Q1 2006 Norfolknet Notes, Jan-Mar 2006This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
3/31 5:46pm Re: I do find irony in its (the CARE group's) apparent redundancy of human capital and effort already in place through the PTA, School Committee, and Town Counsel. That's the irony of the free market -- it works best with lots of wasteful redundancy, and not at all with none. Holds for the marketplace of ideas as well.
- AR
3/31 5:41pm Re: 3/31 2:31pm I have been searching the Norfolk websites trying to find the outcome of the Weeber property purchase proposal by the CPA. What was the outcome? Thanks, - LQ The warrant for the Jan 31, 2006 Special Town Meeting appears here: [Town Hall PDF]
The results for that vote appear here: 2/1 8:54am Article 1, the purchase of the Weeber property, passed. - Wm.
- BH
3/31 5:39pm PA, thank you for putting to words a very caring tribute to those who serve us on a daily basis in this town. I have often maintained it is goodness that speaks softly and with a positive direction. Unfortunately, the rash negative types speak the loudest. It is evident in all form of the media. If only the kinder gentler souls would speak up to be heard like you, then perhaps the futures of our children would reflect the same. Human nature is to learn from experience, and if raised in an irrational way, then the cycle of seeing the glass half empty will continue for generations to come. I find it a bit frustrating to see again, in print a renewed attempt by one contributor to force the readers of this page to see a view in their way. It is apparent there is truly a lack of discipline there. - BF
3/31 5:25pm RH, Norfolk may not have a strong legal case against Stop and Shop, but we could be employing other tactics to force their hand. For example, we could wage a very effective public relations campaign against them, taking advantage of Ahold's poor corporate record and their aggressive land banking tactics in other states such as Connecticut. Ahold is a large corporation and they are concerned about their corporate image. We need some fresh innovative thinking here. Doing nothing just because we might not have a clear cut legal case is a losing strategy. You're right, there are no easy answers to the budget. That's why we need to take a business-like approach and do the best job we can each year to keep spending in line with revenue. Annual overrides are not the answer. The property tax is very regressive and unfairly places the tax burden on those with limited financial resources, just because their houses have risen in value. This is forcing people to sell their beloved homes and move out of town. If property taxes continue at their current rate of growth, they will ultimately undermine our property values.
Remember the CPC members are appointed by the Selectmen. The CPC holds the purse strings to the only real savings the town has, so it's an important committee. We need to better utilize these funds and this can only happen through the CPC approval process. This committee can function better.
Regarding business development, our track record speaks for itself. Looking around I see lots of vacant parcels that could be developed to bring in more tax revenue. You yourself said it best, we have to set up conferences to help developers "get through the maze of state and local regulations." Why do we have such a maze of local regulations in the first place? There is a reason so many parcels are vacant. We can do better here as well.
- SM
3/31 4:31pm I met the owners of the new nail salon today, Star Nails. 508-528-3200. Located at the O'Laughlin Bldg. 206 Main St. Very nice couple, Dave and Lisa, had my nails done and Dave did a nice job. Just wanted to wish them luck and to let the town know that we now have a place to be pampered. Good prices also. They had purchased a new lighted sign but when it was installed, big shock, the town said, oh by the way, no lighted signs. Hmmm. would have been nice to tell them that before, but hey, that's Norfolk for ya. - JW 3/31 2:56pm Election season's in full swing, the rhetoric is heating up! And it sure is a gorgeous day out there today. - Wm.
3/31 2:47pm Everyone seems to hold the selectmen at fault for not 'forcing' Stop & Shop to built on the property. I for one am not aware of any law that requires a land owner to build a structure, nor have I heard anyone here claim to have known of one. Also, based on the presentation at last years town meeting, I do not believe all or even a significant portion our financial problems would be solved by developing this property. Sure the town center may have a better appearance, more for people to do, and perhaps some of the existing shops would benefit from increased traffic to the center. But my concern about building a Stop & Shop is like others. I am afraid that should they build the typical mega-store, that this town would not be able to support it to the point that it would make financial sense for Stop & Shop to close. By then sadly, we may have even lost some of the existing stores in the center that compete with Stop & Shop due to the loss of sales. We now end up with a center that looks even worse.
Finally, I don't know of anyone that can think of a project that would qualify for CPA funds that would provide a benefit to everyone. Perhaps best I can think of would be to ask Stop & Shop to lease the land to the town for something like $1 per year for ten years. We could than cover the area and make parks on the two parcels. Heck let them pay for the building the fields and call them Stop & Shop field. We still get taxes, they get to keep out the competition, and we get a better looking center. Then maybe we could use some CPA funds to construct a simple (read low cost maybe even community built for those concerned about tax dollars) summer theater stage for the concerts and plays. Maybe even a summer movie night. For some reason the summer concerts at the rec fields just don't hold the same feeling as those that were held at the gazebo.
- SF
3/31 2:42pm Re: 3/31 12:32pm MA, Mike Kulesza is honest, smart and creative. ... - SM Questions for SM:
1. Under what authority from which Massachusetts General Law may the Town "force Stop and Shop to build or give up the site"?
2. "each year they come back for another override". What would you do, tell King Philip we won't approve their budget? Tell the Norfolk schools to lay off teachers? Tell the health insurance firms that Norfolk will not pay higher rates? Tell the MBTA that we will not pay their unreasonable increased assessments? Tell the Governor to distribute some of the 1.2 Billion dollars in undistributed funds available at State level? These are difficult questions, which all of us in town are very concerned about. There are no easy answers. Those who offer simplistic answers may be uninformed.
3. The CPC committee is not being held accountable? In what respect? It is the Town Meeting that approves any expenditure, not the CPC. They may recommend to the Town Meeting, but folks in the Town Meeting spend the money.
4. We have a lack of business development in town ? Some businesses held off until Town water was available. Now there is a large amount of commercial land under active development near Provo Liquors off Rt. 1A.
Comment: All of our Selectmen are honest, smart, and creative, plus they are experienced in Town Government.
The "Round Table" conferences have apparently done a lot to allow developers to get through the maze of local and state regulations pertaining to building. These conferences are meant to make the permitting processes more user-friendly. If anyone has additional suggestions to improve local government, you might contact the Selectmen or Town Administrator, here: [Town Hall web site]
- BH
3/31 2:32pm I never considered myself the sensitive type, but I am uncomfortable reading the CARE group's references to the School Committee and the Superintendent. I applaud the civic commitment, and I respect the "right of the people" to express their opinion - or discuss statements of fact, etc. That said, against a budgetary backdrop of much needed fiscal restraint and cost cutting, I do find irony in its apparent redundancy of human capital and effort already in place through the PTA, School Committee, and Town Counsel. I mean, I consider myself to be as involved as the next parent with regard to the learning environment to which I entrust the development of little junior each day, and the fact is - the kid loves School, loves his teachers- and frankly- I think they have a pretty good thing going. In this era of MCAS and No Child Left Behind, there isn't a whole lot of wiggle room for any of the stakeholders.
That said, my observation of the Superintendent is that she is a pretty sharp cat, and together with the School Committee, they have done a pretty good job of managing morale and providing the students and faculty with a curriculum they can be proud of, and an environment in which they can succeed.
Let's let them do their jobs in accordance with the realities of the landscape. I am concerned that this Smoking Gun mentality is going to translate into uneasiness among the ranks of our valued front line educators, which in turn could lead to increased turnover, diminished creativity, and the other intangibles which currently inspire the success of the school environment.
Let's not leverage the taxpayer dollars of Norfolk to somehow champion and underwrite the fight to challenge the guidelines and expectations of the No Child Left Behind era. I understand that we lost an educator mid- year, and the poor children were left without the center of their universe. The good news is - they are kids- and they appear to have bounced back. The bad news is - some taxpayers and voters continue to experience adjustment issues. In the end, the impact appears no different than if a teacher had to go out for extended medical or maternity leave.
As a result, let's not diminish our shared investment in the Superintendent, and let's not diminish the commitment of the School Committee. And let's not unintentionally undermine the morale of the front line teachers. Otherwise, it's going to cost big dollars to fix- in terms of soft dollar intangibles and hard dollar recruitment, contract and capital costs.
- PA (no relation to PA in previous posts)
3/31 2:31pm I have been searching the Norfolk websites trying to find the outcome of the Weeber property purchase proposal by the CPA. What was the outcome? Thanks, - LQ
3/31 2:30pm To MA: I am neither running Mike Kulesza's campaign nor part of his admiration society (I had heard that one might be formed, though!) I just happened to meet him, and came away impressed with his vision. He has a plan for what needs to be fixed in Norfolk, and I really believe he'll go about trying to fix it as best he can. Things have been on hold for three years, or more, and it's time for someone new to jump start them. Somehow I don't see naysayers posting things about Mike in three years saying that he failed to accomplish what he set out to do. - JC 3/31 2:06pm Norfolk, we get what we pay for. Take your anger and energy to Beacon Hill.
Sen. Scott Brown 617-722-1555, scott.p.brown@state.ma.us;
Richard Ross 617-722-2305, Rep.RichardRoss@Hou.State.MA.USIn the meantime, overrides are necessary EVERY YEAR. We should get used to them and stop thinking that they are indicative of mismanagement. Rather, they are indicative of costs increasing greater than 2.5% a year. It gets worse when the state's contributions are less every year while their mandates continue to grow. As a result, the local property owner is left making up the growing gap.
If you like the rural nature of Norfolk, and are opposed to Stop and Shop-type developments, then you should be the first to stand up and proclaim your desire to pay higher than AVERAGE taxes. Yes, we are only paying AVERAGE taxes based upon property value. With such little commercial base, you'd expect we'd already be paying higher than average taxes.
- Median household income: top 8.4% of all MA communities
- Ave. property value: top 11.9% of all MA communities
- Ave. tax bill: top 16% of all MA communitiesWhat this demonstrates is, we pay lower than average taxes considering both income and property value. Pick up your 4BR 2.5 BA Colonial (or better), move it to Norwell, Hingham, Lexington, anywhere nice, and just see how much out-of-pocket taxes you will be paying (in exchange for more people and more traffic)!
All this means is that Norfolk does operate very lean -- that our officials and employees have done a good job keeping costs and taxes down. But we can afford more, and we can afford local circuit breaker relief for our fixed-income seniors and others. The Commonwealth knows this and is considering less Chapter 70 money per pupil for towns like Norfolk. It's only going to get worse. Pick up the phone. Phone numbers above.
Regarding our children's education: we get what we pay for (quality of Superintendent and quality of Education). Norfolk's annual per pupil investment: $6,149 top 71% -- Huh? Yep, we're in the bottom 1/3 of the ENTIRE State when we fund public education! Plainville $6499, Wrentham $6499, Bellingham $6357, Hopkinton $8176, Wellesley $9802, Bedford $9546.
Let's review: Norfolk: top tenth in income; bottom third in education.
Don't our hard working, underpaid teachers deserve more from us? Will we be able to attract and retain the best teachers if they have to worry every year whether they will have job? If I were a good teacher, I'd start looking to a town that invests in education. Who will want to go into teaching if this is the work environment we create?
Don't our kids deserver better?
What are the alternatives? (How much are you willing to pay for education? What are your values?)
Sage School: $17,800/year/child
Charles River School: $25,600/child
Ursaline Academy: $4,185/child
Median yearly tuition for MA Independent Schools $18,597/child
Norfolk: $0 or override: $364 (a few hundred dollars/household -- not per child).
or move to another town and your taxes will still most likely be higher (because your house will be worth more and/or their tax rate will be higher).
- RG
3/31 12:35pm I checked Mike's web site out, I have to tell you I don't find his campaign views very impressive. These are just broad generic statements that will take years to realize. Voters have more immediate questions for these candidates, which is how they are going to take us out of this financial mess? Perhaps, one way is to raise our taxes, which is unacceptable to most of the voters. The candidates need to come out with creative strategies to get us out of this financial mess; let the one with the best idea win.
- TS
3/31 12:34pm CR: The porta-potty was delivered to Pond Street earlier this week. One of them is near the much-discussed shed. - TS 3/31 12:32pm MA, Mike Kulesza is honest, smart and creative. He is forward thinker who is a great business person who knows how to work with groups and build a consensus. With all due respect to Ramesh, he has talked a good game but what has he accomplished? We continue to look at the moonscape and nothing has been done to force Shop and Stop to build or give up the site. The town can't operate within it's budget and each year they come back for another override. The CPC committee is not being held accountable and has not yet put approved a project that will benefit all the town residents instead of select special interest groups. We have a lack of business development in town and the town is viewed as anti-businesses. I'd say it's time for a change. - SM
3/31 12:23pm This may be a little off-topic, but if the town or the state as a whole wants to save money, why not remove all the speed limit signs along the roads and reuse them for other kinds of signs - after all, nobody seems to know what they mean anyway. Just a thought. - CR
3/31 11:22am JC, Are you running Mike's campaign or are you just a member of his admiration society. - MA
3/31 10:33am Hey PA - I was at a meet and greet coffee the other day for Mike Kulesza. There were at least 50 people there (more than the usual Fall Town Meeting.) Mike is the forward thinking candidate. Did you catch Ramesh in the Boomerang? "We need to be deliberate and show a firm but fiscally responsible approach" Sounds like Ramesh, the 'every other year Override Selectman,' wants us to sit back and wait. At least Kulesza has a plan. He even has a website: VoteIlikemike.org
- JC
[Hey, I don't mind political ads on the page, but perhaps add some fine print -- you know, "This message was brought to you by..." etc. - Wm.]
3/31 9:20am Two quick points: 1) The superintendent is our employee. She works for us and we pay her salary. 2) The School Committee is comprised of elected officials, whom we vote into office (which is why it's important to attend events like the CARE Candidates' Forum on April 9). The superintendent reports directly to the School Committee. - CAM
3/31 9:14am I read minutes from another school commitee meeting recently that stated they were prepared to extend the lease of NCTV, and even voted as such [minutes here], yet I read last week in the Boomerang that they informed NCTV they need to pack up and move. What's up with that? - PC
3/31 9:10am CR, Just to let you know the Boy Scouts is a Christian based organization. In most public schools in Massachusetts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are not allowed to use state facilities (this started with predjudices of not allowing gay men to be Boy Scout leaders, unjustly so). Again, we go back to separation of church and state. Although it was a nice gesture to allow the senior citizens use of their facility, let us not forget that the Boy Scouts is a christian based organzation, therefore, the church is the perfect place to hold these meetings. - DWL
3/30 10:56pm SP, our superintendent is not the first elected official with a difficult job to do and also have their contract scrutinized by the public. What elected official isn't scrutinized by the public that they are supposed to be serving? If she doesn't want her contract to be public record, she should get a job in the private sector. As parents of the children in this school system, I think we have every right to question the decisions being made and the details of the contracts being offered. If our school system is so strapped that it has to start cutting teachers and enrichment programs, but yet provide a 20% raise to the superintendent of the two schools, some people are bound to raise some flags. - JM
3/30 10:55pm Regarding JC's comment about upcoming board elections, is there any new information on the Board of Health situation? What was the outcome with Mr. Domey? Was he fired from Norfolk? If so, have we gotten a replacement? Any info would be helpful. - JM
3/30 9:51pm I agree with JC about the need for change in our town government, whether these people are elected or appointed. I had the chance to meet Mike Kulesza, who is running for selectman, and I came away from that meeting thoroughly impressed. As fas as the ZBA, how does one go about getting on that committee? - PA
3/30 8:58pm Everyday, newspapers and websites across the globe report on management decisions made by people in positions of authority, whether in private/public business or in their capacities as superintendents. To me, it's not a shame that anyone has to do a difficult job and is publicly accountable. That comes with the territory. In fact, with new corporate compliance laws, there are lots of people in high level positions with greater responsibilities, visibility and accountability than ever before. Turns out, that's a good thing. - CAM 3/30 8:52pm CARE announces a special, nonpartisan forum specifically for School Committee candidates who are running in the upcoming, contested election. The forum will be held on Sunday, April 9, 2006 from 3 - 4 in the Norfolk Public Library, Community Room. The CARE Candidates' Forum provides for a specific focus on School Committee candidates that acknowledges the importance of the School Committee role. To encourage community participation, the format is designed to include questions that reflect the pulse of Norfolk. The CARE forum is designed to complement the Norfolk Community League's Candidate's Night on Monday, April 10.
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
- CM, Norfolk CARE
3/30 4:58pm Yes, I concur with JB. It can be easy to criticize the superintendent's compensation when you don't see the dynamic requirements of the role. Should she ever choose not to continue the good job she's doing here, the next superintendent will cost even more. In my opinion, it's a shame that anyone has to do a difficult job and have there their salary, bereavement and other job elements, and management decisions posted on websites and in newspapers. Persons in similar business roles don't have that. P.S.: There are several opportunities to see the proposed school budget and present your ideas and suggest alternatives. Our school administration is supposed to develop the budget alternatives we hear of and make the tough unpleasant choices. Every tax-funded group in Norfolk faces this every year and the solutions will be more unpleasant each year. Sadly, we may end up with more and more fee-based services as the larger cities use.
P.P.S.: I completely disagreed with CPA funds going to any church, but my 'nay' was the only one heard at that town meeting. I support the town's decision because the matter was discussed openly and the voters decided. That's the way it should be.
- SP
3/30 4:57pm Re: the post by JC at 4:29pm, "ZBA (Hopefully we'll see a change at the top. It is overdue.)" - The ZBA members aren't elected, they are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. - AB
3/30 4:41pm JB - That can be said about almost any job in the public sector, non-profits, civil service etc. - MJD
3/30 4:32pm A discussion on process and adherence to rules might stimulate some further thoughts and informed discussions regarding the School Committee. Sorry in advance for the long post, but I hope you will all find this information as compelling, relevant and important as I do. For starters, you might review the School Committee minutes dated 2/7/06 if you'd like some background on the timing of the superintendent's contract finalization: [norfolk.k12.ma.us link] Specifically, these 3 italicized excerpts may be of interest:
Parent Community Representatives: ...asked for investigation into how the matter was handled in particular, the communication and requested a report from the committee and until then that the Committee suspend contract negotiations with the Superintendent; ...presented letter and petition to committee.At this point, you may be wondering: where is the reference to the signing/finalization of the superintendent's contract? Then you are in good company... read on:New Business - Ed Piscitelli asked Kim Williams what the petition specifically stated. His concern was that since the agenda stated that the committee was prepared to finalize the Superintendent's contract in Executive Session and wanted to know if the petition mentioned the Superintendent's contract.
Executive Session - not necessary.
At the 3/7/06 meeting (minutes have not been posted yet) the School Committee Chair 1) acknowledged that the Superintendent's contract was signed in an Executive Session immediately preceding the open meeting on 2/7/06 (this was also reported in the press) and 2) indicated that this should have been disclosed to those in attendance.
There's an Open Meeting Law that applies to all School Committee meetings - it must be followed. Guidelines by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General are provided by the Attorney General to "give officials a tool to ensure their ability to comply with the Open Meeting Law...and (to) offer to citizens a guide with which to better understand the responsibilities of their elected and appointed officials, and of their rights and the means of enforcing those rights under the Law." [cbsys.ago.state.ma.us link].
Even a cursory read of the Open Meeting Law Guidelines (look especially at the sections on Executive Sessions, Convening, and Minutes) give rise to questions as to not only what gets done, but how it gets done and whether it was done correctly in this case.
I'm certainly no expert in this area, but there are reasons to query whether there has been compliance with the open meeting law. The answer is not an obvious yes. And that leads to an interesting read of the section on Remedies...
3/30 4:30pm Regarding the comments on the Federated Church, one thing that hasn't been mentioned is that the Church has historically allowed use of its rooms to groups in town that have no other convenient meeting space. For example, the seniors used to meet at the church for many of their functions prior to the new Senior Center being built. Currently, the Boy Scouts, Troop #80, meet every week at the Church. On another note, I was at Pond Street this week and didn't even notice a single Porta-Potty. With two sons playing baseball, and also as someone who enjoys going to the summer concerts, I guess I, and many others, will be once again wondering if we can make it to the end of the practice or concert... or will I have to use that Porta-Potty? The facility is getting used more and more, but not having bathrooms there is a major downside!
- CR
3/30 4:29pm Here's my take on the upcoming election. We need new members on the following boards: Selectmen (We can't continue on with the overrides, change must occur.)
Health (We need new leadership there. The debacle with the unlicensed agent was embarrassing.)
ZBA (Hopefully we'll see a change at the top. It is overdue.)
I suppose I could go on, but I'm trying to stay positiive!
- JC
3/30 2:01pm If you think superintendents are overpaid, become one. - JB
3/30 12:45pm GDL - please re-read my post. The only reason I zeroed in on the bereavement pay was it was the only number I could specifically remember from the contract. In fact, I think the vacation and sick time may be higher than I mentioned. I said my experience has shown 3 days to be the norm - granted, I have always worked for companies as an "at will" employee, that is, no employment contract. I believe most people are like myself - no contract. You are fortunate your employer allows unlimited days off, but again, the norm is 3 days. My experience has also shown most people must work for a company for 10 years to earn 4 weeks vacation. Should they leave or lose that job and go to work somewhere else, guess what, they are back to 1-2 weeks vacation. My point is there are many hardworking people out there doing jobs just as difficult as a school super that do not come close to this amount of time off. I do agree, however, that bereavement pay is one benefit none of us want to use.
3/30 12:44pm JC - You bring up a good point about Selectman Chairman Advani. I watch cable and see Hathaway and Lehan working hard to try to avoid an override... Selectman Advani not present. You would think someone who is running for re-election would consider this a crucial time to be present. This is the same Selectman Advani who was not present for the Town Meeting vote on Weeber property. Sending it by email just does not cut it. If you want to represent the Town of Norfolk, stop trying to do it long distance - the job obviously requires more time than you can commit.
- PC
3/30 10:47am I see a lot of talk here about yet another override. Where has the current Selectmen Chairman been on all of this? For a guy who ran 3 years ago as the fiscal conservative - 2 overrides in 3 years - and now he wants to be re-elected? No way! Time for the incumbents to leave.
- JC
3/30 8:55am Note: if you've written us bout adding your business to the
Town Businesses page of Norfolknet and heard nothing back, your e-mail might have gotten lost, please try again. The e-mail address on the listings page was misconfigured, and messages sent though it did not arrive; I apologize.- Wm.
3/30 8:14am Wm.: We're looking into limo service to Logan. A while back, there were several postings about transportation services to the airport. Do you recall when so that I can peruse the archives? Thanks. - TMN
[Sure, most recently the question came up on 1/13 2:31pm 2006 Q1 with replies on and off through 1/17; previously, see 3/31 12:12pm and following in 2005 Q1. (No, I didn't quite recall, but I have better search tools available than the ^F built into the browser :-) - Wm.]
3/29 8:53pm Norfolknet received an e-mail from a resident expressing some thoughts on the override and school finances; with permission, I am sharing some excerpts -- Has anyone ever thought of having just one superintendent for all three towns? Have we considered having just one principal for both schools? This must not be a new thought. But, I've been looking at salaries of Superindendents in other towns and really have to question the value of what we get for our money. We have two little schools and a Superintendent making $125k plus benefits. I don't believe the population even reaches 1,000 students. If you look at the pay in other towns/cities, number of students and many inclusive of a K thru 12 system, the pay seems high (I'm assuming a compensation analysis was done and we checked these numbers?? It's easy enough to Google the questions you want answered ... If we want to pay a superintendent that much, maybe we can put more burden on that person and reduce the number of principals. I know in Lexington last year they hired a superintendent for approx. $140K and they have approx 4400 students and a K thru 12 system.- Wm.I think we need to look at sharing more duties between the two schools such as what they are looking at (Spanish, art, music, ...), but I think we need to go further. I think the administrative staff is also not off limits - did I hear correctly that the superintendent's office has 5 admins? In the private sector more is being asked of people - there no longer exists these large pools of secretaries, etc. With the advent of Word, we can all do our own spreadsheets and documents.
3/29 8:51pm DM makes a lot of good points. I have also heard talk of other perks the superintendent received in the new contract, such as a $5000.00 signing bonus and reimbursement for gas. The fact that this was approved quietly in the midst of the Eric Matez scandal, when many parents were calling for her head on a platter, makes it more outrageous. Does the school committee have sole discretion on contract negotiations? I agree that the teachers have taken the hit too many times when it comes to making cuts. How do you look subordinates in the eye when you get a 20% raise and teachers are being laid off? I would be ashamed to do so. - KM
3/29 8:42pm I think MG is spot-on. We need to send a loud message to the "in our pockets groups" in town that those days are over! Three things we can do are: (1) Call Norfolk Town Hall now and register our firm opposition to this. (2) Take five minutes to register to vote at town hall. (3) Attend in large numbers the town meetings. The best I can tell there is little more than a handful of people pushing agendas at the meetings.
That said, we need to be mindful that the folks in town government and the schools are doing a fine job providing the services that we do have and that they are in fact on our team. In particular, I'd say we have an outstanding Police and Fire Department.
If [Wm] would be willing to set up a proxy mail or contact site for it, I am willing to coordinate an information group for those who want to slow this thing down until the town can find a permanent solution. Is this doable [Wm]?
[Sure! I set up box30@norfolknet.com as an automatic fowarder that reaches JPB; JPB can reply to people, gauge interest and organize the group - Wm.]
3/29 8:41pm RJP, I would commend the superintendent on their negotiating skills to land such a contract. I dare say, four plus weeks, 10 sick days (accumulating), professional development time and five bereavement days is not exorbitant. Imagine pissing and moaning over how many bereavement days someone gets; jeez, haven't we better things to talk about. I have had unlimited (per occurence) bereavement days for the past 7 years at my job and have yet to use one! Much good they are doing me!! I applaud success, I &)9!!@%^ begrudgers!!! - GDL
3/29 6:54pm [Update 3/30 1:27pm: post listing areas where school spending could be tightened and the program improved (administration compensation, outside experts, administrative overhead, school libraries, rotating specials, new math) removed by request - Wm.]
3/29 6:28pm Did the Boomerang compare the Super's contract to a comparably sized system? - MJD
3/29 5:37pm If you missed the superintendent's contract, go to the library, where they store older copies of The Boomerang. I must have missed that one, so I plan on checking it out. As far as the land being cleared on Rte. 115, I was in the restaurant around the corner at lunch, and two of the architects/developers were in there saying the radio station has been approved for a 10,000 watt signal, so they're building new studios, and also dropping the talk format and picking up a rap music format. - JC
3/29 5:08pm I agree regarding no more overrides. As seniors, we need to watch our spending and the town does as well. If cuts need to be made in our home, they get made. The town should follow suit. - JHR
3/29 5:07pm JC & MG, CARE is holding School Committee Candidates Forum on April 9th from 3-4PM, it is open to public and those who can't make it they can send their questions to box29@norfolknet.com or by mail to PO Box 94, Norfolk, MA 02056. - TS
3/29 5:06pm Not only is the Superintendent the highest paid official, you should see the vacation, sick and "professional development" time that is in the contract. The Boomerang published the entire contract a few weeks ago. I wish I had saved it so I could give accurate numbers. As I recall the vacation was more than 4 weeks, sick time was around 2 weeks, plus it could be accumulated - you know that trick - leave or retire and then ask for a check for unused sick time. The one specific number I do remember is 5 days off for a death in the family. I've work many jobs over the years and found the standard everywhere to be 3 days. Someone on the school committee was quoted in the Boomerang saying her salary was in the lower 20% of supers in the state. Ok, but she is in charge of two elementary schools - K thru 6. What are the salaries of supers that have similar sized systems? There are people out there making around that but they run entire K-12 systems with more than 2 schools and thousands of students.
3/29 1:29pm About the CPA, the Grange is registered as a Historic site, but the Federated Church is not. As far as the schools, our Superintendant is now the highest paid employee of the town, and the secretary she brought with her is also now the highest paid in that position in the town. This makes the override seem more maddening when you think about it.
- JC
3/29 1:26pm I am glad to see more postings against any more tax overrides in Norfolk. If a request for an override was to become a reality. I for one would be willing to be part of a group opposing it. I would not know where to start, but would be willing to help any way possible, be it putting a sign in front of my house or handing out leaflets. Let's show the selectmen and town officials that there is no support for any more tax overrides. - MG
3/29 12:17am I checked out the web site on the CPA fund and two things struck me. The fund is a 3% surcharge on our real estate tax which of course is receiving more money every time an override is voted in; so not all the override money can go toward the project to which we are voting. This money is apparently matched by the state but must be used for the following: -Acquisition and preservation of open space
-Creation and support of affordable housing
-Acquisition and preservation of historic buildings and landscapes
A minimum of 10% of the annual revenues of the fund must be used for each of the three core community concerns. The remaining 70% can be allocated for any combination of the allowed uses, or for land for recreational use.
Also, on the home page it states if the residents feel it is not working for them they can repeal it. Is it working? What have we used it for in the past and have there been occasion when we were spending the funds because we needed something for the town or did we just spend money we had to spend? Do we really want to have to spend 3% of the budget in these areas EVERY year? What is the alternative to the CPA fund?
- MC
Oops - apparently the CPA fund surcharge is not taken from 3% of the revenues received, it's actually a surcharge that each individual must pay as a percentage of your own tax bill - so every time an override is passed we must also increase the amount of surcharge money we are paying, as % is based on the tax we are paying. I believe it is listed on your tax bill as 'Comm Pres' under special assessments. So keep it in mind that we are also putting more money into this fund (in addition to our taxes, a separate surcharge) every time we vote for an override (check out the increases there too). Is this fund working for us?If we don't repeal it, can we reduce the % taken since we have raised our taxes so much?
- MC
3/29 12:15am I see a lot of land clearing taking place next to the radio station on Rt. 115. Does anyone know what's going on there?? - RP
3/28 22:25pm There is plenty of information out there about the CPA, here are some helpful links... also, I have found the members of the CPC here in town to be more than willing to answer questions about what the CPA is, and what its criteria and limitations are, plus, they meet monthly, and the meetings are public. Massachusetts Community Preservation Act
Mass general laws concerning CPA
Norfolk CPC website
Executive office of Environmental Affairs at MA.gov
- CG
3/28 9:22pm I'm on board with the NO MORE OVERRIDES voters. We all have expenses and limited resources. I feel horrible for the elderly and others on fixed incomes. Like all business organizations and families, the town will have to get more creative or cut back. It seems it may be time for the town to launch a more aggressive campaign to attract businesses. Ideally, ones that are a good fit with the fabric of the community. While it is unlikely provide relief now, it may 5 to 10 years out. - JPB
3/28 9:21pm Yes, overrides will be difficult, no doubt. Couldn't help wonder as I passed the colorful Corita gas tank in Dorchester if we could get some revenue for letting a vendor spill paint on the Town Water tank in a like artistic manner? What if offered Stop and Shop the privilege (at some nominal fee) of being the vendor??
At one fell swoop the Town will get much delayed revenue and also an affirmation that they are serious in the completeion in a timely manner of the project!!!
- JO
3/28 9:20pm Can someone explain the whole CPA fund thing to me? I remember voting for it - seemed like a nice idea at the time...but I would reconsider it in light of the recent school cuts. thanks for the info! - CMK
3/28 9:19pm Is the school's superintendent's salary and most recent pay raise public information? If so please post. - ER
3/28 6:53pm I have to agree with other previous postings. My husband and I have always supported the schools but there is no way we will vote for this override. They have had their hands out one too many times. Our personal expenses have gone through the roof but we need to find a way work within our budget. It's time the town does too. We have reached our breaking point. - MP
3/28 4:29pm I have to agree with those who posted that we vote NO for any more overrides. I too have voted for them in the past, but will NOT vote for another one. Enough is enough! This town has to learn to start working within a given budget and not continually come back to the citizens looking for more overrides. If it was the corporate world, either someone would be fired for not being able to manage the budget, or it would come down to layoffs. - PN
3/28 2:53pm SM - I vote we rescind the CPA tax. I'm done with overrides. Time to start laying off people. P.S. Anyone know if the Town is paying to have Rt. 115 paved again? I saw an outside contractor grinding up the road (less than a half year old) and assumed something was wrong. I wonder what was wrong and why it needed to be redone.
- LS
3/28 2:27pm I am not sure I would want to live in a town with excellent schools and no historical focus. There can be a balance if people are willing to work together. - JR
3/28 2:02pm Under state law, the $335,000 of CPA Funds proposed to be spent on the privately owned Grange Hall cannot be used to fund an override. Over $2.5 million of our hard-earned money have gone to fund the CPA, yet at the same time we have insufficient funds in the general budget and face annual overrides and soaring property taxes. It would help take pressure off the general budget if the CPA funds were used prudently to fund public projects earmarked to be funded from the general budget. Instead the CPA is being used to fund projects that benefit special interest groups like the Grange Hall. With a nice new building funded by Norfolk taxpayers, I am sure the Grange Hall will be able to rent out the building for functions at much higher rental rates. All in the name of "Community Preservation". - SM
3/28 12:50pm I apologize if I missed this and the info was already posted but: 1) What is the $300,000 - $350,000 proposed for the Grange going to be spent on? Can someone please provide the list of projects and how that figure was determined?
2) I've seen comments that the Grange was privately owned? Who owns it?
Any insights would be helpful.
3/28 12:05pm Is the town going to have the street sweeper clean the streets, or do you have to call and request that your street needs it? Thanks, - PP
3/28 12:04pm We have always voted for the schools, but find that our real estate taxes are so high now with everything we have funded that we will vote against the next proposed override. How about this nice raise that our superintendent just received... maybe some of her raise should go to keeping the Spanish teacher that we voted for a few years back? I also agree that the money the town is thinking of using for the Grange should be allocated appropriately - to the schools and the roads. - EP
3/28 10:56am Priorities are needed! I understand the reasoning behind helping to fund historic buildings, but why are we talking about giving 300K+ to the Grange when almost the same amount is being requested in another override or else we will make more cuts at the schools. How about we take this 300K we seem to have for the Grange and give it to the schools. Let the people vote for an override to give money to the Grange and see how that comes out. - MC
3/28 8:13am JHR, Norfolk Recreation has not received any complaints or concerns about the walking path at the Pond St. Complex. Enjoy your walk. - Todd P Chisholm, Norfolk Recreation
3/28 8:12am RJP, re: If the porta-potty company knocked the shed off its footings at the Pond Street fields why exactly is the Norfolk DPW fixing it? Are we being reimbursed? The shed/sheds at the Pond St. filed would not have been knocked off the footings if they had footing that were in line with the building code. Four foot deep and the shed/sheds would be fastened to them. At present, they sit on blocks and are unstable. A real concern may be if a ball should roll under one of them and a very small child crawls under to retrieve it...
- BF
3/28 1:22am I have spent the last two hours reading all about the town I've lived in for the past 35 years. Some things never change, like the moonscape. Well, maybe not quite 35 years. This is an interesting and useful venue for Norfolk residents. My question involves the walking path around the Pond Street Recreational facility. I'm a Senior and a bit reluctant to go there. Basically, I'm asking whether there have been any complaints or concerns regarding safety. Thank you.
3/27 7:13pm I posted an item a while back about receiving my 3 Excise Tax bills in one mailing and wondering why we couldn't save some town money by putting them in one envelope. Jack Hathaway looked into this in depth. His analysis is posted on the Answers to FAQ' s page on the town web site, [here] He did, in fairness, really dig into this one. Nothing is as simple as it appears. Oh well - let's keep looking for savings - we're really going to need them.
Just some other musings -
- If the porta-potty company knocked the shed off its footings at the Pond Street fields why exactly is the Norfolk DPW fixing it? Are we being reimbursed?
- If a resident or group of residents wanted to write up a mailing about not supporting an override would the schools send them home in the kids' backpacks? (See posting 3/24 2:28pm)
- 10+ years ago when the Norfolk Little League needed a concession stand and storage space near the Babe Ruth and Football fields they paid for it and volunteers built it. Have we gotten so lazy that no one wants to work anymore? Up until then there were not even porta-potties at the fields. Yes, they're gross, but it beats a trip to the woods.
- As far as the CPC and the Grange Hall / Federated Church - If a building is on the historic register it should be considered for help. It's not a church vs. state issue or a private group / Protestant / Catholic thing. When St. Jude's is on the register, they too could ask for all the money they want. They had a historic building in the center of town - the old Rectory - where the Sovereign Bank is now which was torn down in the darkness of night without permits and hauled to the town dump. It was cheaper to pay the fines than do it by the rules.
- Speaking of the dump - I was on the old "Dump Committee" with Charlie Jerome years ago. Yes, he was a thorn in the Selectmen's and Highway Dept.'s side. He was cantankerous (think I spelled it correctly !!), he was a democrat. I heard his fascinating stories of WW2 hundreds of times but he always had the best interests of this town in his heart. Sometimes when I'm ranting to my wife about local issues she smiles and says "You sound like Charlie Jerome". I can live with that.
3/27 3:16pm To SM, Thank you for your post. A manager is only as good as his/her crew. I am very lucky to have a hard working and dedicated crew. The three men who work with me on the Grounds Div. have a strong commitment to the town. It makes my job that much easier. You don't always hear about a job well done. Usually, you only hear the negatives. The responses to my post have been much appreciated. Thanks again! - Tom Benedetti / Foreman, Grounds Maintenance Div., Norfolk D.P.W.
3/27 3:16pm Get to know your School Committee candidates at the CARE Candidates' Forum on Sunday, April 9 from 3 - 4:30 in the Norfolk Public Library, Community Room. CARE announces a special, nonpartisan forum specifically for School Committee candidates who are running in the upcoming, contested election. All candidates for School Committee have been invited. If you are a candidate considering a "write in" campaign and you'd like to participate, please contact CARE. The forum is open to the public and we are hoping for a good turnout. For those unable to attend, the CARE forum will be taped for NCTV.
The CARE Candidates' Forum provides for a specific focus on School Committee candidates. To encourage community participation, the format has been designed to include questions that reflect the pulse of Norfolk and to complement the Norfolk Community League's Candidate's Night on Monday, April 10. CARE welcomes any Norfolk residents and teachers and all interested parties - including school aged children - to submit the questions they want the School Committee candidates to answer. Please make sure we receive your questions by Friday, April 7 by sending them to CARE's email: box29@norfolknet.com or by mail: Box 94, Norfolk MA 02056.
CARE is Citizens committed to Accountability and Reliability in Education for our Norfolk Children. Our primary mission is to offer a supportive resource, forum, and voice in the management of our schools to parents and the community.
3/27 12:06pm The Un-Common Theatre Company announces its "Young Performers Company's" production of "Cinderella's Glass Slipper". The musical show is presented by a talented cast of 32 local actors in Grades 1-6. "Cinderella's Glass Slipper" is the story of Cinderella (Megan Harney of Mansfield) who works hard in the home of her cruel stepmother (Emily Garven of Norfolk). Her silly stepsisters (Ashley Goverman of Mansfield and Stephanie Berenson of Sharon) see themselves as beautiful and think the prince will marry them. Of course, the handsome prince (Johnny Fullerton of Mansfield) spends most of the palace ball trying to escape from them!
Other cast members include: From Norfolk, MA: Maddie Myers (Majordoma) and Caroline Tomsik (Troubadour 2).
Show dates are Friday April 7th at 7:30pm, Saturday April 8th at 2pm and Sunday, April 9th at 2pm at Qualters Middle School, 240 East St, Mansfield, MA. For Tickets call Brown Paper Tickets 24/7 at (800) 838-3006 or order online at brownpapertickets.com
[Additional details in the full press release [here]]
- JG
3/27 11:53am RG-Maybe I wasn't clear, wasn't complaining, didn't think I needed to spell it out but here goes... If you want a say in how the CPA money is spent, attend the Town Meeting! - MJD
[To limit confusion, I should note that two people have posted recently, both with initials RG - Wm.]
3/27 11:52am CPC can be earmarked for historic purposes, but it's up to us, the residents who are the taxpayers, to decide how our CPA tax dollars should be spent. The CPC committee should be putting forth projects that will benefit all residents, not select special interest groups. Spending public tax dollars on restoring buildings used and owned by special interest groups is not a good use of public tax dollars. If we can't spend these funds more prudently, we should revoke the CPA and the tax surcharge. - SM
3/27 11:38am I was disappointed when we gave the $35K +/- to the Federated, and when I first heard about the $350K +/- for the Grange I was appalled. But there are ways to make the deal a lot more palatable. First, we should certainly insist on a historic preservation restriction on the exterior of the building. I've been told that's a part of the deal already, and it's important to ensure that we get to keep one of the few historically significant buildings in town in its historic condition. I don't think we got an explicit restriction on the Federated, but I recall reading somewhere that could be implied from our contribution of public money.
Second, and I believe this has been negotiated as well, but we should get a right of first refusal to purchase the building should it ever go up for sale, with our $350K investment counting against the offer price.
The Grange is an important link to our past in Norfolk. One of the reasons we don't have a lot of the old historic buildings that many other towns have is that we were a little rural farming community. This is one of those buildings, it would be a shame to lose it.
And about the trees on Medway Branch. I haven't been down Medway Branch in a while, so I have no idea what they're doing, but in typical fashion it's probably an over-engineered, too wide road with gigantic sidewalks which could've been a cinder-based sidewalk which wound its way along existing trees. Being a farming community, our most interesting trees tend to be in the right-of-ways, as they were the ones you didn't cut down when plowing a field. Not to be a total tree-hugger, but this antipathy toward nature is getting a litte out of hand.
- RG
3/27 10:41am AR, it is going to be more like Medway Branch Speedway!! A footpath would have been perfect but some people like to destroy the reasons we moved to this town in the first place. If you want wide boulevards go back! - JT
3/27 10:40am You should not have to show up to town meetings to enforce separation of church and state. It is what it is, "separation of church and state." Does it really need to be explained in detail. - DWL
3/27 10:23am To those who are complaining about the use of the CPA funds for the Federated Church and the Grange, if you looked at the criteria for a building receiving those funds, you would see that one of the designations of CPA monies is for historic purposes. The Grange, and the Federated Church, are both on the registry as historic buildings, so they did not get the money because they were privately owned buildings, or because they knew someone on the board, or they just wanted money and figured that this was an easy way to get it -- they got it because they met the criteria as historic!! You need to read, and understand what the CPC is, what the funds are for, and what qualifies and what doesn't before you start making uninformed comments against it. Also, the Federated Church did have a HUGE show of force at the Town meeting... all 14 of them! I know, because I counted them. I am sure there are more than 14 people in this town who didn't want to see the church get that money, so where were they at the town meeting? It's not like this stuff is any big huge secret, or conspiracy. It's public record, and it is put to town vote, only the majority of the town doesn't get out there and attend so they might actually make a difference, or get/not get what they want. I guess it's so much easier to sit home and complain.
- RG
3/27 10:22am Farewell to our beloved Charlie (Jerome) and deepest sympathies to his family and close friends. For many of us his active participation in town meetings symbolized what "small-town" democracy is all about. He will be missed. - TEM
3/27 9:16am JT, it could have been worse -- every one of those trees lining the road was marked for removal, from end to end. There was some amount of resistance to this, resulting in one of the mature pines and some of the younger woods being spared near the Boardman end. It seems to be more than just sidewalks, but a preference for new, redesigned roads. A lot of those stumps look like they're making way for yet another road "realignment." I counted 80 growth rings on one of those pines before the sap blocked the view, with two more inches to go at 1/10 in. ring spacing.
My preference would have been for an unassuming little asphalt path winding among the trees, then jammed right against the road. You know, city-like, not subdivision-like. But think of the lovely granite curbing, perfect for slicing my tire open again. No, no trees like that lining Medway Branch until, say, 2090.
Given the wide, straight highway that's going in, I suggest we rename the new, improved road "Transfer Station Boulevard."
- AR
3/27 8:57am I see we have created another Moonscape, this time on Medway Branch Road. Do we not like trees in this town? I know we are building a sidewalk, which is needed, but do we have to take out all of those great shade trees? What is wrong with a foot path, we are a small community and a road as wide as the train bridge is just too much for that area. - JT
3/27 8:40am To Tom Bendetti, Norfolk DPW - Tom,
We have lived in Norfolk for twelve years and when we first moved to town the athletic fields were in terrible shape. I don't know how long you have been in charge, but we noticed a marked improvement to the condition of the fields a few years ago. The kids used to be playing on dirt and weeds; now they play on finely manicured lush grass. We are impressed that you are able to bring the grass back to life each year after two tough sporting seasons and winter. You have done a great job at improving the condition of the Pond Street facility. So thank you to you and your staff for all the hard work and service to Norfolk! You are a great groundskeeper!
- SM
3/27 8:38am EC-I think you hit the nail on the head. Since many of us don't attend town meeting, all a group has to do to make sure that their project gets the thumbs up (Like the Fed. Church or the Grange) at town meeting is get as many members to the meeting as possible. Some will object, but the group that stacks the meeting will carry the day. If residents are really serious about stopping the $300K from going to the Grange, they need to show up in force and speak up. I doubt that people will come out to stop it, but they can't complain later unless they show up. - MJD
3/27 8:37am PA-I ventured into the "park," it appears to be two benches in the woods with a really nice sign, announcing that it is a park. I was informed by another Norfolknet reader that it was created for the Bicentennial in 1976. - MJD
3/27 8:11am To EC & PA - I'm not a member of the Federated Church. I'm not a member of any church for that matter. But I was not against the use of public funds to paint the church. The Federated Church is a symbol of the "Old New England Town." It's one of the first buildings that people see when they come into town. It's a part of New England history. That old New England "flavor" is what many people mention when asked what made them choose Norfolk as their home. Proper maintenance of such a visible symbol not only shows pride in our town's history, it adds to the desirability of real estate in this town. In other words, it's certainly not hurting our property values!
- JD
3/26 10:33pm Is there organized baseball in or around Norfolk for 4-year-olds? I saw the link to norfolkbaseball.com, but that claims to be for ages 6 and over. I never played until I was 8, but I hear they start younger these days, and my son would love it... (Other sports/activities, too?) - SJP
3/26 10:31pm To EC: Great point on the Grange. A private club with limited use, and they want that kind of money. As we all know, the Federated Church has received money. I'd like to see how St. Jude's can get money. Norfolk residents are in that building EVERY day. On another note, what exactly is the "BiCentennial Park" on Rte. 115? I noticed the sign for the first time today, but it hardly looks like a park.
- PA
3/26 9:26pm This is to inform residents that Charles Jerome, a long time resident, veteran, and a participant in public affairs passed away Saturday. The Collection Center [Trasnfer Station] is named in honor of Mr. Jerome. Visiting Hours are scheduled for 4-8 pm Monday- 3/27 at Delaneys, Common St., Walpole, with a Funeral Service 10 am on Tuesday. Mr. Jerome was Infantry veteran who saw hard fighting in Italy during WW2 and used to visit the schools to pass some of the experiences to younger people.
Mr. Jerome was a member of the Norfolk American Legion Post # 335 for years.
Thank You,
- John Olivieri, Norfolk Graves Offficer / Norfolk American Legion Post #335 member
3/26 8:19pm The fisher cat's cry sounds as if a young child or children were being tortured. I heard this one night a couple of years ago and raced to make sure my daughter was alright. I have heard it since and it makes your blood run like ice water. - JW
3/26 7:50pm For sale - 1 ticket to Coldplay, Verizon Arena, NH on 4-3-06. Seat is FLOOR Sec 6 Row B seat 3. Cost is $90.00. I have this ticket in hand and it's from Ticketmaster. Face value was $76.00 with service charge and handling it came to 90.00. Please call.... 528-0555. - KO
3/26 6:25pm I am amazed that the town of Norfolk has funded the renovation and maintenance of privately owned buildings. First the Federated Church, and now the Grange. In the case of the church, a number of people spoke about their opposition at Town Meeting. Church members were out in force and voted in the funding. Whatever happened to the separation of church and state? I would bet that the "silent majority" of taxpayers would not have chosen to set this very bad precedent. It would not stand up to scrutiny.
Now based on the success of public funding for privately owned buildings, the Grange is asking for funds to renovate. Where does the revenue go for rentals of the building? Maybe the Grange should have a fund-raiser to pay for their renovations like other organizations.
If the town has excess funds, I would be willing to have my home painted at taxpayers' expense.
- EC
3/26 1:26pm Set of KEYS FOUND - Anyone lost a set or know someone who lost a set near the corner of Medway Branch and Barnstable this past week... The ring has a truck key, some house and utility keys and an MDI CPR Microshield pouch attached. I found them while jogging by there. Call Tom at 528-7012.
3/26 1:26pm Thanks BH. I've seen the building department's requirements for building a shed. I'm looking for someone to install the footings. I guess I'll check the yellow pages. - SES
3/26 11:49am Does anyone know of a carpenter who would replace (fully replace) windows for us. We have the windows picked out and the measurements are accurate - just want to find someone who will do a high quality job replacing the windows and finishing with new trim. Thanks so much. - JG
3/26 11:48am What kind of noise does the Fisher Cat make? Heard some odd cries last night. - CI
3/26 11:47am I asked my 5th grader about hair in the food at F-C, and he just gave me a puzzled look... my take is that this is like the myth of the bouncing F-C hot dog. For "real" issues - what about the total elimination of library and health instruction, and the cutback of Art & Spanish programs to 1/2 year only?? I saw a quote by the superintendent (in the Boomerang) that Spanish may be cut altogether - despite the fact that an overide was passed a few years back to specifically fund that program. There have to be other, non-instructional, expenses to cut.
- CI
3/26 10:15am KF, I believe the hair in the food at Freeman is an urban legend. This rumor has been going around for many, many years. We have a right to criticize when appropriate, but let us focus on the real issues!! - DWL
3/26 10:14am WOW! Just saw a fisher cat loping galumping through our yard and across Boardman St., toward Gump's (6:30 a.m.). S/he was about 2-2 1/2 feet long with the tail, which was full and brushlike at the base but tapering toward the tip. It reminded me of a cross between a woodchuck and a large housecat. I've heard it at night but have never seen it. Hopefully it wasn't dining on my neighbor's cats. - HPK
3/26 10:13am I would like to give a gracious thanks for everything the Recreation Dept. does. I must add they do it quite well. Some of us really appreciate your work. - DWL
3/26 10:11am Re: 3/25 5:57pm I'm looking for someone to install footings so I can build a shed. Does anyone have any recommendations? - SES See the Building Department FAQ at [this page]:
Is a permit required for the construction of a SHED?Check with the Building Department for further information and possible footing installers, if needed.Sheds over 120 sq.ft. (10'x12') require a building permit (see permit procedures). A shed must be on footings at least 10" in diameter and 4' in the ground and must meet State Building Code requirements for construction. Zoning requires it to be at least the same distance from grade level to the median of the roof from the side and rear lot lines and 50' set back from the front lot line. Sheds under 120 sq. ft. do not require a building permit but must meet the above zoning setback requirements.
- BH
3/25 7:57pm To SB: I believe that Medfield Properties in Medfield Center has the listing for Norfolk Center Condominiums. - AF
3/25 7:56pm Re: Todd - thanks for your comments - keep up the GREAT work! We love the Rec. Dept.! - CMK
3/25 7:52pm I listened to a group of reliable eleven year olds recently discuss how they count the pieces of hair in their lunch at the F/C School! They stated that spaghetti day is particularly disgusting. I could not believe this conversation and confirmed that their conversation was indeed true. They said that the "lunch ladies" wear gloves, but only one wears a hair net. Where are the hair nets for our entire cafeteria staff serving food? Isn't this a state law? How often is the school inspected by the health department? Is there a staff person in charge of sanitation/food safety or does our board of health deal with these issues? Has the shortage of funds affected our cafeteria too? It appears my son will be brown-bagging it from now on! A great big YUCK! - KF
3/25 6:00pm In response to DC below (3/24 9:48am), I'm no lawyer either, but I think we'd have a hard time convincing a judge that downtown Norfolk is "blighted", even if Stop and Shop, and their proxy development company is just landbanking - which is holding up the other development that has been proposed and received at least initial permits. (The lots next to the library and town hall have been through some of the required permitting for, among other things, a drug store with a drive through.) Taking land just because one form of development is preferable to another is a slippery slope. My house and your house are a drain on the town, taxes-wise (as long as we have two kids), but I don't want some selectman running around grabbing it from me just to build a Starbucks or Hollywood Video.
There is actually one interesting benefit to the town center being underdeveloped so long (I remember courting my-then girlfriend and now wife of 12 years when she worked at the drycleaners and I'd spend afternoons hanging out with her and looking at the trees that pre-dated the lovely moonscape we have today). While we had a decent downtown zoning from back in the 1980s (especially compared with what other towns were doing in the '80s), recent changes have been made to allow the kind of mixed use development which will produce, if we ever get a developer with the desire to move, small scale retail and services, along with hopefully the kind of housing that a young person -- our kids fresh from college or just married -- could move into and afford before they have kids and get their 43,000 square foot mcmansion in one our our tree-less subdivisions. Had it been developed 15 or 20 years ago, we could've ended up with more of the same as the Wayside or McLaughlin buildings. That's all well and good, but there's only so much of that a town like Norfolk can support.
The best town centers grew up over the years, with their eclectic mixes of uses and styles being the product of different developers at different times. The town has made a significant investment in the center in the past three or four years, and the Borelli development on the hill should act as a catalyst to get some other lots moving. This is a great time for town and transit centered development in Massachusetts, and Eastern is literally throwing their money away sitting on the land like they have. It's unfortunate, but, hey -- you know how slow and wasteful the private sector can be (he says sarcastically)...
- RG
3/25 5:59pm Here's an idea to raise revenues that I have been thinking about. You pay the MBTA for the train stopping in Norfolk. It doesn't make sense to me that Norfolk has to pay this. Also, Norfolk doesn't collect (I think) money for any of the parking spots for commuters. You do own the roads leading to the parking lots. How about toll gates to enter the roads to get to the lots. If you charge a dollar per car per day I bet you could raise a few dollars. Norfolk residents could get a speed pass so they wouldn't have to pay. I see every week how many out of town cars come into Norfolk to use the T. Just a thought! - TB
3/25 5:57pm I'm looking for someone to install footings so I can build a shed. Does anyone have any recommendations? - SES
3/25 5:28pm Does anyone have a suggestion of a place my daughter can take art lessons? I am looking for something that is not arts and crafts. She is only 5 years old and would really love to do this. Thanks, - DL
3/25 5:24pm WB, After being advised that you have expressed some strong feelings towards "Norfolk Recreation" and you have posted these feelings on Norfolknet, I feel obligated to address your comments. I'm not usually one to get into a war of words, but as "Chairman" of the Recreation Commission, I feel that the comments you have made towards "Recreation" are unwarranted and unfair. Let me list some of your comments and then I will reply to each one. In closing I will then mention some additional information concerning "Norfolk Recreation". 3/23 4:24pm I think I keep up to date on Town on-goings, and as you stated, that there is support by many people of a Rec Building on the Pond Street Complex - I just don't see it, nor have I heard it. What I have experienced and heard is a small group of very vocal people that feel Recreation deserves to get money from the CPA - good, bad or indifferent. I would say that the attitude is a sense of entitlement. Is the Rec Commission doing their homework? I don't know, I just can't seem to get past what seems like whining. - WBIf what you state is true and there is only a "small group" of very vocal people that feel that Recreation deserve to get money from the CPA then stop worrying about it. From the sampling of emails I have seen on Norfolknet, I would say there is a much "larger group". As far as your comment about entitlement, I would reply be saying that by how the CPA guidelines have been defined, Recreation has an "entitlement" to a portion of these funds. Recreation falls in the 10% portion of funds that by law are required to be allocated to "Open Space/Recreation". The laws also states an additional 10% is allocated to "Affordable Housing", 10% for "Conservation", leaving a remaining 70% that can be spent on anything that is proposed within the guidelines. So Recreation is entitled to request funds from the remaining 70% that is available also.I do not understand your comments about Recreation Commission doing their homework. We have a representative on the CPC that is more then qualified and up to date on the issues. Additionally we discuss this topic at all our meetings that are published and open to the public.
