Q1 2004 Norfolknet Notes, Jan-Mar 2004This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
3/31 9:10pm Looking for a gently-used pop-up tent trailer. Does anyone know of one for sale? My phone number is on the bulletin board if anyone has one to sell or knows of one being sold. Thanks.
3/31 9:08pm Today is Rabies Awareness Day! Just a friendly reminder from the Animal Control Department that the Board of Health is sponsoring the rabies clinic on the third of April. To bring awareness beyond the prior rabies incidents, there has been another positive rabies as of today and it is imperative for all those who do not have vaccinated animals to please consider going to the clinic for their dogs and cats. The rabies test that just came back to this department that was positive was in the area of Medway St. and Myrtle St. Again, this animal involved was a skunk. Sincerely,
- Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control
3/31 9:07pm To HPK... I sure do remember the "Packy" as we all called it... It was great for kids to bike ride for a treat and milk... bread... and I hate to admit, cigarettes...
- ER
3/31 9:06pm Yes, I remember the package store on Myrtle St. It burned down I think. As for the gas station on Main and Boardman, I thought they took the tanks out years ago and removed the dirt, I remember the dirt piles with tape around them then it was cleaned up. Why it can't be sold is beyond me but to my limited knowledge, it was cleaned up years ago.
- JW
3/31 9:05pm Re. state group home - With the approach of Patriots Day it is ironic to recall that one of the reasons for going to war with the British was their imposition of military rule allowing quartering of their troops in Boston homes.
Years later we are exposed to having the state being able to ignore Zoning Laws by fiat.
- JO
3/31 5:46pm To EW - Unfortunately, I am beginning to wonder if "that old run down gas station" will ever go away. What I have learned over the years is that there was leakage from one of the underground tanks. In order to sell the property, a clean-up would be required. In order to clean up such a spill, the tanks must be excavated, and all of the contaminated soil must be removed and properly disposed. This is an extremely costly endeavor. Apparently, if you just let it sit and become an eyesore, that's ok. The problems arise when you try to sell clean title. Bottom line, it's probably here until the next millennium... unless you know someone with deep pockets who is not adverse to the risk of future contamination problems. Anyone interested? How about the state?, maybe they want it so they can put some offenders right near the school (sorry, couldn't resist).
- TW
3/31 5:44pm They can't tear the old package store down! That's a landmark for visitors to my house ("turn left at the decrepit gas station..."). Along the same lines, my dad remembers when there was a little package store at the intersection of River Road and Myrtle St. -- do any readers here remember that?
3/31 4:47pm Why is it taking so long for the development of Moonscape to finally begin? Is it the town or the developer? Also, with the straitening of Boardman Street and main street, is that old run down gas station going to be torn down?
- EW
3/31 12:21pm TP, you are correct the 55,000 was a typo. As far as the dimensions for the other stores, the numbers were provided by the stores themselves for as I said NEW construction. I did say we cannot second guess if they will build smaller stores.
- SM
3/30 8:51pm In reponse to SM's note from 3/29, the actual maximum allowable supermarket size is 50,000 sq ft with a special permit. By comparison, the current Roche Brothers in Millis is about 40,000 sq ft total (35,000 sq ft for sales space). Eastern Development, who is the owner of the property, traditionally builds Stop & Shop stores although they would not commit to a tenant at the 3/17 hearing. Although the hearing has been closed for the request to grant a special permit on the 5,000 extra sq ft for the supermarket, the hearing for the "variety" store (code for CVS) drive through has been continued to the 4/21 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. I would recommend attending if you have any concerns or questions. It is important that your elected and appointed officials know your opinons of the town center development project.
- TP
3/30 8:35pm To KW - other wealthier towns have their share as well so take heart:
Concord, 4 level 2's, 1 level 3 Weston, 3 level 2's Winchester, 2 level 2's Carlisle, 2 level 2's Lincoln, 3 level 2's
I think we should concentrate on Norfolk. All day long around town I have heard the same complaint. "Why does Norfolk have a greater proportion of sex offenders?" "Wealthier towns don't have sex offenders, we have more than our fair share." (One is more than any town's fair share but that's not my point right now.) Not true according to the Sex Offender Registry. If there is a socio-economic issue here it's systemic and relates to our judicial system. Wealthy people can afford better legal representation and probably get aquitted more frequently. That doesn't mean that Wellesley has no sexual offenders it just means that they had better lawyers! The devil you know... Just a thought.- MJD
3/30 6:21pm Just surfing the Mass Sex Offenders Registry page.... Sex Offender Registry Board. I am curious as to why Wellesley has zero offenders, Sherborn has zero, Dover has 1 level 2 offender, and Weston has 3 level 2 offenders. I understand they choose where they want to live, butI was wondering more about the state group home... is it because property prices are too high in other towns? Did the people who sold the house know who they were selling to? This Delta Project website HS People talks about helping people with developmental disabilities. It doesn't talk about placement for sex offenders. If they are sex offenders with developmental disabilities, would that make them more likely to reoffend? As far as rehabilitation goes, isn't the sucess rate of rehabbing sex offenders very low?
- KW
3/30 4:36pm RE: The special town meeting last evening concerning the DMR residence on Cleveland Street. All Norfolk residents should be aware that Delta Projects, Inc. of Needham, the owner and operator of the house for the State's Department of Mental Retardation, refused to attend. While there is no legal obligation or zoning reason why Delta House must have conducted community outreach prior to the purchase, I believe they had every ethical reason to reach out to the citizens of Norfolk with information regarding its services and residents before siting, particularly in light of the fact that two of its four residents are Class 2 sexual offenders. Community outreach is imperative for the easy transition, acceptance and welcome of residential housing within our communities for persons with mental challenges. I am appalled that Delta Projects had such disregard for the clients they are paid to serve to locate their residence in an area where they had done no community education.
This needed service that Delta House provides for the State of Massachusetts is funded by taxpayers. Please let our newly elected Senator Scott Brown know that the residents of Norfolk will not stand for being treated with such little regard and disrespect.
3/30 4:02pm The roundabouts are going in the town center (the current four-way stop) and at the intersection of Liberty Lane, Union Street and Rte. 115. The state has signed off on this project which is scheduled to be done this summer in conjunction with a complete redesign of the center. Daley's gas station is going to be completely rebuilt and the grade of the road will be changed. Also the intersection of Main Street and Boardman is being straightened out at the same time. And than there is the library.
- JB
3/30 3:58pm What time is the Town Meeting tonight, and what exactly is on the agenda? I can't find it on the web... any ideas?
- KW
[The Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 30, 2004 at 7:30 PM at the King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham. - GB, post of 3/5 3:21pm - Wm.]
3/30 3:21pm Where exactly are these round abouts going to be made?
- EW
3/30 1:01pm MSH, that article made the same mistake I made before doing a little research -- treating roundabouts and traffic circles as all the same thing. Calling both "rotaries" is like calling both highways and sidestreets "roads." They are different. Norfolk is getting roundabouts and the things you have encoutered on the way to the Cape and elsewhere are traffic circles. Unlike scary traffic circles, roundabouts are limited to only one lane and have a width not more than 60 feet.
3/30 11:51am For anyone who missed Monday's two and a half hour special Board of Selectmen's meeting regarding Delta House on Cleveland Street, it is being rebroadcast on channel 22 every day at 8am, 3pm and 8:45pm until Thursday April 8th.
- Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager
3/30 11:50am Correction to posting by SM. A 45,000 sq. ft. store is allowed by right. A 50,000 sq. ft. store is allowed by Special Permit. Developers are before ZBA asking for S.P. for 50,000 sq. ft. - JD
3/30 11:37am Looking for a family program for April vacation week for your 5-11 year old children? (4 year old children will be considered for acceptance by the program coordinator.) The radKIDS Personal Empowerment Safety Education Program might be what you are looking for. The radKIDS Program is a comprehensive safety education program covering such topics as personal safety, home and out and about safety, bicycle and water safety, internet safety, bullying prevention, good bad and uncomfortable touch and sexual assault prevention, abduction prevention, and realistic physical choices to escape harm. The radKIDS Program is activity based and fun!
