Q3 2004 Norfolknet Notes, Jul-Sep 2004This is the archive of previous Norfolk Notes.
9/30 2:09pm Merck to Withdraw Vioxx Because of Heart Risks -- - RHMerck & Co. withdrew its Vioxx painkiller, which generated $2.5 billion in sales last year, because of a link to heart attacks and strokes. The company's shares slid as much as 28 percent, wiping out $28 billion in market value.
New three-year data from Merck suggested that patients taking Vioxx for more than 18 months faced twice the risk of a heart attack compared with those taking a placebo. The Whitehouse Station, New Jersey-based company retracted its third-quarter profit forecast and cut its full-year estimate by 50 cents to 60 cents a share, spokesman Tony Plohoros said.
9/30 2:08pm Anyone know anything about a zoning meeting this past week to change the zoning of downtown Norfolk to change the mix? I saw a headline but could not get the whole story. Thanks! - BD
9/30 8:41am Saturday October 2nd [9am-12pm] is the date for "Hazardous Waste Day" at the Transfer Station. Click **HERE** for information. - RP
[The document seems to be in a new version of PDF that some computers might not be able to open. A plain-text version of the list of accepted materials was posted last year, though this year's list might differ - Wm.]
9/30 8:39am To all: Thanks for all the suggestions. I got my cat back this [Wednesday] evening! Kind Regards, - BA
9/30 8:38am For JH re: oil delivery - we have used Cronin for more than six years and are very pleased with their service. Their price cap one month ago was well below $1.89/ gallon. I don't know if it remains that rate today. - MHC
9/30 8:37am To JD. Have checked with the Veterans Officer in Millis as well as the Millis Town fathers and they have no info on your report. Do you know the location or name of the video store? Would like to pursue this if you wish. - JO, Veterans Graves Officer, Norfolk
9/29 2:25pm BA - I believe the animal control officer works from the police station--a tidbit I think I picked up at Town Meeting. Try calling the non-emergency police number to see if you can get information. Good luck and I hope it's your cat. - BS
9/29 2:24pm For BA... call the police station and explain... I think they will give her your message and phone number and she will contact you. - ER
9/29 11:19am Could someone please tell me where the animal control officer keeps the animals she finds? I believe she found my cat on Sunday, at least, according to the post on here, it sounds like my cat, and the geography is correct. I called but it's her day off. I have two kids who are really anxious, and I am wondering if I can just show up. Thanks! - BA
9/29 8:14am There aren't very many people left living in Norfolk that know the old Norfolk. I am pretty sure that it was Walfred Carlson that built the center up, Runars uncle ??. I know for sure that he built the Sunoco in the early 50's. It was a barbershop next to Center Lumber Co. ran by Eddie Watiki ???, later moved to Vi Ingraham's down 115. You got me on Sumners, I will have to see if my brother remembers it. Do you remember G.F.Campbell's, across from the police station? Was one of the gas stations,also a little store. - RW
9/29 1:57am To RW et al... Here's some more info for you re: the restaurants on Rockwood: The restaurant on Rockwood Rd. near Boardman St. on the left going toward Millis was once owned by Tom Gayton and his wife Beth Purdon Gayton whose brother, Al Purdon was cook there. It was called the Green Hills. Chuck Stone, our police chief's parents worked there in the late forties. Then it was briefly, I believe, the Country Squire. This was short-lived. Then, Hazel Ingraham who with her husband owned the Bubbling Brook in Westwood, bought this place and it became known as The Bubbling Brook. Then after a brief period it became known as the Tack Room, owned by Judy Longbardi who lives in City Mills on the property once owned by Sweatt. The red barn is still there that belonged to him.
The Copper Kettle was located in a group of stores behind the stores adjacent to the Sunoco station. It is the parking lot now for the RR. This group of stores included the Credit Union and a beauty parlor. It was adjacent to Carlson's Lumber Co. It was Runar Carlson that built the stores on Rockwood Road. The reason that there are no trees in front was because he wanted them taken down against the selectmen's wishes until the hurricane of 1938 came along and destroyed them and they were taken down. I don't remember who owned the restaurant there. In the middle 1970's Eddie and Betty LaPointe built the row of stores where Linda's Variety is located. She opened a coffee shop, where the now Norfolk Pizza House is located.
...the above was provided to me by Thelma Ravinski.
PS: Also in possession of the Norfolk Historical Commission we have an advertising brochure for another restaurant on Rockwood Road which no one has thus far mentioned - Sumner's. Thought you might like to see what the brochure described:
Sumner's Restaurant -- Norfolk, Mass
``SITUATED in the centre of a quiet country village. The very attractive house is equipped with all modern conveniences. Spacious screened piazza. All food served is home cooked.Regards,STEAK DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY TWENTY-THREE miles from Boston or Providence. Good train service: - Eight trains daily to and from Boston. Auto route from Boston, Dedham, Norwood and Walpole; or from Providence, Pawtucket, Attleboro and Wrentham. Continue on the Boston and Providence state road. At Sharon Duck Farm turn North and follow this road three miles to Norfolk Railroad Station. ''
- Bill Domineau, Norfolk Historical Commission Chairman
9/29 1:48am We had Atlas (previous homeowner had them). We needed a new hot water tank. Atlas quoted us $1900. We call Cronin and they did it for $1200. Great workmanship and local employees. Needless to say I recommend Cronin from our experiences. Oil prices were lower with Cronin last year when we made the switch as well. - JB
9/28 11:13pm JH - I would highly recommend Frank Lamparelli Oil in Canton. They are great to deal with and have very competitive rates. I have been with them for 5 years and have had only good experiences. - TP
9/28 11:54am At one of the video stores in Millis, I noticed a sign about a fund which is being set up for the family of a soldier or marine (I forget which) who recently died while serving in Iraq. Does anyone have the contact information for that fund? Please email me at jeff.donohue@gmail.com if you do. Thanks. - JD
9/28 11:10am I switched from Cronin to Atlas (now Petro) 4 years ago. I did not have a bad experience with Cronin, I switched for a significant discount in price per gallon. I have not been disappointed. Petro has been top notch with service (they've been at my house in the middle of the night to fix my 25 year old burner). They have been great not only with their locked in oil rate but also their service plan. - DTM
9/28 9:42am Cronin is the best, they always keep the customer in mind and happy. The most important thing of all is that when one of their customers needs them on the coldest and most miserable day of the year, they are there. Their prices are always competitive and as I've said before, they pass a drop in price of gas back to their customers right away. - JW
9/27 6:29pm JH - $1.59 from Petro in Westwood. Here's a link that may be helpful: www.massenergy.com/Oil.Price.Check.html - DTM
9/27 2:51pm To RP Re: snowblower repair. There is a gentleman who lives in Norfolk. His name is Bill and can be reached at 508-528-5849 after October 1. He repairs snowblowers and lawn mowers and will come to your house. Very nice man and he does very good work. - PR
9/27 11:27am Who do people use for oil delivery? Does anyone have a cap price substantially better than $1.89/gal? - JH
9/27 9:41am Back to the restaurant. It may have been the Green's, then Green Hills, then The Country Squire, then The Bubbling Brook. Also around the same time there used to be another restaurant on Carlson Circle, The Copper Kettle. They used to close the street at times and have block dances. Another little note, Norfolk used to have about five gas stations at one time in the late 40's early 50's. - RW
9/26 9:57pm My snowblower is in need of repair and I am looking for someone who can do it. Do you have any suggestions? It's about 6 years old. - RP
9/26 7:05pm The animal control department has recently picked up a very large orange marmalade cat from the Cape Cod Estates neighborhood. If this cat has an owner please contact the ACO to pick him up, otherwise this great cat will be going up for adoption after next Friday. The department also has four kittens in need of homes. Two of the four have bob tails and the others have regular tails. They will be health checked the first week in october and then will be available for adoption. These kitties are very loveable and playful. If anyone is interested in these animals please contact us between 8am-4pm Mon-Fri at 508-528-3232.
- Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control
9/25 2:12pm Norfolk - Looking for a way to make your mark on the transformation of Town Hill? Norfolk Community League (NCL) and the Garden Club of Norfolk announce the kickoff of Norfolk Walkways. Norfolk Walkways is offering inscribed bricks for placement on Town Hill brick walkways that will connect the Peace Garden, Veteran's Memorial and the Gazebo. A 4 x 8 brick inscribed with 3 lines of writing is $50. A larger 8 x 8 brick is $100. Order forms can be found in locations around town or can be downloaded from www.norfolkcommunityleague.org. This is a perfect opportunity to be a permanent part of the beautification of Town Hill. In time for holiday gift giving, Norfolk Walkways will send a gift card announcing your gift along with the inscription to the recipient. [Please read on for more information - Wm.] - TS
Update 9/26 8:55pm: FYI - the order form for the Norfolk Walkways brick sale is not yet online. I'll post a note when it is up and running. Thanks for your understanding. - TS
9/24 11:46pm The Norfolk Community league together with the Norfolk Lions Club will sponsor the 3rd Annual Haunted Train Ride on Saturday, October 23, 2004 from 4:30-8:00PM. It is suggested that younger children attend from 4:30- 6:30PM. This event will take place at the Holmes Field on Myrtle Street in Norfolk. The cost will be $3 per ride. There will be assorted spooky treats, fun and games. Come in a costume!! All proceeds for this event will go the Santa Foundation and the brick walkway on Norfolk Town Hill. Please bring a canned good to donate. The rain date will be Sunday, October 24, 2004.
Please contact Tracy H. at 508-541-2388.
- TR
9/24 10:40am To DTM - I recently contacted Butch Vito about Miller Street bridge. It's unlikely to be open end of November. This was his response: The bridge project was delayed due to some environmental issues with the Army Corps of Engineers pertaining to the by-pass structure. The issues have been resolved and the completion schedule was moved from September 1st to the end of November, but I was speaking with the State Engineer and there is an issue at the state level that has not been resolved. They have not stated a definitive completion date.It would be nice if they could put a sign up, and update the website.We will try to inform the Board of Selectmen and residents of the date when we are notified.
ButchRemo R. Vito, Jr.
Highway Superintendent- JP
9/24 7:40am On the Highway Department web site: Miller Street Bridge over the Mill River in Norfolk, MA will be closing at 7:00 AM on February 11, 2004. It will tentatively be reopened September 1, 2004. Detour signs will be posted during the construction period.Any one have any up to date info? There hasn't been any work done on the bridge for quite some time.- DTM
9/23 8:35pm Good news. Andrew has been found safe. [Globe article here] - DF
9/23 11:18am To: SC and others: 10:50 am 9/24/04, regarding Andrew Grant. As of last night, he was not found. I live on Barnstable Rd and we saw the helicopter around 9:00 ish. My husband and neighbor took a walk and ended up helping to search on Medway St. Apparently, they had detected some movement, a person running in the Lake St/Medway St wooded area. Only the police searched the woods. They had bloodhounds and the dogs had a strong scent but he was not found. My husband returned home at 1:00 am and the police said they would resume the search in the am. However, I do not see anything around here yet. Hope he is found today and found well. - AW
9/23 8:21pm The Norfolk TPA presents: Norfolk Marketplace
Saturday, November 6th 9-5
H. Olive Day SchoolA Shopping Extravaganza Not To Be Missed
featuring... hand crated jewelry, home decor, handbags, hand painted home accessories, unique jean jackets, christmas items, great gifts, and much much more!!!!!!!... And don't forget to visit the raffle table, bake sale, and cafe!
Your 5$ / 3$ donation will support our schools.- AD
9/22 11:50pm SC - It doesnt' appear that Andrew has been found yet. I had a team of camouflage-clad troopers search my property today around 3ish, and all tonight there's been a helicopter over the area with a search light. Not good. - DF
9/22 11:48pm To SC - I'm sure that they haven't found Andrew yet. It is currently 10:30 P.M. on Wednesday and there is a helicopter flying over my house on Tucker Road with a search light checking the area. I hope that they can find Andrew soon, I will be willing to help search again if necessary. If anyone has any additional information I would be interested to know. It is a good idea for anyone in the area to check any wooded area around their home, sheds or under decks. - PD
9/22 10:42pm The store on the corner of Main and Boardman St. was Brad's Package Store and was owed and operated by Jan and Brad Johnson and Jan's mother Lillian Haggard. After Jan died Mrs. Haggard and "Bridie" kept the store opened til Cliff Landry bought it and renamed it Cliff's Package Store. They sold it to three guys from out of town, during their owership the gas leak was discovered and it was shut down. Bridie owned a combo Gulf gas station and variety store which was located where our Post office is now until he built the store that is on Main and Boardman St. - JW
9/22 10:41pm What's the update on Andrew Grant? Did they find him yet? - SC
9/22 5:29pm The Norfolk Cultural Council is accepting applications until October 15 for support of community cultural projects and PASS funding, a ticket subsidy program for school-age children. The Council is especially eager to sponsor programs that benefit and involve a wide variety of people in the community, emphasize diversity, and promise excellence. We consider the qualifications of the individuals and organizations involved, the planning process, and community interest and involvement. We also favor new and innovative programs over those that repeat for many years.
Individuals and organizations may apply for general support - projects such as workshops, lectures, exhibits, festivals, science education and artist projects - or for PASS funding[.] [Continued...]
- SB
9/22 5:25pm While the reminiscences about the restaurant formerly at the corner of Boardman Street and Rockwood Road are delightful, I am at the same time curious about what's going on at another corner of Boardman Street - at the intersection with Main Street. Does anyone have any information? And what was the name of the liquor store that used to be there? Cliff's perhaps? - SB
9/22 10:19am Happy Autumnal Equinox! Today is the last morning of summer. At 12:30pm this afternoon it will be the official start of fall.
As the earth travels around the sun, its axis of rotation remains pointed in the same absolute direction - sometimes the north pole leaning toward the sun, sometimes away.
The equinox is when the lean is parallel to the orbit, neither toward nor away from the sun. This is why the length of the day is the same as the length of the night.
Leaning more and more away from the sun exposes the northern hemisphere to less and less direct sunlight, causing a gradual cooling that turns summer into fall into winter, when, at Winter Solstice, the lean starts to reverse again, completing the cycle.
- Wm.
9/20 2:36pm Friday, October 15, 2004 is the last day to register to vote at the Fall Special Town Meeting. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before October 26th may register by mail or in the office of the Town Clerk. Regular office hours are Monday through Wednesday, 9:00AM to 4:00PM, Thursday, 9:00AM to 7:00PM and Friday, 9:00AM to 1:00PM. The Town Clerk's Office will remain open on October 15th from 9:00AM until 8:00PM. Mail in registration forms are available from the Town Clerk and must be postmarked no later than October 15th in order to qualify. The Fall Special Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26, 2004, at 7:30PM at the King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham.
- GB
9/20 2:34pm Wednesday, October 13, 2004, is the last day to register to vote at the State Election. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before November 2nd may register by mail or in the office of the Town Clerk. [...] The polls will be open on Tuesday, November 2nd from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. All precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of the building), 232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
[Please see the full announcement for details, including absentee voting instructions - Wm.]
- GB
9/20 2:26pm Andrew Grant is missing again. Boston.com. Be on the lookout for a 15 year old who looks lost -- picture here. - DAF
9/20 2:24pm The Grange hall does not have a telephone and of course is not active on a daily basis. Our Norfolk Grange # 135 meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Town meetings preclude our meetings. The Norfolk Pomona Grange # 27 meets on the second Saturday of the month.
All meetings are open to the public. Installation takes place in October - at that time the new officers will be installed. Fraternally,
- GJ
[The above was sent in for the Organizations page - Wm.]
9/20 10:12pm To JM: Thank you for the information on the phone number for the Norfolk Grange. If I can't reach them, I will get in touch with you. - SD
9/20 6:01pm For SD - One person that could help you with the Grange is Georgia Jones. She is listed in the phone book along with her husband Charles. If you have trouble locating her let me know at mcfeeley@virtualnorfolk.org and I'll give you her phone number and email address. Good luck, - JM
9/20 4:24pm Thank you Norfolk for all the wonderful baked goods that were donated for the Library's Book & Bake Sale this past weekend. Not even the rain could keep the generosity of this town from turning out to support the library! Your time and talents are so appreciated. - Margaret L., Book & Bake Sale Committee
9/20 3:27pm From the Town Hall Notices page: Anyone interested in serving on the Interim Board of Public Works should contact the Selectmen's Office to arrange an interview.- RHPhone: 508-528-1408 Email: markel@virtualnorfolk.org
9/20 8:31am I saw a brochure on the Building Materials Resource Center and wanted to pass the info on to all the serial renovators in town: this Roxbury organization accepts donations of surplus and lightly used building materials. They will pick them up at your home and sell them at a minimal price to low- and moderate-income homeowners and nonprofits. There is a $25.00 fee for pickup within Rte. 495, but that could represent a savings for you if you would otherwise pay for disposal. Their website is www.bostonbmrc.org and it has details on the items they accept. - HPK
9/19 6:00pm To Karen who inquired about the Toddler Playgroup: I'm not sure if I gave you all of the information that you needed about the group and our next get-together. Please e-mail cindy@humancomm.com or call me at 520-1572, thanks. - CR
9/18 9:15pm Does anybody know the telephone number for the Norfolk Grange? I am trying to call them for information about booking the hall for a function and cannot seem to find their number. Thank you. - SD
9/18 9:13pm How can we find out what cellular phone companies have, or plan to have, cell towers in Norfolk? Is there a Town Hall department that will give us this information, if we ask? I, like many others, are tired of paying for bad service. - TL
9/17 10:02pm For TEM - I hope you will call Weatherproof Construction - 508-553-0943. Jim is a Norfolk resident and stands behind his work. - ER
9/17 10:06am [Removed by request - Wm.]
9/16 11:44am Looking at the Primary voting results for the Town of Norfolk, 9/14/2004: The primary voting result sheets on the Norfolk Town Clerk's bulletin board show that 642 voters (approx 52.5%) took a Democratic ballot, and 580 voters (approx 47.4%) took a Republican ballot. All of the positions were for one person, except the County Commissioner position, which was for two.
Of the seven positions up for election, 3 out of 7 were uncontested on the Democratic ballot. All of the positions had candidates.
Of the seven positions up for election, 7 out of 7 were uncontested on the Republican ballot. Five of the positions had no candidates.
For the Representative in General Court (Legislature) position, the Democratic winner, McFeeley, received votes from 75% of the Democratic ballots processed. There were 27 blanks (4.2%) and 7 write-ins (1%). There were three candidates.
For the Representative in General Court (Legislature) position, the Republican winner, Richard Ross, received votes from 90.2% of the Republican ballots processed. There were 55 blanks (9.4%) and 2 write-ins (0.3%). There was one candidate.
For the Senate, the Democratic primary winner, McQuilken, received votes from 59.7% of the Democrat ballots processed. There were 65 blanks (10.1%) and 7 write-ins. There were 4 candidates.
For the Senate, Republican Scott Brown received 97% of the Republican ballots processed. There were 15 blanks (2.5%) and 4 write-ins (0.07%). There was one candidate.
The total primary vote was five less (1222) than the total referendum vote (1227). Perhaps five people wanted to vote only for the referendum, since the two elections were separate. Of the 1227, three were blank.
The primary turnout was 21.2 % of the 5754 registered voters in Norfolk.
- RH
9/16 10:56am TEM - I can not say enough good things about Master's Touch. We had our roof done (stripped, shingled) in July and they were professional, courteous and reasonably priced. I have had many contractors in and out of my house (flooring, kitchen remodel, painting, plumbing) and I would not recommend any of them to anybody. Master's Touch, however, has raised the standard of home improvement (sorry for the tag line - is that Lowes' as well?). Contact Ben at ext. 215, (508) 359-9468. You will not be disappointed. If you would like to contact me for more info let the WM know. - DTM
9/16 10:20am If anyone is looking for a tutor in the local area please call 508-397-3129. I work with elementary school children and tutor in all subjects. I am available afterschool and evening hours. - NT
9/16 8:50am What a year I've been having. Now it's the roof! Has anyone out there used Aqua Barriers and, if so, what was the verdict? Would appreciate roofer recommendations. - TEM
9/16 8:11am JW, did you see my previous update? 9/13 2:58pm JW, I think the restaurant that was at the corner of Boardman St. and Rockwood Rd. was the Country Squire. - DLJ
9/16 8:09am I would like to thank all those who took the time to vote on the Water Dept-Highway Dept issue one way or the other. The good turnout should serve as a signal that performance is to be expected and I am sure there will be watchdogs like GS, myself, RH and others.
One suggestion - let's strive for frequent meetings, open to the public at a convienent time for the public, and televised by NCTV.
Thanks to Norfolknet.com for reacting to the many inputs made. Well done!!
- John Olivieri, Water Commissioner
9/16 8:03am [Mistake - Wm.]
