Q1 2010 Norfolknet Notes, Jan-Mar 2010This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
3/31 5:22pm I was wondering why so many trees on Pond St, have fences around them. Did they try to get away?? - JW
3/31 3:53pm I am looking to "rent" a Gogo Kidz Travelmate for the end of May. If you have one available and wouldn't miss it for a week, please email me at ksansossio@yahoo.com Thanks! - KAS 3/31 3:52pm Does anyone know why several trees along Rt. 115, from Pond Street complex into Wrentham, are encircled with tall wooden posts? - KB
3/31 3:48pm Mortgage seminar coming up April 8th at 6:30 PM - Norfolk Community FCU is working hard to provide you, our members, great service, competitive financial products and access to information you need to make sound financial decisions. We are pleased to announce a Mortgage Seminar for our members and other interested members of our the communities we serve. Seminar will take place on April 8th at 6:30 PM in our branch at 194 Main Street, Norfolk, MA. Mortgage Seminar will cover topics related to home buying and refinancing. You will have access to our mortgage specialist, local real estate attorney and real estate agent. We will discuss conventional real estate loans, government backed real estate loans (including 3.5% down FHAs) and related legal topics.
Come with questions. We will have answers. Visit us on www.norfolkcommunityfcu.org
- SK, Norfolk Community Credit Union
3/31 3:47pm The Friends of the Norfolk Public Library will hold its annual Book and Bake Sale on Saturday, April 24, 9 am to 4 pm at the DPW Garage on Medway Branch in Norfolk. With over 30,000 fiction and non-fiction books, most priced between $.50-$2.00, the event is no ordinary book sale. The Saturday sale is open to all. Friends of the Library are welcome at the Friends- Only Preview and Sale on Friday, April 23, 6-9 pm. Friends memberships starting at $15.00 are available at the door beginning at 5:00 pm. For more information go online at www.norfolkbooksale.com It's worth the trip to Norfolk, the small town with the very BIG book sale!
- CE, Friends of the Norfolk Public Library
3/31 3:43pm If your kid has been wait-listed at a college, here's a financial aid strategy [wordpress.com] you can use. - PH, PreCollegePrep
3/31 3:28pm I am looking for information on getting my wall-to-wall carpets cleaned besides using Stanley Steamer. Do they steam clean them? Do they move the furniture for free? Good value? or those to stay away from.
3/31 3:27pm If anyone knows of any 1/2 day or full day summer camps in the Millis, Sherborn, Wellesley area that they can share I would love it. - JGP
3/31 3:26pm If you have yet to buy your spring plants don't worry, we have extras! Stop by Freeman-Centennial Thurs. between 4-6. We have tulips, Easter lilies, cinerarias, hyacinths, & daffodils. These beautiful potted plants are only $7.50 and will be on a first come first serve basis. And for all those who are coming to pick up their orders the Easter Bunny will be there! So take the kids and cameras and snap a photo with the Easter Bunny. All proceeds will be going toward this years graduating sixth grade class. Thank you! - AD
3/31 3:25pm Reply to BC for a Doctor @ Patriot's Place with Brigham and Women's: I love my Doctor and his name is Stuart Klein. I am not sure if he is taking new clients. Klein, Stuart J., M.D., BWH Foxborough Primary Care [brighamandwomens.org], 20 Patriot Pl, Foxborough, MA 02035, 508-718-4050.
- BM
3/31 3:24pm EF: Where is the BID facility on North St, please? - AB-G
3/31 3:23pm EF, My wife and I are very happy with Dr. John Adams In Foxboro. He is located in the same building as the Seasonal Store at Rte. 1 and 115. How many Doctors call you at home with results of your tests. He does. - PRB
3/31 3:21pm The reason dogs get into trouble digging is that they are bored and in need of actual walks, not just a quick "Go out there and do your dooty." If you don't want to walk your pet, or have him or her walked, expect all kinds of bad behavior. A tired dog is a well-behaved dog. P.S., I'm not in the dog-walking business, just a caring dog owner, who would never shock a beloved pet. - MJS
3/31 3:20pm To EF regarding a Primary Care Physician, were you referring to the Beth Israel Deaconess Family Physicians on North Street in Medfield just off of Route 109? I have been pleased with their service. You can reach them at 508.359.1519. - DLJ
3/31 3:19pm Ken: You're right. I'm sorry that I was harsh, and I shouldn't have lost my temper. Not to make excuses, but I write and edit as an avocation, and I found that error to be glaring. - AB-G
3/31 3:18pm BC: There's no point in worrying about recommendations. If you want to get to see any of the PC docs @ Patriot Place, you'll have to get on a waiting list, as I did, if one exists. I waited 6 months, maybe more. With the wonderful new law we now have, the shortage of doctors we already have will become far more severe. Good luck, - AB-G
3/29 9:50pm To BC - regarding Patriot Place. I was told to check back In Feb.--they were not accepting new patients back in November (the Primary Care Physicians at least). I found a great group in the interim--Beth Israel Deaconess Family Physicians right on North Street and very close to Norfolk--about the same ride as to PP. - EF
3/29 5:20pm "It is pretty funny watching them right now trying to figure out if that area of the yard is a safe zone." Wow. I don't know where to even begin in explaining what is wrong with that comment and attitude. Not funny if you are the one trying to avoid a shock in your collar. We have an invisible fence, but used flags to show where to avoid; doubt moving the fence location on a seasonal basis is recommended - let alone having the dogs 'figure it out'. Feel bad for the dogs.
- CI
3/29 5:19pm Can anyone recommend a primary care physician at the Patriot's Place Medical Facility? I am not looking for someone who is too nice, mainly someone who is intelligent and knows their medicine. I am also open to anyone in the area of Norfolk. Thanks in advance... - BC
3/29 5:17pm Meet Margot Livesey at the Norfolk Public Library, author of "The House on Fortune Street", March 31st @ 7:00 pm. Ms. Livesey has published six novels: Homework, Criminals, The Missing World, Eva Moves the Furniture, Banishing Verona and The House on Fortune Street. Margot has taught at Boston University, Bowdoin College, Brandeis University, Carnegie Mellon, Cleveland State, Emerson College, and the Iowa Writers' Workshop. She is currently a distinguished writer in residence at Emerson College. "The House on Fortune Street" was the winner of the 2009 L.L. Winship/PEN New England Award. Alice Sebold says, "Every novel of Margot Livesey's is, for her readers, a joyous discovery. Her work radiates with compassion and intelligence and always, deliciously, mystery."
- Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
3/29 5:16pm The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will be held on Saturday, April 10, 2010 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk DPW Garage-33 Medway Branch Road. The cost is $10.00 per animal and will be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler, D.V.M. Previous rabies certificates must be presented in order to qualify for a three-year vaccination. All dogs must be leashed and cats must be confined to a carrier or pillowcase. For more information, please contact the Norfolk Board of Health office at 508- 528-7747. - Betsy Fijol, Board of Health
3/29 5:05pm If you were at the Easter Bunny Breakfast on Sat and I took a photo of your kids (a boy and a girl) with the bunny because your camera battery had died, please email me at ruthanndowling@gmail.com. I tried to email you the photos, but the message came back to me with delivery failure. Thanks, - RD
3/29 5:04pm Baby sitter available for Norfolk family. I attend K.P. Middle School and my schedule is very flexible. I can be contacted through the Wm. Thanks. [Use box249@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - LE
3/29 5:03pm KL - We have a DPW?? - LS
3/28 9:39pm SD. If your flowers are near where your fence is just move the wire to a point where the dogs can't get to the flower bed. I move my fence around all the time. I put up a hockey rink in the winter and move the fence in front of it to keep the dogs from tearing the liner (or relieving themselves on the ice). It is pretty funny watching them right now trying to figure out if that area of the yard is a safe zone. If you need to add more length to the fence get some exterior low voltage wire and you can splice pieces to it. The wire will not shock you and does not necessarily have to be completely buried everywhere.. - SC
3/28 8:41pm This is a quote from Ms. Van Tine site "I am a fiscal conservative and believe that spending for spending's sake is what gets towns in trouble. If elected moderator, I will endeavor to appoint people to the Advisory Board and Bylaw Committee who are like minded and whose sole mission is to do everything in their power to help Norfolk succeed and grow in a positive way".I think this is written in the English language. Therefore, I for one can read and understand what she is saying. I also have common sense and can read between the lines.Also, could the Norfolk DPW please remove the very large tree that was uprooted over a week ago? It is pretty hard to miss, it could be dangerous if someone decides to climb on it (kids will be kids) and I think administrators at the FC might say "thanks."
- KL
3/28 8:17pm Wm - You forgot to read the rest of the sentence. So here it is - "like minded and whose sole mission is to do everything in their power to help Norfolk succeed and grow in a positive way." This town needs to look forward, especially in times of economic crisis. While Jonathan Smith is a fine gerntleman and has served this town in the past, if you haven't looked to new ideas and rely on the negative you are destined to fail, especially with selective comprehension.
And, of course, It's easy to skip words you don't like.
[I read it, but it does not change the first half. My reason to check the site was to see whether the page claimed Ms. VanTine would only appoint like-minded fiscal conservatives, or whether someone was "purposefully trying to derail by misinformation" because "There is nothing on Ms. VanTine's site that even comes close to that statement." I thought the page spoke for itself.Indeed, it's easy to skip words you don't like.
- Wm.]
3/28 8:16pm SD - Do your flower beds grade down to the borders? With all the rain, I'm wondering if something in the soil isn't washing toward the edges. One of my dogs would actually eat the dirt at this time of year. I don't know if it's grubs, shoots, fertilizer or the smell of thawing soil. An old friend recommended sprinkling the soil with red pepper. - SO
3/28 8:15pm Exterior painter: Steve Collari 774-573-0701 custompaintcontracting@yahoo.com - ES
3/28 12:23pm I am seeking your vote this year to succeed Dan Winslow as your Town Moderator. The position of Moderator carries a great responsibility to understand the Town Meeting process and how it affects the quality of life in our Town. Please take a minute to visit www.votejonathansmithmoderator.com to read more. Please leave any questions or comments you may have at the site or my facebook page Vote Jonathan Smith for Moderator. Looking forward to hearing from you. - Jonathan Smith, Candidate for Moderator
3/28 12:19pm Any recommendations for an exterior painter for a home? Thank you. - DMG (DMG2)
3/28 12:18pm Does anyone know when the rabies clinic will be held in Norfolk? Thanks. - DO
3/28 12:16pm Hello. My name is Hannah and I am a junior on the King Philip Girl Varsity Lacrosse Team and we are doing a fundraiser of selling cookie dough. The boxes are $15 each and contain 48 pre-formed cookies. There are six flavors: chocolate chip, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, oatmeal raisin, M&M candies, and white chocolate macadamia nut. The cookies can stay frozen for up to one year, has no trans fats, are kosher certified, made with premium ingredients, and are ready in 15 minutes. They are not recommended for kids or adults with tree nut or peanut allergies. We will be taking orders till April 6, 2010 and the cookies will arrive a couple weeks later, which I would deliver to you. I have heard that these cookies are delicious and extremely easy to make. If you are writing a check please make it out to King Philip Lacrosse. So if you would like to support the King Philip Girls Lacrosse Team I would be happy to sell you some cookie dough. Please email me at hmwaldman@comcast.net for more information. - HW
3/28 12:15pm SC: Can you offer any advice ? One of my dogs will come to the door with her face black from digging. She is not digging under the fence. 0ur flower borders look like the potholes that we have in the roads right now! She especially enjoys it when it's rained and she will come back onto the deck trailing mud everywhere, her face and beard covered. Oh well, I suppose the electric fence can't help with everything. - SD
3/28 12:14pm Someone must have gone to the wrong website. I was curious so clicked through to double-check (votevantine.com); found the following on the page: I am a fiscal conservative and believe that spending for spending's sake is what gets towns in trouble. If elected moderator, I will endeavor to appoint people to the Advisory Board and Bylaw Committee who are like minded- Wm.
3/28 12:07pm JT - You must have gone to the wrong website or don't know how to read or can't comprehend simple words through your emotions. Or are you purposefully trying to derail by misinformation? It won't work this time. There is nothing on Ms. VanTine's site that even comes close to that statement. Instead she says "to make sure that everyone's voices are heard." You ought to look at your own shortcomings before trying to pin misinformation on somebody. And those of us who study politics, human behavior and it's pathology know what you are trying to do.
Someday it will get you introuble.
3/27 10:38pm Comedy Night - Come show your support for the animals in our shelter by laughing the night away! Now that the birds are starting to chirp, the snow is (hopefully) all gone and spring is just around the corner, come join us for a comedy night fund raiser to help the ani- mals. 50% of all ticket sales (using our code) will be donated directly towards the animal gift account.
* WHEN: May 23rd. Drinks at 7:30 and show starts at 8:00 pm.For more info please visit www.norfolkanimalcontrol.net and/or www.improvasylum.com* WHERE: Improv Asylum 216 Hanover Street, Boston
* HOW TO GET TICKETS: Tickets are $20.00 per person. You have to call the box office with the code word WOOF to get the right price and donation. No internet sales. 617-263-6887 Ticket Office
- Sincerely, Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control, Norfolk Police Department Questions or comments? E-mail us at Norfolkk9@aol.com or call (508) 440 2816
3/27 10:35pm SD. I also have an invisible fence and it works like a charm. I know exactly what you mean about the "digger". My larger male dog makes my yard look like I have a moat around it. They try to dig under the fence. - SC
3/27 10:34pm AL, the most honest jeweler you will ever meet is Segaloffs in Needham. - DV
3/27 10:33pm AL, for a trusted jeweler well worth the drive to Needham Center. Go visit Bernie Segaloff at Segaloff Jewelers. He is located at 20 Chestnut Street, Needham. He is a kind man, honest, very knowledgeable and fairly priced. Good luck! - KF
3/27 10:31pm Re: State announces land protection grants - How about Norfolk? Did we need to apply for this program? t So, did Norfolk apply for one of these grants???? Just wondering, considering how much pristine, untouched and open land we have here that is unprotected and could be developed at any time once the economy "improves"!! Also, all the wetlands we have... how are they protected... anyone know?
State announces land protection grants
March 27, 2010 02:17 PMBy Hannah McBride, Globe Correspondent
Two-hundred-thirty-five acres of pristine land will be protected from development under nine state conservation grants, Governor Deval Patrick announced today.
Nine grants totaling nearly $500,000 were given to conservation programs in Athol, Brewster, Dartmouth, Hampden, Hardwick, Hull, Mattapoisett, Phillipston, Wareham, and Truro, the governor's office said in a statement.
The projects will protect fragile ecosystems and drinking water sources, preserve the habitats of endangered species, and provide walking and hiking trails.
Proposed projects include preserving a wetland marsh in Orleans and protecting forested land along Tripps Mill Brook in Mattapoisett.
In the past three years, the state has preserved more than 61,000 acres, including 72 urban park projects and 10,000 acres of natural habitat, officials said.
The protected areas received grants ranging from $24,000 to $85,000 as part of the Conservation Partnership program at the Environmental and Energy Affairs agency. The program helps nonprofit organizations purchase land or secure conservation restrictions for protected land.
[Boston Globe]- PRR
3/27 10:30pm A special thanks to the folks at the DPW Highway Division for keeping our roads passable during another New England Winter. Also, thanks for hitting the streets early with the street sweeper and picking up all the leftover sand. Nice job...!! - RP
3/27 10:29pm RB - www.mrhoop.net I've used Mr. Hoop. I also know a few others that have used him over the years. Everyone I know has been happy. Good luck. - MM
3/27 10:25pm Norfolk, Ma. - Spring Frolic is a judged art show sponsored by the Norfolk Cultural Council from May 3-27, 2010. Artists are invited to submit a maximum of two pieces of two-dimensional artwork in the following categories: oil, acrylic, watercolor , pastel and mixed medium. Arwork should be no larger than 28 X32 inches, framed, ready to hang and no saw tooth hangers or clip on frames will be accepted. Entry forms will be available at the Norfolk Library and the Norfolk Town Hall after April 1, 2010 or on drop off date, May 1, 2010, 11a.m. - 2p.m. The cost of entry is #20.00 for two pieces of artwork. Early entry forms , release form and check made out to the Norfolk Cultural Council may be mailed to the Norfolk Cultural Council, 1 Liberty Lane, Norfolk, Ma. att: art show. POSTMARKED BY APRIL 23, 2010. Awards will be given for First, Second place in each category and Best in Show.
An opening reception for Spring Frolic will feature artists and music provided by the Shane Wood Jazz ensemble. This event will take place at the Norfolk Public Library Community room, Saturday, May 8, 2010, 1p.m. - 4p.m. Public invited. For questions contact dkgcrn@msn.com
- AB-G
3/27 10:24pm To AB-G. Thank you for finding and pointing out the mistake in the survey I helped create. I am sure others in the town appreciate your attention to detail. However, I do take offense to your use of the word "pathetic" to describe our actions. Use of the word in this context is inappropriate and unnecessary. It was a simple mistake. - Ken Lawrence, Rec Commission Member
3/27 10:20pm Has anyone heard when Walgreens is opening and if there is a store(s) going into the empty building next to it? Thank you - JH
3/27 10:11pm In response to MM's post on 3/22 looking for a contractor to do plumbing and refurbishing of a master bath, we highly recommend Jason Green of J. Green Plumbing and Heating in Holliston. He is reliable and reasonable. Very creative too. Contact info: 508-429-3242. His email address is Jason@greenplumbingheating.com - JC
3/27 10:10pm JC - I live in Norfolk and take in guest dogs on occasion. If your dog is fine with another dog and a cat, is housebroken and not destructive, contact me. The Wm. can give you my email address. I work at home, so the dogs are supervised. Thanks. - SO
3/27 10:09pm I was wondering if anyone had the name of a structural engineer. We may have some problems with our foundation and need someone to come out and take a look. Also, I'd like a referral for someone who can repair our front steps. Thanks. - CC
3/27 10:08pm KID: I visited Ms. VanTine's website. She seems to have excellent qualifications. However, as the appointing authority for our ever-important Advisory Board (and less vital Bylaw Review Committee), she states that she will forsake the solicitation of varied viewpoints and, and rather, will be appointing only those who share her fiscally conservative views. I would hope that she would, instead, seek a cross-section of Norfolk voices and opinions. - JT
3/26 1:49pm Insulate! I was shocked at the reduction in our heating bills this winter. Our attic had R38 which 15 years ago exceeded standards in the area. The governement now recommends R49 for this area. I went into a large hardware store to purchase R13 unfaced rolls to place perpendicular to the current insulation. The store did not have any in stock, but R30 was on sale at $9+ roll. I installed 18 rolls for less than $200. I was shocked. My oil consumption was half of the last four years. The money spent insulating never mind the tax deduction paid for itself in less than one winter. It took me less than two hours to completely insulate. - AC
3/26 1:47pm I am happy to announce that we have created a website for CiCi Van Tine, who is running for Town Moderator. Please check it out at www.votevantine.com. The website has information about CiCi, as well as information about the role of Town Moderator. We also have a Facebook group "CiCi VanTine for Norfolk Town Moderator." Please give it a look if you are on Facebook. Thank you for your time and consideration!
3/26 1:46pm Reminder - Family Game Night is tonight at the Freeman Centennial. The doors open at 6:30PM and it is just $5 per family. Come play some fun Gamewright games and enjoy a night out with your family, friends and neighbors. Gamewright has generously donated demo games and NEEF has the Game Gurus that are there to teach everyone how to play them. With over 30 different games to chose from (multiple copies of games have been supplied) you are certain to have a fun night. Come see why Gamewright's has received so many awards for their games. - DL
3/26 1:37pm Hi, I wanted to thank the person who recommended Gentle Giant Moving. We called them with short notice to clear out a house. We had things going to three different locations. They made some suggestions as to how we could save some money, accomplished the move under the estimate, took good care of all the stuff and stayed in good humor throughout a moving day. - ML
3/26 1:36pm For JC: The best dogsitter on the planet: Carin Cohen of CritterVisits, www.crittervisits.com. She will take your dog into her home, and treat it like her own. She has taken care of my pup since he was 3 months old (he's now 8 years) and she also does daycare, walks and takes him when I am away. I trust Carin and her entire staff implicitly. - KA
3/26 1:35pm Lost a baguette in my engagement ring. Anyone have a trusted jeweler in the area that would look at the ring, prongs, setting, and replace stone? - AL
3/26 1:15pm TA - I hear you. They should make electric shock collars for our fiscal leaders. When they spend over the budget they get zapped with 10 KeV's, all hooked to a computer Excel spread-sheet. Then maybe they will stay within their fiscal boundaries. On all levels, also. Perfect for politicians, government leaders and the significant others that can't adhere to a budget. Zap! I can hear the screaming locally and nationally.
3/25 6:20pm My name is Jacy Bourque and I am 20 years old. I am a Sophomore at Becker College studying Early Childhood Education. I am looking for a full time summer nannying job. I have had many years of experience in babysitting with children of all ages. I have my own car for transportation. If you would like to contact me you can email me at jacybourque@hotmail.com for more questions. Thank you! - JB
3/25 6:10pm Looking for someone to assemble a new basketball net that we just bought - I remember someone posted a person who does that type of job. - RB
3/25 6:09pm If anybody would like to sign nomination papers for Daniel B. Winslow for State Representative for 9th Norfolk District, please let me know, so that I can bring them to you for your signature. Also, if anyone who would like to sign them is going to the KPMA Benefit Concert at the King Philip Regional High School on Friday, March 26, 2010, I will be there as well with the papers, so just let me know. Thank you. Sandy D., (508) 541-6360. - SD
3/25 6:08pm To AB-G and all who noticed the mistake on the Recreation Survey: First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to look at the Norfolk Recreation survey which was inserted in the Recreation Brochure and mailed to residents this past Monday. Unfortunately, I made a mistake on the survey that is confusing and I am sorry that I did not catch it before the survey was mailed. The Recreation Commission values everyone's opinion and would appreciate it you would return the survey with the correction noted. To correct the error, please cross off or change the small print right above the numbers and, instead, use the instructions stated in the top part of the survey:
"Please rate the projects listed below on a scale of 1-5, 1 being of no importance and 5 being the most important to you and your family."The Recreation Commission would like to hear from as many of you as possible to best understand how residents feel about certain projects proposed to the the Commission. So, if you could forgive my mistake and help the Commission, I would very much appreciate it.
If you prefer, corrected copies of the survey are available to email or in our office. If you would like one sent to you, please email recreation@virtualnorfolk.org.
Thank you!
- Ann Proto, Recreation Director, 508-520-1315
3/25 6:07pm Can anyone recommend a good house cleaner? We're looking for someone reasonably priced who does a good job to clean our house every other week. Thanks. - BL
3/25 6:06pm Mutli-Family Yard Sale: Saturday, March 27th, from 8:00a.m. until 12:00, 11 & 12 Fleetwood Drive. 3 Bikes, 20"-24," Pokeman Cards, World of Warcraft, jewelry (no gold), purses,antique china, housewares, antique trunk and china, glassware, and picture frames. Sale will be held in the garage at #11 and indoors at #12. I also have two flutes (#11) for sale, ask if interested, thanks. - CR
3/25 6:05pm Prom dresses for sale: 3 in all. 1) coral in color, absolutely gorgeous with haulter neck line. Rhinestones around the neck, slit down the side. Back is designed with the same type of rhinestones in a beautiful design. Purchased at Cache's for $450,00 selling for $150.00 Size Large, but runs a little small in size. 2) Baby blue in color, with silver glitter design through out the dress. Strapless, back has crisscross design. Size 7/8 selling for $125.00. 3) Hot pink in color with rhinestones on the top of the dress. Size 5, selling for $100.00. If interested send e-mail to: explorer 45@verizon.net, and I would be happy to send you pictures of the dresses. - DH
3/25 6:04pm Does anyone know of a dog sitter in Norfolk who would actually take the dog into his/her own home, as opposed to coming to ours? We need coverage for a week in April. - JC
3/25 6:03pm Please let me know if anyone has a recommendation for a local septic pumping company. Thank you. - DS
3/25 5:54pm MON: Override, Override, Override. I have trouble listening to it also, so I have resorted to zapping myself every time it is mentioned. - TA
3/25 5:50pm I'm a sophomore at Boston College and a Norfolk resident looking for a nanny or frequent babysitting job for this summer. I would be able to work from mid June to mid August Monday thru Friday and nights. I have prior nanny and babysitting experience. Please contact me for more information at faira@bc.edu. Thank you! - AF
3/24 5:05pm Window Cleaning: I recommend Randy Corwin at 508-520-1258. I recommend you have him do both the inside and outside so that you can really see the difference. I couldn't believe the improvement. Gutters: I can recommend B&B, you see their signs all around town. They did mine a few years ago (FYI, Randy clears out my gutters too).
3/24 5:04pm Looking for quality childcare? Millis Country Day School is having an Open House on Saturday April 10th from 9am to Noon. MCDS is a full day school that enrolls children ages 8 weeks through Kindergarten. They also have a school aged program for children 6 yrs to 12 yrs old. Registration Fees are waived at the Open House for new families. Any questions please call the director Catherine at 508-376-8425 or email her @ mcds1797@hotmail.com. My daughters are enrolled there, and if you would like a reference, please email me at box247@norfolknet.com. - JMB
3/24 5:03pm Can anyone recommend a good local locksmith? Thanks, - UG
3/24 5:02pm Looking for an Easter Bunny Portrait? Village Photo 391 E. Central St. Franklin has the Easter Bunny this Saturday the 27th and Saturday April 3rd from 12-3 and they will donate $5.00 to the Freeman-Centennial 6th grade if you just mention our schools name. - AD
3/24 5:01pm Anyone know where I can buy animatronic lips for my dog? I think my dog has really important things to say. The other night he started howling at NCTV, during a discussion of the town budget with various departments, about how they need to shave off 4% of their budgets. Then he went berserk all snarling and growling when the library budget was discussed. I couldn't calm him down so I zapped him with 10,000 volts from a remote controlled radio collar. That'll fix him, except he stained the carpet and hides in fear under the stairs all the time now. I think technology like radio-controlled collars work wonders for recalcitrant canines. And if he had the animatronic lips I could understand what it was on NCTV that unnerved him so. Was it the non-stop blathering about already obsolescent solar energy panels with years to ROIs in the double digits? Was it the posturing and begging by town department heads to be spared? Or the irony of the library asking for pardons for future cuts and its fear-mongering about Norfolkians dumbing down without it?
I don't know what is up with my dog Rex, but sometimes when he barks it sounds like "Rover-ride, Rover-ride!"
3/24 5:00pm I've said it before and I'll say it again, Cronin Oil is by far the best oil company. Competitive prices and the best service ever. If you have a problem, day, night, holiday, anytime, they are there right away. - JW
3/24 4:58pm Any chance the current water ban will be cancelled for this summer? I would like to rebuild my lawn but don't want it to die out in August because I can't water. Anyone have an update? - BP
3/24 4:50pm Pathetic. The Rec Dept goes to the trouble of writing a survey and then make it impossible to fill out. The written instructions say that #1 is the most important, and #5, the least. When you go to fill it out, it says the reverse above the choices numbered 1-5. This is not a typo, but an utterly careless mistake. - AB-G
3/24 4:48pm DWL: I went with Gutter Helmet several years ago and have had peace of mind ever since. www.gutterhelmet.com Good luck. - JK
3/24 4:47pm KO: There is no one better than Cronin Oil, right here in Norfolk. Family run, fair priced, extremely responsive and a pleasure to deal with. I don't know how anyone could expect better. Good luck. - JK
3/24 4:46pm Note to JC who is looking for a great contractor - I recently had a some work done by someone I would highly recommend. Email me for his contact info - Lawrence@Longworth.com - JL
3/24 4:42pm I concur with JC, that Cronin is the best oil company in this area. - BM
3/23 4:11pm KO, Look no further than your own back yard for a local home heating oil company in Norfolk that provides excellent service. Cronin Oil croninoil.com Our oil burner broke down during a snow storm many years ago. They came by and repaired it within no time! Check out their website.
- JC
3/23 4:10pm Hi SJ: We had ''Canine Fence'' installed a couple of years ago. We do spend a lot of time in the yard doing yard work and they are usually out with us all day. The company offers full training for you and your pet, they will spend as much time with you as you need. Once trained, your dog respects that boundary. We have two dogs and they have never attempted to cross the area that is fenced. If you check the Clipper magazine I think there is a coupon for $200.00 off installation. It is expensive but you will not regret having the fence installed, it's the best thing we did for our pooches! Only one problem, we have a ''digger.'' Now, how to stop that... Good luck
- SD
3/23 4:08pm Hi. We have a giant water stain on our kitchen ceiling from a 2nd floor laundry room flood, which leaked down into the kitchen. If there's mold, we might need to get a portion of the ceiling replaced. Does anyone know of an expert contractor that could take on this job? - JC
3/23 4:06pm New college blog [collegevideos.wordpress.com] with video on the travesty of making college deposits by May 1. Also, Dean College is hosting a college seminar for parents and students on the easier ways to pay for college - any college, this Thursday night at 7 pm RSVP 508-541-1624. - Paul Hemphill, PreCollegePrep
3/23 1:15pm If you need a construction/remodeling contractor, call Paul Zonghi, Summit Home Builders and Remodeling, (508)380-0605. Tell him you saw it on NorfolkNet! - ES
3/23 1:14pm Norfolk Public Library Presents "Who Does She Think She Is?" Movie screening: March 24th at 6:30 This film examines some of the most pressing issues of our time: parenting and work, partnering and independence, economics and art. The film follows five women artists as they navigate the economic, psychological, and spiritual challenges of making work outside the elite art world. From Hawaii's Big Island to the suburbs of Ohio, from New York City to the deserts of New Mexico, we watch as these women-ranging in age from 27 to 65-fight to honor their vision and their families every day. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion.
- Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
3/23 1:09pm Nutrition presentation at HOD - The Nutrition Task Force was formed in January and consists of parents, school administrators and the food service director for the K-6 school district. Our group's mission is to educate and encourage families to improve their life by choosing healthy foods and leading an active lifestyle while considering our impact on the environment. Child Nutrition Program When: Thursday, March 25, 2010; 7pm - 8:30pm Where: H. Olive Day Library
Presented by Jane Sylvestre, Registered Dietitian & Natalie Zodda, MBA Introduction to the Norfolk Nutrition Task Force and presentation on childhood nutrition focused on the elementary years.
"I hope to help improve the health of families by teaching the value of an active lifestyle and the importance of good nutrition. For children we hope to improve both the meals brought in from home and those served in the cafeteria " Jane Sylvestre, Registered Dietitian
"As a school administrator and member of the Nutrition Task Force, I wholeheartedly support the efforts of this group in their endeavor to improve the health of children and their families. My staff and I look forward to working with the Task Force to plan and implement innovative nutrition, exercise and recycling programs" Linda Balfour, Principal, H. Olive Day school.
Nutrition Task Force, Public Relations Committee
- EF
3/23 1:07pm Thank you BG and others for reviewing the NCTV website norfolkcable.com schedule. The playback schedule on the website was updated on Monday. Every one is welcome to contact us with any comments, concerns or compliments at the studio 508.520.2780 NCTV@Norfolkcable.com - Donna Jones, NCTV Program Coordinator
3/23 1:06pm The Cornerstone Christian Academy Auction Fundraiser is taking place on Saturday, March 27 at 6:30PM, at Tri-County Vocational School, 147 Pond St, Franklin, MA. More information can be found from the website at www.ccama.org (click on the auction button) or at the auctioneer's website: [auction link]. Tickets are $8 per person or $40 for a table. Call ahead to reserve free babysitting, dinner is included. Some of the Auction items, among many more, include autographed sports memorabilia, AirTran tickets for 2, Visit with Scott Brown including, a tour of the US Capitol, lunch in the Senate Dining room, and a tour of his office as well as a photograph with the Senator. Up to six people can take the tour (just get yourself to D.C.). - MC
3/23 10:17am To KO - we use McFarlane Oil out of Dedham, MA. We were considering making a change and found them in one of the advertising packages that comes through the mail. They offered a wonderful introductory service offer and we stayed with them when the offer ended. Their service plan is the best I have ever seen (especially the No Surprises Plan), and they are very responsive if you need service. Their oil prices are not the lowest around, but if I had to choose an oil company based on price or service, I would choose service every time. - EF
3/23 10:14am Kevin Houde Of Houde Remodeling is a great carpenter. He does excellent work on Bathrooms and Kitchens. He does great tile work and is great with plumbing as well. He has done countless jobs for us, both planning and completing the jobs. He is very much a perfectionist in his work and very neat. His phone number is 617-471-9022. - CL
3/22 8:52pm Hello. I am a junior on the King Philip Girl Varsity Lacrosse Team and we are doing a fundraiser of selling cookie dough. The boxes are $15 each and contain 48 pre-formed cookies. There are six flavors: chocolate chip, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, oatmeal raisin, M&M candies, and white chocolate macadamia nut. The cookies can stay frozen for up to one year, have not trans fats, are kosher certified, made with premium ingredients, and are ready in 15 minuets. We will be taking orders till April 6, 2010 and the cookies will arrive a couple weeks later, which I would deliver to you. I have heard that these cookies are delicious and extremely easy to make. So if you would like to support the King Philip Girls Lacrosse Team please contact me at hmwaldman@comcast.net. Every little amount helps. Thanks. - HW
3/22 8:37pm Hi, Looking for a local company for gutter replacement. Thanks - DWL
3/22 8:35pm SJ: We looked at both a wired and wireless dog underground dog fence several years ago. We chose the buried wire system because it gave us much more control over the dimensions for the safe area for the dog. The wireless model is obviously easier to set up, but the perimeter is simply a circle around the transmitter (diameter varies based on the unit). We have a DogWatch system. While expensive, it has worked very well and the company has been great to deal with. I thought about installing a system myself, but it was a no-brainer to have them install it when they showed me the equipment they use. In the end, it was the right decision. They were done in less than an hour. - DH
3/22 8:25pm We are looking for a responsible and hardworking teenager (or 2) to do some light lawn work for us this spring. Mainly raking, mulching and weeding. If interested, please e-mail me at rmbobroff@yahoo.com Thanks! - RB
[Update 3/24 4:52pm: Hi - We've received plenty of inquiries about the lawn work. Thanks! - RB]
3/22 8:24pm I am looking to have our windows cleaned - 2nd floor externally only - and have the screens put back on. Any recommendations? - TO
3/22 8:22pm Hello, we are looking to refurbish our master bathroom and wondered if anyone had recommendations of local contractors? We'll need someone to do plumbing, tiling, or both - and ideally someone who can help us plan the project. Thanks! - MM
3/22 8:20pm Details for the third annual Adam's Corner Pub Crawl [page link] Hope to see you there!! - Dave, Nancy (Smyth) & Colin Kennedy
3/22 8:19pm My home oil heating contract is up for renewal and I am looking for recommendations for local companies that offer a service contract and pre-buy options. Thanks - KO
3/22 8:18pm 3rd Annual Family Skate Night to benefit Dana Farber/The Jimmy Fund - Support the Sweetman family in their quest to raise money to fight cancer. Nine year old Michael Sweetman has battled and conquered Leukemia. Michael's dad Brian will be riding the Pan Mass Challenge in August with Michael as his pedal partner. Norfolk Arena has generously offered to donate 100% of the proceeds of this event to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute & the Jimmy Fund Clinic. When: Sunday, April 11 ^th 1:00-2:50 PMSkate rentals and crates available in limited supply. Checks can be made payable to ``Norfolk Arena''.
Where: Norfolk Arena, 1 Dean Street
How Much: $5.00 per personTo reserve tickets, contact Gayle S. at bsweetman@comcast.net or call 508-528-0015.
- BF
3/22 6:01pm I would also highly recommend PC Handyman; Ed is great. Ed 508-346-3502 - BM
3/22 5:51pm Tickets are still available for the Norfolk Community League's Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast which will be held on Saturday, March 27, 2010, at the Freeman Centennial School MacBride Auditorium in Norfolk from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Award winning magician David Hall will pull a rabbit out of his hat as he wows kids and adults with his magic tricks. Please bring your own camera to take a picture with the Easter Bunny. The event will also feature coloring and crafts for the kids and refreshments. Please bring a donation to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry (non perishable items or toiletries such as cereals, pasta sauce, peanut butter, canned vegetables, toothpaste, soap, etc.). Limited tickets are available and will not be sold at the door. Tickets are $7 for NCL members and $9 for non members, children under 2 free. To sign up please visit www.norfolkcommunityleague.org or send a check payable to NCL to P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056, Attn: Easter Bunny Breakfast and indicate the number of children and adults attending. For more information, please contact Rachael Cochran at 508-737-4764. - PMC, Norfolk Community League
3/21 9:52pm I am a nurturing mother of 2 boys. An 8 year old and a 6 week old. I am looking to nanny another child or baby in my home. I am a Norfolk resident and my 8 year old is in the public school system. I have 6 years experience as a nanny. 3 years for twin boys and a baby girl, and another 3 years for a baby girl. You would pay only for the days that your child is present. No payment necessary for sick days and holidays. I have references available upon request. Feel free to contact me either by phone or email. Annaobin@yahoo.com or 774-526-6714, ask for Anna. - AO
3/21 9:47pm In regards to tree work, Jonathon Mendall Tree service would be my first choice! 508-520-7592. - KH
3/21 9:46pm We are going to put up an electric fence for our dog. I know many people in the town have them and am wondering if you have a wireless one, or have tried one and do they work as well. It seems a lot easier to install so would prefer that. Thanks for your opinion. - SJ
3/21 9:42pm The Southeastern Massachusetts Community Concert Band is currently rehearsing for the Spring and Summer concert season. The band meets every Monday night from 7:30 until 9:30 p.m. at the Community Church, 193 Main Street, Medway. Membership is open to anyone that plays a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument. At this time, there is a need for additional percussion, trumpet, tuba, and euphonium players. There are no auditions, and musicians of high school age and up are invited to attend. The band will be playing concerts in several area towns this summer. If you would like more information about the band, please visit the band's website: www.smccb.com, or call (508)-520-1572.
- CR
3/21 9:40pm HC - Is Harvey a Muscovy? - SO
3/21 9:37pm To NCTV - Just wondering why the NCTV program schedule on the NCTV web site continues to be totally out of whack. Several programs are being aired that do not appear on the program schedule and some that do are not on the air. What's up? It's been that way for a long time. - BG
3/21 9:34pm Norfolk: The Norfolk Republican Town Committee meeting will be held on Monday, March 29, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. at the Norfolk Public Library, 139 Main Street, Norfolk, Massachusetts 02056. All are welcome to attend. For more information contact: Sandra DiBacco, Norfolk Republican Town Committee Secretary at sandydibacco@yahoo.com. - SD
3/20 10:55pm SC--My guess would be temporary lights for bridge repair work. - DE 3/20 10:49pm We've had quite the menagerie show up at the shelter this week without owners. On Wednesday we had a Lhasa Apso show up in very poor coat condition at the prison area. We've named him Dog Marley due to his Rastafarian hair-doo. After a long time on the grooming table at The Village Groomer the team came up with the after shot... I truly thought they had switched dogs on me! He is undergoing treatment for ear infections but other than that he should be up for adoption on 3/26. He is housebroken and gets along with other dogs and cats. We do know that he's 5 yrs old and he originated in Holliston and was bought by a Rhode Island couple who gave the dog away but the trail goes cold after that. Even though we cannot find the whole history on Marley it's nice that micro chipping could help in some of the identifying factors about him such as age and how he arrived in MA. Today we also had a new arrival at the shelter. We're calling him Harvey right now. He was found by residents who were really great to spot him, catch him and keep him safe. He is now in the shelter hanging out awaiting for his owners to call or to find a new home starting 3/28. Harvey will be heading to the vet for a wellness check during the upcoming week.
If anyone is interested in these animals please contact me at 508 440 2816.
- HC, Norfolk Animal Control
[Update 3/21 9:41pm: oops, I had a broken thumbnail of Harvey's photo; fixed - Wm.]
3/20 10:46pm SC: I saw the traffic lights too. They seem temporary, so thought perhaps there will be bridge work this summer and there will only be one lane of traffic. Might need to call Millis and ask. - CI
3/20 8:49pm Does anyone know why there are 4 traffic lights on 115 on each side of the Charles River bridge?Other than the small parking lot for canoeists, there seems to be no reason why lights would be put up. Very strange. - SC
3/20 5:02pm KK, for tree work try Jonathon Mendall, 508-520-7592. Hard worker and very nice guy. - GG
3/20 4:57pm AW: I am an local interior decorator from Norfolk. I would be happy to chat about your project and see if I can help. You can contact me at mservello@verizon.net. - MS
3/20 4:56pm YP - Thank you so much for the recommendation of Brian Priorier for our roofing issues. Of the four roofers I called (one of which is mentioned in this forum), he is the only one who called me back. He came out the next day and fixed our major issues later that afternoon. He was professional, courteous, and a pleasure to deal with. I highly second your recommendation! - SF
3/20 4:52pm To Norfolknet readers: Someone gave my number to a friend of theirs in Walpole in reply to an ad I posted on Norfolknet offering spring cleanups. Unfortunately, my phone is currently somewhere in the White mountains of New Hampshire along with the person's name and number. If you referred me to a friend in Walpole could you please have them call again? The number is 508-507-0923 or e-mail @ CRAIGLOWELLROBINSON@YAHOO.COM. I would really appreciate it. - CR
3/20 4:51pm Happy Vernal Equinox!
3/19 2:34pm To all Norfolk Residents, The KP SADD and The BeSmart Wellness Coalition are partnering to present a Community/Parent Forum on the Prevention of Underage Substance Abuse on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. This national event is sponsored by the Federal Government's Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD) and statewide by the MA Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Abuse Services.
Underage drinking is not just an issue for teens and parents, but an issue for the entire community. When teens use alcohol it becomes a family issue, a crime issue for our police force, a productivity issue for businesses, an academic issue for our schools, and a health issue for our community. As a community it is our responsibility to continue to communicate with teens and parents about the dangers of underage drinking as well as working together to control the access of alcohol to our youth.
The March 23 forum will highlight local initiatives, offer practical strategies for communicating more effectively with teens, identify community resources, and discuss prevention solutions for parents in the King Philip community. In addition to our panel of distinguished presenters, we are also very excited about the resource exhibit area where parents can pick up information about family wellness and network with other community members. The list of exhibitors so far is as follows:
Community Impact Inc., ADAPT, The MA Coalition for Responsibility (MA Package Stores Association), Mass General Hospital, Sean McGinnis (Coach KP Boys Basketball), Amber Vision, Norfolk County DA, Norfolk Police, Wrentham Police, Plainville Police, DARE, MIAA, Learning Bug Education, KP SADD, and KP BeSmart.
The event is from 6:30-8:30pm at the King Philip High School Auditorium. Refreshments will be served.
We hope to see you at this worthwhile event on March 23. Thanks.
- Pam Carrison, President, KP BeSmart Wellness Coalition
3/19 2:32pm For Sale: Yamaha PSR-185 Keyboard. Barely used, in pristine condition, $50. 508-528-7528 evenings or leave message. - JK
3/19 2:31pm KK: Try Tree Tech out of Foxboro. www.treetechinc.net, 6 Spring Brook Road, Foxboro, MA 02035-2607, (508) 543-5644. They recently cut down four trees for me and were extremely professional and reasonable. - JK
3/19 2:27pm Hamilton Crane out of Walpole is a good tree company and answers their phone. Call 1-774-244-0783 ask for Ben. - RA
3/19 2:26pm Bella Of Cape Cod is now at Something Special. Everything is $25.00 and under,stop in and check it out. Don't forget we have fresh flowers. - JA, Something Special
3/19 2:25pm BM: I would recommend contacting Robert Kierce Roofing at (508) 698-3806. Their web-site is www.KierceRoofing.com. They are a local company with a lot of solid references. Hope it helps. - CS
3/19 2:24pm Re: KK - tree work. I like to use Galasso Tree out of Walpole. Great service and very professional. - SB
3/19 2:22pm I'm a freshman at Dickinson College, a graduate of Ursuline Academy, and a Norfolk resident. I'm looking for a nanny or daily babysitting position for June through mid August. I have prior babysitting and nanny experience. Please contact me for more information at keye@dickinson.edu - LK
3/19 2:19pm Finally, there are some quality candidates to chanllege Barney Frank. I have attached their websites. Please give them look and lets term limit Barney Frank. Its time for him to retire. [Sean Bielat, Keith Messina and Earl Sholley - C o n t i n u e d . . .]
