Q2 2004 Norfolknet Notes, Apr-Jun 2004This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
6/30 5:17pm I've had DSL with Verizon since it was available in Norfolk, over six months now. I've had no problems of outages on the lines and I've found the support to be exceptional. But, as with any technical support, some technicians are better than others. The prior writers most likely had their problems when DSL service was newer. - SM
6/30 5:15pm Please pardon if this is being repeated, I was going through the recent postings and read that the permit to build a grocery store and drug store got approved for the Norfolk Commons. Does anyone know what chains for the supermarket and grocery store are going in and if anybody knows when this will be under way? Thank you :) - JH
6/30 5:14pm Thank you everyone for your suggestions on the tot lots! The Kids Place is wonderful :) - JH
6/30 5:12pm I have Verizon DSL service and find that it runs fine. I have never expierenced cable so I have nothing to compare it to. I have only had to call tech support a couple of times and they were fine. I use a Mac so I call Apple for tech support. - DN
6/30 12:05am I used to have Verizon DSL (not in Norfolk though). In the end, I switched to another DSL provider that was double the price ($80 instead of $40) because the Verizon line always had outages and tech support was non-existent. It got to the point where I could tell them what to do to reset the service, but it was impossible to get in touch with a level 2 support rep to relay the information, so I didn't mind paying double to at least get a working service. Comcast has been a dream in comparison.
- JH
6/29 11:44pm Re: DSL etc... Before I moved to Norfolk I had DSL through a company called SpeakEasy. They're at speakeasy.net. I just did a line check and all of a sudden my line is qualified for service, so I'm switching back to them from Comcast asap. I have to say that SpeakEasy is one of the best companies I've ever dealt with internetwise. I wrote a letter to one of their customer service reps explaining that I was moving and my new home didn't qualify for their DSL. If it ever did, I told them, I'd switch back. They were nice enough to waive the early disconnect fee, which was something like $250. I can't recommend these guys enough. I had Verizon before them and they were one nightmare after another. I'd rather go back to dial-up than deal with Verizon's tech support. (Hey techies, note: SpeakEasy gives you a static IP (or two) and they don't mind you runnning servers behind your router. So you can run your own email server, web server, or whatever.)
- DF
6/29 7:38pm Donate your books today! The Friends of the Norfolk Library need your help for another successful book sale. Please drop off your books at the temporary library location, 227 Dedham Street. There is a book donation shed in the parking lot open during library hours. The new library hours are Monday 2pm-8:30 pm, Tuesday-Thursday 10am-8:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday 10am-4pm. We are looking for any new or used books in good condition, except textbooks, Readers' Digest Condensed books, and magazines. As always, the Friends of the Norfolk Library invites new members to assist with the book sale and other activities throughout the year. For more information contact croninsutton@yahoo.com. PLEASE DONATE BOOKS IN GOOD CONDITION BY SEPTEMBER 10, 2004. Put your books back into circulation and help us to raise money for our library! Thank you for your support! - PCS
6/29 7:34pm JC: I've heard a lot of people complain about the speed of the DSL service, and I know a few people who have dumped it in favor of Comcast. No one, especially me, likes the idea of paying about 100 bucks a month for basic cable and internet, but a slow internet connection is unbearable. I've never had DSL personally, so this is all second-hand info. - JM
[To cope with a slow internet connection, disable automatic image loading, Java and JavaScript. A browser that allows selective loading of only the desired images can be very useful. Some sites become only partially accessible, yes, but those that work work better! - Wm.]
6/29 7:32pm Wednesday (tomorrow) is the last day to register for the Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer. Remind your friends and neighbors! Registration forms are available on our website, norfolklionssoccer.com, and at the children's library at Town Hall. Completed forms and checks can be dropped off at the address on the form. If you need more information, call 508-520-0163. - HMK
6/29 7:31pm Hello All. Regarding Cliff's, does anyone know who owns that building and whether or not it is for lease or sale? Thanks - JF
6/28 11:06pm Hi. I just want to get everyone's opinion on high-speed internet options here in town. I currently have Comcast high-speed internet access, for which I pay $42.95/month. I notice that Verizon is offering high-speed DSL access for $29.95/month (with a special offer through 6/30, where you can get the first month free). My phone line qualifies for the service. Does anyone in town use Verizon DSL? How is the speed? Any idea how it compares with Comcast? - JC
6/26 4:29pm I would like to take some time to thank the sixth grade promotion committee, Susan Larson-Murphy, Robin McFadden and Veronica Vaca and members of the sixth grade graduating class for the generous donation to the Norfolk D.A.R.E. Program. It is greatly appreciated and will be put to good use. Also on behalf of the promotion committee, I would like to commend you a job well done on organizing the outside ceremony. Keep the outside ceremony going, I heard nothing but positive comments! To members of the sixth grade graduating class, congratulations on your recent promotion, I hope that you all have a great summer and the best of luck with your transition into grade seven. Sincerely, - Officer Stephen K. Plympton, D.A.R.E. Officer, Norfolk Police Department
6/26 4:28pm Thanks to both TK and KB for their insight and assistance re. septic inspections. One last thing: "Be glad the contractors are the ones to do the initial inspection." I agree with this statement. However, the problem arises when the inspector and the contractor are one and the same or are from the same company. When a consumer calls, it should be one or the other, never both. I still find it hard to believe that this practice is permitted statewide. Don't state-licensed Title V Inspectors have a code of ethics that would not allow this? But then again I believe gas stations should not be the ones carrying out annual car inspections, yet in this state (and in quite a few others) that's the strange way they do things. In my view they are both perfect examples of industry lobbying successfully prevailing over consumer protection. - TEM
6/25 4:26pm To TEM - I appreciate your frustration. I have been at wits end for a year and a half with the septic system inspection, perk tests, designing, engineering, approval, town meetings, etc.....and then having to take a huge chunk 1 1/2 times the estimate for the system) from the proceeds of selling my home and putting it in escrow for the system to be installed once the town gave the final okay. I haven't owned the house since January and am still waiting for the system to be installed and then get approved so I can get on with my life. Now, that being said -I had two companies come and inspect my system, they both agreed that it was still a perfectly good system and the holding tank was in excellent shape. The problem was the new laws stating that a system can't be within so many feet of what is considered wetland area. Once the inspections were done and the results given back to me I chose an entirely different company to install the system. It's up to the home owner to make the determination on who they want to do the work. Be glad the contractors are the ones to do the initial inspection. God forbid inspectors from any town be given that authority when they don't know anything about it.
- KB
6/25 2:52pm To KB, et. al.: If as you state "I don't believe anyone in any department is linked to the contractors," then why is it that a quick scanning of advertisements (in the yellow pages and elsewhere) for septic system contractors invariably offer "Title V Inspections" along with the building and replacement of septic systems. If a specific company does a Title V Inspection shouldn't that same company be ineligible for the job should the system fail? Perhaps that is the way it works. Anybody know? - TEM
6/25 2:50pm TEM, 310 CMR 15 - Title 5: State Environmental Code (aka; Title 5) is actually a state code, not federal. The EPA does not participate in the promulgation of the regulations, nor the enforcement. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is the state enforcement agency charged with overseeing Title 5 issues, but even their involvement is limited. By code, the approval process and enforcement of Title 5 is the responsibility of local agencies (ie; Board of Health). The local Conservation Commission is not normally part of the approval process. But in the case of a new system being proposed within or partially within a buffer zone to a wetland resource area, or a failed system requiring remedial action or repair within that same buffer zone, the Conservation Commission will become involved only to the extent that protection of the wetland resource area is part of the project. Such jurisdiction will most often drive costs and timelines beyond what they might normally be. In order for the Conservation Commission and the Board of Health to become involved with an existing system, there has to be some evidence of failure of the system and work within the buffer zone being required. Inspection for purposes of real estate transaction will not involve the Conservation Commission. If the system had actually passed the Title 5 inspection, there would be no communication of that fact between any parties and the Con Comm. The fact that the system might be situated within a buffer zone presents no jurisdiction for the Con Comm if the system passes the Title 5 examination. If the Con Comm is now involved, there had to have been something amiss with the existing system, or there was an application for a building permit to remodel or expand the house, and the system required expansion. In that case, the Con Comm would, indeed, have a jurisdictional seat at the table.
- TK
6/25 1:45pm Sorry but you have your information wrong on the size of the system being determined by occupancy. Systems are based on how many bedrooms in the house - and there are three in the house - and then on the environment. The system was applied for and the design determined by the town long before the present owners bought it. For 30+ years there was a family of four living there. - KB
6/25 12:57pm The cost for a septic system repair (which is how an existing system is described) can vary. Anywhere from $15,000 on up! The cost for the system now being installed at 59 Cleveland Street [Delta House - Wm.] is a minimum of $57,000 dollars because the design had to be approved by both the Board of Health and the Conservation Commission. The sad part of this is that the system itself passed, BUT because it was next to wetland it was determined that it had to be "repaired". The cost includes the engineering and attendance of town meetings by the engineers, the contractor, the system, the fill, etc. I don't believe anyone in any department is linked to the contractors. They are doing the job put before them with the rules set up. Absolutely everyone in Norfolk will be "up against title V" when they go to sell their home. There is no getting around the rules that have been put in place - unless there are a bunch of you who want to get going now to try and make some changes. The ones who are getting hurt the most are the folks who have lived in Norfolk the longest with the older homes. I feel for them, their equity will be gobbled up by the septic system. - KB
[The wetlands may not be wholly to blame - wasn't there something about the septic not being appropriately sized for the number of residents? I.e., that the septic system that was adequate for a single-family residence was not suited to a four-bedroom rooming house? - Wm.]
6/25 11:29am Why is it that every home in Norfolk now appears to be failing the Title V septic inspections? Have the guidelines of the EPA recently become more strict? Is it because the Norfolk Board of Health is imposing standards that are more stringent than the EPA's? The silence surrounding this issue is starting to get to me. What's going on? A very angry neighbor has made the claim (after discovering that he will have to replace his system) that the reason for all the failures is due to the fact that these Title V Inspectors are inseparably linked to the industry and the very same companies who install the replacement systems. And does anyone know the approximate cost of removing the old system (including tree clearing and removal) and replacing it with a new one? - TEM
6/25 7:46am To those with cell phone signal problems: I use Cingular, and my phone works in many places in Norfolk where others don't. I've had a couple of situations where I tried to make a call and couldn't, but just moved a few feet and it would work. - RC
6/24 4:16pm I'm looking for a used motorcycle under $1000. If you have something that is ready to ride (in other words, it'll pass inspection), please let me know [e-mail here]. No rockets, though. Just a nice older bike would be great. - DF
6/24 4:15pm The capital outlay committee needs you! We have three openings, and these positions do not require any specialized skills, simply a basic understanding of budgeting and planning, a desire to understand how money is spent within the Town for capital projects, and a willingness to work on a team with other concerned citizens and Town department heads. The committee meets once or twice during the summer, then every other week starting in late September through mid-January or so (excluding holiday weeks), then once a week for the final month of the budget process. If you have ever wanted to get involved with the Town in a volunteer capacity, opportunity is knocking right now! If you would like to know more about the position and the process of becoming a committee member, please contact any of our Selectmen, our Town Administrator, or myself at 528-9302. Thanks! - Ed Melanson, Capital Outlay Committee Chairman
6/24 4:13pm The merger of cellular carriers is that Cingular purchased AT&T, so any network improvements by AT&T will ultimately benefit Cingular (starting in early 2005 when the acquisition is complete). Verizon is a stand alone company and uses completely different technology than both Cingular and AT&T (CDMA versus GSM). - DM
6/24 1:56pm Regarding Verizon, and their plans: Didn't Verizon enter into a deal with AT&T Wireless? I know my AT&T phone calls itself Verizon quite a bit. And I know that AT&T and Verizon, even before the merger, had a sort of familial relationship which allowed AT&T users to drift onto Verizon towers in certain areas (usually two cell companies have incompatible frequencies). AT&T has two permits in hand for new towers in town, perhaps when the merger is complete (and if those towers are indeed built) Verizon customers would benefit from them, don't know.
- RG
6/24 1:54pm Continuing roundabout... One thing I've been really impressed with since living in this town is just how well that four-way stop in the center actually works. There's one I'm familiar with in Walpole (without a blinking light, but still...) and it is a free-for-all. And it sees not nearly the amount of traffic that ours does. Now, ours isn't perfect. Once in a while I see someone do something really stupid. But for the most part, I find it interesting that this intersection is fairly well respected. It's been suggested to me that the reason for the civility may be its proximity to the police station. An interesting point. As long as we call it a roundabout, and not a rotary, I think we'll be ok :) Roundabout just sounds more civil. - DF
6/24 11:14am About the roundabouts, I have never been intimidated by a rotary, well not much anyway, but a continuous flow of traffic beats stopping and trying to figure out who goes first. If you miss the road you want on a rotary, just go around again. I agree about the Cape and the large amount of traffic; in Norfolk, I think it will work just fine. Of course I thought the Edsel was a great car. - JW
6/24 11:13am To any/all frustrated Verizon Wireless customers: I made recent contact with their real estate division and they admitted there will be no cell site expansion (aka signal service improvements) in the foreseeable future. Norfolk is tier 3 (out of 4) and any change is not likely within 18 months - more realistically 3 years out. This is the timeline Verizon Wireless offered up... if you are having problems act accordingly, folks. P.S.: - does anyone have a good mobile signal throughout Norfolk ?
- PC
6/24 11:09am With regard to 'roundabouts', the link [this one, at tfhrc.gov] may provide useful information to understand the theory of the design and intent, if not the reality of the use. Having been in the engineering business for over 30 years, I'm not so convinced that these things will be the 'nirvana' some predict here in the Bay State. While the theories of speed controlled by small circles, non-mountable centers, and giving way to the vehicles in the circle, etc., all have some merit, I have considerable doubt that the driving practices of the local traffic jockeys will work well with the things. I think there's more than sufficient evidence regionally to prove that laws, lights, signals, rights-of-way, roadway design, size of vehicles, and enforcement (or lack of) all fall victim to driver mindset already. There's no reason to believe that a smaller circle, sans-signals, with the already existing right-of-way laws regarding rotary traffic will achieve better flow, fewer accidents, less delay, and higher level of comfort than afforded by existing traffic signal technology and use. Bottom line is, ample numbers of drivers ignore the common sense courtesies and rules of the road now, there's no reason to think roundabouts will solve that.
And consider the size of vehicle issue. Semi-tractor trailers regularly visit our roadways already. Some are larger than others. And even given the absolute maximums of the things, roundabouts seem more a vehicular trap waiting to be sprung upon unsuspecting traffic when the large trucks enter the circles. I guess I'm far more comfortable with the old fashioned blinking light than the European methods.
I view the information provided in the link more as necessary propaganda to defend what traffic engineers insist is good for us. But you can decide for yourself...
- TK
6/24 8:39am To WLS: Regarding the roundabouts, you're right: lots of them are being removed around MA, especially on the Cape, only to be replaced with traffic lights. Would you prefer a traffic light, because that's our only other choice? The intersections where roundabouts don't seem to work are those with extremely high traffic flow, and that have a large percentage of the traffic coming from one or two of the entry roadways. I don't think Norfolk fits that description. I have seen newly installed roundabouts work wonders in similar situations. - JM
6/23 1:11pm I am still not sure why Norfolk is building two roundabouts in the center of town. Other areas in MA are trying to do away with traffic circles - another name for roundabouts - it is still going to result in more traffic accidents and congestion at peak times. - WLS
6/23 1:01pm Re: Yes there are lots of chipmunks this year. They have holes in my lawn and in the cement patio. I also noticed the connection between using a squirrel-proof / raccoon-proof feeder set up and this sudden chipmunk baby boom. Rabbits are also active. JD, regarding a supermarket/food store coming to Norfolk - the land up behind the parking lot for the train station & next to new town hall is called Norfolk Commons. The developer has finally gotten all permits approved. A food store and a drug store are planned.
6/23 12:31pm Only 7 days left to register for the fall season of Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer! The registration form can be found on our website at norfolklionssoccer.com - HMK
6/23 11:09am According to Town Hall notices, The 2003 Water Quality Report is now available on-line on the Water Department page (1.7MB pdf, here). - Wm.
6/23 12:09am Re: 6/22 5:31pm I have contacted N-Star ... Thank you, Bob Markel, for contacting N-Star. Thanks for the feedback as to causes of the power outages. It is unfortunate that squirrels and birds are attracted to the transformers, where they cause outages, but it is more unfortunate that a squirrel- and bird-proof transformer is not available. I find it hard to believe that N-Star cannot buy high-voltage power transformers with insulated and closed connection boxes rather than transformers with the connection rain-covers in common use. Is anyone in town familiar with what is available in the industry that might be more squirrel-proof? They might cost a little more. I remember some years ago the Florida Power and Light company (then known facetiously to some as the Fizz - Pop Light Company) vowed to improve service in spite of the large number of lightning strikes to the high-voltage lines in Florida. Since then, FPL has won numerous quality awards for clean, reliable power. Perhaps N-Star needs some more of that can-do attitude.