The April vacation week program will run Tuesday April 20 through Friday April 23 from 9:00 am -12:30 PM. Attendance is required on all dates to participate in simulation activities on Friday. The cost is $65.00 per child (multiple child discounts and scholarships are available). Parents are encouraged to participate. Space is limited and classes fill quickly.
Registration forms will be available at the Norfolk Police Department beginning March 31. For additional information about the April vacation week program please contact Karen Nardone at 508-314-8431. Please visit the radKIDS website at www.radkids.org.
- KN
3/29 6:00pm WA-Thanks for the info on the meeting being held tonight at Town Hall re: Cleveland St. property housing sex offenders. As it's too late for me to arrange to get there and likely for many others as well, could those of you who are able to attend please post information here to share the contents of the meeting? It is much appreciated. I certainly hope that the area schools are notified, thoroughly informed and that as they did for the Boardman St. Level 3 offender, will send home notices so that all our families have their awareness raised on such an important safety issue. Thank you. - ML
3/29 2:06pm Did anyone see the article in Saturday's Boston Globe about eliminating roundabouts because they are too dangerous? Does everyone know that Norfolk is going to start work in the next week on constructing two of them in the center of town? Whose bright idea was that? - MSH
3/29 2:06pm The Federated Church Holy Week Schedule can be found here [click] - LD
3/29 1:59pm As a resident of Cleveland Street I can assure you I was NOT made aware of this situation and had to find out from a neighbor only last night. I am deeply disturbed that this was not brought to my attention and I agree with WA that the whole town should be made aware of this and attend the meeting tonight! - JB
3/29 11:56am Response to ML - There is a meeting tonight 3/29 at Town Hall 6:00 p.m. Room 124 to discuss the "sex offender" house on Cleveland. People have been invited to answer questions that individuals may have. I was told that people living on Cleveland were invited. However, I believe the entire town should be made aware (apologies if I missed notices, but would think that I would remember something like this!). - WA
3/29 11:48am Don't put too much stock into rumors about what market is going into Norfolk Commons. The developers have been asked by the the Planning Board and other Boards in town government. Until their negotiations are complete, they will say nothing. The size of store allowed by zoning is a little small by Stop and Shop standards. For that matter its a little small by Roche Bros. standards. We allow a 55,000 sq ft. store (the upper limit by Special Permit), Roche Bros average about 65,000 for new stores and Stop and Shop about 75,000. This is not to say they won't construct a smaller store but there are chains that routinely build smaller. - SM
3/27 8:56pm For CP... Gorman Landscaping 508-384-3814, and Tom 508-533-2945 for the brick work. - ER
3/27 11:47am CP - J. Sherrick Landscape. Honest, and very fair prices. He does lawn maintenance, clean ups, etc. I don't know about the brick walkway. Give him a call and ask for an estimate. He has a sign posted on Tucker Road and his number is 508-380-5607. - KW
3/26 7:41pm In response to the question as to what supermarket is going to be coming to Norfolk - it is a Super Stop and Shop. How do I know this, you ask? I work for the company as a customer service supervisor, that's how. No, seriously, although I do work for the company, my position is not how I know. I know because I asked within the company, and although a direct yes was not given, the way the question was answered gave it away. - RD [The name Stop & Shop has come up before in connection with Pebble Hill; see for example 2003Q1 Notes archive around 3/9. - Wm.]
3/26 4:19pm Can anyone recommend a good (reasonably priced) landscaper for lawn maintenance services in Norfolk? Also interested in having a brick walkway put it in. Thanks, - CP
3/26 12:45pm Hello, Well, I am wrestling as to whether or not I should respond to the latest posting regarding the ``letter from Mass Aeronautical Commission'' and I have decided to let you know my position and past history with the ``Airport Property''. As a youngster, I grew up in Millis. I won't date myself but it goes back quite a bit of years and I used to enjoy watching the parachutists who used the field for practice in the late 50's, 60's and 70's along with the numerous aircraft that resided on the field. During the mid 70's I began a very brief period of aircraft training to be a pilot, but due to personal obligations, finances and responsibilities I had to put off my piloting goals until the mid 80's.
Once that part of my goal was complete, I set about to purchase an aircraft and fly as many times as possible and to be as closely related to aviation as possible. Well one thing you learn as you get older is that in order to get closer to something that you enjoy you have to get more involved. In my case to get more involved meant to give back to the Community for the passion that I love and supported.
Does anybody remember the last two Air Shows that were held at the airport? If you do, you will remember they were events put on by an obscure group of Pilots who came together (a lot of them were Norfolk residents and a lot of them were from the surrounding towns). Those last two shows were originated and organized by ``Yours Truly''. Now I don't ordinarily like to make noise about my charitable causes and what not, but HEY!!! My name and my wife's name are being strewn about with all sorts of unfounded facts and innuendo and I feel compelled to and forced to make a stand and explain just exactly where I am coming from.
Both shows were fun filled days of rides, entertainment, aircraft and activities. During the process we were able to generate a sizable profit due in kind to the supporting pilots and sponsors that saw the good that we were doing. Our ``profit'' was then given back to the community in the form of a donation to the Wrentham Developmental Center and the Civil Air Patrol out of Taunton who was also so very supportive and involved. Then I went on to get involved in Airlifeline, a non-profit charitable organization that has since been folded into Angle Flight. Both of these organizations are founded for the sole purpose to offer and support Medical Air Transport for those who can least afford it and have no other means available to them. I flew a number of (personally funded) missions to various destinations through out the North East delivering patients to and from Boston and I have to tell you that all of my flights were enjoyable, safe and well received by the recipients. One flight in particular involved a coordinated squadron of aircraft, meeting down in Farmington Long Island NY (just outside of NYC) and transporting the Russian Children from Chernobyl up to the Boston Hospitals for a 2 to 4 week visit with resident families and hospitals. Then there was the time I flew the students from (Norfolk resident Law Magner's) Millis HS Aviation class on an orientation flight around the area, letting each student get a true piloting taste and feel for their soon to be passion.
So how does that relate to my name being mentioned on a letter to MAC? Well, back in 2001/2002 I organized the Norfolk Aero Club www.norfolkaeroclub.com (please visit). I am the President of that club and during its initial inception, I was negotiating with the current land owner to lease the airstrip from him. Well, due to circumstance beyond our control and pocketbook we were not able complete the transaction and the effort was put on the back burner. It was during that time though that I had contacted MAC and notified them of our intentions. Please read the fine print in the letter. There is nothing to hide or deny.
I guess the most amazing thing about this whole process is that not anyone bothered to call my Wife or me for any questions or explanations. Instead it was Jump to Conclusions, Make assumptions and Charge Special Interests. Amazing, how so few informed can and do make so many comments and conclusions.
Please feel free to call me anytime, my name is in the phone book, we are also looking for new members for the Norfolk Aero Club!
- Yours truly, Paul H. Terrio
3/26 11:18am Just a question that has been out there for quite a while - why is it such a big secret as to what store/super market is proposed to be built? It's been a few years since they've been talking about this proposal but have yet to hear what store this may be. Anybody know?? - KB
3/25 11:54pm What if we decided to stop paying the MBTA at the $20 rate and change to the $3 rate. This is amazingly unfair!! The rate difference is astounding. It seems we must make a statement and not pay these fine folks at the MBTA (keep telling them the check is in the mail) (easy for me to say dashing off an email). At least it makes me feel a tad better as I just got my excise tax bill for the car and was amazed to be paying $400 bucks. They should stop referring to it as a "road use tax". Regardless of how much your car is we are all using 4 tires to roll over the road and it should be a flat fee per auto. Thanks for the info. Jack! - LS
3/25 11:53pm I think it is a State Group Home and if you want to find out about the possibility of Level 2 sex offenders living there you need to go to the Police Station. - KW
3/25 8:13pm Does anyone have specific information regarding the sale of a property on Cleveland St. to the state which is said to house two Level 2 sex offenders and perhaps mentally disabled adults? Any information would be appreciated. - ML 3/25 8:11pm We received a letter containing a cover letter and a copy of a note from the the Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission (MAC) [attached] regarding the status of the Norfolk Airport. The note mentions that Selectman Terrio's husband ``has voiced a desire to open the field as a Private Restricted Landing Area'' (which is open only to those who sign up to use it). The author of the cover letter concludes that if purchase of the airport land by the town would preclude its continued operation as an air field, it would go against the expressed interest of Mr. Terrio, posing a conflict of interest for Mrs. Terrio. (However, it has already been mentioned on this page (post of 12/19) that the above is generally known in town, especially in the airport neighborhood.) The MAC letter also indicates that the ``official status is that the airport is closed until further notice.''