I'm not sure why you seem to think we are whining. The "Recreation Commission" has made very few public comments about our feelings. When the "Boomerang" came to our last "open" meeting and asked us for comments, we replied that we were disappointed with the outcome of the CPC vote that turned down our request. If you consider that whining, then I guess your tolerance level is quite low. Other then those comments we haven't said much further. If you feel differently please advise.
3/23 4:24pm If the Rec Commission would just stick to the facts and not make this an emotional and personal issue, I truly believe that their proposal would get farther along. - WBAgain, you reference keeping to the facts and now mention not making it an emotional and personal issue. What facts are you talking about? We haven't commented on it so there really are no facts. Also please explain how we are making it emotional and personal when no one is commenting on it. Is that a personal opinion or do you have facts to back it up?3/24 11:49am I offer the following simplistic example of why, at this time, I would not support the construction of a Rec Building with CPA funds or otherwise. A previous post on Norfolknet noted about the listing shed on Pond Street Complex. Whether or not the Rec Commission is responsible for this structure or not, they are the care takers of the fields. I view this as a good gauge of the level of commitment in the investment of a new Rec Building and how it would be taken care of. I drive by Pond Street at least two or three times a week and this shed has been leaning for months. If there has been no corrective action for a shed that cost a few thousand dollars, I have a hard time justifying a half million (or more) investment in a building. - WBI assume you have read the comments by Tom Benedetti (Foreman, grounds Maint. Div/Norfolk/D.P.W.) and probably now understand why the shed was not corrected. I'm sorry to hear you make decisions without finding out all the facts first. We at "Norfolk Recreation" not only appreciate the work Tom and his crew do, but applaud it and the decisions he makes concerning the upkeep of the grounds. We have some of the nicest fields around. Visiting towns compliment us every time they come to our complex and play at our fields. At our "Field Allocation" meetings we hold prior to each season we actually have many requests from surrounding towns to utilize our fields. They claim we have some of the best fields in the area. They always comment that our upkeep is superior. Those meetings are open to the public also if you would like to attend and hear those comments. Additionally these surrounding towns pay a fee to play on our fields. Those fees go to support the upkeep.My additional comments can be found below.
I have been happy to serve on Norfolk Recreation for over 5 years. When I moved to this town 5 years ago, I decided to run for the Recreation Commission position for a number of reasons. I have strong feelings about being pro-active, contributing and giving back. I additionally think it is a great example to my 4 children that people should get involved. I knew very few people in this town when I moved here and figured it was also a great way to meet people. I believe I have accomplished my goals and truly believe that Norfolk Recreation is by far the best "Recreation Organization" in the area. We are a group of volunteers who truly volunteer our time for the town of Norfolk. We have a full-time Director and a part-time Assistant Director that work tirelessly to develop programming and opportunities for our town. With the exception of their salaries, we are a self-funding organization that does not add any tax burden to the town. All the brochures that the town receives with numerous programs and activities are all self-funded by our revolving account. Our revolving account is fully funded by the money we bring on from our programs. In the 5 years I have been on the "Commission" we have contributed to this town in so many ways it is unbelievable. I will list some things and projects we have done just in the past couple of years. So when I see or hear comments talking negatively about "Norfolk Recreation" I tend to get upset. I welcome your comments and suggestions at any of our public meetings, but please try not to speak poorly about our organization in public. I haven't even gotten into the facts about why we were trying to have a building built at Pond St. The only comment I will make is that there will be limited places to run our great programs if down the road (as has been discussed) the "Old Town Hall" building goes away.
A small sampling of things Norfolk Recreation has done or helped lead for the town (at no cost to the town)
I guess I could go on and on, but I think I have made my point. Norfolk Recreation is proud of all we have done for the town. We are happy to volunteer our time for the sole purpose of developing programs and projects for the town. We will continue to do this regardless of a selected few people's opinions.
- Bought spectator benches for both Pond St and Freeman fields.
- Built and purchased "Skatepark" at Pond St.
- Bought entire youth playground at Pond St.
- Bought soccer nets for our town soccer programs.
- Installed safety netting behind the soccer field to avoid balls going in street.
- Installed safety netting behind baseball diamonds to avoid balls going in the street.
- Purchased multiple trash cans for both Pond St and Freeman fields.
- Fund "Portable Bathrooms" for Pond St., Freeman, and "Kid's Place".
- Purchased a batting cage for baseball.
- Bought storage sheds for Pond St. and Freeman.
- Funded work and supplies for all playgrounds in town.
- Offer "Free" concert series in town.
- Made financial contribution to rebuild the "Major League" baseball field.
- Made financial contribution to skin/rebuild the softball field.
- Developed a sponsorship program to secure funds for Pond St. maintenance.
- Supplied fencing on numerous fields.
- Purchased and installed "Shade" trees at Pond St.
- Had a "water bubbler" installed at Pond St.
- Installed a "Shade Structure" with CPC Funds at Pond St.
- Purchased and installed "Wind Screens" at the tennis courts.
- Purchased safety signs for Freeman School driveway.
- Made financial contributions to the schools.
- Held dances/activities for the youth.
- Purchased "Christmas Lights" for the "Town Hill.
- Offer an Easter Egg Hunt annually.
We are always looking for volunteers with other great ideas or support. Attend a meeting if you are interested.
Sorry for the long reply, but I'm passionate about what we do!!!!
- Todd P. Chisholm, Chairman of Norfolk Recreation
3/25 5:15pm OK.... enough is enough with the requests for tax overrides! What is happening in our town is the reason that Prop 2 1/2 was created. The cities and towns must learn to operate within a budget!! The town must live within its means as we (citizens) must. Our own "operating costs" at home have also gone up (heat, electricity, fuel for our cars etc...) but we can not go to our employers and ask for an override to help make ends meet. We must go without or use Reserves saved (if that is possible). The article in the Boomerang stated that the town would have to use the road repair override money if another override is not passed. Which goes to show, overrides that are not specifically marked for only one reason are a poor idea in the first place. In my opinion use the road fund, the roads are fair to poor all around town anyway.
I have supported the school building overrides in the past, but I will not support another override. The new school buildings have a positive impact on property values in town, a high tax rate and no services for that tax rate will discourage educated home buyers from wanting to buy in Norfolk. The result being property values not being as strong as we would like.
As usual, the schools are being used as an excuse for the override. If we keep approving the overrides, they will never stop asking. We must stop this tax override talk now!
- MG
3/25 5:09pm MJC: Regarding the latest request for another tax override - it's horrifying enough that we are seeing yet more threats against our kids' education. But to see yet another hand out for another override within such a short period has to have more of you frustrated (especially those of you who can't sell their houses). I do not believe that our current assessments have actually been updated with all the overrides to which we have already voted yes. Is it too unreasonable for the town to be required to include all the previous overrides on our assessments before requesting another override so that each individual can make an informed decision regarding our own budgets? It seems to me that the town should know they are asking too often when the overrides are overlapping. Isn't there some other way to raise money if we think creatively? Is anyone else questioning the creativity and priorities of the town leadership here? It's frustrating because it just seems that at the first sign of trouble the hand is out? It's even more horrifying that it's always the kids constantly under attack; are our kids our last priority? Why are we not shifting money from elsewhere and making cuts in other programs with less priority? Is anyone else with me?
- MC
3/25 8:50am Re. NCTV funding and whether our taxes are used to operate it, the answer is no, no tax money is involved. See updates to the post of 3/24 6:23pm) for the details. - Wm.
3/24 9:33pm Does anyone know the contact information for the condos being built on the moonscape? Listing realtor, price, availability, etc...Thanks! - SB
[That's unkind, calling it The Moonscape... Call it by its proper name, Pebble Hill! :-) (...unkind to the moon, I mean :-) - Wm.]
3/24 8:25pm In response to all of the people filing complaints about the Pond Street complex and its upkeep, I feel it should be mentioned that this facility has gotten rave reviews from all visiting towns for sporting events that our complex is one of the best . People who do nothing proactive for this town have plenty to say behind the scenes; why not step up and help us out. Tom Benedetti and his limited crew work very hard on the upkeep of our grounds all around town, most towns have at least double the number of workers. I have been on the Recreation Department for two years and feel we have accomplished quite a bit in this town for the benefit of all residents in this town to enjoy. Before we rip apart people and organizations for any wrongdoing, why not get the facts right before any damaging thoughts get you in trouble. Just like any organization or town committee, there are only a handful of actual workers and doers. The rest always sit back and find fault of the minor issues at hand. It's time to stop the nonsense and become a little more responsible for improving the great future of this town called Norfolk!!
- Don Owen, member of Norfolk Recreation Committee
3/24 8:23pm To MJD: When we moved to Norfolk almost 2 years ago I did do a cost analysis based on the maximum amount of trash that Dover Trucking and BFI would pick up and compared it to what it would cost to dispose of that amount at the town dump. It actually turned out to be just about even. So we went with Dover Trucking and I can't recommend them highly enough. They are pleasant and friendly and return calls right away. - AF
3/24 8:21pm To AL: Definitely try craigslist.com. I saw car seats being offered by somebody in Norfolk today when I was looking for something else. The Police Department does do installations for you too. - AF 3/24 6:23pm NCTV is non-profit (from what I read) - however, I must ask - does any tax money go to them? What is their budget? If tax money does go to them, is a community cable TV station worth having in Norfolk if our school's children are about to lose their language, library, health and art programs? - CK
[I thought the NCTV is funded by Comcast, not the town. - Wm.
Update 9:26pm: It has been explained to me that Comcast's contract with the town obligates them to pass on a portion of the subscription revenues (5% was mentioned) to produce and operate the community access channels. - Wm.]
[Update 3/25 8:45am: Federal and State law requires Public, Educational, and Government (PEG) Access TV as a part of the local Cable franchise. Ref Section 611 of the Cable Act, 47 U.S.C. 531, and others, plus Mass General Laws Ch. 166A. No Norfolk tax money is used to support NCTV. The cablecasts of the Selectmen and school committee have been particularly useful in showing the difficult jobs those people have. NCTV relies on a lot of volunteer help in producing its programs. - BH]
3/24 6:20pm I guess it's time for me to join the discussion about the Pond St. rec shed. The shed was knocked off its perch by the truck that removed the Portatoilet. I didn't see this happen, but it didn't take long to figure it out. Yes, it stayed tilted for a while because of the wet condition of that area. I needed to drive the front end loader with forks over that area and wanted to make sure it was dried out. As you can see, we did take care of this issue. We (The Grounds Maintenance Division) take great pride in maintaining the fields, not only at Pond St. but also at the Freeman/Centennial school. We are responsible for maintaining over 75 acres of green space such as the fields, all municipal bldgs, two cemeteries, roadside trees, etc. Four full time town employees do this. At times, it may take us a little while to respond to issues because of our workload, but we ALWAYS respond. To use the tilted shed as an example of the commitment of the caretakers is unfair. I think the Rec. Commission does an excellent job, and you can't get anyone more dedicated and hard-working than Ann Proto. I think the answer everyone is looking for lies with the state. Why not put this CPA funding issue in their lap and see what they say. - Tom Benedetti, Foreman, Grounds Maint. Div. / Norfolk D.P.W.
3/24 5:52pm I am a huge fan of taking the moonscape and doing something with it. I have been in town over 20 years and I cannot believe we still have this miscarriage going on. Come on people, we live in this town because we choose to, why let the center look like something from Apocalypse Now? - JT
3/24 3:56pm To WB: Please stick to fact. The shed at Pond St was knocked off its perch by someone or a group, it did not magically move on its own. It was out of position for a period of weeks not months, it was again put back on its perch when it was clear enough and frozen enough so that a machine could be brought in there to lift it and not tear up the field in the process. This is the care and quality I like to see for our precious few sports fields in town. Btw I am all for funding for a concession/storage facility, like any other town in the 21st century. - JG
3/24 2:48pm SJP: someone has alot of 'splainin to do. I recall the selectmen saying if we passed the override last year, this would allow us to build up our reserves. Now I know everything has gone up, healthcare not the least of it, but we're in dire straits already? Can someone direct us to some real numbers, what we are looking at, before the April 4 public hearing? Thank you. - AL 3/24 2:28pm Can someone please explain to me the letter we got from the schools yesterday on the potential layoffs if we don't pass another override? One of the people is a Spanish teacher. Correct me if I am wrong but didn't we pass an override a couple of years ago to implement Spanish specifically in the Norfolk schools? If we say yes to that and fund it how can they say we need yet another override so she doesn't get laid off? There should be money already slotted for Spanish. No? - JGP
3/24 1:40pm WB, Building a 3,000 foot building on the Pond Street facility to house equipment and concessions, etc., is NOT similar to building a gym or stadium. This is a support building for recreational fields that will house equipment. This murky legal argument provides convenient cover for the CPA committee to reject a proposal that will benefit a majority of Norfolk residents while approving funding of projects that do not benefit the taxpayer but special interest groups. This is not just and we will seek to revoke the CPA if the funds are not spent in a more responsible way. Every decision/action made today expose towns and businesses to a certain degree of legal risk. We need smart town leadership that understands how to manage risk and move forwards with well-thought out game plan. It's always easier and safer for bureaucrats to just say no. - SM
3/24 11:52am [Post about NCTV having to vacate its F-C premises removed by request - Wm.]
3/24 11:49am SM - I'm not doubting that a "lot of Norfolk residents that take their kids to the Pond Street facility that would use the recreational building." Unfortunately, I disagree with your broad assessment that "CPA funds can be used for building recreational fields and buildings on the recreational fields. What is expressly prohibited is building a gym or stadium" ...you forgot "or similar." And the construction of recreations fields is an allowed use of CPA funds but new construction of a building is not. As you noted "The legal argument against using CPA funds for a recreational building is not clear cut and there has been an existing legal precedent already established where towns have used CPA funds to renovate existing recreational buildings." There is actually a very clear distinction between renovating an existing building and new construction. As you noted "So what are we going to do... sue ourselves over non-compliance with the CPA act?" The expenditure of CPA funds is reviewed by at the State Level as well, and they can nix a project... so no we aren't going to sue ourselves. Failure to properly administer the CPA funds has larger ramifications. I offer the following simplistic example of why, at this time, I would not support the construction of a Rec Building with CPA funds or otherwise. A previous post on Norfolknet noted about the listing shed on Pond Street Complex. Whether or not the Rec Commission is responsible for this structure or not, they are the care takers of the fields. I view this as a good gauge of the level of commitment in the investment of a new Rec Building and how it would be taken care of. I drive by Pond Street at least two or three times a week and this shed has been leaning for months. If there has been no corrective action for a shed that cost a few thousand dollars, I have a hard time justifying a half million (or more) investment in a building.
- WB
3/24 10:25am AL - I must have been napping, could you give more info on the loss of librarians, Spanish teachers etc? - MJD
3/24 9:58am The Nearly New Sale committee would like to thank the community for its overwhelming donations of children's clothes, toys, and baby equipment! As a result of the enormous contributions we will no longer be accepting donations at this time. (please do not leave items outside of the bin!) The Nearly New Sale will take place on Saturday, April 29th from 9 am - 12 pm at the H. Olive Day School. Be sure to come early to shop for the best deals!
For more information or to volunteer, please contact Joan P. at joanpiller@yahoo.com (541-9291) or Anne K. at keenan.a@comcast.net (528-5429). Volunteers who help with the set up on 4/28 are eligible to pre-view and shop the sale!
Transportation services for the event have been kindly donated by Rainbow Movers of Franklin 800-922-1020; we thank them for their generosity!
- LR, Norfolk Community League
3/24 9:48am Perhaps the Town should consider taking the land by eminent domain and giving to someone who will develop it. For the land to remain vacant is of no benefit to the Town. I'm no lawyer, but I am pretty sure that is what eminent domain is for. Didn't some town in Connecticut take some residential property and give it to a developer? - DC
[So did Sherborn if I recall correctly; that new little commercial complex next to the railroad crossing on Rte 16 was a private house whose owner didn't want to sell nor develop. - Wm.]
3/24 8:39am I don't know how many people are aware of the budget cuts that will be taking place in our schools, but I am very upset that our children will be losing the librarians, the Spanish teachers and the Health teacher. I would like to know why our school committee opted to give our superintendent a large salary increase when they should have known that these cuts were coming. Can anyone explain this to me, and is there anything that we can do about it? - AL
3/23 11:38pm RO - There is a butchershop in Millis called the Meatcutter. I understand he carries a high quality product. - MJD
3/23 11:36pm What Stop & Shop is apparently doing is shameful. While I am not eager to see one go in there, I agree something should be built there. For them to get away with this is reprehensible. A friend suggested a boycott, and I am all for it. A bad PR campaign, and every Norfolk resident taking their business to Shaws, Whole Foods, or Roche Bros. would be just what they deserve. They are a really sleazy company, and sounding more and more like WalMart every day. Consumers should send these bad businesses a strong message and stay away from them. It may not change the outcome, but Norfolk residents should not just roll over, nor should the Selectmen, and let Stop&Shop's greed prevent the town from becoming a real town. This is a story for the Globe if there ever was one. - TC
3/23 11:00pm To CF: I don't know which Church you are referring to, but I believe the parking lot at St. Jude's Church is deemed a Civil Defense spot, which needs to be kept clear in case of emergency. St. Jude's pays their own plow company to clean it, and then the town also maintains it for the reason cited above. As far as the CPC, if the Federated Church received money for renovations, shouldn't St. Jude's receive consideration? - PA
3/23 10:58pm Are there any stand alone bakeries & butchers in this area (that is, ones that aren't part of a Shaws/Stop 'n Shop type shopping centre)? Also, are there any open air markets (e.g. in "flea market", "food market") in any of the towns in this area? Thanks,
- RO
3/23 10:57pm My wife and I were amused to read that the "Moonscape" has been like that for so many years! We just moved to town and assumed that it was really work in progress, that something (Stop and Shop) would be built there this year. Obviously something should be done there; a tasteful shopping center seems logical to us. We will wholeheartedly support any efforts to pressure Stop and Shop to cooperate. We'll write letters, etc. - SJP
3/23 10:56pm I would like the Webmaster to start a straw poll on the Grange spending. Also, could you list the members and how they voted? - PC
3/23 8:07pm MH, your logic is indeed faulty on the Stop & Shop issue, and for the following reason--you simply can't compare the Weeber property, which borders a bucolic farm and forest in a rural area of town, with the Stop & Shop parcel, which is at the heart of Town Center and is absolutely screaming for development. When you have a rolling rural area that is relatively pristine (Weber), you try to keep it that way. When you have a commercially zoned area where you've blasted a gazillion tons of rock and earth and created a gaping, ugly hole (Moonscape), you finish what you've started and complete the job. This is hardly a double standard--it seems like common sense to me.
(When we moved to this town in the late 90's, our family drove by the moonscape and we all said "wow, what an ugly eyesore, but it looks like they're building something here, so it's OK." Recently, I was driving through Norfolk with friends from out of state, and they said--and I quote-- "wow, it looks like an atom bomb went off here! What are they building?" Sadly--eight years later--the answer seems to be "nothing." How many more years do we have to wait?)
If you don't want a shopping center, fine, let's fill the site in with dirt, re-level the landscape, plant some grass, and build a town green. Personally, given the value of the land and the potential tax revenue, I'd prefer a tastefully built shopping center with modestly sized grocery, drug store, and maybe a real restaurant... not just to beautify town center, but to offset the two tawdry, run-down strip centers that now comprise the commercial center of town.
Also, since the police and fire stations are roughly 1/4 mile away from the site, I don't see how a small shopping center "consumes town resources"--police and fire personnel drive by the site anyway, so unless you think the site will become a hotbed of arson and other criminal activity(!), that's a non-starter.
So while people can disagree on town green vs. town center, we should all agree that leaving the site "as is" is simply unacceptable. It's beyond ugly--it's a true embarrassment. (The only thing worse I can think of would be a trailer park, and what we have now isn't far from that.)
So good suggestion, TEM, on the letter-writing campaign to Stop & Shop--I'm doing it, and I hope others will too. If they hear from enough people, we might get some movement--we certainly have nothing to lose. Also, interesting post from SM on Ahold/S&S land-banking, though I don't think a legal fight makes any sense in this case--though it does help unmask their motives.
How about comments from any selectmen out there? Any opinions?
- RM
3/23 6:44pm I'm opposed to a shopping complex in the town center. Perhaps an idea is for the Town to purchase the land from Ahold/Stop & Shop utilizing CPC monies. I believe Ahold bought the land for $1,000,000.00 from Mr. Borelli in 2005 (or was it 2004). A true New England Town Green would be lovely!
I know we keep getting into the private/public debate. But it appears that The Town of Norfolk is quite generous. Not only with CPC disbursments, but let us not forget the winter plowing of church parking lots.
I strongly feel that the walking loop and parking lots at Pond Street complex should be plowed before the church parking lots. It would allow many of us to safely continue our exercise programs after a snow storm.
By the way, the weather has been marvelous and an abundance of robins this Spring!
- CF
3/23 6:12pm It is ironic the double standard that has developed in regards to the Stop & Shop land and the Community Preservation Commission acquisitions. It is acceptable for the town to use taxpayer money to buy land to let it remain vacant (Weber Property), but not an outside corporation. I don't personally want a grocery store going in there. From my way of thinking, Stop & Shop is paying taxes even if the land is vacant, and it is not costing us anything in regards to the extra fire and police services that developing the land would create. I acknowledge that the town would receive more money from the taxes on a building rather than vacant land, but it would be at a cost to the town resources. Please correct me if this logic is faulty. I voted against the use of CPC monies going toward the Federated Church -- there were several of us at the poorly attended town meeting that were opposed for the exact reason that his happening now. If the Federated Church can get money for renovations, (after all it is a landmark in the town) then there is no reason why the Grange Hall shouldn't. As I stated at the meeting, this a terrible can of worms that we will all be paying for. Just out of curiosity -- the Grange Hall receives money for hosting events in that location. What does that money go toward if not building and grounds maintenance?
- MH
3/23 5:04pm WB, There are a lot of Norfolk residents that take their kids to the Pond Street facility that would use the recreational building. Also the concession stands would generate revenue to offset our costs. So the support is deeper than just the Recreational Committee. CPA funds can be used for building recreational fields and buildings on the recreational fields. What is expressly prohibited is building a gym or stadium. The legal argument against using CPA funds for a recreational building is not clear cut and there has been an existing legal precedent already established where towns have used CPA funds to renovate existing recreational buildings. Besides these CPA funds belong to Norfolk taxpayers. So what are we going to do... sue ourselves over non-compliance with the CPA act? - SM
3/23 4:27pm Our Town Counsel needs to send a strongly worded letter to Stop and Shop. This should be followed by a public relations campaign. The selectman should send out a press release (with a copy of the letter sent to Stop and Shop) to all print and TV media. Unless we have legal recourse, Stop and Shop will only back down if we embarrass them. Stop and Shop is well known for employing hardball business tactics.
- SM
3/23 4:24pm To SM: I think I keep up to date on Town on-goings, and as you stated, that there is support by many people of a Rec Building on the Pond Street Complex - I just don't see it, nor have I heard it. What I have experienced and heard is a small group of very vocal people that feel Recreation deserves to get money from the CPA - good, bad or indifferent. I would say that the attitude is a sense of entitlement. Is the Rec Commission doing their homework? I don't know, I just can't seem to get past what seems like whining. Having worked with EOEA, several Towns and Land Trusts to preserve and protect several large parcels of land in Southeastern Massachusetts and along Route 2, the actual workings on what can be done with CPA funds is very clear. Prior to acquisition, most of the land was farm land, soccer fields or wooded land. This land use has not changed. I sat in on discussions with the Town committees and land trusts about building a storage garage for equipment, town offices or even, yes, a rec center and they could not use CPA funds as interpreted by several different lawyers.
You can look at the link that RH posted and you will find the following: "Recreational use", active or passive recreational use including, but not limited to, the use of land for community gardens, trails, and noncommercial youth and adult sports, and the use of land as a park, playground or athletic field. "Recreational use" shall not include horse or dog racing or the use of land for a stadium, gymnasium or similar structure."
The same link will point out the gray areas on what can be done with CPA funds.
Don't get me wrong, I think that the Recreation Commission provides a great service to the Town and I and my kids have participated in many programs offered over the past 8 years. If the Rec Commission would just stick to the facts and not make this an emotional and personal issue, I truly believe that their proposal would get farther along.
- WB
3/23 3:52pm A quick Google search revealed two corporate addresses and three major players for Stop & Shop: (1) Stop & Shop Supermarket Company, Public Affairs Department, P. O. Box 55888, Boston, MA 02205,
(2) Stop & Shop Supermarket Company, 1385 Hancock Street, Quincy Center Plaza, Quincy, MA 02169,
(3) Marc E. Smith, President & CEO,
(4) Richard Picariello, Vice-President & CFO, and
(5) Faith Weiner, Director of Government & Public Affairs.
Although written inquiries from Norfolk residents directed to one or more of the above regarding the fate of the land they purchased could result in nothing more than puffy PR non-answers, there's also the possibility they might gives us a clue regarding actual deadlines or plans. Worth a try?
- TEM 3/23 3:44pm Ahold (Stop & Shop's Dutch Corporate Parent) actively employs a strategy of monopolizing regional food markets by buying out other food stores and purchasing land and buildings (through its real estate partners) to suppress competition. Once Ahold has gained significant control of a local market, their food prices are much higher than what they charge in competitive markets. A good read on Ahold's anti-completive tactics can be found at [UConn PDF]. This report states
"Ahold/Stop & Shop's latest attempt to erect barriers to entry in the northeast United States involves its acquisition of shopping centers and other sites suitable for supermarkets not for the purpose of operating a supermarket, but so that a competing supermarket cannot operate on the site. For example, as noted above, Starwood Ceruzzi acquired a Big V store in Poughkeepsie, New York across the street from a Stop & Shop, and rather than lease the store to a Stop & Shop competitor, the site has remained without a tenant for over one year, In fact, I understand from Wakefern that Stop & Shop has acquired no fewer than ten shopping centers in the northeast, and that only one of these centers has a supermarket tenant. Moreover, Starwood Ceruzzi, which in the past has developed supermarkets for Stop & Shop and acquired supermarkets and then sold these stores to Stop & Shop, has purchased fourteen shopping centers. Not one of these fourteen centers has a supermarket tenant. This anti-competitive "land-banking" strategy is consistent with the conduct of Ahold/Stop & Shop described above-to erect and maintain barriers to entry and thereby acquire and maintain a dominant position in the regions where ShopRite competes. The impact of this conduct on reducing competition cannot be understated: as recognized by Thomas Infusino, Wakefern's Chairman, when he testified at trial as to entry barriers (Big V Supermarkets, Inc. v. Wakefern Food Corp.): ..."This is what is happening to us in Norfolk!! We need to mobile our forces and fight back!!- SM
[The strategy is not unique; Wal-Mart has been accused of similar: building new stores and operating them just long enough to drive competitors out of the area, then shuttering the store and leaving the building empty, neither selling nor leasing the premises. Drives up profits at the other area Wal-Mart stores. - Wm.]
3/23 3:43pm It's great that minutes from SOME meetings will be posted. I was trying to find out info on a past Conservation Commission meeting, and that page happens to be blank. Not a single meeting has any semblance of minutes posted. I needed to look into a past meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals, and they do post their minutes... but the last meeting they opted to post the minutes from was in August of 2004... As far as the CPC, can they allocate funds for Norfolk's rink (it looks like other privately owned buildings have received funding) or how about St. Jude's Church (other churches have received aid?)
- JC
3/23 1:07pm To Paul Terrio - Paul,
Thanks for your response. I am happy to hear that CPC meeting minutes (I hope the votes as well) will be posted on the town web site so residents can be better informed of the CPC proceedings. I know that the CPC narrowly defeated (5-4) the proposal to fund the recreational building at the Pond Street Complex. What is the process to bring this funding proposal back to the board again for reconsideration. The CPC funding of the Pond Street Recreational Building is supported by many residents.
What is the exact date and time of your next CPC meeting?
- SM
3/23 1:01pm The Federated Church of Norfolk Sunday worship service is at 10:00 a.m. with Church School for children preschool through Grade 8; coffee and Fellowship follow service. Our interim Pastor is Rev. Steven Alspach. Holy Week and Easter schedule is:
No Sunday School classes Child care at 10:00 service for children up to age 4.
Palm Sunday, April 9 - Worship and Sunday School
Maundy Thursday - April 13, 7:30 PM Candlelight Communion Service
Good Friday, April 14 - Prayer Vigil - Noon -5:00 PM
Worship Service - 7:30 PM
Easter Sunday - April 16
Sunrise Service 6:00 AM (location: Norfolk Cemetery)
Worship Services, 8:00 AM , 10:00 AM Services. (in church sanctuary)- LD, Federated Church of Norfolk
3/23 1:01pm Regarding Stop `N Shop, I think it's becoming increasingly obvious that they are engaging in a practice called ``land banking'' where a retail chain buys a piece of property and lets it sit vacant to keep out potential competition. This is fairly common among large retailers, and certainly understandable if you consider the number of new grocery stores opened in the area recently--a new Stop N Shop off 146 in Foxboro near the Norfolk line; a store in the new shopping center in Medway (Star Market, I think); the new Big Y at 27 & Route 1; the renovation of the Shaws in Medfield; there are probably others. These new stores are fighting for every dollar, and they must be putting real pressure on the older stores (I bet the Roche Brothers in Millis is hurting.) The last thing Stop N Shop wants to do is build a new store in Norfolk that cannibalizes their other stores, or worse yet, have Whole Foods or some other chain come in here. The answer? Land bank the site--it's much more economical than building a new store.
The problem is that this site is the ``crown jewel'' of our town's redevelopment plans. We're all tired of the eyesore that is the moonscape, and after many years, it's frustrating to have Stop N Shop holding the development of the town center hostage. It would be different, say, if Dunkin Donuts bought an acre on the edge of town to keep out Honey Dew donuts--that's understandable. But the size, visibility, and strategic importance of the Stop N Shop parcel calls for some type of development, so it may be time to put some pressure on Stop N Shop.
I'd start by calling or writing the selectmen and asking them to get the straight story from Stop N Shop, and publish the timeline for construction and permits. If that fails, a campaign of public pressure would be in order. Being locally based (Quincy), they wouldn't want a PR fight, not when they are trying to build in other towns (see today's Globe about the fight they are having with Northboro); they have to be sensitive to the goodwill of the communities in the Boston area. A few Norfolk citizens banding together could make things very ugly for them.
If it comes to that, their likely proposal would be to offer to sell the property with a restriction clause, forbidding a grocery store from operating on the site. This would reduce the value of the land but would protect their competitive interests. But that's also a losing proposition for a town, since we don't need a 60,000 square foot dry cleaner or flower shop, and no one in their right mind would build such a thing. So the land would continue to sit vacant. A grocery store IS the right use for that land, and another chain would likely be interested if it was available. If Stop N Shop won't build, the decent thing to do is for them to sell it to someone who will. After all the money spent redeveloping town center, we deserve no less.
- RM
3/23 12:54pm Yesterday around 3 - 3:30pm the Norfolk Fire Ladder truck was extended next to Town Hall. It appeared that two firefighters were adjusting the weathervane on top of Town Hall. Driving through town center a little later, the kids noticed that the weathervane was indeed taken down. I'm guessing it needed some work, but my kids are questioning my answer and are curious as to when it will go back up. I'm pretty sure that this has something to do with seeing the ladder truck in operation again, but I thought I'd throw out the question to the knowledgeable folks here. Thanks for the help! - TS
3/23 12:53pm Mr Terrio, I just happened to read your post regarding the town pond renewal effort. I had no idea this was even an upcoming issue. I have lived in Norfolk for almost 30 years and have quite fond memories of swimming there as a younger child. I applaud the efforts of the rec committee and plan to be at the meeting April 1st. Thanks for bringing this to Norfolknet.com - JG
3/23 11:59am Dear SM,
Hi, I am the Chairman of the Norfolk Community Preservation Committee. Thank you for your input and comments about our recent decisions and actions. I always like to encourage citizen input regardless of which side of the proposal you are on.
I would also like to invite you to one of our meetings. I don't think that I have met you but I would certainly enjoy hearing what you have to say. We are scheduled to meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month. We often have other meetings that are not posted as far in advance due to timely issues and items that are up for consideration but I can assure you that all of our meetings are properly posted according to the law and that any of our minutes are available for review upon request. We are currently working on posting our minutes to the town's official website and hopefully you should be able to see something in the next 30 to 60 days.
Just for the record, we posted for a discussion of the Town Pond Project at the Old Town Hall on April 1st 2006 @ 9:00 AM on Main Street. This will give all of us a better idea of the Recreation Department's vision for the restoration project that has been proposed and placed on the Spring Town Meeting Warrant. Our regular monthly meeting will be held on April 19th in the Town Hall.
We are currently coming into a very busy period with the upcoming Town Meeting and everyone's input is truly appreciated.
- Paul H. Terrio, District One, Chairman, Norfolk Community Preservation Committee
3/23 10:43am Re: 3/23 9:15am ... I read here earlier that Marie Simpson is the contact for the Grange. Is this the same Marie Simpson who works for the Conservation Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals? Just curious. - JC Yes, part-time work at both jobs.
- BH
3/23 10:41am Regarding the CPC funding; I believe that the funding for the Grange still needs to be approved at Town Meeting so you will have the opportunity to represent yourself and vote. In fact, the Weeber property purchase and painting of the Federated Church(including fixing the steeple) were both approved at TM. The Federated Church monies were approved, I believe, because the representatives of the church convinced the voters and CPC that the church is enjoyed by everyone in town as a landmark and historic structure. The Weeber property purchase was approved for many different reasons; the main argument that swayed me was that it provides a buffer to Jane and Paul's farm which is enjoyed by everyone. There also was the potential impact to Jane and Paul's of the dense building and retention pond that the builder was proposing. Next Town Meeting is May 9. If the Grange painting is one of the warrants, you'll get to present your arguments and vote. - BS
3/23 9:15am TC: About the Grange... I see that funds were approved for the renovation by the CPC. I read here earlier that Marie Simpson is the contact for the Grange. Is this the same Marie Simpson who works for the Conservation Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals? Just curious. - JC
3/23 9:12am The Norfolk TPA has started its Ink Jet Cartridge/Laser Print Cartridge/Cell Phone Recycling Program! Please drop off any of these items that you no longer use at the many sites listed below. Money collected by the TPA from the recycling company will go towards curriculum programs, teacher grants, scholarships, and many other uses within our schools. Please refrain from donating cell phone accessories. Any questions, call Kate M. or Danielle R., Norfolk TPA, at 541-8555 or 528-9926. We appreciate your support!
Sites for Drop Off:
H. Olive Day School Freeman-Centennial School Town Library Transfer Station Senior Center Town Hall- in the Main Foyer and in the Park & Rec, Office - KM, Norfolk TPA
3/23 9:11am AL, I would suggest craigslist.org or freecycle.org. I would anticipate that you might have to pay for one though. I would also suggest that when you get it, you call the Police Departments around here to find a police officer who is qualified to install it (they get special training). A car seat that is improperly installed puts the child in danger. Good luck! - KGD
3/23 8:45am Just wondering if anyone out there has success with getting oil C.O.D. After reading yesterday's postings I was annoyed to see Horan gave $2.00/gal when I am "capped" for $2.49 with them. When I called to inquire about the discrepency, I was told that is a new customer price and that is just how it is. Fine. We canceled. When doing COD - how far in advance should one call to get a delivery and what kind of prices are folks finding? Thank you!
- KS
3/23 8:44am TC, You have a right to be frustrated regarding the CPC. They rejected funding for constructing a building at the Pond Street Recreational Complex, a facility that would be used by a majority of residents since most kids participate in sports. Then they approve funding for renovating the Grange Hall, a privately owned building which is not used by the majority of the residents. What's next from this committee? The CPC is lacking a long-term master plan and a vision that all residents buy into. If CPA funds can't be used to benefit all town residents we should vote to repeal the CPA Preservation Act which is tacking on (I think) a 3% surcharge to your tax bill. Taxation without representation will not be tolerated! - SM
3/23 8:43am AL-Boosters are really cheap, less than $30 at most stores if you buy the one without the back (kid has to be over 40lbs) It is much safer to buy a new one than to make due with an older model as they change and are made safer every year. You can't put a price on safety! - MJD
3/23 7:50am Does anyone know where to find used car seats (preferably the 20-80lbs seat for kids)? I need to find one ASAP, and really don't want to buy a new one. - AL
3/22 10:30pm Re: 3/22 4:27pm What is the process for allocating CPA $$$. Does anyone know? If a private club like the Grange qualifies, does the Federated Church or the Baptist Church or my house if it's historically significant? - MJD The Norfolk Community Preservation Committee's website is [page on virtualnorfolk.org]. Contact any of the members listed on their website to find out about meeting schedules, and to find out more information about your questions. The Community Preservation Act is Chapter 44B of the Massachusetts General Laws, available on-line at: [mass.gov/legis/laws/mgl/gl-44b-toc.htm. A complicated Guideline is in [this state.ma.us PDF]. Additionally, there are other state documents providing instructions and guidance to Consumer Protection committees and others.
- RH
3/22 10:23pm We are moving to Norfolk in the next few weeks. Would really appreciate suggestions for a carpenter/handyman who can build a bedroom closet, and also a recommendation for a contractor who does good work with bathroom remodels. Thanks! - JT
3/22 10:19pm SM, I'm in agreement with your comments. $335,000 for the Grange that is privately owned and used on a limited basis by citizens of the town. $450,000 for the Weeber property that has limited if any use by the citizens of the town. In addition didn't the CPC just allocate money for the church in the center of town to be painted? Once again limited use by the citizens of the town. I believe that was between $50,000 to $100,000; I'm not exactly sure on that. Could someone advise what it was? So let's add these three projects up and we come up to close to $900,000 spent on projects that only impact a limited amount of citizens. That doesn't make sense too me!! - TC
3/22 9:50pm On 3/22/06 JBN writes that a "post regarding the Stop & Shop issue is really upsetting." This is followed by the questions, "What can the citizens of Norfolk do about that"; "What do the selectmen have to say" and "Why is everything in this town such a secret." If JBN wishes to read my answer, on this site, I would ask first, "What is the 'issue'?" and "Why is it 'upsetting' to you?" As for your last two questions, the answers are quite simple and straightforward. While I disagree with the disjointed logic that fuels some of the Selectmen's attitudes on town government, I can sympathize with the need that they seem to perceive for band-aid remedies and knee-jerk reactions to some of the demands of the more self-serving interests in town. That being said, all you have to do is attend various board meetings and or watch the reruns on NCTV. I believe that some of those meetings are also archived on the town website (virtualnorfolk.org) as streaming video. You'll hear what the selectmen have to say and as an old treasured Slim Whitman song promise, "Now the secret is no secret any more".
- MT
3/22 9:49pm In response to RH: I do try to keep myself informed by reading all the websites you have mentioned and the newspapers. I find that type of response nasty, and I do not appreciate the tone of your reply. I do feel that this town government does not communicate to the citizens as well as they should or could. The meetings are not very informative. I am not the only person that feels this way. To think that a retail chain can purchase land in a town and expect the town government to have no say with what they do with it is preposterous. The citizens of this town have every right to be outraged. - JBN
3/22 9:48pm CPA projects can not get funded unless they are first recommended by the CPA Committee. Projects then get approved for funding at Town Meeting. Everything is so secretive with the Norfolk CPA Committee. Other towns publish minutes from CPA meetings and results from votes on their town web sites. So there is accountability to the taxpayers. Also other towns' CPA committees have developed and published detailed CPA master plans that identify goals and areas of need earmarked for future CPA funding. We need a master plan for Norfolk that identifies our long-term goals. We should not feel compelled to spend CPA dollars just because they are in the kitty. We should save our funds for the truly worthwhile projects, unlike the proposal just approved by the CPA Committee to spend $335,000 on the Norfolk Grange Hall, a building the town doesn't own and doesn't need. Residents of Norfolk need to get more active in the CPA process. Otherwise our CPA tax dollars are going to be spent on projects put forth by special interest groups that have influence in the town.
- SM
3/22 5:20pm Re: 3/22 3:15pm Regarding the post about trash pick-up: ... As for the post regarding the Stop and Shop issue, that is really upsetting. What can the citizens of Norfolk do about that? What do the selectman have to say? And why is everything in this town such a secret? - JBN Nothing in Norfolk is a secret. We have an excellent Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator, as well as other Boards and Committees. There is a fine Municipal Website at URL virtualnorfolk.org. If you want to attend a Selectmen's meeting, look it up on the Municipal Calendar page or you can easily click on "Meeting Calendar" on the home page.
You can attend all public meetings; only when a board or committee discusses certain subjects defined in the law may executive sessions be held. If you don't want to leave the house, you can watch the Selectmen's meeting on Norfolk Community TV, Channel 22 for Municipal programs, and Channel 8 for other programs. There is a schedule for NCTV at the left side of the NorfolkNet web page.
The Town has an excellent Information Technology Director, who keeps the Municipal Website very user friendly. There are agendas for past BOS meetings available on-line, and there is streaming video available on-line for past BOS meetings. There are webpages for committees and boards; look them up. Look at the Historical Commission webpages; very well done.
There is an excellent town newspaper, the Norfolk Boomerang, with its own website at norfolkboomerang.com Their reporters cover a lot of meetings, and information may be submitted by e-mail. Look at their website. Subscribe to their newspaper.
If you do not read, you will not know. It is not the Town's fault if you do not avail yourself of the ways to learn what is going on; don't complain. Read the Town Administrator's webpage. Lots of good info.
By the way, if you bought a piece of land, would you expect that you would have the Selectmen trying to force you to build a structure on it? Of course not.
It seems to me that the only recourse available is discussion, jawboning, trying to get the owner to do what was perhaps promised, or better yet, getting the owner to comply with a memorandum of understanding, or a contract, if one should exist; there is no legal requirement for one. Certainly we would not want the Town to take the land by eminent domain, and fight the huge legal resources of Stop and Shop up through the Courts, at taxpayer expense.
- RH
3/22 5:14pm HPK- There is a swap area at the Norfolk Transfer station in the far corner of the station next to where you can dispose of construction debris. I have both picked up free stuff and left stuff. - MR
3/22 4:27pm What is the process for allocating CPA $$$. Does anyone know? If a private club like the Grange qualifies, does the Federated Church or the Baptish Church or my house if it's historically significant? - MJD
3/22 3:15pm Regarding the post about trash pick-up: we have used BFI since moving to Norfolk and have found them to be reliable and rather inexpensive. When we lived in Wellesley, we took our garbage and recyclables to the town dump--that grew old after a while, and we would have bags of garbage lying around longer than we wanted. The town dump in Wellesley does have a lively social scene and quite the "take or leave" area with some great things that you can take for free. They also have an area used for a book exchange. I never found anything that I really liked there; however, many friends found things like antique furniture and toys new in the box. Obviously, we didn't go as often--that is why we had bags of garbage! As for the post regarding the Stop and Shop issue, that is really upsetting. What can the citizens of Norfolk do about that? What do the selectman have to say? And why is everything in this town such a secret?
3/22 3:13pm The Grange Hall may be a historic building with lots of memories but I can't see the justification for spending $335,000 of the taxpayer's hard earned money for renovating a building the town doesn't own and doesn't need. With the construction of the new Library and Town Hall we have enough buildings to conduct our business. Also private groups such as the Boy Scouts can use the Freeman or HOD to hold large meetings such as the Pinewood Derby. Let's use our CPA funds wisely for projects that will benefit all the residents... not just a select few. - SM
3/22 11:56am To HPK- A really neat service exists through Yahoo Groups called Freecycle. Freecycle offers a bulletin board type service where you can offer your used items for free to others who want them. I have gotten rid of many useable items and picked up a few also. You have to join but it's free. I just gave away a perfectly usable light fixture that switched out for something that we liked better. It was in fine shape and a woman came over, picked it up as was delighted with it. You meet some nice like-minded people too. Check it out on Freecycle.org. I belong to Blackstone Valley and Plainville. Good luck and happy freecycling. - MJD
3/22 10:59am The Norfolk Community League will be awarding one $500 scholarship to a deserving Norfolk resident attending a non-public high school. We have completed the decision process for our Norfolk resident graduating from King Phillip in '06. We have one scholarship remaining, which will be awarded to a student attending a non-public high school.
Applicants should provide a brief biography, transcript, list of community service accomplishments and two character references.
The NCL board will review the applications to determine the recipient of the award. The board's decision will be based on the student's character and overall contributions to the community. Applications should be submitted by April 30, 2006 to: The Norfolk Community League, PO Box 450, Attn: Scholarship Award, Norfolk, MA 02056.
- LR, Norfolk Community League
3/22 10:20am To HPK--I hear what you are saying. I too wish they had a swap at our transfer station but it costs money to run. A couple of places I have been successful in getting rid of future treasures--Big Brother/Big Sister pickup and craigslist.com. At Craigslist, I post a picture of what I'm getting rid of and say--"it's yours free, if you pick up". I think I read in the Globe recently that more and more people are getting into this way of getting rid of "stuff" as well as selling on Ebay. Maybe we could get your "Spring Cleaning" weekend going in Norfolk--put an article in the paper and people could just put stuff out in their yards. Food for thought. - BS
3/22 10:19am To SJP--I'm sorry, I don't know where I picked up that "live trash" terminology. It's the stinky, smelly, degradable trash vs the recycled material. Welcome to town by the way. - BS
3/22 9:26am We're looking for someone to put in a lawn throughout a very large area of our property. We recently did a construction project and need to replace the lawn. Can anyone recommend a local company who does good work? We may look at hydroseeding as well, and would love to hear of any experiences, good or bad, with that. Thanks, - TC
3/22 9:12am Regarding the web cam position, I meant to turn it to your other right. Although I suppose now that you turned it left I can watch the maple tree grow. - JG
3/22 9:09am I am looking for recommendations for good exterior house painters. If you've had the exterior of your house painted recently and are pleased with the results, could you please post. I am looking for someone that will return calls and actually show up when they say they will. Thanks for your referrals. - NM
3/22 9:09am DB, the book "Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage" by Heather Rogers has some interesting statistics about the percentage of sorted household recyclables that are actually dumped as trash for lack of buyers. Recycling of many items has not been profitable enough for waste haulers, and transforming recycled materials to consumer goods has been more expensive than anticipated. This news was not enough for me to give up on my recycling practices (as a Transfer Station user, the pay-by-the-bag system is enough of a motivator to reduce our bags of waste), but it does make me feel more pessimistic about the effectiveness of recycling. Ah well, add that to the list of dashed expectations... The book is available at the Norfolk Library, and I recommend it. - HPK
3/22 9:08am I love Other People's Trash -- that's one of the things I miss about living in the city. I wish we had a swap shop at the Transfer Station, though I understand the logistical difficulties. Sometimes I put free stuff on our lawn so that passersby can get first crack at it before it goes to the dump. This is ritualized in Maine, where they have "Spring Cleaning" weekends. - HPK
3/22 9:07am MJD, Depending on the size of your family, trash collection may be cheaper. When we moved to Norfolk, 17 years ago, (yes, they showed us the moonscape and let us know it was shortly being developed!!) the town transfer station was our route as well. Trust me, it grows old quick. Within two years we had trash pickup and have never gone back. We do use BFI and find them easy to deal with. Good Luck. - DWL
3/21 10:52pm We chose Dover Trucking. I spoke to the Bassetts (Stephen and Janice; son Cliff) on the telephone today and they seemed nice. They take $32.50/month. We'll probably try out the transfer station as well for larger items. BS, what do you mean by "live trash"? Regarding oil: A representative, Paul Johnson, from Horan Oil (Stoughton) showed up the day we were moving in and offered us oil at $2 a gallon for one year (capped--I was told if the price falls, we will get the lower price). I called Cronin today and they quoted me $2.29. Johnson also advertises 2 years free servicing and gives out his cellphone number. We took his offer.
3/21 6:48pm to HNP We saw this critter, the fisher, in our backyard several years ago (we live on Noon Hill Ave.) It was amazing to see it climb up a tree so fast! I myself saw one on the Norfolk/Millis line (Orchard St) just after the Charles River boat launch a few weeks ago. It crossed the road and skedaddled up a tree. These are more common to the area then people think. - NT
3/21 6:47pm BS - I had to laugh when I read the last line of your post, re: the "social aspect" of going to the dump! My husband was down in the mouth about that for a few weeks once we started having our trash picked up. However, he still seems to find a reason to go every weekend. Another interesting aspect of the transfer station "experience" is the Another Man's Trash... phenomenon. So far, we have acquired a bike, a seed spreader, a pair of hockey skates, and a chair.
- JP
3/21 5:57pm Could someone reposition the web cam for me? I'm growing tired of the moonscape. Turn it a little to the right and I can at least watch the traffic go by. By the way, someone needs to wash the window the cam is peering out (nasty shadow). - JG
3/21 3:44pm I forgot the whole reason I was posting. I have been using Dover trucking for a short time now, however I find them very cooperative AND interested when you have something out of the ordinary to haul away. There is a fee, but so far they have taken everything I've asked and only charged a small fee. Also they are among the friendliest people you will have the pleasure of talking with on the phone. Family owned and operated and whenever I call I talk to Steven or his wife (whose name I've forgotten, sorry). - JG
3/21 3:44pm The Board Members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) are currently accepting requests for disbursement of amounts raised through its spring activities. The monies will be distributed in June 2006. If you are a member of an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit our web site at norfolkcommunityleague.org for an application. The deadline for application is May 1, 2006. A completed application must be received by this date in order to be considered. Over the past 8 years, NCL has distributed in excess of $135,000 to local groups such as Norfolk Library, Norfolk Fire Department, Norfolk Police Department, enrichment programs for Norfolk Public Schools, Council on Aging, college scholarships, YMCA camp scholarships, Norfolk Little League, and local preschools. Please contact Janine W. at 508-528-7779 with any questions.
- LR, Norfolk Community League
3/21 1:15pm To MJD: I personally like the transfer station because you can dispose of a lot of things there that the trucking companies won't take, such as construction debris, oil, leaves and branches, and bulk items. - CR
3/21 1:13pm I just saw our first political signs in town for the upcoming election (Mike Kulesza, Selectman.) Hats off to Mike for stepping up. We can certainly use new blood on every board in town. I also want to point out that I may have been casting too wide a net in my recent criticism of the BOH pertaining to the Domey situation. In my opinion, the Chairman should be taking a more proactive role in this mess, rather than letting the sands of time slip away in an attempt to see this fade to black. - JC
3/21 1:11pm To MJD-- For several years we paid for trash pick up. However, we also paid for the transfer station sticker which is either $45 or $50. I can't remember. However, we liked to be able to dump large items and rubbish. In addition, the service that was picking up our trash kept going up in price due to gas costs AND they NEVER gave us the recycling containers (I can't tell you how many times I called). So we got into the whole sorting routine at the transfer station--it's a good job for the kids and it teaches them about recycling. I finally took the plunge last year and cancelled the trash pickup which was about $9 a week--I had never liked the idea of hauling the "live" trash. But I was going there anyway AND we figured a cost savings. We spend $45 or $50 on the annual sticker and $2.10 per bag. We typically only dump one bag per week. [Annual] Cost of going to the transfer station is about $50 plus $110 ($160) vs $468 ($9 * 52) for pickup. Plus there's the whole social experience of the transfer station.... - BS
3/21 11:07am Just wondering, is it cheaper to have your trash picked up or is it a convenience issue for people. Considering the cost of the sticker and each bag, I'll bet it's close. Has anyone figured it out? - MJD
3/21 11:06am On the Stop & Shop issue, I have heard that Stop & Shop likes to buy the land to prevent competitors from building. It seems that is what they are doing in Norfolk. They also take their time building their stores. The Board of Selectmen or Planning Board should be contacting the applicants and find out the status. Norfolk is a target area for 'Smart Growth' around the train station and can hopefully bring in some MUCH needed businesses. - AL
3/21 10:04am SJP: I recommend using Dover Trucking. I started using them after I caught BFI throwing away my recyclables. After calling them on it, they admitted they had been doing it for weeks as their recycle truck had broken. Dover is a nice family run business - very professional and pleasant. In fact, their business phone forwards to their home phone at night. Talk about workaholics! - DB
3/21 8:36am SJP... I have had Callahan Disposal for over 20 years and never have had a problem... 508-528-6078. - ER
3/21 8:35am SJP I would highly recommend Dover Trucking also for rubbish pickup. These people also live in town and are competetive. - PRB
3/21 12:17am To: DH and JP, I am interested in the cleaning / errand position you spoke of, how can I get in touch with you? I live here in town and hold many excellent references. I would love to talk with you. - JWD
3/20 10:36pm There are 3 trash pick-up options in town. Your options would be BFI, Callahan, and Dover Trucking. I had Callahan and became unhappy with their service. I currently use Dover Trucking and think they are great. I would highly recommend them. Another option is the Transfer Station if you want to do it yourself. - TC
3/20 9:44pm We just moved to Norfolk and need to hire someone to collect our trash and recycling. Can anyone recommend a company? - SJP
3/20 4:06pm For FG, regarding a men's softball league, see the March 6 posting on this website -- 3/6 9:53am The King Philip Men's -Over 30- Softball League is now accepting registration for the 2006 season. ... - DLJ
3/20 4:02pm A candidates night will be held on Monday, April 10th at 7p.m at the King Philip Junior High in the cafeteria. Sponsored by the Norfolk Community League, the candidates' open forum will be moderated by Frank Gross. A question and answer period will follow. This is a wonderful opportunity to become acquainted with all of the candidates and their viewpoints regarding the relevant issues. Light refreshments will be served. For information, contact Michelle C. at 508-541-6785 or Cathie M. at 508-541-3354.
- LR, Norfolk Community League
[Update 4:08pm: In addition: There will be a Norfolk School Committee budget public hearing to discuss budget cuts and the impact they will have on class size and programs on April 4 at 7pm in the Mc Bride auditorium of the Freeman Centennial school. All are invited to attend. - ES, Norfolk Community League]
3/20 10:12am The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will be held on Saturday, April 8, 2006 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk Highway Garage on Medway Branch Road (across from the transfer station). The cost is $10.00 per animal and will be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler, D.V.M. Previous rabies certificates must be presented in order to qualify for a three-year vaccination. All dogs must be leashed and cats must be confined to a carrier or pillowcase. Town of Norfolk dog licenses will be available from the Town Clerk at the clinic. For more information, please contact the Norfolk Board of Health office at 508-528-7747. - BF, Norfolk Board of Health
3/20 10:09am I read the story about Bill Domey resigning and I am quite puzzled by his quotes and attitude. Who is he to call it a "mean spirited controversy?" In any inspection I've had him do, whether it was my first home in Wrentham, or here in Norfolk, you could call his attitude just that.... mean spirited. He'd arrive very late, then answer any questions with short, gruff responses. Then to read his quote "It's not engineering," I would ask the town of Norfolk... What do we need him FOR if it's "not engineering?" He also said that he "got a lot of people mad at me." He did that when he had his license, as well, trust me. If there was a theme song for how Norfolk has handled the fact that Domey breached his contract by working without a license for 20 months, it would be "Sounds of Silence" for we've heard not a whimper out of our Board of Health. I had heard they met last week, several days after learning that Domey didn't have a license, thereby giving him enough time to get it renewed, so of course no action was taken. There are several people in this town who are Domey apologists and will do whatever they can to support him and back him. I just hope for their sake they're not involved in any lawsuits that might arise out of the fact that he did inspections for over a year and a half without a license.