- RH
6/23 12:08am We've got more chipmunks than before, as well. They seem to be divided into two warring factions: the front-yard chippies, and the backyard chippies. The backyard residents have the advantage of fresh basil and strawberries, but it's the sunflower seed that really provokes fighting. More chipmunks inhabited our rough stone wall 15 minutes after we finished it -- a 40B development for rodents! - HPK
6/22 5:32pm I just replaced my backyard feeder with one of those "squirrel-proof" feeders and, to my surprise, the thing is actually stopping the squirrel population from ransacking it. What it is not stopping, however, is this sudden chipmunk baby boom. They're have a grand old time stuffing themselves before, after, and during feathered visits. Someone once told me that rabbits disappear (from view) every seven years and then reappear in droves the following season. Does something like this also occur with chipmunks or is this just vintage myth? - TEM
6/22 5:31pm I have contacted N-Star to discuss the power outages in various parts of Town. According to N-Star records, there have been 44 reported outages since June 19. The repairmen reported that squirrels were able to enter transformers and trip the breakers in the area of Old Populatic Road and Brookside Lane. In another instance, a bird caused a primary fuse to blow in one of the transformers. In the incident yesterday, a tree limb fell on some wires and caused the outage. N-Star said that they are certain of the causes of outages when animals are involved since the animals who get into the transformers are typically electrocuted and found by repairmen. Transformers are made of metal, but squirrels are able to enter where the wires enter and exit the box. N-Star said that they have sought squirrel-proof transformer boxes for a number of years, but no manufacturer has been able to deliver a product that is completely secure.
- Bob Markel, Town Administrator
6/22 2:25pm Re chipmunks everywhere - yes! They're all over the streets, and I don't recall having noticed them before while driving to and from work. Squirrels, yes, but not chipmunks. Also, they've never been in my yard before, but this year several of them seem to have taken up residence. - AR
6/22 2:24pm Question - is a supermarket/food store coming to Norfolk? If so... is it on the land up behind the parking lot for the train station - next to new town hall? Thanks - JD
6/22 7:47am Re: 6/21 7:38pm In the past ten days or so I have noticed the electrical power going out momentarily and then returning. and 6/21 8:21pm Yes, the outages have been occurring with some frequency. - Suggestion: Keep a list of electrical power interruptions by date, time, and length of interruption. Call N-Star at 1-800-592-2000 every time the power goes out and let them know, and mention how many previous occurrences there have been. Get your neighbors to do the same thing. If the problem continues, e-mail the Town Administrator, Dr. Markel, at markel@virtualnorfolk.org. His office can put more pressure on N-Star to solve the problem. Causes could be as simple as a loose connection on a pole in your area, a defective transformer or fuse, etc. Note: More calls to N-Star can help them localize the problem. Tell N-Star about any abnormal "pop" sounds and let them know which pole they might have come from, and look for any arcing or smoking from any equipment on the poles. - RH
6/21 9:15pm MJD, PD, TC, I appreciate the tips on preschools. I'm looking into both suggestions. Thanks!! - KT
6/21 8:21pm Yes, the outages have been occurring with some frequency. Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening? They've occurred in the middle of the night and throughout the day. If Nstar is doing work it would be nice to be notified of the outages. Even though I have surge protectors on everything, they do have their limits and I fear damage. I've had damage by outages in the past. Not pretty. I do hope the outages stop soon. - SDC
6/21 8:11pm Happy Summer Solstice! Yesterday at 8:57pm the North Pole leaned its farthest toward Sun, yielding the longest day of the year. Days are getting shorter again until winter solstice in December. Summer solstice marks the beginning of summer, since the long sunny days still increasingly warm the land. - Wm.
6/21 7:38pm In the past ten days or so I have noticed the electrical power going out momentarily and then returning. Has anyone else noticed this? We are near the Medfield line (Fruit Street area). Although the outages are over in a flash it is still curious to me why this is occurring so often. Sunday night (at about 7 o'clock) I heard a loud pop (perhaps an isolated bolt of lightning) and out went the power again. Monday morning the lights flickered and went out for a few seconds once again. - TEM
6/21 7:35pm To JHL: Another few suggestions for the toys: Contact the YMCA and see if they need anything for the babysitting room. I know the Walpole YMCA recently had a notice up requesting donations. Also some area churches have cry rooms that need toys to keep the young ones quiet during Mass. Finally, if you can hold onto the toys for a little while longer, NCL sponsors the Nearly New consignment sale in the spring. You have the option of consigning the items (clothes, toys, maternity wear) or donating the proceeds to NCL for its charitable giving. Usually the announcements about the sale start in January. Anything that is not sold the day of the sale is donated to charity. Best of luck!
- TS
6/21 7:32pm Has any one else notice the overabundance of chipmunks this year? They are everywhere. We have even had 2 of them in the house. - JW
6/20 4:52pm To: J.H. In response to your request for a contractor to build an addition. I am a state licensed builder and live in Norfolk. I would be glad to provide you with a free consultation. My contact information is as follows: David Smith, Office 508-553-8996, Cell 617-224-8637. - DS
6/19 9:42pm To JLH: Big Brother/Big Sister accepts toy donations and they will pick up. 1-800-483-5503. Also the Home for Little Wanderers in Boston is supported by the Boston Thrift Store where you can drop off your items (617) 325-5300. - ATB
6/19 7:37am To PCS: No one has ever presented a solution to the problem that rising property values (and rising tax bills) present to senior citizens. The only vehicle a Town Board has is to reduce the tax rate to the extent that they can, and our Board has done that. We can quibble over the degree they have been successful, and quibble about spending, but in a town where houses have increased in value by 300% in the past 15 years, there is no good solution. The seniors don't want to sell their house. They don't want to get a mortgage or a reverse mortgage. The town can't control house prices. You can't have a discriminatory, age-based real estate tax system. We can't get in a time machine, and go back to 1953, and tell the person to save more because Social Security in 2004 won't be enough to pay the bills. They can't increase Social Security and pension benefits based on housing prices skyrocketing in this town or that town. You can't keep families with school-aged children out of the town. So, other than wringing our hands, what do we do? - JM
6/18 4:38pm I believe that the Board of Selectmen has done a decent job of controlling spending (especially in consideration of the fact that they don't have control over much of the budget). However, saying that "Tax Rates" have gone "down, down, down" is misleading because the value of the property has increased, thus, the total taxes paid is higher. For the same reason (avg. valuation of homes) it is difficult to compare "Tax Rates" across towns (especially considering the subjective differences of services delivered). One method is rate of change across existing properties (yielding, minimum, maximum and mean). I haven't seen these types of numbers provided. In my case, I'm paying 14.6% more than in 2000. I doubt that the average Senior Citizen's income has increased by that much in the same timeframe. - PCS
6/18 4:36pm Can anyone recommend a general contractor who can build a house addition.... Looking for someone to provide an estimate. - JH
6/18 4:34pm To JLH: There is a terrific consignment shop in Walpole (in the Palumbo Liquors plaza) called The Kids Cottage and the woman there accepts donations of toys as well as clothing if it is in good condition. Give it a try! Good luck! - SM
6/17 9:56pm I want to explore the idea of removing an existing flat ceiling and installing a vaulted ceiling (with appropriate permits of course!) Can anyone recommend an experienced local contractor who handles this kind of demo, framing, blue-board and plaster work? Thanks! - PA
6/17 4:18pm Does anyone have ideas where I can donate used infant toys (6-24 mos range) (shape sorters, push toys, ride on toys, etc.)? My children are now 3 and 5 and the amount of toys we own seems out of control, many of which are not being used. Thanks. - JLH
6/17 11:51am MHC, I wasn't referring to your post -- just poking fun at our neighbors who frequently grouse about taxes. Often, but not always, they are the same folks complaining about services. Jack McFeeley posted some good data on the tax issue back in May (5/16). Our residential tax rates have gone down, down, down over the past 5 years in Norfolk. And our 2004 tax rates are actually lower than most of the surrounding towns. - DAF
6/17 7:37am I finally was able to catch the NCTV program about the design of the roundabout in the town center. Wow, it really looks terrific! If they are able to deliver most of what is promised, it should restore some confidence that this town is headed in right direction. The heck with Borelli, Eastern Development, and all the others who have perpetrated the town center blight on us; we're going to have a great town center, with a remodeled Daley's, buried utility lines, and an even better town hill. For the first time in the 4 years I've lived here, it seems like we're moving forward. - JM
6/16 10:42pm Dear Wm., We were sorry to read that Lee could not afford the Moon Walk at Norfolk Community Day. As parents, we definitely appreciate the need to teach our children about money and how to manage it. We wish Lee had approached us and requested just one bounce, as we would have found a way to accommodate her. Our job as Lions is "to Serve", and hopefully bring smiles to everyone's face. The Norfolk Lions most certainly appreciates the need to manage money. As the sponsor of Community Day, our goal is to provide a good, wholesome, and fun day for everyone in town, at a fair price. We provide a venue for many of our town organizations (Norfolk Firefighters, TPA, Norfolk Together, DECA, the Leos, Council on Aging, etc.) to raise funds for their many needs. The Lions also strive to raise funds for the many needs in our town as well as eye research, our pet project. Last year, for example, we gave scholarships, funds to the preschool for family assistance, money to the Santa Foundation via the firefighters, purchased an announcement board for the town center(pending completion of the construction project), and several other similar contributions.
We would like to give you some insight to our pricing process. For starters, establishing event pricing for Community Day is a difficult process. We balance our need to recover costs, while focusing on our goal of producing an event that brings out the best for our community. It is true that without the incredible generosity of local businesses and individuals, we would struggle to keep this day affordable to most residents. To this extent, we include many events that are free to all, such as the BMX Bike Demo, Reptileman, the animal petting area, and the hay and fire engine rides. We also sponsor several events at less than cost, again, while focusing on enhancing value to all attendees. Beyond the events, rides, and attraction costs, we provide insurance to indemnify the Holmes, Lions, and other organizations participating throughout the day (and we have seen a significant increase in the cost of insurance for this one-day event). On top of it all, we keep our fingers crossed that we have good weather-we still have to pay for all of the performers and rentals regardless of whether the event gets cancelled due to inclement weather. At best, this is a money management tight rope that we address throughout our 9-month planning process.
The other major factor in setting event pricing is manpower requirements. The Moon Walk, Maze, Slide and Adrenaline Rush are particularly labor intensive. We try to have two people at each site in addition to the people taking money. Recruiting the necessary manpower is an increasingly challenging process, and this year we were fortunate enough to recruit some boy and girl scouts, along with a few local realtors. Beginning two years ago, to optimize our use of available resources, we packaged all of these items at one price. This year we eliminated the "one bounce" option as we found it very difficult to monitor. So, Lee could have paid $4 to use all four "bouncy things" all day long, not just the moonwalk attraction. However, in the spirit of the day, we would have made an allowance for her to go "one time" as we did for others.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the myriad of people who supported the event by coming out on Saturday, as well as all the sponsors, town organizations and businesses. This is truly a town wide event and we could not pull it off without the support of everyone. The Norfolk Lions Club takes great pleasure in being able to bring such a fun day to everyone, and we hope everyone had a good time. We are very fortunate to live in such a supportive town as Norfolk.
The Norfolk Lions always welcome new members. It is not an exclusive club, open to both men and women, and you need not be invited in order to join. Everyone in the group is committed to volunteering their time not only for the betterment of Norfolk but for eradicating illnesses that cause blindness. All you have to do is contact one of us and we'll be happy to take you to a meeting to learn about our wonderful organization. In addition, we are always looking for people to work with us on Community Day-we need new ideas, help raising money for the day, and just plain old manpower.
Please tell Lee thank you for the feedback. During our planning for next year we will strive to develop a solution to prevent this reoccurring. Perhaps an idea for next year would be two cans of food for one bounce on the Moonwalk. Not only would this help her with her money management but would also add to our food pantry while teaching her a valuable lesson about charity.
Thank you everyone.
John Wason Barbara Snead Norfolk Lions Co-Chairs Norfolk Community Day
6/16 10:18pm Summer's here. Or at least the fireflies seem to think so. Tonight I saw the second firefly of the season; the first one a week or so back. Somewhat surprising, since I usually first see them around the solstice, in another week's time. Oh well, welcome to an early summer! - Wm.
6/16 10:10pm To JH: there is a wonderful playground in Medfield on Green Street. Also in Plainville on Rte. 1A there is a nice park behind the recreation department building. Then in Medway there is another on Oakland Street. My favorite is at Capron Park in Attleboro. The zoo is also there and is just big enough for a small child. Good luck. - CW
6/16 2:40pm For DAF: If you were referring to my post, I didn't ask for more town services with lower taxes. I am a strong believer in "you get what you pay for". I was simply looking for input from my fellow residents to help me make sense of the fact that many surrounding communities with lower real estate taxes have better schools, better maintained roads and parks, and better enforcement of speed limits, to name a few of the town services that I think need some work. - MHC
6/16 10:12am I enjoyed Wm.'s post about Community Day. I didn't think he was complaining or maligning the work of the folks who put on the event at all. His story about his daughter's learning about money and disappointment was so evocative -- it managed a lot in just a few sentences. I will become a parent for the first time this summer and I'm becoming acutely aware of how important these small lessons are for children. Every week we see news reports about the increase in personal bankruptcies, the insane level of credit card debt Americans are carrying, and we hear demands for more services with lower taxes (even here on Norfolknet, believe it or not ;-)). Maybe this is all pointing to a generation of children whose parents were too busy to teach them the simple lesson that Lee learned on Community Day. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us!=20 - DAF 6/16 7:39am The animal control department still has two kittens looking for homes. Please call if interested in adopting. They are both litter trained. One is a tortoiseshell who is low key and needs some help to get over her shyness, she loves to be held, and be patted. She has all her vaccinations and is spayed. The other is a white w/ black tips on face and ears. Very friendly, lots of energy, would get along with other cats and dogs and kids. This one is litter trained, vaccinated and spayed as well. Please call 528 3232 if interested. - HNP, Norfolk Animal Control
6/16 7:38am We've been hearing what we assume is a fisher cat the past few nights, making a horrific sound. We are not too far down the road from Stony Brook, and apparently there is one that lives in there. We assume they are only dangerous to small animals, like cats etc. Does anyone know differently? - TC
6/15 8:40pm To RG: I was particularly interested in the information about the better cell phone services for Norfolk, as I would like to switch to a better one. I have Nextel service and there are several areas in Norfolk where I completely lose service, including the Town Center. - MHC
6/15 6:46pm What is MASSPIRRG and why have they been at my door twice today? The other day there were two young girls going up and down my street door to door selling what I surmised to be magazines? Are they supposed to have a permit? Are they supposed to show it to you? - BWB
6/15 3:45pm DF - Give Charlie Groff a call. His number is listed below on the bulletin board. - DLJ
6/15 3:44pm To JH: Kids Place on Boardman (the Main Street end) is a great playground for children 5 or 6 and under. It is usually fairly crowded though and there is no shade in the mid-day sun. Other than that, I think the small children in town are fortunate to have a playground that is size appropriate and where there is no worry of bigger kids horsing around. On a separate note, I recently noticed the increase in our property taxes. While I understand the reason (not enough commercial property so the tax burden must be carried by the residents) I am at a loss as to what services we as residents actually receive for our money. I like Norfolk and have enjoyed living here but we receive few town services, and the ones that are provided are either mediocre or increasing in costs too (water, transfer station fees, library expansion). I am seriously interested in hearing from other residents who can bear light on any excellent services we receive for the dollars we invest. Thanks.
6/15 12:28pm Does someone know of any tot lots in the area? There is one in Norwood by the hospital that is great for under age 3. I was hoping anyone would know of one in the Norfolk area. Thank you - JH
6/15 10:39am The Walpole Children's Theatre proudly presents Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on July 23 through 31. [Please see the announcement for show times and full details.] - AS
6/15 10:33am Regarding Cliff's: The buzz at the train station is that the people from Tim Horton's are going to be giving out samples sometime soon, but nobody's sure when! The early word on the coffee is that it's as good as you'll find anywhere! - PCA 6/15 10:28am RE: Community day, bottles, etc... I bought a few of Charlie Groff's bottles at Community Day on Saturday. Now I realize I should have bought more of them. They're a beautiful addition to my old dining room. Does anyone know if Charlie will be selling more of his collection anytime soon? - DF
6/15 12:38am To RAG - Wow... I have been thinking the exact same thing lately. I have had Verizon for a long time but within the past few months have noticed many drop offs and today on Main Street I was dropped a few times and this has never happened. I have always been able to use my Verizon phone while in my basement office and that is still the case but have noticed the drop offs. Sometimes I think they do it on purpose if they are having a bad billing month. My bill last month was over $300 bucks and it usually runs around $200. - LS
6/15 12:37am Let's keep our mouths shut.... Uhm... I think the rest of us will decide when we'll keep our mouths shut, but thanks a bunch for the suggestion. - DF
6/14 8:55pm Was anyone else upset by the army(?) helicopter circling the crowd and flying sometimes on its side at the Community Day activities last Saturday afternoon? It was much too close for me and I didn't feel comfortable having children there during that time. I was very thankful when it left. I'm sure I don't understand the operation of helicopters, but it didn't seem very safe to me. - KF
6/14 8:51pm We have been in Norfolk for 16 years - whatever they put into Cliff's Package Store would be great. Let's not complain - they told us when we bought in Norfolk that the town center was being developed. Let's keep our mouths shut and just hope that something goes into Cliff's old site as it's an eyesore as it is. - SL
6/14 8:49pm I am always amazed that the Norfolk Lions Club pull off Community Day year after year. It is apparent that each year as the program of events expands so must the planning become more and more complicated and cost to run such an event more costly. All this is managed by small group of people to raise money to give back to the community to help those less fortunate.
Unfortunately each year I see fewer and fewer people raise their hand to help, and more and more people complain about the most trivial of issues. Since the cause good is a good one perhaps Mama should adjust the child's budget or better yet get involved.
