Q1 2003 Norfolknet Notes, Jan - Mar 2003This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
3/31 11:26pm Wm. You look at it. Me, I'm gonna keep my eyes closed and remember that, "It's spring and summer isn't far away," I will keep reciting that to myself and when I open my eyes, I will either be wrapped around a big tree or wrapped in the "Lazy hazy days of summer." - JW
3/31 9:49am Gee, look at that! Sunshine powder! Big white, fluffy flakes of sunshine, just radiating down upon this lovely spring landscape! Swirling in the breeze, blanketing the grass and the blooming flowers, spreading cheer and setting our spirits a-soar. - Wm.
3/30 6:35pm To DD: Regarding supplying the entire Town of Norfolk public water. The current number of people served by Town water is about 5,500; the Town's total population is about just about 10,100. If the Town was to supply all residents without expanding the current water supply wells, you just couldn't do it with these two supply wells. Even if you add in the new well on Miller Street, you still could not serve the entire population, let alone the projected max-build out population. I grew up with a private well and have a private well now and I would not trade it for the world. Yes, there is the minor inconvience when the power goes out, but as a kid I always remember having the 10 gallons of water in the basement in glass jugs for "flushing." The way I understand it, the current water takers in Town only pay for the water system. The other taxpayers not served by Town water really pay nothing toward the water system. Many years ago Town water was brought into the area where we live. We paid a "betterment" of $4,000.00 to pay for the installation of the water line, but made the choice not to hook up to Town water, for the simple reason that the water from our well tastes better. If we change our mind, we would be responsible for the service hook up, meter and other fees that in our case is over $10,000.00. You can ask the Water Department if they have plans to bring water into your neighborhood. - AB
3/30 10:19am Does anyone know of a landscape design firm that is not outrageously priced who could help us design our front yard landscaping and backyard patio area? Thanks, - WS
3/30 10:01am Those who are leery of genetically modified (GM) foods now have a new and somewhat disturbing study to cite against transgenic crops. As reported in The Independent (UK), some insects, when fed a steady diet of pesticides, not only become resistant, but derive nutritional benefits from them - in effect, become able to digest and metabolize the poison. Of course, none of this would be as big of an issue if it were not for the monoculture mentality of agribusiness, but I digress. - Wm.
3/28 7:46pm How much better for the common good would be [if] we offer town water to the entire town rather than some cosmetic fix-up to the town center. Some of us put up with well water - we have to treat at great expense to bring it up to minimal standards, yet we pay the same taxes. When we lose power, we have no water or sanitary facilities, yet we pay the same taxes. Maybe it's time the town's benefits are spread equally here in Norfolk. - DD
3/28 11:23am I answered my own question regarding our town and whether we have a master plan by checking out the MA state website. See [this] attached link for some great information regarding town planning. I found it informative with regards to our town and what we have and don't as well as educational as far as what our options are... - MSD
3/28 11:22am To MJD, JW -- Thanks a lot for the info on Cronin. Will call them right away. - SAS
3/28 11:21am A couple of quick posts for the web: Another note re: TK's post. I grew up in Southborough in the 70's, and at that time, it was much like Norfolk (with regional schools and all). My mother worke d for the planning board for years and has plenty of advice to doll out! Southb orough is a good example of controlled growth, zoning, and planning done effecti vely in my opionion. Though I could be nostalgic... Just thought I'd throw it out there! Though I am employed full time and cannot take on any town positions (nor am I likely qualified), I'd be interested to know if there are any occasio nal volunteer slots for various town projects.
- Webmaster - THANK YOU for your patience and huge amount of work in maintaining this site. I really enjoy it and am a frequent reader of both the general and war post pages.
- Thanks DLJ for the information about burying the power lines. I've been wondering that since I moved to town in 2001. It will certainly be a huge improvement on the look of our downtown. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress.
- Regarding TK's post and subsequent follow up posts: Does anyone know if our town have a Master Plan? Years ago I once temped for a firm that did master pla ns, and during my assignment we were working on the town of Truro. The company and the town planning was terrific. They even polled all residents and compiled the results for the town planner. I'm sure it's not cheap but it was so compre hensive and so well thought out. (disclaimer: I've never been to Truro, so the relevance of their master plan is probably hightened of lessened on whether it is a charming town on the Cape or an overgrown commercial area).
Enjoy the nice spring day out there! - MSD
[You're welcome... blush :-) - Wm.]
3/28 1:24am Regarding the overhead wire-free project - A January 2003 letter from the Highway Department to an abutter stated: Since 1995 the town has been working with the Mass Highway Department to pursue Federal and State Aid to reconstruct the roadway, sidewalks and correct the intersections within the town center area.The town folks voted at a town meeting that burying the wires will be paid for by all telephone, electric, and AT&T Broadband, now Comcast, cable users in town. The telephone and electric companies were to charge users 2%. The cable provider usually passes costs like the overhead wire-free fees onto the subscribers from a starting point through the end of the town's cable contract. The current contract expires October 1, 2009.The roadways that will be reconstructed are:
The water mains and services have been replaced within the project scope. Removal of the overhead wires within the project area will be completed in 2003.
