Announcements ArchiveThis is the archive of previous announcements posted to NorfolkNet.
This archive was started 2/3/2001, older announcements are among the notes.
1/24 11:01am I have just been informed that Town Hall is closed today (Monday 1/24/05). There will not be any meetings there tonight. - RH
1/22 9:03pm From the Federated Church of Norfolk: Because of the impending storm, we have cancelled worship and all activities at the church on January 23rd. The church meeting and the Volunteer Appreciation Brunch will be held next Sunday. - LD, Federated Church of Norfolk
11/16 11:55am Town Meeting will convene tonight at 7:30 PM at King Phillip High in Wrentham. 11/9 Town Meeting will convene on Tuesday, October 26 at King Philip High School and immediately adjourn the meeting until November 9 at 7:30 p.m. The second and third nights, if necessary, will be November 16 and 17.
11/5 1:03pm The Norfolk Public Library adult services branch is now open on Sundays from 1-5 p.m. This branch has a full reference collection, DVDs, and Internet access, among other services. The address is 227 Dedham St. (1A, roughly across from Tyler's Restaurant). - Heather Pisani-Kristl, Associate Director, Norfolk Public Library
11/2 2:53pm Links to the election results coverage:
Boston Globe (pres map) (state-by-state)
MS/NBC (pres state-by-state) blog (and early exit polls)- Wm.
10/27 10:08pm The Fall Town Meeting will take place November 9 at 7:30 p.m. The second and third nights, if necessary, will be November 16 and 17. - Wm.
11/1 4:15pm The polls will be open on Tuesday, November 2nd from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. All precincts vote in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of the building), 232 Main Street, Norfolk, MA.
10/27 10:08pm As you know, the Selectmen decided to reschedule the Fall Town Meeting to avoid competing with the World Series. Earlier this afternoon, I confirmed the new dates with KP Superintendent Robbat. We will convene tomorrow [10/28] night at King Philip High School and immediately adjourn the meeting until November 9 at 7:30 p.m. The second and third nights, if necessary, will be November 16 and 17.
Please help circulate this information to Norfolk residents.
- Bob Markel, Town Administrator
10/26 10:32am As you know, the Selectmen decided to reschedule the Fall Town Meeting to avoid competing with the World Series. Yesterday, I confirmed the new dates with King Philip Superintendent Richard Robbat. We will convene on Tuesday, October 26 at King Philip High School and immediately adjourn the meeting until November 9 at 7:30 p.m. The second and third nights, if necessary, will be November 16 and 17.
Please help circulate this information to Norfolk residents.
- Robert T. Markel, Town Administrator
10/25 9:52am The last notice indicated that Fall Town Meeting would be held on 11/9 and 11/11. November 11 is Veterans' Day and Town Meeting cannot be scheduled on this day. The new date for the second night of the Fall Town Meeting will be announced as soon as it is scheduled. - RH
10/22 7:15pm The Fall Town Meeting scheduled for 10/26 and 10/28 has been postponed until 11/9 and 11/11 at 7:30PM at the King Philip Regional High School, 201 Franklin Street, Wrentham, MA 02093. - RH
10/16 12:39pm The Norfolk Fire Department will hold its annual open house on Saturday October 30 from 1pm-4pm. This year's theme is Test Your Smoke Alarms. There will be antique Fire Truck rides, FREE Papa Gino's pizza for all. Also exhibitions concerning Fire and Public Safety. - RC
9/15 11:28am The Norfolk Public Library Website URL has been changed to Links pointing to the old URL will be redirected to ther new site. We're sorry for any inconvenience this might cause. - John Spinney, Information Systems Administrator, Norfolk Public Library
9/9 8:28pm The Friends of the Norfolk Library Annual Book and Bake Sale is on Saturday, September 18 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at H. Olive Day School, 232 Main Street, Norfolk. [Details on the Calendar]. - TC
9/10 10:41am, 9:33am VOTE Tuesday September 14: Ballot issues include the referendum on the town DPW and the primary election for Scott Brown's former State Rep seat. [Special Town Election and State Primary Election on Tuesday, September 14, 2004, 7am - 8pm in the H. Olive Day School Auditorium (rear of building), 232 Main Street, Norfolk.] - VR
9/1 1:08pm On Wednesday September 8th at 8:00 pm, at the Town Hall in room 124, the DPW Adhoc Committee will conduct a public information session on the upcoming DPW Formation question slated for voter consideration during the upcoming September 14 primary election. This is an open forum with a presentation outlining our findings and recommendations for consolidating our highway department, water department, cemetery commission, and tree warden functions into a department of public works. We anticipate this session lasting about an hour. Hope to see you there! - Ed Melanson, DPW Adhoc Committee Chairperson
8/9 2:16pm The library is sponsoring an outdoor concert today at the Pond Street fields. Read the post for details. - Wm.