- BF
6/14 8:38pm MJD, the swimming for our daughter (3 year old class) was cancelled because it was too much for the teachers to handle. This came straight from Cindy Trusas the night of the first parent-teacher gathering (I believe that was in Oct or Nov when we went there for an introduction to what our children do during the day and for a meet and greet session with the teachers). They did not cancel it due to the construction. That is not to say I necessarily blame them, as it is difficult enough watching one three year old at a pool, but it was part of our curriculum when we signed our daughter up and it was changed mid-season. I am not knocking the program, I just suggest this is verified before signing a child up. This was also cancelled just for the three-year olds, not the four-year olds. RAG: as for the cell service in town. I live near the H. Olive Day side of town and the only service I have been completely successful with is Nextel. I have never once dropped a call from my house. I had AT&T, Cingular and Sprint at different points because of work and had horrible reception, especially with Sprint.
- PD
6/14 5:58pm Re. the Miller Street closing: I heard Franklin only notified our town last Thursday about the closing, tomorrow, the 15th. Also, they claim to have put a notice in the papers, but get this, it was the Milford and Woonsocket papers. Sneaky, huh? No one can try to stop it if they don't know ahead of time. There's no sign out there on the road either warning all the poor people tommorrow. - IK
6/14 5:04pm Summer's here... U-pick strawberries at Jane and Paul's! - VR
[Mail is trickling in... the system seems to be processing messages with a 3+ hour backlog. - Wm.]
6/14 3:22pm If your post has not shown up on the web today, it's because we haven't received it. We haven't received much of any mail in the last few hours, actually, which is worrisome; I sent two test messages recently and they still have not arrived yet. I guess this can be considered a ``Please stand by. We are experiencing technical difficulties.'' moment :-) - Wm.
6/14 11:07am Re cell coverage: Sometimes companies will give you loaners, so you might want to try that route. I have AT&T and have noticed markedly improved coverage this year. They (AT&T) are also putting in two new towers in town (on the high voltage lines). Whoever Omnipoint is these days (T-Mobile? Who can keep track?!?) has at least one tower in town (in the flagpole up on the Moonscape), and has a permit or two for other spots in town. - RG
6/14 8:39am Re: cell phone service: I used to have Cingular and could not use the cell phone from my house. Had to make calls to people on the go in my car. I learned of a new tower built behind Acorn Animal Hosp. on Main/Chestnut St and tracked down via the Town Hall that it was Sprint. The lengths we go... anyway, we've been happy with Sprint so far. BTW, If you say that you will only use the service in New England, you double your hours. It's a little spotty in some spots in the center and towards King Philip HS. - LK
6/14 8:33am Shame on the person who keeps dumping in the woods across from 32 Boardman St. At first it was a score of plastic plant pots; now it's a tire, wooden pallets and a birdhouse. The dump's only a mile down the road! - HPK
6/13 9:59pm To PD and those interested in the Y pre-school, the swimming offering was not included this year because of the construction (for those of you who have not checked it out, the Y has been expanded and it is beautiful!). I understand that it will be included in September. - MJD
6/13 8:48pm I am finally going to be free of my contract with Cingular wireless at the end of the month. Does anyone have suggestions for cell phone providers that have decent coverage in Norfolk? Thanks. - CB
6/13 2:19pm Re: cell phone service - This is probably not the venue to vent frustration with cell phone service, but here goes anyway. I live on Seekonk near the Medfield line and when I first moved, the neighbors thought it strange that I would be standing on my deck making a cell phone call in two feet of snow, but with Sprint I only had one sweet spot near the middle of the railing that I could ever think to make a connection. I switched to Verizon and was pleased with the somewhat better service until this past week. I can no longer make a phone call with any confidence that the call will not be dropped within minutes. Since my contract is up soon, I am asking the good neighbors in my end of Norfolk what their experiences have been.
I want to thank everyone that respond in advance and hope that others benefit from the discussion.
6/12 4:41pm Cloe is home safe and sound; thanks again to Mrs. Ramos, the ferret rescuer, for taking her home and providing her with wonderful care and even bringing her to our home this morning. - JW
6/12 10:01am Norfolknet was cc:'d on a letter sent to Bill Yadisernia, Franklin's Town Engineer, regarding the closing of Miller St.: I live on Miller Street in Norfolk, and only heard about the street closing on Friday. I am horrified. I have never heard of a whole street being closed for such a repair. Down to one lane, with delays, yes. A whole street that is already closed at one end, no![. . . Copy of letter can be found here]
I understand the importance of the project, but to close a whole street just to be frugal is to punish a neighborhood for the sake of a budget.
LK- Wm.
6/12 9:57am LL: Re: Child Care. I know a child care provider who may have some time. Can you get my email from the webmaster (Wm?) and we can talk offline? - TC
6/11 9:37pm A friend of mine in Franklin emailed their Town Engineer and this was his response to the closing of Miller Street and the many-miles-out-of-the-way inconvenience: We understand that this will be a major inconvenience and we apologize. However, this project is very important to the water distribution system of the Town of Franklin and must be done in the summer because of the school buses.The detour route would appear to require taking a left on Leland Road in Norfolk and depending on where you are going, either continuing out to Populatic Street or following the Miller Street bridge detour to the other side of Miller Street in Norfolk near the skating rink. There will be police officers on Miller Street and they will direct vehicles through the normal route if the road is not blocked at that time by the contractor. The contractor is required to move his equipment to allow passage of emergency vehicles, but to allow residents through would increase the cost of the contract substantially and significantly disrupt the progress of the project and extend the life of the detour.
Bill Yadisernia
- KL
6/11 9:32pm Here's a copy of the letter that was sent to FRANKLIN residents. I live on Miller Street in Norfolk, and only heard about this from friends. I am appalled. Town of Franklin
Dept. of Public Works
Franklin Municipal Building
150 Emmons St
Franklin, MA 02038-2095June 4, 2004
The Town of Franklin has awarded a contract to Tornare Construction Corporation to install dual 12-inch water mains on Miller Street between Denise Drive and Briarwood Road.
The work will start on or about June 15, 2004 and will last up to six weeks. This section of Miller Street will be closed from about 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM Monday through Friday. The Contractor will establish provisions to allow passage of emergency vehicles.
We understand that this will be a major inconvenience to the residents of this area because of the extensive detour routes, however this project is very important to the Water Distribution System of the Town.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (508) 520-4910 ext 270.
William J. Yadisernia, P.E.
Town EngineerCc: Engineer Files
Town Administrator
DPW DirectorPhone: 508 520 4910
Fax 508 520 4939
E-mail: DPW@franklin.ma.us
- LK
6/11 9:30pm FERRET HAS BEEN FOUND....I LOVE NORFOLKNET. Thank you Hilary for acting so fast. Thank you Wm. for getting the message on so early. We don't have her back yet, but she was rescued from sure death on Rt. 115. A woman stopped her car and ran in front of a truck to pick her up. I love this woman. It is such a trauma to have a pet go missing and it is so wonderful that there are people like this woman to go out of their way to help a defenseless animal. Ferrets are terrific "kids" but they have no sense at all when it comes to the outdoors. We are one grateful family. Thanks again for the quick action by all. - JW
6/11 3:00pm Has anyone seen the letter sent by the town of Franklin sent to its residents saying that a part of Miller Street is going to be closed starting next week between the hours of 7:30am to 3:30 pm for 6 weeks? Now what? The Miller St. bridge is out - now this! Shouldn't the Norfolk residents be notified also? I don't think the schools know about this-how will it affect the bus routes? This is a going to be a big inconvience. - PR
6/11 2:58pm I am looking for some reliable part-time care for my nearly 2 year old. 2 days/week is ideal - can be here at my house and around at playgrounds, etc. while I work. She is lots of fun, pretty easy going, no joke! Know anyone? - LL
6/11 9:03am Missing since June 10th, off white ferret, name Cloe, very friendly, Main and Boardman St. If anyone has seen her, please call 508-528-3724. - JW
6/10 11:17pm To JD, Hello, we lost our cat on Seekonk St, between Fruit and Cleveland Streets. I want to thank all of you that have called with sightings of cats that fit her description. I hope we are able to find her. - SDC
6/10 6:11pm Does anyone have the name of the local person who installs mailboxes? I have seen his ad on his car but didn't write down his number. Thanks! - EB
[Ooh, ooh, I know that one! He's even listed in the listings :-) - Wm.]
6/10 6:10pm To KT: I second what MJD said regarding the Y. Our daughter just finished up her first year there and it was great. The only thing I will say different than MJD is that the swimming was taken out for the 1st year children (Snoopys) this year. Not sure of the age of your child, but if swimming is something that swings you in their direction make sure you verify it is still available or will be added back in for the first year children. Good luck. - PD
6/10 6:09pm To JD - Cianci construction will build sheds he is a professional carpenter and builder. He does very good work and reasonable. 1-508-668-0499 he's in South Walpole. Thanks, - PP
6/10 2:55pm Does anyone know of a good company that builds sheds...? - JD
6/10 10:53am To KT: My five year old just finished a year at the Franklin Y World of Tots Preschool at the YMCA. It was great! I don't know if you are familiar with the Hockomock YMCA but the offereings are plentiful. It is much more than a traditional pre-school as it offers sports modules as well as a basic pre-school program. The children get soccer, gymnastics and swimming as part of the program. Cindy Trusas is the director and you can reach her by calling the Franklin Y. I would highly recommend it! - MJD
6/10 10:52am AW - Maura Lynch (walkyourdog2@aol.com) walks my two dogs and I feel very lucky to have found her! She truly loves animals and spoils my pups even more then my husband and I do! She is very reliable and her rates are very reasonable. Good Luck! - HB
6/10 8:53am I'm looking for a good, reliable housecleaner and a caring dog walker. Any suggestions? Thanks - AW
6/9 3:26pm Re: Cliffs. If anyone has had the coffee at the Dunkin Donuts in town you will know why we are in need of another place. In my view, since they (Dunkin Donuts corporation) have started focusing on all these other coffee drinks their regular coffee has become terrible. My $.02 - PD
6/9 12:48pm Tim Horton's merged with Wendy's back in the 90's. Let's hope it is a Horton's coffee and doughnut shop (why we need another one is beyond me) and not a fast food joint. It seems too small a space for either, but what do I know? - DAF
6/9 11:29am For KN - Parrino & Son Plumbing and Heating and Gas (1-508-668-2936) has been in business for over 35 years. I have never had any problems and have used him for years and if anyone needs an electrician, Henry Cerqueira is very good (1-508-660-8617). He upgraded my service from 100amp to 200amp and did a very neat and clean job with no problems. Thanks, - PP
6/9 9:24am My husband and I will be moving our family to Norfolk in the summer. I have some basic questions about services. Can anyone shed some light on cable, trash collection and DSL providers in the Norfolk area? I am also interested in some afternoon care a day or two a week for my son (a happy one year old). Thanks in advance for your thoughtful responses. [anrpatel1@yahoo.com] - AP
6/9 10:51am RE: Cliffs becoming a Tim Horton's... I'm fairly new to town so I don't know if that's an inside joke or not... Please tell me that's an inside joke... - DF
6/9 9:23am I am interested in any area fairs, bazaars, fundraisers and such that I may be a vendor at. I would love to know of any upcoming events for the next several months. If you could help me out and provide me with any information you may have about area events, I would greatly appreciate it. If you know of any fundraisers, I'd love your help too. This does not have to be an event, it could be just a small group of people looking to raise money. (For band group, boy or girl scouts, book club, etc.) Thank you, [Diana_southernlivingathome@comcast.net] - DL
6/9 12:33am To KN: This plumber just went into his own business after working for someone else for 10 years. He's quick and professional. J. Green & Company (Jason Green) at 508-429-3242. - KB
6/9 12:31am KT: Norfolk Children's School on Union Street is wonderful. My five-year-old just completed her second year there, and it's been a totally wonderful experience for her, and for us. The school provides a safe, nurturing environment in which toddlers can explore all sorts of creative areas, music, arts & crafts, etc., all while learning to be away from home in the hands of incredibly skilled and kind-hearted educators. Pam Mele is the director, and her number is 508-528-1970. I can't say enough to recommend it. Good luck. - TC
6/8 10:10pm Can anyone recommend a preschool for toddlers? - KT
6/8 5:04pm Hello, Does anyone know why there are not any swings at the new playground off of Route 115? That seems like such a basic item to have at a playground. - JH
6/8 2:36pm To GLZ: I stopped by there [old Cliff's package store] on Friday afternoon when I saw the door open. Two very nice young ladies were there, and while they couldn't say what was coming, based on the paperwork they had laid out inside, it certainly appeared that they worked for Tim Horton's, which is a huge coffee/donut chain in Canada that is coming into New England. - PCA
6/8 1:44pm To MJD - To tell you the truth, I am just the messenger. I promised a friend I would have the pancake breakfast posted on Norfolk Net. I do not know the Grange's function today. I do know Norfolk is the meeting spot for many towns including those that are more agriculturally oriented. I will pass your message along to the appropriate people.
- BS
6/8 12:23pm This is for KN - for a good Plumber use Parrino & Son plumbing from Walpole, very reasonable and does very good work. 1-508-668-2936. - PP
6/8 8:04am Bicentennial Park is actually school land. A park was dedicated in 1976 to celebrate our bicentennial. - JL
6/7 10:37pm Open question, what is Bicentennial Park? I have walked by it and don't know if it is a trail or an actual park, but it is really overgrown at the entrance and not very inviting so I haven't ventured in. Anybody know anything about it? - MJD
6/7 10:36pm To BS, could you explain the purpose of the Grange and its role in our community today? - MJD
6/7 6:08pm Come out to a pancake breakfast at the Grange on Saturday, June 19 from 8:00am until 10:30am. The cost is really reasonable; $4 for adults and $3 for children and it includes pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee/hot chocolate. This will be the last breakfast until September. The Grange holds a pancake breakfast the 3rd Saturday of every month except July and August. See you all there!
- BS
6/7 11:55am Everyone is cordially invited to the Dedication of the Norfolk Senior Center on Medway Branch Road Saturday June 19, 2004 from 2-4 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Parking will be at the Highway Department at the end of Medway Branch Road on the left, with the Senior Bus shuttling folks back and forth to the Senior Center. Telephone: 508-528-4430 - RC
6/7 11:52am Charlie Groff, antique bottle collector, will be selling a large portion of his collection at the Community Day, June 12th at Holmes Field. All proceeds will go to the Norfolk Council on Aging. All bottles, 1870-1890 will be on sale for only $3.00. - Wm.
6/7 10:06am NCTV-22 is currently airing an interview with Richard Connors and Highway Superintendent Butch Vito. They discuss in some detail what is happening in the center of town regarding all the road work being done and the installation of two Round-Abouts. For those of you who are interested in finding out what is happening and why, tune in to channel 22 either at 8am (every day) or 7:30pm (every night, except Monday, the Board of Selectmen's meeting is broadcast then). - Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager 6/7 12:17am Here is a photo circa 1890 of the town center. Note the billboard in the background, "Sen-Sen." I suspect seniors will remember this product along with "Burma-Shave" signs!!! - JO
6/6 11:41am Does anyone know what's going on at the old Cliff's package store? Lots of construction, haven't seen any building permits in the window, but they are working on it furiously. I'm glad to see something being done though. It's been an eyesore for way too long. - GLZ
6/6 9:27am To SDC - What part of town did you lose your cat in? We will certainly keep our eyes peeled for her, as we know what it's like to have one's cat go missing (our indoor cat escaped a couple of weeks ago, but returned on his own 33 hours later). - JD
6/5 9:49pm I wanted to add a "Happy Anniversary" message to the mix... As well as a hearty THANK YOU for all the work that goes into designing and hosting the site, not to mention the message-posting and discussion-moderating that must take up a large chunk of your time. It is even more commendable that you are volunteering this site and your time with no compensation. I think I speak for many when I say that we really enjoy having the forum at our disposal in additon to the many useful links, the bulletin board and other information that you have on the site. I hope that you enjoy it as much as we do. Your dedication (and maintenance even when on vacation) does not go unnoticed. Best wishes, - MD
6/5 9:48pm Help! We lost our cat Coco and are desperately looking for her. She is a calico with white paws and tortoise shell body. She has white on her face and is double pawed. She's very meek and mild. If anyone has seen her please call 508-520-1512. Thank you!! - SDC
6/5 8:48am I watched a Fisher Cat wander through my yard at 6:00am today (near Seekonk & Main st). Last seen crossing Seekonk heading towards the cemetery. - JR
6/4 5:10pm Does anyone know of a plumber who would be willing to hook up a gas dryer? We just purchased one, and the gas company estimates it will be 3 weeks before they can hook it up. Thanks, - KN
6/4 3:01pm Was at Kingsbury Pond today and there were quite a few dead fish all along the edge. There was also a nasty smell. Anybody know what the problem is? Is the water ever tested? - PR
6/4 11:49am KM, Go to this website... massnrc.org/ncmcp/ ...it's the Norfolk County Mosquito Control Program website. You can get your answers there. There are also maps (see the appropriate button) showing where spraying is happening in each town in the county. The Norfolk map shows Noon Hill Road receiving their dose today. There's also information about the products they're using. - TK
6/4 11:48am KM: It's the mosquito contol folks. Here is a map ( massnrc.org/ncmcp/norfolkulv.pdf) of where they went this morning (green). There is much information on the project and mosquitos and pesticides used at massnrc.org/ncmcp - AL
6/4 11:47am Dear KM - That early AM spraying was the Norfolk County Mosquito Control project. Phone 781-762-3681 or website: www.massnrc.org/ncmcp for more info. Norfolk is scheduled for every Friday AM (2-4 am). I know that you need to call every week if you wish to be sprayed every week. I am near the river and WILL be calling all through the summer! Hope this helps - certainly call them for more detailed info. They are extremely helpful. - JLH
6/4 8:39am Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer - Now accepting mail-in Fall 2004 registrations for children at least 3 years old and no older than 13 years old as of August 31, 2004. All games are played in Norfolk on Sunday afternoons. The registration form can be found on our website www.norfolklionssoccer.com. Registration deadline is July 1st. For more information, contact Helen at 508-520-0163. - HMK
6/4 8:37am Spraying in the Noon Hill area?? I awoke this morning around 4am and saw trucks making a couple passes up & down our street. It looked like they were spraying something out the back? Anyone have any insight on what that was? It definitely wasn't street cleaning. If it was pesticide, is it safe to walk the dogs down the street? Thanks, - KM
6/3 10:26pm For DF - We used Norfolk Fence as well. Bruce and Frank were fantastic. Bruce helped us to pick out the perfect fence, and much to the delight of my husband - tried to give us some cost saving ideas. This was a big expenditure when we moved, and with comparison shopping Bruce was less by a couple of thousand dollars. Frank was great as well. He installed our fence with a smile and not one complaint on the hottest days of summer last year. Great company, great people and can't beat their quality and price. - LM
6/3 12:58pm Hi DF: Colonial Fence is a wholesaler and unfortunately does not install fences. We used Canton Fence, www.cantonfence.com and found that they offered the best price for our job compared to others in the area (Norfolk, Sharon or Walpole). We were very happy with the job they did and would definitely recommend them for your new fence! Good Luck! - HB
6/3 11:31am To the Webmaster, Andras, thank you for five years of maintaining Norfolknet and helping our town become a better place for all. It provides a mode of communication that is valuable to everyone. My continued best to you. - Jack McFeeley, Chairman, Norfolk Board of Selectmen
6/2 10:37pm DF: You should definitely check out Norfolk Fence as well. We've used them for two fences and liked working with them and were very pleased with the results. I understand they give a very fair and competitive rate; they do work in many surrounding towns. - MHC
6/2 10:36pm Congratulations Norfolknet, a great place to start or end the day. Keep up the good work. - JW
6/2 7:18pm Congratulations, Norfolknet, for providing a wonderful service to a wonderful town - not bad for a five year old! Hoping you have many more years of your needed, user friendly service to the townspeople of Norfolk and the net! Best wishes, - Bill Domineau, NHC, Chairman
6/2 1:18pm Re: Happy Birthday Norfolknet! It was five years ago today that Norfolknet went on-line. [...] And many many thanks to you, Andras, and to your Staff, too, for the hard work and intelligent editorial comments! Norfolknet.com is a real asset to the Town of Norfolk!
