sides and let it be known this dispute is embarrassing, intolerable, and unprofessional and needs to be resolved. Now. - AL
10/31 10:14pm If Chapter 40B is eliminated, the ZBA won't need the ability to regulate 40B development any more, not so? 40B hurts towns and doesn't really help affordable housing. - AR
10/31 10:13pm I would like to encourage Norfolk voters to vote NO on initiative petition number 2 on Tuesday. The Zoning Board of Appeals now grants the comprehensive permits under Chapter 40B Statute. A YES vote would rescind the ZBA's ability to control 40B development in Norfolk. Having served for many years on the ZBA I can attest to the advantage to our town with the conditions and requirements the Board may require. Please do not allow this beneficial control to be lost to our town. - NC
10/31 10:12pm Dear Fellow Norfolk Residents, Tuesday, November 2, will mark the culmination of a campaign for State Representative that I began in March. As far as I know, there never has been a Representative in the Legislature from our town. I hope to be the first and I hope always to be a source of pride for our community if I have the opportunity to serve. My plans to grow jobs and the economy, cut wasteful spending to keep taxes low, preserve core local services such as K-12 education, public safety, and infrastructure, and to restore integrity in our state government seem to have resonated with most voters. Win or lose on Tuesday, I hope that Norfolk voters break records for voter turnout. No matter what side you choose in the election, this is simply not an election that any voter can afford to sit out. We need to return our state government to the governed and give our Commonwealth a government worthy of the people it serves. Thank you for considering my candidacy and for your support and friendship over the years. - Dan Winslow, Candidate for 9th Norfolk House district 10/31 10:03pm Deval Patrick often states that he hates the notion of raising taxes, especially on those who can't afford it. But, during his visit to Norfolk earlier this year, Patrick proudly recounted how he sat next to Barack Obama (his friend) in a limo and Obama told him, "Get over it." As one who attended the Patrick visit to our town, it was clear that his message to his supporters is that he, Patrick, has "gotten over it" and plans to raise taxes on us.
Dan Winslow and Charlie Baker - along with most of us - know that we can't spend our way out of a deficit. The way out is hard work, reduce spending and job creation, not more costly programs to drive us further in the hole and run producers out of the state (case in point Greece and France).
NOGO urges you to get out and vote (Tuesday, 2 November) so Dan and Charlie can help stop this nonsense.
- John P. Bermingham, Chairman, NOGO
10/31 10:02pm I've experienced trying to get my point across to the teacher and then to the principal (in elementary school). It was definitely held against my child for the remainder of the school year. I would not recommend picketing against the teachers. They know whose parent you are if you have been involved at all. - DMM
10/31 10:00pm Bixby Sign Gets Snuck Up Once Again ! The Rotary in the Town Center is Dedicated with Mr. Bixby's name, again. I don't remember a dedication announcement going out? As if this Town doesn't have enough to keep itself occupied they seem to have time to redeploy the Bixby sign in front of Daily's Sunoco. This sign had been snuck up hours before the Memorial Day Parade and now it was put up again a week before Veterans Day. This time they (whoever made it) designed it to look like a town sign complete with a Town of Norfolk seal. This is outrageous on its own. Please name one other similar sign in Town?
Town land should not be for sale. As I recall this signage idea was suggested by the Norfolk Community League to the Selectmen for a fundraising event.
This Boomerang article spells it out quite accurately. Including the selectmen stating I don't think we will be doing this again, and a lack of prior information made available to the public was also cited. I for one was never made aware that this sign was going to be put back up. I don't believe adequate Town notice was given to residents for a decision about public property being auctioned off.
In other words, that sign is a paid for advertisement, stuck in the middle of our town, on town property, because a couple of people had an idea. Town monuments are for veterans who have died fighting for our county. or, the Ben Franklin's, Paul Revere's or Albert Einstein's of the world. And that is all this is about. Not how attractive the sign is, or how unobtrusive it is.
It is about how the wishes of a few affect the lives of all. It's about small mindedness and big egos to be dealing with this again. It's not the Selectmen's land. It's not the NCL's land. Take the sign down and return the money.
- RC
10/31 9:59pm PRR: While I most certainly will not vote for Deval, I do thank you for a refreshingly civil, dignified and respectful plea. I am not being sarcastic. Virtually all liberals and Dems with whom I try to discuss politics are incredibly rude, insulting, and spin the facts, if they come up at all, to confuse the issue and derail the conversation. - AB-G
10/31 9:58pm PA: Thanks for a much-needed laugh! Things are pretty grim lately in Norfolknetland. You didn't mention the other TV appearances Our Messiah has made! Remember the gaffe re the Special Olympics with that paragon of morality and sensitivity, Letterman? And then Jon Stewart calling him "Dude"? Just the disrespect he deserved for running his backside all over media's creation to keep himself in the spotlight. - AB-G
10/31 9:57pm Would someone mind very much explaining to me why you all don't raise H with the superintendent and the various Selectmen? It's all on their watch, isn't it? They were elected by you. The school committee was elected as well. They obviously don't care unless they lose their jobs! If they cared about the situation, or you, they would have acted by now, no? We need good candidates for SC next time around. It couldn't be that difficult a job if everything has come to this. Will be @ the meeting. - AB-G
10/31 9:56pm AL: Thank you for the reminder regarding the KP school committee meeting. I will be there prepared to discuss the gap in services. Will all of you? I hope so. - CS
10/31 9:55pm Please! Anyone with any vested interest in King Philip Regional Schools (be it future students, current students or wishing to retain their property values) attend the School Committee meeting Monday night at the High School. Let's stand up together and let our voices be heard by all "We will not stand for any more!!" - PRB
10/31 9:53pm AL, Please post the location of the SC meeting that will be held Monday night at 7 p.m. Parent of HOD and F/C kids might want to attend to get a sense of what they are getting into but not if they do not know where to go! - MJD
10/31 9:51pm I am looking for someone to clean up our yard, leaves, branches etc. for a reasonable fee. Thanks. Please get my email address through Wm. [Use box286@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - JHR
10/31 9:43pm Dan Winslow, Candidate for State Representative, invites you to join us at the Election Night Party, Lake Pearl Luciano's, 299 Creek St Wrentham election night, Tuesday, November 2, 8:00 p.m. After the polls close, join us on Election Night to help Dan Winslow thank his volunteers, supporters, and friends for a great campaign. Music, food and fun.
- DW
10/30 4:20pm PRB and MJD: You're both right, it's time for the KP parents to organize. We need an advocacy group that can bring pressure on the teachers, their union, and hopefully help push negotiations in the right direction when things stall out between the union and the school committee. If nothing else, there should be an organized group of parents to whom the teachers feel some accountability. This current battle is focused between the school committee and a select group of teachers, and both sides appear to be singularly focused on staring down the other, while our kids are stuck in the middle. It's totally unacceptable. Does such a group exist? If so, can someone post about it and we can encourage others to join in? If not, let's form one. Email Wm and we can talk privately. We need to do something! - TC
10/30 4:18pm Please pass it along, the next KP School Committee meeting is Monday, Nov. 1 at 7pm. Please come out and let this union know what you think of their tactics of using the kids as pawns, papering their cars with their flyers, and not responding to parents' and students' requests. Apparently, it's not all about the kids anymore. - AL
10/30 4:15pm To PRR: Can you do me favor and ask your boy Deval when the Town of Norfolk will be getting "property tax relief "? - DMG (2)
10/30 4:14pm Can someone recommend a place to order a cord of wood and have it delivered? We ordered some last year from someone and it was terrible - wet and didn't burn! Any thoughts would help. Thank you, - BD
10/30 4:12pm DM - I know that this is an upsetting situation, but to say that KP parents have done all that they can to resolve this situation is not true from what I can see. I understand that parents are not even attending SC meetings. The idea that you would not speak out for fear of reprisals makes me think that you are afraid of the teachers. They work for you! Sure, they are represented by a union, but you must speak out. If you think people without a direct vested interest in the school are going to do what even you will not do for you child, you are mistaken. The childless, the elderly, parents of elementary school students have their own issues. Advocating for your child is your job. Many parents seem like they are throwing up their hands for fear that things will get worse if they speak up. How can they get worse? This contract issue has been going on for 2 years! Your kids deserve better but you have to be willing to step up and and offer a respectful protest to the actions of the teachers. There is strength in numbers. Call a meeting of concerned parents and throw some ideas around. Invite all KP district parents from all three town, K-12. See who shows up. If no one does you'll have your answer as to how concerned people really are about this issue.
10/30 4:09pm Regardless of how you plan to vote this Tuesday, PRR makes a completely valid point when s/he references the money influencing this election cycle. Whether foreign or otherwise, the money can come from any entity or corporation with no limits, thanks to the Supreme Court's disappointing decision, ironically called Citizens United. It should be called Corporations United, since all it did was lift the limit on corporate contributions to political campaigns and legislate that the richest man win. Talk about activist judges! The billions of dollars funding media campaigns across the country are now completely untraceable. Now that is scary! We as citizens have no idea, or right to know apparently, who sponsors the ads touting one candidate over another. That free for all is a disaster assuming an educated and savvy viewing public. But, in this era of non-news, don't-bother-me-with-the-facts, the less-information-the-better, it is nothing short of a travesty. Fox News is the most viewed in the country, and how many people know that after 7 p.m. they go from what they call "news" to their "pundits and opinions" show? Most watching at night think they are indeed watching news, in the traditional sense, when what they're seeing is purely opinion, and extreme ones at that. PRR is also correct when stating that the persistent problems this administration is facing started more than two years ago. Are our memories that short? Like him or not, Obama inherited two wars that were never paid for, let alone budgeted; reckless tax breaks that disproportionately favored the wealthy and were never paid for; deregulation that sent the economy into a tailspin and cost most of us our hard-earned nest eggs; a staggering deficit; a $700 billion bailout of the very banks/financial institutions that caused the mess; and a domestic policy that pit the poor against the rich and left the middle class holding the bag. Obama has not raised taxes on 95% of Americans. Get the facts. It's really too important to just listen to the loudest voices on the TV and radio. Just for fun, Google a news source you don't typically frequent and see if the different perspectives pique your curiosity. Get some alternative views. You might be surprised when all the misinformation out there is put to the test.
- TC
10/30 4:08pm PRR. You've got to be kidding me. Re-elect "sign-em-all" Deval. At some point all politicians need to be accountable for the offices they hold. That's why they have term limits so they can be voted out if necessary. You say " Change " takes time. I, for one, don't like the " Change " that has been forced upon US by the current administration in DC. The more time they have in power the more irreversible damage they will do to this country. American Exceptionalism isn't something that you can learn at a University...
- RC
10/29 9:47pm I agree with MJD! Time for parents to unionize. I have tried to contact teachers in order to get input of my children's work. One teacher I was told "does not do email". I guess he does not do voice mail either - again no response. I have sent 3 teachers emails this week. Not one response. Followed up with phone calls, again no response. What happened to the school system I was so proud of having my children attend?? The KPTA has destroyed my respect for its causes. You are failing our children and it needs to stop! All parents of King Philip students please attend the school committee meetings. After, lets all get together and come up with our demands. Let's not forget who pays the taxes that pay the salaries!!!!!
10/29 9:45pm PRR: Let me see if I got this right. If the Republicans are in power, it is their fault. If the Democrats are in power it was the Republicans fault when they were last in power (as in the previous administration in Washington). Nice logic. Do us a favor. Do not tell us who to vote for as if we are too stupid to figure it out for ourselves. There are plenty of unions and special interests in the state already trying to do that. Give us some credit, please. - JFO
10/29 9:44pm I don't know if all of you know of a way to search and follow your favorite (or most detested) posters. Go to EDIT, drop down and you should see FIND ON THIS PAGE. Click on that and you can enter a set of initials, and scan up and down the document to see all that they have to say. You may even discover a sentence fragment, as I did! - AB-G
10/29 9:43pm PC, I enjoyed your reference to the teachers fleeing to Dorchester, Central Falls, etc. When some of my wealthy, liberal friends laud the policies of inclusion and diversity which Democrats hold so dear, I am bemused by their unlikely choices of residence : Medfield, Sherborn, Westwood, Norfolk, etc.. - AB-G 10/29 9:30pm PRR: Your pictures of our governor were so inspiring, I wanted to post some myself. So you want another four years for Deval to finish what he started? That's a scary thought, but at least for comic relief we have President Shecky Obama doing appearances on The Daily Show. Maybe next he'll go on the road with Andrew Dice Clay, or be the opening act for Kanye West. (Maybe someday in the current century the Grange will open and we can get Shecky in there.) By the way, enlighten us on all of the foreign money you mentioned. Shecky certainly didn't have facts. - PA
10/29 9:22pm Good site to read pros and cons of 3 ballot questions!! Remember to vote! [page link]
Especially #2: I cut and posted this for your convenience: Read on! This is important!
. . .
Question 1: Repeal the sales tax on alcoholic beverages [A regressive tax that hurts the poor - Wm.]
Question 2: Repeal chapter 40b [Why it's the developers who favor 40B - Wm.]
[C o n t i n u e d . . . - page excerpt here]
[I found the information quite interesting, well worth the read, especially the Background and Analysis section. - Wm.]
10/29 9:20pm PRR: Please give Gov Patrick 4 more years to finish what he started?? Oh my, I don't think I can handle more tax increases, let alone additional restrictions on running a small business. And isn't it time you Democrats stopped blaming the past administration and took some responsibility for yourselves? Pelosi and Reid have been in power nearly 4 years and Obama nearly 2 (with control of both houses) so not really sure how everything is 100% someone else's fault. Accountability is the name of the game and as President Truman had the courage to say: "The Buck Stops Here!" So to quote another great American, Thomas Paine, "Lead, follow, or get out of the way" and vote for some real leaders on November 2nd and vote Republican. - SD
10/29 9:17pm To PRR: Seriously?? No, you're kidding, right? ... Is this a Halloween/April Fools type joke? Seriously?? - JM
10/29 9:14pm MJD, with all due respect, the hands of KP parents are tied. The teachers, backed by their union, will take out any counteraction we take in the form of nonsupport on our students. The teachers already use the seniors as sacrificial lambs in not doing recommendations, so surely they would punish the individual student in any way they could think of if their family doesn't feign support for their situation. The protests, picketing, organized response, etc., has to come from people who don't currently have kids in the KP system. It needs to come from all those taxpayers interested in protecting their real estate values and town as a whole. By the way, the school committee is doing a great job. What we really need is an attorney to advise the school committee on how to overthrow a union, get merit pay in place, get rid of tenure, and let the teachers go who are only there collecting a paycheck and making irrational demands. Only then will we attract and retain true handworking professionals and the best of the best at all levels of teaching. - DM
10/28 10:53am I am looking for a baby back pack carrier for our hikes in Noon Hill Woods. Doesn't need to be anything fancy but if you are done with yours and want to pass it on, we would appreciate it. We can pick it up and are willing to pay a small fee. You can send me an email at sbj83@msn.com Thanks, - SBJ
10/28 10:50am Status Update 3 on Norfolk's Town Meeting Warrant Discussion Forum. The Advisory Committee's recommendations have been added to the Norfolk Warrant Discussion Forum at onlinetownhalls.com/map/492. Everything in the forum (articles, recommendations, comments, questions, answers, and advocacy) is intended to be visible (read only) to anyone with internet access and a web browser, even if they have no connection with Norfolk. Interactive participation (i.e. posting messages) in the discussion forum will require a "login account". Login accounts are available only to Norfolk residents. (There will be a small number of Town employees, state officials, or other experts who are given login accounts even though they are not Norfolk residents.) Note: There is a mechanism for registering for and creating a new account on the forum web site. An account created in that way won't allow you to post to the Norfolk Warrant Discussion Forum. Only accounts created by the Town's own account request procedure will give you access to post in our forum. More information, including how to request a login account for posting to the forum, is in the previous Status Update 2 at [post of 10/23 11:39pm] - DR
10/28 10:48am Join us this Saturday, October 30th! Boarding ~ Lessons ~ Camp ~ Training Open House! And tack swap meet, October 30th Come check out our brand new location... at 39 Miller St, Norfolk, MA 02056.