- JC
3/20 10:07am The Grange Hall is an old and historic Norfolk building with a long record of community service. It was built in the 1860's as a Baptist Church. By the turn of the century, the Grange was using it as a center for its activities in serving the needs of an agricultural community which was producing dairy, vegetable and other products to be shipped by rail to the Boston market. Throughout the 20th century the Grange contunued to serve the community's needs as it grew and changed. When the Norfolk Town Hall burned down in 1922, the Grange Hall filled the void for over forty years until the old Fire House at 100 Main Street was renovated into a Town Hall. Some town officials during this period performed their duties out of their homes, but the Grange Hall provided space for town offices and the site for the annual town meeting. The back room that now functions as a kitchen was the town library until the 1950's. Selectmen's Meetings, School Committee Meetings and Town Meetings were held in the hall.
The Center School had no auditorium so Graduations, School Plays and School concerts were conducted in the Grange Hall until the Freeman School was constructed in the 1950's. Many Girl Scout meetings and ceremonies were also held there. So Grange Hall means far more than "Pancake Breakfasts" to the town of Norfolk and is more than worthy of support from the Community Preservation Funds.
- BB
3/20 9:17am Happy Vernal Equinox! ![]()
Today at 11:26am EST Earth's axis of rotation will be pointing neither toward nor away from the sun, making day and night be equal in length. As the year progresses, the northern hemisphere will be pointing increasingly toward the sun, resulting in shorter nights and more daylight, thus progressively warmer days.
Our culture celebrates the equinox in subtle ways - the vernal equinox marks the official start of spring, and the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after spring equinox is the official Easter Sunday.
Ok, I'm all set; bring them flowers on!
- Wm.
3/20 12:26am I happened to be in the Foxboro Stop n Shop today and asked my cashier if she had heard anything about it closing. She said she had not, but added that she did know that Stop n Shop would not be building in Norfolk. Go figure. - AL
3/20 12:24am Is there a men's softball league in town? And if so, do you have to be like 3 centuries old to join or what? - FG
3/19 10:05pm Puppy needs a good home with kids, he is a smooth collie 18 weeks old, has all shots, neutered and has a chip installed for GPS tracking if he gets lost. He is house trained and works very well in his cage at night, does not bark during sleeping hours, loves a lot of attention so much. He is such a great puppy and a little shy at times. The reason that I'm seeking a new home for him is that I recently had to put down my sheltie dog after 14 years of friendship, and my daughter with a big heart purchased this puppy for me to fill the void. But I am truly not ready at this time, and I can not give this little guy all that he needs as a pup; I am never home for him due to my work schedule. And as all puppies, he needs tons of fun and affection. If you are interested and would like to meet him, please email me at sh5rob@aol.com or call my cell phone 508-353-0037 any time. Thanks so much,
- RS
3/19 5:08pm TPR - All Seasons Septic, allseasonsseptic.com. I've used them the last three times I've had my system cleaned and have no complaints. Click on the coupons & specials tab for a $20 off coupon. - DM
3/19 4:12pm JAB, I also believe that S&S will never build in Norfolk, but I would say that they most likely will not be closing their Foxboro store. I work in the "Food Business" and can not tell you the last time S&S has ever outright closed a store. Although I believe they are not doing that well in the Foxboro location, they can spread their costs over the many stores they operate.(They have over 500 stores). They have invested a lot of money at that location and would be crazy to close. This store also relieves some pressure from their Mansfield store which does extremely well. Additionally, they received a lot of great exposure for that store, because it is very "Energy Efficient" and "Environmentally Friendly". Next time you are in there, look up and see all the skylights they are using for lighting. All their other stores do not offer this energy savings. The bottom line is, whether they close Foxboro or not, they will never build in Norfolk. I am friendly through business with the owner of Roche Bros. He told me they looked at that location a while back and found they could not operate a Roche Bros. there. What makes everyone think that S&S can? Let's hope they sell it to someone who will develop it for other uses and soon. - TC
3/19 3:32pm Can anyone recommend a septic service they have recently used? Mine is due for cleaning. - TPR
3/19 3:22pm The King Philip music department will present their first Choral Concert on Thursday March 30th 7pm in the Auditorium of the King Philip Middle school, Norfolk. The concert will feature three choruses from the middle school; Repertory Chorus, Aria Chorus and Voces Novae and the High School Chorus. Pieces presented will include: Ave Maria by Mozart, a spiritual song; Elijah Rock, Jabulah Jesu, and Sing me to Heaven.
Admission is Free.
- MW, King Philip Music Association
3/19 3:18pm I am sorry but I do have a change to make to the announcement below. The time is 7pm. Thank you so much. King Philip High School Music Department will present their annual Spring Concert on Wednesday March 22nd at 7pm in the Auditorium, King Philip High School, Wrentham featuring the Concert Band and Symphony Band.
Admission: Adult $6, Student Senior: $4
- MW, King Philip Music Association
3/18 6:04pm SES, absolutely, but you may open up a frost protection issue. Just pouring a slab on grade would be sufficient in tying the shed down (using an appropriate type bracket system) which really is the concern for having footings (high winds etc) but a slab, this would have no frost protection by itself. I think a can of worms may be opened if you are going through Town Hall with this. Frost protection is four foot below grade. So, a frost wall may be required followed by the slab. The Town may appear strict about the needs for footings for a simple shed but, next time you are driving down Pond St. by the new playing fields, notice the shed the Town installed along the roadside. It is set upon blocks! And it is leaning! Quite a bit! Hmmm... maybe they're not finished yet... It is pretty darn close to the road, too... Well, for us, I guess we must abide by Town rules...
- BF
3/18 5:17pm Does anyone know someone who will do ultrasonic bath for a motor boat carburetor? - DN
3/18 5:16pm It's now about a week after the Domey situation erupted, and he has quit his post in Holliston, claiming he was "harrassed" to the point of leaving, and also admitting what he did was an oversight, but that "he didn't kill anybody." I can't feel too badly for him if he feels as though he was harrassed, because I never felt I was treated fairly by him years ago when he had to do an inpection on my property. I guess what goes around in Norfolk comes around in Holliston. Here's the link: [at metrowestdailynews.com]
- PA
3/18 5:15pm SM, My mole tells me that Stop & Shop will be closing the Foxboro store. Whether this makes a Norfolk store more plausible, I'm not sure. The rumor of them buying the land to keep out competitors has been around for a few years. Would you want to develop a piece of property in Norfolk the way our planning boards approaches things. Recently, Art from the planning board wanted the developer to build it in one large phase so the plants are the same size. Does he not realize you can plant larger trees later to match the earlier planted trees? I think most developers and business owners throw up their hands and move on to jobs they can compromise with the town boards and in turn profit from. - JAB
3/18 5:12pm ![]()
The Animal Control Department has received increasing calls regarding the fisher "cat". You can learn more about them at Living with Fisher in Massachusetts. We were lucky enough to catch a picture of this elusive animal this week in Norfolk and thought I'd pass it along so the residents will be able to identify the animal if they come across one.
- HNP, Norfolk Animal Control
3/18 5:11pm I know that footings are required for a garden shed, but does anyone know if you can use a concrete slab instead? - SES
3/17 5:41pm SM, "Landbanking" is actually a strategy used by developers and communities alike to simply reserve the land for future use. Many comminities "landbank" to preserve open space or for future projects. Developers do this often for for speculative purposes as they "bet" on certain communities. Wealthy individuals do it for retirement planning. When did S&S buy the land? It is likely that they bought several parcels in many different communities and waited to see which ones were the best places for a store. I'm not sure of what basis there would be for a lawsuit. If what you say is true (that it was intended to keep out competition), then I suppose a suit might be brought for "unfair business practices," but it would be doubtful that the town could show any damages here. In any event, I'd raise my hand as one who would not want to see his tax dollars pay for a lawsuit of this kind.
- LD
3/17 3:17pm Regarding our health agent... word out of Holliston is that he's all done there, and there are contractors getting lined up to file lawsuits against the town due to the fact he was an employee, and he was working without a license. Of course, here in Norfolk that's called an oversight that happens to chagrin people. - JC
3/17 1:29pm Stop & Shop has no intention of building a supermarket in Norfolk. The term for their action is "land banking" whereby a retail business will buy up land so that their competitors can come in and build a store. Stop & Shop has stores in Foxboro, Walpole, Franklin and Wrentham. All within 5 miles from Norfolk. If they built a store in Norfolk they would only be taking away business from the other stores. We need to tell our selectmen to file suit against Stop and Shop. Our selectmen have been asleep at the wheel on this issue. - SM
3/17 12:30pm JC, You have some great questions. Has the BOH made a public statement on any of these questions? Maybe something will be in the "Boomerang" today. It was my understanding that the BOH had a meeting the other night and the Chairman didn't think it was a big issue!!! I heard the other members were concerned and discussed it for a short time. It seems like there is a lot going on around town with many of the "Boards" that have contested races for their positions in the election. Should be some lively talk for the campaigns and "NCL Candidate Night". - TC
3/17 12:29pm JD, I also question what Stop & Shop's plan are for Norfolk. They are in the midst of building a Super Stop & Shop in PLainville (next to Target) and the sign there saying it will open in May 2006. That one is moving along quickly. With stores in Foxboro, Mansfield, Plainville and Franklin, I'm not sure there would be enough shoppers to sustain another store. Plus I'm not sure about how close together they are allowed to have stores - monopoly and all. I certainly hope something will do constructed, but I'm not holding my breath that it will be a Stop & Shop. Are they under any obligation to build if they have gone so far in the Planning Board, etc. process or can they pull the plug at anytime? - TS
3/17 12:28pm Saw an interesting article with a link in today's Globe for instant market value of homes throughout U.S. If anyone is interested it's: zillow.com. - TN
3/17 10:08am Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!!!
- MT
3/17 10:06am Thank you, TC. If Norfolk had our own poll, I don't think it would bode well for Domey. From what I heard, Domey is back in good standing with our Board of Health. He hustled out and got his license renewed, but the fact remains that he knowingly represented the town without a license, which I'm sure is a breach of contract, not to mention the risk of a legal nightmare. Also, why did the BOH wait several days to meet.... to let the imbroglio blow over and buy time for Domey to get his renewal? - JC
3/17 12:33am Happy St. Patrick's Day!
3/16 10:25pm Regarding the Domey situation: I was just reviewing the Holliston homepage to see if there is any new news. It looks like they are taking a survey on whether to hire Domey back. The results have not been positive. I'm not sure whether they have agreed to hire him back or not. Maybe they are trying to get the residents opinion. I wonder what the Norfolk Board of Health will do? I also wonder whether we could post such a survey? I bet our results would be similar to Holliston's. Check it at on the top right of their site. You can find it by going to hollistonnetnews.com. You can probably vote also. - TC
3/16 10:24pm So, what IS the scoop with the "Stop & Shop" land in town center? First the sign went up for "future home of Stop & Shop", then, just days later there was a HUGE sign saying that the land was for sale. THEN the "for sale" sign was taken down, and a SMALLER "for sale" sign was put in. So, just what the heck is going on anyway? On a different note, the condos being put in on top of the hill look really nice! Wow. I just hope the view for future owners improves!!
- JD
3/16 7:06pm A new antique shop has just opened in Wrentham next to the diner in the building in the center of town. I don't remember the name, but they have some unique items and they will also sell your items on Ebay. It is a consignment shop worth checking out. - PRB
3/16 4:11pm Found: Men's watch on Stop River Road. Call 508-520-4543 to claim. - BM
3/16 4:09pm Re: The Grange ... several years ago I requested to book the Grange for a child's birthday party - about 10 adults and 10 children. I filled out the necessary paperwork and the request was presented at a board meeting. I received a letter saying my request had been "unanimously rejected" by the board. I thought the response a little harsh. I assumed from the letter that since the Grange is privately owned, only friends or relatives of people on the board were going to be granted permission. A shame, because it looks like a nice place and is conveniently located in town. - HF
3/16 4:08pm Something Special Gifts & Confections is celebrating their recent move this Friday & Saturday. There will be free raffles, popcorn and cotton candy. Bella of Cape Cod jewelry and Kaleidoscope Designs will be there to show and sell their spring lines. Come check out our new store at the Wayside Building, 158 Main St. (next to Linda's Variety). Hope to see you there. - Joan Abramson & Nancy Bowers, Something Special
3/16 4:07pm
[Update 7:46pm: inadvertent messages removed - Wm.]
3/16 12:18pm TS - Thanks for the camp info. - I will look into Stony Brook. - MCS
3/16 12:16pm To MJD, I've been with the Grange for 15 years and it has always been the policy to rent it out to non-members. I am so sorry you received the wrong information. Please accept our apology. Again, Marie Simpson is the contact person and applications are available at the Senior Center and from Marie. - NS
3/15 7:38pm NS: It's a good idea to post the rental policy for the Grange (here and in Boomerang, for ex.). Our family has attended the pancake breakfast and the presentation of awards for President Reports written by F/C children. The Grange is a neat building and would offer a great space for small - medium social affairs. Glad to know that non-members are welcome to request use of the space and that chances of granting are excellent. Best wishes on the renovation! - TMN
3/15 3:50pm No, NS the contact person I spoke with told me that the date was available but I was not a member and I could not rent the hall. I hope this new, friendlier, policy will be stated publicly. Perhaps if the funding goes through, it could be posted in the Boomerang. That way residents will know that the Grange Hall is now available for all to rent, regardless of membership status. - MJD
3/15 2:24pm In response to MJD about using the Grange Hall - I belong to the Grange and it is rented out all the time to non-members. I don't know who gave out the wrong information about only members being able to rent the hall. Maybe the hall was in use on the date asked for. Renting of the hall is brought up at a Grange meeting and the members vote on it. Most times, rental is granted. People using the hall are: Bunny 4H club, Legion, Food Coop., family gatherings (showers, Thansgiving, etc.), church groups and many more. Applications are available at the Senior Center or from Marie Simpson. - NS
[Update 1:02pm: Marie Simpson is secretary for the Conservation Commission and the ZBA - RH]
3/15 2:19pm The fire department has been fielding many questions regarding Nicole's Law, for the installation of carbon monoxide detectors, which takes effect on March 31st. This law, enacted after the tragic death of a Plymouth County youth after their home's heating exhaust became blocked by snow, will effect all residences, as the scope of the law requires all residential dwellings to be protected by a carbon monoxide detector. However, the community needs to note that the requirement for carbon monoxide detectors will only involve homes where heat or hot water are provided by fossil fuel burning equipment (ffbe). If your home has a fireplace, wood/coal stove, propane or natural gas cooking/heating appliance, you would also need a carbon monoxide detector. Furthermore, if you have an attached/enclosed garage, the requirement would be extended.
Dwellings without these appliances or without an attached/enclosed garage are exempt. An example of an exempt home would be a dwelling heated/cooled by electricity and not having an attached/enclosed garage.
Under this law, homeowners need to have a carbon monoxide detector on each level of the home and within 10' of a sleeping areas. Exceptions would be for basements which are not habitable and attics.
Acceptable detectors would include battery operated, plug-in (ac units) with a battery back-up or hard-wired with a battery back-up (would require electrical permit). Combination smoke/carbon monoxide detectors may be used provided the the detector has clearly distinct tones for smoke or carbon monoxide activation AND simulated voice for carbon monoxide activation. such detectors may also be part of the home's fire/security, low voltage/wireless system.
After March 31st, all homes being offered for resale are required to have smoke/carbon monoxide detectors which comply with the previous information. The cost for this new inspection, known to the realty business community as 26f 1/2, will be $50, as affixed by the legislation and the board of selectmen.
All new construction for residential property will be assessed the same fee for inspection.
The department has information available to answer questions, and is prepared to work cooperatively on an individual basis to assist any residence with the issue of carbon monoxide detector selection, installation or any matter concerning public safety.
I would like to assure the community it is not the intent of the department to take enforcement action, but to develop a spirit of community cooperation to work through the enactment of this legislation, which will save lives.
Please call the department, 508-528-3207, to discuss this matter with any of the on-duty lieutenants or myself at your convenience. We're open 24 hours a day.
- Coleman C. Bushnell, Fire Chief, Norfolk Fire Department
3/15 10:20am For MCS: Stony Brook offers summer day camps and divides them by ages (4-5 , 7-8, etc.) There are before and after camp options as well for parents that can't get there for the camp drop-off and pick-up times. My kids have always had a great experience there. - TS
3/15 10:19am I was interested to see that the grange hall renovation is being considered for CPA money. I hope that if this building is preserved using public money that the public will have access to the building for more than pancake breakfasts. I know I tried to rent it for a family after-Christening celebration (3 hours, finger sandwiches and punch, no alcohol) and was told that the building was only available for rental to members. WIll that policy be reviewed? - MJD
3/15 9:22am To PA: Word around town yesterday was that Domey was out working. While that is just a rumor, I can see him showing up like it's business as usual. Your story sounds familiar... mine usually involve him showing up 2 hours late for an inspection, no apology ever issued, and meantime I have to pay a crew to stand around while they wait for him. Does anyone know when the next BOH meeting is? I'd like to see that one.
- JC
3/15 8:09am As if we needed more things to worry about, Canadian researchers found a link between asthma and antibiotics administered to children younger than one years old. Babies treated with an antibiotic before their first birthdays are twice as likely as antibiotic-free infants to develop asthma, new Canadian research suggests.Antibiotics do not themselves cause asthma, and it's not yet understood whether the correllation found is attributable to the medicines or merely highlights a pre-existing condition.And the risk of the chronic lung disease grows each time a baby is prescribed one of the drugs.
[article]However, one theory is that exposure to dirt, bacteria and viruses primes the body's immune system, which, in their absence, can start attacking normally harmless matter such as dust and pollen.
- Wm.
3/14 8:36pm One question I have pertaining to our Health Agent...has he worked in Norfolk since it came to light that he did not have a valid state license? I've dealt with Mr. Domey before, and while he certainly knows his septic tanks and regulations, he was a little light on customer service skills. Oftentimes, you could ask him what he thought of the inspection he had just done, and if he replied at all, it was with a curt "You can find out from the office," and then he'd simply walk away. Norfolk deserves someone who will not only enforce the rules, but also abide by them. Can anyone please tell me, has he knowingly worked in Norfolk without his license?
- PA
3/14 8:35pm To JBZ: We had to have our central A/C system overhauled and replaced. Due to a variety of factors the job was a complicated one and we received conflicting opinions and vastly different bids from potential contractors. On the recommendation of Heavey Plumbing in Walpole we eventually went with Lane Refrigeration (also in Walpole) and it proved to be an excellent choice. We recommend him highly. Ask for Jim Lane at 781-762-6226. Best of Luck! - TEM
3/14 6:46pm Re: our Health Agent, Mr. Domey. Where I work, my employer requires a copy of my current professional license to keep on file. No proof of license - no work. I think the Norfolk B.O.H. should have done this. Also, if Mr. Domey is that forgetful, maybe at age 75 he should think about retiring or giving up a few of his towns he covers - but then he woudn't bring home his $100,000 annual income, and who in their right mind would want to let go of that kind of money. - RH
3/14 2:29pm Does anyone have any recommendations for someone to install central air and/or an attic ventilation fan? Thanks. - JBZ
3/14 1:39pm To TC: You're right on track. The leader of our BOH should be out on the forefront of this, as they are in Wrentham and Holliston. If this is a 'incredibly serious' situation in Holliston, then it certainly is in Norfolk. The fact that our BOH chairman is "chagrined" over this is frightening. HE SHOULD BE OUTRAGED. I would also like to look through Domey's licensing history... this is probably not the first time he "goofed up" and "forgot" to renew his license.
It is time for the Town of Norfolk to find someone who does not serve four other towns as well, someone who has a manageable workload, and someone who will not be forgetful.
- JC
3/14 7:54am JGP - There is a great program that just opened up in Medfield, near the Shaw's supermarket, that combines cooking with children's literature. It is called either Hooked on Books or Hooray for Books, I can't remember which. It is new to Medfield but the woman who owns and operates it has another in Holliston. She has classes for many age groups and I have heard wonderful things about it. - SG 3.14 15:92am 65358 9793 2384626 5338! If you don't speak Geek, today, 3.14, is International Pi Day. Of course, this only really works in countries where they write the month before the day (and not as 14.3), but nonetheless, it's a noble effort. Happy Pi Day! Oh, and spring is upon us -- all five snowdrop buds were open today, and two crocuses were unfurled a smidgen.
- Wm.
3/13 10:57pm I'm not sure about everyone else's opinion, but I'm not thinking our Board of Health Chairman Dr. Thomas Gilbert did Norfolk proud by stating "I always assumed he kept his license up to snuff" in the newspaper. There is an old saying about people that assume. Shouldn't the Chairman of our Board of Health have higher standards then assuming. It is not only embarrassing that Domey forgot to get the appropriate licenses, but it is also embarrassing that Norfolk didn't know. Let's hope we do not see any lawsuits from it. God only knows we do not need any more. Just one person's opinion. - TC
3/13 10:54pm Mr. Domey was in the local news a couple of years ago but I do not remember the specifics. Was he the gentleman that held the BOH and town hostage by refusing to do septic inspections unless he received more compensation? "Forgetting" to renew is a pretty lame excuse - for crying out loud, I won't even let my AAA auto roadside assistance plan expire, never mind something my livelihood requires. Has he also forgotten to keep up with current rules, regulations and technology?
3/13 6:32pm Re: 3/13 8:13am Has anyone been thru Chicatawbut Rd in the Blue Hills lately? and 10:36am I drive that road all the time, it (the reservoir) has been drained. - MJD
For more information on the apparent rogue bureaucrat, and the bills filed to stop him, see: [Friends Of The Blue Hills BH Reservoir page]
One might guess that he has a hidden agenda, at odds with the department that he heads, or maybe someone has an interest in dump truck companies. Political action is needed, fast.
- RH
3/13 4:27pm I am looking for a summer camp two full days a week after school ends. I was told that the Y had a camp at the Freeman Centennial School and read about it in the Rec. Booklet, but when I called to inquire the person told me that (in the past) the camp is so small that they don't separate the children by ages into groups - kids from 1st-6th grade are all put in the same camp. Does anyone know of a good alternative where kids are kept with kids in the same age group? Thanks for any help - MCS
3/13 1:43pm Does anyone know of a cooking class for children age 7 in Norfolk or the surrounding area? - JGP
3/13 12:34pm King Philip High School Music Department will present their annual Spring Concert on Wednesday March 22nd at 7:30pm in the Auditorium, King Philip High School, Wrentham, featuring the Concert Band and Symphony Band. Admission: Adult $6, Student Senior: $4 - MW, King Philip Music Association
3/13 11:54am LS, A couple of kids who use that bus stop to the Middle School ride their scooters to the bus every day and leave them in the woods to pick up on the way home. I've seen other kids doing this at other stops as well. I will call one of the mothers regarding your post. - CA
3/13 11:14am Can anyone tell me if the inspections that Mr. Domey has done since his license expired are valid, or can they now be contested? Also, are we technically WITHOUT a health agent right now? Would the Town of Norfolk be liable for any decisions he has made since working as an UNLICENSED engineer? This is a scary scenario. He's required to have a license, which he obviously does not. He has also admitted that he's 'not on the ball' and some of the decisions he's been involved with involve public health and safety issues. It is time for the Board of Health to get someone in there who is on the ball, and doesn't have a workload that can create these situations. - JC
3/13 10:42am FOUND: Two (2) Kids Scooters in the woods off Maple Street (across from Essex St). They were visible while driving by. Email the webmaster [Wm@norfolknet.com]. - LS
3/13 10:37am Considering the heartache Mr. Domey has put numerous residents through while serving as health agent in Norfolk, his explanation that he just "simply forgot" is not sufficient. Had I tried that explanation when being forced to upgrade an already sufficient septic system which was verified by my engineer, I would not have gotten a certificate of occupancy. Mr. Domey's reputation is far and wide and it's time to put him out to pasture. - PAN
3/13 10:36am JO - I drive that road all the time, it has been drained. - MJD
3/13 10:32am Just a private citizen public service announcement to all you parents out there who have young adult children ranging in the 18 yr old area .... The End Zone in Foxboro is under new ownership, and he has NO PROBLEM SERVING LIQUOR TO MINORS. The new owner was busted about a month ago allowing a guest to remove alcohol from the bar and attempt to take it to his room after the bar closed. The officer who was in the bar "undercover" caught the guest in the lobby. The punishment - either 30 day loss of liquor license or $5000 fine; of course the owner chose to pay the fine. I'm also aware of a recent situation where a 20 yr old who had been drinking in the motel in one of the rooms was in a fight with and beaten up by a bunch of 18 yr olds who were also drinking but they were in the bar itself. I know as a parent this disturbs me, number one because the owner obviously has no respect for the law, and number two is arrogent and will do what he wants no matter what. I hope you'll take this information to heart and share it with friends who may have children that age. The End Zone is trouble..... BEWARE!!!!!
- RD
3/13 10:30am This is most disturbing about OUR health inspector. If one of us 'goofed up' and forgot to get a permit, we'd be out of luck. Period. End of sentence. If Mr. Domey is blaming his tough workload for forgetting to renew his license (which expired nearly two years ago), I have a suggestion... lighten your load and give up your duties in Norfolk, and let us have an agent whose first priority will be Norfolk, and who won't have too heavy a workload. - JC
3/13 8:34am Hello, I'm looking for Student Driver's Education places for my 16 year old. Does anyone have recommendations? - NW
3/13 8:13am Has anyone been thru Chicatawbut Rd in the BlueHills lately? Has this really occured?? The MWRA has drained the reservoir and will construct two huge tanks? Can't believe that this happened as it makes a mockery of the no net loss of wetlands,
How did the DEP authorize the permit. Some questions have to be asked.
What do you think?
- JO
3/13 8:11am Town could be liable for health agent who 'forgot' to renew license- KC
By John Hilliard/ Daily News Staff
Friday, March 10, 2006HOLLISTON -- A health agent who "goofed up" and worked for nearly two years without a critical state license was suspended without pay while local officials investigate whether the town faces legal risk.
"This is incredibly serious," said Board of Health Chairman Richard Maccagnano, whose board suspended Health Agent William Domey during an emergency meeting last night. "If you have to (be licensed) to do this work, geez, that's your bread and butter."
Meanwhile, Domey blames a tough workload for forgetting to renew his license as a professional engineer in 2004. The license is required for the Holliston health agent job.
"I simply forgot," said Domey, 75, who is also a health agent for Norfolk and Wrentham. "I guess I wasn't on the ball."
3/11 4:57pm Regarding Everyday Mathematics: One of my children started Everyday Mathematics in 3rd grade and one has always had it. You're right, it is confusing to us who have been taught traditionaly, but, as I understand it, the way they teach basic math skills makes it easier to learn more complex math later on. The way a child is now learning in first grade makes it easier to master geometry and algebra in later grades. The math my daughter is now doing in 6th grade I did not do until I was in 8th or 9th grade. I love everyday math and most of the teachers do too. - RB
3/11 4:55pm KT - I was laughing reading your post because you sound like my husband... Many nights I enjoy listening to my first grader trying to explain her homework to her dad :0) I am a third grade teacher and my school system does not use Everyday Math. I have heard pros and cons to just about every program out there - including Everyday Math. I agree it can be confusing at times but just an FYI... Wait until your child takes the MCAS!!! This "math machine" or "factory math" you describe (2 goes into the machine, apply the rule etc...) has been a favorite on the 4th grade MCAS test. Not only are the children expected to complete the math machines - but also explain how they work in written language! Such fun :0) - NS
3/11 4:20pm To PM re your post about Everyday Mathematics in the Norfolk Schools--I hate it! I think it is incredibly confusing; they seem to take 6 or 7 steps to get to the same result I learned to do in 1 or 2. All the diagrams--this goes in, the rule is applied, this comes out--are ridiculous and unnecessary. Of course, my son deals with it better than I do since he has a much more open mind. But I long for the days when 2 + 2 = 4, not 2 goes into the machine--apply the rule of +2 and have it come out the machine and what is your result--equals 4. So needlessly confusing. But that being said, my son does seem to have a very good grasp of mathematics. Whether that's him or the program, I don't know. - KT
3/10 7:31pm CO detectors are supposed to be placed no more than ten feet from any bedroom and can be either mounted on the ceiling or plugged into the wall as long as the plug is not controlled by a switch. - DMM
3/10 7:28pm Re: 3/10 4:39pm To RH, your comment "Because CO is heavier than air, a unit on a ceiling is probably just a smoke detector" - I have yet to buy my detectors but I probably would have put them on the ceiling. Where does it make the most sense to place them? Thanks in advance for any advice! - KAS The best folks to ask about smoke detectors, and where to place them, are the Norfolk Fire Department, 508-528-3207. And thanks to AB, for the correction of 3/10 3:07pm: Newer technology (less than 3 years old) by Kidde, Firex and First Alert incorporates ionization smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in one unit that mounts on the ceiling.
- RH
3/10 7:27pm The posting that carbon monoxide detectors should not go on the ceiling bothered me, as that is where ours are. I checked a few websites, and all recommend them on the ceiling as carbon monoxide will rise with the warmer room air. This is from homesafe.com "Proper placement of a carbon monoxide detector is important. If you are installing only one carbon monoxide detector, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends it be located near the sleeping area, where it can wake you if you are asleep. Additional detectors on every level and in every bedroom of a home provides extra protection.So it looks like ours are fine after all!Homeowners should remember not to install carbon monoxide detectors directly above or beside fuel-burning appliances, as appliances may emit a small amount of carbon monoxide upon start-up. A detector should not be placed within fifteen feet of heating or cooking appliances or in or near very humid areas such as bathrooms.
When considering where to place a carbon monoxide detector, keep in mind that although carbon monoxide is roughly the same weight as air (carbon monoxide's specific gravity is 0.9657, as stated by the EPA; the National Resource Council lists the specific gravity of air as one), it may be contained in warm air coming from combustion appliances such as home heating equipment. If this is the case, carbon monoxide will rise with the warmer air.
For this reason, the makers of First Alert (R), the leading brand in carbon monoxide detector technology, suggests mounting the detector on the ceiling. This also puts the detector out of the way of potential interference, such as pets or curious children."
- CI
3/10 7:26pm Hi, My mother is new to the Norfolk area. She is older and recovering from hip surgery, and she is looking for a friendly helper to assist with cleaning, shopping, and other errands. Can anyone recommend a person or a place to look for someone who is pleasant and trustworthy? Thanks, - DH
3/10 4:39pm To RH, your comment "Because CO is heavier than air, a unit on a ceiling is probably just a smoke detector" - I have yet to buy my detectors but I probably would have put them on the ceiling. Where does it make the most sense to place them? Thanks in advance for any advice! - KAS
3/10 4:38pm To JP - I have used the same cleaning person for the past 6 years and have absolutely no complaints. Her name is Leine (508) 284-5153. - KC
3/10 4:33pm These are not breeders, but they are rescue organizations that specialize in Dachshunds: Dachshund Club of America
National Rescue Coordinator: Emma Jean Stephenson emmajean52@aol.com (PA); Jeanne Fisher 781-581-1854 MACoast to Coast Dachshund Rescue, c2cdr.org
Sheri Mello, schasello1@aol.com (MA/all New England)Dachshund Adoption and RescuE (DARE), daretorescue.com, info@daretorescue.com
Cilla Tyler cilla@daretorescue.com (NH)Almost Home Dachshund Rescue Society - AHDRS almosthomerescue.org
Jennifer Bartok jen19082001@yahoo.com (all New England)- HNP, Norfolk Animal Control
3/10 3:07pm To RH: Actually, carbon monoxide is lighter than air, but not by much. The molecular weight of carbon monoxide is 28.01.
Air that we breath is 28.975. This assumes that air has a composition of oxygen at 20.9%, nitrogen at 78%, and the remaining 1.1% being argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen and xenon.
Carbon Dioxide is heavy than air at a molecular weight of 44.01.
Newer technology (less than 3 years old) by Kidde, Firex and First Alert incorporate ionization smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in one unit that mount on the ceiling.
- AB
3/10 12:27pm Just a reminder that the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library has begun their memberhip drive for 2006 and can use your support. Most of you have received a letter in the mail but for those who haven't, there are membership envelopes on the Friends board at the library. Membership begins at $15 and all members receive a newsletter and a gift, as well as $5 off the Norfolk afghan, and admission to the Friends-only Friday night book sale April 28. The board of the Friends meets the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend. - PM
3/10 12:24pm I'm looking for mini Dachshunds (aka Doxies / Wiener Dogs). Does anyone know of a breeder in the area? Thanks
- RO
3/10 10:01am I am interested in hiring a house cleaning service. There are so many choices: a big company, private individuals, etc. It is also a big risk to let a stranger into your personal belongings? (and expensive) Can anyone recommend a reputable residential cleaner? I would like to hear if anyone has had a bad experience too and to beware. Thank you.
- JP
3/9 9:58pm Re: 3/9 5:59pm Regarding CO detectors... our house was built 3 years ago and the smoke detectors are hard wired directly into the house. We've been told that the smoke detectors MAY also be CO detectors. Does anyone know if there is a way to tell for sure? Thanks! I suggest removing the cover and, if necessary, the detector itself, watching out for live wires, and read the item nomenclature, manufacturer name, and model number on the label. Also: See if there is a direct alarm to an outside company. See if the detectors use a battery backup; check or replace the battery. Check the unit operation with the test button if there is no outside alarm. If necessary, check the manufacturer's website or the Norfolk Fire Department.
Because CO is heavier than air, a unit on a ceiling is probably just a smoke detector.
- RH
3/9 6:01pm When will the Norfolk Rec booklet be out for the summer schedule? - JGP
3/9 5:59pm Regarding CO dectectors... our house was built 3 years ago and the smoke detectors are hard wired directly into the house. We've been told that the smoke detectors MAY also be CO detectors. Does anyone know if there is a way to tell for sure? Thanks! Also, I have seen a few posts regarding summer child care. I highly recommend sittercity.com. It is a terrific web site filled with college kids looking for summer employment - many of them majoring in early childhood development. For a small fee you can search for sitters based on certain criteria such as distance from you, transportation, type of hours & salary range they are seeking etc. The site simply offers a venue to connect sitters and parents. It is up to you to check references etc. but I have had great success finding wonderful sitters from Norfolk and surrounding towns on this website. Good luck!
- SM
3/9 5:58pm The 2006 Spring Charity Gala is only a few weeks away! Purchase your tickets now and avoid a late fee. No tickets will be sold after March 15! Visit www.norfolkcommunityleague.org today to download your registration form.
With over $30,000 worth of fabulous auction items, as well as dinner and dancing, this is going to be a great night out, and all proceeds go right back into your town! Help make this night a success!
Send in your form today and spread the word to your friends!
- LR, NCL Co-Chair Publicity
3/9 5:56pm Timing is everything. I just announced at our monthly TPA meeting on Tuesday that I was in the early stages of putting together a Parent/Public Service program (1 night) about Lyme Disease in our area. If anyone out there is acquainted with an Infectious Disease physician who might be willing to come speak to parents/residents, please contact me (541-8555). The TPA will also be hosting another evening program this Spring about Internet Safety. this one could be especially valuable for parents about to buy their kids cell phones or IM service. In light of recent arrests in our area, it drives home the point that living in the 'burbs is no safety net when it comes to the internet. More details to follow about that program. In the meantime, anyone with info about speakers for the Lyme Disease program, please give me a call or email. Thanks so much.
- KM, Norfolk TPA
3/9 8:41am DARE Summer Day Program dates 2006: I am pleased to announce the dates for our upcoming DARE Summer Day Program. Students who will be exiting grade six and entering grade seven June 26-30th (Monday thru Friday). Students exiting grade five entering grade six August 14th-18th (Monday thru Friday). Applications for both sessions will be going out after April vacation. Any questions please contact Officer Steve Plympton at (508) 541-3330. - SP, Norfolk DARE
3/9 8:40am TMN -I read an article recently that said that the most common place to pick up a tick is from a rotting log. So when you are out walking and need a rest, the article said, don't sit down on an old log and make sure you don't have them hanging around your yard. - MJD
3/8 9:47pm I was under the impression that CO Detectors were only required if the home had heating systems capable of producing CO. Are detectors required if you have electric heat? - DT
3/8 9:46pm Spring is definitely coming. The Bush Pond swans are back on the nest! - JD
3/8 9:45pm We are looking for a responsible person to provide child care in our Norfolk home for our 10 year old daughter and 12 year old son 30 hours a week during the summer. They are pretty self-sufficient, but not old enough to be left alone. This is a great job for a college student home on summer break. Please call 508 528-6146. - AM
3/8 9:38pm Thanks TEM. LL Bean makes a line of clothing - socks, jeans & shirts that are treated w/ tick repellant. Must be this "permetrin" the USDL brochure speaks about. Clothing supposedly lasts through 26 machine washings before repellant wears off. My brother (avid fisherman) swears by Bean's stuff. BS - Sorry your son had it too. As I'm originally from SE Connecticut (near Lyme), my family has had to deal w/ this for a longer time. Am still amazed how reluctant docs are in this area to consider LD when diagnosing symptoms - frustrating.
3/8 9:37pm A quick note on Lymes - we have a two-year-old lab mix that was vaccinated for Lymes, she got the disease anyway. It was discovered by chance from a very good vet at Acorn Animal Hosp. I also got several deer tick bites myself last season; one tick may have been on me for a bit longer than 48 hours. I developed a burning ache at the bite spot (not the classic rash). My doctor gave me one dose of an antibiotic! I wanted a bottle full! Well I guess they are starting to think that if the bite is very recent and not in under the skin for longer than 48 hours... a single dose is recommended, hmmm. Months have passed and I finally took the time to get myself blood tested, negative results, phew! One thing to realize, while your pet may have the vaccine and may be on the Frontline type tick preventative drops, they will still carry the ticks indoors with them. The Frontline will not kill the ticks unless the ticks actually bite them. We are now taking extra measures, one of which is to thin out and push back the brush that surrounds our back yard.
- BF
3/8 9:35pm Re: 3/8 3:31pm I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find any historical photos of Highland Lake when it was used for recreation. Also, as I resident who lives on Highland Lake, I am very concerned that the water level has dropped dramatically. ... - EC There is an 8 x 10 paperback booklet entitled "Early Norfolk Revisited," a 64-page collection of historic photographs, drawings, and documents, published by the Town of Norfolk in 1970, "Commemorating Its One Hundredth Year of Incorporation," probably available in the Library. Pages 49 through 54 pertain to Highland Lake and houses in the area. On page 53 there is a drawing of the lake, with rowboats in the water, and a covered bridge, with "Highland Lake Grove" painted on the roof of the bridge.
- RH
3/8 5:45pm MJD & TMN--you are so right!! Not to beat a dead horse, but Norfolk residents have to be really aware and diligent about watching for deer ticks and preventing Lyme disease. It is definitely here in this town. My son also had the disease when he was five--he had a fever, severe headaches, photophobia and vomiting at least once a day for about 3 weeks. The doctor said it was a stomach virus. It was only when we were on vacation that the bullseye manifested itself and then we knew. Fortunately we were in Maine where they are very familiar with the disease and treated it very aggressively--even more so than what Children's Hospital would have done. All is well. But I hate to think about the consequences had the rash not appeared. In fact, the rash ONLY appears in 50% of the cases. Severe neurological damage can occur if left untreated or inadequately treated. There have even been severe psychotic events associated with Lyme.
Anyway, as they say, "knowledge is power" and we can all be on top of it.
- BS
3/8 5:13pm Announcement from the Norfolk Fire Department: Action by the Commonwealth's legislators enacted Massachusetts General Law (M.G.L.) 148, Section 26F 1/2, requiring the installation of carbon monoxide detectors within all residential buildings starting on March 31st.- Wm.To comply with M.G.L. 148, Section 26F 1/2, residents are required to install CO alarms on every level of their homes, except for the basement or attics, provided they are not habitable areas of the residence.
[full announcement here]
3/8 5:08pm To MJD & TMN: The US Department of Labor has a useful publication on Lyme disease that includes preventative measures. They recommend applying n,n-diethym-toluamide (DEET) to exposed skin and something called "permetrin" for clothing. For further info go to: [OSHA PDF] - TEM
3/8 3:31pm I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find any historical photos of Highland Lake when it was used for recreation. Also, as I resident who lives on Highland Lake, I am very concerned that the water level has dropped dramatically. I read in the Boomerang a few months ago that during heavy rains, there was a change made to let some of the water out. Was that ever changed back? The waterfowl are coming back to nest, and a portion of the lake has dried up. - EC
3/8 11:27am Also would like to add kudos to George Cronin Oil. We're very happy w/ pricing and service. Had to have someone come just last night for a burner that wouldn't fire up. Called at 8:30 PM and Bruce was ringing our doorbell by 8:45. Can't complain about that response time. All fixed before 9:30 too! - TMN
3/8 11:25am MJD - Very good advice! Our (now 13 year old) son contracted Lyme when he was 9 and never exhibited the famous "target rash." His symptoms were mild enough to go misdiagnosed by the pediatrician until he developed Bells Palsey on the left side of his face. While antibiotics took care of the Lyme (45 days's worth of Amoxicillin), he suffered facial paralysis for over 10 months. To this day, he smiles reluctantly as smiling made the paralysis much more noticeable to others... Gist is, this isn't a fun illness, so prevention is key. Spraying the scalp makes a lot of sense. We spray clothing too - esp. socks and sneakers! Oh, and don't forget to innoculate your dogs, they get it and suffer too!
3/8 10:54am To KL and all interested adult softball players: Norfolk Recreation sponsors Adult Co-Ed Softball Sunday Mornings from 8:30-11AM. This year the start date is April 30. The field is located at the Freeman Centennial School; the softball field is on the far left. These are free, pick-up games - just show up with your glove and have a great time! Any questions, please feel free to call Norfolk Recreation at 508-520-1315 or email us at recreation@virtualnorfolk.org. - Ann Proto, Recreation Director, Town of Norfolk 508-520-1315
3/8 9:35am NCL Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Freeman Centennial School, MacBride Auditorium Join the Easter Bunny and Mr. Dave for a continental breakfast and musical entertainment!
Bring a donation to the Norfolk Food Pantry (non-perishables or toiletries - i.e., canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.) Please bring your camera to take a picture with the Easter Bunny!
Limited tickets available. Tickets will not be sold at the door, so reserve early!
Please return coupon below by Friday, March 31st with a check payable to:
NCL, P.O Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056 Attn: Easter Bunny Breakfast For more info call: Maura M. 508-528-1315 or Teresa R. 508-553-9850. Admission price $4 per person for NCL members, $5 per person for non-members (children under 2 years old free).- LR, Norfolk Community League
3/8 12:22am I received a letter from a local pediatrics practice in the mail recently that talked about Lyme Disease. It seems that children who develop the disease without a noticable rash are often bitten on the scalp by the Lyme Tick. The letter suggested spraying your child's scalp each time he/ she plays in the yard, especially if you have seen evidence of deer in your yard. Tonight, as I was driving down Wellflleet at dusk, I noticed three deer crossing the street headed over to the transfer station. Beautiful but a concern. Get the Deep Wood Off out I guess. Sping has sprung! - MJD
3/8 12:19am Dads and those married to Dads, I have created a website and online community dedicated to fathers. www.noodad.com Our idea is to create a place for dads to go that is geared just for them (as opposed to places that are geared towards moms, like babycenter.com). Check it out!
- GN
3/8 12:18am I have said it in the past and will say it again, Cronin Oil is the best of the best. We have been on a budget with them for years. I got a statement from them last week and because of the mild winter and moderate oil prices, we have paid for most of our oil already so the last few months on budget will be very easy on the purse strings. You can shop around if you like, but when my furnace decides to take a break, I can rest easy that they will be there within a very short time to fix it, usually within an hour or so. - JW
3/7 8:44pm I filed my taxes this year and last using Turbo Tax. It is web based. The software is very intuitive. It walks you through the entire process, asking questions much like Block or others do, but is very inexpensive. All forms are included - no need to find them! I received my refund last year within 10 days. Here's the link turbotax.com - JB
3/7 4:24pm For those who do their own taxes, I haven't found any forms at any post offices this year. Norfolk has none, and the East Walpole postmaster said they are not going to carry any this year. I did find some Federal and State forms at the Norwood library, and both Federal and State forms are available on-line; Federal at: [IRS.gov] and Mass at: [DOR state.ma.us] - RH
3/7 4:22pm Mark your calendars! Community Day 2006 is June 10th at the Holmes Bus Company complex on Myrtle Street. The Norfolk Lions are actively planning and preparing for this special day, and we need your help. This year will be bigger than last with many new special events such as laser tag and Big Daddy racing. Once again, we need community participation. We need volunteers willing to help on event day, sponsors to help offset the costs and make the day affordable to all, and feedback from the community at large on previous year events. What went well, what areas could we improve or enhance, and any other suggestions targeted at improving the event. We would also like to add some booths specific to local charities, groups, or neighborhoods. If you have ideas or want to get involved, please contact us! Barbara S. at bsnead@comcast.net or Ed M. at melansonej@hotmail.com. - EM
3/7 4:18pm In regards to oil delivery, George Cronin does an outstanding job. His prices are competitive, he has a budget program, his people are great and he lives right down the street in Norfolk. We have had Cronin for over 20 years and would not go anywhere else. - JT
3/7 3:31pm Hi MO - I would love to talk to you about child care for next February. Feel free to give me a call at 508-520-9997. Thanks - MG
3/7 9:18am BF: I recently stumbled across the site as well and agree. It led me to George T. Cronin & Son. Their prices are always among the lowest and they are a full service company. They are very responsive, I might add. - JB
3/7 8:56am Something Special has reopened at 158 Main St. next to Linda's Variety. We have a great selection of Webkinz. Our hours are 10:00 to 5:00. - JA, Something Special
3/7 8:48am The Norfolk Cultural Council will be presenting a "Local Arts" Exhibit, which opens on March 15th in the main Meeting Room of the town's Public Library, and will be on display through April 15th. The show consists of a variety of watercolors, pastels, photographs and oil paintings by more than 20 local artists. A reception will be held on Wednesday, March 15th, from 6:30 to 8:30PM, to celebrate the exhibit's opening, and light refreshments will be available. The public is encouraged to stop by and say hello, especially as many of the represented artists will be on hand to answer questions or talk about their work.
- LD
3/6 10:23pm A while back oil programs were a topic I was polling readers about. Having oil cost concerns and raising the issue on this site, I was able to receive many helpful tips and also a valuable link. The link will direct you to a site that lists our local oil companies and regularly updates the COD prices they offer. It updates every week or so with new current rates. I am finding it helpful to now be able to actually see who is constantly more affordable than the others. One thing also, many of the companies are delivery-only companies, not a full service type. I was pleased to learn our own local oil company is one of the most affordable week after week and offers full service. The link is newenglandoil.com - BF
3/6 9:35pm Does anyone know of any adult co-ed softball leagues in the area? - KL
3/6 9:29pm To MG... I am starting to look into home daycare for next year (next Feb. actually)... when do you start accepting children for that time period? Is this something I could call you about now? Thanks. - MO
3/6 9:29pm Fishercat: while wlking my dog along the abandoned RR tracks parallel to Everett Street we spotted a fisher cat in the middle of an opening. He is one fierce looking animal who just checked us out and scampered into the wood. That is why I keep my dog on lead even in the woods these days for he would surely loose in that fight. I had spotted a younger fisher two years ago behind Southwood. - RC
3/6 9:22pm We received information that a level three sex offender, living in Wrentham, works for a local Norfolk plumber. More information is available through the Norfolk Police Sex Offender Registry page, or by calling the department at (508) 528-3206. Thank you, KB and CH, for alerting us.
- Wm.
3/6 12:01pm The King Philip music department will hold its annual Marching Band Orientation at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, in the Grady Auditorium at King Philip Regional High School. All King Philip students, entering grades eight through twelve in the fall of 2006, who are interested in finding out more about being a member of this award winning marching band, are asked to attend with their parents or guardians. Director Peter Tileston, veteran members of the band and parents and guardians will be on hand to answer questions about the fall 2006 Marching Band program.
- MW, King Philip Music Association
3/6 9:53am Monday's Globe has an article about oil-price caps, and it started me wondering -- how did the caps at higher than market rates ($2.55, $2.39 were mentioned) translate to actual delivered prices? [see the discussion from 11/22-12/4/2005, esp. 11/27-28] - Wm. 3/6 9:53am The King Philip Men's -Over 30- Softball League is now accepting registration for the 2006 season. All games, which are slow pitch, are played on week nights in Bellingham. Individuals or teams interested in joining the league should contact League President Craig K. at 508-520-0163 or email kpsoftball@gis.net. Registration deadline is April 15, 2006. - CK
3/6 8:50am LM, try Randy Corwin. He is listed in the Town Businesses section. He has always been great to us and is very reasonably priced. Housework Haters Cleaning Service- PFD
Norfolk // 520-1258
Randy Corwin
3/5 5:41pm We need to repair/re-hang one of our tallest gutter pipes and have all the gutters cleaned out. Any suggestions for a company/person to do this? I scanned the favorites list and didn't see anyone. - LM
3/4 3:53pm Stony Brook celebrates the return of spring with a Big Night Extravaganza - Stony Brook's sixth annual Big Night Extravaganza will be held Friday and Saturday evenings, March 31st and April 1st. The cost of the program is $6 for Mass Audubon members and $8 for non-members. Pre-registration is required.
[More details on the Calendar.]
- PJ
3/4 3:46pm SAVE THE DATE! Hooray! THE LEGENDARY Friends of the Norfolk Library Annual Book and Bake Sale is BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER! Saturday, April 29 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A Friends-Only Book Sale is Friday, April 28 from 7 to 9 p.m. We have over 25,000 books! Visit us at our new and improved location, Norfolk Department of Public Works, 33 Medway Branch, Norfolk, MA 02056. - TS
3/3 8:06pm To CIW: The Federated Church has a Prayer Shawl Ministry, and among this group are several good knitters. I suggest contacting the church office at 528-0262, perhaps something could be placed in the church bulletin. I am a beginning knitter myself, meaning that I know how to knit and purl. There are a few good books available in the library, among them (excuse the language but it's the name of the book) Stitch N' Bitch, that show the basic stitches. I learned the stitches borrowing this book and practicing on scrap yarn last winter. The website for Lion Brand Yarn also covers the basis of knitting, as well as some projects that this age group may be interested in. Hope this helps. - CR
3/3 5:51pm BF, JB, Wm. - Thank you for all your great suggestions to advertise my home daycare inexpensively. I appreciate your help. - MG
3/3 5:50pm Hi KC - Thank you for your interest in my home daycare. I take infants through school age children and my rates are competitive with others in town. I do offer a sibling discount as well. I currently have any day but Monday available. I have a degree in Elementary Education and 15 years of experience in Early Childhood Education. I would love to speak with you and I can be reached at 508-520-9997. Thank you. - MG
3/3 11:47am CIW: What about inquiring at the Senior Center? They might be willing to post something or suggest a few people that might really enjoy the interaction with the kids, and really be able to show them a thing or two about knitting and perling! Great idea. - AL
3/3 9:35am For KC... I have openings in my daycare for over 15 months old. 508-528-3235 - ER
3/3 8:34am Can anyone recommend a babysitter for a toddler? We live up by the border between Norfolk and Medfield. We would only use a babysitter for an occasional night out to the movies or dinner. I'd prefer someone with a driver's license. Please forward any names or numbers to workingparentsnorfolk@hotmail.com. Thanks very much for your help. - KGD
3/2 9:02pm MG, I am looking for daycare for my 2 children; I would need 1 full day a week 8:30 to 3:30. Please let me know what you charge and what days you have open. It doesn't matter what day of the week. - KC
3/2 5:55pm Hi MG, the link for the Norfolk Community League is http://www.norfolkcommunityleague.org/ - BF
[Thank you for catching that! - Wm.]
3/2 5:37pm My daughter and her friends have been knitting for more than a year. She would like to start a knitting club for 5th and 6th graders. After speaking with the school principal, she would find a room for this group to meet after school but we need adults too. I am willing to supervise but I do not knit. Does anyone know any experienced adult knitters that would be interested in a knitting club for ages 11 up? Any ideas are greatly appreciated. - CIW
3/2 5:10pm For MG regarding advertising inexpensively in Norfolk - Please contact NCLEditor@NorfolkCommunityLeague.org to advertise for the upcoming Newsletter, $10 will cover two newsletters, for the span of 4 months. Your ad will be shown via a hardcopy of the newsletter that is sent to NCL members and the NCL website which is available for all to view. ES - NCL Editor, NorfolkCommunityLeague.org
[Update 5:58pm: The NCL page is .org, not .com; thank you, BF - Wm.]
3/2 3:12pm It was brought to my attention yesterday that one of the women nominated by Norfolk Community League for the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women was chosen as "Massachusetts Community Unsung Heroines of 2006." The commission has invited Tara Spellman, nominee and recipient of the award representing Norfolk to attend the Community Unsung Heroines of 2006 Reception on Friday, March 3 at the State House to honor the Unsung Heroines from communities across the Commonwealth. The ceremony is being held from 1-3 pm in the Great Hall and will include a short speaking program, certificate presentations, photos on the Grand Staircase and a "Just Desserts" reception. This ceremony will be a precursor to the MCSW's Third Annual Unsung Heroines Award Luncheon, which will be held on March 22 at the Fairmont Copley Plaza from 11:30-1:30 p.m. Women who will receive this year's awards will be selected from among the 2006 Community Unsung Heroines and announced at the March 3 State House event.
The Heroines were selected from over 450 excellent nominations submitted this year. They represent the unheralded women who don't make the news, but surely make a difference. All of these incredible women make Massachusetts a better place to live and work.
Tara Spellman was nominated as an instrumental person involved with the Brick-selling effort for Town Hill, as well as the Haunted Train Ride, whose proceeds benefited the Norfolk Summer Concert Series. Above all, Tara always maintains a positive attitude, her motto being "It's no big deal, it will be fun." Norfolk Community League would like to take this opportunity to thank Tara for her endless efforts with various fund-raising endeavors with no personal gain attached.
- LR, Norfolk Community League
3/2 2:59pm CR - The amount of the Wrentham override would be substantially higher without the commercial tax base. - PC
3/2 1:11pm Re: 3/2 11:45am I'm looking for a house painter for the exterior of the house. Does anybody have any suggestions on one who is reasonable? - DA Under Town Favorites, at the left of this page, check out, in the Home Improvement category:
Harley Bowden (interior/exterior painting)He had a reasonable price and he and his crew did a good job on our house.
20 Bird St., E. Walpole // 508-668-0925
This is a good time to line up exterior painting companies, before they get booked for the spring and summer.
- RH
[I must apologize for the Favorites page; I haven't kept it up-to-date with the (many, many - thank you!) recent recommendations that have been discussed - Wm.]
3/2 11:45am I'm looking for a house painter for the exterior of the house. Does anybody have any suggestions on one who is resonable? - DA
3/2 11:34am O.K., I realize this is not the topic of the week, but I just want to put in my two cents regarding commercial development being the fix all to communities' financial problems. I was a resident/homeowner in Wrentham when the outlet mall was in the planning process; I attended the town meetings and public information sessions about it. I specifically remember the developers and supporters saying the outlet mall would take care of the town's financial problems, if not forever into the distant future. Guess what, Wrentham is looking at an override for FY 07. Sure, commercial development helps in a limited capacity, but mostly brings more traffic and crime to the host community. The problem occurs because with commercial development more town services are strained, not schools but fire/police, public works, and all these strains offset any additional money being brought in to town because they require more personnel in these departments. Also, you know the old saying, the more you make the more you need to live, which is also true for towns. Norfolk is fortunate because chances are no huge commercial projects will ever be proposed in town due to the limited highway access, but this, in my eyes, proves commercial development is not the solution to financial problems. - CR
3/2 10:04am Adult babysitter available for the NCL Spring Gala Night, Saturday, April 1st. Message cindy@humancomm.com for information, thanks. - CR
3/2 10:03am Reuters has an article about the rapid growth in home schooling, and I was struck by the similarity in the motives to the sentiments expressed in support of Mr. Matez. "I wasn't sold on the idea of institutionalized education. It's a factory approach -- one size fits all," said Isabel Lyman, author of "The Homeschooling Revolution" who taught both of her now-grown sons at home.The figures are not precise, but the number of children home schooled is close to 2 million -- up from 1.1 million in 2003."The schools take all the joy out of learning. They don't take account of a particular child's interests, needs and development. The whole system is anti-child," she said.