- Wm.
3/25 7:48pm Jack McFeeley, thanks for your prompt and detailed response. Personally, I hope we NEVER see a garage.
3/25 2:10pm I will be happy to respond about the MBTA parking as MSC suggests -- I did say at a recent Zoning Board of Appeal meeting that, ``At some point, you might see a two-story parking garage right behind'' the (proposed) supermarket. I might have even said in the near future, but the time frame that I had in mind would be five to ten years. However, I did not say the other things that were attributed to me nor were the stated comments true. The article stated that,
``The MBTA would like to build a two-level parking garage in the heart of town soon. MBTA officials met with local officials last week, and a garage is a goal of the state agency for the upper MBTA lot near town hall, Selectman Jack McFeeley said.''Neither is true.Actually, let me parse the statement. Yes, they would probably consider building a two-level garage. No, they have no plans nor is it their goal. Finally, I did not make that last statement.
We met with the MBTA for a totally different reason (this answers MSC's other question). Here is what actually happened.
The current road that is used to access the MBTA parking area needs to be straightened to enable Eastern Development to proceed with their project for the Supermarket. The town granted the MBTA an easement for this road many years ago and we wanted to remove the easement.
In short, the MBTA agreed but wanted to negotiate some parking spaces along the side of the ride to increase the parking capacity in the area for the train station. So they asked to meet with us.
Bob Markel, Art Spruch and I met with them two weeks ago to negotiate the transfer. We agreed to allow some on street parking and they agreed to sign the transfer of the easement. This only involved about a dozen parking spaces. However, we also said that our agreement was conditional for only three or four years. After that we will begin to regulate the parking on the street approaching the parking lot.
Our expectation was that they would explore other parking options in the interim. They do own other property west of the current lot and could open up additional surface lots. We told them that we had long range plans to put a bridge over the tracks adjacent to their current lot to quickly bring the traffic over to Main Street and then down to Franklin where most of the traffic exits.
They did mention in passing that a two story parking facility could be an option but it was opposed when it was suggested in the past. It was noted however that since their parking area is next to the proposed supermarket that the size contrast might not be so obvious in the present location. This was all that was said on that point.
So, it is fair to say that at some point down the road that this might be something they would consider. However, it is certainly not imminent and my guess is that that point is at least five years away or more.
Another comment for RW --
No, the MBTA does not set the assessment to Norfolk based on the number of riders boarding at the station. It is not as unfair as that. It is even more inane. In our region, we are assessed roughly $20 per town population. Since we have about 10,000 population the assessment for FY03 was $214K and for FY04 it was $208K. On the other hand Franklin, which has two train stations gets an assessment of $2 per population. In FY03 they paid $69K. Also, two-thirds of the people that board the train in Norfolk are from Franklin and they pay nothing extra for that. Now that's really fair...
It has to do with the distance from Boston. In FY03 the rates were: Norfolk, Medfield, Millis, and Walpole pay on the $20 tier per resident. Foxborough, Franklin, Medway, and Wrentham pay $2 per resident.
For FY04, our elected officials promised us a big drop and equity with the other towns. Our rate stayed essentially constant at $20 and the $2 rate towns went to $3. Do you think we got what we were promised? We have been trying for years to get some services for this money such as the RIDE for our seniors and we have been continually and flatly told no. All we get is more cars from Franklin and a big bill.
- Jack McFeeley, Selectman
3/25 8:25am I'm surprised I haven't heard or read much about the airport proposal. Does anyone know if it is expected to pass or fail? Are there groups actively lobbying for or against it? What would the runway strip be used for (commercial, private, jump school...?) In order to vote do you have to attend the meeting on Tuesday night? Thanks, - PCS
3/25 8:23am EB: The Zoning Board of Appeals heard the case from Eastern Development to build a larger supermarket than what is currently allowed, and are to make a determination within a couple of weeks (I think it was twenty days, but I can't be certain). They also continued the hearing regarding a variance for a "variety" store, i.e. a CVS or equivalent, and a drive up window. They continued that hearing into May. I am sure the town hall has all the details. Regarding the T parking garage, it was mentioned at the same meeting it was indeed very likely that would happen. Town officials felt strongly there was little they could do to stop the garage, and that a supermarket in front of it might be just the solution to it's unsightly presence. There was also mention of a new access road into the existing T parking lot, coming from Main Street, over the tracks. Apparently, it is believed that will relieve a good deal of the congestion expected by the additional cars. - TC
3/23 8:53pm If as the info says we are medium priority with low support, who started the conversation - the T, or were they invited bythe selectmen? Maybe they could respond ? - MSC
3/23 8:48pm Someone correct me if I am wrong, I believe the MBTA sets the assessment that Norfolk pays based on the number of riders that board at the station. If we allow the parking to essentially double aren't we also increasing the assessment we will be charged? Adding expense to more traffic and congestion does not seem like a project in Norfolk's favor. - RW [3/24 5:50pm Corrected spelling - Wm.]
3/23 2:28pm Eastern Development was scheduled to go in front of the town board on March 17th to get some initial approvals for the town center project. I think they were trying to get a bigger [store sq ft] size approved. Does anyone know how that meeting went? Thanks! - EB
3/23 1:14pm I'm sure the MBTA would love to have a parking garage. I personally would prefer a garage to acres and acres of parking lots. The problem is the MBTA doesn't have the most important requirement - Money. I can't imagine the MBTA funding a parking garage in Norfolk center in the foreseeable future. - SM [1:59pmWe received an e-mail making this same point, and directing us to the T's 25-year planning document. Quoting from the e-mail, This subsection, [System Enhancements], on page 5B-32, talks about the T's parking plans, and ranks stations. Norfolk is ranked as a "medium" priority, which, in terms of funding, puts them way way down the list. I think one could safely say that the enormity of MBTA capital challenge is such that a "medium" priority project, which is ranked as "low" for community support, doesn't look very likely. So what prompted the MBTA to raise the issue now? - Wm.]
3/23 1:02pm Here's a link to a short story on the MBTA parking garage... [click for Sun Chron article]. I park in the upper lot every day. I don't see an obvious need for more parking. Nor do I see a need for more traffic on Main Street. - DF
3/23 10:15am I didn't see the MBTA article. What paper was it in? Does anyone have an internet link to the article? - JD
3/23 10:14am I have a good solution for defeating the squirrels. Use stainless steel fishing line approximately 5 to 6 feet long and hang it from a high branch up on the tree you want it on. You will need a ladder and maybe a tree hook. I went to ocean state and bought some tree hooks and then used stainless steel fishing line which I already had. Once I assembled everything then I used brass or marine safety hook and attached my bird feeders and suet feeders to the hooks. Make sure there is only a small pedestal so the squirrels can't jump up to it or too close to the tree. I have had mine up for almost a year now and the squirrels cannot get to the feeders. I have seen them try but the length of the wire and the slim wire they give up or they fall. - PP
3/22 12:06am Anyone notice the planets in the western sky in a vertical alignment? Oh well, I'll catch it next time in A.D. 2___? - JO [3/23 5:39pmThat would be 2036. I found an AP news article about this - Wm.]