We have a full day, 10AM-4PM, including...
* Pony rides! 12pm-1pmEmail us at oct.farm@yahoo.com for more information, or contact Jill Swift at 978-257-1173.
* Riding demonstrations of dressage, hunt seat, and stadium jumping.
* Ongoing tours of our riding facility.
* A huge swap meet where you can buy, sell, barter, and trade all things horsey.
* Pumpkin painting, face painting, and huge bake sale open to everyone!- JPS, October Farm 10/28 10:43am The following is in response to the KPTA's comments on their ongoing work actions / contract negotiations and using our children as pawns in a quest for a salary increase. I attended the recent school committee meeting where Mr. Carneiro (KPTA president) and the KPTA proceeded to stand up and applaud themselves and generally act like teamster thugs and then walked out of the meeting refusing to stay and discuss the issues with a packed house of concerned parents. A small number of teachers did stay and fielded many questions from parents and students, but would or could not actually provide any answers. What was stated was they were concerned with the increase in class sizes over the past few years and the issues were not about salary increases. A handout was provided with teacher salary steps and lanes and a breakdown of other pertinent facts. I have attached a copy of that handout.
In fairness, the majority (I think) of teachers are committed as individuals to what is best for our children. The issue is with the national, state and local teachers unions whose sole purpose, as is any union, is to get the most benefit for the least amount of work and to protect their members from accountability.
The issue is about a salary increase and to use children as pawns in contract negotiations and refuse to complete work is reprehensible. This has been going on for approaching 2 years now and has to stop.
What bothers me and others is these teachers are teaching our children every day, and are not being honest in their words and actions. What a teachable moment for our children in how not to act when you don't get your way.
Here are several misstatements in the KPTA post:
KPTA: Without delving into specifics, the King Philip Teachers Association is not seeking a 28% salary increase.
Response: In fact a 28% salary increase was the starting negotiation in fall of 2008. It may not be now, but that is very misleading.
KPTA: The major sticking point of the negotiations does not revolve around teacher salary increases.
Response: In fact changes to the steps and lanes are how teachers are paid and ARE A SALARY INCREASE unless we are talking of decreasing the step and lane amounts.
KPTA: Teachers in Massachusetts public schools are paid based on their experience and their level of educational attainment. In virtually all Massachusetts school districts, including the towns of Wrentham, Norfolk and Plainville, the teachers' salary schedule is made up of a number of steps or ``increments'' (each step representing a year of successful performance) and a number of columns or ``lanes'' (each lane representing a different educational attainment). Once a teacher reaches maximum at step, there are no more salary-schedule step increases for the rest of his or her career.
Response: Each step represents a year of time, NOT a year of successful performance. There are no performance reviews each year. An increase is guaranteed each year.
KPTA: Although the school committee recently voted to fund a single year's lane change, across the rest of the state these changes are a standard part of teacher contracts. The King Philip Regional School District would be one of the very few, if any, teacher contracts that did not include predictable movement on steps and lanes. The resulting negative reputation would destroy our ability to attract quality teachers to come work in this district for years to come - well after the current economic slowdown has passed. This would decimate the long-term quality of education provided and that is an unacceptable cost with long-term negative consequences.
Response: King Philip is not unique or insulated into what is happening in the local and national economy. Many other towns in Massachusetts and state employees have been laid off or have had their salaries cut including teachers.
KPTA: We know that you and other parents agree that our students deserve high quality teachers.
Response: We do. High quality teachers do not use children as pawns in contract negotiations. Grow up and do your job or and if you are not happy with your current employment, maybe you should look elsewhere.
We all know the KP teachers are not happy as they are used to getting an automatic increase every year. The issue is that there is no money in the district towns or anywhere to fund such raises at this time in this economy. If raises were to be approved, teacher layoffs to the most recent hires would need to be made to fund them. This would increase class sizes as well. This is certainly not in the best interest of the ``Children'' or the ``Staff''.
One source of funding that would free up approximately $200 million dollars statewide to fund teachers, public safety and other municipal services is to allow municipalities to join the state insurance plan. In this state by law, to accomplish this 70% of public unions MUST approve this as part of collective bargaining. Again, even though this would free up money and cost no one (including union members) but insurance company's profits, the unions will not even allow this to come up for a vote.
The Republicans have tried to get a law passed to not allow unions such power, but the Democratic leadership including Governor Deval Patrick refused to bring this issue up for a vote as recently as several months ago. No wonder almost every public service union in Massachusetts is supporting Governor Patrick and the Democratic Party.
We have many structural problems in Massachusetts, but the politically entrenched unions and the Democratic politicians will not even discuss them much less act in the public interest. This is exactly what you get when you have one party rule for so long.
Please consider this when you go to the polls next week. Are Charlie Baker and the Republican Party a panacea for all our problems? No but to continue down the path of one party rule is ludicrous.
10/28 10:24am The King Philip Girls Ice Hockey team is holding a fund-raiser on Saturday, October 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the center of Wrentham. The fund-raiser will be a ski and snowboard tent sale. The following items will be for sale: new and slightly used adult and kids skis with bindings, snowboards with bindings, ski and snowboard boots, helmets, goggles and gloves, snow shoes and accessories. Twenty percent of the proceeds will be going to the team to help defray this season's cost. Get a jump on your holiday shopping and support the team as they enter their third season. Thank you. - TD 10/28 10:22am Well, this is my request. I am encouraging all civic minded Independent voters as well as Democrats to get out and vote Democrat this coming Tuesday, Nov. 2nd. And please, call your friends and neighbors and ask them to vote as well. Gov. Patrick and his administration and our representatives in the Senate and Congress have been working hard, dealing with almost impossible financial woes, brought on, as we all know, from the "previous" administration in Washington, DC. No matter how persistently the other party tries to take attention away from this fact, it IS the case. Truth is truth... Smear campaigns through mailings, twisted facts, negative soundbites... dirty politics... we all know that money is pouring in from outside the United States to control our elections this season. Is that how you want your politics to look? This is your opportunity to say, it is NOT the money that controls your vote, it is the truth.
Please, give Governor Patrick four more years to finish what he has started. Vote Democrat all the way this Nov. 2nd. Thank you. Change does take time. In our society and our culture, no, our speices, everything is always speeding faster and faster. It iS human nature... We are ALL in a hurry to see our economy improve and life de-stress, but again, change takes time. Our Nation is in a very fragile place right now, and we have leaders that truly care about seeing people at all economic levels live, not just barely survive. So be patient and give our leaders the time to follow through on and enact what they have promised. We gave the last administration that chance, now be patient. Please. With my utmost respect,
10/28 10:18am Thanks to all who responded to my estate planning query! - JH
10/28 10:17am I am looking for someone who does home schooling and would be interested in home schooling an 11th grade female. Please contact me if anyone is interested or knows of anyone I might contact. 508-520-3815. Thanks. - LB
10/28 10:16am Several people in town have asked me for my opinion on Question 2. I recommend a NO vote on question 2. Question 2 seeks to repeal sections 20 through 23 of Chapter 40B of the Massachusetts General Laws. All 40B projects fall under the jurisdiction of the Zoning Board of Appeals and gutting these provisions would eliminate a vital tool that helps people find affordable housing. A perfect example of a 40B project in our town are the Condominiums at the top of the hill in our town center. - Mike Kulesza, Chairman, ZBA
10/28 10:14am My experiences with the Norfolk Senior Center are the polar opposite of those described by the anonymous senior and AB-G. I'm consistently impressed with the wide range of activities, special events, and support services offered by our community's welcoming Center. And I've always had the highest regard and respect for the dedicated staff - both paid and volunteer. - JCB
10/28 10:12am The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on November 6 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall of the church. This is an "all you can eat" breakfast featuring homemade pancakes, sausage, juice, coffee and homemade cinnamon rolls. The breakfast is free for children under age 10. A Pancake Breakfast will be held at the church the first Saturday of every month with extended hours and a special menu brunch on Saturday, January 1, 2011. The Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town Common. The church vestry is handicap accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508- 528-0262. - LD, Federated Church
10/28 10:11am To CS, Amen!! Thanks for your note. I feel the same way. - JEC
10/28 10:10am Re: 10/26 10:44pm MR - I can assure you, KP will have a very difficult time supporting "new teachers who will value and support our students". KP will not be able to hire new teachers, if they are offering a contract that has frozen steps and lanes. - LS LS - You just keep drinking your union kool-aid, you are absolutely replaceable and hopefully will be soon. There are many teachers out there, far far superior to this self absorbed motley crew of "educators"at KP, and they don't belong to a union. Horrors - No union, how do they thing think, eat walk , talk! Time for these union extortionist nonsense to be called on the carpet. Lock them out. Taxpayers, you are the real union bosses, keep supporting the KP School Committee, let them know the great job they are doing protecting the school system from its employees.
- PC
10/28 10:09am KP parents, your anonymous postings show your frustration but I do not see any action on your part. What about a counter protest? Make a stink! Get in the papers. Picket the teachers while they wait outside in the morning waiting for the contracted work day to begin. It is easy to complain anonymously but I hear nothing about an organized response to the actions of the members of the KP union. It's your school. Form your own union and support the school committee. If there is already such and effort underway, please share the details. - MJD
10/28 10:08am EO: Is this the post you were looking for? "6/9 11:54am Now offering gutter cleaning, pressure washing and painting services. Gutters cleaned for $75 any house. Please call Craig @ 508-520-1459 if services are needed. - CR"- VR
10/28 10:07am PR: How come whenever a tax decrease is proposed the liberals and unions all scream that teachers, police, fire and hospitals are going to be cut? What about cutting out the free needle and condom distribution programs? Or maybe no new curtains and Cadillacs for our Governor? My income has dropped dramatically over the past few years and we have cut out the extras such as vacations and other luxuries. We did not decide to keep these things and opt to cut out food and clothing. Seems like there is plenty of waste in the state government that can be addressed before cutting out the necessities. - SCD
10/26 10:52pm I have read, and reread, the response from the KP teachers union; each time becoming more and more frustrated by the tone of arrogance. The memo raises a few questions for me. Does the person posting the message (LMM) belong to the union, and if so, is this an official statement? Does the union understand that threatening to disrupt the long term health of our regional school system will only serve to further alienate their customers, the taxpayers? Why are there no comparisons to educational models outside of Massachusetts that are successful; particularly those that tie compensation and advancement to performance, rather than longevity and the number of college degrees? If KP towns agreed to throw the standard union rules out the window; terminated the existing teaching staff for non performance of basic duties (with the understanding that they could reapply); and offered future teaching jobs on a pay for performance basis; does the union feel that KP would not be able to attract qualified candidates? In this economy, and in a capitalist society where working hard and doing a good job normally pay off, I find it hard to believe that KP would not be able to attract and retain a top notch teaching staff. - CS
10/26 10:51pm The 10th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Maze committee is looking for comments about the recent event and suggestions for future events. Please email your comments to hauntedtrainride@gmail.com. Thanks! - Tara Spellman - NCL - Haunted Train Ride
10/26 10:50pm NJK - I'm sorry you did not have a good experience at Switch. We had a wonderful experience. My 15 year old and I brought in two shopping bags of clothing which the Switch staff examined thoroughly while my daughter and I shopped the plaza. When we returned they outlined what they would accept and what they wouldn't. My 15 year old was so happy to walk away with cash in hand. I will definitely go back if I can get my 16 year old to clean out her closet. Take note, parents, this is a great incentive to get kids to clean their rooms. They do prefer "designer" brands like Hollister, American Eagle, etc. It was much easier & faster than consigning something and waiting for your money, hoping your item sells. I highly recommend Switch in the Franklin Plaza next to Stop & Shop. - KW
10/26 10:49pm Does anyone have a recommendation for gutter repair service? Contact glennchill@verizon.net. Thank you kindly. - GH
10/26 10:47pm I too was a little taken back by the letter from the KPTA. I read about all the steps and lanes. Seems to me the steps are all up hill (more money) and the lanes are one way (theirs). There was no mention in their carefully worded memo (I'm refraining from using the word associated with bovine waste) about the issue at hand (no student recommendations, shaking down the parents for higher salaries and down the road higher pensions, etc.) They were asking the taxpayers to support them but they really have come across as "parents and kids be damned - we want more". What really gets me upset is a lot of us have continued to support education and allowed our taxes to soar, despite our under-employment, un-employment and age. My kids are 30 and 26 and yet I support the schools. Who is paying for the beautiful new safe, low traffic commute, low stress suburban school they refuse to walk into before the official start time? We're also going to begin paying big time for a new school here in Norfolk. How can they say we do not support them? I'm tired of being acused of not supporting schools. Many of us are making due with a lot less. No, in my case it's a boatload less. KPTA, you are not being treated poorly. We and our children are being treated poorly. - RJP
10/26 10:45pm Between last week and this week, the current Principal of KP, Mr. Charles Flahive, personally wrote letters of recommendation for all seniors applying early decision/early action to their chosen colleges and universities, no matter the number requested. To quote Mr.Flahive addressing the admissions officers, "I am sure that you share my belief that a highly questionable action by a few obviously uncaring adults should never be allowed to affect any decision, such as admission to a college or university, which has a lifelong impact upon the student involved." Thank you, Mr. Flahive, for doing the right thing and for being an advocate for our students. - DM
10/26 10:44pm MR - I can assure you, KP will have a very difficult time supporting "new teachers who will value and support our students". KP will not be able to hire new teachers, if they are offering a contract that has frozen steps and lanes. - LS
10/26 10:43pm AB-G: Loved your post. I assume the errors throughout your post were intentional since you follow it up with a critique of the poor English used in the Senior's newsletter. Hilarious. You and MON have that wonderful tongue in cheek sense of humor. The typos and scattered thoughts were brilliant. I think they should definitely take you up on your offer and they will fall off their high horses with laughter from the grammatical hijinks that ensue. - SCD
10/26 10:41pm JH - For a great estate planning attorney contact Norfolk's town moderator (and also my wife) CiCi Van Tine. She does divorce, but she can match you up with one of her partners. Her firm Mirick O'connell has some of the best estate planning lawyers in the state and have offices in Boston, Westboro and Worcester. Email her at: cvantine@mirickoconnell.com - SD
10/26 10:39pm Do you know how much will it cost Norfolk if you vote "yes" to cut the sales tax?? Here's the answer!! Please look this webpage. [votenoquestion3.com page] All the numbers are there. Simple. Please vote "no" on Question # 3 on the ballot on Election Day. Thank you.