5/17 11:40pm Town Meeting will continue on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the King Philip High School. - DLJ
4/15 5:31pm As part of the building and renovation plan, NPL [Norfolk Public Library] will soon be moving its materials, staff, and friendly service to temporary locations within the community. [Continued...] - Heather Pisani-Kristl, Associate Library Director
4/14 9:28pm The meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 15 at 6:00pm in the H.O.D. Auditorium has been postponed because of continued discussions with Delta and DMR. Notification of a new date for this meeting will be announced. Your patience and continued support is greatly appreciated. - DR
4/12 2:40pm Wednesday, April 14, 2004, is the last day to register to vote at the Annual Town Election and Annual Town Meeting. [More info here] - GB
3/16 11:32am The Kindergarten Orientation meeting has been rescheduled to next Tuesday, March 23rd at 7PM, in the HOD Library. - JM
2/3 8:10pm Norfolk Residents: A group of concerned residents are holding a public meeting to discuss the sale and development of the Norfolk Airport and adjacent woodlands. This issue affects all of us. We strongly urge that you attend. Thursday February 5th, 7:30pm, Norfolk Library - JM
1/15 10:22am Wednesday, February 11, 2004, is the last day to register to vote at the Special State Senatorial Election and the Presidential Primary. The polls will be open on Tuesday, March 2nd from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. Additional details here - GB
1/15 10:22am The Norfolk School Committee is setting up a Screening Committee for the selection of a Superintendent. We are looking for a parent from each school (H Olive Day and Freeman-Centennial) and a community member. The screening committee will interview candidates for the position and recommend 2 or 3 candidates to the school committee. The screening committee will be meeting on Jan 28th in the evening and approx. 2 or 3 times a week the first two weeks of February. If you are interested please call 508-528-1225 ext. 1911 and mention you are interested in serving on the screening committee. Click for additional details. - EP
1/12 3:40pm Fall '04 kindergarten registration takes place on February 2nd, from 9-12, at the [H Olive Day] school (you must bring a copy of the child's birth certificate). - JM
1/5 3:40pm Wednesday, January 14, 2004, is the last day to register to vote at the Special State Primary Election. The polls will be open on Tuesday, February 3rd from 7:00AM until 8:00PM. [For full details, please see the announcement, here]. - GB
12/6 2:13pm Parade Cancelled - The Norfolk Lions, Norfolk Recreation, along with supporting organizations unfortunately has to announce that our annual Santa Claus Parade scheduled for this Sunday December 7th has been cancelled this year due to the inclement weather. As best we can, this announcement will be posted or made in various places including NorfolkNet, local cable, and local churches this weekend. - J. Sebastiano/A. Rao, Norfolk Lions
10/28 8:29am Special Town Meeting on October 28, 2003, 7:30pm at King Philip High School (Rte. 140, Wrentham)
10/22 9:09am The Norfolk Education Enrichment Foundation (NEEF) is now accepting grant applications. NEEF is a non-profit membership organization that is dedicated to enriching and enhancing Norfolk's public education system through the use of grants for innovative and creative programs not covered by the regular school budget. If you'd like to apply for a grant, please send an e-mail to for the grant application. The grant must benefit the students of the Norfolk Public Schools. [Full details here] - WS
[E-mail address updated 10/27 8:27am - Wm.]
Saturday, October 4, 2003
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Highway Department Garage, 33 Medway Branch
Drive Through Service: You never leave your car!