9/16 8:02am Now I'm totally confused, I'm talking about the restaurant on the corner of Rockwood Rd. and Boardman St.I'm pretty sure it was The Bubbling Brook at one time. It was a real estate office after the restaurant closed in the 60's. I remember Pickwicks and the fire that destroyed it. - JW
9/15 10:17pm The Green Hills Res. was the first name. The Hatfield family owned it for a time. They were relatives of the Purdons. Around 1959 Al Chavarie owned it. I am not sure when it was The Bubbling Brook of Norfolk. The Serenity Hill Nursing Home was the old Weber homestead. Across the street was the Weber Inn. When you went 115 and crossed 1A all that you could see was white ducks on both sides of the road. - RW
9/15 10:16pm Congratulations to Richard Ross! - PC 9/15 5:22pm Re: The Shady Nook...... The Sharon Duck InnSee the Norfolk Historic Homes page
Dedham Street (Route 1A)
The single story Sharon Luncheonette was built by Charles Sharon circa 1924. Charles had been a foreman at the internationally famous Weber Duck Inn (pronounced Wee-ber) a short distance west on 1A (which burned to the ground in 1958). He left to operate his own restaurant and raised White Pekin Ducks, by the thousands. He specialized in selling duck dinners and dressed ducks in the restaurant. The building served as a restaurant under several changes in name and ownership - The Sharon Duck Inn, The Shady Nook Restaurant, Rooney's and Pickwick's Inn and Pub until it was destroyed by fire in 1981. Firefighters were hampered because there was no town water at the intersection of Routes 1A and 115. Walpole firefighters used two tank trucks with a total capacity of 1800 gallons to literally shuttle water from a hydrant nearly a mile away. The rear of the building which housed the kitchen (where the fire was thought to originate after closing at 2:00 AM), the main foyer and the bar room were destroyed. Relatively untouched by the fire but damaged by water and smoke was the dining room with its 20 foot high vaulted ceiling, rare irreplaceable cypress wood paneling and old duck decoys. The building was rebuilt and converted to a two story office building in 1987. Although it has lost much of its original design, charm and feeling, the new building was able to incorporate some of the remains of the former restaurant into the new structure where it now stands, duckless, as the single story portion of the building.Regards,
- Bill Domineau, NHC
9/15 2:01pm Congratulations, Mr McFeeley!! - PW
9/15 11:26am I thought you were right, I had said the Shady Nook, my husband said no. I hate it when he's right. Now if we could just come up with the name. - JW
9/15 9:52am From Boston.com election results: Here are the unofficial results of the Democratic Massachusetts state primaries, held Sept. 14. Winners declared by the Associated Press are denoted by a [star] (- RH).
9th Norfolk
13 of 13 precincts -- 100%
Candidate Votes Pct. John McFeeley 964 56% George Smith 506 29% Stanley Nacewicz 255 15%Unofficial results of the Democratic primary election held Tuesday, Sept. 14.:
PR: precincts reporting; TP: total precincts. Last updated: 02:52 AM
City or town PR TP McFeeley Nacewicz Smith Medfield 2 2 102 11 19 Millis 1 1 93 8 35 Norfolk 4 4 483 36 89 Plainville 2 2 78 163 68 Walpole 1 1 53 5 21 Wrentham 3 3 155 32 274 Totals 13 13 964 255 506
9/15 9:49am To RW - You're right, I screwed up! The Shady Nook WAS on Rt 1A and later became the Clonmel Arms, then the Pickwick Pub. Now I'm trying to remember the name of the restaruant at Boardman & Rockwood! I went there practicly every day in the '60's, when it was something else before it was the Green Hills! Sorry, JW! - PW
9/15 8:08am HPK - My first thought the Shady Nook was over on 1A, the Clonmel Arms (not sure of spelling) was at the Pickwick Building in 1962 for sure. I still don't think it was at Boardman & 115. Can't help with pictures - RW
9/15 12:15am On behalf of the DPW Adhoc Committee, I want to thank the community for affirming our recommendation to form a new Department of Public Works. Clearly there were some opposing views, but this decision is now behind us. It is time for us to set aside our differences and work together. I would like to thank the water commissioners - Donna Putt, Debbie Robbins and John Olivieri - for their dedicated service to our town. I encourage our BOS to move forward quickly and name three technically competent and qualified individuals to round out the new Interim Public Works Board.
Above all, I would like to thank everyone who raised issues, voiced concerns and helped us all to exercise the power of our democracy. While we may not have all agreed, we discussed, we shared opinion and fact, we presented alternatives and differing approaches, all of which ultimately allowed each of us to accept those elements we believed truthful, and to vote based solely on our individual beliefs and interpretations.
As we move forward, we will face many challenges. It is my hope that as a community, we can unite and provide whatever assistance is necessary to our BOS, our Interim DPW Board, and others involved in the DPW process to maximize the success of our new Public Works Department.
- Ed Melanson, DPW Adhoc Committee Chair
9/14 11:07pm The majority voted for the formation of a Norfolk DPW. - DLJ
9/14 9:27pm The referendum question passed with 687 for, 537 against, and 3 blank forms.
Yes No - Wm.
9/14 8:57pm I might be mistaken, but I thought that someone told me the Pickwick Building on Rte. 1A was once the Shady Nook. RW - interesting that you mentioned the Purdon family... my house was built in '67 on land formerly owned by Alfred Purdon (according to the deed). We have a concrete foundation out back with an old rubbish pile next to it (broken china and light fixtures from the '20s or '30s). I would be very interested in seeing photos of the turkey farm or the restaurant in its various guises, if anyone in town has pictures. - HPK, Boardman St.
9/14 3:58pm I am a Water Commissioner and you have permission to throw stones at me since I have been unable to get progressive thinking in place a{and } some possible attractive methods, etc. GS knows what I am referring to since we had a long talk last week. Chivalry has nothing to do with the situation. We all live in a demanding upscale world where ther best is expected. If not, then we vote for a change.
That is what we are asking for - A CHANGE.
No one will be drawn and quartered or pilloried. Far from it. For the remaining Commissioners they have the opportunity to help smooth the transition and lend their longevity to the operation.
But to invoke chivalry?? That why they called that period in history the Dark Ages -- they had too many {K}nights!!
Lets make it a landslide for YES and no hard feelings!!
- John Olivieri, Water Commissioner
9/14 4:01pm GS is too kind when he states that Board of Comm. were overly reticent in raising rates. What happened to the Enterprise Fund concept? Was there, is there, an audit performed every year so there are no surprises or "reticence" to crunch the numbers? Good, timely budget adherence performed even if we have to ask for help. To say that balance was not maintained is tantamount to admitting there was no watchdog in place. Why? We don't know if the system is not broken as you suggest. Certainly we are drinking water and flushing toilets... I wonder as a measure of confidence how many takers are buying drinking water??
Another case of what we don't know is the number, type of complaint, what was done to resolve the problem and the totals for a given period. I couldn't make heads or tails of data I looked thru last year... Care to try your hand at it?
A major concern that my readings have me aware of is the possibility of pipe service failures. Are there many of them? What/who is responsible? Remedial action? Consider that perhaps the wrong dosage of chemicals has left its non-reversible [effect] especially if the condition was acidic. The literature is replete with information on this and other subjects.
It does take time to consume the info but that is a responsibility of the Commissioners as well as knowing how to manage.
We need expertise at all levels and a functional co-operative technical group that understand the importance of what they are doing and why.
In any case GS, we should be able to sell this exercise as a case study to either MIT or Northeastern.
A little wager - If the resolution is accepted then I have the rights. If it fails then the rights are yours. Thanks GS for your view.
- John Olivieri, Water Commissioner
[This message was posted belatedly, it arrived last night. - Wm.]
9/14 3:57pm To M&JE - For a suspended ceiling in your basement, the best around is Harding Acoustical Interiors in Medfield (ph. 359-2706). They have been in business forever and they do excellent work for a reasonable & competitive price. - BWB
9/14 8:47am Shall an Act passed by the General Court authorizing the Town of Norfolk to abolish their elected Board of Water Commissioners and to transfer their powers, duties, properties, funds and revenues to the Board of Selectmen be accepted? Not if a majority of voters at Norfolk Town Election say ``NO''.
Abolishing the Water Commissioners is not a prerequisite to the primary purpose of establishing a Department of Public Works.
Abolishing the independently elected Water Commissioners would not be in the best interests of the Town or the thousands of Norfolk citizens who daily drink and bathe in Town Water and depend on it for fire protection, or the thousands more who anticipate extension of Town water mains to their streets.
Abolishing the Water Commissioners would be an unwarranted and unchivalrous dismissal of the incumbents and their predecessors who have made our Water Department a critical part of our Town infrastructure.
Yes, every Board has frailties and imperfections.
He/she who is without imperfections among you, let him/her cast the first stone at the Water Commissioners.
Lets the rest of us vote ``NO'' on the referendum question and the Act of the General Court.
- GS
9/14 8:03am Ding ding ding, we have a winner, thank you PW, the name I was searching for was indeed, The Shady Nook. - JW
9/13 10:28pm Can anyone recommend someone local who teaches piano lessons to children? Thank you! - NS
9/13 10:19pm For AP who is looking for toddler activities in the area: there are plentiful activities-outdoors-for you and your children, and right in the area. There are 3-4 farms, Jane & Paul's-with animals to feed and fresh seasonal produce, Spring Street Farm, with all kinds of seasonal activities for small children (on Spring Street right off of Rte 115 before Rte 109), and another farm in Wrentham. There is also Stony Brook which is off of Rte 115 south heading out of town center, that a great walking trail, local fauna & floral and geese, turtles, etc. The library has story hours and the recreation department offers a host of activities for children and a caregiver. I consider myself lucky that there are so many things so close to home to enjoy with my young son. - MHC
9/13 10:15pm re:9/13 5:55pm GS It is with great respect and admiration for GS that I question the logic in the following passage: "For many years the Board of Water Commissioners have been overly reticent in raising rates for their essential commodity. This year they were thrown off balance by the loss of their prior Water Superintendent and it was left to the new Water Superintendent to point out the mismatch between projected revenues and the budget voted by the prior Fall Town Meeting. When the mismatch became clear, the Water Commissioners had the clear duty to raise rates to bring in the necessary revenues."Clearly it is the duty and responsibility of the elected Water Commissioners, only, to review the fiscal condition of the department. It should not have been up to the new Water Superintendent, who has now left Norfolk for better opportunities elsewhere, though his name is still listed on the Water Department webpage ([here]). To fail to provide due care in the performance of the duties of Water Commissioner constitutes negligence, which the Town cannot afford to allow or overlook.Regarding the wording in the Act of the Legislature: ``and whose contract would prevail over any conflicting provision of any local personnel by-law, rule or regulation''. I believe this was written by Town Counsel for the purpose of taking this contractual position out from under the Personnel Bylaw. I believe the contracts for other key contractual positions in Town Government have similar wording, since the contract governs and not the bylaw.
Again, for the good of the Town, please support the DPW referendum. To the question: "Shall an act passed by the General Court entitled "An Act authorizing the Town of Norfolk to establish a Department of Public Works, be accepted?" Please vote YES when you go to vote tomorrow, September 14, 2004.
- RH
9/13 5:55pm My friend John Olivieri's posting on September 13th is a welcome addition to the dialog about the DPW proposal. Let us not mistake clumsy budgeting for a broken operating system. For many years the Board of Water Commissioners have been overly reticent in raising rates for their essential commodity. This year they were thrown off balance by the loss of their prior Water Superintendent and it was left to the new Water Superintendent to point out the mismatch between projected revenues and the budget voted by the prior Fall Town Meeting. When the mismatch became clear, the Water Commissioners had the clear duty to raise rates to bring in the necessary revenues.
I say the operating system is not broken, because since 1990 I have been drinking the water every day and relying on the fire hydrant on my street for fire protection.
I have no problem with the idea of establishing a new position of Director of Public Works to reinforce and coordinate the Highway and Water Superintendents. My complaint is that we have before us an Act of the Legislature which would abolish the Water Commissioners, turn over to the Selectmen all their powers, properties, revenues and funds, and establish a Director of Public Works whose Position Description has not been written, whose Budget has not been defined even within upper and lower limits, and whose contract would ``prevail over any conflicting provision of any local personnel by-law, rule or regulation''.
This ridiculous state of affairs was completely unnecessary. The voters should answer a resounding ``NO'' to the Referendum Question, thereby preserving the elected Board of Water Commissioners and encouraging the ad hoc Committee to bring to Fall Town Meeting an Article, which, if passed, would establish the new Position, approve a Budget and authorize contracting for the services of a Director of Public Works. All this can be done without burdening our busy Legislature.
- GS
9/13 5:54pm Just to add to the discussion, back when it was The Green(e) Hills Restaurant it was a turkey farm also. I beleive the Purdon family ran it, Al Chavalrie also ran it in the late 50's. - RW
9/13 5:03pm The name of the restaurant was the Green Hills Restaurant, later the Bubbling Brook of Norfolk for a short time. - RW
9/13 2:59pm John's comments are right on. When the fiscal crisis in the Water Department became known, months ago, there was a meeting of the Selectmen, a meeting which the Water Commissioners had been requested to attend. The meeting was shown on NCTV Channel 22.
As I recall, two Water Commissioners attended. When asked by the Selectmen for factual information about the water system, the Commissioners had no information available.
They did not know the number of customers ("water takers"); they did not have any financial information, such as cost of electricity, labor costs, debt service costs, costs of engineering services, or any balance sheet information, and the entire discussion provided very little insight into the fiscal problems of the department.
One thing was obvious to anyone watching the meeting on NCTV: A change in Water Department management was needed: a change to competent professional management.
The DPW organization will provide that professional management.
For the good of the Town, please support the DPW referendum.
To the question:
"Shall an act passed by the General Court entitled "An Act authorizing the Town of Norfolk to establish a Department of Public Works, be accepted?"Please vote YES when you go to vote tomorrow, September 14, 2004.- RH
9/13 2:58pm JW, I think the restaurant that was at the corner of Boardman St. and Rockwood Rd. was the Country Squire. - DLJ
9/13 2:57pm From the Town Hall Notices page: The following roadways have been scheduled for overlay or leveling beginning September 14, 2004 through September 17, 2004, weather permitting.- RHKing Philip Trail: 1-1/2" overlay
Spring Street: 1-1/2" overlay at cul-de-sac
North Street - (Pond Street to house #129): 1-1/4" leveler
North Street - (House #129 to Marshall Street): 1-1/2" overlay
North Street - (Union Street to Shears Street including intersection): 1-1/2" overlayEverett Street: 1-1/2" overlay
Cleveland Street - (Holbrook Street to Seekonk Street): 1-1/4" leveler
9/13 2:56pm Home daycare... early morning hours and late evening hours available... bus stop at my address. erover50@tiac.net / 508-528-3235 - ER
9/13 2:53pm I believe the restaurant JW is refering to was the Shady Nook. - PW
9/13 10:59am To M&JE: Try John Reinhardt at 508-528-4679 for those handyman needs. He is a Norfolk resident and prices fairly. - MR
9/13 10:54am Re: 9/7 4:32pm We are new to the area... what fun and toddler-friendly fall activities will be taking place in or around Norfolk? - AP A great place to go with toddlers is the Davis Farmland in Sterling. See: http://www.davisfarmland.com/farmland/ Our grandchildren had a fine time there yesterday.
The farm features developmentally appropriate discovery play and learning for children ages 1-8. They are a seventh generation family farm, operating in Sterling since 1846, and "home" to the largest sanctuary of endangered livestock in North America. They have all sorts of farm animals, plus pony rides and safari rides, plus a large water sprayground for children. For the safety of children, adults are admitted only when accompanied by a child 12 years or younger. Take 495 North to X26, about 30 miles, then take 62 west for about 9.3 miles to Redstone Hill Rd on the left. Check their calendar before going.
- RH
9/13 10:53am I am trying to remember the name of the restaurant that was at the corner of Boardman St. and Rockwood Rd. It closed in the late 60's or early 70's. Does anyone out there remember? - JW
9/13 10:50am My fellow Citizens. On the eve of the election I offer the following information to the voters so you may realize the state of the situation. Why did the rates increase ? The Budget for 2003 was listed as $955,22 with revenue generated as $739,012. This resulted in a stated deficit of $216,410.
- There are approximately 1950 water takers in the town and approximately 850 well permitted users in town
- The 1950 water takers have had a significant rate increase without much notification. Indeed, the Water information Meeting last year that was announced as a hearing turned out to be a done deal before there was input from the users. This is wrong. To go to a "Hearing " and hear that the rate 'has been increased as follows:
- From 0-50,000 gallons cost increased from $3.29 per thousand gallons to
- From 0-25000 gallons cost increased to $5.49 per thousand gallons. If you use over 25000 gallons the cost will be $7.99 per thousand gallons.
Yet GS assets -"Don't fix a system that isn't broken"
How did and for how long did this deficit go undetected? Why ?
One can peruse the Water Dept Master Plan and Water Commissioners should know this and should share it with the water users.
One problem with answering questions to users is that we are on a course where W. D. meetings are held at 4 pm. Are there water users who are willing to leave their jobs to attend a meeting?? Let strive for making the time user friendly.
I have difficulty in understanding the modus operandi of my fellow commissioners. Since I have been elected there hasn't been any informal interchange of issues and exchange of knowledge. GS should know, due to his MIT background that there are lucrative benefits to be gained by such a cross fertilization. Since May, June, July and August one has to wait for the meeting to be scheduled. It is amazing that no communication is exercised.
All the more reason to merge the departments where participation and contributions will be prerequisite in making the merger work. These views have also been relayed to GS.
At the Ad Hoc Public Committee there was a person who raised some cost savings issue. I believe his name is Mr. Robbins. If he stops by the Information Office Monday I will be glad to show him some prime examples of where there could be opportunities in addittion to the ones mentioned.
The chairman wanted to proceed with the meeting.
There was another question re assuring the proper qualified engineering people for future jobs. For the person who raised this question there is some data as to what was done in the past and what we should avoid in the future.
I would like people to log on to the Sioux City, Iowa website and read the cutting edge automatic meter reading. When I mentioned this method "where meters are wired to telephone lines and read at a central station either separately or en masse " I was told that we didn't have time to consider this as the W. Dept is in a state of crisis and I was one of the causes that caused the departed to leave.
Such a statement borders on defamation of character and certainly isnt a professional attitude.
I have other concerns and comments, many relayed to GS when he visited the Info Center last week.
Also I have made it a practice of recording the W.D. meetings on audio tape and they are available ... I have a copy for my personal archives. I previously had made a suggestion to have NCTV record the meetings much like the BOS and other bodies.
I have also made the suggestion that we post the minutes on the web site much like the Town of Medfield does on theirs. The answer I got that we don't care what other towns do!!
So I ask the water takers to turn out in record numbers since we need good business procedures and accountability to get a handle on what the direction should be and how managed.
Incidentally GS makes much of the sparse numbers that got the proposed legislation to the State Government. It would be an accomplishment to show that even in a primary election the Norfolk Water users want to take control and participate in this decision.
I would also like to increase the citizen participation in the Water Dept. It's your money.
If we make it user friendly I am sure it will happen.
There are approximately 1959 of us!! Lets flood the voting booth locale on Tuesday.
Thank You.
- John Olivieri, Water Commisssioner
9/12 10:58pm I'm newish to town and I could use a recommendation of someone to install a suspended ceiling in a small-medium basement room. If you can help, please post their contact info. Thanks, - M&JE
9/12 10:29pm To AP: You were looking for toddler friendly events...how old is your child? I have a 20-month old boy, and am looking to start a playgroup for him now that his big brother has gone back to school. If you (or anyone else!) is interested in starting a playgroup for boys or girls about this age, please email me at davkarben@comcast.net. Looking forward to hearing from some toddler moms (or dads!). - KT
9/12 8:01pm Hi - does anyone have a mid-large-sized dog crate laying around and not being used? We have a very quickly growing puppy who is in need of a larger crate (without necessarily going to the huge sized one ... yet!) He is currently in one that is about 2.5 feet deep, 1.5 wide and 1.5 high ... anything bigger that you might want to sell/donate please call Erin H. 508-541-6986. Thanks!! - EH 9/11 9:39pm Hi to all in Norfolk! I haven't been to your wonderful town for decades, but the memories return as I sort through pictures, diaries, etc. I especially enjoy a picture of Grandpa Mann in his general store and another of a parade in Norfolk...before my time.
I remember hearing the train whistles nearby, eating luscious brown bread, playing croquet on the lawn...and being locked in the store's big meat cooler. I've framed an old postcard of the house and store - I remember both well...I went from one to the other via an inside staircase. A framed label from the Mann canning factory adorns my wall too - I always did like tomatoes! My home is filled with furniture, etc. from that house that no longer stands.
One interesting bit of Norfolk memorabilia I have is a booklet containing a preamble, the 18 articles of the constitution of the detecting society and listings of all members alphabetically by their town. It is:
I hope to visit Norfolk again some day. Thank you all for your contributions to Norfolk's past, present and future.A CONSTITUTION of a SOCIETY,
Belonging to Wrentham, Franklin, Medway, Medfield, Walpole, Foxborough, Mansfield, and Attleborough,
For Detecting HORSE-THIEVES And Recovering STOLEN HORSES
To Which Are Added Their Names
- Mary Elford Price (daughter of Margaret Mann Elford, granddaughter of Howard Farley Mann and Likely Leticia DeMerritt Mann), [e-mail address]
9/11 12:47pm Regarding the September 9th and 10th postings on the DPW Referendum Question: Why did the ad hoc Committee bundle two separate issues: a) Hiring a Director of Public Works, and, b) Abolishing the elected Board of Water Commissioners, under a single Act of the Legislature?