- PR
10/26 10:31pm Halloween candy "Give Back to the Troops!" Trick or treating is fun, but all that sugar can be bad for your teeth and body. Why not share some of that trick or treating fun and make it a healthy and happy event!? Give back half of your Halloween candy to an organization that puts together and sends care packages to the soldiers overseas. Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm, Place: Norfolk Library, Community Room
Officer Plympton will be present to share information about the D.A.R.E program as well.
Sponsored by: The Norfolk Community League www.norfolkcommunityleague.org Questions? For more information, contact: Ali A. or Allie C. nclfamilyactivities@gmail.com
10/26 10:30pm MR and JN: Woo hoo!! Could not agree more with your post! It is time, enough is enough. Get those teachers out! KPTA, you can not bully the children and parents, then come act as though you want our help, we are done with you! - JD
10/26 10:29pm Does anyone know of anyone that does slipcovers reasonably? Thanks, - KR
10/26 10:28pm NJK: Take your daughter's clothes to Something Special. They are doing a small consignment business. I have taken my daughter's clothes there and plan to add more soon. Joan is easy to work with. I have made good money selling things. I also purchased a brand new bathing suit for my daughter for 10$ that she just loved (a Speedo, worth much more retail) and she wore it all summer. You can't beat it. Kids grow out of things so fast. Plus, it helps a local shopkeeper and if more people brought in stuff we could have a really decent recycling of used clothes in our own town. Also, a note to parents who have BSS girls students... I have a lot of BSS elementary school jumpers, shorts and stuff. If interested, contact me at nelsonml@comcast.net. Probably 5th and 4th grade sizes.
- JN
10/26 10:27pm The Norfolk Monster Dash 5K is this Saturday, October 30 at the Freeman Centennial School, starting at 10:00 AM. There will be prizes, kids races, and costumes are optional! Contact Lisa M. (508)942-3485 or Lisa M. (774)993-9314 with questions, or go to www.nmmvikings.org for information and a registration form. - LC
10/26 10:23pm To: JH - My father-in-law recently started his own law firm specializing in Estate Planning. You can take a look at his web site and contact him through it: www.wacaldwelllaw.com - CC
10/26 10:22pm I disagree with the KPTA statement "The single most important thing we can do right now to support our students is to try and prevent this erosion in the quality of the teachers in the King Philip Regional School District." The single most important thing the KPTA can do is to support the students by giving them their required college recommendations!! Good teachers and bad teachers have existed since the dawn of time, a contract is not going to improve the education our students receive, we need teachers who are committed to students. If these ones won't do it, let's fire them and hire ones who will. There are many great unemployed teachers who would do a stellar job of educating the KP student body. Teaching is a service profession, anyone who chose it knew that going in! Can you imagine the uproar if a police/firefighter or a nurse refused to perform a task because it's not spelled out in their contract that they have to perform said task; ridiculous!! "No more CPR for you Mr so and so, my contract doesn't say it's required, and my shift is done anyway" Enough already. If their contract has expired, hasn't our legal obligation to employ them also expired! Fire them all, hire back those willing to do the job and good luck to the rest finding a school who wants them. - EL
10/26 10:18pm For sale - Sears Craftsman Contractor 10" Belt Drive Saw Model 113.298840. It is currently located in Millis. Asking $125 delivered, $100 if you pick it up or best offer. Also available, a $10 Baby Jogger Tech 77 with 2 seats, deep purple fabric. Call 508-528-0262 if interested. - DLJ 10/26 10:17pm Re: KPTA Union - The days of "its for the children" socialist nonsense has long past! No more packing the Town Meetings to support your causes when we are really just foolishly paying for your second home, retirement, a bad shopping habit, or your kid's college tuition at the expense of our own. The overtaxed majority from KP world is past fed up. We are done with the disheveled and self absorbed *educators* gorging themselves at our expense. None of the taxpayers outside of your private trough get a lane, or EZ Pass for guaranteed increases in your 10 month job. No, because we work in a world where we perform or we're removed - but - we still have to pay for your non-performance. Its time for all of us, those employed in the world of 40+ hrs per week and 12 months a year, those of us not at the trough to realize not one of these phonies would give up their cushy jobs for anything, not even a *pay decrease*. Where will they go? Dorchester, Roxbury, Central Falls, or Pawtucket? No, its pretty comfy in this leafy enclave of MA I am praying for the union membership to walk out, you know strike - the net result - our kids will have a more productive day without them and it takes 24 hours to replace them. Finally, my sincere apologies to the 5% of the teachers who actually do their best, I am confident the other 95% of the union secretly hate you for it. - PC
10/26 10:16pm Does anyone have any information on exactly what has been offered to the teachers at KP, and what is so unacceptable? I have heard from the KPTA, and yes, you guessed it, the current proposal would "make KP one of the least desirable places to teach," and therefore "the long-term future of this district is at stake." It may be, but what else is the union going to say? KPTA says the labor dispute does not revolve around teacher salary increases, but moreso the steps and lanes structure, and the compensation that goes with that. What was offered by the School Committee in the latest negotiation? - AL
10/26 10:04pm Any suggestions of a nice place to stop for lunch within a few miles of the MA Pike when travelling from Worcester to Pittsfield? - KF
10/26 10:03pm JH - regarding your request for an attorney, I have used Russell, McTernan, McTernan and Frucci from Norwood numerous times over the years for wills, trusts and closings. I have never been disappointed. - JR
10/26 10:02pm [Post about couch removed - Wm.]
10/26 10:01pm JH, Here is our attorney who is right here in Franklin Jennifer D. Taddeo, Doherty, Ciechanowski, Dugan & Cannon, P.C., 124 Grove Street, Franklin, MA 02038; 508 541-3000 - [facebook], jdt@dcdclaw.com- CW
10/26 10:00pm [Note re slipcover reposted, see post of 10/26 10:29pm - Wm.]
10/26 9:59pm JH - Regarding your post about an estate attorney, we had a great experience with and highly recommend Jim Peterson. He offered the guidance we needed and was extremely knowledgeable and down-to-earth. You can find him at: www.jamespetersonlawfirm.com - TM
10/26 9:58pm I am looking for the name of the gutter guy in Franklin who charges $75 for any size home. His name was posted a few months ago, but I can't find his info or tel number. Thanks! - EO
10/26 10:02am A nearby law firm wrote us about the JH, 10/23, 11:52p - one of my clients, a Norfolk resident, directed me here when she saw your post. I would be happy to speak with you, I live and practice in Franklin but have many clients in Norfolk, and other attorneys in my firm live in Norfolk. My practice is focused on estate planning and probate work. Please feel free to take a look at my LinkedIn profile and my firm website www.dcdclaw.com and to contact me by phone or email.- Jennifer D. Taddeo, Doherty, Ciechanowski, Dugan & Cannon, P.C., 508 541-3000, jdt@dcdclaw.com
- Wm.
10/26 9:58am Wm, great question!! - JW
10/26 9:49am KP teachers have recently asked parents to support them in their union negotiations. That's right, the teachers who used our children as pawns in their labor negotiations by canceling independent study courses, refusing to write appropriate college recommendations, and doing as much as possible to do as little as possible for our children are now slithering over to us with dirty hands and eager sneers on their faces begging us to support them in their grab for cash. Gack! What should these morally reprehensible teachers get from the administration? Pink slips. KP teachers, you have burned your bridges . . . KP parents are ready to support and embrace NEW teachers who will value and support our children. - MR
10/26 9:49am I found a new store in Franklin called Switch. It is in the Stop and Shop shopping plaza. It is a resale shop catering to young people. They will buy your used name brand clothing. My daughter got a big bag of clothes together and brought them in. They rejected every item except one shirt for which they offered her $1.25. My daughter's clothes were clean and ironed, some brand new and popular brands! We were not happy with our experience. The "proprietor" was not friendly. We will not be shopping at Switch anymore although the concept is great. They buy your expensive clothes for next to nothing and mark them up 90% for resale! Has anyone had any experience with this new store?
10/26 9:48am JH, in response to your post looking for an estate attorney, contact Katherine Botelho at Gilmore, Rees & Carlson in Franklin. - TO
10/26 9:47am Looking for someone who makes house calls to work on a gas powered yard vacuum. Fuel line seems to be clogged. I can be reached at 508 528 3427. Thanks! - PN
10/26 9:46am Unions, spreading wealth to the deserving and the undeserving. Barney Frank spreading wealth to special interests and to people that want to be home owners but can't afford one. Deval taxing any remaining wealth. I can't afford a beer to sip or guzzle. Step 1. Retire Barney
Step 2. Pink slip Deval
Step 3. Force unions to negotiate at Town Meeting.
10/26 9:44am Wm, As the Chairman of the Norfolk Council on Aging, I read with interest the anonymous message that asserted a lack of activities for Norfolk seniors. In Norfolk, we are fortunate to have a fabulous Senior Center. We are also blessed with the leadership of Norma Shruhan and her tireless efforts to provide services and activities for local seniors. In addition to multiple daily activities, the Council on Aging has hosted a variety of special events. Earlier in the year, we held an "Antiques Roadshow" that was attended by many local residents. More recently, we held a week's worth of special events, ranging from a wine tasting to a health fair to a group walk at Stony Brook to a night of billiards, poker and pizza. On a more serious note, we work hard to improve the health, safety and welfare of all Norfolk seniors. We arrange for fuel assistance, facilitate tax abatements in exchange for volunteer work and generally ensure that seniors get the help they need. Each member of the Council on Aging, along with Ms. Shruhan and her staff, are constantly seeking to provide new activities and services. Presently, we are planning an exhibition for Norfolk artisans. For the person who sent you the message, please come and see us sometime and, if the spirit moves you, please volunteer your efforts. - Jay Talerman, Chairman, Norfolk Council on Aging
10/26 9:42am Italy travel. We are starting to plan a trip to Italy next year using a tour operator. We would appreciate any feedback on successful tours/operators you have experienced since we have not chosen one as yet. Also, did you go through a travel agent that you would be comfortable recommending. - SB
10/26 9:41am The October 18 King Philip School Committee meeting is on the Wrentham cable channel that is shown in Norfolk. The playback schedule can be found at [wrenthamcableaccess.com] In Norfolk the channels are Comcast channel 12 and Verizon channel 40. Regarding the activities of the Norfolk Senior Center, have you talked to the Council on Aging? The office phone number is 508.528.4430. Just about every month on the Silver Set Gazette Video shown on NCTV they suggest contacting them with any new ideas. The Council on Aging meets on the third Monday of every month except in August at the Senior Center at 9:30 a.m. The next meeting is November 15. All are welcome.
10/26 9:40am Dear Senior: I couldn't agree with you more, and I think it's one more example of an overarching mediocrity apparent in many, not all, features of town life. The person in charge ovwer there was hired by somone who had the authority to do so. Like anyone else, her job performance should be evaluated from time to time. Again, the persons to whom you should complain or query is not Andreas or the vast majority of the rest of us. Call the Selectmen's and the Town Administrator's office. You don't have to appear at a meeting. Some time ago, I spoke to a man over there who had some responsibility for the nesletter regarding the poor English that was used in the newsletter, the Silver Gazette. He was not the editor. I offered to edit or proofread it for them. He seemed astonished, then proceeded to defend the newsletter from atop a very high horse. BTW, you can join any of those other towns' Senior Centers, and you may as well.
- AB-G
10/26 9:34am Dear KPTA: I have been watching all of this unfold from the sidelines. My child attends a private school, but I am still very interested and have a huge stake in what happens to our public schools as it impacts our community, my friends and their children. Your letter as printed here simply whitewashes the facts and you know it. The bottom line is that we pay pretty darn well here in Norfolk and for KP. If anyone searches out and investigates teachers salaries here, including steps, you will find it to be comparable to other more affluent towns. Teachers should have good pay. No question there. But we are in a financial crisis, along with the rest of the nation. Or have you not noticed. You cannot squeeze blood from a turnip.
Most folks here can ill-afford any new tax increases. We already approved and will pay for a new school. That was a big commitment on the part of our town. We do support education in our community. We always have and always will. But what you are suggesting is different.
You stated: We know that you and other parents agree that our students deserve high quality teachers. The single most important thing we can do right now to support our students is to try and prevent this erosion in the quality of the teachers in the King Philip Regional School District.
I take offense to that notion. The quality of our schools should not be dependent on what teachers are making; the quality of our schools should be judged by the teacher's commitment to our kids. To help them learn. To help them to grow as individuals. That is how I judge "high quality teachers." By results. To suggest that the community is helping to erode quality in our schools by not continually paying more, more, and still more, especially now in this fiscal downturn, is outrageous.
I would like to add this quote from: Beyond Better Wages, Benefits, and Conditions A look at how a handful of local teachers union presidents are revamping an old institution to keep a new generation of educators interested from [harvard.edu page]
"In response, in order to not only attract, but keep members, many local presidents have taken on one of the hallmarks of the traditional union agenda: teacher pay. Typically, most teachers are paid using the single salary scale, a formula of years of experience (steps) and educational credentials (lanes). For younger teachers who don't plan on staying in teaching until retirement, steps and lanes don't necessarily work, so many local presidents are experimenting with stipends for extra time worked or for specialized roles, as well as pay incentives for hard-to-staff subjects and schools."Food for thought.- JN
10/26 9:32am Would like to thank the nice people who smashed my kids pumpkins on Strawberry lane last night. I hope it was worth it. I have some some very sad little kids this morning. - AF
10/26 9:31am JH - Jason Carrozza, Carrozza Law Office P.C., Bellingham. 508-654-9809. Specializes in Estate Law. - ES
10/26 9:16am LS: Unfortunately, the two programs you referenced on renewable energy are no longer available. The Town of Norfolk did join the Clean Energy Fund back in 2008. See the BOS meeting minutes from July 28th, but even that program has been discontinued. A comment on the numerous references to Chatham - the article on Chatham is factually incorrect and incomplete. A few things to note - No municipality is eligible for any "federal and state credits." Cape & Vineyard Electric Cooperative, Inc which has tax-exempt status can not take tax credits. The CVEC can take advantage of the various renewable energy certificates, sell greenhouse gas reduction credits and other available credits and green attributes that are out there. These are market driven with only a little governmental meddling. The amount of energy production is overstated as well. I think RC posted about subsidies - Oil companies were subsidized to the tune of over $30 billion last year. OPEC is trying to drive the price of a barrel of oil to $100.00, the paltry government subsidy for solar looks like a good investment to me. RC noted "Why do I want to pay indirectly for Chatham to have a solar array." Actually, anyone who buys electrical power pays into a fund that goes to support renewable energy. The Town of Norfolk needs to get some of that money back.