- Main St. from Boardman St. to the old Town Hall
- Union St. from Main St. to house #20
- North St. from Union St. to house #24
- Rockwood Rd. from Main St. to Railroad grade crossing
3/28 12:46am Greetings from Stockton Springs, ME which is truly the home of moose, black flies and wild turkeys. Remembering all the times we sat through four night sessions of the town meetings, working with the Friends of the Library to get the first library expansion and many happy evenings with the NOVA Book discussion group... best wishes from the Fishes... Cal and MaryJo formerly of Alice Ave - 1957-1989 - CF & MF
3/28 12:43am SAS, I agree with Cronin for your oil company. They are local, dependable day or night. We had a very old system that they serviced for many years, they took excellent care of it and seemed to have the right parts when it was ailing. When we did major heating and plumbing renovating a couple of years ago, they did it all in very good time and all for a very reasonable price. They are also right on top of the variations in price. They pass on any drop in prices immediately and I mean day to day. - JW
3/27 7:55pm According to 3/26 Attleboro Sun Chronicle the school group are once again talking "override". It seems that some in this town think they don't have to live within their means. Bite the bullet, all the other town departments have to. With the downturn in the economy there are a lot of high priced people out of work in this community, an overide is a bad idea anyway you look at it. - DD
3/27 4:07pm To SAS - We have had good luck with Cronin for our oil company. They have been very helpful and extremely responsive and they are right here in town. You might get them to come and give you a price. - MJD
3/27 12:02pm The Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project will be treating certain large wetlands in the Town of Norfolk sometime between mid and late April. Residents not wishing to have their property sprayed must notify the Town Clerk in writing, with a copy to the Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project, Building #34 Endicott Street, Norwood, MA 02062. - GB
3/27 12:01pm Hi, We just moved to Norfolk a few months ago and now that it seems like winter is finally behind us we need to start looking into changing our heating system. Can anyone recommend some good service companies who've changed your oil boiler ? And also the ones I need to stay away from, if any. Thanks, - SAS
3/26 11:55pm Hi JO - my neighbor has a mailbox on a swivel. It doesn't have a door anymore, but the box is still on the post. I've seen mailboxes in rural Maine that hang from cantilevered poles by chains, but that requires lots of room behind the mailbox itself, for the upright pole, the cantilevered pole, and the cross brace. Do you really have 3rd graders thinking about this? That's cool. :-) - HPK
3/25 8:46pm TK... When you find out, let the rest of us know will you? There are plenty of opinions out there, but it seems the only one that is heard is Mr. Borelli... the owner of the gravel pit in the center of town. From what I understand, once Mr. Borelli is done with the rape and pillaging of that land he is moving on to some residential projects for more rape and pillaging. When the existing (hopeful for some positive change here) Selectmen are done shaking his hand, they will probably allow the Town to reach maximum build out in record time. Seriously, I think that you will find that the vast majority of this town is not against future development, but there is a large percentage of people who would like to see it done tastefully and properly. There are many offices in the Town Hall that are trying to do the right thing, but there seems to be a lack of communication between the offices (Ahem, Selectmen). It would be nice if the town could afford to hire a Town Manager that could put all the pieces together and bring out the best in each and every office at the Town Hall. The Town seems to be lacking a common goal as far as development goes. That's just my opinion. Good Luck! - SW
3/25 5:14pm An open letter or request to David J. LaPointe. As you are running for re-election to the Planning Board, I would appreciate it if you would respond to the following issue which has been raised by myself and others on this forum: It is my understanding that the architect for the Norfolk Senior Center is an active member of the Norfolk Planning Board. Do you see any potential for conflict of interest if active members of the Planning Board are also able to bid on projects or are employed by a company who bids on projects within the town of Norfolk? Are there guidelines or regulations in place that address conflict of interest issues for Planning Board members? - TEM
3/25 1:56pm The Library would be very grateful if there is anyone who could donate any of the following items: If you are looking to upgrade or looking for a tax write off please keep us in mind. Thanks,
- Heavy Duty Electric Typewriter
- Overhead Projector
- Laser Printer
John Spinney
Information Systems Administrator
Norfolk Public Library
3/24 8:42pm For HPK - Really was serious about declaring May "Mailbox Repair Month." However, see previous postings about a design much like you suggest. Plagiarized it from a Minnesota posting. Anyhow, realize that the Postal Dept doesn't have specs on the post (or want to); their main interest is keeping the mailbox at the proper height for delivery. But the third grade is thinking about the swivel concept and using plastic pipe that leaves a 3 foot "freeway " from the post to the edge of the road and allows the snow/ice to have at least a 42 inch clearance path as the plow does it work. What say you? - JO
3/24 6:41pm To TK: I would start with the Board of Selectmen. Happy Hunting!!!! - WB
3/24 3:12pm Here is the list of candidates for the May 6, 2003 Town Election. Candidates have until April 3, 2003 to withdraw. - GB
3/24 3:10pm Just got our latest electric bill from NStar - with the included verbiage: "At the request of the Town of Norfolk, overhead electric lines and structures are being replaced with underground facilities within a specific area. As a result, since November 2002 your bill has had an additional charge titled 'underground surcharge.' This charge is equal to 2% of the delivery services portion of the bill and is billed to recover the cost of installing the underground facilities." Does anyone know which "specific areas" the Town has requested to made "overhead wire-free?" - KM
3/24 3:09pm Being relatively new to town, only been here a year, but having had ample opportunity to wander around the town, read many a story in the paper and here, I have a question. Now, I'm all too aware that I may be opening a Pandora's Box here, but I'm willing to listen. I've been in the engineering business for well over 30 years now, and I've seen a lot of development, both the good and the bad. And I've seen many towns that have made good and bad attempts at controlling development. But I have to admit to not having run across a town where the direction for development and the local opinions and attitudes regarding development are so hard to find than Norfolk. The "downtown" (?) arena presents a huge question mark. Something seems to have started there, but there seems to be no direction now, no progress. It just sits and... hits ya square in the face every time one drives by. I hear stories about a couple of local businesses having been denied opportunity to expand, so they left for greener pastures, right across the town lines. It all seems just a little bit like the makings of a soap opera (not trying to cast any judgements here, just an observation). It sure would be nice to hear a little factual history about where the town has been and where it's going on the development scene. The tax dollars would seem rather inviting. And that sore spot in the center of town would seem an obvious place to develop something that produces both the green spaces, and the green tax dollars. Anyone want to take a stab at this, or point me in a straight direction where information can be found? - TK
3/24 3:04pm To JO - That line about the black flies and the moose really struck me funny and I haven't stopped laughing for ten minutes. The winter has really rotted my mind. Thanks for the great laugh. - PG
3/24 2:18pm I think someone needs to manufacture a hard rubber mailbox, mounted on a big spring (garage door spring?). I liked the idea I read once of a smaller mailbox placed inside a larger mailbox, and the void between the two filled with cement, but apparently that makes the mailbox a "dangerous projectile." So, the flexible mailbox seems the logical alternative. - HPK
3/24 1:35pm Norfolk Community League is sponsoring a Candidate Night on Thursday, April 10th at 7:30pm. It will take place at the MacBride Auditorium in the Freeman-Centennial School on Boardman Street in Norfolk. Bring your questions for the Candidates. Refreshments will be served. Contact Jacqueline L. at 508-553-9811 for information. - CH
3/24 9:36am I remember a story of a famous author who lived in Friendship, Me., who started a story by saying - "I'm sitting on my porch watching the black flies dragging a moose into the swamp ..." - JO
3/23 10:33am I get the message, I am going to stay in so the black flies, ticks, mosquitoes and mud don't get me, of course after a winter of cabin fever all the above don't look so menacing, ignore the previous sentences, "I'm outta here." - JW 3/22 6:14pm OK, black flies and mosquitos are already here. When looking out into the back yard I noticed over 30 mosquitos and black flies perched on the glass door. I think they were trying to figure out, how to get in to the humans. - KW
3/22 3:02pm Lookie, spring arrives, the snow melts, and flowers bloom - all at once! The water ban was in effect all winter, ticks are already here, it's pretty muddy outside, so black flies can not be far behind :-) - Wm.