Norfolk Residents ONLY. Proof of Residency Required (Driver's License)
Cost: None
For more information, call the Highway Department, 528-4990
What to Bring (in sealed, labeled containers)
Unneeded household hazardous waste in sealed containers (Use original containers when possible)
Paint (Oil paint only)
Stain, thinners, and paint strippers
Solvents and Varnishes
Adhesives, Glues, Resins
Waste Fuels (Kerosene, Gasoline)
Engine Degreaser, Brake Fluid
Transmission Fluid
Poisons, Insecticides, Weed Killers
Wood Preservatives
Hobby Supplies, Artist's Supplies
Photo Chemicals, Chemistry Sets
Cleaners, Spot Removers
Swimming Pool Chemicals
Car Batteries, Dry Cell Batteries
Aerosol Cans
NiCad Batteries
Hearing Aid (Button) Cells
Anti Freeze
Motor OilWhat NOT To Bring
Compressed Gas Cylinders
Ammunition, Fireworks, Explosives
Prescription Medications/Syringes
Infectious & Biological Waste
Radioactive Waste/Smoke Detectors
Fire Extinguishers
Latex Paint - Dry it out with kitty litter and throw it out with the trash
To Ensure Safety, Please:
Tighten caps and lids leaving materials in their original labeled containers
Pack containers in sturdy upright boxes and pad with newspaper
Sort and pack separately: Paint, pesticides, and household chemicals
Pack your vehicle and go directly to the Highway Department Garage at 33 Medway Branch
NEVER SMOKE cigarettes, etc., while handling hazardous materials.DO NOT PLACE HAZARDOUS WASTE IN A GARBAGE BAG!
- BH
9/15 3:51pm The Friends of Norfolk Public Library Book and Bake Sale has been RESCHEDULED to Saturday, September 27th from 9am to 4pm. The Friends only preview sale is Friday, September 26th from 7 to 9pm. - HE
[Due to hurricane Isabel - Wm.]
9/7 9:23am The Friends of the Norfolk Library Book & Bake Sale is Saturday September 20th, 9 AM - 4 PM. Friends ONLY Sale is Friday September 19th, 7 PM - 9 PM. 15,000 books! CATEGORIZED & ALPHABETIZED! The event also features a BOOKTIQUE with a large selection of higher QUALITY books and town of Norfolk souvenir items.
8/10 9:40pm FundRaiser - Friends of the Norfolk COA to benefit LIFE LINE This Saturday and Sunday - August 16th and 17th at Rockwood & Main Streets 9:00 AM - 12:00. Volunteers Needed, Can you Help? Contact Ruth M., (508) 553-8731. - REM
7/7 2:23pm Used books in good condition are needed for the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library's annual Book and Bake Sale. Books can be dropped off at the library during normal business hours from now until September 5th. - HE
6/30 2:33pm The Norfolk 2002 Annual Water Quality Report is now available on the web at [ waterquality.pdf] - RH
6/17 11:31am According to the Meeting Calendar at the Municipal Web Site the adjourned Annual Town Meeting will reconvene Tuesday night 6/17/03 at 7:30 PM. The location will be the King Philip Regional High School, Rt 140, Wrentham. - RH
6/11 5:01pm Norfolk Community League (NCL) is in the midst of its annual membership drive. All Norfolk residents are invited to join the local civic organization. The mission of this 30-year-old organization is "To enhance the quality of life for Norfolk residents, to increase involvement in activities that better our community, and to strengthen community spirit. [More information available here.] - CH
6/9 3:50pm Wed, June 11, 7PM Last chance to hear the 2003 King Philip Jazz Ensemble and Symphony Band. Concert will be held on the Wrentham Common. There will NOT be a Norfolk Town Hill concert this year. - JJ
6/7 1:28pm The Norfolk Planning Board and Conservation Commission announce the need for members of the Open Space Committee. [For more information, see the announcement].
6/6 10:49am The Republican Town Committee is seeking candidates willing to serve as a Republican representative to the Board of Registrars. The Board of Registrars, appointed by the Selectmen from lists provided by the political parties, oversee voter registration and have duties during elections. Under the General Laws, the Town Committee must submit a list of at least three names to the Selectmen by mid July. The Committee will vote on its list at the meeting scheduled for 7:30, June 24th, in Room 124 of Town Hall. Please contact the Republican Town Committee, either through Rob G. at 508-520-6918, or via, to express interest. - RG
5/30 10:09pm Norfolknet's 4th anniversary is approaching (we went live on June 2), and to celebrate, we thought we'd ask people which was their all-time favorite post. After all, four years is an eternity on internet time. And to reminisce, here's a very early snapshot of the 4-day-old page as it existed back in 1999: Norfolknet, 6/6/99
5/30 10:00pm Town Fair (a.k.a. Norfolk Community Day) is tomorrow, Saturday 5/31!
5/30 9:28pm Fall registrations for Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer are now being accepted. Registration deadline is June 30. [More details here]. - HMK 5/14 12:27pm According to the Municipal Calendar, the Annual Town Meeting will continue Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM. It will resume at Article 25, since Article 24 was deferred until later.