We all should be angry about the missed opportunities that were available for Norfolk, instead certain people choose to ridicule viable ideas due to complete infinite ignorance. This idea of a solar field on the Town landfill was proposed nearly 5 years ago, well before the Energy Committee was even conceived. (I support this Committee's efforts 100% because I have seen positive savings by doing the same thing where I work.) I offered to write the grants and do the necessary paperwork and there would be no cost to the Town for that part. A small handful of us wrote a $50,000 grant for the new school project with only three days of effort and personally I have surpassed $5 million in grant funding for solar and wind where I work. A difference between today and 5 years ago, was that the initial outlay of cash for the Town to undertake the landfill project in 2005 was more than twice what was approved at Town Meeting last spring, but the rebates would have reimbursed the Town nearly 65%. The price of solar panels continues to drop. The current state rebate program is almost irrelevant, and most of that rebate is eaten up by required administrative reporting. Paybacks have been calculated numerous times. The numbers are moving due to market demands and new programs coming and going with short windows of opportunity... a simple payback (savings versus expenditures) is a 10 to 15 year payback. If you add in the various renewable energy credit programs under 8 years is very likely.
- AB
10/24 12:14am The KPTA response provided to the NorfolkNet readers is yet another bargaining tactic. Personally, I do not care how the teachers view lanes or steps. Teachers who have proven that they are effective should be entitled to higher pay than those who have not. Sadly, the union would never stand for such thinking, so we are initially subjected to this step/lane foolishness. Let's tell the union what we think of their rationale by refusing their demands. - CS
10/24 12:03am We received this message from a resident -- As I peruse the offerings to Senior Citizens in the surrounding towns it seems very clear that there is an abundance of activities in surrounding towns compared to Norfolk. Does anyone know why this is so? I see things in other towns that interest me but Norfolk is always the same, no variety. Any one have any thoughts? I know seniors can attend any town but should we have to??- Wm.
10/24 12:01am Bricks, bricks, bricks. We have over 200 bricks... yours for just $10 -- you haul away. Contact cullendiane@verizon.net or 508-541-7374. - DC
[Update 11/9 7:57pm: The bricks are gone. Thanks! - DC]
10/23 11:56pm Lawn signs available - for the following candidates: Gov. Deval Patrick, Rep. Barney Frank and Steve Grossman. If you are interested in supporting any of these three gentlemen in the upcoming election, I do have lawn signs and would be happy to provide them to my interested neighbors. This is a very important election. You may contact me at: Wedemandtruth@gmail.com or at home if you have my telephone number already. Thank you.
10/23 11:55pm LS - My name is Bob Gifun and I am responding to your request for someone to demo/tile your bathroom. I am a Union tile setter with 25 years of experience. My work is meticulous, clean, fast and priced right. I live in Norfolk and have done several homes in the area. I can give you a price for both the demo and tile work. You can reach me at (508)528-8104. Thank you. - BG
10/23 11:52pm Could anyone recommend an estate attorney with whom they have had personal dealings? We are interested in executing the standard documents (wills, health care proxies, durable powers of attorney) as well as a trust. Thanks in advance! - JH
10/23 11:49pm King Philip Field Hockey announces its Fun Night for Monday, October 25 at 4:00pm. This will take place at the Field Hockey Field behind the High School; this is for all ages! The Varsity Girls will play a game at 4:15pm and at half time there will be games and prizes for younger players wanting to join in! Please come support the girls, and watch the future of field hockey have some fun at half time!
Thank you for all the support you can give the girls!
- BM
10/23 11:45pm MON - I agree with you on the crazy ideas to spend money. How about this. Stop spending. Has anyone looked at the payback period of buying those solar panels? We are a day late and a dollar short regarding solar panels as we should have gotten our act together and participated in the NE Wind Fund Community Solar Challenge. Read about it here - [page link] - LS
10/23 11:45pm HK - Your post from 10/18 was very nice. Great photos! PC - I also recommend PC handyman. He helped me with a Mac.
- SO
10/23 11:39pm Status Update 2 on Norfolk's Town Meeting Warrant Discussion Forum Norfolk's Fall Town Meeting starts on Tuesday, 9-Nov-2010.
The Norfolk ad hoc Town Meeting Technology Committee (TMTC) is pleased to inform you that the Norfolk Warrant Discussion Forum is up and running at onlinetownhalls.com/map/492. All the warrant articles are available and can be commented on. As of Friday, 22-Oct-2010, the Advisory Committee's recommendations aren't available yet. (We understand that they are being written and will be available soon.) The recommendations will be added as soon as we receive them.
Norfolk's Town Meeting Warrant Discussion Forum is a web-based, structured, discussion forum (similar to a bulletin board system, but more highly structured) for discussing the Warrant articles and their Recommendations prior to the Town Meeting. Since this discussion forum is intended to help voters prepare for the Town Meeting, we envision it being in operation through the end of the Town Meeting. The interactive discussion forum is a place where Norfolk residents can comment on Warrant articles or Recommendations, ask and answer questions about them, provide background material, or advocate in support of, or in opposition to, various articles.
Everything in the forum (comments, questions, answers, and advocacy) is intended to be visible (read only) to anyone with internet access and a web browser, even if they have no connection with Norfolk. Interactive participation (i.e. posting messages) in the discussion forum will require a "login account". Login accounts are available only to Norfolk residents. (There will be a small number of Town employees, state officials, or other experts who are given login accounts even though they are not Norfolk residents.) Note: There is a mechanism for registering for and creating a new account on the forum web site. An account created in that way won't allow you to post to the Norfolk Warrant Discussion Forum. Only accounts created by the Town's own account request procedure will give you access to post in our forum.
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
- DR
10/23 11:37pm TPC - This is the response to your inquiry from the KPTA: The future of the King Philip Regional School District is at a critical crossroads - the outcome of the current contract dispute will have long-term consequencesRegards,We are committed as individuals and as an organization to providing the best educational services possible to our students. We have tried to avoid bargaining in public but we feel compelled to let the parents know that the long-term future of this district is at stake.
Without delving into specifics, the King Philip Teachers Association is not seeking a 28% salary increase. The major sticking point of the negotiations does not revolve around teacher salary increases.
For the past two years, the contract dispute has revolved around what are called steps and lanes in the contract, which are a standard part of teacher contracts in Massachusetts.
Teachers in Massachusetts public schools are paid based on their experience and their level of educational attainment. In virtually all Massachusetts school districts, including the towns of Wrentham, Norfolk and Plainville, the teachers' salary schedule is made up of a number of steps or ``increments'' (each step representing a year of successful performance) and a number of columns or ``lanes'' (each lane representing a different educational attainment). Once a teacher reaches maximum at step, there are no more salary-schedule step increases for the rest of his or her career.
Although the school committee recently voted to fund a single year's lane change, across the rest of the state these changes are a standard part of teacher contracts.
The King Philip Regional School District would be one of the very few, if any, teacher contracts that did not include predictable movement on steps and lanes. The resulting negative reputation would destroy our ability to attract quality teachers to come work in this district for years to come - well after the current economic slowdown has passed. This would decimate the long-term quality of education provided and that is an unacceptable cost with long-term negative consequences.
We know that you and other parents agree that our students deserve high quality teachers. The single most important thing we can do right now to support our students is to try and prevent this erosion in the quality of the teachers in the King Philip Regional School District.
Please feel free to share this information with any other concerned parents and members of the community.
- The King Philip Teachers Association
[Update 11:54pm: updated to revised version - Wm.]
10/23 11:33pm Regarding the town water & chlorine, check VirtualNorfolk.org under DPW, Select Water Division. Under Additional Links select Water System Chlorination. To receive e-mail notices, you can Subscribe to Public Notices from the left side of the page and select Subscribe to Notices. - DLJ
10/21 8:09pm We don't do this usually, but we're wondering if anyone's looking for a nice little gas-sipping 1999 Toyota Corolla we fixed. Our customer didn't need it anymore. Clean, inside and out! 120,000 miles on it, but it's been exceptionally well-maintained. Asking $3800. Call Marcia at Rocky's Auto Body, Monday-Thursday 7am to 6pm 508 384 7883. - MS
10/21 8:08pm LOL MON!!! Don't give these people ideas, some of them may very well ask you to bite your fingers off. As for me, I say keep on typin', my friend. - SF (SF2)
10/21 8:07pm Did anyone else get an automated Water Dept call today (Thursday)? Didn't get the whole message, something about construction and chlorine? Went to Virtual Norfolk site but only notice was from back in August. - MEH
10/21 8:06pm Sign up here for my free pre-college webinar tonight at 9 PM where I discuss how to pay LESS for college. [page link] - PH, PreCollegePrep
10/21 8:04pm Cornerstone Christian Academy of Franklin is holding its annual Yard Sale Fundraiser on Sat., Oct. 23 from 9am-1pm at the Medway VFW Hall located on Holliston St., Medway. Rain or shine. Admission: $1. We have a huge variety of toys, games, books, children's clothing, DVD's, furniture, household items, sporting goods, etc. All proceeds to benefit the Academy in Franklin. To donate saleable items contact Barb W. at 508-528-9995. - MC
10/21 3:02pm Voter registration deadline for Special Town Meeting: Friday October 29, 2010, is the last day to register to vote at the Special Town Meeting to be held on November 9, 2010. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before November 9th may register to vote by mail or in person at the Town Clerk's Office. Regular office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM. On Friday, October 29, 2010, the office will be open from 9:00AM until 8:00PM pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 51. Mail in registration forms must be postmarked by October 29th or earlier in order to qualify. Note: Absentee Voting for the November 2, 2010 General Election will also be available on this day for those who qualify!!
- GB, Town of Norfolk
10/21 3:01pm Hi... I'm looking for a children's size 10 equestrian jacket for a horse show this Sunday. My daughter very rarely shows which is why I haven't purchased a jacket for her but I would be happy to buy one second-hand. If you have a jacket you would be interested in selling, please contact me at sophiep2@verizon.net. Thanks! - CP
10/21 3:00pm DL and other Beer Guzzling Nubians of Norfolk, Please accept my apologies, I don't know what has gotten in to me lately that causes me to write "Beer Guzzling Nubians" (BGNs). Maybe its because I am trying not to write "Vodka Swilling UMass Amherst Students (VSUMASs). It's the hardest thing I ever had to do. But I hold Nubians in high regard and would never want to hurt your feelings. After all, it was Nubians that discovered antibiotics first and not that UK-limey-crooked toothed Alexander Fleming back in 1929. Maybe it's the fact that our Selectmen are talking about things they (we, the taxpayer) can't afford on NCTV, like sidewalks, solar panels and Frisbee parks for dogs. I don't know, but I will bite my fingers off if I write BGNs or VSUMAS again.
That's the only way I can stop typing.
10/21 2:59pm LS - sorry for the late reply. Would highly recommend Steve Cummings to do your bathroom renovations, his tile work is outstanding. Local guy, great work, great prices. 508.269.2366. - BS
10/20 8:39pm Does anyone have an update of the School Committee meeting with the Teacher's Union today? I attended the School Committee meeting on Monday and it sounded like there may be some movement or progress today. It was also mentioned that the issues that are being discussed would possibly be released to the public if there was no resolution. - TPC
10/20 8:32pm MON - Too late. The deed is done. I am offended. - DL
10/20 8:31pm The MOMS Club of Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham will host its next monthly social, Friday, October 29th, 9:30 am, at Mass Premier Courts, 97 Green Street (RT 106) in Foxboro. We are pleased to have Jenn Higgins, MS,CCC/SLP, a licensed Speech/Language Pathologist and owner of Small Talk Therapy, joining us. She will discuss general speech and language development, as well as games and activities to help increase your child's speech and language development from birth to school age. All current members and mothers who might be interested in joining the MOMS Club are welcome. Our MOMS Club is a chapter of an international group for mothers who stay home with their children, including those who have home-based businesses or who work part-time. For more information, visit www.npwmoms.org or email npwmoms@gmail.com
- JT
10/20 8:29pm Recently had work done and some teaching on my computer. I used the P.C. Handy Man from Franklin MA. Cell 1 508 3692182. He was excellent and I would highly recommend him and will use him myself if ever needed again. - PC
10/20 8:19pm Flea Market and bidding on Bountiful Baskets - this Friday 4 to 8 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Federated Church in the center of town. 508.528.0262 FMI. - DLJ
10/20 8:11pm Active Kids after school program at the Adirondack Club is hosting an Open House this Saturday, October 23, from 9:30AM-12PM! If you visit our open house and register for Active Kids by Dec. 11th, you will receive a $50 Active Kids Credit!!! We provide daily transportation from the H. Olive Day and Freeman-Centennial Schools for kids K-6th grade via Holmes Bus Co. Every Active Kid gets daily swimming, a healthy snack, homework help. We also play tennis and fitness games! We are open daily until 6:30PM and operate full-days during most School Holidays, February and April Vacations, and non-emergency snow days. Two-, three-, and five-day per week packages available! The Adirondack Club is located at 800 Chestnut St in Franklin. Come check us out! More information at [page link] - AD
10/20 8:09pm I went last night [to the School Comm meeting], strictly out of curiosity. I am not surprised by the ridiculous problems the parents are facing because the members seemed circumspect, cautious and hesitant even when they weren't speaking about the issues, which they would obviously not have had no one spoken about them. I would go so far as to say they seemed passive and weak. I was astonished by how McCrory's article was mentioned in passing and then never addressed. I do have some skin in this game as I own a house here. Someone already mentioned the fact that trouble at the schools, be it union or otherwise, will drive down home values. I was a member of the Boston Teachers' Union for 34 years and we were never told to work to rule to the point of not writing recommendations or teaching special classes. It was basically not to volunteer for extra, non-teaching duties and work only the hours required. I wonder if the letter requested from a parent to confirm that there are missing recommendations due to a union issue will cut it. I certainly hope they get it immediately. BTW, one father seemd very frustrated by not knowing where to go for help. Who oversees the SC? They can't be autonomous. He might try calling the DOE and being tenacious in asking for help, and going to each person's supervisor if they stonewall him. There's always the Governor. He promised to "make some calls" to help the employed grad student at Emerson College who complained she couldn't afford the college insurance plan of $1700/ year. Of course, Deval thinks everyone in a town like Norfolk is rich and can easily fend for themselves and the grad student was a member of one of his ethnic voting blocs: folks for whom Deval continuously advocates. I'm just saying... Did anyone think about getting a free consultation from a specialized attorney at the Mass Bar Assoc ? It might not cost each of you so much to have a letter written, etc. You might be surprised by the results and you've got a Globe columnist on your side. There's got to be something you can do, as you are definitely suffering a loss and your only remedy appears to be to pay a small fortune -more like $1700 a month-for a private education, although you've already paid for KP!!.