Why did the Committee make the Act specify that the terms of the contract with a Director of Public Works would prevail over any conflicting provision of any local personnel by-law, rule or regulation?
Can the Committee post a detailed draft Position Description for and state the upper and lower limits of the ranges of incremental and total annual expenses of the proposed new Director of Public Works and his/her staff?
If at September 14th Town Election a majority vote not to accept the Act of the Legislature, shouldn't the ad hoc Committee take the necessary steps to bring to Fall Town Meeting an Article, which, if passed, would establish the new Position, appropriate a Budget and authorize contracting for the services of a Director of Public Works?
- GS
[9:22pm Update: slightly altered wording to shorten the post - GS]
9/10 2:03pm The DPW Ad Hoc Committee has posted the public information presentation for your viewing and it should give you more facts about why we are recommending the formation of a DPW. [DPW page, 3081K PDF slide presentation here]
It should be noted that when we began our investigation as to whether or not it made sense to form a DPW, half of our committee members were opposed to it and half thought it was a good idea. Based on our findings during our information gathering phase, we made a unanimous decision that this was a good idea and quite frankly a necessity based on what we found.
This recommendation was made in good part based on management and accountability issues. Day to day oversight by a full-time administrator will result in better accountability, better communication, better management and better operating efficiencies. A decentralized, volunteer run town government with regards to the water and highway departments no longer can meet the needs of this town at this stage of our growth.
- Ed Melanson, DPW Adhoc Committee
9/10 1:55pm I am looking for a RN interested in some private duty nursing work. I have lived in Norfolk, MA for 33 years, am 41 years old, and work full time as a software engineer. I have been using a wheelchair for 28 years, a ventilator for 19 years, and a feeding tube for 3 years, all to help compensate for my Duchene Muscular Dystrophy. Due to my physical disability, I require round the clock nursing care. I live with my parents who provide some of my care, and work with 15 RNs who cover the remaining times. One of the nurses who help me is going on maternity leave so I am now looking for additional nurses who are interested in part-time, self-employment as private duty nurses. Most nurses who help me work between one and six shifts every two weeks.
[Continued, including details, here - Wm.]
9/10 12:18pm From the Town Hall Notices page: NCTV Channel 22 will be re-broadcasting the Department of Public Works Forum every day at 12:00 PM and 8:30PM until the election on Tuesday.- RH
9/9 8:28pm The Norfolk library Book and Bake Sale is on September 18. The library is under construction but the book sale tradition continues! Please join us at the H. Olive Day School, 232 Main Street, Norfolk. The Friends of the Norfolk Library Annual Book and Bake Sale is Saturday, September 18 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A Friends Preview Book Sale is Friday, September 17 from 7 to 9 p.m. - TC
9/9 8:21pm GS - You said: A slim majority of the 101 Voters present at Norfolk's Spring 2003 Town Meeting voted to request an Act of the Legislature permitting abolition of the elected Board of Water Commissioners. Haven't most of the zoning and other town bylaws have been passed on dreary fall nights by slimmer margins - Maybe Norfolk should expand the Board of Selectmen to 5 members - it may be a positive move towards depoliticization. In the meantime, the TM has spoken, let the voters prevail. - KC
9/9 6:55pm Norfolk Voters should not sit on the sidelines but should vote ``NO'' on the Referendum Question at Town Election on September 14, 2004. The Question is whether or not to accept an Act of the Legislature abolishing our elected Board of Water Commissioners, transferring their powers, properties and revenues to the Selectmen, and merging Water and Highway Departments into a Department of Public Works reporting to a new Director of Public Works. Why do we recommend that Voters at Town Election answer ``NO'' to the Referendum Question?
A slim majority of the 101 Voters present at Norfolk's Spring 2003 Town Meeting voted to request an Act of the Legislature permitting abolition of the elected Board of Water Commissioners.
- The hoped-for benefits can be pursued more simply without an Act of the Legislature.
- The Selectmen could ask Town Meeting for authority to create the new position, and if Town Meeting agrees, instruct the DPW ad hoc Committee to hire a DPW Director. This would leave the elected Water Commissioners in office with their present Powers, Properties, Funds, Revenues and Responsibilities intact.
- The duties of the Director of Public Works would include Overseeing (Supervising) the Highway Superintendent and Influencing the Water Enterprise Superintendent. The Water Superintendent would in effect have two supervisors, a ``solid line'' relationship with the Water Commissioners and a ``strong dotted line'' relationship with the Director of Public Works. This sort of dual reporting relationship is common in Industry.
- For all practical purposes this arrangement would be just as effective as if the Director of Public Works were the titular Supervisor of both Superintendents. In particular, the Town could hope for all the benefits envisioned by the ad hoc Committee without sacrificing the elected Board of Water Commissioners and transferring their powers to the Selectmen.
- Our Water Enterprise works reasonably well, and the imperfections identified are not so serious or intractable that they can be addressed only after abolishing the current organization and system.
- For years the Board of Selectmen have managed the Highway Department and the Water Commissioners have managed the Water Department, in both cases reasonably efficiently and without damage to Public Health or Safety.
- An ad hoc Committee appointed by the Selectmen reported that our Water Enterprise now has five times as many customers as in 1960 and pumps twelve times as much water, with little if any increase in its level of staffing.
- We take for granted the potability of Town Water, because the Water Department, the Board of Health and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection are all attentive to that. Thousands of citizens drink our Town Water every day, proving the system is not broken.
- There are needs for improvement in both Highway and Water Departments, but these can be pursued more gracefully and with less risk than by firing the Water Commissioners and transferring their powers, properties, funds and revenues to the Selectmen.
- It is usually better to operate within tested rules rather than contrive a new approach for an unfamiliar situation.
- In this case the ad hoc Committee has recommended that the primary change should be an additional level of hierarchy, a Director of Public Works between the Town Administrator and the Superintendents of Highways and of the Water Enterprise.
- The tested rules for this situation are to write a position description, apply to the Personnel Board for a Salary Range, and ask Town Meeting approval of an Article authorizing the new position and budgeting the first year's expense.
- Instead the ad hoc Committee drafted and sought and received a Special Act of the Legislature explicitly preempting the above rules and using the wording of the Act to establish and authorize hiring for the as yet undefined position.
- No emergency has been cited as requiring these departures from normal rules and procedures, so the Voters at Town Election should consider whether these alone are sufficient reason for voting not to accept the Act and to revert to the normal rules.
- Don't expose Selectmen to unnecessary temptations.
- The Board of Water Commissioners are focused solely on water supply so are never tempted to skirt the Enterprise rule that Water Revenues be reserved solely for purposes of the water system.
- The Board of Selectmen are responsible for diverse activities ranging trough Schools, Libraries, Police, Fire Fighters and Highways, so are inherently more tempted to divert resources from prescribed purposes. The Voters at Town Election should consider whether that fact alone is sufficient reason to refuse to accept the Act of the Legislature and to retain the elected Water Commissioners.
- Protect the self-funded Enterprise concept.
- Our Water Commissioners operate under an Enterprise model supported by user fees yielding revenues restricted to Water Enterprise purposes and require nothing from Real Estate Taxes or other general-purpose revenues.
- If the Water Commissioners were abolished and their powers transferred to the Selectmen, a time might come when the Selectmen would find the restrictions of the Enterprise model too onerous. In that event, the same process that abolished the Water Commissioners could be employed to dissolve the Enterprise model. The Voters at Town Election should consider whether that fact alone is sufficient reason to refuse to accept the Act of the Legislature and to retain the elected Water Commissioners.
- Preserve as long as possible our small-Town culture of elected Boards, Commissions and Committees serving for purely nominal compensation.
- The same process that brought us the Act of the Legislature authorizing abolishing the Water Commissioners could later be employed to abolish other elected Boards, Committees and Commissions. Voters at Town Election should consider whether that fact alone is sufficient reason to refuse to accept the Act of the Legislature.
On September 14th, secret ballots of a much larger number of Voters at Town Election will decide whether the Town should accept that Act.
Voters should answer "NO" to the referendum Question on September 14, 2004.
- GS
[The original, along with the wording of the referendum, can be found here [125k Word doc] - Wm.]
9/9 1:27pm Joe Byrne did some work for me as well and he was great. He was the only person to call me back because I had a small job to be done and no one else wanted it! He was very nice to deal with and his rates were reasonable. - JHB
9/9 12:21pm KC, we have had great response times from Joe Byrne. Quick and reasonable prices. He is on the Town Businesses page: Byrne Plumbing
4 Wyllie Road, Norfolk // 528-4014- PFD
9/9 12:20pm KC - Phoenix Plumbing & Heating. 158 Main St Norfolk, MA 02056-1301 Phone: (508) 541-7800. They are fast with a quick turnaround. That reminds me, I owe them some money! We called and had a plumber out to the house in a day for a disposal install as well as faucet and changing sink lines. The Irish lad working for them was great. - LS
9/9 12:14pm For a good Plumber try Parrino & Son Plumbing he's reasonable and 30 + years experience. I have always had good service from him. 1-508-668-2936 (from Walpole). - PP
9/9 10:09am Can anyone recommend a good plumber? Some one with a quick response time, and reasonably priced? - KC
9/8 5:36pm Watch the Selectmen's meeting on Norfolk Cable, Butch Vito and the selectmen discuss the roundabout and tractor-trailers in detail. Very informative. - LS
9/8 5:33pm Norfolk we need your baking talents! The Norfolk Public Library's annual Book & Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, September 18 beginning at 9 a.m. under the big tent located this year at the H. Olive Day School near the playground area. If you would like to contribute baked goods to the sale, please bring them on 9/18 between 7:30-9:30 a.m. to the H. Olive Day School library door entrance located to the far right of the building. Your creative and delicious contributions are tremendously appreciated as the proceeds will benefit the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library's aid to the library expansion project. Any questions? Please contact Margaret L., 508-528-8278, or marg@alange.net - ML, Friends of the Norfolk Public Library
9/8 3:22pm GJ-Would you explain what the Grange is and how it contributes to our communities today? I think there are many of us who have only a vague idea. Thanks. - MJD
9/8 2:45pm The other day, when the barrels in the center were set up for the island to soon be implemented, I encountered a tractor trailer at the intersection to my left. I was pulling a 27 foot trailer and decided to be "courteous" and let him (with his 48 foot trailer!) go first... Mostly because I wanted to see how he got through the intersection as I was going to have to navigate it myself. To my surprise, the driver of the full size semi went around the barrels into a left-hand turn with no problem whatsoever; never even brushed up a barrel. I found it easily maneuverable as well. Seems to be more of a visual challenge than a turning radius problem. - HN
9/8 9:08am Information regarding the design of 'roundabouts' can be found at roundabout.kittelson.com. Following the link there to "Roundabouts: An Informational Guide" will likely provide more information that one wants to know, but it's there. Regarding the question of semi-tractor trailers and the proposed roundabout in the center of town, as the streets entering the intersection are public ways and at least one is a state highway (Rt. 115), limiting access to non-semi's isn't an option. Truck traffic heading towards whatever commercial development is eventually constructed in yonder moonscape will come from many directions, especially for a Stop & Shop.
One does get the feeling that the intersection layout presently defined does not allow for a comfortable turning radius for the larger semi's, and there will probably be many tire tracks over whatever landscaped portion of the center island eventually is built. Of course, the entire center of the island could be paved to avoid that...
Wouldn't that be lovely....
- TK
[Thanks for the link, there's some great, detailed info there! The definition of ``roundabout'' is interesting - a roundabout is designed to slow traffic, circulating vehicles have right-of-way, and entry to the circle is controlled by a yield sign. If it does not meet all three of the above points, it's a traffic circle, but not a roundabout (at least per the U.S. Department of Transportation) - Wm.
11:13am Also, the first chapter of the paper [2M PDF, here] has photos of various roundabouts compared to traffic circles, and also has photos of how big-rigs can (or can not) navigate them. - Wm.]
9/8 9:06am To AP, the Norfolk Recreation Dept. has a brochure with several toddler activities. I'm sure you can pick up a copy at the Town Hall. The activities are well structured, fun and inexpensive. Hope you find what your looking for. - JW
9/7 8:05pm On Sunday, September 19, 6:00pm the gold medal winning King Philip Marching Band will present a Preview Show of their 2004 marching program, "Ghost Train" at the baseball field, King Philip Regional High School, on Route 140 in Wrentham. The public is invited to attend at no charge. Preceding the performance, from 4:45-6:00 PM the King Philip Music Association will host a fundraising barbeque.
Students began work on their program in May, and the Preview Show is the first chance for the community to see what they have accomplished. The band presents the music with changing patterns of marching drill, dance movements, and brilliantly-colored flags and costumes.
- AW
9/7 6:01pm To AP: For this weekend, if you like small aircraft, you can go to the Mansfield Airport for the EAA fly-in (www.eaa701.org). Or, another great take, is the Millis Fireman's muster also on Saturday. The muster starts with a fire engine parade which I believe starts at 11:00am and travels to the field directly behind the elementary school on Rt 109 (across from the fire house). I don't know of a website for the muster but I have seen a sandwich board in front of the Millis firehouse. The muster is really fun to watch but if it is sunny bring plenty of suntan lotion, the shady spot (yes, only one good tree) goes quick. Both events are free and have great food. Also, don't forget Sunday is the opening day for Norfolk Lions soccer (www.norfolklionssoccer.com) - SF
9/7 4:32pm We are new to the area... what fun and toddler-friendly fall activities will be taking place in or around Norfolk? - AP
9/7 4:30pm Norfolk Grange invites all to its monthly pancake breakfast, Saturday, Sept. 18, 8:00-10:30am. Adult meal includes 3 pancakes, 3 sausages, coffee and juice. Child meal includes 2 pancakes, 2 sausages, juice and hot chocolate. Adults: $5.00; Children: $3.00. The Norfolk Grange is located on Rockwood Rd. (Rte. 115) near the town center. Come and support the Historical Grange Building Fund. Thank you. - GJ, Norfolk Grange
9/7 4:28pm To ER: I think you need to read my post and your neighbor VR's post a little more closely. I think you're tilting at the wrong windmill. - JM
9/7 1:54pm To JM - Shame on you... I came in 1961 and all we needed was town water and sewer and we still need it... Back then we had all the affordable living we needed, no over-grown houses, chem lawns and everything else that's been added. We had a drug store and a food mart (if you didn't have $$ you could get a bill); didn't need a charge card... May I ask - what attracted you to our lousy center and lousy stores? ...and let me add, you could go downtown and everybody would say HELLO to each other... but not today...
Those were the good old days.
Sorry to say, but your posting says it all... Maybe someone will make you an offer you can't refuse and buy your home... and you can move to a BETTER place.
- ER
9/7 6:47am To VR: I'm not sure where to begin regarding your post, but here's a start: While rising tax bills are a by-product of the growth of the town, resenting the newer residents is shortsighted; it's fine to daydream that it's still 1964, but being angry that time hasn't stood still in Norfolk is just plain nuts. If you want a town with lower taxes and a lousy center with lousy stores, there are plenty around here; my guess is you wouldn't want to live there.
- Can't a lot of the blame for the moonscape blight of the past 10+ years be laid at the feet of some of your fellow long-time residents, who resisted its development?
- Would they be building a grocery store and a CVS here if not for us 'newcomers' in Norfolk?
- What would you prefer we have in our town center: Ocean State Job Lot, an Everything For A Dollar store, more places to attract the cigarette and lottery ticket crowd?
- JM
9/7 6:47am To JM, I used to have Cingular also, so I can relate to the useless coverage. I switched when I learned that the the tower at the Acorn Animal Hosp was Sprint. I get 1000 mins for $45 if I stay in New Eng. when I call. Coverage has been great most places, and for $5 extra a month you can tap the Verizon network. I haven't needed to. - LK
9/4 5:44pm SC - My husband and I are also from Montpelier - nice to see a fellow Vermonter in the mix. We'll have to connect. As for the roundabout, it seems to work fine in Montpelier and has slowed traffic heading up and down a busy hill. The only complaints I had heard were from people trying to enter my Aunt's hair salon, which had been located on the corner of the roundabout. Otherwise it seems to be a good solution to a congested street corner. - KE
9/3 9:45pm To LW - I know the bus schedules were in the Gazette three weeks ago. I'm not sure if they have a Web site you can access. I think the easiest would be to call Holmes Transportation. I'm sure Dick Holmes and Co will give you the info, or maybe a neighbor. - BS
9/3 5:23pm Does anyone know where I can find a bus schedule for the Norfolk elementary school? - LW
9/3 10:52am I don't usually participate in these discussions but after reading some of them I just had to put my two cents in. I have lived in this town for over 38 years and I am tired of the newcomers having such a big say in what goes on in the town. Most of them only stay long enough to raise our taxes. I personally am tired of traveling miles to go to a drug store or a grocery store, and to buy something in the markets we now have in town cost you more than the gas money to go to Franklin or Millis or even God Forbid to Market Basket in Bellingham. I am glad the town has no say in the tenants because if they did there wouldn't be anything in town except what the Rich & Famous want. - VR
9/3 10:29am NB - There is a roundabout in my hometown (city) of Montpelier, VT, & one aspect of a roundabout is a very small curb, made specifically to allow emergency vehicles the ability to go right over the curb rather than around the outside. I'm only guessing now, but perhaps the really large trucks that can't make it around would simply go over the curb in the roundabout. Also, if the Stop & Shop is above the roundabout, perhaps most trucks would come from above (Franklin side) & not have to deal with the roundabout. - SC
9/2 9:08pm To NB, I was watching a replay of the 8/30 BOS meeting and Butch Vito did address this and apparently there is not going to be a problem. Butch talked about all the different ongoing and upcoming projects that the highway dept. is working on. I found it interesting. - PR
9/2 2:07pm Regarding the search for Andrew Grant and the obvious congratulations that go out to the fire and police departments of almost every surrounding town, I think a very big thank you should go to the Norfolk Arena. On what was most definitely the hottest days of this summer, Norfolk Arena opened their doors to host the search teams. How could anyone think of a better place for exhausted searches to 'cool' down and rest. I am sure that there were many other local business that help in some ways as well. Having children of my own, it was nice to see how many people literally came out of the woodwork to help search for someone that they do not even know - they just knew it was the right thing to do. One gentleman in the search team I was assigned to came from Worcester with his ATV to help where ever he could.
- SF
9/2 10:48am I have heard that large trucks (such as the 18 wheelers that deliver to Stop & Shop) will not be able to manuver the new roundabouts? Does anyone know if this is true? And if so, how are these vehicle going to get to the Stop and Shop...through our residential neighborhoods???? - NB
9/1 3:56pm I hate to be the one to burst YOUR bubble but whom do you think would know better than an ACTUAL stop and shop employee the differences. Hmmmmmmmmm, let me think a minute. Since I actually work for the company and started out in Dedham which is a "regular" Stop and Shop I guess it would be me. Oh and by the way Dedham is being remodeled and will resemble Walpole when it is finished. The only differences between the two are a pharmacy and in store banking. Another piece of information for the public: any and all regular Stop and Shops left out there (i.e. Walpole before the remodel) are all being made into Super Stop and Shops and will be operated same as the Walpole store and look similar as well. Walpole is a prototype for the future as the company calls it. All future Stop and Shops being built will resemble that store in some way.
SM: I guess you told me, huh.
- RD
9/1 1:07pm With all of the discussion about the center of town development, can anyone verify if a cellular company will be renting any space for a tower? I thought one had been picked, but can't recall the name. I'm desperately looking for something better than the zero coverage I get from Cingular. - JM
9/1 8:17am Re: Can anyone post the details surrounding the find of Andrew Grant? This is what I found on Boston.com: ( autistic_boy_stayed_close_to_home); to search other online news sources, try news.google.com.
- VR
9/1 8:01am Can anyone post the details surrounding the find of Andrew Grant? - JED
8/31 9:38pm Hats off to everyone involved in the search for Andrew Grant! What a gallant and unselfish effort on everyone's part. Thank God he was found OK. On a personal note: I would like to praise our very own Norfolk Fire Department for their HEROIC effort in the search and rescue of Andrew. What an awesome and emotional feeling it must have been being there at the exact moment that they found Andrew. I know how this "fire" family felt when we heard over the scanner "we got him." As we listened to all the goings on, the fact that he was conscious and alert, well, we all cheered!
In closing, (and at the risk of tooting our own horn), I just want everyone to know how lucky this town is to have such an amazing bunch of guys known as the Norfolk Fire Department here to watch over us all. Imagine, real role models in own back yard!
- PC
8/31 5:09pm Wm. - The magic roundabout was a great kids show, I used to watch it in the seventies growing up in Ireland. It is being remade and modernised for release in 2005. Robbie Williams, Kylie Monogue, Jim Broadbent, Ian McKellan, Bill Nighly, Joanna Lumley and Richard O'Brien are lending their voices to the characters in the CGI animated movie. I advise all to check it out if only to see how much fun roundabouts can be. - GL
8/31 3:14pm RD - Not to burst your bubble in your moment of glee but you stated in the past that the store destined for Norfolk Town Center was to be a SUPER Stop & Shop. There is a significant difference and that is why you were not taken seriously. - SM
8/31 12:44pm Excited about the go forwardness of the center of town progress! Sorry if this has been answered already. I tried to look for the info but didn't see it. Do we know approximately when these stores in the center of town will be completed, ex. Stop n' Shop, CVS and others?