- PT
3/19 2:18pm Reply to KK for a Tree Company - we have used Green Trees out of Norfolk and they have been great, but I cannot find their phone # right now. - BM
3/19 2:09pm BM: I have used David Smith to do one of our roofs and he was fantastic. My husband and I also tried our hand at another one of our roofs and he was really helpful when we had questions along the way. Dave is great to work with, great quality and stuck right to his estimate for the job. I think his contacts are on the business card page of norfolknet. - HC
3/19 2:08pm BMS - Thank you for your recommendation to the PC Handyman. I saw your post and it prompted me to take my old laptop that had thousands of stranded photos on it due to a broken connection to the power source. Ed pulled my hard drive and downloaded 13 disks worth of photos and videos of the first 3 years of my children's lives. I couldn't believe how quick and inexpensive he was. I would highly recommend Ed 508-346-3502! - SL
3/18 1:24pm I need to have a new roof put on my house. Any suggestions for roofing contractors around Norfolk, MA? - BM
3/18 1:23pm Need a recommendation for a reliable local appliance store that sells dryers and has experience adapting the machine for propane. - JR
3/18 1:22pm I think it's a great time to think about where kids go after school, and ensuring that they are staying active. The Adirondack Club in Franklin just launched their "Active Kids" after school program this month and are having great success with it. Holmes Bussing currently is picking kids up from the HOD, and will be picking up at Freeman Centennial starting in September. Kids go swimming every day, play tennis and attend fitness classes several times per week. There is snack provided and supervised homework time every day! They are accepting applications for September right now! Check them out at [adirondackclub.com page] - AD, Adirondack Club
3/18 1:21pm Received largest 1-day exposure to my blog yesterday. Seems I hit a real nerve with parents on how to get more money from a college after they've said, "NO!" The short video got a lot of laughs too. collegevideos.wordpress.com - PH, PreCollegePrep
3/18 1:20pm KK - Try Stumpy's - I think out of Ashland. They cut 4 for us last spring, and 4 more for my dad in the summer, and did a great job at a reasonable price. Not sure if they're as busy as everyone else, but worth a shot. - SS
3/18 1:19pm TSD - I can refer you to an experienced painter. Email info@pchman.com for more info. - ES
3/17 11:20pm We agree with GA, Galasso Tree out of Walpole was very easy to work with, on time, easy to book, and very pleasant. - AL
3/17 3:48pm I'm interested in having my kitchen cabinets painted... any suggestions? Thanks, - TSD
3/17 3:47pm Anyone missing their 5 yr old Lhasa Apso? If so we've got him here. Please call Animal Control at 508 440 2816 - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
3/17 3:46pm Has anyone worked with an experienced, affordable interior designer for their home that they could recommend? Looking to do some reconfiguring of some of the rooms in my house and need help. Thoughts, suggestions and recommendations would be appreciated. - AW
3/17 1:09pm Happy St. Patrick's Day!
3/17 1:06pm Just moved in and looking to get rid of your boxes? Please contact me at box246@norfolknet.com Thanks! - PMC
3/17 1:05pm KK, Have you tried Galasso Tree out of Walpole? We've used them several times and have been very satisfied. - GA
3/16 11:39pm Can someone recommend a tree company that will answer the phone, or at least return a phone message. I need to have several large pine trees removed. Thanks. - KK
3/16 11:38pm It would seem fair to set prices for SACC services at a break-even level. I disagree that the SACC program should generate a profit (or loss). I also disagree with KF regarding overhead expenses. The school building, and related operating costs, should be viewed as a "sunk cost", in my opinion. SACC simply uses available space, before and after the "true school hours". It would be impossible to calculate how much electricity or heat is required to support the SACC activities alone. My kids do not attend SACC, but I am hopeful nonetheless that services continue for all of the families who do rely on it for a dependable, safe environment. It is also not fair to compare today to yesteryear when it comes to the cost of living and raising children (in Norfolk and in general). Apples and oranges... - CS
3/16 11:37pm Every year we go to Christina's Function Facility in Foxboro on Rte. 1 behind Stoneforge. The Easter Bunny is there as well as a DJ that provides music & games for the kids. Visit their website at : www.christinasfunctions.com
Don't delay, reservations only & the book up quickly!
- AT
3/16 11:36pm KAS: I'm not sure what they have planned for Easter, but the Noon Hill Grill is very kid-friendly. We ate there this past Sunday with a 3 year old in our group and we were very comfortable. - MP
3/16 2:39pm Any suggestions for a restaurant that is kid friendly for Easter Brunch? - KAS
3/16 2:36pm To SF: I highly recommend Poirier Roofing / Brian Poirier - Franklin, Ma. Honest, trustworthy & reliable. He is a great guy and does a great job. - YP
3/16 2:35pm I have office space (2 units) for rent in the center of Norfolk. Please call Nancy Flynn for details. 508-954-3934 - NF
3/16 2:34pm I agree with DO on the Norfolk SACC program. My son has been attending the SACC program for 3 years now and it is a great program! The instructors are wonderful and caring. We must support this program and find a way to keep it as part of Norfolks School program. - LZ
3/16 2:32pm DO, since you asked for response via norfolknet, I have some questions regarding the SACC program. Does this program use rooms in the building that are used for SACC only? Does the SACC program contribute towards heat, electricity, etc.? I was surprised to see that the program had a deficit as I was always of the understanding that the SACC program was self supporting by the parents who used it. When my husband and I raised our family, before and after school care of our children was our responsibility, not the taxpayers. - KF
3/15 10:40pm Winslow launches website for State Representative campaign - Dan Winslow, the former Presiding Justice of the Wrentham District Court who is running for the House seat being vacated by Richard Ross, today announced that his campaign has launched a website, www.danwinslow.com [Continued . . .]
3/15 10:19pm Community Day planning for 2010 has begun! Last year's Community Day was a huge success. Attendance was great, the weather was great, and our sponsors continued to support the event despite a sagging economy. The changes we instituted last year, such as moving some of the entertainment under the big tent and expanding our entertainment options (thanks to Ayla Brown and our new senator!) were well received. The Norfolk Lions woud like to thank everyone who participated, fellow lions, folks that came out to support the event, and especially our sponsors.
Community Day is Norfolk's largest town-wide event that brings together families and friends for a relaxing day of fun, food, games, and music. Best of all, people can enjoy Community Day without spending a lot of money!
For 2010, your Community Day Chairman is long-time Norfolk resident and Lion... (drum roll) Don Hanssen! Steve McDonough will continue to serve as Webmaster, and may also be this year's event emcee.
This year, if you have questions about 2010 Community Day, we have a new email set up. Please send your questions or suggestions to: norfolkcommunityday@gmail.com
Of course, a big Thank You goes out to the Holmes family for their generous support of this and other Lions events!
We look forward to seeing you at Norfolk Community Day! Please visit www.norfolklionscommunityday.info to learn more or suppply us with your comments or suggestions.
- TL, Norfolk Lions Club - Community Day
3/15 9:12pm Does anyone with a dry basement have a dehumidifier they may want to loan us for our wet basement? What a time for ours to go on the fritz! Email box245@norfolknet.com. - SO 3/15 9:11pm Have you entered the 2010 Friends of the Norfolk Public Library Readers' Raffle yet? The Raffle is open to all who join the Friends during the ongoing membership drive. The winner will receive a gift certificate for $125, good toward brand new books of their choosing in any genre, and worth even more than face value because it's based on the library's discounted rate for books. The winner will also take home the Friends Tote Bag currently on display at the library, and filled - just in time for spring planting - with several gardening books, seed packets, tools, small wind chimes, gloves, hand cream and more. Relax afterward with the included herbal teas and cookies, cozy under your tri-color Norfolk afghan. Friends membership forms are available at the library. The raffle drawing will be held on Friday, April 23, 2010 during the Annual Friday Night Friends-Only Preview and Book Sale; participants need not be present to win. Details about the book sale are available at norfolkbooksale.com
- VR
3/15 9:10pm Can anyone recommend someone to repair/replace a roof? Thanks! - SF
3/15 9:05pm KAS - No matter who you go with, I highly recommend a battery back-up to your sump pump as well. I had one in our old house and it was well worth the extra money. Saved us once and paid for itself. - BP
3/15 9:02pm Calling all Norfolk Families: On Friday, March 26 join the Norfolk Elementary Education Foundation's (NEEF) first annual Gamewright Family Game Night. Learn and play new, fun table-top games at the Freeman Centennial cafeteria. Family entrance fee is $5.00. Doors open at 6:30 and games are played between 7-8:30 p.m. Come out, enjoy some time with your family and help NEEF support innovative teaching and state-of-the-art technology in Norfolk Public Schools. Please pre-register at www.neefonline.org or pick up a registration form at the H. Olive Day or Freeman Centennial Schools, or Norfolk Public Library. - MHC
3/15 9:01pm We are doing some renovations at the house and have some items that may be of interest to someone before we dispose. Specifically: 1) a large plaid (green, red, almond) couch in good condition, 2) a bathroom furniture style vanity about 30" with bone colored granite top and oil rubbed bronze faucet only about 2 years old (does have a 3 inch cut out for drain pipe on right side of cabinet, 3) an almond colored 30" wide refrigerator in great working condition. All these items are free but would need to be removed before Wednesday this week. If interested, please call 508-440-5167. Also, have a real nice claw foot computer desk that is in excellent condition with matching leather bound swivel chair and looking for $225 for both.
3/15 8:58pm College seminar on how to pay less for college. Franklin's YMCA, this Tuesday night at 7 pm. With author and financial aid specialist, Paul Hemphill. - PH, PreCollegePrep
3/15 8:56pm JD, I cannot say enough nice things about Robin Shean. I loathe loathe loathe exercising, but when I did her group classes, I actually looked forward to going. You will be in pain, but she will make you laugh while your muscles scream (I mean it, she is hysterical). She also does personal training. Check her out at [page link] - KID
3/14 5:38pm AW If you are looking for a great cleaning service call Beth Dowdell at 508 317 5431 (Clean Queens) they do a great job, are reliable, trustworthy, and always show up on time. - DC
3/14 5:36pm To KAS - Regarding your wet basement, you can contact Neil Murphy at Water Stoppers in Walpole. Web site is wedrybasements.com; (508) 660-6603. He did a basement for me in an old house I had in Norwood and solved the problem. Although landscaping plays a big part wet basements can also be caused by a high water table on your property and need to be fixed from the inside.
- RW
3/14 2:37pm Parents of children in the Norfolk School Age Child Care (SACC) program should know that the March 12th Norfolk Boomerang edition has an article regarding its profitability and feasibility from the Norfolk's superintendent viewpoint. Please take the time to read it and support the Norfolk SACC Program by letting the Norfolk community know by responding on Norfolknet.com. As parents with children in the SACC Program, we wanted the community to know how important this program is to all the children in the SACC program. This program provides the children with quality child care before and after school. The program instructors, in my opinion, are more than professional. They provide the children with a caring, safe and fun environment that supports the children's educational growth and experience.
The SACC Program will need the parent's support to find alternative way to make this program profitable again and remain as a Norfolk School program.
- DO
3/14 2:36pm To TM: After a two year hiatus, the annual Connor's Fun Run, 3.1 mile run, 1 mile walk which starts and ends at the HOD school, will be held hopefully sometime in May. More details to follow! - KR
3/14 2:35pm Once again we have a flooded basement after this heavy rain. Can't procrastinate any longer! Does anyone have recommendations for a landscape contractor that will be able to regrade my yard so the water flows away from my foundation? Also, can anyone recommend someone to better install a sump pump. My current sump pump isn't cutting it. - KAS
3/14 2:34pm The boat launch site is located just off Rt 140 on Elysium St in Wrentham. Parking permits are required and must be purchased at the Wrentham board of selectman's office. Non-residents are technically restricted to fishing and you must show a current MA fishing license to the clerk. For non-residents, the annual fee is/was $75. The state no longer stocks trout in Lake Pearl because of the fee level. - HH
3/14 2:33pm Cats get rabies too, so why are only dogs singled out? Probably because of that movie scene in "To Kill A Mockingbird" where Atticus Finch took out the frothing beast, and it left a wrong, dull impression in the minds of our leaders. Cats should be vaccinated and licensed too. In fact, more people get rabies from cats then dogs. But we give cats a free ride. Me, I keep a wary eye on the disease-laden creatures when I see them. Rabies is the tip of the iceberg with these 4-legged song-bird-killing-germ-bags.
Let's all hope this changes before little "Fluffy" goes on a rampage and Atticus isn't around.
3/14 2:32pm Does anyone know of a good personal trainer in the area for a middle age guy? - JD
3/14 2:29pm AW - What exactly are you looking for? I may be able to help you out. - DH
3/13 3:35pm Can anyone recommend an affordable, quality residential housekeeper? - AW
3/13 3:34pm Comcast ISP users: has anyone else noted a significant reduction in speed lately? - RM
3/13 3:33pm Hey, RG, cats are "libertarian" pets? Consider: they get endless handouts of free food (talk about welfare dependency!); they also receive free medical care (but no choice of doctors); and, contrary to the Libertarian maxim of "live and let live," they engage in constant warfare with other species (dogs, cats, small birds). It's enough to make me catatonic. - HRB
3/13 3:32pm Does anyone know of any upcoming, local road races? Thanks! - TM
3/13 3:31pm Any girls out there looking for a prom dress? Why pay top dolIar to only wear once. Have three for sale: 1) Coral in color - absolutely gorgeous with halter neck line, rhinestones around the neck, slit down the side. Back is designed with the same type of matching rhinestones in a beautiful design. Puchased @ Cache's for $450.00 Size Large, but runs a little small. Asking $150.00 2) Baby blue in color with silver glitter design though out the dress. Strapless, back has crisscross design. Size 9 Asking $125.00. 3) Hot pink in color, rhinestones all on the top of the dress. Size 5 Asking $100.00. Pictures upon request. - DH
3/13 3:28pm Receveived an eail asking about boat ramps on Lake Pearl -- Looking for some info on public boat ramps on Lake Pearl, either in Wrentham or Franklin. [. . .] I live in Plainville and have fished Pearl since I was a kid. I recently bought a small motor boat and would like to find some public access to pearl. Anthing you can tell me would be a big help. Thanx, Rod B.- Wm.
3/13 3:26pm Hi TB, Regarding the tomato disease from last year, as I understand it the blight will only survive in living plant tissue. So unless you have a cankered tomato or potato there, you should not have to move your garden. Also, it is primarily wind borne once it gets established, so if it's going to hit, it can happen anywhere in your yard. - PS
3/13 3:18pm TB2: I saw a small engine / lawn mower repair shop on Rte 109, Millis heading towards Medway. Before (or very near) the Black Cow (ice cream), I believe. - JLH
3/13 3:15pm Writing Norfolk Women Back into History - On Monday March 15 at 7 p.m. the Norfolk Public Library will host a reception to honor some of Norfolk's women whose contributions helped to shape the town's history. Their stories have been videotaped and a book is being made to preserve this important part of Norfolk's past. The project coordinators are Bonnie Dittrich, Chris Cleverdon, and Betty Lehan. Their efforts are in observation of National Women's History Month. This year's theme is ``Writing Women Back into History''.
Interviews have collected the oral history of 9 Norfolk women and have been recorded by Norfolk Community TV to create 6 episodes. Each week 2 episodes will be shown back to back on Comcast's channel 8 and Verizon's channel 41 in Norfolk. Here are the current show times:
Sunday at 1 p.m.
Monday at midnight, 9:30 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday at midnight, 1 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Thursday at 9:30 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Friday at midnight and 1 p.m.
Saturday at 9:30 a.m.
And every day at 6:30 a.m.
3/11 2:51pm After reading HC's post - I am so glad I own a cat. Cat = the libertarian pet.
- RG
3/11 2:50pm I couldn't get my rototiller started last year, but will need it to get a new garden spot ready for this spring; due to the tomato disease from last year they will need to be relocated. Can someone recommend a local small engine repair shop? Thanks, - TB (TB2)
3/11 2:49pm Good morning: An I-phone was found on Grove Street this morning. Pretty banged up, but seems to be working somewhat. Tell me what color the cover was. Please respond to box244@norfolknet.com. - ALL
3/11 2:48pm The Uncommon Theater in Mansfield will be presenting The Little Mermaid, March 18-20 at Qualters Middle School in Mansfield. This young performers (grades 1-6) show features 7 Norfolk children! I am doing costumes for the show and I need some help so I thought I would turn to my fellow norfolknetters. We are in need of a chef hat, 3-4 pairs of white karate pants (to fit kids 8-10 yrs old) and a twin or full matress (to break the prince's fall). If you are able to help with any of these items please contact me at nancy.dipietro@comcast.net. Thanks. - NJD
3/10 9:13pm Whew! I see carpal tunnel coming my way from dialing the phone and writing citations. I have just received the dog list from the town clerk of those who have not re-licensed or initially licensed their dogs. There are over three hundred people on the list! I must say 75% of the people on the list look very familiar to those from last year as well and a bunch of new dogs. Now I'm no secret spy but if you do have a dog that you acquired within the last year and it is vaccinated for rabies, and you have not licensed it, chances are we have record of your dog from your veterinarian (means you're most likely on my enforcement list). I like to tell everyone up front in regards to enforcement so they are not surprised when a citation may be written. Hopefully those who have not licensed, will read this, and by the time I call or knock on their door, they have it all squared away and save some ink. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
3/10 9:12pm Does anyone recommend a pest control company for rodents. It sounds like there is a mouse or chipmunk scratching behind the wall in my kitchen. I would like to get it taken care of before it gets out in the open and freaks out my fiance'. Any and all recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. - KMB
3/10 9:10pm My 9-year-old chimney is suddenly developing white streaks called efflorescence. Can someone suggest a cure or someone reputable who can diagnose the cause? It doesn't look very nice. - KB
3/10 11:05am I second that recommendation for The PC Handyman. Ed is knowledgeable, friendly, reasonable - and makes house calls! - JR
3/10 12:53am I have to put in a plug for The PC Handyman at 508-346-3502. My old computer died yesterday. The sad thing is/was that I had another computer but just had not had the chance to move everything over. I thought my procrastination had done me in. Ed returned my call really quickly and came to the house within 24 hours. Fortunately the hard drive was not fried and he transferred the data to the new machine and installed all my software. He did all this in 1.5 hours. I really highly recommend him. - BMS
3/10 12:48am Hi everyone, my name is Tsigu E. and I've been liveing in Norfolk since 2001. I am looking for a job. I was a teacher in Ethiopia. Over here I worked as a cashier and in personal care attendance. I do have a medical training backround. If anyone is looking for somebody for taking care of aging parents, I'm available. If you have any questions or would like to talk to me, my cell phone number is 508-215-9356. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
- TE
3/10 12:44am Does anyone know of a non-competitive adult softball league in the area for women in their early 20s? I've only been able to locate leagues for women older or ones that are competitive for my age group. Thanks! - JN
3/10 12:43am OK, JO and MON, synchronicity has been restored. The universe is big enough for all of us. Don't make me go get my Emily Dickinson out, or worse, my Lou Reed albums. It would end badly. - MJS
3/10 12:41am Can't drop off or pick up your pet? You no longer need to hurry in the morning and rush home to pick up your trusted friend! As an alternative to doggie daycare, Leashrly Life will come to your home and care for your pet. We offer a number of services from pet sitting to dog walking, group hiking excursions and one-to-one personalized obedience trainings. Experienced, loving care by professionals you can trust. References are available. Rates are very affordable and if you act soon you can take advantage of our special discounted rates for Norfolk residents through the end of April. All animals are welcomed! Call 781-241-2083 or visit www.leashrlylife.com.
- AW, Leashrly Life
3/10 12:36am TO DH... Not a good idea to consolidate student loans with other kinds. You lose the tax benefit, and student loans can be deferred or put into forebearance if something unforeseen should happen. You do not have this option on a personal loan. If he has a couple of different student loans, he can consolidate them all together in a Consolidated student loan. Then he would have one loan for school purposes. Thes loans can be found through most of the school lending sites, ie. Direct Student Loans, Salli Mae, Chase, etc (where ever his loans are through). You do not lose your interest rate on individual loans either. They are consolidated together with a weighed average. Hope this helps - TK
3/10 12:35am There may be a few extra spots at feral spay day next Monday morning due to the weather. If anyone is feeding a feral cat and you'd like to have them combo tested, vaccinated, ear tipped and altered please email me no later than Friday so that I may set a trap up at your house on Sunday. There is no cost to individual residents. Domestic cats are ineligible for this clinic. - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control 3/10 12:34am Spring must be here! This truck was spotted driving around town! - BF
3/8 11:38pm Stop by the HOD and Freeman-Centennial Libraries for the Spring Scholastic Book Fairs, sponsored by the Norfolk TPA! Bookfair hours are during class times and during Parent/Teacher Conferences. All profits generated from the sales go towards the many programs sponsored by the TPA. Thanks for your support! - KEM
3/8 11:35pm I have to counterbalance those last Shakespeare quotes with those of Tony Montana - aka Scarface - for the sake of humanity and the synchronicity that holds the universe together. - I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
- In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.
- Me, I want what's coming to me.
- You know what capitalism is? Getting F$%##E!
- I got ears, ya know. I hear things.
- You a communist? Huh? How'd you like it, man? They tell you all the time what to do, what to think, what to feel. Do you wanna be like a sheep? Like all those other people? Baah! Baah!
- The World Is Yours!
- The only thing in this world that gives orders... is B##@!
3/8 11:29pm One of the animal control spring fund raisers has just been put up on my web site. This year I'm selling car magnets in many different varieties for pet lovers. Please visit www.norfolkanimalcontrol.net to see the options and pick out your favorite magnet. This year the animal control budget has been hit hard and is relying more and more on the gift account to help the animals in need. This is a great and inexpensive way to show your support to animals everywhere! All proceeds will go to the animal gift account. Feel free to email me to set up your purchase or call the office at 508 440 2816. Thank you. - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
3/8 11:17pm If anyone knows of any local businesses looking for part time help, please let us know. My wife is looking to go back to work part time after having our 2nd baby. She has 8 years experience as an admin. assistant in the medical field. No benefits required, only flexible hours. Feel free to email possibilities to jobin@gopella.com. - JO
3/8 11:15pm My name is Scott S. (Brewster Road). I am looking for a small, single room office space for rent/lease that is ideally in Norfolk or very close by. All I need is access to an internet connection. I would appreciate any help. Thank you. Cell: 617-797-1935, scott_stmary@yahoo.com - SS
3/8 11:10pm TK: Many thanks for your response. I have tried Nelson in the past. Does anyone else have a recommendation for a good, reasonable property spring cleanup? I truly appreciate. - JK
3/8 11:04pm We in town know Dan Winslow is a very-well qualified candidate for State Representative, and he is great guy. We should also know there are potential advantages to having a "townie" in Boston representing us.
However, folks in other 9th District towns might not be as familiar with Dan and his unique qualifications.
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
- John P. Bermingham, NOGO
3/8 11:03pm Norfolk Girl Scout Troop 3611 is seeking donations of new or gently used, twin-sized blankets or comforters to contribute to the Medway House Family Shelter. Drop off donations at the Norfolk Public Library in the front lobby from March 15-30. All used items should be laundered and placed in a bag. The Medway House Family Shelter houses twelve homeless families and has 48 twin-sized beds. As families leave the shelter, they often take blankets and comforters, leaving the shelter in constant need of replacing these items.
Please contact cplavin@comcast.net with questions. Thank you for "Giving Comfort" to the Medway House!
3/8 11:02pm DH: From what I know, it's not a good idea to consolidate a student loan with other loans. Really the only way you'd be able to do this would be through a personal loan or a home equity loan. Then, in the eyes of the government you are no longer technically paying on a student loan, and would lose the tax benefit (interest on student loans is tax deductible). If the only reason he wants to do this is to save time when paying bills, I would just leave well enough alone and pay down the bill with the highest interest rate first. - JP
3/8 11:01pm DH: The young man you are helping might start by looking at the interest rates, loan duration, and terms on the different types of outstanding debt. If he is able to secure a loan with a lower fixed interest rate and a lower total cost of financing/borrowing, then it would seem to make sense to pay them all of off through the single loan, and to pay that loan back under the more favorable terms. If some of the debt is low/no interest, then it would not be wise to refinance this portion, as it may end up costing more to borrow the same amount owed. Just my view. - CS
3/8 11:00pm Norfolk Baseball is now accepting applications for The Fourth Annual Joseph M. DiRienzo Jr., Memorial Scholarship. This $1000.00 award will be presented at our opening day ceremonies on April 24th. Application deadline is April 3. Please see your Guidance Department or Athletic Department for an application or visit www.norfolkbaseball.com If you have any questions or would like an application mailed to you please contact Karen F. at 781-467-8192 or at treasurer@norfolkbaseball.com. - KF
3/6 5:22pm Could someone give me some advice. I'm trying to help out a young man consolidate all of his student loans, car loan etc.. into one loan. He just wants to be able to pay one place per month instead of a couple of different places. Also would this be a good idea for him to go this route or just leave everything as is? He just got a great job, but is paying $90,000 towards student loans, a car loan etc..As an example he wants to be able to take his tax money, and put all of that money and pay one place instead of dividing it up and paying a little to each one. Thanks for any help you can give. - DH
3/6 5:12pm I have read some comments re Shakespeare and hope it is (Much Ado About Nothing) and come (Full Circle) in this (Brave new World) without creating (The Tempest) over his works. It seems to me that we are embarking on a (Comedy of Errors) so (Measure for Measure) I hope these comments are not a (Midsummer's Night Dream) or a (Winter's Tale) and differences can be mitigated like (Two Gentlemen from Verona).
But whether this will (Be or not to Be) will develop into a (Wild Goose Chase) will not sink in until (Tomorrow and Tomorrow).
But since this is a (Winter's Tale) all we have to do is (Beware of the Ides of March) and (Sleep perchance to Dream) and let it (Blow, Blow thy Winter Wind) and realize (The World is my Oyster).
Therefore (What the Dickens) We have come (Full Circle) with all the (Pomp and Circumstance) of the last two hundred years so (Whats in a Name?)
Lastly (Parting is such Sweet Sorrow).
The items in para are of course fron the Bard's work.
- JO
3/5 8:01pm NCL Easter Bunny Breakfast, March 27th - The Norfolk Community League's Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast will be held on Saturday, March 27, 2010, at the Freeman Centennial School MacBride Auditorium in Norfolk from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Award winning magician David Hall will pull a rabbit out of his hat as he wows kids and adults with his magic tricks. Please bring your own camera to take a picture with the Easter Bunny. The event will also feature coloring and crafts for the kids and refreshments. Please bring a donation to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry (non perishable items or toiletries such as cereals, pasta sauce, peanut butter, canned vegetables, toothpaste, soap, etc.). Limited tickets are available and will not be sold at the door. Tickets are $7 for NCL members and $9 for non members, children under 2 free. To sign up please visit www.norfolkcommunityleague.org or send a check payable to NCL to P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056, Attn: Easter Bunny Breakfast and indicate the number of children and adults attending. The deadline for tickets is Friday, March 19th. For more information, please contact Rachael C. at 508-737-4764. - PMC, Norfolk Community League
3/5 7:52pm We are getting a new washer and dryer. The old ones are approximately 18 years old and still functional, though the washer is beginning to have some issues. If anyone is looking for a temporary or backup appliance, or maybe something to put in a second home, contact me at norfolkwasherdryer@gmail.com and I will give you more details. You would have to pick them up by next Wed (3/10). - LK 3/5 7:51pm Thank you to the person who donated a bag of goodies for Roxanne. This is her favorite! - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
3/5 7:50pm Over 40 women's soccer is looking for additional players. We play on Sunday mornings from the middle of April until the middle of June. This team's home field is in Medway on Oakland Street. We play surrounding towns. We play a 6 versus 6 format. Experience is not required. If you are interested, please contact me at heskisheski@comcast.net. - AC
3/4 3:54pm Looking for a great place to live in Norfolk? House share currently available. Private tv room/den, bedroom and a spacious bath. Shared kitchen and laundry. An easy walk to our exciting town center. $700. Wifi, utilites, and nice people included. 508-212-0986. - AB
3/4 3:51pm Does anyone know if there is an Easter Bunny breakfast / egg hunt being held this year? I know of one at Choate Park in Millis, but was specifically wondering about Norofolk. Thanks! - AT
3/4 2:20pm [Moved to For Sale section - Wm.] 3/4 2:17pm Anyone missing a dog? We found a dog in the woods behind our house on Tucker Rd. He looks to be a young male Husky or Malamute. Has a Green Collar and was attached to a red cable lead. The lead got wrapped around some trees and pinned him down. He's on our three - season porch. We left a message with animal control. If he's yours please call us at 528-7012. - TF
[Update 2:18pm: I believe we found the dog's owner. - TF]
3/4 2:07pm MJS, Good advice. My brains have turned to mush because of TV and Extreme Cage-Fighting? How do you know this? I thought only video games caused neurological problems, which I swore off of years ago after I couldn't beat DOOM III. I'll have to read a book once in a while, but Shakespeare isn't for me. I saw a picture of him once and I thought he dressed too feminine for my tastes. He should get a make-over on TV like the others.
3/4 2:06pm Don't forget that this weekend the Norfolk Public Library is hosting Coastal Mountain Railroad! Saturday & Sunday, March 6 & 7 in the Community Room. Coastal Mountain Railroad set up a truly extraordinary display of an HO scale model railroad -- complete with sound. A treat for kids of all ages! Saturday 10:00-4:00 & Sunday 11:00-4:00. - Andrea Ingala, Youth Librarian, Norfolk Public Library
3/4 2:05pm Broad Universe: Women (Writers) History Month Event! The Maternal Bloodlines of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, & Speculative Fiction Discover the maternal bloodlines of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other speculative fiction with members of Broad Universe. Phoebe Wray, (Nebula-nominee) Jennifer Pelland, Trisha Wooldridge, Elaine Isaak, & (Norfolk resident) Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert will introduce you to women who have influenced their lives and writing, and show you their power in their writing.
Enjoy a fun afternoon looking back at the women who wrote the future then, and are writing our futures now!
Type: Education [facebook link]; Lecture [facebook link] Date: Saturday, March 6, 2010. Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm. Location: Borders Books & More. Street: 476 Boston Turnpike. City/Town: Shrewsbury, MA.
- SR
3/3 9:28am JK - Call Jerry Nelson at Nelson Grass Roots (508) 528-4225. - TK
3/3 9:25am Do you have trees and branches down all over your yard after the long winter? I will do spring cleanups for a very reasonable rate. Please call Craig @ 508-507-0923. Also offering weekly/bi-weekly lawn care. - CR
3/3 9:23am LJK - I used to commute from Waltham and if you get off 128 at Rte 16 and go backroads through Needham, Dover and Medfield the ride is not too bad. That said, it would be much more fun to eat somewhere on Moody and then drive home! - JP
3/3 9:22am UG - My family and I used Gentle Giant out of Franklin. Excellent work (read: nothing broken), on time, very nice folks doing the work and done ahead of schedule. I highly recommended them. Plus, they set up your furniture again in the new house. Welcome to Norfolk. Been here 2 years and love it!! - BP
3/3 9:19am MON, I think you could find a superb India Pale Ale made in the US, if you turn off the TV. Of course you hate Shakespeare - your brains have been turned to mush by watching Extreme Cage-Fighting. Doesn't make you a bad person. - MJS
3/3 9:18am TL, Bob Paquette has been in business a long time and does great work. I recommend him for your project. - PD
3/3 9:16am Deceased tabby cat found on Union Street near Diamond Street on 3/2: With a heavy heart, I am posting this, just in case someone has been looking for their family kitty. Unfortunately, I found a deceased mid-size Tabby cat with white legs and paws on the side of the road on Union Street, next to the pond before Diamond Street.
The cat looked like it had been hit by a car perhaps the day or night before. I called our dear Animal Control Angel and I waited by the remains until she arrived so that I could show here exactly where the kitty was. She arrived in short time and kindly took the remains away with her to check and see if there was a micro-chip implanted under the cat's skin in order to try and locate the cat's owners.
I used to have a pretty cat that looked just like this one, so I was quite upset when I found it. I hope that all of you take care with your house cats and dogs and do not let them roam wild or loose. Get your family pets micro-chipped! And don't let them run around outside if you live near a busy street or a road that is used by commuters at rush hour!!! It is just too dangerous the way people drive on our streets.
Here is another very sad example as to why irresponsible drivers who speed, or talk on cell phones here in Norfolk, or anywhere else for that matter, should slow down and pay attention!! That could have been someone's human child!
I have asked the police to please bring the speed control "machine" out to our street, in hopes that will remind drivers that lives are at stake... Please note: There are many new children on North Street. Please folks, Slow down!! If you have to be in such a hurry, leave earlier!! And get off the damn cell phones!!
Again, I am sorry if this was your family's cat, but we all have to pay more attention when behind the wheel of a car, and we must care for our furry friends a little better. I tried to do what I would have wanted someone to do if it had been a pet of mine... R.I.P. little kitty.
3/3 9:14am Just got word that last week in the area of the upper part of Berkshire Rd. there was a large, black or dark brown domesticated rabbit whom the person and his dog go fairly close to. Since we have mainly cottontails here, anything that does not fit that category is like a bunny that has been set free rather than doing the responsible thing and bringing it to a shelter, or is escaped from its home. This rabbit will be food for predators soon since food is still scarce. And bad weather is coming. If anyone sees this bun or any other bun that should not be running free outside, please post and also let Hilary know. I will do what I can on my end which will require finding the rabbit safe shelter until he/she can be vet checked and spayed/nuetered. Speaking of rabbits: Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue is holding our annual Rabbit Education Seminar at the RISPCA in Riverside RI on 3/20/10 starting at 10:30 a.m. More info is on our website: www.sweetbinks.org Great info for people who have had buns for years (a lot of dietary guidelines and housing requirements have greatly changed), people who recently got (adopted or purchased) a rabbit, and those who are thinking about getting a rabbit. The event is free although donations are always appreciated. We will be selling some wonderful fully edible bunny toys and will be going over all facet of rabbit care with time for questions from attendees. We provide light refreshments as well . All attendees leave with a comprehensive packet of information. In the 5-6 years we have been running this event, I have yet to hear someone says they have not learned anything.
If any rabbit people out there attend, please introduce yourself to me, EF, as I will be helping to run the event.
- EF
3/2 9:32pm To LJK: Go from Waltham over Rt. 20 to Weston and cut down from there. Otherwise, the traffic is a nightmare on 128 S. We like to go to many of the ethnic restaurants on Moody Street, but my daughter loves to go to the Upper Crust pizza, also on Moody Street.
- JN
3/2 9:31pm Hello. I am a junior at King Philip High School and available to babysit. I have five years of expeirence with children 2 years and older. I also have my license so transportation is not a problem. If you are intrested please email me at nicky3213@aol.com. - NA
3/2 9:30pm Enough already! These Shakespeare quotes have done enough damage on the American psyche and we should ban this foul and lascivious prose from all public schools! That sonnet is obscene, MJS, and should be blacked out with marker from all the books in our town library. Half the words in his poems are spelled wrong anyway, and, they don't even rhyme! Ever since we beat the British we have had to deal with the Brits trying to take over and influence our culture, and frankly, I find Will Shakespeare and Andrew Lloyd Weber a blight on the American landscape, always denigrating our Great Nation with Thee's and Thoust's and influence peddling with big-mangy cats and fire-scarred shut-ins singing all the time. We beat you, so stay home with your flowery theatre and just send us over some of that IPA beer we all like.
There are some of us who are on to you, Great Britain. These old guys and their thespian life-choices can't hold a candle to Extreme Cage-Fighting and the WWF.
9th Norfolk State Representative Candidate Says Job Growth is Key and Won't Take Any Pay Raise Until Unemployment Drops Below 5%
NORFOLK-- State Representative candidate Dan Winslow today endorsed the tax cutting and job growth proposals advanced by the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. ``With unemployment in our towns ranging from 6.6 percent in Medfield to 11.3 percent in Plainville, we need to make job creation Job One in Massachusetts,'' said Winslow. Current unemployment levels in the 9th Norfolk House district include Walpole at 7.3 percent, Wrentham at 7.7 percent, Millis at 8.3 percent, and Norfolk at 8.5 percent, according to the most recent data available from the state Office of Labor Market Research and Analysis.
Winslow has pledged not to accept any legislative pay raise until unemployment falls below 5 percent in every town in the 9th Norfolk district, if he is elected. Legislative pay automatically is adjusted every two years, but legislators are not required to accept raises. ``There is no such thing as a jobless recovery for someone who doesn't have a job,'' said Winslow. ``If elected, I will support the tax cutting and job growth policies that will get Massachusetts working again.''
The Chamber of Commerce's ``Renew Mass'' plan, is estimated to create 35,000 to 40,000 jobs, generate $100 million in new income tax revenue and increase the Bay State's appeal to businesses. The bulk of the gains, according to chamber officials, would come from permitting multi-state companies to pay taxes only on their Massachusetts sales, rather than their profits or payroll taxes. The so-called single sales factor apportionment, officials say, would create 32,000 to 37,000 jobs when fully implemented, costing the state $20 million in the short-term and $100 million in the fifth year of implementation.
When fully implemented over five years, the plan would sacrifice $165 million a year in business taxes while generating about the same amount in new payroll, property, sales and local taxes, officials say.
Winslow served as the Presiding Justice of the Wrentham District Court and left the bench to serve as the Governor's Chief Legal Counsel in the Romney administration during the state's last fiscal crisis. He is a partner at the law firm of Duane Morris LLP in Boston and most recently served as the Chief Legal Counsel to the Scott Brown campaign.
- DW
3/2 9:23pm I remember some mention in the past regarding the most economical places to get a dog spayed. Does anyone still have that info or any additional info? - NB
3/2 9:21pm You are cordially invited to the St. Patrick's Day luncheon sponsored by the Foxboro Christian Women's Club that is affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries. Tuesday March 9, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive, Lafayette House Route 1 Foxboro, MA. Reservations by March 7 by calling Arline 508-883-8588
Mary Ward of Weymouth MA, a professional singer originally from Ireland, will share authentic Irish music with the theme of Ireland Remembered. Sharing Irish memories will follow so bring your blarney!
Also Janice Owen a busy grandmother of triplets from Hudson MA will present "From Presents to Presence."
3/2 9:20pm Can anyone recommend a contractor to remove and replace a floating concrete garage floor? - JH 3/2 9:15pm Look at what present Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Jim Lehan had to say in these articles...
- JS
3/2 9:13pm Can someone recommend a good, reasonable person or landscaping company to do a property Spring Cleanup? Many thanks! - JK
3/2 9:12pm Hello - just wondering if anybody has any feedback on Bob Paquette and Norfolk Home Improvement. We're thinking of using him to install some replacement windows. All feedback is appreciated. - TL
3/2 9:04pm The Norfolk Warriors Baseball Cooperstown 2010 team announces our winter raffle winners: Mimi Dargati - Red Sox TicketsThe winning tickets were pulled at a team meeting tonight by 3 younger siblings of the players. The raffle sales took place at Dunkin' Donuts and Carol's Place in town center and by the boys individually too. A big thank everyone who either bought one or made a donation - all those contributions added up and we made enough to pay for an umpire and then some. Special thanks to Barry Zimmerman, Steve Conley and an anonymous donor for generously contributing the prizes.
Helena Findlen - Paw Sox Tickets
Lisa Mercado - Brockton Rox TicketsWe'll be back in the warmer weather with a car wash and our spring raffle as we prepare for the tournament at All Star Village in New York this August!
- CM
3/2 9:03pm Hi - Moving from Foxboro to Norfolk this month; can anyone recommend a good, reliable, affordable local mover to use? Thanks, - UG
3/1 10:46pm LJK, you might want to try the Tuscan Grill on Moody St. Well worth it. We travel there regularly. It opens at 5:30 and by the time you're done the traffic should have subsided, 6:45-ish. Moody St. has become a very trendy restaurant neighborhood. Have fun
- NG
3/1 8:50pm I'm trying to help a person in dire need to sell her white 2005 Nissan Frontier NISMO 4 door pickup. It does need some work, has only 42,000 miles on it, and will be sold for the best offer. Call her at 508 904 3388. - MJS
3/1 8:45pm The King Philip / Walpole Youth Hockey Association (KPWYH) has opened registration for the 2010 / 2011 season. This not-for-profit program serves youth hockey players of all ages and abilities from the 4 participating towns of Norfolk, Plainville, Wrentham, and Walpole. Please visit our website: www.kpwhockey.org for more details, and to Register today!
Please hurry! Space is limited. Registration deadlines are as follows:
* Tryout not required for Instructional Hockey Players
DIVISION BIRTH YEAR (Jan Registration 1 - Dec 31) Deadline Instructional 1/1/2005, or N/A Hockey * after MITE 2002 - 2004 March 15, 2010 SQUIRT 2000 - 2001 March 15, 2010 PEE WEE 1998 - 1999 March 15, 2010 BANTAM 1996 - 1997 March 15, 2010 MIDGET 1992 - 1995 March 5, 2010 Note: All players MITE age and above are required to attend three (3) on-ice player evaluations (tryouts).
Please visit our website (www.kpwhockey.org) for details on your child's specific tryout schedule. Tryouts begin Monday, March 29, 2010!!
New this year - All players assigned to teams will receive their own KPW game jersey at the start of the 2010-2011 season sporting their last name on the back. This shirt will be theirs to keep at the end of the season!!
For questions, please contact: Tom C., President, KPWYH: tconnor310@comcast.net. Dave G., Registrar, KPWYH: dgaletta99@yahoo.com. Thank you.
- DG, King Philip / Walpole Youth Hockey
3/1 8:43pm SC, Mark's Automotive in Franklin will pick up your car, replace the exhaust system with a nationwide warranty and drop your car off to you. All at unbeatable prices. Call Mark 508-528-3701 or visit on the web www.marksautomotivefranklin.net - MP, Marks's Automotive
3/1 8:42pm MON, In case you're not over the edge yet: "O, Love's best habit's in a soothing tongue" Just a random remembrance of a sonnet. {;-} - MJS
3/1 8:40pm My daughter has a doctor's appointment in Waltham on Tuesday. Can anyone tell me what time traffic starts dying down for the ride home? The appt is at 4pm and I think we will try to eat somewhere and wait the worst out. Thanks, - LJK
3/1 8:25pm Thank you to all of you who attended the 3rd annual Norfolk & Franklin Lions Chili Festival last night. The results of the voting were: #1 Eagle Brook
#2 Horse & Carriage
#3 The Best Deli in Franklin
#4 Longhorn
#5 3
#6 Alumni- CW
3/1 9:23am Hello, It's that time of year again...the semi-formal/ prom season is fast approaching. Family Florist, located at 82 North St. (Rt. 115), does corsages, wristlets, hand-held bouquets and boutonnieres at very reasonable prices. So, before you order from a grocery store's in-house 'florist', give us a call! 508 528-2254. You'll be supporting a local business and family. We always aim to please! - RB (RB4)
3/1 9:22am Ye Gods! One more Shakespeare quote this week and I'll have to read that Boomerang story about our town being sued just to calm down. This means I will have to pay more taxes someday, so thanks and can't wait! Although with the way things are between lawsuits, micromanagers managing the unmanageable and everything else including 6.75 raises ready to drain our pockets, I expect Norfolk will be cast with plagues of serpents and frogs as the rapture engulfs my neighborhood. Then I can open an Amphibian Zoo so I can pay my taxes.