3/22 11:02pm They are back!!! I hope many saw the article on the MBTA's desire to build a parking garage in the center of town. Please complain to the Selectmen if you don't want it. Our roads are in horrible shape an hundreds more cars won't help. - MSC
3/22 1:37pm Re: 3/22 12:20am - JO: We have two birdfeeders, each modified to accommodate ground-feeding birds by adding a 12" diameter clear plastic platter on standoffs at the bottom, with a center drain hole. The feeders hang on wire stretched between two trees. On the wire, there are two ineffective squirrel-guards. The feeders hang down from the wire on vertical wires, to further exercise the squirrels' muscles. Previously we used nylon rope, which the squirrels chewed through, dropping the feeders to the ground for easy access. We keep the feeders full of black oil sunflower seeds, and there are dozens of birds at the feeders every day, though sometimes there are no birds in sight for hours. We have seen many different species, including the ones which are usually ground-feeders, such as the cardinals. We feed the birds all winter, and we spread feed on the ground for the squirrels. We vacuum up the residual seed and seed husks occasionally. There is observation data available at www.ebird.org/content/ and an on-line guide at birds.cornell.edu/onlineguide. - RH
3/22 10:12am To JO: If you haven't already done so, I would encourage you to take advantage of the resources at Stony Brook right here in Norfolk (Massachusetts Audubon Society). Even if they do not have answers to your specific concerns, I'm sure it will lead to other sources. Indeed it is sad news and undoubtedly yet another price to pay for constant, chronic development. While I was a volunteer at Stony Brook years ago, I recall reading a survey and study that published a list of the towns in the U.S. that had the largest variety of birds and one of the cities on the top of that list was Millis, Massachusetts. No way that would be the case today. - TEM
3/22 10:10am 168 Acres Airport Land Purchase, via CPA existing funds for downpayment, Town vote to issue Bond, CPA to make payments on Bond, 5 yrs?, 20yrs? Pro: If town buys it as "Open Space" land could be "retained in a natural scenic or open condition", during Bond term. This is best because it protects a future potential drinking water supply and aquifer, vernal pools,open space, wildlife and habitat, Mill River and wetlands, walking and bike paths, passive recreation. After Bond is paid, any buildable acres could be a potential site for affordable housing. Of 168 acres, only 25 pos. buildable. This would require another Vote ?. Con: Developer buys it, 12-20 high-end homes with road, airport hangers and fencing dividing field to protect runway. Gated housing area for card holders only. More pollution and noise, more burden on schools with incoming families, real protection of aquifer is lost. Runway is rebuilt and lengthened. Wildlife runs away. - DM
3/22 10:09am Bird Population? Yes, I too noticed a decline in numbers. I think the biggest decline came last July and August, Sept, Oct. about the time the West Nile Virus appeared in some dead birds found locally. I wondered if the virus had taken a larger toll than expected . Or if birds could sense the sickness and headed for a healthier environment. The chickadee population has been almost nonexistent in my yard. Birds returned after snowfall including cardinals, bluejays, snowbirds, woodpeckers, nuthatch, wrens, mallard, Canada geese and others in good numbers this winter, but few chickadees. Maybe an owl ate them all. - DM
3/22 8:01am Does anyone know the pros and cons of the town purchasing the airport? I haven't heard too much about it. Someone had said that if the voters okay it, our taxes will not go up because the CPC is purchasing it. I would think that would be a pro but what will they use it for? Would like to have some info before I decide. Thanks! - PR
3/22 12:20am Since last June I have been raising questions about the diminution of the bird population. As previously stated, my observations were strictly amateur and based on recollection year to year for the last 17 years. However, a check with more ardent watchers has also elicited a feeling that we aren't seeming the quantities that prevailed. As fall and winter came and went it was suggested that ample nuts/berries were available and therefore bird feeders were not in demand. Switching types of seed didn't help and I would still like to suggest that (as an amateur) the population is down. I even put a sign up - "Birds Welcome" - that did nothing! I don't know how many readers saw the article in the Sun Chron -Mar18- relative to the British wildlife study that relates of a population decline of 54-71% in birds and butterflies over the period of the study. It is suggested there is possible mass extinction underway. The report has found favorable reviews as to its authenticity by Smithsonian and I wonder if we are seeing some effects. Perhaps a review of pesticides and environmental structures are in order. Anyone have ideas /input ? - JO
3/20 8:29am Happy Vernal Equinox! The vernal equinox is the day in spring when the day and night are of equal length, and marks the official end of winter. Though you wouldn't know it from just looking outside.
- Wm.
3/18 9:50am SM: The kindergarten information night gives parents an overview of the full day and half day kindergarten program. Some of the kindergarten teachers attend. I believe the school psychologist attends to answer questions regarding transition issues. This meeting allows parents to ask questions regarding the program. It is for parents only. - LR
3/17 9:45pm Hi. Something Special is a great store. It has gifts for anyone of any age. Phone number 1-508-528-3213. - IL, NA
3/17 4:48pm SM - The Kindergarten Orientation is for parents of children entering Kindergarten in September. It is an information night to answer questions about the program, curriculum, schedules, etc. There was a small paragraph about it on the overview sheet they passed out on the day of registration. To date, they have not completed the schedule for next year regarding full vs. half day classes. - JM
3/17 11:46am Can anyone tell me what the H. Olive Day Kindergarten orientation is all about? I checked the school website but found nothing. Is it strictly for parents? Thanks! - SM
3/17 7:52am Happy St. Patrick's Day! . . .
3/16 10:53pm Wm: Looks as if we will be shoveling 6-12 inches of flurries in the morning. - JW
3/16 9:34pm The Board Members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) are currently accepting requests for disbursement of amounts raised through its activities this winter and upcoming spring. The monies will be distributed in May of 2004. If you are a member of an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit NCL's website at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org for an application. The deadline for applications is April 15, 2004 and a completed application must be received by this date in order to be considered. [More...] - CH
3/16 7:13am Aww, how sweet, one final flurry to say good-bye to winter. The only thing that puzzles me is the forecast. They first predicted 3-6 inches, then 4-8, and now 6-12. Personally, I like my flurries light and swirly, not by the shovelful. - Wm.
3/15 4:25pm At 7:30 p.m., Thursday, March 25, the King Philip High School Music Program will present a Spring Concert in Grady Auditorium. The concert will feature the Chorus, the Symphony Band, and the Concert Band. The public is invited. Tickets will be available at the door: $5 for adults, $3 for students. Among the featured band numbers will be: "Variations on America" by Charles Ives, "Americans We" by Henry Fillmore, "American Folk Rhapsody" by Clare Grundman, "Ghost Train" by Eric Whitacre, "Suite in the Minor Mode" by Dmitri Kabalevsky, and "The Great Escape March" by Elmer Bernstein. The Chorus will feature spirituals and folk music, including: "Aina That Good News," "Danny Boy," "Duerme Negrito," and "Go Tell It on the Mountain." - BW
3/15 11:23am I think it would be helpful to know prior to the special hearing on the 25th and the Special Town Meeting on the 30th how many other potentially large developable parcels exist that are either under 61A or the Community Preservation Committee/Town Boards believe may be available for purchase in the not so distant future. In addition, it would be helpful to know how much money the Community Preservation Committee currently has available and how much it anticipates collecting on a yearly basis and will this purchase increase our taxes in any way, shape or form. I believe the above information will help the townspeople determine whether or not buying the Airport property will severely handicap the Community Preservation Committee in purchasing property that may be deemed more significant when it becomes available to purchase. - PN
3/15 8:25am As chairman of the Community Preservation Committee, I want to correct a statement in your post about the proposed Airport purchase. There are two parcels of land at the Airport, only one of which is proposed for purchase by the town. Parcel 1, which includes the parking area and woodlands to the west of the main entrance on River Road, has already been purchased by the developers, and is slated to be developed with 40 units of housing, a portion of which will be designated as affordable under the State's Chapter 40B regulations. The Community Preservation Committee and the Town have no ability to purchase this parcel of land and the upcoming Special Town Meeting is not convening to address this parcel. The larger parcel of land, approximately 168 acres which includes the runway and the land to the East and North bordered by the Mill River and Leland Road, is under a Purchase and Sale Agreement to the same parties that purchased the smaller parcel. The Town has a right of first refusal since the land was designated as agricultural land under the State's Chapter 61A. The developer has stated, and we believe will publically present his plans for this parcel, which we understand will include a development of 25 to 30 homes, as well as potentially some donation of remaining land to the Town. We also understand that he wishes to reopen the Airport. According to the Planning Board and others, there however could be development potential on the site of 75 to 100 homes using conventional subdivision rules, more if Chapter 40B is utilized. This is an important question for the Town, and we urge residents to attend the Public Hearing on the 25th, as well as the Special Town Meeting. - Kevin J. Hughes, Chairman - Norfolk Community Preservation Committee
[Thanks for catching my mistake! I missed that important detail when I skimmed the article - Wm.]