- AB-G
10/20 8:07pm To GZ: Brian Poirier is the roofer you want. He is all that and more. He has done many roofs in town including mine and everyone has been very pleased. His # is 774-254-0826. - YP
10/18 10:57pm Afternoon Babysitter Needed in Norfolk Must Love Kids and Dogs! We have two fabulous little girls ages 2.5 and 4.5 who need an upbeat, loving, responsible babysitter Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons in our home from 2:30 - 5:30pm. Ideal candidate would have previous childcare experience, be flexible, non-smoking, an experienced driver with a clean record and own transportation. We would love a KP high school junior or senior or college student who loves kids and is looking for a fun, cool afternoon job thru the school year and possibly into the summer. We need someone mature and willing to be creative, energetic and reliable. We also have two dogs who are a big part of our family. Pay based on experience! Please contact Phoebe at pvwfinch75@yahoo.com
- PS
10/18 10:53pm For SR: Your suggestion that we all ask Senator Brown to support the Paycheck Fairness Act lack one thing: any justification. Yes, I can google it and find various proponents and detractors, but, as one of the former, how can you ask for support without stating your personal reasons for supporting it? By the way, if Senator Brown has stated a reason why he might not support it, I would think you should provide an argument as to why he is wrong. - RM
10/18 10:52pm Big Bird's Nest Nursery School will be holding an Open House this Thursday, Oct. 21st from 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. and on Saturday Oct. 30th from 10:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. Come by and check out our new spacious classroom on the beautiful grounds of Glen Ellen Country Club. 84 Orchard St. Millis Ma. 508 376-0134 - SG
10/18 10:48pm Ye gods! This Town is melting down. First the School Building Committee implodes, now KP teachers are failing the grade and the unions have all the children on potent neurological drugs - and even worse, they refuse to teach Chemistry. All I got to say is watch NCTV on Tuesday and Thursday nights and tell us if the apocalypse isn't around the bend. One more thing, can I write the words "Beer Guzzling Nubians" without offending anyone?
10/18 10:45pm To DMM - I think you are alone on this one! I have a child at the HS who is in all honors and AP classes, and the teachers are wonderful! They are teaching, posting on ipass, and going over and above even with this whole contract mess. We couldn't be happier with the fact that we sent him there instead on a private school. I can only hope the contract issue gets solved soon. - CH 10/18 9:41pm Soccer has always been a huge pastime in Kenya (the World Cup nearly shut down the electric supply!) Most of the schools there do not have actual soccer balls (they play with tightly wound garbage bags), but the children will spend hours playing in the fields. This past summer Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer donated recycled soccer jerseys and soccer balls to a school in Kenya. Wearing their new jerseys, the students played a match which attracted over 600 cheering spectators!!
Norfolk Lions Soccer has plans to recycle past season's jerseys for another shipment to Kenya next summer - Be sure to check the website www.norfolklionssoccer.com for more information.
- HK
10/18 10:40pm LS - I was not teacher bashing, I really like my son's teacher, she's been great. I never suggested that she leave her classroom or be his mother. My goal for the posting was to get the word out about his missing jacket and hopefully give enough information for a reader to make a connection. Getting the jacket back was my only intent. The reality is that even responsible people misplace things, this was an accident and my son is human. Don't bash him. You just spun my post into something terrible, giving it the wrong impression. - AE
10/18 4:45pm Hi Residents, I wanted to pass this along. I hope you will join me in telling Sen. Brown that we'd appreciate his support of the Paycheck Fairness Act. The Paycheck Fairness Act will be voted on when the Senate reconvenes for a post-election session beginning Nov. 15. The Paycheck Fairness Act has enough votes to pass if it survives a cloture vote (the vote to end debate and proceed to the vote requiring a super majority of sixty votes). Senator Brown's support is vital to the passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Without his support, we could end up one vote short of securing pay equity for women.
Take Action!
Please call Senator Brown today at 1-877-667-6650 and ask him to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act without amendments.
Calling is easy to do. After you dial the number, all you have to do is provide your zip code and you will be connected to Senator Brown's office. Senator Brown needs to hear from you today. Please help us generate as many calls as possible by forwarding this message to your friends and colleagues.
- SR
10/18 4:44pm I know this has been addressed before, but could you refresh my memory? I need a reliable, honest, reasonable roofer...just need to have the flashing repairerd around my chimney. Thanks. - GZ
10/18 4:38pm History on the Hill - The 2010 - 2011 series, spnsored by the Norfolk Historical Commission, will begin Wednesday, October 27, 2010 in Room 214 of the Town Hall at 7:00 PM. This first program in the new series will be about how Norfolk has honored her veterans. We will take a look at who they were and how they have been remembered and honored. Come join us as we explore another chapter in our local history. - BB
10/18 4:32pm MA, excellent article. In the first paragraph the Selectman states he has given up on a driving range. So why are we pursuing one ? I believe you were making a point about the /potential /site use for photovoltaic panels. Solar electricity would not exist without government subsidy. That is what the article states too. That is exactly my point and the feeling of many who are becoming more vocal is, the government makes poor business decisions. Why do I want to pay indirectly for Chatham to have a solar array ? What I do care about is my tax money being collected, pooled and spent on lark ideas like transforming our old dump in to an amusement park. If the CPC wants to spend some money they could do maintenance on the many trails the Planning Board has insisted developers include with subdivision plans. They could find a way to get sidewalks in Town. For example if the CPC said they wanted to connect our existing Open Space, Affordable Housing and our Historic Areas they could possibly make a case for the side walks. I don't think anybody in Town would complain about that.
There has already been a question put to Norfolk voters about reducing or repealing the CPC tax. If the CPC doesn't do anything with their fund I'm sure they feel it will be grounds for another similar ballot question. Which, is typical bureaucracy mentality, spend money on your budget cycle so your budget doesn't get cut next time around. The CPC is an excess tax that is not necessary in this town.
- RC
10/18 4:31pm AE, I really sympathize w. you and your son. I got to this post late. You know, it's damned if you do, etc. God forbid something having happened on that playground, but I don't see why she couldn't have watched him from the window or call a custodian to go out w. him or - even - an administrator. I never recall them being that busy all the time. - AB-G
10/18 4:30pm I want to thank everyone that stopped by our food drive yesterday! Really heartwarming to see donations for the animals. We received enough supplies for the next two months to care for the animals, and enough donations to get two animals fixed up and adopted out. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
10/18 4:29pm Received a note about a Walpole event that might be of interest -- There is a community meal Monday night 5:30 to 6:30 at the United Church, 30 Common St. in Walpole. We would like to reach out to those in Norfolk who may like to join us.- Wm.
10/18 4:28pm New gas problems. The alcohol base, ethanol, they add to gas attracts moisture. (Like dry gas.) So either keep you tanks full or completely empty for storage. There are products for engine / gas storage like Super-stor, that works well and you can add all year long when you fill your gas can etc. Literally, "an ounce of protection". This alcohol problem is true for cars and boats too. - RC
10/18 4:27pm Family fun store in Natick is looking for outgoing, friendly, part time seasonal sales associates. Hours needed are from 2PM to close weekdays and weekends (20 hours +/- weekly). All applicants need to be at least 18 years old. If you would like to learn more, please e-mail me at diana_tohe@comcast.net
- DL
10/18 4:12pm Are anyone else's children complaining about the high school teachers not teaching? I came home from work and my child was on you-tube teaching herself Algebra II. She said her teacher doesn't teach them anything and the Chemistry teacher told her "I'm not here to teach Chemistry, you are here to learn Chemistry." I'm sure that this has to do with the lack of contract but I wanted to know if she is the only one with this problem. Thanks, - DMM
10/18 4:10pm LS - I am sure if it was the teacher's $100 jacket, or earring, or purse she would have found a way to sneak out and grab it before it disappeared. It is quite simple for a teacher to ask a colleague to watch her classroom for 5 minutes while she attends to another students immediate needs. As far as teachers not being "parents", you are the one who is misguided. Yes, a teacher's primary responsibility is to teach, but with the amount of time they spend with our kids they must take on "parental" roles at times. It is your exact attitude that has so many of our kids unnecessarily on miscellaneous medications (Ritalin, aderol, etc.). My only question to you is where do you teach? Or hopefully, where did you teach; I dread the thought that one of my kids may end up with a teacher so selfish as yourself. And by the way, $100 for a North Face jacket? Not even close! - JO
10/18 4:08pm Well, I'm impressed that someone was able to get the Globe over there. When the BPS was closing one high school after another in '05, to replace them with "small schools" like the one I ended up in (the buildings remained open to house 4 small individual high schools as per the Harvard S of Ed's preference), at least two of us called both the Herald and the Globe many times, begging them to cover the story, and it was a big one. The SC had kept it hidden from the parents, believe it or not. No luck; not even a call back. I suspect somone has an all-important connection. Good for them. - AB-G
[Update 10:19pm: oops, I dropped the text that went with the Kenya soccer photos. The photos were not with this post; see above - Wm.]
10/18 4:02pm At the suggestion of someone on the Norfolk net, we attended the performance of Miss Saigon at The Stadium Theatre in Woonsocket tonight. It was superb... we have not seen this before and were very impressed. To think that a KP Junior has a lead is even more impressive. We highly recommend it. [...] - JHR
10/16 9:55am Suggest Briggs and Stratton engine owners refer to Google to peruse 30 pages of problems. Luckily there is a Gerald Nelson on Myrtle St who is a sharp repairman. (Engines die after 5 minutes if it has carb/gas problems. Also be careful replacing filter - i.e. right direction and use a light dab of ball grease to ease the filter onto the hoses. I mashed mine trying to turn it on to the filer stems with pliers. Also the inclusion of ethalene to make gas works on the rubber (I read more ethylene will be permitted in the future). Regards,
- JO (JO99)
10/15 6:18pm Desperately looking for tickets for Haunted Train Ride! Please call me at 508-241-3379. Thanks! - JK
10/15 6:17pm JC: I'm not sure I follow your reasoning about the closed town landfill versus an active landfill in Newburyport as it may apply to Norfolk. The Town landfill was there and operating long before most of the houses were built in the immediate area. The plan to enhance passive recreation on the landfill is a good idea, although other than walking paths I don't get most of the other proposed activities like the thing about a water spray park. Town Meeting approved a $200,000 "umbrella" for the landfill to reduce the amount of leachate and I'm sure that a spray park would only increase the town's cost to dispose of leachate. Oh but you know it is a small world, and there is an indirect connection with the Newburyport Landfill and the Town of Norfolk. The law firm, Lynch, Desimone & Nylen, LLP who is representing New Ventures and their efforts to get this mess under control for the past 5 years (the landfill problems have been on-going since 2000) also represented the developer of the Boy Scout Property... not that this has any bearing on anything, but when the board game Norfolk Trivial Pursuit comes out that may is the basis of a great question. - WB
10/15 6:14pm Wanted: 2 or 3 tickets to the Haunted Trail Ride. I have two girls that are very disappointed with me! Please contact me through the webmaster. Thanks! - DCB
10/15 6:12pm JC, The former Norfolk Landfill is permanently sealed to State regulations and has monitoring wells that are checked for methane regularly. The Newburyport landfill has not been sealed. I will share an article that was in the Cape Codder about the use of the former Chatham landfill for a solar energy array that will produce power for 1300 homes. [article] - MA
10/15 6:11pm Thank you for the sheep shearing suggestions. - GDL
10/15 1:35pm I just read Brian McGrory's column. The situation at the High School is out of control. Time for parents to come together and send a clear message to the teachers, their union and the administration that we will not tolerate our children being used as pawns in a labor dispute. - PRB
10/15 1:34pm CI, Just had Chris Moore to my house to fix the shower valve. Great guy, great price and great plumber. I might mention, I called him yesterday and he came today. Thanks for the referral.