3/21 10:45pm re JW - I am thinking of declaring May as "Mailbox Repair Month." Better still, I am going to see if I can get the 3rd grade class I volunteer in to come up with some ideas. We can't sit idle!! - JO
3/21 9:35pm To: TU - 3/21 9:02am When are we going to build a skate park? - TU Answer: When it snows in July! Actually, many kids go to the outdoor skate park on South Street in Foxboro (they also allow bikes, skates and scooters) or to Rampage, an indoor year round park just off of Rt. 140 on South Main Street in Milford. Check it out! - "Cool Grampa" (I may be old but I refuse to grow up!!)
[Hi, Grampa, I withheld your initials to protect you from Gramma :-) - Wm.]
3/21 9:30am The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will be held on Saturday, April 5, 2003 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk Highway Garage on Medway Branch Road. - AN
[Click for more information]
3/21 9:04am Re: JO, and I thought I had too much time on my hands. On another note, Spring is here, Oh Joy, Oh happy days, Oh mud, Oh May Flies, Oh ticks, Oh water ban, Oh yellow dust, Oh well, I guess winter does have its perks. - JW
3/21 9:02am When are we going to build a skatepark? - TU
3/20 10:35am In my "judgement" (ahem) we should dispense with the insertion of the `e' - see the A.P.C.S.W.J. page - JO
[But, but, but... :-) - Wm.]
3/20 10:05am Hi , I am looking for someone who can play Goalie fulltime for our Forekicks soccer team. It's once a week games. Email me for more details. - PR
3/20 7:40am Happy Vernal Equinox!
It's over, it's over! As of today, the long long winter is officially over. At this rate, the snow will melt in another week, and the little pale yellow shoots will turn into flowers eventually.
3/19 5:10pm Does anyone know when the kids will get their little league assignments? My son registered for "A" league and we haven't heard anything as yet. Spring must be coming! - HC
3/18 2:58pm The King Philip Jazz Ensemble was named one of the Most Outstanding Bands at the University of New Hampshire Clark Terry Jazz Festival Sunday. King Philip was one of four outstanding bands in a group of 18 bands from similar-sized schools. [more...] - BW
3/18 2:55pm Wednesday, April 16, 2003, is the last day to register to vote at the Annual Town Election and Annual Town Meeting. [This is a reminder; click here for additional details] - GB
3/18 9:23am With the impending military action and the raising of the Threat Level to High, or Orange, does the Town have an implementation plan if and when the Threat Level level is raised to Red or Severe? See this link. According to the Office of Homeland Security, at the Severe Level, there is a closing of public offices. I know where I work we have a plan, but what about the Town? - AWB
3/17 10:23pm The new Norfolk Serve distribution site is at the Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union St., Norfolk. Payment options include e-check, debit and credit cards (for orders placed on-line), and cash and EBT cards for in-person or phoned-in orders. - RD
3/17 9:49pm From the Associated Press - For years, Internet shoppers have enjoyed their own tax-free zone in Massachusetts - going online to buy books, clothes and CDs while largely avoiding the 5 percent tab charged at stores. Those days could be coming to an end. A new law signed by Gov. Mitt Romney enrolls Massachusetts in a multistate collaborative looking for a better way for states to collect taxes on Internet sales. But opponents accuse lawmakers, and Romney, of looking for new ways to expand the state's tax base rather than cut spending.- RH
[More from the article: enrolled in the cooperative, but not yet collecting the tax; also, the Supreme Court ruled that merchants can be required to collect sales tax only if they have a physical presence in the state, so enforcement could be tricky. - Wm.]
3/17 9:46pm On pronouncing "Norfolk." I've lived in town for 26 years, and, like the lady who got all this going, I come originally from Michigan. I've heard very few Norfolk townies actually say "Nor-fork," but I have heard lots of people from surrounding towns pronounce it that way. I'm also a member of Norfolk Lions, and at each meeting (for the benefit of any visitors or guests who may not know the members individually) we all stand up individually and give our names and club affiliation. I've heard "Nor-fork" inconsistently from maybe one or two guys; everybody else always says "Nor-folk" (or actually something more like "Nor-fulk.") Depending on where in Michigan and some of the other more northern Midwestern states people come from, you'll generally hear them pronouncing vowels in a very 'neutral' way. (The so-called "standard American" accent newscasters need to learn if they leave smaller markets in some regions of the country and go big time is pretty much the kind of Midwestern accent I have in mind.) We don't hear it as an accent - that's what everybody else has! - JW
3/17 5:43pm To MMB: I used the drops last year on my cats, and found they worked well. I don't think it's too early for ticks, they seem to appear as soon as it's above freezing. I used the Hartz, but I heard that Frontline works well, too. I use the combination flea/tick one. I make a habit of checking my cats every day after they have been out. I put the treatment date on the calendar as a reminder of when I need to re-apply the next month. It beats having to pull ticks off the cat, but when this is necessary, I do it carefully with tweezers, then flush the ticks. - CR 3/17 5:23pm They get a bit bigger as they get older here's the Larva, Nymph and Adult and the head of a pin for size comparison. I don't want to dot my i's with this guy. - BD
3/17 2:09pm To JAB: And all this time I thought we were No Golf. - PA
3/17 11:37am To MMB - That sounds like a deer tick to me. The doctor has told me if it is the size of a dot on the "i" in newspaper print, it's probably a deer tick. Unfortunately, I don't think it is too early to see them. I have 2 dogs and have had fantastic luck with the tick oil that goes in between their shoulder blades (can't remember the name, but the vet will know). You apply it once per month and you're good to go. No smell, just a little greasy for a day. Good luck and I hope you have a tick free spring and summer! - TW
3/17 11:25am Is it too early for ticks?? What distinguishes a deer tick from a newly hatched regular type? I found a very, very small black one on my cat who has been indoors all winter due to the extreme cold temperatures. It appeared to be a speck of dirt, but when I picked it off and threw it in the sink, I realized it was alive!! I would rather not put a flea collar on her because of its strong chemical smell. Any suggestions? How effective are the once a month drops? - MMB
3/17 12:53am Happy St. Patrick's Day!