3/14 11:12am The Sunday Globe has an article [here] about the proposed airport land development. The March 30 special town meeting is scheduled to decide whether the Town should purchase the 170 acres to preserve the land and prevent 25 houses and 20 duplexes (40 units) from being built on it. (The figures are the developer's tentative estimates; the land as zoned could support over 100 house lots, or substantially more if the Chapter 40B affordable housing law is invoked.) The land would be purchased with Community Preservation Act money that is already allocated for such purposes. The CPA has a public hearing scheduled for March 25 at 7:30pm on the subject. - Wm.
[3/15 8:31am Correction: the 40 units of 40B housing are going in on 13 acres that are already owned by the developer, and are not affected by the decision to purchase the 170 acres - Wm.]
3/14 9:16am To JO. I have given the Town Administrator names of 2 residents serving in the Armed Forces. They are from different streets then the ones you mentioned. To Wm and CH Is the NCL Candidate Night on Thursday, April 15, 2004 at 7:15pm or Monday April 5 at 7:30 as posted in the Nofolknet calendar? - DJ
[I received an updated press release with a revised date and time of 4/15 at 7:15pm; I tracked down the previous post but forgot about the Calendar entry - Wm.]
3/14 12:46am Wanted: Owner of lost dog in Freedom Trail and Lafayette Lane neighborhood. Small cairn cross, late middle aged, female, salt/pepper color. Purple flea collar. No identification. Please contact Animal Control Officer at the police station at 508-528-3232. - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Animal Control Officer
3/14 12:45am BR, we've noticed the same thing. Thought it was just our house. - GA
3/13 6:08pm Has anyone else noticed that the lights brighten at 7:20 a.m. and then dim at 6:20 p.m.?? - BR
[3/14 12:52am Restored message with reconstituted time-stamp; I no longer have the original time-stamp... - Wm.]
3/13 9:21am Norfolk Community League is sponsoring a Candidate Night on Thursday, April 15, 2004 at 7:15pm. It will take place at the MacBride Auditorium in the Freeman-Centennial School on Boardman Street in Norfolk. Bring your questions for the Candidates. Refreshments will be served. Contact Tracy H. at 508-541-2388 or Megan D. at 508-528-5251 for information. - CH
3/12 9:04pm This message is to jog memories. The BOS and the American Legion Norfolk Post 335 have previously made a request for names of Norfolk people who are serving in the Armed Forces in the Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan area, and much to our suprise there hasn't been a single name submitted. Could it be statisically so? Somone mentioned a person with ties to Seekonk St. Another lead thought Rockwood Rd was the address of a participant. Can you help? - JO
3/12 1:10pm To JH who is looking for a plumber. Jason Green has just gone out on his own and opened J. Green & Co. Plumbing and Heating. He's a very experienced and talented licensed Master Plumber and previously worked for a big outfit for 11 years. His business number is 508-429-3242. The business line will be available in a day or two. Keep trying as he just opened the business last week. - KB
3/12 10:42am Per Town Hall notices: [U]ntil further notice, all use and activities on Town Hill and in Town Center shall be prohibited, per order of the Board of Selectmen.- Wm.Due to the construction project of the Norfolk Public Library, and the Town Center project which both impact the Town Hill and Town Center, we are concerned about public safety issues and liability issues. Both projects will be underway within the next few months and will last at least one year.''
3/12 10:42am The Norfolk Community League will hold a Spring Charity Gala on Saturday, March 27, 2004 from 6:30pm -midnight at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. It will feature dinner, dancing and many exciting silent and live auction items. [Continued...] - CH
3/11 10:42am Come enjoy an inexpensive night out and support Norfolk schools! The Norfolk Teacher Parent Association is presenting an Art Auction on Friday, April 30, 2004 at the Glen Ellen Country Club in Millis. A preview of art, in all price ranges, will be held from 6:30 to 8:00. The auction will begin at 8:00. Tickets are $25 per person and $45 per couple. The King Phillip Jazz Combo will perform. Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar. For tickets or more information call (508) 520-0079 or (508) 528-8393. - JR
3/10 5:33pm To KW - You asked how a plumber bills for an 11-minute house call. Usually, there's a minimum charge to walk in the door. That's because there's a lot more involved than just the time spent in your house fixing your problem. There's the training, tools, vehicle, gas, oil, travel time, advertising, paperwork, work clothes, in addition to the skill, desire and expertise it takes to provide such a service. That's what you're paying for. If it were easy and cheap, we all could do things ourselves and not need plumbers, painters, builders, electricians, auto mechanics, computer technicians, appliance repairers, etc. In your case, the minimum for which you should expect to be billed is the house call, labor and parts. - RP
3/10 11:05am To HB The phone number for Something Special is 508-520-1314. We are open on Sat from 10-3. Give me a call and I can hold that item you want. - JA
3/10 8:41am Brought to our attention: Town of Norfolk, MA- Wm.
There are currently vacancies in the following:Click here if you are interested or if you want more information.
- ADA Compliance Committee
- Arts Council
- Capital Outlay Committee
- Design Review Board
- Permanent Building Committee
- Economic Development Committee
- Insurance Advisory Committee
- Corrections Advisory Committee
- Mirror Lake Advisory Committee
- Norfolk County Advisory Board
3/10 8:35am Re: 3/9 10:25pm Another question about plumbing... To answer the question: Would you expect to be billed for time spent: I would expect to be billed for time spent, which includes the driving time from the plumber's shop to and from your home, and, if necessary, time spent for a trip to and from a plumbing supply store to buy material for your job. - RH
3/9 10:25pm Another question about plumbing... If a plumber is in your house repairing something, and it only takes him 11 minutes to fix the problem... how do they bill you for this? Would you expect to be billed for time spent or billed automatically an hour? - KW
3/9 10:24pm To 'HB' - Our local phone company has an excellent service which will provide nearly any listed phone number you need at no cost to you. To use it, just dial the numbers 4-1-1 and give them the name of the person or business you're looking for. Here's the number which they just gave me for "Something Special" - 508-520-1314.... - RP
3/9 4:44pm To JH. We have had great luck and experience with Byrne Plumbing. Byrne Plumbing, 4 Wyllie Road, Norfolk // 528-4014. - PFD
3/9 3:40pm I am looking for someone to fix a leaky pipe in my home but I cannot get a plumber to call me back. Anyone know of a reputable plumber who has time? - JH
3/9 11:51am Hello, Does anyone have a telephone number for the new store in the center of town - "Something Special"? I'd like to call and ask them to hold an item I saw in their window but was not able to find their number on the business listings. I love the store but it's tough to get to within the limited hours they are open. Thanks! - HB
3/9 8:23am Well said GS!! Some of us got the point..... Imagine what would have happened if this was left to Borelli... the tree would have been cut down. As for PLG... I think he missed the trees through the forest... (pun intended). - WB
3/9 8:18am You may wish to look at Channel 22 where I was granted time to present what I perceive the tree problem to be. It behooves us to copy the Lexington model and glean info from the Cape Cod Commission re trees. Both have been successful in mitigating free cutting as well. Both have excellent rapport and public relations to create a desire to save trees as well as rules for the developer. Any lot over 40,000 ft sq has to be screened by the Planning Board for impact. I left the backup info with Marian the Town Managers exec. Call and ask her or drop in to review. Lexington also prints an excellent treatise on the care of trees as well as the types of trees to avoid. I also had the chance to go to the train station to look at trees. I mention that the trees are on land belonging to other owners i.e. the bank etc. But that shouldn't stop us from installing a sense of pride in doing the proper pruning as needed as well as the MBTA being informed of their duties . I am sure Bob will take steps to alert them. - JO
3/9 12:26am At 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 17, the King Philip Jazz Program will transform the High School Cafeteria into a Jazz Café for the listening pleasure of the public. Three KP Jazz Combos will present a broad range of jazz, cool, hot, and swinging. KP instructor Jeremy Udden and his friends will round out the Jazz Café with a professional touch on their latest tunes. Snacks and soft drinks will be featured at the tables, and a free-will contribution may be given at the door. - BW