- RH
5/13 4:41 Town Meeting tonight at 7:30 at King Philip High.
5/6 9:38pm Election Results: The town election results, according to the police department: In the two contested races, Miller and Piscitelli won for School Committee, and Advani won Selectman. Total voter turnout was 1417.
5/7 9:34am Update: Vote for Selectman was 784 to 610.
5/4 6:30pm, 5/6 9:40am VOTE Today!
Town elections are Tuesday, May 6. Polls are at H. Olive Day school, open from 7am to 8pm.
4/30 12:11am Saturday, May 3, 2003, is the last day to register to vote at the Special Town Meeting. On Saturday, May 3rd the office will remain open from 9:00AM until 8:00PM. See also the announcement]. - Wm.
4/28 1:38pm The residents and friends of Mirror Lake in Norfolk and Wrentham will be holding a clean up day on Saturday, May 3rd, starting at 8 a.m. There will be a cookout for participants on the beach to follow. Bring trash bags, gloves and a smile! Hope to see you there. Rain date Sunday, May 4th. - JT 4/6 7:11pm Norfolk Recreation's Annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 12, 2003 . This event is held at the Freeman Centennial School (near the playground). It is open to all children up to 10 years old and starts PROMPTLY at 10:15 AM. The Easter Egg Hunt is free and does not require pre-registration. Children should bring a basket!! RAIN DATE: April 19-if it is postponed to the 19th it will be held rain or shine.
- Norfolk Recreation/AP 4/6 11:25am Daylight savings time begins today.
4/3 6:29pm There is a rabies clinic this Saturday at the highway department at 9 am.
2/14 7:58am Happy Valentine's Day! A chilly one today - it was 2 below on the thermometer this morning ( they measured -7 in Norwood at 6:53am)
2/10 3:18pm Special Town Meeting has been postponed to Tuesday.
2/10 3:17pm Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, 2/11 at 7:30pm in King Philip Regional High School, 201 Franklin St., Wrentham (Route 140, close to Shears St.)
2/8 8:28am Special Town Meeting on Monday, 2/8 at 7:30pm in King Philip Regional High School, 201 Franklin St., Wrentham (Route 140, close to Shears St.)
1/26 4:19pm The Republican Town Committee will be having an organizational meeting on Tuesday, January 28th, at 7:30 in Room 214 of Town Hall. Any questions, feel free to call Rob G. (508-520-6918). - RG
1/20 8:25pm The Friends of the Norfolk Public Library are currently holding their annual membership drive. Additional information and membership applications are available online at [library page] and at the Norfolk library circulation desk. - HE
1/18 6:02pm The Norfolk Education Enrichment Foundation (NEEF) invites you to Pizzeria Uno in Bellingham on Thursday, January 23. Uno's will donate 20% of your check to NEEF if you present the attached coupon [ Word DOC or PDF format ] - WS
1/18 12:06pm Cornerstone Christian Academy will be having OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, January 21st or Monday, January 27th from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. (508) 520-2272 or - MS
1/13 ??:??pm Norfolk Lions' Youth Soccer Spring 2003 Registration - Tuesday, January 14th - 3:30 to 6:30 at the HODay School library.
11/21 9:05am Residents of Wrentham, Plainville and Norfolk can guarantee receiving King Philip Music Association evergreen wreath for the holidays by contacting a King Philip music student in their town. [ m o r e . . . ] - BW
11/21 8:49am Kick off the holiday season at the annual Norfolk Community League Santa Breakfast! Join NCL on Saturday, December 14th from 9-11 AM at the H. Olive Day School on Main St. for breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus. [ m o r e . . . ] Following Breakfast with Santa is a 5K Jingle Bell Run and 1/4 Kids Run. The 3.1 mile Fun Run will begin at 11AM and the kids race begins at 11:45. [...] [ m o r e . . . ] - GH
11/19 9:29am The Garden Club of Norfolk is holding its annual decorations sale on Saturday, December 7, at the Federated Church.
11/19 9:34am The Norfolk Community League is accepting applications for disbursements of amounts raised through its activities this fall. Details available here.
