Here are all the Calendar items that have appeared on Norfolknet. The oldest items are at the top of the file, the newest ones are at the bottom (click to there now). They have been moved here from the main page as-is, and some URLs and images may be broken as a result. Also, you may notice that the layout and format have changed over time.
Friends of the Library meeting
on Mon June 7, 7pm in the library meeting room.
Summer concert: King
Philip High Concert Band, Tue June 8 6:30pm.
Next Thursday book group meets
6/10 to discuss Montana 1948 by Larry Watson.
Next Monday book group meets June 14, 7pm to discuss
"Tending Virginia" by Jill McCorkle.
First day of summer adult pick-up
soccer, Wed Jun 16, 6:30pm at Freeman-Centennial.
1/29 Family sleigh ride, offered by Norfolk Recreation department, on the Wrentham State Land on Saturday, January 29, from 10am to 2pm (seniors only from 10 to 10:30). Held snow or no snow; rain date is two weeks later on February 12.
2/9 Caucus for Registered Democrats in Norfolk, Wed. Feb. 9, 7:30 pm, Norfolk Town Hall, Rm. 25. Open to registered Democrats, persons ineligible to register, and media reps. For more info, visit or call 1-617-742-6770. For local info, call Adeline Bee at 528-2601.
2/9 Open forum with new Superintendent of Schools Marcia Lukon will be held on Wednesday, February 9, at 7:30 pm in the MacBride Auditorium at Freeman-Centennial School.
2/10 Kindergarten readiness workshop being held by the Norfolk Cooperative Preschool on Thursday, Feb. 10 from 7:30-9:00pm at the Federated Church. No charge, but participants must register at 528-3660. Additional details on the Bulletin Board.
2/11 Kindergarten and Pre-K registration for the 2000-2001 school year will be held at H. Olive Day on Friday, Feb. 11 (snow date Thur. Feb. 17). Families are asked to attend based on their child's last name: A-H: 9 - 10 am, I-P: 10 - 11 am, and Q-Z: 11-12 noon. Call 541-5475 for details about age and immunization requirements or to schedule an alternative appointment.
2/15 Program for preschoolers with Medfield puppeteer and storyteller Ann Davidson at the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary. Topic is "I Spy With My Little Eye" - looking for winter birds in the sanctuary. Pre-registration required; call 528-3140 to register and for information about fees. Ages 4 and 5, on February 15, 10 - 11am.
2/16 Feb. 16 is the last day to register to vote in the presidential primary election; town's clerk office will be open until 8 pm that day, as well as on Jan 31 and Feb. 7.
2/23 Open gym for kids grades K-6 at the H. Olive Day school gym during the vacation on Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1pm to 4pm. Gym equipment will be provided. No sign-up, just bring the family!
2/23 Family program at the library by John Porcino, Storyteller and Singer, sponsored by Norfolk Community League. Parents are asked to attend with their children. No registration required. Wednesday, February 23, 10:30 am.
2/28 Friends of the library annual meeting on Monday Feb 28, 7 pm in the library meeting room. Program will include a screening of a newly released video titled "Telling Our Stories - Massachusetts Public Libraries". Details at the library.
2/29 Program for preschoolers with Medfield puppeteer and storyteller Ann Davidson at the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary. Topic: "Shhh! Who is Sleeping?" - find out which mammals sleep through the winter and which are awake; look for animal signs. Pre-registration required; call 528-3140 to register and for information about fees. For ages 4 and 5, February 29, 10 - 11am.
3/1 Big Night Bonanza and Vernal Pool Slide Show will be held from 7-9 pm, Wednesday March 1 at the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary. The slide show will be followed by a walk to look for salamanders, frogs, and spring peepers. Bring a flashlight and rain gear. Fees: $12/Audubon member families, $15/nonmember families, individuals 1/2price. Call 528-3140 to register or for details.
3/7 Program for preschoolers with Ann Davidson at the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary: "Baby It's Cold Outside - Snow!" - stories and activities about snow, including making a snow globe to take home. Pre-registration required; call 528-3140 to register and for information about fees. For 3-year olds, March 7, 10 - 11am.
3/7 Presidential primary election is March 7 - polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm at Freeman Centennial.
3/7 Friends of the library meeting on Monday February 7, 7 pm.
3/8 Kindergarten orientation meeting at the H. Olive Day school library on Wednesday, March 8, starting at 7pm. More details on the Bulletin Board.
3/20 Registration for Session IV of Story Hour at the library during March 20 through 27.
3/21 Program for preschoolers with Ann Davidson at the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary: "Baby It's Cold Outside - Snow!" - stories and activities about snow, including making a snow globe to take home. Pre-registration required; call 528-3140 to register and for information about fees. For 4 and 5-year olds, March 31, 10 - 11am.
3/21 The Historical Commission meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm in the Historical Commission meeting room, Town Hall.
3/22 Norfolk Garden Club is hosting Paul Parent on Gardening at King Philip Junior High School in Norfolk on Wednesday March 22 at 7:30 pm. Fee: $5. Call Marialice Chipman at 520-1261 for details.
3/25 Deadline for the Men's "Over 30" Softball League registration is March 25.
3/28 Program for preschoolers at the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary: "Buggy about Bugs" - make a bug puppet and learn about bugs. Pre-registration required; call 528-3140 to register and for information about fees. Ages 4 and 5, March 28, 10 - 11am.
5/2 Annual town election is May 2, 7 am to 8 pm. Nomination papers must be taken out by March 13 and returned by March 15.
4/1 Field maintenance day at the Freeman-Centennial baseball field on Saturday, April 1. Volunteers are asked to report to the major league concession stand at 8:30 am to assist in preparing the fields for the season.
4/2 Check your clocks; daylight savings time begins on Sunday, April 2 at 2 am in the morning.
4/3 Friends of the Norfolk Public Library monthly meeting will be held in the Jeanne D. Hill meeting room at the library at 7 pm. All are welcome to attend.
4/4 Program for preschoolers at the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary: "Signs of Spring" - gather clues in nature that tell us spring is coming. Pre-registration required; call 528-3140 to register and for information about fees. For age 3, April 4, 10 - 11am.
4/5 A free estate planning workshop will be held at the Norfolk Public Library on Wednesday, April 5, from 7:30-9 pm. Seating is limited to 20 people; early reservations are recommended and may be made in person or by calling the library at 528-3380.
4/6 Norfolk Parent's Advisory Council for Special Education is next meeting on Thursday, April 6, at 7pm in the H. Olive Day School Conference room.
The PAC has recently been working with Dr. Marcia Lukon, Pat Connolly, and Linda Balfour to address some areas of concern that PAC members and other parents had in common. A group of parents worked together to develop a list of common issues which we would like to assist the special education department in addressing. These issues are based on our common experiences and are related to areas in which we believe some system changes will improve services for our children. We welcome the input of any interested parents. Please join us!
4/7 Norfolk over-thirty pick-up soccer season starts on Friday, April 7. Players meet at 6:30 pm on the Freeman-Centennial soccer fields. Games move back to the usual 6:30 Wednesday afternoon time spot on June 14.
4/7 Country Auction to be held at the Federated Church in Norfolk. Preview from 5:30 to 7, auction at 7pm. More details on the bulletin board.
4/8 King Philip HS will host a Pancake Breakfast with the Easter Bunny on Saturday, April 8, from 8-11 am. $3 per person, $10/family.
4/8 Norfolk Nearly New Sale children's clothing and equipment consignment sale on Saturday, April 8, from 10 am to 2 pm at the H. Olive Day School. Proceeds to benefit the elementary school libraries.
4/8 Rabies Vaccination Clinic sponsored by Purr-fect Cat Shelter will be held at the Millis Public Works Bldg off Union St. in Millis. Fee is $5. Dogs from 1-2:30 pm (leash required); cats from 2:30-4 pm (carrier required).
4/8 The second annual Spring Fling 5K Race/Walk will take place in Shears Street in Wrentham on Saturday April 8 at 9:30 am (regardless of weather). Call 508-384-6200 for details on location, fees, and registration.
4/9 The Bellophone Show, featuring Leonard Solomon's juggling and musical inventions, will be held on Sunday, April 9, from 2-3 pm at the library. All are welcome; no fee. Details at 528-3380.
4/11 Program for preschoolers at the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary: "Signs of Spring" - gather clues in nature that tell us spring is coming. Pre-registration required; call 528-3140 to register and for information about fees. For ages 4 and 5, April 11, 10 - 11am.
4/12 Board of Selectmen monthly meeting, 7 pm, room 124, Town Hall.
4/12 Harry Potter and the Book of Spells, play written and enacted by 3rd grade students of Eric Matez, will be held at 7 pm at the MacBride Auditorium, Freeman Centennial. All are invited free of charge.
4/12 Wednesday April 12 is the final day to register to vote in the annual town election and Town Meeting. Town Clerk's office will be open until 8 pm that day; regular office hours are 9 am to 4 pm. Mail-in registration forms must be postmarked no later than April 12.
4/18 Norfolk Community League will host Candidates' Night on Tuesday, April 18 at 7:30 pm at the MacBride Auditorium, Freeman-Centennial School. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and to hear the candidates for local office present their positions. For more information, call K. Piela, 553-9682.
4/19 Family program at the library by Kevin Devine, children's entertainer, sponsored by the Friends of the Library. No registration required. Wednesday, April 19, 10:30 am.
4/21 Free family open gym nights, open to all, will be held at the H. Olive Day School gym the first and third Friday from 7 pm to 8:30 pm of each month. Just show up, bring the kids! The dates are 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/3, 3/17, 4/7, 4/21. Next one (the last one this season) is on April 21, 7pm to 8:30pm.
4/22 Easter Bunny breakfast from 8:30 am to 10 am, McBride Auditorium, Freeman Centennial School. Meet Easter Bunny, continental breakfast, dance; receive small free gift. $4 per person NCL members, $5 pp non-members.
4/22 The annual Easter egg hunt will be on Saturday, April 22, promptly at 10:15am, on the Freeman-Centennial fields near the tennis courts. Open to kids ages 2 to 12. No pre-registration, no fee, but bring a basket to collect eggs.
4/22 Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary will host free Earth Day celebrations, including free admission to the sanctuary and various programs, on Saturday, April 22, from 10 am to 2 pm. For more information, call 528-3140.
The annual Norfolk Little League Parade will be held on Saturday
April 22 at noon, starting at the old town hall and ending at the
Major League Field at Freeman-Centennial.
(the original date posted here was incorrect (fell on a Tuesday)).
4/24 Challenging Child parent/teacher workshop, 7-9 pm on Monday, April 24, Freeman Centennial Auditorium. Pre-registration/fee required. Call 781-284-8004 for registration and details.
4/30 The deadline for renewing a dog license for the year 2000 is April 30.
4/30 The Charles River Watershed Association annual Run of the Charles canoe and kayak race will be held on Sunday, April 30. In addition to the Professional Flatwater Marathon, the Race includes 6-, 9-, and 19-mile races and a 24-mile Relay Race for corporate teams and recreational paddlers aged 12 and up. Fees range from $20-35 pp, $200-$350/race relay team, depending on the race. For more information, contact 508-698-6810, 800-969-RACE, e-mail, or visit
5/2 The annual town election will be held on May 2 from 7 am to 8 pm at the Freeman-Centennial School. For a ballot by mail or information on absentee voting, call 528-1400.
5/5 Norfolk Community League 70's dance; see Bulletin Board for details.
5/6 Annual town meeting will be Saturday, May 6.
5/10 The May PAC meeting of the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) for children with special needs will be held on Wednesday, May 10, at 7pm at H. Olive Day School. For additional information, contact Ellen Sebastiano at 541-8961. We encourage all interested parties to attend, as we will be continuing our efforts to work with the administration to make the process of helping our children as easy and least confusing as possible. - ES.
5/13 Norfolk Garden Club Annual Plant Sale will be held on Saturday, May 13, 8:30am to noon on town hill.
5/13 Annual Homegoods Dropoff ends on Saturday, May 13. Donate household goods, including linens, glassware, pots and pans, and small appliances in working condition. No large appliances, food, or clothing. Drop off before noon on Saturday, May 13 at the Norfolk Community Federal Credit Union (next to Bourques Restaurant, Main St) For details, see the notice posted in the lobby of the Norfolk Credit Union.
5/14 Mothers' Day is on Sunday, May 14. Have a happy one!
5/18 Stony Brook Camera Club meeting, with Bob Yankee, photography teacher. Thursday, May 18, 7:30pm at the Stony Brook Audubon Nature Center.
5/19 Family Gym Night will be held on Friday, May 19 at the H. Olive Day School. For information, call the Rec. Dept. at 520-1315.
5/20-5/21 The Norfolk County 4-H Fair will be held at the Agricultural School in Walpole (on Route 1A, North of 27) on the weekend of May 20 and 21. Starts off with a pancake breakfast at 9 each morning; lots to see and do for the entire family!
5/24 Wednesday, May 24 is the last day to register to vote at the June 13 Special Election. The town clerk's office will be open from 9 am to 8 pm; mail-in forms must be postmarked no later than May 24.
5/25 Stony Brook Camera Club meeting, with Mike O'Connor. Thursday, May 25, 7:30pm at the Stony Brook Audubon Nature Center.
6/1 The Parent Advisory Council for children with special needs will next meet on Thursday, June 1, at 7:00pm at H. Olive Day School. We encourage all interested parties to attend, as we will be continuing our efforts to work with the administration to make the process of helping our children as easy and least confusing as possible. - ES.
6/1 Stony Brook Camera Club - meeting and presentation by Ray Guillette, 7:30 pm, on Thursday, June 1.
6/1 5th annual jazz night by KP bands, 7:30 pm on Thursday, June 1, at KP High School, Wrentham. Tickets are $4 adults, $3 students and seniors.
6/3 Norfolk Community Day will be held on Saturday, June 3, 2000, from 11:00am to 4pm, at the Holmes Field on Myrtle Street. Music, gymnastics show, events for the kids, treats for all. Free, but nominal parking fee charged.
6/4 Lazy Loopers radio-controlled helicopter fly-in at their flying field (on the Wrentham State School field right by the Lind Farm conservation land entrance). Lots of entrants expected, interested public welcome to watch. Starts at 9:00 am on Sunday, June 4.
6/5 Norfolk Friends of the Library monthly meeting at the library, 7 pm, on Monday, June 5.
6/6 Town Hill Concert - the King Philip Band, Town Hill on June 6, 6:30pm.
6/9 Kindergarten Screening for the Norfolk public schools, held at the H. Olive Day School on Friday, June 9, and Monday through Wednesday the following week, June 12 through 14, from 9am to 1pm. Call 541-5475 for more information.
6/11 The Lazy Loopers are holding a public air show at their flying field (right next to the Lind conservation land on the Wrentham line). ``The general public is invited to spend a few FREE relaxing hours being entertained by the Loopers''. Starts at 12:00 noon on Sunday, June 11.
6/12 Kindergarten Screening for the Norfolk public schools, held at H. Olive Day school, Monday, June 12, 9am - 1pm. Call 541-5475 for more information.
6/13 Special Election to vote on a FY 2000 budget override will be held on Tuesday, June 13. The polls will be open from 7 am to 8 pm at the Freeman-Centennial School on Boardman Street.
6/13 Kindergarten Screening for the Norfolk public schools, held at H. Olive Day school, Tuesday, June 13, 9am - 1pm. Call 541-5475 for more information.
6/14 Kindergarten Screening for the Norfolk public schools, held at H. Olive Day school, Wednesday, June 14, 9am - 1pm. Call 541-5475 for more information.
6/15 Town Hill Concert - the Reminisants (oldies), Town Hill on June 15, 6:30pm.
6/22 Town Hill Concert - Krisanti-Pappas (swing, jazz, vocals), Town Hill on June 22, 6:30pm.
6/29 Town Hill Concert - Atwater-Donnelly (folk/Celtic), Town Hill on June 29, 6:30pm.
Carson & Barnes 5-Ring Circus at Wrentham State School; shows
at 4:30 PM & 7:30 PM. Tickets on sales at Norfolk Food Mart, Main Street
Hardware & Linda's Variety. Lions will also be selling tickets at the
landfill on Saturday mornings in June. Advance tickets are $10.00 Adult
and $5.00 Child. These tickets are good for either showtime.
Drop-In Crafts at the
Ages 5 and up, no registration. Between 10:00am to noon.
Twilight Tales at the
ages 3 to 5, no registration. At 6:30 pm and 7:15 pm.
Marvelous Marvin & the Magic of Science at the
experiments, magic, juggling, audience participation.
For ages 5 - 12. No registration required.
Thursday, July 6, 11:00am.
Big Joe the Storyteller at the
``Stories . . . from his collection of folk tales, fables, poular works of
literature. [U]ses props, puppets, and audience participation to bring his
stories to life.''
For all ages, no registration required.
Tuesday, July 11 at 10:30am.
Drop-In Crafts at the
for children 5 and up; no registration required.
``A quick make and take project that should take no more than 20 minutes.''
Wednesdays of July 5, 12, 19, 26, and August 2, and Tuesday, August 8,
between 10:00am and 12:00pm.
Twilight Tales at the
for children 3 to 5; no registration required.
``Thirty minutes of stories, songs, games, and summer fun.''
Wednesday evenings, July 5 through August 9, at 6:30pm and 7:15pm.
Town Hill Concert - Mike Slattery (family),
Town Hill on July 13, 6:30pm.
Trevor the Games Man on
Town Hill.
``[S]tiltwalking, whistlers, ribbons, dancers, stick juggling and other
`up in the air stuff'. It is a particpatory fun-filled show for all ages.''
. Alternate program in the Library in case of rain.
Tuesday, July 18, at 6:30pm on Town Hill.
Drop-In Crafts at the
Ages 5 and up, no registration. Between 10:00am to noon.
Twilight Tales at the
ages 3 to 5, no registration. At 6:30 pm and 7:15 pm.
Town Hill Concert - Norwood Community Concert Band (big band),
Town Hill on July 20, 6:30pm.
Drop-In Crafts at the
Ages 5 and up, no registration. Between 10:00am to noon.
Twilight Tales at the
ages 3 to 5, no registration. At 6:30 pm and 7:15 pm.
Town Hill Concert - Infractions (variety),
Town Hill on July 27, 6:30pm.
``The Magic Door'' by the New England Opera Theater, at the
``[A] high spirited program of songs and
musical scenes from operas and Broadway shows.''
All ages, no registration required.
Monday, July 31, at 7pm.
High School Harbor Cruise on Monday, July 31, 6:30 PM.- Midnight.
Sponsored by St. Jude's Youth Ministry Program.
Yomega Yo-Yo Demonstration at the
``Back by popular demand! Yomega ... will
demonstrate just what one can do with a Yomega yo-yo (and a little practice).
For children K & up, no registration required.
Tuesday, August 1, at 2 pm.
Drop-In Crafts at the
Ages 5 and up, no registration. Between 10:00am to noon.
Twilight Tales at the
ages 3 to 5, no registration. At 6:30 pm and 7:15 pm.
Town Hill Concert - John Penny (country),
Town Hill on August 3, 6:30pm.
Drop-In Crafts at the
Ages 5 and up, no registration. Tuesday, August 8,
Between 10:00am to noon.
The Amazing Time Travel Show at the
``Actor and improvisor Jeff Boyer will be featured in [this]
hilarious one-man musical play . . . ''
All ages welcome, no registration required.
Wednesday, August 9, at 2 pm.
Twilight Tales at the
ages 3 to 5, no registration. At 6:30 pm and 7:15 pm.
Sunday Family Day at the Pawsox, Sponsored by St. Jude's Youth Ministry.
Cost is $15 which includes: Box Seat, Bus Transportation, Lunch Coupon, and
"FanFest" after the game. To join the fun call Patti Akrouche at 541-3157
The last day to drop off books at the library
for the Friends of the Library
Book and Bake Sale is Saturday, September 2.
Pet Walk 2000 will be on Sunday, Sept. 10, from 9:30am to 2pm
at the Norfolk County Agricultural School on Route 1A in Walpole.
Norfolk Girl Scout Registration will be held on Tuesday September 19,
2000, from 7:30 to 8:30 pm at the library. More details on the
Bulletin Board
Harvest Festival
"All You Can Eat Buffet Supper" under the tent along with musical
entertainment and supervised games for the kids.
At the Federated Church, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Friday night.
Friends-only preview of the Friends of the Library Book and Bake Sale on
Friday evening, September 22, 7pm to 9pm.
Annual Book and Bake Sale
to support the Norfolk Public Library;
held outside the library, rain or shine, on Saturday September 23, 9am to 4pm.
Harvest Festival
Saturday will feature arts and crafts, home made pies,
bakery goods, lots of games, Kathy Ryan Dancers, pony rides, fresh
produce, a huge flea market inside the church hall and lots and lots of
other great stuff. This Festival has been going on for more than forty
years and every year it gets better. For a great time for you and the
kids, don't miss it. Everyone is welcome!
Saturday, September 23, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Historical Society Meeting
The first post summer meeting of
The Norfolk Historical Society has been
postponed to Tuesday, September 26. Meeting time is 7:30pm in
the commission's office at the new Norfolk Town Hall.
Senior Golf Outing Norfolk seniors 50+ and guests, on
Saturday, September 30, 2000, at the
Pine Acres Executive Golf Course, Bellingham, Mass.
Entrance fee $18.00 Mail to Richard
Connors, 30 Everett Street Norfolk, MA 02056 or call 384-3783.
Stony Brook Fall Fair is on Saturday, Sept. 30, 2000.
Rain date Sunday, October 1, 2000, 10am to 4pm.
The Parent Advisory Council
for children with special needs (PAC) will hold
its October meeting on October 12, at 7:00 pm at H. Olive Day School.
Please join us, and meet the New Special Needs Director.
Contact Ellen Sebastiano at 541-8961 for any additional information.
Conservation Commission meeting on Thursday, October 12,
7:30pm in Town Hall.
NCL Super Shopping Day, at the Federated Church from 9-12.
Representatives from various organizations such as Longabarger
Baskets, Tupperware, etc. will display their wares.
Walk in town woods with ConCom's forestry consultant. Meet
at 9 am on Saturday, October 14, at the North Street entrance to the
Campbell forest for a walk in those woods, then drive to the Maple
St. forest for another walk. Rain date Sunday 10/15.
David S. Polansky, Laughter in the Library;
a family cabaret for all ages. On Sunday, October 15, 2:30 - 3:30, at the
Norfolk Public Library.
A public hearing will be held by the Planning
Board at Town Hall about the proposed zoning changes described
in the Fall Town Meeting Warrant. The hearing will be on
October 19 at 7:50 pm.
The Norfolk Fire Department will hold an Open House between 1
and 4 pm at the Fire Station. A free lunch will be offered in addition
to live demonstrations, equipment displays, and activities for kids.
Lions Dinner Meeting at Tyler's at 7:30pm on Tuesday, October 24.
Meeting is open to the public, but please call a Lion or John Wason (528-8526)
in advance.
Conservation Commission meeting on Thursday, October 12,
7:30pm in Town Hall.
Norfolk Recreation Halloween Party for preschool to Grade 2
kids with an adult, at the Freeman-Centennial School, from 4-6 pm
on Friday October 27. Includes hayride, two slices of pizza,
refreshments and entertainment. Pre-registration is required;
call 520-1315 for details.
Fall Town Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 28,
at 9:00am at the King Philip Senior High School in Wrentham.
Halloween Candy Give-Back at the Freeman-Centennial School,
with raffles, and officer Steve Plympton talking about the D.A.R.E.
program. The extra Halloween candy brought
will go to benefit the Norcap Drug Rehabilitation Center.
Held on November 1 from 4:30 to 6pm; call Paula Austin with questions at
Casino Party Fundraiser
sponsored by the Norfolk Community League (NCL)
benefitting the many causes of NCL. Space is limited. For tickets and more
information, see this page.
Craft Fair held by the St. Judes' Women's Group.
Send-off Rally for the King Philip Marching Band
Sunday, Nov 5th at 5:30PM at the High School field.
The band will be travelling to compete in the Bands
of America Grand National Championships at the
RCA Dome in Indianapolis from November 9-12th.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 7. Polls are open from 7 a.m.
to 8 p.m. at the Freeman-Centennial School. All precincts vote there.
A public meeting on the forest management plans for Campbell Town
Forest and the Maple Street Conservation Area will be held on Thursday,
Nov. 9 at 7:30 pm in Town Hall.
The next meeting of Norfolk Parents Advisory Council for Children
with Special Needs will be on Thursday, November 9, 2000 at the H.
Olive Day School.
All parents are invited to attend. For more Information call Ellen
Sebastiano at 508 541-8961.
Cornerstone Christian Academy fund raising auction at the Franlin
Elks Lodge, 1077 Pond Street.
Friday, November 17, starting at 6:30pm; tickets available at the door.
For more information contact Lorrie MacDonald, 533-2309.
Norfolk hazardous waste collection day is November 18 from 9 am to 1
pm. Proof of residency is required, but not a transfer station
sticker. For details, call 528-4990.
Norfolk Community Blood Drive, sponsored by St. Jude's Womens Group
and the Friends of Joel Waitkevich, on Saturday, November 18, 2000 at St.
Jude's Church, 86 Main St., Norfolk. Please call Marie Waitkevich at
528-7909 or Elaine Ring at 528-3235 to make an appointment.
Holly Fair on Saturday November 18th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
at the Federated Church. Crafts, bake sale, gifts; Santa visit at 10:30,
lunch served at 11:30.
See attached for more information.
Annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 19 at 3:00 pm
at the Federated Church.
See attached for more information.
KP Youth Soccer registration deadline. For registration information,
see the KPSA announcement.
The Norfolk Cooperative Preschool, located in the Federated Church at One
Union Street, Norfolk, will be hosting an open house on
Tuesday, Nov. 28,
2000 from 12:30 - 1:30. Anyone interested in touring the school and finding
out about our programs should plan to attend. A child must be 3years old as
of Sept. 1, 2001 to attend. If you need additional information, please call
A drop-in ornament making workshop will be held at the Library on
Wednesday, December 13, from 4 to 6 pm, and Saturday, Dec. 16, from 12 to 2pm.
Up to $1 fee for materials; all ages welcome.
The Norfolk Parent Advisory Council for Children with Special Needs
will meet on Thursday, December 14, 2000, at 10:00 am at the Town Hall, Room
124. The topic will be a discussion on the new State mandated
Individual Education Plan (IEP). The presentation will be given by Dr.
Liz Fleming, Dean of Special Education at Simmons College. For more
information, please call Ellen Sebastiano at 541-8961.
The third Annual Ecumenical Christmas Walk will be held in
Norfolk on Sunday, December 17, from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Families from St. Jude's and The Federated Church
will meet at St. Jude's Church on Main Street and walk to the Federated
Church in the town center for a live nativity. Then the group will walk
back to St. Jude's for a time of fellowship, refreshments and music.
Carols will be sung during the walk and the way will be lit with
luminaries. Participants are asked to bring a lantern or electric
candle. In case of extremely inclement weather, the walk will be
canceled, but caroling and refreshments will still be held at St. Jude's
Church at 5:00 pm.
Holiday performance by Kevin Devine, presented by the Friends of the
Library. Monday, Dec. 18, 1pm and 3:30pm.
No registration required, all ages welcome.
Norfolk Cooperative Preschool registration for the
2001-2002 school year on Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 1:00 PM. Children must
be at least 3 years old by August 31, 2001 to enroll. The school is located
in the Federated Church, One Union Street, Norfolk, MA. If you need
additional information, please call 508-528-3660.
Norfolk Lion's Soccer will have their walk in registration
for anyone
interested in playing in the Spring of 2001 season. Registration time
is from 4:00 to 7:00 at the H. Olive Day School on Wednesday, January
10th. To play the child must have turned 3 years on by 9/1/00. If you
have any questions please e-mail
Meeting of the Norfolk Parents Advisory Council for Children with
Special Needs, at 10:00am on Thursday, February 8, at the H. Olive Day
School. All parents are invited to attend. For more Information call
Ellen Sebastiano at 508 541-8961.
Dinner Dance and Silent Auction
at Luciano's Lake Pearl in Wrentham,
on Saturday, February 10, 2001, from 6:30 pm to midnight.
Click here for details.
Registration deadline for Norfolk Men's Over-30 Softball League.
Individuals or teams interested in playing should contact Craig Koch
at 520-0163 for more information.
Tour of the Freeman/Centennial School, given by the
Norfolk School Building Needs Assessment Task Force.
Friday, February 16, at 9:15 am.
Cub Scouts Pack 125
battleship overnight aboard the U.S.S. Massachusetts,
Saturday, February 24.
Federated Church potluck dinner on Tuesday, February 27th, at 6:00 p.m.
The meal will be followed by a brief worship at 7:00
in preparation for Lent. Desserts and beverages will be provided, please
bring a salad or main dish to share.
Cub Scouts Pack 125
Pinewood derby weigh-in at the Federated Church from
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 1.
The Federated Church is hosting a Red Cross blood drive
on Saturday, March 3.
Registration deadline for Norfolk Lions' Soccer will be March 4th.
After this date Children will be put on a waiting list. Registration
forms are available at the Norfolk Public Library. We are looking for a
parent to be Field Manager for the Spring season. This a Board of
Directors position and it involves coordinating/scheduling the Field
volunteers. Benefits include: spray painted white sneakers and a
handsome golf shirt. If you have any questions contact me at - CS.
Norfolk Little League AAA level tryouts will be held at the King
Philip Regional High School field house in Wrentham on Sunday, March 4.
The AAA league draft will be held on/about the evening of Wed, March 14,
2001, at which time the players will be selected for a team.
Cub Scouts Pack 125
Pinewood Derby to be held at the H. Olive Day School
gym, 9:00a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday, March 10.
Cub Scouts Pack 125
Sport Night/Pack meeting at the H. Olive Day School gym,
from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m on Thursday, March 15.
The tootsie-pop fundraiser sign-up.
Cub Scouts Pack 125 Sport Night/Pack meeting at the
Freeman-Centennial School gym on Thursday, March 22, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
The Parents Advisory Council for Special Education (PAC) will be sponsoring
a speaker from Tech Acess. This company provides assistance in using
technology to assist students (and others) with special needs. The
meeting will be from 7 - 8 pm in the H. Olive Day Library on Thursday,
March 29.
The next meeting for the Parents Advisory Council for Special
Education (PAC meeting)
will be on April 5th at 7:00 pm at the H. Olive Day School.
All thoses interested are welcome to attend.
Cub Scout Pack 125 Meeting at the Federated Church on
Thursday, April 5, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Planning Board Public Information Meeting, in Room 124 at Town Hall on
April 5, 7:30 pm.
NCL Nearly New Sale will be held on Saturday, April 7, at
the H. Olive Day School from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
For information or to volunteer, contact E. Hughes at 541-6986.
The town Rabies Clinic will be held at the highway garage by
the transfer station on April 7 from 9 to 11 am. Cats and dogs are
$8.00 per animal.
The Norfolk Education Enrichment Foundation (NEEF) will be holding its
next meeting on April 10th, at 8:00pm in Room 25 of the Town Hall. This
new group has been formed to raise funds for innovative educational
programs in the Norfolk public schools. Grant Review and Fundraising
Committees are now forming. Questions? Email or
contact Robert L. at 508-541-5361.
Meet the Candidates Night is on
April 12, 7:30 pm, at the MacBride Auditorium at F-C.
There's a question-and-answer period; the public is invited
to bring questions.
Hopefully the real start of Norfolk over-30 pick-up soccer
season (last week was reportedly rained out; I was out of town).
Players usually meet on the Freeman-Centennial fields around 6:30,
and games will move to Wednesday evenings mid-June, but
I don't have the current schedule handy.
Easter Egg hunt at 10:15 am - no preregistration;
all ages 2-10.
4/16 - 4/20
Storm debris collection week. Drag brush and tree limbs
to the edge of the street, from there it will be picked up by the
highway department. Due to the variability of the work, neighborhood
schedules are not available. Monday is a holiday, so the collection
starts Tuesday, 4/17.
Planning Board hearing for proposed changes to the
the Norfolk zoning by-laws for the Southwood Caritas area
on Thursday, April 19, 2001 at 7:45 pm in Town Hall.
The Personnel Board will be holding a Public Hearing on Wednesday
April 25 at 7:30 pm, Room 124, Town Hall. The subject of the
hearing are the proposed changes to the personnel bylaws that will
be voted on at the upcoming Town Meeting on May 1, 2001. Details
about the specific articles are available at Town Hall or
in the library lobby; the town warrant is
on-line here.
Town election.
Library Open House Information Session giving tours of the library
and explaining about the expansion project. Held at 4:30 - 5:30pm and
7:00 - 8:30pm on Tuesday, May 1.
Library Open House Information Session giving tours of the library
and explaining about the expansion project. Held at 4:30 - 5:30pm and
7:00 - 8:30pm on Wednesday, May 2.
Library Open House Information Session giving tours of the library
and explaining about the expansion project. Held at 4:30 - 5:30pm and
7:00 - 8:30pm on Thursday, May 3.
Town meeting.
The Next PAC
(parent Advisory Council for Children with Special Needs)
meeting is Thursday, May 10th at 7:30pm at the H. Olive Day School
Conference Room. All interested people are welcome to attend.
Norfolk Garden Club Annual Plant Sale on Town Hill, 8:30 to noon.
Mirror Lake clean-up day is Saturday, May 12th from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please
meet at Mirror Lake Beach. Come for an hour or the day. Drinks and lunch
will be provided. Thanks in advance for your help.
Jazz Night at King Philip High, 7:30 pm.
May 23, 7:30 pm: King Philip School Building Project, Public
Information Forum, Wood Elementary School, Plainville
May 24, 7:30 pm: King Philip School Building Project, Public
Information Forum, King Philip North, Norfolk
Monday May 28, 7:45 am Memorial Day Parade at the Norfolk Fire
The next Norfolk Education Enrichment Foundation (NEEF) meeting
will be held on
May 29th, Tuesday, at 8:00pm in Room 25 of the Town Hall. This
new group has been formed to raise funds for innovative educational
programs in the Norfolk public schools. Questions?
Email NEEF
or contact President Robert L. at 508-541-5361.
May 29, 7:30 pm: King Philip School Building Project, Public
Information Forum, Wood Elementary School, Plainville
Tuesday, June 5, 6:30 pm - Summer Concert at Town Hill featuring the
King Philip Band
June 5th, 7:30 pm: King Philip School Building Project, Public
Information Forum, Vogel School Auditorium, Wrentham
The Next PAC meeting
(parent Advisory Council for Children with Special Needs)
is Thursday, June 7th at 10:00 am the H. Olive Day School
Conference Room. All interested people are welcome to attend.
Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer Registration, 4:30 - 7:00 pm at
the H. Olive Day School library (also on 6/10, 12-3pm).
Download sign-up and volunteer forms here (34K PDF).
June 7th, 7:30 pm: King Philip School Building Project, Public
Information Forum, Freeman Centennial Manos Library, Norfolk
The 5th Annual Norfolk 5K Run/Walk, sponsored by the Norfolk
Community League. Proceeds to go toward
new bullet proof vests for the Norfolk Police Department. Medals awarded
in 7 age categories (-19, 20-29, ..., 69-70, 70+).
Registration is $15, and includes parking and admission to Norfolk Road
Safety Day. For more information, call Carmen at 508-541-7472.
The race will be held rain or shine on Saturday, June 9, at 10 am.
More information available in this announcement.
Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer Registration, 12:00 - 3:00 pm at
the Freeman-Centennial soccer fields.
Download sign-up and volunteer forms here (34K PDF).
Special Town Election to vote on the King Philip debt exclusion
(temporary tax override until paid) and a $300K override for our highways.
Monday June 11: Registration for "First of All ... READ!" summer
reading program. Details at the library, or on the
library home page.
King Philip High Symphony Band Concert on Town Hill, 7pm.
Over-30 Pickup Soccer switches to Wednesdays, starting this week.
Thursday, June 14, 6:30 pm - Summer Concert at Town Hill featuring
Irish music by McMurphy's Band
6/11 - 6/14
Monday, June 11 - Thursday, June 14: Scholastic Book Fair
at the library
in the Jeanne D. Hill Meeting Room, during regular library hours
Pick up new paperbacks for your summer reading pleasure.
Many of the titles on the schools' summer reading lists will be
available. All proceeds benefit the Friends of the Library.
Norfolk Community Day, aka. Olde Tyme Day, held on the Holmes property
on Myrtle Street. Hay rides, entertainment, food, antique cars,
miniature train rides, fun for the whole family.
Saturday, June 16.
The June 18 Special Town Meeting is to discuss upcoming capital
projects, including library and fire station expansion and the
municipal golf course.
Thursday, June 21, 6:30 pm - Summer Concert at Town Hill featuring
the Wolverine Jazz Band
The Hockomock Area YMCA
will be running its Summer Fun Club for Norfolk children in 1st thru 6th
grade at Freeman Centennial School beginning on June 25th. This program
provides thematic activities enhanced by weekly field trips to places such
as NE Aquarium, Fun Way USA, Pawsox game and more. Children must
pre-register for weeks and days they want to attend. For more information
please call or
email Mary Varr 508 528-8708 ext 105.
- MV
Thursday, June 28, 6:30 pm - Summer Concert at Town Hill featuring
a variety of music by the Infractions
Tuesday, July 10 7 pm, New England Opera Theater, at the library.
Details are on the
library programs page.
Thursday, July 12, 6:30 pm - Fairy Tale Children's Theater at Town Hill.
Registration deadline for Norfolk Lions' Soccer.
Registration forms can be found at the town library or
downloaded in PDF format - CS.
Tuesday July 17, 3 pm Magician Lon Cerel at the library.
Details are on the
library programs page.
Thursday, July 19, 6:30 pm - Summer Concert at Town Hill featuring
Big Band music by the Norwood Community Band
Thursday, July 26, 3 pm ``First People''
with Walks in Peace at the library.
Details are on the
library programs page.
Thursday, July 26, 6:30 pm - Summer Concert at Town Hill featuring
country music by John Penny.
Thursday, August 9 at 10:30 am Wild songs and natural stories
by Jay Mankita at the library.
Details are on the
library programs page.
Wednesday August 15, 6:30 pm Children's entertainers Peter and
Ellen Allard at the library.
Details are on the
library programs page.
The Norfolk Schools Open House will be held on Monday, August 27.
The H. Olive Day open house will start at 9:00am, Freeman-Centennial at 10:30.
Warrant articles due for 2001 Fall Town Meeting.
Emmanuel Baptist Church Fall Fair on Saturday, Sept. 8,
from 11am to 2pm.
The ``Friday Night Friends Only'' used book sale will be held Friday,
September 21 from 7 to 9 p.m. Attendance to this event, which precedes
the Book and Bake Sale on Saturday, September 22, is limited to Friends
of the Library. Don't miss this opportunity to be the first to purchase
from a selection of over 15,000 books for children and adults. Prices
range from .25 cents to $1. Sign up to become a Friend anytime at the
library or starting at 6:45 p.m. Friday evening for a $15. donation.
Mercury fever thermometer swap at the Transfer Station, 9am to noon.
The Friends of the Norfolk Public Library Book and Bake Sale will be
held Saturday, September 22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Norfolk Public
Library. Over 15,000 used books for children and adults will be sold.
Prices range from .25 cents to $1 each. Homemade baked goods also for
sale. For children: free story hours at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and craft
activities throughout the day. All proceeds benefit the Norfolk Public
Federated Church Harvest Festival on Saturday, 9/22.
King Philip HS Marching Band Preview Show
Saturday, September 22, 6-9pm at the High School.
This year the band is performing Tchaikovsky's
Nutcracker, with a little Ellington thrown in
for spice. The band will once again be taking
this show to the National Championships in
Indianapolis in November. See the
KP marching band page for more.
The Norfolk PAC
(Parent Advisory Counsel for children with Special Needs)
1st meeting of the year will be held on
on Thursday, Sept 27th, at 7:00 pm, at H. Olive Day School.
We look forward to a great start to a new school year, and encourage
anyone with interest to attend.
Senior Golf Outing to Pine Acres in Bellingham.
Neighborhood yard sale Sat. 10/6 9am-1pm.
Hampton St., Berkshire St., Essex St. & Erin Ln.
Furniture, Tractor, baby stuff and more . . . come find
a treasure and meet our neighbors!
At 6:00 p.m. Saturday, October 6, the King Philip Warrior Marching Band
invites all people in Wrentham, Norfolk and Plainville to attend a
United States Scholastic Band Association (USSBA) marching band
competition at the Arnold Mactaz Field, behind the King Philip Regional
High School on Route 140. $6 for adults, $4 for children; additional
details here.
No School Day for the Norfolk School District.
Warrant articles mailed to residents.
Norfolk Househould Hazardous Waste Day when unneeded hazardous waste
may be brought to the transfer station for safe disposal.
Author's Night at the Library - Christina Shea
In her first novel, Moira's Crossing, this Boston author shares the
story of two sisters who emigrate from Ireland and face the challenges
of a new world together in Boston.
8:00pm on Wednesday, October 17 at the Library. Refreshments will be served.
$5 at the door, or free to Friends of the Norfolk Library members.
Fall Gathering Potluck
The community is invited to attend a Fall Gathering Potluck Supper on
Thursday evening, October 18th at 6:30 pm. at the Federated Church of
Norfolk. If you have questions, please call the church office,
NCL Fall membership meeting
The Norfolk Community League is holding its fall membership meeting on
Thursday night, October 18th, starting at 7:30pm. Details
available here.
Current members, and anyone interested in
joining the organization, are welcome to attend.
NCTV Open House
on Saturday, Oct 20, from 1pm to 4pm at the new
NCTV studios located at 227 Dedham St. (Route 1A).
Buckley-Mann property PIP (public involvement) meeting,
scheduled by the Mass DEP (Department of Environmental Protection),
at 7pm in the Freeman-Centennial school auditorium.
Open to the public.
The meeting about is the hazardous contamination on the Buckley-Mann
property, which the Town intends to purchase for a town golf course.
Author's Night at the Library - Frederick Reiken
In The Odd Sea, Mr. Reiken tells of the disappearance of a teen-aged son
and the effect this has on all of the members of his family in the years
following. The Odd Sea is his first novel. His second was recently
released in paperback and is called The Lost Legends of New Jersey. Mr.
Reiken is currently teaching graduate writing classes at Emerson College
in Boston.
8:00pm on Wednesday, October 24 at the Library. Refreshments will be served.
$5 at the door, or free to Friends of the Norfolk Library members.
Enrollment deadline for the Norfolk Ski Club discount passes to
Wachusett Mountain. Details on the Bulletin Board.
Fall Town Meeting on Saturday, October 27, at King Philip High
in Wrentham.
St. Jude's Women's Group will be hosting a Christmas Craft Fair on
Saturday, November 3rd from 10am-3pm. The fair will take place at St.
Jude's Church hall, 86 Main Street, Norfolk. Admission is $1. Please
note: the hall is not wheelchair accessible.
Sunday, Nov 4th 6:00 PM - King Philip Marching Band Rally
This year the KP Marching Band show is ``The Nutcracker: From
the Ballet to the Nightclub'' featuring music by Tchaikovsky
and Duke Ellington. So far this year the band has won every
competition including the prestigious Bands of America Northeast
Regional Championships at Hofstra University. Join the rally and
help send them off to the National Championships in Indianapolis!!
Come see the show - admission is free.
[Also visit the
Marching Band home page.]
On Wednesday November 7th at 7 p.m., Debra Friedman, culinary historian
and program coordinator at Old Sturbridge Village, will be discussing
traditional foods prepared for Thanksgiving
and why we eat what we do for
this holiday. Her presentation will examine food preservation and
production techniques of the 19th century that culminate in this harvest
feast. A history of Thanksgiving as a National holiday will be included.
Soccer Club of Norfolk registration -
an opporunity for girls and boys in grades 2-6
to play competetive soccer and travel to towns in the greater Boston
The season runs 10 weeks starting on April 6th, with 2 practices/week
and games on Saturday. Registration for Spring 2002 is taking place
Thursday Nov 8th from 6:30-8pm at MacBride Auditorium of the
Freeman-Centennial School and again on Sunday, November 11th from
4:30-7pm during the Annual Fall Soccer Banquet.
Cost is $57 plus the field user fee AND a new uniform if not already
purchased in 2001. Scolarships and family discount available.
Applications can be picked up at the library after 11/11 and mailed in
to PO Box 48 Norfolk until 11/19.
Contact Sally V., Registrar with questions at 508-528-6462.
Soccer Club of Norfolk registration -
an opporunity for girls and boys in grades 2-6
to play competetive soccer and travel to towns in the greater Boston
The season runs 10 weeks starting on April 6th, with 2 practices/week
and games on Saturday. Registration for Spring 2002 is taking place
Thursday Nov 8th from 6:30-8pm at MacBride Auditorium of the
Freeman-Centennial School and again on Sunday, November 11th from
4:30-7pm during the Annual Fall Soccer Banquet.
Cost is $57 plus the field user fee AND a new uniform if not already
purchased in 2001. Scolarships and family discount available.
Applications can be picked up at the library after 11/11 and mailed in
to PO Box 48 Norfolk until 11/19.
Contact Sally V., Registrar with questions at 508-528-6462.
Author's Night at the Library - Chet Raymo
In his novels, columns for the Boston Globe, and his nonfiction books,
Mr. Raymo explores the relationships between science, nature and the
humanities. His latest book is An Intimate Look At The Night Sky. His
second novel, The Dork From Cork, was made into the motion picture
"Frankie Starlight". Mr. Raymo is a Professor Emeritus from Stonehill
College and lives locally.
8:00pm on Thursday, November 15 at the Library. Refreshments will be served.
$5 at the door, or free to Friends of the Norfolk Library members.
St. Judes Womens Group is sponsoring a Norfolk Community Blood Drive
on Saturday, November 17th from 9:00 - 3:00. Appointments are advisable, but
walk-ins are welcome. If you have donated blood on or before September
22, you are eligible to donate again. Please call Julie @ 508-520-3303 or
send an e-mail to
with desired time, name and
telephone #. You will receive a confirming call/message with your
appointment time.
Federated Church annual Holly Fair on Saturday,
November 17th from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm in the vestry of the church on
Route 115 in the center of Norfolk. See the
announcement here.
Leonid meteor shower, starting around 11pm EST on Saturday,
November 17, and peaking at 5am Sunday morning.
Public Hearing per Board of Selectmen,
to consider and vote the Use Classification of all properties
in the town for tax purposes. November 19, 7:15pm in the
Freeman-Centennial school MacBride Auditorium.
The Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing
at which the National Golf Foundation will present its
Feasibility Study for the proposed municipal Golf Course
on November 29 at 7:30 pm at the Freeman Centennial School.
The NCL's Santa Breakfast is on December 8th at 9-11.
Cost is $4 for members and $5 for non-members, children under 2 are
free. Get a picture taken with Santa for $2 or free if you bring in an
item for the New Hope Women's Shelter. Come have fun with Mrs. Claus
and bring your list for Santa. For more information call Jacqueline L.,
see also the announcement.
Immediately following the Santa Breakfast, NCL is holding it's first
ever 3.1 mile Jingle Bell Run at 11. There will also be a 1/4 mile run
for children at 11:45. The cost is $15 for adults and $5 for children.
All proceeds will benefit Norfolk Together. For more information call
Kris P., 528-5151;
see also the announcement.
An Ecumenical Christmas Walk will be held in Norfolk on Sunday, December
16, from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m, staring at St. Judes Church.
For full details see
the announcement.
Special election for providing money for the schools and the library.
Norfolk Baseball registration at the Freeman-Centennial School,
9am to 11:30am on the Saturdays of January 5 and January 12, 2002.
Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer Spring 2002 Registration - January 10th and
17th at the H. Olive Day School Library from 3:30 to 6:30 (if school is
cancelled either day due to weather, another registration will be held
3:30 to 6:30 on January 18th). Registration forms will also be available
in the lobby of the Norfolk Public Library. Children must be at least 3
years of age and no older than 13 as of AUGUST 31, 2001 to be eligible
to play. Registration costs are; $40 for 1 player, $60 for 2 players,
$75 for 3 or more players. All games are played on Sunday afternoons.
For more information contact Helen K. at 508-520-0163
Norfolk Baseball registration at the Freeman-Centennial School,
9am to 11:30am on the Saturdays of January 5 and January 12, 2002.
Bob Harkey, local wine expert and owner of Millis Package Discount,
will present a one night "Introduction to Wines" on Wednesday January 16th
at 7:30 pm. at the Norfolk Public Library. Open to the public free of charge.
Meeting of the Road Safety Committee, Town Hall, Romm 25 at 7:30 PM.
Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer Spring 2002 Registration - January 10th and
17th at the H. Olive Day School Library from 3:30 to 6:30 (if school is
cancelled either day due to weather, another registration will be held
3:30 to 6:30 on January 18th). Registration forms will also be available
in the lobby of the Norfolk Public Library.
On Sunday, January 27th at 2 p.m., the Norfolk Public Library will host
a roundtable discussion for members of local book groups, individuals
who would like to start a book group or individuals who would like to
join a book group. Please come and feel free to bring a friend!
Registration deadline for King Philip/Norfolk Men's Softball
This over 30 league is now accepting registration for the 2002 season.
Games are slow pitch and are ASA sanctioned. If you are interested in
joining a team, or if you have a team that would like to join the
league, please contact league president Craig K at 508-520-0163 for
more information.
King Philip Walpole Youth Hockey registrations for 2002-2003, on
Saturday, February 2, 2002 - Norfolk Arena, Myrtle Street, Norfolk, 9AM -
12 Noon.
See the announcement for details.
Norfolk Baseball tryouts, all on Sundays:
Feb 3, 8am - 1pm;
Feb 10, 12pm - 6pm;
Feb 24, 12pm - 6pm.
Individual Players will be notified of exact date and time for tryouts
after registration.
Everything you always wanted to know about Social Security
(but were afraid to ask!)
Wednesday February 6th 7:30 PM at the Norfolk Public Library.
There will be a brief presentation and then an open question
and answer session.
Speaker: Kurt Czarnowski, Regional Communications Director
for the Social Security Administration (and Norfolk resident).
The Norfolk Republican Town Committee will be meeting this Thursday,
February 7th, in room 25 of the Town Hall at 6:30. We will be welcoming new
members, discussing this year's elections, and planning activities for the
coming year.
If you can't make the meeting and/or would like to get involved, please call
Rob G. at 508-520-6918.
King Philip Walpole Youth Hockey registrations for 2002-2003, on
Saturday, February 9, 2002 - Iorio Twin Rinks, Route 1, Walpole, 9AM - 12
See the announcement for details.
Reserve the date, February 9 from 6:30 to midnight, NCL will hold their
4th annual Valentine's Day Dance and Silent Auction. Tickets are $100
for a couple. For ticket information call Kathy O., 520-3316. If
you have an item for the auction NCL is currently accepting all
donations. To make a donation call Nancy M. at 553-3921.
Norfolk Baseball tryouts, all on Sundays:
Feb 3, 8am - 1pm;
Feb 10, 12pm - 6pm;
Feb 24, 12pm - 6pm.
Individual Players will be notified of exact date and time for tryouts
after registration.