- RH 6/2 1:10pm HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! It's hard to believe that it's been five years already!! WOW!! Have a nice, big piece of cake for me! Thanks for providing a great service, and here's wishing you many more years of success!! - RP
6/2 8:56am Happy Birthday Norfolknet! It was five years ago today that Norfolknet went on-line. Over the years, readership has increased from six hits per day to over five hundred! Thank you all for making it possible. - Wm.
6/2 8:55am For DF - Norfolk Fence has been in town for years; 508-384-3220... Rte. 115 (Pond St) near Rte. 1A - ER
6/1 1:53pm DF: the fence company by Fore-Kicks is Colonial Fence. - HNP
6/1 1:33pm I'm looking for a company to come install a bunch of wood fence on our property. Can anyone recommend a local company? Anyone know the name of the new fence place next to Fore Kicks? - DF
6/1 10:44am The Twelfth Annual Norfolk Lions Club Community Day, to be held at the Holmes Transportation site on Myrtle Street, Saturday June 12th will feature more activities and events in which people may participate than ever before. A full array of interesting events from crafts, music, dancing exhibits, animals, rides, demonstrations, and athletic events will mark this high point event of the Lions Club year. There will be cotton candy, lemonade and cold drinks, hot dogs, hamburgers and sausages. [Read on for the detailed schedule] - FZ
6/1 10:35am Looking for a recommendation for someone who can remove some strangled trees quickly and cheaply. No truck/crane should be required. - JH
6/1 8:18am We found our dog Tanner! Thanks for the calls and emails. - NT 6/1 8:13am Here's my "Birdie in a Basket." - JW
5/31 7:55pm We found a baby bird too young to fly on the ground today, we couldn't leave it on the ground 'cause the cats would get it. We put it in an old hanging planter and put it up high in the tree near where its nest was. It fell out again, we put it back in, and the parents were talking to it and flying around it. I was so surprised that the parents started feeding it in the planter a couple hours later. One of the parents was trying to take straw from the nest to put it in the planter. They are still feeding it. Only time will tell if it survives, but I think it has a chance. I looked at the link left the other day here, and that is what it said to do. Thank you for putting the info here for soft hearted folks like us. - JW
5/30 6:03am PDT Announcing Norfolk Memorial Day parade and services on Monday May 31, 2004. Veterans will meet at the Pondville cemetery for a brief service after 7 a.m. and then drive to the Federated Church. The Memorial Day parade will form at the Federated Church parking lot starting at 7:30 a.m.. The procession will step off at 8 a.m. and go to the Main Street Cemetery. A memorial service will be held at the veterans' memorial within the cemetery. Children will have the opportunity to place flowers on the veteran's graves.
Afterwards the parade will reform and return to the Federated Church or Town Hill for a closing ceremony. At the close of services, all participants and the public are invited to enjoy fellowship and refreshments at the church parking lot.
Any organizations wishing to participate for the first time must contact parade coordinator George C. at 508-528-7306.
5/29 11:39am PDT To add info to the lost dog in the area - the dog ran off from the Noon Hill area. He is a tan dog named Tanner. Owner is still actively looking. - HNP
[6/1 8:19am Update: Tanner was found! - Wm.]5/29 7:26am PDT As to why PDT, since I have my (working!) digital camera here with me, I made a digital post card. The text reads ``Dear Norfolk, it seems like it's always wet out here. It stopped drizzling for a while yesterday, so visited the beach. Having a nice time. Wish you were here. Sincerely,'' :-) - Wm.
5/29 7:10am PDT DLJ -- there's a list of wildlife rehabilitators at [ma dfw page, click here] , including two Norfolk residents. There are tips on this site for dealing with young birds, as well. - HPK
5/28 10:08pm PDT For those of us who would prefer not to watch the selectmen's meeting on NCTV to learn more about the rehab at 220 Main, did anyone reading this attend the meeting or have information about what is happening there? I am curious but just thrilled that something is finally being done about that eyesore! I have been perplexed for years that it bugged me so much and anyone I mentioned it to didn't really seem to care. Whatever is going in there, it will be an improvement. At this point, I would even take a Wendy's! Thanks. - MHC
5/28 6:02pm PDT Can anyone confirm what really is going to be built on the town hill? Is it a "Stop & Shop?" and if so, how did this happen in a town that made huge issue of a Dunkin Donuts being put into town? Also, is there elderly housing being designed and built on the town hill? Where are the facts about Main Street growth & development and are there any plans available for review by the public? Thanks for any updates. - JLH
5/28 5:24pm PDT Is there a bird rehabilitator out there? Friday afternoon I found a very young (no feathers) bird on my lawn. I do not see the nest. The bird's eyes are shut and it opens its mouth every 2 minutes. Please e-mail box15@norfolknet.com. - DLJ
5/28 4:37pm PDT Our dog has been missing since this morning. If anyone sees a tan-colored yellow lab mix wandering around please call 520-6694 thanks! - NT
[Where was the dog last seen? What's its name? - Wm.]
[6/1 8:18am Update: Tanner was found! - Wm.]
5/28 4:37pm PDT That old building on Main at the corner of Boardman Street used to be Cliff's Package Store and it had 2 gas pumps. That is 220 Main Street and is owned by Peter Chipman. 201 and 220 Main Street were a major portion of the May 17 Selectmen's Meeting that can be seen on Norfolk's NCTV channel 22. I have not heard what business might be there. That Main and Boardman Street intersection will be changed. Webmaster, did you notice the time stamp now has PDT?
[Yes, I'm tagging posts with local time, and I'm currently in a different time-zone :-) - Wm.]
5/28 2:59pm PDT I assume you two are kidders!? Starbucks and Wendy's? Now Starbucks would make my day... Seriously, does anyone out there know anything? - NS
[The Wendy's reference was a tongue-in-cheek allusion to the previous heated round of rumors about the location, back in 2001 Q2 - Q3 - Wm.]
5/28 1:26pm PDT Gee, DF, I heard the old package store was going to be a Wendy's with a drive-up window... open 'til 3 a.m. Idle Curiosity Department: did those 9 kittens all come from one mama cat? Is it something in the Norfolk water? - HPK
5/28 12:12pm PDT Ok residents (and friends, family outside of Norfolk!). All those kittens that were surrendered are now all spayed/neutered and have their shots and are more than ready to be adopted! Anyone interested in adopting a kitten (8 months old) or two please contact the animal control department at 528-3232. All of these cats are good-natured, litter trained and healthy. They have all received Capstar and Revolution on top of being tested for felv/fiv. The very large rabbit that was found earlier this week will also be up for adoption next Thursday. This rabbit is quite sociable as well, but needs a family who is willing and disciplined enough to help him slim down a bit. Sincerely,
- Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control You can always also inquire about animals by emailing the department at NorfolkK9@aol.com.
5/28 11:48am PDT Re: Does anyone have any information regarding the work that is being done to that old building (I think it was a gas station) that is on the corner of Boardman and Main Streets? Word is, it's being turned into a Starbucks.  :)
- DF
5/28 8:45am PDT Does anyone have any information regarding the work that is being done to that old building (I think it was a gas station) that is on the corner of Boardman and Main Streets? - NS
5/28 8:39am PDT To SH, we have had several good experiences with Flooring America on Chestnut Street in Franklin, which is just before the Adirondack Club as you're heading toward Franklin. They have installed two types of wood flooring and carpet in my home. They have, in addition to the old-fashioned raw wood that needs to be installed, sanded, and polyurethaned 3 times, lots of prefinished woods that are more suitable in kitchens (humidity), etc, and will not cause your whole house to be covered with wood dust. They also have products that can be laid right on top of linoleum. So, unless you have already absolutely made up your mind what you want, I would check out the different options. I'm sure lots of people sell the same products, but this store is locally owned by people I know, and it's nearby. - JM
5/27 5:05pm PDT To SH - I highly recommend Only Flooring located in Sudbury and Newton (they may have other locations I'm not aware of). We recently went through a house renovation and these sub-contractors came out at the top of the list for customer service, etc. We went to the show room in Sudbury located on Route 20, close by to Rugged Bear up there. - BS
5/27 2:02pm PDT To JD there is a snip-its in Canton too at the Cobb's Corner plaza. - MJD
5/27 2:00tpm PDT We are looking to have hardwood floors installed - can anyone make a recommendation? Thanks. - SH
5/27 12:14pm PDT Hello. Everyone is cordially invited to the Dedication of the Norfolk Senior Center on Medway Branch Road Saturday June 19, 2004 from 2-4 p.m. Telephone: 508-528-4430. - DLJ
5/26 8:38pm PDT To JD - It's a bit of a hike, but there is a Snip-its at Shopper's World in Framingham. Great place for kids. That's all they do. I found Cost Cutters in Franklin at Shaw's plaza to be OK but we've had several hack jobs. Good luck. - BS
5/26 8:47pm PDT To JD; Kingdom Cuts in Franklin is great for kids hair cuts! - JW
5/26 8:36pm PDT For JD and the hair cuts... there is a kids haircut shop in Franklin in the plaza right before BJ's and after the daycare center on Rte 140 on the way to Bellingham - ER
5/26 8:35pm PDT To JD - Try Kingdom Cuts, 835 West Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038, 508-520-9000. We have been taking our 22 month old and 4 year old there since they opened. - KM
5/25 8:49pm Would anyone have a recommendation as to where I can take a 4 month old and a 2 year old for a haircut? Thanks! - JD
5/25 7:38pm MB, I believe the Board of Health will tell you that every well has to be able to produce potable water, potable meaning fit or suitable for drinking. - DLJ
5/25 7:36pm The Board Members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) are pleased to announce the recipients of distributions totaling $25,700. The funds were primarily raised this past spring through the Spring Charity Gala and Auction. [The top recipients were the Freeman-Centennial School (security equipment), Norfolk Rec Department (fencing), and Norfolk Fire Department (CPR equipment), the school libraries (books), along with many others.] [Read on for details ...] - CH
5/25 7:20pm There Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider two petitions to hear two applications for zoning variances on June 16 starting at 7:45pm. See full details here. - Wm.
5/25 12:59pm Found: An extremely overweight domestic rabbit. Black and white. If you are missing this animal, please contact the animal control officer at 528-3232. - HNP, Norfolk Animal Control
5/25 12:13pm DF, if you are an early bird there are between 2-5 (seem to have lost some of the devoted riders of the last few years so far this year but there are always two of us at the minimum) of us who meet at the intersection of Cleveland and Seekonk Street between 5:10-5:15 am every morning weather permitting and go for 1 1/2 - 2 hours at a fairly brisk pace (18-21 mph) depending upon the route and what kind of shape we are in. Every Tuesday and Friday morning we ride over to Medfield and meet at the bike shop on North Street at 5:45 am and meet up with another 4-6 riders. This morning there were eight of us - 7 men and 1 woman - and we biked through Medfield, Dover and Sherborn. If you are interested in riding, I can be reached at lbrydon@comcast.net. - PN
5/25 11:22am MB - Considering the apparent exorbitant cost for a well, (I wouldn't know, I'm on town H2O) particularly if you're using it strictly for irrigation, it may make more sense to set up a rainwater collection system. I'm thinking of doing it myself. - JD
5/25 11:21am To DF: I am part of a cycling group from the Norfolk, Medfield, Norwood, Walpole area that is participating in this year's Pan-Massachusetts Challenge. We formed a team, Team Kinetic Karma last year and are actually still accepting new riders and volunteers to join us for the 2004 ride, if you are interested. If not, you are still welcome to join us on our rides. It's a fun group and we ride many nights during the week, usually meeting in Walpole and riding the Charles River Wheelmen Route through Medfield, Dover and Sherborn - very scenic and lots of fun. Rides are typically 15 to 30 miles at an average speed of 17 mph. There are also weekend rides for those who can make it. If you are interested, please email me at sharon@gregreid.com and I will include you on our email list. Happy cycling! - SM
5/24 8:17pm MB - Good Luck! Yes, you do have to run it by the Board of Health. My well is 400' deep and wells near me run around 350' or so. I suspect you will need a PRO and get ready to cough up about $8-9K for a 300' well, complete with pump and bladder tank. That's what neighbors are spending. Town water is not on my street so my well is it. I have done wells myself but only at levels of 20' or less. Any idea where your water level is at? - LS 5/24 7:59pm I dropped by town hall to take a look at the diagram of the roundabouts that are being built. I see some of the proposed "commercial development" across the new library is also included on the map; I wonder how much of that is merely hypothetical. And while there, I noticed that right across the hallway from the map the temporary children's library is in business, nicely laid out and ready to receive customers. (Hi Pat, hi Sarina!) - Wm.
[5/29 7:23am PDT Update: Town Hall has put up a more detailed version of the above sketch on this page - Wm.]
5/24 1:40pm Anyone here part of any organized bike rides in the area? I'm getting a bit sick of taking my life into my own hands every time I head out on Main Street alone... There's power, or at least visibility, in numbers. - DF
5/24 11:13pm The Norfolk Community League (NCL) [has been added] to the list of sponsors for the 12 Annual Norfolk Lions Community Day. This brings the list of sponsors to 28, a 10 percent increase in participation from a year ago. - FZ
5/23 9:42pm Despite a less-than-perfect economy, sponsorship of the 2004 Norfolk Lions Community Day has increased. This demonstrates the high level of local participation the town has come to rely on and appreciate for such events. This year twenty-seven businesses and organizations have pooled their resources under the auspices of the Lions Club to bring this program to reality. While many organizations contributed money, others donated goods, services and manpower to assure that the 12th edition of Community Day would be one filled with positive, wholesome, healthy fun for all those who attend. [Read on for details...]
- FZ
5/23 9:39pm Hi All, I am moving to Norfolk next week and I am interested in setting up a well for irrigation. I would love to do it myself. Could anyone recommend where to rent the equipment or else what company to use. Also, do I need to run this by the Board of Health. Thank you, - MB
5/23 9:35pm DM asks, ``Is there a map/diagram of the completed roundabout roadway layout?'' Actually, your question is very timely. At last Monday's Selectmen's meeting I asked our Highway Superintendent, Butch Vito, to post the layout on the town's website. I noticed it's not there yet so I'll give him a reminder. In the interim you can look at a framed diagram that is hanging on the wall at Town Hall. As you come in from the parking lot it's on the wall to your left. Also, if you have a copy of last year's Annual Town Report (2002) it's on the front cover. - Jack McFeeley, Chairman, Norfolk Board of Selectmen 5/22 10:33pm The Animal Control Department has had 9 beautiful kittens (8 months) surrendered, and they are in need of finding new homes. They are all different colors and all looking for good homes. Pictures will follow in the next day or two. - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control, 508-528-3232
5/21 9:04pm I am looking for a contractor/carpenter/handyman to do several projects in and around my old house from time to time. The first project I would like to complete is the construction of storage shelves in a large garage. Also, I have window panes that need to be replaced, leaky faucets, and many odd jobs and small projects. Can anyone make a recommendation of someone, preferably local, who is skilled and reliable for small household projects? Thank you. - EJM
5/21 4:30pm [Re: NCL disbursements: The post listing the latest NCL disbursements has been withdrawn; we're promised the information by next week. - Wm.]