- JH
8/31 12:43pm Imagine the state and federal money we could have gotten if we had built a Magic Roundabout! - HPK
8/31 10:29am Thank you, JM, for the info on Cliff's property. Yes, it did used to have gas pumps, which apparently had the underground tank leak & now must be cleaned up before it can be used as it is hazardous. I was hoping that was happening, but it sounds like its simply a facelift. - SC
8/31 10:27am The Federated Church of Norfolk will be holding an Old Fashioned Ham and Bean Dinner on Friday, September 24th at 6:30 pm, at the church. This is the night before the church's annual Harvest Festival. Tickets will be $8.00 for adults, $5.00 for children 12 and under, and children under 3 will be free. Call the church at 508-528-0262 for information or reservations. - SD
8/31 7:44am I was watching NCTV the other day, and learned some interesting things about the long-term direction of the town center plan. One thing, in particular, struck me as very clever. At some point in the future, the MBTA commuter rail boarding area will be moved West (toward Franklin), in such a away that the existing raised platform will serve the eastern end of the train. By moving the boarding area West, and away from the Rockwood Rd. crossing, the crossing signal arms will be raised during boarding, allowing traffic to flow. Also, in an effort to lighten the load on the town center, additional MBTA parking will be created in the area of the existing upper parking lot, near the moonscape. One of the primary benefits of this design is that it will keep people who come up Main Street from Franklin and Millis (70% of cars in the Norfolk MBTA lots are from those towns, according to the NCTV program) from unnecessarily clogging up our new roundabouts. Watch the program if you get a chance. - JM
8/31 7:41am I just wanted to take a minute to express some of my own thoughts that have surfaced in the wake of the search for Andrew Grant, the 15 year old boy from Millis who has finally been found after having been missing since Thursday afternoon. It was the kind of story that I had seen on television countless times, but it was always far enough from my home that it never seemed "real". However, when I saw the helicopters on Saturday and heard about what had happened and the search effort, I found myself compelled to help. I couldn't stop thinking that I would want others to help me search, if it were one of my children that were missing.
On Sunday I spent about six hours with the rescue team, and would have gone on longer but the search was suspended. What I saw during those hours was one of the most positive experiences in my life.
Hundreds of people from all walks of life, young and old, most of whom didn't even know this boy or his family, coming together to help someone in need. Untrained, but willing to learn, slogging through thick woods and back yards in sweltering heat rather that sitting by the pool or in an air conditioned home.
I never consciously thought that many people had become to busy to care about anyone but themselves or their own families, I might have been one myself. Until suddenly, I found myself overcome with a feeling of relief and optimism that there were so many people that would make sacrifices to help others.even strangers, in a time of crisis.
I want to say that the people I met while searching for that boy are real life heroes, and every one of them can feel proud of their efforts. Hot and tired, they were unanimously requesting for the search to continue as they were being sent home with the knowledge that the search efforts were being cut back.
I learned a lot during that experience, and although I hope that a situation like this never presents itself again, I know that I will be there to help in any way that I can. I can't think of a better group of people to be associated with than the ones I met on that hot Sunday afternoon.
I wish Andrew a speedy recovery and hope that his family can take some time and breath again. I also want to say, one more time, how proud I feel to have been part of the group of people that I met during the search. They are a special breed and should now have the satisfaction of a mission accomplished.
- PD
8/30 11:50pm According to 11 p.m. TV news, the missing 15 year old was found alive in Norfolk woods! The thermal imaging helicopter helped to find the boy. - DLJ 8/30 10:27pm We think the roundabouts are magic! - Dougal, Zebidee, Ermintrude, Dylan, Brian & Florence [GL]
[Ok, I had to google that one... First I found out about the characters, but then discovered that it's also been built!! Now, that is one confusing intersection. - Wm.]
8/30 1:56pm RD - I thought I read in the paper that the old Ames in Franklin was to be a Bob's Store can you confirm or deny this rumor? I love Bob's stores! - MJD
8/30 12:51pm To JBH - NLYS will be holding a coaches' meeting tonight at the F/C school at 7:30. This is when the team rosters, schedules, uniforms, & equipment are distributed. Coaches should be contacting all of their team members within the next week to let them know when the first practice/game will be. (all games are on Sunday afternoons at the Pond Street fields) Schedules will also be posted on our website shortly. - HMK
8/30 10:47am Does anyone have the Lions Soccer Fall schedule? When, where, what time? Thanks! - JHB
[Perhaps their webpage, norfolklionssoccer.com, (listed on the Organizations page) has some information - Wm.]
8/30 10:26am Thanks Jack for the info. Hats off to you and Ramesh for getting the round tables going. It is very frustrating to read the comments on this site. There are too many comments by Monday morning quarterbacks that find it easier to criticize then get involved in town government and help make the decisions. I challenge the EF's of the world to start attending selectmen and planning board meetings. Let's get involved. - MA
8/30 7:34am Not to say I told you so to those who have had it confirmed that Stop and Shop is going in up town, but I seem to remember a year or so ago when the subject came up that I confirmed before anyone else Stop and Shop was going in there. How do I know this, you ask me ...... I am in a management position in [a nearby] franchise of the company and was told by a VIP of the company. For those wondering about the empty Bradlees in Foxboro, Stop and Shop owns that as well, but there are no plans to build there - it was purchased to keep other franchises away. Ha ha ha ....... lol ....... information is a good thing!!!
- RD
8/29 10:35pm I thank RG for posting the announcements by Eastern Development regarding their parcels in Norfolk Commons Phase One. This is the area between the MBTA parking lot and the Town Hall. The supermarket will be 49,500 sq. ft. and will be adjacent to the MBTA parking lot. This is the maximum size as voted and discussed at our last town meeting in May, 2004. The pharmacy will be adjacent to the Town Hall at the end of Independence Drive. In addition to these anchor stores there will be about five additional stores or offices between the two in the three to six thousand square foot range. One most likely will be a restaurant. They have not negotiated a lease with anyone for these properties. However, they have already negotiated a lease as RG states with Stop and Shop and are still closing with CVS for the other anchor property. Unfortunately, EF asks, "This is a major decision for the town and should not be decided by 10 people."
This was not a town decision.
We have been asking Eastern for months to let us know with whom they have negotiated a lease. They did so a week ago on Thursday. This is not a town decision nor can we veto their choice. I was at the town center on Saturday morning and a person (presumably EF?) stopped in front of me and asked the same question. I told her that we cannot tell a property owner what company with whom they can negotiate a lease. We have no say who their tenants may be. We have free enterprise in Norfolk as well as the rest of America.
On the other hand, the selectmen have been actively involved in moving the Norfolk Commons Project along for the past year. Last year in June, after a long period of inactivity, selectman Ramesh Advani and I decided to try to speed up the serial process that the developers had to traverse with the town. We formed a Town Center Roundtable consisting of one member of each relevant town committee and a representative of each developer holding property in the area. This innovative approach was designed to eliminate the sequential nature of the approval process and to provide cross communication to each department before applications were discussed in committee.
EF says, "Why were these round table meetings not posted? I check the town's website and I did not see any meetings." I looked today at the town website and found two postings. One was for our last internal meeting on August 19th at 7PM and the other was for an external (Norfolk Common) roundtable on February 26 at the same time.
These roundtables are designed for communication only. No decisions are made. All information is then brought into fully posted Zoning Board and Planning Board and other meetings. It is here the discussion is made and approved.
However, we did say at one of these roundtables that Mr. Borrelli's 40B proposal was unacceptable to the town. I made that comment as a personal opinion for Ramesh and myself. We then presented a plan that we felt we could accept. He immediately agreed. He then brought this plan to the Zoning Board and the Planning Board and also found immediate acceptance there because of the roundtable communications. In addition to Ramesh and me, other key participants in this process have included Bob Markel, Jay Thalerman, Bruce Simpson, and Art Spruch. As RG pointed out, "whoever else attended all those god-awful town center roundtable meetings a big hand for finally getting the center on track."
Thank you, RG for your understanding.
However they weren't "god-awful." They were necessary. They were also posted. By good management oversight, we got the town center on track and in record time. And...all of the other meetings where the decisions were made were also posted.
If things go as planned within a year, or two years at most, we will have a fully new and beautiful town center. This will be the result of a lot of hard work by many people, boards and committees.
- Jack McFeeley, Chairman, Norfolk Board of Selectmen
[Update 8/30 7:31am Corrected "Last June" to "Last year in June" - Wm.]
8/29 10:40pm On Saturday someone also approached me and told me that the town center looks terrible and asked, "Why are we putting in these roundabouts?" She called them "Rotaries," which they are not. She asked, "Why not just put in a traffic light?" This is really a complicated answer that took us about three years with the state to negotiate. Since we are getting over $2 million in state and federal money for the TIP (Transportation Improvement Project) in the town center area, we have to follow their instructions and get their approval for any approach.
Just "putting in traffic lights" is not that simple. To do this, we have to deal with the need to lower Main Street on the west (Franklin) side of Route 115 to assure visibility to the approach of any potential traffic signals, widening the roads to accommodate a left turn lane, widening Main Street by taking property on the side of the Federated Church, the Sunoco Station, Town Hill and Country Crossing. In addition we had to align the east side and west side of Main Street to coincide since they approach Route 115 at different angles. We also had to make other changes to the intersections and other intersections to conform to estimated traffic flow. All of these changes would have involved a large taking of property and a significant lowering of town hill.
We also had considered a suggested one-way traffic flow around the town common like they have in Franklin.
None of these were acceptable to us to preserve the rural character of Norfolk.
So we made a leap out of the box. We decided to put in two roundabouts in the town center and minimize the land taking and accommodate the traffic flow without the major disruption that the other moves would cause. We are also planning for other traffic diversions that will allow the traffic to flow smoothly.
Roundabouts will work if we know and follow the rules. Yes, I watched for three hours on Saturday for the area under construction and it was horrendous. We need to educate the public.
At this point we are still under construction. Please don't prejudge our decision to go with the roundabouts. The alternatives are really not desirable.
Give us a chance to integrate them into the fabric of our community. They will work well if we follow the rules of the road. We will also then preserve the character that we all hope to have for our town center.
Thanks for your understanding.
- Jack McFeeley, Chairman, Norfolk Board of Selectmen
8/29 10:32pm To S.C., regarding the old Cliff's package store on the corner of Main and Boardman, the owner of the property was asked to clean up the appearance of the building while he decides what to do with the parcel. There was a false rumor going around that there was a doughnut franchise slated for the property. I had heard, and perhaps a resident of longer tenure than me can confirm this, that there once was a gas station on the site, and that a substantial cleanup may need to be performed before anything can happen. - JM
8/29 3:42pm Well, EF, if we've been hiding the discussion about the town center we've been doing it in plain view. Start off with the B-1 district zoning that has been in place since the late 80s-early 90s which makes it a by-right use (that means no permits are required) for commercial downtown with - egads! - apartments over them, to the innumerable town meeting votes that were held regarding issues such as changing the zoning to allow the larger supermarket, larger library, to sink the wires, etc etc.
It's a catch-22 for these committees: most hearings are sparsely attended, and if you go to town meeting to go over everything in the finest detail you bore to death the folks who do show up, and the folks who do show up are usually the couple hundred towns people who usually pay attenti on anyway.
The beautiful thing about the internet is that allows a wide dispersal of information without any real effort. The bad thing about the internet is that it allows a wide disperal of information without any real effort.
I admit I get caught off-guard by stuff (I don't have cable, so I don't watch the endless supply of committee meetings and interview shows - and frankly, I wouldn't if I had it, I do have a life), but it's important to keep a general idea about what's going on, and, if I miss it, to keep my complaints to a minimum because I have to place some trust in the folks I elect to serve on the committees.
I'm sure if you call the selectmen's office and ask you'll get any information you need.
By the way, I rechecked the plans, and they are planning three commercial buildings on the lot between Main and Library. I said two, I was wrong.
With respect to the millis Roche Bros: is the 38,000 sq feet front of store only? Or entire store footprint? I recall it being represented to us that the proposed store was about the size of the Millis Roche Bros, but my memory might be faulty. In any case, the 55,000 or so planned for Norfolk is a fairly modest sized grocery.
- RG
8/29 10:40am Dear RG: Thank you for the information, but I am concerned that we are only hearing about this after a decision was made. Why were these round table meetings not posted? I check the town's website and I did not see any meetings or public hearings about this. This is a major decision for the town and should not be decided by 10 people, but rather involve everyone from the community. Also, I asked at Roche Bros today in Millis- that store is on the large side! Millis is only 38,000 sq feet! My question to these town committees is why did you not let us know so we can particpate in the discussion. - EF
8/28 8:37pm For anyone who is interested in searching for Andrew Grant, the 15-year-old autistic teen from Millis who has been missing since Thursday night: volunteers are meeting at 9:30 Sunday morning at the Norfolk Arena on Myrtle St. Sunscreen, insect repellent, water, and sturdy shoes are recommended. If you live near Myrtle St., please search your yard, outbuildings, RVs and bulkheads in case Andrew has hidden there. - HPK
8/28 12:52pm Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer will be hosting its annual Opening Day Celebration on September 12th from 11:00 to 2:00 at the Pond Street Recreational Fields. This event is free to all registered players and their families. There will be plenty of food and fun including free raffles and the opportunity to meet Slyde, the New England Revolution's team mascot! - HMK
8/27 5:30pm The company seeking the various permits (Eastern Development) announced at the last "center roundtable" meeting last week that there will be a CVS and a Stop and Shop in their development. At the time of application they did not disclose to the permit granting boards (or at least the one I'm on, and we asked with a pretty-please) who the tenants would be. They were under no obligation to.
The development, which is on both sides of Liberty Lane and up next to the upper MBTA lot, will have, I believe, five buildings. Next to the town hall will be a CVS and a separate retail/commercial building, sharing a parking lot. The drug store will have a drive-through.
Across the street (between Main and Liberty) will be two buildings with a shared lot, one of which will be a restaurant. Again, no tenants named.
And finally, the grocery store on the top lot will be on the smallish side, 55,000 sq feet or so (which, I am told, is perhaps a little smaller than the Roche Bros. in Millis and much smaller than the 75,000-100,000 sq foot Super Stop and Shops that have been getting built).
I'm sure they'll be rolling out more info on their prospective tenants as time goes by.
And, because people don't say this enough: I think we should all give the Selectmen, Planning Board, ZBA, Board of Health, Con Comm members and whoever else attended all those god-awful town center roundtable meetings a big hand for finally getting the center on track. (I can say this because I didn't go anywhere near these meetings, so I'm not being self-serving.)
Between the roundabouts (which will at least be visually stunning), the sinking of the overhead wires (which I admit I thought was a stupid waste of money at the time), the new library (ditto, mea culpa), the Eastern development, the new design of Daley's and Borelli's 40B the center will be dramatically different in three years. And I think it will be a credit to Norfolk, all of it. Congrats to everyone involved.
We'll just have to put up with a little hassle, and learn to drive in a slightly different manner in the meantime.
By the way: don't those roundabouts look particularly unfriendly to big, high, SUVs? I think Toyota Prius' and Honda Accord Hybrids would navigate them pretty well....
(Sorry, I'm not trying to put Daley's out of business, really)
- RG
8/27 3:43pm I know this is a loaded question, but I will ask anyway. We are relatively new to Norfolk and everyone I ask about plans for the town center seems to have a completely different answer. I hear rumors of a grocery store, pharmacy, and a restaurant being built. Some of the names we have heard for grocery stores are, Market Basket, Bread and Circus, Stop and Shop. For the love of God I hope it is not a Market Basket. A Bread and Circus would be great and would add value to the town. Any ideas on the type of restaurant? My wife and I moved from the city and we are food snobs. I am so sick of Chile's, Pizzeria Uno, Outback etc... I think a place like "Not Your Average Joes" would be great. Good atmosphere, nice wine list, kid friendly and pretty decent, affordable food. Where can I find more information about the town plans? Sorry for rambling. Thanks for the help. - CW
8/27 3:31pm Since I don't recall roundabouts being covered in driver's ed, I think a refresher course would be helpful. Here's some links to "how to drive in a roundabout" type sites: Maybe the highway dept. might want to print out a couple thousand of these flyers and paper the MBTA lots with them?
- [town of Superior]
- [Roundabouts USA]
- Beware, this one is in England, so you'd have to imagine it driving the other way (but it has a really neat animation that should be helpful): [UK]
- [KS DOT]. Here's a printable PDF version: [KS DOT pdf]
- RG
[Or simply get rid of the cones from the center of the intersection until they've removed the stop signs. Navigating a four-way stop is straightforward enough, and so it merging onto a roundabout - it's doing the combination of both that is confusing - Wm.]
8/27 11:46am Does anyone know what is happening to the old Cliff's Package store at the corner of Main & Boardman streets? It looks as though something has begun, but seems to be stalled? - SC
8/27 11:43am If you're not in the habit of scrolling down to the Bulletin Board notices, a lot of new ads have come in recently, and several of the old ones were revised. - Wm.
8/26 8:13pm In response to EF: I cannot post a picture of the dog as the dog is currently in a mutual aid facility due to the large number of animals we currently have. Beyond that, this department doesn't have a digital camera at its disposal, but sometimes we have friends that help out and take pictures for the animals. We are always in need of help in the areas of cat food, kitty litter, and kennel supplies. Bedding for dogs and cats is donated through one of our local hospitals. For those who are interested in donations of any type, please contact the police department during normal business hours of 8-4 (Mon-Fri), and I can answer further individual questions. - Hilary Penlington, Norfolk ACO
8/26 3:20pm Dear Officer Penlington, Could you post a photo of the dog? Also, do you need any donations for food, blankets or money? - EF
8/25 10:38pm Weight Watchers is coming to Norfolk Town Hall! Participants must pre-pay for a 12-week session. Classes will be held Thursday mornings at 9:00am in the Recreation Dept. room, on the first floor of Norfolk Town Hall. The first class of this session will be September 16th, 2004. We must get 15 participants in order to have the Weight Watchers representative to come to Town Hall. Norfolk Town employees can be reimbursed up to $150 for Weight Watchers by BC/BS each year, so this class is free! This class is open to everyone. Your health insurance might reimburse you, too!
You must call Lizzi M. at 508-520-1608 to pre-register! There will be no class in Norfolk without 15 pre-registered participants.
- LM
8/25 5:52pm JW - Previous to the temporary rotary setup, I never had a problem getting through that intersection, either in my car or on my bike. But in the past week I've been nearly hit three times (once on my bike) by folks who just don't get it. I think part of the problem is that the rotary as it exists right now is just way too small. When you're going around the circle, folks coming into it have no idea whether you're going to continue around or exit. There's just not enough space to signal properly or something. - DF
8/25 5:50pm The Norfolk Animal Control Department will have up for adoption starting tomorrow, 8/26/04, a handsome black lab. This dog was picked up 9 days ago and has not been claimed by its owner. The temperament of this dog is that of a youngster. We are guessing that he is roughly two years old and he is full of energy. He is an intact male and anyone interested in adopting him will have to have him neutered. He has shown to play well with other dogs and hasn't shown aggression to cats. He is full of energy and needs training (manners and marking); therefore this dog would not be suitable for a family with small children. Please contact the animal control officer if you are interested in this animal as he is available to be seen by appointment only, between the hours of 8-4 Monday through Friday. - Hilary Penlington, Norfolk ACO, 508-528-3232
8/25 5:49pm Regarding the traffic flow at the Rt. 115 / Main Street intersection, one wonders (at least I do) just what the configuration is that they're heading for. At first, the configuration resembled the 'round-about' that was originally proposed. With the stop signs that exist now, the miniscule size of the island, and the signage that will abound upon completion, I wonder what will have been gained, other than a small savings on the blinking light electric bill. Then last night, Tuesday, the 'island' had migrated westward to become what resembled a median strip between east and west lanes, but only on the west side of the intersection. The island in the middle had disappeared. Almost wishing there was a Downtown Norfolk 'Cam' to see what the current configuration is today. - TK
8/25 5:41pm I've seen several ads by painters on this site and elsewhere. It can be difficult to choose a good painter. Can anyone recommend a good housepainter, preferably in Norfolk, who will do a good job painting the outside of a house for a reasonable price?