King Philip Walpole Youth Hockey registrations for 2002-2003, on
Wednesday, February 13, 2002 - Norfolk Town Hall, Rm 124, Main Street, 6 -
9 PM.
See the announcement for details.
Norfolk Baseball tryouts, all on Sundays:
Feb 3, 8am - 1pm;
Feb 10, 12pm - 6pm;
Feb 24, 12pm - 6pm.
Individual Players will be notified of exact date and time for tryouts
after registration.
Norfolk Cub Scouts Blue and Gold Banquet, held
at the Franklin Lodge of Elks 1077 Pond St. Franklin from 4-7pm
on February 24, 2002. See our 2nd Year Webelos move up to Boy
Scouts. These Scouts should be proud of their accomplishments and we will
honor them in a special ceremony. Dinner and entertainment will be provided.
Ticket price $8. .
For advance ticket info please contact John
M. 508-553-3921. No tickets will be sold at the door.
The Ins and Outs of Collecting Antiques
by Henry Callan, Antiques Dealer; at the Norfolk Public Library
on Tuesday, February 26th at 7 pm.
Gardening with Feng Shui,
a presentation by Carol St.Germain,
to be held at the Freeman Centennial School MacBride
Auditorium on Wednesday March 13 at 7:00 PM.
Feng Shui means literally
wind-water and is the 5,000 year-old Chinese environmental art of
placement. Learn about the importance of balance and the flow of energy
in the garden. Public Admission $5.00.
On Wednesday, March 13, the Norfolk Community League (NCL) is pleased to
host Dr. James Popkin, a medical oncologist with Caritas Norwood
Hospital as he presents ``Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and
Diagnosis.'' Room 215 at Norfolk Town Hall, from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Read more here.
The Franklin YMCA is having a Breakfast With Bunny on Saturday March 16,
2002 from 9:00-12:00. Please call for a reservation at 508 528-8708
ext 126. $3.00 per child and $6.00 per adult.
Meeting on March 20 @ 8:00 pm to hear comments
on a Special Permit to allow for the continued operation of the Highway
Dept. in a residential district.
The Third Annual Norfolk Nearly New Consignment Sale.
will be
held on Saturday April 6th at the cafeteria at the H. Olive Day School,
Main Street, Norfolk. The Sale will be from 9:00 until 11:00 am; a
half price sale will run from 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. Admission is free.
Read more here.
Rabies clinic for dogs and cats, sponsored by the Norfolk Board of
Health. The cost is $8.00 per animal.
9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at the Town of Norfolk Highway Garage on Medway Branch
Road (across from the Transfer Station). For more information, please
contact the Norfolk Board of Health office at 508-528-7747.
Adult pick-up soccer starts on Friday, April 6.
6:30pm Fridays on the Freeman-Centennial fields behind the basketball court,
switching to Wednesdays on June 12.
"Dinner at the White House - a Feast of History" on
Sunday, April 7th, 2:00
at the Norfolk Public Library.
Judy Bernstein will host the program and will relate anecdotes about
White House guests, menus, customs and manners that reflect the social
history of our nation's capitol.
"It's Your Future" a free information session on
Retirement Planning for Public Employees
a Financial Education Program of State Treasurer Shannon O'Brien
Saturday, April 20, 2002,
Holiday Inn, Mansfield
8:30am - 2:30pm.
Public Employees: For more information see URL:
and register today at:
Water Cooler 5K & Kid's Fun Run - Sunday, April 21st, 11:00 AM at the
new Norfolk Senior Center - Sponsored by the Norfolk Men's Softball
League, Johnston Real Estate, Lorusso Construction, & Postal Center USA
- Proceeds to the Tom Daley Foundation will be used to purchase a
handicap accessible water cooler for the Senior Center. For more
information contact Craig K. at 508-520-0163 or
NCL-sponsored Candidates' Night at Freeman Centennial
auditorium; moderated by Frank Gross. Tuesday, April 23,
at 7:30pm.
Foxwoods Casino day-trip for adults, sponsored by the
Norfolk Lively Seniors, on Wednesday, April 24, leaving at 8:00am
from St. Jude's parking lot, and returning by 5 to 5:30pm.
$17 per person. Additional details can be found
in the announcement.
Night of 1000 Stars
Norfolk Public Library invites you to attend
Friday, April 26 at 7:00 p.m.
Join us for a celebration of community and literacy where
local "stars" will read from their favorite children's
books. Local celebrities include:
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Talents & Treasures Auction
on Friday April 26th at 7:00 p.m. at the church on Route 115 in Norfolk
center. Preview will be from 5:30-7:00 pm and food will be available.
More details in the announcement.
Board of Selectmen public hearing
about the June 2002-2003 budget and related issues on Monday,
April 29 at 7:30 pm in the MacBride auditorium
(Freeman-Centennial School). This is in preparation for
Spring town meeting, and offers a chance to understand the
financial issues facing the town in the upcoming fiscal
year. Residents are invited to attend and participate.
Blue Hill Observatory Open House & Kite Festival
on Saturday, May 4, 2002 from 10am to 4pm.
Bio Map, a free slide presentation at the Stony Brook nature center
on Monday, May 6, at 7pm.
For details and contact information, see
the press release.
Norfolk Town Election
Information about the election, positions open, registering to vote, etc.
is available on the
Town Clerk's page.
Unlike in years past,
the election will be held 7am to 8pm in the H. Olive Day school auditorium.
Norfolk Garden Club annual plant sale 9 am - 12 noon, Town Hill,
rain or shine.
Sunday, May 12, 2002: Mother's Day
NEEF annual meeting
The Norfolk Education Enrichment Foundation is having its annual meeting
on Monday, May 13, 2002 at 8:00 PM - Room 25 - Town Hall.
Norfolk Town Meeting, 7:30pm at King Philip High School in
Wrentham. The
meeting warrant
is available on-line as a PDF document.
Town of Norfolk Foreclosure Auction
on May 15, 2002, in the Multi-Purpose room in Town Hall,
11:00am (Bidder Registration 10:00am).
The list of properties is
available here (PDF).
Talk by Serve New England representative at the Housing Office
(33 Rockwood Road) on Friday, May 31, at 11am.
Serve is a non-profit food co-op solely run by volunteers.
Norfolk Lions fall soccer registration
- Sunday, June 2nd, 1:00 to 3:00
at the Freeman Centennial School field (raindate June 9th) and Thursday,
June 13th, 4:00 to 5:30 at the HOD School Library. Registration forms
are also available in the Norfolk Public Library lobby and at Norfolk
Community Day. Players must be at least 3 years old and no older than
13 years old as of August 31, 2002 to be eligible to play. Registration
deadline is June 26th. For more information call Helen at 508-520-0163
or e-mail
Norfolk's chapter of Serve New England first registration
will be Tuesday, June 4th, in the Community Room at Hillcrest Village at 9am.
Town Hill Concert
King Philip Regional Band and Jazz Ensemble,
Tuesday, June 4, 6:30-8pm.
Community Day (town fair) at the Holmes field on Myrtle St.
Free child identification program sponsored by the
Norfolk Lions and the Massachusetts FreeMasons. This event will run in
conjunction with Community Day from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Holmes
6th Annual Norfolk Community Day 5K Charity Run/Walk on
Saturday, June 8, 2002
9:30 AM Kids 1/4 mile race - 9:00AM
11:00 AM - kids 50m and 100m races
$15. entry fee for 5K/ $5.00 for 1/4 mile / $3.00 for 50m and 100m
For more information, please call Carmen B. at 541-7472, or
look on NCL
web page.
Town Hill Concert
McMurphy Band (Irish music),
Thursday, June 13, 6:30-8pm.
Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer registration
on Thursday, June 13th at the HO Day School library
from 4:00 to 5:30.
Town Hill Concert
Infractions (variety),
Thursday, June 20, 6:30-8pm.
The Garden Club of Norfolk will be holding self-guided tours
at six gardens in town on Saturday, June 22, from 10 am to
2 pm. Tickets and maps are available at Village Arts and
Flowers. Proceeds will benefit the town beautification
programs conducted by the club.
Fun in the Sun co-ed softball tournament
Sunday, June 23rd
1-Pitch Double Elimination - Trophy to every team
Gather your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers for a fun day of
$150 per team registration fee - Registration deadline June 10th.
For more information and to register, call Tournament Director Craig
K. at 508-520-0163 or e-mail him.
Town Hill Concert
John Penny Band (country),
Thursday, June 27, 6:30-8pm.
Town Hill Concert
Part-Time Lovers (blues),
Thursday, July 11, 6:30-8pm.
Town Hill Concert
Norwood Community Symphony
Thursday, July 18, 6:30-8pm.
The Tom Daley Memorial Softball Tournament has been scheduled for
Sunday, July 21st at Sweatt Fields in Wrentham.
Contact Craig "Mags" K. at 508-520-0163 or email for more
Town Hill Concert
Roy Nutile & the Big Band
Thursday, July 25, 6:30-8pm.
Autumn Celebration at Emmanuel Baptist Church,
63 Rockwood Road (Rte. 115), a fun filled day for the
entire family, including: pony rides, games, crafts, food
and much more. An Absolutely FREE community event!
Saturday, September 7, from 11 am. - 2 pm.
The Friends of the Norfolk Public Library's annual
Book and Bake Sale
will be held on Saturday, Sept 21, from 9 am to 4 pm.
Friends of the Library are also invited to the
Friends Only Preview Sale on Friday,
September 20 from 7 to 9 p.m. Memberships available
at the door.
Annual Harvest Festival
Saturday, September 21, 2002 at the Norfolk Federated Church,
on the corner of Main Street and Route 115 in Norfolk Center.
The festivities start at 10:00 a.m. and last until 3:00 p.m. There will be
a 5 K Road Race, plenty of Games and Rides for the children, Crafters,
Bountiful Basket Silent Auction, Baked Goods (homemade apple pies are our
specialty!), Fresh Produce, Delicious Refreshments, and a Giant Flea
Market. There will be cook out following the festival from 4:30-7:30 pm.
For further information call Ed (508) 520-4379.
Sam Johnston Memorial Softball Tournament on Sunday,
September 22, starting at 9:00am at Sweatt Field in Wrentham.
Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary Fall Fair on Saturday, September 28,
from 10am to 4pm. Crafts, entertainment, animals, hay rides, food.
$3 admission. Call Stony Brook at 508-528-3140 for more information.
Grange Pancake Breakfast
October 19th,
New Hours: 8:00-10:30 A.M. at
Grange Hall, Route 115 (also Rockwood Rd.)
Adults - $ 4.00 includes 3 pancakes, 3 sausage, juice and coffee;
Child under 12 - $2.00.
Includes 2 pancakes, 2 sausage, juice and hot chocolate is available.
Please come meet your friends and neighbors.
Have a hearty breakfast and then go about your
Saturday chores. Hope to see you there.
For information call Lynne M. (508) 528-5112.
Fire Department Open House, on Sunday, Oct. 20, from 1pm - 4pm.
Fall Town Meeting on Tuesday, October 22, at 7:30pm at King
Philip High in Wrentham.
Introduction to Windows Computer Class - 4 classes (1-hr each) every
Wed. @ 3PM starting October 23 at the Norfolk Senior Center. Beginners welcome
$25 fee. To register see Norma or call 508-528-0875.
On Saturday,October 26th from 5-8 pm the NCL and Lions will co-host
a haunted train ride at Holmes fields. Cost will be $2 per rider with
activities and treats available after the ride for a small fee. All
proceeds will go towards purchasing a Digital Camera for Stony Brook's
educational programs.
Last-minute special
videotaping performance of "Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5" at
7:00 PM Tuesday, October 29, at Brockton's Marciano Field.
4th Annual NCL Halloween Candy Give Back at the
Freeman Centennial School Lobby on Boardman St. (Norfolk), between
4:00 and 5:30pm on November 1.
Bring half of your Halloween candy to benefit the New Hope Shelter and
Norcap Drug Rehabilitation Center. Last year the children donated over
300 pounds of candy! D.A.R.E Officer Steve Plympton will be present to
discuss the program with all that attend. There will also be a raffle
for participants attending. Please contact Pam S. at (508)520-3743 with
The Next Norfolk Baseball Association meeting will be on November 3rd at
7:00 p.m. at the Norfolk Library Meeting room. We have some openings on our
2003 Board - most importantly Little League President and Babe Ruth
President along with Publicity Coordinator.
11/4-11/8, 11/4-11/12
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to the Norfolk
Public Schools. This year's theme is Reading Roundup:
Lasso a Great Book, and will be held in the school libraries. The fair
will be at the H. Olive Day School November 4-8 for grades Pre-K - 2 and
at the Freeman-Centennial Schools November 4-12 for grades 3-6. Watch
the backpacks for more information.
Pancake Breakfast at the Norfolk Grange - New hours 8:00-10:30.
Before you go to the Holly Fair to shop til you drop, please come join
us for a hearty Breakfast of 3 pancakes, 2 sausages, Juice and coffee.
Only $4.00 for adults and $2.00 for children. Come on in and meet your
neighbors. Look forward to seeing you. - LB
A Christmas Craft Fair
will be held on Saturday, November 16th in St. Jude's
Church Hall, 86 Main Street, Norfolk from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Many
local crafters will present their crafts - ideal for Holiday Gifts.
Activities will include a Kids Korner, raffles and much more. Santa will be
Garden Club of Norfolk annual decorations
Holiday Gatherings Sale at the Federated Church on Saturday,
December 7, from 9 am to 12 noon.
Click for more details.
The KP Winter Pops Concert will be at 7pm on Saturday, December 7.
Admission is $8 for adults, $5 for students; a portion of the admission
price will be donated to local food pantries. More information
available here.
Norfolk Little League general meeting on December 8 at 7:00pm in the
Norfolk Public Library.
2003 Little League and Babe Ruth Registration
will be held Saturday, January
4th and 11th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Freeman-Centennial School
MacBride Auditorium
NCL Santa Breakfast
Join NCL on Saturday, December 14th from 9-11 AM at the H. Olive
Day School on Main St. for breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Tickets are $4 for NCL members and $6 for non-members.
Kids under 2 are free.
[ m o r e . . . ]
NCL Jingle Bell Fun Run and 1/4 Kids Run
Following Breakfast with Santa is a 5K Jingle Bell Run and 1/4 Kids Run.
The 3.1 mile Fun Run will begin at 11AM and the kids race begins at 11:45.
on Saturday, December 14.
[ m o r e . . . ]
At 2 PM Sunday, December 15, students in the King Philip music
program will present a Chamber Recital
in the auditorium of the King Philip North [Middle] School in Norfolk.
The recital will feature solo and ensemble pieces from the classical
Pancake Breakfast
Saturday, Dec. 21st, at the Grange on rte. 115 (Rockwood Rd.) -
Before you go out to do that last minute shopping Christmas shopping,
come have a hearty breakfast of 3 pancakes, 2 sausages, juice and
coffee for a donation of $4.00. Children $2.00. Come and have your
picture taken with Santa Claus.
An Ecumenical Christmas Walk will be held in Norfolk on Sunday,
December 22nd from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Families from St. Jude's, Emmanuel
Baptist and The Federated Church will meet at St. Jude's Church on Main
Street and walk to the Federated Church in the town center for a live
nativity. The group will then walk back to St. Jude's for a time of
fellowship, refreshments and music.
The 2003 Little League and Babe Ruth Registration will be held Saturday,
January 4th and the 11th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the
Freeman-Centennial School MacBride Auditorium information is available on
their web site @
Next General Meeting of Norfolk Baseball
will be January 5th at 7:00 p.m. at the Norfolk Library.
Pancake Breakfast - 8:00-10:30 at the Grange Hall - (Route
115) - Before you go out to do your Saturday chores in this cold winter
come and have a hearty breakfast
consisting of 3 Pancakes, 3 Sausages, Juice &
Coffee. Donation Adults-$4.00
Children $3.00 2 Pancakes, 2 Sausage, Juice &
Hot Chocolate. Hope to see you
there. For more information call Lynne at 508-528-5112.
1/21 or 1/27
Open House 9:30 -11:00 a.m. Cornerstone Christian Academy
(508) 520-2272 or email
Cornerstone is in Franklin on Pleasant Street just over the Norfolk
border and down the road from the Acorn Animal Hospital. Please pass
the work and thank you for your attention!
Chamber Recital in the King Philip North Auditorium.
Admission is free of charge, and the public is invited. The recital
will feature the new King Philip Madrigal Choir, consisting of 20
vocalists, as well as 41 instrumentalists from the prize winning King
Philip Music Program.
Held at 2:00pm on Sunday, Jan 26.
Open House 9:30 -11:00 a.m. Cornerstone Christian Academy
(508) 520-2272 or email
Cornerstone is in Franklin on Pleasant Street just over the Norfolk
border and down the road from the Acorn Animal Hospital. Please pass
the word and thank you for your attention!
The Republican Town Committee organizational meeting,
Tuesday, January 28th, at 7:30 in Room 214 of Town Hall.
Any questions, feel free to call Rob G. (508-520-6918).
Saturday, February 1, 2003, is the last day to register to vote at the
Special Town Meeting.
Next General Meeting for the Norfolk Baseball Association
will be February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. at the Norfolk Library.
5th Annual Valentine's Dinner Dance and Silent Auction from 6:30pm
until midnight on Saturday, February 8, 2003.
Special Town Meeting at 7:30pm in King Philip Regional High
School, 201 Franklin St., Wrentham (Route 140, close to Shears St.)
The date was moved from Monday due to the snow storm.
Pancake Breakfast at the Grange, Rte 115 - 8:00-10:30 AM Feburary 15th-
Please come and join us for a hearty breakfast of 3 pancakes, 3
sausages, juice & coffee for Adults donation $4.00 Children $3.00 the
receive 2 pancakes, 2 sausages juice & hot chocolate. The ANNUAL
COLORING CONTEST starts this Saturday continuing until April 19th. Great
prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. All participants will recieve a
ribbon. Please come and join the fun!!!
Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer registration deadline - Visit our
website at
for more information and registration form.
On Saturday, March 8 starting at 2 PM, the King Philip Winter
Classic will present 38 percussion and color guard groups from area high
schools at the King Philip Regional High School. Tickets are $5 for adults
and $3 for students.
The spring Scholastic Book Fair is from March
10-14 at the H.Olive Day School and at the Freeman-Centennial School.
Hours are 8:30-3:00 and will be open during parent-teacher conferences.
The King Philip Music Department will present a Marimba
Clinic and Solo Performance by Gifford Howarth from 7-9 PM Wednesday, March
12, in the King Philip Regional High School Grady Auditorium. The public is
invited to attend at no charge.
Details here.
Registration for the fall season of
Pop Warner Football and Cheerleading Program
on Saturday, March 15th at the H. Olive Day School (Norfolk), the Pfaff Center
(Medfield) and Millis High School. For more information and an advanced
copy of Registration Forms, please log onto
At 7:30 p.m., Thursday, March 27, the King Philip High School Music Program
will present a Spring Concert in Grady Auditorium, featuring the Chorus,
the Symphony Band, and the Concert Band. Tickets will be available at the
door: $5 for adults, $3 for students.
Details here.
4th annual Norfolk Nearly New Consignment Sale will be held on
Saturday, April 5, 2003 from 9:00am-12:00pm (11:15-12:00pm is 1/2 price
sale). It will take place at the H. Olive Day School cafeteria on Main
Street in Norfolk.
Click here for more information.
The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic
for dogs
and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will
be held on Saturday, April 5, 2003 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk
Highway Garage on Medway Branch Road (across from the transfer station).
The cost is $8.00 per animal.
[Click for more information]
The Norfolk American Legion Post #335 has invited the two candidates for
Selectmen to say a few words at the Grange Hall - Wednesday, 4/9/03 at
7pm. All are invited.
NCL Candidates Night on Thursday, April 10th at 7:30pm at
the MacBride Auditorium in the Freeman-Centennial School on
Boardman Street in Norfolk.
NCL will hold the Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast
on Saturday, April 12, 2003
at 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. at the Freeman-Centennial School MacBride Auditorium.
This event costs $4 for NCL members, $6
for non-members and is free to children under 2.
You must have reservations to attend this event.
More information here.
Norfolk Recreation's
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 12, 2003 .
This event is held at the Freeman Centennial School (near the
playground). It is open to all children up to 10 years old and starts
PROMPTLY at 10:15 AM. The Easter Egg Hunt is free and does not require
Children should bring a basket!!
RAIN DATE: April 19-if it is postponed to the 19th it will be held rain
or shine.
Apr 12, Sat KP Jazz Benefit at the Circle of Friends
coffeehouse in Franklin.
8PM $10/$5 students
The Jazz Ensemble just received a Gold Medal at the State Finals. The
smaller Combo will also perform. A benefit for the KP music program.
Please call (508)528-2541 or visit
our website.
NCL garden club presents
A Perennial Talk
Speaker: Mike Nelson,
professor at The Agricultural High School, Walpole.
Mike will cover the basics of growing perennials; formal or informal,
sun or shade when and how to plant: dividing, mulching, staking and
pinching question and answer session.
Monday, April 28th, 7:30-9pm
Norfolk Public Library.
$5.00 admission. Snacks & Drinks
The Uncommon Theatre Company presents "The Wiz" (an adaptation of The
Wizard of Oz) on May 2-4, 2003 at the Orpheum Theater in Foxboro.
Showtimes are as follows: May 2 at 7:30 p.m, May 3 at 2:00 p.m. and
7:00 p.m., May 4 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are available by calling the Box
Office at 508-543-2787. TIcket prices are $14 for adults and $12 for
children and seniors. The Uncommon is a non-profit childrens' theater
Mirror Lake Clean Up Day
The residents and friends of Mirror Lake in Norfolk and Wrentham will be
holding a clean up day on Saturday, May 3rd, starting at 8 a.m. There will
be a cookout for participants on the beach to follow. Bring trash bags,
gloves and a smile! Hope to see you there. Rain date Sunday, May 4th.
Connor's Fun Run/Walk to Congress! Friends of the Reilly family of
Norfolk are organizing a 5K road race to help fight Spinal Muscular Atrophy
(SMA). Their one year old son Connor lives with this devastating disease
that currently has no cure. In June, a national SMA conference will be
held in D.C. to lobby for critical research funding. Although the Reillys
will not be able to attend, all race proceeds will be used to send other
SMA families to the conference where Congress members will meet and talk
with kids living with this disease. The race is scheduled for Sunday, May
4th, 1:00 pm at the H. Olive Day School. No entry fee; pledge sheets are
available (at locations throughout Norfolk) or suggested donation to
pariticpate, in lieu of pledges, is $15 per adult. All pledges/donations
are fully tax-deductable. Please make checks payable to SMA Support, Inc.
c/o Marsha B., 9 Carter Drive, Natick, MA 01760. For more
information call 508-653-1933 or email
Annual Town Election on Tuesday, May 6, 7:00am - 8:00pm in the
H. Olive Day School auditorium (rear of building),
232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
7th Annual Norfolk Community League Charity Run/Walk on May 31st.
Proceeds from the 7th Annual NCL Charity 5K Run / Walk will go towards
the purchase of a heart defibrillator for the Norfolk Police Department.
The Run / Walk will be held on Saturday, May 31st at 9:00am at the
Holmes Field, Myrtle Street in Norfolk. For registration information,
click here.
The Norfolk Education Enrichment Foundation (NEEF) annual meeting
on May 12, 8:00 pm, H. Olive Day School Library.
All are invited.
Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at
7:15PM at the King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham.
At 7:00 PM Wednesday, May 14, percussion students from the
elementary schools of Plainville, Norfolk and Wrentham, King Philip Middle
and High Schools will present their annual Percussion Night in the lower
gymnasium of King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham.
The Norfolk Republican town committee will hold a meeting Tuesday, May
20th, at 7:30 pm in the town library. Judge Dan Winslow, the Governor's
Legal Counsel, and Norfolk resident, will be the special guest speaker.
Please RSVP to Patricia S., at 508-553-9778, or
send an e-mail to
King Philip Annual Jazz Night
at 7:00 PM Wednesday, May 21 in the King Philip High School Grady
Auditorium. Admission is $3 for students and seniors and $5 for adults.
May 31 - 9:00am 7th Annual NCL Charity 5K Run / Walk.
Proceeds will go
towards the purchase of a heart defibrillator for the Norfolk Police
Department. The Run / Walk will be held on Saturday, May 31st at 9:00am
at the Holmes Field, Myrtle Street in Norfolk. Registration is $15.00
($20.00 after May 22) and includes parking and admission to Norfolk
Community Day events immediately following the race. Kid's races start
at 10am. For more information, call Carmen 541-7472.
Norfolk Community Day
(aka Town Fair) will be held on Saturday, May 31, at
the Holmes Transportation field at 22 Myrtle Street.
The Federated Church of Norfolk Sunday Service will be held at 9:00 am
starting on June 15 and continuing until September 14, when 10:00 am
service time will resume.
Summer office hours will be Monday through Thursday 9:00
a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The office will be closed on Fridays.
Special Town Election on Monday, June 23 at H. Olive Day auditorium
from 7:00am to 8:00pm. For more information (registration, absentee ballots)
click here.
The Norfolk Republican Town Committee will be holding a meeting Tuesday,
June 24th, at 7:30 in Room 124 of the Town Hall. The Committee will be
electing new members and choosing officers for the coming year.
Other topics to be discussed will be the End of Summer Cookout and the
Fall Guest Speaker program.
The Town Committee may be reached through Rob G. at 508-520-6918, or via
email at
for the fall season of Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer are now
being accepted. Players must be at least 3 years old and no older than
13 years old as of August 31, 2003 to be eligible to play. Registration
forms are available in the lobby of the Norfolk Public Library and at
8/7, 8/8, 8/9
Cinderella, performed by the Walpole Children's Threatre
on August 7th at 7 pm, August 8th at 10 am & 7 pm, and August 9th at 2 pm
and 7 pm, at the Johnson Middle School on Robbins Road.
More information in the show announcement.
Walpole Children's Theatre has been bringing quality theatre to the
local community for over 30 years. WCT is staffed completely by
volunteers who have grown up in the group and is supported only by its
patrons and ticket sales.
Norfolk Community Federal Credit Union 50th birthday celebration
at the Federated Church on Saturday, Sept. 6, from 11am to 2pm.
Free events will include
barbeque, face painting, mini golf, moon walk, pony rides, rock climbing,
and more!
Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer Opening Day - Sunday, September 7th, 11:00
to 2:00, at the Pond St. fields. All NLYS players and their families
are invited. Be sure to check our website, for
for more information.
Walpole Children's Theatre
auditions for A Christmas Carol, Saturday, Sept. 13,
12 noon until 5 pm at Blackburn Hall in Walpole Center.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will begin its Fall Worship Schedule on
Sunday September 14th. Worship will start at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday
morning. Sunday School for Preschool. (Age 3 & 4) through Grade 8 will
be held during the 10:00 service each Sunday. Nursery care is available
for children who are too young for the Preschool Sunday School program.
And whose parents attending worship.
Friends of the Norfolk Library Book and Bake Sale
Autumn officially begins Tuesday morning, 9/23/2003, at 6:47am EDT.
The Federated Church Harvest Festival will be held on
Saturday, September 27, 2003 at the church on the comer of Main Street
and Route 115. The fair will run from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Friends of the Norfolk Public Library Book and Bake Sale
on Saturday September 27th,
9am - 4pm.
Friends only preview sale is Friday, September 26th, from 7 - 9pm.
Town of Norfolk
Household Hazardous Waste Day
will be held on October 4, 2003, from 9:00am to 12:00pm at the
Highway Department,
33 Medway Branch.
Norfolk Residents ONLY.
Next Saturday 10/4:
11 am - 2 pm Emmanuel Baptist Church (Rte 115) Autumn
Celebration - moonwalk, pony rides, face painting,
cotton candy, popcorn, hotdogs. Fun for the entire
family. Free.
10 am - 4? pm Stony Brook Fall Fair
Saturday, Oct. 11 King Philip Fall Classic
At 7:00 p.m. marching bands will be competing in the 2003 King Philip
Fall Classic at King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham.
Admission $6 adults, $4 children and seniors.
[Note: the time was moved up an hour to 7pm.]
NCC cultural projects application deadline.
Sunday 1-4 pm: Norfolk Fire Department Open House. Live
demonstrations, equipment displays, kids activities, food.
Free. Raffle Drawing at 3 pm.
The Norfolk Republican Town Committee will be hosting an evening of
discussion with Bristol County Sheriff Tom Hodgson on Tuesday, October
21st, at 7:00pm in the Town Hall.
Sheriff Hodgson, long an innovator in law enforcement and public safety
in Massachusetts, will discuss the challenges of a post 9-11 world, and
what our Homeland security forces are doing to keep us safe.
Light refreshments.
For more information, please call Patricia S., at 508-553-9778 or
NCL/Lions second annual Haunted Train and Hay Ride on Saturday,
October 25, from 5-8pm, at the Holmes fields on Myrtle Street in Norfolk.
The cost will be $3 per ride, but only $2 if in
costume. There will also be other assorted spooky treats, fun and
Click here for more information.
Special Town Meeting on October 28, 2003, 7:30pm at
King Philip High School (Rte. 140, Wrentham)
Erin Heffernan, a celebrated portrait photographer, will be
taking photos at Stony Brook Nature Sanctuary on Saturday, November 1st.
The cost is $35 for three photographs including proofs and negatives.
Photographs will be taken by appointment only. Call Beth S. of the
Norfolk Community League at 508-528-9097 to schedule a sitting.
NCL annual Halloween candy give back, with proceeds to benefit
the New Hope Shelter and the Norcap Drug Rehabilitation.
Donations will be accepted on Monday, November 3rd, from 4:00pm-5:30pm at
the Freeman Centennial School Lobby on Boardman Street, Norfolk.
Veterans' Day Parade, with events starting at 9:30am on Tuesday,
Nov. 11. See a more
detailed writeup here.
The Garden Club of Norfolk is hosting a program
called "Holiday Sparkle", presented by designers
Elaine DiGiovanni and Linda Ladd. They will be
creating holiday splendor with fresh flowers and
seasonal touches. This event will be held on Wednesday,
November 12th, 2003 at 7:30 P.M. in the MacBride Auditorium,
Freeman-Centennial School,
which is located at 70 Boardman St., Norfolk.
Complimentary refreshments; raffle & specialty items for sale.
Open to the public, $5 admission.
Christmas Craft Fair - St. Jude Church, 86 Main Street, Norfolk
Saturday, November 15, 2003. Doors open at 10:00. Over 20 crafters,
Pictures with Santa, Raffles, Refreshments. Admission $1.00, Kids 12
and under free.
Sorry, our hall is not handicap accessible, yet.
Annual flu clinic for Norfolk residents on
Tuesday, November 18, 2003, from
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Senior Center, 28 Medway Branch Rd.
The flu vaccine
will be available only to adults age 65 and older and
adults at highest risk of complications;
click here for details.
Norfolk Cooperative Preschool open house on Dec 4, 2003 from
The school is located at 1 Union street, Norfolk.
For more information call 508-528-3660.
The Walpole Children's Theater will be presenting A Christmas Carol on
Thursday December 4th
at 7 pm,
Friday December 5th
at 7 pm, and
Saturday December 6th
at 2 pm & 7 pm
at the Walpole High School, Common Street, Walpole.
Call the WCT Box Office to reserve your seats, (508) 668-9722.
[Click here for more information].
King Philip band Annual Winter Pops Concert at 7pm in the
high school lower gymnasium.
Many concertgoers in-the-know make plans to arrive at
the 6:00 p.m. opening to get a good seat.
[Click for the description.]
Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary Holiday Craft Fair
On Saturday & Sunday December 6th & 7th 10 am-4 pm
Hassle free holiday shopping. Over 30 crafters with unique handcrafted
items like jewelry, children's toys, wooden items, wreaths, santas, snowman
and many more. Plus nature related gifts for all ages in our Nature Shop.
Bring your family for a walk and shop for the holidays. Refreshments will
be served and shoppers can decorate their own gingerbread cookie. All sales
benefit Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary. For more information please call
The Garden Club of Norfolk is sponsoring
a Holiday Tour & Greens Sale - wreaths,
boxwood trees, ornaments, arrangements
and more. 12 to 4 pm, Sunday, Dec. 7th, in
the estate at 107 Elm Street, Medfield.
$5 Donation to support civic beautification.
On Dec. 10-12, TPA is holding their stuffed animal collection
in the elementary
school cafes during the lunch periods.
Parents Night Off!
Friday, December 12, 2003 5:30pm-9:30pm
Fee: $15 per child, 3-12 years old.
Drop your child off at Stony Brook and enjoy a night out or do some
shopping. We will keep your child busy with activities, stories, crafts,
games and videos. Your child will be grouped with children their own age
and Stony Brook staff will lead the activities. We will have a snack for
children and have quiet playtime for younger children as the night
progresses. Space is limited, so sign up early; stop by or call
Norfolk Community League's (NCL) annual Santa Breakfast and Jingle Bell Fun
Run will be on December 13, 2003 at the H. Olive Day School on Main Street.
The breakfast is from 9-11am. Cost is $4 for NCL members, $6 for non-
members and children under age 2 are free.
Tickets are required for this popular event and will not be sold at the
[Click for details].
The King Philip Music Department rescheduled its annual
Winter Pops Concert at 7 PM Tuesday, December 16, in Grady Auditorium
of King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham.
[More info: click]
12/21, 12/23, 12/24
The Federated Church Advent and Christmas Programs will be on Sunday
Dec 21 (Christmas walk and nativity), Dec 23 (Blue Christmas), and Dec 24
(evening and family candlelight worship). More details
available here.
12/29, 12/30, 12/31, 1/2
Winter Vaction Week -
Early winter discovery at the Sanctuary is always fun.
The children will
explore outside as well as participate in activities and arts and crafts
Wednesday, January 14, 2004, is the last day to register to vote at the
Special State Primary Election.
Announcement with details here.
1/20, 1/26
Open Public Forums will be held on January 20th at 7:00p.m. and
January 26th at 9:30 am at the H. Olive Day School in the Auditorium
to help advise the School Committee in their search for a new superintendent.
Click for details.
Family Tracking At Stony Brook
Saturday, January 31st from 10am-12 noon.
Enjoy a morning of winter exploration. Have you ever wondered what was
moving around in the wintertime? How can you tell what is out there?
Search for animal tracks and animal signs of deer, coyote, fox, fisher,
otter, mink, rabbit and mice. Wear warm clothing, and water proof boots.
Fee: $10 members, $12 non-members for parent-child pair.
Fall '04 kindergarten registration
takes place on February 2nd, from 9-12, at the [H Olive Day] school
(you must bring a
copy of the child's birth certificate).
Special State Primary Election.
The polls will be open on Tuesday, February 3rd from 7:00AM until 8:00PM.
Click here for details.
A group of concerned residents are holding a public meeting to discuss the
sale and development of the Norfolk Airport and adjacent woodlands. This
issue affects all of us. We strongly urge that you attend.
Thursday February 5th,
7:30pm, Norfolk Library
Owl Prowl on
Friday, February 6th, 6:00 pm-7:30pm at the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary.
Fee:$10m/12nm for parent/child pair.
Join us for an evening in search of owls. We will practice the calls of
some of our local owls then head out on the trails looking and listening for
Great Horned Owls and Eastern Screech Owls. After the walk we will enjoy
hot chocolate and discuss some of the fascinating habits of these wonderful
February 12 - Walk-in registration for the Spring season of Norfolk
Lions' Youth Soccer - 4:00 to 5:30 at the H. Olive Day School Library
for more info.)
Norfolk Parent Advisory Council for Children with Special Needs (PAC) is
hosting a Tastefully Simple taste testing party on Thursday, February
12 at 7:00pn in the H Olive Day School Library.
Stony Brook Vacation Programs
Tuesday Feb 17: Winter Survival and Orienteering
Stony Brook Vacation Programs
Wednesday, Feb 18: On the Trail of Wily Weasels
Stony Brook Vacation Programs
Thursday, Feb 19: On the Scent of Skunk
Stony Brook Vacation Programs
Friday, Feb 20: On the Trail of Turkeys
At 6 p.m. Saturday, February 21, the King Philip Winter Color Guard
ensembles, the Marching Percussion ensemble and the Jazz Ensemble will
present their competitive shows at Winter Preview Day, free of charge to
the public.
The Preview Day will take place in King Philip High School Gymnasium.
March 1st, 2004 registration deadline for
Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer. Now accepting mail-in Spring 2004
registrations for children at least 3 years old and no older than 13
years old as of August 31, 2003. All games are played in Norfolk on
Sunday afternoons. Registration forms are available in the lobby of the
Norfolk Public Library or on our website
Contact Helen at 508-520-0163 for more information.
Special Special State Senatorial and the Presidential Primary Election.
The polls will be open on Tuesday, March 2nd from 7:00AM until 8:00PM.
Click here for details.
The King Philip Men's Over 30 Softball League is now accepting
registration for the 2004 season. All games, which are slow pitch and
ASA sanctioned, are played in Wrentham. Registration cost is $65 for new
players. Individuals or teams interested in joining the league should
contact League President Craig K. at 508-520-0163 or email
Registration deadline is March 5, 2004.
On Saturday, March 6 starting at 3 PM, the King Philip Winter
Classic will present over 35 percussion and color guard groups from area
high schools at the King Philip Regional High School gymnasium. Tickets
are $7 for adults and $5 for students.
Percussion groups will perform from 3 PM through 5:30 PM.
Color Guard performances begin at 6:20 PM.
Stony Brook early school release programs
March 9th-1pm-4pm- Hide and Seek - Wildlife hides and wildlife seeks. We
will play nature games and learn about wildlife survival.
Norfolk - grades K-5, half day: $15m/18nm
Garden Club of Norfolk program, "Spring Flower Arrangements,"
to include a demonstration and
lecture on decorating with tulips the French way.
Wednesday, March 10th, 7:30 pm, at the
Federated Church.
$5. Donation to support civic beautification.
Stony Brook early school release programs
March 11th-1pm-4pm-Nature Journals- Go out in nature and remember what you
see. Create a cool book for collecting fun nature items. Make a book you
can draw and write in on any theme from turtles to butterflies.
Norfolk - grades K-5, half day: $15m/18nm
The DPW Formation Adhoc Committee will hold a public forum to present a
status update on the formation of a new department of public works in
Norfolk. The forum is scheduled for March 11, 2004 at 7:30 PM in room 124
at Town Hall. The primary purpose of the forum is to solicit input and
feedback from Town Citizens, Departments, Committees, and Boards specific to
the formation of the DPW.
If running for town office, the last day to take out
nomination papers is Friday, March 12, 2004 by 5:00PM.
During Monday, March 15, Adam Frey, world-renowned euphonium
maestro, will be instructing brass instrument students in the King Philip
High School Music Program.
Frey will present a Master Class will be conducted from 3-4:45 p.m. in KPHS
Grady Auditorium, and students in all the middle and elementary school
brass instrument programs in the towns of the King Philip School District
are invited to attend.
[Full details here]
Candidates for town offices, nomination papers are due at town clerk
by 5:00PM on Tuesday, March 16.
At 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 17, the King Philip Jazz
Program will transform the High School Cafeteria into a Jazz Café for the
listening pleasure of the public. Three KP Jazz Combos will present a
broad range of jazz, cool, hot, and swinging.
KP instructor Jeremy Udden and his friends will round out the Jazz Café
with a professional touch on their latest tunes.
Friday, March 19, 2004 is the last day to register to vote at the Special
Town Meeting. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident,
or will become 18 on or before March 30th may register by mail or in the
office of the Town Clerk.
At 7:30 p.m., Thursday, March 25, the King Philip High School Music Program
will present a Spring Concert in Grady Auditorium. The concert will feature
the Chorus, the Symphony Band, and the Concert Band.
The public is invited. Tickets will be available at the door: $5 for
adults, $3 for students.
Big Night Extravaganza!
Join us for an outdoor amphibian adventure.
Guided groups will leave every
15 minutes to tour our lantern lit trail. Along the trail you will meet
costumed frog and salamander characters who will act out new skits about
vernal pools and the beginning of spring. The skits will be both funny and
informative. Before and after your guided walk you can come inside and see
live specimens, dig for your own salamander, view a slide show about the
animals who live in these wicked big puddles and have refreshments.
A special appearance by MIX 98.5 on Friday night. A fun evening for the
whole family!
The cost is $6.00 per person for Audubon members and $8.00 for non-members.
Please call Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary to register 508-528-3140.
Norfolk Federated Church and American Red Cross blood drive.
Please continue supporting your
family, friends, neighbors and coworkers by donating blood on Saturday,
March 27 2004 at the Norfolk Federated Church, I Union Street. Donor hours
are 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Norfolk Community League Spring Charity Gala
on Saturday, March 27, 2004 from 6:30 p.m. to midnight at the
Gillette Stadium in Foxboro.
More details here.
The Kindergarten Orientation meeting has been rescheduled to next
Tuesday, March 23rd at 7PM, in the HOD Library.
Special Town Meeting
The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic
for dogs
and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will
be held on Saturday, April 3, 2004 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk
Highway Garage on Medway Branch Road (across from the transfer station).
The cost is $8.00 per animal.
[Read on for additional details]
The Norfolk Community League is holding its Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast
on Saturday, April 3rd from 8:30-10:00am. The Event will take place the
Freeman Centennial School in the MacBride Auditorium. Join the Easter Bunny
and Mr. Dave for a continental breakfast and musical entertainment.
Bring a donation to the Norfolk Food Pantry (non-perishables or toiletries)
for a free picture with the Easter Bunny ($2 without donation).
There are a limited number of tickets available this year. Tickets will not
be sold at the door, so reserve early!
For more information, please contact Betty Ann W., 520-6604 or Colleen
M., 520-4783.
Connor's Fun Run/Walk Please join the Reilly family of Norfolk
for the second annual 5K road race to help fight Spinal Muscular Atrophy
(SMA). Proceeds from the race will go toward SMA awareness and
hopefully, a cure! The race is scheduled for Sunday, April 4th, 1:00PM
at the H. Olive Day School. Registration is $15.00. No fee for
participants 12 and under, pledge sheets, on-line registration, and
order forms are available on the website
pledges/donations are fully tax-deductible. For more information please
contact Alison L. , 508-528-8393.
Norfolk Community League is sponsoring a Candidate Night
on Thursday, April 15,
2004 at 7:15pm. It will take place at the MacBride Auditorium in the
Freeman-Centennial School on Boardman Street in Norfolk. Bring your
questions for the Candidates. Refreshments will be served. Contact Megan
D. at 508-528-5251 or Traci H.
at 508-541-2388 for information.
Stony Brook early school release programs
April 9th-(Good Friday)-9am-3pm-($30m/35nm) Turtle Discovery- The turtles
are waking up from hibernating. We will look for turtles, learn the
different turtles, as well as do turtle crafts and activities.
The Federated Church Holy Week Schedule
can be found here [click]
Norfolk Community League has cancelled Candidates Night
scheduled for April 15 at 7:15 at the Freeman-Centennial School. This event
will NOT be rescheduled.
Stony Brook's Annual
Earth Day Celebration - Saturday, April 24th 10am-2pm
A FREE event for the whole family
Discovery Trail, music by Fran Friedman, Maria Roberts-storyteller, raptors
from New England Reptile &Raptor, Exhibits, Native Plant Sale w/Osborne
Nursery, Crafts, Refreshments and more.
The Norfolk Teacher Parent Association is presenting an Art Auction
Friday, April 30, 2004 at the Glen Ellen Country Club in Millis. A
preview of art, in all price ranges, will be held from 6:30 to 8:00.
The auction will begin at 8:00. Tickets are $25 per person and $45
per couple. The King Phillip Jazz Combo will perform. Hors d'oeuvres
and cash bar. For tickets or more information call (508) 520-0079 or
(508) 528-8393.
Annual Town Election
The polls will be open on Tuesday, May 4th from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. All
precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of building),
232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
[Click for additional information]
The Garden Club of Norfolk is holding
its Annual Plant Sale on Saturday, May 8th,
from 9AM - Noon at the Federated Church
(intersection route 115 & Main Street).
Featuring deer and drought resistant plants,
annuals, perennials and hanging baskets.
The Annual Town Meeting will be held at the King Philip High School in
Wrentham on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. In the event the meeting
does not end on this evening, we will continue to Thursday, May 13, 2004
at 7:30 p.m., and a third night of Tuesday, May 18, 2004, if needed.
The second night of Town Meeting was originally scheduled for Wednesday,
May 12, 2004, but was changed due to a scheduling conflict with King
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Selectmen/Town
Administrator's Office.
King Philip music students will present Percussion Night at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, May 12 in the upper gymnasium of King Philip Regional High
School. The public is invited, free of charge.
At 7:00 PM, Saturday, May 15, the King Philip Music Department
will present its 9th annual Spring Pops Concert, in the lower gymnasium of
the King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham. Admission will be $8 for
adults and $5 for seniors and students.
Norfolk Memorial Day parade and services on Monday May 31, 2004.
Veterans will meet at the Pondville cemetery for a brief service after 7
a.m. and then drive to the Federated Church.
The Memorial Day parade will form at the Federated Church parking lot
starting at 7:30 a.m.. The procession will step off at 8 a.m. and go to the
Main Street Cemetery. A memorial service will be held at the veterans'
memorial within the cemetery.
8th annual Norfolk Community League Charity 5K Run/Walk.
Registration is $15or $20 after May 22, 2004.
A parking fee of $5 will go towards the Norfolk Lions and
includes admission to Norfolk Community Day!
The Run/Walk will be held at 9:00am
June 12, 2004 at Holmes Field on Myrtle Street in Norfolk.
For more information, call Lisa at 508-520-7687 or log on to
Norfolk Community Day at the Holmes transportation depot
on Myrtle Street, 10am to 4pm.
Just follow all the cars, you can't miss it.
[Click for the event schedule]
Everyone is cordially invited to the Dedication of the Norfolk
Senior Center on Medway Branch Road Saturday June 19, 2004 from 2-4 p.m.
Refreshments will be served. Parking will be at the Highway Department
at the end of Medway Branch Road on the left, with the Senior Bus
shuttling folks back and forth to the Senior Center. Telephone:
Boston Bruins Alumni Softball Game vs. Tri-Town All Stars (Coaches from
NMM Pop Warner Football Vikings & Norfolk Baseball). Saturday, June
19th @ 3:00 p.m. - Freeman Centennial School. Tickets will be available
at the gate, and from baseball & football players, and at local
businesses throughout Norfolk, Medfield & Millis. For more info, go to
July 1st - Registration deadline for the Fall 2004 season of Norfolk
Lions Youth Soccer. Registration form available on
For more information, call 508-520-0163.
Wapole Children's Theatre presents Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
on Friday, July 23 through Saturday, July 31. Please see
the announcement for show times.
Performances will be held at Walpole High School, Common Street, Walpole.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will be holding its Annual Flea Market
on Saturday September 11 from 9:00 am - 3:00 PM. at the church on the corner
of Route 115 and Main Street in the center of Norfolk.
[Click for details]
September 11: Norfolk Grange annual plant sale, 9 am - 1 pm
at the Grange Hall, Rockwood Road, Norfolk.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will begin its Fall Worship Schedule on
Sunday, September 12, 2004. Worship will start at 10:00 A.M. each Sunday
[Click for details]
September 12: The Norfolk County 4H Cottontail Club will have
its first meeting and Open House at the Grange on Route 115
in Norfolk at 1 pm. The club invites children ages 5 to 18 who
are interested in learning more about the club and 4H. The
club's specialty is rabbits, but members with poultry
and cavies (guinea pigs) are also included in the program.
Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer will be hosting its annual Opening Day
Celebration on September 12th from 11:00 to 2:00 at the Pond Street
Recreational Fields. Free to all registered players and their
Special Town Election and State Primary Election on
Tuesday, September 14, 2004, 7am - 8pm in the
H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of
building), 232 Main Street, Norfolk.
[Details here]
Norfolk Library Book and Bake Sale on Saturday, September
18 with the Friends Preview Sale on Friday, September 17.
September 17-19: Crackerbarrel Fair in Wrentham; hours Friday
5-10 pm, Saturday noon-10 pm, Sunday noon-10 pm; Sunday is
bracelet day, when all rides from noon-5 pm are $15. There
will be a giant yard sale on September 18, 10 am - 2 pm.
Parking is free, although a donation of $3/car is accepted.
Proceeds go to the 320 men and women who live at the Wrentham
Developmental Center.
Norfolk Grange Pancake Breakfast
on Saturday, Sept. 18, 8:00-10:30am. Adult meal includes 3 pancakes, 3 sausages,
coffee and juice. Child meal includes 2 pancakes, 2 sausages, juice and hot chocolate.
Adults: $5.00; Children: $3.00. The Norfolk Grange is located on Rockwood Rd. (Rte.
115) near the town center. Come and support the Historical Grange Building Fund.
Norfolk Library Book and Bake Sale
The library is under construction but the book sale
tradition continues! Please join us at the H. Olive
Day School, 232 Main Street, Norfolk. The Friends of
the Norfolk Library Annual Book and Bake Sale is
Saturday, September 18 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A
Friends Preview Book Sale is Friday, September 17 from
7 to 9 p.m.
On Sunday, September 19, 6:00pm the gold medal winning King
Philip Marching Band will present a Preview Show of their 2004 marching
program, "Ghost Train" at the baseball field, King Philip Regional High
School, on Route 140 in Wrentham. The public is invited to attend at no
The Federated Church of Norfolk will be holding an Old Fashioned Ham and
Bean Dinner on Friday, September 24th at 6:30 pm, at the church.
This is
the night before the church's annual Harvest Festival. Tickets will be
$8.00 for adults, $5.00 for children 12 and under, and children under 3
will be free. Call the church at 508-528-0262 for information or
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold their annual Harvest Festival
on Saturday September 25, 2004 at Holmes Field on Myrtle Street. The fair
will run from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
[Click for details]
Saturday October 2nd [9am-12pm] is the date for "Hazardous Waste Day" at the Transfer
Saturday October 2nd 6pm The King Philip Fall Classic - The area's top
Marching Bands present their 2004 shows at King Philip Regional High
School, Wrentham. The award winning King Philip Marching Band will
perform their show, "Ghost Train". Admission Adults $6 children/Seniors
The Norfolk TPA will be hosting a presentation by the Norfolk District
Attorney's Office and the Massachusetts State Police on Children and the
Internet on Monday evening, October 4, at 7:00 p.m. in McBride
auditorium. Topics to be discussed will include victim/offender
prevention, parental liability, legal consequences and remedies. If you
would like to attend this important meeting, please contact Kate M.,
TPA President, at 541-8555 no later than 4:00 Monday. Thank you for
supporting the Norfolk TPA.
Yard Sales - a number of yard sales on 10/16, see below and also
below among the Bulletin Board notices.
Giant Yard Sale on
Saturday, October 16, 9-2 P.M. Lower Level Senior Center on Medway Branch Rd.
Girl Scout Troops 4738 and 3603, representing over
20 families, will be having a Yard Sale this Saturday, October 16th,
from 9:00-noon at the H. Olive Day School. Rain date is October 23rd.