11/12 9:24pm S.E.E.N. (Seniors Encouraging Education in Norfolk) is in need of volunteers. This is a wonderful program which allows seniors to volunteer their time in our schools. Volunteering can be on either a regular or occasional basis. C o n t i n u e d . . . - LD, Norfolk TPA
11/4 11:37pm A Christmas Craft Fair will be held on Saturday, November 16 th in St. Jude s Church Hall, 86 Main Street, Norfolk from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Many local crafters will present their crafts ideal for Holiday Gifts. Activities will include a Kids Korner, raffles and much more. Santa will be there! - GB
10/28 9:17am The Next Norfolk Baseball Association meeting will be on November 3rd at 7:00 p.m. at the Norfolk Library Meeting room. We have some openings on our 2003 Board - most importantly Little League President and Babe Ruth President along with Publicity Coordinator. - PC
11/4 2:36pm Elections will be held tomorrow from 7am to 8pm at the H. Olive Day School auditorium (232 Main St.) - Wm.
10/27 1:07am As of today, Sunday, we're back on standard time. The clocks were set back by one hour, so at 2:00am it became 1:00am again. - Wm.
10/25 11:22am Last-minute special videotaping performance of "Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5" at 7:00 PM Tuesday, October 29, at Brockton's Marciano Field - BW [More details here and here - Wm.]
10/23 11:31am St. Jude's Women's group will host a Christmas Craft Fair to be held on Saturday, November 16th, 2002 in St. Jude's church hall, 86 Main Street Norfolk, from 10:00 A.M. TILL 3:OO P.M. Santa will be there! - BG
10/18 8:13am Fall Town Meeting is on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 7:30pm at King Philip High School.
10/18 8:17am Fire Department Open House, Sunday, Oct. 20, from 1pm - 4pm.
10/3 10:58am The zoning public hearing - covering the contentious rezoning of the Buckley and Mann property - will be held tonight (Thursday the 3rd) at 8:00 p.m. in the Planning Board office. - DAF
9/1 4:57pm The Webmaster is back!
8/24 10:21pm The Webmaster will be traveling the week of 8/25, and unfortunately will have limited opportunity for checking his personal e-mail and updating this site. I'm truly sorry to have to postpone some of this great discussion. - Wm.
7/18 10:01am NEEF would like to thank the residents of Norfolk for your generous donations last fall that funded three grants in January, including "Pi Day," Math and Literacy programs! - WS
6/29 2:02pm Norfolk Lions Soccer has extended registration to July 5th. To avoid the late fee, register today! Players for the U4 (3 year olds) and U14 (9, 10, 11, 12, & 13 year olds) divisions are still needed. Registration forms are available at the Norfolk Public Library. - HK
6/21 4:53pm Fall 2002 registration forms for Norfolk Lion's Youth Soccer are available at the Norfolk Public Library. To avoid the $25 late fee, register by June 26. For more information call 508-520-0163.
6/18 4:53pm The Garden Club of Norfolk will be holding self-guided tours at six gardens in town on Saturday, June 22, from 10 am to 2 pm. Tickets and maps are available at Village Arts and Flowers.
6/18 1:35pm Anyone interested in Norfolk Serve may come and have a look at our food stuffs 6/22/02 [Saturday] at Hillcrest Village Community Building at 9:30 am. Hope to see everyone there.
6/12 11:06pm Norfolk Lions Youth Soccer registration this Thursday, June 13, at H. Olive Day school library from 4 to 5:30.
6/7 7:49pm Town Fair (aka. Norfolk Community Day) is tomorrow! Check the events schedule, or read the full announcement.
6/4 11:34am Reminder for all private well owners! B.O.H. meeting TONIGHT Tuesday 6/4 @ 7:30 pm to discuss town regulation of use of YOUR well. - NS
6/3 5:17pm Note: the King Philip Band Town Hill Concert is tomorrow, Tuesday, June 4, and not on Thursday. ``The correct time is Tuesday, June 4, at 6:30 PM I am sorry for the confusion. the date was changed to accommodate the elementary concert on the 6th.'' - PT
6/2 1:25pm Just a quick reminder about Serve - we hope to see more people on Tuesday morning at registration than we've heard from by phone. This is for all Norfolk residents, so please come to registration. (9 am Tuesday 6/4 at Hillcrest Village.) - RD
5/25 3:16pm Coming soon to Norfolk -- Norfolk Serve, a non-profit food co-op. We will be located in the community room at the Housing Office one Saturday a month.
5/15 8:46am Town Meeting was continued to Wednesday May 15, same time, same place, adjourned after article 12 and an update on the rec fields and downtown.
5/14 10:03am Norfolk Town Meeting today at 7:30pm at King Philip High in Wrentham. The meeting warrant is available on-line, as are the operating budget and capital outlay budget.