[article]- AR
3/2 9:58am MG, Franklin and Walpole also have bulletin boards you can post on. Also, Town Hall has a bulletin board for posting in the upper lobby. Franklin's board, Walpole's. - BF
3/2 9:55am MG - I'm not sure if it costs anything but you could try CraigsList. "Craigslist boston provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, personals, services, local community, and events" boston.craigslist.org - JB
3/1 11:04pm We're incredibly excited about our first spring in Norfolk. I remember how beautiful it was there last summer when we were house-hunting, driving down Myrtle Street, past the horses and the open fields, with the sun mid-morning sun shining through the trees on a perfectly clear day. It was glorious. - SJP
3/1 10:56pm Does anyone have any suggestions on ways to advertise a home-based business inexpensively. I own a home daycare and I am trying to reach my licensed capacity. I would love any thoughts. Thanks. - MG
3/1 5:11pm I just spent some time driving around town and I've come to the conclusion that spring is never going to come to Norfolk until all of its citizens realize that Christmas is over and they pack the decorations away. Get those brown wreathes with the very sad red bows into the trash. Candy canes are over! Spring is, calendar-wise, 20 days away, and that's not much time to make every sign of the December holiday disappear. Come on people, robins are coming into town and thinking that they arrived way too early. Let's welcome those little harbingers of spring with wreath-free doors and windows. While you're at it, it wouldn't hurt to pick up the trash that has blown all over the place during the past few months. Let's show the world that Norfolk is ready for Spring! - BAB
3/1 10:36am Notice from the Board of Selectmen: Effective April 2006, the Board of Selectmen will change their meeting night from Monday to Tuesday. Meetings will still be held in Room 124, Town Hall.Our meeting schedule for March will be Monday, March 13th at 7:00 p.m., and Monday, March 27th at 7:00 p.m.
Our meeting schedule for April will be Tuesday, April 11th at 7:00 p.m., and Tuesday, April 25th at 7:30 p.m.
Future meeting schedules will be announced after the annual election on May 2, 2006.
- RH
3/1 8:55am We have been having Comcast problems recently as well. Mostly from really spotty sound. - HN
2/28 11:29pm Hello REB, Do you still need a big coffee can? I have one. How do I get in touch with you? - DLJ
2/28 11:25pm SW, thank you for the suggestions for hiking. I read your post only now. We will indeed call one of those places "our own"... I am also very interested in the mathematics programs available for children, both in the schools and extra-curricular. In Newton, there's a place called the Russian School of Mathematics (www.russianschool.com), which comes highly (and reliably) recommended to me. It's one day a week, starting as early as kindergarten. Newton is too far, though, and I'd be very interested in anything similar nearby.
I'm interested simply because I want my kids to have the opportunity to enjoy math as much I have (or more), not out of some hyper-competitive over-involved parenting. I will definitely teach them things myself, but I've heard some odd things about how they teach math these days (from my colleague whose kids attend school in Brookline, and also go the Russian school). I'll be interested to learn about the "Everyday Mathematics" program.
Also, by the way, regarding recommendations for plumbers, etc.: A good resource is angieslist.com. It has detailed reviews for any kind of contractor you could imagine, written by customers. I've already chosen 3 contractors for our place in Norfolk based on what I've seen there. It costs $63/year. I like it.
2/28 7:21pm Is anyone having Comcast problems lately? My connection is really spotty, and I can't reach anyone there. Big surprise. - TC
2/28 9:26am We're fairly new in the area, and looking for a good piano tuner. Any suggestions? - PB
[Piano tuners were mentioned most recently on 2/10 10:04am (Wayne Brown), and 2/8 4:36pm (Peter Place) - Wm.]
2/27 9:58am JG - A resident on Longmeadow Road threatened suicide. The whole cul-de-sac was sealed off for 5 hrs and 45 minutes; no one could come or go. - PRB
2/27 9:46am We received an e-mail in reply to JG's question about the commotion near KP middle school - From what I gather, the police had a suspect trapped in a house on the corner of Longmeadow and Ridgefield and spent 4 hours trying to get them out, and finally did around 9:30pm, the guy came out on his own (sorta). It was quite the scene.- Wm.
2/27 8:28am Anyone have any info on all the commotion by K.P. middle school last night? 2 or 3 loud explosions and you could hear the police on a loudspeaker talking to someone. - JG
2/26 7:16pm Hi HK, try also Jerry Foster in Medfield. We used him and he was terrific and reasonable in $$$. 508-359-9188. - BF
2/26 4:29pm REB - I don't know how big the 6 items are but the Senior Center uses the large coffee cans and would be more than happy to give you what they have. The Senior Center telephone number is 508-528-4430. Good luck on your project. - RC
2/26 2:58pm HK - djbc.net I know the DJ, Bob, personally. I have worked with him for seven years and can vouch for his professionalism and intense work ethic. The link above has some samples of his work. He's very talented and has been working as a DJ in Massachusetts for many years. He grew up in Wrentham. - DM
2/26 12:59pm Can anyone recommend a DJ for a 50th Anniversay party? - HK
2/26 11:11am I need a really big coffee can for a school project I don't have one because my parents don't make coffee. I don't need the lid, but it has to be able to fit six items in it. Thanks, - REB
2/26 11:05am Show you
Citizens are committed to
Accountability and
Responsibility in
Education for our Norfolk children!Please attend the kickoff meeting of this newly forming group to show you CARE about:
Sunday, February 26, 2006, 4 - 6 p.m.
- Fiscal Responsibility
Being involved in the challenges of public school funding.- Serving Parents and our Community
Offering a supportive resource, forum, and voice in the management of our schools. Seeking out and leveraging the many talents of our citizens, businesses, and community groups.- Accountability in Education
Putting the public back in public education with a focus on activities, decisions and policies affecting our schools.- Collaborating with School Administration and the School Committee
Achieving fulfillment of the Norfolk Public School Mission and Vision Statements.- Supporting our Teaching Professionals
Fostering an exciting and dynamic work environment that values their work and dedication.
Norfolk Public Library- TS
2/25 6:36pm Hi JG, We have used Al Broderick of AJ Broderick plumbing in Bellingham for years. I can not say enough about his work. Very professional, ALWAYS shows up, returns calls within 24 hours and is reasonably priced. Calls back right away for emergencies too! I really appreciate the fact that he'll tell me that I DON'T need to do something, or how to do something less expensively! His number is (508) 883-3732. - TO
2/24 4:37pm From the Mass. DOR page on home heating fuel tax deduction: Certain owners and renters of residential property located in Massachusetts may claim a home heating fuel deduction up to a maximum of $800 for the cost of home heating oil, natural gas, and propane purchased between November 1, 2005 and March 31, 2006. A taxpayer who qualifies for the deduction may apply the deduction in taxable year 2005 for purchases made between November 1, 2005 and December 31, 2005.If the taxpayer does not take the full $800 deduction in taxable year 2005, the taxpayer may take the remainder in taxable year 2006 for purchases made in between January 1, 2006 and March 31, 2006.
The deduction is available to:
single persons whose adjusted gross income is $50,000 or less; and
joint filers and heads of household filers whose adjusted gross income is $75,000 or less.
- Wm.
2/24 3:24pm Thank You, we now realize our Town's school administration, staff and committees have held the utmost regard for all those concerned in the matter of Mr. Matez departure. Thank You for taking the high road and maintaining the utmost respect for all those concerned and remaining committed to the best interest of our children. It is now clear you had made the right and very difficult decision to pursue this matter. Thank You for not turning a blind eye on this situation, for standing firm, for your excellence. Thank You Chris for your dignity in this matter. Sincerely, long time Norfolk resident
- BF
2/24 9:03am Has anyone had experience with having their bathtub painted, re-glazed or replaced, and who did you use? Any help appreciated! - AL
2/23 6:28pm The agenda for the CARE meeting taking place this Sunday, February 26 from 4-6 at the Library has been posted on the CARE Blog at norfolkcare.blogspot.com. All are welcome. You are encouraged to attend if you are interested in discussing items related to CARE's proposed areas of focus as outline in the agenda. This includes topics raised here, including Everyday Math and how we can support parents who might appreciate help to address issues they (and their children) are facing in our schools. As this is our kickoff meeting, you have an opportunity to help shape the future of this newly forming community group.
Thank you.
2/23 3:40pm I have a similar question to JL (you may have seen my previous post on this topic). Does anyone who commutes to Boston for work have a child in preschool around here? I'm interested in the best fit between good school and proximity to a commuter rail station. - KGD
2/23 11:54am JG -- We always use Mark Depasquale Plumbing in Walpole and have been very pleased with their work. - KE
2/23 11:48am I am interested on opinions on the new Everyday Mathematics program being taught in the Norfolk elementary schools. Do you like or dislike it? Do you find it to be stimulating or confusing your child? - PM
2/23 11:46am Hello - can anyone recommend a good daycare center that provides preschool in the Franklin, Medway, Millis area? I'd be happy to get any feedback on ones to avoid as well. Thank you! - JL
2/22 11:41pm ![]()
Here is some data that should help determine a model's safety record as well as its attractiveness to car thieves. Also cars rated for safety. Should help before you "Come On Down" to mile long sales areas!!
Also one wonders if a breakdown out could be made of the models of cars in the town. It would be interesting to know how many Cadillacs - BMW - Mercedes - Bugattis - Honda Civics, etc.
- JO
[Liberty Mutual Insurance also makes the information available on-line on an interactive menu-driven page page [here], though the tabular form allows for comparison shopping - Wm.]
2/22 10:55pm Re: 2/20 7:39pm I remember it being discussed previously, but... did anyone ever figure out why our lights dim every night at 7:21? Thanks, - NB I observed a couple of incandescent lights from 7:10 PM to 7:35 PM and there was no dimming seen. At the same time, I observed the line voltage with an electronic digital multimeter and the voltage ranged from a high of 120.9 volts to a low of 116.0 volts, in 63 readings. This was only half of the 220 volt input from the pole but the 220 line could not be easily or safely measured. Factors which would make lights dim are typically someone turning on a heavy load: toaster, iron, electric stove, electric clothes dryer, water pump, dishwasher, etc. If someone near your home has an electric water heater on a timer, that might explain the consistent dimming at that time, though usually the timer is set to go on at times of minimum electricity use: daytime, late night, very early morning, etc.
- RH
2/22 10:53pm Hi - I have the ad below seeking to buy a used treadmill. I am still looking for one, but just found out that I am a truly lousy typist as I put down a wrong phone number! Thankfully the nice woman whose number I did list emailed me. So, if you tried to contact me and I didn't get back to you, could you try again? Call 774-571-7426 or email me at digger123@mindspring.com Thanks!!!!
- CI
2/22 10:42pm Hi, We are looking for a reliable plumber. Does anyone know someone in the area? Thanks, - JG
2/22 2:14pm In response to SJP: I am sorry for taking so long to respond to your question. We have been busy entertaining a few "snowbirds" this week! My most favorite place to walk, and still a warm memory for my daughter, is through the woods down behind the old town hall, off Main St., to the old town pond. It has long fallen into disuse of its historic purpose, but it is still a tranquil place to visit. We used to take trash bags with us and fill them with the discarded debris from less sensitive visitors, and just sit on the banks and try to imagine what a nice place it must have been and all the families who would once go there for outings.
Two other favorites were hiking around Highland Lake, and along Toils End Rd (could be entered at the end of King St., where it met up with Eric Rd and Bridie Lane, or from Grove St.). There was no pretty pond or lake on Toils End (another site which, unfortunately beckons the kindly visitor to bring along a trash bag to pick up after those who seem to think natural places are their own private dumps!), but we could always find warrens of bunnies and a vast variety of birds; in the Spring one could count on finding violets and lady slippers to enjoy (don't pick them, please); there was a tranquil grove of pines where you could lie on the moss or blanket of needles below, close your eyes and just listen to the wind whispering in the lofty boughs above; and, somwhat less on the natural side, we even found what appeared to be the ruins of an old railroad car...that was always a mystery to us!
There was also a nice walking trail through the woods behind KP that led to a pond just before coming out onto (i think it was) Robin Road. I am sure you will find many places to call your "own" as you set out to explore the town. So much open space so many natural places of beauty have been developed, but there are still many that are yet hidden away. Don't forget to pull off Lawrence St., by Bush Pond, and just enjoy all the wild dogwood that greet the Spring, too.
- SW
2/22 12:20am Great, complete info on the Mass. Excise Tax. Paragraph two points out that M. G. L. establishes its own formula for valuation for state tax purposes whereby only the manufacturers list price and the age of the vehicle are considered. This is a complete explanation of the law and again Mr. Galvin has done a great job.
- JO
[Good find! Rate is $25 per $1000 valuation, which is a fixed percentage of the vehicle list price: 90% in the model year, 60% the second year, 40% third, 25% fourth, and 10% fifth year and on. After five years the excise tax reaches its minimum, and will remain the same for the life of the vehicle - Wm.]
[Update 2/23 11:37pm: However, there is an additional rate that one may get as well. In early 2001 we bought what was called a "2002" Acura. This isn't covered by the formula since it was one year before the model year. We were subsequently charged 50% of list price for 2001 and then we were charged 90% for 2002 (the model year) and 60% for the next...So it is possible for someone to be charged 50% in the first year before it reverts to the formula that you posted. We actually paid a high rate for an extra year with this formula. - JM]
2/20 8:14pm To BC: I have used New Life Upholstery in Foxboro several times and was happy with each job they did. I plan to use them again soon to reupholster some living room furniture. They are in Foxboro center at 34 Central Street - 508-543-2280. Good luck! - CA
2/20 7:40pm To LB: Rob Abramson is a great carpenter and lives here in town. His number is 508-989-7913. - NB
2/20 7:39pm I remember it being discussed previously, but... did anyone ever figure out why our lights dim every night at 7:21? Thanks, - NB
2/20 6:42pm First, I would like to thank the individuals who maintain this site so that residents of Norfolk can converse on all matters of interest in our community. Secondly, we would like to thank all our customers for their continuing support as we service their waste and recycling removal needs.
My wife Janice, the cheery voice on the other end of your phone calls, my son Clifford, the recent Bryant University graduate / future owner, and I believe the only way to build a business that we can be proud of is to offer superior service and communication to all our customers.
People can check us out on the web at dovertrucking.com. Last, and the reason for the posting, is to thank those who took the time to pass on information to others about our services.
- Stephen Bassett, Owner/President, Dover Trucking Inc.
2/20 4:08pm Sorry to stop flogging the dead horse, but today I saw the first ROBIN!!! - JT
2/20 1:33pm Just FYI, some of us long-term residents have never lost faith in our school committee nor in the F/C or HOD administration. While certainly not agreeing with each and every action, overall we see they do what's right for all the children. - SP
2/20 11:54am To BC... Regarding the reupholstering, MCI Norfolk does offer the service. I provided the quote information to them in May, 2005 and was told that they would not be able to do the work until May, 2006! Last year's Globe article increased the demand for their services dramatically. The woman I spoke to at the prison said their work is incredible and that the inmates must go through extensive training before they are permitted to work on customer goods. In addition, the price she quoted was a fraction of the cost I was quoted elsewhere. The contact number is 617-727-0227 x 236. Good luck, I am holding out for May. - TW
2/20 11:40am To KGD - My daughters attended Pine Acres in Franklin (Pond St, 528-5125) which they loved, and they have daycare before and after school. I can't say enough good things about them. Teachers were wonderful & caring, great ratios, the kids adored the playground, and the curriculum was great. My 8 year old used to say that she loved "Rudy," the puppet raccoon that the afterschool teacher had. They are also accredited, which all preschools aren't. I think they were going to start to be open in the summer this past year, but I'm not sure about that since my guys are now at HOD. - LJK
2/20 11:37am Thank you for the inquiries about CARE. As of this morning, CARE has a blog. I think it's preferable to a website because it allows many people to participate and post and we're not lucky enough to have Wm :-) Please check out NorfolkCARE.blogspot.com. Hope to see you at the kickoff meeting this Sunday from 4-6 at the Library.
There were several questions posed by PCS on 2/16: "How can a citizen contact a school committee member to voice concern? When are the next elections for the school committee positions? What is the administration's action plan to curtail the alleged bullying in Norfolk schools?"
To contact School Committee members, please see [School Committee page] for names, positions, and addresses (including emails). At the March meeting, we are hoping for an update and discussion on the requests for an investigation and a report to the community.
The next elections for School Commttee members are on May 2. For those considering a run for a School Committee spot, we hope to have nomination papers on hand. Candidates who've already taken out nomination papers are encouraged to attend and to let us know of your interest in participating in a CARE candidates' forum.
The last query will be raised and discussed at the kickoff meeting. CARE's mission includes offering a supportive resource, forum, and voice in the management of our schools and collaboration with School Administration, it seems appropriate that CARE would add its voice to the question "what is the action plan and how can we help?"
Please email box29@norfolknet.com for more information.
2/20 10:40am To LB: Try Bill Vincent of William's Custom Carpentry in Walpole. His phone number is 508-668-5514. He is reliable, professional and does great work on small jobs and large. - DMM
2/19 9:44pm Does C.A.R.E. have their own website? Is there any way to keep abreast of their findings? Thanks so much. - LK
2/19 8:14pm I've seen a few references to CARE, but I have no idea what it is. I checked the Norfolk schools site, but didn't find anything. Can someone point me in the right direction? (Not necessary to repeat it all here...) I'm very eager to explore with my family the nature walks, etc., that the area has to offer. SW, what are some of your favorites? How about nice (flat, quiet, pretty) places for biking with my 5-year old?
[CARE was just just formed; see the post of 2/15 11:18pm - Wm.]
2/19 8:13pm Thanks ND, BS & MHC--I will check in to the Medfield preschools that you recommended. One of my son's close friends live in Medfield, so maybe I can persuade her mother to send them to preschool together! I do wish there was a full-time program in Norfolk, but I guess that won't be happening any time soon. SJP--welcome to town and I look forward to meeting you at the playground! - KGD
2/19 6:05pm Hi, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a carpenter to do some small jobs. One being to construct a loft in my sons bedroom. Thanks - LB
2/19 1:00pm Does anyone have a recommendation for someone who does reupholstery (besides Classic Furniture) -- does the prison still have a program for that? - BC
2/19 3:07am Thank you JO for providing the links to Westford's Commission for Efficient Town Government, and report [post of 2/18 9:27pm]. What an incisive, inclusive, resourceful model they present! I highly recommend that as many of you as can possibly spare the time to read all 78 pages of the report do so. You should come away impressed and excited about this brilliant idea and interrested as to how it could be put to work as a model for Norfolk. - SW
2/19 3:03am Hi SJP, I am so glad to learn that the information that I provided was useful to you, and even more glad to see that, within the day, so many more people took notice of your post and offered their feedback. Two of my sisters and one of my brothers are educators; together they cover the scope of elementary and middle school (public), and higher education (private sector, post-graduate level). They also agree that problems such as bullying, personality clashes, etc, are likely to occur in any school system but that it is parental involvement that is parqmount in keeping these and other problems in a school system in check. all three were excited about the concept of the CARE meetings and especially impressed that it was the parents and other townsfolk who initiated the program. You do sound like a parent who will stay involved in your children's education. Your deep care and concern is clearly evident in your post. I wish you all good things and many blessings in your new home. There are so many wonderful nature walks, hidden away in many little corners of the town, to share with your children. Spring will be arriving soon and it is such a beautiful time to take advantage of things like that! Also many thanks to Wm. and JO for your enlightened support. JO, I always enjoyed sharing the classroom with you, and my daughter still has you on a pedestal! Yes, Norfolk is never far away because of all the many friends and family we still have there; and so it is that our bricks will always mark the place of our roots. As to those industrious friends, I cannot thank you enough for your devoted time and efforts in keeping me abreast in this situation with your phone calls, e-mails, faxes, and video & DVD recordings... so looking forward to the Feb and April visits from some of you!
TS and CAM and the many other hard worker that have brought CARE to fruition, best of luck; go for it!
- SW
2/18 9:56pm Hi, I have to write and this will likely be my last. For a time now, you and many others have witnessed a strong back and forth on the matter of Mr. Matez and in my view, an even stronger matter, the issues and assaults on our Town Officials. In particular, the Norfolk School Administration and its Committees. I am a long-time Norfolk resident and love this Town. I try to always recognize as many points of view as I can when it comes to sensitive issues as this. I have done so in this most highlighted matter also. I have tried to maintain a position of such even if at times my view may seem opposing. Opposing to a view, which is currently evolving in opposition to the status quo of the Norfolk School System. It is evident that by my making myself available on the site of Nofolknet, I have become the one to direct a large amount of animosity against. I suspect it is truly not just my words that may enrage those who object to another's off beat view.
I have read all of the print media on this issue, watched the now famous School Committed meeting that allowed a 20 minute open floor on this matter, and read each view on line that involves this situation. I remain unconvinced that neither side is correct.
There will always be two sides to the story and with that, there will always be something in between, the truth of the matter.
I am sorry if I have offended anybody, this I say sincerely. In my situation, I feel by my presenting myself with a possible opposing view, I have thus placed myself in the position of receiving the brunt of many a harsh criticism. Most I feel have come from SW. Today I was very surprised to learn that this person, impassioned as they may be, is not local to this community any more. This was very upsetting to me. Had I known that this person who has been very vocal in the way of opposition towards me, I would have avoided interaction with them completely. I assumed I was conversing with a local person who was also in the position of having the benefit of receiving both sides of the story. I am struck by the idea that this person is likely only receiving one side of this important matter not having direct access to our local cable channel or our local papers. Note: the most recent article in the County Gazette was not made available online. This article made mention in detail of the School's point of view.
I am not ignorant to the matters at hand, as a person to whom I am very close is a Massachusetts Licensed Educator and teaches in the Public forum. We know all too well how the administration can and does to some extents lack in the way of the human side of education in the classroom. We are also very much aware of how parents can become a bit over-impassioned in the way of classroom education. It is very difficult for a teacher these days. I imagine the same for the administrators. Parent involvement is essential but so is discipline.
Norfolknet is perhaps leaning in the way of bias as assaults continue towards those who may oppose a larger view by others. I have read on this site many a very harsh criticism directed towards contractors (by name), planning board members, Town Officials and the like. I find it a bit unsettling to read how I may have discreetly hurt anybody with some mild innuendoes. Imagine how our educators must feel, the local contractor/contractors, Town Officials and the like.
I am upset also. It seems this site has promoted the embodiment of a group of upset parents and has directed this view towards the people of this Town and those who enter our Town with the commitment to serve us. I do not understand this.
A recent post mentioned to stop replying to BF who only cares about Robins and Recipes. I wonder where the scrutiny was there. Or when SW tore apart over and over again my posts in very harsh ways. Or to those who continue to cast a glare my way? A recent post I made was in reference to the most recent Gazette School news. That I now understand this matter. I now had both sides of the story. CAM came at me, once again. Where was the censure?
This is fast becoming a new style Town. Is this wrong of me to say? Change is inevitable, we can only hope for the good of all who are in the way of this evolution.
- BF
[Update 2/19 11:06am: Restored the first parapgraph that I missed; my mistake - Wm.]2/18 9:27pm To readers - Found this report and format to be excellent [Town of Westford Commission for Efficient Town Government, Final Report (1M pdf)]. What do you think? - JO
2/18 9:07pm I echo the thesis that memories of where you once resided etch in colors that never fade. In the past year I was able to answer many inquiries from the "outsiders" relative to questions like:
"Is there a stone with my grandfather's name in the cemetery?"
"I once lived in a house on ____ street. Is it still there?
"Can someone send me a picture of Highland Lake in its heyday?
"Is Union Station in Walpole still operational?" etc.
- JO
2/18 6:27pm For KGD: There is Beginning Years on Dale Street in Medfield that offers full and part-time preschool classes in a small, nurturing environment. With educated staff and quality programs, it serves children from 15 months to kindergarten age. My son attended last year, and he was one of many Norfolk residents. A year-round program is available too. There is a very large and secured outdoor play space. There is often a waiting list, but it is worth your time to check it out. Good luck! - MHC
2/18 6:25pm Yes, BF, this site is for town residents. But "town residents" is the concise version. True, we accept posts primarily from people who reside or work in town. But we have also accepted people who own property here (houses, rental units) as being sufficiently vested in and connected to Norfolk to post. Similarly, we've posted messages from people who were born in town but are now living elsewhere, on occasion have allowed messages from adult children whose parents live here, and posted questions asked by people looking to move to our town. And yes, we've extended the courtesy of allowing to post to every former Norfolk resident who's asked. To truly live somewhere requires making the kind of spiritual connection that lasts. One may move away, but will carry their town with them. There are three former towns that are an inseparable part of me to this day, and one of them I haven't lived in for over thirty years.
So if a former resident still shows enough interest in the happenings of Norfolk to seek out this page and e-mail us, I'm willing to accept that as a sign that the ties run deep; deep enough for them to still care.
Ultimately, to me, that's what it means to be a local.
- Wm.
2/18 6:24pm From reading SW's messages, it could be argued that though distant in place, SW is very much still among us in spirit; certainly their posted information is up to date. Calling SW's messages "distant raves" does them an injustice; they are as alive, as involved, as informed as any of the rest of ours -- in some instances, more so. PS: I trust you used "raves" in the sense of wildly enthustic, not wildly irrational. I've gotten flak for it, but I will continue to try to omit gratuitous insults from the page. Clever put-downs may be funny for a moment, but the hurt lingers.
- Wm.
2/18 6:23pm My apologies if this seems repetetive, but "the true nature of this drawn out but, interesting issue" is (and always has been) much larger than the termination of Mr. Matez. This is not only about WHAT was done but HOW it was/is done - before, during, and even now. So far, we have seen little or no evidence that the School Committee and the administration at F-C is going to take responsibility for this mess. A qualified apology from our superintendent for the lack of communication to parents in a private meeting is a good start. But we want some indication that they will begin taking the sort of actions that will restore our confidence in them. Time will tell but I think we can guess what is coming when the School Committee Chair goes on record as supporting the termination (which I have no quarrel with per se if she really had no option) but also credits the superintendent for her handling of the issue. Perhaps if the School Committee conducts an investigation and issues a report to Norfolk, a different conclusion would be reached. Since none of the parents have had an opportunity yet to really tell our side of the story, it's probably too soon for our School Committee, which we elected, to give a "thumbs up" or a "thumbs down" as to how things were handled. We'll see what happens at the next meeting.
But back to Matez - this continues to be a topic of major interest because we are discovering new things all the time. For example, in this week's Gazette (the same front page article to which BF refers), the Board of Education's position is clear. Bottom line: there is no such thing as "state-mandated" framework. Specifically, the relevant quotes are that "the School districts are not required to adopt the state's framework or the standards outlined within them" and that they "put frameworks out there as a tool for school districts to help guide them."
Just goes to show: sometimes you have to read more than the headlines to get the full story.
It is now up to the community to voice an opinion about what we want in education and how we want things handled in the future - and to make sure that voice is heard. For this reason, we hope you will all attend the CARE meeting on Sunday 2/26 at 4:00 in the Library.
2/18 6:19pm I thought this site was for "town residents" - "SW, thank you very much for the comprehensive review. It's very useful for us. The very fact that you keep in touch with the town through this website despite having moved away is impressive." I wonder just who else is loading up this site with distant raves. - BF
2/17 11:38pm Wow, what a terrific response! Thank you, NJD, JAB, KGD, TS, DM, JM, and SW! It seems that on balance, most of you are very enthusiastic about the school system. We've decided to go ahead with the house, so we'll be joining you in Norfolk very soon. We think it's a beautiful town and we're very excited about starting a life there. SW, thank you very much for the comprehensive review. It's very useful for us. The very fact that you keep in touch with the town through this website despite having moved away is impressive. We would love to discuss these things a little further with you sometime (offline?).
DM: yes, what you say reminds me of trying to find a digital camera that got 100% positive reviews--there simply is no such thing.
TS: We're glad to hear that there are other bilingual children in the neighborhood. Our current neighborhood (where we rent) is full of children who speak our kids' first language. It would be nice to find other local children who speak it.
KGD: Chances are excellent that we will see you at the playground, by appointment or not!
JAB: I've actually attended a Planning Board meeting already...
NJD: We're very glad to hear your enthusiasitic words, as we are those of DM, TS, KGD and the others.
We should be moving in about a month. We'll be very happy to see you all around town and here at this site. Thanks to you all!
2/17 4:45pm To KGD - Ditto on Medfield Children's Center. My son went there. I was concerned that he wouldn't know anybody from town when he finally hit the Norfolk schools. The reality is that kids change friends quite a bit at that age and being out of town was no big deal. Plus it was on my way to the office. Good luck.
- BS
2/17 3:50pm KGD, The Gymboree Play and Music in Medfield (On Rt 27) offers weekend classes for toddlers as well. As for Preschool/Daycare both my children have attended Medfield Children's Center, 508-359-4239. They have a typical preschool but also offer daycare before and after, I believe as early as 7 and until 6 or 6:30. And the owner, Robin, is unbelievably flexible. My schedule can change on a dime and they always work with me. My son is in his third year there and we love the school and the teachers. It's not in town, but I'm not the only Norfolk family that goes there. Good Luck
- ND
2/17 3:48pm SJP, I'm the one who's daughter is "socially naive" and we love the town. The incident I described involved one child out of the 35 she has been in school with. The other 34 were/are great. I was more upset with how the principal responded but fortunately we have great teachers and she recognized the problem immediately. No school system is perfect and it's good to talk about what needs fixing but if you're looking for a rural town with an excellent school system and lots of children and quality programs Norfolk is for you. Where else can you wake up to sheep braying and go feed the chickens at Jane and Paul's and still send your child to a wonderful school? Welcome to town. - NJD
2/17 3:03pm Here is the link to Country Gazette editorial: The students are the losers - TS
2/17 2:28pm An article well worth the read in this weeks Country Gazette is "Board stands by decision on teacher" by Rick Holland. "Chairman says substance, not style, was source of conflict in Norfolk". I now realize the true nature of this drawn out but, interesting issue. - BF
2/17 1:48pm SJP, I grew up in neighboring Medfield, and lived in Millis before bying a house in Norfolk. My sister lives in Medway, and my brother in Franklin. I, by a far margin, prefer Norfolk. If you could afford Medfield, I think their High School is better size-wise. For instance, your child would have a lot better chance making a sports team. The worst thing about Norfolk, our Planning Board. I would not recommend anyone trying to buy a piece of land here and developing it. Welcome.
2/17 1:20pm Hi SJP, thoughts on moving to Norfolk. We just moved here a few months ago and love the beauty of the rural atmosphere. Once you take into account the New England reserve, people are very nice, and when warmer weather arrives, I hope to do a better job of getting to know my new neighbors. The only problem I've had here is that it is hard to be a full-time working mom - most of the programs for parent/child activities are done on the weekdays in the middle of the day, so neither my husband nor I can partake with our toddler son (happily, we have found one swimming program offered on a Sunday in which we can participate). Most daycare providers in Norfolk don't offer full-time care, and preschool looks like it may be a problem, although I admit I've just started educating myself on what is offered here (if I'm wrong about preschool, I'd love to be corrected!). I was thinking about organizing a playgroup for working parents for one or two Saturdays a month at the Boardman Street playground (for those who don't know, this playground is targeted towards very young children) when the weather gets warmer... if anyone is interested, they can email me at workingparentsnorfolk@hotmail.com.
P.S.: As previous posters mentioned, this site tends to attract those with strong opinions, but if it says anything about the Town, it shows that people care passionately about what goes on here (which you can also see when you attend Town Meetings).
2/17 1:01pm SJP, We moved here six years ago and we absolutely love it. I don't think we want to move anywhere now. My kids are bilingual and they have tons of friends (may be too many). It's a small town, everybody knows everybody else. We have 8, 6 and 4 years old and they all doing very well in school. Our older ones went to Norfolk Children's School and third one is still there and we think very highly of it. HOD and Freeman-Centennial both are also very good schools. You can check out MCAS score for 4th and 6th grades, I believe the results are quite good.
Parents like me are upset because one of our best teachers got fired and we are very vocal about it. Bullying problems happen everywhere, we had the same set of issues but the schools took care of it.
I am very glad we bought our house here and would do it again.
- TS
2/17 12:48pm Talking about robins -- I had at least 100 in my crabapple tree and on the ground beneath it about 3 weeks ago. They were gorging themselves on the tiny yellow crabapples. They hung around for about 3 days, but I have not seen them since... it gave my whole family a boost to see so many, so soon! - BC
2/17 11:29am AP: There are several ice rinks around Norfolk. Norfolk Arena on Dean Street has public skating and offers rentals through its pro shop. Call for times and fees. Iorio Arena on Rt. 1 in Walpole also offers public skating. I'm not sure about rentals, call and ask. I'm sure that both will have hours next week with it being February vacation week. Enjoy!
- TS
2/17 11:21am Is there a place nearby that offers ice skating and skate rental? - AP
2/17 10:51am SJP - Norfolk is a great town and a great place to raise children. We have children the same ages as yours and couldn't imagine a better place to raise them. There are good people here. I'm sure more of us are casual observers to the posts on this site than posters. Not to mention the residents that don't even know this site exists. Go ahead with your purchase. You won't regret it. - DM
2/17 10:10am For ML - I'd also like to thank you for the suggestion of bulliestobuddies.com . While not bullying per se, our 3rd grader is having a hard time right now dealing w/ behaviors from other boys who are more aggressive than he is (during recess mostly). I've been talking w/ him about appropriate responses, when to ignore, ask for adult help but it would be great to have a source to refer to for help w/ this topic. Am ordering a copy today! Sincere thanks, - TMN
2/17 10:08am Greetings, neighbors (and soon-to-be neighbors, welcome!) In my opinion, recent events have resulted in something necessary and completely desirable in any town. There is increased community interest and a commitment from many to learn about what's going on, to reach a deeper understanding and to become more involved in educational issues. We have a real opportunity to harness all of this energy to make a positive contribution.
Isn't there consensus that communication, innovation, excellence, continuous improvement, and fiscal responsibility are vital issues? It is critical for the public to have a voice in our public schools. It is healthy and wonderful to have ongoing, open discussions about the kind of policies, administration and public officials we want, even when we might respectfully disagree.
Last night, a steering committee met to do some preliminary planning for the newly formed CARE, the Committee for Accountability and Reliability in Education. Parents, teachers, administrators, senior citizens, everyone in our community - we all have a stake in our schools. Let's use our collective and individual talents and strengths to help make Norfolk schools the best they can be. If you CARE about getting involved with this effort, please attend CARE's first meeting on Sunday, February 26 from 4-6 in the Community Room at the Norfolk Library. For more information and to get involved, please email box29@norfolknet.com.
2/17 8:44am I awoke before my alarm this morning to a cacophony of sound. My cats were going wild. I looked out the window to an incredible sight: our lawn, and several of the neighbors' lawns were absolutely covered with robins! They were foraging, splashing in birdbaths and puddles, and singing away. There were thousands of them, and more. Every few minutes a small flock would rise and beging to fly off... heading NORTH. People, I believe the robins are on their way home. Now, I am very curious to learn how long it will be before the first sighting in Norfolk. - SW
2/17 8:02am Check out Teasing and Bullying - click here: Teasing and Bullying - just thought I would share an interesting paper. Not that it makes anything any better. Now that the bullying problem has been exposed, like always, once exposed, the problem seems to get resolved. Hopefully, in the end Norfolk will be known as the town that ended bullying. Let's keep our fingers crossed. - DWL
[Thanks for the link! Startling statistics -- for example, "Studies show that between 15-25% of US students are frequently bullied while 15-20% report that they bully others frequently. ... [N]early half who had been frequently bullied reported that the bullying had lasted six months or longer." - Wm.]
2/17 7:59am
[Update 2/17 2:01pm: Reply by JM to SJP praising Norfolk and advising taking the strong opinions posted to this page with a grain of salt removed in its entirety by request - Wm.]
2/17 12:19am Greetings SJP. I am sorry that it took so long for someone to recognize your post. Please allow me to start with your easiest question first: What's "KP"--a private school? No, KP stands for King Philip, part of the local Native American history of the area; King Philip is the name of the regional school system, grades 7-12. As for how long it shall remain a regional system with all the continued growth, well that is open to debate. For now, KP is made up of Norfolk, Wrentham, and Plainville. In Norfolk, preschool needs are served by the Norfolk Co-operative pre-School at the Federated Church, and the Norfolk Children's School on Union Street. Our family absolutely loved the Norfolk Children's School and its very dynamic and creative director Pam Mele, who just recently retired. I have heard no feedback as to how things were going under the direction of her successor, but Miss Pam had faith in her and that is a very high endorsement. There are several other pre-school oportunities available in surrounding towns, including a Montessori in Millis, as well... Norfolk's own have had good reputations. For a while the town was also offering a limited capacity pre-school program by lottery. To be honest, I am now a high school student's mom and very out of touch with what is going on at the pre-school level. I do recall that classroom space was becoming an issue, however. Norfolk does have its own K-6 Schools: H. Olive Day School for K-2, which again was a wonderful experience for us. My daughter loved all her teachers there. Mrs. Balfour was the most supportive Principal you could ever hope for, and was also a fountain of information for us. The guidance department at H. Olive Day was also knowlegable, compassionate, and very professional.
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
- SW
2/16 11:53pm CRB - I think your idea is a very civilized and logical one. However, in my opinion, bullies are made, not born and the children who bully are often bullied themselves and often at home. Conversations are two-way propositions and as is evident here, it's tough to have a conversation about bahvior change with a bully. Vicious circle? - MJD
2/16 9:13pm Hi ML, I wanted also to mention instead of waiting for the school to act, why not call the parents involved and see if you can sit down with the kids involved. I think most parents would want to resolve this, especially if the same kids are involved over and over. This way you will get both sides of the story, not just what the school wants you to know. Also, you may get a different perspective talking to these other children and asking them why they are teasing your son. Good Luck - CRB
2/16 9:12pm My wife and I are about to purchase a home in Norfolk. We have two children who will be entering nursery school and kindergarten in September. They mean everything to us. We just tuned in to the discussion about bullying in the Norflolk public schools and naturally we were very disturbed. How concerned should we be?
Our son (4 1/2) is also a bit "socially naive" (he doesn't know what dying is; he has no idea what a gun is; his first language is not English).
What's "KP"--a private school?
Does anybody know what fraction of the kids attend the public schools?
We've never even considered sending our children to a private school. (We can still back out of the deal on the house(!)...)
2/16 9:10pm To ML, I'm so sorry to hear what is happening with your son. This sounds a little different but still it just shows how big the problem is. This child I was talking about is a known bully. He is bigger than the other kids and he loves to brag about it. He says I try to punch a kid as hard as I can till they fall down (his words). He admits that he says kids are teasing him to get away with it. He has pushed kids into the pavement head first and laughed saying he teased me. He has learned to play the system. Good Luck I hope all turns out well. - CRB
2/16 8:29pm Thank you Wm. and Paul for encouraging and enabling the voices of Norfolk -- bravo for years of hard work and dedication to our community. It is disappointing to read some negative posts on Norfolknet, however, each time I visit the post office, library, or any place downtown I am reminded of the true nature of this town, replete with kind smiles and folks holding open doors and letting each other out at busy intersections. This is the Norfolk I know and love (and frankly I don't mind paying a few extra tax dollars to live in a community versus a town). As an educator it has been a fascinating experience to read the posts about the school and its current controversies. Ultimately, the Mr. Matez issue has revealed serious problems with the current administration. Regardless of one's opinion, the poor management of the dismissal, poor communication, and negative publicity indicate serious mismanagement. Personnel issues are personnel issues; however, bullying in school is unacceptable. I have no children in the Norfolk schools, yet as a taxpayer I was furious to read reports of bullying. In a post Columbine era school administrators are legally and ethically compelled to err on the side of protecting all students. Even the mere suspicion of bullying calls for serious adult intervention. Federal legislation guarantees a harassment free school environment and it seems from the voices on this site that the current administration is simply not meeting its students' needs. Zero tolerance means zero tolerance. If the administration fails to act promptly to ensure your child's access to a safe school you must contact the police, the district attorney's office (in my school system the district attorney's office came in and trained faculty on how to recognize, control, and report harassment) and an attorney. Reading books and supporting your child are fine supplements, however, the primary course of action should be to file complaints with the authorities and pursue all legal avenues. Sadly, I witness daily how administrators ignore problems and are only motivated to act when they feel legal pressures.
I congratulate all of the citizens of Norfolk for voicing intelligent and passionate concern for Norfolk's educational practices - keep up the discussion. How can a citizen contact a school committee member to voice concern? When are the next elections for the school committee positions? What is the administration's action plan to curtail the alleged bullying in Norfolk schools?
2/16 6:34pm To ML-- Thanks so much for the bulliestobuddies web site. I've checked it out and ordered the book. My son took a peek at what I was reading and said, "oh yeah, order that.....". He gets teased quite a bit for not being into traditional sports and being more cerebral. It is really unfortunate that diversity and tolerance are not celebrated. Unfortunately we live in a sports culture. In fact the schools really play into it--we have Red Sox day, Patriots Day......but I've never been aware of the schools celebrating Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winners. Anyway, thanks and good luck to your son.
- BS
2/16 5:35pm Re the CARE meeting (post of 2/15 11:18pm) - Mr. Matez will be joining us. - TS
2/16 5:30pm What seems to be a little known asset to folks of all persuasions and opinions is NCTV-8. Norfolk Community Television is designed by law to be an accessible voice for the people. Since the community pays for the existence of NCTV, through its Comcast bill, it is in effect the community's conduit for information to the rest of the community. Neither the station manager nor the Norfolk Cable Corp. (the governing board of directors for NCTV) has the authority to determine or in any way censor the editorial content of any show produced and submitted to NCTV by a Norfolk resident. It is in fact our job to encourage one and all to use this asset for whatever reasons you may have. It is also my job as station manager to teach and instruct folks on how to use the equipment in order for you to be able to produce reasonably watchable shows. With all the controversy in town regarding teacher firings, the Weeber property, the budgets, etc, I strongly encourage everyone, regardless of where you stand on any issue, to make you opinions known via NCTV. Please call Paul Guertin at NCTV phone number 508-520-2780 and we can talk about how you can go about producing your own show. Thanks. - Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager.
2/16 5:25pm CRB, You mentioned a boy that was punched in the eye last week by a 5th grader, I wonder if that was my son. When he was being pushed down and kicked, he did finally hit one of the boys in the eye. My son was also in quite a few "fights" last year in 4th grade, but each and every incident was my son just protecting himself. Someone outside looking in might see my son as a bully, but if they knew all the facts they would see he is just a victim in all this.
This is why I am so frustrated with the school. I don't understand why all the parents and kids involved in these incidents can't sit down and discuss what happened. Everyone should have all the facts, not just what the school feels they need to know. It would also help with the "confidentiality" problem. The school won't do this and I don't understand why. It seems like the administration has a "control" issue.
To any parents who have children that are having problems with bullying: There is a book called "Bullies to Buddies How To Turn Your Enemies Into Friends". It is a fantastic book and was extremely helpful to my son. It helps your child change their way of looking at bullying. It really helped both my son and me understand bullies. Unfortunately, it doesn't work if there is also violence involved. I can tell you though, just the day to day teasing no longer bothers my son. He has learned not only to "ignore" the words, but no matter what is said to him, it really doesn't bother him. He has a whole new way of looking at it.
The website for this book is bulliestobuddies.com. I gave this book to my son's therapist and she agrees with everything the book says. In fact she actually bought a few copies to use in her practice and has told me that she has had great success with some of her other patients. It is also a great book for kids who haven't experienced bullying yet. It is a great preventative book also.
Good luck, I hope that no one else has to go through what my son is going through. I would also like to thank everyone for their advice and support. I found it all very helpful.
- ML
2/16 5:24pm To JP (re: P.C. repair) Our computer crashed in 2004 and we were very satisfied with an in-home service (Computer Repair 1-800-519-4554). At the time the in-home rates were $50 for the initial visit to diagnose the problem and $50 to repair. They came to my house the day after my call. - RH
2/16 5:19pm To RJP, Re Multiple Mailing of Excise Bills -- there is no State prohibition on multiple mailing. Some towns do have some worries if mail is lost, etc. Sound like its worth a try for $2160! - JO 2/15 11:18pm Tomorrow is our first meeting, under the group name CARE (Committee for Accountability and Responsibility in Education). Since this is our first meeting we will be getting our act together by laying the groundwork for our future activities. It will be very informal session, but you are welcome to join us. I have already sent emails to everyone, if you haven't received any email and would like to join us then please send me an email at box29@norfolknet.com. "There is no failure except in no longer trying" - Kin HubbardRegards,- TS
[Update 2/16 5:35pm: Mr. Matez will be joining us. - TS]
2/15 9:48pm My husband and I are expecting our first child in August. We are beginning to look into child care for the following year (January-June 2007). Does anyone have any recommendations for infant child care? We are interested in finding someone who is out of their house instead of a day care center. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks. - MO
2/15 9:47pm To KE: Try Bill Vincent at Williams Custom Carpentry in Walpole. He did some work for us and we were very happy with his work and professionalism. His number is 508-668-5514. - DMM
2/15 5:46pm For KGD: Carol's Place in town center, located at the same plaza as Linda's Variety, is great for alterations. TS: I use Dr. Joanne Many, House of Smiles on Boardman Street for dental work. Believe it or not, she makes the whole experience about as pleasant as it can be while doing great work.
KE: We are currently doing a bath and kitchen renovation and are very pleased to date with the work of HomeCo Remodeling out of Walpole. The contractor's name is Jim Scanell, and his # is 508.850.0080.
2/15 5:45pm To KE -- I agree to try David Smith. He has done a very large construction job for us, and I would hire him again without a second thought! He lives here in town. - CMA
2/15 5:44pm SW: thanks for the informative posts. To all: it's not time to move on, it's just time to stop responding to BF, who thinks recipes and robins are more important. - RG
2/15 5:13pm To JP--Raven Computers in Franklin right near Shaws has been very helpful to us when we've had crashes, etc. To KE--Try David Smith here in Norfolk. I have a mobile phone number of 508-250-3678.
To RJP--terrific idea.
- BS
2/15 5:12pm Will also recomend Dover trucking for rubbish pickup. The owners live in Norfolk and are very prompt. Also remember, if you pay for the year in advance you get a free month on the other end. - PRB
2/15 3:08pm Looking at the Web Cam, I laughed when I saw that someone had written a message in the snow. How clever; another idea would be to stand in that spot and wave to someone far away. I know a web cam of your own would be easier but think of the fun a little kid would have waving to a grandparent or parent out of town. All right, so it isn't the brightest idea in the world, but a little more fun than recent posts have been. - JW
2/15 3:07pm I need a PC repair shop. Any ideas? Thx. - JP
2/15 2:48pm This may not seem important in light of the major discussions about the schools, but our other major issue in Norfolk is how much it costs to own property here. The "Override" word is again being mentioned in the papers. I read here that 8000 Excise Tax bills were sent out on the 14th. I received mine today but I am not here to complain about paying it. I have 3 vehicles in my family (mine, one for the wife and one for my son). I received one mailing for each. Just some quick math and estimates - 29 cents for postage, 10 cents for the return envelope, probably 15 cents for the window envelope - that's 54 cents per bill, not including the labor costs. I bet most homes in Norfolk have at least 2 cars so let's say we put the 2 bills in one envelope. We could cut the 8000 at least in half to 4000 - that's a savings of $2160, again, not including labor.
$2160 will not solve all of our money woes but this is only one small example of potential savings. I think it is important local leaders and residents begin to do some thinking like this - it can add up.
There is probably a state regulation that prohibits placing 2 excise tax bills for the same address in one envelope - that would make too much sense !! If that is the case perhaps we can get Sen. Brown and Rep. Ross to work on changing it.
2/15 1:49pm All right everyone, when a topic devolves to just two people sparring back and forth, it's time call it done. The tit-for-tat rebuttals have not added any new information to discussion lately, unfortunately. I'm not saying stop discussing the subject, and those who haven't yet voiced an opinion on the Mr. Matez issue are certainly welcome to do so, but the rest of us should perhaps try to cover new ground or wait for new developments.
Why am I speaking up now, and not sooner? Because we've started receiving e-mails from readers complaining about the turn the dialogue has taken. I try to allow the page to go where it will, as long as there's a general willingness to follow it. When the comments taper off or the comments get personal, it's time to move on.
- Wm.
2/15 1:08pm In response to the most recent post by BF (and although the Wm. has edited any past direct response I have attempted to make towards this person, and is likely to do this time, too, although evidently BF is not given the same censure): Ah, my dear, and THAT is the beauty of our First Amendment. You get to voice your opinion, and I (within edited and censored limits) get to voice mine. Viva America! "Short and civil" enough for you? Have a nice day! - SW
2/15 11:47am SW... Scan down this page and notice how many drawn out blah, blah, blah speeches you continue to clutter this site with. Of all the positive and not so positive posts in regard to Mr. Matez, your [...] opinion seems to be in line for the grand prize of most outspoken. I am not for nor against Mr. Matez or the freedom of speech, but actually simply for some new added variety of this normally fun to read page. P.S.: "Please try to keep it short and civil." :-) Short being a key word.
- BF
[Update 2/16 12:10am: The gratuitous qualifier on "opinion" was unwarranted; I should have caught that on the first pass, sorry - Wm.]
2/15 10:54am Are there any recommendations for good contractors for a bathroom remodel? Thanks for your help. - KE
2/15 9:11am Walpole Family Dental is very family friendly. The doctors and staff are kindly, supportive, and really do go out of their way to make their clients, of all ages, comfortable physically and emotionally. - SW
2/15 9:05am Re 2/14 10:37am post citing today's Globe (2/14/06) - City and Region - front page - Brian McGrory - "It's nasty out there"... Brian states, "this city, this entire country, has descended into a culture of rudeness, if not outright crudeness, as at no other time in recent history.... it's (the technology revolution) also given us something else as well: extraordinary impatience that flows into downright intolerance, edginess that morphs freely into hostility." It's strange, but, when I read that article I got the impression that Brian was decrying the degeneration of our society and it seemed to support my feelings about the negative changes in what the writer (2/14 10:37am post) refers to as "The new Norfolk." When Brian stated "This isn't your father's world anymore, and that's the shame of it all," I don't believe his intention was to imply that we should just accept the degeneration of this new world and just quietly go away and let it have its day. I do not believe this article in any way supports or gives credence to views that supporters of Eric Matez should just quietly go away, and reliquish our Constitutional rights just because we are annoying the "new regime" in the "New Norfolk." I do not feel that "the children are the true subject of this matter" should be taught that the voice of one individual, or one small group of individuals, cannot instutute change, nor do I believe they should be taught that an individual's rights and opinions do not matter. I can not and will not reliquish my rights to have and to voice my opinion just because another individual voices their opinion that mine is an annoyance and that I should just go away quietly.
With regard to questions re consideration for Eric Matez's "replacement," I have not seen one single post on these boards where any supporter of Eric Matez has degraded or intended to hurt that person's feelings, or has even referred to that person in any way. The teacher who agreed to that position was certainly aware, or should have been made aware by the administration, that the removal of the teacher whose post they were filling had created some division in the town and a great deal of sadness for his past and present students. They are to be praised for "stepping up to the plate," but, they are also to be allowed to proceed in what it is they have to do, with little fanfare, for the sake of the children, and in consideration of their delicate situation. As a matter of fact, I believe that the replacement teacher has been given total privacy and anonymity until the 2/14 10:37am post.
I do not know what the writer of that post fears; this is not the first time they have requested that those who support Eric Matez cease and desist. I do not know why they feel so threatened by opposing views, nor why they feel they have the right to control who speaks what, when, and where; but I do hope that writer will accept JO's invitation (2/13 11:34pm) and that perhaps sitting down over a friendly cup of coffee with a very responsible and pleasantly rational person, such as JO, will help them appreciate other views.
As for Eric Matez's supporters going away, even people who don't have an opinion re supporting him, personally, have questions about the whole process, about why requests for certain documentations hav been ignored, about why a request for an investigation was ignored, and why a superintendent in the middle of one of the biggest controversies this town has ever know is voted a 20% raise. Some people just feel it is our responsibility to seek accountability for how tax dollars are spent and for how those we put into office are performing there.
- SW
2/14 9:30pm TS, I highly recommend Dr. George Sawan and Dr. Joe Sawan of Walpole Family Dental. They are younger guys up to date on the latest techniques. Open some evenings. Good with kids too. - DH
2/14 8:18pm TS-We like Dr. Collins. He is in the same building as Sundance Hair Salon, right on Main Street. - MJD
2/14 5:18pm Hi... if anyone knows how I can get a subscription to the Norfolk Boomerang paper, please e-mail me at rachaelc13@yahoo.com Thanks! - RC
[Subscription information is on the Boomerang home page, boomerang.com - Wm.]
2/14 5:15pm To: DM, a very reliable and reasonable plow person who lives right here in Norfolk - Scott Morrison, 781-389-2443. - GEB
2/14 5:14pm I am looking to switch my dentist, does anyone know any good local dentist? - TS
2/14 5:12pm Sorry, in case you didn't read past the Oops (below), the page has been up and operating all along. I've "unpinned" the notice, it will now age along with the others. - Wm.
2/12 Oops! I discovered that there was an e-mail system failure, and all messages sent to us between 1:40pm Saturday and 12 noon Sunday have been lost, including both posts and survey responses. If your comments did not show up on the web page or sent other e-mail to Norfolknet recently, could you please look in your Sent folder and send it again. - Wm.
2/14 12:20pm Did anyone else out there get a 20% raise this year? - MJD
2/14 11:44am Can anyone recommend a reliable, local person to plow my driveway? Thanks. - DM
2/14 10:55am To: SW, CAM, and others who 'won't let go'... I applaud you and your tenacity. I thought I read or heard that several residents attended the School Committee meeting last week and requested a full investigation into this issue... anything happening on that front? Apparently it was not taken seriously - since I have now read that the School Committee voted that same night to giving Miss Chris a 20% increase with a 5 YEAR contract! Talk about total disregard for the folks who put you in office! - GEB
2/14 10:37am The new Norfolk? Today's Globe (2/14/06) - City and Region - front page - Brian McGrory - "It's nasty out there"... There are many ways to make a point but, a simple matter of fact is whether your point is taken or not and whether you can accept it and move on if your point is not taken. My point, please let go of this matter as all of your points have been noticed and definitely heard.
Please consider how Mr. Matez's replacement must feel. This person is innocent of this matter and now deserve a show of passionate support. After all, the children are the true subject of this matter.
- BF
[The cited article laments how behavior and manners have changed from times past. The closing line: This isn't your father's world anymore, and that's the shame of it all. - Wm.]
2/14 9:48am The responses to the Mr. Matez survey have tapered off, so I've collected the replies and placed them on a separage page [here]. Out of fairness to the respondents who were not cautioned that their comments may appear on the page (I didn't think that I would be posting actual messages, just a summary), the notes appear unsigned and unattributed. The comments received should be read in combination with those on the main page, because not everyone wrote to both places. We received 42 responses total from 41 individuals: one critical of Mr. Matez from first-hand experience, three viewing his teaching style and/or refusal to go quietly disorderly, one strongly against without explanation, and 36 holding that his loss would diminish our schools.