The Norfolk Community league together with the Norfolk Lions Club will
sponsor the 3rd Annual Haunted Train Ride on Saturday, October 23, 2004
from 4:30-8:00PM. It is suggested that younger children attend from 4:30-
6:30PM. This event will take place at the Holmes Field on Myrtle Street in
Norfolk. The cost will be $3 per ride. There will be assorted spooky
treats, fun and games. Come in a costume!!
Foxwoods Casino Trip on
Monday, October 25, 2004 - $18.00 per person.
Sponsored by The Norfolk Lively Seniors.
For reservations, please contact Richard C. at 508-384-3783
Full payment is due upon reservation.
[See the post for details]
Update 10/26 10:34am:
Town Meeting will convene on Tuesday, October 26 at King Philip High School and
immediately adjourn the meeting until November 9 at 7:30 p.m. The second and
third nights, if necessary, will be November 16 and 17.
Update 10/25 9:57am:
November 11 is Veterans' Day and Town Meeting cannot be scheduled on
this day. The new date for the second night of the Fall Town Meeting
will be announced as soon as it is scheduled.
Update 10/22 7:16pm:
The Fall Town Meeting scheduled for 10/26 and 10/28 has been postponed.
until 11/9 and 11/11.
The Norfolk Fire Department will hold its annual open house on Saturday
October 30 from 1pm-4pm. This year's theme is Test Your Smoke Alarms. There
will be antique Fire Truck rides, FREE Papa Gino's pizza for all. Also
exhibitions concerning Fire and Public Safety.
State Election
The polls will be open on Tuesday, November 2nd from 7:00AM until 8:00PM.
All precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of the
building), 232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
Town Meeting will convene on Tuesday, October 26 at King Philip High School and
immediately adjourn the meeting until November 9 at 7:30 p.m. The second and
third nights, if necessary, will be November 16 and 17.
The Garden Club of Norfolk is hosting "An Evening of Holiday Design"
on Wednesday, November 10th, 7 PM at the Federated Church (Route 115 & Main
Street) in Norfolk. Yvette Viard of Charlotte Designs in Walpole will
demonstrate Thanksgiving and Christmas designs. These will then be raffled.
This is open to the public. A $5. donation will benefit civic
beautification projects in Norfolk. Complimentary refreshments will be
served. [Read here for more info]
5th Annual Christmas Craft Fair on
Saturday, November 13, 2004,
9:30 - 3:00 p.m.
We will have crafters, raffles and pictures with Santa. Admission is
$2.00, 12 and under free, with all proceeds going to St. Jude Holiday
Charities. This is our 5th year so please come for an enjoyable day!
Town Meeting will convene on Tuesday, October 26 at King Philip High School and
immediately adjourn the meeting until November 9 at 7:30 p.m. The second and
third nights, if necessary, will be November 16 and 17.
Federated Church of Norfolk cordially invites you to our Holly Fair
Saturday, November 20 from 9:00 AM~2:00 PM. Coffee & Muffins 9:00 AM,
Shopping, Santa 10:00~11:00 AM, Luncheon 11:30 AM, Baked Goods, Cookie Walk,
Handmade Candy and Preserves, Attic Treasures, Decorations, Gifts, Plants,
Crafts. At the Corner of Rt. 115 and Main St., Norfolk, MA. 508-528-0262
On Saturday, November 27th, 9am-12pm The King Philip Music Association will
hold its annual holiday wreath sale.
14 inch fresh double sided evergreen wreaths from Canada, only $12.
In Wrentham - Center School Parking Lot;
in Norfolk - Center.
All Proceeds to support the King Philip Music Association
Contact Pam P. at 508-528-7413.
The Garden Club of Norfolk invites the public to its annual Holiday Greens
Sale. Wreaths, arrangements, boxwood trees, topiaries & ornaments will be
available for purchase. Proceeds will be used to promote the club's civic
beautification in our town. Saturday, December 4, 2004 (9am - noon), at
the Federated Church (Rte.115 & Main Street) in Norfolk.
The King Philip Music Department will present its annual Winter Pops
Concert on
7pm Saturday, December 4, in the Field House of King Philip Regional
High School.
Doors open at 6 pm. Admission price: $7 for adults and $5 for students
and seniors. All tickets will be sold at the door.
[More details here]
Santa's parade will begin at 3:30 p.m. at the Hillcrest Village on
Rockwood Rd. Santa's elves, Frosty the Snowman and members of the King
Philip Regional High School Band, the Norfolk Police, area Scouts and
fire trucks will lead the procession along Route 115, (right) onto
Liberty Lane ending at the Town Hall.
[More details here]
Norfolk Community League's annual Santa Breakfast and Jingle Bell Fun Run
will be on December 11, 2004 at the H. Olive Day School on Main Street. The
breakfast is from 9-11am.
NCL's 4th Annual Jingle Bell Fun Run will take place at 11:00am on December
11, 2004.
The children's race starts at 11:45am. The race day registration starts at
9:30am at the H. Olive Day School.
On Tuesday, December 21, AT 7:00 pm there will be a special service called
"Blue Christmas" at the Federated Church of Norfolk.
The idea of this worship service is to provide an opportunity for those who
may be grieving, hurting, in pain, lonely, or simply not connected with the
public joy of the Advent and Christmas seasons, to come together in a time
of worship, and to realize that they are not alone.
[more details]
Regarding baseball signup: January 8th is deadline, and you can
sign up in-person, by mail, or online. Live registration will be held at
the Freeman Centennial Elementary School on January 8th from 9am until 1pm.
Mail-in registrations must be received by January 10, 2005, and the
registration form will be available in few days at
The mailing address for registration forms is: Norfolk Little League, c/o
Jim Schmidt, PO Box 176, Norfolk, MA 02056 Any mailed registrations
received after the deadline will be assessed a $25.00 late fee. Lastly,
online registration is available at The direct link is:
Tri-County Regional Vocational High School Gala Auction to be held
Friday Jan 21st from 7-11 pm at Florentina Restaurant on Rte. 140 in
Franklin. Proceeds benefir Student Activities (Students from Norfolk
attend Tri-County HS). Tickets on sale in Main Office. $30.00 per
person includes auction, hors d'oeuvres and music/dancing. For further
information call 508-528-5400.
1/19, 1/26
The King Philip Music Department will present two Chamber Recitals;
Wednesday January 19th and Wednesday January 26th at 7pm. Both will be
held in the auditorium of the King Philip Regional Middle School,
The Recitals will feature a variety of performances by high school
students, from soloists to quintets. The public is invited; admission is
Kindergarten registration will take place on Friday, Feb. 4. More
information can be found on the
H. Olive Day page
of the Norfolk Public
Schools website. The Day School address is
Walpole Children's Theatre presents their winter
production of L.M. Montgomery's enduring classic of "Anne of Green Gables".
This timeless story of an orphan girl and her passion for the people and
things that she loves is infectious, and audiences will certainly find
inspiration in the reality of Anne's challenges and joys.
[See the
full announcement [here]
for details and show times].
King Philip Music present the Eighth Winter Preview Evening on
Saturday, February 26th, 6pm. Come in out of the cold and be entertained by
The King Philip Music department!
Performances include: The Indoor Percussion ensemble, JV Guard, Varsity
Guard, and the Jazz Ensemble.
Free admission.
Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer Registration
deadline is March 1, 2005 for the Spring 2005 season.
Children must be at least 3 years old and no older
than 13 years old as of August 31, 2004 in order to play.
[See the announcement.]
March 3 - Spanish Immersion Program with the extraordinary Rassias Method
founded at Dartmouth College. Information night with Rassias staff will be
March 3 at 7:00 p.m. at The Clyde Brown School. The actual 5-day immersion
program will be April 18-22. For additional information, please visit our
or call (603) 643-7674.
On Saturday, March 5th, King Philip Regional High school will host
the New England Scholastic Band Association Winter Guard and Percussion
Competition, with 47 High School groups from across Eastern
Massachusetts competing.
Percussion groups will perform 12pm through 4.30pm. Color Guard
performances; 5pm through 9.30 pm
Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students.
The Norfolk Cooperative Preschool is now accepting registrations for the
2005-2006 school year.
Please call (508) 528-3660 for more info.
Norfolk Community Blood Drive
Saturday March 5 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Federated Church, 1 Union St. Norfolk.
Valid ID required.
Walk ins welcome.
King Philip Symphony Band Send Off Rally
Tuesday March 8th, 7pm King Philip High School Auditorium
The King Philip Symphony Band will present the full repertoire that they
will be performing in the Bands of America National Concert Band
Festival in Indianapolis on March 10th.
A wonderful opportunity to support the achievements of the community.
King Philip Marching Band Orientation,
for All Parents/Guardians and Students.
7:00 PM Tues., March 15, 2005
King Philip High School Auditorium
On Saturday, March 19 at 7:00 PM members of the Federated Church of Norfolk
Congregation will present "Resurrection Song" in the fellowship hall of the
Federated Church of Norfolk at 1 Union Street. All are invited to attend.
There is no charge,
but a free will offering will be taken to help defray production costs.
The King Philip High School Spring Concert will be
Wednesday March 23rd 7:30pm,
King Philip High School Auditorium.
Featuring Chorus, Concert Band and Symphony Band
Adults: $5 Student/ Senior: $3
The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs
and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will
be held on Saturday, April 2, 2005 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk
Highway Garage on Medway Branch Road (across from the transfer station).
The cost is $9.00 per animal and will be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler, D.V.M.
[See the post for details].
At 7 p.m. Monday April 4th, the King Philip Varsity Indoor Color Guard
will present their show in the King Philip Regional High School
Gymnasium. The public is invited at no charge.
Norfolk Community League Spring Gala and Silent Auction.
On Tuesday April 12 the Jazz Ensemble from the University Of New
Hampshire (UNH) will be a holding a clinic with the Jazz students from
King Philip High school.
Following the Clinic, The King Philip Jazz Ensemble, and the UNH band
will perform for the public in the Auditorium of KP High School Wrentham
at 7pm. Free Admission.
On Wednesday, April 13th from 6
to 9pm, the Garden Club is holding an "Art & Blossoms" event in the new
media room at the King Philip North Middle School, King Street, Norfolk.
The idea is based on the Museum of Fine Arts annual "Art in Bloom" show.
[[More info...]]
The King Philip Men's Softball League is now accepting registration for
the 2005 season. Registration deadline is April 15, 2005.
post of 3/7 6:26pm for details.
KP Music Groups perform at Symphony Hall.
Gold Medal winning King Philip Symphony Band and the 8th Grade concert
band are invited to perform at Symphony Hall Saturday, April 16th.
Performances are at 12.30 (8th grade band) and 3.00 (Symphony band) The
Stars at Symphony celebration begins at 10 AM and is open to the public
all day, with free admission.
At 8 PM Monday, April 25, the award winning King Philip Regional High
School Jazz Ensemble will present a Jazz night at the Funway Cafe on
route one in Foxboro. Admission is Free.
NCL Candidates' Night
on Thursday, April 28, 2005 at 7:00 pm. It will
take place at the Norfolk Town Hall in the
Multipurpose Room. This year, the Board
of Health, Planning Board and Recreation Commission
have positions which are being contested in the
the annual Norfolk Community League Nearly New Sale
will be held on Saturday, April 30, 2005 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
in the H.Olive Day School Cafeteria on Main Street in Norfolk. Stop by and
shop for baby and children's gently-used clothing, toys, equipment, books,
and other items as well as maternity clothing.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Spring Auction of Talents and
Treasures on Saturday, April 30, 2005 at the Church at 1 Union Street (Rt.
115) in the center of Norfolk. A viewing of items to be auctioned will be
at 10:00 Am with the Auction to begin at 11:00 AM.
The Norfolk Community League's Annual Nearly New Sale
is scheduled for Saturday, April 30th from 9-12 at the H. Olive Day school.
On Saturday, April 30, 10am and 2pm the King Philip Music Association
will hold their Annual Can and Bottle Drive. You may drop off your
refundable soft drink cans and bottles at the following locations during
the time of the drive: the Wrentham Town Parking Lot (across from the
Original Congregational Church), The Center of Norfolk, and King Philip
Regional High School at the KPMA can and bottle drop-off building behind
the school.
All Proceeds go to the KP Music Programs which benefits students in
Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham
Sunday, May 1st, 11:00am registration begins - the 3rd Annual Connors
Fun Run at H. Olive Day school. Connor is a 3 year old norfolk resident
that suffers from SMA (sometimes referred to as infantile ALS). To read
more go to
Thanks so much from the Reilly family (Karen, Bill, Tim, Owen and Connor!).
Annual Town Election is on May 3, 2005.
The polls will be open on Tuesday, May 3rd from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. All
precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of building),
232 Main Street, Norfolk.
[Registration and absentee voting information:
click here]
Town meeting begins on May 10th 7:30pm at KP North. Other dates are 5/11,
5/17 and 5/18 if needed.
The King Philip Music Department presents a Chamber Recital Wednesday,
May 11th at 7pm, in the auditorium of the King Philip Regional High
School, Norfolk.
The Recital will feature a variety of performances by high school
students, from soloists to quintets. The public is invited; admission is
King Philip music students will present Percussion Night at 7 p.m.
Thursday, May 12 in the upper gymnasium of King Philip Regional High
School. The public is invited, free of charge.
Internet Safety Awareness Night
Thursday, May 12, 2005, 7:00 pm at
King Philip Regional Junior High School,
18 King Street, Norfolk.
2nd Annual Family Fun Night at the Federated Church of Norfolk.
Fabulous Fifties entertainment featuring Lisa Manning and her puppet
friends. Saturday, May 14 6:00 PM.
The meal is spaghetti and meatballs with Make your own Sundaes to follow.
Adults $8, children under 12 $4,
sponsored by the Heavenly Chefs.
For tickets please call Sally E. 508-528-4589 by May 12.
There will be a Car Wash Saturday May 14th at the Federated Church from
8am till 3pm. This is a fund raiser for the Boy Scouts heading out to
the Philmont Double H Scout ranch in New Mexico this summer. Cars will
be expertly washed for only $5. Raffle tickets will be sold for 2 pairs
of Red Sox vs Yankees tickets. The drawing will be held on June 12th.
Game will be played July 14th. Raffle chances are $1 each or $5 for a
book of 6. Hope to see you there.
Jazz Night at King Philip High School
Wednesday May 18th 7pm at King Philip High School Auditorium
With Guest Artist Rick Stepton, from the Buddy Rich band
Admission Adults: $6 Students and Seniors:$4
Annual Spring Pops Evening, KP High School
At 7:00 PM, Saturday, May 21, the King Philip Music Department
will present its annual Spring Pops Concert, in the lower gymnasium of
the King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham.
Admission will be $8 for adults and $5 for seniors and students.
November 2 at 7pm. Popular featured speaker will be Yvette Viard of
Charlotte's Designs in Walpole. Yvette trained in Paris as a floral
designer and her presentation is entitled " Paris for the Holidays " Open
to the public. Admission is $10 and includes a free raffle ticket.
For more details contact Brenda Z., 508-520-0203.
11/12/05 - St. Jude Christmas Craft Fair - 9:30 - 3:00 Downstairs at St.
Jude Church, 86 Main Street, Norfolk. This is our 6th Annual Christmas
Craft Fair. Please come by and see our many new crafters, have lunch at
Hot Dog Heaven , the kids can get started on their shopping at the Kids
Shopping and Craft Area and get their picture taken with Santa Claus.
There is a $2 admission charge, kids 12 and under are free. This
admission will be benefiting St. Jude Christmas Charities. This is a
great way to spend the day and help others at the same time. Hope to
see you ate the fair!.
Woodside Montessori Academy Parents Guild announces its 2005 Annual Holiday
Bazaar and Bake Sale, to be held at the VFW Post located at 123 Holliston St
in Medway, MA. The bazaar will be held on Saturday November 19th from 9:00
to 3:00 pm, and will showcase offerings from 40 crafters and vendors. This
event is FREE and open to the public.
The Federated Church of Norfolk
Women's Fellowship will hold their annual Holly Fair on Saturday
November 19th from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the vestry of the church on
Route 115 in the center of Norfolk. There will be Crafts and Holiday
Decorations of all kinds, Delicious Bake Sale items, a Cookie Walk, and
Homemade Candy, Hand crafted Gifts, and a special "Children Only Shop"
where children can shop for inexpensive gifts and gift-wrap their
selections. Santa will be on hand from 10:00 - 11:00 AM for the
youngsters to visit. Coffee and coffeecake are available in the morning
and luncheon will be served at 11:30 AM
Saturday 11/26, 9am-11am King Philip Music Associations Wreath Sale
at Center School Parking lot, Wrentham.
Annual Flu Clinic for Norfolk residents on Wednesday, November 30, 2005,
from 1:00
p.m. - 3:00 p.m., at the Senior Center, located at 28 Medway Branch Road.
Adults age 65 and older and those at highest risk of complications from the
flu will be vaccinated from 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Reservations to receive
a flu vaccination will not be accepted this year.
Vaccinations will be open to all other adult Norfolk residents after 2:00
p.m. until 3:00 p.m., on a first-come-first serve basis.
For more information, please call the Norfolk Board of Health at 508-528-7747.
Norfolk Firefighters hosting Senior Citizens for Lunch
at the Federated Church
at 12 noon on Dec 3, Saturday,
followed by musical entertainment at 1pm to 1:45pm.
Includes a barbershop quartet!!
Seniors are asked to call 508-526-4430 (Senior Center) to express their
intent to attend so an idea of attendance can be determined.
King Philip Winter Pops Concert to be held at Plainridge race track,
Plainville, at 7 PM Saturday, December 3.
Doors open at 6 pm. Admission price: $10 for adults and $5 for students and
seniors. From Wednesday, 11/23, tickets will be available for purchase at the main
office at the High School.
Please see the
announcement [here] for additional details.
The Garden Club of Norfolk will be holding its Annual Greens Sale and
House Tour on Sunday Dec 4th 1pm to 4pm
at 32 Berkshire St. Norfolk. Admission $10.
All wreaths, topiaries, ornaments and centerpieces may be purchased at
reasonable prices.
Norfolk Santa Parade and photos and tree decoration.
The parade begins at 3:30pm at the Hillcrest Senior Village, proceeding
to Town Hill.
At 4 pm., residents are invited to have their pictures taken with Santa
at the new Norfolk Town Library on Town Hill in the meeting room.
Also at 4pm., children are invited to bring their homemade ornaments to
help the adults decorate the Christmas tree.
Norfolk Community League's Annual Santa Breakfast and Jingle Bell Fun
Run will be on December 10, 2005 at the H. Olive Day School on Main
Street. The breakfast is from 9-11am. Cost is $5 for NCL members, $7 for
non-members and children under the age of 2 are free!!
NCL's 5th Annual Jingle Bell Fun Run will take place at 11:00am and
11:45am for kids run on December 10, 2005.
Fees are $20 for adults and $5 for kids or $10 per family for 1/4 mile and 100m.
Please read
the announcement [here]
for details.
Community Christmas Walk starting from Saint Jude's Sunday, December 18
6:00 P.M.
The annual Norfolk Community Christmas Walk is planned for tomorrow Sunday
December 18 at 6:00 PM. Plan to bring your warmly-dressed family to walk in
our beautiful town center and sing favorite Christmas carols.
There will be a special "Blue Christmas" worship service at the Federated Church on
Tuesday, December 20th at 7:30 pm. All who are grieving or feel out of
synch with the "Merry Christmas" atmosphere of this season are invited to
Three Candlelight Christmas Eve services will be held at the Federated
Church of Norfolk. The 6:00 pm service is family oriented. The 8:00 pm
service will be a candlelight worship with the choir providing the music
and the 11:00 pm candlelight service will include communion with music by
the Praise & Worship group.
The Christmas Mass schedule for St. Judes is: Christmas
Eve 5pm, 7pm and 11pm. Christmas Day 7:30am, 9am and 12pm. The 5pm
on Christmas Eve is the children's mass and typically is VERY crowded.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Norfolk Public Library Presents
Ten Hours Until Dawn -
A True Story of Heroism and Tragedy aboard the Can Do during the Blizzard of
1978 - a Narrated Slide Presentation by Michael Tougias on
Thursday, Jan. 12th at 7:30 PM,
NPL Meeting Room.
A book signing will follow. The program, which is free of charge, is
made possible by the Norfolk Cultural Council which is supported by the
Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Foxwoods January 17. The Norfolk Lively Seniors invite you to join us
on our trip to Foxwoods on the 17th. Everyone is welcome. the cost is
$21 which include the bus $10 in food and $15 in keno. The bus leaves
St Judes p/l at 8 A.M. returns at 5 30P.M. Make checks payable to
Brush Hill Tours and send to R. C., 30 Everett Street, or call R. C. at
508-384-3783. Make your fortune in '06!
The Norfolk Cultural Council will have its next public meeting on
Wednesday, January 18th at 7pm at the Norfolk Public Library. We welcome
members of the public to our meeting to bring ideas and suggestions or
just to come and listen. Any questions, please email us at
Wednesday January 25th, 7pm King Philip Music Department
presents a Chamber Recital in the auditorium of the King Philip Middle
School, Norfolk. The Recital will feature a variety of performances by
high school students. The public is invited; admission is free.
Thursday January 26th, 7pm Norfolk Elementary school presents
their Beginning band Concert; Freeman Centennial School, Norfolk
1/27-29, 2/3-2/4
The Walpole Children's Theatre will take you to the enchanted world of
Narnia with this winter's production, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Based on the classic children's stories The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S.
Lewis, this favorite tale will be presented at Walpole High School for the
community to enjoy.
[More details here]
February 1 - Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer - Early Registration ends
Registration for Kindergarten students for the 2006-07 school year will be
held on Monday, February 6th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Art Room
of the H. Olive Day School. Any Norfolk child who will be five years old
by August 31, 2006 is eligible to enter Kindergarten. (In the event of a
"snow day" registration will be held on Monday, February 13th). In April,
a lottery will be used (if necessary) for full day kindergarten.
Norfolk Public Library presents
``Finding a Job That's Not in the Want Ads''
Thursday, February 9th at 7:00 PM.
Feb. 17-20 The Great Backyard Birdcount,
This annual event is fun, free, and easy. It involves bird watchers
of all levels who count whenever they like during the 4 days and
tally the most birds of each species that they see at any one time.
Scientists analyze the results and post summaries of the year's
trends and findings. There's even a photo contest. The event is
managed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Audubon, with
sponsorship from Wild Birds Unlimited.
C.A.R.E. The Committee for Accountability and Reliability in Education
holds its first meeting on Sunday, February 26 from 4 - 6 in the
Community Room at the Norfolk Library. Anyone who CAREs about
excellence, innovation, fiscal responsibility and community involvement
in education is encouraged to attend. Details will be posted on For more information and to find out how to get
involved, please email
March 1- Registration DEADLINE for Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer - No
registrations will be accepted after March 1st.
Star Gazin' Scavenger Hunt (Family)
Join Education Director Marla Cohen for a night of scavenger hunting to
see who can find the most constellations. Sure it is cold, but winter is
the best time for stargazing. Participants are given clues to help them
understand and learn the stories behind these "pictures" in the sky.
Family members of any age are welcome.
The Important Bird Area (Adult)
Massachusetts Audubon Society Head of Ornithology, Wayne Peterson, will
present this very special program. Learn about the degradation and
destruction of habitat, as well as the conservation efforts of
organizations like BirdLife International, and their IBA program. This
presentation will include an overview and description of the more important
Massachusetts IBA's, and the conservation problems existing at various
sites. Wayne Peterson literally wrote the book on Massachusetts birding;
he is both an amazing birder and teacher. An evening not to be missed!
The King Philip music department will hold its annual Marching Band
Orientation at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, in the Grady Auditorium at King
Philip Regional High School. All King Philip students, entering grades
eight through twelve in the fall of 2006, who are interested in finding out
more about being a member of this award winning marching band, are asked to
attend with their parents or guardians.
The Norfolk Cultural Council will be presenting a "Local Arts"
Exhibit, which opens on March 15th in the main Meeting Room of the
town's Public Library, and will be on display through April 15th. The
show consists of a variety of watercolors, pastels, photographs and oil
paintings by more than 20 local artists.
Explore Quabbin (Adult)
Join Sanctuary Director Pam Musk on a trip to explore The Quabbin
Reservoir. With 56,000 acres, Quabbin Reservoir is among the largest wild
areas in Southern New England. We will explore several sections of Quabbin
for eagles, ravens, winter finches, and woodpeckers. Open water might
offer several species of diving ducks.
King Philip High School Music Department will present their annual
Spring Concert on Wednesday March 22nd at 7pm in the Auditorium, King
Philip High School, Wrentham, featuring the Concert Band and Symphony
Band. Admission: Adult $6, Student Senior: $4
The King Philip music department will present their first Choral Concert on
Thursday March 30th 7pm in the Auditorium of the King Philip Middle school,
The concert will feature three choruses from the middle school; Repertory
Chorus, Aria Chorus and Voces Novae and the High School Chorus. Pieces
presented will include: Ave Maria by Mozart, a spiritual song; Elijah Rock,
Jabulah Jesu, and Sing me to Heaven.
Admission is Free.
Stony Brook Celebrates the Return of Spring with a Big Night Extravaganza.
Stony Brook's sixth annual Big Night Extravaganza will be held Friday and
Saturday evenings, March 31st and April 1st. During Big Night people all
over the Northeast venture outside to watch the annual migration of frogs
and salamanders as they come out of hibernation and travel to vernal pools
to mate. Friday evening tours begin every 15 minutes from 6:30pm until
8:30pm. Saturday evening tours begin at 6:00pm and end at 8:30pm, leaving
from the Nature Center every 15 minutes. Guided groups will walk the
outdoor, lantern-lit trails where they will encounter costumed characters
such as bellowing Bull Frogs and dancing Salamanders waiting to tell
visitors about their lives as amphibians. Inside Stony Brook's Nature Center
there will be live specimens, amphibian crafts, a slide show on the animals
that live in vernal pools, and refreshments. The cost of the program is $6
for Mass Audubon members and $8 for non-members. Pre-registration is
required. Please call 508-528-3140 to sign up for a specific tour time, or
stop by the Sanctuary to register in person. Stony Brook is located at 108
North Street (off Route 115) in Norfolk.
The Norfolk Community League invites you to attend the 2006 Spring
Charity Gala featuring Silent & live auctions on Saturday, April 1st
from 6:30 to midnight. This event will take place at Lake Pearl
Luciano's in Wrentham, MA. Tickets are $60 per person/NCL member. $50
per person/senior citizens and $65 per person/non-member.
[details here]
NCL Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast
The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs
and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will
be held on Saturday, April 8, 2006 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk
Highway Garage on Medway Branch Road (across from the transfer station).
The cost is $10.00 per animal and will be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler,
D.V.M. Previous rabies certificates must be presented in order to qualify
for a three-year vaccination. All dogs must be leashed and cats must be
confined to a carrier or pillowcase. Town of Norfolk dog licenses will be
available from the Town Clerk at the clinic. For more information, please
contact the Norfolk Board of Health office at 508-528-7747.
CARE announces a special, nonpartisan forum specifically for School
Committee candidates who are running in the upcoming, contested election.
The CARE Candidates' Forum provides for a specific focus on School
Committee candidates that acknowledges the importance of the School
Committee role. To encourage community participation, the format is
designed to include questions that reflect the pulse of Norfolk. The
CARE forum is designed to complement the Norfolk Community League's
Candidate's Night on Monday, April 10.
The forum will be held on Sunday, April 9, 2006 from 3 - 4 in
the Norfolk Public Library, Community Room.
[For details, see the
announcement, here]
A candidates night will be held on Monday, April 10th at 7p.m at the
King Philip Junior High in the cafeteria.
Sponsored by the Norfolk Community League, the candidates' open forum
will be moderated by Frank Gross. A question and answer period will
follow. This is a wonderful opportunity to become acquainted with all
of the candidates and their viewpoints regarding the relevant issues.
Light refreshments will be served. For information, contact Michelle
C. at 508-541-6785 or Cathie M. at 508-541-3354.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt (originally scheduled for 4/8, postponed due to
the rain), 10:15am at Freeman-Centennial School.
April 15 Spring Egg Hunt (Family) 10:00am-11:30am -
Has spring sprung? Let's find out! We'll start inside with a bird/egg
craft and then head out into the field for an extraordinary egg hunt and
bird watching blast. Each child will find plastic eggs with candy/toy
treats inside. Bring you own family basket to collect your loot. Saturday
10:00am-11:30am Fee: $7m/$9nm per child, parents are FREE!
Registration deadline for the King Philip Men's Over 30 Softball League.
All games, which are slow pitch, are played on week nights in Bellingham.
Individuals or teams interested in
joining the league should contact League President Craig K. at
508-520-0163 or email
RadKIDS April vacation week program for children ages 5 through 12,
through Friday, April 18 through 21, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. The cost of
$95.00 per child includes tuition, a parent program manual and an activity
book for each child. Space is limited and is filled on a first come first
served basis.
[For details, see the
post of 4/4 3:52pm.]
Stony Brook April Vacation Week Programs (Grades: K-5) -
Vacations don't have to be far from home to be fun! Come explore Stony
Brook over April Vacation from 9:00am-3:30pm at one or all of the following
April 19 Early Birds (Adult) -
Let's search the property at Stony Brook for warblers, vireos, and other
songbirds that are passing through our wildlife sanctuary. Bring your
binoculars and meet at the entrance to the Nature Center at 7:00am sharp!
Energize your day by getting out on the trails early and sharing the company
of new friends. This is the best time of the year to see the greatest
variety of birds. Fee: $6m/$9nm per person per day
Norfolk Little League opening day for the new season,
with the parade scheduled for noon.
Friends of the Norfolk Library
Friends-Only Book Sale is Friday, April 28 from 7 to 9 p.m.
at the highway department building.
Mirror Lake Clean Up, Saturday, April 29th. Meet at beach at 8:00 a.m.
Bring your gloves, rakes, trash bags, etc. Meet or reconnect with your
neighbors while beautifying your surroundings! Hope to see you there.
Save the date!
The legendary
Friends of the Norfolk Library Annual Book and Bake Sale is
back and better than ever!
Saturday, April 29 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
A Friends-Only Book Sale is Friday, April 28 from 7 to 9 p.m.
We have over 25,000 books!
Visit us at our new and improved location,
Norfolk Department of Public Works,
33 Medway Branch,
Norfolk, MA 02056.
The NCL Nearly New Sale will take place on Saturday, April 29th from 9 am -
12 pm at the H. Olive Day School. Be sure to come early to shop for the
best deals!
Early Birds (Adult)
Each Wednesday in April and May 7:00am - 8:30am
Instructor: Jack Lash
See here for details.
3rd annual
Connor's Fun Run, a 3-mile road race starting from the HOD School on
Sunday, May 7.
Afternoon Adventures (Children Ages 6-10) -
April 25 May 2, 9 Spring Thaw Tuesdays, 3:30pm-5:00pm
As spring arrives, some of the animals return to the area, others resurface
or emerge to become more easily visible as we hike the trails. Come along
as we discover a vernal pool and the creatures that live there, explore the
ponds for insects that spend most o their lives underwater (some will soon
become the dragonflies we love to watch in the summer months) and search the
forest for clues to who may be nesting there.
Fee: $30m/$35nm per child per 4-week session
Annual Town Meeting, Tuesday 7:30pm at KP Middle School on King St.
Spring Migrant Hunt at Mt. Auburn Cemetery (Adult)
Wednesday, May 10th 7:00am - 12:00pm
Instructors: Pam Musk and Christine Turnbull
See here for details.
King Philip music students will present Percussion Night at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, May 10 in the gymnasium of King Philip Regional High School,
Wrentham. The public is invited, free of charge.
The King Philip Music Department presents a Chamber Recital Thursday May
11th at 7pm, in the auditorium of the King Philip Regional Middle School,
The Recital will feature a variety of performances by high school students,
from soloists to quintets. The public is invited; admission is free.
Family Bird Banding (Minimum age: 8)
Sunday, May 14th 7:00am - 12:00pm
Instructor: Strickland Wheelock, Master Bird Bander
See here for details.
The Norfolk TPA is sponsoring an Internet Safety Program, open to all
residents of Norfolk, on Wednesday, May 17, at 7:00 p.m. in McBride
[More in post of 5/2 8:17pm]
Wednesday, May 17th, 7pm at King Philip High School Auditorium, Wrentham,
The King Philip Jazz Program, including three Jazz Ensembles will
present an evening of Jazz and Swing.
King Philip Music department is excited to announce that Guest Artist
Jeff Galindo will be featured. A trombonist, he is currently on the
faculty of Berklee College of Music and has performed with the Boston
Pops, Ray Charles, Kenny Hadley Big Band, and Clark Terry among many
Admission: Adults: $8 Students and Seniors: $5.
A reception will follow.
More details [here].
Spring Bird Walk
(Minimum age: 8)
Saturday, May 20th 2:30pm - 4:00pm
See here for details.
A team of 20 Norfolk residents has formed a team called "Norfolk
Round-abouts" to participate in the American Cancer Society's Relay for
Life event in Franklin. The 19 hour event takes place on Friday, May 19
at 5pm until noon on May 20.
The King Philip Music Department will present its popular annual Spring
Pops Concert, on two dates this year Saturday May 20th at 7pm and
May 21st at 5pm, in the Gymnasium at King Philip High School, Wrentham.
[More here]
King Philip Music Department Jazz Cafe
Monday June 5th 7pm King Philip High School Cafeteria, Wrentham. Cafe
Style concert featuring a number of small Jazz combos, and King Philip
alumni, Jeremy Udden. Snacks and soft drinks will be featured at the
tables, and a free-will contribution may be given at the door.
Special Town Election to authorize the
Vehicle Stabilization Fund ($300,000 override).
King Philip Chamber Recital
Wednesday June 7th, 7pm students from the King Philip Music Program will
present a Chamber Recital; King Philip Middle school auditorium,
Norfolk. Admission is free.
Car Wash for Boy Scout Philmont Trip.
There is a car wash planned at the Federated Church in Norfolk on
Saturday, June 10, from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon. This is a fund
raising activity on behalf of a group of Norfolk Troop 80 Boy Scouts.
The price of the car wash will be $5.00. Please come by and
support us on your way to Community Day!
Details in the post of 6/3 6:51pm.
Registration is underway for the 10th Annual Norfolk Community League
Charity 5k Run/Walk.
Registration forms are available at the Norfolk Public Library and at
the Recreation Dept., Norfolk Town Hall. Registration is $15.00 and
$5.00 for kids under 11. A parking fee of $5.00 will go toward the
Norfolk Lions and includes admission to Norfolk Community Day!
The Run/Walk
will be held at 9:00am June 10, 2006 at Holmes Field on Myrtle Street in
Norfolk. Children's races will follow the 5k run at 11:00am.
Registration for the kid's race is $5 for 50m/100m for children 11 and
under. There will be prizes for all children!!! For more information,
call Lisa at 508-520-7687.
The Norfolk Lions Community Day event is set for June 10th this year at the
Holmes complex on Myrtle street.
Events Schedule is [here].
Norfolk Senior Fathers Day Friday, June 16th at the Senior Center. Food
Fun and Free. Sponsored by the Norfolk Council on Aging and the Friends
of the Council a day of enjoyment is planned.
Male guests are welcome and the center is open at 9:00 for
practice, we fire up the grills at 11:30, cleanup by 1:00.
The day is ours with no ladies and what happens here stays here.
Sign up by 6/13; 508 528 4430. See you there.
More in the post of 6/4 5:49pm.
6/16 Dragonfly Damselfly Gala, to be held at Rossi's Restaurant in
Millis. You are invited to St oney Brook's Wine Tasting and Silent
Auction, Friday, June 16, 2006 from 7:00 -10:30 p.m. There will be
appetizers and music, and all proceeds from this event benefit Stoney
Brook Wildlife Sanctuary. Tickets are $50.00 per person. Please
contact Pam Musk, at 508-528-3140, x25, for tickets.
[More here...]
Harry Potter and Voldemort's Doom! A play written and performed by
Norfolk's Prime Time Players, performed at the Norfolk Grange ONLY on Sunday,
June 18th at 7:00 p.m. Due to schedule conflicts, we will only perform this
great play on Sunday. Thanks!
The Boy Scout Car Wash has been postponed to Saturday, June 24th, at
8:00, at the Federated Church.
Summer Concerts 2006
Thursday, June 29, 8:20 PM start time
Wallace and Gromit 8:15 PM
A family movie On a HUGE screen!
Summer Concerts 2006
Thursday, July 6, 6:30-8PM
Franklin School of Performing Arts
Electric Youth-song and dance
Summer Concerts 2006
Thursday, July 13, 6:30-8 PM
Horns in the House
Horns & Vocals
The 3rd Annual Norfolk Kids Care Ride is Tuesday, July 18th at 6:30 p.m.
Time: 6:30 p.m. (check-in begins at 5:30 p.m.)
Location: Pondview Road cul-de-sac, Norfolk
Ride: 1 to 3 miles (2 routes to choose from depending on age/ability)
Registration Fee : $10 per child
[Additional details here]
Summer Concerts 2006
Thursday, July 20, 6:30-8PM
5 Past 40
A local favorite!
Summer Concerts 2006
Thursday, July 27, 6:30-8PM
The Wild Rovers
Irish Fun!
A whole new World...
Take a wild magic carpet adventure to Old Arabia at a time where a dusty
lamp was a good place in which to live. Walpole Children's Theatre Inc.
will be presenting 'The Magical Lamp of Aladdin'
at Walpole High School and
you are all invited to join Aladdin and Princess Jasmine in the magical
adventure of a lifetime. The cast and crew have been working very hard
since May to bring you and your children into this magical world, please
come support these fabulous young actors and actors and WCT in their
Shows will be held : July 21st. @ 7pm, July 22nd @ 2pm & 7pm, July 23rd @
2pm, July 28th @ 10am & 7pm & July 29th @ 2pm & 7pm.
Ticket Prices: $10 premium seating, $8 general admission, $7 seniors and
kids under 12.
Call the WCT Box office for advance tickets: 508-668-9722
Summer Concerts 2006
Tuesday, August 1, 6:30-7:30 PM
T-Bone at Pond Street fields
A wonderful children's performer
Summer Concerts 2006
Thursday, August 3, 6:30-8PM
Cocabanana Band
Beach Music
Saturday Club Playgroup
Kid's Place Playground, Boardman Street
August 5, 2006, 10:00 a.m.
Wall Flowers: photo exhibition at the library, beginning August 7.
The show will display 24 20" by 30" prints of unique composition
and color.
Summer Concerts 2006
Thursday, August 10, 6:30-8PM
John Penney Band
Country Tunes
Summer Concerts 2006
Thursday, August 17 6:30- 8PM
The Reminisants
Wonderful Oldies!
Adults' Board Game Night
Saturday August 19, 2006
7:00 PM until 10:00 PM
On August 31 at 7PM, the family movie,
Wallace and Gromit, will be shown, free of charge at the Pond Street
Complex on a HUGE movie screen. Come and enjoy this fun night! I
should's more of a walk-in than a drive in, so bring
blankets and pillows... and snacks too! Hopefully, the cool nights will
reduce the mosquito population, but, just in case don't forget to bring
a jacket....and to wear long pants. What if it rains?? It will be held
at the HODay School -
Any questions, call Norfolk Recreation @ (508)520-1315.
Mark your calendar to "Celebrate Norfolk" on September 9th, 2006.
"Celebrate Norfolk" will be a day to celebrate the Grand Opening of
Town Hill and the town of Norfolk. At 10:00 am there
will be an official ceremony to open Town Hill, including presentation
of the Town Quilt. After the ceremony will be a party on Town Hill
until 2 pm.
(More info here)
Come to Celebrate Norfolk!
10 am ceremony to re-open Town Hill,
11 am -2 pm - Party on the Hill.
[click for the Entertainment schedule]
Sunday, September 10, 2006 - Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Opening Day
This is a
free event for all Lions Soccer players and their families - There will
be plenty of food, music, and fun! Photographers will also be there to
take pictures of your favorite soccer player in their new uniform to
appear on anything from a key chain to a cereal box! Everything
kicks-off at 11:30.
A 6-week Women's Leadership & Empowerment Program that
combines meditation, martial arts, and communication offered at the Old
Town Hall in Franklin on 150 Emmons Street. In this experiential course,
you will acquire tools and practices to replace old habits that no
longer serve you with ones that open possibilities and impact the
quality of your life. Classes meet for six weeks on Wednesdays between
7:30-8:30pm. The next session is September 20-November 8 (no class on
9/27 & 10/18). Classes are for experienced and non-experienced martial
arts students. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. Fee is $110.You
are invited to try a class at no charge and obligation. Taught by a
professional coach and instructor-certified fourth-degree black belt in
Kenpo Karate. To register, contact Lora Cecca Lyons at 508-954-1614 or
The Federated Church of Norfolk Annual Harvest Festival. Friday night
supper 5:30-7pm. For tickets call 528-0262. Saturday activities &
events include a road race, crafters, yard sale, baked goods, candy, and
local produce. There will also be many childrens games and activities.
Info call 528-0262.
Norfolk's Dunkin Donuts DARE 2 Run 5K Road Race & Walk - Proceeds to
benefit Norfolk's Drug Abuse Resistance Education program. Sunday,
September 24, 2006 - Walkers start at 10:30 AM, runners at 11:00 AM and
Kids' 1K Fun Run at 10:30 AM.
Registration forms available at Norfolk Dunkin Donuts.
[Or on on-line
King Philip Marching Band
preview their 2006 show, "Roman Festivals", for the local community.
Sunday September 24th at 6pm,
Mactaz Field,
King Philip High School,
Free admission with pre-show Barbeque at 4:45 pm
Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary's 28th Annual Fall Fair will be
held Saturday, September 30th from 10am-4pm.
The Fall Fair is Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary's largest annual fundraiser.
The cost of admission is $4 per person for kids and adults. The money raised
goes to supporting the Sanctuary and the educational programs. Stony Brook
is located at 108 North Street (off of Route 115) about one mile south of
the center of Norfolk. For any questions or directions please call Stony
Brook at 508-528-3140.
On Wednesday, October 4th Lora Cecca Lyons, founder of Lyons Leadership
is offering a FREE 1-hour
interactive workshop at the Leaf & Petal in Medfield on 36 James Ave at
9am. In her workshop: "Finding Your Inner Sanctuary - Keys to Finding
Your Center & Living in the Moment", you will practice simple steps on
how to find and maintain your center and sense of calm, and begin to
take powerful action towards what you most want in your life. Lora
specializes in helping individuals find satisfaction in their lives and
get in condition to be powerful leaders - in their personal and
professional life. Please register in advance. TO REGISTER, CONTACT:
Lora at 508.954.1614 or
OR Joyce at the Leaf and Petal at 508.359.1199.
Franklin Mill Store Drop-In Social Night.
Bring any craft you like, and join us for free/dime-donation coffee and
305 Union St.,
Franklin, MA 02038,
6:30 - 9:00 pm, Thursday 10/5/06, and every first Thursday of the month.
Hope to see you there!
At 6:00 PM Saturday, October 7th, some of the area's top marching
bands will present their 2006 shows at the King Philip Fall Classic,
Mactaz Football Field behind KP Regional High School. The public is
invited to attend the competition, sanctioned by the United States
Scholastic Band Association.
Ten bands from across the region will compete.
The bands will perform to a wide variety of music with colorful
flags, props, intricate marching patterns and choreography, pageantry that
is fun for all family members.
Admission: Adults $7, Students and Seniors $5
The Norfolk Community League together with the Norfolk Lions Club will
sponsor the 5th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Hay Ride on Saturday, October
14th from 4:00 - 8 pm. It is suggested that younger children attend from
4:00 - 6:00. This event will take place at Holmes field on Myrtle Street,
Norfolk, MA. The cost will be $5 per ride. Under age 3 for FREE! There
will be assorted spooky treats as well. Come in costume!
The Fall Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 24, 2006,
at 7:30PM at the King Philip Middle School on King Street in Norfolk.
Annual King Philip Music Department Mass Band Night -
From 6:00 until 7:30 p.m., Thursday, October 26, 2006, instrumental
students from Wrentham, Norfolk and Plainville elementary schools and the
King Philip Regional Middle School are invited to join the nationally known
King Philip Marching Band for the annual Mass Band Night on Arnold Macktaz
Field behind the high school.
Friday, October 27th - 8 PM - From Prince Edward Island, The Skys will be
performing their high energy Celtic dance and gospel production, Fiery Faith
and Fiddles. The Federated Church of Norfolk is hosting this toe tapping,
hand clapping, and inspirational event.
Please contact Sue at 508-528-0262 for ticket information. Tickets will
also be available at the door.
State Election.
The polls will be open on Tuesday, November 7th from 7:00AM until 8:00PM.
All precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of the
building), 232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
St. Jude Church will be holding it Annual Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday,
Nov 11, from 9:30 to 2:30 in the church hall.
Bottle and Can Drive, Saturday November 11.
The King Philip Music Association will be holding its semi-annual can and
bottle drive on Saturday, November 11, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and
2:00 p.m. There will be collection locations in Wrentham at the center
town parking lot, in Norfolk, in front of Main Street Hardware, and in
Plainville at the Wood Elementary School. Students will also be going to
some neighborhoods collecting cans and bottles. All proceeds go to benefit
the music programs at King Philip High School and Middle School.
On Saturday, November 11th, 9 a.m. the Senior Center is honoring our
Veterans with a breakfast and entertainment as a thank you. The
entertainment is a grant from the Cultural Council in Norfolk. People are
welcome to come to the entertainment at 10 a.m.
The Norfolk Board of Health and Council on Aging, in conjunction with the
Walpole Area Visiting Nurse Association, is sponsoring its annual Flu
Clinic for Norfolk residents on Wednesday, November 15, 2006, from 1:00
p.m. - 3:00 p.m., at the Senior Center, located at 28 Medway Branch Road.
The flu vaccine will be available for adults at highest risk of
complications from the flu only.
A 6-week Women's Leadership & Empowerment Program that
combines meditation, martial arts, and communication offered at the Old
Town Hall in Franklin on 150 Emmons Street. In this experiential course,
you will acquire tools and practices to replace old habits that no
longer serve you with ones that open possibilities and impact the
quality of your life. Classes meet for six weeks on Wednesdays between
7:30-8:30pm. The next session is November 15-December 27 (no class on
12/6). Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. Fee is $110. You are
invited to try a class at no charge and obligation. Taught by a
professional coach and instructor-certified fourth-degree black belt in
Kenpo Karate. To register, contact Lora Cecca Lyons at 508-954-1614 or
December 2nd, 9a.m.-3p.m. is
Woodside Montessori Academy's 7th Annual Holiday Bazaar at
VFW Post 495, 123 Holliston Street, Medway.
Come finish your holiday shopping early! More than forty crafters will
display their original and creative offerings and the bake sale will help
you stock your freezers for holiday parties. The Bazaar will feature free
crafts and face-painting for children, plus massages for tired shoppers!
Admission is $2 per person.
At 7 PM Saturday, December 2, the King Philip Music Department will
present its popular annual Winter Pops Concert.
This year the concert will be held back in the Field house of the newly
renovated High School. It will have a traditional Pops theme, where the
audience will be seated around tables. A light supper menu and
beverages will be offered.
Doors open at 6 pm. Admission price: $10 for adults and $5 for students
and seniors. There is a limited capacity and this concert is always a
sell out. Come early to avoid disappointment!
Santa Parade - Sunday Dec 3rd.
Santa's parade will begin at 3:30 p.m. at the Hillcrest Village on
Rockwood Road.
At 4:00 p.m., residents are invited to have their pictures taken with
Santa in the Meeting Room of the Norfolk Library.
Also at 4:00 p.m., children are invited to bring their homemade
ornaments to help the adults decorate the Christmas tree.
Norfolk Community League's Annual Santa Breakfast and Jingle Bell Run will be
on December 9th, 2006 at the H. Olive Day School on Main Street. The breakfast
is from 9:00am - 11:00 am. Cost is $5 for NCL Members and $7 for non-members
and children under the age of 2 are free!
NCL's 6th Annual Jingle Bell Fun Run will take place at 11:00am and 11:45am for
kids run on Saturday, December 9, 2006.
King Philip Middle School Concert
Tuesday December 12th 2006 7pm,
King Philip Middle School Gymnasium.
Featuring the
7th Grade Chorus, 8th Grade Chorus, Combined Chorus, 7th Grade Concert
Band, and 8th Grade Concert Band.
Free Admission.
First Friends Children's School is having an
Open House and Registration for 2007/2008 on
January 9, 2007 from 12:30pm-1:30pm.
For more information please call 508-384-0399 or see
Norfolk Cooperative Preschool Open House and Registration for the
2007-2008 school year is
Tuesday, Jan 9th 1p-2p.
Norfolk Cooperative Preschool,
1st Floor (in the Federated Church building).
For more information, please visit our website at
call Lori Higgins, Director at (508) 528-3660.
Norfolk Girl Scout Cookie Booth Sale - Norfolk 1st Grade Brownie Troop
4741 will be selling Girl Scout Cookies outside of Linda's Variety in Norfolk
Center on Saturday, January 13, 2007 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Please come see
us! Why wait until the first week in March for your girl scout order to
arrive when you can get them on Saturday? Thank you!
``Reclaiming Our Power: A Women's Leadership Program'' is a
personal development program. Wednesdays: January 17-February 21,
7:30-8:30pm at the Franklin Recreation Department. This 6-week course is
for women who are ready to let go of old habits and reclaim their power
and sense of well being.
Learn how to ask for what you want, handle pressure with more composure
and take a stand for your life and what matters most to you.
1/19-2/9/07 Stress Management Program for women. Fridays: January
19-February 9, 6-7pm at Caritas Health & Athletic Club, 920 Washington
Street in Norwood. Learn a fresh, new approach to reducing stress in
your personal life and at work.
1/17, 1/24
The King Philip Music Department presents two Chamber Recitals; Wednesday
January 17th 7pm, and Wednesday January 24th 7pm in the auditorium of the
King Philip Regional Middle School, Norfolk.
The Recital will feature a variety of performances by high school students,
from soloists to quintets. The public is invited; admission is free.
Brownie Troop 3611 will be having a Girl Scout Cookie Booth this coming
Saturday, 1/27/07 at Roche Bros. in Millis from 10am to 2pm. The cost of
the cookies are $4.00 a box. Please come out to support Norfolk Brownies.
There will be a Spaghetti Supper on Saturday, January 27th at 5:30 pm at
the Federated Church of Norfolk, in Norfolk Center.
Following the Spaghetti Supper there will be a presentation
about the trip, childcare during this presentation will be provided. If
anyone is interested in helping, we will be collecting gift cards in the
amount of $25 from Lowes, Home Depot, Target, Sears and Walgreen's to be
distributed by our work group to local residents. If you are interested
in coming to the Spaghetti Supper or donating a gift card, please
contact our church office at 508-528-0262.
Registration for Norfolk Public School
Kindergarten students for the 2007-08 school year will
be held on Monday, February 5th from 9:15 A.M. to 11:30 in the Art Room
of the H. Olive Day School. Any child who will be five years old by
August 31, 2007 is eligible to enter Kindergarten. (In the event of a
"snow day" registration will be held on Monday, February 12th.)