5/21 8:06am Hi MJD - we have bookdrops at both 227 Dedham St. and Town Hall (at the back parking-lot level). All items due on May 17th are fine-free if you return them this week. We also have new Friday hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Adult Services on Rte. 1A and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Kids' Library in Town Hall). - Heather Pisani-Kristl, Associate Library Director
5/20 11:06pm Question for the library staff... where is the drop box? I have materials out from before the move and need to drop them after hours. I didn't look at either location but want to save myself a trip should the boxes not be available at Dedham Street or the Town Hall. Thanks. - MJD
5/20 11:14am Question about the roundabout construction. I just searched through the town sites and couldn't find what I'm looking for. Is there a map/diagram of the completed roundabout roadway layout? Thanks! Regards, - DM
5/20 11:13am To Bill - Thank you so much for that great description/information. We have definitely put Norfolk on our list of desirable towns to live in - now we just need to find a house! Thanks, - JC
5/19 11:44pm According to the town hall notices page, as of this Monday, Norfolk has a new fire chief, Coleman Bushnell, who moved to Norfolk from Old Saybrook, Connecticut. Welcome to town, Chief Bushnell! - Wm Town Administrator Robert Markel has announced that Coleman Bushnell of Old Saybrook, Connecticut has been appointed Norfolk's Fire Chief. Chief Bushnell began his duties in Norfolk on May 17.
5/19 4:41pm The Animal Control Department once again is trying to locate and catch a dog that has shown to not want to be caught. This dog jumped her collar while going into Acorn Animal Hospital over a month ago where she had an appointment to be spayed. She is a Sheltie (looks like a smaller version of Lassie) and her name is "Katcha". She has been lost ever since. On the 17th of May there were the first appearances of her, showing up around Eric, Maple, Worcester, King, Berkshire streets. Katcha has neurological dysfunction due to seizures, and without her medication over this extended period of time, is more likely to have more of them and show them more severely. Katcha has been seen raiding trash barrels, eating fertilizer, and hiding under decks, but even from her owners' calls she runs away (most likely due to impairment from seizures). The ACO department does have a humane dog trap out in the area of Worcester Road currently. If anyone has any sightings of this dog please call it in so that we can keep track of her path and hopefully get her back to her owners. This dog is current on her rabies shots. She has been exhibiting house perimeter walking (may be vision impairment from seizures), tilting head and foam at the mouth (from seizures and/or fertilizer/trash eating). She will run if you try to catch her. The reason for the post on NorfolkNet in this case is that since the thunderstorm last night the owner and I have not had any sightings of this dog in that neighborhood. She may have run off from fright, or may be hiding under residents' decks/sheds/etc. We want to focus our attention on just which neighborhood she might be in now and get her home. If anyone sees her, or finds her in their garage or yards please let us know.
On a side note, not affiliated with animal control or the town of Norfolk: From what I gather from the dog owner, there is a "substantial" reward for the safe/successful return of this dog into the hands of the owner. Thank You
- Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control Officer, 508-528-3232
5/19 3:12pm To JC - Here are some impressions about the town of Norfolk... Benefits of Life in NorfolkAlthough this was written about Norfolk in 1909 by The Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Boston - it still captures the essence of the town for me - it's not a good place for a young family - it's a great place!
The general altitude and dry and invigorating air promote the healthfulness of Norfolk and give its residents freedom from the troubles so apt to afflict dwellers in lower-lying places. The hills moreover attaining considerable additional elevation afford wide and pleasing outlooks while many good roads well maintained make driving a pleasure. Highland Lake to the east, Populatic Lake ... Kingsbury Pond and other lakes and ponds add diversity and their charm to the landscape... Several large home estates have been established at various points and while these are not only important additions to the town, they may be regarded as an unmistakable indication of one phase of the inevitable development of this attractive and picturesque country. Sites quite favored as those which have been so improved are available and indeed there are plenty of opportunities throughout the town for the creation of homes.Like the old sign that used to be at the Norfolk RR Station: "Norfolk, high, dry and beautiful"
Having lived in some pretty "nice" other towns Dover, Duxbury and Newport Beach, CA - I'll take Norfolk all the way but then I'm prejudiced
- Bill Domineau, Norfolk Historical Commission
5/19 1:55pm Thanks for the information, Jack. - TK
5/19 10:43am A comment to TK. Actually, I have better news this time. I asked George Cronin who is the current Chairman of the KP School Committee the question tonight at the Town Meeting. The decision will be made when the Committee goes out for long term financing and he did say that we would be involved in those discussions when they happen. Our proposal, which was supported by the Advisory Board when it was presented two or three years ago, was to repay the debt in the same manner that we pay back our home mortgage. This means we make constant payments each period for the life of the loan. Municipal projects are normally paid with constant principal and variable interest each period. This means that we have declining payments for the term. True, the total interest is larger in the former case, but the initial payments are more manageable.
Yes, I've also spoken to two current Selectmen, one each from Wrentham and Plainville and they also support this approach.
- Jack McFeeley, Chairman, Norfolk Board of Selectmen.
5/18 10:56pm To RB - We have belonged to the Park Terrace Swim Club in Plainville for the last 5 years. It is located off of 1A just down the street from the Wrentham outlets. It's about 8 miles from the center of town. We have loved the club. It is much more casual than some of the other pools which is what we were looking for. They have done significant upgrades in the last year for those who remember it when it was deteriorating. Three people own the complex and the woman who is part of the group is the manager. She is awesome and is always making sure things are just right.
There is one large pool with a diving area including a high dive and 2 slides. There is a smaller pool which is about 4 feet deep and the kids use that one for horsing around. And there are two kiddie pools including a small slide and mushroom that rains on the kids.
We all bring our own chairs and leave them there. They also have a snack bar which is really decently priced and many of us bring in our own coolers as well. Lastly, there are tennis courts and basketball courts.
I believe the membership price for new members is $580 for a family of 4. Each add'l child is $40 or so. Their phone number is 508-695-2865.
One last thing, the pool is not heated.
Good Luck.
- BS
5/18 8:46pm My family and I are considering moving to Norfolk but we are not that familiar with the town. Driving through the town, we thought the area was beautiful but not sure about the politics and education. What are residents' opinions about the regional school system? We heard rumors of a new supermarket being built - is that happening? Where do residents go for groceries or a nearby CVS/drugstore? I would appreciate any thoughts from Norfolk residents about their impressions of the town and if it's a good place for a young family. Thank you.
- JC
5/18 3:48pm I was hoping someone could recommend a pool/pool complex nearby to Norfolk that my family and I could join for the summer months. We are looking for an outdoor pool, preferably heated, that is not too crowded or expensive. Thanks! - RB
5/18 7:56am Daisy Girl Scouts usually start at the HOD in kindergarten. - DN
5/17 11:40pm Town Meeting will continue on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the King Philip High School. - DLJ
5/17 11:38pm I'm looking for info regarding Girl Scouts. At what age does Girl Scouts begin in town? I have heard that the "Daisy" program starts in preschool in Franklin. My daughter will be entering kindergarten in the fall and I am interested in getting her involved. Any information would be appreciated. - NS
5/17 5:08pm RE: Jack McFeeley's post of 5/16/2004. It's also worth going back and looking at his post on tax rates of 5/23/2002. By the way, the archives work very smoothly. Thanks! - HRB
5/17 1:26pm Southern Living At Home holds their local team meeting the first Tuesday of every month. All meetings are open to anyone who may have an interest in learning more about this exciting business opportunity. So, you don't know much about Southern Living at Home and you like to learn more about SLAH. Please call me directly or look at my website [here]. Interested in our beautiful home décor, flatware, stemware, gourmet foods and much more for free and 1/2 price, just call for more information!!! Our products are like you would see in many of the fine home décor catalogs, but we come to your door! Our local group is small, but we won't be for long!!! Don't miss out on this opportunity! When: Tuesday, June 8th, 2004 Time: 7:00 PM Where: Norfolk, MA Contact: Diana 508-528-5483 - DL
5/17 1:20pm Question for Mr. MeFeeley; By the way, thanks for the information. Regarding the repayment structure you referred to and the 'unwillingness' of the King Philip School Committee to entertain your proposals..., I assume that said school committee is populated by representatives from the three participating towns? (We moved here not all that long ago, so we are somewhat unfamiliar with the intricacies and make up of the committee). I would also assume that the impact you project will reverberate not only within the borders of Norfolk, but also within the other 2 participating towns? Thus, the tax paying homeowners of all 3 towns are headed for substantially larger bills? If my assumptions are correct, how is it that such a committee can not be held accountable to all those paying the bills? How is it that this committee can not be 'directed' as to how repayments can and will be scheduled by those who foot the tab? This committee is not autonomous, are they? They are, I would have to believe, accountable to the citizens who approve the expenses and over-rides and such at their individual town meetings? As such, how can it be that they appear to be the tail wagging the dog?
Do the Norfolk selectmen stand alone on the issue? Or have the selectmen in the other 2 participating towns joined in the call for revision to the schedule?
- TK
5/16 11:33pm To the webmaster... CR and EF have recently written about the tax rate structure in Norfolk. CF has written that, ``we have the lowest taxes of all our surrounding towns'' but uses the tax rates and not the average tax bill to support this claim. EF makes this point and says, ``I am willing to bet that Norfolk also has the highest assessed home values of all the area towns'' and says that we have to use the average tax bill for the correct comparison.
Both make the point that we have a better quality of life with less commercial development and that sensible commercial development is preferable even though it may mean higher residential taxes.
Let me say that both CR and EF are correct.
They are correct in saying that the tax rate is sometimes a misleading indicator since the actual assessed tax is also based on the assessed value of the property. We need to look at the change in the tax rate from year to year to determine performance. CR is correct in saying that we need to also consider the assessed home values of all the area towns. However, this is where the comparison becomes inflexible.
It turns out that the assessed home value and average tax rate correlates with such factors as Median Family Income and Income per Capita. One drives the other. As higher priced houses are built in a town, they attract higher income buyers and vice-versa. For example, if we use the last available data posted by the state which is the1999 Median Family Income and compare it to the assessed home values for that year we see that in the Commonwealth Medfield was 16th in the State in Median Family Income ($108,926) and 19th in the State for Average Single Family Tax Bill ($4,591), Norfolk was 42th in the State in Median Family Income ($90,001) and 38th in the State for Average Single Family Tax Bill ($3,729). The other surrounding towns are lower in the rankings.
If we assume that the assessed valuations for the six towns have increased each year proportionately then the change in the tax rate is an indication of how well the town has been managed from a fiscal perspective.
In FY2004 the Tax Rate for the six towns ranged from $11.11 (Wrentham) to $15.87 (Millis). The biggest improvement from FY1999 was in Norfolk from $17.58 to $11.93. So the tax rate is a useful yardstick of a town's performance. The FY99 to FY04 tax rate numbers are:
Medfield $16.14 to $12.69; Average Annual Single Family Tax Bill Increase for Five Years 7.46%
Millis $17.50 to $15.87, 4.39%
Norfolk $17.58 to $11.93, 4.07%
Plainville $15.59 to $13.12, 7.13%
Walpole $14.82 to $14.46, 7.05%
Wrentham $15.35 to $11.11, 6.36%These numbers can be found at http://www.dls.state.ma.us/dor2.htm using the Municipal Data Bank link.
We can easily see that while Millis has made a remarkable improvement in its relatively higher tax rate position mentioned above, Norfolk has been the clear leader in reducing and holding taxes down during the last five years.
One other note... During the last five years the classification sector that has grown the most in Norfolk was Commercial due to the increased development. It has grown by 164% in assessed valuation while residential values have grown only 89%.
The very low increase in tax bills will dramatically change in the next two years as the King Philip Debt Exclusion assessments are maximized in Norfolk, Wrentham and Plainville. The King Philip School Committee has repeatedly refused to accept a backloaded repayment structure that we have proposed which will result in unnecessarily higher repayment fees in the next five to ten years. Please look for spikes of ten or fifteen percent in your tax bills in the next several years because of this debt exclusion. Our proposals would reduce these spikes, but they have fallen on disinterested ears with the King Philip School Committee.
- Jack McFeeley, Chairman, Norfolk Board of Selectmen
5/16 1:53pm Boston Bruins Alumni Softball Game vs. Tri-Town All Stars (Coaches from NMM Pop Warner Football Vikings & Norfolk Baseball). Saturday, June 19th @ 3:00 p.m. - Freeman Centennial School. Tickets will be available at the gate, and from baseball & football players, and at local businesses throughout Norfolk, Medfield & Millis. For more info, go to www.NMMVikings.org - MC
5/15 8:25am Registration is under way for the 8th annual Norfolk Community League Charity 5K Run/Walk. This year proceeds will help fund the 2004 Summer Concert Series at the Pond Street Field. Registration forms are available by logging on to www.signmeup.com/26183. Registration is $15or $20 after May 22, 2004. A parking fee of $5 will go towards the Norfolk Lions and includes admission to Norfolk Community Day! The first 100 participants to register also receive a free T-shirt. The Run/Walk will be held at 9:00am June 12, 2004 at Holmes Field on Myrtle Street in Norfolk. Children's races will follow the 5K at 11:00am. Registration for kid's races is $3 for 50m and 100m for children 11 and under. There will be prizes for all children! For more information, call Lisa at 508-520-7687 or log on to norfolkcommunityleague.org. - CH
5/14 1:58pm For EF - Tax rates are just a game. You say that Norfolk has the lowest tax rate of surrounding towns, which may be true, however, I am willing to bet that Norfolk also has the highest assessed home values of all the area towns, so it stands to reason that higher assessed values should equal a lower tax rate. I don't know for sure, but if you really looked into it, chances are that even though Norfolks tax rate is lower, the average tax bill would be higher. Don't get me wrong, I would rather pay more in taxes for a better quality of life without the commercial development, I was just making a point. - CR
5/14 8:23am Clarification: the Kids' Library is open from 10-1 on Fridays (Town Hall closes at 1). The library for adults on Rte. 1A is open from 10-4 on Fridays. Come and see us -- you'll be pleasantly surprised that we are not housed in closets (as some patrons had feared). MHC: the bidding for the library renovation and expansion has been closed, and the contractor will be announced soon. I know this has been a long process, and I've only been following it (as a town resident) for four years! Soon all will be revealed.
- Heather Pisani-Kristl, Associate Library Director
5/14 12:40am I saw the new family of swans in the pond this morning, momma and papa proudly leading them on a sight-seeing tour of their neighborhood. Then tonight, momma was in the nest and papa was cruising around making sure everyone was safe. - JW
5/13 3:37pm From the Town Hall notices page: The Board of Selectmen currently seeks interested residents from Precinct 1 to fill a vacancy created on the Community Preservation Committee, effective July 1, 2004.- Wm.The charge of this Committee is to make recommendations to the Town Meeting for community preservation.
Any resident currently residing in Precinct 1 in the Town of Norfolk may notify the Board of Selectmen's office of their interest in serving on this Committee.
Please forward a letter of interest and/or resume to the Board of Selectmen, One Liberty Lane, Norfolk on or before Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 4:00 pm.
5/13 1:05pm The Norfolk Public Library is open for service at its two temporary locations, today until 5pm and tomorrow between 10am and 4pm. For more information about the temporary location and hours, click here. - Heather Pisani-Kristl, Associate Library Directory
5/13 1:03pm For Francena Johnson re: library ground breaking: Will you or someone kindly explain to me how there can not be a contractor yet secured for the library after years of planning and fund raising? It seems to me that a contractor would have been selected long ago! - MHC
5/13 12:39pm Happy to report that Floyd the cat returned home at 5 am this morning. He was gone 31 long hours. We found Animal Control here in town to be understanding, responsive, and helpful. Happily, we are off to take down our Lost Cat posters now. Thank you to all who helped. Jim and Judy (and Floyd, too) - JD
5/13 7:51pm For all those that did not believe that the town center renovations would ever start - the war memorials were moved a few weeks ago and the Union Street town hill stonewall has been removed. - DLJ
5/12 5:37pm Dear RB, I unfortunately disagree with you - I too live on a busy street and I have quite a few Dunkin Donuts trash! Did you know that we have the lowest taxes of all our surrounding towns? Wrentham taxes are: $13.57 Millis taxes are: $15.50 Medfied taxes are: $15.96 Walpole taxes are: $13.93 and $16.88
Only Franklin has lower taxes and they are having severe financial problems.I disagree many towns actually improve their way of life without more retail and increased development. Or if they do develop they utilize smart development plans - not such as putting an enormous Supermarket, drive-thru CVS and large retail establishments next to our very expensive Town Hall and soon to be expanded library. There are other ways to raise taxes - such as increasing the property value of our homes. I am okay with development - as long as it makes sense. We have an industrial park which is barely being utilized and along Route 1A we have acres of vacant land not being developed. I think putting development basically on our town green does not make any sense for our town. RB Thank you though for putting up with the trucks and trash! I appreciate it.
- EF
5/12 12:44pm Thanks for the laugh, Webmaster, regarding your daughter's comments! Town Meeting will continue on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the King Philip High School.
One of the town center renovation plans is posted just has you enter the Town Hall. The renovations have been in the works for at least 5 years and the roundabouts are the plan that the state approved.