3/8 2:26pm The Norfolk Community League is holding its Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast on Saturday, April 3rd from 8:30-10:00am. The Event will take place the Freeman Centennial School in the MacBride Auditorium. Join the Easter Bunny and Mr. Dave for a continental breakfast and musical entertainment. Bring a donation to the Norfolk Food Pantry (non-perishables or toiletries) for a free picture with the Easter Bunny ($2 without donation). There are a limited number of tickets available this year. Tickets will not be sold at the door, so reserve early! For more information, please contact Betty Ann W., 520-6604 or Colleen M., 520-4783. - TR
3/8 11:47am To GS - given your concern and willingness to tell everyone about it, I'm certain I will see you and others you recruited cleaning up the eyesore. Or was your missive simply another case of seeing the splinter in your neighbors eye and not noticing the log in your own. - PLG
3/8 11:46am We recently moved into a beautiful new home on Holbrook St. In anticipation of our open house for out of town guests, I had to obtain an industrial strength garbage bag and walk the end of Holbrook that connects to 115 to begin a massive garbage collection. I was disgusted by the amount of beer and liquor bottles that had been dumped into the beautful roadside. It made me sick to think that people just roll down their windows and throw out their old MacDonalds, Dunkin Donut, Papa Gino's and Burger King trash. I filled the bag and didn't even get to all the garbage. What a shame! - SP
3/7 6:41pm
The Tragedy of the Ambiguous Boundary*Some years ago, across the railway tracks at the Norfolk Station, a Cedar tree was losing its struggle against vines slowly smothering it and pulling it to the ground. Surely this should not have been allowed to continue, but who was responsible for stopping the destruction? I was reminded of this on Sunday when I took my daughter to meet her train to Boston. Very few cars were parked along the tracks and even fewer intended passengers were pacing along the platform, so we had an unimpeded view of the entire boundary of the railway cut between Main Street and the overpass. It looked like a rarely attended trash dump. Towns are partly defined by boundaries internal and external, including many of ambiguous and careless ownership. In the case of the edge of the railway cut, the owner does not care about appearances and nobody else feels responsible or empowered to maintain it. Not that this particularly visible stretch would be expensive to maintain; a few hours per month of Highway Department time could keep the trash picked up, trim away the brambles and vines and plant an occasional tree, or a neighboring business could adopt and tend the boundary, or the Community Preservation Committee could arrange for a part-time custodian, or the Boy Scouts could take it on as a Project. The tragedy is that nobody takes the lead to get the concurrence of the owners of this ambiguous boundary and to institutionalize a local solution. The Selectmen, the Town Administrator, the Board of Health, the Planning Board, the Community Preservation Committee, the Lions Club, the boy Scouts and many other likely leaders either don't see the problem, don't care, or don't feel empowered to do anything about it. So our downtown Station Platform that could offer a view of a hundred yards or more of attractive woodland border instead overlooks an untended stretch of briars, vines and scrub trees, all festooned with trash. As for the tree being smothered by vines, about ten years ago someone put on his roughest and least memorable clothes and trespassed with heavy shears to cut off the vines at their roots. Today that Cedar across from the first Handicap parking slot at the Station is a thing of beauty and a credit to the Town.
*With apologies to Garrett Hardin, "The Tragedy of the Commons", Science, 162 (1968): 1243-1248.- GS
3/7 6:39pm For PR, the walking path around the Pond St. Recreational area is approximately 7/10th of a mile. I know this because I drove my truck around it a while ago and measured it. It sure would be nice if the town could cut some walking trails in and around the woods surrounding the park. After a while, just walking/running in a circle gets a little boring. - PL
3/7 6:35pm The Norfolk Recreation Department is offering "Over 30 coed, non-competitive pickup soccer." This activity is for those over 30 who want to have some fun and exercise and is available to beginner through mid-level intermediate players. All players will rotate positions ? including goalie, and substitutions will be mandated. All participants should arrive with a basic understanding of the rules and procedures, cleats, and shin guards. Cost for season: $8 for residents, $10 for non-residents. Make checks payable to Norfolk Recreation Department. Time: Beginning Sundays, April 4 at 10am (weather permitting) and Wednesdays, May 5 - changing to Fridays on June 11 at 6:30pm. Location: Freeman Centennial School, 70 Boardman Street. Later in the season, optional coaching and instructional drills will be made available for an additional cost. Please contact Jennifer S. at jenstone@jenstone.com or 508.528.1689 for more information and registration. Join us for fun! Non-residents always welcome. - JS
3/7 6:29pm Hello DF - the bike rack is intended for the library but is empty until the afterschool hours, so feel free to park your bike there. (Standard disclaimer) Unfortunately, the library can't guarantee the safety of your wheels, so you will be parking at your own risk. - Heather Pisani-Kristl, Associate Library Director
3/7 8:41am My opinion on the Airport situation -- and I am an abutter -- is as they say, "the devil you know could be better than the one you don't know." It is not our property so we have been trespassing for years... and nobody kicked us out.... Time will tell... whatever will be will be...
- Did I hear that the Town could sell off lots for affordable housing ? They might like that idea just to get the State off their backs and not have to allow any more affordable housing in town
- Maybe the Town could swap it for down town State owned property and the State could put in a halfway house up here. I will be surprised if these pilot/ builders would put in something unappealing and be subjected to us when they DROP in to visit their pilot friends (our new neighbors )...
- ER
3/6 1:24pm Airport Proposal, I attended the "meet the developer" meeting with many neighbors. We listened to his projected plans for the property. The 13 acres he currently owns might contain 40 units (20-2 family homes), 25% = 10 units of "Affordable Housing" and one big leaching field. And he would probably demo existing buildings on the commercial area and erect as many as 40 "T-hangers" for rent to airplane owners. In conjunction with this plan, if he can purchase the field with flood zone airstrip, he plans to remove and rebuild, enlarge runway. Also, build 20 to 30 upscale homes. Construct 1 or 2 additional homes and hangers on a 2 acre knoll surrounded by flood areas and protected wetlands. I have to ask myself, would this be an improvement over the 100 acre view that we now enjoy? The property contains a rich variety of wild life, a unique open plain with woods and wetlands, the Mill River valley. It is used by many for numerous recreational activities. Our town has the opportunity to purchase it for open space. This purchase is a rare opportunity to acquire a long term core investment, and protect our most valuable resource--water. - DM
3/5 4:50pm The agenda for the March 10 Con Com meeting is on the Town Hall announcements page - AN
3/5 3:30pm During Monday, March 15, Adam Frey, world-renowned euphonium maestro, will be instructing brass instrument students in the King Philip High School Music Program. Frey will attend the usual rehearsals of the Symphony and Concert Bands at KP High School to help students refine their brass techniques. Frey will present a Master Class will be conducted from 3-4:45 p.m. in KPHS Grady Auditorium, and students in all the middle and elementary school brass instrument programs in the towns of the King Philip School District are invited to attend. Drop off and pick up for students will be at the main lobby entrance to the auditorium. [Read on for details] - BW
3/5 3:21pm Friday, March 19, 2004 is the last day to register to vote at the Special Town Meeting. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before March 30th may register by mail or in the office of the Town Clerk. Regular office hours are Monday through Wednesday, 9:00AM to 4:00PM, Thursday, 9:00AM to 7:00PM and Friday, 9:00AM to 1:00PM. On Friday, March 19th the office will remain open from 9:00AM until 8:00PM. Mail in registration forms must be postmarked by March 19th or earlier in order to qualify. The Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 30, 2004 at 7:30 PM at the King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham. - GB, Town Hall
3/5 11:35am Doah. I meant the library, not town hall, regarding the bicycle rack. Getting my municipal buildings mixed up... - DF
3/4 11:20pm Does anyone know if the bicycle rack near the library [not town hall] is meant for commuters going to the train? Or is it only meant for those visiting town hall? It seems like a safer place to leave a bike all day than at the train station... - DF
[Update 3/5 11:35 Edited to reflect correction - Wm.]