If you have a child on an IEP, and have questions about how the
Proposed Budget will impact your child's services, Norfolk SEPAC
(Special Education Parent Advisory Council) is sponsoring a Question and
Answer session with Dr. Chris and Carol Gahan on Wed, Feb 7, at 7pm at
the HOD school.
Girl Scout Troop 3607 is holding a Book Drive Feb 4th - Feb 10th to
benefit Reach Out and Read at Children's Hospital Boston. New and
gently used children's books are being collected in a large green box in
the Norfolk Library foyer during the week.
Norfolk Girl Scout Brownie Troop 4741 will be selling Girl Scout Cookies at
Norfolk Arena on Sunday, February 11, 2007 during Public Skating from 1-3
p.m. Please come join us and help support the Norfolk Girl Scouts. Norfolk
Arena is located at 1 Dean Street in Norfolk. Thank You!
The drop-in playgroup at the Norfolk Library is hosting a Valentine's Day
party on Wednesday, February 14th from 10:30 - 11:30am. Infants, Toddlers,
and Preschoolers are welcome to attend. Children can make Valentine's Day
cards and decorate cookies. Come enjoy the fun!
Norfolk Special Education Parent Advisory Council's next meeting is
Thursday, February 15, 7pm at the HOD school. Our guest speaker is
Richard Harwood, a Financial Services Executive. The topic will be
Estate Planning. If you are interested in attending, please call Diane
at 508 528 5841, or e-mail at
Norfolk Cooperative Preschool is sponsoring a Parent Workshop on
"Positive Descipline that Works" on Thurs 2/15 7-9pm at the McBride
Auditorium at the Freeman Centennial.
The speaker is Scott Noyes, best known author of "Positive Discipline
that Works." Admission is $5.00. Everyone is welcome!
2/16 - 2/24
Walpole Children's Theatre is very proud to present their Winter Production
of Wizard's Crystal.
Shows will be performed at Walpole High School on
February 16th @ 7pm,
February 17th @ 2pm & 7pm,
February 18th @ 2pm,
February 23rd @ 7pm,
February 24th @ 2pm & 7pm.
Saturday, February 24th, at 6pm the King Philip music department will be
presenting their winter competitive shows for the local community in the
field house of King Philip Regional High School, Wrentham.
The Public is invited to attend. Free admission.
Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer - Spring 2007 Season
Early registration discount ends February 1, 2007. Absolutely no
registrations will be accepted after the March 1st deadline.
For more information about Lions Youth Soccer email
or call Helen K. at 508-520-0163.
Girl Scout Cookie Sale on Saturday, March 10th, at the Transfer Station.
Girl Scout International Day
Celebration, Sunday, March 11, 1-3 pm at the Freeman Centennial School.
The King Philip music department will hold its annual Marching Band
Orientation at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 13, in the Auditorium at King
Philip Regional Middle School, Norfolk. All King Philip students, entering
grades eight through twelve in the fall of 2007, who are interested in
finding out more about being a member of this award winning marching band,
are asked to attend with their parents or guardians.
There's a free seminar at the Norfolk Public Library this Tuesday
evening at 7 pm on college admissions and financial aid. The subject,
How To Win The College Game, is given by the author of the book by the
same name, and copies are available at the library or on
Book is signed and sold after the seminar with portion of proceeds going
to the library.
Come see "Into the Woods, Jr." at the KP Middle School on Friday, March
23 or Saturday, March 24 at 7:00pm. Tickets are $5 and you can get them
at the door. This is a performance put on by the KPMS students.
New England Youth Sports Festival at Gillette Stadium,
March 23-25.
[Norfolklionssoccer news page]
for more information.
The King Philip music department will present their Choral Concert on
Thursday, March 29th, 7pm in the Auditorium of the King Philip Middle
school, Norfolk.
Free Admission.
3/30, 3/31
Big Night Extravaganza at the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary
in Norfolk, MA!
March 30th 6:30pm-8:30pm And March 31st 6:00pm-8:30pm
Get excited for this year's outdoor amphibian adventure!
Tour the lantern-lit trails with a guided group and encounter new
costumed characters waiting to teach you about vernal pools through
their stories and song. Please pre-register.
[Full details and registration info]
The Southeastern Massachusetts Community Concert Band will present a
Spring Concert on Sunday, April 1, at Medway High School Auditorium, at
3:00 p.m. Featured works include: Hobbits, from the Lord of the Rings
Symphony, Chester, Nitro, Condacum, and other great European and
American selections. Ticket prices are: Adults.....$10, Students
& Seniors $5, and Family Tickets for $25.00. For more concert info:,
The Town of Norfolk is seeking individuals who are
interested in joining a Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)/Community Emergency
Response Team (CERT), which is made up of volunteers who assist in
preparing for and responding to public health emergencies. We will be
hosting two informational sessions on the MRC/CERT program on April 3,
2007 at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM at the Norfolk Public Library, 139 Main
Street. Contact the Board of Health office at 508-528-7747 for more
At 7 p.m. Tuesday April 10, the King Philip Varsity Indoor Color Guard and
King Philip Indoor Percussion will present their shows at a Send-Off Rally
in the King Philip Regional High School Field House. The public is invited
at no charge.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007, is the last day to register to vote at the
Annual Town Election and the Annual Town Meeting.
Please join me and
learn more about how you can get involved and help the American Cancer
Society help those struggling with cancer.
I am hosting an information session in the Norfolk Public Library
Community Room on Thursday night, 4/12, at 7:30 pm
on the
American Cancer Society Relay for Life of
The Relay for Life of Medfield
will take place Friday, June 15 - Saturday, June 16, 2007.
The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs
and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will
be held on Saturday, April 21, 2007 from 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. at the Norfolk
Highway Garage on Medway Branch Road (across from the transfer station).
The cost is $10.00 per animal and will be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler,
D.V.M. Previous rabies certificates must be presented in order to qualify
for a three-year vaccination.
Health Fair at the Norfolk Senior Center. April 24, 2007 from 1-4 p.m.
Free Screenings for balance and blood pressure from the Walpole VNA,
computerized spinal analysis by Dr. James Orphan, hearing by Miracle Ear
and cataract & glaucoma from the Medical Eye Care Assoc. Also
information on Acupuncturist, Betro Pharmacy, Caritas Norwood Hospital,
HESSCO, Life Line, Massage Therapist, Neighborhood Diabetes, Norfolk Board
of Health, Norfolk District Attorney, North American Orthotics, Sough
Middlesex Legal Services, TRIAD and VNA Care Network.
The Norfolk Community League is sponsoring a Candidate's Night on Tuesday,
April 24, 2007 at 7:00pm. It will take place at the King Philip Junior High
School in the school cafeteria. Bring your questions for the Candidates.
Refreshments will be served.
Preventing Lyme Disease in Ourselves and our children,
Thursday April 26, 2007
Medfield High School Auditorium,
88 South st. Medfield, Ma.
Sponsored by:
The Medfield Board of Health
Westwood Mansfield Pediatric Associates.
Moderated by Lester Hartman.
4/27, 4/28
Get ready to read! The Friends of the Library Book and Bake Sale is
Saturday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or shop early at the Friends
Preview Sale on Friday, April 27 from 6 - 9 p.m.
Annual Town Election
on Tuesday, May 1st from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. All
precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of building),
232 Main Street.
Wednesday May 2nd, 7pm the King Philip Jazz Ensemble will perform at a
Community send off Rally at The Tavern at Tower Square 119 Washington
Street, Plainville, before heading off to The Lincoln Center, New York City
to compete with 14 other finalist bands in the prestigious Essentially
Ellington Festival on May 4th.
Admission is by Pre-sale only; $15 includes a delicious variety of
Appetizers and bottomless soda. Please send checks to "KPMA" PO Box 508,
Wrentham, MA 02093. Please include name, address, telephone number and
email. There is a limited capacity - don't be disappointed.
5th Annual Connor's Fun Run/Walk will be held on Sunday, May 6th.
The Soccer Club of Norfolk is accepting registration forms for its fall
2007 travel soccer season now through Monday, May 7, 2007. Register
online by going to the Club's web site at
Annual Town Meeting will begin on Tuesday, May 8, 2007 at 7:30pm at the
King Philip Middle School on King Street.
King Philip music students will present Percussion Night at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, May 9 in the Field House of King Philip Regional High School,
Wrentham. The public is invited, free of charge.
The evening will feature high school students, including ensemble and solo
players in classical, jazz and original works. The nationally acclaimed
Indoor Percussion Ensemble will present their show "Systematic."
The beautiful and active community Jeanne D. Hill Room of the Norfolk
Public Library located at 139 Main Street in Norfolk, MA, will be the
setting for The Franklin Art Association's "Spring Awakening" art
exhibition on view from May 12th through June 2nd.
Wednesday May 16th 7pm at King Philip High School Field House, Wrentham,
The King Philip Jazz Program,
including three Jazz Ensembles will present
an evening of Jazz and Swing.
Admission: Adults: $8 Students and Seniors:$5
A reception will follow.
Flea Market & Silent Auction at the Federated Church of Norfolk
Saturday, May 19 9am - 2pm.
Luncheon to be served;
handmade birdhouses,
baked goods,
homemade candy,
For more info call the Federated Church: 508-528-0262
"where the church feels like home and the people feel like family,
come and worship with us"
The King Philip Music Department will present its popular annual Spring
Pops Concert, on Saturday May 19th at 7pm, in the Field House at King
Philip High School, Wrentham.
It will have a traditional Pops theme, where the audience will be seated
around tables. Light refreshments and beverages will be available. There
will be a limited number of tables available, so plan to arrive early to
reserve your table. Doors open at 6 pm.
Admission price: $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.
King Philip Music Association General Meeting
Annual Election of Board Members on
Wednesday May 23rd 7:30pm in
King Philip High School Cafeteria, Wrentham.
The beautiful and active community Jeanne D. Hill Room of the Norfolk
Public Library located at 139 Main Street in Norfolk, MA, will be the
setting for The Franklin Art Association's "Spring Awakening" art
exhibition on view from May 12th through June 2nd.
Stony Brook is holding a its annual Dragonfly-Damselfly Benefit Dinner
and Wine Tasting this Friday, June 1st, at Rossi's Restaurant in Millis
from 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm.
Tickets are $50 per person and are available by calling Stony Brook
Sanctuary at 508-528-3140. (Casual attire.)
The Federated Church of Norfolk is presenting
an "Elegant Evening of Dining" to be held at the church on Sat,
June 2. There will be seatings every 15 minutes beginning at 6pm
and ending at 7:30pm. Menu: Bone in prime rib or Boston style
baked scrod; baked potatoes; green beans almandine; homemade bread
and speciality desserts. The cost is $20/person, payable that
evening. Please call Donna B. at 508-528-7084 to make your
Norfolk Community Day is right around the corner on Saturday, June 9 at
the Holmes Complex at 22 Myrtle Street. The event is from 10:30am until
4:00pm. The event is preceeded by the Norfolk Community League Roadrace
at 9:00am. This is the Norfolk Lions 15th year of sponsoring this event
which is a town wide event with over 40 groups participating in the day.
We have Girl Scouts, RAD kids, Norfolk Together, the fire department,
the Council on Aging, the Water Dept, Jr. Friends of the Library to name
a few. There will be a train ride, pony rides, lazer tag, Rainforest
Reptiles and all types of "bouncy" things. And entertainment for the
day will include a BMX demo by Perfection on Wheels, Ed the Wizard, the
King Philip Jazz ensemble, Kathy Ryan Dance Studio, Denise's Dance
academy and the 2nd annual pie eating contest. We hope you will join us
June 9 for our town wide celebration. If you would like to participate
or help out at the event, feel free to contact Barbara S. at
or Carol G. at
Join us for the 4th Annual Kids PMC ride in Norfolk! Sunday, June 10,
5pm. This bicycling event, the junior version of the adult Pan Mass
Challenge, is a great opportunity for kids 2-14 to help kids with
cancer. All money raised will be donated to the Jimmy Fund for cancer
research and treatment. The ride starts at Pondview Road, and winds
through beautiful Christina Estates, back to Pondview for a celebration
party. Registration information will be posted shortly.
Fun family event on Sunday, June 10,
the PMC Norfolk Kids Care Ride is a 2-2.5 mile bike ride for
kids 2-14. All money goes to cancer treatment and research at the
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. In its third year, the ride has raised
almost $10,000 for the Jimmy Fund, the fundraising arm of Dana-Farber.
For information, email
Sign-up for "Catch the Beat at Your Library," the summer reading
program at Norfolk Public Library! Register online at
Children from 0 to 11, teens from 12
to 18, and adults from 19 to 119 can register to win prizes and attend
performances, movies, and craft workshops during the months of July and
Sports & Games Clinic
For children ages 3 to 5 at the
Norfolk Public Library
Thursday, June 14,
10:00 a.m.
Mass Premier Courts will be holding a free sports and games program for
children ages 3-5 years at the Norfolk Public Library. This program is
designed for kids to have fun and engage in physical activity around a
variety of sports and games. Some of the fun activities include: an
obstacle course, soccer, basketball, and parachute time. Pre-registration
is required. Call the library at 508-528-3380 Ext. 5 to register.
The Southeastern Massachusetts Community Concert Band, under the
direction of conductor Bruce Houston, will be performing in the upcoming
Festival of the Arts Concert in North Attleboro on Saturday, June 16-th,
at 3:00 p.m. The band will also be playing on Saturday, July 16-th ,
in Choate Park in Medway at 7:30 p.m.
July 1, 2007 - Registration Deadline for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's Fall
2007 Season - Visit our website
Absolutely NO registrations will be accepted after the July 1st deadline!
Calling all aspiring artists -- Join Artist Greg Maichack for an evening of
instruction in the art of pastel drawing. Bring a simple photo & participate
in a hands-on workshop, lecture, & demonstration. The workshop will be held
on July 12 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM, and is open to adults and teens, age 16 &
older. Space is still available. Registration is required so call the
Library at 508-528-3380 x.2 to register.
Town Hill concerts:
Wednesday, July 18, Drumming About You, an Interactive Children's
concert to be held inside the Library (co-sponsored)
Town Hill concerts:
Thursday, July 19, Horns in the House, Great Brass Music
Calling all Teens --- sign up for 2 great crafts -- Make a Pop-Tart Pouch
on Thursday, July 19th, 6:30-7:45 p.m. Taking our cue from writer and
comedian Amy Sedaris, we'll make our own Pop-Tart look-alike pouches using
felt, beads and sewn or glued construction. These are suitable for carrying
your iPod, cell phone or sunglasses - more versatile than an actual
Pop-Tart! Open to girls and guys, and no sewing experience required. Of
course, we'll have refreshments (take a wild guess).
Calling all Harry Potter Fans -- Order your copy of Harry Potter & the
Deathly Hallows today & pick it up at midnight on July 21st!
Join the fun & come to the Harry Potter book release party Friday night,
July 20 at 11:00 PM & receive your copy at the stroke of Midnight! Prepay
price is $25.00 + tax (Lists at $34.99). Proceeds will benefit the Friends
of the Library. Only 8 copies left, so don't delay in ordering your copy!
Walpole Children's Theatre to Present The Princess's Gift.
This mystical fairy tale is filled with riveting royalty, merry maids, vibrant
villagers, a pretty princess, a wicked witch, and a wise witch.
Shows will be performed at Walpole High School on Common Street in Walpole on
July 20, 21, 22, 27, and 28.
[Click here for details]
Town Hill concerts:
Thursday, July 26, Franklin School of Performing Arts "Electric Youth"
A wonderful song and dance show
Make Heavy Metal: Necklaces from the Hardware Store on Thursday, July 26th,
6:30-7:45 p.m., A trip to the hardware store becomes a lot more interesting
when you discover the decorative possibilities of common hardware. In this
workshop, we'll create sturdy chokers and delicate necklaces out of nuts,
metal tubing, beads and thread. The projects are appropriate for girls and
guys with no jewelrymaking experience, as well as teens who know how to work
with beads and want to try something new. Call the library to sign up for
these 2 workshops.
Town Hill concerts:
Thursday, August 2, 5 Past 40, Come enjoy a wonderful Norfolk group
back for their second year - Oldies
8/3, 8/4, 8/5
The Orpheum theater in Foxboro will be performing Cabaret on
August 3, 4, and 5 at 8pm, 8pm and 2pm, respectively.
See the announcement
for details.
Town Hill concerts:
Thursday, August 9, Summer Street Band - Classic Rock
Sports & Games Clinic
For children ages 3 to 5 at the
Norfolk Public Library
Thursday, August 16,
10:00 a.m.
Mass Premier Courts will be holding a free sports and games program for
children ages 3-5 years at the Norfolk Public Library. This program is
designed for kids to have fun and engage in physical activity around a
variety of sports and games. Some of the fun activities include: an
obstacle course, soccer, basketball, and parachute time. Pre-registration
is required. Call the library at 508-528-3380 Ext. 5 to register.
Town Hill concerts:
Thursday August 16, John Penny Band - The Classic Country Western Band
Town Hill concerts:
Thursday, August 30 - At Pond Street - Family Movie Night. We would
love to receive title suggestions! Send to
Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer's Opening Day is scheduled
for Sunday, September 9th - this is a free event for all NLYS players and
their families.
9/12-11/14 ``Reclaiming Our Power: A Women's Leadership Program''
is a personal development program. 6 Wednesdays: 9/12, 9/19, 10/10,
10/17, 11/7, 11/14; 7:30-8:45pm at the Franklin Recreation Department.
This 6-week course is for women who are ready to let go of old
habits and reclaim their power and sense of well being. Learn how
to ask for what you want, handle pressure with more composure and
take a stand for your life and what matters most to you. The diverse
group of women guarantees to make this an engaging, fun and powerful
experience. We will be doing some light movement so please wear
comfortable clothing. Fee is $110. Register with a friend and receive
$10 off your tuition. You are invited to try a class at no charge
and no obligation. The course is designed and led by Lora Cecca
Lyons of,
a professional coach and
martial arts expert. Contact Lora at 508.954.1614 or
On Wednesday, September 12 at 7:00
PM, The Garden Club of Norfolk will hold its first meeting of the
2007-08 year at the Norfolk Public Library.
Ms. Susan Knight, president of the Emerald Necklace Conservancy, will
present the program. The Emerald Necklace consists of over 1,000 acres
of parks with green and open spaces, waterways, bridges and other
structures, designed by Frederick Law Olmstead. It stretches from the
Charles River/Back Bay Fens to Franklin Park/Dorchester, containing
thousands of varieties of flora, fauna and wildlife habitat.
Cracker Barrel Fair,
Fri/Sat/Sun - Sept. 14th-16th.
9/19, 9/20
Norfolk Community League &
Norfolk Lions Club present the 6th Annual
Haunted Train Ride.
Advanced ticket sales
Wed. Sept. 19th and Thurs. Sept, 20th
3-5pm & 7-9pm
Norfolk library -- community room.
$5.00 each for one ride on the train.
There will be no tickets sold
the night of the event!!
No one will be allowed into the parking lot
without a ticket!!!
There will be no refunds.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold its annual Harvest Festival this
weekend, September 21st - 23rd. It will be held on the church grounds,
located at the intersection of Main Street and Route 115 (Union Street) in
Norfolk Center.
More in the post of 9/17 11:22am
The King Philip Music Association will be holding its semi-annual can and
bottle drive on Saturday, September 22nd, between the hours of 10:00 a.m.
and 2:00 p.m. There will be collection locations in Wrentham, at the King
Philip High School, in Norfolk, in front of Main Street Hardware, and in
Plainville at the Old Wood School. Students will also be going to some
neighborhoods collecting cans and bottles. All proceeds go to benefit the
music programs at King Philip High School and Middle School.
Norfolk's Dunkin Donuts' Dare to Run 5K Road Race & 1K
Fun Run is scheduled for Sunday, September 23rd.
At 6:00 PM, Sunday, September 23, the award winning King Philip
Marching Band will present a Preview Show of their 2007 marching
program, "Paganini Variations" at the King Philip Regional High School,
on Route 140 in Wrentham. Due to ongoing construction of the new
football field the band will perform in uniform on their practice site.
Adult music group meeting Wed. Oct 3 7-9PM and every other week.
Openings for a few woodwinds, clarinet, flute or oboe, and strings,
violin, viola or cello and keyboard player. 1-2 yr experience. Fun
night! Email me for more info.
Norfolk Fire Department annual Open House on October 6, 2007 from 1pm to 4pm.
Free refreshments, live demonstrations, activities for the kids.
King Philip Fall Classic Marching Band Show
Saturday, October 6th, At 6:00 PM.
Nine of the area's top marching bands will present their 2007 shows at the
King Philip Fall Classic. This year due to ongoing construction of the
athletic fields the show will be held at Bellingham High School, Blackstone
St., Bellingham. The public is invited to attend the competition,
sanctioned by the United States Scholastic Band Association.
The Garden Club of Norfolk membership drive on October 10 at 7:00 PM in
the meeting room at the Norfolk Public Library.
Haunted Train Ride
Saturday, October 13 (raindate, October 27th)
Holmes Field, Myrtle Street 4:00-7:30 p.m. (4:00 to 6:00
p.m. for younger children)
Adult Music Group: Norfolk Notations next meeting is Wednesday, Oct..
17th from 7 to 9 p.m. This group is open to adults who have a basic
ability to read music, and 1 to 2 years experience. Members pick out
the music and practice together. If you haven't played in years but
would like to try again, that's fine. We'd love to have a flute and
cello player join our group, but other instruments are welcome, too.
Please contact
for more information.
The Norfolk Community League
invites you to the
Autumn Charity Auction on
Saturday, October 20,
6:30 to 11:30 pm, at
Lake Pearl Luciano's in Wrentham.
Thoroughly Modern Millie--Great music, explosive dance and a zany
romantic story set in the Roaring 20s. Sure to make the whole family
laugh. Performance dates: October 18 to 21 and 25 to 28. Performances:
8PM Thurs., Fri., Sat.; matinees Sat. & Sun. 2PM . Admission: General
$15; Senior Citizens $5; children under 12 are $10. Reserved tickets:
Dean College Center for the Performing Arts box office, 61 School
Street, Franklin, or call 508-541-1606.
The Fall Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 23, 2007,
at 7:30PM at the King Philip Middle School on King Street in Norfolk.
9th Annual NCL Halloween Candy Give Back
The Norfolk Notations will meet on Wednesday, November 7, at 7:00 p.m.
This is a music group which practices one every other week. It's for
adults who have some background in, and are able to read, music. We
meet biweekly, and agree on the music we play, together. If you haven't
played in a while and have interest in giving it a try, we'd love to
hear from you. We are learning to play some popular, classic, and
holiday tunes together. Please contact, or,
for more information.
Norfolk Children's School
Open House
Friday, November 9, 2007,
4:00pm-6:00pm at
23 Union Street, Norfolk, MA 02056;
Enrolling children from age 2.9 years to 6 years old.
We are having a yard sale this Saturday November 10th from 9am-12pm,
12 Main Street, Norfolk. Tons and Tons of Baby & Toddler stuff!!
Maternity Clothes - L & XL.
Will be going through attic this week too to add to it.
Old ski stuff, holiday decor items, etc.
Don't miss our annual Christmas Craft Fair!
Saturday, November 10th From 9:30 to 2:00,
St.Jude's Church,
86 Main Street.
Lot of local crafters, vendors, Hot Dog Heaven, Baked Goods, and Santa
will be there for pictures.
Garden Club of Norfolk - Get Read for the Holidays - Wednesday, November
14, 7:00 PM - Norfolk Public Library Meeting Room - Yvette Viard,
Designer will demonstrate how to create unique holiday arrangements.
Guest Fee $5.00 - - 2007 Holiday Raffles to be drawn at this meeting -
1st Lavish Holiday Wreath; 2nd Mantle or Centerpiece Arrangement; 3rd
Gingerbread Table Arrangement.
Tickets are available from members of the Garden Club and also available
at Linda's Variety and Something Special. (All prizes to be delivered
the first week in December.)
Federated Church of Norfolk - Holly Fair
Craft Fair - Saturday, November 17th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Norfolk
County Agricultural High School, 400 Main Street (Route 1A) in Walpole.
Parking and admission are free. Over 50 vendors will be participating in
this indoor event.
Limited space still available for crafters - contact Linda S. at
508-278-7143 for more information.
Wrentham Center Parking Lot - Saturday November 24th 2007 - the King
Philip Music Association will be holding their annual wreath sale. 14 inch
double-sided evergreen wreaths from Canada at only $13 including a bow.
Proceeds to benefit the King Philip Regional music program.
Santa's parade will begin at 3:30pm at the Hillcrest Village on
Rockwood Road.
At 4:00pm, residents are invited to have their pictures taken with
Santa in the Meeting Room of the Norfolk Library.
Also at 4:00pm, children are invited to bring their homemade ornaments
to help the adults decorate the Christmas tree. The Town Hill
celebration and tree lighting ceremony will include caroling by the H.
Olive Day Chorus and refreshments.
At 7 PM Saturday, December 15, the King Philip Music Department
will present its popular annual Winter Pops Concert.
The concert will be held in the Field house of the newly renovated High
School. It will have a traditional Pops theme, where the audience will be
seated around tables. Light refreshments and beverages will be available.
Doors open at 6 pm. Admission price: $10 for adults and $5 for students and
seniors. There is a limited capacity and this concert is always a sell out.
Come early to avoid disappointment!
The next practice for the Norfolk Notations will be held on Wednesday,
January 2, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The Notations are a Norfolk based
music group for adults who have an interest in selecting and playing
music together. We currently have an opening for a lower string player:
viola, cello, or base. *Happy Holidays* from the Notations (Geri,
Pamela, Stacia, Diane, Cindy, and Karla). For more information about
the group, please message or
80 is gathering information on the troop's history. If you have any
pictures of troop activities, projects, or campouts please by the
library on Saturday January 12th anytime from 1-4pm. Scouts will
be on hand to do a brief interview (who is in the picture, when was
it taken, etc.). All photos will be returned once they've been
scanned! If you cannot make it on the 12th, photos can be left
at the library circulation desk - please be sure to include your
name and address so the photos may be returned!
Coastal Mountain Railroad is coming back! On Saturday, January 12th and
Sunday the 13th during regular library hours, there will be a working
HO-scale model railroad display in the Norfolk Library's Community Room.
Kids of all ages will enjoy the sights and sounds of this once-a-year
event. For library hours, see our website at
If you want to see more trains, go to
The next meeting of the Norfolk Notations will be held on Wednesday,
January 16th, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The Notations are a Norfolk based
music group for adults who are interested in selecting and playing music
together. We currently have openings for a lower string player. For
futher information, contact or
Bay Colony announces auditions for Twelfth Night
Sunday, January 20th at 6:30pm.
Actors and actresses ranging in age between 20 and 60 are encouraged to
come and audition for this Shakespearean classic. Please prepare a
monologue. Otherwise, be ready to read an appropriate monologue from the
Call 508-543-2787 ext 6 to set up an audition time or visit our website
The King Philip Music Department presents two Chamber Recitals; Wednesday
January 16th 7pm, and Wednesday January 23rd 7pm in the auditorium of the
King Philip Regional High School Wrentham
The Recitals will feature a variety of performances by high school
students, from soloists to quintets. The public is invited; admission is
February 1, 2008 - Early Registration Discount for Norfolk Lions Youth
Soccer's spring season ends -
Open meeting at KPHS at 10am on Saturday, Feb 2
in the library. Dr. Robbat will be reviewing [shool] budget numbers.
Presidential Primary Election.
The polls will be open on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 from 7:00AM until
8:00PM. All precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of
building), 232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
2/7, 2/8
WCT production of The
Pied Piper of Hamelin
is a fun, fresh and exciting adaptation of the original poem of the
same name written by Robert Browning.
The Cast is
made up of some of the areas most talented young actors and actresses from
Walpole, Medfield, Norfolk & Westwood who are all very excited to share this
fun production with the community.
The Pied Piper is running it's final weekend of shows at Walpole High School
on Common Street in Walpole
Feb 8 @ 7pm
Feb 9 @ 2pm & 7pm.
Ticket Prices: $11 Premium Seating,
$9 General Admission,
$8 Seniors & kids under 12.
Call the WCT Box Office
Saturday February 23rd 6pm The King Philip music department will be
presenting their winter competitive shows for the local community. The
performances will commence in the auditorium and will move to the field
house of King Philip Regional High School, Wrentham.
[M o r e . . .]
The Public are invited to attend. Free Admission
Auditions for Little Women,
the famous story of the March family and their struggles
and dreams during the Civil War will be produced by the Orpheum Theatre
in Foxboro. Auditions are Monday, Feb. 25 6:00-8:30. Callbacks will
immediately follow. Please prepare 16 bars of music to best show off
your range. Music from the show recommended. Great parts for men and
women ranging in age between 15 and 70! Ensemble roles are also being
To set up an audition time, please contact Executive Producer, Bill
Cunningham at 508-543-(ARTS) 2787 ext. 6.
The residents of Norfolk are invited to attend the Relay For Life of
Medfield "Kickoff" at the Master's Touch Showroom in Medfield (corner of
Main Street & Janes Ave.), on Wednesday, Feb. 27th from 7-8:30pm! This
will be an evening to learn about the Relay and to chat with the Planning
Committee as well as enjoy some wine and cheese! You don't have to know
anything about the Relay or have been involved in the past to attend.
Please come to learn and to ask questions. The Relay For Life of Medfield
needs your participation.
March 1, 2008 - Registration deadline
for Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer's
spring season (mail-in registrations must be postmarked no later than March
1st) -
There is a fundraiser at Papa Ginos in Medfield on March 2nd, a Sunday,
from 4-9 pm. This will benefit the M. Ninos trust [for Maggie
Ninos of Medfield]
which has been set up
through the Benjamin Franklin bank in Medfield.
On Saturday March 8th, King Philip Regional High school will host
the New England Scholastic Band Association Winter Guard and Percussion
Competition. Almost 40 High School groups from across Eastern Massachusetts
will converge at King Philip Regional High School gymnasium.
Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students. The public is invited.
Audience members will be free to come and go in the intervals between
Percussion groups will perform from 2pm through 4:30pm.
Registration for Norfolk-Medfield-Millis Vikings Pop Warner Football and
Cheerleading 2008 Season on Saturday, March 8 for football (ages 7-15 as of
August 1st, maximum weight 160) and cheerleading (ages 7-15 as of August
1st), from 9-11 AM at the H. Olive Day School. Registration fee is $175 for
the first player/cheerleader, $150 for each additional family member, with a
maximum of $475 per family (due at registration). For more information and
an advance copy of the registration packet go to
or call Frank M. (384-5285).
Garden Club of Norfolk - Get Ready for Spring - Speaker: Leslie
Lincoln, Master Gardener will talk on ``Pruning.'' Wednesday, March
12, 7:00 PM, Norfolk Public Library Meeting Room, Fee: $5 non-members.
The Garden Club of Norfolk welcomes all who are interested in
gardening - from beginner to expert. Meetings are held on the
second Wednesday of the month from September through June.
Stand for Children will be hosting a conversation with Rep. Richard Ross
this Friday, March 14th, 11:30 AM in the Norfolk Public Library
Community Room. The conversation will focus on the State's role in
funding public education in Massachusetts and the burdens placed on the
local property tax. All are invited to attended.
Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter School's production of
Aladdin, jr. Friday & Saturday March 14th and 15th at 7pm. Tickets are
$12 for adults and $10 for kids 12 and under. For more information
please call 508 541-3434 ext. 106. BFCCPS is located at 201 Main Street
in Franklin, MA
NCL Easter Breakfast on Saturday, March 15, 2008,
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM at
Freeman Centennial School, McBride Auditorium.
Norfolk Lions Chili Festival, March 15, 2008.
6:30 at
St Judes.
$12 adults, $4 children under 12: includes two beverages with each
Tickets on sale Saturday 3/8 10 - 12 at the Norfolk Public Library.
Tickets will also be sold at the door.
Peoples Choice: Competing Restaurants: Best Deli, Eagle Brook, Horse and
Carriage, Tom's Tavern, and Outlaw BBQ.
Proceeds will go to the Norfolk Food Pantry.
Starting 3/17/08, ``Reclaiming Our Power: A Women's Leadership
Program'' is a personal development program. 6 Mondays: 3/17, 3/24,
3/31, 4/14, 4/28, 5/5; 7:00pm-8:30pm at the Franklin Recreation
The King Philip music department will hold its annual Marching Band
Orientation at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18, in the Auditorium at King
Philip Regional High School, Wrentham.
King Philip High School Music Department will present their annual Spring
Concert on Wednesday March 26th at 7:00pm in the Auditorium, King Philip
High School, Wrentham featuring the Concert Band and Symphony Band.
Admission: Adult $6, Student Senior: $4.
[More info].
Saturday, March 29th 9am-12pm. Junior Girl Scout Troop #3615 will be selling
Girl Scout cookies from 9am-12pm at Dunkin Donuts. Please stop by and
support our troop!
Guest speaker Martha Ackmann will present her book, The Mercury 13, on
Sunday afternoon, March 30th at 2:00 PM at the Norfolk Public Library.
On Monday evening , March 31st at 7:30 pm, Tonya Prevencher, a specialist
at Trefler & Sons of Newton, will present a slide show on antique and art
restoration and conservation.
The King Philip music department will present their Choral Concert on
Thursday April 3rd at 7pm in the Auditorium of the King Philip Middle school,
The concert will feature two choruses from the middle school and the High
School Chorus. Pieces presented will include: Evr'y Time I Feel the Spirit,
John Rutter's Fiddler Man, Soldier Boy, and The Terrible Tale of Tom
Admission is free.
Stand for Children will be
hosting a conversation with state Senator Scott Brown this Thursday,
April 3, 7:30 PM in the Norfolk Public Library Lounge. The conversation
will focus on the State's role in funding public education in
Massachusetts and the burdens placed on the local property tax. All are
Norfolk Community League's
2008 Nearly New Sale -
Saturday, April 5, 2008,
9:00am-12:00 noon at the
H. Olive Day School.
The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs
and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will
be held on Saturday, April 5, 2008 from 8:00 - 10:00 A.M. at the Norfolk
DPW Garage-33 Medway Branch Road. The cost is $10.00 per animal and will
be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler, D.V.M.
Mass Audubon's Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary will celebrate the
annual frog and salamander
migration with its sixth annual Big Night Extravaganza on the
evenings of April 4 and April 5.
Friday tours begin every 15 minutes from 6:30pm until 8:30pm. Saturday
tours begin at 6:00pm and end at 8:30pm, leaving from the Nature Center
every 15 minutes. Cost: $6 for Mass Audubon members; $8
for non-members. Pre-registration is required. Please call 508-528-3140.
At 7 p.m. Tuesday April 8, the King Philip Varsity Indoor Color Guard and
King Philip Indoor Percussion will present their shows at a Send-Off Rally
in the King Philip Regional High School Gymnasium. The public is invited
at no charge.
April 10, 2008, library meeting room - Workshop on Energy
Conservation and Renewable Energy; 7:30 pm.
April 1st - April 31st: The Buchholz's will be collecting bicycle and
tricycle donations that your kids have gently used and outgrown.
There are 400,000 kids in MA that live in desperately low income
households and can only dream of riding a bike -- Won't you please
make their dreams come true? Drop them off at the Norfolk Transfer
Station on Saturday(s) or at the Buchholz's barn: 167 North St. or
call them 541-8657 to arrange a pick up. They will be taken to
"Cradles to Crayons" where they will be matched with a luck child ages
The Friends of the Norfolk Library will hold their annual
Book & Bake Sale on Saturday April 26 from 9:00 am to 4 pm at the
Norfolk DPW Garage on 33 Medway Branch. The Friends Only Preview Sale
will be held Friday evening April 25 from 6:00-9:00 PM. A 2008 Friends
membership is required for admission to the Friday night sale.
Memberships starting at $15 are available at the door beginning at 5:00
pm. For more information visit
Special musical service
Southern Rail, a bluegrass group that has been performing bluegrass and
gospel music for nearly 30 years will be featured this Sunday @ 10:00 at the
Federated Church. This high energy, exuberant group of four musicians will
be performing 12 songs, which will be woven into the church service.
Southern Rail has produced 8 successful recordings and has toured coast to
coast. Their CD "Glory Train" was nominated for Best Gospel Recording of
the Year by the International Bluegrass Music Association.
NCL's Annual Candidate's Night is on
Wednesday April 30th @ 7pm in the
King Philip Middle School auditorium.
The Candidates who are running for the open town positions will be
there in an open forum. You will hear what each one has to say on all
the important issues and the opportunity to have your questions
answered. There will be coffee and refreshments to follow where you
can meet and speak to the candidates. This event is sponsored by the
NCL for the entire town to participate in.
We hope to see you there!!
April 1st - April 30th: The Buchholz's will be collecting bicycle and
tricycle donations that your kids have gently used and outgrown.
Drop them off at the Norfolk Transfer
Station on Saturday(s) or at the Buchholz's barn: 167 North St. or
call them 541-8657 to arrange a pick up. They will be taken to
"Cradles to Crayons" where they will be matched with a lucky child ages
Women in the area are invited celebrate spring at the Spring Tea &
Fashion Show at the Federated Church of Norfolk on Saturday, May
3, 2008 at 2:00 PM.
This event is a fun way to catch up with friends and/or relatives
you may not have seen for a while, enjoy some refreshments, and see
the latest spring fashions in time to make out your Mother's Day
wish list.
Starting on March 31, tickets
at $10.00 per person will be available at the church office, Monday
- Friday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, 508-528-0262.
2008 Annual Town Election
Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the H. Olive Day school
(entrance behind the building).
Agenda at
[Town Meeting Agenda]
and the warrant:
King Philip music students will present Percussion Night at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, May 7th in the Field House of King Philip Regional High School,
Wrentham. The public is invited, free of charge.
VOICES (Voices Of Involved Citizens Encouraging Safety)
is a non-profit organization of mothers helping Massachusetts Citizens take an
active role in their Safety through Advocacy, Education and Awareness.
But we need your help to accomplish our goals.
Please join us at our first VOICES fundraiser.
2008 Annual Town Meeting will be May 13 and 14, so save the dates.
King Philip Music Department
in conjunction with the KPMA is Proud to Announce:
Wednesday, May 14
7:00 PM,
King Philip High School Auditorium:
Middle School Jazz Ensemble,
Jazz Ensemble II,
Jazz Ensemble I.
Featured Artist: Greg Abate.
Music from Ellington, Buddy Rich, Charles Mingus,,
Bob Mintzer and many others.
Reception to follow;
$8 Adults $5 Students & Seniors.
The King Philip Music Department will present its popular annual Spring
Pops Concert, on Saturday May 17th at 7pm, in the Field House at King
Philip High School, Wrentham.
The event will have a traditional Pops theme, where the audience will be
seated around tables. Light refreshments (sandwich fare) and beverages
will be available. There will be a limited number of tables available,
so plan to arrive early to reserve your table. Doors open at 6 pm
5/22, 5/29
The King Philip Music Department presents two Chamber Recitals; Thursday
May 22nd 7pm, and Thursday May 29th 7pm in the auditorium of the King
Philip Regional High School, Wrentham.
The Recital will feature a variety of performances by high school
students, from soloists to quintets. The public is invited; admission is
Garden Club of Norfolk - Perennial Plant Sale at Town Hill
Saturday, May 31, 2008; 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM"
6/4, 6/7
The Committee to Elect Tom Roache is offering a great local summer
activity for young people looking to make a difference in their
communities. Interested students and their parents are invited
to attend meetings on June 4th and 11th at 7PM at the Medfield
Public Library. We are also holding meetings at the Norfolk
Public Library on June 7th and 14th at 3PM. Independent
Candidate for state rep. in the 9th Norfolk district Tom Roache
will be on hand to discuss the campaign and the roles of volunteers
for the summer. This is a rare opportunity for young people
to influence a candidacy for state representative and gain experience
with a political campaign. To learn more visit
or email
Norfolk Community League 12th Annual 5K Run/Walk,
Saturday, June 7th,
Race Starts at 9:00 a.m. (registration 8:00-9:00 a.m.),
Holmes Field, Myrtle Street, Norfolk.
Come kick off Norfolk Community Day by participating in the NCL Annual
5k Charity Run/Walk.
This years proceeds will benefit Norfolk
Together, a non-profit organization that provides immediate financial
assistance to families in need. Free T-Shirts to the first 75 runners
registered, post race food and kids races. Registration is $15.00;
Kids Races $5.00 and Parking fee of $5.00 goes to the Norfolk Lions
and gets you admission to Norfolk Community Day! Registration form can
be found on
or register on race day.
WDIS AM 1170 30th Anniversary Open House and Field Day on
June 21st 10-3 PM
(Rain date: June 28)
Grounds for Divorce, featuring Norfolk residents Steve Claypoole, Ed
Freedman, Dennis Healy, and Salem resident Gifford Campbell, will be
playing a Town Hill Concert on Thursday, July 31, from 6:30 to 8:00
p.m. Great rock 'n roll music (not Oldies, as it says on the Recreation
Department flier). Don't miss it!
Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Opening Day - Sunday, September 7th. Mark your
calendars - this is a free event for all Lions Soccer players and their
Federated Church of Norfolk
Rally Day September 14th at 10:00 AM.
Please join us for inspiring worship including the dedication of our Sunday
School Teachers, Special Children's Message, a delicious brunch. Rally
Sunday is the start of the new church year and we will be launching our
"Becoming Our Vision" theme. FCON - Where the Church feels like home, and
the people feel family,. Welcoming, Serving, Seeking Christ Together.
Come, worship Christ with us.
For further information please contact the church office at 508-528-0262 or
contact Pastor Scott Cousineau via email at :
King Philip Music Association Bottle and Can Drive Saturday
September 20, 2008 10am-2pm. Collection bins at Main Street Hardware, KP
High and The Old Wood School in Plainville. KPMA collects empty,
returnable bottles and cans as a fundraiser for KP Music Programs.
All donations are greatly appreciated.
September 21 - 4th Annual Dunkin Donuts DARE to Run 5K & 1K Fun Run -
The King Philip High School Marching Band presents a preview of
it's 2008 show entitled "Love Sonata". Sunday September 21, 2008
at 6pm on the KP High Football Field. Admission is free. A cookout
will precede the performance with all proceeds going to the KP Music
Norfolk Girl Scouts Registration Event
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at Norfolk Public Library Community Room
from 6:00-8:30 PM.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts welcomes all girls ages 5 to 17 to
join the fun! Explore the fun, power & friendship that Girl Scouts has
to offer! For more information, please attend the retgistration event
or visit
9/24, 9/25
Advance Ticket Sale for 7th Annual Haunted Train Ride Weds. Sept. 24
and Thurs. Sept. 25 from 3 - 5 pm and 7 - 9 pm at Norfolk Public
Library. Tickets are $5 each. The Train Ride is geared to children
ages 5 and up. Ticket entitles bearer to one ride and are non
refundable. You must have a ticket to enter the parking lot. There are
a limited number of tickets to be sold to this popular event.
Co-sponsored by Norfolk Community League and Norfolk Lions Club. For
more information call Tracy H. at 508-541-2388 or Tara S. at
Federated Church of Norfolk
Harvest Supper September 27th at 5:30 PM
Please join us for a family dinner to celebrate the coming of fall. This
year the dinner will feature a Bake Sale, Bountiful Baskets, home grown
Produce Booth, and good old fashioned American Folk Music. A traditional
Ham and Bean or Chicken Casserole dinner with salad, cole slaw, corn break
and Apple Crisp will be served. Tickets are $15.00 for adults, $7.00 for
children or $45.00 for a family. FCON - Where the Church feels like home,
and the people feel family,. Welcoming, Serving, Seeking Christ Together.
Come, worship Christ with us.
For further information please contact the church office at 508-528-0262 or
contact Pastor Scott Cousineau via email at :
Wrentham artist June Morse exhibits at the Norfolk Library Meeting Room
September 3rd to 30th.
Reception will be Wednesday, September 3rd, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Come
and enjoy the evening, view the scenic watercolors, and meet the artist
June Morse who paints from Florida to Vermont. She has won many awards as
a Signature member of the Florida Suncoast Watercolor Society and the
Rhode Island Watercolor Society.
9/30, 10/1
King Philip Youth Lacrosse
reistration for the 2009 season will be held on Tuesday, Sept.
30 and Wednesday, Oct. 1 from 7:30-9pm at the King Philip North
Junior High School Cafeteria.
King Philip Marching Band Hosts Competitive Show Saturday October
4, 2008 Main Field KP High, 201 Franklin Street, Wrentham, MA.
Tickets are $8/Adult and $5/Students & Seniors Show begins at 6pm
Bands from across Southeastern Massachusetts set to perform.
The Garden Club of Norfolk October meeting:
Please join us on Wednesday, October 8 at 7:00 PM at the Norfolk Public
Library -- The Garden Club of Norfolk will host ``Confessions of a
Garden Writer'' by speaker Carol Stocker, Gardening Editor at the Boston
Globe. This speaker is co-sponsored by the Millis Garden Club.
10/17, 18, 24, 25
The Norfolk County Agricultural High School will be
conducting their annual "Haunted Hayride"
event on the evenings of October
17, 18, 24, and 25. The first wagon leaves at 7:00 pm and the last leaves
at 11:00. Admission is $10 per person - Children under 13 are $5. Hot
chocolate, snacks, and glow necklaces will also be available to purchase.
7th Annual Haunted Train Ride Saturday October 18th gates open from
4 until 8 pm. Raindate is Saturday, October 25th. Holmes Fields on
Myrtle Street. Must have a ticket to enter parking lot. Join us for
spooky fun, food and music! Haunted Train Ride is co-sponsored by
Norfolk Community League and Norfolk Lions. For more information
contact Tracy H. at 508-541-2388 or Tara S. at 508-384-6354.
Saturday, October 25th from 9am-12pm at 26 Berkshire Street.
The families of Girl Scout Troops 3615
and 4755 will be having a yard and bake sale to help families dealing
with cancer.
money raised will be donated to the Savoie family and used to buy games for
the childhood cancer unit at Children's Hospital. Other
families on Berkshire Street will also be having yard and bake sales so
please stop by and help a great cause!
Lions Club: next dinner meeting at the Horse 'n Carriage Restaurant on
Tuesday, October 28th at 7:30 pm. This is a reoccurring event on the
last Tuesday of every month, new members welcome.
10th Annual Halloween Candy Give-Back
The Norfolk Community League will be holding their 10th annual Halloween
Candy Giveback Event on Monday, November 3, 2008, from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
in the lobby of the Freeman Centennial School (70 Boardman Street,
Norfolk, MA)
St. Jude Women's Group is sponsoring a Holiday Craft Fair in the church
hall this Saturday, November 8th from 9:30-2:30. Unique craft and gift
items, "Hot dog heaven", baked goods, kids' shopping area, photos with
Santa, raffle items, live music from 11-1. Proceeds to charities.
The Norfolk Notations, a six piece music ensemble, will be playing
festive holiday music in Norfolk at St. Jude's Holiday Fair on
Saturday, November 8th. The group will be performing from 11:a.m. until
1:00 p.m. The group will be playing an interesting mix of traditional
holiday favorites. Come to the fair, get a jump on your holiday
shopping, and enjoy some great music. For more information on the
Notations, please message, or call
The Garden Club of Norfolk - November Meeting - open to the
public. Please join us on Wednesday, November 12 at 7:00 PM at
the Norfolk Public Library - speaker Paul Split - ``Holiday
Decorating: Topiaries to Swags.'' Our Annual Holiday Fund Raiser
Raffles will be drawn. Raffle tickets can be purchased at the door.
The Adirondack Club Holiday Fair is returning this year and promises to be
better than ever! The Holiday Fair returns to the club on Saturday,
November 15 from 9:00am until 3:00pm.
2008 Fashion Gala
Diva on a Dime -
Distinctive Fashions for Misses and Teens,
Sunday 11/16/2008,
1 - 3,
KP Middle School.
Proceeds to Norfolk Girl Scout Troop 3602.
Advanced sales $9. Call: 508 520 0079
year's Autumn Town Meeting will be on Tuesday, November 18 and (if we need a
second night) Wednesday, November 19 starting at 7 p.m. at the KP
Middle School.
KPHS first Five Nights event will be held at Monster
Golf on Route 1 in Norwood on Wednesday, November
26, from 6:00 - 9:00 PM. Students mentioning KPHS will get in for $6.00
that night. Students
gather your friends and come join the fun!
King Philip Music Association Wreath Sale - 14" double sided
evergreen wreaths from Canada Saturday November 29 9-12 pm, Center
School Parking Lot, Wrentham (Intersection of Routes 1A & 140) $13.
All proceeds to the KPMA.
Join us for Winter Week at the Norfolk Public Library!
Starting December
1st, we are having programs for all ages:
Twilight Tales: Monday, December 1, 6:30p--7:00p
Wear your jammies and slippers and snuggle with us while we read some of
our favorite winter tales. There will be also be songs, rhymes and a
craft. For children ages 3 and up. No registration is required, this is a
drop-in event.
Afternoon Movie, The Polar Express: Tuesday, December 2, 4:00p--6:00p
"Well, ya coming?"
"Why, to the North Pole, of course! This is the Polar Express!"
Relax with us the in Community Room to watch The Polar Express. No
registration is required; this is a drop-in movie event. Popcorn and
drinks will be served.
Santa's Workshop: Wednesday, December 3, 4:00p--6:00p
Join us in the Craft Room where you can make all kinds of festive
ornaments and other goodies! Parents and caretakers are encouraged to make
some as well. Ornaments start at 50 cents each. All proceeds go to the
Junior Friends of the Library. No registration necessary, this program is
Beedle the Bard's Big Bonanza! Thursday, December 4, 3:30 - 4:15
Experience the magic all over again! We are celebrating the release of
J.K. Rowling's The Tales of Beedle the Bard, a companion book to the Harry
Potter series. In the Community Room at the library, patrons invited on
their own quest for the three deathly hallows: the Elder Wand, the
Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak. We will also have drinks
and snacks while we read an excerpt from the new book. This program is
for children in grades 3 and up. Parents/caregivers are invited to stay
at the program, but not required. Please register with Andrea, Youth
Librarian, by calling 508-528-3380 x5 or send an e-mail to
Santa's Workshop: Saturday, December 6, 10:00a--2:00p
Join us in the Craft Room where you can make all kinds of festive
ornaments and other goodies! Parents and caretakers are encouraged to make
some as well. Ornaments start at 50 cents each. There will also be a bake
sale! All proceeds go to the Junior Friends of the Library. No
registration necessary, this program is drop-in.
The Norfolk Notations, a Norfolk based adult music ensemble, will be
playing festive holiday music at the Norfolk Fire Department's holiday
dinner for Seniors at the Federated Church on Saturday, December 6th,
from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. The Notations look forward to playing at this
annual holiday event. For further information about the Notations,
please message norfolknotations@gmailcom, or call (508)-520-1572.
KP Music Department presents its annual Winter Pops Concert.
Saturday December 6, 7pm. Doors Open at 6pm. KP High School Field
House. Admission $10/Adult, $5 Students/Seniors. KP Chorus, Concert
Band, Symphony Band and Marching Band set to perform.