10/15 1:33pm DWL and AE- Give us a break please. Do you expect a 6th Grade teacher to leave 23 kids by themselves to escort a 6th grader out to the fields where he/she left a jacket? A positive out of this, I hope your child just learned an imporant life lesson. Responsibilty. A new $100 North Face jacket should be important to a 6th grader. Kids needs to take responsibilty for themselves. Hopefully, the child who took the jacket has parents that taught them integrity and gave it back. Teachers are not parents and it amazes me how many people think teachers are supposed to be parents. In my experience with 3 children, the FC teachers have gone above and beyond and to bash the teachers over a lost jacket shows how out of touch with reality you must be. [...] - LS
10/15 1:32pm Hello NorfolkNet Land - Last Friday (10/8) was so much fun here at Family Gardens Florist for the free roses giveaway in honor of John Lennon's 70th birthday. I met so many lovely people who are Beatles/Lennon fans! What fun it is to compare notes on a topic that so many love... It was also pretty funny how many folks were suspicious of the free roses - like there was a catch! Yeah, there's hardly any time that there's a legitimate 'something for nothing!' And, rather than release 70 white balloons, I released just one with the notes and wishes attached. I expect that John would be pleased/amused/bewildered/sarcastic about all the hoopla that surrounded his would-be 70th! Peace and love, - RB (RB4)
10/15 1:31pm What a great article from Mr. McGrory concerning King Philip School situation. I was laughing about his comment on Mr. Carneiro dodging down the hall. What a complete joke this whole situation is. I wonder if Mr. Carneiro's son his having any difficulty getting a college recommendation? I doubt it. Mr. Caneiro was always visible around the school but I haven't seen him lately. Let's hope he is looking for another job where he can get has raises that he is looking for. - TPC
10/15 1:30pm I came upon this news article on wbztv.com this morning. It highlights the many unforeseen dangers of a landfill site next to a residential area in Newburyport. In anticipation of the Community Preservation Committee's meeting next week regarding potential uses for the old dump site, I thought it was most informative. An expression comes to mind, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." [article] - JC
10/15 1:29pm RC: I could not agree more. Has anyone considered to costs of adding sidewalks to all access roads, like Medway St. and finishing Medway Branch all the way through? Along with the additional traffic strain on these roads requiring more police patrols? Because we all know that nobody in this town can drive at the post speed limit! Can someone explain what is wrong with the Park St. complex that requires a town our size to need another area to maintain? Park St has trails, volleyball courts, basketball courts, plenty of area for dog walking, etc. - JL
10/15 1:28pm NR has a great point on Bliss farm. Also go up to Coolidge Street in Sherborn as well (left off of 27). There's a farm there that deals in wool from alpacas and sheep. I'm sure they'll have insight for you. - HC
10/15 1:19pm Brian McGrory's column was a double edged sword in some respects. On one side, he did a fantastic job portraying the absolute absurdity of the hold-outs supported by the teachers union, and how they are ultimately hurting those they are being paid to educate. On the other side, I can feel my home value dropping as people realize that the KP school system is not what it should be. We moved here to take advantage of quality schools. I, for one, will be getting more involved. Let's not let the union "stick" it to us. - CS
10/13 11:26pm For MR and EC: I definitely wasn't laughing when I read Brian McGrory's Boston Globe column this morning. My first reaction was utter embarrassment that we have allowed the situation at our High School to come to this. Then, I was outraged. Lastly, I was relieved that my son won't be going there. - MHC
10/13 11:19pm LS - if you email your contact info to info@pchman.com I'll have Paul Zonghi contact you! - ES
10/13 11:19pm GDL: For a sheep shearer, try Bliss Farm on Bullard St in Sherborn. - NR
10/13 11:18pm LS - For a construction/remodeling contractor who can take care of the whole job for you, call Paul Zonghi, Summit Home Builders and Remodeling, (508)380-0605. Tell him you saw it on NorfolkNet! - ES
10/13 11:17pm UG--Repele Carpet Cleaning in Wrentham is awesome. Local and they do an excellent job of removing stains. You won't be disappointed. - BMS
10/13 11:16pm I am thrilled Brian McGrory dedicated his column to this horrible situation at KP. He gets right to the heart of the matter. I am embarrassed that this is happening to our town and our kids. The teachers union has gone over the top on this one, and they are indeed giving a wonderful and honorable profession a bad name. - TC
10/13 11:15pm To DWL : Can you elaborate on your obvious negative opinions of the Freeman School? - GC
10/13 4:56pm Any suggestions for who can steam clean my carpeting? Thanks, - UG
10/13 4:55pm I want to update my bathroom and am looking for recommendations for the job: demolition, installing tile and new fixtures. Any suggestions would be appreciated. - LS
10/13 4:53pm Don't forget that this Saturday there will be a food drive for animals at Shaws Supermarket at 255 East Central Street, Franklin between 9 am and noon. We will have free shopper sheets for you to take with you through the store if you'd like to purchase supplies at Shaws but are not sure what the shelter needs. If you'd rather drive by and donate we'll be outside at the entrances to accept donations of anything. Suggested items are Purina Cat Chow, wet cat and dog food, cat litter, cat toys, cleaning supplies for the shelter, flea products, bowls, etc. Stop by if you can! - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
10/13 4:51pm Students can now add a copy of Brian McGrory's column from The Globe to their college applications if the teacher is sending a form letter recommendation. To get it online go to www.thebostonglobe.com, then go to Today's Globe, then to Metro, then Columns, then Brian McGrory, then "Teachers need a lesson" to get a copy [article link]. His column will add legitimacy to their explanation of the teachers union situation. We love Brian! - MR
10/13 4:50pm Here is a link to Brian McGrory's column, about the King Philip teachers' union, in today's Boston Globe: [article] - EC
10/13 4:47pm Please read Brian McGrory's column about the KP teacher's union in today's Globe. Then send him a thank you e-mail. That man can both entertain and educate. I nearly spit my coffee out laughing when he said . . . no, I don't want to give it away. Just enjoy the column and tell him thank you. [Globe article]
- MR
10/13 4:46pm Thanks to all for recommending someone for a fireplace mantel. One more thing....Mike V did a great job fixing my lawn mowers and now I would like him to fix some of our other lawn equipment, but I lost his number. Does anyone have his number? - BS
10/13 4:45pm GDL: First I would contact your large animal veterinarian for the best one they know. Most vets will be willing to recommend someone. If you don't have a large animal vet, contact Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine in Grafton. I'm sure someone in the livestock/large animal hospital would have a contact for you. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
10/13 3:53pm Did anybody else read the article in the current Boomerang (online) about the Community Preservation Fund hiring Beals and Thomas municipal engineers to do a feasibility study on creating our old dump site into a park for us Town Folk. Possible things to be included would be, golf driving range, water spray park and skating rink. First it seems to me that we would only be duplicating things we already have in town, close by OR have already voted down. Second it is in a less than desirable location. Third with what funds is this "attraction" going to be maintained with. Fourth what example is the Town setting with it's use of water ?
Seems to me the $millions$ the CPC has collected is burning a hole in its pocket. They are apparently oblivious to the current state of the economy and the political winds of change. Some people are still not getting the concept that there are many of us who have had to change the our old spending habits to get by.
There is a discussion meeting for this idea scheduled at the Town Hall... 7pm 10/20/10 Wednesday
- RC
10/12 7:54pm Re: Plumber - We have been very happy with the work done by Chris Moore, Moore Plumbing & Heating, right here in Norfolk. 508-528-6988 - CI
10/12 7:53pm Hi, I'm a Mac user and my G5 tower died. I need to transfer data from three hard drives onto a USB port backup drive. Is there anyone out there who would be able to help me? If you have a Mac with a second drive slot and a USB port, you probably could. Please call 508-553-3977. Thanks so much - SO
10/12 7:52pm I have 5 tickets for sale to this weekend's Haunted Train Ride at Holmes field sponsored by the Norfolk Lions and Norfolk Community League. They are $5 a piece. Please contact me through the webmaster. Thanks. - RLC
10/12 7:27pm I was reading the Boomerang and something caught my eye... "Robert McGhee, superintendent of the town's Department of Public Works, who is in line to take over the department when Remo "Butch" Vito retires at the end of the year". I'm curious, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I assumed that like every other town in the Commonwealth, a public posting and candidate search will happen especially for a job as significant as DPW Director?? - LS
10/12 7:26pm Still looking for haunted train ride tickets. If anyone has some that they won't be using, please email me at box284@norfolknet.com. Thanks so much! - AP
10/12 7:24pm The Norfolk Community Preservation Committee will hold a public forum on Wednesday, October 20 at 7:00 to present draft plans for the passive and active recreational uses at Town-owned property adjacent to the DPW yard and transfer station on Medway Branch. The purpose of the forum is to seek public input on the potential recreational uses on this property. The consulting firm of Beals & Thomas will provide conceptual plans for the property. In addition to the established trail system, the CPC is considering uses such as playgrounds, picnic areas, golf driving range, ice skating area, Frisbee golf, a spray (water) park, community garden, and dog park. A survey will also be made available on-line in the future to obtain Norfolk residents' input on potential uses.
The public forum will be held in room 124 of Town Hall.
- CA, Community Preservation Committee
10/12 7:23pm To DWL--for plumbing try Phoenix Plumbing right here in Norfolk. - EF
10/12 7:22pm AE: If the jacket doesn't show up you might check out this online store for North Face jackets. The NF jackets are marked down. [page link] - PB
10/12 7:21pm AE, This is Freeman School; they do as little as possible. I am not surprised. Any other school someone would have gone outside with your child. Leave it to the cold atmosphere that Freeman promotes. Sorry about the jacket and hopefully it will turn up. - DWL
10/11 5:37pm Hi, I am looking for a plumber to change a shower valve. - DWL
10/11 5:36pm If anyone is looking for great computer support services, contact the PC Handyman. Ed is experienced, knowledgeable and affordable. After spending hours trying to troubleshoot several different issues I was having with my laptop and wireless router, Ed was able to take care of the problem immediately thanks to responsiveness and his expertise. I highly recommend Ed Sysmanski from the PC Handyman if you ever need help with your home or office computers. His number is 508 346 3502. - AW
10/11 5:35pm Does anyone know of a local sheep shearer? We recently adopted a miniature Shetland ram and he needs a trim. - GDL
10/11 5:33pm Our highway department hung an "Adam's Army Run" banner on Town Hill last Friday. Saturday, it went missing. Anyone know anything?? - DK
10/11 5:26pm I'm so upset, my 6th grader at Freeman Centennial left his North Face jacket out on the playground last Monday and asked to go retrieve it as soon as they got back to the classroom, his teacher told him that if there was no monitor on the playground he could not. There was no monitor on the playground so he was forced to wait until the end of the day to go and look again. It was gone. He's devastated because he knows we can't buy him a new one. He has checked the lost and found daily and still no jacket. If only he could have been escorted out to the playground when he realized it was missing! The jacket is an xlrge boys and an olive green color, it has his name in it. If anybody has seen this jacket could you please turn in to the lost and found or the office at FC, it would mean so much to my son. Thank you. - AE
10/11 5:22pm To whomever turned in a set of Honda keys to the police station found on Main Street, we thank you very much! - RLC
10/9 2:24pm Hey DB: Kids trick or treat on Sat the 30th in Foxboro, due to the game. Everyone else goes out on the 31st. - LD
10/9 2:23pm EM - The next school committee meeting is on Monday, October 18th from 7 to 9 PM. It's in the High School Library. - TH
10/9 11:33am To KS - Regarding Comcast service. My phones have been going haywire for the past week. Static on the line, no dial tone at time, people saying they could not hear me, seemingly crossed lines (we have 2) and very strange happenings overall. Whatever was happening with the phones seems to have made the base unit for my portable phone system go haywire as well. Speaker phone would not work, could not shut off the answering machine, could not retrieve messages, etc., etc. Problems with the system seems to have resolved when the static in the lines stopped. Since my phones are only 3 months old, replacements are being sent at no charge. Has service scheduled with Comcast but had to cancel due to a conflict. Wonder if the crazy weather affected the lines that carry all of the signals. Is anyone else having problems with their cell phones and the 3 g network (or lack of it in Norfolk)? I have AT & T wireless and cannot keep a call on my cell while on the 3 g network. Very frustrating. I drive to the area where Michael's Deli is or to Patriot Place and I have 5 bars of service. At home I have 1 bar. A mile from home and I have almost full service.
- EF
10/9 11:32am JGP - I recommend Marco at Envy Hair in North Attleboro (across from the old RMV). I can't tell you the compliments I have had since he started cutting my hair! - KE
10/9 11:11am EM--the next school committee meeting is on Monday, October, 18. Here's the link. kingphilip.org/committee.html. Meetings are every two weeks. I urge everyone to attend these meetings--not only are contracts an issue but budget issues for next year are already being discussed. It is incumbent on all of us to pay attention. - BMS
10/8 5:37pm The Norfolk-Medfield-Millis Vikings Pop Warner program is sponsoring the Norfolk Monster Dash 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, October 30 at 10:00 AM. The race will start and finish at the Freeman-Centennial School, 70 Boardman St., Norfolk, MA. The registration fee is $20, only $10 for students. There will be free t-shirts to the first 100 registered 5K runners, and prizes for the first place male and female overall winners as well as age group prizes. There will be kids races at 11:00 AM with a $5 registration fee. For more information and a registration form go to www.nmmvikings.org, or contact Lisa M. (508)942-3485 or Lisa M. (774)993-9314 at vikingsfundraising@comcast.net. - LC
10/8 5:36pm The teachers union has no intention of settling for anything less than what they have demanded from the beginning. My sister is a teacher in Conn. and has not had an increase in two years, next year she will receive a 2% increase, all due to the economy and budgets. Does she like it - no; is she aware of what's going on in the world and the economy of the last two plus years - yes. Now here in "never never land", the "professional staff " of KP are living back in the 80''s when the economy was booming, unemployment low and companies were desperate to hire staff. Having three children go through KP high we've seen it all. Some caring loyal teachers committed to helping kids learn and some complete and utter morons, there to collect a check and get as much as they can for nothing. This issue has dragged on for way to long and until someone gives in we are at a deadlock. The time has come to eliminate the poor attitude, uncaring, selfish staff and let them all re apply. Those that are worthy of a salary should be rehired, those that have no real interest in their profession can find work else where. Let's move on and let them move on so everyone can get on with their life and the kids can again be given the skills they need to go on. It would be interesting to see how many of te students think unions are a good thing after what they ave gone through. - ES
10/8 5:35pm Regarding the situation at KPHS... I agree, parents should attend these meetings. Does anyone know the date(s), time and location of these School Committee meetings? If we get the word out, maybe more folks would make ita point to attend. - EM
10/8 5:33pm News from the animal world: Today a raccoon was put down on Fruit Street by Cleveland Street for showing signs of aggressive rabies. He never did get into contact with people or pets so he will not be tested. However, it's always a good reminder to check to make sure your pet is up to date on their rabies vaccine. Would also like to hear from people if they would be interested if I put together another microchip clinic before Christmas. It would not be free like the state wide micro chipping day but it would be a 15.00 donation towards the animal gift account, and register your chip through AVID. Please email me if you're interested as I'd have to have enough wanting to do this to make it feasible, and order more chips ahead of time. The more I hear from people the more likely I'll run one. This is not for Norfolk residents only so please pass along to other pet lovers who may be interested. Email me at Norfolkk9@aol.com.
Next Saturday, 10/16 please don't forget, "Everyone Needs to Eat" food drive. Hold off on your grocery shopping this week and come to Shaws (Franklin) on the 16th between 9-12. A bunch of volunteers and myself will be sitting outside at our tables collecting food for the shelter animals. If you're not sure what we are looking for in donations we will have "cheat sheet" slips that you may take in with you while you do your shopping on what the animals eat/use. If you'd rather just donate without shopping at Shaws we are always in need of dry cat food, cat litter, wet cat and dog food. For those who would rather donate supplies we are in need of garbage bags, disinfectant wipes and spray, paper towels, dish soap, cat toys, and bowls. We will also have at each table our fun car magnets for sale. You can check them out at [page link]. For those who come to Shaws and donate I believe one of our volunteers is making up little thank you gifts :). We hope to see you there!
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
10/8 5:31pm RB #4 - Please reconsider releasing 70 balloons in honor of John Lennon. The beach I go to in Westport seems to be the place all balloons end up if not ingested by wildlife. John would appreciate it I am sure. - JR
10/8 5:29pm We received a message from a near-local that may be of interest -- Heading to J.D. Daddario/Ferguson Company in Franklin? Save $40! I have a $300.00 gift card for $260.00. I live in Medway. Call Bruce @ cell #617-448-5470 - BF- Wm.