3/1 9:12am Another great camp for kids is at Stonehill College, called College Gate and College Academy. Bus picks up in Norfolk center. A group from Norfolk went last year and learned everything from wilderness survival skills, to hip hop, to working on a newspaper, rocketry, photography, cartooning. There are about 40 classes to choose from and they mix it up with outfoor fun on a beautifull campus. Very well run and staffed. Google it for dates/rates and offerings. - AL
2/27 8:53pm Someone asked about summer programs for children a while ago. The Westwood Summer Enrichment Program is a great program & is now taking registrations. The info can be found at [page link] - SC
2/27 8:52pm Wanted; labra-doodle or cockpoo for young family home 508 567 9048 - MN
2/27 8:51pm I just read The Boomerang. I guess Jack's not "a lot of talk" after all. - PA
2/26 7:06pm MON - I appreciate someone who brings a classical outlook to the web. Forewarned, forearmed though. Keep in mind, "What feeds me destroys me." - DCL
2/26 7:05pm Break for Billiards and Beverages! Please join the Norfolk Community League for a night out to take a break from the winter blues and welcome spring. Open to members and non-members alike, it takes place on Saturday, March 20th at Stoneforge in Foxboro starting at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $20 per person which includes pool and appetizers. Cash bar. Please RSVP by March 10th by sending a check made out to NCL and indicating your name and number of guests to NCL, P.O. Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056. Bring your friends and neighbors! Questions? Call Colleen at 508-553-9635 or Kate at 508-541-1204. - PMC, Norfolk Community League
2/26 7:04pm Hilary, thanks for the update on Roxanne. Hopefully, the courts will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law for the cruel and abusive treatment inflicted on this poor puppy. Glad to hear she will remain safe in the custody of the town. - KN
2/26 7:02pm Re exterior house painting. Can someone lead me to the post dates for painter inquiries? I know there have been some posts, but I have not found them as yet. - SB
2/26 6:57pm SO - Thank you for your information. It's very useful and will save me trips to Walpole!! - BP
2/26 6:56pm Thanks for the responses about Veterans Now - it seems they have changed their name or their web address to Vietnow. Their website did not say much, nor did I even see if they are a 501(c)3. I did not donate, nor will I ever donate to any organization without first checking it out to make sure that administrative costs are low and that the majority of funds raised (85% or better) go where they are needed and not to paid fundraisers. I wish there were more publicity about organizations calling to solicit money so that people knew which to avoid and knew the questions to ask before committing to any donation. Perhaps this would be a good suggestion for the Boomerang. - EF
2/26 6:55pm MON - But something IS rotten in the state of Denmark! [article] - HRB
2/26 6:54pm King Philip Middle School Drama Club presents "Schoolhouse Rock Live, Jr." Friday March 5th @ 7pm and Saturday March 6th @ 7pm In the KPMS Auditorium Tickets are $5 and available at the door. - RM
2/26 6:53pm Maybe the next time some wanna-be tough guy wants to hit a boxer, instead of hitting Roxanne the boxer he should attempt to hit Manny Pacquiao the boxer, or Floyd Mayweather the boxer. Unlikely, though, as those guys will hit back. Maybe Roxanne knows a rabid pit-bull that can even the score! - PA
2/25 4:27pm BP - Once you enter Smith Ave. from Shear St., take a right on Greeley St. and go past two buildings on the left. You will pass a kid's daycare sign and play yard on the left and Wredemco is the next building on the left. Park near the blue dumpster. There is a big yellow and red sign of a soda can on the building and the entrance is up the steps next to the loading dock. Check out [attleboroenterprises.org page] and call to see about plastic bottles. - SO
2/25 4:26pm Somebody said to me the other day "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" and it sent me into a rage, as I loathe people quoting Shakespeare to me. Absolutely loathe it. I replied "cowards die many times before their deaths" just to quiet down the Bard-freak. Then to calm myself I read Norfolknet, which has turned into a giant soporific diversion as "Chaos is come again".
- MON 2/25 4:24pm To update on my prior comment: A hearing was held today at Wrentham District Court and the case involving Roxanne will be going forward. During this time it is not proper to comment on the case other than I can tell you that Roxanne is out of the hospital and is doing well. The courts have stated that Roxanne will remain in the care of the town for the time being. I have received a large amount of phone calls from people wishing to adopt her but that is just not an option at the current time. I've also received emails and calls in regards on how people could help with her. If anyone wishes to donate this is what is useful for her: Roxanne is eating Canine I/D dry dog food. This may be purchased at Acorn Animal Hospital. Dog toys (likes Kong toys where you can load them with treats), and squeeky toys for large mouthed dogs. For treats she digs long lasting type bones such as jumbone or busy bones, rawhide sticks (pressed), etc. Any donations to the animals may be dropped off in the lobby of the police station. Thank you. In the meantime, here's an updated picture.
- HC, Norfolk Animal Control
2/25 4:19pm Anyone lose their dog? I have it! A beautiful dog wandered into my yard just now - no collar or leash. Very friendly and sweet. Describe it and it's yours... - JEC
[Updat 4:20pm: The lost dog's owner just has been found - JEC]
2/25 4:16pm It is my pleasure to announce tentativedates for our Plainville, Wrentham and Norfolk DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Summer Day Program for 2010. These dates are subject to change due snow days that may alter the schedule. All camps will be based at the Wrentham Recreational Complex (Sweatt Field) on Randall Road. Grade four entering grade five - June 23, 24, 25 (Wednesday thru Friday)
Grade six entering grade seven - June 28 - July 2 (Monday thru Friday)
Grade five entering grade six - August 16-20th (Monday thru Friday)
I will be speaking to your child's class in late April to pass on information about what to expect. You should receive a three page information and application form that will go home with your child in late April with everything that you need to know about the program.
Please respect our due date on the applications. We will be scheduling busses, ordering materials, and also ordering food for the barbecue at Sweatt Beach.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at (508) 541-3330. Sincerely,
- Officer Steve Plympton, DARE Officer, Norfolk Police Department
2/25 4:14pm Friday, March 12th 7:00 PM - The Federatd Church of Norfolk will have its monthly movie night. The film for March is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. This movies is rated PG, bring your friends and come and have a fun time. The cost is $5.00 for bottomless drinks and popcorn. Space is limited so please call or email the church office at 508-528-0262 or mail@fcon.org. - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk
2/25 4:13pm KN: You can go to our website and click on press release for what is out there now for public record. I really can't comment other than what is on there as this case is still in progress. As soon as I can update more information I will. HC, Norfolk Animal Control
2/24 7:34pm Any updated information on Roxanne the boxer puppy that was the victim of an attack? Thanks. - KN
2/24 7:33pm Looking for a babysitter for 5 & 7 year old on 3/3 from 6-8pm. Please email pstagg98@yahoo.com if you are available and have references. - PS
2/24 7:32pm SO. Thank you. You mentioned cans and glass. Do they take plastic bottles as well? Also, I drove by the facility and couldn't locate the "front" door. - BP
2/24 7:31pm Hi, this in regards to Veterans Now. I had problems with them last year and ended up calling the Attorney General's office. I would suggest you say no. From what I have been told the money does not go to veterans in Norfolk, and most of the money is spent on admin expenses. Hope this helps. - TMK
2/24 7:18pm EF - VietNow may be "legit" in that it has federal tax-exempt approval. But if you look at their most recent (2008) federal tax return (available on the web at [pdf link] you can quickly see that they declared $1,413,753 in grants and gifts and also had $1,244,939 in "professional fundraising fees." They also list "program services" (i.e. helping veterans) of $180,974. That's for the whole country. That's 12% of their revenue. Not legit. This appears to be just one more scam--a shell organization designed to appeal to patriotic donors but which is really a source of big bucks for those always-convincing fundraiser folks who call/mail to gain your sympathetic ear. Wouldn't touch them with the proverbial barge pole. - HRB
2/24 7:17pm HRK, Could you please give some contact info for the babysitting job? Thanks! - MMM
[Update 2/24 7:25pm: HRK be reached @ 508-376-8602 (Home) or cell 508-843-3445 - Wm.]
2/24 7:16pm Hilary, thanks for the great information regarding dog parks, etc. I really appreciate it. - LS
2/24 7:15pm I second that Daley's the place to go for car repairs. They are honest, reliable and very honest. Reasonably priced too! - MKS
2/23 4:21pm Hi I am currently a junior @ URI (Univ of Rhode Island). I am looking for a summer sitting job. I have tons of experience and local references. I am out of school in early May if you need help then too. If you would like yur child(ren) to have a fun filled summer I would like to hear from you! - HRK [Update 2/24 7:25pm: HRK be reached @ 508-376-8602 (home) or cell 508-843-3445 - Wm.]
2/23 4:20pm Is Veteran's Now a legit organization that is actually giving money to Norfolk veterans? during this 2 week fundraiser they called to say they are doing to benefit Norfolk vets? The fundraiser, when asked if she was paid, said she is a volunteer for 2 weeks. Have not yet checked out the website I was given - www.vietnow.com - EF
2/23 4:19pm BP - I've used WREDEMCO and it's very easy. It's down near the old Tom's Tavern and the Anvil pub. It's part of the Wrentham Development Center, so the residents help with the sorting. Separate your cans from your glass in advance. - SO
2/23 4:18pm Thank you! The Norfolk Warriors Baseball team raised just enough in combined winter raffle ticket sales and contributions at Dunkin' Donuts in town center this past weekend to pay for our umpire at the tournament in Cooperstown, NY this August. If you missed out and would like to support us, tickets are still available for $10 at Carol's Place. The drawings for 3 great prizes (4 tickets to Red Sox, Paw Sox and Brockton Rox) will be on March 1 and we look forward to congratulating our winners next week. Thanks again to both local businesses for their support.
The winter raffle is our first team fundraising activity and it's been very rewarding. The boys learned something, they enjoyed working on this together, and they had fun. People in (and passing through) our town were incredibly generous and interested in what the boys were doing. There must be something about baseball dreams and a pack of well-mannered boys . . . thanks for posting the 2/21 compliment about them, their parents are proud! We are grateful to everyone for the support.
- CM
2/23 4:17pm SC: For car repairs, I have two suggestions for you: MJW Auto in Millis, cell: (508)-615-2211, Mark Wilson. Also, Congdon Auto Center in Foxboro, Gary Congdon, 6 South Street, (508)-543-5410. Good luck. - CR
2/23 4:16pm Only 5 days left to register for the Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's Spring Season! To register, visit the website - www.norfolklionssoccer.com The first game is April 25!! - HK
2/23 4:15pm I can easily recommend Daley's Service in the center of town for your car repairs. I have been using them for years for many services and they have always been very helpful honest. They even went out of their way one 4th of July weekend to make sure our family vacation wasn't ruined when we went to leave with a fully pack car and the car was simply dead. We are lucky to have them in our town and I trust you will have a great experience with them. - DL
2/23 4:14pm SC, I highly recommend R & D Automotive across from the prison. Very reasonable and he knows what he is doing. - PRB
2/22 9:51pm NCL distributes $7,000.00 back to the community of Norfolk - The board members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) met recently for their semi-annual disbursement of funds. Over $7,000.00 was distributed back into the community. The groups and programs benefitting from grants by NCL include: H. Olive Day School Math Program, H. Olive Day School Kindergarten and First Grade Phonics Programs, Norfolk Conservation Commission for Kunde Playground, KP High School Swim Team, Norfolk Cooperative Preschool Scholarship Fund, KP Parents' Network, KP High School BeSmart Wellness Coalition, and the 4H Cottontail Club. NCL is also sponsoring a Little League baseball team and a softball team. The Norfolk Community League has been in existence for over 30 years. Their mission is to enhance the quality of life for Norfolk residents, to increase involvement in activities that better our community, and to strengthen community spirit. All fundraising efforts are distributed to town causes and groups. For more information or to join, please visit www.norfolkcommunityleague.org or contact President Kerry D. at jkdevellis@comcast.net.
2/22 9:48pm Happy Monday! If you happened to be at the HOD this afternoon (Mon, 2/22) around 4:30, did you happen to find a blank tri-fold poster board? It was left leaning against the building just to the left of the main entrance. If you are the one who took it hoping to find its rightful owner, you've found her! Please contact the Wm for my contact info. [Use box242@norfolknet.com - Wm.] Thank you, - KYW
2/22 9:47pm I need to have a pipe near the muffler repaire on my car & am looking for recommendations for a repair shop that does good work at a reasonable price. - SC
2/22 9:44pm I'd like to give a tip of the hat to Planning Board member Peter Chipman for standing up to the charlatans from Stop & Shop last week. Clearly, Chipman has the guts to say what many of us are thinking. Kudos to Planning Board member Tom Burke, also for setting these [...] straight as well. Keep up the good work, men. - PA
2/22 9:35pm Could someone please recommend a person or business that can repair a flat screen TV that is hanging from the wall, not a table top? Thanks! - MKS
2/22 9:34pm Hi, as anyone used WRENDEMCO for can and bottle recycling? Looking for some information on the process. Thanks for any help. - BP
2/22 9:27pm I'm looking for recommendations for car repairs - reasonable price & good work. - SC
2/21 6:01pm LS: There is a dog park in Medway. You can contact their ACO to get a tag for your dog started. To received your pass you need to make sure your dog is licensed in Norfolk and rabies vaccinated first. I believe there is also a park in Sharon. Many people allow their dogs to play together behind the fences at the compost station at the Wrentham State School as well. So if your dog already has friends perhaps just setting up a play date would be a fun way to exercise and socialize. If you're interested in a dog day care situation I give high praises to The Village Groomer Rt 1 in Walpole. Missi heads up both the groomer and the day care and she is fabulous with the animals. She truly is one of those that goes above and beyond and it shows in the animals. They also offer dog training there as well. The application for Medway is : [MedwayDogPark.com]. The contact info for The Village Groomer is 508 668 9516 [VillageGroomer.net]. And contact for Dog Daze is: 508 668 9516 [DogDazeCamp.com].
- Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
2/21 5:58pm Early notice!! Adam's Corner Crawl is set for April 10, from 1:00pm to 8:00pm. [event page] Expect some changes from the previous years. Proceeds are split between the Sgt Adam P Kennedy Scholarship Fund and CAREPACKS of Weymouth. CAREPACKS is an organization dedicated to providing soldiers in Iran and Afganistan with care packages, not only to help improve morale and quality of life, but to remind them that they are remembered by all of us back home. Check with the link below. Hope to see you there. Thanks, Nancy, David and Colin. - DK
2/21 2:20pm Hi Norfolk families. My name is Cathy and I'm looking for a part time nannying job. I'm currently in my fourth semester at Mass Bay & I take classes there on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have a lot of babysitting experiences and references upon request. I am available now or in the summer for a long time commitment! Feel free to e-mail me at box241@norfolknet.com if you are interested - look forward to hearing from you! Thanks - CS
2/21 2:14pm CM and parents of Boston Warriors Baseball team: Great kids!! I was at Dunkin Donuts, but only had my card, no cash. I thanked the boys and said I was so sorry I was not able to give. A few said "not a problem, it's the thought that counts!." I drove out with a smile, proud that they will represent Norfolk in Cooperstown this summer.
2/21 2:13pm I am a neighborhood captain for Dan Winslow, who is running for State Representative. If anybody would like to sign his nomination papers, volunteer to help out with his campaign or receive a yard sign, please contact me. Thank you. sandydibacco@yahoo.com, 508-541-6360 - SD
2/21 2:12pm Hello, We are looking for an babysitter for our 6 month old son for occasional evenings. If you are interested, please e-mail me with references through the webmaster. [Use box240@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - RD
2/21 1:31pm Any recommendations for someone to plow my driveway who has a backup if he can't make it? - PRB
2/21 1:30pm We are first-time dog owners of a shelter pooch who seems to need the company of other dogs. Are there any dog parks in the area? - LS
2/19 5:06pm We're looking to have our driveway resurfaced, probably paved but possibly covered with pea stone or some other more natural looking material. Any recommendations for contractors/suppliers who do this type of work would be appreciated. - TC
2/19 5:05pm Support the KP Boys' Hockey Team as they fundraise. A portion of the proceeds will be given to help the family of Matt Brown, a Norwood High School hockey player who was tragically paralyzed this season during a hockey game. We are raffling an autographed shirt from Milan Lucic of the Boston Bruins. Tickets are $5. each and the drawing will be at our end of season banquet March 14th. For a ticket, please contact Jake at jsmurf2@verizon.net. Thank you! - JAM
[Update 2/21 2:16pm: a portion of the proceeds will be given to help the family - JAM]
2/18 8:46pm Friendly dog reminder - MGL C140 ss137 requires all dogs six (6) months of age or older be licensed annually. The Town of Norfolk General Bylaw requires this process to be completed no later than March 1st each year. Late fees: Dog owners whose pets are not licensed by March 1st are subject to a $50 fine, and additional violations imposed by animal control thereafter.
Please let us know if you no longer have your dog. 508-528-1400
License Fees Are: $10.00 for every altered male/spayed female dog; $15.00 for every unaltered male/unspayed female dog
- Gail Bernardo, Norfolk Town Clerk
2/18 8:42pm Nomination papers are still available for the following offices for the May 11, 2010 Annual Town Election. Nomination papers must be picked up by the candidate in person no later than Thursday, March 18, 2010 and returned by Tuesday, March 23, 2010.
MODERATOR (1) one-year term BOARD OF SELECTMEN (1) three-year term BOARD OF ASSESSORS (1) three-year term BOARD OF ASSESSORS (1) two-year unexpired term BOARD OF HEALTH (1) three-year term HOUSING AUTHORITY (1) five-year term LIBRARY TRUSTEE (1) three-year term PLANNING BOARD (2) three-year terms RECREATION COMMISSION (2) three-year terms NORFOLK SCHOOL COMMITTEE (1) three-year term NORFOLK SCHOOL COMMITTEE (1) one-year unexpired term - Gail Bernardo, Norfolk Town Clerk
2/18 8:40pm Can't drop off or pick up your pet? You no longer need to hurry in the morning and rush home to pick up your trusted friend! As an alternative to doggie daycare, Leashrly Life will come to your home and care for your pet. We offer a number of services from pet sitting to dog walking, group hiking excursions and one-to-one personalized trainings. Experienced, loving care by professionals you can trust. References are available. Take advantage of our discounted rates for Norfolk residents. All animals are welcomed! Call 781-241-2083, visit www.leashrlylife.com or email info@leashrlylife.com
- AW, Leashrly Life
2/18 8:38pm From the office of the Chief of Police: Norfolk Police Department
P.O. Box 3
Norfolk, Massachusetts 02056Emergency - 911
Tel (508)528-3206
Chief Charles H. Stone, Jr. advises that Animal Control in conjunction with the Norfolk Police Department have filed charges on one resident for Cruelty To Animals (MGL 272 sec 77) on February 17th, 2010.
On February 16th ,2010 at approximately 9 am a 911 call was received that there was a dog being attacked and beaten in the area of Creek Drive and Seekonk Street. Norfolk Animal Control/Special Police Officer Hilary Cohen responded along with Sgt. McConnell and Officer Plympton to the location. A positive identification was made on the dog and the handler and ACO/SPO Cohen went to Wrentham District Court to get a search/seizure warrant to bring the animal to safety and receive the necessary veterinary care.
Roxanne (a 20 month boxer dog) was removed by warrant on the same day by Sgt. Murphy, Officer Degnim and ACO/SPO Cohen.
Ricardo Arbaca of Norfolk has been charged with one count of Cruelty to Animals for the alleged beating of Roxanne who lived on Stop River.
Roxanne remains in the custody of the Town of Norfolk and is still at the hospital receiving care for her injuries.
2/18 2:37pm I have to agree with CMW on our hardware store. What an asset to have it available. I would rather give my business to a local owner trying to make a living than a big box store owned by some international conglomerate. I have found pricing to be competitive and I don't have to drive 10 miles to get what I need. Keep up the good work!
- RW
2/18 2:36pm Looking to find the dog owner who owns an English sheepdog in the neighborhood of Seekonk, Fruit, Stop River. If anyone knows who may own this dog please give my office a call at 508 440 2816. - Hilary Cohen, Norfolk Animal Control
2/18 2:32pm Please support the Norfolk Warriors Baseball team that will be representing our town in historic Cooperstown this August. The boys will be selling tickets at Dunkin' Donuts this Saturday and Sunday mornings. You can also buy tickets at Carol's Place. A big thanks to both local businesses for their help. Three great prizes have been donated to the team for our winter raffle: 4 Boston Red Sox tickets, 4 PawSox tickets, and 4 Brockton Rox tickets (all game dates to be determined later). Each raffle ticket is $10 and the money we raise goes to equipment, uniforms, insurance, travel costs and fees for things like umpires and registrations. The 3 winners will be selected in a random drawing on March 1. For more info and to check out the team, please visit us at www.norfolkwarriorsbaseball.com. Thank you!
- CM
2/17 5:08pm Free February Zone 5 train pass available this friday evening. If interested please contact me at box239@norfolknet.com - JS
2/17 2:28pm Is anyone looking for a math tutor?? I am a Wellesley teacher on a leave of absence after the births of my two children. I have a master's degree in mathematics and 10 years teaching experience. I live on King Street and have experience with students of all ages. References available upon request. Email andraj22@yahoo.com or call 857-231-1827. - AC
2/17 2:26pm DCB: Thanks for the suggestion on Brian Smith for furniture repair. He was great on the phone and I sent him pictures of the job. Very helpful! - AL
2/17 2:25pm I just wanted to take a minute to acknowledge Main Street Hardware for their service. Having grown up in a town which lost its small hardware store where everyone knew each other, I greatly appreciate Ed and his staff for all their help whether its plumbing or paint. The other day I must have asked him to make up 12 samples and he did so without uttering a single ^#%**^!##!. After we finally choose a color (I never knew there were so many whites!) the price was no more than I paid at the Large, you know who stores! Local, great service, good prices - thanks Ed for sticking with us all these years, we do appreciate it!
2/17 9:11am Calling all Whalers! Our exciting program for kids, "Whales, Whaleships and Whaling" is going on Thursday, February 18th, 1-2pm for ages 6-8 and 2-3 pm for ages 9+ at the Norfolk Public Library. Come learn with Mystic Seaport and get to see real whale parts and weapons used in the 19th century. Registration ends Wednesday, February 17th at 2pm, so hurry to grab a spot! - Andrea Ingala, Youth Librarian, Norfolk Public Library
2/17 9:08am I found diamonds! Right in my backyard! Unbelievable! Here I am, looking for solid cherry table tops and solid oak furniture and I thought I would go to one of those bigbox stores, you know where the furniture gives off formaldehyde and falls apart in a couple of years. Instead - I found out about a small operation on Rt 1A on the Walpole Norfolk line - called Northeast Oak Corp - makers of fine tables and furniture. These guys can make anything and to last! And at a bargain. Check it at www.Northeastoak.com
Table tops, computer desks and furniture not even a Frat Boy can destroy! Perfect for kids or the Gourmet Kitchen.
You won't regret it and it is run by two master craftsmen as seen in the web references section. Give John a call at 857-991-7314.
2/17 9:04am AC, Sorry for the late response. Rob Abramson out of Norfolk has done 2 bathrooms for me, a great room, and some exterior work and is fantastic. Very clean, timely, and does not hit you with any surprise add-ons. His number is 508-989-7913. - DMG
2/16 9:24am TB. We use Bob Arthur Roofing from Franklin. He has done several roofs of various sizes for us over the years and even told us when we did not need re roofing. Never a problem recommending him to others. 508 528 4424. - RC
[Update 2/17 9:03am: Bob Arthur is from Franklin and his telephone # is 508 528 4424 - RC]
2/16 9:23am Seeking recommendations on someone to hem a few pairs of pants. - PH
2/16 9:16am Unsolicited praise: Our son came home from college for the long weekend and mentioned that his car's rear window wasn't working, and was stuck open a couple of inches. We removed the door panels and tried to fix it, or at least pull the window up so it would close, and succeeded in getting it to be stuck at a 5" gap instead. Fortunately our local mechanic was working on this holiday, and even though new replacement parts were not available, he managed to find used parts and get it fixed same day. Imagine that, he saved us money and got it done quicker than we had expected. If you ever have any car problems, we highly recommend Sam's Auto on Rt. 1A in Wrentham. He is hands down the best and most reasonably priced auto mechanic in the area. We are posting this for your benefit, not his, and are not affiliated in any way.
508-384-7267 [google map]
- TB (TB2)
2/16 9:15am Looking for someone to plow my driveway on Longmeadow Rd for the coming storm. Glass1971@aol.com. Thanks - PR
2/16 8:56am JR: I ended up calling Burows Appliance Repair and agree that he was terrific. He was prompt, informative, and even looked at my dishwasher for no additional charge. He is a very nice and capable guy that I would recommend too. - CS 2/16 8:55am Hi, Just wanted to share a photo taken last week, a sure sign of Spring. - BF (BF 2)
2/15 1:38pm Sam Ziegler is a local treasure. If you want to see the quality of his work, take a look at the mural in the periodical reading room at the Library. Sam saved this mural, mounted it, and, after restoration work, framed it for the ages. - HRB
2/15 1:36pm To CS - I have used Burows Appliance and was pleased with his work. He repairs (whenever possible) rather than replaces. burowappliance.com - JR
2/14 4:46pm AC - Sam Ziegler did our bathroom for us last year. He is here in Norfolk. He does wonderful work CS- We have bought things and had repairs done by Frank's Appliances in Milford. We have been very satisfied.
- ML
2/14 4:45pm Happy Valentine's Day! ![]()
2/13 9:13pm AL - Call Brian Smith of Millis: 508-376-2080. I recently had two sentimental pieces of furniture repaired/refinished and he did an outstanding job. One of the pieces was in such rough shape that it should have gone in the dumpster but it was my husband's great grandmother's. When Brian brought over the finished piece, I couldn't believe my eyes. He is very reasonable. Good Luck! - DCB
2/13 9:12pm It's Valentine's Day weekend! Family Florist is open and we have gorgeous roses- red and pastels- as well as tulips, daffodils and more! Stop by on Sunday- we're open 10 till 5. North St. Rt 115 508 528-2254 Hope Cupid is good to you all :-) - RB(RB4)
2/13 9:11pm We are looking for a reputable appliance repairman to take a look at our refrigerator and dishwasher. Anyone have recommendations? Thank you in advance, - CS
2/13 9:01pm Two things. #1, am looking to have our master bath redone. Want to have existing fiberglass shower taken out and have a tile floor and shower put in. Any suggestions of good craftspeople would be much appreciated. Would prefer someone who can do all but plumbing. #2. I don't get on to this page often because I am not a fan of the nastiness that sometimes prevails. So I just saw the 2/5 post from JMF who had a burst pipe flood his house while away for a few days. I am sure that the carpet person he used was wonderful, but, if the damage was as widespread as his post would lead to believe, he really needs to get a company that specializes in water damage. We had a similar situation last winter, but were home. Even so, by the time we realized what was causing the steady dripping in our front hall (we had originally thought ice dams), it was the next day and we had damage from the 2nd floor down to the basement. The company we used came in that day (after our plumber had repaired the pipe!) and ripped out carpeting, ceilings and walls and set up industrial dehumidifiers (6) and industrial fans(8) which were going non-stop for 2 weeks. (Should have seen the elec. bill for that month!) I don't know your situation, and it's really none of my business, but it concerns me that you may have way more moisture left in your home than you realize. Even with all the intervention we had, our painter had a hard time in a few of the rooms because of residual moisture in the walls (paint kept blistering up in a few places). In any case, I wish you the best of luck with your disaster. It took us from Jan. to April of last year to finally get everything replaced and fixed. I hope yours goes more quickly.
- AC
2/13 7:20pm Free to good home: Trainium treadmill. Yours free if you pick up. Incline, programmable workouts and heartrate monitor. Contact box238@norfolknet.com - DC
[Update 2/22 9:37pm: the treadmill that was for free is gone. - DC]
2/13 11:58am I have an old needlepoint chair with a broken wooden leg. I can't bear to throw it out, grandmother would roll over, and need a suggestion for a woodworker who might be able to carve a new leg or repair this one. It's already been glued a few times, but that has not helped. Anyone know of a local person who could do handywork like this? - AL
2/13 11:57am I'm hoping that someone might be able to recommend a local roofing company that they have recently used and been very happy with. Any insight is welcome. Thank you,
- TB
2/13 9:22am AB, The fact that the hours at the Town Clerk's office have been changed (I believe it is Mon - Thu 12:00 - 1:00 with an hour off for lunch), the last day the license fee can be paid and recorded before March 1st would be Thursday, February 25th. If anyone finds that incovenient, perhaps they could have their hours changed. After all, this is America. - KK
2/12 11:15pm Mark your calendars - Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's first game of the spring season is April 25th. If you haven't done so already, you may still register - visit the website at www.norfolklionssoccer.com - HK
2/12 11:14pm BAM: I was at the post office this morning (Monday, Feb 1) and the same men were there with their anti-Obama signs. It's one thing to hold a sign, and quite another to antagonize patrons of the post office as they come and go. They should not be speaking to anyone in an angry threatening manner as they had spoken to me. Why aren't the police telling them to leave? Isn't it against the law to be soliciting on government property such as the post office? Why do dissenters need to be so disrespectful and juvenile? I am outraged. - MMB
2/12 11:13pm SJ - Thanks for the tips on childproofing your home, and it is sage advice. Although for some reason they still keep getting in! - MON
2/12 11:10pm Ms Bernardo: With all due respect, the piece of paper I am holding in my hand that came from your office says, "Your dog must be licensed before (with emphasis) March 1st of each year. Even the the link from the Town bylaws on the Town Clerk website link to animal regulations Article XIII, Section 3 Dog Regulations, C License and Tags, paragraph 3 states "Should any owner of a dog previously licensed in the Town of Norfolk, fail to re-license his/her dog before March 1, the owner shall pay a late fee of $50.00." There is nothing about February 25th... for dogs... that is when taxes are due. - AB
2/12 11:08pm Something Special now has fresh roses and tulips for Valentine's Day. We also have a great selection of candy, cards, and jewelry. We will be open all weekend. Any questions give us a call @ (508) 520-1314 - JA, Something Special
2/11 8:15pm If you are childproofing you home I have outlet covers/protectors. 5 cream color and 2 white. They attach with one screw in the middle. When you want to use the outlet you just slide the cover. Very easy to use. Free to whomever wants them. Email me at sbj83@msn.com - SJ
[Update 2/12 11:11pm: I already have a taker, just to save others from inquiring - SJ]
2/11 8:14pm Reminder to all dog owners: Dogs must be licensed by February 25, 2010 to avoid the $50 late fee (per dog). Please mail in your license renewals today, or stop by the office Monday - Thursday between 9am - 5pm to license your dog(s). - Gail E. Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
2/11 8:11pm The Norfolk Republican Town Committee will be meeting this coming Monday February 15th at 7pm at the Public Library. Mary Connaughton who is a running for State Auditor will be joining us. Hope to see you in attendance. Any questions can be directed to Gregory M. at gmirliss@gmail.com. - GM, Norfolk Republican Town Committee
2/11 8:04pm DLG and others: The Norfolk Girl Scouts are selling cookies. We've been at the transfer station almost every Saturday. As the one in charge of our town's cookies, I can drop off cookies to your home. Just send me a message to box237@norfolknet.com. Cookies are $4.00 per box and we have 8 kinds: thin mints, short breads, peanut butter patties, peanut butter sandwiches, caramel delights, thanks a lot (short bread with chocolate), daisy-go-rounds (low calorie) and lemonades. - WWR
2/11 8:03pm For DL: The Norfolk Girl Scouts are selling cookies! There is usually a troop at the Transfer Station on Saturday mornings selling them, otherwise you can contact my troop for a sale. You can contact me at 508-384-6354 with any questions. Thanks for supporting Girl Scouts! - TMS
2/11 8:02pm Happy Thursday, everyone. I have 6 zone 5 passes, that I'd like to sell for $30... Anyone interested? Please e-mail m_t_mcguckian@comcast.net Thanks! - TM
2/11 8:01pm Of interest - there is a "Boomerang" daily in Laramie, Wyoming - JO
2/10 6:35pm JPB, Very sound advice. Our energies truly need to be focused on helping the Swensons get into housing to fit their current needs. As you stated, our voices can have a significant impact on this endeavor. Let's not let them down! - CN
2/10 6:31pm Is anyone selling Girl Scout cookies in Norfolk? How can they be contacted? At www.hergirlscouts.org a search can be done to find a sale within so many miles from here but none of the sales listed include Norfolk. Thanks - DLJ
2/10 6:30pm AL, I agree about Eric Geiger. He is awesome! I have used him for lots of various jobs (large and small) and he is always, thorough, prompt, friendly and fair. It feels great that there are still folks like Eric in this world to help out when you need it! - JEC
2/10 1:07pm Funny how the simple things make me so happy! I finally have two working doors in my home today. I called Norfolk handyman Eric Geiger to jiggle a few locks around so that they line up correctly. They no longer require us to push, pull or lift to get them to work. Simple! If you have a home project that you've always wanted done, give Eric a call (508) 541-3921. I know he has reduced rates for seniors, and he was very responsive and easy to work with. - AL
2/10 1:06pm Free college seminar this Thursday evening at the YMCA in Franklin at 7 pm. Discussion of financial strategies and admission tips. Guest speaker and author, Paul Hemphill. - PH, PreCollege Prep
2/10 1:02pm The first History on the Hill program , 2010, sponsored by the Norfolk Historical Commission is on February 24, 2010, in Room 214 at the Norfolk Town Hall at 7:00 PM. Snowdate is March 3rd. This month on February 23rd Norfolk marks her 140th birthday. The program on the 24th will describe the events in 1870 which led to the incorporation of Norfolk and present a narrated slideshow of the celebration of its Centennial in 1970. Join us on the 24th! Happy birthday, Norfolk.
- BB, Norfolk Historical Commission
[Update 6:32pm: the correct dates should be Ferbuary 24th and snowday March 3rd - BB]
2/10 12:58pm Those who wish to help the Swensons in a meaningful way please focus on what can still be done to help them obtain affordable housing in Norfolk, not on past events. Town officials can not force the Executive Director of the Norfolk Housing Authority to accept the couple's application for Hill Crest - they have made their case to said authority and have been rejected.
However, you can have maximum impact by calling the numbers below.
Please use your energy and voice to call in support of this couple, not here to debate past events. It might be a good idea to leave a message on voice-mail during the evenings so as not to interfere with daily business operations.
Ms. Muriel St. Amand at the Norfolk Housing Authority Phone: 508-528-4800 (Ms. Amand has direct decision-making authority to help the couple obtain affordable housing in Norfolk.)
Division of Hearings Phone: 617-573-1528 (The office to which the couple has appealed their case.)
My research on assisted living facilities in the area reveals the cost to be $2500-$5000 / month. This is for basic services such as house keeping and so forth, which is far more than what Hill Crest would cost and unlikely within the Swenson's financial means. I suspect they were paying little more than taxes on their house. State agencies exist that that can provide basic services for those who qualify. If the couple were to obtain housing at Hill Crest, such state provided services would be available to them there.
2/10 12:56pm What is wrong with some of the people here in town? I was catching up on posts from the last week or two and saw that JN got slammed by GC. Apparently GC did not grasp what JN had said, but to judge JN's work ethic and be so [rude]? Really! - EF
2/9 5:47pm Effective immediately and until further notice the Town Clerk's Office will have the following PUBLIC hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pmIf you have any questions please don't hesitate to call the Town Clerk at 508-528-1400.
Other hours by appointment and/or as required by State mandateIt is hoped that this small change will accomplish several things:
- Eliminate confusion regarding the State cut-off for filing nominations papers, petitions, and other misc. filings, which is 5:00pm.
- Streamline the passport processing service which now requires a trip to the post office (which closes at 5pm) for traceable delivery confirmation.
- Eliminate the `split-shift' currently used in the office to accommodate the limited hours of the Assistant Town Clerk position.
- Allow more flexibility in the schedule which often requires hours outside of the normal 9-5 schedule for State requirements.
- Gail E. Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
2/9 5:46pm A walk around Stony Brook Nature Center revealed that the early signs of Spring are there. I noticed chirping birds, four geese (in what little open water there is). Also: buds, and the greening and turning burnt red of the thorn bushes, especially around the boardwalk. A nice picture to keep in mind to help us through tomorrow's storm! - CR
2/9 5:45pm SF, There is a place called "Repair Center" at 14 Freeman Street in Stoughton. The number is 781-344-7333. He sells and repairs clock and watches and has fixed one of my watches. He may make house calls too. - PMM
2/9 5:44pm I have been on line talking to Hilary and thanking her. She is such a great person and I hope the town appreciates her hard work. Grissom has not left the house and probably won't for some time.Thank you Joe for coming over and explaining what had happened. - BR (BR#1)
2/9 5:42pm It is really sad that the family who was forced to relocate has to endure all of this debate about their situation on Norfolk Net. - CS
2/9 5:41pm Just to update. The cat in the post below mine is the same cat that was treed! How incredible! - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
2/8 9:29pm GC: I do not know who you are or what you are talking about. Of course we help our families. I just meant to point out that it is hard to always tell a book by its cover. People are making judgments about actions that were taken without perhaps knowing all of the facts. And yes, we have had to have patients removed from their homes for safety issues. We have a whole interdisciplinary team involved, including social work. We are not talking about simple housekeeping here. Issues that require intervention always go way beyond that. Many, many people are involved, including the patient and family and many outside agencies. The problem is not always so easily solved. If you were truly a visit RN, you would know that.
I am also not sure why you feel the need to attack me. You do not know me at all. How dare you make a judgment like that. Perhaps you need to look at how you treat people.
This whole NN thing is turning into nothing but angry anonymous posts and hateful vitriol. Insane.
- JN
2/8 9:19pm SEC - We got the postcard for LPC as well and just signed up. The price is extremely reasonable and I am happy not to have to spend Saturday mornings sorting recyclables for the dump! Their single stream recycling process does it all for you. Great way to support a small town business and recycle at the same time. Their website is junkpickup.com - MM
2/8 9:16pm Do you love your house cleaner and are they taking new customers? I know this has come up from time to time, but I can only find one archived on norfolknet. Looking for someone who does a thorough job, is reliable, prompt (comes when they say they'll be here) and flexible (as our work hours vary). Please email me if you know of anyone! Thanks for sharing! box236@norfolknet.com - PB
2/8 9:14pm DV. Depending on what you are going to store, and if the items are of some value you should make sure the storage units are temperature controled. Some are not. - DH 2/8 9:13pm On Sunday evening I received a call for a treed cat on King Street in the area of Maple/King/Lee Ann Drive. This morning before the wind became a factor I climbed the tree and got this cat out. If have been missing your black, long haired, male cat for at least 24 hours then this is most likely yours. Please call for further information. 508 440 2816. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
2/8 9:12pm Our very large black male cat is missing. He was born a feral but he is a sweetheart. He went out about 12:30 am Sun. morning with another feral cat but not the same litter. We hear the coyotes sometimes but have not seen them. Usually you can hear them when they have made a kill. Has anyone in the Maple St. Essex, and King Street area seen or heard anything. My husband has walked the whole area even looking for blood but nothing has been found. Grissom is not vicious but a very gentle cat. The other cat was right at the back door yesterday morning. - BR (BR #1)
Grissom just returned home. Not a mark on him.We are so glad.- BR (BR #1)
2/8 9:08pm Norfolk & Franklin Lions Club 3rd Annual Chili Fest - Saturday: February 27, 2010, 6:00pm. St. Jude's Church, Main St. Adults: $14.00, others over 5 $7.00, under 5 Free. Proceeds to benefit the Food Pantry
Participating restaurants: 3, Longhorn, The Alumni, The Best Deli, Eagle Brook, Horse N Carriage
Tickets will be sold at the Norfolk Library Thursday 2/18 6-9 pm or calling 508 520 0079 or email cwesalo@comcast.net Seating is limited, so advanced tickets are recommended.
- CW, Norfolk Lions
2/8 9:06pm Norfolk Baseball Association is in need of spring Little League team sponsorships. If you are a local business that would like to support Norfolk Youth and our community please contact me. Team sponsorships are a reasonable $250.00. Your company name is placed on the player's shirts and your business information is advertised on our website. I can be reached at pugslyfruci@aol.com or 781-467-8192. Thank you! - Karen Fruci, Norfolk Baseball Association
2/8 9:05pm I'm looking for a recommendation for someone who can repair a weight driven wall clock. I can take the clock to a shop. - SF
2/8 9:02pm Norfolk's online property viewer at [page link] has their property listed as "Buildings - $76,400" and "Land - $147,000", a far cry from the sale price of $50,000 to the nearby, caring neighbor. One might contest that there will be a cost to remove the existing building to make the land buildable, but it does not cost enough to justify the difference. Personally, I would not want that mis-deed upon my shoulders as that type of behavior seems to never go unchecked and this possibly for a very very long time.
- BF (BF 2)
2/8 8:59pm Valentine's Day is right around the corner! Looking for the perfect gift? For the couple who works hard all week long with little time for themselves, may I suggest a couples massage in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Renovo Health and Wellness brings therapeutic massage services to the client as opposed to the client coming to us. We will transform your surroundings into the ambiance of a day spa with one major difference, you don't have to leave to go home! For the month of February we are offering a 10% discount for any couple massage booked during the month. Please see our website www.renovohealth.com for details or call Mary Sharkey at 508-528-6789. - MKS
2/8 8:57pm JN, I find your comments to be very disturbing. You, who claim to be a hospice RN, who have seen many homes in the unkempt manner as the Swenson's and have not done anything about the problem but complain about it! I, too, have been in many of the same circumstances in Boston for many years as a visiting nurse and found numerous ways to help get the family home cleaned out and made more livable and comfortable for the patient and the neighbors. All it needs is a simple phone call to a social worker, available to your Visiting Nurses Assoc. - but obviously, you have never used it. They, in turn, will get someone to clean the home, get services for the couple, housekeeping, personal care, medical care etc. The problem is then solved!
[...] you better take another look at how you care for your fellow man.
- GC
2/7 1:24pm Has anyone ever used a storage place in the area? If so please please tell me the pros and cons - thanks - DV
2/7 1:22pm To all these Norfolk people blasting Mr. Norton - You have no idea how many years Mr. Norton has been helping the Swensons keep their home together... replacing windows, doors, plowing and shoveling walks and driveway... fixing broken things in the household... at no cost to the Swensons. In Mr. Swenson's healthy years , he was the same type of guy, always there to help...
So I think it is time... You people [...] tend to your own business.
- ER
2/7 1:19pm As I posted before, we were involved in the cleanup of a family member's property in circumstances that sound very like the Swenson's. When the property was sold we were told that the price we could expect was the going rate for the land minus the demolition costs of the house. This was after the property was cleaned. If we had hired someone to do the cleanout we would have had to pay for hazmat cleaning. If the Swenson's land was assessed at $200,000 then in this market the going rate would have been much less. After you subtract the cleanout and demolition, $50,000 does not sound out of line. We were told we could expect $70-80,000 for 4+ acres in a town not far from here. In our family's situation the person involved was a legally competent adult. If you met her or spoke with her or were in her yard you would not have been aware of how bad the situation was. Her family and friends had tried for many years to work with her to help her to no avail.
We live in a place where town officials cannot tell you how to live your life or keep your house as long as you are not endangering yourself and others. I do not want to change that. This means, however, that when the town officials have to take notice then things are at a dangerous level and they would be remiss in not removing the parties from the property.
- ML
2/7 1:18pm PRB, would love to talk to you about taking care of your dogs - I am a Norfolk resident with experience and with Norfolk references. Please call 774-571-8461 and ask for Sarah. - SD
2/6 2:26pm Deadline to register for the spring season of Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer is quickly approaching! NLYS is open to boys and girls who are 3 years old (by Sept. 1, 2009) to grade 12. All games are played on Sunday afternoons in Norfolk... but you do not have to live in Norfolk to join the fun.
For information and to register, visit the Web site at: www.norfolklionssoccer.com Financial assistance is available; contact Craig K. at 508-520-0163.
Absolutely no registrations will be accepted after the March 1 deadline.
- HK
2/6 2:25pm I am looking for someone local to care for my 2 smalls dogs during February school vacation (2/14 - 2/20). Can anyone suggest someone? - PRB
2/6 2:24pm I agree with NK. Mr. Norton, should have bought the Swensons land for more than $50,000; they needed fair market value to move to their next residence. Shame on you. This is no way to treat anyone when they are down and out. This is [an] unneighborly act from Mr Norton. - EF
2/6 2:23pm Just noticed that one of our local stores, Something Special, is now taking clothing consignments. I am very excited to consign a lot of girl's clothing! As for the sad saga of the Swensons, I understand the outrage that many may feel, but there is always a lot more to a story than you may know. I can attest that I go into many homes as a visit hospice nurse and have found things inside that you would have never, ever guessed just by merely looking at the outside. I am sure that the town officials did what they thought was in the best interest of the Swensons, their neighbors and the town. These decisions are never easy, that is for sure.