3/16 12:50pm To Wm. You should have used spellcheck. The folks at Microsoft would have told you that there is no e in "judgment". - TF
[I sure hope they wouldn't have! According to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, "judgment" and "judgement" are ``equal variants'' (p. 11), both equally acceptable, neither preferred. - Wm.]
3/16 6:48pm Five simple and wonderful words - what a wonderful day outside!!!!! [You can say that again! 76 in the sun! But wait, if you say it again, would that make it ten words? :-) - Wm.]
3/16 6:45pm In response to the question about Bucks Skate Video: It was decided by the producer of the video and myself that it needed a little more editing before being shown. Look forward to seeing it starting next Saturday at a time to be announced. - Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager
3/16 6:38pm Wrentham used to refer to Norfolk residents as North Folk. Rumor has it they now refer to us as North France. Thanks Jack. - JAB
3/16 9:10am Could someone please help clarify something for me regarding the "fee issue" at the KP North project ? I clearly remember this being discussed at several BOS meetings last fall. It was decided that our inspector would submit an estimate of what he thought the "actual cost" to his department would be, including administrative costs. I remember a follow-up meeting where Mr. McFeeley explained this directly to the inspector, pointing out that he wanted an estimate that covered not only inspection time, but also the cost of his administrative staff. I do not recall ever seeing the outcome of that request. Was it determined that our standard fee happened to match the estimate, or was that approach just dropped ? It concerns me that our town is facing more legal action, at a time when we can least afford it. I know that Mr. McFeeley believes he's doing what's best for our town, and I've appreciated his dedication and hard work for many years. But I also watched him defend the lighting at the Senior Center several weeks ago, to a lawyer threatening legal action. And at this past weeks BOS meeting, I watched as he told Butch, and the C.O.A., that the lighting was clearly too bright. Do I have reason to believe that we're setting ourselves up for lawsuits, or am I just paranoid? - JCR
3/16 8:44am Re: "Nor-fork." This was the pronunciation in Franklin when I was growing up there in the '70s (I wouldn't put an emphasis on the last syllable). Nobody else in the world may pronounce it that way, but regional differences in pronunciation make English in the U.S. so interesting. Sometimes fascinating regional usage and pronunciation is lost as we lose elderly members of the community. I haven't heard anyone use the terms "ball-ked" (for bulkhead) and "stoop" (as a term for the front steps of a house) since my grandparents and their neighbors passed away. Occasionally, I hear an older person from Framingham say "BAH-thrum" for "bathroom" and I am instantly transported back to my grandmother's house. I learned these words as a child, but without reinforcement through conversation, I tend to use them less (and television no doubt plays a part in making English more uniform, although not necessarily better). Question: how many locals here say "loom" for the word "loam"? - HPK
3/15 10:59pm i just have a question about the Bucks Skateboard video. It was supposed to be aired at 6:30 but it was only on for about a minute, why did it get taken off? - CKY
3/15 10:07am Hi Wm: Thanks for including the link to Thursday's Globe article about the pronunciation of our town's name. I just noticed it in the paper this morning. As the "someone from Michigan" who started the discussion, I felt validated when I read that no one else in the world pronounces the name "Nor-FORK". I don't see how anyone who read the entire article could have concluded that "Nor-FORK" is the correct pronunciation. Acceptance of an untrue statement due only to regional belief does not does not support clear thinking. THINK about it: Just because President Bush mispronounces the word "nuclear" as "nu-cu-lar" doesn't mean everyone should start pronouncing it that way. By the way, I thought it was pretty funny that the article pointed out the first "cranky" respondent's stinging answer to my question. Hope this isn't an example of the "niceness" that he/she claims keeps natives from making fun of transplants like me! - SK
[I accepted Nor-FORK as "authentic" not because it's in some way "correct," but because the townies seem to pronounce it that way. Btw., my personal pronunciation is not authentic; I can't make it sound right, and I've stopped trying - so I've stayed with NOR-fok - Wm.]