- DLJ 5/12 11:50am A resident in town has lost their cat in the Tucker Road/Rockwood Road area: Black Tuxedo Cat 12 lbs, 4 white paws, male, named Floyd. He's been lost since last night, 5/11/04. If anyone finds or spots this cat, feel free to contact the animal control department at 508-528-3232. Sincerely, - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control Officer
[Update 5/13 10:25am: Floyd has returned, and is back with his owners - Wm.]
5/12 8:11am To JVM - For information about the soon to be installed roundabouts (not rotarys) tune into channel 22 (Norfolk's Government Access Station) for an interview with Butch Vito, the superintendent of the Highway department. He discusses the roundabouts somewhat and will talk about them again in future interviews. - PG
5/12 7:39am Does anyone have any information regarding the design of the rotary to be installed where the 4-way stop currently is in the center of town? I apologize if this had already been discussed, but I'm embarassed to say I just learned of the rotary recently. The reason I bring it up is that I was a resident of a town where a 'traffic calming' consultant was hired to provide solutions for a number of busy intersections. One of them, which happened to be less than a mile from my house, was turned into a rotary from a 3-way stop. The rotary design not only solved the traffic problem, but it truly did 'calm' the traffic, as promised. It achieved this by using cobblestones in the roadway as you approach the rotary, which are not only decorative, but act a noisy 'rumble strip' which prompts drivers to slow down as they enter the rotary. The second element is the installation of shrubbery around and in the rotary, and also in decorative concrete planters in the median of the roads that lead to the rotary. These serve to narrow and decrease the sitelines as you enter the rotary; instinct would tell you that increasing visibility is always better, but in this case, drivers tend slow down to see whether other cars are coming. All of this was achieved without compromising pedestrian or bicycle safety, and it looks great. Having spent half my life on the Cape, I consider myself an expert on bad rotaries, and my fear is that a typical rotary will turn Norfolk center into a more dangerous game of 'chicken' than it is already. Anyone know anything? - JVM
5/11 11:05pm What a lovely day it was. Warm, sunny, pleasant. I used the chance, fetched the scythe, and mowed some grass. I'm getting better at it, it feels easier and the results look better than when I started hand-mowing a year ago. The motorcycle rides to and from work are great, it's really nice to be riding home during daylight. Plus now that the lilacs are blooming, the whole trip is a sensory treat. There is talk that the higher gas prices have caused occasional riders to switch to their bikes for the commute. There may be something to this; it does seem that there are more motorcycles on the roads during weekdays than last year.
While I may be drawn to archaic crafts, my daugher Lee is certainly a child of the future. In the evening, falling asleep, she declared "You know what? I love cookies." Then, with a mischievous grin, she continued "And I love JavaScript, too."
- Wm.
5/11 11:03pm I heard about the hatching of the new swans, I didn't see them in the nest this morning, I assume they moved to a quieter neighborhood. Maybe up back in the taller grass. I hope to get a look at them soon. - JW
5/11 7:49pm I don't visit this site much but may now.... In reference to RB's posting against fast food I have to say. I live on Route 115 and my yard is always full of trash thrown out of car windows. Hardly ever do I find a Dunkin Donuts product. It's mostly cans, mostly beer cans, Bud Light being the can of choice... and McDonalds refuse. We on Rt. 115 have seen a 5 fold increase increase in truck (semi) traffic since the new furniture company has opened in the old sand pit. None of us are complaining as we realize Norfolk needs the added tax base. These trucks are day and night. Yet the NIMBYS (not in my back yard) complain at the least little thing. We are putting up with this to save you money in taxes, RB.
I call on all Norfolk citizens, do something good for the town other than complain. Join the Lions Club, organize a pick-up trash group, join a food drive program... do something other than complain!
- DW
5/11 11:34am Mr. & Mrs. Swan on the pond by Park St. & Lawrence St. are the proud parents of 5 adorable babies. - BR
5/11 11:19am We're sorry to announce that the ground breaking ceremony for this Saturday, May 15 has been cancelled. As we do not have a contractor hired the Permanent Building Committee and Board of Trustees have decided that it would be more appropriate to have a ceremony in June. - Francena Johnson, Associate Library Director, Retired
5/10 4:02pm I have a house for rent in Norfolk available in July. More information can be found on the Bulletin Board. - CR
5/10 12:16pm Are you wondering "where in the world is the Norfolk Public Library??" Here's the answer... the library has moved to temporary locations (yes, this is plural)! Effective May 17th, Adult services will be provided at 227 Dedham St. (Rt. 1A) Phone: 508-528-3380 or 508-384-8218 Located across from Tyler's Restaurant on Rt. 1A, this location will offer 2 public Internet computers, 2 I-bistro stations for ordering materials, & a small selection of adult fiction, non-fiction, and a-v materials. Children's Services will be located in Town Hall (main floor, 1st office on the right.) Phone: 508-528-3311 This location will offer a sampling of picture books, easy readers & chapter books, as well as children's videos. An I-bistro station will also be available. Story hours will be held in this room.
Adult Service Hours Monday 2:00 - 8:30 Tuesday 10:00 - 8:30 Wednesday 10:00 - 8:30 Thursday 10:00 - 8:30 Friday 10:00 - 4:00 Saturday 10:00 - 4:00
(10:00-2:00 July & August)The bulk of the library collection will be stored off site and staff will retrieve books twice each day. We encourage all library users to use I-bistro from home to place holds on desired materials. Materials requested from storage will be available for pick-up by the next business day.
Children's Service Hours Monday 10:00 - 4:00 Tuesday 10:00 - 4:00 Wednesday 10:00 - 4:00 Thursday 10:00 - 7:00 Friday 10:00 - 1:00 Saturday Closed Stay tuned for additional information on location of summer reading programs.
- Robin Glasser, Director, Norfolk Public Library
5/9 9:52pm For those who feel inadequate for not having the perfect lawn, take heart, I saw the attached story on Boston.com. Most people know that the perfect lawn has more than just a financial cost. Perhaps I liked this article because I cringe when I see people watering their lawn at 5:00am during the water ban (even if it is well water like I have, it all comes from the earth, streams, rainfall, etc.), or that I feel badly for wild animals who can't read the "keep off the lawn" flags after chemicals have been put down. But whatever the case, I enjoy seeing a natural yard just as much as a "perfect" one... And appreciate anyone who doesn't try to make it look like they live on a golf fairway by paying landscapers a small fortune and disregarding the environmental costs. [Boston Globe article is here]
P.S. I can't claim sainthood as I do have a lawn. I try to do my part by letting it grow to 3 inches before mowing and I hand pull my dandelions and crab crass. I'll confess that I do water 2-3 times per season during real dry spells (and if I've re-seeded dead patches) and fertilize once in the spring.
- MD
5/9 3:09pm I encourage you to attend Town Meeting this week and to vote on each item for the good of our town. - SP
5/9 3:06pm I have a Painting business here in Norfolk. We also offer Landscaping, Handyman Services, Errand Services. No job to big or to small. See my ad on the Bulletin Board. - SD
5/7 9:45pm Everyone Welcome! The Norfolk Public Library is having an official ground breaking on Saturday, May 15, 2004 at 11:00AM at 139 Main Street. Rain or shine, refreshments. - Francena Johnson, Associate Library Director, Retired
5/7 3:45pm For those who would like information from Butch Vito about what's happening with the Roads and the TIP projects, tune in to NCTV-22 (Channel 22) at either 2 or 5:30pm. everyday this week. NCTV's Richard Connors interviews him and gets lots of answers. Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager
5/7 12:13pm At 7:00 PM, Saturday, May 15, the King Philip Music Department will present its 9th annual Spring Pops Concert, in the lower gymnasium of the King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham. Admission will be $8 for adults and $5 for seniors and students. [Click for details...] - BW
5/7 12:11pm King Philip music students will present Percussion Night at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 12 in the upper gymnasium of King Philip Regional High School. The public is invited, free of charge. Percussion Night will feature both middle and high school students, including ensemble and solo players in classical, jazz and original works prepared and written by the students themselves. [Continued...] - BW
5/7 11:03am If anyone is looking for lawn care I can do it through the season or if a certain job or clean up has to be done. Call Nick B at 1-508-726-4104 or email at beantownclippings@yahoo.com - NB
[5/12 10:14am Update: No longer accepting new customers; thank you!]
5/6 5:37pm The animal control department is looking for the owner of a black and white dog with a flag collar that migh live in the Eric Road neighborhood. If you are missing this dog, please contact the animal control officer at 508-528-3232. - HNP, Norfolk Animal Control
[10:40pm Update: the dog owner has been found - HNP]
5/6 1:13pm To LD - Just so you know, you can only drop off oil based paint at the transfer station shed. (They used to accept latex, but not any more). - ATB
5/6 8:52am To LD, if you have a pass to the transfer station, they have a paint swap/recycle shed on the right that for some reason is only open on Wednesdays. If you go to the highway webpage and read the newsletter you will get more info. On a side note, I also noticed that the sticker fee has gone up to $50 with the bag stickers at $2.10. I usually buy the sticker so I can responsibly recycle the yard waste (meaning I don't take it across the street and dump it on the roadside or in the woods to create more problems), but we have a local company do pickup of regular trash because it is actually cheaper. And I don't have to maneuver everything neatly into a 30 pound bag which usually ends up ripping and spilling. It got me to thinking that maybe if the transfer station lowered the price to use, more people would use it and the town might start to look a little cleaner. One can only hope. P.S. To those that stuff their cars and go to the dump, count your bags loading and unloading. This past Saturday I noticed three separate bags in the middle of the roadway in two locations. - SF
5/6 8:07am Does anyone know how or where house paint may be disposed? I have several half-full cans that I'd like to get rid of, but can't find any place to do so! Thanks. - LD
5/5 2:08pm For DF Mr. Pisini of the Franklin Pisini shoe store leases the Norfolk Center Rockwood Road stores and the old red antique store next to Dunkin Donuts. Peter Kane is still renting the antique store. - DLJ
5/5 7:14am ER, thanks for the lead on Form work. - MSC
5/4 3:19pm For MSC... Al Bain ...years of experience... 508-533-6600/508-533-8843... Form Business. - ER
5/4 3:18pm My husband and I are moving to Norfolk in the summer and were wondering what people's experiences have been with the commuter rail. Please let me know. Anrpatel1@yahoo.com - AP
5/4 1:37pm Does anyone know of a local organization or individuals who could use clean styrofoam packing peanuts? We have three large bags of them that we'd like to recycle. I found via an online search that some commercial shipping places will take them, but would prefer to give them to a local group or small business owner who would otherwise have to buy them. If you're interested, email us at box16@norfolknet.com - VR
5/3 11:28pm Can anyone recommend someone for concrete form work? Thanks. - MSC
5/3 6:25pm We were forwarded a town notice that the May 2004 water bills have been mailed out, and payment is due within 30 days (by June 4, 2004). The Water Department hours are on their web page. - Wm.
5/3 4:17pm Does anyone know who owns the old red antique store next to Dunkin Donuts? - DF
5/3 4:16pm To RH, re: vinyl windows. Without a doubt, Harvey Andersen. I had Harveys in Natick and I loved them. Get the tilt-in ones that you can wash from inside, and Low-E double pane. The Harvey Andersen tilt-in windows have an easy and quick latch and the window comes right in to wash. I bought top-of-the-line Anderson windows when I built here in Norfolk and they are the biggest pain to wash. I can't wash the windows without my husband's help since the tilt-in arrangement is so difficult that you have to have hands of steel to operate them. - KB
5/3 1:46pm I would like to encourage any resident or former resident of Norfolk to share with us any of their reflections or memories regarding growing up or experiencing everyday life in Norfolk. I've added a new section to The Historical Commission's website that will consist of your personal recollections of the town and life within it - this can be as simple as your musings on taking the quarts of milk in from the metal box on the porch, the smell of the ink from the school's mimeograph machine, making butter in kindergarten with a glass butter churn with hand cranked paddles, swimming in Mann's Pond, or propping up a clothes line with a wooden pole - your recollections of daily life of even fairly recent times will soon pass into history. With the turn of another century, your memories will serve as as a means of putting daily life and historic events into the context of the time for future researchers and just plain curious individuals such as ourselves.
Come visit our site at the following link [here]. The recollections section will be able to be accessed by clicking on the "Recollections - Gone But Not Forgotten" box.
If you would like us to publish your recollections on the website - as short as a sentence - or as long as a few pages - please submit them to me via email or give me a call.
- Bill Domineau, Chairman; 774-324-8160 bdomineau@yahoo.com
5/1 10:29am I would have forgotten about the King Philip Music Association can and bottle drive (10-2 today), had a friendly young lady not come up the driveway with a large clear plastic bag, asking if I had any cans for the KP Music Association. As it happens, I had quite a few :-) So my garage is now cleaner, their coffers fuller, and I even have this photo as a keepsake. It was a great idea to canvass neighborhoods for redeemables. And they say no-one makes house calls any more. - Wm.
4/30 8:03am According to Town Hall, you can now pay your town real estate and personal property tax bills online; water bills will follow shortly. See this town hall page. When I tried, however, I got an error from unibank.com ``This Website is only supported by IE 5.0+'' even with a browser that's fully standards compatible. (That's like saying ``this road is only drivable by Chevy sedans'') Well, Microsoft does not make a browser for my operating system (I don't use Windows), so I guess that leaves me out of the Intenet Age.
And while on the subject of broken web pages, the Town Hall pages all have a coding error that prevents them from being visible in older Netscape browsers. If you've been having trouble viewing them like I have, that would be the reason.
- Wm.
4/29 2:37pm Did anyone happen to see the three planes flying, seemingly to me, in formation followed be the sound of a small jet flying very fast and low on Thursday at around 1:30 P.M.? It might have been a coincidence.it just seemed to stand out to me. - PD
4/29 1:07am Hello JLB. For a chimney repair company try Barry John Chimney of Franklin, 508-528-1777. - DLJ
4/28 11:05pm KN - I saw that you needed someone to cut your lawn and also do spring clean-up. I have years of experience and I am very dependable and reliable. If you or anyone else is interested in a professional job done at very reasonable prices contact me at 1.774.244.6206 or summerlawns04@yahoo.com - JL
4/27 4:37pm Can anyone recommend a brand of vinyl replacement windows for a home, and the firm that installs them? I saw on this site [www.norfolknet.com/norfolk/listings/favorite.htm] the names of two firms that install them, but can anyone recommend a manufacturer (brand) of the windows and also recommend the company that installs them? These windows are for an older rental home, and the owner wants good quality at an affordable price. Thank you - RH
4/27 10:09pm I just had my carpets cleaned yesterday by Sunset Carpet Care, and am very pleased with the results. They were able to remove some stains that I didn't expect to come out, and my carpets, which are eleven years old, look great! The owner is Paul Civitarese, (508)-543-8025, website is www.sunsetcarpetcare.com, and the business is based in Foxborough. - CR
4/26 4:43pm Can someone recommend a reliable chimney repair company? We have a crack in our chimney and would like to have it fixed soon. It seems most companies take forvever just to return my calls. Thanks! - JLB
4/26 4:43pm The town meeting warrant is up on the Town Hall website, [here] - Wm.
4/26 4:42pm To JM: So you are fully informed, it is not NCL dues that is paying for use of the school facility for the College Savings Seminar. Fidelity is covering that fee. To everyone else who posted, thanks for your support. We hope to see you all there. - JW
4/26 3:09pm Kudos to NCL for arranging a seminar on an important topic, saving for college. Any presenter worth hearing will have a professional affiliation, as someone mentioned, so what is the big deal? If NCL members don't like the way NCL spends its charitable donations, they can cancel their membership. I hardly anticipate a mass exodus based on this seminar. Seems a great service to have someone knowledgeable presenting right here in town. Convenience matters, and clearly NCL organizers recognized that. - TC
4/26 12:24pm To JM: Whom would you prefer the NCL have speak on the topic? I would guess that most willing speakers and those who present for no charge would be affiliated with a firm or business of some sort. If they are not, then where are they obtaining their knowledge? Someone who simply studies the issue academically may not be as equipped to deal with real-life scenarios. Incidentally, I work at a competing financial firm, and am still in support of this gentleman's presentation to learn all I can about saving for college. I don't see the harm in using a small amount of NCL's funds to pay for a room rental fee. I plan on attending and am thankful that seminars like this exist.
- MD
4/26 10:55am RE: College Savings Seminar. To JM: If you are so against the information night meeting, then don't go. NCL is merely providing an avenue for people to find out more information about the best way to provide for their children's future. Isn't one of the main focuses of the NCL to raise money so that they can provide enrichment programs to the community, whether that comes in the form of scholarships or aid to the parents? With the rising costs associated with a college education, a 529 Plan provides a way for parents to save now for their children and maybe make some money too. I belong to a 529 plan at work through another provider, but would be interested to hear what someone from Fidelity has to say. I know the individual putting on the presentation. As a father and member of the community, I'd bet he has more vested in the topic than just trying to pick up some additional clients. - A different JM
4/26 10:52am To JLH: regarding quality of audio on channel 22. Can you call me at 508-520-2780? I will try to address your concerns directly. I'm glad that you want to watch channel 22 and we will try to fix the problem that you and some others have been having of late. If I'm not in, leave a message with your phone number and I will get back to you ASAP. Thanks, - Paul Guertin, NCTV Station Manager
4/26 10:48am Re: college savings seminar - Section F of the April 25, 2004 Boston Sunday Globe is a special section entitled Footing The College Bill, with a lot of articles about saving and planning for a child's education, and how to live cheaply in college. This eight-page section has a lot of information, including the fact that the federal student aid form values parental assets at half the student rate, so it would be advantageous if the student's money could be shifted into the parents' names a year before the form needs to be filled out. - RH
[11:54am Parental assets are assessed at a lower than students'; corrected the original wording - Wm.]