I am also curious to know what happened at the public hearing that the school committee presented. Any feedback? And why are there two school committee positions on the ballot by resignation?
Just curious.
- JN
2/6 2:22pm Got an email - Here is an option for those who need supportive housing or assisted living type services and who qualify because of income. The housing in Norfolk is independent, in other words, there are no support services such as cleaning or personal care available through Norfolk Housing. [massresources.org link]- Wm.
2/5 9:19pm Kudos to the community on Norfolknet for providing such great referrals, and double kudos to one of those referrals we used today to help "bail us out" of a bad situation. Came home after being gone several days to find a burst pipe and 2 inches of standing water in several rooms. Soaked carpets, mattresses, upholstery - nice homecoming! So anyway, recalled seeing some great carpet cleaning referrals on norfolknet not too long ago and within the hour, George Pasquantonio of Pasquantonio Carpet Care, (www.pasquantoniocarpetcare.com) was on the scene extracting water and dispensing helpful advice on how to get the place dried out. He even left us his "air mover" fan overnight. Nice guy! He's local, lives in Plainville, charges reasonable rates, and will be back next week to clean our carpets and upholstery. This site rocks! - JMF
2/5 9:15pm Attached is an updated slate of positions that will be on the ballot for the Annual Town Election in May, it has been ammended to reflect the addition of two 'unexpired' terms that are now vacant due to recent resignations. Norfolk Town Election - Tuesday, May 4, 2010The following positions will be on the ballot for the May 4th Election of Town Officers:
Nomination papers available starting 2/1/10 and are due back not later than 5:00pm on 3/16/10
Moderator - (1) One-year term
Selectmen - (1) Three-year term
Board of Assessors - (1) Three-year term
Board of Assessors - (1) Two-year unexpired term
Board of Health - (1) Three-year term
Housing Authority - (1) One-year term
Library Trustee - (1) Three-year term
Planning Board - (2) Three-year terms
Recreation Commission - (2) Three-year terms
Norfolk School Committee - (1) Three-year term
Norfolk School Committee - (1) One-year unexpired term- Gail E. Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
2/5 9:13pm Hi Norfolk families! It's that time of the year again - Valentine's Day! I've posted on here with success before, so I thought I'd try again. I'm guessing many of you would like to get out for that romantic dinner on the 14th - I'm here to help :) I have lots of experience babysitting and I love kids. I'm 20 years old and have lived in Norfolk all my life. I went to LSU for a year and a half & I'm taking a semester off. I'm a part time nanny during the week - I love my job! Feel free to e-mail me at rachelalsu@yahoo.com for Valentine's Day, or any other time as well! I also have references if needed. Thanks! - RA
2/5 9:07pm NK, I do not want town officials assuming roles they are not qualified or trained to assume. The Swensons appear to need more services and supports then Hillcrest can provide. I would hope the Boomerang would do a follow-up story and let all know how they are doing. - JR
2/5 8:55pm Getting too cold to walk your dog? Wish you had some help caring for your pet during these long winter months? Leashrly Life can help! We offer pet sitting, dog walking and obedience training for your pet. For more information, please call 781-241-2083 or visit our website for rates and details. www.leashrlylife.com - AW, Leashrly Life
2/5 8:52pm The sale of the Swenson's home, or any home for that matter, if sold under duress, is not a free act and deed of the seller, and is therefore a defective conveyance. The buyer should be ashamed of themselves for taking advantage of the circumstances, and we as townspeople should show what we are made of by demanding action be taken by town officials to assure fair market value is paid to the Swensons. Town leadership, especially those directly causal to forced sale of the home, as well as those involved in denial of public housing to the Swensons would do well to remember they can be named individually in a lawsuit. Speaking for myself, I'll not pay for thoughtless actions made by town officials that invite lawsuits. Those of you involved know who you are, and you should know better. If not, you should resign your post. As for the Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator, unless you are comfortable drowning our fiscally-suffering town in legal fees and judgments, you would do well to get risk management training for every town employee or agent who has the power to obligate or create obligation for the town. I am ashamed by what this town has done to the Swensons, and will not be proud to say I live in Norfolk until the Swensons are made whole. The town must do the right thing, and fast. Every minute that passes is yet another minute I hope the Swensons have to find themselves a good lawyer who will get them not only their day in court, but a judgment that teaches this town a lesson it will not soon forget. Perhaps then logic will prevail in town government, and we will all be better off for it. - GH
2/5 8:51pm It's always interesting to read the various versions of "someone should do this" or "someone should do that" or the ever-popular "town officials should have done that". In the latter case, note how rarely the speaker is, was, or wants to be a such a town official. Rarely do we hear "I'm going to do this" or 'I'm going to do that". But I guess that's just the nature of the beast... - RM
2/5 8:48pm Regardless of the conditions found at the Swenson home in July, Mr. Bullock has stated that alternatives to throwing them out of their home existed and he could have worked with them to remedy the situation. My personal testimony is that I walked past the home, on several occasion this past summer and did not detect the odor of dead cats or anything else - and yes, the windows were open. In addition, members of my family have done the same over the past five years, no odor, nothing. Nor have I head any complaints by neighbors regarding same, even those in close proximity.
The consequences of the decision were not sufficiently considered. Owners of aggressive dogs, even when they have bitten neighbors, receive several warning and a hearing by the Board of Selectmen before the animal is banished from the town or condemned. The difference is that the Swenson's had no power, no voice, no money and no guidance - a problem that appears to have plagued them for many years, in addition their many health issues.
They just lived in their little house and did what they could do, which was very little.
However, Mr. Swenson did manage to call the town for help in July when he was attacked by a skunk that chased him into his house, which is what began this apocalyptic episode for them. He reportedly fought it off with his crutches the first time but it returned. Perhaps doctor's at the hospital where he and his wife reportedly stayed for a week, were concerned about rabies; or that they had no where else to go.
I'm sure he regrets making that phone call.
Nevertheless, that is not now the issue. The focus of our community: the BOS, Mr. Bullock, Ms. St. Amand, our representatives, and the residents that are so inclined; should be on how to quickly restore what was taken from the couple in July; a home and whatever dignity they had before this unfortunate episode occurred. This need not be a zero sum game. We can come together, do the right thing and all achieve a genuine community victory that matters in the lives of two human beings in our town, which have committed no crime. Ms. St Amand, you are Norfolk's quarterback in this Super bowl; please stop the suffering of this old couple and collaborate with town officials to create a workable solution to restore dignity to the Swenson's, and our town.
Please get involved.
norfolkhousi@earthlink.net norfolkboomerang@gmail.com Rep.RichardRoss@Hou.State.MA.US Werner.Lohe@state.ma.us Shelagh.Ellman-Pearl@state.ma.us Lorraine.nessar@state.ma.us Scott.P.Brown@state.ma.us
2/5 8:47pm Considering hiring a pet care professional to help out with your pet care needs? Critter Visits is a well known and trusted pet care service, with clients throughout Norfolk and surrounding towns. Owned and managed by Carin Cohen, who has over 20 years experience in pet care, we provide a variety of services including in-home visits, for all kinds of pets from small animals to cats and dogs, and even horses, sheep, and ducks (and almost anything in between!). If you are a dog owner ask us about our dog walking services and individually tailored dog training consultations. Call to schedule a complimentary interview and don't forget to ask us about our new customer special offers - our gift to you for trying us out. Thank you for your consideration. 508-922-6706 - SD, Critter Visits petsitter
2/4 8:53pm Bingo fundraiser for disaster relief in Haiti - You're invited to the area's Biggest Tupperware Party! The Party Box, 139 Mechanic Street, Route 140, Bellingham, Massachusetts - Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 6:30 PM. Everyone will receive a Bingo card just for attending. Raffle tickets will be sold throughout the evening for "special drawings".
Gather up your friends, family, neighbors and come have fun. Ask me how to turn the night into your own Tupperware party and earn free Tupperware products.
Make it a Girl's Night Out! We need a minimum of 15 people to hold event Adults only please - BYOB.
RSVP so we can plan for a fantastic night! tupperware.lauren@gmail.com
Don't keep this a secret! Share this email with everybody! The people of Haiti will appreciate it!
- LC
2/4 8:42pm Bring your family to the library this Saturday, Feb 6, between 10 am and 2 pm to make and take Valentine's Day greetings, crafts, treats and more with some help from the Junior Friends! All proceeds will go toward the Junior Friends of the Library and their Adopt-A-Whale fund from the World Wildlife fund. - VR
2/4 8:40pm I am writing to comment on the Swensons' plight. They are good people who do not deserve to be treated this way. There is no denying they were lacking the help that they needed while living in their home on Priscilla Ave and the situation had become serious. Town officials should be held responsible for not providing the help necessary to give them the opportunity to remain in their home way before July of 2009. Hilary Cohen had been very well aware there was an issue with cats long before July of 2009 as she had been there several times to trap the cats that were living on the property. It was her job as the animal control officer to make sure all the cats had been removed from the premises. Apparently she failed to follow through the first time and the cats were allowed to reproduce.
Mr. Bullock should have given the Swenson's advance notice in writing with regard to what they needed to do to clean up the property so they could continue to have a roof over their heads long before July 2009 when the skunk issue arose. These officials were well aware that the Swensons needed help long before and they did nothing to help them.
The Swensons are elderly and have health issues but deserve to live with dignity and the creature comforts all of these officials surely enjoy. How cruel of Ms. St. Amand to deny this couple the opportunity to live decently in the housing that was intended for folks like them. Do not believe everything you read in the newspaper. Sensationalizing the truth makes better news! Unless you saw it with your own eyes and know the truth please don't pass judgement! They needed help and were not getting it so things surely had gotten out of control due to their limited physical abilities. With the right assistance in an apartment that does not require the constant maintenance of a house with a second floor they would do fine. They have already stated to Ms. St. Amand they would keep the apartment clean, get the help they need with housekeeping and personal care and follow the orders of the housing authority. Mr. Swenson is a Navy veteran and he and Mrs. Swenson have worked hard all of their lives and paid taxes to the town of Norfolk. Former Representative Scott Brown has advised Ms. St. Amand in writing to allow this couple to live at Hillcrest Village. She seems to turn a deaf ear to all who have spoken on their behalf and are concerned with their welfare. I have heard that an apartment on the first floor has just become available and she refuses to allow the Swensons to have it.
Mr. Norton, who swooped in to buy the property for a $50,000 when its assessed value is over $200,000 within days of their eviction, should rethink his actions as well. He was doing the Swensons an injustice by acting when they were in a desperate situation - homeless with no advance notice from the town of Norfolk and nowhere live.
This is how we treat our elders? Shame on all of you! State hearings and appeals take a long time (months) which Mr. and Mrs. Swenson are quickly running out of. Norfolk, rally forth and let justice prevail let's help the Swensons in whatever way we can - call legislators and news stations. Their story is on Norfolk Boomerang. Would you want this to be your parents or grandparents or even worse, yourself?
- NK
2/4 8:38pm Tickets now on sale for Annual Random Smile Project Gala - The Random Smile Project will hold its annual Gala on February 27, 2010 from 6-12pm. This year's Gala will take place at Christina's in Foxboro and will once again include both live and silent auctions, dinner, dancing, DJ and a live performance by the Screaming Vincent's band. Tickets are $75 each. All proceeds from the Gala support the many projects Random Smile spearheads throughout the year. To learn more about the Random Smile Project or to purchase tickets for the Gala, please visit the Random Smile Project website at: www.randomsmile.org - AC, Random Smile Project
2/4 8:37pm It was disheartening to watch the teachers, parents and residents of Norfolk spend the time to attend the School Committee's public hearing about educational leadership and share their concerns, only to have an SC member state that the "[townspeople] don't want to hear what we have to say" when she thought the audio was not recording at the end of the meeting. Wasn't the whole point of the meeting to hear the public's concerns, not SC's views which we have already heard? - RD
2/4 8:36pm At 3:30 this afternoon sighted between 2 and 4 coyotes roaming the power lines between Cleveland St and Seekonk St near the end of Village Green. - JP
2/4 8:35pm We just started using LPC Junk Removal for trash pick up and recycling. Today was our first day of service and it was so great! It was very easy the recycling part was the best we just put all our items into one barrel - no sorting! I highly reccomend this local company. - CC
2/4 8:22pm Norfolk Lions to Host Awareness & Information Night - Learn about the Norfolk Lions - Thursday, Feb 18th @ 7pm. Want to make a difference? Want to feel as though you are "giving back" to your community? In these challenging times, it is so important to truly be part of your community and for all of us to work together. That's exactly what the Norfolk Lions do every day!
Please join us on Thursday February 18th, 7:00 pm at the Norfolk Library Meeting Room for the Lions Awareness & Information Night. Learn about the history and heritage of Lionism, Helen Keller's challenge, the events that make Norfolk a wonderful place to raise a family, and about the Norfolk Lion's contribution to many local causes. Meet your neighbors who make a difference and stop feeling unattached. We welcome all men and women who seek a deeper connection to our town and a desire to work with others to make a positive impact. This is the chance you've been waiting for. In the words of Winston Churchill: "You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give." Come learn about our service organization, meet some of our members and enjoy some refreshments. Hope you can join us!
- FZ, Norfolk Lions
2/4 8:20pm I am also interested to hear if anyone has suggestions for piano lessons at home - is there a reply to this question? Thank you - LL
2/4 8:19pm Please fellow citizens note that Mr. and Mrs. Swenson are first on list at Hillcrest, and an apartment on first floor is available immediately. Mrs. St. Amand has stated"No Way" will they be accepted. We MUST speak up right away. Please contact Richard Ross State Representative at (617)-722-2810. These individuals need our help!! - CN
2/3 4:15pm I have lived in the Swenson's neighborhood probably as long as they have lived here, and the conditions of the property started as soon as they moved into the house[.] [...] Do I blame the town and our elected officials, Yes! Should the town correct this, Yes! If all the concerned parties want the housing to be kept clean, then it will have to be done by someone other than the Swensons. Oops, another mistake, the house was allowed to be sold for much much less than it was worth - wow, by a friendly neighbor - choke choke choke...
The Town of Norfolk needs to help this couple. With all the medical issues maybe even a nursing facility would be the answer. It will be interesting to see just how long it takes.
- CS
2/3 3:43pm You are cordially invited to the Interfaith Foxboro Christian Women's Valentine luncheon affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries. Tuesday February 9 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive, Lafayette House Route 1 Foxboro, MA. Reservations by February 7 by calling Arline 508-883-8588
Eric Nelson from Dover is currently a business consultant and an adjunct professor of business at Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy. He will speak on ``Heavenly Love'' and will also present a mini-love concert with secular and sacred songs. Come and hear the story behind some of these special songs.
Bring a Valentine to warm the heart of those in need of a little love. Valentines will be ``lovingly'' given to nursing home residents.
Invite a friend - He or she will be glad you did!
2/3 3:42pm SEC - We just signed up with LPC and I couldn't be more excited! I think they are very reasonable and also very nice people! - SL
2/3 3:40pm Calling all whalers! This Thursday at the Norfolk Public Library, we will be welcoming the fine folks from Stonybrook Sanctuary to help us learn all about whales from 3:30 - 4:15. Come see how big a real whale actually is! This is for whalers in grade 1 and up. You can call or email Andrea, Youth Librarian or stop in the library to sign up. - Andrea Ingala, Youth Librarian, Norfolk Public Library
2/3 3:37pm February Vacation movie days - The Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street, Norfolk has scheduled three movie days for February Vacation. So bring your friends and come and have a fun time. Tuesday, February 16 th at 2:00 pm - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, rated PG.The cost is $5.00 for bottomless popcorn, and drinks. Space is limited, so please call the church office at 508-528-0262 or email mail@fcon.org to make reservations.
Wednesday, February 17 th at 2:00 pm - Night at the Museum ~ Battle for the Smithsonian, rated PG.
Thursday, February 18 th at 2:00 pm - Star Trek, rated PG-13
Mommy and Me Movie Thursday, February 18 th at 10:00 am - Wall E, rated G.- KR, Federatech Church of Norfolk
2/3 3:36pm SEC, My husband (who is in the construction business) has used LPC for their containers for a while and always been happy with their service and has recommended them to others many times. We just started using LPC for our home service and it has been great! I am a big proponent of recycling and love the fact that I don't have to separate everything into many bins in the garage. And like you I like that I can use a local small business for a good price. - LA
2/3 3:34pm Hello, I am just wondering if anybody has heard anything about a possible stabbing Monday night at Guido's? I live nearby and I noticed there was quite a ruckus... - WZ
2/3 3:30pm I'm just catching up now on the story about the Swensons. Is there something as a community we can do, set up a fund? Or talk to elected officials about this situation? This seems to be two elderly people being shuttled around and not knowing what to do. Is there an elderly affairs lawyer, or maybe just a larger media outlet, available that could possibly help in this situation? I am willing to donate $100.00 towards either a lawyer, or some other avenue, if this would help. Can some one move this along through the proper channels, instead of us discussing it here? I would gladly be of any assistance, but frankly, I'm not sure where to start. - BD
2/3 3:28pm The article on the Swensons and the subsequent postings here lambasting the Housing Authority were disturbing to me. I went back through the Boomerang articles written on 7/31/09 and 8/7/09. The house is described as "overrun with fleas, ticks, animal waste... accumulating trash", with "half-dozen dead cats" inside the house. A photo shows a room so filled with trash that the door cannot open all the way. Mention is made of someone vomiting from the odor. At the time the fire chief, health inspector, and building inspector all had major issues with its safety and requested extermination and trash clean-up. When the ambulance came the following week, personnel had to don "protective suits" and line the ambulance with plastic. The ambulance was then "taken out of service" until the interior could be cleaned. These descriptions do not sound like someone falling behind on housework, but a much bigger issue. I can understand why the Housing Authority had to make the decision they did. Hopefully the Swensons can get the proper placement for their needs, which seem greater than what Hillcrest Village was designed for. - CI
2/3 3:27pm For those interested in helping the elderly couple who now have to spend the $50K they received from the sale of their home, while they were under duress and in the streets, on an attorney to appeal Ms. St. Amand's decision to deny their application to Hillcrest, you can call the below number to provide support. While it's unlikely they will discuss the case - just tell them you are from Norfolk and how unfair this poor couple is being treated. Time is running out for them, $50K does not go far when you have attorney fees and live in a motel. Lots of calls will register folks. Ms. St Amand, please save this couple while they still have a few pennies and can enjoy the time they have left on this earth.
[mass.gov link]
Housing Appeals Committee
100 Cambridge St., Suite 300
Boston, Massachusetts 02114
617-573-1520Werner Lohe, Chairman Werner.Lohe@state.ma.us
Shelagh A. Ellman-Pearl, Hearing Officer Shelagh.Ellman-Pearl@state.ma.us
Lorraine Nessar, Docket Clerk Lorraine.nessar@state.ma.us- JPB
[Update 3:31pm: corrected phone, added email contacts - JPB]
2/2 11:08pm To CR on frivilous lawsuits: You are correct! Now let's see how this may relate to the elderly couple several posts have mentioned. It is possible that if the town knew they were living in a dangerous environment and didn't remove them, the town may be sued if something happened. Everyone has to cover their butts to avoid litigation. It is possible that this couple was happy and comfortable in their environment. I had an aunt and uncle that was in a similar situation. Both were happy and content with their surroundings. Most rooms were cluttered with old newspapers, furniture and clothing. The only difference was they did maintain a clean kitchen. Hopefully the Norfolk couple can find a "home" for their final years. - RW
2/2 11:06pm Hi! I friend from Millis is looking for childcare. She needs someone to put her 1st and 2nd graders on the bus 2 -3 days per week from 7:00 am to 8:00 am. If interested, please contact me through the webmaster. Thanks! [Use box234@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - SB
2/2 11:02pm A Hitler mustache in front of the post office? Seriously? I recommend a visit to the truly excellent Museum of World War II in Natick (www.museumofworldwarii.com). A very nice American veteran, Lions Club member suggested it to me for my Navy veteran father. The museum is an internationally acclaimed collection of documents, letters, photographs, artifacts, and information covering the period from WWI to the end of WWII. Hitler and the Nazi party feature prominently. It'll positively slap you to your senses. No kidding. I pity anyone naive enough to paint a Hitler mustache or swastika on anything after they see that.
- SO
2/2 10:53pm DH - A most simplistic response to an obviously complex issue. Sometimes it is best to say nothing. - JR
2/2 10:48pm Hi - Looking for a babysitter for this weekend? (Feb 4-7th) or for Valentines Day evening? My name is Erin and I'm 19 years old. I have been babysitting since I was 14 with experience in kids ages newborn-10. I go to school at Massachusetts Bay Community College for psychology and I work at the Gap Outlet. You can contact me at erinsebring@yahoo.com - ES
2/2 10:46pm
[Update 2/8 9:08pm: see revised post of 2/8 9:08pm above - Wm.]
2/2 10:45pm KID, Try Computer Consultants, Robert Larson. He is very good and reasonable. Comes to you home or office and doesn't charge travel time. Cell 617 645 1922 Office 617 273 5114. - PRB
2/2 10:44pm We received a postcard in the mail for LPC Removal...has anyone used them before? I'm thinking about signing up for the single stream recycling and trash removal, and I wanted to see if anyone had a referral or would recommend them (I am very much be in favor of supporting a local company while at the same time not having to sort through all of the recycles at the dump!) - SEC
2/2 10:33pm JPB - Isn't it nice to know that rules can be applied arbitrarily as Town Hall sees fit. I guess playing judge, jury, and executioner is in the job description of building inspector. Also, why are the Selectmen allowing the building inspector to spout off public statements which could compromise the Town - muzzle that guy - PC
2/1 9:58pm DH - You "work with the elderly and their families to make sure they are safe, eating, house is clean etc" Well I guess you didn't work with this particular family! It's easy to say the children should have taken them in, or, if it were your parents, you'd up and move yourself to another house to take care of them... but unless you know the family personally, you're making a presumption that family members' circumstances would allow for them to care for this couple the way in which you would be able to do.
Great for your parents that you were there for them and great for you that you have family who will take care of you if need be. But you really should try to have a little compassion for those less fortunate.
2/1 8:59pm KID - Try Raven Computer, next to Hess on Route 140 in Franklin. They fixed mine when I couldn't get it to show life. - RM
2/1 8:58pm I just want to inform you and I am not promoting these people. The Stop Obama people with a photo of the President with a Hitler-style mustache near the Post Office are promoting political candidates from the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee, www.larouchepac.com. From a sheet the people where handing out ``Rachel Brown Democrat for Congress To Defeat Bailout Barney Frank'' www.rachelForCongress.com - DLJ
2/1 8:57pm Let's go back to the foolish lawsuits for a moment. What needs to happen is when a lawsuit is deemed to have no merit to go to trial, the person/people submitting the case should be fined for wasting the court's time. I guarantee that would get rid of most foolish lawsuits and the lawyers claiming you don't pay unless you win your case. - CR
2/1 8:47pm Re the Swensons, and others living similarly: What's difficult is that people are free to reject sensible options, and make poor decisions. They live with the sometimes awful consequences of those decisions. We, their neighbors, worry about their situation, but must respect their freedom, unless they are in danger, or harming someone else. Caring for each other must include considering peoples' privacy rights. - MJS
2/1 8:46pm You don't need to travel to Cambridge to hear a great author speak. We have a nationally recognized author coming to Norfolk tomorrow night! Nathaniel Philbrick will be speaking at King Philip Middle School tomorrow, Feb 2 at 7:00 pm. Philbrick is a Pulitzer Prize finalist and National Book Award winner. He will be speaking about his books "In the Heart of the Sea: the Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex" and "Revenge of the Whale." These books (one for adults, the other for middle schoolers) tell the actual events upon which Moby Dick is based. A reception, book sale and book signing will follow Philbrick's talk. Free tickets are available at the Public Library. - Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
2/1 8:45pm Can someone recommend a local TV repair person? It's an older Sony rear projection, with blue and yellow color separations. Thanks! - MJS
2/1 8:44pm To all, The story about the elderly couple is very disturbing. Please count me in to do whatever is necessary to get this couple into the housing they deserve. We have two older people who have worked their whole lives, a man that has served our country and they should not be worrying about something as basic as housing. This is what public assistance is supposed to be for. Have a heart folks... they are elderly, in poor health and live on a fixed income. I demand as a tax payer of Nofolk they be put into our elderly housing as soon as possible. - MG
2/1 8:40pm One strike and you're out! The story in the Boomerang indicates that Mr. Bullock, Norfolk Building Commissioner and the individual who forced the couple out of their home and condemned it, states that he would not have "kicked them out if I knew I was kicking them out on the street. I think I would have kept on pressuring them to get it cleaned up, and not gone to that extent." It is clear from the article that alternatives to condemning the home and throwing this 70 year-old disabled Navy Veteran and his wife out on the streets existed. One thing is clear: these partially-disabled elderly citizens are homeless due to a difficult yet subjective decision that was in hind sight a personal humanitarian-disaster for them. Bureaucratic excuses aside, Ms. St. Amand's deliberation process is similarly subjective with one critical difference: she is attempting to predict the future. Instead of offering these poor souls a new lease on life, she chooses to deny them the basic human rights and dignity the commonwealth espouses and the 70 year-old Navy veteran fought to defend. The irony is that the couple's taxes may have supported Ms. St. Amand's office or Hillcrest Village in some form or fashion at some point in the past fifty-years.
Clearly both Mr. Bullock and Ms. St. Amand have far-reaching authority to make important and difficult decisions that profoundly affect individuals and families in our town; perhaps too much. At this point nothing can be done to undo the decision taken by Mr. Bullock - and I am convinced it was a difficult and painful one to take. However, hope is not lost. Ms. St. Amand can decide to do the right thing and mitigate this humiliating and horrifying chapter in the life of this couple. Surely, she can arrive at both an intellectual and humane resolution that will bring this nightmare to a conclusion; at this point, she has the sole power to do so. All good managers and leaders know it is ok to re-assess and change a decision on occasion. It fosters respect and confidence.
Fellow citizens, let us not rest until this couple is in a home. Even convicted felons are given three strikes before they are condemned and even then they are provided shelter. Yes, there will be posts on Norfolknet that agree with Ms. St. Amand's decision. However, let's filter those that may have an agenda in defending the decision. I urge you to call her office (her email address was not working as of yesterday) and those at the state to insist this couple get's help.
[Town Hall link], [mass.gov link], [myfoxboston link]
2/1 8:36pm I can't believe the people in Norfolk. What mud slinging. Muriel St. Amand is doing her job. She is protecting her current residents and exercising due diligence in making a sound decision. The Swensons need more help than subsidized housing. A bigger question would be why do we have a Building Inspector that would condemn a house and then say he wouldn't of if he knew they wouldn't be "given" an apartment? Doesn't Mr. Bullock have to exercise the same due dilgence when it comes to him performing his job? Doesn't he need to have follow-thru for his actions? Or can he just walk away from his responsibility. Also, why was the concerned neighbor Mr. Norton allowed to "buy" the property for $50,000, far below the assesed value of the land? He has already boarded up the house for demolition, clearcut the lot and had it perc tested for a new septic. Does anyone think that seems that the Swensons best interests were being served? And what about Matt Macdonald's responsibility as a journalist? How about checking into all "the facts" before printing a Page One inflammatory story. How about stopping all the senseless mud slinging and name calling and finding out what the rest of the story is before you trash someone's reputation. What is due is that Muriel St. Amand should be commended for a sound decision, and an apology should be made to her. - JD
2/1 8:31pm The Norfolk Republican Town Committee will be holding its delegate selection meeting on this Wednesday, February 3rd at 7:30 pm at the Norfolk public library. All Norfolk residents who are registered Republicans are qualified to be nominated as Mass. Republican convention delegates from Norfolk, but there are only a limited number of available delegate seats to be filled.
If you are interested in being a delegate to the Massachusetts Republican State Convention, to be held on April 17th, please let us know ASAP, so that you may be considered for nomination.
You do not need to be a NRTC Member or be present at the meeting to be nominated or elected to the delegation slate.
- GM, Norfolk Republican Town Committee
2/1 8:30pm HMK - First, I know how hard it is for the elderly especially if they are in poor health. I work with the elderly and their families to make sure they are safe, eating, house is clean, etc. I also saw the declining health of my parents, and was there for them. I for one would have never let my parents home get in the condition it was. Why didn't the children want them? If it was that hard for them to take care of the home I would have either moved my parents into my home, or moved myself to have them live with me in a home that would make it easier on them, not blame someone else for not taking care of them. Don't worry I know my family will be there for me, and take me in if need be when I'm elderly, and in poor health. - DH
1/31 11:27pm This is a difficult one. I have a close family member whose house was condemned under similar circumstances. She was in denial about the severity of the situation and had been for several years. Many family members and friends had tried to help but gotten nowhere. When she went back and looked at her home after she had been out of it for a bit she claimed someone else must have trashed it. I did the rough cleanup on the house. It was an awful experience. I only know what I read in the Boomerang about this couple, but it sounded very familiar. What I would hope is that housing can be found that comes with cleaning and supervisory support for this couple.
- ML
1/31 11:26pm Congrats Dan... - DV
1/31 11:25pm For those of you who would like to read the story about the elderly couple for yourselves, you may do so by going to www.norfolkboomerang.com. This local newspaper is no longer going to be available in print, but is changing over to an online publication. They have very generously sent out complimentary copies to every home in Norfolk. As a long time faithful reader, I encourage you to subscribe so we can continue to have local stories such as this one brought to our attention. Let's support out local business! Now, back to the story in question, yes, it's certainly not a good situation any way you look at it. However, there are many services and resources within our wonderful town and state put in place for just such situations.
The article says that they stayed in Norwood Hospital for a week. Well, last time I checked, spending a week in the hospital requires a pretty good medical reason. Upon admission, a social worker would be assigned to the couple, plans for discharge and all available options available would be in the works from the first day of admission through the date of discharge. When financial resources are available which may be the case after selling their home which they did shortly after their exile, other housing options may be available.
As far as the Norfolk Housing Authority goes, often there are long waiting lists, usually years, for the apartments. Just because someone wants to live there and is qualified, doesn't mean they can just move in when they want. The buildings are 35 year old 2 story style, and have no elevators. It would seem like a long range plan given the health issues they face, an assisted living residence could be considered. Yes, they may have to move to another town, but sometimes you can't always get what you want.
- JC
1/31 4:45pm DH - How do you know that is the way they "wanted to" live?? I hope that when you are elderly, in poor health, and on a fixed income, that you will be able to take care of your home by yourself. - HMK
1/31 3:53pm BF, you are spot on "I doubt I would be able to sell my home for any more than one year ago or, two or three for that matter." You will be lucky to get 75% of what you could have sold your home for 3 years ago. Real estate has a long way to go depite what the NAR and Govt want you to believe. If your house is in the high end price range, there will be very few buyers for a long time.
- SC
1/31 3:49pm John P. - Not trying to pick a fight, but I hope that you know Ms. Amand well enough to publicly label her as being without compassion... My sense is that she also has struggled with this entire matter and that her decision was not of her own doing but one that was reached after a general consensus with others who work in her office and our local and state governments. I hope that with some mediation, this unfortunate situation will resolve itself in a way that is for the greater good of all parties involved. That is what good positive dialogue is about and this is certainly a great opportunity for that, one we might all learn from.
- BF (BF 2)
[Update 11:24pm: Oops, I made two typos on the signature line -- that's BF (not BG) and BF 2 (not 20) - Wm.]
1/31 3:48pm After reading the article in the Norfolk Boomerang about the situation with the Swenson family. I could not agree more with the statement by John Bermingham on the Norfolk Net page when he states: "Please, please, contact Ms. St. Amand and tell her that we have no room in or town government for people without compassion and who treat our fellow citizens this way." I urge fellow citizens to call Muriel St. Amand at the Norfolk Housing Authority at 508-528-4800 or other members of the Housing Authority board which include: Scott Dittrich, Robert Shannon, David Smith Jr, William Crane and Eric Dupont.
Muriel St. Amand is playing God with these poor sick elderly citizens lives and she should be ashamed of herself.
The Swensons are real people, real lifelong Norfolk neighbors who need our help and intervention. These people were hard working, tax paying citizens for years and years.
They are not trying to get something for nothing. They have done nothing illegal. What is happening to them is just blatantly wrong.
I also believe that the town's building commissioner and others involved in this sad situation really dropped the ball. Maybe they could have got the word out to the Swenson's neighbors and to the churches and other groups in town that these people needed help with their living situation. I am sure people would of donated their time and expertise to help a neighbor in real need here in our own community.
- JD
1/31 3:44pm SD - The Hockamock YMCA provides swimming lessons for children as young as 6 months. They have facilities in Franklin, North Attleboro and Foxboro and the prices are pretty reasonable. - JP
1/31 3:41pm I've been informed that the Housing Authority is a state agency and the director is a state employee. As such, this issue is not subject to town control. - Wm.
1/31 3:38pm Mr. Bermingham - thanks for your posting regarding the partially-disabled elderly couple, as I have not seen this Friday's Boomerang. Was there any additional information about which town officials were involved in removing this couple from their home, and why? Or was there any additional information as to why the couple's application to obtain housing at Hillcrest Village was denied by the Executive Director of the Norfolk Housing Authority? It seems that there has to be more to this story. And I would also think that sensible, rationale people can come up with a solution for this, and get our neighbors into a better living situation. I sincerely hope that this comes to a speedy resolution for this couple. - KB
1/31 3:37pm Does anyone know someone that can provide piano lessons for children in my own home? - SD
1/31 2:24pm About the elderly couple that was forcibly removed from their home. I agree with the Norfolk Housing Authority. If someone is not going to take care of their own property what makes you think they are going to take care of the town's? Think about the people that have to live around them. If they let the apartment go down hill at Hillcrest Village we are the ones that have to pay for repairs etc. They can afford to live in their hotel room because of the money they got from selling their home. They even stated "they can afford to buy furniture." I agree with the Housing Authority. They had their chance, and blew it because of the way they wanted to live.
- DH
1/30 4:35pm NO-GO was appalled to learn today that the partially-disabled elderly couple that was forcibly removed from their home at 7 Priscilla Avenue by town officials last July has been living in a motel in Foxborough for the past six months. According to Friday's Boomerang, the couple's application to obtain housing at Hillcrest Village in Norfolk - our town's subsidized housing complex; was denied by the Executive Director of the Norfolk Housing Authority, Muriel St. Amand. The couple, he 70, and she 68, permanently require crutches and a walker for mobility, and he requires oxygen.
NO-GO contacted the hotel today and learned that the facility rents only individual rooms and has no cooking facility or kitchen.
The cost is $62/day or $1,860/month. It's hard to imagine how a couple in this condition can sustain this, not to mention the added expense of purchasing food.
Fellow citizens, what has happened to these poor souls is unconscionable and these life-long residents of Norfolk need our help. Please, please, contact Ms. Amand and tell her that we have no room in or town government for people without compassion and who treat our fellow citizens this way. Please contact NO-GO through the Wm if you are interested in calling a special town meeting to address this issue. [Use box233@norfolknet.com - Wm.]
Best Regards,
- John P. Bermingham, NO-GO
[Correction, 1/31 3:40pm: I'm informed that Ms. St. Amand is not part of town government; the Housing Authority is a state agency and she's a state employee. As such, this issue is not subject to town control. - Wm.]
1/30 4:16pm I know a very reliable and great carpenter, handyman who does all kind of home projects. Window installation is one of his specialties. He also does built-ins, painting, and excellent tile work. Kitchen and Bathroom installations. Many people I know, as well as myself, have used him to do lots of projects around our houses. He takes his time and does excellent work. Everyone always comments on how great his work is. His Name is Kevin 617-471-9022 and he runs Houde Remodeling. He is fully insured and liscensed. - CL
1/30 4:15pm Hi, I drove by the post office this morning arount 11:00 and there were two people in front of the post office with a table, some posters and signs saying something like "Stop Obama". Does anyone have any idea what that was about? When I drove back less than an hour later, they were gone along with their signs. My guess is that the wind and cold were more severe than their desire to "Stop Obama". Just wondering... - BAB
1/30 4:14pm Got my R.E. tax bills... with my "Special Assessments" but also with a pretty big increase in my property value. When we were being advised to vote for those overrides, were we also informed of a large increase in property values to boot? This is like be taxed twice for the "Special Assessment" and in reality, I doubt I would be able to sell my home for any more than one year ago or, two or three for that matter.
- BF (BF 2)
1/30 3:58pm See, that's the thing, it's not about me or my feelings (as in caring less about the Police and Firemen as you imply) it's about prudent, fiscal responsibility. That was the only point I was making. I've lived in town for a while and my kids didn't have the opportunity to enjoy the end result of the new schools. However I'm happy to pay for those schools. New schools and infrastructure do make a difference when it's time to buy or sell a home. That said, just because another new school got voted in, doesn't have any thing to do with voting in another huge project. Wait and plan ahead, just like the way most people & businesses run their lives, by necessity. I'm not going to look, but as I recall Norfolk has one of the highest tax rates in the Commonwealth. For what? Speaking for myself, but I'm sure most people in Town would feel the same way, I believe the Police and Fire Departments should get a new building. Their jobs require, in some instances, that their office be a "home away from home" and should be equipped as such. As of today I believe that they have some pretty decent equipment to keep them safe, and in turn, the Town's people they serve safe too.
However I'm really tired of the two attitudes, 1) if you're not with us your against us, especially when it comes to the very people that are there to protect us, and, 2) because we can get such a great deal on, construction costs, cost of money, state reimbursement (pick one) that we've got to do this right now or else we're going to lose out! It's like the old joke "there is a 50% off sale at Bloomingdale's so lets go buy 1 of everything because were getting such a good deal". In reality you're going broke saving money...
- RC
1/30 3:47pm Dear LMM, regarding the need for a plasterer. You could try Robert Beirne of R&B plastering (508-446-6791). I have personally worked with him as a laborer and have had him do work in the home I currently own and in my previous home. Robert has over 25 years experience. - MWB
1/30 3:46pm Good for Dan Winslow and good for the people of Norfolk - We would have someone who cares for his community and the issues that face us in the community and the State. Let's support him. - MAK
1/30 3:45pm Great news for Norfolk ! Dan Winslow will be a great State Rep for all of us. I hope he can reverse the substantial loss of local aid suffered by us at the hands of the Deval. - PC
1/30 3:42pm Has anyone else noticed on the recent tax bill that the land values have increased more than the house has decreased. Is land in Norfolk at an all time premium... I don't get it. - CG
1/30 3:41pm JL--For window installation, call Bob Paquette of Norfolk Home Improvement, 508-533-4814. Local guy, great work, great prices. - DE
1/30 3:41pm My name is Sean Noonan. I am a Journeyman Electrician living in Norfolk. I am available for all your electrical needs, no job too big or small. All calls answered and reasonable rates guaranteed. Fully Licensed and Insured. Call 508-440-5531 or e-mail me at noonan.electric@yahoo.com - SN
1/28 9:25pm Hello. I am a junior who has just gotten her license and in need of an affordable starter car. I do not have much money to work with, only about $3000. If anyone has or knows somebody with a car that meets these specifications please email me at nicky3213@aol.com. - NA
1/28 9:24pm We love Mai Pearl too - they have great sushi and they deliver!!! - TO
1/28 9:18pm Come join us for some floral fun at the Norfolk Public Library! Rick Tedoldi of the Norfolk Garden Club is going to show us how to put together a live floral arrangement for someone you love! Parental participation is encouraged, but not required. Sign up at the reference desk in the library, or call or email Andrea, Youth Librarian at aingala@virtualnorfolk.org or 508-528-3380 x5. Age 6 and up. Registration Required. $5 per child. - Andrea Ingala, Youth Librarian, Norfolk Public Library
1/28 9:17pm RC, I would agree with your idea of a moratorium, but after we provide our Police and Fire with a new Safety Building. I trust you are not one of those folks who having a new school could care less for other needs. Certainly not, I am sure, not with those initials. - RC
1/28 8:48pm Dear Neighbors. With the state House of Representatives seat being vacated by Representative Ross in his quest to fill the Senate seat, I have decided after discussion with my family, friends and colleagues to seek election to the Massachusetts House from Norfolk. My experience as the Presiding Justice at the Wrentham District Court in most of the communities served by the House district, coupled with my local and state public service record of reform and results, gives me hope that I can be an effective and accessible State Representative for our communities. I'll be announcing the effort more formally next month, but I wanted to invite anyone interested in helping with my campaign to contact me at danwinslow@hotmail.com to sign up and we'll get started. I'll need your help and I promise to run a positive campaign about how best to solve the problems that our towns and families face every day. Win or lose, I hope to make Norfolk proud that I'm going to give it my all. - Dan Winslow
1/28 8:46pm Can anyone recommend a good contractor to install windows, and also someone that paints houses? - JL
1/28 8:45pm SF: We went to Mai Pearl recently and felt the same way! Very, very good! - AL
1/28 9:27am Photo contest extended! Due to several requests you now have until Fri. Feb. 5th to enter pictures of your children to grace the cover of next years Little Green Phone book. Here are the details one last time. Three photos will be selected to be on the cover. Photos must be of Norfolk residents under the age of 12. Please write your name and phone # on the backs of photos, no names will be used in publication. $10.00 entry fee (checks made payable to f-c class of 2010) with proceeds going towards this years sixth grade promotion festivities. Mail photos and payment to Photo Contest 54 Medway St norfolk. Judging will be the staff @ Village Photo Franklin. Good luck and Thank you for your support! - AD
1/28 9:26am This will be one Groundhog Day that doesn't repeat itself - National Book Award winning author and Pulitzer Prize finalist Nathaniel Philbrick will be in town next week to discuss "In the Heart of the Sea" and his other works [nathanielphilbrick.com] The event will be held at the Middle School starting at 7 pm on Tuesday, February 2, with a reception following the talk. Details regarding the talk, and other events related to the ongoing Norfolk Reads program, are at the library webpage [library page] - VR
1/28 9:22am I was wondering if anyone knows of an individual or company that can provide swim lessons at my home pool and or a place that holds swimming lessons for small children near by. - SD
1/28 9:21am Anyone know of anyone that takes propane cooking stoves for scrap metal? please email me at Norfolkk9@aol.com - HC
1/28 9:08am Aren't the new tax bills great ! Let' see what we can vote for this Spring ! This is what I vote for. Stop; put a moratorium on new projects until all of our prior debt is paid off. - RC
1/28 9:07am To SF(2) - We enjoyed Mai Pearl also. We laughed because we were at a table for 2 and the plates containing the food we ordered were so large that the empty table for 2 next to us was totally taken up by them! While on the subject of Chinese food--another great place for it is Bamboo in Dedham where the Holiday Inn and Joe's Bar and Grill are--on Route 1 across from Fox News. They have 2 other locations, neither of which is closer to us. They have a daily buffet and a Sunday night buffet. On Sunday nights lobster is a part of the buffet as well. It is unlike any other buffet we have been to--there are at least 1.5 times the amount of different options plus sushi and shrimp in an area next to where the large buffet spread is. They have wonderful spring rolls, vegetable tempura and usually 1-2 kinds of fried rice--not the typical fried rice I have seen everywhere else. There is an excellent dessert platter plus jello, pineapple and 2 flavors of ice cream--things like coconut, ginger, or green tea flavored. We have also eaten off the regular menu and everything has been excellent--freshly made and not greasy. Gosh--I have made myself have a craving for chinese food now.
- EF
1/28 9:06am Norfolk Artist Jason Rafferty has updated his website to include several black and white drawings of well known musicians. Included are Jimmy Page, Duke Ellington, and Avishai Cohen. Website: jason791.deviantart.com, enjoy! - CR
1/28 9:05am LMM - I also know someone for your job. He's done a lot of work In the area and specializes on interior and finish carpentry he also owns a disposal company. Doug Palmborg 508-728-4085 or doug@dspdisposal.com - JM
1/27 2:57pm LMM - I have someone for your job. Email info@pchman.com for details. - ES
1/27 12:03pm JJ, Just telling you about the ad in the Sun Chronicle on the back page of the TV Guide. Lafayette House is serving lunch 7 days a week and dinner is not served on Friday & Saturday nights. - PRB
1/27 12:02pm Anyone looking for very good Chinese food in a nice atmosphere, I highly recommend Mai Pearl in Foxboro. It's in the shopping center across from Stop & Shop. Quality food, and you get a ton of it for the money. We will definitely be back. - SF (SF2)
1/27 12:01pm I am looking for a referral - I have some water damaged walls that need repair. The damaged sections have been removed. The repair work will include new walls that need to match the existing plaster walls and baseboards to match the existing baseboard. Also the basement ceiling was water damaged and has been removed and I need a new ceiling installed. - LMM
1/27 12:00pm Nomination papers will be available starting Monday, February 1, 2010, for the following offices for the May 4, 2010 Annual Town Election. Nomination papers must be picked up by the candidate in person or by a representative for the candidate who must have a notarized statement from the candidate which authorizes that person to pick up nomination papers on the candidate's behalf. MODERATOR - (1) one-year termCandidates must obtain the signatures of 41 registered voters. The last day to take out papers is Thursday, March 11th by 5:00PM. Nomination papers must be returned to the Town Clerk no later than 5:00PM on Tuesday, March 16th.