Prolatio Singers and Players will present a concert of plainchant
and choral music from the 15th century to the 21st century for Advent,
Marian and Christmas at St. Mary's Church, 1 Church Sq. Franklink MA,
4pm. Suggested donation $5.
The Prolatio choral/instrumental group is a community-based
oraganization, conducted by Dennis Ferguson. The four-part choral group
works on musical repertoire from six centuries and takes great care to
develop and imporve perceptions of historically informed
interpretations, particularly the earlier Renaissance and Baroque
styles. Prolatio prepares several concerts throughout the year. This
concert is part of our 2008-2009 concert series.
December 19th is KPHS Night at Ficco's Bowladrome, from 6-9pm on
Friday, December 19. KPHS students with student ID and/or KP ``colors''
can get one lane of glow bowling (for up to four students) and shoes for
$24.00, OR 2 regular games and shoes for $6.50 (two games for the price
of one). Ficco's is located at 300 East Central Street (Route 140),
Franklin, MA, (508) 528-1142.
WDIS AM 1170 Holiday Open House
December 21, 2008
10 AM-3 PM.
Come celebrate the holidays with WDIS on Saturday, December 21, at an open
house. Come in to our studio at 100 Pond Street in Norfolk, MA at any time
between 10 AM and 3 PM and tour the station, meet WDIS radio personalities,
air your own holiday messages over the air, eat holiday cookies, and
decorate the WDIS Christmas Tree.
WDIS AM 1170,
100 Pond Street (Route 115)
Norfolk, MA 02056
The Three Stooges Film
Festival returns to the Orpheum! Don't miss your chance to see these
classic comedians on the big screen! You can engage in our "Stooges
Trivia Challenge," win our "Stooges Look-a-like Contest" and dance the
"Curley Shuffle!" Bring the whole family to this special event as the
Stooges once again prove their comedy is as timeless as ever!!!
December 26th - 28th,
Friday, December 26th at 2pm & 7pm,
Saturday, December 27th at 2pm & 7pm,
Sunday, December 28th at 2pm & 7pm
Norfolk Cooperative Preschool will be holding their annual Open House
for the 2009-2010 school year on Thursday, January 8th from 12pm to 1pm.
NCP accepts children 2.9 to 5 years of age. Now is the time to
register your child for preschool!! If you are unable to make
the Open House and would like more information please call 508-528-3660.
5th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood & Bone Marrow Drive
Saturday, January 10, 2009
For appointments or information, please feel free to contact
[more here ...]
WDIS AM 1170 open house,
January 10, 2009,
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
Come meet WDIS radio show hosts and personalities, eat donuts, and air your
own messages over the radio while touring the WDIS radio studios.
WDIS AM 1170,
100 Pond Street (Route 115),
Five Nights - January 24, 2009:
Patriots' Place
"The Hall and Showcase Cinemas."
KP students can go to "The Hall" and the Patriots Museum,
for the discounted price of $7.00 beginning at 6:00 P.M., and
they can go to the Showcase Cinemas at a substantial discount
if they purchase their tickets in advance from the Triple A in
Franklin on Route 140, near the Stop 'n Shop (Triple A membership
is not required for this event just KP ID or clothing).
Triple A is offering the options below for the showcase tickets
to the students from January 19 to January 24.
KP students may purchase:
1. Four tickets for $31.00- a savings of
$2.75 per ticket or
2. A package of 2 tickets, 2 large drinks,
and 1 large popcorn for $27.50- a
savings of over $15.00
2/7 Chili Festival Ticket Sales 10 am - 1 pm Norfolk Library.
Norfolk & Franklin Lions Club 2nd Annual Chili Fest, Date: February 28,
2009 Time: 6:00pm Location: St. Jude's Church, Main St. Proceeds to
benefit the Food Pantry Adults: $12:00 Child (12 & under) $4:00 For
more information contact: Cathy W. at
or call: 508 520 0079
2/12, 2/19, 2/26
All are welcome! Please join us at The Federated Church of Norfolk
for an
interactive workshop on how faith impacts the workplace. Contact Kevin @
or call 508-272-6818.
Thursday February 12th: 6:30 to 7:30 Working with Faith - Faith at
Thursday February 19th: 6:30 to 7:30 Working with Faith -
Faith-Filled Decisions!
Thursday February 26th: 6:30 to 7:30 Working with Faith - Faith in
this economy?
Have your young ones come to Stony Brook for February Vacation Week.
Vacations don't have to be far from home to be fun! Come explore Stony
Brook in the winter. Join us for our vacation week program: "Winter
habitats and the critters that live there." Programs run each day from
9:00am - 3:30pm.
Tuesday, February 17th: New England Forests
Wednesday, February 18th: Fields and Meadows
Thursday, February 19th: Wetland Wonders
Friday, February 20th: Your Own Backyard.
Come one day or all four. Ages 5-10. Fee: $40m/$47nm. Call 508-528-3140
to register.
The Norfolk Community League will be
hosting a Bowling Morning Out at Ficco's Bowladrome in Franklin on
Friday, February 20th from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Cost is $8 per
person, shoe rental included.
The 4th of Five Nights.
KP HIGH School students will receive a discount
for snow tubing at Ward Hill. Show your school ID and/ or colors from 5-7 pm.
Tubing will be $20.
KPHS Father/Daughter Dance
This year's Father/Daughter Dance will be
held on Friday, February 27, from 6:30-
11:00 P.M. at the Lakeview Pavilion.
The Network will be selling tickets at the
high school during the lunch block from
mid-December through mid-February.
Tickets are $50.00 per couple.
If you are interested in helping out with the dance, please contact
Jean N. at
Norfolk/Franklin Lions Chili Fest!! Competition is warming up along
with lots of chili! Tickets are on sale now for the 2nd Annual Chili Fest.
Adults/teens - $12, child under 12 - $4. A small price to pay for so much...
great chili, great fun, & a great cause to support. Proceeds will benefit
the local Food Pantry. It's going to be a great evening, we have the
following competitors lined up: the Longhorn Steakhouse, 3, The Best Deli,
Toms Tavern, Eagle Brook, and the Horse & Carriage Restaurant. Will the
Eagle Brook reign again?, or will they be outdone by the competition this
year?? Come be a part of the voting fun on 6:00pm, St. Judes Church,
Norfolk, MA.
The Norfolk Historical Commission and the Community Preservation Commission
are sponsoring a joint meeting with representatives from the Mass Historical
Commission about the National Register of Historic Places at the Library
meeting room on Tuesday March 3rd at 7:00. There are 10 areas in
town that are eligible to be listed on the National Register as small
districts. All residents are welcome to come to the meeting to learn about
the National Register of Historic Places. There will be a slide show,
refreshments and discussion about this important historic designation.
Registration for Vikings Pop Warner football and cheerleading will be held
Saturday, March 7 from 9-11 AM at the H. Olive Day School. Kids between the
ages of 7-15 (as of August 1) are eligible to play, with weight guidelines
for football. For more information go to the Vikings website,
Sicko. The Norfolk Democratic Town Committee is sponsoring
the showing of Michael Moore's award winning movie "Sicko" which
compares the quality of health care in the United States to many
countries around the world. You will laugh, you will cry, but above all
you will be shocked and inspired to engage in discussions about the huge
and historic changes coming to the health care system in America. This
is no ordinary documentary! Friday night, March 13th at 7:30. Community
Room, Norfolk Public Library. All are welcome, it's free, frightening,
and fitting for Friday the 13th!
March 14, 2009 Norfolk Energy Awareness Day Fair at the Norfolk Town
Library from 11:00 to 3:00. The purpose of the fair is to educate
individuals on a variety of ways that they can save both energy and
money. Norfolk Troop 80 Boy Scouts will be on-hand to distribute energy
saving brochures, reusable grocery bags and energy efficient light bulbs
available at no charge for attendees to take home with them.
The Norfolk Board of Health is sponsoring a spring rabies clinic for dogs
and cats of residents of Norfolk and surrounding towns. The clinic will
be held on Saturday, April 4, 2009 from 8:00 - 10:00 A.M. at the Norfolk
DPW Garage--33 Medway Branch Road. The cost is $10.00 per animal and will
be given by Dr. Shelley Sandler, D.V.M. Previous rabies certificates must
be presented in order to qualify for a three-year vaccination. All dogs
must be leashed and cats must be confined to a carrier or pillowcase. For
more information, please contact the Norfolk Board of Health office at 508-
The Friends of the Norfolk Library will hold their annual Book
& Bake Sale on Saturday April 25 from 9:00 am to 4 pm at the Norfolk DPW
Garage on 33 Medway Branch Road. The Friends Only Preview Sale will be
held Friday evening April 24 from 6:00-9:00 pm. A 2009 Friends
Membership is required for admission to the Friday night sale.
Memberships starting at $15.00 are available at the door beginning at
5:00 pm. Current 2009 Friends members are admitted at no charge. Be
sure to bring your library card with sticker as proof of your
membership. For more information visit our web site at
The bluegrass musical group Southern Rail will hold a concert at the
Federated Church performing gospel & contemporary music.
The concert is Saturday April 25th at 7:00 p.m. The cost is adults $10 and
$5 for children under 12.
For more information please call the church 508-528-0262
Free Seminar on New Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines
Do you pay or receive child support?
If you do, or expect to in the near future, then you may want to join
Attorneys Stephen McDonough and Laurie Martucci from the Norfolk law firm
of Wagner McDonough LLP, for an informative seminar focusing on the recent
sweeping changes to the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines.
Registration requested but not required. Refreshments provided.
Two sessions will be offered, Tuesday March 24 from 7pm - 9 pm; or
Saturday, April 25, from 2pm - 4 pm. Both sessions will be held at the
Norfolk Public Library located at 139 Main Street.
To register, please call Attorney Martucci at 508-528-4007 or email
King Philip Middle School students
Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Jr.
Friday, May 1st at 7:30pm,
Saturday, May 2nd at 7:30pm,
Sunday, May 3rd at 3pm
in the KPMS auditorium -
18 King Street, Norfolk, MA.
Tickets $5.00 - For more information call 508-541-7324 ext. 126
Annual Town Election
Polls will be open on Tuesday, May 5th from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. All
precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of building),
232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
To receive a ballot by mail or for further information about absentee
voting, contact the Town Clerk's Office at 508-528-1400.
May 8 & 9, 2009 - The Garden Club of Norfolk invites you to ``Visual
Delights - Flowers and Paintings'' to be held Friday, May 8 from 7:00 PM
to 9:00 PM and Saturday, May 9 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Norfolk
Public Library, Community Room. Refreshments will be served on Friday
evening. Open to the public at no charge. The show will showcase the
work of local artists, which may include sculpture and photography as
well as paintings. Each art piece will be interpreted in a floral
arrangement, arranged by a Garden Club member. Floral arrangement silent
auction to be held.
5/12, 5/13
Norfolk's Annual Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 13, and
Wednesday, May 14, starting at 7 p.m. each night at the KP Middle
The Garden Club of Norfolk - Perennial Plant Sale
at Town Hill - Saturday,
May 30, 2009 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Open to the public.
Norfolk Community Day is Saturday, June 6th.
Norfolk Baseball is happy to host the second annual Family Movie Night
Under the Stars scheduled for Saturday, June 13 at the Major League
Field at the Freeman Centennial School. The night will begin with Steve
Zany, ventriloquist/magician at 7:15 pm. This is a benefit for the
Norfolk Food Pantry and the Norfolk Animal Shelter. Admission is a
donated food/toiletry item and a donated item for a dog or cat.
Bring a blanket and a snack. Hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks and popcorn
will be available. All are welcome.
Car Wash Fund-raiser for King Philip Boys Soccer at KP High School this
Saturday July 11th from 9 am to 3 p.m. Please come and support our soccer
players. Car wash $5.00.
7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/11, 8/13
Norfolk Summer Concerts on Town Hill start July 2nd.
Come and enjoy terrific musical performances by local artists! Bring a
blanket or chair and settle in for some great music. All concerts are
6:30-8PM. Concerts will not be held if there is rain.
Call 508-520-1315 for updates.
Thursday, July 9
Thursday, July 16th
Thursday, July 23rd
Thursday, July 30
Thursday, August 6
Tuesday, August 11
Thursday, August 13th
August 24 - 28 - MLS Camp for U4, U5, & U6 - visit
for more information
Sunday, Sept 13 - Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer Opening Day Celebration!
Sunday, September 20, 2009 - 5th Annual Norfolk Dunkin Donuts DARE to Run
NCL Nearly
New Kids & Sports Sale is scheduled for Saturday, September 26 from
9am - 1pm.
Please join the Norfolk Fire Department for fun, food and demonstrations
at the annual open house. It is being held on Saturday, October 3rd from
11am to 2pm at the police and fire station.
Introduction to Home Energy Saving Seminar Coming to Norfolk, Massachusetts on
Thursday, October 15, 2009,
7:00 p.m.
Norfolk Public Library, Community Room
Attend this free seminar: Introduction to Home Energy Savings to learn
hands-on ways you can reduce home energy use and expenses.
Refreshments provided. It is hosted by the Town of Norfolk Energy
Committee with presentations by the Massachusetts Municipal
Cost: FREE
Contact: Lynn G., 508-541-8428,
The 8th Annual Haunted Train Ride, co-sponsored by the Norfolk Community
League and Norfolk Lions Club will take place on Saturday, October 17th
with a rain date of Saturday, October 24th. Through the generosity of
the Holmes Family, it will be held at the Holmes Fields on Myrtle
Street. Gates will be open from 4 pm until 8 pm.
History On the Hill
October 28, 2009
7:00 PM
Room 214
Town Hall
Come meet the Robichauds, Acadians who came to North Wrentham in 1759, victims
of North America's first Ethnic Cleansing.
Sponsored by the Norfolk Historical Commission.
The Norfolk Board of Health and Council on Aging, in conjunction with the
Walpole Area Visiting Nurse Association, is sponsoring its annual seasonal
Flu Clinic for Norfolk residents on Thursday, October 29, 2009, from 1:00
p.m. - 3:00 p.m., at the Senior Center, located at 28 Medway Branch Road.
The Vikings Pop Warner program is sponsoring the Monster Dash 5K Run/Walk on
Saturday October 31. This is a fun run for the whole family, with costumes
optional and kids races after the 5K. It will start at 10:00 AM at the
Freeman Centennial School. There will be age group prizes, a best costume
award, and post-race food. Go to
for more information and a race application.
Saturday, October 31, 2009, is the last day to register to vote at the
Special Town Meeting to be held on November 10, 2009.
St. Jude's Annual Christmas Craft Fair - Saturday, November
7th from 9:30 - 2:30. Many different crafters, homemade goodies
and raffles . Come for lunch at Hot Dog Heaven. Interested in
being a crafter? Contact Carol @ 781-326-1368.
10/25, 11/1, 11/8
Dr. Kumkum Malik will offer a three part series of
conversations around how mothers can view the teenage years as a growth
opportunity for themselves. These conversations will focus on the mother's
journey, and the road forward. This workshop will not be addressing how to
parent teens.
When: Sundays, 2.30-4.30, on October 25th, November 1, November 8
Where: Library Meeting Room
Cost: Free of charge
What to bring: Pen & paper
Registration: Please call the library at 508-528-3380 x.2 to register
You are cordially invited to the Interfaith Foxboro Christian Women's
"Antique Lovers" luncheon.
Tuesday November 10 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive, Lafayette
House Route 1 Foxboro, MA.
Reservations by November 8 by calling Arline 508-883-8588.
Please come and meet Janice Axberg of Norfolk and a devoted antique
lover. She will present "Antiques - Show and Tell" giving
information about old books and tips on cleaning antiques. You are
welcome to bring one small item for Janice to look at.
Isabel Burch from Bellingham will share her music on the keyboard.
Anne Sauerbrey from E. Greenwich, RI will share "You can't do it.
It's already done." Come find out what's already done! Invite a
friend - He or she will be glad you did!
Special Town Meeting
The Garden Club of Norfolk Inc is holding their Annual Fall Fund Raiser "Holiday
Magic and Christmas Traditions"
on Wednesday November 11th at 7pm at the Norfolk Public Library. The speaker will be
the renowned and entertaining, Betty Call, who will make several floral arrangements
and talk about the origins of the many ways we decorate for the holidays.
The event is open to the public and there is a suggested $10 donation. This includes a
ticket for door prize raffle of one of Betty's floral arrangements. There will also be
a raffle of the rest of her creations and also several themed gift baskets made by GC
members open to all. Space is limited. Please contact Joanne W. at 508 528 8526 for
further details.
11/13, 11/14
KP Girls "Ice Hockey" Fundraiser
Ski & Snowboard Sale -- Better than the internet!
New & Used Equipment.
When: Fri. Nov. 13th 6pm - 9Pm & Sat. Nov. 14th 9am - 2pm
Where: King Philip High School - Cafeteria,
201 Franklin Street, Wrentham.
Alpine Skis & Boots- entry level to expert,
Snowboards & Boots,
Telemark Ski,
Cross Country Equipment,
Twin Tips,
Jacket & Pants,
Goggles & Gloves,
Cargo & Ski Bags.
Be Early! - Many One of a Kinds - Limited Quantities.
20% of all proceeds go directly to our self-funded team
Wednesday, November 18, 2009, is the last day to register to vote at the
Special State Primary and/or the Special Town Election, both to be held on
December 8, 2009. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new
resident, or will become 18 on or before November 18th may register by mail
or in person at the Town Clerk's Office. Regular office hours are Monday
through Thursday, 9:00AM to 6:00PM. On Wednesday, November 18th, the
office will be open from 9:00AM until 8:00PM pursuant to Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 51. Mail in registration forms must be postmarked by
November 18th or earlier in order to qualify.
Annual Holly Fair at the Federated Church of Norfolk this Saturday
November 21 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Enjoy Artistic Wood Crafts,
Children's Shopping, Santa's visit from 10:00 to 11:00, Church Mice
Crafter's, Handmade Candy, Baked Goods, Attic Treasures, and share
Luncheon at 11:30 AM. For more information call 508-528-0262 or
The King Philip Middle School PTSO is sponsoring a Pizzeria Uno
Doughraiser/Fundraiser on Tuesday, November 24th at Uno Chicago Grill, South
Street, Wrentham Village Outlets. All day long a portion of your sales check
(dine in, take out, or gift certificate) will go directly to the King Philip
Middle School. You will need to present a KPMS/UNO ticket when paying.
Tickets are available on the KP Middle School website (
) or at the following locations in
town: Norfolk Public Library, Something Special, Daley Service Station,
Carol's Place/Dry Cleaners, Linda's Variety, and KMK Cleaners. Take a day
off from cooking next week, pick up a ticket, and support King Philip Middle
12/13/09 and 12/16/09:
The Prolatio Singers and Players will present a free concert of sacred
music at St. Mary's Church in Franklin 12/13/09 at 7:30 pm and at the
Federated Church of Norfolk 12/16/09 at 7:30pm. The group is a
community choral ensemble which performs several times a year. The
repertoire of our December concert will include seasonal music of Tomas
Luis Victoria, Michael Praetorius, Hieronymus Praetorius, Sergei
Rachmaninov, as well as plainchant and Medieval part music.
History on the Hill
The Norfolk Historical Comission will present its second program
in the current History on the Hill series on December 30, 2009.
The topic : "Did George Washington Sleep Here in the Josiah Ware
Tavern in 1776 ?" The program is scheduled in Room 214 in the
Norfolk Town Hall at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 with
a snow date the following Wednesday, January 6, 2010. We'll
explore the story and examine the evidence and you can decide if
Washington stopped in North Wrentham (now Norfolk) on his way to
New York after the siege of Boston ended with the British evacuation
from Boston on March 17, 1776. Came join us for another chapeter
in local history.
You are cordially invited to the Interfaith Foxboro Christian Women's
Christmas luncheon.
Tuesday January 12 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive, Lafayette
House Route 1 Foxboro, MA Reservations by January 10 by calling
Arline 508-883-8588.
Pam Cobb from Medway will share helpful tips and suggestions to
help you keep your New Year's resolution to eat healthier. Bonnie
Rodrigues, a soprano from Bellingham, will warm your heart with her
special musical selections. Karen Low, a Franklin writer, speaker
and teacher will present ``Living Hope''.
Invite a friend - He or she will be glad you did!
The Norfolk Town Moderator has formed a Norfolk ad hoc Town Meeting
Technology Committee. The intention is that the committee will explore
available or developing technology to increase voter education and
participation in the Town Meeting process.
The Norfolk Board of Health will be holding an H1N1 Vaccination Clinic on
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 from 3:30-6:30 at the King Philip Middle School,
18 King Street, Norfolk. The clinic is open to all Norfolk residents,
including children 9 and under who need a second vaccine. No appointments
are necessary. Vaccine information and consent forms for adults and
children are available on the Norfolk town website at and the King Philip Regional School website at
[pdf link]
If you have any questions, please call the Board of Health office at 508-528-7747
Norfolk Dinner Club - January 26, 2010.
Chase away the cold and dark with some homemade comfort food and
fellowship! The next Norfolk Dinner Club will be held on January 26th
at the Norfolk Senior Center. The menu will be beef stew, biscuits,
and fresh salad. Anyone who has attended in the past will tell you that
we have an equally good time preparing and consuming our efforts! The
cost to participate is $10.00 per person. We welcome participation by
all Norfolk adults. Because of the long cooking time required to
properly prepare the main dish this month, we will be prepping the beef
stew on Monday afternoon the 25th. Tuesday morning a few of us will
assemble to start the cooking. Late Tuesday afternoon, we will meet to
prepare the biscuits, salad and a dessert and set up for dinner. Dinner
itself is scheduled for 6:15; we welcome diners who aren't interested
or able to assist with cooking. Please call or email the senior center
at 508-528-4430 (
) by January 21st to sign up.
St. Jude Womens Group sponsoring a Trivia Night on Saturday, January
30, 2010 at 7:00 . All are invited. Admission is $10 per player,
Teams are limited to ten players. Send your team name, player's
name and admittance fee to the St. Jude Womens Group, PO Box 91,
Norfolk, MA 02056. Any questions, please call Kim G. at
You are cordially invited to the Interfaith Foxboro Christian Women's
Valentine luncheon affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries.
Tuesday February 9 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive, Lafayette
House Route 1 Foxboro, MA. Reservations by February 7 by calling
Arline 508-883-8588.
Red Cross Blood Drive - Saturday, February 13, 2010, 9:00 - 2:00,
St. Jude Church, 86 Main Street, Norfolk, MA. Blood supply is
running low and we need you now more than ever. To make an
appointment, please call 1-800-733-2767, visit
or call Julie D. at 508-520-3303.
Norfolk Lions to Host Awareness & Information Night -
Learn about the Norfolk Lions - Thursday, Feb 18th @ 7pm.
Want to make a difference? Want to feel as though you are "giving back"
to your community? In these challenging times, it is so important to truly
be part of your community and for all of us to work together. That's
exactly what the Norfolk Lions do every day!
Bingo fundraiser for disaster relief in Haiti -
You're invited to the area's Biggest Tupperware Party!
The Party Box,
139 Mechanic Street, Route 140,
Bellingham, Massachusetts -
Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 6:30 PM.
Everyone will receive a Bingo card just for attending.
Raffle tickets will be sold throughout the evening for "special drawings".
Gather up your friends, family, neighbors and come have fun.
Ask me how to turn the night into your own Tupperware party and earn free Tupperware products.
Make it a Girl's Night Out!
We need a minimum of 15 people to hold event
Adults only please - BYOB.
RSVP so we can plan for a fantastic night!
Don't keep this a secret! Share this email with everybody! The people of
Haiti will appreciate it!
Reminder to all dog owners:
Dogs must be licensed by February 25, 2010 to avoid the $50 late fee (per
dog). Please mail in your license renewals today, or stop by the Town Clerk's office
Monday - Thursday between 9am - 5pm to license your dog(s).
This month on
February 23rd Norfolk marks her 140th birthday. The program on the
24th will describe the events in 1870 which led to the incorporation of
Norfolk and present a narrated slideshow of the celebration of its
Centennial in 1970. Join us on the 24th! Happy birthday, Norfolk.
The first History on the Hill program , 2010, sponsored by the Norfolk
Historical Commission is on February 24, 2010, in Room 214 at the
Norfolk Town Hall at 7:00 PM. Snowdate is March 3rd.
Norfolk & Franklin Lions to sponsor third annual Chili-Fest Contest!
If you attended before, you know what to expect... mouth watering chili
samples from several local restaurants. Add fresh toppings, corn bread,
dessert... a beverage or two. Save the date... February
27, 2010.
March 1, 2010 - deadline to register for NLYS Spring Soccer!
for more information.
King Philip Middle School Drama Club presents
"Schoolhouse Rock Live, Jr."
Friday March 5th @ 7pm and Saturday March 6th @ 7pm
In the KPMS Auditorium
Tickets are $5 and available at the door.
You are cordially invited to the St. Patrick's Day luncheon sponsored
by the Foxboro Christian Women's Club that is affiliated with
Stonecroft Ministries.
Tuesday March 9, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive, Lafayette House
Route 1 Foxboro, MA.
Reservations by March 7 by calling Arline 508-883-8588
Writing Norfolk Women Back into History -
On Monday March 15 at 7 p.m. the Norfolk Public Library will host
a reception to honor some of Norfolk's women whose contributions
helped to shape the town's history. Their stories have been videotaped
and a book is being made to preserve this important part of Norfolk's
The project coordinators are Bonnie Dittrich, Chris Cleverdon, and
Betty Lehan. Their efforts are in observation of National Women's
History Month. This year's theme is ``Writing Women Back into
Interviews have collected the oral history of 9 Norfolk women and
have been recorded by Norfolk Community TV to create 6 episodes.
Each week 2 episodes will be shown back to back on Comcast's channel
8 and Verizon's channel 41 in Norfolk. Here are the current show
Sunday at 1 p.m. Monday at midnight, 9:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Tuesday
at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at midnight, 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. Thursday
at 9:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Friday at midnight and 1 p.m. Saturday
at 9:30 a.m. And every day at 6:30 a.m.
Nutrition presentation at HOD -
The Nutrition Task Force was formed in January and consists of
parents, school administrators and the food service director for
the K-6 school district. Our group's mission is to educate and
encourage families to improve their life by choosing healthy foods
and leading an active lifestyle while considering our impact on the
Norfolk Public Library Presents
"Who Does She Think She Is?"
Movie screening: March 24th at 6:30
This film examines some of the most pressing issues of our time: parenting
and work, partnering and independence, economics and art. The film follows
five women artists as they navigate the economic, psychological, and
spiritual challenges of making work outside the elite art world. From
Hawaii's Big Island to the suburbs of Ohio, from New York City to the
deserts of New Mexico, we watch as these women-ranging in age from 27 to
65-fight to honor their vision and their families every day. The screening
will be followed by a panel discussion.
Norfolk Community FCU is working hard to provide you, our members, great
service, competitive financial products and access to information you need
to make sound financial decisions.
We are pleased to announce a Mortgage Seminar for our members and other
interested members of our the communities we serve. Seminar will take place
on April 8th at 6:30 PM in our branch at 194 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
Mortgage Seminar will cover topics related to home buying and refinancing.
You will have access to our mortgage specialist, local real estate attorney
and real estate agent. We will discuss conventional real estate loans,
government backed real estate loans (including 3.5% down FHAs) and related
legal topics.
Come with questions. We will have answers. Visit us on
Looking for quality childcare? Millis Country Day School is having
an Open House on Saturday April 10th from 9am to Noon. MCDS is a
full day school that enrolls children ages 8 weeks through Kindergarten.
They also have a school aged program for children 6 yrs to 12 yrs
old. Registration Fees are waived at the Open House for new families.
Any questions please call the director Catherine at 508-376-8425
or email her @
You are cordially invited to a Spring Luncheon sponsored by the
Foxboro Christian Women's Club that is affiliated with Stonecroft
Speaker Marcea Ewald from Brownsville VT will share her story
``Through the Storm - the Process and Purpose of Pain.'' Want a
fresh idea on Spring Cleaning? Sandy Burke of Norfolk and Nancy
Wentling of Foxboro will tell about their unique clean up method
``The Swap''! Performing songwriter Rhonda Matson of Franklin will
truly put a spring in your step with her delightful music.
Tuesday April 13, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive at the Lafayette
House Route 1 Foxboro, MA. Reservations by calling Arline 508-883-8588
Wednesday, April 21, 2010, is the last day to register to vote at the
Special State Election (May 11th), the Annual Town Election (May 11th) and
the Annual Town Meeting (May 18, 2010). Anyone who has not previously
registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before May 11th may
register by mail or in the office of the Town Clerk. Regular office hours
are Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Town Hall is closed on
Friday. On Wednesday, April 21st, the office will remain open until 8:00PM
for Voter Registration. Mail in registration forms must be postmarked by
April 21st or earlier in order to qualify.
The Friends of the Norfolk Public Library will hold its annual Book and
Bake Sale on Saturday, April 24, 9 am to 4 pm at the DPW Garage on Medway
Branch in Norfolk. With over 30,000 fiction and non-fiction books, most
priced between $.50-$2.00, the event is no ordinary book sale. The Saturday
sale is open to all. Friends of the Library are welcome at the Friends-
Only Preview and Sale on Friday, April 23, 6-9 pm. Friends memberships
starting at $15.00 are available at the door beginning at 5:00 pm. For
more information go online at
It's worth the trip to Norfolk, the small town with the very BIG book sale!
History on the Hill -
The Norfolk Historical Commission's April
program will be ``Norfolk Women Who Made a Difference.''
It is scheduled for Wednesday, April 28, 2010 in the Gazebo on Town Hill at 7:00PM.
If the weather is inclement, it will move to Room 214 in the Town Hall.
Subjects for this talk will be:
Bertha Fales, Author of
the History of Norfolk;
Agnes Bristol, Benefactor of the Stony
Brook Nature Center;
Laura McClure, Town Librarian for 30
H. Olive Day, Norfolk Educator for 40
Come join us and learn about the contributions these four women made to
our Town.
The Annual SADD Walk of Tears in loving memory of Maura Howard, a graduate
of King Philip High School and Amy Callaghan of Franklin High School, both
victims of drunk driving, will take place at King Philip Regional High
School on Sunday, May 2, 2010.
Registration begins at 11:00am with an 11:30am start in front of the main
The walk is approximately 3 miles and there will be refreshments and water
Please join the Walk and unite with us in this very worthy cause against
needless injuries and deaths caused by destructive decisions.
Thank you from the students of King Philip and Franklin High Schools. Rain
or shine, we hope to see everyone there!
The polls will be open on Tuesday, May 11th from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. All
precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of building),
232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
5/8, Yard sale on Saturday, 5/8 from 8am-2pm at 71 Boardman Street. Rain
date: Sunday, 5/9. New and gently used items. Clothing, shoes, kids toys,
gifts for special occasions.
Wed, May 12, 7:00 pm at the Library.. The Garden Club of Norfolk
How to attract birds to your back yard - speaker Doug Williams, Director
of Stony Brook Audubon Sanctuary. This program is open to the public,
please join us.
The Norfolk Historical Commission will present an exhibition of paintings by local
artist Horace Hamlin. These paintings depict historic sites in Norfolk around the
turn of the Twentieth Century.
The Exhibition is scheduled for Sunday,
May 16, 2010 from 2:00-4:00 PM in the Tramp House on Town Hill. Come
join us May 16th and view these fabulous paintings
of Norfolk 100 years ago.
Tuesday May 18 and Wednesday May 19 Town Meeting will be held starting at 7:00
PM in the King Philip Middle School on King Street.
The Garden Club of Norfolk will be holding their Annual Perennial Plant
sale on Saturday May 22nd on the Town Hill from 9am until 12 noon. A wide
variety of perennials will be available at a reasonable price. Garden
Club members will be on hand to answer questions about planting and
Cocktails For A Cure - Maddie's Mission of Hope
Please join us for a fun night out, to support PMC Team, Pedals For
Pediatrics, in memory of Maddie Savoie.
Please join us for the return of Connor's Fun Run, Sunday May 23rd,
11:00am starting at HOD school. 5k Fun Run and Walk. For more
information go to
Sunday, 5/23... Bake Sale at the Connor's Fun Run. Girl Scout troop 3615
will be selling cookies, brownies and other baked goods to help raise money
for Connor and SMA. Please stop by and support a great cause!
Antiques Night, sponsored by the Norfolk Council on Aging and the
Friends of the Norfolk Council on Aging, will be held Friday, June 4th
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Norfolk Senior Center, 28 Medway Branch
Road. Participants will be charged $7 for a single item or $10 for two
items (two item limit) for an appraisal by professional appraiser, Bob
Grabowski. No heavy furniture, sports trading cards, stamps, or coins
(unless gold). For further information email
Tuesday June 8 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive at the Lafayette
House Route 1. You are invited to a Hearts and Roses Luncheon
sponsored by the Foxboro Christian Women's Club that is affiliated
with Stonecroft Ministries. Brian Fitzgerald proprietor of Admiral
Fitzray Inn, a European-style hotel in the heart of Newport, RI
will share the history and opportunities at his historic Victorian
landmark in Wrentham - the Proctor Mansion Inn. Singer Ariana
Rostrom from Norton, MA will delight us with her alto voice. Beverley
Marini a resident of S. Easton will talk about ``God's Blessing in
a Rebellious Life'' - a God given husband, one godly son, and
God's gift of many grandchildren. Reservations by calling Arline
Norfolk Community Day Art Contest Deadline, extended to June 9, 2010 5pm.
The deadline for submitting entries for the Norfolk Community Day Art
Contest is fast approaching. We are looking forward to displaying many
Scenes Around Norfolk at Community Day on June 12, 2010 at the Holmes
Complex, 22 Myrtle St., Norfolk. More information about the contest can be
found by going to
and clicking on
Art Contest. There will be ribbons and prizes awarded, so hurry and submit
your entry by June 9 to:
Norfolk Lions,
c/o Ed Melanson,
40 Park Street,
Norfolk, MA 02056
Norfolk Community Day June 12, 2010, 11:30am - 4:30pm
Horace Hamlin's paintings of historic Norfolk sites will be displayed in
the Norfolk Public Library during the month of June by the
Historic Commission. Take a trip down Main Street as it was a century ago.
History on the Hill -
The fifth program in the series is scheduled
for Wednesday , June 23 , 2010 at 7:00 PM
in the Gazebo / Romm 214 Town Hall
weather permitting.
This month's program sponsored by the
Norfolk Historic Commission examines
Norfolk Men Who Have Made a Difference.
William Stanley -- Iron Molder who
worked on the thirty six columns that
hold up the Dome of the U. S.Capitol.
Dr James Mann -- who pioneered in
Small Pox Innoculations in 1800.
Dr Thomas Mann -- survivor of the Civil
War Prison at Andersonville.
Dr FranklinW. Mann -- author of The
Bullet's Flight From Powder to Target
and inventor of the Green Bone Cutting
George Holbrook -- founder of the
Holbrook Bell Foundry.
7/21 Lions Golf Tournament
12:30 tee time
at the Shining Rock Country Club in Northbridge, (just 1/2 hour from
This is a really fun event whether you are a scratch golfer or a duffer
me. $125 gets you 18 hoes, cart, Texas BBQ and a great opportunity to
spend a few summer hours with your friends, maybe surprise yourself with
incredible score (I will let you define ``incredible'') and win some
great prizes.
Proceeds to benefit the Norfolk Kids Place Playground
Thanks for your support of this fun mid-summer event!! Email:
7/1 - 8/5
Summer Concerts on Town Hill
The final program of the 2009 - 2010
History on the Hill series is scheduled for Wednesday, August 25, at 7:00 PM
in the gazebo on Town Hill, or room 214 in the Norfolk Town Hall depending on the weather.
You are cordially invited to a Health & Wellness luncheon sponsored
by the Foxboro Christian Women's Club which is affiliated with
Stonecroft Ministries. Tuesday September 14 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13
inclusive, Lafayette House Route 1 Foxboro, MA. Please make a
reservation by calling Arline 508-883-8588. Liz Eaton of W. Bridgewater
will present information on Health and Wellness products - Swedish
acupressure mats and EMF shield protectors for cell phones. Beth
Scott from Plainville will provide music with her sweet soprano
voice. Carol Martin from Accord, NY will share ``Out of the Darkness
Into the Light - Very Lost and Finally Found.'' A sometimes amusing
serious true life story!
Norfolk Lions is holding its 3rd annual Ridin for the Blind Motorcycle Run on
Saturday Sept. 25th. This fundraiser's purpose is to raise funds for AMVETS
Post 495's Veterans' Package Program and VetDogs - Veterans K-9 Corps.
VetDogs trains and provides assistance dogs for veterans who are blind,
visually impaired or have other disabilities. The Norfolk Lions has raised
over $5,000.00 foe Veteran programs.
The bike run will start & finish at AMVETS Post 495, 404 Village Street,
Signup for the Ride is on the day of the event from 9:00 - 10:30 AM. The
ride will take place from 10:30 - Noon. Price is $25.00 for driver, and $20.00
for rider. Non-cyclists and walk-ins are welcomed to enjoy the
festivities for $10.00. Fee includes a bbq, music, motorcycle stunt driver
demonstration, raffles, and a $1,0000 golf ball drop contest after the
bike run. For more information e-mail Norfolk Lions at
9/23, 9/24, 9/25, 9/26
September is Senior Center month and in celebration
Norfolk's bright and beautiful Senior Center (28 Medway Branch Road) will
be showcasing its wide range of community functions and services with an
Active Aging Week. A variety of programs will begin Sunday, September 19th
with a "Women's Friendship Tea"* (2-4 pm.), a celebration of Norfolk's many
diverse and talented women.
Throughout this event-filled week the following activities will be
taking place (all programs are free; those events followed by an asterisk
require pre-registration):
Monday Sept. 20: Monthly Council on Aging
Meeting, 9:30 a.m.; Yoga, 11:30 a.m.; Bingo, 1 p.m.; Wine-Tasting Party*,
6:30 p.m.;
Tuesday, Sept. 21: Healthy Breakfast*, 8:30 a.m.; Tai Chi
Class, 1 p.m.;
Wednesday, Sept. 22: Walk Club at the Stony Brook Wildlife
Sanctuary, 9:30 a.m.; Dinner Club*, 6:15 p.m.;
Thursday, Sept. 23: Health
Fair, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.;
Friday, Sept. 24: Pool, Ping-Pong, Pizza, Poker, and
Pretzels*, 5:30-8 p.m.;
Saturday, Sept. 25: Cookout & Games*, 12 p.m.-4
Sunday, Sept. 26: Big Screen Broadcast, Patriots vs. Buffalo, 1 p.m.
As with all Norfolk Senior Center activities folks of all ages are
welcome and encouraged to attend. For further info or to pre-register, call
(508) 528-4430.
Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary's 32nd Annual Fall Fair will be held
Saturday, September 25th from 10am-4pm (raindate, the next day). This
popular family event features over 40 crafters, children's games of all
kinds (from frog-golf to plinko), live animals, a bouncy house, face
painting and children's crafts, cupcake decorating, guided walks, and a
bake sale!
Solo Handbell Concert on September 25 - Kathie Fink will present
"Legacy," a solo handbell concert and tribute to her father, Larry
Fink Sr. and the Fink Family Handbell Ringers at 7 p.m. on September
25 at the Federated Church of Norfolk. She will be accompanied on
the piano by her friend Linda Maloney. The free concert will include
TV clips from 1963-65 of the Fink family and historical interviews
with Larry and his wife, Wilma. Kathie Fink began ringing handbells
with her family when she was nine years old. Today she is a founding
member and current ringer of Sonos Handbell Ensemble in the San
Francisco Bay Area. Come laugh at the early television recordings,
be moved by Kathie's solo ringing musicality, and refresh your
spirit with the timeless classics of the faith. An offering will
be taken. For more information about her tour go to
King Philip Marching Band to Host USSBA Show Saturday, Oct 2nd , will host 12 bands
from across Massachusetts on Saturday, October 2nd. The bands will
compete in the KP Fall Classic, a show sponsored by the United
States Scholastic Band Association. The event kicks off at 5:55pm
and the KP Marching Band will close the show at 9:15pm with their
performance of ``Wuthering the Storm''. ``Wuthering the Storm''
depicts the arrival and survival of the storm as portrayed through
the music of Shostakovich and Wagner. Tickets may be purchased at
the gate and are $8 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. The
King Philip Music Association will sponsor concessions and a 50/50
raffle. Please come out and enjoy local bands as they present their
2010 competitive shows. For more information visit the KP Music
website at:
[KP Music homepage].
The Garden Club of Norfolk, MA will present Carrie Brouwer, owner
of Flowers and More, Walpole MA at 7PM on Wednesday October 13,
2010 at the Norfolk Public Library. Ms. Brouwer program, Thanksgiving
and Holiday Arrangements, will provide instructions on how to make
arrangements for the holidays using different techniques than
normally used. This promises to be a fun filled and informative
meeting. Ms. Brouwers arrangements will be raffled off at the end
of the evening. Raffle tickets are $1.oo each or 6 for $5.00. The
raffle monies help support garden club functions as well as a
scholarship for a graduating high school student.A suggested $5.00
donation at the door for guests/non-club members is appreciated.
This also supplements the above activities.
Contact Mary Gould, garden club President, for additional information. Mary can be
reached by email at
or phone at 508-384-3966.
10th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Maze at Holmes Field, 22 Myrtle
Saturday, October 16th. Raindate Saturday, October 23rd.
New Hours: 5-9 pm.
Must have a ticket to enter parking lot.
The Norfolk Community Preservation Committee will hold a public forum on
Wednesday, October 20 at 7:00 to present draft plans for the passive and
active recreational uses at Town-owned property adjacent to the DPW yard
and transfer station on Medway Branch. The purpose of the forum is to
seek public input on the potential recreational uses on this property.
The consulting firm of Beals & Thomas will provide conceptual plans for
the property. In addition to the established trail system, the CPC is
considering uses such as playgrounds, picnic areas, golf driving range,
ice skating area, Frisbee golf, a spray (water) park, community garden,
and dog park. A survey will also be made available on-line in the future
to obtain Norfolk residents' input on potential uses.
The public forum will be held in room 124 of Town Hall.
Flea Market and bidding on Bountiful Baskets - this Friday 4 to 8 p.m. and
Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Federated Church in the center of
town. 508.528.0262 FMI.
Open House @ Bella Rosa Stable, Warren Dr, Wrentham October 24th
from 12pm - 4pm.
Bella Rosa has something for everyone! Full lesson program from
beginners to advanced riders, and for any age! Bella Rosa features
dressage, eventing and hunter/jumper disciplines. Full board and
training board are offered. New outdoor ring, an indoor, and plenty
of turnout make this a great opportunity. Many upgrades have been
made to this beautiful facility, must see with your own eyes! For
more information please contact Alexandria Quayle @ 508-561-4825.
through October
Wednesdays at the Walpole Farmers Market
Every Wednesday, from 3:00 - 8:00PM, rain or shine, through October,
visit the Farmers Market located in the rear parking lot of 944
Main Street in Walpole Center.
Residents from the area can come together for the opportunity to
buy locally grown and locally produced foods; and shop for other
tastefully made gifts and products. At the Market you will find:
fresh fruits and vegetables, beef, fish, cheese, jams, relishes,
baked goods, herbs, cider, honey, plants, flowers and much, much
more!. Offerings will change throughout the season so one will
need to come back often to find new wonderful and delicious items
each time.
Further information may be found at
History on the Hill -
The 2010 - 2011 series, spnsored by the Norfolk Historical Commission,
will begin Wednesday, October 27, 2010 in Room 214 of the Town Hall at
7:00 PM. This first program in the new series will be about how Norfolk
has honored her veterans. We will take a look at who they were and how
they have been remembered and honored. Come join us as we explore
another chapter in our local history.
10/4 - 10/30
The Norfolk Cultural Council presents Chloe Doge and Dick Cook's
photography in exhibition at the Norfolk Library from October 4th
through October 30th.
The King Philip Girls Ice Hockey team is holding a fund-raiser on
Saturday, October 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the center of Wrentham.
The fund-raiser will be a ski and snowboard tent sale. The following
items will be for sale: new and slightly used adult and kids skis with
bindings, snowboards with bindings, ski and snowboard boots, helmets,
goggles and gloves, snow shoes and accessories. Twenty percent of the
proceeds will be going to the team to help defray this season's cost. Get
a jump on your holiday shopping and support the team as they enter their
third season. Thank you.
The Norfolk-Medfield-Millis Vikings Pop Warner program is sponsoring the
Norfolk Monster Dash 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, October 30 at 10:00 AM. The
race will start and finish at the Freeman-Centennial School, 70 Boardman
St., Norfolk, MA. The registration fee is $20, only $10 for students. There
will be free t-shirts to the first 100 registered 5K runners, and prizes for
the first place male and female overall winners as well as age group prizes.
There will be kids races at 11:00 AM with a $5 registration fee. For more
information and a registration form go to,
or contact Lisa M. (508)942-3485 or Lisa
M. (774)993-9314 at
Open House @ October Farm's new location, 39 Miller St, Norfolk.
11/2, 11/9
Norfolk's Fall Town Meeting starts on Tuesday, 9-Nov-2010. The Town of
Norfolk wants to help its voters to better prepare for our Town
Meetings. The Town Moderator formed the Norfolk Town Meeting
Technology Committee (TMTC) and charged it to research, report and
make proposals to Town Meeting and the Moderator regarding the use of
technology to increase voter education, participation and ease of
operation of Town Meeting. The TMTC has recommended the
"OnlineTownhalls" website for the purpose of discussing the Warrant
articles prior to the Town Meeting. Warrant articles and their
Recommendations will be posted on a web-based, structured, discussion
forum (similar to a bulletin board system, but more highly
structured). This is a description of the process of gaining access to
the online forum.
[C o n t i n u e d . . .]
Please join us for the first St. Jude Youth Group Night for grades six
- eight on Friday, November 5 from 7-9pm. We will kick off with make
your own sundaes and brainstorm ideas for upcoming events. You can
RSVP through the St. Jude email at
Thank you.
10/2 and first Saturday of each month -
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on October 2
from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the vestry of the church. This is an "all you can
eat" breakfast featuring homemade pancakes, sausage, juice, coffee and
homemade cinnamon rolls. The breakfast is free for children under age 10.
A Pancake Breakfast will be held at the church the first Saturday of every
month with extended hours and a special menu brunch on Saturday, January 1,
2011. The Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and
Route 115 across from the Town Common. The church vestry is handicap
accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
[Note: an earlier announcement gave different dates - Wm.]
Woodside Montessori Academy will be holding an open house at their
two locations in Millis on Sunday, November 7, 2010 between 1:30
and 3:30 pm. You're invited to visit either the Primary (PreK and
K) & Middle School Campus at 350 Village Street and/or the Elementary
(Grades 1-6) Campus at 64 Exchange Street in Millis. For details
or directions, call 508.376.5320 or visit
The Garden Club of Norfolk, MA will present a holiday decorating
class featuring the talents of garden club members. The class will
be held at the Norfolk Public Library on November 10th at 7PM. The
completed arrangements as well as other seasonal items will be
raffled off at the end of the evening. Raffle tickets will be sold
at the door as well as during the evening. Refreshments will be
available for all visitors. A suggested non member donation of $5.00
to help support club activities is appreciated. For additional
information please call Mary G., our garden club president. Mary
can be reached by email at
or phone at
The Women's Fellowship of the Federated Church of Norfolk will hold their
annual Holly Fair on Saturday, November 20 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the
fellowship hall of the church. Coffee and Muffins will be available at 9:00
AM until the luncheon is served from 11:30 AM-2:00 PM. Santa will be
stopping by from 10:00-11:00 AM, so bring the children and your camera. The
church elves have been busy crafting a number of handmade items. There will
also be a silent auction, attic treasures, decorations, and a selection of
delicious homemade baked goods. Once again we will feature the delightful
holiday woodcrafts of Philip and Brenda Lukens. Unique to the Holly Fair is
a "Children Only" shopping area. Children will be able to purchase
Christmas gifts for their friends and family at very nominal prices.
Members of the youth group will be available to help the children with
their gift choices and gift-wrapping. The Federated Church of Norfolk is
located at the corner of Route 115 and Main Street in the center of
Norfolk, across from the Town Common. Adequate parking is located at the
back of the church and the fellowship hall and restrooms are handicap
The Federated Church of Norfolk, St. Jude's Roman Catholic Church of
Norfolk, the Original Congregational Church, St. Mary's Roman Catholic
Church, and Trinity Episcopal Church of Wrentham will present an Ecumenical
Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday, November 23rd at 7:30 PM in the sanctuary
of the Federated Church of Norfolk. The service will be led by Rev. Scott
Cousineau from the Federated Church and the clergy from all of the
participating congregations. The service will be highlighted by scripture
readings and music performed by an Ecumenical Choir, as well as the Praise
& Worship Group and Cathedral Bell Choir of the Federated Church. Light
refreshments will follow the service downstairs in the vestry of the
church. All area residents are cordially invited to attend. A free will
offering will be taken and shared between the Norfolk and Wrentham Food
Pantries. All area residents are invited to share in this special service
of Thanksgiving regardless of church affiliation.
10/2 and first Saturday of each month -
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on October 2
from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the vestry of the church. This is an "all you can
eat" breakfast featuring homemade pancakes, sausage, juice, coffee and
homemade cinnamon rolls. The breakfast is free for children under age 10.
A Pancake Breakfast will be held at the church the first Saturday of every
month with extended hours and a special menu brunch on Saturday, January 1,
2011. The Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and
Route 115 across from the Town Common. The church vestry is handicap
accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
Mark your calendars for
December 4th for the 15th annual Winter Pops Concert presented by the King Philip
Regional High School Music Department and the King Philip Music Association. This
year's theme is "Winter Holiday in the Italian Alps" and is guaranteed to put everyone
in the spirit of the season. The evening is modeled after the Boston Pops concerts at
Symphony Hall. Patrons can order delicious Italian-style food and beverages while
seated at tables in the High School Field House to be enjoyed while listening to music
played and sung by the school's acclaimed musicians and chorus students. The 2010
Marching Band will present their final standstill performance of their exciting show
"Wuthering the Storm" for which they won top honors at MICCA and the USSBA Northeast
Championship in Bridgeport, CT. Tickets may be purchased at the door, which opens at
6pm for the 7pm show, and are $10 for adults and $5 for seniors and students.
Norfolk Santa Parade Sunday, Dec 5th.
Santa Claus will roll into Norfolk on Sunday December 5th and a host of
groups will turn out to celebrate his arrival with a variety of
Santa's parade will begin at 3:30pm. at the Hillcrest Village on
Rockwood Road. Santa's elves, Frosty the Snowman and members of the
King Philip Regional High School Band, the Norfolk Police, area Cub and
Girl Scouts and fire trucks will lead the procession along Route 115,
through the center of town, turning right onto Liberty Lane and ending
at the Town Library.
At 4:00pm., residents are invited to have their pictures taken with
Santa in the Meeting Room of the Norfolk Library.
Also at 4:00pm., children are invited to bring their homemade ornaments
to help the adults decorate the Christmas tree. The Town Hill
celebration and tree lighting ceremony will include caroling by the H.
Olive Day Chorus and refreshments.