3/15 9:08am While I do not know enough about how the Senior Center design project came to be awarded to a member of the Planning Board to venture an opinion on that, I must say that I do believe the members of the Planning Board should be prohibited from having an economic interest in any project subject to Planning Board review. While the Planning Board may not have much to say about the proposed architectural design of buildings, they have quite a bit of influence in determining whether a proposed project will go forward. If a member of the Planning Board has an economic interest in a project going forward, that creates an obvious conflict. Recusal is not an adequate solution, since it is not unreasonable to assume that colleagues will be inclined to favor the recused member's interests, perhaps in return for a similar favor when the shoe is on the other foot. Abuses of town position for personal gain have certainly been seen in other towns in the area, and we should bend over backward to ensure that does not occur here. Would such a prohibition result in empty Planning Board seats? I have no idea, but I'd rather have empty seats than Planning Board members joining the Board for the wrong reasons. To be clear, I am not casting aspersions on anyone, and I'm sure that all of our current Planning Board members have only the highest ethical standards. I just think that the rules should be written tightly to prevent even the potential for conflict of interest. WJB
3/14 5:09pm To RH: Since you seem to have some knowledge of the Senior Center, do you know if the Chapter 149 procurement procedures were followed in soliciting design services for the project? If they were not, then there are other serious issues other than the "conflict of interest" issue which I believe exists. You said you presumed that he "recused himself from any vote of the Planning Board relative to site plan approval: driveway, curb cut, site lighting." Are there not some issues with the curb cut, driveway and site lighting at the Senior Center not to mention other architectural/construction issues? I find it interesting that the same Planning Board member is also the architect for a building at the Town Dump. Were Chapter 149 procurement procedures followed in soliciting design services for this project as well? If not, why not and what were the fees paid to design each building? In today's highly competitive world, I find it very curious that the same firm was awarded two public jobs particularly when the architectural firm is not known to do public work. - PAN
3/14 2:53pm Re: 3/14 9:11am A member of the Norfolk Planning Board becomes the architect for the Norfolk Senior Center? Am I being naive or does anyone else see this as a serious conflict of interest? [...] Or what's the clever little exemption that [would allow] such ongoing, daily conflict of interest to exist? [Is there confirmation for this? Before we get carried away here, could someone please verify that a conflict of interest discussion is warranted? - Wm.] As a former Planning Board member, I do not feel that a conflict of interest discussion, relative to a member of that board being an architect on the Senior Center project, is warranted. I presume that the particular individual recused himself from any vote of the Planning Board relative to site plan approval: parking, driveway, curb-cut, site lighting, etc. I understand that the individual has no connection to the builder, and he has put in many hours on his own time checking the work of the builder. It should be noted that on future projects, the Town will employ an on-site Clerk-of-the-works, a person with a Construction Supervisor's license, who will verify that the builder is using the correct materials and is assembling them per code and per the approved plans. There is no "clever little exemption", and none is needed. And yes, it is unreasonable and unnecessary to prevent members of the Planning Board from having any interest in potential Norfolk projects. The Planning Board simply doesn't have that much to do with approving the design, structural plans, hardware, etc. I do believe that Permanent Building Committee membership might make one ineligible to have a contract to provide goods and services to the construction effort. The Clerk-of-the-works will report to the PBC, and he too might not be able to provide any other service. I'm sure that this will be checked with Town Counsel to be sure that no conflict can exist. - RH
3/14 2:42pm Has anyone noticed how close Mr. Borelli's employees are getting closer to the water tower up at the gravel pit in the center of town? Funny, but there seems to be more trees missing as well. I thought that the town was outraged over the loss of all those trees up there at the top of the pit. How come more are gone now? Is there any risk of the integrity of the water tower structure being compromised? I think we should send our Selectmen up there with shovels and have them reverse some of the damage. - SW
3/14 12:21pm Headline! Extra, Extra! Microsoft makes the world dumber! (How's that for sensationalism? :-) There's a study out that shows that using spell-checkers (and grammar checkers) results in markedly poorer grammar overall than turning the darned thing off. Apparently, people abdicate their own judgement and believe the computer, even when the original sentence was correct and the suggested change wrong. Average college students made 1/3 again as many errors, but smart kids tripled their mistakes. And here I thought that kids today already had more than plenty of self-esteem, and yet they still think that the computer is smarter. - Wm.
3/14 11:40am Thank you so much for the link to the Globe article on Norfolk pronounciation! I've lived here for 3 years now and was not sure which pronunciation was correct. I'll now officially adopt NOR-FORK! - JT
3/14 9:30am In case anyone missed it, Lisa Kocian at the Globe noticed the discussion about the proper way to say "Nor-FORK," and spun a nice story around it, including background information from Norfolk, England. - Wm.
3/14 9:07am 90 degrees here in sunny Fort Lauderdale. Wish you were here. No snow in sight and cant keep the beer cold enough. - DH, an ex Norfolk townie
3/14 9:11am A member of the Norfolk Planning Board becomes the architect for the Norfolk Senior Center? Am I being naive or does anyone else see this as a serious conflict of interest? Would someone kindly help us out here? Just what are the rules? Or what's the clever little exemption that [would allow] such ongoing, daily conflict of interest to exist? I know that years ago the Town Tree Warden was defeated after his opponent exposed the fact that the incumbent and his company were major players in most of the town's landscaping projects. Is it unreasonable to expect Planning Board Members to be deemed ineligible for or not to have a direct or indirect interest in potential Norfolk projects, no matter how big or small? Or would such a restriction result in nothing but vacant seats on the same Board? In fact, how many present Planning Board members are also contractors, builders, architects, or developers with projects in progress in the town of Norfolk? - TEM
[Is there confirmation for this? Before we get carried away here, could someone please verify that a conflict of interest discussion is warranted? - Wm.]
3/13 6:16pm Re the Senior Center - About the blower motor: shouldn't this have had a thermal overload cutout switch, much like Sears Roebuck shop motors? I did not look to see if the motor was connected to a circuit breaker or otherwise fused. If so, did the fuse/circuit breaker work? Again, why not a thermal overload switch on the motor?? - JO