BOARD OF SELECTMEN - (1) three-year term
BOARD OF ASSESSORS - (1) three-year term
BOARD OF HEALTH - (1) three-year term
HOUSING AUTHORITY - (1) five-year term
LIBRARY TRUSTEE - (1) three-year term
PLANNING BOARD - (2) three-year terms
RECREATION COMMISSION - (2) three-year terms
NORFOLK SCHOOL COMMITTEE - (1) three-year termFor more information call the Town Clerk at 508-528-1400.
- Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
1/26 1:38pm KID - I can help you. I have been a NorfolkNet supporter with a paid ad, and have many satisfied customers in Norfolk. email info@pchman.com or call 508-346-3502. Thanks. - ES
1/26 1:37pm Could someone tell me what town department is using the old town hall? I only ask because the lights in the former town clerk's office have been on for almost a week now. I walk by around 5:45 AM each morning and I can't believe what a waste of electricity, not to mention money, this is. I thought the Water Department used the building but, before I call them to complain, I thought I would make sure I had the right department. - SM
1/26 1:36pm The Story of Whaling & Early New Bedford - tonight! Registration is not required. Middle School through Adults. Take a step back in time with Seth Mendell when whale oil carried on New Bedford ships lit the lamps of the western world. Seth will trace the history of New England whaling starting with watch towers on the sand dunes of Nantucket in the 1600's and ending with New Bedford as the whaling capital of the world. He will describe a whaling voyage, the development of the Pacific whaling grounds and the reasons for the demise of the industry in New England following the Civil War.
- Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
1/26 1:35pm LS - The last time I applied for a passport, I was able to get a one-day (I believe) approval by going into a special office in Boston. I printed my own photos on matte photo paper with my inkjet printer and it worked fine - same for my sister. Bam, we were out passports in hand, no problem, at a little extra expense, and we raced off to a British wedding. TRG - I just replaced my windshield with AAA Auto Glass, Inc. (1-877-WNDSHLD) in South Attleboro and received a "Triple-A" discount. It was a good price for a generally costly VW. I paid in advance over the phone and they came when I was working. Clean as a whisk.
I second the recommendation for Mark's Automotive in Franklin. As downright honest and friendly as you'll ever get, with excellent service.
- SO
1/26 1:34pm The Norfolk Republican Town Committee hereby announces a Meeting to be held on Wednesday, February 3, 2010, at 7:30 P.M. at the Norfolk Town Library, 139 Main Street, Norfolk, Massachusetts for the purpose of election of delegates to the Massachusetts Republican State Convention to be held on Saturday, April 17, 2010, in Worcester, Massachusetts. The Town of Norfolk is entitled to nine delegates and two alternative delegates at this convention. Any Republican Town Committee member as of December 1, 2009, is eligible to vote on delegates and to become elected as a delegate. A member must be present in order to vote for delegates, but need not be present to be nominated and elected as a delegate. - SD, Norfolk Republican Town Committee
1/26 1:33pm To KID, we use Steve Stern, who is a wonderful guy. His business is called In Home Computing. He will come to your house, and/or can access your computer remotely. Very reasonable and knows what he is doing. You can reach him at stevestern@mail.com - -EC
1/26 1:32pm To PRB: About the Lafayette House - we were there Saturday night and it was packed. No one said anything about them being closed for any length of time. - JJ
1/26 1:31pm MK - The Adirondack Club offers swimming lessons. You do not need to be a member and they have a great staff over there. - ML
1/26 1:30pm DB: I also never mentioned the TSA in my posting. My question was based on the homeland security jackets the people were wearing. Perhaps you have some information you would like to share, as in, was the TSA conducting the training exercise? Perhaps I also struck a nerve with my comment about all of the coffee being consumed. No apologies for speaking the truth. Naturally, I fully support our commitment to protecting the USA through homeland security initiatives. That was not the issue I was raising. - CS
1/26 1:28pm Norfolk & Franklin Lions to sponsor third annual Chili-Fest Contest! If you attended before, you know what to expect... mouth watering chili samples from several local restaurants. Add fresh toppings, corn bread, dessert... a beverage or two. If you think that sounds good, you are exactly right!! This is has become a very popular event and the Lions are taking steps to ensure that everyone who attends has the opportunity to enjoy the delicious chili and vote for their favorite one. Save the date... February 27, 2010. More information to follow including how to secure your tickets. Stay tuned! - GB, Norfolk Lions
1/25 4:54pm MK--My kids take swim lessons at the Foxboro YMCA and are very happy with them. Nice and caring instructors, new pool. - KID
1/25 4:53pm Does anyone have personal recommendations for PC repair? Despite virus protection, our PC was attacked by something vicious and it is currently useless. Thanks in advance for your input. - KID
1/25 4:52pm Noticed an ad in the Sun Chronicle yesterday that said the Lafayette House is closed for Dinner on Friday & Saturday nights... Anyone know what's up with that? - PRB
1/25 4:51pm Yes DB, It is clear to the American people the TSA needs all the training it can get. - MON
1/25 4:50pm I like my coffee to be as hot as "lava". If I burn myself in the process of drinking it, it's tough luck for me. People need to start taking responsibility for their actions. Stop blaming everyone else. I almost slipped this morning while walking to my car in my own driveway. It's lucky for my wife I didn't; otherwise I would have sued her for negligence!
1/25 4:49pm DB: Obviously I don't know how they train if I asked the question. Thank you for the rude advice, but I will continue to ask questions and make observations about things that occur in town that seem curious. I prefer not to be a sheep, mindlessly herded by the government. - CS
1/25 4:48pm TRG, [Try] Mark's Automotive in Franklin. They will fix your exhaust with a lifetime warranty muffler, inspect your car from top to bottom and arrange to have your windshield replaced all at the same time. www.marksautomotivefranklin.net. 508-528-3701 - MP, Marks' Automotive
1/25 1:55pm I am requesting a couple of recommendations (as local as possible) for: Auto glass repair, need new weather-stripping (windshield is fine;) and muffler repair/service. Thank you - TRG
1/25 1:54pm CS, regarding the TSA training, you have no idea what went on nor how they train. You should not say things are a waste of resources until you know how they train and that practice is the best way to protect all of us. - DB
1/25 1:53pm Dean College will host "Test Drive the College Experience," a seminar for families of high school students. Featured speakers are Renee Vachon Danho, Dean of Professional and Continuing Studies at Dean College and Paul Hemphill, college admissions coach from Norfolk. Reservations are requested. Call Dean College to reserve: (508) 541-1624. - PH
1/25 1:52pm Hi all. I am new to Norfolk and looking to sign up my 12-month-old son for swimming lessons. Does anyone know of a local place that offers lessons for toddlers? Thanks, - MK
1/25 1:51pm All the dogs have been returned to their owners. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
1/25 1:50pm CI, does water heated "beyond the boiling point" not turn to steam? Since the coffee used at McDonald's is all prepackaged for a pot, it does not make sense to me that one would try to cut expenses in that way. - KF
1/24 9:05pm I was wondering if anyone had any information about the homeland security team that was at the MBTA station one morning last week. It seemed like one big waste of resources to me, which is why I ask. There were a bunch of officers and cars parked near the road. One person put a bag on a scale, but aside from that there was only coffee drinking going on. Just curious. - CS
1/24 9:04pm Norfolk & Franklin Lions Club 3rd Annual Chili Fest - Proceeds to benefit the Norfolk and Franklin Food Pantry. Date: February 27, 2010; Time: 6:00pm; Location: St. Jude's Church, Main St. Come vote on your favorite chili: Longhorn Steakhouse, 3 of Franklin, The Bets Deli, Alumni, Eagle Brook, and the Horse & Carriage. For tickets please contact Cathy W. at 508 479 5049, or email cwesalo@comcast.net
- CW
1/24 9:00pm RW, I saw the McDonalds case mentioned in an article about how the popular press leaves details out on some high-profile lawsuits. In this case what wasn't mentioned much is that the McDonald's involved had been cited several times for having dangerously hot coffee. If the woman had accidently dropped the cup in her lap she would have been hurt as badly. The other case in that article was the woman who received a settlement after claiming she had lost her psychic abilities following a head injury. What was left out was that the settlement was for the loss of the use of her right arm, not the psychic abilities.
- ML
1/24 2:25pm Hello! I was wondering if anyone if selling a chest freezer or knows a good place to get one? I would like one at least 10. cu ft Thanks, - PD
1/24 2:24pm In response to BC's post on 1/22... No, not without "igniting a firestorm of controversy." - RZ
1/24 2:23pm Hi DLJ - re: "1/23 9:53am Does anyone have any small or medium moving boxes to donate or lend for about 8 weeks? Please ask web master for my id." I can suggest 2 options for finding good sized moving boxes - 1. contact a local realtor and ask if they've recently had a client move in who would be willing to give you their boxes-usually they're more than happy to give them away. And 2. Liquor store boxes are great. They're really strong, usually medium sized, and best of all - they're clean as the only thing that's been in them are bottles. - CM
1/24 2:22pm To CI - There is nothing worse than having my bubble burst :-) However I am not sure we are referencing the same case. Check this link [McDonald's Wiki page] There was a mention of the coffee being too hot but here are brewing instructions from Bunn Coffee makers [Bunnomatic.com] For all readers I ask these questions. Would you take the chance to put a flimsy cup filled with hot liquid between your legs? If so, and you do get burned, who is at fault?
- RW
1/24 2:19pm We live on North St. and heard/saw the helicopters and police around 7ish. It's been a while now (9:00pm) since I've heard them. Anyone know if the suspect has been caught? Scary! - ELC
1/23 8:20pm Armed robbery on Arnold St. 5 minutes ago!! It is now 7:12 PM Sat. night. We were just walking down North St. and a Norfolk Police car went by... He informed us that we should go inside immediately and lock all our doors!
(Note: Arnold is off Marshall St.) Lock your doors!! Police said stay inside and lock all doors. Call local police ofofice number if you have any questions or see anyone. Robber was wearing ski mask on face.
- PRR 1/23 8:19pm Anyone know these three? They were all running loose today without any ID or microchip. Please call 508 440 2816 if you own (or know who does own) these dogs. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
[Update 1/24 2:20pm: The golden has been claimed. The other two, however, have not - HC]
[Update 1/25 1:51pm: All the dogs have been returned to their owners. - HC]
1/23 8:18pm LS: I just renewed my passport and was shocked by the efficient turn-around time: I sent my application via Priority Mail on New Year's Eve and had the new passport in my hand on January 15. This quick response may be due to the fact that I was renewing instead of applying for my first passport, but it seems like now is a good time to apply for rapidservice. Maybe not too many people have $75-$95 left over once they pay their holiday bills! Hope you have a similar pleasant surprise. - AB
1/23 8:17pm Open house, tomorrow, Sunday, January 24th, 12 Fleetwood Drive, 12-2:00 p.m. Sidewalks to train, selling home completely furnished. - CR
1/23 12:50pm I'm looking for a sturdy cardboard box big enough to ship two picture frames: 18" x 15." Two separate boxes would also be o.k. Please call (508)-520-1572, thanks. - CR
1/23 9:53am Does anyone have any small or medium moving boxes to donate or lend for about 8 weeks? Please ask web master for my id. Thanks [Use box232@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - DLJ
1/23 9:52am LS: I was just checking that out myself. JC is right, 4-6 weeks but of course for some money, you can expedite it. Not every post office handles them; Medfield does! And you can download the various forms from the link JC provided. - AL
1/22 10:13pm LS, Here is the info on the passport that you are looking for, basically 4-6 weeks as you can see. [state.gov link] Happy travels, - JC
1/22 10:12pm We have an upright Amana freezer that is 65"high, 24" deep and 30" wide. Is in good working condition. Come get it and it's yours...free! Please call 508 528 6189. - TH
1/22 8:21pm RW - Sorry to burst the bubble, but the issue in the McDonalds case was that McD's was 'super-heating' the water beyond the boiling point to save money by using less ground coffee in the brewer. The store involved had been cited in the past for this practice, yet continued. A customer spilled their coffee (over their hand and arm I believe) as they were carrying their tray and suffered 3rd+ degree burns requiring skin grafts... which is why the award was so high. Had this as a case study in a business class and it was an eye opener for me. After listening to an NPR report on the new health plans in Massachusetts it seems that one area for improvement would be to get people out of the habit of using emergency rooms for routine issues that could be dealt with by a primary care physician.
- CI
1/22 5:21pm SS, Try Diane Scotti out of Walpole, she has done calligraphy for us in the past and is great. 508-668-3805. - JH
1/22 5:20pm Without igniting a firestorm of controversy that will last for days and days, can one some briefly explain the educational and philosophic differences held by the school committee and Superintendent LeClerc that led to his untimely resignation? Thanks, - BC
1/22 5:11pm Last chance to register for Norfolk Little League baseball! Time is rapidly running out to register for the 2010 spring season of Norfolk Baseball. Don't miss out on a whole season of fun. Register today at www.norfolkbaseball.com. Norfolk Baseball offers three programs for spring 2010: T-Ball: This is an introductory program for first year players. To participate in T-Ball, a player must be baseball age 5 or 6. (See www.norfolkbaseball.com for more information on baseball age.) The registration deadline for T-Ball has been extended to February 28, 2010.
Little League: This program is open to all players baseball age 6 (provided they have played 1 year of T-Ball) through baseball age 12. The registration deadline for Little League has been extended to January 25, 2010. (Note: As tryouts are required for AAA and first time Major League players, all players for these leagues must be registered by January 25, 2010.)
Babe Ruth: This program is open to all players baseball age 13 through 15. The registration deadline for Babe Ruth has been extended to February 28, 2010.
Registrations are on-line only. To register, go to the Norfolk Baseball website at www.norfolkbaseball.com and click on the "Register Online" button. Register today!!
- DL, Norfolk Baseball
1/22 5:10pm I am a calligrapher and would be happy to send or show you samples, and provide references. You can contact me at conniesuejones@comcast.net. I live in Norfolk and can provide a quick turnaround time... - CJ
1/22 5:02pm To ALL - Excellent post. For what it is worth, here is my opinion. To rein in the cost of health care I believe we need to start with tort reform and appoint judges that have "common sense." My pet peeve is the infamous McDonalds case. If a person is so stupid that they put hot coffee in their crotch they should be fully accountable for the outcome. The lawyers are seeking to grab every dollar available. The judge should have pointed and laughed at plaintiff and lawyer and thrown it out. This does not mean suits can't be brought against doctors for negligent behavior, but the frivolous suits need to be stopped. Every hospital, doctor, nurse and insurance co. needs to cover the exorbitant expense of malpractice coverage. From the government side, now that we know we are willing to purchase AIG and GM at the blink of an eye, directly offer low interest loans/leases to hospitals for the purchase of major capital expenditures for medical purposes only such as MRI, new operating rooms etc. A national group purchasing option would reduce cost from the insurer's side. To pay for this, eliminate the income tax and the IRS. (stop cheering and read on!) Put in its place a federal sales tax on all goods sold. By doing this you are now getting taxes from everyone fairly based on income. The affluent spend more, hence pay more tax. No more loopholes. This also gets tax from illegal aliens and those working "off the books", even the local drug dealer pays tax on his new I-pod. - RW
1/22 5:00pm Does anyone know how long it takes to get a passport these days? - LS
1/22 4:58pm JC, the orange colored bird you saw was probably a male cardinal. I had the same question the first time I saw them recently, but apparently they lose some of their color during the winter months. - BD
1/22 4:56pm ALL: Many people with health insurance who pay through the roof still have poor coverage. The benefit plans that the insurance companies have deny many of real care when they most need it and they end up paying out of pocket anyway. Or going to the ER. What we need in this country is more free market access to health insurance options so that we can choose from a variety of plans, including the ability to pay into a public option such as Medicare. The insurance industry is getting richer and richer; the hospitals poorer and poorer. The people that need care most suffer from low nurse/patient ratios, limited access to preventative screening and too short hospital stays for serious illnesses. It is crazy and just giving everyone a health insurance card is not going to fix that. Plus, we have the best technology to save someone's lives, but then provide very little for post-discharge care and outcomes falter. Patients end up back in the ER or a SNF unit and the cycle begins anew. Romneycare here in MA is not great either, many businesses stopped offering their employees healthcare (too expensive) and just took the fine. Then the employees were required to get their own insurance and even though there are subsidies, they were expensive and offer poor coverage. And it is very expensive for the state. I don't really care if you are a Democrat or a Republican or the man on the moon. The insurance industry needs serious overhaul or, at the very least, more competition. Managed care is anything but. It is simply a means to provide as little care as possible in favor of the bottom line. Where is the common sense in Washington?
The biggest problems with the 2000+ page plan was the lack of transparency, the backroom deals and the gutting of Medicare. It would be like stealing from Peter to pay Paul. Something is not always better than nothing. Especially when it adds a lot of money that we cannot afford to an already growing and huge deficit. I think the people of MA understood that and I do not think that it had anything to do with being a Republican or a Democrat. There are very few Republicans in the state, for anyone to suggest they carried Brown is simply wrong. And, I must add too, that Martha Coakley ran a really negative and bad campaign. She has to take some of the responsibility for her loss.
- JN
1/22 4:55pm The Norfolk Republican Town Committee is having a meeting on Monday, January 25, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. at the Norfolk Public Library. ChristyMihos, a gubernatorial candidate will be speaking. We will also be selecting delegates for the Republican Convention to take place on April 7, 2010, in Worcester. All are welcome. - Sandy DiBacco, Secretary for the Norfolk Republican Town Committee
1/21 9:15pm As many parents are suffering through mid-term week with their students I felt it an opportune time to discuss my tutoring services. I have lived in Norfolk for thirty years, am a certified teacher and currently have a number of students who I see on a weekly basis. I offer a variety of services including but not limited to: reading skills, writing skills, math through 8th grade, study skills, organizational skills, SAT prep with test taking skills and asstance with college application essays. I find many students are not achieving their true potential due to lack of basic skills which they need to succeed. I have several openings if you are interested. References gladly provided. Also, even though we are a bit cold right now, summer will soon be upon us. I offer summer courses in all of the above with one additional very popular course called Novel Days. This is a reading group comprised of students reading the books assigned to them to read over summer vacation. Take the onus off of yourself and put in on me! The goal of this course is to teach a student how to read a book for scholastic purposes. Students learn how to take chapter notes, character development and anaylsis, themes, motifs, plot as well as vocabulary and grammar skills. At the end of the course, the students will have a folder for each book read that contains all the information they need to review before school begins in the fall. The students love the book discussions and we work in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. You may contact me at 528-2399 for further information on any of the above topics or an individual matter. Thanks, Susan - SM
1/21 9:14pm Need a microwave? I am selling a brand new, never used GE over the range microwave. It has all the bells and whistles. Black. Retails for over $250.00 and I will sell it for $ 175.00. contact me at murraymartucci@msn.com Thanks. - SM
1/21 9:13pm LA: Hats off to you for your astute, and gracious, post. I agree that people voted out of anger and frustration, more against the status quo than for Scott Brown per se. You are so right that both parties need to start listening and stop the shady dealings. The irony in this race is that Scott successfully ran against what he frequently referred to as the Democratic Machine, but he was swept into office by the Republican Machine. (When RNC members and Congressional Republicans realized Coakley was a weak and slipping, they sent in the big guns, just as the Dems did unsuccessfully for Coakley. Only theirs were in the form of money and message: broad based tax cuts, waterboarding isn't torture, anti-choice, deregulation, etc.) Personally, I preferred the old, "pre-machine" Scott Brown, the one that may actually have been independent-minded and hadn't yet sold out to his party's tired rhetoric and failed policies. I, too, wish him, and us well. Let's hope he can resist the pull of a partisanship stalemate and actually accomplish something. - TC
1/21 9:12pm Hi - I would be happy to sell my Hand-Turned Exotic Wood Walking Sticks as well as those I import from Scotland. I live here in Norfolk, not far from the center. Simply suggest a time and date to the webmaster and I will try to comply. I can discount a bit due to lack of freight as well as adjust for size on the spot. Best - - JF
1/21 9:10pm Norfolk Reads Together at the Norfolk Public Library - Norfolk Reads Together is a community-based reading program for everyone! Norfolk was selected as one of a handful of communities in Massachusetts to receive a grant through the MA Board of Library Commissioners to underwrite this program. The trustees and staff of the NPL have selected "In the Heart of the Sea", an award-winning non-fiction book by Nathaniel Philbrick as the main title. We're sure you'll find this critically acclaimed bestseller to be compelling reading. Plenty of copies are available so check one out today! And when you visit, check out our awesome whale that was constructed by Andrea Ingala, Youth Librarian and the Jr. Friends of the Library! For Adults: In the Heart of the Sea: the Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex by Nathaniel Philbrick.
For Grades 5 & up: Revenge of the Whale by Nathaniel Philbrick
For Grades 3-6: Moby Dick: Classic Starts adapted by Kathleen Olmstead
For Grades K-3: Moby Dick illustrated by Allan Drummond
The next five weeks are filled with a variety of programs and events for preschoolers to adults. The kick-off event will be held Tuesday evening, Jan. 26 at 7:00 in the library meeting room.
The Story of Whaling & Early New Bedford
Registration is not required. Middle School through Adults.
Take a step back in time with Seth Mendell when whale oil carried on New Bedford ships lit the lamps of the western world. Seth will trace the history of New England whaling starting with watch towers on the sand dunes of Nantucket in the 1600's and ending with New Bedford as the whaling capital of the world. He will describe a whaling voyage, the development of the Pacific whaling grounds and the reasons for the demise of the industry in New England following the Civil War.
- Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
1/21 9:09pm Items for sale: golf clubs, irons, bag. Antique trunk, wooden frames, women's western tie camel boots, size 9, worn once. 508-528-0162. Thanks - PW
1/21 9:08pm Looking for a calligraphist to address some wedding invitations. Anyone have a recommendation? - SS
1/21 9:07pm I would like to know what people think should be done with the health care problem in this country, or if people even think there is a health care problem in the US. So many posts to the web seem to feel that the current health care bill is horrible... what would you like to see done differently? Do you feel that only illegal immigrants would get access to health care? Do you feel that everyone in the US has a right to health insurance? Do you feel that it would affect you adversely? Why? Why would you like/not like a public option? Are you satisfied with your own health insurance situation? What do you feel will happen if the bill does pass? I am just interested and would like to open debate. Thank you.
1/21 9:06pm SM(2) Here's how: $10,800 yearly premium + $1,000 deductible + (say we're both sickly and each need to see our physicians twice a month, at a $25 each visit co-pay, like our parents on Medicare have had to) $1200 for that, + prescriptions, maybe some are unavailable generic or low tier in the formulary (figure conservatively $300 a month) for each person, that's $7200 = $20,200. I talked at length with a MassHealth representative; it is no cheaper or better for us. Also, we have employees, one of whose family really uses their plan we offer, and so every 2 or 3 years we are hit with huge increases in our premiums, then we have to go shop for another insurance company willing to take our tiny group. I'm so tired of it all. At the very least we need legislation to take health care plans out of the benefits game, and keep people from being discriminated against when they must use their insurance often. Small business is really hurting over this issue, and when we hurt, the country hurts. Just because people with fancy plans don't have to care, doesn't mean they shouldn't. If our premiums increase again this year, someone's job is going away. It's horrible, but there'll be no other choice. - MJS
1/21 9:05pm LA, If you ask me, just watching Coakley's campaign go from double digits ahead to losing, and how she handled herself during the campaign, she wasn't ready to go to Washington. This is not a slap against her, she just didn't seem like she was very interested in the process. She decided to go on vacation in the middle of the campaign. She believed because she had a (D) next to her name and was running in Massachusetts she would slide right in. And seeing what I've seen in this state over the years, I myself, can hardly believe she lost. That being said, she was still ready to go down to Washington and continue with the Democrats' agenda. It's time for an American agenda. Say what you want about Bush, but he at least reached across the aisle. Obama's administration just shut the door.
- DT
1/21 9:04pm TC, You can't be serious! I'm not wishing violance against anybody. Lighten up! It was simply a little play on words. Deval Patrick could have simply filled the seat if they hadn't changed the rules when Romney was in office. Now Barney wants to change the rules in Washington thinking it will be in their favor. Is political suicide more to your liking. I know it's real life, I'm right here living it. Sorry your candidate didn't win and I'm not "PC" enough for you. - DT
1/20 10:52pm DT - My post was because it seems that some people voted with anger, not caring about experience and potential problems for our state and country down the line. Being a Coakley supporter some days I got to see that anger first hand (although sign holding at the polls was a good experience, with both Coakley and Brown supporters being friendly to each other). Both parties need to start listening and stop the behind doors wheelin' and dealin'. I want our new senator to do well. I want Massachusetts to do well. Senator-elect Brown talked about being an independent thinker and good listener, but I am afraid that Washington Republicans will change that in no time flat. I hope I am proven wrong. I will be watching without getting angry. In the meantime, I will respect the office and both of the men who represent us in the Senate. Congrats Brown Supporters and thank you Coakley voters for coming out to vote. - LA
1/20 10:51pm DT: It's extremely inappropriate to throw around thinly veiled wishes that anyone be visited by violence. ``Go ahead Barney, "make our day!"?? Congratulations to you that your candidate won. Now grow up and act like a responsible adult, not a bully after a football win. This is real life we're dealing with here, not the movies. - TC
1/20 10:50pm JF: Your walking sticks are beautiful. Do you sell them here locally as well, or only on Ebay? - JN
1/20 5:49pm Helping songbirds evade raptors: We have lived in Norfolk since 1978 and first became aware of Cooper and sharp-shinned hawks shortly after we hung our first feeders. A starling was taken from a feeder and was quickly killed by the Coopers hawk by kneading on its chest, much the way kittens do on mammary glands of their mothers. It then plucked all the feathers and ate the entire starling. We now have an "invasion" of juncos and they are very happy to dine in our backyard. Tip: Install lattice work between the deck and ground and the small songbirds swoop right into complete protection under our deck. They sleep there all night. I like to think that they do the Nah-Nah-Da-Nay-Nay with thumb in ear while laughing at the hawks.
The Coopers and sharp-shinned are difficult to tell apart - the Cooper is about the size of a flicker - big. The sharp-shinned is smaller and much more prevalent.
I am known as TheCaneGent on EBAY. I make walking sticks after awakening from a 3 month coma to find my leg gone. I had had a stroke which left me a "claw" hand - so I taught myself to use a lathe. I make sticks of exotic woods as well as import them from Scotland. Give 'em a place to hide!! - TheCaneGent
- JF
1/20 5:48pm LS, Thank you for the link! Very enlightening. The democrats shot themselves in the foot, here in this state, when they voted to change the law for how the next senator would be chosen. The way this current administration and legislature are going in Washington, I wouldn't be surprised to see them shoot themselves in the head with this one. Go ahead Barney, "make our day!" LA, the democrats in Washington have pretty much done this to themselves. All the closed door meetings, the backroom deals and treating terrorists like American citizens. We'll see if they wake up and start showing the openess that Obama promised during his campaign. I doubt it though, Pelosi is still promising to jam this healthcare down our throats. A majority of the American people don't want this bill. You think this election was bad? Wait and see what happens in November across the country if they continue to push this bill.
- DT
1/20 10:46am Congratulations to Scott Brown and the people of Massachusetts. I held a Scott Brown sign for a couple of hours (alone) at the rotary in Norfolk center. Everyone was so enthusiast and nice to me. I want to especially thank a woman that drove by and then came back with a hot chocolate from Dunkin Donuts for me. It was such a nice gesture. Thank you. - MEH
1/20 10:45am Wow, Barney Frank now calls for changing the rules of the senate. [page link]. You cant make this stuff up. I just goggled and he is up for re-election in 2010. Another Wow is that challenger is from Norfolk! [Sholley link] - LS
1/20 10:44am Norfolk and Massachusetts - does the idiom "cut off your nose to spite your face" mean anything to you. Meaning to do something because you are angry, even if it will cause trouble for you. I hope I am wrong. The next two years will tell. - LA
1/20 10:43am MJS: If you have a 1k deductible, then how could you incur costs up to 20k? Perhaps you have a bad indemnity plan. You should look at the MA health connector website and look at different plans, because this doesn't seem right. - SM (2)
1/19 9:14pm Congratulations US Senator Brown; 70% to 29% beating. Wow - PC
1/19 8:40pm AP has live town-by-town results of the election here -- [page link] - Wm.
Norfolk is in: Coakley 29% (1394), Brown 70% (3308), Kennedy 1% (28)![]()
1/19 8:16pm We are looking for a babysitter for occasional weekend evenings. If interested, please email me at mmc3737@comcast.net. Thanks! - MS
1/19 8:15pm My name is Ashley and I'm eighteen years old. I'm a senior at Mount Saint Charles Academy in Woonsocket, RI. I am available for babysitting hours both weekdays after 4 and any time on weekends. I have had my driver's license for a year so driving will never be a problem. I have six years of babysitting experience with kids of all ages. I work for whatever wage you find appropriate, and I love kids :) If you are interested call me at home at 1508-528-9107. - AK
1/19 11:10am H1N1 Vaccination Clinic Update - The Norfolk Board of Health will be holding an H1N1 Vaccination Clinic on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 from 3:30-6:30 at the King Philip Middle School, 18 King Street, Norfolk. The clinic is open to all Norfolk residents, including children 9 and under who need a second vaccine. No appointments are necessary. Vaccine information and consent forms for adults and children are available on the Norfolk town website at www.virtualnorfolk.org and the King Philip Regional School website at [pdf link] If you have any questions, please call the Board of Health office at 508-528-7747
- BF, Board of Health
1/19 10:11am LS, My self-employed husband and I have a two-person plan through a professional organization that offers us "discounted" health care plans. We pay $900 for a monthly premium, without dental, have a $1,000 deductible, and $25 co-pays for almost every type visit. If we were unhealthy, and luckily we're not, I could easily spend $20,000 in a year. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. - MJS
1/19 10:10am Our dauntless (and apparently ageless!) Wm wrote: ``One would think I'm too young for it, but I miss the good old days, back when objective facts still existed and people could come to a meeting of minds based on a common shared experience.'' So just what was Aristotle like as a young man? Because near as I can figure, that's the last time such conditions as you mention above existed. : )
- BA
1/19 10:08am LS: re. ``connected health'', you are on the right track but stop short of its potential. It isn't just connecting the back-end systems like pharmaceutical, electronic medical records, etc. While it is imperative that be done in order to reduce mistakes (BTW, it is estimated that each year in the US there are 98,000 deaths due to medical ``mistakes.'' That's equal to a fully loaded 747 crashing every day! Think that would draw federal regulation? It is assumed that many of these deaths could be avoided by the integration of the backend systems you mention.) But I digress... ``Connected health''/Telecare is more about enabling self management of conditions through the ``remote'' gathering of biometric information. For instance, having a blood pressure cuff, pulse oximeter, activity monitor, etc. ``collect'' information and transmitting it to a care provider. The Center for Connected Health you mention is doing great work in this area as is Bosch, Viterion (div of Bayer) and Intel. There are also hundreds of small technology companies coming out w interesting new devices and applications to enable this collection of data. For more, watch the video on the Continua Alliance website (a non-profit industry consortium focused on developing standards for the interoperability of these devices.) [page link]
But there is a problem - you see, doctors don't get reimbursed for telling you to use these things, for providing them, or even for looking at the data when it is sent it! The ``private sector'' has no motivation unless you happen to be a member of a concierge physician practice and you pay for them for it directly. The current proposed legislation provides for reimbursing doctors for at least looking at the data w/o you needing to make the office visit.
The business model for the Center for Connected Health is to sell those "systems" to large sefl insured enterprises with the expectation that those large companies will then offer them to their employees as a helath benefit. Great appraoch - unless you work for a small company, are self-employeed, retired, unemployed, etc.
But there are success stories for connected health. Most are in Europe where there is documented evidence of reduced hospital readmissions through the effective use of remote monitoring. And these systems are funded through single payer systems because the resultant ``good'' has a benefit to ``all.'' And in the US there has been some notable successes as well ~ the VA. A government run healthcare system...
1/19 10:07am JW - Try Cornell U's webpage - allaboutbirds.org; it includes photos, bird calls, and a host of other information to help identify birds - VR
1/19 9:45am Wm. Did you not watch the video that was linked in the article? How much more proof do you need? - MJD
[ I wasn't expressing disbelief, I was commenting on the growing gap between what the senses report and what is accepted as fact. - Wm.]
1/19 9:07am I am seeing so many birds from my window, I have 2 cats at home so I supposed that is why I usually get a few chickadees, titmouse, blue jays, nuthatches. I see this very busy gray bird with a white belly and a light beak. I spent some time on line and found out it was a dark eyed junco. Maybe the orange colored bird you saw is a Baltimore Oriole. Does anyone have a web site that is easy to navigate with pictures of N. American Birds? - JW
1/19 9:06am TC: I don't want to fight with you, especially in public. I do respect your opinion. I am neither naive nor a teabagger. I just don't happen to agree with Pelosi/Reid on the healthcare issue. Perhaps if they had provided some transparency like they had promised and did not have all of those sweetheart deals, things may have swung in their favor. Backdoor deals make people nervous. And BTW, I never voted for Bush.
Hope everyone votes today!
- JN
1/19 9:05am PR, The "bi-partisan" thing to do would have been for open door meetings for this health care bill including the Republicans. This current president promised more openess of government during his campaign. Right out of the shoot we have cloak and dagger meetings behind closed doors, backroom deals and (what I believe to be bribery) to get this healthcare pushed through. A majority of the American people don't want this healthcare bill being forced upon us. To continue down a road of backroom deals, closed door meetings and buying votes is, in my opinion, a very perilous journey. And I for one, do not wish to follow that road. Your doom and gloom story was nice, but way off base. - DT
1/19 8:59am To LS et al: Re: health care reform and out of control costs: I am not smoking anything either LS. For your information, I just had to cancel my health insurance because they upped my premium $300.00 more on my birthday... We (``we'' being just the two of us, both self-employed) were already paying over $1,400.00 a month and it was not a great policy in the first place. The charming Blue Cross salesman said to me on the phone, ``Well, we can't take away your policy just because you have a pre-existing condition, yet, but we can raise it to the maximum now. It is your birthday.'' Exact words said to me on my birthday when I called to find out why my bill was so much higher. I have a broken ankle that won't heal and I have to get expensive treatment for it! ``It is your birthday...!'' Nice! Anyone who is against the health care reform bill had better have their head examined. This nation is now on life support. And don't think the Republican agenda plans any kind of health care bill better than what is on the table now!! The words ``health care reform'' would never have even been uttered if we had ended up with a Republican in the White House!
And as far as Scott Brown doing anything about health care reform, please, read this:
From: Article by Michelle Chen w/ Video (can be read and seen at: [page link].
October 2001, Brown voted against a measure to provide financial aid to 9/11 Red Cross emergency responders. Those are the folks who made headlines for rushing into the billowing smoke and chaos of Ground Zero. In the following months, many were stricken with massive health problems that have been linked to toxic exposures at the site. Of course, it wasn't the first time these workers got the shaft from the political establishment. Their story was featured in the film, Sicko, which depicts their ongoing struggle to receive adequate medical care for their crippling illnesses. (They're now pushing for more federal relief through a pending bill.)[C o n t i n u e d . . .]- PRR
1/19 8:52am Dear PD: Okay PD, you said you are tired of all the fighting on this site. Well, please check out these 4 URL's before you call it quits as far as the possibility of your voting for Martha Coakley today. [Kerry: Brown Supporters "Way Over The Line", Reminiscent of '08 Palin Rallies (1/19/10)]
Brown Held Tea Party Fundraiser Before Professing To Be Unfamiliar With Tea Party (1/14/10)
Brown Supporters Trying to Suppress Vote by Bullying
Please, read this!! Brown Campaign Hiring Scores of Paid Temp Workers to Get Out the Vote, Agency Says
We have seen in the past, when push came to shove, and the stakes were as high as they are now, choices had to be made. Please realize that change comes slowly and that going backwards or denying votes to viable candidates by voting for a third party can be disastrous. Kennedy will probably not win this election and Scott Brown is not change, nor is he a moderate Republican... anyone who thinks he will buck the now very conservative Republican machine if he makes it to the US Senate and that he will continue to "profess" a moderate stance once in, has eaten paint chips. He will be a "company man", voting just as he has thus far here in Massachusetts, already 96% with the Republican Party. Sorry to break the news to you, but if Martha Coakley loses today, we will be right back where we were with Bush and Cheney. Actually it will most certainly be worse.
How many of you are worried about your jobs, your health insurance costs and shrinking coverages, your mortgages or your childrens' well being? I can tell you in all certainty that the uber-leaders of the Republican party are definitely not worrying about you or anything about your life!! They are interested in pleasing their stockholders and investors and increasing the monies made and kept over seas in companies based in China and the like. The only time you will come under their scrutiny is when your vote is needed to place Republican lackeys in important government positions, ie., Scott Brown, etc. in order to gain back control and the power of the US government as well as the the House and the Senate. Blaming Pres. Obama and the Democrats for your woes, as TC recently statedon Norfolknet, "inherited circumstances do matter, and they are very real!" means just as TC said.
Have you even tried to support the President and pitch in and help move us forward and out of this mess or are you just waiting for someone else to do the work? PD, please re-consider your choice today when you vote. Be part of the solution not the problem and vote for Martha Coakley as your next senator. She will work hard for you but we all must work hard as wll. Get involved in your government, through community activism, calling your officials, helping your neighbors, and serve! Then it will not be about someone else not making it better... it will be about YOU making it better too! Consider this a call to action. We cannot go backwards!
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
1/19 8:47am MJD and TC - It was high school, not college but I digress. TC said families "can easily pay $20,000 for health insurance" and the point of my post is that no, people can not easily pay this. TC must of meant "the cost can easily approach $20,000". Sorry your post was not clear enough for me or I had blinders on from your first post. I agree 100% that the costs are too high right now for most but most important to me is what this will do to the future quality of our healthcare system. You will see the dumbing down of the healthcare professional over time as the risk/reward ratio decreases. (meaning you will be able to make more money doing construction than becoming a doctor) and then people like me will be able to pass the brain surgeon test (even after smoking a ton in high school) because no one else in their right mind would want to become a healthcare professional after this passes. Wait and see, we'll fill our hospitals with 3rd world educated doctors who's medical degree was purchased off the Internet and who get on the job training on real live patients. Only the rich will have access to the good doctors. Sadly that will be the future. - LS
1/19 8:46am TMB - Elaborate further on this so called "telecare (aka connected health)? that would be part of the new US Healthcare system. I just hope telecare is not something like calling a 1-800-US Health phone and being connected to a computer generated US healthcare machine and telling an automated computer your sickly symptoms then press 2 for the diagnosis and treatment but no matter what you tell it it always says "take 2 aspirin and call the computer back in the morning" I did just find this connected-health.org and some of these programs truly have merit but why do we need the Gov't to mandate this when its already happening in the private sector? My doctor (Primary Care Physician) has everything online, refill prescriptions, make appointments, request referrals for specialists, am able to view my cat scan reports, am able to view my x-rays (not that I have a clue what I'm looking at), update my insurance, review online bills, monitor blood work and its history, prescription history, etc,.. Connected health in that regard is here, the private sector will make it happen because it already is happening and the smaller hospitals will benefit form the larger ones just like now. Ok, I have a headache now and will save the US money because I'm smart enough to take 2 aspirin. - LS
1/19 8:42am PA - Do you think no one saw this display by your hero Scott Brown, "Man of the people." [Globe article] As a father of two daughters he should have been outraged but instead he found it funny and gave the guy a wink and a nod. Disgraceful. - MJD
[Probably didn't happen. Remember, there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Today's reality is not what it used to be. One would think I'm too young for it, but I miss the good old days, back when objective facts still existed and people could come to a meeting of minds based on a common shared experience. - Wm.]
1/19 8:35am This certainly has been a lively discussion. I encourage everyone to vote on Tuesday no matter who you are going to vote for. I think it is more important that we have a free, fair, and transparent election than that my preferred candidate win. That is, our democracy is more important than any political party. Since I need to vote for some candidate, I have looked at the candidates in Tuesday's election and have decided to vote for Martha Coakley. Here's why: [I'm abridging; full version on this page - Wm.]
Health care: Martha is in favor of a reform that would make it possible for everyone to have health care insurance [...]
The economy: We have suffered an economic meltdown and have high employment due to the Bush/Cheney administration's deregulation and unwavering trust in big banks, insurance companies, and Wall Street [...]
Telling the voters his/her positions and what he/she would do if elected [...]
Reproductive rights: Martha supports women's right to choose. [...]
Equal rights: Martha has stood as a national leader in defending same- sex couples and their right to marry. [...]
Global Warming: Martha will continue her commitment to combat global warming by supporting the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, as well as the more recent Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act. [...]
For more information about Martha Coakley's positions, you can go to [Coakley page link] for an overview and follow links to more detailed explanations of her positions on separate web pages, many of which have links to white papers with even more information.
For more information about Scott Brown's positions, you can go to [Brown page link] for an overview - unfortunately the brief overview is the only information about his positions. (I don't know whether he has more ideas and is afraid to tell us, or he hasn't thought things through any more deeply than the brief overview.)
- DR
1/19 8:32am Last chance to register for Norfolk Little League Baseball! Time is rapidly running out to register for the 2010 spring season of Norfolk Baseball. Don't miss out on a whole season of fun. Register today at www.norfolkbaseball.com. Norfolk Baseball offers three programs for spring 2010: T-Ball: This is an introductory program for first year players. To participate in T-Ball, a player must be baseball age 5 or 6. (See www.norfolkbaseball.com for more information on baseball age.) The registration deadline for T-Ball has been extended to February 28, 2010.
Little League: This program is open to all players baseball age 6 (provided they have played 1 year of T-Ball) through baseball age 12. The registration deadline for Little League has been extended to January 25, 2010. (Note: As tryouts are required for AAA and first time Major League players, all players for these leagues must be registered by January 25, 2010.)
Babe Ruth: This program is open to all players baseball age 13 through 15. The registration deadline for Babe Ruth has been extended to February 28, 2010.
Registrations are on-line only. To register, go to the Norfolk Baseball website at norfolkbaseball.com and click on the "Register Online" button. Register today!!
- DL, Norfolk Baseball
1/18 9:31pm LS: Not smoking anything. It's bad for my health and I may or may not be able to afford medical care! You're off base, big time, on this one. Sounds like you're lucky enough to not have to worry about this. Kudos to you. When my family was paying our own it was $1400 per month. That was four years ago. Last I checked, that policy would cost $18,000 now, and is not the best plan available. JN: Sorry you're bored with George Bush but that is a little naive, isn't it? The Bush years created many of the problems Obama is trying to solve, albeit imperfectly. Inherited circumstances do matter, and they are real. It's absurd to say "new day" the past doesn't matter. It's not ancient history we're talking about.
- TC
1/18 9:00pm People. Stop all the fighting here. I'm tired of hearing the Republican versus Democrat arguments locally and nationally. We are all Americans and I believe that united we stand and divided we will fall. I for one will vote for Mr. Joe Kennedy. I liked his views and comments about reducing government and spending, stop the war and bring our troops home and protect our own country from within its borders. The government is no longer By the People for the People. The government has become too big and only looks out for itself and no longer looks out for the people it is supposed to serve. It's time for the people to take back control of our government and it starts tomorrow by electing independent Joe Kennedy who will look out for the people of this country.