- RH
8/25 5:39pm One should reserve comment until the work is complete. It is very unfair to make comments while the work is in process. - MA
8/25 7:57am Just wondering what everyone thinks of the center's new traffic flow? - JW
8/24 8:44pm I just wanted to express my appreciation to the Norfolk Police Department. I have lived on North St. almost a year and have almost been wiped out a few times from those who think our street is a raceway. Contrary to belief, it is not the inexperienced youth who fly through here, it is the "Minivan Moms" who have almost wiped me out... but I digress. Last week I noticed an exceptionally high volume of dump trucks and other big rigs speeding down our street. (I am assuming as a short cut to Wrentham obtaining asphalt and construction material for the center??) I contacted the Norfolk Police Department via their web site, and left a brief message about the situation. Within 24 hours of contact, I received a phone call from the sergeant in charge. He informed me that immediate measures would be implemented to try and slow down the diversion of trucks. He was amazing. The next morning I watched the trucks crawl through here going maybe 20 mph as opposed to 50-60mph. I have no idea what was said, but it worked. Then, by 11am, the speed board was put in place, and it has worked great so far. All in all, I have to say that the response by the Norfolk Police Department was exceptional. They are a terrific team who does a wonderful job responding to the community. Thanks Again!!!!!! - LM
8/24 11:55am The Federated Church of Norfolk will begin its Fall Worship Schedule on Sunday, September 12, 2004. Worship will start at 10:00 A.M. each Sunday morning. [...] Nursery care is available for children who are too young for the Preschool Sunday School program and whose parents attend worship. The opens wide its doors and extends welcoming arms to all who seek fellowship and spiritual nourishment as we begin another active program year. [Click for details] - LD
8/21 3:27pm Re: 8/12 12:22pm Our central air-conditioning has died on us and I am being bombarded and confused with options regarding replacement and installation of a new system. TEM - Not sure if you have received any responses back. If you are still looking for recommendations call me at 508-294-8630. - JR
8/21 10:29am This year the Federated Church of Norfolk's Annual Harvest Festival Events will take place on September 11 and September 25. The Federated Church of Norfolk will be holding its Annual Flea Market on Saturday September 11 from 9:00 am - 3:00 PM. at the church on the corner of Route 115 and Main Street in the center of Norfolk. The Federated Church of Norfolk will hold their annual Harvest Festival on Saturday September 25, 2004 at Holmes Field on Myrtle Street. The fair will run from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. [Please read the announcement for full details.] - LD
8/21 10:19am On Tuesday, September 14, at 7:00 PM A Revival Worship Service will be held at the Federated Church of Norfolk, 1 Union Street, Norfolk, MA (corner of Main St and Rt. 115 in the center of Norfolk). Read on for more information. - LD
8/20 10:18pm What is going on with the Miller Street bridge construction? Miller Street Bridge over the Mill River in Norfolk, MA, will be closing at 7:00 AM on February 11, 2004. It will tentatively be reopened September 1, 2004. Detour signs will be posted during the construction period. For more information, contact the Norfolk Highway Department.See the highway department page.- JG
8/19 8:51am To NS - Mr. Tsimortos has sold his land to a company called Paddocks & Corrals. A filing fee has been submitted to the town based on 10-25 houses. - BR
8/18 2:08pm The Fall 2004 Recreation Brochure and Registration Forms are available online at http://www.virtualnorfolk.org/public_documents/NorfolkMA_documents/towndocs/recreationdepartmentdocs/currentbrochure/ - RH
8/18 2:08pm To JLH - The problem you are having with channel 22 and the Selectmen's meetings originates with the equipment at channel 22 in Town Hall. The audio, when listening to a member of the audience, is generally poor because we don't have adequate microphones for members of the audience. In the next few months, with the approval of the Norfolk Cable Corp. board that oversees NCTV (Norfolk Community Television), both channel 8 and 22, we expect to upgrade the audio and perhaps entire production equipment used to tape and broadcast meetings that originate from the Selectmen's room at Town Hall. We know how important these meetings are to a large number of folks in town and we will make every attempt to bring the needed equipment into play so that everything can be easily heard and seen. If anyone has other comments or suggestions please call 508-520-2780 and speak with me, Paul Guertin, or email us at nctveight@gis.net. - Paul Guertin, NCTV station Manager
8/18 2:06pm JLH - we have trouble with the volume, it is VERY loud. - MJD
8/18 12:00pm Does anyone have trouble with the volume on Channel 22 (Government Access channel)? I have yet to determine if the root of the problem is with the "live recording" from town hall (or the studio) or Comcast. Thanks for any input or comments. - JLH
8/17 4:39pm To JED - The Field Closed signs are used primarily when fields are being rested for a season. Secondarily, the signs may be used if a field needs specific work that is best done when the field will not be used. This past spring Field B at Pond Street needed to be rested from foot traffic. During this time it was reseeded twice and also received other treatments. Many folks may think that since the fields are new that they are ship shape and ready to go, but healthy fields take years to develop and it is always good practice to rest and rotate fields. We did try to explain ourselves (as much as a 18" X 24" sign allows) by adding a line on the sign that reads "Help Us Promote Healthy Fields". As always, if you have any further questions, please call Norfolk Recreation @ 508-520-1315. I would be happy to speak with you. - Ann Proto, Recreation Director
8/16 11:27am Just want to add my 2 cents on garage door recommendation... I too had a spring break with my car in the garage on a Saturday morning. The original installer said they couldn't get there for approximately 3 weeks! I called Joliqoeur and they were there within 30 minutes. Not only did they do the repair on the broken door, they did some additional work on a second door. Best of all they didn't even want a check on the spot, said don't worry, we'll bill you! They will be the only people I call from now on! - KB
8/16 11:26am NS - re: electrician: Gerry Martel. He's a local guy and does great work, and has been there for us when we needed him. Prices are reasonable and he is an honest guy. I had him out recently to fix a fuse problem that only took him a few minutes, but because he charges by the hour, he actually stayed here for the full hour looking over other electrical issues and offering advice. Real good guy. Gerry Martel (master electrician), Norfolk // (508)-344-4896, or (508)-528-0159 - DF
8/16 9:11am We are looking for a local electrician to do some work for us. Can anyone recommend a quality, reasonably priced electrician? - NS
8/15 8:26pm We recently discovered a beautiful horse farm at the end of Warren Road on the Norfolk/Wrentham Line. Sadly, it appears that the owners have begun to sell off their land. Does anyone know the name of this farm or have any info? - NS
8/13 8:10pm I second the Joliqoeur Doors recommendation. The spring broke on my garage door and I had to get to work. I couldn't get the door open to get my car out so I called the company that installed it. They did not return my call within an hour so I called Joliqoeur, cold out of the phone book. They were at my house in 15 minutes and only charged me about $100.00 for the new spring, installation and an emergency visit. They have a new customer! - MJD
8/13 6:49pm Just wanted to remind everyone to keep an eye out for turtle x-ing! I rescued one today attempting to cross 115 near Stony Brook. There is absolutely no way he would have succeeded without some intervention! We let him go happily into the Stony Brook Pond. Speaking of 115, today I noticed what must be a new "no littering $300.00 fine" sign. A very welcome addition!
Lastly, does anyone know why one of the playing fields at the recreation center is marked "do not use until further notice"? I couldn't find any info on it on the municipal web page.
8/13 3:47pm Everyone should stop worrying about the town center, the retail shops etc. We have been in Norfolk for 20 years - when moving here we were told about the town center being built. Just relax, sit back, it is what it is. No worries, just enjoy the town and any changes that happen. At least Dunkin Donuts is here, what more could we want? Just grab a coffee and enjoy the phases of construction. - DWL
8/13 3:46pm If anyone is looking for reputable Garage Door People, Joliqoeur Doors from Bellingham - they are reasonable, honest and are there when they say they will be. Phone is 508-883-4522. Also, for basements, Darren Sexton out of Franklin does a wonderful job and was the least expensive from 5 quotes. Really good at the custom work, bookcases and closets and pleasant to be around. Good luck. - DWL
8/13 3:44pm Mr. Clancy, Thank you for that information. I hope you didn't think I was trivializing this in my previous post. I spent some time working as an EMT and fully appreciate what this means. We are lucky to be a very small town with such a professional and well-prepared public safety system. You mention the need for the FD to go to the paramedic level. Are there any members on the department now who function as paramedics? Or is this a funding issue. I'm fairly new to town so I don't mean to open up a can of worms, but it would seem to me that having at least one medic on board at all times would be money well spent by this town, considering we don't have a hospital close enough to make it a non-issue. Anyway. Keep up the good work. - DF
8/13 1:06pm To all those interested in the "Heart Safe Community" signage: Communities have to apply to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for this designation; once all the criteria have been met, the DPH and the EMS (emergency medical service) region review the application in accordance with American Heart Assoc. and DPH guidelines. The Norfolk Fire Department applied for this designation last winter and it was presented to the town last April 5,2004 at the Selectmen's meeting.
The signage is a public announcement that you've entered a Heart Safe Community, one that has done the extra work to train not only police & firefighters CPR & defibrillation but others as well, we have a plan in place to have defibrillators in locations of public gathering and are currently trying to complete this plan.
Thanks to donations, grants and town meeting appropriations there are now defibrillators in every marked police cruiser, most fire apparatus (all police & fire personnel are trained in CPR & defibrillation), one in the town hall (key personnel trained ), one in the senior center, one in the senior bus (with key personnel trained) and one is planned for the new library addition (staff will have to be trained). Future placements should be the schools and the transfer station once money becomes available.
Only 5% of cardiac arrest victims survive. Once cardiac arrest happens the chance of survival drops 10% every minute. This is why it is so crucial to have early CPR & defibrillation!! Something like this could be attractive to potential home buyers, it might make elderly or ill relatives visiting residents more comfortable knowing that this community is prepared.
The American Heart Assoc.'s Chain of Survival needs to be followed: early access into the "911" system, early CPR, early defibrillation and early advanced care. The Norfolk Fire Department now provides Intermediate advanced care, ( IV therapy & intubation) paramedics are needed for administration of medications and advanced cardiac monitoring. Currently hospital based or mutual aid ambulances staffed with paramedics have to be summoned to assist if a cardiac arrest happens. This sometimes could be 10 or more minutes before medications can be administered (if paramedics are available).
The need for the Norfolk Fire Department to go to the paramedic level is enormous, the need for citizens and town employees to be trained in CPR & defibrillation is enormous, saving one life is PRICELESS!!
Please follow the link provided for more info [at americanheart.org, click here]
- Richard Clancy, Firefighter/EMT-Intermediate, EMS Director, Norfolk Fire Department
8/12 11:41pm MSC - According to Butch Vito at the highway department, yes, you're wrong. If anyone wants to know what's going on in the center of town, just watch channel 22, the Norfolk local access station. There are two great programs that will answer just about any question you may have. The first is "Rich Connors/Butch Vito Road Projects" -- Sat-Fri, 2:00PM and 8:00PM. The other is "Conversation Corner with Bob Markel" - Sat - Fri, 1:00PM and 7:00PM. - JED
8/12 8:10pm Trying to verify a rumor - in a few years the center of town will get stop lights and be re-constructed again?? Hope I'm wrong... - MSC
8/12 2:16pm Are there any other streets that are getting sidewalks or just Medway? - JHB
8/12 12:30pm Re. sidwalks: we received an e-mail pointing out sidewalks vs. rural roads need not be an either-or issue, that that it is possible to put in sidewalks and keep the character of the road: [...] I commute to work via Thurston Street in Wrentham (connects 140 and route 1). This summer they widened the road a bit, repaved, and added a sidewalk and loam strip, and it looks very nice. In some instances, the sideways goes behind a tree, or the loan strip is eliminated and the sidewalk goes in front of trees. In one spot, the loam strip is eliminated to keep a stone wall in front of a house. IMHO, they did a nice job of adding the sidewalk AND keeping the rural character of the street. It's a much nicer feel than what was done on South Street in Medfield. Take a look!!Sounds like they did a good job improving the street without harming it.- Wm.
8/12 12:22pm Our central air-conditioning has died on us and I am being bombarded and confused with options regarding replacement and installation of a new system. Ducts vs. ductless? Using the heating ducts and abandoning the attic ducts? Help! Can anyone supply me with recommendations or referral? - TEM
8/12 8:10am To CLC: I posted the same request for a guitar teacher last month and a very kind person recommended Bill Trainor, who can be reached at 508-384-2518. My teenage daughter has begun lessons with him and is enjoying them very much. He also comes to the house, which is a help. Give him a call. - MP
8/11 11:15pm TO CG: I inquired at Town Hall today about the development plans for town, and here is what I was told. The developer has preliminary plans before the planning board for a retail center which will include a supermarket, a variety store, and a restaurant. There are a few other retail sites in the plan which have not been earmarked for anything in particular at this time. They are applying for a few special permits, one to allow parking in front of the stores instead of restricting it to the back. There is a meeting on August 18th and another on August 19th, regarding this and other issues. So far, the developer is not saying what grocery chain they are thinking about, but having applied, and been granted, a special permit to make it 50,000 square feet, chances are it is a big one. That's what I learned today, anyway. I'm with you, it would be nice to have some retail and restaurant choices in town, although there are obvious trade-offs (traffic, trucks, etc.) Stay tuned. - TC
8/11 4:34pm Thanks for the info on heart safe community. My Japanese Lantern plants have been eaten all summer, despite putting stuff on them to keep bugs off. They're practically skeletons at this point. Is anyone having similar problems and/or know what is getting them? Other plants right beside them are untouched! - SC
8/11 9:33am CG, do you really want to open that can of worms about development in the center of town? If you go to the archives of this site, you will see volumes written about it. Norfolk hates business development but loves to cut down trees. To THC, we have had land taken twice by eminent domain for a sidewalk back in the early 80's. I understand when they do road improvements on our corner we will regain some of that land. At least that's the rumor I hear, don't quote me. Norfolk, ya gotta love it.
- JW
8/11 12:31am My understanding is that a "Heart Safe Community" is one that has automatic defibrillators placed in various government buildings around town (town hall, schools, etc) to be used if someone is having a heart attack. An automatic defibrillator shocks the heart back into a normal rhythm without much intervention from the person administering it. Why we need signs announcing this, I don't know. Now they'll all come here from Franklin to have their heart attacks. Oh, the traffic... - DF
8/10 11:30pm I was driving with my children the other day and noticed signs around town "Heart Safe Community." Does anyone know what that means? Better yet what does that mean for us as homeowners here in Norfolk? - MF
8/10 11:29pm Does anyone know what the sign on 115 as you enter Norfolk from Millis means: ``Heart Healthy Community?'' - SC
8/10 11:27pm Folks, I am new to the area and I am curious if anyone knows if there are any development plans for the center of town. I would personally like to see some type of supermarket, restaurant, and perhaps some specialty retail shops. Are there any plans along these lines? thanks. - CG
8/10 2:50pm Medway Street like many other streets forming the network of streets surrounding the Town Center desperately needs a sidewalk. I don't know why sidewalks have been characterized as unbecoming of a rural environment. Some of New England's most beautiful and peaceful rural communities have enjoyed sidewalks for decades if not centuries. They reduce the number of cars, invite pedestrian circulation, and improve safety. Remember, we had the equivalent of sidewalks long before we had paved roads. For the record, stop signs are warranted only for safety reasons, not to control speed on a roadway. There is plenty of flexibility in the ADA laws governing the design of sidewalks to allow for trees etc.
It is incorrect to say that the addition of sidewalks means land takings. The paved portion of a roadway is usually, not much more than one half of the roadway layout width, 24' out of 40' or 50'. The paved portion hopefully runs more or less down the middle of the layout, the unpaved portions being used for utility (fire safety/hydrant) placement and sidewalks, etc. However, the meandering pedestrian pathway concept may require occasional easement rights to avoid taking out desirable trees. If a sidewalk is kept three to four feet from the edge of traveled way, the State generally agrees that no curb is required. Commonly, Cape Cod Berm and a three foot grass strip is used to avoid granite curbing and its associated urban appearance.
8/10 10:30am JPRW - Would it be ideal for seniors to be able to stroll along lovely wide sidewalks on Medway Branch? Yes, I think so. However, to prioritize sidewalks on a straight, wide road with a stop sign in the middle to slow traffic (not to mention it is only busy 2 days a week) over a closely populated, cow-path turned speedway, I think not. As we know, there is only so much money in the budget, and I think the resources are being poorly allocated this time. By the way, I live in Cape Cod Estates and would benefit from either sidewalk. I currently walk down your street to get to town so that I don't have to take my life in my hands walking down Medway. Just for the record, I think that eventually, every street should have sidewalks because they knit the town together and encourage people to walk and talk to their neighbors in person as well as on-line. My opinion.
8/10 10:18am Do you want to buy an expensive item under $2500 and want to save the sales tax? This Saturday, August 14, is the day to do it: From: www.dor.state.ma.us :
Massachusetts Sales Tax Holiday On Saturday August 14, 2004, all non-business retail sales of tangible personal property costing $2,500 or less are exempt from state sales and use taxes. Please see Technical Information Release 04-14 (TIR 04-14) for further information.Retailers are required to document all transactions totaling $1,000 or more by obtaining and keeping a Massachusetts Sales Tax Holiday Purchaser's Certification [here] of Non-Business Use, signed by the purchaser of the exempt items(s). Retailers needing further guidance can go to the Retailers Association of MA website at www.retailersma.org.- RH
8/9 10:33pm KC, What do you mean? - JPRW
8/9 10:30pm How many of you that are so against the Medway Branch sidewalk live on that road? Wouldn't it be nice for our seniors to be able to take walks to and from the senior center, without worrying about getting hit. As far as I can see there are no 100 year old trees slated to be cut down. Oh ya I do live on Medway Branch... One more thing there should be a 4 way stop at Tucker and Medway Branch to slow all the dump traffic and trucks down!!! - JPRW
[Look for the orange spots painted on the trunks. When they clearcut the woodsy corner to put in Chatham St., I counted growth rings on the logs, and some of those "public shade trees" of similar size had hit 120 years.But it's not the sidewalks themselves, it's the callous approach to bringing them about. It should be possible to have both sidewalks and trees. - Wm.]
8/9 10:24pm Hi, my eight year old son wants to play guitar. Can anyone recommend a good teacher in the area? Thanks! - CLC
8/9 10:23pm Sidewalks, pedestrian pathways, whatever. A rose by any other name... A couple of points of clarification. The town does not need to take any resident's property by eminent domain. It already owns the land in front of your home that abuts the roadways by something like 4-5 feet. Also, for edification, North Street already has sidewalks as far south of the center until Needham Street. Lastly, for all those concerned about the aesthetics of our roadways, I suppose you think it is more environmentally friendly for those persons who reside within 1/2 mile of town center to drive their cars to the train, post office, library, etc., because it's too dangerous to walk? - MHC
[When I mentioned being afraid for North St., I was thinking of the scenic section leading past the Stony Brook nature preserve down to Marshall St. I occasionally detour just to drive that road, and every time I'm moved by its beauty. - Wm.]
8/9 7:07pm People, people - sidewalks on Medway Branch! We are talking about the dump road, not Route 115. - KC
[I believe people realize that, but Medway Branch is not the same road it was 20 years ago - today it's just another pretty, non-subdivision residential street. I especially like the section by Boardman St., with the large pines shading it. Also, there's no reason to believe that the approach and care taken on the first road to get rebuilt will not be the same as for all the roads to follow. - Wm.]
8/9 7:03pm Wm - Your fear just may come true if residents opposed to such a project don't speak up and become involved. On "Community Day", the Road Safety Committee had a table set up showing it's master plan for sidewalks throughout town, happening in different phases. It did include all of the streets you mentioned. I spoke for a bit with the gentleman at the table (I'm unsure of his name - I know he is on the committee) and voiced my concerns regarding changing the character of the town. He told me I was the first person he spoke to that was opposed to the project. I was quite surprised and concerned upon hearing that. I hope to learn more over the weeks to come. - JED
8/9 3:08pm Re: Sidewalks on Medway. We don't need sidewalks in Norfolk, we need pedestrian pathways! These are walkways that conform to the existing streetscape, turning around large trees and creating a winding, frequently shaded environment that is ideal for users and gentle to the countryside. They can adapt to ADA requirements with a bit of tweaking. They can be constructed of a variety of materials to blend with different areas. They cost more than the standard concrete variety, but the costs of removing large trees and turning country roads into urban avenues are significant, too. And guess what? We have at least the beginnings of a plan to implement pedestrian pathways in Norfolk. It was the product of the Sidewalk Study Committee that met in the late 1980's and early 1990's. They looked at towns that had developed a system of pedestrian pathways (Places like Wellesley, Concord, Sudbury) and made specific recommendations for Norfolk. It sure made sense to me at the time. The austerity budgets of the early 1990s in Town prevented any construction from happening and the plan, like so many good things that Town committees create, slid into obscurity. Perhaps it's worth dusting off to see if we can satisfy both the sidewalk folks and the anti-sidewalk folk.
8/9 2:16pm The library is sponsoring an outdoor concert today at the Pond Street recreational fields: Today, August 9, 2004 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM: Ben Rudnick & Friends. Location: Pond Street Fields - shade structure. For all ages. Happy, upbeat music for kids of all ages and their parents! Award winning recordings and exhilarating performances, Ben Rudnick and Friends' music is pure FUN! In the event of rain this program will be held at the Federated Church of Norfolk. No registration required- Wm.