3/13 5:34pm Re: the Senior Center urinal - Just got off the phone with the US Dept of Justice who provides information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). They informed me that the required height is 17 inches from the floor, not the 15 inches I cited! They point out that the act was passed in 1990 and I should complain to my Congresssman since Congress passed it!! I suggest that people (males!) look at this and vent their opinion. What crass bureaucracy!! - JO
3/13 5:25pm Perhaps we should go to the very beginning and investigate how the architectural contract for the Senior Center was awarded in the first place? It is my understanding that a member of the Planning Board, who is a principal at the firm who designed the Senior Center, was the architect for the Senior Center. I would be interested in knowing whether or not the design services for the Senior Center were bid under Massachusetts Chapter 149 as required by state law when any public funds are involved or if the powers to be decided to ignored this common known fact. If Chapter 149 rules were ignored, that is a serious issue and should be investigated as I see a huge conflict of issues considering the circumstances. Nonetheless, in any construction project, it is the responsibility of the architect to 1) design a functional building that meets all State building codes and 2) oversee that the general contractor adheres to the specifications that they written by the architect. Obviously, the architect did not fulfill his obligation and there should be some short of recourse. It is my understanding through a friend who had bid on the job was that the initial bids were significantly over budget. Is this a result of poor plans or the market or both? How a building can be occupied for such a long period of time without an Occupancy Permit is also inconceivable? Was a Temporary Occupancy Permit ever issued? If there was, it is usually only for a limited period of time. If there was not a temporary Occupancy Permit issued, how was the Senior Center ever allowed to be occupied? Doesn't the architect and Planning Board have a responsibility to make sure that all the conditions are met prior to the issuance of an Occupancy Permit or is that overlooked when a Planning Board Member is the architect? The Planning Board had no issue threatening to shut down Fore Kicks because certain conditions had not been met in their Special Permit. Why is this not the case with the Senior Center? Mind you I am not advocating closing the Senior Center down but it is interesting how things work when people on boards are involved. By the way how much did the taxpayers pay for his services? - PAN
3/13 4:05pm With regard to the Senior Center, one has to be wonder how events can get out of hand. After hearing of the situation at the Monday's BOS meeting re. the lack of the occupancy permit and the laundry list of ailments, and being a member, a visit was paid to the COA. Certainly a suprise!! 1. How does one explain the lack of proper workmanship re. the application of the vinyl floor? E.g. Some tiles can be plucked from their position revealing: a) Plywood that has not been secured to the floor properly with the proper fasteners (screws) at the proper intervals. A quick "Do it yourself" sheet from Grossmans or Home Depot gives you the interval application recommendations. How can this have been ignored especially at the seams? Still questionable is whether the plywood sheets are "CD" (exterior grade) in view of the sponginess feeling of the areas exposed. Carrying the issue further was the proper application made of the adhesive? Evidence of the few tiles exposed shows a possible lack of adhesive as evidenced by the lack of the striated pattern created by a notched application trowel. It appears we may have a cause celebre on our hands. 2. The demise of a small blower motor succumbing to the melting of wiring leading into the motor is interesting in that the heat was intense enough to reveal black smoke (?) discoloration to the louver housing. Could we have had a fire? and to a new building since this in in an overhead position? 3. Since a list has appeared in the Sun Chronicle, readers can follow the rest of the deficiencies. While of varying seriousness (or not) it casts a cloud of disappointment over the operation that one does not expect of a major expenditure. 4. One item does not appear on the list, and I am a little embarrassed to point it out. Namely, I suggest that someone review the specifications for the men's room. I am pretty sure that ADA requirements for handicapped persons does not call for the urinal to be mounted 15 inches from the floor thus rendering it useless from a hygenic point a view. All in all, it is a discouraging experience to have to suffer the embarassement of an occupancy permit rejection for items that should be under a Quality Control mandate. Definite, forceful performance is needed. - JO
3/12 2:44pm The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will be held on Saturday, April 5, 2003 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk Highway Garage on Medway Branch Road (across from the transfer station). The cost is $8.00 per animal and will be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler, D.V.M. Previous rabies certificates must be presented in order to qualify for a three-year vaccination. All dogs must be leashed and cats must be confined to a carrier or pillowcase. Town of Norfolk dog licenses will be available from the Town Clerk at the clinic. For more information, please contact the Norfolk Board of Health office at 508-528-7747. - BF
[A copy of this announcement is here - Wm.]
3/11 9:54pm To AN: I'll work back in recent history and begin with last night's BOS meeting. No I didn't change the channel, for most of the BOS meeting. I start with the discussion of the Senior Center. I focus on the part of the discussion of where the Senior Center can be legally occupied. It appears that the Town does not have a full occupancy permit. Someone made a decision to use the Senior Center, without a full occupancy permit. Are there any liabilities to the Town for making this decision? Since the discussion lasted for over 45 minutes, it also seems that many other decisions from the past have to be addressed (Please note I refrained from using words like fixed, corrected, rehashed and reworked). Since you were kind enough to point out the article in the Globe West a few weeks ago about the "litigious neighbor," do you think that these topics discussed last night are insignificant or ammunition? The discussion with Mr. Borelli about the earth removal permit. A decision was made years ago to permit this clearing and mining of gravel, topsoil and blasted rock from the site. This project (if you really want to call it that) never had received final approval from the Planning Board before the Earth Removal Permit was granted. This particular topic has been beat to death on this board and I won't go over it again. The decision made which I have a problem with is - Granting of an Earth Removal Permit without Final Plan approval. I believe that I ask this not only for myself but other people as well, "Why?" Sorry, but interest, time, patience and dedication have nothing to do with this decision. The discussion with Mr. Cronin about the fees for the school work. Mr. Cronin specifically said that relief would be sought on the fees. The BOS made the decision to stay with their decision of requiring over $200,000.00 in building fees. With the threat of legal action- Is this a sound decision? Again, interest, time, patience and dedication have nothing to do with this decision. I would comment on the Ad Hoc Committee for the DPW but I have to admit that I wanted to watch "Married by America." I believe that if the intent is to save money by cutting duplication, I'm all for it. As I sat through Town meeting and listened with interest, I'll admit that I have a feeling of uncertainty on this simply due to the amount of opposition to the proposal. I have to educate myself on this particular matter a little more. [...][Another paragraph illustrating how the Selectmen choose to allocate money, inspired by the removed 3/11 11:48am post, was removed with permission - Wm.] If you have insight into the decisions that I listed here... I'm all ears. - a WB