5/10 8:39am The Norfolk Education Enrichment Foundation (NEEF) annual meeting will be on Monday; see the Calendar.
5/8 10:18am Town Meeting will be held at 7:30pm on May 14 at King Philip High School in Wrentham. The meeting warrant is available on-line as a PDF document.
5/8 10:08am The fiscal 2003 town operating budget and capital outlay budget are now up on the Town Hall page.
5/5 4:35pm Town election is tomorrow, Tuesday May 7, from 7am to 8pm in the H. Olive Day school auditorium.
5/5 10:32pm The Spring Town Meeting Warrant is now on-line (66K PDF).
5/5 10:28pm Ok, I'm back. Four days without web access - I suffered! :-) - Wm.
5/1 11:53pm I will be going away for a few days, returning Sunday, so the page updates will be more sporadic than usual. - Wm. 4/28 11:50am Special Meeting: the Selectmen will review the Fiscal 2003 budget on Monday, April 29 at 7:30pm in the McBride Auditorium of Freeman-Centennial School.
4/11 1:09pm Do you have a Norfolk Lion's soccer jersey that you're not using? We are looking for a small Kelly Green Shirt (new style, not T-shirt). Please e-mail me.
4/9 1:07pm There is a general ban on outside watering in effect. 3/26 8:54am Posts are no longer italicized. Starting today, contributed messages will also be displayed in the default font, like the Webmaster comments. All posts are signed with initials, as usual, and this should allow for attribution.
3/20 9:46am Watering ban currently in effect. Outside watering permitted on an odd-even basis only between the hours of 6-8am and 6-8pm. No watering on weekends, no automatic sprinklers.
2/7 2:08pm The Norfolk Housing Authority is accepting applications for Housing at Hillcrest Village. Click for more details among the notes.
2/5 8:50am Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Social Security, presented by the Norfolk Public Library, Wednesday February 6th at 7:30 pm.
1/22 1:26am Registration deadline for King Philip/Norfolk Men's Softball is Feb 1. See the Calendar for details.
1/20 1:08pm Norfolk Lion's Youth Soccer registration ends on Feb 3; here is the Spring 2002 registration form.
1/5 5:23pm Town Hall will introduce extended Thursday business hours starting next Thursday, Jan 10. Details among the Notes.
12/15 3:18pm Special election on Monday, December 17, to authorize money for the middle school and the library.
12/1 2:50pm Town Hall will be offering extended Thursday hours until 7:00pm starting January 10. To compensate, the office will close at 1:00pm on Fridays. Read the announcement here.
12/1 2:50pm Winter parking ban in effect from Nov 15 until April 15. No overnight parking on public roads or sidewalks.
11/17 5:41pm The public hearing at which the NGF is to present its feasibility study, originally scheduled for Monday, Nov 19, has been re-scheduled for November 29.
11/15 12:41pm Winter parking ban starts today, November 15, and lasts until April 15. No overnight parking on public roads or sidewalks.
11/16 11:01am Board of Selectmen public hearing, Nov. 19, 7:15pm at Town Hall, to consider and vote the Use Classification of all properties in the town for tax purposes.
11/16 11:02am The Federated Church annual Holly Fair is tomorrow, Nov 17, from 9 to 3. See the announcement..
11/05 12:06pm Soccer Club of Norfolk announces registration for Spring 2002! On-site on Thu 11/8 and Sunday, 11/11; mail-in after. Details are on the Calendar.
10/27 10:29am The Golf Study Committee site is linked under the Municipal Pages in the menu bar. The direct address is this one, or visit the brand-new Town Hall Page which also has information on, and links to committees.
10/29 8:55am This is a reminder that the Town Administrator will hold office hours from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 29. Any Norfolk resident may drop in to discuss issues or problems with Town government.
10/26 12:46pm Daylight savings time ends this Sunday; the time jumps back at 2am to 1am. Remember to set your clocks back by one hour Saturday night.
10/22 9:48pm Fall Town Meeting is this coming Saturday, October 27, at 9:00am at the high school in Wrentham (201 Franklin St.)
10/22 9:48pm Fall Town Meeting is this coming Saturday, October 27, at 9:00am at the high school in Wrentham (201 Franklin St.)
10/21 12:49am The Buckley/Mann public involvement meeting will be held at 7pm in the Freeman-Centennial auditorium. Details on the Calendar. Some of the issues are discussed among the Notes.