Any additional comments received about Mr. Matez will appear on the main page, signed as usual.
- Wm.
2/14 8:28am To DH - I recommend Dover Trucking as well. They are great to deal with, small family owned business and they live in Norfolk too! They also offer recycling! - LK
2/14 7:59am To DH: Regarding Trash Pickup, We recently signed on with Dover Trucking and are extremely happy with the service. The cost is $32.50 a month if you go with weekly pickup and $27.00 for bi-weekly. Again, we have been very pleased with them and I would recomend them. - SG
2/14 7:58am Happy Valentine's Day!
2/13 11:34pm To BF - Rather than cover the page with pros and cons per your post, how about meeting at the library Thursday or Friday and perhaps we both can appreciate each others views. If agreeable I'll buy the coffee - you establish the time. Saturday is ok to me also. - JO
[Too late, it's just been covered :-) - Wm.]
2/13 11:17pm Kudos to CAM; I agree with and support every word you said (2/13 3:15pm) Statements from other posts, such as: "Shame on him and to those who continue to second-guess the authority of our School Officials" (BF 2/13 10:08am) and other similar suggestions, made here on these boards, that persons in "authority" are not to be questioned or second-quessed are statements and attitudes that I find troubling. It is just such sentiment that allowed atrocities to take place while the world stood by[.]
I grew up in an America where it was considered our Constitutional right and responsibility to monitor and question our elected officials. I have sat beside Senators, Congressmen, and Governors and questioned them to their face when I felt it was necessary. Sometimes my questions and points of view helped them look at an issue in another way. They never seemed to think their authority was at risk by questions and suggestions from a constituent, yet lower level politicos seem to do that.
What is with "dares to" (BF 2/13 10:08am) anyway? If you don't dare to stand up and lawfully assemble, and speak up for what you believe to be right, you're downright anti-American! Even ONE upset parent has the right to speak up, so I don't understand a mindset that would state that "barely 64 parents could be counted at the rally" (BF 2/13 10:08am ) as if to suggest that there is some magic number that must be attained before people are entitled to exercise their First Amendment rights.
Did BF, in that same post, truly mean to imply that all creative and progressive teachers belong teaching in the private schools? I certainly hope not. The taxpayers deserve to have their children exposed to these exceptional teachers as well, right in our public schools. Not all of us can afford to send our children to private schools.
As for comments like "Seems like an old fashioned witch hunt if you ask me," (BF 2/13 10:08am), I do agree with this statement. Only it appears that it is Eric Matez who is being dragged to the burning stake. I doff my pointy hat to everyone who is not afraid of the bullies in this town and who is still willing to challenge decisions and actions of the "authority figures" if those decisions and actions have any hint at all of inpropriety or injustice.
And as for Norfolk being "a Town with thousands of people" (BF 2/13 10:08am), yes, it is. [...] I do not hear thousands of voices speaking out against Mr. Matez either. It appears that a whole lot of residents are only too glad to silently use the town as their little bedroom community and not get involved in too much of anything. That Town Hill was used as a public meeting place long before the census numbers swelled, and strange, but turnouts for everything were much larger then.
Yes, sadly, "Norfolk is changing" (BF 2/13 10:08am), however, that does NOT necessarily mean it is getting better. I recall the enthusiasm and excitement of our beloved former Principal Smith when he spoke of all his teachers, especially Mr. Matez with his "unique ways" of "getting the children excited about school and learning." I recall a community where we knew each other by face, if not by name; a community where open discussion was encouraged... even if it was just at Fred's drug store; a community where if political egos got out of line, their owners got voted out of office because we DID dare to question things that went on that we didn't like.
- SW
2/13 11:12pm Can someone recomend a good trash pick-up service for norfolk? I see a lot of BFI trash containers at the side of the road, but I was wondering if there was a choice in town. Like most people I want the most for my $. - DH
2/13 11:05pm "Dares to second-guess the authority of our School Officials." - no, no, not poor Mr. Matez; in my opinion poor BF. There is no need to dare anything. You and me, see, we're Americans. And there is this little document known as the Bill of Rights that allows us to do just what we did and more. I'll quote its First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Really, it's the first statement.
We got a permit and peaceably assembled to redress grievences. Mr. Matez asked us, some of the parents of his students, for help. The guy felt boxed in and with nowhere else to turn. He was fired for insubordination because he reached out for help. That's the technical reason, not because he wasn't teaching the prescribed curricula. It was plainly unfair.
You'd be interested to know that some of the "True Professionals" you mentioned have quietly voiced support for Mr. Matez. In fact, if you looked real close at the rally, some of his colleagues were bravely there in his support. I consider myself a "True Professional" in my craft and I would say that most of us always question underlying assumptions.
I know that it's always easier to let someone else do your thinking for you. Sometimes it's a good idea to let Mom or Dad make some of your decisions for you. I'd like to think I could trust my Government to do the right thing for me and mine. But unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. I teach my son to rely on his own judgement and not to let anyone do the thinking for him.
Given our government's track record lately, I'd counsel all of us [...] to start questioning things. Get involved in some way. [...]
Mandating protocol reminds me of Emerson's line "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds". It makes you feel good to always color within the lines but you'll not turn out to be a Rembrandt that way.
2/13 10:59pm Wow, what a mess. My daughter went through the school system being bullied as well, and nothing was EVER done about it. Now this poor teacher being fired, sounds like FC is going to hell in a hand-basket. There are many excellent charter schools in the area, as well as private elementary schools for parents to look into. In my opinion, the most important issue in a town are their schools, and apparently the elementary schools here are not quite making it. Let me add for all of you who are doubtful about KP, my daughter is in the middle school now and having a wonderful experience both academically and socially. Mr. Rice has his hands on and control of EVERYTHING over there. He is doing a great job and consequently my daughter is very happy and doing very well. - BH
2/13 6:29pm As for issues with bullying, it's not just at FC. When I looked at the class lists last summer I was concerned with one of the children my daughter was placed with. I called the day the lists went up. Three calls and messages and four weeks later, Mrs. Balfour finally returned my call. I explained the situation and said this child bullies my daughter into doing what she wants and if she doesn't comply she is carried (yes carried) to where the other child wants her to be. I cited many incidents witnessed by both myself and my husband. My child is young for her class, socially naive and small as well. I explained that the situation did not come to my attention until after the "class sheets" were handed in, and I asked if there was any way to move my daughter. I was told "no" because everything is even (equal boys and girls) and it's too late (even though I had called a month earlier). The conversation became tense as she dismissed both my and my husband's concerns, and even told me my daughter lied in one instance. I was floored. She told me that if someone new came into town maybe she could do something. I never heard from her again. The school year started and you can imagine my surprise when at open house I find my child's desk directly beside the other child's. I almost went through the roof. I knew the principal never conveyed any of my concerns to the classroom teacher.
At our conference I asked the teacher "Did Mrs. Balfour tell you about our concerns about our daughter in this class?" The blank stare answered my question. I explained myself and what we were concerned about. Fortunately the teacher had already picked up on it and was placing distance between them as much as possible.
All of this in a first grade class.
2/13 4:19pm This is to ML, bullying is unacceptable at any level anywhere in this community. Get the Superintendent, the Principal, the local police and your lawyer involved, immediately. Bullying must be stopped, and if the parents cannot control their child, the law will have to. You owe it to your children to keep them safe. The school and the community owe it to you to provide a safe environment for your children to attend school without fear on the school grounds or on the bus to and from. Do it now. - JT
2/13 3:15pm Some clarification is in order from one of us who "dares to second-guess the authority of our School Officials." In fact, I do not challenge their authority. However, with authority comes responsibility. In this particular case, the responsibility is to us, the taxpayers and voters who pay salaries and elect officials. I intend to hold them accountable for their actions. It is my right and it is also my responsibility.
You raise the issue of respect. What should we call the actions of school administrators who don't communicate with parents? What about a School Committee that fails to follow through with a statement that they will consider the reasonably made request to investigate the administration's actions and report to the community (if they're doing everything so well, it would seem to me that they have nothing to fear). I call this failure disrespectful at best and a violation of their responsibilities as elected officials and as an agent of the town at worst.
Shame on me? I think not. Shame on those who would avoid accountability and shirk from their responsibilities. Shame on those who exclude parents from communications and decisions that affect our children. "All this over a third grade teacher"? No. All this about putting the PUBLIC back in PUBLIC SCHOOLS. All this about acknowledging and respecting the community in which we all live and care about.
"Please let go"? I think not.
2/13 1:56pm The post by ML is heartbreaking. It makes me nervous to send my kids to F/C. I agree, I would get the police involved as well. It makes home schooling all the more appealing! - JB
2/13 1:39pm From the Treasurer/Collector's Office, virtualnorfolk.org/tc: Over 8000 excise bills will be mailed on 2/14/06. If you do not receive a bill please visit the Town Treasurer Collector's Office with a picture I.D. to get a copy. If you have any questions you may call 508-520-0058.- RH
2/13 10:08am How unprofessional, the continued insistence of poor Mr Matez's reinstatement with his forfeited position as a Public School Teaching Professional. Shame on him and to those who continue to second-guess the authority of our School Officials. You don't see or hear from the True Professionals who are on the other side of this matter as they continue to follow protocol and maintain a higher level of respect for others. Mr. Matez failed to abide by the State Standards of Public Education while most or all the other Norfolk Public School Officials and Teachers do (period).
I understand when a child is upset at the loss of a teacher mid-year, but to witness a handful of parents kicking and stomping, insisting they get their way, well, that is plain unreal. Who are you?
The rally, on the Town Hall grounds, what is next? Seems like an old fashioned witch hunt if you ask me.
Kudos to the School Administration for mandating protocol. I am sure they remained as patient as they could but have simply had enough already!
Barely sixty four parents or so could be counted at the "rally" shown on the front page of our local newspaper. Count the children, well maybe close to one hundred people attended. We live in a Town with thousands of people. When a few upset parents continue to rant and rave because they cannot get their way, well, perhaps those who have heard enough should rally also in the hopes of dousing this nonsense.
Perhaps Mr. Matez is a wonderment in the way of creative teaching. There are plenty of Private and Special Ed Schools who may wish to interview with him. Public is Public and there are certain guidelines we all have to live with and this is certainly one of them.
All this over a third grade teacher....
Norfolk is changing....
Please let go of this matter....
- BF
2/13 9:17am A few excerpts from the letters mailed in response to the Mr. Matez survey. Although I expected straight up/down votes, there were many thoughtful letters and poignant anecdotes among them, worth sharing. I will collect replies for a bit longer, then post a compendium. I am struck by the lack of solid data behind the school administration's decision. There appears to be no evidence that Mr. Matez's students performed any worse than any other teacher's students. In that context, it's hard to understand their decision as anything other than a bureaucratic insistence on conformity.
How unprofessional, the continued insistence of poor Mr Matez's reinstatement with his forfeited position as a Public School Teaching Professional. Shame on him and to those who continue to second-guess the authority of our School Officials.
In every other workplace, if you don't do the job you are asked to do, you are asked to leave. Why should it be different for our schools?
Yes! You just don't understand unless you've had a kid come home everyday from his class as we did talking about what he did during the day.
People have been saying, in the workforce if you don't do as your boss tells you get fired but I think a successful company (and boss) would be more focused on what works.- Wm.
2/13 6:53am Regarding a post of 2/2 by JD who cited "a 'health issue' in regards to the number of unsanitary cages ... in the classroom" and "not teaching spelling, writing;" someone suggested I get my "facts straight" so I feel it is my responsibility to put some straight facts out there on this particular issue. Firstly, with regard to teaching spelling and writing, when Eric Matez stated "that's not my style" he was referring to the style of teaching in his classroom, not making a statement that he didn't teach spelling! He just didn't use the repetitive, rote method that the parent in question was looking for; instead, Eric Matez taught spelling and writing in his own style... the students wanted classroom pets, Mr. Matez has often utilized classroom pets to motivate students and teach a variety of subjects... with regard to spelling and writing skills... in order for Mr. Matez to consider a request for any particular animal as a classroom pet, a student or group of students would be required to research the animal they wished him to consider. The report required research on the habits of the animal, the type and amount of care required, dietary requirements, types of health problems common to this animal, and any other special needs such as wading areas, heat lamps, etc. Then, the student(s) had to make a valid argument as to how and why it would be practical to have this animal in the classroom, and any ways they felt having this animal would be educational. The report had to be written with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. The students also had to correctly cite their sources. This project not only taught spelling and writing, but also research skills, documentation skills, and analytical skills. Some students got partially through their report and learned that their choice was impractical, and so started over on a new choice because they realized, on their own, that their original choice would not fit in as a classroom pet. Mr. Matez availed himself to teaching and guiding the students through the processes involved.
Students who earned a B or better on their report, and had provided a valid argument as to how their animal would be suitable in the classroom, got to move on to the next phase of learning: the responsibilities and other lessons associated with having the animal in the classroom. These pets had to have a parentally agreed-to pre-determined end of the class year home, as well as planned weekend and vacation fosterings.
Other than that, Mr. Matez footed the bill for these learning tools (pets and their habitats) out of his own pocket with limited (unsolicited) assistance from parents who supported the dynamics of this type of learning adjunct and contributed on occasion towards food, shavings, vet bills, etc.
As far as the cages being unsanitary or posing health issues, I am a licensed health care professional and I saw no evidence to substantiate claims of the existence of these issues; not when my child was in the third grade, and not when I visited the classroom over the next three years. I have, however, met many people with a variety of phobias, especially regarding animals, (my own sister is one) and can understand how for some, any live animal, and even stuffed animals, can on occasion appear to present issues of health concerns and sanitation. I even recall one substitute teacher who was so afraid of animals she had to refuse to teach in that classroom. But, I believe that, by her age, that was her personal problem, and something she needed to get help with.
With regard to the animals kept as classroom pets in Mr. Matez's class, in addition to keeping the cages clean being a condition of keeping the animal, the children were also taught to be meticulous about hand washing and the use of those gel hand sanitizing products, and why; also, any parent that took the time could find Mr. Matez, himself, performing additional cleaning of the cages either before or after school with some assistance from parent volunteers, just to ensure that there were no health issues.
Throughout the class year these animals were used to teach responsibility, they were used to demonstrate different concepts in science (for example, lessons in hand washing became science discussion re microbes!), they were subjects for more writing projects, and they were motivational tools (rewards) to prompt the students to accomplish their assignments to the best of their ability and in a timely fashion.
OK, just another two cents. I just felt that as one of the classroom parent volunteers it was my responsibility to correct any misconceptions precipitated by JD's post.
Sorry, no recipe this time. But, I saw a very large flock of robins still quite happy to be in the South... still a little early yet for them to start home to you yet. Be warm and safe through this storm...
- SW
2/12 10:08pm Accolades are due the Webmaster and Matt McDonald of the Boomerang for their sterling performance in presenting both sides of the present school controversy. So a tip of the Community Hat is due to both for bearing up with the voluminous input to them.
Well Done!!
- JO
2/12 3:27pm Mr Matez Supporters, Due to severe weather conditions, today's meeting at 4:00 PM has been canceled. You should be getting an email regarding new time and place soon. If you want to be part of this effort then please send me an email at this box29@norfolknet.com email address, I will include you in our email list.
- TS
2/12 3:25pm Regarding bullying at FC: I read with interest the posts from CRB and LK, and noticed that both mentioned a 5th grader; I'm wondering if this is the same boy who was a 4th grader last year and tormented my son relentlessly throughout the entire year. Once I escalated this beyond the classroom teacher (who was trying her best, but only has so many eyes...) the school finally reined him in somewhat - but the bullying just became more subtle - as the boy was smart enough to do it only when there were no witnesses. He received many many detentions, but I was surprised that he was never actually suspended given how long these behaviors persisted, and how many other children were being impacted (mine was not the only one). That said, I feel that the current administration does take a better/harder line on bullying, I've found Mrs. Kiewlicz (current vice-principal) to be exteremly responsive. Several years ago there was a similar problem in a 3rd grade class that involved hitting, kicking, tripping, ...etc. In that case when I called Mrs. MacMahon (then vice-principal) I was told, literally, that "boys will be boys" and that if I ignored it and didn't make such a fuss my son would "learn to deal with it". No one should have to "deal with it" - especially not a 3rd grader. - CI
2/12 1:16pm Just to change the subject--why is Pond Street marked with survey flags and perk test core tubes? - GM
2/12 1:15pm My children never had Mr. Matez but I must say, any teacher that organizes activities at lunch/recess for the children that are more reserved and quiet and not as socially active as the bullying/clique type children HAS MY VOTE to stay. Recess is such a difficult time on children. Many children dread it as they do not fit in. Most parents do not have a clue that their children are the ones that are so unaccepting. Is school only for academics, or should children get anything else out of a 6 hour day? I always tell my children--yes there are bullies in school, however, fast forward 12 years from now and look at where these bullies have gone. Need I say more.... - DWL
2/12 10:06am [Update 12:06pm: I tracked the absence of posts and comments to an e-mail system failure, so will hold off for a bit on the survey results - Wm.]
2/11 1:45pm AL, try A&D appliance in Medfield. We have always had great service from them and their prices are reasonable. - SF
2/11 1:43pm AL - Re: your question about appliances. I'm a frugal shopper, but also insist on quality and service. Several years, ago, after looking at countless appliance stores in the area, I happened upon Lambco, in Attleboro. They're on Rte. #123 (heading west toward Rte #95) not too far from the center. They have a very straightforward, no-nonsense approach to conducting business. Throughout the years, whenever we've had to replace an appliance, I've checked out other "high-ranking" stores but each time have found Lambco to be remarkably competitive. On the few times that I've needed service their response has been very satisfactory. I highly recommend Lanbco, but think that you owe it to yourself, each time, to always check the competition to be on the safe side. - MT
2/11 1:40pm This is a message to Phyrexian -- please change your mail settings and allow mail to reach you from norfolknet.com Thanks, - Wm.
2/11 1:25pm Perhaps our friends at the Country Gazette or Boomerang can do a segment on bullying and options that we have as parents to protect our children against bullies. Might give FC a wake up call. I believe this is a topic that needs great community support. School is a place where children need to feel safe - no exceptions. - DB
2/11 12:43pm Head on down to the library! - the Jr. Friends have a scrumptious bake sale and Valentine's crafts workshop until 2 pm this afternoon. - VR
2/11 9:13am ML... I would definitely consider contacting the police. Especially if this has been going on for some time, and your child is in the emotional state that he's threatening self harm!! If the school is unwilling to protect your child, then you have to take it one more step, because ultimately, it's YOUR child!! and YOU are his only advocate... not the principal, not the vice principal, not other parents, but YOU, the parent. Do some reading on the Mass. General Law, page [mass.gov GL], and you'll find out that it is against the law in this state to physically attack another person, and there are no specifics on age. assault:are not age specific crimes.
1.. Law.
2.. An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another.
3.. The act or an instance of unlawfully threatening or attempting to injure another.
1.. The act of beating or pounding.
2.. Law. The unlawful and unwanted touching or striking of one person by another, with the intention of bringing about a harmful or offensive contact.- CG
2/11 9:07am Public Service Info even though dated 2000 -- Because of the many telephone calls and inquiries our office has been receiving about concerns over these tests [MCAS], the ACLU of Massachusetts would like to advise the public of our views on a number of the issues relating to the testing program.[1. Discriminiation, 2. Right to Protest by Parents, Students, Teachers]
- JO
2/10 10:49pm The good news is that the Winter Storm Watch has been canceled. The bad news is that a Blizzard Watch alert has been issued for the region. Latest indications are that an axis of 8 to 15 inches of snow will be possible across Rhode Island and central and eastern Massachusetts from the Worcester hills to Taunton... Boston north to the Merrimack valley.At the height of the storm Sunday morning... it is very possible that snowfall rates will reach 2 to 3 inches per hour at times along with a few rumbles of thunder not out of the question. Gusty northeast winds increasing to 25 to 35 mph with gusts to 50 mph will create areas of blowing and drifting snow with poor visibility Sunday.
Blizzard conditions are possible in the Boston and Providence areas during the height of this storm as visibility due to falling and blowing snow is reduced to 1/4 mile at times.
[wunderground.com]- Wm.
2/10 10:14pm Between ML's heartbreaking post about his son being tormented at Freeman and the firing of a beloved teacher mid-year, I think Ms. Godfrey and Miss Chris have some explaining to do. What on earth is wrong with them? I am beginning to dread sending my child to Freeman. Any child that is suffering as much as ML's deserves to be protected, and his experience to be validated. This story is totally shocking. My sympathies to you, ML, and I agree that the police might be a good option for you. Good luck. - TC
2/10 10:05pm To SF: Thank you for so eloquently voicing what I have been trying to find the right words to say since first reading the post about bullying at F-C. I really wanted to show the parallels between the issues of the way Mr. Matez was treated, the way playground bullies are allowed to get away with a slap on the wrist while their victim grows increasingly afraid to go to school, and about the way Mr. Matez's supporters are addressed by his would-be detractors on these boards. You did a wonderful job, and spoke tomes of truth, right down to your introductory sentence where you addressed your concerns about voicing support for Mr. Matez because of the possibility that you, too, would be somewhat bullied by your "somewhat judgemental" peers within the town. Thank you for voicing how Eric Matez used the recess soccer games to integrate those students who would otherwise be ostracized due to their less developed social skills v. the highly honed judgemental skills some other students have already acquired from their parents. It will be curious to see just how far the people of Norfolk will allow the bullies, on all levels, to push them around. Yes, Eric is still teaching, right here. Again, thank you for saying it all so well, for all of us who were trying to find the words.
Recipe For Rum Balls- SWIn large bowl stir together 3 1/2 cups vanilla wafer crumbs (about 12 ounce), 1 cup finely chopped pecans, 1 cup confectioners' sugar and 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa. Stir in 1/3 cup light or dark rum and 1/3 cup Karo light or dark corn syrup until well blended.
Shape into 1 inch balls. Roll in 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar. Store in tightly covered container. Makes about 4 1/2 dozen.
(For variety - if you aren't intimidated by the very concept - try substituting bourbon, Kahlua, or coconut flavored rum for the rum in the recipe)
2/10 9:57pm I also agree that there is a lot of bullying at the Freeman. My child has been bullied for years. He HATES taking the bus because a 5th grader constantly bullies him. I have spoken to the principal and was told they would take care of it. Nothing changed. If you child tries to defend themselves, they are the one that gets in trouble. The 5th grader also tells the kids that if they tell on him, he will beat them up. He should be kicked off the bus and suspended. Now I drive my kids A LOT just to avoid this bully. - LK
2/10 9:20pm Can anyone recommend a local place for kitchen appliances? - AL
2/10 7:20pm Just my opinion, but... Bully Proof School (the program used by Norfolk schools) seems to have been put in place to establish common language "open a dialogue" and address a need for protocol and procedure. I haven't really had to deal with the issue of bullying with my kids yet, but I have heard the frustration from other parents about how all BPS seems to do is enforce the administrative hoops and put the onus on the kid who is being tormented. Packaged programs like that usually are put in place with the intention of being proactive but I'm not sure that this one is effective. I wish I had a solution to offer. - MJD
2/10 7:10pm JM, About the piano mover... Mucker was far more expensive than Mt. Vernon piano movers from Boston. They changed me a flat fee and Mucker's wanted to charge me by the mile and the hour I think. It was about $100 difference. Mt. Vernon was great. I would highly recommend them. Wayne Brown is a great piano technician. We really like working with him. - MJD
2/10 7:05pm LB, Any good cookie recipes after your wonderful post? The time spent reading your enlightened speech has cause me to work up an appetite! Oh, I better get some milk too. - BF
2/10 6:59pm The bullying is a real issue at FC. The school does not take it serious. I know one child in the 5th grade who is always getting in fights. Two days ago he punched a kid in the eye. The parents had to be called to pick him up because he was hurt so bad. This is about the 8th incident that I know of with this one child, but the school does nothing but gives him a one day detention. That is clearly not what the school's "Bully Free" policy states. This kid should be suspended, but no, they continue to do nothing about and I'll tell you this kids parents think This is how boys act. If your child is being physically hit I would file a police report then see how quickly things will change. - CRB
2/10 5:53pm Ladies and Gentlemen and - most importantly - Neighbors: Please don't suggest that this "chit-chat" stop, or that "enough is enough." It is vital that we speak. No matter how tired you may be of a topic that you do not feel affects you (at least not now or yet), you mustn't discourage discussion. Clearly, this topic has riled many people (and I might add by reading the well researched and well articulated posts, that this is not bunch of uneducated groupies!) Maybe there are several points here that are worth investigation and resolution. Fair process. Relevant timelines. Egos. Principles and Principals. Results. Objective standards. Goals and Strategies. Leveling achievement. Truth. The future. Of equal significance is the mere fact that this discussion has no other place to turn with its need to bring notice .... and so we start here. Please lets keep talking and listening and maybe even changing.
My son recently wrote a paper on President Woodrow Wilson who won the Nobel Prize for Peace after WWI. In his paper, my son highlighted a quote the President said as he prepared the country for the inevitable fate of our involvement in the war. He said, "No man can withhold his hands from warfare against wrong and get peace from his acquiescence." I urge you to participate and insist on understanding the details before you scoff at those who speak and turn your back on the situation because you either have no children in the school or because your child is not directly involved (this time.)
And for those who miss talking about the birds and yummy recipes, I understand... I like the way "SF" handled it.... after her excellent post, she threw in a cookie recipe! Thanks!
- LB
2/10 5:39pm If anyone needs snow plowing for this upcoming storm please call Rob at 1-508-989-7913. - RA
2/10 5:26pm I've been very disappointed about the possibility of a Stop N Shop or any other large chain store being opened in our town. I have no idea why we would even need this considering how many other stores there are just a few miles away. [...] The Stop N Shop in Foxborough is not only unnecessary as well, but it is practically empty every time I go in there. What a waste of beautiful land and any peace. Now we will have more traffic, more bright lights and more noise in the center of what could remain "a peaceful town". If you walk along the trails in Stony Brook there is a look-out point where you can see a marshy area and in the distance the ugly blue water tower. Will we now be able to see a large unneeded contraption that has been built on that lot of land as well?
- NW
2/10 4:51pm KH, I have been to that Stop & Shop and I love it. You are right, most of the time it is pretty empty. I find it more convenient to go there when I just need a gallon of milk or so than it is going to a convenient store. - ML
2/10 4:21pm To RG - I heard a rumor also that the Stop & Shop in Foxboro is closing - anyone else heard that? - if true, how can they expect the traffic to support one in our downtown when that one can't sustain itself. If anyone hasn't been - at night it's like having your own private supermarket. - KH
2/10 4:20pm SF, Thanks for joining the discussion. - TS
2/10 3:38pm The moonscape is back on the market -- huge "Property Available" signs now tower over the small "Stop and Shop Coming Soon" signs. Anyone know what this means?
- RG
2/10 3:36pm It seems that bullying isn't as much an issue at the HOD School where the children think going to the principal's office is the end of the world. Bullying becomes a real issue when the children get older. They are not as scared and might even consider it cool. I do not have a child in F/C yet, but I do have my concerns for the future. Over the last couple of years I have heard many scary things that have gone on from parents who do have children there. Something should be done about this, it seems this no bullying policy is not working. - SM
2/10 3:25pm Like many people in town, I have been reading the newspapers and comments about Mr. Matez. I have tried to stay somewhat distant because of a feeling that I have that should I get involved, the school and friends would act differently towards me and my children. This town has a lot of people that tend to be, shall I say, judgmental. You start to believe that you must conform and follow. How sad is that. Mr. Matez should not be condemned simply because he chooses to challenge authority; rather I applaud him for standing up for what he believes in. Where would we be and what freedoms would we lack had our ancestor not challenged authority. Yes, we live in a society that has rules and in order to coexist we should abide by these rules - unless you have a strong belief that the rule is wrong. In that case you have two options, ignore your beliefs and follow or take a stand and make a change. I am sure Mr. Matez knew that his actions could result in his termination.
Although at this age some children may have a difficult time trying to understand the situation, I think as parents we can turn this round to a very educational opportunity. I am not going to tell my children that Mr. Matez was right or wrong. I am also not going to say that the administration was right or wrong. I have my feeling but I am not going to harp on my children to follow. Rather, I am explaining to them that people can have differences and that is OK. Mr. Matez is fighting for something he believes in - he is trying to make a change.
How interesting that mingled within the Mr. Matez posts that someone mentions bullying on the playground. Isn't bullying about people being different? One parent mentions how other children witness the violence yet do not speak up and at the same time we want Mr. Matez to shut up. I'm confused, should we stand up for what we believe in or follow? Even departed, Mr. Matez is teaching his students.
My children have not had Mr. Matez and I have not been in his classroom, yet we have been affected by his departure. Something many may not know is that Mr. Matez frequently organized soccer games at recess. Not a big deal some will be quick to think. But in reality this was a very big deal to many children who may have had difficulty interacting socially on the playground. He provided a venue that would encourage and be accepting of all. I hope that the school will consider the comfort Mr. Matez provided these children.
There are many types of teachers in the world, and Norfolk has been blessed with many fine energetic, intelligent and creative styles. This I know because my children have had the luxury of being in their classroom. But I would gather even the best of these teachers has had a brush once or twice with parents who did not think they were doing things right. Not every teacher is a perfect fit for every child - or parent.
Is this about teaching style, about curriculum content, or both? The educational reform act has forced schools to follow or lose financial support - sounds like more bullying to me. But because of the amount of materials teacher are required to cover, many feel that it hinders their creativity and style. Even the state acknowledges the increase in material because their solution is to increase the school day. Shouldn't the schools be teaching our children to enjoy learning? If you have a chance, read these two poignant papers; they convey my concerns better than I.
- Hudson, MA valedictorian speech June, 2000 ([newdemocracyworld.org])
- Lego Learning Institute ([legolearning.net]).
And if you feel that this discussion has gone on too long, than you are free to start your own website, free to change channels, and even free to continue and voice your opinion. Just don't bully others, let them speak.
And before I get off my soapbox, here is a link to a recipe for apple pie ([myhomecooking.net]).
- SF
2/10 2:29pm Dear ML, The FC does not deal with bullying in the manner it should be dealt with. I had a child that was bullied an until the child that was the bully was caught red-handed they assumed my child was the problem. I will say that once it was so obvious and blatant it seemed to get better. We were soured on the handling though and I did remove my child from the school system. - EP
2/10 1:28pm KGD - Mary Flaherty at KMK Cleaners (Norfolk Center & Roche Bros. shopping center in Millis) is a wonderful seamstress/tailor as well. Good luck - TMN
2/10 12:01pm To ML: If you are not getting any results from the school officials, I would talk to the police about it. Harassment and assault are not age dependent. I doubt they will show the same indifference you describe. - DC
2/10 10:58am To KGD regarding a tailor in the area - try Dona's Tailoring on Cottage Street in Franklin, 508-528-0837. - KH
2/10 10:49am Mr. Matez Supporters, We are planning to meet soon to plan our short and long term strategy. I have sent an email out last night, if you haven't received this email and want to be part of this effort then please send me an email at this box29@norfolknet.com email address, all the emails will be forwarded to me. "Difficulty of success doesn't relieve one's obligation to try"- TS- Bill Clinton at Coretta Scott King's Funeral
2/10 10:22am Due to the number and length of the posts, I've trimmed the page back to messages from the past five days only. The older messages are archived [here]. - Wm.
2/10 10:14am Is Mr. Matez saying he was targeted by Mrs. Godfrey as in some type of vendetta? It certainly sounds like he is saying he was the brunt of a conspiracy and if that is proven, look out! - JT
[Was this the post of 2/9 10:20pm? - Wm.]
2/10 10:12am Please, could we stop with all the chit-chat about Mr. Matez? I miss the recipe - bird - moonscape and other more trivial talk. Loving walnut oatmeal raisin cookies, can anybody offer a favorite recipe for such? Has anybody spotted their first Robin yet this year? Stop and Shop, the sign has been stood back up, does this mean there is progress in the beginning stages of construction? - BF
2/10 10:08am TO ML: When my daughter was in first grade at HOD, a boy on the bus said to her "I have a gun at home and I'm going to get it and shoot you." I immediately got on the phone and contacted the principal at H.O.D, who, I must add, is wonderful. I must say, it was dealt with immediately and the problem was resolved. Fortunately he never brought "that gun" on the bus. In terms of a child bullying or threatening other children, the saying "the apple does not fall far from the tree, most of the time it holds up. Observe the parents of those who have bullied your child--I'm sure they are not much different. (Sad isn't it) Speak up loud and let the problem be heard and continue to speak until it gets resolved. All the best.
2/10 10:06am Officer Plympton, thank you for the update on DARE camp. It is hard to plan other camp activities not knowing the timing of the DARE camp. The kids really enjoy the DARE camp, and I would hate to have my child miss it. Any update is greatly appreciated. - CIW
2/10 10:05am Can anyone recommend a good tailor in our area? Many thanks-all suggestions much appreciated. - KGD 2/10 10:04am For JM, regarding piano movers: on the advice of our piano tuner (Wayne Brown 508-222-0123--have recommended him before and others on this site have too) we used Mucker's Delivery 508-699-2001 to move a grand piano that we had purchased. They specialize in piano moving, and they were great. - LK
2/10 10:02am Buy a raffle ticket for a chance to win a fabulous trip to Florida! Your choice of the following resorts: - Marriott Orlando, Grande Lakes,
- Eden Roc, A Renaissance Resort & Spa, Miami Beach, OR
- Key Largo Bay, Marriott Beach Resort
Plus $500 towards air travel! Only 250 tickets will be sold!
Raffle winner will be chosen at the NCL 2006 Spring Charity Gala! Purchase your chance for $20 by calling Debbie M. at 508.541.1458 or Bettina D. at 508.547.3247
- JL, Norfolk Community League
2/10 9:55am I seriously have to wonder about the mindset of individuals who would refer to someone going through what Eric Matez is going through as "enjoying the limelight" or "grandstanding." Is this what you believe you would be feeling if you were in a similar set of circumstances? If so, it is scary to think that you might be the person/people standing next to us on the town hill, or in line at the market or train station; scary because if this much pain by a fellow human being is perceived by you as being in any way enjoyable, what other inappropriate emotional responses are you likely to posses? Perhaps, you just need to "grandstand" or grab some "limelight," and so voiced those vicious and naive statements. If so, there; you posted; I rebutted...you got your few moments of recognition and fame. I hope you feel better. Realistically, it should be understood that Eric Matez has for many years been exceptionally performing a job that many of you wouldn't or couldn't do. I have lost count of the number of times I heard parents of this community complain that school vacation was approaching and the kids would be home. (Except for the time you have structured for them to be in the care of others for camp, extracurricular specials to fill their time and free yours). It takes a special person to not only posses the patience to deal with 20+ children every day, but to also find a way to reach and engage each child and open their mind to the endless new horizons available through education. Yes, other teachers do that as well, and some not as well, but Eric Matez is the subject of this matter. This is a man who has not only been criticized for not teaching the mandated curriculum while in fact he has done so while utilizing different tools, but I have also heard some of the men in our community make some rather rude comments about "what kind of man talks about feelings like that" and "what sort of guy can actually relate to children all day like a woman." Mr. Matez has heard those comments too; sometimes it seems it was intended that he did. But, Eric Matez is secure enough in his knowledge of himself, and who he is, that he ignored ignorant and rude comments and went about his vocation (it was never "just" a "job" with him) in an exciting, dynamic, slightly different but always professional way that benefited your children... even if you have no children in your home or family, the children of our community are yours too, if you consider yourself part of a community.
Who is Eric Matez? He is first and foremost a family man; the husband to a very beautiful, intelligent and lovely lady, and the father to two very special daughters who mean the world to him and who he has taken a very active role in raising despite working full time. He is secondly, and only second by a very slim margin, a devoted teacher who cares almost as much about his students as he does his own family; something his wife and children had to accept and love about him. Not many teachers give student's and their parents their home phone number so that they can be interrupted during dinner with a homework question or tears about a schoolyard bully. Not many teachers can claim the trust and loyalty of their students, the sutdents' parents, and the community that is given to Eric Matez.
Not only is it personally painful for him to run into a brick wall, now, for doing what he has always done, after dedicating so many years of his, and his family's, lives to our children; but, no family is unaffected when one of the wage earners is fired and that puts stress on the family unit, which is painful. His children go to school, just as ours do, and they are far from enjoying the "limelight". Although they have been brought up believing that you have to stand up for what you believe in, and understand that to the core of their hearts, it still hurts and their hurt tears at their father. Although Mrs. Matez, too, is a woman of principle, the economics of this situation means a greater weight on her shoulders and that tears his heart. Contrary to your thoughtless comments, there is no personal enjoyment of this situation by Eric Matez. What you so insensitively call "grandstanding" and "limelighting" is an attempt by another human being to stand up for his principles and to put a lot on the line for something he believes in very deeply. Is there anything in your life that you love or believe in so much that you would put yourself so on the line for? Do you really think it would be enjoyable?
As for ACL's comments about Nixon... Nixon was the "boss"; many people believed he (the boss) was wrong (bosses can be); the people impeached him. How is it you can be so certain that so many people who have posted here, and so many past school administrators are so wrong, and your two current "boss" figures and their small pocket of cronies possess some sort of infallibility? Maybe it is "time to get a new boss,"... not just for Eric Matez to get one, but for the Norfolk school system in general, and Freeman-Centennial in specific, to do so.
Lastly, again I wish to applaud those level headed citizens who are calling for data and other tangible standards of measure to support the decision made by the principal and superintendent so that an appropriate investigation can be made. It is not a waste of time, it is what a democratic society, and especially America, is supposed to be about. "Confidentiality"? Excuse me, there is nothing that the superintendent (no matter how important she or anyone else thinks she is) or the school committee, or the teachers' union, could "indulge" that would in any way negatively effect national security. Bring it on! Let the facts, all the facts, be known. Prove, if you can, that what you have created in this town is not just the effect of a personality clash and a personal agenda in support of two women's egos.
- SW
2/10 9:51am Over the past 2 years my son has been teased relentlessly, he has learned to ignore the words, but the teasing has escalated into violence. My son has been kicked in the privates, thrown in mud puddles, stabbed with paperclips, choked, had his head slammed into a window, kicked, tripped, i could go on and on. A few of the incidents were dealt with (because my son defended himself and was caught) and the rest were not because the children involved lied about it and any kids who witnessed it were afraid to tell what they saw. Most of the incidents involve a group of boys against my son. Usually at least 3 against 1. The only action the the vice principal has taken has been when my son gets caught defending himself. Each time he has been punished and sometimes the other kids are punished (if they admitted to what they did), but more often than not nothing happens because "no one saw anything". I tried explaining to the vice principal that the kids that are bullying are going to make sure no one is looking before they hit my son, and it is when my son reacts that the teachers see it. By the end of last year my son begged me not to send him back to that school, he even threatened to hurt himself if I did send him back. When I saw that I wasn't getting anywhere with the vice principal I decided go to the principal. Honestly, it was like I was talking to the same person. They both said the exact same things. The only problem that they see is that my son needs to stop hitting other children. They just keep telling me that my son needs to find a better solution to solve his problems.
He has been told by the school that no matter what the circumstance, he is not allowed to defend himself without consequence.
They showed absolutely no concern when I told them that my son said he was going to hurt himself or run away if he had to go back to the school. In fact the only time I saw an emotion was when I said my son told me that a teacher called him a bully. They were so quick defend the teacher and say my son misunderstood what she said. That could be true, but whatever the case, I wish they would put that much effort into defending my son and keeping him safe.
This last incident my son had was when he was being picked on for a few days by a group of 5 boys. They were calling him names and when my son walked the boys followed him, and some pushed him down and kicked him. The first 2 days my son did not defend himself. He just kept getting up and walking away until recess was over. On the second day my son tried to schedule an appointment with Mrs. Godfrey to help, but she wasn't available. The third day the same thing happened except my son ended up hitting one of the boys in the eye. He got punished for it as did a few of the other boys. The boys who pushed or kicked my son were punished, the boys who just teased him were not. My son had a couple of witnesses that saw the teasing also, but the vice principal wasn't interested in talking to them. She only punished the kids that actually hurt my son.
The only action the F/C school has done to protect my son is to make some of the teachers at recess aware of the situation and to watch my son (which the teacher on duty the other day obviously wasn't aware of).
I had to tell my son that no matter what happens, he can not defend himself while he is in school. He has a hard time understanding why he has to let other kids hurt him all the time and he can't do anything to stop it. I am afraid that one of these days he is going to get seriously hurt and I feel like I am just standing by and letting it happen.
I keep asking the school how many times does my son have to be hurt before they recognize there is a problem and do something to keep him safe. .
Ever since the new Principal and Vice Principal had taken their positions it has been a nightmare for my son. I really miss Mr. F.
- ML
2/10 12:25am The Country Gazette has a good, detailed article [here] by Rick Holland on the termination of Mr. Matez. It provides the best chronolgy yet about the events leading up to the firing. - Wm.
2/9 11:30pm We received an e-mail from out of state from someone who had the opportunity to sit in on Mr. Matez's classes. Although we normally don't post messages from people not related to Norfolk, I found the glimpse into the classroom interesting. The precise reason I wanted to post is that YES, he [Mr. Matez] has a lot of deserved support IN TOWN... As an outside observer, I concur, while NOT having a child taught by him (obviously), but HAVING spent a few times with him in his class. Do you know I actually became part of that day's lesson? LIFE is teaching!- Wm.You can post this email, if you'd consider it...
2/9 10:27pm To ML: First listen to your child. If they are having problems on the bus or at school, listen first to them then to the teachers or other authorities. Fight for your child, don't be placated by the system. They are not always right nor is your child always wrong. Demand that the issue be addressed and fixed. Doing this will tell your child that you believe in them and it will tell the system that you will not be intimidated by them. Remember, though, you may have to eat your hat, but your child above all else deserves your support, until PROVEN wrong. - JW 2/9 10:20pm P.S. on my last post: FYI: I took my 12 year old daughter to Framingham Pediatrics on Monday, the 30th... she HAD strep. My wife stayed home Tuesday with her. She didn't get better and her doctor said because of her achiness, she probably also had the flu. She was out of school all week and as my wife is a business woman who had a busy week, I would have been out the entire week as well... I did not plan any of this... I do admit to being too stupid to figure out a way to get to a different solution that would have avoided all of this. It just seemed to me after a while, that it was personal with Mrs. Godfrey. The last straw with me was an innocuous enough directive on Mrs. Godfrey and Dr. Chris' part: To tell me I couldn't read any more Harry Potter. I read/tell the books to my class and then they write a play as to what might come next. Mrs. Godfrey said it is dark for third graders and Dr. Chris said it is too much reading of the same genre. I replied that I read lots of other books as well. They said no, no more reading Harry Potter. Something in my heart of hearts, that point where a friend crosses over the line in his or her friendship, or boss-dom, and that is when I started asking my past and then present parents: Is what I have given and am giving worth fighting for? Not one person out of the 30 or so I called said I shouldn't stick up for what I believe to be right....
- Eric
2/9 10:10pm Since November 14th, so as not to disobey Mrs. Godfrey, I tried to deliver the curriculum the way Mrs. Godfrey instructed. I put my methods on the back burner. I began waking up with cold sweats at 4 in the morning; something that has never happened to me in my life - ask anyone who knows me, I am a pretty level-headed individual. The reason I was waking up like that is I was plain unhappy in my mind. I was teaching in a manner which was not allowing the gift I have inside me to reach the children. I was unhappy and therefore, if I waited until July, I would have quietly gone off into the sunset. I care too much for the children I have had in the past, the present, and may have in the future of Norfolk to go away quietly.
I do not believe that my going away quietly is in the best interest of this town. I would ask you to ask your children what they think. Do they think their school is better off with or without me? Ask them. I seriously would leave with no questions asked if even 1 student said no... Well, maybe not 1... Seriously though, ask... and I know, "They are 'just' kids," but who is the school for? Who are we trying to teach to be life-long learners? Yours,
- Eric
[Those who wish to register an opinion, I volunteer to tally the votes. ...Wait, who just made me step forward!? I must be out of my mind - we already received7880 e-mails today, and the night is still young... - Wm.
Update 2/14 9:42am: the survey is closed; responses here. Addition comments about Mr. Matez will go on the main page - Wm.]
2/9 10:08pm To CIW - In regards to our 6th-7th grade DARE Summer Day Program: We have tentatively scheduled this session for June 26-30th. This would be a normal time of the year for this age group. This is still not finalized due to the potential of possible snow days. Our staff will be meeting within the next month to finalize dates for grade five going into grade six. Normally this session runs mid to late August. I will let you know these dates as soon as we meet with our camp staff. - Officer Steve Plympton, D.A.R.E. Officer, Norfolk Police Department
2/9 9:51pm My name is Catherine M[.]. My husband and I are the parents of two wonderful children, both of whom attend the Norfolk schools. One of them is a third grade student. He was fortunate to be in Mr. Matez's class this year. This situation has been incredibly disruptive and sad. We are all upset, anxious, and angry. Yes, about the decision to terminate Eric Matez, who was able to rekindle the love of learning in our son. But these emotions do not get in our way of focusing on a much larger, more serious issue: the actions taken by our Superintendent and Principal. Whether you agree with the termination decision or not (or whether you only care about your property values) I suggest you take more than a passing interest in this aspect of the story. It may not grab the headlines, but it gets to the very core of things.
Based on my own experiences and my understanding of their actions, I believe that the administration does not live up to the standards and performance we expect in our community. This is why I submitted a written request to our School Committee Chair, Kim Williams. It is important that I provide the context of the excerpts that were published in today's Globe (see link to the story below [post of 2/9 3:49pm]). The complete paragraph read as follows: "There are two pivotal questions. The first is whether this administration did everything it could to retain this talented teacher. The second is whether the administration properly handled the events following his termination. These questions must be answered with an unequivocal yes. If not, my stance is that the Committee can not permit Dr Augusta-Scott and Mrs. Godfrey to retain their positions."
Given their role and responsibilities, appropriate and reasonable requests were made in writing and then reiterated at Tuesday night's School Committee meeting. In short, they were for the School Committee to: 1) conduct an investigation into the actions taken by the school administration prior to, during and following the termination, with particular inquiry into the communications to parents, students and staff; 2) issue a report to the community within a reasonably short time that contains their findings; and 3) immediately suspend contract negotiations with the superintendent pending resolution of the inquiry.
I would like to see my experiences recorded as a matter of public record, considered by the School Committee and included in a report to the community. I was one of a small group of parents who found out about the plan to tell our children in time to be there. I want you to know what happened that day. And the days before. And what's happened since. You might be surprised at what you'll learn.
I would hope that our community can reach consensus on this: the issue and the the inquiry about how things were and are handled by the administration should not be limited to the actual instance of termination, which is now in legal proceedings. It's bigger than that. Don't we live in a community that - despite our differences of opinion about teaching methods and approaches - believes we deserve the best we can get for our children? Don't we believe that it is patently wrong for public school adminstration professionals to exclude parents from activities and decisions that affect their children?
If you answered yes to those questions, then you must agree that it is critical to examine what the administration did before and after the termination. In this way, we can make informed decisions about whether we are employing the right people to be responsible for making important decisions that are affecting our children, parents and entire community. If they made mistakes, we need to know and take action, even if that means a public acknowledgment and apology.
This is about insisting on higher standards. It's about demanding better performance. It affects all of us.
Please, join me in supporting the requests made to our School Committee. Thank you.
- CM
[Note: It was I, the Webmaster, who removed Catherine's surname in the first sentence. Norfolknet is an initials-only board. The exception is for people posting announcements in their official roles, when a name and title are acceptable. Others remain initials, in part to keep all opinions on the same footing, and in part to shelter those who would be reluctant to post under their full names - Wm.]
2/9 8:34pm For ML - I am saddened to hear that your child is experiencing bullying at FC. My daughter had an incident on the bus while at HOD, and Lucia Godfrey was wonderful and very responsive. I also have friends who have been notified that their child stood by while another child bullied someone else, and the school was not only in touch with the bully's parents, but also those parents whose child(ren?) failed to intervene. Keep talking to the administration, because I know they care and very much want a bully-free school zone. - KL
2/9 8:33pm Does anyone know when the 6th - 7th grade DARE camp is this summer? - CIW
2/9 8:32pm ML, what are the characteristics of the bullying your child is receiving at FC? What is FC's response to your reporting this? - SP
2/9 8:31pm I have never met or heard of Mr. Matez until this controversy erupted. I have subsequently heard that the majority of past and current students and their parents hold him in high regard. With that being said, why did Mr Matez decide the middle of the school year was the time to take a stance knowing what the ultimate outcome would be? Couldn't he have sucked it up for the sake of the children until the end of the school year and then taken his stance? He would have had the same number of supporters and detractors but his students' lives and school experiences would not have been disrupted. Since Mr. Matez has used this website to explain his views I would be interested in hearing why he could not have waited till the end of the year? - PAN
2/9 7:44pm I'll reiterate what I said last time because it seems that even though, according to JC, Matez didn't quit, he was fired, no one seems to recognize that there is such a thing as forcing someone to fire you. Again, undisputed at the meeting the other night, it was discussed that: (1) Mr. Matez called parents on Sunday to ask for their support, (2) Monday he was absent from school, (3) Tuesday morning he asked for a meeting with the administration and (4) Tuesday afternoon he was terminated. It sure looks like he knew what was going to happen and orchestrated the whole thing, so that he could be defended and be the "victim." - EH
2/9 7:42pm Notice from the Norfolk Board of Selectmen: PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE- RHThe Board of Selectmen, Licensing Board for the Town of Norfolk, will conduct a public hearing under the provisions of Chapter 101 of the Acts of 2004, Section 7 to determine the water budget for FY'07 and set prices and rates for usage of the water system. This hearing will be conducted on Monday, February 27, 2006, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 124, Town Hall, One Liberty Lane, Norfolk, MA 02056.
2/9 7:01pm I am NOT enjoying the limelight... This is my life, and at the moment yours too. I admit: I brought you this problem. My teaching method was disavowed by the current administration... If someone disavowed you, you might take offense as well. I only beseech you to listen to the students I have had, and open your eyes to the possibility that I was one of many great teachers, that we were doing our job and then some, because we care as much about your children as you do, and I do believe that includes Dr. Chris and Mrs. Godfrey. I was a part of this team, and my skills as a knuckleball pitcher up until this year were respected... ALL of my reviews are excellent. I am who I am, and that is what makes me a special teacher... Every teacher is special in their own way. I cannot be special in another's way. I am worth fighting for, I swear. - Eric
2/9 6:59pm I just heard about this site and I think it's great. I wish I had known about it earlier. Maybe someone here can help me. My child is having a hard time at the Freeman-Centennial School. He is being bullied and the school administration refuses to see this as a problem. It has gone from verbal to violent over the past few years. Has anyone else been through a similar situation that could offer me some advice?
- ML
2/9 5:55pm It has only been a week and people are getting frustrated with hearing all about Mr. Matez. Well, he is a person, and everyone is entitled to stand up for him if they choose to. If you don't, time will pass and you will be relieved from hearing about him. But now that this situation is still up and going and there still might be a chance in letting Mr. Matez back into the classroom, let us TRY getting him back into our school system. There are people in Norfolk who actually believe in his ways of teaching and I am one of them. I went to Freeman-Centennial and didn't have the chance to have Mr. Matez as a teacher, but my sister and brother both had him. I would hear stories coming home from school about their day, and instead of hearing "school was school," I heard a lot more details about their day. They still talk about him to this day, and not because he has been fired but because he made education interesting. I can't think of more than one teacher that has done that for me, and if someone sticks in your mind, then that means they are worth fighting for in my opinion.
So let Mr. Matez have his glory for a while and let him appreciate the support he is getting from our community. Honestly, if this situation was not worth fighting for, then it would have been forgotten a couple days after it happened, but because he has been with us for so many years people are going to stick by him because he means enough to his students and Norfolk community.
- TH 2/9 4:45pm Interesting trivia: page loads (hits) since the week of 1/1/2006. (The white bars at the ends represent 1000 hits; the peak was 1961.) ![]()
- Wm.
[Update 2/11 12:05am: I've added stats for 2/9 and 2/10 - Wm.
Update 2/13 1:44pm: stats up to 2/12 - Wm.
Update 2/18 12:03am: stats up to 2/17 - Wm.
Update 3/9 12:18am: stats up to 3/9 - Wm.
Update 4/11 12:18am: stats through 4/10; new record hits of 2297/523 on 4/5, generated by the bankruptcy revelation in the selectmen's race - Wm.
Update 4/27 8:22am: copied into new page [here] to make it easier to update - Wm.]
2/9 4:27pm KLM: I don't know about TW's assumption that property values are going to go down, but we are certainly embarrassing ourselves. As a good friend asked, "Did Nixon get this much attention when he resigned?". I think not. Unwilling, unable, couldn't, wouldn't, whatever! When the boss makes demands on you that you don't want to fulfill, find a new boss! - ACL
2/9 4:16pm To BS: I recommend Sunset Carpet Care, Paul Civitarese, (508)-543-8025, for cleaning your carpets. Paul and his wife are very efficient and professional, and also left me with a great chart on what to do for certain kinds of stains. - CR
2/9 4:15pm Hey Wm! Did I mention you have done a fantastic job of keeping up with all the action in the last 8 days? That's a full-time job and then some! - ACL
[Blush... :-) You're very kind, thank you - Wm.]
2/9 4:10pm Per JER's comment I agree. Enough is enough. It is clear that both sides of the fence on Mr. Matez are upset but stop the madness. I am getting sick of reading about Mr. Matez. He really does seem to be enjoying this limelight though. - CFC 2/9 3:49pm I agree with PC. The larger question is, what would happen if our entire school system had teachers that could choose the curriculum? Would you like to be the superintendent in this situation? Eric, yes we live in America, and in America if you don't do your job according to your bosses' expectations or an employee acts and admits to being insubordinate, they usually get fired. The system does not the allow the superintendent or teachers' union to divulge all the facts. I have a certain level of trust in Mrs. Chris that the school system is better served by her decision. We would have to install a revolving door in the school for our administrators if we let each parent demand all of their questions be answered to their liking by the principal and superintendent, or they be fired. See today's Boston Globe Thursday, February 9, Globe West section for an article on this subject [this one]. - JAB
[Indeed, the article is a very good summary of the situation - Wm.]
2/9 3:46pm I have never met either Mr. Matez or Dr. Scott but what I see here are two egos completely crashing into one another and neither will come out the winner. Mr. Matez will be teaching elsewhere and Dr. Scott's reputation will be tarnished. Is it not time to move on? - JT
2/9 3:45pm In regards to the Leaf Guard system, Minuteman from Canton installed mine. - JT
2/9 3:15pm MG, TS and others: If your boss informs you that you need to do X, Y and Z or you will be terminated, and you refuse, guess what - you get terminated. You had a choice, made your decision and have to live with the consequences. Don't try to blame others for what you brought on yourself. As for School Committee indifference - I believe it is called confidentiality.
- KH
2/9 2:41pm It's difficult to understand why you allowed a vicious, nasty posting like TW's to appear on your page. (You say keep it short and civil.) This person basically called Mr. Matez' supporters uneducated and an embarrassment to the town. By, the way, you spelled embarrassed and embarrassing wrong. Clearly, the person has no knowledge of any of the facts of this case. Mr. Matez never said he couldn't do the job. He said he was unwilling to do it the administration's narrowly defined way. Perhaps if TW was more concerned with this town's children getting an excellent, well-balanced education than his own property value, he would have a more open mind. Also, I believe that EH should make it clear in [their] postings who [they] are and what role [they] play in this whole fiasco.