3/11 6:44pm MJD... I guess that I feel you are generalizing comments made about the Selectmen concerning Mr. Borelli and what Mr. Borelli has gotten away with here in town. If you have followed this situation closely, as a lot of us have, you too would see the issues that have come up repeatedly along the way. The Selectmen know full well how displeased the town has been about this for years, yet continue to allow Mr. Borelli have his extensions, etc. The Selectmen instead of disciplining Mr. Borelli on numerous infractions and untruths have allowed him to have his way with Norfolk. They are capable of putting their foot down, I suppose, but it seems that they do it on ridiculous issues. Generally, I don't criticize any other aspect of the Selectmen's Office... Well, OK, maybe I did criticize Billy Bob as a Selectmen, a little. There are times when a citizen of a town is more powerful when involved in a group of citizens who are striving to make changes, rather than holding a political office. There are a number of Grass Root movements in this town that have been struggling to gain momentum. I would consider trying to bring about changes on any level would be a donation of time and talent. The Selectmen have chosen this path with Mr. Borelli, the Town has paid the price and will continue to. The Selectmen chose to take that office, it was their choice. We didn't force them there. So, for good or bad they are supposed to make decisions for the best interest of the town. When it is perceived that they are not doing that, well... they are then open to criticism. - SW
[10:23pm Update: Corrected word usage in first paragraph - Wm. I meant 'the issues that have come up repeatedly', not 'repetitively'... See what happens when you don't proofread? - SW]
3/11 4:42pm re: 3/11 11:50am To MJD: As you wrote "I think some people in town are extremely critical of those folks willing to give of their time and experience to serve." I don't think that this is what people are being critical of... it is more the decision making (not the process) and the long term impacts to the Town. - a WB to "a WB": It seems to me that you may mean "the decisions that have been made" rather than the "decision making (not the process)". Could you be more specific and cite which decisions you are critical of? I certainly agree with MJD when he or she wrote, regarding the position of Selectman: (3/11 11:03am) "Talk about a thankless job. Who would want to volunteer for that gig?" I believe that the decision-makers that we have now are very good, and the Town is lucky to have them. As I watched part of the last Selectmen's meeting on NCTV-22, I wondered if I would have the interest and patience to sit there for hours as they do and be interested in all of the matters before the Board. I decided that I would not, and switched to another channel. The Selectmen don't have the luxury of switching to another channel, and I thank them for their interest, time and dedication, and for all of the decisions that they have made on our behalf. - AN
3/11 2:48pm Wednesday, April 16, 2003, is the last day to register to vote at the Annual Town Election and Annual Town Meeting. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before May 6th may register by mail or in the office of the Town Clerk. [Click here for additional details] - GB
3/11 2:09pm To WB - My point was that I don't see a line down at Town Hall of people willing to enter the Selectman's race. I get that you or I will not be happy with every decision made by the Selectmen. I also understand that if someone (or many someones, as the case may be) is so terribly displeased with the way decisions are being made, he or she should come forward and offer his or her time and talents. - MJD
3/11 11:50am To MJD: As you wrote "I think some people in town are extremely critical of those folks willing to give of their time and experience to serve." I don't think that this is what people are being critical of... it is more the decision making (not the process) and the long term impacts to the Town. - a WB
3/11 11:48am [This was a message composed months ago that was e-mailed now by accident, and was removed by request 3/13 9:29am - Wm.]
3/11 11:03am It seems to me that all of you who have such strong opinions should throw your hats in the ring for the Selectman's race. I think some people in town are extremely critical of those folks willing to give of their time and experience to serve. I know that I am not willing to make the commitment to be so (sometimes unjustly and often rudely) criticized. Talk about a thankless job. Who would want to volunteer for that gig? - MJD
3/11 9:25am FYI, Friday is the last day to pull nomination papers for the next election. As far as I have heard only one person has taken out papers for the vacant Selectmen seat. It would be a shame to have this seat won automatically without a fair contest. - PNR
[``Fair contest?'' Perhaps like ``fair fight,'' as in boxing? Otherwise, there's nothing unjust about an uncontested election, other than the lack of excitement - Wm.]
3/10 11:28pm WB... Sorry, guess I should have said, What the Selectmen have done and will continue to do regarding Mr. Borelli. Anyone want to make a wager on how long it will take for the 2 remaining Selectmen to pass Borelli's request this evening? Also, must ask, why is it that the Selectmen control earth removal? Shouldn't this be a Con Com issue or Planning Board? - SW
3/10 7:26pm Wm - Grove Street is the Perigo St. sub-division which, after the clear cutting, left run off issues on Grove St. When I mentioned Canterbury estates, I meant the houses on Canterberry St. and the two houses on Main Street (also caused erosion and run off problems). All prime examples of Mr. Borelli's "slash and burn" mentality. I wonder what will come of his requests at tonight's selectman's meeting. Will the selectman "cave in" again? - TR
3/10 6:33pm To SW: Ouch! I read your post and realized that the wording of my post could be interpreted two ways; I like yours better. I then thought that someone was missing the trees through the forest, but then again, there are no trees because they have been all cut down. - WB
3/10 4:00pm WB... Agree wholeheartedly. Sadly, the person you are looking for to put their foot down only exists in fairy tales. No one, I repeat, no one (particularly in the Selectmen's Office) seems capable or willing to put their foot down regarding Mr. Borelli in any matter. As far as 'verging on being irresponsible'? I would categorize that as a vast understatement. I would call what the selectmen have done regarding Mr. Borelli more like stepping off into the chasm of heinous judgment or perhaps gazing into the abyss of bad character. - SW
3/10 3:59pm Has anyone else noticed that Mr. Borelli has been getting everything he wants in return for giving the Town nothing? He clear-cuts Grove Street and the Canterbury estates areas, tramples through wet land regulations along Main Street, clears out the gravel in the center of town all in return for a promise of developing the "Town Center". It seems to me there has been a conflict of interest for years now. Mr. Borelli can do whatever he wants in residential areas and the selectmen will turn a blind eye with the promise of a future for the center of town. Now after years of false promises, Mr. Borelli is abandoning ship with his residential eyesores in place and a "Town Center" that resembles a moonscape. Does anyone else think that our selectman were duped? Should we have restrictions against developers having both residential and commercial projects in the town at the same time? - TR
[Grove Street? I missed that one. But add Cress Brook, also - Wm.]