10/11 4:41pm The NCTV Open House will be held on Saturday, Oct 20. Read the announcement here.
10/17 12:08pm Norfolk Road Safety Committee meets on Wednesday, Oct 17, at 7:30 PM in Town Hall, room 25.
10/6 3:10pm The Norfolk School District no-school day is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, October 9. See the Notes archive for details.
9/28 8:53am The Norfolk Cultural Council is accepting applications until Oct. 15 for support of community cultural projects and PASS funding. Details available by clicking here.
10/1 8:59am The Berkshire/Essex/Hampton/Erin neighborhood is holding a yard sale next Saturday, Oct. 6. Details on the Bulletin Board.
9/16 12:23am The Transfer Station will hold a liquid-mercury fever thermometer trade-in on Saturday, 9/22. Details among the Notes.
9/12 11:37am Members of the churches of Norfolk will gather tonight, Wednesday, September 12, at 7:30 pm at St. Jude's for an Ecumenical Prayer Service.
9/4 7:13pm The Norfolk Cultural Council is accepting applications until Oct. 15 for support of community cultural projects and PASS funding. Details available by clicking here.
9/3 10:27am The Senior Golf Outing will take place on Sept. 29 at the Pine Acres course in Bellingham. Details among the Notes.
8/28 12:53pm The King Philip Marching Band will hold a preview show on 9/22, Saturday evening at the high school. More details on the Calendar.
8/27 9:57am Warrant articles for the Fall Town Meeting are due by Sept. 4. Warrants must be complete, merely reserving space is not allowed this year.
8/4 8:01am The No Swimming Advisory for Mirror Lake has been lifted. The latest sampling of water at Mirror Lake Beach indicates that the water is once again clean.
7/24 9:31pm The Norfolk School District no-school day scheduled for Oct. 5, 2001, has been moved to Oct. 9. See the Notes for details.
7/24 3:25pm The Board of Health has posted a No Swimming advisory for Mirror Lake due to higher than acceptable levels of E. Coli in the water. See also the full note for details.
5/30 11:00am EDT Mandatory odd-even watering is in effect; watering is permitted on workdays only, between 6-8 am and 6-8 pm (repeated from 5/10).
7/6 8:41am The Selectmen have scheduled a kickoff meeting with all Town Committees about the proposed golf course for July 9, 8:00 pm in Room 124. See also the Notes.
6/27 10:55pm The ConCom is holding a hearing on 6/28 on the wetlands boundaries of a new 60+ acre housing / commercial development near Holbrook & Rte. 115. See details here.
6/13 6pm The number of visits to the website Tuesday was almost double our usual count - welcome, newcomers! We hope that you find the site informative and interesting, and we invite you to check back often and send in your own observations, questions, comments and ideas - Andras and Vijay
6/12 11:17am Norfolk voters approved both questions Monday, but Wrentham rejected the schools measure. Norfolk results are detailed below.
6/10 12:44pm Vote at the special town election today, Monday 6/11, on the King Philip debt exclusion and a $300K override for our highways.
5/23 2:23pm The Hockomock Area YMCA kids' summer program (grades 1-6, held at Freeman-Centennial School) begins on June 25. Details among the Norfolk Notes.
5/22 11:19pm The town Summer Concert series, library events, and the King Philip school building information forum schedules are up on the Calendar.
5/22 9:29pm Registration for the KP Men's Over 30 Softball League is starting; details are on the Bulletin Board.
5/10 2:27pm EDT Mandatory odd-even watering is in effect, workdays only 6-8 am and 6-8 pm.
5/15 9:04pm EDT The NEEF raises money for innovative and enriching programs for our schools; anyone interested in helping them please see the Bulletin Board.
4/25 8:17pm GMT Mirror Lake clean-up day is Saturday, May 12th from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Details are on the Calendar.
5/8 8:47pm EDT The webmaster is in.
5/3 4:57am GMT Election results summary: Joyce Terrio by 1047 to 617, John Lavin by 1271 to 384, Community Preservation Act yes by 856 to 666.
4/17 10:17pm The Norfolk Community League wishes to call attention to two events now on NCTV, the recent Candidates Night where the candidates talk about town issues, and NBA first-round draft choice Bob Bigelow talking about youth and sports. Read the full announcement here.
4/14 3:36pm The Library will be holding a series of Open House Information Sessions to explain about the library expansion; see the Notes.
4/14 7:25pm Storm debris collection week begins Tuesday. Carry tree limbs and shrubs to the curb, butt-end facing out, and the town highway department will remove them.