10/8 5:28pm I would like to thank Lt. Mike Findlen and the other members of the NFD for their efforts. I know that Mike is the type of hero who willingly runs into burning structures while others run out. In my opinion, Mike is a role model to today's youth... when he takes off his soot-stained boots, he still finds time to serve his town in other capacities, such as chairing boards or coaching youth sports. We are lucky to have him here. - PA
10/8 5:27pm As for FIOS vs. Comcast, my family wants to switch back to Comcast. We have been having a lot of breakup of the picture lately with FIOS, as well as "channel not currently available." Plus Verizon keeps trying to charge me more than the agreed-upon price, and I have to keep calling them and reminding them that my two years isn't up yet in our current contract. I think these providers both have their annoying problems, and no matter who you go with you have to call them to complain/negotiate. So, no, FIOS isn't way better and way cheaper. - DDM
10/8 5:26pm Community Voices is holding its annual fundraiser on Friday, October 15, 2010, at the Doubletree Inn in Waltham. Tickets are $25.00 in advance and $30.00 at the door. This year's event will be a cocktail party, silent auction and there will be dancing as well. United States Senator Scott Brown and State Senator Richard Ross will both be attending this event. We will be giving our Spirit of Compassion Award to Mark Lundsford from Florida. Mark is the father of Jessica Lundsford after whom Jessica's Law was named. We will also be giving the Jeffrey Curley award to the Littleton Police Department for their heroic efforts in stopping an attempted kidnapping of a 12 year old girl. There will be other awards given as well. If you would like to join us or want to know more information about our group, please visit our website at www.communityvoices.net. Thank you. - Sandy DiBacco, Treasurer,Community Voices
10/8 5:06pm Join October Farm at our new location 39 Miller St., Norfolk through the Norfolk Recreation Department! Pony Lovers Session IIAges 4 - 7 years old. This program is for 4-7 year olds who have never ridden before. It includes all aspects of safe horse handling, grooming, tacking and leading. Each class ends with a mini lesson. Please call Jill Swift at October Farm directly at 978-257-1173 to arrange a visit and for inquiry forms PRIOR to registering with Norfolk Recreation.
Dates: 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13
Location: October Farm 39 Miller Street, Norfolk MAFee: $135
Maximum participants: 4/5Back in the Saddle
For Adults October 21st thru December 9th
Miss the riding days of your youth? Or, always wanted to learn to ride? Join us for a 6 week program Thursdays from 10am-12:00 where you will experience horsemanship, safety, grooming, tacking, and riding in a casual and fun atmosphere. Participants should wear long pants, sturdy boots with a low heel. Riders will need to bring their own helmet (ASTM/SEI) approved. No bike helmets or sneakers please. Please call Jill Swift directly at 978-257-1173 to arrange a visit and for inquiry forms prior to registering with Norfolk Rec. Program runs rain or shine and has an indoor arena.
Thursdays from 10AM-12PM 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2,12/9
Location: October Farm 39 Miller St, Norfolk MA
Fee: $395 Maximum participants: 5- JPS, October Farm
10/8 4:46pm Hi, getting into the game late here and before I pass judgment, does anybody have a copy of the teachers contract and could you post it here to see. I would be interested to see the pay schedule, step raises, stipends, reimbursements for education and any other monetary arrangement between the local and the school committee. Thanks, - SH
10/7 7:25pm Now that the newness of FIOS has worn off I am wondering how people who have switched from Comcast like their service and prices? Is it still way better and way cheaper? - JGP
10/7 7:24pm Town of Norfolk Annual Seasonal Flu Clinic - The Norfolk Board of Health and Council on Aging, in conjunction with the Walpole Area Visiting Nurse Association, is sponsoring its annual seasonal Flu Clinic for Norfolk residents on Wednesday, November 4, 2010 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., at the Senior Center, located at 28 Medway Branch Road. The seasonal flu vaccine will be available for adults at highest risk of complications from the flu only. High-risk categories include:
- all adults age 65 and older
- adults under 65 included only if they:
- have a chronic cardiac (heart) or pulmonary (lung) disease, including asthma
- required regular medical follow-up or hospitalization in the past year because of chronic metabolic disease (such as diabetes), kidney dysfunction or blood disorders
- immune system problems, such as HIV or other immunosuppression caused by disease, medication, radiation or chemotherapy
- women who will be in their second or third trimester of pregnancy, but only with a letter from their obstetrician requesting the flu vaccineBeing high risk does not mean that you are at increased risk of exposure to the flu. High risk means that you are at higher risk to have serious complications from the flu.
You must call the Council on Aging office at 508-528-4430 to schedule an appointment for the flu clinic.
- BF, Board of Health
10/7 7:22pm Norfolk Public Library - Author and speaker, Paul Hemphill, will give a free pre-college seminar next Tuesday night starting at 7:30 PM in the Community Room of the library. His topic: "How To Pay Less For College and How Get Into Your First-Choice College." Parents are urged to bring their high school junior and/or senior. Last seminar of the year at this location. - PH
10/7 7:19pm Hi all- In honor of John Lennon's 70th birthday, Family Florist (Rt. 115, 508 528-2254) will be giving away roses to our customers on Friday October 8th! 1/2 dozen bunches of roses, first come, first served. One bunch per customer. While they last! Starting at 10 am, until they are gone! Also, on Saturday Oct 9th, I will release 70 white balloons in John's memory at 3pm. If you'd like to attach a note to one, please stop by on Friday!
Peace and love,
- RB (RB4)
10/7 7:18pm We need to replace our lawn in the back yard. Looking for landscaper recommendations and cautionary tales. Thanks! - PMC
10/7 7:17pm Hello all, Reminder to everyone to stop by The Norfolk Fire Department's annual open house this Saturday at fire headquarters from 11am to 2pm. There will be food, fun and live demonstrations. - Lt. Mike Findlen, Norfolk Fire Department
10/7 7:16pm Yard Sale on Saturday, October 9th from 9-3 to benefit the Norfolk 4H Cottontail Club. 82 North St., Norfolk. Many great deals. Please stop by and support 4H. Thank You. - YP
10/7 7:14pm Amen, CG! Where are the parents? Watching Dancing with the Stars? Come on people, these meetings are open to everyone and it's a short drive to KPHS. We need to come together and tell this SC and teachers to settle or skidaddle. - AL
10/7 7:13pm Does anyone know if the kids in Norfolk are supposed to "Trick or Treat" on Saturday, October 30 because of the Patriot's game on Halloween? I heard this was a possibility. - DB
10/7 7:04pm I am looking for up to six tickets for the haunted train ride. Please contact me at box284@norfolknet.com. Help! - AP
10/7 7:03pm I would highly recommend Kevin Houde for the Fireplace Mantel. He built mine, as well as some surrounding built in shelves. He did an outstanding job and custom designed it and built it all himself. His custom work and carpentry in general is wonderful. His phone number is 617-276-2572. - CL
10/7 7:02pm Let me apologize up front for not having followed more closely the status of the KP Teachers Contract Negotiations. I understand that the issue has been outstanding for more than a year. It seems like ill will exists on both sides of the fence and the longer this issue is left to fester the more those feelings will grow. At this juncture it does appear that both sides are dug in. Early in the process, I felt that the School Committee was mishandling the negotiations. I am disappointed to hear that teachers may not be conveying student performance data via the IPASS System and perhaps not writing college recommendatios for seniors. The union needs to wake up and realize that this does nothing to help promote goodwill in the community for their positions. Does anyone know if a professional mediator has been engaged? There are organizations like the MASC that could help provide some direction to the School Committee around these issues. Are we close to arbitration at this point? When examining the issue, I wouldn't solely blame the union. Leadership is needed and now. I have spoken to several KP students who are becoming demoralized by the situation. That is an unfortunate consequence of this situation. We need leadership from the union and the School Committe to move this forward. Call a mediator or send it to arbitration now! Stop the madness, for the kids's sake! - KW
10/7 7:01pm CG: O.K. can someone with some knowledge on the situation explain how we go about firing the teachers. It seems like what is being done in this town is worse than what went on in Central Falls; they did it and we should too. What is the correct course of action to take to start to remove these teachers. If they want to re-apply for their position, let them. It sounds like it would be a win win situation... we would hire teachers who were actually happy to have a job, and they would accept more appropriate salaries and we would be able to hire more teachers with the savings. This would work toward making the classroom sizes smaller rather than growing even larger (as a KP teacher pointed out during the meeting Monday night). It is time we take care of our children, and the future of their education. Enough is enough, We've been negotiating for two years, no other employer would put up with such disgruntled employees. Let them go!! Too many teachers are out of work and would love to teach our children. Please come forth with how we get this ball rolling. This has been going on too long. We need to do this for our children. Here is a thought, what message would it send for future negotiations if contract negotiations were met and all of a sudden the teachers started acting correctly toward our children. How can we respect them, after the damage they have already caused? On the flip side, what if they continue to act as they are now, out of anger, because we don't meet the demands? I don't see how the group we have now, after two years, could ever move forward with professionalism. The teachers who do care will show that, and be rehired. Parents of Norfolk... This is serious. Go to a meeting and see how the teachers are behaving. Speak to the children and hear how they feel abandoned. Do we care where our tax dollars are going? - JD
10/6 4:56pm PD: I was at that meeting, too, and I agree with everything you said. For teachers to walk out on a meeting that was going to focus on both parent and teacher issues, with the possibility of bringing the two sides together, was very poor judgement, in my humble opinion. I was appalled as were many parents. Does anyone know how the negotiation that night went? It was suggested the School Committee and union reps stay through the night and hammer out a deal. Any word on that? - AL
10/6 4:55pm Looking for a recommendation for a local house cleaner for a one time job. We've moved out of the house. It's completely empty and ready for sale or rent. So we'd like a good thorough cleaning. Anyone have a recommendation? - SB
10/6 4:54pm Is anyone else having intermittent trouble with their Comcast Internet and phone service? We have been having issues for approximately a week. Most of the time the issue is with the phone and you call someone and you can hear them but they can't hear you - this even happens suddenly in the middle of phone calls. At other times the Internet drops out and I pick up the phone and there is no dial tone. Or I pick up the phone and just hear fast beeping. At first I thought it was our equipment, but I found out that my parents who live down the street have been having similar issues. Yesterday I heard about 2 other people, 1 in our neighborhood and another across town. I have called Comcast several times and they insist that there isn't a "town-wide" problem as they have not had a pattern of reports in the town. If you are experiencing these issues, I am encouraging everyone in town to call it in to Comcast so we can get it fixed! - KS
10/6 4:47pm TH - I have used Sean Markell at 508-954-4064, ent_services@comcast.net. Very reasonably priced as he is not from the metro area. Good luck. - BMS
10/6 4:46pm PD - If what you are saying is true, we should fire them all. They should not be allowed to influence young minds. - JO
10/6 4:45pm OK, can someone answer for me, where are the parents?? It seems to me, that if the School Committee can not do the job, and the teachers cannot do the job, then it's about time that the parents band together, and instead of acting like Jerry Springer guests, attend the School Committee meeting, and stand up for our kids, politely and like adults!! Ultimately, the parents are the bottom line responsible. If you do not like what is happening to your kids, don't just sit back and complain, or whine to your friends, we need to do more. Using norfolknet as a vehicle for information to spread the word is a great tool, but now is the time to take this one step further. The teachers work for us; the School Committee was elected by, and works for us. For goodness sakes, how much are we going to sit back and take? Are we going to risk our kids' future, because that's the bottom line? It is up to us as the parents to stop taking this, and tell the School Committee, and the teachers, and the union, that no, this is the end, if you don't want to do your jobs, you are no better than those of us in the sector without a union behind us, here's your write up for not doing your job, and there's the door!! I'm sure there are some teachers at KP, that are currently caught in the middle, and would take the chance to reapply for their jobs, and there are definitely plenty of teachers out of work, that would be happy to have a job. Parents, lets start doing our jobs, and get out there and take a stand for our kids. This isn't a "drop off program" this is your child's future and you are responsible.
- CG
10/6 4:44pm Try Darling Hair Boutique in Needham. They use all kinds of different tools there and are very reasonably priced. It's about 20 minutes away. If the owner Jen can't take care of you, try Nichole. Both do a great great job. 781-449-4284 - JD
10/6 4:25pm Again, I just don't get it. Do any of you angry parents go to the superintendant and say what you say here? Are you concerned about retribution? I know that can be difficult because your kid may not have wanted you to complain in the first place, then they get nervous, etc. about their relationship with the teacher. Retribution is not hard to deal with at all. It's very easy to document and prove. Most teachers I knew wouldn't have had the nerve, although this does sound like a tough crowd. When I taught in Boston, those parents, many with a lot of free time on their hands thanks to the taxpayer, would march into the super's office at the drop of a hat, often over imagined or greatly exaggerated offenses. Boy, did you hear about it! And then there were the evaluations! Another punishment was to take away the courses you wanted to teach. They would change your room... there are lots of ways to make a teacher miserable. It's much easier in a big city where there are lots of schools to "send " someone by cutting their program. By the time I left Boston, the BTU was very tame, indeed compared to 10 years earlier.
Teachers rarely strike anymore. I'm sort of sorry I missed that meeting, even though I have no kids in the school.
- AB-G
10/6 4:18pm In response to TH: Does anyone here at NorfolkNet know of any good, preferably cheap, local DJs? ... My sister-in-law recommends: Howie Buccieri, Spins, Unlimited. He and his daughter, Domineek who is a teenager, DJ high school events all the time for reasonable price. Their number is 978 375 5098. My SIL DJ's for kids parties only and refers clients looking for a DJ for teen/school events to them.
Hope this helps.
- LP
10/6 4:16pm Good morning, KS. I am a recently retired Massachusetts certified teacher, and taught at Tri-County Vocational High School in Franklin for 23 years. Child Growth and Development, Music/Piano/Composition and Spanish were my subjects. Prior to that, I was an Elementary Education teacher for 4 years in Peru (learned my Spanish) and 2 years in Belgrade, Yugoslavia with the American Embassy School. I have privately taught piano, music theory and composition as well as tutored all subjects, including Spanish, for Elementary and Middle School students in my home prior to moving to Norfolk 4 months ago. If I can possibly be of assistance to your children in their Spanish studies or other subjects, please contact me through the webmaster of Norfolknet. [Use box283@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thanks so much,
- AG
10/6 4:15pm Moving - We're off to the sunny south and have some very good furniture for sale at very low prices: six drawer oak dresser, wide three drawer oak dresser, large mirrored oak dresser, oak book case, leather couch, futon. Need to sell these very good items by next Thursday. Call me at 508-662-5324. Thanks. - PG
10/6 4:14pm Registration for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer SPRING 2011 now being accepted - Registration is on-line only. Visit the website www.norfolklionssoccer.com to register. Registration deadline is March 1, 2011 (after March 1st, players will be added to a wait list and will only be placed onto a team, with a $50 late fee, should a space on a team be available) - HK
10/6 4:13pm BS, try Custom Carpentry for your mantel. They do great work and are very skilled at what they do. The number is 781-915-4438 and the owner is Daniel Slye. - KH 10/6 4:07pm Just a reminder: The NLYS Revs Extravaganza is less than two weeks away! New England Revolution vs. Kansas City Wizards, October 16. Special pricing for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Families - $21 ($34 day of) To get the discount, tickets should be purchased by this Friday, October 8th. Please contact Mohammed B. so he can pick up your check (payable to the NE Revolution) and get your tickets to you before the day of the event. Mohammed can be reached at mbarrie1@verizon.net (cc: lionssoccer.norfolk@gmail.com) or 617-397-7361.
This is sure to be a fun event for the kids, their teammates, and all the members of the Lions Soccer Community! (Everyone had a good time at our event in the spring!) Be sure to join us before the game at the NLYS Tailgate Party from 6:00 - 7:00 (bring your own coolers and food). Players - wear your Lions Soccer team's jersey!