[Reading a public forum means being exposed to other opinions and other ways of wording thoughts, some of which will inevitably strike us as irrational, unjustified, or wrong. When posting comments, there's sometimes a tradeoff between civility and allowing people to have their say in their own words. In this case, I found the post strongly worded, disrespectful and confrontational, but not to a degree that I felt warranted barring. It's not the thought that we expect to be civil, but the expression. You effectively just called this person vicious and nasty (through their posting), but I felt that yours, too, was a legitimate sentiment. However, you make a valid point -- please, people, reflect twice, post once.Thank you for catching the typos. We take responsibility for all obvious mistakes; we try to present all posts to the best of our ability, so that the form will not distract from the content. However, some errors do slip past us; sorry. Most embarassing [sic] :-)
Norfolknet does not allow posters' identities to be disclosed on the page, for a number of reasons. However, in cases of possible conflict of interest (when the comments voiced could be seen as serving one's self-interest and not just personal opinions), a disclaminer is both reasonable and expected.
- Wm.]
2/9 2:15pm There is a position available in the public library's circulation department, charging and discharging library materials, assisting patrons, shelving materials, and substituting at the school libraries as needed. The position is 13 hours/week: Mondays 2-8:30 p.m., Wednesdays 9-4:30 p.m., and participation in the Saturday and Sunday monthly rotation (4-6 hours per rotation). A bachelor's degree is preferred, but an A.A. degree and one year of library experience is also appropriate. Compensation is $12.97/hour and $4.00/hour additional on Sundays; no benefits are provided. The deadline for applying is Monday, February 13th at 4:00 p.m. For an application and complete job description, visit the library's circulation desk; if you have questions, please contact Heather Pisani-Kristl, Associate Director, at 508-528-3380, ext. 4. Previous applicants may reactivate their applications by calling Ms. Pisani-Kristl.
- Heather Pisani-Kristl, Norfolk Public Library
2/9 2:13pm On a more mundane issue, does any have a good rug and upholstery cleaner they'd like to share? Thanks. - BS
2/9 12:10pm The Norfolk Community Leaugue's Nearly New Sale is on Saturday, April 29, 2006. It's time to do some SPRING CLEANING!
The Norfolk Community League is now accepting donations of GENTLY USED children's clothing, toys, equipment (high chairs, strollers, cribs, etc.), sporting goods, and maternity clothes for the 2006 sale. For safety purposes, please do not leave car seats older than 5 years. Items may be dropped off at ANY TIME at the storage bin located at the Highway Department on Medway Branch (across from the Transfer Station).
Volunteers will be accepting your donations on Saturday, March 4th from 9AM to 11AM at the storage bin. All monies raised will go towards NCL's semi-annual disbursements to the community. Tax receipts for your donations are available at the bin. For more information please contact: Joan P. or Anne K.
If you are interested in volunteering at the sale, please contact either Joan or Ann. Thank you!
- JL, Norfolk Community League
2/9 12:05pm BC -- Please be clear on this: Mr. Matez did NOT resign. They fired him. Anyone who has had the pleasure of him teaching their own children knows that Mr. Matez would never resign. He is way too dedicated to his students. He also has an inspiring integrity that spills over into his students and I, for one, am ever so grateful for that! - JC
[Update 5:48pm: the person who actually posted was JC - Wm.]
2/9 11:49am According to School Committee he was "dismissed" and he didn't resign. - TS
2/9 11:48am Indifferent Elected Officials: Parents who thought that their concerns will fall on more sympathetic ears at the School Committee on Tuesday, Feb 7 meeting were deeply disappointed. The School Committee listened to our concerns but was indifferent. Their position was same as the Superintendent; even though they have no say in hiring and firing of school teachers, they fully condone this decision. The people we elected to protect and represent our interest failed to do their job. Please tell your elected official how upset you are with their and Superintendent decision.
Chairperson, Mr. Kim Williams: [* e-mail address, see note]
Vice Chairperson, Doug Miller: [* e-mail address, see note]- TS
[* Note: Instead of posting personal e-mail addresses, I've set up box28@norfolknet.com as an automated mail forwarder that will relay any and all email received directly to both of them. I realize their addresses are also on the School Committee page, but still - Wm.]
[Update 3/7 8:47am: I've removed the box28 mail relay; spammers were spamming it and forging it as the "From:" address - Wm.]
2/9 9:45am I'm just an observer, I do not have any children in the school system. Please answer this, why can't all the teachers in Norfolk set their own rules? - PC
2/9 8:54am It is my understanding that Mr. Matez chose to resign in the middle of the year -- he was given an ultimatum and resigned rather than adher to the curriculum; the awkward timing was his decision. - BC
2/9 8:37am Before one passes criticism on Mr. Matez, I would like to suggest that the attachment on MAXSKILL be read just to show what is available as a resource. [G3 Workbook and Training Software] Also log on to Mass Ed Dept. data, especially "Mass. Comprehenisve Ass. System - Updates for the Spring 2006 MCAS" [link]. You can also download past sample questions. But certainly tie it in to `the MAXSKILL info for balance and see if a "what If" scenario.
If one is to believe that lack of following a curriculum was a major reason for Mr. Matez's problem, where then was the measuring standard and the necessary documentation to show the non-conformance?
I would like to point out if the function relating to curriculum was in Maxskills's hands (if competent), then the issue of non-applicability by Mr. Matez disappears! Especially since Maxskill supplies an update twice a month!
This is not simplification of the problem, but where is the tie-in to dereliction of performance re the curriculum??
More startling is that the Department of Education has a Quality Assurance Section re applicability. Was there a trail that shows non-performance or is the appraisal subjective.
I suggest that there if we are stressing curriculum importance as the methodology, then one ought to be able to measure it for effectiveness and evaluate if getting a good score for scores sake is the major goal of the exercise of education.
- JO
[Update 2/10 12:32am: received two new leading paragraphs for post - Wm.]
2/9 8:37am As I mentioned at the School Committee meeting, MCAS is coming in late March so people may want to review - "Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System Updates for the Spring 2006 MCAS Test Administration." [at doe.mass.edu] Take a look at some of the 3rd grade samples by downloading. Format available on Adobe or Word. Also take a look at maxskill.com which provides Mass. MCAS grade 3 workbook and training software and an update on how your student is doing twice a month.
Anybody know of this? Sounds like a great way to remove a problem.
- JO
2/9 8:33am Please, can we move on from a grandstanding teacher that seems to be relishing the attention that is so negative for our town? - JER
2/9 8:28am Re: Mr. Matez - My son (now in 8th grade) had Eric and he loved him although his style is different. I applaud him for standing up to Mrs. Godfrey, who in my opinion is not interested in what's best for the kids but what's best for her own personal agenda. Mr. Fantini worked with Eric for many years and didn't seem to have any issues with his teaching styles. Get off the power trip, Mrs.Godfrey, you and Chris Augusta Scott should be ashamed of yourselves. Who fires a teacher in the middle of the school year!! On another subject, anyone read the article in the Herald pertaining to horse slaughter? If you want to buy horse meat in Stop and Shop ignore the issue, if not go to usenta.org and fill out an electronic petition and join me in stopping the federal government from poisoning America's minds and bodies. Americans do not eat horses!!!!!!
- RD
2/9 1:22am Sorry, another Matez posting: The dismissal of Eric Matez was certainly shocking and traumatic for students, parents, and many others. At the School Committee meeting Tuesday night, the Chair expressed the Committee's full support of the actions taken against Mr. Matez. The Committee wouldn't reveal many details for legal and privacy reasons, though there was much shaking of heads with the implicit ``if you only knew.'' Clearly the buildup to last week's firing--a series of actions on both sides, probably intensified by anxiety and rumor--led the school administration to believe, whether realistically or not, that they had no recourse. I can see how some may sympathize with the administration and SC's position (``Insubordinate? Case closed.''), although I myself question it. Yet we can't let the ugly resolution prevent us from continuing to try to understand and question how we got to that point in the first place. What compelled the administration to intervene in and heavily redirect the classroom of a popular veteran teacher? That's still not clear to me. I have twins at F-C who were in the third grade last year--one who had Mr. Matez and one who had another excellent teacher. They both did lots of homework in the Everyday Math workbook and out of the school's other textbooks. They rarely, if ever, had the same work at the same time, but that is still true this year and has been true every year they have been in separate classes. The point is that all teachers teach differently, even though they are accountable to the same state standards and district benchmarks.
Why Matez's methods for meeting the standards became, after umpteen years, unacceptable this year is what baffles those of us (well, most of us) who have had children in his classroom. From what the superintendent indicated at the School Committee meeting, teacher evaluations aren't based on benchmark assessments of the actual learning that takes place in the classroom, but rather on such things as classroom observation and use of materials. That's why I think it's disingenuous to point to state standards as the root cause of the problem. It feels like it's more about style (in other words, a personality conflict) than substance, which is what troubles me.
- MG
2/8 8:04pm Hi Mr. Matez, I'm truly sorry for the position that you find yourself in. This town should be ashamed of themselves. They fire creative teachers... doesn't make sense to me. I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that we support you! If you need any help with anything please ask! You were very kind to my son and made him fit into your classroom, when in previous years he was always the odd kid out. We appreciate that. You also made learning fun for him at a time when he started to hate school. Good luck to you and your family. Nothing would make me happier than to see you reinstated as a teacher in Norfolk! I would like my younger sons to have you as well.
Again, please ask if you need any support. I will continue to speak and post positively about you!
2/8 5:50pm Good Day Norfolk Residents, I would like to invite everyone to take a moment to view the Web Site and latest Newsletter from the Norfolk Community League, [here] There is information regarding NCL's upcoming activities, including an invitation to the Spring Gala to be held on Saturday April 1, 2006. Direct link to Gala information: [here].
Direct link to the February Newsletter Document in Microsoft Word: [here]
Thank you,
- ES, NCL Editor
2/8 5:48pm King Philip Music Present Ninth Annual Winter Preview Evening - Saturday February 25th 6pm The King Philip music department will be presenting their winter competitive shows for the local community. Performances include: The Indoor Percussion ensemble, featuring music from the "Nightmare Before Christmas"; The KP indoor Junior Varsity Guard, a performance, choreographed to the music of "Rent"; The KP Indoor Varsity Guard, will perform a show titled; "Mission" The KP Jazz Ensemble I featuring music charts of Duke Ellington and others. To include: "Latin American Sunshine", "Across the Track Blues", "Idiom 59", "Groove Merchant", Jazz Ensemble II will be performing: "Let a Song Go Out of my heart", "Never no Lament", and "Manteca"
The Public are invited to attend. Free Admission.
- MW, King Philip Music Association
[Update 3:46pm: it will held in the Gym of the High School - MW]
2/8 4:42pm ACL and all of Norfolk... The principal did not approach me this past summer to explain that my methods would not be tolerated this year, so that I had the chance to consider other options (not that I would have...) This is what I want - I want for all of the parents, teachers, and students of this amazing town to all get together and feel the love in my heart for your town and for the individual people in it, and know in your heart(s) that I would in no means hurt it... and either decide you want me to go away quietly (with no more fanfare) or honor who I am and what I offer to this town in the past and right now... I offer you a school where people are free to teach a little differently as long as they are teaching the Frameworks; where teachers can talk to the parents about what is going on in the classroom and in the school as a whole; a place where, when you drop off your child, they leave the car with a goodbye that you can feel in your toes and a smile that makes you proud to be alive... We had that school BEFORE Dr. Scott and Mrs. Godfrey got here.
I swear to you that I like Dr. Scott AND Mrs. Godfrey. They do not FEEL what I feel, but they are not wrong for their educational standards. What you as a town need to think about is: Is Mr. Matez full of poop? I assure you that in my teaching heart, I have brought wondrous things to many people in this community.
So I am asking you 1,000 students and, hopefully, more than 2,000 parents, and you 200 staff members to get together and tell the administration, "You are wrong in this instance." To let me do what I do for this town. That Mr. Matez is not out of his mind. That he, that I, am worth going to bat for. I am not doing this for me. Life is not not about the few or the one, it is about the many... and in this case, it is about your children and sorry to say, it is about you... Please email this letter to everyone in town so that they are able to make up their own mind as to what to do.
I knew from early on that this is where this might end up, in public debate - does that make me a bad guy.... or one that cares enough to fight city hall? But in this case, you are city hall and I will not fight you, I will only ask you to communicate your beliefs to one another. Remember, in this world, it is up to all of us to decide what is right... if I think the administration is wrong and did not try to change it, I would be as much a part of the problem as they are. Yours,
- Eric
[Update 4:54pm: I meant that the principal DID NOT approach me this past summer... sorry - EM]2/8 4:36pm To JM: We have used Peter Place for our piano tuning---781-545-2718. He came highly recommended by Roger's Piano and he was great! He will probably be able to recommend a good piano mover as well. - JBN
2/8 4:06pm This is ridiculous. Where are the educated minds in our town? As Maya Angelou said, "When someone tells you who they are, believe them." Mr. Matez went to his bosses and told them who he was: I can't (or won't?) do the job you're paying me to do. Guess what? They believed him! End of discussion.
Mr. Matez, what is the problem? You took your stand. You lost. Guess what? You, like all the rest of us hard working employees in America, have to follow the rules! OUR tax dollars will not pay YOUR salary to NOT do your job any more. Don't be so surprised. You duped us for too long, but we finally wisened up. Don't have a parade. Don't have a rally. Go away quietly and get a job that you CAN do. Maybe in your own little town.
Citizens of Norfolk, what is YOUR problem? By making this into a three ring circus we have embarrassed our town. Way to go. Now our property values will go down because nobody will move here. We should rename our town from "Norfolk" to "Norfools" for letting this clown have even five seconds of fame. Enough already, people. You're embarrassing yourselves.
- TW
[Update 2/9 2:40pm: corrected spelling; thanks - Wm.]
2/8 4:03pm Re: The cat who is now up for adoption [post] through the animal control officer. I am the person who sheltered him until Hilary could pick him up and I can't tell you what a love he is. First of all, his picture doesn't begin to do him justice. He is a truly beautiful cat. And he was very affectionate with me, a perfect stranger. Unfortunately, my two kitties were not pleased to have him with us even for the short time I had him. Otherwise I would be inclined to take him in myself. I hope someone can give him a good home. He deserves it. - AC
2/8 2:39pm Would anyone happen to have the name and number of a good piano mover and for a piano tuner. I am trying to move my mother's piano off Cape to Norfolk and am having a tough time locating one. I would appreciate any input. Thanks!
- JM
2/8 2:37pm This has turned into a circus, but it's not the least bit entertaining. For those of us who have not attended rallies or school meetings, and have not communicated with Mr. Matez, I have to ask: Eric, what IS it that you want? I ask that seriously, because I am not sure reading your posts. Do you want to be reinstated? Do you want others to be fired? Do you want the state of Massachusetts to reconsider its curriculum requirements? Do you want to be the boss? I know what you do NOT want (a costly lawsuit), but for now, since you state you "cannot follow the prescribed methods," why didn't you just leave gracefully at the end of the year and gotten a job elsewhere? But now all the drama and drum pounding has made for a divided community, upset kids, and most certainly costly legal fees to deal with. If you could not and would not follow the guidelines, why didn't you bring your talents elsewhere? Now we all lose out. I agree with EH, it's getting old. - ACL
2/8 1:50pm Hopefully my last post on this topic ... it's getting old ... but, I did attend the school committee meeting last night to hear some of the discussion first hand. I thought some of the items that were brought up and undisputed it were very interesting and insightful ... Mr. Matez called parents on Sunday to ask for their support, Monday he was absent from school, Tuesday morning he asked for a meeting with the administration and Tuesday afternoon he was terminated. Did he intend to force the hands of the administration? Seems like it to me. - EH
2/8 12:25pm The teachers union wasn't backing me up because I did not ask them to. I know I teach differently and have always taken some heat. Every time I get heat, I do not run to the union, preferring instead to fight my own battles. In addition, in this instance, I did not want the town to have to spend any more taxpayer money, since, I assume, you were/are already paying for the lawyers to document the administration's paper trail bent on reining me in. At this point however, I am asking the union's support since the school committee took the administration's side. To tell you the truth, I was hoping the school committee would say, "It's Mr. Matez, we love him, he loves this town and has always done right by our students." From the beginning, the administration did not want to hear my point of view. I don't know about you, but I live in America so that my point of view can indeed be heard. And know it's going to cost even more negative money, which is the last thing in the world I wanted to happen. All I ever wanted is to go about and do my small part to help this town develop bright, inquisitive life-long learners. It is that they were/are taking away because I can't do it while following the prescribed methods of this administration.
- Eric
2/8 11:19am Although our child no longer attends school in Norfolk, I read with sadness the postings regarding the Mr. Matez situation. It is most certainly a traumatic event to have a much beloved teacher pulled away from the children half way through a school year. I hope that, at the very least, the administration has a plan to help the students cope with this loss. Are they truly putting the children first? - JBN
2/8 8:46am Norfolk Public Library presents ``Finding a Job That's Not in the Want Ads'' Thursday, February 9th at 7:00 PM. [See previous post for full details.] - Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
2/8 8:27am I wish to thank those of you who responded to my earlier post. Input and discussion are always valuable tools in each person's individual, continued growth. However, my opinions on this matter remain the same. I would, however, make some clarifications: 1) yes, there are some other very good teachers in the Norfolk elementary school system (I cannont comment on what I don't know, i.e. jr. high and beyond); I don't think a met a single teacher at H.O. Day school that wasn't dynamic and who didn't go out of their way to be instrumental in helping my daughter become the student she is today; her sixth grade teachers at Freeman Centennial also were very supportive and creative... especially Mrs. K and Miss G.;
2) I did not claim the solution of making Mr. Matez's class a haven for fast-track students as my own; it was but a suggestion to point out absence of any real viable solutions in this matter;
3) as for getting my facts straight, investigation is good for us all... one should not blindly believe and accept what one is spoon-fed (i.e. we were told the "facts" of large caches of weapons of mass destruction in order to gain our support for sending our children to war); I continue to research the facts in this situation, but I have yet to see facts on how Eric Matez's teaching methods and content was detrimental to his students...
I am still awaiting the comparison studies of MCAS test results to support claims that he was not preparing his students to do well on them, as well as other public presentation of hard fact to support the administration's allegations. I am sure your recall a saying, "innocent until proven guilty?" I hope you, too, will continue to investigate and seek hard factual findings. Have a pleasant day. And Eric, continued good wishes and support.
- SW
2/7 8:50pm The school has always known Mr. Matez's style of teaching. This is an absolute power struggle. This is just one of many militant changes made by our principal and vice principal. They should have let him finish out the year. A lot of parents have had issues with this administration. Good Luck Mr. Matez! - CRB
2/7 7:24pm The only ones I know that install the Leafguard Gutter System is Minuteman Gutter out of West Roxbury. - JF
2/7 6:27pm To SW: Did you really mean to say your solution is to put all the "exceptional" and "gifted" students in Mr. Matez's class so they may progress challenged and at the stimulating level they crave? Give me a break. There are several excellent teachers in that school that keep the curriculum stimulating and all of those classrooms have academically strong students who do very well (for instance my son, straight-A student never having Mr. Matez.) These teachers offer a challenging curriculum and use different teaching methodologies to address the needs and gifts their students posses. Mr. Matez blatantly refused to teach parts of the curriculum, use the correct texts, etc. If he had just taught the state-mandated material using this wonderful way of his, he wouldn't have lost his job. - NDT
2/7 6:26pm Oh, SW, you don't get it either. It is not about Mr. Matez being so creative that his teaching style is what got him fired, it's is about his blatant refusal to teach the topics required by the school and the state. Not HOW he teaches, but WHAT he teaches. There are plenty of amazingly talented and creative teachers at the school who can handle both, he clearly didn't even want to try. The teacher's union isn't even backing him up! Talk about vague information. Get your facts straight. - EH
2/7 6:25pm On a more general note, can anyone recommend a good gutter person who installs seamless gutters with a built in leaf guard? Thanks, - BF
2/7 4:40pm I applaud the writers of the very well written posts voicing support for Eric Matez. Each of these people, from his past students and classroom assistants, to the student from the Franklin/Brookline schools presented hard facts in support of their views of how and why creative teachers are to be honored and cherished in our school systems. But, like exceptional students, exceptional teachers by their very merit of being a little above or ahead of the masses, pose a threat to those too willing to accept complacency and maintain the status quo because only in those arenas do they have the opportunity to feel like "big fish in an albeit small pond." I have observed that those who attempt to criticize and or discredit Eric Matez tend to hide behind very vague comments, without substantiated examples to support their views, and inflammatory sound bytes. Where is the demand to see a comparison chart of MCAS results to substantiate that Eric Matez was not adequately preparing his students for the (much debated and often criticized before this issue suddenly made them omnipotent) standardized test? My child was totally bored in the classes where the teachers spent the year "teaching to the exam" that was to be issued, and very often at the expense of ignoring the rest of the mandated curriculum for that year; yet excelled on the MCAS exams taken the year spent in Eric Matez's class. Where was the clamor to discharge (fire, terminate employment without benefits), if not arrest, the fifth grade teacher at Freeman Centennial who, on a day where the temperatures exceeded 85 degrees, made her entire class sit in the hot sun on the bleachers without allowing water bottles, while she performed her recess duty, simply because one student put a piece of "recyclable scrap paper in the trash, and "guilty" student would not own up to his or her "crime" (Spring 2001)? The administration was made aware of the situation and kept this woman in employ, despite being mandated reporters for child abuse, yet they terminated Eric Matez without benefits for "insubordination" because although he manages to cover the curriculum and prepare his students for the MCAS, but does so in a creative and individually thought provoking way for his students. Norfolk, if you accept this from your school administrators, then you and your children deserve they system you will get.
Our students are much more perceptive than most "adults" credit them for being. They witness all the good, bad, and ugly that goes on, even when their parents walk around in denial, wearing blinders. What lessons have your school administrators imprinted on them by keeping that fifth grade teacher, as well as other incidents that many of you are well aware of, yet openly flagellating another teacher for demonstrating and encouraging creativity while accomplishing one's mission. If Eric Matez is guilty of anything, it is of being proud of what he does and how he does it, and perhaps being a little outspoken about that pride. Let he/she who has never felt self pride, or spoke with pride of their own accomplishments, be the first to condemn Eric Matez.
If he were to be reinstated, my knowledge of Eric Matez leads me to believe he would return for the sake of his students. In that, I say he is a more humble human being than I, for my pride would provoke me to publicize the administrations reversal, then albeit childishly, turn my back on them all and take my skills elsewhere. The suggestion that he be reinstated but placed in a position of taking his creative approach to all third grade classes on a rotational basis is naive. Firstly, Eric Matez's approach includes an inherent attempt to develop an indepth knowledge and caring for each individual student that helps light the fire inside the child. That is difficult enough to accomplish with 20-22 students; it would be an impossible task with the entire third grade, especially with the transient exposure to each student. Perhaps a better choice would be a solution that is totally "out of the box" with the concept of heterogeneous grouping (remember when we were asked to vote our preference between heterogeneous and homogeneous groups?); my suggested solution is to place only our exceptional and more gifted students in Eric Matez's classroom, granting them the opportunity to be accepted for who and what they are, and to progress at the stimulating level they crave. Unfortunately the opportunity might be the last one they will have until they reach college, unless we establish something really special in the Norfolk school system and actually seek out and hire more teachers like Eric Matez at all grade levels, but it would be an experience that will carry "his" students through until that time.
- SW
2/7 2:08pm Today's School Committee Meeting - One of the item in the agenda for School Committee meeting was "Executive Session: Superintendent's Contract Final Review and Signing." But now I hear the Executive Session at 6:00 PM; I am wondering whether signing would happen before we get there to raise our concerns. I urge all who support that Mr. Matez be reinstated please show at the School Committee meeting at 7:00 PM. Thanks, - TS
[Update 3:01pm: the executive session is closed door - TS]
2/7 1:36pm I by no means am the be-all and end-all of teachers. I have never placed myself above anyone. We have a great school. All I have said, and am continuing to say, is that my methods have been a benefit to this school community for many years and because of that fact, I feel compelled to fight for their continuance. - Eric
2/7 11:58am After speaking to Mr. Matez, and reading his post here, it is my opinion that the school administration action needs to be reviewed. I did have a child in Mr. Matez's class several years ago (now in High School). I had no issues with his teaching style then, and I do not think I would now either. According to his post, the issue was raised by Ms. Godfrey in November.... This sounds more like a personality conflict than a real teaching issue. I have to agree with him... he has been teaching the same way for over 15 years with very positive results. Why the sudden, drastic action now, and in the middle of a year. Has anyone considered the evidence of his teaching ability... how have his former students done on MCAS? (mine did well). I think this is an inexcusable blunder on the part of the administration. They have not put the children first, nor have they followed their own mission statement (as described in a post here). What a shame... shame on 'Miss Chris' and shame on Ms. Godfrey.
2/7 8:53am Having no children and having not seen Mr. Matez teach, I can't weigh in on the current controversy. However, I'd like to mention the teachers who really made a difference for me in the Franklin and Brookline Public School systems. - the principal in second grade who played guitar and sang Shel Silverstein poems in a school assembly.
- the 2nd grade teacher who told us about her daughter (severly injured in a car crash that year) and who answered my countless questions about her, no matter how painful they might have been.
- the 4th or 5th grade teacher who didn't blink an eye when I wrote my book report on a biography of Father Damien, the leper priest (Mrs. Gleason, was that you? What was I THINKING?).
- the 7th grade English teacher who loved the cross-stitched sampler that was part of my final project.
- the 10th grade art teacher who let me hang out (sans hall pass) in the art room during lunch, so that I wouldn't have to be an outcast for at least 20 minutes of the school day.
- the 11th grade U.S. history teacher who used "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn as our textbook. It blew my mind -- and led me on a lifelong path of questioning "the official story."
- the 12th grade literature teacher who safeguarded my inner life as I recorded it in the journals she assigned, and who intervened when I blew a scholarship interview because of family problems. She knew so well when to save me from myself, and when to let me work it out.
I was a disciplined enough student that when teachers taught solely "from the text," I did well academically. But teaching from the text didn't engage many of the special skills I had, nor did it give me the opportunity to develop the empathy, independence, and critical thinking that have served me well as an adult. Again, speaking generally and not from any knowledge whatsoever of the Norfolk Schools, there should be room for all kinds of teachers, because one never knows what kind of teacher will click for a particular student.
2/7 7:27am What a fine essay K. S. generated [2/6 3:34pm]. Well written, articulate and obviously the product of a fine student. My compliments. I, too, have an anecdote to pass on to the Net that further exemplifies what K. touches on. norfolk.htm I met Mr. Matez about 11 years ago when my grandson suffered from a health ailment and missed a goodly portion of school. Mr. Matez began to show up to tutor and bring him up to date, and kept watch on his academic progress until he returned to the 3rd grade. The grandson is now in his last year at U. Mass and I want to recognize again his concern.
It did lead to my volunteering and helping in his class for 8 years and I got to realize the talent that exuded from his efforts. I even got a part in one of his Harry Potter extravaganzas!!!
I was asked to serve in the Town Hall Info office (along with Helen Cleary) and after 11 months it was ended (for other reasons). I had planned to return to the classroom but several committee tasks kept me occupied until recently and I had looked forward to again broadening pupils' viewpoints with every thing from chess, stars, books, electronics, math skills, etc. You parents know what was done to broaden the world to the pupils. All of this was headed under the direction of Mr. Matez!! I considered it a pleasure or I wouldn't have served for 8 years!!!
- JO
[Update 8:20pm: removed the essay author's name to protect her privacy - Wm.]
2/6 11:24pm Can anyone recommend a gutter cleaning/repair company? Thanks! - JB
2/6 11:16pm To quote KH, "To read some of these posts you would think Eric Matez had a monopoly on these traits and that all the creativity and enthusiasm is gone from our schools now that he is gone. I think this does a disservice to the other great professionals who work with our children on a daily basis." There is a huge leap from praising the teaching style of Eric Matez to discrediting the service of the other teachers, one that I find offensive. In my opinion, this debate is similar to politics and religion, people form their opinions and refuse to listen to alternative arguments. Some try to personalize it by attacking their opponents. Eric Matez has not made any attacks on his detractors. Certain postings on this site attacked Eric Matez's style of teaching without first hand experience or on behalf of their constituency. Why? Because it is easier to attack than it is to provide solutions. Other postings, even if not a supporter, have suggested creative resolutions to this issue. For example, designing a role where Eric Matez would rotate through the third grade classrooms delivering a defined subject matter in a non-traditional manner. This solution could only work if there was mutual agreement between the teachers and administration.
To me the primary concern of this matter is the school administration and the lack of forethought required to resolve this issue in the best interests of the students. Eric Matez's style of teaching is not new this year. The curriculum and framework are not new this year. The MCAS and its importance is not new this year. To think that the administration either did not know that his teaching style was an issue before the school year began or realized that it was an issue mid-year and drastically reacted to this revelation speaks to the credibility of the school administration.
For the record, I have personally witnessed Eric Matez's learning immersion style of teaching ("the good"), and the disruption to my son's learning created from not only the school administration removing the social studies text utilized in his classroom ("the bad"), but also the removal of Eric Matez as a teacher ("the ugly.")
To those who wish to abdicate responsibility for their children's learning in the Norfolk public school system, please get in line and follow because the school administrators are experts and know better than anyone else how to operate a school.
To those who want accountability from the school administration please attend tomorrow night's school committee meeting at Freeman-Centennial, MacBride Auditorium at 7 pm, February 7, 2006, and demand some answers.
- CM
2/6 10:46pm Regarding the Boston Globe situation where credit card and name information was compromised, be aware that there is a new twist. On boston.com, at the upper right, there is a hotlink to a letter from the Mass Attorney General at this URL [link]: The letter says:
"It has come to our attention that consumers are receiving telephone calls from companies offering to help them prevent credit card fraud. These companies, including one calling itself the "National Verification Office," are asking consumers to provide the credit card or bank card information the consumer used to pay his or her Boston Globe or Worcester Telegram & Gazette subscription. This group is NOT AFFILIATED with the Boston Globe or the Worcester Telegram & Gazette.- RHa. DO NOT RESPOND to these requests for private financial information from anyone on the telephone regardless of the company name given to you. These requests are not coming from a legitimate business or government office.
b. Neither the Boston Globe nor the Worcester Telegram & Gazette are asking their customers to provide them with confidential credit card or bank account information.
c. An investigator with a law enforcement office is not asking -- and would not ask -- consumers to provide credit card or bank account information by telephone.
Consumers should not give personal financial information to someone claiming to be from a legitimate business, financial institution, or government agency who contacts you by phone or e-mail. You should give private financial information to businesses or government agencies ONLY if you have initiated the telephone call or other transaction.
To learn more about what you can do to protect yourself, visit the MA Attorney General's page [link].
2/6 10:40pm To GP, The proposed development on the grounds of the Norfolk Airport is approx. 32 single homes. One quarter or (8) should be affordable under the 40B guidelines. "The Landing" is to be situated on about 15 acres, including the old hangers, tie down parking areas and adjacent woodlands. Access will be from River Road, to Priscilla. Many neighbors have concerns about: buffer zones, vernal pool, very high water table, nearby wells, old paper roads, traffic, removal and filling of earth, weight and damage done by concrete and dump trucks on water saturated roads. And the overall impact of many homes in a small area. Will this change the culture of my neighborhood? - DM
2/6 6:34pm GP - 'Norfolk Landing' is a proposal for a development of 32 single family homes on the 15 acre site comprising the airport 'cut-thru' road, the wooded area west of the road and the airport hangar/ tie down area. Each 3-bedroom house will be privately owned, with individual septic systems. 25% of units will be affordable, 75% will be regular market rate. The vernal pool on this site and a 100' buffer around it will be protected; some of the adjacent wooded lots will remain undeveloped to provide a dual function as habitat for the woodland/vernal pool inhabitants and as an open space for public use. The proposed road through the new development will replace the 'cut-thru' road, connecting to River and Priscilla/Lakeshore at approximately the same locations as currently exist. Where the new road meets Priscilla/Lakeshore a new configuration has been proposed so that Lakeshore Drive will become a side road.
The ZBA public hearing regarding this proposal will continue February 27th, 8:10pm, Norfolk Town Hall.
- SDM, Norfolk Airport Neighborhood Committee (NANC) (residents' group)
2/6 6:34pm Think it could never happen to you? Well, it's happened to a bunch of us here in town! Yes, I'm talking about "GlobeGate", where hundreds of thousands of credit card/debit card numbers were released by accident. Many of us got a letter from the Globe today. Read it, then check your account. Looks like many of us on the Norfolk beat are victims. The important thing is to ACT QUICKLY before unauthorized charges start showing up on your account. Good Luck! - KM
[See also the post of 2/5 8:52pm, which mentioned an on-line site for checking whether your credit card was compromised - Wm.]2/6 5:28pm Norfolk Public Library presents ``Finding a Job That's Not in the Want Ads'' Thursday, February 9th at 7:00 PM. Are you wondering when you'll get your first "real job"? Have you been forced into early retirement? Or perhaps you just want something new? Whether changing careers or just starting out, job seekers are invited to attend this informative session presented by Jan Cannon, MBA, PhD. According to Dr. Cannon a job search can be challenging and time consuming. While it's possible to do all this alone, it's often less stressful to work with someone during the process. This session will give job seekers many ideas and strategies for success.
Dr. Cannon is the author of several books, including ``Finding a Job in a Slow Economy'' and ``The Woman's Guide to a New Career''. She is an experienced career advisor with over 10 years of experience helping clients to find work that they enjoy -- whether working in an established business or starting one of their own. New graduates, managers and seasoned professionals work with her to find new direction in their work life.
Her presentation will take place at the Norfolk Public Library on Thursday, February 9th at 7:00 PM. It is offered free of charge and registration is not required. Her latest book, ``The Woman's Guide to a New Career'' will be available for purchase & signing.
- Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
2/6 5:27pm Before we lose sight of the bigger picture, I think it is important to note that our schools have a number of outstanding and creative teachers, individuals who also care deeply about their students and also have a lasting impact on their student's lives. The difference is that they enthusiastically bring together this creativity and compassion with the approved curriculum. To read some of these posts you would think Eric Matez had a monopoly on these traits and that all the creativity and enthusiasm is gone from our schools now that he is gone. I think this does a disservice to the other great professionals who work with our children on a daily basis. - KH 2/6 3:34pm Most teachers follow the assumed job description of teaching: follow the curriculum, discipline problematic students, and stay after to offer tutelage to those who are struggling. Many follow this game plan semester after semester, year after year. One is surprised and refreshed to find an addition of creativity to this teaching pattern; such an inimitable teacher who goes out of his or her way to encourage a student to keep trying to perform to his or her best, whether said student is a classic overachiever or one of the many who are only in school because the law states that children must be educated until a certain age. I was lucky enough to meet such a person; a person who, to this day, influences my choices, my academic pursuits, and my problem solving skills that get put to the test daily. This teacher not only cared about getting the material across in class, but he was waiting and ready to lend an open ear if one of his kids was struggling with issues either inside or outside the classroom. His name is Eric Matez; my third grade teacher.- EM2/6 3:28pm This orange male cat is ready for adoption. He is middle aged, litter trained and really friendly to kids and adults. If anyone is interested please contact the animal control officer weekdays between 8am and 4pm at (508)528-3232. Sincerely, - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control
2/6 1:57pm Conformity (and non-conformity) might have been the force behind many great ideas and challenges, but without it there would be an awful lot chaos. If I went the non-conforming route on my way home from work this afternoon and drove on the wrong side of the road at break neck speeds, I don't think many would appreciate it. As Mr. Matez said, there is a curriculum that was established and a consultant hired to train the teachers and he CHOSE not to follow it in the manner that it was intended. When the taxes were going up for the override last year, I was ``educated'' on the idea that Norfolk has such a great school system and we needed to not just maintain it, but allow it to grow. Not once did anyone single out a teacher and say that HE was the reason that the system was so great. So are we saying now that the teachers that DO conform and teach by the mandated standards are not up to par in Norfolk? If anyone has not had the privilege of working with someone that is blatantly insubordinate, I suggest you give it a try. Morale and respect for authority goes WAY down and in turn that effects the productivity of the entire staff. Believe me, I have been there.
- MH
2/6 10:11am Conformity never made America great. Didn't conformity drive the Pilgrims to Plymouth? And didn't conformity drive some of those people out of Plymouth to start their own colonies? - DN
2/6 10:05am TN - You're so right - I totally apologize if my statement was interpreted as a slam. I'm a huge arts/music fan and a history buff. Sorry, Sorry. I was trying to drive home the notion of strong left brain math/science analytical skills being consistent with right brain creativity. - ATF
2/6 10:04am To LH - I'm sorry I don't have a Jackie O outfit for you. But having been through the wax museum project, I found that consignment and second hand stores were great for finding what you need. Good luck and have fun. I have been truly impressed by the caliber of the presentations. - BS
2/6 9:21am ATF: As the daughter/sister/wife of engineers (altho' not one myself), you could have made your point w/out slamming Liberal Arts educations... Creativity and intelligence come from both left and right brain thinkers. - TN
2/6 8:58am There were two small posts recently that may not have been noticed over the past few days; I'm repeating them here so they'll get better visibility. (Ok, and because I myself am curious.) 2/3 6:22pm Hoping someone may have a late 50's, early 60's women's suit either in a really small size or a larger size you wouldn't mind being altered. (Wax museum for school). Thank you!- Wm.- LH 2/2 2:01pm Does anyone have any information on the Norfolk Landing (40B Project) on the grounds of the former airport? How many affordable housing units? What road will be used to connect the development, etc. Thanks,
- GP
2/5 9:15pm Wanted to respond to those critical of Mr. Matez and his teaching style. It seems that most of those people had no direct knowledge of him or his methods. While no teacher is perfect, hundreds of students and their parents can't be completely wrong. Mr. Matez was teaching the information required by state mandates. He just used a different method to do it. Even the administration couldn't deny this. Anyone who was at the meeting heard the administration repeatedly refuse to answer very simple, direct questions by parents. What exact ly was Mr. Matez failing to teach that the other third grade teachers were? Were test scores lower in Mr. Matez' class compared to others? Were children in his class unprepared for fourth grade? We parents of Mr. Matez' students know the answer to these questions to be a resounding no! My son had him last year and brings home all A's in fourth grade. More importantly, he learned to love going to school when he had Mr. Matez. This year, he cries and asks me to please homeschool him.
Sadly, this is an issue of ego. Mrs. Godfrey and Ms. Augusta-Scott couldn't tolerate a different point of view and won't allow someone to remain who refuses to conform. Unfortunately, that's the message our kids are getting, loud and clear. Conform or get out!
- KM
2/5 9:10pm Someone must have just walked out one of Mr. Matez's classes when he/she was inspired to pen the Norfolk Public School's Mission Statement: "The mission of the Norfolk Public Schools is to provide a dynamic and engaging education that maximizes the achievement of each child, inspires a passion for life-long learning, and builds the foundation for becoming a responsible, self-assured and contributing citizen."From the Norfolk Public Schools website. Page 2 of the handbook NorfolkHandbook06.pdfReading from a scripted curriculum is hardly dynamic nor engaging.
If teaching to the district-selected curriculums is the only appropriate method and the stardard by which we measure teachers, we might as well hire one good lecturer and broadcast that excellence on closed-circuit TV to each of the classrooms. Better yet, use channel 8 and have the kids stay home. The town would save a ton of money on salaries, school buildings, heat.... you get the point: How absurd! But, the standard of teaching to the selected curriculum would be met.
- RG
[Update 2/6 10:02am: slight edit to first line of post to make the context more clear - RG]2/5 8:52pm If any reader here subscribes to The Boston Globe or the Worcester Telegram & Gazette and pays by credit card, be aware that 212,000 credit card numbers, along with credit card expiration dates and customers' names, were inadvertently disclosed on the back of distribution slips distributed with newspaper bundles that were sent to retailers and newspaper carriers in the Worcester area this past Sunday, January 29th. Apparently un-needed computer printouts were used as scrap paper, with the back used as distribution slips. My call to the special hotline, 1-888-665-2644, informed me that my credit card number was compromised, and to immediately ask the card issuer to cancel it and send a new one, and also to place a fraud alert on our credit file. The info on boston.com provided info on that. (The fraud alert requires that creditors contact the cardholder before opening any new accounts or making any changes to your existing accounts. When you place a fraud alert on your file, all three credit bureaus are required by law to automatically send a credit report free of charge to you. You should review the reports for any unexplained activity.) Free on-line credit monitoring is provided by the Globe and Worcester Gazette to impacted subscribers who opt in. Other monthly bills automatically paid by credit card have had to be updated with a new credit card number. We haven't yet decided if the Globe can be entrusted with the new card information. The Globe claims that the software has been changed so only the last 4 digits of card numbers can be printed, but I don't want my name to be on lists of names, with the last 4 credit card digits printed, to be used as scrap paper, either.
To see if your account is affected, call 1-888-665-2644 or go to URL boston.com or URL bostonglobe.com/cclookup
- RH
2/5 5:01pm I do not have a child in third grade. I have no first-hand knowldege of the teacher in question, his methods or his responsibilites to the State standard. I do however know that it is a bad idea NOT to discuss issues such as these. Telling everyone to move on or worry about being embarrassed doesn't help people understand the process or even what they should expect of the administration. I say, continue an open forum and expect answers from those who work for and with us to educate our children. - MJD
2/5 9:52am For Mr. Matez You Never KnowMr. Matez - You have touched the hearts and minds of our children for so many years and we will remember you...... always.You never know when someone
might catch a dream for you.
You never know when a little word
or something that you might do,
may open up a window
of a mind that seeks the light.The way you teach may not matter at all,
but you never know, it might.And just in case it could be
that another's life through you
might change for the better
with a broader, brighter view.
It seems it might be worth a try
to do what you know is right.The way you teach may not matter at all,
but you never know, it might.- YMP
[Update 5:59pm: From the website canteach.ca. Unfortunately it does not credit the author. - YMP]
2/5 9:47am TS: I understand that Mr. Matez asked to be relieved of his duties, because he was not able to fulfill them in the way administration required. HE left the kids in the middle of the year. Now that he has had his 15 mins of fame, let's try to get back to normal and remember the 20-22 kids that need attention and stability right now.Yes, MCAS is right around the corner and this is a huge emotional distraction to them. - DAL
2/5 9:41am Good Morning, It's possible that teachers like Mr. Matez aren't a perfect fit for all kids. But I'd venture to guess that every teacher has students that they just don't mesh with. Judging however from the overwhelmingly positive support for him, I'd say he was on the mark more often than not. The bottom line is that school systems have to embrace diversity in teaching styles in order to graduate a diversity in students. Why, you might inquire, is this important? Life is not like an MCAS test. There usually isn't a small set of multiple choice answers. In fact, as Mr. Matez pointed out yesterday, learning to take tests is just another skill. It's almost mechanical. Learning how to learn is a much higher and important goal to strive for. This is the essence of Mr. Matez's style and approach.
So I don't know in what industries most of the folks here in town have their careers in. My industry is highly technical. I employ creative people that have to solve difficult problems day in and day out. Problems that involve math and physics and especially personalities. We have to constantly think out of the box and grasp solutions that didn't exist moments ago. And the solutions are not usually obvious. It's extremely rewarding to say the least; we create things. Things that are important that people (companies) pay money for and invest in. This allows us all to have a high standard of living and afford nice homes in Norfolk with good school systems that turn out students that are analytical and creative. Kids that go on to create more things that employ more people and you get the picture, right?
Finding employees that can do this is difficult. First, they have to be intelligent. Second, they have to have made it through a rigorous college program (we're not talking liberal arts here). Finally and most importantly they have to be creative. Without that, all the intelligence and test taking skils are worthless - because they can't be applied. Kids have to understand that it's ok to be creative and to think out of the box. This is where you need important role models like Mr. Matez. Not to mention the utter dearth of male teacher role models in general.
If you look around, you'll see countries like China and India coming up close behind us in terms of their ability to create wealth. In fact, I'd bet there's a few of you reading this that are unemployed now because your job was just outsourced there.
This is my point: it makes sense to cultivate those students that will go on to invent new things in our society (ipods, space craft, agricultural technology, cancer cures, cars that get 80mpg, etc.). To do this, the education system has to accomplish two ends: High academic standards and the ability to think critically and creatively. Mr. Matez's techniques of immersion learning accomplish this.
Instead of making this into a problem why don't we create a solution. Why not use Mr. Matez at his strengths and put a little bit of him in every classroom. Create a position for him that allows him to do specials across the board in say Math and science or social studies. Or maybe a different subject each year so kids get to work with him more than once. Perhaps it's across the whole school or perhaps it's focused on the most promising minds or the kids that are having trouble. Let's have him seek out and evaluate different programs in this area that could be implemented, thus putting us into a proactive mode rather than a reactive mode. Would you prefer a world where the only jobs around for your kids are service positions working for large foreign companies....
2/5 9:39am Note to E.H., Not ALL teachers belong to the union, it is optional. Also, the union may be choosing to be silent at this time. Whatever ones' opinion of Mr. Matez is, the situation is certainly embarrassing to the town. - JKK
2/4 11:05pm Mr. Matez is gone. My question is why didn't it happen sooner? It was wrong to "let him go" in the middle of the school year. It's unfair to him and to his students. The school administration has known for a very long time about his teaching style. He should have been removed a long time ago. My son had him about 10 years ago when Mr. Matez was a second grade teacher at HOD. He actually got me and my ex-wife to agree that it was basically a waste of a school year for our son. It was so bad that when he moved to the 3rd grade at the Freeman I called the principal at the time to make sure that my younger daughter did not get him as her teacher. He has a different "style," but you know what, he was hired to do a job and follow the rules. He didn't and was fired. His teaching style will work in a much more liberal private education system. Mr. Matez is not a bad guy and I believe he will flourish in such a liberal teaching environment. I wish him well yet I believe the town made the right decision but at the wrong time.
- DG
2/4 10:32pm Firing of Mr. Matez - For those of you who were not present at the parent-administration meeting on February 1, 2006 at Freeman-Centennial School, here is a perspective of a parent. I found the meeting to be very contentious and confrontational; the school took their time to describe what happened and how, they extensively talked about process, style, strategy and framework. But parents were not interested in any of that, all they knew was that their kids came home sobbing and distraught because their beloved teacher was fired by the school. He was an outstanding teacher and he had a profound impact on my son. He made school fun, he had creative juices flowing in these kids, and above all, kids loved him and were fascinated by him. His departure will leave a huge vacuum in their life, not to mention the discontinuity it will cause in this school year. MCAS are upon us and we are embroiled in this unfortunate and unnecessary controversy.
I believe special teachers are town assets, with all the teachers we have in our school system only a handful will stand out as extraordinary. In this meeting some of his old students came out to defend him, some parents whose kids had him several years defended him - not too many teachers will find such support.
Mr. Matez meant the world to his students. This unfortunate event has caused emotional trauma to these eight and nine year old kids. To dismiss him in the middle of the year was inappropriate, insensitive and plain wrong, and the defense that the superintendent and school put forward was indefensible. By causing this controversy at this time of the year the superintendent, school, and especially the School Committee have done great disservice to these kids and Norfolk residents.
- TS
2/4 10:29pm EH, I think you've hit the mark. It's just a shame that it had to unfold this way. - AL
2/4 2:47pm Two comments on the Matez situation: 1) Even if you're the most popular teacher in school, it doesn't give you the right to set your own curriculum or make your own rules. Image how chaotic our school would be if every teacher taught only what they wanted and there was no consistency.
2) Given the power of the teachers union in Massachusetts, it's likely that they were involved in every step of the process. If the union were supportive of him, don't you think we would've heard from them by now? Their silence speaks volumes. Mr. Matez was probably given several opportunities to meet the requests of the administration, even if only for the remainder of the school year. It seems that the victims here are the children in his current class. Even if he disagreed with the requests, it seems selfish of Mr. Matez to not finish out the year according to the rules, for the sake of the children.
- EH
[Update 5:03pm: sorry, restored dropped first line - Wm.]
2/4 1:44pm From one third grade teacher to another, I applaud you, Eric Matez, for having the guts and obvious respect for children to stand up for what you believe to be true. A great deal of teaching since MCAS has become "teaching to the test" mentality and many third graders do not fit in this ideal "box" - this would be such an easy job if they did! How difficult is it to read a teacher's manual where you are basically told exactly what to say? That is not teaching. So far, my children have been lucky enough to have had excellent learning experiences in Norfolk. I know first hand there are many in our profession who in fact do "teach as they are told", adhering to the state frameworks, but absolutely do not immerse their students in learning - or most importantly, a love for learning. I question whether Norfolk administrators are content with this teaching style. I am saddened by your story, and wish you the best of luck in the future.
- NS
2/4 10:14am My heart go out to Mr. Matez, they have made a big mistake. I also have been touched by not fitting in the "box"; both my children did not fit the box. One I had to remove from the school completely, and the other I keep in hoping for the best. It turned out to be the biggest mistake I ever made. Children have been forced to leave the Norfolk schools for years because they do not "fit in the box" either. - GMP
2/3 9:45pm Hi There. My wife's been telling me to check this website out for a while now. Finally listened to her - she's always way ahead of me. I'd like to say that I think there's an awful lot of misinformation floating around regarding Mr. Matez. I was at the meeting the other night with school administrators and I also spent much, much time volunteering in his classroom while my son had him. I think I know him pretty well. I must say that I feel the whole situation is a wake-up call to me. You really, as a citizen, need to keep tabs on what's going on. The meeting the other night was public, the superintendent said it up front.
Some highlights of the meeting: he was fired for insubordination. He contacted his kids' parents and asked for help. There were no improprieties, high crimes or misdemeanors. He was apparently given chances at "professional development" and was counseled on the proper approach to teaching the "state mandated curricula", which they explained he refused to do.
Now, I want you all to know that things are usually more complicated than they appear. I don't know this for certain, but as a person who's managed lots of creative people, I suspect there were what I consider personality incompatibilites between Mr. Matez and the administrators. It was personal. It's my impression, enough said.
The bottom line: if MCAS scores in this town do not meet expectations over the next year or so, the adminstrators will be thrown out of their jobs summarily. I see this as an ends justifying the means situation. OK guys (meaning the administration of the school system), you call the shots. You'd better be right. Just bear in mind that MCAS scores are rising in general across the board. Kids are learning how to take tests. But will Norfolk really excel? That's the question. And what's the cost for that ability to take tests?
Unfortunately, in my experience, when an administrator strives to make it so none of the nails sticks up, it always backfires. Always. Too rigid and disciplined a system inspires no-one. Especially children. Adults have been conditioned to just grin and bear it. But kids just don't care about the stakes or the superintendent's reputation (or how she's compensated). If they're not motivated, they'll just not perform. Or MCAS grades will be acceptable, but the kids won't be able to think for themselves. They'll lack critical thinking skills.
I for one care deeply about this town. My boy is part of the school system. I'm not going anywhere. I could send him to private schools but I won't. If the system is inadequate then the system needs to change. Creative people are high maintenance, but they are the most valued folks in any system. Why? Because there are always more problems to solve and it's imperative to have fresh ideas and new approaches.
This is why I conclude that that our school system has let us down. They have not seen the forest through the trees. They acted based on the quickest way to ameliorate their pain and did not consider alternatives. Did anyone think, hey, maybe an arbitrator might ask some inspiring questions and break through to a solution that was both elegant and effective? Now the missiles have been lauched and cannot be recalled (sign of the times I guess). Ironically, they have instigated a program of Peer Mediation in the system to help resolve differences among students but do not seem to follow the very process they encourage and train the children to follow.
Apologise for the long post
2/3 7:51pm I am Mr. Matez and a lot of you seem confused about the circumstances of my dismissal - let me clarify... In November, Mrs. Godfrey told me she wanted me to use the math text as it was designed to be taught, to use Readers' Workshop which is a reading program the school spent a lot of money for a consultant to come in to teach to the teachers, and to not use the old social studies text which was not solely concerned with MA, which is the Grade 3 curriculum. Along with this directive she issued me a letter to be put in my file that I need to do this or I would be insubordinate...
I teach with a style that I would call The Guide on the Side. I endeavor as much as possible not to be the center of attention and to let the children move at their own pace. Readers' Workshop and Everyday Math are both teacher directed, and, taken together, take up much of the day's teaching time.... Therefore, in order to teach in the directed manner, my Guide on the Side style which focuses on immersing the students in learning (including the required, necessary information) cannot take place.
I have been breathing life, excitement, creativeness, and good will into our school community for a long time and the administration could not see fit to allow this to continue... how can all of a sudden what I do be wrong? It isn't. For those of you who think this administration is on the right track, I assure you, any administration that tells its emloyees not to discuss what is going on in the workplace with others or risk retribution, is not a workplace I want to be a part of... and if you say that is the way of the world, it may be at the moment, but that does not mean we need to respect or not try to change it..... Yours,
- Eric
2/3 6:24pm Thankyou ES. Perfectly stated. I, for one, applaud the ability to bring your own personal style to any profession, whether it be in banking, nursing, retail, publishing, law, and most certainly in educating kids. The more color and creativity the better, and I thank Mr. Matez for many years of captivating the attention of kids in town, and sharing his inimitable style, humor ad love of learning. But I also know that if you did not follow the stated guidelines in any profession, and were asked numerous times to do so, and refused to, you'd be looking for a new job as fast as you can say Harry Potter. Enough already. It's been very sad for our school community, especially the kids who adored him and are left to pick up the pieces. Mr. Matez appears to be pushing his own personal agenda, and the kids are not at the forefront of that agenda or he would not have left mid year. He said he could not fulfill his duties. Usually when that happens, you need to look for employment elsewhere. - DAL
2/3 6:22pm Hoping someone may have a late 50's, early 60's women's suit either in a really small size or a larger size you wouldn't mind being altered. (Wax museum for school). Thank you! - LH
2/3 4:37pm HMK, the list of properties was not discussed, but they did say this was the best of what they did have on the list. They do have two projects that they know are possibly coming to the committee, but nothing major is on their agenda at this time. If the two projects do come to committee (one was a recreation request and I forget the other one) it sounded like there would be about $500k or so going to town meeting to approve. But I need to stress they said it is not currently before them. BS, that was not a representative, that was the developer. At least, Frank Gross introduced him as the developer.
2/3 4:35pm Yes the state has created a "box" which the teachers need to adhere to; however, this box is the criteria not the method. Creativity in teaching the information required is one of the things that make a successful teacher. If an educator decides the criteria is not what should be taught, then he or she has made a decision not to work within the system. As creative as Mr. Matez is, if his desire was to work with the mandated criteria while expanding his creative side, this could have been done. When our school system is recognized as one that will expect the best with quality results, the caliber of teachers will be raised to a higher level. There are a number of excellent educators that should be recognized in a positive manner and others within our school system that should be on the same path as Mr. Matez. I applaud the actions of the superintendent and the principal; keep up the good work.
- ES
2/3 3:35pm I too was unable to attend Town Meeting. Still (first posted on this site 1/30) would like to know where I can see a list of properties that the CPC has under review for possible future acquisitions? Was this information made available at the meeting? - HMK
2/3 1:32pm Pretty crazy here in Norfolk this past week. I'd like to escape reality for a few minutes and wish the best of luck to native son Matt Hasselbeck and fellow Seahawk teammate and King Philip grad Lofa Tatupu in this Sunday's Superbowl. With the Patriots early departure from the NFL tournament, at least there is some local flavour to the big game. GO `HAWKS!! - DTB
2/3 12:38pm BS, I wasn't aware of the need of the detention pond. It makes me feel good that we are looking out for Jane and Paul's. In regards to the developer's integrity, I had a bad taste in my mouth after receiving the mailing. How could we really trust Wall Street after they published such rubbish? Thanks for the post. - LK
2/3 12:37pm There will be a meeting tomorrow (Saturday) at noon at the library. Eric Matez will be there to discuss the specific circumstances regarding his termination and its future implications for the Freeman Centennial School. - EAB
2/3 11:27am To LK - Sorry you couldn't make the meeting. I was on the fence myself and was able to make the meeting which was, as you can imagine, very lively. When this all came up a few months ago, my thoughts were, why pay for something the builder was going to give to us anyway. And the builder was still going to give us the land. Ultimately, at the meeting, I finally made up my mind to vote yes.