- PD
1/18 8:40pm LS - in 2006 I paid COBRA during my maternity leave. It covered my husband, our oldest child, our new baby and me. It was a pretty comprehensive plan but it was an HMO. The monthly bill was about $1,700. I imagine that price has gone up, not down. Perhaps you smoked too much in college and forgot how to multiply. - MJD
1/18 7:29pm TC - You said "A family of self-employed professionals can easily pay upwards of $20,000 for health insurance" Give me some of what your smoking please, I have not had any good smoke like that since high school. - LS
1/18 7:28pm To AC -- I don't think you can 'discourage' the natural prey behavior of your neighborhood hawk. The same thing has happened to us several times. If you put out the seeds, you invite all 'birds' to come to dinner. We were surprised last week when our neighborhood raptor took a bath in the bird bath -- we were stunned to see him sit around and dry off for several minutes, only a few feet from the kitchen window. We enjoyed his visit and hope he returns soon! - RJC
1/18 7:21pm TC: I am not advocating for anyone or anything but common sense and discussing issues instead of attacking people. I am totally not interested in voting for Martha Coakley based on her and her alone. She has gone beyond a lackluster campaign and has shown herself to be a person who does not always tell the truth. Not that any politicians do, but she has done it over and over again. I certainly could not vote for anyone who has a say on National Security issues who knows so little about foreign affairs. Imagine for one minute what you would say about Scott Brown if he had said there were no Taliban in Afganistan, meanwhile our troops were killed by them on the very same day. As Forest Gump would say, "Stupid is as stupid does"
I am equally tired of hearing about George Bush over and over again. With all due respect, Brown is not Bush. Bush is over, his policies are over and I am tired of hearing about him. I would be interested in hearing anything about Martha Coakley that could possibly change my views of her, but those have been in short supply.
I do think voting for Scott Brown will be a wake up call for the nation and Beacon Hill. Much needed in my opinion.
- JN
1/18 5:32pm JN: Not exactly sure what, or who, you are advocating for in your post. But first, the 40 percent excise tax on what are being called "high-end" insurance plans, those that cost $8500/individual and $23,000/family, is being reviewed and renegotiated by Congress as a result of union pressure. If I had to guess, those figures will increase substantially, and fewer and fewer middle class people will be faced with that tax. A family of self-employed professionals can easily pay upwards of $20,000 for health insurance, and that would not be the gold standard. This legislation is far from perfect. We are all paying higher co-pays and premiums, and regardless of one's salary or employment status, the percentage of one's income that now goes for health care is prohibitive for the majority of American families. Clearly the system is broken, and while we as a nation have yet to find the right fix, to abandon the quest is a serious economic mistake and a moral failing that we will live with for decades to come.
I assume from your comments about Coakley and explanation of people's frustration with the Obama administration that you are supporting Brown. Yet you've outlined beautifully why one should not be for Brown. I couldn't agree with you more about the frustrations we feel about the failed bailout, the flagrant disrespect shown to taxpayers by the banks we bailed out, the unethical interest rate hikes, obscene bonuses, etc. But Brown has promised to let them continue business as usual! He's a complete supply-side, anti-regulation, business-is-the-answer puppet. It failed miserably during the Bush years, and we're not yet recovered from that mess. Why on earth would we put the possible fix in the works in jeopardy after just one year of a new administration that has the onerous task of undoing 8 years of total disaster?
If this is a referendum on health care reform, and Scott Brown is against it, why on earth did he vote for it, and why is he happily having many of his campaign staff use the Connector plan instead of providing insurance for them? He's a hypocrite and a phony. He won't "fix" anything. He will promise lower taxes (Hello? Bush did that and look where that got us? Think nationally: largest deficit in U.S. history. Think locally: reduced state services, reduced education budgets translating into higher property taxes for us.) Scott Brown wants to go to Washington to be an obstructionist. His win will ensure a stalemate. What a terrible shame that will be. (BTW, I agree that Coakley has indeed run a lackluster campaign, but this is about much more than that.)
- TC
1/18 5:31pm PR: Excellent post -- especially appropriate today, Martin Luther King day. I think he would be most supportive of your words. - RLB
1/18 5:29pm: Wm: Allow me to disagree with your assertion that the current proposed legislation and "going back to the drawing board" - i.e., the positions of the 2 candidates - have the same result. A few examples: The current legislation will increase coverage for millions of citizens who will no longer need to rely on ER's for their care. That saves money in 2 ways - (1) clinical office care is cheaper than ER care, (2) they will trend toward getting care earlier which is also cheaper than waiting until their condition is critical. For example - Type II diabetic - receiving care while their glucose levels are manageable requires a nurse - waiting until they are critical can mean amputations, blindness, etc. Yes, extreme examples but only intended to underscore the point.
In addition, the current legislation has proposals for reimbursement for Telecare (aka "connected health"). Again, a category which allows for "care" prior to someone being in a critical state - and again, considerably less expensive than the alternative.
And finally, "pre-existing conditions"... While not as much a cost factor, it is certainly a real issue that deserves being corrected.
None of these are the "perfect" solution, but they are steps in breaking the logjam that has prevented any meaningful change for the past 20 years. I happen to believe that taking those first steps are important and with them hopefully momentum can be built to correct many of the flaws that do currently exist - because time really isn't on our side...
1/18 5:26pm: Re As to using less services, I really wish co-pays were higher. The typical consumer has no incentive to keep their healthcare spending down -- co-pays are so low, it's all free, and it's used accordingly. - Wm. I both agree and disagree with that comment. I do think that for a working person with 4 kids who has a 50$ co-pay each time they need to see the pediatrician, the co-pay is high. They have out of pocket expenses as well, so I would not call it "free". I have also seen people who have no private insurance and are on Medicaid take their 5 children to the ER because they all have colds and demand that they all receive chest x-rays and antibiotics. And I have seen a seemingly well-dressed diamond clad female adult complaining loudly about the $20 co-pay she must pay up front as well (at my own MD's office in Chestnut Hill). Meanwhile, she probably pays $200 every 4 weeks to get her hair colored and also leaves a tip. Many seem entitled to healthcare and unless you work in the industry and deal with these folks, you may not see it.
I am not sure there could ever be an incentive to lower health costs on the patient end. The government is looking at ways to lower incentives (ie payment) to MDs from ordering certain tests on Medicare patients as a way to bring down costs by not performing certain tests or procedures. Another reason I do not like the new healthcare plan.
I also must add that I find the term tea bagger upsetting. I didn't know what it was, and also had to look it up. I don't think that "teabaggers" are the only ones voting for Scott Brown. I think that a lot of people see this as an opportunity to have some much needed balance added to the Commonwealth power players, as well as in the Senate. The dems have had a long time to get some things done--they have held the majority for a long time. So, they really have no one to blame but themselves.
I also hated that commercial that said, Who is Scott Brown... a Republican... sneer, sneer, sneer. Like being a Republican is like being the devil. Is that what this race is coming to?
Scott Brown will win because of free-minded independents who are tired of party rhetoric.
- JN
1/18 5:08pm: PA: And I find your "Coak-lies" reference offensive and well beyond "poor taste." Both candidates are being supported by out of state organizations - I even heard one radio ad mention the influx of "insider Washington" money supporting Coakley while that ad itself was sponsored by an independent group! What some of those organizations "say" is beyond the control or influence of either candidate. But to resort to slandering a candidate's name hardly puts you in the self righteous position you suggest with your supposed offense by others. Speak to the issues, speak the facts, and voice your opinions on them - but forget the name calling unless you are proposing we all stoop to that level. There is plenty of mud to be thrown if that's the best game you have.
1/18 4:50pm: As you think about healthcare in this country, here are a few facts rather than the made up hysteria like "It will cost $1T in taxes!" or the "You won't get to choose your own doctor!" Per capita healthcare spending in the US in 2006 was $6,714, about twice "the #2 country" (France) who came in at $3,449. For that investment, according to the OECD the US ranks 30th in life expectancy and 29th in infant mortality.
At the current healthcare cost growth rates the average US corporation will have no profit by 2025 w/o raising prices (aka inflation) or reducing costs (outsourcing, layoffs, etc.)
Using 2007 data, hiring a high-skilled worker (e.g., nurse) in India or China ($4-6k/yr) costs roughly the same as paying for health benefits alone for a low skilled worker in the US ($4-8/yr)... (Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis; Bureau of Labor Statistics; Kaiser Family Foundation; McKinsey)
I have a great idea - let's not do anything until we get it perfect! After all, what's the rush to make only a little progress? Time's on our side, right?
[True, but the health care bill as it currently stands also avoids addressing the above issues. No matter which candidate is elected, meaningful health care reform is not happening either way. - Wm.]
1/18 4:47pm: CM - A group in Holliston is having a fundraising yard sale on Jan. 30 & 31. It's at Hollis Lodge, 657 Washington St., Holliston. They are looking for donations. If you are interested in donating I'll see if I can get an email address for you. - SC
1/18 4:32pm: PR: I find your "tea baggers" remark quite offensive and in poor taste (much like some of Martha Coak-lies TV spots.) Scott Brown is a man of the people for the people. Martha Coak-lie is out of touch. Forget about the fact she thought Curt Schilling was a Yankees fan. This woman stood by and watched a man get assaulted by a staff member of hers... and did nothing, and she's supposed to be our top law enforcement official in Mass.? - PA
[I had to google it. The things one learns on this page... Originally a sexual term, it was used to ridicule Tea Party protests. The word aquired enough traction to make it into the Oxford American Dictionary. - Wm.]
1/18 4:28pm: Dear PR, please read this carefully. I appreciate your passion and your enthusiasm for your candidate. I too, agree that there is too much at stake here to ignore the facts. So I thought I'd remind you of a few facts myself:
The Democrats would like you to believe that if Brown is elected, he will shift control of the Senate to the Republicans. Not true. It goes from 60-40 to 59-41. They still have an 18 vote lead. Maybe the Democrats need to wake up and listen to the people of America who do not want this Healthcare Bill shoved down their throats. This is why Brown is leading in the People's Republic of Massachusetts.
The same poll that gave Brown a 48% - 46% lead last week indicated that 51% oppose Obamacara vs. 35% who are in favor of it. That is in the Bluest of Blue states. Democrats need to start listening to their constituents. Start over on Healthcare Reform. Do it out in the open and not behind closed doors. Do not give Labor Unions a 2 year tax exemption on the Healthcare bill (bet you didn't know that... behind closed door sweetheart deal for the Unions... wink wink)
When Coakley loses tomorrow, she has no one to blame but herself. She has run an awful campaign, completely out of touch with the people of Massachusetts and falsely attacking her opponent's record. As for Healthcare Reform, Democrats have no one to blame but themselves. A 60-40 majority - a filibuster-proof majority - for the past year and they couldn't get it done. Absolutely shameful.
With all due respect, the only thing more shameful is the use (and tolerance) of the term "tea-bagger". In my humble opinion, you lose all credibility in my eyes when you stoop to using immature, sophmoric name calling with a term as derogatory as "Tea-bagger". Yet sometime in the past year, the liberal talking heads have made it not only tolerable, but acceptable to use this term while they giggle like school-girls everytime they hear the term used over the air-waves... like they are laughing at some inside joke.
- BC
1/18 4:02pm: To Wm: Yes, the cadillac tax is on expensive plans, I understood $8,000 per individual and 23K per family plan, although I may be wrong. However, many employees have rich benefits in lieu of salary, such as union workers (and by union, I mean teachers, municipal workers, some nurses, electricians, etc). And they have been carved out, so there is an even bigger gap to fill. Also, the whole idea, from my understanding regarding this tax, is that employees will choose a less expensive plan and therefore use less services, bringing down the cost of healthcare. I am not sure that this is true. I know many with not so great plans now that pay out of pocket to have treatments and such. If they like their plan and choose to keep it, they will be taxed on 40% of it like it was income. Many experts do not think it will be enough to pay for the healthcare plan, so we will all end up paying somehow. Including the middle class. And they will strip Medicare. That is for sure. If there was a public option in place so the insurance industry had competition, I would be for that. That was Obama's initial stance. But it died. Was taking too much time I guess. But this plan only squeezes us more, limits our options and makes the insurance industry richer and stronger. It is not a panacea. It is a travesty. We need Insurance reform.
We also need the government to do a better job with Medicare--I mean $60 billion in Medicare fraud per year, whoa. Instead of them always looking for new ways to tax us, maybe they should be more focused on doing their job.
- JN
[There's theft everywhere. The $60 billion is not all that different from the amount of credit card fraud; the difference is that the government has open books, whereas banks are reluctant to discuss their safeguards and detail their losses.The public option was killed by the opposition. I too was really hoping for something to break up the status quo.
As to using less services, I wish co-pays were higher. The typical consumer has no incentive to keep their healthcare spending down -- co-pays are so low, it's effectively free, and it's used accordingly. - Wm.]
1/18 4:01pm: These campaign phone calls are getting ridiculous. I have now decided to vote against the party that calls the most. - DH
1/18 4:00pm: CMK, as one lady in town who works nights said, does this mean that the one who calls me least gets my vote? - JW
1/18 2:58pm: Anyone have an extra 1GB DDR SODIMM (DDR-1) laptop memory stick they don't need? This is the memory for somewhat older laptops; newer machines use DDR-2. I upgraded my web browser and now it uses an extra 300MB of memory for all my open pages, which is pushing the limit. You can email andras@norfolknet.com. Thanks! - Wm.
1/18 2:55pm: In remembrance of Martin Luther King, here is an interesting article that discusses the importance of an MLK speech (other than his infamous "I Have a Dream" one) which calls for a revolution in values. Below is an excerpt from the piece and link to the full article. Marginalizing MLK: Ignoring Dr. King's Still-Relevant Speech By Ed Ciaccio ([article])
Here is what he did say, presciently, in "Beyond Vietnam -- A Time to Break Silence": "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."
Of course, in the supposedly "most religious" Western nation addicted to extreme materialism and too distracted by celebrity gossip, sports, and "reality" TV to care about the true state of their own declining country, let alone the planet, "spiritual death" is the very last thing on the minds of most U.S. consumers. Then again, we should never be so foolish as to confuse religion with spirituality, let alone consumerism with citizenship.
Link to Beyond Vietnam -- A Time to Break Silence: [article]
- RB
1/18 2:55pm: Wow, I've never felt so popular in my life - you wouldn't believe who has called me this week: Scott Brown, Martha Coakly, Bill Clinton, and, get this, President Obama himself! I just got off the phone with Ayla Brown, Scott's daughter. I have received 3-4 calls a day! Just when I was beginning to think solicitation calls were a thing of the past, a big election comes up and brings it all back! I'm sure what these campaigners are doing is legal (they obviously found the loophole), but what can the people of Massachusetts do to make sure this doesn't happen again? I don't think anyone was swayed in their decision by the phone calls they received.
Is there a do not call me with your politics # I can register with? I prefer not to decide my politics over the phone with a recorded message - even if it is the President of the United States!
1/18 2:54pm: I am a person who is an independent voter, and have never paid attention to politics. Watching some of the issues in our state, I started sending emails to Scott Brown several years ago, asking questions and expressing concerns. To my astonishment, Scott answered every one of my emails with a personal reply, and often followed it up with a phone call. At first I was shocked. Never had I received anything but a form email to acknowledge that my email had been received.
From that time forward, I have been so impressed by Scott Brown. He listens, his work ethic is incredible, and he is an independent thinker. He treats his constituents with respect. He deserves your vote to become our Senator.
1/18 2:45pm: Dear Norfolk Voters, Please read this carefully. There is too much at stake in Tueday's election to ignore the facts. A vote for Scott Brown, if you really decide, in your heart that that is what you want to do, will be just one more step to releasing the dragon that could very well be the end of our democracy as our forefathers envisioned it. I know I sound doom and gloomish, but if you look at where we are at now, with almost all formerly American industries now based in China, with inferior quality goods flooding global markets, people all around us without work or health care, small businesses in every town closing, more and more people becoming homeless. This is serious!! It is no longer about, "which party we've always voted for." Pres. Obama did not get us into this mess, and he has the courage, intelligence, energy and will to clean it up. We must have courage as well. Pay attention to these words, I mean them with every fiber in my body. It takes courage to leap, to try something new, to put faith into the unknown. Many of us are Republicans, have always voted Republican. Voting is a very personal thing. Many of us tie our identities into how we vote, where we go to church, what kind of friends, business associates, cars, houses, etc., we surround ourselves with. Well, perhaps change is not such a bad thing. Give this President and the Democratic Party a chance to set things right. We can always vote Pres. Obama out in a few years. There are some great minds, compassionate hearts and brilliant leaders willing to go to bat for you if only we will just give them our go ahead. By elevating and caring about each and every citizen in our nation we are raising up the entire country. that is the trickle down effect really works. We can help make it happen!! Voting for Martha would, for many of us, be the bi-partisan thing to do. Please, consider the options. Let's get this country back on its feet. We don't need tea baggers running the Republican Party... and it is fast becoming a reality that that very well could happen. Please, give Martha your vote and support the President of our United States. The world is watching us.
[attached article]
- PR
1/18 2:17pm: AR: Putting a local perspective on what you are saying, consider that, when we are asked to vote for the operating override that the Selectmen are forecasting for this Spring, it is the health care cost for municipal employees that is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, anchors on the Norfolk budget. This number continues to grow at a rate that outpaces revenue. Separate and apart from the social, moral or political reasons to support or reject fundamental health care reform, there is little doubt that if costs are not reined in by fundamental reform, your taxes will certainly go up or you will be forced to endure severe cuts in services. We do have a choice however... - JT (JT-6)
1/18 2:16pm: I took someone's advice and purchased a suet feeder and added some berry seed. The birds are going crazy, I just had a bird that had orange coloring. What type of bird is this ? - JC
1/18 2:15pm: Some contributors have suggested that we inject a little humor into the discussions. From a book called "Heroic Failures
I offer the following entitled "The Least Successful Weather Report"We regret we are unable to give you the weather. We rely on weather reports from the airport, which is closed because of the weather. Whether we are able to give you the weather tomorrow depends on the weather."
- JO
1/18 2:08pm: TC: What you state is true and I see many patients on the new Mass health plan (however they still go to the ER, unfortunately--a new influx of patients) However, the insurance companies have raised premiums in the private sector to help fund that. Since our own insurance premiums have gone up, we pay 3 times the co-pay we once did on top of the increase. Furthermore, the state has increased the the state tax, more state services are being cut, if we want good schools here in our own town, a balanced municipal budget, etc.. we must pay for them ourselves by increasing our property taxes. The healthplan that Romney enacted is bankrupting our state. It has very good intentions, it just costs too much. And many of us simply cannot afford it. On the national front, we will all be paying a 40% excise tax on our current health plans to help pay for the national plan. The unions have now been carved out, so that is many more millions of dollars that have to be covered. And who do you think will get that bill? The super rich? No, you and I will. And the seniors because they are going to look for savings from Medicare. Just as the boomer generation is signing on. And how do you suppose they, the government, will find savings there? Probably certain services will be denied and there will be more co-pays. Some say that the hospice benefit will see a dramatic change in benefit levels.
So, I think you can understand why people are not happy. Furthermore, the bill has a lot of entitlements in it that we do not know about. To rush it through will really make folks mad, regardless if Scott Brown wins or loses. I think people have seen how much money is going to the big banks to bail them out, and how we have been thanked for our tax dollar rescue by having those same banks increase our credit card rates to 30% interest, cutting off loans to small businesses and giving thermselves multi-million dollar bonuses. Obama may be mad at them for doing it, but he cannot stop them. We have also not seen any real benefit drom all of that stimulus money, much of it still not distributed. So we pay and pay and see so few results. No wonder folks are disillusioned.
I also need to add that Martha Coakley has run a miserable campaign. I am almost embarrassed for her. She also met with all he big-wigs from the private insurance sector at her fundraising dinner in Washington. If the Insurance comapnies are backing the new national healthcare plan, then we should all be suspicous. They are in the business to make money, not to provide us with decent healthcare. We all know that.
I don't think people voting for Scott Brown are right-wing crazy people who watch Glen Beck or like Sarah Palin. I think they are ordinary folks who need to think about their own families first and who simply cannnot afford to keep paying anymore. And some are fed up and angry as well. On all sides of the political spectrum.
The whole world is transfixed on what we are doing in Masaachusetts. It is an exciting election.
FYI: Here is a link to a NYTimes story about the rising costs of the MA healthplan [article]
- JN
[By "we will all pay a 40% excise tax" you mean those of us who have health plans costing $23,000 a year or more, right? - Wm.]
1/18 2:07pm: To TC - I don't read the Huffington Post, rarely watch Fox News, don't listen to 96.9, and wouldn't buy a car from Sarah Palin or Glen Beck. I suspect that Scott Brown watches Channel 5, for obvious reasons; whether he or Martha Coakley pay any attention to any of the others is not something for which I might hazard a guess. I agree completely that voters should "do a little work and get the FACTS". I will be voting for Scott Brown tomorrow. - RM
1/18 2:06pm: Thank you TC for a well thought out discussion on how a government health care bill would affect us... please think about this when you go to vote tomorrow. - ALL
1/18 11:25am: Speaking of facts, one big problem with US health care as it exists is that 1/3 of the premiums we pay goes to the insurance company, not the doctor. This is their cut for allowing us into the health plan. I've heard of doctors offering a 50% discount for cash instead of insurance -- that's all they see of their invoice. You can't win. Another big problem is that health care costs have been increasing much faster than earnings have been keeping up. Employers are finding it harder and harder to offer health insurance. (In some states like Mass. you can't find a health plan sized for you, the law mandates all-frills-included coverage. When I moved here from CA my self-funded health insurance tripled, from $300 a quarter to $300 a month; Blue Cross.) You can't break even.
The Mass "landmark health care legislation" has not addressed either of the above two structural issues. The system is broken. The law doesn't fix it, it just mandates that everyone participate. Now you can't even quit the game.
People without health insurance are not what's wrong with the US health care system. Forcing everyone to buy into a broken system fixes nothing, just locks in the high overhead and high cost.
- AR
1/18 11:21am: So, this morning, while sitting at the table eating breakfast and reading the Globe, my eye was drawn out to my backyard by a sudden flurry of activity near my birdfeeders. Just in time to see some kind of raptor (I was too stunned to see exactly what it was) wrestling a beautiful little junco to the ground. Feathers everywhere and, not surprisingly, not one bird appeared at the birdfeeders for quite a while. (As of this moment, only the brave little titmice have returned.) I have never, in all my years here, seen this. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to "discourage this kind of behavior" (as therapists would say!)? I know this is how things go in the natural world, but I really don't want to see it in my backyard again. (A new kind of "nimby.") Thanks. - AC
1/18 9:42am: All, Since Massachusetts passed its landmark health care legislation under Mitt Romney, with Scott Brown's vote and Martha Coakley's support (she had no vote, just an opinion), has the government had any say whatsoever in your health care? No, it hasn't. Not one word. Nothing. All that health care legislation did was force uninsured individuals to get some or pay a fine. It forced insurance companies to invent products that serve a normally underserved population by creating plans with lower premiums and in most cases lesser care. The overarching goal was to provide options for under- or uninsured people, enabling them to get health care from a PCP not the ER. When uninsured people get health care at ERs it costs all of us who are carrying private coverage forcing us to pay higher premiums. The Mass system is far from perfect, and is underfunded, which critics predicted. But, progress not perfection. The federal legislation is equally flawed, but is a step in the right direction. More to the point, it has NO public option. That means there is no big government bureaucracy determining if you indeed need a cat scan. There are no death panels. It is, for all practical purposes, a bigger version of Romney's plan, with less teeth. Call it Romney light. Those of us with health care will see NO change, except that if we change carriers we cannot be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition. (Seems like a win for the consumer, no?) Those of us without coverage will have a little more leverage to try to get some. In an extremely polarized environment like this, we owe it to ourselves and each other to look for facts in many places. If you're getting all your news from the Huffington Post, you're perception is definitely slanted. Same is true for Fox News and radio 96.9, or Sarah Palin and Glen Beck. The burden is on us as individuals and, more importantly, as voters to do a little work and get the FACTS.
- TC
1/18 9:33am: Good morning! I wanted to let you know that applications for Girls on Ice 2010 are now available ( [application page link] ). If your daughters are interested in the environment, here is a chance for them to go to the front lines. "Girls on Ice is a unique, free, wilderness science education program for high school girls that takes place in the North Cascades in Washington state. Each year a team of 9 teenage girls and 3 instructors spend 11 days exploring and learning about mountain glaciers and the alpine landscape through scientific field studies with professional glaciologists, mountaineers and, some years, artists. This recent article by founder Erin Pettit describes the philosophy (NICL Article).A very close family friend of ours runs the program. It will look great on a college application and your daughters will have an amazing experience.The girls on the team learn not only about alpine geology, glaciology, and mountaineering, but they also challenge themselves and gain self-confidence in their physical, intellectual, and social abilities. Girls on Ice is the science version of a ``language immersion'' experience - where we connect science with all aspects of daily life with the goal of creating lifelong advocates for Earth science, specifically, and the scientific process as a whole, regardless of whether or not they decide to specialize in science in college.
Our purpose is to give girls a feeling for the natural processes that create the alpine world and provide an environment that fosters the critical thinking necessary to all scientific inquiry. We encourage the girls to observe and think like scientists through making observations and inferences. They develop their own experiments to test ideas and answer questions." [ref]c
1/18 9:30am: PR, Let me get this straight. You're trying to compare Scott Brown to Richard Nixon? How does a Nixon campaign, from 60 years ago, have anything to do with this campaign? Coakley is the candidate slinging all the mud. Brown has run the cleanest campaign I have ever seen. While Coakley's is circling the bowl and headed for the cesspool. - DT
1/17 9:26pm: ALL, the government is already in charge of social security and medicare/medicaid and they can't take care of either. I don't know how old you are, but I'm pretty sure I won't be seeing a check from social security by the time I'm ready to retire. And medicare/medicaid is so rife with fraud it is a complete joke. To believe that the government can run healthcare responsibly in this country is, at best, wishful thinking. The money that was promised just for some of the votes is probably more than we're sending to Haiti. I sympathize with your current situation, but this healthcare plan is going to bankrupt this country. - DT
1/17 9:25pm: Everyone here needs to get a chocolate latte, a tuna sandwich, and calm down. This place is getting a little bit rowdy. - TH
1/17 9:13pm: MJD: I'm not sure if your 'pay for holding signage' post is true or more spin from the Coaklie campaign, but the same rumors are flying through Walpole that Ms. Coaklie is paying people at the train station to hold signage. I'm just angry that I didn't hear about the chance to make a few extra bucks and get some fresh air and in the process. If you're for the red, white, and blue, vote Brown!! - PA
1/17 9:11pm: Here we go again. I have been through a multitude of elections over the years and could have written the scenario on sign holding that is now appearing in the Norfolk Net. It gets more ridiculus as voting time approaches. Somebody stole my sign, somebody gave me the finger, someone's uncle, aunt and minor child are being paid to hold signs, so I am told. Next it will be someone mooned me while I was holding my sign and child, someone spat at me. Someone stuck their tounge out at me. Someone aimed their car at me. Someone yelled at me that I was fat, skinny a Communist, etc. As an unpaid sign holder for Scott since his successful run for State Rep., I found people friendly, some not on my side, and quite witty. I have found this to be true holding signs for candidates at all levels. If you are going to, shall we say, exaggerate and try to slur candidates please be original I need sone fresh ones for my records. - RC
1/17 3:13pm: To LS: Do I want the government being in charge of my health care... Yes I do! I guess you are not one of the millions of people in this country who do not have health care because they can either not afford it, or cannot get it because of a pre-existing condition. I was speaking with my father who endured a blood clot in his lungs earlier this year and had to be hospitalized for a week. We were talking about the bills he was starting to receive. It was interesting... there was the charge, let's say for $1,000 for a procedure. Then there was what Medicare had contracted to be charged for it, let's say $800. Then there was what Medicare was going to pay for it, $600 and my father was responsible for the rest, $200. If you don't have health insurance, you don't pay the $200, the $600 or even the $800 - you pay the $1,000. You pay the $1,000 because you as a single payer cannot contract with the hospital like Medicare or the health insurance companies can. Insurance companies are in the business of making money - that is what they do, not provide health insurance... that is why they do not insure people with pre-existing conditions or insure people at higher rates if they are more of a risk. They need to make a profit for their shareholders.
The government is not in the business to make money (I would think that even you would agree with that), they spend it. Plus, they are accountable to us, the voter, if they do not do what we want them to. Try complaining to your health insurance company that you don't like their policies... you won't get far. You can't vote them out of office, only the shareholders can and if they are making their profits why would they?
Scott Brown will vote against the health care bill. That is enough for me to not vote for him. If this bill does not go through, you will not see anything about health care come up again for years... remember the Clinton try at health care? With all its issues and problems, this health care bill is needed and necessary. I have a family where there have been significant health issues and I know that we are all just one significant heath issue away from bankruptcy - if you lose your job you lose your health insurance and then if a medical issue comes up, that's it. Please think about this before you vote on Tuesday.
1/17 3:12pm: BD - We've used Phil and Wendy Ferris in Wrentham for years. Top quality firewood, fair prices, nice people. 508 384-7892 - HB
1/17 2:50pm: To MHC - I think your "interesting yet telling perspective" about the people in the party that is judgmental and hypocritical does not warrant the conclusion. If you know anything about set theory, we can presume that: a. Some people are judgmental and hypocritical
b. Some people are from that party
I don't believe that you can draw the conclusion that all people from that party are judgmental and hypocritical. I think you could probably make an argument that your conclusion was judgmental in itself (albeit not necessarily hypocritical), so there may even be a basis to expect that some people from your party may fit the category.
In any case, my conclusion is that anyone who assaulted you verbally or otherwise is a jerk, regardless of his/her party affiliation, and in my experience, there are jerks in every party. In Massachusetts, we tend to elect many of these to office.
- GM
1/17 2:48pm: It is quite possible that the people that were making gestures at those holding political signs were not Norfolk residents. It is also possible that it was mainly uninformed people, simply being rude, with no idea about which political party they were insulting. At least I hope so. - CS
1/17 2:47pm: TC, MHC - The sign the people rudely gave at the roundabout is the same one the Democratic Congress gave the people of this country on Christmas Eve - sorry, Holiday Eve. Silly me I thought it was some form of secret party signal. - PC
1/17 2:45pm: PR: After reading your tome yesterday, let me be clear about one thing. I am not the least bit scared of Martha. It's her staff that scares the [jeebeez] out of me. I try to avoid be assaulted whenever possible. As far as allegations of bird-flipping, I know a couple of guys who were at the roundabout yesterday, and I heard of no such behavior. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, though, because with the oversized, by-law-busting Coakley sign that was down there, a lot of things could have been missed. - PA
1/17 1:04pm: TC - Thank you for your eloquent and important post. I too have done stand outs in the past with my young son, and have had drivers at the rotary in town center give us the finger. A very interesting yet telling perspective from the party that thinks they have the "Christian thing" all sewn up. Just another demonstration of what I have learned to be true: they are judgmental and hypocritical. - MHC
1/17 10:30am: Why, if Scott Brown is doing so well, does he have to pay people $12 an hour, time and a half for Sunday, to hold his signs and pass out his flyers? My uncle in Holliston was offered the job and so was a friend here in Norfolk. it's pretty good money but shouldn't they be volunteers? They were told not tell anyone they were being paid so I guess the Brown campaign thinks they should be volunteers too. - MJD
1/17 10:29am: To: PR - I just finished reading your posting. Huh? I'm and independant. Not a Democrat or a Republican. Please calm yourself. We disagree on a political issue, that's it dude. Yes, I do believe terrorist should be tried by the military and my "stock portfolio" consists of a 12 pack of Charmin toilet paper in my linen closet. Have a good day. Vote Scott Brown! - MEH
1/17 10:28am: Has everyone forgotten about Scott Brown's "meltdown" at King Philip Regional High School back in 2007? His string of profanities directed to an audience of 80 or so high school students was most certainly not what I call appropriate or even semi-acceptable leadership. Or his disparaging criticisms of Dem. State Senator Cheryl Jacques for deciding to have children with her domestic partner. Of course, he later backed off... claiming he may have picked the "wrong words..." The Republican money pouring into his campaign from across the country makes him "look" substantive, but let's face it, he's cut from the same cloth as Bush and Cheney. Their policies did us a lot of good... didn't they? Not! - PR
1/17 10:25am: MEH - Hold On! This is regards to your 1/14 post, ". . . Scott Brown's amendment allows hospitals and hospital staff to excuse themselves from requiremnts to administer this contraceptive (morning after pill) if it conflicts with a sincerely held religious belief. I hardly would intrepret that as dening rape victims emergency contraception." So, let me get this straight. If a traumatized rape victim were to go to Caritas Norwood Hospital, e.g., a Catholic hospital, and because of their religious profile, Scott Brown's bill would have allowed "the hospital" to deny this victim the morning after pill. And you say you would hardly interpret this as denying rape victims emergency contraception?!
Just to clarify, here is an excerpt from a recent newspaper article highlighting some comments on Brown's bill made by his fellow state republicans before voting to defeat it: "I can't believe what we're doing to this bill,'' said then-minority leader Brian Lees, who called it, "a poison pill amendment. . . . I can't believe that you're going to say (this) to your constituents who've been through a traumatic experience.'' Senator Richard Tisei said: "I can't recall another instance where we've basically said, 'This is the law, and it's OK not to follow it.' . . . It doesn't make any sense.''
View the full article here: [article]
1/17 10:24am: I plan to vote for Scott Brown for only one reason; to do what I can to kill the healthcare bill that President Obama is pushing. I am a libertarian in every other respect too, and do not believe for a minute that Scott Brown will stray far from the right wing Republican ideology if elected. Conversely, Martha would most likely end up even further out on the political spectrum (to the left of course). This would not be good for the country either, in my opinion. Once again, I feel that I am voting for the lesser of two undesirable candidates. Either way, I will exercise my right and duty to vote. - CS
1/17 10:09am: To: Ms. or Mr. PR Yikes, It's suppose to be a posting not a novel. God calm down, we simply disagree. I want to think I would still like you if I met you on the street, but I'm starting to think I might need pepper spray.This is how Martha Coakley runs her campaign against Scott Brown. Hypothetical story, article in Boomerang on January 1, 2010. It reads: "Yesterday, Scott Brown was running in a road race in Wrentham. He accidentally slipped on a patch of ice resulting in him falling forward. He hit a woman in front of him and she broke her arm."
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
I've never seen that tax break the Democrats have been claiming to give me since the first time I cast a ballot. All I see are my taxes going up every year.
Please google the Fells Acres Day Care case if you want the truth about it.
PR, no matter how much evidence I give you, you will, for whatever reason, never change your position. It's like trying to get Martha Coakley to apologize to a man who spent 18 years in prison after being falsely procescuted. It's never going to happen.
[I'm not comfortable with "hypotheticals" being presented as factual events. If you're sharing insider information about the campaign, that's fine. - Wm.]
1/17 10:07am: Question, is there any way to get off the politicians calling list? 4 calls so far today and 5 on Wednesday. - BP
1/17 10:06am: Madam Attorney General Coakley hasn't done a very good job with her campaign this time around. It's a bit different than the Democratic primary where all 4 candidates had a lovefest about who is the most liberal. The whole country is watching for the results on Tuesday. The 1972 presidential election gave Ma. the moniker the "I told you so state" for backing McGovern; on Tuesday we have a chance to do it again as in "I told you we don't need Uncle Sam to manage our health care." Like a Chicago election vote early and often for our next U.S. Senator Scott Brown. - GE
1/17 10:04am: I have lived in Norfolk for more than a decade. I love this town, the schools, my neighbors, and friends very much. I have always been proud to live in a town in which the residents are civil, respectful, and value manners and care for each other, despite perceived differences. So I was shocked and saddened today while holding a sign for my candidate of choice in the town center this morning. I called ahead to see if it would be appropriate to bring my child, as I had no child care. I was informed that while children were welcome, it was ill advised; apparently supporters of Scott Brown driving by were "flipping the bird" at the supporters of Martha Coakley. Honestly, I didn't believe it, but took the advice anyway. Lo and behold, I witnessed it with my own eyes. I know, Scott Brown wasn't out there giving the finger to his detractors, nor were the good people holding signs on his behalf. But really, is that anyway to demonstrate your support for you candidate? The candidates are getting ugly with each other, and that shouldn't surprise anyone. But us? Neighbors and friends? That motorists are using profanity and rude remarks, in the presence of many young people and children supporting the very candidate in whose name they are behaving disgracefully, does not reflect well on our town. I cannot wait until Wednesday and this nastiness has concluded. It's a real shame that the past decade has turned us in a hopelessly and sharply divided nation. I would have hoped Norfolk could rise above the fray. - TC
1/17 10:03am: Hi, Can anyone recommend a place to get some firewood? Thank you - BD
1/17 9:48am: SO - at least the penguin had the good sense to ride in the back and not drive after hitting that 6-pack. - ES
1/16 1:34pm: If this healthcare bill goes through as it is currently, the economy is only going to get worse. Small businesses create the majority of the jobs in this country. If they can't afford to pay healthcare benefits now, what do you suppose is going to happen when they are forced to provide it? I'll give you a hint, pink slips with final paychecks. Healthcare is not what started this recession, but it could be the catalyst to send us toward a depression if it passes. Small businesses will start laying people off to cut costs to pay for healthcare.
Oh and by the way, some of you might want to look into the "cap and trade" bill also. Martha Coakley stated in one of the debates, "I don't know how much it's going to cost but, I'm going to vote for it anyway." This is another bill that is going to hit small businesses hard.
It appears Washington has an agenda, I'm just not sure it's looking out for us.
And as a side note, in the last debate one of the questions to Coakley was, "what's your favorite joke." Are you kidding me! To top it off, she didn't have an answer. It would be a very bad joke on all of us if we send her to the senate.
- DT
1/16 1:32pm: Scott Brown is consistently on the wrong side of every single issue, whether it's the health and reproductive rights of women, a clean-energy environment, financial regulations for Wall Street, gay marriage, closing corporate tax loopholes, gun control, the war in Iraq, or healthcare reform. And that makes him solid red, right-wing, and Republican and no more "independent" than Palin and McCain were "maverick." A vote for Brown will virtually guarantee a deadlocked, polarized Senate, continuing perilous stalemate and inaction (and not just in regard to healthcare reform). Is that what you really want? Vote Martha Coakley. I'm TEM and I approve this message. - TEM
1/16 1:31pm: SO, I have pictures of bluebirds eating my suet with snow on the ground. It seems things have changed for the birds because the 2 swans are still at Bush Pond. They are being fed and and are usually by the bridge on Lawrence street as most of the water has frozen. As long as food is available the birds will stay. A robin was having a bath in our heated birdbath yesterday. Don't forget the south has had some very cold weather this winter, maybe the birds knew the forcast before us. - BR (BR#1)
1/16 1:30pm: I have a slightly used wood burning stove for sale. It has a glass door, will fit at least 16" logs and comes with a blower. Easily a $1500 stove. Asking $650. If anyone is interested I can be reached at 774-244-0291. - DT
1/16 1:28pm: To PC, MEH et al, as in anyone else that has decided that Scott Brown holds the panacea need to cure our Nation's woes... Re: The need for Martha Coakley lawn signs. To Quote PC: "The Coakley signs are not needed in this town. Norfolk did *not* make the mistake of voting for Obama. Norfolk did *not* make the mistake of voting for Patrick. Norfolk will *not* make the mistake of considering Coakley fit to be Senator." I don't mean to rain on your little parade, but I think you should speak for yourself. There are many Martha Coakley supporters on our street alone... We think enough of ourselves and families, our state, our country and yes, this world, that we want a Senator who is honest, intelligent, hardworking, articulate and who believes in upholding the laws of the land, those of our precious democracy, as well as protecting the rights of its citizens, all of them, not just the wealthy with big stock portfolios and corporate expense accounts. Oh yeah, to quote someone who shall remain nameless just because this is supposed to be anonymous... by the way MEH, "Martha Coakley did not put Tookie in jail, a jury did." Perhaps you and Scott Brown would like it if we used military tribunals for all crimes.
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
- PR
1/16 1:24pm: Haiti relief websites: [continued ....] - PR 1/16 1:18pm: I might be the craziest person on this planet (apparently not), but when I'm leaving my job and see a plastic penguin head poking out of the back of a pickup truck, I'm inclined to investigate. These photos have not been doctored in any way, shape or form. A plastic penguin is twistied to the corner of the bed, with a loosey-goosey 6-pack bungied to its body. Who knows what's in the red plastic bag. I've obviously blacked out details - no need to implicate the innocent. There's a great story here and I'm curious. - SO
1/16 1:14pm: Open Burning starts today and runs to May 1st. Residents and property owners may obtain their Open Burning Permit online at the Town's Website. Please click on Fire which will take you to the Fire Department area. Once there click on the box for 2010 Open Burning Permit and fill out the application. When complete you must remember to print a copy of the Permit for your files. Printing is needed so when you call the station, you have your Permit number.
If you do not have access to the Internet, a computer has been set up in the Public Safety Building lobby with instructions. If anyone needs assistance, ask the dispatcher to contact the on-duty staff.
Permits may now be obtained 24 hours a day online.
Please remember the rules for open burning: you must first call the station to get approval; not burn leaves or other materials, brush only; be present with the burn with a hose and rake and extinguish the fire by 4pm.
If anyone should have any questions, or need additional information, please contact the station at 508-528-3202. Thank you.
- Coleman C. Bushnell, Fire Chief, Norfolk Fire Department
1/16 1:13pm: You can't make this stuff up. Earlier today, Rudy Giuliani took Scott Brown out to the streets of the North End to meet the people. Bill Clinton, meanwhile, took Martha Coakley to a hotel. Enough said. - PA
1/16 1:04pm: TC - Do you really want the US Government to be in charge of your health care. If you con honestly answer Yes then I feel very sorry for you and any other people who thinks this is good for our country. Can you imagine say 10 years from now when the Department of Healthcare has grown to 100,000 Government workers with a budget of a zillion dollars but we are paying much higher rates, get put on a waiting list to get a flue shot... Look what happened when the Dept. of Energy was created. It was created with the main goal to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. Well 30+ years later, the Dept. of Energy has 17,000 workers with a budget in the billions and we are more dependent on foreign oil than anytime in our history. No Thanks to National Healthcare especially when just yesterday it came out that if you are a Union worker you will be exempt from paying the National Healthcare tax until 2018 so the rest of us poor slobs will have to deal with that. Together we can, hope for change and vote for Scott Brown. TC - Let's be clear, Wall Street greed did not get us into this mess. Fannie Mac and Freddie Mae being quasi-government entities being allowed to loan money to people with no income so the Democrats can feel good about themselves because someone of poor means is allowed to own a home that any 5th grader could tell you they can't afford is one of the main reasons. Blame Barney Frank and his buddies for the economic downturn which all began when oil and gas prices skyrocketed and the initial wave of foreclosures started to see the light of day. Those are reasons are why the economy tanked. Side Note it really began years ago with Clinton signing NAFTA and watching the massive amounts of manufacturing jobs leave the country, never to return.