4/14 7:18pm The Norfolk Planning Board is holding a Public Hearing on Thursday about the proposed zoning changes for the Southwood/Caritas development; details in Notes.
4/5 11:19pm The Ad Hoc Committee for Community Preservation is looking for volunteers; see their notice on the Bulletin Board.
4/6 8:49pm The Norfolk Education Enrichment Foundation (NEEF) has been formed to raise funds for innovative educational programs in the Norfolk public schools. Committees are now forming. Next meeting is on April 10 at Town Hall; full details on the Calendar.
4/5 10:49pm The Rabies Clinic is this week-end, and so is the NCL Nearly New sale.
3/19 1:26pm The Annual Town of Norfolk Rabies Clinic, sponsored by the board of health, will be held at the Highway Garage on April 7th between 9 - 11 am. Cats and Dogs are 8.00 each.
3/14 10:51pm Two upcoming Norfolk PAC meetings are on the Calendar, and their T-ball/softball notice is on the Bulletin Board.
3/19 12:01am The Monday 7pm Selectmen's meeting will be broadcast live by NCTV cable 22; see their schedule.
2/27 10:14pm The Norfolk Community League is seeking donations or consignments for the annual Nearly New Sale held April 7. Details and contact info on the Bulletin Board.
3/8 1:58pm The Planning Board has scheduled a hearing with Southwood on the zoning changes that they are proposing. It is tonight, Thursday, at 9:00 pm in room 124 at Town Hall.
3/7 6:37am Opening of the Norfolk Public Schools will be delayed 2 hours on Wednesday. There will be NO AM Kindergarten or PreK classes today. - Marcia A. Lukon, Superintendent
3/5 9:21pm Due to poor weather conditions, the Norfolk Public Schools and offices will be closed on Tuesday, March 6. Afternoon/evening activities and meetings scheduled to take place at the schools are cancelled. - Marcia A. Lukon, Superintendent
3/3 8:19am This week-end: the Red Cross blood drive, the Little League AAA level tryouts, registration deadlie for Lions' Soccer, and the last tour of the Freeman-Centennial School. Details on the Calendar.
2/25 8:29pm The Federated Church Lent potluck is on Tuesday, and the Red Cross blood drive on Saturday. Norfolk Little League AAA level tryouts are on Sunday. Details can be found on the Calendar.
2/9 2:40pm Registration deadline for Norfolk Lions' Soccer is March 4; also seeking a parent to be Field Manager for Spring season. Details on the Calendar.
2/2 20:20pm Tours of the Freeman/Centennial School will be held in mid-February and early March. Dates and times (2/15, 2/16, and 3/3) can be found on the Calendar.
2/15 12:28am The upcoming events of the Norfolk Cub Scouts Pack 125 for the next month have been posted to the Calendar.
2/9 2:40pm Registration deadline for Norfolk Lions' Soccer is March 4; also seeking a parent to be Field Manager for Spring season. Details on the Calendar.
2/2 20:20pm Tours of the Freeman/Centennial School will be held in mid-February and early March. Dates and times (2/15, 2/16, and 3/3) can be found on the Calendar.
2/3 3:00pm The Notes section was split into two, one for the Notes as usual, and a separate one just for town-related Announcements. Scroll down to read the Notes below (or use the the shortcuts right under the Welcome banner) - Wm.
1/31 9:45am The Norfolk Men's Over 30 Softball League is now accepting registrations for the 2001 season; the registration deadline is February 15. See the Bulletin Board for details.
2/1 2:40pm Community Preservation Act - Public Hearing Notice The Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on Monday, February 5, 2001 at 8:30 pm on whether the Town of Norfolk should accept the Community Preservation Act (MGL Chapter 44, Sections 3-7). The Act provides for a property tax surcharge of up to 3% to fund open space, historic preservation, and affordable housing initiatives. The hearing will be held in Room 124, Town Hall, One Liberty Lane. [Editor's note: the following links provide an overview of the Act and its implementation - and, while the entire text of the Act can be found here]. [ Update: the selectmen's meeting of 2/5 was cancelled, so the meeting was not held. Presumably, it will be rescheduled. ]
1/31 8:48pm The nomination papers for candidates in town election are available at the town clerk's office. They must be picked up by March 9 (Fri), and filed by no later than March 13 (Tue). It takes 33 valid signatures to make it onto the ballot. The election itself is on Tuesday, May 1.