3/10 2:33pm Opinions wanted: We would like to put a small addition onto our house, and are wondering if anyone has had any good experiences with local contractors/ carpenters that they would like to share. Thanks in advance. - SH
3/10 2:31pm WB and JAJ - right on. I'm hoping that some concerned citizens make it to tonight's hearing. I've heard that Mr. B. has made his money off the trees and earth he has removed from town center (good topsoil isn't cheap). Why don't we buy the remainder of the lot from him? If developers have their way, eventually the town will be overdeveloped like Franklin and we will be able to support a supermarket in the Stop and Shop lot. They are probably holding it for the long term. Large corporations do this sort of thing a lot. Once we look like Medway or Franklin, they'll be sitting pretty. Thanks to our hard-working town boards and committees, that total buildout will take a long time. Every day they are fighting to make sure that the fate of other rural towns is not our own. The downside, of course, is that Borelli's land will continue to be a vacant moonscape until either our population is large enough to support the commercial vision set out for that space or someone takes the land and does something more sensible with it. - DAF
3/9 3:00pm In regards to the development of the Town Center, or lack there of, according to the Sunday Boston Globe, the Selectmen are meeting with Mr. Borelli about his earth removal permit. Is it time that someone put their foot down and got real answers and real commitments from this guy? I can remember last year, or was it the year before, or was it the year before that, we were going to get a supermarket, we were going to get shops, a resturant, a bank, an assisted living development, last year it was a 40B development. I have to ask a basic question, does this guy really have a plan? To turn the center of Town into an active gravel pit is reprehensible, but for this to be permitted to go on any longer without a commitment of visible results is verging on being irresponsible. - WB
3/9 2:17pm I have also heard that Borelli sold a part of the town center to Stop & Shop so that they can prevent any other market from going in. What doesn't make sense to me is that I don't think the spot would be feasible for a Stop & Shop due to the lack of a major road cutting through. Supermarkets are an extremely low margin business and they need a lot of traffic to be profitable. Now, if the area is not good for Stop & Shop, than it wouldn't be good for Roche Bros, Star or any other like market to come in. So, what are they protecting against??? I guess the big question is whether they are going to develop it in another manner or leave it as a rock pile. I think our town deserves better than that. Either way, looks like the eye sore will be there for a while. - JAJ
3/9 2:01pm Well, it has been a long winter in Norfolk and it is time to turn the calender ahead a few months and start to focus in on summer. Just letting you know that we have posted our DARE Summer Day Program dates for the upcoming 2003 season. Due to one of the neighboring towns getting released from school on Monday, June 23 we will be conducting our first camp as part of a split week start. This week will be for 6th grade (entering grade 7) students that reside in the three towns of Wrentham, Plainville and Norfolk. The split week start will commence on Thursday June 26 till Wednesday July 2nd. This is a five day camp. The fifth grade program (entering grade 6) will begin on Monday August 11th till Friday the 15th. We anticipate permission slips for both camps to be sent out in school come April. Any questions please call Officer Steve Plympton, Norfolk Police Department at (508) 541-3330. - SP
3/9 1:54pm Re: 3/6 12:06pm I have several pieces of furniture [...] that I would be willing to donate. Try contacting the Housing Authority at 528-4800 or any of the churches in town, I'm sure someone can use the stuff. - SL
3/8 12:32pm NCL will hold the Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast on Saturday, April 12, 2003. Steve Roslonek from Steve's Songs, an engaging children's performer, will provide the entertainment this year during the breakfast. He will also be selling his albums at the show. [Click for more information] - CH
3/8 12:25pm The Highway recorded 9.5 inches of snowfall. - SW
3/7 10:07pm The Boston Globe showed Norfolk as having been in the 6"-8" band. It seemed a bit more than that to me, but I didn't measure. - Wm.
3/7 10:05pm Re: point and non-point pollutants: From e-mails that we received, point source discharges are direct pipe discharges; non-point source discharges are surface runoff from parking lots, road ways, large roofs, etc. - Wm.
3/7 12:14pm Just curious... Does anyone know how many inches of snow we got last night? Thanks! - MD
3/7 10:19am We received the following e-mail; can anyone help him out? Reply directly to Mike, or (short) posts to the page are Ok. But what are point and non-point pollutants? To Whom It May Concern:- Wm.Re: Class Watershed Project: Charles River Watershed
My name is Mike Tulis and I am a student from University of Lethbridge, in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. For my geography class project I am studying Charles River watershed. I was wondering if you could tell me what (if any) industry is located in the town of Medfield?! Are there any point and non-point pollutants in the region?!
Your response would be greatly appreciated and help me to derive conclusions for my project.
3/7 10:19am Re: 3/6 9:36pm I submit that the town does not have a plan or a strategy ... To JO: The Norfolk Water Department has a webpage, at [click for Water Department page]. I suggest that you call them, make an appointment, and see what they have for information. It may be that they will soon put their Water Map onto the Town Website, as the Franklin Water Division of the Franklin Department of Public Works (DPW) did at the Franklin Town website, at [click for Franklin map] (click on the icon containing 4 blue arrows to enlarge the map image.) Interesting information about the Walpole Water Division of the Walpole DPW is at th.walpole.ma.us/WSystem.htm and also at www.walpole.ma.us/WaterQuality2001.htm Your questions are good ones. Please ask the Water Department to post their answers & FAQ, and their all-encompassing report, to their web page. Be sure to bring this up at the Annual Town Meeting in May if you do not receive answers to your questions. It should be noted that the engineering at a Town well site recently won an award. This should be noted on the Town web site also. The State DEP has a webpage relating to Drinking Water at: www.state.ma.us/dep/brp/dws/contdwp.htm Applicable Mass General Laws (MGL) and Code of Mass Regulations (CMRs) are cited at: www.state.ma.us/dep/brp/dws/contdwp.htm They are hot-linked, so that you can click on the underlined link and read the law or regulation. - AN
3/6 9:53pm I saw that the Town Hall still has their Christmas wreath up with its red bow on it at the back entrance. - PR
3/6 9:49pm I know there has been many postings in the past in regards to the Town center. The Globe had an article a few weeks ago announcing the Mr Borelli sold part of the lot at the town center. Does anyone know what the developer who bought the land has planned for it? Are we finally going to get a grocery store? - EB
[The rumor we've heard, from several differenent sources now, is that Stop & Shop bought the lot to stop any other grocrey chain from going in and competing with their Franklin store. Anyone with more recent info please, we'd all like to know - Wm.]
3/6 9:44pm I found a cat while looking for my neighbor's lost cat. She's black and white with yellow eyes. She has white front legs and a white chest. She has a black dot on her nose and what looks like a heart on her forehead. She's a younger cat. We're pretty much absolutely sure she's a female, but there's a possibility she's not. If you've lost this cat, contact me at dragon_blood_2002@hotmail.com - MW
3/6 9:36pm I submit that the town does not have a plan or a strategy for water determination or conservation. We need numbers as well as participation by all Town entities as a start. Given the present situation, we are appealing to emotions by practicing conservation on a small scale basis. If indeed we are faced with a water shortage, let's establish what we are talking about in a quantitative fashion. Again, let's determine some numbers, let's determine what the potential of the aquifer is - let's get the DEP as well as the Army Corps of Engineers, Mass Watershed, etc. to determine what is going on. On another issue - I heard Mr. McFeeley talk about increasing pressure for example and I was suprised to hear that it wasn't received too well. I would like to point out that Newton has different modes of pressure due to the differences in town altitude.