- LS
1/16 1:03pm: Anyone had trouble switching internet, cable and phone to Verizon/FiOS lately? Anyone happy with the switch? Thanks for info. - SM
1/16 1:02pm: The birds I saw were not bluebirds, they were too big, but thank you for the reply, I am beginning to think that they were indeed robins. You know the saying, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... I am seeing lots of birds from my window of my room. - JW
1/16 12:58pm: Re: MON (Re: What Martha did do.), MEH (Re: Comment on Big Lie), PA (Almost Scared By Martha) - Some differences between Scott Brown and Martha Coakley. And what she will do! Video Proof Disputes Brown's Attempt To Run Away From Far Right Group That Supports Him Rhetoric: ``When asked by a reporter, he said he was unfamiliar with the Tea Party movement, a grass-roots conservative effort that has protested possible tax increases and federal spending programs.'' (Boston Globe, 1/14/10) Reality: Just months ago, Scott Brown personally addressed a Tea Party rally in Worcester. It was an event he was so proud of that he placed photos of it on his campaign website and the video was placed on YouTube. Below is a link to a YouTube video of Scott Brown's address at a Tea Party event in April: [youtube link] Below is a link to photos from Scott Brown's address at the Tea Party event from Brown's website: [flickr.com link]
Brown also has voted in support of increased state spending of $7.2 billion over 9 years and to increase fees on Massachusetts families and businesses by more than $300 million. Brown On lockstep Republican Voting Record - Rhetoric: Brown: ``The allegation that I vote 96 percent of the time with Republicans is inaccurate.'' (Boston Globe, 1/14/10). Reality: Brown has voted with the Minority Leader of the Massachusetts Senate, Richard Tisei, 546 times from 2007-present. During that same period Brown voted against the Minority Leader only 25 times. In other words, Brown has voted with the current Republican Minority Leader 96% of the time from 2007-present. (Insta-Trac/The Advance Research Group Database)
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
- PR
1/16 12:55pm: I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I must let everyone know of a state law that, if enforced, could lead to fines of $50 or more for many of our friends and neighbors. Mass. General Laws, Chapter 90, section 17 indicates that no one should operate a motor vehicle faster than the posted speed limit. Now I have it on good authority that many of us often travel at 4 or 5 miles over the limit, knowing we will not get stopped. However, this is in clear violation of state law and once I inform Chief Stone of this, I expect that he will strictly enforce this law. Don't say I didn't warn you. - DL
1/16 12:54pm: January 19th - an important day in our Democracy... A day that we have "The right to choose our leadership." How exciting for us to vote for a man we know, respect , and who has repeatedly proven his dedication to his constituents. With your vote Scott Brown will serve our State and our Nation with the same tireless determination he has shown to us as State Representative and State Senator. Scotts fiscal responsibility. his realistic approach to problem solvining and his communicative skills will serve to benefit us all. We need a Scott Brown in Washington. Please vote January 19th. - NC and RC
1/16 12:53pm: To PC - Please speak for yourself, not only did we vote for Obama but we will be voting for Martha Coakly also. - DN
1/16 12:50pm: JT-6, Please talk to Scott Brown before posting about him. I believe he can explain to you how information was twisted on his view of aid to rape victims. He is not in favor of denying aid to rape victims. - KF
1/16 12:49pm: I concur. The diagrammatic patterns, excess wordage and punctuation used by JT6 are all too familiar. Naughty! Naughty! No corner office for you! - MON
1/16 12:48pm: SD: I agree with you all the way. Let's all go to the polls on January l9th and send Mr. Brown to Washington! - WC
1/16 12:47pm: I understand teachers in Norfolk received a connect ed message that Don LeClerc is retiring at the end the school year. Let the search begin. - AC
1/16 12:46pm: Just to chime in on Martha Coakley--who I did vote for in the primary. This smear campaign she is behind seems to be doing her more harm than good. Worst of all, it is being laughed at. What, do they think we will just believe anything? How much money spent on those lousy TV ads could have been sent to Haiti to help real people in need? Furthermore, I was really disgusted by the way Martha responded to the situation when a reporter was clearly knocked down by one of her goonies. If she had reached out to help him and stated afterward, "Gee, things got out of hand, I am sorry." instead of pretending that she didn't see the incident, I might still have a smidge of respect for her. Then to blame "stalkers", come on. I can no longer support her. I also cannot support her claims that there are no Taliban left in Afghanistan. What's next? That she can see Russia from her front porch. She is unappealing. She rates right up there with Palin.
- JN
1/16 12:45pm: PR - In defense of MEH, I felt obligated to point out that you mistakenly used the word "their" in place of "they're" in your post ("...their are paid..."). This is, of course, ironic since you were berating MEH for misspelling "Afghanistan". Having a pedantic attention to detail is not always necessary and can sometimes just come across as mean. As far as Marha Coakley is concerned; I don't know how anyone can defend her record. And if you read the "issues" section of her website as compared to Brown's, you couldn't be vaguer and less informative if you tried. She could save her self a lot of trouble when asked her viewpoints on the issues by simply stating that she believes whatever Obama believes. At least Brown is able to think on his feet and offer what appear to be thoughts that he, you know, thought about.
1/14 5:47pm: CE - you are jumping to conclusions. It is possible that there is such fervor for Coakley, that the signs were stolen merely to place on the perpetrators' own front lawns. We've seen what the mob mentality will do for Zhu Zhu Gerbils on Black Friday, so let's at least not rule it out entirely. Although you may be losing out on demonstrating personal support for your candidate, in this scenario, there's a zero sum net effect on overall support being demonstrated, so no harm done. On a far more serious subject, perhaps its time we re-open the discussion in why the town continues to plow privately-owned parking lots in town. Especially in light of the prison mitigation funds disappearing, this is timely.
Any ideas other than, this is the way it's always been done?
- JH
1/14 5:46pm: JW - Someone who really knows birds will fix me up on this one, but I'm wondering if they were bluebirds. I used to keep a winter display of branches with red berries on my deck. 'Round dusk one Jan. evening, a conflagration of birds converged in a pure frenzy and devoured every berry. Lunacy. I whipped out my tome and lo and behold, bluebirds. Like I said, someone will fix me up on this one. - SO
1/14 5:45pm: Hi - We are seeking a responsible high school or college age student for occasional evening babysitting for our 10 month old. Mostly weekend evenings and the occassional afternoon. We would like a Norfolk resident with excellent local references. First aid/CPR certified preferred, non smoker, experience with infants and toddlers required. Please contact me at box216@norfolknet.com - JT
1/14 5:44pm: To: JT-6 (I hope I spelled that correctly) et als, even if you don't like Scott Brown, don't stoop to Martha Coakley's level and promote things that are not true about him. He did not vote to deny rape victims emergency contraception. As I posted previously, the "emergency contraceptive" Martha Coakley is referring to is an a pill that can be taken anywhere from 3-5 days after unprotected sexual activity. Martha Coakley's own website states that the Scott Brown's amendment allows hospitals and hospital staff to excuse themselves from requiremnts to administer this contraceptive if it conflicts with a sincerely held religious belief. I hardly would intrepret that as dening rape victims emergency contraception. Did you ever hear of the Big Lie propagand technique?
An individual or group targets a specific person or group and tells a lie. If the lie is repeated frequently enough people will start to believe it. Often the lie is so outrageous, that people believe it on the basis that no one would ever say something so terrible unless it were the truth. The method has been used sucessfully throughout history.
Martha Coakley has begun using this propaganda technique in her campaign for US Senate. It's interesting to observe once you have learned about it. Turn on the television or radio and you will be bombarded by completely false political advertisements from the Coakley campaign attacking Scott Brown. She knows the are false (the lie) but in a desperate attempt to win the US Senate seat runs them constantly anyway (frequency). Don't fall for the Big Lie.
I do remember Fells Day Care. Those people were falsely prosecuted and spent years in jail because of Martha Coakley. No wonder members of the garden club are scared.
Have a nice evening everyone.
1/14 5:43pm: CE: You're being unduly presumptive about Scott Brown's supporters, and you should not cast aspersions without doing your due diligence. (But the Coakley campaign thrives on negativity, so why stop now?) Furthermore, after what happened in Washington to that poor little reporter, I don't think anyone would dare do anything illegal or intolerant towards Ms. Coakley fear for of getting beaten up. - PA
1/14 5:42pm: There are two good pieces in the Globe today about Scott Brown. They are worth a read, whether you are for him or not. [article 1] [article 2] A vote for Brown is a vote for maintaining the status quo with health care -- a situation that is breaking middle class American families if they get sick and putting countless small companies out of business because they cannot afford it. It means no marriage equality, the right for health care workers to withhold contraception for rape victims (imagine if a health care worker was allowed to withhold antibiotics from your child with strep because of his/her personal objections to antibiotics!), no regulation of Wall Street -- where greed and runaway deregulation got us into the financial mess, and an endorsement of torture, just to name a few. Perhaps he doesn't really believe in all these things; it's not clear what he really believes, even he cannot remember. But one thing is clear: He will take whatever position he thinks will win him this seat. Coakley isn't nearly as interesting a personality, for sure. But she is much better qualified and more honest than our "Cosmo Magazine" boy is to advocate for and represent our state. (Not that I care, but can you imagine what Fox News would be saying if Martha Coakley had posed nude in a magazine?)
- TC
1/14 5:41pm: Hate to once again bring up the dreaded "decoration" bylaw, but just wanted to remind those thugs that accused me of "helping the liberals" by helping to write a new political sign bylaw, to remember how outraged you felt when you thought your civil liberties were being imposed upon. I didn't mean to cause an uproar, but felt I needed to make a point. I certainly hope that people don't think that I actually thought we should impose fees for wreaths, but you have to understand that if I had mentioned it at any other time, like in the fall or in July, it would not have had any impact on the people that approached me. I like helping the town and have been honored to have been on committees, but some people just scare me. People should be allowed to have signs supporting their candidate on their yard. I supported it and I still stand by that. I particularly liked the comment about me being "just a simple housewife". Yes, what could I possibly know. Thank you. As for the backlash and the folks who attacked me personally on this blog, I am aware of who you are and find it personally interesting that most of you claim to be "green" and yet, you think it is just dandy to have lights on long after a holiday. Think of the coal being burned to support that. You talk out of both sides of your mouth.
Now the focus is on the senate race, thank goodness. I must say as I drive around in many neighborhoods (being a hospice nurse making home visits, not to look for anything) I have been surprised to see so many signs in towns like Cambridge and Arlington supporting Scott Brown. They are traditionally democrat territories. It is an interesting race for an interesting time. The whole world seems to be watching what we will do.
As for you JT6 (or whomever you claim to be this time), once again you are distorting facts. But I have come to expect that from you now.
- JN
1/14 5:40pm: CE - The Coakley signs are not needed in this town. Norfolk did not make the mistake of voting for Obama. Norfolk did not make the mistake of voting for Patrick. Norfolk will not make the mistake of considering Coakley fit to be Senator. JT (6th) - Nice to see you get all your information watching television. Wasn't it nice for Michael Meehan to help that reporter up after he fainted at the sight of Martha.
- PC
1/14 3:38pm: As you know, there will be a special election on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy. We encourage all registered voters to vote during this special election and are asking you to encourage everyone you know - co-workers, patients, friends, family members - to head to their polling locations between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday. Remember: Every Vote Counts.
For information on where to find your polling location see Where Do I Vote? [page link]
For information on the three candidates for Senator in Congress, please visit their websites by clicking on their names, listed below in alphabetical order: Scott P. Brown Martha Coakley Joseph L. Kennedy
For questions and other election information, please visit the website for the Elections Division of the Secretary of the State's Office at Special Election Information [sec.state.ma.us] Get Out The Vote activities, such as this message, are non-partisan activities.
- JG
1/14 3:37pm: Several town residents who support Martha Coakley have recently had their yard signs stolen. What does it say about Brown's supporters that they seem so unwilling to acknowledge other residents' right to participate in the democratic process? Strikes me as both intolerant and unAmerican. I, for one, hope that those responsible with have the decency to return them immediately. - CE
1/14 3:36pm: JT--re the kindergarten question, my daughters turned 5 on Aug 30, one day before the cut off. Initially, I thought I was going to send them, but then I gave it a lot more thought and am happy with the fact that I held them back. The social piece was a huge factor in my decision. They just were not ready yet. I did send them this year, right after they turned 6 and they have done great. They are going full day since they had done 3 years of preschool, seemed like they were ready for a longer day. I feel I made the right choice for my children. On the flip side, I know several children (who were classmates of my children in preschool) who had summer birthdays and did go on to Kindergarten right after turning 5 and they are all doing great as well. Most of those children did half day and it worked out well for them. So, the answer is this, it is a very personal decision, but if your daughter is in preschool, I would definitely ask for guidance from the teachers. And then go with your gut. Good luck! - RD
1/14 3:35pm: Looking for a fun and inexpensive night out with your friends. Come to Trivia Night! All adults are welcome! (the game will go past 9pm). Play for prizes and of course, bragging rights. There will be door prizes as well, so you can win even if you aren't good at trivia. It's on Saturday, January 30th at 7:00p.m. and costs $10.00 per person. Send in your team name, the player's names (up to 10) and your admittance fee to St. Jude Women's Group, P.O. Box 91, Norfolk, MA 02056. If you have any questions please call Kim at 508-520-6918. - KG
1/14 3:34pm: JW, Yes, you probably did see robins. I have been seeing flocks of them all winter in my Bradford pear trees. - LS
1/14 3:32pm: I am new to this Web page. I came here looking for any information on any efforts that Norfolk may be pulling together for the victims of the Haiti earthquake. Watching the coverage over the past couple of days, my heart aches for these people who had so little before the quake, and nothing now. I know that monetary donations are being requested, but how about clothing, blankets, shoes? Does anyone know of an organization that may have already started something? Thanks for information that anyone may have. - CM
1/14 3:29pm: MEH - Don't forget what Coakley did to the Amirault family in the Fels Acres Daycare trial and how she rail-roaded and denied clemency to Gerald Amirault. Then court wranglings to stop him from speaking out against the hysteria that bad psychologists and hyperactive investigators caused. But the list goes on.
1. She did not investigate Boston mayor Tom Menino and missing public emails.
2. Did not reprimand errant DAs after they made false statements in an attempt to defeat the Mass Sensible Marijuana Policy Initiative. Glad they lost!
3. Did not indict a connected police officer that was eventually convicted of sexual abuse of a 23 month old, by another DA. But she did eventually give him cash bail until convicted with 2 life terms.
I am sure there are other atrocities Martha Coakley brings to the table. But in the meantime, I have to keep an eye out for a close friend that gets into shouting matches with union thugs that are paid to hold Coakley signs outside the train station in Walpole. Although one told my friend " I get paid 50$ from the union to hold the Coakley sign, BUT I am voting for Scott Brown!
So with Coakley you get ineffective self-righteousness, bombastic attitudes and more of the same.
Vote for Scott Brown.
1/14 3:28pm: Spread the word and hit the polls for Scott Brown. Let's take back our state! [youtube link] - DDM
1/14 3:21pm: Dear JT... about your 4 year old we held our son out a year and never regretted it. He also did well academically but was so shy. He is still on the shy side (he is 17 now) but what a difference a year makes! We researched this endlessly at the time and have never met anyone who has regretted holding their child out; on the other hand I have had numerous people tell me as their child reached middle school that they regretted starting school on the younger side or in your case the youngest. Good luck, I know firsthand how hard this decision is and I am sure you will do what is best for her. - JJ
1/14 3:20pm: PC, I think you overestimate the reach of our state legislators. While a provocative issue may cross their desk from time to time, their primary function is to secure local aid from the State coffers. On this score, Scott Brown has failed miserably. As to the more provocative issues, he appears to favor local casinos and denying aid to rape victims so I believe he fails there too. He seems to be against a lot, but, in my view, offers nothing productive, unless you consider fear mongering productive. - JT (JT-6)
1/14 3:19pm: JT, My husband and I had a similar situation with our daughter last year. She turned 5 right before the deadline. We went back and forth, knowing that she would probably be fine going to Kindergarten younger than her peers. After much discussion and asking friends and family who had similar experiences, we decided to hold her back one more year. We were told you will never regret holding her, just sending her too early. She is currently in full day kindergarten and has had none of the transitional difficulties (too tired, too long a day) that some of my friends children have had. We have no regrets holding her back. Best of luck. - CAR
1/14 3:18pm: Anyone have any good recommendations for paint ball birthday parties? - HC
1/14 3:17pm: JB... maybe red-wing blackbirds?? - GZ
1/14 3:16pm: JT--I highly recommend the full day kindergarten program. I think the teachers and staff at HOD have done wonders to encourage and inspire my little guy. He is really excited to talk about the things he does at school and show us projects that he brings home, etc. The HOD folks seem to really understand and work with each child's individual needs to get them ready for the next steps in their development. I don't have any personal experience with the half-day kindergarten, but a neighbor who sent her oldest to the half-day program said she felt they had to rush through things to get everything done. - KID
1/14 3:13pm: MLD, Do you honestly believe that in this economy someone else could have gotten this money for Norfolk? There are twenty one Republican state representatives in Massachusetts. That is less than five percent of the legislature. Can you possibly believe that they are responsible for the mess this economy is in right now? This state needed to make cuts somewhere. Who do you think proposed making this specific cut? Brown and Ross? If they had we probably would have gotten the money. - DT
1/13 10:25pm: To: Ms. or Mr. PR - Thank you for pointing out that I spelt Afghanistan incorrectly. Even though I hate to admit it, I guess I have more in common with Martha Coakley than I thought. She spells Massachusetts incorrectly in one of her political ads. You obviously disagree with me, but I don't want to make this a personal issue between us. I'm sure if I met you on the street I would like you. You're obviously a great speller and possibly a Spelling Bee winner. But seriously, anonymous forums can promote reactions that people face to face would not have. With that said...
In my opinion, our tax dollars should be spent going after real criminals rather than the Garden Clubs of Massachusetts. Martha Coakley is the Attorney General. She has decided to spend our tax dollars to go after a group of volunteer gardeners that raise very little money and spend that money in the community, planting flowers and promoting gardening. It's crazy.
I also believe Martha Coakley has intentionally misled voters on Scott Brown's positions. Her political advertisement stating that Scott Brown voted for a law that "denied emergency contraception for rape victims" is an attempt to outrage women and mislead voters. The "emergency contraceptive" Martha Coakley is referring to is an a pill that can be taken anywhere from 3-5 days after unprotected sexual activity. The amendment came about because Catholic hospitals such as Caritas did not want to be forced by law to provide a pill that may result in the termination of a pregnancy which is against their religious beliefs. A woman in need of that pill would go to one of the many hospitals or clinics in Massachusetts that provide the emergency contraceptive pill. I believe Scott was right in supporting that amendment. It protects freedom of religion. These hospitals are privately owned businesses, not public institutions. They do have rights.
Again, I do not want this to be a personal issue between us. We simply disagree. I know I can't spell, but Martha can't either. Have a good night, take care.
You should check out www.Brownforussenate.com. You would really like Scott Brown.
1/13 10:22pm: Back to the birds, I am in a rehab in Milford and this afternoon a flock of birds that looked like robins flocked to someone in another room throwing something to them. They had orange bellies, yellow straight beaks, the size of a robin. I have never seen robins flock together like that for a treat. Some is the residents feed the birds. Does anyone out there have any idea what they could have been? - JW
1/13 10:21pm: Hi folks, I have a 4yo girl who will be 5 right before 9/1 and age-eligible for Kindergarten. Academically she is advanced. Socially/emotionally, she's on the cusp. I'm wondering if anyone has held back their child a year and regretted it? Also, any feedback (pros and cons) on the half-day kindergarten vs. full-day? Thanks in advance! - JT
1/13 10:19pm: Hello, We have been receiving some fabulous pictures of some beautiful children, but we need more! You know you have that picture of your child that you always said belonged on a cover, well here's your chance! Three photos will be selected to grace the cover of the next little green phonebook. Just mail your photo (or photos) along with $10.00 (checks made out to F-C class of 2010) to Photo Contest, 54 Medway St Norfolk. Children must be Norfolk residents, under the age of 12, and no names will be used in publication. Please print your name, phone# and child's age on the back of the photo. All proceeds to benefit this years sixth grade class promotion. The staff at Village Photo Franklin will be judging. Please have photos submitted by Feb 1, 2010. Thanks! - AD
1/13 10:12pm: The Warrant is open for the Annual Town Meeting on May 11 and 12, 2010. Any citizens who wish to propose an Article at Town Meeting must collect signatures from 10 voters and file their proposal by February 25. The Town Meeting schedule is attached and a petition form is available for download at www.virtualnorfolk.org/moderator Any person who wishes to make a proposal for consideration at Town Meeting is welcome to contact me at Winslow@virtualnorfolk.org and I can assist you in preparing the petition and proposed Article for technical compliance.
2010 Annual Town Meeting Schedule January 11 Board of Selectmen open the warrant February 25 Warrant articles due by 4:00 p.m. (*) March 8 Board of Selectmen review draft articles March 22 Ordering of articles; warrant drafted May 5 Annual Town Meeting (*) We cannot provide for "placeholders" on the warrant. Article language is due on February 25, with no exceptions. - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator
1/13 10:11pm: In case anyone missed it, here's a link to a story, and pictures, of beat-down a reporter took trying to ask Ms. Coakley a question or two in DC last night. She doesn't seem concerned at all about the treatment her staff member afforded the innocent reporter. You'll see in the link to the video that she simply walks right by the reporter, even though he was just a victim of assault by one of her staffers. My vote's with Scott Brown. Ms. Coakley is starting to scare me. [Herald article] [youtube link] - PA
1/13 2:32pm: Maybe the problem is not so much effective representation but a corrupt legislative body controlled by one party. Therefore, I guess in order to maintain our fair share of the tax receipts our elected representatives must throw out what we believe in (as we did choose them both) and buy off on the latest social engineering on Beacon Hill. Yeah, that makes sense to me! - PC
1/13 2:31pm: LL - Try Bushell Piano Movers out of Framingham 508 877-2227. I was very pleased and know of a few other people that have used them and were also very happy. They also can tune up your piano. Good Luck! - DCB
1/13 2:30pm: Re I am curious, how did Ross and Brown advocate for Norfolk to keep the prison mitigation money? Since it wasn't just reduced, it was cut entirely, why were they so ineffective in their efforts? Will they each be at Town Meeting on January 12 to explain why they were unable to retain some of that money? I think we are owed an explanation. - MDJ Does anyone know what our (town of Norfolk's) obligation is as far as providing town services to the prison? I am especially curious because we are getting zero in prison mitigation money this year. Do we have a "contract" or something that requires our town to continue providing services for which we will not be compensated? Can the town charge or bill for its services? And if you have answers to these questions, where are you getting your information from? I would like to look into this issue. Has anyone taken a close look at this? Should we send letters to the governor? It has been bugging me for many years so I figure it's time to get some details. Thanks!
1/13 2:29pm: Hello everyone, can anyone recommend a debris/recycle type company with trailers instead of dumpsters? I don't want to make piles in my yard for 800-gotjunk to pick up. I'd like someone with small trailers that are maneuverable and can stay for a couple of days while we get organized then have them gone when I call. Dumpsters are just too bulky and take up too much space. - JM
1/13 2:26pm: To: MEH et al, Re: Attorney General Martha Coakley's office and Garden Clubs and Taliban and Terrorists.
Okay, it may seem petty, asking for financial records from garden clubs, but if one is in the business of raising money, than one must accept the responsibilities that come with the job. Not every organization is honest, nor is every business run efficiently or ethically, as we have witnessed in the past few years. I am sure that Attorney General Coakley's office is asking all non-profit organizations and businesses who lag behind in declaring income to get with the program and take care of their affairs. How scared and frightened could someone really be...? No boogeymen are going to come in the middle of the night... just balance the checkbooks, declare finances, like adults in business, and deal! I am sorry to sound so matter-of-fact, but that is the job of the employees in the office of the Attorney General.
Tell me, do you complain and get frightened when the IRS expects to receive your tax returns by the 15th of April? And shouldn't we be glad that they are doing what their are paid to do... their jobs! And... garden clubs have nothing to do with the Taliban and "terrorist(s) in Afganistan..." Nor should they! Oh yes, and at least spell the name of the country correctly! It is Afghanistan. I am peeved.
I think that too many people are pulling at straws these days to criticize the very folks willing to go into the political arena for us just because it makes for good political fodder for the opposing party's candidate. Cut Attorney General Coakley and her office some slack and be grateful that she has dedicated so much of her life and her energy towards justice! Grrr-rr!!!! What has happened in this country...? We have become packs of rabid wolves ready to lunge, destroying and tearing down men and women for the most inane reasons, plain ugly subterfuges... Remember the "Big Lie"? That is exactly how it worked in 1939. Remember? Peace, Love, Understanding....???
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
- PR
[My apologies, I missed the typo in the original - fixed. - Wm.]
[Update 10:06pm: my apologies, the Continued links was broken, just fixed it - Wm.]
1/13 2:17pm: MG - Gotta agree with MJD. Scott Brown and Richard Ross's jobs are to represent Norfolk and protect our town's interests, especially when it comes to state funding that we deserve. That is why one of them is called a "Representative." They are supposed to represent Norfolk and protect our interests. If Scott and Richard cannot protect our rightful prison mitigation funds (for whatever reasons), then maybe they do not deserve to keep their jobs. Maybe we should elect people who can be more effective representing us. (I believe Walpole has been able to retain much of their prison mitigation funding, and they only have 1 prison as far as I know.) I also heard that KP lost most, if not all, their bus transportation funding that the state is supposed to pay to regional schools. That means less money for KP next year. Apparently, Scott and Richard have been unable to protect those state funds too. - MLD
[I've heard that Walpole has just the driveway, with the prison itself being in Norfolk. - Wm.]
1/13 2:16pm: Once again, as election time comes along, I am asking you to go to the polls and vote for State Senator Scott Brown, so that he can be our United States Senator for Massachusetts in Washington D.C. As many of you who know me know, I have strongly supported him since 2004. After watching the debate last night, I cannot imagine anybody else in that position but him. He is an honorable man, would be perfect for this position, would look out for the interests of the people of Massachusetts as well as the whole country. He really listens to what his constitutes have to say and is truly a man of his word. If he says he is going to do something, he always does. He has helped the organization that I am the treasurer of (Community VOICES) with all of the issues we have had regarding sex offenders. Because of his help, the citizens of Massachusetts are better protected against sex offenders. There is still work to be done, and we need him in the position that he has earned in order to get the work done. We have supported him in this area in the past. He has never let us down. Please don't let him down. On Tuesday, January 19, 2010, please go to the polls and vote for Senator Scott Brown. He will do us proud! - SD
1/12 9:49pm: CS: Welcome to Norfolk. I should really stick to birds--it is much safer.
Anyway, the sign bylaw had several restrictions--one, that you could not place your sign out sooner than, I think, 30 days prior to the election and that you could only have two signs. This was actually enforced and people were forced to take down signs or be fined. The changes made at the fall TM allow you to put your sign up when you want and however many you want. You just have to take the signs down in 7 days after the election (we will see if that is enforced). So you are free to place a dozen Scott Brown/Martha Coakley signs in your yard.
Hope that helps.
- JN
1/12 9:48pm: To LL: Deathwish Piano Movers moved my piano and did an excellent job. Please try: Telephone: 617-277-8311 or info@deathwishpiano.com - JK
1/12 8:41pm: A big thank you to the womwn working at Nick's this evening... you know what you did for me, and it was greatly appreciated! One of the joys of living in a small town where people really care about you. Thanks again. - GZ
1/12 8:40pm: JN: I did not live in Norfolk when you put forth by-law changes regarding political signs. Would you be so kind as to share the changes that were made, and the rationale behind the changes? Thank you, - CS 1/12 8:37pm: This is getting repetitive... I picked up a black and white tuxedo cat today. This one is short haired, friendly and I'm guessing a boy (he's a little cranky about being in the shelter so I didn't check). He was picked up on Old Pond. So he could be from there, Valley, Hill, Everett streets. If you are missing him please call me to come claim him. The tuxedo cat from yesterday is doing ok and today started to eat. Hopefully we'll find his owner too. He was from Myrtle Street.
Here's a picture of today's cat.
- HC, Norfolk Animal Control
1/12 8:36pm: Anyone who is undecided about voting for Martha Coakley or Scott Brown on Tuesday, January 19th, should read the following article that just became public. Apparently Martha Coakley is getting tough on the Garden Clubs of Massachusetts. The following is from the article: "Linda Jean Smith, president of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, has been besieged with calls from frightened, angry members after a prickly Jan. 4 letter from Coakley's office declared many of them were breaking the law for failing to file their financial records for the past four years."Martha apparently feels it's more important to go after an all volunteer organization that maintain local gardens for the enjoyment of everyone, than to go after the Taliban and terrorist in Afghanistan. Anyone in that wants to verify this information can go to [page link]... Roughly 100 garden clubs ``ranging from 12 to 100 members'' got the stern letter last week informing them they need to file four years' worth of financial records by Feb. 4... ``A lot of them do their bookkeeping with checkbooks. ..The local clubs quietly maintain traffic islands, town halls, libraries and veterans' hospitals across the state. Most take in about $5,000 to $10,000 a year in annual dues and plant sales, Smith said.
1/12 5:21pm: I'm keeping it safe and sticking with birds. Here's one for my fellow enthusiasts - I had a rare double-whammy the other day. First, a northern flicker stopped by. For those who don't know, a flicker is a woodpecker with a "coat designed by committee" ([allaboutbirds.org page]) - you just want to scratch your head when you see one. No sooner had it flown off than ka-boom! A hawk and a dove whammed full-on into the glass door and knocked themselves silly. When the hawk awoke, he took one look at me and two dogs and booked it. The dove needed a little assistance, but flew off minus a few tail feathers. Zoinks!
- SO
1/12 4:55pm: I am so excited to see that Boston and Gillette Stadium were selected as host cities for the USA bid for FIFA World Cup in 2018/2022. If you haven't signed the petition already, please go to [page link]. It would be wonderful to have such an amazing event so close to home. - KID
1/12 4:53pm: I am a nurse at one of the Boston hospitals and have a patient that has delivered twin boys. She has had some bad luck and made some poor decisions in the past. She is trying to turn things around. She was hospitalized for about 9 weeks before she delivered. During that time she finished her GED. So many people in Norfolk have already been so generous giving her a crib, bassinet, and changing table. I was wondering if anyone had a twin or double stroller or any baby equipment they would like to donate to her. Thanks so much. Keri (508)847-6191 cell. - KR
1/12 4:51pm: Big Bird's Nest Nursery School In Millis is now accepting registrations for the 2010/2011 school year. We offer 1/2 day programs for children ages 2.9-4 years old. We are conveniently located on Main St in Millis directly next to the police/fire station. Our exceptional staff of early childhood teachers provide a loving and stimulating learning environment for our students. Please call 508 376-0134 for more information or to visit our program. Thank you - SG, Big Bird's Nest Nursery School
1/12 4:49pm: MJD... Please give me a break. Why is it Richard Ross and Scott Brown's fault that the mitigation money is gone? We are not the only town losing mitigation money. The decision came from the Department of Corrections. I think both men have done a good job in the positions they hold. I can not wait until Scott Brown wins the election next week. His winning would be a good thing for the state and the country. Good luck Senator Brown!! - MG
1/12 2:21pm: Norfolk Dinner Club - January 26, 2010. Chase away the cold and dark with some homemade comfort food and fellowship! The next Norfolk Dinner Club will be held on January 26th at the Norfolk Senior Center. The menu will be beef stew, biscuits, and fresh salad. Anyone who has attended in the past will tell you that we have an equally good time preparing and consuming our efforts! The cost to participate is $10.00 per person. We welcome participation by all Norfolk adults. Because of the long cooking time required to properly prepare the main dish this month, we will be prepping the beef stew on Monday afternoon the 25th. Tuesday morning a few of us will assemble to start the cooking. Late Tuesday afternoon, we will meet to prepare the biscuits, salad and a dessert and set up for dinner. Dinner itself is scheduled for 6:15; we welcome diners who aren't interested or able to assist with cooking. Please call or email the senior center at 508-528-4430 ( shruhan@virtualnorfolk.org ) by January 21st to sign up. - BV
1/12 2:20pm: It's hard to say how the sign bylaw came to be but I suspect that it was part of a one-size-fits-all bylaw that was adopted without much thought as to how or if it would be used (or if it is legal). Note though that the mere existence of the bylaw does not mean that it must be enforced in draconian fashion. Nor does the Town's current fiscal predicament mean that residents should turn against residents so that we can blindly squeeze every last drop of revenue out of our pockets. Indeed, enforcement of local bylaws is entirely discretionary and I give credit to the Building Inspector for refraining from enforcing this bylaw. - JT (JT-6)
1/12 2:19pm: A big thank you to Hillary, Norfolk's awesome Animal Control Officer, and the Acorn Animal Hospital for everything they do to help animals that need immediate treatment. Let's show our support for the comedy night fund raiser! - CR
1/12 2:18pm: MON - I am strapping on my cowboy boots right now. Yeehaw! Gilleys North rides again! - DCL
1/12 2:17pm: MJD, With the state of the economy here in Mass., cuts had to be made somewhere. Scott Brown is one of a very few (R) in public office in this state. Do you think, even if he stood up against this particular cut, his voice would have been heard? He would have been steamrolled. You seem to be concerned about this pittance of money when just a short time ago a new school got passed that is going to cost us a lot more. As I recall we didn't get the money last year either. So to be expecting it this year, as the economy is even worse, sounds like poor planning by the town to me. - DT
1/12 11:22am: One of our dogs decided to go for a walk in the street after the UPS guy came by and fed him cookies, and promptly got hit by a car tis evening. Fortunately, the guy that hit him stopped and came to our door, or other drivers might have run over him as he lay on the street. I'm only posting this because I want to point out that, as some of you may have noticed, we in Norfolk have the best Animal Control Officer anywhere. Hilary helped us get our dog stabilized, into a vehicle and off to the vet and followed up with us later. I can only hope that if and when I have emergency health issues of my own, my doctor will be as responsive and consciencious as Hilary.
- TB (TB2)
1/12 11:18am: Just a reminder that we are collecting gently used shoes, boots, sneakers, etc., in Norfolk to give to Soles4Souls, Inc. until Jan. 24. This charity distributes these shoes free of charge to people in need. Since 2005, Soles4Souls has given away over 5.5 million pairs of shoes in 125 countries, including the US. Collection boxes are at: Norfolk Town Library, Town Hall, Carols Place, Senior Center, St. Jude's Catholic Church, Emmanuel Baptist Church, H.Olive Day & Freeman/Centennial Schools, KP Middle & High Schools & Blessed Sacrament School, Walpole. More info. about Soles4Souls visit their website at www.giveshoes.org. - DD
1/12 11:11am: Oh my. [W]hat [...] is in the water over there? Relax, deep breath. Go out and build a snowman, just like the one up in the top corner of NNET (or is that against the bylaw, too?). I admire agents of change, but you have brought things to an absurd low on Norfolknet. - AL 1/12 11:10am: This is the cat that was picked up today curled up in the snow. If you own him please contact me at 508 440 2816. He's out of the hospital now and seems to be on the right track. - HC
1/11 6:33pm: Actually Scott is up for Election on Tuesday the 19th. Barney Frank is also up for re-election but in November hopefully he'll Dodd out. - PC
1/11 6:32pm: PC - Barney Frank has held two Town Meetings here in the past two years. Where were you? Scott and Richard should be held accountable for the loss of that mitigation money. If they have no power in the legislature, then we should vote someone in who knows how to advocate for our town. - MJD
1/11 6:31pm: My lights are for Valentines Day. Thank you very little. Khanacka is also popular this time of year. - AW
1/11 5:55pm: CS: No, the decorations were already there. I had nothing to do with that. We changed the political sign bylaw. - JN
1/11 5:48pm: I think Barney Frank should be at Town Meeting for the wholesale looting he masterminded of the mortgage industry. - PC
[But he's not up for re-election, whereas Brown is - Wm.]
1/11 5:37pm: Can anyone recommend a piano mover? I have an upright that needs to go from a 1st floor in Walpole to a 1st floor in Norfolk. Thank you for any help and recommendations! - LL
1/11 5:36pm: I have an old snowblower (ariens) that Norfolk Power has informed me will cost more to repair than it is worth. I can get it to idle but not much more. Not sure if I should sell it for scrap metal or if it has 'parts' value. Any ideas? - DS
1/11 5:34pm: Buyer beware - both Fridigaire appliances and their customer service are a waste of time & money. Do yourselves a favor and do not buy their products. When we moved to Norfolk we bought a washer, a dryer, a refrigerator and dishwasher made by this company. We've had issues with every single unit. The dryer they sent was shipped broken, the washer did not drain, the dishwasher does not clean the dishes and the fridge leaks. Thanks for listening! - TM
1/11 5:33pm: I received a call today for another cat in the snow and not moving. I will post a picture in a bit but he was found on Myrtle Street near the horse farm. This cat is at Acorn animal hospital and is being treated. This cat was lying in the snow but he had a good body temp and he's undergoing some treatment for a blocked bladder and bowel. He is roughly a 1 yr old non neutered (not for long) male cat, black/white tuxedo, medium haired, and incredibly friendly. He has been combo tested today which was negative and some other blood work is ongoing. If everything turns out well and we cannot find his owner, then he will be available for adoption. He is an absolutely awesome cat. If you are missing a cat by this description please call me at 508 440 2816. - HC, Norfolk Animal Control
1/11 5:31pm: Hello all and Happy New year! I am currently looking for two bureaus. These would be for a child's room. If you are looking to get rid of any at a low price please contact me via the webmaster. [Use box231@norfolknet.com - Wm.] - HM
1/11 5:26pm: Now that things are winding down I'd like to thank Andras, the webmaster from Norfolknet, for the post that was heard around the world. Literally (no joke). Annie the cat is still doing really well as of the last check in today [Sunday]. For those who would like updates on Annie, please visit www.norfolkanimalcontrol.net to go to her page. Annie, as many know, was found on 1/2/2010 during a snow storm. Annie should have been deceased, but she had other plans. She was 86 degrees and a comatose 3.25 lbs ball of feline fury. After Annie recovered from her hypothermia and the initial trauma she went home to her owners after gaining 1.5 lbs. Annie has hit a few speed bumps but is doing ok. Being 13 years old, ok so 68 human years, she's not as spry as she used to be. She's not without some age related issues, but she is doing awesome back at home. Most importantly, Annie and her family, are totally excited to be reunited. How rare is it that you can bring a cat home to their owner. Let me tell you... very rare... I maybe return one cat to their family each year. Hopefully with chipping we'll have a better rate. PS: if Annie regains all of her lives and tries to make a break for it again you know I'll be the first to go and microchip her. I must say I was intimidated by all the press. But thanks to Annie, the story was out how important it was to report missing pets. No matter what the circumstances, report it! To answer some of the questions floating on the net: Annie's owners did not "let" her out. She got out during their move into their new house in Norfolk from what I've learned. They did file a missing complaint but the news media got to them faster than I could get to my archived files and they came forward. I did cross reference and they did call her in missing.
A special thanks to the Sun Chronicle and Sue Lahoud. I sent a very crude article because I was working on Annie and she made sense of it and put it out there. Without them the story wouldn't have "had legs" as they put it, and maybe an owner wouldn't have been found. A special thanks to Peg Rusconi for putting up with my animal stories. It must get tedious reporting on goats, cat, bats,etc. And who ever did that commentary in the Sun about good neighbors and having faith, that was awesome. I know so many people grabbed that article and saved it.
So the press is still calling, yes The Early Show on CBS and Inside Edition have shown interest. My interests lie in the animals, rather than Hollywood. I had a few opportunities to go on national TV this week with Annie but you won't see us driving to NYC. I love NYC, grew up on the upper east side, but Annie's best interest is with her family and enjoying the chin rubs she's getting from them. If you see any further news reports you can be rest assured they drove up here for it ;)
I have to say thank you as well to Acorn. They dropped everything that Saturday morning and gave Annie a chance. Not only for Annie, but for her family to be able to be reunited.
On a side note, I'm looking into a comedy night as a benefit to the animal gift account. This is exactly why we have to keep the funds in the animal gift account (to clarify, for those who have donated, the owners are paying the bills generated for Annie. But in many cases when the animal is a stray, donations are the only way we can do the care). Please keep a few bucks in your budget to come on out and have a few yuck yucks and perhaps a drink in the spring with us. Your support is appreciated. ACO Thibideau and I are working on something fun for everyone who wants to have some fun! (besides cow chip bingo!) I'll be posting at some point in the future in regards to time/place :)
Thank you again for so much support with the animals.
- HC, Norfolk Animal Control
1/11 5:23pm: To JC, AT and others who have posted negative comments about the post by JN (those initials were the only ones I saw this morning when I went on the site)--I just re-read the original post, and it still seems straightforward to me. It was made to point out the fact that a section of the sign bylaw does exist regarding holiday decorations. If you don't like it, try to change it--it was likely put there for a reason at one time and it's still there--it appears that the PDF file in an earlier post showed that changes had been made in late 2007 to our Bylaws and voted on at TM. I think we have made other changes since then, too(?), so it seems that no one had a big problem with this part of the Bylaw when Bylaws were reviewed and still wanted it there for a reason... I thought the point made in the original post was a good one--(political) sign bylaws have long been enforced, but this part of the Bylaw is not being enforced. Now maybe that is because people get so passionate about political candidates that they cannot stand seeing multiple or larger signs for someone else in violation of the sign Bylaw or that the signs can obstruct the view of drivers? Because the law has been invoked so often over the years for whatever reason, people now generally abide by it for fear of fines because it has been/is enforced. If other sections of the Bylaw are enforced, the holiday decoration section should be too. Logically, this is a dichotomy. Do you now get the point that JN tried to make?
It is enjoyable seeing festive holiday decorations, but wow--if we enforced this (part of) bylaw, we would have collected well over $1500 by my count last night--just down Union, North and Marshall Streets alone :) :)! So I know some of you are laughing about what you see as the ridiculousness of this part of the Bylaw, but someone could come knocking at your door and hit you with a $300 fine. After all, it is the law and will take a warrant article at TM to get it changed, I believe. I fully expect this will be a future proposed warrant article.
And don't think for one second that JN would have taken any less heat for the post if only the Bylaw had been posted; seems like some people just enjoy picking a fight and flinging doo-doo at other people. Too bad because more people might post if they did not feel as if they would have their heads bitten off...
- EF
1/11 5:22pm: JN: You helped draft and pass the by-law about signs and holiday decorations that you referenced in your first two posts?? I get it now. I have a lot of comments, but there is really no point anymore. - CS
1/11 5:14pm: Hey AT, Who are you, Sigmund Freud? Stick to the issue and if anyone needs psychoanalyzed via Norfolknet it is you. [...] Since this town is selectively breaking bylaws, I assume I can resume my passion and hobby, mechanical bull riding. When I moved here I packed it up to avoid being a scofflaw, and its in a crate in my garage.
I am a law-abiding citizen, you know.
1/11 5:12pm: I am curious, how did Ross and Brown advocate for Norfolk to keep the prison mitigation money? Since it wasn't just reduced, it was cut entirely, why were they so ineffective in their efforts? Will they each be at Town Meeting on January 12 to explain why they were unable to retain some of that money? I think we are owed an explanation. - MJD
1/11 5:08pm: CS: My whole point of illustrating this bylaw was not to say that it should be enforced. It was to show that the bylaws are selectively enforced. Why should the town uphold the sign bylaw and not this one? This bylaw is not well written nor is it necessary. However, at some point in time someone felt compelled to write it and the town citizens at the time voted to have it approved.
I hope that someone takes it upon themselves to have this bylaw removed or re-writes it. As far as people attacking me, well, that is just the nature of the beast. I do not take any of it personally. Remaining quiet on issues just leads to the status quo. People should feel free to speak out on things. That is the only way change happens.
- JN
1/11 5:04pm: Hey AT: This is what happens when anyone posts on NN (unless they are talking about birds). All the rabid schoolyard bullies come out and attack. You should all just mellow out and back off a bit. Your anger will only harm your health in the end. And AT, finally, perhaps you should think about using your own initials next time. Talk about sad.
- JN
[Some of this discussion must take place off-line... as I'm the only one who sees both the initials and the email addresses, how would anyone else know whether the initials match the address? - Wm.]
1/8 11:17pm: College student wanted for Deputy Moderator post: There will be a brief Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, January 12 at 7 p.m. at the H. Olive Day School cafetorium to balance the town budget in view of declining revenues. With so many college students at home on Winter break, I would like to invite participation by college students who are registered voters to join us, so they can see and participate in the Town Meeting process of direct democracy. Any college student who would like to be appointed as Deputy Moderator for this Town Meeting should send me a one paragraph email at Winslow@virtualnorfolk.org about why they think it is important for citizens to be involved in town government. I will select one applicant from the submissions and appoint him/her as Deputy Moderator to assist me with Town Meeting. It will look good on a student's college resume and be a great introduction to college students to the process of making a difference in public life. - Dan Winslow, Town Moderator
1/8 11:16pm: The birds have returned to our feeders in great numbers with more juncos than I have ever seen. Very few chickadees, several doves, two cardinals/ and two blue jays. Unfortunately for the birds a red tailed hawk has found a feeding ground. A rabbitt has found shelter under my deck and has also joined the feed group. I hope I am not violating a by-law having him living uner there, I am not charging rent. Has anyone heard of any injuries from the shearing of a pole on the lower part of Everett Street after the last Pats game? (The prior pole incident further up the street driver took off.) None of the newspapers had the story.