4/26 10:47am To JW: Oh, I see; NCL is using members dues and/or fundraiser proceeds to put on a seminar for Fidelity. So it's not tax dollars that are paying for it, it's people's charitable contributions. Gotcha. - JM
4/26 10:39am JLH is more than correct re the audio on Ch 22. I have been expressing the same views and have mentioned it to Paul Guertin who is more than sympathetic. I hope to find someone who will take ownership of this problem since it is not in Pauls's domain and make it "user friendly." - JO, at the User Friendly Info station at Town Hall
4/25 8:09pm To JM. NCL has had quite a lot of interest in the College Savings Seminar and we are happy to provide speakers of interest to the community. The school charges us a fee to use it's facilities and as far as I know those fees are in place for this event as well. And yes, a businessman from our community, as an added benefit to him, may pick up a customer or two. - JW
4/25 6:44pm To: JM, your tax dollars are not paying for this seminar - NCL is a non-profit organization and we are putting it on at no cost to anyone, nor did we pay or were charged to have it put on. Nobody paid anything for this. Hope that makes you feel better! - GH
4/25 6:42pm Re: 4/25 11:58am While learning about college savings plans is a good idea, I'm not sure that I'm thrilled that my tax dollars are providing a free venue for a mutual fund salesman to go fishing for new clients. For a primer on college savings plans, see: savingforcollege.com/529_plans. Fidelity runs the 529 plan for this state. Other firms run the 529 plans for other states. This site provides a lookup-table to find out the return for the plans of the various states and which firm runs the plan for each state. The owner of this site is an expert who has written a book on the subject.
- RH
4/25 6:36pm KN - I can do a spring clean up and do mowing throughout the season -- Check out my ad!! [on the Bulletin Board, here] - NB
[5/12 10:14am Update: No longer accepting new customers; thank you!]
4/25 12:01pm In regards to the Mosquito Control project, does anyone know where the helicopters are spraying (a map) and can residents sign up for the Mosquito Control Project for a particular neighborhood / area? - JLH
4/25 12:00pm Does anyone else have difficulty with the sound / volume on the Community Channel 22? I try to watch the Town Meetings, Conversation Corner, etc. but, am extremely frustrated at the quality of sound. No matter how much I adjust my set, it is close to impossible to listen to. I have contacted other neighbors who agree so, the problem doesn't seem to be my TV. Any suggestions or ideas about who to contact to resolve so the residents can WATCH and really HEAR the meetings? Thanks - JLH
4/25 11:58am While learning about college savings plans is a good idea, I'm not sure that I'm thrilled that my tax dollars are providing a free venue for a mutual fund salesman to go fishing for new clients. - JM
4/24 8:16pm To CH - The NCL College Savings Seminar sounds great! Did you know that is scheduled on the first night of town meeting? To KN - You could check with Norfolk's Nelson Landscaping for lawn care, landscaping, and cleanup. 508-528-4225.
4/23 1:19pm The Board Members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) are currently accepting requests for disbursement of amounts raised through its activities this winter and upcoming spring. The monies will be distributed in May of 2004. If you are a member of an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit NCL's website at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org for an application. The deadline for applications is May 1, 2004 and a completed application must be received by this date in order to be considered. Over the past 7 years, NCL has distributed in excess of $120,000 to local groups such as Norfolk Library, Norfolk Fire Department, Norfolk Police Department, enrichment programs for Norfolk Public Schools, Council on Aging, Norfolk Boy Scouts, college scholarships, YMCA camp scholarships, Norfolk Little League, and local Preschools. Please contact Jackie W. at 508-520-9637 with any questions.
- CH
4/23 12:20pm Norfolk Community League (NCL) is hosting a College Savings Seminar presented by Craig D'Ambrosia of Fidelity Investments' Worcester Office. This event takes place on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 7:00 PM at the H. Olive Day School library and is open to both NCL members and non-members. A representative from the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA) will be on hand to answer questions. Contact Scott Prince, MEFA, at (617) 224-4813 for information. - CH
4/22 9:42am Many thanks to all the responses for help with my computer problem. I can now make a great recommendation for anyone in the future. - PR
4/21 2:16pm Thanks BS! I was wondering the same thing! - HB
4/21 11:31am The King Philip Men's Over 30 Softball League is now accepting registration for the 2004 season. All games, which are slow pitch and ASA sanctioned, are played in Wrentham on Monday and/or Wednesday at 8:00 pm. The season begins May 3rd. Registration cost is $75 for new players. Individuals interested in joining the league should contact League President Craig K. at 508-520-0163 or email kpsoftball@gis.net for more information. - CSK
4/21 11:30am To CW - I assumed the helicopters had to do with the mosquito control project (see posting on 4/16). There were also some announcements on the radio re: the project. They were loud weren't they??! - BS
4/21 10:36am I'd like to rent a few goats in a controlled grazing environment like a large mobile pen. My meadow is becoming overrun with Rosa multiflora and other invasive non-native species. It would be ideal to burn it but it's too close to woods. Goats are a great alternative to herbicides, which I won't use, and I'd like to return the area to a natural healthy ecosystem. They'll eat anything. Any ideas? Thanks! - KB
4/21 10:34am This morning at around 7:30am there was a helicopter circling our neighborhood for sometime. My two assumptions are that it was either spraying or surveying land? I live over on Castle Rd. Any ideas? - CW
4/20 8:32am On Saturday, May 1, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., the King Philip Music Association will be conducting a Refundable Soft Drink Can and Bottle Drive to support the KP Music Program which benefits students in Norfolk, Plainville and Wrentham. You may drop off your refundable soft drink cans and bottles at the following locations during the time of the drive: the Wrentham Town Parking Lot (across from the Original Congregational Church), Daley's Norfolk Sunoco Service, and King Philip Regional High School at the KPMA can and bottle drop-off building behind the school.
- BW
4/19 6:34pm The Animal Control Officer is looking for the owner of a black lab, intact male, out of state and out of date tags. Please contact the police dept. at 508-528-3232. - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Animal Control Officer
4/18 8:17am To KN - I used M&D Quality Lawn Care and Landscaping for my fall cleanup and they did an excellent job. 508-533-2036. - AB
4/17 10:11pm Having big problems with my computer and it's not a Comcast problem. I don't know that much about computers. Does anyone know of someone-reasonably priced-that can try to solve my problems(freezing, shutting down after a few minutes by itself and errors constantly popping up)? Please contact me at dmed26@comcast.net. Much appreciated. Thanks. - PR
4/17 7:24pm HB, Thanks for the information on Franklin Landscape. Dwayne was very nice but only does landscape design. I'm still in need of a landscaper who is willing to come in and do a spring clean up and maintain the lawn throughout the season. Any suggestions? Thank you - KN
4/16 2:20pm The Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project will be treating certain large wetlands in the Town of Norfolk tentatively beginning Tuesday, April 20, 2004 through Tuesday, May 4, 2004 with a granular form of Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis), a naturally occurring soil bacterium that controls mosquito larvae before they become mosquitoes, and is practically non toxic to humans and other plants and animals. [...] The granules when applied fall straight into the wetland and do not drift beyond the targeted area. [Full details here] - GB, Town Hall
4/16 11:00am The Annual Town Meeting will be held at the King Philip High School in Wrentham on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. In the event the meeting does not end on this evening, we will continue to Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 7:30 p.m., and a third night of Tuesday, May 18, 2004, if needed. The second night of Town Meeting was originally scheduled for Wednesday, May 12, 2004, but was changed due to a scheduling conflict with King Philip. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Selectmen/Town Administrator's Office. - JT, Town Hall
4/16 10:58am Hi KN - We used Franklin Landscape and Design (508) 528-1949 and Dwayne Monaco did a fantastic job on our yard! We found him to be very dependable and reasonable! Good Luck! - HB
4/15 6:33pm Hi, Can anyone recommend a good and reasonable landscaper. I also need to have some trees taken down (before they fall down) and would appreciate the name of someone local. Thanks, - KN
4/15 5:29pm Have you been to the Norfolk Public Library lately? If you haven't, you're in for a surprise! As part of the building and renovation plan, NPL will soon be moving its materials, staff, and friendly service to temporary locations within the community. Here are the dates and places you'll want to remember: Service in our temporary locations will include new Friday hours. You will also be able to request materials online for pickup at the libraries, or visit our temporary locations for assistance from library staff. For more detailed information, visit our website at users.rcn.com/npl/relocate.html
- Saturday, April 24 This is the last day to borrow materials before our three week relocation period. Please check out books and other materials that you'll anticipate needing during those three weeks, and keep them until we reopen. No fines will be charged during this period.
- April 26 - May 16 The library will be closed for relocation.
- May 17 We will reopen in our two temporary quarters: Adult services at 227 Dedham St. (Rt. 1A, across from Tyler's Restaurant). Children's services at Town Hall (Main floor, first office on the right as you enter from the parking lot).
- Heather Pisani-Kristl, Associate Library Director
4/15 2:47pm For LEM... Handy Man "Charlie" at 508-528-5675. - ER
4/15 2:17pm Hi, I'm looking for your "good ol' fashioned handy man" to do some odd jobs around the house. I need a screen door track repaired, a bathroom mirror hung and frame added (involves basic carpentry. I don't have the tools) and a few other odd jobs. Of course I'd like a reasonable price too! Any recommendations? - LEM
4/15 1:43pm Earth Day Celebration-Saturday, April 24th 10am-2pm A FREE event for the whole family Discovery Trail, music by Fran Friedman, Maria Roberts-storyteller, raptors from New England Reptile &Raptor, Exhibits, Native Plant Sale w/Osborne Nursery, Crafts, Refreshments and more. There was also someone who wrote about taking a picture of a wolverine (which is a very unlikely sighting). This could be a Fisher; the pictures in the book don't do them justice.
- SP, Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary
[See also the discussion last year about fisher sightings on last September's archived page, starting on 9/10 - Wm.]
4/15 1:38pm There's still time to sign up for Summer Camp! Stony Brook offers nature day camp June 28-Aug 27. Our camp is a safe, fun, exciting place for kids to enjoy. If you would like more information or to register over the phone please call 508-528-3140. Our camp brochure is also available on our website www.massaudubon.org/stonybrook. - SP, Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary 4/15 10:32am Now this is more like it, ah, Vero Beach, Fl. palm trees moving gently in the wind, the warm Atlantic Ocean lapping at my feet, temperatures in the low 80's. Back to reality, Norfolk, Ma. 45 degrees, rain, raw, yuk. Oh well, it felt good if only for a few days. - JW
4/14 9:27pm To VM: For those of us living with this issue everday, we thank you! We have been working diligently to get the facts and the information you provided has been very helpful!! - DR
4/13 4:15pm The Norfolk Community Day 2004 Committee is putting the final touches on a plan that expands Community Day activities scheduled for June 12th at Holmes Transportation property on Myrtle Street in Norfolk. In addition to the many popular activities provided in the past, there are a number of new rides, animal displays, fun activities and unique features. Please mark this date on your calendar and we will be providing additional information on this event in the weeks to come. [Click for details]
- FZ, Norfolk Lions
4/13 1:47pm RB - I don't know about anyone else but I have never found empty dunkin doughnutcups or bags in my neighborhood - it's more like empty beer cans and candy wrappers. Conveniently I find these items on Saturday and Sunday mornings.... has anyone else noticed this trend? Does the town offer anything for kids to do on the weekends other then underage drinking and littering? - HB
4/13 11:07am MSC, you can contact DLJ at box15@norfolknet.com regarding the gravel. There is also another interested party below. - Wm.
4/13 10:53am To JD - Don't thank Butch Vito too much for the intersection of Tucker and Medway Branch. It was me. I have the 1 mile marker sign, gallon milk bottle and countless empty bottles of alcohol in my trash today as a keepsake. I couldn't do the entire length of Medway Branch due to the amount of trash picked up at that intersection alone. But I'm happy to help. - PD
4/13 10:51am To MSC: is it clean? if so feel free to email me. I may be able to use it around the dog kennels. - HNP, Norfolk Animal Control, Norfolkk9@aol.com ]
4/12 11:32pm While on duty at the newly opened Town Hall friendly Info Center a lady reported that her daughter photoed a wolverine in her back yard. I hope to get a copy tomorrow. Has any other person spotted this species? - JO
4/12 11:31pm Looking for a place to dispose of approx. 30 yds of gravel in the next month. Any need or suggestions would be appreciated - MSC
4/12 2:40pm Wednesday, April 14, 2004, is the last day to register to vote at the Annual Town Election and Annual Town Meeting. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before May 4th may register by mail or in the office of the Town Clerk. The polls will be open on Tuesday, May 4th from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. All precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of building), 232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
[ Click here for additional details, including absentee ballot information.]
- GB, Town Hall
4/12 12:54pm After reading all the letters about roadside trash does anyone still wonder why Norfolk does not allow fast-food restaurants? Dunkin Donuts is only there because the Building Inspector at the time ruled that they were a "Bakery" and thus allowed by right under zoning. This despite the fact that nothing is baked on the premises. People who want development (restaurants, super markets etc.) have to understand the price that goes along it. Stores need to be supplied which will mean semi-trailers going through the center at all hours of the day and night and how much more traffic and noise will be generated in the surrounding area? - RB
4/12 12:53pm I am looking for any references/suggestions for both driveway topcoating (not sealcoating) and cement patio construction. Thanks, - MB
4/11 6:57pm The Garden Club of Norfolk is holding its Annual Plant Sale on Saturday, May 8th, from 9AM - Noon at the Federated Church (intersection route 115 & Main Street). Featuring deer and drought resistant plants, annuals, perennials and hanging baskets all in time for Mother's Day.
- JW, Garden Club of Norfolk
4/11 8:59am Happy Easter!
4/10 8:37pm Yes, the macro mode is fixed.
- Wm.
4/9 6:35pm RB - I don't think any amount of roadside trash is "normal". And in my opinion, it's no worse on Tucker Road or Medway Branch than it is in other areas of town. I don't think the tranfer station has much to do with excessive litter in this area, as almost all of the trash is alcohol containers, styrofoam coffee cups, and fast food wrappers - things people throw out of car windows. I'd noticed that, until this week, Rt 115 between North Street and Rt 1A was an utter disgrace. Upon driving that road yesterday, I noticed that it had indeed been cleaned up (as I was told it would be). What a wonderful difference! Now let's see how long it lasts. I haven't been by Union Street (where the "turtle crossing" sign is) or the Lind Farm Conservation Land in the last day or two to see if they've been picked up, but those areas were areas in dire need of a clean-out too. When I spoke with Butch Vito about the trash on Medway Branch, he was actually quite apologetic and told me that it's the Highway Department's responsibility to take care of it. I can understand how the Department may not have known all the trash was there because unless one is actually walking on the road, it's difficult to see most of it because it's all down the steep embankments near the intersection of Tucker Road. When I mentioned to him that the trash was there, he said his department would take care of it. It was done the next day. Also, it's my guess that four-way stop signs haven't been installed yet because they'll be a part of the much bigger project of adding a sidewalk on Medway Branch. Another part of that project, apparently, is to level out the intersection of Tucker & Medway Branch so that you don't have to stop at an incline.
I'm far more inclined to be irritated with people who litter, not with the Highway Department for not picking it up. I've also found the local government here in Norfolk to be very responsive if you just pick up the phone and call or email. They may not know there's a problem unless you tell them!
- JD
4/9 11:59am Can anyone suggest a contractor who does both excavation and concrete form work (without subbing it out)? We need to have earth removed and a poured concrete retaining wall put in, but it seems that every contractor I talk to does traditional stone walls. While I love stone walls (and have some), it's not economically feasible for us! I have called some excavating contractors from the phone book but have only received one response. Thanks in advance for your help.
4/9 11:58am Thank you PD & JD for your efforts to clean-up my neighborhood. A greater amount of roadside trash than normal has been a problem on Medway Branch and Tucker Rd. for the 20 years that I've lived in the area. The reasons are obvious.
In July 2002, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted a "retroactive" Special Permit to The Town of Norfolk Highway Department for the highway garage and transfer station. My understanding is that the application to build an addition to the highway garage had apparently prompted straightening out the paperwork.
During that process I asked the ZBA to order that a weekly trash clean-up program be enacted by the Highway Dept. on both Tucker Rd. and Medway Branch. According to the Special Permit, the Highway Department Superintendent addressed this during the public hearing. The permit reads "With regard to the third issue (Medway Branch and Tucker Rd. maintenance), the Highway Department Superintendent indicated that the Highway Department does conduct regular weekly street cleanings of Medway Branch and Tucker Rd. and plans to contnue to do so". (Huh?) As a condition of granting the Special Permit the ZBA ordered that "2) The highway Department shall conduct regular, at least weekly, street cleanings of Medway Branch and Tucker Road."
By the way, included in the same Special Permit were mention of a 4-way stop sign at Medway Branch & Tucker Rd. to be installed in Spring 2003, moving of the transfer station guard shack to comply with the 50 ft. setback, and various landscape improvements around the highway garage and transfer station.
Why is none of this being done? I thought only greedy private developers were guilty of ignoring the rules.