8/9 2:14pm RE: sidewalks on Medway Branch and Medway Streets - I am willing to hazard a bet that the persons posting who are opposed to them do not live on either street. I am all for scenic roadways, but am far more concerned about safety. Medway Street is a raceway! It is relatively narrow and has several blind spots. Residents of Medway Street take their lives in their hands to simply enter and exit their own driveways! Simple daily activities of walking, jogging, pushing a stroller or bike riding are potentially dangerous acts. Medway Street currently acts as a cut-through for people from Millis and other abutting towns (all of which to not have a commuter rail) to get to the train station. I think sidewalks are a necessary part of a community that is expanding, particularly for those streets that are in easy walking distance to the town center. I add 'for shame' to the people who are looking for ways to avoid the ADA requirements for sidewalks. We as able-bodied people should do everything we can to make our town more negotiable for our fellow residents in wheelchairs.
8/8 2:28pm Regarding the sidewalks on Medway Street - I agree, putting sidewalks on our scenic roads is a disaster. The town is incorrect that they are mandated by State and Federal laws as to sidewalks. It would be mandated if they use all state and federal funding to put them in. Our roads are protected by numerous things, not the least is the scenic roads by-law which we passed at town meeting. The residents of Medway Street also have rights to not have their property taken by eminent domain. Don't let them try to sell you on betterments - that is the town charging you for taking your property. Many of these streets in our town are protected from becoming through-ways. Us residents of this town specifically passed these laws to protect the scenic and rural feeling of this town. My suggestion to the residents is to do some research in this area; I can almost guarantee the law is on your side. As to the ADA, there are exceptions to the sidewalk width, it just takes time to file these exceptions. These 100 year+ trees should be protected! Other towns are able to have more narrow sidewalks, how come we supposedly can't. I think the town needs to re-evaluate the plans for sidewalks and put a plan together that takes the interest of all the people in the town into consideration! - EP
8/8 10:43am re: 8/8 1:03am sidewalks on Medway Branch I agree with JED, making Medway Branch into a street that would be 24 feet wide, plus 5 foot sidewalks, plus a 2 foot loam strip, would destroy the rural feeling of the Town. The Town should see if there is a way around the regulations for roads in rural areas. There may be a waiver available for rural roads. If not, perhaps our representatives could get a waiver process legislated. I hope the plans for the road are put on the back burner until common sense changes are made. - RH
[My real fear is the day this scene will replay itself on roads like Myrtle, Seekonk, Cleveland, Union, North, Lawrence. If all this transformation is due to the sidewalks, are the sidewalks legally mandated, or just a would-like-to-have? Can we put in more modest sidewalks right along the edge of the road if we don't ask for state funds? - Wm.]
8/8 1:03am Regarding the sidewalks on Medway Branch - The cutting of all the marked trees has, apparently, not yet been approved. I think the whole thing still needs to pass through the planning board. From what I understand, the idea is to create an unbroken sidewalk connection from Cape Cod Estates to the downtown area. I'm all for sidewalks, but not if we are forced to follow blanket laws that don't apply well to rural type environments. Cutting down 100+ year old trees is just not worth it. After speaking with Butch Vito, I've learned that one can partially blame well intentioned, but poorly applicated Mass and Federal laws. The need to cut so many trees stems from the following. You have to add the absolute minimum width of the road, which loses any current narrower grandfathered width once any work is done to it (24ft), with the minimum sidewalk width (per the American's with Disabilities Act) of 5ft, plus a 2ft loam strip between the sidewalk and road, plus the width of the granite curbs themselves. Hence, one ends up turning a street with a rural feel into a sreet with a "suburban" feel. I don't know about anyone else, but my family and I moved to Norfolk because we loved the rural feel to it. If we wanted to live somewhere with a "suburban" feel, we would have chosen somewhere else. We didn't want to move to a town that wasn't quite "perfect" in our eyes, and then change it. I understand the fact that attempting to take a walk on the streets in town is dangerous because of careless, speeding motorists. However, once one widens and repaves a road, motorists tend to drive even faster. A good example of this would be where Seekonk Street turns into South Street in Medfield. From what I understand, South Street was the same widith as Seekonk a few years ago. Now they have a "nice" suburban style street with a sidewalk, an an unrealistic posted speed limit of 30 MPH, which if I actually abided by, I'd have ten cars behind me kissing my bumper. I do believe that a compromise and a solution exists. However, with today's well intentioned, but strangulating laws, I don't think that realistic solutions can be implemented. - JED
[South Street in Medfield used to be a very pretty, windy, tree-lined rural road that was "sidewalkized," along with the widening and straightening that brings. See the posts back in August 2002, including post of 8/19 2:51pm and 8/20 9:04am - Wm.]
8/6 8:44am KC - I walk Medway Branch often and I can't figure out why they chose it for sidewalks. It is wide and straight and you have to stop in the middle which forces people to slow down a bit. Now, Medway Street, that needs a sidewalk! You take your life in your hands walking that street. People speed and there are many points on the road that are totally blind for walkers and drivers. Why Medway Branch and not Medway, anyone know? - MJD
8/5 3:51pm Wm. - the trees coming down may be making room for a sidewalk that we need. - KC
[Yes, but on both sides of the street? And why not run the sidewalk among/behind the trees? Why not put a sidewalk right next to the road, avoiding the trees - it's certainly wide enough? It'll take a few weeks to put in the sidewalks, but it'll take a century for trees that size to grow again. - Wm.]
8/5 10:38am The stones must be in the same place as the trees from the library, the Goodwill trailer and the old town hill bandstand. - MA
[Soon to be followed by all the large trees lining Medway Branch Rd., it appears. Looks like they're widening the road by 3-4 feet on either side, especially at the Boardman end. Transfer Station Boulevard, anyone? - Wm.]
8/4 10:44pm We were told on Norfolk T.V. that the old stone wall in town center will be used for the new wall - well, not one stone is being used. What happened to the old stones? If they were not going to be used, they should not have told the people of the town they would be. Walk around town center and see what's going on. Thank you. - KC
8/4 10:43pm looking for bridge players for my Mother who visits us on a regular basis. please contact jlwin84@comcast.net Thanks! - JW 8/4 2:34pm Another installment of Conversation Corner, with Richard Connors, NCTV, (pictured on left) and Butch Vito, Highway Department Superintendent, (right) is to be shown on Norfolk Community TV Channel 22. This public-interest program reviews the status of the road work currently in process as well as work being planned. The times that the show will be shown are 2PM and 8PM every day on Channel 22. Questions are welcome; see the Highway Department Website [click]. - RH
8/4 1:34pm Any recommendations for new garage door openers and keyless entry? Looking to find someone local. Thanks, - JD
8/4 8:34am Hi, does anyone have a recommendation for a builder who can finish my basement in a reasonable time frame with a reasonable budget? Thanks. - SWS
8/4 8:32am [Rebuttal by DS to JF's repeated emphasis, challenging the prices charged, was also removed. See post of 8/3 10:50pm - Wm.]
8/4 8:21am JHB - I recommend Charlie Hewitt (508-528-5675) for the gutters, fascias and soffits. - DLJ
8/3 10:50pm Jim Flannery's company is Weatherproof Construction (508-553-0943) and has put on many roofs in Norfolk. We are located in town and we DO NOT sub-contract the work to others[. ...] - JF
[8/4 10:18am Removed the repeated emphasis. We'd prefer head-to-head comparisons more on the merits, less on how the job gets done - Wm.]
8/3 8:23pm To HMB: I cannot for the life of me figure out the comparison of dogs and cats running wild. I have yet to see a cat run after a kid on a bike, or kill a chicken or a cat down the street. Maybe the occasional mouse - but hey... I am the responsible owner of both a dog and a cat. Yes, my cat roams free - but not my dog. I would like to think that my dog is a meathead - the nicest dog in the world, would never bite any one - however, he will take you down at the knees to lick you, and looks menacing coming at full speed. But, as a responsible owner, I never leave my dog out alone unchained. Neighborhood dogs however, do roam free. They have come into my yard and growled at my three year old, and let me tell you if I had my weapon of choice that day... the dog's owners would probably have been very upset. I have seen A LOT of dogs roam free here in Norfolk and it is disturbing. My toddler should not have to fear our back yard and I should not have to fence it in. If in fact you don't care that you are followed home from an unknown dog - hooray for you. I, however, have major issues with the stupidity of owners who don't believe their dog is a problem, or worse yet, leave them to roam while they are at work. I will not be responsible for another person's dog, and I will not be responsible for your dog or my actions if yours attacks my child. This is MY HOUSE, and MY PROPERTY, and no, I don't think I should have to play guard duty in my back yard - nor should anyone else. - LMB
8/3 4:29pm JHB, we used Weatherproof Construction for the exact same thing. Jim was very quick to respond. He is listed on the Town Businesses page. - PFD
8/3 2:46pm Does anyone know of a company who will repair my gutter and the board underneath it? - JHB
8/3 10:45am HMB - The venting of your frustration is completely misdirected. You should be upset with people who let their animals become other people's responsibility (you can read my initial post for examples). I took responsibility for my actions. I listed in painful detail the who, what, where, when, why and how of that day. We take chances every day of our lives and put ourselves and loved ones in unsafe situations. Kids bring guns to school and shoot people. Do we home school all our children? Auto accidents happen every day. Do we stop driving? There are risks associated with every decision one makes, no matter how big or small. There are ways to minimize the risk, though. If you own a dog, keep it on your own property. It's a simple solution and you owe it to your neighbors and the animal. I took responsibility for my actions and I'm asking others to do the same. - DTM
8/3 8:44am To MHC: I would like to offer you a free consultation on your roof. I am a resident of Norfolk and a Licensed builder. I have roofing crews that are second to none. Most of the homes that I do are completed in 1 to 1 1/2 days. I do pull permits with the Town of Norfolk. My contact information is as follows: David Smith, 508-553-8996, Cell 617-224-8637. - DS
8/2 9:25pm DTM - If your cat was sitting in YOUR yard, under YOUR supervision, then how is it you never heard or saw the animal that harmed it? Was your cat fenced in or tied up to your deck? Couldn't it have possibly wandered into the woods without you noticing? I am not trying to ``blame the victim'' here rather I am venting my frustration at the fact that people are always looking to play the blame game rather then take responsibility for their own actions. The fact is you allowed your declawed cat to be outside unsupervised and you took a chance. No, this is not illegal, but it is also not a safe situation to put your cat in. Again, I am very sorry for your loss. I know from personal experience how tough it is to lose a pet. I only hope that you can reflect fondly on the years you had with your cat and learn from this experience.
8/2 5:53pm MHC - We were very happy with the roofing job Master's Touch (508) 359-5900 performed. Ask to have Jack do the work. They took longer than a day but they were thorough, polite, punctual and very clean. - DTM
8/2 5:51pm HMB - First, you're putting words in my mouth. Being the foremost authority on my opinion and what I say, I can tell you I never said it is okay for cats to roam and dogs not to roam. "If you felt that dogs are running wild in your neighborhood then you shouldn't have allowed your declawed cat to roam outdoors defenseless." Neither should roam unsupervised. My cat did not roam. She sat on MY deck in MY yard which should be free of trespassers of any kind. She was a sedate 15 year old cat who liked to lie in the sunshine. How typical of people to blame the victim. My cat was not killed by anything other than a dog. If it were "another cat, a hawk or even a rabid raccoon" I would have never posted a message on the board. Those animals, with the exception of the cat, belong in the wild. I still blame the owner of the dog. Had their animal not been loose my cat would still be alive. Sure one could say if my cat had not been loose than my cat would still be alive, but I didn't do anything illegal by letting my cat out on my property. Let's not forget it is illegal in this town to let your dog roam off the leash. - DTM
8/2 4:50pm For MHC: Jim Flannery - 508-520-3063 - has been roofing for years and did my roof... Give him a call. "No rain drops are falling on my head" job well done. - ER
8/2 3:38pm To MHC - We used Essary Roofing in Franklin (508-528-9886), and I would highly recommend them. They did the job in one day (tearing off our old roof and putting on a new one) and we were very happy with the whole process. - ATB
8/2 2:04pm This community website provides so many valuable services for Norfolk residents. I write today to see if any one can recommend a good roofing company. Preferably, it is someone that you have used so that you can give a personal reference for their work quality. Thanks in advance. - MHC
8/2 2:00pm DTM, Although I am very sorry to hear about the death of your cat I do not think it is right for you to blame anyone - especially Norfolk dog owners. Allowing a declawed cat out into the wild, especially unsupervised, is irresponsible. Your cat did not have any way of protecting itself from any other creatures whether it is another cat, a hawk or even a rabid raccoon. Unless you have a gate around your yard you have no way of preventing something from entering it, "safe haven" or not. Are you saying it's ok to allow a cat to run free but not a dog? If so, that's hypocritical. I suppose it is just the area of town I live in, but I don't actually see dogs running wild in my neighborhood on a regular basis. Occasionally I will see a dog (or one will follow me home from a walk) but that is usually a result of a broken electric fence or someone leaving a door open - these are accidents and not owners "allowing" their dogs to run free. I realize you are upset but please remember that a pet is an owner's responsibility. If you felt that dogs are running wild in your neighborhood then you shouldn't have allowed your declawed cat to roam outdoors defenseless. - HMB
8/2 1:59pm Our thanks to the highway department for installing the New "Watch for Children" sign on Seekonk street. This new style of signage is very effective with bold yellow-green Coloring and picture of child running after a ball. Motorists will definitely take note of it. - JG
8/2 11:56am For JHB - For clock restoral I recommend calling Fred Hannon in Westwood. He can get it done for you. Call me at my office at 508-337-6777 and I will get your info and then have him give you a call. - BF
8/2 11:26am If anyone is looking for someone who installs gutter guards I used Dave Smith who posted a message back on July 5th. I looked around for a while but found the prices for many kinds of guards were ridiculous, until I found Dave. He came out to my house to check it out and within a week I had my guards installed, and at a fraction of the price of other companies. He also builds 3 season and year round porches, so check him out. He is at 508-553-8996. Certainly fast and very friendly service. - DM
8/1 2:21pm PHT - I know I wasn't worked up... This is a forum to ask questions, share opinions, voice concerns etc. It's still ok to speculate. Glad to hear it's not oil, thanks for the info. - MJD
8/1 10:55am Certainly you have a "fat" tree!! I measure the circumference about breast high via a tape measure with a hole in it at about "zero" that allows me to bang a small nail through the tape to hold the tape which I march around the tree. So if the circumference is 248 inches then quickly divide by 3 and you have 8 feet plus.
Since Circumference = pi times diameter (pi is 3.14), thus diameter is Circumference divided by pi.
Any idea of age ond /or type? Are they along the scenic road? Hm, wonder if a Sequoia will show up...
- JO
7/31 2:41pm To JO, I don't know how you are measuring the trees, but your posting made my husband and me interested to see the size of some of our trees. One of the trees in our yard is approximately 8 feet 6 inches in diameter and some are even larger. Thanks for the great idea! - EF
7/31 12:47pm Looking for folks to play tennis on weekends or early evenings. I use to belong to a tennis club but, since I moved to Norfolk a few months back have not had the opportunity to play. I'm rated a 4.4/7.0 player and would enjoy either playing singles or doubles. If interested please contact me at shamonotee@comcast.net - PN
7/31 10:43am Hi! I have TONS of (used, but in good condition) moving boxes if there is anyone out there who could use them... 508-520-4241. - SWS
7/30 9:11pm To JFM - Replying to your message of 7/9 - There are two full size regulation baseball fields in Norfolk. One is at the Pond Street Recreation Complex and the other is at the Freeman Centennial School. The allocation of fields is done 3 times per year by the Recreation Commission. If you have a group that would like space allocated to you at particular times, please attend the Allocation meeting. The Fall Allocation Meeting is August 9 at 7:45PM in the Recreation offices located on the ground floor of the Town Hall. Preference is given to Norfolk groups. Field Fees apply to groups that have space allocated to them. In addition, proof of insurance is required. If you have further questions, please contact Norfolk Recreation at 508-520-1315 or email us at recreation@virtualnorfolk.org. - Ann Proto, Norfolk Recreation Director
7/30 4:47pm For those of you concerned citizens who are all worked up about the roads in the center of Town being sprayed by oil - my question to you is have you called the highway dept or gone down to the workers and asked them what method they are using to keep the dust down. I suspect not. It is sodium chloride. The same thing they use for melting ice and snow. When it is warm like it is, sodium chloride melts, yes melts on its own and mixes with the dirt. It takes on an oily looking appearance but it keeps the dust down. So the next time you suspect that something illegal is being done on a Town and State sanctioned project, ask or question, don't accuse.
7/30 8:56am Received this announcement from Town Hall: Due to new landfill regulations, mattress and box springs cannot be disposed of in landfills or waste to energy plants.It will be necessary to charge for disposal of these items beginning August 15, 2004. The cost will be $25.00 per item. Please take advantage of vendor disposal when you make new purchases.
Thank you,
Norfolk Recycling/Transfer Station Staff- RH
7/29 3:03pm To JT: Tom Bridge of Bridge Wood Floors is excellent, honest, on time, and reasonably priced. I've used him three different times, and even waited three months for him once. His number is 508-476-2498. If you want more info, we can communicate through the webmaster. To others who responded to our request for builders, thank you. We appreciate it. - TC
7/29 2:03pm HPK - They are Red Shouldered Hawks. I identified them by their call. There's a website with detailed info on hundreds of bird species, [here]. They were here last summer too. There's definitely more than one, so I'm guessing it's a nesting pair. I hear them almost every day, and see them often too, as they're practically in my backyard. I've noticed lately that our massive backyard population of chipmunks this spring isn't quite as massive as it was! They're beautiful birds. - JED
7/29 12:30pm To SC looking for volunteer opportunities - Do they drive? Work with computers? Want to work outdoors? The churches, Norfolk food pantry, and Norfolk Together know folks in need. I am aware of folks, mostly elderly, that could use some help with transportation or yard work. Please e-mail me at box15@norfolknet.com if you want more details. To TC looking for a good general contractor for work on an antique house - I recommend Sam Zeigler and also Bob Pouliot of Home Coal Co. Inc. He lives nearby and the office number is 401-769-3810.
For PN looking for a service station - for years I have been using Tire and Auto Specialists of Walpole 508-668-4103. They are just off route 1A in Walpole center and are close to the Walpole train station.
7/29 11:03am I am looking for someone to repair an antique grandfather clock. Is there anyone local who could do this? The clock was built sometime in the 1800's. - JHB
7/29 11:02am Can anyone recommend a nanny? I am going back to work full-time in the fall and would like to have a nanny for my kids, age 3 and 16 mos. Also, does anyone know the average going rate for this service? - JHB
7/29 8:41am TLJ - Thank you for your condolences. There is a leash law in town. Contrary to popular belief dogs are not allowed to run free in Norfolk. When we see a pack of roaming dogs run through our yard (it happens more than one would think) we call animal control. 508-528-3232. - DTM
7/29 8:14am Can anyone recommend a good hardwood floor person? We have floors that need to be stripped, repaired and refinished. We have tried calling people in the phonebook... and no one calls back! Any help is appreciated. Thank you. - JT
7/29 8:13am To DTM: That is so horrible about your cat. I am so sorry. Your story made me cry (and angry). I agree that there are many dogs in this town that are given free roam of their neighborhoods. I, too, have an all hours barker in my neighborhood. Both situations are SO annoying. Is there truly a leash law in this town? And, if so, who do we call to enforce it?
7/29 8:12am TEM and HNP: there are two or more birds of prey living in the woods on either side of Medway Branch (before Tucker). You can often hear them calling when you walk by, or see them flying from tree to tree. I don't know what kind they are -- they've gotten pretty close to me, but not enough to discern all the markings. I wonder if they're raising young there, since I first noticed them in the late winter. - HPK
7/28 1:07pm Re: Why can't other people keep their animals on their own property? I agree; I've owned animals all my life I can agree with your statement. I would never let my dog out of the yard to bother other people, so always on a leash. People today are just not responsible or held accountable for thir children or animals. I have neighbors that let their dog bark from sunup to 11:30 at night, never yell at him to quiet down. This to me is just disrespectful to the neighborhood. Unfortunately we now have to have a piece of mind with everything we do because some people could care less or worry about their animals or children running loose. I was at the airport the other day at a restaurant having dinner before a flight, this couple was letting their child walk around to every table and bother people as they ate. Sure this was cute for the first 10 min, don't get me wrong I have kid and love kids. This went on for 1 hour and this child was pretty bold as to take food off these tables. All the couple did was look over their shoulder every 10 min or so and laugh. People today have less etiquette than I've seen in my 40 something years. It's an extreme delight to hear a child say thank you or please when I'm out... let alone hold a door. Sorry to rant! - JD
7/28 1:05pm DTM - My condolences on the loss of your cat. People who allow their dogs to roam free have absolutely no respect for their neighbors, the law, or their dogs. It cost us thousands to fence in our yard to contain and protect our dog. If folks aren't willing to spend the money, they should think twice about getting a dog. - DF
7/28 1:04pm To HNP: Thanks for the great link and information. Further investigation on that site clearly revealed that it was not the rare Peregrine Falcon but a red-tailed hawk that I saw. I haven't seen deer in the area for the past few years (although the fox, skunk, and coyote population appear to be on the rise). When we first moved here there were deer everywhere. On a Christmas eve morning back in the 80's my neighbor's front lawn looked like a live Christmas card with eight deer standing like statues on a background of pure white snow that had fallen in the early morning hours. - TEM
7/28 11:32am We had quite a "treat" the other day as well. Our 15 year old cat was killed on our property by a dog or pack of dogs. Before all dog owners complain that I could not possibly know it was a dog, an autopsy by a veterinarian confirmed that a large dog was responsible for crushing our cats rib cage and puncturing her lung. What a great way for a sweet, gentle, personable animal to die. She was not an outdoor cat. She had no front claws and never strayed. She occasionally liked to sit on our attached, outdoor deck and stay warm in the sun. She can't do that anymore. I've since learned that a wild animal such as a coyote or fox would not have let the carcass sit but would have taken it into the woods which surround our property. Unless rabid they do not kill for the sport of it. Which leaves the culprit to be one of the many, many, dogs which roam my neighborhood unwatched and unleashed. Why is your dog my responsibility? Why do I have to clean up their waste on my lawn or in my house after one of my young children tracks it into the house? And most importantly, why did your dog and you as the owner (I hold you responsible, the animal is an innocent creature) make me have to explain to a child much too young what death and killing are and why their pet was out on the lawn no longer moving? You should have to try that one. I can only wish I could know who you are.