3/4 9:46pm In response to PA: Thank you! And to SW: Actually, my child is the first one picked up and the last one dropped off, so indeed, she spends almost 40 minutes on the bus... I have no need to take it up with the school, or the bus company, because it's not a problem. I enjoy taking my daughter to school, and picking her up! We did try the bus for a little while, because my daughter wanted to, she had never ridden the bus before this year, and wanted to see what it was like, but it just didn't work out for us. In our case, there were no discipline problems, either with or against my child, her time spent riding, was uneventful, and to her... boring, so that was definitely not a factor in our decision. Like I said... in this one particular case, it is because I choose to spend my daughter's time in a more valuable way than riding a bus to and from school. Plus, when I pick her up from school, the ride home is a nice time to ask her about her day, and hear about some of the fun things she did. Quality time, before we get home, and homework starts, and on some days after school activities. And in the mornings, she gets to either sleep an extra half hour, or read, or even play a little. How many of us would like an extra half hour to sleep in the mornings... or to wake up and not have to rush around. It's good to be a kid... you get to be one for such a very short time... you're a grown up for the rest of your life. I want to give the right message, and for me, that message is family! After that... everything else, will fall into place! - CJG
3/4 6:55pm CJG - Ok, not being one to quibble... You may need to rethink your math. First of all, you must be rounding up in a big way. It doesn't add up and secondly, if you child gets home at 3:40-3:45 I would wager that he/she is on the last set of buses that doesn't leave the HOD until 3:20. I would bet that at most the child spends 25 minutes on the bus. If I am wrong, I would take it up with the schools. I agree with you on not letting your child ride the bus. My eldest had to be driven much of his career at the Freeman. He and a few other kids were the targets of unrestrained bullying. Our bus was a nightmare. I was not the only parent who had to do this. There was a few of us. The schools discipline (or lack thereof) of these known trouble makers was laughable. It seemed that these badly behaved miscreants had the privilege of riding, but my child didn't. TW - I would bet that a large number of the kids getting driven to school are having trouble on the buses and the parents find it easier to drive them than to try and persuade the school to take care of the problem. Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right. It should be the kids that are the bullies/troublemakers that have to be driven, then maybe the parents would be forced to acknowledge that their kids are the problems. Perhaps then we would have less of the "not my child" syndrome here in town. - SW
3/4 3:45pm Right on, CJG! You seem to be a parent who values time spent with their children. With some of the craziness that has gone on in buses over the past year or so, your child would have learned things they night not need to! - PA
3/4 9:57am Could someone please respond to why our Animal Control officer is riding around in a nicely marked sedan as opposed to a van. Do dog crates really fit in the backseat. - BF
3/3 7:59am This is in response to TW: As a parent that picks up her child at the HOD, I would like to give you an answer, just from my perspective. I can't speak for the other parents, because I'm sure the reasons why they pick up their kids, are as varied as the people. I pick my daughter up due to the fact, that she would have a 40 minute ride to school BOTH WAYS. That to me, is ridiculous amount of time, when I can have her to school in under 5 minutes. (I could walk her to school in about 15) Also, after school, it interferes with various programs that she is involved in. By the time she would be getting home off the bus, she already finished her homework, had a snack, and has relaxed, or played a little. To me, childhood is too short to spend 8 HOURS a week,...and if you want to do the math, it's approx. 506 hours, or 21 DAYS per school year, on a school bus. I don't personally think that she's missing out on any "learning" experiences, that are going to be detrimental to her in the long run. Instead of "learning" the things that she would on a school bus, she is "learning" that her mom values the time that she has with her. - CJG
3/3 10:58am From the Town Hall notices: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGSSee also yesterday's post about this hearingNotice is hereby given in accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws and any and all amendments thereto, that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals in room 105C in the Norfolk Municipal Building on March 17, 2004 on the following public hearings:
NORFOLK COMMONS, LLC, c/o EASTERN DEVELOPMENT at 8:15 p.m. for a Special Permit in accordance with the Norfolk Zoning Bylaws, Section I.4.a.1., B-1 District (Town Center), Lot and Yard Requirements and Standards, General B-1 District Requirements for Building Scale, to permit a building footprint for a proposed GROCERY STORE that would exceed 45,000 square feet by 4,133 square feet (the proposed footprint is 49,133 square feet). The property is located at 37-77 Liberty Lane in the B-1 District. Reference Assessors' Map 14, Block 41, Lots 57, 62-63.
NORFOLK COMMONS, LLC c/o EASTERN DEVELOPMENT at 8:15 p.m. for a Special Permit in accordance with Norfolk Zoning Bylaws Section I.7.b., B-1 District (Town Center), Uses Permitted and Regulated in the B-1 District, Special Permit Uses by the Zoning Board of Appeals, DRIVE-UP WINDOWS, to permit the construction of a drive-up window for a proposed VARIETY STORE. The property is located at 3-19 Liberty Lane in the B-1District. Reference Assessors' Map 14, Block 41, Lots 57, 62-63.
- Wm.
3/3 10:50am Connor's Fun Run/Walk - Please join the Reilly family of Norfolk for the second annual 5K road race to help fight Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). Proceeds from the race will go toward SMA awareness and hopefully, a cure! The race is scheduled for Sunday, April 4th, 1:00PM at the H. Olive Day School. [Details on the Calendar.] - RS
3/3 7:49am I went to vote yesterday at 3pm. While at the H. Olive Day School I was amazed at the number of parents who were picking their children up from school. I have also noticed all of the cars lined up on Boardman Street every afternoon. I'm curious why these children do not take the school bus. In some small way, I believe the school bus is part of a child's learning experience...interacting with children of different ages, behaving without a parent present, and a small amount of responsiblity in getting themselves to school. Just wondering why so many people do not take advantage of a service provided by the town. - TW
3/2 12:16pm Seeking a reliable house painter. Would rather pay someone local who we can go back to as the projects reveal themselves. Anyone out there with good experiences with a local house painter and can make recommendations? Thanks. - TK
3/2 11:56am The Norfolk Community League will hold a Spring Charity Gala on Saturday, March 27, 2004 from 6:30pm -midnight at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. It will feature dinner, dancing and many exciting silent and live auction items. [Continued...] - CH
3/2 9:59am The Board members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) are pleased to announce the recipients of distributions totaling $8550. [Top three recipients were Norfolk Police Department for a heart defibrillator, Norfolk Grange for educational programs, and Norfolk Together to assist Norfolk families in need. Click for the details.] - CH
3/2 9:53am Norfolk Community League is sponsoring a Candidate Night on Thursday, April 15, 2004 at 7:15pm. It will take place at the MacBride Auditorium in the Freeman-Centennial School on Boardman Street in Norfolk. Bring your questions for the Candidates. Refreshments will be served. Contact Megan D. at 508-528-5251 or Traci H. at 508-541-2388 for information. - CH
[3/13 9:22am Note: date changed - Wm.]
3/2 9:52am Went walking yesterday on the path around the Pond Street Rec fields. There were alot of people walking their dogs around it also. The dogs were on leashes but I couldn't get over the number of people who did not clean up after their dogs. There is a sign asking people to clean up after their animals but I guess people could care less. If you walk the whole path-does anybody know if it is a mile or what? - PR 3/2 9:47am Looks like there is a stirring re. Liberty Lane moonscape area? The [Attleboro] Sun Chronicle has a printing entered by the Zoning Board of Appeals to hear a request for permission to exceed the [45,000 sq ft limit] by 4,133, for a proposed grocery store at 37-77 Liberty Lane. The other request is to permit the construction of a drive up window configuration for a proposed [variety] store at 3-19 Liberty Lane. Requestor of the variances are Norfolk Commons LLC c/o Eastern Development Hearing is scheduled on March 17, 8:15 pm. Anyone know if an overall map exists? I plan to look at the assesors maps tomorrow. - JO
3/1 3:47pm Happy birthday, H-Bomb! Today, March 1st 2004, is the 50th anniversary of the day that the we destroyed Bikini Atoll. Back in 1954 the U.S. used that location to test its new 15-megaton H-bomb, turning it into a contaminated wasteland unsafe for human habitation. It would take about $2 billion to clean up the site, a tiny fraction of what we're spending on Iraq, but the natives are still waiting for us to honor our promise to restore their homeland to the way it was prior to nuclear testing. The 1 March 1954 test - codenamed Bravo - exploded with far greater power than scientists predicted.[Reuters, BBC]The Bikinians were evacuated, but nevertheless some of the atolls they were moved to - including Rongelap, about 125 miles east of Bikini - were irradiated.