This annual community event is sponsored by the Norfolk Lions Club and
Norfolk Recreation Department, with the cooperation of the King Philip
Regional High School Band, Norfolk Scouts and the Norfolk Fire, Police
and Highway Departments.
Shop the Winter Market in Walpole!
Join us on Sundays, in November (14th, 21st) and December (5th,
19th), from 10:00am - 2:00pm, at the VFW Post #5188 located at 33
Robbins Road (next door to the Johnson Middle School) in Walpole.
You are cordially invited to a ``Mary'' Christmas luncheon sponsored
by the Foxboro Christian Women's Club, which is affiliated with
Stonecroft Ministries. Tuesday December 7, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13
inclusive, at the Lafayette House Restaurant Route 1 Foxboro, MA.
Please make a reservation by calling Arline 508-883-8588. Sherrie
Martinelli from Sudbury will present a special ``Mary's Heart''
mini-drama and will speak about Being a Christmas Light - You
Make a Difference. Mary Wallon from Bedford will get us in the
Christmas spirit with her special music.
Jingle Bell Run -- 5k Run/Walk
Date: Saturday, December 11, 2010 @ 11:00 AM at
H. Olive Day School,
Main Street.
Pre-registration before 12-5 $20.00 and $25.00 from 12-6 to 12-11 and Kids
14 and Under $10.00.
Race Day Registration will begin at 9:30A.
All of the race proceeds will go to the Santa Foundation. For more
information on the Santa Foundation please go to
For more information and a registration form:
[NCL pdf link]
or email
Norfolk Community League's Children's Holiday Party
Saturday, December 11, 2010
9:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m
H. Olive Day School Cafeteria.
Join Santa and Big Ryan's Tall Tales to celebrate the holiday season.
Big Ryan will delight and amaze children of all ages with stories and
There will also be holiday crafts & coloring, face painting, and a
continental breakfast.
Please bring your camera for a photo with Santa.
Everyone is welcome to wear their pajamas for a fun filled relaxing morning!
Please bring a donation to benefit the Norfolk Food Pantry (donations needed
include cereals, pasta sauce, peanut butter, canned vegetables, toothpaste,
soap, etc)
Admission price per child: $10 NCL members, $12 non NCL members, aAdults &
Children under 1 are free Please send RSVP and check to: Wednesday,
December 8th Check payable to: NCL P.O. Box 450
Attn: Santa Breakfast Norfolk, MA 02056
For more information please contact: Ali Allen or Allie Cloutier at
To celebrate the days of Advent and preparation for Christmas, the
Federated Church of Norfolk is planning a number of special events.
You are invited to the Federated Church of Norfolk on Saturday, December
11th at 2:00 pm for a showing of The Polar Express. The cost is $10.00 per
family, for bottomless snacks (hot cocoa, lemonade, popcorn, and cookies.)
There will also be a visit from a very special guest. This is a family
movie so bring the whole family and come have a great time with your
Join us at the Federated Church of Norfolk on Sunday, December 12th, at 5:30 pm
for supper followed by a
Christmas Concert and carol sing-a-long. The Cathedral Bells, Sanctuary
Choir, and Praise and Worship Choir are joining together for an evening of
music and fellowship. We will serve soup and ask that you bring a plate of
sandwiches and cookies to share.
On Wednesday, December 15th at 7:00 pm The Prolatio Singers & Players will
present a Festive Concert At the Federated Church of Norfolk, One Union
Street Norfolk, MA 02056. The concert will feature music of composers
from England, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Holland. The Prolatio
singers and Players are led by Dennis E. Ferguson, Conductor
The King Philip Middle School will hold their annual Winter Concert
featuring the 7th grade and 8th grade bands plus chorus. The concert
will be held on Wednesday, December 15th at 7pm in the King Philip
High School auditorium in Wrentham. Admission is free.
Please note that the venue has been changed to the KP High School
Auditorium in Wrentham.
On Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24th, there will be three Christmas Eve
Worship services at the Federated Church of Norfolk. At 5:30 PM there will
be a Family Service, which will feature the story "The Shoemaker's Dream."
At 8:00 PM will be a traditional Candlelight Service and at 11:00 PM there
will be a Candlelight Communion Service with music by the Praise and
Worship Choir. On Sunday, December 26th, the day after Christmas, families
are invited to a casual service of stockings and carols at the regular
Sunday worship time of 10:00 am..
History on the Hill
Sponsored by the Nortfolk Historical Commission , the series will
present a program on December 29 , 2010 in Room 214 at the Norfolk
Town Hall at 7:00 PM.
The topic will be ''How the Railroad has Impacted Norfolk from
1850 to 2010.'' We'll cover the Norfolk County Railroad's expansion
West; the Medway Branch; the proposed Wrentham Branch; the
Excursions to Highland Grove Park; the Old Colony Railroad through
Pondville; the Great White Train; the New York, New Haven and
Hartford RR; Con Rail; and the current Mbta.
All Aboard! Come along for a trip on the train as we trace the
effects they have had on Norfolk from 1850 to 2010. Snow Date:
January 5, 2011, same time, same place.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Brunch on New Year's Day,
January 1, 2011, 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon in the fellowship hall of the church.
In addition to our famous homemade pancakes, and cinnamon rolls, enjoy a
variety of breakfast meats, eggs or omelets to order, and baked goods...
along with a few surprises. As always, it is an "all you can eat" meal.
Bring your family and friends for a delicious start to the New Year. Adults
- $7, Sr. Citizens - $5 and Children under 10 - free. The Federated Church
is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town
Common. The church vestry is handicap accessible. For more information,
contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
The 7th Annual Gary Mirliss Memorial Blood & Bone Marrow Drive is
just around the corner, Saturday, January 8th from 9:00am-3:00pm.
With your effort, you will help to give the gift of life to so many.
January has the lowest number of blood donors of any month throughout
the year, resulting i= n an annual blood shortage; with your donation,
the shortage will be lessened or even prevented. Refreshments will
be provided throughout the day. Donors have the chance to win some
great prizes, including a New Balance Gift Card and Boston Celtics
Tickets. Walk-ins will be accommodated in an orderly fashion, but
we recommend that you make an appointment if possible.
It is only with your help that our goal can be reached!
Be one of the 120 in setting a new one day donor record for Brigham
and Women's Hospital, Children's Hospital, and Dana Farber
Cancer Institute.
You are cordially invited to a New Year's luncheon sponsored by the
Foxboro Christian Women's Club, which is affiliated with Stonecroft
Ministries. Tuesday January 11, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. $13 inclusive,
at the Lafayette House Restaurant on Route 1 Foxboro, MA. Please
make a reservation by calling Arline 508-883-8588. Pam Cahill from
Chester NH will present ``How to Overcome Fear'' - How you can
use a flashlight and a teddy bear to overcome the fears you face
in life. Music will be provided by pop sensation Tracey Silva from
Taunton. She is the 2004 Boston Pops' 4th of July vocal contest
winner. There will be a napkin folding demonstration to help you
create an elegant table.
The Norfolk Community Preservation Committee needs your input!!
The CPC's task is to assess and bring forward to Town Meeting for a vote
those projects that fall within Community Preservation Act mandated
priorities: open space and recreation, affordable housing, and historic
preservation, and that will have long-term benefits for the Town of Norfolk.
At the May 2009 Town Meeting, voters approved a CPC article to fund a
recreational feasibility study and conceptual drawings for the land at the
old town dump and adjacent town-owned woodlands. The consulting firm of
Beals & Thomas has drawn up conceptual plans for the property. In addition
to the established trail system (which might also be used for biking), the
CPC is considering uses such as playgrounds, picnic area, ice skating area,
Frisbee golf, a spray (water) park, community garden, dog park, astronomy
pad, and education areas pertaining to the transfer station. Our goal: to
narrow these ideas down to those which make sense for Norfolk residents and
the Town - while being cognizant of cost and maintenance concerns. Here's
where we need your input! Please take a short survey at:
[survey page]
You will see a locua map of the property. Then, you'll be asked what is of
most interest to you - and there's room for your comments. Whatever plan we
settle on, it's important to remember that Norfolk residents will have
final say - yes or no - on what is done, because any expenditure from the
Community Preservation Fund to develop any activities on this property must
be approved by town meeting vote.
This survey will be active until January 15. You may also access the survey
via a link on the CPC's page on the town website,
The Norfolk Cultural Council presents a major mid-winter show with
works by Madelein Bolger, Michael Evans, Karole Nicholson and Judith
Moffat from February 7th through the 26th at the Norfolk Public
Library, 139 Main Street Norfolk, MA. There will be a reception
on February 12th from 4 to 6 PM, with live entertainment by the
Shane Williams Jazz Trio.
Butch Goodwin, Operations Manager, from Groundscapes Express Inc. based
in Wrentham MA., will be the guest speaker for the February 9th, 2011
meeting of the Garden Club of Norfolk. The meeting will be held in the
Community Hall Room of the Norfolk Public Library at 7PM. Members of the
garden club and non-members are welcomed to attend. A suggested
non-member donation of $5.00 to help support community programs would be
greatly appreciated.Butch will show us how Groundscapes Express makes
their organic compost, compost tea, erosion control products and about
the product availability to garden club members. A link with detailed
information about the company and the work they have done can be found
History on the Hill
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011
(Snow date: Mar 2, 2011),
7:00 PM - Room 214
Norfolk Town Hall:
''The Josiah Ware(s).''
Sponsored by the Norfolk Historical
Four generations -- almost two centuries --
there was a Josiah Ware in North Wrentham (Norfolk).
We'll trace their lives, accomplishments and contributions
to the shaping and founding of Notfolk.
Join us for another chapter of the local History of Norfolk.
Please mark your calendars for the
Norfolk Lions Club
4th Annual Chili Fest:
Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 6:00 pm,
St. Jude=92s Church, Main St., Norfolk.
$15.00 - Over 10 years old. All others $5.00.
Proceeds to benefit the Food Pantry.
On Friday, March 4th it's Newcomer's Night at Norfolk's beautiful
Senior Center. Norfolk Seniors are encouraged to invite a guest for a
fun-filled evening that will include a free spaghetti and meatball
dinner especially prepared by the Center's very own "seasoned" chefs.
Complimentary wine will be available. Following dinner, guests may take
part in bingo, poker, or pool. Not only that, there will be raffles,
gift certificates, and a few surprises.
The Federated Church of Norfolk holds a Pancake Breakfast on the first
Saturday of every month. The next Pancake Breakfast will be held on March 5
from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall of the church. In addition to
our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will cook
omelets or fresh eggs to order. The cost is still only $7, with a Sr.
citizen cost of $5. The breakfast is free for children under age 10. The
Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115
across from the Town Common. The church vestry and restrooms are handicap
accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
The Garden Club of Norfolk is pleased to present Dennis Schworer, a Norfolk resident
and owner of Schworer Landscape, Inc., for a program entitled Discovering the Heart of
Your Landscape. Dennis will share his unique and visionary insights on landscapes and
gardens and how they connect us to the earth. The meeting will be held in the Community
Hall Room of the Norfolk Public Library at 7PM on Wednesday, March 9th. A short garden
club meeting will precede the evening program. Members of the garden club and
non-members are welcomed to attend. A suggested non-member donation of $5.00 to help
support community programs would be greatly appreciated.
The King Philip Music Association, in conjunction with the New England
Scholastic Band Association (NESBA) will be holding the KP Winter
Classic on Saturday, March 12th at KP High School, Wrentham. The show
is a competition specifically for Indoor Percussion and Color Guard.
There will be 47 groups competing which will make for an exciting
afternoon of music and exhibition.
The show begins at 1pm, with the King Philip Color Guard performing at
8:25pm. Admission is $8 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.
Girl Scout Troop 3615 wants your gently used luggage, backpacks and duffel bags.
We are working on our Silver Award and need luggage bags to help kids get home
from Franciscan Hospital for Children. Drop Off - Saturday, March 26th, from
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon at the Norfolk Transfer Station.
Any questions, please call Bernadette C. at 508-520-6894 or email
Thank you!
Blood drive this Saturday - The Federated Church is hosting a Red
Cross Blood drive this Saturday March 26 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Walk-ins are always welcome. You can call the church at 508-528-0262
before 1 p.m. Friday or 1-800-RED-CROSS to schedule an appointment.
The Red Cross will be handing out coupons for Free Lunch from
Cumberland Farms.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold its next monthly Pancake
Breakfast on Saturday, April 2 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall
of the church. In addition to our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage
and cinnamon rolls, we will cook omelets or fresh eggs to order. This month
homemade biscuits and sausage gravy will also be served. The cost for the
"all you can eat" breakfast is $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5. The
breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is
located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town
Common. The church vestry and restrooms are handicap accessible. For more
information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
Are you interested in saving money while doing good all at the same
time? Plan to come to The Friends of the Norfolk Public Library 2011
Book and Bake sale. Over 30,000 books in good to excellent condition
will be offered, most at between $1.00-$2.00. All proceeds go to
benefit programs and services offered through our public library.
The King Philip Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) is sponsoring a
"dough raiser" at Wrentham's Uno Chicago Grill on April 20th and 21st. Dine
in or take out and Uno will donate up to 20% of your check to the KP Class
of 2011 Senior All Night Party. You must present a dough raiser ticket to
the cashier in order for KP to receive the donation. Tickets are available
by contacting Cathy at, or at the Norfolk, Wrentham,
and Plainville libraries. We need your help to fund this special night for
our graduating seniors.
Norfolk's Annual Plant Sale, May 21, Town Hill.
The Garden Club of Norfolk will hold its annual plant sale on the town hill
adjacent to the Norfolk Public Library from 9AM-12PM on May 21st 2011. The
garden club members are selecting various perennials and plants from their
own gardens to be sold thus insuring mature and established plants. Other
garden related items will also be available for purchase. In addition, the
garden club will also hold a bake sale to be held simultaneously with the
plant sale. The baked goods will be made by garden club members.
All funds raised by the garden club support club activities, a yearly
scholarship, guest speakers, floral demonstrations, community projects like
the gardens located at the police station, roundabouts, town hall, train
station and the two elementary schools.
For more information please contact Mary G., club president, at
History on the Hill ''The Wares of Wareland'' Wednesday, April
27 , 2011 Room 214 -- Norfolk Town Hall 7: 00 PM Sponsored by the
Norfolk Historical Commission.
Robert Ware claimed the site at 103 Boardman Street in 1661. His
grandson, Ebenezer Ware built the Elisha Ware House there in 1733,
278 years ago. Generations of Wares have lived in this historic
house which is listed on the National Register. It was the site
of the first school in North Wrentham in 1717 and the only house
on what is Boardman Street today until 1865. Charlotte Barrell
Ware operated one of Massachusetts' finest dairies at the Warelands
in the early years of the twentieth century. Be sure and join us
on the 27th for another chapter of local history.
Kid's Place Yard Sale
Kid's Place Yard Sale on
Saturday, May 7th,
9am till noon (no early birds, please!)
Rain date Sunday, May 8th.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake breakfast on May 7 from
8:00 - 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall of the church. In addition to our
famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will also
cook omelets or fresh eggs to order. Fresh Homemade biscuits and sausage
gravy are also available. All you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost
of $5 and breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church
is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town
Common. The church vestry and restrooms are handicap accessible. For more
information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
A Perennial Plant Sale will be held on the grounds of the Federated Church
of Norfolk on May 7 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon. A variety of perennial
plants will be available. These are divisions or cuttings of plants that
have grown successfully for gardeners in our hardiness zone and they will
be labeled as to their requirements for sun or shade. The church is at 1
Union Street on the corner of Main Street and 115 and has ample parking.
The Plant sale follows the monthly Pancake Breakfast at the church so come
early for breakfast and then select your plants.
Percussion Night next Wednesday, May 11 at King Philip High School in the
wooden gym at 7:00pm. Come see the percussionists from the middle and high
schools perform their own pieces as well as the KP Indoor Percussion world
finalists perform their show. You will be amazed at the talent. Admission
is free. Also, hold the date for Jazz Night on Wednesday, May 18 and Spring
Pops on Saturday, May 21. Hope to see you all there.
Girl Scout Troop 74762 is having a car wash on Saturday, May 14th, at the
Federated Church. Each car wash is $4.00 and all proceeds will be donated to the
Heifer International Project or a local animal shelter. Hope you can come!
Connor's Fun Run, Sunday May 15th. Rain or Shine. Walk/Run starts at
11:00am at HOD school.
for more information!
The King Philip Jazz Ensemble will be performing at the Hatch Shell at
the Boston Esplanade on Sunday, May 15th. The Jazz Ensemble was
selected to perform after they received a gold medal at the SE District
Jazz Festival in March. This is a perfect opportunity to break out that
blanket and picnic basket while enjoying a wonderful jazz filled
The King Philip High School and Middle School jazz students will be
performing on Wednesday night, May 18 at 7pm in the King Philip High School
auditorium. If you like jazz, you are sure to be in for a treat. Admission
is free.
The King Philip High School symphony and concert bands, chorus and jazz band
will be performing Saturday night, May 21 at 7pm in the King Philip High
School field house. This is the Spring Pops concert where the field house
is transformed like Symphony Hall when the BSO performs their Pops Concert.
Doors will open at 6pm and food will be available for purchase. Admission
is $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.
Join us at the Norfolk Senior Center for our first cook-out
of the season. Mark your calendar for hamburgers, hot dogs, and all the
fixings starting at 12 Noon. Not only that, it will be Grand Opening Day
for our spanking new Bocce Court and at 1 p.m. Naturalist John Root will
present "Songbirds of the Northeast," a power point presentation and
special program supported in part by a grant from the Norfolk Cultural
Council that features the sounds and songs of our native birds. This is
an example of just one event taking place at Norfolk's beautiful Senior
Center. There are many more activities, services, and resources
available not only for our seniors, but for all Norfolk residents. To
sign up for this event and/or receive a full schedule of all Senior
Center activities, call (508) 528-4430 or visit the Council on Aging
Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru
Fri, 9am-4pm.
Norfolk's Annual Plant Sale, May 21, Town Hill. The Garden Club of
Norfolk will hold its annual plant sale on the town hill adjacent
to the Norfolk Public Library from 9AM-12PM on Saturday, May 21st.
The garden club members are selecting various perennials and plants
from their own gardens to be sold thus ensuring mature and established
plants. Other garden related items will also be available for
purchase. In addition, the garden club will also hold a bake sale
and raffle to be held simultaneously with the plant sale. The baked
goods will be made by garden club members. The raffle is a $50 gift
certificate to Little Tree Nursery, Seekonk, MA. Tickets are $5.00
each. Chosen ticket winner need not be present to win.All funds
raised by the garden club support club activities, a yearly
scholarship, guest speakers, floral demonstrations, community
projects like the flower gardens located at the police station,
roundabouts, town hall, train station and the two elementary
schools.For more information please contact Mary G., club
president, at
Community Yard Sale will be held at St. Jude Church on
Saturday, May 21st from 9 am to 1 pm in the parking area. Rain date is
May 28. The Yard Sale is sponsored by the St. Jude Women's Group. Bring
your own table, sell your items, keep your profits. To reserve a
space please send a check for $15 to the St. Jude Women's Group, P.O.
Box 305, Norfolk, MA 02056. Proceeds support the Women's Group
activities and charities. For more information, please call Karen
D. @ 508-520-4058
Mark your calendars for May 21st for the 14th annual Spring Pops Concert
presented by the King Philip Regional High School Music Department and
the King Philip Music Association. This year's theme is "A Night at the
Movies. The evening is modeled after the Boston Pops concerts at
Symphony Hall. Patrons can order delicious light seasonal foods, such
as: Strawberry Walnut Salad, Chicken and Orzo with Spring Vegetables,
along with plenty of desserts, beverages and, of course, pop corn, while
seated at tables in the High School Field House to be enjoyed while
listening to music played and sung by the school's acclaimed musicians
and chorus students. The Symphony Band will be playing an encore of
their Boston Symphony Hall gold medal performance of Gershwin's Rhapsody
in Blue. Tickets may be purchased at the door, which opens at 6pm for
the 7pm show, and are $10 for adults and $5 for seniors and students.
The Prolatio Singers will be presenting a Concert of the music of
Thomas Luis Victoria at the Federated Church of Norfolk, 7:30 pm. Free,
welcome to all! Come join us for a celebration of Victoria's works,
commemorating the 400th Anniversary of the composer's death. Many groups
around the world will be celebrating the music of this gifted composer.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please mark your calendars for the upcoming listening event:
Stories From the Norfolk Prison Debate Team,
Thursday, May 26, 2011,
Norfolk Town Library,
Norfolk, MA.
From the '30s to the '70s, one of the most formidable teams on the college
debating circuit was made up of a group of inmates from the Norfolk Prison
Colony. Norfolk was founded in 1927 as the nation's first "community prison"
and in many ways resembled a university campus: men had their own rooms,
windows without bars, a choice of vocations, college-level courses, and the
time to pursue creative and intellectual endeavors. The debate club was one
of the prison's most successful programs. Over forty years the Norfolk
debaters amassed an outstanding record of victories over Harvard, Yale,
Princeton, Dartmouth, Oxford, West Point, and many other top college
opponents. This oral history will represent the first in-depth account of
the team's successes, motivations, and challenges, as told by former Norfolk
debaters, college opponents, coaches, educators, and judges.
Join us at the public premiere of this oral history, featuring selections
from interviews collected over the past year. The audio presentation will be
followed by a community discussion. Coffee and cake will be
served. Presented in partnership with the Norfolk Historical Commission.
This project is funded in part by a grant from Mass Humanities.
Fall Travel Soccer Registration for U14 Players -
Registration for the Fall 2011 travel soccer season ends May 31. Register now!
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake breakfast on June 4
from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall of the church. In addition to
our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will also
cook omelets or fresh eggs to order. Fresh homemade biscuits and sausage
gravy are also available. All you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost
of $5 and breakfast is free for children under age 10. We will not be
serving breakfast in July and August. Look for a return of our monthly
breakfast on Saturday, September 10. The Federated Church is located at the
corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town Common. The church
vestry and restrooms are handicap accessible. For more information, contact
the church office, 508-528-0262.
Come celebrate the release of the third annual edition of Norfolk's literary
journal, The Norfolk Quill. A reception will be held on Thursday, June 9
from 7-9pm in the Community Room at the Norfolk Public Library. Come meet
the authors, enjoy some refreshments, and get your first peek at the latest
Copies of The Norfolk Quill will be available for purchase with all proceeds
going to benefit the Norfolk Public Library.
The Norfolk Quill is supported in part by a grant from the Norfolk Cultural
Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural
Council, a state agency.
The Federated Church is holding another Blessing of the Pets this
Saturday, June 11, at 9:30 AM on the parsonage lawn. All pets are
welcome as long as they are in carriers or on a leash.
Norfolk Lions Community Day 11:30 - 4 pm at the Holmes Complex on
Myrtle Street. Looking forward to seeing you all there to enjoy in the art
contest, live entertainment, lunch, and rides for the kids.
Need a sweet treat? Something cold to drink? Stop by the bake sale
at Pond Street from 12-3 on Saturday June 11 and Sunday June 12.
Girl Scout Troop 3616 will be holding a bake sale. We will also
be collecting donations for a school system in Western Mass. the
victims of the recent tornados. Their school was partially knocked
down during the storm. Hope to see you at Pond Street - just look
for the blue tent!
Breakfast at the Norfolk Senior Center. On June 14th and every second
Tuesday of the month (at 8:30 a.m.) join us for a hot breakfast of eggs,
bacon, muffins, coffee roll, fruit, and coffee. The Friends of the
Council on Aging subsidize this event so it's only a $1.00! Please call
before Friday of the previous week to reserve your place. If you have
yet to visit the Senior Center, this is a great opportunity to meet the
staff, your fellow seniors, and familiarize yourself with Norfolk's
beautiful Senior Center as there are many more activities, services, and
resources available to you. To sign up for this event and/or receive a
full schedule of all Senior Center activities, call (508) 528-4430 or
visit the
Council on Aging site [here].
The Senior
Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and its regular hours are Mon
thru Fri, 9am-4pm.
Saturday June 25th. Girl Scout Troop 74755 having a car wash at the
Federated Church parking lot. Proceeds to benefit the rebuilding of Kids
Place Playground on Boardman street. 9am-12pm.
History on the Hill
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 7:00 PM On Town Hill in the Gazebo
(weather permitting) or Room 214 in the Norfolk Town Hall. Come
join us for the fifth program in this series on local history,
sponsored by the Norfolk Historical Commission. The subject June
29th will be the Blakes of Stony Brook. We will trace 300 years of
the History of Stony Brook, from the early saw mill and cotton
mills on that site to the shoddy and woolen mills that operated
there later. Today, we are all familar with the Audubon Sanctuary
at the Bristol Blake Reservation that was established in the mid
twentieth century. Learn the role that the Blake family played
during this 300 year period.
2011 Summer Concert Series
Sharon Concert Band - Patriotic Music!
2011 Summer Concert Series
Reminisants - Oldies Fun!
2011 Summer Concert Series
A Children's Concert: Toe Jam Puppet Band
6:30pm start.
This concert only: rain location inside Library.
Co-sponsored by Norfolk Recreation & Norfolk Public Library
2011 Summer Concert Series
Franklin School for the Performing Arts:
Electric Youth!
The Blackstone Riverboat Tour is a delightful tour of the
Blackstone River on the Blackstone Valley Explorer, a 40-passenger
riverboat. The 45-minute narrated journey (beginning at 12 Noon on July
21) explores the river's industrialized past that seriously threatened
its ecosystem. The subsequent cleanup and restoration and the uplifting
return of a variety of the river's wildlife has become a national
prototype of hope. Participants will be provided with a bag lunch when
meeting up at the Norfolk Senior Center for the bus ride to the Central
Falls (RI) landing. An advance discounted fee of $8.00 is due with your
reservation. Sign up at the Senior Center front desk or call (508)
528-4430 for further information and to confirm bus departure time from
the Senior Center.
2011 Summer Concert Series
Shawn Wood Jazz Trio - Jazz Music!
2011 Summer Concert Series
Four Guys in Tuxes - An All Request Band!
2011 Summer Concert Series
Garden Party- Rock Band!
2011 Summer Concert Series
The Legends - Irish Family Fun!
History on the Hill on
Wednesday , August 24 , 2011,
7: 00 PM.
Gazebo on Norfolk Town Hill,
bring a chair.
Room 214, Norfolk Town Hall
if weather is inclement.
Sponsored by Norfolk Historical Commission.
"The Old Parsonage, 1810 - 2011"
On Wednesday , August 24 th , the 2010- 2011 History on the Hill
Programswill conclude with a talk on the 200 year story of the Old
Parsonage at 5 Union Street. Recently restored as the Parsonage for the
Federated Church , it became the first Parsonage for the North Parish in
1810 and became the residence of the North Parish's first Pastor ,
Reverend John Cleaveland. The site was provided by Josiah Ware from
land he had acquired in 1774.
Come join us for another chapter in the local history of Norfolk.
8/26 A Clamboil for Norfolk's Senior Men is a popular event that
includes an enticing mix of seafood-including steamers, a fish fillet,
white and sweet potatoes, corn-on-the cob, sausage, hot dogs, and salad
(especially prepared by the award-winning Fresh Catch Seafood Shop in
Mansfield). Activities begin at 12 Noon on August 26th and thanks to the
generous support of the Friends of the Council on Aging will cost only
$10.00 per person (a $26.00 value). A complimentary beer, as well as
soft drinks, coffee, and tea will also be served.
The town of Norfolk is planning a 10 year anniversary solemn
remembrance of the September 11 terrorist attacks and a re-dedication
of the Peace Sculpture on Sunday, September 11 at 1:00pm on Town
Hill. Town residents, elementary school students, Norfolk Fire and
Police, members of Norfolk's Boy and Girl Scouts, Norfolk's three
churches, the Lions Club, and the King Philip High School Symphony
will participate. Representatives Dan Winslow and Richard Ross
will be honored speakers. A rededication of the Peace Sculpture
will take place with sculptor Michael Alfano speaking. All residents
are encouraged to attend.
Garden Club of Norfolk: The Delights of Dahlias, by Donna Lane.
Donna is a Norwood Evening and Beth Shalom Garden Club member, Lifetime
Master Gardner and Floral Designer. Donna is also a member of the American
Dahlia Society and the Rhode Island Dahlia Society. She will share with us
her knowledge she has gained since her introduction to Dahlias in 1967.
This will be a joint meeting with the Norfolk and Millis Garden Clubs, non
club members are invited to attend this program; a $5.00 donation at the
door is suggested. The meeting will be held at the Norfolk Public Library
on Wednesday, September 14th at 7PM.
There will be huge flea market on Saturday, September 17th from
9:00-2:00 pm at the Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street,
Norfolk, MA. There will be lots of collectibles, antiques, kids stuff
and treasures for everyone. There will be coffee and muffins in the
morning and lunch in the afternoon. There will also be a bake sale and a
silent auction which features bountiful baskets, which are theme
baskets filled with all kinds of wonderful new and exciting good
stuff!!! In past years baskets have included Patriots tickets, wine
baskets, coffee baskets, and Dedham Pottery Items. So come and find your
own treasure.
Members of the St. Jude 10th grade Confirmation Class are bringing back
the Kids Pan Mass Challenge! Please support their volunteer efforts by
riding the short bike course, or making a contribution to the Jimmy Fund
to help fight cancer. The event takes place Sunday, Sept 18. 4 pm
registration, 5:00 ride. Ice cream afterwards in the Pondview Road
cul-de-sac. Please register online at If you
register by Sept 14, you will receive a free t-shirt from the Pan Mass
Challenge! Come on down and cheer on the riders and support a fantastic
The KPMA Marching Band will be performing their annual Preview Show for the tri-town
community on Sunday, September 18th at 6pm at the High School football
field. The band will be demonstrating their intricate drill and
performing music from their new 2011-2012 competitive show. It's a
great way to see all that goes into creating a competitive show for the
Stony Brook's 33rd annual Fall Fair has been postponed
postponed to Sunday
Stony Brook's 33rd annual Fall Fair on Sunday, September
25, 10 - 4
Haunted Train Ride Advance Ticket Sale!
Advance ticket sale for the 11th Annual Haunted Train Ride and
Spooky Maze will be Tues. September 27 and Weds. September 28 from
3-7pm at the Norfolk Public Library. (If needed, September 29 from
3-7 as well) The Haunted Train Ride is co sponsored by the Norfolk
Lions and Norfolk Community League (NCL) and will take place on
Saturday, October 15 at Holmes Fields on Myrtle Street in Norfolk.
Tickets are $5 per person and entitle the bearer to one train ride
and one trip through the maze. The proceeds will go to worthy
Norfolk causes through Lions and NCL. No entry to the parking lot,
contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or
The Federated Church of Norfolk October Pancake Breakfast will be held at
on Saturday, October 1 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. In addition to our famous
homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will cook omelets or
fresh eggs to order. Fresh homemade biscuits and sausage gravy will also be
served. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5.
Breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is
located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town
Common. The breakfast is served in the church vestry, which is handicapped
accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
A Country Ham Supper and Activities Night will be held on Friday,
October 7th at the Norfolk Senior Center. Activities will begin at 5
p.m. and this very special event will cost only $5.00 per person thanks
to the generous support of the Norfolk Friends of the Council on Aging.
The supper will include baked ham, scalloped potatoes, butternut squash,
salad, and rolls. An apple crisp dessert, coffee, or tea will also be
All Norfolk adults are invited and whether you are an old friend
or a newcomer, this is the perfect evening to discover or further
explore the many resources, activities, and services of Norfolk's lovely
Senior Center, including its computers, reading materials, exercise
equipment, and state-of-the-art pool and card tables. Those Norfolk
citizens who are related to or know a senior are especially encouraged
to sign up and bring him or her to this event.
Sign-up at the Senior Center's front desk or call (508) 528-4430.
Transportation is available for those who request it and the
registration deadline is October 3rd for this event. To receive a full
schedule of all Senior Center activities, call the above number or visit
the Council on Aging site at
[Norfolk COA webpage].
The Senior
Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru Fri,
Good Food For Everyone -
On Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 7PM in the Norfolk Public Library, Tina
Addison, nurse, artist and farmer by love will share the tips, inspirations
and joys of creating the Norfolk Community Garden. Tina will discuss
growing fresh healthy food for the local food pantry as a community project.
Recently, Tina and 25 volunteers produced over 1,200 pounds of vegetables
using the fallow fields at Gump's Farm.
Tina's presentation is open to everyone. A suggested donation of laundry
detergents, soaps or shampoo would be greatly appreciated to help stock the
9/21/11 - 10/26/11: Visit the Town Common in Walpole Center (Rt.
1A) on Wednesdays from 2:00 - 6:30pm to shop local directly from
farms, food purveyors and artisans. Just look for the gazebo and
tents and you will find us! The outdoor Market will be open through
October 26th.
Shop for a wide variety fresh fruits and vegetables, beef, veal,
fish, cheese, pastas, sauces, jams, relishes, herbs, baked goods,
loose-leaf teas, plants, flowers, soap, scarves, handbags and much
Parking may be found on Main, Elm, West, Common and Front Streets
and in nearby free public parking lots. Parking is also available
in the driveway only of Epiphany Parish located on Front Street
across from the Common.
Norfolk Fire Department will be holding the annual open house at
the public safety building on Saturday October 15th from 11am -
2pm. Come join us for fun, food and demonstrations.
The Fall Book Sale will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at the
Norfolk Public Library, 139 Main St., Norfolk, MA from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
in the Community Room. Juvenile Materials Only - Infant through Young Adult
The 3rd annual Kingsbury Classic 5K will be held on Saturday, October 22 at
the Kingsbury Club, 2 Ice House Rd, in Medfield. The 1 Mile Kids Fun Run
starts at 9am and the 5K starts at 10am. There are cash prizes for the top
3 male and female finishers as well as medals to the top 3 males and females
in each age group. Lunch will be provided to all runners in Bogey's
Restaurant at the Kingsbury Club. Long-sleeved t-shirts are guaranteed to
all participants who register by October 8. $20 registration by October 15;
$25 after October 15.
[PDF document, here]
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake breakfast on November
5th from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall of the church. In addition
to our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will
also offer fresh homemade biscuits and sausage gravy and we will cook
omelets or fresh eggs to order. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr.
citizen cost of $5 and breakfast is free for children under age 10. The
Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115
across from the Town Common. The church vestry and restrooms are
handicapped accessible. For more information, contact the church office,
The MOMs Club of Franklin invites the public to attend a preschool fair on
Thursday November 10th
from 6:30pm-8:30pm in the Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public School
auditorium at 110 Main
Street in Franklin. This year 19 area preschools will be in attendance,
including Norfolk Childrens School and Norfolk Cooperative Preschool, to
answer questions and provide
information to parents seeking preschools for the 2012-2013 school year. For
additional information
about the fair please contact Nicole F. 617-892-5013 or Kelly B.
11th Annual Haunted Train Ride and Spooky Maze
Saturday, October 15 (rain/snow date October 22) at Holmes Fields at 22 Myrtle Street, Norfolk.
Gates open 5 to 8:30pm.
This event is SOLD OUT - no tickets will be sold at the gate.
You must show a ticket to enter the parking lot.
Co-sponsored by the Norfolk Lions and Norfolk Community League (NCL).
Proceeds will go to worthy Norfolk causes.
Costumes are encouraged. Snacks, drinks, movies, music and
entertainment to keep you busy in line! Please bring a donation for the
Norfolk Food Pantry. We are also collecting winter coats for those less
Any questions? Contact
or Tara S. at 508-384-6354 or Tracy H. at 508-541-2388.
Holly Fair on
Saturday, November 19,
from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
at the Federated Church of Norfolk, Corner of Rt. 115 and Main St. in Norfolk center.
Free admission!
For information call the church office, 508-528-0262 or visit
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake breakfast on December 3
from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall of the church. In addition to
our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will also
offer fresh homemade biscuits and sausage gravy and we will cook omelets to
order. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5 and
breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is
located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town
Common. The church vestry and restrooms are handicapped accessible. For
more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
Mark your calendars for December 3rd for the 16th annual Winter Pops
Concert presented by the King Philip Regional High School Music
Department and the King Philip Music Association. This year's theme is
"Calypso Christmas" and is guaranteed to put everyone is a festive
holiday spirit. The night is fashioned after the Boston Pops concerts
at Symphony Hall in Boston. Patrons can order home made comfort food
and beverages while seated at tables in the Field House to be enjoyed
while listening to music played and sung by the school's acclaimed
musicians. The King Philip Marching Band, The Pride and the Passion,
will present their final standstill performance of their award winning
fall show, "The Gallery" for all to enjoy. Tickets may be purchased at
the doors which open at 6pm for the 7pm concert and are $10 for adults
and $5 for seniors and students.
Advent and Christmas Events at Federated Church of Norfolk
To celebrate the days of Advent and preparation for Christmas, the
Federated Church of Norfolk is planning a number of special events and
worship services. All are welcome to attend.
Sunday Worship and Sunday School at the Federated Church is held at 10:00
AM. On December 18, the Sunday School Christmas pageant will be held in
conjunction with the worship service.
Not everyone feels joyous during the Christmas season. A special Blue
Christmas service will be held on Sunday, December 18 at 7:30 PM. This
service is for those people who are in mourning or have other reason to
need some quiet meditation and reassurance. It will be held in the church
Advent Bible Studies, led by Rev. Scott Cousineau, will be held on
Wednesday evenings, 6: 30 PM, November 30, December 7 and 14. Each session
will conclude with a brief time of devotion.
On Wednesday, December 21st at 7:30 pm, The Prolatio Singers & Players will
present a Festive Concert of Christmas music in the sanctuary of the
Federated Church of Norfolk.
Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24th, there will be three worship
services: a Family Service at 5:00 PM, A Candlelight Service at 8:00 PM,
and a Candlelight Communion Service at 11:00 PM. On Christmas Day, December
25th, there will be no worship at the Federated Church.
The Garden Club of Norfolk is having a ``Greens Sale'' on Saturday, December 10th
from 9AM-Noon at the Federated Church of Norfolk (Norfolk Center -
Main Street & Rt. 115).
There will be a large selection of baskets decorated for the holiday
season with
greens and assorted trimmings. Proceeds will help benefit the Club's
civic beautification
projects throughout the town.
Holiday De-Stress Workshop: Experience A State of Centeredness and Inner
Peace This Holiday Season ...and Beyond - Monday, 12/19, 7-8pm in Millis, MA
A gift especially for you this season! Reclaim your inner zen by engaging in
a 4-step mind/body centering practice and guided meditation. After one hour
together, you will leave feeling re-invigorated, more calm and at peace and
have the tools to experience this state of ease at any time you wish. If
time permits, we will have a Q&A where Lora will offer to coach you on any
specific holiday challenges or stresses you are facing. Facilitated by Lora
Cecca Lyons of
Date and time: Monday, 12/19 from 7-8pm (Please arrive by 6:45pm to sign in).
Fee: $15.
Location: The Yoga Studio in Millis, MA>.
To Register: Lora Cecca Lyons at or
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,
January 7 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. In addition to our famous homemade
pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, omelets or fresh eggs will be
cooked to order. Fresh homemade biscuits and sausage gravy will also be
served. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5.
Breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is
located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town
Common. The breakfast is served in the church vestry, which is handicapped
accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28
Craft Drop-in at Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary.
Saturdays in January.
Ages: all ages.
Cost: $1 per person.
Stop by the Nature Center any time between 10am and 2pm and make your
own craft from recycled/reused materials! Make a different craft each
session, collect them all!
KP Parents' Network 2012 All Night Party Kick-off Meeting
The King Philip Parents' Network will hold a kick-off planning meeting for
the 2012 All Night Party
on Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 (snow date January 19th) in the KP High
School library
at 7:00 p.m. The All Night Party is a 22-year-old tradition that keeps
graduates safe on
the night of graduation. Over 100 parent volunteers are needed to help
decorate, set-up and
chaperone the party. Raffle tickets will be sold at the meeting for prizes
such as front row seats
and premiere parking at graduation. For more information about the All Night
Party, please
visit the KP Parents' Network website at
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,
February 4 ,from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. Our famous homemade pancakes, ham,
sausage, scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes, cinnamon rolls, homemade
biscuits and sausage gravy round out the buffet and omelets will be cooked
to order. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5.
Breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is
located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town
Common. The breakfast is served in the church vestry, which is handicapped
accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
The Visiting Nurses Association Care Network and Hospice is
presenting a free
The Norfolk Lions 5th annual Chili festival is being held on March 10 at
St Jude's Church. Proceeds from this event benefit the Norfolk Food
Pantry. $15 allows you to sample chili from Eagle Brook Saloon, Guido's
Restaurant, Horse & Carriage, Beckett's, Budabings, James's.
Administration gets you food, drinks and fun while voting for your
favorite chili. Advanced tickets are highly recommended by contacting
Cathy at
or by calling 508 520 0079.
On Wednesday, March 14, 2012, 7PM at the Norfolk Public Library,
Community Room, the Garden Club of Norfolk presents Henry Callan,
antique appraiser and lecturer. Henry will present a program with
slides on =93Gardens Around the World=94. Starting at the gardens of
Williamsburg, the international tour will take us to the English
gardens at Hampton Court, to those of the Palace of Versailles in
France and to the Courts of the Alhambra of Spain. Then on to South
Africa, to the Taj Mahal in India, to the Botanical Gardens of old
Ceylon, the summer gardens of Anna and the King of Siam and finally to
Japan to compare the dry landscape gardens of Buddhism to the lush
moss gardens of Kyoto.
The public is invited; a suggested donation of $5.00 to help defray
costs and supplement the programs offered by the garden club would be
Easter Bunny Breakfast
Date: Saturday March 31, 2012 (9:00am - 10:30 am)
Location: St. Jude's Church, Function Room, 86 Main St.
Featuring Balloon Twister Vesna Longton.
Remember your cameras for pictures with the Easter Bunny!
Adults and children under 1 year old - free .
$10 for NCL Members. Click here for tickets via PayPal:
$12 for non-NCL Members Click here for tickets via PayPal.
Or mail a check to Norfolk Community League Attn: Easter Bunny Breakfast, PO BOX 450, Norfolk, MA 02056
3/3-31, awards 3/10
The Norfolk Cultural Council is sponsoring a Juried Art Competition at
the Norfolk Public Library March 3rd to March 31st. A reception with
awards, art, music and refreshments will be held on March 10th from
5-7PM. The competition is open to all artists; cash awards will be
presented for the top ten pieces of art. A non-refundable entry fee
($15 for one entry, $20 for a maximum of two entries) made payable to
the Norfolk Cultural Council is required to be considered for the
juried competition. Applications may be sent with the payment (check
or money order) from January 16th through and including February 3rd.
Artists will be notified of their accepted artwork for the juried
competition by February 9th via email or phone. Further information
and an application may be requested by contacting
The King Philip Parents' Network is holding its annual fundraiser at Roche Bros.
supermarket in Millis on Friday, April 6th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. KP volunteers
will be available to collect receipts as shoppers exit the store and Roche Brothers will donate
5 percent of the bill to the KP Parents' Network. Also, 5 percent of gift certificates purchased
prior to April 1st will be donated to King Philip. Gift certificates can be used at any of the
15 Roche Bros. grocery stores, 3 Sudbury Farms locations, or their home delivery service.
All proceeds raised will go towards the All Night Party, an annual tradition that keeps KP seniors
safe on the night of graduation. For more information or to purchase a gift certificate, contact
Phyllis G. at 508-541-8041 or email
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,
April 7 ,from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. Our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage,
scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes, cinnamon rolls, homemade biscuits and
sausage gravy round out the buffet and omelets will be cooked to order.
It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5. Breakfast is
free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is located at the
corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town Common. The
breakfast is served in the church vestry, which is handicapped accessible.
For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
Take me out to the ballgame. On Friday, April 13th our beloved
Red Sox will host the Tampa Bay Rays at Fenway Park for the home opener
of this year's baseball season and Norfolk's Senior Center will be
broadcasting the game. First pitch is scheduled for 2:05 p.m. and all
are welcome to the Center and its big screen as we root for the 2012
team and their brand new manager. Hot dogs and extras will be served.
Please call ahead (508-528-4430) if you plan on attending.
Incidentally, this year Fenway Park will be open to the public for
a special day of celebration on April 19th to commemorate its 100th
birthday. If there is enough interest in going, the Senior Center will
make the necessary arrangements for a trip into Boston for this event.
A number of afternoon Red Sox games will once again be broadcast
throughout the season and it is an example of just one activity
available at Norfolk's beautiful Senior Center. There are many more
events, activities, and services available to all Norfolk residents. To
receive the monthly newsletter and a schedule of all Senior Center
activities, call (508) 528-4430 or visit the Council on Aging site
([COA website]) The Senior
Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru Fri,
4/14 9-2
Electronic Recycle Day, Saint
Jude's Church parking lot, 86 Main Street, Norfolk. Accepting
all electronics to include monitors, computers, computer games, stereo
equipment, copy and fax machines, printers, TV's. We are also accepting
appliances such as small refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves, ac
units, microwaves, dehumidifiers. If it has an electrical plug or
battery it can be recycled. In addition, we will be accepting lawn
mowers and snow blowers with the gas removed, gas grills and exercise
equipment. The recycle event will have low fees of $5 each monitor or
computer, $15 any small TV or appliance over 19" and $20 for large
projection TV's or wood console TV's and TV's over 32". Cell phones,
car batteries and bikes are free.
4/18, 4/19
The KP Parents' Network is sponsoring a Pizzeria Uno Doughraiser/Fundraiser
on April 18th and 19th
at Uno Chicago Grill, South Street, Wrentham Village Outlets. Present a
ticket on any dine-in/take-out/gift certificate
purchase and up to 20% of your bill will go directly to the All Night Party,
an annual tradition that keeps KP seniors
safe on the night of graduation. Tickets are available on the KP Parents'
Network website (
Community Yard Sale at St. Jude's Church on Saturday, April 21st from 9-1 in the rear church
parking lot. (Rain date April 28th). Bring your own table and sale items and keep your proceeds. To
reserve your space, please send a check for $20 payable to the St. Jude Women's Group, P.O. Box 305,
Norfolk, MA. Please include your phone number or email address. If you have questions, you may
call Karen D'Angelo @ 508-520-4058 or email her at:
Norfolk's 3rd Annual Clean and Green Campaign! Sunday, April 22 is
Earth Day! Celebrate by participating in Norfolk's 3rd Annual Town-wide
Cleanup sponsored by the Norfolk Grange. Collect litter and recyclables
from Norfolk's roadsides and public places the morning or early
afternoon of Sunday, April 22; Drop off at the Old Town Hall on Main
Street between 12 - 4 p.m. Join the celebration including refreshments,
community photos, cute 'green' giveaways and lots of green/Earth Day
information at the collection site! Volunteer Recognition Certificates
will be awarded at this time.
Registration is required. Please register by 1 p.m., Sat., April 21
(Groups: by 1 p.m., Sat., April 14.) Registation forms will be available
in the foyer of the Norfolk Public Library and on the Norfolk Grange
Submit completed forms to the
Norfolk Library Circulation Desk. We will accept same-day registration
for those "last minute" folks who decide to participate on the day of
the event. Registration forms will be available at the Old Town Hall
drop off area at 10 a.m. -- you must register in advance.
We hope you will participate in this great civic-minded event --
cleaning up the environment, especially on Earth Day -- what could be
more appropriate than picking up litter and recyclables close to home!
You'll be green and local! Grab family, neighbors and friends -- it will
be a whole lot of fun and you'll be making a difference in the streets
and public places of your community of Norfolk! If you would like more
information about this event or the Norfolk Grange, please visit our
website at:
Thank you.
Rain date: Sat., May 5.
Happy Feat Fundraiser!
Gather your girlfriends and join us for an evening of music, dancing, and
conversation while raising money for a worthy cause. Norfolk's Happy Feat
Fundraiser is a Ladies' Night Out event. This year the event will be held on
Friday, April 27th from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. at the Italian American Club in
Walpole. All proceeds from this year's fundraiser will go to the
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute for brain cancer research. Past recipients
include the American Red Cross and the Michael J. Fox Foundation for
Parkinson's Disease. Tickets are $30.00 and include door prizes, drawings,
a silent auction, DJ, food, and a cash bar. Tickets will be available for
sale in the lobby of the Norfolk Public Library on Tuesday, April 10th from
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Saturday April 14th from 10:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m.
For more information, contact us at
and visit us on Facebook.
The Friends of the Norfolk Public Library will hold its annual Book and
Bake Sale on Saturday, April 28, 9 am to 3 pm. 2012 Friends of the
Library are welcome at the Friends-Only Preview and Sale on Friday,
April 27, 6-9 pm. Friends memberships starting at $20.00 are available
at the door beginning at 5:00 pm. The Saturday sale is open to all.
For more information:
Free Dental Clinic. Seniors from the town of Norfolk, as well as
from all surrounding towns, will be able to participate in a free dental
clinic to be held at the Wrentham Council on Aging (400 Taunton Street)
on Saturday, April 28th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Dental professionals will be on hand to discuss oral health
concerns and demonstrate ways to take care of teeth and dentures. The
program will also include helpful information on nutrition, cleaning and
labeling dentures, screening for oral cancer, and description of a
low-cost dental program available to eligible seniors.
This clinic is made possible by the Norfolk Adult Day Health
Center in partnership with the Wrentham Council on Aging, the Norfolk
Council on Aging, HEESCO Elder Services, and a variety of statewide
health organizations. Participation is restricted to seniors aged 60 or
older and appointments must be made in advance by calling the Wrentham
Council on Aging at (508) 384-5425. The Norfolk Council on Aging will
provide transportation for Norfolk residents who request it and schedule
appointments by April 20th.
6th Annual Norfolk Runs - 5K Road Race & Kids' 1K Fun Race. Sunday 4/29 at 9
a.m. Sponsored by Dunkin Doughnuts and the Norfolk Lions Club. Certified
course, Professionally Timed, BBQ, Prizes, Awards, Raffles. All money
collected goes to Norfolk Charities. Register online @
or pick up a registration from at Norfolk Dunkin Doughnuts.
The Federated Church of Norfolk invites you to join us at 10:00 AM on
Sunday April 29th for a special presentation with George Ortiz of The
Elisha Project. George will be featured during our Sunday service and
will share the compelling story of how his family came to found a
grassroots movement that has provided hope and fellowship as they served
nearly 3,000 lunches to the homeless since July 2011.
Come to the carnival - Girl Scout style! Girl Scout troop 74730
will be hosting a carnival for young children to benefit the Medway
House, a homeless shelter for families in Medway. There will be
games, activities, face painting and prizes! The event will be
held on May 4th from 3:30 to 5:30 at the Norfolk Public Library in
the meeting room. Please bring the kids along with the donation
for the Medway House. Most needed items are diapers sizes 3 through
5, baby wipes, pjs up to size 5T and toiletries. Gift cards to
Target, Walmart, etc are also appreciated. Sorry, we can not accept
cash. We hope you can come out to have some fun and to support
this great cause!
5th & 6th Grade Dances at the Y!
Friday, May 4th,
7:30-9:30pm. $5 admission.