I love animals. I've owned dogs, cats, birds and even hamsters throughout my life. I've owned these animals and cared for them. Why can't other people keep their animals on their own property? Why get an animal if you plan on making it someone else's responsibility? These are selfish, inconsiderate, boorish people and you know who you are. There is a leash law in this town.
And to those who may say I was taking a chance by letting my cat outside, the cat was killed on my property, which is supposed to be a safe haven for me and my family. Which brings me to the point that if a dog would kill a cat would it think twice about going after a 2 year old? I won't be taking any chances any more when my kids are outside. No more giving the benefit of the doubt.
Wm. - Thank you for the therapy session. The check is in the mail ;)
7/28 11:29am We have just moved to this beautiful town and my one year old son would love to make some playpals. I work during the week, so am looking for someone who can pick him up and take him to a playgroup for a couple of hours during the week. If you know of anyone who fits the bill with the appropriate references, please contact Angela after 7:00 pm on weekdays at 508-541-6711 or at anrpatel1@yahoo.com. Or if you know of a playgroup on the weekends, please let me know! Thanks! - AP 7/28 9:33am TEM: It's always wonderful to see the birds of prey in flight. You may have seen either a hawk or a Peregrine falcon. Check out the following link to see the differences. Peregrine Falcons are listed as endangered and I have only come across two in the last 8 years [click for linked page] - HNP
7/28 9:32am TEM - I too had a treat today. I was on my porch at around 7:30am making a call to my boss, and I heard something in the woods; when I looked up I saw 2 deer, both very tall and wanting to find their way out of my yard. I now know what has demolished my wife's garden. - LS
7/28 9:30am MJD... I believe you're right about the gallons of oil being sprayed to keep the dirt down during road construction in the center of town. I question the legality of that since just a couple of years ago, several town families went through a terrible time when the supply line for one of the homeowner's heating oil tank began leaking underground. It wasn't discovered until gallons of oil had seeped into the ground and contaminated drinking water wells. Bottled water had to be used by everyone affected and the geologists were brought in to guess where the oil would travel underground. It cost everyone time, money and a lot of hard feelings. But, it appears that it's now OK to dump oil on the ground in front of Town Hill and elsewhere, so I no longer have to worry about where to dispose of my used motor oil the next time I change it. With my tongue planted firmly in my cheek, I remain... - RP
7/27 4:06pm What a treat! While out for a walk in the Fruit Street area I just spotted what I believe was a red-tailed hawk (brownish with speckled white front). Unless it was another species. Must be feasting on all these chipmunks. - TEM
7/26 6:19pm To TC - I recommend Sam Zeigler, 528-8747. He does good work and is especially good at understanding antiques. - ML
7/26 12:00pm Regarding the oil spill post - Is it possible that they sprinkled oil on the dirt at the intersection of 115 and Liberty Lane? I was walking there last night and it sure looks like it and smells like it. I remember in the 70's my uncle would dump used motor oil on his dirt driveway to keep the dust down, and it looks and smells just like his driveway did. I though that it was illegal now to do that, that is why he stopped. Any one else notice this? - MJD
7/26 10:48am Are your kids bored? Check out this website: http://bensguide.gpo.gov/ It is "Ben (Franklin's) Guide to the US Government", for four age groups: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. They have a page of links to other Government websites for kids: http://bensguide.gpo.gov/subject.html and a link to Federal Kids Sites: http://www.kids.gov/ There is also a list of US Government Web Sites for Parents and Educators: http://bensguide.gpo.gov/pt/subject.html - RH
7/25 2:16pm Has the EPA been notified of the big 'oil spill' in the road in front of the town hill? Anyone travelling from the center down North Street will see the giant streaks of oil which don't dissipate until you reach the Recreation fields. That oil will be there for years, so drive carefully especially on rainy days. (The old 'oil and water' adage, remember?). - RP
7/25 9:03am To PN: I highly recommend Daley Service right in the center of town. They are always prompt, give good estimates, and I've never had to bring my vehicle back twice for the same mechanical repair. They are a little more costly in labor than the others in town, but I find their service worth it. - HN
7/25 9:02am PN - Try Daley's in the center of town. I've had nothing but good experiences with them. I had a problem with my emergency brake on my truck, and the final cost to me was well below the maximum they quoted me. Very honest and hard working folks. They don't have the fancy computers that some repairs require, but then again, no one does except the dealers. Good, honest businesses like theirs are hard to find these days, so it pays to support their efforts. - DF
7/25 8:58am I'm looking for volunteer opportunities for my high school age sons for the rest of the summer. Any ideas? - SC
7/24 9:07pm Can anyone recommend a good general contractor in the area? We're ready to bid out an addition on our antique house, and would welcome any recommendations, particularly someone with some experience working on antiques. As you would imagine, we want someone highly skilled, dependable, honest, and, of course, reasonably priced. Any suggestions would be welcomed. - TC
7/23 9:15pm I'm looking for a service station in the area to have some work done on my car and would appreciate any recommendations for an honest, reasonable mechanic. Thank you, - PN
7/23 1:56pm The web cam link IS linked to the library web site AND thru the Town Hall linl to the library site. Go to http://users.rcn.com/npl/ and click on New Web Cam. Apparently the Town Hall server (on which the web cam resides) was down for a while this morning and this may have caused confusion. - HB
[I'm looking at that page, but when I search it, I don't find the words "New Web Cam," or anything that has Web or Cam in it (with or without caps). ... Aha, I found out why - a large portion of the Library page (the menus and links) is not viewable without JavaScript being enabled. I wonder why, it's only navigation. - Wm.]
7/23 12:58pm To JO: I found some information about the home on Lake Street. This information was obtained from the virtualnorfolk.com web site. Below is a link to a page full of information about historic homes in Norfolk [here]. - PD
7/23 12:52pm The link to the Cam looking at the Library is: http://cam.virtualnorfolk.org/view/view.shtml. - RH
[Oh, I see -- the web cam is not linked from the library web site, but rather from the Town Hall site's library page. - Wm.]
7/23 10:41am To JO et al, I am watching with great interest the hunt for the largest diameter trees in Norfolk as it is certainly intriguing and of historical relevance. Here's a pic of that tree, I believe, on Lake Street and some info on the residence [click on image to enlarge]. I will be happy to post on the Town of Norfolk's Historical Commission's website the top 5-10 diameter trees in Norfolk with their pictures and keep this as an on-going, running "contest" for the largest diameter/oldest/most historical trees in Norfolk.
If you want to copy me on diameters and pics - I'll post - or pull the info from the Norfolknet website.
Keep the hunt goin',The Samuel Dunton House / Cress Brook Farm
51 Lake StreetThis house is certainly a survivor as it made it through several fires in its over 300 years of existence. This was the original home of Samuel Dunton Sr. who died in 1749, "by the fall of a tree". He was the father of Samuel Jr. as well as Gershom and Benjamin who both settled in Medfield. Gershom Dunton achieved some notoriety for his participation in early colonial wars. For a period of time in the 1700s the house was owned by Dr. Nathaniel Miller who later owned the famous Boyde House at 86 Myrtle Street. His thread mill at River End on Myrtle Street was powered by the stream that exits Crystal Lake across the street from the Dunton House. Col. Ebenezer Blake who owned the "store near the old North Wrentham church" lived here in the 1800s. Ed Sumner, a descendent of one of the oldest Puritan families of the Dorchester colony, later raised watercress on the farm in the early 1900s for the trendy New York markets.
- Regards, Bill Domineau, NHC Chairman, BDomineau@yahoo.com
7/23 10:38am Maybe it's just my computer, but the library web cam doesn't seem to be working. My computer is on Comcast cable. Anyone else having better luck? - JD
[The image on top right is a photograph taken a while ago. I couldn't find the link to the webcam, either - Wm.]
7/22 4:03pm Thanks, PD. The tree on Lake St. is so far the widest. Measures approximately 6.3 feet in diameter easily. Don't know what type of tree, but in a beautiful setting with the pond across the way and the tennis court and house in back. Anyone have any history facts? - JO
[A sycamore, I believe - Wm.]
7/22 3:18pm Calling all Sidewalk Superintendents! Put on your virtual hard hats and watch the construction of the library take place. This is thanks to Chris McClure, our Town's IT coordinator, and John Spinney of the Library staff. The new web cam is mounted high up in the Town Offices, so it gives a nice bird's-eye view. Go to the Public Library web site (it's on the menu bar to the left) and when the library Home Page comes up, click on "Live Web Cam." You should get the image right away (slower if you have a dial-up connection). To see things move around, click on your "refresh" button every 30 seconds or so.
- Harvey Boulay, Library Trustee
7/22 11:38am Is there a mother's group in Norfolk where the moms can commiserate together and the kids can do activities? I know one just started in Walpole but have not heard of one here. Sounds like fun! - JB
[3:15pm Update: Such a group was formed earlier this year; see post of 2/2 9:55pm - Wm.]
7/21 10:40pm Thank you to everyone from Norfolk who helped make the Dog Days of Summer/Bike for the Blind Softball Tournament at Sweatt Fields in Wrentham an extraordinary success this past Sunday. The weather was beautiful and all those who played had a wonderful time. I was humbled by the compassion and generosity of so many people, both young and not so young, who pulled together for this worthwhile cause. THANK YOU to Al and Ellen Rao of Prudential Page, Norfolk Lions members Ed Melanson, Scott Dittrich, Paul Terrio, and Joe Sebastiano, Norfolk Girls Softball, Pete DiCenso, Bruce Johnston, and so many others who either came as part of a team to play, volunteered to help out with umpiring and other activities of the day, or made extremely generous contributions. The day was put into perfect perspective as Laurie, a young girl from Franklin who has been blind since birth, got on her brand new tandem bike, and as the crowd cheered, took a ride around the fields. - Craig Koch, President, King Philip Men's Softball
7/21 10:36pm From Town Hall Notices: The Norfolk Police Department has partnered with Project ChildSafe, a nation-wide firearms safety program, in an effort to help ensure safe, responsible firearms ownership. [...] Anyone wishing to obtain a free gun lock may do so by stopping at the police station and requesting one. We will provide up to three (3) free locks per request; each lock is individually keyed. [...] ``No Questions Asked.'' [Full details here]- RH
7/21 10:35pm I went to Kids Place this afternoon and was very happy to see a fence. Now we can relax a bit, not so fearful that one of the little ones will dart our into the parking area. Great job! Now, if only we could get a port-a-potty on the site. Ah, it never ends does it? - JW
7/21 3:18pm Wednesday, August 25, 2004, is the last day to register to vote at the September 14, 2004, Special Town Election and State Primary Election. Anyone who has not previously registered, is a new resident, or will become 18 on or before August 25th may register by mail or in the office of the Town Clerk. [Read on for details] - GB
7/21 12:11pm To JO - What about the huge tree on Lake Street in front of the white house across from the lake. - PD
7/19 11:29pm I recorded some wrong info. The tree I reported on South Seekonk is really on Needham St., about No. 29. My error!! - JO
7/19 7:57pm JO - (or anyone else who may know) After reading the post about the three 4' 9" diameter trees, I wanted to see them for myself. I found the white oak near the Medfield line on Orchard St., (Fruit St. in Norfolk), and the maple on the corner of Brookside and Seekonk. Both are absolutely amazing. Can you give a more specific location for the White Ash, mentioned as being on "Seekonk South?" I'd love to see this tree as well! - JD
7/19 3:50pm To MP - For guitar lessons call Bill Trainor in Wrentham 508-384-2518. Call between 11am-7pm - leave a message if he is not there. He will return your call. - BR
7/18 4:41pm The mystery of the "booms" near Cleveland St. has been solved. I asked Jane of Jane and Paul's Farm if she knew what the sound was and, lo and behold, it's a cannon that they fire to keep the birds out of the corn. I still have a problem with it going off so early and often on a Sunday, but I love their corn as much as anyone and I guess I can put up with the booms until Fall. Anyway, I won't sleep better because of knowing what is making the booms, but that smidge of sanity I have left is still intact. - BWB
7/18 4:04pm To BWB: There is a "gun club" (I'm not certain what they call themselves) located on the land near the intersection of Holbrook Street and Rt. 115. Could this be what you're hearing? The area is relatively close to Cleveland Street. I used to hear shots coming from there (especially on weekends), but haven't noticed them lately. Not even sure the club is still active. - TEM
7/18 4:02pm Hi all. I started the DSL discussion a few weeks ago when I was considering switching from Comcast high-speed cable internet over to Verizon DSL. Well... I gave Verizon DSL a chance and it was a complete disaster. First off, Verizon's online web site supposedly "tested" my line and informed me that it qualified for DSL service. In reality, as it turns out, my line was not DSL ready at all (but, they don't tell you this). Instead, they had to come out and install a Network Interface Device (I believe that's what it's called) on the phone line coming into the house. In the process of doing so, the technician inadvertently disconnected our phone service. We were without phone service for more the 24 hours before they could get back. Once the DSL was finally installed, I spent two hours on the phone with technicians (including 2nd level techs) who, in the end, could not get figure out why the speed of the connection was incredibly slow (it took five minutes just to load the Norfolk Net home page). I do not have a firewall or any other software that would interfere with the connection. They tested the entire computer. I'm using a brand new, Dell laptop, running Windows XP Home Edition. I am in a newer house in a new neighborhood in Norfolk, and as Wm. suggests, maybe this is the problem. On the other hand, I was trying to do the Verizon installation on Thursday 7/15, and according to LS, the Verizon service was completely down during this time. Maybe this was the problem. I will never know for sure, but at any rate, I called Verizon on Friday and requested an immediate disconnect of the service due to my dissatisfaction during the installation process. They kept my on hold for more than 30 minutes while various people in their "customer retention" dept came on the line and tried to persuade me to stay on as a customer. I don't know about anyone else, but I just don't have the time to spend on this whole process and I certainly don't want to sign up for a service that has these outages. I have an excellent high-speed internet connection through Comcast cable that works quite well. The small amount of $$ that I would have saved each month would have been overshadowed by the hassle of setting up this service and putting up with these outages. I'm staying with Comcast! My 2 cents...... - JC
7/18 8:57am HNP - Thanks for the response. Yesterday (Saturday) the booms went almost every 5 to 10 minutes until about 8:00 p.m. This morning I was wakened by a volley of booms at 6:30 a.m. and they have been going on since then quite regularly. I thought we had some sort of ordinance about noise before a certain hour. I called the police and asked what they know about the booms (one just went off) and I was told that my call was the first that they had ever heard about "booms" in the Cleveland St. area. Somebody out there knows exactly what these sounds are and for the sake of my sanity (or what little is left) please reveal the source. - BWB
7/17 11:35pm BWB: Many agricultural farms use a boom product to keep animals out of the crops. They are regularly timed on a daily basis for when the animals are most apt to be in the area. I know a few prisons in MA have also employed these devices in the past for the turkeys. I'm not saying that that is what it is for sure, but it is a logical explanation if they are timed on a regular schedule and happen during the crops' growing season. - HNP
7/17 11:33pm Does anyone have information on Avoca Circle, the new street going in off of Park Street? - RM
7/17 8:29pm The Garden Club of Norfolk is looking for local artists and sculptors to display their work at a planned spring art show. The program, Art and Blossoms, will be held in Norfolk and be open to the public. For further information please contact Helena D. at (508) 541-7613, or Brenda Z. at (508) 520-0203. [more info here] - DC
7/17 2:00pm I live in the Cleveland St. area of town and I would really love to know what or who is making the "cannon-like" sounds. They have been going on for years, only in the summer and I can't even determine if they are coming from the Seekonk St. area or the Jane and Paul's Farm area. They have been very regular and going on for hours this morning. What is it??? - BWB
7/17 1:55pm RD - You're right, Norton was not my problem. But the operating system is not either. Verizon DSL has been down for last 2 days. It was not working at my neighbor's house, a friend's house who lives on North Street, as well as my wife's friend who lives in Franklin. Verizon does not like to admit these outages. This happened last week (when I posted) and I, being the new subscriber to DSL, though it was my machine. Verizon thought it was my machine. They had me deleting files, changing the registry, etc. My machine is fine, it's not Windows. All of us are up online again and all around the same time. On the positive note, these 2 outages (according to my friend who had DSL for a while in Norfolk) are not that common. The joke has been amongst us that since I became a subscriber I have brought down DSL in the area. - LS
7/16 9:40pm In response to LS - Norton is not your problem and neither is the DSL, it is your operating system. Windows 98 is not designed to run with a DSL line nor with Norton anti virus or fire wall. I have both Norton anti virus and fire wall in my machine and I run Windows 2000 Office edition, and it works fine no problems. In response as well to the DSL thing, I would like to know if the people with DSL live in Norfolk, because I was told by both Verizon and Comcast that DSL service is not available in Norfolk and won't be anytime soon. I also have a comment about state wildlife law. It is the state's policy, not Hilary's, so why shoot the messenger.
- RD
[We too have broadband on Windows 98, and ours is running just fine. Every version of Windows since 3.11 was designed to work with a local office network, and DSL and broadband are less demanding than what even a Pentium-133 PC could easily cope with. It's not Windows.As to DSL, DSL availability depends on the distance of a house from the telephone exchange and on whether the connection is all-copper (vs. partially fiber). DSL requires an all-copper connection no longer than 20,000 feet (with no fiber anywhere along the path). People living closer to the edges of town and in older houses probably can get DSL, people in newer houses or more in the center of town probably can't. Also, since Norfolk doesn't have its own exchange, DSL availability depends on whether it's offered at the respective exchange (Franklin, Walpole, Millis, etc.) that services the customer. - Wm.]
7/16 5:35pm My teenage daughter is interested in taking guitar lessons. Can anyone recommend a good teacher? Thanks. - MP
7/15 6:19pm How sad we had to sacrifice the maple trees for the library addition, what a waste, the moonscape just grew. No old trees left in the center of town. - MSC
7/13 11:37pm How sad that the Goodwill trailer had to be removed from the transfer station because people were putting their "trash" inside. So now we know that they don't just throw it out on the roads but had very nicely had put it in the Goodwill. The Goodwill trailer will not be back!! - BR
7/13 11:16pm Actually it is not town hall that prefers to have all power outages reported to NSTAR directly (at 1-800-592-2000), it is NSTAR that asked us to send the messsage out. The more people that call them, the better their response. They can locate the source of the outage more quickly based on the location of the calls they receive. Their system is automated so everyone should call in and let them track the souce. - Jack McFeeley, Selectman
7/13 6:57pm JMD- You can build a shed totaling 120 square feet or less without a permit, according to this FAQ on the Building Department's web page. - DF
7/13 6:43pm TO JMD: Taken directly from the Building Department Page.... Is a permit required for the construction of a shed?And yes, sheds are taxed. Hope this helps.
Sheds over 120 sq. ft. (10'x12') require a building permit (see permit procedures). A shed must be on footings at least 10" in diameter and 4' in the ground and must meet State Building Code requirements for construction. Zoning requires it to be at least the same distance from the grade level to the median of the roof from the side and rear lot lines and 50' set back from the front lot line. Sheds under 120 sq. ft. do not require a building permit but must meet the above zoning setback requirements.- AB
7/13 4:41pm To DC, yes there is work planned on Medway Branch. A sidewalk will be installed. The trees are cut on both sides to accommodate the sidewalk and road reconfiguration. - AW
7/13 2:03pm Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows what the zoning is for a shed? Are they taxed and do we need a permit to put up a non-permanent structure on cinderblocks. Thanks, - JMD
7/12 11:14pm The tree #1 located on Seekonk St. southerly has a circumference of 149 inches. Divided roughly by 3.14 gives us roughly a diameter of about 4 feet 9 inches. Specie is white ash. Beautiful tree. Tree #2 located at the corner of Brookside and Seekonk has a circumference of 150 inches thus the diameter is about 4 feet 9 inches -approx. Specie unknown but impressive in size. Tree #3 located roughly on the boundary line of Medfield as you travel Fruit St is about 150 inches roughly so we have a diameter (approx) 4 feet 9 inches also. The owner reports she thinks the tree is a few hundred years old and the specie is a white oak. Majestic in appearance.