The Weeber property and the TAPs property would bring the total acreage the builder owned to over 50 acres. This would allow him to cluster build. That is, he would be allowed under the law to build more houses (20) on the same acreage he was originally going to build 10. In return for the cluster build, he was required to give back some of the land. Great--free land and cluster housing whose time, in my opinion, has come. Also, I don't believe in buying land to block development.
However, to deal with the drainage issues and all the wet land on the Weeber property, the developer would need to clearcut and engineer a detention pond of about 2 1/2 acres, which could affect Jane and Paul's Farm. The potential impact on Jane and Paul's is what finally made me vote yes and overcome all other misgivings. I was concerned about spending money on a piece of land which is really undesirable. Mind you the money is coming out of the CPA fund and won't cost us anything, but what if something else comes up, we will have used some of the funds. But we had more open space to our bank and we'll deal with the next purchase when it comes up.
I also was not impressed with the developer's representative. Based on body language and demeanor, I questioned his integrity. This was on top of the all out marketing effort to vote 'NO' which had questionable statements. I just didn't believe they were negotiating in good faith.
Anyway, those are my thoughts, you missed a good one.
- BS
2/3 9:43am I wasn't able to go to Town Meeting to learn more about the Weeber property. (Thanks, Wm., for posting news that it passed, since the Gazette made no mention of it that I could find! I guess I need to fork over money for the Boomerang after all...) Meanwhile, could someone give me the highlights of the meeting? I'm curious as to why the the Article passed. I didn't have enough info to decide which side I was on, wish I could have gone. Thanks! - LK
2/3 9:19am Thanks all for the Something Special updates... While my kids are disappointed that Massive is gone, I'm happy that the gift shop is moving into a more convenient location. Will look for it in March. - TN
2/3 12:07am Wow, what a day... 34 posts, 1961 hits, 522 visitors to the page. Each one is a new record. Our typical numbers lately have been more like 10 posts, 900 hits and 350 visitors. So thank you! - Wm. 2/2 11:01pm Received from a friend... Marvelous engineering design... Hmm, could we have done this with the Big Dig?? - JO
2/2 9:45pm To JR - I agree that it is unfortunate that the state has created a "BOX" in which to structure teaching methods to all students. A "BOX" might suffice if all children learned at the same pace and in the same manner. But we all know that every child is different and the method in which one learns may differ greatly from another. Regarding the MCAS, I have never agreed with the emphasis and effect is has on a child's education, and I did speak with a teacher today who reiterated your thought that many teachers don't put the same emphasis on the test as the state or town does. What becomes more important, each individual child's success or the overall rating of the town compared to Wellesley, Weston or Medfield? Is it the kids we're concerned about or the stature of a high ranking? My oldest child is still at HOD, so my children may not have the chance to take part in what so many parents on this site have described as a rewarding experience with Mr. Matez. - JM
2/2 9:43pm To TN: I stopped at Something Special tonight to browse their sale items and get some more info. They are looking to be in the new space by March 1st and will probably close the current location around February vacation to do the move. It will definitely be easier to get in and out, with more parking provided. - JM
2/2 5:18pm The termination of a teacher with 17 years of service, and in the middle of the school year--whatever the reason-- is surely a sad day for our schools and for the Town generally. May I urge a moratorium on emotional and judgmental comments until we have more reliable information? A few of the posts today seem to be almost gloating at his departure. This strikes me as in poor taste, especially given the dearth of information. I also appreciate that it's difficult for a school administration that has taken such an action to get the news out to all the audiences that are affected by it. But we need accurate, clear information, as soon as possible. - HRB
2/2 4:51pm DB - Try R & D Automotive across from the prison on Main Street. Rick has always treated me fair over the years. - PRB
2/2 4:46pm To DB: Would highly recommend Robert Issa of Robert's Garage in Walpole. He does all the work on our 1980 Volvo 240 DL Wagon, 1993 Volvo 240 Classic and our 1998 Volvo 850 wagon for the past fifteen years (all happily running with over 150,000 miles on each). He is extremely honest and KNOWS Volvos. Robert's Garage is located at 1171 Main Street, Walpole and the telephone number is 508-668-9045. Good luck! (Oh, are we in for an easrly Spring according to the groundhog?) - CF
[The shadow says six more weeks... - Wm.]
2/2 4:45pm To DB: I recommend Foreign Auto in Millis: 376-4277. I found out about them from my neighbor, who has a Volvo. They have done work in the past few months on my 1998 Subaru Outback, and also my husband's 2001 Subaru Legacy. I've found their work good (we've had brake work done, and a new starter for my car), and the prices seem to be reasonable. I've dealt with Mark. - CR
2/2 4:43pm Re: Mr. Matez - This is not an issue of "teaching style". it's an issue of "State Mandated Curriculum". Mr. Matez taught my daughter 10 years ago. She was very fortunate to get him 2 years in a row (no, she wasn't held back a year). He is a wonderful, motivating teacher. However, he does teach "outside the box." The problem is that the state has created a "box" which every state funded school system must stay within, in order to continue to recieve state funding.
Mr. Matez has chosen to fight "the big fight." He's proven that you don't need to "teach within the box" to be a successful teacher. But the state mandates that you must "teach within the box" in order for kids to pass the mandated "MCAS" tests. This not our superintendent's mandate, it is the state's mandate. Norfolk residents would not stand for our school system to fight this "big fight," and risk losing all state funding for our schools. Not to mention the legal costs it would bring. It's a fight which (for good or bad) has to be fought by a single brave teacher, willing to lose his job, and livelihood. The state must understand that there's more than one way to teach children and get good results. Ask any teacher what they think of the emphasis that the state puts on "MCAS" exams. I hope, and expect, that Mr. Matez will have the support and respect of every teacher in the state.
I applaud Mr. Matez for the courage he has to take on this fight. I do not blame our superintendent one bit for doing her job. Her job is to adhere strictly to the state mandates. The town would run her out on the next train if she were to "buck the state mandates", risking state funding, and costing the town millions in legal fees.
Try to remember... There is no "Bad Guy" in this story. The state has created this "BOX" to improve our children's chances in life. This "BOX" isn't perfect, and Eric Matez has possibly discovered a way to improve this "BOX", at great personal risk. Thank you Eric !
- JR (22 year Norfolk resident)
2/2 4:07pm GP - in regards to Kingsbury Rd., I can tell you honestly that the number of houses for sale at the top end of the road is purely coincidental. Each owner's life changed in a way that caused them to put their house up for sale. The airport is not functioning as an airport. There is no traffic as it's not a through street. It's quite peaceful and a great area to raise kids. - DM
2/2 4:06pm A private meeting between school officials and the parents of Mr. Matez's current students was held last night. Anyone else who tried to attend was asked to leave and/or not allowed in. Perhaps someone who attended the meeting could discuss the details. - DC
2/2 3:04pm Can anyone recommend a local mechanic who works on Volvos? Preferably not too expensive! Thanks, - DB
2/2 3:03pm With respect to the termination of Mr. Matez, I heard about it from my son at the dinner table. While there were no specifics, the rumors and assumptions were flying. Given that most 3-6 graders don't know the difference between "fired" and "quit", I am waiting for some communication to come from the school. I sincerely hope to get something in today's backpack that addresses the issue. The termination has an impact not only on his students but on the entire 3rd grade and school. I'm curious, Why was he on the news last night? Can someone post and fill the rest of us in? - TS
2/2 2:46pm TN - Something Special is moving where Massive Video was. - DB
2/2 2:45pm To TN: Something Special is moving next to Linda's Variety on Main Street. It will be in the space formerly occupied by Massive Video. I'm not sure when the move is, but Massive is almost cleared out of the space so I assume it is soon. I'm glad the store will still be here - I agree that it is great for those one of a kind gifts and last minute items! - TS
2/2 2:26pm To the school and parents of Norfolk - I have lived here for 45 years... my 4 children went through our school system... and took the bus every day... Sad to say I have watched the parents TAKE OVER the job of our school officials. I think it is a disgrace that the school committee has allowed this to happen. Allowing the traffic jams during bus drop off and pick up time is digusting... who will be at fault when a child gets killed darting out in front of a car or bus and NOW the officials are stooping to the level of some out of line parents minding someone else's business...
What is going to happen when these parents can't change things when their kids complain about their jobs some day ...or ...maybe that's why kids don't want to work and quit because they say the boss is a jerk
...What a shame
- ER
2/2 2:04pm I know that there are many people who are upset about Mr. Matez, but I have to agree with JD that I think it took a lot of guts for the superintendent to follow through with the firing. Knowing how difficult it is to fire a teacher due to the union, there must have been many warnings given to him as well as a lot of documentation to back up the charges. I can remember a conversation with an older girl (8th grade) who was talking to me about my daughter wanting Mr. Matez and that she did not get him. This girl told me she had him in 3rd and while it was really fun, when she entered 4th grade she was way behind the kids in her class because she did "not really learn anything" (HER WORDS). I also chaperoned a field trip with Mr. Matez and his behavior was very inappropriate and made me and other parents uncomfortable. I have a hard time believing that this firing is unwarranted. I know that if I did not follow the procedures at my company after many warnings I would also be fired. - JG
2/2 2:03pm I have an 18 year old daughter who had Mr. Matez. When asked what teachers influenced you the most, Mr Matez is one of her answers.. This is a huge loss for the norfolk schools. I wish more teachers put as much efforts into thinking outside the box. As a parent of 4 children, 3 having gone through the system and one still there, I would welcome more teachers exploring creative ways of teaching... I think many teachers are stuck in a rut. Do you realize that for the last 12 years the teachers are following the exact same curriculum. I have witnessed this first hand due to the fact that my oldest has graduated from college.As a concerned parent and tax payer I wish to support the reinstatement immediately. These poor 3rd graders deserve the consistency of having the same teacher the entire school year. - GRJ
2/2 2:01pm Does anyone have any information on the Norfolk Landing (40B Project) on the grounds of the former airport? How many affordable housing units? What road will be used to connect the development, etc. Thanks, - GP
2/2 12:54pm It seems as though the reason(s) for his dismissal are vague. I hope that he keeps his TV show on NCTV, I look forward to watching Eric Matez' World View each week!! - JC
2/2 12:52pm Where is "Something Special" going? Just tried to phone to ask, and got a message. Am sorry that they're leaving the town center location - it was so convenient for last minute gifts! - TN
2/2 11:37am To LK, if you think that Mr. Matez had the children excited about learning, you should consider other teachers like Mrs. Longobardi or Mrs. Pizzi. Children can be motivated to learn in a way that still coincides with the curriculum plan required by the state. - CIW
2/2 11:02am Regarding Mr. Matez - My daughter had him last year and I believe she benefited from his style. I can, however, sympathize with those who have concerns about his methods. My main problem is the manner of the dismissal. If we all agree that he has been consistent in his approach over the past 18 (!) years, why did it become such a crisis? The mid-year disruption, the drama (grief counselors!?), this all seems like it could have been avoided. If he were terminated during the summer, you wouldn't have had the problems. I question the thinking of the superintendent. - KDR
2/2 10:41am I heard a house was robbed on Mountain Rock Lane. Anyone have any details? - JM
2/2 10:40am Does anyone know what precipitated Mr. Matez's firing in the middle of the semester? My understanding is that he was a long-tenured teacher who had been warned in the past about his teaching methods, so the school was fully aware of what they were getting when he was allowed to return for this school year. Did something specific happen to cause his immediate termination, versus waiting until year-end and not inviting him back? - JM
2/2 9:55am Does anyone know the specifics of Mr. Matez' insubordination? - KSC
2/2 9:54am Don't worry, I am sure the Union will get the teacher reinstated with back pay and possibly better health care and pension benefits and maybe even some money for pain and suffering. I know, let's have a tax override to support this unjust termination. - DCC
2/2 9:53am Chris Augusta Scott should be congratulated! She is the only person who had enough guts to identify a BIG PROBLEM and do something about it. My son had Eric Matez and it completely warped his view of education. Aside from the fact that there was a "health issue" in regards to the number of unsanitary cages (that year there were 22 animals in cages in the classroom). Eric Matez took far too many chances with my son --- taking them off school property without the parent's consent, not teaching spelling, writing --- when questioned he replied "... that's not my style...." Unfortunately we have paid him far too much for far too long. All of his planned "Protests" have nothing to do with the children's welfare. It's Eric's attempt to further promote Eric's own personal agenda. GOOD JOB CHRIS -- KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! - JD
2/2 9:47am KA, I am a parent of a student who [was] a child in Mr. Matez class. My wife volunteered every other week to assist Mr. Matez in his teachings. The fact that you suggest that losing Mr. Matez would not be a huge loss is infuriating to my family who has had first hand experience in his classroom. The fact that you did not have a child in his classroom and had a personality conflict with him shows me that your opinion has NO validity.
I agree with PD, ``Perhaps it is the Superintendent we should worry about.'' I'm curious if the superintendent had spent any time in Mr. Matez's class before terminating him.
- RO
[Update 2/3 3:07pm: "had" seemed wrong above, thanks for pointing it out - Wm.]
2/2 9:04am I, too, am shocked at the news regarding Mr. Matez. My son had him in the third grade. Mr Matez was FANTASTIC! Yes, he is definitely different from other teachers, but he gets the kids EXCITED about learning! What more could you ask for with a teacher! The kids truly looked forward to going to school and learning. Mr. Matez turned my son's life around by getting him interested in academics that his other teachers couldn't. He always said learning was boring - but NOT with Mr. Matez! I was looking forward to my other children having Mr. Matez as well. What a shame! We need to get him back! - LK
2/2 8:45am I see a lot of houses for sale on Kingsbury Rd. I know it is near the airport but I doubt there is that much traffic to cause issues. Could someone clue me in on any issues in that area? If you could please email me at gepapa79 at hotmail dot com. Thanks, - GP
2/2 8:00am PD - I saw the story about Mr. Matez on the 10 o'clock News. He sounds like a wonderful man and teacher. Just the type of teacher I would want in our school system. What is being done to get him reinstated? Perhaps it is the Superintendent we should worry about not Mr. Matez. Shame on Miss Chris. - DB
2/2 7:59am FYI -- Something Special is moving locations and in addition to the sale on Christmas items, there are many other items in the store at 50% off. - AP
2/2 7:58am I read the message about Mr. Matez, I know there are people who have had a wonderful experience with him. I am NOT one of them. I had a very hard time dealing with him and my children did not have him. He got involved with a situation which was none of his business and was way out of line. I also dealt with him in a volunteer situation and he was very difficult. It does not surprise me he was fired for insubordination. He always struck me that he thought he was above the rules. Sorry, I don't think it is a huge loss. - KA
2/2 7:55am Saw the news. I spent 8 of the last 10 years helping out in the 3rd grade, and, as some of you recall, left to man volunteer info station at the town hall, but I can assure you his devotion and methodology was such that we were able to spot what fired up people - be it chess / teaching them how to measure an build / math skills and games / wiring up bell circuits etc all with a goal of enhancing thinking and motivation. I used to look at the yearly results and felt great about the product that was produced.
Perhaps I can lend some views since I did serve and was able to understand requirements.
I am already fielding calls from parents who had 3rd graders go through and knew the pride they took in plays.
Indeed, Mr. Matez was in the forefront in making Lord of The Rings plays visible. (Even I had a part in some of them!!!)
I suggest a review process.
- JO
2/1 11:16pm Life in Norfolk has its moments. True story - a woman walks into the library, and asks: "Where is the senior center? They told me I can't miss it; once I got to the dump, I'd gone too far. Well, I see the dump right there," - pointing to the moonscape - "so where is the senior center?" - Wm.
2/1 10:58pm Mr. Eric Matez, 3rd grade teacher at the Freeman Centennial School, a teacher for the Norfolk school system for 18 years, has been dismissed (fired) as of this morning. The charge - get this - insubordination! My child has excelled in his classroom under his program, and I'm dumbfounded at the schools decision to dismiss him. This is an enormous loss of a very special teacher in the Norfolk public school system. A very disappointing decision by our schools administration. - PD
2/1 10:53pm Public service announcement: Charlie Jerome has been located. Neighbor reports he fell just before Xmas and fractured his neck (while getting to his mailbox). He is "collared" and has been at the Northeast Specialty Hospital, Braintree (on Rte. 37 just about the Holbrook line). No 2001. For those wishing to cheer him up, the phone number is 1-781-848-2600. Visiting hours are 12-8p. Charlie says he will be in there for about 4 more weeks You are invited to call him and help reduce the tedium of his day. Thanks,
- JO, Norfolk American Legion Member
2/1 9:56am Buy a raffle ticket for a chance to win a fabulous trip to Florida! Your choice of the following resorts: - Marriott Orlando, Grande Lakes,
- Eden Roc, A Renaissance Resort & Spa, Miami Beach, OR
- Key Largo Bay, Marriott Beach Resort
Plus $500 towards air travel! Only 250 tickets will be sold!
Raffle winner will be chosen at the NCL 2006 Spring Charity Gala! Purchase your chance for $20 by calling Debbie M. at 508.541.1458 or Bettina D. at 508.547.3247
- JL, Norfolk Community League
2/1 9:47am DB: We used Lane Refrigeration in Walpole (781-762-6226) and were very satisfied with their work, and the job was a complicated one that required special expertise. - TEM
2/1 8:54am Article 1, the purchase of the Weeber property, passed. - Wm.
2/1 8:41am We are shopping for central air conditioning. Does anyone have any suggestions? - DB
2/1 8:02pm To DE and PCD: Check out this website masstech.org for the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MTC). They have rebate programs for the purchase and installation of alternative energy systems. Look up the "Small Renewables Rebates" Program (under Solicitations). I do not work for MTC, but have submitted an application for a system rebate. The webmaster can provide you an off-line email if you are interested in more information. - AB
1/31 11:06pm DE... I have seen the increase in the electric bill also. As a matter of fact, there has been an increase of 30% in a lot of my monthly bills. Deregulation of these mammoth utilities has cost the consumer more in the long run. - PCD
1/31 8:32pm Has anyone else seen a 30% jump in the "Generation Charge" portion of their NStar Bill for January? The charge for December's bill was $.07694/kwh. In January it jumped to $.12143/kwh. I used 1400 kwh less (-27%) in January, and had a $15.00 increase in my total bill. - DE
1/31 4:50pm To AL - The purchase of the Weeber property does not affect your taxes. See Jack Hathaway's explanation about the funding in his response on 1/29. See you at town meeting.
- BS
1/31 3:38pm Say NO to purchase the Weeber property. Norfolk needs more business - I only moved to town recently, but it appears the residents like the rising taxes. What is being done to get business to the town? Who is managing the budget to prevent future overrides? - AL
1/31 3:36pm To RN - The current parking situation is much better at the KP Middle School than it was before the reconstruction. For those that can, car pool. Invite you neighbor, neighbors, and the elderly to ride to the meeting with you. - DLJ
1/30 5:04pm My memory of town meeting at the KP Middle School brings back pictures of a parking and traffic nightmare. What are the traffic plans for a large turnout? I will not be able to attend until 8:00 so I am concerned about parking at that time.
- RN
1/30 4:27pm I second the request from HMK. Let's get some real info out on the table, possible options for the CPA funds, so we have something to weigh. Abutters have their issues, the rest of us have ours. - AZL
1/30 3:55pm Is there somewhere we can see a list of properties that the CPC has under review for possible future acquisitions? - HMK
1/30 12:47pm While I am personally all for the town purchasing any and all the open space possible, one of the reasons an abutter of the Weeber property gave really made no sense except for them personally. The fact that a development would cause more flooding, which I seriously doubt, should not be the taxpayers of Norfolk's problem. They should just say what they mean, I don't want houses in my back yard so the town should purchase the land. I truly think the town should purchase the land, but only if it will not affect more useful purchases in the future; after all, once the money is gone it is gone for good. Really, the Weeber property will only benefit a select few from a conservation standpoint, but open space will benefit the town by keeping tax eating houses at bay. - CR
1/30 10:22am The Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer League presently has the board position of Secretary open. The person filling this position would attend board meetings, prepare and distribute meeting notes, etc. Registration fees for board members' children are waived. This is a great way to become more involved with this very popular sports program and meet other "soccer parents." Anyone interested in joining our board may call 508-520-0163 for more information. - HK 1/29 10:34pm A quick comment on the education funding that has been discussed recently. Jack M hit it on the head. The Governor has proposed an increased in our education funding from from $3,290,521 to $3,312,804, an increase of $22,283. To put that into perspective, we expect to see an increase of at least 10% in our health insurance rates. The town's share for that increase for Norfolk school employees is about $62,400. So the State's increase will cover a third of our health insurance cost increase, while the Town will need to fund Special Education increases, salary increases, utility increases, etc, etc. It is always a little nerve-wracking reading my quotes in the paper. When I've read some of my recent quotes about the budget, I admit I sound pessimistic. Given the types of funding we are facing as outlined above, it would be wrong to paint a rosy picture.
Another comment, this one is on the Town Meeting vote for the Weeber property. I hope everyone will attend the meeting on Tuesday, because there is a lot to discuss from both points of view.
The only point that I would like to stress tonight is that this Town Meeting question will not affect future taxes, because it is not about an override. This purchase is being funded from the Community Preservation fund. The Fund has been created by a 3% surcharge on our Real Estate Taxes since 2002. Each year the State has matched that surcharge with State funds, so we have been adding $500,000 - $600,000 per year to the fund (half from the State, half from us). This question will not impact your tax bills either positively or negatively, but is a question about spending money from this fund. CP Funds cannot be spent on operating budget expenses according to State Law, so these funds are not available to support items outside of the scope of the Community Preservation Act.
Probably sounds like a lot of hot air if you aren't familiar with the details, so I encourage you to come to the Town Meeting Tuesday night and hear the facts and ask questions.
Have a good night, and think Spring.
- Jack Hathaway, Town Administrator, Norfolk
1/29 10:31pm WB - I'm only referring to the Weeber property, not the approved Fern Ridge subdivision. I look at it this way, if there was a 20 dollar bill on the ground next to 9 one dollar bills, I would bet 99% of the time the person would pick up the 20 and then go back for the dollar bills. As for Wall Street, of course he has an agenda; I'm sure the majority of the people can see thru his rhetoric. I do agree, we should not be changing commercial zoning to residential zoning unless it's bad zoning. Until the town creates a plan for affordable housing, the town will continue to lose commercial property.
- DA
1/29 9:10pm AR - Like everything, it comes down to money. Are you suggesting we spend $800,000 of CPC funds (let's face it, after all the costs associated with acquiring the land this will be the final tally) on this property? That's a little less than half of what's in the CPC fund. The CPC has a list of properties under review where we can actually use the land for something (recreation, etc) and those are more of a priority that this. The abutters are acting selfish. I guess you know where I stand. - NT
1/29 8:24pm FH: If you have a bachelor's degree you can get a preliminary license after you complete a post-bac program. I graduate in May from Framingham State and they have an excellent post-bac program. It's 3 semesters of evenings (I did one during the summer) and at half the cost of other programs (i.e. Lesley College.) It's regarded by some in the field as the best teaching program in the state. I've learned more here than in my 4 years of undergraduate work (and my degree was from the school of education!) You must pass the MTEL (Communication and Literacy - it's offered 4 times per year) to get in and acceptance is also based on your undergrad QPA, letters of recommendation and written application essays like at state of purpose, etc. There are numerous jobs for middle school and high school (especially math, science and foreign language teachers.) Good luck and go for it! - NT
1/29 8:12pm Can anyone recommend local (Boston or suburbs) career counseling services for an experienced professional considering a career change? Thanks, - JSC
1/29 7:07pm Re: the post by DA, "The town has been lucky so far that a big developer hasn't come in, pushed their will onto the town with a large 40B project in the part of town where the land is a high priority." The town has lost commercially zoned property in the center where Borelli is building residential, I don't see anyone jumping up and down about that. Not a large 40B, but this is a loss of commercially zoned property. AR correctly points out the fact that new housing has a net loss. The problem with the information campaign being waged by Wall Street, it is based on bad or misleading information but is being presented as fact. Points in case:
From Wall Street mailing "Purchase of existing, privately owned recreational facilities for municipal use, such as tennis and basketball courts."
Reality - There are none in Town for sale and if the Town wants to do this they lose tax dollars from privately owned commercial business property. Did you check the valuation of Forekicks - 4.2 million.
Wall Street Claim - "Convert existing structures such as railroad beds to a recreational use such as walking, biking or inline skating trails."
Reality - There are no railroad beds in Town that could be converted to such uses.
Wall Street Claim - "Convert underutilized municpal lot to community gardens."
Reality - The Town is looking for land for a new Fire Station - so I would say that underutilized municipal land doesn't exist.
Wall Street Claim - Clean up contaminated industrial sites or cap landfills to create a new soccer field or baseball field or playgrounds.
Reality - I don't think that there are contaminated industrial sites or landfills to cap other than the old Southwood Hospital Campus. The cost of clean-up is projected at over 15 million (I can assure you that figure this is correct, as I know the consultant that worked for Pulte Homes), just think of the tax jump if the Town took over this land. I didn't include Buckley and Mann since this site is going to be developed for housing.
Wall Street Claim - Install an irrigation system at a public park to prevent grass from dying or otherwise being harmed.
Reality - Pond Street already has an irrigation system. Town Hall has an irrigation system. (Somebody didn't do their homework).
Wall Street Idea - Install new drainage at an existing athletic field to prevent flooding and water damage.
Reality - Huh? Where is this?
Wall Street Idea - Resurface tennis courts
Reality - Last time I was at Pond Street the tennis courts were in great condition. We don't have to worry about the tennis courts at the Freeman since a road is going to be put through this area for the new public safety buildings (That last part is sarcasm).
Wall Street Idea - Recreational opportunities through Brownfield's rehabilitation and/or redevelopment such as capping a landfill and establishing a new outdoor park, tennis court or other athletic facilities on site.
Reality - Norfolk does not get the benefit of being eligible for Brownfield funding or grants. However, if Norfolk could get Brownfields funding why would we spend CPA money on something that is covered by Brownfield funding?
I guess you know where I stand on this issue.
- WB
1/29 6:11pm AR - There is land for sale down the street from me. Why doesn't the CPA (town) buy that? There are some wetlands on the edge of the land and it's down the street from conservation land. Is that what it takes? If it were up to me, I would put the $446K from the CPA to the town budget; the town should not even consider trying become a developer. It's ludicrous. How do we get a question on the ballot to rescind the CPA. I am more than willing to give the same percentage that we are required to give to the CPA to the Town budget.
Vote NO on question 1.
- LS
1/29 5:50pm This is in response to the Weeber property. If the developer is willing to convey a minimum of 68% and maybe more then 90% of the land to the town, or a minimum of 20 acres up to 27.5 acres out of 29 acres, and an affordable lot, the offer should have been accepted. The planning/health board(s) do a good job, they would have made sure the drainage would have been appropriate, up and beyond what probably would have been needed. If there was a guarantee of affordable housing on this property I would feel better about voting yes, but to stop development for a piece of property where so much is being conveyed to the town makes no sense just to purchase a couple of acres. I hope the selectmen have the same courtesy for other neighborhoods throughout Norfolk that have this same issue. The town has been lucky so far that a big developer hasn't come in, pushed their will onto the town with a large 40B project in the part of town where the land is a high priority. - DA
[Update 6:50pm: removed footnote; Globe West and Boomerang have more information - Wm.]
1/29 3:16pm Fire Hydrant Painting. May I paint the rusty one that loiters near my house myself? or would I face some medieval town torture? - GDL
1/29 1:42pm So who is this mysterious "PO Box 272, Westwood 02090" that is trying to influence our vote on the Weeber property purchase? Various vague and misleading information, but no identification anywhere on the pamphlet. Is this some citizens' group concerned about prudent spending of town funds? Or... wait! Google finds a "Wall Street Development Corp" at 932 High St, also in Westwood, 02090. Could there be some sneaky connection?
In most cases, it is in our interest as a town to purchase land if that can prevent family housing units from being built, because it is saves us money.
We are known for being a family-friendly town; new housing is bought primarily by families who have or will have kids. This being Norfolk, two, three, or more kids. Each child in the school system costs the town $6500, and the share of other town services and expenditures is $2300 per house.
A family of four in a new $800,000 house thus consumes $15,300 in town resources, but brings in only $10,000 in tax revenue -- a net loss of $5300 a year.
$446,000 put into keeping 9 house lots unbuilt can save us as much as $47,700 a year (but it could be more -- 20 buildable acres support more than 9 house lots, and the developer can always change his mind.)
For those of us who would like to find ways of keeping the town budget in check, controlling growth is the most immediate and profitable avenue to explore.
- AR
[Update 7:48pm: an e-mail we received pointed out that the commonwealth reimburses the town for part of the educational outlays -- the actual cost to the town is closer to $4050 per child. The $800,000 house used in the example would cost the town $10,400, much closer to break-even - Wm.]
1/29 10:27am We are looking for a new or used train table for our son so he can build his Thomas the Train track layouts. If anyone knows of one, please let us know at jillandjohn1@verizon.net. Thanks - JL
1/29 9:17am Gung hay fat choy! Happy Chinese new year! Today, January 29, is the first day of year 4703, the Year of the Dog. - Wm.
1/28 11:38pm The Gazette Friday had an affirmation of Mr. McFeeley's comments. Indeed here we are 6 months into the current fiscal year, and as Mr. Hathaway has related, "we must find some other sources of revenue or make budget cuts." Yet again after hefty increases in things like taxes, water, etc. Suggest we form a full time volunteer force to start now to plan and the outline a format where there are no surprises. What does the pro-forma look like to date?
Perhaps - if it isn't too late - we need to aggressively change our methodology
- JO
1/28 10:29pm To Jack McFeeley: Just wanted to thank you for a thoughtful, well-crafted post. My husband and I enjoyed reading it. It was interesting to learn that the so-called "increase" boils down to so little, and I find it typical of Romney's political posturing. - LK
1/28 10:28pm I'm with NT; vote NO on Article 1. Enough all ready. Let's spend some time finding a way to return some of our tax dollars. - JB
1/28 4:41pm FH - Framingham State has an excellent Master's program in Education - depending upon what area of Education you are interested in becoming certified. Typically student teaching is done during a degree program linking up with specific courses you are taking. As for the MTEL, I am not sure, but I think you can take it "whenever" as you just need to pass! Keep in mind that with a degree in finance you may need to take classes in order to be accepted into an education program. Good Luck - It's a great career, especially as a parent! - NS
1/28 4:40pm FH: There are different ways to get certified to teach. Anyone can get a preliminary certification with a college degree (in anything) if they pass the teacher test. The next one is March 4 - you would need to register very soon. Go to the Mass. DOE website & click on educator licensure. It will pretty much walk you through the registration process. My son did this last spring - he graduated from college & had no education courses or student teaching. He took & passed the tests (there are two - a communication one that everyone has to take, & the subject area test), got a job & has been teaching since Sept. As for professional certification, that is a bit more confusing. You can get it by having (getting) a masters in your subject area & some experience (I'm not exactly sure on this part), or in some subject areas you can get pro. status by enrolling in a certification program - no masters required.
Sounds to me like your first course of action would be to take the MTEL & look for jobs if you pass it! An aside - if you would be looking to teach Math, which is a fairly desirable subject (not many qualified applicants, I believe), there are some schools that are desperate enough that I've heard of people being hired who are not certified. You would be hired under a waiver, then could work on getting certified while you work!
Good luck!
- SC
1/28 4:11pm I would like to respond to RS although I am no longer a 'town official'. RS, you mention that, "Gov. Romney is proposing ANOTHER increase in education funding to our town, to the sum of 3.3 Million." You then ask, "will our taxes be adjusted?" First let me say, beware of governors bearing gifts. This governor is especially good at telling the people of the commonwealth that education is his first priority when he has consistently cut net aid to education in his budgets for the three prior years. This new budget is no exception although it is slightly different this year. Rather than having 'another' increase in education funding to Norfolk, we will have 'another' year of disappointment and pressure on our tax structure. I watched his state of the commonwealth address last week with some optimism. However, his proposed budget doesn't match his rhetoric. In his three prior years, we have never had an increase in Norfolk with this governor. This is why the town share of the school budget has increased drastically over this period. During this time, we not only had to provide for school growth, but we also had to make up for the state aid cuts. In reality, the state budget burden was passed along to us in the form of an increase in our property tax. The $3.3 million that you mention is not the incremental change over last year, but rather it is the total bottom line for education aid to Norfolk. The governor is proposing a bottom line of $3.345 million for next year's reimbursements which is an increase of $23,697 over this year's $3.321 million. Sure, that's an increase, but when you pair that with the education charges that he is also proposing, the increase in reimbursements for education is nearly offset by an increase in assessments. For example, looking at the assessments we see that we will be charged an extra $24,823 next year for our subsidy to the charter schools. This subsidy is a charge that the governor introduced three years ago. Our school choice tuition assessment will go down by $4K in the governor's budget so that our net bottom line does show an increase to education this year. The increase is not $3.3 million. The net increase is actually $3,320 or less than 0.1%. It doesn't give us much, but it does give him bragging rights about his 'increase'.
Should we tell him we'll take it in small bills?
It also means that if the governor's budget is passed, we will have to increase the Norfolk taxpayer's share of the school budget once again this year. So yes RS, our taxes will again 'be adjusted'. However, they will 'be adjusted' upwards. That is, unless we will be satisfied with a 0.1% increase in the school budget as the governor apparently is with his proposal.
- Jack McFeeley, Previous Chairman, Norfolk Board of Selectmen
1/28 4:00pm FH - Call the Massachusetts Department of Education for certification information. Or go online, doe.mass.edu - MJD
1/28 2:38pm Does anyone have any advice on getting a teaching certificate? Having previously worked in the financial area, I would now like to enter the teaching profession but do not know how to get started. I understand that a Masters in Education in needed but does Student Teaching come before or after? Is the MTEL exam taken after competions of a Masters? Also, can anyone recommend a school that is within an easy commute as I have a young child. Any and all suggestions are welcome. - FH
1/28 2:35pm Vote No on Article 1!!! Why pay over half a million dollars (with surveying and other costs it will be closer to $800,000+) for this land when Wall Street Developers are willing to give us 27+ acres for free? Sure the abutting neighborhood would love to have all this land to themselves, who wouldn't? That's why they are asking you to vote to buy it. But don't you want your CPA tax funds used to buy land that can be used to the benefit of all the citizens of Norfolk? There are other properties the CPC is looking to purchase that make much more sense. Just say NO. - NT
1/28 8:59am DWL: Romney grew up in Michigan, where his father was the governor. - DCL
1/28 8:58am DWL: What exactly is it that Romney has done to incur your wrath? Are you sick and tired of his fiscal responsibility, or is it that he doesn't fit in with the your vision of what a Massachusetts politician should be, in that he hasn't killed any young girls, punched a Coast Guardsman when he grounded his sailboat in a drunken stupor, or cruised the highway rest stops along looking for lovin'? Just curious. Da** him for increasing our education funding! He should be spending more time finding no-show jobs for his nitwit relatives in state government. But, I'm sure you have a laundry list of well-thought out reasons for taking the time to type your posting, so do tell! - JM
1/27 10:39pm RE: Piano tuner -- Wayne Brown from Attleboro, 508-222-0123. I read about him on this board and called him in December to tune my wife's piano as a last-minute Christmas present. Wayne not only returned my call quickly, but he was able to come out only a day or two later and did great work. When he was done, he played Christmas songs. He filled my house with beautiful music on an otherwise cold and drab day. Wayne's a super guy, someone who obviously loves what he does. I highly recommend him. - DF
1/27 10:37pm I've been taking photos for many years with my 4x5, 2 1/4 square, and 35mm cameras, and also have many megabytes of digital photo files from a handy digital camera, but the digital process hasn't yet given me the fun that the (much slower) film developing and print enlarging has. But this month Nikon announced that it was ramping down its film business to concentrate on the digital camera field, so there is a lot of catching-up for me to do. On Tuesday, January 31, Channel 5's Chronicle program will do a hi-definition TV program on digital photography at 7:30 PM called "Picture This", with local resources including the Stony Brook Camera Club in Norfolk, and Sharon portrait photographer Janice Katz (no web page, 617-759-5044). I will record that program, since Norfolk's Town Meeting is also at 7:30 on Tuesday January 31, (at the King Philip Middle School). Check out Chronicle URL [here] for links to all of the "Picture This" program resources.
If you wish to see the "Picture This" program, be sure to set your VCR to record the program at 7:30 on Channel 5, WCVB, while you attend Town Meeting.
- BH
1/27 10:34pm Could someone who is subscribed to Dun & Bradstreet (or a similiar service) give us a rundown on Wall St. Development Corp? It is listed as the organization that is involved in the Weeber Property that is coming up for a vote on Tuesday.
They have an office on High St, Westwood, and the way I read it, Louis Petrozzi is the entrepreneur listed.
I believe they have had hearings in Wellesley/Dedham/Norwood that have involved activity there.
- JO
1/27 5:43pm Will someone please recommend a good piano tuner for the Norfolk area ? Thank you. - KK
1/27 1:08pm Looking for a special gift for your special someone? Why not send a singing valentine? One of our women's quartets will go to your sweetheart in the southeastern Massachusetts area and deliver a Singing Valentine for only $48.00. Our singing Valentine includes: a love song, a lovely flower, a Valentine card, a photo with the quartet. Your sweetheart will be so touched by your thoughtfulness, and will have a memory to last a lifetime! For more information or to book your serenade, call Donna at 508-528-8620 by Feb. 12. Call early to ensure that you get your preferred time slot! All proceeds are donated to A CLASSIC SOUND, non-profit singing organization. - DLJ
1/27 1:06pm The sooner that Romney leaves to go back to his native Utah, the better off Massachusetts will be. - DWL
1/27 12:05pm I read in the paper that Gov. Romney is proposing ANOTHER increase in education funding to our town, to the sum of 3.3 Million. If this amount is given to Norfolk, will our taxes be adjusted. Any official that reads this please respond. If so it will help out a lot of people. Thanks
- RS
1/26 9:41pm Regarding the person looking for a vet... I highly recommend Acorn Animal Hospital in Franklin, I have been very happy since I switched to them. 2 of the vets live here in Norfolk, and have treated my dogs well - DD
1/26 10:19am To ARD: Master Chimney Sweeps does oil flue liners: 1-800-696-2446. They are here now cleaning my chimney, - CR
1/26 10:16am NCTV public access cable tv broadcast the CPC Weeber property meeting live yesterday; for those who missed it, the meeting will be rebroadcast at 3pm and 10pm every day until the 31st. - Wm.
1/26 8:53am LQ - I back the recommendation of Gerry Martel of ADL Electrical. Responsive, quality work and pleasant to deal with. - DM
1/26 8:52am We have just had a chimney inspection and are in need of a new oil flue liner. Does anyone have any suggestions for a company to do this work? Thanks for your help, - ARD 1/25 10:10pm Here are pictures of the stray orange cat. Not neutered, male, between 8-10 years old. - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control
1/25 4:49pm After listening to the discussion and comments about the Weeber property during the selectmen's meeting on Monday January 23, I have to admit that I am more confused as to what lies ahead depending upon the vote at Town Meeting on January 31. Could someone explain what happens if the town votes YES; that is, land to be owned by the town - number of houses to be built and where, and other pertinent FACTS. The same goes if we vote NO. Thanks,
- RN
1/25 4:47pm Does anyone know if tonight's Community Preservation Committee meeting is an informational session for the Weeber property issue to be voted on at next week's town meeting? Thanks, - DLJ
1/25 3:20pm To: NW The orange and white cat that was posted earlier wandering through Cape Cod Estates is getting checked out, and then when he gets back we'll get a picture and post it up on Norfolknet for you and anyone else missing an orange cat to view. Sincerely, - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control
1/25 2:19pm The Walpole Children's Theatre will take you to the enchanted world of Narnia with this winter's production, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Based on the classic children's stories The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, this favorite tale will be presented at Walpole High School for the community to enjoy. [More details here] - AS, Walpole Children's Theatre
1/25 2:19pm To LQ - Check out Gerry Martel, ADL Electrical. He is right here in town and really responsive--508-528-1726. - BS
1/25 12:08pm Can anyone recommend an electrician? I am looking for someone to install a dedicated line for a treadmill and replace some light fixtures. Thanks. - LQ
1/25 11:10am AL - Check out the YMCA in Franklin (and Foxboro). They have a bunch of yoga classes. I believe the next round starts end of February... - DF
1/25 10:23am AL - Norfolk Rec has a very nice -gentle- class that's ongoing. I believe the instructor's name is either Debbie or Donna. Please forgive my memory lapse, but look in the latest Rec class offering, am sure it's listed. Good luck! - TMN
1/25 9:12am Can anyone recommend a good yoga class in the nearby area? I am looking for a gentle class to help get my stiff old body and mind in shape! - AL
1/25 9:10am I'm not sure if they have a summer camp, but there is a gorgeous horse facility at the end of Warren Drive (off Park Street) in Wrentham called "October Farm". When you pull onto the property (it's at the end of a cul de sac), it's as if you've entered a different world! I do know that she gives riding lessons to all ages and abilities. Contact Jill Swift @ 978-257-1173 - JD
1/24 10:41pm [Re: 1/23 Found: a beautiful, healthy orange marmalade cat] AC, response about the found cat - can you email a photo? This may be my missing cat, or another Norfolk member's who is looking for their orange cat as well. E-mail me.
- NW
1/24 9:36pm My son has gone to High Rock Stables on Granite Street in Walpole, and had a great experience (this was 3 years ago). He has also taken the horseman's camp at the N. Attleboro YMCA and loved that, although at the same time he was also enrolled in the day camp program, and did not like missing the day camp for 1/2 a day. I cannot vouch for the horse camp at the stable my son now takes lessons, which is StoneCreek Stables on Mill street in Norfolk, but they also have a camp. We have had a good time with lessons, and like the barn. - ES
1/24 9:35pm One should visit the website myseniorcenter.net to realize the fine addition that the Norfolk Senior Center has made to the efficient operation of the Center. You are issued a coded card and with it you can do different operations, thus having a monitor and memory module not only keeps track of events but helps in the operational activity with a minimum of effort. Visit and See!! - JO
1/24 5:43pm Another good option for camps, is the Mass Audobon Camps at Stony Brook. They start as early as kindergarten (half-day programs) and to pre-teens (ones which include one overnight). Each week has a theme. The kids have a lot of fun exploring the grounds. The program is very well run. They take excellent care of your children. And they have extended care for those who need it. - HH
1/24 4:55pm To MCS: Last night we mostly discussed camps at the Franklin and No. Attleboro YMCAs, The Adirondack Club, Boston Sports Club in Franklin, Franklin Country Day, and the rec program here in town. Most of these do group kids by ages, say 5-7, 8-10 or at the Y, they have a Junior Village (ages 6-8) and Senior Village (ages 9-13). My experience with the Y is that they do look after the little ones, keep them in smaller groups, and maybe assign them an extra counselor for an extra set of eyes. I believe someone last night said they were quite happy with the ratio of kids to counselor at the Adirondack (6:1) and at Franklin Country Day, even better. Hope this helps. - AL
1/24 3:32pm To MCS - You might want to check out the local preschools for summer camp. For instance, my son went to daycare at both the Y in Needham and Medfield Children's Center, both of which turned their programs into day camps during the summer months. Some parents had flexible scheduling and pulled their kids out of daycare during the summer months opening up opportunities for others. Both of these programs ran "specialty weeks" during the summer months. These programs catered to the young set. Another note on camps--you may be able to avail yourself of camp information through your or your spouse's employer. Some employers provide camp guidance through on-site staff or contract out to work/life concierge services who specialize in providing assistance to employees.
Good Luck.
- BS
1/24 1:29pm Just wanted to throw out there that Franklin Country Day is still up and running. I teach with the director of the program, Tom Cowell, and have heard nothing but great reviews from parents whose children have attended. I do know it fills up quickly with returning campers so move fast. Good Luck! - NS
1/24 12:22pm To AL: I missed the meeting last night and am looking for summer camp options for two 5 year olds. I inquired about the Y camp and they have one in Norfolk but they group all age groups together because it is a small group. Were other options discussed last night for younger kids where they would play with kids their own age? Thanks - MCS
1/24 10:31am DB: We did not talk too much about Horsecamps, but I do know friends who were really happy with Pine (Ridge?) in Wrentham, on Madison St. They also hold an April vacation camp for horse lovers. Also, the YMCA has a horse care camp. You can check out the YMCA programs in No. Attleboro/Mansfield/Franklin at hockymca.org. I also have a friend who takes lessons off Fruit St in Millis/Medfield. She has been very happy with that but I am not sure what they have scheduled for summer. - AL
1/24 10:11am I know that the Hockomock YMCA in N. Attleboro has a horse program. The whole YMCA program for camp is awesome, they have something for everybody! - DN
1/23 10:43pm For AP: I live on the Franklin side of town, and cannot use Verizon at my house, but I can use Sprint. I don't run into many deadspots at all, either. Very happy with it. My neighbor uses Cingular and it works fine at her house, she says, although I don't know how well it works around and about. Maybe you can get tryouts for both and run around looking at bar levels... :-) - LK
1/23 10:41pm AL - I'm sorry I missed the meeting about Summer Camps tonight at the library. It sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm wondering if anyone had any positive feedback on horse camps in the area. - DB
1/23 10:38pm We also used Chris Galasso of Walpole to have some work done on some trees. He was very reasonable and the guys he sent to do the work were great. Re: day camps for young kids - when mine were young (many years ago!) we were very happy with Franklin Country Day [franklincountrydaycamp.com]. I don't even know if it is still there (there is some fragment of memory in my head that whispers the land it was situated on had been sold?!?), but may be worth investigating.
- AC
1/23 7:40pm Found: a beautiful, healthy orange marmalade cat. It's been in our backyard (in Cape Cod Estates) for the past two days. We've been feeding it and have given it a bed, but are looking for its owners so that it can go back home. Please contact us via Norfolknet. - AC
1/23 4:03pm To NB - Norfolk does have a food pantry. It is at the Emmanuel Baptist Church on Rockwood. As you are looking at the church, there is a "house" to the left and a small bldg behind the house. That is where the food pantry is located. They are open from 10 until noon on Saturdays. - BS
1/23 4:02pm To NB: Yes, Norfolk has a food pantry. It is located behind the administration building of Emmanuel Baptist Church on Rockwood Road. Donations are gratefully accepted anytime the church office is open (usually 9-4 weekdays) or on Saturday mornings from 10-12, which is when the food pantry is open. - KF
1/23 4:01pm Regarding the Norfolk Food Pantry, please see the 10/23/05 8:38pm update to Norfolknet. - DLJ
1/23 2:10pm Does Norfolk have a food pantry? And if so, how do I donate to it? Thanks, - NB
1/23 1:07pm To KL: Stony Brook also offers some great day camp options for kids. Both my kids loved it. They also loved the Rec Dept's camps - my daughter got mad when she learned that she was too old for Fun in the Sun! - TS
1/23 12:55pm Public Service Notice: To Norfolk Residents, here is some info that may be useful if applicable: - John Olivieri, Veterans Graves Officer - NorfolkTOWN OF NORFOLK
Anthony J. Mastroianni
Veterans Service Officer
(508) 473-3407 Fax: (508) 541-3366
BONUS APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE1. Active service in Iraq-Afghanistan----$1,000.00
2. Six months or more active service, State side or outside the continental limits of the United States----$500.00
3. If still on Active Duty, Commanding Officer must complete form
4. Must have entered service from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
See your Veterans Agent for assistance
1/23 12:54pm To: BH We used Tree Tech, (508) 543-5644. They cut down 40+ trees in 3 days, removed everything, then did all the stump grinding. Very reasonably priced and quick service to boot. - BH
1/23 10:22am We are looking for a nanny two days a week to come to our house to mind our 4-month old son. We are looking for a caring individual with past experience with infants. If you know anyone or are interested please call 617-595-0534. - JW
1/22 3:03pm To: BH May I highly recommend Chris Galasso (Galasso Tree Co., 508-660-8838) of Walpole. We have known him for over 15 years he has cut down many trees for us--and he has very fair pricing. When you call the office you deal with a very professional and personable woman. They will only invoice you when the work is down. They do not ask for money up front. Good luck and I'm sure you will not be dissappointed. - DL
1/22 10:12am KL: Hope you get this in time. I am holding a Summer Camp Options meeting at the Norfolk library on Monday, 1/23 at 7:15. Main meeting room. This meeting is open to all in the community that need to make summer arrangements for their kids. Informal discussion on who has been where, how they liked it, hours, buses, etc. Should help give you some direction on what to check out! - AL
1/21 10:59pm Hi KL, My kids have been going to the Boston Sports Club camp in Franklin for the last 3 years and have loved it! They can't wait to go this summer. It's a program centered around sports and they also set up a slip-and-slide down a sloping hill for when the kids get hot, in addition to swimming in the indoor pool, which is closely monitored. Also, check out the Norfolk Recreation programs; they offer many fun camps such as Fun In the Sun, Mini-Hawks, etc. at HOD and FC. My eldest child went to the Y when he was 4 and felt very HOT all day which I think equated to a LOT of running in the sun and not enough shade/water time. He absolutely refused to go back after one day. That said, he was 4! Hope this helps! - LS
1/21 7:26pm Can any one recommend a camp for our 6 year old girl and maybe our 3 year old boy? If anyone has used the Y in Franklin how was your child's experience (and yours). Thanks, - KL
1/21 5:09pm To LMB - How exciting for you!!! I have to tell you, putting on an addition can be great fun so long as you go into it with the right mindset--that is, nothing is perfect, there's always a delay of some kind and the mess in your existing structure even from just dust is amazing. Truly, if you look at it as an adventure and choose the right contractor, you will be very happy. My husband and I put on an 1100 square foot addition about two years ago. We struggled with the whole dilemma of determining if an addition was smart or if we should move. However, we love our neighborhood and we wanted to create the house we wanted. We started with a basic box and ended up with a house we really love. The whole planning process was great fun as was seeing it all come together bit by bit.
We had an idea of what we wanted and hired an architect to help us flush through the details right down to the number of outside spigots and outlet boxes. Then we went out to look for a contractor with our architect. There were two ways to go--request for proposals from a number of contractors, or a negotiated bid (the architect generally knows the cost and approached a particular contractor). We went for the negotiated bid. We really liked the contractor. It also helps to find out about the subcontractors. I wish we had done more due diligence in this regard. The painter drove me crazy.
Once the contractor was chosen, we got into picking paints, appliances, lighting, flooring, doors, windows... It really pays to have done homework before you even start. My husband and I were reading This Old House and subscribing to other magazines for at least two years before the start of the project. We tore out pictures, read about appliances....
Once we got started the house was torn up for 6 months or so. Punch list items dragged on a bit.
We used Dick McCullough out of Medfield as our architect. He does a terrific job of blending the existing structure with the new so it doesn't look like an addition. Our contractor was A&Z (Ali Talicoub) out of Belmont. We have since discovered a local contractor from Norfolk, David Smith, who has done some terrific work for us.
I can't really answer the price per square foot question. Ours was very high since 2 baths and a kitchen were involved as well as radiant heat... For some reason $150 to $200 sticks in my head as a reasonable assumption for basic additions.
If you have any other questions, feel free to get my email address through the Webmaster.
Good Luck!
- BS
1/21 4:58pm LMB: I know I've said it before on Norfolknet but I'll say it again. David Smith right here in Norfolk does excellent work. He finished my project within the budget quote and after 6 months there have been no problems. I had sills rebuilt, walls reconstructed, new siding, doors, and a roof put on. He was great with his communication and found him easy to work with. Since then I have thought of other "projects" that I would like to do and he has stopped by on his own time to brainstorm with me on how those things could or could not be accomplished and the best way to go about doing them. - HNP
1/21 4:23pm Our Verizon contract is expiring soon and we were wondering if anyone has had success with another cell phone company and the notoriously spotty reception in our area. - AP
1/21 3:19pm Hi, I was wondering if anyone had some insight on possibly putting on an addition to our home. We are looking to educate ourselves on average cost per square foot for our area. Any recommendations for contractors and architects would also help. I am terrified at the prospect of getting into this but we love our house - just outgrew it! Any advice before starting this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks,
1/21 3:17pm Under Town Businesses at left, there are some Tree business listings. We have to get some really tall and quite old pine trees cut before they fall on our house. Has anyone had recent experience with Tree cutting companies in or near Norfolk? We need a dozen or more trees cut, ranging up to about 100 feet high. We expect to get some shorter variety trees planted to replace the old ones. - BH
1/20 6:53pm DT, we had a problem with our phone this week. The phone would ring twice and then stop, and we had lots of crackling on the line too, and intermittently had no dial tone. I called our local phone service provider from my cell phone and they were able to determine that our phone line was crossed with someone else's. It took them 3 days to get out to fix it, but they did, and it's fine now. Hope you get your problem straightened out. - MP
1/20 4:46pm HPK: You were absolutely correct on Singe. She's "test driving" her new owners this weekend and hopefully all will work out for her! - HNP
1/20 4:45pm DT, had the same problem with our phone about 3 months ago. Take a phone outside to the "jack" on the side of your house (inside the little transfer box). Have someone call the house. If the problem persists it is most likely the wires either going to your house or in the main wires. If the problem stops you most likely have a problem with the wiring inside your house. Ours was a problem outside the house. Good luck. BTW, found information on how to check the outside of the house from the phone company web site. - PFD
1/20 2:35pm We are looking for a responsible, caring adult to adopt our African Grey parrot. She's a great bird. Things have changed for us since we got her five years ago and we're feeling guilty about the lack of time we are able to devote to her. We want her to find a great family that has the time to devote to her, before she develops bad habits. So we won't give her to just anyone. But if you're interested in learning more, please feel free to email danfell@gmail.com. She's a friendly, healthy bird with many, many years of love to give. She'll take her cage with her, and, if you're interested, her little friend Stewie, a lovebird we inherited recently. She seems to have become a bit attached to Stewie.
- DF
1/20 10:17am Now that the busy holiday season is behind us, it is time to get back to running/walking.... NARC (Norfolk Area Runners Club) will be meeting at Norfolk's Dunkin Donuts on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am for a 5K or 1 mile "fun run." You don't need to be a NARC member.... Young or old.... all abilities welcome!
- CK
1/20 10:16am To JH - Dr. Patrick McSweeney (508)533-7161 at Family Medical Associates in Medway is fantastic. Smart, easy to get along with and focused, particulary on preventative medical care. He came as a recommendation to me and I couldn't have been happier with the referral. - DM
1/20 10:15am NLYS now registering players between the ages of 13 and 16 to play in our newly formed U17 Division for the Spring 06 season. NLYS (Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer) accepts players from Norfolk and all surrounding towns to play in this co-ed instructional soccer league. All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons. For more information about the league, visit our website at norfolklionssoccer.com or call Helen K. at 508-520-0163.
Early registration discount ends February 1st. Registration deadline is March 1, 2006. Registration forms can be found on the website or in the lobby of the Norfolk Public Library.