- HK
10/6 12:19am Does anyone here at NorfolkNet know of any good, preferably cheap, local DJs? We are looking for one to help out at one of our upcoming high school dances, and if anyone here knows of one we would like to hear your suggestions. Thanks! - TH
10/6 12:04am Hi. Does anyone know of a home TV installer that could help me out with a small job? I need a component added to my home theater system, with wires hidden, etc. The wall-mounted plasma and home theater are already hooked up... just need one component added and wires hidden, etc, but I want a professional to do it. Anyone local? - JC
10/6 12:03am Can anyone recommend someone to design and build a fireplace mantel? Ideally would like someone with skill and a creative eye... reasonably priced. Thank you. - BS
10/6 12:02am Can anyone recommend a Spanish teacher for my elementary school children? They are missing this as part of their curriculum. Ideally, we would like someone to come to our home. Thanks. - KS
10/6 12:01am Yard sale!! Saturday October 9th , 14 Medway Branch Rd, Norfolk, 8:30-2pm. - AV
10/6 12:00am To JGP, who asked for a hairdresser recommendation, someone who knows how to use thinning scissors, etc.: Try Marlene, who rents space at Marilyn's Hair Design in Walpole on Rt. 1A across from Bristol Square. She owned a shop for years in Norwood, and sold it a few years ago to downsize. Here is the number: 508-668-3333. I have been going to Marlene for over 30 years, and she is fantastic. She is very reasonable and competent. Try her! - EC
10/5 5:59pm The Norfolk Public Library is hosting its 5th Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest! Bring your decorated pumpkin to the Norfolk Public Library October 14-19 and have a chance to win great prizes! Pumpkins will be available for viewing in the library and on the library website. You, the public, will decide on the winners. You may vote for your favorites online or in person October 22-28. The winners will be announced on Friday, October 29.
Contest Rules
* Pumpkins may NOT be carved or hollowed out. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
* Objects, paper, and materials of any kind may be pinned or glued to pumpkins. Participants may also draw or paint on their entries.
* Each entry must have a title.
* Each entry must be submitted with an entry form (available in the library).
* The library reserves the right to dispose of any pumpkin that deteriorates before the end of the contest.Prizes
Ages 3 to 6 - $25 Toys ``R'' Us gift card
Ages 7-12 - $25 Target gift card
Teen/Adult -- $25 Target gift card
$25 gift certificate for Eagle Brook SaloonThank you!
- Amy Lang, Youth Librarian, Norfolk Public Library
10/5 5:49pm I'm looking for recommendations to fill in and reseal our driveway that was dug up by the plows last winter. Thanks, - NJD
10/5 5:48pm College - when your high school senior should be applying [page link] - PH
10/5 5:46pm Kevin Cooper is the best chiropractor on the planet!! 781-551-9119. And a nice guy, too! - JEC
10/5 5:42pm So, my wife went to the School Committee meeting last night to gain some firsthand insight into the teacher's union issue. I thought she was going to need to go to the Emergency Room she was so upset. As she said "I knew things were bad, but when you see it in person... and see the arrogance and sense of entitlement from the teachers that your tax dollars pay to prepare your children for their future... it's not to be believed".
So the union members show up for the meeting late and parade in like the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Then the union members proceed to have a raucous standing ovation for themselves and their union for an extended period of time.
Their behavior is like that of a Jerry Springer Show guest... animated, in your face aggression... like Na Na n na na you can't stop us. Some man standing in the isle shouting "keep it going" as he franticly raises his hands up... a woman who appeared like a person in need of an exorcism as she stared out at the parents in attendance like a crazed lunatic.
This is what we pay for? These are the people we have (supposedly) teaching our children? They represented everything that is wrong with unions and its members. Gang mentality...power in numbers...hold out for everything you can get...take the children as hostages...pawns.
I don't know how I can look these people in the eye in future school events. I don't think any of them should be around long enough to be at a school event.
Non union employees all over the state and country are thankful if they kept their jobs and will do whatever it takes to keep it and these people are coming into our town and occupying it like a military coup.
I've had it. Not keeping up with iPass (or utilizing at all) is one thing. But to put our children's future in jeopardy by refusing to give letters of recommendation for college and their overall lack of effort in an attempt to get a better contract is totally inexcusable.
Regardless of how this plays out... how are we supposed to deal with these people... our little local terrorists?
- PD
10/5 5:41pm Does anyone know of a lawn care company that does slice seeding? - JGP
10/5 5:40pm I am looking for a new, experienced high-end hair dresser in the area that is reasonably priced but knows how to use thinning shears, etc. not just regular scissors. - JGP
10/5 5:39pm Yard Sale! Saturday October 9th 9am - 12pm 8 Stacey Road. Lots of beautiful things to be had. Custom silk drapes, toss pillows, throws, kitchen ware, sinks, sliding glass doors, ceiling fans, rugs, vases, picture frames, bedding, chairs, and lots, lots more. Stop by, it all must go!
- ST
10/5 5:38pm Haunted Train Ride Sold Out! We are pleased to announce that 10th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Maze co-sponsored by the Norfolk Community League and Norfolk Lions Club is sold out! We sold over 1700 tickets this year. Thanks to everyone who purchased tickets with the proceeds going to Norfolk Together and distributions from the NCL Charitable Trust. The event will take place Saturday, October 16th, from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the Holmes Fields on Myrtle Street in Norfolk. Just a reminder that tickets are not available at the gate and you must have a ticket to enter the parking lot. For those lucky enough to have tickets, please remember to come in a costume and bring a non-perishable donation for the Norfolk Food Pantry. Snack foods will be available in the food tent. As it gets darker, the ride gets scarier! Bring the little ones on the early side!
In the event of rain, a notice will be posted on www.norfolkcommunityleague.org at 11:00 a.m. if postponement to rain date of October 23rd is necessary.
Please contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or Tracy H. at 508-541-2388 with any questions. Thanks!
- Tara Spellman, Co-Chair, NCL, Haunted Train Ride
10/5 5:37pm EM - Try Dr. Dennis Coakley in Medway - 508-533-6794. People love him. - ES
10/5 5:36pm I second the recommendation for Cronin Oil. They are professional in every way. - JR
10/5 5:35pm Absolute Health Chiropractic in Wrentham is wonderful. I see Doctor Chris. Chris and his brother Brian own the practice. They put in the extra time to give you top notch treatment. They provide more than just a quick adjustment. Good Luck. - CL
10/5 5:34pm EM: Westwood Family Chiropractor is a great practice. Right on 109. 781-769-2500. - TC
10/5 5:33pm EM - I recommend Absolute Health Chiropractic in Wrentham Center. The Doctors McKenna are excellent. I have not had a backache, neck ache or migraine since being under Dr. Brian McKenna's care. The staff is friendly and efficient. Best of luck with your treatment. Here is a link to their web-site: ahchiropractic.com/about.htm - KW
10/5 5:29pm 10/4 5:35pm Could someone recommend a landscape firm that can install retaining walls? Thanks. - VM J. Sherrick and his crew are real professionals. They are reasonably priced and have a lot of experience in the field. I would highly recommend Jeff and his guys. Their number is 508 380 5607. Hope this helps.
- SC
10/5 5:25pm Norfolk TPA has afternoon openings for their fall family portrait session with Lisa Hull on Saturday, October 16th. Color package costs $53.00 and includes 1 8x10, 2 5x7's and 4 wallet size pictures ! Location is a beautiful outdoor setting behind the H. Olive Day School.
To sign up please email Sue at Longmoores@comcast.net.
10/5 5:21pm Yard Sale!! Saturday October 9th, 2 Spring St. Norfolk. 9am-2pm. Furniture, household items and more. - KR
10/5 5:20pm EM - For a chiropractor recommendation, I am very happy with Dr. Melissa Shapkin in Millis 508-376-4262. - SL
10/5 5:19pm Jeff Sherrick for retaining walls, Landscaping needs etc. Tucker Rd Norfolk. - JC
10/5 5:18pm A excellent Chiropractor is Don Cohen listed below... Allied Chiropractic and Sports Rehab Center345 W. Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038(508) 455-4600 ? - JC
10/4 5:37pm I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a good chiropractor in the area. Thanks. - EM
10/4 5:36pm This is a reminder for the second annual "Adams Army Run" to be held at the Freeman-Centennial school on October 23 at 1100 AM. We expect the banner to be displayed on town hill soon. This is a five mile loop starting and finishing at the school and traveling up Boardman St to Main St. to Park St. to Grove to Union And Back to the School. All are welcome to run or walk the route. pre registration is available at [active.com signup] There will be several raffles and a presentation of a scholarship after the race. We have the promise of a contingent of Cadets from Norwich University running the race in formation so come out and view the route even if you can't participate.
We still need some pop up tents for the water stations and any one who would like to loan one for the day may drop it off at 74 grove St. Please attach a permanent label and we will deliver it back to you on Saturday afternoon.
Volunteers to help with set up and breakdown and manning water stations are always welcome give us a call at 508-528-7553.
- DK
10/4 5:35pm Could someone recommend a landscape firm that can install retaining walls? Thanks. - VM
10/4 5:32pm Reminder: The Last Chance Ticket Sale for the 10th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Maze is tonight from 7-9 at the Norfolk Library. ]The last 300 tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Tickets are $5 each and non-refundable. You MUST have a ticket to enter the parking lot - no tickets will be available after tonight. The 10th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Maze is co-sponsored by Norfolk Lions and Norfolk Community League. The event will take place on Saturday, October 16th (raindate Oct. 23rd) from 5 to 9 pm at the Holmes Fields, 22 Myrtle Street. It is geared towards children age 5-12 and becomes scarier as the night gets darker. Proceeds will benefit Norfolk Together and distributions to worthy Norfolk causes from the NCL Charitable Trust. For more information or questions, please contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354. - TS
10/4 5:31pm Wednesday October 13, 2010, is the last day to register to vote at the State General Election to be held on November 2, 2010. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before November 2nd may register to vote by mail or in person at the Town Clerk's Office. Regular office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM. On Wednesday, October 13, 2010, the office will be open from 9:00AM until 8:00PM pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 51. Mail in registration forms must be postmarked by October 13th or earlier in order to qualify. - Gail Bernardo, Norfolk Town Clerk
10/4 5:30pm I want to send out some appreciation for Cronin Oil at 508-528-0731. I had no hot water the other morning and realized the furnace wasn't going on so I called Cronin to see if they could check it out. I had to leave for work so I left the door unlocked and everything was fixed by the time I got home. Their service is prompt and prices are reasonable. It really is nice living in a small town. Thanks Art! - NR
10/4 9:16am The Norfolk Historical Commission has scheduled a new series of History on the Hill programs for 2010 - 2011. The first program will be presented in Room 214 in the Norfolk Town Hall at 7:00 PM on October 27th. The topic will be ``How Norfolk Honors the Young Men Who Gave Their Lives for Their Country''. Come join us and learn who these young men were and how our Town has paid honor to their sacrifices.
Future talks will encompass a range of interesting topics: Impact of the Railroads, 1850 - 2010; Who were the Four Josiah Wares; The Wares of Wareland; The Blakes of Stony Brook and The original Parsonage of the North Parish, 1810. Come learn more about Norfolk's History.
[Update 10/5 5:17pm: the date of the talk is October 27 - BB]
10/2 3:07pm Due to field conditions, the King Philip Fall Classic, taking place Oct. 2, has been moved to Oliver Ames High School in North Easton. The show starts at 5:55 and it promises to be a good one! Twelve bands will perform their 2010 competitive show. The King Philip Marching Band will be performing last at 9:15pm. Hope we will see you there. - AL
10/2 3:01pm Active Aging Week at the Senior Center was a great success and we thank all those who attended some or all of the events. The most common remarks heard were "what a beautiful Senior Center both upstairs and down". Under the inspiration of Norma Shruhan, the Executive Director of the Council on Aging, a week full of very enjoyable events were held each day. The COA Board, the Friends of the COA and volunteers worked long and hard to present no-charge events ranging from a Lady's Tea to Game nights, health day and a healthy dinner and breakfast. If you were unable to attend please feel free to visit the Center and participate in the happenings described in the monthly Silver Set Gazzette, mailed to each senior home and available on line and at the Center. The SSG show on NCTV provides updates to the SSG Newsletter. Feel free to call the Center at 508 528 4430 for more information. - RC
10/2 2:58pm JM, Talk to LJ Gentile and Sons, He put our new septic in and several in the neighborhood. His estimate was right on. Be aware I found that some contractors will underbid then get in there working and say they need more gravel etc, bringing the price way up. Ask him about the Presby System - it's better for the environment and saved us about $20,000 and we don't have a big hill. - TS
10/2 2:50pm The parents of KP students can get the teachers to post grades on ipass very easily. If every parent e-mailed their children's teachers three times a week for grades, the teachers would post them. They would get tired of it. The KP teachers should feel lucky they are employeed. The state has ~10% unemployement and ~10% underemployement. Many people are doing the job of two now. Step up to the plate and do your part. - AC
10/2 2:49pm 9/30 9:04am Need to do septic repair / replacement. Any suggestions on some good resources or companies to use? Have heard of a few in the area, but looking for recommendations and past experiences. Thanks! - JM For an excavator, call P. A. Yonker, P.O. Box 119, South Walpole, MA 02071, (508)-668-9418. He can suggest a civil engineer, and don't use the least expensive one.
- BH
10/2 2:48pm MJ - I don't see the skate park as a hangout for high schoolers at all. Most of the kids that go there are Middle School students or younger and drugs most likely are not dealt there. Most drugs are dealt on KP grounds after school or in other places - I see no reason for increased supervision at the skate park. (On an unrelated issue, drugs are available at KP in no fewer or greater quantities than at other schools.) Installing security cameras would create countless legal oppositions and would probably be a less-than-ideal solution to the non-issue. Who would man the cameras? Who would pay for the cameras? How long would they take to be voted on/installed? Who would have to be paid for such installation and monitoring? Would you like to do so?
My moral here is that one shouldn't blindly stab out an 'problem' and then go forth and present not-well thought out solutions to a non-issue.
- TH
10/2 2:45pm There are still grants available for artists' funding through the Mass Cultural Council for 2011. Project must evidence benefit to the community. Deadline is October 15 postmark. Please send your proposal to the Norfolk Cultural Council at Norfolk Town Hall, Liberty Lane, Norfolk. Thanks, - AB-G
10/2 2:44pm About a month ago I mailed in money to buy tickets for the NCL hayride this saturday. I have never received tickets and do not know who to ask. How do we get our tickets? Does anyoe know? - KO
10/1 9:38am KP, I have found Brian McEnvoy, of Platinum Express Limousine, to be the best. He is very professional and reasonable. He can be reached at (508) 314-5975 or (508) 520-3297. - DB