- RB
4/9 8:58am In response to ER. Norfolk cannot file for exemption from affordable living because by law every town in the state of Massachusetts has to have 10 percent affordable living space and Norfolk only has 3. Plus there is a difference between affordable living and low income living. How do I know this you ask? I as of this moment live in low income housing paying an astronomical amount of rent and am trying to take advantage of the affordable living programs. Think of it this way ER - if Norfolk doesn't do something in the way of help to the moderate income families such as mine, then you will see many more 40 B projects going up and 40 B is low income living space.
As far as the sex offenders go, I too am concerned about them being in town as I have 3 small children, two of which go to the Freeman. Although I live nowhere near Cleveland street where the Delta House is, I am concerned with the one level 3 offender living on Boardman Street. My feeling on the situation is this - if they are kept under watch and the kids are as well, then there's nothing to worry about and since the kids are very closely monitored by teachers and parents during recess time and in school as well I feel there is no threat to my kids but I still get the chills thinking about it. I think the towns people are getting in hysteria for no reason; places such as Delta House I'm sure keep close watch over the residents and if they do go anywhere I'm sure they have a curfew they don't just wander around willy nilly after all they once were criminals. Just some food for thought.
- RD
4/8 8:07am To VM (and others) For a person so intent on getting to "the Facts", you should not be confusing sex offenders with sexual predators. They are categorically different. I agree with you. If you want to add something to the discussion, be sure you know what you're talking about. Otherwise you could be doing more harm than good.
4/7 10:37pm To PD & JD: Glad to hear that there are others out there with the trash bags. Yesterday, my children & I walked River Road with a "large" trash bag and filled it. We started at Airport Road, and it was full before we even got near the fishing bridge (near Myrtle Street). We have only lived in town for 9 months, and I am quite disappointed in all the trash I see on ALL the roads. I thought we left that all behind when we left the city. Unfortunately, it also seems that trash is making its way into the Charles River/Populatic Pond, as well. My husband was out boating this weekend and could not believe all the trash floating around. Please, everyone do their share or recruit an able bodied neighbor if you are not physically up to the chore. Keep up the good work PD & JD!!
- JH
4/7 8:31pm I have been following the discussion about the two new known sex offenders in our town. As someone with family members and far too many friends who have been sexually assaulted, I share the general concern that people are voicing. As someone directly affected by the trauma this crime inflicts on its victims, I understand the panic and distress. Yet I feel I have to say that the tone in town is getting hysterical.
As is often the case in our town Chief Stone was the voice of reason at the recent Selectmen meeting. The two individuals on Cleveland Street are known to us and under supervision. The people we should be worrying about are the predators who are not identified. Almost half of the state's sex offenders are not registered at all and a large percentage of the ones who are registered have changed their addresses. If we react to the knowledge of sex offenders in our midst by lighting our torches and driving them from our town, we have undermined the one tool we have to identify them and manage our interactions with them. We have ensured that offenders will disappear into anonymity. And that is where they are the most dangerous to our families.
Please keep in mind that in 85 percent of cases, children are sexually assaulted by relatives, family friends, or someone known and trusted by the child. The image of sex offenders as waiting around the schoolyard and attacking children at random is overblown. I know my statements are likely to irritate some people. That is not my intent. I am trying to help. The current climate in town regarding these sex offenders is likely to do more harm than good.
- [Due to personal details in the post, initials withheld by request]
4/7 5:15pm To PD - Which side of Tucker Road do you live on? My husband and I cleaned up most of the Rockwood Road side, as well as a portion of Medway Branch last week. We would have kept going, however we'd filled the two 42 gallon trash bags we'd brought with us - in just approximately 2 or 3 10ths of a mile. Sadly, the trash is showing up again all ready. It's frustrating that anyone would have such little regard for this beautiful town and just toss their trash out of the car window. This is definitely not trash that has accidently gotten loose from containers on the way to the transfer station. I spoke with Butch Vito regarding the trash, and he informed me that the Deparment of Corrections should be out in the next week or so to clean the main roadways in town. He also said he'd get his guys out there to do some clean up as well. We should all be aware of the conditions in our neighborhoods, and do a little cleaning up when we're out for a walk. It makes such a big difference when it's done. But remember, if you do decide to pick up on your next walk, one bag probably won't be enough. In our case two wasn't even enough! We'll take three next time!
- JD
4/7 1:13pm I wouldn't make the immediate assumption that these sex offenders were originally diagnosed as mentally retarded (if that's been confirmed I was not aware). Given the way the state loosened policies back in the '80s it it quite possible that sex offenders were labelled with a disability first and as sexual predators second in an effort to get them back into the community - and out of the state's hospitals of which many were closed. The town should take nothing for granted and should challenge all 'facts' presented to date.
- VM
4/7 1:12pm
To Everyone,
It's that time of year again. The weather is getting warmer and there are already more people out walking. I also enjoy walking with my kids, and this year like every year before, there is a lot of trash on the side of the roads that needs to be cleaned up.
Once a year I bring a trash bag and collect the trash along Tucker Road and Medway Branch, just as I will do this year. But this year is the worst.I don't think one bag is enough, and I'm not sure that I can do it alone. I realize it is early in the walking season, but I can't believe that some people will accept these conditions in their own front yard for any amount of time.
I use this yearly clean sweep as a way to teach my kids to respect their planet, as well as, their own front yard. However, it would be nice if my kids saw that they were not alone in their efforts. I'm not sure what day we might get out to do this, but it would be nice to see that some people have taken care of their own yards before I get to them.
- PD
4/7 1:09pm MJD - I'm inclined to agree that you are correct. I did forget to include the third paragraph, however.
The Fair Housing Act affords no protections to individuals with or without disabilities who present a direct threat to the persons or property of others. Determining whether someone poses such a direct threat must be made on an individualized basis, however, and cannot be based on general assumptions or speculation about the nature of a disability.Allthough I believe it's obvious that these two individuals are indeed a threat, I have a feeling that the courts would determine them not to be. As someone else said, 'the sex offenders have more rights than our children'.- JD
4/7 8:34am The Animal Control Department has received a call from a Wrentham resident that they have been missing their dog. The dog has been missing since Saturday.
Normally we don't post information regarding lost dogs from out of town but there have been a few spottings of this dog in our town, mostly in the area of Sharon Ave. and EagleBrook Saloon (junction of 115/1A). If anyone does spot a dog of this description please contact the Animal Control Officer at 508-528-3232. This dog is stated to be of sweet disposition but timid and will run further away if chased.
Lexi is a sweet one year old female pitbull. She is predominantly black with white paws, chest, and forehead and weighs about 40lbs. She slipped her collar, so she does not have any tags on her. She went missing on Sat. April 3rd in the center of Wrentham MA which is an unfamiliar area to her so she is very frightened. Call or Email if you see her... Please help us find her.
- Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control
[4/19 6:35pm Update: Lexi has been caught and returned to her owners - Wm.]
4/7 8:30am JD -I agree with the Wm. I believe that the phrase "by virtue of that status" refers to those who might seek fair housing preference based on their status as a sex offender only. Some might argue that sexual deviance is less criminal and more of a mental illness that deserves treatment and special considerations such as supportive housing. In that statement, the state is disqualifying sexual offender as a disability classification.
Since presumably, the mental retardation which qualifies the person for fair housing preference existed before the person became a sex offender (probably from birth or in early childhood) the person is eligible based on the pre-exisiting disability and his classification as a sex offender is not considered a disqualifying event.
4/6 8:35pm MJD? I think it may be the other way around. Read the second paragraph from this excerpt of the DOJ Fair Housing Rules.
Q. Who are persons with disabilities within the meaning of the Fair Housing Act?- JDThe Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap. "Handicap" has the same legal meaning as the term "disability" which is used in other federal civil rights laws. Persons with disabilities (handicaps) are individuals with mental or physical impairments which substantially limit one or more major life activities. The term mental or physical impairment may include conditions such as blindness, hearing impairment, mobility impairment, HIV infection, mental retardation, alcoholism, drug addiction, chronic fatigue, learning disability, head injury, and mental illness. The term major life activity may include seeing, hearing, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, caring for one's self, learning, speaking, or working. The Fair Housing Act also protects persons who have a record of such an impairment, or are regarded as having such an impairment.
Current users of illegal controlled substances, persons convicted for illegal manufacture or distribution of a controlled substance, sex offenders, and juvenile offenders, are not considered disabled under the Fair Housing Act, by virtue of that status.
[I would read ``by virtue of that status'' to mean that they're not entitled to disabled status just because they are current users, ... offenders, etc. That is, an otherwise healthy drug user is not considered handicapped; however, a handicapped person who uses drugs would still be disabled.Of course, though it's illegal to discriminate on the basis of handicap, it is permitted to discriminate on the basis of criminal history, ie. sex offender status. - Wm.
4/6 8:16pm Food for thought - Maybe Norfolk should file for an exemption from housing "affordable living " and "sex offenders" due to the fact that we have 4 prisons with more than enough of both... Should Norfolk be an exception to the rule?
- ER
4/6 3:18pm The Freeman Centennial School's "Honors" Band also won a medal this past week. The group consisting of fifth and sixth graders received a silver medal at the Massachusetts Instrumental & Choral Conductors Association (MICCA) Festival on Saturday, April 3rd. A silver medal is awarded to those groups who perform at an "excellent" level. Based on my review of the program, I believe there were only 3 elementary school bands represented at the Festival where more than 100 instrumental groups performed. What a wonderful achievement for 10 and 11 year olds. Congratulations on a job well done by Mr. John Fouracre and the children!
- TW
4/6 11:20am The King Philip Symphony Band won its sixth consecutive gold medal for "superior" performance at the Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association Festival last Friday. As a result, both the Symphony Band and the KP North Seventh Grade Band, which also took gold, will be performing Saturday, April 10, at Boston's Symphony Hall in the "Stars at Symphony." The KP North Seventh Grade Band will perform at 11:40 AM and the KP Symphony Band will perform at 3:00 PM. [Continued...]
- BW
4/6 11:15am At 8 p.m. Thursday, the King Philip Varsity Indoor Color Guard will present their show at a Send-Off Rally in the King Philip Regional High School Gymnasium. The public is invited at no charge.
Last Saturday, the Varsity Guard took first place in the National Open Class in the New England Scholastic Band Association Finals in Dartmouth. [Continued...]
- BW
4/6 10:56am I am unhappy to announce that as a result of a lack of interest in saving money on food, the town of Norfolk's chapter of the non profit food cooperative Serve New England will be closing down. We have been in operation for nearly 2 yrs and we thought that we would bring some of the terrific savings we were getting to our fellow townies, but as I said because of a lack of interest we have decided to close the site. We will have to get back to you with an exact date but it will be soon. Sorry to see you go, Norfolk Serve. For those who do wish to save, there is another site run by the Council on Aging, but it is in Millis and is on Friday afternoons not Saturdays as we were. Farewell Norfolk Serve.
- RD
4/5 10:39pm I believe that MJD's response to VM is correct. Since the PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS of these individuals is mental retardation, they are persons with disabilities and, as such, covered under the provisions of the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Their status as sexual offenders is secondary.
- HB
4/5 11:44am Important Notice from Norfolk Community League: Please note that Norfolk Community League has cancelled Candidate Night scheduled for April 15 at 7:15 at the Freeman-Centennial School. This event will NOT be rescheduled. Contact Tracy H. at 508-541-2388 with questions. Thank you.
- CH, Norfolk Community League
4/5 10:48am VM - My guess it that their disability preempts their classification as sex offenders, but that was interesting info, it might very well end up being helpful.
4/5 8:55am The recent article in the Gazette ( [here]) contained a comment from Delta's attorney, Richard Hayes, who cited the Federal Fair Housing Act Tuesday and said people do not have to notify a town when they move in. Perhaps, but everyone, including our town's legal counsel, should be aware that the FHA DOES NOT PROTECT SEX OFFENDERS from discrimination when it comes to group homes. [DOJ Housing rules]
- VM
4/4 7:26pm Norfolk Community League (NCL)'s Spring Charity Gala and Silent Auction was held on Saturday, March 27, 2004 at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. Both the silent and live auctions proved to be successful, netting NCL in excess of $29,000. Without the dedicated and hard work of the Auction Committee, this event would not have been possible. [Read on for details...]
- CH, Norfolk Community League
4/4 17:09pm The Board Members of the Norfolk Community League (NCL) are currently accepting requests for disbursement of amounts raised through its activities this winter and upcoming spring. The monies will be distributed in May of 2004. If you are a member of an organization that would benefit from a donation, please visit NCL's website at www.norfolkcommunityleague.org for an application. The deadline for applications is April 15, 2004 and a completed application must be received by this date in order to be considered. [More...]
- CH, Norfolk Community League
4/3 8:37pm Ok, now that my camera is back from repairs, I can post photos again! ... of the unusual April snow they're forecasting for tomorrow :-) If you don't like my photos, send in some of your own!
- Wm.
4/3 6:07pm Just a couple of legal questions maybe someone can answer regarding the Delta House. Is there any recourse for Delta not identifying the true residents that would be living there to the seller? Are these offenders on parole/probation? (if so it would be great for them to participate in the town meeting) What are the circumstances surrounding there incarceration... I would love to identify the various components of past offenses and specifics to current offense of all of our "town offenders" especially our level 3. Thanks,
- LM
4/2 11:41pm According to DMR [Department of Mental Retardation], Delta Projects is accountable for the service and treatment plans of the residents and are bound by contract.
- DR
4/2 8:27pm Finally get to turn the clocks ahead tomorrow night...yea, summer is just around the corner...let's not forget to check the batteries in our smoke detectors also, and might as well test 'em while you're up there... just push the little test button on the detector to sound alarm...early warning is a must in case of a fire. Also practice an escape plan with everyone in the household...
4/2 7:19pm We need a gutter cleaner/repairer asap. We're floating away over here! Can anyone offer a name and number of someone who would be good? Thanks
- DF
4/2 11:06am Is the Cleveland Street residence a done deal? Even if we object will there be a way to prevent this from happening? I too live nearby and am horrified by this.
4/2 11:01am Are you new to the area? Did you realize that Norfolk has a Garden Club? Would you be interested in joining a group of local gardening enthusiasts dedicated to the advancement of home gardening as well as civic beautification? Membership in the club is open to the public and consists primarily of amateur gardeners and others not professionally or commercially connected with horticulture. [Click for more info...]
- DC, Norfolk Garden Club
4/2 10:55am For AC - Hub Grinding Service, Walpole, 508-660-8804... does Tyler's Restaurant knives.
- ER
4/1 8:09pm Does anyone know of a good professional knife sharpener in the area? Thanks.
- AC
4/1 5:17pm As we appear to be the state's preferred vacationland for sex offenders, who shall the citizens of this town hold responsible for the actions of these individuals should they reoffend? Is Delta House the legal custodian? Someone must be responsible and accountable.
- RW
4/1 4:58pm To VR - at the meeting we discussed presenting questions in writing to Mr. Markel's office prior to the meeting. That way everyone's questions get answered even if only 11 or 15 (which was the original number) can actually speak. I know it seems unfair that those we pay to run our agencies (we = taxpayer) get to set the rules for this discussion. Can you imagine placing limits on a meeting with YOUR boss? It's really sad, but I say, complain to your legislators and if you don't get the action you want, speak out with your vote next election! Call the State House and scream because they do listen. If they get 20 calls on an issue they know that many more than 20 people are concerned because most people don't get off their duffs and call, they just complain among themselves.
4/1 4:50pm Re: Today's Globe West has an article ... next meeting on the matter is scheduled for 6 p.m. April 15: please note the corrected location:
Please note that the meeting place has changed from the Town Hall to the H. Olive Day School.- RHAt the request of Senator Scott Brown, the neighborhood meeting which was scheduled for April 8 has been re-scheduled for April 15 at 6:00 p.m. at the H. Olive Day School [232 Main Street].
4/1 3:07pm In regards to the group home on Cleveland Street, I realize that our selectmen had to agree to a request from the state to limit the number of speakers to 11. If they had not, I am sure that the State in its arrogance would not agree to attend. However, once they are here I believe it is up to our elected officials to hear any resident who has a legitimate question to ask. Since the state is not bound by our zoning laws, we should not be bound by a forced agreement to limit the amount of questions or questioners.
When will the state think Norfolk has done enough of our civic duty to all the citizens of the Commonwealth. We host three prisons and the majority of a fourth MCI Walpole, is actually located within the town of Norfolk. If you count the number of sex offenders actually "living" within our borders (incarcerated), I am sure our per capital sexual predator ratio is the highest in the state. This may be an argument we can use through the political process, and or the courts to have this facility limited to its stated purpose, serving disabled and mentally challenged residents. I am sure rational people would have no objection to a facility providing services of this kind.
Come on selectmen, in the sake of Norfolk and our children, I hope you use your discretion and allow anyone who wants to speak to be heard.
- DJ
4/1 1:30pm I have just been made aware by my sister of the 2 level 2 sex offenders living at 59 Cleveland Street. I read all the messages on your web site and am as upset as the rest of you that this has happened to you. A question was asked as to "did the sellers know?" I can assure you that the sellers did not know. My husband and I were the sellers. We feel really bad. We thought Delta was an organization reaching out to mentally challenged individuals. It's not something they disclosed to us. I have family still living in Norfolk and they are as uneasy as you all must be.
- KB
4/1 12:45pm Today's Globe West has an article about the group home on Cleveland Street ( [click here] ). At the end of the article, it states that the next meeting on the matter is scheduled for 6 p.m. April 15 at
Town HallH. Olive Day School, 232 Main St. The town, responding to a request by the state, has agreed to designate 11 residents who will ask questions on behalf of the neighborhood. Other residents can attend but won't be allowed to participate- VR
[4:54pm Please note the corrected location per Town Hall notices - Wm.]