- RC
1/8 11:11pm: JN - My two cents - if you wanted to avoid being bashed on this issue, then you should have simply (and objectively) stated the text of the bylaw, thereby putting it up for discussion here. The latter part of your original post (the part on what the town and the building commissioner should do) is what fueled tempers and made others to believe that you are in fact being "bah-humbug". Your subsequent posts only fueled the fire even more. Sorry. But you kind of asked for it... :) - JC
1/8 11:10pm: This whole argument about lights and decorations seems foolish to me. If, in this economy you can afford to keep your lights on, then you most certainly can afford the fine if there is one forthcoming. Which I doubt. Sounds to me someone has a neighbor with a gazillion lights (LOL!) that keep them up at night and they're just trying to find a way for them to take them down. Not that I was in the holiday spirit this year either but, lighten up. - DT
1/8 11:08pm: Re: JN's post and the comments that followed - the point here isn't not whether the bylaw is legal or whether it should be enforced. Rather, the point here is that one person's sad [...] cry for attention was, unfortunately, successful... and hilarious. Happy New Year,
- AT
1/8 11:06pm: This question is for any one of the school committee members. I had asked it twice earlier with no response. I was reminded of that when I received the warrant for the special town meeting on 1/12 to transfer funds to where they are most needed. The warrant mentioned budgetary cuts in departments and also that nothing would be cut regarding schools. The question I have is what % of medical insurance is paid for by the town, and what % increase have Norfolk teachers received in each of the last 3 years. What part of those increases, if any, are COLA increases? Thanks in advance. - EF
1/8 11:05pm: AMG - Thanks for setting me straight on the Black Phoebes. You know I thought they might be Juncos, but when I Googled them, none of the images I found showed birds that were dark enough. The Cornell link is you provided, however, is definitely the little guys that have been swarming our feeders from dawn to dusk - so thanks. This is the first year I've seen them in such numbers. KAS - thanks for the head's up on the bird count. I'm in!
1/8 11:04pm: DCL: I don't have a cause, but it appears you do. BTW, I helped draft the new amended sign bylaw. I was the Chairman of the Bylaws Committee at that time.
- JN
1/8 11:03pm: JN: I did not mean to bash you, and I apologize for coming across strongly. The reason is that I feel strongly about this issue. Your point about enforcing all by-laws equally makes sense. What does not make sense is the by-law itself, particularly the lack of clarity and how it conflicts with other fundamental American rights. Either way, it strikes a nerve when it is suggested that people should be fined or shamed for displaying holiday decorations tastefully. If for some reason the town acted on your suggestion, it would be very unfortunate. Christmas is an uplifting time of year for many families; perhaps it is even more important this year for those impacted by the economy.
- CS
1/8 8:36pm: Regarding the bylaw below. Reads pretty clearly to me. If you don't like the way it reads and feel it is archaic, or an attack on civil liberties, get involved. I believe that the Bylaw Study Committee was looking for a couple of new members not too long ago(?) It is what it is. Until such time as the bylaw is changed, abide by it. Article IX
Section 4:
F. Temporary displays or decorations customarily associated with national, state, local, or religious holiday or celebration. Such displays or decorations shall be erected no more than thirty-five (35) days before and removed no later than fourteen (14) days after the celebration;- EF
1/8 8:35pm: JGP - Westwood has a Summer Enrichment Program for entering K-8 that runs from 8:30 to noon. The web site isn't up yet for this summer, but should be before too long. - SC
1/8 8:27pm: JN - the best part of it is that your comments clearly demonstrate that you do not know the bylaw. While the bylaw may refer to displays related to religious holidays or celebrations, good luck to anyone who thinks that they are going to try and restrict the use of Christmas lights. They are no different than my display of Pink flamingoes that arrive mid June or the corn stalks that are wrapped around my mailbox pole. They are Lawn Ornaments. I took the time to review the bylaws for restrictions on lawn ornaments and failed to find them. The bylaw will not restrict my Christmas decorations. You can keep insisting that it does but you are wrong. By the way the sign bylaw also is not applicable just to federally authorized events like elections and holidays. Yard sales, community days, bake sales and church events all can use temporary signs to advertise. I don't think any of these events have been have been recognized by Congress yet. So the Christmas season ends when I say it does. And if I want to celebrate Burns Night on January 25th with a display of lights, please try and stop me.
And while we are on our sign bylaw and your intimate knowledge of it, there was an article at town meeting this fall that amended it. Someone asked town counsel his opinion on the legality of bylaws that limit political signs, etc. Town Counsel responded that these laws are of "dubious Constitutionality". I am pretty sure he is referring to the US constitution. The sign bylaw is for show and would not stand up to a challenge. I think that your harping on the issue has not really helped your cause. Nice work.
[Isn't "you do not know the bylaw" rather different from "the bylaw is not enforceable?" You accuse of the former but argue the latter. The law is as it's written, not as would be sensible, and takes legislation (or litigation) to reinterpret. But until such, it stands. PS: Corn stalks are Thanksgiving decor, same deal. Laws are laws, no? - Wm.]
1/8 8:12pm: Ok everyone.before you continue to bash JN--please reread the post(s). It was I that stated (and apparently with not enough clarity) "if they had to take down their political sign (maybe it wasn't theirs) and they stated "due to bylaw _______", then why shouldn't the town have to adhere to the same". My intended point was this. If JN (or friends/neighbors) was told to adhere to bylaw: Article IX, Section 4 (A) ([town_bylaws.pdf] - page 46; (regarding political signs)) or possibly suffer penalties, then why shouldn't the town have to adhere to the bylaw regarding Christmas decorations - Article IX, Section 4 (F). I think his/her point was "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander". We shouldn't have to live with "do as I say, not a I do". If the town wished us to comply with any of the bylaws, they should set the precedence and follow their own bylaws.
Personally, I think that they bylaws regarding decorations is a little silly. Nobody should be able to put a time limit on this. If you're paying the electricity--have at it, keep them on year round! However, when the town, where the bills are being paid by our tax dollars, doesn't take them down off the common until almost the end of January, that is nothing but wasteful. It's also wasteful that every lamp post in the center is on. Why can't the town light every other one, and alternate days? It will reduce the cost to the taxpayers, and we will still have that "small town charm".
- SC
1/8 8:11pm: RLB and CS: I do not need to soul search. Good grief, you act as tough I am stealing candy from babies and pushing the elderly down a flight of stairs. All I did was post a town bylaw. It is not a comment on anything other than we have this law in our town and gee, did anyone know that? This is not about being a mean-spirited person. I decorate, too. Sorry that we have laws, but we do. I know all about the liberties granted by the constitution. But we also have to abide by the laws in our own town. That is just the way it is. We cannot pick and choose the ones we like. We are supposed to follow them all. Otherwise, we are breaking them. BTW, I was raised in an Eastern Orthodox family. I know all about Little Christmas and such. Still, in America, most of these laws are based on Federal holidays and Christmas is one of them on December 25th. It is not anything more than that.
Now can we end the bashing, please. Talk about mean spirited.
- JN
1/8 1:51pm: It is interesting how all of my comments have been taken out of context. Christmas is considered a federal holiday celebrated on December 25th--not an "American Christmas". Get over yourselves. I was not talking about anyone's religious beliefs nor commenting on anything else. Do not make this about something it is not. I know the bylaw. It is what it is. It is so funny that here in this town I have seen people blatantly ignore bylaws because they seem to encroach on their personal liberties, and then I have seen people use bylaws, especially zoning bylaws, for their own benefit. So I guess a law should only be enforced when it benefits you personally. Is that what I am understanding? If it goes against what you believe in, then it okay for you to ignore it? This could be an interesting discussion. Too bad it had to deteriorate into a personal attack on me.
This is a bylaw, not a personal opinion. Do any of you understand the difference?
- JN
1/8 1:50pm: I was just wondering if anyone knew of any 1/2 day camps out there for a 10 year old? - JGP
1/8 1:38pm: JN: The simple act of bringing attention to this bylaw at this time of year perhaps warrants some honest soul searching on your part. How could you not know that by raising this issue at this time, the good people of Norfolk, who wish to keep alive good will and peace associated w/ Christmas by leaving some lights or decorations up in a picturesque winter wonderland, will feel pressured to remove them or feel guilty and/or fear potential consequences if they don't. It certainly reeks of hum-bug spirit to me! I hope the town officials have sense enough to show a little tolerance (as we all should) in the spirit of the season. BTW, Epiphany or "Little Christmas" is recognized as a Christian festival or feast celebrating the visit to baby Jesus made by the 3 wise men on the 12th day after his birth (Jan. 6). You probably are familiar with the related song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas."
1/8 1:33pm: JN: Perhaps you forgot that America was founded by people who wrote the Constitution and other laws to ensure freedom of religion and a separation between church and state. It is very bold of you to assert that we all celebrate Christmas on December 25th. Clearly many, many Americans do not limit their religious observances to this day. Heck, many people in America are not Christian. In my opinion, the government (town, state, or federal) has no business telling people how they can celebrate the holidays that are important to them. We have the right here to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If happiness means celebrating a particular holiday with some tasteful decorations on one's private property, that should be a protected right. My point is that we must be considerate of other religions and how people choose to observe them. Who are you (or anyone else for that matter) to define what qualifies as an acceptable religious observance. As far as being a "good citizen" goes, I strongly disagree that calling the town to complain that my neighbor is celebrating Christmas, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, etc. inappropriately in their yard is the right thing to do. It could easily be perceived as religious intolerance (like the posting), which would sour the neighborhood dynamic. Again, pathetic. This is not meant as a personal attack at all. It is meant as a reminder that freedom is what makes America such a special place to live.
- CS
1/8 1:30pm: Re "As far as reading into the bylaw to say that we should honor other holidays, like Swedish Christmas, I think that is a bit of a stretch. And you know it. In America, we celebrate Christmas on December 25th." JN: Who is "we"? In my place of worship, Christmas goes through January 6; that's who "we" is in this case, and, for your information, my Christmas tree lights were on through Wednesday night. It's immaterial that the "legal" holiday is December 25, as the bylaw has a "religious holiday or celebration" clause. Does this current bylaw mean that my "holiday wreath" will have to change bow colors every couple of weeks to become a full-winter door decoration? I just realized that I can hang a red bow on it from November 15 through January 8 for the Christmas season, then another red bow for January 9 through February 28 for Valentine's Day.
All kidding aside, though, you do bring up a good point -- the bylaw is rather broad and vague and in need of some re-writing.
- JC
1/8 1:29pm: JN - It would be helpful if you had actually spoken to the building inspector. As AB points out, holiday decorations aren't covered by the sign bylaw. If you had taken the time to read and understand the bylaw, and spoken to the building inspector, you would have saved yourself the anguish of being attacked by pathetic and mean-spirited neighbors. And speaking of pathetic and mean spirited, the comment about only celebrating "American" Christmas really beats all. Apparently you forgot why many immigrants have always come to the US: for the freedom to celebrate whatever religion they want. So if I want to celebrate Swedish Christmas or Greek Christmas or consider the Feast of the Epiphany the end of Christmas, try and stop me. I guess you could always move to Switzerland. I understand that the general populace seems to share your views on religious tolerance.
On the other hand thank you for giving us Norfolknet fans something to look forward to. Since the special election it has been too quiet. Thank Heavens for the tales of HC. At least she keeps me tuning in.
1/8 1:28pm: Last day to sign up for Christmas tree disposal service offered by the Boy Scouts of Troop 80. You may call or email any time today up until 7pm this evening to schedule pick up, 508-291-2121 or www.xmastree.troop80.net. Please remember to have your tree curbside by 9am tomorrow morning. The cost for pickup is $10 for trees up to 10 feet, $15 for larger trees. Thank you to all who have supported Troop 80 once again this year! - KC
1/8 1:19pm What a stupid law. The town can come and try and put my Christmas lights and my political sign out of my cold dead hands in April. I'll take them down when I'm good and ready. - PJT
1/8 1:18pm You know what surprises me about the discussion on decorations and bylaws ? How many messages (including this one) it has generated. I am not taking one side or the other because I think with all the other issues we face (e.g. terrorism, the economy, health care, a senatorial race, high taxes, etc,) it is so far down my radar, it is a non issue. But one observation I would like to make is that it seems the more diverse we become, the more intolerant we become of each other at the local level. Doesn't it seem that when we were a smaller population and less diverse, we had thicker skins... We did not care what our neighbors did as long there was not a threat to our families? Conversely, at a national level, we are so tolerant of people we cannot profile or offend people who may want to kill us. If we capture them, the first and most important thing to do is read them their rights and provide them with full American Constitutional rights. Common sense used to rule over common law. Now we need a paragraph from our legislature on every aspect of our lives (which keeps them in session year-round in this state.) Kind of sad.
1/8 1:17pm Hello everyone, I had two point, we received about 14 inches of snow at the Stony Brook Nature Center although the wind kept it drifting quite a bit so some areas were much deeper than that while others (sections of the boardwalks were bare). The other observation I have is regarding the birds. With so much of our area under snow cover, the birds (juncos and others) are really relying on those of us who put out feed. Thanks to all!
- DW
1/8 1:16pm I fully intend to keep my outside Christmas lights on well into February. It's a tradition, much like watching Elf or A Christmas Story mid December. I love rounding the corner on my way home from work, it's dark, it's dreary, and there... coming 'round the bend... is my beacon of light! Haven't heard a complaint yet, so I think the neighbors might enjoy it as much as I do. - AL
1/8 1:14pm AB: I think we all know what a holiday decoration is. A bylaw to prevent snowplow operators from pushing driveway snow onto the roadways is a good thing. Weston recently passed a new bylaw to prevent this, as it was becoming a major concern for the safety of the citizens:
New Snow Removal By-law (WESTON MA)We could adopt a similar bylaw. Perhaps you, AB, would like to draft something and place it on the warrant for the next town meeting since this seems to be of concern to you.
"Please be advised that the Weston Annual Town Meeting held on May 11, 2009 unanimously approved a Snow Removal By-law. This new by-law prohibits the depositing of snow onto or across any public way, including sidewalks or public property. The by-law addresses the on-going problem of private contractors plowing snow from private driveways into the public way, which causes unsafe road conditions that must be corrected by the DPW.Violation tickets will be issued to the contracted snow removal contractor and/or the property owner under the non-criminal disposition by-law. The by-law reads as follows:
By-law - No Snow Deposited in Public Way
Town of Weston, MASection 5: No person, other than an employee or other person in the service of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the Town of Weston shall direct, discharge, dump, shovel, pile, push, blow, plow or deposit snow, ice, or water under conditions where water would be subject to freezing onto, into or across any public way, including sidewalks or public property, or cause, direct, sanction or authorize any such activity involving snow, ice, or water on a public way or public property.
This By-law may be enforced as provided in Article V, Sections 1 and 2 of the general By-laws, including non-criminal disposition.
This new by-law will be strictly enforced. Your anticipated cooperation is appreciated."
- JN
1/8 8:13am To all of you who think I am being a Scrooge just because I am informing you of an actual law we have in the town, I find many of your remarks pathetic and mean spirited. Go ahead and attack me as much as you would like. I did not write nor vote for this bylaw. It has been on the books for decades. It is what it is. I am merely informing you of what it says. If you do not like it, that is your problem.
Laws are there for a reason. You may not like the reason, but that does not mean they should not be enforced properly. If you do not like the bylaw, I suggest going to the Bylaw Committee and having new language written and placed on the warrant for spring TM.
Simply ignoring a written law is not a good idea. And yes, the people with the political signs were threatened with the imposed financial penalty. Why else would they have complied and removed their signs? We have people in town who are paid to make sure that our laws are enforced. Letting them know of a violation does not mean you are being a bad neighbor. It means you are being a good citizen. That being said, no one expects you to rat out a neighbor or a friend. I am sure that if the building commissioner wanted to see who is in violation, he could simply drive around.
As far as reading into the bylaw to say that we should honor other holidays, like Swedish Christmas, I think that is a bit of a stretch. And you know it. In America, we celebrate Christmas on December 25th.
- JN
1/8 8:11am JN: I really, really, really, really hope that this is just [an] attempt at humor. There is nowhere in the bylaw that a "sign" means a light display, wreath etc. There is no definition of what a decoration is - to someone it could mean a pile of rusting hulk of metal or it could mean a real pretty plastic unicorn. The bylaw is flawed in that the bylaw doesn't define whether the decoration or sign or display (but not lights or wreaths) has to be outside or it could even be in the privacy of my home. In all seriousness who are you or anyone who enforces this nonsense and make decisions for me about what my religious celebrations are or when my holidays end. If you really want to make a difference why don't go after residents and snow removal companies that plow snow into the street and create a real public hazard. - AB
1/7 10:54pm Does the bylaw apply to stores that decorate for upcoming holidays months in advance? I can see certain advantages... - AR
1/7 10:53pm I don't think that JN was trying to enforce the taking down of Christmas lights, but merely stating that, if they had to take down their political sign (maybe it wasn't theirs) and they stated "due to bylaw _______", then why shouldn't the town have to adhere to the same. I do recall the lights on the common being on quite sometime after Christmas in '08 (late into January) and it infuriated me at how wasteful it was. - SC
1/7 10:31pm JN: Or is it Scrooge? My Christmas lights are frozen to my trees. I am not turning them on, but they are there. Should it cost me $300? I don't think so. Am I going to turn in my neighbors to the "holiday police" so they can be fined $300 when the economy is in shambles and people are scraping by? No, that would only create a rotten neighborhood full of bitter people. I find it sad that this is even being suggested. Pathetic. - CS
1/7 10:30pm If anyone near the Overlea Road and Rockwood area are missing a black cat with white on it's face it was just in my backyard. I noticed cat tracks coming into my driveway the other day when cleaning the snow and the only reason I notice this is because it is highly unusual because of the 2 very large dogs I have, one with a very strong prey drive. If it is your cat you may want to try to keep it closer to home as Rockwood is a death trap for pets and there are foxes and coyotes behind my yard if it somehow continues to get past the dogs. Also if it is your pet and it has been missing just post and I will try to catch it if I see it again. - SC
1/7 10:27pm JN - I wonder what date the "event" will be specific to. Regiously, the Christmas celebration is not just one day, but runs to Epiphany, or January 6th. So, would the date run to 14 days after that? Or is the date around the Greek Christmas, which is today and therefore lights could be left up until 14 days from now?? It seems to me that neighbors could be celebrating a different date for their religious celebration, or ... Just thoughts. - JHR
1/7 10:26pm For all the fellow birdwatchers, I came across something interesting in this months Country Living magazine. The National Audubon Society and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology are asking people to keep an eye out for birds Feb. 12-15, then record your sightings at birdcount.org. The data helps researchers understand the ways birds respond to the changing temperatures and other environmental changes. - KAS
1/7 10:25pm JN, if you hate being a bah-humbug type of gal, then why are you being so? Were those who were told to take down political signs actually fined? My Swedish friends always celebrated the 12 days of Christmas ending with January 6 Little Christmas so does that give them until the 20th to take down their decorations? - KF
1/7 5:57pm I hate to be a bah-humbug kind of gal, but tomorrow, (the 8th of January) the town and many of its citizens, will be in violation of a town bylaw. Here it is:
Article IXThe fine is $300 per violation. That ought to bring some pretty good revenue into the town. The town should take the lead and take down all holiday lights. They are costing the town money, anyway. We can ill-afford any wasteful spending this year.
Section 4:F. Temporary displays or decorations customarily associated with national, state, local, or religious holiday or celebration. Such displays or decorations shall be erected no more than thirty-five (35) days before and removed no later than fourteen (14) days after the celebration;
Our building commissioner, Mr. Bullock, is the one to make sure that this bylaw is being adhered to. If you see any violations, he is the one to contact.
I am not trying to start anything, but the folks with political signs that did not adhere to the strict rules were told to take them down. All bylaws should be enforced fairly.
- JN
1/7 5:51pm On Saturday, January 9th, a "Fun Run" will be held in memory of Larry Olsen. Larry "Legend" Olsen, the most widely admired runner in New England, who died on Dec. 6, 2009 at age 63, had grown up in Norfolk. Larry set scores of national age-group records since becoming a masters runner in 1986, after finishing as high as 17th (1973) and as fast as 2:19 in the Boston Marathon (1978, 29th).
Larry Olsen competed in more than 100 New England championship road races, winning 62 times in his age group. A two-time Olympic marathon trials qualifier, he was the reigning national record holder in two Men's Masters categories. He was honored five times by USA Track & Field as its Masters Runner of the Year and he was inducted into the inaugural King Philip Sports Hall of Fame in 2007.
In 2006, when we were privelegled to have him participate, Larry easily won Norfolk's Dunkin Donuts DARE to Run 5K Road Race.
The Larry Olsen Memorial Fun Run takes place at 2:00 pm at the Hopedale High School, 25 Adin Street.
The run is free, but donations are welcome and will benefit the Larry Olsen Scholarship Fund.
For more information, visit the Tri-Valley Frontrunners' website - tri-valleyfrontrunners.com
- HK
1/7 5:49pm Hi all - we too have lots and lots of birds at our feeder and are really enjoying them... they look beautiful against the white snow! Just wanted to point out that the birds you are seeing are not black phoebes which only live in the southwest, but are instead dark-eyed juncos (also known as slate juncos) which are winter visitors to our area. Check out the following sites for more info on each species: [Cornell page 1] and [Cornell page 2] - Happy Birding! - AMG
1/7 5:46pm Hi JHR & JMF, That is sad about the Cat. It was a great way to go if you wanted to get directly to Yarmouth with a vehicle. I hear there are some pretty reasonable flights from Providence to Halifax and I believe you can fly Halifax to PEI. I would probably opt to drive if the time was available. So much to do and see between here and there and that run up the west side of the Bay of Fundy is pretty stunning. Good luck with the planning. - REW
1/7 12:11am JMF... Thanks for those who have been helpful in our still in the planning stages of a trip to Nova Scotia and PEI. I too, saw the article about the CAT from Portland and Bar Harbor, but thought that did not apply to the real Ferry, what used to be called the Prince of Fundy. I assume that still runs but that it is the CAT that's been "grounded", no pun intended. Hope so. I really don't want to drive via New Brunswick. Tommorow I'll do some phoning and report back to the net. - JHR
1/7 12:10am At the recent Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library, the following slate of officers was elected: President: Cathy ElderThe Friends of the Norfolk Public Library is a non-profit organization designed to stimulate community interest in library services and to support the library in providing these services. Through a program of volunteer, promotional, and fundraising activities, "Friends" help acquire important materials and equipment beyond the limit of the library's regular operating budget. They also aim to inform the community of the library's resources, services, and needs.
Vice-president: Maureen Buck
Secretary: Beverly Baldoni
Co-treasurers: Thayer Olson and Beth Vallee
Nominating Committee: Maureen BuckThe major fundraising activity sponsored by the Friends is the Book and Bake Sale which will be held this year on April 24. Remember to save the date! For more information on the sale, visit our website: norfolkbooksale.com
- JR
1/6 4:55pm Just heard about a wonderful kitty who needs a home by Friday... "I just went to see him last night again and I think he is closer to 3 years old. He is way too fat and because of that he can't reach his back to groom it that well, but other than that he looks great. He loves to play and loves attention. He is currently living in with an elderly woman that is in a wheel chair in a small apartment. I need to find a home for his ASAP because the management of the apartment complex said if he is not gone by Friday then they will take the cat from her and have him euthanized. Any way you can help would be great. Phone 508-254-6129 or email me at HelloRonaele@verizon.net."
- SD
1/6 1:46pm The 6th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood and Bone Marrow Drive, in partnership with Brigham and Women's Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, will be taking place this Saturday, January 9, 2010 from 9:30-2 at the King Philip Middle School. This annual drive is held in memory of Gary Mirliss, who passed away in 2001 after a long battle with Pre-Leukemia, as a way to give back to the community. While Gary was treated for Pre-Leukemia at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, he received countless transfusions of blood along with a stem cell transplant. The goal of the annual blood drive is to remember the life of Gary Mirliss while helping replenish the blood supplies at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
Gary was a man who lived life to the fullest; always wanting to help his fellow man. By hosting this annual event, we hope to continue Gary's compassionate spirit and help countless numbers of people.
Since the inception of the Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood and Bone Marrow Drive, over 200 units of blood have been collected and over 60 people have signed up for the National Bone Marrow Registry. This year, our goal is to collect 100 units of blood.
Look forward to seeing you January 9th.
- GM
1/6 1:44pm Absentee Voting for the 1/19/10 State Election - You may vote by absentee ballot if you: will be absent from your city or town on election day, and/or
have a physical disability that prevents your voting at the polling place, and/or
cannot vote at the polls due to religious beliefs.
There is an application form available at the Town Clerk's Office or you may download it from the Town Clerk's website, www.virtualnorfolk.org (scroll down to Town Clerk link).
Bring/Send applications to: Town Clerk, 1 Liberty Lane, Norfolk, MA 02056
You may vote in person at the Town Clerk's Office, or a ballot will be mailed to you. You can not hand carry ballots away from the office under any circumstances.
Note: Deadline for filing an application is 5:00pm on Friday January 15, 2010. Please note this is a change from the normal timeframe due to the holiday on Monday, January 18, 2010.
- Gail Bernardo, Town Clerk, Town of Norfolk
1/6 1:43pm I am looking for a dorm size fridge for my daughter's room at college. If anyone has a working unit that they no longer need and is interested in selling it to her, call 508-520-4374. - RH
1/6 1:42pm In only a couple of days the Commonwealth will be holding the special election for the United States Senate Seat once held by the late Edward Kennedy. One of the candidates is our own State Senator Scott Brown of Wrentham. Senator Brown has been representing Norfolk for over a decade first as our State Representative and presently as our State Senator. If you are interested in learning more about Senator Brown please check out his campaign Website (brownforussenate.com). If you would like a yard signs, bumper stickers, or are interested in volunteering to help elect Senator Brown to the United States Senate please feel free to contact me at GMirliss@gmail.com. Vote Brown Jan. 19th. - GM
1/6 1:41pm Looking for extra academic/organizational help for your child? I have my Master's Degree in Teaching Grades K-6, hold a MA Teaching Certification, and am a former fourth and sixth grade teacher in the Dover and Newton School Systems. I have tutoring hours available both weekdays and weekends. Competitive rates. Please contact me via email at klbeirne@yahoo.com. - KB
1/6 1:40pm Does anyone know how much snow we actually got in Norfolk this past weekend? - JH
1/6 1:39pm REW - Thanks for the great post about travel to Nova Scotia and PEI. Sadly, I was stunned the other day to hear that they are discontinuing the CAT Ferry from Portland to Yarmouth. ([article]) That trip is been on my To Do list for forever, but now we'll have to either do the long drive through New Brunswick or fly. Just goes to shows you should never wait too long to do these things! - JMF
1/6 1:38pm PFD, Try Barmarkian's in Framingham. We have bought alot there and they have been fantastic - KO
1/6 1:37pm To PFD: Try Cindi's Jewelery Shop in Foxborough. She does beautiful work at a reasonable price. Her business card is posted on this site. - SDB
1/5 10:43pm AL, I second the response from BHS. Ski shops will not sell or trade in used helmets for the reasons BHS mentions. If they do, run out the door to another store as fast as you can. If you just need one for a weekend or something than it is probably OK to borrow one, but ask if the regular wearer has ever had a bad crash. If you want one to use often and/or for a few years definitely buy a new one. There are some good discussions about ski gear on epicski.com. Check out my site at new-england-ski-mountain-resorts.com for info on the resorts. - SC
1/5 10:42pm BHS: Good info, thank you! - AL
1/5 10:41pm If anyone is looking for an entertainment center, please take a look at the Notice Board below. - PFD
1/5 10:40pm I am looking for a local jeweler that could reset a wedding ring and engagement ring. It appears that my wife has some sort of allergy to the gold now. I originally purchased it at the jewelers building in Boston, but I simply do not have the time to get into Boston at this point. Any local suggestions that are reasonable in prices? Thanks. P.S.: if you know me, do not mention this to my wife :)
1/5 10:39pm TW - We too are out there every day. They are going through all my feeders. Thanks to the poster who identified the black phoebe. We were unfamiliar with that bird and they are the really ravenous ones. Cheers! - BS
1/5 10:38pm Brushburning season is from 1/15-5/1. - NR
1/5 4:25pm I know where all of the Norfolk birds are... my house. They have been having a banquet at our feeders. We have been refilling all 3 almost every day. It must be the happy hour 2 for 1 cocktails we are offering as an enticement!! - TW
1/5 4:23pm Travel Soccer Registration, Soccer Club of Norfolk, Spring 2010. Visit our web site at www.norfolksoccer.com to register! Soccer Club of Norfolk promotes soccer instruction and competitive play in the BAYS league as a means to encourage individual, physical and mental development in a team environment. The importance of winning and personal achievement is recognized, but these are to be attained in association with and not at the expense of sportsmanship and equal participation for every player.
The Spring 2010 games begin on 4/11/2010 and run for 10 consecutive weeks. There are 2 practices a week and games are held on Saturdays. There will be 5 home games and 5 away games and travel is to nearby towns.
Eligibility: Eligibility is open to all town children entering grades 2 thru 6 in Fall 2009-there are no "cuts" in our program. Children living in other towns are also eligible if one parent resides in Norfolk - so have them join us!
Cost: The cost is $100.00 which includes the program fee and the mandatory $20.00 field user fee which is charged for each season by the Norfolk Recreation Department. The Norfolk Recreation Department recently increased the field user fee by $12 per season per player which we have had to add directly to our program fee. SC Norfolk fees have remained the same over the past several seasons. Scholarships are available for qualified applicants - use the online registration method and chose Fee Waiver to apply for a scholarship. We only accept credit or debit cards for payment. Uniforms are also required at a cost of $60.00 if the player does not currently own a Soccer Club uniform.
Important Dates: The online registration period runs from January 6th thru January 20th, 2010. Registrations entered after that date will result in registrants being wait-listed, without a guarantee of placement on a team. A late fee of $30.00 will be charged for anyone registering after 1/20/2010, if they are placed on a team.
Coaches: The Soccer Club of Norfolk will refund the registration fee for the player of a parent that is selected to be a Head Coach, and they have a minimum of an F License. If a Head Coach wants to become licensed, the Soccer Club of Norfolk will reimburse the cost of the license course.
Questions? Contact John F. at 508-541-7887 or jfice@lpinnovations.com
Registration deadline is January 20th, 2010. Save the date: soccer camp 8/16-8/29/2010
- CB
1/5 4:21pm A reminder that the Boy Scouts will be out this Saturday, January 9th, to pickup and dispose of Christmas trees.Those trees that were not picked up last Saturday due to the weather will be taken this week. The Scouts will be out with the trucks for a good part of the day. It is not too late to schedule a pickup at your house. Please call 508-291-2121 or email the Scouts at www.xmastree.troop80.net. - KC
1/5 4:20pm AL - A word of caution when buying a used ski helmet (or bike helmet). Most ski and bike helmets are designed to withstand only a single blow and then need to be replaced. Helmets self destruct by design, taking the energy from the impact to protect the noggin. Only a trained eye can determine if a used helmet still has the intended protection. Most helmet manufacturers will replace helmets after an accident at a reduced price. Ski helmets are on deep discounts this time of year (after the new year) at stores such as Sport Authority, sometimes at TJ Maxx, etc. I'd suggest going with new for a helmet if you truly want to protect the head. Cheers,
1/5 9:50am Hello... I'm looking to find a used exercise bike - if anyone has one that needs a new home please let me know. Thanks. - JHR
1/5 9:48am Norfolk Democratic Caucus will be held on Saturday February 13, 2010 starting at 12 noon in the Norfolk Town Library Community meeting room. All registered Norfolk Democrats as of January 31, 2010 are eligible to run for a Delegate position to the State Annual Convention in Worcester on June 5th 2010. As a Delegate you will participate in electing the Democratic slate of candidates for Statewide Office in the November 2010 election. If you have any questions, please call Jim G., Democratic Town Chair at 508 528 2367.
- JG, Norfolk Democratic Town Chair
1/5 9:46am Hi JHR, Here are four links for some good info about Nova Scotia: [novascotia.com page] , www.catferry.com , www.tourismpei.com/index.php3 , and www.nfl-bay.com. Due to time constraints, I only got to spend a day out on PEI my last trip up. The Cat from Portland, ME to Yarmouth, NS and then the the Northumberland ferry from Caribou to Wood Island, PEI is the way to go unless you plan to drive all the way to New Brunswick and go over on the Confederation Bridge. The drive from Yarmouth to Caribou is easy and beautiful. I believe you now need a passport to cross into Canada. You can find a bit more info on Nova Scotia here: [russellwaldronphotography.com page] . Have a great trip. - REW
1/5 9:40am DS, try checking with the Fire Department, 528-3207. I think the burning season is now until May 1. JHR please have the web master give you my e-mail. I know people that own a house in PEI. Please share your phone number so they can call you.
1/5 9:39am SO - You can buy hot water bottles at CVS. My kids each take one to bed with them. - BMS
1/4 8:40pm Looking to buy teen sized ski helmet, if you are cleaning out and come = upon one that is not being used. - AL
1/4 8:37pm HC - That is an absolute miracle, beyond all belief. Where the heck did you get that hot water bottle? - SO
1/4 8:35pm I've noticed a big drop-off on birds at my feeders too. Chickadees, jays, titmice, nuthatches and doves are down big time. I haven't seen any house finches, red-breasted nuthatches, hairy woodpeckers, towhees or rose-breasted grosbeaks. It's really weird. I can't think of who else is missing, but the goldfinches are also lean in numbers. Juncos and cardinals are doing just fine it seems. I was trying to save money, but I may have to plug in the birdbath heater and see if that makes a difference. It was awfully warm late into the season this year. Any thoughts that this might have had an effect? - SO
1/4 8:32pm To AP, I second that recomendation for Mark's Upholstering. He just completed my new front seat on my classic car. The quality is superior. - PJT
1/4 8:31pm Hello fellow birdwatchers! We have seen a slight decline this fall, but all my winter visitors have returned. We have the usual bluejays, chickadees, juncos, woodpeckers, and finches (always remember the finches change color in the winter and they are hard to tell apart from other birds), Carolina wrens, and most recently 4 bluebirds. The most important thing to put out for the birds in the winter is fresh water. We have 2 birdbaths with heaters, and this ensures the water won't freeze. Just leave out a shallow container with a couple of inches of water, and you will get a lot of birds coming by foe a drink or even a bath, despite the cold. We also leave out suet, shelled nuts and seeds, raisins, and mealworms. Good luck! - IS
1/4 8:16pm Getting too cold for you to walk your dog? Wish you had some help taking care of your pets during these long winter months? Leashrly Life can help! We offer dog walking, dog training and pet sitting services. Leashrly Life is a personalized, friendly pet service. We are extremely flexible so we can walk or visit your pet whenever it's convenient for you.
And, for a limited time, Leashrly Life is offering a special reduced rate for Obedience Training on our 4-week personalized, one-on-one training with your dog.
For more information on Leashrly Life visit our website: www.leashrlylife.com or call 781-241-2083.
- AW, Leashrly Life
1/4 8:15pm RC: We have not had nearly as many birds at our feeders this winter either. I have seen quite a few birds fall victim to the hawks though. We still use the same bird foods, in the same places, but there are just not many birds out there in our neighborhood either. - CS
1/4 8:14pm Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer - time to register for Spring 2010 soccer! Registration will be on-line only - www.norfolklionssoccer.com No registrations will be accepted after the March 1, 2010 deadline!! When considering any piercing, please keep in mind there is a no jewelry rule that will be strictly enforced. Financial assistance is available - contact NLYS President, Craig K. at 508-369-1948 or norfolklionssoccer@verizon.net to make arrangements.
- MD
1/4 8:13pm Does anyone know when brush burning season begins? - DS
1/4 8:12pm I am looking for a reliable, inexpensive used car. I you have one or know someone who has one, please post car description and contact information. - TS
1/4 8:11pm Hello, My husband and I, seniors, plan to finally travel to Prince Edward Island this summer. But, where to go and how to do this? I understand it is all lovely, but as a first time, where should we head for a week or 2 in a cottage. All help is appreciated. Thanks. - JHR
1/4 11:00am Just a reminder that registration for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's Spring 2010 season is now open. Registration will be on-line only - go to our website at www.norfolklionssoccer.com No registrations will be accepted after the March 1, 2010 deadline!! Financial assistance is available - contact NLYS President, Craig K. at 508-369-1948 or norfolklionssoccer@verizon.net for more information.
- HK
1/4 10:59am Happy 2010 Norfolk! In a couple of weeks we will be voting on our new Senator from Massachusetts. We are lucky to have such great candidates that are devoted to our state for better or worse. I represent Martha Coakley here in town and if you are interested in a yard sign, bumper sticker or volunteering to stand with me in the town center some day, send me an email and I will get right back to you. Most importantly, now that the Holiday crazies are over, spend a little time getting to know the candidates so you can make an informed choice on Election Day! Go Martha! l.antonellis@yahoo.com - LA
1/4 10:57am Wanted: Treadmill for husband - no, this isn't a joke! my husband is convinced that if he has a treadmill, he will exercise every day. I am hoping someone has one that they are not using and would like to get out of their house. If you have a treadmill in good working condition, and would like to either sell it cheaply or give it away, could you please contact me? Thanks! cmkearins@verizon.net - CK
1/4 8:19am The Southeastern Massachusetts Community Concert Band will begin rehearsals for the spring concert season on Monday, February 1. The band meets every Monday, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m, at the Community Church, 193 Main Street, Medway. Membership is open to anyone who plays a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument. At this time, there is a need for additional trumpet, clarinet, tuba, and percussion players. There are no auditions, and musicians of high school age and up are invited to attend. For more information, visit the band's website: www.smccb.com, or call (508)-520-1572. - CR
1/3 8:53pm AP: Quite a number of years ago I had to have a zipper resewn into a suitcase. I think I used KMK Cleaners in Millis near Roche Brothers. I believe they sent it out - it was not inexpensive, but less cost than a new suitcase! We got many more years out of that suitcase! - CA
1/3 8:50pm RC - We live close to Highland Lake, and were inundated with black Phoebes today (maybe 20-30 at a time) but I haven't seen any chickadees in quite a while. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any goldfinches either. The downy woodpeckers are regulars to our feeders (4-6) as well as nuthatches and titmice (though never more than 2-4 at a time). Later in the day, 4 mourning doves made an appearance and I think I saw one blue jay. We finally put up a whole mess of roosting boxes (which I've been meaning to do since last winter) so I'm hoping to help more birds survive the cold than might otherwise. It's disheartening to read about the overall decline in bird populations across the board, especially due to loss of habitat, so we've made it a personal misson to do everything we can to turn our acreage into a welcome habitat for birds and other wildlife. If anyone has any success stories on things they've done to attract multiple species of birds to their yards, we'd love to hear them.
1/3 4:33pm I remember the hard time the town gave Dunkin Donuts when they started building in town! - HMK
1/3 12:04pm I, too, have seen a reduction in the amounts of birds at my feeders, especially since summer ended. I've put out thistle seed, and a mixture and have seen virtually no birds at my feeders. My only (limited) succes has been the suet feeder, which has had nuthatches and some woodpeckers. I miss my finches! - SC 1/3 12:03pm Update on the cat: big thanks to Acorn Animal Hospital. They had 5 minutes warning of me bringing this cat in, and they worked on her like it was one of their own personal pets. She left the hospital yesterday after being reheated into the low 90's, some steroids, blood sugar monitoring and some fluids. She's slowly recuperating with lots of rest, heating pad, and food in my living room. She seems to be heading in the right direction. I am still looking for her owners. She was definitely someone's cat as she just loves to be held and patted. Because she only weighs 3 1/4 lbs this cat may have been living on her own for a substantial amount of time. - HC
1/3 12:01pm RC: On the contrary, we have had more birds at our backyard feeder this year than ever before. I try to put out fresh food for them daily. Perhaps that is the trick? Happy 2010. - JN
1/3 11:59am Can you believe that the govt was too busy? [Estate Tax Reform Fails and The Dirty Little Secret of the Law] - JO
1/3 11:58am To AP looking for an upholstery repair shop, I have not used any of them but you could try Marks Auto Upholstering on Route 140 230 Main Street, Foxboro marksautoupholstering.com (508) 543-3400
New Life Upholstery Co 34 Central, Foxboro newlifeupholstery.com (508) 543-2280 (800) 339-2280
Anthony's Carpet & Upholstery Foxboro (508) 543-3566
1/3 11:57am HRB #1 - How many years have you been in town? I have been here for 48 years and watched town officials chew up and spit out many people trying to open businesses in town... All of a sudden things are changing... Limits are put on a lot of the businesses in town... Sub shop can't do home deliveries... Car place on 115 can only have so many cars... Norfolk Power Equipment had to move to Wrentham...
People have to get permits to have friends park at their house to go on the trains, to mention a few.
- ER
1/2 8:50pm I have about 12 bolts of fabric. Various colors/patterns. Each has a substantial amount on the roll. Looking to give them someone. Maybe someone who does crafting or teaches classes. They come as a unit so if anyone is interested please email sbj83@msn.com. - SJ
1/2 8:49pm Happy New Year everyone! I am have been given a chance to enjoy a trip to Europe via the People to People Student Ambassador program. To raise the necessary amount of money to make this journey, I am asking you to help me by participating in a can drive. Just email me you address and leave out all your returnable cans and bottles from parties, etc next to your mailbox on January 3, 2010 and I will pick them up. I thank you greatly for helping me with my once in a lifetime experience. Thank you and have a happy new year! My email is: p2pgirl13@yahoo.com Information about the People to People Student Ambassador program is available at www.peopletopeople.com.
- HRB (#2) 1/2 8:47pm Do you own this cat? I normally wouldn't post a picture like this but it was the only one I could snap with everyone helping this little girl. She was found emaciated, comatose and hypothermic an hour ago. Thank you so much for the person who found her lying in the snow outside. We've named her "86" because that was her body temperature upon arrival to the hospital. Normal cat temperature is 100 to 102.5. If you own her please call the ACO at 508 528 3232. If she makes it through the warming process she'll be one very lucky girl. - HC, Norfolk ACO
1/2 8:44pm Looking for a used GPS system. Only need it once therefore not looking to purchase a new one. If you got a new one for x-mas, and looking to get rid of your old one please let webmaster get it touch with me. Thanks! - DH
1/2 8:43pm The graduating sixth grade class is having a contest to raise funds for our graduation festivities. The fabulous folks at the Little Green Phonebook have given us the cover of the next issue, so we need pictures of your children. Imagine your childon the cover! Its easy, just send in your favorite photo, or as many as you like, along with $10.00 per photo. The contest is open to Norfolk residents only, children must be under the age of 12. Photos must be received before Feb. 1, 2010 and winners will be contacted by Feb. 13th. The staff atVillage Photo, Franklin & the owners of the Little Greenphone will be judging. Send photos along with cash or check (made out to F-C Class of 2010) to Photo Contest, 54 Medway St, Norfolk. Also please print your name, phone # and child's age on the back of each photo. No names will be used in publication and three photos will appear on the cover, so three chances to win! If you have questions contact annedicenso@verizon.net. - AD
1/2 8:41pm When is Norfolk Community Day in June 2010? - KO
1/2 8:40pm Has anyone else seen a decline in birds at the feeder? Does not seem to be as many as last year. Last fall Stony Brook indicated that they saw fewer birds. - RC
1/2 8:39pm Happy New Year! I hope this is a great year for all of us! - SF
1/2 8:38pm AB-G, What on earth are you talking about? ``...whoever has any jurisdiction will fight tooth and nail to keep businesses out of town.'' The Town has made major investments to attract business to the town center, including the road system that connects the new Walgreens and a huge stormwater retention system under Town Hill that makes larger-scale commercial construction feasible. The 1992 Master Plan clearly envisions and encourages business expansion and Town Meeting voted to change the zoning in the center of town (twice) to make it more business-friendly. The likely reasons that the Town center has been slow to develop are: (1) the center is not near any major highways, so we don't get the traffic volumes that businesses like supermarkets look for; (2) Norfolk is abutted by seven other towns all of whom already have developed business centers; (3) shopping malls remain the preferred sites for commercial development where many stores attract more customers.
The idea that Norfolk is anti business is not only untrue, it hasn't been true for at least a quarter of a century.
- HRB (#1)
1/2 9:23am For households participating in the Boy Scout Xmas Tree pickup, today's (1/2) pickups are postponed to next Saturday (1/9) with the snow. - KC