To the person who called me with info on #2 and #3 - Thank you for the call and location data.
- JO
7/12 10:32pm I am wondering why these State owned homes cannot be renovated or sold to Delta and used as sex offender residences. If I remember correctly there are 5 or 6 duplex units that years ago were used for prison employees and their families. The entrance to them is across the street from Norfolk Auto... wasted housing. - ER
[7/14 7:35am Update: the housing name known as "the Oval" - ER]
7/11 11:16pm To soften the summer doldrums I would like to offer a project that should keep participants alert, especially grade 3 and up. The project objective would be to find the tree with the greatest circumference - breast-high along any scenic road in Norfolk. (All roads in Norfolk are designated scenic roads except those numbered like 1A or 115, etc.) I know Mr. Matez's 3rd grade measured trees around the Freeman school last year and got acquainted with C=pi D as a math exercise.
To date there is a tree that I have noticed is along Seekonk St (going South) that is the widest I have seen on the roads I travel. It looks like a white ash and is huge although I haven't measured it yet.
Suggest young ones exercise caution along the roads and hope parental guidance is exercised.
- JO
[Suggest that the measurement be taken at a standard height, like 3 feet, otherwise young kids would have an advantage! - Wm.]
7/11 8:56am Town Hall would prefer that people who have complaints about power outages or other NSTAR problems call NSTAR directly (at 1-800-592-2000) and not go through Town Hall. - Wm.
7/10 7:01pm TO LMB: I have seen people fishing Bush Pond off Park Street and in the pond across from that paint factory (Camger Chemical) on Main Street (City Mills Pond). I have spoken to a couple of fisherman casting into Bush Pond and they both claimed they bagged fish there. Even if you don't catch anything, the little guy will enjoy watching the swans. - TEM
[Also on the Charles River on River Rd. close to Myrtle, or on the DEM land accessible via Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary (see the related discussion on 1/25/2001 8:52pm) - Wm.]
7/9 1:23pm Does anyone know if there is a regulation baseball field (60' 6" to home and 90 ' baselines) in town? If so, are permits needed for reserving the field and how far in advance can the permit be requested? I am especially interested in the Pond St. fields. Thanks! - JFM
7/9 1:22pm Does anyone know of a place to go fresh water fishing around the area. It's time to take our two year old, his father and my Dad. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. - LMB
7/9 11:42am It looks like they are going to be cutting down a lot of trees on Medway Branch. Why? Are they planning to widen the road? - DC
7/9 11:38am PFD - Saw one yesterday for the first time ever - a little black thing. - PC
7/9 11:33am PFD - Yes, we have ruby throated hummingbirds here in Norfolk. I have a nectar feeder that is constantly visited. They seem to be somewhat aggressive toward each other, so there is always only one at a time at the feeder. If another comes by while one is feeding, a chase always ensues. We have our bright red feeder out in the open, hanging from one of those wrought iron plant stands that you just drive into the ground. It's near a flower garden, and about 5 1/2 feet from the ground. We need to change the nectar (one part sugar to 4 parts water) at least once a week due to the fact that it turns bad rather quickly. Also, ants are constantly invading it. I'm still experimenting with how to stop the ants. We have at least 3 individual females that visit, and 1 male. The females don't have the red throat. Best of luck! - JD
7/9 11:32am I had written a note about a year ago to the Norfolknet about properties to bowhunt on in the Norfolk area, and at the time didn't get much of a response so I figured I'd give it another shot, no pun intended. I moved to the area just over a year ago and had a great 2003 hunting in Dover, Sherborn and in Norfolk near my house, but a couple of the spots have been ruined by either development, or other hunters nearby who have stolen my temporary tree stands. Most properties I hunt on or have hunted on have had problems with deer over browsing vegetation planted by the homeowner, my property included, or there are just too many deer around and people are worried about Lyme disease. I'm looking for a few more properties to hunt on, and also to introduce my son to the sport. Often times in the past we'd bring just a camera but I think he's getting itchy to actually hunt so if you have a few acres I would love the opportunity to bowhunt on your property and without a doubt share my good fortunes (venison) with you if and when I harvest a deer. Thanks. - DM
7/9 10:27am With all the discussion on birds I figured I would ask my question. Do we have hummingbirds in Norfolk? My daughter bought me a nectar feeder in June and we have yet to see any activity. Thanks. - PFD
7/8 9:59pm To JO... the reason your bird population is down is that they're all here in my yard!! Blue jays, cardinals, mourning doves, crows, sparrows, pecking woodpeckers and 4 robin's nests with 4 eggs hatching in each one. Plus moles, chipmunks, squirrels, skunks, mice, rabbits chomping on the clover and a parade of 5 wild turkeys stopping to do some 'dusting' as they pass through our yard. The noise is deafening at times... especially in the morning when I'm trying to sleep late!! They're all fighting over the same small territory and food supply outside my window. At times, I feel like Doctor Doolittle!! I don't have a bird feeder, so I suspect it's due to the fact that I'm the only one in the neighborhood without any pets. Everyone else around me seems to have a need to own some sort of animal, thus the smaller creatures feel safe here. As for the increased chipmunk population, the past two years have shown a great increase in the number of them scurrying around and digging tunnels everywhere. Someday, I expect to see my yard looking like a giant sinkhole as the ground collapses into all of the tunnels! But, that's life in the country.... - RP
7/8 4:16pm JH - my guess is that you heard some kind of fireworks, not a gun. But, not having heard it, I could be wrong. Re: birds: I think there are fewer in our yard, but maybe they left because they were tired of listening to the red squirrels scolding them. The large rabbit who visits us just ignores them.
7/8 3:45pm Has anyone noticed several gun shots being fired at night on or near Cleveland Street? I heard them several times last week. - JH
7/8 8:55am Re: 7/7 8:43am "To Hilary... If I'm reading your post correctly, then according to Mass Law, it's OK to destroy an animal on my property but illegal to bring if off the property and release..." The law states the only legal means for nuisance wildlife is that it needs to be destroyed if your intent is to remove it from your property. There is no trap-and-release allowed in the state as it turns into a problem animal in someone else's backyard. Some animals have a 10 mile radius or more. I've heard people tell their accounts of moving raccoons, squirrels, etc., only to have the same one come all the way back to their house. So relocating doesn't solve the problem. Beyond that, once an animal starts to live on property, and have more interaction with humans they, can in fact over time turn feral instead of wild and start to diminish their fear of humans. In a case like that, say a child walks by and the animal gets aggressive with the child? So in that aspect, it will turn into a public safety issue on top of wildlife management.
"... say down by a river or stream? I assume this law to be broken many times just as we all speed many times (I do)." When the trapping law was brought on the books, I no longer assist people as that would be breaking the law. Relocating an animal elsewhere in town will only make another resident unhappy as they're ending up with the problem animal from your property.
"Based on the post then why even waste money on a have-a-heart trap or a PAC if ultimately the animal will have to die." Because a PAC will use humane methods to destroy the animal. On the have a hart part... there are so many things that can legally be sold, but not legally used in this state. Why is it like that? I don't have the answer to that. PAC's are also around for people who don't want to deal with trapping the animal for any variety of reasons.
"Just take out a hammer and whack it on the head a few times." Legal means of destruction for wildlife is considered gun shot, or injection of a drug such as euthasol. I don't advocate whacking an animal that would fall under different statutes of laws.
"It blows my mind that the law states that they must be destroyed (even by a PAC.) My property is not large enough to release, as it will be right back where I found it. I think this is one of those laws that people bend for the good of all. I know I will. It is in attempt to curb the nuisance pest population. Perhaps the ground hog that you have was actually from someone already having dumped it in your neighborhood because it was a pest to them. I just felt important to post as so others may learn as well what the laws are and then decide for themselves how they would handle their future issues. At some point, we will all face them.
- Hilary Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control
7/8 8:48am JO, Bird population down? Well, one wouldn't be able to tell that by our area (Walpole line). The herds roaming around here seem the same as they were last year. And the variety is still quite the same, big. Perhaps we see more bluejays this year than last, but all others seem the same, or thereabouts. One thing we have noticed though, is the chipmunk population. It's extraordinary how many of the little beasts there are this year.
- TK
7/8 1:24am Re: 7/7 5:27pm For LS and anyone else in Norfolk interested in DSL: we've had DSL with Comcast for over one year and I couldn't be happier. I've had Comcast as an Internet Service Provider for a year, but the service they provide is Broadband over Cable, rather than Digital Supplier Line (DSL). According to the CNet Bandwidth Meter at http://reviews.cnet.com/7004-7254_7-0.html, the speed for this connection via Cable Modem is 2873.2 Kbps. The connection has been very reliable, and it is always on, though I shut off the computer, etc., when not in use. (When thunder storms are forecast, I disconnect the cable modem from the cable and shut off the power to the computer, modem, scanner, and CD writer, to reduce the chance of spikes getting into the equipment.) Using a notebook PC eliminates the need to have an uninterruptible power supply. I use MSN-9 as an e-mail client, connected to Comcast rather than to POTS dial-up.
- RH
7/8 1:23am Last year I gave a layman's opinion that I thought the bird population was down. I would like to repeat my observation as well as opinions of 6 neighbors that are in agreement. What say You? P.S.: I haven't seen a rabbit yet this year!! What's up, Doc?? - JO
7/7 5:32pm Hi JC, I've had Verizon DSL for 8 months now with no problems - fast as advertised with no dropped connection. I have Norton Firewall and have had Freedom Firewall; everything has worked fine. A lot of the issues you see people having is user error; firewalls cause lots of problems if not configured correctly. Try running it without the firewall for a bit to see if it works better. You can also go to DSL reports and check your speed, www.dslreports.com. - JMD
7/7 5:27pm For LS and anyone else in Norfolk interested in DSL: we've had DSL [broadband - Wm.] with Comcast for over one year and I couldn't be happier. It's very fast, hasn't bogged down the speed of our computers and the technical support is terrific! - MHC
7/7 1:48pm LS, re: DSL....yikes! I just sent in my online DSL order over the weekend. Has anyone else with Verizon DSL experienced this slow service? Is the problem definitively with Norton Firewall and/or Anti-Virus? I have Norton Anti-Virus installed, but not the firewall. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has this problem. - JC
7/7 11:44am LS, The laws weren't arbitrarily written. They were well thought out and meant to protect the entire habitat of any given region, rather than the individual animal. This whole thing is much more our fault than anything the animals have ever done. We (humans) have moved into a domain they ruled long before the Pilgrims got here, and we've been picking away at what little they have left ever since... which is why we see Moose in Natick and Wellesley. Each part of the habitat that surrounds us becomes the 'territory' of those animals that find their way there and claim it naturally. As humans attempt to protect what we see as our own, by relocating animals we 'force' violation of the territorial nature they (and we) have. It would be tantamount to having the police bring a stranger to your property and dumping him/her off at the curb to make a new home on your lot... while you're still there. You could live with that, right? We all could, right?
Correct! None of us would likely be able to deal with an environment in which the territory we claimed for ourselves and our families was continually invaded by others who were being 'relocated'.
Hence the death sentence to each and every animal that becomes 'unwanted' by the inhabiting higher species...us. As unfortunate and unkind as it seems, it's really better for the habitat as a whole... even if our sentiments tell us otherwise.
The single alternative is to live and let live. That can sometimes be tough to do when we let our kids and pets out knowing they may face hostile and territorial creatures seemingly more dangerous and unfriendly than the bees and insects we ignore every day.
Can we live with a skunk, woodchuck, groundhog, beaver, or other creature in or near our yards? Sure we can. But it will take change on our part. Outside of that, (accepting the groundhogs that eat in our gardens or live under our houses), we can really only make one choice. It may not seem kind. It may seem cruel and stupid. But it's what we've created for ourselves.
- TK
7/7 11:42am LS: For what it's worth, I'd much rather have you release animals throughout my town than speed around our streets. A few misplaced groundhogs are much less of a threat to me and my family than your speeding, which could kill me instantly. So, go drop off a few groundhogs near the river, but please, drive safely. :) - DF
7/7 8:43am To Hilary... If I'm reading your post correctly, then according to Mass Law, it's OK to destroy an animal on my property but illegal to bring if off the property and release... say down by a river or stream? I assume this law to be broken many times just as we all speed many times (I do). Based on the post then why even waste money on a have-a-heart trap or a PAC if ultimately the animal will have to die. Just take out a hammer and whack it on the head a few times. It blows my mind that the law states that they must be destroyed (even by a PAC.) My property is not large enough to release, as it will be right back where I found it. I think this is one of those laws that people bend for the good of all. I know I will. - LS
7/7 8:36am Verizon DSL Update: I got DSL and signed on last week. At first install it was great, but it has slowed my computer to a snail's pace. I have had better luck shutting it down and using my old dial-up. Once on the net the DSL is fast though. I suspect the software does not interact well with my Norton Firewall and Virus software and Verizon is currently looking at these issues. My computer was fine before installing the DSL software and afterwards it has slowed it to a 386 machine. Verizon's first response was for me to contact Norton for them to solve, I said no to that and am awaiting a response... Response just came back and it basically said the same thing for me to do was contact Norton. Well I guess I'm going to contact Comcast if things don't improve. My machine has 384MB Ram and it's a Pentium with Win98. Just a little rant for potential DSL people with a machine that's more than 3 years old. - LS
7/6 7:37pm To respond to DD: I looked up a few of the laws that pertain to trapping and relocating and the issue that you face. I posted them here so that the others who read this forum might find it useful as well. We have a great local licensed trapper who lives in town if you decide you want to go that route. Feel free to contact me at the police station during the daytime and I'll be glad to furnish that number for you. Basically the way the law reads in many different sources, is that you can place a trap, but you cannot release the animal off of your property. The only way that a homeowner can place a trap and be successful is if they find someone who is licensed to "destroy" the animal legally. Even my jurisdiction does not cover many areas of trapped or injured wildlife. In my role when I see an animal in a situation where it is trapped in a storm drain, well, swimming pool, etc, my only recourse is to get it out, and hope that animal will survive. The only time I am allowed to euthanise an animal is if it is critically suffering and does not qualify for rehabillitation, or suspected to be carrying a contagious disease, or has attacked a domestic animal or human. The only exception that local agency has to move wildlife is to seek rehabillitation. It's frustrating to have homeowners call up saying that they've trapped an animal and want me to release it for them far away, and even more frustrating when they learn that there is no legal way for my department to do so. I hope these links help. Regarding trapping: Moving Wild Animals is Against the Law! from the page of: Massachusetts Association of Problem Animal Controllers.
...Other Notes:
Problem Animal Controllers are required to set only cage traps. Traps must be checked by the PAC at least once per day, andanimals may be either released on the property or taken away and destroyed. Any animals taken off the property must be destroyed.
It is a violation for anyone to relocate animals in Massachusetts. If a homeowner wants to solve his or her own problem , the animal must be destroyed on his or her property and not taken away and released somewhere else.
- Hilary Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control, 508-528-3232
7/6 4:37pm Ground Hog! You can put coyote urine under your porch. The smell will drive it away. It can be purchased at some Garden Centers and Gilmore's in Walpole. Moth balls may work. - AC
7/6 4:36pm Response for DD re groundhog problem. I've been learning about this problem from a listserv I belong to. A number of suggestions revolved around noise and light as this suggests humans activity. So place a radio and a light source very close to the groundhogs. The radio does not need to be loud enough to disturb the human members of the household, just loud enough to be annoying to the animals. The light source should be kept on all day and night. I've never experienced the problem myself, but I hope this helps you. - JRP
7/6 4:34pm To DD: Your post brings back memories. For years I struggled with skunks, fox, raccoon, and groundhogs using the same have-a-heart traps. Use an apple for baiting groundhogs; peanut butter for skunks. Keep in mind, however, that it is illegal in Massachusetts to transport wild animals. When I captured the skunk instead of the groundhog, I would call "Trapper John" here in Norfolk (John Phelan at 508-528-5451). He is licensed, experienced, very reasonably priced, and he uses the same have-a-heart traps. Incidentally, I finally solved the wild animal difficulties by having the shed removed (it was falling apart anyway). The creatures simply could not resist nesting and denning under it. One year mama fox gave birth to seven kits under there! When I do purchase another shed I plan on mounting it as high as possible and have been told to prepare the site with lots of gravel or stone to discourage our little friends from camping out under there. I've also been told to bury wire or fencing around it and at least six inches deep, but the ground here is so filled and entangled with vine and roots, it's almost impossible to dig down deep enough to make that protective fencing effective. Any other suggestions out there BEFORE I spend the money on a new shed? - TEM
7/6 4:33pm DD - we discouraged a groundhog/woodchuck from returning to his burrow under our 3-season porch by spraying the perimeter of the porch with a mixture of water, garlic juice (from a jar of chopped garlic) and hot pepper sauce. Strain, put in a spray bottle, and spray heavily; repeat after rain or when smell disappears. We also sprayed his favorite plants at the same time, to force him to eat elsewhere. If you like garlic, it doesn't smell that bad! We haven't (knock wood) had trouble with woodchucks since that time two years ago. - HPK
7/6 4:32pm DD - We, too, had a groundhog living under our shed. We liberally scattered moth balls underneath the shed and haven't seen him since. Good Luck! - ML
7/6 4:31pm RE: Groundhog... Use extreme caution, as you could be in for the "Steven King version of Caddy Shack..." - DF
7/6 4:29pm MB, Why would you assume that "some people in town think it is o.k. to dump their party waste anywhere they want so long as it is off their property". Have you given thought to the possibility that the villains just might be from out of town? Maybe not...but, there's a chance, right? - TK
7/6 12:37pm Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to get rid of a groundhog? We have been using a "Have a Heart" trap for some time and have captured just about everything BUT the groundhog. It somehow eats the food but does not get trapped. It lives under our porch. I am looking for either suggestions or recomendations as to professionals in the area that can help us. Thanks in advance! - DD
7/6 10:41am Has anyone else noticed the trash dumped over the weekend around town? There is a pile at the corner of Quail Run Road and Union Street and more on Needham Street just off Rte. 115. I saw this just making a short trip. Apparently some people in town think it is o.k. to dump their party waste anywhere they want so long as it is off their property. I hope the highway department can pick it up (our tax dollars being wasted by slobs). - MB
7/5 7:53am In regards to your gutter problem: I am a licensed builder and install the gutter waterfall system. I have never encountered any type of problem with this system not performing as designed. It is a low profile, non intrusive system that slides under your shingles and snaps into your existing aluminum gutters. If I can be of assistance or if you would like to see the product, please contact: Dave S., Ma State Lic #088206 at 508-553-8996 - DS
7/4 9:24am Happy Independence Day! ![]()
7/3 4:14pm Regarding House Gutters: Has anyone had gutter protectors such as Gutter Helmet, etc., installed? Do they work as advertised? I don't want to clean the pine needles out of my gutters anymore, but I don't want to pay a lot of money for protectors if the pine needles will roll right into the gutter. The rolls of aluminum gutter guard, the type with slits expanded into small diamonds, don't work at all in my application: the pine needles go right in. That type might work for leaves. Home Depot has "Gutter World's Solid Gutter Cover" but I would have to crimp the lip of many feet of my fairly new thick aluminum gutters to get these plastic covers to fit. The four-foot-long Gutter Cover sections appear to be easily removable to allow gutter cleaning, though. Thanks in advance for any feedback regarding gutter protectors.
- RH
7/3 9:33am Walpole's Fireworks: 7/3, Joe Morgan Memorial field (Best viewing area, behind fire/police station); 9:00pm. Franklin's 7/3: Franklin High School, 7/3, 9:00pm. For a complete list of area fireworks, please go to [theBostonChannel.com page] Have a gret 4th.
7/2 9:50pm Does anyone know what night and time the Walpole fireworks are this year? Thanks. - PR
[According to their web pages, both Walpole and Franklin have fireworks tomorrow night; details can be found at th.walpole.ma.us/July.htm and www.franklin.ma.us/town/boards/4thJuly.htm - Wm.]
7/2 6:49pm The Dog Days of Summer Softball Tournament will be held Sunday, July 18. This is a fundraising tournament to purchase a blind girl in Franklin a tandem bicycle that she can ride with her mother. Games will be played at Sweatt Fields in Wrentham. This is a one-pitch, double elimination tournament. Cost is $100 per team or $10 per player. Team awards to all teams and individual player awards to the champs. Gather your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors for this fun event. For more information, call Craig at 508-520-0163 or email kpsoftball@gis.net. - CK
7/2 9:32am The comment about a market or other stores having permits in Norfolk Center was incorrect. Not only do they not have permits, they haven't applied to the Planning Board for their approval. The Building Permits would never be issued without Site Plan Approval. Who it is going to be is still just speculation. - SM
7/1 8:21am The animal control officer still has one kitty looking for a home. She is a tortoise shell female. She's been spayed, litter trained, clear on health tests, and has been vaccinated. She is a real love and is looking for a home where she would be the only pet or possibly with other cats. She is very well mannered with children as well. If interested please contact the animal control officer at 528-3232. - Hilary Nolan Penlington, Norfolk Animal Control