Dozens of US military and civilian personnel received high doses of radiation during the test, but only a few have successfully claimed compensation.
The Bikinians are still unable to return to their atoll because its land-based food chain remains contaminated.
[T]he atoll's inhabitants agreed to co-operate with the US then because they were promised that Washington would look after them.
- Wm.
3/1 1:02pm The Norfolk Community, the Norfolk Federated Church and the American Red Cross are teaming up to help ensure that a safe and adequate blood supply is available when needed. Please continue supporting your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers by donating blood on Saturday, March 27 2004 at the Norfolk Federated Church, I Union Street. Donor hours are 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. [Click for full details] - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk
3/1 8:11am I just noticed the 2/19 question ``What is going on with Town Hill and the supermarket? - EF'' There is more blasting occurring on Norfolk Commons. Is anyone else feeling the blasting vibrations during the day? Where can I find a knitter to repair a hand knitted sweater? - DLJ
2/28 10:44am The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will be held on Saturday, April 3, 2004 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk Highway Garage on Medway Branch Road (across from the transfer station). The cost is $8.00 per animal and will be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler, D.V.M. Previous rabies certificates must be presented in order to qualify for a three-year vaccination. All dogs must be leashed and cats must be confined to a carrier or pillowcase. Town of Norfolk dog licenses will be available from the Town Clerk at the clinic. For more information, please contact the Norfolk Board of Health office at 508-528-7747. - BF
2/26 4:50pm To SCC - I use Edna and Aldo at 508-481-4370. They have been coming to my house for several years. They have never missed a week and their rates are extremely fair. They have a key to our house and we absolutely trust them. Good luck. P.S. You can contact the webmaster for my name and phone number if you would like to speak with me directly. - BS
2/26 12:17pm The Norfolk Community League will be reviewing applications for non-King Philip Regional High School seniors from Norfolk who will be attending college next fall. Those who attend King Philip can apply for a similar scholarship through their guidance office by March 12, 2004. Because there are many high school seniors in Norfolk who do not attend a public school, the NCL wants to ensure that they, too, have a chance to apply for a scholarship donation. Non KP seniors can send a summary of grades, community service and a short bio about themselves to PO Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056. For more information contact Jackie W. at 508-520-9637. The deadline is April 16, 2004. - CH
2/26 11:13am Could you recommend a good, honest, reliable cleaning person wanted for house cleaning every other week for home in Norfolk? - SCC
2/25 11:24am The Norfolk Community League will hold a Spring Charity Gala on Saturday, March 27, 2004 from 6:30pm -midnight at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. It will feature dinner, dancing and many exciting silent and live auction items. [Continued...] - CH
2/24 11:05am The DPW Formation Adhoc Committee will hold a public forum to present a status update on the formation of a new department of public works in Norfolk. The forum is scheduled for March 11, 2004 at 7:30 PM in room 124 at Town Hall. The primary purpose of the forum is to solicit input and feedback from Town Citizens, Departments, Committees, and Boards specific to the formation of the DPW. Our goal is to hear and understand the issues so that we can perform analysis and report back to the Town prior to the final vote on DPW formation likely to occur later this year. Further information on the DPW formation process, and the on goings of the adhoc committee are available at [click for page]. As we prepare meeting minutes and produce analysis documents we will post them on the dpw website. Meanwhile, we would like to hear from you on this topic! - EM, DPW Formation Adhoc Committee
2/23 8:36am On Saturday, March 6 starting at 3 PM, the King Philip Winter Classic will present over 35 percussion and color guard groups from area high schools at the King Philip Regional High School gymnasium. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students. The public is invited. Audience members will be free to come and go in the intervals between performances. Percussion groups will perform from 3 PM through 5:30 PM. Percussion groups consist not only of drums, but also the mallet instruments like the xylophone and marimba for tuneful performances. Some of the percussion groups present a whole show with costumes and scenery as part of their music which can be classical, show tunes or contemporary rock. Color Guard performances begin at 6:20 PM. The color guards perform dance movements with colorful flags and other props to music from classical to rock. Hot food, sandwiches, and drinks will be available for sale in the King Philip Cafeteria during the performance. - BW
2/20 8:01am For LS - Tom at 508-533-2945... does very nice brick work and the price is right. - ER
2/19 10:21pm To LS - Our neighbor, Lester D[.] does this kind of work. I've seen the work he's done for other neighbors and local builders. It looks great to me and I understand he's easy to work with. He's in the phone book. Good Luck! - BS
[I've removed the surname, but the number is 528-3436 - Wm.]
2/19 6:51pm Hello! We are interested in replacing the stairway to our home (cement) with either granite or brick. Does anyone recommend anyone local who does this type of work? - LS
2/19 3:45pm Hi everyone, I suppose it was inevitable, so I might as well face reality. I'm shunting the Brown vs. McQuilken thread onto its own page here, as I expect it to get worse before it gets better. Remember, no biting, no scratching, no hitting below the belt. Have fun! - Wm.
2/19 3:29pm PA, it was all over the local news media back in November 2001. Check the Globe archive. In an interview with the Boston Globe, Brown, at the time considering a bid to unseat Jacques, demeaned Jacques' decision to start a family. "They're certainly not married," he said of Jacques and her partner. "There's a difference of philosophy there. Are there two mothers there? Are they husband and wife?" Later in the interview he stated "it's not normal." Brown has opposed same-sex marriage, civil unions, and, I'm assuming from this comment, a woman's right to choose her partner to raise her child. Could you explain who is engaged in "character assassination?" If you are saying that someone is defaming or making false accusations, I beg you to point out any false statements I have made. He did vote as I have said. He did say these things about the person we elected to be our senator. - DAF
2/19 2:45pm For those remembering how things used to be in Norfolk, you may want to check NCTV cable 8 for the program ``Norfolk, How It All Began.'' Norfolk was incorporated on February 23, 1870. This program covers the town's observance of our 125th anniversary. To SV, was the pharmacist's name Fred K.? - DLJ
2/19 2:43pm DAF, can you point out to me in your original post where you mention this is not a Republican/Democrat issue, since I missed it entirely? I did not challenge the facts that you put in your post, I only wanted to point out that it is not only Scott Brown, a republican, that voted against the amendments. You are very quick to point out the unfairness in republicans, but you do not do the same for the democrats. Do we know the full context of the civil union amendment and why it was voted down by Scott Brown? Maybe he is for civil unions, but he did not like that amendment? Until you know those facts I think it is unfair of you to put the type of post you did up on this web site. But that is your opinion and that is why I decided to write back in to make sure a differing opinion of Scott Brown was voiced. Scott Brown has done a lot for this town and he will continue to do so as Senator. On March 2nd Scott Brown will have my vote regardless of whether or not I supported those amendments. Do we even know what Angus McQuilken's view is on all of this? - PFD
2/19 1:32pm Wm - My point is Scott has worked hard for Norfolk, both in the district and on the Hill, Scott has been to Norfolk events, he didn't send his junior staffer as Jacques regularly did (according to DAF). This type of committment Scott has demonstrated to us will not be diminished on election day by someone like McQuilken who was paid to show up at events for his no-show Senator (Jacques). - PC
2/19 1:30pm To DAF: When, where, and in what context did Scott Brown allegedly mock Cheryl Jacques and her lifestyle? I'd hate to stand by idly while a good man's character is assassinated. - PA
2/19 1:25pm "Every registered voter, no matter what party, has a reason to send Brown a message." I completely agree. I believe the electorate will send a message and Scott to the Senate. It is too bad this campaign has turned into a referendum on a bizarre decision by an out of control legislative judiciary. Scott's position as a reformer is the important message of this campaign - don't let this message get lost.