- HK
1/20 10:12am Has anyone experienced problems with their telephone service lately? Outgoing calls & internet dial-up are fine, however, our incoming calls only ring once before the line gets disconnected. We up-plugged all existing phones and installed a know good phone with no positive results. We called to the telephone company, 5 day wait for a service tech. Thanks, - DT
1/20 10:08am Glad to hear that "Singe" turned out ok. She's a beauty! Sounds like she'll be adopted quickly. - HPK
1/19 10:10pm Can anyone tell me if there is another option besides NSTAR for power in town? If so, how are the rates compared to NSTAR. Thanks - LK
1/19 10:04pm RE: Dog Walking/Sitting & Feeding: Cecelia Cole (508) 612-5449. She has been doing this for many years & comes highly recommended. - SD
1/19 6:19pm I'm happy to announce that the kitten that was in a flier in December has fully recovered from her injuries and is now available for adoption. "Singe" is an all white (non albino) short-haired female kitten who is very affectionate and rambunctious. She is litter trained, gets along with other cats and domestic birds and has been in a family environment with children for the past month. She has been Feline Combo tested negative and has been vaccinated for rabies. She will do well in a family with children over 5 yrs old and multi-pet households. If you are interested in adopting this cute girl, please contact the Animal Control Department at the Police Station between the hours of 8 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday (508 528 3232). Sincerely, - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Animal Control Officer
1/19 2:45pm EJM: That was quite an experience and it's good you are sharing this information. I think you should also make a copy of your post and forward it to the Division of Consumer Protection (State Attorney General's Office). Even if everything else that occurred that night is ignored, the mere fact that they have inadequate insurance could get them into some serious hot water. - TEM
1/19 1:13pm Hello - may I chime in about a wretched experience with LZ Limousines out of Norwood. Because my husband and I had to be away for our daughter's formal dance last spring, we treated her and her friends to a limo for the evening. I spoke with this company several times before I left, with specific pick-up times, departure times, addresses, and the order of dropping off kids. I was asked for my credit card number, and was instructed very specifically what gratuity, in cash, was necessary for the driver. I was also instructed that I had to give my daughter a check to deliver to the driver that night for the service - they refused to simply charge it to my card, even when I explained that I really did not want my daughter to have to deal with this business on a night when she would be nervous and anxious anyway. They insisted; I agreed.
First, they were 30 minutes late picking up the boys (one location) and, of course, correspondingly late picking up the girls (at one location). Then, they got lost going from Norfolk to Dedham! (One of the passengers realized this and had to inform and direct the driver.) The kids were all anxious about not be admitted to the function as they were so late!
After the function, they went to one of the kid's homes, and here, the driver "shook down" some of the kids for more money, as he realized our contracted time would be exceeded. Of course, none of the kids, even pooling their resources, had enough money! At this point, the parents at the home intervened. The parent paid what the driver asked and again instructed the driver, as they were leaving, to take the girls home first. (The driver never even asked my daughter for the check and gratuity, which she had in her tiny purse!!! And, they had my credit card info!)
The driver took the boys home first!
When the driver delivered the girls to their location, much, much later than expected, he ALSO shook down these parents for additional money! (He still had not collected the check and cash my daughter had in her purse!)
I learned about this the next day, while some 1000 miles away and was, of course, irate! I later learned from one of the parents of the kids that he was faced with a terrible dilemma that night - he had to choose between allowing his daughter to get into a limousine which he knew, because of his profession, was uninsured, or break his daughter's heart (and perhaps violate a business ethic) and leave everyone stranded! Can you imagine!
It would be impolite to share the conversation I had with the company upon my return. I thought everything was excusable except taking the boys home first, particularly when I was adamant about this in my instructions, and the shake down for more money! They had my credit card!!!! While I, of course, sent checks to the parents who had been "shaken" down, (who I do not know well), they graciously have not cashed my checks.
The kids had a lot to talk about that night! For a parent, this was a wretched experience, as I said. I cannot recommend them.
1/19 11:58am Can anyone recommend a new GP MD (Dr. Sullivan replacement)? Thanks - JH
1/19 9:03am I have an account at Walpole Coop, and they let you hand them a bag of coins with your account slip and they will deposit the amount for free as long as it is $25 or less. Maybe other banks do the same? - LK
1/19 8:42am Every year at the Emerald Square (Simons) Mall there is a temporary Calendar store that sells all types of calendars for discount prices. Does anyone know if the store is there now? Thanks! - NW
1/18 10:56pm Norwood Cooperative Bank used to have a machine that took loose coins. I don't know if you had to have an account or not. There are also special coin banks that make it very easy to put coins into rollers. Maybe someone has one you could use. - SC
1/18 10:26am To LB - You should call the Senior Citizen Center and ask if anyone would be interested in "rolling" it... it would be good therapy for the mind and hands... Just a thought. - ER
1/18 10:15am The Norfolk Community League invites you to attend the 2006 Spring Charity Gala featuring Silent & live auctions on Saturday, April 1st from 6:30 to midnight. This event will take place at Lake Pearl Luciano's in Wrentham, MA. Tickets are $60 per person/NCL member. $50 per person/senior citizens and $65 per person/non-member. All tickets purchased after March 10th will be $65 per person. We will be featuring exciting new venues, an open seating arrangement and dinner & dancing. The suggested attire is business or cocktail..your choice. A cash bar will be available. Please contact: Betsy D. 508-541-8522 or Lisa S. 508-520-4772. Checks are payable to NCL Charitable Fund, PO Box 134, Norfolk, MA 02056.
Look for your email confirmation, tickets will not be issued. Auction brochures will be delivered to you prior to the event, s o please be sure to include your home address.
[Please read on for additional information]
- LR, Norfolk Community League
1/18 9:23am In regards to the coins -- from my experience, they have to be rolled to not get charged. We have an account at the Needham Cooperative in Medfield and they happily exchange rolled coins. Wellesley Cooperative Bank used to have a coin counter for loose change, but I don't know the status of that machine -- it was not always working and it may have been decommissioned. You might want to call the banks (if you have not already) and ask. - MH
1/17 11:29pm LB - I have researched this for a non-profit organization and could not find a free alternative to the Coinstar that takes a fee. If anyone else has a suggestion, please let me know too. - MJD
1/17 9:17pm Does anyone know where you can change unrolled coin into currency without getting charged for it? - LB
1/17 2:41pm To KM - I would highly recommend Critter Visits out of Medway. We use them for our 18 month old pup and they are reliable, friendly, and trustworthy! Check out their website at crittervisits.com. Early congratulations on your new puppy! - SM
1/17 2:02pm To DM - I have used Bristol Coach several times with no problems. Mostly airport shuttles to Providence & Boston. - DT
1/17 1:26pm Hi, We are expecting a new puppy in June. Can anyone recommend a dog sitter to feed/walk him on occasional week ends. Thanks. - KM
1/17 12:27pm To DM - We have been using Shackley's limo service out of Medfield for years. They use old model Lincoln's with huge trunks... my kids get a kick out of seeing how many miles are on the cars (200k+). They have always been on time and we have never had a problem with them. Most of the drivers are retired gentlemen who usually have an interesting story to share. Their number is 508-359-6155. Good luck! - TW
1/16 9:16pm On Wednesday January 25th, 7pm King Philip Music Department presents a Chamber Recital in the auditorium of the King Philip Middle School, Norfolk. The Recital will feature a variety of performances by high school students. The public is invited; admission is free. On Thursday January 26th, 7pm Norfolk Elementary school presents their Beginning band Concert; Freeman Centennial School, Norfolk.
- MW, King Philip Music Association
[Update 11:26pm: the correct date of the chamber recital is the 25th, Wed. - MW]
1/16 9:52am Dear DM, I would recommend you staying away from LZ Limo out of Norwood MA. I hired them for my daughter's wedding. Limo came on time, no complaints about that. What I didn't expect was empty beer bottles and used wine glasses in the back of the car. It was dirty and there was residual wine and cigarette stubs - or whatever it was - left over in the drinking glass. Very appealing on our drive to the ceremony.
They were supposed to have champagne in the back for us as well, and that was not there either.
No satisfaction when I complained and got the run around in trying to get any answers. They got my money and that was pretty much it. See ya later sucker!
Lesson learned; maybe they won't screw up a drive to the airport but then again maybe they will.
1/15 3:56pm Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer now accepting registrations for the Spring 06 season for children at least 3 years old and no older than 16 years old as of August 31, 2005. All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons. Registration forms are available in the lobby of the Norfolk Public Library or on the website at norfolklionssoccer.com. Early registration ends February 1, 2006. No registrations will be accepted after the March 1st deadline.
For more information about Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer call Helen K. at 508-520-0163.
- HK 1/15 12:00pm How about this clock in Norfolk, England! [BBC pic] - JO
[Very nice... though I miss seeing buildings and architecture like that, too :-) - Wm.]
1/14 9:55pm Thank you PRR for your kind remarks and understanding of the need to demolish the old house @ 148 North. Having been one of many family members residing in the wonderful old house, it was difficult to watch it go down. However, having always lived in older homes of various ages, I also understand why the decision was made to demolish it. It was my folks who sold to a family as my parents were elderly (in their 80's & 90's) and becoming frail enough that they could no linger keep it up. Nor could my husband and I keep it going as we had their care and worked full time after raising a family. For 10 years the family who owned it poured money and renovations into it... that was followed by the wonderful young couple who also poured money into it (standard for owners of old property). They were considerate enough to construct a farm house extremely similar to the elder and it has settled onto the lot just as though it was always there and belongs rightfully there! The house was never listed historically to my knowledge. The original home was a Cape with the attached carriage shed. The upper two floors were added at some unknown time in order to take in boarders. I don't believe anyone who has lived in the old house would ever speak out against it. It was loved by many... having offered rest and relaxation and refreshment to their bodies and souls through many a year. Hopefully those of you (not PRR) who were critical of the demolition might now better understand the reasoning and many a shed tear by those of us who have been sheltered by its walls. - CZ 1/14 7:40pm Dear Mr. Dudley - I'm a big, exuberant boxer so I don't think we'd make the best playmates, but might I suggest the Medway Dog Park? It's always full of dogs of all sizes. There's even a seperate fenced-in area for little guys, in case the play in the big yard gets too rough. Why, I was just there earlier today and even though the weather was kind of nasty, there was someone there for me to play with. Tell your people the park is at the corner of Village St and Cottage St in Medway. I live on Main Street and it takes my people about 10 minutes to get me there. ps - here's a picture of what I look like after I come back from the dog park. - JP
1/14 7:37pm RE: Carpenter William's Custom Carpentry in Walpole is reliable and does good quality work. His phone number is 508-668-5514. - DMM
1/14 3:55pm Just want to say Good Luck to the Patriots tonight. I'm sure it will be a good competitive game. - DS
1/14 2:41pm Re: MassLand Action Alert - Call Your State Rep. Tuesday, Jan. 17. With the Weeber Issue in mind perhaps those who might have ample land might wish to look at some late breaking info. [announcement here] - JO
[State plan to offer tax credits for public land donation - Wm.]
1/14 2:38pm RE: Carpenter, S. Dalton Painting & Handyman Services. No Job Is Too Small. Chickspainting@aol.com - SD
1/13 4:07pm Thanks for the carpenter recommendations - appreciate it - MCS
1/13 2:31pm I could swear I saw this some time in the past but a search of the archives proved me wrong. Can anyone recommend a car/limo service for airport transportation? I've yet to find a good, competent, professional service after many attempts. Thanks! - DM
[See 3/31 12:12pm and following in 2005 Q1 - Wm.]
1/13 11:54am Can anyone recommend infant daycare beginning in May for a four month old? Thanks. - JSH 1/13 8:32am Hi! My name is Mr. Dudley. My family and I live on North Street in Norfolk. I am looking for some play mates. We used to live near the Arboretum in Boston and I really miss my city buddies. It is so important for us canine-ites to socialize regularly or we go stir crazy!! If you know of any humane-ites who have a small, friendly dog and would be willing to set up some play dates for me with my masters, PRR and EL, I would be so happy. I weigh in at about 17 pounds, have a lot of energy and am very sociable. Thank you. Sincerely, - Mr. D (PRR)
1/13 8:30am Suggested carpenters Charlie Hewitt of Norfolk 508-528-5675 and Bernie McCahill of Franklin 508-528-4521. - DLJ
1/12 7:34pm Re FAFSA ap... 529 assets are parent assets (account owner)... UTMA assets are beneficiaries (your daughter)... not sure on question #3... Good luck. - JHV
1/12 7:33pm Can anyone recommend a good carpenter? We have a one-day job in our family room that we would like done asap. Any recommendations would be much appreciated. - MCS
1/12 10:40am I have a few questions as I try to fill out my daughter's FAFSA college financial aid application. Can anyone answer the following questions: 1) Do I list her 529 U Fund account under parent or student investments? (I am listed as participant, my daughter as beneficiary).
2) Do I list her UTMA account under parent or student investments? (I am listed as custodian for my daughter).
3) Do I have to also report my other childrens' 529/UTMA accounts under parent investments. Any input greatly appreciated!
- RH
1/12 9:30am JB makes a good point about our property values. Personally, I'm far more irked by federal and state taxes than I am by local real estate taxes. We know exactly where all the money goes locally. And it affects us directly with services, and our property value increases. However, we've all seen how much money gets wasted on Beacon and Capitol Hills on maintaining huge bureaucracies, pork barrel bills, and $500 toilet seats. Perhaps people are more vocal about local taxes because it's far more likely that someone else is actually listening and cares! - JD
1/12 8:11am PRR, Thank you for the appliance repair idea. Will look into it (& discuss w/ the hubby) and promise to mention you (will contact your email address) if we sign up. It is an interesting set up and I'm curious how they make money too. Altho' maybe service providers pay something to stay on their list of repair providers? - TN
1/12 12:55am The comments on the old house reminded me of a poem by Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918) who wrote "Trees" among others. Whenever I walk to Suffern along the Erie track- JO
I go by a poor old farmhouse with its shingles broken and black.
I suppose I've passed it a hundred times, but I always stop for a minute
And look at the house, the tragic house, the house with nobody in it.
I never have seen a haunted house, but I hear there are such things;
That they hold the talk of spirits, their mirth and sorrowings.
I know this house isn't haunted, and I wish it were, I do;
For it wouldn't be so lonely if it had a ghost or two.
This house on the road to Suffern needs a dozen panes of glass,
And somebody ought to weed the walk and take a scythe to the grass.
It needs new paint and shingles, and the vines should be trimmed and tied;
But what it needs the most of all is some people living inside.
If I had a lot of money and all my debts were paid
I'd put a gang of men to work with brush and saw and spade.
I'd buy that place and fix it up the way it used to be
And I'd find some people who wanted a home and give it to them free.
Now, a new house standing empty, with staring window and door,
Looks idle, perhaps, and foolish, like a hat on its block in the store.
But there's nothing mournful about it; it cannot be sad and lone
For the lack of something within it that it has never known.
But a house that has done what a house should do,
a house that has sheltered life,
That has put its loving wooden arms around a man and his wife,
A house that has echoed a baby's laugh and held up his stumbling feet,
Is the saddest sight, when it's left alone, that ever your eyes could meet.
So whenever I go to Suffern along the Erie track
I never go by the empty house without stopping and looking back,
Yet it hurts me to look at the crumbling roof and the shutters fallen apart,
For I can't help thinking the poor old house is a house with a broken heart.
1/11 11:20pm The Norfolk Cultural Council will have its next public meeting on Wednesday, January 18th at 7pm at the Norfolk Public Library. We welcome members of the public to our meeting to bring ideas and suggestions or just to come and listen. Any questions, please email us at norfolkculturalcouncil@comcast.net - EH
1/11 11:14pm Re: ....So, if anyone has a reliable appliance repair person, please give a shout out. - TN HI THERE. I actually do have a suggestion. But remember, if you decide to use this resource... give them our name... we would get a service credit towards our next repair call if we refer someone to them! Please let me know what you think... I am at: rubytunes@aol.com
For years, we have participated in a company that "insures" household systems and appliances. If something is unfixable or if parts are too expensive, they will replace the item with an equal quality item, no questions asked! I think they are much bigger in other states, they are just building their coverage here in Massachusetts.
In our old house, in Boston... we ended up having all our kitchen appliances replaced as well as our clothes dryer and portions of our heating system and a water heater... even our stove had to be replaced... it was old and not fixable!! We paid American Home Shield a little extra money and ended up with a wonderful GE Profile Series Dual Source Convection Oven... Oh.... I miss it. Best oven/stove I have ever had!! Very reliable. Awesome for baking and roasting!@! ("Twinkie Bread Pudding" anyone? :-)
Here in our new (older) home in Norfolk, we have had at least 4 service calls for various reasons, and everything was paid for! Yes, we did have to pay $45 per service call, but the repairs were in the hundreds, each... so... think about it! The repairs and replacement costs covered by the insurance company's policy were much much more than the yearly premium we paid!!!
The company is called "American Home Shield." AHS Warranty - American Home Shield [web page]
If you get a new policy, not through a real estate office, then all your kitchen appliances are covered... and your washing machine, dryer, heating, plumbing and electrical systems, your air conditioning and household fans and garage door, etc... we even paid for extra coverage for our swimming pool equipment! If you use well water as your main drinking water source, you can get your pump covered I believe. It is amazing really!
Initially you pay them a few hundred dollars per year... Then you have to pay $45-50 for each service call, and if an item needs to be replaced, you still only pay for the service call, $45-50!! You have to stay on top of things if you call them... like any large company, they have some folks that don't know what the heck they are doing... but if you can handle it... you end up saving much money!! Just be sure to always write down the name of the person you spoke to and theire contact info.
They get the service people for you and they pay them. All the work is guaranteed. I don't purchase extended warranties anymore... If there is no-one in your (our) area, or they don't have a provider signed up in your area, then you can find a reputable service provider of your choice whom you would want to do the job, get it okayed by American Home Shield (the repair company has to get their own okay, as far as submitting an estimate prior to doing the work but AHS is very good about it), and then your guys do the work, you pay and you get paid back... we just got a check for $575 or so for work on our heating system... and it cost us in the end, $45! So... check it out.
I am not big on insurance companies, but this one has more than paid for itself, over and over... every year... I don't know how they stay in business, I guess, maybe with a lot of new home construction they don't have as many calls. If you do get in touch with them and use their services, please let me know, and give them our name so that we can get a service call credit... Every bit helps. Thanks.
1/11 11:13pm BS - I hear you on the phone battery - had to get a new cell phone because they stopped making batteries for my old one about a year after I bought it! - CI
1/11 11:00pm Town announcement: ... inhabitants of Norfolk, qualified to vote in Town affairs residing in Precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4 to meet on Tuesday, January 31, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. at the King Philip Middle School, 18 King Street, Norfolk, Massachusetts 02056, for a Special Town Meeting, then and there to act on the following articles, viz:- RHARTICLE 1 Submitted by the Community Preservation Committee ... acquire by purchase pursuant to a right of first refusal ... portion of the Weeber Property, so-called, consisting of the 11.23-acre parcel off Churchill Road shown on Assessors Map 16, Block 34, as lot 228, and a second parcel containing 17.5 acres off Chicatabut Road being the northerly portion of the parcel shown on Assessors Map 16, Block 34, as Lot 141, such land to be acquired for such purposes, and held in the care, custody and control of such board or department, as the Town may specify for purposes consistent with the Community Preservation Act and in connection therewith, to appropriate the sum of $446,000 from the Community Preservation Fund ...
1/11 11:00pm Hmmm... recipes... that was good HPK... Thank you dearie... Now, I have a question. Seeking musical accompanist/creative collaborator(s) I am a songwriter/singer/performer with a professionally recorded CD and a long "track record" and... (...besides being a eulogizer and photographer of old torn down homes. Oh, and I coach singing & speaking as well.) *** Now where was I...? Oh yes... I am looking for someone(s) to accompany me on either piano or guitar (guitar is probably preferable, but I am open) while I sing and perform. (PLEASE NOTE: They must be able to play, perform and improvise comfortably in various styles and if possible, co-write/compose as well. ...also, not adverse to rehearsing!! Practice makes perfect, as does performing!) After having taken a hiatus and relocating here from Boston, it is time for me to get back to my bliss... I would like to find some musicians and venues to perform at in this area and the surrounding towns.
De-stressing my life!!! No reason to drive to Boston all the time... Ella Fitzgerald once said, Honey, ya don't ask, ya don't get!" So... If you have any suggestions or are interested, please let me know. Thank you!
1/11 2:11pm TN--Doesn't it just drive you crazy that everything is throw away? You've really hit a nerve with me. In economic terms, it's called planned obsolescence; so we'll buy more. It really bothers me that the cost of a replacement battery for a phone is more than the price of a phone or the cost for repair, of most anything, is more than the price of the goods. Or how about some of the clothing stores that buy their goods from vendors so cheaply (due to cheap child labor), they throw away the hangers. Or the furniture store whose belief is that if you sell it cheaply enough, people will buy and throw it away when they are sick of it. Let's not forget many of those purchases are made on credit too (no bargain there). Bottom line is that it's a good thing to know the companies you buy from and support the good corporate and global citizens. - BS
1/11 12:07pm We bought our house in Norfolk eight years ago. We almost bought one in Millis, and another in Medway. Buying the one in Norfolk was one of the best decisions we ever made. Do you realize how many teachers & librarians were laid off in Medway this past year? My sister was one of them. Do you know how far behind the other local schools Millis test scores historically are? I attend most town meeting and all elections. I have voted for every tax increase and have no complaints about paying higher taxes. My wife grew up in Pittsfield, MA. Her dad's taxes remained level, and when he sold his house it was for the same price it was assessed for 20 years ago. The taxes we pay to live in Norfolk are one of the best investments we have ever made. Maybe, when my kids are out of school I will be the one complaining, but I could take out a reverse mortgage on the 100% increase in my home's value, and still be in far better shape than those in towns similar to Pittsfield. P.S. Average age, average home value, 2 kids, below average looks, above average looking wife.
- JB
1/11 11:15am Happy to give the pat on the back to Doug and Medfield Tire. I am sure in running your own business, you cannot make everyone happy. But Doug seems to, and the extra mile is appreciated! - AL
1/11 11:13am Thanks all (particularly Doug's wife, LB :)) for the kudos for Medfield Tire. Will definitely add it to the list of local businesses we use... Am sorry to say we'll be taking M&M Appliance (No. Attleboro) off our list as the owner, Mike, is pulling up stakes and moving to North Carolina w/ his family. Seems appliance repair business is taking it on the nose these days - newer appliances are made for the short term, most folks just throw out & replace - and Mike can't continue to make a go of it. (He's also got some back troubles which suffer in our cold winters too -) So, if anyone has a reliable appliance repair person, please give a shout out. We've got some older, well made kitchen appliances that still have life in them and need service from time to time. As our kids get closer to college, we can't think about throwing out & replacing our fridge, oven or dishwasher... plus I'd like to get every mile out of them we can. Many thanks,
- TN
1/11 10:26am Back to Medfield Tire, Doug is my husband. He's an honest hard working guy. He relies on word of mouth to grow his business. His business is his passion and it's definitely not easy. So, Thank You, for the support and your input. It feels great to get a pat on the back every now and again. - LB
1/11 8:33am Uh-oh! Tempers are flaring. I think it's time to start posting recipes and songbird sightings again. I'll start: Twinkie Bread Pudding Recipe (from Recipezaar.com)Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
This is in honor of Twinkies' 75th anniversary.
24 Hostess Twinkies, cut in thirds
14 ounces condensed milk
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 pinch salt
18 servings
Spray a 13 x 9 pan with cooking spray.
Place cut twinkies in large bowl.
In a small bowl blend condensed milk, beaten eggs, cinnamon and salt.
Mix well. Pour over twinkies. Stir gently. Let sit 5 minutes.
Spoon twinkie mixture into prepared pan.
Bake 35 minutes or until golden brown.
1/11 8:29am In response to JT's reaction to my thoughts about the old house on 1/10/06... Of course, I understand why the home was taken down... it was time... and the owners built a lovely home right behind it, just farther back from the road. Seeing how fast AND how dangerously those big SUV's and other vehicles drive around that horrendous curve by Diamond Street and North Street, I can certainly understand WHY they want to be farther back away from the road... it is terrible!! I almost got run off the road this morning trying to walk down the street with my dog. Guess I have to start calling the Norfolk Police to see if we can do something about that.... I do not fault them in the least... They built a new home that is very similar to the one that was just taken down; it is really similar... and really nice!!! All I was doing was paying tribute to an old house that had stood for many more years than any of us have been around. I do wonder if all the new construction going up will last as long? That's all. And by the way, I'd take old milled 10 x 10 (and the like) beams anytime over 2 X 6's that aren't even really 2 X 6's, 4 x 4's... or whatever they use now in new construction. Don't jump on someone for honoring the past. Thank you.
1/11 8:26am The North Street house was covered under the town's Historic Demolition Delay law and is listed on [$1 historical homes page] - DLJ
1/10 8:29pm Yep, TP and PRR have hit it right on the head. A 200 year old house with no insulation, single pane glass, and no historical significance other than being old is definitely worth saving. I'm sure it's better built as well, especially if it grew in the haphazard manner that most 200 year old homes did . You know the way - where you occasionally run across exterior siding in an interior wall and not a single corner is square. At least the lumber is truly dimensional, or as close as the sawmill felt like getting on that day. Everybody in Norfolk should volunteer another tax increase to save truly "special" buildings like these. While we're on a roll, let's tear down the power lines marching through town and go back to using whale oil lamps. Those were way better than this new fangled electricity. I suppose the train tracks could stay, but it better be a coal burning steam engine taking you into South Station if you want to preserve the historical character.
History is important beyond measure *as a learning tool*, but there is a limit. There are plenty of examples of 1700s and 1800s architecture already preserved by the state. Holding on to this one seems an odd sentiment for a town which was just recently complaining (long and loud) about their taxes.
BTW, for DG.... We needed a clock in the center of town so that we could completely seperate the timekeeping functions of church and state. If we're not going to plow their lots, how do we know what time it *really* is?
- JT
1/10 7:09pm When we had trouble getting our car to Medfield Tire, they came to us and took the car for the day and returned it to us in Norfolk that night! They are great to do business with! - AL
1/10 2:59pm Just another quick note re: Medfield Tire - they are excellent and very customer service oriented. I too would highly recommend them. - BS
1/10 1:26pm I hear what you are saying PRR. There seems to be a general lack of appreciation for historical structures in Norfolk. This particular home had stood for centuries and I would challenge was better constructed than what is put up today. The owners, residents, and town boards need to be more supportive of preserving these historical structures to ensure they are here for generations to come and to maintain our rural character. - TP
1/10 12:41pm The tire shop is Medfield Tire and Battery, 15 Park St., 508-359-6093. - AR 1/10 12:37pm Last day on North Street... Today's the Day... - PRR
1/10 10:21am AR - Nice story, so what's the name of the shop you went to for your tire repair? Am always interested in good referrals for local businesses. Thanks, - TN
1/10 9:26am Came across a surprising article that states that there is no clinical evidence that cough syrups help coughs, and that it's better to stick with older tried-and-true antihistamines with decongestants. Over-the-counter cough medicines do little good and may harm children, U.S. experts said in new guidelines released on Monday.- Wm.Adults are better off using older nonprescription antihistamines and decongestants to stop the flow of mucus that causes the cough, the American College of Chest Physicians said in its guidelines.
"Cough is very common in children. However, cough and cold medicines are not useful in children and can actually be harmful," he said. "In most cases, a cough that is unrelated to chronic lung conditions, environmental influences, or other specific factors, will resolve on its own."
The guidelines follow several studies that have suggested that nonprescription cough remedies do little more than offer comfort to desperate patients.
1/10 8:03am To JLH: looking for a chimney sweep - Call Tim LaCivita the owner of All Pro Chimney Swees. They are in North Attleboro and do service this area. I've found his prices to be very reasonable and very pleasant to deal with. 508 399 6297. - HNP
Doomed House on North Street 1/10 2:11am I couldn't sleep tonight... thinking of the old house up the street from my house, all alone on its last night on this Earth... soon it will be carted off, load by load, stick by stick... and the heart of the house, the old post and beam that was the center, will just be a memory, just a pile of rubble somewhere... It deserves to be remembered. It deserves an obituary of sorts. It protected a family of fathers, their fathers and sons, wives and daughters and their daughters, for decade after decade... And now it is gone.
1/9 10:51pm Electric Time Company, Inc. of Medfield, Massachusetts is pleased to announce our participation in a "Made in New England" segment on Chronicle. The show will air on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 on WCVB channel 5 in Boston.- JMThe filming for the segment was done in the Medfield factory and covered a broad spectrum of the manufacturing process. Thomas Erb, President of Electric Time Company, Inc., was interviewed for the show.
Look for Electric Time to be appearing on the Discovery Channel show How It's Made later on this winter. The show will be airing a segment on the making of a Post Clock, from start to finish.
For more information please contact Brandie Morris at 508-359-4396 x20 or blm@electrictime.com
1/9 10:50pm Hi, Can anyone refer a good chimney person to clean out our fireplace / chimney and disconnect a wood stove in the basement (connected to the chimney flue)? We are concerned about these connections being hooked up incorrectly and the safety of using the fire place. Thanks - - JLH
1/9 10:49pm That's what I thought. I'll go quietly, I see the men in the white suits coming now. - JW 1/9 5:13pm Is it just my computer or are others seeing people sitting at a table in the web cam picture taken from the moon scape. Maybe it's the Twilight Zone come to Norfolk. - JW
[Nah, it's just you :-) Wm.]
1/9 4:44pm Norfolk Public Library Presents Ten Hours Until Dawn - A True Story of Heroism and Tragedy aboard the Can Do during the Blizzard of 1978 - a Narrated Slide Presentation by Michael Tougias on Thursday, Jan. 12th at 7:30 PM NPL Meeting Room. During the height of the Blizzard of 1978 the pilot boat, "Can Do", with five men on board, set out from Gloucester to assist a lost Coast Guard boat and an oil tanker that was in a Mayday situation. "Ten Hours Until Dawn" is a narrated slide presentation that tells the story of what happened that awful night when the seas were producing monstrous waves of 40 feet and the wind was screaming at 100 miles per hour.
Michael Tougias is the author of 15 books, including his latest book, Ten Hours Until Dawn. Using slides of the boats, the men involved, and photos of the storm, Tougias will take the viewer through this incredible night where many lives hung in the balance. With the aid of maps Tougias lets the audience see the progression and location of these boats off the Massachusetts coast, and explains what happened and why.
[C o n t i n u e d . . . ]
- Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
1/9 4:10pm You lose some, you win some. My truck is just back from the tire shop, its flat rear tire nicely patched. When I called around I discovered that some tire places don't bother patching tires; if a plug won't fix the hole, they just sell you a new tire. As one guy in Franklin said, ``you're welcome to call around and find a place that will patch it, but call us when you decide to get new tires.'' So I called the place my mechanic recommended, a bit farther away in Medfield. A pleasant voice informed me that sure thing, they patch tires, and since they're a bit busy, if I could bring the truck around at 1pm, they'll work on it then. I found the place off 109 along the railroad tracks (on Park St.) Sure enough, they worked on it as soon I dropped it off, and they finished while I grabbed lunch down the street.
They cleaned out the fix-it the previous owner sprayed into the tire, put anti-seize on the bolt with the stuck lugnut, patched the tire from the inside, matched the air pressure in the tires, and wished me a good day. Turns out Doug, the owner, lives in Norfolk too. Simple, friendly, old-fashioned service. Oh, and the cherry on top -- the price was old-fashioned, too.
Thanks, Doug! You made my day.
- AR 1/9 2:49pm Can someone adjust the new Stop and Shop cam please? I can't seem to see the building. I have been looking for about 10 years now, I just can't seem to focus on it. - JG
1/9 11:59am Two fellas came by this morning and trimmed the trees lining the road. Trimmed them waaay back, too, letting snow plows, UPS vans, dump trucks fit under without brushing up against any unseemly vegetation. I made the mistake of questioning the reason why they were cutting so much, even yelling ``hey'' to make the guy stop cutting before I got a full answer. My mistake. In hindsight, this was not a good source of answers. No possibility of looking for means less drastic than cutting all main branches extending over the pavement flush with the main trunk. Doubly my mistake, really -- judging by the neighbor's tree, I ended up with trees pruned much farther back than I might have.
Obnoxious? Sure, but as I was informed, they're town trees on town land. Subject to the contractor's whim -- umm, I mean professional judgement. Teaches an important life lesson, too: don't mess with with men with sharp cutting tools in their hands.
The trees won't mind being lopsided. The fun run participants are used to there being not much shade on our street. The birds will rebuild their little nest somewhere else.
I've watched those little trees slowly grow over the past ten years. So much hope and anticipation so trivially wasted in such a few short minutes. I won't again pass by with quite the same feeling of pleasure, affection and pride -- what used to be part of my home, in my care, turns out to be not mine at all.
Thanks, fellas. I'll keep reminding myself: just roadside plants the developer was obligated to plant.
- AR 1/9 10:51am The Animal control Department has up for adoption a 6-7 month old orange and white male kitten. He is super friendly, litter trained, and would do well in a home with other cats and dogs and children over 5 years old. Anyone interested in adopting this kitten please contact the Norfolk Animal Control Officer at (508) 528 3232 Monday through Friday between 8 am and 4 pm. Sincerely, - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control
1/9 10:12am So that means that using the municpal electrical lighting rates of about 14 cents per kilowatt hour, the new clock costs at least $141.00 to run annually. If anyone is looking for supporting information, here it is:
Watts = 115 Volts X 1 Amp - 115 Watts- AB
Kilowatt hours = (115 watts x 8760 hours in a year) / 1000 = 1007.4 kWh
Rate = 1007.4 kWh x 0.14 cents
[Using a canonical 365-day year. It will cost another 39 cents each February 29th. - Wm.]
1/8 10:21pm Some data of interest (pehaps!) about the new town clock: Manufacturer -- Electric Time Co., Medfield, Ma.Clock in Norwood Square also made by same company - fewer faces.
Input power - @115 Volts A/C - 1 amp
Auto reset when power fails.
Auto set for Daylight Saving Time
Precision time base
Option GPS interface
10 year battery backup
Indoor or outdoor use
Provides minute impulse
Time base drift - plus/minus 4 minutes per year
Will accommodate 2 clocks- JO
1/7 2:04pm Mr. & Mrs. Swan have arrived back at Bush Pond - minus their one (out of 8) surviving baby. It amazes me how they leave for a few weeks then return without the "children." I have to think about nature instead of our higher bills. Just wanted to change the subject for a few minutes. - BR
1/6 9:12pm For information on the Assessors, including assessed values of other houses in town, see: [Town Assessors' Page] - BH
1/6 6:07pm For the person that wanted to get in touch with the Norfolk Cultural Council, I am the co-chair, Erin Hughes, and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to email me at erinhughes51@comcast.net - EH
1/6 6:07pm For the person who was looking for "horse" space for 3 mares, the Bretts on Lawrence Street have some acreage, a barn and paddock. Their horse died a year or so ago, maybe they'd work something out with you. - EH
1/6 5:02pm JG - I think the library cam is now the Stop & Shop cam. - HPK
1/6 5:01pm To JL... To find a list of real estate transactions in town, just keep checking the Country Gazette which you find in your driveway each Friday. Turn to page 2 of the Classified section to see who's buying and selling and for how much. - RP
1/6 5:01pm MR, Norfolk does not have a dog park in town, but there is one on Village Street in Medway... Nice visitors, lots of room for the dogs as well as a sectioned area for very small pooches too. It's just before the Medway Police Station. Have found it very busy in the late afternoon (5-7ish) but if you can work around that, it's good. - TMN
1/6 4:58pm I'm new to this website and was glad to find it, especially since receiving my property tax bill. My assessment increased over $50,000 since the FY2005 bill last year with no improvements. I've read the 2005 explanation about the increase mentioned in the discussion and I don't see an explanation for the increase in the assessed value of the land and building. Were all houses in Norfolk reassessed this year? Is there a formula that is applied? Forgive my ignorance, but is the assessed value set by the town equivalent to current market value? Is there a publically-available source to which anyone can refer me to research the average increase in market value over the last fiscal year in Norfolk? I'm willing to pay my fair share of taxes, but I'm ultimately concerned how this may impact refinancing or selling as I've heard bank appraisers are conservative in their valuations. I would truly appreciate insight on this increase. Thank you.
1/6 4:57pm MR: There is a wonderful dog park in Medway on Village Street. It's fenced in, large, safe, and always full of nice people and (reasonably) well-behaved dogs. The park is on the corner of Cottage Street and Village St. - JP
1/6 2:13pm With the large rise in taxes and electric bills, I wonder how many houses in town will be going up for sale in the next few months.... - JL
1/6 1:16pm Hi, I recently moved to town and I am looking for a park to bring my 4 year old lab to run around off leash. Does the town have any parks where this is allowed? Thanks - MR
1/6 12:40pm Parents/teens... Hi, I'm looking for babysitters for a 1 1/2 yr old baby girl who loves to play, needed for a weekend night here and there. Looking for some experience babysitting little ones, email me at neka83@hotmail.com - DD
1/6 9:51am Uncommon Theatre Company has announced that "Honk," the musical tale of the The Ugly Duckling, will be performing at the Orpheum Theatre on Jan 13-15. Two 4th graders from Norfolk, Emily Garven and Maddie Myers, are part of the cast. This is great show to bring children to see. It is a wonderful story with great costumes, music and dancing. For tickets contact the Uncommon Theatre Box Office at (508) 698-3098. - JG
1/6 9:35am Hey, who moved the web cam? I can't even see the library anymore. - JG
1/6 8:45am Note to JD re: horse pasture land. You may want to check into the farm on Lawrence Street - older house on the left hand side heading toward Franklin. They have a fenced area and until recently had a horse on the property. - KH
1/6 8:44am The NStar home energy conservation survey paid off for us when we had it done almost three years ago. We were given a credit toward the purchase of an EnergyStar refrigerator to replace the early-80s fridge that came with the house. The appliance company had to certify that they were disposing of the old fridge, since the elderly "second fridge" in the basement or garage is apparently one of the biggest energy wasters. They also quoted lower-cost insulation services and attic stair covers, although we found a lower price on insulation through Bruin Corp. Since we have some of the highest electricity prices in the nation, you might want to see if your house qualifies for the free survey. Now, if the water heater timer we bought at the hardware store would just install itself... - HPK
1/6 8:30am New US postage rates go into effect Sunday January 8, 2006. First class mail is now 39 cents, a 2 cent ( 5.4%) increase. Ref: [usps.com news] (Go to the sixth paragraph down) December 7, 2005 - Stamp Release #05-055- RH
New 39-Cent First-Class Stamps Available Thursday
For January 8 Rate Change - PDF | TEXT
NEW 39-CENT FIRST-CLASS STAMPS AVAILABLE THURSDAY FOR JANUARY 8 RATE CHANGEWASHINGTON - Customers have more options than ever to purchase 39-cent First-Class stamps beginning December 8 to use when the new postage rates go into effect Jan. 8, 2006. Plenty of two-cent stamps will be available for customers to use with their 37-cent stamps...
1/5 10:45pm Plug "Norfolk Cultural Council" into Google and you get several informative hits, for instance [mass-culture.org page]: The website lists six recent (FY 2005) grant recipients: name, project, discipline, and amount. Links to application forms are on the site.51 Lawrence Street,
Norfolk, MA 02056
Tel: 508/541-6986
E-Mail: ektmhughes@aol.comThe Norfolk Cultural Council awards grants after considering the benefit to the community, the qualifications of the individuals and organizations involved, the planning process, community interest and involvement and the population segments served. Activities must take place in physically accessible facilities.
- BH
1/5 9:28pm From the Norfolk Treasurer Collector - Quarter 3 & 4 real estate and property tax bills were mailed on 12/29/05. Payments are due 2/1/06 and 5/1/06. - RH
1/5 9:27pm Does anyone know how I can get in touch with the Norfolk Cultural Council? Thanks. - PCS
1/5 6:44pm If you have a freezer in a cold garage you can unplug it for 12 hrs without incurring problems. I use a thermometer every a.m. when I reconnect and the Temp is around 26 degrees (since no-one is unloading). Big absorberss of KW are refrigerator and dryer plus the oven if you do baking. Generally a dishwasher isn't abnormal if fairly new.
But measure and try your freezer. A thermometer is about 2$ at Ace or Wal-Mart. (Small metal one with a clip).
- JO 1/5 4:55pm The Norfolk Cultural Council is pleased to present a new display of artwork at the Norfolk Public Library, in Norfolk center. On a rotating basis, artists with ties to our community will display their artwork in the grand meeting room. The room will be open to the public during normal library hours. Those interested in purchasing any of the artwork are invited to do so by contacting the artist directly. Starting this week, Cape Cod photographer, Norm Kenneally, whose daughter and her family are long-time residents of Norfolk, will display his stunning photography in the gallery. [M o r e ...]
- EH
1/5 4:55pm Hello all. I was wondering if anyone in town owns, or knows someone locally who owns any idle acreage that they'd be willing to lease out. Fenced pasture type land with access to some type of barn, garage, or run in shed would be ideal, but I would be willing to do some clearing and/or improvements to the property if necessary. One or two acres worth would be fine, but the more the better. It would be for 2 or 3 pregnant mares (horses), and then once the foals are born and weaned, just the babies. There would be no riding going on - baby horses just need a place to hang out, grow up, and learn how to be a horse. The only visitor would be myself (and I do live in town) and absolutely nothing would be expected from the landowner. Any legal concerns would be addressed. Great supplemental income for the landowner, plus beautiful lawn ornaments! If anyone is interested, or knows someone who may be interested, email the Web Master [link] for my contact info. - JD
1/5 3:52pm DB: You can check out norfolkgirlssoftball.org. I am not sure if they have started registration for spring ball though. From the site, it looks like they are focusing on the winter clinics right now. - AL
1/5 2:39pm I am looking for information about sign up for Girls Softball. When do we sign up and where? Thanks! - DB
1/5 11:09am For folks who have hot air furnaces: Be sure the filter is clean! Our furnace kept starting and shutting off again within a minute or two. I found that the 3M Ultra allergen filter was clogged enough to shut off a sensor and relay in the blower motor control. A new filter cured the problem. This problem wasted fuel and electricity, especially electricity, as the fan motor draws a lot of current. These hot air furnace filters should be changed every 60 to 90 days.
- RH
1/5 9:26am TC - My electric bill was $180.00 last month as compared to an average of around $115 or so. Nstar does it because they can, deregulation killed us. I don't think the extra 300 watts of X-mas lights nor the 10 watt window lights is the factor. Playing devil's advocate here... I agree our real estate taxes are crazy, but if it is truly an assessed value then all would have to agree that every town undervalues most if not all properties. Can you sell your house right now for the assessed value on your recent bill or for much higher? I would suspect much higher.
- LS
1/5 12:28am Dear AF: In the latest issue of The Norfolk Boomerang, the library announced that it will begin a new program for infants up to 12 months. The program is called Baby Time and will be held on Thursday mornings from 10:15 - 11:00. Simple rhymes, songs, tickles and books will introduce babies to the wonders of language, followed by an informal play/social time giving parents the opportunity to meet other families within the community. The program will begin on January 9th and run for six weeks. Registration is required. Call the children's librarian Sarina Bluhm at 508-5280 3380 ext. 5 to sign up. Hope this helps.
1/4 10:45pm DB - if you have metal vent piping (thin sheetmetal, like a thick aluminium foil), all you may need is just to clean out the lint. Ours was thin plastic with a wire coil inside giving it shape, providing lots of nooks to trap lint. It's recommended that plastic be replaced because it can be a fire hazard (overheated air could catch the lint on fire, I assume, and the plastic would melt instead of containing the flames.) - Wm.
1/4 10:37pm PRB: Yes, my NStar bill caused me to actually gasp for air. Between that and my tax bill, I am feeling really pinched. Perhaps I am being naive, but what on earth is going on with these energy bills? And why the enormous jumps in property assessments? When we moved here 9+ years ago, the tax rate was in the range of $16. It's down to $12 and with these artificially high assessments, our taxes have more than tripled! All this and still no trash pick-up, ever-rising transfer station fees, art and music just once a week in the schools? Very discouraging. - TC
1/4 10:30pm I would like to toss out a suggestion that people like Jack McFeeley and others be assigned to work on some of the problems full time. With the pressing need for solutions, it does not behoove the Town to proceed at the same pace. I understand that a few years back there was a suggestion to expand to 5 selectmen. I am not sure that is the way. But if we can get people to serve full time while we get over major problems/projects - or at least put them on a matrix where the Town can participate in the analysis and discussion. I'm sure no one likes the crisis problems that come up at what appears to be a slow, measured pace.
Why not get the major ones out in the open based on importance and let's see if they can be tackled based on impact. By highlighting costly/important issues we can avoid the trivial. At least we will have full time who can hold open house for people who want to know what is going oon.
What do you think?
- JO
1/4 10:28pm Wm - Thanks for the advice on the dryer... we'll try replacing the vent tube. PRB - when my husband opened the NSTAR bill, his chin nearly hit the floor. The increase was incredible. (We thought it was because of our dryer!!) :-)
- DB
1/4 10:27pm Per PRB electric bill - Believe it is for 36 days like mine. Check to see if it is pro-rated. That could explain the blip (minus any heavy xmas lights) - JO
1/4 10:25pm To PBR - I called Nstar today, your reading was for 36 days, not the usual time of reading; mine also went up around 25% and I did not have Christmas lights nor a tree this year. They told me that their manpower was down the Cape and other places due to the winter weather. I guess we will see an adjustment next billing.
- MA
1/4 10:22pm I have noticed the same issue with the electric bills. My bill increased by 67%. - TA
1/4 10:20pm Re recent NStar bill: Ours was up 40%... I chalked it up to the series of holiday lights and spot lights my wife has rigged up which make our house visible from outerspace each year... although - even at that - I guess 40% seems unrealistic??? Any insight? - JHV
1/4 10:16pm Re 1/4 5:29pm Received my Nstar Bill today. It was up about 35%. Anyone else in the same Boat? - PRB Yes! Our electric bill was up 29.9%; the total Kilowatt hours used was up 31% from November, and the number of days of billed use was listed as 36, or up 24% from November, which was listed as 29 days of billed use. I didn't look at the temperature degree days, since the fuel bill hasn't arrived yet. I presume the meter was read at about the same time of day each billing period.
If the weather was significantly colder, the furnace motor would have added to the electric bill. If the skies were abnormally dark in the evening, we would have had more lights on.
On the top of the November and December N-star Electric bill stubs, surprise: "New basic service pricing will take effect on January 1, 2006." Might that be a lower basic service price? Stay tuned.
At nstaronline.com, at top left, there are some tips for saving energy and money.
- RH
1/4 10:14pm PRB - My NStar bill was higher in December as it is each December. Shortest days of the year and, therefore, need for more lighting as well as Christmas lights usually drive up our usage in December. Not sure whether your bill has actual meter readings each month as ours does. - EW
1/4 10:12pm DB, We had a similar drying problem and our machine is less than 10 years old. I checked the vent outlet (outside) and found it to be at least 90% clogged with lint! Check the vent cover and the piping. The piping should be as short and straight as possible. - BF
1/4 5:29pm Received my Nstar Bill today. It was up about 35%. Anyone else in the same Boat? - PRB
1/4 2:42pm How do you know when it's time to get a new clothes dryer?? We have had ours for over 15 years and it runs fine, the problem is... it takes much, much longer to dry clothes than it did before. Is it time for a new one? Is there something (other than the lint filter) to clean out? Any input would be appreciated! Thanks! - DB
[We had this exact problem, and replacing the vent tube did wonders for restoring the drying efficiency. It must have gathered a lint "clog" at one of the bends, which restricted the air flow. (I assume the dryer is still heating the air as usual.) - Wm.]1/4 2:26pm Hi AF, MOMS Club of Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham is always accepting new members. The Annual membership fee is $25 and benefits include meeting up with area moms, playgroups, and other planned activities for kids of many ages. You can find out how to join at plainville.com/moms. - JR
1/4 1:33pm Hi, Does anybody know how to find out about local "Mommy and Me" type playgroups? I have a 4 month old and I'd like to find local activities or groups for us to join. Thanks! - AF
1/4 11:26am This post has two purposes. The first is to compliment Jack MCFeeley for once again helping us to understand what's going on with our real estate tax bills. I'd strongly recommend that before anyone gets their knickers in a knot they not only read his post of 6/25/05 8:30am but also (if it's still available in the archives) his very good analysis of how taxes and valuations interact in his post of 5/23/2002 3:42 p.m. Second, it seems that a lot of the upset and misunderstanding could be alleviated, if not prevented, if tax bills were accompanied by an informational sheet on "How to Read Your Tax Bill," or, maybe, "How your Tax Bill was Calculated." This should be available on the Town web site as well. Why is there something about our Town Hall culture that resists giving people the information they need to understand what their government is up to? This only makes for bad feelings. But a quick search with Google found that only a few towns provide interpretative information for taxpayers. Nearest thing I found was a fairly helpful "FAQ" from the City of Newton: [assessor FAQ]. Our Town web site is bare bones in this area. Why? The Assessors page has nothing that helps us understand how they do their job. The Treasurer/Collector page tells when tax bills are mailed, but not how they are calculated.
I suggest that we get Jack McFeeley to chair a quick task force (maybe 2 meetings, total?) to assemble this information and present it in a clear way so that it can be sent out with future R.E. (and other) tax bills and be a continuing part of the Town web site.
1/4 11:25am Want a quick cure for your tax bills... stop spending. Say no to overrides, Westwood did and they're still on the map. Challenge your valuations (by Feb 1) - at the current levels and direction of the housing market, the Assessors can take a few years off. - PC
1/4 9:29am I just wanted to let people of Norfolk know that it is not only Norfolk dealing with the substantial tax increases/property values. Just about every person I know has been hit with a tax shock this year in all the surrounding towns. I just wanted to let people know that you are not alone and Norfolk has superior services than most towns. - CR
1/3 8:27pm Thanks for the posting, RH, about the Christmas tree disposal at the transfer station. I never knew that you could do this without a decal. Incidentally, I did find out that Allied Waste Services (for those of you that use them) will take away your Christmas tree if you saw it in half and leave it with your trash. - JC
1/3 8:21pm I think people should appeal their new tax bill. The valuation on my home increased $62,000 from 2005, with no improvements made on the property. This is not an accurate reflection of the increased value of the home should we decide to sell in the near future. At some point in time, people who continue to vote for the overrides should start to realize that they should not be voting for more taxes to be imposed on people but demanding the town government be held more accountable for their spending. That is my two cents for what it's worth. - PN
1/3 5:41pm Yes, MH, our valuation was increased in the exact same amount and it's really annoying me. How many of us would have voted "yes" on the overrides if we had been forewarned that the town assessor was also squaring up to spike these figures, too? I'm still simmering. I'm sure if questioned the powers that be will claim that the increased valuations would have come anyway, but it still seems so sneaky to me. By the way, don't forget that you can appeal the assessment. I have not decided whether I will or not, but will make a decision after I calm down. Incidentally, there seems to be almost universal disappointment that it's going to be a Stop & Shop gracing the ALPS. Do townspeople have any say in this at all!? Let me insert one piece of good news in this post: I visited the new Library and was really impressed. Great job and congratulations to everyone involved. It turned out to be a project we can all be proud of. - TEM
[The rate increase, property valuations and tax rate are all inter-dependent; the Prop 2 1/2 limit is on the total amount collected, not on the components. If property values go up, the town tax rate goes down, but those people who saw a greater than average increase in their property values will end up paying a larger portion of the overall town revenues - Wm.]
1/3 5:39pm re: 1/3 12:14pm I was wondering if the town has plans in the future to have town Sewer and Natural Gas run on any of the main roads? Thanks, - PP Short answer: There are no viable plans for any municipal sewer lines or any gas company gas lines at this time.
Bay State Gas ran gas lines in the Lafayette Estates and Everett Street area back in the 1960's. They increased the pressure later to accommodate a facility on Pine Street. If a builder of a subdivision wants natural gas service, he or she should contact Bay State Gas directly to determine if there is a gas line anywhere in the area. Natural Gas is currently very expensive, though, and may be priced out of many new buildings for that reason.
Norfolk uses on-site septic systems. Installing a town-wide sewer system would be a very expensive proposition, not practical in these times of increasing local taxes and spiraling deficits which will be on our children's backs for years to come.
- RH
1/3 4:37pm One thing that I noticed in our tax bill was the valuation of our home has increased rather dramatically (over $40,000) in the last year. It was explained to me that the town dooes valuations on homes every couple of years for tax purposes. While this rise of $40,000 was probably spread over a couple of years (I don't know when the town last did valuations), it reared its head now. Did anyone else notice this and could this attribute to the 30% increase some people are seeing? - MH
1/3 4:34pm Re: 12/31 11:08am Does anyone know if Allied Waste Services (formerly BFI) does curbside Christmas tree pick-up/removal? - JC No, but: A freebie! from [the Transfer Station]
Christmas Tree Disposal:So tie the tree onto your car and bring it to the RTS, formerly known as the Dump. The attendant will specify where trees are piled.
We encourage all residents to utilize the Recycling/Transfer Station for Christmas tree disposal. A decal is not required for this function.- RH
1/3 12:14pm I was wondering if the town has plans in the future to have town Sewer and Natural Gas run on any of the main roads? Thanks, - PP
1/3 10:58am I too opened my tax bill and had to quickly sit down, another 30%! I'm not a senior, but I am single without children and I know my income doesn't increase anywhere near the percentage of our tax increases. I can certainly appreciate the need for the town to have an excellent school system, while I don't have children the excellent education they receive certainly benefits me in a myriad of ways, but 30%... ouch. - KS
[The 30% was explained in the post of 6/25/05 8:30am (thanks again for pointing it out, DLJ!) The actual tax increase was 13-14%, but the January and April bills include the increase for July and October '05 as well - Wm.]
1/2 1:11pm Foxwoods January 17. The Norfolk Lively Seniors invite you to join us on our trip to Foxwood on the 17th. Everyone is welcome. the cost is $21 which include the bus $10 in food and $15 in keno. The bus leaves St Judes p/l at 8 A.M. returns at 5 30P.M. Make checks payable to Brush Hill Tours and send to R. C., 30 Everett Street, or call R. C. at 508-384-3783. Make your fortune in '06! - RC
1/2 11:12am If anybody is interested in having their driveway plowed for this upcoming storm tomorrow you can call Rob at 508-989-7913. - RA
1/1/2006 10:31am RP and PC et al - I hear what you are saying. It's expensive to live here and we all live on some kind of a fixed income. I earn X number of dollars, there are so many bills to pay at the end of the month and there is so much left to make decisions about when those bills are paid. Retirement, college savings, helping to support an elderly parent... I'm afraid you forget how fixed your income was when you were working full-time. We moved here 5 years ago from another town, far more affluent as a matter of fact but we could never have afforded our current house in that town so west we came!
We chose Norfolk because of its many assets: beautiful HOD, new town hall, lovely little tot lot, new senior center, good rec programs, active library, plans for the moonscape and downtown beautification, discussion of the new F-CS, improvements to KP schools, other high school options like Tri and the Aggie should my kids choose...
Your generation built things that are attractive to people with young children. The young people came but now you don't like their priorities: excellent schools, quality programs, attractive town center, first-class library, sidewalks, active commercial district...
It's all expensive but please consider your property value. I know mine has increased quite a bit in 5 years I can't imagig how much yours has increased in multiple decades. My investment in Norfolk is paying off in many ways and I am sure your has too.
Do we offer a partial property tax exemption for those seniors who volunteer? I know other towns do. If not shouldn't we? I want our town to be a place where young families with kids and empty nesters can live together and support one another. Are there ideas out there to help relieve the tax burden on our seniors without compromising our town's future?