At the Franklin Branch of the Hockomock Area YMCA,
45 Forge Hill Road, Franklin, MA 02038
Bring your friends!
For more info, call the Y at (508) 528-8708.
Still looking for something to do this weekend? How about having
some fun while helping a good cause? Join us Friday, May 4th at
Showcase Live in Patriots Place, Foxboro for "Another Tequila
Sunrise" an Eagles Tribute Band to support South Norfolk Couty ARC
Family Autism Center and Family Support. Tickets are only $25! There
will also be raffles. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the show starts
at 7:30 p.m. If you would like to purchase tickets, please contact
Michele Kehling at 781-762-4001 x395 or at To
check out the band, visit
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,
May 5, from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. Our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage,
scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes, cinnamon rolls, homemade biscuits and
sausage gravy round out the buffet and omelets will be cooked to order.
It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5. Breakfast is
free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is located at the
corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town Common. The
breakfast is served in the church vestry, which is handicapped accessible.
For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
Is it time to add a few new plants to your garden? A Perennial Plant Sale
will be held on the grounds of the Federated Church of Norfolk on Saturday,
May 5 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon. A variety of perennial plants will be
available at great prices. These are divisions or cuttings of plants that
have grown successfully for gardeners in our hardiness zone and they will
be labeled as to their requirements for sun or shade. The Plant Sale is the
same day as our monthly Pancake Breakfast, so plan to come for breakfast
from 8:00-10:00 AM and then shop the plant sale. The church is at 1 Union
Street on the corner of Main Street and 115 and has ample parking.
Annual Town Meeting will take place on
May 8th. It will start at 7:00 P.M. It will be held at The King
Philip Middle School, 18 King Street, Norfolk. At last year's
Annual Town meeting, the town voted to cease the mass mailing of
the warrant. The warrant is now available at
On Wednesday, May 9th at 7PM, Lisa Steigerwait will present a "Tea Talk" at the Norfolk Public Library,
visits to some of the most
famous tea gardens of the world to learn about the history and horticulture of tea and how to make a
pot of tea from the garden. A tea making demonstration and the etiquette of afternoon tea will also
be part of the program. The tea talk will conclude with a reading from the children's classic, "The
Secret Garden", exploring how the garden helps us to cultivate character and friendships. A suggested
$5.00 donation to help pay for the garden club programs and support of the town gardens can be made
if you are not a Garden Club member.
Come listen to some great percussion music on Wednesday, May 9 in the
KPHS wooden gym at 7pm. Students will perform various pieces on
marimbas, drum sets, etc. In addition, the World Percussion group will
be performing African and Cuban numbers under the direction of Mr. Ryan
Loud. Lastly, the indoor percussion group will perform their show. The
group is just back from their world competition in Dayton, OH where they
placed sixth with a fabulous performance called the "Code". The music is
energetic and the performance is fun to watch. Admission is free.
The Garden Club of Norfolk will hold its annual perennial plant and
bake sale on Saturday, May 19th, 9AM- Noon at Norfolk's Town Hill
and Gazebo area next to the town library. The garden club members
are selecting various perennials and plants from their own gardens
to be sold thus ensuring mature and established plants. Other garden
related items will also be available for purchase. In addition, the
garden club will also hold a bake sale. The baked goods will be
made by garden club members. All funds raised by the garden club
support club activities, a yearly scholarship, guest speakers,
floral demonstrations, community projects like the flower gardens
located at the police station, roundabouts, town hall, train station
and the two elementary schools.
An Estate Sale and Flea Market will be held at the Federated Church of
Norfolk on Saturday, May 19 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
The church vestry will be transformed into a wonderful market place.
Included in the sale will be oak, pine, walnut, and mahogany furniture,
ladder-back chairs, a farmer's dining table, a wicker love seat, glassware,
an oak deacon's bench, tools, a hanging what-not shelf, a spool bed,
trunks, and a silver service for twelve, to name but a few of the many
items that will be available.
In addition, there will also be a bountiful basket silent auction. Members
of the church congregation make these beautiful gift baskets. They will
make wonderful gifts or special treats for the winning bidders. The
Federated Church's own Heavenly Chefs will have morning coffee and pastry
and delicious lunch available so that shoppers can take a break from
treasure hunting to have some refreshment. There will also be a Bake Sale
where you can purchase some delicious baked goods to take home.
The Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115
across from the Town Common. The sale will be held in the church vestry,
which is handicapped accessible. The entrance and parking lot are behind
the church and entered from Main Street. For more information, contact the
church office, 508-528-0262.
The King Philip Music Program will be holding their annual Spring Pops
Concert on Saturday, May 19 in the KPHS Field House at 7pm (doors open at
6pm). The theme for this concert is "Take Me Out to the Ballgame--an
American Classic" in recognition of the Fenway Park's 100th Anniversary.
Dinner entrees and desserts will be available for purchase at between $2
and $5. Menu items will include all American fare--fried chicken,
chowder, hot dogs, apple pie, etc. Admission is $10 for adults and $5
for students/seniors. Come enjoy a great evening out with great food and
beautiful music performed by the symphony, jazz and concert bands and
chorus. Raffles will include Red Sox tickets, etc.
Norfolk Senior Center Day Trip: On Tuesday, May 22nd, a luxury
motor coach will take our group to Boston's famous North End and Freedom
Trail for a professional tour that will include stops at two Boston
landmarks, Mike's Pastry in the North End and a family-style luncheon at
Maggiano's "Little Italy" Restaurant on Columbus Avenue. The cost of
lunch (Chicken Piccata or Spaghetti & Meatballs, dessert, coffee or tea)
is included in the $79.00 fee per person. For further info, arrival and
departure times, and to register, call (508) 528-4430. Deadline for
reservations: May 1st.
A spring concert by the Prolatio Singers will be presented on
Wednesday, May 30th, 7:30 p.m., at the Federated Church, One Union
Street, Norfolk.
Conducted by Dennis E. Ferguson, the concert features music of
Willaert, Victoria, Gesualdo, Brahms, Barber, and Debussy. This
program is supported in part by a grant from the Franklin Cultural
Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural
Council, a state agency.
Norfolk Senior Center Day Trip: On Thursday, May 31st we're off
to the Newport Grand Casino. The $39.00 fee includes a buffet, a
five-dollar gaming bonus, and a show with comic magician Johnny Pizzi
and Joey Canzano, "The Man of Many Voices," who does impersonations of
Sinatra, Dean Martin, Elvis, Neil Diamond, and many others. The casino
has slots galore and hundreds of games to choose from including Virtual
Blackjack. Sign up early as this one fills up fast! For further info,
arrival and departure times, and to register, call (508) 528-4430.
Deadline for reservations: May 11th.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake breakfast on June 2
from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall of the church. In addition to
our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will also
cook omelets or fresh eggs to order. Fresh homemade biscuits and sausage
gravy are also available. All you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost
of $5 and breakfast is free for children under age 10. We will not be
serving breakfast in July and August. Look for a return of our monthly
breakfast on Saturday, September 8 and the first Saturday of each month
thereafter. The Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street
and Route 115 across from the Town Common. The church vestry and restrooms
are handicap accessible. For more information, contact the church office,
Members of the community are invited to say a final goodbye to Norfolk's
Freeman Centennial School. On Thursday, June 14th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.,
the doors of the school will be open to the public. Tours of the school will
be lead by members of the teaching staff. Anyone interested in walking the
halls, taking pictures and reminiscing is invited to do so at that time.
Built in 1950 and originally named the Norfolk Central School, the school
has educated Norfolk children for 62 years. Nearly 10,000 children have
graduated from the Freeman Centennial School. The school is being demolished
and replaced by the Freeman-Kennedy School opening in the Fall of 2012.
This is the last chance to say goodbye to the Freeman Centennial School, as
asbestos removal and demolition will begin the week of July 2nd. Spread the
word to your friends, former classmates, family, and neighbors. Visitors
attending the walk-thru are asked to enter the school through Door 28.
Admission is free.
Come celebrate the release of the fourth annual edition of Norfolk's
literary journal, The Norfolk Quill. A reception will be held on Thursday,
June 14 from 7-9pm in the Community Room at the Norfolk Public Library. Come
meet the authors, enjoy some refreshments, and get your first peek at the
latest Quill.
Copies of The Norfolk Quill will be available for purchase with all proceeds
going to benefit the Norfolk Public Library.
The Walpole Farmers Market opens its 2012 season on Wednesday, June
20 on the Town Common on Main Street (Route 1A) in Walpole Center.
The Farmers Market will operate weekly on Wednesdays from 2:00 -
6:30pm, rain or shine, through October 31st. Visitors can expect
to find farm fresh produce, cheeses, fish, eggs, baked goods, pastas,
honey, jams, mustards, relishes, sauces, herbs, flowers, craft items
and much more. Enjoy the opportunity to buy fresh produce and
locally made foods and gifts directly from area farmers, food
producers and crafters. Visit the Market's website at for
additional details.
Friday, June 29; 7-8:30pm. You are invited to The Yoga Studio in Millis for
the workshop: "Embodying Sufficiency: Cultivating a State of Flow, Ease &
Wellbeing." Join Somatic Coach Lora Lyons of Lyons Leadership Coaching where
you will step off the hamster wheel of life and sink your body into
sufficiency: a natural and balanced state of pure joy, harmony and ease. You
will: gain insight on your recurrent thought patterns and unconscious
habits; experience how your thoughts impact your emotions and physical body;
drop into a delicious state of wellbeing, spaciousness and joy; and learn an
effective and simple method for cultivating a state of ease and balance.
Investment: $25. Location: The Yoga Studio at 840 Main St., Suite 111,
Millis, MA 02054. To Register: Sign up at The Yoga Studio OR Contact Lora
Lyons at
or 508.954.1614.
The Norfolk Senior Center invites you to a Charles River Cruise
scheduled for Monday, July 23rd. Lunch at the Cheesecake Factory will be
included where participants can choose an entree, dessert, and
non-alcoholic beverage from the regular menu. We will be heading out on
motor coach and the narrated one-hour cruise will take place on a
comfortable boat with restrooms. Fee is $79.00 per person and the
deadline for reservations is July 2nd. For further info, arrival and
departure times, to register, or to receive information on all Senior
Center trips and activities, call (508) 528-4430.
With the fall season, monthly Pancake Breakfasts will return to the
Federated Church of Norfolk. Due to the Labor Day Holiday, our first
breakfast of the season will be Saturday, September 8, from 8:00 - 10:00
AM. In the following months we will be serving breakfast the first Saturday
of every month through June. In addition to our famous homemade pancakes,
ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will also cook omelets or fresh eggs to
order. Fresh homemade biscuits and sausage gravy will also be served. It's
all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of $5. Breakfast is free
for children under age 10. The Federated Church is located at the corner of
Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town Common. The breakfast is
served in the church vestry, which is handicapped accessible. For more
information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
Join us for Easy-Does-It Strength Training at the Norfolk Senior
Center from 10 9-10 a.m. A casual but effective series of sit-down
exercises clearly demonstrated and easy to follow whether you are a
senior, are post-illness, post-surgery, or just interested in an active
and healthy start of your day. Sessions meet every Monday, Tuesday, and
Friday at 9 a.m. The Senior Center also has Yoga classes ($2.00 per
class) presented by Jennifer LaFond, a certified Hatha Yoga instructor
as well as Tai-Chi sessions ($2.00 per class) conducted by Paula
Sullivan, a certified Tai-Chi instructor and Reiki Practitioner. Yoga
classes are Mondays at 10 a.m.; Tai-Chi, Tuesdays at 1 p.m. The Center
also has state-of-the-art Cybex Exercise Cycles available just about
anytime (after a brief training session).
These are just a few examples of the many resources
available at Norfolk's beautiful Senior Center. There are many more
activities and services for Norfolk residents. For more information on
the above or to receive a full schedule of all Senior Center activities,
call (508) 528-4430 or visit the Council on Aging site
The Senior
Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru Fri,
The Library is offering a news series of programs that take place in the
mornings throughout the fall. You are invited to join Professor Gary
Hylander on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 11:00 A.M. for his electric
presentation entitled "Hail To The Chief" The Creation Of The American
Presidency. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was in the words of
Connecticut governor Samuel Huntington a "new event" in human history. In
the midst of this "new event", nothing was newer than the creation of the
office of the President and the Electoral College. Unanimously elected the
nation's first president, Washington was well aware of his unique position:
"I walk," he wrote, "on untrodden ground."
The Norfolk Historical Commission invites you to attend the Dedication
Ceremony for the new fiberglass panel which depicts the 200 year
history of Town Hill and its surrounding area. Utilizing a map,
old photos and narrative the panel traces the many changes that
have taken place over time.
The Ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, September 30 , 2012 at 2:00
PM on Town Hill. Members of the Historic Commission will detail the
revitalization of the Town Hill that took place at the end of the
Twentieth Century and the many changes that occurred over the past
200 years.
The Tramp House will be open after the program with additional
displays and an opportunty to purchase Commission publications.
Time to clean out your closets and help kids that are less fortunate!
Norfolk Girl Scout Troop 3616 is holding a clothing drive to benefit
Cradles to Crayons. Donations of new and gently used kid's clothing
(sizes 0-20) and adult clothing (size S-XL) are welcome. Donations
of brand new socks and underwear are also needed (- these items
need to be in their original packaging). Collections bins are at
Norfolk Library, King Philip Middle School, and Montrose School.
The drive will be during September 2012. Please help us help others!
For more information, please contact Tara S. at 508-384-6354
or Megan D. at 617-733-8083.
Clever Crafters is a bright new activity at the Norfolk Senior
Center that encourages a wide range of individual creativity that began
with the Center's very own Monica Weiss, the group leader, and her
sweatshirt embellishment projects. Participants who are planning or
working on their own projects (a new sweatshirt project has already been
planned with instructor Liz Davey), whether it's sewing, crocheting,
knitting, or any related craft can join this versatile and resourceful
group for inspiration, camaraderie, and conversation every Tuesday at 1
p. m. One of the projects-in-progress is Zentangle, a unique art
method-overseen by Bev Ross-that enables people of all ages and talents
to produce intricate designs. Clever Crafter weekly sessions are open to
all, by the way, including non-seniors and those who may not be working
on a specific project (yet), but are considering possibilities for a
future one. Reservations are unnecessary. The Senior Center
(508-528-4430) is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru
Fri, 9am-4pm.
The Library is offering a news series of programs that take place in the
mornings throughout the fall.
The 2nd program in his series will take place on Wednesday, October 3, 2012
at 11:00 A.M. and is entitled Lincoln and The Election of 1860, followed by
Four Hats in the Ring: the Election of 1912 on Oct. 30th and Bring Us
Together, the Election of 1968 on Dec. 6th. These lectures are funded by the
Friends of the Norfolk Public Library.
James Race 5K, register at
Starts at Eaglebrook Saloon, 5K health walk 9:30 am, 5K Road Race 10:00
am, first 200 get t-shirt and gift bag. Breakfast included for all
registered runners/walkers after race. Many great raffles, you can check
it on the coolrunning web site.
The Federated Church of Norfolk October Pancake Breakfast will be held at
on Saturday, October 6 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. In addition to our famous
homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will cook omelets or
fresh eggs to order. Fresh homemade biscuits, sausage gravy and hash brown
potatoes will also be served. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr.
citizen cost of $5. Breakfast is free for children under age 10. The
Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115
across from the Town Common. The breakfast is served in the church vestry,
which is handicapped accessible. For more information, contact the church
office, 508-528-0262.
King Philip / Oliver Ames Fall Classic Marching Band Show - KPHS
Football Field. Saturday, October 6th 6pm. $8 adults, $5 seniors,
[Word DOCX announcement]
The Garden Clubs of Norfolk & Millis present Meg Muckenhoupt to talk
about Boston's Gardens & Green Spaces. This will be held at the
Norfolk Public Library on October 10, 2012 at 7PM in the Community
Meg examines public spaces throughout Boston=92s historic and
contemporary landscape. Why did Bostonians start creating parks and
how has the philosophy behind public spaces shifted over the years?
How do Boston=92s newest parks balance the challenges of contaminated
sites, habitat preservation, botanical interest, and community needs?
The public is invited; a non club member suggested donation is $5.00.
The Norfolk Cooperative Preschool is hosting
a free toddler playgroup for children ages 1 to 2 1/2 on Monday mornings
from 9:15 to 10 throughout the year, starting tomorrow - Monday, October
15th. You do not need to have a child enrolled in the school to attend,
but pre-registration is required. This link will be posted on NCP's
website ( but I'll include it here:
Save the date! Join the King Philip Parents' Network for an entertaining
night of non-stop laughs as professional comedian and hypnotist Jim Spinnato
brings his presentation of comedy and hypnosis to the King Philip Middle
School auditorium on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 beginning at 8 p.m. Tickets
are $10 and can be ordered through the KP Parents' Network website
or purchased at
the door the night of the show. Enjoy a fun night out with other
adults--friends, neighbors, and spouses. Light refreshments will be
available for purchase starting at 7:30 p.m.
Since the mid 90's Jim has amazed audiences up and down the east coast
performing for corporate clients, colleges, high schools and casinos. His
exciting and high energy combination of music, audience participation,
comedy and hypnosis is a fast-paced romp through the subconscious mind. This
unforgettable show will have you on the edge of your seats and dancing in
the aisles.all while in a "deep sleep." From his early days in the comedy
club circuit to his present day schedule of corporate, casino and college
gigs, Jim's performances have always been nothing short of incredible.
"Sleeping" was never this funny! For more about Jim see
Medicare session. There will be a 1 p. m. presentation on
Medicare by a SHINE counselor at the Norfolk Senior Center. This
particular session is especially important as Medicare plans continue to
change and the open enrollment period for switching plans is between
October 15th and December 7th. So bring your questions for the SHINE
specialist and come early for a light lunch (12-1 p.m.). Reservations
are unnecessary unless you will be joining us for lunch (Call
508-528-4430). The Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and
is open Mon thru Fri, 9am-4pm.
A Special Halloween Party and evening of mystery will begin at 5
p.m. sharp on Saturday, October 20th for those who are brave enough to
endure the haunting of the Norfolk Senior Center. Guests will enter, if
they dare, through a haunted house and if their stomachs allow, will be
treated to a "witches stew" and "sandwitch." There will be a ghoulishly
good dessert and beverages served by a cast of characters including the
ghost of the notorious Lizzie Borden. The evening will continue with a
reenactment of a mystery in which the guests will become the sleuths
solving the murder.
Disaster preparedness. Joseph Canavan from the Norfolk County
Sheriff's Office will be at the Norfolk Senior Center to begin the new
season of TRIAD. TRIAD is a three-way commitment between local
firefighters and law enforcement, the Sheriff's Office, and the Norfolk
Council on Aging to develop, expand, and implement effective crime
prevention, safety, and education programs for seniors and to improve
their quality of life.
Mr. Canavan will be accompanied by a guest speaker from the
American Red Cross for the 1 p. m. presentation and will cover three
key steps seniors should take to be prepared for an emergency or a
disaster. Appropriate planning and the use of an emergency kit will also
be discussed.
A lunch of pasta and salad will be served at 12:30 p. m.and
will include a special drawing. Reservations are unnecessary unless you
will be joining us for lunch (Call 508-528-4430). The Senior Center is
located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru Fri, 9am-4pm.
Save the date! Join the King Philip Parents' Network for an entertaining
night of non-stop laughs as professional comedian and hypnotist Jim Spinnato
brings his presentation of comedy and hypnosis to the King Philip Middle
School auditorium on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 beginning at 8 p.m. Tickets
are $10 and can be ordered through the KP Parents' Network website
or purchased at
the door the night of the show. Enjoy a fun night out with other
adults--friends, neighbors, and spouses. Light refreshments will be
available for purchase starting at 7:30 p.m.
Since the mid 90's Jim has amazed audiences up and down the east coast
performing for corporate clients, colleges, high schools and casinos. His
exciting and high energy combination of music, audience participation,
comedy and hypnosis is a fast-paced romp through the subconscious mind. This
unforgettable show will have you on the edge of your seats and dancing in
the aisles.all while in a "deep sleep." From his early days in the comedy
club circuit to his present day schedule of corporate, casino and college
gigs, Jim's performances have always been nothing short of incredible.
"Sleeping" was never this funny! For more about Jim see
RUBY & FRIENDS: The Second Annual Art Exhibition curated and hosted
by Pamela Ruby Russell, photographer/songwriter of Norfolk and Janet
Casey, photographer/writer, of Medfield, presents 26 photographers and
painters. The exhibit runs from Nov. 1 - Nov. 30 at the Norfolk Town
Public Library.
The ARTISTS' RECEPTION is on Sunday, Nov. 11 from 2:00
p.m. to 5:00 p.m., in the library's Community Room, 139 Main St.,
Norfolk, Mass.Come celebrate art and have fun! Enjoy live music by Kai
Olsson and others. Refreshments will be served. Oh, and remember! Fine
art prints make wonderful holidays gifts!
"RUBY & FRIENDS" includes
photographers and painters from local towns, Boston, Provincetown as
well as Rhode Island and California. Presenting artists include: Pamela
Ruby Russell of Norfolk, Janet Casey of Medfield, Denise Duhamel of Fall
River, Jane Curran of Franklin, Robert DeRobertis of Franklin, Kai
Olsson of Franklin and London, Rebecca Skinner of Franklin, Bob Yankee
of Franklin, Tony Mistretta of Holliston, Chuck Ferullo of Medfield,
Victoria Schepps of Medfield, Vicky Elliott of Medway, Craig Higgins of
Norfolk and Florida, Jake Jacobson of Norfolk, Eric Linter of Norfolk,
Ann Bertulli of Northbridge, Skip Shea of Uxbridge, James West of
Wrentham, Peyton Roberts of Wrentham, Marlene Del Rosario of Roslindale,
Sacha Richter of Provincetown, Ron Girard of Cumberland, R.I., Nermin
Kura of Providence, R.I. and Turkey, Debra Boucher of Woonsocket, R.I.,
and Robert Russell of Costa Mesa, California.
The Art Exhibition will
be open through Nov. 30 during regular Norfolk Town Public Library
hours: Mondays 2:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The library is closed on Sundays and on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov.
22. For more information and directions, contact the Norfolk Town Public
Library at 508-528-3380 or visit
Holiday Arrangements by the Garden Club of Norfolk.
On November 14th at 7PM at the Norfolk Public Library Community Room,
five talented members of the Garden Club of Norfolk (Bev Butler, Jan
Conklin, Leslie Lincoln, Gail Tuveson & Rick Tedoldi) will conduct a
designer workshop featuring holiday arrangements with a Thanksgiving
or Christmas theme.
These arrangements will then be used in a fund raiser raffle to help
support the town gardens, club scholarship and club programs.
The public is invited. Come, get inspired, help support the garden
club and learn how to make holiday arrangements and maybe get one in a
The Women's Fellowship of the Federated Church of Norfolk will hold their
annual Holly Fair on Saturday, November 17th from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the
fellowship hall of the church.. Bring your children to see Santa's Village
and visit with Santa from 10:00-12:00 PM. The Heavenly Chef's will be
serving lunch from 11:30 - 2:00 PM. This year's Holly Fair will include
numerous crafters and vendors as well as the handmade items of our church
elves. A new tradition to enjoy is the Holly Fair's family Gingerbread
House decorating stations and an old tradition renewed - the church's home-
made holiday apple pies. All will enjoy the wide selection of delicious
homemade baked goods for sale including our "cookie bar". Unique to the
Holly Fair is a "Children Only" shopping area. Children will be able to
purchase Christmas gifts for their friends and family at very nominal
prices. Members of the youth group will be available to help the children
with their gift choices and gift-wrapping. The Federated Church of Norfolk
is located at the corner of Route 115 and Main Street in the center of
Norfolk, across from the Town Common. Adequate parking is located at the
back of the church and the fellowship hall and restrooms are handicap
Winter Farmers Market Set To Open November 18.
What vegetables could possibly grow in the winter season locally?
Come find out on opening day of the Winter Farmers Market! The
Market opens on Sun., Nov. 18th from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the VFW,
109 Robbins Road in Walpole (off Rt. 27 north). Plenty of produce
and locally made foods to delight the tastebuds. A variety of
crafts among other items will also be available for purchase.
For the full schedule, list of vendors and more, visit the Farmers
Market website at
Holiday Gift Giving Vendor Fair! Please join over 30 vendors selling
products and services in all categories this Sunday, November 25th from
1-4 pm at the Franklin VFW Hall, 1034 Pond Street, Franklin. You are
sure to find a present for everyone on your list! One Stop shopping
so you can get it all done in one afternoon! Free admission and cash
bar available!
One Stop shopping for everyone on your holiday list, get it all done in
one afternoon!
Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer
For boys and girls ages 3 (by September 1, 2012) to grade 12.
You do NOT have to live in Norfolk to join in on the fun!
All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons.
Registration is ONLINE only. To register, go to our website:
Register before November 30, 2012 for a
chance to win an 8GB iPad or a Kindle Fire!
Registration Opens Saturday October 27th at 7 am!
As an added incentive to register early, NLYS is holding a
drawing this season for the following:
1st prize -- 8GB iPad,
2nd prize -- Kindle Fire,
3rd prize -- $50 refund on Spring 2013 registration.
Check our website and Facebook pages for further information on the prize drawings.
For registration questions, contact the Registrar, Reynolds Lee, at our general email:
or leave a message for him at: (508) 528-8015.
Financial Assistance is available.
Like Us at Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer on Facebook.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake breakfast on December 1
from 8:00 - 10:00 AM in the fellowship hall of the church. In addition to
our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage and cinnamon rolls, we will also
offer fresh homemade biscuits and sausage gravy and we will cook omelets or
fresh eggs to order. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost
of $5 and breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church
is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town
Common. The church vestry and restrooms are handicapped accessible. For
more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
The Norfolk Lions Club is pleased to announce the annual Santa Parade
will be held on Sunday, December 2, 2012 at 3:30 p.m. Following the
parade, the King Philip High School Marching Band (recent National
Champions!) will perform some additional selections and the tree
lighting celebration on Town Hill will occur at approximately 4:00 pm.
Santa will be available at the library for pictures while Norfolk's own
youth singing group Inspiration will sing carols and refreshments will
be available.
The parade will leave Hillcrest Village at 3:30 pm and continue to the
library and town center.
The Santa Parade is organized by the Norfolk Lions Club and the Town of
Norfolk Recreation Department. For more info, please visit our Santa
Parade Facebook page at:
or contact Steve
M. through email please at:
A fully catered Norfolk Senior Center Holiday Party with
entertainment provided by Bill Burke's Christmas Show will usher in the
holiday season for Norfolk's seniors on Friday, December 7th. The party
will begin at 10:30 a. m. A midday dinner catered by Blue Ribbon Bar-B-Q
will be offering North Carolina Pulled Pork, Texas Sliced Beef Brisquet,
Barbecue Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, and Fruit Cobbler for
dessert. All for just $5.00. Join the celebration by registering at the
Senior Center front desk or call in your reservations by November 30th
at 508-528-4430.
Norfolk Community League's Santa Breakfast Saturday, December 8th
from 9:00 - 10:30 am in the H. Olive Day school cafeteria is NCL's
annual Santa Breakfast. Ring in the season with "Small Singers and
Shakers" followed by a visit from Santa himself! Admission is $10
for NCL members / $12 nonmembers. Adults and children one year or
younger are free! Register online at or
by mailing your check (payable to Norfolk Community League) to NCL
Santa Breakfast, PO BOX 450, Norfolk, MA 02056.
The Norfolk Community League has scheduled its 11th Annual Jingle Bell 5k
Run/Walk for Saturday, December 8, 2012, 11:00am. The road race begins at
H. Olive Day School. One-hundred percent of the proceeds from this event
will be donated directly to the Santa Foundation. The Santa Foundation is a
non-profit organization that provides charitable assistance to local
families in need during the holiday season and throughout the year. Last
year the Santa Foundation provided assistance to nearly 70 Norfolk
families. (
Runners and walkers of all ages and abilities may register now. Register
before December 1st for $20 (save $5). The registration fee increases to
$25 after December 1st. Free gloves will be given to the first 50
registrants. Jingle bells will be provided for all participants. Festive
attire is encouraged.
Please join us on Saturday, December 8th at Sluggers Academy in Medfield
for an event to benefit The Cannonball Foundation. The Cannonball
Foundation is a non-profit organization that uses baseball and softball as
vehicles for doing the most good for the most people across New England's
under served communities.
The festivities run from 2pm to 5pm and will offer fun for all ages,
including a variety of raffles and prizes donated by several local
businesses, and food and drink supplied by local eateries and grocery
stores. I hope you can join us.
For more information about The Cannonball Foundation, please visit,
and to RSVP for the event, please visit
Norfolk Community
Leagues Jingle Bell Run: The Norfolk Community League has scheduled
its 11th Annual Jingle Bell 5k Run/Walk for Saturday, December 8th
at 11:00am. The road race begins and ends at the H. Olive Day School.
100% of the proceeds from this event will be donated directly to
the Santa Foundation. Runners who register prior to December 1 will
save $5 off the $25 registration fee! Register online at
or print and mail a registration form
at your convenience.
Shop local indoors at the Winter Farmers Market on Dec. 16th
All year long, particularly during the holiday season, is a great
time to think about (and shop from) local growers and food producers.
Your next chance to shop local is this Sunday, December 16th from
10am - 2pm at the VFW Hall, 109 Robbins Rd (off Rt. 27; next to the
Johnson Middle School). Make your holiday shopping list complete
with butternut squash, sweet potatoes and other vegetables, maple
syrup, homemade pies and other baked goods, jams, pickles, arts and
crafts and more! Participating vendors include A Summer Place Farm,
Oakdale Farms, Town Farm LLC, Davell's Farm, Vermarje International,
Fior D'Italia, Jack's Dog Cookies, Elizabeth Origami, Plants by
Ann, and NYR Organics among others! And free holiday craft activities
for kids while you shop! Kids can make holiday ornaments, photo
frames and more.
Discover last minute holiday shopping finds which make great gifts
this holiday season. Wow your friends and family with the taste
of local!
For additional information, visit
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold its first Pancake Breakfast of
2013 on Saturday, January 5 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. In addition to our famous
homemade pancakes, omelets or fresh eggs will be cooked to order. Ham,
sausage, hash brown potatoes, homemade biscuits with sausage gravy, and
cinnamon rolls complete the menu. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr.
citizen cost of $5. Breakfast is free for children under age 10. The
Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115
across from the Town Common. The breakfast is served in the church vestry,
which is handicapped accessible. For more information, contact the church
office, 508-528-0262.
``One Woman Art Show and Book Signing'' will be held at the Norfolk
Grange on Saturday, January 5th 1-8PM and Sunday, January 6th
1-8PM. Local artist and author, Tina Addison, will be presenting
her work. Profits will go to local food pantries.
KP Parents' Network 2013 All Night Party Kick-off Meeting.
The King Philip Parents' Network will hold a kick-off planning meeting for
the 2013 All Night Party on Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 in the KP High
School library at 7:30 p.m. The All Night Party is a 23-year-old tradition
that keeps graduates safe on the night of graduation. Over 100 parent
volunteers are needed to help decorate, set-up and chaperone the party.
Raffle tickets will be sold at the meeting for prizes such as front row
seats and premiere parking at graduation. For more information about the All
Night Party, please visit the KP Parents' Network website at
Inspired Layers, a quilting journey presented by Linda Ramrath will
be held at the Norfolk Public Library (NPL) in the Community Room
from December 30th to January 27th with a reception to be held on
Tuesday, January 15th from 6:30-8:30 in the Community Room of the
NPL. Linda has been sewing all her life and embraced quilting 14
years ago. To share her passion and desire to inspire others, Linda
creates patterns as well as teaches and produces a television show
on Holliston local cable TV. More information can be obtained for
Linda by going to
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,
February 2 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. In addition to our famous homemade
pancakes, omelets or fresh eggs will be cooked to order. Ham, sausage, hash
brown potatoes, homemade biscuits with sausage gravy, and cinnamon rolls
complete the menu. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost of
$5. Breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is
located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town
Common. The breakfast is served in the church vestry, which is handicapped
accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
The KP Parents' Network is holding their annual Father/Daughter/Special
Person Dance on February 8, 2013 at 7 p.m. at Lake Pearl Luciano's in
Wrentham. The semiformal event encourages King Philip High School girls to
invite their father, stepfather, grandfather, uncle, older brother, or other
important adult male in their life to share an evening of dinner and
dancing. Tickets are on sale during lunchtime in the school cafeteria
starting on December 4, 2012 and cost $30 per person. For more information,
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,
March 2 from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. Our breakfast buffet includes our famous
homemade pancakes, ham, sausage, hash brown potatoes, scrambled eggs,
homemade biscuits with sausage gravy, and cinnamon rolls. Omelets and fresh
eggs are cooked to order. All you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen cost
of $5. Breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated Church is
located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from the Town
Common. The breakfast is served in the church vestry, which is handicapped
accessible. For more information, contact the church office, 508-528-0262.
The KP Parents' Network will be hosting a Catalyst SAT Bootcamp on March 2nd
and 3rd at the Vogel School Auditorium in Wrentham from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The
weekend seminar provides students with strategies for every single type of
SAT question. Catalyst is the only prep class designed by instructors who
have earned perfect scores on the actual SAT, and uses pop culture and
entertainment references to help students ace the Scholastic Aptitude Test,
an important benchmark for college admissions. Deliberately scheduled the
weekend before SAT testing, the boot camp is designed as both a stand-alone
or complement to other SAT prep courses. Cost is $165 per student for the
entire weekend and includes course materials. The deadline to enroll for the
weekend seminar is Wednesday, February 27th at 6 p.m. For more information
about Catalyst or to enroll, visit
and click the Bootcamp Sign-Up tab to
reserve a spot. Contact the KP Parents' Network at
with questions.
The King Philip Parents' Network will be holding a used clothing and
household item drive on March 18th through March 23rd. Drop off your gently
used clothing, bedding, toys, and other items at the King Philip High School
main entrance during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times (7:15 a.m.
to 7:45 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.), or on Saturday March 23rd. from
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the bus loop. Volunteers will be available to help
collect your items at the curb. In addition, Norfolk residents can drop off
items at the Transfer Station on March 3rd, March 9th, and March 16th during
regular business hours. For more information, as well as a list of items we
are collecting, visit our website at
The KP Parents' Network receives cash for every pound collected, so start
your spring cleaning now.
The Norfolk and Millis Garden Clubs will present a joint educational
program on Plant and Building Materials Reclamation related to Green Living
and Sustainability. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, March 20
at the Norfolk Public Library in the Community Room. It will run from 6:30
- 8:30 PM and will include a Q & A session. The Public is invited and
admission is free.
The King Philip Music Association is hosting their annual Spring
Scholarship Concert on March 27th at the King Philip High School
Auditorium at 7pm. The concert will feature the KP Symphony Band and
Concert Band. Proceeds from the concert go to fund seven scholarships
awarded to KP senior music students. Tickets are $7 for adults and $4
for students and seniors. Tickets can be purchased at the door.
The King Philip Parents' Network is holding its annual fundraiser at Roche
Bros. supermarket in Millis on Good Friday, March 29th from 4:00 p.m. to
7:00 p.m. KP volunteers will be available to collect receipts as shoppers
exit the store and Roche Bros. will donate 5 percent of the bill to the KP
Parents' Network. Also, 5 percent of gift certificates purchased prior to
March 22nd will be donated to King Philip. Gift certificates can be used at
any of the 15 Roche Bros. grocery stores, 3 Sudbury Farms locations, or
their home delivery service. All proceeds raised will go towards the All
Night Party, an annual tradition that keeps KP seniors safe on the night of
graduation. For more information or to purchase a gift certificate, contact
Phyllis Govoni at
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,
April 6, from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. And it is more than just pancakes! Our menu
includes: our famous homemade pancakes, ham, sausage, scrambled eggs, hash
brown potatoes, cinnamon rolls biscuits and sausage gravy, and cooked to
order omelets and eggs. It's all you can eat for $7, with a Sr. citizen
cost of $5. Breakfast is free for children under age 10. The Federated
Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115 across from
the Town Common. The breakfast is served in the church vestry, which is
handicapped accessible. For more information, contact the church office,
The Norfolk Grange #135 invites all residents, especially the youth, to
celebrate Earth Day this year by participating in Norfolk's 4th Annual
Clean & Green Campaign on Saturday, April 6! This town-wide cleanup
will address the unsightly litter along roadways and public places in
our community. During the morning and/or early afternoon on Saturday,
April 6, individuals and groups are requested to clean up an area of
their choice (e.g., their neighborhood, public place or areas
recommended in the Registration Packet). Participants should bring
their bags of litter and recyclables collected earlier in the day to the
Norfolk Grange, 28 Rockwood Road for drop off between 12:00 and 4:00
p.m. There, the Grange will host a celebration of everyone's collection
efforts which will include refreshments, community photos, cute
giveaways and lots of green/Earth Day information. Participants will
receive "thank you" Earth Day-theme wrist bands while supplies last.
The Norfolk Grange will also provide Volunteer Recognition Certificates.
Registration is required. The Registration packet is available online at
and, also, in the foyer of the Norfolk Public
Library. Submit completed forms to the Norfolk Public Library
Circulation Desk by 3 p.m. April 5. Also, we are allowing same-day
registration for "last minute" individuals. Bring your completed
Registration forms to the Norfolk Grange drop off area beginning at 10
a.m. the morning of the event prior to participation.
For additional info., contact Robin B. of the Norfolk Grange at
or at 508-740-2777.
Winter Farmers Market Day held on Sunday, April 7th.
Local foods and much more will be available at the Farmers
Market Day this Sunday, April 7th, indoors at the VFW Hall, 109 Robbins
Road in Walpole (next door to the Johnson Middle School). The Market hours
are from 10am - 2pm.
Plenty of local foods and handmade craft items are for purchase directly
from local farmers, food producers, and crafters including fresh
vegetables, herbs, honey, dog cookies, baked goods, jams, relishes,
pickles, teas, handmade soaps and so much more. Come shop local with us
this Sunday!
Planning for the upcoming summer outdoor market is underway. The opening
of the outdoor market is Friday, June 14th.
Visit the Market website at
for further
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,
May 4 from 8:00-10:00 AM at the church which is located in the center of
Norfolk at the corner of route 115 and Main Street. On the menu are
pancakes, sausage, ham, scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes, sausage gravy
and biscuits, and cinnamon rolls. Omelets and eggs will be cooked to order
by our omelet chefs. It is all you can eat for $7, $5 for Srs. and free for
children under 10.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Plant Sale on Saturday, May 4
from 9:00-noon at the church which is located in the center of Norfolk at
the corner of route 115 and Main Street. A variety of perennial plants
will be available at good prices. The sale will be held outside the same
day as the church's May Pancake Breakfast. Come and enjoy breakfast and
then choose a few plants for your garden.
PMC 6th Annual Family Skate Night.
Bake Sale & Raffle Too!
To benefit Dana Farber/The Jimmy Fund.
Support the Sweetman family in their quest to raise money to fight
cancer. Twelve year old Michael Sweetman has battled and conquered
Leukemia. Michael's dad Brian will be riding the Pan Mass Challenge with
Michael as his pedal partner. Norfolk Arena has generously offered to
donate 100% of Funds raised to Dana Farber.
When: Saturday, May 4, 7:00-9:00 PM Where: Norfolk Arena, 1 Dean Street
How Much: $5.00 per person
Checks can be made payable to "Norfolk Arena."
Skate rentals and crates available in limited supply.
Any questions contact The Sweetmans at 508-528-0015
The Garden Club of Norfolk will hold its annual perennial plant
and bake sale on Saturday, May 18 th , 9AM- Noon at Norfolk's Town
Hill and Gazebo area next to the town library. The garden club
members are selecting various perennials and plants from their
own gardens to be sold thus ensuring mature and established plants.
Other garden related items will also be available for purchase.
In addition, the Garden Club will also hold a bake sale. The baked
goods will be made by garden club members. All funds raised by the
garden club support club activities, a yearly scholarship, guest
speakers, floral demonstrations, comm unity projects like the
flower gardens located at the police station, roundabouts , town
hall, train s tation and the two elementary schools.
The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday,
June 1 from 8:00-10:00 AM at the church which is located in the center of
Norfolk at the corner of route 115 and Main Street. The menu includes
pancakes, sausage, ham, scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes, sausage gravy
and biscuits, and cinnamon rolls. Omelets and eggs will be cooked to order
by our omelet chefs. It is all you can eat for $7, $5 for Senior Citizens
and FREE for children under age 10.
We thank all who have attended our breakfasts this year. There will be no
breakfasts in July and August. Look for information about upcoming
breakfasts in September.
For all nature and plant enthusiasts: The Bullard Memorial Farm in
Holliston, MA is hosting an educational program on Saturday 6/1 at 3pm. Come
enjoy a walk in the woods while learning about wild edible plants presented
by Jade Mace at 7 Bullard Lane. Tickets are $10/adult or $5/child/.
Come Swim with NCL at the Adirondack Club!
Wednesday, June 12th from 10:30am-12:30pm, The Adirondack Club is welcoming
NCL members and their children to enjoy their club. Your family will have a
fantastic time using the pools, waterslide, splash pad, basketball courts
and climbing structure. Remember to bring along swim toys for some extra
fun! You are welcome to bring a picnic or purchase something from The
Grille in the Adirondack Club.
Only $5 per person (under 6 months and Adirondack Club Members are free)!!
Pay for your tickets online via Paypal:
Or by mail: Check payable to Norfolk Community League, Attn: NCL Swim, PO
Box 450, Norfolk, MA 02056
Hope to see you there to kick off some summer fun!
Questions? Email us at:
KPMA Yard Sale!
The King Philip Music Association is hosting a yard sale on Saturday,
June 22nd from 9am to 1pm at the Wrentham Municipal Parking Lot
(intersection of Rtes 140 and 1A). This is the perfect opportunity to
snap up that treasure you've been searching for. All proceeds benefit
the King Philip Music Program.
King Philip Music Association Fundraiser at Pizzeria Unos.
Eat at Pizzeria Unos (1048 South St Wrentham (Wrentham Premium Outlets)
only) June 24th thru June 27th and 20% of your total bill will be
donated to the King Philip Music Program. Donation applies to both eat
in or dine out, so keep the kitchen cool and the family well fed while
you generously support the award winning King Philip Music Program. A
coupon must be presented at time of order, contact Jen M.
( for coupons.
[coupon here]
On Wednesday August 14th at 7:00 pm Jamie Gass, the Director of the
Center for School Reform at the Pioneer Institute, is coming to the
Wrentham Library to talk about the Common Core standards and the most
common concerns.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn and discuss the implications of
Massachusetts' adoption of Common Core Standards with one of the
Nation's leading experts. He will address the issues of quality of
instruction, local control, costs, data collection and sharing, and
myths versus facts. A Q&A period will follow.
Thank you.
"The Art of Pastel" Fine Art Exhibition to Open at the Norfolk Public Library.
The Art of Pastel is a solo exhibit at the Norfolk Library by
award-winning realist artist Stacey David. The show will run Monday, Aug. 5
through Friday, Aug. 30 during normal library opening hours (139 Main
Street, Norfolk). An Opening Reception will be held on Aug. 10 from
4:00-6:00pm, which is free and open to the public.
The Garden Club of Norfolk's fall meeting will feature
speaker Adriana O'Sullivan to discuss "Thirty Plants That Pay the Rent".
She will focus on perennials, shrubs, and trees selected for their
hardiness, drought-tolerance, low maintenance, and multi-season interest
- excellent choices for N.E. gardens. The meeting will take place
Sept. 11, 7:00 pm, Town Hall, Selectman's Meeting Room, 1 Liberty Lane,
Norfolk. The public is welcome.
A Combination Clambake and Chicken Barbecue catered by the highly
praised John Ayotte (from Chef Du Jour of Westborough) will take place
Saturday, September 21st (1 p.m.) at the Norfolk Senior Center. Menu will
include clam chowder, lobster and steamed clams with broth and butter, corn
on the cob, potatoes, salad, cornbread, and watermelon for dessert. A
one-half barbecued chicken awaits those who prefer barbecue over seafood,
available with the same sides. Soft drinks, coffee, or tea will also be
Norfolk seniors (age 60 and over) must register in advance at the
Senior Center front desk and due to the generous financial support of the
Norfolk Friends of the Council on Aging fees will be substantially reduced
as follows: $15.00 per person for Friends members, $18.00 for non-members
(with payment entitling participants to a one-year membership in the
Friends), $5.00 for the chicken barbecue for Friends members and $8.00 for
non-members (their payment also entitling them to a one-year membership in
the Friends).
The deadline for registration is September 12th. The Senior Center is
located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.
m. to 4 p. m. If you have questions regarding this event or to receive a
full schedule of all Norfolk Senior Center activities call 508-528-4430.
Terrarium Gardens for Kids on Saturday, 9/28/13 at 10am - 11:15am
at The Organic Angel, 114 C Pond St. Norfolk. Let the kids bring
nature into their home by making a magical terrarium garden using
a glass container, mother earth, rocks, a special plant, and sparkling
crystal along with other surprises. Instructions include building
and caring for this garden. All supplies included. Children must
be accompanied by an adult. Please pre-register with Angela at
Saturday, Sept. 28 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. is the 35th Annual Fall Fair
at Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary and Nature Center, 108 North
Street Norfolk. A video promotion for the event is online at
Join us for a fun-filled
day for the whole family including Games, Crafts, Pumpkin Painting,
Making a bird house, 50/50 Raffle, Over 30 crafters offering
family-friendly crafts, art, jewelry, hand-made items & more to
start your holiday shopping, Lunch can be purchased, Upbeat & unique
musical entertainment by Super Cool Beans and Educational entertainment
by Eyes on Owls. Admission is $4 per adult, $3 per child, with a
maximum of $12 for a family. Stony Brook at 508-528-3140
The King Philip Music Association and the Oliver Ames Music
Association proudly announce the annual KP/OA Fall Classic Marching
Band show sponsored by USBands on Saturday, October 5, 2013 at 5
pm at the King Philip High School Main Field, 201 Franklin St.
Save the date for upcoming events at The Organic Angel, 114 C Pond St. Norfolk:
Therapeutic Massage 10/10 from 10am - 6pm with Gretchen Caporale
Astrology for Happiness 10/19 at 1pm with Eric Linter
All Natural House Cleaning 10/22 at 7pm with Angela Cote
Immunity Boosters 10/24 at 7pm with Kate Lamie
See or call to register at 781-738-1577.
The Organic Angel has also started the Winter Clothes Drive. Stop by for details.
JamesRace 5K, October 12, 2013, Medway Cafe, Medway MA, race starts 9:00 am, all details on line at
T-shirts for first 100 that sign up plus bag and raffle ticket, full breakfast served to all
registered walkers/runners, awards to first 3 finishers in each group,
amazing raffles which you can buy tickets for, please see
all info including, route map, and raffle list.
The Norfolk Cultural Council is hosting a Golden Artist Colors Acrylic Lecture Demo
on Saturday, October 12, 2013, 1-3pm at the Norfolk Public Library.
The first 50 registrants will receive free goodies
from Golden Acrylic.
11/5, 11/7
RAINBOW LOOM at Norfolk Public Library:
Tuesday, November 5 12:00-3:00 for grades 7-12;
Thursday, November 7 12:00-3:00 for grades K-6.
It's an early release day! Drop by the library from 12:00-3:00 and make a
bracelet on a Rainbow Loom! We'll have four looms available to share,
plenty of bands and clips, and instructions. No registration required, just
drop in. Students from *any *area schools are welcome (on their respective
days). Contact Marissa Antosh, Youth Services Librarian, at
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday November 2, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu
includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham,
sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon
rolls. Adults $7, seniors & children $5, & children under 10 eat for
free. The meal is served in a handicapped accessible room. For more
information, please call the church office 508-528-0262.
The Garden Club of Norfolk Welcomes
Speaker Lee Patterson.
Lee Patterson of the Noanet Garden Club
will give a demonstration on planting a
terrarium that will inspire you to make
one yourself. Her beautiful terrariums and
miniature landscape containers have won
many blue ribbons at regional flower shows.
Norfolk Public Library meeting room,
Wednesday / November 13 / 7 pm.
The Garden Club of Norfolk,
Federated Church Holly Fair
The Women's Fellowship of the Federated Church of Norfolk will hold their
annual Holly Fair on Saturday, November 16th from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the
fellowship hall of the church. Bring your children visit with Santa from
10:00-12:00 PM The Heavenly Chef's will be serving lunch from 11:30 - 2:00
PM. There are many opportunities for Holiday Shopping. This year's Holly
Fair will include more crafters and vendors than ever, as well as the
handmade items of our church crafters. A tradition you are sure to enjoy is
the church's home-made holiday apple pies. They are ready to take from your
freezer and bake fresh for all the upcoming holiday meals. You will also
find a wide selection of delicious homemade baked goods for sale including
our "cookie walk" where you can choose a from a selection of plain and
fancy cookies. Unique to the Holly Fair is a "Children Only" shopping area.
Children will be able to purchase Christmas gifts for their friends and
family at very nominal prices. Members of the youth group will be available
to help the children with their gift choices and gift-wrapping. The
Federated Church of Norfolk is located at the corner of Route 115 and Main
Street in the center of Norfolk, across from the Town Common. Adequate
parking is located at the back of the church and the fellowship hall and
restrooms are handicap accessible.
Join the MOMS club of Norfolk, Wrentham, and Plainville at our
monthly social on Friday, November 22nd at 9:30 am. This event is
open to any mother residing in one of the three towns who may be
interested in seeing what the MOMS club is all about.
We will have coffee, baked goods, crafts and toys for the kids and
a quick presentation for the moms. All of the kids are then welcome
to use the great play-space at Mass Premier Courts. This is a free
November 22 9:30am Foxboro Mass Premier Courts 97 Green Street,
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday December 7, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu
includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham,
sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon
rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. The meal
is served in a handicapped accessible room. For more information, please
call the church office 508-528-0262.
The 2013 Norfolk Lions Santa Parade, in conjunction with the Recreation
Department, will be on Sunday, December 8th at 3:30 pm. For more info,
please email Norfolk Lions Steve McDonough at;
or Jonathan F. at
A woodworker group is forming at the Norfolk Senior Center. Whether a
current or retired professional, a basement hobbyist, a skilled old hand or
beginner, or just a lover of the craft, all are invited to the Senior
Center's brightest new activity and event. All woodcarvers, wood-turners,
and wood-butchers are cordially invited to participate in the very first
meeting of this diversified group on Wednesday, January 15th at 10 a.m. (at
the Senior Center) to share their experiences, expertise, hopes, and plans.
Participants are encouraged to bring along any photographs or descriptions
of completed, ongoing, or future projects for discussion and support.
The session will be conducted by the Norfolk Senior Center's
very own Council on Aging Associate Member, Peter Soltz, a recently retired
owner of a kitchen and bath business and longtime woodworking hobbyist. It
is his hope the event will become a regularly scheduled one and will grow
into a local group or club for exchanging and sharing knowledge about
suppliers, tools, resources, and just about everything related to this
age-old craft. For further information, your comments, or your ideas,
contact Mr. Soltz at
The King Philip Parents' Network will hold a kick-off planning event for the
2014 All Night Party on Wednesday, January 29th during Parent Teacher
Conferences at the high school. From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., parents are invited
to stop by the KPPN table in the main lobby for party information and
refreshments. In addition, a sneak preview of the party will be available in
the auditorium. Raffle tickets will be sold at the kick-off for prizes such
as front row seats and premiere parking at graduation. The All Night Party
is a 24-year-old tradition that keeps graduates safe on the night of
graduation. Over 100 parent volunteers are needed to help decorate, set-up
and chaperone the party. For more information about the party and the KP
Parents' Network, visit the KPPN website at
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday February 1, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu
includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham,
sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon
rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. The meal
is served in a handicapped accessible room. For more information, please
call the church office 508-528-0262.
The successful launch of a woodworker group took place on January 15th
at the Norfolk Senior Center. Whether a current or retired professional, a
basement hobbyist, a skilled old hand, beginner, or just a lover of the
craft, you are welcome to join the group for their second meeting on
Wednesday, February 12th at 10 a. m.
Participants are encouraged to share their experiences,
expertise, and plans, in addition to exchanging knowledge about suppliers,
tools, resources, and just about everything related to this age-old craft.
Photographs or descriptions of completed, ongoing, or future projects for
discussion and support are also encouraged.
The sessions are open to the public and are conducted by the
Norfolk Senior Center's very own Council on Aging Associate Member, Peter
Soltz, a recently retired owner of a kitchen and bath business and longtime
woodworking hobbyist. A special treat is in store for this month's
participants with the showing of a film about Sam Maloof, one of America's
greatest furniture makers. For further information about the group, your
comments, or your ideas, contact Mr. Soltz at
This is just one of the many events, activities, and resources
available at Norfolk's beautiful Senior Center. To receive a full schedule
of all Senior Center activities, call (508) 528-4430 or visit the Council on
Aging site at
The Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is
open Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p. m.
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday March 1, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Federated
Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu includes
made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham, sausage, hash
brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon rolls. Adults
$7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. The meal is served in
a handicapped accessible room. For more information, please call the
church office 508-528-0262.
Norfolk Community Television is hosting a Music Discussion Group on
March 4th at 6:30 pm at 158 Main Street. We are interested in getting
local musicians and music lovers together to talk about music! No
experience is necessary, just a love of music. Open to anyone, not just
Norfolk residents. As always, our classes, membership, and equipment
usage are all FREE. Please visit our website ( or
call (508-520-2780) to sign up for class or with any questions! We also
have two more dates tentatively scheduled for 3/11 and 3/18 if there is
enough interest. Looking forward!
Gardening in the Shade, presented by Suzanne Mahler
Date: Wed March 12, 2014 Time: 7:00pm Place: Norfolk Public
Library, Community Room, 139 Main Street, Norfolk MA.
Shady sites
pose challenges but need not lack pizzazz! Come join and learn
which shrubs and perennials tolerate low light while providing
fabulous flowers and foliage for a peaceful shady retreat. Mahler
is past president of the New England Daylily Society and an overseer
for the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Her garden was formerly
designated as a National Display Garden for the American Daylily
Society. Program is co-sponsored by the Millis Garden Club and the
Garden Club of Norfolk.
KP Track & Cross Country 1st Annual Mattress Sale
The Friends of King Philip Track & Cross Country will be sponsoring their
first annual mattress sale on Saturday, March 22nd at KP High School.
Profits from this sale will help fund the track and cross country programs
at the high school. This has been a very successful fundraiser in local
school districts for the past 7 years and the Friends of KP Track/XC are
very excited to sponsor this event at KP for the first time. Brand new, name
brand mattress sets will be 30% - 60% off retail. These are top quality sets
with full manufacturer warranties. All sizes, price ranges, delivery and
free layaway will be available. Floor models will be on display at King
Philip High School from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This one-day sale will be
fully staffed with professional salespeople available to answer any
questions. If you need a new mattress before this sale or have any
questions, please contact Jack Isaacs of Custom Fundraising Solutions at
EVERY sale will benefit the King Philip Track & Cross
Country Teams.
On Friday, April 11th the Norfolk Senior Center, with the generous
support of the Friends of the Norfolk Council on Aging, will be holding a
winetasting. Led by the well-traveled and renowned wine expert Bob Harkey of
Harkey Wine and Spirits in Millis, Massachusetts, Mr. Harkey will share his
encyclopedic knowledge of wine in an entertaining and practical presentation
that includes selecting the most appropriate (and often the most reasonably
priced) wine to accompany a specific dinner choice or occasion.
The event, one of the Center's most popular activities, begins
at 6:30 p. m. and will also include a variety of appetizers to accompany the
tastings. Non-alcoholic beverages will be available for spouses, partners,
and friends who do not drink alcohol.
Participants must register in advance at the Senior Center front
desk (or call 508-528-4430 to secure your place on the guest list). Deadline
for registration is April 4th.
Do you have a friend, neighbor, or relative residing in Norfolk
who has yet to visit the Senior Center? This event can also provide an ideal
introduction to many of your fellow-residents, the Senior Center, its staff,
its volunteers, and the many services available to all in the community.
To receive a schedule of all Senior Center activities, call
(508) 528-4430 or visit the Council on Aging site at
The Norfolk Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open
Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m.
Start your spring cleaning! The KP Parents' Network will be holding a used
clothing and household item drive on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at the KP bus
loop from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Drop off your gently used clothing,
bedding, toys, and other items and the KP Parents' Network will receive CASH
for every pound collected. Volunteers will be available to help collect your
items at the curb. Or have your student drop off your donation in the school
lobby the week prior. The KPPN will donate a portion of the proceeds to the
grade level that collects the most bags. In addition, Norfolk residents can
drop off items at the Transfer Station on March 22nd, March 29th and April
5th during regular business hours. For more information, as well as a list
of items we are collecting, visit our website at
A few tickets are still available for Norfolk's annual Happy Feat
Fundraiser! Gather your girlfriends and join us for an evening of music,
dancing, and conversation while raising money for a worthy cause. Norfolk's
Happy Feat was founded in 2010 and is a ladies' night out fundraiser for a
different charity each year. This year the event will be held on Saturday,
April 12th from 7:00 p.m. to midnight at Lake Pearl Luciano's in Wrentham.
Tickets are $40.00 and include catered hors d'oeuvres, desserts, door
prizes, drawings, auctions, and a DJ. There will also be a cash bar. Tickets
can be purchased at the Norfolk Public Library on Tuesday, March 18th from
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and on Saturday, March 22nd, from 10:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m. All proceeds from this year's fundraiser will go to the Women to
Women Partnership at St. Mary's Center for Women and Children in Dorchester,
MA. Past recipients include the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute for brain
cancer research, the American Red Cross and the Michael J. Fox Foundation
for Parkinson's Disease. For more information, contact Eileen Stetter at
``Remember When''
Relive the
glorious days of the renowned Weber Duck Inn as told by Ross Pini,
grandson of Leon Pini who opened and operated the Inn from 1923-1933.
The Norfolk Historical Commission invites you to join them on Wednesday,
April 16 at 7:00 pm in the Norfolk Public Library Community Room as Ross
``tells the story'' of how this famous dining and
entertainment destination, located in Norfolk's very own
neighborhood of Pondville, began and flourished. Enjoy a trip into the
past, complete with a collection of treasured pictures, artifacts,
original film footage and memorabilia. Learn the famous names and
events that glorified The Weber Duck Inn. Join us! Partake of the
atmosphere harkening back to the 1920s!
Refreshments served, admittance free, a delightful evening guaranteed.
The Garden Club of Norfolk Annual Plant and Bake Sale,
Saturday May 17, 2014 9:00 am noon Town Hill and Gazebo,
139 Main Street, Norfolk.
Find the perfect perennials for your sun
or shade garden, add herbs, shrubs and groundcovers--all at our
annual sale! Other garden related items will be available for
purchase include planters, handing baskets, bird houses, glass
garden flowers, decorative flower pots and our own Norfolk gold.
Don't miss. Advice from enthusiastic gardeners. Face painting &
cake decorating will keep our junior gardeners occupied while
their parents shop! Delicious baked goods.
Proceeds support the
educational programs and public plantings of the all-volunteer,
nonprofit Garden Club of Norfolk. Rain or shine
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday June 7, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. at
the Federated Church of Norfolk. The menu includes made-to-order
omelets, made-from-scratch pancakes, ham, sausage, hash brown potatoes,
caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, &
children under 10 eat for free. The meal is served in a handicapped
accessible room. For more information, please call the church office
Taylor's Triumph 2nd Annual 5K Run/Walk- June 7th: On Saturday,
June 7th, 2014, Norfolk will hold Taylor's Triumph, a 5K Run/Walk,
in honor of 13 year old Taylor Manning who died unexpectedly of
congenital heart failure in May of 2012. Taylor's Triumph will
take place on at the Holmes Field, 22 Myrtle Street, Norfolk.
Starting time is 9:00 am and registration will open at 7:30. Runners
and walkers can pre-register through May 31st at
The Taylor's Triumph 5K will include water stations, refreshments
and live music! Entry fees are $30 for pre-registrants and $35 for
same day registrations. All proceeds will be sent to the Taylor
Manning Memorial Fund.
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday September 6, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu
includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham,
sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon
rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. For more
information, please call the church office 508-528-0262.
Stony Brook Fall Fair
September 20, 2014, 10-4 pm.
Join us for a special day of games, crafts, food, and fun for the whole
family as Stony Brook continues its 50th anniversary celebration!
Proceeds from ticket sales will go toward supporting Stony Brook's school,
community, and camp programs, and conservation efforts.
More details
All are cordially invited to an Auction Fun-Night at the Norfolk
Senior Center on Friday, October 3rd (5 p. m. to 8 p. m.). Admittance is
free and Norfolk's very own Moderator and Council on Aging Chairman, Jay
Talerman, will be donning an auctioneer's hat for the occasion as he
describes a variety of interesting items submitted for bids. Articles to be
auctioned (may be antiques but are not restricted to timeworn items) will
include attic treasures and basement finds, knick-knacks, collectibles,
memorabilia, nostalgia, signed and unsigned sports and entertainment items,
as well as the strange, the artistic, and the not-so-artistic. Due to the
generous support of the Friends of the Norfolk Council on Aging,
complimentary soft drinks, wine, appetizers, and a variety of snacks and
refreshments will also be available to add to the evening's fun and
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday October 4, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu
includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham,
sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon
rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. FMI,
please call the church office 508-528-0262
Medium/Comedian Night at Franklin Country Club on October 4th 2014. $25
per ticket includes appetizers, doors open at 6:30, show starts at 7:30,
cash bar. Tickets for raffles will be available to purchase, raffles
include 2 trips to Martha's Vineyard and many other wonderful prizes.
Tickets are limited so be sure to purchase in advance
or mail check to:
Medium/Comedian Night c/o Norfolk Federal Credit Union, PO Box 306,
Norfolk, MA 02056. Any question please email
or call Sandra
508-878-6766. Tickets sold will go towards scholarship for Tri-County
High School and NETRA (New England Trail Riders), along with our local
EMT/Fire outfit.
Woodside Fall Fair & Chili Cook-Off
Saturday, October 11th, 10AM-1PM,
Woodside Montessori Academy,
350 Village Street, Millis MA 02054.
Get ready for a fun-filled day to support the Woodside Montessori Academy
Parents Guild! Our Fall Fair & Chili Cook-Off is located at 350 Village
Street Millis, MA and is open to the public.
Activities include: Petting Zoo, Touch-A-Truck, Carnival Games, Face
Painting, Food, Music and Performances, Raffles & Silent Auction Items from
Local Businesses, Chili Cook-Off, Pie Eating Contest
Do you have an award worthy chili recipe? Individuals and businesses are
both welcome to compete in the chili cook-off. Prizes include a Calphalon
cookware prize and bragging rights!
Don't miss a chance to celebrate a great fall day, meet new friends, have
fun, eat good food, and enjoy the beautiful Woodside campus.
The fair is on Saturday, October 11th from 10AM to 1PM, at the Woodside
Montessori Academy, 350 Village Street Millis, MA
A Flea Market will be held at the Federated Church of Norfolk on Saturday,
October 25 from 9:00 AM- 2:00 PM.
The church vestry will be transformed into a wonderful market place.
Included in the sale will be furniture, glassware, tools, and a wonderful
assortment of special treasures just waiting for you.
The Federated Church's own Heavenly Chefs will have morning coffee and
pastry and a delicious lunch available so that shoppers can take a break
from treasure hunting to have some refreshment.
The Federated Church is located at the corner of Main Street and Route 115
across from the Town Common. The sale will be held in the church vestry,
which is handicapped accessible. The entrance and parking lot are behind
the church and entered from Main Street. For more information, contact the
church office, 508-528-0262.
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday November 1, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu
includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham,
sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon
rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. FMI,
please call the church office 508-528-0262.
All towns welcome to Saint Jude Church electronic recycle day Sat
November 8, from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m at 86 Main Street, Norfolk
Accepting all electronics to include monitors, computers, computer games,
stereo equipment, copy and fax machines, printers, TV's, any item that as
a plug. We are also accepting any appliances, such as washers, dryers,
stoves, refrigerators as well as lawn mowers, snow blowers with the gas
removed, exercise equipment and grills. The recycle event will have low
fees of $5 each r computer, $10 any monitor or small TV less than 19", $15
each TV between 19" and 26" and $20 each TV over 26" wide and wood console
TV's, projection TV's $25 each TV 32" and over $30. . Any appliance are
$10 each. Any cell phones, bikes car, truck batteries are well as
any scrap metal We have no shipments oversSees or in landfills. Any
questions please contact
Bicycle Recycle Day at same parking lot. Please bring any unwanted
bicycles to be reused again. No cost to drop off. Bikes are fixed and
reused again. Your old bike will be someones new bike. Please bring any
kind of bike any condition.
Beyond the Cornucopia, presented by Maureen Christmas,
Joint meeting of the Garden Club of Norfolk and Millis Garden Club
Date: Wednesday, November 12 th 2014 Time: 7:00pm Place: Norfolk
Public Library,Community Room, 139 Main Street, Norfolk MA.
of ways to get ready for the holidays, then please come join us
for what promises to be an informative meeting with Maureen
Christmas. She will demonstrate arrangements to welcome the fall
and winter holiday season including design tips and some history
about the origins of some common customs. Maureen is a member of
the Acton Garden Club and is an award-winning designer and a flower
show life judge for the National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Federated Church Holly Fair
The Women's Fellowship of the Federated Church of Norfolk will hold their
annual Holly Fair on Saturday, November 15th from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the
fellowship hall of the church.. Bring your children visit with Santa from
10:00 AM-12:00 Noon. The church's own Heavenly Chefs will be serving lunch
from 11:30 AM- 2:00 PM. There are many opportunities for Holiday Shopping.
This year's Holly Fair will include even more crafters and vendors than
ever, as well as the handmade items of our church crafters. A tradition you
are sure to enjoy is the church's annual cookie walk where you can select
from dozens of different plain and fancy cookies to enjoy now or freeze for
later use. You will also find a wide selection of other delicious homemade
baked goods for sale. Unique to the Holly Fair is the popular "Children
Only" shopping area. Children will be able to purchase Christmas gifts for
their friends and family at very nominal prices. Members of the youth group
will be available to help the children with their gift choices and gift-
wrapping and also help them make some Christmas crafts while you do you
shopping. The Federated Church of Norfolk is located at the corner of Route
115 and Main Street in the center of Norfolk, across from the Town Common.
Adequate parking is located at the back of the church and the fellowship
hall and restrooms are handicap accessible.
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday December 6, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu
includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham,
sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon
rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. FMI,
please call the church office 508-528-0262
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday January 3, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu
includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham,
sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon
rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. FMI,
please call the church office 508-528-0262
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday February 7, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu
includes made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham,
sausage, hash brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon
rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. FMI,
please call the church office 508-528-0262
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday March 7, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Federated
Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu includes
made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham, sausage, hash
brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon rolls. Adults
$7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. FMI, please call the
church office 508-528-0262.
Gardening is Murder!
presented by Neal Sanders.
This meeting is co sponsored with the Norfolk Public Library
Date: Wednesday, March 11
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Norfolk Public Library, Community Room, 139 Main Street, Norfolk MA
All are welcome so please join us for the Garden Club of Norfolk's March meeting.
Neal Saunders will give a truthful and humorous presentation on gardening. Some of
the topics covered will include "why it is impossible to do just one thing in the
garden" and "why it requires digging three holes to plant something". This promises
to be a fun evening and what a good time of year to start thinking about our gardens
Due to the severe weather the informational seminar on the Senior
Circuit Breaker Tax Credit sponsored by State Representative Richard Ross,
originally scheduled for February 10th, was cancelled and has been
rescheduled for Friday, March 13th at 12:30 p. m. at the Norfolk Senior
The Circuit Breaker Tax Credit is for low and moderate income
seniors whose real estate tax payments are greater than 10% of their income.
Taxpayers must be aged 65 or older, must own or rent in Massachusetts, and
there are income limits and assessment restrictions to be eligible.
Spread the word. All are welcome to attend to see if you or your
loved one qualifies, how to apply, how to claim the credit from a previous
year, just what benefits you receive, how to calculate real estate tax
payments, and much more. Interested parties can also contact the office of
Representative Ross at 617-722-1555 for more information about the seminar
and this statewide program.
The Norfolk Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road
and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. To receive a full
schedule of all Senior Center programs and activities call 508-528-4430 or
visit the Council on Aging site at
On April 7th at 11:30am, Physical Therapist, Anthony Sisti, MSPT from
Wellesley Therapeutic Services of Medway will be doing a presentation on
Maintaining Balance and Preventing Falls at the Medway Senior Center.
All are welcome!
Anthony is a Norfolk resident and former college baseball player with
nearly 15 years of experience as a Physical Therapist. His office is
located at 6 Main Street, Route 109 in Medway. Anthony specializes in
orthopedic/sports rehabilitation, vestibular (vertigo, dizziness)
therapy, post-surgical rehabilitation, and pregnancy and post-partum
4/11 (moved from 4/4 due to holiday)
Due to the holiday, the breakfast was changed from the 4th to April 11. All
You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday April 11, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Federated Church of
Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu includes made to order
omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham, sausage, hash brown potatoes,
caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon rolls. Adults $7, seniors $5, &
children under 10 eat for free. FMI, please call the church office
Norfolk's 6th Annual "Clean and Green" Earth Day Celebration -- The Norfolk
Grange invites all residents of Norfolk, especially the youth, to celebrate
Earth Day by participating in Norfolk's 6th Annual Clean and Green event on
Saturday, April 25 as we clean the unsightly rubbish and litter along
roadways and public places in our community. Bags containing litter and
recyclables collected during the morning or early afternoon of April 25 are
to be brought to the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary at 108 North St. for
disposal/recycling between 11:00 am -- 2:00 p.m. There we will celebrate our
accomplishment with community photos, cute "green" giveaways and lots of
green/Earth Day information. The Norfolk Grange will also provide Volunteer
Recognition Certificates to participants documenting their community
In celebration of Earth Day, 2015, the Norfolk Grange has proudly partnered
with Stony Brook and is joining in their celebration of Earth Day/Arbor Day.
Drop off your litter early so you can enjoy various programs the day has to
offer, such as, demonstrations and information sharing, children's nature
games and crafts, music, and more, programs in tree planting and pruning
techniques a presentation on bats as an endangered species, and Norfolk
County 4-H rabbits to pet and cuddle! Come visit on this very special day -
free to all!
Unlike previous years, there is no registration required for this event. We
do, however, ask that you visit the Clean and Green section of the Norfolk
Grange's website for more information and to view the Safety Tips and
Guidelines sheet at
We look forward to your participation in this fun, civic-minded, Earth Day
All You Can Eat Breakfast Saturday June 6, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Federated
Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street in Norfolk center. The menu includes
made to order omelets, made from scratch pancakes, ham, sausage, hash
brown potatoes, caramel French toast, and mini cinnamon rolls. Adults
$7, seniors $5, & children under 10 eat for free. FMI, please call the
church office 508-528-0262.
8/8, 8/25
Norfolk Library will be hosting an Introduction to Modern Banking:
A short, non-branded seminar introducing the ideas of banking to
teenagers and young adults who are leaving for college or are
beginning to manage their own finances. Come join us August 8th
or 22nd from 1-2pm to learn what the difference between checking
and savings accounts actually are, tips on how to manage money
smartly, advice on responsible credit-building activities, and how
to protect yourself and your bank accounts when shopping online.
Recommended for ages 16-22 and their parents. Delivered by Nicholas
Nolin, personal banker for Santander Bank.
Naturalist Marla Isaac, Director of the New England Reptile and
Raptor Exhibits, a naturalist, artist, falconer, and professional reptile
handler, will be presenting a lecture-demonstration and live exhibit of
feathered raptors at the Norfolk Senior Center on Saturday, September 26th
at 10 a. m. The program will include detailed and engaging information about
many of our aerial hunters including hawks, vultures, falcons, and owls as
well as an up-close look at their distinctive behavior patterns. If
appropriate, and weather permitting, the event may also include outside
Both an educational and captivating experience is in store for
all. Bring the kids or grandkids. They'll love it! Advance registration is a
must. Sign up at the front desk of the Norfolk Senior Center or call
508-528-4430, and please indicate the number of guests who will be
accompanying you.
To receive a full schedule of all Senior Center activities and its
many events and programs, call 508-528-4430 or visit the Council on Aging
site at The Norfolk Senior Center is located at 28
Medway Branch Road and is open Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Boy Scout Troop 80 is organizing a Christmas tree pickup service for Norfolk
residents. The deadline to register for the collection is Jan 5; the pickup
is slated for Sat. Jan. 9, Participants should leave their tree next to the
street by 9 a.m. The fee is $10 for trees up to 10 feet tall and $15 for
taller trees; seniors will be charged $5. Checks should be sent to Troop 80,
Norfolk Boy Scouts, PO Box 523, Norfolk. To sign up for the collection,
provide your name, address and phone number via e-mail at
A Red Cross Blood
Drive will be held at the Federated Church of Norfolk on Saturday,
February 13, 2016 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The church is located
at 1 Union Street, in the center of Norfolk, across from the Town
Common. Ample parking is located behind the church. To make an
appointment or to receive further information, please call
The Norfolk Grange #135 is holding its first Backyard Gardening Workshop, a
four-part workshop series, the first taking place on Saturday, March 19 from
10am to 12pm at the Norfolk Grange, 28 Rockwood Road. All workshops are
free and open to the public. Please see the attached press release for
further details.
The Norfolk Grange #135 invites all residents of Norfolk, especially the
youth, to celebrate Earth Day by participating in Norfolk's 7th Annual Clean
and Green Town-wide Cleanup on Sunday, May 1 as we clean the unsightly
rubbish and litter along roadways and public places in our community. Once
again the Grange has proudly partnered with Stony Brook and is joining in
their celebration of Earth Day/Arbor Day that same day. The collection of
litter and recyclables collected (in separate bags) during the morning and
afternoon of May 1 are to be brought to the Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary
at 108 North Street for disposal/recycling between Noon and 4 p.m. There we
will celebrate our accomplishment with community photos, cute "green"
giveaways and lots of earth-friendly information. The Norfolk Grange will
also provide Volunteer Recognition Certificates to participants documenting
their community service in this civic-minded event. Note, no registration is
required; however, we do ask that you visit the "Clean and Green docs"
section of the Norfolk Grange's Facebook page at
for important information regarding participation in this event.
Drop off your litter early so you can enjoy various Earth Day/Arbor Day
activities Stony Brook has to offer including timely demonstrations and
information sharing, children's nature games and crafts, help plant a tree,
and participate in a pruning demonstration. We hope you will join us on this
very special day - free to all!
Contact Robin B. of the Norfolk Grange at 508-740-2777 if you have any
questions. Thanks!
6/7 The value of an antiquarian or rare book is determined by a variety of
factors including its condition, binding, provenance, scarcity, the presence
of inscriptions, and whether a first edition or not. The evaluation of
documents, including letters and signatures of well-known people, involves
still other considerations.
Ken Gloss, book antiquarian and owner of the world-famous
Brattle Book Shop in Boston (one of the oldest antiquarian book stores in
the country), will be giving a special lecture on rare books that will be
followed by book and document appraisals on Tuesday, June 7th (6:30 p.m.) at
the Norfolk Senior Center. Known for his appearances on PBS's "Antiques
Roadshow," his popular presentations are filled with anecdotes as well as
examples of books and ephemera he has acquired over a span of many years.
Mark your calendar to attend this free program as both
participants and observers are welcome to attend. Those who bring items are
limited to two per person for a free evaluation and appraisal. In addition
to old books, documents (e.g., autographed materials, maps, magazines,
calendars, posters, pamphlets, broadsides, and other ephemerae) will also be
appraised by Mr. Gloss.
Due to the generous support of the Friends of the Norfolk
Council on Aging, wine and hors d'oeuvres will be served. The Norfolk Senior
Center (508-528-4430) is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Monday
thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Those with vision impairments, sight limitations, or a variety of
health conditions causing vision loss now have a support group in one of the
Norfolk Senior Center's newest programs. This invaluable and informative
program provides helpful information and resources for individuals
experiencing changes associated with age-related diseases, including macular
degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, or diabetes.
Monthly meetings of the group will provide participants with
friendship and support, the opportunity to share information, learn more
about their condition, as well as discovering the benefits and services
available through the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, the Perkins
School, and other agencies. Additionally, guest speakers (including
advocates, specialists, or experts in the field) will present information
about developing coping skills, low-vision aids, and related resources with
the goal of maintaining a safe home environment and living as independently
as possible.
The next meeting of the group will be at the Norfolk Senior Center
on Thursday, June 23rd from 10:30 a.m. until noon (lunch will be served).
The guest speaker will be Andrea Schein, the Public Education Consultant for
the BRIDGE Program at the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, who will
discuss normal changes in the aging eye, causes of vision loss, vision
preservation, and related issues.
This program is free and open to all. Norfolk residents are
encouraged to bring this special program to the attention of those friends,
neighbors, or loved ones who can benefit from the assistance and support
this group provides.
The June 23rd meeting requires registration. For more information
(transportation can be provided for Norfolk residents) and to sign-up, call
the Senior Center at 508-528-4430.
The Norfolk Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and
is open Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Interested parties can also
receive a full schedule of all Senior Center events and activities by
calling the above number.
Norfolk Democratic Town Committee Organization Meeting
The Norfolk Democratic Town Committee will hold an organization meeting
on Thursday, 14-Jul-2016 at 7:00 PM in the Community room of the Norfolk
Public Library at 139 Main Street, Norfolk, MA 02056. We will elect
officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary). All registered
Democrats in Norfolk not yet on the committee are eligible to apply to
join the committee. Members of the committee are eligible to vote for
the officers and are eligible to run for any of the offices.
One or more members of the Democratic State Committee will be present to
help with the organization meeting and to talk about the elections this
If you want any additional information, you may call David R. at 1-508-528-7124.
Anyone with a Senior Charlie Card can get senior fares on the entire
MBTA system, usually at half-price, and this includes commuter rail, buses,
and subways. The regional transit authority (GATRA) is authorized to issue
Senior Charlie Cards to any resident of a town served by GATRA (
who is age 60 or older.
The Norfolk Council on Aging will be holding a registration event
for these cards at the Norfolk Senior Center on August 12th from 1 p.m. to 8
p.m. Applicants will be processed at that time for the GATRA ID Card which
will enable them to take advantage of the GATRA Dial-A-Ride service, the
GATRA long distance medical transportation services, and get reduced fares
on the GATRA buses.
Applicants must bring proof of age on the day of the event-a valid
(unexpired) RMV photo ID or passport. At the event, they will fill out a
registration form, proof of age will be verified, and a photograph will be
taken for the Senior Charlie Card and GATRA photo ID that will subsequently
be mailed directly to registrants. A single, two-sided card will be issued
with one side serving as the Senior Charlie Card and the other side serving
as the GATRA ID. This is the same Charlie Card that is issued by the MBTA
and can be loaded with fares and used exactly like the Charlie Cards
obtained directly from the MBTA.
This is a special opportunity for Norfolk residents because the
normal MBTA eligibility age for a Senior Charlie Card is 65 years of age and
it is usually required that applicants travel to the MBTA office in Boston
to get one issued.
Norfolk residents are encouraged to contact eligible friends,
neighbors, and loved ones about this opportunity. The Norfolk Senior Center
is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Monday thru Friday from 9 a.
m. to 4 p. m. For further information about this program (transportation for
this event can also be arranged for Norfolk residents) and a schedule of all
Norfolk Senior Center events, programs, and activities can be obtained by
calling 508-528-4430.
2/23, 2/25
Norfolk Historical Commission will be selling sweatshirts for $35
at the Library on February 23rd and 25th between the hours of 10:30
- 1:00--in case we run out we will be happy to put one on order for
you. If you have any questions please feel free to email
or leave a
message at 508-528-2604.
Father of Ecology Focus of Documentary
Showing at Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary in Norfolk
Green Fire film connects legendary conservationist Aldo Leopold
with modern environmental projects.
A holiday performance of ``A Christmas Story'' will be held by the
KPHS Drama Club in the high school's Grady auditorium (201 Franklin St.,
Wrentham). Performances are at 7:30pm on Friday and Saturday; tickets
are $5 at the door, or call 508-384-1060 for more information.
Tour of the Freeman/Centennial School, given by the
Norfolk School Building Needs Assessment Task Force.
The tours will be given by members of the Norfolk School
Building Needs Assessment Task Force.
The photo shows Toby Lyons explaining use of the
cafeteria/gymnasium to members of the Task Force.
Thursday, February 15, at 9:15 am and 7:15 pm.
Tour of the Freeman/Centennial School, given by the
Norfolk School Building Needs Assessment Task Force.
The tours will be given by members of the Norfolk School
Building Needs Assessment Task Force.
The photo shows Toby Lyons explaining use of the
cafeteria/gymnasium to members of the Task Force.
Saturday, March 3, at 10:00 am.
Paula Austin, President, Norfolk Community League
Linda Balfour, Principal, H. Olive Day School
Scott Brown, State Representative
George Cronin, King Philip Regional School Committee
MaryJo Gothorpe, President, Friends of the Library
Paul Guertin, Station Manager NCTV
Craig Hardimon, Principal, King Philip North Middle School
Maryann Maloney, Postmaster
Karen Marinella, Co-Anchor of "The Ten O'Clock News" WLVI TV
Pam Mele, Director of Norfolk Children's School
Sandra Myatt, Local Artist
Kathy Ryan, Director of the Kathy Ryan Dance Studio
Valerie Sheehan, Author/Illustrator of My Nantucket ABC Book
Kristin Stashenko, Local Artist & Proprietor Village Arts & Flowers
Noelle Tonelli, Recreation Commission
And others ...
Refreshments will be served by the Friends
of the Library.
Thursday is a milestone day for me; it is my 30th birthday. It may not sound
like a milestone to all of you, but to me it is. A birthday is supposed to be a
happy occassion full of celebrating and love and family. I have not had a
happy birthday since September 11, 1992, when my mom passed away. She was very
ill with cancer and couldn't fight anymore.
12/8 9:19pm: The Santa Breakfast has been sold out.
Monday, December 29 - Reptiles of the USA
Tuesday, December 30 - Owls of the USA
Wednesday, December 31 - Otter be great!
Friday, January 2 - Foxes and Coyotes
Sign up at Stony Brook or call to register 508-528-3140.
[4/5 4:40pm Note: Candidates Night was cancelled, and will not be
re-scheduled. While updating the Calendar, I discovered that the
event was listed under 4/5, not the correct 4/15 - Wm.]
The Fall Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26,
2004, at 7:30PM at the King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham.
[Update: location is the Stony Brook Nature Center - BZ]
WCT will present this fantastic tale at Walpole High School on the following
January 27th @ 7pm
January 28th @ 2pm & 7pm
January 29th @ 2pm
February 3rd @ 7pm
February 4th @ 2pm & 7pm
We encourage parents who last names beginning with the letters "A" through
"H" to register between 9:15 and 10:00. Parents whose last names start
with letters "I" through "P" are asked to register between 10:00 and
10:45, and those last names in the "Q" through "Z" category should
register from 10:45 through 11:30. It is not necessary to bring your
child to registration. Please be sure to bring your child's birth
certificate. If for any reason you cannot be present on February 6th,
please contact the school at: 541-5475 Ext 0 to make arrangements for
At the same time, we will be conducting registration for our Integrated
Pre-Kindergarten Program. For the 3 year old program, children must be 3
years old by August 31, 2006. The children registering for the 4 year old
program must be 4 years old by August 31, 2006. A lottery will be used to
select children for the openings. If you have any questions about this
program, please contact the Special Education Office at: 541-5475.
[Update 12/20 9:46am: ...years old by August 31, 2006, not 05]
A reception will be held on Wednesday, March 15th, from 6:30 to
8:30PM, to celebrate the exhibit's opening, and light refreshments will
be available. The public is encouraged to stop by and say hello,
especially as many of the represented artists will be on hand to answer
questions or talk about their work.
[Update 3/19 3:20pm: the time is 7pm - MW]
Saturday, April 8, 2006
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Freeman Centennial School, MacBride Auditorium
For more info call: Maura M. 508-528-1315 or Teresa R.
Admission price $4 per person for NCL members, $5 per person for
non-members (children under 2 years old free).
Fee: $35m/$42nm per day per child
Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle Tuesday, April 18 A Drop in the Bucket Wednesday, April 19 Going, Going, Gone! Thursday, April 20 Earth Day is Every Day Friday, April 21
C a n c e l l e d due to the soggy fields;
see the post of 6/8 3:07pm.
[Update 8/1 3:35pm: At the Pond Street fields, not Town Hill]
[Update 9/15 12:40pm: $5 per ride]
[More info here]
[M o r e . . .]
[M o r e i n f o . . .]
[M o r e . . .]
[Details in the post of 2/5 1:35pm]
[M o r e . . .]
[Details on Notice Board]
[M o r e . . .]
[additional details in post of 5/8 8:18pm]
[M o r e . . .]
[M o r e i n f o . . .]
Event date: Saturday, October 13 (raindate, October 27th)
Holmes Field, Myrtle Street 4:00-7:30 p.m. (4:00 to 6:00
p.m. for younger children) - VR
[M o r e . . .]
Admission: Adults $8, Students and Seniors $5
Update 9/27 1:30pm:
The Haunted Train Ride
is Sold Out. No one will be allowed to enter the parking lot or ride
the train without a ticket.
Date: Thursday, November 1 2007
Time: 4:00-5:30 PM
Place: Freeman Centennial School lobby
Bring half of your Halloween
candy to benefit Birthday Wishes,
a charity that provides birthday parties for over 450 children in homeless
shelters and transitional housing.
D.A.R.E. Officer Steve Plympton will be present to discuss the D.A.R.E.
program with all who attend.
There will be drawings for toy store gift cards and other prizes.
Any questions contact Janet M. 508-553-9805
Saturday Nov. 17th, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Santa from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Baked Goods, Gifts, Decorations, Cookie Walk, Childrens Shopping, Pies, Plants, Wood
Crafts, Candy, Coffee & Muffins, Luncheon and more.
Corner of Route 115 & Main Street in Norfolk Center.
Don't Miss Out!
[M o r e . . .]
[More details...]
[D e t a i l s . . .]
Admission price: $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.
Free food,
Tour the WDIS AM 1170 studio,
Join the WDIS AM 1170 Listeners Club,
Hear yourself on air,
Learn how to use the radio control booth
...and more
More information at
Sold out
General Admission is $10.00. To reserve your tickets call 508-543-ARTS
(2787) ext. 4 or visit
Thursday, July 2
Southeast MA Community Band - Variety Big band Style
Reminisants - Some of the best oldies
BC & Company - Swing, R &B
Franklin School of Performing Arts Electric Youth Song and Dance
Seed Racer - Classic Rock
Ayla Brown - of American Idol Fame
Greg Cooney
A children's concert co-sponsored with Norfolk Public Library
This concert will be inside if it is raining.
Eight Misbehaven - Jazz
[Update 10/11 7:34pm: the Haunted Train Ride is SOLD OUT. No more tickets are
available. - TS]
10/24 11am, Freeman-Centennial School
Thank you all for your support and efforts in making this 1st Annual road race possible.
Please spread the word! Runners and walkers welcome.
The Committee will be flyering the town in the next week or
so and with your help as well we can get the word out there as much as possible.
The first scholarship will be given in Sgt. Adam P. Kennedy's honor after the race as well.
for more information.
The initial meeting of the Committee will be on Monday, 25-Jan-2010 at
7:30 PM in Norfolk Town Hall room 25 (on the lowest floor of the
In informal discussions prior to the creation of the committee, we
spoke about the possibility of looking into a (probably web-based)
system for allowing Norfolk residents to read, make comments on, ask
and answer questions about, Town Meeting warrant articles and
Recommendations on those warrant articles, prior to the Town Meeting.
Eric Nelson from Dover is currently a business consultant and an
adjunct professor of business at Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy.
He will speak on ``Heavenly Love'' and will also present a mini-love
concert with secular and sacred songs. Come and hear the story
behind some of these special songs.
Bring a Valentine to warm the heart of those in need of a little
love. Valentines will be ``lovingly'' given to nursing home residents.
Invite a friend - He or she will be glad you did!
Please join us on Thursday February 18th, 7:00 pm at the Norfolk Library
Meeting Room for the Lions Awareness & Information Night. Learn about the
history and heritage of Lionism, Helen Keller's challenge, the events that
make Norfolk a wonderful place to raise a family, and about the Norfolk
Lion's contribution to many local causes. Meet your neighbors who make a
difference and stop feeling unattached. We welcome all men and women who
seek a deeper connection to our town and a desire to work with others to
make a positive impact. This is the chance you've been waiting for. In
the words of Winston Churchill: "You make a living by what you get. You
make a life by what you give." Come learn about our service organization,
meet some of our members and enjoy some refreshments. Hope you can join
[Update: this event is free.
The "ticket sales" line was for the Chili Contest - Wm.]
Tickets $14 adult, $7 for others over 5 years old.
Ticket sale - Norfolk Library or contact:
Mary Ward of Weymouth MA, a professional singer originally from
Ireland, will share authentic Irish music with the theme of Ireland
Remembered. Sharing Irish memories will follow so bring your
Also Janice Owen a busy grandmother of triplets from Hudson MA will
present "From Presents to Presence."
Child Nutrition Program When: Thursday, March 25, 2010; 7pm -
8:30pm Where: H. Olive Day Library
Presented by Jane Sylvestre, Registered Dietitian & Natalie Zodda,
MBA Introduction to the Norfolk Nutrition Task Force and presentation
on childhood nutrition focused on the elementary years.
Date: Saturday, May 22nd
Full fancy buffet, raffles, silent and live auctions, DJ and dancing!
R.S.V.P. Date of May 14th. Tickets still available!
Win Red Sox tickets, Bruins tickets, get-aways, spa certificates, gift
baskets, handmade jewelry, and so much more!
For more information, please click on
[this link]
Place: Mansfield Holiday Inn
Time: 6-12pm
John Thorp -- inventor of the Ring
Frame Spinner that revolutionized
the Textile industy.
Come and learn of the accomplishments of
these men of North Wrentham/Norfolk.
7/27, 6:30 pm, Town Hill Summer Concert, T-Bone (a Tuesday evening Children's Concert), Co-sponsored with Norfolk Library. This date only: Rain location is inside Library.
7/29, 6:30 pm, Town Hill Summer Concert, Deluxe Quality Band (Variety)
8/5, 6:30 pm, Town Hill Summer Concert, Dick Kaplan and the Excellent Jazz Band
Come join us for a nght of fun and information as we explore Norfolk trivia --
Vinegar Hill, Mt Tisca, Wildcat Road, Old Meeting House School and
more. Come and learn about Norfolk history.
Scheduled entertainment includes local favorite the Stone Street
Strummers, and Stony Brook regulars Mark and Marcia Wilson, who will
host their critically acclaimed "Eyes on Owls" program. In addition,
we'll have visits from the Norfolk Fire Department, Massachusetts'
Master Gardeners, the Norfolk County Bee Keepers' Association, local 4-H
groups and more! A full complement of luncheon items will be on sale,
delicious desserts and more, many donated by local businesses and
restaurants! Our white elephant sale is not to be missed as well, with
everything from furniture to household treasures at bargain prices. We
hope you'll join us!
The Fall Fair is Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary's largest annual
fundraiser. The cost of admission is $4 per adult, $3 per child, with a
maximum of $12 for a family. All money raised goes to supporting the
Sanctuary and its educational programs.
Stony Brook is located at 108 North Street (off of Route 115) about one
mile south of the center of Norfolk. For any questions or directions
please call Stony Brook at 508-528-3140.
Venue change: moved to Easton -
due to weather conditions and the
state of the football field, the KP Marching Band Classic is being moved
to Oliver Ames High School in Easton.
Sponsored by Norfolk Community League and Norfolk Lions, proceeds to benefit
Norfolk Together and Norfolk Community League's Charitable Fund.
For more information, contact Tara Spellman at 508-384-6354 or
Join us on Saturday October 30th at October Farm's new location of 39 Miller
St in Norfolk for Open House 10AM-4PM. There will be a full day of
activities including ongoing tours of our new facility and riding
demonstrations of dressage, hunt seat, and stadium jumping. There will also
be a huge swap meet where you can buy, sell, barter, and trade all things
horsey. Face painting, pumpkin painting, pony rides, and a bake sale are
all part of the day's activities. For more information please contact Jill
Swift @ 978-257-1173 or Melissa Iozzo @ 802-558-6139. Visit us on the web
We hope to see you there!
The Federated Church is located at the corner of Route 115 and Main Street
in the center of Norfolk, across from the Common. The main parking lot is
located at the Main Street entrance behind the church. Handicap access to
the sanctuary is available from the handicap spaces in front of the church.
Handicap access to the vestry is available from the handicap spaces in back
of the church. For further information, please contact the church office
Shop the farmers market and craft fair for locally grown and locally
made products. Offerings on hand at the Market include a wide
variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, artisan baked goods, jams,
pies, cider, pastas, cheeses, grass fed beef, prepared foods, honey,
books, art, jewelry, and much more.
Enjoy the opportunity to buy local directly for area farmers, food
producers and crafters. Visit the Farmers Market website,, or
email for
further details about the Winter Market.
Next weekend is opening weekend for Hairspray!
Hairspray the Musical!: February 3 - 14 (Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays)
You can't stop the beat! One of the world's most popular musicals comes to
the Orpheum Theatre in Foxboro in February. Show times are Fridays and
Saturdays at 8:00pm and Sundays at 2:00pm. Advance tickets range between $16
- $22. Week of tickets range from $20 - $26. Tickets are available online
now at
Folks in the photo are, left to right:
Helena R., Norfolk, as Tracy Turnblad (lead)
Michael D., Providence, RI, as Edna Turnblad
Hayley S., North Attleboro, as Penny
Joshua K., Mansfield, as Link Larkin
Michael H., Holbrook, as Corny Collins
Renee H., Providence, RI, as Motormouth Maybelle
Madelein Bolger will show portaits in acrylic and pastels. She
studied at the Rhode Island School of Design and earned a BFA from
Rosemont College. She resides in Norfolk with her family.
MIchael Evans works in oil and pastels as well as, most recently,
fabric collage. His favorite subjects are the barns of upstate
New York and the beaches, marshes and gardens of Cape Cod. Michael
studied at the Attleboro Arts Museum, the Lyme Art Association and
under local artist Colleen Vandeventer aand Monique Martin-Courcy
in Quebec.. He has won numerous awards through out New England,
including the Juror's Choice Award at the Attleboro Arts Museum
last show. His studio is in Pawtucket, RI
Karole Nicholson has studied pastels, her favorit medium, under
Richard McKinley, Bob Rohm and other internationally known artists
as well as at the Rhode Island School of Design. Her subjects are
florals, still life and landscapes. She showed at the Bibliotheque
Gallery in Lima Peru while she participated in the Art Amassadors
Project in 2008, as well as many other venues throughout the region.
This summer she will join other artists on an intensive painting
tour in Umbria and Tuscany. Karole belongs to several regional art
associations and societies.
Judith Moffat has illustrated over fifty children's books since
1990. Her illustrations are influenced by her first love, three
dimensional cut paper, a type of collage. She has received several
awards internationally and in the US, such as the Oppenheimer Best
Book Gold Award in the science category. " The Sun-Maid-Raisin
Play Book was a main selection in the Children's Book of the Month
Club. Judith teaches at the Rhode sland School of Design in the
Children's Book Certificate program . She resides in Medway with
her husband and pets.
Come on out and sample, enjoy, and vote on chili from some of the areas
finest restaurants.
Cornbread, chips, drinks, dessert & more.
Tickets can be purchased by calling 508-520-0079 or emailing
If you are curious about the Norfolk Senior Center and its
facilities, this is a special night designed to include you. Or if you
have a friend or neighbor who has yet to experience the many programs
and services provided by the Senior Center, this is the perfect occasion
to bring him or her along.
Reservations will be accepted by email at for this popular event (doors open at 5:30
p.m.; dinner will be served at 6 p.m.). Or you can sign up at the front
desk of the Senior Center or call in your reservation at (508)-528-4430.
It is recommended that you reserve early. The deadline for reservations
is February 25th so don't put it off. The Norfolk Senior Center is
located at 28 Medway Branch Road.
The Book and Bake Sale will be held one week earlier this year. Mark
your calendars for Saturday, April 16, 9 am to 3 pm (note the new
closing time). The Friends Members' Preview and Sale will be held on
Friday, April 15, 6-9 pm. Friends memberships starting at $15.00 are
available at the door beginning at 5:00 pm. The Saturday sale is open
to all. Cash and checks only please.
For more information go online at
Childcare while you browse.
Sponsored by Girl Scout Troop 74755.
Funds raised will help rebuild Boardman Street's Kid's Place Playground
Registration is open to current 6th & 7th graders residing in Norfolk,
Plainville and Wrentham. The King Philip Soccer Association (KPSA)
provides competitive travel soccer teams for 7th and 8th graders (U14)
in the Fall and 7th through 12th graders (U14 - U18) in the Spring.
Note for your calendar that the Placement Evaluations will take place on
June 12 at the Rice Complex on Emerald Street in Wrentham. For more
information and to register, please visit
This is an example of just one event taking place at Norfolk's
beautiful Senior Center. There are many more activities, services, and
resources available not only for our seniors, but for all Norfolk
residents. To receive a full schedule of your Senior Center activities,
call (508) 528-4430 or visit the Council on Aging site
The Senior
Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon thru Fri,
9am-4pm. The Council on Aging meets on the third Monday of the month at
9:30 a.m. All Norfolk residents, regardless of age, are welcome to
attend and consider becoming a board member or associate.
Whether you are an old friend or a newcomer, this is an ideal
event to discover or further explore the many resources, activities, and
services of Norfolk's Senior Center, including its computers, reading
materials, state of the art pool and card tables, and a spanking new
Bocce Court.
Sign-up at the Senior Center's front desk or call (508) 528-4430.
Registration deadline is August 22nd. This is an example of just one
event taking place at Norfolk's beautiful Senior Center. There are many
more activities, services, and resources available not only for our
seniors, but for all Norfolk residents. To receive a full schedule of
Senior Center activities, call the above number or visit the Council on
Aging site at (
The Senior Center is located at 28 Medway Branch Road and is open Mon
thru Fri, 9am-4pm.
We are also looking for teen volunteers in need of community service
hours. Please drop an email to
later than October 1 if interested.
2011 Advent and Christmas Schedule Federated Church of Norfolk Sunday, November 27th - First Sunday in Advent 10:00 AM Worship & Sunday School Wednesday, November 30th 6:30 PM Advent Bible Study Saturday, December 3rd 8:00 - 10:00 AM Pancake Breakfast Sunday, December 4th - Second Sunday in Advent 10:00 AM Worship and Jr. Church Communion Wednesday, December 7th 6:30 PM Advent Bible Study Sunday, December 11th - Third Sunday in Advent 10:00 AM Worship and Sunday School Wednesday, December 14th 6:30 PM Advent Bible Study Sunday, December 18th -Fourth Sunday in Advent 10:00 AM Worship and Sunday School Christmas pageant 7:30 PM Blue Christmas Service Wednesday, December 21st 7:30 PM Prolatio Christmas Concert Saturday, December 24th Christmas Eve Worship 5:00 PM Family Service 8:00 PM Candlelight Service 11:00 PM Candlelight Communion Sunday, December 25th CHRISTMAS SUNDAY NO WORSHIP
Update 12/17: the Prolatio singers are at 7:30 on 12/21.
"In our small way, The Elisha Project continues its mission to sacrifice
for others as Jesus sacrificed for us. It's a wonderful gift that we all
can share His love through service."
More information on The Elisha Project can be found at
more information on this event please contact the church office at
508-528-0262, or Kevin Riley at
The murder mystery, "Poor Lizzie," is an original script
based loosely, very loosely, on the story of Lizzie Borden. The show
will be performed by an amateur group of local thespians-in-training.
Please feel free to come in costume to this truly haunted happening!
Seating is limited so get your tickets EARLY ($5.00 per person) by
calling 508-528-3340. The Norfolk Senior Center is located at 28 Medway
Branch Road.
Wrentham, MA. King Philip Marching Band, The Pride and the Passion
are cohosting the show with the Oliver Ames Tigers Marching
Band. In addition to King Philip and Oliver Ames, eleven bands
from across Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania will be
performing at a show that is sure to thrill all. King Philip will
be closing the evening with their show Pandoras Box which features
the stirring music of Bela Bartok, Samuel Barber, Billy Joel and
Dmitri Shostakovich. With arrangements by Mr. Michael Keough,
Mr. Ryan Loud and Mr. Tim Sepe. Come join us for a night of exciting
Music and Marching from some of the premier High School Marching
Bands in the area. Also come and see what will be revealed from
within Pandoras Box. Admission is $8 for adults and $5 for seniors
and students.
Attention All Submitters: To submit an item for the auction,
participants must sign-up at the front desk of the Senior Center on or
before September 30th. Bidders, observers, or guests do not have to
register. Come one, come all! All proceeds will revert to the owners of the
submitted items and submissions should include a brief description of the
item or items for bid, must be accompanied by the owners on the night of the
event, are limited to two items, and they must be removed promptly if
unsold. No heavy items or heavy furniture. The rule of thumb is that if you
can carry it in, it is eligible. If you have a question regarding your
submission, please call (508) 528-4430. Submitters are encouraged to
register early as there will be space limitations restricting the total
number of submissions permitted for the event.
Do you have a friend, neighbor, or relative residing in Norfolk
who has yet to visit the Senior Center? This event can also provide an ideal
introduction to Norfolk's beautiful Senior Center, its staff, its
volunteers, and the many services available to the community.
To receive a schedule of all Senior Center activities, call
(508) 528-4430 or visit the Council on Aging site at
The Norfolk Senior Center is located at 28 Medway
Branch Road and is open to all Norfolk residents from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
[Update 7/27 11:44pm: the correct dates are Aug 8 and 22 - NN]